#i am not kidding when i say we need to decide on a ship name you guys
twoidiotwriters1 · 6 months
With Luffy!? (Monkey D. Luffy x fem! reader)
A/N: I just need more inspiration! send requests! - Val
Words: 1,130
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A normal day at the Sunny is about to change when it lands on a new mysterious island. Y/N and Zoro are the first to go to the town to get supplies. 
Before the rest could leave the ship, a little boy runs through the low deck. The kid giggles and runs everywhere until he stops in front of the crew and waves his little hand. 
Nami, Usopp, Robin and Chopper stop and stay still as their eyes follow him. 
“Hi!” He smiles and runs again. 
“A kid?” Chopper asks. 
“How?” Then Usopp. 
“Doesn't he look..?” Nami starts. 
“Like Luffy!” Robin smiles. 
They start with some questions when they catch him. 
“What’s your name, sweetie?” Nami asks with a smile. 
The boy giggles. “You know my name, Auntie Nami.” 
“Where are your parents?” Usopp says next. 
“I dunno,” he shrugs. 
“Are you sick or hurt?” Chopper asks. 
“No needles!” He screams and runs again. 
Now, he enters the kitchen. A couple of minutes later, Sanji exits the kitchen with the kid in his arms. The boy has a bottle of water. 
“Does anybody know where Joy’s parents are?” He asks the others. 
“Yeah, that’s his name.” 
Eventually, the others get together, and they all fall in love with the charming boy. Franky decides to make a highchair and immediately, baby-proof the Sunny. Brook starts to play his violin to him and makes funny songs. 
“I can’t help it, he’s really cute!” Nami squeals hugging Joy and pushes him to be cheek against cheek as he giggles. 
“Pretty Auntie Nami,” Joy points at her. 
“And so smart!” 
“Wait,” Usopp says walking to them. “She’s your auntie?” He points at Nami and Joy nods. “Who is she?” Usopp points to Robin. 
“Auntie Lobin.” 
“Okay so, the mother’s not here and we can’t ask where he came from or his birthday.” 
“Am fou,” Joy says raising four fingers. 
“Oi, Sanji! I’m hungry!” Luffy yells jumping and landing on deck. 
“Dadda!” Joy squirms in Nami’s arms to run to his dad. The kid holds Luffy’s leg and giggles “Hi, dadda!” 
“I’ve never thought to live long enough to see Luffy with his son… Even though I’m already dead!” Brook laughs. 
“My what!?” 
The kitchen’s full of laughs from the crew and the little boy as Luffy keeps making silly faces, stretching his face, and playing with his food to make Joy laugh too. Of course, Joy loves his dad’s and crew’s attention. After a while, little Joy boy yawns and scratches his eyes.  
“I sleepy,” he pouts. “Wan’ my Mommy.” 
The crew share a tense look not knowing what to do. 
“Dad,” Luffy looks at him. “Wers Mamma?” 
“We’ve arrived!” You yell from outside. 
Joy turns his head to the door and squirms trying to get out of the highchair. Luffy frowns and helps him. 
“Mamma?” He says leaving the kitchen. The crew follow him. When the kid sees you, he smiles and runs to you raising his little arms. “Mamma!” You frown down at him as he keeps jumping “Up! Up! Pwease!” You let down the shopping bags and carry the strange kid.  
He holds you by the neck, leans to rest his head on your shoulder as he sucks his thumb and closes his tired eyes. 
“Awwww,” the crew sing at the cute scene. 
You look at them confused. 
“We leave you alone and you kidnap a kid?” Zoro asks completely lost. “And...” He leans to see the peaceful kid. “One that looks like Luffy?” 
“It’s a long story,” Robin says. 
“Has anybody else heard Joy say ‘mamma’ to Y/N?” Usopp asks carefully. 
“Joy?” You ask. 
“Hmm?” The boy leans back to look at you.  
“Oh,” You understand it. 
“Night-night?” He asks. 
“Uh—okay” You look at the crew waiting for an answer, but they all shrug. “Fine, I’ll put him to bed,” You walk to your shared room. “Wait, did you call me mamma?” 
“All right, he’s asleep. Now, explain,” you point at the others. 
“Luffy's son and mine!?” You squeal. “What? How? Why? When?” You look at Luffy and he only smiles. 
When Joy wakes up again, he says he wants to play with his uncles. More specific, with Zozo, Uso, Faky, Saji, Book and Fluffy (Chopper). Luffy pouts when Joy doesn’t mention him, but you take the chance to talk to him. 
“Why aren’t you freaking out? 
“‘Cuz I like him,” he smiles. 
“Luffy, please. You need to think about this. He’s a little boy, our little boy.” 
“Yeah, I know that. And I think it’s awesome,” he points to the low deck, where Joy’s playing tag with his uncles. “I know he looks like me, but he also does the scrunchy nose thing when he smiles, like you do.” 
“Yeah, and he looks like you when he pouts. Oh! He caresses my cheek like you do when we’re alone and I think you two have the same eyes.” 
The truth is that when you joined the crew, you couldn’t help but think about your captain differently. But the time showed you that Luffy doesn’t care or think about having a relationship beyond crew mate with anybody. 
Besides, that was a long time ago. 
That’s why you can’t believe (if Joy’s from the future) that you’ll have a kid with Luffy. But his words did affect you and moved so many things inside you, and, of course, you can’t deny that your kid is the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen. 
“Do you know how to make a baby?” 
He frowns. “Uh… yeah. Why? 
“Just curious,” You walk away with a blush on your cheeks. 
“Les go night-night again!” Joy says holding Luffy’s hand. 
“Joy, wait. Dad has to sleep in his own room,” You stop him when he guides both of you to your room. 
“Good night, kiddo’,” Luffy says and walks away, but the cry of his son makes him stop in his tracks. 
You quickly carry him in your arms. “What’s wrong?” You ask him. 
“Dadda come night-night with mommy an me!” He yells pointing at Luffy. 
“Good night, Kiddo” 
“Night-night, Dadda, night-night Mommy.” 
“Sweet dreams, baby,” you kiss his cheek. 
You had to move Nami’s bed and put it next to yours so that all three could fit in. Although Luffy and Joy are fast asleep, for you it takes more time. You watch them as the moonlight shines through the room. 
You smile as Luffy moves and groans in his sleep, facing you and Joy. His arm moves and stretches enough to hug both of you closer to him. It’s quite crazy knowing that you’ll have a kid with Luffy, but you can’t deny that you could get used to it… anytime. 
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makeste · 4 months
BnHA Chapter 425: New Normal
Previously on BnHA: Everyone was all “and with that we conclude our final battle for better or worse!! We will now commence our slow return to the new normal, beginning with our protagonist and deuteragonist who are miraculously more or less intact, albeit exhausted and mildly traumatized. Also the words ‘more or less’ are kind of doing a lot of heavy lifting there.”
Today on BnHA: The Big 3 and Aoyama are OUT. Shinsou is IN. The Tododrama is PENDING, and the mysterious figure in the shadows is UNIDENTIFIED. Also class 1-A finally becomes class 2-A and it only took them 425 chapters and TEN LONG YEARS. Can you imagine if this series had actually run throughout their high school experience like people once expected. “THE YEAR IS 2044 AND MY HERO ACADEMIA IS FINALLY WINDING TO A CLOSE.” There’s an alternate universe somewhere where this actually happened and we were all so very, very tired.
This is once again a shorter than usual reaction summary post, as opposed to my typical page-by-page liveblog. Not gonna have time to do those for a while yet most likely, but like hell am I gonna miss out on the last days of the series, so here we are.
Once again basing this off of @pikahlua’s spoiler translation summary here!
watching the eighteen inch tall Rat Principal standing at a podium overseeing this graduation ceremony is surreal in the most wonderful way. it’s like receiving your diploma from a sentient Funko Pop
I love how they established that Mic sitting there screaming at the top of his lungs is also a beloved U.A. graduation tradition, and that the senpais just roll with it while everyone else is in varying stages of trying to decide if it’s too late to transfer to another school
ngl sometimes I forget that Ochako and Toga were actually the second canonical f/f ship in this series. shoutout to Hadou and her adorable girlfriend whose name I absolutely cannot recall
absolutely wild that Horikoshi gives credit to Rat Principal for coordinating the entire disaster recovery nationwide. are you serious. the “world-famous” Principal Nezu?? you’re telling me this little capybara is effectively the secret president of Japan now or something. when does he even sleep
“the principal made great contributions to quirk morality education” is also a VERY interesting tidbit that I really want to know more about. “hey guys what if we did a better job at teaching people not to be dicks with their quirks” AND JUST LIKE THAT JAPAN WAS SAVED huzzah
“we lost many things, but we gained nothing” is both HILARIOUS and soundly depressing, but I can see what he’s trying to get at. still an odd choice for a graduation speech though. “our job is all about harm reduction, and we couldn’t even do that this time around, but in the future we hope to balance things out and maybe even get some net positive impact going!” lmao. again it’s all true, and in all honesty it’s spectacular that they managed as well as they did, all things considered. and I guess it would have been disingenuous to just ignore the reality of everything this particular school body has been through and pretend like everything is great right now. but I still can’t help feeling like there was probably a more inspiring way to get this message across lol
regardless of what he says, Aizawa 100% either bribed or threatened Rat Principal behind the scenes in order to stay with his class. and will do so again next year. he can and will keep getting away with it. he is never leaving these kids
and the sheer relief from all of them upon hearing it is all the justification he needs. these kids have four thousand nine hundred and seventeen accumulated traumas among them. they don’t need a four thousand nine hundred and eighteenth. this man is their father ffs. MINA WAS CRYING AND EVERYTHING
Kacchan watched that YouTube video about a dozen times until he managed to tie his tie all on his own with the one hand. and he did an amazing job. he’s such a model citizen now
also it looks to me like he has his right arm hidden in a sling underneath his shirt, which is interesting. if I’m not mistaken (and I very well could be, since it’s been a hot minute since I did any BnHA timeline math), the final battle took place sometime in early May, so this chapter is taking place roughly one month later. the hospital chapter took place about a week after the battle, so it’s been about 3-4 weeks since then. I really want to know what kind of shape Kacchan’s arm is in, but I guess Horikoshi will get to it when he gets to it
also, “we all gotta be together today” was a real wakeup call to me in that it gave me just an absolutely ridiculous amount of feels. just a totally unreasonable amount. and it’s like. listen, self. Kacchan has completed his character growth arc. he’s a team player and a leader who loves all his friends and they all love him in return. we’ve known this for years now. it’s an established fact. you can’t keep bursting into tears or whatever every time he shows it. this is no way to live your life. I need an intervention
anyways later this evening class 2-A is gonna have a celebratory movie night in the common room, and Kacchan is gonna fall asleep two minutes in peacefully surrounded by all his classmates, and they’re all gonna nudge each other and smile fondly and cover him with a blanket and stay up until 2am and Aizawa will have no mercy on them the following morning. it’s gonna be so wholesome you guys
(ETA: I decided to go back and have some more feels about this one tiny Kacchan panel, because apparently the four paragraphs I already wrote about it weren't enough. so the thing is, Sero's wonderment at Katsuki being out of the hospital initially read to me as half bemused awe, and half "oh boy, time to get back into our usual rhythm of antagonizing Kacchan!" but my second time around, I can't help remembering that all of Kacchan's classmates got to watch this kid getting tortured and strangled and stabbed through the heart in 4K. like, even if they were busy with their own fights at the time, there's no way they didn't see the footage later on afterwards.
and that had to have been traumatic for them. their friend literally died and was just lying there so still for so long afterwards. and him getting better and going back to his usual asskicking self later on doesn't just erase those memories, you know? especially with him having lasting, permanent damage afterward. not just his arm, even! like who even knows if his heart is going to be okay long term. when people get organ transplants they have to go on immunosuppressants afterwards because otherwise their body will try to attack the replacement organ. so I wonder how exactly it works when it's still your heart, but it's being held together by various bits and pieces of a spindly little floss man. idk, but I bet you it's still pretty rough.
anyway so long story short, I'm now reading this as one-third bemused awe, one-third joking antagonism, and one-third genuine "no seriously, is it okay for you to be here, please don't do anything to put your health at risk because we seriously cannot handle you dying on us again." and Kacchan's not even disagreeing with him lol, which has to be the most concerning thing of all. "they said it's okay if I rest." even he knows he's pushing it, but it was too important of an occasion to miss. anyway please take it easy kiddo.)
Aoyama leaving makes me sad but it makes total sense for his character after what he’s been through. he needs time to sort things out and continue down his own personal honor-regaining journey. respect
also glad to hear that it was his own choice and that both Rat Principal and Nao would have supported him if he stayed. I still to this day do not understand Naomasa’s actual level of authority lol. like, he’s supposedly a detective, and yet he seems to be personally in charge of every single important police operation, on like a national level. and he has the authority to make decisions like letting Aoyama go free. he is the law, literally
Aoyama trying to feed Deku some farewell cheese also took me out. like he just walked in there and was all “sorry everyone, I’m leaving, but I’ll still aim for the path of a hero and will one day return, don’t you worry!” and at some point in the midst of this tearful speech he made a beeline directly to Izuku and tried to give him some cheese that he apparently just had in his pocket or something. and Izuku was all “YEAH!” all solemnly but HE DIDN’T EVEN TOUCH THAT POCKET CHEESE. like he loves you and accepts you for who you are Yuuga but COME ON
at this point in the chapter it also became clear to me that Aizawa has his hair up in some sort of loosely assembled messy bun and that’s why it looks so especially flowing and gorgeous today. this is great cinema
and then AT LONG LAST, the admission of Shinsou into class 2-A. they tried everything they could to keep him out, BUT NOT EVEN THE END OF THE WORLD COULD STOP HIM. his rightful place
Ojiro’s scandalized response to hearing Fuwa refer to Aizawa as “Era-sen”, and then Fuwa subsequently revealing all of Aizawa’s secrets and Aizawa getting flustered and kicking her out, was one of the most delightful sequences I’ve read. “nooooo don’t tell them that, what the hell am I gonna threaten them with now”
Izuku has not even attempted to crack a smile since the final battle, aside from when he was frantically trying to reassure Kacchan in the hospital. I’m worried about him but also loving this a little bit, ngl. I am content to wait for you to eventually have a proper breakdown, mister Greatest Hero
also I singled him out on the whole not-smiling thing, but really this is true for just about all of them. my heart aches :(
were there really so many people freaking out over Izuku’s hair that Horikoshi felt compelled to throw in that “HEY DEKU-KUN, YOU SHAVED YOUR HAIR LIKE THAT DUE TO AN INJURY, RIGHT? BUT IT’LL GROW BACK, RIGHT!?” line in there lol. the hilarious thing is that this chapter was already in the books before 424 was released, so it means that Horikoshi anticipated the backlash ahead of time. the man knows his audience
and now for this mysterious little barefoot man randomly emerging from some rubble somewhere. who are you. fandom already thinks you’re everyone from Tenko to Hisashi lol. my personal theory is that he’s just a random citizen who’s hurt and traumatized and needs help. and unlike what happened with baby Tenko once upon a time, this young man actually will be helped by a hero in his moment of need, and it’ll be all hopeful and stuff because SOCIETY IS CHANGING FOR THE BETTER NOW HOORAY
or maybe he really is Tenko, idk. what do I know lol. don’t listen to me
lastly, Shouto out here immediately leaving U.A. after class and ruining my dreams of a class 2-A movie night. FINE THEN. GO AND BE WITH YOUR FAMILY my precious little life preserver. and I’m actually really, really excited to see what their endgame is actually, so yes, Horikoshi, bring it on please and thank you
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wifeofsnowbaird · 9 months
can you do a Tom Blyth x reader where they are filming like a romcom or something and they fall in love over the course of filming? i was thinking fluff but i would not be upset if it somehow ended up with some smut in their trailer ;) , just follow your heart!! lots of love ❤️
ofc! I’m absolutely shitty at smut tho i might try with this one but idk so fluff it is❤️ it’s gonna have 3 parts bc it’s definitely gonna need more than a short post!
this first part isnt really when they're filming i just wanted Tom to have a slight crush after seeing ur story and wanted a small scene with Rachel and Josh!
So long I've been out in the rain and snow.
But the winter's come and gone, and a little bird told me so.
Part 1/Part 2/
(Tom Blyth x actress!reader)
summary: you and Tom meet for the first time while Josh is in the middle of the livestream. It's become the new famous ship of the internet.
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You were one of the newest actresses in Hollywood and luckily you managed to grab a role with one of the most famous actors right now, Tom Blyth.
Ever since he starred in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, people have been thirsting for him like he was water.
You wouldn't lie, you were one of them, but you two were supposed to meet in a coffee shop, reciting your lines and you were late.
" Oh you're [Name] [Last name], nice to meet you! Sorry, my friends decided to follow me here. "
Tom grinned, blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight, an apology gleaming in his pupils.
"No worries, it's fine! I'm so sorry I'm late, it was just traffic!"
" Don't worry, I'm just glad you made it!"
You took in a deep breath and extended your arm for a handshake. Surprisingly, he hugged you instead. You met the two 'friends' who are actually fucking Josh Rivera and Rachel Zegler who were seemingly livestreaming on Instagram.
" And here is the new couple! Say hi, you two love birds!"
Tom rolled his eyes before letting you go to tell Josh off.
" We aren't dating, we actually just met."
Josh turned, confused for a second before gazing at Tom's phone that was left on his chair.
"Wait, seriously? Didn't you see a post of her being your new co-star in that rom-com you're doing and started bragging a lot to Rachel and me? What's it?"
He thought for a minute before his eyes lit up and he smiled brightly.
"Oh, yeah! Sweet truth, where a girl had a bunch of exes tell lies and cheat but then finds a man who tells her nothing but the truth?"
Tom hissed and shut Josh up by covering his mouth, before he noticed Rachel leaning toward confused you, beginning to tell you the whole story.
His panicked face turned red.
" So it was a couple weeks ago, we were just calmly hanging out after reshooting some Ballad scenes when Tom showed us your Insta where you were like, I don't know, talking about the movie you're gonna be in! He was literally obsessed, I am not kidding."
She shrugged as Tom glared at her for spilling his secret.
"I'm sorry, I mean you're beautiful and I-"
He cleared his throat, unable to continue because of his embarrassment.
You giggled, shrugging.
" It's cool, I mean I think you're hot-I mean handsome too."
Inside you were literally screaming at yourself for exposing the fact that he's your celebrity crush.
" Uh, guys, I hope this isn't method acting because I'd be really disappointed in you, Tom" Josh snickered, sharing a mischievous glance with Rachel.
Tom rolled his eyes, smiling at you before beckoning to the chair beside him.
" Let's, uh, practice...?"
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viaviv124 · 8 months
Little addition to my post debunking Nayfrogs (i shall stay with this term because it's hillarious) because i just remembered. Bullfrog is a war vet. He fought in the Wasteland war.
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We don't know when exactly this war was but Eden exists for roughly 40 years now, meaning Bullfrog is probably in his mid 30s considering he grew up there. Preeeetty sure this man is old and mature enough to decide shit on his own. You're telling me a guy who spent probably his entire or most of his life training to be an assassin and also served in a war against Eden is being groomed by something he saw on TV when he was a small child? We don't know if hybrids can reproduce on their own (allthough Bullfrogs full name "Bullfrog Korvin Jr." suggests it) and if he was made in a lab i'm also pretty sure the Rayman Show was forced on him in an attempt to "form" him.
I really don't get your grooming point, peeps. If y'all watched Spongebob as a kid and 30+ years you meet him and you hated him at first but would end up dating him eventually, would he have groomed you? He didn't even know you existed when you were a child. Please explain your logic to me because i am genuinely curious on how you came up with it.
As people have stated before, if an age gap makes you uncomfortable, that's fine. If you dont like a ship, that's fine. Block and move on. I feel like unless a ship actually has a bunch of problematic shit you want to call attention to (like literally a child and an adult, i will die on this hill) there's no need to say something. There's shit people shouldnt enable from my view point. But consenting adults with an age gap because one of them is pretty much an ageless being made of light? Yeah no. That's just petty.
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rendomski · 1 month
The Domino Effect
Summary: Shaak Ti was often tempted to save some clone kids. AU, where she finally goes for it. And the ties of siblinghood run strong among the clones.
An impromptu ficlet, ~1000 words. Enjoy 🙂.
Force acts in mysterious ways, thinks Shaak Ti when she walks by the cadet barracks late in their night cycle and overhears the argument. Apparently, someone who doesn’t want to be called Hevy decided to go AWOL, and 99 is trying to persuade him otherwise.
Supervising kids that are raised with a sole purpose—to fight and die for the Republic—is a morally challenging task. Shaak has been tempted multiple times just to take on board as many kids as she can and whisk them far from this madness. Something tips the scales, finally, as she steps into the vast barracks and speaks, “So, you want to get away, cadet?”
They both freeze in shock.
“No, General, sir. Hevy wasn’t going to—” 99 begins, but not-Hevy interrupts him, staring with a desperate defiance.
“Yes, sir. I was planning to go AWOL.”
Shaak stares him back, but the kid, almost a grown-up—or what goes as grown-up nowadays, the cadets are shipped away even at a younger age than at the beginning of the war—does not budge.
“Alright,” says Shaak. “Is this your stuff? Take it and let’s go to my ship.”
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“You want to go AWOL? I can take you off-world on my ship. No one would dare search for you there.”
Not-Hevy grabs the bag with whatever he can claim as his own, but then hesitates.
“Sir, with your permission. My brother, CT-4040. Trainer Bric has it against him. He would do anything so that CT-4040 doesn’t pass his final test.” His eyes go wider as it dawns upon him how implausible the chance Shaak is offering him and how close he might be to failure by asking even more of her. He finishes nonetheless. “May I… may you take him away, too?”
Shaak’s confidence that she is doing the right thing blooms.
“Yes. You may take your brother with you.”
“Yes, CT-4040?”
“Cutup, sir. My name is Cutup,” he glances at CT-782, who is stubbornly not Hevy. “Since tonight. So… Droidbait. CT-782, we’re not leaving him behind, like we did during the simulation, do we?”
Leaving behind during the simulation, this sounds very familiar. “Cadets, what squad are you from?” Shaak asks and nods upon the name, knowing already what comes. “I understand. Go for your brother, and bring Fives and CT-1409 along, too.”
“99, I am not leaving without you. We all owe you.”
The aged clone shakes his head, “No, Hevy. You go with the General. As for me, there are a few other troubled brothers that need my support here.”
Of course, five pairs of near-identical eyes stare at Shaak hopefully at the words. “General? You have some more space on your ship, don’t you, sir?”
She sighs. “Just be quiet. It is getting serious, so from now on, let's make it a stealth mission.”
“You've heard the General. It is a stealth mission.”
Exasperated groans, “We're standing right here, Echo,” follow.
“Sir?” Fives tugs at her sleeve with suspicious shyness. “It may sound crazy, but… Well, there is a girl here.”
“Oh, not again!”
“Don’t listen to him, General. He is making it all up. He has never met a girl in his life.”
“Well, I did! I keep telling you, and you idiots, refuse to believe me!” Fives snaps. “Sir, there is a girl here, working in the hospital. I met her. I talked to her.”
There is a girl, indeed. Experimental Medical Researcher 003, EMR-003 for short, whom Shaak has never met and never seen in any official documents. Moreso, she has never even heard of the Jango female clone program. And this gets extremely suspicious now. Her hunting instincts and the Force both sing to her that she is on the trail of something bigger.
“I am not the only one here, sir. There is one more girl, at least. She is different, but she is also one of us. I can get her out of the lab, I know the way.”
Another girl is different, for sure. Shaak can't grasp what is different about this kid—a five-year-old cadet at the most. Not the blond hair, there is a number of blond cadets around. There is something else, something elusive.
“Oh, you want to take us all off-world?” Omega, not EMR-something, notes Shaak, looks at the gang of clones with contagious joy and amazement. Cutup winks at her, and she waves back at him enthusiastically. “We must take my brothers with us!”
“We are all your brothers,” says no-longer-CT-1409-but-still-rather-reluctant Echo serenely.
“I know! But those are… They are my little brothers! And,” she saddens, her childish voice dropping almost to a whisper. “There are only four of them left.”
Shaak sighs. Alright, four more little kids, not a big difference.
…they happen to be not quite little kids, and it is finally clear what is different about Omega. The list of questions and problems grows ever longer. Shaak has hunted down and bitten more than she can chew.
She needs to take someone into the partnership in crime—Plo, most likely. And Obi Wan, who found Kamino in the first place, may have some valuable insights…
But first things first. Her navicomputer is still calculating the hyperspace route when a fight erupts in the back of the ship. And Fives is proudly showing EMR-003 around the ship, despite being here for the first time himself. Half of his explanations are totally wrong. Lanky, bespectacled cadet who has confidently strapped himself in the copilot seat and already asked Shaak three questions in a row, turns around and begins to correct him. Someone is asking loudly over the clamour whether her Jedi ship is equipped with guns.
Only 99 gazes silently into the starry void, mesmerised. Looking in his wizened face, Shaak Ti realises that this is his first time in space, despite his long and respectable age of thirteen.
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biconickyoshi · 7 months
I am still of the opinion that they will do Kataang based on the season 1 finale. Katara says, “I need you now.” And that gets Aang out of Koizilla. Plus they have these moments in the second to last episode that I’m not entirely sure were meant to be just platonic or not. Where Katara specifically highlights how Aang has helped her see the world. And they have parallels with Yue/Sokka and Suki/Sokka. I think they’re waiting for Aang’s actor to grow older. There’s definitely other ways they can develop Aang and Katara without Cave of Two Lovers. One of the biggest complaints (not that I agree) is that Aang and Katara were “forced” so I think they’re going to take their time with them.
Now that I've finished the season, I see what you mean. I was also glad to see that scene because it's the most emotion we've gotten out of Katara towards Aang the whole season, and it was nice to finally see Katara be the one to bring him out of the Avatar State since we didn't get that at the Southern Air Temple.
I genuinely hope that they do decide to go through with Kataang eventually, because their relationship (both platonic and romantic) is such an important part of the original show, and it felt glaringly absent in this adaptation. And the fact that they've been consistent with Sokka and Katara's B1 love interests so far would make me pretty ticked off if they decided to just forgo Kataang as a whole.
I also honestly have no idea why people think Kataang was "forced" lol. I was a huge Kataang shipper as a kid - I picked up on every little indication of romantic feelings between them when I rewatched the show hundreds of times growing up, and if you asked me right now I could name all of them in order (and there'd be a lot). I think some people just don't like the ship because Aang isn't a handsome older emo badboy character like Zuko. If Aang had looked like how he does in the Imbalance comic trilogy in the original show (aged 15-16 instead of 12), I think there would be a lot less complaining.
This is another one of those times where I just wish they hadn't kept Aang's age the exact same in NAtLA - I think it would have been better for everyone to be in their mid to late teens (like in LoK).
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yelow-heart · 8 months
Just because I love young love and coming-of-age stories and cute little stories about kids first crushes
Some things we know: The EGGs aren't related. Not all of them, at least. So it's not immediately weird if the CCs and fandom think their kid might be having a crush.
It has been confirmed many times now. Some of the more concrete ones being when Bagi asked Em when they met if the Egg Island trio were related to the dragon eggs. And she said no.
Weird would be if people shipped the ones that have very explicitly established some familial bond, like Chay and Tallulah for example, or the Breakfast triplets. Pomme and Dapper. They ARE siblings. They adopted eachother as so.
In the last Cucurucho live (Right after the prison escape and button-pressioning) is where we see the actual ralation of the EGGs
So, if we're looking for dna bond or something, the EGGs would be separated as such:
Dragon EGGs: Chayanne, Bobby, Trump, Tilín, Ramón, JuanaFlippa, Dapper and Leonarda
Wall EGGs: Tallulah, Pomme and Hope/Memories
Egg Island EGGs: Empanada, SunnySideUp and Pepito
Wildcard EGGs: Richarlyson and Chun-Sik
(Too lazy to look up the actual name of their departments kkkk)
So, if the admins would like to explore an Egg's romantic orientation and coming to terms with it, or having a crush on another Egg or so and so. It's A Ok. Like, I was pretty sure Leo was finding a crush on Em. And Pomme now being outed as lesbian. Dapper realizing he might not see anyone this way.
But it's ok to want these kids to find new things about themselves. It's okay to want to see your own younger self on them, struggling to make sense of new found feelings. If the admin hints that they want that, it's ok. Not to mention how important it would be for the kids that watch qsmp and might be feeling the same things as these pixel kids.
So yeah, let the young people find love.
P.s.: A1 could be either Memories or Chun-sik, we still need more clarification on that. My gut tells me that it was Memories, but 🤷‍♀️
Update: Don't go after the CC's that didn't know any better. The admins decide what direction their characters stories will go. The EGG experiment is divided by 4 groups. We're audience, not scripters. It's all.
And yes, I am also talking about Carre teasing Pepito saying he likes Pomme. From his view, they have no relation whatsoever. And it was also funny on his context, as we know Pomme has a "much older vibe" then Pepito, like teasing your younger brother about that pretty teen girl from church.
So don't go thinking "omg Carre is pro incest amongst children, GET HIM!!" That is not how we do things here.
I moved a paragraph higher up and added this disclaimer as I know that are a lot of twt immigrants on here now. And I know on Twitter is common to go typing away and marching against ur enemies without much reading necessary. But not here. We welcome u here. But, please, learn our ways.
Here we are big fans of text interpretation, believe it or not.
(And disabling the comments if u annoy me enough. I'm a big fan of different povs and opinions, but if u see the comments got turned down, know it was due to arrogance)
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waterfire1848 · 4 months
omgomgomg i wanna ask one ship prompt!! okay okay
20. azula (college student) / katara (oceanograpy professor)
heated debate and maybe angry doing-the-nasty?????? 👀
Hello, @ragzonacamrencruise !! Here you go!
Modern AU setting and note that the sex scene isn’t explicit by any means but it is there so…don’t want to see don’t read
Katara set her belongings down on her desk, pushing her hair back which had fallen in her face when she leaned down. Her heart was pounding in her chest while she stood in front of the long table. Before her were four wide rows of seats, all of which had one long desk, in the shape of a half circle, from one end of the room to the other. The only space left on the sides of the room were for the stairs so students could walk up to the front of the classroom or the back.
Katara took a final look down at her phone. 10:20 am. Her class would be starting in about ten minutes. Her very first class on oceanography. Katara brushed her hand through her hair one final time. She really, really had to make a good impression on her students. The school had been nervous to hire someone so young, Katara was 24 having just finished grad school, but agreed while promising to keep an eye on her. There was no misunderstanding their tone: You screw this up and we fire you and blacklist you from teaching at every university.
That's why she was so nervous when the first student walked in and took her seat, choosing to sit in the front row. The woman had long black hair with golden eyes and wore a red jacket, black shirt and jeans. She took her seat then proceeded to pull out everything she needed.
"Excuse me. Should you be back there?" She asked, "The professor will get mad if she finds out you were messing with her things."
"I am the professor." Katara said, "My name is Katara South. You can call me Professor South." She smiled, but the student still looked confused.
"You're teaching this class? Are you like a teaching aid or something?"
"No. I'm 24. I got my degree and decided I wanted to teach what I learned at college so here I am." Katara said, "What's your name?"
"Azula Agni." The student said, "I'm a senior."
"Ah and why are you interesting in oceanography?" Katara asked.
"I'm not." Wow. She didn't need to say it so bluntly, "I'm just taking this class because I need an easy one." Azula explained.
"Easy? This is advanced oceanography." Katara told her, "It'll get pretty challenging." Azula scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"I'm not afraid of a few tests or pop quizzes." Azula grinned, "I'll probably end this class with a perfect A+."
"We'll see." Katara said, a smile growing on her face.
Was it childish to be feuding with a student? Yes. Did Katara care? No. Well, she kind of did because Azula could easily report her and get her fired but there was no way she was letting Azula know that.
Slowly, the other students began to fill the room and take their seats. Katara spent the first day telling the students a little about herself, the tests, paper and final they would be doing.
“I hope you all have a great semester in my class! If you ever have any questions or concerns or problems you can come talk to me at any point in time. I encourage you to come talk to me instead of suffering on your own.” Katara chuckled, “As someone who just graduated grad school I know how importance it is to get those moments to rest. I hope I’ll get to see all of you tomorrow for our next class!” The students all stood up and began to walk out.
Katara heard the students begin to whisper and talk as they walked out of the room. However, Katara couldn’t pull her eyes away from Azula. In all fairness, Azula was looking at Katara as well. Her golden eyes never left Katara’s blue ones the entire time she packed up.
“See you tomorrow, Professor.” Azula said, standing up and leaving the room
Azula wasn’t kidding when she said that she wouldn’t have a problem with the class. She was easily one of, if not, the best student in the class. Constantly turning everything in a day in advance, including paragraphs of explanations and arriving to class every day.
Then, one day, she didn’t show up. Katara definitely noticed her absence but it was to be expected. Students wouldn’t show up all the time. But when Azula missed every class, Katara grew nervous. She send over an email to her twice and received nothing.
Finally, Azula returned but she was different. She was quiet and missing her classic snark. When Katara put everyone in groups, Azula’s group came to her at the end of the class and told her Azula didn’t do any work.
“Azula. Can you stay here for a few minutes?” Katara called.
“Sure.” Katara waited for everyone to leave before she sat down next to Azula.
“Azula? What’s wrong? You missed class, you aren’t talking and you didn’t do any work in today’s group work.” She said.
“My apologies.” Azula said. Her breathing was weird, as if she was keeping herself from crying, “It’s been a…difficult time. I’ll be better next class.”
“Azula, I just want to know what’s going on. You’re the best student here. I want to know as much as I can so I can-“
“You won’t care. It’s just petty college stuff.” Azula scoffed.
“Do you think it’s been like a decade since I was in college? I was in my senior year three years ago.” Katara tried to add a little laugh to her voice but Azula remained quiet, “Please.”
“My friends blocked me on everything and they said they don’t want to talk to me. I…I don’t have any friends now.” Her voice was quiet but Katara could still hear the sadness in her voice.
“I’m so sorry, Azula. Is there anything I can do?” Probably not much she could do, even if she was a professor, but it seemed like the right thing to say here.
“Could I eat lunch in here?” Azula asked.
Katara blinked her eyes in shocked, “Umm sure. Of course you can.” Much to Katara’s surprise, Azula launched forward and hugged her. Katara found herself wrapping her own arms around the woman.
“Oh. I umm…I should get going.” Azula pushed herself away from Katara, got up and ran out of the room, leaving Katara a little shocked but mostly happy. She didn’t know why but it filled her with warmth to know she could spend more time with Azula.
The longer the months went on, the more Katara found herself staying after class with Azula for longer periods of time. Their conversations started with topics from class then fell into conversations about their own lives and experiences.
“No way! Is your brother Zuko Agni?” Katara asked. The two were sitting across from one another at a table in the classroom. They had started off talking about their own education, respectively, and the subject turned somehow to their brothers.
“Yes. My deepest apologies to you if you know him.”
“He dated my brother for a few months. They broke up when Sokka left after grad school.” Katara told her.
“Oh, I remember. He refused to listen to anything that wasn’t some sad and depressing breakup song. I thought I was going to lose my mind.” Azula groaned.
“If it’s any consolation I had to endure Sokka texting me 50 times a day asking if he made the right decision. One of the smartest people I know and one of the most indecisive.” Katara chuckled, "So, how are finals going?"
"Decent. Your final is looking to be my easiest." Azula said.
"Oh, really?"
"Yup. It'll be fun to easily ace this." Katara only rolled her eyes.
"Don't get cocky. The final might be harder than you think." Katara warned.
"You're a professor. Aren't you supposed to say that I'm such a good student and I'll have no trouble as long as I study?" Azula asked.
"All those things are true." Katara admitted, "But if you get overconfident then won't do as well on the final. I might have some tricks up my sleeve that you don't know about."
That was the moment both of them realized how close their were to each other. Azula moved her face forward while Katara moved back, making them both blush.
"I should get back to my room. You have my email if you have any questions about the final." Katara quickly said, grabbing her things and racing out of the room. Did Azula just try to kiss her? No. No, she had to have been imagining things. There's no way Azula did that, "She is pretty beautiful." Katara whispered.
"No." She shook her head as though that would get the thought out of her head, "No, Azula doesn't like you. Stop fooling yourself. You're acting like an idiot!" She snapped. Katara forced herself to continue doing her work and stop thinking about Azula. She only had a week left with the woman anyway before the last day of college and only three weeks until Azula graduated.
Katara would never admit it but she was sad when she posted those final exam scores. Not because the scores were bad, though there was one student who made her want to cry and scream when she read through their final, but because she would miss her class. Other professor's told her that it stopped being all that meaningful when she had been there for a few years, but, still, Katara couldn't help but find herself saddened when she send out everyone's final scores.
'Maybe there's another person you're sad you'll never see again.' Her brain supplied.
"Shut up." Katara mumbled. Though it was true, she was saddened that she'd never see Azula again, "That's just how things go sometimes. I need to accept that." She tried to speak in her most commanding voice, forcing herself to accept the fact that Azula had probably long forgotten about her as well.
Meanwhile, across town, Katara couldn't have been further from the truth when Azula opened her email to read her final exam score.
It was a calm day, a peaceful and quiet day. Katara was sitting on her couch, reading through a book when someone began pounding on her door. Confused, and a bit scared if she was honest, Katara slowly approached the door only to see Azula through the peep hole.
“Azula?” Katara asked, “What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”
“No! Because you took points off on the exam when I got the question right!” Azula walked into Katara’s apartment, allowing Katara to shut the door behind her.
“Excuse me?” Katara asked.
“Right here.” Katara looked at where Azula was pointing to see that she had the final exam up on her phone and was pointing to a specific equation, “I got the question right but you marked it as incorrect!”
"You are wrong!" Katara yelled.
"How do you study this stuff and not know that I'm right!?!" Azula yelled back, "Right here. You asked 'when did the first photosynthetic organism come into being?' and I said 'when the Earth's atmosphere and the shallow ocean first experienced a rise in the concentration of oxygen.'"
"And that's wrong!" Katara told her, "You needed to give me the exact name of what it's called. There are a lot of things you could have called it The Great Oxidation Event or Great Oxygenation Event or Oxygen Catastrophe, but you wrote none of that!"
“It’s the same thing!”
“Do you not understand how college works?! You had to write what the term was called! You didn’t and you lost points!”
“That’s ridiculous!”
“Deal with it! Accept your lost points and the fact that you rushed through the exam and didn’t read every instruction!”
“You’re the one who put instructions there meant to trip people up!”
“Or did you just not read because you thought my exam would be so easy?!”
By now both Katara and Azula’s faces were inches apart. Katara’s eyes momentarily fell down to Azula’s lips. Azula did the same then forced her eyes back to Katara. Only a second of silence existed between the two before they began kissing.
“I thought you didn’t want this?” Azula asked.
“And I thought you knew to read through instructions.” Katara grinned.
Katara brought Azula to the couch, causing her to fall back on the it. The two locked themselves into a makeout session that showed no sign of stopping. If anything it was getting stronger especially when the two began removing their clothing. Katara removing her shirt gave the okay for Azula to do the same.
“Can I?” Katara moved her hands to the back of Azula’s bra.
“Go ahead.” Thanks to years of experience, Katara undid the clasp with ease and tossed Azula’s bra to the side. One of her hands went behind Azula’s head for support and the other went to Azula’s chest.
“W-Wait.” Azula bit her lip to keep from groaning.
“What?” Katara sat back up, allowing Azula to use her free hands and remove her pants.
“Woah.” Katara whispered. She was beautiful.
A blush covered Azula’s face when she realized Katara wasn’t removing any other items of clothing, “Are-Are you okay with…us going there?” Azula asked, now suddenly feeling very self conscious and grabbing her shirt to put in front of her body.
Gently, Katara pushed her shirt away and kissed Azula, “Yes.”
Once again, the two girls were locked into kissing one another. Azula, having found Katara’s bra strap, also removed that and flung her bra to the floor. Katara’s pants weren’t far behind, leaving both woman completely naked.
“Ugh!” Katara moaned slightly when Azula pushed her body down so that she was under Katara’s chest, “God!” She bit her lip to keep from groaning too much, “Hey.” Azula pushed herself back up to be eye to eye with Katara.
“I can’t let you do all the work.” The woman grinned, kissing Azula once more.
“Tell me if I should stop.” Katara whispered, moving her hands below Azula’s waist.
To anyone outside the apartment, it was probably very easy to guess what they were doing based on the sounds from inside, especially Azula’s groans, but neither woman could bring themselves to care or even think about the neighbor’s opinions.
“I’m guessing this is good.” Katara smirked, using her free hand to push herself up a bit and away from Azula’s lips.
Azula didn’t even respond, just pulled Katara back down to her as if the woman sitting up meant she was about to leave forever. Katara was sure though that she heard Azula moan ‘don’t stop’. After a minute, Azula forced herself to stop kissing Katara, only clinging to her as the woman kissed her neck.
"Can we...god...move this to the bedroom?" She asked, trying as hard as she could to force down her groans.
"Of course." Katara smiled.
Sometime later, both woman found themselves naked and breathing heavily in Katara's bed.
"If I had known this would happen, I would have come over months ago." Katara turned on her side to face Azula.
“You liked me that long ago?” She asked.
“Of course. I found you incredibly beautiful when I first came to your class but I suspected we could do anything because of university policy.” Azula said.
“You suspected correct.” Katara confirmed, “I could have been fired for dating a student.”
Azula winced, “Wow. Really great we didn’t get together then.” She said, “But I am really happy this happened. Are you okay…I mean was this good…I-I mean-“
Katara cut Azula off by kissing her, “I think you’re smart enough to figure out if I want to date you.” She grinned.
Azula smiled right back at Katara, “I’m sure I’ll get this question right.”
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hero-of-courage · 1 year
Here are some short writings from Linked Galaxy!
Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?
Warriors snickered unashamedly as Four pulled a stormtrooper helmet over his head. The two of them and Legend had snuck aboard an imperial cruiser and were in need of disguises. The captain decided to tease the boy as he adjusted the plastoid armor on his shoulder.
"You've definitely gotta be the shortest stormtrooper I've ever seen." The man chuckled.
Four yanked the helmet off and leveled him with a glare.
He muttered bitterly, "Hand me that cadet helmet."
Legend slid in next to Warriors in full armor. "Honestly, he should really be posing as a captured Ewok or Jawa instead."
Four roughly pulled the cadet helmet over his head and growled in a filtered voice, "Shut up or I'll stun you."
Legend knocked on the top of Four's helmet with a daring smirk. "Try it. We'll see how this op goes when you're dragging my limp body around."
The captain cut in with a mock serious tone, "Don't do it, Four. It won't go over well."
Four scowled underneath the helmet. "Why did I have to be assigned this mission with you two?"
Where's your padawan?
Time peeked over the crate carefully. Standing at attention, in front of their escape was an outrageous amount of troopers. He sighed then turned to address the two boys next to him.
"Now, this is a tight situation. We are out numbered by a lot and our chances of getting out of this hanger with guns blazing is out of the question." He shared a glance with his former apprentice. "I think it best to employ stealth-"
Time glanced around. "Twilight, where's your padawan?"
The sound of an explosion and screaming bucket-heads rang out behind him. "That's him isn't it?"
Twilight rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah..."
Time pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I'm going to have a word with both of you later. Let's get moving before Wild gets himself killed."
Point and Shoot
Legend fired his blaster at an approaching trooper and swiped his gun. After examining it briefly, he tossed it to his companion.
Hyrule fumbled to catch the weapon as Legend spoke, "There. Use that."
Hyrule turned the blaster over in his hands, looking for the grip. "I have never used a blaster before."
Legend stared at the younger boy blankly for a moment before continuing his march down the hallway. "What am I going to do with you, kid? It's simple. Point and shoot."
She's a good speeder!
"Rusl can drop us off at the spaceport and then bring Epona back home so we don't have to worry about leaving her," Twilight summarized his plan for leaving Ordon.
Time raised a brow. "You named your speeder?"
"She's a good speeder!" Twilight defended himself with his arms crossed over his chest.
The exasperated master shook his head. "I'm not going to argue about this."
Please tell me we won't...
"Please tell me we won't have me launched full speed in an escape pod into an imperial space station?" Wind huffed after speaking what seemed to be utter nonsense in a down right serious tone.
"I'm sorry?" Sky leaned forward to glance at the boy in concern and confusion. "We uh won't do that?
Wild grinned like a mad man. "Yes. Yes we will."
Four is a droid?
"Who needs a droid when you have Four to fix things? Am I right?" Wind elbowed Warriors next to him.
Legend chuckled. "Do you think he can make it past the detectors in a cantina?"
"Probably not," Wild jumped in. "Not with all that scrap metal he carries around with him."
Four's eye twitched and he gripped the wrench in his hand. "I am so close to strangling all of you."
Warriors didn't bother to hide his amusement. "He's got the attitude for it too."
"Say goodbye to your heaters. Don't come to me to fix it when you're all freezing in your rooms tonight."
I'm a fighter pilot!
Sky stumbled into the captain's seat of a freighter and scanned over the controls frantically.
"How does this thing work?" He yelled towards the back of the ship.
Legend stopped his decent down the ladder in shock. "I thought you were the best pilot!"
"I'm a fighter pilot!" Sky shot back in frustration. "I've never seen a ship like this before!"
Legend blinked at him in disbelief. "This is a simple freighter! How have you not seen one?"
"My people never traded with outsiders!" Sky explained as he guessed at the switches and successfully started the engines. "The biggest ship we have besides our loftwing fighters is the Skycarrier itself!"
"Blast it all!" Legend swore as he mentally declared this conversation a lost cause. He let himself drop into the lower turret position. "Just figure it out! I'm manning the guns!"
How'd you get so skilled with a lightsaber?
"How'd you get so skilled with a lightsaber?" Twilight asked as he and Sky boarded their home ship.
Sky pondered a moment. "I was trained by the ghosts of ancient Jedi."
Time, who happened to hear them as they entered, spilled his caff in surprise.
"Is that right?" Twilight grinned.
Sky nodded. "I think facing off against two supposed long dead Sith Lords was a big part of it."
The captain, who had walked past them at that moment, turned to face the eldest in the corner.
"Did he just say what I thought he said?" Warriors spoke in a panicked tone.
Time didn't reply as he cleaned up his spilled drink.
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pragnificent · 5 months
Tagged by @tina-mairin-goldstein! Tagging whoever else wants to play.
1.How many fics do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total word count on AO3?
934,933. Wow, maybe I can break a million this year....
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just HANNIBAL right now (and for like the last seven years or so). Been vaguely thinking about picking up a second but nothing has caught my interest strongly enough.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Attachment - 7,592
The Fisherman and the Beast from the Sea - 4,565
Sashimi - 2,807
Hungry Ghost - 1,585
Identically Different - 1,382 <- This is my best series and yall should give it a shot <3
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, and I enjoy doing so, but sometimes the brainworms win and I don't get stuff done even when I really want to.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't love this story, but "Hannibal is effectively braindead after the fall, but Will keeps caring for the body and feels that Hannibal is there with him, up until the body dies and Will turns himself in because there isn't any point anymore" probably counts as the most angsty? If you are in the market for a "Hannibal receives a brain injury and he, along with everyone else around him, has to cope with that" story Tina's For Remembrance (Holes in the Floor of the Mind) is a much better pick. And as I continue to think about it, Means of Influence has a pretty angsty ending.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my stories have slightly bittersweet but still mostly happy endings. Part of the thing about that is I think it's really hard to envision a situation where Will is like 100% Happy Happy, his own mind hates him too much and every little scrap of happiness needs to be fought for and then vigilantly guarded. But I put both him and Hannibal through so much that I always want them to be as close to content as they each can be.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have gotten two flavors of Fic Hate. 1.) People calling the five year old kid OC in ATTACHMENT slurs like "r*tard" and saying "he belongs in jail" and etc.
Every time Hannibal or Will fuck someone who isn't each other at least one person decides to Yell At Me.
I think I've gotten the old "you didn't tag for bottom Hannibal!!" nonsense once or twice too, but who hasn't?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
A little. I actually started Hannishark bc I was really intimidated by sex scenes and wanted to see if I could pull off a short monsterfucker story. I feel like I've gotten better at writing these but am generally more comfortable leaving them sparce on anatomical details and big on feelings/conversations.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one?
I've got a WRONG TURN crossover series that I'm very proud of here: Bear Mountain Road AU. You don't need to have seen any of the movies to read it, or anything, the movies' premise of "a clan of inbred mountain cannibals waylays travelers" is really just an excuse to put Hannibal (and Will and D, as child members of the cannibal family) In Situations. If I counts as a cross over, I've got a universe swap between the novels and NBC HANNIBAL here: Shiloh
I also have a vague idea for a SAW / HANNIBAL crossover but I've been sitting on that for so long, who knows if it'll ever happen?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not so far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several times.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yep, a couple of times.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Hannigram and Reba/D (guys we need a fuckin ship name).
15. What are your writing strengths?
Character, emotions, dialogue.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sex scenes, pacing.
17. Thoughts writing dialogue in another language?
Fine by me, tho I only think I've done it one or twice.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
19. Favorite fic you've written?
Identically Different AU !!!! This it the best thing I've ever written and probably the best thing I will ever write.
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chalterdh22 · 1 year
First Impressions
Tumblr media
Total Works: 53 / 53 - Completed on 10/25/2023
Chapter 1: Why Are First Impressions the Worse?
Chapter 2: What is that Thing?
Chapter 3: Am I Going Crazy....?
Chapter 4: Can We All Work Together?
Chapter 5: How Can That Kid Get into So Much Trouble?
Chapter 6: Do You Want to Hear a Secret?
Chapter 7: What About the Star Fighter?
Chapter 8: What Did you Say Your Name Was?
Chapter 9: Can I Meet the Marshal?
Chapter 10: Is There a Job Opening?
Chapter 11: Have You Ever Played with Your Son?
Chapter 12: When Was the Last Time You Laughed?
Chapter 13: Where's Our First Mission Boss?
Chapter 14: What's the Matter?
Chapter 15: Are We There Yet?
Chapter 16: Why Does This Feel Familiar?
Chapter 17: Can You Teach Me?
Chapter 18: Where do We go from Here?
Chapter 19: Should I Just Go Home?
Chapter 20: Who's Up for Some Training?
Chapter 21: What Do I Really Want?
Chapter 22: How Many Injuries Can I Sustain?
Chapter 23: Can We Go Back into Town?
Chapter 24: Who is He?
Chapter 25: Can I Walk You Home?
Chapter 26: When Was the Last Time I Had Fun?
Chapter 27: Is Everything OK?
Chapter 28: What are we Going to do Now?
Chapter 29: Can We Talk About Last Night?
Chapter 30: When Will They be Back?
Chapter 31: How Did You Get That Wound?
Chapter 32: What to Do?
Chapter 33: How Many Legs do you Have?
Chapter 34: Was He Hurting You?
Chapter 35: Can We Live Here?
Chapter 36: What Do You Want Me To Do?
Chapter 37: Why Couldn't You Tell Me This Later?
Chapter 38: No Age Jokes?
Chapter 39: What Should I Say to Trevo?
Chapter 40: Where's Din?
Chapter 41: Why Do You Need His Blood?
Chapter 42: Will You Wake up Please?
Chapter 43: What's the Address?
Chapter 44: What Do We Do With Three Ships?
Chapter 45: Do You Wanna Ship?
Chapter 46: Do You Want Me to Tell Everyone?
Chapter 47: Have You Been to Sivo?
Chapter 48: What's Your Name?
Chapter 49: Why Did You Have to Kill Them?
Chapter 50: What Are My Options?
Chapter 51: What's the Third Option?
Chapter 52: What Did You Decide?
Chapter53: Is This the End?
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gingersnap1620 · 7 months
Make a Memory
Dean Winchester x F!Oc
Summary: Dean and Sam get their asses kicked by a witch whose big green eyes Dean can't get out of his head.
Warnings: Canon typical violence
Word Count: 1.1k
(You Want To) Make A Memory
Evil Woman
A/N: This is my first fic! This is the first part, and I hope you guys enjoy! My sister @gingernut1314 beta read this for me. Go check her out!
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~Year is 1676 in Scotland~
“You can't just leave us here Lily!”
When I decided to join the coven I had no idea of their plans. If I did then I wouldn't have joined and I wouldn't be in this situation. Leaving Scotland and my siblings behind for America. I feel like my mother, leaving them behind like this. My mother, Rowena, is a very powerful witch, so I guess that gave her the right to leave her seven kids behind.
“I don't have a choice, Fergus. You know what they're trying to make me do! Leaving is the only way to keep all of you and the world safe.” At this point, I'm just throwing the things I need in the only travel bag we own. It's big and brown and basically fallen apart. 
“I knew you would end up being exactly like her,” Fergus says, turning his back on me and walking away. Let's get one thing straight, I am nothing like my mother. She's a cruel, selfish woman. If I have to blame anyone for this I would blame her. She's the reason I have these powers in the first place. 
After I got everything I needed in my bag, I went around and said goodbye to the rest of my siblings. 
I didn't exactly have a ticket to get on the boat, but that wasn't going to stop me. I need to get on that boat. So carrying my bag on my shoulder I snuck my way onto the boat and down to the storage rooms to hide. 
As the ship started sailing off I looked out a small circle-shaped window and saw my home get further and further away. Saying that I'm scared would be an understatement, I've never been farther than the city. 
I'm going to stop those witches. I won't let them go through with their plan even if it's the last thing I do.
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~338 years later in America~
Sam and I thought that this would be an in-and-out kind of vamp job, and it was until we walked past this door. 
“What are they talking about?” I whispered to Sam as the girl in the room paced back and forth with her hand on her hip. She has curly red hair and big green eyes. “This chick kinda looks like Rowena,” I whispered to Sam. 
“I know I was just thinking that.” 
“Hopefully she's not a witch like her,” I said that as a joke, but of course right as I say it the door flings open and we get shoved which leads to us toppling onto the floor. Before I could get up the woman squats down right next to me yanking the back of my hair to make me look up at her. Her green eyes pierced into my soul. 
“Who do we have here, shall we find out?” She asked the man who hadn't moved from his spot behind his desk since we came in.
“How about not.” I spit out.
Wrong move. 
She pressed her fingers on my head. The last thing I remember seeing before I blacked out was her eyes glowed with green light. 
“Well, well, well. If it isn't Dean Winchester.” She leaves me lying on the floor as she stands up. 
What the hell just happened? How does she know my name?
“So, that must mean that you're Sam Winchester.” She said, pointing at Sam.
“What the hell did you just do to me bitch?” She walks to the man behind the desk giving Sam and I time to get up. 
I've said it before and I'll say it again I fucking hate witches. 
“Nothing, I just looked into your head, jeez stop being dramatic.” She said, with a dismissive hand.
Oh, I'm being dramatic now! I don't think so! 
I pulled my gun out and pulled the trigger, shooting her right in her stomach. She snapped her head down to find blood oozing from her shirt, a shocked look on her face. Her green eyes snapped back at me, rage burning in her eyes. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me! I just got this shirt!” She flung my gun across the room as Sam pulled his gun out and shot her again, this time right in the middle of her chest. She looked down at the bullet hole, rolled her eyes, and flung Sam across the room. I watched him hit the wall and pass out.
“He’ll be fine.” The man behind the desk decides to pitch in. I forgot he was even in the room. Apparently, so did the red-haired witch because she looked surprised when he talked. 
“Oh! I thought I already took care of you, I guess not.” And with one sharp flick of her hand, the man's head fell off.  “Don’t worry he wasn't human.” She says as she walks around his desk to pick his head up and show me his fangs. 
“A vamp? What do you get out of killing a vamp?” 
“Oh nothing, he just wasn’t helping me out with my problem.”
“Problem?” I guess I asked too many questions because just as it left my lips she flung me into the wall, pinning me there. 
“I realize I haven’t fully introduced myself, my name is Lillian.” She was walking over to me. “I don't want to hurt you two, you're just giving me no choice” 
“You know it doesn’t really feel like that.” She stopped in front of me, placing her hand gently on my shoulder. Her eyes started to light up a dark green color. She must be pretty powerful. 
“I'm sorry that I made you feel that way.” Her hand started traveling down my chest, where her other hand joined beside it. 
I closed my eyes tight, prepping for what was about to come. 
I felt her hands leave my body suddenly. My eyes flew open and I found Sam slapping a pair of silver cuffs on her. 
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“Fucking Winchesters.” She spit out as we put her in the back of the impala. 
“Are you sure you don’t just want to kill her Dean?” Sam asked after he shut the door on her. I walked around the back of the car to get to the driver's side.
“Something about her just makes me think that she's important. I don’t know man.” Sam glanced back down at her through the window and opened his door.
“Alright, I trust you, but let's go, my head is still throbbing.” He then sat down in the car and closed the door. I opened my door and did the same. 
I flipped the radio on and “Evil Women” by Electric Light Orchestra blasted through the speakers. A smirk pulled at my lips as I bobbed my head to the beat. As I turned to look at the witch I noticed Sam shaking his head at me. 
“I hope you have good taste in music” 
“I have exquisite taste in music, but this is utter garbage” I shrugged in return, placing my hands on the steering wheel and whipped out of that place.
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she-karev · 5 months
Mother's Day (Jolex Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Canon Episode: In Between Season 18 Episode 16 and 17
Ship: Alex and Jo
AN: Happy Mother’s Day guys! I decided to write chapters to celebrate this occasion where we say thanks to the mothers that raised us and put our well-being above their own.
Summary: Alex and Andrew try to put together a toy for Luna that proves to be impossible with the nonsensical instructions causing them to start to break down. Meanwhile Jo talks to her pregnant sister in law, Amber.
Words: 3760
May 12, 2022
Jo stands in front of the surgical board writing down Jo Karev for a lap appy in O.R. 3 this morning. Alex walks down the hall surprised to see her in her navy-blue scrubs instead of her pale pink ones that she got after she decided to switch from general surgery to OBGYN. He remembers when she decided on this change two years ago during the pandemic. She told him she needed to bring joy back to her life and knew that switching specialties was the way to do it. He was shocked at first but eventually he supported her decision even bragging about how he was married to a soon to be double board-certified surgeon. Now seeing her in navy blue scrubs feels wrong somehow maybe it’s because he got used to the pink scrubs. He approaches her.
Jo finishes writing her name, “Hey I can’t make it for lunch today I have a surgery that’s gonna run till 1 in the afternoon and then I have a partial colectomy after so I won’t clock out till 8. Are you good eating alone and taking Luna home without me?”
“Yeah, sure but first I want to know when you decided to switch back to surgery? I mean don’t get me wrong, pink, baby blue, dark blue you look good in all of those scrubs it’s just hard to keep track of what stage you’re in right now.”
“Well right now I am part general surgeon and part OB. Bailey guilted me into returning to the O.R. because the hospital is falling apart and more surgeries are getting cancelled by the minute. Even with DeLuca helping out there’s still at least 4 patients waiting and without any residents to assist we’re in the trenches.”
“Yeah, times are dark. Okay if it gets to be too much you know where to find me. And if Bailey tries to guilt trip me, I’ll just remind her that you got into OB so you wouldn’t fall into a depressive state during the pandemic and working you to death is gonna risk that again.”
Jo looks at Alex touched, “You would stand up to the chief for me?”
“I would stand up to God himself if I thought you or Luna needed my help. Not that she doesn’t need it with a fierce and kind mama like you.” Alex grins as does Jo who groans when she remembers something.
“I gotta assemble that baby stroller thing that I got yesterday so Luna can start walking. Maybe if I start tonight, I can finish it by the morning.”
Alex looks at his watch, “I get out early today maybe I can take Luna and assemble it before you get home.”
Jo widens her eyes at that, “Are you sure? I can assemble it another day it’s no trouble at all.”
“Don’t be silly it can help Luna walk and it’s just a toy for a baby its not exactly rocket science.”
“Yeah, but it feels like it is and unlike you I’ve done this before. Trust me when I say it’s gonna feel impossible.”
Alex grins amused and rubs Jo’s arms, “It’s gonna be great. You can think of it as a Mother’s Day gift along with the cake and velvet boxed jewelry I got you.”
Jo looks shocked at the date, “Wait its Mother’s Day? How did I miss that?”
“Maybe because we’re busy and we can barely remember our birthdays and anniversaries let alone a day dedicated to good moms. But needless to say, I remembered and feel like giving you a day of cherishing along with our daughter.”
Jo smiles at that, “Well when you put it like that how can I refuse? Okay the box is in the nursery you can find the instructions inside along with a Xanax in case you get stressed by how difficult it is.”
“Jo, I operate on kids for a living trust me some baby toy is not gonna beat me. It’s gonna look great by the time you get home and Luna will be walking in style.” He kisses her and leaves her to grin at herself hoping that Alex’s cockiness will be warranted.
3 PM
Alex enters the house carrying Luna in his arms along with her diaper bag. He exhales in the relief of comfort at his house before heading upstairs to the yellow nursery where he sees a V Tech sit to stand learning walker for girls with the colorful toy pictured all over the large box. A baby is walking holding the stroller so it can advertise its usefulness in developing child mobility.
Alex kneels down next to the box still holding Luna, “You know when me and your auntie Amber were learning to walk, we just held on to table ends and tried not to fall. We didn’t have toys or contraptions that made it fun for us. So, we’re gonna do it differently with you Little Moon, new baby, new tradition. Let’s do this kid.”
He puts Luna in her sit up floor seat so she can be across from him while he opens the box and takes the disassembled parts out piece by piece. He took out the instructions inside the box and saw that they were in Chinese. He flipped to the English section and saw from the diagram that the first step is to insert the easy to grip handle.
He reads the instructions, “Okay first step is…” The instructions might as well be in Chinese because he can’t make out what it’s trying to tell him, “Insert to parts for assemble which toy can have immediately.” He is taken back by this strange instruction and looks at Luna, “Can you make out what that means?” Luna’s only response was a raspberry to his amusement, “Okay it’s fine we got this, we are both smart and capable people who can put together a simple toy for you to walk with. It’s easy as pie.”
Jo is at the beginning stages of a partial colectomy with her sister-in-law Amber DeLuca nee Karev assisting. She decided to let her sister assist her in her surgeries since she needs to learn as a resident even with all the residency program on probation. She feels bad for Amber knowing it isn’t what she signed up for when she first joined but she doesn’t show it because she knows Amber wants to hang tough and not show weakness. She mentally snorts at the similarities between her and Alex since it’s what Alex would do too.
As sad as Amber is in her work life, she’s making up for it with the joy in her personal life when she told them that she and DeLuca were pregnant back in March. Jo knew that she and DeLuca decided to try to have a baby and gave them her full support already embracing being an aunt and Luna having a cousin. It’s the kind of family she wished she had growing up and is grateful for Luna never having to know what that feels like.
“How’s the morning sickness?”
“It’s mostly gone. It only comes up after I eat a bagel with strawberry cream cheese so I cut that off.”
Jo sees the colon and keeps talking as she cuts, “Have you guys already started preparing for the baby when it comes?”
“We’re just going along with it as it goes. I want to know the sex first and then paint the nursery, I know there is neutral colors but I don’t want my baby’s room to look like vomit or a crab condiment. God knows there’s gonna be enough fluids as it is.”
Jo groans in disgust, “I know, how can so many disgusting things come out of something so cute and so small? It’s why I bought a diaper genie; I just wish it came with a maid to do the diapers and clean up the spit-up.”
“You’re really winning me over on motherhood.” Amber retorts sarcastically.
“But it’s all worth it.” Jo states with a smile behind her mask, “To have this small and wonderful person and claim her as your own it’s a new kind of love that takes you over and…makes you see life in a whole new way. Don’t worry your gonna do great and so is your man. And in case you need practice you guys can hijack Luna whenever you want. Preferably Friday nights so I can have sex with my hot, cranky husband.”
“Ugh can you not talk about that, that’s my brother and I’m afraid my morning sickness is gonna come back.”
Jo chuckles, “Sorry you know Luna is really excited about having a cousin. She even clapped when I read Forever Cousins the other night for bedtime.”
Amber grins, “Aww that’s sweet, it’s gonna be kind of cool, isn’t it? Us raising our kids together at the same time.”
“It does sound cool; I’m already seeing us having barbeque on the weekends with the guys grilling and us just sitting back and drinking cheap wine while the kids are playing on the swing set in the back.”
“Jo by then swing sets will probably be dead and our kids will play with virtual reality goggles or whatever technology is gonna take them away from precious family time.”
Jo starts dissecting the colon, “Well you get my point I’m just really excited. I used to think I would never get those sitcom families that fight and make up in the end with the audience cheering in the background. And now here I am a mom and a soon to be aunt, I’m probably gonna compete with Carina over who’s the favorite but I will welcome it.”
Amber chuckles, “It would be nice to see that and if we have a girl, you guys can hand us some of Luna’s old clothes and recommend toys for us.”
“Well hopefully one is being assembled as we speak. I got Luna this walking toy that’s supposed to encourage babies to take their first steps. I was gonna assemble it after work but then Bailey asked me to operate so Alex offered to do it instead. He said it was a Mother’s Day gift along with the cake I saw in the fridge this morning.”
“That’s nice of him.”
Jo inhales uneasily, “Yeah hopefully he survives with his sanity intact.”
Amber narrows her eyes at that, “Jo it’s a toy for babies how hard can it be to put together?”
Two Hours Later
Alex tries to push the number 3 button shaped like a square onto the console but it doesn’t stick in causing him to groan in misery. He’s been trying to put together the toy for the past two hours and so far he’s only gotten as far as the easy to grip handle that has one end sticking out. Luna has been at the front seat of her dad’s failure with a blank face.
The instructions get more confusing as he reads along making him think that the English translation was rough from the Chinese. He’s starting to see why Jo underestimated his ability to put it together. It makes him appreciate her even more knowing how hard it must have been to play handy man with crappy instructions. Honestly it was a miracle she didn’t have a nervous breakdown since he’s close to having one. Luckily the instructions are also in Italian so he called his brother-in-law to translate hoping it sounds intelligible in his language. Andrew DeLuca enters the nursery surprised to find Alex cross legged on the floor holding a button and glaring at it like he wants to kill it. He clears his throat and cautiously approaches him.
“Hey man how’s it going?”
Alex growls under his breath, picks up the manual and reads out one of the steps, “Gently forward piece for coupling with warning about many danger. Can you make out what that means? Because either I am missing something or China is trying to make us insane with these instructions making it easier to attack.”
Andrew spots the button on his hand and points to the console, “That 3 button your holding looks like it goes right there.”
Alex chuckles darkly, “Yeah it does doesn’t it? Here let me just fit it in there.” Alex tries to put the button in the console but it refuses to merge no matter how hard he pushes, “I have an MD, I was the interim chief of surgery and I run my own department. A department for kids so toys are what I give them all day so they can feel better about me cutting into them. This toy is for my daughter so that she can walk so why the hell is it not letting me teach her how to walk!”
Andrew looks at Luna in her floor seat where she’s teething, “I think your teaching her about how to have a nervous breakdown properly.” Andrew grins but Alex has none of it as he glares at his brother-in-law, “Right not the time to be funny. Doesn’t the store have some kind of service to put these things together?”
Alex throws the button to the floor, “It does but this damn thing costs 50 bucks and it costs another 50 to put it together.”
“It’s a gig economy. So why am I here then?”
Alex holds out the manual to him from the floor, “There are instructions in Italian and you read it don’t you?”
He grabs the manual and flips the page, “Yeah.”
“Great then you can translate and hopefully Italy is smart enough to translate into actual sentences.”
Andrew raises his eyebrow at the menial task, “You called me over here to be your translator? I’m pretty sure there’s an app where you take a picture of the page and it can translate.”
Alex pinches the bridge of his nose, “I am on the brink of losing it so forgive me if I’ve forgotten about the advancements of technology. Now either you sit down and help me put this damn thing together or the nursery will be painted red instead.”
Andrew eyes widen at that threat knowing full well how violent his in-laws can be. He kneels down and reads the instructions, “Okay let me read this and translate…” His eyebrows furrow at the instructions reading them out loud to Alex, “To make seat with secure fasten red pin C to happy. Huh…I guess Italy got it wrong too.” Alex grabs one of Luna’s plushies and squeezes the bunny in anger taking a deep inhale and exhale. Andrew tries to read the instructions and Luna is in her chair giving a wide grin as if mocking them.
8:17 PM
Jo enters her house with Amber behind her carrying wine for her and Alex and mineral water for Amber. They head to the kitchen to set the bottles down on the counter and Jo looks around at the empty room.
“Where is Alex? He said he would be home by now.” Amber shrugs and they hear a shout coming from upstairs that sounds like Alex. They look at each other confused before Jo grabs the tiny screen that’s connected to the HelloBaby monitor camera upstairs in Luna’s room. They look at the monitor to find Alex in there sitting on the floor in front of the desecrated toy he said he would build for Jo. Jo sighs gathering the information, “I guess my husband got overconfident again and is suffering the consequences.” Jo sees Luna still in her seat giggling at the scene, “On the bright side Luna is enjoying her real-life sitcom that is her daddy building a toy.”
Amber leans in closer when she spots a familiar person sitting next to Alex leaning forward on his knees holding a purple wheel that’s supposed to go with the walker. She sees him from the side and can tell he is about to lose it, “What is Andrew doing in there?”
Jo grins amused, “Questioning his stance on pending fatherhood maybe.” Amber looks at Jo with a raised eyebrow and looks back at the screen.
Alex takes a deep breath trying to keep the toy standing up with the purple back legs providing support. It looks almost like the box depicts it as except the buttons are hanging out and not pushed in and the pink phone is discarded on the floor. He barely makes a dent in inserting the legs into the main front with one wheel missing that he spots in Andrew’s hands as he is leaning against his knees no doubt as cranky as him about this cursed toy. He grabs the wheel and tries to put the wheel in but instead it makes the entire toy structure crumble down and the buttons are scattered across the floor. Alex and Andrew look on in angsty defeat while Luna grins at the carnage no doubt thinking this is playtime.
Andrew quickly stands up, frustration evident on his face, “I give up I tried man I tried but this-this cazzo is impossible!” Alex merely sits in silent defeat while Andrew goes in a rant, “Porca miseria I’ve been beaten up, I’ve been stabbed, I’ve worked in Italy while it was a hot pandemic spot but this toy for your daughter is the evilest thing I have ever faced! Sono un dannato chirurgo e non riesco a mettere insieme un cazzo di giocattolo.” (Translation: I’m a damn surgeon and I can’t put a fucking toy together.) Alex looks at Andrew taken back by him ranting in Italian but his brother-in-law doesn’t notice as he continues his tirade, “Come farò a fare questo per mio bambino? e perché hanno bisogno di giocattoli fantasiosi per camminare?” (Translation: How will I do this for my baby? And why do they need fancy toys for walking?)
Alex nods but doesn’t catch one word of his speech and overlaps in his rambling, “I can see that your very upset.”
Andrew doesn’t listen while Luna looks at her uncle blankly no doubt not even registering his foreign language, “Non li avevamo e tutto è andato bene. È dannatamente pazzesco che queste istruzioni non abbiano senso, non significano un cazzo!” (Translation: We didn’t have them and we’re fine. It’s damn crazy that these instructions don’t make sense, they don’t mean shit!)
A loud cough stops Andrew in his rant causing him and Alex to turn to find Amber and Jo standing outside the door with concerned grins on both of their faces. Jo walks past the men as they start to calm down and picks up Luna from her seat.
“Did your daddy and uncle have a hard time today, Luna Bear?” Jo looks down at Alex in sympathy causing him to stand up in exhaustion, “Did you learn any new Italian words from your uncle Andrew?”
Andrew sighs at that, “I didn’t realize I slipped back into my native tongue.”
Amber pouts at Andrew putting her hand over his chest, “You hit your breaking point?”
“This thing is evil.” Andrew states in his most serious voice, “It-It is designed so that parents can’t make it and their kids’ development is held off until the damn employee at the store assembles it and makes money from our misery.”
“You and I are finally in agreement.” Alex states rubbing his temples and sits in the rocking chair tired.
Andrew inhales and exhales before speaking, “I have a new hatred for China and our countries inability to translate correctly. How would you feel about a potato and a stick for our baby to play with instead? I mean you didn’t get a fancy stroller and you turned out okay.”
Amber squeezes Andrew’s shoulder in comfort, “I would make fun of you for not assembling a toy but I have a feeling I would incite another Italian soap opera scene.”
“I think we’re gonna hold off on you learning to walk until I can assemble this thing and show your daddy how it’s done.” Jo bounces Luna up and down smiling at her, “Yeah you’ll learn soon that mommy has all the answers yes she does.”
“She really does.” Alex agrees in a tired tone before standing up and standing in front of his family with a guilty look, “I’m sorry. I wanted to show you guys how much I love and appreciate you but instead I showed you all the ways a guy can screw up what a mom can’t.”
Jo grins at Alex in appreciation, “We already know how much you love us, you don’t have to put together a toy that even NASA couldn’t assemble. The fact that you tried to and never gave up is enough for us.” Jo kisses Alex while holding Luna with Andrew and Amber still in the room looking away awkwardly.
Amber turns to Andrew with a smile, “How about this Bob the Builders to show us how much you appreciate the things we do for your current and future kid’s you guys can make us dinner and then after we can eat that cake in the fridge. Meanwhile me, Jo, and Luna will put together this toy that seems to have broken you.” Andrew groans in agreement with Alex rubbing the back of his neck, “Is that a good compromise boys?”
The men look at each other for a moment and nod, “I’ll get the stuff to make chicken tetrazzini.”
“I’ll pre heat the stove.” Alex offers gladly and both of them walk out of the room determined to get away from the baby toy that is scattered all over the floor. Jo and Amber chuckle at their husband’s helplessness and sit down on the floor in front of the toy parts with Luna in Jo’s lap.
“Oh, Luna Bear where would you be without mommy?”
Amber picks up the purple handle, “Probably still laughing at her daddy and uncle’s expense. How do you…” Amber tries to put the handle together with the front but it doesn’t to her ire, “I can see why my husband had an Italian breakdown.”
“Give it to me.” Amber hands Jo the handle that she attaches to the front with laughable ease to Amber’s shock.
“How did you do that?”
“Oh, honey you should’ve seen me when I tried to assemble Luna’s activity garden, that made our men’s scene look like amateur acting.”
Amber chuckles, “Happy Mother’s Day.”
Jo grins at her pregnant sister-in-law, “Happy Mother's Day.”
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 year
i swear I don't mean to cause arguments, or anything of the sort in the FNAF community but I really need to get this off my chest about a certain ship popular in the fandom.
Now, the fnaf fandom has always had its hand full of immoral, strange, and toxic ships like most fandoms do. But I'm here to talk about William x Henry.
Please note I will be using facts I know, this isn't just opinion. I will also only be stating the vital events that help my point, because the rest is extras There also might be some events mixed up here, please just correct me on that *nicely*
Also if ur gonna say something, please don't be hating. Because you will be blocked, I don't care if you are a mutual or friend or not, you will be blocked if you try picking a fight.
So here is my thing with William x henry. I personally don't mind it too much but sometimes it bothers the hell out of me.
Let's talk about what we know about William and Henry's relationship. We know they were best friends and founded Fredbear's together, and then it is believed 83 happens, where even/chris/ what ever you call him, dies. So that'll fuck up any person so. Yk. ANYWAY, then William kills Charlie. So that's strike one right there, ofc Henry doesn't find out till later I believe but yk.
Now I thInk- when ever Fredbear's got shut down and the open Freddy fazebears is where Henry finds out anyway
Honestly Henry is stupid for not calling the cops like. Fucker you had the proof William murdered your daughter- AH YES LETS GO TO THE NEXT TOPIC- Henry here let's William go. Stupid ass- anyway, so what does William do? Change his name and decide in a British voice "I am going to become Henry's biggest problem."
I don't remember what happens but I am PRETTY SURE William does this in the toy animatronics pizzeria. Then the bite of 87 happens and it's like oh shit.
Now during this time, William finds out about reminant , which I find SO STUPID AND FORCED LIKE- HE CANT JUST BE A MAD MAN?? HE NEEDS TO HAVE A REASON FOR HIS KILLING?? anyway. Willie finds out about reminant and is like 'oo lemme go kill five more kids and watch what happens'
So yeah.
Oh and the fact William *according to what I have read* made Mike be a test subject. If that's not toxic and bad idk what is.
Stupid ass part one over here goes back to fazbears to harvest the remnant from the animatronics only to get himself killed YAY!
Anyway lets skip to FNaF... 6 I think. Henry/stupid ass part two quite literally trys to kill William again so like. These two are at each other's throats.
That's all I got for now- mostly because that's all I remember rn :') (jeez the FNAf lore is confusing)
I also have personal reasons on why the ship has a bad taste in my mouth but that's a different story.
Also, please note I AM NOT HATING ON YOU FOR ENJOYING THE SHIP. I just needed to get these thoughts out.
Also please, if you enjoy the ship and want to interact with me, try to refrain from bringing it up. Due to bad memories I will likely start unintentionally judging or disliking you and I don't want that
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ryuichirou · 5 months
A couple of replies about our sketches from yesterday, a couple of follow-ups and some stuff about Papa and Mama Leech today~
Anonymous asked:
Thank you for your contributions to the Toddallace fandom!!!
No problem, Anon! Thank you so much for enjoying our Toddallace stuff.
Anonymous asked:
Screaming and crying and on my knees and absolutely losING MY DAMN MIND-
Freminet is my favorite Genshin character and he is so underrated! Seeing him in your beautiful art style has blessed my entire MONTH and I am eternally grateful!
Thank you for the wonderful sketch 🙏 I will now proceed to be insane over it for the next week
You are very welcome, Anon!! I am so happy you liked the sketch! <3
Freminet is cute, his freckles really look good on his face.
irregardlessly-tish asked:
Have you guys ever read/watch Higurashi or Umineko no naku koro ni? Not a lot of cute boys to ship, (especially in Higurashi) but I get the impression that the dark themes in both of them may be things you find enjoyable lol They are both of my favorite mangas I've read besides SnK
We haven’t yet, but we really want to! My knowledge of both of these titles is pretty vague outside of some of the most well-known things, but I am pretty sure we will enjoy it a lot. Thank you for recommending it to us!
I don’t know when we’ll have the opportunity to dive into it, but whenever we do, I’ll absolutely have some sketches to show. I can already feel it…
Anonymous asked:
Wait I think I know which webtoon anon is talking about
The Guy Upstairs by Hanza
I don't like Hanza bc she's an anti but she kinda got stuck with the short end of the stick with the whole situation
The shippers for the main pairing started harassing Hanza and that's why she decided to end the webtoon early
(related to our replies from yesterday)
Oh, I see.
Regardless of an author’s views, it is always unfortunate when they have to finish their story abruptly because of the pressure of the readers. One would think that they would appreciate it enough not to bully the author, but unfortunately, a lot of times people are very demanding and emotional.
Anonymous asked:
I like Idia’s underwear. 😏
Jade loves it too <3
Anonymous asked:
jade move over that's my job.
Oh you can take a break and relax, Jade will gladly do the hard work for you ^^
Anonymous asked:
If Idia wasn’t butt-naked, he would’ve ran away and left the entire Jade for you, Anon…
Anonymous asked:
every day is a good day when I get to see Jade x Idia YEAHHH
Sooo, are they doing anything spicy~? 👀
Thank you, Anon!! <3 I’m glad you liked it!
They’re about to~
Anonymous asked:
The way I started counting syllables to check if this was a haiku….
I am very happy you liked it so much, Anon!! <3
Anonymous asked:
Holy fuck ill keep saying it over and over but EEL ABS
Swimmer abs! Meaty boys!
Anonymous asked:
So, I saw a post and I wonder if you've seen it or thoughts of it but a eric/crewel/trein threesome (i think his name was Eric but its vil's dad)
No thoughts so far. We keep getting asked about Eric and Trein (and Crewel I guess), but I don’t even know how or why they would interact. We haven’t watched the event yet, so maybe I just don’t know some crucial piece of information, but… Eric seems like too big of a celebrity to stumble upon these two all of a sudden? And Trein doesn’t sleep around as well, he is a very tough one to crack…
Not completely impossible, I just don’t feel it for now. Maybe I’ll have an epiphany at some point in the future!
Anonymous asked:
NEED to know more about your leech parents!!! do they sleep in the same fish bed? did they even want kids, was it just for traditional family points? she doesnt cook, do the rest of them keep it a secret too? hgrgrhrhrhhhhhh FISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFIFSHFISH
im willing to vote they have a cuck chair (? ...merfolk dont sit tho..)
lol Anon!! I am very happy that you got intrigued by these two; I really like thinking about them too to be honest lol so I guess I better share my thoughts before we get more canon lore about them (god forbid, I wouldn’t want that at all! *reverse psychology*)
Alright, so to answer your questions…
To be honest, I don’t think they sleep in the same bed, mostly because both of them are too damn long and take up too much space to share a bed lol They used to sleep together when they just got married, but quickly decided that it’s just too bothersome.
Moray eels aren’t super social and don’t have the “mate for life” mentality, so their family façade is kind of fake. It also makes them dangerous, because one moray eel is already trouble, but two? Who also have a family? This is one of the things that make them so dangerous. So yeah, I wouldn’t say that Papa and Mama Leech love each other romantically, but they have mutually beneficial relationship, and to them this is probably even better than love. They are also probably aren’t intimate with each other anymore… they are with other people though, when they feel like it~
So yeah, to answer your question about a cuck chair lol Sure, why not, but I feel like with these two it’d be more like one of them is obliterating some poor merman while the other watches it just for the sake of enjoying the show. And some additional intimidation/humiliation 😔
When it comes to family, both of them really wanted kids, but not due to any wholesome reasons: Papa Leech wanted to keep his business going strong even after he’s gone, and he would rather choke on a puffer fish than entrust it to anyone other than his own copies lol And Mama Leech really enjoys the drama of being a mother and a wife. She is a bit of a narcissist, and both of them are kind of sociopathic?? But they love their kids in their own ways.
The fact that Mama Leech doesn’t cook is the biggest secret in the world lol The tweels usually play along, especially Jade, but Floyd is more likely to just roll his eyes whenever she is talking to someone about cooking dinner for her sons. I would say that they have a cook, but actually I feel like the majority of things that they eat are raw…
Anonymous asked:
I wonder if you see the time we ask these at... hmmm
Female!Jade, in Bayonetta 1 or 2's outfit...
We do~ We don’t check it though, so if you’re worried for some reason, don’t be lol
You’re making this woman way too powerful, please have mercy… she is already tall and scary…
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gilbirda · 2 years
I fee like people are milking the Anger Management ship a little too often now when there are other ships they can go with. The only Danny x Cass ship that sailed and I’ve seen is in Lex Luther’s Ascent from Supervillainy to Fatherhood 😃 I kind of want to see Jazz and Dick getting closer because of being the oldest and/or Danny and a super kid! Danny x Duke is a ship that no one wants to dip their feet in 😔 they could bond over having powers or maybe everlasting quartet 🤔 (sam x danny x val x tucker) sorry im good at giving ideas out im just horrible at executing them 😭 also, Jazz x Babs? their ship Name could be Oracle Specter? Bc some hc jazz as a liminal and oracle liminal doesn’t sound as good 😀
Friend, I'll be real with you, I don't see the point of this message.
The following answer is not for you specifically, is to everyone out there that has said something similar. I can't just ignore it anymore.
I will say this once: why the need to stomp on something to highlight another? Why start with "I think Anger Management is too common/used/repetitive, when we could be doing this instead."
I'm sorry but this rubs me the wrong way, and I cannot find in me the energy to play nice when it isn't the first time I've seen people stomp on my favorite ship for the sole purpose to try and highlight other ships.
The sad part? I like other ships. Jazz/Dick (Nightbirds), Danny/Cass (Dead Silent) and all those you mentioned are okay.
(Jazz/Babs is Red Dead Redemption, but it can be changed)
Like, what's the point? Guilt trip people into making content for other ships? Make me feel bad enough so I write for other ships instead? I am not the DPxDC ships wizard, I don't wake up one day and decide which ship becomes popular.
I just saw the potential for Jazz and Jason, how interesting their dynamics could be, and run with it. I'm happy that my rarepair has become so popular that it has antis and detractors, it's such an honor to have started the fire that took my OTP out of rarepair hell.
But, please.
If anybody out there likes other ships? That's great!
Now go make content for it.
Don't go into mine, or other writer's, inbox and try to guilt trip people into making content for your ship. Or make vagueing posts in the Anger Management tag complaining about it.
Be the change you want to see.
I wrote nearly 100k words of my ship before I saw other people that wasn't me making posts and AUs about them. Before I saw more fics with that ship posted in AO3.
I just sat down and made content.
"Why are people sleeping on these ships?"
"Why isn't [CharacterA/CharacterB] more popular?"
"Anger Management is great, but I'd prefer if it was done this way instead."
Again, this isn't an attack on you personally, is a PSA to anybody out there being pissy about Anger Management and shitting on it just to make other ships look better or more interesting; or wondering out loud why this ship is popular and their ship is not, behaving as if it were all a plot to make Anger Management more popular on purpose.
Stop that.
Multiple ships can coexist in peace, no need to put down the popular ships unnecessarily. Is not rocket science.
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