#i am very obsessed with this show i wish i knew about it sooner
Hello! I am so thankful for you still entertaining open dialogue about all of this. I took a hard stop break from social media since last Sunday because the feeling in my stomach was unbearable. Part of me knew this would happen the second he signed to marvel and started getting more famous. Part of me was thrilled for him and part of me knew he would change. I know he was never partial to his fans and he is mostly weirded out by us, but I just feel very stupid, pathetic, and heartbroken in a way that honestly embarrasses me. I am thankful for the break from new photos this weekend but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before more pop up. I hate this I hate it so much I am devastated. I feel like he’s laughing at us and rubbing it in our faces with every new photo that comes out, and I fear this is the real deal.
I just feel so stupid and upset and I muted a lot of his stuff on instagram and twitter, and am heavily trying to curate my experience on here, but it’s hard not to search and look at gossip and hurt my own feelings. Of course everyone I know keeps mentioning it to me since I’m the known fan amongst friend groups. I’m just so sad and disappointed in him, in me, and how I wish it would go away so I don’t feel a pit in my stomach every time I go online.
Sorry, thank you, and I really appreciate the space. It’s hard out here everyone is so self righteous and tries to play some kind of role that they’re above being invested in personal lives, but whatever I obsessed over him for over 2 years and just need to get it out. Hope you’re doing ok. Thanks again.
Oooohhh Nonny. It's going to be okay.
I'll say it again: it's going to be okay.
First of all, good for you for curating your online space. That was probably hard to do, but it most likely helped you. So give yourself a pat on the back for being proactive.
Second, don't apologize for your feelings. Fuck the haters. Anyone who mocks someone for feeling sad about something, no matter how trivial or ridiculous, isn't worth your time. Decent people don't do that.
Third, and this might sound harsh but isn't, I promise you: he's not throwing it in your face, because he's not thinking about his fans at all. It feels personal, but it's not.
I use this phrase jokingly, but remember, Joe's gonna Joe. He's going to do what feels right in the moment. He's young, he's on an upward career trajectory, he's feeling himself, he's not thinking about the past. He's living in the present.
He will show up again, doing things that might seem cringeworthy, or funny, or enraging, and the world will go on. Sometimes it's good to get some perspective away from a lot of this by changing your physical space - spend time with new people, or reconnect with old friends, or volunteer - I cannot stress volunteering enough, it really, really gets you out of your head.
I also give you permission to lie in bed and be a slug if that is healing for you, but don't make that your go-to forever. There's a big wide world out there, and it's meant to be lived in.
Hang in there Nonny. I promise you will be laughing hysterically at things sooner than you think.
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the-lion-guard-88 · 2 months
Am I allowed to ask what the drama was with you? One of my friends(they like smg like you! :D), they just gave me your user and said to block you, but didn't respond when I asked why.
I read your lil intro an you seem nice. What's the deal with everything?
It’s a long story but I’ll explain it via a message I said to someone else regarding this whole thing
So back in 2021 I was a very obsessed SMG3 simp and may have been a little too over the top with simping for him, I would make $3x jokes and all in which it made people feel uncomfortable, now there was a time where things went down, someone said they were “Going to make me 🥜 from 3 without saying a single word”, the things is, I thought I did, but I didn’t, I said I did, but I didn’t because I had only known the word from WOTFI 2021, this whole ordeal happened a little less than a month after WOTFI 2021, I realize what it means now and apologized for anything I did wrong, it was all an accident but they don’t believe me and irdc, I also once made a chapter in a story with elements of r4p3 because I was inspired by another SMG4 story creator who added the same thing but I realized that it wasn’t a good idea so I deleted the story and promised to never do it again, then about a year later, the day after Christmas of 2022 people were talking about me on X or whatever and made a doc about me in which it caused me to feel bad, even made me think $u1c1d4l, however the people online accused me of faking my thoughts, so fast forward to 2023 in August, I had a crush on a girl by the name of YellowCaballeroFan who had been my friend since October 14th, 2021, I asked her out and she accepted, however exactly 4 months later she said she lied about her feelings and said she pretended the whole time, this caused me to be heartbroken, I told her that I didn’t want to do the game we played every day because I needed a break from her since she basically dumped me and that was when she started showing remorse for her lying, she said she lied but then started saying she didn’t lie; lying again, I told her that the next time she says she didn’t lie that I’d unfriend her, she said it again, I unfriended her, then she admitted she lied, then we were friends again, or so I thought, now in the RPG game she would constantly make SMG4 and SMG3 have $3x in almost every single RP session we had, I got uncomfortable and snapped out of it wondering why I didn’t report her sooner, I reported her and she got banned on Roblox for one day, she got banned 3 times and she said she never knew why she got banned but it was because she was being $3xu4l in the RPG, note that she’s 20 years old and we started this RPG when she was 17 and I was 14, now more to this, I was in the SMG4 Discord Server when I met someone, they wish to be anonymous, me and them would joke around about SMG3 because we both simped for him, now this was where I made a mistake, I said that the three of us could have a thr33$0m3 but I never knew the proper definition of what it was, I thought it was three people dating and not three people doing “it”, the reason this went out is because I made a comment about race swapping SMG3 and people in general because I thought it was wrong and everyone there was calling me racist because I said SMG3 was white, by this I meant his skin color but people thought I meant the race white, I’m fully aware that SMG3 is Asian, but I didn’t mean the race white, I meant the skin color, so then the person who made a big deal about it decided to post it on X and say I’m all racist or whatever and then the whole thing with the thr33$0m3 went out and now people are saying I’m a p3d0ph1l3, the thing is, I’m not even an adult and the person in question was 2-3 years below me, so I’m confused on how I can be portrayed as a p3d0ph1l3 when I’m not even an adult, and now people were accusing my friend of p3d0ph1l14 when he’s been trying to stop YellowCaballeroFan from making SM3 x Enzo content because SM3 is a p3d0 and Enzo wishes to not be involved in SMG4, she also ships FM and X when FM wishes to not be shipped with X, now there is the doc by the person of Yubel198 where she says I’m a narcissist but she supports YellowCaballeroFan and her gross actions, she says I’m a p3d0 yet she supports YellowCaballeroFan basically gr00m1ng me during those SMG34 $3xu4l roleplays
I can’t add everything from that message in due to the character limit but I’ve been trying to apologize for anything I’ve done, true or not, I’m trying to be someone better, I just want it all to stop, I understand if you block me, I really do, but that’s my side of the story and I’m trying to fix things I did whether they’re true or not
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roseofdarknessblog · 2 years
Regulus (Hange Zoe x Reader)
Word count: 2 935
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Info: she/her pronouns for Hange’s character
Summary: Getting lost while stargazing could be pretty easy. Mainly, when you search the night sky beside a special someone. Falling for the Titan-obsessed Section Commander wasn’t even a little bit hard. The trickiest part was gathering the courage to finally tell her. And maybe, just maybe hearing the response you were hoping for.
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Some nights it was really hard to sleep. Almost impossible. And today was one of those nights. You spent some time with the patroling Scouts, had some tea with them, and had a good chat, but then you eventually wandered away from them. There was a specific person you were looking for.
You found Hange sitting near the camp, her back leaning against a big solid rock. She was alone, just as you hoped. You were itching to have some alone time with the Section Commander the entire day. Both of you had a tremendous amount of work the last couple of days and barely saw each other.
At first, it was okay, you were even glad because talking to Hange was absolute mayhem the last few weeks. You were terrible at hiding your crush on the Titan-obsessed scientist.
„Would you like some company for whatever you’re doing here?“ you asked with an innocent smile, stopping just a few steps away. Hange would never send you away, you were sure of that.
„To be honest, I was expecting you much sooner,“ she said, surprising you with those words. Even more, when she didn’t even look at you. Her beautiful brown eyes were carefully fixed on the little notebook in her hands.
„Why’s that?“
„You seemed too anxious to actually lay down and sleep.“
„Interesting observation,“ you muttered, sitting down next to Hange. Summer had always been your favorite season. To be more specific, it was the summer nights that held some unique kind of magic you were so fascinated with. „But it’s true. I am too anxious to actually ever try to go to sleep.“
„Wanna talk about it?“
You shook your head, bringing your knees to your chest and resting your chin on them. The moon was brightly shining right above your head, but the stars were still pretty visible. It was nights like this one when you actually felt the worst. When everything seemed so peaceful, while during daylight your life was in danger almost nonstop. Most of the time you wished that the night would never end. Then everything could be much more beautiful and safe.
„And what’s keeping you up?“ you asked after a moment of silence, while you watched Hange scribble some notes in her notebook. She was surely planning a new project or experiment. „Any interesting new ideas?“
„Actually, no. It’s something completely different this time.“
„Oh, really?“ you laughed at the enthusiasm in her voice. Hange was smart in ways you weren’t. And that was okay. You still loved to hear about everything science-related she so loved to talk about. To about anyone, who showed just a slight interest in hearing her out. „And are you...“
„Of course, I’m going to tell you!“ she blurted out without even letting you finish the sentence.
Something about Hange’s voice and the way she was talking and explaining stuff always made you feel at ease. You could close your eyes and relax for hours while enjoying all that she had to say. And she clearly loved such a companion.
„I remembered how my father used to take me out during summer nights to watch the stars. He always knew so much about them.“
„From where?“
„He had a lot of books and taught me how to read them even before I went to school. Mom was very proud, she loved to read as well and always had a book with her wherever she went.“
„We had a couple of really old books at home, it was a heritage from my grandparents. But I’ve never actually read them.“
„What were they about?“ You shrugged, leaning your back against the rock as well. The night was hot, but a fresh breeze was making sure that the air didn’t become too unbearable. „That’s a shame. You should never pass up a chance to read a good and interesting book. Or even just skim through it.“
„Well, maybe I should take your advice.“
„Definitely,“ she laughed, handing you her notebook. It surprised you at first, but you carefully reached for it, brushing the tips of your fingers against Hange’s warm skin. It was such an innocent little move, but it made a shiver run down your back. As if nothing happened, she continued talking. „Anyways, he loved to tell me all about different constellations, their meanings all stories bound with them.“
„Do you remember any of them?“
„All of them,“ she said proudly, clasping her hands behind her head. „But I’ve never told them to anyone.“
Hange’s handwriting was hard to read sometimes, but her little illustrations on the sides of the pages made up for that. Tiny little stars, some of them connected into different shapes. You loved to stargaze but never knew a whole lot about the stars. Their beauty was enough for you, even without additional pieces of information.
„These constellations...“ you said, pointing to her drawings. „Did you draw them from memory or...“
„No, look up,“ she said, pointing to the night sky. Although you could hear the quiet chatter from the nearby camp, where the other Scouts were settled, you only paid attention to Hange. „See those stars over there? It’s called the Ursa Major, otherwise known as the Great Bear.“
You tried to follow her finger, which outlined a similar shape as you saw in her notebook. If you looked hard enough, you could make out a shape that looked like some sort of animal, but it wasn’t even close to a bear.
„Who named it like that? A person who never saw a bear in his life?“
„If you close one eye and tilt your head a bit, it looks like a bear.“ You shook your head, leaning a bit closer to Hange, to have a better look at what she was trying to show you. „See there? The body, legs, tail...“
„I don’t know, it looks like some sort of a drunk deformed bear.“
„Ha! That’s what I said to my dad when I was little. He laughed at me for a while, then admitted that I was right.“
„I’m glad we see the world in the same way,“ you said without thinking, leaning even closer to Hange until your arm bumped into hers.
Before you even knew it, Hange slid her arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer, so you were looking in the exact same direction. You could feel your whole body tense up, while the Section Commander kept talking and trying to convince you, that it truly looked like a bear.
But concentrating on her words was more and more difficult with every passing second. Mainly because of her arm still around your shoulders. It was a pleasant feeling which made you feel calm and safe, but at the same time, your whole body filled with thousand other different emotions.
Being close to Hange was driving you crazy more and more with every interaction the two of you had. At the same time, her closeness and touch were all you craved most days. Mainly when everything got too quiet at night and you suddenly had nothing to do. No place to hide from your worst thoughts.
„Okay, let’s try a different one then. It’s not that visible right now, but if you look really closely...“
„What am I looking at?“ you wanted to know, subconsciously leaning even closer to Hange and resting your head against her shoulder. It took all your courage, but when Hange didn’t seem to pull away, you relaxed a bit. At least on the outside, internally you were screaming and freaking out like an actual teenager you were a long time ago. „Another animal?“
„It’s the Leo constellation,“ Hange explained, tilting her head upwards. But before you could follow her lead, she pulled you down by your shoulders, making you lay down with your head in her lap.
All the air in your lungs got suddenly caught on its way out, making your heart skip a few beats. Startled, you tried to sit up immediately, but when one of Hange’s hands slipped in your hair, her nails slowly sliding over your scalp, you stayed put. Taking a deep steadying breath, you fixed your eyes on the sky again.
„You were born at the beginning of august, right?“ she asked, while already knowing the answer. That’s why she didn’t wait for your response, while her delicate fingers were still innocently playing with your hair. „So you are a leo as well. You should know how to find your own constellations.“
Trying to say something was almost impossible. You were sure that if you opened your mouth, no sound would come out. Or if you tried to speak, your voice would shake for sure.
„Do you see that bright star?“ Hange pointed above her head, waiting for you to say something or at least nod silently. „That one over there.“ Your eyes were searching the night sky for the star she was pointing at.
„That one?“ you asked almost too quietly, lifting your own hand. Hange’s fingers gently wrapped around your wrist, moving your hand a little to the right.
„Yeah, exactly. You know what’s it called?“
„No idea.“ Even if you knew, Hange’s hand still holding your wrist made you forget even your own name.
„That’s the Leo’s heart, the star is called Regulus. Or even Cor Leonis sometimes,“ she explained patiently with a burst of excitement in her voice. You could really tell that she was enjoying lecturing you about this topic. „It’s the twentieth-first brightest star in the night sky.“
„And what is the...“
You forgot what you were saying when Hange let go of your wrist and her hand gently landed on your chest. She looked down at you, smiling a little. Her rich brown eyes reflected the smile on her lips even more visibly. You tried to stay calm, but your heart had a mind of its own, it started to pick up speed until you were certain Hange could feel it too.
The smile on her lips grew even wider.
„And you know what’s the best part about it? Regulus appears as a singular star when in reality it’s a quadruple star system made out of four stars that are organized into two pairs.“
It was surely interesting, all of what she was saying... but all you could concentrate on, was the heat rising to your cheeks, while your heart still refused to calm down.
„Why are you freaking out? Isn’t this why you came here?“
„What?“ you blurted out, furrowing your brown. „I’m not... I’m not freaking out.“
„So you’re completely relaxed now?“ she teased you, stroking your cheek with her other hand. „In that case, you should go see a doctor when we return home. Having such a high-resting heart rate is not healthy.“
You could feel yourself blushing and were sure, that Hange saw it even in the dark. But a genuine smile finally made its way to your lips. She was right. This is why you came here. You wanted to spend time with her and maybe finally break down the walls separating the two of you.
Hange liked you as well, you were sure of it for a couple of weeks now. But it seemed that she was just as shy in approaching you in this matter. You both focused on work, trying to hide your true feelings. And that only led to more sleepless nights in your case. You spent long hours staring into the ceiling, thinking about how different those moments would be if Hange was there beside you.
„I think you know why my heart is pounding like that,“ you finally said, daring to tuck a few strands of hair behind her right ear, carefully fixing her glasses as they slid down her nose a little.
God, she was so beautiful.
In that moment and every other as well.
During everything she was doing, literally anytime.
You were never in love before. Not truly in love. With Hange it all felt so different even now when the two of you weren’t together. But when you looked at her and studied the structure of her face, her joyful eyes, and her bright smile, that painted rays of sunshine all over her face, you could see your whole future. The life you wanted and wished for.
Being a Scout was good... for now. After years of hard training, you were happy at where you ended up. But life had so much more to offer. And you wanted to experience that as well, best with somebody you truly loved.
With Hange.
„What did you mean, when you said that this is why I came here?“ you asked, while your fingers still lingered over the soft warm skin of her cheek.
„You wanted to be alone with me.“
„Because you wanted to tell me something?“
You shrugged, gently grabbing her chin and bringing her face closer to yours. With her hand still right over your wildly beating heart, you brushed your lips over Hange’s mouth, waiting for her response. It took her less than a second until you felt her return the kiss. A pleasant wave of excitement and warmth washed over your entire body, making you feel something like never before.
Something you weren’t even sure existed. Until now.
„I think this is better than a thousand words,“ you whispered, still just a mere distance away from her lips.
„I really much agree with that,“ she said just as quietly as if she was scared somebody may hear her. „Was it that obvious that I like you? Or did you just shoot your shot and hoped for the best?“
„Maybe something from both of those options,“ you smiled again, longing for her lips once more. For even just one last kiss. „I think I love you. For a few weeks now, actually. And it was driving me crazy, that I wasn’t able to say something. To let you know how I really feel.“
Being friends with Hange was one thing. It was never hard or complicated, her truly friendly nature drew you towards her from day one. And it really was only friendship at the beginning.
The first time you noticed, that you started to feel something more, panic set in. You truly freaked out, because falling for Hange... You never saw it coming, so all of those feelings knocked you off your feet and left you avoiding Hange for a couple of days. You hoped, that being apart for some time would solve this... problem?
No, it wasn’t a problem.
Just something you never knew you were looking for, until you got to know Hange Zoë.
Your whole life was flipped upside down, torn into tiny pieces, and then put together once again, this time truly magically.
„Good, I was looking for ways to tell you something very similar. And now I’m glad that I wasn’t the first to confess,“ Hange said, tasting your lips again for a short while. For just a glimpse of a moment that felt like a whole eternity. „Nonetheless... I love you,“ she whispered into your skin, planting tiny kisses along your jaw, which made you smile again.
You felt relief and happiness like never before. Being a part of the Scouting Regiment meant never knowing when you were going to die. Making friends and getting close to people was necessary, but really hard. Throughout the years, you’ve lost a lot of people closest to you.
Maybe that’s why you were so afraid of falling in love. Losing friends was one thing. But losing somebody you wanted to have a future with...
You weren't sure your heart would be able to take such pain and suffering.
„I want to spend my life with you, Hange. I want to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life and fall asleep holding you in my arms every night.“
„I wake up at dawn every morning, so I can go to the lab and get some work done before breakfast.“
You expected something sweet in response, maybe another kiss. But the words that came out of her mouth were just so typical for Hange. Not everybody liked her sense of humor, but it never bothered you. Quite the opposite.
„Okay, I’ll settle for falling asleep with you in my arms. I hate waking up early,“ you mumbled, asking for another kiss with puckered lips.
„I’ll teach you how to do it.“
„You’ll teach me how to wake up early?“ Hange nodded, biting down on her lower lip with a cheeky grin. „Well... I’ll be happy to give your method a try,“ you assured her, still asking for a kiss.
And Hange gave it to you.
And then at least ten more, before she started to talk about the stars again.
She had many stories and suddenly wanted to share all of them with you. Every single one of them, even those about stars and constellations you’ve never heard about. But just until the moment Hange described them to you in a way no one else would be able to do. With such whimsical details and words full of the purest magic. With one of her hands tangled in your hair, the other still resting on your chest, feeling you're once again calmly beating heart.
At that moment, you were safe and loved.
There was no point in worrying about how the next day would turn out.
At that moment, it was only you and Hange.
And that felt just right.
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ijumpedacrossforyou · 7 months
January 31: I started a conversation with him. He made a comment that I replied to with a sexual joke. He wrote it off at first but then very bluntly asked me to consider having sex with him. I told him I had reservations and why. He asked me if I'd been with anyone, I said no. He said he found that hard to believe and told me it was okay to admit it. I can't admit to something I haven't done. So then I asked him. It took him some time to respond before he said I didn't want to know. Of course it wasn't what I wanted to hear. I said I'd wished he had told me sooner. He always played it off, even denied it. This made him upset. Defensive. We hadn't seen each other in forever. We were barely talking. "What are/were you expecting???" That line was really hard to take in. My expectations weren't realistic or fair, but I was hoping he was as miserable as I've been. That he was so in love with me he couldn't stand to be with anyone else.
February 1: He said he understood sex was off the table but asked me if I still wanted to talk to him. I quickly started crying, knowing I was going to need to say no but terrified by the idea of losing him completely. I sat for a while trying to figure out how to respond. I opened my email to waste some time and saw I had a result from my GYN appointment the previous morning to review. I tested positive for Chlamydia. I'm still in awe of the timing of all of this. I stopped crying. In that moment, I wasn't angry or upset. Just shocked. I hadn't seen him since late August. So my response was explaining I'd had a routine Pap and opted for STD testing, telling him my test result, and asking if he knew he had it and who he got it from. He claimed to have no idea, said he'd never tested positive, got really worked up and said he would go get tested the next day. We discussed false positives and negatives, thinking one of our results had to be wrong (he showed me a result from December, and for context, I work in a lab and run these tests everyday). He even asked me how it's treated.
February 2: He knew full well exactly how it's treated because I found out he'd been treated not long after seeing me. You aren't required to be tested when your partner tests positive, so he wasn't technically lying about that part. I'll never be able to prove it, but I am concerned he got it from the 18-year-old at the gym who's obsessed with him and we regularly made fun of together. He's 39. And his much older brother (52) had already slept with her. I retested myself at work. He asked me to let him know the result. I told him it was definitely positive, that he knew it would be, that he was the worst. He said he didn't know how. I gave him a chance to be honest with me, he doubled down. So I called him all the way out. He claimed to have given a story to urgent care so they would give him something. He didn't know what else to say. I told him to stop acting confused. All he said is I don't deserve this, and he would "keep his distance in every form." Typical. I agreed we had nothing more to talk about. There can't be a conversation when he refuses.
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Somehow I don't think you'd rather eat your own eyeball. And there is no restraining order, they're called bail conditions which aren't even necessary at this point. I haven't been any where near you or Milton for god knows how long now - a long, long time, and I have no intentions of imposing myself. I've sent the odd message now and again and we've had a couple of 'pleasant' convos since, but that's about all at this point. As I said, I lost my shit way back then. I don't want you as badly as you think though, I just miss you now and again. It's a weird mixture of lust, loneliness, nostalgia, and I miss the intimacy we had and obviously that's past it's sell-by-date but I'm not sat in a dark corner of my house rocking back and forth over it. I've got shit going on, but you'll of course exaggerate the amount I've messaged you.
Apparently any opinion that differs from your perception of yourself is gaslighting now too. How does that even make sense? You think I'm trying to fuck with your head, when actually, I just had a moment where I thought about everything, and I got myself in a mood and vented to you because this was a two sided relationship and we both made mistakes but you don't see the ones you made. As for most dudes trying to be with you, am I even wrong? Please show me one male friend of yours who hasn't even at the very most hinted they either fancied you, or wanted more with you at some point? I'll wait. It's not fucking gaslighting if it's true. And you don't even know what "Red Pill" mentality is. It's not what you think it is, i.e, how 2 fck loadz of bitchez and shhit. I was getting girls way before I ever even knew what Red Pill was. It's fuck all to do with that.
"you claim to have abundance and awareness , yet your heavily clouded by your own brains intrusive thoughts , and my gosh do you believe them , your not in control nor do you have the great self discipline you for claim you’re controlled by yourself , delusional and entitled narcissistic behavioural tendancies." Oh no! Kirsty is gaslighting me with her opinion! That's fine that you think that. Anyone who deals with anxiety has a heavily clouded brain. You should fucking know that Freud, since you also deal with it. And I don't believe every intrusive thought that comes into my head, don't be silly. You say I don't know you, but you clearly don't know me either. I never claimed to have great self discipline. I've admitted about a thousand times how many mistakes I've made, it's pretty fucking self-evident that I'm not perfect, duhhhh. Maybe you should realise you're not too, and I'm not talking about your looks which you seem to be obsessed with.
If only I were a woman so I could cry about how men victimise me, but never actually take into account any of the mistakes I might be making in relationships.
I said I didn't give you any reason to mistrust me in the beginning. That's clearly what I said to you. "Early on". And I didn't. Because of the way Will treated you, shat all over your commitment to him by sleeping with all of the easiest, trashiest lays in New Milton you naturally ended up traumatised as fuck (partly your own fault too for not having the "discipline" to break up with him sooner), and then you projected all of that mistrust on to me in the beginning. Was it fair? no, but I understood. I had the same doubts and fears as you because of how much I was betrayed in the past. Shit happens. Just recognise it.
Despite ALL of that said. I don't hate you at all Kirsty. I'm mad about what happened and I wish I could rectify it.
As far as I was aware and told by Molly there was a restraining order which meant immediate arrest if you came near me or Luna. And it is absolutely necessary , abd I'm glad you only miss me a little bit but enough to make various accounts and find a way to contact me ? Look what can I say I'm a decent girlfriend lol , I give to much and try my best , and I'm sorry but the only things I will be held accountable in the relationship was not leaving sooner , I genuinely genuinely cannot fault myself in any respect when it came to being a girlfriend , maybe I'm not as affectionate as I could be and my sex drive isn't the best but I'm on fucking fluxontine I'm cutting myself a break there. The only toxic behaviours I believe I exhibited would be reactive abuse when I finally started to lash out about the way you where treating me , which is exactly what happened with will. And I should have ended both relationships way before they broke me entirely . I'm very aware I'm not perfect I'm far from it I'm extremely messed up , I have a lot of physical and mental issues and I'll never try and hide that? But I've never cheated I'm always loyal I provide I listen I give advice Im open minded I can give space and allow my partner to have a life , I know when to back off and when to be there, I genuinely as a girlfriend don't really see where the fuck I'm failing ? Please do fucking enlighten me because really was a bad girlfriend you wouldn't miss me at all !!!
I have anxiety yes but I as a self aware person don't impose my anxiety onto others unless I'm physically in panick and need some reassurance but that's just called soppourt . And Im aware it can make you believe unrealistic things but again I DONT impose them onto others , you do huge huge difference , thanks for the Freud comment mind I appreciate it lol.
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week in BL
March 2021 Part 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. 
This is a LONG ONE, it’s been A WEEK everyone. 
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Lovely Writer Ep 5 - a little slow this week, but at least Gene finally flirted back, and very cute flirting it was, too. Also we got Aey’s motivation, background, and love interest. Thank goodness for that. 
Brothers Ep 8 - still pants, what can I say? Clearly I am a BL masochist. Very embarrassing for everyone concerned. 
1000 Stars Ep 9 - the conflict over Tian’s father was REALLY well done. The plot of this drama is excellent, the leads are great together, and yes I totally cried. What, you didn’t? 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Word of Honor (China) Ep 16-18 - big battle fighty fighty stabby stabby. Ep 17 switches to “this drama isn’t big enough for two chaotic-neutral godlings!” So what do they do? Drink together and bicker... A LOT. Then in Ep 18 we all get the dubious joy of really freaky puppets. (I HATE puppets.) Also how is China letting this be so SO VERY VERY GAY?  Also, I wanna walk through the forest wearing a smanshy purple robe and waving a big fuck-off white fan around simply because I’m a pretentious fuss monger. And frankly, I feel like this is an achievable life goal for me. 
We Best Love 2 (Taiwan) Ep 4 - not gonna lie, this is looking to be one of my top 3 BLs of 2021. It’s SO GOOD. Big bonus to this ep for treating stalker behavior like the mental illness it is and not as some dumb representation of enduring love. 
The Most Peaceful Place is My Place (Vietnam) Ep 1 - finally dropped (find it under NƠI BÌNH YÊN NHẤT LÀ VỀ BÊN EM on O2′s channel). It’s got actors already comfortable with BL and looks pretty good so far. An angry tsundere uke reunited with his ex, a stoic chef, giving us lots of snap, crackle, and pop out the gate. 
Dear Uranus (Taiwan GL) Ep 2 - I want to love it, but it is just moving too fast. There’s not enough character dev and then they’re throwing flashbacks in? It feels like a treatment rather than a show, and a rushed treatment at that. Bummer. 
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 2 (AKA Ep 3-4) - let the cheesy popcorn continue! Idiot remains an idiot; ingenue remains an ice queen; nice gay guy remains nice and gay; obsessive stalker brother is getting ever more whackadoddle. Of course these last two have the best chemistry. (It’s caregiver codependency and the salvation trope. We got us a Leo/Fiat situation going on.​) Plus lots of classic BL tropes because OF COURSE there are lots of tropes. 
Occasionally, I am tempted to argue that shows like H4 or Cherry Magic or Ossan’s Love aren’t technically BL because of the office setting and age of the protags - but then they all behave like high school students anyway, so *shrug* 
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Stand Alones
Cute little Taiwanese micro BL Friend or Lover dropped, about bisexual realization within a friendship group. Normally these are too short for me, but this one did pretty good with its 15 minutes of charm, plus it’s abad boy + shy softy pairing. 
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Breaking News - Thai BL
Fish Upon the Sky released its actual trailer. The upside-down kiss is gone, which makes everyone sad, and it seems far less rivals to lovers than the first iteration, which makes ME sad. But it still looks good and a more classic BL than GMMTV has given us in a while. New trailer focused more on the makeover trope and they’ve upped Mix’s role (the object of everyone’s affection) now that he’s proved himself. (Or they are using him more to carry the trailer since he has a fan base form 1k*). Starts April 9 on GMMTV in 1K*’s time slot, probably with a 10 ep run. 
2gether the movie is apparently coming April 22 to Thai theaters. F4 Thailand must be having issues or GMMTV just wants to milk the BrightWin cash cow. It’s rumored to be a combination of 2gehter + Still 2gether with some extra scenes and ending. Also, one assumes a lot will be cut out, if it’s movie length.
Call It What You Want released its updated trailer. If anything, it looks more scary than before. What are we in for? April 9th. 
Nitiman got a release date, May 7 on One31. 
I Told Sunset About You 2 got an updated release date of May 27 on LineTV. 
Second Chance the series is coming to LineTV on March 29. I don’t know much about this one. Tons of familiar faces (mostly TharnType side dishes) and some nice looking new talent but a dearth of eng subs. I think it may take on Brothers’ time slot. Line did eng subs for Brothers so maybe they will do 2nd Chance too? 
Close Friend the series is coming April 22. This is a combination of 6 couples with 6 story arcs as music videos (maybe)? It’s an epic fan service with familiar faces like OhmFluke (UWMA), MaxNat (LBC also in Y-Destiny), YoonLay (YYY also in Y-Destiny), KimCop (GenY), and JaFirst (TT2).
Y-Destiny starts March 30, and has starting dropping couple’s trailers. I’m still suspicious given the director but it seems like there is plot (or plots) and a theme. Looks to be a series of 7 single ep vignettes (amended, see comments, might be 2 eps each for 14 eps total), different couple each time, some with supernatural elements, all with decent chemistry and acting chops. 
Sun MaxNat’s tutor/student arc
Mon jaded rich kid meets poor innocent  
Tues sports romance enemies to lovers 
Weds the messy realistic actual dating one 
Thurs hot ghost boyfriend (sad) 
Fri YoonLayPerth coping with loss and finding new love (sad). This one will all rest on Lay's acting so we know it’s in safe hands. Our boy is going to KILL it. 
Sat time-slip memory loss reunion romance 
I’m thinking we can’t expect any of these to end happy or be classic BL. They’re gonna be more slice of life-ish. 
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Gossip - BL Outside of Thailand 
Scholar Ryu’s Wedding Ceremony AKA Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (Korean historical BL) got a legit teaser (eng sub here). @curriculumvtae​ reports that it’s releasing April 15th on WeTV (Philippines & Thailand) and Idol Romance (South Korea), while Will of Thai Bl says it’ll be on Viki too. It’s a short run of 8 ep built on a fake relationship trope (arranged marriage variant):
Ryu Ho Seon’s (Kang In Soo from You Wish) arranged marriage turns out to be with his expected bride’s brother, Choi Ki Wan (Lee Se Jin from Mr Heart). Ryu tries to undo the marriage, but his ill mother opposes this saying the scandal would be too much. Meanwhile, Kim Tae Hyeong (Jang Eui Soo from Where Your Eyes Linger), a senior at Ryu’s school, comes to congratulate him and falls in love with Choi. Then one day, the original bride disappears.
Okay it seems a bit twisty turny for ONLY 8 EPS, but oh my goodness how excited are we? Our first intentional historical BL out of Korea!
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We already knew Hong Kong was doing a remake of Japan’s Ossan’s Love under the same name (not my favorite Japanese BL but so very popular) but it’s now reported to be coming to Viu in June. Who knows how the CFA will take it. Depends on whether Hong Kong bows before the NO GAY KISSES regs or if they are going to use this as a political nose thumb... things could get cray with this puppy (the original has several kisses and s shower scene). Are we back in Addicted territory only with added comedy and civil unrest?
Speaking of Japan, Absolute BL (AKA Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai vs Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko) dropped sooner than anyone thought, March 27. But being Japanese who knows how/when/if we get subs. Protag finds himself trapped in a world of BL, but being straight he fights against any hot guy that draws near, but the whole world (literally) is conspiring against him. It’s a parody adapted from a yoai.
What with Absolute BL from Japan plus Lovely Writer and Call it What You Want from Thailand, is 2021 the year of BL being ultra self referential? Sure feels like it.
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In Case You Missed It
Faded a gay micro film from Taiwan from 2017 deals with parental acceptance and serves up a ton of BL tropes (piggyback, forehead kiss, etc). I’m pretty sure this was a propaganda piece for legalization of gay marriage, and it’s an interesting nugget of BL history as a result. Yes, it ends happy. It’s cute. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed a day later than actual air date for accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
Man there’s a lot going on right now! Spring has sprung... I suppose. 
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P.S. I cannot believe I missed Absolute BL as a blog name. Numbnuts = me. 
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laufulneutral · 3 years
We all know how much I love music Inspos! So here’s one that came to mind whilst I’ve been obsessing over this Coldplay song recently.
I’m sorry if this is crap. Only briefly re read so have fun or not cool thanks bye haha
(It’s a sad Arthur moment)
You are Arthur’s fiancée. Arthur turns up out of the blue after disappearing for 3 months after shish went down in Valentine and the gang had to leave. He never told you and he hasn’t been responding to letters. This isn’t the first time he’s had to go, he disappears a lot to do jobs for Dutch, but you always knew. However things have been strained since the trouble in Blackwater and Arthur goes for longer periods between seeing you, and he doesn’t have the time to see you and it’s all coming to a crashing reality, that unless you keep running with the gang, you can have no future together
A sharp knock on the door takes your attention away from the book you had become so engrossed in. You look up as your Aunt leaves the room to answer the door.
Soon enough you hear the familiar drawl of the outlaw,
“Hello m’aam, is Miss Y/LN here?”
A brief sense of happiness and relief floods your system before it’s taken over by anger again. Anger that he left, anger he hasn’t written once to you or even responded to any of the letters you wrote to him.
“I shall go see”
You hear the door close, and your aunt appears in the entrance to the room
“Mr Morgan is here to see you” she smiles gently, worry etched into her face. You return the smile, and nod once before putting your book aside and standing to straighten your skirt.
“I can tell him your busy” you aunt offers,
“No it’s okay” you reply, twiddling the silver band with a single ruby raised from it on your finger. “He is meant to be my fiancée, I cannot ignore him”
Pulling open the door you are greeted by the familiar cowboy,
“Arthur” you greet him
“F/N” he smiles broadly, taking your hand and raising it to his rough lips placing a gentle kiss against your knuckles. The touch sends electric through your body, some things never change no matter how long it has been. “Y’look lovely darlin’”
You close the door behind you and attempt to offer him a smile. You can’t bring yourself to say anything amongst the anger and hurt that’s bubbling more now you are seeing him in person.
“I’ve missed ya” he says, awkwardly knocking his foot against the wood of the porch. The tension between you is thick, “ain’t stopped thinkin about ya since I’ve been away.. some strange people down south”
“Why are you here Arthur?” You snap, unable to continue anymore small talk. His face blanches and his eyes show a quick glimpse of shock and hurt
“I missed ya, and I wanted to say sorry” he answers plainly
“For what?”
“What?” He grunts
“For what Arthur. What are you sorry for?” you demand, impatient with him already.
You let out a harsh laugh, walking away from him to the low fencing of the porch. You wrap your arms around yourself pleading it will keep you together,
“I would have been back sooner but we ran in to trouble”
You shake your head “ain’t that always the way”
“Ain’t nothing I could of done.. Dutch said..”
You spin round to face him, your patience snapping “well if Dutch said it then it must be gods word”
“Don’t” you hiss “I am your fiancée … least I thought I was till you disappeared and I had no idea where you were for 3 months”
“I’m sorry.. Pinkertons showed up and after what happened in Valentine I couldn’t come back and see ya in case someone recognised me”
“How about letters Mr Tacitus Kilgore? Did pinkertons take over the postal system too!” You sneer,
“No” Arthur mumbles, his eyes stuck firmly on the floor. He is so inherently frustrating, he never understands how him disappearing effects you,
“You cannot begin to fathom the thoughts I’ve had about you since you left! I thought you was dead!” You exclaim, your hands swing around widely
“Oh darlin..” Arthur hums, his eyes meeting yours with concern, “course not, I ain’t trying to make you worry”
“What was I meant to think ? I rode out to horseshoe and found it abandoned.. I thought cause I hadn’t heard from anyone that you must be ..” you take a deep breath to stop your voice from cracking and shake your head “That was till I saw Trewlany, he told me you were holed up somewhere near Rhodes. I didn’t believe him at first.. said you would have let me know if you had to go”
Arthur says nothing watching you with a blank expression
“Arthur I have wrote to you. I have wrote and wrote and worried and cried…” you stop yourself, turning away from him again to not have to see his face,
“What can I do to fix it?” Arthur asks you, his voice desperate
You shrug, before mumbling “I just wish it could be like it used to be, y’know back in Blackwater”
Silence stretches out between the pair of you, only broken when Arthur sighs heavily,
“I ain’t too sure what to say darlin.. I’m sorry and I’m here now… ain’t that enough?”
“We’ve done this before Arthur, you do something wrong, I get hurt and then you apologise. We are running in circles, and I keep getting hurt. I’m tired of it”
Arthur comes up behind you and wraps his two warm arms around you. The scent of pine and campfire invades your senses, the smell of him bringing comfort to you the same as it always has done.
“You darlin, are the most important thing to me” he says gruffly, his lips kissing you lightly on the side of your face, the electric tingle igniting your skin, “please forgive me”
“I always do” you answer, your voice exasperated “but that ain’t changing anything, you do it again and again .. disappear for weeks .. this time 3 months. What will it be next time Arthur? 6 months ? A year?”
Arthur’s arms stiffen around you,
“This is my life Y/N, you knew that when you met me and you knew that when you agreed to marry me” he says, his voice irritated “Nobody said it would be easy”
You laugh, shocking yourself, before shaking your head “you’re right ! Nobody said it was going to be easy. Being in love with an outlaw” you take a deep breath before admitting the truth “but no one ever said it would be this goddamn hard”
Your voice cracks, and your eyes begin to threaten unshed tears that have built up over the last few weeks. Arthur turns you in his arms so your face to face, you look up into his sea blue eyes,
“What are ya sayin” he asks warily,
You search his face for something to change your mind on the hard decision you’ve been thinking over for the last month. You find it hard to face the reality when you are in his presence, he is so intoxicating and just seeing the man you love brings you such comfort. Yes he looked different. His beard has grown out a lot since you last saw him, his scar no longer visible under the untamed hair, and he still wore that silly blue, very worn shirt that suited him so well, but he was still that same man who you fell in love with. The same man who drew pictures of you and taught you to ride a horse. The man who when he proposed dropped the ring cause he was so nervous. The man you thought would be your husband
“Say something’” Arthur whispers, his eyes watch you intently,
“I can’t do this anymore” you say barely above a whisper . His eyes go wide and a hand immediately holds your chin so you can’t turn away. His eyes frantically search your face,
“You’re leaving me?” He says with disbelief.
You close your eyes, as tears start to form. When you open them again, you look down at your ring finger. Sliding the gold band off, you hold it out to him. Disgust fills his face at this gesture, his grip on your chin loosens as he steps away from you.
“Y/N… no... I love you” he says, his voice cracking. His face is holds a frown, as he looks at you with hurt and disbelief,
“I love you too Arthur.. but it’s not enough, this is too…hard” your voice cracks and the tears fall down your cheek. You look away from him, but Arthur grips his hands on your arms, making you look up at him through watery eyes,
“It won’t be much longer darlin’…I know it don’t seem great now, but as soon as we have enough money we’ll be gone.. just the two of us” he reassures you with so much belief that you so badly want it to be true. However you know the horrible truth, that there was never going to be that time.. there is always one more job, one more favour to do.
You shake your head, “I think you know as much as me that ain’t the case… you’ll never change that part of you, I wouldn’t want you too. It’s what makes you who you are” you place your hand with the ring in over his heart, “but I am not the women who can live that life with you, I’m sorry”
You slip the ring into the breast pocket of his worn shirt. The same shirt he wore when you first met, it hugs his frame so well and was the first thing you noticed when you met him in Blackwater. The grin he gave you after he brought you a new drink to replace the one his friend Sean spilt when he was trying to dance on the saloon bar. Arthur was so carefree back then, but since the trouble in Blackwater it’s got worse. You respected his lifestyle but couldn’t be a part of it yourself, and had enough of moving all the time. Staying in Coulter was the breaking point, and you both agreed you would stay permanently in Valentine, since it was not meant to be long till you and Arthur left together.
Stepping back out of his grasp, his faces drops and he reaches out again taking your hand which his larger one.
“I love you…so much” Arthur mumbles confused, a broken look on his face that is no longer hidden by his facade of confidence
You smile weakly at him, tears running down your cheeks “I know”
Your voice cracking through the sobs as you pull your hand from his and turn for the door
“Goodbye Arthur”
You step through the door, closing it behind you before he does anything stupid, like kiss you. You knew that was all it would take to get you to stay, you love him too much. Leaning your back against the door you slide down, the sobs overtaking your body.
After a few seconds you hear Arthur’s foot steps recede , and then hooves disappearing until the house becomes silent.
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valeskakingdom · 3 years
Could I request a part 3? Jerome keeps the reader as his hostage for popularity and attention. Reader is really fond of the attention she gets as well and eventually sleeps with Jerome again? In the end she sees how Galavan kills him and is really sad?
Requested by @violentvaleska
For sure!! But again I gonna split this part in 2 because I noticed it would have been too long instead ahaha. I try to hurry with part 4!! Honestly, it's really cool to write oneshots!
And here it is:
Jerome x female reader (part 3)
Warning: mention of sex, depression and death
Word count: 3459
Gift credit: @jokersbabe27
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"And here is our bedroom!" Jerome opened another wooden door and lead you into it.
You were irritated by his assertion 'our bed'. You weren't a couple or something. He just kidnapped and called you his property.
You examined the room. White pained walls, claret velvet curtains, a king size bed with while pillows and blankets, and some furnishungs. It didn't look that bad, much better than your little apartment.
"It's...pretty." You gave him a short smile hoping he would believe your faked comfortableness.
Actually you didn't feel well about that. You were around lunatics who either killed or are people...and you, you were the only sane one. You were clearly a victim for them. Sooner or later they would cause you problems.
You started to think about all the cruel things they could do to you in case, Jerome was not there: they could scare you away, haunt you for fun, or...leaving their sexual needs out on you. It was horrible, you literally lived in hell now.
The worse part was on it: you would be a loner if Jerome was gone. A nobody. Nobody would help you. Hell, they'd probably just mock at you that Jerome's property was just an anxious fool and that they couldn't understand what Jerome liked about you so much - you didn't even understand it. You were just a one off.
"But uhm...Jerome?" You turned to him.
"Yes, doll?" Jerome gave you a wide smile glaring at you with his big blue eyes.
"I need clothes... And all my clothes are in my apartment and-..." You knew you couldn't go back.
Not because of him and all your feelings for him- oh no, you wished you could go to your friend to forget the moment where Jerome frightened you to death. His permanent mood changes exhausted you a lot. On your way to his hostage, he made everyone clear that you were his property. No one was allowed to touch you nor to talk to you...They weren't even allowed to look at you. It was crazy. You should just belong to him, he was literally crazy about you.
So yeah, you couldn't go. If you went away, he'd chase you...and if he caught you, you'd probably end up dead.
"You don't need your old clothes, doll." He walked to one of the shelves and opened it: Lacy underwear, seemingly expensive but nice dresses, and some shirts with pants filled it.
"Uhm-..." Before you could say anything, you were interrupted by an older man in a black tuxedo and yelled dark brown hair.
You knew this man: Theo Galavan, the one coming into office of Gotham's major.
But what does he have to do with all the lunatics? And why were they living in his tower? It confused you a lot. In the TV, he seemed to be a good guy. Rich, clever, apparently cared Zabout all citizen's wealth. He wanted to safe the city, or even makes it a better place for everyone.
Your feeling told you though, he was the total opposite: a villain who wants to reign over Gotham.
Why else would he keep lunatics in his tower?! You thought.
"Jerome," Theo Galavan slowly stepped forward with a grin in his face, his hands were folded into each other "I see, you show our new guest her new hostage." He turned to you "I'm Theo Galavan, call me Theo."
"(Y/n)." You gave him a nervous smile.
"I'm sorry, you've been arrived during such ordinary circumstances." He placed his hand on his chest "It wasn't planned to scare you away. But I think we both know Jerome's little tick for an overdramatic show, don't we?"
"O-ohhh, yeah, uhm... it's... it's fine?...yeah," You stammered a little while trying "It was uhm... adventurous." You chuckled nervously completely ignoring his little question.
"Indeed," Theo chuckled darkly rubbing his palms, then he walked a few steps to Jerome and whispered something in his ear. You couldn't understand what he was saying though. You just felt uncomfortable about two people talking behind your back but right in front of you. You just could see Jerome nodding with a grin as both looked at each other. Something was wrong, that you can tell.
"Anyways," Theo turned around with a smile in his face "I leave you two alone now. Some privacy should be appropriated. It was a pleasure to meet you (Y/n) and welcome home." He shut the door and left our room before you could say anything.
"That guy's amazing, did I tell you? If you know him, you'll understand me. He's a big authority and-..."
"What did he tell you?" You interrupted him giving him a stern look "It was about me, wasn't it?" You didn't know where you've got that brave from. Maybe because you were a little scared about what exactly Theo whispered into Jerome's ear?
"I really hate it when some interrupts me..." Jerome grumbled giving you a death stare, his bearing was cramped and he clenched his fists; it looked like he was about to kill you every minute "It's very impolite to interrupt someone, don't you think?"
You couldn't say anything so you just nodded quickly in panicking and fear. More and more you just wanted to go home. You wished you never took the bus to your friend, instead you just could've ask them to hook you up then you wouldn't have been here.
You really didn't want to live like that: being frightened from your oh so called partner because he could kill you every time you were doing a mistake in his eyes.
"Good," but then his death stare and cramped bearing faded instantly and as always he gave you a warm smile "Now to answer your question..." Jerome grabbed your waist pulling you close to him, his nails were dug in your skin that it almost hurt a little "He and I made a little deal before I...you know...kidnapped you."
"And what for a deal?" You frowned confused.
"You should stay here telling nobody about him keeping me and the others here and so on...because if not he kills you." He chuckled louldy "Isn't that fun? He really thinks he can kill you."
You widened your eyes in shock and fear. You hoped you haven't heard it right. Theo will kill you if you lose any word about this here? You won't be able to go back to your home? To message your friends? Nothing?
More and more you felt like a prisoner...and more and more you felt like an object than a human. You were pressured, they decided everything for you... practically your only task was to entertain Jerome...however he wanted it.
"Don't worry, doll, he won't even dare to lay a finger on you." Jerome grabbed your cheeks softly and leaned his forehead against yours, his lips hovered over yours "Because I am the boss. Really no one wants me to be mad because you know... they'll end up dead."
He pressed his lips on yours roughly, his grip on your cheeks tightened. His tongue slipped into your mouth while he nibbled on your lower lip. You let out a little moan in arousal. As if it was a reflex you automatically wrapped your arms around his neck.
Jerome's hands wandered down; along your breasts what made you shiver and gasp, his hands stopped at your waist.
"I almost forgot the feeling when I touch your soft lips doll." Jerome interrupted the kiss and let out a sigh in arousal throwing his head back.
You blushed hard, a slight giggle escaped your lips.
With this kiss, Jerome calmed you down a lot. It let you remind of that one special night again: the butterflies in your stomach, the happiness... You could say, for a short moment you almost forgot about his craziness and him being a murderer.
On the other hand, you still felt strange about the whole thing. A criminal was obsessed with you, his obsession was that big that no one was allowed to do anything with you...and also that you couldn't go back to your friends... You didn't like it at all. Your friends were more important to you than Jerome. You knew them for years and him... You've just met once.
Jerome kissed you again deeply, then he made his way down your jawline to your neck. You let out a little moan as he kissed started to suck on your sweet spot. His hands travelled under your shirt up to your bra clip to open it. You unbottoned his shirt and ripped it off his body while he tugged your bra from your body. You felt him biting your neck, first slightly then harder. It hurt a little and you knew that you'd be marked sooner or later - but you didn't mind. You knew what was coming right now. It was exactly like the first time you two had sex.
Jerome ripped your shirt off from your body and then stopped every single actions. He was eyes you, he stared at every little part of your body. He was like a wild animal staring at its prey and just waited for the perfect moment to catch it.
It made you shiver, but you loved it anyhow. It was very new but you could get used to it.
"Oh, how I missed that view," Jerome bit his lip with lust still viewing your whole body "Time to make up that whole year."
Jerome grabbed you by your waist and literally threw you into the king size bed right behind you. He was so eager to rip your clothes from your body to feel all this pleasure he has felt one year ago. He wanted to feel your soft skin on his, to hear you moans every time he thrusted into you, he wanted to be into you. He couldn't wait for it, so violently he unbottoned your jeans literally ripped them off your body.
You blushed hard. You were excited, surprised, but still you felt uncomfortable. You wondered whst was happening now. Does he expect any dirty kinks from you? Calling him daddy? Any pet names? Or other ordinary kinks?
You hoped for the best, you hoped nothing would have changed and you could just go on.
Jerome grabbed your face again and kissed you deeply nibbling on your lower lip. While that he pulled down your panties and inserted a finger into your cunt. You let out a sharp moan and your hips bucked quickly through the strong intensity of him hitting your sweet spot. You couldn't help but digging you nails in the sheets of his bed and arching your back as he speeded up.
He was rougher with you than before, almost violently. It hurt and was fast but it felt so good at the same time. You started liking it even more than the soft stuff one year ago. Your pleasure was stronger and him being rough kind of turned you on.
Jerome inserted another finger into your wet entrance what let you moan a little louder and your hips bucked.
Jerome curled up his fingers inside you harder and faster what made you moan louder. You grabbed the sheets of the bed tight to handle this big amount of pleasure.
Your back arched as he hit your g spot for another time. There again, you had this incredible feeling, all the upcoming pleasure in your body caused you a cribbing feeling in your abdomen that spread through your limbs up to your shoulders - this time it was much more intense though. Your core was aching and you became needy for his cock. Indeed, you were well pleasured but you want more. You wanted him to bury his member inside of you, filling up every inch of your cunt, making you scream and cum over and over again.
All your sorrows and worries disappeared all of a sudden. You didn't do anything for it; You just had eyes for Jerome and how he'd make you done undome several times. You didn't care about whether the others would hear you or not, you didn't care whether you'd rip the sheets apart or vice versa. You didn't care about anything.
You bit your lip in pleasure after you let out a loud moan as you noticed you were close.
Jerome pressed his thumb on your clit while continuing to pleasure you making you gasp. Your moans became louder and it became harder to hold them back. They way he did it just made you feel so good.
"Close already, huh?" Jerome pressed his thumb harder on your clit rubbing it in circling motions "Come for me, doll." His eyes kept staring on you. He loved hearing you moan his name through all the pleasure he was giving you. It aroused him much more than usual. He missed you and all this - he really did. The things that happened in his cell were nothing compared to you.
"Ahh fuck!" Right after he finished his sentence you released yourself with a lot cry.
The sweat was dripping down your forehead, you breathed heavy and uneven, and your legs were shaking and felt weak.
It was amazing for you. You admitted to yourself how much you missed this and you now remembered how good he made you feel.
With his strength, Jerome turned you around on your stomach waisting no time.
You blushed hard being a little worried about what's coming next.
"On all four, kitten." You blushed harder and did what he said. You felt a little strange with that nickname, it was very new to you, and honestly you would have never expected that from Jerome. His first impression to was him being a soft guy who rather prefers the normal way of how sex goes like...and generally, he didn't seem to be a dominant and rough guy.
You heard him walking a few steps backwards taking something. You were a little afraid what was coming now. You were afraid that he was taking a knife or other kind of weapons to do with you some dirty acts.
"My, my, my...You have such a beautiful body, you know that kitten?" Suddenly you felt something cold and sharp wandering down your spine. It made you shiver and gasp. You knew it was a knife and you just waited until Jerome started to hurt you "How many boys might have touched you when I was absent?"
"N-no one...w-where-...." You stammered in fear hoping nothing bad will happen. You didn't know where he's got that from suddenly. Was he jealous? Was he 'scared' that you could have a boyfriend and that he needs to make a plan to kill him?
"You really want me to believe that?" Jerome unbottoned his jeans and grabbed your waist violently inserting his dick into your wet entrance "It sounds a little surreal, don't you think? Who would not betray a blood-thirsty and cold-hearted murderer who's busted in Arkham?"
He didn't move though. Instead he pulled pulled on your hair tight that your head fell back what are you moan again. But instantly, your breathe hitched as you felt a cold and sharp knife pressed on your throat. Now you were scared, almost panicking. You hoped he didn't slit your throat.
"You know, I'm not a fan telling me a lie." He pressed the knife harder against your throat. You cut feel how the sharp blade cut your thin skin. Your body shivered in fear, your pulse was running and your breath was uneven. It felt like every minute could be your last one, it was just a matter of time until he killed you.
"I-I would n-never lie to you." You stammered quickly "H-honestly, I j-just though about y-you..." It was the truth. You really did. The whole year where Jerome was gone you didn't even think of dating a boy or of a simple one off. You were too much stuck in your thoughts about him, how he was doing, what he has become...
"Is that so?" Jerome didn't really sound convinced what let you panicking more.
"Y-yes," You gulped because you knew what you had to say now: you had to say you liked him "You J-Jerome...the l-last year was...i-it was hard for me b-because-..."
"Because?" You felt how the blade was pressed deeper in your skin and slightly moved to make a longer cut in your throat.
"Well," You gasped as Jerome stopped moving the blade "I-I....like y-you..."
This was not completely true but not completely wrong, as well. You did like him, but the old him more. You weren't scared of the old Jerome, you liked him being soft and kind...not frightening with this permanent changing behavior.
He said nothing at first, you could just feel his grin against your ear.
He put the blade aside what let you sigh in relief. You calmed down a little seeing the blade on the floor.
"I know, doll." His head moved from your ear, his hands were both placed on your waist.
And again, he started to thrusted violently into your wet entrance. You swore with a loud moan and arched your back.
Immediately, Jerome speeded up permanently pushing you against him to drill his member deeper into your cunt. His nails were dug into your waist what made you biting your lip.
Your whole body felt weak with every thrust he did into you. You body shivered slightly through this overwhelming pleasure. Every thrust hurt more, each of your moans became louder. Your nails were dug into the sheets of the bed deeply but still the pleasure he was giving you was too much. You couldn't handle it.
You moaned louder, almost uncontrollably, then your body gave in and you slightly collapsed in the bed.
Jerome though didn't waist no time - he kept drilling his member into you, grabbed your hair and pulled you upwards by your hair again.
"Oh my God, Jerome!" You cried out in pleasure while your legs shivered.
"So eager for my cock, you little slut, aren't we?" Jerome grunted and speeded up a third time.
You moaned louder, almost screamed. You felt how your walls clenched against his cock - you were close. You didn't know whether you could hold it back. It all was too much for you. You felt a knot in your stomach that was built up. It hardened with every thrust Jerome did.
"Fuck, I'm gonna-...!" You almost screamed digging your nails deeper in the sheets of the bed as you came. You couldn't even finish your sentence. With a few more thrusts, Jerome came as well.
You both collapsed on the bed. He still laid on you not even pulling out his member.
Silence filled the room for a while, just your gasps for air broke it here and there.
You felt Jerome's warm breathe on your skin every time he breathed out.
You closed your eyes for a moment enjoying this half broken silence.
Many thoughts crashed in your head together:
You told Jerome that you liked him and he surely will take advantage of it. Maybe he wants to force you to violent things like shooting at people or hurting them otherwise? And every time, you refuse he'd tell you stupid stuff like but I thought you like me, doll. You kinda regret what you said because you knew it will have consequences.
Another point would be his now increasing obsession and possessiveness towards you. Now he had the final proof that you wanted to be his and no one could ruin him that. He could call you his property because you liked him which meant for him: you wanted to be with him, you wanted to be his queen of Gotham, you wanted to spread chaos with him. Everyone else was his rival.
But then you thought that on the other hand, it was okay to be his. Everyone knew crazy Jerome could probably be so no one wanted him to be mad, as he said. And so nothing would happen to you.
"Even better than the first time" Jerome rolled off of you staring at the ceiling for a while while taking deep breathes.
"I agree," You slightly chuckled.
"And doll, " Jerome grabbed your cheeks pressing his face against yours that his lips hovered over yours "Never forget who you belong to. We don't want things turning out bad, do we?"
"N-no." You shook your head fast.
"Good...because you're mine."
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Queen live at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, MI, USA - September 20, 1980
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Freddie stopped the show part way through Love Of My Life because the rowdy audience was drowning out Brian's guitar.
Around this time the Detroit Lions football team had adopted Another One Bites The Dust as an anthem. When Queen performed it as an encore with Freddie donning a Lions' cap, the arena exploded.
Fan Stories
“It was September 20th, 1980 and it started just like any other day for me. I was upstairs playing my favorite 45 record for the millionth time it seemed... at least to my mother that is. The song was Another One Bites The Dust by Queen, I had already worn out 3 or 4 of the 45 record which was released just a short time ago. My Uncle had stopped by and asked me if I wanted to spend the night and see a late movie. At first my mom was rather reluctant to let me go but being a Saturday and no school she gave in and off we went. As we were driving I noticed that we weren't going to his place so I asked him what the movie was, he just smiled and said we weren't going to a movie but to a rock concert, He KNEW my mom would forbid me to go to such an event so he used the movie as a ploy to get me out of the house. I asked him what concert, all he said was it was a surprise. By the time we entered Detroit Michigan I was all excited as this was my first concert ever, we weren't even allowed to listen to rock and roll. We got to the Joe Louis Arena and that is when I melted into the seat, on the Marquee in BIG letters "QUEEN". That is when I melted in my seat and repeatedly thanked my uncle, he later told me the look on my face was worth the tickets. We made our way inside and found ourselves about in the middle of the floor, we had General admittance tickets. I remember jumping up and down a lot during the support bands set. In case you are wondering the bands name was Dakota, and I have never heard of them. Well after they had finished we tried to make our way forward knowing we would NEVER see Queen where we were, we were young and short, I was 14 and my uncle was 18. Well it seemed like an hour, but must have been a couple of minutes when 2 security guards told us to follow them. My first though was "oh no, we are in trouble and are not going to see Queen". Well, That was NOT the case, in fact they took us ALL THE WAY UP FRONT, just off center stage, we were on Brians side.
No sooner did we get there when the whole place went dark. Then this sound that seemed to come from everywhere started. It got louder and louder and started to rise in pitch. I kept looking at the stage to see if I could see the band, nope.. but I did see something above us moving. by now the sound was reaching a peak and then it happened, a LOUD explosion and Lights that blinded us. It happened a couple more times but now I was ready... the crowd were going nuts, I WAS going nuts, then the guitar. Out walked Brian May playing this song that would literly plague me for years as I was certain it was NOT a Queen song, but no idea, of course it was Jailhouse Rock. Then Freddie came out. He was wearing a black leather jacket and orange pants with blue kneepads. I can't remember if he was wearing a hat and sunglasses. By now the crowd was so loud I could not even hear my uncle next to me, he later told me that during the first 2 songs all he could say was YEAH.... @$!* Yeah... Of course the second song was the fast version of We Will Rock You but to be very honest at that time the only 2 songs I knew were Another One Bites The Dust and Don't Try Suicide, so EVERY song was a new experience. After We Will Rock You Freddie spoke to us for the first time, he said something like "Hello Detroit... " he may have said more but I can't remember. Hearing bootlegs from that tour I would assume he added "Lets Rock and Roll Huh" or something like that. I remember when they went into Play the Game everyone went nuts, of course I didn't know it was new to me, ALL the songs were new. He then spoke to us again telling us that they were happy to be back in Detroit and that we were in for a treat.Then came Mustapha, That was my first taste of their diversity, this foreign language. but what confused me was just about everyone knew that language. again, I didn't know the song and had no idea what it meant but it was cool. I think Freddie took his jacket off around Play the Game or Mustapha not sure, to be real honest I was amazed by the guitar player, Brian made everything seem so easy. I can tell you that pretty much the whole night was a sensory overload and that I could not take in everything. The Get Down, Make Love section that was lights, smoke, Freddie and Brian was too much, If you never saw Queen live when they performed this then you truly missed a WONDERFUL experience, Video does NOT do this song justice, Freddie really sets the mood when he starts his vocal teasing. Aside from Another One Bites The Dust the only song I could NOT get out of my head was oddly enough another John Deacon gem, You're My Best Friend had a beat that just could not be dismissed. Then the moment I found to be the most humorous, Freddie asking us if we liked his new moustache, He informed us that he grew it just for US, then he said, You Fuckers will believe anything. When I saw a book some years later By Judith Davis mention the same scene I wondered if he said that at all the shows or just ours, after listening to various bootlegs I could not find any other one that mentioned that. Now You remember I mentioned that I was just 14 right. When Freddie announced Fat Bottomed Girls he dedicated it to all the ladies with huge tits, for a 14 year old boy that was WAY COOL, in fact there were a couple of women near us that actually flashed him, I wonder did he even notice. During Love Of My Life Freddie stopped the show because we were too loud he could not hear Brian, The rest of the night was a blur aside from Brians nifty guitar work on his solo. That moment right there convinced me that I wanted to be a guitar player. I remember yelling a lot ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST!!!!..
I was very very close, I KNEW Freddie could hear me, well I got my wish, he came out after a brief break and I was just in heaven, I heard MY song, now I could go home happy, but wait, Queen and Freddie had another surprise in store for me, I am a Star Wars Geek, and when he came out on Darth Vaders shoulders I was just freaking out, I ACTUALLY thought it was the same guy that played Darth Vader. of course I had no idea what that song was, funny how songs work into your subconscoius, a few days later I was just drumming the beat to We Will Rock You, NOT knowing what it was. Anyway, the last song was odd, I THOUGHT COOL they are playing My Country Tis of Thee.. Well, I know now that is was NOT that song... hehe. I left the concert just amazed, my ears ringing, just going on and on about what just happened. My uncle told me to calm down, there was no way my mom could know we saw a concert he would be in trouble, so he kept drilling me about the "Movie" we saw, the next morning the first words I said to mom were "Mom I saw QUEEN!" she was furious, but the damage was done, the next few weeks I bought every Queen album I could, I even stole money from my paper route just to by the next LP, and when I found Live Killers, it was so close to what I saw, BUT, there were differences. The date was September 20th, 1980 when my life changed forever. I would be completely OBSESSED with Queen, I would do anything I could to get their latest LP. Thank you for reading this and I hope you found it as enjoyable as I did writing it as I actually started to remember things that had been locked away. I found out that John had nearly brought down the cymbles nearest to him, Crystal had to dive out to catch them, I had the pleasure of chatting with Crystal Taylor (Roger's drum roadie and no relation by the way) and asked him if he remembered that and to my surprise he said that John did that often, but he DID remember our show because of Freddie stopping the show during Love Of My Life.” - Mike Preston
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melanielocke · 3 years
Lost in the Shadows - Chapter 10
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Taglist: @nott-the-best @foxglove-airmid @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @justanormaldemon @styxdrawings @ipromiseiwillwrite
CW: Discussion of toxic relationship
Lucie was under the impression Alastair liked Thomas, but Lucies texts only made him more nervous. Even if Alastair smiled back, even if some things he said could hint at romantic feelings, Thomas had no clue how to make a move on people, much less Alastair. After dinner, they talked a bit more, about books, history, places they wished to travel. Alastair told him that he’d once read Machiavelli’s the Prince for comfort, but had since replaced it with Marx’ the Communist Manifesto. Thomas, who read mostly fiction, found it hard to imagine those books as something one read for comfort, but he promised he’d give the Communist Manifesto a try.
‘My ex recommended the Prince,’ Alastair explained. ‘In retrospect, the book suits him pretty well. It’s about power, manipulation, and he was all about that.’
‘As in, he manipulated you?’ Thomas asked.
‘He wants to get into politics, and I think he cares more about holding a position of power than about doing what’s best for the country. But he also manipulated me,’ Alastair said, showing no emotion. ‘He was very obsessed with his own social status and image, and would have done anything to improve that. I would not have reflected well on his image, so he kept me a secret and made me believe it was what was best for me.’
Thomas was certain he would be a better partner to Alastair than his exif they were in a relationship, but figured that was a pretty low bar. He didn’t know much about relationships, had never been in one, and wasn’t sure he knew how any of that worked, or how to be with someone with such a bad past experience. He didn’t want to hurt Alastair by accident. Perhaps his parents had some advice, but then he’d first have to tell them he liked boys. Which he planned to, but he had not yet figured out the right words, the right occasion.
‘How did you come out to your parents?’ he asked Alastair.
His parents were outside, they wouldn’t overhear. Thomas hoped they wouldn’t walk in out of a sudden, but if they did… Well, then at least they’d know and Thomas wouldn’t have to prepare a speech.
‘I only came out to my mother and aunt Risa,’ Alastair said. ‘Not to my father, nor do I care to.’
‘So, did you prepare a speech or anything?’ Thomas asked.
‘I did, because I suspected my mother and aunt Risa might not understand or know much about gay people, so I’ve mostly been educating them on various sexualities and gender identities. Risa actually discovered she is asexual and aromantic after I explained those concepts to her. Why do you ask?’
Thomas turned red, he laughed nervously. ‘I’ve been meaning to tell my parents I’m gay, but haven’t found the right time, or figured out how to tell them.’
‘You don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to. Do you want them to know?’ Alastair asked.
Thomas considered Alastair’s question for a moment. ‘Yes, I do. I think it would be easier if they knew and I would rather tell them before I am in a relationship instead of introducing a boyfriend. Since that would be awkward for him as well. Mainly, I just want them to know but I don’t want an awkward conversation.’
‘I think your problem is that you’re too determined to do it perfect,’ Alastair said. ‘Your parents seem very open and accepting, I don’t think you have to worry.’
‘No, I know that,’ Thomas said.
He felt stupid. Alastair must have had a much harder time telling people, he hadn’t known beforehand that his mother would be accepting. Thomas was fairly certain his parents would love him no matter what, and yet here he was complaining to Alastair about how difficult he found it to come out.
‘I know it can still be scary,’ Alastair said. ‘I was fairly certain Cordelia wouldn’t mind at all, yet I postponed telling her for a long time. Of course in my case it could have saved me a lot of misery, had I told her sooner.’
‘What do you mean?’ Thomas asked.
‘She realized almost immediately after I told her that my ex boyfriend was treating me badly, when I did not. It took her a couple of weeks to convince me, but I realized she was right and then I broke up with him.’ Alastair paused. ‘It’s nice to have someone to talk about it. For a long time, I had only him and he actively discouraged me from telling anyone else.’
‘I’m guessing he wasn’t out?’ Thomas asked. ‘He thought being gay would reflect badly on him as a politician?’
‘No, I don’t think that was the problem. He was private about his sexuality, but I think his friends and family knew. I don’t blame him for that, I understand it’s not always easy to talk about and there can be consequences when people know. But I think in his case, he didn’t want people to know about me because I was so much younger, he probably knew grooming a teenager would reflect badly on him. He always said it was because I wasn’t out that he wanted to keep our relationship a secret, that he wanted to protect me from judgement, but I doubt that was true. I never wanted to be someone’s secret.’
Thomas frowned. ‘Wait, how much younger were you?’
‘Six years. I met him when I was fourteen and entered a relationship with him at sixteen.’
Then Alastair’s ex must have been twenty two at the time? Thomas, at eighteen, considered sixteen year old boys children and had no romantic interest in them. He preferred to look at boys his own age, maybe a little older. Despite being a year ahead in his education, Alastair was only a couple of months older than him. He couldn’t imagine being interested in a teenager when he was in his early twenties.
‘I didn’t realize at the time that the age difference was a red flag,’ Alastair explained. ‘I felt very mature, to have caught the attention of someone older. He told me, over and over, that I was very mature for my age, that he couldn’t believe I was still so young.’
Thomas suspected most teenagers would be flattered to be called mature, to be taken seriously by an adult. It was a vile sort of manipulation, to seek out someone young and vulnerable and isolated, someone who would easily fall for such compliments, only to take advantage of them and treat them badly.
‘How did you tell Cordelia?’ Thomas asked.
‘She realized something was not right,’ Alastair said. ‘She realized I was sneaking out at night, that I was barely eating and losing weight because I was so nervous. She said I was “being even more difficult than usual, and that’s saying something”. So I told her not to worry about it and that I was just sneaking out to see my boyfriend. I said I’d wanted to tell her, but wasn’t sure yet if I was ready, and that he had recommended I don’t tell anyone yet. She started asking a lot of questions about my relationship. At first it was in a supportive way, what did he look like, what were his interests. She kind of freaked out when she learnt about the age gap, and the more she asked about how he treated me, the more concerned she became. She’s been very protective of me ever since.’
‘I’m so sorry. Not that it’s my fault, or there’s anything I could have done, but I’m just sorry. That it happened to you. I’m glad your sister is protective of you. As long as she’s not too protective, I mean,’ Thomas said. ‘I know from experience too much protection can be suffocating.’
A small smile appeared on Alastair’s face, and Thomas realized he so rarely did. He had a very pretty smile that lit up his dark eyes.
‘I found it confusing most of all. As the oldest sibling, I always thought it was my duty to protect her, not the other way around. But Cordelia is fierce, and I love that about her. This one time we ran into him while shopping, not long after the break up. He tried to approach me while Cordelia was getting us ice cream, and when she returned and saw him she threatened to expose him as an abuser and child groomer on all her social media channels if he didn’t back off.’
‘Isn’t what he did illegal anyway?’ Thomas asked. ‘Since you were a minor? Couldn’t you go to the police if he kept harassing you?’
‘Age of consent is sixteen, so even if he was much older it was legal for him to have sex with me,’ Alastair explained. ‘It would be illegal if he was my teacher or in any way in a position of power over me, but he was not. He must have been aware of how those laws work and I think perhaps he waited until I was sixteen so it would be legal.
Him harassing me might be enough to get a restraining order, but honestly I don’t trust the police to believe me over him. Besides, I have no intention of sharing something so personal with police officers. I expect them to not care at best and I think it is likely they will be racist and homophobic and will blame me for what happened.
Cordelia has enough followers on twitter and Instagram to get the story out if we wanted to and it’s a decent threat, but I’ve asked her not to.’
‘From what you’ve told me, he fully deserves to be exposed,’ Thomas said.
He was angry on Alastair’s behalf, and Thomas guessed Alastair was right that as an Iranian gay man he could not trust the police to help him.
‘It’s not so much about whether he deserves it or not. I’m still processing what happened, and I don’t want to be judged by strangers on the internet. I consented to everything sexual we did even if it was coerced, and not everyone will understand all the subtle manipulation involved. I know people will claim it was all my fault, and if I didn’t want it I should have just said no. Or that after breaking up I decided to ruin his life by telling lies. He has powerful friends, I do not. I admire the bravery of the people who expose rapists and abusers on the internet, but I can’t put myself through that right now.’
Thomas felt nauseous, the idea of Alastair being manipulated into having sex with a much older man was difficult for him to process. It made him angry, Alastair had given this man everything, had loved him. How could someone have taken advantage of such a beautiful and passionate man? People often accused Thomas of being too kind, too compassionate, of trying to empathize too much with people who did bad things, but he was fairly certain that if he ever encountered the person who did this to Alastair, he would feel nothing but anger and hatred towards him. And he’d make sure whoever it was would never hurt Alastair again.
He wanted to show support, he wanted to love Alastair, but wasn’t sure how. He knew it was a big step for him, to open up so much, he knew Alastair was very private and trusted him as much as he knew how to trust. Thomas was terrified of letting him down, of breaking his trust.
‘Did he at least back off after that threat?’ Thomas asked.
‘I haven’t seen him in real life again, but he has been texting me until I blocked his number. He is part of the reason I came here, something I needed to get away from. You have provided a decent distraction and I am grateful. I have never… had a friend like you.’
Thomas wasn’t sure how to feel about that statement. He liked being trusted, he loved that Alastair valued him, but at the same time he wanted to be more to him than just a friend. But Alastair needed a friend, Thomas told himself. And perhaps Alastair would fall in love with him over time, perhaps someday they could be together. If not, being his friend would still be worth it.
‘Now, would you want to play another game of ludo before I return to the Herondales? I am certain the dice will be on my side this time,’ Alastair said.
The dice were not on Alastair’s side. The difference in rolls were at the very least statistically improbable, but Thomas wasn’t great at math. He won by a landslide.
‘You’re older than me,’ Thomas offered as an explanation.
Alastair frowned. ‘Only by a few months, and what does that have to do with anything?’
‘I have a theory that dice games like this one favor the young,’ Thomas explained. ‘I used to play this game with my sisters and I always did better. Of course, Barbara would usually let me win with games, but that’s difficult with a game like this. But most of my friends are younger than me, and with Lucie I don’t have nearly this amount of luck. And when I played with my younger cousin Alexander, my rolls are as pathetic as yours. Of course, that’s for the best because he’s three and he throws the game across the room when he loses.’
‘Nothing you just said makes sense,’ Alastair pointed out. ‘The dice can’t tell how old you are.’
‘Perhaps there’s a little spirit in there,’ Thomas said with a smile. ‘Something that realizes if little Alexander loses, painful things will happen to it. It probably dreads the day Alexander will play against children his age.’
Thomas guessed that might not be the best idea, at that age all children were sore losers. Most three year olds didn’t play together yet anyway, it was more parallel play what they did. Alastair left after losing another game, and at the end Thomas might have convinced him of his theory.
‘I’ll meet you here after breakfast for another walk,’ Alastair said with a small smile that made Thomas’ heart race. He hoped he wasn’t showing that. Would Alastair suspect Thomas liked him, now that he knew Thomas was gay? He wasn’t sure if he wanted Alastair to. If Alastair returned his feelings, sure. But if not, what if Alastair would retreat in his shell again, what if he didn’t want to be his friend anymore?
‘See you tomorrow,’ Thomas said. ‘Good night.’
Thomas didn’t sleep well that night. He dreamt of a castle, surrounded by dark forest. He didn’t know where he was, or what was happening. On a surface level, it didn’t even seem so scary but a voice inside Thomas was telling him to run as fast as he could to get away from there, yet he couldn’t move. He wasn’t sure what he was running from exactly, but he woke up drenched in sweat at six in the morning. He didn’t feel rested exactly, but didn’t think he’d fall asleep again, so instead he changed the sheets on his bed and took a quick shower before putting on some clothes.
It would probably be some time until Alastair showed up, so Thomas made breakfast, and took his time to eat before settling in the garden. Gnomes were early risers, and Thomas liked watching them run around. Here they weren’t used to being seen though, and any indication that Thomas did see resulted in them running away and hiding, peeking out of the bushes on occasion to see if he was still there. Thomas put out a plate of cookies, perhaps they would become more trusting to humans who could see them overtime.
He sat there, reading a book Lucie had given him a while back. Ever since Thomas had told her he liked boys, Lucie had recommended books about queer men and right now he was reading Winter’s Orbit, a science fiction story about two men in an arranged political marriage. The amount of miscommunication and hopeless pining was almost painful to read, but also enjoyable. Thomas guessed he wasn’t much better, he still had no idea how to tell Alastair how he felt. Hopefully, he could finish the book before dying, he desperately wanted to know if these two could figure out their feelings for each other before it was too late.
‘What are you reading?’
Thomas looked up to see Alastair, dressed in a black Metallica t shirt and black jeans. He summarized the book he was reading.
‘It was a gift from Lucie,’ he said.
‘It sounds interesting,’ Alastair said. ‘I like books with some political drama. Can I borrow it when you finish?’
‘Sure. And in case I don’t get to finish it, I’ll write you into my will and leave you this book.’
Alastair groaned. ‘Please do not make jokes about you dying.’
Thomas sometimes felt like making jokes about it was the only way to cope. In reality, the idea that he was very likely to die was terrifying, even if the people around him kept assuring him he was going to be fine.
‘Sorry. I hope you’ll like this book. Although… one of the main characters was abused by a previous partner. Would that be an issue?’
Alastair tilted his head. ‘I think then maybe I should wait until I read it. That’s difficult with reading fiction, not all authors offer content warnings and going in unprepared can be devastating. When I know it’s coming… It’s easier, but I’m not sure if I want to do that right now solely to read a book.’
Thomas nodded. ‘I can imagine. If you want any books that don’t have topics that are triggering for you, I’ll try and see if I have anything. Or you can ask Lucie.’
‘I’ll think about it. Being able to read fiction while being prepared through content warnings is something I’m trying to work towards. No idea how long that will take, according to my therapist I’m too impatient. You coming? This early, there might still be some hedgehogs,’ Alastair said with a grin.
‘You really like hedgehogs,’ Thomas pointed out.
‘When I was a child I wanted one for a pet, but my parents didn’t think that was a good idea. Instead, I could have a goldfish. They’re very popular in Iran, people get them for the Persian new year celebration, Nowruz. People usually release them into a river or pond after the celebration, so that’s what Risa did. My parents weren’t too happy about it. At the time, I believed he would probably be happier there anyway than in a bowl, but it is likely he died within days. I don’t think it’s good for the environment either, and many Iranians are pushing back against the tradition because of that. Did you have pets growing up?’
‘Most of my childhood, because I was so sick, my parents didn’t think it was a good idea. They were afraid a pet might carry diseases I would be more vulnerable to,’ Thomas said. ‘But I hope I can adopt cats someday. And Barbara and Oliver have two guinea pigs.’
‘My cousin Jem has a cat,’ Alastair said. ‘Little beast hates everyone, but adores Jem.’
‘Do you see him often?’ Thomas asked. ‘Jem, I mean.’
‘Not really. My father never wanted him near our family, I think because he was afraid Jem would see right through him. But now that we don’t live with Father anymore, I see him occasionally. He offered me to come live with him, but I’m not sure. I still feel like I barely know him.’
They didn’t find any hedgehogs during their walk, presumably because the fog had gotten so thick they wouldn’t see any if they were there. Although Thomas was fairly certain they were taking the same route they had yesterday and during their first walk, everything looked different. He told himself it was probably the fog, but he couldn’t quite convince himself.
‘I don’t remember these ruins,’ Alastair said.
Thomas’ followed Alastair’s gaze and saw the ruins of a very old building. Of course, there were lots of old castles in Scotland, but Thomas hadn’t read anything about ruins in these woods.
‘Do you think we should take a look?’ he asked carefully. ‘I’m not seeing anything unusual.’
‘Apart from ruins that weren’t here yesterday?’
‘We must have taken a different path,’ Thomas said.
‘Sure,’ Alastair said and Thomas didn’t think he believed it. ‘Under normal circumstances, I would not take another step, but if we are to save your life we need information. Perhaps those ruins hold something of interest.’
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Can you write anything about Joshua Bassett and his love interest where her appendix bursts and he rushes to the hospital to be with her and confesses his love for her while she's in on sleeping meds but then says it again when she's awake?
Summary: josh confesses his feelings about you while you were on sleeping meds.
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A/N: OMG I love this, sorry it took me a while to write this, but hopefully its what you wanted. Also I had to do some research of the pain, no biggie, but this was fun to write. also the gif is such a mood lol.
The pain you felt had been going on for a couple days. You didn't really think much of it since you were lactose intolerant, you were just thinking it was the normal stomach ache you got when you ate ice cream, which time and time and again has taught you the consequences.
The pain had started again when you and Josh were reading over your line for your current show, where you two were love interests.
Again you thought nothing of it, hoping it wasnt that noticeable to josh, however he knew something was wrong, you weren't your usual self, i mean not that he was obsessed with you...i mean he was slightly, but not in a creepy type of way. He liked you very much, you know more than friends type of thing, but you didn't know that.
Again that sharp pain that was very slight had hit you again and this time it was really noticeable to the both of you. Josh looked up from his scripted and frowned and your facial expressions and the way you would place your hand on your belly.
“Hey you okay?” he said as he sat up and got next you hoping you were okay.
“Uh yeah, i am totally fine.” you said but josh knew that was such a big lie. He had given you the “really” look so you gave in and told him about the pain you have been feeling for the past couple days.
“Have you talked to a doctor, I can take you to a hospital nearby just to make sure.” he said as you were grateful for how much he cared for you. He cared so much more than when you would get a paper cut he would grab his bandages he would carry and make sure you were okay.
“Josh, it's fine, and no I haven't talked to a doctor, maybe it's just the daily flow you know?” you said as he nodded, but wasn't sure if this was what was going on with your body.
He suggested you two spend the night together to make sure that's what was going on. You two had gone to bed and surprisingly you fell asleep pretty fast.
..but then there was this stronger flow of pain that hit you much stronger than you ever thought pain could be. Your groaning was pretty loud that josh woke up started wondering what had happened.
“Oh my god-” you said as the pain hit you again not being able to finish your sentence. Josh got out of bed and got dressed and made sure he had your shoes so he could take you to the hospital.
“Come on i'm taking you to the hospital okay, everything is gonna be alright.” he said as you nodded and he pretty much carried you to the care and you surprisingly buckled yourself. Once the car was tuned on he started heading to the hospital nearby, he had done a little of his own research knowing where the nearest hospital was.
“H-how do y-you know w-where to g-go?” you said as again the pain was getting to you again.
“I just wanted to be prepared in case something happened.” he said as those words were rushing out of his mouth and you two had gotten to the doors of the ER and Josh had carried out again trying to get you some help. He had explained what was going on and some doctors took you away to see what was going on. After he had parked the car he waited patiently in the waiting room hoping everything was alright. He had called the directors letting them know what had happened so they knew you two would be gone the next day.
An hour later the doctor came out and called out your name.
“Family of y/n y/l/n?” he said as Josh quickly got up hoping you were more than okay.
“Are you her boyfriend?” he asked as Josh stammered at the question.
“Uh yes I am her boyfriend.” he said as he liked saying that hoping he would be able to say it again, but his mind went straight back to you.
The doctor had explained what was wrong and that everything was going to be fine and relief hit Josh instantly, being grateful that you were okay. He was given the okay to see you and he was more than happy to see you.
“The sleeping meds should wear off in a little, so she should be waking up alright?” a nurse told him as he nodded and sat next to you holding your hand, he knew you probably weren't gonna feel his hand on yours, but he just wanted to hold your hand for a while before you got up.
He had looked at you for a while seeing how peaceful you look sleeping, with no more pain. He wished he was able to take that pain away sooner, but knowing that the pain was gone now made him happy.
“Gosh y/n, i love you so much, i know we’re just friends, but i want more. You're it for me and i wish i could tell you, but i'm scared to loose you, i love our friendship so much i can't risk ruining it. If i can't have you as mine, at least i'll have you as my best friend.” he said as he saw your hand move and you were waking up only to see the ceiling and turning to josh with a smile on your face. That's one of the many things he loved about you, even if the circumstances were quite bad you still smiled on through.
“Hey, you're awake.'' Josh said with a smile as you laughed, but then groaned a little.
“Oh ouch, what happened?” you asked as he started with a chuckle.
“Well your appendix burst i guess, but we were right on time, so they did surgery on you.” he said as you nodded knowing your mother would be questioning your usage on your bank account.
“Welp, good thing i had you with me.” you said with a smile as he was overthinking whether or not you had feelings for him. So he did what most guys do when they like a girl.
“I like you, but not like as a friend, i like you more as a friend, god im in love with you, and i know the timing is pretty bad because we're doing a show together, but i love you.” he said as you smiled and you swore to yourself that you might be dreaming but you knew this was real life.
“Are you sure i’m the one who got the sleeping meds?” you said jokingly as josh chuckled a little knowing that he had made a huge mistake.
“I love you too josh.” you said as he looked back up at you hoping this was also real and that it wasn't the pain medicine talking.
“Wait, you do? Like actually?” he said as he was holding you had and you nodded and repeating the words once again.
I love you to goof.” you said as you reached down on his face and kissed him. After the kiss broke he was left in awe and he had kissed you again with a more passionate touch.
“Well looks like I'm your goof.” he said as you laughed and he had gotten on the bed with you so you two could cuddle before returning back to your lives.
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Mobster!Steve Rogers - Pt. III
Part I & Part II
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WARNING: violence and abuse 
“Well, you’re being awfully quiet today…”
Steve snapped out of his thoughts. “Huh?”
His mother smiled, already knowing her son wasn’t listening to a word she was saying.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, Stevie?”
“Nothing. Sorry, ma. I’m just tired.” He sighed.
But Sarah Rogers didn’t believe him one bit. “You sure it doesn’t have to do with that gal you took out the other week?”
Steve’s face scrunched in confusion, truly not realizing who she was talking about. Then it clicked. “Oh, Stacey? No. I wasn’t thinking – No, mom. She’s not the one for me.”
Sarah chuckled. “You say that about all them, you know.”
Steve’s bright blue eyes went distant. “Not all of them.”
His mother seemed to be able to read his mind. “Yeah? Well, you sure as hell messed that one up, didn’t you?”
Steve rubbed his face, clearly exhausted. “Please, ma. Not today.”
“I’m not trying to make you feel bad honey. I just worry about you.”
“You ain’t got nothing to worry about, ma. I’m fine. Always am.”
Sarah sighed. “Had I known how this throne would’ve lay on your head, I would’ve never allowed your dad insist on letting you take over the family business.”
Steve just stared at her, unsure of what she was trying to say.
“You’ve always been soft, Steve. Gentle. Kind. Empathetic. You got those bits from me.” She smiled sadly. “But your father only wanted to see the parts of you that were like him. I know you believed you didn’t have a choice. But you did. I just wish I had made that clearer. But you were grieving your father. I don’t think you would’ve listened to me anyway.”
“I don’t think I would’ve either, ma.”
“Your father managed to keep me and you safe, didn’t he?”
“Yeah. He did,” Steve confirmed.
“So, why are you so convinced that anyone you love will be given a death sentence, sweetheart?”
Steve opened the front door of his brownstone mansion. He shook the rain off his umbrella and gave a half glance to the two parked cars on the street that were always filled with men running security on his home.
A rumble of thunder erupted just as he closed the door behind him. It coincided with Bucky’s steps hurrying down the stairs.
“Where the hell have you been? I’ve been trying to call your for 2 hours?” Bucky snapped at him.
Steve glared at his best friend, but was more annoyed than angry. “I was at my ma’s. You know I turn off my phone when I’m there.”
Bucky sighed then, taking in his friend’s appearance before continuing. “We have a situation…”
The genuine concern and seriousness in his tone finally caught Steve’s attention. “What? What’s going on?”
Bucky’s confidence from earlier had disappeared. Now he was unsure of how to approach the topic.
“Buck, what is it?” Steve snapped.
“Y/N,” Bucky quickly replied. “Y/N’s here.”
Steve swore his heart dropped to his stomach. “Y/N? Y/F/N Y/L/N?”
Bucky just nodded. “She showed up at your front door, soaked to the bone and shaking. She asked to see you. Said she would’ve called but she deleted your number after – well, after the last time you two saw each other.” Bucky shifted his weight. “When I tried to ask her what was going on, she wouldn’t talk.”
Steve was still processing that she was in his home. “Where is she?”
Bucky pointed to the staircase behind him with his thumb. “She’s waiting for you in your study.”
But as Steve quickly stepped by him, Bucky gently grabbed him by the arm to stop him.
“Steve, I don’t think she’s OK. She’s…different.”
It was the only warning Steve would get before he made his way to the study.
He knocked on the door twice before opening it, mostly to make sure he didn’t scare her. She didn’t say anything. She didn’t even turn around when he entered.
Steve immediately noticed the suit jacket draped over her shoulders. Then he remembered that Bucky didn’t have one when he’d greeted him downstairs.
Ever so slowly, Steve stepped around the chair.
“Y/N?” He addressed her quietly.
But what he saw was not the Y/N he had said goodbye to just over a year ago.
Y/N had lost weight – too much weight. She was just skin and bones now. There were shadows under her eyes, like she hadn’t slept in weeks. Even though her hair was still drying from the rain, Steve knew it would not have the same shine that he still dreamed of touching.
Bucky was right about the shaking. She did a good job of hiding it, but Steve saw the slight tremble in her hands as they fidgeted in her lap.
She wouldn’t look him in the eye. Her head hung low and she stared down at her hands in her lap.
“Hi,” She muttered. Her eyes flickered up to meet his, but only for a second.
“What’s going on, Y/N?” He didn’t bother asking if she was OK. It was very clear that she was not.
“Ummm…I’m sorry for barging in on your…life…like this.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he stopped her gently. He slowly kneeled in front of her in hopes that he could get her to actually look at him. “You got nothin’ to be sorry for. Why don’t you just tell me what’s going on, OK?”
She finally got pulled into his gaze, losing her train of thought for a moment. “Yeah. Yeah. OK.”
“Can I get you something to drink? Tea? Coffee?”
But she shook her head immediately. “No. Bucky already asked. Thank you.”
She went silent again.
Steve didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to pressure her. But it was obvious something had gone very wrong. “How about you take a shower first? I’ll get you some dry clothes? And then maybe we can talk. How about that?”
Y/N swallowed, but said nothing.
“Y/N, you’re shivering. You’re gonna catch a cold if don’t get you out of these wet clothes.”
“O-Okay,” she finally stuttered a response.
30 minutes later, Y/N was wrapped in a robe, sitting on one of the couch’s in Steve’s living room, a giant mug of warm coffee in her grasp.
“I’m sorry about all of this. I didn’t…I didn’t know where else to go,” Y/N began. “A month or so after I…after I last saw you, my apartment building got bought by this man. I didn’t think anything of it. Never thought anyone would ever put a face to his name. But then he happened to be there one day, just hanging outside my building.”
Y/N take a deep breath, not sure how she wanted to continue. “I don’t know. He-He took a liking to me...or something.” She shook her head at how embarrassing it sounded. “He wouldn’t leave me alone. I tried to be polite and distant. But he – I quickly realized he’s a dangerous man. He’s a crook that’s clearly made a lot of money from being a bully.”
Steve clenched his jaw, but made sure he continued listening.
“His infatuation turned possessive and obsessive. His men watch the building. There’s always at least one following me. He sends me flowers to my work.” She took in a shaky breath. “My rejections didn’t upset him because he thought it was all a game. But he made one thing very clear: if he couldn’t have me, no one could.”
Steve was now trying to control his breathing.
Y/N’s eyes glazed over with tears and her bottom lip shook.
“Before I knew better, I went on a date. I thought – God, I was so stupid. I thought if he saw me with another guy, he’d just back off.”
“But he didn’t,” Steve answered for her.
She shook her head. “When he found the guy walking me home, he picked a fight. Beat him to a pulp. My date ended up being hospitalized for a month. And it was all my fault.”
“Y/N, listen to me. None of that is your fault.”
But she would never listen to such comforts.
And there was more. 
“After that, things just got worse. I knew I was always being watched, being followed. I stopped seeing my friends. I stopped seeing my family. I was scared if he found out who they were, he’d use them against me – hurt them.”
“I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I started drinking more – more than I should. I keep calling into work sick because I’m scared to leave my apartment. I’m losing my mind.”
Her tears finally started falling as she looked at him. “I didn’t want to bring you into any of this. I just didn’t know what else to do. I know he’s friends with cops, so I couldn’t go to them. I’m sorry. I just – I’m so helpless.”
Steve couldn’t handle it anymore. He pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as she sobbed into his chest.
“You did the right thing, coming to me. I wish you’d done it sooner,” he whispered to her.
“I deleted your number after everything. I didn’t want the… temptation? I don’t even know. I remembered where you lived. But I couldn’t – I had to make sure they didn’t follow me here.” She was talking too fast now. The tears and emotion were putting her in a frenzy.
Steve hushed her, telling her to just breathe.
It took awhile for her crying to finally subside. But that didn’t mean he loosened his hold on her at all.
“What’s his name?”
The question came out like ice. It was even, slow, but terrifyingly cold.
Y/N’s body tensed. This was the moment she’d been dreading.
She pulled away so she could look at him. “His name is Brock.”
Steve’s face darkened. “Brock?” He growled. “As in Brock Rumlow?”
Y/N looked scared from his sudden shift. “You know him?”
“Oh, I know him,” he already started to carefully shift her body out of his lap and back to the couch.
“Steve, wait!” She quickly grabbed his wrist before he could get up. “I didn’t come here to find a killer.”
He paused.
“Please,” Y/N whispered. “Don’t do what I think you’re going to. That’s not why I came to you.”
Steve literally felt sick from the confession. “Then why did you come here, Y/N?”
“I just…wanted to feel safe. I’m tired of being scared.”
It was her turn to stand up now.
“Where are you going?” Steve asked as he too shot to his feet.
“I can’t stay here.” Her eyes raced around the room wildly. “Brock. He’ll notice I’ve been gone.”
“Y/N,” Steve tried to grab her attention quietly.
She ignored him.
“Y/N!” He grabbed her shoulders.
She finally acknowledged him.
“I’m not letting you leave. Not tonight. The storm’s only getting worse.” He sighed. “I’m just…I’m not letting you leave like this, OK?”
“When was the last time you got a full night’s rest, huh?”
Y/N blinked at the question.
“Just…stay the night. You can sleep in one of the guest rooms. I’ll take you back to your place tomorrow morning.”
Steve brows raised. “No?”
“I’ll stay the night. But you can’t take me back to my place.”
He slowly reached for both of her hands. “Y/N, I’m not going to let him keep doing this to you.”
“You can’t kill him, Steve. I don’t want that. I’d never want that.”
“Fine. If that’s what you want.” Then his eyes dimmed. “But I am going to make myself very clear.”
“Fine,” she agreed. “Just not tomorrow, OK?”
“Not tomorrow,” he repeated.
Steve showed her to one of the guest bedrooms. Of course it was the one closest to the master suite.
“I have four men stationed outside the house. There’s two security guards in the basement. Bucky’s staying the night. And I’ll be just a room over, OK?”
She nodded shyly.
“No one’s going to bother you here. You’re safe. Just get some sleep. And sleep in as long as you want tomorrow, got it?”
She nodded again.
“Alright. Goodnight, Y/N.” He started backing away from the door.
“Wait,” she called out. 
He waited.
Y/N pulled him into a hug. “Thank you, Steve,” she whispered into his shoulder.
He hugged her back. “You don’t have to thank me, Y/N.”
When Steve awoke the next day, the guest bedroom door was open and the bed was neatly made. It was like Y/N had never been there. Steve quickened his pace as he went down the stairs, expecting to find her in the kitchen.
But only Bucky waited for him, drinking coffee and reading the paper.
“Where’s Y/N?” Steve asked.
“She left,” Bucky answered without looking up.
“Left? What the hell do you mean ‘she left’?”
Bucky finally tore his eyes away from the paper. “Look, I tried to stop her, but I wasn’t about to tackle the poor thing.”
“Did you at least put her into one of our cars?”
Bucky shook his head. “She said it would just make things worse, whatever the hell that means.”
“Christ,” Steve hissed as a hand rubbed his face.
“I did manage to give her your number, and mine. Told her to call us if she needed anything.”
Steve nodded his thanks.
“Steve, what the hell happened to her?”
“Rumlow. Rumlow is what happened to her.”
“Rumlow?” Bucky spat with disgust and disbelief. “What’d he do?”
“He got a liking to her about a year ago. And he’s been emotionally and mentally abusing her since. He watches her every move, won’t take no for an answer. He sent a guy to the hospital for just taking her on a date.”
“Jesus Christ,” Bucky muttered.
“She knows he’s got connections, so she can’t go to the police.” Steve shook his head. “I realized I’ve never seen her really scared until last night.”
“So…when are we killing him?” Bucky asked.
“We can’t.”
“What the hell you mean we can’t?” Bucky fired back. “Brock’s been a pain in the ass since we started taking over this city. Hell, we’d be doing a lot of people a fuckin’ favor by tossing his corpse in the Hudson River.”
“She asked me not to, Buck.”
“Yeah, because she’s scared out of her god damn mind, Steve!”
“She doesn’t want that kind of guilt, Bucky!” Steve surprised him by yelling. “Remember what that felt like: guilt?”
“So you’re just going to throw her to the wolves?” Bucky challenged.
“Of course not. I’ll rough him up. Make it clear what will happen if he doesn’t leave her the hell alone.”
“Well, I’m not missing it. When do we leave?”
Steve shook his head. “Not until tonight. We got a lot of meetings to handle today. And I want to make sure to catch him off guard.”
Bucky nodded.
It was hard for Steve to focus on anything. He texted Y/N multiple times, making sure she was OK. She gave one or two word answers. Distant and straightforward. She texted as if Brock was even reading her messages.
Bucky would eye him every once in awhile, fully aware that Steve was anything but present for these meetings. He couldn’t blame him though.
After a long day, the sun was just about to hit the horizon.
Steve was on one of the balconies of his house, a glass of bourbon in his hand.
He could hear Bucky walking up behind him quietly.
“Promise me something?” Steve asked.
“Don’t let me get carried away.” It was code for ‘don’t let me kill him.’
Bucky hesitated. “I promise.”
“She’ll know. And then she’ll never look at me the same way.”
Before Bucky could say anything more, Steve’s cellphone started ringing.
As soon as he saw Y/N’s name on the screen, he picked up.
But Steve was immediately met with sobbing. He locked eyes with Bucky, showing his panic.
“Y/N! Y/N, I need you to breathe, OK? Just breathe. Calm down. Just calm down and tell me what happened.”
She did as she was told, forcing Steve to hear the struggles to control herself and fight her way out of the panic attack.
“He k-k-knew, Steve. He knew something was up. Then he-he grabbed my phone,” she inhaled shakily. “He saw your messages…” Her words died down.
Steve’s jaw clenched. “Y/N, did he hurt you?”
Y/N only responded with the sniffles she couldn’t control.
“Y/N, did he touch you?”
But she wouldn’t answer.
“Steve, please just come get me.”
Bucky was driving the SUV through the streets of Manhattan like a madman. Two other cars tailed them, filled with Steve’s most loyal men.
“I’m going to fucking kill him,” Steve hissed as he stared out the windshield.
“Don’t get sloppy, Steve. I know this is personal. But you don’t want any of this shit falling back on her.”
“I know,” Steve replied.
He was almost disturbingly calm.
Which actually made Bucky more worried.
The SUV had barely even stopped before Steve threw open the door.
He instantly spotted one of Rumlow’s men, loitering outside the entrance to the building. Steve could recognize a goon with his eyes closed.
“Hey!” He barked. “You work for Rumlow?”
The man didn’t answer, just immediately fumbled for what Steve could only assume was a gun. 
But he was too slow.
Steve swung and knocked him unconscious and off his feet in one hit. He reached down for the man’s gun and dismantled the pieces, tossing the stray bullets into the bushes.
The lock of the entrance couldn’t hold a harsh shove from Steve, easily granting him access to the building.
He heard Bucky barking orders to his men before he hurried to catch up to him.
Steve mentally told himself to calm down when he got to Y/N’s door. The last thing he needed was to scare her just as much as Brock did.
He knocked three times. “Y/N, it’s me. I’m coming in, OK?”
The door was unlocked. Steve slowly on entered.
The kitchen was empty. So was the living room.
“Y/N?” Steve called out carefully.
Bucky was checking all the blind spots, a gun ready in his grasp.
Steve was starting to get worried when he didn’t find her in the bedroom.
But then he heard the whimpers coming from the bathroom.
“Y/N,” he gasped before he hurrying to her.
He froze when he got a good look at her.
She was tucked against the foot of the bathtub, arms hugging her legs tightly to her chest.
Her nose had dried blood underneath it. Her lip was split. There was a red mark on her right cheek that he knew would turn a concerning purple in a day or two. Mascara was smudged underneath her eyes. 
“Jesus Christ,” Steve muttered under his breath before bending down to her level.
She seemed to cower at the intrusion, backing up against the tub as if there was anywhere else for her to go.
“Hey, hey, hey. I’m not gonna hurt you. I promise,” Steve whispered.
She nodded, snapping out of it and realizing that she knew she could trust him.
“Can you stand?” He asked.
“I’m not – I don’t know,” she admitted with embarrassment.
When she did try, her legs were shaking like she was a newborn deer learning how to walk.
But before she could fall, Steve was at her side, picking her up in his arms.
“I gotcha,” he whispered. “I gotcha. You’re safe. OK? You’re safe.”
She nodded as she tucked her face into his shoulder.
As he carried her down to her car, he found more bruises and cuts. The more he saw, the angrier he got.
Finally, Steve turned to Bucky.
As their eyes met, they had a silent conversation.
Steve carefully handed Y/N over. “Take her to the hospital. Don’t leave her side.”
Bucky held Y/N like she would break from the slightest pressure. “Let me come with you,” he tried to argue.
“No. Look after her. Keep her safe.”
Bucky looked worried, but he knew better than to argue with Steve, especially when he was in such a state.
Y/N’s head shot up when she suddenly realized what was happening. “Steve, please. Don’t. Don’t leave me.”
Steve leaned over to her, brushing some hair from her face.
“I promise I’ll be back. There’s something I gotta do. Bucky will look after you.”
And before Y/N could fight him on it, Steve was getting into a car with his men.
It was only a few hours later that Steve returned to a dark house.
He heard the click of a gun and turned on the light to find Bucky pointing one at him.
Bucky instantly lowered it. “Can’t be too careful.”
“Is she…?”
“She’s OK. Doc says nothing’s broken. Told her to ice everything. They gave her some pain medication. She’s just gotta take it easy.” Bucky sighed. “She’s upstairs.”
Steve let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Buck.”
“You might want to…clean up before you see her,” Bucky advised carefully.
Steve was suddenly brought back to reality and looked down at himself.
His white button down was now more red than it was white. His skin was also stained with the color. His knuckles were split and bruised.
“Did you make sure he paid for it?” Bucky asked emptily.
Steve gave a slight nod. “It was slow.”
He turned to go upstairs.
Steve expected to find Y/N in the same guest bedroom. But Y/N was asleep in his personal bed.
Steve listened to Bucky’s advice, and took as quick and as quiet of a shower as possible. He made sure to wash away all the blood, leaving no trace. But he knew he couldn’t wash away the sins.
When he slipped into bed, Y/N arouse from her sleep.
She turned to face him, still sleepy.
“Didn’t expect to find you in my bed,” Steve whispered with a little playfulness.
“It smells like you,” Y/N confessed with a blush. “Bucky said you wouldn’t mind.”
“I don’t.” Then he couldn’t stop taking in all the cuts and bruises. Her nose looked better now that all the blood had been cleaned away. “Are you OK?”
She nodded. “I’m better now.”
Then she grabbed his hands, inspecting his cut and bruised knuckles. “Are you OK?”
“I’m fine.”
“Steve, what did you–”
“Y/N, don’t.” He warned. “We can never talk about it. After tonight, we forget all of it.” His eyes were serious. “Nothing happened. You hear me? Nothing.”
“Why did you risk all of this for me?” Y/N breathed.
“You know why, Y/N.”
She couldn’t speak.
“Because I loved you, Y/N. And I still love you,” he told her. “And I know that if I had just stayed that morning, then you… then none of this would’ve happened.”
“That’s not how life works and you know it, Steve. This isn’t your fault.”
“All I ever thought I could do was put you in danger. It never occurred to me that I could’ve been the thing that kept you safe.”
Y/N scooted closer, wanting to be held by him.
Steve complied, kissing the top of her head. “Can you still love me? After seeing what I really am, is that possible?”
“You think I could ever think you a monster after you made sure that the world was short of a man like Brock?”
Steve stayed silent.
“You think you’re so evil, Steve. But the truth is that I’ve never met a man who has a heart like you. Even before all of this shit, even before I knew who you really were… I knew I’d never meet another man like you.”
She could feel his heartbeat through his chest.
“So, yes, I can still love you.”
Steve let out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
“Can we stop running away from each other now?” Y/N breathed.
She pulled back to stare into his blue eyes.
“Yeah, we can stop running, Y/N.” He told her before gently kissing her lips.
Don't say I never did anything for you. 😏
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just2bubbly · 3 years
Longings and Comm
"I swear if I could come, I would have been near you in a heartbeat."
Absence always seems to make the heart grow fonder and Cinder and Kai are no different in this vast expanse. After a busy day at work with Lunars, Cinder relies on Kai to make her smile but what happens when unexpected inquiries are made and feelings are slipped off.
Ship: Kaider
Words: 1502 words
Cinder's Perspective
She was so done with everyone. Every single one of them and this headache was killing her and unlike her usual headaches caused as a result of grief. This one was a real fucking headache caused because of annoyance and extreme anger.
She did something very un-queenly, like shouting in her chambers with a colourful string of swear words going in her mind.
Like every meeting that had ever happened, this was nothing different. Well, except for the appearances of lunar aristocrats. As if the stars surrounding her knew exactly what she wanted, Kai commed with such perfect timings that she wondered if Iko was behind this. If she was, may God bless her best friend, her only true companion on this entire dreary planet.
"Thank Goodness you commed. I am so angry-"
He chuckled at her loud outburst, mildly interrupting her. She would have glared if it was anyone else but Kai. However, the voice of his chuckle was enough to calm her down.
"Welcome to Royalty Queen Selene!"
"Stop saying it as if I have won a lottery ticket to visit Earth"
"So is that what you are missing? Earth?" he asked with a smirk tugging at his lips.
"You would know," she said, awaiting him to smile one of those shy smiles reserved for her.
"Kai! I miss Earth and people who can't perform bio-electric manipulation. Heck, you don't know how lucky you are! "
"Why?" he asked, his eyebrows quirking as his curiosity peeked in.
"Well, there are many reasons..." she was going to narrate each one of it to him unless he said otherwise.
Noting her long pause for permission, he granted, "Start Cinder, I'm all ears for you today."
'Ah! This guy was too good for his own self' she seemed to exclaim inside her head.
"Let's start then. I would say sit down as there is a long list of reasons. Firstly, these obnoxious Lunars- they are obsessed with fashion and by fashion, I mean an eerie sense of fashion. My eyes are hurt by just looking at them and that's not my individual statement, even Iko agrees. Plus, my cybernetics and the device goes haywire on me trying to pinpoint their true looks every time I glance at them; making it extremely difficult to focus. Secondly, their love to change appearances, like someone might be having blonde hair today and tomorrow they might turn out bald or something like that. I have a hard time remembering people, providing that I have cybernetics it is saying something. I can look through their glamour and see their true appearances but even then I have a hard time recalling them like hell, Luna needs some form of a database so that I or the computer in my brain can memorize all of them. At least earthen leaders have the decency to come dressed up in proper attire. Lunars, one man showed up in pyjamas to the cabinet meetings." She huffed and stopped to catch her breath.
Seeing that she was somewhat done with her ramble for the day, she groaned for what felt like the umpteenth time in the day.
"You have it bad, Cin, I absolutely agree but c'mon you have me and other people to complain to. Besides, how are you?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry to waste your time with my problems. I should not rant like this but my aristocrat citizens are chaotic and useless who loathe agreeing with me." She grumbled.
"You are not alone actually. Vargas and Camilla gave me a headache today but thanks to you I at least have one thing less to worry about"
"And that is?" she inquired.
"Letumosis and Levana, Cinder. How do you seem to forget that you are the revolutionary?" he teasingly asked. It was not like she was fetching compliments just because she was the one who killed Levana. The fact that she was the revolutionary often slipped from her mind if not for Thorne's remarks and a few graceful acknowledgements here and there.
"My court tells me otherwise!"
"Don't listen to those lunar fools, Cinder. You are THE revolutionary. Hero of the entire universe-"
"Stop praising me like some goddess" she cut off him shortly before he decided to go into a full-blown speech about how wonderful she was. Believe her; he had done that at the last annual Peace ball before everyone.
"Besides Emperor how could you call lunars fools before the Queen of Luna? You have lost your fine touch of diplomacy Kaito."
"Well just the way you called them and I quote 'obnoxious Lunars' before a few moments. And don't you worry I'm not losing my fine diplomatic touch anytime sooner. "He joked along.
"Good, it would be a shame if you did." She exclaimed adding to their playful banter.
Soon they fell into a comfortable silence. She had forgotten about her worries, for the time being, thanks to Kai and his very charismatic personality.
"How are you?"
"Uh?" he looked confused because of her out of the blue question.
"I meant how you are doing, like not the meetings and world leaders but just you!" she clarified. It was not likely of Cinder to generally indulge in talking about emotions with anyone. However, Kai had patiently listened to her ramble so she could hear his inner turmoil if any as well.
"Oh," He said for having nothing else to say. Taking his time to answer, he sighed, "I am good, maybe. I dunno, I have never been asked about just myself like this before. I am satisfied with my lot but responsibilities make me jittery. Even then I have Torin who assists me, I am so thankful for having him. Other than that I have a sickening feeling every time I have to attend meetings with world leaders. Yet I am happier in my place than ever before. I know this sounds weird and unintelligible- " He inhaled sharply, stopping in his track, bitting onto his lips.
"Don't worry, Kai. I completely understand the feeling." She assured him. He had completely moved into pessimism within few seconds. Behind the glorious facade of being royalty, sadness and despair are what remains hidden for a long time. Cinder completely understood how it felt to have everything yet feel unhappy about something that you could never have.
She had missed his moist copper-brown eyes but his swiftly moving to rub away the moisture from them did not go unnoticed.
"Hey, it's okay, Kai," she consoled.
She said in a comforting voice, wishing to be near him and just hug him tightly while he cries his heart out.
"No, no. I'm sorry I just feel like crap for a few days and I miss you." He mumbled, his voice becoming husky,
"I miss you too, Kai. I swear if I could come, I would have been near you in a heartbeat." She said, as her synthetic heart continued to long to touch him.
There was some commotion on his end.
"Your Majesty" someone called for him.
"Cinder, I'm sorry to end on a sad note but I have to go. I am fine, don't worry, I will call you tomorrow or maybe tonight, what time is it?" he asked.
"It's 2200 here."
"Okay, so I will call you tomorrow without fail, but sorry now that I have to leave. I am sorry to sadden you with all my feelings-"
"Stop apologizing, Kai. It's completely fine. Besides, it's okay to let it out from time to time."
He was called urgently by someone in the background; making him quicken his pace as he mumbled incoherent words to her.
"I miss you, call you back later. Love-" he said as the comm was ended by him. He had failed to complete his sentence and she contemplated if she should comm him again just to hear him finish his words. However, that would be a foolish thing to do when he seemed to be in so much hurry.
"Love you too, Kai." She said for the ears who would not hear it.
A/N: This was supposed to be fluff, but things took a new turn and I could not undo it. To be honest, I can't imagine Kai and Cinder going through their two years apart relationship without slipping 'I miss you' in  any and every conversations.
Your views will be very much appreciated! Be sure to like, reblog and comment if you like it! Tell me if you wanna be tagged!
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strwberrytae · 4 years
So Long, Farewell, and Goodbye For Now -
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“I don’t know how you are so familiar to me—or why it feels less like I am getting to know you and more as though I am remembering who you are. How every smile, every whisper brings me closer to the impossible conclusion that I have known you before, I have loved you before—in another time, a different place, some other existence.”     - Lang Leav
Hello, You ♡ Yes, You. You ethereal, beautiful being. I am writing to you with bittersweet yet wonderful news - depending on the perspective. I am writing this post to inform all of you that I will no longer be writing for this blog for the foreseeable future. What I mean by that is that I am not giving up writing forever, no. But my life has changed so much over the last two years, I do not see myself writing again for quite some time. But don’t worry! I will be back!
Below the Read More section, I have poured my heart and soul into the real reasons why I’ve made this decision. I warn you, it’s lengthy but it’s everything that has led up to this over the years. So, if you fancy, have a read. If not, I bid you farewell and wish you all the happiness in the world. Thank you for supporting me so far. I truly appreciate it and love you all very dearly. Now, if you wish to read it at a later time, I will have a link available on my page at all times for anyone who is curious. It’s a hell of a story if you ask me ~
Edit: Made by Me - also, a surprise photo at the end Warnings/Triggers: Talks of emotional abuse, depression, and suicide but also happiness and love -
When I first started this blog, it was 2016. I had been on Tumblr for over a decade now but BTS led me to writing passionately for 2 years. I was incredibly active and utterly consumed by this website. Not just for the writing, but I was so obsessed because of my friends and mutuals that I made along the way. Can I just say that I’ve met some incredible people on this platform - including my best friend and soulmate? Truthfully, the absolute best friend I have ever had. But more importantly, Tumblr was my greatest escape. I mean this website truly has been my saving grace through very dark times.
In that part of my life, I was in an extremely toxic relationship; by then, it was 6 years I was with him. He was emotionally abusive, had such a short-fuse temper, hated everyone I knew which led me never really seeing any of my friends after college, knew I was anorexic and did nothing to stop me, knew I had depression since we started dating and always argued it as if it wasn’t real, crushed my dreams and ambitions, mocked potential suicide attempts, expected me to just abandon all hope to ever leave home to explore someplace new or get a job that I actually love. He was...just the worst. Never hit me though, so I’m grateful for that. But sometimes I wish he would so it would have given me the voice I needed to get out of that relationship much sooner than I did. But regardless, because of him plus having a soul-sucking job that wore me down to the core, Tumblr was my escape. BTS was my escape.
I fell hard and I fell deep. I created a fantasy world within this world. All of my dreams, fantasies, desires, and hopes were poured into my writing. My imagination was running wild. My activity was through the roof because I was always on here day in and out, just pretending like the outside world didn’t exist. It consumed me...but I needed it. Looking back, it was pretty excessive. At the time, I seemed perfectly normal because everyone else was just as active and saying the same things and doing the same things. I felt a belonging, like I fit in.
But I hated the person I became. It took me getting yelled at, mocked, ridiculed, and belittled by my ex to snap me out of that illusion I built and back into reality. That was the roughest night that we had filled with lots of screaming on his end and crying on my part. He thought my obsession was sick. He thought it was disgusting. It all started because he found fake texts I had made with Jimin and Tae. Don’t recall the story it was a part of but he thought they were texts with the actual members… In my eyes, I should get credit for making them look so legit but he didn’t see it that way. He thought fangirling over men was essentially cheating. No matter how hard I tried to explain, he didn’t understand. But a part of his view was right. I learned that I was a bit too much into it and I really needed to take a step back from Tumblr for a while. So I did. I deactivated my account and disappeared for months. Also because he made me and threatened our relationship if I didn’t. Should have taken the out but ah well.
Just two months prior to this incident, I attempted suicide. Well, contemplated. Everything was planned out. Bought a hotel room for Thanksgiving night as I was working a super late shift until about 1-2am. My commute home was an hour long and I still had to come back to work at 7am. So I got a room. Brought a large amount of pills with me and I was going to call it. No notes written to friends, family, or loved ones. Nothing. I was done. Didn’t think anyone would miss me. I just figured the world would keep turning without me. I had thought about doing this several times before but this was my first time making plans for it. It was my lowest of the low. But then I met someone that night that changed my life entirely just in a 10 minute interaction of talking - nothing special. We’ll get to that later. But this person just gave me hope and to this day, I still can’t explain it. It was euphoric. I felt clarity. It was in that night that I thought I might hold out just a little bit longer.
And thus @strwberrytae was born - but it was far from the same. At first, I restarted the blog in secret. Why would I do this? Why would a 25 year old open a blog in secret? Well, two months after the awful fight, my ex proposed to me and I said yes. I know. Believe me, I know. I was scared. My depression was getting worse again. I no longer had an escape except for books. All I did was read so I had some sort of reality to be in besides my own. But returning to a brand new blog did not give the same satisfaction as returning to an old blog.
I worked so hard on my first blog and this redo, I tried to consider it as a gift. Perhaps this was a chance to start anew and rebrand myself. This optimism kept up for quite some time. Slowly, I added my favorite past works then added some new chapters. If you’ve been here with me since 2017, you would know that my appearance on Tumblr was still not the same. Then I got married in October.
An empty, loveless marriage that I regret to this day. Needless to say, my writing and activity on Tumblr was still practically non-existent as I was still too scared of getting caught. Even though he finally gave me permission to use it again because he could tell how miserable it was making me. Yes, gave me permission. Thankfully, it all ended after a year. I finally went to a therapist even though I hated them so much and all past therapists I had. She was pretty great. Within five sessions, I summoned the courage to break up with this guy. I was finally set free. Nearly 9 years together and I finally felt like I could breathe.
Unfortunately, although I was free, I had to live with the guy for about 5 months after the breakup. Which was beyond rough, believe me. Imagine someone writhing in pain and bawling their eyes out and venting non-stop about all of their faults and wrongdoings every single day. At the end of the day, as shitty as he was to me, he was my best friend too. We went through a lot of shit together and he did have some good sides to him too. So witnessing this was horrendous. Needless to say, I wasn’t getting much privacy either. Writing was not my top priority. Now it’s 2019 and things changed drastically for the better - and worst.
Remember the person I met in 2016 on Thanksgiving night? Well, that person is someone I crushed on every since that night. For 2 years. People, I’m telling you. He did absolutely nothing special that night. He didn’t flirt with me. He didn’t check me out. He didn’t do anything remotely to make a girl swoon but I was so drawn to him. The only word that could describe it was “cosmic” - beautifully cosmic. 
Well in January 2019, 2 months following my break up, he came into my store one day. And my god did he look incredible. He was dressed head to toe in black - a fitted black suit at that. He even wore this long, designer jacket to match. Hair shaved on the sides with beautiful, thick dark hair on top. So tall - 182cm. A smile that could kill; quite literally. The canines are on point. He looked like a five course meal. That day, he definitely flirted with me. By the end of the week, we had our first date. Sadly, I also lost my job in the same week and was unemployed for a year because no one would hire me. I was laid off and one of my seniors took my job. Of course, they needed to keep me around for the holidays and then give me the boot. I was devastated. I hated that job so much as it only aided in fueling my depression but losing it was definitely an amazing thing. And! I survived on my savings and definitely didn’t spend my time writing. I had life to sort out last year - like from the ground up. No worries though. I got a job in February 2020 and I love it, so it’s all good, baby. Now I’m in the health field and feel like I’m actually helping people, which I love.
Now, here we are 2 years later and I’m engaged to the man.  Someone who makes me smile everyday, believes in me, encourages me, let’s me be 100% myself, travels with me, taught me how to love myself, taught me to accept my body, gets me on a level that only my best friend could, and someone who goes above and beyond every single day to show me how much he loves me. Bonus, he welcomes my love for BTS with open arms, reads my writing, AND has even been sucked in himself to the fandom. Jungkook and Jimin, look out. You got another fanboy. I thought true love was impossible for me but I was very, very wrong.
He has shown me that I can be happy and I have finally experienced true happiness. When people ask how I’m doing, I don’t cringe and lie through my teeth. I smile and say that I am doing well because by George, I am. Everyone around me has seen me over the last two years and made the comment, “you look so much happier”. They meet him and swoon just as much as I do. Is he perfect? No, he’s not. He has flaws just like everyone else but he actually grows and learns from his mistakes to better himself. That’s what amazes me the most. Even if we argue, which is seldom, he refuses to let it go without resolution so we can always fix whatever the issue is. As we like to call it, we’re in-sync. In everything, we’re always so in-sync. I’m wildly in love, my dudes.
So, why am I not writing anymore? To put it simply, I’m happy and don’t really feel the desire to write anymore - at least not fanfiction. Even when I was super young, like elementary school, I used writing as an outlet for my dark escape. I wrote poetry primarily and by middle school, it turned to fanfiction for Supernatural, Simple Plan, and Panic! At The Disco. Along with a very long list of other bands and shows but anyways. I’ve been severely depressed since I was 15 and fanfiction put me in this hole that I couldn’t get out of. I relied on this method to help me get through all the bad shit I was dealing with. It was my coping mechanism.
Now? While depression never truly goes away as the lovely disease that it is, I am genuinely happy. Because of this, when I opened all of my past works and works in progress, I felt nothing but guilt. Guilt for not keeping up with my chapters or keeping my account active. I felt dread to have to escape in this world that I had created. I felt no joy or excitement. It was the strangest feeling that happened all in a matter of seconds. Thus leading to my final decision to take a step away from writing. Do I still love it? Absolutely. But now I think I’m going to re-route and focus my writing on what I love - reality. I’m going to get back into journaling and write essays about love and beauty as I’ve always loved to do. But for escaping into a fantasy world? I don’t know when I’ll be back.
Now I know what you’re thinking. “But you can write and be happy!” Nah fam. Writing has been my aid through dark times and now I mostly associate it with those dark times. And for once in my life, I feel this desire to enjoy reality and remain in it - with the exception of journaling here and there. Even daydreaming is difficult. It’s strange. I love my reality. This sounds like gloating now but it’s truly a remarkable feeling. When you’ve been battling depression for 15 years, it feels really freaking nice to say that I’m happy.
So that’s why I’m taking a break - in a very long, drawn out way. But my hope was that after this long story, you might understand truly why I am doing this. It would have been easier to just say that writing doesn’t bring me joy anymore but I feel that I owe more than that; especially because I really don’t know if I’ll write for this blog ever again. The last time I took a break, I disappeared without being able to explain myself and I wanted to do so now that I have the chance.
Ultimately, thank you to everyone who has stuck by me over the years. It’s truly been one hell of a rollercoaster. The friends I’ve made on here have seen me at my lowest of the lows. But hey! I’ll still be around. I just won’t be publishing or continuing any of my works anywhere in the near future. Seriously though. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This website has helped me tremendously and I’ll never forget it. Besides, there’s lots of other exciting things happening in my life now so you’ll certainly see me pop in here and there to talk about it ♡
If you wish, you can message me for questions or anything you want to know. I’m an open book - at least about most things hehe. And don’t worry. I still very much love Taehyung and still wildly obsessing over how marvelous he is. Umf.
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(here’s some recent photos of me as i rarely take selfies anymore haha. and a derp photo of me and the man i love >_< why is the cutest photo of him with the worst photo of me? still cute though hehe)
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themonkeycabal · 4 years
WandaVision Ep 8 Spoilers
Previously on WandaVision: It was Agatha all along.
This show has really come along well. I was worried after the first couple episodes, which were extremely slow, but it's tightened up and been entertaining as heck, in addition to being kind of a surprising meditation on grief and dealing or not dealing. You go along with wacky sitcom hijinks and then get whacked with the reminder so many things that have happened here are driven by terrible loss.
Anyway …. Acting Director Dick is Up To Something regarding Vision, and I fear we're all going to have to endure lots of his jackassery this episode. He's the not very fun part of this show, tbh. But we're getting down to it, so hopefully he gets his comeuppance sooner rather than later. And then on to deal with Agatha. Who is fabulously rotten. I love her, I have to say.
I guess this all leads into Doctor Strange 2, which I didn't know until Feige said it at the TCAs this week. So, that's something to look out for, too. Maybe everybody already knew that, but that was new to me, I think.
In happy news, nobody is power washing the sidewalks this morning. Hooray.
Creepy woods, a figure holding a flaming torch, Salem, Mass. 1693. Ah, Agatha's origin story. Burning at the stake. Or, maybe not. So far it's just being tied to one in the middle of a dark, creepy night.
"Agatha Harkness, are you a witch?" "Yes. I am a witch." "Yet, you have betrayed your coven." *gasp* Agatha!
She's been captured by her coven, because she stole knowledge, practiced dark magic, and other sundry evilities. But she says she's innocent, innocent, do you hear her! Oh, I guess not, "I did not break your rules, they simply bent to my power."
The lead witch is her mother, apparently. Since Agatha seems unrepentant, all the witches zap her with witchy magic or something. She screams a lot. But then her dark powers start drawing from the witches, sucking them dry. This is all very dramatic. Mom casts the final bolt, but Agatha is too powerful and she breaks free. All the other witches, except mom, have been grotesquely mummified.
Agatha swears she can be good, mom doubts. Mom zaps her again. Oh, whoops, Agatha drains mom next. She takes the broach from mom's desiccated corpse then zooms off into the sky in a burst of swirly purple magicy mist. The coven really didn't think that plan through all the way.
Present day, we're right where we left off, in Agatha's basement cavern of dark witches and nosy neighbors. Agatha is talking to her rabbit, Mr. Scratchy, and smirking at Wanda. "I know. She does look shocked to meet the real us, doesn't she?"
Wanda's eyes go glowy and Agatha laughs. "Oh, that's adorable. My thoughts are not available to you, toots."
Wanda wants to know where her children are, and Agatha mocks her about her reappearing/disappearing accent. Wanda tries to whammy her. "Huh, your magic's no good here." But Agatha's is. Agatha's no dummy, and now she's got Wanda magically trussed up in the center of the room.
"Didn't you notice? Basic protection spell? One on each wall? No? Nothing?" Hmm. Agatha, tbh, Wanda has like no idea what she's doing. So … "How do you not know the fundamentals?"
Wanda asks "Who are you?" and Agatha asks the same "Who are *you*? All those costumes and hairstyles. I was so patient, waiting for you to reveal your true self. I got close with fake Pietro — Fietro, if you will". Lol. I love her. She goes on about the magicy stuff she did to make Fietro "But you're so crippled by your own self doubt that you believed it. Oh Wanda."
"When I sensed this place, the afterglow of so many spells cast all at once, I couldn't make heads or tails of it." She shows off a mind control spell with some sort of big gross bug. Great. And has it fly at Wanda's face. Super awesome, Agatha. Oh, I see, she's going through the spells she thinks Wanda has cast, all the details, all the control of a whole town and all its storylines. Agatha's impressed and envious, "What's your secret, sister?"
Wanda says she didn't do anything and Agatha doesn't like that answer and tosses Wanda around. Now, see, Agatha, much as your coven underestimated you, I think your runic protection is only going to go so far before Wanda decides it doesn't.
"I tried to be gentle, to nudge you awake from this ridiculous fantasy. But, you'd rather fall apart than face your truth." Well, I mean. She's really been through a lot the last few weeks, Agatha. Like A LOT. Oh, and we're going to relive it. She's casting some sort of memory spell on Wanda, taking them back to the vast emptiness, endless nothing Wanda described to Fietro a couple weeks ago. You're not being very nice, Agatha.
"It's time to look at some real reruns." Wanda doesn't want to play along, but Agatha reminds her that she's got her children.
So, through the magic memory door they step, and into a tiny Sokovian apartment, with Wanda's parents. Her father apparently smuggled DVDs of "I Love Lucy" and "Bewitched". Didn't the people of Sokovia suffer enough? Well, he's got "The Addams Family", too. That's okay, I guess.
Little Pietro runs in reminding Mama and Papa that the only rule of TV night is you have to speak English. They call for Wanda and Agatha nudges her to step into the role of little Wanda. Papa says Wanda can pick what they're going to watch, but outside, there's gunfire. Except, I guess it's no big deal, Mama turns away from the window and the street battle below their apartment, while little Wanda says she wants to watch "The Dick Van Dyke Show", season 2, episode 21. Poor kid. Pietro agrees and moans, "Always sitcom, sitcom, sitcom!"
I'm waiting for the Stark Bomb to fall.
Little Wanda is far too enamored of "The Dick Van Dyke Show". Oh! There's the bomb. Pietro grabs her and they hide under the bed and they stare at the Stark Bomb. She and Pietro discuss what to do, while in the background, behind the bomb, the tv continues to play.
Little Wanda reaches out with her magic hand and then big Wanda is yanked out of the memory by Agatha, who demands to know if she stopped the bomb going off. "You used a probability hex?" Wanda says she didn't do anything, the bomb just never went off.
"So, what I see here is a baby witch, obsessed with sitcoms, and years of therapy ahead of her." lol, but harsh. "Where'd you get the big guns, Wanda?" A good question, Agatha. We never did get that answer before, really, did we? Just a sort of vague suggestion of "hydra did stuff to her and pietro maybe?".
"I don't want to go back there." "I know you don't. But it's good medicine, angel. The only way forward, is back."
Through another magic door we go.
Ha, I just paused and saw the title of the ep is "Previously On".
And into the Hydra lab. "Don't be scared, you already lived it once."
Oh, it's Loki's scepter. And the … whichever stone that is. I can't remember, totally lost track of them. Mind stone?
Wanda is in the containment unit with the scepter. The Hydra scientist wants her to do something with the scepter, and jr scientist says that no subject has survived this and lead scientist is like shut up and 'go ahead Wanda, it'll be totally fine'. 
Wanda approaches the scepter and it starts to shake and the stone breaks free and flies at her, but then pauses and they stare at each other. She reaches out for it. Then the blue outer bit of the stone explodes off and underneath is the the yellow stone. Ok, yeah it is the Mind stone.
Lots of dramatic power stuff with Wanda and the stone. She sees a flying silhouetted figure in the light of the stone and then passes out. She survives! I mean, obviously. The Hydra scientists have her sent to isolation where they torture her by making her watch "The Brady Bunch". Well, no, I guess she likes it. Keep this under your hat, but if you ever want to break me, making me watch "The Brady Bunch" could probably do it.
The Hydra scientists meanwhile are trying to figure out what happened, watching the recordings over and over — they don't see the whole stone flying towards Wanda and the subsequent mind meld. She's just standing there, and then falls down.
Agatha sums this up for us "So, little Orphan Wanda got up close and personal with an Infinity Stone that amplified what otherwise would have died on vine. The broken pieces of you are adding up, buttercup. I have a theory, but I need more."
Door number three reveals her digs at the Avengers compound. She is, of course, watching TV. "Malcolm in the Middle." Well, it's better than "The Brady Bunch." The only thing I hate more than "The Brady Bunch" is "The Partridge Family."
"Where are we now?" "The Avengers compound. It was the first home Vision and I ever shared. Pietro was dead, and I was in a new country. I was all alone."
Vision enters through the wall, back when he didn't remember doors existed, and Wanda invites him to sit next to her and watch TV. "It's funny because of the grievous injury the man just suffered?" Vision doesn't get sitcoms either.
Vision sweetly tells her that if she wants to talk about what she's feeling, he'd like to know. "Should you wish to tell me. Should that be of some comfort to you." "What makes you think talking about it would bring me comfort?" "Well, I read a thing—" that's the Tony Stark part of Vision. "The only thing that would bring me comfort is seeing him again." Poor Wanda.
Vision has a little "I don't know how to respond to that" face journey that is subtle but made me laugh.
She apologizes to him. "It's just like this wave washing over me again and again." She says the wave will drown her, but Vision says it won't. 
"It can't all be sorrow, can it?" IS2G if you two make me tear up this morning, I will … not do anything but be kind of annoyed. I have had the worst allergies the last couple of days, don't make me more snotty!
"I've always been alone, so I don't feel the lack. It's all I've ever known. I've never experienced loss, because I've never had a loved one to lose. What is grief, if not love persevering?" Damn you, Vision. At least I have a new box of tissues.
He sees something funny on the telly and laughs then apologizes. She laughs with him, though. "No, it was funny." They smile at each other, cutely awkward.
Even Agatha wipes at the corner of one eye. Though it could be annoyance. Hard to tell.
"So to recap: parents dead, brother dead, Vision dead." You're still a very mean person, Agatha. "What happened when he wasn't there to pull you back from the darkness, Wanda?"
Wanda doesn't want to play this game anymore. Agatha insists. "Tell me how you did it? Vision was gone, but you wanted him back."
Wanda sort of wakes up, "I wanted him back." Door number four takes us to SWORD's ridiculous and massive lobby. Really, what is with the stupidly enormous monitors hovering over the whole absurd place? So stupid. Nobody wants to watch the news that badly or bigly.
Wanda is walking through the lobby — SWORD's security sucks — but contrary to Acting Director Dick's version of the story, Wanda is politely asking the security guy where Vision is. And not throwing red woo-woos or anything. "Please, please. When I came back, he was gone. His body. And I know he's here. He deserves a funeral, at least. I deserve it."
Speaking of AD Dick. He seems to be watching this on the security feed, he calls the security desk and talks to the guard. Wanda spots the camera. But, security guy waves her through, gives her directions to wherever.
Security guy gets up to buzz Wanda in, but she says she's got it, and she opens the door herself. The footage AD Dick used to make her look like a terrorist. I mean, we knew he was a dick, so this is no surprise, but still. Jimmy! Arrest that asshole for aggravated assholery and general shadiness!
Anyway, Wanda's striding down hallways and as she comes even to the Director's door, the security light goes green and beeps so she goes into his office.
There’s polite introductions and whatever. 
"I understand you're here to see the Vision. To recover his body." "Well, I'm his next of kin." "I understand." You're a lying sleazy snake who's been doing shady things with Vision's body. "I'd like to show you something?" "And then you'll give him to me?" No, because he's a scumbag.
He shows her a lab, she's confused, he says it's what she asked to see. And down in the lab are technicians taking Vision's body apart. Obviously, this is horrifying to her. What did Hayward expect to get from showing Wanda that? Like she'd be all "oh, hmm, how fascinating. Look, he's made of wires and such. By all means, cut my boyfriend's robot head off. For science"?
"What are you doing to him?" "We're dismantling the most sophisticated sentient weapon ever made." I think you're a liar pants, Dick. "It's our legal and ethical obligation."
"I just want to bury him. It's all I want." "Are you sure?" "Excuse me?" "Not everyone has the kind of power that could bring their soulmate back online — forgive me — back to life." You are such a sleaze, Dick. They can't get Vision to work again, so why not emotionally manipulate the grieving woman to do it for you. Gross. DIAF Dick.
"No, I can't do that. That's not why I'm here." "Okay, I can't allow you to take three billion dollars worth of vibranium just to put it in the ground." He's the worst. "The best I can do is let you say goodbye to him here."
"He's all I have." "Well, that's just it, Wanda; he isn't yours." Somebody needs to squash this guy like a bug. I don't care who. Wanda, obviously, deserves the honor most, but let her get on with her life, I say. Monica's probably the next best for sure. SOMEBODY THOUGH! Hand Darcy a wrench, she'll take care of it.
Where were we … Oh, Wanda's doing the head tilt of impending magical ass-kickery. She busts through the glass, drops down to the floor of the lab, and a security team runs out to point their guns at her. AD Dick tells them to fall back. Why, his plan's working just perfectly, no need to interfere with the woman he’s making suffer extra.
Wanda walks around Vision's body to his head. And she puts her hand over the giant hole where Thanos ripped out the mind stone. "I can't feel you." Every bit of this, for me, takes AD Dick from a generic loathsome character, to somebody actually disgusting. Do not like.
Wanda can't feel Vision at all, and she walks away, out of the room, out of the SWORD building, leaving the body behind. THIS IS VERY SAD, MARVEL.
She gets into her car, and in the passenger seat is an open envelope, like for a greeting card or something. And off she goes to Westview, New Jersey. A down-on-its-luck small town, full of sad looking people and dirty streets. 
She pulls into the driveway of a property that's overgrown, with just a foundation, no house.
Damn you show. It wasn't an envelope, it was a real estate deed with a plan of the property with a red heart drawn on it, and the words "to grow old in. v." inside. What did Wanda do to deserve this? I mean, fine, she was in Hydra for like a minute, but she wasn't a true believer or anything, and she redeemed herself. Come on. Stupid Marvel, making all the things hurt.
She's crying, you're crying, I'm crying, everybody's crying, as she walks into the foundation of the home that never was. And then it all just comes pouring out of her in a great burst of red light and grief and power. Creating the sitcom world around her and swallowing Westview. Poor Wanda. 
There. There's your answer, Agatha. Are you happy, you big meanie? Go turn AD Dick into a toad, or something, would you?
Hm, from her power, the yellow light of the mind stone starts to separate out, from back when she and it sort of had their moment in the Hydra lab, and out of that Vision is recreated or reborn or reconstituted or … whatever. Then they're in the black and white world of the first ep, and everything is perfect. Damn you, Marvel.
Real world Wanda looks up from where she's standing behind B&W Wanda and Vision and sees it's all just a TV show set. Agatha is in the audience, clapping. She vanishes and Wanda can hear Billy and Tommy screaming for her. She runs off set and into her front yard.
Out on the street, Agatha has the boys on magic leashes.
Agatha says she knows what Wanda is and that "You have no idea how dangerous you are." Well, keep holding her boys with magic ropes around their necks and we'll all find out. Agatha's gone full witchy here, she looks great.
"You're supposed to be a myth. A being capable of spontaneous creation. Here you are, using it to make breakfast for dinner." lol. Hey! I was actually thinking last night that I hadn't made waffles in a while. Breakfast for dinner is its own kind of magic, Agatha. (note to self: check we have syrup)
Wanda is pretty done with Agatha. She wants the boys released.
"Oh yes, your children. Vision. This whole little life you've made; this is chaos magic, Wanda. And that makes you … The Scarlet Witch!" DUN DUN DUN! CREDITS! !!!!
Well that was all very dramatic and sad. A really good episode, really good. Damn you, Marvel. Kathryn Hahn is great, absolutely love her.
Yes, there's a mid-credits scene, btw. F'in AD Dick, for what it's worth, finally putting his Genius Master Plan into action. What a dick. The biggest sack of tiny dicks you ever saw. No really, I hate this guy. I hope Wanda tears him a hundred new ones. Then sets what's left on fire. With her mind. 
Also, he’s dumb. He can’t possibly think he can contain Wanda when she gets a look at his Genius Master Plan, can he? Is he that dumb? Probably, but couldn’t one of his little minions go “um, sir, she did almost defeat Thanos. I suspect this may end catastrophically for us.” 
Do you suppose Darcy’s still stuck in traffic? 
OH NO! There’s only one more episode left. I’m sad about that. This has turned out really quite good. Well done, show. Well done. 
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Got any friendship platonic yan Tale, Fell, Swap, Swapfell, Fellswap and Storyshift Asriel, Chara, Frisk and MK?
YANDERE UNDERTALE CHARA AS A FRIEND: ~ Chara is a very fussy person. She is always angry and shows no sign of actually liking you, but she actually is very attached to you. If you would ever get angry with her, she would probably apologize and ask you to keep being friends with her.
~She is the first one to kill anyone that bullies you. You are her friend and she is the only one who can make fun of you. Anyone else who tries will end up dying a mysterious and painful death.
~ “Listen to me, alright? You are my friend and I’ll protect you! So, if anyone is making fun of you, just tell me and I’ll teach them what happens when you make fun of my friends”
~Chara is very possessive and will make sure that everyone knows that you are her friend, that is why the chance of you actually finding a lover is pretty low.
~ “Why are you sad? Lovers are shitty anyway. Friendships are much better, and last longer!”
~Asriel would spend most of his time with you, always following after you if you would be busy with something. He just doesn’t want to leave you, because he doesn’t feel good when you are not around him. You are the only fun and interesting person, except for Chara.
~He would invite you to hang out with him and Chara quite a lot and he would probably ask you to sleepover at his place quite a bit because he doesn’t want to be far from you.
~ “Come on, pleaseee! It’s going to be fun, I promise!! I got a few new video games, we can play them!”
~Because his older sister is quite dangerous, whenever you would tell him someone is annoying you or is bullying you, he will make sure to tell Chara, so she could take care of it.
~ “Don’t worry anymore! Now, do you want to grab that nice cream or not?”
~A quite yet kid person, Frisk actually is pretty selfish. Every single time you would start to stray from her, she would reset to try again. If you ever find a lover, she would reset and kill that person, so you wouldn’t ever think of leaving her behind.
~Frisk would keep doing that over and over again, without any regard for anyone. It’s no wonder that Sans actually hates her and most humans. He just doesn’t trust them anymore and for good reasons.
~ “Hey, let’s get something tasty together, okay?”
~If she sees that killing people isn’t going to help, she will start spreading nasty rumors about you, before only she would be around you, and you would have no choice but stay with her.
~ “Don’t worry, I won’t ever leave you! I’m your best friend, am I not?”
~No matter where you are, Mickey is always there. He always finds where you are, and will always approach you to be with you. The reason? Because he is a complete and utter stalker. He had been using his skills on Undyne before, but now that he has such a great friend like yourself, why would he ever need Undyne?
~Mickey is also your biggest fan! He knows absolutely everything about you. Even things that only you know. That is, again, because he is a stalker, and managed to get a lot of information from other people about you. He knows that’s not really good, but he really wants to be your best friend!
~ “Oh, don’t worry bestie! I already got you this! I just thought you would like this!!”
~No matter what you would do, you just can’t get rid of Mickey. And if you ever ask help from someone else, they will just not believe you because Mickey just seems such a good person. Besides, he doesn’t have legs, and his magic is pretty weak. What could he ever do to you?
~ “Maaan! You sure are fast! Okay, let’s not play tag anymore, okay? I hurt myself while running! You know I’m clumsy, you meanie!!”
~Dessy is actually a very good friend, as hard as it might be to believe it. Unlike with a lover, Dessy really appreciates friends. Not many people want to be friends with her, so you wanting to befriend her would mean the world to her.
~She would spend a lot of time with you and would use her connections to make your life at least a little bit easier. She would also try her best to make you understand that the rumors about her are only for lovers and not her friends.
~ “Thank you for being my friend. I was tired of just being friends with the dogs...”
~If you both are underground, Dessy will make sure that all the bad things you will do will be hidden, so no one else would know about it.
~ “Hey, don’t worry about it, okay? It’s just a secret between us two! To make our friendship stronger, alright?”
~The moment you two become friends, Tuscan would introduce you to his older sister, Dessy. There are two reasons why he would do that. One is that he wants Dessy to know that you are off-limits for killing, and second, he wants you to understand how great she actually is so you could help him fight the rumors that are spread about her. He really is obsessed with his older sister, and now he is obsessed with you too.
~You and Dessy are his dearest people, and he will make sure that everyone knows that if they mess with you, he will kill them in the most painful way possible and Dessy will eat their dead carcass/pile of dust.
~ “Don’t worry. No one will make fun of you and get to get out alive, you hear me?”
~If you start to stray from him, chances are that he will get his sister to kidnap you and keep you in their basement. He just knows that with them both you will be safe. Just please ignore your cellmate. That’s Dessy’s meal.
~ “Stop struggling! This is for the best! The sooner you realize this, the better it will be!”
~Fawn would probably always complain about monsters to you. Saying how disgusting they are and that they should return from where they came, saying that she hated how they were now alive. 
~If you are a monster too, she would tell you that you are lucky you are her friend, or else she would kill you from how disgusting you actually are and look.
~ “Only reason you are still alive, monster, is because you are needed”
~Even with her cruel words, she will probably not kill you, but instead, keep you as her pet in Dessy’s basement, where she lives. Do ignore the other two residents there. One is Dessy’s meal and the other is Tuscan’s friend.
~ “Behave or you’ll be the next meal of my caretaker over there!”
~Penny would probably be a little bit unsure about being friends with you. You see, she’s friends with Fawn, and she’s not sure if the girl would actually spare you or not. But outside of that, Penny would be very controlling of your life.
~Penny would want to know everything about your life and what you are doing. She needs to know or else she will drive herself insane. If you won’t follow the rules she gives you, she will need to ask Fawn to hurt you.
~ “You are my friend, but if you don’t follow the rules, I’ll tell Fawn, and she will happily hurt you...”
~Penny will soon start filtering who you can talk with, who you can be friends with and anyone she doesn’t approve of will be killed off by Fawn. 
~ “I told you to stop being friends with them. It’s your fault they died. Stop crying”
~Cinnamon was such a sweetheart, wasn’t she? The best friend you could ever have, but why were all your other friends dying? Well, of course, because Cinnamon wasn’t as good as she liked to fake being.
~Like Frisk, Cinnamon was cruel and selfish, but she hid it behind a smile and a cheerful facade. It was always her who would start the genocide runs and not Buttercup.
~ “Well, I’m not going anywhere! Don’t worry!”
~She will threaten people to leave you alone and get Stretch and Lucky to do the dirty work for her too, in case someone is too strong for her alone.
~ “Don’t worry! Things will be better now, I promise!”
~Tawny was honestly a funny guy. And he wasn’t bad at all at the beginning. Just a guy with big dreams and a wish for his parents to stop fighting and get back together. The fact that he was of the same monster species as the king and queen also would get things pretty confusing!
~Tawny would start to change when he would notice you straying away from him. He was the best friend you could ever want, why where you left him? No, don’t go, please. He’s alone without you...
~ “I promise I’ll be better! Please don’t go away...”
~Tawny would be desperate and he would probably kidnap you. He never did something like this, so he was afraid. Afraid of ruining your friendship completely.
~ “I-I promise to let you go, but for now, you need to stop screaming!”
~Buttercup was quiet but a good friend. She always made sure to help you and stood up to you when you would be bullied. In general, she was the best friend you could ever have. 
~Because of her ghostly form, she would probably make it a habit to follow you around, and making sure that no one is hurting you. She would never kill someone, but she can always scare them away from you.
~ “Oh? They stopped harassing you? That’s great, isn’t it?”
~ She is one of the better people to be friends with because she actually is a true pacifist, so even as a yandere, she would never kill anyone and would make sure to keep you safe and happy.
~ “You’re the greatest, you know that?”
~Cantaloupe is a serious person, but also very gentle when you get to know him. He rarely ever goes out anywhere, so he is very thankful to have you as his friend.
~His favorite thing to do would always spoil you in riches as much as possible. He knew that buying things for others wasn’t going to gain him true friendship but he felt like you actually wanted to be friends with him.
~ “Hey... heard you wanted this... Here you go”
~Cantaloupe would probably scare most of the other people away from you, as he was the heir and no one wanted to mess with someone related to the heir.
~ “I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to make you have no other friends... Want to play with me?”
~Pitch is the most cheerful and kind person that you will ever find. He’s absolutely great, and there is no way around it. But the problem is that he doesn’t realize when he is hurting people. Because of that, Pitch doesn’t have any other friends outside of you and Mutt, who doesn’t usually mind being hurt, and tells him when he is doing something bad.
~Pitch would probably invite you to hang out with him and Mutt all the time, having a lot of sleepovers and in general, having a lot of fun together. 
~ “Man, I’m so glad you two are my friends! You are the greatest!”
~Sadly... Pitch gets jealous very easily. If he sees you talking with someone else, he is more than likely going to accidentally snap the necks of the person, not being able to believe that someone dared to take your time away from him!
~ “How rude! Anyways, wanna hang with me and Mutt?”
~Cobalt is a very collected and quiet young man. Because of that, he is usually seen as very boring, so not many people are around him. But he is very strong, so with him, you will always be protected from anyone who might try to get free exp from you.
~Cobalt will probably follow you around, quietly, and without asking for your permission, all the time whenever he is not busy with his work. And when he is busy, he does track you with his magic.
~ “... Don’t go to Waterfalls... It’s dangerous there”
~Cobalt tries to not kill people, but he does hurt them very badly if they try to hurt you too. But he’ll mostly do it so you don’t see it. He doesn’t want you to think badly of him.
~ “... Are you okay?”
~Chartreuse was... well, he is very controlling. You are his, no matter if you are just his friend, enemy, or lover. The moment you get to know him, you are naturally his property. 
~His position as the next king really has gotten to his head, as he doesn’t care about what you want or how you feel about him controlling so much of your life.
~ “I’m the prince and future ruler of the monster race. Do not defy me, or you will be executed”
~He will get everyone you know executed almost immediately after befriending you and then moving you to the castle, where he knows how you are all the time.
~ “From this day on, you are my property. Do not defy my word or you will die like everyone you knew”
~Peacock wasn’t always so bad, but because of her older brother, she has learned that the only way to get what she wanted was by following a sort of rule sets that she had put for herself. She learned that only by acting better than everyone else would she become better than everyone else.
~The reason why Peacock liked you so much was that you dared to defy her word, unlike everyone else. That made her be freer around you and actually start to enjoy her time with someone.
~ “I’m glad I know you”
~Like Chartreuse, she would use her status to get people executed, but only when she would see that they were taking too much of your time, or telling you to stay away from her.
~ “Do not listen to those traitors!... Or you will be executed too...”
~Mohagany is a very strong person. Fighting through a lot of trials, she doesn’t let people stomp on her. And because you are her friend, she doesn’t let people stomp on you too.
~Mohagany has the strongest justice sense you could ever think. She will always make sure that people around her protected, especially you. That’s why she is quick to get into fights.
~ “Don’t you EVER harass my friend again, you hear me?!”
~Mohagany is actually in an on and off relationship with Patch, that’s why he will often be around you two. But if you would ever be interested in Patch, she would happily give him up for you.
~ “Hey, if he can make you happy, then take him. I want you to be happy, okay?”
~Flaxen was always bored with everything. Everything WAS boring, so why wouldn’t be bored? Well, everything was boring except for you. You were the only high light of his day.
~Flaxen is very possessive of you, not wanting someone else to take you away from him, so he would usually make you follow him around, or stay in his house until he would be around you.
~ “Unless you want to get killed, you will follow what I tell you”
~Flaxen will try to make sure that you are comfortable every single time you are with him. You make his days better, so he wants to make sure that your days are good too.
~ “I’ll keep you safe, alright? Just trust me”
~Canary’s whole existence is to help people. She loves helping people and she will keep helping everyone, especially you. It’s what makes her feel like she can live again.
~Canary sadly would be a very clingy person. She would always be stuck to you like glue, be it in her visible or spirit form, just watching you no matter what, not being able to get enough of you.
~ “Oh, don’t mind me! I’m just watching you! Always”
~Canary doesn’t hurt anyone but she can easily start begging you to stop talking with other people because you are killing her.
~ “Please, stop! I’m all you need, don’t do this to me!”
~Jaded always was afraid of everything. No matter what it was, she couldn’t do anything without feeling like she was afraid of it. That was until you came around and finally made her feel comfortable. She was happy and didn’t want to let you go.
~Jaded would immediately force you into moving into the castle with her, so the two of you could always be together. She offered to take in your family too if you wanted.
~ “Don’t worry, everything was going to be great now!”
~Jaded would never let you leave her sight, otherwise, she would start getting fussy about it. You were here because of her, and she wasn’t going to let you leave anywhere.
~ “Stop trying to sneak away! It’s very rude”
~Toffee would be a flirty friend. She would always be around you, touching you and flirting with you, but don’t worry, she is just joking.
~If you do not contact her in a few days, she gets very panicked and she might try to come and find you, too afraid to find out if something happened to you or not.
~ “Don’t worry me like this! I thought you died or something!”
~Toffee would probably try to get you and Plum together. She wanted to have both of her favorite people in one place, so why not make you two date?
~ “Come onnnn! My bro’s totally your type. He’s everyone’s type!”
~From the moment that you become his friend, Plum would be very possessive of you and would make sure that you are always taking good care of yourself. If he catches you not taking care of yourself... Well, you can say goodbye to your freedom. If you can’t take care of yourself, he will take care of you instead.
~Every single day, he will arrive at your house and prepare you breakfast, make sure that you clean yourself, and would make sure that your house is squicky clean. He has a slob for a sister, so he can’t stand messy homes.
~ “You better take care of yourself, or else!”
~He will probably try to get you with his older sister. You are someone very important for him, and Toffee needs to finally settle down and have someone good for her, so why not you?
~ “Toffee is really perfect, I’m sure you both will get along. Please, at least go on one date with her?”
~Pebble is similar to Frisk, but unlike Frisk, she doesn’t use the reset button after she promises that she will never use it again. The only reason she might use it would be if you would end up dying, but again, she would ask Toffee for permission beforehand, as she does have a slight crush on the woman.
~Pebble is a very sweet friend and has a great sense of humor. Every day with her is just filled with lots of fun and laughter. 
~ “I’m so happy you are my friend! Let’s never stray away, okay?
~Pebble is very clingy, and she has stalkerish tendencies. The chance of her following you around is huge because she couldn’t really imagine how her life would be without knowing your every move.
~ “I’m so happy you are so understanding of my problem!... You are understanding, right?” 
~Moss and you probably knew each other because you both lived in Snowdin for a long time. You could even say that you two were childhood friends, so you knew very well about his... staring tendencies.
~No matter what, he is always watching you. Staring at you and never breaking eye contact even when you catch him watching you. 
~ “... Hi...?”
~Moss barely speaks, and because of that, he can come off as someone very creepy. A lot of people avoid him because of that.
~ “... Do you want to take  a walk with me...?”
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