#i am experiencing childlike wonder
vetteldixon · 1 year
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SINAN THE SQUIRREL WITH HAT ON BENCH Big Machine Music City Grand Prix 2023 Qualifying Rain Delay
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huomenhaamu · 6 months
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animutate · 5 months
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cutie patootie. i hope he KILLS HIMSELF FOREVER
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clems-grove · 2 years
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linka-r9-vysocina · 1 year
all the tumblr posts about how hope is a necessity, how you should be in awe of the world, how beautiful it is to experience childlike wonder, how loving the world and having hope is a radical act, and a part of me understands the intention of them, but the other part is someone who has depression and is pretty much unable to do do any of this, and this part can't help but see those posts as similar to motivational quotes, which you sincerely share and feel when you are already motivated but which don't actually help when you lack motivation
and boy, the guilt that they bring.
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giverofempathy · 2 years
oohhhh i am experiencing so many little joys. feeling like im holding my life in my hands and looking down at it with tears in my eyes. everything is so beautiful
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warmmilku · 23 days
How do I know if I am an Age Regressor?
Hello my cookies! If you are anything like me, you may have questioned at some point if you truly are an age regressor or not. Thankfully, there is no wrong or right way to regress, but for those of you who may be wondering if you are a regressor, here are some things to be aware of if you are questioning!
🫧 Comfort in Childlike Activities: If you find solace or joy in engaging in activities traditionally associated with children, like coloring, playing with toys, or watching cartoons, you might be an age regressor. These activities can bring a sense of calm and security.
🫧 Seeking Out Caretakers: You might feel a strong desire for someone to take on a caretaker role, providing comfort, guidance, or nurturing. This could be a sign that you experience regression as a way to feel safe and protected.
🫧 Emotional Shifts: Age regression can manifest during times of stress, anxiety, or emotional overwhelm. You might notice that you revert to a younger state of mind when you feel vulnerable or uncertain.
🫧 Change in Language or Behavior: You might notice that your language, tone, or even the way you express yourself changes when you regress. This could include using simpler language, baby talk, or feeling more playful and carefree.
🫧 Preference for Comfort Items: If you find comfort in items like stuffed animals, blankets, pacifiers, or certain types of clothing, these could be significant indicators of age regression. These items often provide a sense of safety or nostalgia.
🫧 Feeling Younger Mentally: You may sometimes feel younger than your actual age, particularly in your thought processes or emotional responses. This could be a sign that you are experiencing age regression.
🫧 Awareness of Triggers: Certain situations, environments, or people might trigger a regressive state. Being aware of what prompts these feelings can help you understand if you’re an age regressor.
🫧 Sense of Relief or Escape: Regression might feel like a way to escape the pressures of adulthood or to relieve stress. If you find yourself regressing to cope with difficult situations, it could be a natural response for you.
🫧 Self-Awareness and Acceptance: Lastly, recognizing and accepting that you might regress can be key. If you identify with these points and feel that regression is a part of who you are, you might be an age regressor. It’s important to remember that this is a valid and personal experience.
And lastly, some good things that could signify that you may be an age regressor!
🫧 Joy in playing with toys or games
🫧 Excitement over simple pleasures like ice cream or cartoons
🫧 Delight in wearing cozy, childlike clothing
🫧 Contentment in cuddling with stuffed animals
🫧 Happiness when coloring or drawing
🫧 Laughter from silly or playful behavior
🫧 Feeling carefree and lighthearted
🫧 Enjoyment of being silly or imaginative
I hope these help!
~Milku 🧡
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redjademilktea · 7 months
Okay one of the few times that whole "PhD student in history" thing is going to be relevant to anything I post here but last night's C3 episode has me feeling some sort of wayyyyy.
Specifically the part where they found those incredibly ancient elven ruins within the cave they were exploring. After barely escaping near-death, and Laudna fresh from deliberately channeling the darkness within her, they stumble across these ruins. Deep within a dark cave where they sought refuge from the harsh storms that plague the unforgiving Ruidian surface. Geodes full of sharp and jagged crystal jut out from the walls of cold, ancient rock. A river coming from some unknown source pouring into a rushing waterfall, leading away further into the depths. Matt did a phenomenal job painting the scene.
There, in those ruins - in that tomb, that crypt - they run across a hauntingly serene sight. Bones from the presumable inhabitants are crushed into the walls, unmoving. Frozen. Sharing the same space in a wonderful, striking, tragic, serendipitous juxtaposition is an enchanted garden. There, in the derelict remains of this once-vibrant space, the vestiges of that past life hold strong. A small bastion of life and healing amidst the monument of death and destruction.
It's within this space of dizzying contrast - air thick with the practically tangible weight of past tragedies - that Laudna finds a doll. A simple doll, devoid of features beyond the bare minimum that helps identify it. A toy, a companion? A relic of some child from so long ago. Laudna likes dolls. She decides - after asking permission - to keep it.
Now within her possession is a ghost. Not a literal ghost, mind you, considering those are in fact a very literal thing in the world Laudna lives in, but a ghost all the same. Through that doll, a child from untold centuries before is reaching, grasping at Laudna. This child, whose entire life, history, and experienced are lost to time - trapped in the past - has managed to pierce that temporal barrier and make themselves known to her.
In addition to this framing of a ghost, the doll can represent another type of haunting. That of a reencounter. Through this doll, this mundane object that often is filed away under the folder of insignificance, Laudna is confronted with the complicated web of violence, trauma, and grief that wraps around both her and the space around her. Laudna loves children. She has a childlike innocence that constantly bubbles at the surface. Yet beneath that is 30 years of unfathomable pain and loneliness.
Laudna, much like the ruins, is at times also frozen. Both physically in her unaging visage and mentally in the way she seems to revert in response to intense trauma.
So, within the confines of this long-forgotten space, the woman who just hours before channelled 30 years of darkness, anger, and hurt into a spell that served to strengthen her tormentor, picked up a doll. A doll that in so many ways symbolizes the innocence and joy that Laudna embodies, surrounded by tragedy.
It was such a beautifully haunting scene.
**If folks are interested, I am referencing the wonderful works of Avery Gordon in her book Ghostly Matters (1997) and Crystal Baik in her book Reencounters: On the Korean War and Diasporic Memory Critique (2019)**
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mamapyjama · 8 months
Thought I ought to bring this over here for the Tumblr crew since it’s making a little buzz in the other place and I want to gather all my thoughts in one place.
So, back in 2022 I was in my feelings about Izuku (when am I not?) and wrote the following little sad headcanon on twt:
Made myself sad thinking about how the original Japanese word for Quirk is ‘kosei’, which means ‘individuality’ or the unique part of a personality. It’s no wonder Deku thought he was plain and useless. Everyone has literally been telling him since he was 4. 😓 Like, there’s no way at that age he could separate people talking about his lack of meta-ability from his own unique value as a person when they’re using the same damn word. That’s the kind of stuff that’s going to stick with you. 🥺
Sad to imagine, eh?
Fast forward to 2024 and chapter 412, and as always, I was browsing the jp fandom tweets for reactions after the official release. They often pick up on things we miss like Katsuki’s childlike language, the NTR implications of the kudoichi plot etc.
As I scrolled, I realised there was a HUGE disconnect between what we in “The West” were experiencing (mostly rage at yet another translation ‘choice’) and the existential questioning that was occurring among Japanese readers.
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This is just a tiny glimpse, but you should know that every single one I saw was doing the tweet equivalent of staring into the middle distance with a haunted look.
It’s all about the panel below, which was mentioned by the incomparable Pikahlua, as it is unusual in writing ‘mukosei’ without the speechmarks that signify ‘quirkless’ (to use the English term) rather than ‘lacking individuality’.
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Horikoshi always uses speechmarks around “Kosei” when talking about quirks, so the implication here is that Izuku never believed he had actual individuality/personality.
Using this interpretation, Kudou observed that Izuku held the hope that even people who were detestable (Katsuki) and those who had no individuality (Izuku) still had human hearts.
Read that again. Izuku hoped that both he and Kacchan, despite their shortcomings, had human hearts. He thinks his only worth is as a vessel, a holder of OFA, and without that he’s barely human.
Ever noticed how some parts of the fandom complain that Deku is a boring MC, that he’s just ‘nice’, and we never get his opinions on things? Yeah.
Remember how hard he cried when All Might said he could be a hero? That was the first time in his life that someone acknowledged him as someone with potential, with worth. (In ch2 he also says “I have no reason to refuse!!” when offered OFA, which always struck me as slightly anticlimactic but makes way more sense now).
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And remember how he cried in a similar way when Ochako told the world that he wasn’t special but that he had a special power? She couldn’t have known she was reinforcing his deepest held insecurity, and for a moment his mask slipped. Or maybe he was touched by her assertion that he was just a ‘regular high school kid’? We don’t know, but it’s worth taking a look at these moments in this new light.
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You staring into the middle distance with a haunted look too yet? I know I am.
If you’re interested in the bright side (I needed this, I hope it helps):
Narratively speaking, this is the angst section that will lead to Midoriya Izuku: Rising and the happy ending they all deserve.
And the person most likely to disavow him of this sense of inherent worthlessness is the one person who added to it the most in their childhoods.
No one else can reassure Izuku that he is special, that he’s worthwhile and—crucially—that he always has been, because he’s the only one who knew that all along.
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If you need more reassurance, remember that their Origin and Rising chapters so far have all involved each other and have mirrored the emotional journey they’re both on.
Bakugou Katsuki: Origin: Katsuki struggles to accept Izuku and work as a team to battle All Might. Eventually does the bare minimum to cooperate by lending him his gauntlet.
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Bakugou Katsuki: Rising: Katsuki coordinates the pro heroes and sacrifices himself to save Izuku. His body ‘moved on its own.’
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Midoriya Izuku: Origin: Izuku is bullied by Katsuki, tries to save Katsuki from a villain—his body ‘moved on its own’, and is consequently told he can be a hero by All Might.
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It isn’t a reach at all to pretty safely assume that Izuku’s Rising chapter will also be intrinsically linked to Katsuki, and it is his cooperation, faith and love (however you interpret it) that will finally save Izuku from his own sense of worthlessness. Closing the circle.
So yeah, this bit could be rough for the next few chapters, but I have faith that Horikoshi will wrap it up in a way that will be so rewarding and satisfying.
I’m gonna stop now because I’m ill and I need to rest my head, thanks for reading! 😮‍💨
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year
Fairytale Wedding
Captain John Price x F! Royalty Reader
Summary: a continuation of “A Knight in Shining Amor” After Y/N had recovered from her injuries she started to court Captain John Price. Even attending Trooping the Color with him. Soon a Royal proposal happened & the big wedding day is upon us
Warnings: Mention of a wedding night
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Y/N had been waiting for this day ever since she was the flower girl at her Aunt Mary’s wedding. Years of preparation went into this ceremony, all the way from the tiara she was to select from her grandmother’s collection to the flowers in her bouquet. She had waited years to find a man suitable for her, then came along John. He had saved her life & she grew fond of him. Over the past year they had been courting each other & attending formal events. However behind the privacy of the palace walls it was a whole different story. She was able to see that tender side of him & he was able to see her without all the Royal protocol. He was used to seeing her in a gorgeous ballgown, or all done up but he found her most beautiful in blue jeans.
So here she stood in front of the golden gilded mirror in her bedroom. Her wedding dress had been designed custom by Christian Dior & was adorned with beautiful floral appliqués representing each of the Commonwealth countries. It had a high neck resembling Grace Kelly’s iconic wedding dress & her veil was a cathedral length. The blusher draped over her face & went down to her elbows. She looked the epitome of what a royal bride was to be. John’s niece, Evelyn was in seventh heaven & couldn’t believe that his new aunt was a duchess. When she saw her new aunt in her wedding dress her eyes lit up.
“Auntie Y/N,” Her little voice squeaked out. She turned around to see the little girl looking up at her. “You are the prettiest princess I’ve ever seen.” She bent down & hugged the little girl.
“Thank you Eve,” Y/N replied. “And I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful bridesmaid.”
Price’s sister, Katherine & her sister now the Princess of Wales Caroline came in. Both were wearing the custom pale blue gowns that had been designed for them. Katherine picked up Eve & Caroline helped Y/N with the train.
“Ready to go?” Caroline asked. Caroline had already experienced her own wedding day & knew the jitters that Y/N was experiencing. Then started to walk out of the room & into the hallway. The private photographer they had hired was already snapping candid photos. Y/N started down the staircase & saw all of the palace staff watching her. She gave a soft smile in their direction they had seen her grow up & were a vital part of her upbringing. They were of equal importance to her that she shared this day with them.
She finally reached the bottom & walked to where the carriage was parked. Katherine put Evelyn in first & then helped Y/N with her gown. Caroline was near the steps into the carriage to lend a hand to make sure she didn’t fall. Once inside & seated next to Evelyn both ladies joined them. The foot man climbed up & grabbed onto the reigns.
“You ready your highness?” He asked.
“Yes I am! Let’s go!” She replied. Evelyn was practically bouncing in her seat it was the first time she was in a carriage & was absolutely elated. The childlike wonder of her future niece made Y/N wonder what her future children will be like. Soon they were off towards the large brass & golden gates of Buckingham Palace. Screaming crowds of people from all over the world lined the streets. Y/N waved to the people & Evelyn being the social butterfly she was yelled “hello” & waved. Katherine couldn’t help but laugh at her child soaking in the royal treatment.
The sun was out & shown down on the carriage. Y/N’s tiara she had on loan from her grandmother reflected off of the sunlight creating a bright effect. It just added to the beauty of the day. Finally they pulled up to the Westminster Abbey, & her dress was able to be put on full display. Katherine, Evelyn, & Caroline all stepped out before letting Y/N out. Caroline held out an arm while Katherine held onto Y/N’s bouquet & Evelyn.
Once Y/N was out of the carriage the already cheering crowds erupted into louder cheers. Katherine handed her the bouquet & held onto Evelyn’s hand as they started to walk into the cathedral. The priest was waiting for her at the front doors. He grabbed one her hands & gave her some words of endearment to help calm her nerves. Very similar to the ones he gave to John earlier.
At the alter John stood there staring at the thousands people. His team was in the second row all smiles. Ghosh was Simon today, he had ditched his skull mask for a clean shave. Soap showed up in a kilt to represent Scotland. Gaz was there for a good time & to represent his Captain. John hadn’t been this nervous since his first mission. He hadn’t felt this way about anyone ever, she was his whole world. He knew that the moment he visited her in the hospital. The organ started up & the choir started to sing a religious hymn. The crowd stood up & watched as the religious dignitaries walked first lead by the priest.
Then his beloved niece & older sister. He smiled at her as she waved excitedly while throwing petals. It made him wonder what the future children Y/N & him would have. Soon he saw his beloved, looking absolutely ravishing. She radiated pure love & the sunlight from the Abbey’s skylight make her sparkle. Tears started to well in John’s eyes when he saw her. Finally she had reached the alter, & after handing her bouquet to Caroline he took her left hand.
“You look beautiful.” He whispered to her.
“You look handsome.” She whispered back. He really did know how to pull off a British Army Officer’s dress uniform. The ceremony was long but the both of them soaked up every minute. Once the ceremony was complete, they had started to make their way together down the aisle. He had looked over to his team & Soap gave him two thumbs up. John shook his head & chucked.
After carriage ride through the streets of cheering of crowds who wanted to get a glimpse of the newly weds they had finally reached the palace. While the guests were starting to arrive for the reception Y/N & John along with their families were in the sitting room that the main balcony is connected to. John couldn’t stop staring at his bride, she was the most of beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on. It was clear her inner beauty reflected outwards. She had bumped into him & he had grabbed onto her waist insuring she didn’t fall.
“Jonathan Price, that better be your sword poking me.” She giggled.
“Its definitely a sword my dear but one you’ll see later on.” He whispered back into her ear causing her to blush. It was soon time for them to grace the balcony that was looking out onto the crowds celebrating the wedding. It was customary the couples saved their kiss for the balcony with the entire royal family.
With Y/N & John in the front both families surrounded them. The crowds were screaming “kiss her” over & over again. John placed his hands at her waist & took her in for a deep kiss. The roar from the crowd was amplified once they saw them lock lips. Once they broke apart they rest their foreheads against each others.
“I love you.” She said & looked into his eyes.
“I love you more.” He said & pulled her in for another kiss.
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yuujispinkhair · 9 months
hello saw the Sukuna post with the fruit and it got me thinkin about other modern day things sukuna probably hasn’t experienced,,, specifically fireworks
fireworks were introduced to japan in the 16th century (1501-1600) and sukuna was “killed” about 1,000 years ago, so we’ll just say 1010. THEREFORE. sukuna likely never experienced fireworks (and if he did experience them, they probably were being used as weapons of war rather than a flashy celebratory tool)
dude. can you imagine how he would react to like. new years. bc the tokyo celebrations are SO FLASHY (https://youtu.be/0y0li-uoXek?si=YJLh0tKlAoZF7Trq)
would he be startled? would he not give a shit? probably the latter but still. fun to think abt
Awww anon, I am so weak for stuff like that! To imagine Sukuna experiencing modern-day things for the first time 💗💗😭😭 It makes me so soft for him somehow. I mean, he already learned all of those things the moment Yuuji ate his first finger because Sukuna gained access to Yuuji's memories. But I think it will still be something different to actually see these things happening in real-time.
Imagine a reincarnated Sukuna, walking around in modern times with his own body, getting to taste all those new dishes and seeing fireworks and feeling the rain on his skin again and experiencing human sensations like getting cold or warm for the first time again after a thousand years.
I think some things will leave him staring at them in childlike wonder. You will have to hide a laugh when Sukuna uses some old-fashioned words to describe things, but your heart will also feel so warm when you see how this ancient, powerful, god-like being looks at this new world with so much wonder in his eyes.
Oh, to be the one by his side whom Sukuna turns to and asks, "Show me your world, my love. I want to know everything."
Oh, to be the one to take his hand and help him get accustomed to modern life 😭💗
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gatheringbones · 1 month
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wickie stamps, from I am your Frankenstein, from leatherfolk: radical sex, people, politics and practice, edited by mark thompson, 1991
[“My activism began right after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., with a donation to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In my twen- ties, in hopes of reaching women like my momma who were locked away from their children, I joined forces with men and women whose families, like mine, were imprisoned. A decade later, I expanded this work to include battered women who were incarcerated for killing their abusers. Although my activism has spanned the communist and anti- intervention movements, it was in the anti- psychiatry, the women's health, and eventually the violence- against- women movements that I would directly wage war against the madness in my past.
For over half my life, I've sat on dozens of progressive boards, volunteered thousands of hours, held down back- breaking, poverty- level movement jobs, and attended many protests. I have watched fellow activists collapse, and institutions and movements I fought to build dissolve. Because of ill health, poverty, breakdowns, and emotional abuse, most of my peers have left political work. My activism is the only weapon I have ever had against the domestic violence, alcoholism, homophobia, and sexism that have maimed me, my family, and my friends.
Since coming out as a sadomasochist, I have felt a perpetual scream of rage against a movement that has betrayed me. I do not know if I will ever be able to express how deeply I have been wounded. For my sadomasochism has turned me into a pariah. The compliant face of sisterhood, which once comforted me, has now cracked open to reveal a poisonous Medusa's head. My movement is now just like my familial home, a house filled with hissing vipers.
After twenty years of movement work, I am alone again. Right before a scene, in my leather or my lace, I sit on the edge of my bed and wonder, where are all those women activists to support me now? Where are they for my lover, who is much more experienced than I, and has paid dearly for pursuing her desires? If I tarry too long she must come into the room, sit down beside me, and hold me while I cry. Where is the army of women- “proud sisters" is what they said- to cheer us in our courageous act?
When an ex- lover who was angry about our breakup grabbed me and threatened my life, where the fuck were my sisters, so concerned with violence against women? Could I have found a haven in the scores of shelters I helped build? Or found my image in their literature, the words I helped write? Could I have asked for a return of the support that I’d given them? Or, now that I am a sadomasochist, are they wedded to their vicious theories that heap more blame on me than my lifetime of abusers?
In my family, words— in the form of eagerly awaited letters— were the only thing I had to cling to. Words, mailed across the madness, the miles, and the years, are the most cherished and untarnished heirloom that has been given to me. Violence and disease took everything else. Somehow in words we could love, laugh, and be the family we knew we weren't. When I received letters from my incarcerated momma, I would sit, late at night, cross- legged on my bed and gather them into a big pile on my lap. Then I drew them up into my arms and tried to squeeze the love inside of me. In my letters back to her I intentionally let my tears drip onto my childlike scrawl just in case she might not know that I was devastated from the loss of her or that my daddy was scaring me. To this day, when a letter from my sisters or my stepmother arrives, I carry it for days. Words were all we had.
And it is now words, the gift of my demolished family, that have become my source of strength. They are carrying me through rage and agony for a movement that has maimed me. With words, I can stake out my ground and wage my war. If I do not let their hatred against me come too near, I will not be hurt. For I am beginning to break the silence about the sickness within my movement. It is a way to help her heal. During those dark times, when my movement's fascistic sexual theories and hollow voices almost convince me I am sick, it is my anger rechanneled into clear prose that snaps me back from the edge that my feminist comrades persistently nudge me near.
There are amends to be made, reparations due, and many questions that in my writing I am beginning to ask. I want to ask," You, who demand accountability for batterers and rapists, what about the last decade of S/ M women you abused, denounced, and banned from your meeting places? When are you going to hold yourself accountable for your own violence against women?
After twenty years of devotion to a movement, I find myself searching for a new place of solace, and some reflection of myself. But where can I turn? To a movement gone mad? To old friends who love me but who, as I journey deeper into S/ M, feel so far away? To old theoretical iconoclasts- Andrea Dworkin, Mary Daly, Marilyn Frye my life- roots that now lie rotting? Or to the new leathermen and women in my life whom I know so scantily and whose support I need so desperately? When the final limb breaks and I am pitched into my abyss of fear, many eyes will see, but what hands will reach out to break my fall?
Although my voice is in growing disharmony with the matriarchal movement, I have decided that I will not betray that which bound my wounds. For she taught me to sound the depths of my rage and forge my fury into a sword to wield against my enemies. She gave me back the memories of my blood sisters and taught me to love my momma for her courage. She led me into my lesbianism, and eventually into my sadomasochism. But now she writhes in her own poisons. So while her sexually neutered goddesses are napping, I will slip into her lair and, with pen filled with my family's blood, confront her with the madness that she's trying to say is mine.”]
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nonbinarypirat · 9 months
I promised to do a break down on Azz's and Clara's relationship specifically since the initial post was so long (Iruma's relationships within the love trio) so here it is! This is long compared to my initial post breakdown of the relationships since I am just focusing on these two. And I wanted to do these two right since so many people think Azz doesn't like or appreciate Clara.
As we know, in the beginning the two of them mostly revolved around Iruma. Azz was very much annoyed with Clara's personality, there wasn't much to tie Clara to Asmodeus besides playing, and as they mention in the manga, more than likely they would have never met and/or become friends without Iruma. Iruma was very much needed for the initial start of their relationship. However, that doesn't mean that by this point in the story we don't see they both care deeply for each other outside of just getting along for the sake of having Iruma.
Similarly to Iruma, Clara has enabled Azz to experience more playfulness and childlike fun than he ever experienced previously. Clara is not just some afterthought within the love trio. She is necessary for the two of them to open up more emotionally. Especially Azz. Asmodeus in general is a very closed off person by nature, stemmed from a fairly isolated childhood of no one wanting to interact with him. We see this when the soulmates are first seperated because they have to join other clubs. Azz basically never interacted with the other members unless he had to. It's hard for him to open up and let his excitable, lovely side shine through. Clara is one of the people that inspired that in him because even with just Iruma, Asmodeus wouldn't know how to just let himself be playful. Sure, the first time him and Clara played together was because Iruma asked him to, but that was more than likely the first time he has ever done this.
Additionally, Clara gives Azz an extra challenge. She's not easy to understand and is someone he feel like he must compete with for Iruma's affections (of course that has changed drastically in the latest volumes and chapters). Asmodeus is used to being the best, outshining anyone and anything in his path. He's a young genius. But that means he didn't have something to push him to grow. Clara is someone who is so widely different from him that it causes him to have to strive towards understanding her. When they have to work together for the hell dance, Azz realizes that yeah, she thinks about the world in an entirely interesting way compared to him. And he can learn from this new perspective. Azz has really grown to care about Clara because he knows she can open up sides of him no one else can.
Clara on the other hand learns about more structure then she ever had before. Clara has been on a character development of realizing that yes, unadulterated chaos can be great. But it can also just cause trouble for yourself and for others. She can rely on Azz to shut down some of her more outlandish ideas, not because of meaness but because the situation doesn't call for it (though he'll shut it down in the sassiest way possible of course). She lives beyond the comprehension of most people and that's what makes her so wonderful. But she can go overboard and doesn't tend to second guess things. With characters like this, you need somone/something to stop them before something ends up being a giant mess.
And Clara felt the same as Azz too about the way he thinks. To Clara, he also makes zero sense. That's why she also needs to strive to understand him and be more considerate of his feelings. She understands that emotions and care doesn't come easy to Asmodeus. And she gives him room to express them however he can and gives him the encouragement he needs. She truly is the best at understanding the emotions that Azz and Iruma are experiencing. Her role as the emotional challenger/instigator pushes Azz to understand why he is feeling that way.
Like I said, Clara is very much needed in the group. I'll fight anyone who thinks she isn't. Because without Clara's brazen approach to feelings, these two boys wouldn't push themselves. Like, sure she group in her toy box because she could see something is wrong with iuma, but it was as much for Azz as it was for him. Because she would also know when he's feeling down about something too. I saw someone call her their safe place on twitter and its true. She's someone they can go to when they just need to talk to someone or vent to. And like a trained big sister, she will pet their hair and listen.
I really hope we get to see just these two interact more as the story progresses as well as Clara Iruma solo time. Because I care about the love trio so much, they are basically free therapy for me. Oh and in case you were wondering, yes I am obessed with Azz wanting to take a picture of Clara in her cute swimsuit. He's so in love with his soulmates it's so cute. I know he has the best icloud service and still has to backup his photos often from how many pictures of Iruma and Clara he owns.
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aifanfictions · 11 months
write a story about (y/n) finding an injured Meruem (fro the anime Hunter x Hunter) after is fight with the chairman of the Hunter association. (y/n), not knowing who she is, decides to help and uses her healing abilities to save his life.
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A Tender Melody
In the heart of the secluded forest, (Y/N) continued to tend to Meruem's injuries and assist him in his recovery. As the days passed, their connection grew stronger, and the once-mighty Chimera Ant King found himself drawn further into the enigmatic world of human emotions.
Under the gentle care of (Y/N), Meruem's injuries gradually healed, but it was the mending of his heart that was the most profound transformation. His vulnerability and newfound emotions were perplexing to him, and he struggled to comprehend the profound changes occurring within his being.
"(Y/N)," he spoke her name softly one evening, his voice carrying an almost childlike innocence, "I do not know what I am feeling. It is as if my heart, once hardened, is now… thawing. What is happening to me?"
(Y/N), sitting beside him, looked into his eyes with understanding. "Meruem, you are experiencing emotions, something every human knows well. It's not a weakness but a strength, a testament to your capacity for change and growth."
Meruem's crimson eyes, once filled with a sense of invincibility, now revealed a vulnerability and curiosity that intrigued (Y/N). They began to share stories of their pasts, their dreams, and their perceptions of the world. Meruem's inquiries about the intricacies of human existence were met with patience and warmth.
With each passing day, the forest's beauty and the bond between (Y/N) and Meruem deepened. They explored the wonders of nature together, and (Y/N) introduced him to the world of music, playing her favorite tunes on a small, portable instrument she had brought with her.
The melodies she played seemed to resonate with Meruem in a way nothing else had. The music carried emotions he had never before encountered, and they touched his heart deeply. It was as if (Y/N)'s music became the bridge between their worlds, allowing Meruem to express his emotions through the power of melody.
One evening, Meruem stood beneath the forest's canopy, his crimson eyes focused on the horizon. (Y/N) joined him, playing a soft, soothing melody that echoed through the trees. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a breathtaking palette of colors across the sky.
In that serene moment, Meruem turned to (Y/N), his voice quivering with sincerity. "I want to protect this place, our sanctuary, and the melodies that have awakened my heart."
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes filled with warmth. "You're already doing that, Meruem, simply by being here and sharing in the beauty of this world."
Meruem's transformation, once marked by his insatiable hunger for power, had now culminated in a different kind of strength—an emotional depth and a yearning for understanding. He didn't know how to label it, but he was captivated by (Y/N), who had shown him the profound beauty of the human experience.
Their connection deepened, and the tenderness of their bond blossomed. They laughed, shared stories, and embraced the world's wonders together. Love, an emotion once foreign to Meruem, became a powerful force in his life.
One day, as they stood near a crystal-clear stream, Meruem found himself struggling to express his emotions. "I feel something for you that I cannot define," he admitted, his crimson eyes fixed on (Y/N). "It's as if my heart aches when you're not near. What is this?"
(Y/N) took his hand and looked into his eyes with a gentle smile. "Meruem, what you're feeling is love. It's a profound and beautiful emotion that binds people together. And I feel the same way."
In the heart of the forest, amidst the rustling leaves and the soft melodies of the stream, (Y/N) and Meruem's love story continued to unfold. Their love was a testament to the transformative power of emotions and the enduring strength of the human spirit.
As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, (Y/N) and Meruem's bond deepened, their love growing stronger with each passing moment. The once-mighty Chimera Ant King had not only healed physically but had undergone a profound transformation, becoming a protector of the forest and a guardian of the tender melodies that had unraveled his heart.
In the quiet embrace of the forest, their love story became an enduring testament to the power of human emotions and the extraordinary capacity for change and growth, even in the most unlikely of hearts.
NOTE! This story was generated by OpenAI
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wanderingcritter · 5 months
it's so strange to me when ppl talk abt furries like they're the worst thing in the world (in a not joking way lmao) and abt how being one is somehow rotting my brain or depleting my quality of life or whatever bc its like,
without a doubt being a furry is one of the best things that's ever happened to me, idk that id trade it for anything.
like the amount of just pure, absolutely childlike joy and wonder ive experienced over my nearly 5 years in the fandom is actually insane, i can't think of anything else that has made me this happy for this long. I still remember what it felt like when I first discovered the fandom and started to fall in love with it, the only thing I can really compare it to was when I put on glasses for the first time when I was like 12 (im extremely near sighted) and was like "OMG EVERYTHING IS SO BRIGHT AND COLORFUL AND BEAUTIFUL ALL OF A SUDDEN :D"
ive met so many cool ppl and ive discovered my passions and ive learned abt so many different walks of life. it helped me realize just how creative i am and how much I love art, it gave me an outlet for my overactive imagination and ive made so many friends. I genuinely hope that everyone is able to find is able find something that makes them feel this fulfilled at some point in their lives :)
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firespirited · 8 months
everywhere but here, I am the mom.
not the 'mom friend', not fun aunt or godmother, the big sister type you go to when you're at the end of your tether and you need a mom to clean up something nasty, kill a spider, unload on someone who can handle it and not make it about them, help you pull the trigger on a hard decision you've already taken but haven't accepted. I make things happen, I connect people, I do mediation and emotional prep; I tell people their full options and help them weigh it all up. You were pondering it for a while but you left here with a lawyer's appointment and a loan we both know is a 'pay it forward' gift. I carry the secrets and the bad memories so it makes sense you move on without me when all's well. The big sister thing means I feel like family and shelter but not really like an everyday friend
Here, I get to be Saffy, bit of a klutz, silly brained with a childlike wonder for creatures and well-designed things who can talk about fear of crowds, slowly healing the relationship with my own mum, I watch horror and post about my dog. That's who I want to be, a large facet of who I am internally buuut life rarely fits the idea we have of ourselves does it?
Part of repairing the imbalanced relationship with mum was letting her do some protective mothering so i can fill the desperate ache to have one person in the world who has my back, while making my support of her more streamlined and unspoken. You know the concept of the toilet paper fairy who makes loo roll appear and always knows when to buy more, that but for groceries, electronics and paperwork, and big decisions we carry together but it has to be very businesslike and unemotional: she's as much a big sweetheart as she is fiercely independent (and ashamed/angry her daughter had to carry half the load). So now she's the one who notices or who I go to when the world has asked me to be The Mom again.
I imagine it's a lot like gay penguins: there's an ecological vacuum of big sister-mom types and some of us just have the vibes.
This winter I've done a metric ton of non-judgmental, non-condescending temporary 'parenting' of women with parents who are gone or who can't handle it and friends who aren't friends-for-that-kinda-thing. I'm really good at it, at weathering a storm for someone and being an anchor. It doesn't hurt any more because mum can be an emotional mum to me.
but I'm never sure how to talk about it here between dolls and shitposts and if i'm not specific... I mean... "chronically ill/special needs person currently or previously in abusive relationship with parent/partner who takes a while to realize and accept abuse isn't just fists but sleep depravation and symptom minimization and all sorts of tiny things that add up to life-threatening injury to the body and mind" applies to many of us dollblr folks as it does like 80% of my social circle offline.
and there's no way of saying that being around some folks is like experiencing a slow motion train wreck without sounding like an asshole.
I am that asshole.
I am goatsed out and want to be a hermit.
Did I tell you guys my doctor vented for 45 minutes about having to put her "dumbass hysterical" sister (deaf and never put in school) into care and the paperwork involved in getting disability (the thing that took me 14 years and she got her sister's transferred in 3 weeks). and I truly empathize but that wasn't very professional and your sister is a person. please.
and I can't cut M out of my life now that her kid is, as predicted, like her (and the facebook-chosen not-yet-divorced deadbeat-dad of 3 special needs kids), an adorable barely verbal two-year-old. She won't be able to navigate special needs care alone but she's still staunchly anti-vax and had a diatribe of ableism mixed with mystical pseudoscience for me, interspersed with thanks for being more family to her than her sister in helping her know how to leave a bad relationship. hokay not making this easy.
S is going to be on the hook for tax evasion if she stays with the shady useless guy she's been babying (and resenting) for 20 years solely because she doesn't like to do activities alone. three times now I've been cornered for the vent sesh. I am sitting on the floor the next time, I need blood in my brain to emote properly. and that unneutered bulldog living in the south is a crime, it can't breathe it can't think, it's all hormones and anxiety covered in fur, of course it's a nuisance around the house.
and there's more but i'm tired of typing and thinking.
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