#i am so excited for a vacation
emgoesmed · 2 years
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I found @that-premed-student mini 10 day study challenge which seems like a good way to keep myself motivated while I'm studying for my neurology exam next Friday.
Today's to-do list:
uworld 40q
neurology quiz 1
complete required patient encounters (8)
fold laundry + pack suitcase
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3-aem · 1 year
flying back home tomorrow and can finally draw again 😭😭😭😭 gonna do that shibuya gojo every artist and their mother has already done but idc i want him carnally
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sexynetra · 6 months
Me? Starting a new fic? It’s more likely than you think 🤭 also this is fully not at all 6 sentences but I wanted to share this whole interaction so. You’re welcome for the bonus content. (I did 6 short paragraphs though so it’s still 6 something <3)
Dame groaned, head falling to the side to rest on Tia’s shoulder. “You know I adore Hannah but do we have to? I wanted a night for just us.” Dame looked up at her through dark lashes as best as she could without moving her head.
Tia laughed, shifting to put her plate on the counter so she could card her fingers through Dame’s soft blonde tresses. “We’re roommates, Dada. Every night is just for us.”
Dame just pouted, nuzzling closer and saying nothing.
“We have to at least make an appearance, okay? She's been my friend since uni. Besides, we’re in charge of bringing the cake.”
Dame let out a long-suffering sigh and made a show of standing back up straight. “Fine, but just you wait and see if I give you any evening cuddles.” She stuck out her tongue. Tia rolled her eyes but her own smile widened.
“Threats don’t work if I already know you won’t follow through,” Tia retorted, blowing her a kiss and picking her plate back up.
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puzzledmemories · 2 months
((i'm okay but after a busy day of running around basically nonstop for five hours of my shift, i was making coffee for a client i was coloring with and accidentally spilled coffee on my hand (and a table) (thankfully not on the client) and like i'm okay i'm making sure my hand is okay but god. damn. it's been one of those days. when it rains it pours. i already have a sunburn i don't need a burn on top of that, especially when we're going to the beach for a family reunion in two days))
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I’m already a disorganized MESS with all my thoughts about SotR (or SOTR—yes we get a fantastic acronym) but the current one that is rattling in my brain is that we TECHNICALLY didn’t get a confirmation about who the protagonist is. Correct me if I’m wrong but all the announcement posts simply confirm it takes place on the morning of the 50th games.
We could be following Katniss’s Mom for all we know—she was alive to witness it, lost her best friend to it.
This Hunger Games novel could do something completely different to what we’ve seen: follow a character who doesn’t survive past the games themselves. Maybe we could be getting a first person novel about the district 2 career, or Maysilee herself.
Maybe it’s third person, or first person by someone other than Haymitch.
Maybe we get a rotating perspective (doubt it but still!!)
Maybe it’s Haymitch’s mother, brother, a girlfriend. So many possibilities
Do I hope it’s Haymitch centered? …yes absolutely lmao he’s literally my favorite character in the series. (Which I’m ngl, I hope the novel doesn’t shatter that 💀 I know Haymitch isn’t exactly likeable and I fear maybe my “rose colored glasses” have a chance to be shattered lol)
But just to raise the idea that Haymitch isn’t the only person Sunrise on the Reaping could focus on
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yippee yahoo i’m on a plane yay
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
I am genuinely sorry to all the people I haven't replied from my ask box I swear I see you and you guys give me feels and I will answer asap but my life has been chaotic as of lately with work, getting ready for vacations/traveling (Imma go out of the country eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!) working on the video from my last post and now 4.0 just dropped and I'm down HORRENDOUS for Neuvillette fr fr <3
I will reply as soon as I can I promise, and I'm also working on a lot of wips I am simply dyingggggg to post including more dragoness reader, more zl smut and even neuv eheheheehe pls a small lil milestone project I think???
anyway accept my sincere apologies and have this lil sneak peek ehe (the sisterwives already saw this one rip)
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fcsavgasbcakjncla I love you all so much fr fr see youuu hopefully sooooon HAHA omg
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rubberduckyrye · 4 days
I've been struggling HARD with depression lately, it's sucking the life out of me @.@ can't even sleep well, so tired...
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allylikethecat · 9 months
January OTP Prompts
I think this might be my least favorite one I've written so far, but I actually wrote it so I'm calling it a win anyway.
Warnings for mention / descriptions of blood (Fictional!Matty accidentally cuts himself chopping vegetables) and a reference made to a past suicide attempt
4. Bright red
“Fuck!” Matty swore. He dropped the paring knife, and it clattered to the counter, then slipped off the cutting board and landed with a clang on the hardwood floor. “Shit,” he continued, tears welling in his eyes as he tucked his bleeding hand to his chest. He didn’t care that he was staining his white tee shirt with the fresh bright red blood that welled from the slice in the webbing between his thumb and pointer finger. 
“What’s wrong?” George asked, spinning around from the stove, his eyes widening at the commotion, at the bright red splatters on Matty’s white quartz countertop.
“I nicked myself,” Matty said, purposely not looking at the blood on the counter, he knew it wasn’t a bad cut but the shock of the sting had caused him to recoil in pain and surprise. Matty had always been squeamish and now even just looking at his own blood was making him feel light headed. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to focus on breathing, a steady inhale and exhale. His hand felt like it had a pulse of its own now, throbbing painfully as his heart pumped more and more blood out of his body. 
“Let me see,” said George, stepping into Matty’s space and carefully pulling his hand away from his body, wincing at the blood staining his shirt, dripping down Matty’s hand. “Fuck,” said George, grabbing a wad of paper towels and pressing down on the cut, trying to stop the bleeding. 
“Is it bad? I didn’t think it was that bad?! Is it bad?!” Matty asked, the pain making him feel frantic, he didn’t want to look, he couldn’t look for himself. He tried to focus on the counter behind George, instead of the bright red splotch growing larger on the paper towel as he continued to bleed. They were going to have to throw away the bell pepper he had been slicing for the stir fry he thought hysterically, he had bled all over the vegetable. 
“It looked pretty deep,” said George, his voice sounding far away as Matty’s vision tunneled. He was no longer thirty four years old, standing in the kitchen with the love of his life, but sixteen in the bathtub, hands shaking as he tried and failed to end it all, bright red staining the white porcelain. His parents hard ripped out the tile in the bathroom after, replacing the bathtub with just a shower. 
“What does that fucking mean?” Matty asked, he needed to stop looking at the blood on the counter, but his vision felt spotty, and George’s worried face wasn’t providing any sort of comfort. 
“It means you might need stitches,” George said, “or to have it glued back together or something, I’m not sure I’m not a doctor.” 
“What about dinner?” Matty asked, his voice wavering. 
“We’ll get takeaway on the way back,” said George softly, putting his hand on Matty’s lower back to shepard him to the car. He paused, leaving Matty standing in the hallway to run back to the kitchen and turn off the stove.
“I’m sorry,” said Matty, still feeling woozy as he climbed into the passenger seat of his Audi. George pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“Accidents happen love,” he said softly, “let's just go get you all patched up.” 
Day: 1 | 2 | 3
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sandinthepipes · 26 days
When you’re neurodivergent everybody loves you because you’re quirky and funny. Until you get too close to someone and start unmasking and become obnoxious.
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kanene-yaaay · 4 months
one day i will sit down and actually write all the mdzs tickle headcanons I have and then it will be all over for you guys (<3)
For the moment tho:
Lan Zhan taking his sweet time to copy all the rules of the Lan sect in Wei Ying's back. Sitting on his legs with a book in one of his hands and the other holding one the softest brushes he has, movements precise and serene as ever as he keeps his strokes the straight as possible with his husband squirming and trashing non stop under him, giggling and snickering all the teases and provocations and begging and promises he can imagine. Lan Zhan huffs in a light kind of exasperation when another character gets crooked and he has to put his book down to take the damp, fluff fabric he brough just for this and srubs the paint before he can continue. Wei Ying's laughter get just a tad more hysterical, quickly descending back into high pitches giggles as Lan Zhan dutifully goes back to his work, lips twitching into a soft kind of smile reserved just for those moments. He dips the brush in the ink and continues, almost hipnotized by the way his lover's laughter and reactions changes with every new character, but he refuses to get distracted.
There is still 2,000 of rules left to copy, after all.
And since we're talking about the Lans and everything. No one can convince me that Lan Xichen is NOT simply the biggest tickle monster that ever existed. I can perfectly picture him walking calmly, kind and calm smile on his face as he follows his next prey, reminding them that it's forbbiden to run in the Cloud Recess when they realize what is about to happen and are caught in between running away anyway - not the smartest choice, he will catch you anyway even before you can blink - or staring him with wide eyes while trying to back away - also not the best choice, he is getting closer and the antecipation is a killer - OR just accept the fact that their fate is going to be a very giggly and tickly one in a few minutes. Full of teases and smiles and kind words and a sweet 'thank you for expanding my collection with all of your lovely reactions'
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catfish-and-the · 4 months
van mccann was so real when he said 🎶 youve gotten lazy 🎶 (go ahead girl frustrate me) bc i have gotten lazy and it frustrates me too
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love-3-crimes · 2 months
just watched the truman show for the first time,,, u know what that means
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softscales · 4 months
all i'm saying is we better get some awful/amazing southern drawl accents in the western town of Dawntrail LOL I LOVE how 14 and 16 use accents to differentiate places. The "everyone speaks with generic british accented english" in fantasy drives me insane. We've already cemented "hispanic/latino" with Wuk Lamat which is 100/10 so I hope we just go full crazy with various peoples from all over the americas.
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euthymiya · 3 months
GOOD MORNING! I have today off isn’t that nice 🥲🙏
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