#i am thoroughly unwell and on the floor
welcometololaland · 2 years
"(although tbh I think it's time for someone to call Carlos impressive because he IS)"
I know it wasn't the exact same "he's an impressive guy" "he's my dad/son/etc" wording but Owen does say in 2x08 when talking to Gabriel "the only reason anyone made it through the door is because of that brave officer right there *pointing to Carlos (who is so obviously with his boyfriend lmao love him)*... he's an impressive guy."
anon you are so fucking right for this. I mean you don't need me to preach to the choir I'm sure but Carlos. [insert] . Reyes. the man, the myth, the legend, the inappropriately attractive human being. how dare he walk this earth and curse us with his unfailing kindness and the depth of his love for tk and his dedication to do his job well and his ridiculous physique AND HIS DAMN COW EYES.
Lets all spiral over it together shall we???? don't leave me here yearning by myself PLEASE.
I think tk said it best when he said:
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salternateunreality2 · 6 months
AGSZC Taking Care of Their Feral Chocobo (often against his will)
Just some OOC crack excerpts from Cloud being feral and his boyfriends suffering.
from many a conversation with @strayheartless
Unjust Punishments
Cloud: *has dorm toilet duty for "fighting with" bullies* Eh, this isn't the worst thing someone in charge has done for something that's not my fault.
*Everyone's gaze sharpening dramatically*
Sephiroth: What WAS the worst thing?
Cloud, casually: Oh probably that time I saved the mayor's daughter and was almost thrown in jail with my broken ribs...or maybe the time Johnson...never mind, I got him back so it's fine!
*One-Winged Angel starts playing from four directions at once*
Cloud: The mayor thing was only that bad because I was 8 and freaking out too much, no big deal because Ma stopped them from actually throwing me in jail.
*Estuans interius...*
Cloud: And Johnson's nuts are crushed now, so yeah, all good.
*Ira vehementi...*
A little while later...
Cloud: Hey Zack?
Zack: Yeah, buddy?
Cloud: You know I love cuddling you...
Zack: YES, ME TOO! *squeezes tighter*
Cloud: ...but I get the feeling I'm stuck, and I'd like to know for how long.
*Zoom out to see Zack and Cloud have been tightly wrapped in a burrito together, squirreled away in Genesis' giant bed-nest, and their whole burrito bundle is swaddled so thoroughly that escape seems untenable. Outside, sounds of growling, pacing, and theme music can be heard*
Zack: IDK, last time they got me after I almost got trampled by a behemoth, they had me in here for a day or two. I say just enjoy it. I definitely am! *Pecks on cheek* You're the cutest!
Cloud doesn't take pills. Get that thing away from him. He will tough it out. Pills are for the weak! ZACK, GET OFF!
Zack's clamping Cloud's jaws shut while Angeal strokes his throat like a stubborn dog's to get him to swallow, "there, there, just swallow, that's it, be a good rabid chocobo, good"
Two minutes later, with lots of "bleaugh blech blaugh blep blech": *pill clatters to the floor*
Dissolving it in milk doesn't work because he can sMeLl It.
Genesis: "That's it, next time it's going to be liquid!"
Next time...
Genesis: *covered in disgusting cough syrup and germs* "NEXT TIME IT'S GOING TO BE A SHOT."
Next time...
The shot goes awry and gets injected wrong and now Cloud looks like the most sad and pathetic creature to ever walk the earth because (a) they BETRAYED HIM and (b) the shot got injected into something that HURTS and it was a NEEDLE and they BETRAYED HIM. Little tears glisten on his feverish cheeks and the tiniest of whimpers comes out and he holds his injured arm extra gingerly, and now everyone feels awful. 🥺
Genesis: "...fine, next time it'll be pills."
Weaponized Cuteness
Cloud: *doesn't want to do something* *stands next to Angeal and rubs his head*
Angeal: Awww my precious chocobaby, does your head hurt?
Cloud: *looks away, pouting*
Angeal: Sweetheart, we have to take care of ourselves. Here, sit down in the shade and have some juice.
Zack: *offended puppy noises* GEAL MY HEAD HURTS TOOOOO
Angeal: It does not, keep squatting
Cloud: *smirking behind his juice box*
Zack: Kunsel, you gotta help us, he's playing them! You see that, right?!
Kunsel: Yep.
Zack: Great, then we need you to tell the-
Kunsel: Nope.
Zack: What do you mean "nope"?! YOU ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT HE'S DOING?!!!!
Kunsel: Yep, and it is hilarious 🍿🍿🍿
It backfires when Cloud is actually unwell and doesn't want help.
Cloud: *coughs up blood very quietly* Bye guys, I'm off to kill a zo- er, off on a patrol!
Angeal: *appears from the ether* No, you are not.
Cloud: But 🥺 I gotta, for work!
Angeal: I smell blood.
Zack: Heh.
Cloud: Shut the fuck up.
Zack: Nah, you look like a marshmallow and I will take as many blackmail pics as I please, my angry little muffin!
Cloud: *growling and coughing up blood from his straightjacket cocoon*
Genesis being manipulated into giving Cloud's lactose intolerant ass more cheese:
They burrito him for the flu one time and come home to find that he CHEWED THROUGH the cocoon and is out racing Roche with a raging fever.
It's cold, and Angeal is frantically wrapping Cloud up in many layers because he's "small" (compared to the giraffes the rest of them are) and unenhanced...and now Cloud is passing out from heatstroke before because his Nibelheim genes are strong.
Cloud: *sways*
Angeal, from two floors away: ...I smell naughty bird. GENESIS!
Genesis: Angeal?
Angeal: Did you eat today?
Genesis: Yes.
Angeal: 🤨
Genesis: SIGH I had a breakfast sandwich and a chicken dish for lunch from the cafeteria.
Angeal: Good. My bird senses were tingling, so I... *Looks at Genesis* 😱
Genesis: 😱 CLOUD
They both make it downstairs just in time to catch him. He hadn't eaten in a day and a half.
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Letters: From: Me ; To: You
(And Some of What Happened In-Between)
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Clavis Lelouch & OC (OC Chart: Laura) Summary: A letter sent out in desperation, and how -- or whether -- it manages to rescue Laura from an arranged marriage. Word Count Estimate: 400 Other chapters: Masterlist
Content Warnings: none
Your Highness,
I indeed am quite miserable to have to suffer such mockery. Your other letter, although filled with rejection, was more palatable. Allow me to make myself clear: I require no gems. I do not harbour that sort of sentiment towards you. I am simply in dire need of help. I am desperate, yet not as desperate as to throw myself at any not-yet saviour. However, since Cyran did appear here, and since he has proven to be quite dependable… I question the meaning behind your words.
Lord Dönhoff is yet to confront me about my attempt to contact you. However, my diary and quills have been confiscated. Had it not been for dear Cyran, I would have been unable to write this letter. Mother demands I do not leave my quarters without at least a single, or preferably several, chaperones, not even for my classes. However, I do not think she is aware of our correspondence just yet. Father – him I am unsure about.
You see, he has scolded me thoroughly, but not once did he disclose the reason for his scolding. He has said great many things about bringing shame to our name, and the meaning of loyalty, fealty, fidelity, and all other things noble and great… But when I dared raise my head to look at him, I noticed slight tremor in his hands. It does pain me to see him this unwell, but I do not have any proof that the reason behind his sorry state could be us conspiring, or I do not have one just yet.
As per Cyran’s suggestion, I have found an excuse for him to access the left wing and the centre of our mansion. I believe he has drawn up a sketch of the floor plans. I am most terribly sorry, however – I could not talk mother into allowing him anywhere near the studies on the second floor. I am afraid he might have missed some of the corridors servants employ for silent passage as well, the ones that seem to have fallen to disuse in particular.
I cannot leave my room without being followed, and even now, I fear mice have nestled below my floor at an oddly convenient hour.
I will report back if anything happens.
Yours faithfully,
Klara Senger
I have just been informed that Lord Dönhoff is to visit near the end of this week. His stay here seems to be indefinite. I do not understand why mother sent for a mantua-maker.
Thank you for Cyran. He indeed is of great help.
Yours faithfully,
Klara Senger
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resowrites · 2 years
Day By Day - oneshot. 
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Summary: Henry takes matters into his own hands when his girlfriend struggles to recover from depression…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!OC
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, banter/British humour, language, pet names, mention of depression/anxiety & symptoms, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 2327
A/N: My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Day By Day - oneshot.
She was getting herself some breakfast when it happened. She accidentally lifted the box of cereal from the wrong end, spilling the contents all over the floor and kitchen counter. She stared at the mess blankly for a few moments before looking around aimlessly for a dustpan and brush. Normally she'd have shrieked and turned the air blue, so Henry was caught off guard by how calm she was being. "Darling it's in the third drawer to your right. Are you sure you're okay? You seem a bit… foggy?" He didn't dare say what he was really thinking. He'd noticed the change in her over the last week. He likened it to a sort of fading away, first she stopped being so chatty and laughing at his jokes. Then he noticed her movements slow down like she was constantly distracted by something else. He knew she wasn't sleeping well either, that morning he'd rolled over in bed to find her wide awake at 6:15 am. He really hoped she was just having an off week, the last few months had been particularly difficult for them both. First, he'd had to do reshoots which meant spending months away from her overseas. She then got passed over for a promotion at work and a couple of weeks ago, a friend she thought she could trust sold a fake story to the press about them being on the verge of splitting up. As they hadn't been pictured much due to him being away, the rumour had gained traction and was still being gossiped about. His publicist advised saying nothing which he reluctantly went along with. It was no surprise that it had all taken a toll on her and he felt guilty that her health was struggling as a result.
She'd suffered from depression since she was a teenager. Despite living well and taking her medication consistently, occasionally the illness reared its ugly head. She'd spend the first few weeks confined mostly to bed, struggling to eat, bathe or sleep. Henry hoped it wouldn't come to that, he was going to do everything in his power to try and nip it in the bud. Luckily he had the autumn off so he'd be around to take care of her if things did take a turn. But he wanted to take her away on holiday and have lots of adventures together. That couldn't happen if she was confined to the house most of the time. Then there was the press. He didn't want any pictures of her clearly unwell appearing online. When she still hadn't answered him and was now looking in the wrong cupboard, he gently pulled her to her feet. "Darling I asked you a question, are you sure you're alright?" He could see in her eyes that she'd been miles away, but his question seemed to bring her back for a moment.
"Y-yes, I'm fine love, why?" He frowned, realising she hadn't even heard him before. Henry led them both to the kitchen table and sat her down carefully.
"Darling, are you taking your medication?" He spoke quietly, not wanting her to get angry or annoyed. Instead, she just blinked a couple of times.
"Yes of course, why wouldn't I?" It was almost like she was half asleep, and Henry was fairly certain now that she wasn't quite well.
"Well, have you noticed how scattered you are? You came downstairs this morning with your top on back to front and you'd left the shower running. I'm a little bit worried you might be depressed again. If I call the doctor, will you speak to them?" Her face just looked confused and he wondered if she'd misheard him.
"Why would I need to speak to them? I told you I'm taking my medication." Henry bit his bottom lip.
"I know darling, but maybe we need to get on top of it… in case it gets worse. The doctor might be able to increase your dose until you're feeling better?" She considered this for a while before shrugging and climbing to her feet.
"Henry I'm fine, I'm just a little tired. But if it'll make you feel better, I'll ring them." He sighed, desperately hoping she was right.
It turned out Henry’s suspicions were right all along and despite her doctor agreeing to increase her medication, she quickly found herself unable to function properly at all. She'd spent the last few of weeks in bed most of the time, at first trying to work as best she could but quickly getting frustrated at her lack of concentration and throwing her laptop aside. Eventually, he had to take it away so she could rest properly. She then spent most of the day sleeping, which left him alone the rest of the time and desperately missing her company. He'd wake her up just to make sure she was okay or to try and give her something to eat, but she wasn't up to much conversation or even watching tv. As soon as he'd put on a programme, her eyes would flutter against his chest and she'd be fast asleep.
Her doctor advised Henry to provide gentle encouragement when she was feeling better, but otherwise allow the episode to run its course. He followed these instructions though he did insist on taking her for a drive every day as he missed their long country walks together. At the start of the fourth week, things seemed to be looking up. He found her sitting up in bed that morning, tapping away lightly at her laptop. Her boss had agreed to give her as much time off as she needed, but he knew she was still eager to get back to her job. "Good morning gorgeous girl, what are you up to? Do you think you can eat something for me?" He placed the breakfast tray down beside her, hoping that she'd put the laptop away and take more than a few mouthfuls of cereal as she had done for weeks now. She'd lost weight and was looking sickly.
"Mmm, in a minute," he sighed as he pulled the laptop gently out of her hands. "Hey, I was doing something—" but Henry placed the tray over her lap, holding up a drink in one hand and her tablets in the other.
"It can wait darling, come on, take these and then have something to eat. If you're feeling a bit better we can also go out if you want? I know Kal's missed you walking him in the woods." She eyed him warily for a few moments but didn't respond. Henry then got into bed beside her and kissed the top of her head.
"I dunno Henry, I don't think I can face going out just yet."
"We don't have to go far, just a fifteen minute walk around the edge of the wood. You love seeing the trees turn at this time of year." She bit her lip nervously, not wanting to disappoint him but also struggling to overcome her anxiety. "Well, we can always take the car if you're not sure. I'm just worried you're not getting enough fresh air and exercise. Come on, you still haven't eaten anything." But instead, she shoved the tray aside and shakily got to her feet. Henry bounded off the bed to try and help her but she swiftly pushed him away. "Darling, did I say something wrong? I told you we didn't have to go, it was only a suggestion." She inhaled sharply as she started looking for her hairbrush and some clothes to put on.
"No, you're right, I can't keep lazying about in bed. Go get Kal ready, I'll be down in a few minutes." He put his hands up and motioned for her to stop.
"Wait a minute, that's not what I said nor was it what I meant. You're not being lazy, I understand it takes time to recover and I'm happy to follow your lead. I just worry about you being cooped up in here every day." But it was no good, she was already getting dressed and almost lost her balance a couple of times she was so unused to being vertical for that long. Henry felt terrible, he wasn't trying to rush her or make her feel guilty. None of this was her fault and he followed her down the stairs saying as much. When they reached the bottom, he spun her around by the shoulder and tried to explain. "Look, I know how hard the last few months have been and I feel awful that it's taken such a toll on you. Come back to bed and we can watch a film, I don't want you doing anything you're not ready for." But the look on her face just hardened.
"I thought you wanted me to go outside? Make up your mind!" She then grabbed her coat, scarf, and gloves and huffed off without him. Henry quickly grabbed Kal and his keys to chase after her. She hadn't gotten very far. In fact, he found her at the end of their driveway, her face never having looked so scared and anxious.
"Come back inside love, we can do this another day, come on…" Henry tried to grab her hand but instead, she swallowed hard and pushed herself forward, determined not to look anywhere other than the road. He sighed as he wrapped his arm around her, slowing his pace and huge strides so he could walk with her. She was beginning to breathe harder and he guessed correctly that she was starting to have a panic attack. They were too far from the house now to run back so instead, he tried a different tactic. "Okay baby girl, I want you to list off five things you can see… go." She didn't quite hear him at first, but when he repeated the question more softly she seemed to focus and began looking around her.
"Um, I dunno. Trees… leaves… Kal?" Henry grinned.
"Fantastic! But we need two more." She exhaled shakily and he squeezed her hand to reassure her.
"Um, I dunno…" Henry could see tears well up in her eyes as she became more and more overwhelmed.
"Okay, well there's a field, a hawk," he pointed up just as the bird flew overhead, emitting its trademark shriek, "or the grass below us, a six foot stud…" Her eyebrows knitted in confusion until she saw Henry pointing to himself. They both burst out laughing which seemed to break the tension. "Okay, now we need four sounds." She was able to focus much better this time and quickly listed three noises. "That's it, good girl, we need one more though." She gave him a devilish look.
"Foghorn?" Henry snorted and gave her a swift spank on the bum.
"Okay, now three things you can touch. As I already copped a feel I only have two things to find." She rolled her eyes but tried to think.
"Mmm, well… I can feel the ground beneath me." He nodded approvingly. "Er, my top bunching up beneath my coat… and the big idiot next to me?"
"Nope, I don't count. Besides, we've both agreed that I'm a stud. Come on, one more." Henry was pleased she already seemed more relaxed, they'd made it ten minutes into the walk and by the time they got back, they would have spent a full twenty minutes outside. He was so proud of his girl.
"Ooh, I know! Kal's leash!" Henry beamed, planting a huge kiss on the side of her face.
"That a girl! Right, two things you can smell. I'll go first, your perfume… and cow shit." She responded to his shit eating grin with a scowl.
"Yeah, I don't appreciate being told I smell as strong as shit in a field." Henry struggled to keep his laughter at bay. "Um, I smell… well Kal for one. The poor thing needs a bath. And two, the mint by the side of the road?" He snorted.
"That's my chewing gum numpty. Right, the final one is taste. I'll go first…" Henry then stopped in the middle of the road and kissed her deeply. "Mmm, coffee and jam toast?" She swatted him on the arm and tried to keep walking, but he held her in place. “… I've missed you you know." She looked away sadly.
"I haven't gone anywhere…"
"I know, I know, you always get better eventually. But why didn't you tell me you were feeling low? You don't have to hide anything from me…" The sadness in Henry’s eyes broke her heart.
"I know that love, but I never like bothering you with my woes. You have enough to deal with."
"And so do you, don't think I don't know how stressful you've found everything lately. I know being with me isn't easy and never will be, but we're a team, I want you to know you can depend on me no matter what. Okay?" She looked down, still unsure. "Listen, I know I can't always be around, but that doesn't mean you're not still the most important thing to me. I'd do anything for you, so just promise me that you'll talk to me more and let me take care of you like you take care of me. Promise?" She smiled shyly, which always drove him crazy. "Right, now let's look at clouds. See that one up there? That looks like you when you're sleeping with your gob open…" She thumped Henry harder this time which only egged him on. "And that one looks like your face right before you let one rip…" She tried to cover his mouth but he was too strong and ended up pulling her onto his shoulders for a piggyback ride instead.
"Yeah? Well, I think that one looks like you with my foot up your arse." She then pulled Henry’s beanie down over his eyes.
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suddencolds · 3 years
Bad Timing | Genshin Impact
During Windblume festival, Diluc ends up hosting in an event in a venue that’s suitably decorated. Unfortunately, he just happens to be allergic to the flowers.
(This might be the most self-indulgent allergy fic I’ve ever written, haha. DIluc snzfic + pollen allergies + company from someone... unexpected.)
It starts as a miscommunication.
It’s harmless enough. Donna, whom Diluc vaguely remembers seeing outside of the flower shop just adjacent to Angels Share, makes an arrangement with Charles to decorate the Dawn Winery. An act of gratitude, or something along those lines—just in time for Windblume Festival.
At least, that’s how Charles tells him about it, just as Diluc is about to leave from his shift the night before the party.
“Decorations?” he asks. “I see. I will have to give her my thanks. Did she speak to Adelinde about it?”
Charles ponders this, taking his place behind the counter. “I’m not sure,” he says. “She says she hopes it’s to your liking, though.”
It’s all Diluc can do to nod. Decorations for Windblume usually mean one thing, but there’s a reason why the tavern is scarcely decorated, and it’s not that he doesn’t have the means to decorate. The tavern’s current undecorated state—with the exception of pressed-dry flowers or flowerless vines strung around the second floor railings—is meant to accommodate… well.
He doubt Donna knows, because he’s never had a reason to bring it up in conversation. As far as truths go, it’s somewhat embarrassing. For now, he can only hope that her act of kindness isn’t as extensive as he thinks.
It’s an oversight, for sure, but it’s not until he steps foot into the main hall of the winery, two hours before the event’s inception that he realizes the extent of it.
The winery is crowded with flowers. There are snapdragons and cecilias strung up around the balconies, windwheel asters in neatly arranged bouquets on every available table, dandelions and wolfhooks cresting the fireplace. Vines of ivy and windwheel aster blossoms are woven around the staircase railings.
Instinctively, he raises a hand to cover his nose and mouth, as if to shield himself from it all. There’s a telltale itch already settling in his nose.
It’s a beautiful sight. But Diluc is very, very allergic.
He flings every window open—surely the air from outside must be an improvement—and bolts out of the building as soon as he can. Just from a few minutes of occupying the winery, he’s already congested, and his eyes are brimming with allergic tears.
The event—a celebration of the anniversary of the Dawn Winery’s founding, that happens to align closely with Windblume every year—is going to last for five hours. Moreover, there will be esteemed guests present, with which he’ll have to discuss business matters, which means that he has to be present.
Diluc shuts his eyes. Seasonal allergies are not anything that will cause him lasting harm, he’s sure… except, perhaps, to his professionalism. The winery has been in a financially good place these past few years, which means there’s barely any pressure on him to prove his own competence. His presence is more for show than for anything else. This should be fine. A five hour celebration, and then he’ll be out of here. He can ask the maids to deal with taking down the decorations later.
He arrives early, stands as far from the floral decorations as he can—it’s difficult; they’re everywhere—to make sure everything is in place. Despite his efforts, the winery is practically a flower garden, thanks to Donna’s well-intentioned arrangements. It’s not long before he’s sniffling again.
His eyes are starting to water, too. He wipes them gingerly on the cuff of his sleeve, sniffles, and nods his acknowledgement to the guests that are starting to file in.
“Sir Ragnvindr,” someone he recognizes as a business associate says to him, holding a flute of champagne. “How are you on this fine evening?”
How does he look? Diluc sniffles again. “I’m well,” he says, rather curtly.
“Mondstadt’s Windblume Festival is certainly a sight,” the associate is saying. “I’m glad I stopped by town at such an opportune moment.”
Diluc can’t think of anything he’d want to do less, right now, than entertain someone’s small talk. “It is one of Mondstadt’s most… hiIh!— most esteemed annual traditions… hiih-!” Damn it. Not now.
The itch in his nose is back. Luckily, the associate either doesn’t notice his predicament or doesn’t find it worth commenting on.
“Is that so? Tell me more about it.”
Diluc sniffles again. Anything to keep his nose from openly running. “I’m... sure… hiIIH-!” Barbatos, he needs to sneeze. He doesn’t want to be having this conversation right now. “...There are many people here more qualified to recount Mondstadt’s hiIhh-!… history… snf!… than I am.”
The associate raises an eyebrow, cocking his head. “Have you not lived here all your life? The previous owner of the Winery was Crepus Ragnvindr. I was under the impression that he was—”
“My father,” Diluc confirms, before he’s ducking away to stifle a sneeze, almost perfectly contained, into his wrist.
“hiIH’NGxt!” He gasps, sniffling, and presses his wrist closer to his face for the second. “hh…. hiiIH’NDGxt!”
It’s two sneezes, but they’re barely relieving. He raises his head, blinking. “Excuse me. Your assumptions are correct, though I…” he makes the mistake of rubbing his nose—something about the gesture just makes him need to sneeze. “hiIH… it’s been awhile since I’ve, snf, had the chance to properly celebrate, and longer still since… hIIh-!... since I’ve heard the history.”
“That’s strange,” the associate says. “You have lived in Mondstadt your whole life, yet you don’t know it’s history? Then again, I heard that you left for a few years, so maybe you feel no attachment to it.” It’s a thinly-veiled insult, but Diluc is too distracted to address it. He wants nothing more than to sneeze freely, but he’s sure that it would be loud, and it’d draw more attention than he wants right now. For now, he settles for raising a hand to—
“hiIH’DGXxt!” God, his eyes are watering, and the sneeze—though stifled—is forceful enough to jerk him forward, his shoulders shuddering.
The associate cringes. “It is a shame that you are spending the festival unwell.”
“I’m fine,” Diluc says, “Just… snf, just… hih!… HIih’GGKXt-shiu! ngh...” He needs to get out of here. Stifling offers virtually no relief at all, and he’s not going to stop sneezing anytime soon, from the looks of it.
He sighs, rubs his nose on the back of his hand, tells himself he can handle a few extra decorations. “Sorry. Did you, snf, have business matters to discuss?”
The associate’s expression hardens. “As you know, we have been ordering from the winery for a couple months now. I regret to inform you that there have been a few—”
Diluc blinks quickly. He can already feel his breath wavering—the start of another long, embarrassingly desperate buildup, probably.
“—troublesome incidents, specifically regarding the delivery of the wine. The delivery vehicles have been delayed on a handful of occasions—”
“hiIH! snf… hIIiih…”
His nose is tickling with such ferocity it’s almost torturous. He needs to get outside. His allergies are tolerable out in town in the open air, as long as he walks quickly enough and avoids all of the more festive installments. But here, in an enclosed space so thoroughly decorated, in a living room with mediocre circulation at best, surrounded by more flowers than he’s ever seen in his life…
“—just last week, the delivery cart was stopped by an assembly of hilichurl archers that destroyed nearly half the stock. Three weeks before that, the carriage caught the notice of one of Liyue’s Ruin Guards. I expect you are aware of these incidents?”
Diluc clears his throat. “I am. An excess of wine was sent back—hiiH! … in both cases, snf!- as soon as word of these setbacks… hIIH... reached the winery, snf.” The congestion is starting to settle in his voice, dulling his consonants. “You yourself… HIIh-! verified that the shipments m-made… hIIH-! it back to you… HIIIh!”
Sevens above. He doesn’t want to sneeze again, in front of someone who’s looking at him with a combination of disgust and condescension. But he knows, by now, that the most he can do is delay the inevitable.
“Ah,” the man waves a hand dismissively. “We did get the wine eventually. But it was still delayed, you see. Quite—”
—Diluc gasps sharply. “HIIIih-!”
“—an unprofessional experience, to say the least.”
His shoulders tense, as he jerks forward again, catching a barely restrained sneeze between the pinch of his fingers. “hihH'GXNt...! snf, hIIH… HIIH’NGDTtsh!” His body shudders with the release; he can feel the pressure of the sneeze settle behind his eyes, along with a dull ache—he’s going to give himself a headache if he keeps this up. “hiih-!... hiihHH…” This would be less humiliating if he could just sneeze and be done with it. Instead he finds himself caught in buildups that go nowhere, with a tickle in his nose that refuses to abate. “HIIIH… hIH’GZSchhh! snf… hhH-!”
Barely a breath in, his breath is already hitching again. He ducks into his sleeve, cringing, just in time for—
“hh… hiiH!... hh... HIIH’GXnT—shEw!!” The failed attempt at stifling is strangely relieving, all things considered, and he exhales shakily, wiping his nose on the back of his hand.
“Sir Ragnvindr,” The associate says pointedly. “I’m sure you can see where the problem lies. Delays are not exactly conducive to business.”
Diluc bites back an irritated retort. Delivery to Liyue from Mondstadt is bound to have its complications, given the concentration of enemies outside of the two cities; he’s sure this associate is aware of that, too. He has no control over whether the deliveries get interrupted, and he’s pretty sure it’s the associate’s fault for not putting the orders in in advance.
“What… snf… would you suggest, then?”
The associate smiles. “Given our longstanding role as customers, I believe monetary compensation would only be fair.”
Diluc sighs, scrubs at his eyes with one hand. “You can bring it up with Elzer. He is usually the one to handle these sorts of things,” Diluc says. “In the future, though, to save both of us the trouble, it would be best if you would... snf!... take care to place your orders in advance.”
The man stares back at him, his lip curling. “I beg your pardon?”
“The roads between here and Liyue are dangerous. I cannot always guarantee a safe delivery,” The tickle in his nose is back, relentless. If he’s going to sneeze again, the last thing he wants is to do it in front of this associate. Instead, he turns on his heels, sniffling. “Excuse me.”
He just about bolts from the room, past the floral decorations and up the staircase. The second floor is darker, lit only by the ceiling chandelier. He all but slumps against the wall. His nose is still itching, and he raises a gloved hand as his vision goes watery and indistinct—
“hiIIH’IISCH’iiuu! Hh… hDDt’TTZCSh’u!”
He doesn’t have time to wonder if anyone’s heard. Suddenly he’s gasping again, fumbling for a handkerchief, pulling up one sleeve so he can wipe his nose on the back of his wrist when he doesn’t find one. “Hiih… hiIIIH… snf-!”
The tickle falters just as suddenly, leaving him on the precipice of a sneeze, suspended in ticklish wait. He rubs his nose again, in hopes that the pressure on the bridge of his nose will be just irritating enough to coax out a sneeze, but...
It leaves him panting, his eyes still shut as he stands there, his breath still shaky with anticipation.
“hiIIH…! snf…” Nothing, still. “HIIIh...”
He rubs his nose again, hard, on the back of his wrist. Maybe if he could just sneeze—give his body relief in the fit it so clearly wants—it will solve his predicament for the next fifteen minutes, at least.
He just has to find somewhere quiet.
He rounds the corner on the second floor, stumbles through the door at the end of the hall out onto the balcony. The fresh air is immediately relieving, and he sucks in a long breath, leaning forward on the balcony railing. With the exception of some of the Dawn Winery staff, no one’s outside, and he doubts any of the guests will have reasons to spend enough time on the second floor to find the door that leads here. He figures it’s as good a place as he’ll find, for the time being.
The itch in his nose still burns, almost intense enough to make him shiver. Cecilias are wound around one of the balcony’s wooden rungs—he wonders, momentarily, if it’d be worth it to—
The door behind him swings open. He startles.
“Oh,” someone says from behind him. “...sir Diluc.”
It’s Rosaria, from the church. He doesn’t know much about her—he can probably count the number of words they’ve exchanged on one hand. She’s at the Angel’s Share every Thursday with Kaeya, downing drinks faster he thinks could possibly be healthy—though she must know her limits, given that she never seems to get as drunk as some of the knights do. Now, she eyes him warily.
There’s a windwheel aster clipped to the lapel of her shirt.
“Didn’t expect you to see you here,” she says, raising an eyebrow. “Aren’t you like, the most important person here?”
“Something like that,” he says.
“Then I suspect there’s a reason why you’re hiding out here.”
He doesn’t answer. How can he? “Ah, well, it’s fine,” she says, sounding unbothered. “Whatever reason you have, it doesn’t really matter to me. Hope you don’t mind if I smoke.”
He sniffles, turning away to wipe his nose on his wrist. “I… don’t.”
“Okay. I figured you’d be happier if I did it outside, anyways.” She steps into place next to him, digs through her pockets for a cigarette. “Think you could light it?”
He lowers his hand and turns to face her. Before he has a chance to light it, though, something about the proximity of the flower on her shirt is just enough to set him off — the next breath he takes leaves him gasping, his eyes watering immediately as he ducks violently into his elbow.
“hiIH… nGKTt!”
He’s not even close to done. “hiIH… hiiihH…. HH-!! snf-! hHiih’NDGXtT!”
“Bless you,” she says. “Are you sick?”
“Your… shirt…” is all he manages to gasp out, before he’s pressing his elbow tighter to his face, muffling another sneeze into the fabric of his sleeve—
“hiIH’IIIGXTtt… HIIiH-! Hiih… HIIH’IISsch’iu! Excuse me... HIih’GGKXt!!...”
“Oh,” she says, sounding like he’s just let him in on a secret. “You’re allergic.”
“Unfortunately,” he admits, feeling his face grow hot.
“You should’ve said.” She unclips the windwheel aster from her shirt, gives it half a look, and flicks it over the edge of the balcony.
“Wait,” Diluc says, his eyebrows furrowing. “I didn’t mean to… hiIIh-! snf... imply you should get rid of it.”
Rosaria smiles unreadably. “I wasn’t wearing it by choice. A friend coerced me to. Is it just windwheel asters that set you off?”
“It’s… hiiiiH… it’s just about everything… hiIH’ITTSChh! hiIH… NGKTT-shiiu!” It’s getting harder and harder to stifle, but it’s already embarrassing enough to sneeze in front of her in the first place.
“Everything, huh? Sounds awfully inconvenient.”
He lights her cigarette with his vision. “Thanks,” she says, and immediately pulls it in to take an appreciative drag. “Kind of suffocating to be inside with so many businessmen for so long, if you ask me.”
He sniffles harder, rubbing his nose on the cup of his sleeve.“I… snf…! I’m not going to be stopping anytime soon. You should probably… hiih... find somewhere else to smoke… hiiH... hiih’GKTT-!”  
“You know,” Rosaria says, after a beat. “You’d be done sneezing sooner if you didn’t hold them back like that.”
If Diluc wasn’t blushing before, he’s sure he must be blushing now. It’s embarrassing to hear her address his sneezing in such a straightforward manner—he’s starting to see why she gets on so well with Kaeya.
“I’m fine, thanks… hiih… hiiH’NGXT’Sshh! HIIH’GKTT-! ugh...” Maybe she has a point—the stifling is starting to make his head hurt, and he hunches forward, still sniffling, to lean more heavily on the railing.
She shrugs. “Okay. I’m just saying, I wouldn’t mind. Why’d you decorate the winery like that, anyway? It seems awfully… masochistic.”
“A misunderstanding. Donna’s doing, though… hiiiH!... it would have been ungrateful if I had taken the decorations down... hiiih... hiIH’GkkT!!” — caught neatly in the palm of his hand. “hIih… hiIIH… nGSSCHh! snf…��
“Sevens, Diluc. Drop the formalities and let yourself sneeze. I’m getting a headache just listening to you.”
He frowns, lifts his hand from his face, only to clamp it back on when he realizes what a mess he’s made out of himself, his skin prickling with embarrassment. “If you’re certain...”
She scoffs, taking another drag of the cigarette. “Trust me. I couldn’t care less.” Usually, smoke doesn’t bother him—his pyro vision would be significantly more inconvenient if it did—but now, with his nose so sensitive, it’s exactly the last push he needs to send him over the edge.
“hIIH.. HIIH…” He blinks through teary eyes, his grip tightening against the railing. “HiiH… iHH'GZCHh-iiu! Hihh… hhD’TTschH’iu! snf.. hiIH... HIHH'iischHiew!”
The relief from letting himself sneeze is immediate and almost dizzying. He gasps again, taking a step back from the balcony. The next sneeze snaps him forward at the waist.
“hiIH’ISCHhiuu! hiIih… GKKTT-’SHiuu!” Rosaria disappears back into the manor, so quietly he almost doesn’t hear her leave, but he’s too out of it to properly react. “Hiih… hiIh… HIIH’ISCCHh’yuu!” He sniffles against his wrist, his shoulders just about slumping with the relief, before they’re tensing again just a few seconds later. “hiih… hiiih.. hiiIH’NGTTT-SHIu! Hiih… HiiH’IIIISCCHh’iuu!”
He groans, sniffling, resisting the urge to bury his head in his hands—it seems like an appealing enough option, if not for the fact that he’s been covering with one of them. The door behind him opens again.
“Thought you might need this,” Rosaria says, and hands him a handkerchief. He takes it gratefully. It’s only after he’s blown his nose into it—quietly—that he trusts himself to speak.
“Thank you,” he says. “I’ll find a time to give it back when it’s clean... snf.”
She blinks at him, her eyebrows furrowing as she looks him over. “Geez, you look awful. I’ll ask Kaeya to stop by later so he and I can take down the decorations for you.”
It’s surprisingly sweet. “You don’t have to,” Diluc says, wincing at the congestion in his voice. “I can get it... dealt with… hiih’IISSSH’iuu!”
“Your maids can, you mean. Still, it will be faster if we help out... your bedroom’s on the second floor, isn’t it?”
When he nods, she shrugs, leaning back casually against the doorframe. “Even more reason to get it cleaned up faster, then. Would it kill you to accept some help for once in your life?”
Diluc sniffles, folding the handkerchief neatly. “I suppose not. I... appreciate it, then.”
She smiles at him. “It’s the least I can do. I’ve been leeching off your free alcohol this whole afternoon, so we can call it even.”
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johaerys-writes · 3 years
The Spaces in Between
Fandom: The Song of Achilles
Pairing: Achilles/Patroclus
"Beyond this door, in the eyes of all men, he shone like a midday sun, his rays touching everyone that gazed upon him. Here, in the semi-darkness of this room, he shone just for me. Neither man, nor woman, neither hero nor legend, not yet; floating in the spaces in between, he was mine. My Achilles."
Or: Achilles and Patroclus steal a moment alone while in Skyros :) Fluff, smut and feels, from Patroclus’ POV!
Read here or on AO3
When Achilles lifted his arms, they looked like wings.
It was the ease of the motion, the grace. It was in the way the wrists curved, so delicately, fingers extending from the soft pads of his palms like feathers. It was in the arc they drew over his head, only to fall once more, faintly, faintly.  
Then they lifted again, and it was like a bird taking flight.
I was not the only one watching him in awe. Lycomedes’ hall was full of people, tables packed and overflowing with food platters and bronze cups, with servants silently weaving amongst the bystanders. The other dancers moved around him, the hems of their dresses whispering, but at that moment, for me, there was only him.
Most days, Achilles was aware of the effect he had on people, however little it concerned him. That day, though, he seemed entirely oblivious of the crowd, moving for the sake of the movement, his feet tapping the ground gently, his legs prettily curving, in love with their own motion. He tossed his head back, and the golden hair underneath the purple cloth that bound it glittered in the shifting flames of the lit braziers. The large room was drab and colourless even with the bright tablecloths and the decorations on the walls, but Achilles was swirling in the midst of it, catching the light, like a jewel.
The music of the flute, the cymbals and the lyre rose and fell in time with the dancers’ practiced movements, and the people around me watched, enthralled, some even forgetting to drink the wine that the servants were pouring in their cups. When the music finally drew to a close, the dancers gathered in a semicircle and curtsied, lifting their skirts slightly to show their slender ankles.
They all straightened in unison and the people around me slowly stirred from their rapture, like a spell lifting. Achilles looked up, his eyes searching mine in the crowd. His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were shining with satisfaction; I could not help but smile at him. He smiled back as the dancers departed in single file back to their quarters to change.
I took a sip of watered down, spiced wine. Lycomedes’ feasts were usually modest —Skyros was not a wealthy island— but the wine was always sweet and fragrant, easy on the tongue. My food lay before me in my plate, untouched, and Achilles’ was beside me. Ever since I had come to Skyros, he had stopped taking his meals with the other dancers, sitting beside me at Lycomedes’ table instead.
I leaned back in my seat, my eyes scanning the room as I waited for him to return.
The dancers, one by one, entered the hall again and returned to their seats. Achilles was not amongst them.
Curious, I approached one of the dancers that I had seen him speaking with once or twice, a girl with curly hair and dark, tilted eyes. “Where is Pyrrha?” I asked her in a low voice.
She glanced up at me, a little startled. “She stayed in the women’s hall,” she replied simply. “She was feeling unwell.”
Her words surprised me. Achilles seemed perfectly fine a moment earlier; what could have happened in the space of minutes to make him feel so unwell?
I thanked the girl, and immediately departed. The corridors beyond the hall were dark and cool, and thoroughly void of guards, servants and passers-by. They had all gathered at the hall, where food was being served. I made my way to the far side of the palace on quick, silent feet, like a shadow.
I hesitated only for a moment before pushing the door to the women’s quarters open. No man  was supposed to enter there, other than certain trusted guards, but my curiosity and concern for Achilles got the better of me.
“Pyrrha?” I called quietly, and then, when I received no answer, “Achilles?”
Silence met my words. I followed the path of lit torches to the far end of the corridor, which led to a large room. It was humbly decorated, like the rest of the palace, but the embroidered rags on the floor were newly made and vibrant in colour and the stone benches were covered in plush cushions. A half finished piece of colourful cloth was stretched on the loom shuttle in a corner, and coiling tendrils of fragrant incense smoke drifted towards the ceiling from braziers.
“Achilles?” I called again, then I walked in.
A whisper of fabric behind me, so faint I thought I’d imagined it. The door clicked shut and the latch was drawn before I could so much as blink, then a piece of cloth fell over my eyes.
“Got you,” I heard Achilles’ voice next to my ear.  
I laughed, bringing my hands up to touch the fabric he had placed over my eyes. It was the same one he used to bind his hair, purple with embroidered red and yellow flowers, and it smelled of him: almonds, crushed rose petals and pomegranate, the musk of his skin.
“What are you doing?”
Achilles did not reply as he tied the cloth securely at the back of my head. His slender fingers then slid down the side of my neck, following the line of my collarbone, the curve of my shoulder. “What does it look like?”
My skin prickled as he moved lower, caressing the length of my arm. “Lycomedes is waiting for us in the hall, Achilles,” I said, trying to keep my voice level. I could tell he was in the mood for games, but that was hardly the place, or the time. “He’ll want to make a toast; we have to be there.”
“We will. In time.” His breath skimmed my cheek, and his lips brushed the shell of my ear. His light and careful touch sent a shiver down my spine, and I barely bit back gasp when his arms came around me, pulling me flush against him. “But first: this.”
I swallowed thickly, trying to retain whatever little control I had left. “What if someone comes in?”
“I have locked the door.”
“What if someone walks by and hears us?”
His smile was pressed against my skin; I could tell it was a wicked, mischievous one. “Then you’ll have to be quiet, won’t you?”
I could only let out a breathless chuckle as Achilles moved around me and caught my hand. I let him guide me to one of the benches, close to the window. A crisp breeze was blowing, caressing my skin, and I shivered when Achilles pushed me gently down upon the cushions and kissed me.
His lips were soft, delicate, when they brushed my own. I sighed into the kiss, my worries about anyone seeing or hearing us quickly melting away. His tongue, when it brushed over my own, tasted of sweet, honeyed wine.
I surrendered myself to his touch, to his palm that slowly skimmed the length of my leg and slithered underneath my tunic, slowly slithering upwards. A quiet moan escaped me when his lips left mine to kiss my jaw, my neck, my collarbone. I reached up to lift the scarf that he had placed over my eyes, but Achilles deftly caught my wrist.
“No peeking.”
I laughed. “Am I supposed to stay in the dark, then, while you can see?”
“That doesn’t sound fair, does it?”
Achilles undid the clasp of my tunic, the fabric loosening over my shoulder. “It is fair.” He pushed it down, until I was bared to the waist. Achilles’ lips raised goosebumps along my skin when he pressed soft kisses down the center of my chest. His tongue flicked over my nipple, his teeth then closing gently over it. “For me.”
“That is, perhaps, the exact opposite of ‘fair’,” I protested half-heartedly, but already I could feel my defences evaporating at his every touch.
“No peeking. Swear it.”
“Alright,” I sighed in acquiescence, arching underneath him. “I swear it.”
It always had this effect, Achilles’ touch on me: no matter how hard I would try to keep my composure, my thoughts would soon drift away to be replaced by the sure and sharp desires that his soft lips and deft hands sparked within me. It was a familiar jest between us, that whatever argument I would think to bring up during times like these would just crumble and dissolve as soon as I felt his lips on me, his hands, his tongue.
My tunic was swiftly pulled down and discarded. I caught the faint whisper of the fabric as it touched the floor beside us. Achilles’ mouth moved lower, following the line of soft hair that led to my navel; I shivered in anticipation, gripping the cushions beside me to keep my hands from straying to the blindfold.
“Gods,” I gasped quietly when his lips closed around me, enveloping me in slick, velvet heat.
He moved slowly, his tongue moving in broad strokes; he knew the rhythm I liked, the pace, the pressure. My hand moved as if on its own to cup the back of his neck as he gave me pleasure, feeling the silken locks slipping through my fingers. I knew what he looked like even without seeing: I could see the flushed lips, the rosy cheeks, the heavy lidded gaze. I could see him, in my mind’s eye.
With every motion of his mouth and fingers my desire grew bolder, stronger. I wanted to see him with my own two eyes.
I lifted the blindfold and gazed down at him. His lips were full and glistening as they wrapped around me, the cascading waves of his hair framed his face, his eyes were dark with wanting. I reached down to caress his hollowed cheek with the tip of my finger.  
“You are so beautiful,” I sighed, “Achilles.”
He slid his mouth off of me when he saw me looking, and frowned. “I said, no peeking.”
I bit my bottom lip, grinning. I said, “I’m sorry,” though I wasn’t, really.
“You swore.”
“I know.” I cupped his neck, pulling him up to bring his lips to mine. I kissed him hard, my tongue slipping past his teeth to twine with his. “Some oaths are made to be broken.”
Achilles moaned softly, rocking against me. I caught him by the waist and rolled him underneath me, coming on top of him. Though he was stronger than me, slightly taller, he was slender and agile and moved easily along with me. He gazed up at me, the flames from the braziers dancing in his eyes. His hair was spread like a halo around his head, the golden strands matching the swirls of the embroidered cushions beneath him.
He looked so vulnerable, so soft when he gazed at me like this, eyes sparkling with desire and expectation. My pulse beat hard in my throat when I reached down, to his ankles, and pushed up the rich fabric of his skirts. The dress did not look foreign on him; Achilles had always been graceful in his movements, and there was something soft about his features, delicate, like a woman’s. Now, as I smoothed my palm over the silky skin of his calves, the muscles of his strong thighs, revealing more of him, he was a creature of gold and ivory, of bone and rough cut jade. Neither man, nor woman, neither hero nor legend, not yet; floating in the spaces in between, he was mine. Mine. My Achilles.
Outside, beyond this door, in the halls and the palaces and in the eyes of all men, he shone like the midday sun, his rays touching everyone that gazed upon him. Here, in this room, he shone just for me.
“Achilles,” I whispered as my fingers curled around his length. Achilles gasped against my lips, arching into my touch and thrusting in my palm. I kissed him hungrily, moving with him, drinking in his moans and his gasps.
The wick of the oil lamp flickered beside us, releasing a sweet scent of roses and beeswax. I reached out and dipped my fingers in the warm oil, then reached down between us once more, smoothing the liquid between his legs.
I pushed inside him gently, one finger, then another, watching his every expression as if I were a starving man. Achilles’ eyelids fluttered in pleasure, his hips rising to meet my hand.
“Patroclus—” he breathed as he writhed, pleading for more. He wrapped his long legs around me, pulling me close. “Patroclus, I want you, I—” He licked my lips, caught my tongue between his teeth. “I need you. I need you, philtatos.”
I shuddered at the sound of his voice, the words that left his lips. He always, always knew the right things to say.
I carefully pulled my fingers out and pressed myself against him, pushing past the tight ring of muscle. I whispered praise and sweet nothings against his lips as I did —I must have— but my thoughts were dispersing swiftly like the coiling tendrils of incense of smoke when the breeze blew. Gods, you’re so warm, so soft, I might have breathed in his hair while I thrust slowly, opening him up; or you’re beautiful, you’re so beautiful, my Achilles, I might have gasped against his palm when I brought it up to my lips to kiss it; or, perhaps, I sighed philtatos as he locked his ankles behind me, pulling me closer, philtatos as he threaded his fingers through my hair and kissed me breathless, drawing air from my lungs, philtatos, philtatos, philtatos, my beloved, my Achilles.
In truth, I cannot remember. It always had this effect on me, Achilles’ touch.
I remember his smile, sharp and wicked when he pushed me on my back and climbed on top of me, straddling me. His hair fell in dishevelled curls of spun gold down his shoulders, and the fabric of his skirt bunched around his waist. His dress was a mess, only half of it undone in our haste, though Achilles seemed to care about it not at all. The buttons and laces down the front were open to his navel, leaving his chest exposed, the rest of the rich fabric falling to his elbows. He was swaying on top of me, head thrown back and lips half parted in ecstasy, eyes closed.
Our pleasure soared in tandem as he moved, taking me deeper with every roll of his hips. I smoothed my palm up his chest and curled my hand around his slender throat, caressing the arch of it with my thumb.
“Look at me,” I whispered. “Look at me, Achilles. Open your eyes.”
I waited until the fair eyelashes lifted and revealed warm, jade eyes, eyes that gazed at me with hunger, warmth and adoration, everything that was pure, everything that was him.
I held that gaze as if it were a lifeline as I thrust faster, sinking deeper and deeper inside him, chasing those shimmering threads that tied us to each other. I watched his every expression as we leapt over the edge and let the waves of warmth and pleasure wash over us, as we both came undone. Achilles was shivering on top of me when I reached down and took him in my hand, stroking him through his finish. The beads of his seed shone on the fabric of his dress, white on white.
Achilles collapsed on top of me with a sigh. His heart was beating frantically against my chest, the thrum of it mingling with my own until I couldn’t tell them apart. I held him close to me, nose buried in his hair, letting the sweet and musky scent of his skin fill my lungs as my pulse quietened, breath by breath.
I could not tell how long we stayed like this, entangled. The night breeze blew crisp and chilly from the half open window, and over the gentle trill of the crickets I could just make out the sounds of music and chatter coming from the main hall.
Achilles hummed softly as he rolled off of me to lay beside me, nestled against my side on the narrow bench. His features were calm and tensionless, and he had the softest of smiles on his flush, bitten lips.
“Think Lycomedes has finished with his toast?” I asked, gazing into the night.
“Gods, I hope so,” Achilles said, and his voice was still a little hoarse from passion. “They always seem to go for hours.”
I looked down at him with a knowing smile. “Pleased with yourself, are you?”
He cracked open one eye to peek at me, the edges of his lips curling even more. “Whatever for?”
“Because it seems your ruse was a success, after all,” I mused teasingly, shifting on my side to face him. “Drawing me away from the hall just so you could avoid listening to Lycomedes’ toasts.”
Achilles huffed a quiet, sleepy laugh. “I did nothing. You came on your own.”
“You knew I would,” I chuckled, drawing him closer. The skin of his brow was hot when I pressed my lips to it, smooth like silk. I closed my eyes.
Wherever you are, I thought, you know I’ll follow.
Thank you so much for reading! Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated :) I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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iron-mum · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where Tony and kid Peter are being adorable father and son as retribution for the angst you’ve made me suffer through in the past hah! (JK I love you and your angst! 💛)
Well, well, well. What do we have here, eh? A request for adorable? I'm not sure, I'm very good at that 😌
Here's SIMTony who would stop at nothing to help his unwell son, Peter get better. Even if it meant using Extremis.
P.S. ILY3000 💕
In the final throes of the graveyard shift at the hospital floor, the elevator pinged for its frequent lone visitor. The front desk staff, whilst tense and sitting up suddenly straighter, knew not to actually engage. No ID was needed for their boss, one of them barely suppressing a gulp as his determined strides headed for the private room that had been deliberately placed near to the room equipped for every possible kind of emergency. Once inside, he carefully shut the door silently and took a seat at the bedside.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Sharp blue eyes shifted from the persistent buzzing of the most technologically advanced medical equipment anyone, anywhere could offer before looking back down to something far more invaluable and precious. Tony’s entire world. His purpose in life. The little boy on the bed lay motionless, breathing slowly and evenly, nose occasionally scrunching up at the discomfort of the oxygen mask upon him. He should have been cocooned in a hug from his father but instead his son, Peter, was littered with wires attaching him to the very best modern medicine had to offer.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Pale, soft skin with the daintiest of freckles stood out against the dark curls spread across the far too big pillow. The small fingers of his left hand had loosely closed around the calloused thumb of his father, letting him know that whilst he had been rendered weak from illness, he was still aware of his comforting presence. Tony’s index finger gently glided across the small knuckles, willing himself to see a tiny curve of the lips on his son’s face.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
This had been the Avengers fault. Peter’s current critical condition. The young boy had been on a school trip when a battle had broken out and the wannabe heroes managed to cause more destruction than lives saved. A chemical explosion had landed most of the class in hospital and many of them had ended up becoming very unwell. Unfortunately for Peter, he already suffered many ailments so even under the wing of Stark’s finest medical personnel, the struggle had taken a toll. The genius shook his head as thoughts of revenge started to sprout from the many seeds that had been planted since the catastrophic incident. He shelved the many ideas he had that would lead to the demise of the reckless group once his kid was better.
It had been hours when the sound of a nurse's footsteps acted as the catalyst that would remove Tony from the room so he could head back to his lab. As he reluctantly moved his hand away, there was no reaction. Not even a twitch from the slender child. Bending down, he tentatively stroked a small amount of the exposed skin that was available on the boy’s face before planting a light kiss on his forehead. By the time the nurse was opening the door to the room to complete the routine checks, any sign of a visitor would be long gone.
The moment Tony was back in his workshop, he strode towards his desk. Music started to reverberate from the ceiling, the sound greatly appreciated compared to the low hum and incessant beeping from the emotionless devices that were currently keeping his son alive.
Tony didn’t believe in a higher power other than himself. So in no way, shape or form was he ever going to accept that he couldn’t save Peter from the incurable illness now ravaging his frail body. Feeling powerless was simply not an option.
Rolling up the sleeve to his top, the genius opened a drawer and pulled out a device meant for extracting blood as painlessly as possible. Not that pain meant much to him these days. No pain would ever compete with a parent having to watch their child deteriorate every single second of every single day.
Satisfied with the draw, Tony placed it into a diagnostic machine of his own making. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass of his workshop, eyeing it like he was in the most intense staring contest of his life. Jaw clenching, his arm shot out allowing liquid metal to glide across his skin before firing a repulsor at the glass and shattering it. There was an element of irony to everyone loving his face except himself in the minimal but intrusive “what if” moments that surrounded his current situation. With a crack of his neck, his arm remained outstretched so the Endo-Sym armour could return to it’s housing tank.
“Boss, the results are back,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. informed as the music lessened in volume. “No adverse reactions detected still. The chemical composition indicates that the Extremis is unchanged in it’s integration with you on a genetic level and continues to remain stable.”
“And the sample from Peter?” Tony asked, confident that he knew what the answer would be.
“Also remaining stable.”
“Alert the staff intending to see Peter following tonight's shift that their presence will not be needed,” the genius demanded as he mentally reiterated the next steps of his plan in his head. Lips curled into devilishly handsome grin at his victory, eyes crinkling at the sides. The smile only softened when his eyes drifted to a framed picture Peter had drawn of the both of them. He’d done it.
“Certainly, boss,” the AI had responded without any acknowledgement. Tony was too busy in thought. Not only was the Extremis flowing through his own veins, leaving him feeling at perfect health. But soon, it would be doing the same for Peter too. Pain free, peak performance and at complete and optimal health.
“Have there been any sightings of the Avengers in the last hour? I feel a splash of revenge is in order for this special occasion?” The holo-screens in front of him started to flicker as social media sites were searched and hashtags refreshed repeatedly. Hulk had been trending within the hour and Hawkeye in the last eleven minutes.
"Well, how about that?" he grinned gleefully. "I really am being spoiled for choice."
Whilst the genius had been certain F.R.I.D.A.Y. had relayed the message to the morning staff, Tony still found himself exhaling sharply at the sight of someone sat by Peter’s side reading his file. The thin bag of Extremis in his hand was shifted into his back pocket as quickly as humanly possible. The good feeling from beating the shit out of one of the Avengers, plus the buzz of providing Peter with a cure that no meagre doctor had been able to, shifted into a tension as tried to work out who it was.
Their face was narrow with sharp features and glasz eyes remarkably penetrating when they met his perusing stare. His black hair had been combed back neatly, the sides of his temples a distinct light grey. The well fitted suit looked designer even for Tony’s impeccable standards.
“Your services are no longer required,” he affirmed with a dismissive flourish of the hands before the man could even introduce himself.
“I’m sorry?” the other man replied without hesitation, closing the file and rising from the chair. Tony’s chair. If he’d been expecting any pleasantries or introductions, he was thoroughly mistaken. Tony was already locked onto Peter, the gentle rise of his chest a welcoming sight as always. He refused to allow his attention to be divided, ignoring the piercing stare boring into him now. “I have an oath to this patient. He critically needs help from the best in all fields. He needs my help.”
The genius turned at that, an eyebrow raised as he looked the doctor up and down. He certainly held himself strongly for someone who had that much audacity in addressing the owner of everything within his current vicinity.
“Are you new around here… Doctor Strange?” He asked disingenuously, eyes narrowing as he scrutinised the name badge. The letters ‘VISITOR - Dr Stephen Strange’ jotted on the bottom, likely the reason he hadn’t got his AI’s memo. The receptionist who let him in would be fired whether it was her fault or not.
“Unlike everyone else in this building, no, I don’t work for you” the doctor shot back tersely. “However, you were so insistent on my consultation that, somehow, I found my diary completely cleared of all surgeries that were booked in.”
“Well, you can now stick them back in your diary. We’re done here.”
“I know this is difficult,” the doctor started, tone suddenly softer as if he were hoping a change of tact would get through. “You brought me in for my expertise, so use them.”
“I’m the most intelligent, capable person on the planet. I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone.”
“Your arrogance surpasses all the rumours and expectations I had of you,” Strange snapped back incredulously. Apparently nothing was going to get through. “Your child is-”
“You know, it would be a real shame if you were to lose your medical licence, wouldn't it, doctor?” Tony sneered dangerously low. This ungrateful little shit was going to get it for not only wasting his time and energy, but also his son’s. An insignificant speck like the rest of the world.
“Are you threatening me?” the doctor replied doing his best to keep his tone cool and unflinching when the other man removed all personal space between them. The lack of intimidation he was feeling only pissed Tony off more.
“Let’s not test my resolve, doctor.” Despite feeling completely wrong about leaving considering Peter’s condition, Dr Stephen Strange tucked the file he’d been reading under his arm and left the room in just a few strides. Tony had spotted the hand diving for a phone as the door shut behind him and clenched his fists in disdain.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., be a darling and ensure Doctor Douchebag doesn’t make it back home,” Tony demanded followed by a nonchalant sniff.
“Yes, boss. His phone has also unexpectedly lost all signal so will not be usable anytime soon.”
Satisfied with the course of action his AI had taken, Tony locked the door to his son’s room for good measure. He eyed the current equipment before making his move. One of the drips currently providing Peter with much needed medicine was switched to make way for a sample of the Extremis that Tony had meticulously created and tested on himself. He peered at his son, swallowing thickly that this would all be worth it.
Bag secured, the first few drops started instantly, the older man watching as they flowed along the thin tubes before entering the cannula imposed on Peter’s hand. The skin began to glow orange, the lava looking trail gliding all the way up the arm’s before entering the chest. Daring a glance at the monitors, Tony noted an instant improvement in the readouts. A smile spread across his face as sheet-white, sickly skin started to immediately brighten.
Peter’s big, brown doe eyes suddenly shot open as he took a huge gulp of air, eyes landing on his father who was remarkably in focus for the first time in his life without the aid of glasses. Tony removed the oxygen mask so he could take his son’s face in fully for the first time in well over a month.
“Dad?” the young boy croaked, clearly a little disoriented from the abrupt wake up.
“Hey, buddy,” Tony whispered, voice cracking with emotion as he closed the distance between them.
Peter lunged at his father, his small arms wrapping tightly around the genius’ neck and face burying into his chest. It had been far too long since either had been able to enjoy the tender, heart-bursting feeling of overwhelming, unconditional love from one another.
“I love you, kiddo.” Tony gushed as one of his hand’s lovingly cupped the back of Peter's head holding him as close as possible. The other enveloped around his back, his thumb slowly stroking up and down. When the older man's hand started to trail through Peter's hair, the boy somehow managed to burrow even closer. Tony soothingly lifted curls between his fingers and then let them ping back as new life continued to circle through his son’s body.
“I love you too, dad,” Peter whispered, a strain evident in his voice that Tony hadn’t been expecting. When he leant back, he saw the likely cause. Now unnecessary wires were tugging at his child’s skin.
“Let’s get these off you, bud. You don’t need them anymore,” he promised softly as he carefully went to work at removing the monitoring equipment clips and stickers. Peter’s curious eyes followed every step of the way, surprisingly not wincing even when some of the tougher stickers were peeled away. Although he was too young to even begin comprehending what had happened, he knew from vague memories he’d been hurt and that he’d slept a lot. Often he had been unsure if he was dreaming or awake when he’d hear his father read him stories, express his love and let him know how brave he was being. A slight tug on his hand drew him from his recollection as he looked down.
"I’m scared," Peter timidly admitted as he eyed up the last piece of medical equipment attached to him. The cannula in his hand.
“Here’s what we're gonna do, bud. We’re going to put on our brave faces and before you know it, it’ll be all done and over with. Can you show me your bravest, fiercest face?” Tony gently challenged, as part of his upper lip curled and he playfully growled.
The child’s dinky nose scrunched up and his lips pushed out into the biggest pout he could form. He shook his head a little and hummed in a way that likely felt fierce to him but could only be described as adorable to his dad.
"Wowzer. That was super mean, you nearly scared me!” Tony gasped dramatically, as he gestured for the boy to look down and see that the only thing on the top of his hand was a small cotton wool ball and a light pressure from his dad. Using his free hand to fish into his pocket, Tony revealed a green Paw Patrol sticker with Peter’s favourite character, Rocky, on it.
It had been a distant memory since the young boy had handed it to him, having spotted the numerous nicks and cuts that littered his hard working hands after a long day in the workshop. Extremis meant Peter wouldn’t even need it, but the placebo effect would make it worth it.
“Am I all better, daddy?” Peter asked as Tony eyed him up once more. The overwhelmed father cupped his kid’s face and planted another kiss on his forehead, relief washing over him that he was now free from the concatenation of medical instrumentation.
“You most certainly are. And that means we get to skedaddle out of here.”
Before his son could anticipate his next move, his father had scooped him up into his arms and they were making their way not only out of the room, but off of the floor for good.
They’d had a chance to change into matching casual wear and feasted on a huge breakfast before snuggling up on the sofa. Peter had selected an Octonauts movie to watch as he tucked into his father’s side and enjoyed the sound of his steady heartbeat.
It would be a couple of hours when Tony’s phone pinged with a notification he knew was F.R.I.D.A.Y. when she was being discreet. His son huffed at the movement as he shuffled to get the phone out of his pocket, muttering an apology to his kid before opening the message.
[Unfortunate accident on the Hawk’s Nest, Route 97. Vehicle crossed the barrier and rolled multiple times down the cliff’s edge before landing in the Delaware River. Initial scan from one of the Iron Sight Bot #364 shows one survivor.]
Tony’s smirk widened into a full blown smile. Peter’s heart-of-gold eyes suddenly on him, looking up from his position. It was likely a silent protest at the lack of head strokes he was suddenly receiving so the genius replied swiftly.
[Call off any emergency services and get him med-evaced here.]
“You know what I think we need. Celebratory cheeseburgers for lunch,” he announced as Peter let out a squee of joy.
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brook-182 · 3 years
A Poisoned Chalice
Chapter 1
As soon as Warriors saw the army-sized horde of monsters he knew it was going to be a long day. The Links had been travelling together for months and the packs of monsters they had encountered during that time were less than half the mob they currently faced. They had covered the forest in this Hyrule fairly easily, only a few stray bokoblins bothering them. Yet the minute they stepped out into the vast openness of the prairie they were spotted and surrounded by swarms of monsters that had been a trademark feature in his Hyrule ever since the war.
“What even are these numbers? I’ve never seen monster camps this big, even in my Hyrule,” Wild gawked. 
“It’s just our luck,” Legend grunted as he clashed swords with a moblin that towered over the grumbling hero. “As soon as we finally make it out of those goddess-damned woods we get attacked. I’m willing to bet someone’s getting nicked today. We've been far too safe for far too long.”
“Ah, always the optimist,” Warriors retorted after he impaled a chuchu, a wave of gelatinous blue gunk spreading over the grass at his feet. “Can you at least try to be positive for once?”
“Easy for you to say, Captain,” the veteran shot back. “You’re used to mobs like these.” 
Legend wasn’t necessarily wrong, but even Warriors hadn’t expected to be ambushed like this in a foreign land.
The battle raged from noon to dusk but, unbelievably, contrary to Legend’s pessimistic prediction nobody was seriously hurt. But even with everyone righteously exhausted, Twilight, their current Hyrule’s patron, noted that there was a village nearby where the Links could spend the night instead of camping out and restock on supplies in the morning.
Without further delay, the group made their way to the village.
So with the day’s events behind him and the safety of an inn to revel in, the captain dragged his feet through the hall and stumbled into the small room he would share with Legend and Sky. After doing the bare minimum of taking off his armour and kicking off his boots he flopped onto the bed, thoroughly worn-out.
“I know you’re tired, but don’t you want to get more comfortable?” Sky asked, noticing Warriors’ less-than-cosy position. The hero simply grumbled in reply as he sat up and took off his tunic, launching it to the far side of the room before he fell back onto his pillow and closed his eyes. Sky sighed. “That’s not exactly what I meant.”
Warrior slept like a rock the minute his head hit the pillow. The bed was comfortable and warm, and the room was dark; the perfect atmosphere for a peaceful sleep. However, no matter how many people Warriors knew were with him, his rest was not without dreams.
He was seated in the palace dining room for some reason, an elaborate feast spread out on the grand wooden table before him. He wouldn’t have thought it that strange if he wasn’t the only person in the room, however. Well, he and a figure he could feel staring at him from behind his back. The captain turned around to see who was standing there and found the figure to be shrouded in heavy shadows.
 They stalked closer, the darkness following them as they walked. The faceless shadow silently set a large platter of food from the feast in front of the knight. He was about to refuse the meal when his hand unconsciously picked an apple off the plate and he greedily devoured it, seemingly much to the satisfaction of the figure, who was eager to pile more food onto the plate. Again Warriors began eating against his will.
The food seemed endless, an abundant cornucopia of fresh fruit, stews, meat and vegetables.
After consuming many helpings of food Warriors was deterred by his full stomach and stopped his ravenous feasting. The figure, now next to him, lifted a spoon full of stew to his lips but the captain refused it. “I don’t want to eat anymore.” The shadow simply urged the utensil closer until Warriors had no choice but to open his mouth to protest. “I don’t-”
He almost choked as the spoon was shoved forcefully into his mouth, the offender leaving no room for protests. He wasn't sure how he could tell that the figure was growing impatient by his squirming, but he was no longer a willing participant in this feast. He reached his hand out to try and stop another onslaught of food when he found that his hands were firmly bonded to the armrests of his chair. His legs as well were bound to the floor.
“What is this? What did you do to me?” the captain said, glancing up from his bonds to look the figure in the eyes, except he was no longer there. Replacing the shadow was a man he hadn’t seen in nearly six years. “Thomas? I don’t understand. You’re supposed to be-”
“Dead? Gone? Forgotten in the middle of a nowhere region?” Thomas laughed. “Glad to disappoint you.”
“They sent you to Faron.”
“And yet here I am, willing and eager to give you the best treatment a hero could receive. Now, you must be hungry after saving the world and all. Come on, open up!”
Another spoonful of food was messily shoved into Warriors’ gawking mouth. When he recovered after nearly choking on whatever nasty concoction was shoved into his mouth- at this point he wasn’t even sure it was food- he struggled vainly against the chains securing him. He was too afraid to argue, too afraid that he would get another mouthful of whatever Thomas was feeding him. He felt sick, his stomach too full and the meal too vile to keep down.
“Aw, are you feeling unwell, Captain? That’s too bad, I almost feel sorry for what I’m about to do.”
Without warning, Thomas pried open the captain’s mouth. Warriors jaw was clamped like a vice but somehow Thomas had the otherworldly strength of Ganondorf himself and was able to separate his lips without effort. The captain saw him reach for a chalice on the table behind him. The cup was filled with a sour-smelling liquid that’s colour and fragrance reminded him too much of wine to be something else.
“Sto-” Warriors started to cry but a mouthful of alcohol followed his plea. He hastily gulped the liquid and tried to beg again, trying and failing to stop Thomas from continuing this torture. When the chalice was empty and he got a chance to breathe, the effort making his stomach hurt, he asked, “why are you doing this?”
Thomas laughed lowly, his deep voice echoing on the cavernous walls. “Why do you think I should?”
As Warriors was about to reply a feeling of weightlessness overtook him and before he was able to process his surroundings he was in a new setting entirely.
The training grounds of the castle were not an odd sight for a soldier of Hyrule, but the sheer number of training dummies left without partners to train was startling. There were over one hundred wooden dummies and nobody besides him in the courtyard.
He heard a voice on the balcony, a feminine voice like water trickling in a cavern, a quiet echo carrying her soft words. “You know what to do, Link.” It was Zelda.
The master sword was in his hand. He felt his grip on the blade tighten. He was afraid, but of what he was uncertain. He held up his sword, his grip loosening as he made a practised jab at the wooden dummy that suddenly emerged before him. The blade slid straight through the chest of a soldier that hadn’t been standing there before. Warriors jumped back, shocked and horrified by what he had just done. He recognised the face, he knew the person he had just killed!
“Don’t stop,” he heard and turned sharply to the sound of general Impa’s voice. She was calm as she took in the scene before her, and Warriors wasn’t sure if she’d witnessed the same thing he had. He reluctantly shook off his anxiety and brought his sword down on another inanimate dummy. But he was convinced this must have been a strange hallucination or test as the once-wooden figure once again turned to the flesh of a soldier he recognised. He gasped and nearly dropped his weapon when the soldier fell dead to the ground.
“Don’t just stand there! Attack them!” That was Cia! Why was she there?
He didn’t have time to think about that though as he cut and sliced dummy after dummy- soldier after soldier- killing them almost instantly, blood and gore carpeting the once clean courtyard floor.
“Do it!”
“Cut it down!”
“Fight for your kingdom!”
“Do the right thing!” They cheered as he single-handedly reduced the numbers to a mere handful.
He was shaking as he made the final attack on the last still soldier. The captain sank to the ground with a strangled cry along with the body of the man he had just slaughtered, unwilling to look the three spectators in the eyes. He was crying, feeling unbearably guilty for what he had just done. Why did he not stop? He knew every single one of the people he just killed, but he hadn’t stopped. He couldn’t hold back his sob as he looked at the dead eyes of the man before him. He shared a room with this soldier. His name was Neil. He ate with him, fought with him, and finally killed him. He wanted to scream, he wanted to attack whoever was responsible for this rampage, but he only had himself to blame.
He felt the familiar taste of bile before he was startled by the feeling of hands wrapping around his throat.
What was happening?!
Warrior woke with a start, the leftover emotions from his dream prominent on his face. He was shaking. He felt sick to his stomach. He gagged and jumped to his feet, looking for the bucket of drinking water Legend had collected for the room. He threw the water out, not caring about the soaked wood under his feet and knelt in front of the bucket. He heaved and retched until he felt his abs ache. He couldn't even remember half of his dream yet he was still terrified of whatever had caused this reaction. He couldn't make himself go back to sleep. Through the adrenalin, he still felt so tired but he would rather keel over than reimagine whatever nightmares his mind had conjured up.
Warrior took several deep breaths, but he couldn’t control the flow of tears streaming down his cheeks. He choked on a sob, trying to stay quiet for his companions’ sakes. But it seemed Legend had already woken up to the sound of his retching.
"What's wrong?" Legend asked groggily, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he shifted in his bed. "I heard someone being sick." He looked around the dark room and spotted Warriors on the floor. "Pretty boy? Are you okay?"
Warriors bristled at the nickname but let it roll off his back. After debating on how to answer the question he decided that lying to Legend wouldn’t get him anywhere since the vet would simply just pry an answer out of him anyway. He couldn’t give Legend the whole truth though, even if he wanted to. “I’m fine,” he said shakily, exhaustion still thick in his voice. “Just a bad dream. Go back to sleep.”
“That must have been some dream if you’re losing your lunch over it.” Warriors didn't have the will to comment on Legend's statement. Instead, he kept silent, his mind already swimming with vague images of his dream. Legend rolled his eyes so far back he looked possessed. “Well, I don’t know about you but I can’t sleep in the same room with a bucket of puke. I’ll come with you to throw it out but I’m not touching that,” he said and Warriors almost heard the genuine concern in his voice.
“How generous,” he huffed but accepted the company nonetheless. “Just don’t make a big deal out of this,” he said. As he stood he felt his pants cling to his legs and noticed with annoyance that the water he threw out of the bucket was all over the floor and his trousers. “Great,” he muttered.
“Better change those pants. There’s a chill in the air and we don’t need you getting more sick than you just were.”
“I wasn’t-”
“Yeah, yeah, just cool it. Now come on, you look like you need some air.”
After a quick change of clothes, Warriors followed Legend outside. Sky- by some divine miracle- was still fast asleep so they quietly shut the door behind them.
They were silent as they walked through the corridor and down the stairs, nobody willing to make small talk or ask questions. But Warriors could feel Legend’s eyes on him, looking for any reason or excuse to bring up what had happened in the room. Finally when they reached the outside Legend spoke.
“I’ll take care of this,” he said, scrunching his face and gesturing to the gross bucket the knight was carrying. “Just go back to bed.”
“But you said-” the captain started to argue, but he was promptly cut off by Legend’s exasperated response.
“I know what I said, just go before I make a scene.”
“It’s the middle of the night.”
“Did you not hear me?” the veteran screeched and Warriors couldn’t hold back a snort. He held up his hands placatingly and went back inside to the room. He eyed his bed for a long moment before deciding that pretending to sleep was probably the only way to get Legend off his back for now. He got under the blankets and closed his eyes, trying his hardest to look convincingly at peace while his mind was still racing with fear and guilt.
About half an hour later he heard the door creak open. He could hear Legend speaking muffled nonsense as he got into the bed next to him. Warriors did his best to even out his breathing to fool the veteran. There was a brief pause. He could feel Legend’s eyes burning a hole in his skull before he heard an audible huff and the sound of a body hitting a soft mattress.
He was about to celebrate his successful hoodwink when he heard the vet mutter, “go to sleep.”
He wished it was that easy.
A gigantic thank you to @autumnalchemist for being my beta❤❤ Much appreciated, friend😊
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grither55 · 4 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 14 - The Day After
Azula knelt before her father just having concluded her report on Elle while he gazed down at her with intrigued golden eyes.
"Very well Azula. It is indeed prudent for such a valuable guest to remain under your supervision. I will allow you to keep the girl as your handmaid." Ozai spoke with his hand rubbing his beard while his twenty-year old daughter gazed up through the orange flames.
"Understood, Father. I believe that through whatever means…that sent this young girl here…should we be able to decipher this puzzle…it could lead to a potential alliance with this Rieko that she has spoken of. And who knows…what other wonders await in this foreign land." The princess commented while brushing her hair from her eyes sighing all the while.
"Hm. I applaud you for thinking this through so thoroughly. Inform me of any developments as soon as you are aware of them. That will be all…Azula." The Fire Lord concluded while waving his hand for the princess to depart.
"It will be done Father." Azula agreed as she arose while giving Ozai a curt nod before turning as she strode for the doors of the throne room.
The princess exited the throne room of the Fire Lord while his eyes followed her all the while.
She was well aware that he has been keeping a closer watch on her now that she was older and in a much more favorable position to overthrow him if she wished to try.
The thought had undoubtedly crossed her mind quite often.
And she was mulling the matter over more frequently as of late.
At the moment she realized that she was most looking forward to coffee with her handmaid at eight.
A full one hour later than usual.
It was now seven-thirty.
With that in mind she began to stride towards her study with her hands folded behind her back.
And most peculiar was the fact that she was almost smiling.
When Azula arrived at her study she had been surprised and even angered to find the door ajar.
Until she sniffed the air while pushing the door open to note the smell of fresh coffee in the air.
As well as a hot breakfast.
'Twenty minutes early…even after such a long night?' The princess thought with a finger on her chin as she smiled in approval.
That is until she stepped into the room.
She was even further astonished to see Elle seated at the foot of her throne with her arms folded beneath her looking…rather unwell.
The regal woman quickly closed the door with the sudden noise startled the evidently exhausted girl.
"Are you not feeling well this morning servant?" Azula pondered with a faint frown while swiftly striding across the distance of her study.
The small blonde peered up at her with a brighter countenance after noticing her presence.
"Ohayō Gozaimasu Azula-sama…" Elle responded sweetly before dropping into a bow on the floor before Azula while the woman peered down at her in approval.
"Hm. Good girl. So good…" The princess cooed while bending over to pat the blushing blonde's soft head of hair.
"T-this girl is glad that you think so princess…" The blonde-haired girl mumbled while smiling softly despite how woozy she felt.
"I approve of your punctuality. Are…you not eating this morning?" Azula asked while standing up once more with her eyes sweeping about her table.
"I-I don't feel very good. I feel…shaky." Elle stated quietly while Azula glanced down at her with a margin of concern in her cold eyes.
"I see…let me have a look at you." The princess spoke while seating herself upon her throne all the while gazing down at her with stern eyes.
Then the older female wagged her finger in a come-hither motion that prompted the tired girl to scramble forward on command.
"Come…sit beside me and stay still." Azula commanded while peering down at Elle when the girl knelt before her with her needy little eyes gazing upward.
"Yes master…" The blonde-haired girl answered softly while two warm hands grasped her cheeks in a careful manner.
"Mhm. Your face is warm…for a nonbender. I suppose Ty Lee was right. You may go lay down Elle. I will…check on you in a few hours." The princess announced with her strict eyes never ceasing in peering down into her pet's-tired eyes.
"Arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama!" Elle chirped with a faint return to her cheerful demeanor while Azula reclined back into her throne.
"Well? I just gave you an order…get going before I decide to put you to work." Azula snorted while reaching for her coffee cup with a pleased smile on her lips.
What a marvelous little pet she has.
Elle will make for a splendid girlfriend.
"Um…m-may I sleep somewhere else…" The blonde-haired girl requested pitifully like a saddened puppy while the princess peered down at her sighing heavily.
"Is this somewhere else on my thigh?" The princess questioned while gazing down at her bashful handmaid in a pointed manner.
The timid drop of Elle's little face was all the confirmation and more that she needed of the girl's desired sleeping place.
'Grand…now this girl thinks she can just sleep in my lap every morning…' Azula thought while massaging the bridge of her nose before down swallowing a gulp of coffee.
"I-if Her Highness will allow it." Elle mumbled with a blush while twiddling her thumbs under Azula's judgmental stare.
"I have work to do…I can't have you in my lap all morning clawing at me like a clingy kitten." The princess replied with her eyes peering down at the kneeling girl in a near emotionless manner.
The small blonde's shoulders visibly slumped upon hearing those harsh words.
She had…been hoping that Azula would be willing to hold her after all of the time they spent bonding last night.
"S-sumimasen Azula-sama." The blonde-haired girl stammered while bowing her head as she began to push herself to her feet.
It was then that her amber eyes widened in surprise when a strong hand clamped down onto her shoulder.
"Which is why I will only permit this…for oh…maybe two hours. After that…if you wish to continue your nap…you'll have to find another place to put your head." Azula explained with her eyes narrowing down at Elle's small frame all the while sipping her morning beverage.
An expression of joy overcame the young girl while she stared down at Elle when the girl peered up at her with one of her usual sunny smiles.
"Wakarimashita!" Elle cried out while almost springing upward in her usual excited manner before sinking back into the floor moaning in discomfort.
All the while Azula glanced down at her shaking her head in disapproval before setting down her mug beside her steaming breakfast.
"Perhaps you should wait until you are feeling better before you beginning leaping about like a tiger monkey? Hm?" The princess asked while leaning forward with her hands now resting on her thighs.
"Azula-sama is right…I feel sick…" The blonde-haired girl whined on the floor like a needy child while she listened to the regal woman sigh above her.
"Drinking too much will do that to you. Well? What are you waiting for? Come here Elle." Azula announced with her right hand patting her thigh as she gazed down at her little admirer while beckoning the petite girl forward.
"P-please hold me Azula-sama…" Elle murmured in a meeker voice than even her usual while slumping into the large throne before plopping her sweating face onto Azula's shapely thigh.
"Isn't that what I am doing servant? Though I will forewarn you…if you puke on my leg…you will find yourself wishing you had returned to your bed." The princess remarked while glaring down at her quivering pet laying upon her thigh with icy golden eyes.
"I-I won't. I promise. I just want to be with my protector." The blonde-haired girl whimpered while sprawling her arms in in the seat with her face buried in the older girl's leg.
"Your protector?" Azula repeated just as she surveyed her meal with approval in her cold eyes.
The girl brought her everything that she ordered and even when sick, it was served flawlessly.
"Her Highness stated that this loyal servant was the only one to have all three kindnesses…that I might be her…g-girl. That makes Azula-sama my protector…r-right?" Elle spoke in a shaky voice while Azula glanced down at her from beneath the table.
"I suppose it does. I have never been anyone's protector…not until now anyway. Though…I must say this doesn't look too comfortable for you…not that I don't enjoy the sight of you bowing of course. But still…wouldn't a bed be better?" The princess pondered with a tilt of her head while swallowing a bite of her eggs.
All the while making no comment when the small girl hugged on her thigh in a whiny manner that she found to be rather clingy.
But…she already knew that Elle would be a needy girlfriend.
Somehow, she was okay with that.
"Not unless Azula-sama is in that bed…Her Highness is home…" The blonde-haired girl trailed off in a mousy voice while pressing her face into the princess's well-formed thigh with a faintly more peaceful demeanor.
"I see. You…wish to be beside me no matter what. Ever loyal to your master." Azula commented with a finger on her chin while gracefully consuming her meal.
This lovely girl is going to make for the prime submissive wife…
"T-that's so. You are my alpha Azula-sama. I will never betray my princess." Elle spoke in an emotional voice while embracing the princess's thigh all while the woman peered down at her with pleased golden eyes.
Then she felt a palm plant in her hair all the while closing her eyes just as Azula began to pet her.
Long fingers ran through her hair while she listened to the subtle sounds of the regal woman eating her meal above her.
It was a truly submissive position to be in…but she didn't mind in the least.
She was with Azula-sama…she is home.
"You are a good girl. I can see why you drew my eye." The princess spoke while gazing under the table when the girl continued to whimper pitifully.
She was almost regretting taking her out.
She didn't expect her to be this sensitive to drinking.
"M-my head hurts Azula-sama. It feels like its imploding." The blonde-haired girl confessed in a sensitive voice with her eyes becoming misty.
Azula stared down at Elle while watching a teardrop stream down her fair skin before sighing softly as she began to rub the bridge of her nose.
'If this was anyone else…' The princess thought while swallowing her coffee before lowering her palm over the young girl's forehead.
Then Elle's emotive eyes widened when she watched long fingers slide within her line of vision.
And then Azula's palm began to knead her scalp with just a faint heat provided by her bending.
"If you tell anyone about this…you won't be laying in my lap again. Not a word of this…of any of this. Is to be breathed outside of Mai and Ty Lee. Understand Elle?" Azula declared after swallowing a mouthful while listening to sniffling below her.
"W-wakarimashita." Elle moaned out painfully while Azula peered down at her once more with just a noticeable twinge of concern in her hardened eyes.
It did not escape her notice that particular wakarimashita was…rather glum.
Elle always cried out that silly word whenever she excitedly agreed to her most recent command.
'This…seems like an extreme reaction to her first taste of alcohol…a healer. Today she'll see a healer.' The princess thought while frowning down at her admirer's sweating visage.
"You are seeing a healer today. For your breathing condition…and anything else that may be wrong with you. Even if you can't stand. I'll have you seen." Azula announced just with one hand massaging Elle's face and the other holding her utensils.
"Y-yes Azula-sama." The blonde-haired girl agreed tearfully while clutching the older female's leg in a needy manner.
"Now try to get some rest. I'll be here if you need me." The princess commanded with her palm gently stroking the small girl's forehead while she listened to her pathetic groans.
"A-arigatou…gozaimasu princess." Elle whimpered with a few tears falling from her eyes while Azula's hand continued to pet her face.
"Just…go to sleep." Azula sighed while staring down at Elle's young face with annoyance in her golden gaze.
This time her only response was a truly pitiful moan that sounded much like a pitifully butchered 'yes Azula-sama'.
And so, the princess ate the rest of her meal in relative silence save for a groan here and there from below.
After a half an hour of stroking Elle's forehead with her bending she finally heard the teenager's breathing relax beneath her palm.
And then…
A soft snore resonated from below while she glanced down at Elle's innocent face sleeping with her mouth buried in the side of her thigh.
Azula did notice that the girl's chosen sleeping area was a bit too close to her backside…as this time she now slept on the side of her thigh versus atop it.
But…she just brushed it off musing that it didn't bother her any.
Dried tears were on the young girl's cheeks that had the princess sighing once more.
"You are so lucky that I like you. I wouldn't put up with this whining from anyone else." The princess grumbled while glaring down at the small girl's snoring face.
But even so…she couldn't help but muse that Elle was rather adorable.
Both asleep…and awake.
And with that Azula went on to continue massaging Elle's scalp all the while lazily scanning her paperwork in a less attentive manner than usual.
Her plate was now empty and pushed aside with her coffee mug.
All the while Elle continued to snooze while occasionally yawning in her sleep much to her slight amusement.
Soon an hour passed her by, and then another hour, and then…
Azula had spent over two hours rubbing Elle's sleeping forehead before finally her palm simply settled unmoving in the softly snoring teenager's hair.
Then the princess reclined in her throne with her face resting in the palm of her free hand.
And before she knew it her own eyes became drowsy…
And then Azula closed her eyes before falling into a very light sleep all the while holding Elle's small face into her thigh in an almost protective manner.
Another hour passed by while Elle mumbled in her sleep all the while hugging the monarch's thigh as if it was her last lifeline.
And then finally the princess's eyes abruptly snapped open when she heard a soft knock on her study door.
She already knew who it was before the person even spoke.
"Azula? Can I come in?" Ty Lee pondered quietly while standing with her arms folded as she listened for the sound of her friend's voice.
She already had a strong suspicion that Azula was not alone.
Given that she already asked around for Elle and checked her little sister's chambers not too long ago.
That meant only one thing, that the girl was with Azula.
Before Azula could respond her eyes widened when they landed on her clock.
It was…past one!
Curse this simpering little girl!
"Ugh…you may…but be quiet…and close the door behind you." Azula called out in a moodier voice than usual while she watched the door open slowly.
Then it shut soon after while she now glared at Ty Lee's smiling face through the corner of her eye.
The acrobat gazed down at Elle's rather…questionable sleeping location before giggling with her hand over her mouth.
"Aww…" The brown-haired woman gushed softly while making no comment that the girl was sleeping rather close to the princess's backside.
"Be silent. This is all your fault. She's been crying all morning about how her head is imploding. I offered to let her go lay in her bed…but she begged to sleep in my lap instead." The princess complained with her face resting in her palm even still.
A good portion of Ty Lee's cheer vanished after hearing how sick Elle was.
Though it was adorable that Elle would rather…sleep in such an uncomfortable position just to be near Azula.
"That was before eight. Her whining was so insufferable that I had no choice but to massage her forehead for two hours. After an hour she finally fell asleep…and myself…about halfway through. And then…I wake up to discover that half of the day is over." Azula snarled with her callous eyes glaring between the other woman's surprised face and her clock.
The fact that Azula spent all of that time taking care of Elle was just nothing short of astonishing.
Even if she claims she did it to shut Elle up…she knew that the princess wouldn't have done so if she didn't care.
"You…fell asleep Azula? Wow. Still…how is this my fault? I warned you over and over that this would happen." Ty Lee replied while folding her arms in her lap with the other woman staring back at her angrily.
"This was…all your idea. Had you not pushed me into it…I wouldn't have been drinking with her. Therefore…it is your fault Ty Lee." The princess concluded in a spoiled voice while the acrobat just nodded slowly.
"Uhh…right. Whatever you say Azula. Is she still sick?" The brown-haired woman asked in a concerned voice while smiling slightly over the cute snores that occasionally came from the princess's lap.
"I presume so…her forehead is still warm. I…am beginning to suspect that it is a combination of another health problem…still unknown mingling with the effects of alcohol." Azula announced casually while scanning her fingernails with her words jarring a sense of greater worry within Ty Lee.
"W-what? You…don't think that this is just drinking?" Ty Lee answered while the princess shook her head all the while frowning in response.
"She is undoubtedly sick…from her first-time drinking. But it seems…rather extreme. In any event…I'll be waking this little tiger monkey up shortly to see a healer." The princess stated with her eyes glancing down at the blonde in a strict manner.
"Well that's something…so you're settling on tiger monkey now huh?" The brown-haired woman sighed while musing that the nickname wasn't too insulting.
At least not compared to the others.
And she won't lie…she can't wait to convince Elle to try on the tiger monkey costume.
It will just be too cute!
"Humph. She's something of the sort. Clinging to my leg like a needy kitten." Azula scoffed with her pompous voice producing a curious glance from the acrobat.
"Wait…you yourself told her that she was your pet…and when she acts like your pet…you get angry? Azula…have you ever considered the fact that she might be less clingy…if you didn't…I don't know…keep telling her that she was a pet?" Ty Lee offered while waving a hand in the air with Azula staring down at Elle's snoring face.
"She is my pet Ty Lee. I am just…not usually nice to pets of any kind." The princess sighed while brushing her hair from her eyes while the other woman gazed away with a brief flicker of disgust in her eyes.
"Yeah. I am well aware Azula." The brown-haired woman responded while staring at the wall with a frown.
Before Elle arrived, Azula has been cruel to her handmaids and servants for…well all of her life.
There is a reason why they fear Azula far more than even Ozai.
The Fire Lord is far too busy to concern himself with terrorizing a handmaid over a cherry pit…but Azula on the other hand takes the time out of her busy schedule.
No matter how trivial the mistake.
"But I can't spend all day in this throne. Which is why if she still wishes for a pillow after her visit with the healer…I have decided to appoint you as my proxy." Azula commented to the other woman's amusement as she turned back to her smiling once more.
"Your proxy Azula?" Ty Lee repeated with a giggle while Azula sat glaring down into her lap.
"Indeed. It's a pretty simple job. All you need to do is find a chair…sit down…and remain stationary for a good five hours." The princess explained in a lazy voice while staring down at the small blonde's mumbling face.
"Um…I'll just go snuggle with her in her cot. Unlike you…I am not too proud to cuddle with Elle. It's likely more comfortable for her…. rather than…laying on your thigh…or wherever she is sleeping." The brown-haired woman spoke with the princess turning to her with her eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Just what are you implying?" Azula demanded in an icy voice that instantly put the other woman on guard.
But even so…Ty Lee tried to stay jovial.
"She's…a bit too close to your…uh…ass." Ty Lee clarified while fidgeting under Azula's callous stare.
"Shut up Ty Lee. She started off on my thigh and gravitated…at that point I was just glad that she was falling asleep." The princess snapped with her palm still resting in the small girl's hair.
"Whatever you say Azula." The brown-haired woman agreed while smiling despite her friend's imposing stare that never left her face.
Then a slight moan resonated from the princess's lap with her eyes peering downward along with the acrobat leaning on the edge.
All the while trying her hardest to see the young girl.
"Ooh…" Elle mumbled lamely with Azula gazing down at her sighing in the palm of her hand.
"Do you have any idea what time it is girl?" Azula demanded with her icy eyes never leaving the slowly moving blonde's head.
"N-no." The blonde-haired girl stammered while she listened to the woman above her snort.
"It is well past one. And well past time that you get up off my leg and come with me to see a healer." The princess ordered while pointing a domineering finger down at the sweating girl.
"Y-yes Azula-sama." Elle agreed with yet another yawn that earned her an imposing stare from Azula and a giggle from her big sister.
But she was far too sick to get excited over even one of her oneesans being present.
"You aren't moving Elle…hey! You open your eyes now! I need to get out of this chair." Azula barked in a louder voice that instantly snapped Elle's eyes back open.
"Azula…" Ty Lee chided with a sigh while her friend naturally ignored her plea.
"I…am moving." The blonde-haired girl murmured while pushing herself up all the while wincing at the sound of her master's raised voice.
"Would you look at that…I can finally move my leg. You are a clingy little tiger monkey. Do you know that?" The princess remarked with a slight smile despite her words while peering down at her still drowsy handmaid now gazing back with an adorable blush.
"Um…y-yes?" Elle stammered out with yet another yawn while the woman gazed down at her sitting on her knees before her throne.
"Can you refrain from teasing her right now Azula? She doesn't feel well." The brown-haired woman requested warmly while staring at her friend's sighing face.
"Do you feel any better?" Azula questioned as she pushed her backside forward while staring down at Elle seated upon her knees.
"S-somewhat…but my head still hurts…and I still feel woozy." The blonde-haired girl explained in a notably delayed manner while watching her protector stare down at her.
Then Azula pushed herself to her feet before arising above Elle all the while peering down at the small girl with her lips pursed in disapproval.
"Stand servant…go sit with Ty Lee. I with return with the healer." The princess announced with her hands on her shapely hips while watching as her pet smiled up at her.
"Arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama." Elle stated softly while standing up slowly with her hand on the table leg.
Then she felt hands grasp her from behind while peering over her shoulder at the acrobat's gentle countenance smiling down at her.
"Come on little sister. Sit with me." Ty Lee spoke while aiding Elle into standing before guiding the timid teenager over to her seat.
All along she never missed how Elle peered over her shoulder at Azula as if afraid that she would leave for days on end.
"Yes oneesan." The blonde-haired girl replied while the woman pulled her down into a chair under her right arm.
"You are just too cute." The brown-haired woman cooed while holding the blushing girl in her arms with the two of them sharing a large seat.
And with that the princess strode towards the door only to pause briefly as she turned to the two girls.
"Keep a close on my little tiger monkey Ty Lee. Make certain that she refrains from hopping about." Azula spoke while waving her hand before her face sighing heavily all the while.
"Uh…sure. I'll do that Azula." Ty Lee agreed while Elle gazed after Azula with a tender smile not even bothered that she was being dubbed a small animal.
"I'll be a good tiger monkey for Her Highness." Elle stated sweetly with her words earning her a small smirk from the woman in question.
And then the princess swiftly opened her door making certain to close it just as quickly behind her.
The sound of Azula striding down the hall was heard by both girls until her footfalls fading into the far-off distance.
"You encourage Azula far too much Elle." The brown-haired woman spoke softly in a chiding manner while peering down at the young girl in her arms.
"I don't mind oneesan. I have no complaints whatsoever. I love Azula-sama just the way she is." The blonde-haired girl admitted bashfully with her words producing a gentle smile from the acrobat.
"You're so sweet…that I just can't help…but snuggle you." Ty Lee cooed before smashing the red-faced girl into her pink blouse.
Elle wrapped her arms around the acrobat's bicep just like she did with Azula all the while laying her head against Ty Lee's chest.
"Snuggle time with my oneesan." The blonde-haired girl mumbled while the older girl giggled all the while holding her close.
"That's right." The brown-haired woman chirped while humming as she began to play with her braided hair.
The two sat together for a time only they heard the door opening about forty minutes later.
Elle speedily sat up beside Ty Lee who was also straightening herself to avoid angering Azula in front of prying eyes.
Then the door opened to reveal the princess striding in with her hands clasped behind her back with a palace healer following after her.
"This is the one Your Highness?" The palace physician pondered while turning inquisitively to the stoic woman for guidance.
The small blonde gazed up at the smiling acrobat and then to her caretaker for reassurance in the presence of the unfamiliar man.
The doctor wore long red robes and his hair was grayed while also wearing his hair in the traditional Fire Nation bun.
In his left hand he held onto a bag of medical tools.
"Yes, this is my personal servant in training. She requires a checkup for her peculiar breathing condition." Azula informed curtly while tapping her fingers along her folded biceps all the while striding forward.
"A breathing condition princess?" Sekim repeated while staring at the young girl with evident puzzlement in his eyes.
"I just said as much. After excess…activity her breathing becomes labored…this displeases me. Therefore, I demand you correct her ailment." The princess explained from where she stood over her timid handmaid with the acrobat holding a hand to her shoulder.
"Pardon me for questioning you princess…but why not just find another servant to attend to your needs? There is no shortage of servants. Why keep one on hand that cannot perform the work required of her?" The palace physician questioned with his clinical gaze now peering down at the young girl while her shoulders slumped in panic over his cold query.
Elle's distraught amber eyes flickered up at Ty Lee's now angered countenance before turning to peer up at the princess for reassurance.
She had but to glance up at her master for an instant and all of her worries began to wash away.
The princess's merciless narrowing of her golden eyes said it all and more.
Azula's glare was so intimidating that Sekim began to sweat profusely under her imposing stare.
"I like this one. Despite her…condition the work she performs is impeccable. The girl is the most devoted servant that I have ever had. And I will not accept a replacement. Now treat the girl!" The princess snapped with her voice cutting through the air like a flaming whip while her callous glare never left the now trembling man's face.
The regal woman's rigid order earned her a shy smile from Elle and a grin of approval from Ty Lee.
"O-of course Y-Your Highness. Forgive me." Sekim stammered while speedily stepping past the tall woman all the while feeling her icy eyes following his every move.
It was completely baffling to witness the cruel Princess Azula demand her handmaid receive treatment.
"Get up Ty Lee." Azula commanded while staring down at her friend with a pointed look while the other woman frowned once more.
"But Azula…she's scared…" Ty Lee protested while gesturing to Elle's fretful face only for the princess to glance over her over with a scowl.
"Whatever. Just don't get in the way." The princess grunted while waving the healer forward as he knelt before her young admirer's sweating face.
Several minutes later Elle sat beside Ty Lee while Sekim checked her breathing with a strange metal instrument.
His bag of equipment sat on the floor beside him while Azula stood supervising the whole affair.
"I do indeed hear a strain on her breathing. It's faint but it's there. As for the cause…that will require further investigation if Your Highness wishes to pursue the matter." The palace physician explained while the princess peered down at him rolling her eyes at his turned back.
"Do whatever you must. I will finance the matter personally…cost is not an object. Not for this one." The princess spoke while staring down at Elle with the girl peering up at her with a grateful smile.
Once more Sekim glanced up at Azula with a flicker of surprise in his eyes but he simply nodded all the same while returning to examining the nervous girl.
All along Ty Lee also gazed down at him with protective eyes already taking the role of big sister as a serious responsibility.
"May I ask why the girl is showing the signs of a hangover?" Sekim queried with a tone of disapproval while the acrobat gazed down at him finally rolling her eyes.
But Azula beat her to the punch.
"Ty Lee borrowed her for the evening…she has become quite taken with my servant…and against my advice…she gave her alcohol. I told her that the girl would get sick…but sadly she didn't listen." Azula remarked with a sigh while shaking her head down at the two girls'.
"Right. I should have listened to you Azula." Ty Lee spoke with a sigh of her own while Elle continued to slump under the man's judging stare.
It truly angered her that the poor girl was being glared at for simply doing what she and Azula had encouraged her to do.
"How irresponsible of you girl. You should have listened to Princess's Azula's orders. I must say…you are not a very reliable servant. Getting so drunk that you are unable to perform the functions of your job." The palace physician berated in a strict voice while the small blonde's head hung low with a look of shame in her innocent eyes.
"S-sumimasen…" Elle mumbled glumly while folding her hands in her lap with Sekim audibly scoffing in evident condemnation.
Once again unfortunately for the old man he was unaware just how fond both the princess and the acrobat had become of their young servant.
Both women were now glaring at him with the acrobat's glare being the most outspoken.
Azula stood with her arms folded making a noticeable effort to maintain an aura of detachment yet still staring down at the physician with cold golden eyes.
"Hey! Why don't you shut up and do your job! She did as I ordered her to do! It's my fault. Not hers! I suppose you've never had a hangover interfere with your job! My ass you haven't!" Ty Lee bellowed with anger in her voice that took Sekim aback while she sat glaring down at him with annoyance in her eyes.
The petite blonde peered up at her big sister with a twinge of pink on her cheeks while meeting the acrobat's reassuring eyes.
"The girl has been ordered to follow Ty Lee's absolute will in my absence. She did as Ty Lee bid. Now, if you berate my servant again. You will find your day will suddenly become…quite miserable." The princess announced in a glacial voice while peering down at the cowering man's back.
And just like that Elle was staring up at Azula as well with a broad smile that puzzled Sekim who was now nodding rapidly.
"U-understood p-princess." Sekim agreed all the while pondering just what made this particular servant so special to the princess and her noble friend.
"Good, very good. Now I couldn't help but notice her reaction to the alcohol was stronger than normal." Azula stated while gazing down at Elle with impatience in her eyes for the man to move on.
"W-well she may simply not have a tolerance for it. But m-more than likely there is an underlying medical factor that was simply…aggravated by the consumption of alcohol." The palace physician answered while glancing up at the princess's frigid countenance.
"I had already presumed as much. Once more, I require you to investigate every little aspect of the girl's health. Again…money is not an object. Is there something you can give her to expedite her recovery?" Azula declared over the man's shoulder all the while gazing down much like an observant mother.
"Tea would help with the nausea. There is a medicine I can prescribe…a leaf herb. It should get her back to work within a few hours." Sekim responded while Azula held a finger to her chin giving her nod of approval.
"Treat her bruises as well. I want her unmarred." The princess continued in a strict voice while peering down at her servant with domineering golden eyes.
"Y-yes princess. I shall apply a treatment that should resolve the bruises within several days." The palace physician assured while placing her instruments away while he began to apply a salve to the girl's cheeks.
About twenty minutes later Sekim was standing up while Elle sat with a cup of tea in her hand as she obediently sipping at it.
And the princess had been given instructions on how long she was to take the crushed-up herb with her meal.
The teenager had also been prescribed a medicine for her severe headache that was just now taking affect.
"One more thing…she uses this inhalant to stabilize her breathing. Is there something you could give that is similar?" Azula questioned while holding out her palm with the man staring down at the inhaler in surprise.
"I…have never seen a medical device like that before." Sekim muttered while giving the device a look over with curious golden eyes.
"I didn't expect that you would…but that is not relevant." The princess scoffed while staring at the older man with demanding eyes.
"T-there are medicines that can help with breathing yes. I will arrange a treatment plan straight away." The palace physician spoke while gazing back at the seated teenager with amazement in his eyes.
"Only the finest and most effective medicine will do for this one. I suggest you remember…that she is to receive only the highest quality of care. You will report only to me on the matter…understand?" Azula spoke with her palms behind her back while Sekim bowed nodding rapidly.
"Yes, I understand, Your Highness. I will work diligently on her case." Sekim stated while bowing at the waist before the looming woman.
"That will be all. You are dismissed." The princess concluded with a wave of her hand while turning away to gaze upon her pet seated alongside the protective acrobat.
"As you command Princess Azula." The palace physician answered before departing the study with his bag in hand.
All the while glancing back at the odd young girl for a final time before opening the door and closing it silently soon after.
"I don't like that man. He was rude to Elle." Ty Lee complained while snaking an arm around the petite girl once more before drawing the smiling girl into another hug.
"If there is a repeat of it…I will have him replaced." Azula commented while still standing over the two with her stern eyes peering down at the timid girl.
"S-sumimasen for inconveniencing you Azula-sama." Elle spoke meekly with her eyes remaining fixated upon her tea while the regal woman shook her head.
"You are a bothersome little tiger monkey…but not one that I dislike." The princess remarked with a lazy shrug of her shoulders while frowning over her pet's downcast mood.
"Azula…she's not a tiger monkey." The brown-haired woman scolded mildly only to smile when the princess reached down to tenderly pat the girl's head.
"This loyal servant will strive to be the best tiger monkey she can be!" The blonde-haired girl chirped with returning cheer while her words earned her a smirk from her master.
"Such a good pet…isn't she Ty Lee?" Azula purred with her hand running through the blushing girl's hair all the while enjoying Ty Lee's groan of aggravation.
"She's not a pet Azula!" Ty Lee exclaimed while playfully slapping Azula's arm only for the monarch to smirk down at her as well.
"But oneesan…I am. Azula-sama wishes for me to be her good girl…and I won't ever be anything less than the best girl that I can be for Her Highness." Elle insisted while drinking her tea with a smile as leaned into Azula's petting hand.
"…As long as Azula makes you happy Elle…" The brown-haired woman sighed while the princess finally removed her palm from the young girl's head.
"That is what I like to hear…Elle. I have a reward for you. Several rewards actually." The princess spoke with a finger underneath her smiling chin while staring down at the overjoyed girl.
"S-several rewards for me?" The blonde-haired girl stuttered out cutely while both highborn women observed her fondly.
"Hm. Indeed servant." Azula stated before striding away while Elle's childish eyes glistened in excitement all the while following her every move.
Ty Lee couldn't help but grin while watching Elle peek after Azula with her eyes sparkling in innocent wonder.
The sweet girl adored Azula so much that her excitement was more due to hearing that she pleased the princess than the reward itself.
Then Azula seated herself upon her throne once more before reaching for a small box and opening it in a purposefully slow manner.
All the while Ty Lee giggled as she peered down at Elle to see that the girl had the most adorable expression on her face.
"Come here Elle." The princess announced with a snap of her fingers while reclining in her throne with her lips curling into a refined smile.
"Y-yes Azula-sama!" Elle exclaimed while her big sister observed her hopping to her feet with her tea in hand before scurrying over.
"Walk slowly! You need to finish that tea." Azula barked while pointing a dominant finger at her carefree pet with her words instantly slowing Elle's gait.
"As Her Highness says. Always as my princess charming commands." The blonde-haired girl chimed with an expression of warmth in her eyes while proceeding over in a more careful manner.
"Now put down your tea. Just for a moment." The princess instructed in a micromanaging manner that had the acrobat smiling.
There was no doubt that Azula enjoyed dominating Elle…but there was also no doubt that her leader truly cared for their young friend.
"Yes princess." Elle answered as she did so before facing Azula just as she bent over in a respectful bow at the waist.
Azula smiled with a finger touching her lip while she surveyed her pet bowing before her with her hands at her sides.
And her young face gazing downward with her eyes closed as she smiled softly.
"Mhm. She's very respectful. Wouldn't you agree Ty Lee? I approve of this one." The princess spoke while leaning forward just as she patted the blushing girl's head with her right hand.
"Yes, she is Azula. I have never met anyone as courteous as Elle. She's a real sweetheart…" The brown-haired woman agreed with an expression of fondness in her cheerful eyes.
She couldn't help but giggle softly while watching Elle practically swell in pride with a proud smile after hearing Azula's words.
"I-I will never be discourteous to you Azula-sama. I endeavor to make you smile." The blonde-haired girl piped up with a sunny smile all the while puffing out her chest in an innocently prideful manner.
Azula's hand patted Elle's head once more while she gazed down at the young girl with her crimson lips twitching in a pleased manner.
"Hm. Good girl Elle. So good. I like to be pleased…and no one pleases me more than you. I will not allow it to be said that Princess's Azula's good girl goes unrewarded." Azula purred in a silken voice that was making young Elle blush madly while reaching into the mysterious box upon her desk.
"Wow Azula…I've never heard you refer to anyone as your good girl before." Ty Lee stated with a soft smile while gazing at her little sister's joyous face.
"I am Princess Azula's good girl!" Elle cheered while laughing happily under the princess's petting hand all the while Azula gazed down at her with a fond smirk on her red lips.
"That you are. This…is for your good behavior today. You brought my breakfast twenty minutes early…even when you didn't feel good." The princess remarked in a satisfied voice while holding out her hand before the girl's face with a small item wrapped in white paper.
The acrobat was astonished by the princess's declaration, it was no wonder why Azula liked Elle so much.
She went above and beyond what any servant would do just to make Azula happy…it was so sweet!
The small blonde opened her amber eyes to find herself gazing at a wrapped maple praline!
"A maple praline! I love pralines Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl squealed with her little eyes sparkling while she watched her princess set the treat down beside her tea cup.
"I know you do. I ordered an entire stock of them. For every day that you please me, you may have one praline." Azula spoke with her lips curving into a gratified smirk while she watched Elle's childish eyes zone in on the treat with an even greater eagerness to please.
"E-every day?" Elle stammered out bashfully as she twiddled her thumbs happily while all the while remaining in her courteous bow.
"Every day." The princess responded while folding her legs gracefully upon her throne all the while peering back at her pure hearted pet's sunny countenance.
"May…I have it now Azula-sama?" The blonde-haired girl pondered with her eyes peering at the praline just as her belly began to growl.
All the while she listened to her big sister's gentle laughter with her blush growing even greater under all of the constant attention that she was receiving.
"I suppose so. I wouldn't normally give you a praline for breakfast…but you've been good. Just…eat it slowly…I don't need you throwing up on us." Azula stated while turning to watch her handmaid gleefully reach for her snack.
"Wait! She hasn't eaten yet Azula?" The brown-haired woman repeated in a shocked voice while her friend shook her head.
"No Ty Lee. She didn't feel well enough to eat this morning. Only I ate." The princess answered with her hardened gaze observing the girl smile while unwrapping her candy.
"A-arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama. I…wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Elle murmured with a radiant visage while peering at her reclining master's sighing face.
"I am aware servant. Here is your second reward…" Azula trailed off while withdrawing her hand from the box once more before setting down a large sack that loudly clanged upon hitting the tabletop.
The acrobat's eyes nearly fell out of her head as she gaped at the size of the bag of gold that the princess was offering their young friend.
Well beyond…the normal servant's pay!
It wasn't like Azula to handle a servant's pay to begin with, such a trivial task was handled by someone far below her in status.
"Um…may I ask what is in that bag Azula-sama?" The blonde-haired girl pondered naively while taking a small bite of her treat with a joyful smile about her.
"Your pay. Silly girl." The princess snorted with her fist resting against her cheek while she smirked back at her stunned handmaid.
"I-I really get paid?" Elle blurted in a voice of disbelief while Azula gazed back at her with a now deadpan stare.
"Of course, you get paid girl. Servants get paid! What did you think? That you were a slave?" Azula inquired with amusement lacing her voice while she watched Elle poke at the sack with awe in her little eyes.
"Oneesan Mai told me the other day that I got paid…but I wasn't certain because I didn't hear it from you master." The blonde-haired girl spoke timidly while smiling innocently at her now taken aback master.
"You really thought that I wasn't going to pay you? You truly are a naïve little thing…" The princess sighed while lazily twirling a lock of her hair with her long fingertip.
"Yes, little sister, Mai and Azula are correct you do get paid." The brown-haired woman commented with a rising smile while gazing at the astonished girl's face.
She was wise enough to know that it would be foolish to comment on how generous Azula was being with Elle.
Doing so would put Elle at risk to lose these privileges just as fast as they began.
"W-wow all of this for me? I didn't even know that servants got paid…I thought our pay was a roof over our heads and the joy of serving you Azula-sama." Elle admitted as she held a finger to her chin with her treat in her other hand.
Ty Lee almost fell out of her chair when she heard that adorably naïve admission.
She could only hold a hand to her face sighing heavily while peering out of her fingers at Azula's wolfish grin that had now appeared on the princess's smug face.
"Hm. What an adorable little pet you are. Just too precious." Azula purred as she shifted her bottom while leaning forward to pat Elle's head with her action causing the small girl to flush sweetly.
"I-I am Azula-sama's favorite girl." The blonde-haired girl stammered from underneath the monarch's petting hand with a shy smile on her lips.
"Well Azula…at least she's happy…" The brown-haired woman trailed off while watching the princess treat the young girl just like a prized pet.
"Mhm. You are…all mine." The princess cooed while exhaling over the quivering girl's face with her lips curving into a predatory smile.
"O-ooh Azula-sama…you enrapture me with every word that you speak." Elle gushed with her hand on her cheek while Azula's palm slid down the side of her face.
Ty Lee glanced away with a blush on her own cheeks while watching from the corner of her eye a bit taken aback by Azula's rising sensual interest in the girl.
"I shall continue to enrapture you. I will continue to dominate you…here you have flowed and now you flow no more. I am never going to let you go. As I told you last night…it's far too late to run away now…" Azula whispered in a voice of absolute domination while breathing on the trembling girl's neck.
"Why…would I ever run from a life like this? P-please keep me…forevermore." The blonde-haired girl pleaded in a passionate voice while domineering golden eyes pierced her very being.
"Don't worry your little mind over leaving…because you belong to me!" The princess hissed in a powerful voice while grasping her pet by her face in a dominant hand.
"I-I belong to Princess…Azula-" Elle agreed with an adorable stutter before freezing up when she was pulled forward.
"You're damn right you do girl." Azula snarled before pulling Elle into her lap all the while Ty Lee gazed on red-faced just as she crushed her pet in yet another kiss.
The princess held the paralyzed handmaid in her arms while staring down at the gasping teenager's overjoyed little face.
All the while cupping her bruised cheek in her hands with her hot breath exhaling in Elle's awestruck face.
The timid girl began to nervously kiss her master back all the while trembling in fear of her inexperience showing in the face of such a marvelous woman.
But the regal princess didn't seem to mind that she barely knew how to kiss.
If anything, it pleased Azula greatly that Elle was hers to shape and mold.
And just as quickly as it had begun it ended with the princess releasing the young handmaid from her kiss with a smug smirk adorning her confident lips.
"Did that…make you feel better?" The princess purred once more with the gasping girl falling into her arms while she gazed down at her victoriously.
"O-oh my…" The blonde-haired girl murmured in a lovesick voice while shivering in the princess's strong arms.
"That…was your third reward." Azula cooed while breathing against Elle's neck all the while stroking her face like a precious kitten.
"I-I think my brain is shutting down." Elle confessed adorably while listening to Azula chuckle arrogantly in her ear.
"A-Azula she's only thirteen! P-please don't give the poor girl a heart attack." Ty Lee spoke up from the corner of the room while gazing at her leader with stunned eyes.
"You hear that Ty Lee? My charm is so powerful that it shuts her brain down. Young girl's fall head over heels just to have the privilege of serving me breakfast." The princess boasted in a supremely haughty voice while holding her submissive pet in her lap.
"You're really letting this go to your head Azula…" The brown-haired woman trailed off with a sigh while observing the scene smiling even so.
"Hm? Are you still with us my pet? Oh, you are? I was just checking." Azula taunted while peering down at Elle's reddened face with smug golden eyes.
"D-does this m-mean that I am y-your girl?" The blonde-haired girl requested with a lovable stammer while the regal woman rolled her eyes above her.
"Aww!" Ty Lee squealed in a gush while she smiled at the two.
"I should think that would have been obvious. Since you can't see my face…I should tell you that I am rolling my eyes." The princess sighed while trailing her fingers through her young admirer's hair all the while holding her close.
"I-I am Azula-sama's…girl." Elle spoke with an overjoyed voice all the while leaning into the woman's powerful arms.
"Humph. Did you really think I would be so generous if you weren't? You are indeed…my girl." Azula purred just as she held the back of Elle's head against her breasts all the while petting her handmaid in a possessive manner.
"Azula…I am truly happy for you and Elle…but…you will take her age into consideration…won't you?" The brown-haired woman pondered only to flinch not a moment later when the princess turned to scowl in her direction whilst petting the stunned blonde's head.
"I am offended you would even ask! What sort of woman do you take me for?" The princess snapped while glaring at her childhood friend with the small girl relaxing in her lap.
"Do you really want me to answer that?" Ty Lee replied in a sigh when the spoiled woman huffed in offense.
"Can you believe the way my own subordinates speak of me Elle?" Azula questioned with a smooth voice while peering down at Elle's still shocked face with amused eyes.
The small blonde then blinked slowly as if her brain had only just now turned on.
"That's not true oneesan. Azula-sama is not a selfish person at all. She is very considerate." The blonde-haired girl spoke sweetly with her big sister gazing back at her with her nose scrunched up in disagreement.
"You are so cute dear…just too sweet." The brown-haired woman stated with a smile while shaking her head.
"Hm…at least someone is loyal around here. To answer your question…Ty Lee. Yes, I have factored her age into consideration." The princess remarked while staring down into her handmaid's enraptured eyes with a pleased smile.
"Well…that's good." Ty Lee responded though her voice still reflected her uncertainty.
"Listen well Elle. You are my girl. But I will not have it said that Princess Azula is without grace. Which is why we will continue to get to know one another. Are you following me so far? Good." Azula spoke smugly while Elle gazed up at her nodding in a numb spellbound trance.
"G-get to know each other." Elle repeated with a sunny smile while the regal woman nodded.
"That's right. While I would love to just shove your face between my legs…I will…wait. I know. Such is the sacrifice that I must bear." The princess announced while brushing her bangs from her eyes in a captivating manner with a conceited smile on her red lips.
"A-Azula!" The brown-haired woman cried out with a flush while sinking back in her seat.
"S-shove my face between your legs? I-is that something we'll do together Azula-sama?" The blonde-haired girl asked naively with a blush while the older girl grinned wolfishly over her shoulder.
"Such an innocent little thing. Isn't she Ty Lee?" Azula boasted with a smirk while gazing back at her sputtering friend.
"P-please go e-easy on her Azula." Ty Lee stuttered while listening to her friend chuckle in an arrogant manner while gazing down at Elle.
"Over the next few months, we will keep our relations a secret between us. Under no circumstances can my father know that we are dating.” The princess stated with a sigh while the small blonde peered up at her wide eyed.
As was the acrobat who could only listen in awe.
“D-dating princess?” Elle inquired with her heart speeding up so wonderfully as she leaned into her master's soft breasts.
“Yes, Elle. Dating. You will remain as my girlfriend…until you are sixteen. Then…if all has gone well. I shall marry you." Azula explained with a gratified voice while staring down at her adorable pet with dominant golden eyes.
"M-marry me…when I am sixteen?" The blonde-haired girl spoke in a transfixed voice while a radiant smile began to spread like wildfire across her cheeks.
All the while Ty Lee silently smiled as widely as can be listening to Azula's surprisingly touching declaration.
Not only was she stunned that Azula was considering possibly marrying Elle, she was just as astonished that her friend was willing to wait over two years for the girl to become of age.
"Mhm. That's right. I won't allow it to be said that I took advantage of you. Not in that manner…anyhow." The princess commented with her confident gaze never leaving her pet's overjoyed face.
Elle sank into the princess's arms with an expression of serenity in her innocent eyes all the while staring up at the powerful woman's entrancing gaze.
“In private over these next two years we will date one another…but in public you shall continue to serve me as my handmaid. I am royalty after all. And it seems only fitting that you do.” Azula declared with smugness lacing her voice while running her fingers through her admirer's hair.
The young girl could only nod in a spellbound manner finding that she was at a loss for words.
"I can already tell that you'll be a demanding girlfriend Azula. I am not sure if I should be happy for her or pity her." Ty lee sighed yet she couldn’t help but smile all the while at the two girls seated together.
"Your training has only just begun…Elle. I hope you can handle pleasing me." Azula whispered in Elle's quivering ear with a look of hunger in her callous eyes.
"I…can handle anything to be yours…Azula-sama. Y-you are my princess charming." Elle murmured with a bright smile while a joyful tear streamed down her cheek.
"I'll settle for happy." The brown-haired woman stated with a tear of her own sliding down her face.
"I confide that I find such a title pleasing…but I do not approve of your tears. If you shed another tear…I will punish you!" The princess barked with her eyes narrowing in a terrifying glare while the blonde nodded with a blush on her cheeks.
"Azula…" Ty Lee trailed off while she sweatdropped with a finger wiping at her eye.
"Y-yes Azula-sama…as you say. Always as Her Highness commands." The blonde-haired girl agreed while the princess smiled once more while reaching for her tea cup.
"Finish your tea. It is getting cold." Azula commanded in her usual rigid voice while Elle accepted the cup with shaky hands.
"Yes." Elle spoke with a sunny countenance while sipping at the tea with peaceful amber eyes gazing ahead.
"If you are feeling well enough to make the walk after that…I want you to go to your chamber. Your new chamber…I made…a few changes to your arrangements. Fret not…all of your personal belongings are as is. If you find the changes satisfactory…let me know. If there is anything else that you need…let me know…as well." The princess purred while brushing her fingers through the girl's hair once again.
"Wakarimashita …Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl cheered while laughing sweetly with her spirits now returning in full.
She still felt shaky and her head still hurt…but Azula-sama was somehow making her feel as if that didn't matter.
"Hm. Now that…is what I like to see. I prefer you…smiling." Azula confessed while staring down at Elle's serene face with a trace of affection in her eyes.
"T-thank you…for all of this Azula-sama. I promise you…that I will be the best girl for you that I can be. I am your good girl." Elle declared joyfully while still giggling as she leaned into the woman's alluring touch.
"Mhm. I can see that. One can only hope for your sake that you're feeling better by tonight…because I'll be putting your devotion to the test." The princess announced with a wolfish grin on her crimson lips while she pressed her face into the back of the gasping girl's head.
"T-to the test Azula? H-haven't you tested poor Elle enough?" The brown-haired woman inquired in a nervous voice while her friend chuckled smugly.
"Not in the least." Azula stated while exhaling into Elle's quivering neck with a dominant smirk on her sophisticated lips.
"W-what is my test tonight? How…will I please you master?" The blonde-haired girl pondered in a lovesick voice while shuddering pleasantly at the sensation of warm air tickling her neck.
"You were scheduled to wash my feet at one…I've rescheduled you for six on the dot. Tonight… I will be training you. You'll learn all about how you'll be washing my feet from now on…" Azula remarked in a sadistic voice while never even paying Ty Lee's scolding stare any mind.
"T-that doesn't sound very romantic Azula. I pity the girl once more." Ty Lee sighed while her spoiled friend waved off her words.
"Y-yes Azula-sama. Her Highness's feet must be washed!" Elle chirped with a worshipful smile about her that had Azula smirking even more by the minute.
The acrobat just cringed while musing that Elle doesn't seem to understand that Azula will continue to push work onto her just because she knows that the girl enjoys pleasing her.
"Hm. Such a good pet. I am very peculiar about the process…make sure that you get between the toes. I would be displeased if you didn't…" The princess purred with a malicious smile while still breathing into her pet's neck.
The sound of the acrobat coughing nervously once more filled the air.
"Get between the toes Azula? Your idea of romance is an odd one to say the least." The brown-haired woman remarked with another sigh.
That was when Elle took both women aback by setting her empty tea cup aside.
And then slipping her hand into her robes to withdraw her little diary complete with a small pen attached to the binding.
All the while Azula now gazed over Elle's shoulder only to find herself blinking in surprise when the small girl began to record a notation all the while chewing on her lip.
"Get…between Her Highness's toes." The blonde-haired girl mumbled thoughtfully while the princess glanced down at her with a grand smile of approval on her crimson lips.
"Good girl…so good. After my feet are washed…you can spend the next hour massaging my feet. As my girlfriend…I expect daily massages." Azula ordered while flipping her bangs from her eyes in an ever-pompous manner.
The more Ty Lee heard the more she flinched in renewed sympathy for the sweet girl.
"A good girlfriend…gives Azula-sama a massage every…day." Elle spoke in a soft voice while writing with a gentle smile on her lips.
"Oh…and do be certain that you bring me a proper bowl of cherries. I need something to snack on while you're busy with my feet. And there had best be no cherry pits!" The princess bellowed with her eyes narrowing playfully while delighting in her handmaid's lovable habit of recording her orders.
"A-Azula this is beginning to sound like slavery." Ty Lee stammered with her eyes widening in worry for her adoptive sister.
"Always…bring Azula-sama cherries before servicing Her Highness's feet…" The blonde-haired girl trailed off dutifully while smiling with her master peering over her shoulder.
"And…if you are a good girl…perhaps I'll even feed you cherries while you're down there." Azula sighed in a purposefully teasing voice while she smirked down at the blushing girl.
"How generous of you." The brown-haired woman snorted with her arms folded in slight disapproval.
"Yes Azula-sama. I will be a good girl for you." Elle agreed with a sunny voice before taking a bite out of her praline while Azula smiled in recognition of her good behavior.
"Of that I have no doubt my pet. And if you are really, really good. Perhaps…you can massage another part of my body afterward?" The princess suggested with a lazy demeanor about her while enjoying how the girl leaned into her chest.
"I-I would be honored to serve any part of your body Azula-sama. You have but to speak and I will follow the order through…no matter what…" The blonde-haired girl trailed off with a giggle as she sunk into the monarch sighing dreamily all the while.
"Perhaps…you could massage my backside? I bet you'd like that wouldn't you? How would you enjoy that view?" Azula taunted with a seductive smirk all the while clutching Elle into her breasts with a domineering gleam in her eyes.
"A-Azula! W-wait awhile before she starts playing with your ass!" Ty Lee cried out in a comically protective voice while Elle gazed on smiling brightly.
"If that is your wish master…I won't protest such a lovely task…" Elle agreed while swooning with a hand on her cheek.
"Marvelous. Just splendid. I look forward to our time together later." The princess spoke with a slightly softened voice while playing with her favorite servant's hair.
"As do I…Azula-sama." The blonde-haired girl mumbled while chewing on her treat once more with a truly relaxed countenance.
"Tell me though…are you feeling better now?" Azula questioned in a truly attentive voice with her playfulness giving way to concern.
"Much better…my head still hurts though…" Elle answered honestly while Azula gazed down at her with her lips frowning into a thin line.
"I will have you seen only by the best of the best. Worry not…if there is something wrong…I will mend it…" The princess assured with her palm brushing against the smaller girl's cheek.
"A-arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama…" The blonde-haired girl trailed off timidly while leaning into the regal woman's shoulder.
"As I told you the other night…you are in capable hands." Azula sighed in a protective voice all the while scowling over her pet's mysterious health issues.
"…Azula-sama…my protector…" Elle whispered with a serene smile on her bashful lips while the princess hummed in agreement.
Ty Lee sat in the corner unable to resist the urge to smile while watching Azula and Elle bond. She could tell that they would be an odd couple…but cute all the same.
"There is no one more capable than me…for such a task. You belong to Princess Azula now. It is that simple." The princess purred with a strong hand stroking the small girl's cheek.
The small blonde hid in her shoulder while she mused that it couldn't hurt to hold her pet just this once.
She was hers now…
Her girl.
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meditativeyoga · 5 years
Pardon, please
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A study conducted in New York revealed that 70 percent of those who saw physicians for therapy, disclosed having one or the other form of animosity. Looking at their situation backgrounds, a well-known physician said, "Ill-will and grudges typically make people unwell. Forgiveness will certainly do more to getting them well than numerous tablets."
A divorced spouse, who was not able to forgive her husband, created a cancerous growth that resulted in surgery. She was encouraged that her psychological pain as well as animosity had actually added to her cancer.
We all know that stress and anxiety causes sleeping disorders-- so could bitterness! Research has actually also discovered a relationship in between unsolved rage and cardiac arrest. People who hold animosities drop simple victim to disease. When they make the conscious choice to cease hatred as well as animosity-- they set themselves on the road to recuperation. This is why hatred has actually been likened to cancer cells-- it is the cancer cells of resentment that destroys both body as well as soul.
A huge amount of documented study links the working of the body with the thoughts and sensations of the mind. Our emotional chaos appears in our body. We begin to be up in arms with ourselves. Medical professionals have a peculiar word-- to somaticise. It merely implies taking a psychological concern as well as subconsciously displacing it on to our body. The result could be anything from a perforated ulcer to a cancer.
Mary Chandler tells a removaling story regarding the healing power of forgiveness from her very own life. When Mary was hardly 16 years of ages, calamity struck her family. A horrible accident took area outside their residence, when a significant truck rammed right into her moms and dads' cars and truck. Her six years of age sibling as well as two year old bro were scared, however secure in the back seat. The father was severely shaken, yet unhurt. Her mommy was seriously wounded. Her head lay on the pavement, her feet were still wedged in the vehicle, and blood streamed down her face as well as hair.
Shocked and also frightened, Mary might only hope, "Please God, do not allow my mommy pass away!"
In a daze, she watched the rescue arrive and also take her mom to medical facility. After that she saw the vehicle driver of the truck-- tall, slim, clothed in functioning clothing-- standing with his head bowed, near the smashed car.
" I'm sorry," he said to her. "I didn't see the stop sign and also ..."
" I hate you!" sobbed Mary. "Look just what you have actually done to my mom! Why could not you drive a lot more thoroughly? I'll never, ever before forgive you-- I really hope God doesn't either!"
Mary was deeply troubled, sorely embittered. 'Exactly what has my mother done to deserve this?' she thought. 'Just what have we done to deserve this? Why had God allowed this to occur?'
" The crash finished my childhood," Mary was to write later. At 16, she ended up being the surrogate mother to her brother or sisters-- all 6 of them. She attended school throughout the day and also functioned part-time in a local movie theatre at nights. She did her homework between 11pm and also 1am.
She missed her mommy! Her love as well as warmth and also treatment were all lost to the kids. Cash was limited also-- for her mother's earnings was now lost.
As the weeks dragged out, Mary's bitterness grew. Records from the health center were bad-- her mom's mind as well as memory were still hazy. Physicians had actually still not had the ability to eliminate the stress on her head.
Mary no longer condemned God wherefore had taken place-- yet she hated the truck chauffeur, who had caused the accident. "He ought to be the one to suffer-- not us," she thought in anger.
Worries, obligations and also constant work took their toll on the children.
One night, Mary was resting at the table, dealing with a big heap of jobs, when she was overwhelmed by tears. "I cannot go on similar to this," she sobbed. "God, please aid me." She felt the old anger as well as rage return, as she considered the high, thin vehicle driver.
" Mary," she heard her mother's voice claiming, "I have forgiven him. It's time you did also."
Startled, Mary admired see if her mother was there-- certainly, she was not! She was in the medical facility, miles away.
" Forgive him," repeated her mother's voice. "If you cannot do it on your own, request for God's help in forgiving him."
Mary shut her tear-filled eyes. "Please God," she prayed. "Don't let my heart harden to stone. Aid me recognize. Help me to forgive!" She bore in mind the slim male's uneasy face as well as shivering voice claiming, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
She had learnt through her dad that he had actually been calling the health center constantly to check after her mommy. He as well had actually suffered as a result of the mishap. As Mary hoped that evening, she found that her bitterness started to liquify. The disgust in her heart disappeared, and also she really felt concern for the very first time. She thought of the guilt and the suffering the vehicle driver need to have endured, and also her heart headed out to his family.
Suddenly, the phone called. It was 12.30 am. Mary raised the receiver with trembling hands. "Honey, it's Mommy," she heard as if in a dream.
" The switchboard is shut for the night, so I came by to the payphone to speak with you. Just how are you my beloved?"
" But ... however Mother, how did you reach the phone right now of evening?" Mary stammered.
She had actually spoken with her Dad that her mother still dealt with extreme lightheadedness, which avoided her from walking upright. Whenever she had attempted to stand up from her bed as well as walk on her very own, she had dropped and also lay helplessly on the flooring, till someone pertained to her aid. How could she have come up to the pay phone? Maybe someone had assisted her.
" Mary, are you all right?" she repeated.
" I am fine Mom," Mary spouted out, a smile dispersing throughout her tear stained face. "I'm just great. Inform me, exactly how are you?"
" At tranquility," came the mother's reply.
" So am I Mother," Mary murmured. "So am I. Finally, I have forgiven him. I simply spoke with God prior to you called, as well as I really feel a worry has been raised from my heart. I have actually forgiven the motorist who caused your crash."
" Mr Abbott will certainly be so relieved," stated her mom. "Your Dad and also I have actually forgiven him long back. He still remembers just what you claimed, as well as he has asked me once more as well as again if you would certainly ever forgive him. He was below to see me today, you know."
Mary felt a lump in her throat. "Following time he calls, Mommy," she said, "inform him please."
Six weeks later, Mary's mommy came back home, practically entirely recovered. The accident instructed Mary useful lessons-- she learnt how to forgive and also be forgiven. She claims she still hears her mom's voice, "Ask God to assist you forgive him." It made a fantastic distinction in her life!
Forgiveness is not simply a favour you confer upon another person. It is a much-needed security you need for yourself. It shields you from destructive sensations of bitterness and rage that can corrupt mind as well as spirit. There are 4 straightforward concepts we have to adhere to, in order to forgive in the best spirit:
Stop being judgemental. We do not have all the realities needed to earn a fair reasoning-- so the most effective thing is to leave it to God.
Develop the spirit of resistance and also understanding. Humans are not perfect as well as we are all bound making mistakes.
Control the animalistic impulse to combat, strike back as well as hurt.
Pray continuously for God's assistance. Occasionally, mercy is so difficult that we could refrain from doing it alone. It requires the poise of God to alter our minds as well as alter ourselves. God's grace could liquify even the most ingrained bitterness.
Forgiveness establishes us free. It enables us to be released from the complaints, fines, and shackles of previous blunders. It heals the one who forgives-- and the one who is forgiven.
A Moment of Calm
The Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Pune is calling after the individuals of the world to observe a 'Minute of Tranquility' on 2 August 2012 at 2pm neighborhood time.
During the Moment all will join in petition as well as forgive everyone who have hurt or mistreated us [including ourselves for all our own previous actions and also shame]
Rev. Dada J P Vaswani thinks that if there is one high quality the globe needs even more compared to anything else, it is that of mercy. Each act of mercy influences others to do the very same, triggering off a favorable chain reaction.
" A Moment of Calm is an experience, which every one of us as a human must have. If not once on a daily basis, at the very least when in a lifetime. Our minds are agitated, our minds are disturbed. The natural state of the mind is to be delighted with tranquility, going beyond peace. This we do not have, due to the fact that a lot of people, we hold grudges against others. As well as this Minute of Calm takes you past all those points which maintain us captive. Simply experience this Moment of Calmness by forgiving all wrongs that have been done to you. It was Jesus that came and educated this lesson. He stated if a sibling smites you on the ideal cheek give him the left. The Master [Rev. Sadhu Vaswani] said, 'I have but one tongue. If I had a million tongues, with every one of those million tongues I would certainly still utter the one word-- Provide! Provide! Provide!' As well as the very best giving is forgiving," stated Rev. Dada at the launch of the project in Chicago on 4 June 2012. Actor Aamir Khan displayed his assistance to the Minute by prompting the target market to participate in with a videotaped message that was played at the launch.
You too can promise to observe the Minute of Calmness with www.facebook.com/MomentofCalm, www.sadhuvaswani.org or e-mail [email protected]. You could additionally send out an SMS: IJM to +91-976764136 2.
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tameila · 5 years
deleted chapter 15 scene
so for no reason other than because i reread it while putting something else into my ‘extra bits to save in case i decide i want them’ doc, here’s an alternative direction for chapter 15 that I ended up scrapping.
to introduce it, it takes places after the scene between Lionel and Pike on the stairs at the University of Emon. Pike ends up running into Allura on campus instead of the ‘Pike calls Allura and leaves a voicemail’ bit that I actually put in the chapter.
in retrospect, it’s not as bad as i definitely thought it was at the time that i scrapped it, and i’m kinda wondering why I scrapped it in the first place. like...it’s a full scene! idk chapter 15 was a wild ride! maybe i’ll even edit this back in someday...lemme know what you think!
anyway! here it is!
Their duck quest leads them down the stairs and halfway across campus, past the Alabaster Lyceum but before The Ivory Tower, where Pike vaguely remembers there being a quaint, little pond.
During the winter, students will skate on the ice there despite administration’s strict rules against it. A lesson she learned the hard way when visiting Kima and Allura in a January some ten years ago. Kima and Allura managed to scamper off the ice before the security guard could see them. Pike, stumbling around like a baby deer, got caught and had to sit in the offices until Wilhand could drive all the way from Westruun to pick her up. She got let go with a warning, but she’s never forgotten that cursed pond.
(Luckily, Wilhand had just laughed and spent the whole car ride back to Westruun telling her stories of his own wild youth.)
(Luckily, Kima and Allura had felt so bad about ditching her that they helped sneak her into the campus bar next time she visited.)
That was a long time ago.
Pike shakes from her thoughts to find herself standing in the shadow of the Ivory Tower, Lionel cheering gleefully somewhere behind her. Her skin prickles with chills. Some born from the sun’s absence. Some, she has no doubt, born from the treacherous hope of - Maybe. A student brushes past, mumbling an ‘excuse me’ as they go, and Pike glimpses the ID card in their hand and, more importantly, their path for the Ivory Tower’s entrance.
Leave it, part of her insists, Allura isn’t here.
Pike glances over her shoulder at Lionel, who stands with his back to her, thoroughly distracted by the ducks swimming on the pond.
This is your only chance, a stronger will pulls, so she follows in the student’s wake, grabbing the door before it closes. Maybe.
She doesn’t regret her decision right away.
At first, it’s rather nice to see the building again. The Ivory Tower is designed in such a way that, when standing in the middle of the first floor, you can see straight up to the last. Pike lingers there for a while, enjoying the sun that shines down through the skylight, before moving on to avoid looking too much like a person out-of-place.
But, after wandering the halls for nearly twenty minutes, climbing spiraling staircase after spiraling staircase, she certainly starts to.
Lionel no longer stands by the pond. She checked while passing by a window on the fourth floor which has left her to continue her walk with a bead of dread in her gut. What if he panics and calls Scanlan? What if Scanlan panics and leaves his meeting to come look for her? He’ll go through all the trouble just to find out she slipped her guard to wander aimlessly around a tower. For what? Imagined closure?
Allura isn’t here.
She already checked her office, and despite her efforts which included checking every plague and asking every student she’s passed, she hasn’t been able to find wherever the hell the library is supposed to be.
She pauses, halfway through her walk around the fifth landing, to pull out her phone and set this whole mess to right when a familiar voice calls out --
Her phone clatters to the ground and straight to the feet of Allura.
For a moment, Pike freezes, blinking, trying to dispel the dream. Allura looks exactly as she remembers her - blond hair neatly braided, shoulders back, chin held regally even as she tilts her head in confusion at the - Pike imagines - much more haggard looking sight before her.
“Shit. Sorry, sorry!” Pike scrambles for her phone, dropping her gaze and hiding her heated cheeks, but Allura reaches down and grabs it before her and - Well, she doesn’t have much of a choice then, does she? She takes it from Allura’s offering hand with a sheepish smile and another mumbled, “Sorry.”
“No apologies necessary, Pike. If anything, I apologize for startling you. I just...didn’t expect to see you here,” Allura says evenly, but Pike’s attention lingers on the falter in her words. Allura Vysoren does not falter. For the life of her, she cannot determine whether that’s a good sign or not.
“Yeah, sorry. I’m in the city with my boyfriend right now who, well, he’s working today and I’m kinda just around so I thought I’d stop by here and take a walk. It’s -- It’s been a while,” She ends abruptly, swallowing hard.
Allura only nods. “It has been.” Then, after a polite pause, “Have you been well?”
“Yes,” Pike answers on reflex, but the word sits bitterly on her tongue. Allura smiles, pleased by the answer, which only makes it worse. It’s not a lie, she reasons for no one’s benefit. She’s doing well currently, for example, and she has been well, in a general sense of the word. Overall. Physically and, for the most part, mentally. For the most part. But -- This is Allura, the big sister she never had, a best friend she let herself lose, and she wavers.
“Actually, that’s...not completely true. It’s complicated,” she corrects herself in a rush. Allura blinks, waiting expectantly for further explanation, and Pike opens her mouth to do so but cannot provide it.
However, Allura is patient, as she always is, and kind, of course, and she lays a hand on Pike’s arm in the mounting silence.
That terrible, telltale burn swarms her sinuses, and Pike throws her arms around Allura.
“I’m sorry,” she says, muffled into her friend’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I missed the wedding, and I’m sorry I never answered any of your calls afterwards. I got so busy, and then it’d been so long, and I just - I just thought you were angry when you stopped calling.”
Allura holds her as she sputters with apologies and barely contained tears. “As I said, Pike, no apologies necessary. Your grandfather was unwell. Kima and I never expected nor would we have even wanted you to put everything aside for us.”
“But - But, I never - ”
“Called? Keyleth told us how hard you were working, and we understood. Kima, I’ll admit, took it a bit more to personally, but you know how she is. So tender-hearted beneath all that wild hair and brashness,” Allura explains, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper when she speaks of Kima’s heart. Pike chuckles, pulling away as the tears subside to smile at Allura who finishes her reassurances,“We stopped calling, because we wanted to stop any pressure that might have put on you. You’d reach out when you were ready, we knew that. And, look, here you are…”
The softness of that admission almost has Pike in tears all over again. “Here I am!” She sniffles before pulling Allura in for one last bear hug that wanes into a fit of giggles when Allura winces and mutters under her breath - “still as strong as I ever, I see”.
“So, how are you truly?” Allura asks once they’ve settled, walking arm-in-arm down the stairs towards the lobby. “How is Wilhand? Grog? The temple?”
“I am well, but it’s complicated, like I said. But -- Wilhand’s great! Still goes to temple every Sunday, and he’s been getting into the routine of meeting up with his friends at the community center once a week for old people games,” Pike says, beaming. “He won his Bingo game last night. All-or-nothing. Blackout. He was very excited! Oh, and you’ll never believe what finally happened…” Pike pauses to allow the anticipation to build, watching Allura lean closer, before stating as coolly as she can while grinning ear-from-ear, “Grog and Keyleth.”
Allura gasps. “No! Are you serious?”
Pike bobs her head, while Allura melts into a preen, stating with no little amount of smugness, “I told you it would happen.”
“You did not!” Pike retorts. “I’m the one who always said it.”
“You always said you had a hunch, dear, but I knew.”
“That’s probably because Keyleth told you or something. Meanwhile, she never told me anything, fearing it’d be awkward, so all my assumptions were built on observations and inferences. Thus, my claim is the most valid!”
Allura laughs and, after a brief attempt to remain argumentative, her eyebrows doing some impressive furrows, Pike joins her.
They exit the stairwell to the first floor, stalling in the middle of the room, still arm-and-arm.  “And, how is the temple?” Allura asks. “Has the workload lightened for you?”
Pike scrunches her nose. “I’m on a bit of a break right now actually....That’s the complicated part.”
“No, no, but it’s good. What lead to the break wasn’t good. That was...Bad, but the break itself has been exactly what I needed,” Pike assures her, offering Allura a comforting pat on the arm when her friend grimaces, surely thinking she ruined the conversation. “I’m figuring a lot of things out that I need to figure out, and I’m happy, like, Allura, listen, I’m happy.”
Allura softens. “Truly?”
“Yeah. I mean, I’ve been going to therapy. I left Westruun, Allura. I never thought I could do that without losing my mind or something. But, I did, and I got to see you again!” She drops her voice, a secret thrill at the thought of saying it out loud, “I have a boyfriend, and I love him in that, you know, really gross way that I used to make fun of you and Kima for being.”
Pike expects Allura to tease her, maybe pull one of those sisterly ‘I told you so’ cards that she was always so fond of them in their youth. What she expects less is to be pulled into a hug that lifts her right onto her toes.
Her and Allura both startle, swerving to face the doors where, much to Pike’s relief and mild dismay, Lionel stands. His face is smushed against the glass, his hands bang and rattle the doors in their frames, and he bellows loudly, loud enough to be heard over his own knocking, “PIKE!!!”
“Is that…?” Allura doesn’t finish her sentence, but Pike reads the questioning lilt.
“No, no, that’s not my boyfriend. That’s….” Huh. She snaps her lips closed and ‘hrmph’s. There really is no easy way to explain that the man causing a public disturbance in her name is her boyfriend’s bodyguard, is there? To Allura’s wide-eyed, scandalized stare, she only offers a shrug and an unconcerned,
“We have a lot to catch up on.”
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askcarlyle · 6 years
[A contribution (in conjunction with @askbarnum) to FanFicFeb on @theothersidediscord for Prompt #1, "First Meeting". Edited from the live version, which took place on server last night.]
swirls the amber liquid in his glass and looks around the cozy tavern, which is almost packed to capacity with the majority of the troupe in attendance
Thank you all for being here tonight to celebrate our anniversary. If one can even call it that...
from behind the bar, a gruff voice issues -- "I've poured liquid courage at enough first dates to recognize one when I see it, fellas."
...right. As I saying, thank you for being here to mark the occasion of our first meeting...
Downs the last half of his finger of whisky and elbows Phillip in the arm as Lettie pours him another
It was a date, not a meeting. We had drinks. I charmed you into coming away with me. Listen to the bartender. I planned that date for days.
frowns and tosses back drink before raising a hand to dispute
A "date" implies previously agreed upon arrangements by both parties. We hadn't ever spoken before that night. We hadn't even been in the same room before that night.
Well before we entered the bar we spoke. I asked you if I could buy you a drink and you said yes, that was an agreement. It is the oldest method in the book for requesting someone's company on a date.
pokes another peanut into his mouth before tossing the shell at Fedor playfully. The other man tossing back a whole handful from the ones he was eating.
Drinks, small talk, seduction, then an agreement. You had been making eyes at me since the moment I introduced myself.
snorts and throws another peanut at Barnum
If that's what you call trying not to be blinded by your scarf's loud paisley pattern.
frowns teasingly
Hey, that is my favourite scarf. You just don't appreciate real fashion. It is eye catching. Besides, who other than young children dressed by their mothers wears matching scarves and hats?
Sips his drink thoughtfully
I suppose admittedly while it might have taken a few drinks and some charming words to seduce you, you had me wooed much faster. From the moment I spotted you at my daughter's ballet recital.
coughs and puts down drink
Ballet recital? You don't mean that night at the concert hall with my cousin's dance academy...
God, their champagne was weak.
Chuckles as he breaks open another peanut, waving a dismissive hand
Yes well, somehow I don't think they were trying to promote the parents and carers getting drunk. It was also 6pm when it finished and during the course of that evening I saw you down twelve glasses. Your mother looked very embarrassed, it was more entertaining to watch than the company I was forced to socialise with.
ducks head at the memory, both in amusement and bemusement
Admittedly, I can't recall much about that night's attendance or who I spoke to. You were really there?
Tosses the peanut in his mouth, keeping his eyes on the other with a teasing grin
Of course I was. It was Caroline's first recital, she had the lead in the first and third number. I spotted you at the afterparty, you did rather stick out like a sore thumb. The only man in the place under 35 I'd wager. Took no more than a few moments to figure you out; single man with no kids, you were dressed up too smartly to not have a career and yet it couldn't have been anything extremely well paid because you seemed to be living with your parents. Alcohol problem, and you looked bored.
That is why I knew straight away you would be easy to snatch up as a business partner. Boredom is truly the worst illness a man can fall victim to, he would do anything for a cure.
raises an eyebrow
That sounds thoroughly disreputable when you phrase it like that. So it was a business meeting, you agree. And in turn, I will admit that it was difficult not stare too openly when you introduced yourself later. I'd thought the larger than life persona was only for the stage.
That did sound a lot creepier coming from my mouth than I had expected. Perhaps that is enough drink for one evening.
Pushes his glass away with one finger. Turning his full attention to Phil
Whether intentional or not as a romantic affair, it was still very much a date. I was married. Things were complicated.
beams in pride at the comment, leaning back slightly on his stool
I am quite the diamond in the rough of the public. You had your charm too, it's not often that men have a bit of bite to them. You had the snark and attitude of a young me. Admittedly I think I was near as infatuated with you as you were of I by the end of the evening. Perhaps it was the alcohol but the way you danced and those tight trousers had me losing sleep for days afterwards.
glances at glass and puts it back down as well
If every offer of a drink I agreed to in life came with that intent, I would have been called something a lot harsher than scandalous.
I suppose some interesting thoughts might have crossed my mind when you were up on that table. To be candid, I was half tempted to stuff a $5 note down your shirt and ask for an encore.
Frowns, creasing his forehead
I am a businessman not a cheap street walker. I would have charged far more than $5 for an encore. Though if you had batted your eyelashes enough I may have offered you a complimentary lap dance.
laughs and leans into Barnum with grin
A paragon of self-respect and generosity! I swoon to consider what showing an ankle might have netted.
puts a loving arm around Carlyle and presses a kiss to the top of his head
Do you have any idea how many laces and buckles are on these boots? It would have taken me a good fifteen minutes in that state of alcohol indulgence to have flashed you an ankle. You'd have gotten bored and lost interest before I had gotten through the first knot.
from behind the bar, the voice once again pipes up -- "Fifteen minutes would have been generous. You two fell over and passed out two minutes after shaking hands."
shoots bartender a warning look
I recall we danced for quite a bit after that. Didn't we? It's all a bit fuzzy.
Squints thoughtfully
I am sure I distinctly remember getting up on the bar to do a celebratory dance with you. I think I was still quite within my limits. I wouldn't have passed out at the bar.
...Then again I am not sure I entirely remember getting home that evening. What I do remember is my hat smelling like vomit for days despite having no memory of being unwell. Perhaps some of the details of my recollection aren't entirely crystal clear.
bartender continues speaking "Mine are, unfortunately. You still haven't paid me back for getting those carpets cleaned, Barnum. And your friend there was slurring something about how your perfect harmonization during your duet was metatextually symbolic of your future relationship as a whole, whatever that means."
stares at bartender in confusion, then shrugs
I am curious enough to want the truth from you and yet hesitant enough to ask whether you would deem it appropriate to share in front of my entire troupe.
Glances at his abandoned glass and makes the decision to pick it up again and down it in one go before locking eyes with the bartender once more
What other things was Mr Carlyle spouting that night?
turns to bartender, wide-eyed and suddenly uncertain
I can buy you much nicer carpets, you know.
Beams in teasing excitement, putting a hand before Phillip's chest to push him back into his seat
The carpets will be paid for. Now tell me exactly word for word what Phillip said about me that night. Leave out no details.
New lamps. Gas ones.
The bartender rolls his eyes, turning his back on them to keep scrubbing a glass. "You think I remember your interactions word for word? This was a long time ago , boys. I have hundreds of customers come through here, not just the two of you."
He puts down the glass, picking up another one "I remember you deciding on a deal between you both, and paying your tab. Mr Barnum tried to climb up on the bar and fell over the other side, then fell asleep on the floor behind the counter. Mr Carlyle did not seem to notice the disappearance of his friend and continued to talk to the empty seat next to him for a while, goodness knows what it was about. You did call him handsome a few times and it grew into a few less appropriate comments as you downed a last nightcap.
If I remember correctly, you both waltzed on my snooker table once Mr Barnum awoke, made a dreadful mess of my carpets, and the flowerpot I used to have in the corner, and the coat rack, and my only indoor lavatory, and then left. I believe Mr Barnum insisted on taking you back to his home."
scratches head
I do vaguely remember being tucked in, but thought was a dream.
glances around at the troupe, some of whom had been whispering amongst themselves
I'd like to see how precise any of your memories are after that many shots. I was barely able to walk the next day when we visited the circus.
-Chuckles to himself cheerfully-
I do remember the next morning clearly enough. Charity woke me up with a bombardment of questions about why I came back at four in the morning carrying an unconscious Phillip Carlyle and put him to bed in the guest room, then passed out myself in the hallway. She was more amused than angry I think.
Refills his glass once more, then gives Phillip a friendly pat on the shoulder
You were on another planet that day. I don't think you took in a single word I said. It was very charming, you seemed to fall head over heels for Miss Wheeler and stumbled around like a bashful fawn all afternoon.
Brings his glass up for a toast
To eventful beginnings. I am so very glad you were seduced into joining me on that first date all that time ago.
holds up glass
To a very auspicious first encounter, and a night that we will never quite remember or forget.
fade to black
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turnedtolead · 6 years
Lifted - Part 5
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Read it from the beginning...
Over the next few weeks, Loki and Anna fell into a comfortable routine. They ate several meals together each day, respectfully keeping their distance otherwise. Each morning, before the sun rose above the fjords giving light to Alta, Anna took the cable car into town to fetch groceries. She loved being among the first to track her boots through the high street's freshly fallen snow, loved sitting on the same bench next to the market, smiling and waving at familiar faces as she waited for the shop to open. Despite everything painful she had endured in the arctic terrain, she was still grateful for it. Despite everything, Alta remained a blessing. By the time Anna returned, Loki was usually awake and out on the deck with a cup of earl grey in hand. He'd brush the snow off the benches and sit, staring at the fjords with such purpose that Anna was certain they were silently conversing. She'd knock on the glass to let him know she was back and breakfast would be ready shortly. He would turn and acknowledge her with a quick nod before getting lost in his thoughts once more. As she chopped vegetables on the island one morning, Anna found herself staring. It was hard to look at him sometimes, really look at him, as she frequently tore herself away from the intensity of his gaze. But now, with him outside, far on the other side of the glass, she allowed herself the privilege. The way the light from the pink morning sky hit his sharp, handsome features, the way his breaths danced into the arctic air as he closed his eyes and looked up, as if in some sort of silent prayer - it took Anna’s breath completely away. He was beautiful in ways she could hardly comprehend. Physically he was the most attractive man she had ever laid eyes on - but she knew, deep down, he was much more than that.
He had nothing to gain by letting her stay with him, but yet, he had. Not once had he made her uncomfortable. Not once did he show any creepy ulterior motive. He had been kinder to her in the last few weeks than most people had ever been to her, but it was clear even he had his secrets. He seemed vexed more often than not and incredibly reclusive. Each night, Anna watched from her room as he disappeared into the woods on a trail that led to the sea, sometimes leaving for hours at a time. There were so many things she wanted to know, so many things she wanted to ask, so many times she wanted to follow him - but somehow, she knew better. Loki opened his eyes and looked down at the cup between his hands. Slowly, he turned and glanced over at her. Their eyes met. "Fuck," she whispered as her heart began to race, blatantly caught in the act of drooling over him. She quickly looked away and grabbed an onion, promptly slicing into her finger instead of the vegetable. "FUCK!" Before she knew what was happening, Loki had made his way inside. "Are you alright?" "Y-yes," she said through clenched teeth, clearly in pain and thoroughly mortified. He walked around the island and stopped, stunned by the amount of blood pouring freely from her hand out onto the floor. He had seen far worse in battle, but he knew the amount of vital fluid this small mortal was losing was rapid and excessive. She looked unwell. He instinctively grabbed a dishcloth off the counter and dropped to his knees for a better look. "Give me your hand." "I'm sorry," she said quietly, watching the blood hit the floors in a daze, more concerned about staining it than anything else. "Does this hurt?" he asked, wrapping his hand around her finger with the towel.
"Mhmm," she winced, trying not to look. "My apologies," he said, trying to work in his weak healing powers without her knowing. "I must apply pressure." Anna shut her eyes and swallowed, hearing her heartbeat pound in her ears as anxiety coursed through her veins. Her stomach dropped. The very last thing she wanted was to have a panic attack in front of this man, but she knew all the same that she was right on the brink of having one. She had dealt with all types of pain, but this, this feeling that occurred every now and then at the most inconvenient times, was by far the worst of them all. She began to sway. "Are you faint?" he asked suddenly, instinctively holding onto her waist with his free hand. Anna nodded, unable to speak. She kept her eyes shut. "Steady yourself on me," Loki whispered, gently guiding her shaky hand to rest upon his shoulder. She breathed a quick sigh of relief at the feel of his firm, muscular form beneath her fingertips. He was so solid, strong. Unmovable. The panic within her inexplicably melted away the moment she touched him. She felt safe, protected. “Better?” Loki asked quietly, noticing the profound relief on her face. “Yes,” she croaked, barely able to form words. "I didn't know flesh was on the menu this morning," he said in annoyance, applying the greatest pressure he could once more without breaking her delicate hand. "I would've told you not to bother." "I was just... distracted." Loki finally lifted the cloth, greatly relieved to find that the cut had stopped bleeding and even looked partially healed. He knew he couldn't heal it completely, for his powers were weak (not to mention Anna would be suspicious), but he could manage a little, and in the process ease her discomfort. "Wow," Anna said as she opened her eyes, looking down at the tiny wound in wonder. "There was just... so much blood." "Yes," he replied, looking at her skeptically as he stood. "There was." Anna swallowed as their eyes finally met. Something about the way he looked at her made her want to tell him everything, every damn, insignificant, minute detail of her sad life. She wanted to tell him about her family, about her health issues, about Bjorn, about what he had put her through for years. She wanted to say something. Anything. But she said nothing.
"You're not to do any more today," Loki said finally, crouching back down to wipe the blood from the floor. It was clear she was hiding much. Then again, so was he. "Luke, I'm fine, I-" "No," he said firmly as he brusquely stood to face her. Anna immediately found herself triggered by his tone and backed away. "Okay," she said, pushing her hair nervously behind her ears. "I'm sorry." Loki furrowed his brows in complete confusion. Her sudden urgency to move away did not escape him. "What for?" "For making you angry." "You did not," he sighed, gesturing with his hands. "I simply request you take the day off." "Okay," she nodded, not wanting to push the issue further. "I can do that. But... what will we do for food?" "With your guidance I think I can finish these omelettes," he said, turning to clean his hands in the sink. "I believe I am also capable of assembling sandwiches for lunch, so long as we have the proper provisions." "Sandwiches sound good," she said with a smile, opening the fridge and pointing. "I just bought some stuff for them this morning." "Very well," he said, walking over to the windows to look out, his hands in his pockets. "And would you - care to accompany me to dinner?" Anna's smile dropped.   "That is, if you're feeling well enough," he said, turning casually around to look at her when she didn't respond. "S-sure," she stammered, praying her face wasn't beet red. She knew he wasn't asking her out out, as they had been living together for nearly a month and they simply ate every meal together. Logically, she knew this. Still, it caught her off guard. "Where would you like to go?" "Wherever you wish." "I don't have a preference," she said with a small, nervous smile. "What's down there?" he asked suddenly, squinting his eyes in the morning light as he pointed out the window. Anna walked around the island and stood next to him, looking down at the direction of the water. "That's the harbor house. They have amazing seafood." "You like seafood, do you not?" "It's my favorite." "We'll go there," he said decisively, turning to face her. "If you wish." "It's super expensive," she said, shaking her head. "We can just go to the seafood shack instead?" "Don't be absurd. It's my pleasure," he said gruffly, tired of having the age old argument about money with her. He was, however, suddenly grateful that he hadn't been cast out to Midgard without affluence, unlike Thor. It was admittedly shocking, as he was certain the Allfather would much prefer he wandered the Earth destitute and in rags. A lesson he should surely be forced to learn. He could practically hear Odin and Frigga arguing over it. "Okay," she shrugged happily, throwing her hands up in the air in defeat. "Dinner sounds great." Loki snapped out of his reverie.
"Great," he repeated with a forced, half-smile.
After lunch, Anna retreated to her room and flopped down onto her large, over-sized bed, burying her face in the fur blankets. She ran her fingertips meditatively over the soft material (silently hoping it was faux, but knowing better) and breathed heavily. She was exhausted after her embarrassing ordeal and was more than happy to spend the rest of the afternoon hiding out. Still, her thoughts turned to Luke.
She wondered what life was like back home for him. It was clearly strained between him, his father and Henry. But what about his mother? Did he have one? Did he have more siblings? What exactly did his father do that allowed them to live like, well, kings? She wondered if he had a girlfriend, a wife even, but thought that unlikely, as he probably would've brought her along with him to Alta. Maybe. Maybe not. What the hell did she know?
She thought of his calm voice, his soothing demeanor. She thought of him holding her waist up to keep her from falling, allowing her to touch him, to steady herself on his shoulder. He had immediately saved her from panic, despite the fact that she couldn't even bring herself look at him. She wanted to look at him, wanted to touch him. It was overwhelming how much she did. Anna rolled over, grabbed the rose quartz from her bedside table and let out a loud, frustrated groan. After Bjorn, she had no idea how she was able to even find another man attractive. She knew she needed time to heal, needed time to process the hell she had endured for the past few years. But whenever she was in Luke's company, none of it mattered. All the pain of the past faded away. All the pain of everything faded away. It was inexplicable. As she turned on her side, she moved the cool, smooth stone between her fingers, studying the wound on her hand curiously. Before long, sleep came for her.
When evening finally fell, Loki paced before the roaring fire in his chambers. What in Hel was he doing, continuing to entertain this charade? Asking her to dinner? Was he really such a fool to believe that showing any remote kindness towards a mortal was his immediate, one-way ticket back to Asgard? It had worked for Thor, certainly. But the almighty God of Thunder had actually fallen for the pathetic Jane Foster, and in a short amount of time. Loki wasn't capable of love. And he didn't have time. When the Allfather had cast him out to Midgard, he had just awoken from the Odinsleep. It was only a matter of time before he fell right back into it, and then who was to rule? Thor had made it clear that his wishes were to be with Jane, on this insufferable realm. Certainly mother was more than capable of ruling, but she needn't have to, for he would be the rightful king. Only then could he put an end to the frost giants, once and for all. Only then could he protect Asgard from the imminent threat of invasion. Still, he knew the company could be far worse. In the past few weeks, Anna had proven herself useful. She was an excellent cook, much to his surprise. Each meal was freshly prepared for him,  just as it had been back on Asgard. She took care of the cleaning and the rest of the household chores without complaint, always making sure he had everything he needed. Most importantly, she had granted him the ample privacy that he'd initially requested, never pestering him between mealtimes, never asking him for anything. He was also grateful that she gave him free reign over her laptop computer when needed. It wasn't a difficult machine to grasp and all the answers he needed to questions about Midgard he had, right at his fingertips. It was all made possible by WiFI, something Anna was thrilled the house miraculously had. Loki feigned ignorance of technology most of the time, and Anna didn't seem to question it, much to his relief. She was kind - truly kind - and it was unsettling. Mostly, it was unsettling that he cared at all. Certainly what he felt towards her was gratitude, in the way he felt gratitude towards Jorunn, the elderly handmaid who had taken care of him since he was small. He had always been kind to her (while admittedly tormenting the other servants who he did not care for), and was more than happy to grant her reprieves from time to time. Anna was not his handmaid, nor was she bound to serve him. She had hurt herself, quite severely, in the act of providing care for him. This dinner was a reprieve, and a well-deserved one. He was a monster in the eyes of many these days. He had no desire to be one in the eyes of hers.
He meticulously looked himself over in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, pushing his black, skinny necktie up into place. He wore a fitted black blazer with matching slacks and a white undershirt, his hair slicked behind his ears. He decided Midgardian attire was not entirely unfortunate as he fiddled with whether he should leave the jacket open or not. After several minutes of fussing he caught the time on his gold wristwatch and sighed. Open. Fine. 
They had agreed to meet in the foyer at half-past seven. Loki arranged for a chauffeur to drive them to and from their destination, something he'd wished he thought of sooner. There was no reason Anna needed to tax herself by trekking into town each day. Even with the cable car, it was still close to a mile of walking. He would inform her that he had hired someone and that she was free to use his service as she saw fit.
As he watched the car lights pull into the driveway, Loki glanced at his watch once more and ran his fingers through his locks. It was nearly 7:30. Perhaps she simply changed her mind. Perhaps-
"I'm SO sorry! I dozed off and forgot to set an alarm!" Anna exclaimed frantically as she suddenly rounded the corner, shoving her earrings in as she went to grab her coat. Her fiery locks had been braided and pulled back into a low, messy bun. She wore a long-sleeved, dark green maxi dress with a modest criss-cross plunging neckline, black heels, and several pieces of gold jewelry.
He turned, and something in him immediately stirred. She was wearing his colors. And she looked... ethereal.
"Luke, are you alright?"
Loki looked away. Instead of answering he simply opened the front door and gestured as a blast of arctic air angrily blew in and whipped around them.
"Shall we?"
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caffeineivore · 6 years
In honour of Ami Mizuno’s bday...
Prompter: Adrianna Sharp
Prompt: A kiss to shut them up
Ship: A/Z
Notes: Mythosverse, follows this
The Atlantic ocean is colder by his ancestral kingdom, but strangely, though the winds are brisk and the waves choppy still, it’s more peaceful than the raging storm-surge of the tropics. Metis misses a great deal of the turbulence; by Scoithín’s orders, the ship sails away from that ravaged coastline absolutely as soon as the sea is calm enough for navigation. 
The first few days onboard are spent belowdeck. She’s still too weak to stand for lengthy periods of time, a fact both humiliating and sobering. A celestial warrior of her birthright, with the powers of all the waters at her command, should never have been brought so low, so thoroughly. The tropical storm which she’d fended off on the Caribbean coast has nothing on the Jovian cyclones, or the Martian volcanoes. But such is the price for remaining, as long as she has, on this wild and unensorcelled world, where neither her heritage nor her skills held any true sway over the inexorable natural forces governing the planet. Here, she’s just another lady of a faraway court, a foreign dignitary of sorts-- a mere flesh-and-blood woman. It’s a new role to Metis, who has never been a mere anything before.
Scoithín’s cabin on the ship is luxurious in comparison to the rest of the crew’s, with a suite of rooms kept polished to a gleam and furnished with worn but well-made fixtures sturdily bolted to the floor. There is a porthole which affords her a good view of the ocean on one side of the cabin and a narrow but comfortable bunk fitted with soft, snowy linens and thick covers to ward off the seaside chill, and a massive desk holding various maps and tools for nautical navigation. He’d bundled her down there as soon as the ship left the port, but she has not seen much of him, since. She sleeps long and deeply, the rocking of the waves facilitating a long and tricky healing process on this non-magical world, but she is quite certain that, for all his shocking show of emotion when she’d returned from the darkness those days ago, he’s not taken to joining her.
It’s perhaps a few days, or perhaps a week or two, when she finally makes her way above-deck one evening. They’re halfway back to the land of his ancestral seat by now; the air is brisk and cool, and all around them is water as far as the eye can see. Overhead, the sky is a deep violet, not unlike Kali’s eyes-- softened, muted by love and peace-- and the moon is rising in the sky. It’s a waxing crescent, and Metis’ eyes quickly take in the positions of the stars and planets visible in the night sky, then ascertains the date by logical deduction. 
She finds Scoithín standing at the prow of the ship, shoulders braced against the wind, his coppery hair blowing away from his face. Though she takes care to step softly, he turns as though sensing her presence, then frowns. Even at the distance of several feet, she can hear the unsteadiness of his breathing. 
“You should be resting,” he says without preamble, stepping nimbly down to where she’s standing, and maybe it is because she’s been unwell, but Metis is quite certain that he has never quite towered over her the way he does, now. One hand reaches out and brushes her cheek, shifting a strand of her hair behind her ear, and she can feel every bow-callus, every tendon, and her face heats up despite the chill. 
“I’m feeling a bit better,” she ventures. “I... I don’t think I’m quite myself, not yet. Maybe I never will be. But I certainly have the strength to walk about the ship.”
His sharp green eyes close, and she’s almost certain that a tear escapes out of the corner of one of them. “I never wished it to come to this, you know.”
He can be referring to any number of things-- the inordinate, far-too-extended period of time she’d spent with him, or the fading of her powers, or the gamble she took facing that hurricane head-on which nearly resulted in her death, or even his own deep, almost-visceral reaction when she’d finally regained consciousness. There is the chance-- a long shot at best-- that she could recover, in time. Perhaps with another dozen season-cycles she would survive the teleportation journey back to the moon-- much changed. By then, possibly,  Scoithín would have faint lines fanning out at the corners of his still-sharp eyes and a dash of full-moon silver at his temples. She could almost picture him perfectly as such-- older, still powerful, his face no less beautiful in maturity as in youth, much like a full-grown forest grows out of a grove of sprightly, verdant saplings. Metis knows something that he doesn’t, though, and it makes her brave. 
“Would you rather things return to the way before?” she asks crisply, clasping her hands behind her back so that he can’t see them trembling. “I mean, of course, before I ever crossed paths with you. It is the...” she pauses, calculates quickly, “...twenty-first anniversary of my naming day, calculated in Terran solar orbits. Of course, in Mercurian solar orbits, I am quite a great deal older. But if ever there was a time to pray for forgiveness, for absolution, for things to return to the idyllic past with a minimal amount of repercussions, now would be the time. If it is your wish, I can go away before the morning’s light, never to be...”
Her sentence is cut off by warm lips and fingers whose touch changes from gentle and tentative to possessive in the span of a second. He clutches her close, so close that she can feel his heartbeat against her own through his shirt, hers, so close that his next ragged breath exhales into her own lungs, and maybe that’s why she’s gasping for breath when he finally pulls back. 
“I’m to be eternally damned for this, I’m sure,” his voice is rueful against her hair when he speaks, his arms still looped around her waist, half-holding her up. “I know that I have no right to ask this of you-- to remain here with me. My life is but a blink in the span of yours, and you were bred for more than my world. But I still have to ask, because...”
“Because?” Somehow, her hands no longer tremble, and quite naturally link themselves behind his neck. His hair is cool, salt-dampened silk between her fingers. He’s still holding her close, his body a great deal warmer than hers, but it’s as though they’re both holding each other up rather than something more one-sided. 
“Because I love you, and if you leave, you’d take every bit of my wasted heart with you to your distant planet.” The words are baldly spoken and abrupt. “All that’d remain here...” he taps his chest with a fist, “is a barren field.” He buries his face in her hair, and that heart of his beats right in counterpoint to her own. “I can’t offer you power, or immortality. My world is not meant for such.”
Metis takes a deep breath, closes her eyes. It would be like her first time diving into the sea-- dangerous, full of risks and the unknown, but thrilling and life-affirming in its very uncertainty. “Well. I didn’t come here to lay waste to the land and leave barren fields in my wake,” she finally says, her voice brisk in contrast to the tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. It’s bittersweet-- a farewell to eternity, an exhilarating new life. He pulls back just far enough for his eyes to meet hers, and despite the new and unfamiliar reverence of his gaze, his smile is familiar, warm enough to ward off the ocean chill. “Take me home.”
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amataclysm · 3 years
I would like...I would like to exist near someone, while in distress, and simply not be shunned for it.
I would like to be able to bleed near someone, without them screeching at me to get far away from all of the upholstery immediately and insist that perhaps I should simply lock myself in the bathroom until I can stop oozing like that.
I would like to be trusted enough, be seen as competent enough, for the other party to not even feel the need to fear for their furniture {nevermind the fact that they are prioritizing the unfeeling inanimate object over me, who is injured and in pain, in the first place}. Yes, I am aware that I am bleeding. Yes, I am going to blot that wound with a bandage of some kind, hopefully before it even gets the chance to drip. Yes, if it DOES drip, I am going to do my best to clean up the mess if I am physically able to. Of course I am going to do those things. It's only courteous. Please do not treat me like a revolting walking mess that exists only to inconvenience you, rather than a person who just happens to be having a bit of a problem.
I have been raised by a person, a person whom I have unfortunately still been unable to escape from, who has always been...very unkind to me when I am injured or ill. I am thoroughly dehumanized for being "unable to control my body." When I am sick, I am shoved into a small bathroom. I am left in there until I am no longer visibly ill, not allowed out before then. Even if it takes days, I will simply have to sleep on the hard laminate floor in that bathroom. I am not allowed near any furniture, or carpet, or any fabric really - even rugs and towels will be taken out of that bathroom to "protect" them from me. I am seen as only a germy biohazard. No wonder our poor host developed such severely impairing emetophobia. If he ever vomited near our mother, he was picked up, carried held away at arms' length, and cruelly and coldly shoved into that bathroom {with not a care in the world paid to the fact that the rough treatment may have injured him}, and left in there for days. She wouldn't even speak to him while he was ill, outside of sternly telling him to get back in the bathroom until he was "ready to not be gross anymore." He was not only not comforted when unwell, he was punished, and quite severely, for being "unable to control his body." For being a "disgusting" inconvenience to our mother. The sheer revulsion she shows to us when she even suspects we may be ill is abhorrently ghastly.
I would like...for it to merely be viewed as a fact of life that sometimes people will get hurt and bleed, or become sick. The notion of being comforted for it feels simply to implausible and foreign for me to desire that {though I would not hesitate a bit to comfort another ailing person, curiously}, so I would like to settle for simple nonreaction. I would like to be able to be watching a movie with someone, or just conversing with them, and say "Hold on," and cough or sneeze or blow my nose or vomit or adjust my bandages {being careful to be clean and considerate about it, of course. Tissues or a trash can or clean gauze would already be on-hand.}, and then quite casually resume the prior activity.
I would like my humanity card to not be revoked for the crime of simply being unwell.
0 notes
Imagine if Joan tagged along with Marsali when she left with Fergus.
Adopted Daughters
Part 1/?
“Christ,” Jamie muttered next to Claire at the ship’s railing, his hands tightening sharply on the wood and his knuckles going white.
“What?” Claire peered at the small skiff with its passengers approaching their ship, the wind already filling its sails and pulling them out to sea and away from the coast. She recognized Fergus and there seemed to be someone else next to him—perhaps two bodies—but his position blocked her sight of them.
Jamie smacked his hand on the rail and stormed to where the rope and slat ladder was being lowered for the last few passengers to climb aboard. Claire followed and heard Jamie’s voice take on a surprisingly gentle tone considering his anger and frustration a moment before.
“Hold tight now,” he called and reached down. “Keep yer mind on what ye’re about—one foot, then the other. There ye are, I’ve got ye now.”
The small and wary body of Joanie MacKimmie was hauled aboard and she wound up securely in Jamie’s arms, though whether he had pulled her to him or she had thrown herself at him for comfort was unclear.
Marsali MacKimmie was close behind her younger sister, a sackcloth bag secured to her back and Fergus ascended last, similarly laden with hastily packed belongings. Jamie settled Joanie back on the deck letting her continue to cling to his side as he leveled his gaze at Fergus and Marsali.
“What do ye think ye’re doing here?” He fought to keep his voice level as the ladder was raised and the ship pulled further to open water. “Dragging the wee lass with ye too? No,” he shook his head firmly and turned to seek the captain. “We’re turning around and taking ye back. Yer mam will have me strung up if she thinks I had any part of this.”
Joanie began to cry quietly with fear but didn’t appear sure of where to find the comfort she craved. Marsali had an arm around Fergus while his rested on her shoulders pulling her close.
Claire was speechless as she stood a few feet away watching Marsali turn to glare defiantly at Jamie while Fergus swallowed, resolute but sheepish. Joanie was a frightened mess with tears trickling down her sallow cheeks and her eyes quickly growing red.
“Ye cannae send me back,” Marsali challenged Jamie. “For one, ye’re no my father and by yer own choice and two, Fergus and I are married. Where he goes, I go and where I go, Joanie goes.”
“Married?” Jamie blinked. “And when did ye manage that?”
“We were handfast this morning, Milord,” Fergus explained with a happy smile and a glance to Marsali.
“No,” Jamie said again as though simply saying it aloud would be enough to make it so. “And even if ye were properly wed, it isna an excuse for dragging yer sister halfway across the world on a whim!”
“Jamie,” Claire interrupted, scolding. Marsali’s sharp and accusing gaze fell on her but Claire’s attention was focused on Joanie. “Hello Joan,” she said quietly. “My name is Claire. You look like you’re feeling unwell.”
Joanie nodded still holding tight to Jamie who was also beginning to look green and had beads of sweat beginning to break out on his forehead.
“Aye. Captain!” he called. “Make for shore, if ye please!”
The captain laughed. “Even if I did, we’re too far underway. We’ll stop in Ireland for final provisions but that’s the best I can promise.”
Joanie vomited on the deck and her quiet tears became loud and embarrassed sobs.
Claire remembered a time when she’d been called to come pick Brianna up from school because she’d been ill. Brianna had been nine and fluctuated between a clammy and sickly pallor and a redness that seemed to leech from her hair into her face. When they were finally at home and Claire had Brianna tucked into bed, the girl had finally broken down sobbing over how she’d been sick in front of everyone and some of the boys had laughed at her while the girls had screamed in horror.
“It’s all right,” Claire said again in a warm and soothing tone, this time to Joanie.
Reflexively reaching to comfort and check the child for symptoms it might be more than just seasickness, she froze when Marsali shouted, “Dinna touch her ye English witch!” and rushed forward. Joanie began to cry harder.
“Marsali.” Jamie’s tone was cold and sharp. “Ye’ll no speak to Claire like that if ye intend to remain on this ship.”
“Please, ma chére,” Fergus soothed. “Milady will not harm her. She is a healer and will help her to feel well again.”
Marsali clenched her teeth and glared at Jamie but stayed still while Claire returned to tending Joanie.
“Why don’t we let them talk and I’ll help get you cleaned up,” Claire suggested, glancing at Jamie who nodded his thanks. “Then I can give you something to settle your tummy and you can lie down and rest a bit.” She extended her hand for Joanie to take.
The girl looked at it a moment then looked up at Jamie. He smiled and gave her a nod of encouragement. But while she no longer looked wary about Claire, there was still something obviously bothering her. He bent himself to her level and whispered, “What is it, lass?”
“I… I’m sorry about the mess,” she whispered back, her eyes darting to the pile of sick on the deck. Tears spilled silently from her eyes again.
“DInna fash, Joanie,” Jamie assured her, keeping his voice down. “I’ve made a mess or two like that myself and am like to do so again before long. On deck up here isna so bad as down below. There ye dinna want it on the floor but up here, they’ll just drop a bucket to the sea, splash it across the boards and it’ll be clean again. Now go on and get ye some rest. I’ll be along to check on ye as soon as I’ve talked more wi’ yer sister.”
Joanie looked a bit relieved as she let Claire lead her to the stairs that led them below deck and to the first of the two cabins.
“Have a seat and I’ll be back in a moment,” Claire urged the young girl before departing only long enough to fetch some fresh water and blankets. “Rinse your mouth out with this,” she instructed Joanie, handing her a cup and then following with the bucket for her to spit into.
“Thank ye,” Joanie murmured when she’d finished.
“And do you feel like you’ll be sick again? Or has it passed?” Claire asked getting onto her knees so she could examine Joanie’s pupils and verify she wasn’t feverish. Then she wet a cloth and began wiping the girl’s face clear of tears and snot. Her face was red from the crying and nerves.
“It’s… gettin’ better… I think,” Joanie responded. “Is… is Da very angry do ye think? He cannae send us back, can he? I saw them handfast.”
“I’m not sure it’s the handfasting he’s most worried about,” Claire explained, moving to sit on the berth and bracing herself so she didn’t hit her head as the ship rolled with the swell. “I think he’s  worried about what your mother will have to say.”
Joanie’s lip trembled and more tears welled in her eyes.
“Tha’s why we had to come,” she whimpered. “Mam’s gone. The soldiers took her… for shooting Da.”
“Someone turned over the pistol and told ‘em what Ma’d done to ye,” Marsali explained to Jamie having trouble meeting his eye for the first time since boarding.
“Marsali, ye must ken it wasna me nor would Claire. I didna want you and Joanie to suffer for yer mam’s mistakes,” Jamie hastily assured her, “not when her anger toward me wasna wholly unjustified.”
“We know, Milord. It was Mistress Murray,” Fergus said.
“Jenny?” Jamie’s brow darkened with confusion.
“Aye, Milord. When she heard of her son… she believed it was punishment for her interference…” he glanced down at Marsali who was staring at their shoes on the deck. “She thought that if she could take steps to make it right, we would be rewarded in finding young Ian and bringing him safe home.”
Jamie rolled his eyes, both frustrated with Jenny and feeling her pain alongside his own guilt. Hadn’t he had similar thoughts about using the money to pay Laoghaire and keep Claire for himself.
“I see what ye mean, Marsali. Ye couldna leave her behind and if yer mam is… well, I understand how ye wouldna want to stay to be gawked at and pitied. But handfast or not, the two of you are not sharing a berth till ye’re properly wed,” Jamie pressed. “And tha’s no like to happen till we reach Jamaica. So, Marsali, you and Joanie will share a cabin wi’ Claire and Fergus will bunk wi’ me.”
“What? Ye want me to share a room with the hoor that drove Ma to land herself in an English prison?” Marsali frowned and shook her head. “I’ll no do it. I’ll sleep aboard deck in the open before I sleep in the same room as her.”
Jamie stepped closer, looming over his stepdaughter. “Wi’ yer mam gone ye could have stayed with her kin in Scotland but ye chose to come here and put yerselves under my care as yer father by marriage.”
“I chose Fergus,” Marsali snapped taking her own step closer, peering up at him from under a judgemental brow she inherited from her mother.
“And Fergus has been a son to me for many years now—to me and Claire,” Jamie smiled in challenge. “Like it or not, Claire’s a mother to ye now so ye might want to try makin’ the best of it. She’ll be a part of yer life so long as ye choose to be here. But…” he stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest, still smiling. “If ye wish to disembark when we stop for final provisions and make yer way back home from there, ye’re free to do so.”
Marsali’s face screwed up with anger and frustration but she said nothing more, just turned on her heel and stalked toward the bow of the ship. Fergus shot an apologetic smile at Jamie but before he had turned to follow Marsali, his resignation and joy had started to reassert their control of his expression.
Jamie had a difficult time begrudging the lad his happiness, even if he found it thoroughly surprising that Marsali had been the one to capture his affections—and vice versa. He watched as Fergus went to stand beside Marsali at the rail and slipped an arm protectively around her. Marsali tilted her head to rest on his shoulder and they looked so peaceful and content.
Jamie swallowed, knowing he wouldn’t be able to maintain his anger and frustration for long—certainly not as long as Marsali with Laoghaire’s blood running in her veins. He was ashamed he felt so little regret over learning Laoghaire had been imprisoned and knew part of it was the unexpected joy of having the lasses with him again. He only hoped Claire didn’t mind. How would she feel being asked to help him raise Laoghaire’s children? She’d been so hurt seeing Joanie that first night. His stomach churned dangerously at the thought of seeing that betrayal creep back into her eyes when she looked at him.
Hurrying to the railing, Jamie leaned over and was sick.
Claire had calmed and reassured Joanie as best she could with so little insight into what had happened. She had gotten the girl to lie down in the berth before turning her attention to brewing some ginger tea to help settle her own stomach, though its knots were more the result of growing anxiety and uncertainty than from the rise and fall of the ship.
Joanie had fallen asleep when Jamie knocked on the cabin door and peeked his head in to check on them.
Claire was on her feet in a moment pouring him a cup of tea and urging him to sit down.
“You look positively green,” she whispered.
He grimaced as he swallowed the tea and set the cup down. “I’ll do,” he assured her unconvincingly then stared at Joanie curled up in the bunk. She was perhaps the only person aboard who could comfortably fit in it.
“She’s settled down a bit,” Claire informed him. “She’s… quite upset about what happened to her mother. Is it true? She’s been arrested?”
“Jenny,” Jamie said with a nod. “Trying to balance the scales of her actions. Marsali was right to bring her with them. Time away will help defuse the taint from Laoghaire. I’m just sorry it all came to this.”
“Well… as far as the list of people who might bear blame for all that has happened, I think the only thing I’m certain of is that Joanie and Marsali are not on it.” She looked over to the little girl sleeping in the berth, her cheek resting on her palm and the blankets cuddled to her chest. “It’s not their fault that Laoghaire is their mother.”
“We had our differences, Laoghaire and I—many of them,” Jamie murmured also watching Joanie’s slumber. “But I must say she always did what was best for her children.”
“With the recent exception of shooting you and getting herself arrested,” Claire jested, though she couldn’t dull the sharp, resentful edge of her words.
“With that exception, aye,” Jamie conceded then turned to Claire, pausing to gather himself before continuing. “I ken the vow I swore to Laoghaire when I wed her is… invalid… but it was a vow to more than just her… it concerned her girls as well. That one… I cannot consider it similarly invalid. They need me now, to watch out for them and to provide for them. With all I’ve done… I cannot turn my back on them—nor do I want to.”
Claire blinked and swallowed, glanced at Joanie then back to Jamie. Her tone was soft and warm as she reached across the small table to put her hand on Jamie’s. “Nor should you. They are not their mother and you’re right—they need you now.”
“They could use a mother too,” Jamie said with a question in his voice.
She chuckled with disbelief and shock. “You can’t be serious, Jamie… They hate me.”
“Joanie doesna hate ye and Marsali… she’ll come around.”
Claire shot him a look that left voicing her every doubt on that count unnecessary. Then she sighed. “I don’t suppose we have much choice in the matter.” She rose and crossed to help raise him from his chair. He was beginning to look decidedly ill and like he regretted drinking the tea. “However much Marsali may try to cast me as the evil step-mother, I shall endeavor to kill her with kindness.”
Jamie followed her guiding hands as she led him to the hallway and next door to his own berth. “Whether it be with kindness or no, I should think killing her would only secure ye that position.” He lay back on the bedding and gripped the edge of the berth to steady himself but groaned as the ship lurched over a steep swell.
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