#i assume my answer weren't so terrible in that case
hellohoihey · 1 year
girl shocked she got invited to a job interview after applying for job
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inexplicifics · 6 months
i feel like you’ve definitely answered this before, but tumblr search is garbage, so i figured i’d ask anyway. i was in the mood to make myself cry today so i’m rereading the debt is terrible, as is good and proper, and i’m curious about what happens with those 3 trainers (one of whom i’m assuming is varin, the little prick) who didn’t join the ayes to change the training regimen. did they come around? was there a fight? did they get foisted out on the path to seethe without bothering anyone? do any of them ever eat crow years later when the new training is proven successful? i love seeing people be wrong and get bonked for it, it’s my favorite lmao
i hope spring is treating you well! <33
You know, I'm not entirely sure. They definitely got foisted out onto the Path, and they will not be among the "nursemaid" troops until they've gotten their heads on straight.
Beyond that...it depends on whether they're vicious bastards because they genuinely believe it's for the trainees' own good, in which case they may well eat crow in the future, or whether they're just vicious, in which case they probably spend a lot of time out on the Path. And their brothers may well not be as friendly as might be desired, as time goes by and the Schools start to realize that the old cruel ways weren't necessary.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
as a woc (who is south asian, so i share that with harris), it's deeply upsetting to me that......nothing she could do would be right. i see people wondering why she isn't doing more, but then she does something, and then those same people pick that thing apart and tear her to pieces and it really does go to show that nothing we ever do will be "right".
i have yet to see criticism of her specifically that doesn't boil down to racism or misogyny (or a combination of both), and it's frustrating, especially in leftist spaces, because i do want to think critically and have conversations about what she's doing right and what she (and the administration as a whole) could improve upon, but i feel like i can't start or participate in those conversations without dealing with that same racism + misogyny. and this isn't even getting into the gop, this is about people who call themselves progressive/leftist/whatever. so much effort goes into maintaining the idea that they're better than the right, but i don't see nearly as much effort put into.....being better tbh
Unfortunately, among all their other problems, Online Leftists are a) often just as likely to be racist and misogynist as the GOP, and b) to strenuously deny that they are, weaponize that language in bad faith against people or candidates they dislike, and otherwise parrot abstract "social justice" talking points and Progressive Jargon while being absolutely noxious to the real, actual people that are involved. They do, as you say, assume they are Morally Righteous, and then don't actually interrogate that or question it in any way. So.... yeah. Yeah, pretty much. As I've said before and will say again, they are an absolute failure as any kind of practical or effective opposing force to right-wing fascism, and often inadvertently or even deliberately enable it in deeply disappointing ways.
It's funny that in all my posts/answers on the topic, I stated multiple times that if people could provide me an actual reason that made empirical sense as to why they didn't like Kamala, I was happy to have that discussion. Instead I got a lot of weird angry asks from people clearly still trying to justify their Hillary Clinton Derangement Syndrome (I only answered one of them because I have better things to do with my life), accusing me of being "emotional," "angry," "trauma-dumping" and God knows what else. And like. I'm sorry that pointing out a clearly verifiable fact (misogyny is what doomed HRC, anti-Obama backlash/racism was what enabled Trump) triggered y'all to that degree, but I think that fact is pretty illuminating on its own. And no, actually, I don't have to "get over" HRC's loss or "just accept" that people had "reasons" (conveniently never articulated, but they were real! They totally weren't misogyny! PEOPLE HAD REAL REASONS FOR NOT LIKING HER WHY WON'T YOU BELIEVE ME AND ACCEPT THAT!!!) for disliking her and/or not voting for her when her opponent was Donald F'n Trump. Like, I know they live in the magical realm of the Permanently Online where the real world suffers no consequences from their bullshit and the argument about why 2016 was not their fault changes daily, but that's not the case with us here on Earth. And yeah, we're pretty mad.
Kamala has, in my view, been doing a perfectly fine job as the vice president. She has been able to give a few powerful and relevant speeches about race relations, gun violence, abortion, and other topics. I occasionally see news articles from "anonymous sources" who "don't like her" or want to cause trouble for whatever reason, which I treat with the usual degree of skepticism that I employ when reading anything the mainstream media writes about Democrats (which is then repurposed and reused in the Online Leftists' "Democrats Terrible!" screeds in equally bad faith). Yet again, I repeat my offer for anyone who wants to complain about her for an actual and clearly articulated reason to explain what that reason is and why it's not a double standard, why it's not attributable to racism and misogyny (even and especially the unacknowledged sort), what they expect she should be doing differently, and why this is any kind of big deal for the actual mainstream electorate. But judging from previous experience, this will just trigger another round of anonymous WE HAVE GOOD REASONS FOR NOT LIKING HER!!! whines with cheese, and to that I say, yeah, don't even waste your time.
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 9 months
The scars one carries
"Thank you all for coming at such short notice." You said calmly to the room full of demons. The teachers of Babyls appeared to be on edge and who could blame them?
After what they discovered, you were surprised that several hadn't gone into evil cycles. Nonetheless, an explanation was nessisary at this point. You knew they were all jumping to conclusions so it's best to give them a solid answer.
"Iruma told me that you saw his scars." You drummed your nails along the table. Eyeing all of them. "First and foremost, thank you all for your quick actions and concern. It's nice to know Iruma has such kind teachers."
Kalego bangs his fist onto the table. "Why weren't we notified of this beforehand? Do you know the risks that can occur? A flightless child can be endangered during Babyls's lessons!"
"Ah, yes... I heard about how you dropped my baby off a cliff. Now tell me Kalego-San. What made you think that was a good idea? You see, a child hesitate there must be a reason. But no... you just assume he's being lazy."
You narrow your eyes a dark look crossing your face. "As for why you weren't told that reaction is a very good reason. You assume he can't do anything because of a lack of wings..."
You cross your arms over your chest and lean back in your chair. "But... he has done a lot more than his fellow pupils." You can see the looks in the staffs eyes. The realization.
"My son knows well that he isn't like other students. He has to work a lot harder to catch up. Not just physically but academically as well."
You stand up, glaring at his homeroom teacher. "You've seen for yourself how he has overcome many obstacles. My son has proved that even without wings, he can soar."
"But... how did he get hurt? Those scars look old... and there are so many." Asked Robin. That question is one that makes everyone's blood turn cold. One that wounds your heart.
You take off your shirt, showing your own scars. Eyes widen, and gasps can be heard. You focus your eyes on some of the larger scars that trace your skin. Some you remember vividly others you've erased from your mind.
"As you know, Iruma and I originally didn't live with Sullivan." You started. Deciding to use as much truth as possible.
"Where we come from... survival of the fittest would be a good term for it. It's a very cruel place." You bite your lip.
"It's a place where the rules constantly change. Where a blind eye is turned for those who suffer. Any hopes or dreams are crushed early on. Periodically pushed down till one breaks."
You clenched your fists tightly as you thought about earth. "The weak are often taken advantage of in this case. Not even children are safe from such horrors. A terrible place..."
Bitterness fills your tone. Resentment in your eyes. "It's a place I never wish for Iruma to return to. A place that will haunt my dreams till my dying days."
Earth made hell look like paradise to you and Iruma despite the constant threats of being eaten. You knew if nessisary you could handle being thrown back there. You had survived for decades there.
But Iruma... Iruma, who was finally coming out of his shell. Who was acting his age and playing. Laughing and smiling... no. He would shatter.
You couldn't allow that. He didn't deserve that. He shouldn't have a terrible life. He didn't deserve it. "All you need to know is that Iruma is finally safe."
You lift your gaze looking at each teacher. "Iruma is finally happy and that he has no reason to live in fear anymore. If any of you ruin that for my child... I'll kill you without hesitation."
The icy look you gave told everything. If they treated Iruma differently now, you would get rid of them. "My baby isn't fragile. He's strong. And he's going to prove it to you."
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
this is so random, but if you have the time, could you talk about what drew you to christianity (or why stick with it through life)? I've been doing some research into religions to see what i vibe with and I saw one post from you about forgiveness for your enemies but i hold grudges until i die. i could never imagine forgiving some people
Thank you so much for this question, and for wording it so nicely and respectfully! I very much appreciate that and would be happy to answer your question (although Christianity is not the main focus of my blog, and I'm sure there are others who would be better equipped to answer your question, I shall endeavor to do my very best). Sorry in advance for any typos, if something is unclear/doesn’t make sense, please ask!
Really quick in case someone is new here: if you want to follow me and don’t like Christianity, you can block the tag “#christianity” (pin post goes into detail). Thanks!
This isn't really something I can answer quickly and easily, but if I had to point to what drew me to the faith at a young age, and why Christianity/Catholicism has become such a central part of my life today as opposed to a more cultural identity, it's the teachings and life of Jesus and the lives of the saints who modeled their lives after him. The care, compassion, and love Jesus had for everyone around him was beautiful to me, as were the how diverse and uniquely beautiful the lives of the saints were, men and women who lived in different countries, existed different time periods, spoke different languages, were different races/ethnicities, and had different vocations, jobs, disabilities, families, and experiences, all united across history by their common desire to serve God and serve others. Some of them were illiterate. Some were born in poverty, some were born rich. Some of them were devoted to God since they were young, others lived pretty selfish and at times horrifically sinful lives before they decided to turn it around. They weren't perfect people. They're not holy because they never messed up. They're holy because at some point they look at the teachings of Jesus and said to themselves "that's how I'm going to live my life".
You mentioned my post on forgiving your enemies, which for reference, I assume that this is the post in question. This post is based on Christian teaching, and I'm certainly not the only one to post about it. Another one of my favorite posts on the topic is this one: "there are going to be a shocking number of people that you don’t like in heaven, and you will rejoice at their presence when the time comes". These posts are based in the teachings of Jesus, which included things like "Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you" and loving his enemies even as they were actively killing and torturing him. Now, at first, this sounds weird. Why would you want someone you don't like in heaven? Why would you love someone even when they are such a terrible person?
I started typing out my answer, and it turned into a bit of a rant, but since you're looking into religions, I thought it might be helpful. Sorry it’s insanely long. There’s a part at the end with a larger heading you can skip to if you want.
This is a complicated answer, and I debated about the best way to answer it, but I first wanted to clarify what my views are on humanity before I dive into forgiveness. I think is important, because I have learned that there are two, strangely very different and opposing ideas about the Christian view of humanity that exist in secular culture, neither of which fully or sometimes even partially represent what I believe in as a Christian or what my faith teaches. Please note I'm not specifically calling any one creator out with this as I have seen literally dozens of posts like both of these examples and as there are thousands of denominations of Christianity, I'm not discounting the fact that there may in fact be Christians who teach or believe this. This is merely an explanation of my faith and what I believe so that when I talk about my own views, people understand what I mean.
I came across the first secular view of the Christian view of humanity when I saw a couple posts that at first, I fully thought were written by a Christian, because they were like "Don't you ever just look around at people helping and caring for each other and become mesmerized by the inherent beauty and goodness of humanity? Our capacity to help each other, our willingness to care, our resolve to do better? We are beautiful, these examples that I've listed are beautiful." and I'm like heck yeah op, and immediately thinking of Catholic teaching about us made in the image of God and all that and Jesus' teaching about how whatever good we do for each other we do for God himself and I've seen so many similar posts from my Catholic and Christian mutuals that this post seems to blend right in. But then when I go to reblog it, op has a disclaimer that's like "Xtians need to get the **** off my post! Why do y'all keep coming here? You don't believe that every human is a beautiful and wonderful person, you believe that every human is a terrible sinner and should go to hell forever and you want to make innocent children and people with OCD feel bad and shame people into doing whatever you want and I don't get why every time I make a post like this, y'all keep coming here pretending to believe what I believe. You don't. **** off!"
And look, no hate to any of these OPs. If you do not want me interacting with your blog or your posts, I will not. And not every OP was that aggressive about it, most just respectfully asked Christians not to interact or reblog. But I won't lie, and I'm not trying to be mean. It was kind of funny to read a post that's like "Humans are so beautiful and kind I love us" and then when someone reblogs it like "Thanks OP, I agree!" the immediate response is "No, you don't. Go **** yourself". I'm so sorry, it has the same vibe as this lovely post, and I apologize for my terrible sense of humor, I just find it funny.
So while I obviously don't agree with any of the aforementioned OP's views on Christianity, I wasn't gonna try to debate them on it because I respect people's boundaries and there are a lot of better things I have to do with my time than debating strangers on the internet because when has that ever changed anyone's mind especially when people are emotional or upset? But anyway, I assumed that this was how most of the secular world viewed Christianity's view of humanity until I stumble across some very different kind of posts that were like this:
"As someone who has been abused and bullied my whole life, I get so disheartened by humanity. So many people are honestly so awful and don’t deserve anything. I hate seeing those stupid posts from Xtians about how all humans are made in the image of God and inherently good and deserve redemption and love and compassion, like really? Even murderers? Even abusers? Sorry, but no. They're not inherently good. Most people are genuinely so terrible, most people only think about themselves, and some people don’t deserve forgiveness because they’re objectively horrible and don't deserve a pass for what they did." And versions of these posts that were just lamenting the brokenness of humanity and not targeting the Christian view in general often had added disclaimers about how they did not want Christians (and in some cases, pro-humanity secularists too) on the their post.
I will say that as a Christian, it was really interested to read views that are so strongly against both humanity's goodness and brokenness and how they believe these are represented in a Christian worldview. I've also seen posts that attribute the differences in these views to denominations of Christianity: "The urge to experience the Catholic Guilt that we're all terrible sinners who can never make up for what we've done vs. urge to embrace the Protestant God loves everyone superiority complex and avoidance of all moral responsibilities" and such similar posts, but I don't think those differences between denominations are as strong as people make them out to be. If anyone is not interested reading this full post, the short version is, as I'm sure you've guessed, a more nuanced view of these extremes that explains why Christians love (or should love) our enemies, but exactly why and how Christianity holds this more nuanced view is important to understand.
Interesting, according to polls I've seen, most general tumblr users seem to agree with the idea that humanity is inherently good rather than inherently evil, which as a Christian, I think is a good thing. I believe we are all made in the image of God, I believe that we are loved beyond imagining, and I believe that every person on this Earth deserves love and respect. But of course, that brings us to the approximately 10% of tumblr users (an estimate from the polls I've stumbled across, may or may not be accurate) who are not down with the whole positive view of humanity. I've read some pro-humanity (though secular) responses to these "humanity is bad" posts, which assert that while the people that hurt OP (the person insisting humans are inherently bad and don’t deserve redemption) are bad people, and deserving of condemnation, this doesn't reflect humanity as a whole. To an extent, I agree with that view, but a some point along the line, you start to run into a problem. The problem being the human tendency to make mistakes and do bad things that can seriously hurt people and then we run into the dilemma of determining what is a forgivable mistake and what is a cancellable and unforgiveable transgression. How do you decide who gets sorted into the majority "good" humanity group and the minority "bad" humanity group? Okay, there are probably some things most of us agree on, we probably agree murder is very very bad and a serious crime, and we probably agree everyone makes mistakes sometimes and other situations are more nuanced, so some things are forgivable and understandable, but how do you decide where the line is for what is forgivable and what isn't when most people out there probably disagree with you on at least one thing?
At this point you might be thinking, "Well Bods, if you don't believe that humanity is inherently awful or that humans are perfect or good all the time, then what exactly do you believe? Isn't Christianity about recognizing your own horribleness and hating yourself unless you love God? If not, then what is it?" Again, the short answer is a more nuanced view, but since you wanted to know more about my stand on forgiveness and I get a lot of compliments on my fics about how I portray redemption and character flaws, and characters' journeys towards redemption, and all of that comes directly from my Christian beliefs, I thought I'd do more of a deep dive.
The first point I'd like to make is in regards to the idea that "Catholic Guilt" (and I'll get more into what I mean by that later), or the idea that humility, self-insight, and recognizing our own flaws is inherently a bad thing. It's not, in fact, it's necessary for us to make positive change and to grow, and it can be toxic for us and for others when we aren't willing to recognize or at least be open to our own shortcomings. And the idea that guilt and recognizing our own failings can be a good thing is not an exclusively Catholic or even exclusively Christian idea. We all have seen those TikToks that are like "POV the worst person you know just got back from therapy and concluded that everyone else is the problem and they are the one being gaslighted and they are a victim who deserves better🤦🏻‍♀️" and to some extent, I think we all know someone like this (or maybe even have been someone like this). And it’s so frustrating sometimes, because you just want to grab them (or your past self) by the shoulders and be like "No! It's not other people! Not all the time! YOU are the problem sometimes! YOU are the reason your life is falling apart! And aren't you tired? Aren't you tired of being miserable, aren't you tired of losing friends, aren't you tired of being such a hateful person all the time? Don't you want to get better? Don't you want to be happy? Why are you resisting your chance to get better? Why would you ever run from that?" and when it comes to the posts about the concept of "Catholic guilt" or "Christian guilt" or even "guilt" in general being an inherently bad thing, it's hard for me to agree that its an entirely toxic concept, because there are so many times when you see remorseless criminals or even just bullies who don't care about the people they insult or when it comes to the fic I write, horrible fictional characters you wish were real just so you can scream in their face "No! You SHOULD feel bad about this. You hurt someone, you shouldn't feel remorseless, its weird that you don't on some level feel upset, because you should! You should care about other people. You should care! You should feel bad!" And it's clear why we want these people (and characters in regards to writing) to feel bad. Because guilt and recognition of error is often the first step to grace, the first step towards being a better person than you were before. You want them to feel bad because you want to save them and you want the evil they are doing to stop. Guilt is the first step to achieving both those things. If you aren't able to have the humility and self-insight to recognize your capacity to hurt others, act selfishly, and do bad things sometimes, then you don't have any hope of getting better. And that's only going to led to more hurt and more pain, for you and for others.
Before I continue with this point, I'm sure there are secularists reading this who are like "well, I would agree with you, but that's not what I think or mean when I say "Catholic Guilt" at all!" so I did want to first mention something I see a lot of posts in reference to "Catholic guilt" talking about OCD and other mental health issues and how the concept of guilt, especially religious guilt, can be damaging to those with mental health issues. As someone who has struggled with a lot of mental health issues and has personally known many devout and practicing Catholics with diagnosed OCD (and has mutuals with OCD, hi guys), when I say "guilt is a gift from God" and "guilt is a good thing", I want to make this point VERY clear: Guilt is a gift not because it drives you to despair, desperation, self-hatred, and self-harm/self-destruction, but because it drives you to joy, love, repentance, and being a better person. Guilt should be the first step towards grace, and that includes recognizing your great potential for goodness, for love, and for replacing all of the bad stuff you used to do with good things instead. It might start out as a painful experience, but ultimately, should fill you with joy and gratitude that you were able to recognize where you went wrong so that you can go on to live a better life. Anything that encourages self-hate and self-harm is not a gift from God or anyone else. That's not what "Catholic Guilt" is or should be. The scripture is clear that despairing in our own weakness or flaws is not the answer. The Church is clear that despairing in our own weakness or flaws is not the answer. I could honestly make a whole separate post on religion and mental health issues, because there are so many times when I will hear people (therapists unfortunately) look at cases like this and say "oh the whole problem here is this person's terrible religion and culture. If they would only leave it and recognize how objectively bad it is, then they wouldn't be so miserable and everything would be all better" like...no. The problem is that they have a obvious and serious mental health issue that you should be diagnosing and treating rather than advising them to get rid of their only support systems, and this is a huge part of the reason why people often like to go to therapists from their own religion and culture, because they are able to recognize what is actually considered "normal" and what isn't. There are so many other examples and I could do a separate post on this topic alone, but I think you get the point.
But then of course, even after establishing a proper definition of guilt and its utility, we come to the other extreme of "okay, if Christianity really does believe in the inherent God created goodness of everyone despite the fact that we as humans often mess up a lot, then how do you explain the fact that a lot of horrible people do a lot of really bad things, sometimes in the name of Christianity? And then this supposedly loving God just expects us to forgive them like they didn't do anything wrong?" And this is where the whole nuance of the "Catholic Guilt" thing comes in. Because while I still get weird looks from people when I say that guilt is a gift from God, I still stand by that belief because the whole point of feeling guilty about something is that it motivates you to change your behavior and be a better person. That is a good thing. Because if all these horrible people truly felt bad about what they did, and truly repented, you would see clear and obvious changes in their behavior. The Bible (and Church) are clear that Christian forgiveness is not, nor has ever been, a "get-out-of-jail" free card (though sadly many people, even devoutly religious people, treat it that way and that's something that I and many priests, nuns, and devoutly religious Christians I know are greatly ashamed of). Christian forgiveness and repentance, at its core, it's a call to conversation and a call to make amends, often more amends than society says you "need to" and my Christian followers will know that biblical examples of this clearly illustrate exactly what that means and what it looks like (I can give you some in detail if you want, but this rant is already kinda long). If abusers, murderers, the worst of the worst etc. were really sorry and remorseful about what they did and the harm their behaviors caused, they would spend the rest of their lives working to make up for it, no matter what the sacrifice. In some cases, they might even go to court and beg a judge to put them in jail for life just to ensure that they never hurt anyone else again, no matter how much money, power, or influence they have that could get them out of consequences or how much of a "promising athlete" or whatever they were because protecting innocent people is far more important than whatever they had going for them. Repentance might also involve accepting that you're never going to see your family again, because you've hurt them too much and need to respect their decision to establish boundaries to put themselves in a healthy place. It might involve not only paying back the money you stole from someone, but also paying them back with excessive interest because of the financial hardships they had to endure after their loss. That's the level of repentance we're talking about here. In fact, that last one is an example straight from scripture. And it's beautiful to see it.
So whenever someone asks me "Oh as a Christian, you believe EVERYONE can go to heaven? You hope that EVERYONE gets to heaven? Even [X] group of people? Disgusting." my reply is "Well, technically, yes, I do hope for that, but unfortunately, I don't think most people in [X] group are going to heaven and that makes me very sad." The reason being because if most of the people in this group (murderers, abusers, you can fill in the blank) were sorry about what they did, and were actually interested in accepting God's mercy and judgment and all that comes with it, they'd be acting very differently and how much better for us all and for them if they did chose that option. But it's not really surprising to me that they don't, because you need to get pretty far from God, humanity, self-awareness, compassion, and humility to even consider doing most of those things in the first place. So it shouldn't be shocking that those with the greatest need for repentance and mercy have the least desire for it. That doesn't mean it's impossible or never happens. God's grace is strong enough to reach everyone and anyone, and what a beautiful thing it is when it reaches the worst of us and this person who was hurting so many people is not only not doing those bad things anymore, but devoting their lives and themselves to making sure it never happens again and that they are fully held responsible for what they did. Turning something or someone so terrible into a force for good and positive change in the world is one of my favorite parts of my religion and one of the reasons I love so many saints, but sadly, it's so rare to see it.
Unfortunately, I think part of the reason for the rarity is the dichotomy between Christians and secularists alike who believe that Christian forgiveness or non-religious concepts of self-acceptance, self-love, and self-kindness are "get-out-of-jail" free cards and the cancel culture that says that anyone who makes a mistake deserves to be immediately and publicly shamed and held accountable for the harm they've caused with no hope of redemption. It's this weird blend of practicing and preaching kindness and forgiveness towards yourself and to people in general, but not tolerating anything from other people or extending that same grace towards others, and I think this worldview can be just as toxic as having self-shame and self-hatred while tolerating abuse and negativity from others. And Christians are not the only ones who see the problem with this either, secularists on tumblr have spoken a lot about this too, and I've seen a lot of posts about internet culture and how everyone is afraid of posting the wrong thing because "what if you accidently offend someone?" "what if you get cancelled?" and lots of people have made a really good point that if we as a society aren't willing to forgive people for their past mistakes and give people that grace, than how does society have any hope of getting better? And I think they hit the nail on the head with that one, fantastic take. Believing that people can change and be better and each have a unique, invaluable contribution to make to this world is part of my faith. Again, it doesn't diminish the reality of what they've done, the damage they caused, or the serious and real need to make amends, but it does give them hope, a future, and an opportunity to no only stop doing something bad, but start doing something good. I'll also add that part of forgiving others comes with having the self-insight and humility to recognize that sometimes we mess up too, and no one is immune to propaganda, bad days, brainwashing, thoughtless comments, the victim to victimizer pipeline, impulsive decisions, and being wrong, not even you. That doesn't mean you should hate yourself or despair when you mess up, you should be forgiving and kind to yourself, just like you're forgiving and kind to others, but you should also recognize the reality of what happened and work earnestly and sincerely to make amends. It takes practice, and I'm not saying its easy, but I certainly think its worth it. And for my Christian mutuals who are reading this post and saying to themselves, "Wait a minute, Bods. "be forgiving and kind to yourself, just as you're forgiving and kind to others?" that sounds a lot like "Love your neighbor as yourself", part of Christ's greatest commandment?" Yes. Yes it does. Because it is. And it all comes back around to that in the end doesn't it?
And this all brings us to our conclusion and one of my favorite posts on this whole website and something I think about a lot, which is the post about how "there are going to be a shocking number of people that you don’t like in heaven, and you will rejoice at their presence when the time comes". I love that post. It sums it up the Christian concept of heaven so nicely. I know it probably sounds really weird to a secular audience to rejoice at seeing someone in heaven that you don't like, but to a Christian, it’s a wonderful thing. Because it means that whatever was inside them that cause them to hurt others is completely gone now. They are different now, and in extreme cases, quite possibly to the point where you don't even recognize them anymore and it feels like meeting them for the first time. I would say the joy you'd feel at seeing them again in heaven comes from the fact that they aren't hurting people anymore and are a good or better person now, but that doesn't even fully capture the magnitude of what's happening, because the concept of sin and evil in Christianity is different than the concept of sin and evil in some other faiths and secular society. Evil is not considered an equal opposite to good. Good is more powerful in Christianity, and evil is merely a destruction, perversion of, or absence of that good. In the Christian worldview, choosing evil > good doesn't mean you "switched sides/went to the dark side", it means that you rejected goodness and destroyed part of yourself, and in those extreme cases of hatred and callousness I mentioned, maybe even destroyed most of yourself. And now, in heaven, glory be to God, you're back! You didn't just change teams, you came back, we came back. This is who we were always supposed to be, it might not look anything like what we thought it would, it rarely does, and you were probably wrong about some things, I was probably wrong about some things too, maybe a lot of things, but thank goodness we're here now, thank goodness we made it, thank goodness I get the incredible privilege of being able to experience the beautiful and wonderful person that is you. I know to those who aren't Christian and are reading this post out of interest, that sounds like super weird idea of heaven, and I get that. Forgiveness and acceptance of others is not a fun or easy thing to do. Forget spending the rest of eternity with someone who greatly hurt people, I think most of us would be disappointed at the idea of getting to heaven only to discover we'd be sharing and spending our blissful eternity with that classmate we can't stand or our annoying coworker. And they didn't even do anything bad, we just really don't like that guy. But that's what heaven is. That's what salvation is. It's love for everyone eternally. We will see those we don't like on Earth in heaven and rejoice at their presence just as those who didn't like us on Earth will rejoice at our presence. I know that when we picture those we've hurt and those that hurt us, or even those we just don't get along with, it's difficult to understand how this could ever be possible, because we don't experience that in our lives very often, and we as finite beings can't fully conceptualize what an infinity in heaven will look like, at least not in this life, and that's part of what faith is. All we can really do is trust God and that whatever that's going to look like is going to be more wonderful and healing than anything imaginable.
Okay, so now that I've explained more about the Christian worldview (sorry it's so long, I like to ramble unfortunately 😭) your question about grudges:
My explanation of the Christian worldview only explains why we forgive our enemies and want them in heaven and rejoice at them in heaven. But obviously this world isn't heaven, and not all our enemies are exactly eager to accept that they might be the problem or embrace the gospel of love and repentance. At least some of mine aren't, I'm not sure about the rest of you. So what do we do? Why does God want us to let go of grudges and forgive people who aren't interested in repentance? Are we supposed to just tolerate the abuse?
The answer is that loving someone and recognizing your own dignity and right to be safe and healthy are not two mutually exclusive things. I have cut family members out of my life because they were toxic and if I needed to, I'd do it again. This isn't because I hate them. I love them. I want to see them in heaven someday. I want to spend eternity with them in a world where it is healthy and beneficial to be around them. But it's just not healthy for me to have a relationship with them right now. That doesn't mean I'll ever stop loving or praying for them. And I recognize that's a lot easier to say than to put into practice. Healthy boundaries are one thing, but forgiveness is another. And Christian teachings on forgiveness are pretty extreme, and seem strangely paradoxical at first. It holds to the seriousness and gravity of the damage sin does while insisting that nothing and no one is beyond hope. It's righteous anger and lamentation at how much we've used sin and hatred to hurt each other and it's joy and ecstasy at how God's love and mercy trumps all that. In the bible, one of Jesus' disciples asks him how much he should forgive someone if they keep offending him, and asks if he should forgive him 7 times. Jesus' response is not 7 times, but 70 x 7, or for as long as you want the Lord your God to forgive you. That's a tall order. I get that. Even when you establish healthy boundaries, the hurt, the anger, the pain, the injustice, it's all still there.
But the thing about that hurt and anger and bitterness is, for as much as we didn't ask for it, it doesn't do us any good. The quote “Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” has been attributed to so many people, but regardless of who said it first, it makes an important point. Stewing in bitterness and resentment won't hurt the person that hurt us. It only turns us into a bitter and resentful person. I do want to add to this post in case any other curious secularists are reading this that you don't just need to be a Christian to believe that letting go of grudges is good for you. I study psychology, and I understand people, regardless of their faith or lack of faith background don't like the nuance on this topic, so let me break it down. No, your intrusive thoughts related to mental illness, trauma, and disability are not what Jesus was talking about here, those are not sins, but although your intrusive thoughts and emotions might not be your fault, this does not mean that you have zero responsibility or accountability for any thought or emotion you might have. See, the brain is strange and complicated thing. It controls you, and yet, you control it just as much. If you want to be a loving and kind person, the best way to do so is by thinking kind thoughts and doing kind things for others. Even if you don't want to be doing this things or don't like doing it, your brain will eventually start to adjust, assuming that this is what you enjoy and who you are because you keep doing kind things and thinking positively about others. Basically, your brain thinks to itself “well I must enjoy volunteering, I do it all the time” and “I must not hate her that much if I go out of my way to be kind to her anyway”. You might not be able to chose what others do to you, or your immediate thoughts and emotions about it. But you can chose what content you spend your time consuming and what you consciously choose to think about and your brain will adjust accordingly. You can chose to think good things even when its hard. If you are righteously or justifiably angry about what happened to you, you can use that energy to protect others from what happened to you instead of seeking violent revenge on those that wronged you and consciously ruminating on how much you hate them and imagining bad things to happening to them (note again the difference between justice and revenge and the difference between intentionally and joyfully dreaming of vengeance and violence vs. intrusive thoughts you didn't ask for).
Of course, this is all much easier said than done. I won’t pretend that it’s not. But the good news is, we don't have to forgive alone. God knows it's hard for us. He's there every step of the way. Throughout the bible, Jesus talks about how when you sin against someone else, you sin against God (and vis versa, when you do something good for others, you do it for God, etc.). He knows exactly how much it hurt you. That's never lost on him. He also knows how much you've hurt others, but also how much you've done for others. He knows everything about you, and he loves you so much he died and went to hell and back for you (and would do it again if he had to). He also says that the redeemed versions of our enemies are worth fighting for and that he doesn't want to see anyone destroy themselves with bitterness and resentment or hurt themselves anymore than they've already been hurt. That doesn't mean letting our enemies into their lives. It also doesn't mean our enemies will ever choose accept God's mercy, because they might not. And it doesn't have to happen overnight or be easy. Speaking from experience, it rarely happens overnight or is ever easy. It's often a step by step daily commitment to thinking positive thoughts and turning our hurt and anger at someone into love for others. It's what we're called to do as Christians, and it's part of our path to sainthood.
And while it might be a very unpopular opinion, when it comes to my enemies, even the really bad ones, I would be very happy to see them in heaven. Yes, I’d be happy because if we didn't forgive people and allow for that grace, they wouldn't have hope of getting better, and yes, I’d be happy because of the great goodness that comes from them when they chose repentance, but also I’d be happy to see them in heaven because I'm so curious to see what they look like without all the sin. I want to meet the person God died for and would die for again and again if that’s what it took to get you back. I want to see sin that destroys us defeated and I want to see all of you in heaven. I think you guys are really cool.
Anyway, sorry it’s so long, but that’s my answer. I’m not a theologian or anything, but I hope this was satisfactory. Thanks for stopping by!
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joanquill · 1 year
"Will you be my Valentine?" + "Try that again and I swear, I'll be Cupid just to shoot you with arrows," + "Oh god... Why are you here?"
William James Moriarty x Phantom Thief female reader with 16, 15, & 12. (Y/N) is a Phantom Thief who catches William's interested (after she steals a treasure from the Moriarty family) and tries recruiting her to join his team, but she keeps saying no. Then on Valentines Day, William shows up during one of her heist to invite her on a date.
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William James Moriarty
Tag/s: PhantomThief!Fem!Reader, Longer Than Expected (800+ words)
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"Oh, dear..." William muttered, seeing the Moriarty heirloom missing from its case.
"And this happened only last night?" Albert asked Louis, who hesitantly nodded.
"My apologies... I should have triple-checked everything was secure before we left..."
"No, it's not your fault, Louis," William reassured, analyzing the room.
"Everything was in place. The perpetrator managed to sneak through every security measure we had..." he muttered, not seeing a single footprint.
"Even with Mr. Herder's technology?" Louis questioned, making William nod.
"Interesting," Albert chuckled, looking around the room.
"So, it was a perfect crime?"
"Almost," William knelt on the floor, seeing short strands of hair and droplets of blood on the floor.
"But I believe we have found our phantom thief,"
"Miss (L/N), it is marvelous you could come," William smiled as you stepped into the manor, full noble woman attire.
" Of course, Mister William. It's my pleasure," you courtly smiled with a bow.
"Only a fool would turn down an invite from the Moriartys," you added, making William smirk for half a second.
"Yes, well... I was hoping we could discuss some things over tea," William innocently probed, making you quirk your head.
"Is it about the auction for next week?" you asked as William walked to you.
"No, not exactly," William answered, tracing his hand against your hat and hair.
"I see you are trying a new look,"
"O-Oh, yes...!" you smiled, flustered.
"I thought it would be a nice change of pace," you added, making William smile.
"It looks refreshing on you,"
"Oh, my... That is terrible," you gasped, hearing how someone broke into the Moriarty manor and stole their precious heirloom.
"I do hope everyone was okay,"
"Yes, no one got injured, thankfully..." William reassured, leaning back in his seat.
"Well... All except for you, miss thief," he probed, making you pause.
"Whatever do you mean, Mister William?" you questioned, keeping your innocent facade.
"The thief from last night got a small cut close to their head, I assume," William explained, pointing at the side of his head.
"And I believe your new hairstyle is a result of it, along with your hat," he added, making you cover your mouth with your fan.
"I believe that is too shallow of evidence to accuse me of a crime, Mister William,"
"Then it will be all right if you take it off? Or at least part your hair?" William questioned, making you chuckle.
You looked to the side as you felt the presence of someone, Louis, you assume, along with the eyes of the rest of the residents.
"They weren't kidding when they called you a genius," you sighed in defeat, removing your hat and letting your hair fall, revealing the cut on your head.
"So," you crossed your legs as you leaned back in your chair.
"What now? Are you going to arrest me?"
"Quite the contrary," William smiled, making you raise a brow.
"I would like to recruit you,"
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"She rejected your offer?"
"It would seem so," William chuckled as he and Louis walked along the manor.
"However, she did return the heirloom," William reassured, showing the jewelry in his hand.
"Then... What do we do?" Louis asked, weary of having you know their operations.
"Simple, Louis..." William smiled, looking back at Louis,
"We wait,"
After that meeting with William, you noticed he would always be within arm's reach when you were socializing, which does not help since most women try to grab his attention.
Even during your heists, William would mess with you, playing tricks and making it harder to escape undetected.
But nothing you couldn't handle, and he knows.
It also didn't help that his newfound interest in you made your parents think he was a potential suitor, making you both meet more often.
"Oh god..." you muttered as you saw William waiting for you, "Why are you here?" you sighed as he walked up to you.
"Is this a bad time?" he teased, making a vein pop on your forehead.
"Kind of, yeah..." you muttered, ignoring him as you continued your heist.
"Why did you get past the guards?"
"Same way as you,"
You rolled your eyes as you avoided the rest of the guards, William closely behind you.
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again... No." you insisted, grabbing your score.
"So, if you don't mind-" William suddenly held your hand, putting something in it, making you jump back.
"...Try that again, and I swear... I will shoot you," you threatened, but he only smiled.
"Your parents asked me to give it to you," he explained, making you raise a brow and open it:
It was a ball invite for Valentine's Day.
"Oh, no..." you grimaced, seeing the lovey-dovey design.
"Yes... Even I am inclined to say it is too much," William sighed, fixing his tie.
"However, the host specified that we must say these to our dates," William cleared his throat as he walked up to you, making you step back and shake your head.
"Will you be my Valentine?"
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karizard-ao3 · 7 months
I’m so terribly sorry for the long asks, I’m just trying to help you and answer your questions, I hate deviating from the topic 😭 and since I studied it… well Tocqueville is a classic, you can go for it.
So yeah a French Revolution au could end tragically with Eren’s death in the guillotine (the Revolution eats her own sons), or… go to the last section of Marie-Thérèse Charlotte’s Wikipedia article and see if you have any ideas? I genuinely like the idea of crazed revolutionary Eren meeting aristocrat Mikasa and realizing that not all nobles are inveterate tyrants and horrible people
Oh, please don't apologize! It's very helpful. This all originally started because I wanted to learn more about the French Revolution, so I certainly am not against learning more about how to learn about the French Revolution lol. I think I might also try listening to that podcast that was mentioned on my reading list after I finish Twelve Who Ruled. It has so many episodes just for the French Revolution!
By the last section do you mean the part about the Dark Countess, because I am now in love with the concept of Eren and Mikasa escaping after the French Revolution and living together in secret in Germany (although we could make it Switzerland for this).
I was ruminating about the French Revolution au idea a bit and how they meet and I really like the idea of Mikasa fighting someone (in front of Eren or possibly even for him?) and Eren immediately falling for her. Do I think that she should get into a fist fight? Maybe not. But maybe she sees a tax collector while she's out and absolutely lays into him. She's garbed in her finery and Eren assumes she's empty-headed and frivolous, and then she goes out of her way to lambaste this tax collector and then maybe she even starts chucking coins at him and telling him to leave the people alone? I know Mikasa is typically pretty quiet, so maybe she can do it in a more chilly way if that feels more appropriate, but I'm inspired by when she was fifteen and told Dimo Reeves she was going to kill him if he didn't move his cart from the door. I think her being a natural protector would lead to her siding more with the starving, over-taxed peasantry than her own class.
Anyway, Eren, who is indeed a crazy revolutionary, is like, "I don't know who she is, but I'm going to find out and I'm going to save her from the guillotine and marry her when France is free."
Then he will indeed save her from something somehow (possibly not the guillotine right off the bat? Maybe just a riot? I'm assuming there were riots. I guess he could also keep her safe during the storming of the Bastille if there weren't?) Then after that she's in love with him, and then they have to figure out how they're going to be together or whatever? Idk! This is perfect for enemies to lovers but I don't think they could actually start out as enemies in this case (well, not in their hearts. They are technically enemies the whole time) because I feel there wouldn't be time or opportunity for Mikasa to win him over since I'm assuming they run in different social circles (I see Eren as being third estate). So I guess in this case it would be more of a forbidden love.
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
hello!! is the merch they're selling online the same they had at the show (excluding the chicago exclusives ofc)? it all looks great
The first time I saw Fall Out Boy it was at a festival and so I spent the whole day hanging out by the barricades waiting for them to start, and at one point the nice person next to me saved my spot for me so I could go off and get lunch and then I walked up to the merch tent and bought merch, the end.
So I was COMPLETELY unprepared for the chaos of buying merch at this concert. Now I understand why I was reading about people being in line all day or whatever, and I was like, ...are people trying to buy last-minute tickets? Why are people in line? NOW I KNOW.
SO. I got to the stadium at 6 and I thought that would be plenty of time and it was, they didn't start playing until after 9, so it didn't matter that the merch lines were super-long because I had plenty of time to kill. (Although I wanted to catch the TAI set so I was glad that I found a merch stand with a shorter line and got through in 45 minutes.) BUT they were already sold out of a bunch of stuff by then. So if you really care what you get, I guess yeah, you have to get there early. I thought for sure they shouldn't sell out THE FIRST NIGHT OF THE TOUR but I'm also sure they're trying to create artificial scarcity.
I got one of the Wrigley exclusive shirts, which I really wanted, but the other shirt I was looking for I THINK turned out to be "the tour shirt" that's not available online. Their Instagram seemed to show a shirt that had the dog on it and the lyric "I think that I've been going through it and I've been putting your name to it." I love their shirts with lyrics and I love that lyric so that was the shirt I was aiming for and it was sold out when I got there. Whatever, I wasn't devastated, I got my Wrigley shirt and then I chose the shirt with the stars that's available online (the front of that shirt says "I'd never go, I just want to be invited" and as I said, I love the lyric shirts, and also I think it is so hilariously clever to use that lyric on the front of the shirt listing the tour stops lolololol GOOD ONE, BRONX loololol). But! This would be my advice to all of you (because I know you're all dying to hear it):
If you find the dog shirt, BUY IT, because apparently you can't get that one online. All of the other ones you can get online. And yes, to answer your actual question, all of the shirts online I saw there in person. The only one I don't see online is the dog one, and I didn't see that in person because I'm pretty sure it was already sold out, and because it's the only one not available online I assume that's the "tour shirt" they reference in the post as only being available at the venues.
Okay, so now! More information! I got the VIP package, not the one with the drinks or anything. Really I just got it for the seat. I got so confused by the ticket-buying process that by the time I figured it out, the Ticketmaster dynamic prices were through the roof, and the seats weren't even that good, and I was frustrated and clicked on the lowest VIP package and because those prices weren't on Ticketmaster (I think this is what happened), the seat was better AND cheaper, so it was a no-brainer, I bought the VIP package. (I have no idea how ticket prices/availability look right now, but I guess that's a tip for you, that the VIP package might not be as expensive as you think, especially if Ticketmaster prices are outrageous.)
So the VIP package came with merch which made me laugh because I assumed it would be terrible because: Fall Out Boy merch. It's actually cute! Honestly, their merch has entered a new era, Bronx must have taken a graphic design class. So, in case you're curious about that merch: It was a clear backpack with the smiley-face logo stamped on it; a fantastic cell phone lanyard thing with "FOB" on it; a keychain with "So Much for (Tour) Dust" on it; a coin with the same (?? Is this a thing people collect and I'm just Too Old); and THE BEST THING: A MAGIC 8-BALL.
Let me clarify: I'm no magic-8 ball aficionado. Like, they're not really my thing, that kitschy sort of thing. I know some people love it, and it seems totally on brand for Pete, but I saw the magic-8 ball and kind of shrugged. Today, I was finding places to stash all the merch and I decided to actually fool around with the magic-8 ball and IT'S A SPECIAL FALL OUT BOY MAGIC-8 BALL, THE CHOICES ARE FOB LYRICS. Like, one of them was "Stay thirsty like before." It's somewhat poorly made, the little triangle thing is hard to read (or, again, maybe I'm just Too Old), but it is SO CUTE, I'M DYING, WHAT A GREAT THING, I LOVE IT. So the VIP package was totally worth it for the magic-8 ball, A+, Pete Wentz, if you're reading this, I LOVE IT, WELL DONE.
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loiswasadevil · 10 months
Hey, I'm sorry about how horrible some people are being to you. I've seen some asks you answer just straight up have ableist slurs in them, which is absolutely terrible.
My anxiety says there might be a chance that you're some sort of parody account trying to make the fictionkin community look bad, but I'm assuming that's not the case. It sucks that this is even a thing I have to consider. I wish people weren't such fucking assholes. You deserve better.
Ok I don't align with Fictionkin So i don't care about if i Make their community Look bad.
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siriannatan · 1 year
Broken Hearts and Broken Minds
Content Warning:
Implied/Referenced Self-Harm
Implied/Referenced Self-Harm
Medical Inaccuracies
I am no doctor. I have an English degree. Therefore I shall not name any actual diseases and no solution/cure here is probably accurate but this is fanfic. It is not meant to be medical advice. Be responsible and see an actual doctor if you need it, not look for answers here.
What do you do if your psychiatrist is handsome? Unfortunately for them fWhip and Jimmy have no idea.
Ten minutes was probably the longest Scott spend with a new patient in complete silence -aside from introductions - in a while. He didn't like forcing people to speak about their problems but in some cases needed some encouragement.
"So what brings you here today?" Scott asked. He knew exactly why Jimmy came and that he did not book his own appointment. A sibling of his did. Not an unusual situation considering what Scott dealt with as a psychiatrist.
"I'm sure they already told you everything..." Jimmy huffed out and curled up even more in his chair. He obviously did not want to be there.
"Maybe, but I want to hear your side," from the face Jimmy made Scott assume no one ASKED him for his reasons. There was probably a lot of 'Why would you do this to us?" "Why did you have to scare us like this" and so on.
For a moment the blonde was silent, staring at Scott as if waiting for him to take that back but he had no intention of doing so. "I tried to kill myself... I took a handful of sleep pills and cut my wrists... Then I passed out and woke up in a hospital. My brothers and my flatmate were there and... I got upset. I yelled and... and that's it. Now I'm here," he said while avoiding looking at Scott. It was obvious there was more to it.
"Mhm," Scott hummed and noted a few things down. Brothers. Flatmate. "I believe your brothers booked your appointments."
"Yeah Grian and Joel, they're older, Joel's the oldest... I'm the youngest..." Jimmy fumbled with his words.
For a minute Scott waited if Jimmy would say anything else on his own. He didn't so he asked some more questions. "And your flatmate? How long have you two lived together?"
"And your parents?"
"Dead. A car accident, I was like... twelve? Joel was eighteen I believe. It's all fuzzy to me. I don't remember them all that well I mean. They were rarely at home," he sighed and fell silent.
"Just a few months... Life seven or eight... Tango's actually Grian's friend. He's nice enough but... I moved out after... I was angry with him."
Scott hummed. Jimmy didn't have much problem answering questions. "Moved out?"
"Yeah, I... I didn't want to live with anyone for the time being. It felt... Weird," Jimmy almost choked out the last word.
"Anyone helped with the move? Your brothers? Friends?" 
"Grian and Joel moved my boxes... I packed before to save... To save them from having to do it if..." He fell silent for a moment so Scott gave him some time to decide if he had anything else to say.  "Quit my job too... I didn't like it. My coworkers were jerks and my boss was terrible and... I... It was terrible."
Scott nodded and wrote it down. "What was your job?" he asked fully expecting Jimmy would not to answer.
"I was a hairdresser... In a big beauty salon. A lot of pressure," he actually did answer even if while staring at his hands.
"And now?"
"Thinking what to do... Grian and Joel offered I stay with one of them but they have their own lives... I've been enough of a problem..." Jimmy sighed, glancing at the window.
"Did either of them come with you?" Scott asked, walking to the window. There weren't many cars out there.
"Grian drove me but that's mostly because..."
Scott just hummed when Jimmy fell silent again. He was probably about to excuse himself with distance. Scott knew it wasn't the case. His brothers were probably worried he wouldn't come at all. "How often do you go out?"
"Out... Like my apartment? About once a week to get my groceries... I didn't really have much reason to leave..." He shrugged but his eyes stayed on Scott as he came back behind his desk.
"I'd like to ask you to try and have at least one short walk every week. Not for groceries or to meet up with someone. Just a circle around the building. Any distance you're comfortable with," Scott offered him his kindest smile along with the request.
"I can try..." Jimmy's eyes once again moved to the carpet.
Scott could feel him hesitate to say something, but he also knew that if he pushed or even tried to assure him about something it'd only lead to Jimmy not saying anything. He was about to ask about something else when Jimmy spoke again. 
Jimmy did not speak again, instead staring at his own hands. Bandages still wrapped around his wrists. He probably didn't need them anymore but they were probably the only thing keeping him from scratching.  He likely wouldn't say much more.
"I think we can end for today," Scott said with a smile. There was no need to distress Jimmy any further.
"But I'm supposed to be here..." Jimmy protested.
"An hour, but that's just an estimate. Who knows, next time we might sit here longer than an hour. I'd rather you go home and have a nap than hold you here for nothing," Scott explained. He never had a patient not instantly leave as soon as he let them go.
"I don't know about a nap..." Jimmy mumbled shifting in his chair almost as if he was looking for an excuse to stay.
"Why? Bad dreams?" Scott asked, partially to humour Jimmy's desire to stay longer and partially because it was a big thing for Jimmy to talk about. If he even wanted to which he probably didn't judging by how he kind of shrugged. "How about you write down any nightmares you have here and show it to me next time? It might be easier than talking about it," Scott said and pulled out a notebook. For some, it was easier if they didn't have to get the notebook on their own. "Or we can talk. Whatever's better for you."
"No, no I can try writing it down... Just, Grian might ask why..."
"Just say I said it's for your good and that all the rest is a medical secret. You don't have to tell anyone what we talk about, you can use me as an excuse if you need," Scott assured as Jimmy stared at the notebook."And remember to have that walk."
Jimmy nodded, said his goodbye and left. Scott wasn't sure if Jimmy would show up again without his brothers bringing him but he hoped he would come again.
Back at home, when he had time to himself with no Grin worrying too much, Jimmy wasn't sure if the whole therapy did anything to make him feel any better. Scott did not say he was dumb for wanting to live alone. He didn't say much overall. Just asked things and wrote some notes. But as small as it seemed to be he did feel a bit lighter. Not light enough to leave his safe space unless necessary but he had a month until the next appointment... Unless he decided he wanted to come sooner. He had enough saved up to not have to worry about anything for a long time.
He groaned when his neighbours started arguing again. These three argued about three times a day and at the weirdest times. And Jimmy almost never went out. The only time he did leave was at like four in the morning if not earlier to go to the nice 24h grocery store in the neighbourhood. The main reason he moved here.
And it was far from where Grian and Joel lived.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Hello 😄
Here I have not read the GRRM books but at the end of game of thrones I became interested in the Targaryen family. I read several things on the internet and then your story which is incredible. However there is a question that I ask myself, why rhaenys and corlys supported rhaenyra? She insulted them and laenor with her bastards. Is it only because their granddaughters rhaena and baela are daemon's daughters? Or there is an another reason? Especially since in addition there are rumors that say that daemon would have killed laenor. I'm sorry if that seems like a silly question. But as reading your story the reason why the velaryons support rhaenyra is well explained. I was wondering if this was also the case for the books so since you seem to be an expert on this period I allow myself to ask you.
Good luck, I can't wait to read your next chapter !
Hi there 🤗
Hum... if you want I would suggest you read "The World of Ice and Fire" just because of the amazing artwork <3 and the condensed version of the story which I think it's still enough for a very good understanding, though "Rise of the Dragon" is coming out later this month so that might also be worth it <3 it's only about House Targaryen. Ahhh I'm PRAYING for some good artwork because I need something good this year to lift my spirits!
About your question, I don’t like to call myself an expert on anything (my particular field of work teach us a LOT of humility (and imposter syndrome)), but I can say I maybe have spent more time reading and writing about this time period than most people -> anyone of you funny people brings out my word count and I’m blocking! I am kidding -> so I will do my best to answer you 🤗
We are never told directly but it's very clear they did so because Rhaenyra had been Laenor's wife (on paper), and their children were for all intents and purposes Laenor's children (on paper). 
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Now to elaborate a bit on this, Laenor and Rhaenyra were terrible at best at pretending to have a functional wedding and a "Do you think everyone and their dogs is stupid AF?!" at worse. To avoid any confusions on anyone's part there is no mention whatsoever in the books that they had a bedding ceremony, even because Laenor left mid celebrations and left (haha double left) everyone wondering if the marriage had been consummated - very (very!) safe to assume it never was. In the meantime they spent their time apart (sorry y'all they weren't friends or besties watching each other's backs), and Rhaenyra spent all her time with Harwin Strong. For context she married in 114 AC - we don't know the month - and by the end of the year she had given birth to Jace. Moreover, his sisters were her favourites :) So besides not being good at pretending to actually having a marriage with Laenor, she was also not very good at pretending to be faithful. Same was true of Laenor though, who had his boy toys especially Qarl, but unlike Rhaenyra he couldn't get pregnant or get Qarl pregnant so no one cared. She went on to have two more kids by Harwin as we know. 3 in 4 years.
I will say that again because this gives me trauma. THREE IN FOUR YEARS.
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I'm not even going to bring up that later on there was not even two years between Aegon III and Viserys II.
Ok I am.
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At 25 Rhaenyra had five children and had been married twice. So look yourselves (I'm doing that right now) in the mirror and ask yourselves wtf are you doing with your lives.
Moving on.
Apart from this later on Laenor is killed, very likely by Daemon's orders so he could have Rhaenyra, and Rhaenyra and Daemon remarry like what 3 months after their spouses die? - baby Aegon was born by the end of 120 AC so they had to marry no later than month 4 and be like "Haha :D the baby came "early"". The rule here would be to wait between 6 months to a year before remarrying we are told by asoiaf standards to show respect. So by doing this, Daemon and Rhaenyra were showing they didn't really care their spouses had died recently.
Daemon and Rhaenyra:
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That's nice of them.
So, so far on Rhaenyra's track record of daughter-in-law she:
-Didn't have or pretended to have a real marriage with their son;
-Had a public affair with Harwin Strong, three sons that were clearly his, and even turned his sisters in her favourites;
-F_cked and married and got pregnant by their daughter's widow - her sister-in-law's husband - couple of months after their son died;
That was nice of her. 
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Why would they still side with her anyone might ask?
Well, it's not really very well explained. Like me and @xenonwitch have discussed at length, and like she pointed out, Fire and Blood remains George's weakest work. I agree. I think it has tons of potential (that was recently completely wasted to the point it makes the book read like a f_cking masterpiece with absolutely no flaws in logic or plot or even character development) but it wasn't really expanded upon enough and we are left with trying to tie together all the missing links - and boy oh boy! do we have copious amounts of them - to the best of our abilities. I think there is something pretty cool about it in the sense that you can almost create your own story in how you think it makes the most sense. It's also frustrating because at the times you really have to make your brain work overtime to make something out of it that is believable and makes sense.
But my take on it. Well, from what we know of Corlys and Rhaenys they do strike me as pragmatic people who couldn't have illusions about who their son was. -> hells, as an Anon once pointed out, every lord plus their dog knew Laenor was gay. Gay gay. Like if there is a spectrum for sexuality it's like at one end.
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I mean. I get him. I am all about the men too. Like ladies no, thank you. No, thank you! If I was a man I would like d:ck as well.
This to say, they likely knew that the "Velaryon" princes were the best they were going to get so it was either take it or leave it. Let's say they said leave it because there's Baela and Rhaena. Well... ok sure, but Daemon was not the second in line for the Iron Throne. Baela and Rhaena were too far down in the line of succession, in fact so far, I believe this could be why they were not given the title of princesses.
So if they left it that was it for House Velaryon's aspirations to ever have a Velaryon king.
And now people can turn to me and say "Go f_ck yourself" to which I say "Bold of you to assume I have not already 🤗". I'm kidding.
They could turn to me and say "But Popcorn, maybe the Velaryons could push to have Baela and Rhaena married to Viserys's sons who were heirs after Rhaenyra. Maybe Baela could marry Aegon II and Rhaena could Aemond or some other similar arrangement.” BUT -> here comes that but-
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How likely would it be that Viserys, our sweet lovable Viserys, would like to have an alliance with the people who accused his beloved daughter and heir of High Treason and denounced her children and his grandchildren as bastards?
I would say not likely. Not likely at all.
So instead, Rhaenys and Corlys called it a day. The "Velaryon" princes did not have their blood but they had their names. Plus, with their engagement with their granddaughters they would get their blood on the throne eventually. Better to let things run smoothly.
As for Daemon very likely having ordered Laenor's death, all that was known for sure was that Qarl had killed him. If Daemon did it or not was a matter of dispute and likely, either the Velaryons didn't suspect him, or if they did maybe they rather not know the answer.
This is related to what I do in real life, but most of us have such experience with people we know, and the lengths most of us go to try and have peace and keep the family together knows almost no limits. While Viserys liked to bury his head in the sand I also think Rhaenys and Corlys had to do this sometimes for the sake of their heads maybe. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Now we never see it, or are told about it, but I would also suggest Rhaenys had some level of respect for Rhaenrya, and that she looked like she wanted her to be queen. At least her actions certainly say it. Hell she died for Rhaenyra's cause and fought for her too. Might have to do with what herself went through of being denied the throne for her sex, or maybe everything aside, they got along well enough. Maybe Rhaenys understood where Rhaenyra was coming from (i.e., gay husband) and knew herself well enough to assume to herself that in Rhaenyra's position she would have done either the same or similar. About her marriage to Daemon, again I think Rhaenys and Corlys had no illusions.
Rhaenyra and Daemon had a thing -> that we can debate how far it went but we talking third base at the very least -> before they ever married Laenor and Laena.
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And we know they wanted to marry but were told no by Walserys -> the OG Daemyra anti. Given that Rhaenys and Corlys married for love, maybe again they knew where their son and daughter in law were coming from and were like “Meh at least all the grandkids are together. Saves us a trip or two!” 
I know sometimes we look at such situations and get enraged like HOW DARE THEY?! I WOULD HAVE NEVER STOOD SILENTLY WHEN... But what I see most in life is people staying silent and not bothering themselves or not wanting to cause trouble, especially in situations in which they will really gain nothing except lifting some weight from themselves and letting it out from their chests. 
I also know this all requires a LOT of maturity from Rhaenys and Corlys and that (especially in light of recent clear cash grabbing events) I might be giving turtle man too much of a benefit of a doubt. This said, and Rhaenys and Corlys do strike me as being very pragmatic and rational. And all things considered, it’s the best explanation I got XD 
I hope it makes some sense and thank you for having liked my version 🤗 I did my best to make it believable.
Tons of love to you! ❤️ And yes everyone I am writing the next chapter see: 
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This is so I remember to make some reference to eating trout and to give credit to Lucifer210 over at AO3 who mentioned it in the comments. 
Gossip Popcorn. 
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nightcall99 · 11 months
Dreams from 1.11.23
Dream 1: My siblings and I were in my room and we had just gotten a new dog, and it was massive, like a German Shepherd. I was trying to get ready for work but the dog was making me late because it was really energetic and getting in my way. As I was leaving, it leapt up onto the top compartment of my wardrobe and stayed up there, barking really loud, to the point where it really frightened me. I told my brother, who seemed to be the only one who could control the dog, to get it down from there.
Dream 2: I was at our old house, getting ready for work so I could open the premises at 8:30am but I was going to be late. It was getting later and later, and I was trying to get ready as fast I could while trying to keep my panic at bay. I was missing steps in my usual routine. I looked in the mirror and my wet, un-styled hair and tried to put it in a bun as best as I could. There was no time to do my eye make-up. I wouldn't have time to put my contacts in either but I didn't want to wear my glasses because I didn't feel myself with them on so I tore off two contacts from the box and stuffed them in my pocket. I also popped my glasses in my pocket too, just in case I wouldn't have any time to my contacts in later, as least I'd be able to see. As I’m leaving the house, my mother is asking me if I’ll be home for dinner on a particular day in the near future, it feels like a date that is a few weeks away. I don't know if I answer her or not, maybe I don't know.
It was 8:31am now and TC was calling me wondering where I was, I told him I'm about to leave now and he didn't seem too bothered by it. Even though work is really close to my house and I usually would have walked, I decided to drive. It should have been a two minute drive but I kept getting lost and somehow I ended up all the way in the city. It was 8:45am or later now. I couldn't recognise any of the roads and never knew which turn I was supposed to make even though I had put the my workplace address into the the GPS. The directions on the app weren't making any sense. I got out and parked the car, and walked around the city and tried to my way to work on foot. I approached someone who was probably a train ticket inspector who was standing on the street and I asked him 'Do you know where Fairfield (the suburb my work is in) is?'. He didn't know, but offered to help me and asked me bring up the map on your phone so he could direct me. But the touch screen on my phone was being unreactive and wouldn't do what I wanted it to do. He took the phone from me and tried to open it up himself but he kept scrolling and couldn't even find the maps app. I felt bad for wasting his time so I walked away. TC texted me again to tell me that there were customers waiting outside the shop, waiting for us to open. Then I thought about it. Is this even real? Is this hardship right now, not imagined? I could just not care. I could just make this unreal by deciding that I don't care anymore. Why do I need to go to work? It doesn't matter. All of this is over now. Everybody's expectations, including my own, do not matter anymore. I could just let go.
Dream 3: It's the end of the day at work and I am trying to lock up at a shop that I used to work at but not anymore. It's been awhile and I don't know exactly what to do anymore because a lot of things have changed. The shop moved locations and is now inside a shopping centre. I was going to lock the doors to the shop, but activate the alarm system because I assumed that the alarm system for the entrance doors to the shopping mall would suffice. Doing both seemed like over-kill. As I was just about to leave, I saw a co-worker walk out of the shop, not looking very amused that I was about to accidentally lock her inside. But this meant the intruder alarm was going to detect her movement (even though I hadn't activated it), so I was going to have to race in and de-activate it before it made such a terrible loud noise. After doing so, I wondered if I might as well lock the mall entrance door (since I had the keys), but thought against it, because I might inadvertently lock people in just like I had almost done with this girl. Even though it appeared that all the shops were closed in the mall, there were still a few stragglers walking around and doing their shopping.
0 notes
soletlunasims · 2 years
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Continuing, practically, where we left off, Ares is struggling with coming to terms with the new reality she has set for herself.
She spent the next week locked in her room, sobbing for the majority of the time. She didn't even let the butler in to do their daily bedroom cleaning. Instead, the butler sensed that Ares was having a hard time and rather than prying into it, they prepped her tons of food and kept the rest of the house straight while turning away unwarranted guests. Ares told her professors that she had to be home for a family emergency for an extended period of time. Most of them were understanding. Others weren't as much. But all of her professors granted her temporary 'Work from home' basically making her classes online classes until further notice. It was the university's policy to grant their students this privilege at least once in case of emergencies. Ares took full advantage of this by taking the entire semesters classes fully online. The baby would be born in between semesters so she would be able to hide her pregnancy the entire time. As for when the baby arrived, she didn't know what she was going to do.
(side note: In my saves, all babies for the most part are born regardless of if it's a wanted pregnancy or not. This is for two reasons.
I play without mods because I am on console so, even if I wanted to do a story line that involved aborting a baby, it would be incredibly time consuming to do it. I have only done it once as an experiment and you really have to try.
Not to get political, but while I believe in 'my body my choice' a lot of the Sims I play with are Sims that are carrying the next gen of my family so when a sim gets pregnant, it's with purpose. Most Sims that don't want kids only have one. The one I need to continue. Sims that want families and children usually have at least 2. There are cases where I have both parent Sims unwilling to accept the baby and when that happens, the send them off to be adopted and they get played in a foster house or with an adopted family.
Maybe when I play with mods, one day, I will change that standard bit of lore across my saves but I also fear that might be too far for some readers.)
Ares was always in her head about things. But everything she worried about until now seemed so ridiculous in retrospect. There was only one thing she could rationalize about this entire situation:
She would not raise this baby.
But she also knew she couldn't just keep this a secret to herself, find a family that wanted it, and pretend like it never happened. She may have been trying to push Gunnar away up until now, but he deserved to know this. He was the father, after all and even though Ares was trying to move on and leave Gunnar behind, she realized that he had always been on her side, by her side and he would die for her. A pang of guilt hit her and she started to cry once again. This time she thought about how Gunnar would react. What if he got angry and told everyone? She didn't want anyone to know the baby was hers but she also realized how terrible of a person she had been to the one person who truly cared about her. She deserved this.
For the first time in a very long time, Ares reacted without thinking. She wiped the tears from her eyes but it didn't hide the fact that she was crying. She video called Gunnar who picked it up almost immediately. He sounded a bit cold when he answered "Ares. What's up? How's school? Tried to call you myself a couple times but I assume you were busy. I didn't want to bother you if that was the case."
Ares eyes noticably welled up with tears but she tried to force a smile. "Uh... Yeah... Um... Heh... I'm sorry about that. Yeah, no. I have actually not been feeling so well lately."
Gunnar's face softened. Maybe he wasn't being ignored the past 3 weeks if that was really the case. Maybe she had travellers flu or some other illness. He felt bad for thinking the worst "Oh, Ares..... I'm sorry. I hope it didn't affect the begining of your semester too much."
Tears streamed down Ares face. She didn't know what to say to Gunnar. How was she supposed to tell him?
Gunnar broke the silence by asking her a question. He didn't notice her crying at first because he was preoccupied with something he was doing before she called. "Oh! Hey!.... My black button up isn't anywhere here. Did you happen to accidentally pack it with your stuff, by chance?"
Ares perked up for a second. She was sitting on her bed and the suitcase was in the corner of the room, still packed up. She had been so eager for school that she didn't even bother to unpack. She rushed over to her bag, leaving her phone on the bed giving Gunnar a great view of the ceiling. That caught Gunnar's attention and he stopped what he was doing. He laughed "Don't worry about it, it's not that serious. I'll get it from you eventually."
Ares picked her phone back up. "I have it."
Gunnar then noticed something wasn't right. "Ares?.... Hey. Are you crying? What's wrong?"
Ares started bawling. Gunnar tried everything to console her but she kept crying for a good 10 minutes before Gunnar could actually get a word in to her. "Whatever it is, it'll be alright. You know I'll be here for you."
Ares stopped crying and just stared at Gunnar's face on the phone. It started to freak Gunnar out but he was afraid to say something that would trigger her to start crying again. After an uncomfortably long time Ares found the courage to tell Gunnar what she had to say.
With a dead stare into the phone, she proceeded to speak. "I'm pregnant."
Gunnar just kept looking at her. Eventually he put his head in his hands and he just sat there for a while. They were both silent. Suddenly, Gunnar piped up. "It is mine, right?"
Ares scoffed. "Who else, Gunnar?"
Gunnar: "Well. I don't know.... I don't know who you have been seeing while at school. How am I supposed to know?"
Ares looked down and started fidgeting with her nails. "Yes... It's yours. I have never been with anyone else..."
While the circumstances were less than pleasant, Gunnar felt a sense of relief wash over him when he heard that.
Ares ruined that sense of relief with what she said next. "I'm going to find a nice family for this baby. Don't worry."
Gunnar's heart sank. "What?...."
Ares: "I can't raise this baby. And if it got out that I had a baby while still in university, it would ruin my career. There's no way I would be taken seriously as a candidate for local office let alone for president. I can't keep it, Gunnar."
Gunnar started to get mad. "What, and you didn't even consider, I don't know... Asking the father if he would raise it? I kind of know the guy personally! I'd say chances are pretty fuckin' high that he would!"
Ares got defensive. "No way! Imagine if I let you do that? You would have solid proof that it's my kid. I want no ties to it!"
Gunnar: "You really think that little of me, Ares?! You would be willing to give up MY child to save your career, huh?"
Ares remained silent. Gunnar noded his head a few times before he ended the call.
Ares sighed. "That went not as expected....". She looked over at the black shirt she grabbed from the suitcase. Gunnar's black button up. She picked it up and held it to her face, inhaling his scent. For a moment she felt at peace.
Ares decided to put Gunnar's shirt on before she got in bed for the night and drifted off to sleep. It was unclear weather she was exhausted from crying, growing a human or whatever else but she had the best night's sleep she's had in a long time. So much so that she was awakened by 1 in the afternoon the next day to a loud sound from the living room.
Ares couldn't make out what was going on at first as she pressed her ear to the door. She feared she might be getting robbed. She heard the butler "Ms. Palette is not feeling well and requires time to rest. She is not taking visitors at this time. I will not repeat myself. Do not make me call the cops."
Another voice permeated through the door. "Why don't you ask her for yourself if I'm just some guest? We have business that needs to be had, as soon as possible... Please. Just tell her I'm here. See what she says."
There was no mistaking that voice. Ares opened the bedroom door to see the butler with a sheepish look on his face and his hand up as if he was about to knock on the door. He cleared his throat.
Ares nodded at him "Can you give us some privacy?"
The butler bowed and left the room. Ares darted her eyes toward her houseguest. "Why are you here, Gunnar?"
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"why are you in my shirt?", Gunnar shot back.
Ares clicked her tongue. "Unbelievable. You actually made the trip out here for this? Why?!"
Gunnar gritted his teeth. "I took the first plane out here. As soon as I hung up, I got myself a ticket. I'm angry, Ares."
Ares: "Okay and? What the fuck am I supposed to do about it? You ruined my life."
Gunnar's eyes grew wide: "I did what now? Did you forget how it all went down? You came on to me."
Ares rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. You have been trying to get in my pants for the past two years, Gunnar."
Gunnar waved his hands in front of his face and turned away from her. " Go get clothes on. We'll talk about this when you're decent."
-To Gunnar's Surprise-
Ares actually listened to him. She put on jeans and a top. Immediately after, she felt the urge to get sick. She ran back through the house to the bathroom, leaving Gunnar feeling helpless as he waited for her to come out. After a few minutes, she returned, her head slightly tilted downward as if she was ashamed that anyone saw her in such a state.
Gunnar desperately wanted to hold her. To make her feel better. But he was bitter. He just looked at her, hands in his pockets. He nodded toward the door. "Wanna get some fresh air?"
They headed outside where they continued their conversation.
Gunnar kept his hands in his pockets, and stared at Ares. She felt the penetrative gaze from Gunnar but she could not find the courage to look him in the eye. After a few minutes, Gunnar came up with something to say. "You really mean what you said?"
Ares played ignorant. "About what?"
Gunnar chuckled slightly, tears welling in his eyes. He was saddened at Ares behavior and, above all else, pissed off. "You were seriously going to give my baby up? Without consulting me? That's really fucked up, Ares."
Ares was also pissed now. " Who gives you the right to tell me what to do with the baby the I'M growing. ME. I'm the one who has to go through it. NOT YOU!"
Gunnar, for the first time since Ares has known him, raised his voice at her. "THE BABY WE MADE TOGETHER! OUR BABY! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO IT ALONE....". Gunnar checked himself once he saw Ares reel at his sudden outburst. ".... You don't have to do it at all. I want to raise our kid! Ares.... Look at me!"
Ares kept her head away from him but darted her eyes to meet his for a brief second before looking at the ground near his feet.
Gunnar choked back tears. "Christ, Ares. I can't even have a conversation with you about it? For someone who prides themselves on their confidence and social skills, you're really having a tough time of it right now. Are we adults or are we not?"
Ares stood there for a moment. Gunnar waited for her response, his usual patience showing up to take the place of the beast that shocked them moments ago. Eventually, she let down her guard and turned to face Gunnar.
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She found the courage to speak her mind. "Gunnar. This was a mistake. This parasite growing inside me? A mistake. Sleeping with you? Mistake. Letting you get so close...... Being your friend for so long..... I should have known better. You could never match my energy. You're way too different. I'm gonna be something big one day. I'm going to make changes. I don't see a future where you and I are still even friends. You're better off without me. Pretend you never knew me. Pretend none of this ever happened."
Gunnar started to feel sick. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. " So that's it, huh? 10 years of friendship down the drain? You never want to see me again? And you want me to pretend like I didn't father a kid and hope it all goes back to normal?! Am I understanding you correctly?!"
Ares started to lose patience. " Yup."
Gunnar shook his head. "You're fucking unbelievable, Ares. I'm truly disgusted by how you are dealing with all of this. I ruined your life? If you get rid of my child, I will never be the same. But you don't care about that do you? No.... You only ever care about yourself."
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Ares: "That's not fair, Gunnar!"
Gunnar: "The truth isn't fair? Doesn't part of your history degree involve studying law? Maybe you aren't as smart as you perceive yourself."
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Ares: "I don't need this! Get off of my property! I don't want to talk anymore. Please leave."
Gunnar sighed and put his hands back in his pockets. He shrugged. "Guess this is goodbye, then."
Gunnar turned to walk down the drive. Ares watched him as he disappeared into the distance. She went inside and slammed the door. Her butler stood in the living room. "Is everything alright, Madam?"
Ares noded but she had a furious look in her eyes. "Pour me a glass of that Von Houte vintage red, would you?"
Her butler bowed to her and did just that.
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0 notes
licuadora-nasir · 3 years
Neither the last aengel nor the last dragon.
I wrote this lil NSFW fic for a special occasion and I thought that maybe some of you would enjoy it :) For those of you who don't like Tumblr's format, you can also read it in my AO3, and the Spanish version is here. 💞
I hope I can catch up with the requests in Christmas, but in the meantime, college monopolizes my time 😔
" I had recently discovered that when Lance was in the privacy of his room, he assumed his hybrid dragon form, however… This was the first time I had encountered him like this."
TG: explicit NSFW, Hybrid!Lance
The only thing that could be heard in the headquarters at those hours was the sound of the soles of my shoes against the pristine flagstones of the corridor. I was to meet Lance half an hour ago, and he hated delays. This week had been terribly infuriating: we had both been very busy and our time together had been reduced to training. The tension between the humans grew at a frenetic rate, the CG was pure stress and more than ever, Lance had to take care of his responsibilities as a member of the brilliant guard.
In the meantime, I was training hard and since the little free time I had could not be spent in the usurper of my thoughts, I devoted it to exploring my aengel skills with Leiftan. Fortunately, the last phase of the next human-related mission had been put together, so Lance suggested spending some time together in the quiet of his room that night. However, absorbed in my gradual, growing powers, time caught up with me without realizing it.
Nervous and guilty for ignoring the meeting that we both had so enthusiastically arranged, I forcefully knocked the panel of his bedroom door. After a few seconds that felt like punishment, the door was opened enough for me to pass. Although Lance was a relatively accessible person, when it came to his personal space, it was a totally different case. Privacy was sacred to him. His room and his things were something his, a bit of his identity that he reserved for himself.
And now, for me too.
I crossed the narrow of the frame and heard the door close immediately behind me. "What did it take you so long?" With an inquisitive look, the dragon was casually leaning against the door, arms folded against his chest. While soft, the tone of his voice left no doubt he was upset.
Avoiding answering, I preferred to focus my attention on another part of his body that weren't his eyes. I had recently discovered that when Lance was in the privacy of his room, he assumed his hybrid dragon form, however… This was the first time I had encountered him like this.
The pale scales that lurked behind the dark fabric of his pants were revealed as they reached his feet, whose toes ended in long, sharp silver claws. His tail, covered in the same bluish scales, emerged from his lower back and stood like an ice drum behind the large form of my lover. The dark gold of his skin made a beautiful contrast to the clarity of the scales, which irregularly adorned the vigour of his arms, crossed in front of his chest.
Chillings shook my body thinking about what those arms would look like if-
"Kali?" His voice brought me out of the trance I was in and only then did I realize the warmth of my cheeks. "Should I…?"
"No!" Her annoyed expression had been replaced by a cautious one. Did he think his body made me uncomfortable? "No, no. Rather… the opposite, ” Lance looked at me in confusion, not understanding what was going on, taking a step towards me without breaking eye contact at any time. “I… I've never seen you like this. You are… mesmerizing. " Mesmerizing. Mesmerizing, really ?!
Not giving me any more time to think about my poor choice of words, he pulled me towards him, grabbing me firmly by the waist and burying his face in my neck. After inhaling the scent of my skin, he asked annoyed again "What did it take you so long?"
I didn't want to lie to him, but recognizing that I was late for our date because I was spending time with Leiftan while he was here, alone, waiting for me after a busy week of work, didn't seem like a good idea.
"I wasn't looking at the hour, time has caught up with me ..." His tail wrapped around my leg and the strength of his grip increased. Contrary to the icy sensation that the colour of his scales showed off, his tail gave off the same cosy warmth as the rest of his body did. Allowing myself to be intoxicated by this familiar sensation, I rested my forehead on his shoulder, giving up to his embrace.
"Time has caught up with you ..." The sound of his deep voice caressed the skin of my neck, giving me goosebumps. "It has caught up with you while you were with Leiftan,"
"And tell me, Kali," The same reproaching lips met my skin and began to kiss it gently, "What does Leiftan do to make time catch with you?" The warmth of her tongue began to slowly rise up the curve of my neck.
"Lance-" Cheekily, he bit my earlobe, taking the words out of my mouth, and in the advantage of his nearness, whispered in my ear "Please give me details," I was starting to see where this game was heading and although perhaps talking about another man in this situation was not exactly the best idea that had crossed my mind… I did not flinch before provocations.
"Y'know? Leiftan is quite the attentive, ” He grunted as his kisses slipped down my shoulder. Enjoying every movement of it, I untied his ponytail and began to caress his silky hair with my fingertips while my free hand tried to make its way between the proximity of our eager bodies. One of his arms had left my waist to travel to the sensitivity of my thighs.
"He's always encouraged me to develop my skills, and the conversations with him are quite a lot-" I grabbed his hair and bit my lower lip to hold back a groan when I felt his fingers play with the edge of my underwear. I involuntarily arched my hips towards his hand and he understood the gesture as an invitation to explore beyond the fabric.
"They're quite interesting, he explains the concepts to me in detail," Finally, my hand found a way to access the blistering skin of his torso. Starting in his abdomen, my fingers traced the path of his abs, driving my hand to the dangerous edge of his pelvis.
Her fingers caressed temptingly the pleading petals of my intimacy, from my clitoris to my entrance, retreating painfully. My pelvis began to reluctantly approach the teasing fingers that were walking across my crotch, and in an attempt to hasten that torture, my hand met the fieriness that was hidden behind his pants. Unfastening the clasp of his pants, my fingers linked his form with firmness, initiating the movement that accompanied the mischief of his intentions.
The shoulder of my dress had long been withdrawn, revealing in the cool of the night my gladden skin, which Lance had taken care of covering with kisses and content bites. I was running out of patience, and without much thought, I took advantage of the proximity of his ear, inspiring the pleasant smell of citrus and shampoo, to whisper “Leiftan is admirable, the sessions are very… Instructive. I'm really looking forward to meeting with him again. "
With an animal growl, the same arms I'd fantasized about minutes before, jerked me off the floor, carrying me onto the bed and flinging me onto the mattress less harshly. The rough palm of his hand firmly grasped my jaw to bring my face closer to his. His mouth attacked mine violently, nibbling on my lower lip and comforting the satisfying pain with the velvety strokes of his tongue. His other hand ran down the path of my thighs, his fingers caressed and massaged the smoothness of my skin until they buried themselves in the fire that burned between my legs.
His tongue intertwined with mine, silencing my pitiful moans, my frantic gestures trying to get rid of our garments, which more than ever were an urgent nuisance. Noticing my intentions, he roughly lowered the fabric of his pants, and taking a moment to remove them causing a rustle in the fabric, he helped me remove my dress by passing it around my shoulders and throwing it into a corner of the room.
Ruthlessly, he lifted my thighs, pressing them against my torso and ripping apart my underwear, letting it fall to the floor. He paused for an instant, his callused palms tracing the curve of my buttocks, going up my legs. The caresses of the sharp nails of his fingers that resembled his powerful and silver claws, caused me tickles that increased my desire to have him closer. His ragged breathing matched mine, and I took a moment to observe the man before me. His silky, crystalline hair was tousled, covering part of the captivating, flushed face of the architect of my pleasure.
His shoulders rose and fell repeatedly like an animal whose control is hanging by a thread and when our gazes met, I swear my heart stopped for a second. Those blue eyes that I knew so well were completely different that night. The ice of their irises burned incandescently under the fabric of the moonlight, and it was not a man or a guy who was looking at me.
He was a beast, and I was his prey.
Lifting my butt and keeping my thighs glued to my torso, he brought his face dangerously close to the inside of my thighs, leaving a trail of bites behind him. When the wetness of his tongue made the first contact with my intimacy, my hand instinctively grasped his hair, letting out a groan. My free focused on my breasts, massaging them vigorously as Lance's soft tongue swept across my lips. I squeezed my eyes shut, getting drunk on the sensations that were attacking my body. The chills travelled across my body like torrents of electricity from the heat in my crotch to my limbs. My toes instinctively curled as my pelvis desperately offered itself to him.
Moans that I could no longer contain, composed a melody that encouraged the dragon to suck more vigorously my clit. However, as this wasn't enough, I needed to feel him close to me, inside me. "Lance ... Lance," Without putting a stop to his lips, his lascivious, icy eyes met me. Between gasps, I was looking for the appropriate words to explain the need that assailed me "Please ... I can't take it anymore ... I need you,"
Putting my butt back on the mattress, he moved away from my crotch to meet my lips in an anxious gesture. His moved fiercely over mine, making it very clear who I belonged to. My hands gripped his neck and even though I felt him stiffer, he quickly gave up on my passion. Pulling myself away from his mouth with one last bite, I turned my back to him onto the mattress. I rested my palms on the bed and as I raised my butt, I immediately felt the silver of his nails dig into my hips as the length of him thrust into me, snatching a cry of pleasure from me.
His movements, accompanied by constant grunts, were precise and rough, his member hitting deep inside me, turning me into a bundle of whimpers and tremors. His tail curled around one of my legs, and without slowing down his diligent pace, he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into his pelvis and assembling our bodies more avidly.
Squinting, I felt my body melt into one. We were no longer Kali, the last aengel and Lance, the last dragon. We were Kali and Lance. My world was reduced to these four walls, and in the centre, we were found.
Sticking his torso to my back, his free hand covered mine. Digging his teeth into my neck, the hammering rhythm of his hips increased, and I was getting closer to the cliff. His firm grip on my waist, the guttural grunts that accompanied his penetrating thrusts, and the torrid heat the union of our bodies enveloped me in, were too much for me.
Getting close to my limit, I reached up to his hip in a plea to speeding up the pace. Heeding my pleas, his movements became fiercer, more demanding, pushing me towards what I longed so much for.
He was the only person in this world. The only thing on my mind was him. Him, him and him. His skin against mine. The warmth of him in my need. His teeth digging into my skin. The only thing I needed was him. Without being able to take it anymore, I surrendered to the fullness that rose from my feet to my face, flooding my body with an infinite pleasure that invaded our universe. My interior contracted, and with a couple more lunges, I could feel how he too was abandoning himself to the pleasure of this little universe.
There was no use to hide it anymore. We were both what each other had always needed. And now that we had reunited ... There would be nothing that could separate us.
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mattsvn · 3 years
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Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x gn!reader
Genre: Meet ugly! strangers to lovers! Getting hit in the head with a volleyball!
Warnings: Blood, head injury, concussion, did I mention getting hit in the head with a volleyball? Food hehe, that's all.
WC: 2.4K
Summary: After being hit with a volleyball by the ace and U19 athlete, Ushijima Wakatoshi, you find yourself laying in the nurse's office, with a bag of ice on your head and a boy apologizing every two minutes for that terrible accident. As the times goes by, you realize that not only you were hit by a ball, but by destiny, and more important, love.
A/N: I'm so excited for this piece! This is a collab for HQHQ (now Anilysium!) The masterlist is here! I hope you like this piece! Reblogs are appreciated!
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Life is made up of 90% causality and 10% coincidence.
That was what your mother used to say, with her hands covered with flour up to her elbows, while she prepared one of those delicious desserts. Possibly as a result of all her years perfecting her technique as a pastry chef, but, as in that, she considered that everything had to be planned, measured, and calculated.
On the other hand, your father was always talking about how fate made everything line up perfectly for things in his life to come in abundance, he would happily tell about the coincidences in his life, although the answer was always the same, a debate between the two of them as to what was the truth.
A skeptical pastry chef and a dreamy lawyer, a match made in heaven.
Whatever it had been, causality or causality, you never thought a hit of luck would be so...literal.
It was unusual for you to be in Shiratorizawa's volleyball gymnasium, if you had managed to get into such a prestigious high school it was because of the impeccable grades you always had, sports were not a priority.
You weren't afraid of balls, but, the way everyone was spiking the ball was about to cause you a headache, especially Ushijima Wakatoshi, the school's ace, one of the best athletes in the country.
"Why are we here, again?" you asked, your gaze wandering between the various players and the sound of balls hitting everywhere making the conversation feel distorted.
"Because they" one pointed out, to the rest of the girls looking around the court excitedly "want to see Semi Eita, the pretty boy with the grey hair" she gestured to the boy in the corner, slamming the ball to the ground unaware that they were watching.
"Ah" you replied, somewhat bored, grabbing your backpack and standing up. "Good luck with that, I have to get home early" you said, waving goodbye to everyone.
To leave, or at least, to do it in a faster way, the door that led out of the building, and through which you had to go through the court, was the best option, as it took longer to take the way inside the corridors. The only option as you made your way down the bleachers.
The only thing you heard, with your eyes glued to the ground, trying to go completely unnoticed was a "WATCH OUT!" that made you look up before you saw nothing but darkness.
"I don't know, Wakatoshi-kun, looks like you did kill her" a voice was heard in the distance, the light irritating your eyes if you tried to open them. Still, only because of your stubbornness, you tried to get up without anyone else's help.
"I don't think it's best if you stand up now" you heard a deeper voice, but you didn't know exactly where it was coming from.
"I'm fine" you whispered, placing a hand on where you assumed you had been hit with the volleyball, feeling a warm liquid staining it. It wasn't possible that a spike had cracked your forehead open, right?
"I'm fine, I have to go" as you stood up, opening your eyes, everything was spinning. An arm went around your shoulders, stopping you from falling back to the ground, firm, but at the same time gentle.
"You need to go to the infirmary, you're bleeding" the voice now seemed to be closer, a little more stable, but, no way did you feel you could even move without throwing up or passing out again, what the fuck had that hit been? Could someone hit someone that hard just with a serve?
The answer was yes, and the name, Ushijima Wakatoshi.
You barely felt it when, just like that, he lifted you off the ground, although it seemed that your body felt it. A piece of something, probably cloth or gauze stopped the bleeding. You kept repeating that at least they let you walk, that you were okay, even though, clearly, you had the symptoms of a concussion.
"Are you all right, can you tell me where you are?" questioned Ushijima, entering a room. You had finally managed to open your eyes and recover from the dizziness.
"I'm fine, we're at the high school" you whispered, looking at Ushijima for the first time.
Even if you had gone to games before, you had never seen that look on Wakatoshi's face, a mixture of fear and worry, accompanied by his pale face and a barely noticeable bloodstain on his shirt.
"You can wait outside, dear boy," said the nurse, slightly terrified by what had happened.
A couple of hours passed before they managed to let you go, after calling your parents and making sure you didn't leave the building unless you were accompanied. You didn't need stitches, and that was a huge plus, but still, you left the infirmary with a gauze pad on your forehead, some candy, and a chance to take the rest of the week off to rest, which wasn't such a bad outcome.
You closed the door behind you, looking sideways at Wakatoshi on the floor, who got up almost immediately, still looking scared, even his gaze lingered for a few seconds on the patch on your forehead, which reminded him of the fact that he had accidentally hit you with a volleyball while practicing his serves.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, looking disheveled, and as if he had done nothing more than wait in the hallway until everything was in order.
"Oh, don't worry, Ushijima-san, I'm fine" you assured, but it didn't seem to be enough for him.
"I'm so sorry, let me take you home to be sure you arrive safely" he asked, with his hands behind his back and his head slightly bent down, like a child discovered stealing the candy from the counter.
"My parents are here to take me home, don't worry" you assured, glancing sideways at the door, somewhat far away. "You can walk me to the car, if you like."
"Of course" he nodded, walking beside you. Up close he looked even taller than he was, his expression calm and his gaze fixed straight ahead, though, he seemed to have a doubt that would leave his lips at any moment "Would you allow me to walk you to school tomorrow?"
You looked at him with raised eyebrows, somehow, the sound of just both of your footsteps in the hallway was comforting, soothing. It wasn't awkward, or uncomfortable. Ushijma didn't believe in awkward silences, because to him actions said more than words, and, that a question shouldn't be answered right away. So, the way to the entrance was nothing more than waiting for an honest, and safe, answer.
"I got permission to miss classes for the rest of the week, in case the concussion gets complicated, because I have to rest" you began, letting again the calm silence take center stage for a couple of seconds. "Then I won't be back until Monday, but maybe you can come for dinner tomorrow?"
"If you accept that as my apology for hurting you, then by all means" he took the door, allowing you to leave before him, there was still a bit of a walk to the main entrance. "Although, I would like to cook"
"Oh, I didn't know you cooked," you smiled, looking up at him. Ushijima looked down, and, you could swear he was smiling too. "If that's what you prefer, I'd love to."
The rest of the walk was quiet, and calm. Ushijima said goodbye to you after introducing himself to your parents, and apologizing again. In the rearview mirror you saw him standing there, waiting until he didn't see the car to go home.
He was really worried, and it would probably take him a few days to stop being scared about what had just happened. He was even willing to be scolded by the coach for missing two days of practice, just to make sure everything was in order.
Likewise, even if it would be a whole day before you saw Ushijima, he decided to call you just before he went to bed. And at lunchtime, because doing it earlier would surely have woken you up. He didn't talk too much, he let you talk about how annoying the doctors at the hospital had been when you went to check that everything was okay, and all the boring time you spent there.
He called back as soon as he got out of school, to make sure the details of the dinner were ready, he would bring the food, and some dessert, and, you would bring the drinks. You had to convince him though, otherwise he would have bought everything, he would have even brought plates and silverware from his own house.
Wakatoshi took the job of bringing the food seriously, as much as he could buy anything on the way home, he decided to make something himself. The menu was simple, yakisoba, yukari rice balls with an egg on top of each dish. As for dessert, he decided not to risk it, and preferred to buy those box cakes that had been quite popular lately, and, some condensed milk truffles that Tendou gave him as a gift as, he assured, you would love them.
Your parents could be quite reluctant to invite a boy to the house, but, after proposing the idea that you could clean up the picnic table you had in the backyard, where there was a space convenient enough for them to peek in just a little to feel safe, they agreed almost immediately.
During the afternoon, the question you wanted to ignore came out of nowhere, could that be considered a date, and should you dress for the occasion? It didn't seem like anything would match a forehead injury, or that anything would hide it. The result ended up being something you would wear if you were going out with friends, simple, and appropriate for the sunny day out.
Ushijima arrived exactly at the appointed time, and, reluctantly from your parents, you opened the door without them intruding. Looking at him, you failed to understand the nervous feeling that traveled from your heart to the tips of your fingers, making them tremble. Standing with a bag in his left hand, his hair slightly tousled and a bouquet of flowers in the other. Yet another gesture of apology, right?
"Hi, I brought some flowers" he pointed out, extending them. Your hand gently brushing his as you took them, white roses with green accents that made the bouquet look incredibly elegant.
"I already told you that you didn't have to keep apologizing, Ushijima" you mentioned, taking the flowers. "We'll eat outside then you don't need to take off your shoes, but let me go get a vase."
"You look good today" he spoke out of nowhere, making you look at him even though you were already halfway down the aisle. "You look good in those clothes" he seemed to be trying to smile, but you weren't sure. You smiled anyway, grateful for the compliment.
You returned with the bouquet, which would now serve as a decoration for the picnic. You could feel the intense gaze of your parents even if they tried to hide when they peeked, or, according to them, "watched" that everything was in order.
"Are you feeling better then?" he asked, looking at how simply decorated the picnic table was but somehow looked incredibly cozy, with perfect tree shade.
As was now usual, Wakatoshi didn't talk more than usual, at least not at first, he wanted to hear about how you were feeling, and how many days you would be out of school, although you assured him that you would be back to your activities by next Monday, and that, your friends would take care of sending you the homework you needed. Then the questions about him began.
You learned a lot, how he learned to play volleyball at a young age, his interest in cooking but his almost zero ability to make desserts. My mother could make some, you laughed, drinking some cranberry juice in a wine glass, your father's idea. He told you about his new interest in plants, and his father's work out of the country. Even some good anecdotes about the volleyball team.
Dessert was something completely different, by that time, she started to excitedly explain his last game, and what it was like to be in the Olympics. Although it wasn't as noticeable, you could tell in the way his lips curved into a slight smile as he tried to find the right words to define how he felt.
Reluctantly, and after offering to do the dishes, you said no, keeping the bento boxes with the promise that you would bring lunch on Monday for both of you, and now a wide smile on his face, even when he had to go home.
The following Monday came terribly slow, with the only thing that made it better being that Ushijima had not stopped her constant calls, the day possibly delayed by dark clouds heralding torrential rain.
"You don't have to keep apologizing anymore, look, even the wound has healed" you said, to Ushijima who was standing at the entrance, now with a box of the truffles you had liked so much, and which he had now made.
"I know. But I'd really like to walk with you at school" he smiled. "If you'll let me.
"I'd love to."
Life is made up of 80% causality and 20% chance, and, although you wouldn't want to repeat the literal hit of luck you received, you hadn't wanted it any other way.
Going to the gym because your friends wanted to see a cute boy on the volleyball team, having to leave early because you had things to do at home, leaving through the door you had to walk through on the court, getting hit in the head with a volleyball, only to end up walking to school with him, fingers barely brushing, a tender kiss on the cheek before he left.
Eating now inside the house, holding hands, a kiss on the corner of the lips. Waiting in the bleachers for practice to end, a number one jacket covering you from the rain.
The worst way to get to know each other, and, somehow, it seemed you were made for one another.
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Let's Analyze - Alec in CoFA
So, I’ve been seeing plenty of discourse on two of my mutual’s blogs about this topic… so I thought I’d sit down and write another analysis post about my beloved Alec Lightwood cause people are still giving him shit for a book that came out ten years ago 🤦‍♀️
This is gonna be in two parts, and I'm putting both under the cut:
So, the first part - how Alec’s insecurities drove him to saying stupid things in CoFA
A quick disclaimer - I’m NOT blaming Alec alone for his and Magnus’s break up. What happened was pretty complicated, and the blame cannot be put on one person alone. 
That said, let’s start with Magnus and Alec’s early ‘official’ relationship, in trsom.
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These scenes are taken from only the first part of the book, but I’m pretty sure they’re more than enough to get a sense of Alec’s insecurities and all the chinks in their relationship. Throughout the entirety of trsom, we see more bits and pieces of Alec’s insecurities about Magnus’s sexuality, and his past and all the people he might have known - and that’s okay! Insecurities happen, cause brains are stupid like that.
But all of Alec’s insecurities could’ve been laid to rest with a simple conversation. But the conversation never happens. Magnus tends to deflect and change the topic every single time his past is brought up. I understand Magnus’s reasons for hiding his past, of course, but it doesn’t help his relationship with Alec. Magnus hiding a good chunk of his past will inevitably lead to Alec questioning himself - why is he so secretive? Why is he not telling me anything? Does he not trust me? ...and so on.
And when Alec is already feeling insecure in this relationship, this happens - (sorry about the terrible cropping btw)
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And then later, while Magnus is talking to Camille,
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Now… when people are insecure about something, they get irked at the smallest of things. I’m saying this as an insecure person myself. So now, you've got Alec, who's insecure as fuck, and his vacation with the person he loves got cut short by his ex who refuses to talk to anyone but him, and when they get there, his lover and his lover's ex seem to have obvious chemistry, he gets hit with the reality that his lover has dated several, probably even hundreds of people before him; and he has to leave them alone in a room so they can talk, and then he hears the ex basically just list all his shortcomings - i.e, his mortality, his appearance is compared to some random dead guy (sorry, Will) whom your lover had a crush on, which is just weird, and when you've had enough and open the door, it's to see your lover and his ex, standing close as fuck, and he's! touching! her! face! and! looking! into! her! eyes!
*takes a sip of water* yeahhhh... Alec was straight up having a bad day.
And at this point, a) Alec is still in his first relationship. He didn't get to navigate romance when he was younger, and while there's nothing wrong with that, there weren't exactly cutesy presentations titled 'how to keep your relationships healthy' floating around the internet. Heck, he didn’t know the internet. He didn't know that he had to communicate with Magnus, and it doesn't help that boy avoids conversations about feelings like the plague. And b) at this point, Alec would be facing several negative emotions - insecurity, obviously. Hurt. Helplessness, because of his mortality. Fear, that he might not live up to Magnus’s past lovers. Jealousy at seeing Magnus and Camille so close.
Negative emotions like these often tend to show up as anger or sorrow... and in Alec’s case, that would be anger. Which leads us to THIS- (🙈)
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*sighs in second-hand embarrassment*
*drinks more water*
*this is gonna be so hard aksjakak*
So. Alec dealt with his insecurities... by being a mean, mean bitch to Magnus :/
Let's break this scene down, slowly, bit by bit.
First, Alec cuts into a conversation between Magnus and Jordan, when Magnus mentions Woolsey Scott, followed the rest of that particular page. To Alec, he's just a figure from Magnus’s past, and a possible lover, though in Alec’s defense Woolsey Scott WAS Magnus’s lover. This is the first instance that we see in which Alec lashes out at Magnus. It seems like he's trying to make a point to Magnus - "I don't know anything about your past, and so I don't know who you've had romances with, but I want to know." Except he makes his point in the worst way possible and ends up slutshaming Magnus.
The "What's true?" line, in response to Jordan saying "so it's true what they say about warlocks, then?" is pretty obvious. Alec is clearly not liking the idea that this random werewolf might know about warlocks, and in particular, his Warlock boyfriend.
Next... ooh boy... Alec basically snaps and in the next few paragraphs accuses Magnus of wanting to flirt with others which... is not a good look on ya honey 😕. These lines are the ones that get him accused of being biphobic... but is he really? I'm gonna talk about that in part 2.
So, in the first paragraph, where Alec makes the comments about Jordan, I find his choice of words pretty... interesting, seeing as 'messy-haired', 'broad-shouldered' and 'chiseled-good-looks' are all used to describe Alec in the series. Not sure if its relevant, but definitely interesting.
And in the next one, where Alec says, "or there are plenty of pretty girls here, since apparently your taste goes both ways. Is there anything you aren't into?" The 'apparently' makes me curious. In rsom, Alec mentions that he's only recently heard of the term bisexual, and there's plenty of time between rsom and cofa, so Alec should be absolutely sure of atleast the basic meaning of bisexuality. But I'm pretty sure it's just inconsistency on cc's part, since if rsom didn't exist, this book would be the first time Alec learns about Magnus’s bisexuality. (Which is obvious when you look at the scene after Magnus reveals that Camille is his girlfriend.) And as for the second sentence, I feel like it's a fallback to earlier in the book when Magnus says (I'm just gonna write the dialogue from memory), "I've dated men, women, warlocks, faeries, vampires, werewolves and even a djinn or two." Here, Alec is angry, and he takes the knowledge that Magnus has dated a variety of people and once again, lashes out.
Looking at all of it together, Alec’s insecurities are definitely a factor in all of this. We know Alec has pretty low self esteem in tmi, and he keeps having irrational thoughts about someone else grabbing Magnus’s attention, like in the trsom scene I've posted above. And he ends up taking out his insecurities on Magnus.
Was it wrong of Alec to say all those things to Magnus? Yes, absolutely. But looking back through all his scenes in cofa, it's easy to see how he could've fallen into the pit trap of emotions.
And before anyone says "but it wasn't addressed in the later books", it was, in CoLS. I’ve hit the image limit, so I'm just gonna type it out -
"[Magnus] said it would be better if he didn’t come. Apparently him and the Seelie Queen have some kind of history."
Isabelle raised her eyebrows.
"Not that kind of history," Alec said irritably. "Some kind of feud. Though," he added, half under his breath, "the way he got around before me, I wouldn't be surprised."
"Alec!" Isabelle dropped back to talk to her brother....
So, there. Alec makes yet another slutshaming comment, Isabelle overhears and is clearly not happy about it, and it's clearly implied that she talks to Alec about it. And Alec doesn't make any more slutshaming comments since then. Boy now knows what he did was wrong, and makes sure not to repeat it again.
Although, I do wish we had more than this. I wish we had more of Magnus and Alec talking about this argument, heck, even about all their arguments and the reasons they broke up, but you can't get everything you want, apparently :(
And now onto the next part...
The short answer, uh, no, not really.
The long answer.... would be complicated.
So, back in the day, when this discourse was at an all time high, I remember reading a bisexual person's essay about this topic, and they said that this comment from Alec - "or there are plenty of pretty girls here, since apparently your taste goes both ways. Is there anything you aren't into?" - would be a biphobic microagression.
According to Google, a microagression is "a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority".
And in Alec's case, IF his words were biphobic, they were completely unintentional. They were microagressive. Which is... still bad, of course, but it's more complicated than that.
If you look back on Alec's supposedly biphobic statements, they're more about Magnus’s hypersexuality and promiscuity than anything else. Yes, even the line i mentioned like two paragraphs ago. At first glance it may seem like a direct attack on Magnus’s sexuality, but think over the explanation I gave for the line and it will make sense. And a lot of people know that the whole 'bi people fuck around a lot and are cheaters' thing is a stereotype.
Now, it may seem like I'm going off topic here, but bear with me. I couple of days ago, I watched this video by chance. (Tw for the aids crisis and lots of biphobia, not from the narrator, if you wanna watch the video). Basically, back in the 1980s, bisexual men were scapegoated for spreading aids to the straight community and were vilified by popular media as being promiscuous scepters who would cheat on their wives with gay men and then give aids to their wives. (Yikes 😬). And since bisexuality was practically unheard of before all this (several bisexual activists have stated that all this shit, though unfortunate, pulled bisexuality out of the closet), it's safe to assume that this is how those stereotypes came to be - through 1980s propaganda.
But living with this propaganda is... a very limiting experience. The people who leaned and unlearned and fought against this propaganda are mostly US Americans who grew up with it, either the actual propaganda itself or passed down by their parents. But like I said, it's a very limiting experience. US is but one country out of many, and even for those living in the USA there's a chance that they grew up in a very hush-hush environment. People who grew up hearing all these stereotypes will see it as biphobia, while people who didn't - like Alec, and me, and several other people will not. A lot of people grow up with absolutely no knowledge of the queer community, and chances are that they'll be incredibly confused when a stereotype is pointed out to them, and they often get no more explanation than 'this is a harmful stereotype'. Queer experiences aren't the same for everyone, and while I respect the people who see this as biphobia, they should recognize that there are many people who won't see it that way.
I have seen bisexual people say that Alec's words were biphobic, and I've also seen bisexual people say that they weren't. Thus, there is no clear consensus about whether or not Alec was being biphobic. And like I said earlier, Alec grew up far, far away from mundane anti-queer bigotry. He was essentially a clean slate when it came to knowledge of eer microagressions of any kind, because microagressions and stereotypes are often incredibly specific, don't have anything to do with a person's race/sexuality/gender, etc. and will make zero sense unless you know the history behind them. To Magnus, who lived through the anti-bisexual scapegoating, the words would've definitely stung, but Alec didn't even know the implications he would be making with this words! Of course, the impact is greater than intention, and I imagine Magnus would sit Alec down one day and talk about all this history with him.
And idk if I can even blame cc cause the history of bisexual men is RARELY ever talked about, atleast on the internet.
Also, this scene in cofa is the only instance where he can be interpreted to be biphobic. Nowhere else in all of tmi, and even tec, do we see Alec express hatred or disgust or microagression towards bisexual people. If this was seen in a repeating pattern from Alec, one could argue that he's biphobic... but he isn't. Some might point to some of his internal thoughts in trsom to argue otherwise, but I believe that actions are superior than thoughts.
There's also the thing about unlearning prejudices, but in Alec's case there was hardly anything to be unlearned. The only prejudices he did pick up on were against himself, through vague homophobic comments from Robert.
P.S if you've read this far, I am legally entitled to compensation for thinking of cofa Alec for 48 hours. Put your favorite Alec moments in my askbox cause I wanna focus on his good side now. 😎
But yeah, the main thing here is that Alec has grown from his mistakes, apologized, and hasn't repeated this behavior at all.
And lastly, I just wanted to add - I don't think all this was unintentional on the author's part. She's grown up with the us American queer community, and has mentioned that she has bisexual friends, who have no doubt faced prejudices because of these stereotypes. I think she was trying to condemn making such statements, but a lot of people don't read between the lines and end up misinterpreting it and make both the character and her to be biphobic.
So... TLDR; was what Alec said biphobic? Maybe. It depends on who you're talking to. Is Alec, as a person, biphobic? Nope. Not at all. 😌
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