#i am back to wh40k
marsskop · 1 year
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Hastur Sejanus, Luna Wolves 4th Captain
He is the reason I have "wh40k" written in my bio :) I absolutely adore him, even though he died before the start of Horus Heresy series. His representation in some novels like The Wolf of Ash and Fire by Graham McNeill or Misbegotten by Dan Abnett is just perfect, check it out
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angronsjewelbeetle · 1 month
Spent the last four days staring at this on my computer so I might as well post it...
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A Visit to the Beach (Post-Nails AU)
The waves lap gently at the sand before you, Angron’s hand in yours as you sit side by side. The cliffs tower behind you and the skies are turning pink above you as the sun begins to set. Angron’s thumb rubs over the back of your hand and he sighs as a light breeze ruffles through his short auburn hair, “it’s nice,” he says slowly, taking a deep breath, “the water’s…pretty,” he continues, letting go of your hand to wrap his arm around you, drawing you closer to his side, “like you,” he says, voice rumbling through his chest against your ear, your heart thuds against your chest and he dips his head to press a featherlight kiss to the top of your head. “Thank you,” he says, “I…really appreciate it,” he murmurs. He almost seems to glow as the sunset turns the skies vibrant pink and orange. The light is fading fast now, his silhouette growing darker by every passing moment; he’d look a little intimidating, if not for the smile on his lips and the boyish way his garnet eyes twinkle in the golden glow of the sunset.
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On the left, the old combat patrol.
On the right, the new one - with less in it and a slightly higher price tag. What the absolute fuck were they smoking over at GW?! GSC will now have the lowest possible playerbase because no one can afford the dang army with the old box going away.
I am not even sure what this is supposed to be thematically. Did they just throw together some leftover spruces they had still in stock because they did not sell? If you want a bike-centric patrol, AT LEAST THROW IN A FULL UNIT OF BIKES. I feel if this had double the amount of Jackals led by the Jackal Alphus, this could get away with having so few models, but not like this!
Here's what this patrol SHOULD look like: 1x Bike Leader, 10x Atalan Jackals, 1 Ridgerunner, 1 Truck, 10 Neophytes. Would be one box more than they have currently in there. Name it the "Road Rage" box or whatever, and that would at least be SOMETHING.
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nevesmose · 2 months
When Sevatar invites you to join the new Kyroptera but then you realise he also included his mute Raven Guard boyfriend in order to rig every vote in his favour:
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pikkish · 3 days
oh i have made. a horrible mistake. haven't i.
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suchscary · 2 years
So I recently picked up a game called Project Zomboid, and while it activates all my old prepper/survivalist neurons I haven't used in years, you might also enjoy it. I've never played The Sims, but people often describe it as "The Sims with zombies."
Plus, the "This Is How I Died" trailer is pretty cool.
Ooh, never heard of this game before, it looks fascinating! But again, I don't like the genre that much (though to be fair, I only played, like, one survival game), but I'll keep this game in mind!
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bleedingichorhearts · 28 days
𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖓 𝕾𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖊
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: If this is not acceptable under the “Space Mairne Husbandry sentience” tag. I will delete this story and make something new with it that doesn’t involve such acts of lechery, or I can put them into the WH40k verse. Seeing as it’s a rather… gruesome world.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets, @bispecsual, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog.
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: I do NOT condone these actions. The process of these actions or the after effects of these actions. Read these types of story’s advisedly.
TW // SMUT/NSFW, Noncon, Biting/Marking, Cervix, Mating Press, Overstimulation, Body Horror, Death, Yandere Themes, Jumps Straight Into It.
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I cry out, sobbing into the sheets. My hands gripping and twisting the silky fabric. The scent of woody amber choking me as my body bounces at his harsh thrusts. His hands on my waist pinning me in place.
“Xa’Vor! Please!” I beg at the captain in front me, attempting to stop or at least slow his brutal pace with my hand. My fingers barely skimming his scarred thigh before he growls out. Taking my hand in one of his that gripped around my waist and pinning it above me, his sweaty, scarred chest pressing up against my breasts.
“No pleas will save you from your foolishness.” Xa’Vor snarls into my ear. The hairs on the back of my neck unwillingly picking up at his dark tone. His fingers threading through my own above me. Keeping me pinned in both places.
“I-I had to!” I whined, trying to reason my own “foolishness.” Whimpering out when he snarls again and pistons back through my burning walls. My jaw clenching at the overwhelming pleasure and pain that he gives me. “I-can’t be bonded t-to you!”
He snarls again, giving me a hard thrust up against my cervix while I cry out. My back arching into his chest. My body shaking with tears running down my cheeks as I whimper at his tone. “You are in no position to spill such ill judgement. I am your bonded. Don’t reject that from me.”
My eyebrows scrunch up in pain and pleasure. One of my hands clawing at Xa’vors hand that pinned it down. No doubt creating some pressure marks into his calloused fingers while my other hands grips and pulls at his bed sheets. My moans and whimpers of pain being suffocated by his own mouth.
I haven’t meant to find these… legionnaires on my way to complete a mission. It was never the goal, the intention. It was never to have happened. To be bonded to an Astartes. It was a very strict rule.
‘Never have a bond.’
That was one of the many rules of the foundation. Said it was to even the “playing field” of war and operations and it was correct. There wasn’t a time were there was an Astartes in the way, cutting us down like “grates of cheese” the commander had put it. It made it much easier to get our tasks done without the influence of a Space Marine, Chaos or Loyalist.
‘If you find yourself with a Space Marine that wants to be close, leave them. Break that bond. Even if it’s not a bond, you are not to be around any Astartes.’
I remember what our instructor would say. Permitting us to never even look at a Space Marine unless suspicious of them of having a bond with us. That was the only time we were permitted to look in the direction of a Space Marine. Other times we were just training with one another or simply being tasked with going out and surveying the area and people.
We were not to look back either, but it was incredibly hard to do so with a whole warband you, 5 to be more precise.
No one knew where they had come from then. Possibly too focused on getting the mission done quickly. Their black, armored body’s launching out of the thick fog like some sort of phantom. Their talon-like gauntlets extending out as they roared out. Spooking the rest of the group when they turned to looked at their fellow soldier that was once alive. Their body being impaled onto the metal talons of the Space Marine, making us realize why they didn’t want us to be bonded to one.
Their power is unfair.
I saw the group being slaughtered that day with unnatural ease. Their limbs splayed all around me, still fresh off the torso. Some even being ripped into half by the waist and ribs, guts still pumping near the body or up in a dead tree. It was an experience I did not wish I was in, even for an enemy. It was like stalking through a horror forest; still does. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint where they would come from, but they certainly can. That part was very clear.
You look away for one second and suddenly the person protecting your back is gone. Their gasping screams being the only thing you can hear out in the distance before their body would plop right in front of you. The face of deathly fear stoned onto all their features. Their limbs somewhere else as they would bleed out from where the limb was ripped from, despite being already dead.
‘If you find yourself trapped; cornered. Sacrifice is your only way out. Do not attempt to talk. Explode yourself. Leave no meat left to provide of yourself.’
I remember another saying from the instructor. My hand quickly digging through my vest for the grenade while I took very quick, but cautious steps around me. My eyes looking all around me for anything that didn't seem normal in this damned forest. My heart beating in my chest as the same sentence replayed in my mind.
'Explode yourself.' 'Explode yourself.' 'Explode yourself.' 'Sacrifice is your only way out.' 'Leave no meat left to provide.'
My gaze focuses on the big shadow emerging from the fog with a low growl. My hand gripping onto the grenade in my vest and pulling it out, fingers threating it to pull the pin when the rest of the group decides to show themselves, surrounding me with their own warning growls. Their talons twitching in anticipation.
Keeping a close eye on them. I watched as they circled me, making me really feel like I was being hunted and played with. My fingers itching to just pull the pin, but I wasn't going to unless I could take at least one down with me or maybe they can leave me alone and let me continue my mission.
The smaller one suddenly shoots forward, my fingers instantly pulling the pin, taking a step back. My body falling back in effort to keep the grenade close to my body when the Space Marine pins me down to the ground and snatches the grenade and throws the grenade off somewhere else.
I give my own growls and snarls at the Space Marine while he has me down. Sudden dread being washed onto my shoulders. My hands struggling to get anything through his black armor, cutting them on the sharp edges of his armor as the grenade explodes somewhere off in the distance. My desperation to get out of his hold growing.
“Your thoughts are elsewhere. Bring them back to me.” Xa’vor growls. Moving his hand from my waist to thread and grip at my hair, pulling my head back, exposing my neck to him.
“I’ll r-reject you as I please.” I growl out between my pitiful moans. Pissed from the memory of my team being killed around me. Pissed that I couldn’t escape their grasp once more. Having to be pinned underneath their bodies like a whore.
“You’re boldness is—”
“Reasonable, you think I could care for you?” I snap, my eyes looking down into his own and seeing the hurt in his deep red eyes, his hips stilling. “I do not care. I am simply to complete a mission, that is all. I’m not here to care, to provide, to love.”
“I’ll never be bonded to you or the others. Not you, not Atherth, not Vai’ssir, Zervos or Xekon—!”
I suddenly choke on my own breath, my head being pulling back to its limit. His teeth dangerously latched very close to the soft part of my neck, drawing blood as his cock pushes up painfully up against my cervix before dragging all the way back out and all the way in again. His arms wrapping around my body tightly, trapping me to him, putting me in a type of mating press. His hand still holding my hair in place.
Breathless moans leave my mouth as his pace is absolutely brutal, hitting up against my cervix every time. Numbing my legs with each deep, quick thrust. Savage growls hissing through his teeth as he inches them more into my skin. Feeling like daggers were being stabbed all over my body. I couldn’t tell if I should breathe or scream out at such brutality.
I couldn’t even tell when his stilled inside of me. All my nerves too focused on the pain sprouting all over my body like fire. I could only hear as he groans and growls. His hips rolling out his climax as far as he could. His seed marking my fluttering walls and dripping down his cock and balls, onto the bed sheets.
“That’s is not your choice to make.” Xa’vor quietly rumbles, carefully taking his teeth out of my shoulder as I twitch at the feeling. His tongue lapping up all the blood he has smeared across my chest and his sheets. “No matter how long you refuse our bond.”
“You are still ours. I will make sure of that.” He states; promises. Slowly dragging his cock out of my walls with a groan and a whisper in his language.
“X-Xa’Vor.” I whine at him in pain at the movement of anything. Body prickling in overstimulation as he purrs at me, trying to put me at ease. His head gently nuzzling into my neck.
“No matter what it will cost me.”
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moodymisty · 1 month
'We float for Macragge.' That is the cutest quote ever omg. Thank you for blessing me with this, I'd never seen the meme before. The blueberries are so charming sometimes 🥺 -anon that likes excerpts
It's one of the less popular iconic WH40k memes, but I see people reference it sometimes. Here's some more funnies because I like forcing people to read this stuff.
There's also the fucking hilarious scene of an astartes with new terminator armor falling through a floor, and his buddy has to call a crew with a crane to get him out, which is fucking hysterical. (master of sanctity)
‘Some kind of sub-level here,’ reported Daellon. ‘Descending.’ ‘Wait!’ yelled Telemenus, but his warning came too late. The audio pick-ups brought the sound of splintering woods and crumbling ferrocrete followed by an almighty crash. Daellon cursed without pause over the vox. ‘Report,’ barked Arbalan. ‘Brother Daellon misjudged the load bearing of some internal stairs, brother-sergeant,’ said Telemenus, trying not to laugh. For once he was glad somebody else was attracting the negative scrutiny. There was a chuckle from Cadmael and a sigh from Arbalan. ‘Daellon, can you climb out?’ asked the sergeant. ‘Negative, a three metre drop at least. The floor will not hold my weight to pull myself up.’ ‘No threats detected,’ Telemenus added, his auspex sensors encompassing the long row of huts. ‘Understood,’ said Arbalan. He sounded impatient. ‘Daellon, remain in place, I will signal for an armoury extraction team. Telemenus, rejoin the squad.'
There's also a book I don't remember where a group of baseline humans are descending from tight steps with an astartes, and are VERY concerned at the creaking of the stairs from his weight. Chunky boi
Also here's Guilliman making a joke in Armour of Fate about him being stuck in this massive bulky armor and Sicarius just, doesn't get it. This moment was another reason why I always recommend Dark Imperium to people, it just kind of gets Guilliman and how different he is from his legion now.
Sheaves of blueprints were scattered across the desk in front of him. He spotted something of interest written on one and reached for it, gritting his teeth against the purring of the suit. He always reached with his right hand. The integration points for the Hand of Dominion on his left made picking anything up nigh on impossible, even with the over gauntlet and its underslung bolter removed. Day-to-day tasks such as this were a struggle. His armoured fingers pushed at slick plastek. Ceramite skidded across the papers, knocking them to the ground in wafting flutters. ‘Oh, for the love of…’ he grumbled as he bent awkwardly to pick them up. The Armour of Fate was bulky. As its waist joint prevented him from flexing his spine and reaching the floor, he had to kneel. He reached for the scattered flimsies. Fingertips failed to grasp the sheets, sending them fleeing in small armadas over the polished floor. He growled in frustration, abandoned his task and stood, drawing a curious look from Sicarius. ‘I have the manual dexterity of a Legio Cybernetica battle automaton!’ Guilliman said. ‘Created by the Lord of All Mankind, master of the greatest armies in the Imperium, and I cannot pick up a plastek flimsy.’ He glared at the offending articles. ‘My greatest enemy.’ There was a thoughtful quiet. ‘You are joking, my lord?’ said Sicarius. Guilliman looked at Sicarius. He had to turn all the way around to do so. The pauldrons, ornamental wings and large halo mounted on his back made it impossible for him to see over his shoulder. At least he had stopped knocking into things. There was that. ‘By the Throne, why am I expected to be serious at all times? Yes, Captain Sicarius, I am making light of my predicament. During the worst of the Great Crusade, I was known to make the occasional jest. Even after Terra fell. I did not spend my entire previous life writing deep thoughts into little notebooks, but sometimes dared to enjoy myself. I suppose that was not recorded in the hagiographies.’ ‘Humour is not something you are renowned for, my lord.’ ‘My time in this new age has revealed that to me amply.’
I have way too many random book moments stuck in my head. And not enough space for actual useful information.
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ms--lobotomy · 5 months
Welcome to the community! Love your style - haven’t had a laugh as good as while reading the worm post in a while.
How about a slice of life piece with Perturabo? I always thought anyone who he considers as a s/o must have a pretty strong personality lol
howdy, anon! first of all, thank you so much! second, im going to take "slice of life" as a slice of life in our universe, not wh40k canon. this means that i can diverge even more from canon than normal! fun!
enough yapping, here's your fic bestie
summary: you decide to do something nice for perturabo and he doesn't know how to take it because he is so emotionally constipated
word count: 989
content warnings: perty's a rude lil shit but you can take it, right? also implication of diddlin'
Beams of light found their way through the tree in your front yard into the window at the front of your house and onto the fake-wood floor. It wasn't much as far as houses went, it was small and ratty and some of the lights didn't work. But it was a place to live, and you and your lover had to take what you could get.
Clad in a t-shirt that was many sizes too big for you, you buttered up the old pan that you had and broke three eggs into it. One for you, two for him. They began to bubble from the bottom after a while, and you smiled. You weren't normally the cook in this relationship; he preferred to do the things like cooking himself. But sometimes he would bury himself in his work and forget to eat or otherwise take care of himself. Today was one of those days. When you woke up, you saw him already hard at work on another painting.
As you were getting the bacon from the fridge, you heard the booming footsteps that could only belong to your lover. Perturabo. Your heart stopped in your chest for a split second--this was supposed to be a surprise! Soon enough, he stood in the doorway, almost too tall for it. There was paint on both his shirt and his shorts. He began to speak, his voice booming.
"I thought I was going to be making breakfast today," he said curtly.
"Tough luck," you replied, putting a few strips of bacon on the griddle. The crackle it made was quite satisfying to the ear. "You had your chance and you didn't do it."
He walked over to you, putting his free arm around your waist. His arms were quite large He leaned over you, surveying your handiwork. "You let them cook for too long," he pouted, nestling his head in the crook of your neck. He wrapped his arms around you as you began to separate egg white from egg white.
"I barely cooked these," you said. "Do you want salmonella?"
He chuckled, rocking you back and forth. You couldn't see it, but a slight smile dusted his lips. "Even if I could get it from this," he took a hand away from you quickly to gesture to the food, "it'd be worth it."
"If you're sure," you replied, breaking away from his warm embrace to put his allotted two eggs onto one of the plates that you had pulled out.
While you waited for the rest of it to finish, you grappled for his hand. There were a few paint stains on it, and you had no doubt you'd be getting paint on your hands as well. It's not like you were going anywhere today. He looked... stumped at this development. Almost as if he couldn't process what was going on.
"What, you can't handle some good ol' Christian hand-holding?" you asked, using the broken plastic spatula in your free hand to move the rest of your meal to your plates. "Even after last night?"
The color drained from his face. You got him. You smirked, giving that stupidly warm hand that enveloped yours a squeeze. "No, but really. I promise you that you're just as worthy of affection as..." you trailed off. The people around him? That wouldn't be very worthy in his eyes. Unless it was someone like...
"You're just as worthy of affection as I am." You looked up at him, and the smile on your face was genuine.
You didn't know how a man of his size could let out such a little "Oh...", but he did. He sheepishly let go of your hand and grabbed his plate, the meal looking pathetically small next to him. You could see the wheels turning in his head as he thought of what to say next. Something genuine? Something flippant? Something somehow both?!?
"I wanted to show you something," he finally blurted out. There was still this flustered look on his face as he sat at the table.
You finished your meal soon enough, and as you put your dish in the sink, you felt a hand at the bottom of your jaw. You felt your neck turn at an awkward angle to look up at your lover, and he had a smug grin on his face.
"Close your eyes, dear," he said.
Oh. He said dear. This was serious. As you closed your eyes, you could feel the hand move from your neck to your eyes, enveloping them in darkness. You didn't know why he told you to close your eyes in the first place, but you weren't going to press further. He put his free hand on your shoulder and led you through the small house. You didn't get very far before you got to your bedroom, a small thing with just enough room for an easel and some art supplies.
He removed his hand. The painting faced you, clear as day. It was a beautiful rendition of him holding a worm. If it weren't for the clear brush strokes, it would have looked like a photograph taken of him.
"It's beautiful," you started, "but I don't get it."
"Remember when you asked me if I would love you if you were a worm?" he asked with a chuckle. "This is me. With my beautiful worm partner."
"Oh!" you exclaimed. You remembered asking in the dead of night, while you were nothing but a lump in his arms. He'd dodged the question at the time, but he'd clearly been thinking about it. "So you would love me if I were a worm!" you laughed. "I knew it!"
You threw your arms around him. Despite the difference in size between you two, he recoiled a little bit. He wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on top of yours. And in this little house, you were content.
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magistralucis · 3 months
Observations on the French version of The Infinite and the Divine
1.. I always thought if English has to be translated into anything, French is one of the top 3 most straightforward languages to do it in. At first glimpse this is a direct translation of the English text. Good for cross-referencing, but I'm not anticipating a great deal of unusual localizations or woolseyisms, not that such things are usually at the translator's liberty with novels like these.
2. That said, the Trazyn vs. aeldari farseer encounter is excellent. The warning she gives him is the same (including the planet's demand for 'le sang de Trazyn'), but there's something special about watching him receiving this warning, immediately paying for it with his bodily death, then springing back up with a deadpan 'bon sang!'. Hits a lot better than 'this world sings for the blood of Trazyn' / 'damn!' imo. A nice little linguistical coincidence.
3. When I first read 'le tétrarque' I was thinking tetrarch of... what exactly??? But no that's just the French translation for a necron overlord. 😅 The term of address is 'messire', directly equivalent to 'my lord'
4. Sannet addresses Trazyn formally, while Trazyn tutoyers Sannet. I've yet to find out if Trazyn addresses anyone else in Solemnace this way.
5. Orikan and Trazyn, on the other hand, vousvoyer each other religiously. They don't even drop formality when they're insulting each other as the lowest of the low, and I'm not finding any instances of them doing so while skimming the pages. There's a great deal of coldness between them, but they don't deliberately talk down to each other either. I'll have to come back to this point later when I have a better grasp of French!T/O's dynamic
6. Not sure if I like 'factionnaires' as a translation for 'lychguard'. From what I can tell the French is simply the word for a sentinel or a guardsman, whereas the English is a pun on 'lych (lich)' + 'guard' = 'corpse/undead-guard' = 'body-guard'... just feels like they could've come up with a more clever translation, you know? Or am I missing something? Let me know if you can.
7. Wait Phillias is a svelte stunner? ('La femme élancée') She's definitely tall and stunning, but I always thought she was more on the side of 'built like a goddamned brick wall' or something
8. 'Salopard' 😩👎💢
9. I have emotions towards dream-pipes and wish Zuberkar could've gotten his back
10. Actually Orikan does tutoyer something: the Mysterios. And Trazyn referred to the aeldari gem earlier with a 'tu' as well. This is normal 'tu' usage in French, but it's notable that in the original English Trazyn and Orikan were both specifically addressing those objects as if they were persons. They're not that different, cooing softly at the objects they hold dear.
11. Trazyn is not on familiar terms with his chief librarian ('et apportez-moi tout ce que vous avez sur la Guerre Céleste…') or presumably his copyist crypteks, but he does use 'tu' consistently with his main crypteks (Khybur, Sannet, Tekk-Nev). 'Mes chers fidèles'!
12. Not a French-specific thing but oh my god the vicarious embarrassment Trazyn must've felt over seeing Orikan crowing his supposed victory over Vishani always gets me jghfhhdhshs
13. La tête 😳 ordonna Orikan💫 à l’Immortel 🔫 Prends ton temps 🤯🤪
That's it for Act 1. Will add more in further reblogs.
Disclaimer: not a native French speaker, also have not previously read French WH40K articles/wikis/literature/etc. I'm likely missing out on many linguistical curiosities, so if anyone else has this edition of I&D, I'd love to hear your thoughts ✨
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two-reflections · 16 days
how you feel about your current WIP
Which one, hahahahaaa...
Thanks for asking, it's always good to do a WIP audit. Let's do it as a numbered list. Only going for the multi-chapter stories here. I also have a lot of oneshots in varying states of completion.
Non Warhammer 40k stories are under the Read More.
Carrion's Heir - Technically not a WIP, but not fully uploaded yet. It would have been a better story if I hadn't had to follow a set of prompts, but that was how the challenge I wrote it for worked. Still, I love the main character and his story arc. May come back to it in the future.
Of Steel and Flesh - Started off as a quick series of campaign-inspired drabbles, but became its own thing. I kind of love it and kind of hate it sometimes. Maybe I should have just left it as a bunch of tiny vignettes. I am committed to finishing it, though. Again, I care a lot about the main characters, and I REALLY like the Dark Mechanicum sect in it.
Even in Death - MY BELOVED. MY DARLING. MY SWEET, SELF-INDULGENT DREADNOUGHT-BASED BABY. Putting this one off to finish other projects hurts so bad. I want to write the rest of this ASAP.
[Unnamed Techmarine Story] - This is about my character Bai'keti's 30 years on Mars. It's less about his training and more about what being so far from his brothers and culture is like, the difficulty of adopting a new culture, and his intense friendship with another techmarine in training from the Dragonspears chapter. I'll probably never upload this one because I'm not too familiar with what Mars in 40k is like beyond "Admech and the Void Dragon live here." Plus, it's based on my own time as an International student at a particularly weird British University. It makes me feel nostalgic for the rare good times, and also SO freaking glad I survived my time and am not there any more. Hated my Uni so much. This WIP is also on the back burner at like 12k words, will probably pick it back up in the autumn.
[Unnamed Salamander Story] - The story of Val'ten's first year in the Salamanders' 6th company. Includes a romance between him and his brander priest, but it's mostly about various missions and adventures, how he settles to life as a Salamander brother, and his attempt to grow a little garden in his downtime. This one is my most long-term wh40k project since I came up with Val'ten in 2017 for a completely different (and much worse) fic. His story has been stuck at around 60k words for months because it's on the back burner while I finish other things, but this is the story I think about in the shower, when I'm waiting in a queue, when I'm on the train. It's so important to me.
Other fandoms and Original Work
The Name Within - A leftover from my Kingdom Hearts Days. It's about Isa straightening out his head after everything that happened in KH3, and coming to terms with perhaps never functioning like a normal human after experiencing literal dehumanization at a pivotal age. I've linked it because it's on Ao3, but I wouldn't bother checking it out, it's probably not worth reading unless you really like this one particular dude. It's been missing around two paragraphs to finish for years. I should just bash those out and finish it, but it's hard to find the keen for it now.
Big Name on Campus/The Dream He Was Given - Temporary names for two fanfics based on a very old Sci-Fi manga. One is a weird fix-it-fic, the other is based on the University career of my favourite character, the chronically ill director of a medical center. I know, another university story, but I swear this one's not primarily based on my experience; rather, on watching my parents' students over the years. Decent chance I will never finish these two, there's no English-speaking audience for this comic so they're only for me. I love BNOC, though. The other, I could take or leave.
Twisted Links - Original story. After a series of international incidents and corporate takeovers, HR Agent Marley from the Pan-Martian Corporation ends up as temporary site director for a radio telescope in the Caribbean with secret instructions to ensure the Corp's permanent control of the site. Unbeknownst to Marley, local engineer and anti-colonialism activist Victor is struggling to hide a rogue Pan-Martian AI which caused a major international incident several decades before. Will Victor be able to keep the AI secret, or will Marley find out that there's a second being living inside Victor's head? Whose vision for the future of the telescope will become reality, or will the whole place shut down? The first 20k words of this story secured me a first-class Master's degree, but just as I was gearing up to write the rest, the catastrophic demise of the telescope where I grew up happened. I miss this story and want to go back to it but... Trauma...
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vitanithepure · 5 months
I stayed up (too) late last night and finished the game!!!!! :D I was convinced it was going to end in tragedy, but everything was actually sorta ok? Like, by WH40K standards at least XD.
So, now that I don't have to worry about spoilers any longer -- what ending does Imogene get? And how does she change as a person/character over the course of the story (if at all)?
I am very surprised at how good the things can actually end for many if not most characters we meet along the way? It’s not a bad thing, but very surprising considering the game always let you know you’re a sucker for doing the merciful thing now because it turns into disasters the moment you turn your back.
There is also the fact what we define as “good” might vary :D
Now, as for Imogene… she’s a good girl by the Imperium’s standards and plays by the rules (sometimes interpreted very loosely because who is going to tell her she can't do something...? The Lord Inquisitor who had a stalwart ally in her? Don't think so :D), and I think it is pretty accurately presented in the ending slides:
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Things kind of went to shit for her when Ulfar...well, he did this:
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Good for him, I say.
But it went further to shit when Heinrix took over because the poor man had his head filled with Imogene's insane ideas (so sorry Master van Calox, you fell for a psycho).
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Thus, what I like to think happened is: they gave the Koronus Expanse the middle finger and ran off. Can't imagine they had a peaceful life from now on, but hey - no easy prey either! Jae would probably help them settle somewhere out of sight, possibly numerous times - she did end up being a big deal, the Baroness of Shadows, after all! And always had a knack of helping her friends on the other side of the law :D
So the way I see it, Imogene went from flippant to outright crazy. I do think she did not shoulder the burdens very well. It was a blow after blow, Rykad Minoris, Kiava Gamma, Commorragh, death of Yrliet, which was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back...
I am so torn between letting my girl have a good ending, with her former retinue...well, at least alive if not well, but I kind of like the idea of leaving a really grand legacy behind her, giving all she could muster for the Imperium and then just...disappear, along with her equally burnt out lover. You know, a "nothing else matters - only us" kind of deal.
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Plague War 2
yesss Sisters of Silence
man i wish there were books about the sisters
Swift footsteps came from behind. Felix moved aside at the moment Asheera Voi flashed past and leapt. Her armour powered her across the gap. As she flew, she reversed the grip on her sword so the point was held facing down and forward. The silica glass edge whispered through the heart, bringing forth a torrent of blood. Asheera pulled the sword down, opening up the side of the organ from top to bottom as she slid down its black flesh. It spasmed, and a horrible wailing set up from an indeterminate place. The cataract of foul-smelling vitae flooding from the wound filled the reactor chamber as if it were a bowl. She disappeared into it.
Voi is fun
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for some reason this just made me think of this
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sometimes i want to kiss the prose of this novel
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i love when a writer is good at breathing life into the small people Haley isn't Ruckley, but he's still decent.
oh we're back to mothman nurgle stretched him so he's 30 feet tall
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i have no clue where this is going and that hasn't happened in a while
also just as a side note i'm really glad that the warhammer writing i've been reading so far has NOT been "mil sf BUT EDGY" like there's milsf elements but they're not super…mil-sf-y if you get what i mean probably because on the hard-soft scifi scale, wh40k is softer than star wars
i don't think this bit is bad writing i just don't really tend to care about the full description of a military action or the nitty gritty of this kind of thing so reading this whole section is pulling teeth a bit
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The mental image of thirty foot long moth man swooping like a swallow, just nyooming over the battlefield
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I am not gonna lie a large part of what’s appealing about wh40k as a setting to me is the sci-fi/fantasy melange It’s basically dark fantasy with a sci-fi coat
giant demon acid dog...it just wants to play alas
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so much evil came from one man with too much power trying to save people by sacrificing the few for the many and we keep seeing that played out through this book! with the girl who may or may not be a saint, and the sisters of battle
notes from future bluejay: I thought maybe was I reading too much anti-consequentialism into this book because that's my own personal bias but going back through my notes and the screenshots I took, nah, it's right there in the text
and now for a mood shift...
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and thus Mortarion makes his dramatic entrance and finally we have the confrontation
i wonder how much does Mortarion actually believe of what he's saying. Well, the stuff about the Emperor, for sure, but the stuff about spreading nurgle being a positive thing…i'm not sure he actually managed to get himself to believe that it's definitely never been a primary motivation from what we've seen haha
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kids, kids, is this really the time to play suffering olympics but also owo they're both hitting at each other's weak points
mortarion: muahaha i will tell you all about our father's plans once you are my prisoner mortarion: but first time to cut off your legs- mortarion: MASAKA! it's the girl who is being possessed by the Emperor with the steel chair!
Guilliman gets freed Guilliman: okay fight me Mortarion: looks like team rocket's blasting off again!!!…
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except...he is, kind of, starting to ohhhh boy Guilliman is mad Mathieu: i didn't think he could get angry like this, i thought only the bad primarchs did that
guilliman really has a complicated relationship with the concept of father, huh and now it's time for him to sit alone in the dark and the book ends on guilliman reading lorgar's book
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firebatvillain · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers!
As seen on @givereadersahug (x)!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 59 works on AO3, though some of those are unrevealed or anonymous, so the visible work count is a bit lower.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
105k! Wow. Over half of that has been in the last two years, when I've been doing a lot more writing and taking part in exchanges.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Naruto (7) Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (7) Original Work (7) Warhammer 40.000 (3) Fate/stay night & Related Fandoms (2) Stellaris (Video Game) (2) From there we get into a lot of one-offs that I wrote for exchanges. House MD, Gundam Wing, Good Omens, The Order of the Stick, and many others. Most of the Original Work fics are for particular exchange prompts, some of which are quite fun.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Greatest Weasley [Harry Potter, Ron-Centric, incomplete] - this WIP is my white whale! Ron gets sorted into Slytherin. Only a couple chapters, I should return to it sometime...
Harry Potter and the Independent Path [Harry Potter, parody, one-shot] - This very short parody fic is fun and I'm glad people like it. I actually look back fondly on this genre even if I poke fun at it.
Five Times Sakura Heard the Voice, and One Time It Faded [Naruto, Sakura-centric, one-shot, 2.9k] - This was an fest fic for Fest No Jutsu 2022! I really enjoyed writing this one.
If You Won’t Wait for Me, I’ll Find My Own Path [Naruto, Sakura-centric, drabble] - Wrote this one based on the fandom opinions of my friend @xenosimp. Surprised at its popularity.
Liana and the Labyrinth’s Core [Original Work, Explicit, Het, 2.3k] - I wrote this very explicit fic for an exchange, and had a lot of fun with it! Minotaur/Sacrifice, make sure to read the tags/warnings.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
For exchange fics, almost always. Otherwise, I do sometimes. It's fun to chat with other fandom people and let them know I appreciate their comments, or answer their questions.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually write angsty endings, but The Rules of Reintegration [OW drabble, prompt: military android masquerading as a human] is angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd say Four Times Toph Beifong Triumphed [ATLA, Toph-centric, 2.5k words] would be it. It's generally fun! 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, though I got one very baffling comment on a fic where someone questioned the realism of it. I'm not in the big fandoms where there's lots of drama though.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, often for exchanges. It typically tends to be straightforward steamy sex. I've got some more kinky stuff posted to anon that I won't share here, heh.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written one, but it's not usually my style for writing, since it's a challenge for me. I love reading them though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and I hope it never happens. I don't think anything I've written is popular enough for that 😅
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My fandom friend and I co-wrote Mist and Shadow, a WH40k AU fic about Eldar escaping the fall of the Eldar empire. After about 12k words, we set it down, but we may return someday.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
This is a tough one! All-time, I'm not sure. But at the moment, I'm basically chewing on Durge/Enver Gortash (BG3) and having a great time with it.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oof, this is a tough one! There's a very old Naruto fic that I don't think I'll ever get back to... Lost Root. I can't really recommend it in its current state, but it was one of my first plot bunnies.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty decent at paragraph-to-paragraph rhythm, and I am unafraid to try new things.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I repeat certain phrases without realizing it, and pacing scenes can be difficult for me. I also have a tendency to write excessively long sentences. Trying to improve on that last one!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Seems like a hard sell for both writer and reader.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
StarCraft pro gamer RPF. No, you won't find the fic on my AO3 profile.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I'm still in love with Roonil Wazlib and the Goblet of Fire, a 2.8k word Harry Potter crackfic I wrote for Bad Bang V. Is it bad? Yes, oh yes. And it's fun, and so are the comments.
Tagging (no pressure): @xenosimp @vanyalanthirielofmana @chacusha @vampiremonday @uozlulu @miss-ingno @verecunda
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danielscholes · 1 year
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Gold and red brought back up to midtone on the big wraiths after yesterday’s wash (4 & 5). Also threw a little greenery on the autarch bases. All ready for a bit more highlighting before cracking on with highlighting the black, which I am dreading. #warhammer40k #warmongers #eldar #aeldari #40k #warhammer #40k #wh40k #minipainting #warhammer40000 #paintingwarhammer #hobbystreak https://www.instagram.com/p/CpOGr3Etmqb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tell me about banshee 44 what am i getting myself into
In short - robot GILF with dementia
And not so short:
So, long time ago (before the Collapse) ((very, very shortly - Destiny takes place many years after the present, with humanity reaching it's peak after The Traveler (a gigantic orb of not fully known origin or agenda, which can terraform planets and granted Humanity the Light (space magic, complicated)) came here. Then apocalypse (the Collapse), post apocalypse and then we kinda got better again (? ;Most of humanity lives in one, big city) and now we have Guardians (people reanimated in Light to have powers and save the galaxy)) there was a very selfish and evil scientist called Clovis Bray who decided to do stuff like building a powerful AI or turning humans into robots. So at some point (shit fucked, also he was old and died) he decided to turn himself into an AI (different) and create a clone of himself called Clovis-1. But it turned out that his robot clone hated him and decided to join the guy's granddaughter and fight time-traveling space robots who the OG guy brought there (Europa, moon of Saturn). So he was a badass super strong robot and had a Chainsword (kinda these from WH40k) but the space robots killed him like 42 (or 43? I suck at math) times and every time his friends would bring him back his robot brain was getting more and more screwed. So in the end he requested that his memory would be viped and he got reseted again, as Banshee-44.
So right now he is a gunsmith in that last city (called the Last City btw). He also has a memory of a goldfish. Also he's oddly sexy and buff (tho most men (and women) in Destiny are so whatever) and people simp for him because of that. He's always somewhat sad, but also shows a kind of dry sense of humor.
Here you can read the rest
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