#i blabbed so much omg sorry
vampykween · 7 months
thinking about how much easier life would be if i was able to focus on anything 😵‍💫 if i didn’t live in constant mess and didn’t lose literally anything i touch :(
thinking about how my parents said they knew something was different about me but instead of doing anything abt it i spent my whole life feeling like i was an outsider and like everyone else was in on this life i wasn’t privy to and now i’m an adult with crippling undiagnosed adhd and am so afraid of graduating because i can barely do my schoolwork how am i supposed to be a real teacher :(
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silencesscreams · 6 months
i can see you
james potter x best friends sister!reader (smut)
summary: james develops a strange feeling for sirius’ sister (reader) when she comes to london once her job required her to move. he first off thought she was a shitty person, an awful one with an awfully pretty face. so when sirius offers for her to stay in their loft until she finds an apartment, he decides he’s going to make her want to get out of there as fast as possible, until he wants her to stay more than anything in this whole world.
a/n: omg im so sorry this took so long, i tried my best w this one. also, english isn’t my first language so sorry for any mistakes. inspired by i can see you - taylor swift
warnings: mdni. smut with plot, afab!reader, use of she/her pronouns in reference to reader, use of y/n (I AM SORRY), afab!reader, being shorter than james, muggle & modern day!au, chef!peter, ships included (dorlene, marylily, wolfstar), swearing, cuddling, mentions of alcohol and drinking, a lot of physical touch, kind of public??, kissing, praise, v soft dom!james, fingering, oral (m receiving), light choking, size kink??, penetration, unprotected (don’t do this please), overstimulation
for the past two years, you started to have weekly calls with your brother, to update him on your life and know what’s happening on his.
you got transferred to london because of your job, you couldn’t find any apartments online and you were supposed to move the other week, being really desperate you told him about it, hoping he knew a real estate agent or something like that, but you were incredibly caught by surprise with his answer.
“thats such nonsense, you should just stay in my empty room until you find another place.” sirius said, his phone on speaker as he made a sandwich in the kitchen. james eyed him with a confused look on his face, but sirius decided to ignore it.
“really?” you ask, hopeful, you really could take a break from looking for apartments.
“of course. i mean, remus has practically moved into my room, so we just need to take some stuff of his out, but yeah, its no big deal.” james couldn’t help but look at him like he was crazy, remus’ room was right next to his, hell, remus’ room had a bathroom adjoined to his. james was starting to feel faint.
as soon as sirius got off the phone with you, he started blabbing.
“what the fuck, sirius?!” james said loudly, sirius sighed, putting his sandwich harshly on the plate.
“what now? i’m really just trying to eat here”
“your sister? really?” he looked like he was about to faint.
“she’ll pitch in on the rent, don’t worry about that” your brother tried to get him calm.
“oh please, i dont care about that! you know how i feel about sharing spaces” he was getting stressed, he couldn’t help it. “and you know how i feel about your family, i have been telling you to be more careful these past years but you don’t listen at all!”
it really had to be remus’s room? couldn’t peter just switch rooms and lend her his instead?
“she’s not like my parents, and neither is regulus, they didn’t do anything” sirius paused, “do your best friend a favor, will you?” and he knew he was going to.
“she’s not messy or nosy or anything like that, right?” james asked, giving into it fully.
“please, shes a cleaning freak, she’s worse than my mother” he paused. “that’s an exaggeration but she’s not messy at all, i swear. you wont even notice she’s around.” james doubted that, but he knew how much sirius missed his siblings, and he knew how fond sirius was of you.
james swore to himself he was going to get you to leave either way, he didn’t want you there and he didn’t care if he had to pay more rent because of it. he didn’t like you, he never did. even in school, before the whole sirius moving out thing, he felt weird around you. and he remembered that feeling very well, even if it was many years before, he didn’t feel like he could forget.
your moving truck arrived at the building a few hours before you, but when you got there, sirius had already arranged your furniture, which did make you a bit emotional. he had even bought a toothbrush, carefully arranging it in the right side of the cabinet, the side that pointed towards the door of the bathroom that led to your room.
the boys came to pick you up at the train station, you recognized them from sirius’ social media. they were everywhere.
you were extremely confused on why all of them had come and pick you up, you were hoping to see your brother standing awkwardly, instead he was there with all of his roommates. you felt like you were a teenage girl again, trying to talk to your brother during lunch, but his friends were always around.
you recognized remus from the photos he sent you, and peter was always on the background of your calls with him baking something.
and then there was james.
james potter. you didn’t know how to feel about him anymore. when your brother first introduced you, you found him attractive, but then you hated him.
when your brother ran away to his home you couldn’t help but hate him.
sure, your house wasn’t the best place in the world, but he took away your older brother, how were you supposed to feel?
as time passed you started to tolerate his presence. now you really don’t care about him, but he sure looked better than he usually did many years before.
you felt like you could kill him.
after living with james for a month you found him obnoxious, rude, annoying and a few other things you were too lazy to mention.
but the thing you hated the most was how invasive he could be.
you barged into his room, he was laying there, crumbs all over his red shirt.
"you should learn how to knock" he rolled his eyes when he said it, your brows furrowed.
"you ate my brownies." you had baked a few because it was bring your kid to work day and you were in charge of the snacks.
“they were really good, i thought peter made them” james paused. “he runs a restaurant downtown, you know, he’s always baking and-“
“i’m gonna have to make a whole new batch. you ate like ten of them.” you were about to get a really bad headache depending on his answer.
“i told you, they were really good.”
if you were in a cartoon you would’ve turn red and there would be smoke coming out of your nostrils and your ears. you had no comment.
you hated when he did that, just compliment you so you couldn’t really hate him that much anymore.
he used your shampoo, but it smelled really nice.
he ate your leftovers, but you really know how to order chinese food.
he even wore one of your biggest shirts you bought when you were in college because you were too lazy to buy pijamas and suddenly that shirt was really nice, because, sure, james potter actually listened to avril lavigne.
he even shrunk one of your favorite sundresses, you almost cried that day and he never even apologized.
the list went on and on, and somehow, every compliment of his sounded like he was taunting you, making fun of you right in front of your face and all you could ever do was thank him.
maybe that’s just how you were, polite no matter what. but you sure didn’t want to be polite to james that day.
“no, you don’t get to do that” you felt like you were being crazy.
“what do you mean?” he chuckled. he so did not chuckle.
“you don’t get to compliment me! that doesn’t bring my brownies back!” the word brownie sure sounded stupid in that moment.
“i’ll bake more for you, but they’ll suck, you know that” he actually sat on the bed to argue, how kind of him.
“the kids will probably die if they eat your brownies.”
“you’re feeding children? where do you even work?” he looked so confused and you kept getting angrier.
“do i really look like the kind of person who would eat a hundred billion thousand brownies? god, james, why can’t you just not touch my shit?”
“that’s not even a real number and there were a lot of them! i thought it wouldn’t make a difference!”
“it wouldn’t, if you had eaten one or two, but you ate half of them!”
“oh please, lets put it to a maximum of 25%, alright?” you felt like you were going absolutely insane. he was probably going to get you in a mental hospital and you’d be walking around, looking half dead, murmuring ‘brownies brownies brownies, i want my brownies back’.
you decided to just give up, slamming the door the hardest you could while heading out.
as halloween came around, the bickering with james stopped, you didn’t quite know if it was because of the season or you just got used to each other, but you didn’t mind it much. he could be very exhausting when upset, and you were sure you could too.
you loved fall, maybe it was that you were in a great mood. pumpkin flavored stuff, candles and everything else included.
on the day before halloween, you woke up early, you had to go apartment hunting and once you got back you would try and help peter make deserts. even though your ghost shaped cookies look like very sick jellyfish, you wanted to help. it was the most you could do, you weren’t paying rent, sirius wouldn’t let you. and they were going to throw a party on the next day so you wanted to help them get everything settled.
when you got home you were so incredibly tired, you had spent all day out and it was already 9pm. you had to walk so much you felt like you were your feet would fall off because they were used more on that day than they were your entire life. you were more upset you didn’t get to help with the food though, the pain didn’t really matter that much compared to that.
you just wanted to lay on your bed, put your feet up and-
there were giggles coming from your room.
and then you remembered it, the neighbors, a few girls that went to the same school as you and were very good friends with your brother were staying over. a big slumber party of some sort, you and james were sleeping in the living room, because, of course, the four girls formed two couples and they would sleep together separately. no actual bed for you tonight! you really liked them though, so you couldn’t complain.
you knocked on the door to your own room and marlene opened it, cheeks flushed, and you could see dorcas on your bed, doing something on her phone.
“hi, lene” you decided to call her that because sirius called her that, it was cute. “sorry for bothering you both, i just wanted to get my pillow, my blanket and change real quick”
“oh sure, come in” she opened the door and you went straight for the drawer under the bed, grabbing a light green heavy one, you usually used that on winter but it was a cold night and you didn’t really want to bother them by taking your usual one from off the bed.
you never changed clothes so fast, tossing them in the laundry bin along with a shit ton of james’ shirts that were on his side of the sink.
“thank you, have a nice night”
you sighed while going to the living room, to find james sitting on the armchair, shirtless and wearing sweatpants, drinking a beer and watching that 70s show (again). you decided to ignore how good he looked and just get some rest because you really didn’t want go think about james in that moment, or ever as a matter of fact.
you lay down on the couch and throw the blanket over your head.
“you know what bums me out about this show?” james says abruptly, like you would really like to know. you grunt, waiting for his answer. “they really didn’t know when to stop it, its only good until what? season-“
“james, im really tired, i just wanna get some rest, please” you get out from under the covers to say that, so he ignores it fully.
“how did apartment hunting go?” he asks, pausing the episode and asking alexa to turn on some playlist with songs a sad dad would listen to.
“shitty, theres not one good place up for rent in this city, its actually sick”
“yeah, thats tough” he pauses for a brief moment “come here” he said, patting his knee. was he asking you to sit on his lap? was he going fucking crazy?
“i’m sorry, what?” you were so confused, since when was he like that to you?
“get up, sit here with me a little.” were you dreaming? was this one of those weird wet dreams you had in high school?
“james, i’m really tired, my back hurts and i really want to lay-“
“i’ll give you a massage, it’s whatever” he answered, a sad puppy look on his face.
you gave in. you walked over to him and sat on the arm of the chair, but he pulled you onto his lap.
“i need to be close to you, if i’m not it’s really awkward and uncomfortable.” some song you didn’t know was playing.
it was slow and sounded old, you didn’t recognize it.
“james come on, im really tired.” you say, smiling though, you didn’t know why he was doing this. he must’ve had an awfully good day.
“just for a bit.” why were his hands on your waist? why were you nervous. you nodded, you felt that if you opened your mouth to speak, nothing would come out.
you could feel his breathing on your neck, his hands roaming your waist as he lead them up to your shoulders.
his hands were on the low of your back, under your shirt. that was certainly new, and that was really not a massage, but you weren’t complaining.
you looked back at him, wide eyed, what was he doing?
once you turned your face to look at him, you couldn’t look away anymore.
maybe it was how nice he looked in the paused lighting of the tv, maybe it was how warm he felt, when the weather was so chilly recently, whatever it was, it hooked you.
he was looking straight into your eyes and you felt so open to him, it was weird to see him like this.
you felt like you were back in school being head over heels for your brother's best friend.
you heard keys jingling outside, so you stepped away, leaving him sat by himself wondering what he did wrong. sirius opened the door abruptly, scaring james, who looked at him confused.
“sorry, mate, the door was … hey! is that my instrumental playlist?” james turned a bit pink.
“yeah, I was just...” he looked at you. “forget it.” he turned it off. you were pretending to be unbothered, looking at something your phone.
you couldn’t quite wrap your mind around what had just happened.
you unfolded the sofa into a bed, getting comfortable on the right side, but then you felt his eyes back on you as sirius went into his own room.
“oh, sorry. do you want the couch? i can sleep on the chair, i don’t really-“
“we can share. don’t worry about it.” you nod at his comment. what had gotten into him? he turned off the lights, leaving the tv on. you were trying to calm down, sleeping in the same place as him, being nervous about it was so silly, but, still, you could feel your heartbeat.
“you wanna pick something?” he interrupted your thoughts, you didn’t want to watch anything. you wanted it to be over as soon as possible.
“no, you can just go back to your thing, i don’t mind it.” you answered. he laid down by your side.
you were going to share the damn blanket.
he unpaused the tv, putting the remote on the right arm of the couch, that was your side. his arm went over you, he wrapped his arm around your waist once he went back to his side, though half of it was empty.
was he trying to spoon you? you could feel yourself getting nervous, your body starting to feel hot.
you (stupidly) decided to test his actual intentions with that, turning to your side to see if he’d pull you in, he quickly did.
you could have died right there.
he had never even hugged you before, was he really horny or something? and so you felt it.
‘oh my god.’ you thought to yourself repeatedly.
you felt his hand on your waist, pulling you closer to him, which was basically impossible with your ass already glued to his crotch.
you ended up sleeping like that, waking up in the morning to the ‘are you still watching?’ screen.
the day was fine, and you found out you and James had a lot in common, you ended up talking the entire evening, he spent the whole party next to you.
you slept in separate rooms at night, but you still spent a while with him in his room talking about all sorts of things. you never imagined how you and james could be alike. you never imagined how could be so sweet, funny and nice.
after the fall holidays you and james became closer and closer, when labor day came up you realized how much you liked him and when thanksgiving came around, you realized how you might actually be falling for him.
he didn’t help with that at all. he was always touching you, you even ended up cuddling when you would watch some awful movie in his room.
you never really got if he liked you as a friend or he wanted something more, until christmas.
you carefully placed your gifts under the tree on christmas eve, so in the morning when you saw a little box with your name on it, you were incredibly excited.
everyone was sat on the living room floor, opening gifts. in the little box was an envelope and it was from all of the guys. there was something written in the paper inside but you didn’t want read it in the moment.
“thanks” you smiled, but you didn’t quite know what it meant.
“we all talked and we want you to put your name on the lease.” sirius said quickly, looking at you anxiously.
“like, actually?” you ask, starting to feel extremely happy because you loved living with them.
“yeah” remus answered, smiling.
“thanks, i really appreciate it.” you couldn’t stop smiling, it felt great to know they wanted you there. james, who was sat next to you, gave you a one arm hug and a kiss on the forehead.
“so you’re gonna let me pay rent now?” you ask to your brother, smiling.
“i guess so.” he replied. you knew he was happy too. “gonna get you an actual gift though”
they were planning a big christmas party, they invited some people from work, the girls and some other people you didn’t really know, so you were expecting to spend the night with james. you went all out, put on your favorite red dress which was short but still fancy for the event.
once you were ready, half of the party was already there, including all of james’ coworkers and friends. you sat next to him on the couch, they were all there all talking about something from his work you didn’t really understand.
they were all dressed up too, but what shocked you the most was that james was wearing a suit, sure, his necktie was already loose and the buttons on his shirt too, but he looked amazing.
“can i stay with you fot the rest of the night? i don’t really know anyone here.” you whispered into his ear, nervous about the answer.
“sure” he nodded. “hey, henry” he called for his coworker that was sitting on the couches arm.
“yeah?” the guy answered.
“this is y/n, the friend i was telling you about the other day.” james gestures to you. you can’t help but smile awkwardly and wonder what he said about you.
“oh, hi! pleasure to meet you.” he got up from his chair and shook your hand, smiling at james and nodding. what did that mean?
“pleasure to meet you too.” you smile at him.
“i’m just gonna get some drinks, i’ll ill be right back. do you want something?” james asked you.
“just a soda.” he gets up and heads to the kitchen.
“so, tell me, how are your brownies?” henry jokes, you look at him confused.
“good, i guess, but thats a biased opinion.” you answer, curious on how he knew about your brownies.
“you know, james talks about you all the time.” he comments, you were sure he already had a few drinks.
“really? what does he say?”
“when you first moved in he hated you, you know? he always said it was fun to make you mad and all. but since october he’s been so nice when he talks about you, i personally think he fancies you, but i wouldn’t know. i don’t think he’d tell me if he did, specially because you’re his friends sister and all.” he was rambling but you really enjoyed the part he said about james seeing you as more than a friend, you enjoyed it so much you didn’t even pay attention to what he said after that.
“i doubt it, we just turned into good friends, that’s all.”
“nah, i think he wants to make you into something else.” henry might’ve just made your entire night with that phrase. you couldn’t hide your smile anymore.
“here’s your soda, a beer for you, henry” james handed the drinks and took a sip of his coke. you sat next to him, holding your soda in both of your hands, looking down at it nervously. “did something happen?” he asked you.
“no, just thinking ‘bout something” you answer, looking into his eyes now. he smiles, wrapping his arm around your waist. that makes you so flustered, you feel your entire body getting warmer and that’s just the start of it.
for the rest of the night, he stayed by your side. his hand resting on your waist, thigh, around your shoulders, wherever he wanted them. you could feel your heart beating in your chest for most of the time. he had never done that before, not in public and surely not like that, not in a sexual manner, at least that’s how you identified it, because one thing was a friendly touch, the other was what he was doing.
he made you feel needy, aching for more - he was making you want him.
did he notice? did he ever even perceive how he made you feel? how could he not?
goosebumps covered you once he grazed your thigh for the first time out of five, the fifth was when he finally let his hand stay put there.
it made you feel crazy, it really did.
you didn’t know if he meant it as you took it, but you really hoped he did.
the party was still going around 1am, james had disappeared and you were left sitting on the couch, waiting for him to come back.
you couldn’t stop thinking about him and it made you feel kind of silly. you were a bit disappointed that nothing happened but you sort of expected it. you knew nothing would actually occur, but still, it made you a bit sad. maybe the touch lead you on, but it-
you looked at your phone once it vibrated and you felt the absolute need to scream because of how excited the text made you, but you didn’t.
‘James: come to my room once you read this, please.’
you didn’t think much of it, though you would’ve come if he just asked you to like he normally did.
you finished your drink and knocked on his door. he opened it but didn’t look at you, his eyes were focused on your knees, he looked nervous.he was still wearing his pants and the dress shirt, except it was unbuttoned. shit.
“y/n?” he was looking at you now.
“you look really good tonight.”
“i clean up nice sometimes.” you smile.
“oh please, you always look good” he turned a bit pink once he said it. “and thats a really nice dress” his voice was low when he said it, was he actually hitting on you?
“thank you” you whispered, you couldn’t help but feel anxious as his body got closer to yours.
“you know, i’ve been thinking about something for a while now” he says. you could feel your stomach start to twist and turn because you were so anxious on what he was doing next. you hummed, making sure he would continue what he was saying, but he didn’t.
he just kissed you like it was the easiest thing in the world. he pulled you into his room and closed the door, locking it quickly.
the feeling of his lips on yours was something you craved for a while now, you needed it so much you started to wonder if it was normal for you to need something this much.
you couldn’t stop once it started. his hands were on your hips and you tugged onto his hair desperately.
kissing him is redefining the whole concept of kissing to you, and probably ruining every other sexual experience you could have for the rest of your life.
he pushed you into the door, his hands now on your ass.
“shit” he let out quickly as he stopped kissing you so roughly and started giving you quick pecks. “you have no idea for how long i wanted to do this.” you hummed. “you’re so fucking hot, it makes me crazy.” the praise was making your stomach twist again, a wet spot being formed between your legs.
he carried you with your legs around his body and took you to his bed. the same bed you have used to lay down to watch movies, to just gossip or discuss things, to do whatever.
he sat down and kept you on his lap, straddling him, but you needed more. as he kissed you roughly and messily you would casually rock your hips, causing friction. after you did that a few times he laid you down on the bed, telling you to stop being such a tease, he got on top of you, supporting himself with his knees, one of them between your legs, causing friction and making you more aroused.
when he started playing with the strings that held the dress together, you knew you were done for, so you let him undo the bow, kissing your neck. he was messy, sometimes he would bite and it would send bolts of electricity down your spine.
“james…” you let out as he bit you again.
“tell me” he said, trailing his kisses down to your clavicle. “can i take this off too?” he asked, playing with your bra. you nodded but he didn’t move an inch.
“i need to hear you say it. can i take this off?” he was such a fucking tease, it made you go crazy. he loved to hear your voice, he knew you wanted him to take it off, he just liked to hear you say it.
“yes, please” you struggled to hold in a moan once he started sucking on your neck.
“thank you” he answered, looking back to the hickey he gave you. “hmm, that’s gonna leave a mark, sorry baby” baby? he had never called you that, you hummed as he took off his collared shirt and then proceeded to take off your bra . he groaned at the sight of you, which drove you mad. his growing bulge was exposed.
he was big.
you immediately regretted every single time you had made a small dick joke (sure, there were only 2 times but they did happen).
he was on his knees, towering over you.
“you’re so pretty”, he leaned down to kiss you again, this time more eager than ever. his right hand cupped your jaw as his left one roamed your body, making you ache for more and more. “i really wanna touch you” he whispered and went back to kissing you, his left hand now between your thighs, waiting for permission to move.
“please” you whisper, stopping the kiss briefly. he kept on kissing you as he stimulated you through the fabric of your underwear, but that didn't happen for long, specially because of how wet it was, he needed to touch you, he couldn't help himself. the dress was so hiked up it looked like a shirt, but instead of helping you take it off, he pulled it down a bit, so he had access to your chest. he immediately started kissing around your left tit, making you go absolutely insane. and that combined with the sudden touch to your clit? yeah, you were getting fucked up that night.
he was better than anyone had ever been to you. sucking in your nipple and fingering you slowly, he was making you go crazy, needing him more.
he stopped sucking on your nipple and went back to your neck, his hand not stopping at all. the right one went to cover your mouth as you moaned.
“be quiet, hm? want everyone to listen? don’t wanna stuff that pretty mouth of yours too” his non dominant hand went to your neck, choking you lightly as his other one fucked into you. you were so close to cumming, with his thumb stimulating your clit as his other fingers went in and out of you, he knew that you were close, specially with the way your pussy was tightening around him. “so fucking tight, aren’t you? can’t imagine how you’re gonna feel around my cock” he stopped and took his fingers out, making you whine, missing the feeling of him.
“jameees” you moan, finding the courage in you to pull him in, giving him a kiss.
“take it off”
“what?” you’re confused.
“the dress, i really wanna fuck you in it but i don’t wanna ruin it.” he lets out. “take it off” he sounded like he was ordering you, and you loved it so much, you wanted to give something back to him.
“i will, but can i suck you off first?” you ask, looking at him doe eyed, and how could he say no?
“you really want to?” he asks, furrowed brows, you nod, quickly getting on your knees as he unbuckles his belt, throwing it on the carpet. he got up and pulled his pants down, staying just in his boxers, he climbed back into bed with you, kissing you sweetly.
you were on your knees in front of him, pulling his cock out of his underwear, stroking it lightly then kissing the tip. you take him in your mouth, using your hands to stroke what couldn’t fit, which, frankly, was about a bigger portion of it. he was the biggest you ever had.
“fuck” he groaned at the movements you were making, using his left hand to get strands of hair out of your face, as his right one supported him on the bed. he was trying not to thrust into your mouth but you were making it so hard. “your mouth was made for me, baby” he whispered, looking into your eyes. his free hand went to your neck, choking you just a bit, as your head bobbed up and down, taking as much as possible.
“so good, your mouth feels so goddamn good honey” he groaned as he finished the sentence and you used your non dominant hand to cup his balls. he was moaning a bit and it was the hottest thing you’ve ever seen or heard, though you were sure you would see hotter things that same night. he started thrusting lightly, he couldn’t help himself, specially with how good your mouth made him feel.
“stop” he ordered you, and so you did, a pop sound being made as you stopped sucking and looked up at him.
“did i do something wrong?” you ask, brows furrowed. his hand hasn’t left your neck, and so he pulls you in by it. his tongue went straight in your mouth, he needed to taste him on your lips.
“i wanna fuck you” he said, looking into your eyes, waiting for any kind of response.
“yes. please do” you quickly say, kissing him quickly.
“the dress” he remembers and you quickly take it off, not stopping the staring for a second.
“want you down on all fours” he says, getting on his knees. you do as he commands, getting in an arch position as he’s on his knees behind you. he can see that you still haven’t taken off your underwear, he bites on your ass cheek and then pulls it down with his teeth.
“you don’t mind if i keep this, don’t you?” he asks, helping you take it off fully. “it’s already ruined”
“it’s yours” you look back at him, he’s smirking like the devil. he throws your underwear into his bedside drawer.
“gotta keep it safe” he whispers. you can feel his bulge through his boxers as he leans in to kiss your neck, you whine, needing him more.
“patience, i’m gonna give it to you, sweetheart” his right hand gave your ass a smack. “up” he said, signaling for you to arch your back even more. as you do so, he groans, pressing his covered member against your wet cunt.
“you’re so pretty like this, all for me?” he asked, using his hand to play with your clit.
“y-yes, all yours” you said, trying not to whine mid sentence.
“good girl. mine” he gave your shoulder a quick peck. “gonna put it in now, okay? tell me if you wanna stop” he took his dick from out of his boxers and pumped it a few times. you could’ve fainted once you felt his tip lined up to your entrance.
he went in slowly, he was way to big for you. every time you thought he was done, there would still be more of him left.
“jaaames” you would whine
“just a bit left; don’t worry, princess” once he was fully inside of you, you felt amazing, like you were in heaven. “you’re so fucking tight, ‘feels so good” he said, trying to to groan, his voice was raspy.
if took a few thrusts for you to get used to his size, but as soon as he picked up a pace, you were a mess. you couldn’t hold in your sounds, the way he was stimulating your clit was absolutely killing you.
“be fucking quiet” he demanded with a groan, “you want everyone to know who you belong to, huh?” he didn’t stop, he just went quicker as a matter of fact.
“fuck!” you squealed as he pinched your clit, his thrusts began to be more rough, you couldn’t even focus. you’re eyes kept rolling back, your mind was fully blank and the only thing that was coming out of your mouth in that moment was a mixture of james, fuck, shit and a few other curse words.
you were in ecstasy.
“you like this, don’t you?” he was grunting lowly in between every few thrusts. you were so close, you felt your high coming to you, the way he was fucking you was not helping with you trying to hold it.
“james ohmygod james, im gonna cum” you say, trying not to stumble over your words.
“ask nicely and i’ll let you” he said, stopping the stimulation on your clit and thrusting harder. he was close too, the way your tight pussy would clench around him was making him go insane.
“please let me cum, james. need it so bad” you blurted out in between whining and moaning. he grins and goes back to stimulating you.
“good girl, do it” he went faster and didn’t stop playing with your clit. your eyes rolled back and you let it go.
your walls clench tight around him, he didn’t stop as you made a mess all over his dick.
as you finished, his thrusts only got harder, you were feeling so overstimulated and you felt like he was close too.
“fuck, sweetheart. gonna cum inside you, that’s alright?” you moaned in answer.
his hips stuttered and you felt his cock twitch spilled inside of you, his juices mixing with yours.
he made sure he got rid of every single drop.
your legs were shaking as he pulled out and tucked himself back into his underwear, you collapsed on the bed and he laid down next to you.
“wanna go back to the party?” he jokes, looking into your eyes.
“shut up” you reply, looking at the ceiling of his room.
“gonna clean you up, okay?” james assured you as he threw you a shirt of his that was under the bed. you put it on but pulled him closer to you.
“okay, but just stay with me for a while if that’s alright.” you asked.
“always” he pressed a kiss onto your forehead and you knew that this was not going to be a one time thing.
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friendsoup · 7 months
HALLO!! I THE ONE WHO REQ THE MEDI AND DIKKE FIC AND OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WONDERFUL WRITING!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HOW YOUR WROTE THEM ALL. I legit have lot of fun reading it and laughing at poor digger but got bully by two serious person. I really adore how you write their interactions that just seem in character of them and then the end had me screaming in giddyness.
If is okay could i req again for medi and dikke with a reader that often sleep randomly at the most uncoventional of place, which is how vertin found out your relationship with them. Feel free to decline if you cant but still thank you so much again for writing my req i really love it and i hope you have a nice day!! 😭💖💖
Also i so sorry for ranting
A Quiet Moment
Recipe: Established romantic relationships, GN! Reader, Reader x Medicine Pocket, Reader x Dikke, Dumbass and idiot used as petnames, You and Medi try to out fluster each other, Dikke is a super simp for you, Vertin is supportive WC: 2,001
Chef's Note: WAAAHHH I'm glad you enjoyed the last one!!! I had a lot of fun writing it!!! I'm super happy to write for you again, anon! Don't be afraid to be a repeat customer! If you want, you can assign yourself an emoji even :0! Anyways, I had fun writing this! I have a bunch of requests I gotta bang out though....hehe
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Medicine Pocket wasn’t the type for “love”. Or any other foolish emotions. They’ve always found romance to be such a stupid waste of time, taking away from more important things, like their research. More than once a scientist on their team would do something absent mindedly while thinking of their wife at home. Then they’d mess up, ruining Medi’s most important results. Those times were met with no sympathy, Medi ruthlessly tearing into her team members for their foolishness.
…However, you were kinda cute. And interesting. That’s what Medi liked about you most. You were strange, not like the other people they’ve met. They liked everything about you that was different. Your laugh, your personality, your interests. They found it fascinating the way you thought, the way you acted. Medi wanted to study you, and if that wasn’t love? They didn’t know what was. However, the two of you had been keeping things on the low. Medi didn’t want their reputation as a mad scientist to be tarnished, nor did they want to show any weakness in front of their fellow arcanists. Not to mention that you had a reputation of your own to uphold, and a lack of close friends on your team to blab to. The two of you kept quiet about your little arrangement, but that was fine. Neither of you felt the need to brag, and given how fast gossip spread around the suitcase, the two of you were happy to stay far from it. But oh, the foolishness of a person in love never fails.
Naps had always been one of your favorite ways to pass the time, and with how much training you were getting, a heavy layer of exhaustion hung over you like a blanket. No matter how hard you tried to fight it, you were always a few seconds from falling asleep. Lost within your own dreamy haze.
Today just happened to be especially tiring. You were helping out with some chores around the suitcase, preparing for the next mission, when you felt the strong siren call of another nap wash through you. You dragged yourself through the halls, your body too tired to stay upright for long. You needed a place to sleep, and quickly. You found your respite in the dining room, underneath the table. It was nowhere near meal time, so you were certain you’d be undisturbed for a while. Dropping to a crawl, you made your way underneath and placed your head on the wooden floor. It wasn’t comfortable, far from it, but it was enough for you to begin to drift off. Medi hadn’t been looking for you. At least, they didn’t think they were. They’d been wandering all day, avoiding chores like the plague and ignoring the urge to continue their studies. They’d been suffering through a major creative block with their experiments, which frustrated them to no end. They were a genius! Why couldn’t they get it together?
Medi found you underneath the table. At first they laughed at the sight, then a fond smile came to their face. And then, realization. “[Y/N]!” They called, kneeling down to your side. “You’re going to hurt your back if you sleep on the hard floor!” They warned, shaking you awake. 
Groggily, you turned to them, annoyed that your nap had been cut short. “Nuh-uh.” “The fuck do you mean ‘Nuh-uh’?!” They exclaimed, “Dumbass! You’re going to hurt yourself! What are you thinking?!” “Tired.” You answer. “So, so tired.” Medi bites their fingertip through the glove, narrowing their eyes at you. “I’ll have to take a blood test to make sure you’re healthy. Even for an idiot like you, this isn’t healthy.”
“You’re worried.” You state, a warm smile growing on your sleepy face. “Nuh-uh!” Medicine Pocket shoots back, turning their face away from you. You can see a blush on their cheeks.
“You know…” You begin, reaching for their hand, “I might sleep better if I have something to rest my head on.” Medicine Pocket’s face grows redder, a pout twisting their expression. “What are you getting at, dumbass? Spit it out!”
“Can I rest my head on your lap?” You ask, bluntly. 
Medi covers their face with their hand, still not daring to look at you. A smug smile grows on your lips, enjoying how much you’ve flustered your partner. You don’t expect them to agree, PDA isn’t something the both of you necessarily enjoy. It’s more a game of chicken, seeing who bends first. Medicine Pocket swallows, then nods. “Of course you can.”
Your eyes widen in surprise. “Oh, I wasn’t serious!” You argue, the thought of PDA making your face heat up. “Too late to back out now!” They giggle, scooching next to you. They take a seat right next to your head, patting their lap. “Come on, sweetheart, take a nap with me.”
The pet name, despite how mockingly it’s used, sends an arrow straight through your heart. Though you’re hesitant, the offer is appealing. Cuddling with Medi isn’t something you often get to do, and here they are, presenting you with the opportunity. And so you lift your head, and place it on their lap. They squeak instantly, the flush returning to their face all at once. “Hey! What if someone sees us?” “They won’t.” You mutter, already losing the battle to sleep. You yawn. Medicine Pocket is so warm, and feels so soft beneath your head. You could stay like this forever, you think. “Nobody will.”
“Are you sure?” Medicine Pocket asks, yet they get no answer. You’ve already fallen asleep, lost in your own dreams. Medicine Pocket sighs, putting a hand on your head and stroking your hair softly. You remind them of one of their dogs like this. All gentle and cute. They find themselves smiling uncontrollably, lost in the bliss of being close to you. About a half hour later, Vertin enters the dining room. “Medicine Pocket? [Y/N]?” She calls, glancing around the room. “Where did the two of you go?” She asks herself, a scowl deepening on her face. The two of you were skipping your responsibilities, and as leader, she had to get you both on track. Medi froze, eyes wide with fear. They couldn’t be caught in a situation like this! Especially by the Timekeeper! But they also couldn’t escape! Your sleeping face was just too cute, they didn’t want to disturb it!
And then you snored. It was a slight, quick breath, but Vertin is a very perceptive girl, and she heard it right away.
“[Y/N]?” Vertin asked, “Are you napping again? You’ve ought to get your tiredness checked out by a-” She leaned over to peer under the table, locking eyes with Medicine pocket. “Oh!” Vertin exclaimed, before her eyes fell upon you, slumbering away. “Oooh.” “It’s not what it looks like!” Medi objected, keeping their voice to a hush. “It’s just- I’m just! It’s an experiment! They’re a test subject to me!” A light danced in Vertin's eyes as she saw you two, though her face bore no changed expression. “It’s alright. Your secret is safe with me.” She gave a curt nod, and stood. “Vertin- Wait!” Medicine called behind her, panic in their voice. “You’ve got it all wrong! No!” “You have nothing to worry about.” Vertin reassured them. “I wish you two love and prosperity.”
Though Vertin did not breathe a word to a single soul, the suitcase was alight a week later with rumors of the new couple among their numbers. And though your days of being a quiet couple were over, at least Medi didn’t feel so embarrassed to be seen sleeping next to you anymore.
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Her Peace
Dikke had never been a fan of romance in plays.
The way bards would speak on and on about the sweetness of love, of the bliss of another’s touch, of the pangs in one’s heart, it didn’t seem possible to her. How could love be so powerful? She’d felt romance before, towards some fellow knights, though her feelings never clouded her judgment. She always managed to keep a clear mind, and was able to keep her thoughts rational. The stuff the bards spoke of was hyperbole. …You muddied that belief. Dikke was unbelievably weak for you. It scared her, in all honesty. She’d never been so vulnerable around someone before. Your smile made her sway, your laugh made her weak in the knees. She found herself thinking of you late into the night, unable to close her eyes without seeing your face. The walls she’d spent so many years building, crashed around her. Destroyed by a single person. Nobody knew of this relationship of yours. It wasn’t as though it was secret, it just wasn’t something you discussed with other people. Dikke didn’t often speak on matters of the heart, and you never found a good excuse to bring it up. And thus, the suitcase was unaware of the budding relationship in their midsts. Dikke had been training for hours. It was what she did to clear her mind, to calm her anxieties. There was something comforting about doing repeated exercises. It kept both her and her blade sharp. However, it was also extraordinarily tiring. The hard labor strained her muscles, making each movement painful. Though she was careful to never overexert herself, she still remained sore after each intensive workout. This time was no different.
Dikke dragged herself through the forest, focusing on her deep breaths. Birds sang in the trees around her, the same songs they’d sung in her homeland. Bees buzzed by her, brushing gently against her as she walked, clumsily making their way through. The same way they did a hundred years ago. And before then as well. Dikke lost herself in thought as she walked, allowing the nostalgia to ease her weary bones. And then she saw you. Like something out of a fairytale. You were sprawled beneath a grand oak tree, your chest rising and falling in a gentle rhythm. Dikke was stunned by your beauty, completely beside herself at the sight of you. Was it OK for her to see you like this? So vulnerable and pretty? Her heartbeat quickened, it was so loud she was worried it would wake you. You looked so peaceful, it made her dizzy. The fact that you could sleep so soundly here, without a care in the world… She wanted that tranquility. That trust in the world. Dikke sat next to you in the plush grass, keeping her guard up. She couldn’t just leave you here! What if something happened? She’d never forgive herself! As quietly as she could, she removed her cape, draping it over you in a single movement. Dikke loved the view of you in her cape. Seeing it made it hard for her to think, her brain only filled with thoughts of you. Surely it was alright to indulge. Just this once? You wouldn’t mind the company, would you? Holding her breath, Dikke laid beside you, leaving a few inches of space between the two of you. She didn’t want to intrude, but she wanted some of that peace. Some of that tranquility you held.
It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep. The mix of the workout and your presence was too much on her weary mind. By the time Vertin found the two of you, you were entangled in each other’s arms. Your head on Dikke’s chest, and her face pressed into your hair. The sight surprised the timekeeper, though she knew better than to react. She didn’t want to risk waking you up.
Later, Vertin would seek you out. “I see you’ve found your knight in shining armor.” She tells you. Though it doesn’t reach her face, you can hear the smirk in her voice. “What do you mean by that?” You ask, confused. “I wish you and Dikke well. That’s all you need to know.” She responds. You grow too flustered to continue the conversation any further.
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mod-kyoko · 11 months
Could you do a reader that's cold all the time?
Like, it could be the hottest day of the year and they'd still be freezing their booty off?
Preferably one of these characters: Gundham, Hajime, Nagito but it doesn’t matter who you write :>
gundham, hajime, and nagito with a reader who is cold all the time
fandom: danganronpa: goodbye despair
type: hcs
a/n: sorry this took so long omg
gundham tanaka
my guy does not have a poker face. whenever he lends you his scarf or jacket his face is red for the ENTIRETY that you're wearing it
and what's worse is he has no scarf to hide behind
unfortunately gundham is clueless and cannot see that you're cold, ever
so you have to tell him
and he still won't take the hint
and you want to ask him for his scarf but that's fine because someone else will tell him
"one of the devas, mirage golden hawk jum-p, told me that you are cold," he'd say, removing his scarf
he wraps it around you with care, and stands back to get a look
"you must take absolute care of that scarf, it was awarded to me after i defeated its previous owner in battle," he blabs
you can't take him seriously though, because his face is already red and he's fidgeting with his fingers
from then on, the entire duration that you're wearing his scarf, he keeps sneaking looks at you, cherishing the way you look while wearing it
hajime hinata
bro is bamboozled as to how you can be constantly cold
he's very warm all the time so he never has any kind of jacket or sweater on
but when he met you, he got into the habit of having one around anyway
at first, if he didn't have a jacket, he would just hold your hands and rub your arms
now he knows better
he brings a jacket everywhere and he's always bewildered as to how you're not super prepared all the time
always blushes when he sees you wearing his jacket
he won't admit it but he actually prefers you wearing his jacket so you'll smell like him
but when he doesn't have anything, it's okay because seeing you shiver is the cutest thing in his eyes, it makes him laugh, and it gives him an excuse to touch you more
nagito komaeda
nagito is cold all the time too, which is why he wears his jacket even in the summer
and he hates being cold, but he would endure it for you
he knows how cold you get, so from time to time he'll touch your hand just to see
"ah, my love, do you need my jacket?" he'd ask, but you don't really have a choice in the matter
"please take it, you deserve it more than i..."
he'll drape it over you, helping you into it even though you could do it yourself
he'll hold you from behind, resting his chin on your head until he feels like you've warmed up enough
honestly he's really concerned most of the time, like how tf are you cold right now??
bro sweats when he's nervous too it's so funny watching him worry about you so much when you're not in immediate danger
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rose-reveries · 6 months
I'm so happy we finally got to see the Fates omg. I am curious because they swapped it around so that Annabeth saw it instead of Percy. Like, interesting??? But I don't hate it.
The actor embodies Ares so well, omg I love it.
KRONOS EXPOSITION FUCKING FINALLY YEAHHHHH I'VE LITERALLY BEEN ASKING WHERE IT WAS THE PAST 4 EPISODES. And i'm totally fine with the Krono's exposition and FBI wanted Percy info coming from Ares. Like, makes enough sense tbh.
"I'm 24." "Good for you."
I wish they would have shown more how Ares's aura effects people's mood. Like yeah they were sassy, but Percy's been sassy this entire time so I didn't really feel like there was much of a change there.
BOLD DEPARTURE FROM THE SOURCE MATERIAL HERE. It's not a bad thing, I liked a lot of the changes. But like just like...interesting for sure lol. Again not actually a bad thing but BOLDD departure from the source material.
i miss them raiding the park for clothes and becoming walking advertisements. It was funny, despite adding nothing to the plot. I don't mind it isn't there, I just think that scene in that book is so silly goofy it makes me laugh.
Okay, I am VERY intrigued with the angle they are going in because it has become apparent this episode they are trying to frame it so first time viewers think Grover stole the bolt. Which like is so very interesting I don't know how to feel about this. I did however, really like the scene between Grover and Ares.
The jump cuts...why are you acting as if you are going to go to commercial break. Please stop.
I liked this episode, but I have to admit the tunnel drop sequence CGI was bad and hard to watch, I'm so sorry.
We are meeting more gods than we did in the books, and while Percy seems to have reconciled with his dad this episode, now we are seeing Annabeth start to resent the gods, which leads me to question what will stop Annabeth and Percy from siding with Luke in the end? Because what Luke is doing against the gods right now sounds pretty good to me, they fucking suck and we see that and Percy and Annabeth see that. I don't know, just thoughts.
Anyway, I am so excited for the casino next week :))) hehehe
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hughesmedicine · 1 year
guitar lessons | j. drysdale
jamie drysdale x !zegras reader
I’m neglecting this man omg🫡 I’m also in my Jamie feels!
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liked by trevorzegras, _alextorcotte, ynzegras and others
jamie.drysdale i teach her hockey and she teaches me the guitar🧡
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_alextorcotte @/trevorzegras has he gotten any better??
trevorzegras no.
jamie.drysdale he’s lying
trevorzegras im 100% telling the truth, you can ask his teacher!
_alextorcotte on it!
jackhughes when are you guys gonna tell me who she is??
jamie.drysdale when pigs fly.
jackhughes excuse me while I go find a pig and a plane.
ynzegras please for the sake of that pig, don’t.
jackhughes okay fine mom.🫡
ynzegras thank you for listening son!
_quinnhughes so happy for you y/n/n!! I’ll kick his ass if he hurts you💙
ynzegras thanks quinn but no need I can do it myself!
_quinnhughes as you should but my offer still stands!
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liked by jamie.drysdale, trevorzegras, _alextorcotte and others.
ynzegras I can say he’s gotten better🧡
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jackhughes wait…
trevorzegras ah there you go buddy
jackhughes oh shut up! @ynzegras why didn’t you tell me??
ynzegras you blab a lot.
jackhughes okay fair
elblue6 awe I’m glad you’re having fun sweetie! Can’t wait till I see you during summer❤️
ynzegras thanks mama el! I’ll be bringing him there🫶🏻
trevorzegras he has gotten better
_alextorcotte you’re lying??
trevorzegras im not, he played 22 yesterday perfect!
_alextorcotte proud of our boy!
ynzegras so so proud!
jamie.drysdale I love you guys so much!
lhughes_06 I feel left out here so why didn’t I get told?
ynzegras oh uh I thought trevor told you..
lhughes_06 nope explain @/trevorzegras
trevorzegras sorry I got busy 🫣
lhughes_06 okay whatever but congrats y/n/n I’m happy for you and him!💙
ynzegras thank you moosey!🧡
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cartierdreamx · 1 year
Hacked into you - 2 (AU)
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Hi!!! OMG, I am so sorry for the long wait for part 2, I just started uni and I’ve been so caught up with that, with my other works of writing and just life in general, slightly sorry for the teasing in this chapter (I’m not hehe) but I really do hope you enjoy, this isn’t my best work but I needed to get this chapter done with some progress. Anyways, I hope you enjoy <333 Also, I might start taking requests for Jenna and Jenna’s characters to keep me occupied with writing somethings in between writing these chapters, if anyone is interested.  
Pairings: jenna ortega x fem! Reader
Warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive??? (it’s a whole lot of flirting hehe)
*I plan to write smut in this story and it does have some dark themes like violence involved, the game itself was rated MA15+ where I am from (might be different depending which country you are in) so my fic will be 18+ because I am involving more adult themes, if you do choose to proceed, please keep that in mind*
The Alcohol Talking - 2 
She smirks at me, I want to say something but the lights, the noises and everyone’s eyes on me has me in a standstill. SHE has me in a standstill.
The cheers boosted and fuelled my adrenaline, not only does the crowd raise my heartrate but there was something else, I could feel my blood heating up my internals, the redness caressing my skin. I can’t quite pinpoint the source, that was until she came to talk to me. The crowd disperses into sections of the beach, some drinking, some dancing, and some off in the water for a swim. Me? I stayed on the sand behind people to admire the view, the beauty of the scenes. We were right beside the golden gate bridge, the bridge is magnificent, that paired with the illuminating skyline of the city, it was breath taking.
“Like the view?” Jenna says
“Hm? Oh- yes, sorry, it’s beautiful.” The view wasn’t the only thing that was beautiful, Jenna, Jenna’s beauty spoke a thousand words to me. The only thing that was left of her identity was her beauty.
“Don’t be sorry love, I’m Jenna” She smiles.
“It’s very nice to meet you ma’am”.
“Ma’am?” She giggles, “you act as if I’m 40 with kids and a 9 to 5”
I smile and huff back at her “it’s a habit of mine, I should knock it, but I love it too much”.
She laughs at me, “I get that, I love giving thumbs up to everyone, any moment I get, I can. So, do you drink?”
“Yes ma’am, socially most of the time, but occasionally if I feel like it I’ll drink at home.”
“I get that and I’m the same, here take this” she hands me a sweet vodka based drink.
“Thank you, kind lady” I take a sip, and my tastebuds welcome the sweetness, because it is vodka there is a hint of a bitter taste, but its bearable.
Jenna and I talk more but honestly, I can’t focus much on her words, how can I? Her beauty spoke louder than her voice, it was as if heaven’s angels crafted her themselves.
“You know, the city lights sparkle nice in your eyes y/n”
She giggles. “well you’ve been staring at me for so long all I can see are reflections in your eyes”
Shit. With the constant drinks in my hand, it didn’t cross my mind that I’ve barely spoken words, I was content just letting her blab on about anything.
“Speechless, aren’t you y/n? yeah figures, I have that effect”
Is she flirting with me? Or is it the alcohol talking? Either way, I can feel my blood rising, making me heat up even more, but I know my cheeks are red too.
“Woahhh okay Jenna, bold of you to assume I’m speechless over you, could just be the alcohol talking”
“Yeah? Well, your cheeks says otherwise”
Fuck. She was right, she does have me speechless, but I can’t let her know that. With the constant joyous screaming and loud music around and the soft waves crashing onto the sand, I needed something to focus on, and that something was her. Granted, even if we were in a calmer environment I’d still be focused on her. In a room full of art, I’d still be focused on her.
“It’s the a-a-alcohol” Seriously? y/n stuttering, stuttering in front of Jenna?
“Stuttering? Wow, I really do have you speechless” She steps closer to me.
I couldn’t say another word, even if I wanted to, my throat was blocked, almost as if she has me under her trance.
“Do I make you nervous, y/n” She takes a step even closer to me, so close now I can feel her body heat, everything about her, everything about me, well I mean yeah, she’s stuck with me this entire night, might just be cause I’m fresh meat, I’d like to think it’s because she wanted to get close to me though.
I let out a gasp.
One more step towards me and now our bodies were practically touching, she places her hand on my waist.
We both take a step back, sit down on the sand and start laughing.
“Fuckkkkkkkk, hahahahaha”
“You know Jenna, if you wanted to kiss me you could’ve just said that”
“Who said I did?”
“Everything you just did”.
“Okay, but, like you just said, just the a-a-alcohol talking” she says mocking me.
“Oh, shut up!”
“Mhmhm maybe, but you like it”.
I did, it made me giggle on the inside, but it made my heart burn even more, not the heartburn, but heart burn. Maybe it’s wrong, maybe it is just the alcohol talking, but everyone second that goes by and she’s still here with me, the feelings grow stronger.
“Did you wanna get some food?”
“Yes please, I haven’t eaten anything all day”.
“And you drank alcohol, that’s a recipe for disaster”.
“Tell me about it, my head is spinning, but the mission made me nervous”.
“That’s fair, but honestly, you were in the second we saw you for the first time, you’re the missing piece we need, the breath of fresh air”.
“That’s sweet of you to say, but let’s get going or else I will start eating this sand”.
“Bahaha okay lil lady, let’s go”.
“Little? Jenna you’re shorter and smaller than me”.
We both get up slowly, making sure not to fall, or fall on top of each other. The party is still going on, not surprising though, I’ve heard these Dedsec initiation parties go on for hours, until the sun peaks the horizon, if you asked me I’d say it’s about 3am, it’s scenic and peaceful, tranquillity is what I feel when looking out to the city skyline, sonder. Jenna and I both agree that we need something greasy to satisfy our drunken hunger, though by now the alcohol has faded away and we’re both just tired and hungry.
“Come on, I’ll call the uber.”
As soon as I turn around to follow her, a man dashes into me and knocks me off my feet.
“Fuck! Dude, watch it”. I yell.
I look to see who it is, and my stomach drops when my eyes focus on the face. Dusan Nemec. Dusan. Fucking. Nemec.
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softpine · 3 months
did we enjoy hanging out at the virtual bar last night ..... sorry i didn't finish answering the asks i fell asleep on the floor listening to lover you should've come over on a loop for 3 hours anyway here's the rest 😌 i may not be drunk anymore but i answered them quick fire mode for that authentic experience fjkjsds
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i feel like as she's gotten older, caroline became the retrospective/morose kinda drunk and that's beth's natural state so it would be like a healing therapy session for sure. mikaela gets sloppy lmaooo so she would be blabbing about things no one asked, probably dropping some crazy anecdote that no one can tell if it's true or not. danny just gets stupid horny fjksjds sorry, gotta kick him out after 2 drinks or you'll see a lot more than you ever wanted to
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he earned it!!!
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honestly i never do anything for my sims birthdays because there's just so many of them 😭 but tom bought him a brownie from the dining hall and stuck a candle in it, then they gathered some friends and went out for drinks later but casper paid the whole tab with danny's money lol and his friends back home got on a group phone call to wish him happy birthday 💖
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it suuuuuucks :( i know it's necessary and someday it will feel good and hopefully my relationships will be stronger because of it, but in the meantime i just feel like a toddler who doesn't have the words to describe how i feel so i just cry a lot fjkjsds it's definitely easier to give austin the benefit of the doubt because i can relate, but that makes me want to see him improve more than anything. i don't want to live my life in such a closed-off way anymore and austin probably doesn't either... he just isn't at that stage yet where he realizes it's a problem, so it's frustrating to witness him act like this 😭
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BETHHH all of the above!! (well except HOA, because fuck HOAs) we've seen her volunteer as a chaperone for school dances, she's definitely asa's most involved parent in his school & general safety. caroline liked interacting with other parents when asa was little, because she was a young parent she wanted to soak up as much parental experience as possible. on the other hand, mikaela felt embarrassed about how she was the youngest parent in the room when she was putting casper through school/sports so she tended to keep to herself, but she did eventually embrace her status as a soccer mom and then football mom lmao. i can see her and beth in a bookclub :')
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yeah he's at the tail end of his tour right now, he only has a few shows left. in the last post with caroline & asa in the hospital, mikaela was actually on the phone with danny but it didn't really make sense to include in that scene, so i moved it to the next time we'll see asa's parents. so i can't say too much about him yet!! but yeah he did take a SUPER long break, so his team is not going to be happy if he asks for another. he tries to keep his family out of the spotlight and only shares nonspecific information about them, but of course he taps into his emotions when writing music so i'm sure a lot of his family struggles come through, just maybe not in the way a casual listener would hear and think "oh his son has had mysterious health problems his whole life" or anything like that!
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it's honestly been really fun to write!! he's such a stoic figure and his inner monologue is too, but there's a lot he doesn't say even to himself that's just simmering under the surface...
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@forgotten-pixels omg it's funny you bring this up!! when i first introduced mac in the story, i wasn't thinking at all about genetics, i just picked a coat pattern i thought was cute and randomly decided he would be a boy, but then right after that i switched my major to biology and took a genetics class where i had to do a whole research project about chromosomal abnormalities and used male tortoiseshell cats as one of the focuses because they have an extra X chromosome which can also occur in humans (though obviously we don't get cute patterns because of it..... sad!) but male tortoiseshell cats tend to have a ton of health problems & lowered life expectancy because of this abnormality, so if we were being entirely realistic mac probably wouldn't have survived into adulthood. but since this is the sims i decided pets can never die fjksjds i did think about doing a silly retcon where once mac is no longer a kitten he runs away for a few days and returns pregnant because oops he's actually a female cat but 1. again, this is sims so who cares about realism and 2. there is no way in hell beth would be irresponsible enough to not get her adopted stray cat fixed as soon as possible. so i just scrapped the whole idea lmao but yes!! mac is just an exceedingly rare kitty :P
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aww i'm sorry i think you sent this a couple days ago, but thank you for thinking of me 🥺 i hope you had a good day!!
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noo you didn't make me feel rushed at all!! i totally get wanting to know, i wish i could be more consistent but i've given up on expecting that from myself jfkjsdj but yeah don't fear, he's not really dead dead hehe
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oh i love this for them, thank you so much 💖 i don't know anything but just from what you've said, i think leo & aries makes so much sense for finn and asa because like they literally were never supposed to be together or even meet in their lifetimes but by god they will NOT let that stop them 😌
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@morrigan-sims AHHH yeah i honestly have nothing to add to this fjkjsds you said it all !! i could comment more but that would be spoilers territory so i'll just leave it with saying i love hearing everyone's predictions, it makes me happy that you know these characters well enough to see into the future a bit 🥺
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he wouldn't do anything to hurt (physically or emotionally) asa's family, nor would he knowingly let asa hurt them himself. so...... honey you've got a big storm coming i guess 😭😭
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she loves animals, particularly reptiles & amphibians, she'd be so great working in conservation or education about animals especially for kids 🥺
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she has a vague idea of how certain people would react... she thinks stevie would probably believe her (at least partially) because she's always been pretty open to unexplainable phenomenon, but she falsely believes that stevie wouldn't be able to keep a secret (she doesn't know that stevie has been keeping asa & finn's secret for a decade now...). she would never want to tell elaine, because she knows elaine doesn't believe in anything supernatural and would probably assume she's experiencing actual delusions. that just leaves asa, who she might have considered telling, except that she knows how badly he's struggled with his own mental health so she would never want to potentially make it worse by confusing his reality in a sense...
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oh yeah i definitely cannot comment on this one jfkjsds
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asa truly does not think about consequences or the future. you wouldn't assume this is the case because of how quiet and thoughtful he seems, but he chooses to live in the moment and deal with problems as they arise, not a minute sooner. for him, there's just no way he'll ever be without finn, no matter what he has to do to make that happen or what he has to give up..
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deathnot-e · 1 month
The Calamity Mod for Terraria has convoluted and messy lore that, for me and Calamitas, I completely re-wrote the framework of the story in my brain.
My s/i, Dox (titled as the “Terrarian”) has to pick up everything the Tyrant King, Yharim (evil ruler guy from the jungle) has ruined for everyone. Along the course of the game/story, as they defeat the many bosses and enemies getting in their path, Dox is congratulated as the hero saving the world from more chaos. But Calamitas, only appearing as a fragment of dreams and hallucinations, warns that they’re making grave mistakes and that they should stop when they stop when they have the chance. Dox, of course, refuses, and doesn’t trust this fabled Brimstone Witch at all! They’ve fought clones of her and her brothers before, and is sick of dealing with this “all talk, no bite” nonsense. With each boss slain, Dox gains a tattoo of the entity along their body, branded with vivid and vibrant colors.
Eventually, low and behold, Cal’s right about everything. And ultimately, after defeating Yharim’s precious jungle dragon, Yharon, Dox has to face the Brimstone Witch, who just so happens to be the last line of defense to get to the Tyrant King. Because this is depressing as it is, I made two endings.
In one ending, Calamitas is spared and recruited as an NPC resident and the domestic scenarios arrive! But in the other, when Calamitas is inevitably slain, Dox gains her horns at the end of the story instead of a tattoo, and the cycle of being a pawn in the game of war continues.
Sorry if this is written poorly!! I love getting the excuse to blab about my tragic partner so much!!!
angst addicts, let's goooo \o/ we need a banner or something but I'm bad at graphic design lmao.
fun fact, I tried terraria once on switch and it was too tiny + too complicated for my poor brain. I'll try again on tv soon-ish. :3
I love this omg. I'd love to read this as a fantasy novel or comic book series so much asdfghjfghjkl with both endings ofc. I'm glad they do get a happy alternate ending ; A ; I did that with light and kuroh too because oof... canon ending is rough.
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azrielgreen · 4 months
I just finished "Begin Again" and I'm...
I'm sobbing. I am fucking sobbing my heart out. The EPILOGUE?! The choice they made for the bottlecap, oh my fucking heart.
Anyway, sorry to blab but I just wanted to say thank you a million times over for everything you've created and shared with us. This series has meant the world to me. It got me through terrible times. You are the greatest. My favorite. Perfect.
Omg thank you SO MUCH!😭😭😭💜💜💜
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OCs as other characters
Rules: take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). if you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100.
I've been tagged by @nananarc and @neverfadesaway - thank you! I already did it for Vinnie so now it's Macha's turn
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Valentine Wiggin (Ender's Game)
Kaylee Frye (Firefly + Serenity)
Triss (The Witcher)
Naomi Nagata (The Expanse)
The Oracle (The Matrix)
This was way harder for me than Vinnie’s because I didn't know a lot of the results so I had to go top 30 or so for her (Vinnie’s were all in his top 10)
But yes, she's definitely more Triss than Yennefer, Naomi Nagata is such a badass but in an understated way and I feel that's 100% Macha. Valentine Wiggin is described as fiercely intelligent and kind but missing her brother's drive and that also fits - Macha does what she does not because she WANTS to but because she feels the RESPONSIBILITY to do it.
And The Oracle?! I mean hello. Macha is definitely definitely spiritual af. She believes in a higher power, in threads weaving the universe into a blanket encompassing all that is. And Kaylee is personified kindness, right? I feel like Macha has been through so much shit and it's made her more tolerant and open because she knows, we often do things not out of choice but they are put on us - and being kind is the one thing we can do to support each other.
I don't know why I am blabbing so much but it made me think about her on a new level because I wanted to know what unites these characters.
Tagging the last five blogs that started following me - without pressure and sorry if you've done this:
@hydrasshole (omg what a name!!!)
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Okay okay, its been a while since I requested a matchup so sorry if i forget something! I dont mind both helluva and hazbin, i like both <3
Online I go by Dead or just D, I am not comfortable with my irl name and am still trying to figure it out
My pronouns are they/she, I'm still trying to find the right label for what I'm into though. I like everybody to sum it up tho!
I'm an INFP-t
I really like cats (I've got six), the colors blue and black, skeletons, cards/dice (i have some cool jewelry with card symbols n stuff) drawing, reading/writing and watching cartoons.
I've got diagnosed with ADD/ADHD though I'm more tired than hyper, but if you get me talking about something im interested in I could talk your ear off
I try really hard to be consious of how other people feel so I tend to back up if I can tell someone isn't enjoying the conversation/what we're doing. I also really try hard to include others in what I'm currently blabbing about by asking them questions 'cause I know what it's like to not have a say in a convo.
In terms of my appearence, I'm afab, and I'm sadly well endowed, it causes me some back issues. But on the bright side they make good pillows for friends!!
I've got short blonde hair that i dye black and i tend to wear loose clothes that are a few sizes too big. I usually tend to wear all black non gendered clothes (I'm goth) and if i feel like getting dolled up I'll wear a dress and accessories!
I need glasses cause my long distance sight is shit 💀💀💀
In terms of humor? I like making dirty jokes or dark jokes. Like, my fave dark joke is "my grandfather told me i was too reliant on technology. So i called him a hypocrite and unplugged his life support"
But yeah!! Thanks for taking the time to read this <3
I pair you with…
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~ Hi Dead! Omg so I had these done two days ago, then I looked up what a charcuterie board was out of curiosity… bro it was completely finished, I didn’t save it as a draft, and lost my progress because I. Wanted to look. At pictures of charcuterie boards. Anyway I like charcuterie boards 🤭
~ Okay! So Blitzo was first that came to mind when I read about you. Firstly, y’all give off the extrovert adopts introvert trope. Except, it’s more like vague kidnapping than adopting. One meeting and you’re friends for life, no exceptions.
~ Blitzo’s favourite quality in a partner is someone who enjoys his sense of humour. This is a little bit because of his past in the circus. He not only loved that you understand and laugh at his jokes, but when you add on to them!
~He’s awful at communicating. The way you listen and genuinely show an effort in gaging his mood and engagement really means a lot to him, he notices. Blitzo works really well with someone who is patient and good at communication, because he’s lacking in that department, and you help him learn.
I pair you with…
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~ This is another extrovert adopts introvert, but much less extreme. Asmodeus is interested in you, and he finds excuses and ways to see you again. If he notices the same interest is reciprocated, he’ll slowly integrate himself into your life and become a constant.
~ Loves listening to people talk. Will let you talk his ear off about your interests, and will never lose focus. Is completely invested from start to finish. Will literally sit there smiling with his heads in his hands kicking his feet.
~ Additionally, he digs that you’re so attentive in conversations. Asmodeus has a tendency to let himself become a listener when he’s in romantic relationships, mostly because he just genuinely enjoys listening to his partners speak and is such an invested listener. It’s a welcome change of pace that you’re constantly ensuring it’s a back and forth conversation, and how conscious you are of his feelings and attention. He reciprocates these efforts tenfold.
~ Super domestic. Will watch cartoons with you in a blanket pile on the couch for hours. Favourite thing is to make unique charcuterie boards and start a show together. This prompted me to go and look at pictures of fucking cheese last time.
~ Can be content with just admiring you while you draw.
~ Loves your sense of humour. Especially loves when he says something dirty to flirt, and you clap back with something super dark. It always catches him off guard, and it takes a lot to leave him speechless. He adores it.
I pair you with…
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~ Loves your aesthetic.
~ “Omg I have a goth partner” type beat.
~ Unsure the trope of you guys meeting, but I had ideas for your relationship dynamic. Cherri uses you to recharge her social battery. After a long day, all she wants to do is come home to you and just rest. She’ll definitely text often throughout the day, but when she comes home she always beelines to the couch to make a next of pillows and blankets so you can watch cartoons together.
~ The ultimate cat sitter. Immediately once she hears you have cats she’s at your place. Is she with you for you or the cats? No one knows. It’s you. Don’t be surprised if you come home one day, and she’s just… there, with your cats.
~ If she finds cool jewelry that reminds her of you she’ll send you a selfie holding it next to her head, with a “?” text following to see if you want it. Sometimes it’ll be from cool little shops, but sometimes you can see the wreckage of a turf war in the background and you know she’s just looting people.
~ You both have the same sense of humour, it’s like you guys mesh so well. I imagine conversations between you go so well, you’re super excitable and somehow always find something to talk about. Every day is exciting.
Alternate pairing…
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miss-styles · 11 months
Ok wait I have a question if you feel comfortable answering on your blog! I really want to have casual sex, but my dilemma is that I’m a virgin and I would need someone to be very patient reassuring and understanding with me that first time or first few times, but I feel like that’s difficult to find when you’re hooking up especially with men. I really wish I would’ve lost it already so that I would feel more comfortable and experienced having sex with other people. Like although I haven’t ever had sex before, I just think I would really enjoy it because I love intimacy. So idk how to overcome this because I don’t want to be in a relationship rn, but I do want to have sex but still have some level of trust respect and care for each other’s bodies. Thoughts or experiences you wouldn’t mind sharing?
omg i dont know if im seeing this really late but thank you for coming to me with this!
okay so to share my own first time experience... i had just gotten out of a really bad situationship. the situationship was my first time making out with someone and just genuinely having feelings for someone. first love if you will. but we had never had sex. the most we did was just his fingers being on my underwear. after this ended i just started going on dates with random people. realistically i knew like i wasnt ready for a relationship at the time but it was a good distraction for me to put myself out there. after like a month or so.. i went out with this one guy and i reallyyyy liked him. the first time we went out he fingered me in the theater (sorry guys!) and the second time was also similar. the third time i was over at his house and we had sex.
now i will admit that i was so incredibly lucky to have my first time with him. he was so understanding and so nice he didnt make it awkward at all i was just really comfortable through the entire thing. but i can't tell you that everyone youll meet will be the same way and ive definitely had some "bad" (not as good) experiences after that
and also to me sex or virginity has never really been a THING. so i never had a need for my first time to be special or to be with someone i had been dating for a while etc etc. i know for some people sex can be this very special thing but for me it just isnt. and from what i understand you also seem to feel the same way? (correct me if im wrong) so i just felt good to get the first one over with someone i felt comfortable with and it just opened up a whole new world for me. controversial but! like i love having sex. it has made me feel so much more comfortable in my body etc etc.
now my advice would be to (at least for your first time) dont have sex on the first hangout. ofc you can do stuff but just get to know them first and see if you feel comfortable with them. i would also advise that you tell them youre a virgin not in like a weird way but i promise it would make them be more understanding. also definitely discuss what you like (sexually) bc it can get real awkward if you realize your preferences dont align at all.
just overall be open with them. for your first time (and even in the future if you wish) let them know that you wont have sex in the first hangout (and their reactions to these kind of boundaries or their reactions to your preferences can be very telling of their character) and use the first hangout to get to know them to see if youd be comfortable having sex.
and also!! (sorry this is a very long response) awkward things will happen during sex but just laugh through them and i promise it will be fine. i promise you wont be the only one who's embarrassed by sth the other person will have things that they're embarrassed about too. its natural dont stress about it.
i feel like this was a lot of blabbing but i hope it makes sense to you and if you have ANY other questions feel free to come back. i promise i would never judge
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organic-guacamole · 2 years
this is a good episode.
oo Kourtney's hair is pretty but how did she straiten all that so perfectly im- IN ONE NIGHT. jealousy jealousy.
i hate this show.
deep lake camp I'm crying
I hate the trope(?) of one side of a couple being clueless that the other is mad at them and is just so lost when they randomly, publicly, call them out in a passive aggressive way. please stop and communicate.
theres the bleep of the season! hsmtmts did it again
Maddox's face when Carlos swears though, I think I love her.
Carlos my beloved. this episode is gonna be a trash fire and I'm here👏 for👏 it👏
Gina why are you going after Val??? what??? it makes no sense and it's embarrassing please just open your mouth for EJ. (ignore how that sounds please)
"EJ you've stolen the woman Ricky loves" well. Carlos is either diabolical or a lot more oblivious than we think.
why does Carlos keep assuming everyone is straight 🤨🤨🤨🤨
this is my favourite episode idc that we're only 8 minutes in.
I love Kourtney fr. never gonna stop saying that.
I'm sorry I forgot to type for like 5 minutes cuz I got so caught up laughing. Kourtney and Carlos' slap scene has me rolling
sorry guys I will now be deleting my blogs because I can never be funnier than EJ walking out in THAT costume.
throwback when I had to do what Gina's doing with Ricky in what do you know about love for a skit except I don't have a boyfriend and the guy I did it with was uh.... I'm gonna stop there. point of the story, DOING THAT IS SO FUN
80% of their song was done backstage though so like, no one saw....
my eyes rolled BACK in my head.
the timing Gina omg.
sorry but Maddox is 15? I mean- hm.
no Jet what the heck why would you out her.
"I need to sit down"
"I need to lie down"
thanks ricky
ELTON JOHN CASWELL OMG THE FANFICS WERE RIGHT. (fun fact: I got so surprised at this line I flew backwards and whacked my head on the corner of the bed and saw spots for a second. so uh, anyone wanna buy me a helmet to wear for the next episode?)
I love the bro followed by Ricky blabbing about his problems. iconic duo.
the way I understand where everyone is coming from but I'm still upset by it all.
like Gina, he just explained that he's fighting not to leave, and he doesn't wanna stress you out as much as he is stressed. also, Gina can be upset, yes, but the going on about EJ's name too like, no one knew?? so why'd she storm off at that part...
um. I thought Channing left...
omgomgimgim jet solo song???
love how the piano is always prepared for a sad introspective ballad at any given time.
is the young Maddox like the actress's little sister or something???? because the resemblance is incredible
EJ. you better be calling a delivery man to bring something for Gina, or her mom to bring her for some reason (I think that would be weird, actually, but it seems like something Elton John 'bought a plane ticket for Gina in s1 just for the show' Caswell would do) because if you're leaving or doing something equally stupid I will lose all respect for you. (lies, I am in fact an EJ apologist)
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Hi yeah I'd like to change my formal opinion of you: you scare the shit outta me. Jesus Christ. Drink water okay good night sleep tight dream of whatever makes you happy but also isn't violent or off putting unless ur into that sorta thing which I kinda hope you aren't cause at first you seemed kinda wholesome but that's also me ignoring that the first post I really interacted with of yours was the one with different states eyes. Which by the way I dont think i ever told you this but that ask that I sent asking about your Team spirit au, I had that typed out in a Google doc because I wanted to make sure it was perfect like I was so scared you wouldn't respond and then you did and it was like!!!! Omg!!! Someone actually answered my voice!! And that's really wild so like, thanks for that. Really makes me happy when I think about that. Also you changed your profile picture and it kinda caught me off guard. Did you change it bc it's better to have art instead of stock images or because we found the penguin. Cause like either one of those is valid unless it was some secret third option in which case I am Intruiged. It's 1 am and I have a headache I'm so sorry about this I just wanted to let you know I really like your art and your writings. They are very fun to read and sometimes I forget that a lot of my ideas that I have about the states started with you so just take this as a "hey thanks for being you" ask but also don't? Like I am just blabbing to you over the phone and it's been 6 hours and you really wanna hang up but I won't stop talki
Just a lil' goofin' and gaffin' on my part, some spooky to poke at the nerves with. @atomivet can run all he wants, gotta get that cardio in. He has very nice art, so I wasn’t gonna do anything anyway. I am just a lil' baby penguin after all~
You were my very first ask, so you made me very happy too! Someone was actually interested in my ideas! And then I spiraled into fandom stuff and now I'm here. I thank you, very much! I, too, have all my headcanons first written down in Google Docs before I make the Tumblr post to make sure that it's as good as can be. Though that still doesn't stop me from overlooking things sometimes...
As for my new face, drawing @atomivet's ask gave me the opportunity to make a pfp similar to the stock image I was using but in my style. So I made the shift. It's a drawn me now! And I see you! From my little window!
Don't ever apologize for talking to me, I always enjoy and appreciate the interaction. Hope your headache gets better <3
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confusedgeek · 2 years
i finished ‘erased’ and here’s my unseiso take on it <spoilers>
anyways let’s gooo~~
the opening took me by the balls and said “game starto” WITH THAT OP SONG THAT CAME BY ACCIDENT AS MY FAVORITE SONG TOO LIKE WHAT???!!!!
UGHHH god if i start talking about the SMOOTHEST BEST ANIMATION OF AN ANIME OP you’ll fall asleep im tellin you
it gave me a new cosplan idea, recreate that scene in a satoru cosplay of all (lmao)
upbeat lmao idk sorry—
it was so good i felt as if i was ascending
i felt so much fucking aggressive anger when the abusive mother came up every time, I BANGED MY TABLE W A FIST OUT OF ANGER
1/ when yashiro picked up satoru and his mom after that mommy of ours bought too many groceries cause it was cheap (like a typical slaying XXXX ofc UwU)
and another one is when yashiro sensei laughed at what satoru said to his mom n her denying it
BUT YASHIRO SENSEI???!!! i will let him do things to my body like that one hot serial killer in “memories of murder” did to that last case w the student with peach up her UwU place—
YOU READ NOTHING OF THAT ITS ALL AS A JOKE *sweats and takes one of yashiro sensei’s BIG HARD CANDY LMFAOOOO*
i also love yashiro w satoru hehe BUT THAT’S FOR ANOTHER TIME TEHE~
anyway i recommend erased a lot for any thirsty for crime thriller suspense animes
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