#i bet on losing dogs my birthday month.... yeah
dykehayleywilliams · 8 months
let your spotify predict your 2024! shuffle your on repeat playlist and the first twelve songs represent your 2024! thank you for the tag my dearest @userparamore 💕
january: home by now - muna february: helena - mcr march: football - another michael april: piece of me - britney spears may: vienna - billy joel june: i bet on losing dogs - mitski july: red wine supernova - chappell roan august: i don't like my mind - mitski september: kill her freak out - samia october: big wheel - samia november: higher lonesome - willi carlisle december: bridge over troubled water - simon & garfunkel
tagging if yall would like to share 💕 @futurelovur @julicnbaker @queenoftherodeoo @killherfreakout
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toomuchracket · 7 months
queen of hearts (birthday party!matty x reader fluff)
penultimate day of valentine's week. this is a short and sweet one about you appearing at a signing with matty for the first time, a couple of months into dating. enjoy <3
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“i really don't know what to wear today.”
matty leans round the doorframe, toothbrush hanging from his mouth exactly the same way a cigarette usually does. “just wear whatever,” he shrugs, voice muffled by toothpaste; he disappears to spit, and smirks at you when he returns. “go like that, even.”
“in my underwear?” you scoff. “who are we? kimye?”
your boyfriend laughs. “i love you.”
you sigh. “if you really did, you'd help me pick out an outfit.”
“baby, it's just an album signing, it's not fashion week. but alright,” matty stands behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, scrutinising the contents of the two weekend bags you've emptied onto his bed. “i like that skirt there,” he points at a long satin black and white swirly thing. “you could wear it with one of my t-shirts, if you wanted?”
his voice sounds so tender you can't help but smile, leaning round to kiss his cheek. “would you want me to wear one of your t-shirts with it, darling?”
“yeah,” matty nuzzles his face into your neck. “maybe that my bloody valentine top you've secretly had your eye on for years.”
“i have not!”
“liar,” he pinches your bare hip, kissing your neck when you yelp before letting go of you to rifle through his wardrobe. “here,” he returns with the t-shirt. “arms up, sweetheart.”
“m’not a baby, you know,” you grumble, as matty puts the top on for you.
“yeah, you are,” he beams when your face reappears from the fabric, taking it in his hands and kissing all over it. “my baby, my baby.”
“betting on losing dogs, are we?”
“hmm? wait, don’t tell me, i know this one, i do,” your boyfriend closes his eyes, reopening them and squinting in anticipation. “... mitski?”
you cheer, kissing him. “yes!”
he grins. “i listened to that album. liked it.”
“it's a good one,” you pull your skirt on and slip into your shoes; matty automatically kneels to help you lace them. “i think - oh, thanks, babe - yeah, i think i might see if i can buy it on vinyl today, actually.”
“dunno if you'll be able to, darling,” matty kisses your thigh through your skirt. “the amount of fans who've asked me if you're coming today? i reckon you'll be bombarded the whole time.”
“yeah. people love you!” your boyfriend stands, kissing you deeply. “but not as much as i do. obv.”
“love you,” you kiss him again. “even when you're being delusional about how popular i am amongst your fanbase.”
“i'm right.”
“whatever you say, baby.”
as much as it pains you to admit it, when you begin to near the record shop in the car, it's clear that he really is. while you're in the middle of a conversation (interrogation, really) with ross about the mutual acquaintance of yours he’s started seeing - a travel photographer you know from condé nast meetings - matty elbows you in the ribs. “sorry, darling, i didn't mean to do that so hard. just got excited,” he grins, gesturing with his head to something on the street outside the window. “look at that girl's tote bag.”
grumbling, rubbing your sore chest, you squint to see what he means; when you do, your jaw drops. “fuck off. is that me?”
“yeah! as one of those saint candles!” matty laughs. “wonder where she got it. i want one. i'm gonna ask,” when the car stops, traffic gridlocked, he opens the window and leans out, while you facepalm and ross winces. “yo! love the tote bag! where'd you get it?”
“i made it!” a voice calls back, barely audible amidst the shrieks of the people around it. “i can make you one, too, matty!”
“would you? oh, thank you, darling. you're coming to the signing, yeah?”
“alright. we'll talk then. see you!”
“tell your girlfriend i love her!”
matty laughs. “she's right here, she heard!”
the shrieks get even louder. your jaw drops, and ross laughs. “maybe you should wave to them, mate.”
“this is fucking insane,” you mutter in disbelief, undoing your seatbelt and shuffling to sit on matty's lap; his hands make their way around your waist on instinct, and you lean out the window somewhat nervously. “um. hi, guys?”
the scream you get in response is almost deafening - the six girls, none of whom look older than nineteen, look totally ecstatic to see you, squealing your name and waving so excitedly you can't quite comprehend it. you grin, and laugh when the one with the tote bag brandishes it towards you with a cry. “my patron saint!”
“oh, bless you,” you wink, and matty kisses your shoulder (out of sight of the audience) as they all laugh. “how are you guys, anyway? excited?”
the chatter restarts, but the smallest girl piques your attention first. “yeah! this is my first 75 album signing. i'm hyped!”
“is it?” matty pokes his head out, at the exact same time you say “mine too”. he kisses your cheek. “aww, that's cute. i mean, i've been going to your book signings for years, but,” he exaggeratedly rolls his eyes, and ross laughs from the other side of the car. “whatever.”
you sigh, turning to the girls. “what my darling boyfriend failed to mention is that i'd send him a signed copy - with a personal message, mind you - of everything i published, as pr, and he'd still show up and buy another one and make me sign it,” you ruffle his hair. “matty healy tree murderer confirmed.”
“but that's so sweet,” one of the girls sighs.
matty points at her. “exactly! and,” he looks at you adoringly. “i just like hearing you talk. that's why i came to all the events.”
this isn't news to you, but it melts your heart nonetheless. still, you can't resist - “simp”.
“says the woman who spent three hours watching tiktok edits of me yesterday.”
the girls cackle, collapsing into each other giggling in the unique way only young women do. “real,” one of them shouts, laughing even harder when you salute to her. “oh my god, i love you!”
matty turns to you, smug. “see?” he turns back to the window. “she didn't believe me earlier, when i told her you guys were hoping she'd come with me today. underestimated how much you love her.”
“yeah, yeah,” you rest your head against his. “he’s right, though - this is surprising to me. but very lovely, you guys are sweet.”
“and you guys are perfect,” tote bag girl grins. “seriously. it's so good to see you both so happy. please don't break up, ever, it would be worse for me than my actual parents’ divorce.”
you gasp out an “oh my god”, while matty giggles. “nah, no need to worry,” he looks at you with such tenderness you could cry. “she's it for me, the love of my life; if she leaves me, i'm going with her.”
“as if i'd ever leave you. love you too much to do that,” you scoff, tugging him into you for a hug. a retching noise from the other side of the car breaks your little reverie, and you giggle. “sorry for making you sit through the sappiness, ross.”
“wait, ross is here too?!”
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Hello! I don’t know if you’re up for Carlos’ promt.😅 I’m really a fangirl😂 I always wanted to right fanfic but I was never good with words, and I always check up on your blog for new ones. I know there’s only one fanfic for Carlos atm, so if I Can I request like Carlos is jealous because Max is the character’s ex? Like they’re already engaged but Max is still trying to fight for her and Carlos is really jealous and mad? A bit of angst would be great🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Thank youuuu!
You drew circles on Carlos's bare back in an attempt to wake him slightly. You looked at your ring finger on which now stood a beautiful diamond ring, the most beautiful you had ever seen, and memories of last night filled your mind and formed butterflies in your stomach.
When your best friend spontaneously took you to a shopping session followed by a manicure and pedicure appointment, you thought it was her way of spending time with you after she had been extremely busy with work for the past few months. It never occurred to you that Carlos might be up to something even when you saw that he and Lando's location was off. Why would you think Carlos was planning something? It was Tuesday, there were a few months until your birthday, Carlos' birthday had just passed, it wasn't your birthday, damn, it wasn't even your dog's birthday. Although, in retrospect, you had to realize that something was wrong. Your best friend in the mall on a Tuesday afternoon? She the one who goes to work even when she has the flu or when she broke her leg and had to keep it in plaster for two months.
But you didn't even realize his plan when your best friend bought you a gorgeous dress and made you wear it before you left for home. Honestly, you wouldn't look decent for an engagement just in ripped jeans and a T-shirt.
When she stopped in front of the house and stopped the engine you asked her what was going on but she just said she wanted to take the pair of jeans she had lent you a few months ago because she had a date and she wanted to wear them. You didn't pay much attention and opened the car door.
From the house you could see a very diffused and dim light. Candles? You thought then and you were tempted to think it was a power outage but the neighbors had light. Did I pay the current bill this month?
When you opened the door of the house and saw the rose petals on the floor you immediately thought of a romantic dinner with Spanish food, in no case did you expect to see Carlos on his knees in the middle of your living room. At that moment, everything made sense.
“You are the only one who understands me even more than myself. You are the only one with whom I can share everything, even my personal secrets. I want you to be with me always. I believe that if we’re lucky enough to have found each other in the first place, we’re worth betting on for life. Will, you hold my hand and be mine forever?” Carlos had said in a voice trembling with emotion and the ring in his hands.
You would never have answered otherwise than yes. You didn't even notice Lando in a corner of the living room filming everything or your best friend who was no longer behind you but somewhere to your right taking pictures.
Carlos, with trembling hands, put the ring on your finger and kissed you, his hands making room on your cheeks, wiping away your tears. You were happy. You have found your forever home.
You all opened a champagne and listened to how Carlos planned, with the help of your best friend, for three months, the whole engagement. He told you how close you were to turning all his plans upside down.
"I bought the ring when I was in Abu Dhabi for the Grand Prix," he says, and you remember that Grand Prix was three weeks ago. "When I bought it, I stayed with Lando, I think, for two hours in my hotel room, thinking about where to hide the ring so that you wouldn't find it when I returned home and it would be handy for me to take it out quickly and hide it at home. I finally decided to hide it in a pair of socks and put it in the small compartment of my bag. On my way home, however, I completely forgot that I put the ring in my bag. I was firmly convinced that it is in the backpack and when I got home you immediately took the bag to wash my clothes, as you always do. When I opened the backpack and saw that the ring was not there, I panicked extremely hard and ran to you to get the bag." he finishes telling the story and you start laughing.
You remembered that day perfectly.
"Is that why you were so white in the face? I really thought you were sick."
"Good morning, my beautiful fiancée." Carlos says in his harsh morning voice and looks at you with glassy eyes.
You smile at him and bend down to kiss him.
"Good morning, my wonderful fiancé."
He gets up in bed and hugs you.
"You have no idea how happy I am that I can hug you and say that you are mine now."
"And I was yours before, only now I have a ring on my finger."
"Mhm," Carlos says, muffled by your hair. "Now you have a ring on your finger that can keep Max away from you."
The smile on your face faded slowly. Max? What did Max have to do with your engagement? Sure, he's your ex-boyfriend, but you broke up three years ago.
It was a pretty hard breakup, more for him than for you. You broke up with him because you felt your relationship was no longer working. He didn't pay enough attention to you, you often quarreled and you felt like the love you had for him was fading with each passing day.
Max didn't comment on anything when you broke up with him, saying that it was better for both of you to go your separate ways.
That was until he saw you hand in hand with Carlos less than two months after the breakup. What he was feeling was a new feeling: jealousy. He couldn't understand the fact that you broke up with him and now you're in love with Carlos. When had this happened? Did Carlos like you when you were still together? Did you like him when you were in bed with him? He had many questions, but he would have died rather than asking you, showing you that he still cares about you.
So, he decided to ignore you, to ignore you both, hoping that your relationship won't last. But he saw you every day laughing at his jokes, he saw how he kissed the lips he had kissed until recently, how he held your hand that once caressed his hair.
It's true, lately Max and you have gotten closer. You have realized that there is no point in resentment between you considering that you see each other every day and, in the end, you are two responsible adults, you can behave nicely with each other.
Or so you thought. Carlos saw behind Max's actions. He saw how his touch on your shoulder lasted longer than normal, how in a room full of people Max is looking for you, he noticed that he always wants to know your opinion when he asks a question. Carlos realized pretty quickly that Max wants to win you back and he didn't tell you that just once.
How many times have you told Carlos that you don't care what Max's intentions are, that you love Carlos, he didn't seem to understand.
"What do you mean by that, Carlos?" you say annoyed. "Did you ask me to marry you to prove something to Max? To show him he has no chance of being with me?"
Carlos stood up and looked at you with wide eyes. You were angry, very angry and he knew he had said something wrong.
"No, of course not, love. I asked you to marry me because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"Yeah, that's what you said last night in your speech. But now you're bringing Max up and I don't understand why. Did I do anything to make you doubt me?"
"No, no, of course not. You didn't do anything, love.
"You get out of bed and go to the bathroom.
"Then what is it? I keep hearing about Max. Max said that, Max did that, like Max is the third person in this relationship."
"I don't trust him!" he says in exasperation. "He's still trying to get under your skin and you allow him. I can't believe you don't see that he wants you back!"
"Carlos, for God's sake, do you hear yourself? He wants me back! Very well, let him want me for all I care! It's been three years since I broke up with him, don't you think I'd be back with him by now if that’s what I want? Understand that I can't control if he likes me or not, but I can control my feelings. And guess what, my heart chose you. So stop with this stupid jealousy!"
Carlos bites his lip and looks at you.
"You're right. I'm very sorry." he says and takes you in his arms. "Please forgive me, I'm very insecure because I love you so much and I don't want to ever lose you.
"You smile then kiss him.
"I am yours, forever."
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superbadassnatural · 3 years
Mirth Motel
Summary: Y/N desperately needs her beauty sleep. After lots of begging and attempts at the perfect puppy-dog-eyes, she finally convinces Dean to stop at a motel. Square filled: only one bed Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 2,188 Warnings: mostly fluff I guess, some funny bits, flirting, lots of eye rolls A/N: Surprisingly, I had never written this trope before! I’m not gonna lie, I had fun writing it. This fills my square for @spndeanbingo.
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“Please,” you pouted, batting your eyelashes. Dean averted his eyes from the road to look at you. “Pretty please.”
“I'm gonna kill Sam for teaching the puppy-dog-eye thing,” he rolled his eyes.
“Is it working? Who does it better?” you wiggled your eyebrows excitedly.
“Sam’s been doing this his whole life; he had years of practice. Of course, he does it better,” he pointed out. “Sam looks like a kicked golden retriever puppy, and you-” he chuckled. “- you look like an angry chihuahua pretending to be sad, so you can go to the dog park and scare all the dogs away.”
“I've always wanted to be a chihuahua.”
“You’re insufferable, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know,” it was your time to roll your eyes. “C’mon, Dean, there's a motel in a few miles. We can crash there. I'm tired. I desperately need my beauty sleep and my feet hurt and I need out of these uncomfortable clothes.”
“Well, my head hurts from hearing you ramble, but I'm not complaining, am I?” he glanced at you, pursing his lips.
“It's late and it's raining. Do you really want to put Baby through this rain? I bet she's cold.”
“Nah, she likes it when it rains. She thinks it's romantic,” his lips pulled up into an asymmetric grin. “If you want to, you can go into the backseat, change into your pjs and get some of your beauty sleep. I promise I won't look while you change. Unless you ask me to.”
“Dean, c’mon.”
“If I pull up at the motel and we crash there for the night, will you stop whining?”
“I'll never whine again for the rest of my life. Cross my heart.”
“Hey, careful there.”
“Please,” you batted your eyelashes. “Do it for me. I know that, deep down in that cold heart of yours, you love me.”
“Okay,” he sighed. “You won.”
“Have I mentioned you are the bestest friend in the world?” you grinned.
“Well, you are the bestest friend in the world.”
Dean drove for a few more miles. The rain cracked on the hood of the Impala. The sound was relaxing and lulling. The neon sign greeted you, and Dean turned left to head into the parking lot.
“Really? Mirth Motel? What kind of name is that?” he grunted.
“I don’t know, Dean,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “At this point, I couldn't care less about the name of the motel. As long as it has beds and a shower, it's fine by me.”
Dean took a few turns in the parking lot, struggling to find a spot he could park his car.
“Oh for fucks sake, everyone decided to stay here tonight?”
“Stop complaining,” you nearly whined.
“There isn't a single spot where I can park Baby. There better be a room available for us.”
“Stop being so grumpy. There's a space available right there.”
“Thanks,” he huffed.
“You're welcome,” you pouted.
Dean parked the car, cutting off the engine. He sighed and glanced at you.
“We’re far away from the entry,” he pointed out. “There's no way to get inside without getting ourselves wet.”
“Fine by me,” you shrugged. “As long as I get to take a shower as soon as I step foot in there, it's okay.”
You and Dean climbed out of the car quickly with duffle bags over your shoulders. You made a beeline to the entrance of the building, the rain mercilessly pouring down on you. Dean immediately went to the front desk, some of his wet hair stuck to his forehead. You took a few steps back, grabbing your phone and deciding to text Sam to let him know you had made a stop at a motel.
“Two queens, please,” Dean smiled at the old lady behind the counter. She nodded and checked on the system.
“I’m sorry, dear, we don’t have any room available with two queen-sized beds,” she offered him a sympathetic smile. “But we do have a room that will settle you for the night just fine.”
“Okay,” Dean frowned as the woman handed him the keys with a smirk. “Thank you, ma’am.”
“You’re welcome, dear. It's on the second floor. Have fun,” she wiggled her eyebrows.
Dean turned to you with wide eyes. You glanced up from your phone.
“All good?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Got it.”
“Great. Shall we?”
Dean gave a short nod and led the way.
“Dude, we’ve been to a lot of crappy motels, but this one takes the cake,” he mumbled as you climbed up the stairs. “Why the hell couldn’t I just park the car and get in a room like every other motel?”
“I don’t know, Dean, but complaining won’t make any difference,” you chided. “And we’re gonna stay here for less than twelve hours. We’re gonna be on the road first thing in the morning, so please, just stop complaining, or I’ll smack your head in the wall.”
“Fine,” he rolled his eyes.
Dean twisted the key in the lock, swinging the door open. He stepped inside, flicking on the lights; you followed suit. Dean sighed and threw his head back with a roll of his eyes. You frowned with a tilt of your head before looking over his shoulder.
“Of course there’s only one bed,” you blew out a breath. “Are we in a movie? ‘Cause now it certainly feels like we’re in a movie.”
Dean placed his bag on the table; you did the same.
“I expected more from a place called Mirth Motel,” he said. “I am certainly feeling mirthless.”
“Very funny, Dean,” you rolled your eyes. “Look, I’m gonna take a shower now, and when I get out, you better not be in a sour mood.”
“Whatever. I’m gonna go get us some burgers. Call me if you need anything.”
Grabbing the keys, Dean walked out of the room. You picked up everything you needed and headed to the shower. The water pressure wasn’t nearly as good as the one you had in the bunker, but, right now, it was everything you needed.
By the time Dean got back, you were laying on the right side of the bed - knowing he’d rather sleep on the right -, reading your book. He held the paper bag in one hand and two beers in the other.
“I’m gonna take a shower,” he said, placing the food on the table. “The burgers are still warm, but I think the beers might need to go in the fridge for a bit.”
“Want me to wait for you?”
“Nah, there’s no need to.”
“Okay, I’m waiting for you,” you said, and he chuckled. “What? There’s no fun in eating alone.”
“It’s gonna get cold.”
“We microwave it.”
“Right,” he smiled. “I’ll be right back.”
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“Hmm, this delicious,” you nearly moaned, mouthful.
“Yeah, it is,” Dean smiled as he finished his burger, taking a long swig of his beer. “Look, if you want to, I can sleep in the backseat of Baby. I don’t mind. She’s comfy.”
“No, Dean, it’s okay,” you assured him, hand reaching out to his thick forearm. “The bed is big enough for both of us. It’s a king-sized bed, after all. We’d be in trouble if Sam had come with us.”
“Yeah, we would,” he chuckled. “He hogs all the blankets.”
“And all the space. That giant.”
“Are you sure it’s okay?”
“One-hundred percent sure,” you smiled. “Unless you are the one who doesn’t want to sleep with me.”
“Huh? I- uh- of course, I wanna sleep with you,” he stumbled over his words, his voice trembling. You blurt out laughing. “No. I mean- I don’t mind sleeping with you on the same bed. Clothed and all. Not, uh, the other kind of sleeping with you. Like naked and, uh- yeah, not that.”
“Easy, tiger. No need to get all flustered,” you chuckled. The point of his ears turned pink as his cheeks blushed. He took a long gulp of his beer. “For the record, I wouldn’t mind sleeping with you. I mean, the other kind of sleeping with you. Like naked and all. I wouldn’t mind in the slightest.”
His wide green eyes lifted at you before averting your face again. Dean cleared his throat and shifted in his seat.
“Would you?” you asked.
“Would I what?”
“Mind sleeping with me butt-naked.”
“Oh. No, of course not,” he stammered, shaking his head nervously. “Not even a bit.”
“Good,” you nodded. “It’s good to know we’re on the same page.”
“Yeah. Yeah, uh- I’m gonna go to sleep then,” he announced, awkwardly standing to his feet. “I’m tired.”
“Okay, you do that. I’ll be right after you.”
“Okay, good. Great.”
Dean locked himself in the bathroom, doing who knows what. You chuckled to yourself with a shake of your head. You loved making him feel embarrassed. Dean would get all cute whenever he felt uncomfortable. His eyes would widen, and he would lose every ability to talk. When his cheeks turned into a bright pink along with the tip of his ears, then everything was chaotic. It was nice to make him blush.
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You laid on your back. The mattress wasn’t that comfortable. You didn’t expect it to be memory foam, but you hoped it would be a little comfier than it actually was. Your eyes were glued on the ceiling, your hands over your stomach as your finger tapped the back of your right one. An awkward silence filled the atmosphere as Dean, too, laid on his back without saying a word. His green eyes stared up as he chewed on his lip.
“Penny for your thoughts?” you said quietly, glancing at him.
“The ceiling is moving.”
“What?” you looked up with wide eyes. The ceiling was perfectly still.“Are you high?”
“No, but I’m pretty sure I've been staring at it for too long, and now it’s moving.”
“You’re so weird.”
“Thanks, you too,” Dean turned on his side, glancing at you. “I’ve been looking everywhere for that shirt.”
“My shirt?” you bit your lip to keep yourself from bursting into laughter.
“No, my shirt. You stole it.”
“You don’t remember, do you? You gave it to me as a birthday present.”
“It isn’t your birthday for the next month and a half.”
“You said it was an early gift,” you said firmly.
“I’m pretty sure I’d remember if I had given it to you,” he said. “But what do I know, right?”
“What do you know,” you licked your lips, turning to him.
“It looks better on you anyway,” he shrugged.
“Yeah, it does.”
Dean’s gaze dropped to your lips, lingering there for a moment, then backed up to your eyes. You drew a sharp intake of breath. His emerald green orbs seemed to unravel all the mysteries of your soul. You swallowed thick, avoiding his gaze. Slowly, Dean’s hand reached to yours under the blankets, his thumb caressed your skin. You looked up at him, his eyes locked in yours. As a way to avoid the growing tension between the two of you, you gave him a playful smirk and placed your feet on his legs.
“Fuck,” he hissed, pulling away; his hand didn’t let go, though. “Why are your feet so cold?”
“I don’t know,” you smiled innocently “You’re always hot, so now you’re gonna warm my feet since the blanket isn’t doing its job.”
“Jesus, it’s like the feet of a corpse.”
“Hey!” you smacked his shoulder. “Don’t say that.”
“Well, maybe if you wore some pants instead of shorts and actually put on some socks, your feet wouldn't be this cold.”
“You’re not fun, ” you pouted.
“If I had my feet against your shins, you wouldn't be too happy about it either.”
“Just admit you love having me this close to you,” you teased, a playful smirk on your lips.
“G’night, Y/N,” he turned his back on you.
“My feet are still cold,” you whined. “What should I do?”
“I don’t know. Use my calves maybe. Just don’t put those dead feet on my back.”
“Can I put them on your ass? I bet it would get them warm pretty quick.”
“Good night, Y/N,” he mumbled, you could almost hear his eyes rolling.
“Is that a yes or a no?” you insisted.
“That’s a no. Now shut it and go to sleep.”
“Fine,” you huffed. “Good night, Dean.”
Eventually, your feet got warm, and you pulled away from Dean. Some time, in the middle of the night, he found your back turned to him and decided to snuggle closer. His strong arm draped over your waist, knees tucked behind yours. Dean was laying on his back when the sun rose, and you rested your head on his chest, his arms once again securing you close. Of course, none of you would talk about waking up in each other's arms for the next four hours you’d be in the car. Perhaps you would only mention it once you were back at the bunker, forced to face what was said and done at the Mirth Motel.
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What do you think of this one? Consider sharing your thoughts with me via reply, reblog, or ask!
Hunters: @hobby27​ @thewinchesterandreidwhore @tatted-trina6​ @doozywoozy​ @mogaruke​ @babypink224221​ @leah-winchester​
Dean’s Sweethearts: @maya-craziness​ @akshi8278​ @miss-here-to-stay​ @witch-of-letters​ @weepingwillowphoenix​ @danneelsmain​ @mrspeacem1nusone​  @percywinchester27​
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Lost Time // Luke Patterson
Summary: Things changed since Sunset Curve fell apart literally as three out of four members died before a gig. Leaving a sad girl behind Luke by chance runs into the reader with someone else. Death tore the couple apart, and time can’t fix this.
Warning: Talk of death, depression, angst and fluff
Words: 2.2k
Might as well join the Julie and the Phantoms fan club!
*For the sake of the story the time frame has been altered, it takes place in the mid-2000s. Also! I tried to make the reader as generalized as I could to make sure that everyone can relate. The reader is Alex’s sister, for inclusion that can be biological, adopted, half or stepsiblings. I want to make sure all people can be the reader.
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The 1990s was definitely some of the best years of your life watching your brother grow more comfortable in his identity. Alex had kept his sexuality secret, taking the frustration of the secret by learning how to play the drums. You would often be found curled on the chair listening to his growing talent; Alex was a great brother.
Alex found friends in three local boys Reggie, Bobby and Luke, even a little more than friends with Luke briefly. By 1991 the boys had formed a band Sunset Curve with each other and a loyal fan in you. By mid-1994 the band had a fanbase and some gigs, but playing The Orpheum was the goal.
Luke had admitted to Alex, he had feelings for you, and with a lot of encouragement from Alex, he approached you. Luke had been focused on music since his parents gave him his first guitar, so relationships weren’t even on the backburner.
“Hey.” Luke spoke, pressing a kiss to your cheek backstage, “Missed you.”
His hair tickled your skin, bringing a bright smile from the teenage boy and a deep blush from you, private time wasn’t as often as it once had been. After Luke’s fallout with his parents a few months back, he had couch surfed between Reggie and Alex’s rooms; he wasn’t allowed in yours.
“You saw me last night.”
“A monumental time.” Luke bent his bend to place a lingering kiss on your bare shoulder, his jacket having fallen down, “Three years together and a bright future ahead.”
Last night had been the third anniversary of your relationship and hopefully the previous night worrying on parents walking in, cheap dates Luke often felt guilty about. Luke knew in his bones playing The Orpheum tonight would open the door to a legendary future. A future where money wasn’t tight and he could you on dates he deemed acceptable for the love of his life.
Bobby voiced brought Sunset Curve’s lead singer back to that moment, you dropped from the stage to settle in the empty audience to watch the soundcheck. With a wink from Alex, he started making the beat to Now or Never, you beamed as they poured their souls into the song. The four were talented and made to be in a band together even if you didn’t really like Bobby.
Cringing at the awkward wink Bobby sent you turned on your converse to head to the bar for a glass of water. Thanking the bartender, you tuned out the conversation with the waitress and the band only jumping when arms wrapped around your waist.
“We’re getting street dogs.” Luke spoke, bringing your body to rest on his chest, “Do you want one?”
The thought of those street dogs honestly horrifying given they were cooked in some random guys car. The one time you tried, it had permanently tattooed the taste in your memories forever, and just remembering was vomit-inducing.
 “I’ll pass.” You wrinkled your nose, turning to wrap your arms around his neck, “I don’t know how you guys like those.”
“Tradition.” Luke shrugged caressing your cheekbone with the pad of this thumb. Gazing at features he wanted to wake up to for the rest of his life, “Still down with the plan?”
“The minute I’m eighteen, we go to the nearest chapel.” You grinned playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, “I’ll be waiting Rockstar.”
Luke pressed a long passionate kiss on your lips, pulling away to jog over to Alex and Reggie waiting at the door. Bobby having declined the street dog invitation to flirt with the waitress Rose. Alex waved before the door closed. Little did you know that would be the last time you saw them alive.
1995 was the worst year of your life. 1996 was the hardest, especially with the forever reminder of your love. You wouldn’t trade 1996 for the world however, only wishing for one change.
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Los Angeles, 2004
Alex, Reggie and Luke had learnt a mere few days away from that life had drastically changed forever. Firstly, the three boys had died from eating the street dogs mere hours before performing on the stage of The Orpheum. Secondly, it was no longer 1995 but instead nearly ten years had past bringing the three ghosts into 2004.
The most jarring wasn’t being able to be heard playing music with a random girl named Julie but that the most constant part of the band no longer was there. You hadn’t died that night, and Alex was pretty sure you were still alive. Luke felt lost waking up without you beside him and the deep regret of not reconciling with his parents.
It would be a week before Luke would swallow his pride enough to orb himself into his unchanged childhood home. Emily, Luke’s mom, was in the well-worn chair knitting a scarf Luke recognized as his favourite colours. Mitch was in the kitchen, putting the groceries away. It was heartbreaking being invisible to his aged parents.
“Hey, Mom.” Luke sniffled sitting on the couch nearby staring at his silent mother, “Sorry for not visiting sooner.”
Tears welled up in the boy’s eyes feeling hopeless, not being able to ease his parents’ pain, the regret and guilt bubbling to the surface.
“How is Y/N? I bet she’s living in New York of London now. We promised to travel the world together. Part of me is guilty of wishing she had eaten a street dog that night so we could be together.” Luke sobbed, wrapping his arms around his midsection reminiscing on the beautiful girl he had unwillingly left.
“Hey.” Mitch spoke, kissing his wife’s forehead. Her eyes closing in contentment.
“I wonder if you know where Reg and Alex’s parents are. Reggie’s neighbourhood was torn down who knows when. It makes me scared to see if Alex and Y/N’s parents still have their place. I don’t think so. They lost their son.”
“Hey Luke.”
Luke glanced over his shoulder to see Alex at the door, reluctant to impose of Luke’s privacy.
“We’re rehearsing.” Alex spoke, smiling as the other teenager took one more wistful look at his parents before orbing out of his house to the Molina family’s garage. Minutes later, the front door opening and feet thudding brought the noise to the Patterson home.
A four-foot blue of green and black blur covered the room in seconds nearly sprawling Mitch to the floor. Why was that 1996 year difficult? Well, ’95 was when Sunset Curve tragically died, and a stick changed your life. ’96 was spent going through the last five months of pregnancy without Luke.
October 1995
You kept your lips pressed tightly together, unable to look at the smooth, shiny mahogany rectangle surrounded by flowers. Looking up meant the reality kicking in. Funerals sucked. Especially the third funeral in the last handful of days. It was surreal thinking that one week ago you had kissed your boyfriend and hugged your brother and now they were dead. Gone. Not even a goodbye.
“Are you okay?” The broke voice asked, gaining your attention. Swollen red eyes matching yours held unimaginable pain. While the last few months had been icy with your parents, it didn’t mean losing one of their kids didn’t sting.
“I will be.” You whispered clasping your hands over the scratchy black velvet dress, one you had worn three times too many.
The sobs broke out seeing the best picture Alex had taken in his life, it encapsulated his best features; his beaming smile and kind, caring eyes. Alex was gone. Your brother was gone because he ate a bad hot dog with his friends. You would never see your boys again. Never feel Luke’s skin or share a laugh with Alex or complain about things with Reggie. You wouldn’t get to meet in the chapel with Luke wearing second hand ‘fancy’ clothing. In one night, your life changed.
It changed further seeing the two lines on the test later that night. The heartache growing. The baby you carried would never meet his uncles and his Dad. Would never hear them play or learn to play. ’95 and ’96 sucked ass.
You sighed, closing the door to follow the rambunctious ball of energy into the living room where he entertained Mitch and Emily. Some days it was difficult to stare into the green eyes he inherited from his father.
“Benjamin Lucas.” You spoke crossing your arms, meeting the gaze of the eight-year-old boy, “What did I say?”
“To not runoff.” Ben quietly replied, playing with his hands. His messy brown hair, in need of a trim, falling into his eyes, “Sorry Mom.”
“Please don’t do it again.” You gently told the little boy elated as he quickly found the toy box in the corner of the room.
Ben was loved deeply by Mitch and Emily, who had stepped up when your parents made the decision to sell your childhood home. Wanting Ben to know his paternal grandparents, you had struggled to find an apartment and job to say in the neighbourhood. Since the baby was the last part of their son, the Patterson parents’ had welcomed you into the home where you stayed until Ben was two.
“Do you want us to come around for Luke’s birthday?” You questioned sitting on the love seat, the same love seat you had made out on with Luke many times during movies.
The room turned sad at the question and reminded that for the ninth year, you would celebrate Luke’s birthday without him. A day where Ben wouldn’t fully understand. Emily simply nodded her head.
 “Have you met anyone?” Mitch asked, leaning over to clasp his hands together. For the last few years, they had been pushing you to date. They wanted your happiness and for Ben to have a father even if Luke couldn’t be it.
“Mama can we stay here tonight?” Ben’s innocent voice cut the tension, saving you from answering the question again. Mitch and Emily each nodded their heads at the question, unable to tell the young boy no.
“Have you ate?” Emily asked, turning to look at you in concern. The chuckle left your mouth at the question she frequently requested, she missed cooking for more than two.
“We had pasta before we came.” You replied, turning to gaze out the window to the dark sky, “I should put Ben to bed.”
The soft whine from your son and denial was a nightly routine and very much a mirror image to Luke’s character as well. With a smile, Emily held out her hand to her grandchild, she was notoriously the only one able to get Ben to sleep fast.
 “Come on Bug.”
It seemed the universe was keeping Luke from seeing you and discovering Ben, but when that night came, he was shocked. Emily was curled up on the patio couch, watching Ben in the newly bought sandbox. The patio doors opened. Inside, Mitch had invited a stranger who knew his son into the house.
 “I think I heard the doorbell. I’ll be right back.” Emily called out to you. You had found shade under the tree reading a new book.
The soft cry had you up and running to Ben before you even realized, on his knee was a bleeding wound. You had already scooped the boy into your arms to quickly get into the kitchen. The moment your foot stepped into the home, the sound of a familiar voice and song filled the house.
Gently placing Ben on his feet, you followed the sound to the living room. Across the room behind a young girl stood a boy.
“Luke.” You breathed floored at the sight of the teenager who looked exactly like he did back in ’95. The ghost singing widened his eyes at yours, taking in the mature features and change of fashion.
He continued to sing the song Unsaid Emily he had written as an apology to his mom following the last big fight. The song he never got to show her. His voice faded as the ending of the song came around.
“Mama!” Your attention broke from Luke’s when a tiny hand reached for yours. The pain in his voice bringing you back to the most important part of your life, “It hurts Mama.”
Despite being sad, Mitch was the one to cross the room to lift the little boy into his arms. Placing the little boy on the counter, the man gently wet a paper towel to wash the area.
“I think he needs stitches.” Mitch sighed, furrowing his brows.
“Who is that?” Luke asked the Molina girl. The girl shrugged taking in the features she could recognize. Julie asked Emily.
“That’s Ben.” Emily beamed, looking over her shoulder at the little boy that filled the void of Luke’s death. It didn’t fix the wound or erase the pain, but Ben’s existence helped with the loss as he was a precious gift, “When Luke passed away his girlfriend Y/N found out she was pregnant with Luke’s baby.”
The choked sob fell from Luke’s mouth echoed by the thud of his knees, hitting the floor in the pure shock. The heartbreak painted so clear Julie was sure she could feel Luke’s agony.
God, why did Luke have to eat that fucking street dog. Fuck his band dreams. Nothing hurt as bad as finding out about Ben and Y/N having to be a single parent.
“I have a son?” Luke cried, orbing himself as far as he could from the Patterson home and his most tremendous loss.
Part Two
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puppetsoftomorrow · 3 years
the avalance news reader au
hey who said peer pressure doesn't work. anyway i made this post and y'all seemed to like it so here we go!! might post to ao3 later on idk...
It had been a truly terrible day.
Ava considered, in the moment that her coffee machine spluttered coughed up coffee grounds over her last clean shirt, that maybe she'd just had a truly terrible year. All her dreams about finally moving to television after being stuck in the doldrums of local news media for six years had been slashed when she'd been placed on the graveyard shift - sure, Ava was finally reading the news, but her shift was from 1AM until 4AM, so her only audience was long-distance truck drivers and new parents.
Still, she persevered, with the slightly foolish belief that if she worked hard enough, she could be promoted to a primetime slot. Or at least a slot that didn't require her to be making coffee at 10:45PM.
Her day had started off badly - she'd barely slept, as the sound from the construction work three blocks away rattled her windows, and she’d woken to find that her cat, Merlin, had kicked his litter halfway across the house in a fit of pique. Ava couldn't even have her normal oatmeal, as she was out of oat milk, and now she was having to drink her coffee black.
After changing her shirt to a dark dress and grimacing as she choked down the coffee, there was a knock on the door, and Ava groaned as she realised she was running late.
"Hey, Sara." She sighed.
Sara stood in the doorway, hair wavy over her shoulders, hands shoved in the pockets of her hoodie - the same grey hoodie she wore every day, branded with their news station's logo.
"Woah, a dress?" Sara said, eyebrows raised appreciatively, as Ava grabbed her coat and bag and they moved to go down the stairs.
"Don't mention it." Ava grumbled, pulling the coat around her shoulders.
"It looks good on you." Sara said, and Ava shot her a look. Sara mimed zipping her lips. "Do we have to time for Starbucks? I had to have black coffee; my mouth tastes like something died in it." Ava muttered, and Sara shrugged.
"I mean, we've arrived half an hour early for every shift for the past year -"
"Do you want to go back to taking the bus?" Ava said, looking over at her as they reached the lobby. They'd discovered they lived in the same building almost accidentally in Ava's first week, awkwardly meeting across the hall in the early morning, until Sara had realised that Ava had a car and they'd started riding in together.
"Fine, if you're happy with having bad angles." Sara said, holding the door open for her, and Ava rolled her eyes.
"Are you saying I have bad angles?"
"Oh, I'll find one." Sara muttered, and Ava snorted with laughter and unlocked the car. One of the benefits to giving her camera operator a ride every day was always having excellent angles.
After a stop at Starbucks, Ava rolled along the dark, quiet roads, sighing deeply.
"What's up?" Sara asked, sipping her drink - black coffee, which she somehow enjoyed.
"Nothing." Ava muttered, but it only took one look at Sara for her to come out with the story of her crappy day. Sara laughed.
"So that's why you're wearing the dress."
"That's what you're focusing on?" Ava said, focusing on the road with a small smile on her face. "I have to go back to my apartment at 5AM and clean up kitty litter and coffee grounds."
"Not to mention getting coffee out of your shirt." Sara snorted, and Ava groaned, loud and over the top.
They always split when they got to the studio, Ava marching off to make-up to get ready, and Sara taking the elevator to the studio floor to set up her camera. The studio was always dead past midnight, just a skeleton crew left, which Sara found she enjoyed - it was easier to know everyone that way. She waved at Nate, distracting him from where he was running through the weather, muttering under his breath and checking his perfectly coiffed hair in the camera. He waved back, a bright smile on his face.
Careful not to trip over any of the wires on the floor, Sara made her way up to the box above the studio, the cramped room filled from head to toe with blinking lights and buttons, with a large window so they could look down on the studio. The techs – Behrad and Charlie - were sat with headphones on, running through sound checks, so Sara just waved to them as she found who she was looking for.
Zari, the studio runner, was running through her clipboard, muttering under her breath. When she saw Sara coming, she rolled her eyes. "Back again?"
"What have you got for her today?" Sara asked, keeping her voice nonchalant.
"The usual. Some city councilor has been embezzling funds, Star City is readying to bid for the 2028 Olympics, and former mayor Queen is opening a patisserie down-town. It's been a quiet week."
"Exactly." Sara said, her grin widening. "You've got to add the cat one."
Ray, their head writer, had found a story a week ago about a fat cat attending the Star City pet spa to lose weight, and Sara had been tracking down clips of the poor thing, bribing the editor, Nora, to pull them together. She'd even written a script. Zari looked at her with an eyebrow raised.
"Yes! I have a bet going with Mick - if I can get Ava to break on camera by the end of the month, he's got to give me $50." Sara said. It was ridiculous, she'd started the bet - truthfully, she found it endearing how Ava read the news with the same abject sternness whether she was covering a political scandal or a dog who'd learnt to surf in Star City Bay. She'd only broken her composure once - a smile creeping on her face when reporting on the 5th birthday of a crocodile at Star City Zoo named Snaps. From that day on, Sara had vowed to make her laugh, properly, live on air.
"I don't have any time to make up." Zari said, and Sara sighed.
"Yeah, but you know Ava reads quick enough. Please? For me?"
Zari seemed immune to the puppy eyes, so Sara sighed. "And I'll give you $20."
Zari snorted. "Do you have $20?"
"I'll have $50 when I win the bet." Sara countered, and Zari sighed.
"Fine. I'll see what I can do."
"Z, you're the best." Sara said with a grin, and turned to return to the studio floor.
The program went smoothly, like always. Sara liked her job, the focus of filming and the pride she got when she saw her own work on TV, but she liked it better when she was filming Ava, who had pretty much insisted from day one that Sara be her primary operator.
Ava looked especially pretty today, someone in make-up evidently having convinced her that she didn't need the bun today, and instead curled her hair over both shoulders, which didn't completely cover Ava's defined arms, visible in her sleeveless dress.
The night ran the same as most others, Ava transitioning smoothly between topics and engaging in light, courteous banter with Nate before he presented the weather. Sara looked at Ava during these moments, the five minutes she was off camera, where she looked down at her notes, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth.
Okay, so maybe Sara wanted to make Ava laugh because she looked so pretty doing it. Sue her.
They were coming near the end, and Sara was losing hope that the story would be included, until she heard the segue.
"Now, in lighter news," Ava started, her eyebrows suddenly shooting up as she read the prompter. Sara grinned; Zari had obviously left this out of Ava's notes to inspire more of a reaction.
"Cats," Ava blurted out, steadying herself before continuing, "they're not normally known for their love of swimming, but one feline in Star City is hitting the water instead of the gym in a bid to lose weight. Mr. Snuggles -" Ava bit her lip as the pictures played on the monitor - a black and white cat in a life vest, looking absolutely terrified, and Sara grinned. "Mr. Snuggles is a thirteen-year-old cat who - dislikes the outdoors and other physical activities."
Sara's grin widened as Ava lost it, barely making it through her lines through her giggles. Her face was flushing pink and she bit her lip to try and compose herself. "But with encouragement from his owner -" Ava pressed on, trying to hold herself together, "Mr. Snuggles had lost one pound in six months."
That was the final straw, as Ava descended into a full-on laugh, barely making it through her sign off. Sara was so distracted by the sound she nearly missed Zari's voice in her ear. "Camera 1 to Camera 3 in 3, 2, 1 -"
Sara switched off, but not before Ava snorted, flushing even deeper and covering her face with her hands at the sound, not disguised by the jingle from the lottery numbers playing across the screen.
Ava had bolted from the set, and Sara packed up her equipment as quickly as possible, ducking out just in time to catch Ava as she walked down the corridor to the lobby. Her face was now free of make-up, her hair tied up in a messy bun, but she was still in the dress that left Sara's mouth a little dry. She looked at Sara, blushing again.
"I can't believe you did that." She groaned, and Sara put on her most innocent face on.
"Did what?"
"Bribed Zari to put the cat story in! John in make-up said that Charlie had told him that you'd bribed Zari."
"To win $50!" Sara said, grinning. "And you have a really cute laugh."
Ava looked up; eyebrow furrowed. "Really?"
"Yep." Sara said, trying to play it cool. "Look, do you want half? I feel bad now."
Ava sighed. "No, it's okay."
"I could buy you dinner." Sara said, almost blurting it out, and Ava looked at her. "To make up for it."
Ava's mouth quirked up in a smile. "Uh - yeah, okay. I can do dinner."
~the end~
okay so this was fun to write and i kind of want to write more so uhh send me where u think this story should go. or ideas for a part 2 maybe. thanks for reading!!
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scatterpatter · 3 years
Corren - 1 through 100 - You did this to yourself.
1. What do they smell like?
Bad. Do you think their party is able to regularly take showers? I thinketh the fuck not. ... Pine and old books when he can self care tho.
2. What is their voice like?
Listen I know Corren, being taller, would be more likely to have a deeper register but you'll tear "tenor Corren" out of my cold dead hands
3. What is their biggest motivator?
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
When he first met his BFF Alondra, he was so antisocial and good at ignoring people that she actually got the impression he might have been hard of hearing. She never let him live that down. (one day I'll finish this fic i promise)
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
"I will keep all of my pain in here, and one day I'll die." ... Okay but listen he's squishy so he takes like one hit and is bloodied up. Someone get him a healer. Pls.
6. What do they like to wear?
He likes his cloak. Its weighty and soft(well. WAS soft. got a bit of wear and tear these days.) and like. Who doesnt love cloaks.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
Ohhhhh fuuuccck this one's tough. I might have to go with Torvid honestly. While the entire party has had a positive impact on him(and trust me I was this close to picking Alistair), Torvid's been more of the one to call him out on his bullshit and to, oh I don't know, talk about your emotions? Ever??? Yknow BEFORE they become too much to handle and he absolutely breaks down???
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Alistair's cooking.
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Good luck finding him NOT cuddled up with at least one dog. Tbh he just enjoys cuddles in general.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
As tempted as I am to say "His cooking", it's actually his singing.
12. How do they like to dress?
"Comfort over flashiness tbh. I gotta go ADVENTURING in whatever I wear after all."
"... Also don't you DARE perceive me as cishet."
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
Call him a genie because he will BOTTLE THAT SHIT UP.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Denial :D
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Shrike: Killing his dad
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Somehow more of a dick than usual. Snappy and cranky and just. Mrehhh.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Doesn't get drunk often, but when he does I imagine he's actually giggly and a little clingy. It's cute :)
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
*Opens my Corren playlist* Oh yeah. It's either full edgy alt rock or indie alt "depressed millenial" tracks.
19. Are they right or left handed?
FFFuuhhhhck uhhhh well
Looking over my old art I can't seem to pick a dominant hand(I've even drawn him handling his sniper with either hand???????????) so like oops guess he's ambidextrous.
20. Fears?
The dark, the ocean, dying alone and forgotten, his friends losing their trust of him
21. Favorite kind of weather?
Rain!!!! Especially cool rain like what people often get in fall months.
22. Favorite color?
23. Do they collect anything?
Books :3
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold weather by far.
25. What is their eye color?
Electric blue!
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
Well his race is a homebrew race known as Marelienth. Uhhh ethnicity? Idk he's from a mountain town way up north *shrugs*
In human aus I imagine him as half-Mongolian half-Norwegian so ayee
27. Hair color?
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
No :D He loves adventuring with his party don't get me wrong but he still has a lot of trauma to unpack. ... Also he was just possibly broken up with soooo. :/
29. Are they a morning person?
30. Sunrise or sunset?
*motions to above question* Sunset.
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
More organized, actually!
32. Pet peeves?
*unravels a list. It's all shit the party has done. Mostly Alistair.*
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
His amethyst pendant used to belong to his brother, Julian, and he gave it to Corren right before they were separated so you BET it's sentimental as shit and he wears it daily.
34. Least favorite food?
Mecha's usually a great cook but one time trolled him with some absurdly spicy curry he couldn't handle and he's never forgiven them.
35. Least favorite color?
Hmmm. Maybe... yellow?
36. Least favorite smell?
He spent a year with his party in a damp cave and no showers, so uh. I'll give you a guess.
37. When was the last time they cried?
Literally last night in our game's timeline :D Full breakdown and everything!
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
Torvid :D He was there to comfort
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
One time they were in combat and Corren took a few hits and was down to about 2hp or so. He had a temporary level thanks to Kieran, which boosted his HP a little bit. When he teleported them to a safe town, though, well... Torvid was waiting for them so that's cool. But uh. Yeah that temporary level wore off then and there, dropping Corn Cob to exactly 0hp and he just- flopped down face first in the snow and started dying then and there KJNDKLFNSLKN
40. Do they have any scars?
Do you want to talk about the scar over his eye from a fight he got in with his dad or like. The scars on his limbs from the time he was literally experimented on.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Undiagnosed+Untreated Anxiety, Depression, DPDR, PTSD, just to name a few
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Running away from his problems, definitely.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He's a pretentious nerd. He can be a dick if he doesn't care about you.
44. Why might someone love them?
He's an adorable nerd! He's a hopeless romantic and oddly enough an optimist. He's passionate and driven too!
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Well ghosts are like- a canon proven thing in his world sooo. Yeah.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
His party. Well- most in his party.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Nethyl :)
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
He's dating Nethyl and they're in a happy and healthy relationship :) *politely ignores canon*
49. Do they like surprises?
NO >:(
50. When is their birthday?
Heroya 5th! I think. I don't wanna check, assume it's this.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
"You guys celebrate your watchdays?"
Jokes aside, he mainly just treats himself to a nice dinner and a new book or something :)
52. Do they have any family?
Two older siblings: Julian and Mila. His parents are Andreas and Fanya!
53. Are they close to their family?
... *Coughs*. He was close with his siblings, but Mila died and he hasn't seen Julian in 30 years. Was close with his dad but last time they saw each other, they fought and Corren might have killed him so. ... Yeah. :/
54. What is their MBTI type?
FUCK uh. I... N... T... J? INTJ. Sure.
55. What is their zodiac sign?
In Sekrezia: The eagle
In our world: Uhhh. Idk. Capricorn????
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
Uhhh. Ravenclaw??? I know almost nothing about HP :/
57. What D&D alignment are they?
THIS ONE'S EASY- lawful neutral!
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Used to have typical nightmares, nothing special. Nowadays though he often dreams of being underwater. Not drowning, though. It's... weird. He doesn't like those.
59. What are their views on death?
He's a necromancer lol.
Death is inevitable, though. It's a necessary part of life. Death is not an entire loss, though. One lives on in the memories others carry of them, in the love they hold in their hearts. Death is complicated, but that's okay.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Alistair :)
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
Dog time :)
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
... Ehhhhhh?
63. Do they have an accent?
Technically??? It's an accent from where he's from but like. I just barely tweak my own voice when I rp him so? Damn Corren I'm sorry you've been cursed with east coast dialect.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
"Damn who's the rich bastard here?" (cake is kinda a delicacy in their world- not like elites only but not NEARLY as common as it is here)
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
Reassurance mode to whomever he's with. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm okay. Remember what I told you, death is a natural part of life, yeah? I don't have any regrets, I'm okay... Just. Thanks. For giving me a chance. Thank you. Thank you."
66. How do they feel about sex?
I SWEAR he's allosexual. I'm just bad at writing allosexuals.
67. What is their sexuality?
He doesn't really know how to pin it down, so he just calls himself "queer". Definitely not straight, that's all he knows.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
AHAHA no. He's hella desensitized
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
Skulking cyst. Look it up at your own volition. It's. NO.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
It's 12:21 in the morning and I'm NOT about to scroll through a bunch of tv tropes just. just. NERD stereotype.
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
Yyyyes? Only really if it's the people he cares about.
72. Are they allergic to anything?
73. Do they have a pet?
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Oh yeah he's all bark and no bite. He usually just throws a little fit and/or yells.
75. How patient are they?
More than he should be :/
76. Are they good at cooking?
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
Oh yes he insults the others all the time. No particular favorite, he likes so spice it up.
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
Stim. Stim. Stim. His eyes get all sparkly and he. He.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
He will do everything in his power to assure they won't ever have to deal with their fears alone- You afraid of spiders? It's his job to get the spiders from now on so you won't have to deal with them.
80. Are they trustworthy?
Oh yeah. He's like Rapunzel- doesn't break promises.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Oh yes he tries to hide it. And yes, he's awful at it.
82. Do they exercise regularly?
Yes and no? No like- exercise regimen, but the amount of travelling and fighting they do is just- a workout in and of itself
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Yeah! He's cute and he knows it baybie!!!
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
He,,, he likes someone who's physically stong,,, Muscles are,,, aaaaa >///>
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
Someone he can nerd out with :)
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Impartial to it. He won't turn sweets away but he's not crazy about them either.
87. What is their age?
43, the equivalent of- I think someone in their mid 30s?
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
He's 6'8" :) Which is actually normal for his race
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
Sometimes! I like to think he has reading glasses or something like that.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Julian tainted his sense of humor and now he finds the most dumb shit hilarious. Think very millenial/GenZ humor like "I wish I was Jared, 19"
92. What mood are they most often in?
"I don't get paid enough for this" or Fear.jpg
93. What kinds of things anger them?
People who don't keep their FUCKING WORD. Oh and like. Yknow. Half the shit his party does.
94. Outlook on life?
Again he's??? Oddly an optimist? In the "Things will get better and that is a fucking THREAT" way, but still optimist!
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
Talk about his family :) Or the fact that his boyfriend might want him dead :)
96. What is their greatest weakness?
He's squishy as fuck. He goes down easy.
97. What is their greatest strength?
He's extremely intelligent and great with magic and his sniper!
98. Something that they regret?
Not doing more to stop his brother when he tried to resurrect their sister
99. Biggest accomplishment?
Either convincing an entire town his name is Torren or accidentally convincing some very OP people that he's secretly a dragon.
100. Create your own!
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Leave No One Behind
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Ch 12: Win Some, Lose Some Co-written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Part 1
Summary: After 2 years of being at the resort Ari and the other agents are gearing up for yet another mission, but there’s a little bit of trouble in paradise for him and Hannah…
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, 18+ only)
Pairings: Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Song for Episode:  More Than A Woman- Bee Gees  https://youtu.be/DtxBUp6hBaI
A/N: So there’s a little jump in time in this chapter as we fast forward towards the big dramatic end to their time at the RSDR….   Translation: Vete a la mierda = Fuck off.
Series Master List //  Main Masterlist 
Here in your arms I found my paradise, my only chance for happiness. And if I lose you now I think I would die. Oh say you'll always be my baby, we can make it shine. We can take forever, just a minute at a time
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March 1982
Ari felt it the moment he woke up that morning. Even before stirring or cracking an eye open he knew the pressure on his left cheek was Simon. After almost two years the pooch still insisted on sleeping on the bed with them, crawling his way up between him and Hannah the moment they fell asleep and ending up on Ari's face sometime during the night. So by now, after many a mistake so to speak, Ari knew all too well what he was feeling wasn't Hannah looking for early morning cuddles but Simon's fat butt. 
Ari groaned and shoved Simon away causing the dog to give a little growl and grunt of his own being as he was on the most comfortable pillow ever. Some things never change Ari thought as he stirred lightly and rubbed his eyes, unable to avoid a lazy smile when he realised what day it was.
 It was the morning of his and Hannah's second anniversary and though the news about the clampdown and heavy military presence on the streets had screwed his plans to take his Firefly into Port Sudan again, like he had done the previous year, he was still going to make sure they celebrated.
He would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit pissed about his plans going awry but at the same time he had to admit the last two years had been the best years of his life and that called for any kind of celebration they could get, be that in Port Sudan or in a fucking dump. Or a dump turned into a flourishing hotel for that matter. It was crazy how they had gotten used to life at the resort two years after that afternoon when he had made the call to turn their cover hiding hole into a real hotel. Their alter egos didn't feel false anymore, and he was as much Guy now as Ari. Mind you, Hannah sometimes called him Guy or Mr. Thomas, often with a fake accent to imitate Colonel Madibo to tease him.
He gave a contented sigh at the thought of his and his Firefly’s relationship which could only be described in one word, amazing. It was as normal as it could be given the circumstances and they had both built something solid out of their feelings for each other once they had admitted to them, that was undeniably true regardless of the true nature of their stay in that slice of paradise along the Red Sea. They argued, that was equally true, and they had disagreements mostly about silly little things which was to be expected in a long-term relationship, but nothing major that they couldn’t figure out at the end of the day. Hannah had moved into his hut a little over two months after her birthday when Ari had jokingly asked her to move in with him. She had laughed but done it anyway as it was the closest they could get to living effectively together, and now here they were, two years of being together nearly 24/7, except for the mandatory week of home leave. It didn’t escape either of their notice that it was more than the time she had been married to Andy and now that he thought about it, it was probably more time than Ari had spent with Sarah in the entire 7 years they were married for that matter. 
Speaking of his family life, Ari was still exchanging regular letters with Maya and on his visits to Tel Aviv he had grown even closer to his daughter than he could ever have hoped to. He was on fairly good terms with Sarah too, although that had gone through a bit of a rocky patch. The first visit home he’d had following the time Sarah had accosted Hannah, they’d had quite a heated argument when he had told his estranged wife that she was out of order to do what she had done. In a blaze of bitter anger, Sarah had accused him of all sorts, including the usual about him loving his job and his new woman more than his daughter, which had culminated in Ari snapping. He’d loudly informed his ex-wife that this was to be his last field mission, and that he was leaving it behind for Maya, not Hannah or anyone else for that matter. And the little petulant brat inside him had enjoyed the complete shock on Sarah's face as well as the mumbled apology she had given him once his words had sunk in.
All in all, everything seemed to be finally falling into place and the fact that Mama Navon had invited him for lunch during that same week’s leave, having obviously been informed by Ethan that he would be around that week, was an added bonus. He had always had a smooth relationship with Maria Navon but they both knew she was not merely his best friend's mother anymore. The fact that she had invited him to come over without Sammy or Hannah being there too spoke for itself. They’d had a heartfelt conversation over the best Sunday roast he had eaten in months, probably even years, where he had come clean about his feelings for Hannah and his intentions towards her. It had been easier than he had anticipated, he had never been a man who liked or found it easy to speak about his feelings, but for whatever reason, when it came to talk about Hannah and what he felt for her, it just flowed out smoothly and Mama Navon had read that in the soft smile and the sparkle in his honest blue eyes when he explained how they had got back together and he assured her he had no intentions of breaking her heart a second time.
No, it wasn’t a “normal” life by any stretch, but it was good. He was doing something to help people and he was doing it with the person he had always loved. They had successful mission after successful mission over the past two years and the team had assembled as perfectly as Ari could have ever envisioned when he had written those five names down before handing the piece of paper to a reluctant Ethan. Hundreds of refugees had been smuggled to Israel and it was set to be another couple of hundred more in a couple of days. That said, given the way things were going with the religious and political landscape in Sudan, he wasn’t sure how much longer they had. A few months, maybe 6 at a push. It wasn’t a particularly comforting thought, as they still had so many people to help, but in the same breath Ari knew he had to be realistic. They couldn’t do this forever, they’d always known that. All they could do was their best, and the best was to simply go as long as they could, saving as many refugees as they could in the time they had.
And when they finally did have to quit, and Ari said goodbye to a life in the field, the fact he was doing that with his Firefly by his side made a future behind a desk in Tel Aviv seem that little less frightening.
Ari was dragged back from his wandering reflections by Simon who had jumped off the bed and was now scratching at the door. He looked at the dog and groaned as he swung his legs out of bed.  "All right, I get it, just don't tear the door down." he whispered to the anxious animal before he walked  to the door and  opened it to let the mutt out for his usual morning pee and wander round the beach, mumbling as Simon trotted past. "Tell you what pal, when we do leave I'll be waving goodbye as you fade into the distance..."
"I heard that Ari, you little shit." Hannah's sleepy voice suddenly rang through the hut's space.
"He’s the little shit Firefly." he stated somewhat childishly, turning to look at his girl as he shut the door.
"Stop being mean to him." she said as she rolled on her back, yawning, her eyes not even open yet.
"He insists on sleeping with his butt on my face. That's what I call mean." Ari protested as he slid back into bed, reaching for his girl, holding her flush against him.
Guided by Ari, Hannah rolled onto her side again, snuggling against his chest, eyes still closed as she smirked.
"That's because your face is so pretty mi Lobo."
"Yeah? Well, in that case why don’t you sleep on it?" he purred, his voice an octave lower than usual.
Hannah cracked an eye open at that and looked up at him "Something tells me if I was on your face I wouldn't be sleeping."
Ari chuckled, dropping his face closer to hers, brushing their noses together as he drawled. "You’re right Firefly. You’d be seeing stars." 
"You have a very high opinion of yourself Mr Thomas." she said, smiling against his beard so that Ari could feel the vibrations of her voice as she tilted her pelvis up to meet his.
"Wanna bet?" he challenged her, his voice almost a groan.
"What’s the cost if I lose?" she asked as she brought her right hand to his face to stroke his cheek.
Ari paused for a moment. So you want to play Firefly , and then smirked as it came to him- the perfect forfeit. "You have to lead the aerobics classes,  not Rachel." he stated as he wriggled his eyebrows playfully at her, knowing she would loathe the idea of having to wear that leotard Ari so loved seeing on her. 
Yeah, having a leotard kink when you spent half of the day surrounded by women in swim gear was kinda odd when he thought about it, but anyway…
Hannah glared at him before blurting out. "Oh, fuck off Ari! No deal."
"So you don't want my face between your legs?" he asked innocently.
 "Fuck you. I hate you." Hannah groaned.
"No you don't..." he purred as he kissed her neck "...you love me..."
And that was it. He knew it the moment Hannah closed her eyes as he gently guided her onto her back and kissed his way down her body.
"Times like this I wonder why..." she sighed out, her hand fisting in his hair which made Ari pause at her belly before peeking up at her.
"Yeah, protest all you want but you love it, you just hate losing. And you’re gonna lose Firefly." 
An hour later, after having breakfast with the team, Hannah was at the front of the group of guests, clad in the infamous leotard leading the class as Jake leaned on counter watching. It wasn't too long until Ari walked over and spotted him. "You, out. Now." he barked, glaring at him.
"What? Why?" Jake protested.
"Because you’re a pervert. Out." Ari ordered him as he gestured to the way out with his right thumb.
"That's so not fair." Jake tried to fight back as he straightened himself. "You never kick me out when Rachel is leading the class."
"That’s because you're never here when Rachel leads the class. Out!" he hissed, trying not to make a scene in front of the tourists. “I won’t tell you again.”
At that point Sammy walked in and came to the desk, frowning. "Where’s Rach? Why is Hannah running the aerobics?"
Ari shrugged and glared at Jake when he snorted on his way out. At that point Rachel came out of the office holding some papers.
"I’m here and apparently Rosa lost a bet." she explained to Sammy who was looking at her puzzled. It took him a second before he groaned.
 "I don't wanna know do I?" he asked as he squinted his eyes at Ari.
"Nope." Ari smirked as he stole a glance at Hannah who was now stretching and bending forward.
"Come on, you two are disgusting." Sammy groaned.
"Ok, that’s it. Everyone out. You too Ari. You never come to my classes, you’re not staying for this one either." Rachel cut them off.
"I’d come to your classes…if you’d let me." Sammy pouted. 
"Oh, come on. You two are disgusting." Ari repeated Sammy's words, mimicking his voice. 
"Ha! You coming Sammy is exactly why she won’t let you." Jake quipped.
"Weren't you gone?" Sammy spluttered, spinning round to face him "Fuck you both." 
Ari couldn't help but laugh at his friend's signature reaction. It had been well over 18 months since Sammy and Rachel had come out as being together but Ari knew he still hated everyone teasing him about it, but he couldn't help it. It was fun and, in a way, it was payback for all the time Sammy had spent holding a grudge against him and Hannah. That said, Rachel was the best influence they all could have wished for. Not only was Sammy far ess grumpy and tense all the time but he was also more willing to enjoy any treat life at the resort had to offer without thinking too much about it. 
"Ok, enough, I said, out...go on." Rachel insisted, shoving Ari on the shoulder.
"Hey, remind me…who's the boss round here?" Ari raised an eyebrow at her.
"It’s me when y’all start acting like pre-schoolers or horny teenagers. And honestly that happens far too often for my liking." Rachel simply stated as she held a stapler and menacingly pointed at each one of them with it. 
And with that the 3 of them made to leave, just as Max appeared from the kitchen with a snack, Simon following him hoping for food.  He looked at the three of them in turn, and then at Rachel, who pointed sending him out too so with a shrug he followed suit. The 3 men passed the front row of the group and Hannah glanced in their direction and Ari grinned at her as he left. Her eyes were positively shooting daggers at him and if looks could kill he’d be dead on the spot. But he would be a corpse with a semi boner having seen her the way she was. So just as he exited the main area, he peeled off his t-shirt and started running directly into the sea without much of a word to the rest who were now staring puzzled.
"I’d swear I can see steam coming from him." Max cuckled and Jake started singing quietly.
"Gimme some hot stuff baby this evening..." as he moved his hips suggestively causing Max to start howling so loud that the sound drowned Sammy's groans.
 "Watch out for the fish, man!" Max howled at Ari just before he flipped them off over his shoulders, which didn't stop Max from teasing him again "They’ll think you’re happy to see them."
"That’s gross." Sammy glared at them, who were both bent with laughter.
"What's more gross…” asked Max. "Us or the fact he's boning your sister?" 
"You had to say it." Sammy groaned again. "I’m done with you two."
"I wouldn’t describe boning Red as gross." Jake, who was now wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes, quipped.
"Fucking fuck you." Sammy snapped at him.
“Ok, ok keep your pants on!” Max chuckled.
"Yeah, come on man, it’s us that aren’t getting any." Jake whined in an attempt to appease Sammy.
"Try fucking each other then." Sammy bit back, still pissed. Max looked at Jake, giving a shudder.
"I’d rather fuck the dog."
At that Jake slapped him on the back of the head "Asshole." 
Sammy snorted and turned to leave, crossing paths with Simon who had spotted daddy Ari in the water and was now trotting towards the sea. "I'd stay away from Max, pooch." Sammy said seriously. Simon just looked at him, before barking and continuing on his way.
As he approached Max, he grinned “No food pal, sorry." but the dog completely ignored him and started running towards Ari who had now come out of the water and approaching them.
"That was fast.”  Jake jabbed at him.
"I just needed to cool off.” Ari shrugged
"Yeah, well, I hope you last longer with Red." Jake smirked at him.
“Don’t hear her complaining." Max told Jake with a grin. “Quite the opposite actually.”
"Ok seriously, shut the fuck up." Ari growled at them as they began to snigger.With a glare he started walking towards his hut, but Ari knew them too well, especially how things were when the two of them teamed up, and he fully understood they wouldn't be willing to let him off the hook that easily so he prepared for one last quip which came from Jake.
"Still wanna hear about that bet she lost." he shouted at Ari's retreating back.
"You wish." Ari yelled back.
"I knew it. You’re my hero, man." Max howled.
Ari didn't look back at Max, he just smirked to himself. Of course Max would get it, he always did. "Yup." he shouted instead, popping the p, as he passed a group of female tourists on the way.
 "Ladies." he greeted them with his signature cocky but friendly smile, which made them giggle and start whispering to each other as they passed him by.
"Seriously, how does he do it?" Jake gasped as they watched the group of women all pause to watch Ari as he walked up the sand.
"Animal magnetism." Max shrugged. "And I don't mean the fact he has Simon running at his heels."
After a refreshing shower, more refreshing than he actually needed as he had changed his usual morning run for other activities that morning, Ari changed into a pair of fresh shorts and a light blue shirt. He was just about to leave hut as Hannah arrived back wearing that damned leotard, causing him to flash his signature wicked smirk at her.
"Don't even think about it. I'm pissed at you, Levinson." she warned him as she passed him by, trying her best not to surrender to that damned smirk of his.
"Oh, I'm thinking IT firefly." Ari laughed as he smacked her butt, causing her to yelp in surprise, and leaving her to shower and change clothes. He went to the main building to sort the arrangements for the call to Ethan later in the day about the last details on the mission and then just spent some time being Guy Thomas. The batch of tourist currently at the resort were leaving the day after next so he chatted with them for a while, ensuring they had enjoyed their stay and would recommend the resort to their family and friends back home. Satisfied real guests were as important as the ones whose number hung from hooks on the board at the reception desk as without them, their cover would be blown.
He was still chatting to the guests when Hannah came into the main dining area, her eyes roaming the room for him and she rolled her eyes when she spotted him being charming Guy, smiling softly as the ladies fawned all around him reminding her of herself when she was a teenager with a crush on her older brother's best friend.
Cliché much.
But those memories weren't the only ones that flashed across her mind. She had been feeling quite homesick lately but as she stood there watching Ari, she began to feel especially down. So, she took a dep breath and decided that baking her Mama’s banana and date loaf, which had been at the back of her mind ever since she had spotted some days before that Chef Aziz had a basket of fresh dates, was just the ticket to cheer herself up.
Of course, Ari had also spotted Hannah the moment she had entered the room, how could he not?  But he hadn't noticed her leave and, after giving the ladies some recommendations as to what to buy in the souk at Port Sudan the following day, he turned around looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen. He wandered off to go find her bumping into Rachel in the reception area who told him she had seen Hannah last heading to the kitchen, which was exactly where Ari found her.
"You ok?" he asked softly from the kitchen's threshold.
Hannah raised her head and turned to look at him for an instant before her eyes were on the dough she was working on again. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"You just disappeared." he drawled, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned on the doorframe.
Hannah shrugged. "I have more important things to say than watch you flirt, Mr Thomas."
"I wasn’t flirting..." Ari protested immediately and she once more looked at him. "Ok, maybe I was. A little."
"Satisfied guests, uh?" she teased.
"Well, need to keep the tourists happy, Han..." he conceded playfully.
"So I assume they’re happy enough and that’s why you’re here instead of with them now?" 
She was smiling though he couldn't see it. All he could see was the way her ass cheeks were contracting every time she exerted force on the dough.
"That and the fact I wondered where you'd gotten to." he managed to say, after swallowing, his eyes moving back up her body.
"You missed me Mr Thomas? Who’d have thought?" she teased once more.
Ari rolled his eyes and approached her from behind.  "Stop being a brat Firefly."
"I’m not being a brat, Ari and stop rolling your eyes at me." she scoffed, her tone hardened this time. "I can't see you but I know you just did."
Ari stopped behind her and cocked his head to one side and frowned. Despite her casual tone she wasn’t being as playful as normal "Han...what's wrong? You're not really pissed at me for talking to those girls, are you? Because I'm not interested..."
She sighed. "I know, Ari. It’s just... not today."
Now he was really puzzled. "Hey, come on Firefly, talk to me...what is it?" He asked, as his hands landed cautiously on her hips.
"Nothing really, it’s just I’m a bit homesick today." She said, not wanting to react to Ari's touch.
Ari sighed noticing the stiffness of her body and the sadness in her voice "Oh, baby come here." he said, gripping her hips and turning her around to hug her. And as he wrapped his arms around her back, his chin rubbing against the top of her head, he noticed the ingredients on the side for the first time and he let out a groan "You making... no...  you're not?"
Hannah grinned and looked up at him. "I am."
"That's my favourite thing your mama makes" he groaned.
"I know baby." she gazed at his eyes, in the hope that he realised why he was baking that particular treat.
"So...are you making it because you're homesick or because it's our 2 year anniversary?" he asked, winking an eye at her.
She beamed at him, her grin now reaching her eyes. "You remembered?"
"Of course I did!" he said, holding her tighter, before pausing. "Wait...did you think I'd forgotten?"
Hannah felt her cheeks went red with embarrassment . "Yeah, I did."
"Han..." Ari started as he shook his head, chuckling. "2 years ago we got our second chance. Like I'd ever forget that."
She bit her lip. "I’m sorry it’s just you never mentioned us going to Port Sudan like last year and I assumed..."
"Baby, we can't. I wanted to take you, I really did  but, with the talk of stuff going on in the cities, the whole clamp down and Sharia law that’s coming in, well, we're not married so..." he shook  his head again sadly. "It's not possible or even worth the risk. You understand that?"
“No, I know. You’re right." he sighed. "God, I feel stupid now."
He chuckled as he swayed her in his arms. "That doesn't mean I haven't got anything planned."
She grinned at him, playing with the upper buttons of his shirt. "Do you have something planned?"
"Well I could tell you...but then I'd have to kill you." he drawled.
"Rude Levinson."  she scoffed, pushing his chest as she turned around back to her baking station. "For that you’re not getting a single ounce of this loaf I’m making."
Ari laughed heartily, wrapping his arms round her from behind again and kissing her neck. "Don't be like that firefly."
"Like what? You don’t wanna tell me what you’re planning but I’m more than happy to tell you what I am planning. Which is not letting you eat any of this fucking delicious banana and date loaf."
He chuckled again. "You really want me to spoil the surprise honey?” Hannah smiled and this time he could see her doing it from the corner of his eye. "No. I’m just teasing you."
"What else is new?" he said as he pushed his groin against her from behind, his lips soft on her neck.
"Stop teasing me Lobo or you won’t get any and now I’m not talking about the loaf." she threatened, raising the rolling pin at him.
"Ok, ok." he chuckled and he kissed her cheek again. "You win." And at that she turned to look at him.
"What else is new?" she asked as she winked at him.
"Shall I remind you of the leotard you were sporting just this morning?" he raised an eyebrow at her and Hannah gasped, narrowing her eyes.
"Vete a la mierda." she grumbled and Ari snorted.
"Ok, I don’t know what that means but I’m assuming it’s not I love you Ari, you’re the love of my life."
"You assume correctly, Lobo."
"All right" he said, raising his hands up. "I surrender. I’m gonna go..." and he started walking backwards "...talk with some..." now a side smile on his face "...lady tourists. Keep them satisfied you know."
Hannah smirked. "You do that. Maybe I'll go talk to that group of boys that Jake took out diving before. They seemed nice." 
Instead of falling for her trap Ari merely shrugged. "Talk to them as much as you want as long as you remember you’re mine." And with that he cocked an eyebrow, giving her a stern look and turned to leave, smug smirk on his face, his hand running through his hair. 
Bastard, Hannah thought as she resumed her work.
**** Later that day, after having called HQ to fill Ethan in on the last details of the upcoming mission and a bit of an argument about the change in rendez-vous point at such short notice, Ari was sat outside in the sun with Rachel and Sammy. He was trying to relax, he was always on edge the days before a mission and having to call Ethan was always a task he wasn't overly fond of. Not because of the man, Ari had learnt how to deal with him over the years the same way Ethan had learnt how to put up with Ari's attitude which caused him the biggest migraines a boss could ever endure. The thing that stressed Ari the most about those calls was the fact that he had to sneak from the tourists and staff, away from prying ears and hope communication was cooperating. And that day in particular the resort was overflowing with people everywhere he went so the office was out of the question and the huts didn't seen secluded enough to him, so he had had no option but to drive a few miles into the desert and set the radio in the back of the jeep connecting it to the car's aerial. 
Thankfully it had worked and an hour or so later he was back and had settled in the same spot he was in now,  drinking a beer and trying to ease his mind as he had another secret mission to perform in a few hours, one that got him equally anxious but in a different way.  He looked at Sammy and Rachel and saw Sammy's arm resting around her shoulders, gently rubbing her arm. It was good to see them like that for once. Unlike him and Hannah, Rachel and Sammy didn't feel very comfortable with PDA and they kept it to a minimum which had meant it was only after months of being together that Max and Jake had found out there was another couple within the resort management team.
Ari was so lost in his thoughts that he inadvertently gave out a big sigh earning an amused look from Rachel.
"I take it you’re still planning on not joining us for dinner tonight?" she asked.
Sammy frowned. "What? Where you going?"
"I’m taking Hannah for a picnic. It’s a surprise so don’t tell her Sammy." Ari warned his friend, pointing at him with his beer bottle.
Sammy rolled his eyes. "Soppy bastard."
"Leave him alone, he wants to celebrate properly." Rachel defended Ari.
"You’re celebrating something?" Sammy asked again, puzzled. It wasn't anyone's birthday, not that he recalled.
"You could say that." Ari grinned at him.
Sammy frowned, not following his friend, and Rachel chuckled. "It's two years today since he and Hannah got back together."
 At that Sammy opened his eyes wide. "Already?"
Ari nodded. "Time flies, huh?"
"Yeah..." Sammy agreed, nodding absentmindedly. "Feels like only yesterday I punched you in your perfect teeth."
"You’re still calling that a punch?" Ari snorted.
"Don’t make me do it again you smug bastard." 
"Wouldn’t dream of it pal." Ari conceded, raising his hands in mock surrender.
Sammy smiled at him. "I guess congratulations are in order then."
Ari smirked wickedly, making Rachel raise an eyebrow at him, before speaking. "Save it for the proposal..."
And there it was, Rachel thought. He had got Sammy again, he always did, who was now choking on his drink as Ari bursted out laughing. 
"You’re a shit Levinson." Sammy growled, wiping the spilled drink off his chin.
"Funnily enough that's exactly what your sister says too." Ari smirked again, raising his beer in a mock toast before gulping it down and standing up, heading back to his hut.
Hannah was in the shower after having been on a dive later that afternoon with Jake and Max, so Ari quickly changed and when she emerged she smiled at him, taking in his navy shorts and casually smart green button down.
“Hey.” She took the kiss he offered and he pulled back, smiling.
“So, tonight we’re having a night ‘out’ at the resort” he told her and she frowned, her expression puzzled. But he didn’t go into any more detail. “Just be ready in half an hour.”
With that he disappeared off to set up his surprise. With a little help from Aziz, who’d packed the food for him, and Rachel who’d managed to get him everything else he wanted, he quickly laid everything out and headed back to find Hannah was putting the last touches to her hair, pulling it back into a loose braid. She was dressed in a pale blue sun-dress which pulled in at the waist, falling to her knees, thin spaghetti straps resting on her sun-kissed skin.
“You look beautiful.” He smiled as she stood up.
“Thanks.” She said, that adorable flush evident in her cheek and he held out his hand.
“Come on Firefly.”
He led her to their cave but as they approached he tugged her in front of him, his hands gently moving to cover her eyes.
“Ari!” she protested as he chuckled, walking them forward
“Just humour me okay?” he whispered, his lips brushing her cheek. Once she was positioned in the mouth of the cave he moved his hands and Hannah blinked, looking around. On the floor of the cave was a rattan blanket, which held a picnic hamper in the middle, and various candles were lit as they nestled in the many little nooks and crannies of the rock that formed their cave. Hannah felt the tears in her eyes at the thoughtfulness and she turned to look at Ari.
“Ari..” she whispered and he blinked before he realised they were happy tears.
“I just wanted to do something special.” He shrugged, “seeing as we couldn’t go anywhere.”
“It’s perfect.” She assured him, standing on her toes to give him a soft kiss.
They settled down next to each other, Hannah tucking her legs underneath her as Ari poured her a glass of wine and the two of them began unpacking their food. Before long they were tucking in with gusto, laughing and joking as they always did, the light starting to fade outside as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, Simon led at the mouth of the cave, napping. It was quiet, romantic, and they could have been anywhere as they sat and simply enjoyed being with one another as the night passed them by.
“Shit.” Ari sighed as he tipped the last of the wine into Hannah’s glass “We drank it all.”
“You only bought 2 bottles?” Hannah teased and gave her a look as she giggled.
“I’m sorry.” He said sarcastically causing her to laugh.
“Don’t pout Mi Lobo.” She set her glass down and shuffled over to him
“Ya know, my feelings are pretty hurt.” He muttered as she pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth.
“Yeah?” she asked, her lips now making their way down to his jaw line.
“Yup…” he sighed, eyes closing as she brushed over the whiskers on his face, his breath hitching as she reached his neck.
“Feel better now?”
“Not quite…”
“How about now?” Hannah asked, her teeth grazing his ear lobe.
“Gettin’ there.” Ari mumbled, turning his head, his mouth finding hers. The kiss was deep, their tongues sliding effortlessly together as Hannah let out a little whimper, a noise Ari would never, ever tire of hearing.
Pulling away he ran his nose up her throat to her chin, nudging her head back a little and Hannah’s weight fell backwards onto her arms, her palms burying into the cool sand. His lips gently placed a warm, open mouthed kiss onto her neck, causing her to shiver softly as his right hand traced up her side, over the top of. With a fluid movement he slid the strap down, and his head dipped, mouth sucking gently at her delicate collar bone. Hannah gave a soft sigh and Ari moved, his arms circling her waist as he pulled her into his lap, her knees falling either side of his thighs as his hands slid up to cup her face. He looked at her for a moment, her blue eyes shining in the reflection of the moonlight on the ocean outside.
“God, I love you.” He whispered, his eyes closing as her fingers tangled in his beard, her lips ghosting over his.
“I love you too Mi Lobo…”
And that was it, those 2 fucking words that she’d spoken so many damned times over the past two years sparked something primal, animalistic in him and his hands moved her face back to his as he kissed her hard.
Hannah palmed her hands against his chest before her fingers carefully began popping the buttons of his shirt. As her fingers brushed his skin as she worked it open, the sensation of her touch caused goosebumps to bubble over his entire body, and as usual,  her infectious smile brought forth a pulsating desire from deep within him that was impossible to ignore. Once his shirt was undone she reached up and pushed it down over his broad shoulders and Ari freed his arms, tossing it off to the side somewhere as Hannah’s mouth met his once more in a furious kiss. Her tongue was in his mouth, seeking his and he felt her teeth gently nibbling at his bottom lip. At that, Ari gave a growl and he pulled away, dropping his head to the spot on her neck once more, hands moving from her hips to pull her dress over her head. With an easy snap of his fingers, he undid the clasp of her bra and she pulled it off, dropping it besides them. Ari took a moment to look at her chest, his hands sliding up her ribcage, his eyes flicking back to hers so he could watch her response as he began to play with her in a way he knew she loved. Over and over he gently kneaded and palmed her sensitive flesh, thumbs skating her nipples before he softly tweaked them both, teasing them to soft peaks as he dropped his head, his mouth engulfing her right bud. He sucked and teased with his tongue before gently grazing with his teeth all the while feeling her grinding down on him, her hands tangling in his hair.
“Shit…” she groaned, nails biting into his scalp as he pushed upwards, the bulge in the front of his shorts grinding up against her spot through her now soaked panties, mouth and hands still teasing at her breasts. “Ari…”
“What do you want baby girl?” he whispered against her skin as his mouth moved upwards, beard scratching, teeth nipping her neck as she continued making those noises that he could listen to all damned day. Her hands let go of his hair as she fumbled to unbutton his shorts and he moved slightly so that she could pull them down a little over his hips.  Her warm palm wrapped around now aching cock and pulled it free from his underwear and Ari gave a slight hiss through his teeth, slipping his hands under the hem of her dress. His large hands cupped her ass cheeks, fingers digging into the underneath just where the curve of her globes met her thighs and he pulled her tight against him. The grip of her hand around his dick drew a groan from his mouth and he swallowed, his voice raspy as he spoke again. “Tell me baby…” he instructed and then when she answered, her words combined with her hand tightening around his cock almost made him shoot his load there and then
“Fuck me Ari…”
With a growl, Ari moved his hands, pulling her panties aside as she shiftedd herself, her hand guiding him towards her. Lining him up, she lowered herself down, giving a long, drawn out whimper of delight as she felt him fill her.
“Shit, Han…” Ari groaned, his hands on her hips as he bucked upwards, feeling her hot, warmth tighten around him. “God you feel so good baby…”
At his dirty talk Hannah moaned again, her hands moving up to rest on his shoulders and without warning Ari thrust his hips up in a dirty grind, pushing himself into her as deep as he possibly could.
“Fuck!” she cried out, her nails digging into his skin, one hand moving to tangle into his hair at the back and she gave a sharp tug, pulling his head back.
The bite of pain made his cock twitch even more, but the noise he made was swallowed as her lips crashed onto his, and it was all too much. He needed release. Ari began to matching her motions, the wet sound of his balls slapping against her ass echoed off the rough, rocky walls of their hidden little hideout and his lips moved from hers to her jaw, nipping at her skin.
“You've had me hard for you all day, Firefly…” he panted and Hannah gave a soft wail at his words, “Such a fuckin’ tease…”
His movements picked up, becoming faster as he rutted upwards into her again and again, and she began to move herself, her hips rocking forward and back furiously as she ground her clit against his pubic bone, her eyes locked on his as she moved. Ari’s fingers dug into the skin just above the waist band of her panties, nails biting her delicate hips as she worked herself into an almost frantic pace, and Ari knew he wasn’t gonna last much longer.
“Come for me baby…” he said, his mouth back on her neck “Come on, good girl…”
At his words, Hannah was a complete goner, powerless to stop the pleasure that was lancing through her very core. She came, with a surge that shook her entire body, her head falling back as she gasped, mouth open, a broken, trembling cry escaping her as she pumped her hips wantonly against his crotch, riding the wave of her orgasm bucking once... twice... before she collapsed against his chest going completely limp, breathing hard. Ari’s own hips were still pumping upwards as he raced towards his own end, Hannah completely spent on his laps before he felt that coil in his belly and groin snap and with a loud groan, he came, the intensity shocking him slightly as he bit down on her shoulder, his hips stopping and he collapsed backwards, crashing onto the sand behind him, Hannah clutched to his chest.
Time just stopped for them both, Ari’s hands gently caressing her back, his eyes closed as he pressed a kiss to Hannah’s forehead as they both lay, breathing deeply, waiting for the earth to right itself. Ari had no idea if it was 1 minute or 5, but eventually he felt Hannah stir a she snuggled further into his chest.
“God, Ari, that…that was incredible.” She croaked. "Yeah....." was all he could manage in return.
Part 2 
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snaileer · 4 years
Chips & Salsa Chp 4
Shiro strode down the castle hallways. Repeatedly. Maybe more like paced. But hey, it was like 4 am and he deserved to be a little stressed out. Waking up and calming yourself down from a panic attack was hard work. He missed having access to coffee.
He slowed down in front of Lance’s room. Keith would tease him for being an ‘overprotective space-dad’ but Shiro was worried about Lance. He wanted to help him, but how could he help Lance if he couldn't even help himself. Shiro had tried to support Lance but all that did was make him angry at him.
He was about to keep walking when he heard a mumble from inside the room. And then a groan. It sounded like someone was breathing really harshly.
He must be having a nightmare. Shiro immediately jumped for the door.
“Lance-!” He stared at the empty bed in confusion before lowering his eyes to the ground where Lance was.. “Are you doing push-ups?”
“Shiro! What the hell?! Why are you running in here yelling at 2 am?”
“It’s 3 am. And because I thought you were having a nightmare. I wanted to help,” Shiro watched as Lance rolled and got up from the ground.
“Well, I’m not, so… All good.” Lance smiled hesitantly and did finger guns at him. Shiro raised an eyebrow and leaned back on his hip, Shiro was probably the last person Lance wanted to see right now but-
 Lance sighed and dropped his hands as he turned his back to Shiro, “Look, if you wanted to help me you’d let me leave. Or at least spar with me.” 
“The first one I can't help you with,” Lance’s shoulders sagged a bit, “And I don't think you should be doing anything rough this soon.”
“Right, I forgot, Shiro has to follow all the rules,” 
“Lance, we just don't want you to get hurt or-”
“You guys know you don't need to pity me, right? I’m not some fragile weakling who can't handle anything.”
“I know that-”
“Then why can’t you fight me? Was I really that bad when I came out of the pod?”
“No. I promise we’re not scared of you just because you lashed out a bit.” Shiro felt he had to compromise for Lance at least a little bit. He sighed, “As long as you’re careful, I think we can probably try some light training,” Shiro smiled, “If you’re not too tired.”
Lance turned around and he smiled a bit, “Oh, you know I’m not.” Lance and Shiro walked out of the room together, heading towards the training room. “And I bet I could beat you now,”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah for sure. I picked up some badass ninja tricks in my time ‘away’ from the team” Lance did air quotes around away, “And you’re probably the only one on the team I’ll actually feel comfortable sparring with, so I’m glad your mid-morning pacing brought you to my room.”
“You heard me?”
“Of course I heard you, Shiro. I’ve learned to pay attention to whose footsteps are outside my door.” Lance threw a look at him. The implications of his words set Shiro on edge more than he would like to admit.
He tried to brush it off for another time, “And why am I the only one you want to spar with?”
“Because I need to fight but I also need to know that I’m fighting with someone that can handle me if…” Lance’s voice tapered off as he looked down.
“If I lose control.” 
Shiro stopped in his tracks, his voice small, “What?”
Lance stopped as well and turned back to him, though he didn't look him in the eye. “Shiro, you and I both know how bad it gets in.. that place. And we know how hard it is to come out the same on the other side. I mean, you’re not fooling anybody with the ‘I wake up this early because I have self-discipline and military training.’ Plus, you were the one to snap me out of it when I got out of the pod and started throwing hands.”
“But you shouldn’t have to think about this stuff. You shouldn’t have had to go through that.”
“Neither of us deserved what happened to us. But it happened all the same and now we have to move past it.” Lance motioned down the hall, but Shiro wasn’t paying attention.
“But I should’ve protected you. I shouldn’t have let them take you, or even let them have the chance to get close to you. I was just so focused on getting out of there. Getting as far away from that ship as possible and I wasn’t paying enough attention and I shouldn’t have let you go off on your own.” Shiro stared down at his own hands, one that barely seemed like his most of the time.
“No.” Lance paused, “Shiro, you spent a year on that ship, I spent about three months there. Out of anyone on this team, I know what that place is, what it does to you; and there is nothing wrong with hating it. I should hate it. So it is not your fault that you wanted to leave, we all make mistakes sometimes.” 
“Especially when we’re afraid. Shiro, just for one second, put your massive guilt complex to the side. Please. For me?” Lance pulled out the big puppy dog eyes to pout at Shiro.
Shiro gave him a shaky smile, “Yeah, Lance, for you.”
“Great, now can we please go fight?” Lance motioned forward with his hands again.
“That’s the only reason I’m here, isn’t it?”
Lance’s fists clenched and unclenched as he followed Shiro down the hall. He felt guilty about pushing Shiro to fight with him... but doing sit-ups and push-ups all night could only cure his jitteriness so much.
“Yeah, it is.”
“Everybody get your lazy asses over to- Hunk! No- I don't want- Fine!” Pidge’s voice bellowed over the speaker system before fading into mumbled arguments.
Hunk’s voice came on afterwards, “What she meant was: Can everybody please come to the kitchen? I made breakfast and Pidge has something to show all of us. Even though she’s being sour and won’t tell me what it is.” The last part sounded like it was spoken at someone else in the room rather than into the microphone.
“Well, I’m sorry but I don't want to repeat-” The intercom clicked out Pidge’s muffled response.
Shiro looked down from the ceiling of the training room at the same time as Lance did. They made eye contact and stared at each other for a second before bursting into laughter.
“It’s good to know Hunk is still attempting to wrangle Pidge after all this time. ” Lance struggled out past laughter.
Shiro’s laughter wound down a bit at the comment, still chuckling, “Well, it was a little hard while you were gone, but it sounds like they’re bouncing right back. I don't know if I’m happy about the return of the fighting though.”
“Don’t worry, Space Dad, you can always ground them.” Lance grinned
“Ooh, I am gonna kill Keith for telling you about that.” Shiro cursed his brother under his breath.
“Hah!” Lance inched towards the door, then smirked, “Who do you think told Keith?”
“No.” Shiro’s eyes narrowed in disbelief.
“Oh Yeah,” Lance smiled bigger.
“Yep, and I helped Pidge photoshop your Leap Year baby photos.”
“That was you!?”
“The very one!”
Shiro gasped in mock anger and lunged for Lance, but he was already running from the room, grabbing his jacket by the door before sprinting towards the kitchen.
Lance spotted Keith walking down the hall from his room.
“Keith!!” Keith paused to look back, “Shiro found out you told me his birthday!”
“Shit.” Keith turned and ran.
“Nooo! Keith, you were supposed to help me!”
“I grew up with him, it’s your turn!” He ducked into the relative safety of the kitchen, Lance close on his heels.
“Where’s Shiro? And why are you two so out of breath?” Hunk asked from next to the oven.
“Oh, don’t worry, he should be right along in-” Shiro burst in, “Now.”
“I can’t believe you, Lance!” Shiro yelled. Hunk dropped his pan in surprise and Pidge nearly fell off her perch on the counter at the sudden clatter.
“Sorry, I saw an opportunity and it was my obligation as a younger sibling to use it.” Lance shrugged.
“Ignoring whatever is going on there,” Pidge waved her hand at Lance hiding from Shiro behind Hunk, “I’ve got some information on the tracker.” Lance’s smile shrunk immediately and the room paused to look at her.
“What?” “What’d you find?” “Can you get rid of it?”
“Whoa, everybody slow down. Let her talk.”
“So I woke up early this morning-”
Lance interrupted her, “Seriously, was I the only one in this whole castle with a normal sleep schedule? Hunk’s already made breakfast and it’s only 6 o’clock,” He threw his hands up at the second pan of space-pastries Hunk pulled out of the oven.
“Hey, you know I bake when I’m stressed. Or tired. Or worried.” 
“Believe me, it’s hard to forget when you force-fed me un pastelito every meal during finals week.” Lance moved to look at Hunk with crossed arms.
“And midterms,”
“And your history tests.”
“Hey, those are hard.”
“And your English project.”
“That was only once.”
“Okay! I think we’re getting off topic!” Pidge yelled.
“Oh, yeah. Pidge, what’d you find?” Hunk turned back to face her on the counter. Lance angrily bit into a pastry he’d snatched behind him. 
“As fun as watching Lance burn his tongue on space-jelly is, I think we have a chance at getting rid of the chip.” Lance glared at her.
“So I woke up really early this morning because of something I discussed with Keith about the chip last night,” the group looked at Keith but he just shrugged, he knew just as much as the rest of them. “There’s no strategy in putting the chip in Lance’s brain.”
“Why would you ask Keith about strategy? His only strategy is run in, stab them and ask questions later.”
“Well am I wrong Mullet-!?”
“I’m not done!” Pidge yelled again.
“Fine.” Both boys begrudgingly backed off each other.
“It’s too much work for just a tracker they could put anywhere, so I looked closer at where they put it,” Pidge pulled up a hologram of Lance’s scan, “The temporal lobe.” 
“Isn't the temporal lobe in charge of smell, language and-?” Hunk joined in on the genius talk.
“Hearing. Yep, the primary purpose of the temporal lobe is auditory functions. And when I looked at the scan again, I found not one, but two signals.”
Lance’s eyes widened.
“What? What’s the second one for?”
“That’s what I was thinking. One signal is outgoing,-”
“The tracker obviously,” 
Pidge hummed in agreement, “But the second signal has an internal destination.”
“Precisely. Hunk, you’re the resident expert engineer, what does the design of this chip tell you?” Pidge passed the hologram to him.
“Well, first of all, the chip is attached mostly to the right temporal lobe, but these wires also connect it to the left lobe and to the hypothalamus, but connection to both temporal lobes would only be necessary to create an equal simulation across both auditory cortexes and Oh my gosh!” 
“Okay, that was a lot of science-tech words that I did not understand.” Keith pushed off the wall to move closer to the group.
“It means that the ingoing signal from the chip is trying to broadcast a false sound directly to Lance’s auditory senses,-”
“Which are controlled within the temporal lobes,” It was almost creepy how Pidge and Hunk talked so much in sync.
“It’s trying to broadcast, but it’s failing because the chip is malfunctioning. Otherwise, Lance would be hearing a high-pitched noise most or all of the time,” 
“It’s like it’s trying to cause constant tinnitus. We don’t know why yet, but the most important thing is we can exploit this malfunction to remove it.”
“Okay!” Shiro moved towards the tech pair to break them up, “One of you, talk. The other, please don't. My neck is starting to hurt from looking back and forth between you two nerds.”
“You say that like you’re not a nerd yourself, Shiro.” Shiro glared at Pidge to silence her.
“Ugh, fine. All yours, Pidge.” Hunk handed Pidge the hologram and leaned back against the counter to grumpily eat one of his pastries off the tray.
“If the chip’s not working properly, that may mean the Druids were unable to completely evaluate the human neurological system.” She zoomed out a bit to show the whole head scan, “Since the human brain is so complicated and everything is connected to everything else, this malfunction in the chip is probably rooted in its attachment and implementation. Which also creates a higher possibility of being able to get rid of the tracker without horrible brain surgery.” 
Pidge looked at the team, “And I don't think any of us are qualified to even attempt brain surgery. Eh, maybe Coran could,” Coran smiled and posed at the attention, “So the better option would be to be able to hack into the external signal and shut it down remotely, which would limit the risk of brain damage and would-”
“It won't work.” Lance’s voice was quiet, though the small declaration quickly got everyone’s attention and they turned to him. He stood at the end of the counter, staring down at his hands.
“Yes, it will. I’ll make it work.” Pidge growled back from the other end.
“No, it won't.”
“Goddamnit Lance!” Pidge slammed her tablet on the table, “Why won't you let us help you!? That’s all we’re trying to do! You’ve barely even come out of your room, except to try to sneak out in the middle of the night! And you won't tell us anything that happened! So if the only way I can help is to get rid of this stupid chip, then I’m going to do that!”
“I won't work,” Lance paused and looked up, “because the chip isn’t malfunctioning.”
Everyone stopped dead in their tracks.
“So you’ve been hearing-”
“See my hand right now?” Lance held his hand out over the countertop.
“Lance, what the hell does that have to do with-?”
“My hand is completely steady right now. And do you want to know why?” Lance clenched his hand into a fist, “It’s steady because I goaded Shiro into fighting with me.”
“What?” The team looked at Shiro, but he only stared at Lance, who refused to meet his eyes. Lance pulled his hand back to his side.
“Why would you-” Shiro’s voice was filled with betrayal.
“Because you guys obviously wanted me to stay and doing hundreds of sit-ups in my room wasn’t working!” Lance yelled, “I do hear that ringing. I hear that ringing constantly, everyday, all the time, except-” Lance raked his hand through his hair roughly, “Except when I fight.” He looked down in.. shame? 
Pidge and Hunk made worried eye contact but kept their mouths shut.
“When I fight, my head is finally clear. And I can think. And do things and feel and be myself, and then it comes back.” He looked up at the ceiling with a pained fake-smile then glanced at the team with hard eyes “And it always comes back.”
“I’ve tried everything to get rid of it. I tried meditating, breathing techniques, exercising, ignoring it, distractions; I even tried to drown out the sound myself! Short of slamming my head against a brick wall till my skull cracks, I don't know what else to do! I can’t even sleep unless I pass out from exhaustion! So yes!” Lance’s voice suddenly dropped, “Yes, I chose to fight. I chose it then and I chose it now. I chose the one solution I’ve found that works. And it works one hundred percent of the time.”
“But why me? You know I struggle fighting one on one without flashbacks.” Shiro sounded even more hurt.
“Partially because I was angry at you. Partially because you were there. Mostly,” he paused, “because I needed to feel like myself again. I needed to be able to hear myself think. And I wasn’t lying, I needed to know you’d be able to handle me if I went off the rails,”
“But… I also knew I was going to go off the rails on purpose.” Lance finally tried to look Shiro in the eye, “Shiro, I-”
“Don't Lance. Not right now.” Shiro pushed past them and left the room.
Lance looked at the group. Pidge and Hunk looked somewhere between shocked and upset, Coran looked disappointed and sad, Allura looked appalled and Keith looked…
“How dare you!?” Keith threw his fist at Lance. He let the punch hit him and knock him to the ground.
“Keith,” the others moved to stop him but didn’t get close.
 “You of all people should know!” Keith yelled again before leaving to go after Shiro.
“No, it’s alright. I think I probably deserved that.” Lance wiped blood away from his nose as he got up. He looked at it on his hand for a second, “Hell, I definitely deserved more than that; but, uh, I think we should finish this some other time. Yeah?” 
Lance turned his back to them and left as well. He followed down the same hallway as Keith and Shiro.
He stopped behind a corner when he heard their voices in the hallway.
“Shiro, are you okay?”
“No! What he did wasn’t okay!” Lance flinched a bit at the sound of a metal fist hitting the wall.
“I know and you have the right to be angry at him right now.”
“Damn right I do. And I know that... it’s just, yeah, I’m angry at him for lying to me like that. Especially about something like this, but I’m also angry at myself,”
“You shouldn’t be, he’s the one that pushed you even though he knew.”
“You didn’t hear him earlier, Keith.”
“In the kitchen, yeah I-”
“No, before that, when he asked me to train with him. Looking back, he sounded almost...,” Shiro paused, “Desperate.”
“What do you mean?”
He means addicted. Lance ignored his thoughts and stayed quiet against the wall.
“I mean, at first, when he asked me I said no. And then he started saying all this stuff he was worried about and I thought, if I can give him this one thing, maybe he’ll keep talking like this. Maybe he’ll end up better than I did. Maybe I can fix this. But he knew I’d give him what he wanted. He was just trying to use me Keith! How do I react to that!?”
“I don’t really think there’s any way you could have expected him to do this.”
“But that’s the thing, Keith. I should’ve. I should’ve expected it, I should’ve known. Just like when I got him captured, I wasn’t thinking about him, I was thinking about me. Again! I should’ve been able to tell this time. ”
“No, Shiro. The only way this could’ve been avoided is if he had told us about the ringing. This is on him. Not you.”
“No, it’s my responsibility-”
“Keith is right, y’know.” Lance finally turned around the corner to meet them. Keith’s face instantly went from gentle to furious again. “As much as I hate to say it, Keith is right, I should’ve told you guys.”
“I swear to God, Lance, are you looking to get punched again?”
“No the first time was enough, thank you.”
“Wait, Keith, you punched him?” Shiro glanced at his brother.
“Well, yeah, it didn’t look like you were going to. So why didn’t you tell us, Lance? I get we’re all having ‘hindsight is 20/20’ moments but something like that is kind of important.”
“I didn’t say anything because I thought it was just me.”
“I didn’t know it was the chip and I didn’t know why I suddenly felt the need to fight all the time. Why I was such a horrible person to be addicted to something as horrible as the Arena. I thought this was my punishment, for doing everything I did to get through the Arena. I was-,” Lance swallowed and looked away, “I was ashamed.”
Lance’s mind still told him he should be ashamed. That it was his punishment and he would never-.
“Why the hell would you be ashamed for surviving in-” Keith started out angrily, but Shiro cut him off.
“Because you felt like a monster.” 
Lance’s head snapped back up to look at Shiro in surprise before glancing back down again. 
Shiro pushed past Keith to approach Lance. “You felt like a monster because you thought you were addicted to enjoying the fights.” Shiro said it like a realization, like he was finally recognizing something.
“How do you-?”
“Like you said earlier, Lance; I have a bit of experience with guilt complexes and carrying the weight of the world on my back.” Shiro set his hand on Lance’s shoulder.
“Hey!” Lance said with mock indignation, “I came here to apologize to you, not the other way around.” Lance half-heartedly pulled away from Shiro’s hand, “I am sorry by the way. I shouldn’t have done that to you. No matter the circumstances.”
“I can’t say I forgive you just yet, but at the very least, I understand.” 
“That’s all I can ask for Shiro.”
“Hey! I’m still mad at you!” Keith yelled from behind Shiro.
“I wouldn't expect anything less, Samurai!” Lance yelled back.
“Ugh. Come on Keith, I’m taking you away before you can hit him again.” Shiro was already dragging Keith down the hallway towards his room.
Lance briefly listened to the muffled arguments of ‘but he deserved it!’ and ‘that doesn’t mean you can hit our teammates for me.’ He gave a small smile.
He looked down at the slight tremble in his hands before shoving his fist roughly into the pocket of his jacket. A problem for another day.
Next Chapter: https://snaileer.tumblr.com/post/618602039029760000/chips-salsa-chp-5
First Chapter: https://snaileer.tumblr.com/post/613092735756402688/chips-and-salsa-chp-1
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iwritethat · 5 years
Batboys: Valentines Day Headcanons
A/N: I couldn’t think of any for Duke or the Batgirls and I don’t know their characters that well so my apologies that I couldn’t give them an individual one.
Happy Valentines Day, I hope you have a wonderful day doing what you do.
All my love, Jessica ♥️
Bruce Wayne:
• Cancels all meetings for the day so he can spend it with you, however Batman is still on call and he does genuinely apologise for this. You don’t mind, you’d expect some mad love scheme from Gothams villains at some point tonight.
• Has probably bought you a few gifts, the classic flowers and chocolates are a must and you can bet they’re top quality.
• Alfred makes breakfast for the two of you as you chatter and enjoy the family’s company in the kitchen.
• Of the assortment of gifts you offhandly mentioned you wanted throughout the year, there is a truly meaningful one that he would give you in private. Whether it be jewellery, a gadget or book which reminded you of a time you spent together. You cry. It’s too sentimental.
• Has plans to take you out for a fancy meal later that evening, we’re talking 5* restaurant and you give him his gift there which of course he loves.
• You take a peaceful walk through the city afterward, which is cut short by the revelation of Joker kidnapping couples. You give each other a knowing look and in minutes the Batmobile is pulled up in the closest alley.
• Bruce - Batman is apologising but you smile and wave him off, but before he leaves you quickly give him a new gadget you got Barbara to work on.
“I have two Valentines I suppose, so my gift to Batman is this.”
“You’re truly amazing (Y/n), I love you.”
“Go save the city love.”
Dick Grayson:
• Not subtle about the fact Valentines Day is around the corner, you know he’s planning something and are on edge.
• Jokes on him though because the competition is ON this year. You woke him with breakfast in bed and he was salty about how his patrol the night before had prevented him from waking up before you. Still assured you that you didn’t have to do this.
• The romantic gestures get more extravagant throughout the day from each of you, in reality you both do this for fun as you show how much you love each other through everyday gestures. But this was go big or go home.
• You arrived from your shopping trip to a trail of rose petals leading to the lounge where too many flower bouquets were waiting - each equipped with a cheesy pick up line. You’d probably give some flowers to the elder residents of the building in the end.
• Dick stood proudly in the middle of them, also nervous as to whether you’d like them. You smiled, pulling him into a loving embrace when he whispered “I’m winning.”
• That evening you took him out see Haly’s circus and he was a mess, it was cute to see him catch up with old family members as well as watch the show. You wanted to give them some privacy but Dick pulled you along introducing you as the love of his life, adamant that you meet Haly. The older man approved, covertly telling dick he’d be an imbecile to let you go.
• In return Dick treated you to a meal at any restaurant of your choice and was glowing for the rest of the evening. Honestly he’s so pleased that your his it’s ridiculous, expect showers of adoration and you just can’t shut him up.
• When you get home and are well relaxed, he presents you with a velvet box.
“This is - no it was too much. I can’t accept this you beautiful dork.”
“I saw the way you looked at it all those months ago so I saved and got you something special, with everything you put up with, you deserve this and much more (Y/n).”
It’s a price of jewellery that you fell in love with whilst shopping for Wallys birthday present and of course your boyfriend remembered.
• You’re cuddling on the couch at this point, pure bliss for the both of you as it’s not often Dick takes a full night off but for you, he would.
“I really tried to get you the best gift in the world this year so I could win our game but I just couldn’t part with it.”
“What do you mean?” He’s confused are your unexpected confession but intrigued.
“How am I supposed to gift you to yourself? Besides I wouldn’t give the best thing in the world up, how could I ever lose you Dick Grayson?” Your words have him blushing, he’s flustered and so full of sheer joy that he just pulls you into his arms with a soft kiss to your lips.
“I - that was - god you win. I don’t deserve you.”
Jason Todd:
• On this day, it is common knowledge to everyone who knows you both that you can ask him anything and he’ll do it. Only If it’s reasonable and for you. Breakfast in bed? Hell yeah. You want a romantic bath? It’s done.
• Will get you a lovely meaningful gift that reminds him of you and you love it so much, and thank him profusely.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” Jason obviously brushes it off with a brilliant blush adorning his skin.
• Never admits to the fact he loves baths with you, but on Valentine’s Day you got out the rose petals, bubble bath and candles. Didn’t take much convincing to get him in there with you and you presented a new book you’d gotten him. Jason melted. If you want him to read aloud in the bath whilst you relax, he will. It’s so peaceful for him.
• Jason isn’t into fancy wine and dining and would rather a casual setting, so brings up going to Big Belly Burger for dinner. As a joke. No he seriously would.
“Oh yeah, sounds great. I’ll get ready.” And you do, willingly.
“Wait but - um, don’t you want? I dunno, a nice restaurant?”
“As long as I get to spend time with you I don’t mind, I would eat on the roof for all I care. Actually no, it’s quite cold - but in summer I would.”
• It’s all registering in Jason’s mind how amazing you are, and he’s just gazing at you with pure adoration before skidding over and clasping you’re wrist as you went for his keys.
“Ah - no, we’re not doing that. I’m making you dinner, no objections. It’ll be incredible I promise.”
“I’ll help then.”
• And boy can he cook, the food is gorgeous and he put so much effort into it too. He appreciates your help as his sous chef, the many kisses in between demonstrated that.
• Essentially from then it stems to a normal evening for the two of you, a comfortable night of playful teasing either reading or watching a show. Jason believes these are the best kind, Valentines isn’t for special treatment when he aims to make you feel loved everyday - even if he’s not the best at it sometimes.
Tim Drake:
• Less invested than his eldest brother who is a hopeless romantic but is still determined to ensure you feel special. You’ve said you didn’t want anything but he refuses to let this be a completely normal day unless you really want it to be.
• Starts by making you breakfast in bed and it’s actually to die for, you share the blissful morning in one another’s comfortable company and it really invigorates you for the upcoming day. He had a gift for that.
• “How about we skip the cliche stuff and do something for us?”
“What did you have in mind my lovely nerd.”
• You played some video games before venturing to Titans tower where you spent the day with your friends - you cared about them too. Honestly it became a low-key house party with everyone conversation going and messing around.
• Afterwards you head back to Gotham and hit a nearby food stand and your boyfriend insists on zipping you through the skyline to perfect place to eat which is exactly what you do.
• Takes you up to the ‘best rooftop’ in Gotham, you didn’t believe one existed until you see the view. Tim offers his scarf as you sit on the ledge watching the sun set behind the city, the sky a breathtaking ombré.
“Y’know, this is very clićhe Tim.” You laughed, nudging your boyfriend who offered you a playful grin in response.
“Well you’re still here so I must be doing something right.”
“You are the something right.”
“I was going to say the same about you, thank you for everything (Y/n). I truly love you, y’know that?”
• After arriving home, you spend the evening cuddled up in bed with Netflix playing and an array of snacks out. You doubt you’ll get through a season by the time you fall asleep but you’re both willing to try.
• You couldn’t determine who went to dreamland first, but you awoke in each other’s arms after a gunshot echoed on screen. At this point you agreed to turn it off and once more curl into one another with occasional random whispers of conversation before falling asleep for the night.
Damian Wayne:
• Does not care for the holiday and has told you this before, whether you do or not he feels he should at least make some form of effort. Just to lowkey display his love for you.
• Brought you multiple bouquets of flowers, also invested in chocolates and you can tell he’s really trying.
• Titus happily brings you a rose, which had you swooning the dog regardless of how smug your boyfriend was. Definitely up for a romantic walk through the park with Titus and buys coffee/lunch whilst you’re there.
• The day is completely at your disposal, but after the walk and shopping trip he took you on (despite your unwillingness to tell him what you liked knowing he’d get it for you), you relaxed in one another’s company in the Manor.
• Damian put on your favourite movie and in return you set his film up next so you both had something of interest. Thus began the playful bickering and fights over blankets which you ultimately end up sharing anyway.
• Alfred brings in cookies, you had to do a double take because they are heart shaped and you give the Butler a curious look.
“At Master Damian’s request, apparently more ‘romantic’.” You can hear the disinterested sarcasm in Alfreds voice, his witty remarks are treasured.
“Alfred!” It’s a hiss from your boyfriend and you can’t help but laugh, thanking both of them.
• You’re both sitting comfortably wrapped up in each other, simply enjoying the movie playing in the background amongst idle conversation.
“I appreciate you’re trying, but this clearly isn’t your thing.” You smiled knowingly, Damian both offended and impressed that you could read him so eloquently.
“I -“
“Hear me out, how about next year we go away for a weekend? Maybe Africa or somewhere with a wildlife sanctuary y’know.”
• Immediately his eyes lit up, he’d moved for his phone and began listing the most exotic locations and soon you were joining him. So much so that within 30 minutes he’d adamantly decided to pay for everything.
• Now has a renewed excitement for Valentines Day, literally is counting down the days for a national holiday he still has no care for but loves spending quality with you. It becomes a tradition to spend Valentines away.
Bonus: Older Batsis
Imagine being the older sister of the Batfam and having to spend Valentines on your own.
• You didn't hate Valentine's Day but this year you were single and had a lot on your mind lately whether it be stress, work or any other life dilemma.
• As a result you opted to stay at the Manor rather than your own apartment, besides both neighbours were madly in love with their current partners and you didn't want to be around that right now. The family knew of these developments and since it was Valentines...
• A bouquet of flowers adorned the table that morning with Alfred cheerfully cooking your favourite breakfast, the smell alone was enough to die for.
"You didn't have to Alfred."
"Ah Miss (Y/n), you should take your own advice.”
• Damian simply tuts at the doorframe before entering the area and sitting beside you. The young man didn't believe in the holiday one bit and at this point you agreed with him.
• Okay so maybe you brought Cass, Barbara and Stephanie a bouquet of flowers each. Then proceeded to purchase the favourite snacks of Dick, Jason, Tim, Duke and Damian. Dick being in an annoying mood decided to question your behaviour.
“You brought us gifts? We’re not your valentine so, why exactly?”
“Because, I believe Valentines is about celebrating the people you care for, not just for couples to express their affection. And I do care about you all a lot, so this is me showing that.”
• Regardless, you enjoyed a chilled day in the Manor. After a luxurious bath, you enjoyed your own company really. Something you hadn’t managed in a while.
• Your family wanted to cheer you up though, thus ensued a strange day. Cassandra brought you a katana wrapped carefully ribbon warapped which left you speechless, Dick and Barbara got you that jacket you were telling her about last month and Tim had set up a slew of your favourite movies to relax to along with snacks.
• You cried. It meant so much despite them having their own plans, they took at least 10 minutes to see you.
• Steph made you waffles for lunch, which you enjoyed together after concocting masterpieces from the array of toppings on offer in the kitchen.
• Duke and Jason were next, each rocking up with bunches of flowers.
“We couldn’t remember your favourites, I thought they were (fave flower), but Duke disagreed.”
“Duh, they’re (second fave flower), anyway (Y/n) happy valentines. You don’t need no man - or woman. Either.” Duke grinned, Jason following on with his usual degrading humour.
“Exactly, you got us. Not that it helps haha.”
• You had dinner in the Batcave, it was only take out considering you were managing comms whilst the others were on mission that night. Oracle 2.0 if you will.
• It was then that Damian joined you, a box in hand that he slid in front of you and upon opening it, revealed a pearl white kitten/puppy adorned with an oversized red bow.
“His name is Valentine, or Val, or Vee - he’s for you, so you won’t be feel alone once you get home. I guarantee animals build more loyal relationships than humans.”
“Dami, I thought you hated Valentines Day. You didn’t have to get me anything.”
• The youngest gives you a frustrated look, embarrassed that he was caught being so kind in the first place.
“If it helps I wanted to adopt him but father wouldn’t let me, so I had to find him the next best person. Which out of all these Neanderthals, is of course, you.”
“I see, and what spurred you to even look into such a thing in there first place?” Damn you’d caught him out, the only reason he went was to find a companion for you.
"As you said (L/n), it's about celebrating people you care about and my gift will last the longest therefore you know I love you the most."
"And I love you too little bro, thank you Damian."
• Best Valentine’s Day ever.
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lousylark · 4 years
Loose Hair
(For Adrinette April, day 8. I wrote this in an hour and it is totally unedited. Oops. Enjoy.) @adrinetteapril
Chloe sends out invitations for another party. 
She claims it’s to celebrate her third favorite butler’s birthday one month overdue, but, if Adrien knows better -- and he does -- it’s because she feels bad for siding with Hawkmoth a few weeks back during the Loveater incident. 
She and her mother went on a two-week trip to London to “clear poor Chloe’s head,” and, though Nino likes to swear up and down that her bratty greeting to the class upon returning proves she hadn’t changed a bit, Adrien saw the shuffle in her step, saw the slump in her shoulders when she moved to sit beside Sabrina. To him, it’s obvious that his childhood friend is torn up over the incident. And so, he figures, the only reasonable explanation for this party is that she wants to apologize to her classmates for ruining whatever morsel of friendship might’ve existed between them when she sided with Hawkmoth.
“A party?” Kagami asks during fencing practice. She’s out of breath; so is he. Lunge. Parry. Repeat. 
“Yeah,” he replies. “She had one before you came to Paris, and it was pretty fun.” Lunge. Parry. “Well, other than the fact that her butler got akumatized. But it all ended well.” 
Kagami grimaces. Having been akumatized twice, the topic is sometimes sore for her. Adrien forgets -- after all, if he held grudges against anyone who’s ever been akumatized in Paris, he’d have fewer friends than Chloe. 
“My mother would never let me.” She flawlessly dodges another of his attempts. “Besides, it’s rude to go to a party that I haven’t even been invited to.” 
As if in response, Kagami’s phone pings across the gym. Her body tenses in surprise. Adrien could take the opening and score -- but he decides against it, figuring she wouldn’t find much humor in his foul play. 
“I bet that’s the invite,” he says, lifting the netting of his helmet away from his face. His hair is sweaty, it sticks to his forehead like bubblegum to the sidewalk. “Here, let’s take a break and you can check. I need some water, anyway.” 
She smirks. “Sounds like a sore loser’s excuse, dear.” 
He chuckles. “Hey, this isn’t over yet. Just wait ‘til I down another bottle of water.”
“Yes, and then you’ll have to use the restroom so badly that you’ll get distracted and I’ll win -- again.” 
He doesn’t further contest, just chuckles as she heads over to where her gym bag is situated. After removing his helmet fully and shaking his hair like a wet dog, he heads toward the locker room. 
Plagg, surprisingly, remains hidden -- he usually likes to pop out for a snarky comment when Adrien’s losing a match. But the kwami is nowhere in sight. Adrien sighs, hoping he’s not getting into trouble in Ms. Mendeleiev’s classroom again. 
He shuffles over to his locker, setting his helmet down on the bench nearby. As he does, however, he’s surprised to find a familiar pink backpack -- but no owner in sight. 
“Marinette?” he calls out, smiling at the prospect of seeing his friend. His voice echoes throughout the locker room.
No response. Strange, he thinks. He hasn’t seen Marinette much since the day Chloe got akumatized. Well, he’s seen her in class, of course, but not as much at social outings -- the few that his father lets him go to, at least. Even Alya has been concerned about her marked absences, according to Nino. 
He opens his locker to rummage around for a water bottle. He’s pretty sure Nathalie packed an extra in his bag when he wasn’t supposed to be looking -- she’s good at doing little, secretively nice things like that. 
Something metallic jingles behind him. Grateful for his cat-like reflexes (literally), he whirls around, half-expecting to meet a new minion from Hawkmoth. 
Instead, he catches Marinette red-handed, apparently trying, and failing, to pick up her backpack without being detected. She squeaks, perhaps just as startled as he is, and her cheeks go bright red. 
He just laughs -- a bit uneasy that she was trying to sneak away without saying hi, but still happy to see her. “Sorry, you spooked me.” He notices her keys on the ground -- ah, the source of the jingling noise -- and picks them up, holding them out for her. She snatches them like Plagg going for a crumb of camembert. 
“My bad,” she says. “Um, thanks.” 
She turns on her heel, starting toward the locker room exit. She’s not in gym clothes and he’s pretty sure she doesn’t do any after-school sports -- why is she here, he wonders? In any case, he isn’t satisfied with this particular interaction.
“Hey, wait!” he calls, and, thankfully, she stops and turns around to meet his eye. 
He notices for the first time that she looks -- exhausted. Like she hasn’t slept in weeks. And he can understand -- student and model by day, hero by night, the whole routine takes a toll on him sometimes. But Marinette looks like she’s been a superhero, a student, a model, a seamstress, a baker’s daughter, a farmer, a bookstore owner, a -- well. The bags under her eyes say more than words ever could. 
He wants to reach out and ask why she’s so tired, but gets an odd feeling that any answer she gives him will be either a half-truth or a simple “no thanks.” So, instead, he says, “I haven’t, uh, seen you around much. Are you going to Chloe’s party later?”
She turns toward him a little more. Her hair is totally out of place -- one pigtail falls a little lower than the other; her bangs are misshapen over her forehead. He can’t decide out of the two of them whose hair day is worse.
“Uh,” she starts, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “I haven’t really decided. I have so much to do…”
She trails off. Looks past him, as if she sees all her tasks piled up right over his shoulder and the tower is twelve feet tall. 
“Isn’t Kitty Section playing?” he probes gently. “I bet they’d love to have you there.” 
She smiles -- he’s grateful to see at least a little bit of light return to her eyes. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason I got invited. I think Luka told Chloe that they wouldn’t play unless I wasn’t barred at the gate.” 
He chuckles. He wants to tell her that, actually, Marinette was one of the first to get an invitation, and it was Chloe’s own choice. But he’s pretty sure Chloe would gnaw his head off if he admitted that, childhood best friends notwithstanding. 
“So I’ll see you there then, right?” he asks. 
She sighs. Looks down at her feet. “We’ll see.” 
As she starts toward the double doors again, he utters, “Hey, well, it’s good to see you, Marinette.” 
She pauses, backpack slung over one shoulder and one dainty hand pressed against the door. He isn’t sure she’s going to respond, but then she looks over her shoulder and flashes him a signature smile.
“You too, Adrien. Good luck with fencing.”  
She leaves the locker room, backpack pulled tightly against her shoulders like a safety blanket.
He watches her go, feeling...strange. Like he wants to chase after her, but he has no clue what he would say -- nor how comforting it would be. Instead, he makes a mental note to check in with Alya later. It’s almost as if there’s been a death in the family, but he’s pretty sure if something had happened to the Dupain-Chengs, he would’ve heard it on the news -- 
The door slams open. Half expecting to see Marinette again, he looks over the rim of his water bottle to see Kagami. 
“You were taking so long I half thought you’d crawled out the window out of fear of losing again,” she says, leaning against the doorframe. 
He grins. “And lose precious time with you? Never.” He swings the water bottle back for another chug, then, after swallowing, asks, “So? Was it an invitation from Chloe?”
“Yes,” she replies, dragging out the ‘s’ like a piece of putty. “I’m surprised. I don’t suppose you had something to do with this?”
He smiles. “I told her I wouldn’t go without you. And I called your mother earlier today -- she already approved the outing, but, uh, don’t mention the fact that it’s a party because I just told her we were going to the Bourgeois residence for light refreshments.” 
“Adrien,” she says, shaking her head in disbelief. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Go to this party with me? Have fun?” He approaches her, grabs both her hands, and spins her under his arms, gently trapping her against him. “Relax, just for once?”
She scoffs, but sinks back against his chest. With a deep sigh, she says, “Fine. It’s a date.” 
The party is, for lack of a more illustrative word, stunning. 
Chloe outdoes herself -- never much for words, her apology seeps through in the decor, the entertainment, the gift bags, and the food. Adrien is shocked -- but happily so -- to see that Chloe has taken the time to stuff every person’s bag with some personal treat. His own bag, for example, has a wheel of camembert. His friends have obviously caught on to “his” cheese obsession. 
Kagami looks lovely, in a burnt amber dress and eyeshadow to match. He chose a black suit with a green tie as a subtle nod to his alter ego -- so they don’t exactly match, but he’s happy to see her have a little fun with her outfit, for once. 
He spends the first half of the event swapping between Kagami and Nino, the latter of whom was asked to DJ the event before Kitty Section’s show at eight o’clock. Desperately, he tries to take his own advice and “relax, just for once” -- but between his anxiety that something will go wrong and an akuma will show up as well as the fact that he hasn’t seen Marinette yet, he barely has the chance to rest. 
Alya saunters over to the DJ station, hopping up into the booth to give her boyfriend a kiss. Kagami has never quite been as comfortable with affection as Nino and Alya -- Adrien, deprived as he is, is desperate for touching and teasing almost all the time, but he’s also a gentleman, so he’ll be as patient as she needs him to be. Still, when he sees his best friend and Alya together, he can’t help but sometimes feel a pang in his chest. 
He sighs. Waves Alya over. She sees him, gives Nino another kiss on the cheek -- they laugh at some inside joke. 
“Hey, Alya,” he says warmly. Her cheeks glow under Chloe’s recently-installed disco lights. “Is Marinette coming?”
“She’s supposed to be here by the time Kitty Section performs -- I know she had some babysitting gig or something before this.” She raises an eyebrow. “Why do you ask?”
Adrien lets out a breath of relief -- leave it to Alya, though, to be able to read anyone and everyone like an open book. “You know, I just…” he trails off, wondering if there’s even any value to fibbing. “I saw her in the locker room earlier today. Does she seem...kinda tired, to you?”
Her expression darkens. “So I’m not the only one who’s noticed.” 
He wonders if that’s the end of the conversation. It certainly feels a bit like it, as Nino starts up a new song and Alya takes a sip from the champagne flute (it’s just sparkling juice) in her hand. But, then, she looks up at him, her expression concerned. 
“Girl won’t tell me what’s going on,” she says. “She’s been...different, since the incident with Chloe, you know? She tried to tell me that her mom and dad have made her take on more responsibility in the bakery, but I know that can’t be all of it.” She sighs. “I really wish she’d be honest with me. I don’t really have an answer for you, other than that.” 
As if on cue, the door leading to the hallway opens, revealing a slightly more put-together Marinette than the girl he saw earlier that day. He’s surprised, however, that she hasn’t taken the opportunity to premiere one of her designs. Instead, she dons a modern green chemise and black slacks -- a look that he’s pretty sure is from his father’s commercially-geared collection. 
“Excuse me for a minute,” he tells Alya, starting toward her. But before he can go, Alya grabs his wrist unexpectedly. 
“Hey,” she says, looking at him through lowered eyelids. Her tone is strangely pointed. “You’re a good guy, Adrien, just...just be gentle with her heart, okay?”
He wants to ask what she means by that -- he would never dream of hurting Marinette, the one time with the bubblegum was enough, thank-you-very-much -- but by the time he has his wits about him, Alya has merged with the crowd. 
He breathes out. Plagg would question him right now, for sure. That means it’s a good idea to just go for it. 
He passes through the crowd to get to Marinette, losing sight of her a couple times. Chloe calls out his name -- she’s wearing a huge smile, which he’s happy to see. When he turns back toward Marinette -- 
-- she’s kissing Luka’s cheeks, looking brighter than ever. She has to stand on her toes even in two-inch heels. As usual, Luka has his guitar slung over his shoulder; he shifts it via the strap to his back so that Marinette can give him a tight hug. 
He shakes his head, pulling himself out of his own stupor. He’s known about Luka and Marinette’s budding romance for a while now, so he really shouldn’t be fazed. But now, he realizes all of a sudden that --
-- she’s blushing for Luka. She used to blush like that for him. 
He doesn’t think too hard about the implications of that revelation -- he can’t, actually, because Kagami taps his shoulder. 
“Look, it’s Mari,” she says, employing the nickname he knows she relishes using. Marinette is, after all, arguably Kagami’s closest friend besides him, and he doesn’t really count. “I haven’t seen her in a while. Shall we say hello?”
“Uh, yeah, let’s,” he says, as if that weren’t already his plan. He should’ve thought to include Kagami in the first place, he realizes with a bit of guilt.
Thankfully, Marinette spots them amidst the crowd of classmates. She waves with the hand that isn’t holding Luka’s. 
“Kagami,” she says in greeting as they approach, reaching out to her friend for a half-hug. “It’s been a while. I’m sorry I haven’t been around.”
“Quite alright -- designing your next breakthrough outfit, I’m sure,” Kagami replies, bowing her head in respect. 
“Yeah,” Adrien adds, waffling between a hug and a polite faire la bise -- but finally settling for just squeezing her shoulder. “I’m surprised you didn’t use tonight to premiere a new design.”
Her expression falls just a touch. She looks up at Luka, who nudges her gently, almost as if encouraging her. 
“I just haven’t had time,” she admits. “Sorry to disappoint.”
Without missing a beat, Kagami replies, “No need to apologize. We’re just waiting that much more eagerly for the next one.” 
“Well, you don’t have to worry about it tonight,” Luka says, looking down at Marinette with a fond gaze. “You’re here to have fun, remember?”
Adrien scoffs. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her,” he says, jutting a thumb toward his girlfriend. 
“We’re busy, successful women,” Kagami says, shrugging her shoulders. “No fault in that.”
Marinette giggles, seemingly agreeing. 
“Alright, so I’d like to see you successfully have fun,” Luka continues, wrapping an arm around Marinette’s shoulders.
He puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles, catching Nino’s attention. Nino sees the four of them and nods, then moves to queue a new song on the turntable. As the song fades into action, Marinette’s eyes practically bug out of her head. 
“You didn't,” she gasps, turning to Luka.
He chuckles. “I did. Come on, go let loose. I know you love Clara’s new song.”
Adrien turns to Kagami. “You should dance, too.”
“I can’t dance,” she scoffs. She seems to say something more, but Adrien’s ear is suddenly caught by Marinette and Luka’s continuing conversation. 
“What if...what if something goes wrong?” Marinette asks, her voice soft under the upbeat pop tune. “What if somebody needs me?”
“Then I’m right here,” Luka reassures her, holding her cheek gently in one hand. “Now go dance! I gotta help Juleka with the Kitty Section set-up.” 
She flashes him a winning smile. “I’ll be front-row.”
“I’ll look for you, lovebug.”
As Marinette leaves, Adrien can’t help but wonder about the meaning of their conversation. What could she mean, if somebody needs her? Sure, a lot of people need Marinette’s positivity and helpfulness in their lives, but -- and why is Luka so important all of a sudden? 
“Hello, earth to Adrien?”
Kagami is staring at him expectantly. 
“Ah, jeez, I’m so sorry, Kagami -- I got totally lost in thought.” He shakes his head. “What did you say?”
She presses her lips together, but responds nonetheless. “I said I’d like to try to dance with Marinette. Can you fend for yourself?”
“Oh. Uh, yeah, totally. Have fun.” As she starts toward the dancefloor, he adds in a higher volume, “Don’t worry -- dancing is just fencing but less calculated!”
Adrien watches as she disappears in the crowd, only to reappear next to Marinette on the dance-floor. The disco lights make her amber dress shine. He smiles, glad that she’s finally having fun. 
As the Clara Nightingale song continues, he can’t keep his gaze from Marinette. Her exterior shell seems to break just a bit -- with every hit of synthesizer, she seems to invoke more energy, twirling and laughing like he’s never seen her before. At one point, she looks over toward him -- toward Luka, actually, he realizes -- and waves, her expression one of pride and joy. 
“That’s my girl,” Luka says softly. Adrien starts -- he’d forgotten Luka was there. 
“We sure are lucky, aren’t we, Adrien?”
Adrien watches as Marinette gleefully steps on a nearby empty table -- a bold move for someone he might’ve once deemed shy. Always an advocate for kindness, she reaches down toward Kagami, who shakes her head, content to continue dancing on the floor. 
Marinette just laughs, dancing goofily on the table as the song continues. Alya and some of the other girls from their squad pool around the table but not on it, as Marinette entertains them with some silly soliloquy from above. The girls squeal with laughter. Even Chloe, who stays a cautious five feet away, seems to have one ear and half a smile perked toward their vitality. 
As the song comes to an end, Marinette enjoys one final spin atop her table. The elastics holding her pigtails slip away and her hair tumbles loose and free, blue tendrils following her as she spins like a sweet storm enveloping her face. In one gentle, fragile moment, just as the music fades to a halt and the room dips in volume, Adrien feels as if he’s watching her in slow motion: her arms are still out and swinging, her toes pointed underneath her like a ballerina. Her hair falls away, revealing her smiling, glowing face. The twinkling lights from the disco paint her awash in fairies’ colors. She is more carefree than he has ever seen her. This is the real Marinette: bold, daring, kind, joyful. 
Marinette’s friends shriek in hysteric joy as her dance finishes, kindly helping her down from the table and coating her in adoring hugs. He feels a strange stirring in his chest. 
“Yeah,” Adrien finally responds, “we are.” 
He turns toward Luka -- but the guitarist is no longer there. Instead, he’s moved across the room. Adrien only lets his gaze linger long enough to see Marinette joyfully receive Luka’s blown kiss. 
He may need a champagne flute filled with actual champagne. 
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watchtheblog · 4 years
petty cache
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thank you for coming to read my diary which masquerades as a blog but is actually just a vessel for disseminating my birthday wishlists. it’s like an event you show up to where the host tries to sell you a timeshare 25 minutes after some requisite, mindless song and dance.
welcome! if you’d like purchase a timeshare, scroll to the bottom. for the song and dance, look no further:
the other day i zoned out on zoom therapy and when my therapist asked where i “went” i had to lie because i had gone to the part of my brain that holds all the things i need to think about forever for no reason (i call it the petty cache — this is an umbrella term for the space that also houses my attitude cabinet) and dusted off a memory of a comment i saw on a stranger’s facebook three weeks ago that said “message me. i lost my password and i have good news to share”.
i don’t know either person, and that’s what i was thinking about. i spend $[redacted] a month on therapy and instead of focusing on one of my numerous unsolved mysteries, i was thinking about the nuances of this comment - like why they wouldn’t just share the news or message the person directly? or what losing their password had to do with anything? or why they would comment on facebook instead of texting or calling the person. did they not have their number? imagine not knowing someone well enough to have their phone number, but still wanting to share your good news with them!
all i want (for my birthday) is to know what the news is that this stranger has to share, and i’ll never know so i have to put that comment in my minutiae repository with all the other things that will plague me until i die from texting and driving, smoke inhalation as a result of purposely leaving a candle lit in my home overnight almost every night, consuming half a dozen hot dogs a week, or a now unnamed disease that will posthumously be attributed to my chronic inability to mind my own business.
i’m constantly concerning myself with things that are none of my concern - no matter how insignificant - because my brain is a commune of sentient pepperoni running instagram polls among themselves to discern if something is worth spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about. and guess what? it turns out absolutely everything that has ever offended, confused, bothered, intrigued, slightly inconvenienced, or merely happened to me is worth spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about.
because i devote so much energy to nonsense, i can often be found persecuting strangers for insulting me on the internet (and for other miscellaneous bad behavior). the information superhighway is my home so i have to protect myself (and my friends) here, and if that means spending 45 minutes to 48 hours trying to find every misstep you’ve made in your life until i have enough ammunition to spray a dozen simulated retaliatory bullets at your virtual head because you called me a “stupid bitch” on instagram, well… so be it!
i am relentless in my pursuit of wasting time, so if that doesn’t work, i will find the cold stone creamery you frequent, seek employment there, be hired on the spot, learn the craft, be promoted to manager, poison you on your birthday, gain access to your funeral, and tarnish your reputation by reading your shitty DM in front of the few family and friends whom i haven’t already made aware of the abhorrent way you conducted yourself online!
there are so many different ways strangers will try to hurt your feelings — an interesting genre of which come from men who (like me) have definitely never had sex before, and mistakenly think i care about the ways in which my body does not make them horny.
“no tits” one will say. and i’m like, how do you want me to respond to that? my boobs are indeed small, yes. did you come here to shoot facts back and forth all day? ok: you’re going to start balding way sooner than you’re prepared for, i bet your childhood dog is dead, your time on the internet should be supervised, your closet is full of vests, and you wait on line at nightclubs… good day?!
while i will obviously engage with anyone if they want to fight, i prefer when the unsolicited criticism is personalized, and not just thoughtless, lazily devised tripe.
a year and a half ago, a man who looked like he exhales smog DMed me to let me know - among other things in a paragraph long rant - he’d “lost brain cells” watching my story. knowing he had likely never had an adequate amount to begin with, it seemed like an emergency, so i started a group DM with his wife. because his message had come just three days after a “fuckkk [heart eye emoji]” response to a photo of my ass, i included a screenshot as evidence of his devolving mental state.
being - presumably - gainfully employed, neither of them responded.
luckily, the consolation prize for insulting me is that you gain residency in my brain and stay in my thoughts and prayers for all eternity, so i checked in on them a few days ago. they’d unfollowed and wiped their feeds clean of each other!!
because i’ve never “moved on” in my entire life, i fired up our long dormant group chat, and sent my condolences: “aw. sorry your trip to positano - where you were going to attempt to repair your ramshackle marriage - got cancelled because of covid and so you just got divorced instead :(” i wrote before being blocked by both of them. 
then i headed right over to my therapist’s facebook and commented “message me. i lost my password and i have good news to share”
i spent an entire therapy session detailing this monomania before my therapist thoughtfully suggested i “pick [my] battles”.
to which i thoughtfully responded: yeah, babe. i pick every single one.
timeshare time! it’s the same list as this post, with a few additions (at top) (and edits based on availability).
places to donate food education fund pretty brown girl the okra project
some furniture stuff a side table  a pointless, laughably tiny little thing this website is calling a “drink table” a lamp one of these benches i do not want this but it’s important to me that at least 2 other people know it exists
this plant that obviously does not need to cost $165 but idk how to shop economically
air pods
gifts from the previous post - all still v much in play!
a pair of shoes (size 8 or 38) one pair, another pair, yet another, these are on sale, these are not, and a final pair
a specific clutch with three color choices they allege this color is called sand but it looks white to me, pink, green for those who do not know what malachite means (it couldn’t be me. i learned it 3 hours ago when i began compiling this cursed list)
something everyone with money to waste needs this
dresses i’ll never be able to wear until there’s a vaccine because unlike someone tacky who knows me, i won’t be having a birthday party in the middle of a global pandemic (hi, you fool) white polka dot, not white polka dot, also not polka dot, a red dress, a skirt (aka half a dress), a black dress
this sweatsuit xs in this, small in this
is sephora cancelled? i want this hair dryer which i’m sure you can buy elsewhere if sephora is cancelled, which it v well may be
this item which you may think is cheap but actually it’s not soooo a hairpin
earrings one pair, another pair, and another
this dress which i’ll never wear anywhere even when there is a vaccine because… what?! but maybe. you never know. size 34. lol when i get this far into the list i’m always blown away by how insane it is that i do this every year to no audience. so i’m just laughing alone at that. :) i am v funny to myself. another dress i’ll never wear ;)
the nicest weighted blanket you know of i’m depressed!!!!! if you can’t tell!!!!!!!
every year i have asked for a weekend bag and every year i have not received one, so alas, we try again this is not a weekend bag actually but it will do. this is!
a peloton but just venmo me the cash (@merce212) because i have a hookup
an assortment of ridiculous things a $500 body scarf a $580 beach towel with an octopus on it for no reason besides “art” i cannot tell analog time but it’s never too late to start!! how mad would you be if someone bought you a roulette table for your wrist? be honest. (THIS WATCH IS FOUR YEARS RENT!!!!!!) they won’t say how much this costs :( i’m losing my mind and must be gifted a chanel watch or else i will perish. to put my salami on when i am eating salami in my bed “24k gold crocodile [?!!) teddy bear”. the website says there’s only one left, which begs the question “why did someone buy one of these rather than buying me a chanel watch?!!” *real ‘billionaires shouldn’t exist [unless they’re buying me a watch]’ energy* to put my new watch in this is ugly but it’s on sale :) idk wtf “secret box pendant” means but i wish this necklace was also a USB with every season and spinoff of 90 day fiancé on it hi yes i’m stupid but i draw the line at $1500 connect four…
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somekindoftuber · 6 years
vld youtuber AU
youtuber AUs are really fun so here is my take (with klance):
Shiro runs a channel where he restores/repairs motorcycles. It’s really popular because he has a great on-camera presence and soothing voice, not to mention he’s very good looking. He has the facial scar and white hair and has mentioned that he’s a veteran, hence his prosthetic right arm. Keith works with him, and Shiro always introduces him in the intros of his videos, saying, “And my brother Keith is here to be my right hand.” They have a fairly large following, posting weekly videos. Keith mostly stays quiet, except to answer Shiro.
Lance runs a music channel that’s half comedy and half serious, playing guitar and ukulele. He does acoustic covers of songs that should be impossible to do acoustic versions of, and sometimes does comedy lyrics of popular songs. He also posts blooper videos where his cats interrupt him or knock over the camera. He posts one or two times a week, his videos are usually short. He also streams games on Twitch, usually playing music and making people laugh over the mic.
Shiro sometimes does Q&A videos to answer fan questions. Keith usually doesn’t participate, except in the video about their pets. Shiro introduces their two cats, and Keith’s dog Kosmo (who’s a Blue Bay Shepherd mix and is absolutely massive).
Shiro’s channel pops up on Lance’s recommendations one day, and it’s the pet video. Shiro’s cats are in the thumbnail, a giant black shorthair and a long haired red tabby, so he clicks. He instantly likes this guy, his cats are cute, and the quiet, scowling brother in the background with the giant bear-dog is fun to watch. So he subscribes. He finds out that he really likes their videos, despite knowing absolutely nothing about motorcycles. Shiro makes it easy to follow, and he even learns a thing or two.
Lance hears a song he recognizes in one of Shiro’s videos and gets an idea. He gets his guitar and does a comedy cover of the song, making it about repairing motorcycles. He’s proud of the silly lyrics, not able to keep from snickering a few times, and posts the video. He shoots the link over to Shiro, and crosses his fingers.
Two days later he gets a response. Shiro comments on the video saying that he loves it and it made him laugh. Lance is over the moon, and keeps watching Shiro’s videos and commenting on them. Shiro sometimes comments on his and it’s great. As the months go by, Shiro becomes something of a hero to Lance. He’s cool and confident and everything Lance wishes he could be.
Not to mention that his broody little brother is really, really easy on the eyes. Keith is gaining a fanbase, his wiki page full of what few scraps viewers can find about him - including a blurry screenshot of a moment when his shirt rode up to reveal an nondescript tattoo on his hip. There was a good deal of speculation as to what it was of. Not that Lance read that particular reddit thread. Or commented on it. (“I bet it’s a wolf,” he most certainly did not write. Several people agreed.) Who can blame him? Lance likes puzzles and mysteries. What’s more mysterious than a youtuber who never talks and has all of his social media on lockdown?
Lance gushes about Shiro’s channel one night to Pidge, who’s finishing undergrad. Casually as ever, she says, “Yeah, I know Shiro, he’s an old friend of Matt’s.” and Lance loses it. Demands to know more, demands that Pidge set up a meeting. Pidge rolls her eyes, and says maybe, maybe during spring break.
Lance decides to do a charity stream, like he does often. He asks some of his youtuber friends to help promote, including his best friend Hunk who runs his own casual cooking channel (Hunk never shows his face but his videos are still really fun). He tweets about it, feeling pretty good. His last stream went really well and they hit their donation goal. When Lance checks twitter the next day, he’s absolutely beside himself to see that Shiro has retweeted his stream link, saying “My buddy @LanceyLance is doing a charity stream! Check it out!” He may have bounced in his chair and flapped his hands a little when he read that.
The stream goes super well. They surpass their donation goal by hundreds, and he gets a lot of chat messages from people saying they found it via Shiro. Once it’s over, Lance composes an email to Shiro to thank him. He considers mentioning what Pidge says for several minutes before deciding to just go for it. He finishes his email with “PS - I think we have a friend in common?? My buddy Pidge - Katie Holt - says she knows you. Or are you a different Shiro?”
He sends the email before he can second guess himself.
Two days later, he gets a reply, and Shiro confirms that he knows Pidge since he went to high school with her older brother, commenting that it’s a small world. Lance plays it cool, but doubles his efforts to get Pidge to introduce him to Shiro.
“Spring break,” she repeats, then yells at Lance to let her finish her paper.
It’s almost two months until then, so Lance occupies himself with making videos, streaming, and watching Shiro’s channel. Keeping an eye on where Keith pops up in the videos, silent and intense. When late March finally arrives, Lance packs a bag and piles in the car with Pidge for the five hour drive to her hometown, which is apparently also Shiro’s hometown. Pidge’s parents welcome him, and it takes an entire day of nagging Pidge to get her to call Shiro. He’s free the next day.
They head across town to Shiro’s garage and Lance is stoked. So stoked. And as Shiro comes out to meet them, he’s struck by one thing: Shiro is far taller in person than he looks on camera. He shakes Lance’s left hand and shows him around, the bike they’re working on, the cameras, the editing software he still uses, even though it’s a little outdated.
Lance is halfway to asking Shiro if he can meet his cats when the door opens. “Shiro?” a voice calls. “They’re roping off the west side of the street for something. Do you want me to move your --”
He stops when he spots Lance, and Lance sort of feels his breath stop in his chest at the sight. Running gear, hair pulled back, skin glistening with sweat, and a sleeveless shirt with a pair of earbuds hanging out of the collar.
It’s Keith. And Lance has to remember to breathe, because like his brother, he’s taller in person, but he’s also hot. Like crazy hot, goddamn. Even drenched in sweat with his hair sticking to his face and neck and flushed from a run, he’s stupidly gorgeous. The videos absolutely do not do his eyes justice, not even a little, all sharp and intense and deep blue.
He’s just sort of standing there stuck, but thankfully Pidge rescues him with a loud clearing of her throat. Then Shiro swoops in and introduces Lance to Keith. He’s quiet, like in the videos, and slips away as soon as Lance’s attention is elsewhere.
Once Keith is gone, Shiro asks Lance if he’d like to be in a video on his channel, and holy shit. He agrees before he even knows the details, and Shiro laughs. They agree to have Lance come back in three days to film. Right when they’re leaving, Keith re-emerges, showered and changed. Lance waves goodbye to him and hopes Keith doesn’t notice the way Lance’s eyes sweep up and down his body.
Lance spends the next three nights pouring over his guitar.
When he goes over to Shiro’s to film, he’s almost bouncing with excitement. Shiro goes over what they’ll be doing before they start. Lance is downright giddy as Shiro does his intro and calls Lance a “special guest” before they get started. Lance is mostly holding parts in place or passing Shiro tools as he works on the old bike they’ve been hired to restore, but it’s still fun, even if he’s sweating within the first half hour. Keith hovers in the corner, off camera, playing with his phone and looking bored. By the time they finish, he’s covered in grease and exhausted, but happy. Shiro stops filming and they take a break, cracking open a few beers.
Before it’s time to leave, he gets the okay from Shiro and sets up his own camera, bringing out his guitar. He wasn’t sure if he’d have the guts to do this, but Shiro smiles at him, and it all feels okay. Lance turns on his camera, does an intro, and begins to play. It’s an original song, one he wrote just for the occasion over the last few sleepless nights. It’s about new friends and fresh starts and connecting with others and maybe it’s a little cheesy, but it’s heartfelt, and the acoustics of the garage somehow bring it all together. And when he finishes and shuts off his camera, the awed look on Shiro’s face is absolutely worth it. Even Keith looks a little surprised, his eyebrows disappearing into his hair.
He says goodnight to them both and goes back to the Holt family home, showers and changes, and goes to sleep feeling like it’s Christmas and his birthday and the first day of summer vacation all at once.
Pidge has to go back to school to resume classes eventually, and Lance is her transportation, so he has to go too. They stop by Shiro’s garage one last time to deliver a tupperware container of fresh baked cookies, courtesy of Mrs. Holt, and Shiro shakes his hand again. When Lance says goodbye to Keith and shakes his hand, he swears he sees the tiniest hint of a smile on his face. Something he’s never seen.
He spends the entire five hour drive back with excitement buzzing in his veins. He can’t wait to edit and post that video.
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imtaesbitch-blog · 5 years
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Actor!Taehyung x reader
You work in the film industry. Taehyung is an actor. You happen to work together in a movie for about 2 months.
WARNINGS: SMUT, a lot of sarcasm sorry that’s just how i flirt
Hiring Taehyung was your idea. 
The moment you were handed the script for the upcoming movie your team was about to shoot, you knew he was the perfect person for the role. You worked at a small movie production company as a producer, and somehow, you had managed to convince your boss to cast him. 
You had never met Taehyung, but you had seen him in a couple of independent movies and had fallen in love. Not literally, of course. But there was something about him that you really liked. That’s why, when you read the script, you knew he would be right person to hire. 
You were actually really excited for this movie, not only because of Taehyung, but also because it had a very interesting plot. It was an indie movie about a guy who was an artist living in New York. He wasn’t really successful but never stopped giving up. It talked about the struggles of being a painter and how that affected his mental health.
As expected, everyone loved him when he came over to your company for the casting. They decided to keep him almost instantly. That day, you were in your office filling some paperwork when you saw him walk across the room to the front door. He was probably done with the casting. He was even more handsome than you expected. He was wearing a white baret that contrasted with his dark hair and a colourful blouse tucked under black wide pants. Not everyone can look good with that kind of style, but of course, he did. You stared at his back as he disappeared into the door. Suddenly, your thoughts were cut off by a knock on your door.
“y/n. We are going to keep him, we think he fits the role perfectly. Let’s start his paperwork, i want it done by next week.” Jenna, your boss, hands you a pile of paperwork and leaves your office. You smile and grab the papers. You were going to work with him in just a few weeks, and you don’t even know why you were so happy about it. You shake the feeling for now, and try to focus on not losing your job and start working. 
The upcoming weeks were pretty busy for you, you were preparing the movie and since you were the producer, you had a ton of work to do. One month later the preproduction part for the movie was finally finished, which meant it was time to start shooting. Which also meant it was time to meet Taehyung. 
The producers don’t usually go to the set when shooting, but since this was a small company, they needed help, and of course, you were sent there. It didn’t bother you at all, in fact, you were pretty happy about it. You didn’t want to admit the reason why, but you had been wishing it was you who they sent to set. 
You arrived to the set a little earlier than everyone else. But that was just part of your job. You had to make sure everything was running smoothly and on time. The rest of the team arrived not long after, and started preparing the set. It was 7 a.m, so everything was slow. An hour later, the actors arrived. You saw Taehyung from a far, and made your way to him.
“Hello Taehyung, nice to meet you. My name is y/n. I’m part of the production company. If you have any doubt about anything, let me know.” You extended your hand to him and he shook it. He was staring at you very intensely so you got a little overwhelmed, but shook the feeling quickly, before he noticed anything.
“Nice to meet you Y/n. I was looking forward to meeting you.” He smiled at you. What the actual fuck. “heard you were the one who suggested me for the role, so thank you.” Oh, of course. Someone had probably told him.
“Don’t thank me! I saw you in a couple of movies and thought you would fit nicely.” You smiled back at him. “I hope you feel comfortable here. There’s water and food, and lunch break is in about 5 hours. Don’t forget to ask me anything you need.” He nodded, and looked like he was about to answer, but someone called him. The make up artists needed him. 
“I’ll see you around. Thank you.” And with that he turned around and went over to the make up section. 
5 hours passed quickly. Usually, being on set meant being stressed out for the whole day, since there were a lot of things that could go wrong you had to keep up. Luckily, today was pretty chill. The director finished all the takes he needed before lunch, so everyone was pretty relaxed for now. 
“Everybody, It’s lunch time! You have one hour.” The assistant director shouted right after you told her time was up. All the team started gathering around the catering that had been set up outside of the set. You were always the last one so you waited until everyone was seated and made your way over to the catering. You took the food and started going to the tables, where everyone was seated. You stopped and looked around, there weren’t any chairs left for you nor space on the tables. It’s fine though, you were sure there were some chairs in set. As you turned around to go inside, someone tapped your shoulder.
“I also don’t have a place to eat.” It didn’t even take you half a second to identify his voice. Taehyung laughed while holding his plate. “Are you going to eat inside?”
“Yeah, there were some chairs inside so i thought i could bring them out.”
“This might sound weird, but i know of a place where we can eat. It’s pretty nice actually.” He seemed to feel a little embarrassed, his cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he brushes his hair back. “It’s upstaris. At the patio on top.” He points at the terrace that’s on top of the building and you look up. “Are you coming?” You’ve been there before, and you actually remember there’s an old table that hasn’t been used in years. 
“Sure, let’s go.” You can’t cointain your smile as you start to make your way to the stairs inside the building that lead to the top. Out of all the situations you imagined, this is definetiley the most random one. You turn to look at him, and smirk a little, he’s going up slower than you because his plate is literally full of food and he’s also holding a cup filled with coke. 
“Need any help?” You jokingly ask. He laughs and shakes his head not taking his eyes off the cup, which is dangerously close to spilling the floor.
After what seems like forever, you get to the top. You are both out of breath but get distracted easily by your surroundings. The terrace is big and ugly, but the best part is the view. You can see the city. New York really is mesmerising. You are located across the Hudson river, a bit far from New York city itself, but you can clearly see the skyline of the buildings.
“Maybe next time we’ll take the elevator.” Taehyung grabs two chairs and puts them facing New York. Next, you both take an old table, not as dirty as you thought, and put it in front of the chairs. You both sit tiredly and put your food on the table.
“It’s a little sad that we are so tired after 5 floors. Have you ever heard of, and given our condition i’m sure you haven’t, working out?” You sarcastically ask, and he looks at you holding back a smile.
“mm, doesn’t ring a bell. I’ll google it.” You both laugh and start eating. The conversation flows, and you learn he’s from South Korea, but came to America to persue acting. You also learn he currently lives with two roomates who are his best friends, Jimin and Jungkook, and that he has a dog called Yeontan. He asks you about your life, and you tell him about your dreams as a filmmaker, about your familiy and your life back at home.
And before you know it, it’s time to get back on set. The rest of the day goes by quickly, exchanging smiles with each other whenever you cross paths.
At 8, you finally get to go home. You are so tired you don’t even notice Taehyung staring at you as you leave.
“And then, Jimin puked his brains out.” You are both seated at the terrace, which has become your usual lunch spot this past two weeks, and Taehyung is telling you about his weekend. Apparently, it had been Jimin’s birthday on saturday, so they had had a party at their place. “When he woke up, he didn’t even know where he was. He’s lucky i love him and carried him to bed the night before.”
“Oh, poor Jimin. Did you finally decide to try out your baking skills? is that why he puked? or was it just the alcohol? I would bet a 100$ that it was your cake.” He scuffs at your words, crosses his arms and tries to act offended but he can’t hold back a smile.
“ha ha. So funny Y/n. I actually didn’t bake, instead i ended up buying a cake.”
“You chose wisely, my friend.” You hold each other’s stare, both of you trying not to laugh. Until you can’t hold back anymore. You soften your gaze and smile. “Just kidding, cooking is about practice, really. If you put enough effort and time i’m sure you’ll be a good cook.”
“I don’t have time right now, so maybe in the future i’ll learn. I never thought i’d say this, but i’m tired of take out food.” 
“And i never thought i would hear someone saying that.” You both laugh as you eat your lunch. Taehyung and you had fallen into a routine for the past two weeks. You spent every minute of lunch together up at the terrace. Surprisingly, you had gotten very comfortable with each other in a very short amount of time. You also gave each other rides home some days, since you had found out you didn’t live far from each other. You weren’t sure if you were starting to feel something more for him or not, but you apreciated his company way too much to screw it up, so you decided to not say anything, although it was obvious that you flirted with each other constantly. It was just friendly, totally platonic, flirting though.
It wasn’t until a week later, that you started to really think things through. 
You arrive to the set earlier, as always, and decide to take your time to reread the script and the scenes you had to shoot today. You decide to sit in one of the sofas on set while all the workers start coming in. 
Today, Taehyung is shooting a love scene. 
You wouldn’t admit this to yourself, but you are very worried about it. You sigh. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s just a kiss.
You bring your legs up to your chin and rest your head between them. It’s fine…Just relax, be professional.. You take a deep breath, stand up and start to prepare every detail on set. Whats the problem, anyway?. He’s just a good friend.
For the first few hours, you try to make yourself busy going around the set making sure everyone knows what to do, you talk to the director and the assistant, fill out paperwork..until the time comes, and the love scene is about to happen.
You look up from your seat and see Taehyung and Lisa, the girl that he’s supposed to kiss in the scene. They both look really serious while talking to the director, occasionally nodding when the director points out something important. 
Lisa will have to shoot for one week, since she’s Taehyung’s love interest, but not essential to the main plot. And today is her first day. 
You met her earlier, when you were running around the set, and she’s a normal, nice girl. You like her, actually, which is making the whole situation a little bit easier for you.
You go back to your paperwork and try to distract yourself but suddenly, you hear the familiar voice of the director’s assistant:
“Silence! Roll sound? Roll camera?”
“…And ACTION!” Fuck. You really don’t want to watch the scene, but you have to. So you stand up, cross your arms and watch from afar with a noticeable worried face expression.
In the scene, they are in Taehyung’s kitchen. They are both facing each other as they stare into each other’s eyes. Then, he grabs her by the waist. He holds there for a second, and then kisses her passionately. She responds quickly, throwing her arms around his neck, and move to the counter as the camera follows their movements.
“Cut!” Thank fucking god.
As soon as their lips stop touching, Taehyung’s eyes find yours. He seems…sad. You stare at each other for a second until you turn around and walk towards the exit door. You feel a little overwhelmed, so you decide to go outside for a while.
You step outside, take a deep breath and consider the option that maybe you do like Taehyung as more than a friend. But you would never tell him. It would be awkward, for sure, and he probably doesn’t like you that way. Instead, you put on your best smile and come back to set. 
The assistant walks up to you.
“I was looking for you. We’ll start shooting another scene. Can you tell the catering people we’ll be early for lunch? We only have on take of the kissing scene and it was perfect.” You nod and she runs back next the director. At least you don’t have to watch the scene again. Sometimes the director makes the actors repeat a scene for countless times, so you are very grateful they settled with the first one. You didn’t think you could take another one.
Thankfully, they do move on to other scenes which gives you time to focus on your job. At one point Lisa comes over to you and sits down next to you. You shift your position uncomfortably but smile politely at her.
“Sorry, Y/N, i don’t want to bother you but you are the only person i know on this set. And i’m not scheduled to shoot yet. Do you mind if i keep you company for a while?” As much as you don’t like her character in the film, she’s actually a very nice girl in real life, so you set all your feelings aside and nod.
“Of course, you don’t bother me at all. In fact, you can help me if you want to. I kind of have a lot of things to do.” She comes closer to you and you tell her about your work and the papers you have to read and sign, and then resign, the calls you have to make to the production company…It’s a little boring, but you do love your job.
You spend the next thirty minutes getting to know Lisa and teaching her about producing films. You actually have fun with her and start to really like hanging out with her. She is only a year younger than you, which is nice, because most of the time, everyone you work with is at least 15 years older than you. The only expection are always the actors, Taehyung is 25, so he’s two years older than you. Thinking of who, you see him making your way over to you and Lisa. 
You get a little tense, your mind goes blank and don’t really know what to say to him.
He stops in front of you, visibly uncomfortable, and avoid each other’s gaze while he forces a small smile.
“Hey, i’m done. Let’s go to lunch. I’m really hungry.”
“Sure. Should we show Lisa our secret spot?” The thing is, you don’t want to be alone with Taehyung right now. You were both making the situation a little awkward so maybe having Lisa around would distract you both for a while. He’s probably uncomfortable because i’m uncomfortable…He saw me walking out the door when they kissed…What if he figured out i like him?
You try to push your thoughts away as you go get the food and walk towards the elevator. The three of you get in. Lisa keeps talking about something you are sure is very interesting, but you can’t seem to focus at all. You stare at Taehyung’s reflection in the mirror, and he seems to be in the same situation as you, since he keeps nodding at Lisa disinterestedly while avoiding your gaze.
After what seems the longest elevator ride of all time, the door opens and you show Lisa your secret place.
“This is it. We always sit over there and eat.” You point at the table and the two chairs. “There’s more chairs next to the elevator door.”
“I’ll go get one.” She runs back inside and Taehyung and you are left alone. You are in front of each other, not really daring to look at each other. You feel a weird tension growing between you and try to think of something to say, but luckily he’s faster than you.
“Did we just get a friend?” He finally looks at you with an amused expression, which makes you feel much more relieved. You are joking with each other now, that’s an improvement.
“I thought that would never happen.” You laugh together, and it seems you both forget about everything that has happened today. He sits down in his chair, and you do the same. You look at each other, wanting to say something. You just hold each other’s gaze, not being able to contain your smiles, but right at that moment Lisa runs back to you with a chair between her arms. She sits down between you and starts talking. You enjoy the conversation, but kind of miss being able to talk to Taehyung freely, and you know he feels the same way, since he keeps looking at you everytime she mentions something you’ve both discussed before.
The rest of the day goes by quickly, and another week passes by. Lisa has been eating lunch with Tae and you eveyday, so you haven’t had any alone time with Taehyung, expect for when you give each other rides. Which is not even that big of a deal, as you usually just blast music and sing to each other frantically. 
Today is a special day, because it’s Lisa’s last day of shooting, and also her birthday. Which means two things: Taehyung and you will be eating alone again, and you are both invited to her birthday party, which is tonight.
Also, you haven’t really talked about all the love scenes that Taehyung and Lisa have had this week. Everytime someone mentioned them in your presence, you both avoided it and changed the topic. The scenes weren’t anything other than kissing, hugging or holding hands, but they were starting to drain you out. You were just happy that it was all over, although it was kind of sad that Lisa was leaving.
The three of you are having the last lunch break as Lisa tells you about her upcoming party, which is at her house. Apparently, her parents are very wealthy, so they bought her a whole house.
“It’s going to start at 8. Some of my friends will go clubbing afterwards, but i don’t know if i’ll go. Depends on how drunk i am at that point. Do you want to go clubbing?” Taehyung and you look at each other, and you already know each other’s answers.
“I don’t like clubbing actually. I’ll just go home if everybody leaves.” He looks at you as you nod and agree.
“Yeah, me neither. I’ll go home as well.” Tae and you talked about the party on your way to set this morning. You’ve decided not to drive after the party because you both plan on getting pretty drunk tonight, since you just haven’t partied in a long time. So you’ve agreed to split a cab.
“Alright. Dress nicely, just in case.”
I’ts 7:45 p.m and you are in front of your closet trying to figure out what to wear. It’s the first time in a month that you are wearing something other than a comfy sweater and jeans, since your job really isn’t a place for fancy cothes.
After a while you decide on (i’m not choosing. Imagine whatever you like, or whatever looks good on you, you choose your outfit. Tae will like you anyway.) You put your outfit on, look in the mirror and smile. You feel great and beautiful. You get close to the mirror as you examine your face and hair. Everything’s ready and you should really get going. In fact, you are already running late. 
You leave your apartment and get a taxi. She lives in Manhattan so it won’t be a long ride, since you live in Brooklyn.
After a while you arrive to the address she sent you. You pay the taxi driver and enter the building. The entrance hall looks extremely fancy, the walls are white, there’s a couple of leather sofas, and you even have to tell your name to the guard that stops you on your way to the elevator. He lets you go inside and he presses the floor button for you. You thought this only happened in the movies…What is this place.
Finally, you get to the 10th floor and knock on her door. You can hear music from inside and wonder whether she has neighbours or she just doesn’t give a fuck. She probably doesn’t give a fuck.
The door opens and Lisa greets you excitedly. You quickly hug each other and you take off your coat as you look around the room. 
The living room is equally fancy to the rest of the building, and it connects with an open, not to mention huge, kitchen. And of course, there are a lot of people. They look very rich, way more than you had expected. You try to locate Taehyung, but there are so many people you can’t seem to find him.
“Is Taehyung here yet?” You ask Lisa as she leads you to the kitchen to give you a drink. 
“Yes, he arrived not long ago. Funny story: one of my friends has a crush on him so she’s going to try to sleep with him.” She blurts out as she hands you a beer. 
You can feel your heart literally drop to the floor as you try to process what she just told you. You try to keep it cool and laugh with her.
“Oh, that’s funny. Do you know where he went?” It’s not like you want to interrupt anything, but you don’t know anyone in this party, so you just want to hang out with him. And maybe try keep this girl away from him.
“He’s in the balcony upstairs, i think.”
You make your way up before she can even finish her sentence and luckily, there’s less people in the second floor. The balcony is right next to the stairs. Like everything in this bulilding, it’s really big. There’s a bar and a couple of couches with a small table between them.
You see Taehyung through the glass window and of course, he looks very attractive. He’s wearing a similar outfit to the one he wore the first time you saw him, a blouse with an art-like pattern, black pants and leather moccasins.
He’s talking with a guy that seems pretty drunk, and Tae looks a little lost. You laugh a little and open the door.
Taehyung’s face lights up when he sees you and leaves the drunk guy talking to himself as he runs to you.
“Finally Y/n. I was getting worried you wouldn’t come.” 
“Don’t worry Tae, i wouldn’t abandon you. These people kind of suck to be honest. They seem snobby.”
“Tell me about it. I’ve been talking to this guy for the last 15 minutes and the only thing i know about him is that he has like 5 cars. Thank you for saving me.” He leans closer to you so the guy doesn’t hear him. You giggle as the drunk guy walks past you and goes inside, so Taehyung and you are left alone at the balcony.
For one second. 
Suddenly, Lisa and a bunch of her friends come out shouting and laughing. Lisa sees you and hugs you both passionately, she’s clearly very drunk.
“Do you want to play a drinking game?”
Taehyung and you look at each other and shrug. “Sure, we’ll play.”
Lisa drags everyone to the couches, and you sit next to Tae and another guy you don’t know. Lisa introduces you to everyone else and after that, the guy next to you starts explaining the drinking game. 
“We should start easy, so let’s start with Never Have I ever. Everybody knows how to play, right?”
Everybody nods and he starts.
“Ok…Never have i ever…mmm…had a threesome.” Everybody laughs and a couple of people drink, one of them being Lisa. She is in the couch in front of you, and she just shrugs when you question her with your eyes.
You are next, so you think of something easy. “Never have i ever been in a serious relationship.”
More people drink this time, but neither you nor Taehyung drink. You turn your head to your right and, since everyone is talking, you quietly ask him.
“You’ve never been in a relationship?”
“Well, i’ve been with many people. But it was never a serious relationship. I just didn’t find the right person.” He stares at you as he drinks from his cup, but your thoughts are interrupted by a girl who’s sitting next to Lisa.
“Taehyung, your turn.” That must be the girl that has a crush on him, you’ve noticed her since the beginnig of the game, and she can’t keep her eyes off him. You sigh as you try to push her out of your mind.
“mmm…Never have i ever worked with someone in this circle of people…” So smug. He giggles to himself as he watches you drink in resignation. He has started a war.
“Are you trying to get me drunk, Kim Taehyung?” You smile as he giggles even more and it makes your heart flutter.
“I have an even better one.” The guy next to Taehyung suddenly shouts. “Never have i ever wanted to fuck someone i work with.”
Oh, fuck. You feel a weird tension grow between you and Taehyung as you shift uncomfortably on the couch. Your eyes move around the place as you think of what to do. You feel a movement to your right, and when you turn around, you see Taehyung drinking from his cup. Next, you don’t know what it is, but your hand automatically moves and brings your cup to your lips, and you drink. Thankfully, almost everyone drinks to the question, so no one notices nor asks you about it. 
Except Taehyung, who doesn’t take his eyes off you and your plan is to avoid his gaze the whole game.
After a while, when the game finishes, you can feel your body go a little numb and eveything’s a funnier than it should be. You are not drunk yet, but definately tipsy. 
Most people leave to go inside and you are left alone with Tae and the girl Lisa told you about. You don’t even know how, but somewhere along the game she ended up sitting next to him.
“So Taehyung, i’m a huge fan. You are awesome, not to mention handsome. OMG that just ryhmed!” You cringe a little at the girl as you laugh out of second hand embarrassment. Taehyung looks at you with an amused face expression and proceeds to ignore the girl, whose body language is that of a high schooler trying to impress her crush. Hair twisting, touchy and charming smile. Classic tricks, you think. Not working on him though.
“So i’m curious. Which one of our coworkers would you have sex with?” He asks you casually, as if someone had just mentioned it.
“Oh you don’t know him.” He raises an eyebrow at your sarcastic comment and you start one of your typical staring contests, trying to contain your smiles. 
You can feel the girl staring at both of you, and it seems she finally gets it and decides to stand up and leave. You both watch her until she’s inside, and he turns to look at you again.
“Sure i don’t.” He smirks, and with that Taehyung leans over to you. You smile as he brings his hand up to your face and holds your chin, making you look directly at him. You are only a few centimetres away from each other and you are pretty sure you are blushing pretty hard. He stares at your lips while he licks his, and with that, you can’t take it anymore. You grab him by the hair and push your faces together. Your lips meet hungrily as Taehyung’s hands start moving all over your body. Then he grabs you by the waist and pulls you on top of him as he squezees your ass with both hands, while you move to create friction between you. He begins to kiss you slower, and pulls away for a second before leaving wet kisses down your neck.
“Fuck…finally” He groans and you let out a small laugh. He goes back to your mouth and kisses you passionately, not letting go of your ass. You are starting to feel a bulge that’s making your clit grow more sensitive, so you take his right hand and guide it to your front part. You can feel him smirking in your kiss as he makes his way inside your panties and starts rubbing your clit up and down.
You need him inside of you. Right now. But this is really not the place so you pull away from his kiss. He pouts a little and looks at you a little confused.
“Wait. Do you want to go back to my place, Tae?” 
“Yes. Let’s go.” You take a moment to look at him. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this attractive. His hair is a complete mess and his cheeks are a little pink, probably from the alcohol. His gaze has completely changed too, his pupils have dilated and they seem to be darker than usual. 
You give him a quick peck and get off him, standing up. He follows up quickly while he extends his hand to you, which you hold gladly and start walking with silly smiles on your face. 
You go down to the lower floor, and find Lisa talking to some random guy you hadn’t seen before. You approach her and she looks down at your hands, still interlaced.
“No way! I knew it! Finally! I’ve been feeling like a third wheel since we met, thank god you finally did something about it. I’m so happy for you guys!” She throws herself at both of you, almost making you trip over the table behind you.
“Thanks. We are gonna get going now. Thank you for inviting us.” You recompose yourselves and smile fonldy to each other as you start to walk away, to the front door.
And with that you leave her house.
“Should we call an uber? there are no taxis around.” 
You are both standing on the side of the street, right in front of Lisa’s apartment. You have your phone out searching for an uber that’s close by. It’s getting hard to though, because Taehyung’s hugging you from behind, and keeps kissing your neck. He tightens his grip on you as he moves up to your cheek, and the corner of your mouth. 
It’s very distracting, and its making your stomach flutter uncontrollably. You let yourself close your eyes and sigh, and turn your head to his side and give him a quick kiss before ordering the uber you have on your screen.
“10 minutes.” You turn around in his arms, so you are facing him. You clash your lips together and take it slow this time. You take your time to savour each other without any rush, and he tastes like wine and just, so sweet. You feel yourself warm up rapidly, and after what seems like a second, your uber arrives.
The ride back home is filled with tension. You are both doing the best you can to control yourself, but of couse, Taehyung’s making it harder by caressing your leg, and pressing it from time to time. So you feel relieved when you finally get home. You were also starting to feel sorry for the driver, because he kept glancing at you through the mirror, checking to see why you kept whispering and giggling. Although, to be fair, it probably wasn’t the first time he had to take home two drunk idiots trying to fuck each other as soon as possible. And it certainly wouldn’t be the last time.
You are finally at your apartment now, so you open the door and, not even a second later, Taehyung is shoving you against the wall, desperately kissing you. You bring your hands to his chest and start unbottoning his shirt, while he starts undressing you from the top. It’s a mess, and there are a lot of hands involved, but you finally unbotton his shirt and throw it on the floor.
You pull away from the kiss and start kissing his neck while he quietly moans, and begin going down. You kiss his chest, leaving a trail of wet kisses everywhere your lips touch, and keep going down as you slowly get on your knees, kissing just above his crotch, before looking up at him smirking. 
He looks at you hungrily and grabs your hair softly. You kiss his bulge slowly, to which he responds with a small thrust, and then you lick the hard material, just before unbottoning and pulling down his pants.
His hard cock comes out and you take it with your hand, licking it before putting it in your mouth. You start sucking while he tightens the grip on your hair and groans, not being able to cointain his pleasure. You look up, and see him staring at you with a dark gaze and parted lips, so you stare back at him as you take him deeper. He throws his head back and groans even louder, while you let go of his cock and stand ap again.
Suddenly, he holds you by the waist and then pulls you up.
“Where to, princess?” 
You point at a door, and Taehyung makes his way over there carrying you. He opens the door and leaves you against the mattress, he comes closer to you and takes off your bottom clothes as he starts kissing and biting your thighs. You close your eyes as he kisses your clit and starts sucking and licking. A whimper escapes your throat as he brings one finger next to his mouth and teasefully starts touching your parted and wet lips. He looks up to look at your face and he finally inserts two fingers, and starts pleasuring your g-spot. He doesn’t stop licking your clit until the wave of pleasure hits you and you arch your back as you moan quietly.
“Fuck, Tae. That was fast” You chuckle as he makes his way on top of you and rolls you over on top of him.
“That was only the begining baby” The playful Taehyung you had met thiese past weeks has completely disappeared and instead, a new side of him has come up. You can’t complain though, you’ve never been this horny before. 
You kiss fiercely while he fingers you. You move your lips to his earlobe,which makes him grind against you even more, and you know you’ve found his sweet spot. You keep licking and biting his ear as you bring your hand to his hard cock. You move it up and down, first slowly, just to tease him a little.
“Are you trying to tease me?” He smirks up at you while he cups your ass with both hands, and squeezes it hard, before smacking it lighlty. You moan a little, and smile at him, finally starting to give him a proper handjob. You feel his cock tense even more, which you didn’t think was even possible, and he starts fingering you harder. He looks so hot like this, and you need him inside of you now.
“Tae, let me grab a condom” He drops his hands and you move to the nighstand next to your bed.  You see him checking out your ass as you open the first drawer and take a condom, and you can’t help but smirk a little inside. You bought these condoms a couple months ago, because it’s always safe to have protection around, even if you weren’t getting laid. In fact, you hadn’t had sex in months, so you really needed him to fuck you good. And you were sure he would. You hand him the condom and he takes it, putting in on quickly. You stare at each other as you jump on top of him and take him in.
“Fuck, you are wet” You don’t even need to adjust yourself, so he starts pumping up and down, harder at every thrust.
“Fuck, don’t stop Tae” Hands on the sides of his head, hair falling down and touching his cheeks, and his hands still grabbing your ass as he helps you ride him, you think you’ve never wanted to come so badly in your life. One of his hands lets go of your ass, he brings it up to his face and pulls your hair back as he keeps fucking you. 
“I’m close…” You weakly say between moans, and he speeds up the pace a little while kissing your collarbone and biting your neck. It hits you suddenly, a wave of pleasure runs down every part of your body as you scream Taehyung’s name. He slowly stops and looks at you, checking if you are fine. You just smile at him and kiss him hungrily, asking him for more. 
“Get on your fours, i’m close too” You roll over and turn around as you arch your back purposely so he can get the best view. You know he’s enjoying it, since he starts running his hands through your back and squeezing your ass slowly, taking his time.
“Are you going to get in, or what?” You tease him as you turn around to look at him. He arches his eyebrows playfully and before you know it, he’s already inside of you. A moan escapes your lips as he thrusts against you while pulling your hair with his hand. 
“I’m going to come baby…” 
“Come for me Tae…” After few more thrusts, he comes, not being able to hold his groans.
You both collapse on the bed, laying next to each other trying to catch your breath. You turn your body to him and he looks at you fondly.
“I’ve liked you since the first day we had lunch, you know.” He slowly says, as if he’s scared of your answer. “What i mean, is that, this wasn’t a one time thing for me.”
You chuckle. “I figured, It wasn’t a one time thing for me either.” 
He turns his whole body to you, bringing his arm to your waist. Your lips clash together between giggles, and you think that, If your life was a movie, he would be the best part.
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Stuck -- Chapter One
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Word Count: 3520
           “This is it,” I bounce on the balls of my feet. “We are finally in line for our last trip to take us to our boys. I am going to lose it.”
           Emily chuckles, “You were not this excited when we graduated, which is kind of surprising. The plane ride isn’t as important as finishing school, so we never have to come back here. Unless with the boys.”
           “Graduation is the reason we had to wait two weeks after our normal date to fly over to the city we belong,” I fix my glasses that have slid down my nose.
           “When you put it that way, I can understand your feelings. However, we are going to be spending the rest of our lives with them,” she tugs me forward as the security line moves.
           “Eh,” I shrug. “Still, I had to wait even longer than last year to see the love of my life.”
           “Oh, don’t get gushy now,” she chuckles. “We are going to see them very soon. Keep it together.”
           “I will,” I adjust the straps of my backpack, so my shoulders won’t be sore. “I just, he’s the love of my life, and I am going to spend so much time with him. It’s finally sinking in.”
           “You are so cute,” Emily ruffles my hair. “How can you be so cute?”
           “It’s just luck,” I giggle, swatting her hand away and fixing my hair. “Tae may also be rubbing off on me. He is overly cute at times.”
           “That’s his whole deal,” Emily motions for me to see that we are almost to the front of the line.
           “He’s the cute one, I know.”
           “Last year, I remember we talked about our looks, but I don’t think much has changed since then. I have a tad more purple in my hair, and that’s it.”
           “I wear my glasses more than not to please Yoongi and Taehyung. The blue in my hair is a richer shade and more prominent. It is crazy how one year can change a ton, and the next not so much.”
           “As is life,” she places her backpack on the conveyor belt.
           I follow, and am glad that we were the lucky group that were able to keep their shoes on. It makes this process go boy just slightly faster, but it is so satisfying because then it doesn’t feel like such an eternity.
           “Finally, now we can get to our gate,” I sigh, falling into a good pace next to Emily.
           “Do you think our parents believed us when we said we won’t be coming home?” Emily asks.
           “We mailed boxes of our things to Nari. We left objects of ours that we can replace or don’t want behind in their houses. They must know we are serious. There’s nothing left for us here.”
           “Our graduation party was like a goodbye party as well. Some of the people that came we won’t see for a long time. Really, all of them.”
           “We can Skype, but that probably won’t happen often. People get busy. We’ll be busy.”
           “Skype dates will be a thing of the past. We will always go on real life dates from now on,” she grabs my arm and pulls me towards our gate.
           “They were fun, but I like dates where we can kiss. Gah, I want to kiss Tae so bad,” I fore myself to push all thoughts of Taehyung’s lips out of my mind.
           “I didn’t kiss Namjoon nearly as much as you kissed Taehyung, and being away from him I wished I had.”
           “You can make up for it in a few days,”  I pat her upper arm. “he probably regrets not kissing you, and is going to fix it when the two of you reunite.”
           “How are you feeling about the topic of marriage now?”
           I take in a slow breath, “You know, I’m good. It doesn’t freak me out. I love Taehyung more than anyone, and I want to be his wife. I want him to be my husband.”
           “Truly the cutest couple in this whole world. You two will be beyond happily married. It needs to happen soon.”
           “Oh, no, not soon,” I walk us over to our gate. “A few years, maybe. I’m still quite young.”
           “He is the love of your life,” she pokes my side as we take a seat. “You work with him now, so you’ll be with him all the time. You are practically married already.”
           “You need a job,” I smile, bringing my hand up to touch the infinity sigh necklace Taehyung gifted to me for my birthday last year. “Has Nari found anything?”
           “Not yet,” Emily sighs. “I’m sure something will pop up soon. At least by the end of the summer.”
           “I’m sure it will. Everything will fall into place when it is meant to.”
           “That is very true,” she pats my hand. “That’s how we should live our lives.”
           “I want to board soon because I have emails to send,” I chew on my bottom lip for a second. “And we have to discuss surprising the boys at their last fan sigh before coming home for a bit. I can’t wait to go to some new countries. I like traveling with the boys. No matter how tired it makes me.”
           “It does wear you down. Last year you had a few meltdowns, and I think they were due to being so tired.”
           “Yeah, that had a lot to do with it. And then my mental health had a dip.”
           “You’ve been on a high for some months now, so hopefully that keeps going.”
           “It should, when we get where we belong,” I smile. “I can’t wait to see how they react to seeing us at the fan sigh.”
           “Calling it now, you will cry. Not bawling, but you will shed a few tears.”
           “Probably. I’ll be so happy that it will be the only thing I can do.”
           “Are you going to make Taehyung watch baseball with you?”
           “Hell yeah. This is the Cubs year. I will pay so our TV plays all of their games.”
           “Oh my, gosh. That’s right. You and Taehyung are moving in together. I had forgotten.”
           I grip the bottom of my t-shirt. “It’s pretty crazy, but it will be so good for me. Tae will be the best roommate.”
           “Your apartment will always be filled with love. Even more so when you get your two dogs.”
           “I can’t wait to get two puppies.” I giggle. “All that’s important is that we save them.”
           “A kind soul. You always try to look out for others.”
           I shrug, “When you grow up how I did, you learn to give others what they need. It helps me get over being raised by my siblings, and a warmth spreads through my heart when I help others.”
           Emily opens her mouth to reply, but is interrupted by the lady over the intercom, “Now boarding the flight to Seoul, South Korea.”
           “That’s us,” I slowly stand up, feeling a rush of nerves run through me.
           “You okay? You look sick,” Emily stands up and places her hand on my forehead.
           “I’m fine,” I take in a breath. “I just can’t believe it. We are finally going home. Two years ago, when we made the first trip over, I didn’t think much would come out of it. Now, I can’t imagine my life anywhere else but in Seoul. With you, and Nari, and all the boys. I just want to be home.”
           Emily has pulled her hand away and is smiling at me with an unending amount of love. “Let’s get in line to board this place. You seem to be homesick, and so am I.”
           “Vernon is such a sweet boy,” I smile as I send the email to him. “I’m so glad I could help him and become his friend in the process.”
           “Did he get the girl?” Emily takes a sip of her Sprite.
           “He did,” I giggle. “Oh my, I was a wingman. Sort of.”
           “What was her hesitation to date a super cute boy?”
           “The fact that he’s an up and coming idol, and so many people know who he is. She likes her privacy, which is totally understandable. However, he’s her best friend. She couldn’t deny the feelings forever.”
           “How did you convince her?”
           “I didn’t, Vernon did. I just gave him some helpful tips. Like, he’s still the dork that talked to her the first day of school, and being an idol shouldn’t keep them apart. Simple stuff, really.”
           “I bet he wants to thank you personally,” Emily gently pinches my cheek. “I bet you want to talk to him in person.”
           I feel my cheeks barely heat up, “Well, yeah, I’d love to talk to him. He’s in one of the first groups we looked up, and the one we stuck with. We were with them when they had more members than they do now. Before they even had any music out. From the very beginning.”
           “That is true. They’ve been through a lot, too.”
           “Enough about those cute Asian boys, though,” I close my laptop. “Taehyung got a role in a drama, and I’ve never been so happy or excited for him. Filming is done, but he said that his is just the beginning.”
           “When the drama comes out, we will have to watch it together. All of us. Taehyung deserves it.”
           “It doesn’t come out until December, so remember that. I’d love to have a weekly get together to support my babe.”
           “Has he told you anything about it?”
           “Not much,” I slip my laptop into my backpack. “Just that it is set a few hundred years in the past, and his character is just like him. Plus, a few pictures of him in costume. He looks to damn good with long hair.”
           “Joonie hasn’t been up to much like your boyfriend,” Emily chuckles. “Just song writing. He says the new album, with an October projected release, is the best yet. They barely have half the songs written, and like nothing recorded.”
           “Then we will be blown away if they have that much faith. The last few albums have been pretty good. I am looking forward to whatever they come up with.”
           “How is Yoongi coming along with his mixtape? Is he going to drop it soon?”
           I chuckle, “He’s almost done, I think. He’s a perfectionist, so it could still be a while. Besides, he really wants me to sing on it, and won’t drop it until I do.”
           “You’ll do great. You’re singing has improved so much, and it sounds so lovely now. Yoongi wouldn’t ask you to do it if he didn’t think you were capable.”
           I give her a slightly shove. “Thanks for that. I had so many Skype singing lessons, so I hope I would be kind of good.”
           “I’m so glad you are more positive about yourself. I know it was hard to go from brining yourself down to picking yourself up, but I am so proud of you.”
           “Thanks to Tae and Yoongi,” I slightly smile. “Really, all the boys. You got the ball rolling, though. You’ve always been so positive for me.”
           “Anything for my best friend,” she ruffles my hair.
           I yawn, sliding down in my seat. “Man, I need to take a nap. I am beat. A few hours before the plane, which is just enough time for a good sleep.”
           “Nope, we still have to talk about what we are going to do at the meet and greet.”
           I close my eyes and sigh, “Fine. Um, we have to dress so our faces are hidden, so the boys don’t know it is us right away. I also don’t want many of the other fans to know it is us and ruin the surprise. I’m out for all the world to see.”
           “So we just stand in line like normal ARMY’s? Are we bringing gifts?”
           “Eh, if we go shopping tomorrow, then yes. I don’t think it will matter. Won’t we be gift enough?” I smirk.
           Emily chuckles, “I guess so. I’ve been meaning to ask how being public has been. Namjoon has made it clear that he has a girlfriend, but not that it’s me. My face, name, almost everything is still hidden.”
           I slowly open my eyes, titling my head so I can look at my best friend. “Big Hit made sure most of my private life stayed as that. Private. But, I felt like ARMY deserved to know a little bit about me, so I let Tae post a few pictures of him and I on their Twitter. Then I just gave my Twitter out.”
           “That’s why you have so many more followers. ARMY actually followed you. Are they nice?”
           “Mostly, yeah,” I yawn, pushing myself to sit up in my seat. ��I don’t look at comments and such too much. The boys get hate, and I must get some too. I’d rather not risk it.”
           “I understand. Taehyung might see it.”
           “He does,” I fix my glasses that threaten to fall down my nose. He told me about it recently. It’s not much, just jealous people. Tae said it doesn’t matter. He will always love me.” My eyes flutter close. “It hurts him, though. Knowing people don’t accept me for who I am. They don’t understand that he’s found his soulmate, and nothing, no amount of hateful words can tear us apart.”
           “Not everyone was bound to be happy, but hate is never called for. You two will be able to push past it. It will never break you up.”
           “I know. It just sucks to know people took time to hate on me, on him, on the others,” I sigh. “I really need to sleep before I burst into tears. I’m going to cry if we keep talking about this.”
           “Sleep tight, Amber. I’ll wake you up before we land.”
           “We made it,” I groan, my back still tense as we wait for our luggage. “My back is happy,” I sigh as I reach for the ceiling and feel my muscles begin to relax.
           “I’m glad to be back in Korea,” Emily smiles as the luggage conveyor belt starts up. “I guess that means we should switch to Korean now.”
           “It was fun being able to talk to each other at school and no one knew what we were talking about,” I fall into my Korean tongue with great east. “The looks on the first day when we did it. I’ll never forget.”
           “They finally believed us,” Emily points to our suitcases coming our way. “But, I’m glad to leave them all in the States.”
           “And in the past,” I smirk.
           The two of us walk over and grab our one suitcase each before walking away from the conveyor belt. I’m the one who takes the lead to get us to the exit.
           “I was thinking, when we travel with the boys now, since they are much more popular, airports will be full of people trying to see the boys. It will be crazy,” I run a hand through my hair.
           “Sunglasses and face masks, that will be how we keep hidden. The boys will be very protective of us. They won’t let us go until we are on the plane.”
           “Or they will never let us go. Tae likes to be touching me in some way. He’s very cuddly. I missed that the most. Next to kisses.”
           “When you move in together, you’ll get all the cuddles, snuggles, kisses, anything you want, all the time.”
           “I’m excited for it. Tae said our apartment is really cute. The place allows pets, which was a must. We will be such a happy family,” I force the smile to stay off my face, but the right corner of my mouth pulls up just slightly.
           “The cutest family. Your dogs will be so loved,” Emily grabs my hand. “He has decorated the space, yes?”
           “Yes, with the basics. Bed, TV, video game consoles, couch, and all that. All my stuff will fit into it easily. He wants to combine our stuffed animal collections.”
           “It will be so big,” she chuckles. “That’s really cute, and shows that you share things now. It’s no longer one, it is both of you as one. If that makes sense.”
           “It is us now,” I begin to scan the area for Nari as we are almost to the exit. “I like it,” I feel my necklace bounce around. “Do you see Nari?”
           “Um,” Emily begins looking around with me. “Oh, I think I spot a sign with our names.” She releases my hand to point at the spot.
           I look over to where Emily is pointing, and a flash of nostalgia washes over me.
           Nari is standing with a simple piece of white paper that reads ‘Amber and Emily from America.’ Just like it was two years ago, and I know she did it on purpose.
           Emily and I pick up our pace, reaching Nari in the next few seconds. All three of us can’t get the smiles off our faces.
           “Oh girls, it is nice to see you,” Nari lowers the paper. “I have been counting down the days for months, and I am so glad you are here.”
           “For life,” I nod. “We told our parents our plan, but how much they understood and truly believed is not clear.”
           “But we are here to stay,” Emily takes over for me. “We can’t leave our boys again. It would be too much. Amber had such a bad few months when we first got back this time, and I never want to see that again.”
           “I can’t do that again,” I mess with my glasses. “I just can’t. I am not leaving Taehyung ever again like that. We will be together for the rest of our lives.”
           “That’s cute,” Nari pokes my nose. “Speaking of being together, Taehyung picked up the boxes you sent over. They are probably just sitting in your apartment, waiting for you.”
           “That’s crazy. My apartment. I didn’t pay for it, but I can now. I don’t want Tae to worry about all the bills. That would be selfish of me.”
           “You work at Big Hit now, so the two of you can handle it.”
           “I’m sure. I also have money in the bank I’ve been saving for a while. We should be good for a long time.”
           “You may have to dog sit, Nari,” Emily chuckles. “You know the cutest couple want some doggies.”
           “Yes, I will do that,” Nari giggles. “Traveling will be crazy, and long days at the studio.”
           “I can do it during the day,” Emily says. “I still have to find a job.”
           “It will happen when it is meant to happen,” I bite my bottom lip. “Oh, Nari, how is Jin-oppa?”
           “Jinnie is good,” Nari nods a few times. “He actually moved in with me. A few months ago now, and it ahs been wonderful. He still stays at the dorms when needed, but we communicate so we can see each other and all that good stuff. It has been nice. Having him around at night, and when I wake up. We cook as often as we can together. It is fun having him for a roommate, and he has paid rent, so that’s a plus. I would love him anyways, but helping with financial stuff is nice.”
           “That’s awesome,” Emily shuffles around. “Now I’ll be your other roommate. That will be so much fun. I’ll try to stay out of your way.”
           “Ah, you and Namjoon aren’t up to the living together level yet,” Nari pats Emily’s shoulder. “Both of you couldn’t move out at once anyways. I wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
           I giggle, “I’ll come over as much as I can, or you can come over to my place. I love you, Nari. You made so much possible. Besides, I’m staying over tonight.”
           “True, true,” Nari says. “Are you excited to ride the train in a few days?”
           “Yes, I love the train. It is so much fun. Tae and I had a lot of fun last year when we took it to visit his family.”
           “I’ve never ridden on a train before, so I am excited for it,” Emily answers. “I just want to see Namjoon.”
           “Of course,” Nari bobs her head a few times. “It has been another nine months, almost ten this time around. They probably want to see you just as much. One more day.”
           “Can we just get back to your apartment and eat something?” I yawn, my legs beginning to cramp. “My feet are hurting, and it has been such a long day.”
           “Yeah, I agree,” Emily yawns, stretching out her back. “Plane rides are so draining. Going to have to get used to it, though.”
           “Traveling will be a big part of our lives very soon,” I rub my eyes, fixing my glasses right after. “So let’s get some rest in now while we can still help it.”
Holy crap! I am so excited to get this story started! For now, expect a chapter each Friday until I am finished with this Spring Semester, and then I will figure out what days a chapter will go up. Anyways, thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed, and I would love to know what you thought! Moodboards of the girls will be going up soon. :D
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mj-spooks · 5 years
Alright, judging by how successful that last Harry Potter experimental question was, Buffy's scooby gang, as a Leverage Crew? Is it too simple to say Buffy as a hitter and Giles as a mastermind?
Which version of the gang are we talking here? Can I go across the whole series? Season 1 only? All Stars? Fuck it I’m cherry picking because THAT’S HOW WE DO.
So, Giles is absolutely on the money. He’s the Mastermind, no doubt. He’s the watcher, he trains the others (mostly Buffy and Faith, but let’s be real, he trains all of them in their own way), he’s the one that works things out, leads research parties, comes up with plans. He’s the Mastermind, at least at first. Like Nate, he graduates out of that position (although I think the others sort of share it after he steps down, rather than one person picking it up).
But Buffy’s not the hitter.
Buffy is the grifter.
Think about it. Pretty, blonde, posterchild for popularity. She’s charismatic. She’s endearing.  You like her. You’d probably do anything she asked you to. She’s an an excellent liar, a brilliant actor. She plays the part. The only reason she doesn’t have Sunnydale wrapped around her fucking finger is because all the bullshit with demons and vampires is Too Obvious for no one to ever notice how weird she is. If they could be even slightly more subtle, or pick slightly more convenient times to get up to their nonsense, no one would ever suspect she was anything but what she looks like.
No, the hitter? That’s Faith. And yes, I’m counting her as a Scooby. My girl got done dirty, alright. Granted, she did some people pretty dirty as well. But she was a teenage girl with a really shitty childhood, and I’m not one to use the shitty childhood as a get out of jail free card (get it), but dude. Dude. Every single thing that could’ve gone wrong for her, did. And every time the team had a chance to prove she could trust them, they fucked it up. Mostly Wesley fucked it up, but let’s not go there. And did I mention she was a teenage girl? Also, it helps that she was only Properly Evil for like, a few months, after which she was in a coma, and was Properly Evil for all of five minutes before deciding “Actually I just wanna be Buffy,” because guess what, she never WANTED to be the bad guy-
I’m getting off topic. The point is. Faith is the brawn, alright? Post-Faith, I guess that position goes to Spike, who let’s face it, is basically Buffy’s backup/guard dog from the moment he realizes he can still kill demons, and especially after his big “Oh shit I love the slayer” realization. For the record, bad decisions being made by an ostensibly helplessly evil soulless monster aside, no one EVER had Buffy’s back like Spike did. Not a single damn person. Fucking fight me. Every. Single. Other. Person. Let her down. Constantly. Or they were never in a positoin to properly have her back in the first place. The one time he really did screw it up, he realized how fucked up he was, and went off and got a fucking soul for her, so basically
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Riley, for the record, is not a Hitter and does NOT count as a Scooby, because screw that guy. Also while I’m on the subject, screw Xander, because the episode where Riley leaves and Xander gives Buffy the “you’re the bad guy” speech sits so fucking wrong with me, and Xander goddamn Harris can get fucking bent. I’m still off topic, I know, I know. Sorry, I just. I have VERY STRONG OPINIONS ABOUT BUFFY.
ANYWAY. Willow is the hacker, big fucking shock. She’s... she’s literally a hacker, okay. Even when she stops being all computer-y and starts being all witch-y, her approach to witchcraft is... is to hack it. She hacks magic. Literally. That’s what gets her in so much trouble with it, because she’s too fucking good at cheating the system. It’s how she brought Buffy back. She’s the goddamned Hacker. Age. Of. The. Fucking. Geek. Baby.
Thief............ hmph. I don’t know?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
See, the thing is, basically all of the properly involved Scoobies had to steal something at one point or another, all with basically the same level of success, so... wait.
Okay. No. The thief is Dawn.
She’s literally a thief! She steals from everybody all the goddamned time! With varying degrees of success, sure. But if she was actually trained at it, she’d be better than all of them. She’s the only Little Sibling out of the bunch (Well, okay, Tara had an older brother, but her homelife was so fucked she has Very Different Younger Sister energy than Dawn). She has a specific talent for it that I bet would serve her well if she was actually trained. I honestly at this point have read so much fanfic that I cannot for the life or me remember if canon!Spike ever helped teach her to knick stuff or if that’s just widely accepted fanon!Spike because people love that dynamic (as they should, it’s great). I’m doing a rewatch but... uh... I kinda stopped partway through S5 because I’m like four episodes away from The Body and gods I just can’t take it. Point being, I dunno if that’s legit or not. BUT. If it were legit, and she was taught how to steal, she’d be great at it.
I guess Spike is kind of also the thief. But he’s also the only one of the scoobies that’s properly been a villain (I’m not counting Faith or Willow’s brief insanity, and Angel isn’t the villain, Angelus is, so...), so naturally he’s got the shady skills. He can kind of grift and mastermind, too, except he’s too impatient for it, which is why he ends up stuck as a hitter most of the time. Everything else is too slow for his ass. See, the entirety of S2.
For fun, under the cut, the remaining scoobies and what position they’re best suited for:
Xander: Hitter??? He’s not got the super strength and he’s kind of played for laughs, but there was that whole bit where he had the tactical training from his brief stint as GI Joe in the Halloween episode. He’s a decent tactician, which is kind of the hitter’s job. I bet that if the wasn’t so busy feeling inferior to Buffy and he actually like. Trained. He could be a decent fighter.
Cordelia: Straight fucking grifter. Which she proves plenty of times on Angel. It’s extra great because she basically IS Sophie, what with the whole “can grift like a boss but put her on stage and she’s terrible” bit. She’s also a decent mastermind, also showcased on Angel. She whips him into shape from day one, and is the only thing that keeps AI running half the time. Also not unlike Sophie. Honestly Cordelia is my favorite character from the OG cast. She deserved better.
Angel: Mastermind. He’s got all of Angelus’ brains, remember, just not necessarily any reason to use them. He’s smart, though, and definitely good at planning. He’s also really into knowing the most and keeping his cards close to his chest. The parallels with Nate are a little strong, honestly, because he also has that whole... guilty conscience spiraling downward holier than thou thing going on. And yes, I do ship him and Cordy, thanks for asking.
Oz: Hacker! Not a lot of people really remember this, since his prominent character traits were “In a band”, “Willow’s boyfriend”, and “werewolf”. Plus there’s the whole flunked-senior-year plot point which I honestly think they did just to keep him around. But the first time Oz actually properly interacted with Willow was because they’d both gotten singled out for their badass computer skills on career day. He’s very nearly as good as her.
Anya: Grifter. I mean, the whole vengeance demon schtick relies on the grift. She’s very good at it. Which, she ought to be, she’s been doing it for over a thousand years. It’s sort of hilarious though because it seems like the second she loses her powers, she also loses her ability to blend in. I think that’s likely because she’s used to short term cons, and running the long con that is being human again is more difficult. Still, this is where she shines.
Riley: He doesn’t count because I kinda hate him. But fine if you wanna go there. Hitter. He doesn’t deserve the title though because Eliot is both brains and brawn and Riley can’t think his way out of a paper sack without someone giving him directions, and even then it’s dicey.
Tara: This one is super hard for me! I can’t see her as any of the actual team positions. I suppose the one skill she displays would be grifting, since she does try to hide her identity as a supposed demon from the others for a while before her birthday comes up. But honestly I see her less as a member of the crew and more as a Maggie. Voice of reason, moral high ground, not putting up with shenanigans if she can help it... yeah. Tara’s the Maggie. Every crew needs one.
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