#i am never drawing curly hair the way i did again
armentas · 1 year
words have been failing me these past couple weeks so i've been just drawing my characters instead. finally finished them!!!
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kozachenko · 3 months
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[Click image for better quality]
Ok so, what I did is go into the clip studio paint file, make a new file, copy and paste the group in the original file, merge everything, get rid of the extra stuff outside of the canvas, and then make the flattened image smaller and crop the canvas. Once you have that, export it and you're done. This helps maintain the actual quality of the image and also helps shrink the file size down to something actually postable (if anyone has a better way of doing this please tell me)
[Edit]: Ok I guess posting something to Tumblr just naturally compresses the image a bit more somehow because I'm looking at it now and zooming in too much makes it a bit blurry so I'm still gonna have to futz around with image quality for future pieces oof
Artist's Note:
I'm so glad I figured out a way to do this because I like working on a big canvas so I can get as much detail in as I possibly can. Only problems are how laggy it gets while drawing lol.
I had an idea for a drawing with Reimu and Zanmu because I really like thinking about their potential dynamic a lot. I also wanted an excuse to draw Zanmu again but in my normal rendering style because last time I drew her she was in my more sketchy style with generally flat colours so I wanted to draw her again. Speaking of, looking at the sketch for this is a jumpscare that I never enjoy seeing, like, man am I glad I didn't use those for my final piece.
Also about her spear. I was originally gonna make it like the ones she had in game, but it kinda threw off the whole piece. It was too big, too blue, and too flat, so I just went "fuck it" and gave her a different one instead. My headcanon justifying this is that the ones she uses in game are for danmaku battles whereas in any other fight she just uses a proper yari, or she still uses the yari and just makes it all glowy to power it up, maybe both lol. I pulled as much inspiration as I could from Sengoku era spears, and even put in some blue into the decorative part of the spear and also added a little skull to pay tribute to the original spear. Also, in my research I saw some art of izanami and izanagi making japan and saw that the yari izanagi has had a little decorative tassley thingy on it so I took some inspo from that and just made it one of Zanmu's tassles (Idk when that art was from or if the spear was still accurate to Sengoku period Japan but hey, probably the same reasons Eirin puts little bow ties on her arrows, it's just for personalization purposes).
I love rendering hair and clothes so much omg, while I like the super curly hair Zanmu, the longer, wavier hair suits her better for this drawing (I imagine it only does that like how Ghibli characters hair moves when they feel angry lol). I love making Zanmu's hair all messy and crazy, as well as giving her grey hairs, this woman has aged like a fine wine. Also, if the hem on the ends of her sleeves, top of her shirt, and her pants look like gold to you, that's because it is! It's fairly light so she's not collapsing under the weight, but it's gold! (I don't care how impractical it is, it's just cool). Not the undershirt though, it's made of a gold fabric. I had a cute idea with Reimu's hair to make it have a red shine to it. I also changed up Reimu's outfit so it isn't just a blob of red. I like it a lot when Reimu's skirt and outfit is segmented into different layers, so I wanted to incorporate that.
I tried to draw their hands differently as well, but IDK how noticeable that is. Also, I am super happy with how the side profiles for the two of them turned out, I used to struggle a lot with how to make the side profile of a character actually look like the character, so I'm really happy that they actually look like themselves.
Also added in the tree and rocks in the background as an homage to Zanmu's character art in Touhou 19, just because I was getting kinda stumped on what to do with the background lol.
In terms of a story idea with Reimu and Zanmu, idk why but the potential plotline of Zanmu wanting to ascend to godhood is so fascinating to me. Like, it is very possible that if she just convinced everyone she was a god (which would be very easy for her to do), she would become one in a heartbeat. Also, if she were to become a god, with her ability to return stuff to nothing, could she hypothetically get similar abilities to (Jojo Part 5 spoiler btw) GER? Like, idk about the death timeloop stuff, but the concept has been haunting me every night as I have been trying to find loopholes in GER's ability for a while now ( for no reason in particular). Back to the main topic, I imagine that she would probably tell Reimu that if she were to become a god she would take over the Hakurei shrine since the god there might as well be dead, and Reimu just says to her, "Over my dead body bitch." Like, I have no idea how to summarize their dynamic but like, it's the type of hero-villain dynamic where the phrase "We're not so different, you and I" would definitely be a phrase said during a fight. I think that if another IN style game were to release, Reimu and Zanmu would be in a team together. They could also have an interesting mentor and pupil kind of dynamic. Can you tell that Zanmu has been charging my mind rent these part few months? Like, instead of living in my head rent free, she kinda just uno reversed the whole situation and now she's the one charging me rent. What happens if I get evicted from my own brain? Actually, scratch that, I don't think I wanna know.
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jellyfishsthings · 1 year
Warnings: smut, minors do not interact, sex in a library, oral(fem!reader receiving), man handling, fucked from behind, rough, fluffy ending...
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As Remus finished his essay for Magic History. His eyes hurt like hell. He removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He looked at his reflection in the library window opposite him. The person that looked back at him looked nothing like him. A scar ran across his nose. One of his first ones. His forest green eyes looked haunted. His curly fluffy hair was pushed back by his round wire-framed glasses.
A movement stole his attention. There she was. Her beautiful face morphed in interest when her curious eyes ran along the bookshelves and met the titles of the romance section. Tell me what you are reading love. I will do everything to you. Just say the word. He chuckled lightly at the thought. One day. One day, he would. Hopefully today.
She made her way towards the back room. Only eight people had access to that room. The Head Boys and Head Girls of every house could use that room. Lucky them, they both had that privilege. He grabbed his things and entered the room. Letting them sit at one of the tables and closing in on her form.
"What are you reading, dovey? Is it one of your erotica books again?" He whispered in her ear as he hugged her close and started leaving lazy hickeys in her neck.
"First of all, how dare you say such vile and filthy things to your girlfriend, mister? I shall have you reported to the Headmaster right away," she said as she leaned back on him. Teasing him. She was in a good mood today. "And I shall have you know that i-" she trailed off in her sentence as he slightly pinched her tits through her uniform.
"You were saying?" He teased back. Just as she opened her mouth to banter with him he proposed a deal. "Sweetheart, I want to try something."
"You see, you read all these books and I am curious to see why you like them so much. Yet I know that you would never let me read them. So I thought that we should make a deal. You can read them to me while I eat you out. You know how much I love eating you out, don't you? If you manage to read me at least one chapter I will reward you. What do you say, honey?"
"Right here?"
"We can wait until later when I can sneak into your dorm. But then I won't be able to fuck you against bookcases. Or while you are bent over these desks. It's your choice, my love."
"If I agree with your term, will you do both?"
"If you can take it…"
She didn't need to hear more. She ran towards one of the desks and hopped on one. He buried one hand in her hair and placed a kiss on her lips. "I love you" he whispered sweetly in the kiss and when he broke it he kneeled in front of her removing her trousers and her underwear.
"Yeah… me too. Now get on with it. I always wanted to try this" she demanded
He bit in her inner thighs, drawing a high-pitched squeal from her and mouthing over her cunt "bossy eager girl".
She whined and to which he responded "I am not starting until I hear you reading"
She huffed and began narrating. "Chapter 11. The phone rang as he was buried deep inside her.
"Don't answer that" she begged.
Yet he ignored her and reached for it any-anyway"
Her voice lost its volume as he started lapping at her. He knew how to drive each and every sound out of her. He was going easy.
She continued steadily until he started practically making out with her pussy. His tongue was entering her constantly. He sucked everywhere as if trying to form hickeys and separated her now swollen lips every few seconds.
"Continue," he said in a rough voice.
And that she did. She drew her whole willpower and focused on reading. Though as he got more eager she lost her concentration. She had read three whole pages and only one was left. He wouldn't notice. Especially since her thighs were so tightly pressed in his ears.
"Remus, please. More." Within a few seconds, she was undone by him. Cumming in his tongue, on his lips, as he devoured her like there was no tomorrow.
"Good job love. Only one page short. Next time you won't be able to read one sentence. Now stand on your feet." She complied without a pause.
"Turn around" she did. He placed one hand on her back and slowly pushed her down to lie at the table.
"Grab the edges and stay still" she didn't need to hear it twice.
He removed his pants and boxers. Grabbed her hips and entered her, hard. Making her cry in ecstasy. A slap was delivered to her ass shortly after "Quiet or else, I will leave you here. Alone. Aching in silence." She nodded fast and bit her arm to stay quiet.
He was flying in and out of her. Leaving always only his tip in. He was torturing her. His pace was animalistic. Hard and incredibly deep. Each thrust made her crazy with want and pleasure. One of his hands maintained its tight grip on her while the other tried to take hostage every curve, every slope, every inch of her. He was rough with her and they both absolutely loved it.
She was moving up and down from the force of his movements. Each one of them made her breasts brush the material of one of his old sweaters, as they had escaped from her bra, creating a great stimulation to her nipples.
"Do you think you can take it if we move to the bookcases? Or have I already turned your legs to Jello?"
"Bookcase …now" her voice was hitched and broke from his thrusts. He grabbed her, moving her five paces towards one of his favourite shelves. A plan formed in his head.
"Hands on each side. Spread your legs for me love" she did as she was told blindly. He reached even deeper now if that was even possible.
"Oh God"
"Glad to see you praising me, dove"
"You cocky bastard" she fired back in a voice so dreamy and breathy making her insult sound like a compliment.
"Your cocky bastard. Only yours" he said before he started pistoning his hips into hers. The sound of their skins slapping filled the room. His hand snaked in her front. Under her shirt and playing with one of her breasts. It was too much for her to handle. Her arms got tired and lost their strength. She placed her forehead in one of the bookcases and the sight in front of her made her lose her breath.
In her stomach, her skin moved. Could he reach that far in this position? His sure and rough thrusts made sure for this to happen, didn't they? Her eyes travelled lower, where her previous release was coating her thighs. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. He was perfect, making her see stars and feel like she was in paradise. She must have said as much because the next thing she knew he repositioned her. Her upper body dropped to a horizontal line before…
"This is nothing sweetheart. The fun begins now".
Her legs couldn't hold on longer. Thank God he had placed his hands on her hips. Driving them into his as he fucked into her, making every stimulation ten times more pleasurable. Loud moans that sounded like his name echoed.
"That's it, love. Tell the world who makes you feel this good. Not giving a single fuck of getting caught." She clenched around him.
His left and dominant hand grabbed her throat lightly, not applying any pressure but giving the illusion of it.
"You would like that? Being caught, huh? Should I put public places on our list?"
"Yes," she yelled. How could he perform so well and taunt her at the same time? She wouldn't be complaining though.
"Alright now I want you to do me a favour. In the shelf in front of you my favourite book is stacked. If you find it before you cum, which you are so so close to do so, we can do anything you want. If you don't, we will do it in a public place next week."
Both options seemed terrific in her lust and pleasure-overridden brain. But a challenge was a challenge. Her eyes raked over the books. Her cloudy vision makes her work difficult. As she reached the edge she found it. Yet her release caught her off guard. Sounds that she would never make, exited her mouth. Only he could draw them out.
Remus. Remus. Remus. Her Remus. Only hers.
He continued strongly. Doing God's work on her.
"I'm so close. Will you cum with me?" His thrusts were sloppy but didn't lose their ability from bringing her close again. He started circling her clit with his thumb.
He fell from the edge first and took her with him. His hand clamped her throat a bit. Her vision blackened. He brought her close and rubbed her sides, calming her. They both looked in the place they were joined, their orgasms trying to escape by gushing down her legs.
"Legs up" he commanded, even though it didn't make sense she folded her legs and let his arm that hugged her middle keep her in place. As she practically hovered over the floor he placed her panties in her legs and started drawing them up.
"Kept them in my pocket. Don't want infections on my best girl" she giggled lightly at the comment. Trusting him with her life. As her underwear reached its rightful place, he removed himself and placed them there. Trying to contain everything inside her.
"Bad infections" she reasoned back or at least tried to.
"Yeah, really bad. You must really love me. For putting up with my and our sex cappeds"
"Rem" she said as she turned her head in his chest and whispered "tired"
"I know, let's get some rest, hm?"
He carried her onto one of the couches and let her get comfortable on top of him. She placed a kiss over his heart and mumbled " I love you" before she dozed off.
"Love you too, my heart."
words count: 1732
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zaceouiswriting · 6 months
Fairy Prince - Hearts of Leviathans - Ch.18
Character: Sky x male reader, Riven x male reader, Brandon x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in Winx Club/Saga
Warnings: None
Whispers followed my confident question. Of course, I know the two are still on my list, but I don't care which would be my next enemy, even though I hope it will be the blonde, possibly the cruelest, who gave me moldy food and used me as a punching bag. All because he believes the rumors.
But neither seems ready to take a step forward. With a deep sigh, I stick my sword into the ground, ready to degrade the people who believe they are at the pinnacle of military power. That was until the blonde steps forward out of nowhere.
“You’re too cocky. You may have defeated Riven, but you’re just a pervert.”
At this point, that nickname doesn't even bother me anymore. I just don't like that such a lie could destroy the reputation I've built by winning a war I never wanted to be a part of. But my growing anger dissipated as I remind myself that no one there actually knows who I am.
“Can we start this fight?” I ask the instructor, to which he nods. A second later begins the fight verbally.
"You will go under, metal can never defeat plasma-"
Before the blonde could even finish his sentence, I cut the plasma blade in a single movement and held my sword to his neck. With a grin, I move my head close to his ear and whisper, "That's called the viper bite. I usually would have had a dagger in my left hand, so this snake only has one tooth."
Without waiting for a second, I stab him in the neck with the tip of the blade, only to draw out a single drop of blood before kicking his legs in and causing him to fall to the ground while also turning away in the same motion so I can would not be torn down with him. As he lies shocked on the ground, I'm standing over him with the point of my sword at his throat. A crashing sound followed his quick defeat. His weapon, which flew a few meters due to his fall, suddenly bursts as the energy crystal explodes into a thousand pieces.
Once again, everyone around us is speechless. When he looks at Saladin, it is clear that he has already resigned himself to his fate. Fully aware that his people had done something unforgivable. Now that he can see that my grandfather did not lie to him.
I kneel next to Blondie and stare into his clear blue eyes. A beauty of innocence, but they couldn't fool me. He's not the first pretty boy to try to catch me with feigned innocence, although the first one actually managed to trap me this way. His eyes were even clearer than those of the blonde below me, his hair dark and curly. I could feel my face fall. Why do I have to remember him now?
“You were so arrogant it was almost cute,” I whisper as I swallow the sadness building inside me. "Your grip is strong for a swordsman, but you are as flexible as a tree, and your footwork is almost worse than Riven's," I sigh deeply, "you have a lot of training ahead of you."
After giving him these tips, I stand up and walk away. But there's a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Out of reflex, I raise my sword again to keep it behind me. A clinking sound and the feeling of something falling to the floor unnerves me. As I look over my shoulder, my blood begins to boil. There is a small dagger on the ground. I can't believe that an honorable soldier raised with the principles of a knight would do such a thing. It leaves me speechless.
At that moment, something just snapped inside me. The anger rising within me simply broke my patience. With my fist clenched, I turn around and run towards the blonde guy lying on the ground, who is grinning at me so smugly. It just makes me even angrier.
My hand hurt and burned after just a few hits. His face is hard, the bones so strong that I may have done more damage to my hand than to his face. But when people finally pull me away from him, his face is pretty beaten up, bloody, and swollen.
It actually took the specialists five men to pull me away from the dishonorable blonde idiot. They try to calm me down, but none of their words could do anything for me as they have looked down on me the whole time and still call me a pervert just because their walnut brains can't comprehend a male magic fairy.
As I am restrained, I close my eyes and begin to breathe lightly again, soothing my own mind with memories of the warmth of my childhood. But even that can only get me so far if the same person who sparked my anger keeps humiliating me, which is what the blonde does. Even after I beat him to a pulp, he couldn't stop insulting me. Luckily, I didn't react, which shows the guys holding me that I'm no longer a threat. At least, that's what they thought.
Then, as soon as they release me, I run forward, to everyone's visible and audible horror. With my sword before me, I am ready to strike him down. His eyes were as wide as possible with his swollen, almost blocked eyes. Another man is holding him, looking pale and fearing for his own life, although my blade wouldn't hit him as my only target is the monster he is helping.
With my eyes burning and my blade inches from his face, I prepare to kill another person. In my anger, I wait for blood to spray all over me. But it didn't happen, not even a little bit.
Instead, when I come back to my senses, my blade has been stopped by another. A massive, green greatsword. The wielder, someone I never thought would do this. I stare at him through gritted teeth and ask him in a whisper, "What are you doing? Let me kill the smug, arrogant dimwit!"
“I can’t allow that,” he answers quietly, as softly as he had always spoken to me. “He is my knight.”
“Knight?” I ask mockingly. “A knight would never be this underhanded! Throwing a knife in my back? You must be joking."
The brown-haired man briefly looks back at his knight. For a second, I even imagined seeing a momentary flash of disappointment in them, but before I could be sure, he turns forward again. Instead, all I could see was his determination to protect his knight regardless of what he had done.
I try to push him away, but the only thing that happens in return is he shoves me back instead. Startled, I stare at him with shocked eyes. My gaze even involuntarily wanders down my arms to my sword. But there's nothing wrong. So, how could he push me away so easily? His attention is already back on his knight.
"I'm sorry for my knight Brandon, but you can't just kill everyone who does something to you."
I roll my eyes and could only scoff. Once again, I'm beyond annoyed by his insolence. But to calm him down, I take a few steps away, preparing for the next fight.
“If I kill everyone who lied about me or said words to me that I don't like, no one here would be left alive.”
I could see and hear a heavy swallow going down his throat, by his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Because he knows I'm right. I grin at having the upper hand and hold my sword out to him.
“A bet,” I offer him.
"What?" he asks, increasingly confused.
“A bet,” I repeat myself more slowly, “If I win against you, too, I want everyone in your group to grant me one wish.”
"Is that all?"
“No,” you smiled evilly, “I want one of you three to be my assistant, loyal and cooperative.”
“And what if I win?”
“Whatever you want,” I tell him, staring into his eyes, never breaking eye contact, which makes him visibly uncomfortable.
The brown-haired man turns to his friends. They both approach him, and as they speak quietly, I look around; the atmosphere is more tense. Many people watch my every move with a disdain I've never felt before. Why do these people hate me? Is it really just because I wanted to follow my birthright? Would they change if they realized the error in their beliefs? I don't think so, but only time will tell.
I stand there for a minute, staring at the three guys heatedly arguing about my bet. But to be honest, it has quickly become boring. I look up and stare at the sun for only a moment before just looking at my fingernails.
At some point, I must've zoned out because I have only come to my senses after I feel someone pushing me. I shake my head to clear it and see the instructor in front of me, his face twisted in disgust. He doesn't say a word. He only looks down at me as if I'm inferior to him.
Already ticked off, I feel my magic tingling in my hand, ready to bring this man back down to the ground where he belongs. But luckily for him, I catch Saladin's eye as he shakes his head. Annoyed, I let go of the magic building in my left hand, a spell that would've electrified the man to a crisp. However, when I let it go, my arm glows with lighting. It even affects my eyes, with which I stare directly into the teachers' orbs. I could see him swallowing in fear, exactly what I wanted to see.
"Let's get this over with," I mumble impatiently. "Are you ready, pretty boy?"
The brunette guy turns and looks around, but to his visible shock, my eyes are solely on him. It took me a moment too long for my liking to understand that he didn't think I could ever mean him. I call out to him, ready to pounce him, already in my attack stance. Then, and only then, it apparently dawned on him that I could actually mean him. He blushes a little but stood his ground.
Soon, the instructor begins our fight. Unlike the other two times, I don't move instantly and stare at my opponent. Strangely, he doesn't get as nervous as I thought he would. Smiling, hoping he is more than what meets the eye. After a few minutes, he still didn't make his first move, so I did it for him.
Instead of walking, I go down a little. I angle my feet and stand still for a second, only to suddenly start sprinting. My opponent's eyes widen due to my high speed. He could barely react in time to raise his sword into the sky and bring it down a moment later. Seeing this, I hold up my sword, blocking his attack with ease, holding his greatsword slightly above me. Not many people actually fight with a greatsword, as a metal sword of this size is heavy and difficult to handle. But since only the handle is made from metal and the blade comes from a plasma crystal, the weight is certainly not an issue.
I can see the terror in his eyes that even with the power he has put into his sword, I find it so easy to block his attack. Although I feel the pressure he's putting on my sword with his due to his immense strength, I don't show it to make him suffer psychologically. He is strong but not very smart. He could have tried to push me to the ground using his legs or even removing one of his hands from the hilt of his sword since I'm sure he could wield it with one hand. But he doesn't do it. His only way of fighting is direct. This is honorable, but it doesn't work in a real fight.
There were many different ways I could end this fight, even honorably. But what's fun in it? I grin because I know the third fight is almost over. But suddenly, the pressure on my sword grew exponentially. Confused, I raise my gaze up to my opponent. He wears a determined expression on his almost saintly features, portraying nothing but displeasure at the moment.
Soon, I could hear a cracking sound under my feet, and even my left hand begins to hurt from still blocking the brutes strike. I could hold the position if I have to. But to get through this fight unscathed, I really need to do something soon. 
I let my sword waver under the growing pressure, gazing at my opponent's handsome features and waiting for him to smile.
And just as I think about it - not even a few seconds later - a big smile appears on his face because he believes he will win the fight and everything he wants from me. Now that I know he's already going berserk, I can finally end the fight.
I let my sword glide down the plasma greatsword and duck under it faster than the guy before me could react since he's out of his mind. Barely past the sword hanging above my head, I hear it crash into the stone, which cracked further under the enormous pressure exerted on it. My sword helped it come down further away from me. As soon as I feel my sword release from the pressure, I pull it towards me and quickly upwards. I quickly approach my opponent, and in an instant, I am standing in front of him, the sharp blade of my sword at his throat, cutting his skin lightly to bring him out of his rage.
The guy's eyes quickly clear again. The whitish, murky eyes turn into a warm hazel brown. To say it shocks me would be an understatement. I rarely found eyes beautiful, but these? They are from a different world.
“Man, you have beautiful eyes,” I murmur. It's only when I see the increasing blush on my opponent's cheeks that I realize that I actually said those words out loud and not only in my head. Embarrassed, I turn my head away but don't step away from him. "What's your name?"
He clears his throat, trying to hide his blush and replacing it with a grin.
“Sky,” he replies politely, a certain arrogance in his voice as if he is playing a role.
"Just Sky?“
“Prince Sky of Eraklyon.“
I stare at him dumbfounded, my mouth slightly open. He must have taken it to mean that I am amazed that he is actually a prince, but why should I? Instead, I look around. For a moment too long, my eyes are focused on the blonde guy that the guy in front of me called Brandon. He must have seen me staring at him because he moves nervously on his feet.
“Are you sure you're the Prince of the Golden Lion?” 
“Yes,” he says, less confident than before.
“Okay,” I whisper back and sheathe my sword. I step back from him and bow to him mockingly with a slight wink, ready to put an end to this show fight.
I turn to Saladin and the others. Everyone is stunned. It feels good, but I'm still not satisfied for some reason. My eyes shift to Cory, but his gaze is focused on the rest of the forest and seemed struck by its beauty. But he couldn't fool me. With a furious gaze, I stare at him. It didn't take long for him to look at me, but he immediately looks away. He tries to pretend he didn't see my angry eyes.
“Let’s fight!” I shout to him.
Cory groans in annoyance, throwing his head back, refusing to acknowledge me. However, when some specialists persist in bothering him, he reluctantly looks in my direction. It's clear he doesn't want to engage in any conflict with me. All I could do is smile confidently at him.
But Corey wasn't lucky that day because, as my best friend's older brother, I know how to rile him up. I change my face to a cold facade, straighten my back fully, slam the tip of my sword into the ground, and walk towards him. I caught a suspicious look out of the corner of my eye, but he didn't move away, most likely to protect his honor. I mean, who would run away from a rookie, right?
As I approach him, I maintain a serious expression and don't even offer a slight smile. I move around him in a circle, like the superior predator that I know I am.
“I understand you’re afraid of me, Corey,” I start murmuring. Almost immediately, I could feel his gaze on me. But I don't know if he's already figured out what I'm trying to do or if I've already got him hooked. Anyway, it's just the beginning. “Since Richard's failed expedition put your family's name in jeopardy, and your little brother was never able to defeat me even when I was supposed to be a fairy, I understand you are afraid of failure. Especially now that my grandfather has taken a liking to you and your family.”
“Shut it!” Cory warns me quietly. All eyes were on us, but our voices were so quiet that few could hear our words.
As soon as those disrespectful words left his big mouth, I finally stop some distance away from him. I grin at him. It didn't take long for him to realize my end goal. His eyes widen in panic, and he tries to reach out to me to apologize, but it's too late already.
“I demand retribution for this disrespect,” I say loudly. “I demand a Dorbikurr!”
The murmuring crowd abruptly fell silent. Although most probably have no idea what "Dorbikurr" means, the heavy tone of the word is probably enough to convey that it's not something easy or positive.
For as long as I've known him, Cory has never looked so shocked.
“Are you in your right mind?” he asks me in a panic. “I am a close graduate of the Red Fountain Academy. Do you think you can beat me? You know what would happen if I win, right?”
"I have to give up everything and become your servant forever. Corey, do you think I'm stupid?" I ask him rhetorically, my grin growing wider.
Even though I would lose everything if I lose to him, he wouldn't suffer the same fate. As the one challenged to this sacred duel, he would only lose his ability to ever hurt me. He cannot fight me in the future, tarnish my reputation, or oppose me in any way, and if he learns of a plot to harm me, he must inform me. Nothing in this world or any other can break the sacred promise.
He sighs as he resigns to his fate. Seemingly confident he would win. Even though I challenged him, is he really this stupid or just too cocky. Either way, I'll be sure to wipe away the growing smirk on his face.
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drossna · 3 months
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caduceus lvl.20 redesign i did ages ago but forgot to post
copious amounts of design notes under the cut
tl;dr: my goal with this redesign was to create a coherent design consistent with his previous art, improved enough to hopefully read as lvl.20, but still practical enough to serve as actual adventuring clothes
okay anyways so watch how autistic i can be about caduceus
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i wasn't satisfied with caduceus's lvl.20 design. i'm not entirely sure how that design happened. to be fair, critrole designs have never been consistent, but lvl.20 cad abandons nearly every key aspects of cad's design. it drives me batty
why is his hair so straight and pale and dead. why is he draped in so much brown. how do those wing-skirt things work. why does his staff... look like that. like its gonna explode into toothpicks at the first use. why is there honey. why is the gold of his shield so bright. what is the rope on his shoulders for
i mean, who knows what goes on in the critrole art development process. my personal theory is that they continue to design these characters as personal ocs and not as official characters in a huge multimedia franchise, and their personal choices trump all, design considerations be damned. like, i cant really judge. i have the privilege to make whatever choices i want when drawing. i answer to no one. i could tell taliesin jaffe to go fuck himself. yknow. if i wanted to die
regardless, i dont hate everything about the lvl.20 design. i appreciate that it brought back his swirl-patterned pants, but the entire core of his design is so busy with shit that it becomes a problem
i tried to preserve cad's key aspects as much as i could in my redesign, as well as incorporate aspects i enjoyed most from each design. for example, i really like the idea of the goliath beetle armour in lvl.20 cad, but i tinted the black shell towards blue to match cad's signature teal green.
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I also tried to create a palette consistent with his previous designs. teal should always be his primary colour, with pink being the most prominent accent. after that, anything thats analogous to those two is gravy. for real, i am begging critrole to at least keep consistent palettes, because this is a problem for most of their designs
my choice to include the red cords is inspired by the winter cad design as well as one of fjord's earlier designs (side note: most of fjord's designs are pretty great; he's the most consistently on-par)
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i enjoy drawing aesthetic parallels between connected characters. on that note, the swirly jade earring is a gift from beau :3 because they're fun earring buddies
speaking of cad's winter design, the design sheet showed a lot of asian influence (thats mostly covered by the cloak) and i will take any excuse to add asian influence to a design. the first two tunics below were my main reference for my own tunic choice
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the knots on the cords are specifically chinese knot art. the largest knot at his waist is a plate knot which can symbolize the cyclical nature of life and death, and the knot on his cape is a brocade knot which can symbolize (re)unity. i thought these concepts were in-line with cad's general philosophy and the wildmother's teachings. also, the brocade knot acts as his holy symbol with a crook-shaped pin woven through the cord. i really fuck with holy symbols being integrated into a design rather than just slapped on somewhere
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lightning round design notes:
the fraying woven material is witch hair moss, which i imagine could be made very soft and warm. this is my version of the neutral-coloured flynet cape in the fourth design
i brought back the iconic pink lichen
i simplied the staff again. my way of visually portraying a growth in power is that the one wooden hand has transformed into many hands grasping the crystal, which is also a representation of cad widening his social circle and of the nein in general
cad curly hair and beard so important to me
cad wide nose so important to me
final note:
the pose i chose for caduceus was very intentional. while cad looks great in a power pose, i feel like it doesnt suit his character. his power isnt so confrontational. his power is quiet and gentle and humble and inevitable. he doesnt need to show off. he's just chilling. i love this dumb silly man
and for the record, while i consider cad to be the worst lvl.20 design, jester is a guaranteed second place. very tempted to redesign her as well, because mature-but-frilly pirate lolita is right up my alley
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envyangelic · 5 months
꩜˚₊‧⁺⋆♱⋆☠︎︎ CHANGES ☠︎︎⋆♱⋆⁺‧₊ ˚ ꩜
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Part i of the CHANGES series
“ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES” Three words preached to you since day one. Words that bounced on the walls covered in your drawings made by crayons when you were six. You were grounded and the hysterical tears melted your face.
Your mother kissed your tears away but for the next week you were grounded. Days went on maybe you learned your lesson of thinking before acting but there was all sorts of actions of things you didn’t think clearly of before doing.
You watched your brother get into all sorts of trouble and then same thing would happen to him;grounded grounded grounded.
And then your mom got cancer and couldn’t keep up with the healthcare bills, she slowly wilted away. Consequences.
Your entire life filled with different consequences. Different experiences and even more stuff happening to you. Then it happened. The beginning of your senior year, you were almost out of that god forsaken town. But that never really happened in the way you wanted it to. Something happened, you didn’t think before you acted.
The action? Indescribablely horrifying. The consequences? Losing everything.
The morning outside your warm and cozy room is cold and breezy. Rain droplets stick the window and fallen leaves cascade the ground. A fog hangs over the small town in the mountains making anything too far unseeable.
A knock on the door awakes you from your slumber. You groan getting out the bed stretching your arms above your head. Your bare feet tap down the hallway. You let out a yawn as you peek through the door’s peephole and you’re met with the sight of one of your friends. His light brown face with a memorable eyebrow piercing faces the door annoyed and waiting.Unlocking and opening the door you get ready to scold him for waking you up so early.
You wipe your eyes of exhaustion “Elijah? It’s too early what do you want?” You sigh, Elijah rolls his eyes. “Someone’s grumpy, it’s not early at all you lazy ass it’s 11 am.” Your eyes widen in surprise.
“11am?!” You gasp, Elijah smugly smiles in response. “Who rocked your world last night?” He jokes leaning on the wooden banister of the porch. “Work did.”
You roll your eyes as you notice something different about him. His black curly hair is bleached to a blonde with only the black roots. “Woah, what did you do your hair? You look sick.” You laugh as his pushes his hair back making a fashionable face. “OH oh this new hair? Thank you, hold your applause.” He says with confidence.
“No I meant as it looks sick like I wanna puke.” You joke with him pretending to throw up. He shakes his head and you motion him to come inside. “Soo, you better have a good excuse to waking me up.” You turn around into the house walking into the kitchen starting up the coffee maker.
“I found this really cool place. And I know what you’re gonna say. No, that’s so stupid we’re gonna get caught and fined. But, it’s really far from the police station and we’d have plenty of time to run before the cops come.” He tries to explain himself as you look over to him with the most disagreeing eyes.
“I don’t feel like wasting gas, nor could I. I’m way too low on cash right now.” You tell him but he shakes his head “I already got us a ride, Pez.” You roll your eyes but smile at the nickname. Pez, the nickname Elijah and Mason call you. When you first met them you were surviving on sweet candy in your beater car running away from your home. It’s long ago now, maybe almost 3 years. You don’t like to track the time or remember the past.
The memories rush back anyways. You were reluctant to trust them, but then again you were stuck in the middle of no where, in a state you weren’t familiar with. Almost all your cash has run out and you didn’t have enough for gas to go further so you trusted them. Without any questions, they helped you get a new id with a fake name and started you working at a local bar.
“Did you really rope Mason into this?” Ypu ask as you pour a cup of coffee. Elijah starts to put some sugar in his. “Yep, only took a night and I promised I’d get him something.” Elijah winks and you scrunch your face up. “Really? Did not need to know that first part.” You groan and he takes a sip of coffee. “I’m gonna go get ready.”
You slip away from the kitchen into the bathroom. Freshening up your hair and putting on light makeup, you put your hair into his signature style before returning your room. You decide to pick out a warmer outfit. Your favorite pair of cozy pants and a fashionable yet warm top paired with a jacket that will definitely keep you toasty warm.
Sluggishly, you put on warm wool socks and converse. The only pair of shoes you could really afford that were durable. “I’m ready.” You tell Elijah as he finishes his coffee. “We’ll just walk to the cafe, Mason should be getting off his shift in 20 mintues and lucky us that’s how long it’ll take for us to get there.”
You quickly lock the door walking down from the steps as Elijah pulls out a cigarette and lights it. “Want one?” He offers but you decline “I quit months ago.” You respond. Elijah rolls his shoulders in a ‘you do you way’. He inhaled the tar smoke before breathing it out. Its smell entraps you into wanting one. You bite your lip pushing away the wanted feeling of no anxiety for a few split seconds. You decide to concrete on something different.
You tug your cold hands into a ball warming them up before burying them deep into the wool aligned pockets. Your eyes dart to the large forest on the side of the road. It keeps you interested and takes you away from the nicotine sparked thoughts as you look at the long trees and all the leaves that stem from the branches. Some water trails down from the trees plopping you on the head. Elijah finished his cig as he throws it on the ground crushing it with his heel.
“We’re here.” We look both ways before speed walking over to the left side of the road and down the pavement leading to the towns “shopping area” if you could call it that. It was more of just bunch of small businesses littered around the roads. The town was small but still a lot of new faces would appear from time to time. Businesses would make their money off of people who stopped in the town. Your town is more like a resting stop, people come and go never staying. Expect for you, you want to stay here. You barely see cops only when they’re called. Most people keep to themselves not wanting to get caught up in other people’s business.
Your mind zones back in with the sound of wet gravel ruffling against the bottom of your shoes. You’re half way down the pavement as the cafes back door swings open revealing Mason in his light pink uniform. Mason’s dull stressed face lights up as he sees Elijah. Elijah spends no waiting as he hugs Mason and presses his lips against Mason’s pale white face. “You cheeky bastard! You really did rope him into this!” You laugh out as Elijah rolls his hopping into the front seat of Mason’s car.
Before Mason opens the door he looks over to me. “Just letting you know, I am NOT doing this by will.” He groans and opens the car door taking a seat. You join them too but sit in the back since Elijah chose the front. Mason turns the engine on and Elijah guides him on the road.
The roads twist and turn as you sit in the back trying to get comfortable on the soft leather car seats. Mason is more well off than Elijah and you. He’s studying at the pristine medical college in the nearby county a bit away from your town trying to finish his last few years. Elijah rolls the window down now lighting another cigarette. Masons white blonde hair blows in the wind as the cold nips your face turning it pink.
“Turn this way.” Elijah points to the right onto a dirt road. Mason pulls up through the rocky dirt path. You can’t see through the low hanging fog which makes you shiver. When doesn’t it rain here?
“You doing alright, Pez?” Mason asks in a worried voice. The car rumbles as it continues on the rocks. “I’m fine other than the fact that we’re strolling through a foggy fucking forest!” You groan out and Elijah laughs at your remark. “Why did I agree to this..” you mumble. “Because you miss having fun?” Elijah answers for you snickering.
“I told you, there’s no way the cops will see us… this time.” Elijah tries to explain himself but you shake your head looking out of the window through the endless forest. “And you don’t have to worry, you have me!” He says as he flashes a smile and Mason smiles at him.
“Besides, if anything happens Y/N we’ll protect you.” Mason says as he tries to calm your nerves. It works but as soon as the car stops your mind becomes foggy with worry. “It’s not about that, if we get caught we’ll probably be fined.” Elijah turns back with a grin “Then don’t get caught?”
The car stops in-front of a bunch of abandoned houses. A development of them, graffiti is sprayed across them. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t fascinated by them. Elijah goes to open the door but it’s locked by Mason who now holds his hand out. “Not so fast lover boy. Where’s my suprise?” He coos and Elijah rummages through his backpack on the floor.
He pulls out a little baggy with a rolled blunt in it. “Perfect. Bye now!” Elijah opens the door and gets out but you stay inside “What? Mason you’re not coming? You fraud!” You complain at him but he puts the blunt in his mouth lighting it and turning up the music.
“Bye!” Mason waves as you hesitated getting out of the car. Elijah, already walking towards the development yells “Come on, Pez!” You sigh and quickly catch up to Elijah. His eyes light up looking at all the houses.
“Let’s explore this one.” He leads you into a broken house that’s forgotten by time. The door is off the hinges with broken holes in it. Graffiti liters every wall and everything is broken. You try to push down every bad feeling but you can’t. Elijah on the other hand fears nothing. Like usual he strolls around the house pointing out stuff he thinks is cool. The wallpaper is old and ripped off molded with dried out dull colors. He’s gotten bored of this house and rolls out the door.
You trail behind him as he hops house to house. Each one varying on different appearances. Some having things left in its room and others having their possessions scattered on the floor broken. He leads you to another house that has less graffiti and the windows aren’t cracked. Following Elijah up the stairs you follow him in a pink bedroom.
The flowered pink wallpaper is cracking off the broken walls. A crib lays broken scattered on the floor with numerous dolls. All their heads were broken off. “Elijah, the dolls heads are all missing.” You scaredly point them out, Elijah just shrugs his shoulders. “Boo, scary.” He continues on with his exploration without a second thought. You bite your lip at the broke dolls. You pick one up and turn it around. It’s stitching all falls out, it’s fluff wet insides falling out. That’s enough of that.
You sigh out loud as he walks to the cracked window. He peers through it “Look at that cool house. There’s weird graffiti on it.” You squint your eyes trying to find what Elijah is talking about. In the distance, hidden by the fog you see a house. Elijah turns on his heel quickly pacing down the stairs.
“Wait!” You yell for Elijah but he sprints with excitement towards the house. You run up behind him as you both come closer to strange house. Its wooden structure is medium sized with what appears to be two stories if you minus the roof that’s about to collapse in. The wood planks have been ripped off the houses outside. The only planks there are graffitied with a weird symbol.
Elijah gets a great idea and you can see it his eyes. He takes his backpack off placing it on the ground pulling out a pink graffiti can. He holds the can out to you “No! NO!” You back away from him as he frowns. “Oh cmon, what happened to the fun Y/N? Fun Pez? The one who was up to any challenge?” He whines smiling at the old thoughts trying to pry you to do his bidding.
“Nuh uh!” You shake your head but he quickly thinks up a bargain to drag you in with his antics.
“If you do this, illlllll take your shift the next time something comes up for you.” Your eyes lit up at the fact you can get him to get a shift. A day to yourself that you can sit down and relax and sip on shitty coffee bought from the grocery store- okay that’s a good deal
“This so so fucking stupid.” You mumble under your breath grabbing the spray can out of his hand. You make no effort to make it cool, just writing down a boring tag and get it over with.
‘Pez Waz Here’
“Your ‘S’ looks like a ‘Z’” Elijah points out snort laughing. You roll your eyes as Elijah boots creak up the house. You go to follow him but he’s already trying to make his way up the stairs. “Are we done yet?” You ask as he turns around from on top of the stairs. “Yeah. Let me check this out first.” Elijah disappears upstairs.
You ponder around the house looking at the different rooms. The kitchen was almost destroyed completely with a hole in the floorboard. The cabinets ripped open and ran stacked from any goods. It bores you.
You walk down the hallway towards a door. Carefully, you swing it open quietly. A raggedy blanket and pillow lay on the ground. As you realize that someone might be living here, there’s a thud above you.
Your heart picks up an anxious pace. You back up out of the room with the bed and anxiously walk towards the stairs that Elijah once pranced up. You just want to yell out his name and hope he peaks around the corner with a yeah. But something picks at your brain ‘don’t yell’.So you catch your tongue and gulp down your fears.
Your feet quietly scatter up the stairs every creak you wince. Your hands press againist the wall preparing yourself for whatever scene is about to display infront of you. Peeking around the corner all your worst fears in that moment are confirmed A figure’s back is turned on you their hood is white with dark red blood stains spotted.
Black hair hangs out from their hood their hidden face staring directly down above someone. Your feet become heavy, terrified to take a step closer. Your mind rushing with thoughts but clouded with anxiety and fear.
But then you see it, shining off from the suns rays close to Elijah’s neck. Your mouth goes dry your eyes widen as your body becomes stiff. His eyes are and his hands try to move the figure but the figure mutters something to Elijah that makes him nod his head.
Your heart beats out of its chest the noises like the wind knocking the stray wood disappear into a loud buzzing noise of nothingness. You clench your fists, your blood thumps loud in your veins. Your body shakes, you have to do something.. something! Your body pushes off dashing towards the figure full force your hands clench and pound into the side of them pushing them off of Elijah with a loud grunt and slam.
“Elijah! Get up!” With no hesitation you grab his hands and he scurries off the floor. You both run out of the room. You hear a voice yell from upstairs “You’re gonna fucking regret that!” You and Elijah sprint out of the house towards the car. You can hear the person behind you getting closer, the sound of crunching leaves under your feet. The loud breathing of your lungs dispersing any oxygen you have left.
“MASON!” Elijah yells out to him but the music on the car is turned up all the way. The blondie in the front exhaling smoke from his mouth and his head bopping to the beat.
“MASON! UNLOCK THE FUCKING CAR!!” You scream and he remains unbothered. A hand grabs the back of your jacket forcing to fall backwards to the ground. SMASH
Your body hits the ground hard the world spins blurry and unregistered. Without thinking your mind works your body for you, your hands drop to the ground and lifts yourself an inch off the ground. SLAM .The figure grabs your left hand and you lose your little balance falling back into the ground. You let out a pained groan. Your eyes dart up to the face above you looking down feverishly hungry. His face half hidden by a surgical mask but his eyes. his eyes.. His blue lifeless orbs stare bullets into your fearful ones. Your eyes widen and you screech your free hand thrashing before he grabs it and pushes it forcefully back into the cold wet leaves layering the ground.
“You think you can get away that easily? You reckless you bitch now you’re gonna pay.” He pulls down his surgical mask. His face is pale, dark black covers around his half lid eyes. His mouth.. it was carved into the shape of a Cheshire smile. You gasp in freight trying to wiggle your way out of his grip. It’s no use. Your hands wet from the leaves slips out of his grasp, you clench your fist trying to punch him off but it angers him and he grabs your shoulders knocking you back on the ground as you gasp for air. He slams his fist into your nose. The world spins blurry. is this what it’s like to be close to death?
It’s a lie that you remember everything before you die because all you can think of is trying to escape this murderous man. He then pins both your free hands again down with one of his. You feel the warm blood start to gush from your nose. It’s warmth trailing from your nostrils spreading on your face. “Are you scared to die?” He teases strengthening his grip on your wrists. “I’ll make it nice and slow for ya? You’d probably like that you sl-“ “Fuck you!”
A cold surface makes contact with you neck “Try one more fucking thing and I’ll gut you like a pig in front of your fucking friends!” You don’t give up even if it terrifies you what he just said. You can’t give up now.. You cough up and spit right in the man’s face, his grip releases a bit giving you time to escape. One of your fists collides with his face, and you push him off as he tries to recover. It barely phases him that you punched him but it was enough time push yourself off the ground and turn on your heel.
“GET IN! Y/N!” You swing the door open slamming it shut as Mason locks it. The man tries to break into the car with his knife but Mason skids off before he can hit the glass.
The car twists and turns down the dirt path. Mason and Elijah clammer with each other over complete confusion. You exhale the anxious breath you’ve been holding. “What the fuck happened?” Mason argues with Elijah. They argue back and forth as your eyes feel heavy and your nose hurts so bad. They finally turn around and notice your injuries.
“Y/N? Holy shit, your nose are you okay?” Mason worriedly turns his head away from the road and the car turns right before Mason jerks it back straights “I-I’m fine keep your eyes on the road!” You clamp your hand over your nose trying to stop the bleeding. “What if your nose is broken? You gotta get the checked out.” Elijah recommends sweat rolling down his forehead. His eyebrows furrow worriedly.
“No! Just take me home, please. I don’t have healthcare for fucks sake and I need to stay off the radar!” You beg them and Mason nods turning the steering wheel. Elijah gives you this sympathetic look, you try to look away but you can’t. “I know. But you’ve been gone 3 years your folks can’t be caring that much right? You’re not on any missing posters, I’ve never even seen one with your face or name. You’ll be okay.” Elijah tries to reassure but you can’t shake the feeling off. “Just take me home, please.
You put your head against the cold glass car window trying to nurish your god awful headache. The rest of the car ride is a blur as you pull into the driveway of Mason and Elijah’s home.
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Hello!!!! I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I was just wondering if you’d be willing to share any of the inspirations or design choices behind your designs for various Shakespeare characters?
I’ve been a fan of your work for a while, and I was mostly just curious about how that process was for you? + Perhaps any characters who you found easier / more difficult to make designs for? Sorry for the long ask, I hope you have a good day/night!!!!
Sure! It will be quite long so I will put it under the cut:
My Designs for Hamlet:
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Designing difficulty - Easy/Medium. I felt like I had a good vision of what I wanted these characters to look like since their personalities were all so distinct.
Hamlet - The platinum blonde hair is inspired by the the 1996 movie actor
Horatio - I designed Horatio to look very studious, since the first thing they do in the play is shove him out to talk to the ghost because he 'went to college' lol. I wanted him to have a soft, gentle, almost sad look to him, since we know what he will bear witness to
Ophelia - I designed Ophelia as a traditional goth because I figured if she was dating hamlet, as macabre/fascinated with death/moody as he is, perhaps she also had an interest in the beauty of darker aesthetics and subjects.
Laertes - As Ophelia’s brother, I wanted him to look very similar to her. He also has a canon fan club, so I tried to make him look quite dashing with his long, tied back hair.
Polonius - Goth dad
Rosencrantz - In the play, everyone keeps mixing up Rosencrantz and Guidlenstern so I wanted to design them both in a way that was extremely similar. I did this by switching the color palettes of their hair and eyes so they look somewhat different...but it might take you a moment to remember which is which.
Guildenstern - See above
Gertrude - Honestly I had just finished designing Sonia’s mother and that “older royal woman” hairstyle was still on my mind lol
Claudius - I think I had Théoden on my mind at the time
Fortinbras - His green eyes and curly hair are based on the 1996 movie actor, but I tried to make him look slightly more modern with his haircut and earrings
My Designs for a Midsummer Night’s Dream (Fairies):
[Reference sheet]
Designing difficulty - HARD. I redid Oberon's color scheme, like, 3 times. I wanted to design versions I had never seen before and that was not an easy task.
I am quite pleased with how these designs turned out as they took a lot of thought, are 100% original (uninspired by any play or movie version), and turned out pretty much how I'd hoped!
Titania - Colors Based on a rosy maple moth. I wanted her to be etherial but have something memorably absurd about her, hence, how I came up with the idea that spites hold up her hair so it does not collect leaves on the ground. Looking back, the one thing I think I would change would be the shape of her wings. I designed her before I designed Oberon, so I wish I had given Titania wings that matched the rosy maple moth's shape and let Oberon be the sole design with the luna moth shape.
Oberon - Based on a Luna moth
Puck - Based on a roseate skimmer. I wanted to design Puck in a way that was different from any version I had ever seen. Many performances give him an earthy color palette with many browns and greens and I wanted something totally different.
My Designs for Romeo and Juliet:
These designs are all simply based on the actors from the 2010 French musical. I exaggerated them a bit, such as making Mercutio’s hair purple, but all in all they are meant to represent the designs of the actors in this particular performance.
My Designs for Macbeth
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Lady Macbeth - I based her long, red hair on the 1971 movie actress
Macbeth - idk I just made like the most generic Macbeth ever lol, I don't really plan on drawing him again so I was lazy
Much Ado about nothing
[Reference sheet]
Designs loosely based on the actors in the 1993 movie
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enigmatist17 · 5 months
Here is my piece for the Moon Knight Mystery Swap ran by @tiptapricot !
I know I'm a little late on the draw, but this piece is for my gift-ee @blueberryrock :)
I hope you enjoy!
It was supposed to be just a regular training session, just to loosen up and let off some steam from a job well done.
It's a bit funny of thinking of their workouts as such a simple thing, instead of training on how to better keep themselves uninjured in the field.
Tonight had started that way, the two Avatar’s heading to a warehouse Marc rented for their sessions. No regular gym could quite handle their powers without significant property damage, as they had all learned when Layla accidentally sent a barbell through the roof of Marc’s old gym after Marc insisted on becoming her trainer.
Very fun times he is not likely to forget anytime soon, much to her chagrin.
Layla was matching his moves beat for beat, her tied back curly hair bouncing as she ducked and weaved around bound fists. Marc can see the faint shine that envelopes her body as they spar, evidence of the power she was still learning to fully control, and he can’t help but think she’s beautiful.
She had never stopped being beautiful, despite everything he had done to almost ruin their marriage.
“You’re staring at me again.” Layla grins as she ducks a punch, popping up behind Marc and twisting one arm behind his back, while using a leg to force Marc down onto his knees.
“Am I?” Layla laughed as she pressed down harder, only to grunt in surprise when the other quickly jerked to the side, her back hitting the mat in the blink of an eye as Marc pins her wrists down against the ground.
“Mhm, absolutely.” Marc rolled his eyes as he kept Layla pinned, the two panting as they took the moment to catch their breath. “Not that I mind.”
“I would hope not.” Marc scoffed, trying to respond nonchalantly as he adjusted his grip, but Layla saw how his eyes took on a silver shine along with a faint dusting of pink on his cheeks. 
They’re not sure how it had begun to happen, maybe dying and coming back was the biggest reason, but Layla thought the shine was beautiful the few times she’d been able to get Marc or Steven flustered. It was easy with Steven, the Brit reminding Layla of a nocturnal animal looking into some headlights as they chatted in the kitchen, or relaxed in his flat after a night of crime fighting. Marc was less likely to show his own discomfort, that frown she knew by heart almost able to overtake the shine through what had to be sheer willpower. 
“Your eyes say otherwise.” Layla lifted her head to get closer, their noses barely brushing against each other as Marc swallowed, eyes darting around the room for a moment before focusing back on her. 
It was enough of a distraction for his grasp to loosen, and Layla took the moment to force her arms upright, causing Marc to let out a surprised noise before falling over to his side.
“I take it, I won?” Marc grumbled as she laughed, propping herself onto her side as the other sat up with a roll of his silvered eyes.
“I guess this can be considered a win.” His slight Chicago accent slipped through as he nudged her playfully, a rarity to hear to those who Marc did not trust. “Want to do another round?”
“Maybe, maybe I’d just like to sit for a minute and relax.” Layla waggled her eyebrows as Marc got to his feet, earning herself a slight chuckle as he went to retrieve their waters. “I don’t always get to see you so hot and bothered.”
“Hot and bothered?” Layla catches her tossed bottle with ease, taking a deep drink as Marc regards her with amusement. “You haven’t said that since before we got married.”
“To be fair, I never got to see you like that after you “gave up” your old job.” 
“That…is fair.” Marc shrugged, taking a moment to let out a breath before joining her on the mat. It was still a bit of a struggle to talk about the reason their marriage had almost failed, Marc still coming to terms with Steven and how to let the other parts of himself in without feeling the need to be ashamed. However, it was getting a little easier every day, Marc’s lips twitching into a smile when Layla placed one hand over his.
“So, have anything else you want to show me today, hero?” The faint purr was not lost, and Marc leaned forward to rest his forehead against hers with a grin.
“There are some….intimate poses I guess I could show you. Helps with runnin’ around on the field, stuff like that.” His lips are on Layla’s before either of them can draw a breath, and for a moment the world has fallen still around the Avatar's.
"Don't distract me with your kisses." Layla eventually hums, Marc's faint chuckle a near whisper as he moves his head down to kiss along her exposed shoulder.
"Hey, always works in my favor." The Egyptian rolled her eyes as Marc drew back, the two intertwining a hand as Marc gets back into his feet, Layla using him as an anchor to stand.
"I seem to recall the same for me you know."
"Hey, Steven doesn't count!"
"Hm...I think he does."
"No he does not!" Strong arms wrap around Layla's waist as she's hoisted into the air, and she can't help but laugh as Marc grumbles something about Steven blushing more than Marc has in his entire life. "You are no fun sometimes."
"Uh huh, yet here we still are." She grinned, leaning against Marc as he carried her over towards some of their workout gear.
"Bahibak ya habibi."
"Ani ohev otach." Marc replied without skipping a beat, setting his wife down and clapping his hands together. "Another hour, and then we can go hit up that vegan bodega Steven won't stop going off about."
"You know, the food isn't that terrible Marc." The American rolled his eyes, and Layla settles in for hearing another rant about vegan food and how his body can even handle the back and forth while tossing her some weights. "And they're still not called bodega's here."
"Eh, they will be to me."
Their relationship had never been normal to begin with, Egyptian gods using them as Avatar's aside, but at the same time they've never been so close dodging gunfire and flying into the night hand in hand.
"What are you smiling at?" Marc's question roused Layla from her thoughts, the man she'd fallen in love with looking at her with that adorable little grumpy frown as he picked up some weights for their next workout.
"Oh nothing, just you." Marc stared for a moment before smiling a little, and Layla returns the smile.
It's not a life anyone would ever consider normal, but it was theirs, all of theirs, and that's all the matters to her at the end of the day.
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tetsunabouquet · 4 months
Heir To The Lands Chapter 20
When Things Go Wrong Masterpost
The group dragged Jaime upstairs as quickly as they could, Ty quickly drawing several runes on Jaime to aid him in his current state. "Thank you." "No problem." Ty replied, it simply was the right course of action after all. Even being supported, Jaime still needed to have enough strengths to move his legs so shins wouldn't be battered and bruised from being dragged upstairs, something Jaime didn't have. These were one of the things Kit loved most about Ty, how he just immediately did the most logical thing whilst looking at everyone with this certain confused cute look that said 'Duh?' They walked around the corpse of the Faerie guard, his green blood blending in with the vines. They were extra careful not to trip this time, treating the situation of getting the slightly sluggish Jaime out of the hallway with surgical precision. As soon as they were gone from the bathroom section, the group sped up. They needed to get out of the castle, fast. Each could feel their heart pounding with adrenaline, even little Gwenneth. The dark atmosphere seemed to be worse on their way out then their way in, as if it had been misleading their intuition. Kit was having a very bad feeling about this. With the arm that wasn't supporting Jaime, he let his hand linger near the set of throwing knives in his jacket. The group kept rushing forward, and Kit's heart leaped with relief as he saw the exit; with no enemies in sight. Kit felt his heart sweel with hope as the group left the Seelie Castle and he felt Jaime slump against him. "I think I've been deprived of fresh oxygen too long, it's making me dizzy." The gaunt young man explained, and the boys pushed him forward with a little more care . Gwenneth grinned a toothy smile. "We made it out! Oooh, I am going to L.A!" Jaime smiled at the goblin as Dru watched on with a pained expression, clearly concerned for his sake. The group carefully moved through the garden, their hearts drunk on the victory so clearly in front of them. Too drunk, as it would turn out, because peace was but a short lived thing. Just as they were lulled yet again in a false sense of ease, they saw a figure moving in the garden and a horn was blown. "Shit, we're caught!" Kit cursed just as an arrow flew past his ear. "Run!" Dru yelled, and the two boys dragged Jaime as fast as they could, Gwenneth on their heels. Dru hated how that none of them were primarily long ranged fighters, like Jules, Mark or Thais. They had brought knives to a gunfight, and that never goes well. Just when they were about to reach the more safer territory of the trees, Dru could feel an arrow sink straight into her calf muscle. She limped forward and Ty looked at her in horror. Kit was sick to his stomach, they couldn't lose Dru. But just as all hope seemed lost, Kit could hear leaves ruffling the trees before a boy landed before his feet. Kit thought he might be a year older then he was, he was handsome with fine curly silvery-white hair and green eyes that looked very familiar. "I'll take her from you, don't worry. Consider this a truce between us two, First Heir." Kit froze at the name, whilst Ty, Dru and Gwenneth all seemed entranced by his entrance. It was because of this split second, that allowed the boy to pick up Dru and spread beautiful, angel-like wings thought they were as dark yet pretty as the shimmering night sky. Before anyone could react, the boy flew off with a stunned Dru in his arms. Gwenneth looked at Kit with shock but he couldn't see that. He only had eye for the flabbergasted, panicky look in Ty's eyes and how his hands started to flutter. "The knights are approaching my King! If you are the First Heir you have the power to make a portal out of here!" Gwenneth cried and Kit's eyes snapped open just as Jaime's full weight crashed against his side, Ty no longer being able to support him as his breath began to shake. Kit, thinking of what Tessa and Jem taught him, closed his eyes and just as he saw two Faerie knights on their horses come close, the world seemed to fall away underneath their feet, the grass swallowing them.
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sealovinq · 2 months
XELLE OMG HI its been way too long 😭😭 idk if u rmbr me .. previously @/recordplayershipping (scout) !!! i saw u as i was clearin out my discord friends list recently n i wanted to come see how u were doing 🥺 i hope schools going well!!! also take this as a free pass to introduce me to the f/o ur fixated most on rn!!!!!!! <3
HELLO HELLOO!!!! AAAAAAA SCOUT I MISSED YOU SM!!! of course i remember you omg you're literally one of my fav moots /gen i'm sorry if this took too long WAAA i didn't know which f/o to talk about.... and yes i've been SUPER busy with school and it's starting again in a few days so 😭 BUT TYSM FOR STOPPING BY, I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL TOO<3333!!!
it's actually been a while since i got a new f/o... but i started rewatching m.lp (my lit.tle pon.y) and am currently around season 5 and erm... ya girl got a crush on one of the main 6 GGRGRBRHRJFJ she reminds me of my partner irl so WIWIWIEIJEJ HAHA NOT SURPRISING....
in reference to that previous post of mine i was actually referring to appl.ejack 🙈🙈 LOOK who doesn't like a masculine woman (mare in this case) who can carry me without breaking a sweat amiright WEEEHEHHEJD.... and the human version (NOT E.QG) fanarts of her DID NOT HELP because they all drew her with a muscular body and i am literally!!! so weak for that!!! HELLO!!! SAVE A HORSE RIDE A COWGIRL 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
i've made a ponysona too UABAYUSBDHDJ i haven't drawn her with aj as of yet because i suck at drawing ponies 😭 and i haven't made much lore about them either but i just like thinking about them hehehehehe
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here she is!! my precious lil gem!! i based her off of the color palette of the beach hehe classic ocean-loving me. she's besties with ra.rity and would often come to her for advice about what to do with aj (pre-dating). again i haven't developed her but she's very Pretty and i love her so so so much. i would love to see her getting introduced to farm life by aj even though she's a bit icky about dirt but she'd do anything for the Girlfriend!!!
speaking of ra.rity i actually kin her! so it doesn't bother me when i see ra.rijack or any other ships involving aj tbh. BUT HELL when i do see ra.rijack I GET SO HYPED BECAUSE WE ARE SO CANON<333!! yes she is holding my waist and kissing me on the mouth yes that is me with the curly purple hair ehe
idk i just love aj a lot 🥺🥺🤧 i love especially how she's so blunt sometimes UABSHDIJD and she's so hardworking and does everything for her friends and such a sweetheart eeuuuuuuehhhh.... i wanna smooch her so badly and make her flustered AWAWWAEAEEEEEE
also i've re-explored my gender and decided i am more of genderfae (basically a gender that fluctuates to any gender except masculine ones, for example i can be feminine or neutral any time but never masculine ones) and have developed an attraction to mascs which aj perfectly fits into... aha <33
i don't think i'd be shipping with her e.qg version. they're canonically high schoolers and usually range around 16-18 but it's not confirmed so it's still kinda weird so i'm sticking to her pony version! og is always the best anyway 😍😍🙏
look at Her and her Handsome Face
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SHE!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🧡🧡🧡🧡
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icemankazansky · 5 months
Tag Game: Get to Know Me
Thanks for the tag, @brendaonao3! (Note for people who tag me in tag games: I love to be tagged in tag games, even though my typical response time suggests otherwise.)
Name: Carly
Pronouns: she/her
Star sign: Maverick sun, Iceman rising Sagittarius sun, Leo rising, Pisces moon
Number of siblings (+ any fun facts): One of each, both younger. They look like each other, but I don't look like them at all. (Oddly, my sister and I both look like our mother, but in different ways.) When my sister and I were little, my mom used to have to tell people that yes, we had the same father. (Bc people think it's fine to ask stuff like that? Also I have very curly hair, and it's a recessive trait that one person in every generation on my mom's side gets, but people are so weird about natural curls, and every new hair dresser I see asks, "Who did you get them from?" and a disturbing number of them have made jokes about my mother's infidelity and my questionable parentage when I inform them no, neither of my parents have curls. Who raised y'all?)
Number of pets & their names: Currently, I myself only have one animal, my dog, Elio. But 1. I am actively looking for another dog, 2. My family has a ton of dogs, and 3. We all volunteer for dog rescues (Yes, plural. My sister actually started her own 503c NPO rescue a couple years ago bc her own, like, extra credit financing of homeless dog medical bills was going to bankrupt her, so she had to start a charity so people could donate. She specializes in senior and special needs dogs, but works with local city and county animal control agencies so she gets a lot of breeder and hoarder surrenders, and subsequently ends up with, for example, 18 purebred Bernese Mountain Dog puppies several times a year.) The point is, there's, like, a whole lot of dogs in here.
Fandoms: They are legion. Mostly active in Top Gun rn. Again. Still. Still again.
Favorite song: They too are legion, but include Fiona Apple - I Know, Fleetwood Mac - Silver Springs, Hozier - From Eden, Lake Street Dive - Good Kisser, Bad Company - Bad Company, Natalie Merchant - My Skin. Lately, I'm listening to the following a very normal amount: Tracy Chapman - You're the One (it is Icemav af BTW check it out)
Favorite author: Fiction: Neil Gaiman. Nonfiction: Mary Roach.
Favorite fic type: I like established relationships, true love and people just enjoying each other, and happy endings.
Favorite holiday: Ugh I hate this. Um, New Years Eve.
Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, etc)?: I already told you I have a dog. Nope.
Hobbies: Dogs, writing, art of various kinds (mostly drawing, some painting, and I am always trying new things like building a tufted headboard, teaching myself to sew, or making custom funko pops), gif making, Val Kilmer.
Fun facts about you: I've never had a cavity. I ran over myself with my own car. I can't figure out if I have 12 tattoos or 13. I can French and Dutch braid my own hair. My favorite perfume is Chance by Chanel, but I also wear Daisy by Marc Jacobs if I want something lighter.
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Bed sharing 15 Hakwe and Varric GOSH GUYS WHAT CHANGED HMM I WONDER
definitely more than six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
“Oh, it’s not so bad! I mean…as far as burnt-out husks of ancient war forts go, anyway.”
“A ringing endorsement!”
“I’m just saying we’ve slept in worse.”
Varric stepped aside with a gentlemanly wave of the hand, allowing Hawke to saunter her way into the room before him; and saunter she did, her stride the familiar rolling bounce it had been back in Hightown, Lowtown, the docks, the Gallows, everywhere in between. She stood in the middle of the room he’d claimed as his own, her arms akimbo, her stance loose beneath the gleam of her Champion’s regalia—and then he pulled the door shut behind him, and all that posturing fell away.
“Maker’s tits, I forgot how exhausting being the Champion of Kirkwall was!” she groaned, rolling her eyes up towards the ceiling even as she tore her gauntlets off and let them drop to the ground.
“I forgot how complicated that awful armor of yours is,” he snorted, latching the door and testing its hold before similarly allowing the performance to drop from his shoulders. “Why do I remember it being pointier than that?”
“Ah, that. Yes, well. Time makes fools of us all, Varric, I am no exception.” She paused in undoing a buckle to flash him a look through her eyelashes, her grin wry but warm. “As it turns out, fleeing the Chantry isn’t quite as exciting as the stories would have you believe. Sometimes, during those long, cold nights in the middle of absolutely nowhere, a girl finds she has no way to amuse herself but to file away the edges of her dress armor. Just…rasping a single rock against those hard edges over and over again, dwelling on the myriad mistakes which brought her to that singular moment.”
His eyebrow went up.
She raised both of hers in return.
“So it just always looked like that, huh?”
“Pretty much. Maybe your memory’s going in your old age. Here, will you help me with these?”
Something had happened that morning, when they’d met in Skyhold’s courtyard—out in the open, of course, in broad daylight, because that was how clandestine rendezvous actually happened. It wasn’t something either could put words to, which was something of a miracle in and of itself, considering who they were, but it had happened all the same: Things had simply picked up where they’d left off. As though time hadn’t passed, like the only thing that’d changed was where they were and what flag flew in the ramparts over their heads. Everything else had slotted back into its proper place, and they were themselves again.
Or at least that was what they’d thought.
Because then Varric took hold of one of the leather straps wrapped around Hawke’s back and something else happened. Something they could’ve put words to. Something they chose not to, all the same.  
Hawke cleared her throat slightly, hoping to draw attention away from how abruptly her laughter had stopped, making a grand show of tying her hair back out of her face as Varric went about unfastening her armor as he’d done countless times before back in Kirkwall. “I thought Cullen was going to burst into flame when I first walked out this morning. I never really understood the phrase ‘He looked like he’d seen a ghost’ until then, know what I mean?”
“Curly’s who you were looking at, huh?” he joked, willing his fingers to keep working as he undid the first of the belts securing her chestpiece and moved to the second, so much of the day already forgotten, pushed out of place by the bone-deep familiarity of the moment they found themselves in just then. “You want to talk about bursting into flame, I thought the Seeker was going to ascend to the Golden City when you looked at her.”
“That wasn’t her normal face, then?”
“Oh, sure. The Divine’s biggest, scariest guard-dog usually walks around blushing up to the roots of her hair and stammering like a Templar recruit passing by a brothel for the first time—you wouldn’t believe how much it intimidates the political prisoners.”
“I’ll bet. Could you imagine if Meredith had gone around giggling like a little girl all the time? Terrifying. Literally the stuff of nightmares.”
They snickered at that, and the snickering turned to laughter, and the laughter threatened to become guffaws, and there in the half-dark of the drafty old room, they might well have been in the Hanged Man again, congratulating themselves on another scam that broke in their favor. The déjà vu of it all was palpable, especially as Hawke pressed her hands to her chest to keep her armor from clattering to floor as Varric loosened that final belt and he turned away to start a fire in the grate to give the place some measure of warmth. They’d been there a million times before, done it all to the point where it’d become routine.
Only they hadn’t. And it wasn’t. And still neither said anything about it.
Hawke let out a groan of relief much too loud to be anything but a joke as she stripped the rest of her regalia off, shedding the Champion’s skin so she could slip back into her own. “Much better,” she sighed, stretching this way and that until her spine popped. “While we’re on the topic, I must admit, Varric…few things prepared me to walk in here and find you wearing something other than that duster of yours.”
Once the fire had caught, he glanced over his shoulder and then glanced away just as quickly, trying in vain to convince himself that it was that same familiarity, that same sense of being back in another time and place, that caused his heart to stutter in his chest at the sight of her. “We weren’t on the topic, but far be it from me to—”
“Sure we were! You said my armor was terrible, I agreed, you asked if it’d always looked like that, I made a witty joke…”
“Uh huh,” he smirked, beginning the (much less familiar) process of slipping out of his own armor as Hawke paced around, getting an eyeful of his quarters. “Yeah, well, as it turns out, her Inquisitorialness just really gets a kick out of dragging all of us out into the middle of nowhere to stare through skulls and pick up shards of who-knows-what, and a guy can only handle so many bug bites before enough is enough.”
She hummed in acknowledgement, then languidly waved towards him. “Does the, uh…lack of sleeves help? With the bug bites, I mean?”
“Ha ha.”
“No, I’m curious. Riveted, even.” She turned down a corner of the bed’s sheets and considered herself for a moment, running through silent reminders of all the bedrolls they’d shared back home, not to mention the number of times his palatial suite had acted as her palatial suite. There was no reason for this to be any different, none whatsoever, so she climbed in before her traitorous mind could speak up in a voice louder than her exhaustion. “It’s been a long while since we’ve spoken face-to-face, so I’ll grant that you may have forgotten, but I’m Fereldan, Varric, and my people sort of invented slumming through the mud, you understand. I’m just wondering whether the bugs in Orlais are different, that’s all.”
“Wait, you’re Fereldan?” he joked. “Since when? I’ve never heard you talk about that before! Are you sure you’ve mentioned it to me?”
She sank down into the pillow, hugging it close to her face, and when she felt the mattress dip beside her, she willed herself to shut her eyes. Pretending he hadn’t interrupted at all, she continued, “Are they intimidated by your muscles?”
“Well, are they?”
Varric pulled the blankets up against Skyhold’s usual chill, yanking especially hard near Hawke’s side to jokingly cover her face. “Goodnight, Hawke,” he said flatly, though the laugh that punctuated it robbed it of any finality. “So glad to have you back.”
“Glad to be back,” she hummed into her pillow, turning the covers down just enough that they came up to her chin. “I did so miss my trusty dwarf,” she laughed, then pitched her voice down lower to add, “And his arms, my word!”
When their chuckling tapered off, there was only the sound of the fire crackling low in the grate. No raucous drunks hollered from just beyond the wall, none of their friends’ heated arguments snuck in through the cracks of the door, and all at once it became perfectly obvious that for all the things that’d stayed the same during their time apart, something bigger had changed. This wasn’t Kirkwall, and it wasn’t the Hanged Man, and this wasn’t how it had felt to fall asleep beside one another after a day of doing someone else’s dirtywork.
It wasn’t even close.
“I did miss you,” Hawke said after a beat, when it became obvious neither of them was about to fall asleep. “Jokes aside.”
“Yeah, I…I missed you too, Hawke.” Again the feeling of first seeing her in the courtyard rose up fresh in his chest, the relief so thick, so palpable, that even with the warmth of her beside him, it was a little difficult to accept she was actually there. That she wasn’t just a memory, a handful of coded words scrawled on an old piece of parchment carried across Thedas and back. He hadn’t been able to react the way he’d wanted to then, not with all of the Inquisition milling about, and he wondered why now, away from all those prying eyes, he still felt that same need to hold back.
Probably, he thought, because of that unspoken thing lingering between them; because he had the strangest suspicion that if he reached out and touched her at all, for even a moment longer than it had taken him to undo her armor, he wouldn’t be able to let go, that once he had her in his arms there’d be no going back. And wasn’t that a frightening thing to be thinking about your friend?
Hawke’s arms only tightened around the pillow, proof positive the fear wasn’t his alone. “I mean…I really missed you, Varric,” she admitted, her voice muffled by down but plenty loud enough to hear in Skyhold’s silence. “I guess I didn’t realize how much time we spent together until…well, we weren’t.”
“Preaching to the choir.” It was all he could think to say. It didn’t feel like enough. Probably because it wasn’t. “But here we are again, huh? Different boss, same bullshit, slightly better booze…”
“Anything is better than what Corff served.”
“…and unfortunately for a certain magister who shan’t be named, we’re back together.”
“Close enough to pick the same pocket.”
“Damn right. Nothing to do now but make up for lost time.”
There was a beat where it hung between them thicker than ever, the thing they’d been avoiding…and then Hawke, the one who always made a point to jump when an abyss presented itself if only to see whether this would finally be the time she figured out how to fly, let go of her pillow and slid her arm across Varric’s chest instead, shifting to nestle her chin against his shoulder and remove what remained of the space where that silent, changed thing had been hiding.
Varric turned to her, and she met his eyes, and then their foreheads were touching, and there was a hand in her hair, and neither could say who had started it, but their lips came together and Skyhold melted away for a moment.
“It’s a lot of time to make up for,” Hawke said when they pulled apart, her lips curved in a wicked smirk as they brushed his, her voice equal parts whisper and taunt.
“Eh,” Varric chuckled, his thumb tracing slow circles along the back of her neck as he brought her close again, “We’re pretty good team, you and me. I think we’ll figure it out.”
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squadrah · 2 years
From My CuriousCat
"You're incredibly creative, that's why I think you might have some random headcanons about the boys… 👀 So… Maybe share them? Like random facts or something that you really like about them or something that fits them in your opinion."
Again, such a sweet Anon, and I kept the kind words because for these revisions I tried to keep the original phrasing of the questions/requests. Bless you, whoever you are!
Just to be safe, here are some shorter headcanons listed in my La Squadra drawing meme, and with that out of the way, here are some random headcanons that might not have been made "public" yet (meaning I might have only discussed them with friends in private):
Risotto is hot as a furnace and he lets others snuggle to him when it's cold. He still goes jogging in a shirt and shorts in winter and it's infuriating to Ghiaccio, who has to cover every inch of himself not to catch cold, ironically. Risotto has "fans" who get up as early as 4 am to watch him jog from their balconies.
Formaggio puts almost as much care into his appearance as Prosciutto, to the point where he uses products to mask some of his more unfortunate scars for a smoother look. He will let the "cooler" ones on his arms remain on display, though, for a bit of macho flair: gotta look dangerous, you know?
Prosciutto was born three weeks late; the doctors tried to induce labor and the baby just refused to budge, so they ended up removing him via C-section. He entered the world with a full head of curly blond hair, his eyes open, and a look of utter contempt on his face. He really didn't ask for any of this.
Pesci's observation skills are one part natural curiosity, one part survival instinct (watching for signs of change that indicate potential danger), and one part excellent analytical skills; he would have done really well in STEM if he had had confidence in himself and his life had been less messy.
Ghiaccio is so "loud" because he used to be very stifled at home (told to keep quiet, stop fidgeting, stop being a baby, etc.), and at school (sudden outbursts did not go down well at any stage of his education), and La Squadra was the first group to encourage him to just let it out and be done with it.
Melone goes on blind dates with two bracelets on: one of them is a medical alert bracelet listing his various allergies and conditions in case of an emergency, and the other is a tracker and alert bracelet that lets his friends (usually Prosciutto and Formaggio) know if they have to step in and intervene.
As a child, Illuso was fascinated with Alice In Wonderland and Alice Through The Looking-Glass. He secretly hoped to one day be able to enter exciting worlds like Alice did, especially ones that were deserted so he could have them all to himself and experience no harm or danger while inside...
Sorbet's dream wedding would have been held at an expensive seaside hotel with only his teammates invited. It would have lasted at least three days, and he would have worn elaborate drag queen outfits on each day. He managed to design two such outfits before he and Gelato were killed.
Gelato tolerates alcohol extremely well, for two reasons: one, he absolutely loves fatty and greasy foods, which help neutralize the alcohol, and two, he is naturally resilient on top of that. Never enter into a drinking contest with him, he will drink you under the table and make you pay his tab, too.
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cybermeep · 4 months
met a new boy today.. not new in the sense he was new to the school, but new in my eyes. ive seen him occasionally. mistook him for that 8th grader with the blonde hair and glasses who i have an odd urge to punch. won’t, obviously, just an observation. i digress; he was seated beside me and he had very long curly hair, hair which was stuffed under his beanie. very long. i thought he had a very interesting face which would be a challenge to draw accurately. he mentioned dantes inferno being his favorite book and i almost fell out of my chair (respectfully.) asked him at the end of class what he liked about it & if he ever watched as above so below. he did. he seems very fascinating and im very excited to have a new person to speak with; one which seems.. quiet. i like quiet.
speaking of said class, i’m excited to be in it! will likely move to the honors section so i can have more prerequisites for AP environmental science. i was not going to take chemistry— although it simultaneously wasn’t an option for that period… i digress; what i mean is im happy where i am. although scared, happy. plus i have a new acquaintance; i don’t wish to change this and do hope im allowed to live this way because im genuinely happy and excited even if i may be a bit out of my comfort zone with certain material. doin’ it scared, i guess.
speaking of this, i felt like that creepy boy who got expelled today because of certain placement and bad timing of a question i had pertaining to something from earlier in the day. i wanted to die. i should stop saying that. what i mean is i felt as if i was in his shoes, quite literally because of placement, and it made me immensely uncomfortable. i walked to my next class and wasn’t able to look at myself without feeling sick. eventually, it went away. still, it stung. a lot. it made me feel like him although i hadn’t done anything of the sort, yes i’ve been an oddity and’ve been annoying & loud & bothersome but i’ve never been one to ever say or do things like he’s done, hurt people like he has. i felt cripplingly horrible. hopefully that wont happen again.
i also ate school lunch for the first time in… um.. ah, uh, i think a month. i know i ate one meal because it was one i really wanted, but that was an outlier. might be more than a month. i mean, i would get something to eat occasionally i.e snacks or the like, so its not like im out of nutrients or something extreme, just.. hesitant. i don’t like admitting that i hadn’t eaten lunch in that long, even if very few people read these, like you, possible reader of these gibberish phrases i spit out, because it feels absolutely humiliating and something not deserving to be shared as it would be a burden to others to state it; but its the truth. this was both because of the fact i sat with people, hadn’t felt the compulsion to overthink something as simple as food like i usually would, and also because i was just.. hungry. thats three things. explained to someone my line reasoning & had a certain cadence when i said ‘one organism’ which i proceeded to repeat in said tone over and over quietly. i had a lot of fun with them..
i have people i sit with now but it feels depressing. how is that possible? i think its because im constantly aware of both sides to things & because of this i was overtly aware that, although i was now doing okay and better, somewhere out there someone else is doing worse and is alone even if its someone not on this continent. i don’t like this revelation, it makes me sad. i know its simply the way things work & how things balance out one another but it still seems to be jarring. i dont like seeing others distraught. i prefer to be the one distraught & cripplingly sad because then it means theres someone else living happily. all i can try to do is not harp on this too vividly
i might go make cereal
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certifiable-zombie · 11 months
!flash warning! An older animation, description and warning description below:
Still trying to fix the resolution
!flash warning! Animation if very choppy in some places, scenes change quickly, if this is an issue for you don’t watch this video
Hok!sheo animation, first scene is in the beginning of the game while the hero is trapped in prison, the scene transitions (🏳️‍⚧️ happy pride month) to the hero’s reaction to Martin becoming the avatar of akatosh. Cut to the hero having entered the shivering isles to fill the hole left by martins absence, he holds up the ring of lordship, proving it’s too late for him to go back. A hand grasps his shoulder, sheogorath. Cut again to the hero sitting on sheogoraths throne, as he lifts his head his hair takes on a twisted curly appearance. The final scene is a close up of sheogorath, his usual smiles slowly sinks into a frown as he lets out a single tear, no matter how far he runs he can’t outrun the past.
The hok in this video is drawn more masculine presenting however now I try to draw them as neutrally as possible so you can put your character in their shoes.
This is an old animation I never finished because of some unexpected events that transpired close to the end of its completion. However I always want to finish it and although it doesn’t reflect my art anymore I felt like I owed it to myself for all the hours I put in to finally complete my vision. Do I still love it as much as I did when I was drawing it? no, but I’m proud I was able to represent my original idea the way I wanted it to be seen.
Music belongs to Mac Demarco, the song is chamber of reflection, I do not own the music played in this video. This video is for educational purposes only. I am not making any money off of this video. Do sue me mr demarco I’m Canadian too we have to look out for each other ❤️🇨🇦
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kareenvorbarra · 2 years
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there’s a house across the river | a Marin/Kamet fanmix
“I wanted her to be happy. I wanted to give her the happiness she deserved, and I asked her to run away with me.”
Clouds | flor
Parachute | Ingrid Michaelson
Familiar | Agnes Obel
Run Away | Sarah Jarosz
Leaving the City | Joanna Newsom
Bodyache | Purity Ring
Blinding | Florence + the Machine
Your Only Doll (Dora) | Laura Marling
River from the Sky | The Weepies
Flood On the Floor | Purity Ring
Various Storms & Saints | Florence + the Machine
Clouds | flor
Send some sunshine my way I could use it this rainy day Loving under clouds It slows me down But you could blow them all away
Parachute | Ingrid Michaelson
I don't tell anyone about the way you hold my hand I don't tell anyone about the things that we have planned Won't tell anybody that you turn the world around I won't tell anyone that your voice is my favorite sound
Familiar | Agnes Obel
Gonna be the death of me It's a danger Cause our love is a ghost that the others can't see
Run Away | Sarah Jarosz
Lay with me down by the riverside Stars in the sky shining in your eyes We won't make a sound, no one will be around We can run away
Leaving the City | Joanna Newsom
I believe in you Do you believe in me? What do you want to do? Are we leaving the city?
In that high sun After our good run When the spirit bends Beneath knowing it must end And that is all I want here To draw my gaunt spirit to bow Beneath what I am allowed
Bodyache | Purity Ring
You sweat, and you bled I couldn't look cause your body, your body would shake And you feared a lonely death Like a lake leaves you alone in her depths
I lied, now I'm lying awake I cried until my body ache I lied, now I'm lying awake Now I'm lying awake, now I'm lying awake
Blinding | Florence + the Machine
No more dreaming of the dead as if death itself was undone No more calling like a crow for a boy, for a body in the garden No more dreaming like a girl so in love, so in love No more dreaming like a girl, so in love with the wrong world
Your Only Doll (Dora) | Laura Marling
I fell into the street, poison in my veins Clambered to my feet and into the night again Back to my home, back to my owner Who screams at my tardiness Put his hands to the sky And says, “What can I do with a girl If she refuses to be mine?”
There's a house across the river but alas, I cannot swim And a garden of such beauty that the flowers seem to grin There's a house across the river, but alas, I cannot swim I'll live my life regretting that I never jumped in There's a boy across the river with short black curly hair He wants to be my lover and I want to be his peer There's a boy across the river but alas, I cannot swim And I never will get to put my arms around him
River from the Sky | The Weepies
Friends I had from younger days Mostly have been washed away Time's a river, so they say And then you drown
Flood On the Floor | Purity Ring
I’ll miss keeping you I hope you’re sleeping, too I hope you’re
Various Storms & Saints | Florence + the Machine
But still you stumble, your feet give way Outside the world seems a violent place But you had to have him, and so you did Some things you let go in order to live While all around you, the buildings sway Sing it out loud, "Who made us this way?" I know you're bleeding, but you'll be okay Hold on to your heart, you'll keep it safe
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