#i am trying to be gentle with myself and remind myself no one needs to be listening for me to still have things worth sharing
pinkseas · 2 years
on my hands and knees begging u to say your words about xiaolumi… i want to hear them… i’ll pay you back in art i prommy—
WHY WOULD YOU ENABLE ME LIKE THIS no need for art i literally owe you my fucking Life just for that one piece like oh my god. ohhhh my god. the amount of times i have linked that to my friends and waxed poetic and maybe cried a little. ANYWAYS. i am about to be So Silly And So Disorganized
so here's the thing right?? it depends SO heavily on how you interpret lumine. the traveler definitely has their own personality and agenda ingame but there's still SO much wiggle room in terms of what you do with that. if i really wanted to i could probably make it a Lot More Accurate by focusing on the traveler in canon and going from there however i will in fact be completely ignoring that and focusing on my interpretation of lumi specifically light and love <3 <- thats my little disclaimer ANYWAYS
they are So Similar in a lot of ways. young adults who are also centuries old. stubborn bastards who would give their lives protecting those around them even if they got absolutely nothing in return. so quick to throw themselves into the line of fire for the sake of friends and strangers alike. such a strong instinct to protect. not mortal, not by a long shot, but not quite gods either, something uniquely inhuman and in between. a centuries worth of weight on their shoulders. reaching their breaking points and pushing further still, refusing to let themselves crumble. and, even with very close companions, i think they're very lonely. there's no one quite like xiao in teyvat, no one quite like lumine without aether there by her side- maybe no one quite like lumine at all, anymore.
i think its about sharing. i think they'd find it easy to talk with and be around one another, even though they're typically so slow and so careful with trust. i think fighting together comes as easily as breathing, that their urge to protect lines up perfectly with the others and leads to them doing so much for those around them as well as each other. they will not let the other fall. they share the weight on their shoulders, share the centuries of bloodshed and horrors seen and caused alike, share in the unique brand of loneliness that comes with knowing that where someone was once by your side there's no one like you left.
vulnerability does not come easily to any of them. they can always push themselves further, always be a little stronger, always run a little faster. but its exactly that, i think, the recognition of someone so like themselves that makes it easier for them to trust in one another. lumine can call xiao's name when she needs him, xiao can find lumine if he needs her. i think that for all they would shoulder the world on their own and know the other would do the same in a heartbeat, they trust one another to come to them when they need help. it would be so, so easy to ignore it, to press forward, to remain alone. but they made a promise, and they intend to keep it.
i like to imagine that lumine's presence has a purifying effect on xiao. something she could control and channel should she realize, but for now something small, just enough to ease that weight. just enough to make sure he won't succumb.
i think a big part of it is about learning how to live again. they both carry that weight, that stubborn mindset, but wanting to see the other happy helps. knowing the other understands helps. when it hurts they can breathe together, and the type of pain they feel may never truly go away but they dont have to experience it alone.
every snowflake, every sunrise, every flower is just a little bit different from the rest. xiao's favorite quiet places are nicer with her there. they live so very differently but lumine's teapot is always there and xiao is no longer bound by his contract, learning ever so slowly how to let himself go. they have spent so, so long surviving. now, though, they remember to taste the fresh air, learn to indulge in the smallest things. lumine experiments with recipes until her almond tofu is catered to xiao's tastes exactly, the perfect texture. at night in liyue xiao tells her stories of the constellations and she remembers every word, at night in the teapot lumine will lift a hand and the sky will match her memories, her turn to tell stories about stars he's never seen.
they are both so, so tired. and i think that they would trust the other enough to let themselves rest. you can put your strength down. im sitting here with you at the kitchen table. you dont need to say anything. <- that quote is so them for real its shared silences mutual understanding and comfort always having each other's backs its twin moons twin stars two beings caught in each other's orbit and choosing every day to stay. sitting side by side on the mountaintop, hands entwined, lumine's head on his shoulder. breathing. loving. living.
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sapsolais · 1 year
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ventismacchiato · 2 months
O8 stuck with you — im on top (of you) !
scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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The day you had been dreading was finally upon you.
“Stop looking so sad,” Yoimiya sighs as she looks over to where you were slumped on the floor of the recording studio you guys were in.
“My beautiful voice…mixed in with his,” you shuddered at the mere thought of his vocals sullying the album.
“Quit being so dramatic,” Lumine chastised, reaching over to get you off the floor. 
You look over to where Scara was similarly slumped on the floor, staring into the wall as his group members conversed around him. Looks like he wasn’t too into the idea of recording with you either.
“You guys ready?” Albedo asks, walking in carrying a stack of papers as he walks past you guys to the soundbooth. The young blonde had been one of the company’s producers since you’d debuted. He reminded you a mix between Kazuha and Xiao, quiet but managed to get his artistic vision across.
“You two,” Albedo gestures to you and Scara, “I was instructed to get you both done quickly before working on the group song.”
“Jean really slotted all this time and took into consideration how much Scaramouche and Yn bicker,” Fischl muses.
“What are we singing?” Scaramouche asks, flipping through the page of lyrics Albedo handed you both.
“A love song,” Albedo answers, hooking a pair of headphones onto his head, “Let’s just try it out and see what needs to be added, go on then.”
He gently pushes you into the recording booth as you both tug on your own pair of headphones.
You eye the lyrics as you tug the microphone closer to you, wincing at the implications behind the words.
The first few attempts were disastrous to say the least. Scaramouche kept criticizing your timing and you kept pointing out how he was overpowering the track. Albedo’s patience, which was unbelievably high if he worked with the likes of you, was wearing thin as you both argued over every line.
After a take that finally sounded decent Albedo gestures for you two to come out of the booth.
“Are we finally done?” Scara asks.
“That sounded pretty good to me,” Childe pipes up.
“If you guys had collaborated earlier we would be drowning in so much money right now,” Venti sighs dejectedly. 
“Almost,” Albedo answers, fingers flying over his keyboard, "I just need you both to moan,” Albedo deadpanned.
“What?” Scara slowly says, like he’s on the verge of strangling Albedo by the neck.
“Before you say anything just listen to this clip.”
You couldn’t even process anything before Albedo was hitting play and your gentle voice mixed with Scara’s came out of the speakers, followed by some harmonies by Aether and then Xiao that he’d added in later. It all sounded good as they all harmonized together, but even you could feel that something was missing.
“So, you need us to do what ?”
“Moan, so I can use it as backup vocals,” Albedo hummed, twirling a pen with his fingers, seeming nonchalant about what he was asking of them.
“Fuck no,” Scara says, jutting a finger at you, “Why do I have to moan on the same song as them.”
“I don’t want to either,” you huff as your members erupt into a fit of laughter behind you. The traitors.
“It’s just my suggestion,” Albedo says, putting his hands up, “Just try it out.”
“I don’t get paid enough for this, how am I supposed to moan with Yn next to me?”
“I get dried up just looking at you.”
“The world gets dry from looking at you.”  
“You should have no trouble faking a moan, since it’s probably what everyone you’ve ever slept with has done.”
Albedo snaps his fingers in front of you both.
“I don’t care how you do it, just harmonize a moan or two for me,” Albedo says, pushing you both back into the booth, “I would like to go home early for once.”
“We won’t be able to see you,” Albedo adds, “So feel free to do whatever helps you get out the best moans.”
“Gross,” Scara called out as Albedo shut the door behind him.
“I’m going to kill myself,” you mumble as you tug the microphone towards you once again.
Scara glares at you as you both stand in the booth, the microphone between you two a symbol of your forced cooperation. You can feel the tension radiating off him, and it's not helping your own nerves. You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.
"Let's just get this over with," you mutter, avoiding Scara's eyes.
"Fine," he snaps, crossing his arms. "But don't think for a second that I'm happy about this."
You roll your eyes. "Yeah, well, neither am I."
There's a long, uncomfortable silence as you both stare at the microphone. Outside the booth, Albedo is watching, his expression expectant. You glance at Scara, trying to gauge his mood. He's scowling, but there's a flicker of something else in his eyes—something like hesitation.
"Look," you say, trying to sound reasonable in an attempt to get this over with. "Let's just do one take and see how it goes. If it sounds terrible, we can convince Albedo to scrap the idea."
Scara raises an eyebrow, but after a moment, he nods. "Fine. One take."
You both lean towards the microphone, your faces inches apart. You can feel Scara's breath on your skin, and it sends a shiver down your spine. You close your eyes, trying to block out the awkwardness, and focus on the task at hand.
Taking a deep breath, you let out a soft, hesitant moan. It feels strange and embarrassing, but you push through, hoping it will be over soon. Beside you, Scara does the same, his moan blending with yours. 
Scaramouche’s moans would usually sound like a sexually-transmitted disease: gross and something that you’d never touch with a fifteen-foot pole, but for a moment, it created an unexpected harmony.
Albedo's voice crackles through the intercom. "That was... actually not bad. Let's try it one more time, but with a bit more feeling. Scara, go a bit lower.”
You both go through the motions again, and you try to ignore how Scara’s moans sound so resonant through your headphones and the heat on your cheeks from making such an intimate sound beside him. 
Albedo’s voice comes through the intercom again. “Perfect. That’s exactly what we needed.”
You sigh with relief, tugging off the headphones as fast as you could and slipping out the booth.
As you and Scara step out of the booth, you're immediately met with the smirking faces of the other members. They're lounging on the studio couch, looking far too amused for your liking.
Childe is the first to speak, a stupid grin plastered across his face. "Well, well, look at you two. Didn't know you two were that freaky."
Lumine snickers, giving you both a mock round of applause. "That was hot. It felt like I was interrupting.”
“I hope you all die,” Scara says from beside you before turning to Albedo, “And you’re a freak for suggesting that.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Albedo hums, already tuning them out as he has his headphones back on.
"Alright, alright," you say, trying to change the subject. "Can we please focus on something else now?"
Venti stands up, stretching. "Fine, fine. But you know we’re never going to let you live this down, right?"
“I’m personally going to buy several copies of this album,” Yoimiya giggles.
“I hope Albedo makes you guys do something embarrassing,” you huff.
"No wonder you're still a virgin if you sound like that when moaning,” Scaramouche says, smirking as he slips past you to sit on the couch. 
“Shut up,” you grumble.
“Can’t even defend yourself,” Scara taunts.
“Lot of talk for someone who also hasn’t gotten laid in a while,” Aether whistles.
“Whose side are you on, Aether?!”
Later that day
“Let’s just get this over with,” you sigh as you follow your members towards the studio.
“I’m excited,” Venti hums, skipping ahead of you.
“I’m surprised at how quickly they pulled this together,” Xiao comments, opening the door for you, “It’s like they’ve been waiting for you two to fuck up.”
“Which you have, several times,” Lumine unhelpfully pipes up from behind you.
“I’m so sick of you guys,” you grumble, accepting your fate.
As you walked into the studio, you could only stare in disbelief at the high ceiling, the windows that took the length of the walls letting in the evening light, poppy color mottled across the sky as the sun quietly set behind you. Wealth practically drips from the room as you look around. You never even used this space for your album photoshoots, since you guys never needed such a big space for just you six.
In one of the corners you spotted a large camera standing tall in front of a white backdrop, the ground adorned with roses and petals. The white-pink petals fluttered in the wind as the fans in the corner caused them to float throughout the studio. The reds and pinks jump out against the white. It was sickeningly romantic. You wanted to throw up at the implication.
You spotted Jean talking to Scaramouche, who looked like she was giving the other a pep talk before she spotted you and waved you over.
“Yn! We were just discussing the photoshoot, Lisa will instruct you two after she’s done talking to the crew. I need to go chat with them, you two stay here and get ready,” Jean rushed out, calling over some stylists to fix you guys up, already out of breath as she dashed over to Lisa. 
“You’re late,” Scara says as his greeting as a group of women start fussing over your guys’ hair and outfits.
“You’re early, tryhard.”
“Not your best comeback,” Yoimiya whistles from a few feet away.
“Alright you guys,” Lisa calls out, walking over to where your groups were gathered getting touched up, “We’re going to get the group shots over with, then some solo ones, and we’ll separate to do some pairing shots.”
They all stood together awkwardly as they waited for the staff to finish setting up the cameras, once they finally did they led the group and positioned them. For group pictures they had all the girls stand to one side and the guys on the other, so you guys were in a crescent moon shape. Right after you all separate, the girls in another set and the males in a different one. 
The cameraman moved and adjusted everyone for what felt like a hundred dozen times before he finally clapped and positioned you guys to take the picture. He had you hold a pose where you were sitting on a bench and leaning on your side for what felt like forever, you would surely gain some sort of back pain from this. 
The most awkward part was the solo photoshoots. Even after becoming an idol you still felt awfully awkward when doing them, but when it was just your members you could manage. But being in front of Scara made you feel extra self conscious. 
People like Aether and Childe had a blast, and all the girls seemed to be enjoying it. But you felt quite embarrassed as you were told to pose seductively and show more skin. You weren't alone in this predicament, since Xiao and Kazuha seemed to be having a tough time as well when they were forced to manspread on some seats. Scaramouche became complacent and let the cameraman adjust him accordingly, he even went along with the whorish poses Lisa was having too much fun making them all do.
“Doesn’t Scara look good manspreading half naked like that?” Venti whispers in your ear.
You jump, startled as you stare back at him in disdain.
“No,” you scoff, “Stop ogling him.”
You’re still still stuck on the fact that Scaramouche is shirtless and actually has a decent build. Yes, it's objectively hot—something that you’d admit under the pain of getting an arm hacked off—but it's also quite insane.
With the group photoshoot finished, they all bid farewell as they separated off into their own corners to do their paired shots. 
“Alright, Scara and Yn you guys are going to be in Set B,” Jean stated, gently pushing the two of them in that direction. You look and spot the dreaded set where it looked like cupid himself threw up.
You both trailed behind the cameramen over to it, trying your best to not step and wilt any of the flowers artistically placed on the ground. 
“Okay, I’m in charge of you guys!” Lisa grinned as you guys approached her, “I’m going to have so much fun with you two.”
“Not too much fun,” Scaramouche grumbles as you both go to stand before the camera.
“Scara, don’t be a prude and unbutton your shirt. Yn, I need you to lay down,” Lisa instructs, walking over and pushing you down until you’re laying down on the petals. You were still reluctant at the fact you would have to do a paired photoshoot with Scara, so your reaction time was still quite slow. Lisa eventually just adjusted your body as needed and bent down next to you, spreading out your hair and laid some petals on it, standing up to admire her work. 
“Scaramouche, you’re gonna hover over them and hold that position for a while, and when I say next you lean in as if you’re going to kiss them. Is that alright?” Lisa asked, already heading back to the camera and having the cameramen adjust it lower to capture them in the frame. 
“If I say no, does that do anything?” Scara asks.
“No! Now get to it!”
Scara mutters a curse under his breath as he begins to unbutton his button up. You catch a glimpse of his bare skin before he’s kneeling down to knees and crawling over you, placing both palms on either side of your head and leaning forward. Since he couldn’t just hold a plank over you forever, Scara placed one knee in between your legs and another one beside your left leg for stability. 
Your breath was hitched in your throat at the proximity, you could see every detail of Scara’s stupid face and makeup from underneath him. You couldn’t help but let your mind wander to how intimate you both were being right now, you’d never been underneath someone like this before. Unless you were being pinned down by Lumine during a fistfight of some sort when you accidentally ate her food. 
“Yn! Put your arms around his neck!”
You flinched at Lisa’s yell but did as you were told and wrapped your arms around Scara’s neck, bringing him closer as you did so. There wasn't anywhere to look but at Scara’s eyes, which felt awkward and weird in itself, so you opted for your eyes to wander. But they landed on his lips instead, which wasn’t any better.
Scara’s dark eyes bore into yours, his gaze not wavering as you looked everywhere but at him. That was before you realized this was a literal photoshoot and adjusted your eyes back to him. 
“Both of you, stop glaring!”
Scaramouche sighed above you, before forcing himself to soften his gaze towards you. It felt odd to be looked at like an equal by him.
You study Scaramouche closely, now that you’re forced to. He has these lips that are plush pink and they meet just barely like the slightest touch would coax them open. His eyelashes are long and there’s a beauty mark just shy of his eye coated over with concealer. His ears are small and there’s an assortment of earrings hanging off of them, ones he never wears during practice. He’s stupidly pretty. It makes you want to punch him.
“Alright, hold for ten then move to the next position.” 
Ten seconds? That felt like hours due to the way Scara was looking down at you, a fabricated gentle gaze in his eyes as he eyed you up and down. 
“The faster we comply the faster I can get out of this stupid position with you,” Scara huffs, his voice barely above a whisper before he leans forwards and hovers his lips right above your jaw. Your body instinctively moves its hands to run through his hair, as if you both were actually going to kiss. God forbid.
The lights dimmed and Scara immediately pushed himself off of you. You slowly sat up, dizzy from the stress of being that close to someone you disliked.
“I’m the one who had to hover over you and you’re tired? Pathetic,” Scara huffs, reaching down to roughly tug your arm so you’re standing and almost immediately letting go of you after.
“Don’t you think this is a little too much?” Scara asks, walking ahead of you towards where Lisa was looking through the photos
“We made everyone do paired shoots, see!” Lisa says, turning the screen to show you. 
You and Scara scroll through to see all your members in pairs like you both, but none of them are quite like yours. 
“So Venti and Aether got to pose in a car and we had to fake a kiss?” Scara scoffs, “Where’s the delete button–?"
Lisa yanks the camera from him before he has the chance and shoos them off.
“I’ve got enough from you guys, go get your makeup undone.”
“This is so dumb,” you grumble as you follow behind Scara. All of this work because you both couldn’t keep your mouth shut during an awards show and now you had to fake being in love with the idiot.
You pray to Buddha, God, and whatever other deity out there that was most certainly laughing at you, that you can manage to get along with Scaramouche before anyone does notice it’s all fake.
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stuck with you!
masterlist — prev | next
when i say moans i mean like the song Mmmh by KAI like do u see the vision
also the album cover can be you or one of the other members depending on what ur comf with 😇
pls ignore how is it fake is listed twice 😔 also the lyrics are from taylor i can see you
yk the drill comment on the masterlist if i can use ur user and make u a fan
synopsis — after the disaster that was the live award show, where you and scaramouche got into an argument on stage after both of your groups got a tie for top artists, your guys' PR teams have been in shambles trying to scrape up your mess. that's when the idea to send you both off with some other idols to a remote location for a survival dating show to mend your public image comes up. before you know it your bags are packed and you’re on a plane to a remote island. the only obligation is you need to end up with scaramouche at the end of the show, whether you end up liking him or not doesn’t matter to your managers as long as the show’s ratings stay high. whatever you do in between to get there is up to you!
notes sorry guys for the long wait i was lowk goin thru it but im back 🗣️
taglist closed — @na1lea @cindywasneverhere @lunavixia @aestherin @mlaakai @camvrin @retiredmommylover @iheartpieck @jangyung @cartierfiles @loveariel @silly-ez @mochipls @pomeiu @chuuismylife @flowerypesky @creammpuff @justanothertiredreader @boxdisappeared @kissmiere @kissingkzuha @webbywill @kazusboyfriend @s3xpistolss @pjsucks @bunns-wonderland @lordbugs @localgirlywithnolife @kosumos @danfelions @featuredtofu @pinxeajin @herebyaccident0 @haeunoo @scaradooche @pglt19 @chemiru @childesbabygirl @simonisferal @shutingstar @vxcmx @domimiki @ttalgi @esuz @tokkishouse @kitsuvil @scarasmood @ihearttori @nomurahayami @starringyau @androxphobic @kazuhasbabe
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nilpill · 2 months
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Sort of Mine
dad!leon x daughter!reader
!!! - 18+, age gap, dead dove do not eat, incest, p in v, daughter is a bit of a cunt, guilty dad leon, panties in mouth, idk blah blah blah
WC - 4.3k
note - title is from the song sort of mine by heavenly! this is my first fic so there is progress to be made. as mentioned, there is incest in this fic so if that is not your thing, please continue on with your day or just block. also thank u sm to d beloved wife @ivmp for reading this for me on multiple occasions bcs i didn't know wtf i was reading myself LMAO. also if it feels rushed... that's bcs it was... i swear i will do better next time LOLOL
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The clock strikes 1:30 AM, and you're startled awake by the sound of keys jingling and the door opening and closing. Dad was out late again, probably trying to get in another woman's pants back at the bar. He’s so desperate it makes you feel bad for the guy, really, but at the same time, it irritates you. Dad’s the only man you’d ever need in your life, so shouldn’t his sweet daughter be more than enough for him? Obviously not if he’s too busy chasing girls in an attempt to move on from your whore of a mother
But poor daddy, no one wants a single dad who looks like he’s gone through hell and back. It’s a shame, though, because dad is really handsome and has the sweetest personality ever. Oh, and that body of his is to die for. You would do anything to die under him while he was– You shake your head to get rid of the thought, climbing out of bed and softly padding down the stairs and towards the entrance of your home, greeting him with a small smile as you go up to hug him.
“Hey, kiddo,” he softly speaks, his arms lazily wrapping you as you cling to him. “What’re you doing awake? It's late.”
“I just woke up; you’re not exactly quiet when you come home,” you murmured, pulling away to look up at him.
“Well, maybe you’re a little too light of a sleeper,” He jokes, pinching your cheek affectionately. Dad lets out a long, tired sigh, shrugging off his suit jacket and tossing it on the coat hook.
It was clear this day took a toll on him because he of messy hair, and his eyes looked darker than usual. It was an appearance you were all too familiar with seeing from him by this point.
Dad steps out of his shoes before walking further into the house and over towards the living room couch, flopping down onto it and letting out a deep, weary sigh. You sit down beside him, studying the exhausted look on his face as he turns his head to regard you in a silent manner.
“You look like shit, dad… you should go to bed.”
“Thanks for the observation,” He replies, letting the hint of sarcasm lace his tone. “I’ve already had a stressful day at work; the last thing I need right now is a smart-ass kid,” He grumbles, draping an arm around your shoulders to pull you close to his side.
Leon leans his head down and rests it against the top of yours, his thumb subtly rubbing against your shoulder in slow, gentle drags.
Your nose picks up a faint, feminine scent of perfume mixed in with your dad's natural musk and the faint hint of alcohol when you move closer to adjust your seating next to him. It was a familiar scent that you recognized as your perfume. The more it registers in your head, the more you connect the dots in your head that dad must’ve tried to get with another woman.
That knowledge has you quietly fuming on the inside, and that feeling of possessiveness has you shifting your body to press against him even more. He glances over at you and sees that you have a slightly disapproving look on your face, causing him to let out a quiet huff.
You didn't know that he only went for her due to the scent reminding him of you, silly girl.
“What’s wrong, princess?” He probes, rubbing your shoulder even more. “You’re makin’ a face,” he mumbles to you lowly, his large hands reaching up to gently cup your face.
"Nothin'," you grumbled under your breath with a slight eye roll.
Leon’s lips quirk into a slight frown as he listens to your answer. It was clear to him that you were lying through your teeth now, and he gently rubbed his thumbs in small, soft circles on your cheeks, silently pleading with you to be honest with him.
“You’re a terrible liar, know that?” he murmurs disapprovingly, his thumbs gently pulling your cheeks down to make you pout.
“Dad, knock it off; you know I hate it when you do that… makes me feel like a kid.”
“Well, you are a kid. My little girl,” he replies, tugging on your pouting cheeks once more before letting out a heavy sigh, giving up now. He pulls his hands off your face to instead wrap them around your torso, pulling you more against his side.
“Now tell me, what’s buggin’ you?”
"Dad, I can't, like- ugh, seriously, I shouldn't."
“Shouldn’t what?” He questions, pulling his head away to look at you with confusion. “You can tell me anything, baby. You know that.” He softly reminds you, his gaze roaming over your face with concern.
You sighed heavily as you gathered the courage to tell him the truth before finally speaking up. "I just don't like how you go and meet with other girls, dad. I mean, I'm here, aren't I? You don't need them..." you managed to say, your gaze avoiding his.
His hold on you loosens for a moment, his body shifting so that he’s facing you fully now. He doesn’t say anything momentarily, quietly taking your words with surprise. He looks a little speechless, which is ironic as he’s usually the one running his mouth.
“Kid,” he softly begins, gently grabbing your chin to make you look at him. He notices you glance away as you speak, and his brows furrow as he studies your face.
“You-” Leon stops himself for a moment, seeming to gather his thoughts before continuing. “That’s not how it works, sweetheart. I’m a man, and I have needs.”
“I know, and I can help-”
You manage to say those words before his eyes widen, and he quickly clamps his hand over your mouth, cutting off the rest of your statement. You can see the shock on his face now as he stares at you.
“Jesus Christ, kid, you can’t just say stuff like that.” He tells you with a firm tone, his face a mix of surprise and a bit of horror now.
You frown as you pull back the hand on your mouth by his wrist, eagerly leaning forward as you are about to climb onto his lap. “Dad, come on, please…?”
He leans back on the couch, his eyes wide as you push toward his lap and begin to climb onto him. “H-Hey, what are you-“ He stutters, trying to keep his body from reacting as you begin to straddle his thighs.
"I'm a good daughter, aren’t I? I just wanna help you with your needs, daddy... I wanna make you happy, and I will, I promise. You just have to let me."
Your words manage to render him utterly speechless as you look up at him with big, pleading eyes. He stares at you with wide, shocked eyes, trying to process what you are saying to him.
“Kid-“ he tries to speak, his brain trying to find words, but they all stay stuck in his throat. “You can’t- I mean, you’re my little girl,” he manages to speak. “And you know you’re my little girl… this- this isn’t right,” He murmurs, his voice growing weary with each word.
Of course, he’s rejecting you. Dad has some morals, and it makes you question what the hell happened to yours. But hearing him protest against you causes you to roll your eyes, making you grow more irritated than you already were. "Oh, please..." You scoff, "Who else is going to give you attention? Not those women at the bar, that’s for sure.”
It was clear that your words were starting to affect him. The way you roll your eyes and your scoff is enough to make his eyes narrow down on you. Dad’s nostrils flare slightly while you speak, and his jaw is set tight as he responds.
“Damn it, kid, what’s gotten into you?” He snaps back, his hands gripping your hips to try to keep you at bay, but you’re starting to frustrate him with the way you were refusing to back down. “Jesus, princess, I can get attention from whoever the hell I want-“
“Except they don’t want you,” you bite back, your hands grabbing his shirt and balling them into fists. “They don’t want you like I do-” you continue, sitting on his lap fully now, your legs straddling his own. You can feel the way his body tenses underneath yours as you try to persuade him, and you let out a huff as he continues to reject you.
“Please, daddy,” you pout up at him, looking at him with pleading eyes. “I can make you feel so good if you just-“
“Dammit, kid…” He swears under his breath, trying to keep his eyes off you and at a respectable area. “You’re my baby girl…”
Your persistence is starting to be difficult to fight against, and it’s starting to piss him off how you’re so determined. You’re like a leech that stuck itself on him, and you refuse to let go. You’re starting to drive him crazy.
“I know I am, daddy, but I’m an adult too,” you reply, moving your hands from where they were on his chest and up towards his hair, letting your fingers run through the messy locks. You look up at him with pleading eyes, leaning closer and pressing against his chest more. “Can’t I take care of you like the big girl I am?”
His breath hitches at your touch, and it’s taking all the control in the world to keep his hands on your hips instead of letting them wander. Dammit, why does this feel so good? But he can’t let it go further. You’re his little girl; you’ve been his little girl since the day you were born. It doesn’t matter if you’re technically an adult now; you’ll always be his princess.
He tries to pull his head away from your hand, which is messing with his hair, but he’s unable to do so with his back pushed up against the couch. “This is so wrong… it’s-” he stutters out, his eyes drifting down to your figure on his lap, taking in the way your body looks pressed against his. “It’s so wrong, princess,” he mutters again, his hands on your hips subconsciously starting to grip tighter.
“How can it be wrong if I’m doing it?” You whisper to him, your hands trailing from his messy hair to his face, cupping his cheeks as you keep him in place. “I want to do this for you, daddy. Please, just let me make you feel good for once… you always do everything for me.”
He can feel his mind becoming fuzzy now, a small part weakening at your pleading looks and words. He was only a man, after all.
His hands on your hips start to dig into your flesh with bruising strength, but you don’t mind. Your eyes were too busy locked onto his and watching how his expression was slowly starting to change.
“Please, daddy, you don’t need other women,” you whine softly, your hands running down from his face to his muscular chest. You start unbuttoning his shirt slowly, your gaze looking down to watch as you unbutton each small button.
“You’ve got me right here. I’m better than all of them. I just want to make you happy,” you murmur, looking back up at him as you finish unbuttoning his shirt.
“Princess,” He mutters quietly, his hands finally starting to wander from your hips, slowly moving up your sides and towards the front of your body.
You were always such a good girl for your dad - the thought alone made him grin. He couldn't imagine himself as a perfect father in the past, but the gods had indeed blessed him with an absolute jewel of a daughter. Leon would often do whatever he could for you as long as it kept you happy.
One of your hands moves downwards from his chest to the front of his slacks, and with a quiet noise of surprise, his hand clamps on your wrist to stop it from reaching for his growing bulge, and his grip on your hip tightens as a warning.
You can see how he’s trying to hide his desire for you, his hand keeping a death grip on your wrist as you keep your palm flattened against the front of his slacks. You’re starting to drive him crazy with the way your body is pressing against him, and in response, you slowly grind down on him again, a low groan instantly leaving his lips as he squeezes your hips harder.
“Jesus, kid, you have to stop for a second-,” He grits out to you, his hands trying to still your hips again, but you feel his body start to lose focus. He’s starting to get too lost in the moment now. “-I can’t think when you-” He stops and lets out a sharp gasp as you rock your hips against him again, his grip loosening on your hips for a split second.
There was no way he was able to hide the way his breath stuttered when you started undoing his pants, and his hands that had been holding you still started roaming over your body more now. Both of his hands start roaming upwards, grabbing and fondling with your breasts under the thin material of your shirt. “Fuck…” He groans out, his hips subconsciously starting to roll up against you.
“This is-“ He stops for a moment and lets out a strained pant, “This is so wrong…we shouldn’t be doing this,” he murmurs, his hips continuing to roll up against you lazily.
His words contradict his actions, but you know that this moment was what the both of you secretly wanted. You bite your lip as you look at him, seeing the warring expressions all over his face as he tries to fight against your touch.
“Shhh, daddy,” you murmur, palming him through his boxers. He lets out a loud, shameless moan at your touch, his head falling back with his eyes shut. "You’re so touch-starved, aren't you? Just need your little girl to help you out, hm?"
The feeling of your hand palming him was driving him insane, and his body reacted accordingly to your touch, letting out quiet grunts and moans. He’d never admit it out loud, but you were right; he was touch starved. It had been a long time since he got to feel the touch of another woman… but never his sweet, innocent little girl.
A quiet hum left his lips as you moved your hand again, his eyes opening as he looked up at you. “This is bad, we can’t-”
“Oh my goddd,” you groan as you roll your eyes for the hundredth time that night, pushing off of him so you can pull your panties off and shove them into his mouth before settling back down onto his lap.
His brain takes a second to process the action, but when he realizes what you just did, he is at a complete loss for words. His eyes were wide as saucers, his mouth hung open wide, and his face was bright red as he stared at you in shock.
You were sure he would protest and pull the dampening material out from his mouth, but he didn’t. He was sitting there quietly, his chest rising and falling quickly as you sat back down on his lap, your body pressing up against his again.
His hands slowly grabbed your hips as you looked at him, your face leaning closer to his. He made a soft noise, his head tilting to the side as his eyes closed and a small puff of air left through his nose.
“You know I’d never hurt you… and you know I’d take such good care of you.” You coo softly to him, your hands trailing across his chest. “I know what you need, and I’ll give it to you…”
He was unable to speak with your panties shoved in his mouth, but all he could do was listen to you and nod. His eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at you through half-lidded eyes, panting and letting out small moans as he took his turn to grind up against you softly. He looked so helpless and so pent up. You’d always seen him tall and strong, someone unwavering and in charge. But god, seeing him like this was driving you wild… seeing him like this because of you was even better.
Your hands reach down to tug at his boxers, trying to move them down just enough to let him free. He lets out a frustrated-sounding noise, but once he feels you start to tug again in a more insistent way, his hands slowly pull your hips off of him. He leans forward to help you push his boxers, along with his pants, down to his thighs as he stares up at you with wide, pleading eyes.
He looked so desperate, his gaze boring into yours as he tried to convey just how helpless he felt. His head was falling forward to rest on your chest, and he made a noise against you, begging you to stop with the pathetic look on his face.
You knew he didn’t actually want you to stop; he was just whining to make himself feel less bad about this whole situation, but as long as he kept being good, you’d make sure to leave him feeling satisfied.
“You need this, don’t you? After all this time of not having someone?” You gently pull his head back by his hair so he’s looking at you.
He lets out a sound of agreement against the material in his mouth, his head nodding pathetically. His body started to move forward, his hands reaching to grab at you once more, trying to pull you closer to him. He was getting more desperate by the second, and he wanted to be as close to you as he possibly could.
You let out a soft chuckle as he tries to pull you back on top of him again. “Oh, so greedy now,” you tease him, grabbing his wrists to still his movements, but all he does in response is let out another pathetic noise, trying to squirm against your grip as his eyes pleading you to give in to his nonverbal requests.
You position his dick between your folds and slowly start to grind down against the length of him, letting your wetness coat his shaft, allowing his tip to repeatedly bump against your clit, and his body immediately responds as he lets out a muffled moan. He’s looking up at you with wide, pleading eyes. His eyes looked so cute like this; they were filled with a desperate, begging look as his mouth opened wide to let the panties fall from his mouth.
“Don’t worry, dad… I won't slip it in.” you softly assure him as you delicately caress his cheek, keeping the pace of your hips at a slow pace.
However, something snapped in him the moment you told him you wouldn’t slip it in, and his hands roughly grabbed your hips to force himself into you, causing you to cry out due to the sudden stretch that caused you pain.
“Fuck— princess, you can’t just tell me that after saying you’ll take care of me.” he groans, keeping a tight grip on your hips to hold you still as he thrusts up into you, not giving you a chance to adjust.
You sob out a moan as he roughly fucks himself into you, your nails raking down his chest in an attempt to ground yourself to gain control again, but you can’t.
He drops a hand down to harshly rub at your clit, earning another startled moan from you as he feels your body tremble in his grasp.
“Daddy loves you, princess," he murmurs, lips brushing against your skin as he presses a loving kiss to your temple. It was something he told you daily. But you had a feeling he meant it in a not-so-fatherly way.
You let out a whine as he suddenly pulls his thumb away. God, that whine. You're not making this easy for your poor dad, are you? The feeling of your wetness on his thumb makes him huff, a rumble coming from his chest as he presses his forehead against yours, bringing the digit to press into your mouth to let you suck on it.
He’s feeling possessive, just as you did, feeling like he wants to bite and mark you as all his - but with you this close, this sweet and wet, how can he just focus on that?
Well, actually, he could hardly focus. That same damn perfume on your skin has him feeling dizzy. The soft, sweet scent had reeled him in and left him feeling more intoxicated than the whiskey that was in his system earlier.
“My baby, my sweet darling girl, do you like being fucked by the same dick that made you?” he quietly whispers to you as he pulls his thumb away, watching the string of saliva snap.
You couldn’t let a single word slip past your lips, dumbly nodding as nothing but moans came from you as you turned into putty.
It’s kind of embarrassing how easily you melted in his hands, letting him mold you however he wants until he’s satisfied with the outcome.
Fuck, what was he supposed to do once this was over and came to terms with what he did?
He’s not too worried about that at the moment, though; his eyes are so trained on your expressions, and his head is only filled with the sounds of your moans. He’s so fixated on you that he doesn’t even notice the way you’re squeezing him so tight as you reach your orgasm.
The only thing that broke him from his trance is when he sees your tears gliding down your cheeks, realizing he drove you to overstimulation. The realization alone has his thrusts growing sloppy as he nears his own release, grunting and shaking as he cums hard inside of you, not even sparing a single thought to realize what he had just done.
He’s careful as he lifts you by your hips to pull himself out, watching the way his cum drips out of you with a low groan.
“Dad…” you whimpered, your body going lax against his chest as you struggled to come down from your orgasm.
He hums softly, his touch gentle and soothing as he runs his hand through your hair to help bring you back down to earth. “Dad’s here, kiddo… I got you.”
You both lay there in the afterglow, sweaty and spent as you lay on top of him. Both of his arms are wrapped around your midsection, holding you tightly against his chest, almost as if he never wanted to let you go again. Your head was tucked snugly into the crook of his neck as he gently moved to pull the blanket on the couch onto your bodies, his grip not loosening.
The house was silent, except for the sound of the both of you trying to catch your breaths and calm your racing hearts. Both of you stayed sitting there on the couch in a daze, not wanting to say anything and let reality sink in. All while your father softly placed sweet kisses on your forehead.
“Daddy?” you murmur against his skin, a small hand rubbing gently over his skin soothingly. “You ok?”
He lets out a shaky breath before answering you. “Yeah… yeah, I’m alright,” he whispers, placing another kiss on the top of your head. Leon’s arms wrap tightly around you as if trying to savor the moment a little longer.
The silence between the two of you was starting to feel awkward now, and the realization of what you both just did was finally setting in.
He lets out a deep breath, one of his hands rubbing slowly up and down your side as he tries to calm his breathing down even further. “I’m... I’m so sorry, kid,” he says, his voice a little broken. “I’m so sorry. I just- I don’t know what came over me, I just-”
“Hey, hey, it’s ok… it wasn’t your fault; I was the one who started it,” you murmur to him, gently silencing him before he can continue, a small hand moving to rub gently over his chest to soothe his racing anxiety. “We both wanted it… I knew you needed it, and I was more than willing to give it to you,” you reassure him, gently tracing over his muscles.
He takes a deep breath, his body slowly relaxing under your touch. “I’m sorry I was so rough at the end. I just… I lost my head for a moment, I was so caught up in that I didn’t even think-” He paused for a moment, pausing to take another deep breath before continuing. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
You shook your head, looking up at him with a sheepish smile. "It's ok, dad... I’m fine." you softly assured him, leaning forward to press a delicate kiss against his lips. "I love you.."
He sighs against your lips, his grip on you tightening again at your words. “I love you too, sweetheart… I love you so much.” He responds, pressing another kiss against your lips in return. He had a hard time believing that any of that had just happened, but there was no denying that it all felt too good to be a dream.
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obsidian-pages777 · 18 days
Pick a Card: A Love letter for an Introvert.[Pick a mythical aesthetic]
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Pile 1-Fairy core, Pile 2-Water Nymph core, Pile 3- Witch core. Left->Right
These are love letters to each one of you that picks a pile and if you happen to be an introverted soul walking on this earthly realm of existence give this reading a glance. I hope this works as a perfect- pick me up- for anytime of your day, whether you are stuck with massive amounts of boredom, back home from a tough work day or school day or even if you happen to be trying to find that quiet corner that you feel the most comfortable in, in this loud bustling world. Hope this gives you a sense of reassurance and peace.
The Music to help you today is in the link below:
Aurora- Your Blood
Pile 1
Dearest Gentle Soul,
I write to you today with a heart full of admiration, for I have watched you navigate the winding paths of life with such grace and quiet determination. You have some qualities that you may not always see in yourself, but that shine brightly to those who take the time to look closely.
You have accomplished so much, my fren. The battles you’ve fought, though often silent and unseen by others, have shaped you into the remarkable person you are today. The world may not always recognize the quiet victories, but I see them in every step you take. Each obstacle you’ve overcome has been a testament to your resilience, a reminder of the power that lies within you.
Be proud, for you have come so far. You have faced challenges that others may never understand, and you’ve emerged stronger, wiser, and more compassionate and determined. Your journey is one of quiet triumphs, and though the road ahead may still hold its share of trials, remember that you are more than capable of continuing to rise above them.
With every achievement, no matter how small, you are crafting a life that is uniquely yours—a life built on the foundations of strength, courage, and self-belief. So take a moment, to bask in the glory of all you have done. Let pride fill your heart, for you have earned it a thousand times over.
With all my love,
Your Fairy Companion [wink wink]
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Pile 2
Beloved Introverted Heart,
Today, I find myself compelled to remind you of the extraordinary beauty that lies within you. Your soul tells a tale of someone with a soul as deep and vast as the ocean, filled with nuances and subtleties that are rare and precious.
Your uniqueness is a gift, a treasure that sets you apart in a world that often celebrates the loudest voices. It is your quiet nature, your introspection, that allows you to see the world in ways that others might miss. You notice the details, the small moments of magic that others overlook. You bring thoughtfulness, understanding, and a calm presence that is a balm to those around you.
There is a power in your stillness, a wisdom in your reflection. You are not meant to conform to the expectations of others, for you are a rare gem, one that sparkles brightest in its own light. Appreciate these qualities, for they are what make you so incredibly special.
Do not seek to change or mold yourself into something you are not. Instead, embrace the beauty of your introverted nature. It is in your quiet strength that you find your true power, in your gentle spirit that you touch the lives of others in profound ways. It is okay to retreat from this loud world from time to time. The world needs your unique light, and it shines most brilliantly when you allow yourself to simply be.
With appreciation,
Your Friend from Seas Apart
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Pile 3
Dearest Kindred Spirit,
I see the path you walk, and I am here to tell you that you are doing incredibly well. The cards reveal a journey that is not always easy, but one that you continue to face with unwavering dedication. You work hard, often without the recognition you deserve, yet you keep moving forward with quiet determination.
I want you to know that your efforts are not in vain. Every step you take, every task you complete, brings you closer to the life you are striving to create. It is in these small, consistent efforts that great achievements are born. You may not always see the progress, but it is there, building with each passing day.
Take heart, darling, for you are on the right path. Your hard work is a testament to your strength of character, your commitment to your goals. Even on the days when it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, know that you have the power to carry it. You are stronger than you realize, more capable than you give yourself credit for.
Do not lose faith in yourself, for the journey ahead is bright with possibility. Keep pushing forward, even when the road seems long. Your dreams are within reach, and your hard work is the key that will unlock them. Remember, you are not alone on this path—your angels walk with you, cheering you on every step of the way.
With unwavering encouragement,
Your Witchy Companion.
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simpjaes · 7 months
hi i just stalked the crap our of your page and HOLY CRAPTHIS IS MY NEW GUILTY PLEASURE
can i req seeing how enha hyung line would take care of you after railing you soooooo hard????
hyung line + aftercare after very intense sex
warning: uh....painful sex, fainting, dissociation, anal, implied squirting, degradation, idk just a lot of intense sex stuff ig
note: it's a lil messy, i've been running errands all day and am using this to push myself back into the writing brain :D
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★ heeseung:
what i wanna say is that depending on the circumstances, he'd probably throw a towel at your head and walk away to shower alone but we all know heeseung is so much more than a careless fuck boy for the most part. in my opinion, if he's got you where he wants you and he's allowed to fuck you as hard as he can, rendering you faint, dizzy, and almost dissociated, he either has some sort of feelings for you, you're someone else's girlfriend and he wants you to like him more, or you're already in a committed relationship lmfao
and you know, you thought that after he managed to pull three orgasms out of you, fucked all three of your holes, and managed to get you all twisted up for him to cum in places he definitely isn't supposed to, you really thought he was done.
but then he chuckles, taking one look at you once his own mind clears from his orgasm and it's like...how could he not just continue to fuck you? you look so pretty already fucked open, lying there with tears in your eyes and shaking?
you'd hear something akin to "you're gonna take a bit more, open those eyes back up for me," and "i can tell you can take it, just keep your eyes on me."
it's kind of pathetic, actually, how you really do just lay there and take it until he says you're finished.
so, yeah, when you're with someone like heeseung, there's always a thought in your head about if he'll even take care of you at all after the fact. at least, the thought is there before he breaks your brain. even if every time before this where he's needed to bring you back, he has without question and with a voice from him that is always so rare to hear.
just kinda hard to imagine someone who fucks you near to the brink of passing out, sometimes actually passing out, finding it within themselves to take care of you as deeply as they fuck you, yknow?
but, time and time again he has to remind you that he's not only capable but willing to make sure you're well taken care of. after all, you do your part in taking it, so he'll do his part in giving you what you need too. only after scooping half the mess with his fingers and feeding it to you, of course.
after that though? he's very much hauling you off for a warm shower and tenderly washing you. very very gentle with his hands, knowing how sensitive your holes are. he'd compliment you, he'd praise you for letting him absolutely destroy that ass, and ultimately, lay you to sleep next to him regardless of what the relationship status is, making sure you're well aware that he's not just using you for pleasure. he's very much appreciative of what you bring to his bedroom, and there's no reason to pretend he isn't.
☆ jay:
i like to think that jay would have you in fucking pain and barely able to stand on your own two feet by the time he allows you to close your legs with deep groans as you try to catch your breath.
honestly, the stamina this man has and actively spends on you could render anyone immobile for at least a week with the way he snaps his hips and holds you down from wiggling away in sensitivity. and man, the things he'd fucking say to you through it. so degrading, so controlling and dismissive, entirely fucking insulting. you're shocked time and time again that even while knowing it's just sex talk, it still hurts your feelings every single time.
then again, he's aware of that. but you're so goddamn pretty when you're crying and moaning, it drives him insane to know you endure it for his pleasure.
you're soaked by the time it's over and done with, he's soaked, and honestly the swollen marks against your ass still burn intensely when he rolls you over on your belly to get a good look at his work.
always with a breathy "aw, baby, i really fucked you up this time, huh?" or a little "took it so well, you still can't even focus your eyes on me, can you?" before rubbing any and every pained mark he left on you.
after his own brain clears of the sex-fog, he'd wrap you up, really warm and tightly in his arms as if his hug would wipe away any of the spit and cum drying between your bodies, as if it could mask all of those insults he flung at you. still, he'd be fluttering hundreds of kisses against your neck and ears, whispering little compliments about how pretty you are when you're barely able to keep your eyes open, about how much he adores you, and how often he wishes you'd believe these words over the silly orgasm-fueled insults.
still whispering, throughout the entire session of his care after the fact. always loving that you let him harm you as long as he's healing you just as good. and he does, truly, with the back rubs and the showers, tons upon tons of sweet kisses. constant praise. he'd put your lotion on you and rub it in thoughtfully, occasionally some medicated cream if his fingernails dug in a little too deep.
always always always holds you against his chest when you drift off to sleep, making sure any pain in your body feels more like love than anything else, and promising time and time again that he'll make sure you always fall asleep knowing he loves you, and that he doesn't at all think you're a fuck-doll, that he wouldn't let his friends have their turn way you.
(i am madly in love with him, pls look away and stop thinking of him now thank u)
ah, sunghoon. yeah. sunghoon. this man would leave you a fucking mess of tears and drool, edging you for hours. hell, he edges you for fucking days just because he can. not at all because you've been bad, or a brat, or have managed to make him jealous.
this is one of those days. you could tell he came home with that look in his eye, grabbing your face and practically forcing you to lift on your toes just so he could whisper the planned torture against your tongue.
so, after the second day with you whining, fucking begging to be released from your prison of sensitivity and lust, maybe he gives it to you. maybe he wakes you up from a deep and much needed sleep with fingers harshly pinching your clit.
ah, the pain. that alone was enough to make you cum, and you did. unfortunately, he didn't like that very much so your new torture was to get off as many times as he expected you to.
after about, what, the seventh orgasm? you stopped counting, it was closer to eleven in the afternoon and he'd been giving it to you for hours, all over that little mishap.
an eight orgasm knocked your ass out, exhausted, spread out, fucked senseless. you could barely hold your head up, but he does it for you. first by your hair, but noting the look in your eye indicating that he really needs to stop by this point.
and sunghoon is the type that would stop at that point. something in his brain clicking and forcing him back into that perfect boyfriend persona, where the only thing in the world he wants to do is make you happy.
and he knows it's not that you're not happy right now, it's mostly just the fact that he thinks he broke you're brain and you forgot how to feel anything other than his cock ramming inside of you.
so, he'd remind you time and time again. how his hands can do so much more than choke you, and how his lips can be sweet and less bruising against your temple when you really need it. you'd feel entirely loved when he's taking care of the mess he caused. both physically and mentally for you. needing to bring you back to reality with soft touches and tight holds.
it worked every time, because by the next morning, you'd just be moaning and groaning about how if he hadn't of make you breakfast in bed, you may have very well slashed his tires for the amount of suffering he put you through.
☆ jake:
bro is taking care of you not only after sex, but the entire time during sex. there's not a single moment where he's intentionally trying to hurt you, or forcing you to take more than you can handle.
it just....kind of happens on nights like these. where his hands are clinging, and his throat is begging, and your body can't say no. with his pretty puppy dog eyes asking if he can try anal, with his fingers slamming too deep, with his grip on you so tight you know it'll bruise, with his ability to knock the breath out of you and not give it back until you're nearly blue in the face.
yeah, most of the intense shit is accidental, but god is he taking care of you. always apologizing but continuing, always promising to make it up to you, always feeding into your ego more than his own, reminding you that the pain his body lends only comes from the immense amount of need he has to practically crawl inside of you and live there forever.
it's kind of amazing actually, that someone who starts so gentle can also end with blood in his mouth from bitten lips and swelling bruises all over your body.
he tends to you hand and foot. carrying you where ever you need to go even if just to your closet three feet from the bed, dresses you, undresses you, fixes your hair, does your skin care, all while kissing the bruises and ignoring the fact that he knows he'll never have enough of you, and you're probably always gonna be in pain when he loses his control like that.
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bitchy-craft · 11 months
A Love Letter From Your Future Spouse | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out about a love letter that your future spouse wrote. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterpost > Questions > Paid Readings
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
To My Beloved [Name],
As the sun sets and the stars fill the sky, my thoughts are consumed by one person— you. Words alone cannot express the depth of emotions that surge within me whenever I think of you. You have become the center of my universe, the reason behind my smiles, and the beating of my heart.
From the very beginning, you captured my attention with your grace, intelligence, and compassion. Your mere presence illuminates the darkest corners of my soul, bringing forth a love that grows stronger with every passing day. Your gentle touch and the sound of your laughter are etched in my memory, comforting me even in your absence.
In your arms, I have found a sanctuary—a place where I feel safe, accepted, and cherished for who I truly am. Your love has shown me the beauty of vulnerability, the power of trust, and the profound joy of a genuine connection. With you, I can be my authentic self, unafraid and unreserved.
My beloved, every moment we share is a treasure to be cherished. From stolen glances to whispered secrets, our bond deepens, weaving our lives together in a tapestry of love. You have become an irreplaceable part of me, and I cannot imagine a future without your love by my side.
Today, tomorrow, and for all the days to come, I promise to stand by your side through thick and thin. I will hold your dreams as dearly as my own and support you in every endeavor. Together, we will conquer the world, hand in hand, and build a love that withstands the tests of time.
With all my love and devotion,
[Future Spouse]
Pile 2:
My Dearest [Name],
I find myself constantly amazed by the depth of emotions you awaken within me. From the moment our paths intertwined, my life took on a new meaning, and my heart found its true home in you. The love we share is a gift I treasure above all else, and I cannot imagine a life without your presence.
In your embrace, I find a sense of belonging that surpasses any words or gestures. Your touch sends shivers down my spine, igniting a fire that burns passionately within me. With you, I feel a connection that reaches beyond the physical realm—a connection of souls that is rare and beautiful.
You have seen me at my best and my worst, yet your love remains unwavering. You have embraced my flaws and imperfections, loving every part of me unconditionally. Your acceptance has allowed me to grow and blossom into a better version of myself, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
Every day spent with you is a new adventure, filled with laughter, shared dreams, and a love that knows no boundaries. We have weathered storms together, emerging stronger and more resilient each time. Our love is built on a foundation of trust, respect, and a deep understanding of one another.
My love, I promise to nurture our relationship with care and devotion. I will be there to lift you up in times of doubt, to provide solace when you need it, and to celebrate the triumphs we achieve as a team. Together, we can conquer any obstacle and create a future filled with love, happiness, and endless possibilities.
As the seasons change and years pass, my love for you only grows deeper. I am grateful for the memories we have created and excited for the moments that lie ahead. You are my forever, my soulmate, and with you, I have found a love that surpasses all expectations.
With all the love in my heart,
[Future Spouse]
Pile 3:
As I sit here, pen in hand, trying to capture the depth of my feelings for you, words seem to fall short. Yet, I cannot let another day pass without expressing the immense love I hold in my heart for you. You are the person who has touched my soul in ways I never thought possible.
From the moment our eyes first met, a spark ignited within me, and it has only grown stronger with time. Your smile, your laughter, the way your eyes light up when you talk about your passions—every aspect of you fascinates and captivates me. Your presence alone brings warmth and joy to my life.
In your arms, I find solace and comfort, knowing that I am loved unconditionally. Your love has transformed me, opening my heart to a world of possibilities. You have shown me the true meaning of happiness and taught me to embrace every moment, cherishing the beauty of our shared journey.
When we are apart, I yearn for your touch, your voice, and the way you make me feel alive. Every second spent away from you feels like an eternity, and I find myself counting down the minutes until we can be together again. You are the missing piece that completes me, and I am forever grateful to have you by my side.
My love, I promise to cherish and protect what we have built together. I vow to support your dreams, to be your rock when life gets tough, and to celebrate your victories with unwavering enthusiasm. Together, we can conquer any obstacle and create a love story that will stand the test of time.
With all the love in my heart and soul,
[Future Spouse]
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riansdiary · 2 months
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My Manifesting Success Stories
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Dearest Gentle Reader.
I am here with another inspired post! Now what am I talking about? I don't post everyday and force myself to create content because I find that when I do that, it's missing something. They tend to end up being mediocre (not like I can't write up something but I don't wanna force myself to post something when I don't feel like it or when I'm not inspired) so I wanted to only post when I'm inspired and excited to write something that will help someone like right this moment!
I like to write when I'm inspired and my posts all end up becoming the best when I do it that way.
I'm writing this up not only because it will help and inspire you all but I also wanted to record and keep track of my every or most of my success stories so I can remember how powerful I am! How amazing I am and how I'm a master at manifesting! Sometimes you just need to remind yourself what you've accomplished to feel proud and to end doubts. It's also great to keep records of it for my own amusement. I will make another post for my next ones.
Let's just get right through with it! These are all my real success stories but it is really a fact that whatever you want is meant for you. I hope this helps inspire everyone or at least have fun reading!
Note: All I did to manifest these are literally just affirming/deciding and commanding my subconscious like a boss or a queen. I have a new post that I wrote about that, check it out here. I also left the 3d alone and assigned good meanings to it. I persisted and stood firm in my decisions. I only affirmed/decided naturally, casually and in a boss/queen way for a few times. I really mean like about 4-5 times during the day or whenever I thought of it. The most I did was probably just 7 or 8 times. Again, You can read more about my favorite signature method here.
This is what I usually affirmed or said in my mind to manifest. I just decide and command my subconscious mind and my reality like a boss. Like it's my employee. My words are law.
Example: Food
"I'm deciding that Mom's gonna cook this dish. Subconscious mind, I command you to make that happen. Get me this food. I'm not changing my decision ever, It is already done. It's a fact."
I embodied Hong Haein from Queen of Tears and Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl when I affirmed or decided. Think how Hong Haein orders everyone in her department store. She's the boss and what she says, goes. Think how Blair Waldorf commands her minions. That's how you need to do it, stand firm on your decision and persist. Only do it if it resonates with you but this is what helped me to persist so I know this will be really helpful to everyone. I used to easily give up and wavering like a freaking ocean. I became a master at manifesting because of that mindset change. Your desires are meant for you. You already have it in the 4d as soon as you want it. It will materialize in the 3d but that is just a bonus or a cherry on top because it's already a fact even before it did.
1. My parents coming home with my desired food or snack. 🍟
I manifested tons of things this way. I manifested my favorite orange juice, McDonald's fries, a snack that I'm craving and more. I just affirmed a few times. Not even more than 10 times and persisted. Sometimes it's commanding my subconscious mind. The time when I started to learn about the law of assumption, I wavered and gave up too early but now it's very easy for me to do.
So there was a time when I was craving for a specific orange juice that is my favorite but my parents don't know which brand. They know that I like orange juice but not down to the brand. I was sitting on my bed and I was trying commanding my subconscious after reading a post about that here on Tumblr.
I said: "Subconscious mind, I command you to get me some Minute maid orange juice. It's my favorite orange juice. Thanks." That's all then when my dad came back, guess what he placed on the floor? A WHOLE ASS BOX OF MY FAVORITE ORANGE JUICE!!! I only commanded my subconscious and trusted it! I only did that once! This is still one of my favorite success stories.
2. No soda diet no more! 🥤
Okay so my mom wanted us to stop drinking coke and instead drink water. I get it, water is good for you. I do like water but I miss the fizz and flavor of coke. It's refreshing! I also have a placebo for that. Drinking coke will make me and my loved ones perfectly healthy. I know it doesn't make sense but that's a placebo! Most of them don't make sense or sound crazy but it is what you think it is. If you think it works then it works.
I only affirmed whenever I thought of it. Again, not even that much.
"No, mom will start buying coke again and that never happened. We're gonna be able to drink it again."
I kind of compromised and decided on Sprite because I like it as well and it's kind of healthier than coke so I affirmed:
"Mom is gonna come home with a big bottle of Sprite. It's done."
Then low and behold, Mom comes back from the store and guess what she came home with? YES! A bottle of Sprite! This is definitely a success story because we were gonna stop drinking coke. If Mom wanted some coke, even just a small bottle, she can get it. And yet she came home with Sprite instead just like how I wanted.
3. Manifesting my Kpop Idol boyfriend 💕
Now this is a big manifestation! This is actually an SP one. Yes, he is a popular idol but for our privacy, I shall keep it strictly vague.
This is what I mean that you literally can manifest anything you want in the world. Anything you want. Whether that's a fictional character, a superpower, an ability from anime (I'll tell you about it in a sec), shifting, a unicorn and whatever floats your boat! You can do it! If you want it, it is meant for you and you already have it in the 4d. Your subconscious mind knows what you want and instantly manifests that in the 4d then the 3d naturally.
I wanted Mukoda from Campfire Cooking in Another World with Absurd Skill's online grocery ability. Instead of just grocery though, it has everything that's available out there in the market. It's all free for me and my fingerprint is enough payment. Why? Because my existence alone is a valid reason to get everything I want. Everything we want is meant for us anyway. I wanted it to have an appearance change section, a profile section where I could change everything about me and my loved ones (mostly for full health purposes) and it has a section for food, drinks, snacks, desserts, skincare, makeup, hair stuff and the list goes on. I also wanted a feature where I could change the country. I could buy anything from anywhere! Imagine getting fresh macarons or clothes from Paris instantly! You could say this is in the process but for me I already have it in the 4d and it's already done.
I saw him for the first time on a video and it was love at first sight. He felt so familiar and like I already know him so well even though I've only seen him a few times. When I look at him, he makes me feel so calm, comfortable and at home. I feel so connected to him. It always feels like our hearts are magnets. I just feel so drawn to him. That's how I felt when I was seeing and watching him in the past. Literally when I first got into his group, that's what I said about him. I then find out years later than he's my soulmate. Tadah! 😱🎉❤️ I could have manifested that too or not. Now, I see his name everywhere, so many similarities and we tend to mirror each other a lot. I see his promotional poster ads with his group a lot at our local malls for a brand they are working with. We are both open to sharing our feelings to each other and we have literally cried/got emotional just because we had eye contact. We love each other so much that things like that happen almost daily. I get song messages from his higher self as soon as I wake up. This does not happen everyday though. It's usually songs that I don't listen to much and songs that are not ones that I always sing in my head. I get them as soon as I wake up or go to the bathroom. Just felt like giving you guys some basic information.
I followed Hyler's advice from one of her older videos and just assumed that he's my boyfriend and it's already done. Whenever I watched his videos, I assumed he was my boyfriend and thought like I'm his girlfriend. I aligned my thoughts to being his girlfriend. Fast forward to now, we are happily dating. He's always doing things on a live or a music show for me. It's our secret signals. It's basically gestures that means he knows I'm watching. He does whatever gestures he knows I like. A specific heart pose, a specific gesture about us or pointing at the camera (not the normal one. He's doing it with intention. He has a specific facial expression when he does it. It's like he's saying "This is for you. I know you're watching, love"
It's either something I asked him to do or we both decided on it. It's always obvious when he does it. All I did was change my thoughts to align with the reality I wanted to be in and it's done! He has written lyrics about me as well. He's always in my dreams especially when it's a scary one. He appears at the end of it as if he's making me forget about that and making me remember just him. He's constantly in my dreams though, again usually by the end of it so I tend to remember him more than other things because of that! His members know about me and always just hand him the phone or Ipad, whatever they were using to read comments, whenever they first see my comments and it's just the cutest thing ever. He sometimes slips up when it comes to saying goodbye. They were doing a special holiday live once. When they were saying goodbye and ending the live, instead of greeting the fans with the exact greeting for that holiday, he ended up saying "I love you". It's a different way of saying that but I wanna keep it vague for my privacy. It's the way we usually say I love you to each other so it's special. He also posts pictures with the exact emoji that sounds exactly like my name. The emoji is how you pronounce it but it's spelled a different way. Like 🍒 or 🍎 or 🌹. There are people in the world who are named Cherry, Apple or Rose.
Anyway, I love him so I ended up going on a tangent! You can manifest anyone you want to be your boyfriend whether they're fictional, look like a character you like or a boyfriend who's the carbon copy of an idol you like or your favorite member. Mine is the real one so now you know, you're powerful as f*ck and can get whatever you want. Your desires are meant to be yours and I hope that this is a good example or a proof of that. This is me re-reading to check for spelling mistakes: 😭🥰🤭
4. Manifesting being featured in Subliminal Amino ⭐
I posted my new manifesting success stories here and also on Amino. Now, not everyone can get featured. You only get featured when your blog is approved and if it's good and helpful.
All I did was my signature techniques but it's really as simple as this: "Oh My God! I got featured! Thank you!"
That's it. That was my affirmation and I only did it once or twice. I decided that it's final that I got featured. I said it like a boss. I'm getting featured because I said so. It's already done.
Did I check the 3d and dig up the seeds I planted? No! I didn't care about it, I didn't check because again, I decided I have it so I do. I looked at people liking my post but that was all. I played some games, cleaned the pee of one of our puppies on the floor and just did fun stuff on my phone. I went back to Amino to see the notifs I got. One notification says "featured!" And it was from an admin! They also replied to me and told me that I am really the star of my reality. I literally did other things for a few minutes then I got featured!
5. I manifested not getting any side effects from the vaccine and the jab being quick and painless 💉
I came with my mom to get the vaccine. I was kind of fidgety and nervous, and would rather be at home at that moment. I used to be scared of injections but I manifested some courage for myself and it being done fast and painless. I felt like a superhero or a powerful person when any of the injections I had were done. I was smiling proudly at my family. This was not the vaccine I'm talking about, it's when I got sick. It was really cold at that time and I got pneumonia.
I manifested four things in one go. Me not getting any side effects I heard that people were having. The vaccine is done fast and painless, the long ass line going faster and faster. Closer and closer to where we receive the vaccine. Lastly, my mom is allowed to accompany me. I was scared so I needed some support from Mom. These are what I affirmed naturally as we were in the line:
"The line is going faster! It will be finished in a jiffy (My favorite Nancy Drew movie word 😇)!
"It's gonna be painless and I will absolutely not have any side effects!"
I also did a thing where I walked like a model and assumed that I have my ideal face, ideal hair and ideal body! I kinda visualized it a little bit! We had to do two doses like everyone and both were done fast and were completely painless for me. I compared it to an ant bite. Just a slight pinch.
6. I manifested to look like Tzuyu from Twice
The only thing I did to manifest this was to listen to subliminals and started thinking that I look like her. People in Amino have always said that I look like Tzuyu (after using the subs) and here's some proof of that.
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7. A Unicorn 🦄
I'm not talking about a real unicorn though that would have been such a great manifestation success story! This happened recently. I wanted to prove to myself that I'm powerful more and more everyday so I asked my subconscious to show me a unicorn. It could be the word or a picture of it. I was manifesting to see cute things to empower myself and to make them pile up to give me more assurance about my manifesting skills.
I was watching new TikToks about the new Despicable Me movie and I heard Gru say "that's not actually a true unicorn" and I knew that was my manifestation. I literally just got Despicable Me stuff on my FYP, looked more into it because I love those movies and it led me to see that exact TikTok.
8. Saw a pink butterfly 🦋
These are just manifestations to prove to myself that I'm a master at manifesting. I told my subconscious to show me a pink butterfly. It didn't show me a real one but I didn't specify that it needs to be a real one. I went general for it. I've seen this three times. One when I was reading Subliminal Amino posts, two while I'm on Pinterest and lastly at home. My mom suddenly has these cute decorative shiny shimmering butterflies and one of them was pink. I've seen them before while Mom was digging up some moving boxes and storage we have from the old house. This time though, it's just the pink butterfly on our coffee table! I was looking for my other phone and I saw that!
9. Having a ribbon to tie my hair with. This is a very special one!
I loved watching A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix. I really liked Violet as a character and she does this specific thing to get her brain gears working. She ties her hair with a ribbon or cloth or whatever is available to her and whenever she does that, she ends up thinking of a plan. Here, let me show you what I mean:
I wanted to have one like that so I can use it as a placebo to make me smarter than I already am. I'm already intelligent but I found that doing that hair ribbon trick, can help me solve problems and to brainstorm great ideas. So I commanded my subconscious mind. I was starting to learn this method thanks to @nonbinarydeity for her simplifying manifesting post!
I told my subconscious: "Subconscious mind, I command you to get me a ribbon for my hair so I can use it like Violet. I want it to be pink."
I said that once or twice then proceeded to fully trust that my subconscious mind is manifesting/getting that done for me.
I was searching through the stuff on my shelves and storage areas where I have my stuff from the old house. I looked through them and saw this small blue magnetic box container thing. I thought that it had my cartomancy playing cards. We had a couple of those because it's free stuff from a company that a relative was working with. It's the box I'm talking about. I opened it and to my surprise, I saw that it was full of ribbons and hair clips! Not only that, there was a specific soft pink one that I used to do that I was talking about which was Violet Baudelaire's hair tie trick. I used that ribbon like years ago and so I forgot about it. I had these storage boxes at the old house but they are hard to open because there is stuff on top of it. There's no way for me to pull it out. I decided to open it as much as I can and get some of my old stuff. I got my books, old jewelry, an assortment of things then I grabbed that blue magnetic box thinking it contained my cards but actually my cards are in another container close to my bed.
My subconscious mind did not only get me what I wanted but it got me my pink favorite old ribbon that I got specifically to do the thing that Violet does in the show. It's the one I specifically had for that purpose years ago.
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This is definitely one of my favorite success stories!!!
10. Made my straight hair go curly and a bit wavy
My hair used to be straight as heck and I was happy with it but I wanted to make just a slight change. I want my ends to be wavy or curly. You see, I was jealous of my younger sister's hair. She had curly ends and it's so pretty! That's what I wanted to have. I want to keep the top to mid part of my hair straight and the ends more wavy. So I used a subliminal from glow soul, her hair sub and all I did was listen once while looking at pictures of my desired hair. I was already seeing the ends of my hair starting to curl and become a bit wavy. It was more solidified to me that it was actually working when my mom and my sister kept noticing how the ends of my hair were becoming more wavy and curly. There was this one time when we were at a mall, I was walking in front of my mom and my sister. My sister told our mom that the ends of my hair are curling and getting wavier. I didn't do anything to my hair at all! I just combed it before going and that was it! This really makes me happy and I still have those results! Let me show you my hair before and the photo I looked at while listening.
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This is the photo I looked at while listening to the sub:
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11. Being spoiled by everyone 🛍️
I used another subliminal for this and it is laveria's very popular "get gifts n get spoiled" subliminal! When I started listening to this, my mom kept buying me things from online that I really liked. This was in the past when we had a tight budget but we suddenly got richer and got a new car after I listened to a rich subliminal! Mom was then able to buy me stuff or ask me what I want in the shop she's shopping at online because of those two subs! My dad also gave me extra allowance money to buy whatever I wanted! My brother bought us snacks that I wanted for so long (they don't know) like cakes and macarons! This is the most recent one! My sweet little sister bought me tons of books whenever she shops at amazing book fairs with her girlfriend. She literally got me books in genres that I love like detective, mystery, fantasy and more! She didn't do that much before unless it was my birthday. She even gave me As Old As Time as a one month early birthday gift! I recommend that book so much! I finished it so fast! I also got a lot of money from relatives.
12. Found my ear hook that I lost 👂
Okay so the wired earphone that I was using during that time always fell out of my ears so my mom got me ear hooks. It's a silicon accessory that has a hook that you can hang on your ear so earphones won't fall out. They look like this:
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I basically lost one of them when I woke up and I literally searched every nook and cranny. I commanded my subconscious mind to find it for me and I affirmed "found it!" three times after that. I just trusted that my subconscious mind will get that for me and relaxed. Even if days would come and it hasn't shown up, I never gave up. I continued my day knowing the subconscious will help me find it. One day, my mom was organizing stuff around my bedroom and that's when she gave me my missing ear hook! I have searched everywhere and Mom found it at the area that I have searched multiple times so I knew this was a success story. I shifted to the reality where I found that ear hook.
12. Being better in Among Us
Among Us is one of my favorite games ever, in fact I miss it now. I had to delete it to get more space. As I said, I am really intelligent already but I tend to be nervous and sometimes slip up as the impostor. I'm good at catching impostors but I get nervous and scared when I'm the impostor.
I started listening to an Among us sub and it's about being really good as an impostor. I became a genius at being an impostor. I never got caught ever after that! I have saved some compliments from friends and random people to savor my success story and make me feel amazing! I'll show you in a sec! Me scouring through my messy gallery right now: 🧐
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I've been complimented and called a genius so many times but I can only provide one photo since Tumblr only allows 10 photos per post.
And that is all I can recall from the top of my head. Thank you for reading!
XOXO Rian 💋
Or maybe yours truly, Lady Whistledown 😆
I'm kidding! I'm just enjoying Bridgerton recently! Remember, you already have what you want and it's already done! 🎉
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The Warrior & The Healer - Chapter 1 Cassian x Winter Court Healer Reader
Summary: Y/n's healing powers are unparalleled, a gift from the Mother that she wields with precision and care. Sent to Velaris under the guise of a diplomatic mission, Y/n is secretly bound by a darker duty—spying for the Winter Court's ruthless war general, Isarn, to protect her imprisoned mother. But as she works to heal the wounds inflicted by Hybern, a chance encounter with a certain Illyrian warrior changes everything.
Word Count: 2,348.
Author's Note: hi y'all! I'm nati and this is my very first fanfic, I'm open to suggestions but pls be kind, english is not my first language. I might be making this into a series but I'm not sure yet, I hope you like it nonetheless! also this is somewhat inspired by Heal Me by Lady Gaga heheheh
Warnings: good ole angsty plot for now, nothing else I can think of.
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The chill of the Winter Court still clung to my bones as I stood on the balcony of the House of Wind. Despite the sun’s gentle warmth, I couldn't shake the frost that lingered in my veins. The Night Court's capital lay below, a city I had yet to fully explore, but even from this vantage point, its beauty was undeniable. Whispers of the recent attack by the Attor hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the flickering lights.
Adjusting my cloak, I subconsciously made sure the insignia of the Winter Court remained hidden. My mission was secretive; even Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court, had sworn to keep my presence under wraps. As the Winter Court’s most powerful healer, my talents were needed now more than ever. The Hybern King’s cruelty had left deep scars on Velaris, and I had vowed to mend as many as I could.
My steps quickened in an attempt to warm up as I moved away from the edge of the balcony. The crimson structure loomed above me, imposing yet elegant, a testament to the power and grace of the Night Court. At the entrance to the hallway stood a tall figure wrapped in fleeting darkness, waiting.
The famed Shadowsinger.
His piercing hazel eyes assessed me with a quiet intensity.
"Y/N of the Winter Court, I presume?" His voice was smooth, almost soothing.
Shit. Spymaster. I nodded curtly, trying not to think of the cold sweat dripping down my back.
"Yes. I am here to assist with the healing of Velaris' citizens."
He stepped aside, one hand on his back, motioning for me to enter. "I’m Azriel. We've been expecting you. Rhysand and Feyre will see you shortly."
The House of Wind was even more magnificent inside, a careful blend of wealth and strength. But I didn't allow myself to be distracted. I followed Azriel down a corridor, my gaze forward, my expression impassive.
"You'll find the Night Court different from what you've heard," Azriel said quietly, glancing at me.
I raised an eyebrow, mentally recalling the rumors of cruelty and violence. "I doubt that."
I could’ve sworn I saw his lips curving upwards. "We'll see."
We arrived at a large, intricately carved door. Azriel knocked once before opening it, revealing a spacious office where Rhysand and Feyre awaited. The High Lord of the Night Court and the Cursebreaker stood behind a grand desk, their powerful presence commanding yet welcoming. My heart is pounding with panic, but my mental shields remain intact.
I was trained for this moment, I remind myself.
"Y/N, welcome to the Night Court," Rhysand said smoothly, his violet eyes locking onto mine. "We appreciate your willingness to help our people."
I inclined my head slightly. "I am here to fulfill my duty."
Feyre offered a warm smile, her eyes kind. "We’re grateful, nonetheless. We've arranged for you to have a designated area in the city for your work. Think of it as a sanctuary, a place of healing."
Rhysand nodded. "You'll have everything you need. We want to ensure you're comfortable and able to do your best work."
Before I could respond, the door opened again, and a gorgeous blonde strutted in, her golden hair gleaming in the light.
"Y/N, this is Mor. She'll show you around and take you to your quarters."
"Welcome," Mor said warmly, extending a hand. "Shall we?"
I shook her hand briefly, nodding. "Lead the way."
As we walked through the House of Wind, Mor chatted easily, pointing out various rooms and features. Despite my initial reservations, I found myself drawn to her easygoing nature and genuine kindness. Definitely not the welcome I expected from The Morrigan.
"How have you found Velaris so far?" she asked as we paused by a large window, its view of the city breathtaking.
"It's... different from what I expected," I admitted, keeping my tone neutral.
Mor's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Different good, or different bad?"
"Different," I repeated, not committing to either.
She laughed softly. "You'll see, Y/N. The Night Court is more than just the rumors."
So I’ve heard.
We continued our walk as I couldn't help but feel a small flicker of hope. This mission could be your saving grace. Mother help me, I prayed, unsure of referring to the one above or your own.
Mor led me to a spacious room with a stunning view of Velaris. I couldn't take my eyes out of the window as she said "take your time to settle in. I'll give you a tour of the city tomorrow."
I nodded mindlessly while I offered a reserved, polite smile. "Thank you, Mor."
Left alone in my quarters, I finally allowed myself to breathe. I sigh with relief when I notice the fireplace turning on while I unpacked my few belongings, placing them carefully around the room. As I moved, my thoughts drifted back to the Winter Court, to the harsh, snow-laden lands where I had clawed my way to survival.
The frost in my veins was a constant reminder of the curse I carried, this relentless, icebound power. I paused, my fingers brushing over a simple stainless steel, snowflake-shaped pendant—a heirloom from my mother. A symbol of resilience.
I placed the pendant on a small table near the window, letting its tiny opal stones catch the last rays of the setting sun. My mother’s memory was a shadow that both comforted and haunted me. Isarn’s threats echoed in my mind, a stark reminder of my precarious position.
“You know what’s at stake here,” his screeching voice hissed in my memory, “We don’t want your bastard mother to suffer a terrible fate because you suddenly grew a conscience, do we?”
His words cut through me like a knife. Isarn, the barbaric General and Commander of Winter Court forces, knew how to exploit my deepest fears, how to manipulate me into doing his bidding. I clenched my fists, fighting the surge of ice-cold anger and helplessness that threatened to overwhelm me.
I had no choice but to obey, to pretend to be a loyal emissary while secretly feeding him information about the Night Court. Every interaction with Rhysand, Feyre, and their court was fraught with danger. And they had been kind and welcoming, unaware of the darkness that lurked within me.
I was preparing for bed, exhaustion weighed heavily on my shoulders, when doubt crept in. What if Isarn had misled me? What if the Night Court was not as he described? This house, their warm welcome, did not feel like the cruel Court he had painted: a land where violence and betrayal were commonplace. His words now felt deceitful, meant to justify my actions, to ease the guilt of backstabbing the High Lord of the Winter Court.
The thought of betraying their trust gnawed at me, but I had to protect what mattered to me the most at all costs.
I stared at the soft glow of my mother's pendant, a silent beacon of hope in the darkness. The pendant's opal stones shimmered, casting gentle reflections on the walls of my room. It reminded me of my mother's strength, her unwavering resilience in the face of hardship. She had taught me to trust my instincts, to see beyond the lies that surrounded me. Had I failed her…? No. I will not break now.
Eyes on the prize, Y/N.
With a heavy heart, I drifted into a restless sleep, haunted by Isarn's chilling words and the weight of my dishonorable duty.
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Morning came too soon. The first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a soft, golden glow across the room. I woke with a start, the weight of my mission settling heavily on my chest.
I dressed quickly, donning the simple but elegant attire provided by the Night Court. The fabric was softer than anything I had worn before, a stark contrast to the thick, practical clothing of the Winter Court. As I secured the pewter cloak I had brought with me, I steeled myself for the day ahead.
Morrigan had promised to show me around the city, to familiarize me with the building assigned to assist the victims of the attack, and my new responsibilities. I had to play my part perfectly—no hesitation, no doubts. A soft knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts. I opened it to find Mor waiting, her expression warm and inviting.
“Good morning, Y/N,” she said, her voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. “Are you ready for your tour?”
I nodded, managing a small smile. Time to put the ice mask on. “Yes, I’m ready.”
When we arrived in the city, my heart sank. Velaris was a kaleidoscope of colors, with flowers blooming in every corner and the scent of fresh bread, jasmine and lemon verbena wafting through the air. It was a place of light and hope, so different from the bleakness of my homeland. Here, there was life, warmth, and a sense of belonging that I found both comforting and disconcerting.
Morrigan led me to a large building near the heart of the city. “This is where you’ll be working,” she explained. “It’s our primary healing center. We call it The Sanctuary.”
The name seemed fitting. The tall, white brick building exuded a sense of peace and safety, a haven for those in need. I followed Mor inside, taking in the bustling activity. Healers moved swiftly between patients, their hands glowing with magic as they mended wounds and eased pain.
“You’ll have everything you need here,” Mor continued, guiding me through the various rooms. “We’ve set up a private space for you to work, and you’ll have access to all our supplies.”
I listened with careful attention while I walked with her, trying to absorb it all. This was my new reality, it seems, and despite the deceit that had brought me here, I couldn’t deny the importance of the work. Healing was in my blood, a calling I could not ignore regardless of the task I was sent here for.
I took a deep breath, allowing the comforting hum of activity around me to steady my nerves.
Mor led me through the Sanctuary, introducing me to the various healers and staff members: they all greeted me warmly, their smiles open and genuine. I was struck by the sense of community, the way they worked together with a seamless efficiency that spoke of trust and camaraderie. I cursed Isarn under my breath.
Morrigan brought me back to reality when she gave my arm a reassuring squeeze before excusing herself to attend to other matters, asking me to meet the Cursebreaker at the loading dock. I bid her goodbye as I made my way to the back of the building, my nerves just about to get the best of me while I head towards the area where supplies were being delivered. The air was filled with the scent of fresh herbs and medicinal salves, a familiar and comforting aroma. As I inspected the crates and boxes, I heard a soft voice behind me.
“Y/N, it’s so good to have you here.” Feyre said with tired eyes.
I replied, bowing my head in respect, still unsure of how to address the High Lord's companion.
“It’s an honor to assist you, Lady Feyre.”
She smiled warmly. “Please, just Feyre. We’re all equals here. I’ve been overseeing the healing efforts, but I’m thrilled to have you join us. Your reputation precedes you.”
Her words caught me off guard, but I managed to maintain my composure. “Thank you, Feyre. I’m eager to start and do what I can to help.”
As we spoke, the sound of loud footsteps and the clinking of glass bottles announced the arrival of more supplies. Feyre turned toward the noise, her expression brightening. “Ah, here’s some extra help.”
A large figure appeared, carrying a massive load of boxes that obscured his face. He moved with a fluid grace that belied his size, setting the crates down with surprising gentleness. When he finally straightened, I was taken aback by the sheer presence of the male before me.
“Y/N, this is Cassian,” Feyre introduced him with a smile. “He’s our Illyrian War General, and a close friend.”
Cassian turned to face me, and I felt my knees almost failing me. He was stunning, with broad shoulders, dark hair, and piercing hazel eyes that seemed to see right through me. His handsome face was framed by a faint scruff, adding to his rugged appeal. His wings, powerful and majestic, were furled behind him, a testament to his warrior status.
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/N,” Cassian said, his voice a rich baritone that sent a shiver down my spine.
For a moment I forgot my mission, my deceit, and the weight of my duty. I was utterly mesmerized as the world around me faded, his overwhelming presence was a potent mix of strength and charm that left me speechless. I felt a warmth radiating from his body contrasting to the cold that had always been my companion.
A pull in my heart.
Feyre’s voice brought me back to reality. “Cassian often helps with the heavier supplies,” she winked at him, her tone light. “He’s indispensable around here.”
I cleared my throat, struggling to regain my composure. “It’s... nice to meet you, Cassian.”
He rolled his eyes at Feyre and grinned, a roguish smile that made my heart skip a beat. “The pleasure’s all mine.” I swear I feel his voice like a thunder, rumbling in my bones. “If you need anything, just let me know.”
As he moved to help with the rest of the supplies, I instinctively reached for a box at the same time, just as our hands brushed against each other, and I jerked back, my heart racing. I looked up, meeting Cassian’s hazel eyes, and caught a whiff of his scent—leather and cedar wood. The world seemed to tilt as something inside me snapped into place.
A golden thread wrapped around my heart, pulling tight.
Panic surged through me.
No, no, no, no. This can’t be happening. Not now, not with him.
The realization hit me like a punch to the gut, all the emotions and thought I'd tried to keep at bay were coming to me like relentless waves: I was here to spy, to betray, to ultimately save my mother, and now, like a curse from the Cauldron itself, my mate happened to be right here in this Court, under these circumstances, standing right in front of me, completely oblivious to the turmoil inside.
I avoided his gaze, tears pricking my eyes while I feel my ice mask on the brink of cracking.
I was fucked.
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Chapter 2
dividers by @estrelinha-s
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edenmemes · 1 year
asoiaf: a dance with dragons starters
❝ i fear i make you uneasy. ❞ ❝ knowledge is a weapon. arm yourself well before you ride forth to battle. ❞ ❝ go on. show your steel. give me cause to do the same. ❞ ❝ fear is what keeps a man alive in this world of treachery and deceit. ❞ ❝ these woods are not as empty as you think. ❞ ❝ promise me that you will never turn against me. i could not bear that. promise me. ❞ ❝ the only time a man can be brave is when he is afraid. ❞ ❝ if i must die, i will die with an axe in my hand and a curse upon my lips. ❞ ❝ tales are told of you. i hear them everywhere. people fear you. ❞ ❝ go too far down that road,  and  mistrust  can  poison  you,  make you sour and fearful. ❞ ❝ you mistake me. that was a command, not an offer. ❞ ❝ sorcery is a sword without a hilt. there is no safe way to grasp it. ❞ ❝ prophecy is like a half-trained mule. it looks like it might be useful, but the moment you trust in it, it kicks you in the head. ❞ ❝ it is not the foes who curse you to your face that you must fear, but those who smile when you are looking and sharpen their knives when you turn your back. ❞ ❝ i rose too high, loved too hard, dared too much. i tried to grasp a star, overreached, and fell. ❞ ❝ they think that this will break my pride, that it will make an end to me, but they are wrong. ❞ ❝ tell me of the things that make you happy, the things that make you giggle, all your sweetest memories. remind me that there is still good in the world. ❞ ❝ one war ends, another begins. there is always someone fighting someone somewhere. ❞ ❝ this is what i was made for. the dance, the sweet steel song, a sword in my hand and a foe before me. ❞ ❝ my enemies have told you i am dead. those tales are false, as you can see. ❞ ❝ not all that a man does is done for gain. ❞ ❝ i know that you believe me weak, frightened, feeble. ❞ ❝ it takes a man to rule. kill the boy, and let the man be born. ❞ ❝ do you mean to spend your whole life running away? ❞ ❝ kingdoms are at hazard here. our lives, our names, our honour. this is no game we’re playing for your amusement. ❞ ❝ however gentle the words, there are always darker motives underneath. i do not trust you. ❞ ❝ a good honest face, but you should smile more. ❞ ❝ my throne is made of burned bones, and it rests on quicksand. ❞ ❝ you are so radiant today i fear to look on you. ❞ ❝ prove yourself more trouble than you are worth, and you can go your own way. ❞ ❝ you need not look so pale, i was only playing with you. ❞ ❝ this is not the day i die, i promise you. ❞ ❝ i wanted you from the first time i saw you. ❞ ❝ was i so blind, or  did  i  close  my  eyes  willingly, so i would not see the price of power? ❞ ❝ men should not go wandering in this place. ❞ ❝ hold your tongue and do as you are told, or you will soon wish you had. ❞ ❝ you won’t try. you will obey. ❞ ❝ kneel and live. or go and die. it’s your choice to make. ❞ ❝ are you so blind, or is it that you do not wish to see? ❞ ❝ that is not a place you want to go to. ❞ ❝ i will not go back without doing what i came for, no matter how hopeless it may seem. ❞ ❝ the fairest woman in this world...i am drunk with the sight of you. ❞ ❝ secrets are worth more than silver and sapphires. ❞ ❝ we have come too far to turn back now. ❞ ❝ what have i done to make you hate me so? ❞ ❝ you meet so few men who value friendship over gold these days. ❞ ❝ it is true, i am a bolder man than most. ❞ ❝ i cannot go home. but i dare not stay here much longer. ❞ ❝ foes and false friends are all around me. ❞ ❝ the fewer folk who will know of this, the better. ❞ ❝ all you have i gave you. remember that. ❞ ❝ will you make me say it twice? go and do as i commanded you. ❞ ❝ love is madness, and lust is poison. ❞ ❝ i feel safe when i’m with you. ❞ ❝ have you no smile for me? am i as fearful as all that? ❞ ❝ why did i ever allow myself to be talked into this farce? ❞ ❝ don’t think i don’t see what you’re doing. ❞ ❝ i will tell you nothing. do me the same favor. ❞ ❝ if i look back i am lost. ❞ ❝ a crown should not sit easy on the head. ❞ ❝ we must show a little trust, you and i. ❞ ❝ trust only your companions, and do your best to avoid attracting notice. ❞ ❝ you’re not going to try to kill me again, i hope. ❞ ❝ if you will forgive me for saying so, you look...weary. are you sleeping? ❞ ❝ your clothes are stained with blood. take them off. ❞ ❝ every fool loves to hear that he’s important. ❞ ❝ my father used to tell me that a man must know his enemies. ❞ ❝ you are a harmless creature, to be sure. as innocent as a lamb. ❞ ❝ till then, let us drink and dream. ❞ ❝ you will be tempted to betray me. to run or fight or join our foes. i’ll not hear you deny it. ❞ ❝ soon enough you may have grave need of me. do not refuse my friendship. ❞ ❝ it is best that no man knows that you are here. ❞ ❝ i kill kings, haven’t you heard? ❞ ❝ should any ill befall you, this world would lose its savor. ❞ ❝ some will look at you and see only another doomed pretender. ❞ ❝ i think life is a jape. yours, mine, everyone’s. ❞ ❝ i will forgive those words...once. but never presume to threaten me again. ❞ ❝ your father would be so proud if he could see you. ❞ ❝ just once you might try to give me an answer that would please me. ❞ ❝ they love me well. none would betray me. ❞ ❝ i have sins enough to answer for; i’ll have no part of this one. ❞ ❝ i mean you no harm, you know. ❞ ❝ i do not trust you, but i need you. ❞ ❝ we’ll both sleep, and dream of sweeter days. close your eyes. ❞ ❝ since you ask so nicely, how can i deny you? ❞ ❝ no wine is half so intoxicating as your beauty. ❞ ❝ why should i beg for what is owed me? ❞ ❝ a lord may love the men he commands, but he cannot be a friend to them. ❞ ❝ let them try and trouble us, we’ll show them what we’re made of. ❞ ❝ a leader should be feared, by friend and foe alike. if men think me cruel, so much the better. ❞ ❝ the enemy of my friend is my enemy. ❞ ❝ a book can be as dangerous as a sword in the right hands. ❞ ❝ i am an old man, grown weary of this world and its treacheries. ❞ ❝ these are desperate days, and like to grow more desperate. ❞ ❝ we need to find shelter before nightfall. ❞ ❝ there are footsteps behind us. we are being followed. ❞ ❝ this is no common fog. it stinks of sorcery. ❞ ❝ i am glad you came to me. it is good to see you again, my friend. ❞ ❝ the man who does nothing also takes a risk. ❞ ❝ the women are the strong ones. ❞ ❝ afraid, are you? i would be if i were you. ❞ ❝ tell me a tale. some tale of valor with a happy ending. ❞ ❝ i’ll have a cup of wine as well. to clear my head. ❞ ❝ we may lose our heads, it’s true...but what if we prevail? ❞ ❝ keep your swords sharp. we’ll have us a real fight soon. ❞ ❝ this is going to end badly. ❞ ❝ what are you doing here? how did you get past my guards? ❞ ❝ it is so hard. to be strong. i don’t always know what i should do. ❞ ❝ let us instead speak of love, of dreams and desire. ❞ ❝ you wound me, wandering off like this. have you grown tired of my hospitality so soon? ❞ ❝ with this sword i defend my subjects and destroy those who menace them. ❞ ❝ it is too late for such misgivings. you made your choice. ❞ ❝ in times as confused as these, even men of honor must wonder where their duty lies. ❞ ❝ why? what did i ever do to you? ❞ ❝ we must be certain that we do not choose the losing side. ❞ ❝ dream sweet dreams. there are no monsters here. ❞ ❝ i know who you are. i know what you are. ❞ ❝ a little honest loathing might be refreshing, like a tart wine after too much sweet. ❞ ❝ a bloody sword is a beautiful thing. ❞ ❝ a ruler belongs to their people, not to themself. ❞ ❝ if the ones i killed come haunt me, i will kill them all again. ❞ ❝ you shine so brightly, you will blind every man who dares look upon you. ❞ ❝ a fair bargain leaves both sides unhappy, i’ve heard it said. ❞ ❝ there’s blood on your hands, aye, same as mine. ❞ ❝ i have done wicked things, i know, but i could not bear for you to hate me. ❞ ❝ it is good to see you smiling again. ❞ ❝ i have doubts enough without you throwing oil on the fire of my fear. ❞ ❝ blood pays for blood, a life for a life. ❞ ❝ go home, if that is what you want. i am staying. ❞ ❝ a man’d think there’s no trust between us. ❞ ❝ i would choose freedom over comfort every time. ❞ ❝ you are even lovelier than i was told. ❞ ❝ stay. i do not wish to be alone. ❞ ❝ treachery on treachery. is there no end to it? ❞ ❝ dreams and prophecies. why must they always be in riddles? ❞ ❝ one wrong word, and this could turn to blood in half a heartbeat. ❞ ❝ you lie. i can see the truth in your eyes. ❞ ❝ throw down your steel and stand aside, and no harm need come to you. ❞ ❝ you are supposed to be my friend. why must you mock my hopes? ❞ ❝ it is better to die with honor than to live without it. ❞ ❝ it does no good to brood on lost battles and roads not taken. ❞ ❝ i see you are deaf to sense. ❞ ❝ you are no better than me. we’re just the same. ❞ ❝ a man should never draw his sword unless he means to use it. ❞ ❝ you kill men for the wrongs they have done, not the wrongs that they may do someday. ❞ ❝ close your eyes. close your ears. turn away. you do not need to see this. ❞ ❝ the sooner we are gone from this place, the better. ❞ ❝ i am sorry my actions have displeased you. i did as i thought best. ❞ ❝ you do not need to trust a man to use him. ❞ ❝ if you cannot do this thing, you need only say so. there is no shame in that. ❞ ❝ never wound a foe when you can kill him. dead men don’t claim vengeance. ❞ ❝ this is what i wanted, what i worked for. so why does it taste so much like defeat? ❞ ❝ honest men should never need to hide their faces. ❞ ❝ i am not the trusting fool you take me for. ❞ ❝ men’s lives have meaning, not their deaths. ❞ ❝ he’s dead. he won’t bite. ❞ ❝ if this is the price for peace, i pay it willingly. ❞ ❝ it makes me wonder whose side you are on. ❞ ❝ dreams and prophecies. why must they always be in riddles? ❞ ❝ i will not say that you are welcome. nor will i deny that i have hoped that you might come. ❞ ❝ you have the eyes of a wolf and a taste for blood. ❞ ❝ men are mad and gods are madder. ❞ ❝ one war ends, another begins. there is always someone fighting someone somewhere. ❞ ❝ not all risks lead to ruin. ❞ ❝ is there some place with fewer eyes and ears? ❞ ❝ i need you now as i have never needed you before. ❞ ❝ tell me, is there any fight left in you? ❞ ❝ it was the wind that you heard screaming. ❞ ❝ crying? i was not crying. why would i cry? ❞ ❝ are you some butcher of the battlefield, hacking down every man who stands in your way? ❞ ❝ rain. a storm is coming. ❞ ❝ that was simple. simpler than i dared hope. simpler than it should have been. ❞ ❝ see that you do not speak of this. i’ll not have this tale spread. ❞ ❝ how could i be so blind for so long? ❞ ❝ you had a bad dream, that was all. ❞ ❝ are you prepared to defend that boast with sword or lance? ❞ ❝ i will do it. i said i would. i will. ❞ ❝ think that. believe that. tell yourself it’s true. ❞ ❝ you have more enemies than you know. ❞ ❝ i have no heart. i only have a hole. ❞ ❝ it has been too long since i’ve killed a man. ❞ ❝ words are wind. words cannot harm me. ❞ ❝ have you forgotten who i am? ❞ ❝ too many good men died that day. ❞ ❝ it is so good to see your face, your sweet face. ❞ ❝ it is still not too late to abandon this folly. ❞ ❝ i will not stay here to be insulted. ❞
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igotanidea · 1 year
Walk down memory lane : AK!Jason Todd x fem!reader
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Warnings: mention of self harm and suicidal thoughts.
You can find other AK!stories on point 4 here: Jason Todd masterlist
She was just so tired.
Tired of fighting, of keeping up that fucking hope, of carrying the excessive weight on her shoulders.
She just couldn’t anymore .
Maybe it was time to finally accept that Jason didn’t care about her. That he would never care again. Not in the same way he used to before all this shit hit them. Before Joker, Harley, Arkham…
But she still needed, wanted, craved his love.
But how long can a girl be strong and live in a delusion?
And for the first time in a year she started crying.
What Harley could not achieve, happened because of a boy. No amount of torture and mind games and tricks she was subject to in Arkham, not once broke her. But the indifference and cold treatment from her former boyfriend, the one who she still loved got her on her knees, sobbing and shaking on the bed in her little, cold Asylum cell.
He was right. She was completely alone, no one was coming to help her, safe her from that void that finally found a way straight to her heart. Nothing more than a playtoy, unlovable, weak, pathetic, developing a heavy case of Stockholm syndrome.
Poor girl hugged herself in a foul attempt to calm down, but it was for nothing. Tears were falling freely down her cheeks, turning her into a puddle of emotions she couldn’t hold back. It was like the old wound and the feeling of being used opened and uncovered all the layers she cut off before.
Some people call it trauma, but she couldn’t care less about the terminology.
Maybe it would be better to just end her own life right now just so she wouldn’t have to suffer through another day of such lousy existence. It was Arkham, she was pretty sure she would find something to help her execute her plan.
On shaking legs she stood up from the bed, moving towards the bathroom. The mirror that Jason broke violently after their last encounter was still not fixed and the sharp pieces of glass poked on every side.
Gathering all the strength she had left, she reached towards the splinter and pointed it towards her wrist, assessing the “best” place to cut……
She woke up feeling sore and in tremendous amount of pain like never before. Both of her wrists were patched up with the clean bandages and she wasn’t even in her own sweatbox. Honestly, she couldn’t for the love of God recognise the place where she was, until the familiar, slightly muffled voice threw her off her confused state and brought back to reality.
“WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!” Jason hissed with unconcealed anger and she shivered. “WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO!?” in a blink of an eye he was right next to her, grabbing her chin and forcing her eyes up.  
She was just completely silent, the tight grip of his fingers on her puffy, hurting cheeks causing a few more tears to flow down her eyes.
“I’m sorry…..” she whispered, slightly panicking. He was never supposed to find her, let alone to save her. And why did he? Was it only because he needed her for release in the future? “I’m sorry…..” her whole body shook violently.
“Y/N…….” her name in his mouth sounded almost sweet and the touch got far more gentle, sudden change in behaviour making her freeze. What was going on?
“I……” her mouth fell agape and it was impossible to say a word.
“Did you forget what I told you last time? You’re mine. You can’t just go and decide to hurt yourself this way. I cannot allow it.”
“Why?” she sobbed “it’s not like you care. I am just a reminder of the past, of all those lies you were fed by Batman and your family. Of someone you once were and could never be again.”
“Stop it!”
“Please, please, just let me go. Just let me finish it, please.” Her desperation and panic attack coming out in waves in the form of the aggressive tugging on the dressing, trying to reopen the stitched wounds and cuts. “I’ll do it myself. You won’t even have to lift a finger.”
“Stop it!’
“You can even watch it, I know you’ll enjoy the show. You wanted a show, didn’t you?”
“FOR FUCK’S SAKE STOP IT!” finally he managed to get a hold of her hands, pinning them down to her sides, precluding her from moving, even though she still struggled against his hold.  “Is that what you think of me? That I will enjoy that?”  she nodded shakily “fuck!”
“I’m sorry…..” she whimpered again. She was still here and he was now mad which could only equal to another punishment. And this time it was not going to be intimate. He could really hurt her at any time.
“Baby…..” he whispered, almost without thinking, closing his eyes “princess.”
“Wha….. what did you say?” her eyes grew wide. Did he really use those words or was it just an imagination?
Jason was completely inside his head now, memories flooding his brain like a fucking Niagara. He remembered the past. The moment, when while still being Robin, someone came after her, attacking her and almost eliminating her from the equation. He recalled the hours spend in the medical bay, watching her pale face and the heart rate monitor, praying to whatever entity was up there to bring her back to him. All those little heart attacks caused each time she took a sharp exhale. Falling asleep next to her bed, holding and caressing her cold hand, whispering pleas and promises to keep her safe in the future if she just woke up. Brushing up on how he felt when she finally opened her e/c eyes, looking at him with so much love and concern, asking if he was all right.
He remembered how she cared about him…..  And how he cared about her.
“Ja…. Jace?” she swallowed the lump in her throat, taking the risk to use his nickname, ready for another anger fit, but instead she met his honest gaze, so different from the one she was used to in his Arkham Knight version.
“Don’t ever do this again.” He gasped, brushing her cheek, putting a strand of hair behind her ear “you hear me?  Ever.”
“Jason?” he bottom lip trembled because of that sudden display of emotion from his part.
“Ever.” He emphasised.  “I don’t want to see you in pain.”
“Anyone who hurt you deserve a punishment and that applies to you hurting yourself. Is that clear?”
“Anyone, but you?” she blurt without thinking and immediately covered her mouth in fear of the words that came out her mouth.
Jason tensed a bit, his muscles flexing but he didn’t move.
“Get some rest. Need you recovered soon. Big plans for you.” He just said and with one final look into her eyes left the room, leaving her completely speechless.
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alpaca-clouds · 5 months
I learned an important lesson yesterday: Lawyers are fucking magic. They wave their "make your problems go away" stick and your problems go away.
It turns out that the family of one of my work colleagues entirely works in medical law. So, I talked with them on the phone yesterday. And in the end his dad called the hospital yesterday in the afternoon. And he was just like: "Gentle reminder: Not treating your patients is in fact illegal. If it turns out your diagnosis is wrong and you hence treated it wrongly, there is no fault. But if you have a diagnosis and do not treat it, that is actually malpractice. Do you need this in writing or will this phone call surfice?" And I kid you not, 15 minutes later I finally got the corticoids I have been trying to get for 8 fucking weeks.
Moral of the story: I will get myself legal insurance now. Because it allows me the ability to go: "I will call my lawyer."
In Germany there is the saying: "There is a difference between having a legal right and being able to use a legal right." And I am afraid this difference is called having a fucking lawyer.
And given how many times some companies already pulled shit like: "You gotta pay XYZ" because they know that a lot of people will simply pay up... Yeah... I so far always took myself a lawyer, who then just replied: "No, I do not think my client will pay that." To which the companies would always react with: "Oh. Okay. I guess."
There was a case once where one of my phone providers suddenly came out of nowhere like: "Oh, you did not properly end our contract with us. Now pay up 3000€ for the last three years." And I had the presence of mind to just go to a lawyer. And the lawyer was like: "I do not think my client will pay it. But we will be kind and pay for six months, which would be 120€." And the phone provider was liek: "Oh. Oh. Yeah. Uhm... That is fair."
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acapelladitty · 3 months
i am BEGGING for black mask x reader + choking kink. i wanna read about getting strangled by that unstable man.
Begging will get you far on this blog 😉😈
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Summary: Black Mask decides to spend some time with his number one gal.
(tw for: strangulation, rough sex, anal, dom/sub, mild sadism, free use dynamics, degradation/humiliation)
Fic Masterlist /// Link To AO3
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Being Roman's number one gal had its perks and having your legs spread across his knees as you bounced your ass on his lap ranked up there with the best of them.
As soon as you entered his office and felt his eyes trawling across the low cut of your dress paired with his hand as it quickly dropped to cup as his clothed cock, you knew what he wanted.
His hands had been everywhere as you stood before him. Delving within the dress to cup roughly at your tits as he pulled them out and allowed them to hang freely. Diving up the short hemline to stroke his manicured fingers along the soft cotton on your panties as he growled and ripped them free of your skin, the elastic burning your hips where it was torn off.
What'd I tell you about these, princess? A real waste of time.
Sorry, sir.
Maybe you need a reminder of who makes the rules around here.
His fingers had fumbled with the top drawer of his desk, pulling free a small bottle of lube which made your heart stutter for a moment as arousal flooded your gut.
You knew what that meant.
Patting his thigh invitingly, he had wasted no time in freeing his cock from his slacks and stroking himself hard - grunting as you slipped atop his lap and perched carefully on his knees. Your tits in his face, his blunt teeth sunk themselves into the sensitive flesh as his fingers spread a thin coat of lube across his cock before applying the same to the rim of your ass; his regular use of all your holes making the skin there slightly puffy and ready to accept his cock whenever and wherever.
Without any foreplay or preparation, he had entered your ass, sinking himself deeply into your warm hole as you cried out in pain - the searing discomfort never any easier as he forced you to stretch and ache around him while he enjoyed the tight fit.
"Hurts, Sir." You gasp out, trying to relax and reduce the burn which made your eyes water.
"Good." Roman growls in response as his attention falls to his dark tie, fingers quickly unknotting the material as he pulls it free of his shirt. "For you anyway. It means that I still have a use for you. When these worthless holes are too loose to be any good to fuck then I'll need to find some other way to amuse myself with you."
Shuddering as he wraps his tie around your neck, you tilt your head back to allow him easier access - a move which earns you a rumble of approval as you bounce lightly on his cock. He's not gentle with the material, rapidly pulling it taut against your throat as he loops the end within his fist, almost like a leash.
"Fuck yourself on my cock and maybe I'll let your breathe once I've come."
Already feeling the pressure, you settle your hands on the arms of his chair as you pick up the pace of your movements - rapidly drawing yourself up so only the bulbous head of his cock is trapped within your ass before dropping down again to feel the burning stretch as it sparks a deep, discomforting ache in your hole. Knowing that his grip would only tighten, your movements are sloppy as you attempt to please him.
You struggle to pull in a full breath, each inhale and exhaled shaky as they fight to get past the material which is constricting your throat. A pounding sensation in your head makes the sensations all the stronger and you scream out a choked noise of anguish as rough, unseen fingers drop to pinch at your neglected clit.
"Is that what you need, baby? You want me to hurt you like this so you can come?"
And he's right. Between the ache in your ass and the sharp, almost lightning like sensation of his fingers pulling and pinching at your most sensitive nub, you can feel the arousal dripping freely from your cunt as it makes a mess of his slacks. But no matter how aroused you are or how tightly your toes curl against your own feet, it's not enough to make you come as fear prevents you from reaching that peak - knowing what the consequences are for coming without his say so.
A warm mouth adds to your hell, his lips latching around the tits which are bouncing in his face as you ride him. His mask is ice cold against your skin and you shiver as he pulls you closer with a vicious tug on the tie. A shiver which dissolves into a muted cry as his teeth clamp around your right nipple as pull at it roughly - not enough to draw blood but enough to make your body want to curl away from it.
"Si-sir, please." You choke out, the words barely legible as you begin to feel slightly light headed.
"What's wrong? Gonna come for me, whore? Do it then. Show me how much you like it when I hurt you."
Whimpering out something pathetic, your cunt clamps around his cock like a vice as his words give you the permission that you've been waiting for. The reaming pain of his cock in your ass pairing with both his cruel fingers pinching your clit and the lack of oxygen making every nerve in your body feel heightened proves too much and you come hard; your bound fingers scrambling and tearing at each other as you unleash a muted scream and drip your mess to his velvet slacks.
He's merciless as you come, chasing his own pleasure as he slams his cock into your ass without care. So lost in your own violent orgasm, you barely feel the heat of his release as he growls and floods your stinging ass with his cum.
Vision darkening, you almost sob with relief as he loosens the tie with two fingers - allowing you to inhale desperate gulps of oxygen as you fight a sudden wave of nausea. A mess in every since of the word, you almost miss Roman's next comments as he glances down at the state of his slacks and growls.
"You filthy cunt! Look what you've done to my clothes." His hand snakes up to lock around your neck, the resuming pressure making you whimper as he pulls your face close to his own - his blazing eyes shining from his onyx face. "I'll give you one minute to think of a way to make it up to me or I'll whip you so badly I'll have to buy in Elliott to fix you up again."
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sturnstar169 · 6 months
I Miss You (pt 1)
(matt sturniolo)
warnings: no smut (yet!!) lotta fluff, crying, angst??????? i think that’s it
A/n: I didn’t say the time but pretend it’s like 11/12 at night LMAO
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based off these texts
I sent him a “see you soon” text and get “ready” to go see him (sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt). I get in my car and don’t even need directions and just go off memory from how many times i’ve gone over to his house.
I get to his street and all the memories of us when we were together hit me like a train. i feel my face get hot and tears form in my eyes. I let out broken sobs and continue driving down his street with blurry vision.
I pull into the driveway and continue crying, not able to slow the tears. I knock on the door a couple times and then stand patiently. Matt opens the door with a small smile that quickly fades when he sees my state.
“Oh sweetheart.. c’mere.” He says as he pulls me into a tights hug
The soft smell of him on his hoodie is enough to keep the tears flowing down my cheeks.
“it’s alright, it’s okay, i promise.” He says into my hair as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head.
“Matt— I.. don’t kiss me.. we aren’t together..” I say through sobs as more tears fall.
“that doesn’t matter right now, okay?” He said it sweetly and softly, like he was talking to a child.
I nuzzled my face further into his hoodie. He smelled good, it was comforting. My crying slowed down as he continued holding me. I don’t remember when but he moved us inside. He always knew how to comfort me and get me through things.
“Shh.. it’s alright.” He cut me off with a sweet voice and a gentle kiss to my forehead.
I waited a couple seconds before trying to speak again.
“Matt I miss you.. too much.” I say quietly, my voice breaking slightly.
“I know, y/n. Me too.” He said it sadly and just as quiet as me.
“So why can’t w-“
“Y/n. C’mon. You know why.” He says sternly but reminding himself of my current state.
“Matt— please.. I miss us.” I say, desperately looking into his eyes, searching for any reciprocation.
He looks away from me, avoiding my gaze.
“Y/n, if you’re just trying to get back together I suggest you go. I asked you to come over so we could talk and you could feel better, not so we could date again.” He said more sternly than before, disregarding my fragile state.
I feel tears start in my eyes again but I try to hold them back, trying not to be a baby about it.
“I think— I am gonna go— I—“ I try to finish my sentence but can’t stop myself from crying.
I look at Matt one last time before walking out of his house sobbing again. When I glanced back at him, he was faced away, clearly hurt as well but seemingly trying to hide it.
I get in my car and drive home. Fast. I wanted him to be concerned at how recklessly I was driving.
I get home, tears staining my cheeks and shirt. I look at my phone which at buzzed just a minute earlier.
It was a text from Matt. He sent a couple texts, i could tell was clearly worried by how many texts he sent. I guess my attempt at getting him concerned worked.
“I’m sorry”
“Y/n I’m so sorry”
“Answer please”
“Y/n answer I wanna know you’re okay”
“I’m sorry y/n”
I read the spew of texts and ultimately decided to leave him on read. I wanted nothing more than to text him back telling him it was okay and i forgave him, but I was really trying not to give in.
I get into my bed and get under the covers, crying my eyes out as I looked at cute pictures of me and Matt together until I eventually fell asleep, forgetting to plug my phone in.
This was so ass LMAO
go read pt 2!!
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wanna date the king? (part 1)
part 2
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so excited to write this one! this is somehow a part 2 of the bonus scene of this post, i will try to make it as long as possible
leona kingscholar x fem!reader, ruggie bucchi⏤͟͟͞͞★
leona as 35 y/o king, ruggie as 32 y/o leona's right hand, kissing, romance, sfw⏤͟͟͞͞★
15 years after Leona became the King of the Savannah, he suddenly decided to take you with him on vacation for one day to confess to you..⏤͟͟͞͞★
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note: I took into consideration that Leona's personality may change over the years (15 years is not a small number), and because his life has become better, he will be in a good mood most of the time and playful, so you may feel that his writing and some of his behavior here may be unusual
The next day, you were sitting in your room in Leona's Palace, studying for your final exams. You were already about to graduate and needed to focus. You were tired because for the past week you had confined yourself to the room and you were studying non-stop and putting a lot of pressure on yourself..Your situation is very chaotic and you haven't seen Leona for 3 days already because he was very busy as well
Suddenly, your train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a knock on the door. You sighed and looked at yourself in the mirror...your condition is miserable, your hair looks like a scarecrow, you have circles, you have not washed your face yet this morning, You are wearing two different slippers, pajamas with Hello Kitty drawings on them and a random T-shirt you took from the closet
"coming..." You said wearily as you stood up, carrying a cup of coffee with you, and opened the door "yeah-..LEONA?"
"..good...morning?..." Leona was standing in front of the door. He stared at you for a few seconds while you looked this disastrous sight, and he was shocked. He turned his face away and was trying with all his might not to laugh
You didn't do anything, you just slammed the door closed in his face and ran to throw yourself on the bed, screaming in embarrassment. Why, today of all the days of your life, do you meet Leona while you look like a homeless??! You could hear him at the door laughing loudly, he couldn't help himself
"oi, herbivore! Open the door, don't act like I've never seen you like this before, I've seen worse of you in NRC" Leona reminded you that this was not the first time you had been like this...but he made the situation worse
You were not interested in your appearance in front of Leona previously because you did not love him, but now the years have passed and you have undoubtedly fallen in love with him. You will not allow yourself to appear in this ridiculous appearance in front of him again
Quickly, you got up, washed your face, pulled your hair up, changed your strange clothes, tried to appear as tidy as possible, and opened the door again "good morning..leona" You said in an embarrassed tone, trying to avoid looking into his eyes
"oh c'mon, you looked adorable" he teased, putting his hands behind his back and smirking "I don't mind sitting with you like this for hours~ just be yourself"
"be yourself?? Whoever hears you will think that I am walking around the palace dressed as a beggar! You know I like to maintain a good image of myself!" You said, trying to defend yourself, but Leona surprised you when he smiled... a gentle, friendly smile that was completely unusual from him "what's with that smile?" you raised one eyebrow
"oh, it's nothing" he chuckled, gesturing with his hand towards your room, not giving you the answer you craved "How about we go into your room and talk? I need to tell you something"
Fortunately you had at least tidied your room half an hour ago, so you stepped aside so he could pass and step in the room
"I haven't seen you for 3 days, how are you? I did not expect your visit..i thought you told me 'i will be busy for the next few days', aren't you?" You said as you sat on the bed and drank your coffee
"No I said that, but Ruggie convinced me to take a vacation..I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself lately" leona laid on the sofa in front of your bed, looking around the room and then back at you "y/n, You look tired, are you okay?"
You sighed as you threw yourself on the bed, sleeping on your back. “No...the tests have exhausted me. I don’t even have time to breathe...”
"i see.." Leona put his hand on his chin, thinking while examining your tired features
he didn't like it, you were exhausting yourself so much just for this stupid exams..Leona felt ashamed because the woman he loved sitting in front of him was suffering without him doing anything, so he decided to do what he saw fit without even taking your opinion
"You're going with me today, y/n"
"yeah yeah..i will-wait huh?" You lifted your head from the pillow and furrowed your eyebrows "Where?"
"vacation" Leona got up from the sofa and stood in front of the bed. He leaned his body forward and placed his right hand next to your head on the mattress while his other hand was behind his back and was looking at you seriously "Where I go, you will go with me and we will spend time together. You also need to rest"
"i-" You tried to protest and make excuses because of your exams
"shh.." leona shut you with his thumb on your mouth, preventing you from speaking "I don't take your opinion, miss. It's royal orders. You'll be coming with the king today, okay? I will talk to your professor at the university myself and have him postpone your exams for you"
You moved Leona's finger away from your mouth, looking at him sarcastically, "With the king? Why are you talking like I'm one of the women in your harem or something?"
"maybe you are" Leona laughed sarcastically and moved away from you, giving you a playful smile, “I don’t think you would refuse if I told you to become part of my harem anyway, miss~"
"hell nah, not even in your dreams" you through a pillow at him, trying to distract him to not see the blush on your face
your dirty thoughts took best of you as you imagined shitty-romantic scenarios of king-servant relationship with leona. he would stand correct, you would absolutely like to be pleasing him, but you will never admit it, over your dead body
"Prepare yourself and wear elegant, but light and comfortable clothes. We will be going to many places, so wear something that allows you to move comfortably" leona told you with the same smug on his face "don't wear a short dress, the king won't tolerate his dear harem's thighs being open and exposed to the people~" he teased, winking at you and trying to act cool..but in reality this was indirect message, we won't be so open to tell you that he will be jealous if others looked at you
"YOU BASTARD GET OUT" You got up and pushed Leona out of the room in embarrassment, trying to maintain your calm - but in reality you were screaming and the blood on your face was hot, talking as if you were one of his possessions or something like that..You closed the door after Leona left, then locked it and began to roll on the bed and the floor, wrapping the quilt and sheets around your body, kicking the mattress and fighting the air with your legs
"he is..just...so mean..leona fuck you..." You whinced into the pillow almost like crying, feeling very embarrassed. Leona's words really made you delulu. You were hoping even one percent would say this to you seriously instead of trying to joke with you and tease..
You just decided to focus on more important matters after you calmed down and collected your nerves, so you sat down and took a deep breath, calling your personal maid and asking her to prepare the bathtub for you..
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"it worked?" Ruggie asked excitedly after Leona came back into the room with a big smile on his face, his tail wagging behind him widly
"oh hell yeah, it did" Leona was avoiding looking directly at Ruggie so as not to mock him and tell him that he looked like a puppy. Leona just went to the bathroom and closed the door.. He was biting his lips as he imagined doing many things with you and taking you to many places to have quality tike together..he wanted to do this so bad that he felt shivers down his spine as the image of you going with a date with him made him sink into full ecstasy..
"Ruggie, did you make a list of places we're going today?" Leona called Ruggie from the bathroom and asked him
"yeah, all done, it is on your bed"
"What remains?
"Just you and y/n, get yourselves ready and we'll be prepared to go"
Leona took a deep breath of relief. He had already prepared himself. He took a good bath, perfumed himself, shaved his beard, and asked the hairdresser to do a new hairstyle for him, Leona wanted to look as good as possible today - because he knows that you prefer elegant men more..
Leona stood in front of the mirror with pride and confidence, looking more handsome than ever. He was keen to wear a necktie even though he didn't like it. He just knew that you liked suits, so he wore one
but then, ruggie gave him a wicked smile "Why not wear something casual, like an open-button shirt?"
leona looked at ruggie in the mirror with confused look while making his necktie "why the hell are you suggesting this?"
"y/n always stares at your chest when you wear something showing your collarbone and chest muscles"
Leona turned back and stopped fiddling with the tie. He was looking at Ruggie over his shoulder and his confused expression turned into a sideways smile as he began to open the tie and head to the bathroom, “Give me something like what you described then..i didn't expect you to suggest this"
"and i never expected to live long enough to see you trying so hard to seduce a woman" Ruggie laughed as he headed to the wardrobe to get something suitable to wear that will make you drool once you see leona
and there he is, after a few minutes he came out from the dressing room in this sexy outfit, showing his broad chest, the perfect curve of his collarbone and the irresistible bulge of the adams apple "good?" he asked ruggie, but when he saw himself in the mirror he smirked "man i don't even need to ask you, i would simp for myself if i were someone else"
"I like your confidence, I'm more excited to see y/n's reaction than I was on NRC graduation" Ruggie seems more excited than Leona in a way, like he's watching the Rich Hero-Poor Heroine Kdrama or something, and he absolutely liked this
"Why are you so excited by the way?" leona asked as he started to wear his accessories
"I was bored after working for 15 years in boring political work, so I'm excited to see new events" Ruggie took his things and prepared himself to go out with Leona
"oho don't be so happy, I won't let you be close while I'm having quality time with the herbivore" Leona headed to the door with Ruggie to go out together "you know..it will be intimate, and i don't want you to see me-.." Leona stopped mid-sentence as if he didn't want to finish it and Ruggie looked curiously, he decided to assume the must fucked scenario to tease leona
"see you get to your knees, beg and whine for her attention and be subby?"
Leona stopped and stared Ruggie up and down "you look like you want to die quickly, don't you?"
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On the other hand, you were standing in front of the mirror and the maids were all around you, styling your hair and applying makeup for you..And the most important thing is that you wore a short dress. You believed that Leona was just joking and trying to upset you, so you did not take him seriously. You wore something comfortable and modern, and now you look beautiful and much better than before
Of course, you made sure to wear a very nice perfume and your appearance was elegant, just as you thought Leona would like...his taste in women is not clear, so you just wore what you thought suits you
The sound of your high heels filled the palace corridor after you headed to the main door with balanced steps, but in your mind you were a little distracted between your tests and spending quality time with Leona, when a strong moment of realization came to you that you were almost going on a date with a king?...You, and despite living here 15 years, you are still amazed every time you see Leona wearing his crown or the nobles bowing to him and calling him “Your Majesty”. You are so used to the lazy, bad-tempered and rude Leona that you cannot accept this version of him yet
You smiled, remembering all the times 15 years ago when Leona complained about the state of the kingdom when his brother was the king, how depressed he was because everyone kicked him aside and no one heard his opinion about anything, how he was abandoned and neglected by everyone...but now, look where he has reached, You felt proud of him and the feeling was very beautiful. Seeing him achieve everything he wanted and everyone respecting him. His head held high with pride as he walked into the throne room. Everyone was on one knee in reverence for him and the people were chanting his name and saluting him
You wiped away the non-existent tears and stood dramatically at the palace entrance "my little kitty cat became a grown up man, oh dear god.."
Suddenly, your drama was interrupted by Leona's voice behind you. He called you by the same nickname he had been accustomed to for 15 years. You turned to him quickly, excited, but soon you felt your heart drop through your pants when you saw what he was wearing. He was also staring at your exposed legs under the short dress, then he looked at your face, his expression calm but shocked, trying to control himself for a moment
"you..." You noticed his expression changing slightly to something sharp. You were torn between the attractive bronze muscles of his chest and his expression, which turned from calm to a kind of suppressed anger, You tried to say something, but Leona surprised you when he suddenly pulled you up and put his long coat around your body, closing it to hide your thighs
"l-leona, what are you doing?!!" you were confused and unable to resist him, but his hunter gaze made you froze in your place
"I know I sounded like I was joking, but I'm serious.." he exclaimed, trying not to say it out loud 'im jealous', so he came out with the first excuse that crossed his mind "The royal law says that the king's companions doesn't wear such clothes, you should wear modest and show good respect to the laws, y/n"
you blinked a few times, staring at him "i was here for 15 years and never heard such a l-...oh wait.." The words stuck in your throat when you realized that Leona was undoubtedly lying. You analyzed the situation well in your head. Leona is the biggest hypocrite and will not say something frankly so easily. Is it possible that he is really jealous because you wore this dress? The idea that he covered you like that because he didn't want other men to look at you in a dirty way made you feel butterflies in your stomach.. It's annoying that it's hard to determine his true feelings and whether he's really jealous or there is such a law know one knew about and he came suddenly wanting to apply it today.. but you decided to just follow your delulu because it is way more satisfying for you, while in reality you were sure that leona won't leave all the noble and high class women just to look at you, there is no way..he is just your friend
but maybe the delulu was relulu this time
"get the miss a pantyhose, quickly!!" leona demanded the servants and they run to the palace to get that pantyhose for you. now things looks calmer, you kept your eyes at the beautiful sight of angry jealous king in front of you with his chest shining in the sunlight like delicious 2 pieces of chocolate
leona turn to look at you with a frown when he suddenly noticed your eyes piercing his toned muscles, he hardly hold back his broad smile and turned his head to ruggie, biting his lower lip and making thumb-up to him when you didn't notice
leona was being a bit shitty about 'seducing you', he pretended to be fixing some buttons and he opened three more buttons to show some of his abs, you immediately tenses up and turned around, coughing and acting like it's nothing..leona was amused by your reaction but dissatisfied that you decided to look away when it is obviously that you were about to go mad if you saw more skin, he wanted to enjoy this look of pure want in your eyes
he wasn't sure wether you really liked him or just being a simp to every men's muscles, but he decided just to let you enjoy the sight and later he will find out your true intentions
He closed the buttons of the shirt again and put it back as it was. The servants arrived in a hurry and gave you the pantyhose, and you took it and put it on somewhere and returned quickly "better? we can go now" you asked leona with shaky voice
"so much better" Leona smiled contentedly after seeing you covering your legs, he walked two steps to stand in front of you and leaned forward slightly, gesturing his veiny hand to you with a seductive smile...he is in a really good mood to rizz you the whole day and night, and he will never had enough of it
"oya? i never knew you were such a gentleman" You laughed excitedly and held his hand. Feeling his bulging arteries and veins pulsing against your soft skin was enough to make you feel an electric wave of warmth from your palm to your head and down your spine
you held him tightly when he suddenly leaned in more, intending to kiss the back of your palm..your heart beated like drum as feeling the juicy lips pressing with care and deliciously kissing your soft hand
All you wanted at this moment was to feel those lips pressing against yours, not your palm. You would have felt dizzy immediately if your first kiss had been with him. You would not have tolerated the warmth and wetness of his lips on yours
maybe leona got carried away by the physical touch that he gave you a few more kisses, enjoying how soft and warm your skin felt against his lips, he pulled away when he felt like he's going to lose it if he kept it like this, but he really craved more kisses than this..
he stood up straight back, looking deeply into your eyes..the silence was making the tension increase and leona isn't planning to make things more awkward, so he just pulled you gently to demand your attention
"Come on, let's go now..We have a long and stressful day of joy ahead of us"
Leona opened the car door for you. It was a large, black luxury car. Around you were other guard cars. But to your surprise, Leona was sitting in the driver’s seat, just as he made sit next to him in the passenger's seat
"aa..leona, Why don't you just get a driver-"
"I can, but I prefer to drive myself. I like to drive quietly, We could have some privacy if we just sat here alone, don't you think so?" Leona said in a playful tone as he started the car and put his hand on the steering wheel, pulling the gearshift, now the car is ready to move
you absolutely liked the way his veiny hands were moving, His muscles contract and relax in perfect show of how strong this grip and fingers are, making you go delulu again
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You were having a good time with Leona in the car, A very rare event happened in front of you. Leona was talking more than listening. He seemed to be in a very good mood, more than usual. He was talking about things outside of work and seemed very relaxed
You felt purity in your ears. His voice was like the melodies of a violin..If he decides to start an ASMR channel, you are sure that he will succeed from the first video..His voice is deep and calm, very beautiful when he speaks in a gentle and excited tone rather than his angry tone
Just close your eyes and enjoy every word that comes out of his mouth. He was talking about how he learned a new, ancient language that he found in a book with a lot of strange and stupid spells. He talked about how he plans to renovate and restore the palace, and about some of the funny situations that Ruggie caused in front of him. Guests from another kingdom
"One of the guests was very rude to me, so I made Ruggie steal his phone. Halfway back, we found out that he was cheating on his wife. No one knew that it was Ruggie who stole the phone because he was hiding in the trunk."
"what the...who did he sneak to the tunk and no one noticed?"
"it's ruggie being ruggie, you know..that guy is very professional at anything i ask him to do" leona chuckled "He didn't know that Ruggie was the thief, as I told you, so we were just threatening him from his phone itself and sending him messages that we would expose him. It was fun to take revenge"
"you're being a bit too shitty about it-"
"and i like to do it this way~"
And so, you laughed at this ridiculous story that Leona told and began to look out the window at the street. The capital was already crowded because today was a celebration of one of the events for the people of the savannah, but while you were lost in your thoughts, you felt Leona tapping on your shoulder, so you returned your attention to him again
"Do you want to go to the mall or the popular market?"
"oh?.." You thought a little..."Do you want to buy something from there?"
"not really, I just have a lot of money and I want to spend it today on whatever is in front of me" Leona parked the car aside, took out his bank card, and began to show it off "at your service, miss" The card was between his middle finger and index
holy shit-
You look carefully at the card that literally contains a king’s wealth. The value of the money on this card is more expensive than your value, even if you sold your organs on the black market, and Leona, who without warning began flirting with you and seducing you..
oh yeah, that's what your're talking about, a sugar daddy at your service
"give me that card, leona" you said with your eyes burning with anticipation, imaging all the expensive jewelry and beautiful dresses you will buy with his money
"i will do..but under one condition" Leona said as he twirled the card between his fingers and grinned maliciously.."you know, miss, money doesn't come for free..right~?"
oh fuck, what does he have in mind now? of course that one condition isn't an easy one..you swallowed hard after thinking about it, should you accept or not?..but you really want to buy things, and leona won't go too far about his condition..right? "um...ok, what's your condition? I will listen and decide whether I accept it or not"
"no, If I tell you the condition, you must do it, and i will really give you my card to use as much as you want..I will even put a million to your bank account, what do you think?" leona kept his grin, His offer is really tempting..you buy with his money, and also an additional million? How wonderful..It's okay to take a once in a lifetime risk, isn't it?
"i accept, what is the condition??"
leona's grin turned into an ear-to-ear smile, He held your hand and gave you his bank card
"The condition: I will buy you belly dancing clothes and you will dance for me tonight~"
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a minute of silence..just your face almost burning from the heat, your brain ain't braining anymore-eyes locked on leona's face bursting in laugher when he saw the fucked up expression of yours, your imagination went wild imagining the scene, with the most revealing clothes, dancing to leona in one of those luxurious rooms of the harem and him looking at you all high of drinking and talking like a pervert
"i didn't know you were a pervert.." You said in a voice like a whisper
"I'm not" he smirked "and be for real, You're just playing hard to get, but you'll actually have fun"
"where is the all "i respect women" shit you talk about your whole life? you want to treat me like whore now??" you almost whimpered and protest, giving him back the card and frowning
he chuckled at you as he leaned against his seat and talked teasingly "What if we both dance? I believe in equality, you know, and those you won't feel so bad"
"both of us? what do you mean?" You looked at him from the corner of your eye, with the same frown
"I will wear belly dancing clothes, too, and we will dance together" you immediately turned to him, your mouth remained hanging slightly with a confused look "are you for real?.."
"im serious"
You took the card from his hand again and cleared your throat. You were looking at the street and did not say anything, leona burst in laughter again, almost mocking you
"guess who's the pervert now~"
"shut up and move the car"
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"this..and this...and also that!!" You pointed your fingers at every dress you saw in the store, at every shoe, at every piece of jewelry, at any thing, whether you liked it or not, that you decided to buy. You wanted to make Leona regret giving you the card. You would spend everything you could
But Leona seems to be in a completely different situation, standing aside and enjoying seeing you spend his money and pamper yourself as you like, buy the entire shop and leave
You walked in your high heels and sunglasses while holding a cup of iced coffee in your hand. Leona walked behind you and the guards were around you on all sides carrying many shopping bags
"hey, leona..i think y/n is just spending so much-" ruggie tried to tell leona that you're being too much, but leona raised his hand shutting ruggie..looking at you while smiling, completely consumed by the moment
"let her do whatever she wants, later she won't be able to say no to my orders~" Leona was humming in a low voice, his mood was very good while imagining the amount of regret you would have tonight "she won't spend all this like it's nothing..i like to make my prey think that she escaped while im just chasing after her in the bushes"
after 2 hours, you were standing with leona in the second floor of the mall, chewing gum and enjoying the beautiful nails you got, your nails are now so damn pretty after getting them done. leona leaned on the wall, looking around and waiting for you to finish admiring yourself
"done, miss?" he walked to you with his hands in his pockets. You turned to him and tapped your sun glasses to adjust them on your nose "yeah...i guess, unless i see something good and want to buy it"
"you almost bought the entire mall" he stopped beside you
"time for the belly dance outfit, miss y/n~"
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stopping now, I won't be posting the second part soon...unless I see a good interaction to this one
⏤͟͟͞͞★thanks for reading!
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alilarew23 · 1 year
the first manifestation is [in] the body
i want you to genuinely ask yourself if the reason you’re struggling to shift states is really due to a lack of faith/belief in your power as god of your reality or if it’s because you’re biologically addicted to the stress hormones associated with “trying” to manifest your desires.
i think most people, like myself, discover the law of assumption at a time when their inner/outer worlds have crumbled.
they’ve lost something or someone dear to their hearts. they’ve been fired. the business deal they thought for sure they had in the bag fell through.
but here, someone on tiktok says, i have a solution. decide what you want. affirm and persist until it shows up.
now, to be clear, i am by no means against affirmations if they work for you, if you’re truly repeating phrases as a means of reminding yourself you already have/are that which you desire to be, or if said repetition helps you shift states.
if something works for you, great.
keep repeating.
but i think there’s a general misunderstanding surrounding the term “persist” that can (and often does) have seriously detrimental implications for people first learning about/applying the law, especially those who haven’t read or listened to material from neville or edward art (yes, there are other wonderful teachers, but for me, the neville-edward duo is where to start).
persist, put simply, means to know, to continually accept your assumption as true despite lack of immediate evidence in your physical world.
acceptance does not imply—and does not demand—any work on the part of the assumer.
acceptance is by nature gentle.
it is a pleasant, “yes, i already am. yes, everything already is. yes, my prayer has been answered. thank you.”
but there’s this energy a lot of supposed-teachers have attached to the term that makes those applying the law think they need to work.
meaning, if you are not working, if you are not affirming and visualizing and scripting and SATS-ing every second until who knows the exact moment your desire materializes, it will not materialize.
which then gets people in the state of working, of trying, which by nature has force/anxiety attached to it.
which implies not being/having.
how can you work to get something you already have?
how can you try to become something you already are?
when people start to realize this, usually because they either get exhausted and depressed from all work and no results, or they manifest their first neville book that begins re-orient their relationship to the law, they might have the realization that, oh! this can be…mind-bogglingly easy.
like, i legit just decide i have/am something and go about my life and it appears in my physical world?
what a relief!
but then…immediate anxiety sets in.
NOT, at least i don’t think—and of course this isn’t always the case, there are exceptions—because they don’t believe in the law or intuitively know/feel their power to select and step into the reality of their dreams, the one inherently granted to them by their god-selves, but instead because they have trained their bodies to not trust—to not feel safe within—their power.
to not allow for the naturalness of having/being what they desire to effortlessly take over.
which is the key to successful manifestation.
it’s like, oh, ok, it’s done!
but five minutes later, the body says, where is all that anxious energy i’ve been hit with non-stop for the past seven months?
now, if they could sit with this discomfort, they might realize that, actually, that *lack* of anxious energy is a signal to the inner man/subconscious mind/whatever you want to call it that—hell yeah! we have this thing now!—hence the immediate build-traverse of the bridge of events, and a rapid materialization of said desire in the physical world because they are living in the end (present, not desiring)—and that realization might make it easier to stay in the being/having state.
but instead, there’s the bodily pull-back to the trying state.
which leads only to more exhaustion and frustration and depression and the cycle begins itself again.
but there’s such an easy fix.
i did it.
you can do it, too.
here it is.
in that feeling of relief. of ease. of almost-disbelief.
at all costs.
it sounds so silly to say your life depends on you sitting in this sort of discomfort, because—what?
how could simply being/knowing/gently accepting be this uncomfortable?
it shouldn’t be, and i’m genuinely sorry for all of us who have had to do the work of un-learning the persist-work stuff, but also, maybe it isn’t work.
maybe this, too, can be easy.
gentle acceptance.
we already are. everything already is.
it is a blessing to exist in and accept this naturalness.
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