#tbf it was mostly multiple choice
hellohoihey · 1 year
girl shocked she got invited to a job interview after applying for job
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
idw “after all, if he can’t be forgiven, can you?” that was soooo fucked up of sonic dude. i always think abt that. that whole scene where sonic lures shadow away and emotionally manipulates him to stop him from trying to kill mr tinker was so fucked of sonic. i kinda loved it. manipulate is a strong word but i do think it applies to what he was doing there. he was scrambling to find an angle that’d disarm shadow and the way HE SMIRKED WHEN HE FOUND ITTTTT.
like he was fully taking advantage of shadow’s genuine remorse and trauma there. the arguments he makes suck under examination but they’re uniquely effective on one shadow the hedgehog.
“eggman has helped in certain scenarios, like the ark incident (that he also mostly caused)” bad argument and he knows it, specifically mentioning the ark
-> “eggman fought with us and was crucial in defending the planet in the black arms incident” extremely generous reading of eggman’s actions there, he was mainly just after the chaos emeralds like usual and really only defending himself and his interests, again bringing up shadow’s past and origins
-> “if he [a megalomaniac who has very intentionally tried to kill me and ravage the world so he can rule it many many multiple times despite having literally every other choice available, now amnesiac] can’t be forgiven [for trying to end me and the world for funsies], can you [be forgiven for trying to kill me and end the world in a haze of grief induced from having your memories altered and just (because you just woke up from a 50 year nap) having witnessed your best/only friend and sister killed in front of your eyes (which you are the cause of, for existing)]?” such a false equivalency, but one that shadow is predisposed to believe in cause he’s just had his past dredged up in his head again a few lines ago, and feels wayyy guiltier about his whole deal than he actually is for the part he played and the circumstances he was in. sonic’s using his own insecurity against himmmmmmmm.
suuuuuuch a dick move. tbf i don’t interpret sonic as having intentionally or cruelly been thinking all that, i just think the only thing on his mind was winning. like when shadow realized sonic was luring him away, sonic was just like “uh yeah? cause i needed you to not kill that guy and you can’t kill him when you’re not there”
man i just really like that for him. (not completely intentional) manipulatory tendencies. cause if you can say words that make you win, say them, and say them quick. fuck man. like i’m not 100% in on this interpretation but like it’s really fucking interesting isn’t it?
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grailfinders · 5 months
Grailfinders #339: Super Bunyan
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Félicitations! today on Grailfinders we’re building the one true president of the US of A, Super Bunyan! they’re mostly a Rune Knight Fighter to get big and punch people, but you’re focusing on teamwork now, which is why you’re a splash of a Peace Cleric. friendship!
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: a powerful rat not named Charles Entertainment Cheese
Ancestry & Background
good news, those pills from Dream worked and Bunyan’s normal now. so she’s a Human. yeah just a normal one. she gets +1 Constitution and Wisdom, as well as proficiency with Deception (no judging, the proles don’t need to know everything you’re up to), and the Magic Initiate feat. now you can Create Bonfires for some homestyle bbq, Mold Earth to make gold statues with no budget, and Find Familiar to get yourself a mike. the alligator, not the sound equipment. though tbf you’ll need both.
stop me if you heard this one before- you need to constantly make money or people get angry with you, and you make things that could generously be described as art. that’s a Bunyan all right, and that’s also a Guild Artisan! with this background, you gain proficiency with Insight and Persuasion to scout for actors and convince them to work for no money. you literally have a director in your pocket at all times, I’m sure she’ll help out.
Ability Scores
first up is Constitution. there’s a lot of bunyan, and that means a lot of HP. second highest is Strength, because you still punch people good, and you have the lifting capacity of three people. because you are three people. we’re still only building bunyan though. third is Wisdom, bc again you have three pairs of eyes to watch out with. this does mean your Charisma is a bit low, but it makes sense. you’re good enough at it to keep people happy while you’re there, but the second you leave it all goes to shit. that also means your Dexterity is low bc you’re a big target, but we’re dumping Intelligence. you’ve got people to think for you.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: starting off as a fighter, you get the Unarmed Fighting Style, turning your fists into d8 weapons (or d6s if you have one hand busy). you can also automatically deal damage to anything you’ve grappled- not a lot, but it’s a nice bonus. you also get a Second Wind once a short rest, letting you heal up as a bonus action. you wouldn’t think you could chug maple syrup that fast, but I guess anything’s possible when you’re president.
you also get proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Animal Handling to keep Mike on your shoulders and Athletics.
2. Fighter 2: second level fighters can make an Action Surge once a short rest, adding an extra action to your turn. now you can use up all your spell slots in like, one turn! or you can punch more, your choice.
3. Cleric 1: at first level you get Spells you can cast and prepare like all clerics by using your Wisdom, but you also become an Implement of Myths, giving you proficiency in Performance so you can star in your own movie! a leader has to look good in front of a camera these days.
you can also forge an Emboldening Bond, bonding a couple allies as an action for up to a minute. while bonded, any two creatures within 30’ of each other can add a d4 to their attacks, checks, or saves once a minute. you can use this proficiency times a day. admittedly the attack bonus kind of falls off once you’re making multiple attacks per turn, but having a near permanent resistance bonus is great for defense.
speaking of, your spells! for cantrips, Guidance lets you backseat game everyone around you, but in a good way, giving them a d4 bonus to their next skill check. you also get Thaumaturgy so everyone can hear you no matter what they do to escape, and the Light cantrip to keep your films watchable. don’t make the same mistakes as game of thrones.
you also get two free first level spells, Heroism and Sanctuary. the former lets you turn any random schmo into a hero worthy of the big screen, with more HP and immunity to being frightened, while the latter will keep the angry mob off you and onto Guda. hey, we all have to make sacrifices here for movie magic! outside of the freebies, I guess Command is a good pick to be bossy with, though it’s limited to one-word demands.
4. Fighter 3: oh thank god we’re out of the spellcaster levels. back in good ol’ martial territory it’s time to become a Rune Knight, letting you carve runes into items you keep on hands to… basically cast spells with. dammit.
as a Rune Carver, you can pick two runes from a list, all of which give passive buffs as long as you’re holding onto them, but you can also activate them for a short-term super buff once per short rest per rune. our runes of choice starting out are the Fire Rune for doubled proficiency with tool checks, as well as the option to douse an enemy with red-hot maple syrup upon hitting them, dealing fire damage and restraining them until they make a strength save, or until a minute passes. you also get the Stone Rune, giving you advantage on insight checks and Darkvision, and you can activate it to force a wisdom save on a nearby creature. if they fail, they’re charmed and spend their turn posing for the camera until they succeed. (btw, all your DCs for this class use your constitution.)
your simp-based powers also let you grow with Giant Minute for a minute at a time, making you Large and giving you advantage on strength checks and saves. you also deal an extra d6 of damage once a turn! you can check your twitter proficiency times a day, which is frankly healthier than how often most people use it.
5. Fighter 4: at level four you get your first Ability Score Improvement, and tbh you need that Strength boosted just a lil bit. it’s not as convoluted as the last two levels, but hitting’s good.
6. Fighter 5: in fact, hitting’s so good you can do it more times now! fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack, letting you attack two times per action. it’s like attacking, but extra!
7. Fighter 6: sixth level fighters keep those ASIs coming, and we’re going to use this one to learn the Strike of the Giants, putting a lil stank on your fists when you punch people. and by stank I mean Fire. you can add 1d10 fire damage once per turn, proficiency times a day. you could pick other options if you like, but your NP isn’t complicated, and neither is the fire option.
8. Fighter 7: at level seven you gain a Runic Shield to protect your precious employés. when one of them gets hit while you can see them, you can react to force a re-roll on the attack against them, up to proficiency times a day. you need those likes, and you can’t get them if your supporters are dead!
9. Fighter 8: another ASI already! grab the Ember of the Fire Giant for +1 Strength and another source of mapley debuffing goodness. you resist fire damage, and you can deal it with a Searing Ignition, making a lil aoe of fire damage that also forces everyone inside to make a wisdom save or become blinded for a round. you can also use this once per turn, proficiency times a day. I honestly think it’s really weird your NP isn’t an aoe this time around, but we can skirt that rule thanks to this being a debuff.
10. Fighter 9: ninth level fighters are Indomitable, letting you re-roll a failed save once a day. it feels a bit weird that they’re more strict about this than the extra action, but I also wouldn’t send pinkertons to someone’s house so maybe WotC just knows something I don’t.
11. Fighter 10: tenth level rune knights have a Great Stature, giving you a couple extra inches even when you’re not in your super mode. still have a ways to go to catch up to the old you though. also you deal more damage while big.
even better, you have the Cloud Rune now, so delightful assassin’s giving you advantage on Sleight of Hand checks all the time, and you can use your reaction to redirect attacks targeting you onto another creature! I’m sure your employés won’t mind, it’s in their contract.
12. Fighter 11: another level, another Extra Attack! now you can attack three times a turn! fight on, bunyan!
13. Fighter 12: use this ASI to round out your Strength score with the Crusher feat! once a turn you can push a creature when you bludgeon it, and if you crit with a bludgeoning attack all attacks against that creature are made with advantage until your next turn! if I got hit by a fist larger than I am, I think I’d be pushed back too.
14. Fighter 13: congrats, it’s another Indomitable. they uh… they kind of ran out of new stuff to give fighter at this point.
15. Fighter 14: another ASI nets you the Eldritch Adept feat, giving you a free requirementless Eldritch Invocation from warlock! the only one I want is Armor of Shadows for the free mage armor casts. you don’t wear armor, and your dexterity is +0, you need this.
16. Fighter 15: at fifteenth level you are now a Master of Runes, doubling your activated rune usage and recharging them on short rests rather than long ones. congrats, you’ve unlocked the Koyanskaya system. NP spam away.
also you get the Frost Rune now, mostly because there wasn’t any other one I wanted. you always have advantage on Animal Handling and Intimidation checks, but you can also invoke it for a +2 bonus on all Strength and Constitution saves.
17. Fighter 16: yet another ASI, but for once we’re putting this one in Constitution. more health equals less dead!
18. Fighter 17: another level of “nothing new, but more old”. you can now Action Surge twice a short rest, and you’re Indomitable three times a day. it’s not a huge change, but it is change we can believe in. bunyan 2024, there’s still time.
19. Fighter 18: 18th level rune knights are Runic Juggernauts, increasing the damage you deal while big to a d10, increasing the max size possible in this mode to Huge, and increasing your melee reach by 5’, the only fucking way I’ve seen to increase your reach while growing which is weird, right? with this last feature, you’re finally able to measure up to your past self. congrats.
20. Fighter 19: one last level, grab the Tough feat for an extra 40 HP. if we go by the OG version of how HP works, I’m pretty sure you’re the only servant we’ve built so far that would have more than 1, and that should reflect in your actual HP total.
Pros & Cons
like the other one, super bunyan brings a lot of Utility with boosted skills and a bunch of little trinkets that can help out in random situations. also, while you don’t have a lot of cleric magic, it’s still one of the better spell lists in the game to pull from, so you’ll be fine.
speaking of spells, you pack a pretty solid Magical Defense thanks to all your indomitability, protections from good and evil, and your bonds of friendship make all your saves a bit better. add in your big HP bar, and attacking you with fireballs and the like doesn’t seem like such a good idea.
thanks to your overlapping punch addons, you can choose how hard you hit pretty easily, either spacing out your searing ignitions and giant strikes and runes for consistently high damage, or shoving them all in on a critical hit for burst damage instead. it’s not a ton of variety, but it’s the big-picture strategic thinking that made you the boss in the first place.
while when you deal your damage is flexible, your damage types aren’t. you have fire, and bludgeoning. and the bludgeoning isn’t even magical, so good luck fighting anything tougher than Mary Anning.
you have a good amount of HP, but that really only matters if your AC is able to keep the worst of the attacks off you. and it can’t. your AC is terrible, this is why most people fight in something more than flannel.
unlike the OG, your Mobility isn’t improved in any way from just walking around, so being huge and walking through a fight can be a huge issue, making you the target of plenty of attacks of opportunity. no wonder this bunyan only gets big for her NP.
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azure-firecracker · 6 months
ATLA Live Action Stream of Consciousness (Episode 7, Part 1).
Did Ozai try to try Zuko in the original? Did I just forget that? EDITING PHOEBE: It was Zhao but yes that did happen I just have a shit memory.
Does Zhao have enough pull for that?
They definitely didn’t know that he was the Blue Spirit (in the OG)
Nice moment between Zuko and the lieutenant though.
Yeah this is new but I like it. Makes Zhao scarier (editing me: No it’s not)
Aang: Zuko seemed so… Me: Sad.
Okay Northern water tribe is like the only thing that looked significantly better animated. The CGI detail usually looks good but here it drains some of the color (especially the purple)
Arnook…lowkey can’t act.
Why did they do that to Yue’s hair lmao? I have a specific reference I’m thinking of that I’ll link here. (There’s multiple photos in this article. It’s the one with the big hair).
Zhao is a better liar than I remember. But like if he’s this competent now will that diminish Azula’s effect if they get a book 2? Part of why she worked so well was that Zhao was not the best villain.
On the “below average” stuff with Azula: I think it works for this iteration of the character but it’s not in keeping with the original. I wish they’d kept it closer to the original since it’s important to show different kinds of abuse, and I think OG Ozai would only say those things to Azula behind closed doors, but I think it works in isolation.
“That I’m the one” who what? Interesting writing choice there. They feel the need to overexplain everything else but they can’t finish this line.
Sokka’s humor is coming through.
Aaw this is a cute Aang and Katara moment.
I liked Pakku as a straight up sexist asshole in the original but I’m not sure that that would have translated so well so I’m glad they gave him some half decent moments.
Aaw Yue’s getting some more cute moments that’s sweet. I love original Yue but I like her candid, grounded moments here. She feels more fleshed out. She and Sokka are cute too.
I like Sokka’s arc but give Katara some of that characterization.
Wait was Yue the fox spirit? Why did they make that choice? How does it serve the narrative?
Hahn doesn’t suck now! Not sure how I feel about that since Yue’s tragedy was not about who she was marrying in the first place, rather about the fact that she had to get married.
“My friends helped me” Aang tbf it was mostly you.
I like that we’re getting some more exploration into healing.
Are they finally gonna let Katara be angry? PLEASE do!
My dad asked why Sokka is wearing so much lipstick.
OH Yue broke off her engagement that’s NEW. Where are they gonna go with this?
Kuruk development that’s cool!
Gordon who tf wrote your dialogue in this scene (and how many times have I written that question in some form or another?)
Why are we into LOK spirit world stuff? This remake can’t handle the material it has.
Can we have one character without an angsty backstory please?
They need to stop harping in this “the hero needs to do everything alone” idea it’s overdone.
They should have given Yue white eyebrows.
This is new and I don’t mind it (with Yue)-confirms my theory that she was supposed to be the avatar.
See Sokka does have a good heart but you can’t make that the center of his character it’s also the center of everyone else’s character. Why does the whole main trio seem the same?
I hate this Aang/Kuruk scene it’s so generic.
More on the way (Y’all KNOW I have thoughts on part 2).
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SIDE 2D: ROUND 1: Ditzy Doo (My Little Pony)/The Doctor (Doctor Who) VS Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)/Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck)
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Propaganda for Ditzy Doo/The Doctor:
So basically there's a character in MLP named Doctor Whooves who people do assume is some form of pony version of the Doctor, and there was a whole episode of him and Ditzy palling around. People ship them quite a bit, there have been multiple fanfics/animation series/ask blogs putting the two of them together on adventures in time and space, and they're all (mostly) excellent. They're an iconic crossover pair that really deserves a spot in this poll.
Propaganda for Anne Boonchuy/Nepeta Leijon:
cat lovers who died at 13 (though anne got revived afterwards). both spent time living in caves - nepeta liked hers meanwhile anne didnt have much choice, but tbf hers was a pretty terrible cave. i was trying to classpect anne for an amphibia homestuck au a while back and ended up giving her the Heart aspect, same as Nepeta's. also i just think theyd be silly together :3. Nepeta would love Anne's cat Domino and her giant catlike moth Domino 2 and Anne would adore Nepeta's cat lusus Pounce de Leon. they have wildly different hunting techniques but i bet theyd have fun learning from each other
Art Credit: Both edits by @/kannra-orhara
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laceghost · 1 year
For the weirder ask
This is gonna be a hefty one 9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? I already barely like coffee I don't think I'd like it cold tbh 10. would you slaughter the rich? Any day <3 just give me a sword and I'll be on my way 11. favorite extracurricular activity? Dance and theatre, I didn't do it for 10 years for nothing lmao. But tbf I never did much else besides... circus and a bit of choir?? 17. are you farsighted or nearsighted? Cmon man you know this. Did you send this just to laugh at me. I'm nearsighted :( can't see clearly past 1m away :( 19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? ABSOLUTELY. I don't have many colors but if you bring some I'll even try doing cool designs if u want 21. something you’ve kept since childhood? I've kept many things I'm a sentimental bitch. Oldest thing I currently have in my apt is probably my bear plush that I've had since elementary school 22. what type of person are you? God that's so vague. um. I'm an artist, an introvert, a little freak, an insufferable guy, a crow appreciator and the n1 Hatsune Miku fan but mostly I'm a little bit silly 26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? I can't expose myself like this man!!! Um. okay this is supremely silly don't laugh at me. Lately I've been listening to medieval-ish music and imagining dancing around firelink shrine (ds1 esp) with DS npcs 😭 it's so healing ok they deserve to be silly and dance around 29. how do you like your shower water? Burning my skin off. lobster rp 31. what type of music keeps you grounded? New order does the job pretty well?? Idk if I could name a specific type of music I think it depends on the moment 34. is there a song you know every word to by heart? There are. so many songs. probably too many songs tbh I can get very obsessive with music and I have a good audio memory so it sticks wether I want to or not 😭 any band I've been obsessed with there's a good chance I know at least like half their discography by heart. This shit takes up so much space in my brain my god 37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? I,,, don't have any lol. I don't really talk anymore with the (few) friends I had before high school but it's for the best 41. how do you take your coffee? I'm not much of a coffee drinker as stated above but I'll take it how my best friend makes it for me (milk + sugar i thnik) 42. an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? Already answered! 44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? I wanna say musk soso bad. bc it'd be so satisfying. but I'm not sure it's the best strategic choice I'd have to do some research about it 46. favorite holiday film? Also answered! Thank you for the mountain of asks bestie hope you enjoy
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rathologic · 2 years
What if Clara's route is just found footage of one guy tailing both of them throughout all the days
if they somehow decide to keep doing the "successor" thing for changeling 2... though tbf the p2 haruspex successor twist is already mostly the same thing as clara's twin. another version of you who diverges at every choice you make and exists in every other world you're not in. one could argue that the successors still follow only a single path, but I think it's entirely irrelevant to discussions of the "prime" timeline as to whether the other timelines are any different, & that viewpoint wouldn't support the important meta element of the player playing the game multiple times 🤔 clara literally did all of this first
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messysketchyobeyme · 3 years
Interesting how if you choose to stay with either Levi or Asmo for the night, then you don't get the choice to stay with Lucifer or Satan later on in the lesson. There are no options, just an immediate fade to black.
Once again, Obey Me is destroying my polycule dreams of all the characters being friends who kiss (me) sometimes. </3
okay that statement was in jest but i still found this choice (or lack of one?) to be interesting because there hasn't been a lot of lessons in om where choosing one brother would bar you from choosing another
because most of the time, you either (1) don't get a choice (like how the you, luke, mammon, and simeon play rock paper scissors to see who has the share a room and you get a room to yourself without imput of your own preferences),
(2) can choose to romance a particular character in one book story thing and have it be independent of your choices in another chapter (like...every one of the kissing scenes lol especially the goodbye kisses at the end of each season. you can kiss to your heart's content and nobody will care (mostly) haha),
(3) or are forced to choose between two (or more or even none) of the datables, which result in a brief scene with the character of your choice before returning back to the status quo (basically every event has this lol).
the only time that i can think in om that has a choice/set of choices similar to the one with levi, asmo, satan, and lucifer at the hotel is the ones in season 2 where you had to choose whose invitation to accept to the dance.
if you accept multiple brothers' invitations, then they all get mad at you on the night of the dance and force you to dance with all of them asdfghjkl (guess who found out the hard way 😔🤡)
but it was super interesting bc it was one of the first times where your choices actually mattered in the long run instead of all the characters immediately forgetting what you said/did after each book.
[however, it isn't exactly the same because you weren't preventing from choosing the rest of the brothers after accepting one invitation, your actions just had consequences]
that being said, the dance invitation choices, combined with the fact that marriage was brought up at the end of season three, makes me think some...interesting thoughts.
although diavolo shot down the idea of marriage the moment he heard of it, there was still a bit of emphasis of mc having to choose only one of the characters to marry (shoutout to all of the brothers yelling out "who?!" if mc confirms that they do wanna get married to someone lmao that part was funny)
although it hasn't showed up a whole lot, there has still been more 'choices' and talks of choices recently where mc has to choose only one of the datable characters, whereas before they could choose multiple with little to no consequences.
tbf there still aren't any consequences now (hope mammon doesn't find out i kissed lucifer in the lesson directly after i kissed him), so i might just be looking too deeply into things.
anyway, i'm not v good at theorizing or whatever and tbh i'm not even sure what i'm trying to say at this point. this was supposed to be a joke post. why am i ranting? 😭
still...i must admit that i don't replay past events that often, so i often miss choices that genuinely do have consequences, whether that's in universe or within game mechanics. i was kinda wondering if there were any more choices like those ones because i find them to be very, very interesting.
(a less than prominent example that comes to mind is in season two, when mc and simeon are talking about how they want the plot of to play to go. what you tell simeon early on influences what happens in the play later).
so,, stuff like that!
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slow-button-off · 2 years
tbf carlos did admit multiple times that charles was doing a better job than him, especially during the earlier part of the season. so to me the fact that he isn’t saying publicly that he mostly had the better results bc of luck and bad strategy for charles, isn’t necessarily bc he doesn’t see the difference between his performance and charles’. (like you can say a lot of things about sainz, but he is always very critical of himself.) I think it’s more to do with the fact that if he acknowledged that, he’d inadvertently criticize ferrari, which neither him or charles are that willing to do. (also, most of the interviews we see, happen right after the races, when, yes, carlos has some info about charles’ race but he doesn’t know every detail. so for example, him not criticizing the strategy in Hungary was also imo bc his strategy was fine, and he didn’t necessarily know at the time how messed up charles’ was. at least to me it read that way.)
about the documentary: i haven't seen it either, but carlos has talked about the pros and cons that came with his family name multiple times in the past (e.g. in a chasing the dream ep, and in the beyond the grid podcast), and while he said the other kids wanted to beat him more bc of it and that he didn't like the attention he got, etc., he also acknowledged that it is a privilege having a racing champion as a dad. so i'd be pretty surprised if the conclusion in the documentary was something different.
He did say it a lot at the start of the season and I think he does know it because they do look at the numbers after races and such.
I don't necessarily think it's about not criticising Ferrari because he has criticised some things.
Yeah the interviews are super close to the races and you can't take too much from them tbh. But sometimes they just sound funny. Like Hungary where one says there was no pace in the car at all and the other goes nah pace was fine.
Like I said I don't blame him, I get it. I think I'd do the same. The only time that still annoys me is that neither Carlos nor Ferrari said anything about Charles battle on the hards in Silverstone because that deserves more praise (and it helped Carlos).
With the documentary it's just super funny to go with this title and then focus the synopsis on "people doubted him because of his name". But that most likely wasn't Carlos choice.
I don't think Carlos is any more out of touch than any of the others are tbh. They all live in a different world.
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inthedusksynria · 3 years
until-lune respondeu seu post “@until-lune I’m 99% convinced that Micaiah will be...”A couple of things that I want to say. • If we...
Hello! Again i am using this one form of reply bc its easier for format! If you prefer i change for reply format it let me know!. Putting under read more bc this got long, but i had lots of fun doing it!. I am answering all your replies here!
M!Corrin-wise -  I dont think Omega Yato will be his weapon, because the refined version of his OG version (normal M!Corrin in the red pool) already has it. While his art has his normal weapon, his sprite has Omega Yato.
Dawn Yato is definitely a possibility tho! although it would be very odd to give it to him and not make its Twin/Mirror Weapon Dusk Yato to CQ!themed!L!F!Corrin.(but hey its IS)
(something i am so salty off bc i love Dawn and Dusk Yatos ;-; they are so pretty and match so well their promotions... and games... heck!! they both have their route-represent Legendary weapons features incorpored on them and just *clenches fist at the emotional moments*)
Also, A re-colored dragon alt is also a possibility, since L!F!Corn did that.
I dont think skipping the Staff is a certainty because IS has made weird choices before. Leif has an Bow which is a weird choice for him, but, like Corrin, he has a A Rank in bows in his promoted class, and like Corrin he is an “unpopular” Lord. Chrom and Lucina have Bows, when they also had Lances as options by promotion class.
I dont think popularity certainly incentivizes diversity in weapon usage. because we have had a lot of Weird choices from IS of making a popular character have the same weapon across multiple alts. -> 3H lords, Ike, Eirika and Ephraim had all a repeat of their OG weapons and are far more or just as popular as Micaiah; and even weirder L!F!Corrin, who by CYL and Nintendo magazine poll is more popular then M!Corrin,  has the same weapon type than her fallen version (and still lacks a red alt for her emblem AND had an iconic red weapon associated with her promotion of DarkBlood/Nohr Noble (Dusk Yato)). Also fun fact, F!Corrin counterpart to M!Corrin Staff Rank is a Tome Rank. So it would also be possible for her to have had an red tome alt.
conclusion regarding weapons: IS pretty much spins a Wheel and decides what to do. I think its pretty much a case of...whatever the executives woke up on that day wanting.
(that, of course, doesnt make theorizing what weapon they will have  any less fun xD)
Honestly the only reason why I am certain it is Micaiah is irrational/a F2P technique. In  that if it is not her, it will destroy my will to summon and thus allow me to spend less XD. I have seen people doing it and boy does it works wonders when you arent right.
Going by that (my theory it is Micaiah) I find it unlikely to be Colorless (and thus Staff or colorless tome) only because the other spreads are just That Good^tm.
One of the methods that people used to guess which color the new Leg/Mythic will be is to see which color has a busted spread of colors. And it has been right ever since Edelgard
(The reason for so is that IS seems to have realized that by debutting the hero on a so-so spread, it made people wait for their rerun in order to get them, Bramimond being an example in that his spread was awful (L!Grima) and his rerun spread was godsmacking good (Mila)... pun not intended)
The colorless this time is rather...i wouldnt say weak, because Eir usability is REALLy good and Duma has a nice niche of wrecking people plans(cackles in my AR matches). However, they are fairly outdated in comparation with the other color spreads. So, in the event this leg hero is Micaiah (or Elincia, or Byleth) i dont think they would be colorless because of that.
Oh! Regarding the CYL theory, since the legendaries were introduced in the second year of FEH, I dont consider much broken, since i merely think its always /A/ winner instead of the 1st of each year. Since shuffling of legendaries is possible, (those times when IS changed the calendar lineup), should the Byleths win CYL(which is fairly likely). it would be easy to put them on the next GW. And I also think it will be a theory that will be broken absolutely next year, since I doubt Marianne and Gatekeeper would be viable L!Heroes. I agree with you that is a weak pattern that is likely to be broken.
Counterpoint to Wind F!Byleth ->  Blessings not always end up being the element that is most associated with the Character in the main game. Highly Water themed (and midly Fire themed;) Corrin ended up as Wind; Julia, who has Minor blood of fire and was called “Genealogy’s Fire Emblem sword” was Earth; Eliwood, wielding the fire themed Durandal, was Wind. (tbf this is also a counterpoint to Wind Micaiah, since she has more association with Light and maybe Fire(?) than Wind)
Regarding 3H launching with 3H, besides Edelgard, Claude also debuted with no 3H legendary accompanying him. Annete was there, but other than that, no other 3H unit or legendary was on the banner. In fact, the pattern i do see with 3H legendaries is that their first re-run matches with a release of a Mythic in their color spread. (Edelgard -> Hel ; Dimitri -> Seiros).
I want to highlight that i am not saying it wont happen, but that I lean more towards they keeping a space between 3H legendaries release, in order to long term profits, and to not cause burn-out of 3H content. (or at least decrease people complaining about it; They seem to have learned their lesson with the Fates and Tellius spams.)
Finally,I do think that it is possible for Micaiah to be a Staff and for other characters to be released in this month/banner, mostly it is the premises i chose to apply to this theorizing lead me in a contrary direction xD. You show some good points! (I would love a Dawn Yato Corn and a Staff Micaiah ;-;...)
Extra Tangent: I have absolutely no idea what IS(executives) considers the character is associated with Silver Snow like...
For one side, Seteth makes lip service saying the route lord is Rhea; Rhea presents the choice mirror to Edelgard’s in the route split; the ending cutscene focuses on Rhea character development/closure, but, at the same time, she is Sir Not Appearing for 75% of the route and the rest of the time she is benched.
For another side, Byleth was made to be the lord to Edelgard emperor’s and her rival; has several cutscenes showcasing that; is the “lord” of the route in role sense, but, on the other hand, its more associated with Fire (fire emblem).
Honestly at this point i just dont know what FEH is going to do with them. I think IS is going to make one of Byleth Wind as you said and the other Fire, but which one, i have no idea. I could see too an argument for Ground(since i think at the lack of an Light element for Light element character-focused they pick ground sometimes) too, but yeah. 
I cant believe the true plot twist of GW is gonna be Rhea being the wind legendary breaking all of our theories xD (/j, but can you imagine how funny it would be?)
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danieyells · 5 years
Because of you, tumblr keeps advertising ObeyMe! to me. I'm starting to crack under the pressure to play it 😔 Can you at least sum up what I'm gonna be getting myself into? How's the gameplay? I've never played this kind of game before
8D tbf it may have had been doing that regardless apparently people were seeing the ads when it first came out BUT. OKAY SUMMARY TIME.
So, Obey Me!, is not an otome game by traditional standards and, instead, simply follows a storyline with a good amount of romance in it. I believe it was first advertised(and its title in the play store originally referred to it as) an otome game and, instead, it now advertises itself properly as a story and card game.
Obey Me! follows your adventure in a place called The Devildom–essentially Hell, though I believe Hell is a separate part of it between itself and the Human World, I DIGRESS–where you’ve been brought as an exchange student to the Royal Academy of Diavolo, essentially a college for demons.
Mind, you had no awareness or say in this situation, but suck it up because you’re here for a year.
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This is Diavolo! You can’t kiss him. Yet. I suspect we will eventually. But he’s basically why you’re here.
Story-wise your job is to develop an immunity to demonic influence and attend your classes(no, you don’t actually get to do so, though there are references to/talk of it) for a year stay in the Devildom. Afterwards, you’ll write a paper about your experience and you’ll be able to go home.
The exchange program is Diavolo’s attempt at starting peaceful and cooperative relations between the three worlds–The Human World, of which you are from, The Devildom, where Diavolo rules over all Demonkind, and the Celestial Realm, populated by angels and ruled over by who I like to call The Celestial Father, but most people just call god.
Don’t worry though! You won’t be thrown into the Devildom without help! After all, demons eat humans and their souls! You are overseen by Mammon, the Avatar of Greed, essentially your sidekick throughout the story. After Lucifer, his older brother and the Avatar of Pride, shoves you off onto the unwilling Mammon, you’re sent to the brothers’s home dorm, The House Of Lamentation, to get settled.
As you can tell by the names and ways I identify them, there are seven brothers and they’re all representative of the Seven Deadly Sins.
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In order of oldest to youngest, we have Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride and Diavolo’s right hand man, Mammon, the Avatar of Greed and the one responsible for you here in the Devildom, Leviathan(or just Levi), the Avatar of Envy and a shut-in otaku, Satan, the Avatar of Wrath and the most normal-seeming one, Asmodeus,(or just Asmo) the Avatar of Lust and most charming of the seven(in a sense,) Beelzebub(or just Beel), the Avatar of Gluttony who is just as self-explanatory as Asmo, and Belphegor(everyone calls him Belphie), the Avatar of Sloth and the demon sent to the Human World in exchange for you. Suffice to say…you won’t see him much.
Oddly enough, before you woke up in the Devildom, you heard a boy’s voice begging you to help them. A demon trapped them–and you’re the only one they can rely on to save them, the voice said… .
During your stay with the Seven Rulers of the Underworld(the aforementioned brothers,) you’ll get involved in their many chaotic family affairs, learning about them, making pacts with them, helping them, and romancing them along the way. Kinda.
The romance aspect has little effect on the game thus far aside from the phone calls you get every five intimacy levels. The more otome aspects are mostly in these calls, some of the texts you exchange, and in sidestories on Devilgram(the Devildom version of Instagram, obviously) you unlock by earning certain cards and raising intimacy scores. The main story does have a little bit of it(namely in the form of Mammon), but it mostly focuses on you making pacts with the brothers and helping them with their interfamilial issues and lives.
The story isn’t done and is likely not particularly near being done considering the game came out like two months ago and we get an update, thus far, once a month(but we’ve had a few events in between to keep ourselves entertained and busy with stories!)
NOW THEN ONTO GAMEPLAY… . If you’ve never played a gacha game before it’s basically a cashgrab whaletrap system where you randomly draw, in this case, cards for use in gameplay or collection. You get the best cards through premium pulls(i.e. paying real money but you actually earn the premium currency pretty easily in this game, not to mention you get one free pull of the two main paid gachas every…other day? I set mine so i get one every other day.) But you can get good cards through the regular currency pulls as well as actual gameplay.
You variously strengthen and level up the cards through battles(more below,) as well as drawing the same card multiple times(strengthens their ability), and through the Devil’s Tree, where you can also unlock more chats, calls, backgrounds and music for your home screen, and items. Using grimm(the regular currency) you can level up your cards quickly, and using grimm and items you get through gameplay and to-do “quests” you can advance spaces in a card’s Devil’s Tree and power them up as well. It’s pretty simple stuff!
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So your gameplay is in the form of simple little dance battles in which you summon the demons you’ve pulled from Nightmare(the gacha system) to battle for you. They take care of most of it–all you have to do is collect hearts that pop up on the screen and tap on them when their meters are full to use charged attacks in essence. Very simple and pretty repetitive. There are special abilities in your(and the enemies’s) charged attacks that can add some difficulty beyond simple upscaling(namely if they have paralyze as an ability which makes things very inconvenient.)
These dance battles have a timer of 40 seconds and typically last about a minute tops. So things are pretty quick and easy as far as gameplay goes. You read the story, you make some choices(the story is linear and thus far doesn’t branch based on these decisions and you can also go back and redo the decisions as well as read chats and answer calls to redo decisions for new dialogue and sometimes intimacy points as well), you do some dance battles. That’s basically it.
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:D JOBS is how you get money most easily as well as the occasional free affection items and affection boosts. All you have to do is send each of the brothers to work a job(they have favorite jobs as well as thus-far-mostly-secret combinations they can work in that you can watch secret conversations they have at their workplace in) and you’ll be notified when they’re done and you need to pick them up. If you do each job enough you’ll unlock another jobsite with greater profits(and more time between when you need to come get the little shits!)
Oh! But there’s a bit more I forgot to mention! Namely :D JOBS and Surprise Guests!
Surprise Guests come in two forms! The actual surprise kind which will pop up sometimes after a dance battle and the not-surprise kind which come up about twice a day on the home screen!
Oh, I forgot to mention the homescreen too. You can set one of the brothers to stay on the home screen and greet you when you go to it or open the app! The notifications are also voiced by them! If they have a little speech bubble over their head like so, you can engage them as Surprise Guests.
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You can also poke them on the home screen and they’ll talk a little! Usually about the other brothers or that you’re touching them.
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As I said, after each dance battle there’s a chance you’ll get a surprise guest–one of the three demons you used in the battle!
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From here you can give them food, items, medicine, or whip them--they all have preferences of what they like to be given as well! You can buy these things on Akuzon–which is the Devildom equivalent of Amazon which they clearly only used to avoid copyright, given Amazon is evil already–using premium currency or additional currency called Ravens(which you get through Surprise Guests, collecting cards over 10 times, earn in to-do quests, or get from :D JOBS.)  However you can also get them for free from :D JOBS, to-do quests, and sometimes they’ll send them to players through the mail system.
Alongside material items, you can touch them to praise them for a job well done(or comfort them after a battle you didn’t do perfectly in.)  Demons love being pet apparently!
Do this well, and you’ll get an intimacy boost! The first 5~7 surprise guests you get three hearts for the day will give you gifts–either AP(stamina), grimm(standard currency), or ravens.
↓this should be animated. If it’s not. . .gdi.
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You can also get them on the home screen and you get different, more affectionate/romantic dialogue when you do well on home screen affections. I believe these are also influenced by your intimacy score.
↓again, this should be a gif. . .not sure if moving atm 
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You can tap or rub the screen, as well as shake your phone or hit ‘Ignore’ to get a response out of them as well as giving them snacks and items. (They mostly don’t seem to like the phone being shaken or being ignored but I’ve also gotten neutral reactions from both rather than negative ones.) You can interact with their head/hair, face, arms, or chest(i think their hand counts as their arm so in the cases of Lucifer and Satan who always have their hand on their chest, be careful lol.) You can do bad, neutrally, or good in the end. You never lose intimacy points so don’t worry too much if you wanna fuck with em and see their reactions lol you’ll have chances to redeem yourself.
I THINK THAT’S IT. 8D i say give it a try if only for the fun characters or the story, and if you don’t like then nbd, right? 'u’ come to hell with ussss
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faejilly · 5 years
That Heidi mess still bother me. First, Izzy ‘exiles’ Raphael instead of actually investing what happened (like he was torturing someone who possibly got rogue bc of that and also turned a mundane??) Then she’s handed to PL to deal with. Yet after she threatened Simon and his family, Izzy is all ‘I won’t forgive her!!’, although she didn’t care much before? 🤔
I mean. 
I’ve said a lot of things about the Heidi plot and Izzy’s inconsistent portrayal and Raphael deserving better than 3b, so YEAH. Preaching to the choir, nonny.
Like, based on what we saw Izzy learn, all she knows is that there was an imprisoned Vampire Raphael hadn’t told her about… but corralling an unstable Vampire is legitimate Clan business, and as long as said unstable Vampire was being contained by the Clan, that’s not Shadowhunter business. The Clave has probably interfered in such things before, but Alec has made it very clear that he is letting Downworlders keep their autonomy in practice not just on paper, and a rogue Vampire is Vampire business up until the moment she attacks a mundane or a Downworlder of a different faction. (Which is, in fact, when they started hunting Heidi.) 
So the point at which Izzy exiles Raphael… he has not, to her knowledge, done anything wrong. (We know he turned someone without a proper writ and then tortured her, which, wtf is so out of character, they did not do enough to set that up, BUT WE SAW THAT, IZZY DIDN’T.) 
Which is awkward story-telling. SH did that a lot, had the audience know things the characters didn’t, which undercut the tension or made some really unfortunate correlations (Jace’s mental health subplot in 3a suffered from this especially; we knew it was a red-herring, so it was very insulting towards actual mental-health issues, including the ones the show could have been addressing but wasn’t). OR, the characters just… somehow knew them too? Inexplicably? Which isn’t better. 
Of course, even if we knew how she knew what had happened, is her making herself judge-jury-not-executioner because of her personal opinions really better than the usual Clave supremacy bullshit? She thinks she’s providing mercy, she’s saving Raphael from the Clave’s probable over-reaction and potential torture, but that also means she’s undermining her brother’s position as HotI, she’s undermining everything he’s doing to force the Clave to be more fair, every promise he’s made for transparency and rule of actual law to the rest of the Downworld. She’s purposely using the power she’s said Shadowhunters shouldn’t have to do what she personally thinks is right, regardless of the rules or the consequences.
The show was very inconsistent with both Izzy’s “progressive attitude” (she had some of the worst racist/dismissive lines in regards Downworlders, esp werewolves, and forced Raphael to drink from her but was repeatedly framed as more sympathetic than him in their mutual-addiction, etc.) and with Vampires in general, not just Raphael; the Shadowhunters kill a bunch of them in early s1 in much the way Saturday morning cartoons killed robot cannon fodder: they weren’t people so they didn’t count. But then Vampires are people! Because Simon, mostly, but also because Camille is awful but loved & saved Magnus once, because Raphael is a person who means something… 
(But then they kill Circle members who should also be people but aren’t and let’s just not think about that either.) 
Izzy & Clary kill that poor fledgeling Heidi made for no real reason? (Izzy and Clary couldn’t stop one out of control fledgeling? But they could kill multiple well-trained soldiers and demons and etc. etc. in other situations. LIKE. Competency? IS not at all a consistent thing.) And then she and Clary don’t even catch Heidi, that’s Simon & the PL.
And then, yeah, Izzy just ignores it. TBF, the entire show ignores Raphael until 3b, so it’s not just Izzy, and I’m not sure it’s a terribly valid character trait to use to interpret Izzy when we don’t think it’s a Magnus character trait that he forgot about Raphael for a season… that’s clearly just bad pacing and story-balance on the part of the show. *shrugs*
idk where i”m going here? I’m just sort of rambling? I think it’s fair that Izzy took the situation with Simon’s family personally because Simon is a part of her personal life (even before they’re dating) in a way the rest of Heidi’s victims weren’t; dealing with dangerous Downworlders is part of her job, so before then Heidi was just… another case-file. 
But Izzy has always been a bit of a rules apply to other people sort of person, has been implied to believe in results enough she doesn’t always think about the consequences of her choices about how to get there. Which seems admirable when she’s fighting against the Clave’s hypocrisy, but is a lot more questionable when she’s making unilateral far-reaching decisions in the field, such as exiling Raphael or torturing Lilith.  
She is, I think, very young, in a way Alec isn’t, (and hasn’t been for a very long time) despite the fact that chronologically he’s only a few years older. She grew up smart, and strong, and beautiful, and she had to believe in herself when her parents didn’t (so she believes in herself fiercely, and totally, and without an ounce of self-assessment, because she had to in order to survive). She’s so often right that it never occurs to her to think about whether what she wants to do might be wrong, not even know that she’s far enough along it’s no longer just about survival. 
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fatetimebomb · 5 years
Female Servant Designs Pt. 1 - S/N, Zero + Prototype Fragments
After a recent discussion over on Reddit had me seeing some of the worst garbage this fandom has to offer, I wanted to have a look at the designs of female servants in the Fate franchise.
Below, I’ve looked at the designs of female servants from Stay/Night (And a bit of Unlimited Codes), Zero, and Prototype Fragments and their corresponding appearances in FGO (not including being summoned into other classes) and what, if anything, bothered me about their designs. This is going to be a multiple part post.
considering that Stay Night was an eroge game, the female designs are actually pretty tasteful. Similar for Zero and Prototype Fragments. They don’t get really weird fan service designs/poses until FGO.
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Medusa was like, probably the most questionable in the original S/N, but to be honest, it wasn’t that bad. For her fighting style, it was actually suitable. So no real complaints from me really. I would have liked to have seen something that reflected her origins a bit more, rather then her looking like, a ninja, I guess, but that’s about it. Her final ascensions in FGO is when we start getting into very obvious fan service territory.
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Medea’s design is also something I didn’t have any problems with. Since you see her majority of the time with a cape/hood on, she actually feels pretty shapeless and she serves mostly in an antagonistic role in pretty much all the routes anyway, so this is pretty great tbh. Again, my only complaint for this would be that I would’ve liked an outfit that was a better homage to her origins. Medea’s final ascension in FGO is ironically also devoid of any fan service.
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Saber’s armour choice is not something I would’ve personally gone with, but that’s more to do with the fact that, in her story, she was a woman pretending to be a man. Other than that, I still really like her design. Her armor actually looks kind of practical (I don’t know if it actually would be, but given that it’s magically enchanted maybe that doesn’t matter?) and while not any means historically accurate, still invokes a feeling of knighthood.
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In Fate Zero, she was the only female servant summoned (not counting one of the personas of Hassan), and let me just say, seeing her in a suit? Fucking loved it. Really put her up there in waifu tier for me. Sometimes more is more.
The original Saber class Arturia we see in FGO is also devoid of any fanservice as she starts out in her dress (which there was nothing wrong with) then GAINS her armor and a cape (but, I guess tbf, nearly every other class Arturia can be summoned in in FGO has ridiculous amounts of fan service).
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Saber Alter is the ‘corrupted’ form of our original Arturia Saber. And honestly? There’s nothing wrong with this design. From a story point of view, if Alter Servants are supposed to be corrupted with the mud of the grail, I would’ve loved to have seen more “eldritch horror” vibes instead of just a pallet colour swap for black, red and flecks of gold but, eh.
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The dress Salter wears under her armor is noticable a bit more ... feminine? I guess you could say it’s sexually provoking, but honestly, not by much.
In FGO, it’s the same with the exception of her final ascension, where the dress is redesigned to be a little more provocative, but is not necessarily what I would call tasteless, more just eye-rolling of “ok I guess”. Not the worst, but not that great either.
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Saber Lily’s never been animated to my knowledge, and to be honest, I’m going to be a little sad about that because this is actually one of my FAVOURITE designs for Arturia. I actually really considered buying a figurine of her when I was younger and still kind of do.
Her design is distinctly a lot more feminine, but she still has armor in mostly the same places as regular Saber Arturia does. While she does lose the armour in her ascensions in FGO, and even her dress becomes shorter, even her final ascension does not provoke feelings of sexual nature. Rather, of innocent beauty. A very stark and somewhat startling comparison to the other Lily forms we see in FGO (which I’ll get into a much later date).
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The Assassin in Fate/Zero manifested as multiple personas (in FGO, she is known as Hassan of Hundred faces, apparently she has multiple personality disorder?), and only one of them was noticeably female. For whatever reason, her design never bothered me much either, mostly because it was similar to the design of all of the other assassins and she’s seen so little in Zero and never presented in a way that suggests she was created for that fan-service bait (also, check out that six pack, folks). Her final ascension in FGO makes me role my eyes a little at the very obvious fan service bait, but that has more to do with the pose then her.
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In Prototype Fragments, another female Hassan-i-Sabbah servant is introduced, Hassan of the Serenity. Her design... bothered me more if only because she appeared to be a bit younger then her ‘big sister’, but the designer did say that they based it off what was already given to previous Hassan-i-Sabbah servants. I mean, I... guess it makes sense given that her role is basically seduction then poisoning? But she in general gives off a vibe more similar to “innocent or sweet” then anything sexual. Not the most problematic design, but not the best.
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The only other female servant summoned during Prototype Fragments is Brynhildr. And like... She’s ok? She has bits of armour on, but they’re decorative and not practical. She looks like she’d be more at home in a Kingdom Hearts or even a magical girl anime, and I can’t really say her design invokes feelings of Norse mythology.
In her final ascensions, she actually gains more decorative/non-functional armor and even her pose in the final ascension card is not sexual, but gives me more the vibe of an enchanting beauty.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
May 3rd, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 3rd, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Suriska by Claire Burn.
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Featured Comment:
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Suriska by Claire Burn~! (http://suriskacomic.com/) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I really liked Freyja checking the stove multiple times, I laughed out loud since it's something I've always done when leaving the house.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes that was a moment i connected with too. not that ive really checked the stove but ive had to deal with other similar issues of checking things a dozen times. im glad for the timing of that too cause it really helped explained why corin going missing got to her so much
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hello there! I’ll be there in a bit, currently AFK for the time being!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I've really enjoyed learning more about Freya as a character too, I feel like there's a lot of depth beneath her that we're just starting to uncover
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. there are a lot of interesting elements to her character. mostly because i hmm why shes in the town. like corin is understandable because corin's anxiety is a bit more debilitating. whereas freya seems completely functional and yet somehow stuck
i think my favorite scene is less a scene is the one where freya busts into johann's place and just doesnt say anything. shows him the picture and hes like "well shit ive been found out."
🌟Draco Plato🌟
OH! I liked that too, it also added more layers to the story. And yeah, overall I find Corin a simpler character since it's pretty clear why he is the way he is and his debilitating anxiety, etc
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
another scene i like for its effect on the story itself is the story about the origin of the snow. i really liked that it gave the town a sort of history, even if it might be a fictional and fantastical one XD
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Yeah I did think that was really good for expanding the lore of the story~!
I have a really strong love/hate relationship with the scene where the old man at the train station recognizes Corin and asks about his parents. It's really funny in the most painful way imaginable
And I like Freya a lot!! I'm interested to see where her character goes-- I think there are a lot of hints that she's not as functional as she appears at first, and I'm interested to see where that goes haha
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Oh same!!
Omg that scene at the train station, that old man was ridiculously awful in his questions, from bad to worse
felt so bad for Corin
Like the oven thing was funny, but weirdly drawn out compared to a lot of other jokes, and she also has that scene in the bathroom where she has this weird, disjointed cause-and-effect logic that because she left the soap out, it caused something totally unrelated and bad to happen. I've wondered if those things have some deeper meaning to her character or world lol
Me too, I was dyyyyiiiiiing for that whole scene
🌟Draco Plato🌟
same, same, I feel like there's something to delve into there behind her little ticks
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that is true. the stove thing i get, but the soap out did throw me for a loop. so its a good point that her problems may go a bit deeper. albeit shes at least not so tormented shes staying home all day. i imagine it takes her like an hour to actually leave her house though
that old man scene though, man, i erased that from my memory
it just made me so uncomfortable
like old man where is your human decency O_O
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeeeeah, like geezus 0 sympathy for the poor kid
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. i mean youd think corin just told him the weather was not so great, not that his parents died tragically O_O
🌟Draco Plato🌟
altho there was a part of me that thought as a writing choice that was low hanging fruit for showing his anxiety heightened and why he has it and I thought that maybe it could have been added in more strategically than so forced
but that was more my thought on a writing analysis viewpoint
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tbf i actually wondered if that was the true dialogue and if we were getting an unreliable narrator effect going. like the old man was actually being nicer but corin's anxiety translated the words to something else.
especially after that scene it makes me feel that inclination stronger
oh, that's a very interesting thought!!
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I did wonder that too Rebel!
Honestly I took the scene at face value bc I straight up am that old man. and thaaaaaaaaaaaat's why I have no friends XD
🌟Draco Plato🌟
there tends to be a really strong "unreliable narrator" feeling in general-- beyond Corin's anxiety rewriting speech bubbles, Freya's narration is just snarky enough that I'm not quite sure exactly how biased she is in her representation of her town and etc
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hmm im not sure i got that representation from freya. her items i took more at face value. that being said, i do think shes suffers from a sort of complex in how she sees herself? like she got super pissed about johann not trusting her and thinking she couldnt handle the secret and what not, and something about it struck me as kind of odd. tho i couldnt put a finger on what
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I was surprised how agreeable she was to covering up for an affair
and how nonchalant she was about it, since that's a rather big deal
it made me wonder where she lies on a morality line
which i thought was intriguing
cause my first assumption is she'd be very anti it so it went against my expectations which i like
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that is also true. not to mention its a very risky secret to keep. the about page says this towns population is 150. and small towns of that size generally make it hard to keep secrets of that level
🌟Draco Plato🌟
right! So I'm interested where that story route will go
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 2. Throughout the comic we see the portrayal of mental illnesses, from Corin’s anxiety to Freya’s OCD tendencies. Was there any aspect of their portrayal you particularly connected with? Why? Do you think Corin and Freya will be able to learn to cope with their illnesses better? If so, what do you think has to happen for them to be able to get a better handle on life? Particularly in the case of Corin, what do you foresee as potential conflicts he’ll have to face in regards to his anxiety, and do you think he’ll triumph over them?
as for the first question
once again http://suriskacomic.com/62.html
that page
ive been there. where no matter what people are actually telling you all you hear is how worthless you are. not fun times. and i thought that was really a lovely way to illustrate it. the sudden change in color schemes really sets the mood. and the messy handwriting for corin's added thoughts really i think emphasis the volitile nature of them
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah I felt that was relatable as well(edited)
to a much smaller degree than what Corin has though, but I've been there with crippling anxiety before
My hope is that by the end of the story he'll have learned to cope with it but I could see the creator not taking that direction as well
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
itd be a shame if corin didnt learn better coping mechanisms though. :< like, what a horrid life to live with such anxiety. not to mention from the sounds of it corin moved there to change himself, so hes not gonna be changing himself if that happens. granted i dont expect him to ever be fully "cured" (for lack of a better word). just still, itd be nice if he could go outside or open the door without thinking about how people secretly all hate him or something.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I do think he needs to change for it to be a compelling story arc for him
cause a lack of progression in his condition would just be overly sad especially with the background he came there to change
but if the change character is Freya and not Corin I could see the story not helping Corin in his condition
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah thats true. and tbh im not sure corin is in the right place to change as far as his anxiety goes. im really torn about that. cause on the one hand being able to go to a remote location could be a good mental break. but on the otherhand it can also worsen the anxiety. however corin progresses.
im interested to see how corin handles being on a train
cause thats not really a place where you can actively avoid people in super close proximity
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I think there's also a small chance Corin could be the "antagonist" of the story
if he flips out to such a degree
that it hurts those around him
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
alrighty, I'm here at last
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hi super~!
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hi Rebel! Thanks again for doing the CTP
Before I jump in I want to say I like the winter aesthetics of this comic.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
corin is kind of the antagonist. he did hide that letter. which is...like i get he doesnt want to go but he didnt need to deprive freya of the reunion. hes an adult so she technically cant tell him what to do.
yeah its really nice to see a winter setting, especially one where ppl are actively dressed for it
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah i like the winter aesthetic too, and yeah that really made me question Corin on the morality line, that he hid the letter from her just because he wasn't sure if he wanted to go or not. It made me feel he was super self absorbed and doesn't consider his actions and their affect on other people
also who was he mailing the letter to in the most recent page?
it had a sinister feel to it the way it was portrayed
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
considering he was looking at a magazine catalogue thing that had a thing that looked like a radio for 19.99, i assume he was mailing a letter that said "plz give me this product"
🌟Draco Plato🌟
oh! was that it, i didn't notice, I wonder why it was made to feel like such a big deal then panel and tone wise
I guess it could have been done that way because of him over hearing the conversation too
I just didn't think it was that relevant to him since he wouldn't have known the tickets were for him and Freya
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well to be fair the next page may directly say "these are for the farthas so they can go to their reunion" and then corin may be all gasp
i kind of thought the tone was sinister too although i assumed that was an artistic choice to express corin's anxiety. cause when you arent a fan of people, going out where there are people is probably gonna be a sinister undertaking
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah, maybe the next page will piece it together better, that could change a lot. I think if his anxiety was the focus there'd have been more focus panel wise on his expressions and less on the letter and mail box
I was actually surprised it didn't focus on his anxiety more
since it seemed like him going there would be a big deal
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats true. on a side note and kind of off topic, i like the pattern on corin's hat. like i think its just a really nice detail.
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
>On Page 59 >Chills at around -20 Is that in F or C
🌟Draco Plato🌟
probably F since the creator is from the US
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Holy Christ
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. Suriska may be a small town, but plenty trouble seems to be afoot even so. Do you think Corin will ever hear the end of the whole town going out to look for him? Do you think Corin will be able to maintain employment, or will his employer eventually let him go? In regards to Freya who discovered Johann’s affair, do you think she’ll actually be able to keep the secret? If so, do you think she might take advantage of knowing it since she already got free train tickets out of it? Do you think there are any other shadowy things happening within the town? Regardless, do you think being in the town will help Freya or Corin change perspectives on their life? If so, how can this particular town help? Alternatively, do you think the town is actually making their individual ruts worse?
well it is a winter town. those temps are expected
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
A part of me feels sorry for Corin.
also yea
He just looks like the guy that goes through a lot
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I bet something spooky happens because it's a small town, small town stories generally like to focus on the spooky
someone will die or something supernatural will happen
also it seems like the witches will be proven to be real or something since it had such a long introduction of importance
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
twist: the winter story was true and corin is gonna run into a fox and corin will bring more winter
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
omg Page 68 tho
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah, omg yeah that's probably it rebel
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and the stuff about an affair
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I feel like the fox/witch story had such a long focus was because it's going to become a big part of the story
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Now that you mention it, maybe(edited)
🌟Draco Plato🌟
also the guy in the story looked a bit like Corin
so i feel there's a connection there
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I smell foreshadowing
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i actually got the opposite impression. i cannot see the fox/witch story becoming part of this story in its current course. cause that was the only moment where anything remotely supernatural was even mentioned. and since the rest of this comic is so ingrained in real life issues, it would just be too out of the blue to me to bring it up again
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
what if that was only part of the story
and there's a continuation
of sorts later on(edited)
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I do think the supernatural turn would actually be unwelcomed since that's very common and I prefer it being rooted in reality for what it has been so far. Buuuut small town stories, they love to go into the supernatural and that was a long focus on the fox story
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
still would doubt that. cause again, its delving into the supernatural where 90% of the rest of the comic has nothing supernatural about it.
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Maybe the story could have some kind of greater meaning
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I've read a lot of comics before that have turned supernatural though in the middle
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
rather than just connecting Corin to it
🌟Draco Plato🌟
so it wouldn't be that strange
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
also yea
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i did think the focus was long, but it can come up in other ways. like maybe corin will use the story as an inspiration to go on a journey. thats more realistic
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah it definitely could be used in other ways
I'd rather see the story be an emotional journey for the characters without the use of a supernatural trope
but again I don't think it'd be uncommon for it to go there
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'll say I'm for the emotional journey part(edited)
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I mean Corin could also just flip out and start murdering people saying he is the fox or something
the story is pretty wide open atm
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
true. i mean maybe the supernatural will come up. i cant really even say this is the middle of the story cause who knows how long its going to be. for all i know were still technically in the beginning.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Maybe Corin doesn't want to go on the train so he runs away into the woods and he meets the fox
and then he goes on a journey with the fox
and freya has to find him
and then he gets over his anxiety by realizing he still has freya left or something
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes that could be a possibility. the story couldve just been there to be there. add to that winter lore
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Maybe the fox could be Corin hallucinating or imagining it(edited)
and it speaks with him
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Fox could be the manifestation of his anxiety
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i do think the story is going to go the route where corin has to leave the town. imho i dont think the town is helping him at all atm. especially freya cause shes kind of an enabler of just letting him laze about the home. like....hes 21 and she treats him like hes a teen or younger. and i personally think those conditions make it hard for him to grow.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah I agree, Freya is an enabler since she doesn't require him to do anything to help around the house or anything
so it breeds stagnation
He needs to make an emotional journey alone most likely
cause the demons are first and foremost inside himself
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
at the very least if he stays in town everyone will constantly remind him about how he ran away and the whole town searched
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
cause man did that town look excited about it XD
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'm thinking he migrates to someplace a bit warmer
if I had anything to say
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah, omg Like geezus this town(edited)
he'd be lucky to go somewhere warmer, lolol
oh you asked about if he'd lose his job or not, I actually thought it was amazing he even had a job with his level anxiety. Was legit shocked by that XD(edited)
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im confused a bit by the geography of this town. in the sense is this town just experiencing winter atm or is it like eternal winter.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I couldn't tell if the curse made it an all year thing or just seasonal
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
which is what i thought the point of the fox/witch story was more. to create something about the seasons
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah if there was a concrete answer regarding it i missed it
but it makes a huge difference
cause if there really is a curse and it's an all year thing than that already puts the supernatural in
if it's related to the curse that is, and not just hey we're winter all year cause of geography, etc
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
for some reason the town really reminds me of alaska
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Me too
I thought it would be someplace in Canada
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I was thinking more of sweden or switzerland
based on their haircuts and clothes
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
but Alaska was what came into my mind first
the clothes looked more Russian to me
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
was skimming the beginning for clues, theres a magical thumb that covers the location
so im gonna assume it doesnt matter
maybe its symbolic
suriska the town is a state of mind
🌟Draco Plato🌟
i'mma assume it's fictional until otherwise stated
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
(It might be estonian, based on the fact that they mention Kalavinski which... is a giant rubber boot in estonian apparently)
🌟Draco Plato🌟
a wild Kabo appears
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Only briefly!
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
eey Kabo! o/
also lol, is that really a thing?
🌟Draco Plato🌟
okay yeah that adds up with their clothes
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
But yeah, I was figuring northwest Europe somewhere. Originally I'd thought Nordic, but Estonia makes sense too.
erm, northeast.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
norway would make sense too cause of her name
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
............ directions, man, what are they even
🌟Draco Plato🌟
like duuur why didn't i connect that even thought it earlier
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
My mind will forever think
some kind of cross between Alaska and Russia(edited)
🌟Draco Plato🌟
so the name Corin is Irish
that doesn't help
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
fartha is also an irish name?
well assume europe
thats good enough
🌟Draco Plato🌟
somewhere in europe, yus
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yea Europe sounds good
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
in regards to corin's job, it does sound like its a pity job so his performance may not matter
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah i like when that was brought up cause it made it make more sense to me
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tho i wonder if he's 1) getting paid and 2) contributing to household utilities and such
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 4. At the beginning of the comic, Freya forcefully declares that she and Corin will be going to a family reunion, whether Corin actually wants to go or not. Do you think Freya will actually get Corin to go, or will Corin magically vanish come time to leave? If Corin doesn’t go, will Freya go alone? If they do both manage to go, do you think the reunion will go well? What do you think in general will happen at the reunion? Speaking of which, what do you think the other members of the family will think of Corin? Do you think something at the reunion will make Corin have a new perspective on his parents’ death? If there is no reunion, how do you think this will affect Freya and Corin’s relationship with their family?
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I think Corin would make some excuse to go and just
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I bet we don't see the reunion, lolol
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
stay on the side
🌟Draco Plato🌟
and corin will run off and freya will have to find him
cause I think it's unlikely the story will shift away from the small town
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
idk i feel like the reunion is a potential future still. albeit i consider the liklihood of corin actually going to be slim
i could see freya just going "fine whatever stay here by yourself"
and then she goes to the reunion
🌟Draco Plato🌟
since the small town is mentioned so predominately in the about Is why i think they're going to stay there
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
unless his personality takes a full 180 by then
🌟Draco Plato🌟
cause the town is itself a character
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Is that so?
🌟Draco Plato🌟
"Suriska: population 150. It's neither Freya nor Corin's definition of paradise, but it is their home... if you could call it that. Apparently it's where you end up if you try to change your life for the better. What does it take to get out of this rut? It might take spite, it might take snowstorms, or it might just take a reevaluation of your morals."
"A slice-of-life comic about trains, bad weather, and insecurities."
that's the tagline
which makes me think they'll get on the train and get in a bad snowstorm and get stranded, lolol
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Why do i keep thinking Corin should just do photos of the snow and mountains for a living
with a camera
and store all the photos somewhare
like to give people a taste of what life looks like up north(edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont forsee that working. it doesnt look like the town really has many electronics of any sort. like theyre still using landlines
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
also yea
you do have a point
🌟Draco Plato🌟
plus making a living as an artist isn't the easiest thing, lol
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
double-point taken
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
just cause they go to a reunion doesnt mean they cant come back. and you can still make the town predominant if the characters talk about it. like i imagine freya's family has lots to ask about it. so in that context it still makes the story part of it. but man, i bet you if freya did go to the reunion she would tell her sister with the foot thing all about johann's affair. make it even thinking nobody will ever meet
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I wonder what time era this takes place in, or if the residents deliberately don't use much electricity in case the power goes out or something and it'd be hard to repair
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Personally I'd like them to go to the reunion, i think it'd be interesting,
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i assume its modern times but that their town is super remote. cause if you have a remote enough town you dont get a lot of stuff we consider common
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
🌟Draco Plato🌟
that's what i assumed too
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ya know
theres a way for the reunion to happen and them to not leave
freya's family comes to them instead
and everyone has to cram into freya's tiny house
🌟Draco Plato🌟
hahah that's true
altho trains being in the tagline makes me think that's going to be a huge thing
so one way or another they're getting on a train
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe. i mean the trains are already kind of a thing
cause it was part of corin's job
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah but then you'd say train stations
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
not necessarily? its a tagline. its supposed to entice not be 100% to the letter accurate
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah, I know
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i do think someone is getting on a train
cause now these tickets are a big deal too
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah that did increase the importance of the journey
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I always liked when stories go on trains IMO
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i wonder what freya would even do if corin just stayed in bed when theyre supposed to leave and said "nope not going"
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'd be curious about that too
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I wondered that too, if she'd make him go forcibly, but there is a point I don't think she could physically make him go
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i actually kind of hope freya goes and corin doesnt to a degree. cause i think him having to be alone and take care of himself might be good for him. or more id just be interested to see how he copes for a weekend. cause im slightly worried about his eating habits XD
🌟Draco Plato🌟
oh you know what
corin could stay and freya goes but the train gets in an accident due to the storm and he'd have to deal with the loss of freya too potentially
but freya doesn't die, just has to deal with being stranded
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
although ya know, being so far from home might be hard for freya. cause she cant exactly check the stove while shes hundreds of miles away
tho led my mind to comedic routes. imagining her trek across the snow for miles to get home. corin is like "omg youre okay" and first thing freya does is check the stove and sighs in relief
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That would be cool for a scene or two
Also I wonder what kind of foods they eat
prolly all warm stuff
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well corin had a muffin. i assume its normal stuff that they eat. tho i imagine they do stick away from cold stuff just for matters of practicality
on a side note
im really impressed corin dresses so lightly
cause corin does not have any heat insulating body fat going on really O_O;;;
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I made it home before 10pm. ^_^;; Just wanted to say, I didn't have much free time this week, and so I didn't get far into the narrative, but that's partly because after I read the bit at the start with the kid and the teacher I thought if I don't stop now and do some marking, I'll read too far and be even more behind at work.
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh hey Math! o/
Welcome to the final six minutes
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Enjoyed the start though! Curious to see what others have to say about it.
Better late than never?
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Also yea the beginning was cute
especially with the kids
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hey math~!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Apparently it goes to trains passing in the night.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Hi Math~!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i did like the part where freya gave the kid coffee and then tricked her completely away from wanting to grow up so soon
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That part got me especially
🌟Draco Plato🌟
hahah i liked that too, but didn't think it'd work in real life XD
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
We teachers can be tricky.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
also took offense since i don't drink coffee, gosh
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
aside from loading the kid up in caffeine
I don't drink it either
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I also don't drink coffee, wooo.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
i drank more coffee as a kid than an adult freya, gosh
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I loved cappuchino growing up
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Anyway, I'll let you get final thoughts out.
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
(I don't like warm drinks)
Great comic overall, hope to see it continue.
Everything about it was really pleasant to read
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
my last thoughts are that i really like the patterns on all the clothing. its that little bit of extra detail that adds some character to the setting and people existing within it
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Claire Burn, as well, for making Suriska and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Claire Burn’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Linked by Kabocha. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on May 10th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: http://linkedcomic.com/
0 notes