#i am sorry. and i hope your upcoming days are easy
madridfangirl · 2 months
Making up after a fight - Jude Bellingham blurb
A/n - fluff, angst, comfort, suggestive
900 words. Jude*female reader.
‘You were amazing today. Congrats on the MOTM, so well deserved!’
You hit send, hoping for a response. You were supposed to be at the match, supporting him. But the two of you had gotten into an ugly fight just this morning. Which, in hindsight, was kinda your fault. But, hindsight is a bitch and you were downright furious in the morning.
A particular reel on your insta feed, of Jude with an upcoming Spanish actress, is what you had woken up to. The woman was gorgeous, and way too obvious with Jude - the hair flicks, side eyes, giggles, touching the arm for that extra second, all straight out of the playbook.
The hug though is what enraged you the most. Coz Jude had also wrapped both arms around her, not the typical one arm shoulder hug thing he usually did with other women. That, combined with the fact that Jude liked the pics she posted of the meeting made you blow your top.
To be fair, you had tried to avoid the fight before an important CL match, the first home KO match in-fact. But Jude had gotten impatient with your radio silence, pestered you for a call and then you couldn’t hold back.
He tried to explain that she was working on a social media campaign for RM, and other players had liked the post too. But you had shot back saying that was no reason for him to let that woman feel him up.
Jude was frustrated, and lost his cool too. This was not a new fight. You two had been here way too many times. Usually he was patient, knowing that his lifestyle was not ideal for a new relationship, but the timing of it, right before one of the most crucial matches of his career, is what irked him.
So yeah, it ended up with you not attending the match. Not even sending him a good luck message before the match, something you had never missed in the last 4 months since your first date. To top it off, you even used a nuclear weapon that you knew would set him off. By mentioning a colleague of yours who Jude hated with all the bones in his body.
It was only when you saw another angle of the video (taken on phone by other attendees) that you realised you had overreacted. The woman was still pathetic but Jude did pull back immediately from the hug, and maintained his distance. But, it was too late by then and the match had already started.
‘I am so proud of you, Jude.’
You were still on texts. Fully aware that if you call and he disconnects / doesn’t pick up, it will hurt you & your ego both.
The messages were seen. No response. It was now 1.5 hours after the match. He would be home already or on the way.
‘Wish I had been there, instead of moping all day.’
‘Why? That fucker wasn’t good company?’
Well at-least that was a response. At least.
‘Jude, I didn’t go. I wouldn’t. You know that.’
‘You had no problem throwing that in my face though.’
He was right, you could see that. It really was a low & petty blow. If only you were as clear headed in the morning.
‘I am sorry, baby. For that & everything else today. For assuming all those things without hearing you out. Really, I am.’
No response for 2 minutes, which made her anxious.
‘Don’t think I am cheating, then? Don’t think I am going to her right now or went to her last night?’
He was goading her, she could tell. But he was hurting too, that also she could tell.
‘No, I don’t.’
‘Why the change of heart, when you were so convinced earlier?’
He wasn’t gonna make it easy for her.
‘Is that important? Look, I know I messed up. I know I ruined what could have been a great day for us. You really should be celebrating right now instead of feeling shitty. And I really really am sorry, Jude. Pls can we just get over this?’
A pregnant pause, again.
She doubled down with another nuclear weapon in her kitty.
‘I love you. So much it hurts. Yes I do get crazy sometimes but you know, in your heart you know where it’s coming from.’
If this doesn’t work, she won’t know what else to do.
1 minute later, her phone flashed.
‘I needed you today.’
She clutched the phone to her chest, sighing deeply, sensing his resignation.
‘I know, honey. Promise I will be there for the next big game. And whenever else you need me.’
‘It was so shitty to play like this. Not knowing where we stand. Not knowing if you were anywhere near that asshole. Might have tackled some of the guys extra hard today.’
‘Again, I am so so sorry. But I am also super proud that despite all this you still came out on top. Like you always do.’
Jude read and re-read the text a few times, sat in his car. She always knew what she was doing so this couldn’t just be a coincidence.
‘Tryna tempt me?’
‘Depends - is it working?’
‘Be careful what you wish for, doll. I don’t have a handle on myself today.’
‘Wanna come here & show me what that’s like?’
‘Gonna ask one more time - are you sure?’
‘Uh-huh. I do deserve some disciplining today, don’t you think?’
‘I’ll be there in 20. And doll, you may have to take an off tmrw.’
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thealternateuniverse · 5 months
At who's the best at
Paige Bueckers x Fem reader
Warnings: Slowburn (?), curses, sexual inunendos
A/N: I couldn't think of a title 😭 I am so sorry. Other characters are from my imagination, they are not related to NCAA at all. Had to get this ideas out of my head.
Y/N was panting, hands on her knees after doing laps across the court. Today is hell, Geno is not taking it easy on them, the training is tougher compared to the previous months as their team is advancing to Elite 8. She thanked the cardio gods for being on her favor today or she will pass out. Taking one last deep breath, she put her both hands on her waist and walked towards the three point shot perimeter. Qadence pats her on the back while she is dribbling for a three point shot.
"Take it easy babe." She nodded at Qadence before shooting the ball. Another miss.
"Miller!" Geno motioned to come to him. Y/N sighed and jog towards her coach's direction.
"Kid, do you see this?" Geno handed her his clipboaard with her stats on it.
"This is from the last game against Duke."
Y/N scanned her stats, and it is much better progress compared to their match against Sycaruse and Jackson State.
"Yeah and it will get more better if you can hoop today. What the hell is wrong Miller? Shade and Edwards blocked you three times today. You don't get blocked thrice based on these stats. What's wrong kid?"
Y/N didn't respond and remain silent. It shows in the practice that she is preoccupied today.
"Nothing Geno, it's just......" she trailed off thinking of what she should say.
"I'll do better. I'll make sure to clear my mind before practice so I can focus." Y/N continued, bowing her head slightly. She had to prove to UConn women's basketball team that they will not regret accepting her back when she transferred here during her 2nd year. But Geno doesn't seem to be convinced of her answer.
"Alright. I am expecting much better results in our next practice. We can't make excuses once USC had our asses in our match. Go take a swim or a run in your neighborhood or whatever later, you're not yourself today and I don't want to see you like a vegetable during practice."
Y/N nodded and Geno gave her an encouraging pat on the back before letting her go back to practice. It made her feel a little better but her day is still shitty.
Y/N's phone keeps vibrating, this is the umpteenth time her parents called her today. She doesn't want to answer it, it will be divorce probably. It already threw her game off today and she doesn't want to ruin her day more by answering it.
talk to me hun, please
Hun, we are sorry, I know this will be hard for you.
Do you hate us?
I'm sorry, love. It's not working anymore between me and your dad.
Peanut, please answer your phone.
I'm sorry.
We wanted to tell you for a long time.
Y/N turned off her phone. With a deep sigh, she ate her tacos. She's got a lot on her plate now, her studies, her upcoming match, and now her parents divorce. She wanted to take a break.
"Boo, you okay? You're preocuppied the whole day." KK finally asked. Her teammates have been giving each other knowing looks and tiptoeing around her all day. They are not used to her being silent. She went out with them tonight hoping it will take off some things in her mind.
"I'm fine girl. Just woke up on the wrong side of the bad today." She smiled at KK. She's not ready to talk yet not until she's able to come to terms with her family.
"You suck, Miller. Paige is getting full of herself today and you're too preoccupied to humble her."
Paige almost choked on her shirley temple, she took a napkin and wiped her mouth.
"Me? Full of myself? Come on Aubs." Paige scoffs.
"Miller just realized today I don't need humbling, I'm actually good." Paige raised her eyebrows playfully followed by their teammates violent reactions.
Y/N grinned. She had to thank Paige for diverting their teammates from pressing on what's going on with her. The subject of being the best shooter between her or Paige became a daily banter. Paige was not unwelcoming when Y/N transferred in UConn but her competitive ass made sure to show why she was here first instead of Y/N. Y/N admits that Paige is actually better than her and the best all rounder, her transferring here seemed challenged the latter on who's best at what. She doesn't know why Paige thinks she has competition when she is actually the best. She likes to get on Paiges nerves so she gets along with Paige's imaginary contest.
"Get outta here Bueckers, I can do what you did earlier even with a hangover" Y/N said, giving Paige a sheepish grin. Paige made 43 consecutive 3 point shots, it got into her head today without Y/N beating it. It always annoy Paige when Y/N's record is close or beat hers.
"Oi, enough you two." Azzi stopped them before it could start to bickering. Y/N raised both her hands in surrender. She took a sip of her margaritas while still giving Paige a cocky grin. Now the latter looks annoyed.
They continued having fun, dancing and drinking. Y/N didn't move that much from her seat, she's tired and the margarita must've probabaly hit already.
"I'm just gonna go to the restroom." She excused herself. Feeling dizzy Y/n groaned, guess she will have that hangover tomorrow.
She decided to turn on her phone and was still bombarded with texts from her parents. Her mum's name popped on the screen and decided to answer it finally.
"Honey, I'm glad you answered. I've been calling all day." Her mom sounded worried on the other line.
"Sorry mum. Busy."
Her mother sighed. Y/N doesn't exactly know what to say, she is still processing that her parents will have a divorce. Out of 23 damn years, they just decided now that they don't need each other?
"Honey I.... I am so sorry. If you could come home soon we could have a talk, with your dad and I."
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"I am not going home, mom. California is 2000 miles away, I have an upcoming game in 2 weeks, and I am busy for my finals. What's the point? Your going to sell the house anyway now that you are getting divorce."
She didn't mean to sound mad over the phone, but she is really upset.
"I will call you when I am ready to talk to you both. If you two want a divorce, fine, but give me time to process that my parents don't need each other anymore after 23 damn years."
She didn't wait for her mother's response and hang up.
Paige went back to their booth joined by a tipsy Nika after their teammates are gone to god knows where. Dancing or probably making out with someone.
"Hey P, have fun! You're awfully behave tonight. Loosen up, it's weekend tomorrow."
Nika nudged her and throw an arm over her shoulder.
"I'm good, Ma. I don't want hangover tomorrow. Besides, someone has to stay sober to make sure you all get home safely."
Nika scoffed, rolling her eyes at her teammate. It's their last free night before Geno will give them total hell in preparation against their match with USC.
"You're boring me P. I'll go join the others and have fun being miserable here. Have you se---" Nika wasn't able to finish her sentence when a commotion started in the middle of the bar. Recognizing the 6 foot tall asses of their teammates in the scuffle, the two ran towards their direction.
"What in the fuck happened?" Nika felt her slight tipsiness gone, helping KK reach Ayanna who's ready to take a swing to an athlete from Yale. The bouncers are trying to separate them before it ends up to a total brawl. Paige scanned where the others are and her eyes landed on Y/N, her sleeves are up, Aubrey blocking her from punching another Yale athlete.
"You don't talk shit here, dawg. Go back to New Haven and fuck your slutty girlfriend!"
Paige grabbed Y/N by the waist and dragged her out of the scene. For someone who is always cool and at her composure, she was surprised that Miller can trash talk.
"Calm down, Miller. You don't get to injure that million dollar hands." With Azzi trailing behind, she brought Y/N outside and pinned her on the wall to calm her down. She looks disheveled, some of her locks escaped from her ponytail, her face is red, her sleeves are uneven and she is reeking of alcohol. What a total mess.
"What in the world was that Y/N, I know you guys don't start fights but you all are better than this. Gosh, how many drinks did you have? You are reeking of alcohol!" Azzi said frustrated.
Y/N scoffs, wiping some sweat on her forehead. Paige couldn't agree more with Azzi. They don't start fights, Y/N never looses her cool even during their banters at who is best, intense matches and bad calls from ref. Paige wonders what made her so worked up that she almost punch someone today.
"Nah, I was cool Az. I took shots from everyone, sorry I lost count."
The 2 of them grimaced. They check Y/N if she had any injuries, Geno will kill them if they are scathed and once he hears about this. Azzi wonders as to why Yale women's basketball are in Storrs. That's like an hour drive just for a night's drink.
"God you are drunk and you can take a fight." Paige said amused. She never saw Y/N got drunk because she never was.
"Oh yeah Bueckers, wanna try? Let's take it here outside." Y/N stood straight, her face annoyed.
Well that was hot. Paige thought. She raised her hands in surrender before Y/N gets totally pissed. Y/N haven't landed a punch but it might be on Paige if she triggers the latter. Azzi gave her a scolding look.
"Chill, Ma. T'was a compliment."
Y/N rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall again. She's starting to feel hazy.
"What did they do anyway?" Azzi asked.
"Douchebag's girlfriend was offering me a drink, I declined. She thought I want to fuck her slutty girlfriend and proceeds to call us defects, the others heard it, we didn't mind until she pushed Aaliyah."
Paige clenched her jaw and Azzi rubs her temple. Half of the team suffered injury in the past year. Paige wished she hadn't grabbed Y/N and let her land her fist first before fleeing from the scene, it was uncalled for. Drunken Miller surprised them tonight, they didn't know that her mouth can talk.
"That's it, we are all getting home. I'm gonna go get the others." Azzi left them outside.
"Yeah Azzi and tell that cunt to fuck her girlfriend properly."
Paige shook her head. Y/N is definitely the highlight of tonight's event.
"What got you so worked up today, Miller? You almost took it out on someone."
KK was right, Y/N was preoccupied. She didn't have any baskets during practice. Paige had 29 3 points in a row today, usually Y/N comes close or even beat her. It's unusual for someone who plays ball since 5th grade, she just did laps all day.
Y/N groans. "I'll talk about it tomorrow when I'm sober. can you take me home please? Paige."
Paige, licked her lips and pretends to think about it. She's gonna do it anyway.
"I never thought you were into girls." Paige blurted out. She mentally slapped herself right after. Her intrusive thoughts won.
"You guys never asked. I never said I was into boys either. So annoying."
For some reason, Paige couldn't keep her smile off. She was grinning like and idiot. Y/N noticed and she rolled her eyes, Paige looks stupid.
"You look like an idiot Bueckers."
"Maybe I am."
She twirls her car keys and they started to walk where she parked her car. She's behind Y/N who's trying to keep a straight-face and herself from stumbling.
Azzi and KK following them, KK still heated from the commotion earlier and keeps trash talking. Azzi is trying to cover her mouth for being loud. KK, Azzi, Nika and Y/N rode with Paige. The others were at Aaliyah's car since they live together in the same apartment. Paige shook her head, they are all dead on Monday.
Y/N woke up, her head pounding and throat dry. She groaned when she tried to get up. She knew immediately it was bad last night to have a hangover like this, she rarely gets drunk and when she does, she has it bad. She jolted up when realizes that this is not her room. The bed sheet is purple, there are Miami Heat posters everywhere and the trophies are too many to be hers. Not until she saw the familiar number 5 jersey hanging on the wall.
"Fuck, what did I do last night." She whispered to herself. This must be Paige's room. She tries recalling the events of last night and vaguely remembers the Yale athlete talking shit. She almost got involved in a brawl.
Y/N got up from bed only to realize that she is wearing Paige's clothes, it's one of her old team USA shirts, nothing else and her boxers. It's already 2 in the afternoon, she could hear the ruckus outside Paige's room and KK's rambunctious laugh.
She opened the door and was greeted by the chaos of her teammates.
Y/N winced when the pounding of her head hits again. She sat down on one of the bean bags and leaned her head back trying to ease the headache. In an instant, Paige handed her a bottle of water and a tylenol. She gave Paige what is this for ? look.
"Your hangover, duh."
"Ya'll our sleeping beauty is awake." KK sat beside her but she was waiving where Ice was. Ice was doing live on the corner, and she didn't realize that where she is is being captured. Gosh she looks horrible.
"Guys, they wanna know something. You remember we did a tiktok of who among in the team you don't want your kid to date..... They want the opposite."
Qadence was quick to shout "Aaliyah" followed by KK's "Y/N"
"Yeah, I'll go with Y/N too." Ice agreed
"Y/N will throw hands, I'll bet on her too." Aubrey added.
" 'bout you, Paige?"
The team groaned when Paige showed her "rizz hands."
"Will we go further? I'll let my kid date myself." The team erupted in disagreement. Nika throws a pillow towards Paige's direction. "Dream on Bueckers!" Y/N shakes her head too.
Paige is a gender bender, the amount of fans she has be it a boy or a girl is insane. She may look like a fuck-boy type but she'll be a good girlfriend, the question though is, can they take her superstar life?
"Y/N, they wanted to know who you want your kid to date." Ice turned towards her. Y/N straightened her back a little, enough only to face Ice.
"No one, you guys loves ball more than relationships." Everyone burst in laughter.
"You heard our homie? We're not playboys/playgirls, basketball is life." Ice said in live while giving a thumbs up.
"Nawww! she's just playing safe!" KK shouted.
" Y/N is so fine, I think I'll start watching live " Ice reading through comments.
Y/N suddenly felt conscious. She moved where the camera can't see her so she can deal with what's left of her hangover.
" Does Y/N have a boyfriend or what? Saw her in Stanford before and what the hell is she doing on the court, go model in a runway or something--- Yo! Someone said you should model Y/N!" KK is reading along with Ice now.
Y/N blushed on the compliment(?). She couldn't think of herself as someone who walks on a runway or pose for a magazine aside from playing ball. She's no Cameron Brink who could pass that criteria.
"Maaaaan, they are all whipped to our girly pop. We've been gatekeeping our secret weapon."
Some of her teammates joined KK and Ice in reading the comments.
"Y/N c'mere they want to see you."
Y/N doesn't want to be rude by not saying even a "hi" but she really feels shit right now. She look around the room and her eyes landed on Paige, begging for help.
"Y'all sorry but Miller is not feeling well, you'll get to see her in Gampel soon. Be sure to be there." Paige shouted while throwing an arm around Y/N's shoulder. They are both far from the camera, Y/N waived though from where they are.
"Thank God." Y/N muttered and leaned on Paige's shoulder and she felt her stiffened.
Ice wrapped up her live leaving disappointed viewers to only see a glimpse of Y/N. All of them went back to their chaotic self.
A/N: Please stay tuned for the next part. I think I have a hangover too 🤮. Wrote this when we were at the bar. Feedbacks and suggestions are open.
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vagabondreamer · 1 year
Your writing is amazing!! Can I request a Bakugo x reader fic where reader is cheery and tried to get along with Bakugo but he’s so bad at feelings and pushes her away until they go to a hot spring one day and realize the bakusquad ditched them (and Mina stole the readers swimsuit) so she has to *drumroll* get in naked and bakugo ends up fucking her 👉🏼👈🏼😌
A/N: I am so sorry this is so late! I had a huge exit exam to study for (I passed!). Hope you like this, and thank you :)
Prank Gone Right
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You were still considered the new student even if you had been at the school for about 8 months now. Throughout your time here, you had jumped from friend group to friend group - your cheery personality made it easy for you to adapt to new people. But, you had found that your favorite people consisted of the so-called Baku-Squad. Mina became your best friend, and well, you got along with everyone. Everyone except him.
You were with all of class 1-A shopping for swimsuits for your upcoming field trip. Bakugo brushed past you, basically shoulder checking you. "Ow!" You exaggerated, in hopes he'd acknowledge you, but all he did was grumble underneath his breath. Rolling your eyes, you turn to Mina. "Why does he hate me so much?"
She laughed, "Bakugo doesn't hate you! He would've blasted your ass by now if that were true."
"Well he certainly doesn't like me." You rub your shoulder feigning pain.
"Come on, look at how cute this is!" She pulls your arm towards a really cute swimsuit. "Look Y/N, if he didn't like you he wouldn't acknowledge you -" you try to correct her but she holds her hand up, "he wouldn't even touch you if he thought you were unimportant."
"You call bumping into me acknowledgement?" You snort.
"Yeah, Bakugo is weird like that. Indifference means he doesn't care, slight bullying might even be a crush." She says as if she's had a revelation.
"Oh no way, there is no way!" You yell in hushed tones.
"Yes way! Oh my, I have to tell Denki!" You can see the way she's plotting in her wide eyes.
"Absolutely not! Leave him out of this!" You can't fight the blush that spreads all over your body.
"Y/N! Tell me you don't have a crush on him?!"
"I-I don't!"
"Liar!" She laughs victoriously. "Here, you have to get this swimsuit, it's perfect for you." Mina holds up a scandalous article of clothing that you wouldn't dare call a swimsuit.
"Absolutely not. And don't tell anyone anything." You playfully flip her off and go to a different section.
"Yeah yeah," she says half-assed.
*skip to hot spring*
This onsen was different than the traditional ones. Usually, onsens are divided by gender, but this one was a bit more flexible. Any gender could go wherever as long as they had the appropriate attire and respected the rules. You were in the locker room with Mina, all of the other girls had already rushed to get in the water. As you stripped, you told Mina you were going to rinse your body before changing into your swimsuit. She hummed and you went to the other side of the room to the showers. It couldn't have been more than two minutes. You stepped out and went to your locker, but found it completely empty of anything.
"What the -- Mina?" You look around but the pink girl is no where to be found. You check other lockers, but none of them have your stuff. You look for a towel to cover yourself, but to no avail. She must have taken those too.
"That fucking -- ugh!" You couldn't figure out why Mina would pull a 'prank' like this. It was so rude and demeaning. Tears started to swell in your eyes, but you willed them away. "She's not ruining my vacation. Nope."
Luckily there was a section of the onsen that opened up from the locker room and it looked like no one was there. So, with a brave deep breath, you opened the door and sprinted to the water. You were fully submerged in the water when you noticed a figure in the corner of the hot pool. Looking over, you see a wide-eyed Bakugo. Slowly, you turn to face the opposite direction, not wanting him to see your face twisted in embarrassment.
"Oi! Don't ignore me! Why the hell are you naked?"
Reluctantly, you turn back to face the dark corner he's in. "It's an onsen, people get naked for it all the time," you try to sound nonchalant about it.
"This is a fucking school field trip! Any one of these perverts could see you." Oh he was pissed.
"I...Mina stole my swimsuit and my clothes, okay? I don't know why. Guess she thought it would be funny." You explain. "I'm not letting her ruin my vacation."
"That asshole...teach her a lesson." You heard him mumbling to himself but couldn't quite understand him.
Suddenly an idea came to you, "Bakugo, why don't you go get my swimsuit back from her? She should be around here somewhere."
There was a silence before he spoke, "I can't."
"What the hell do you mean you can't? Yes you can!"
"No, fucking just listen, I can't get out right now."
You shake your head in frustration, "What do you mean...Are you in on this prank, too?"
"No, dumbass." He moves through the water until he's in front of you. He grabs your hand and presses it against something hard.
Oh. Oh.
"I can't," he confirms.
"You can't..." You repeat in confirmation. Your body is frozen at the action, but he lets your hand go so that you can move it away. But you don't move it away. Rather, you give it a hesitant squeeze.
A groan comes from his throat. "What are you doing?" His voice drops an octave.
"Should I stop?" You whisper. This newfound confidence has come out of nowhere, but you certainly won't question it right now.
Bakugo shakes his head no, not quite trusting his voice. Again, you squeeze his hard on and again a moan rips from his throat. In an instant, his hands are pulling your face towards him and his lips are attacking yours. You fight him for dominance with your tongue, but he easily wins. He pulls away and takes a deep breath.
"Can I touch you?" He desperately asks.
"Yes, please."
He presses closer to you as his hands slowly make their way down your exposed body. He engulfs you in another passionate kiss and his hands find your tits. He kneads the soft flesh before finding your erect nipples. Flicking his thumb over the sensitive nub, a moan escapes the kiss. He repeats the motion and savors the noises coming from your mouth.
"Bakugo --"
"Katsuki. Call me Katsuki."
"Katsuki," you moan his name. The taste of it on your tongue, delicious. "I need you."
"Yeah? What do you need, pretty girl?"
You clench your thighs together. "I need this." Your hand slides beneath his swim shorts and your grab his cock and start stroking it. "Please."
Bakugo doesn't waste anytime undoing his swim shorts so that you can continue jerking him off. He pulls away from the kiss to watch your face as his fingers find your slit. A moan slides from his lips as he can feel the wetness coming from your pussy. He bets you look good enough to eat. Another time -- that's what he tells himself. Sliding one finger into your tight hole, he watches your face to make sure that you're okay. He slides in a second finger, and sees how your face contorts in pleasure.
"This feel good, princess?"
"More, I need more."
He slides another thick finger into your slickness. You bite down on his shoulder in pleasure. The hold on his cock becomes tighter and he has to bite his lip to not cum right on the spot. After a few minutes of prepping you, he slips his fingers out and grabs your thighs so you wrap around his waist. He slowly teases his cock to the entrance of your cunt. You thrust your hips towards him.
"So impatient." He mumbles before he swiftly slides his whole cock into you. The moan you let out is very loud, he slaps a hand over your mouth as he begins to pump in and out of you. "Fuck, Y/N, you want the whole class to hear?" Your pussy clenches around him. "Oh fuck, you would like that? My dirty girl."
He continues to pound into you, but knows he won't make it very long with how you're gripping him. His hand slides between your bodies and he looks for that sensitive little nub. He knows he found it when your body starts reacting in ways he couldn't have imagined (no matter how hard he tried). Your pussy holds onto him so tight as you cum, and in turn, he spills his seed deep inside of you.
Carefully, he pulls out of you and sets you down to stand on your own feet. His hand comes up to your face and he pulls you into a slow, sensual kiss.
Pulling away, he says, "Remind me to thank Mina for stealing your swim suit." He smirks.
"Oh, fuck off." You laugh, but rest your head on his shoulder. "Can you actually go get it now?"
"Yes, princess." He pulls his shorts back on and gives you another kiss before stepping out of the hot spring and looking for the troublesome girl.
It's not long before you hear a giggle coming from the bushes, and the pink girl steps out holding your swimsuit.
"Oh my! Mina I'm going to kill you!"
"And why would you do that?" She antagonizes you. "Seems like you benefited greatly from this."
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foli-vora · 8 months
Congratulations on your follower milestone! That is amazing! 💖
May I please request a Rick Flag fic with “The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned.” and I would love for you to rip my heart out (since that is an option 😊)
Thanks and I am so excited to read all of these upcoming fics!
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My sweet angel, thank you for your never ending support and love, and thank you for the request! I'm sorry for the major delay getting this done, but I hope you enjoy me ripping your heart out and squishing it under my slipper 💖
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hear me
rick flag x suicidesquadf!reader
word count: 1k warnings: ANGST SUPREME. sad ending. swearing, blood, bullet wounds, death, sad sad sad. rick is cheesy & sad. SAD. ANGST. genuinely teared up writing this bye.
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They lied. Everyone who had toed that line between life and death, they fucking lied. There was no bittersweet flash of memories before your eyes. You didn’t have a lot, but shit—there’s gotta be something worth showing you, worth reliving, before you close your eyes forever.
The minutes pass, you feel the growing chill along your limbs from the steady flow of blood from the various bullet holes in your torso, and still—nothing. Not a goddamn thing. 
Just Rick.
Rick bolting across the sand with your name falling from his lips. You can’t hear it, there’s a distinct shrill ringing in your ears that seems to be drowning out the chaos around you, but you see the movement of his mouth, the strain of his throat as he yells.
He comes to land on his knees next to you, a shower of cool sandy grains flicking up and dusting your black tac shirt. It glistens under the light of explosions and gunfire, and you briefly wonder in morbid curiosity how much of your blood stains the beach beneath you.
“Jesus. Oh, oh darlin’—”
You hear him then, his broken and strained mutter cutting through the surrounding ambush.
“Hey Colonel,” you rasp with a barely there smile, a sticky hot trail of liquid leaking from the edge of your lips, “how’s it lookin’?”
Those pretty doe eyes dart over the destruction of your body, his hands ghosting over your wounds in what feels like hesitation, anxiety. Which ones can be smothered with a cheap and easy dressing? What one needs the most pressure applied?
Going by the rate your body seems to be numbing, cooling in the breezy night air, they’re all pretty shit. At least there's no pain. Shock, adrenaline - whatever the fuck it is, you're thankful for it.
“Fine,” he mutters, rough gloved hands instead coming to rest on your cheeks, thumbs brushing away the coarse sand and half dried blood splatters covering your skin, “you’re gonna be just fine.”
“Damn,” you breathe heavily, brows briefly coming together, “I never thought I’d hear you lie to me. None of that shit. No, no.... you gotta make it something good, Colonel.”
Confusion pinches his pretty face through the pain, and you give another strained smile.
“The last words I’ll ever hear—make ‘em… they gotta be good.”
“Don’t talk like that, you hear me? You’ll be fine. Backup’s comin’. They’re comin’, and we’ll get you patched up, and you’ll be right to back to bein’ a pain in my ass, okay?”
Oh, sweet soldier.
It doesn't work like that.
They don’t send help for people like you. Suicide Squad, remember? It’s in the name. You knew what you were signing up for. He knew what you were signing up for. This is it. You’re just another classified file thrown through the shredder at the end of the day.
You blink tiredly up at him, “No one’s coming, Flag.”
He shakes his head in firm denial, strong jaw rolling in an effort to remain cool and collected.
“No, they... they have to.” 
“Somethin’ good, Flag,” you remind him quietly, a heaviness now seemingly coming to rest along your limbs.
Is this it? Can’t you just have one more minute? One more minute of him crowding your vision? You don’t need a last minute life montage, not when he’s here, not when he’s carefully dragging you further into his warm embrace.
Please, just a little longer in his arms.
“Okay… okay. The—the first time you smiled, it felt like the universe aligned.”
“Oh, fuck me,” you splutter with a sudden roll of remaining energy, chest heaving and lungs screaming as you choke on a weak chuckle, “that’s a… a new low, even for… f’your s-soft self.”
“Thought you’d like that,” he drawls quietly with a grin.
It’s brief, tainted with agony stricken tears, and falls from his face the second it stretches his lips. No, sweet soldier. Smile. It’s okay.
Maybe… maybe this is why your life isn’t flashing before your eyes. It’s because it’s here—he’s here. You didn’t really have anything before this, before the Squad, before Rick. You were merely a shell of a person in your cell, angry with the unfair world and the hand you’d been dealt from childhood, but when he came along?
He gave you a chance, saw something in you no one had before. He provided you with the Squad, with friends. He got you out of your cell and into the fresh air with a new outlook. He trained you, laughed with you, ate with you in the crappy mess hall despite the frowns from his co-workers.
He saw you.
He saw you for everything you were, not for what people thought you to be.
“Think you’re the… the closest thing I’ve e-ever felt to love, Colonel. Thank you.”
It’s a decent goodbye, you decide with the final beat of your heart, slackening in relief and embracing the call of the abyss with a leftover curl still tugging at your lips. Better than you’d been led to believe you deserved, better than what Waller threatened you with.
You got a good ending.
He feels the weight of you in his arms, sees how unnaturally still your chest has fallen and how your eyes seem to stare just past his shoulder. It shakes him to the core. His heart beats at the base of his throat and he can’t help but call out to you one more time, despite knowing you’d never answer.
You can’t be gone—not yet.
You can’t be gone, because you didn’t get to hear him say it back. He needs to say it, he needs you to hear it. He murmurs those three little words over and over, breathing them into your skin wherever he can reach, willing you to stay just long enough to hear them, long enough to know you were loved.
You need to know you’re loved.
Bile builds in his throat at the thought, but he has to leave you behind; alone, broken and bled out on the sandy beach for a sweep team to deal with later. He wonders as he runs through the dense jungle, but he’ll never know if you did manage to hear his broken, tear filled I love you’s.
He hopes with everything in him that you did.
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ozai-the-bonsai · 5 months
Cry for the Moon
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Pairing: Zuko x firebender!reader
Warnings: some strong language here and there
A/N: I am sorry for the long wait, the inspiration was failing and I didn't want to write something half-heartedly just for the sake of posting something. This is a long chapter and I loved writing it! Hope you enjoy this one as well, let me know what you think about it in the comments!
Taglist: @annonymatic @yoongiesstar @lost-inthe-v0id @lokigodofmyheart @4l3x1s @potato87123 @asciendo @angelruinz @unamused-boss @junieshohoho @yourlivewire @itszzmoon @coolgirl458 @vyliie @6000-fandoms @aerikim246 @feitansrisingsun @xenop0p @saikikusouswife @marsbars09
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Using a tank train to chase the Avatar and his friends could have been the best idea you had come up with so far.
With the giant flying bison shedding its white fur all over the place while it flew, it had been quite easy to keep track of them – actually, it had been rather too easy. The whole night, the tank train didn’t let the Avatar and his friends get the slightest bit of sleep.
You had been on their necks all the time, just like a shadow following.
Azula put her hand into the water to grab a hold of some patches of fur, she lifted to examine them. They had chased the Avatar and his friends to a river side surrounded by a forest. Given that they were sleep deprived and too tired, they weren’t going to last longer.
“Wads of wet fur.” Mai spoke dryly. “How delightful.”
Some birds were singing under the warm sun – it was a nice, warm sunny day which reminded you of the upcoming summer.
“They are not wads, they are more like bundles, or bunches?” Ty Lee seemed thoughtful as she tried to find the right word to describe the fur swimming in the river. She scratched her head. “It’s got an ‘uh’ sound.”
You giggled. “I know this feeling – you will keep think about that word until you finally find it.” You grimaced. “It is super annoying.”
“I know!” Ty Lee agreed with you as she swung her arms in an exaggerated manner, her long braid swinging in the process.
“Clumps?” Mai suggested with the same, dry tone.
Ty Lee’s grey eyes shone with happiness as she clasped her hands together. “Clumps! They are clumps!” She hugged Mai, who didn’t even bother returning the embrace. You rolled your eyes at her dullness – it drove you insane sometimes, which made you wonder how you had managed to be best friends with her for all those years in the first place.
You were a passionate individual and you expected your friends, or the important people in your life in general, to share your passion and enthusiasm from time to time. However, you didn’t recall experiencing such an occasion with Mai.
Turning your attention to Azula, who was standing by the river, you raised an eyebrow at her. “All the fur in the river makes you wonder whether that thing simply flew over or instead dived into the water.”
Mai pointed in the direction of the trail, which lead into the forest. “The trail goes this way.”
For a moment, Azula looked in the direction of the trail as she carefully considered her options, then she looked upwards. Following her gaze, you too spotted the broken treetops. A frown appeared on your face. “Well, I don’t know many creatures that can cause something like this.”
Upon hearing your remark, Mai and Ty Lee looked into the direction you were pointing at. Perhaps they finally realised that the bison was causing them all the trouble by shedding its fur, you thought as you crossed your hands over your chest. They could have washed it, which would explain all the fur in the river.
“The Avatar is trying to give us the slip.” Azula said, you felt like you two had the same or at least similar chain of thoughts. The Princess pointed to the broken treetops. “You three head in that direction and keep your eye out for the bison.” Then, she turned her gaze to the fur trail. “I will follow this trail.”
You placed your right hand on her shoulder. “Do you believe that the Avatar awaits you alone, on his own?”
Azula nodded. “It would make sense for the other three to take the bison, the Avatar can move more easily when he is alone.”
“Oh, yeah – flying, you are right.” You said, you tended the forget the fact that he was the last airbender. “In that case, you will be perfectly fine on your own. I would rather accompany you; however, with the new earthbender girl in their group, I believe the girls need a firebender on their side.”
After a while you all mounted your mongoose lizards and started riding towards the different paths, a specific pair of traces caught your attention. They were the traces of an ostrich horse. You raised an eyebrow as you turned back to look at the trace. I though he had lost us along the way some time.
During the early hours of the morning, you had noticed someone following the tank train from afar. Even though the distance was simply too much for you to make out who the person was, there had been one very prominent feature on their face that gave out their identity almost immediately.
The scar.
However, after a few hours, you had lost sight of him; hence, you didn’t bother letting Azula know that Zuko had been using your trail to hunt down the Avatar. As it turned out, he wasn’t really gone – he had probably taken a short cut. And considering the traces, he was headed the same way as Azula.
You stopped your mongoose lizard abruptly, causing Mai and Ty Lee to stop as well. Mai sent you an annoyed look. “What is it?”
“I think I saw some earthbending traces back there, inside the forest.” You lied without even thinking twice. “The earthbender girl must have taken a separate way – you two go after the bison and the Watertribe people, I will hunt down the earthbender.”
Mai shrugged. “Whatever you say.”
Ty Lee waved at you before going back on track. “Good luck – be careful with the flying rocks!”
You smiled softly at her words. “And you watch out for the waterbender!”
After making sure the girls were both out of sight, you turned your mongoose lizard back and started following the track Zuko’s ostrich horse left. This time, I am going to face you instead of going back home in tears. You thought with a determined expression on your face, your amber eyes lacked the slightest bit of warmth inside them. And you are going to answer for what you have done to me.
[Time Skip]
Zuko shouted in a mixture of surprise and fear as you jumped in front of his ostrich horse with your mongoose lizard.
He was wearing a brown, sleeveless robe with a dark green, long-sleeved shirt and dark green pants underneath. You couldn’t help yourself but raise an eyebrow upon seeing how different his hair looked – it wasn’t in a top not anymore. Apparently, after your last encounter with him, he had cut off his hair and let it grow longer.
Bringing yourself back to the present moment and to the task at hand, you got off the mongoose lizard and crossed your hands over your chest. The long sleeves of your crimson, wrap shirt dangled with the wind. “Wipe that shocked expression off from your face, Zuko – we both knew this day would come.”
Your words had been enough to push the shock away from his features, which left its place to something that resembled mostly fury. The Banished Prince dismounted his ostrich horse with a frown. “What do you want?”
“Answers,” you spoke with a voice as cold as ice, your amber eyes were dark. “You are going to answer for what you have done to me that very day.”
At first, Zuko’s eyes widened with you mentioning the day he left the Fire Nation; however, he quickly gained control over his emotions and put back the frown. “I don’t have any time to waste,” he muttered with an annoyed tone as he tried to walk past you. Without even thinking, you punched forward, sending a wave of flames towards him.
Once again, Zuko was taken aback by your cold-heartedness. When he came back to his senses, it was almost too late – the Banished Prince rolled backwards to escape the flames in time.
“I didn’t ask whether you wanted to go through with this or not,” you said coolly as you broke your stance to stand straight. “After all, why should I show the slightest bit of concern to someone who didn’t even flinch while shattering my whole soul to a million pieces?!”
Towards the end, your voice became louder and louder, until the point you ended up screaming at his face.
Zuko spoke your name softly, which had your heart melting almost immediately as if he hadn’t been the cause of all that had hurt you over the last years. “Let this go, please – it has been three years and…”
Not even letting him finish, you interrupted him – the fury was raising within you, blinding your sight, and blurring your mind. At that moment, all you wanted to do was to scream out every buried thought, every silenced cry at him until you couldn’t speak anymore.
“So, is time supposed to magically make me forget everything you did, everything you said?” You asked scornfully as you pointed at him with your index finger in an accusing manner. “You… You said I was a burden, a baggage, a fucking deadweight!”
Zuko said your name once again. “Please… I am…”
You were shaking your head almost hysterically, you could feel the tears running down your cheeks. This was the mental breakdown you had been trying to avoid having for weeks now. “How can you expect me to forget that?!”
“Please, let me come with you.” You whispered as you tried to turn your face away – you kind of felt ashamed for you were crying in front of Zuko’s whole crew. He cupped your face and made you look at him as he gently wiped away the tears leaving you amber eyes. “Zuko, I… I don’t know how to live here without you. I have… I have had you with me ever since I could remember…”
Even though his left eye was bandaged as a result of his father’s unthinkable cruelty, you could still see the tears forming in his right eye. But he managed to control his emotions not to show any weaknesses in front of his crew. “Love, we have talked about this,” he whispered towards your lips before leaving a small kiss. “I will be back before you know it. I promise.”
You shook your head – you didn’t want to stay in the Fire Nation while he went on this impossible journey to find the Avatar, who had been presumably already dead for centuries! A part of you knew that his journey was probably never going to end.
The simplest thought of not getting to see Zuko ever again made you want to throw out. You couldn’t imagine your life without him for you hadn’t known it otherwise. He had always been there, with you, and all your life, you grew up with the belief that you were going to become his wife someday.
The arranged marriage, which had been decided when you were born, was the main reason for you to grow up with Zuko – yes, but it also allowed this purest love of all to bloom between you two. From childhood best friends to childhood crushes and to young lovers.
He carried a piece of your heart and whether he wanted it or not, a part of you was going with him.
“Why?” You asked with a low voice. “Why won’t you take me with you?”
Zuko placed his lips on your forehead to leave a small kiss before speaking. “Your place is here, in the Fire Nation, where you can continue your studies and your training to pursue your dreams.” Slowly, he turned his look away from your eyes. “I would never forgive myself if I took that away from you.”
You pressed your lips against each other to silence a sob that dared to escape. “My place is with you…”
“My decision is final,” Zuko spoke with a soft voice, which carried still enough authority to put an end to your continuous attempts to change his mind. “But I am going to miss you more than anything...”
It felt impossible to form words, let alone talk. Hence, you placed your lips on top of Zuko’s instead of wasting time talking.
After the long farewell, you went home quickly to get the small gift you wanted to give to Zuko before he set sail in a few hours. You wanted to give him something that would bring him good luck on his mission and also make him remember you every time he looked at it.
It was the small replica of a red dragon made of metal, which hung at the end of a black chain. You thought Zuko could hang it by his desk or by his bed, keeping it in his personal space where he didn’t need to wear his façade anymore.
As you approached the ship, you could hear some voices coming from up on board. Upon hearing someone from the crew mentioning your name, you stopped in your tracks to listen to what was being said. You could already see Zuko standing with his back facing you, talking to that crewmate.
“My Prince, please forgive me for asking but,” the crewmate spoke with a respectful tone. “Why didn’t you allow her to join us?”
You heard Zuko heave a sigh before speaking. “I am afraid she would only be a burden to us – like baggage, she would just slow us down.” The gift of good luck you held slowly slipped between your fingers and fell onto the ground. Zuko shook his head. “I cannot allow any deadweight on board – and if any of you should become one, I will not hesitate to send them back!”
Biting your lower lip to silence your sobs, you turned back and ran away without even saying anything to Zuko, without facing him and without wishing him one last goodbye. You wanted to believe he was lying but the way he talked as he uttered those venomous words had been just too real, too true.
After that day, nothing was going to be the same for you.
[Flashback ends]
Wiping the tears away, you asked with a weak voice. “Why?”
Zuko turned his eyes away, his shame radiated off his body. “Does it matter?” He muttered. “After what I made you go through, does it really matter why I said what I said?”
You shook your head as a hysterical laughter left your lips. “Still, you are incapable of looking me in the eye and say it – say that you thought I was weak.” You didn’t realise it as the flames started to form around your clenched fists. “Say that you have lied to me every single day!” Control slowly slipped away from your fingertips. “You have never even loved me!”
What came next had been a shock to both of you.
As you screamed your sorrows away, you shot the flames – which had been growing around your fists – directly at Zuko. This was probably the very first time that you attacked him the same way you would attack any of your enemies. The reflection of the flames was visible in Zuko’s amber eyes and he seemed to be paralyzed – he had never met this side of you, he had never really been on the other side.
If he had dodged the flames with his firebending a second too late… Well, let’s say it would have been really unpleasant.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Zuko screamed at you, still not returning your attack as you circled each other. “Why would you attack me like that? And… and why would you say that I have never loved you?”
“If you had loved me, even just a little,” you told him as you stopped moving in a circle to point at him with an accusing manner. “You would have never hurt me the way you did.” Raising an eyebrow at his direction, you asked sarcastically. “Do you like the person you have turned me into?”
Zuko shook his head. “No, I didn’t do this to you,” he said with a low voice. “This is you under Azula’s influence.”
His words made you throw your head back and let out a laughter that had the hints of condescending, amusement, and little bit… craziness?
“Oh, you do believe that Azula is manipulating me into being one of her puppets?” You asked with genuine curiosity in your voice as you realised the seriousness surrounding Zuko’s features. “My dear Zuko, you have never been more wrong in your life – I am with Azula because I want to, because I deeply care about her. And no, this,” you pointed at yourself, “is not her doing. I should thank you for giving me the push to become more invincible than ever.”
It was hard to understand what was going on inside Zuko’s mind for his amber eyes didn’t give it all away; however, you could feel the hints of longing, disappointment, and jealousy circling around him all at once. It felt like an emotional turmoil.
His voice almost cracked when he spoke. “So, you… replaced me with her?”
At first, you wanted to say that you had replaced him with Shuzi, but you quickly realised that it wasn’t true. Shuzi had a different spot, and it was under no circumstances close to that of Zuko – his place wasn’t completely occupied. However, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that Azula was the only person closest to that very place in your heart.
You pursed your lips. “Well, you can say that – to a certain extent. Speaking of Azula,” you moved away from Zuko’s way as you walked towards your mongoose lizard. “Despite how much I do want to fight you, it is Azula’s destiny to be the one who faces you. Thus, I am going to let you be on your way.” Upon seeing the shocked expression on Zuko’s face, you shrugged. “I have already given her a head start.”
Remembering what his main goal was – he had completely forgot about the Avatar – Zuko quickly mounted his ostrich horse. “You were wrong though,” he said as he rode past you, his voice was low but still, you could hear him. “I did love you. Every single day.”
With that, Zuko disappeared from your sight, leaving you with more questions than you initially had before finally facing him.
[Time Skip]
After Zuko was gone, you returned to join Mai and Ty Lee, only to find both of them soaking wet, sitting by the river. Using your firebending to dry them both, you told that the earthbender girl had escaped from you by going underground like a badgermole. Not long after, Azula joined you three as well, she seemed quite tired.
As you all rode back to the tank train on your mongoose lizards, the Princess told you what had happened: how the enemies and the traitors had worked together to corner her and how she had shot Uncle Iroh with fire to create enough diversion to escape. You couldn’t help yourself but feel terrible for Iroh – you didn’t think he deserved to be Azula’s victim – but you kept your thoughts to yourself.
“Mai told me you didn’t go with her and Ty Lee,” Azula said as you two walked towards the tank train. Mai and Ty Lee were already inside. “Did you really chase the eartbender girl?”
You shook your head, you weren’t going to lie to Azula. “I actually chased Zuko, I just needed a valid excuse to go on my own way without… you know, letting Mai involve herself as well.”
A small frown formed on Azula’s face as she stopped walking. “Zuko? How did you know he was following us?”
“I saw him earlier today from a distance, then he disappeared so I didn’t really think he could keep up with our pace.” You explained as you crossed your arms over your chest. After everything you had gone through, you felt exhausted – not physically, but rather emotionally. “But I saw him in the woods once again after you went your own way. I wanted to finally face him and be free of everything weighing me down.”
Azula nodded at your words, the firm expression slowly disappeared, leaving itself to curiosity. “I understand – in that case, I forgive you for not following my orders.” The edge of your lips curled upwards. “Did it work? Are you finally free of all that weight now?”
You nodded with a big smile forming on your face, almost reaching your amber eyes. Almost.
“I screamed at him everything I have been wanting to say to him ever since… you know, that day.” You spoke with a lower voice, not wanting to be heard by anyone. Shaking your head, you continued. “He is not even capable of owning up to his actions – he couldn’t tell me why he had… said all those things about me.”
Azula shrugged with an unamazed manner. “Well, what did you expect from Zuzu in the first place?” She said as she rested her left hand on the small of your back, leading you two into the tank train. “Still, I am glad that you are now lighter than ever.”
You forced the fake smile back onto your lips.
The problem was that you felt you carried more weight now that you had faced Zuko.
Over the years, you had made yourself deeply believe that he had never really loved you – this had been the only explanation you could find for his actions, your coping mechanism. However, now that you knew he had loved you all along, you felt more lost than ever.
More lost, more confused, more vulnerable.
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
𝕓𝕝𝕦𝕖 𝕛𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕟’𝕋𝕖𝕩𝕒𝕤 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤
𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟟
First Date Jitters & Cowboy Margaritas
♡ 𓃗 ♡
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Pre! Outbreak Joel x horseback riding instructor f!reader
~word count: 4.5k~
Summary: Joel Miller, single father; total soft dad has an astronomically enormous crush on you, his daughters horseback riding instructor.
Warnings: soft! Joel, shy! Joel, horny!awkward!Joel, fluff, flirting, slow burn, feeling flustered, sexual tension, brief horny thoughts, bantering, teasing, no use of (y/n), (+18) minors dni !
blue jeans playlist:
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Austin, Texas
Joel Miller called you every morning the following week leading up to your anticipated first date. You both were giddy with nervous excitement. He wanted this date to be perfect in every sense. Sure, he could take the typical route and wine and dine you but where was the fun in that? It was clear that neither of you were the conventional type and that was one of the many reasons why he was attracted to you. Despite your hectic schedule between taking care of the horses, teaching lessons, and bartending in between, Joel wanted to make sure that you had an enjoyable evening with him. By Thursday, he was a flustered mess. He had his doubts that maybe you would call and cancel on him. Maybe it was too soon for you, or on the off chance, he would end up being so nervous that he would end up chickening out on you entirely.
“You’re um–you’re still excited for Friday, right darlin’?” He held his phone against his ear, tapping his fingers across the steering wheel. He had just pulled into the parking lot of the jobsite he and Tommy would be working at for the next few days.
“Joel, I literally have not been able to stop thinking about our upcoming date all damn week. You know I almost ate shit yesterday cause I was too busy thinking about you? You’re gonna have to start paying rent if you wanna live in my mind like that mister.” You held your phone against your chin and shoulder as you were filling up Whiskey’s water bucket, leaning against his stall door while he happily ate his morning grain.
Joel felt the heat rise to his cheeks when you admitted that you had been thinking about him, and the date, just as much as he had been. “Well, I'm really sorry that my devilishly handsome mug almost caused you to eat shit darlin.’ I just..i’m nervous if i’m bein’ honest, and I know that ain’t what you want to be hearin’ from a man right now. Y’know I just have been off my game for so long and I just don’t wanna screw this up.”
You reached over and gave whiskey a light pat on his neck, threading your fingers through his silky soft cream colored mane. “Easy there now cowboy, I said you were handsome, not devilishly handsome.” You giggled. “Joel, its okay that you’re nervous. In fact, if you weren’t a little bit nervous i’d actually be pretty concerned. You’re doing just fine, okay? I appreciate your honesty. Not many men would be admitting to their first date jitters. You’re cute, Joel and I highly doubt there’s any way for you to screw this up.”
Joel softly chuckled as he rested his head back against his worn headrest in his truck. “I know darlin’ I was just teasin’ ya. Thank you for validatin’ my feelings. You’re a real peach, you know that? Also, I 100% will be thinking about you all damn day now just ‘cus you said i’m handsome AND cute. You see what you’re doin’ to me darlin’? Turnin’ my fuckin’ brain to actual mush.”
“Peach is actually my middle name, believe it or not. Good! Your brain should be turning to mush because you’re living in mine rent fucking free man.” You giggled.
“Wait, is it really? Darlin’..are you messin’ with me right now?”
“Oh, I absolutely am. I gotcha there huh?”
“I was believin’ you for a good second there hun. Listen, you know i’d love nothin’ more than to chat with ya all mornin’ but I gotta run unfortunately. Tommy and I got this big project to start on. I hope you have a wonderful day and say hi to the boys for me, okay?”
“No worries. I gotta get some shit done around here before my 9 o'clock lesson gets here. I hope you have a wonderful day as well Joel. I’ll tell the boys you say hello.”
“Talk to ya later darlin.’”
“See ya around, cowboy.”
Joel ended the call as he let out a soft, content sigh. He grabbed his tool box from the passenger seat as he hopped out of his truck. He tucked his phone into his tool belt around his waist before he clapped his younger brother on the shoulder.
“Wow. You’re early for once Joel.” Tommy said with a grin as he tightened the laces on his boots. “So, you all ready for your big date tomorrow? You’re not gonna be an ass and chicken out on this girl, right?”
Joel was tightening his tool belt around his waist so it fit more snuggly. “Oh, I'm excited alright. Nervous as all hell at the same time. I really don’t wanna mess this up. I uh–I actually just got off the phone with her. We talk every mornin’ and it's become apart of both of our routines.”
Tommy let out a playful gag as he straightened his back after tightening his boots. “Oh Christ. You really have just completely gone and turned into a fuckin’ sap. Never actually thought I'd live to see this day.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah. You just wait till you get to meet her. You’ll see exactly what I'm talkin’ about then. Can you still come over tomorrow and watch Sarah?”
“Ohhh. So, you’re already thinkin’ about bringing her around? You’re down so bad big brother. Course I can watch Sarah. Love that kiddo man. Besides, she fills me in on all the important stuff.” He winked.
“Well..uh–I hope that I will eventually be bringin’ her around. You and Sarah are like two peas in a pod I swear.”
“I cannot fuckin’ wait to meet the bird that has taken my poor big brother’s heart! Sarah’s my favorite niece. What can I say?”
“She’s your only niece Tommy.” Joel corrected him.
“Shuddup. You knew what I meant.”
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Thursday had flown by for both you and Joel and Friday evening had rolled around faster than either of you had expected. It was 5pm and Joel was puttering around his house, making sure he had everything ready. Joel was taking you to a local drive-in movie and he had gone as far to set up his truck bed with pillows and blankets. He wanted you to be comfortable. That was 100% his main concern was your comfort above all. He had even gone and picked up a bunch of snacks and placed them all in a cooler with a couple beers and water.
Just as he was placing the cooler in the bed of his truck, Tommy had pulled in the front of the house and hopped out of his own truck. He had the board game tucked under his armpit for him and Sarah to play. “What in god’s green fuckin’ earth have ya gone and done to your truck Joel?”
“Huh? What’re you–Oh. The pillows and shit? Well, I'm takin’ her to the local drive-in. Do you think it's too much?I just wanna make sure she’s comfortable..”
“Oh my god, of course you’re takin’ her to the drive-in! You sly sly dog.” He chuckled. “Joel, I'm sure she’s gonna love it, and especially since you’ve put a ton of effort into this whole thing.”
“Hey! It ain’t like that Tommy. I was gonna take her to that one taco place in town..pick some food up and then we’re gonna go to the drive-in.”
“Brother, I'm just messin’ with ya! Relax. You are gonna kiss her at the end of the night right? She’s probably gonna expect you to.”
Joel rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He most definitely had not thought that far ahead yet. Was Tommy right? Were you going to expect him to kiss you by the end of the date? Was that something that you’d even want? “Oh..well I honestly haven’t thought that far ahead. Shouldn’t I be takin’ it slow?”
“My word of advice to ya is just to just see what signs she’s givin’ ya. I ain’t sayin’ y’all have to kiss or anythin’, but just to keep that in the back of your mind is all i’m sayin.’”
Joel let out a huff as he hopped down from the bed of his truck and closed the latch over the top as he dusted his pants off. “Okay, I'll keep that in mind.”
Tommy brought his arm around his shoulder, giving his brother a side hug. “Good man. Now, what’re you wearin’?”
“Fuck if I know.”
“Sarah and I will help ya find somethin.’”
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After turning the horses out for the evening, you locked the barn up before heading to your apartment to quickly get ready. Your first date jitters were coming in full force as you quickly showered. You just wanted to know where your Texas tall glass of water was taking you for the evening. The possibilities with Joel were clearly endless. You had not felt this excited about a guy since the situation with your ex.
By 6pm, you were scrambling to finish getting ready. Your room, and bathroom were a complete disaster as you struggled putting an outfit together. You didn’t want to look sloppy and you also didn’t want to look like you were trying too hard. Ugh. Why was being a girl so difficult sometimes? Was Joel facing the same struggles as you were right now?
At 6:15 you finally decided on going with some simple light washed jeans, a cute top and a flannel, in case it got chilly. You paired it with a nicer pair of sneakers that didn’t have scuff marks all over them. Overall, you felt pretty confident in your outfit choice. You were torn between doing a full makeup look in the beginning but with the time crunch, you only had time to swipe a bit of mascara over your lashes and lip gloss on your lips.
Your phone rang loudly from the kitchen where it was charging. You raced to grab it, flipping it open as you brought it up to your ear.
“Hey darlin.’ I’m about to head on over. Are you ready or do ya need more time? There’s no rush or anythin–”
“Hey Joel. Yeah, I'm ready. See you soon?” You lightly chewed on the tip of your thumbnail. The butterflies were absolutely swarming in your stomach.
“Perfect. See ya soon darlin.’”
The call ended and you spent the next 10 minutes furiously looking over your appearance in the mirror. You checked to make sure you had nothing stuck between your teeth and even gave your armpits the sniff test just to make sure. As soon as you heard a knock on the front door of your apartment, the butterflies erupted again as you grabbed your purse and slung it over your shoulder. With a deep breath you unlatched the lock and opened it.
On the other side of your apartment door was your Texas tall glass of water. He had a bundle of fresh wildflowers grasped between his hands. You could tell he had picked them himself just by the fact that there was some brown twine holding them together. You both stared at each other for a long moment as you seemingly were taken in one another’s appearance.
“Wow.” He breathed out, letting his shoulders relax. “You look beautiful.”
“You clean up pretty well yourself cowboy.” You said with a small grin. Joel must have been in a nervous rush just like you because his T-shirt was very clearly on backwards. “Uh, Joel? I think your shirt is on backwards.”
Joel’s cheeks immediately felt hot as the realization dawned upon him. “Aw shit. Y’know I would have thought that my brother would have told me this before I left the house.” He grumbled quietly. “Oh! These are for you..I uh– picked them earlier while I was on the job-site. They kinda just..reminded me of you..I hope you like them.” He handed you the homemade bouquet of wildflowers and much to your surprise, he wasted no time to pull his t-shirt over his head. As soon as you caught a glimpse of his broad, tan chest, you inhaled a shaky breath. The exposure of skin was quickly covered with the shirt on the right way now.
“They’re beautiful. Thank you for thinking of me Joel. That was awfully sweet of you. Let me just put them in a vase real quick and then we can be on our way?”
“I would have gone to the store and gotten you roses or somethin’ but that didn’t seem like your style.” He leaned against the doorjamb as you headed into your cute little cozy kitchen. He watched as you grabbed a vase from a cabinet and filled it up with a bit of water before placing the bouquet inside. You joined him outside the door, locking it behind you before his hand was at your lower back, leading you down the stairs to his truck.
Chivalry was alive and well thanks to Joel Miller. He held the passenger side door open for you, and even gave you a little boost into the seat. Once you were buckled in, and he was situated in the driver's seat, he had placed his hand on the back of your seat as he leaned over the center console and checked over his shoulder as he backed out of the parking spot.
Why was that alone so fucking hot? He smelled amazing too. He was wearing an intoxicating delicious cologne and you would absolutely love to just bury your face into his neck–
“Did ya hear me darlin’?”
“What? No..I’m sorry I didn’t. I zoned out there for a second.”
“S’alright hun. I asked if you were a fan of tacos? There’s this place not far from here that has some good ones. Also, the best takeaway margaritas that Austin Texas has to offer.”
“You had me at tacos and margaritas.” You looked over at him from the passenger seat.
“Awesome. I had a feelin’ you’d be into it but just wanted to make sure, y’know?” He cleared his throat slightly as he had one hand on the steering wheel and the other was resting along the center console. “I meant what I said earlier. You look beautiful.”
“Oh, yeah. I love tacos. Literally my favorite food of all time.” You glanced down at his hand briefly as it rested along the center console. Before your brain could stop you, you boldly grabbed his hand and interlaced your fingers together. His palm beneath yours was warm, slightly clammy from the nerves, and you could tell he used his hands a lot just from the texture of calluses on his skin. These were the hands of a true, rugged man. Woof.
Joel felt his breath hitch in his throat the second his fingers were wrapped around yours. Man, you were ballsy tonight. “Well, you’re in for a real treat tonight darlin.’” He gave your hand a soft squeeze, glancing over at you momentarily. He quite liked the way your hand felt around his.
The casual small talk floated between the two of you in the confines of his truck. The radio was softly playing in the background as you told Joel about your day, and how Dieter tried to escape from his stall yet again. Joel was attentively listening to you as he kept his eyes focused on the road. He laughed as you told the story of Dieter, the mischievous Norwegian Fjord, almost escaped again. He truthfully could listen to you talk for hours. You were so animated with your words and it was so hard for him to not be drawn in. As cheesy as it sounds, he felt like he was a moth to flame when it came to you.
You were holding hands the entire drive to the taco place. It was a drive through luckily and he went ahead and placed an order for steak tacos for himself, and veggie for you. Along with chips and guac and two cowboy margaritas. He only slipped his hand out of your grip to pay, and grabbed the bag of food and the two styrofoam cups that contained the margaritas. Once everything was situated, he was reaching for your hand once more.
“What the hell is Cowboy Margarita?” You asked as you took a small sip from the straw.
Joel looked over at you with mocked disappointment written across his face. “Oh my dear, only the best fuckin’ margarita you can get your pretty lil hands on.”
“Oh wow. This is fucking delicious! Holy shit. Where have these been all my life?”
Where have you been all my life? He thought to himself.
“Told ya. Best margarita Austin Texas has to offer.”
You took another sip as you made yourself comfortable in the passenger seat. “So, where are you actually taking me cowboy?”
“Well, darlin.’ That would go and ruin the surprise and I ain’t about to do that.”
“Damn. You can’t even give me a little hint?”
“Afraid not hun.”
“Bastard.” you muttered under your breath with a light giggle.
Joel let out a chuckle as he drove a few miles down the road. It was a beautiful evening. There was a cool breeze that drifted in through the open windows of Joel’s truck. The breeze kissed your cheeks tenderly. He had pulled off into a field, where there were about 30 other cars parked in front of a projector screen. Joel felt his heart flutter out of his chest when you looked at him with the biggest grin. “No fucking way. You brought me to a drive-in? I’ve always wanted to go to one!”
He parked a few spots down from another truck with the bed of his truck facing the screen before he cut the ignition. “Course I did. I had a feeling that you’d really enjoy somethin’ like this. That ain’t even the best part. C’mon.” He hopped out of the driver's seat and you followed after him.
To your surprise, Joel had decked out the entire bed of his truck with pillows and blankets. You could tell he thoroughly thought this entire thing through and paid attention to all the little details. “You are unbelievable, you know that?”
“I know. I just wanted to make sure you were nice and comfy s’all.” He grabbed the two margaritas, and the bag of food and set it alongside the bed of the truck before he came alongside you, gently grabbing your waist as he hoisted you up.
His warm touch along your skin was enough to have your head spinning as you watched him effortlessly pull himself into the bed of the truck. “Take a picture darlin.’ it’ll last longer.” He shot you a wink as he grabbed the bag of food and handed you your drink before he scooted himself back against the pillows and patted the spot next to him.
You wasted no time scooting yourself over to him as he handed you your wrapped tacos with a few napkins. “What movie is on tonight?”
“The Parent Trap. You’ve seen it before?”
“Only about a hundred times. Easily one of the best Disney movies out there.”
“It’s one of Sarah’s favorites as well. I was hopin’ they were gonna show a horse film or somethin’ but this was the next best option.”
Once the movie started, you and Joel were comfortably eating your food. Your shoulders were brushing against one another along with your knees. You both were aware of the close proximity and yet, the butterflies had stilled in your stomach. The nerves had dissipated finally. Joel was a complete gentleman as he gathered up your trash and placed it in the bag and off to the side.
“Would it be alright if I–”
“Yes.” You didn’t even let him finish asking the question. You knew exactly what it was that he was about to ask.
“Damn, woman. Don’t go and gettin’ too excited now darlin.’ I’m just puttin’ my arm around ya is all.” He chuckled.
“Shh. This is one of my favorite parts.” You whispered.
Joel fought the urge to playfully roll his eyes at your remark before he brought his arm around you, gently pulling you into his chest while he stretched his legs out. What he wasn’t expecting you to do was ever so casually hike your thigh up over his waist as you made yourself comfortable. “Is this okay?” You whispered.
“Yeah. I’m good darlin.’ You comfy?”
“Absolutely cowboy.”
No funny business took place during the entirety of the film. Joel could hardly focus on the screen because of the searing heat he felt from your warm thigh stretched out over him. You were entirely clouding his senses. You were an absolute doll on helping him clean up and throw out the trash from your food.
The drive back to your apartment was filled with “Long Long Time” by Linda Ronstadt. The windows were down all the way and you and Joel were belting the lyrics together. He couldn’t sing to save his life but did he care? Absolutely not. He was just more than happy to be involved. This was by far the most fun he had ever had on a date. No, he wasn’t just saying that to sweeten you up. He meant it. He felt like he was a teenager all over again. (not that 34 is old in the slightest). You were just the breath of fresh air that he couldn’t get enough of.
He walked you up to your apartment door of course. The poor man couldn’t pick up on your signals as you leaned back against your closed door facing him. You wanted this man to kiss you so fucking bad and he had no clue. “I had a really great time tonight Joel. I don’t know why you were so nervous in the first place, cause you seriously knocked this one out of the park and I mean that sincerely.”
Do I kiss her? Tommy said I should keep that in mind but what if–
“I’m beyond happy to hear that darlin.’ This was the most fun I've ever had on a date. I’m serious about that too. I really had a great time with you. Is it safe to say that a second date is in our future?”
“Second, Third, Fourth. Indefinitely. You know how to treat a lady right, that’s for damn sure.” You were looking up at him expectantly. You were waiting for the moment that he would lean down and finally kiss you. Oh please, just fucking grab my waist and kiss me. Please. Please. Please. I have been wanting to kiss you all goddamn night Joel.
Joel was a complete deer in headlights. It was as if his mind had completely frozen over and he forgot how to function. “I’ll uh–see you soon darlin’?” He leaned down and finally—kissed you on the cheek.
Joel was already turning on his heel and down the metal steps when you had called out to him.
“Hey, cowboy? Will you fucking kiss me already?”
Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.
Joel had never moved so fast in his life. He nearly gave himself whiplash with how fast he had turned on his heel. His footsteps were moving faster than his brain process as he returned to you. Before you could get another word in, he grasped your face in his warm palms and finally kissed you. You could tell he was hesitant, and a little rusty, but you happily were there to guide him along as you let your arms drape around his neck. You finally got to feel just how soft this man’s hair was as you threaded your fingers through the back of his head. The tendrils of curls were silky soft. You felt your back press firmly against your apartment door as his lips moved against yours. His hands had dropped from your face and found purchase around your waist. “Is this–is this okay?” He mumbled into your lips.
“Yes, Joel. You’re fine. I promise.” You gripped his hair a little tighter as he breathed hot air into your mouth. You could taste a hint of tequila on his tongue as you breathed in his cologne. As soon as his tongue swiped across your lower lip, your lips parted open for him as he explored your mouth. His kisses grew desperate as the familiar feelings flooded back to him. Joel’s kisses tasted warm, sweet, and they were absolutely addicting. He melted on your tongue like fucking putty.
You let your free hand drop down to the door, you were already moving to push it open when he had stopped you. Your wrist was pinned up against the side of the door. Encaged in his warm grip. “No. Not tonight darlin.’” He rasped. “I want to. You’ve got no fuckin’ clue how badly I want to but you’re worth more than that. I wanna properly date you. I don’t want it to just be a one time thing. You deserve so much fuckin’ better than that.” His lips had detached from yours as his forehead gently rested against yours. His breathing was staggered and his heart was racing out of his chest, clamoring against his ribcage.
Your lips were swollen with his kisses as your lashes slowly fluttered open. The only visible light was from the shitty one above your apartment door. Your breath hitched in your throat when his freehand, that wasn’t engaging your wrist, came up to your face. His thumb brushed across your plush lower lip, tugging it down slightly. “Joel..”
“I know, sweet girl. I know. I promise that it will happen. I’ll take care of you. Every fuckin’ inch of you, okay? I’ll fuckin’ worship you darlin.’”
“Joel.” You whispered through the thick tension between the two of you. “Please kiss me.”
The gap was closed once more. This kiss was less desperate than the last. This was a sweeter kiss. A kiss enveloped in promise that was etched upon your lips. A promise that you meant more to him than just a quick fuck. A promise that he didn’t want this to be a one time thing. Joel wanted to date you. He wanted to properly date you so fucking bad.
A few more tender kisses were shared before he reluctantly pulled away. He hugged you to his chest firmly, lifting you off your feet momentarily as you brought your arms around his broad shoulders. “I’ll call you when I get home, okay? Get some sleep sugar.”
“You too Joel.” You felt his arms slowly loosen around you as he set you back down onto the ground. His lips brushed against your forehead in a soft kiss before you could no longer feel his warmth and when your eyes opened, he was already heading down the stairs.
You let out a deep sigh as you pushed open the door of your apartment and locked it behind you. You broke out into little lovesick giggles as you sank down against the closed door. You replayed the entire date out in your mind. Your Texas tall glass of water was something else entirely.
As soon as Joel arrived at home, he called you. You were waiting for him of course. Despite the fact that your eyes were struggling to stay open, you both wished each other sweet dreams once more.
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tag list: @chaotic-mystery @peterhollandkait @soft-cryptids @dinsdjrn @bearsbeetsbeskar @beskarandblasters @lovers-liability @777-wonders @mirasantidotes @pedgeitopascal @atinylittlepain @dreamingofdaddydin @cutesyscreenname @loquaciousferret @korynnekorynne @kirsteng42 @bonglorddaryl @novemberrain-writes @sarahhxx03 @myrealmofchaos @finnsbubblegum @danilakozlovsky @pedrit0-pascalit0 @ssa-raye @pedropascalfan221 @missgurrl @leeeesahhh @yazsos @sunakochansama43 @casa-boiardi @last-girl @frankthesexualsadist @shatteredbaby @rye-flower @elliewilliamsno1simp @wonder-harley
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synchodai · 8 days
Prompt: Cregan delivers the message that Baela wishes to break her betrothal to Jace.
Word count: 900+
Disclaimer: WIP of an upcoming chapter. The final version will be heavily edited. Full fic on AO3.
Lady Baela's message was easy enough to deliver. The difficulty was watching Jace receive it. They had a view of the entire courtyard atop the parapets. The northmen's arrival breathed a new life into it, regardless of how tense and uneasy their interactions were with the southron knights. Steel clashed on steel and the clacking of horseshoes filled the air, but instead of watching the men-at-arms ready themselves for battle, the king looked out to the Blackwater and towards the narrow sea.
"So, that's the end of it?" said Jace, his voice distant.
Cregan frowned, a storm welling in his chest. He wanted to ask what the Lady Baela meant when she spoke of Jace delaying their wedding. It means that we are at war. Did Jace have any feelings for her? Why does it matter? Cregan loathed to think that he had anything to do with this — with Jace forsaking his duty to his betrothed. Oh, but she knows. His clenched fingers felt the scar on his palm even through his moleskin glove. Clearly, she knows.
"I'm sorry, Jace," said Cregan. From the outside, he sounded like a brother offering comfort or a humble servant excusing himself. But between the two of them, they heard the guilt in his voice.
"Rest easy, Cregan," reassured Jace. "Between the two of us, it's not you Baela despises."
"She seems to believe this decision was in your best interests. She mentioned you finding a new queen. The war has made landed widows aplenty."
"More vultures come to my court to make opportunity of tragedy," scoffed Jace. "Baela would have made a fine queen. You've met her, and I am no fool. Our betrothal was arranged to bolster my claim to the throne — a claim that grows weaker with every passing day. If the gods were just and I were not my father's son, she would have been my queen and Luke would have been Lord of Driftmark with Rhaena as his lady. It seems the more I fight for this damnable throne, the more what I had thought certain gets whittled away. For years, I was convinced Baela was my future."
"It is within your rights refuse her," muttered Cregan, though he did not sound entirely convinced himself. "You are the king. You needn't accept her terms if you find them disagreeable."
"No, Baela sees through me," sighed Jace. "When I told her of us, she said it was a strange relief that she need not pretend to be a lady for my sake. This, too, I feel is a strange relief."
"Ah, so you told her... of us?" Cregan was caught off guard, letting out an awkward cough. "I hope you did not make the mistake of choosing 'us' over a queen," he managed to say.
Jace chuckled dryly. He then leaned over Cregan's shoulder and whispered, "Would it really be such a mistake?"
Cregan coughed again, raising his fist to his face to conceal the heat on his cheeks. "As your Hand, I would advise against it. You'll need a worthy and willing queen to give you heirs — that much is common sense. But as a man..."
Cregan's eyes held Jace's dark gaze for a heartbeat. There were many things he could have said. As a man, I do not expect to be chosen. As a man, I must sacrifice and be sacrificed. As a man, I have been taught that what I desire shall never be mine lest I take it. As a man, never has something so precious been so freely and willingly mine. As a man, I am weak.
But Cregan did not say any of it. Instead, he shook his head as he looked away. "I am sworn to give you all I can, Jace, but an heir is sadly beyond me."
Though the king claimed to be relieved, Cregan could not help but notice the clench of Jace's jaw, his pursed lips, and how tightly he gripped the stone as he leaned over the parapet coping. Try as he might to conceal it, Jace was upset.
Cregan was no stranger to mourning lost loves. Just a few years ago, Jace had been one of them. It mattered little what Jace and Baela had — surely the loss of it devestated all the same. Cregan put a comforting arm on his friend's shoulder, just as he did two years ago when Jace first came to Winterfell.
"Any woman would be lucky to have you," muttered Cregan. A common line said between heartbroken men, but he meant it in earnest nevertheless.
And suddenly, Jace kissed him. With Cregan's back pressed against the wall, away from the eyes of those below, Jace's lips brushed against his, their breath mingling in the chill air. Even through his boiled leather and their cloak of heavy furs, Jace's heart pounded against Cregan's own chest — so close that he could not tell his king's heartbeat from his own.
"If only you were a woman," breathed Jace.
So brief was that moment, Cregan would have thought he imagined it, were it not for the lingering taste of woodsmoke upon his lips.
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thedeviltohisangel · 2 months
Fall For A Shooting Star//Cassian Week 2024: Day Two, Hair
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a/n: I am a day behind and I deeply apologize for it. BUT I am committed to finishing out all seven of these little blurbs. They all exist in the same universe/same pairing and hopefully one day I will expand beyond this week as well! Let me know your thoughts and if you all have any ideas for the upcoming prompts or want to see something specific in the future! xoxo
Thea giggled as Cassian slid into the bath and water sloshed over the sides. 
“I’m sorry. Should have gotten one big enough for your wings.” The apartment on the banks of the Sidra was perfectly sized for her. Wings not included. And it was often that Cassian came to visit or they met out in Velaris, but this was his first time bathing at her new home. And it was proving to be quite the ordeal.
“It’s fine, my little Thea. I could have done the responsible thing and bathed at the House before picking you up for dinner.” 
“Ah, yes, but when have you ever done the responsible thing?” she hummed as his head tipped back against the lip of the tub to look her in the eyes.
“I left without ravishing you the other night,” he murmured, eyes flicking to her lips and not bothering to hide how they lingered. 
“It was only our first date, Cassian. That hardly would have been appropriate behavior.” First official date, maybe. But certainly not the first time they had shared an intimate meal or walked for miles without the conversation missing a beat or watched the stars together in absolute peace and contentment. At Windhaven, the thing between them had been suppressed. It was too dangerous to feel so deeply in a place like that. Not when everyone was watching and hoping for Cassian to fail, not afraid to use Thea against him. The female he had pined for since he was a child shoved into the arms of Lord Devlon. 
But with Rhysand’s ascension as High Lord of the Night Court and Cassian’s appointment as General, he had received Rhys’ blessing to move Thea to Velaris and had made her feel like a member of their family. When they were younger, her father too domineering a figure to allow her to spend much time with the young Illyrian warriors while they trained. But after long days of fighting for the clothes on his back, Cassian would help her with her chores and put a smile on her face and sneak leftover food to her tent at night when everyone else was asleep. He fell in love with her long before he even understood the feeling. And she loved him right back.
“I’ve been trying to court you properly for centuries. You just never let me.” Velaris meant they could relax. They could be free. The risk of a forced marriage and child bearing didn’t exist here. On some nights she forgot that and the lights of the town and the sounds of the happy citizens reminded her she had escaped. 
“I love you, Cassian,” she whispered with a kiss to his forehead. “At least I’ve known that the entire time.”
“I love you, too. More than anything.” He closed his eyes as she kissed down the center of his face before pulling away. “I don’t want you stop,” he groaned, the water splashing when his wings drooped slightly in defeat.
“You promised me dinner, remember? I’m just grabbing the requisite materials to wash your hair before your stomach starts growling.” 
“We can skip dinner if you want to kiss me some more.” He was greedy. After centuries of fleeting touches and stolen glances, he couldn’t get enough of her. Holding her hand felt like a luxury. Laughing with her and kissing her felt a blessing from the Mother. 
“Easy there, bat boy. You said you’d court me properly.” Cassian sighed because he had and he had promised. Promised to not skip any of the steps that were in her books. Any of the steps she had dreamed about when the older women would tell stories around the fire at Windhaven. But even asking her to dinner with flowers and nothing but politeness, he had just wanted to drop to his knees and ask her to be his wife. Be his forever.
“Someone should have told me how stupid that was,” he muttered as her hand cupped water onto his hair and her fingers deftly massaged something smelling of rosemary into his hair. 
“It’ll make everything all the more sweet in the end.” Thea smiled as his eyes fluttered closed and his muscles uncoiled at the urging of her movements. He sagged completely after a few more moments, humming with delight as the warm water rinsed away the shampoo and down his back. “Almost done,” she promised as a lush orange scent wrapped around his nose and smoothed into his locks.
“Why don’t I come here for a bath every day?” he asked as his hand reached to lightly wrap around her forearm, his thumb rubbing her skin thankfully. 
“You’re welcome to. I have the time.” Cassian and Rhysand had both insisted she didn’t need to find work in Velaris. That her rent would be handled without her even needing to think about it. But being idle invited too many thoughts of the past. She was working on finding something. The right thing just hadn’t popped up yet.
“I’m sure Az would allow you to help with sharpening his daggers every morning.” Thea laughed, reaching for a comb.
“He would be catatonic to hear you suggest that. And he’d only say yes because he’s too polite to say otherwise.” Azriel had a soft spot for her not just for the love his brother held but for her tribulations growing up as an Illyrian. He understood the struggle better than anyone. “Your hair is nice and clean now,” she announced with a kiss to the top of his head.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Yet he made no move to rise from the tub. Thea smiled. If this was the only way to get her warrior to relax a little, then so be it. 
“I have the ingredients for that soup you like. And I made a fresh loaf of bread this morning.” One eye cracked open.
“You don’t care if we skip dinner?”
“Just know you owe me two dinners for every one you skip.” His eyes twinkled as he smiled.
“I got an eternity of dinners to fill,” he brought the back of her hand to his lips, “I think there is some space for two of them to be with you.”
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doyawalker · 1 year
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind#10
chapter 9.
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contains smoking and a lot of emotions lol
I am currently studying for upcoming exams and I am also working on my bachelor's thesis so updates will be a bit slower now <3
again, thank you all for your love for this series. This chapter will finally spice things up a bit :)
previous chapter
taglist: @namjooning-94, @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad, @parkinglot-nights , @y2kcy3brz
‘Cause Honestly, You’re Dead To Me
But that was the problem with the truth. The truth wasn’t always easy but oftentimes more complicated. And lies were often not made undone by simply saying ‘I’m sorry’. But what else was there to say? 
The next few days felt weird to you. You spent Saturday and Sunday at home, Saturday to recover from your raging hangover from the party, and Sunday because you felt unwell. Not physically but rather mentally. Your mind was haunted once again by the memories of Jungkook, but not only of those from two years ago this time. You felt it for sure. The way his facade had begun to break, his confident demeanor revealing something underneath that didn’t seem to be so ignorant. But every time you sat down and thought about it, you forced yourself out of spiraling immediately, not willing to accept the fact that he was keeping you up at night again. You tried to remind yourself that this was the exact way it had started back then as well; the attention, the seemed honesty, the emotions. And you had fallen for it back then and you refused to fall for it again. Still, when Tuesday came around and you sat in your seat in the lecture hall, waiting for the professor to start the class and Jungkook let himself fall next to you on the bench, you felt your heart’s pace quicken. But he proved himself to be as disappointing as always. He didn’t mention a word about the party, not a word about the exchange they had, and he sure as hell didn’t let his emotions slip again. No, he acted his usual casual self, making jokes you didn’t laugh about, annoying you about copying your notes, and asking again when the two of you would meet for the group project. And his nonchalant acting annoyed the shit out of you. This was so typical for him that you almost were upset about how you thought he would act differently this time. About hoping that he could maybe change. That he would ever change. But why would he? Hadn’t you given him the impression that he could just act however he wanted and still would get your attention? Hadn’t you given him the satisfaction of gaining access to your life again? Was it your fault again? 
The anger sparked in the pit of your stomach on Tuesday and by Thursday it had developed into a wildfire. And on Friday you finally snapped.
He had convinced you to meet in the library on Friday to start your outline for the presentation. You had met there at seven in the evening and it was currently almost nine. You were still working on the second point of your outline because Jungkook kept on talking about this music project he was working on on the side with Yoongi and Hoseok and quite frankly you didn’t give a fuck. All you cared about was that you were tired, that you couldn’t believe you were stuck with him for the rest of the semester, and that he was not taking this seriously at all, for fucks sake.
“Can we please focus back on this?”, you interrupted him, your voice so harsh that a few people sitting around you turned their heads in your direction. You had your head in between your hands, looking up at him and when your eyes met he furrowed his brows together.
“Are you okay? Do you need a break?”, he asked, concern lacing his voice.
“Yeah, a fucking break from you.”
He grinned, not taking you seriously and it was infuriating.
Pinching the skin between your brows, you sighed in frustration, your eyes wandering back to the laptop screen in front of you, the almost empty Google Doc basically laughing at you. 
At least he finally stopped his monologue, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“What’s wrong?”, he asked.
You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief. The audacity of him. 
“Nothing.”, you answered, your lips pressed together in a straight line. “Can we just finish this?”. 
He eyed you silently, tilting his head to the side. “You wanna go smoke?”
A sigh escaped your lips. Of course, you couldn’t just finish this.
“Sure.”, you said, the thought of a cigarette easing your mind sounding too good to reject. You used to smoke with him all the time back then. Now you didn’t usually. But you could fucking use one right now.
You stepped outside, still not thanking him for opening the door for you. The sun had already set and the air was chilly, but you weren’t freezing. Maybe it was the annoyance still bubbling in your stomach or maybe it was the warmth his body was radiating, who knew?
He handed you a cig and as you lit it up and took the first drag, the smoke filling your lungs in a familiar way, you felt yourself relax a bit for the first time this evening.
You felt his eyes on you but you chose to ignore it. You didn’t want to talk to him. There was no use in small talk after all.
Your eyes wandered across your campus, seeing a few students walking around, talking, listening to music, or smoking as well. The semester was going by fast, you noticed. 
“Do you wanna tell me now what’s wrong?”
His voice broke the silence, finally forcing your eyes to meet his.
He blew the smoke of his cigarette out into the air, tapping the ashes onto the ground carelessly. 
“Why do you keep asking these dumb questions?”, you sighed, taking the cigarette back between your lips. 
He pulled his brows together. “Why do you keep avoiding my questions?”
“Because you know the answers to them. You just want to hear me say it.”
He chuckled to himself.
“I’m not that cruel.”
“Yes, you are.”
You took another drag, the smoke lingering in the air in front of you. You had never talked with him so openly until now. But there was something about it now, after the club and all the unsaid things. Why play games?
“Is it because of the club?”, he finally asked, leaning his body against one of the walls surrounding the entrance door. 
You looked back up at him, an unreadable expression on his face. He had already finished his cigarette.
“Yes, Jungkook. This is because of the club.”, you answered, your voice a bit louder than you wanted it to be. “Idiot.” “I wanted to talk to you but Tae had to play the big macho guy, didn’t he?”
“You had plenty of time to talk to me this week.”
He scratched his nose, buying himself some time. 
“If you wanna talk, then talk.” 
And that comment was what made you snap. Because you had enough of his audacity, of his arrogance, of his nonchalant ways. You didn’t care about being too open or too emotional anymore, you hated the fact that he just came back into your life like that, without any consequences of his actions from back then. You hated how much he affected you still, how he was so obviously playing with your feelings again because he wasn’t being fucking honest about why the hell he was doing all of this, to begin with. Why bother you? Why make a group with you? Why?
And so you turned your body around to him fully, the hand with the cigarette shaking slightly, maybe due to the nicotine or due to the anger rising up in you, whatever. 
He looked at you with his stoic facade, his arms crossed in front of his chest. But when you started to talk his eyes began to widen.
“For fucks sake, Jungkook. I don’t want to talk to you. YOU are the one that wants to talk. YOU are the one that began to pester me all day around. YOU are the one that keeps on bothering me. YOU are the one that for whatever reason can’t accept a fucking ‘No’ as an answer because I made it clear from the start that I don’t want anything to do with you. Why would I? Maybe you’re gonna keep on trying to make me believe that you don’t remember what happened back then but I know that you know and if you know then you know why I don’t want to spend time with you. And I hate that you are just trying to make me forget about that, do you have any idea how hard it was for me to get over this fucking shit?!”
You came closer to him with every word until you had to tilt your head back to look up at him, your finger drilling itself into his chest, the anger radiating in your chest, almost making you feel dizzy. He simply watched you, his jaw clenched together.
“And then you keep on doing some fucked up shit like in the club, searching for my attention, and then afterward you just keep on acting like everything is normal and fine, do you have any idea how fucking infuriating that is?! You messed with my head back then and now you’re trying to do it again and I am so fucking tired of your fucking bullshit, so you either gonna tell me right now what the fuck is going on with you or you’ll leave me the fuck alone, because I don’t want to do this anymore.”
Your breath had quickened, your heart beating in your chest so loud, that you almost couldn’t hear your own voice. 
The words had come out of you without thinking much and now they were hanging in the air between you, your body so close to his that his perfume was occupying all your senses. 
He didn’t say anything.
His eyes were burning themselves into you, a dark shadow cast over them.
A second went by.
Then another.
And then he finally moved.
“I’m sorry.” 
You could hear him mutter the words under his breath before he surged forward. His hand found your jaw, tilting your head to the side slightly before his lips crashed against yours with a force that almost made you take a step backward.
The world came to a halt. 
Your mind came to a halt. 
Your thoughts stopped processing what was happening for a moment, as you felt his lips move against yours.
He had never kissed you. Never before. Because that was something people in relationships do. And you never were in a relationship with him. 
But now here he was. Kissing you in the dark, his eyes closed, his fingers gripping your jaw gently.
And it wasn’t until you felt his tongue slightly brushing over your bottom lip, that the world finally kept on turning. But your mind stayed blank. 
And so you let yourself fall, caving into him, letting two-year younger you take over. Because they were in bliss right now.
Your arms wrapped around his neck effortlessly as he pulled you even closer, your lips parting for him and he sighed silently. His body was burning against yours, your chest pressed against his, his hands now wandering up to cup your head, burying themselves into your hair. 
His lips felt like heaven against yours and as he kept on moving against you, the heat began to travel down your body into the pit of your stomach. A feeling you never had with him before. All the sex had been fueled by desperation, not lust. This was new. Something you never knew you could feel around him.
But before you could realize the meaning of that, the sound of his phone ringing made you almost jump back from him, breaking away from his contact, and getting some distance between the two of you.
And as he cursed silently, grabbing his phone from his pocket to mute it, the reality of what just happened crashed onto you with such a force that it almost knocked the air out of your lungs.
You stared at him, as panic filled your system, your thoughts beginning to spin in a rapid manner. What the fuck? Self-doubt mixed itself with desire, making you feel nauseous and when he looked back at you, his face distorted with an apologetic look, you had to flee. You couldn’t stay. How could you? You had just let him kiss you. Out of all the people on this planet. How could you ever forgive yourself?
And so you ran. You pushed past him quickly, pushing open the door and leaving him standing outside in the dark. You heard him yell after you but you didn’t turn around.
It had all started with a bet. A simple bet that maybe sounded stupid to someone from outside, but it was a trend going around in his friend group. Five-dollar bets, just to keep it fun. It had been Hoseok’s idea. But maybe one shouldn’t bet on other people’s feelings. Because as he looked after you, knowing that he couldn’t follow you because you would probably kill him, it didn’t feel like he bet on your feelings but rather on his own. 
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the12thnightproject · 5 months
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Chapter Two: Miss Congeniality - Katsuko meets many residents of Azuchi... but not her fake fiance.
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Previous Chapter
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this “all business” arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga… and by feelings.
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From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…
A good General will ensure that his soldiers are provided with not only food, but also appropriate armor for upcoming battles. It would be illogical to send warriors onto the battlefield on an empty stomach, but even more so for them not to have protection from the weapons of enemy forces. The initial cost of armoring soldiers will be far repaid in ensuring safety (as much as possible given a situation of war) and loyalty.
Personal comments: Lady Mai requested permission to help “re-design” the Oda soldier uniforms. It is difficult to refuse Lady Mai anything, however such a decision rests in the hands of Lord Nobunaga and Lord Hideyoshi – neither of whom find it easy to refuse Lady Mai either. However, Lord Mitsuhide has stated he has another task for Lady Mai… This prompted Lord Hideyoshi to use more words I am not comfortable writing down.
Two days after leaving the mountains, I arrived at Azuchi Castle. Kyubei left me waiting near the gate, while he alerted Mitsuhide to our arrival. Though I’d previously spent a couple weeks in the castle town, I’d never been inside Azuchi castle itself and I was happy enough to have some time within the gates to look around. Up close, the tenshu was impressive building, rising from a thick stone base, up seven stories to tower over the hillside. There was even a balcony surrounding the uppermost floor, and I wondered if Nobunaga spent much time up there. Must be nice to be able to see the entire countryside from your bedroom.
Feeling slightly like a gawking tourist, I took a step backward to get a better look, and –
I’d backed right into the path of a young man who’d been on his way inside, his arms loaded full of books and papers. The resulting collision sent the books to the ground and the papers into the air--
Where they were caught in a gust of wind and went flying toward the gates.
“I’m so sorry!” I helped him chase after the errant papers. We (actually I) caught most of them, but one got stuck in a tree, entangled in a branch about three meters off the ground. Without letting go of his armload of retrieved papers and books, the man tried to climb the tree, and ended up nearly dropping everything again.
Not wanting to repeat the whole chasing down experience, I piled the books, scrolls, and odd scraps of paper back in his hands and pointed to the one in the tree. “Don’t move. I’ll get that one,” I told him, and scampered up to retrieve the page. I jumped down and gave him the paper, which he accepted with a quick bow. “I hope you’ll be able to put them all back in order.”
“There was no order to it – although… that would make it easier to keep track of it all, wouldn’t it?” He shuffled everything into an untidy bundle and tucked it all under his arm. “Thank you for your assistance, and my apologies for walking into you.”
Now that I was no longer scrambling after his paperwork, I finally was able to get a good look at him – messy dark grey hair falling into distracted violet eyes and a lovely, but unfocussed smile. I’ve seen him before! The clumsy bookworm… Mitsuyori? No… Mitsunari. Well, how could I forget the booksellers’ most loyal customer (who never actually bought anything)? Of course, since I couldn’t admit to spending time in Azuchi disguised as an elderly bookseller, I kept my expression neutral and pretended this was our first encounter.
“Actually, I think I walked into you. I was looking up at the tenshu. It’s spectacular.” I turned my face to the top of the castle once more.
He nodded, then smiled at me again, this time at least seeming to register my presence. “I remember how I felt when I first came here two years ag- Oh no! Why am I here?”
He stared hard at the castle, as if some stray thought was eluding him the way the papers had nearly eluded me. Since I doubted the question was either rhetorical or existential, I stayed quiet while he continued to gaze at the castle walls. “I didn’t mean to come here today; I’m supposed to be -” His expression changed to panic when the guard on the towers called out the change in vigil. “I’m late! Please accept my apology for running you over.”
“Of course, but it was my fau-” I stopped because he had already turned around and rushed down the hill.
I watched him until he disappeared from view.
But… possibly not tethered to reality.
“Katsu!” Kyubei tapped my arm to catch my attention. “We’re to meet Lord Nobunaga in the tenshu.”
Dismissing the young man from my thoughts, I followed Kyubei up (and up, and up) to the top of the tenshu, where Oda Nobunaga was waiting for us in his rooms. Without prompting from Kyubei, I bowed low, aware that this was a formal audience, and possibly the first test of my manners.
In return, Nobunaga lightly dipped his head. When I finally rose and met his eyes, there was a hint of amusement in them. As it turned out, Nobunaga remembered ‘Katsu’ from our encounter in Osaka earlier this year.
“Fortune works in interesting ways, for you’ve ended up working for me after all, Katsu.” He lounged on a dias in an indolent pose, but there was an aura of kinetic energy around him that suggested he could go from restful to predator in an instant. “However- did you not say that you worked for a merchant who is like a father to you? Mitsuhide left me with the understanding that he was reaching out to a man who has some dealings in espionage.”
I bowed again. “Is a spy not a merchant of information?” Then, because he seemed to be in limbo between trust and distrust,” I added. “My business in Osaka the day we met was personal. I was not there spying for my master, and indeed my work for him generally only involves delivering messages. I didn’t tell him that we’d met.” I might have done so otherwise had not so many other things not occurred that day. In fact, I was flattered Nobunaga remembered me at all given that someone had tried to kill him that night.
While he seemed to think that over, I took in my surroundings. Like Aki’s office, there was a western influence in Nobunaga’s rooms, although the European objects (huh, he had even had what looked like a child’s stuffed bear mixed in there) displayed amongst Japanese works were displayed with more taste and flair. It was like the difference between walking into an episode of hoarders, versus walking into a museum. Then again, Azuchi castle had only been completed a couple years ago – Nobunaga likely hadn’t had enough time to accumulate the volume of tchotchkes that necessitates a once-a-decade konmarie purge.
Politeness required that I stay quiet until spoken to, and in any case additional exploration would have to wait, as a pair of voices approached. The combatants were arguing so loudly that I could hear them long before they appeared in the doorway.
“- this must be the most ridiculous scheme you’ve ever dreamed up,” said one man, sounding like he had had it up to here with the other person. “You have yet to convince me that you have any chance of success.”
“My dear Hideyoshi, you don’t need to be convinced. You only need to stay out of the way,” came the reply in a cool, mocking tone of voice, as a silver haired man came into the room. At his heels was this ‘Hideyoshi’ – yet another man I recognized from the booksellers. If I thought he had looked frazzled back then, it was nothing compared to him now. He had the look of a man who woke up every day to discover that imps had rearranged his furniture and placed his desk directly in the path of his shin. Then again, the other man had the look of a person who would indeed rearrange furniture; then stand by to watch the fun. So perhaps Hideyoshi came by his frazzle honestly.
Both stopped talking when they saw me standing there. Both subjected me to long, assessing stares. Ok guys, dial it back a notch… I’m not a used car you’re buying off the internet. “This is the young man you’re going to pass off as a Princess?” Hideyoshi crossed his arms and frowned as he turned to Nobunaga. “My lord, please, put a stop to this now. There are other ways we can handle this situation.”
Hm… should I feel insulted or complimented? While I was glad that my male disguise was so convincing, it was hurtful not to be deemed feminine enough to portray a girl. Although it was also possible that Hideyoshi was so against this plan that even someone like Miyahara Satoko would not be considered feminine enough.
Ignoring Hideyoshi, the other man (who I was certain had to be Mitsuhide) circled me, apparently mentally kicking my tires… and if he thinks he can open the hood and peek into the engine, my tires are going to kick him back. “I hate to admit you have a point. It may be impossible to turn this one into a convincing woman.”
I was seconds away from throwing myself a gender reveal party when I caught the teasing expression in Mitsuhide’s eyes. Ah ha ha… he knew I was female. This was a test. With an exaggerated eyelash flutter, I dropped into a graceful and dramatic bow, and said in my best boy-pretending-to-be-a-girl falsetto, “Why Lord Aketchi, that wasn’t what you said when you propositioned me in Kyoto last week.”
That earned me a smothered laugh from Kyubei and a long look from Mitsuhide. He turned to Nobunaga. “She’ll do.”
“Yes. I have prior acquaintance with Katsu and have judged him quick witted and resourceful. Your plan has merit.” Nobunaga didn’t exactly finish his statement with the words, ‘the great and powerful Oz has spoken,’ … but it was implied.
Hideyoshi stepped back as if he had been stung. I almost felt sorry for him, but my ego was still pouting from before.
I turned back to Nobunaga, figuring I’d better let him in on my current disguise. “Thank you. As it happens, I’m actually-”
“I’m sorry!” A pretty woman about my age hurried into the room. She was the epitome of femininity, even with (especially with?) a smear of rice flour across her face, and I wondered why she hadn’t been tapped to portray this Princess. “Masamune has been teaching me how to make dumplings.”
Nobunaga patted the cushion at his side. “Should I be jealous of the time you’re spending with the one-eyed dragon?” But his scolding was accompanied by a fond smile that transformed his fierce mien into something softer and more approachable.
The woman snuggled into his side with a smile. “Perhaps I am learning to cook something special for you.” He kissed her hand and for a moment the two of them might have been encased in their own personal bubble. I looked away, feeling like I was spying on a private moment.
Mitsuhide had no such restraint. “Mai, might I interest in you in a rather large sewing commission?”
She sat up straight and looked at him with excited interest. “Do tell.”
Hideyoshi gestured to me. “This is Katsu. Can you possibly-” he sighed. “Turn him into a girl?”
That earned me her intense scrutiny. She smiled. “You mean, back into a girl.”
I like her.
“Little Mouse, you’re always surprising me with your hidden depths.” Mitsuhide turned his attention to Kyubei. “Akihira determined that this person-.”
“Katsuko.” Kyubei supplied my true name. “She’s been my contact through Akihira for the past four years and I believe she is suitable for this task.”
“I trust your judgment.” Mitsuhide bowed respectfully to Kyubei. It was a bow of a friend to a friend, not a master to a servant, and my estimation of Mitsuhide rose slightly in due to the positive way he treated his subordinate.
“Now hold on!” Hideyoshi’s frown had intensified and his hair puffed out in kinetic disapproval. “The only reason I agreed to this in the first place was because you agreed to find a boy to play the princess… It’s too dangerous otherwise.” He directed his final objection to Mai, as if hoping for a female voice to help overrule Mitsuhide.
“I can handle myself in combat.” Well. I could defend myself, at least, then run like hell. I gave Hideyoshi my best scornful look. “If you’re not convinced, I can prove it in your dojo or on your archery grounds.” I could prove it here and now, but I sensed that Hideyoshi had a low tolerance for sharp objects too close to Nobunaga. Speaking of… he hadn’t said a word yet either for or against my participation. I glanced over to see if I could glean what he made of all this.
Although one of his hands was playing with Mai’s hair, he was obviously paying attention to and amused by the whole scene playing out before him. “No need for that, Katsuko. The task is to pretend to be the fiancée of one of Hideyoshi’s vassals. The only danger, and the only reason we hoped for a boy is that women have a habit of falling in love with him. Which would make our problem worse, not solve it.”
A boy might pose the same complications, but… details. “Why does he need a pretend fiancée?” If they had an incurable flirt on their hands, maybe they could just give him a good talking to?
“We’re,” Nobunaga gestured to himself, Hideyoshi, and Mai, “making a diplomatic visit to Kanamori Mozumi, a daimyo who has recently begun to mine silver in his territory, to discuss an alliance. As Genba castle is renowned for containing an expansive archive, I intend to bring our strategist along. However, Mozumi also has a seventeen-year-old daughter - Shohime, who visited here last summer, and … it appears our strategist left quite an impression on her.”
“According to my sources,” Mitsuhide added, “Mozumi has contracted a marriage between Shohime and a Daimyo from Tsuruga, and he would not be pleased if anything were to ruin his plans.”
“Understood. Tsuruga is on the coast, and Mozumi wants access to trade routes to export the silver to Korea and China. With income from the silver and alliance with you, Lord Nobunaga, Mozumi will triple his power and influence – as long as he can keep both the son-in-law and your alliance.” It also confirmed Aki’s take on the situation in Hida. Given the increasing demand for Japanese silver, and it was clear that Nobunaga would prefer to keep relations with Mozumi peaceful. Granted, with his armies and allies, he could also just take over Mozumi’s territory, but why waste the manpower and time if Mozumi was willing to treat with him?
My job, apparently, was to make sure that Hideyoshi’s vassal didn’t distract the Kanamori princess from her contracted fiancé.
“Yes, that’s an accurate summary of the issues involved.” Rather than sounding pleased at my knowledge, Hideyoshi continued to look skeptical. Maybe he wasn’t used to women having a grasp of politics?
“I get to make a wedding kimono?” Mai’s look of excitement could probably brighten a dark room.
“It won’t reach that point – Katsuko is simply a diversion. But...” Hideyoshi looked at me and heaved a pained sigh. “She needs clothing that would reflect positively on the Oda.”
She rubbed her hands together. “When do we start?” Ok, this girl really takes her sewing seriously.
Mitsuhide gestured toward the door. “Preferably last week, but since that’s not possible, now will be acceptable.”
Without another word, Mai jumped to her feet, grabbed my hand, and literally dragged me out before I realized I hadn’t even learned the name of my fake fiancée. I half turned back to ask, but Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide were already nose-to-nose in another argument. Eeek. Better to just let them wallow in their U.S.T.
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Mai led me through the castle to a room filled with various fabrics, and what looked like multiple projects in progress. A couple nearly-finished kimonos were displayed on racks – lovely jewel-toned pieces with intricate patterns and embroidery. “Stand there, please.” She pointed to a box and took out a long string to measure me.
“Oh. Let me just get rid of-” I wiggled out of the leather corset-binder that was keeping me flat. “I won’t be sorry to put that away for a few weeks.”
“There’s got to be a better way.” Mai looked at the binder with disgust. The better way would have been my sports bra, but it died even before my still mourned hoodie. Unfortunately, it’s not like we had access to lycra here. “Do you have any preferences? Color? Style?” Mai went to a writing desk where there was a stack of paper and several different sized brushes.
Androgyny… but make it fashion.
“Something not terribly restrictive. And. Not pink.” I shot a look at a turquoise kimono on display – that one was more or less to my taste.
“I must overrule that.” Mitsuhide stood in the doorway flanked by Hideyoshi. Apparently, they kissed and made up. “Soft pastels – including pink.”
“Pink is certainly appropriate,” Hideyoshi agreed.
Great. Now they agree.
Mai quickly wrapped a yukata around me. She pointed to the men in the doorway. “Out!”
Right. I wasn’t very well dressed. It’s not that I have no modesty… more that neither of them were looking at me as if I were an object of desire, but rather a tool to be sharpened and polished. Ignoring her, Mitsuhide undid my braid.
He visibly flinched at my hair.
Hideyoshi actually recoiled.
Yeah, it’s not in any particular style and there are pieces that are much shorter than the rest, causing it to stick out in chunks everywhere.
“What happened? Were you in a fire?” Kyubei had joined us and looked at my hair with fascinated revulsion.
“Fume did it.” And then I tried to fix it with my dagger.
Hideyoshi turned to Mai. “We’re going to need more maids.”
Cue Jaws theme in head.
After that, the afternoon passed in a blur of discussions, haircut, fittings, hand cream, face cream, cream cream and…
Help, I’m trapped in a makeover montage!
By the end of the ordeal, I was buffed and shined and primped and folded, spindled and mutilated until I didn’t recognize my reflection in the mirror that Mai had unearthed. I’d taken on plenty of identities over the past seven years, but this one seemed even further away from Katsuko than my old man disguise.
Also… I had zero likelihood of being able to replicate this complicated hairstyle on my own.
Mai adjusted one of the folds on the kimono – one of her own that she was loaning to me until she and her team could finish my – for want of a better word- trousseau. Then she turned me around to face the men who were judging my transformation.
Category is: Sengoku Princess Excellence.
“I’m ashamed to admit I never realized you were a girl.” Kyubei bowed to the new me.
“Thank you.” That was a nice compliment on both levels. “I’m sorry I teased you about the mountain path.”
“An improvement.” Only the most charitable would call Mitsuhide’s expression a smile. Smirk. He smirked. “One would hope you can manage to also behave demurely and gracefully, Okatsu.”
‘Okatsu?’ Hm, alright. Disguises were always easier when I thought of myself as a new person. And ‘Katsuko,’ as Fume had stated repeatedly, was not a common name here. As for demure and graceful… well the first three responses I thought of were neither demure, nor graceful, so I settled for a faint smile, downcast eyes, and plans to get even with Mitsuhide later.
Apparently though, Mitsuhide’s not so subtle jab earned me sympathy points from Hideyoshi… which might have been his objective after all? If so, well played, sir. “You look lovely, Okatsu, and I am sure your manners are acceptable.”
There wasn’t much I could add to that, so I simply gave Hideyoshi another appropriately demure smile, while I crossed my fingers behind my back that I could remember everything about protocol that Aki had tried to teach me. When all else fails, smile and nod.
Anyway, I supposed I was ready to meet my so-called fiancé. Who was… where was he anyway? Maybe he was hiding? “Er, this man I’m pretending to be engaged to… he is ok with this, right?”
Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi looked at each other. Silently. Possibly communicating telepathically.
Well, that wasn’t a good sign.
“He does, at least know about this?” I had no doubts that I could squash the overtures of an unrepentant flirt, or, even have a bit of fun with one if I were in the right frame of mind – but it would be easier if he had at least agreed to this plan before I was foisted upon him.
“Did you?” Mitsuhide asked Hideyoshi.
“Of course I did!” In his annoyance Hideyoshi looked like a puffer fish, trying to make himself look bigger to broadcast his defense. “I informed him last night. I believe he heard me.” Then, more softly. “Hopefully, he’ll remember.”
After this ominous tidbit, Mitsuhide said with obviously false cheer, “Of course he will remember. I’m certain he’s looking forward to meeting Okatsu.”
The looks on everyone’s faces ranged from disbelief (Kyubei) to outright worry (Hideyoshi)… well, Mai, at least seemed convinced as she fanned her wet eyes and let out a happy sob. “I love weddings.”
Hm. Against all current evidence, I trusted Mitsuhide. Alright, I didn’t trust him specifically, but from everything Aki and Kyubei had ever told me about him, I trusted that Mitsuhide knew what he was doing. But I wasn’t sure that he cared as much about the people enmeshed in his schemes as he cared about the schemes themselves. Probably this plan would work, but it wasn’t likely to be easy.
But hopefully, a nice quiet meeting between myself and Faux Fiance would clear up any confusion and allow us to figure out how to play thi-
“Well, shall we join them in the meeting hall, where Masamune has prepared a meal in honor of your engagement celebration?” Mitsuhide bowed and gestured us to the door.
Celebration? Just how many people will be witnessing my first meeting with… and what the heck was this man’s name anyway?
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@lorei-writes @lyds323 @bestbryn @katriniac @briars7
21 notes · View notes
jj-5656 · 2 years
Mercy On Me
With; James Potter
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A/N: FINALLY. I am so sorry for how long this shit took. Honestly, I was expecting this idea to be short and sweet. Nearly 7k words later and here we are. Appreciate all your ongoing support, and I hope you enjoy!<3
Summary: The one where the two bumbling idiots are blind to the others’ affections amongst their argument, and James gets wasted. 
TW: Drinking, cursing NOT YET PROOFREAD
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      Rain patters harshly against the pane of your window, with thunder grumbling every now and again. Wind whistles through the air outside, cutting through the comfortable silence of your bedroom. You love this weather. Finding solace in the sound of the rain and the grey hue that elicits in your bedroom. It helps you focus, convenient now that you’ve spent the past couple hours finishing up on homework assignments and studying for your upcoming Astronomy exam. The dynamics of the celestial sphere and the names of stars making up a series of constellations swim through your mind, yet theres’s an incessant fear you’ll manage to sit down in your desk come Tuesday and forget every piece of information you’ve just relayed. 
James Potter, one of your dearest friends, isn’t nearly as accommodating to rainy days. It means quidditch practice is canceled, you can’t meet up in the courtyard for the groups’ daily catch up, and you’re banished to the confinements of four walls. He’s sprawled across your bed, rotating through doodling, practicing new charms, and bugging you. 
He’s antsy. Your best friend is much like a hyper active child, and with no outlet for all his damned energy, he’s opted to pester you all afternoon. You try to block out his absent-minded humming and the scratching of his charcoal sketch sticks, but Prongs never makes blocking him out very easy. You swivel your chair to shoot him a glare when his rubber blending tool makes contact with he back of your head. 
“Can I help you?” It takes everything in you not to flick the shit-eating grin adoring his face now that he’s gained your attention. 
“Does it say anything in those books about dying of boredom? Because I’m starting to feel faint.” 
“Can't you go bother Pads or Moony? Why have I been chosen to bear the weight of your undiagnosed ADHD?” 
“You’ve been at this for hours, you’re not finished?” 
“Not even close, Jay. You know this exam is important.” 
“Can’t you at least take a break? Let’s take a nap.” He yawns, stretching over the expanse of your mattress. And while the prospect of sleeping beside him sounds tempting, you shake your head. It’s bad enough his offer elicits butterflies throughout your gut, when he’s merely seeking the company of a friend. 
“What about important exam are you not gathering?” He rolls his eyes, reaching down to grab the tool he’d used as a weapon and begin sketching again. Though not without a series of muttered complaints. 
You’re irritated. It’s not like you enjoy spending the better half of your day doing schoolwork. If you could afford it, you’d be right next to him and fast asleep ages ago. In a boarding school where you’re surrounded by peers for 80% of your day, there are times you wish to be alone. You regard the time to yourself as a chance to reset, considering your fragile social battery. Potter finds the notion completely foreign, and couldn’t possibly fathom why anyone would choose to not be around other people. You’re a little moody, sure. Which might be why you find his drumming of the charcoal against the book particularly distracting. 
After a few beats of deep breaths, you confront it. “Would you mind, Ringo?” He pauses, looking just past the pages to send you a cheeky smile. Your attraction only angers you further. It’s bad enough your feelings are unrequited, he could at least try to look less fucking good looking all the time. 
“If I weren’t being ignored, I’m sure I’d be less intolerable.” 
“Why don’t you go find Sirius, I’m sure he’s bored. Or even Lily, sure she’s studying in her own dorm.” He’s not particularly thrilled with your tone in regard to your shared red-headed friend. His crush on Lily, though having been topic of conversation every time he opened his mouth, was fast and fleeting last year. He hadn’t regarded her anywhere close to that sense ever since-Since forever ago. Additionally, James Potter hates feeling needy. Like you don’t want to share his company. Like his affections are too smothering, unrequited. 
“I’m not sure why you have yourself so worked up.” There’s a twinge of venom to it, you’ve unknowingly struck an insecurity. Your brows furrow with frustration, unaccustomed to his attitude. 
“Not all of us can thrive off our athletic reputations, or effortless grades.” You almost regret it as soon as it’s said. You hadn’t been looking for an argument, but you’ve definitely found one. 
“What's that supposed to mean?” He crosses his arms, loosened tie covered by the fabric of his robe. 
“James, I didn’t-” 
“No, you did.” He moves to sit up on your bed, hazel staring daggers into yours. Daring and unkind. It twinges something close to nausea in your stomach, though your blood still boils. “What did you mean?” 
“I mean you don’t even have to try! Your marks are near perfect yet you rarely study. And if anything, you have quidditch to fall back on for an excuse.” He scoffs, nothing short of disbelief and indignation. 
“So what, you think I don’t work for what I have?” You’ve definitely struck your nerve, but the bastards been disrespecting your social boundaries all day, and it’s most definitely gotten to you. 
“That’s not what I said.” 
“But it’s what you meant.” He stands, looming figure no longer comforting as it usually is. He’s almost intimidating, glaring at you as if you’ve just cornered him. 
“I only mean athletes get treated differently, sometimes. It’s not you fault it’s, just not necessarily fair to the rest of us.” There’s that scoff again, a roll of his eyes as he wets his lips.
“You’ve lost the plot, mate.” 
“Well of course you wouldn’t notice! You are one James, how would you be able to see it?” 
“I’m glad that’s how you regard me, y/n. Freeloading off quidditch as if I don’t work hard as well?” There's a tone of distaste as your name crosses his lips, it feels like a punch to the stomach. 
“Again, that’s not what I said.” You stand too, shoulders tensed with anger. 
“Whatever. I’ll see you later, considering I’m such a bother.” He’s out the door before you can open your mouth to respond. You jumped the sound of your front door slamming, collapsing back into your chair with an exasperated sigh. 
Dinner is undoubtedly awkward. The rest of your friends are enveloped in conversation, but you and James keep to yourselves for the most part. Unfortunately, you were the last to make it to the Great Hall, and the only open seat was beside the only boy you’re currently at odds with. Mary’s been trying to get your attention the past ten minutes, Pads too. An evident ‘what’s with the tension’ but you and Prongs brush them off. 
Landon O’Connor is a friend of a friend. A fellow Gryffindor that photographs many of the school events and quidditch matches. James knows him fairly well, which is why he’s astonished the brunette boy approaches your table with a curt nod to James with his eyes only on you. Aiming to sit in the awkward gap between you and him with a kind smile. 
You have to grip the table to steady yourself when you’re pulled swiftly into Jame’s side. The boy has wrapped his leg around yours from under the table and pulled you toward him. Shooting a look to the bewildered photographer, he ignores your heated gaze. The group snaps their heads to watch as James squares his shoulders, eyes darting to yours for only a second before he offers your peer a gentle smile. 
“Evening, everyone. Doing alright?” There’s a chorus of commonalties Landon nods along to before his eyes land on you, flitter to the brooding chaser, and then back to you. 
“Y/n, still studying for Sinistras exam?”
“You kidding? I haven’t stopped.” He chuckles, settling beside you and allowing the group to fall back into their own discussions. Though you get the feeling they’re most definitely paying attention to how this is gonna play out. 
“You’ll be fine, you’re a smart girl. Besides, a couple friends of mine are meant to get together to review the material in the courtyard tomorrow. You’re more than welcome to join us.” A pleased smile pulls at your lips, falling immediately when James scoffs into his chalice. 
“Alright, Potter?” The boy nods, arm brushing against yours when he turns to face the both of you. 
“Fine. It’s just, y//n typically studies alone. Doesn’t appreciate any distractions.” You bite your lip, matching the boy’s challenging stare. There’s that same venom in his words, anger still prevalent from your argument. You break away first, offering another bright smile to Landon. 
“Actually, I’d love to join you guys. The company’s fine as long as it’s productive.” James feels his skin run hot when you shift on the bench to face completely away from him. Your attention solely on the bloke to the left. 
“Isn’t there a photography meeting during evening hours on Thursday’s, O’Connor?” You can feel James loom closer to you, and by the look on Landon’s face, his expression is not nearly as welcoming as before.
“Well, yeah. But today’s was optional and I thought-”
“I’m sure the lads are probably wondering where you are, yeah?” Irritation is heavy in his tone, it’s an apparent but unspoken  ‘get lost’. 
“Right, probably.” The brunette surveys your friends, not letting their quickly averting eyes go unnoticed. “Y/n, if I don’t see you at the library tomorrow, will I be seeing you at the party this weekend?” 
“Definitely. Good seeing you.” There's a shared grin between you both as he stands again, a hope he hasn’t been scared off indefinitely due to the awkward encounter. 
“Pleasure’s all mine, love.” James actually laughs this time, shoving at Sirius’ shoulder when the raven-haired boy kicks him under the table. Landon either doesn’t notice, or chooses to disregard it in lieu of being polite. 
“Could you be any more rude, Potter?” 
“Must be the privileged athlete in me.” 
“Must be!” And with that, you’re both silent again. Flushing under the bewildered looks of the rest of the Marauders. They get to talking again, a feeble attempt at concealing their eavesdropping. 
“You know, I’m starting to understand the whole ‘cutting tension with a knife’ phrase.”
“Shove it, Pads.” Both of you heat even more having said it in unison, only making the boy across grin even wider. Hands raised in a half-assed surrender, doing little to hide his amusement. 
You feel much better about next week’s exam after studying with Landon’s group. Though the boy was fairly distant during your time in the library. It was bad enough you and James were at odds, now the bastard was scaring other boys off. What was the reason anyway? Potter had never made a move, never insinuated any interest despite your own. Sure, it hurt, but you wouldn't resent him for seeing you only as a friend. It made his distaste for O’Connor’s flirting nonsensical and infuriating, As if he didn’t necessarily want you, but didn’t anyone else to have you either. 
“Y/n/n, darling. Where are you? I’m risking poking an eye out with this eyeliner.” Sirius usually gets ready with the girls, arguing your pregame is much more fun than that of the boys. He maneuvers around the rest of your friends getting themselves ready amongst you and Marlene’s dorm. Arguing over which one of your tops they’ll be stealing for the night, or adding the finishing touches to their makeup. Sirius drags you onto the mattress beside him, offering the eyeliner stick in silent pleading. You oblige, tilting his chin up to begin. 
“Look up, Siri. Stop looking at me, especially like that.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like I’m wounded or something.” You’re both quite enough so the girls singing along to the music from the record player or in the middle of conversations can’t hear. The raven-haired boy sighs, doing his best not to blink too hard and ruin your work. 
“It’s just, you and James haven’t spoken in ages.”
“It’s been two days, Pads.”
“That's a new record for the both of you. I can’t stand the constant moping, you’re both killing my buzz.” You laugh despite it all, rolling your eyes with fondness for his melodramatics. 
“I’m not sure he’s interested in speaking to me at the moment.” You hold up a tissue from your desk for him to wet with his tongue, wiping at any excess liner under his lash line. 
“Trust me, you’re all he’s been talking about. He’s not particularly happy with how things ended between the both of you. As are you, I’m sure.” His eyes dart over to your mirror, lips upturning in a pleased smirk at your handiwork. 
“Of course I hate to fight with James. I was in a bad mood and I just wanted to be alone. I should have communicated that to him.”
“Then why don’t you say so?” 
“Well what was that stunt he pulled at dinner the other night? Arguing with me gave him no reason to take it out on other people.” Sirius chuckles, shaking his head and reaching over to grab the bottle of liquor on your desk. 
“I think he would have given O’Connor lip had you been fighting or not.” You cock your head, about to press on when he passes you a shot. Holding out his own glass for you to clink. “To the first shot of the night, and most definitely not the last.” 
You hum, connecting your glass to his before throwing your heads back. Cringing at the burn in your throat and the shitty taste. “I’ve never understood your affinity to whiskey.” 
“Mends the soul or something, I don’t know. Alcohol is alcohol.” He presses a kiss to your cheek before standing, nodding his head toward the door. Marl’s Lilly, and Dorcas are already headed out to the common room as you follow suit. 
It’s well into the party when Remus approaches. Collapsing onto the well-worn couch beside you. You greet him with a warm smile, stretching before resting your head on his shoulder. He was your partner for beer pong, and you’d played against Sirius and James. Needless to say, you’d lost and both had to drink  more than your stomachs were comfortable with. 
“Alright, Rem?” You wrap your arm around his, enveloping him in warmth because he’s almost always chilly. He shakes his head, smile etching over his features. 
“We suck at Pong. I think I can literally feel the beer sloshing around in my stomach.” You groan, hiding your face into the fabric of his sweater with self-pitying chuckles. 
The game hadn’t been too awkward. You hadn’t spoke much to Potter over the course of the game, but laughed along with him at Sirius’ tipsy smack talk. His lingering gaze had etched a lump in your throat a couple times, but you’d choked it down with more beer. Hence the comfortable, warming buzz. Remus presses a kiss to your head, digging in his pocket to retrieve his usual chocolates. You oblige instantly, because he’s right, they always make you feel better. 
“Love.” He breaks the comfortable silence, surveying your cheekily drunken peers with admiration. “If I asked you a favor-” 
“Anything, Moons. You know that.” He hums, pressing the side of his cheek into the top of your head in acknowledgment. He’s never minded affection with you, and you’re more than grateful to be one of his few exceptions. 
“Would you talk to Prongs?” 
“For me?” His palm opens to offer you another chocolate, and you scoff at the clear bribery but snatch it anyway. “Sweetheart, he’s practically moping in the corner. Won’t even be Pad’s partner anymore. And you know how much James hates to break a winning streak.” 
“It’s his brooding athleticism, I suppose.”
“Y/n.” It’s a warning, a push to forgive.
“He was a jerk, Remus.” 
“You know how he can get, love. Some things you have to lay on him easy. Our Prongs is quite stubborn.” 
“You can say that again.” 
“But so are you sometimes, yes?” You meet his eyes, feeling properly chastised. “You know it’s only because he cares about what you think of him so much. He hated hearing you thought less of him for something he couldn’t possibly control.” 
“But that’s not what I meant, he should know that!”
“Perhaps our boy isn’t as self assured as he lets on sometimes.” His words send a pang to your heart, you know better than to believe Potter isn’t almost always in need of reassurance from his friends. “Regardless of how it was intended, you’ve both hurt one another. Yes?” 
“Yeah.” You bring your bottom lip between your teeth, feeling terribly guilty. And rightfully so.
“So will you go comfort him? Because he’s just about trollied, and will not stop whining about how much he misses you. It was cute at first, but now it’s beginning to become quite irritating.” 
“Fine. But only because I love you.” 
“We both know that’s not your reason.” He scrunches his nose at you, teasing. You pull away with feigned disgust. 
“Oh, shove off.” 
Potter’s across the room in an arm chair, moping just as Moony had said. Even worse than you’d imagined, actually. A pout on his lips as he takes swigs from the beer in hand. Heart aching at the sight of him, it becomes clear just how much you’ve missed him too. He doesn’t notice once you approach, even when you rest your hands on the arm of the chair and bend at the waist to his level. Tapping his knee so he’ll lift his gaze from his lap. James goes from a deep frown to fighting a grin at the sight of you. A definite pinking to his cheeks, from the alcohol or your presence, you’re not sure. 
You wish to slap the voice inside of you that aches to press your lips to his. 
“Hi.” He’s beaming now, hand instinctively reaching out to push a stray strand of hair from your face. It risks your knees giving out right then and there at the gentleness of it all. 
“Hey, Potter. What’s up with the moping, Sirius needs his partner.” You nod to the game ahead, cheering along when Sirius scores. A large, warm hand slides up your forearm, and you tilt your head back down to see his hazel eyes staring up at you with an emotion you can’t quite read. Fondness fills you to the brim at the sight of it. 
“I’m not in the m-mood.” There’s an adorable hiccup that sounds between the last word, the ache in your heart growing tenfold. “Where’s O’Connor? Thought you’d be with him.” It’s genuine, there's no self pity or ill-intent behind his words. Instead, it’s almost solemn. Much unlike the James you’re accustomed to. 
“I’m sure he’s around somewhere.” You shrug, clear in your indifference. “But I wanted to check on you.” The corner of his lips twitch upward, but he bites it away. Another squeeze to your arm he hasn’t found the strength to release just yet. 
“It’s okay if you want to go hang out with him, Y/n. I’m fine. And you’re angry with me.” 
“I’m not angry anymore, James.” You can’t help but run a hand through his unruly curls, smirking when he leans into the touch. 
“You aren’t?” You shake your head, crouching to get more comfortable. 
“I mean, I was. I didn’t appreciate you putting words into my mouth. But I understand why you got defensive. It wasn’t fair of me to be rude just because I didn’t want to communicate needing some time to myself. I’m sorry, Prongs.” 
“I’m sorry too. Really sorry.” He runs a thumb over the arm still in his hold, eyes averting to observe the line of goosebumps it elicits with a soft smile. You fear you’re much too smitten of him for your own good. He pats the arm of the chair for you to sit on, and you comply. Looking at the partygoers around you. It’s comforting, despite longer participating in the festivities you’re still enjoying the atmosphere. 
Eventually James shifts, settling his head over your thighs with a contented sigh. He waits a beat, taking hold of your wrist and plopping your hand atop his head. You shake your head with a scoff, pretending to be irritated with his silent request. Fingers coursing through the strands of his hair once again. You catch Remus’ eyes across the room, sticking your tongue out to ward them off when he leans over to Sirius, the pair staring fondly. James doesn’t notice, hazed from the alcohol and the scent of your perfume. 
The rise and fall of his broad shoulders slows, so you lean over to meet his face. 
“Don’t fall asleep down here, Prongs. Don’t think I’m able to get you to bed otherwise.” The corner of his lip curls up despite his closed eyes, and you’re quite sure you’d be able to watch him for hours. 
“Can we go to bed, then?” 
“James Potter leaving a party early? Why, I must be dreaming.” He ignores your teasing, pulling himself off you and standing to his full height. There’s a slight wobble to him, one he has to balance by grasping either arm of the vintage chair. Consequently putting his head only inches front yours. A wave of pine and mint consumes you, along with a faint, lingering scent of whiskey. His eyes follow yours, having caught them averting to his lips. James smiles, one of his cocky, smug concoctions that urges you to smack or kiss him. Combative urges you usually tend to get when in his presence. 
“You’re trollied, Jay. Let’s get to the dorms before you lose your footing for good.” Your tone is light in teasing, missing the fall of his features as you duck under his arm and get to your feet. 
“Should we say goodnight to Moony and Pads?” The taller boy rubs at his eyes, letting you adjust the glasses he’s just pushed crooked. You look around the room, landing on the pair who are pouring another round of shots for your shared group of friends. James doesn’t notice, busying himself with fixing your necklace to bring the clasp to the back of your neck. Praying he doesn’t notice the goosebumps running over your skin, you nudge him toward the stairs with a gentle shake of your head. Knowing he’ll most definitely insist on another shot in lieu of being left out. 
“I’m sure they’ll be up soon, cmon.” He’s surprisingly easy to persuade, allowing you to take hold of his arm and guide him toward the steps. 
It’s a bit of a struggle. He’s nearly twice your size, so any miss-step he makes in his drunken stupor is a threat to both of you. 
“Gryffindor house truly is the best. Don’t you think, lovely?” A hiccup before he goes on. “I mean, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Wouldn’t have met any of my best mates had any of us been sorted otherwise.” He pushes a finger to your cheek, cocking his head when you swiftly shush him. Unaware his volume is much too loud to be this close to the dorms or your respected, sleeping peers.  A grin spreads across his face as he mimics you, pointer finger pressing to his lips as you approach his dorm. 
He collapses onto his mattress, shuffling under the covers and sighing as if the exertions’ exhausted him. 
 “Will you stay with me?” It’s almost unintelligible with his cheek pressed into the satin pillow.
“Please?” Those puppy dog eyes again, he’s well aware of what he’s doing. You huff, fighting a smile as you discard your shoes. “You can grab a pair of joggers and whatever else you need from my drawers.” 
“I can’t stay here all night.” 
“Why not? The boy’s will be gone for hours, love. I don’t wanna fall asleep alone.” The alcohols undoubtedly loosened his lips, he wets them before continuing. “Always hated it when I was little, you know? I used to crawl into my mum and dad’s bed in the middle of the night. I’d hate waking up to nobody being there.” He turns away so you can change, pulling the comforter to the side so you’ll be able to slip in. 
“I loved my parents bed too.” You smile fondly at the memories, pulling one of his shirts over your head and admiring the emboldened, crimson, ‘Gryffindor’ lettering across your chest. “When they sent me to bed, I would sneak out of my room and wait on the steps. I liked listening to the telly when they were watching it together late at night. Always felt left out.” You both huff a laugh, slipping in next to him as he turns to face you again. 
James pushes a stray stand of hair from your face, eyes wandering over your features. You gaze up at his ceiling instead, admiring the constellations Sirius has permanently charmed on the ceiling. 
“You’re so pretty.” It’s unthinking, muttered into the darkness of the room and slipping away. Your heart thrums against your chest, and a there's beginnings of forming lump in your throat.
“Don’t, James.”
“Don’t what?”
“Say...Say things you don’t mean.” His brows furrow, offended.
“Of course I mean that. I’ve always thought it.” You press your palms to your eyes, willing emotion away. 
“I mea- I mean things you don’t intend to act on.” You fumble out, unsure of your own words and their risk. “Things I’ll overthink.” A pang of hurt shoots through his chest, but you don’t notice the own despair running over his face as you watch a shooting star pass overhead. Wishing he’d really meant it, really wanted to act on it.
“I just think you’re beautiful. That’s all.” 
“Please, Jay. This is mean.” You hate how your voice cracks, how he creates distance between you. 
Mean. He’d prefer just about any other insult in the book. Somehow, mean sounds far worse than anything else. Especially when he’s taking a chance. 
“Merlin, how is that mean?” 
“It’s just-” “Have I made you uncomfortable?” 
“No.” You’re almost incredulous, unable to imagine an instance he’d ever overstep a boundary like that. “No, of course not. That’s the issue, actually.” 
“Well...I’d like to kiss you, then. Would that prove it?” You almost choke on your own saliva, gaze snapping over to his for any signs of jest. He runs a thumb over your brow, blinking slow. 
“You’re drunk, James.” There's no cruelty to it. If anything, you seem relieved, maybe even pleased with him. Potter’s smug again, an inkling of hope igniting in his chest. 
“Sober thoughts, lovely.”
“Maybe-” you swallow, nerves stalling you. “Maybe you can kiss me in the morning, when you're sorely hungover and regretting all the beer pong.” 
“Alright.” His cheeks are beginning to hurt from smiling, so he turns on his back so he won’t be able to look at you any longer. Hoping it aids the burning desire to cement his words. “You’ll stay though. Yeah?” 
“Always, James.” 
You’re weighed down by something awfully heavy the next morning. Sunlight seeping through the red and gold curtains adorning the window across the room. Sirius is sprawled out on his bed just under it, most agape with slumber. You narrow your eyes, confused with your surroundings. Up until you recognize the weight as a tanned, toned arm. Pulling you closer subconsciously. James is so close his breath fans over your neck, sending chills down your spine. You make a meek attempt at biting back the grin pulling at your lips as the memories flood in. 
Though the smell of coffee beckons you from your admiration of the sleeping chaser in front of you. Seriously, how someone looks that angelic fast asleep is beyond you. Carefully, you push the greedy extremity from your waist, slipping out of the sheets and shuffling toward the common area of the dorm. 
Remus stands over the stove and tends to pans of food whilst averting his gaze to a book beside him on the counter every now and then. You considered yourself a bookworm before you met him, having been utterly humbled ny his sheer addiction for literature. 
“Morning.” Its awfully complacent, Lupin doesn’t even look at you during his greeting. Tone heavy with self-satisfaction and suggestive teasing. 
“I slept next to him, Moons. I’m not having his children.” You pour yourself a cup of coffee, eager to indulge in the boy’s expertly crafted blend. 
“I didn’t even say anything!”
“Didn’t have to.” You both turn your heads into the direction of an audible groan. James shuffles toward the both of you with his head low and shoulders hunched, grabbing at air until it connect with your mug. 
“I was drinking that.” It earns another grunt, you and Moons sharing an amused glance at the boy’s obvious hangover.
“I’m never drinking again.”
“What, too much fire whiskey for our renowned chaser to handle?” James can only gag at Lupin’s teasing, shooting him a death glare through watery eyes. You rub his back, snatching back your coffee when he leans into your touch. 
“You minx.” He mutters, betrayed. “You know I’m vulnerable.” You only roll your eyes, accepting the plate of food remus hands over with a grateful smile. James  snags a piece of your toast, desperate to soak up the liquor in his stomach and much too keen on stealing from you today. 
“I’m going to attempt to coax Padfoot out of bed. Watch the stove, y/n.” Remus  weaves around the kitchen island with his own toast hanging between his teeth, hair still tousled from sleep. 
Potter’s staring at you, unreadable expression amongst his features as he chews on his (your) food. “I’m assuming you got me to bed last night?”
“Not without difficulty.” James winces, a hand running through his hair. 
“Sorry if I was a pain, love. If I’m honest, I don’t remember much past our reconciliation.” He adorns a tight-lipped smile, guilty with a twinge of hangxiety. You only shrug, aiming to reassure him. “We’re good though, right?” He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, looking awfully adorable despite the effects of last night’s alcohol. 
Truth be told, James remembers bits and pieces. He remembers laying in such close proximity, wasted and aching for your lips on his. He can’t shake the feeling that you’re holding back. Had he made move? Had you rejected him? You couldn’t have kissed. Surely no amount of alcohol would have erased that daydream come reality. 
“We’re good, James. And you weren’t a pain. If anything, I can always count on you for being a fairly good-mannered and giddy drunk.” There’s a tilt to his head, a sudden glint in his eyes.
“Can’t say I was too well behaved, yeah?” Your eyes narrow, curious if he’s hinting at your conversation just minutes before sleep. His gaze doesn’t leave you as you approach him, standing on your tip toes so your face is mere inches from his. Just when his lids risk fluttering closed, you back away, having pulled a new mug from the shelf behind him. 
“I’d argue otherwise, Potter.” 
 “Oh?”  Oh. Are you...flirting with him? That confirms it, something had happened last night. “No usual antics then? We just, went to sleep?” Your eyes narrow at his questioning, uncovering the suspicion in his tone with ease. You decide you quite like when he’s nervous. He approaches where you’ve sat yourself on the counter. Subconsciously fitting himself in the space between your legs. Eyes averting to the pair of his sweats you have on, drowning your feet from the length on you. His heart swells with an emotion he can’t quite pinpoint, something between elation and pride. 
“What else would we have done?” You take a smug sip from the steaming cup in hand, nose scrunching in feigned distaste when he takes it from your grasp and sets it on the counter. 
“I dunno.” It’s practically a whisper, his voice still rasped from sleep as his eyes search yours. Eager to sense any sort of hesitation or discomfort on your part. Large hands graze the collar of your borrowed shirt as they reach your neck, cradling your head as if it might dissipate in his hold. You wet your lips, swallowing hard. There's an evident acceleration in both your breathing, and you’re convinced this’ll finally be it. This will finally be the moment James Potter proves to you you’re not just one of his best mates. 
And he thinks so too. 
“Don’t be worried, folks. King of the castle is very much alive and well. I know you’ve all missed me dearly in the agonizing time without my presence.” Sirius waltzes into the kitchen with remnants of eyeliner clouding the skin around his eyes with a bright smile. Bastard, no matter how much alcohol he consumes, just about never gets hungover. He stutters in his approach to the kitchen, a clear realization he’s most definitely just interrupted something. 
Prongs rips away from you like your skin has singed him, scratching at the back of his neck with poorly executed nonchalance. Embarrassment looks bad on him, but likely worse on you. Considering how stupid you must look with such hurt flashing over your face. 
Maybe its a sign, an indication from some higher power this isn’t meant to be. Considering James’ breakaway from the embrace, it seems as though this was merely a heat of the moment occurrence. But you don’t do casual, and you definitely don’t jeopardize years of friendship for some crush that just may actually be unrequited. 
You’re off the counter and awkwardly adjusting the much too big clothes swarming you as Remus reaches the group of you. He takes one look between the three of you, silently snatching the newspaper in lieu of the crossword, and slipping back into the bedroom.
“Did I-”
“No!” James and you are shaking your heads with feigned laughter before Sirius can even finish. Mirth settles comfortably on his dark features, crossing his arms with raised brows. 
“I was just gonna ask if I missed the doorway for a cup of coffee.” Prick doesn’t even attempt to hide his glee, ignoring the daggers James bores into him with his now murderous hazel eyes. 
“Still plenty left in the pot, Pads.” You tuck invisible strands of hair behind your ears, ignoring James’ shift of attention that lingers on your frame. He looks like he’s about to speak, but you’re already turning toward the front door. 
 “Jay,” despite the nickname, there’s no lift to your tone like before. “I have to go. Fluids, today. Or you’ll feel like shit for even longer.” He nods with a mock salute, fully aware he’ll perpetually be feeling like shit for a completely different reason. 
You shout a farewell to Remus, and a pleading smile to an awfully merry Sirius before slipping out the door. Rushing down the hall and toward the girl’s wing without a second thought. 
Black shoves the slightly taller boy in front of him in a fit of exasperation. Fed up with his bumbling idiot of a best mate. 
“You’re a coward, Prongs. Really.” James shrugs him off, recounting your proximity mere minutes ago with an overwhelming surge of glee. He smirks despite it all, biting back the oncoming lovesick grin.
“You know, she’s the only one that calls me Jay?”
“Merlin, you’re hopeless.” 
There’s a knock at the door as you reach for your lavender-scented body wash, closing one eye to avoid the trail of shampoo threatening to run into it. 
“It’s unlocked Marl’s, just come in.” You assume it’s one of your roommates of course, but are shocked at the voice that sounds from the other side of the door. 
“It’s me, actually.” James presses his forehead against the cool wood of the bathroom door, reconsidering whether or not he should actually go through with this. 
“Who’s me?” He feels like a fucking moron. 
“Oh, uh, James.” A wince, an oncoming urge to bash his head into the door to knock some sense into himself. 
“James?” You tug on both sides of the curtain to ensure it covers the entirety of the shower. “Um-”
“I’d wait for you to be out but,” the chaser rolls his shoulders, unaccustomed to such lack of self assurance. “This is sort of urgent.” And now he sounds like a perv, swell.
“Everything alright? Just come in, I can barely hear you.” He does as told, knocking over your array of skin care products set up on the counter because he’s shielding his eyes. You poke your head out to watch him scramble with the bottles, dropping one as soon as he grasps another. 
“Shit. Fuck, sorry. So sorry.” You can’t help but laugh, eyes narrowed in endeared disbelief as his gaze stays trained on the floor, unable to even glance in your direction. When it’s finally settled, he gathers what little dignity he has left to sit with his back against the ledge of the tub. 
“I’m sitting, is that alright?” 
“Its fine, Jay. What’d you need?” And there it is again. Fuck, are you doing this on purpose? A quick shake of his head, and he scoffs despite himself. The only answer his mind can manage is ‘you’ but he figures that’s likely not the best start to this. 
“It’s just, I can’t stop thinking about last night.” He wets his lips, wringing his hands together. “I feel like I may have said more than you let on.” 
You hum, biting back a smile. “Said something you regret?” It’s playful, but the subtle worry in your tone is most definitely there. Potter knows you better than that. 
“What? No. Merlin, no. If it’s what I think, then definitely not.” The grin wins this battle, you ensure all the suds have been rinsed out of your hair before you peek your head out. 
His eyes are still screwed shut, despite his back facing you. He’s tense, body hunched in an attempt to make himself smaller. Though it doesn’t do much. You feel particularly fond of him, just then. Committing this frame to memory. 
“And what do you think it was?” 
“You’re making this sort of difficult, love.” You figure you’ve tortured him long enough. Though it's what he deserves, considering he's left you with bread crumbs the entirety of the past year. 
“James?” He’s barely heard it with the combatting sounds of the running water, but it was there. Soft, sweet, enough to have him wishing you’d say it a million times more, and then some. 
“Y-yeah?” He lets you tilt his head back, his jaw clenching with the tension. You bend at the waist, ensuring not to drop any water on him whilst clutching the curtain tight against your frame. 
And just like that. In the middle of the muggy, steam-ridden bathroom. You kiss James Potter. 
It’s a little awkward in this position. Though he’s so tall you’re not completely bent down, it’s straining for both of you. Which is why you finally decide to reluctantly pull away, his hand taking hold of your jaw to pull you back for a couple swift kisses that unleash a hoard of butterflies throughout your stomach. 
“You said you wanted to kiss me,” your lips hover over his as you whisper. Pulling completely away to preserve your racing heart. Potter scrambles to his full height, adjusting his sleeves because he’s unsure of what to do with his hands now that they’re not on you. 
“Can. thank the whiskey for the confessions, I presume.” You giggle, and he has to fight the urge to shoot his gaze toward you at the sound. “You’re so pretty. I always thought so.” It’s unthinking, rushed out because the shared silence discomforts him. He feels like an idiot again. But you’ve scrambled up any sense of his ego or wit and he’s a mess. “Thought I should say that.” He’s not entirely sure how to clarify how he feels without accidentally professing his all-consuming love for you. Might come off a bit strong, he thinks.
“Oh, you did. A few times, actually.” Potter groans, pressing his palms into his eyes and bowing his head to shield his flushing cheeks. You laugh even more. 
“Have mercy on me, sweetheart. Please.” Its your turn to flush, unaccustomed to the new pet name. James cocks his head after a beat of silence, arm over his eyes to face you without actually being able to see you. “Ah, you liked that one. Didn’t you?” 
“Piss off.” 
“In just a minute, sweetheart.” He’s awful, straightening with pride when you can’t muster a witty response to the teasing. “Can I just have one more kiss?” He steps closer, hoping he won't trip considering the lack of sight. “And when you’re finished up, I’m taking you out.” 
“Hogsmeade?” Your voice lifts with excitement, forcing a smile from him. 
“Whatever you want.” He searches for you, lips jutted out pulled into a frown when you let him chase air. His hand goes out, aiming find you but quickly reminded of your current state of undress. It drops immediately, fists clenched and then releasing. “Must you make me suffer even more?” You roll your eyes, pressing a peck to each corner of his mouth and then his jaw. Pulling the curtain between you just after. “Wh-what was that?”
“Another kiss.” You note simply, going for your conditioner. “Kisses, actually.” 
“We’ll have to work on that definition, dove.”
<3 Masterlist <3
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visualtaehyun · 5 months
Tagged by @thegalwhorants here, thank you dear ✨ I love musical tag games but this might be the first time I've answered one where the results are extremely telling about me lmao
Shuffle your On Repeat playlist and then list the first ten songs!
Next Love by BADMIXY
P'Mix's MVs are always super fun and unapologetically queer and I love her as a songwriter! This song is actually over two years old but I first listened to it after ฟ้ารักพ่อ (DILF) went viral and she came out with her debut album that included this song. But I'm pretty sure I became properly obsessed with it after hearing the RnB arrangement that (surprise surprise 🤡) ZeeNuNew performed during the DMDLand2 concert. Also wanna shoutout that time New and P'Erk Chrrissa covered it together during a live session because it made me hope P'Mix might one day write a song for New!
ไหล่เธอ (You've Got Ma Back) by Fourth Nattawat, Ford Arun, Satang Kittiphop, Winny Thanawin
I love this show and the entire OST! Could I have just linked the official MV? Why yes of course, but that wouldn't showcase the chaotic energy of the MSP gang as well lol (if the video doesn't start at the timestamp, it begins at 8:45!)
Get A Guitar by RIIZE
Now this one's a real wildcard lmao It is literally the only song on my On Repeat that isn't written or performed by a Thai artist! I came across it through a KPop random dance vid so obviously I had to link the Studio Choom performance. The choreo is so fun and, to this day, some of my favorite KPop songs are funky just like this one. I don't know who this group is btw (like I literally only found out through this tag game that they're an SM group lol) since I stopped following KPop artists and trends when I fell into my lil Thai and QL corner here so sorry if I sound like your typical clueless local now 😂
รักแท้ (True Love) by NuNew
He's performed this song countless times by now but I chose this one in particular because it was such a huge stage and opportunity for New 🥹 The official MV currently sits at 68 million views btw
ภาพสุดท้าย (Last Twilight) by William Jakrapatr
Y'all. I was so obsessed with this song. Like I literally know the entire lyrics by heart. Since Pal reminded me of Piano & i, I had to go with this performance! :) I'm really looking forward to William's upcoming series - I love LYKN and Est Supha and am sure the OST is gonna be incredible.
꽃이 피는데 필요한 몇 가지 (Blooming Just For You) by NuNew, Paul Kim
The first time he performed this song live 💕
How You Feel by NuNew
Have I mentioned NuNew is my favorite artist 555 This is the song that did me in - it's the first song by a Thai artist that I added on Spotify after getting into QL via KPop -> DKZ -> Semantic Error -> other KBLs -> "Oh, let's watch another popular BL on Viki"... and now I'm here waffling on about Thai language and music lol
ใจรัก by Zee Pruk
P'Zee recently said he didn't enjoy singing before he met New but that he's found joy in it after singing with him a lot. And he's improved so much! My favorite will always be when he sings ballads and love songs like this one though. (fyi this song is like 40 years old so you might have heard it covered by other artists before)
ประตูวิเศษ (Better Days) by Jimmy Jitaraphol, Sea Tawinan
Aaaand check for another song off the Last Twilight soundtrack that I was obsessed with! What can I say, I'm a P'Amp fangirl lol The lyrics are lovely, it's easy listening, and this show occupied my brain for months.
ก้อนหินกับดวงดาว (Rock & Star) by Fourth Nattawat
Love this scene, love Chinzhilla, love these lyrics, I'm repeating myself lol you get the gist, it's a banger!
To sum up- 7/10 are OSTs, 5/10 were written by Amp Achariya, and 3/10 are by NuNew (+2 more made me talk about him). So now that I've been publicly clowned by my own Spotify, I'm tagging (no pressure ofc): @zimmbzon @pharawee @airenyah @telomeke @rocketturtle4 and whoever sees this and goes Oh hell yeh an excuse to talk about my fav music!
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skzstoryvault · 4 months
Yuzu and Salt (Hyunjin fic, part 1) LINK to AO3 at the end
F!Reader x Hyunjin
Multi-part story
Friends to lovers, secret relationship, Gomez and Morticia Addams dynamics
This is in no way meant as a commentary on the real person Hyunjin. The persona he projects for us to enjoy is just so enticing and inspires nice dreams.
Story includes smut, couple communication, Hyunjin being a brat with a big heart, Hyunjin being in love.
The you used here is not generic, I'm using it to allow myself some immersion on later re-reads. If you still find something in here to like, all the better - I hope you enjoy it and have a good time.
Please be kind.
Please do not report this post. If it's not your thing, just scroll away.
If you're underage, please scroll on, there is nothing for you here.
If you enjoy this story and are reading along, I would love to hear your comments in the replies, reblogs or DMs - however you feel most comfortable.
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You meet Hyunjin late in your first year working your new job. He files into your office after his other bandmates and he’s the only one not looking down at the floor and avoiding your eyes.
Being head of PR means you have an unexpected degree of power over the idols managed by the company you work with, and this time there’s a fire to put out, so the kids need to be rounded up and told what to do to avoid the shit hitting the fan. “I’ve been made aware of the situation and while on a personal level I understand and can relate, this kind of indiscretion is what can bring you down so very quickly. Now, here’s what we’re going to do. The gentleman in question will be taking a prolonged cooldown weekend at a location that will be communicated to them in private. And I need one volunteer who is comfortable with intensified media scrutiny for the next coming month.” Hyunjin steps forward before you even finish your sentence. “I can do it. I love attention.” You look at him over the gold rim of your blue light glasses. “Excellent. And if you see fit to release some fire quotes, we’ll have them put on merch and give you a cut of the revenue.” “I’m sorry, what-” Bang Chan says, only now daring to look up and into your eyes. “First of all, don’t start with an apology unless you did something wrong. Second, what is your objection? Because I can tell there’s an objection.” “I need Han here. We’re starting to write for our next comeback.” “I am not sending him to the Moon, there will be wi-fi. And it’s only five days. I spoke with the good people in Scheduling. It’s doable.” “Han can’t be alone for that long, he’s-” Lee Know interjects. “I can, and I will. I’m sorry for getting you all in trouble, gang. A weekend away sounds like a reward at this point.” Han says. “What about the rest of us?” Felix chimes in. “What if we’re asked about what happened?” “In an ideal world, it would make sense to give your opinion and be on your way, but we can’t have nice things here. The easy way out is to say you were focusing on your upcoming promotional commitments and weren’t paying attention. Can’t be hated for being hardworking.” You offer. Felix nods and sighs.  They continue to stand in a line in front of your desk, looking like awkward owlets on a beam. “Well, if there’s no further questions, that was it from my part.” “That was relatively painless.” Chan says, sounding surprised. They all bow and exit with relieved sighs. Hyunjin is last and he continues to eye you with a mix of what you interpret to be curiosity and outrage. 
Well. That’s a him problem, you think, turning your attention back to the current PowerPoint you are working on. 
*** The other PR lead must have been more distant and less hands-on, judging by the looks you get in the arena. Your team is already hard at work filming, photographing and recording all the goings-on, but this time you wanted to be here in person - not just to see how things proceed, but also to avert incidents before they have the chance to become serious. 
The truth is you don’t trust the other pairs of eyes watching the boys. Not everyone is there to support them and make them look their best to the world, which happens to sabotage your work directly and you take grave issue with that. “Hey, not so close.” You tell a manager standing right under the edge of the stage, taking pics of a profusely sweating, hardworking Hyunjin who is rehearsing his dance solo. “Let me see that phone.” The man now looks extremely intimidated but also scandalised, as though he got found out doing something illegal and can’t believe he is being called out on it, so he hands you his phone. He absolutely was onto some shady shit, snapping pictures of a shirtless, sweaty man who’s licking his lips in concentration. Since the guy is not working closely with the bands, you know that best case scenario, the pics would have ended in his spank bank, and in the worst case, they would have ended up on a paywall-locked adult site or in a tabloid’s leverage pic vault.  “I can’t trust you with these pics.” You say, going into his gallery and his backup, deleting them. “Be nice. Hyunjin is doing his best and so should you. If I find any of these pics floating on the dark web or other spicy sites, it goes on your record. Understood?"
Annoyed and defeated, the man leaves and you look up, only to see Hyunjin standing in one place and panting, watching. His shoulders slump in relief and he gets some water before continuing his training. ... because tumblr is being an absolute twig and berries about it and not letting me update this story no matter what I do, I'm continuing it at my AO3. Apologies to everyone who's a big exclusive fan of reading stories on tumblr.
Story continues on AO3 here
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rocknvaughn · 5 months
Hello, I have recently discovered the bbc show Merlin, and subsequently the actor Colin Morgan. Your blog has so much valuable material that I still keep discovering (I'm new to tumblr and don't really know how to navigate etc.)
You seem to be an expert on Colin Morgan questions. So I would like to ask how would one search for his future stage performances? I would love to see him perform on stage, which wouldn't be easy for me of course - I am U.S. based. So far I wasn't able to find anything scheduled for him to perform on stage.
It seems that his past play recordings aren't readily available to watch online either, or maybe they don't exist. This would be my second question - are there any recordings of the plays he was in, and where to find them?
Thank you so much for your time and expertise!
I'm not sure how old this message is as I am not on Tumblr that much these days. So if it's been awhile, I'm sorry! I'm glad you've found my account a useful source of Colin info! 😊
Searching for Colin information in general has always been an uphill battle. Colin has no interest in promoting himself, so nearly always does news come from different sources: co-stars who post about a project, or a news article about a project and his name is attached. Sometimes we only find out about work he's done after it's released! (I'm also US-based, which certainly makes searching more difficult!)
Admittedly, I am not following his career moves as closely as I once did, but he's not done a play since 2020. For a while, he was doing a play about once a year, but then COVID happened and he's not done one since. He's always said that he loves the theatre, but he also loathes the stage door and avoids it like the plague (this second part isn't something he's said, but it's very clear based on his behaviour). It makes me wonder whether that avoidance has gotten to the point where the bad outweighs the good for him (though I hope that's not the case because he's a phenomenal stage actor!).
All I used to do was follow sites that would post about upcoming London stage news and sign up to be on the mailing lists of the larger theatres (and Google search a couple of times a week lol).
As for plays he did that have recordings:
The Tempest (2013) - Can be found at Shakespeare's Globe On Screen, Drama Online, or you can purchase the DVD.
Translations (2018) - Can be found on Drama Online, or if you ever get to London, you can visit the National Theatre Archive and watch it there.
All My Sons (2019) - Can be found on National Theatre at Home.
Hope this helps! ❤️
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otogawa furuoki x female reader Which is the lieutenant of Squad 10 and the only person that Furuoki cares about and they are always with each other and sometimes Furuoki likes to put his head on her shoulder or on her thigh and sleep.
Sorry if I offended you dear I really liked your page after seeing you also write about original gotei 13 , I love you and have a good day
Thank you for requesting!
Hm... you didn't offend me in anyway! I am a little confused as to how you got to this conclusion... But! We are good nonnie!
Thank you for your kind words <3 I am glad you like what i have to offer! I hope you have a good day too!
Let me know what you think!
Tsuki's Note: I know you asked for female Reader, but i will go for GN, i want everyone to feel Welcomed :3 i also feel like i did not write what you asked? sorry!
Tsuki's note 2: This is a reminder that all Original Gotei 13 characters i write for is 100% based on my perception of them. So if more info on them is revealed it might be wrong what i wrote about. So yeah. I had a particularly hard time with this one, i was not quite sure how to portray him...
Being a Lieutenant wasn't easy at all. With the upcoming war with the quincys, everything is going to chaos.
And being the only ne to receive VIP treatment was even more concerning for you.
Why? Your captain, Ōtogawa Furuoki, clearly treated you differently from everyone else and, well, they all noticed.
So some glaring or whispers happened here and there at first.
With time they seemed to have gotte used to it.
But what treatment you ask? Furuoki liked spoiling you in little ways.
He allowed you not to fight, if you didn't wish so.
The man was known for traing the newbies with a little tough love - he often left them alone in the battle until things got really bad.
This wasn't the case with you. If the battle seemed like was turning agaisnt you, he would be there in a flash.
You were also one of the few people he allowed in the main quarters - To delivery papers, or reports, or to just chat.
Thanks to these few perks, you grew closer to the captain.
You see most people think Furuoki doesn't really feel or care about anything, that he is just a cold blooded murder. But that's not true.
You could see in first hand how exausted he gets by the end of the day.
How his pale skin gets even more pale after returning from the battlefield.
Deep sighs here and there.
So you started to bring him tea and food sometimes.
At first he was surprised by your caring side, but soon enough he felt comfortable sharing things with you.
He started to share more and more about his day, but this wasn't one sided at all!
Furuoki would ask about yours too.
Soon this became some kind of routine.
Little by little you got closer and the strict lieutenant- captain relationship started to blur.
Everyone noticed, like i said earlier. You spent more time together. He actually showed he cared about you.
Eventually Furuoki felt comfortable enough to lean on your shoulder after long days of blood baths.
He would lean his forehead into your shoulder or your back.
You would just pat his head or rub his back.
He wasn't the only one seeking comfort. You were too.
You would just plop next to him and lean on his shoulder.
As the battles became more and more dire, you started noticing how exausted your captain looked.
Once you offered your lap for him to rest, it became a habit and an almost therapeutical thing.
Furuoki would lay down on your lap while chatting about the day and you played with his hair.
This habit of yours didn't fade away even after the war.
Furuoki just loved to feel you combing through his hair. It made all issues seems so small.
All in all, the captain would get slowly comfortable in your touch. And you too.
He craved this routine, this simple and domestic way of just being.
Having a moment just for the two of you, a moment only you could share.
Thank you for reading!
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kimpossibly · 2 years
[001] BEING THE YOUNGEST IN THE STUDY GROUP (nbc community headcanons)
Because I am talking about a big group, I made a little color-coded list so there should be no confusion as to who is speaking! Also, this is set about halfway through season one, so that explains the timeline.
Reader = Purple Jeff = Blue Britta = Orange Annie = Yellow Abed = Green Troy = Red Shirley = Pink
pairing: fem!reader x platonic!community warnings: none
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The choice to go to community college hadn't exactly been an ideal one
You had accidentally filled out all your actual college applications wrong and didn't realize they never went through until all the application dates had passed.
So, weighing your options, you decided that Greendale was your best option.
By then you had to enroll in all the leftover classes that still had spots open
You had taken French all throughout high school and barely retained a word of it. You'd hoped to jump into some French classes for an easy A, but all of the French classes had already filled up.
The solution? Spanish 101.
You showed up to the first day of class determined to make the best of the awful hand you had been dealt.
And surprise, surprise! Spanish was nothing like French.
The teacher was a little kooky and he severely overestimated how much work his students could do before the next class.
Before you knew it, you were drowning in work that you didn't know how to do and suddenly your grade started to drop.
When your next door neighbor took a liking to blasting loud music while you were trying to study, you decided to head to one of the study rooms to try and be productive.
But when you got there, you found the table was already full of people.
"Oh! My bad, sorry-"
You tried to leave, but, due to your immense surprise, one of the girls at the table recognized you.
"Hey, wait - aren't you in our Spanish class?"
Before you could confirm, someone answered for you.
"Yeah. She sits in the third row and color codes all her notes."
You looked at him in confusion.
"I'm Abed."
And then another woman in the room smiled at you.
"You color code your notes?"
You nodded and took them out to show her, but a douchey looking guy in a leather jacket scoffed.
"The only people who color code notes are horse girls and psychopaths."
Four years of going to public school has made you immune to assholes...and excellent at shutting them down.
So you slapped down your color coded notes and took the chair beside him.
"I bet this psychopath's color coded notes can teach you more Spanish in five minutes than an entire semester of whatever blow-off class you're taking."
And again, to your surprise, he almost looked impressed.
"I'm Jeff Winger."
"Y/n L/n."
And just like that, you were in.
You met with the group every day after class to work on the Spanish homework and study for upcoming tests and quizzes
But, to be honest, you guys weren't always great at staying on task.
"Okay, um... yo nací en mil novecientos noventa y dos."
"Hang on, that can't be right. You just said you were born in 1992."
"No, that's right."
"Y/n, that would make you seventeen."
Needless to say, they kinda lost it.
"You're even younger than me! Wait, I'm not the youngest anymore? Ha! Suck it, Y/n!"
"I started school a year early and I have a late birthday! I don't know what the big deal is."
"No big deal, I just didn't know that there was a child in our midst."
"I am not a child."
"Aw, look at them pouting! They're so little and adorable."
Thus began your long journey of trying to prove to your friends that you were not a child.
Your first step? Changing up your look.
And boy did you turn some heads when you walked into the study room in a leather jacket and thick eyeliner
"Okay Wednesday Addams, give us our Y/n back and no one gets hurt."
"Jeff, I'm trying to prove a point."
"Is the point that you lost a bet with the cosmetology class?"
So...yeah. That didn't go as well as you were hoping.
Even so, they stuck by you through all of your erratic, split second decisions that you made without really considering the consequences
Like when you walked into the first day of second semester with bangs you had cut yourself over the break.
Surprisingly, Abed seemed to be the one most enthusiastic about them.
“It’s likely that we’ve just began a new season, so one of the main characters changed up their look to provide a jumping off point and to keep viewers interested.”
Silence followed…
“I like them.”
“Aw, thanks Abed!”
But, obviously, you endured some teasing—mostly from Jeff.
“Okay, remind me not to let Mia Wallace near a pair of scissors ever again.”
“Did you just Google ‘female characters with bangs’ and use the first one on the list?”
"…No.” (Jeff said as he slyly put his phone back in his pocket.)
The group became like a family to you, but sometimes you missed your family
Especially when they called and said that they couldn't make it to Family Day. You had had the sneaking suspicion that they were disappointed that you ended up at Greendale, but this seemed to confirm it.
You did your best not to let on how upset you were by brushing it off when you were asked.
"Y/n, how worried should I be about interacting with your parents on a scale of Helicopter Mom to Cougar?"
"Actually, my parents aren't coming to Family Day."
"Oh no, why not?"
"They were just busy. It's fine, I saw them a couple weeks ago. No big deal."
Family day approached and you were actually feeling pretty okay about the situation. Acting like you didn't care had actually made you not care, which you thought at the time was a good thing.
But as you sat in the quad and watched everyone walk around with their relatives, talking and touring, you realized just how upset you really were.
So you left.
You found yourself hunched over your Spanish textbook in the empty study room reading the same sentence over and over and mindlessly writing unhelpful notes that you'd never actually study.
You weren't sure how long you'd been there before you noticed someone looking over your shoulder.
"That's odd, these Spanish notes are in black and white."
"I wasn't in the mood to color code. Plus Abed stole all my pens to make mini lightsabers."
Jeff sat next to you, taking your textbook and notebook and placing them on the other side of the table.
"Look, I know that I spend a lot of time trying to act like I'm older than I am, but I'm still a kid. Know how I know? Because I miss my mom and dad. I was always a little afraid to leave home, so when I had to come here for school, I had to admit that I felt a little relieved to be only an hour away from where I grew up. I felt safer knowing my parents would only be a short car ride away. But now it just feels like they might as well be on the other side of the country. I know they're disappointed I didn't go to an Ivy League or get to go out of state for college, but I wish they'd just get over it and accept it. I have. Why can't they?"
Jeff never considered himself particularly good at the advice thing. Sure, he could talk until hell froze over and manipulate anyone into doing his bidding, but he could never figure out how to make sad people be less sad. You may have been young, but you weren't naive - he knew that.
He saw you now like a younger sibling rather than a jury member or someone he was trying to con. So he decided to speak accordingly.
"People are stupid. Parents are stupid. Greendale may not be Ivy League, but it's something. You could've blown off college and stayed at home where it's safe, but you didn't. You cared enough to pack your stuff, drive sixty minutes away, rob an entire Office Depot, and enroll in the last classes they had available. You did all that because you care. And if they can't see that, then that's on them. I may not know a whole lot about warm, fuzzy, familial relationships, but I do know this: you have a family here at Greendale. A weird, messed up, occasionally problematic family. So screw Family Day. We're a study group. And I wouldn't trade that for the world."
You hadn't expected to tear up, but you did anyway. You said nothing and hugged Jeff, who reluctantly returned it.
"I'll steal your pens back from Abed."
The rest of the year progressed smoothly. Sure, you guys had your ups and downs of course, but you always found yourselves back in the group study room after class
But that, you supposed, was what a family did.
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Author's Note: Can you tell I'm obsessed with Community??? Ugh this was so fun to write, I genuinely love the headcanon format because it's how my brain just functions, so this was really good for me to write to get out of my head for a bit. It's also funny bc this is how it is with my friend group, all of which are in college except for me, so it was fun to draw from some real life experiences. I hope you guys had a lovely week and I hope this makes you smile! Much love 💗🖤
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