#i came back to tumblr just to share this hello all
pose-at-play · 6 months
“deer in headlights” but it’s alastor in the middle of a backroad and it’s terrifying
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drawing-prompt-s · 2 months
Hello, as some of you may be coming here with the belief that I am the same admin that runs @/Writing-Prompt-s please know that is incorrect! I am NOT! We share a similar name because he started it years ago, but I have been running it solo for almost 8 years now and have nothing to do with his other blog(s) or whatever it going down. Thank you!
Also I don't scrape(?) my prompts from Reddit or any other site - they're all submitted by other users who follow this blog and I just pick some to post (that's why you can find posts on here where I remind others to send them in). Occasionally I may make my own if I have an idea! But that's a misconception I keep seeing that I wanted to add this about.
Further explanation/information under the cut about who runs this blog:
While the/an admin of Writing-prompt-s did start this blog years ago, he then left it to idle and focused on his original blog. I saw this and reached out, again years ago, asking to run it - to which I was promoted to admin. I have been running Drawing-prompt-s solo for about 7 or 8 years now.
Until yesterday (08.06.24) I had no idea anything was even going on with his blog. I have nothing to do with it, I barely even see anything from it aside from the rare prompt come up on my dash nowadays. I only found out when I went to Q a bunch of posts up and found a slew of hate mail ranging from calling me a zionist, threatening violence, and telling me to kill myself. And one of my followers having sent an anon informing me that one of those posts had incorrectly stated he ran this blog as well - that user has since recognized that this is not the case, and various others have pointed it out.
I had a pinned post about this before and when I left for a few hours and came back it was gone. I am working under the assumption right now this is just the fault of Tumblr, though I am tentative about that. So if you see this posted again that is why, and if you see this exact post made again then just be aware it is becuase I am saving a copy of this message and each time the post is removed I will be reposting it, as i am saving this elsewhere so I do not have to rewrite it each time.
I do not want argument under this - I have caught up on everything going on, I have seen the post saying he runs this one, etc. All I wanted for this blog is to post prompts, share art, and encourage others to follow their passion for creation. And occasionally to drop cute cat pictures of my little gremlins.
To those who have been here for years and know who I am, know I am not that same person, I say thank you for sticking around - and to those correcting the misinformation, thank you again. I appriciate it <3
Yours sincerely,
a very confused chick in her early 20s who had no idea anything was even going down.
-- Prompt Prophet
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crymyeyesout1 · 7 months
Set in their sights
Summary: The marauders are all in a poly relationship with each other and Lily when they all individually become interested in a shy hufflepuff in their year. What about this little hufflepuff makes them all feel complete? Will she return their affections?
Warnings: Poly relationship, mentions of smut, lots of fluff, very shy oc, mentions of child abuse. let me know if there are any more
PSA: this is my first time writing on tumblr so please be kind, I'm trying my best. And there is absolutely no peter in this story so sorry not sorry. Please let me know if you like it and if I should write more.
James and Sirius were hurriedly making their way through the train; their lovers were already in the marauders designated compartment and they were running late. It would seem as if the two hadn’t seen them since their fifth  year ended just three months ago, but in reality it had been only five days since their shared boyfriend and girlfriend had departed from James’ home where they had spent almost the entire summer doing whatever they pleased. 
“Pads slow down you are going to run someone over” James pleaded with his boyfriend
“ Prongs please we are late and I’m not going to-” he was cut off by a body colliding with him square in the chest and falling over. He peered down to see a small girl and became almost immediately enamored with in his eyes she was the most adorable girl he’d ever seen to others she was almost odd looking her hair was mostly pitch black but around her face and peeking out a bit from the underneath was bright blonde and all of it was naturally curly. The girl was wearing a hufflepuff jumper that looked at least one size too big with a black skirt and sheer tights that had some kind of pattern to them, stars, Sirius recognized and on her feet lay black worn out combat boots. Sirius reached out his hand to help the poor girl up and for a few seconds she hesitated almost as if she was scared of what would happen if she did take his hand, which reluctantly she did. He carefully pulled her to her feet and as he did so he took quick notice of her eyes: they were a dark gray and dull like there was no life behind them, they were slightly sunken and were surrounded by deep dark blueish purple eye bags. Just by looking into them Sirius could tell she was sad and it broke his heart a part of him wanted to take this girl and hide her away from all the evils of the world that she had already seen. He wanted to be the reason the light returned to those eyes. His thoughts were going a million miles a minute when someone clears their throat dragging him back to reality. It was James, his boyfriend, how could he be so stupid as to be so caught up with this random girl that he completely blanked on his relationship. He had two boyfriends and a girlfriend already. What was he doing ogling this poor girl? 
“Hello there, sorry about this brute, he can’t pay attention to anything even if it's right in front of him” James quickly apologized to the poor girl on Sirius’ behalf.
“It's quite alright” a soft and dreamy voice came from the girl in front of them, James instantly took more notice of the girl completely understanding he boyfriends staring now. In just three words you had encapsulated him and he needed more.
“Well little love, I’m James Potter and can I tell you how much of a pleasure it is to run into you. Please you must tell me your name, little love.” The girl blushed furiously at the nickname and softly responded.
“Abigail Gaunt '' Her last name caused Sirius to freeze, flashes of his mothers teachings came flooding into his brain. The Gaunts were the last known descendant of Salazar Slytherin, but the last living Gaunt was put in azkaban for murder by means of the killing curse, an unforgivable. How was one standing in front of him, and how was she a hufflepuff, oh how he would love to see the look on his mothers face the last known heir of slytherin sorted into hufflepuff. Surely she couldn’t be in his year, his own sorting into gryffindor had caused uproar but this, this was a whole new level. James had seemed to notice the shock on Sirius’ face and had elbowed his arm, snapping him out of whatever trance he was in.
“Oh I’m Sirius Black, but of course you already know that doll” he winked at her and if her face could have gotten any redder it would.
“Um well yes but um I-It's nice to m-m-meet you” she stuttered out trying with all her might to act normal but in her mind no she wasn’t normal not even in the slightest bit. But two fourths of the infamous marauders stood in front of her and were they? Merlin forbid they were flirting with her? 
Impossible, flirt with her? What were they thinking?
She tried to reason with herself when a beautiful voice filled the hall
“There you boys are Remus and I were starting to worry oh! Who is this?” The voice belonged to the one and only Lily Evans, every aspect of her was beautiful, it was no wonder she had the three most sought after boys in the school on her leash. And what was that last part, she had noticed the small hufflepuff standing with her boys. Abigail might as well have been on fire with how hot and red her cheeks were.
“Lily Pads! We were just on our way when Padfoot decided to tackle Abby here” he looked down at her and cocked his head to the right “ I can call you Abby right? Good because that what I’m calling you, Abby is so much cuter sounding than stuffy Abigail” The girl now newly nicknamed Abby gave a small squeak as the larger and very muscular boy wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him and gave a small “sure”  when she noticed his expecting gaze. If someone could die from embarrassment Abby definitely would be long dead. 
“Oh it's so nice to me you Abby what year are you?” Lily gushed at the girl in her boyfriend's arms, she was just too cute and her deeply reddened cheeks only made her more so. Lily wanted nothing more than to kiss them but that would need to be discussed with her boys.
“Come on boys, let's leave Abby here to go find her compartment, I’m sure her friends are waiting, just as Remus is waiting on us.” She leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to Abby’s cheek then turned and walked back to their compartment. Abby didn’t have a chance to even think about how she definitely didn’t have any friends waiting on her, in fact the past five minutes have been the most interaction she’s had with someone her age ever she thought. Each of the boys had followed lily’s lead and each kissed one of your cheeks and moved to their compartment. Leaving Abby a flustered mess in the middle of the train.
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
Hello! First, I wanted to say thank you for your post about updating software and such. I really appreciated your perspective as someone with ADHD. The way you described your experiences with software frustration was IDENTICAL to my experience, so your post made a lot of sense to me.
Second, (and I hope my question isn't bothering you lol) would you mind explaining why it's important to update/adopt the new software? Like, why isn't there an option that doesn't involve constantly adopting new things? I understand why they'd need to fix stuff like functional bugs/make it compatible with new tech, but is it really necessary to change the user side of things as well?
Sorry if those are stupid questions or they're A Lot for a tumblr rando to ask, I'd just really like to understand because I think it would make it easier to get myself to adopt new stuff if I understand why it's necessary, and the other folks I know that know about computers don't really seem to understand the experience.
Thank you so much again for sharing your wisdom!!
A huge part of it is changing technologies and changing norms; I brought up Windows 8 in that other post and Win8 is a *great* example of user experience changing to match hardware, just in a situation that was an enormous mismatch with the market.
Win8's much-beloathed tiles came about because Microsoft seemed to be anticipating a massive pivot to tablet PCs in nearly all applications. The welcome screen was designed to be friendly to people who were using handheld touchscreens who could tap through various options, and it was meant to require more scrolling and less use of a keyboard.
But most people who the operating system went out to *didn't* have touchscreen tablets or laptops, they had a desktop computer with a mouse and a keyboard.
When that was released, it was Microsoft attempting to keep up with (or anticipate) market trends - they wanted something that was like "the iPad for Microsoft" so Windows 8 was meant to go with Microsoft Surface tablets.
We spent the first month of Win8's launch making it look like Windows 7 for our customers.
You can see the same thing with the centered taskbar on Windows 11; that's very clearly supposed to mimic the dock on apple computers (only you can't pin it anywhere but the bottom of the screen, which sucks).
Some of the visual changes are just trends and various companies trying to keep up with one another.
With software like Adobe I think it's probably based on customer data. The tool layout and the menu dropdowns are likely based on what people are actually looking for, and change based on what other tools people are using. That's likely true for most programs you use - the menu bar at the top of the screen in Word is populated with the options that people use the most; if a function you used to click on all the time is now buried, there's a possibility that people use it less these days for any number of reasons. (I'm currently being driven mildly insane by Teams moving the "attach file" button under a "more" menu instead of as an icon next to the "send message" button, and what this tells me is either that more users are putting emojis in their messages than attachments, or microsoft WANTS people to put more emojis than messages in their attachments).
But focusing on the operating system, since that's the big one:
The thing about OSs is that you interact with them so frequently that any little change seems massive and you get REALLY frustrated when you have to deal with that, but version-to-version most OSs don't change all that much visually and they also don't get released all that frequently. I've been working with windows machines for twelve years and in that time the only OSs that Microsoft has released were 8, 10, and 11. That's only about one OS every four years, which just is not that many. There was a big visual change in the interface between 7 and 8 (and 8 and 8.1, which is more of a 'panicked backing away' than a full release), but otherwise, realistically, Windows 11 still looks a lot like XP.
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The second one is a screenshot of my actual computer. The only change I've made to the display is to pin the taskbar to the left side instead of keeping it centered and to fuck around a bit with the colors in the display customization. I haven't added any plugins or tools to get it to look different.
This is actually a pretty good demonstration of things changing based on user behavior too - XP didn't come with a search field in the task bar or the start menu, but later versions of Windows OSs did, because users had gotten used to searching things more in their phones and browsers, so then they learned to search things on their computers.
There are definitely nefarious reasons that software manufacturers change their interfaces. Microsoft has included ads in home versions of their OS and pushed searches through the Microsoft store since Windows 10, as one example. That's shitty and I think it's worthwhile to find the time to shut that down (and to kill various assistants and background tools and stop a lot of stuff that runs at startup).
But if you didn't have any changes, you wouldn't have any changes. I think it's handy to have a search field in the taskbar. I find "settings" (which is newer than control panel) easier to navigate than "control panel." Some of the stuff that got added over time is *good* from a user perspective - you can see that there's a little stopwatch pinned at the bottom of my screen; that's a tool I use daily that wasn't included in previous versions of the OS. I'm glad it got added, even if I'm kind of bummed that my Windows OS doesn't come with Spider Solitaire anymore.
One thing that's helpful to think about when considering software is that nobody *wants* to make clunky, unusable software. People want their software to run well, with few problems, and they want users to like it so that they don't call corporate and kick up a fuss.
When you see these kinds of changes to the user experience, it often reflects something that *you* may not want, but that is desirable to a *LOT* of other people. The primary example I can think of here is trackpad scrolling direction; at some point it became common for trackpads to scroll in the opposite direction that they used to; now the default direction is the one that feels wrong to me, because I grew up scrolling with a mouse, not a screen. People who grew up scrolling on a screen seem to feel that the new direction is a lot more intuitive, so it's the default. Thankfully, that's a setting that's easy to change, so it's a change that I make every time I come across it, but the change was made for a sensible reason, even if that reason was opaque to me at the time I stumbled across it and continues to irritate me to this day.
I don't know. I don't want to defend Windows all that much here because I fucking hate Microsoft and definitely prefer using Linux when I'm not at work or using programs that I don't have on Linux. But the thing is that you'll see changes with Linux releases as well.
I wouldn't mind finding a tool that made my desktop look 100% like Windows 95, that would be fun. But we'd probably all be really frustrated if there hadn't been any interface improvements changes since MS-DOS (and people have DEFINITELY been complaining about UX changes at least since then).
Like, I talk about this in terms of backward compatibility sometimes. A lot of people are frustrated that their old computers can't run new software well, and that new computers use so many resources. But the flipside of that is that pretty much nobody wants mobile internet to work the way that it did in 2004 or computers to act the way they did in 1984.
Like. People don't think about it much these days but the "windows" of the Windows Operating system represented a massive change to how people interacted with their computers that plenty of people hated and found unintuitive.
(also take some time to think about the little changes that have happened that you've appreciated or maybe didn't even notice. I used to hate the squiggly line under misspelled words but now I see the utility. Predictive text seems like new technology to me but it's really handy for a lot of people. Right clicking is a UX innovation. Sometimes you have to take the centered task bar in exchange for the built-in timer deck; sometimes you have to lose color-coded files in exchange for a right click.)
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Icarus Part 2
Hello! This story is coming along quite nicely. This part originally was part of the first chapter, but it got so long I split it up for Tumblr.
Dustin hyperfixates sooo hard in this. Eddie gets annoyed.
Part 1
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Dustin leapt to his feet and handed the magazine to Eddie. “I do have their first album. It’s really good. My favorite is “Brother”. It’s just so touching.”
Steve bit his bottom lip and nodded, forcing himself not to look at Robin just then.
He came back with his Walkman and a pair of speakers. He got it all set up and pressed play. Then while they were listening to the CD, he dashed back to his room.
“I haven’t gotten their second album yet,” he shouted over his shoulder as he ran back. Moments later he came out with a couple of rolled posters.
“I have more of their posters in my dormroom but I bought these a few months ago and haven’t put them up yet.”
He unrolled one of them and it was the album cover blown up large. It had four men in long hooded coats and masks. There was definitely a color theme for each of the members of the band. The drummer was all in black, the guitarist in red, the bassist in blue, and the lead singer in white.
“What’s with the masks?” Robin asked, leaning over Steve’s shoulder.
Dustin bounced up and down. “That’s part of their personas. They’re fallen angels. Well, and titan. The bassist is named after the titan of the night sky, Astraeus. But all the others are named after angels.”
Eddie winced at the poster. “They’re a little much, don’t you think?”
“Like there aren’t other metal bands wear makeup or masks before them,” Dustin said rolling his eyes.
Eddie wrinkled his nose. He did know. It was actually something that was really prevalent in the genre for awhile. He just thought it was gimmicky and took away from the actual music.
Music that was coming out of Dustin’s Walkman in beautiful waves. That brought Eddie up short. They were good. Like amazingly good. “Whoa.”
Dustin beamed. “I know, right?”
Steve made a twisted kind of frown. “I mean it’s great if you like that sort of thing.”
Dustin whirled on Steve like a viper sensing its dinner. “Just because you don’t like metal, Steve,” he huffed in derision, “doesn’t mean that you can just dismiss it.”
Steve looked over at Eddie and rolled his eyes.
Eddie snorted. “Nobody is dismissing anything, Dusty. In fact I would say that what Steve said was anything but dismissive.”
“I just don’t know why you don’t like metal,” Dustin replied with a heavy sigh. “I know that if you just listened to it, you would like it.”
This time the look Steve shared was with Robin. “I’ve listened to a lot of metal, remember? You’re the one that hacked my radio so that I couldn’t change it off the metal station.”
Dustin snorted. “Well at least Simon and Shane have taste.”
Simon Olsen and Shane Kendrick were two friends of Steve’s that had bonded over Corroded Coffin playing over the speakers of the coffee shop. Another thing that Dustin had insisted on. But Steve wasn’t about to tell Eddie that. Together with Spencer Peters, the four of them were almost as tight as the Corroded Coffin boys.
Eddie himself was conflicted about their relationship, if he was honest. Yeah, it was great that Steve had friends outside of the Party, but at same time, he suspected that at least one of them was gay or bisexual and he worried that they would swoop in and take Steve off the market before Eddie got up the courage.
That was a problem for future Eddie, present Eddie had to redirect Dustin before he began screaming at Steve all the reasons he should join the masses of fans for Corroded Coffin and now apparently The Fallen. Steve had a migraine and Dustin’s ranting would only make it worse.
Eddie smacked his shoulder. “Am I still taking you out with me in June to see your mom when I go visit Uncle Wayne?”
Dustin was happy to change tracks, and Steve mouthed ‘Thank you’ to Eddie.
“Yes! You have to take me,” Dustin insisted. “Ma got me tickets to see The Fallen in Indy while I’m there and I don’t want to miss it.”
“The band is going back on tour again so soon?” Eddie asked, tilting his head to the side. “I thought they just got off a tour.”
“They did,” Dustin agreed. “But according to the press release, they said that they were trying to get as much hype for their current album as possible because music sales were down all over the place.”
Eddie nodded. He could see that. With a band as new as The Fallen, if they didn’t keep up the momentum they could lose a lot of fans between their first and second album. There was a reason a band’s second album is often called a ‘sophomore slump’ and if these guys wanted to avoid that, that meant touring nonstop for their second album.
He wished them well...provided they didn’t steal Dustin away from him and the guys. He turned to Steve. “So what are you and Robin going to be this summer? Anything fun?”
Robin scoffed. “No. They’ve got us back on tour, too. New management, they want us to shadow this band and basically make sure that everything they want is provided.”
Eddie and Dustin grimaced.
“That sucks!” Dustin huffed. “You guys just got home, why are they making you go so soon? Don’t they believe in breaks? Sheesh!”
Steve hugged him close. “I’m sorry, bud. I talked to your mom, though and she thinks that when you go back for the summer, she’s willing to let you apply for MIT for your masters.”
Dustin’s eyes lit up. “Wait, seriously?” Claudia had always been fearful that he would get into trouble, but she had seen how much work he had put into his school work and how much Steve didn’t need to be looking after the almost twenty year old.
Steve nodded. “Yup. That’s why she got you the tickets as a way to soothe her nerves a bit.”
Eddie looked over Dustin’s shoulder at Steve and they shared a sad smile. They would miss Dustin when he went out to Boston, but they knew he would shine out there. And that was worth more than all the stars in the sky.
Eddie left soon after, stating his own fatigue and even though Steve was sad to see him go, he wanted to sleep for the next three months. Dustin was staying over at his girlfriend’s that night which left him alone with Robin.
He glanced at his watch. It was almost ten and he looked up at Robin with his big puppy dog eyes and pouted.
She let out a long sigh. “Fine. You can go to bed. Provided you actually get a shower and brush your teeth. By that time it should be late enough for you to just crash.”
Steve sighed, but nodded his agreement. He got unsteadily to his feet and ambled over to his bedroom. Robin followed close behind.
She leaned against the door frame, watching Steve gather his things for his shower.
“So Dustin is a Fallen fan, huh,” she muttered.
Steve shrugged. “I guess so. This is the first of me hearing about it, so it must be new.”
She licked her lips. “And you aren’t worried?”
He stopped what he was doing and straightened up. “Why? Do you think there is a reason to be?”
Robin crossed her arms. “I mean his nickname growing up was ‘genius child’. It’s possible he could be a problem.”
Steve scoffed. “He’s also the one that harped on us being a couple for a few years there.”
She winced. She had even told him that she was gay and he still wouldn’t let it go. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
He walked over to the en suite bathroom and turned on the hot water. “I love that kid, but he has a few major blind spots when it comes to actual people.”
“All right,” she said, nodding. “I’ll tighten up the defenses, but I think you’re right.”
“I am right some of the time,” Steve scoffed. “You do know that, don’t you?”
Robin rolled her eyes. “I guess even a broken clock can be right twice a day.”
Steve stuck his tongue out at her and then began to strip. Robin just waved at him and wandered over to her side of the apartment. Well to call it that was an understatement on its sheer size. It would be better described as a penthouse.
It only had three bedrooms, but it had three bathrooms, a full sized kitchen, an actual dinning area, a living room. Steve’s studio was off to the side and always kept locked. It even had a god damned bio lock that only Robin and he could open.
He hated the secrecy and all the cloak and dagger bullshit but it was absolutely imperative.
But the room was massive and no one had clocked that as unusual. Steve sighed deeply. It was what it was and what it was, sucked.
To say that Eddie was annoyed was an understatement. The whole flight to Indy and the long drive to Hawkins was filled with nothing but talk about The Fallen and their latest album. It was shooting up the charts faster than Eddie could guess the Metallica song from a few hummed bars. Which was pretty damned fast.
Steve and Robin had already gone, so Eddie didn’t even have his favorite distraction when Dustin got on his latest hyperfixation.
Then the other shoe dropped when he pulled up to the Henderson’s driveway.
“You’re coming with me, right?” the little bastard asked, all pouty lip and puppy dog eyes.
“Why don’t you ask one of your friends to go with you?” Eddie huffed, more than little pissed the punk dared to ask.
Dustin rolled his eyes and started counting off on his fingers. “El and Mike won’t get in in time, Max and Lucas already have plans that night, her mom is getting married for the third time that day, and Will doesn’t like metal. He’s still a staunch alt rock fan.”
Eddie winced. And with Steve and Robin off to parts unknown, he really was Dustin’s last greatest hope. But he wasn’t going to give in that easy. He was going to make the butthead work for it. He crossed his arms and pouted.
“I don’t know, man,” Eddie said, wrinkling his nose, “I’m starting to wonder if Corroded Coffin is even on your radar anymore.”
Dustin’s jaw dropped. “What? That’s not true! Corroded Coffin is my number one. How could even suggest that?”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Do you want me to list the reasons alphabetically or chronologically?”
Dustin’s mouth closed with a snap. He ducked his head. “I haven’t stopped talking about The Fallen since you picked me up from Steve’s, huh?”
He let out a slow breath. “Fuck. I’m sorry, Eddie. I’m just so excited for this concert. According to Ma the tickets were really hard to get and now I don’t have anyone to go with me and I–” He sniffled.
“It’s just you know how you get with new things,” Eddie pointed out.
Dustin nodded. “I know. But I promise I still love Corroded Coffin. When are you guys going back into the studio?”
Eddie smiled for the first time that trip. “After I get back from visiting Wayne, I’ve got a couple songs already lined up for it.”
“And how many of those songs are about Steve?” Dustin asked, raising an eyebrow.
Eddie cheeks colored a deep red. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll go to that concert of yours and you don’t mention to anyone that I write songs about Steve, deal?”
Dustin tilted his head to side and looked up, tapping his lips thoughtfully. He stuck out his hand and Eddie shook it.
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @danili666 @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @goodolefashionedloverboi @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @yikes-a-bee @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @y4r3luv
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thesensteawitch · 1 month
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left To Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, Senstea Souls! 🩷
I am back with another collective reading! Take a deep breath and pick a pile intuitively.
In case you wish to book a personal tarot reading with me feel free to DM me on Tumblr.
I am sharing the links to my rate card and booking form below:
🌷 Rate Card
🌷 Booking Form
Here is your reading:
Pile 1
Hello, my beautiful pile 1. Your cards came out in pairs. What I felt instantly was that your higher self is talking about two paths. So I thought maybe you've got two paths in front of you, and the one you choose will define who you become. But reading more into the cards, I realized that one path leads you to your future and the other to your past. So take how it resonates for you, pile 1. For the very first time, it seems you're seeing someone in a totally different light. You're surprised. How could you overlook this person's great qualities? Your higher self is asking you to heal the past by being loving toward yourself and toward someone else. Your past is not holding you back at all, you are. So to move forward, you must learn to handle your emotions. Perhaps that was your lesson that you needed to learn from the path of the past. It seems that you've done enough for the people around you. It's time you start doing things for yourself. You were so attached to being a good friend, son/daughter, father, mother, or partner that you forgot yourself in the process. Your higher self wants you to release the past with love and forgiveness.
Now moving toward the second path, which is toward your future, I see that some people are coming in the way. This is what your higher self wants to say to you: “My love, it's time that we start pursuing our dreams. It's time to search for our inner artist. Create something of your own. You may think what you want may be impossible, but I am asking you to believe in the impossible. This full moon shows your first artwork to the world. Don't dim your light. You have all the things you need to get started. With one strech of a hand, you can grab a star. Trust me, it just seems worlds apart, but truly it's not. Ask yourself: What are you afraid of? Where does your resistance come from? Someone has always been there for you, supports you, and is rooting for you. They too are transitioning with you. They are practically rowing the boat. And if you can't think of anyone, then know that the universe is rowing your boat. You've got your loved ones with you. SHOW THE WORLD THE REAL YOU. “The Hymn Of The Weekend” is your channeled song. The moment you launch your project, you will enter a new chapter of your life! Hunt down your fears and desires before the next full moon. And show everybody your talent.” If someone here wants to use a stage name, spirit is saying you're free to do so unless you're ready to reveal the artist behind the art.
Pile 2
Hello, my beautiful pile 2. Your higher self is sending you so much love right now. You needed that pain to have a perspective shift. The cards are so blue. I feel those who chose this pile have cried a lot in the recent past. What you went through wasn't easy at all, but you took a stand for yourself. Your higher self is really proud of you to take the lead in a challenging situation. Your higher self wants you to take a break now. There's something that's bothering you because it seems your beliefs have been challenged, so it's time you learn and understand something from a higher perspective. When something challenging happens, it's our ego that breaks first. And it's important for it to break so that you become truly humble. Listen to a Guru or a spiritual teacher. It's time you again become the student of life. Your higher self sees your kind, loving, and protective side. But the guides are saying that you cannot save people from the lessons they are meant to learn. You can't fight God. Recently, you've also communicated what's important to you or about your pain. From next week, each passing day will heal you if you try to upgrade your knowledge and be wise. It's not the time to think you know everything; it's time to learn. Learn why certain situations happen; what's the root cause? Be compassionate toward yourself and others.
This is what your higher self is saying to you: “My love, it's time to find your emotional balance again. It was just a bad day, not a bad life. You're overthinking, trust me. Your life is going to be far better than what you think it is going to look like. In fact, there's a new start coming into your life. Before that, you must learn what this challenging situation was trying to teach you. And you cannot learn it by yourself. You need to look for the deeper wisdom from books or spiritual gurus. What's true to you may not be true to others. So don't fight with yourself. The horror is in your heart, not in your life. Respect the differences. By the next new moon, if you continuously seek wisdom from the right and trusted source, you'll be out of this mental rut. Journey to your better mindset/mental state begins after 3 days.” ‘Just The Way You Are’ by Bruno Mars is the song I've channeled for you.
Pile 3
Hello, my beautiful pile 3. For how long have you been waiting for love? But what I see looking at your cards is that love has always been around you. You were blocked from it because you were not mentally ready for it. Your higher self is saying that love is selfless. It doesn't expect anything in return. There's someone in your life you misunderstood in the past (it can be anyone). Maybe you went through a tough cycle with them. For most of you, I think it was a romantic connection. Your higher self is asking you to show compassion toward yourself and work through your fears. Don't be so indicisive. There are no right or wrong decisions in life. Someone seriously has eyes only for you, pile 3. You're their dream come true. It seems that you worked really hard for this connection or on yourself, and your higher self is saying that your hard work is paying off, though you may not feel so. Your higher self is emphasizing these words: trust, choose, love, and be fearless. All along you were just running away from your patterns and your trauma that needed to be addressed.
This is what your higher self is saying to you: “You have the power to design your destiny! Do you get that? All along, you've painted your life with every stroke as per your wish! Ask yourself: What do you truly want? How can you work on your relationship with yourself and with others? If you really give it your all, you will have the kind of relationship you want. Yes, you did all you could, but there were some patterns being played from your end too in your connection. That did more damage than good. So be kind to yourself and to the other person. You're a warrior. You've come so far in your life. What you're afraid of is just in your head. You can easily defeat your shadows and rise above them. Every time given a chance, you got afraid and walked away thinking you'd done it all. But all these signs that you've been getting were leading you to this moment. You were where you were meant to be, and you're where you're supposed to be. So don't you ever think that you were on the wrong path? The obstacle in the path is the path. It just took you some time to understand the maze and find your way out of it. Open your heart and spread love. The song I am channeling for you is “Firework” by Katy Perry.”
If you're a writer, painter, or any sort of artist, you're being called to heal yourself through expression. Love and let yourself be loved, pile 3. You've built your life brick by brick, and your foundation is strong. Listen to your heart; what do you truly want? The truth is buried in the deepest corners of your heart, and the moment you'll show it in your art, you'll find it coming to the surface.
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aziraphales-library · 7 months
hello! i read a work from your recommendation list, the "Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it." and i really enjoyed it. it has me wanting for more of scenarios where they like have to flirt for whatever reason or crowley attempting to (preferably shamelessly and obnoxiously) seduce aziraphale. thanks in advance!
Here are some fics in which Crowley seduces Aziraphale...
To Woo an Angel by AgentStannerShipper (G)
5 times Crowley tried to "seduce" Aziraphale, and 1 time he realized there was no need.
nothing else matters like us by Melacka (T)
The order came through on an otherwise dull Sunday afternoon in 2004. Crowley had just returned from a spot of low-level tempting in the south of London and was just contemplating an appropriate excuse to stop by at Aziraphale’s bookshop when the message arrived. It was pushed under the door by a courier so steeped in terror that Crowley could sense it from the other side of the flat. With some considerable annoyance, Crowley fetched the envelope and eased the note out, reading it quickly with a frown deepening on his face. Seduce the Angel Aziraphale. Failure will not be tolerated.
How I'm Imagining You by orphan_account (M)
Crowley gets up, walking slowly over to the bar. An onlooker might be struck by the stalking and languid ease with which he walks, like a lioness to her prey. His hips, so smooth and slow. And he tilts his head back, lips parted. Surveys the room and the man with covered eyes. But there is no one looking at him. Every other patron doesn’t need to look at the bar at this moment, look at the man and the prey. So, they don’t. - (Crowley has fun with a little temptation of his own)
shades of grey by IneffableStar (E)
After Aziraphale's West End debut was nearly ruined by Furfur's espionage attempt, Aziraphale gets to thinking about if Heaven may also be watching them, and decides it best that he go search for any evidence against them. Crowley will only allow Aziraphale to go on one condition: Crowley comes along. or Crowley accompanies Aziraphale on a trip upstairs, but he has entirely ulterior motives.
It's your job by falsepremise (E)
After a night sucking oysters with Aziraphale, Crowley just can’t sleep. Perhaps he should hang around in Rome a little longer... After all, tempting a certain angel is his job, isn’t it?
Gormless Seduction by munchmulch (T)
Crowley grimaces. "Nhnnnnggg, ok, alright. But, hear me out." They flick a hand dramatically. "An angel! A being who can make Holy water! Even if I can keep the whole human disguise thing up, what if they, I don't know . . . want me baptised?" Dagon stares at Crowley blankly for a second before handing them the assignment kit. "You’ll start tomorrow. The address is highlighted, if you get lost and have to call me for directions I will direct you through at least three traffic jams."
And the one you mentioned that everyone knows and loves...
One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster) by Atalan (E)
"All right, I know I'm going to regret asking this," Aziraphale says. "What exactly does this wager entail?" Crowley grins like the cat that not only got the cream but has absconded with the entire cow. He grabs the bottle and swigs straight from it despite Aziraphale's tut of disapproval.  "The pot goes to whichever demon can get an angel into bed by the end of the evening."  AKA The Fic That Tumblr Made Me Write. Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it.
- Mod D
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ronkeyroo · 8 months
A positive Update
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Friends, kind folk - Hello Again 🤍
Ever since my last update post, I've been thinking about it , a lot ;; I knew I needed time to cook and reflect, and im so glad I gave myself that...
2024 started rough for me; I fell severely ill again - I was too busy cursing my life and dwelling over how betrayed I felt by things still not getting better despite my efforts that I didn't realize I was walking into a self fulfilling prophecy. Its true that the struggles I'm going through are yet to be solved, that its gotten so much to the point giving up seemed easier, and that a couple individuals haven't been making it easier on me either; I swayed and i rattled and I steered within feelings ranging from confusion to anger to dismay and all of this back and forth did nothing but remind me of yet another self-destructive loop I just don't want to allow in my life anymore. Its exactly the kinda stuff that made me ill to begin with, and I've been so lost dealing with everything in between that i forgot to tend to the actual core centering all of this...
It grew unbearable how much emotional and physical turmoil I was pushing myself into, and knowing how intertwined these two elements have been; I had to draw a line before i majorly screwed myself over, gathering any bit of inner will to discipline myself back into some sort of clarity, enough to at least look through a lens OUTSIDE my pain for once, towards the kind of life I want to lead, and the kind of life I don't; and I came to an understanding.
From my physical state to my mental, to the people and memories I've experienced, both the good and the bad - I want to prioritize the good.
Not in a shitty ass, toxic optimism kinda way but in a "I want to prioritize knowing and living the possibility that even when it hurts, even when i want to be gone, even when life doesn't align - There's still every good reason in the world to keep moving forward, to face things from a perspective of growth & compassion, and to grow to love the promise of a better tomorrow even when today was unbearable." To know that I don't end or begin in my suffering, that the infinite potential I speak so fondly of applies to me, as well...
I want to be able to wield and create and share that goodness, too, Especially when it is already in decline...And for all gods sake, to internalize that all of this STILL exists and STILL matters even when it doesn't work the first couple or dozens of times.
As for my place here in Tumblr...I know the sentiment might feel silly to some but the experiences, memories, and connections I've made here have truly been such a significant force in my life, and i don't want to give up on that ;; Not because of my own insecurities, or an inner state of hopelessness, and especially not over a bunch of emotionally immature Anons that dont know how to handle themselves; I want to forgive all of that.
I'm stubborn, and there's an unyielding force within me that no matter how many times it is struck down, it proved itself ridiculously resilient. I'm perking up with with a fiery confidence realizing just how many times it rose back up, enough to realize it is an unchangeable part of me ;_; I shouldn't underestimate that force, and I want to keep living by its side. Whatever positive change I can sprinkle onto my life and the lives of those I care for, I will! And the reason why this space in particular is so important to me, is because so much of that already exists here, alongside you folks;
THAT'S the kind of energy i want to nourish and walk into the new year with! I want to continue growing as a person, challenging my inner turmoils, undoing the self punishing dogmas that still haunt me, stop flexing my teeth over things that don't deserve my time and god DAMN, just - indulge in the stuff that makes me happy, even when I'm going through unhappy times.
So yeah...I guess that means, I'm back & I'm staying ;_;)🧡
I know i may seem like a broken record when it comes to expressing gratitude but - Thank you, thank you thank you everyone who have reached out for me, who so fondly kept me in their thoughts and kept encouraging me whenever i was hurting, both then and now...You folks mean more than whatever ailment or struggle I can go through, and while I'm unsure of how the future will look like as I'm still going through various challenges- I couldn't have asked for a cooler, sweeter audience to have by my side whenever Its time to take a rest or hype over our sexy delicious blorbos!
Speaking of which....................I have been cooking quite a lot of things in the time i was away 👀✨ I most definitely intend to serve them, eheheh
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asterythm · 3 months
on the ending of in stars and time:
an essay from someone who couldn’t sit with it at first, & a love letter to the fic that brought me here anyway. (…spoiler warning for in stars and time, naturally, but you knew that!)
if siffrin isat has taught me one thing it's that vulnerability is cool, actually, and being forthcoming and generous with love when there is love to be shared is how the coolest kids do it.
so. hello isat nation of tumblr dot com. i'm here because even after cutting out several chunks to shorten this significantly, i busted through the ao3 comment section character limit and still had more to say, so i needed somewhere to put it all that would let me go longer.
i’m pretty sure this post is for, like, three people, one of whom is me. but look, it’s been moved here to the webbed site so if you wanna read it anyway i won’t stop you!
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i think what it is, ultimately, is this: the ISAT canon ending was beautiful. it was an objectively well-written ending with so much love and hope and thematic satisfaction.
it also left me, for a period, with a deep and unshakeable sense of dread.
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now enter @faedemon's "None Forward & Two, Two, Two Steps Back" (hiya, fancy seeing you here), a two-chapter alt act 5 in which siffrin finds a New, Worse way to break the loops.
despite being, as mentioned, a notably worse outcome for everyone involved, this alt end managed to cut straight to the heart of that dread and settle it — and not in the sense of "oh, i like this alt ending better", or “oh, the canon ending looks better in comparison against this worse alt ending”, so much as "oh, thanks to this alt ending i am finally able to sit in a place where it no longer feels like the canon ending, as a beautiful outcome which felt impossibly lucky to get, is the only outcome in which life can go on — and my ability to accept it, and the game as a whole, is elevated for it."
which!! i mean!! i don’t know that that’s exactly what you set out to do; None Forward is explicitly a tragedy!! and one, as your tags say, written because the canon ending didn't ring true for you.
but I realized that the thing that was stopping me from enjoying ISAT’s canon ending was that ugly hard core that was still so, so scared after the canon ending of every way we (that is, siffrin + i as the player moving in that incredible ludonarrative lockstep with him, holy moly the harmony in this game) had not yet grown to earn it. 
(I’ll take a sec here under the cut to say that when I played ISAT, and then for much of the month that followed, my main reason for engaging with it and its related content at all was that it was a piece of media that came fervently recommended by my incredibly dear friend @iconocat , who it had massively, violently impacted and whose media recommendations in general I trust more than anything.
so i played ISAT, and it was incredible. but even though it's a piece of media that just about hit on every point on my list of Things That Set My Brain On Fire, it failed somehow to. well. set me on fire — at least to the extent I was expecting it to. I still enjoyed myself in the few weeks afterwards of running through fan content and intentionally plunging myself into media analysis, but I was never convinced that I would be engaging with ISAT to the extent I was if it wasn't for the sake of trying to intentionally hack my brain to the point where I could share with my friend something so important to her at the same level of genuine investment. 
I’m telling you all this because, legitimately the same night I posted “nothing but a dull ache” (ie, if you're not charlie faedemon and are somehow caring to read this anyway, the epilogue oneshot I started feverishly writing the morning after reading None Forward), I realized through my rambling in my friend’s discord dms that reading None Forward was the moment the fire finally caught. I spent a month burying myself in ISAT content and asking myself “Is this natural yet?”. after None Forward, the answer to that question finally became a sure, wholehearted yes.)
so anyway, back to the essay.
don't get me wrong. it's really, really nice, to read a story where the moral is less “you should have asked for help", and more “there are people who will unselfishly give the gift of a love that saves even when you cannot save yourself".
but that whole ending also was only able to happen because 1. they broke in a way no one should ever have to break, and 2. everyone involved got lucky.
which, in media, happens all the time!! it is not inherently dissatisfying for a narrative to wrap by saving you with luck and love in the nick of time!! in fact it should be incredibly satisfying, after the unambiguously-negative downward spiral into Director Siffrin who had begun to learn what to say and do to make his family behave exactly the way he needs them to, for a stroke of unpredictable luck brought about by factors entirely out of his control to finally be what sets him free.
but like... I think it's because the story is set in a situation where it's no longer true that luck and randomness is a factor by which anything significant can change.
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we're hammered over the head with it: until and unless you do something to alter the course of events, they will not be altered. when you are the only dynamic element the world is reacting to in an otherwise looping course of events, you don't get to rely, anymore, on the idea that at any moment something could happen to save you. you have to assume that nothing will happen unless you make it.
and siffrin?? siffrin's literal motto was "stick to the script"!! they spend the loops with a mouth that kept closing tighter and tighter and tighter until i got to act 5 and watched them implode. and then I’m saved, and I know I haven't earned this. I get to the end and I'm still not telling them anything!! I wasn't supposed to get the good ending!! but I get away with it anyway with open arms and acceptance and unconditional love, and it's. kind of nauseating?
how am I ever supposed to learn and grow, if I didn't manage to change my behaviour even then under the threat of Eternal Looping Torment, and still got the good ending anyway? how can I prove there was an alternative way I could have broken free if things hadn't turned out so lucky in that one terrible act 5 loop?
I can't. and that's terrifying.
(aside: I’m speaking in the first person here to emphasize that the thing that got in my way is not because I don't believe siffrin is deserving of this love — quite the opposite, I think the driving force behind the good ending is that siffrin went scorched earth and saw he was loved anyway — but because this is a game designed to frequently encourage the player to deeply feel what siffrin is feeling throughout its course and. well. as a thing to happen to a fictional character it's beautiful. as a takeaway for the player, it's... harder.)
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and that's where None Forward comes in. (i’ve already written thousands of words in comments and epilogue fic declaring my love by now, but i mean. im hoping you won’t mind just a liiiittle more.)
None Forward shows a devastatingly written, all-too-believable version of what might have happened if siffrin didn't get lucky, and the loops continued, and they kept clinging to the script and refusing to Look At It and successfully stagnating and stagnating and stagnating as they were so determined to do. and it's bad, it's worse, it's way way worse — but there's no reliance on outside factors. it comes completely from within siffrin and loop, the only dynamic pieces in the world, finally breaking out.
it was the terrible, nightmarish unfairness of the loops brought to their natural, just-south-of-inevitable conclusion.
and yes, it's a terrible, unfair conclusion, but the loop still breaks.
in a roundabout way, it... gives me so much hope. if the outside factors were different, if the stars did not align just right to allow siffrin's family to get there on time to save them, if siffrin never learned to open their mouth, which by all means seems like the likeliest course of events... they'd still get out. worse for wear, and separated by a gap unbridgeable, but out.
there is a future. there is freedom.
to speak more specifically on dull ache, if you'll forgive the indulgence, just since this was originally meant to be in a reply to the author in my own comments section:
I think I so desperately needed to write it with a focus on the family siffrin left behind because I wanted to prove, if just for myself, that in that barely-dodged alternative there still could be a future for everyone. (isabeau's just happened to be the voice in which dull ache came to me, but the point was to create an epilogue for all four.)
for the rest of the family, who was not quite so deeply ravaged but was still left in a bad way at the end of None Forward, and for whom randomness is not pretty much unequivocally good just by virtue of being better than the alternative like it is for siffrin and loop (more on that in a sec), I could see it mattering more to set specific pieces up precisely, and I could actually imagine the pieces I could set up that could have a meaningful impact in the immediate future.
so. y’know. I set them, in the way I happened to want to. granted, with some extra... divine indulgence, but siffrin's departure from their family's perspective at the end of None Forward was definitely Wrong but not so obviously wrong that I could believe that without it they wouldn't otherwise either (a) go hunting him down to force out the truth, which felt Worse, or (b) just "accept" that it was as simple as Siffrin not actually caring about them/brushing them off and thus intentionally fade him into the distance in their minds to deal with it. which felt like the WORST POSSIBLE THING.
you'd think it might make more sense to have done this for siffrin and loop, instead. they're arguably the ones who need it most, after all, so why not build them up from rock bottom as a sweeping show of "things get better"?
but... i think it doesn't need to be written to have faith that it will happen: the very fact that Siffrin is about to set out on a new journey in a reality where everything is a dynamic player just. immediately gives me hope all by itself. random lucky things that save you are so much more believable and wonderful when random lucky things in general are happening all the time, and you have all the time in the world for them to happen.
and anyway, I don't think this is the kind of future you’d write satisfyingly as a sequence of events at all. to heal from this is something that will take an incredible amount of time and nonlinear progress. 
until one day, through a series of disconnected small quiet gloriously-random lived experiences, without knowing when it happened or being able to trace it back, you realize, oh —
somewhere along the way, you came to know how to live again.
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salty-croissants · 9 months
Bullfrog and Rayman/Ramon x fem reader : trying on their clothes
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Thank you @elyn-27 for the request !
This ask wouldn’t show up in my inbox anymore for some reason - either I deleted it by accident or my Tumblr is going bonkers … sorry for the inconvenience ! Luckily I had a screenshot saved ;C;
Anyway this is such a cute prompt , I ended up getting inspired and wrote three mini stories for the boys based on it :D 
Hope it all turned out okay ! 
Details : use of female reader ;
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
< Hmm … c'est bizarre … didn’t I put it here yesterday ? > 
After searching in the drawer for a few more seconds , Bullfrog finally closed it , very puzzled : he always took good care of his assassin uniform , and yet that morning it just wasn’t in the usual place he placed it .
Maybe you remembered ? 
< y/n ? Have you seen my - > 
Then , as soon as he walked in the living room he finally saw you … and a smile illuminated his face when he realized what you were wearing . 
< Ah , so that’s where my uniform went … >
< Oh - hello sweetie ! 
Sorry I uh … I was just looking at it this morning , and I thought it would be fun to try it on , but I can give it back to you right away if you need … it … > 
The moment you felt Bullfrog’s hands gently caressing your cheeks , all while staring at you lovingly with those beautiful eyes of his , you couldn’t help but blush …
< Non , you can keep it until I need to leave , it looks really good on you mon amour ~ > 
He then left a kiss on your forehead before heading off to gather all he needed for the upcoming mission …
It was in those sweet little moments the two of you shared that you fully realized just how much you loved that frog , and just how much he loved you back .
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Rayman 🧡
You had decided to try on Rayman’s suit that morning out of sheer curiosity , mostly because you were looking forward to see his reaction : 
you knew that your boyfriend had been very , very busy during the past weeks , so you eventually came up with a little surprise for him that would hopefully cheer him up a bit .
You were sure that he was still asleep since it was pretty early , but when you suddenly felt his hands around your waist you realized that he had figured out what you were doing …
< Well well , don’t you look gorgeous in my suit , darling ? ~ > 
You chuckled , blushing at his compliment while holding his hands in yours …
Classic Rayman , he never missed an opportunity to remind you how beautiful you were to him .
< Aw , you really think so Ray ? 
I’ll give it back to you if you need it , but - > 
< Don’t worry , there’s plenty of time before I gotta leave for work , and besides … > 
When you turned around to look at him , Rayman didn’t waste the opportunity to lean forward to kiss you .
< … a few more minutes spent with you is all I could ever ask for y/n ~ > 
< Pfft … okay , you’re just trying to flatter me now ~ > 
He chuckled in response , and you gladly accepted his lips on yours again , happy to see that he seemed to be way more at ease than before .
He was always working so hard … he really deserved a small break from it all , and since you were like a safe corner for Rayman he always treasured those precious moments with you . 
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Ramon 🖤
Ramon didn’t even question where his coat went :
he didn’t forget about your adorable habit of wearing his clothes , so he just walked back to your shared room , watching you huddle close to it with your eyes closed until you noticed your boyfriend staring at you from the entrance …
< Oh - hey Ram —
Sorry … your coat is just so cozy and warm , I couldn’t resist … > 
< Nah , you don’t have to be sorry y/n … > 
He sat next to you on the bed , his hand reaching up to caress the back of your neck ,
< You do look real pretty in it ~ > 
< You really think so … ? >
< Mhm … > 
It wasn’t long before your faces leaned closer and closer , until your lips met in quite a few passionate kisses … which eventually lead you two to lie down in bed for a while longer , just cuddling and enjoying each other’s company …
< Tell me , was wearing my coat an elaborate plan to cuddle some more ? ~ > 
<; *gasp* , whaat ? No ! 
Yeah , maybe … but it worked out well for both , didn’t it ? ~ > 
< Heh … yeah . > 
You watched Ramon snuggle closer to your chest , letting out a soft sigh as you used his coat to cover him up .
< I love you so much , y/n … I really needed this . Thank you . > 
He didn’t have an easy sleep last night , tormented like always by the horrible thought of Eden hurting the both of you …
But at least he had you with him to bring him some joy , even by doing something as small as trying on his clothes .
< I love you too honey … I’ll always be there for you , no matter what happens . > 
Hearing you whisper those words in his ear was enough to make all the tension in Ramon’s body melt away …
He really was lucky to have someone as special as you in his life .
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lukolabrainrot · 2 months
Hey there, i’m so happy I found your tumblr, it’s been such a joy to read and a validation for my own theories and observations.
I wanted to ask about your thoughts on Italy. You mentioned multiple times that you’re an Italy truther and so am I, I always felt like something went down in Italy and it was pivotal. The way it started off with them clearly beefing and throwing shade at each other and by the end of it they came out better than before which I find interesting. Following Italy, we had the NY premier, which A showed up to and we have that video of N hugging her which looked very off fo me and then we had the infamous BRAZIL. I just really would love your thoughts on what you suspect happened from the start of Italy to Brazil specially that there was A appearance in the middle of all of that and how you think it may have impacted L/N’s behavior, conversations moving forward with the tour.
So I guess my question has 2 parts:
First, what the hell happened in Italy? lol
Second, your theories around A’s surprise appearance in NY between the Italy and Brazil and how that affected the dynamics between L/N/A.
Thank you!!
Hello thank you, and welcome!!!!
I shared some of my thoughts on that here. Basically, I think there was a significant emotional release between them after Milan, they had a major conversation addressing pent up deep feelings that they had been keeping from each other for a while, and then got on the same page emotionally. I also personally think that by Verona, they were physically acting on those feelings as well, which is why I think we saw such a positive shift in the nonverbal cues between them. This is also when we started getting the "boyfriend" pics of L, which I think was VERY significant. I think multiple things went down with them in private in Verona, and I think they acknowledged thier deep connection and had some major realizations that their romantic feelings for each other were reciprocated. Now, did A know about all this? I am almost certain that she did. Which might have resulted in what happened/the energy at the NYC premiere...
NYC Premiere
This premiere was VERY interesting to me. Here are my thoughts in relation to what was going on between L/N/A:
I think that a lot of the nervous energy that we saw from L (besides the fact that he just doesn't do that great with red carpets) came from the fact that he was very anxious about A getting out to the press, ESPECIALLY with everything that I believe went down between L/N in Italy. I have mentioned before but I believe there was some overlap between L/A, AND I believe that L did not want to come out as being in any type of relationship while he was on the tour. I do not believe this relationship with A was ever very serious for L, BUT I think A, as I have said, had had her sights set on riding his coattails and trying to get fame/attention from being in his orbit. And that hadn't quite panned out, so she was holding on for dear life because she saw an opportunity slipping away.
Therefore, I believe A surprised him at the premiere, and he was kind of flipping out for various reasons.
I am going to say this once, and I am very confident in this. N & A are NEVER going to be friends!! NOT. GOING. TO. HAPPEN. So personally, and this is just a theory, but I think that hug between them and getting it leaked to the internet was A sending a message to L and making it almost impossible for L to quietly untangle himself at that point. Because I think he was already starting to pull away.
I also always found it very interesting that NOTHING came out to the press about A being his girlfriend at the event when a TON of people saw her at the premiere. But then she was introduced officially ON THE DAY OF THE PART 2 PREMIERE 🤔 Like something just STINKS, and A is so messy and not subtle, that it isn't that difficult to see a lot of the roads lead back to her on all this...
I think it was also very telling that L went with N to the Chaos Dinner (which is totally not his normal scene). Yes, maybe it was for the exposure, but with the nature of the event, I think he went FOR N. And they were looking 🔥🔥🔥
So I feel overall that by NYC, L/N were seriously thinking about moving forward with a romantic relationship sometime after the tour ended, A was STARTING her spiral, showed up to make a statement (I truly don't think he had anticipated her showing up or wanted her there tbh), L had to appease her the rest of the trip in NYC + he probably felt kind of guilty about how everything went down, and L/N kind of had to keep a lot of things (their energy with each other) on the DL because A was at the event.
We also have to remember that this event was literally RIGHT after Italy, so I am SURE emotions were high and L/N were dealing with a lot of complex things BTS.
And then I believe all of these heightened emotions between L/N came to a climax (no pun intended 😂) when they got to Brazil, and A went into FULL freak out mode (which I talked about here), but L/N were getting closer and closer, which is how we got what we did for the rest of the tour (which I have talked about in my timeline theories).
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skellymom · 3 months
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ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
Word Count: 2.7K
Background: What happens if a clone baby doesn't play by the rules on Kamino? This fic includes the headcannon (another Tumblr poster came up with this one) that Hunter has a crush on Shaak Ti. The clone baby is assigned a number, however, since there are so many of them and I didn't want to just guess left it as CT-______. Use your imagination for the number. This fic takes place right before Order 66 and before Hunter is aware of Omega's presence on Kamino. And, this baby alerts Mace Windu to the fact the Batch are the key to Omega being taken in by their squad, eventually leading to Omega helping the Rebellion defeat the Empire (this is the "Shatterpoint" in the Force Shaak Ti speaks of that Mace Windu senses.
Warning: Swearing, discussion of euthanasia, baby poop.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
The keening cry of a newly decanted clone shattered the silence of the Neonate Ward. 
Shaak Ti could sense the little one's distress and hurried down the corridor. The cry was eventually shared with other babies. She entered to a roomful of loud fussy neonate clones. 
Nala Se stood in the middle of the ward, a frustrated expression on her face. 
“Again?” Remarked Shaak Ti. 
“Yes. It would seem this decanted clone will not settle.” 
Shaak Ti glanced down at the tiny instigator, red faced and screaming for all he was worth. 
“IT is causing distress to the other newly decanted.” 
“HE probably needs to be held...” Shaak Ti picked up the screaming bundle... 
...who immediately went quiet. Then the ENTIRE ward went quiet. It seemed that THIS clone was causing the other babies to react as well. 
 “See. That is all that was needed.” Patting the baby's back gently. He cooed at the Jedi. 
Nala Se glibly shot back. “These newly decanted MUST be able to self soothe. They must be in control of their emotions out in the battlefield.” 
“Maybe it’s just temporary? They are JUST babies. Perhaps Omega can help...” 
Shaak Ti was cut off by the Kaminoan. “Omega is currently assisting ME with research and does NOT have the time.” 
Lama Su approached Nala Se and Shaak Ti. “If CT-_____ fails to self soothe by the end of the week, IT will shall be terminated. 
Horrified, Shaak Ti hugged the baby to her. “Are we sure such a drastic measure is necessary?” 
“It is imperative. We have a 20,000 UNIT deadline to complete with accelerated growth in the next few months. They MUST be ready and in top form upon delivery.” Lama Su added. 
“Could we use his ‘defective’ nature to start ANOTHER specialized clone force?” Shaak Ti was grasping at straws now. 
“I was under the impression Jedi should NOT form attachments.” Lama Su shot back. 
He was right...Shaak Ti was doing just that. However, destroying a small life due to needing to be comforted seemed severe. 
Just then the ward door opened, and Omega entered. She approached Nala Se. “Oh, hello Commander Shaak Ti. Nala Se, I am finished with the tasks you gave me. What is OUR next project!” 
The Jedi nodded to the child. Then glanced up at Nala Se. Attachments indeed! 
Nala Se caught the pointed look from Shaak Ti. “Come, Omega. Let us go to the lab.” 
“Bye Shaak Ti” Omega innocently waved then followed behind Nala Se. 
“Goodbye sweet child.” Shaak Ti beamed at the child with an important future... 
The ward doors closed behind them as they exited. 
“IT has 3 days to improve. If not, IT will be terminated.” Lama Su said his peace, then exited the ward as well. 
Shaak Ti glanced down at the little life in her arms. She had a bad feeling about this. 
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Unfortunately, things did NOT improve.  
CT-______ continued to caterwaul. Shaak Ti checked in daily. 
Every time the clone cried, eventually his brothers would start in solidarity. When he was picked up by Shaak Ti, he stopped. His brothers would go quiet as well. 
The Kaminoan’s NEVER held their test subjects. It was beneath them to do so. 
Omega was NOT permitted to assist with CT-____ in any capacity. 
Highly concerned, Shaak Ti sought advice from Mace Windu via comm. 
The Jedi listened quietly to the predicament, then rubbed his chin in contemplation. 
“I shall inquire at the Jedi Council, then give you my answer in the next standard rotation.” 
Shaak Ti nodded obediently and waited. 
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The day came with CT-______ slated for termination. He refused to self sooth, instead reaching his tiny arms out for ANYONE to hold him...comfort him. 
Nala Se, resigned to sealing this baby’s fate, loaded the bassinet onto a holostretcher and SLOWLY proceeded to the euthanasia chamber. 
Before she could enter, Shaak Ti was waiting outside the entrance. 
Nala Se seemed surprised to see her there. A move Shaak Ti took advantage of. 
The Jedi waived her hand in front of Lama Se. “You have terminated CT-______. You must return to the laboratory with Omega.” 
“I have terminated CT-____. I must return to the laboratory with Omega.” The dazed Kaminoan repeated. 
Nala Se wouldn’t remember a thing. 
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 “Well lads, looks as though Master Shaak Ti will be joining us for this mission!” Hunter beamed. 
“Oh Goody. Careful Hunter, she might sense how much you PINE for her.” Crosshair sneered. 
Wrecker shot back with a shit eating grin. “OOOh, Cross, you’re just JEALOUS.” 
Crosshair shot Wrecker a LOOK. 
Echo chuckled at his new squad's antics. 
“It seems we are accompanying her to the Separatist planet of Ryloth as an envoy.” Tech informed everyone. “She will be assisting Captain Howzer.” 
“WHAT!” Echo shot straight up in his seat. “We are working with Separatists?” 
“The details seem to be confidential. Need to know basis for now.” Tech added. 
“That’s strange...” Echo was extremely suspicious. 
Hunter set everyone at ease. “I’m sure we’ll be briefed before arrival to Ryloth. “Here she is now.” 
The clones stood at attention and saluted Shaak Ti as she ascended the gangplank and boarded the Marauder.  
“At ease soldiers.” She warmly smiled.  
Wrecker jabbed Crosshair in the ribs and grinned. Cross gave him stink face. 
Tech started up the ship and prepared to leave Kamino. 
“Commander, please have a seat.” Hunter offered Shaak Ti the seat behind Echo in the cockpit, as he would be seated next to her behind Tech. 
“Thank you, Sergeant.” She smiled. 
Hunter mildly blushed.  
“Before I do there is another matter I must address.”  
Shaak Ti reached down and pulled up the front of her heavy long skirts, exposing her legs and bottom torso underneath. 
Hunter almost FAINTED!  
He may have had some...thoughts about this Jedi General...only at times in solitude so she was unable to sense them... 
The blood rushed to his head, making his vision swim. 
The rest of the crew stopped and stared! This was so UNLIKE the Jedi Commander!!! 
Underneath Shaak Ti’s skirts was strapped a small baby. 
A clone stowaway...under a Jedi’s skirts! 
The baby looked at Hunter and cooed. 
“Uhhh...” Hunter stared dumbfounded. 
“What the FU...dge!” Echo caught himself in time. 
“WAIT? Are they NOT DECANTING them anymore???” Wrecker scratched his head trying to figure out where babies are NOW coming from. 
Crosshair sighed and held his forehead. 
Tech cleared up the confusion. “It would seem that Jedi Shaak Ti is covertly sneaking this clone neonate aboard so that we may shuttle it off world.” 
“You are indeed correct Tech.” Shaak Ti unstrapped the baby and handed him to Hunter.  
She dropped her skirt and sat down. 
Hunter caught a glimpse of the Jedi’s legs before they were covered again. His brain momentarily broke. 
Echo needed details. “Why? He’s too young to leave Kamino.” 
“He is defective and was slated for termination. When we depart Kamino, I shall tell you the rest.” 
The baby reached up and pinched Hunter’s chin, bringing him back to the moment. He sat down and cradled the baby in his arms...seemingly an automatic act even HE wasn’t aware of. “Tech, take us off world IMMEDIATELY!” 
He didn’t have to tell Tech twice. 
The crew was extremely quiet as the Marauder made its way off the planet. Hunter began to worry about what was to develop. Unconsciously, he began to slightly rock the baby. It soothed him.  
Echo glanced over his shoulder at Hunter and smiled. 
Crosshair rolled his eyes. 
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Blue light bathed the ship as the Marauder coasted in hyperspace. 
Shaak Ti filled in the rest of the intel. 
“So, our squad are the LAST defective clones to be allowed on Kamino?” Tech surmised. 
“Yes, unfortunately. The Kaminoan’s are tamping down on any deviance within the clone population. They are no longer even trying to reprogram the few who develop out of parameters. Any found outside of those parameters are slated for immediate termination.” Shaak Ti grimly explained. 
“Things have been changing so quickly on Kamino lately.” Hunter’s brow creased. 
“Don’t like it one bit.” Echo’s suspicion was back. 
Shaak Ti followed up. “Conveniently, I was scheduled to meet with the governing body of Ryloth. And, with some help from the Jedi Council we can place this little one with a family there.” 
“The Kaminoan’s don’t just give away their property freely. How did you manage to convince them?” Echo enquired. 
“I agree with Echo.” Tech added. “The Kaminoan’s are anything but charitable.” 
“I... resorted to utilizing the Force.” The Jedi shifted uncomfortably. “According to Master Windu, the exposure to this young clone will help you all on a future mission.” Shaak Ti smiled at the squad. “As you know Master Windu sees an important Shatterpoint in your timeline.” 
“And... what is that Shatterpoint?” Hunter enquired. 
“Unfortunately, Master Windu did not elaborate. He FEELS something strongly in the Force but cannot put it to words.” 
The clones silently glanced at one another.  
Shaak Ti added “But, for now we are saving a small innocent life. This has enough merit on its own.” 
“Agreed” Hunter smiled down at the small one in his arms.  The baby grinned back up at him. 
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“Hey...Hunter...can I hold ‘em?” Wrecker asked hopefully. 
“Uh...yeah.” Hunter got up and walked over to Wrecker, who seemed excited. 
Wrecker held out his large hands awkwardly. 
“Wrecker, support his body with this hand. Take your other hand and support his head carefully. He’s young and his neck isn’t strong enough yet. He’s a baby, not a Lula. Gotta be REAL gentle.” Hunter handed the baby over and placed Wrecker’s hands in the correct position. 
Hunter stepped back and watched his brother. 
“Aww, he’s SO CUTE!” Wrecker beamed. 
The baby cooed at Wrecker.  
Cross, sitting next to Wrecker watched silently. 
Then the baby spotted Crosshair’s silver hair shining in the Marauder’s cab lighting. He made grabby hands toward Cross. 
“Ooh, he wants YOU to hold him.” Wrecker grinned. 
“NO.” Crosshair got up and sat at the other side of the ship. 
The baby immediately started to cry. 
“Look, you hurt his little feelings!” Wrecker shamed his brother. 
“I don’t do kids.” Crosshair crossed his arms uncomfortably. 
The baby wailed loudly. 
Crosshair couldn’t handle the caterwauling and stalked to the back of the ship. 
“Ohh, just ignore him cute widdle baby boy.” Wrecker grabbed Lula. “Lula says he’s a big ole’ poopy head anyway.”  
The baby stopped crying and Hunter dabbed his tears away with the baby blanket.   
“Brother Wrecker wuvs you...BOOP!” Wrecker gently touched Lula to the baby’s nose. 
Baby smiled. 
“Brother Hunter wuvs you...BOOP!”  
Baby laughed. 
“Brother Echo wuvs you...BOOP!” 
Baby belly laughed. 
“Brother Tech will wuv you too...BOOP! Especially since you’ll listen to his infodumps...BOOP!” 
Baby laughed SO hard... 
...and made a strange face... 
...then baby’s rear end made the MOST horrid sound! 
“OH MAKER! WHAT IS THAT!!!” Wrecker almost retched. “IT’S SOO STINKY!” 
Wrecker quickly handed baby back to Hunter and ran away after Crosshair. 
“Uh...” Hunter was woefully unprepared and just held baby out away from him. “Commander...uh...please tell me you have extra diapers...” 
The Jedi laughed as she approached, taking the baby from Hunter. She had a bag slung over her shoulder. “I’ll take care of him, Sergeant.” 
He turned red in spite of the horrible smell assaulting his enhanced senses. 
Hunter had an awakening... 
Something about maternal women and little children... 
Something warm and paternal blossomed in his heart. He watched Shaak Ti as she walked to the back of the ship soothing the baby. 
A minute later, Wrecker ran back up to the front of the Marauder. Crosshair followed furiously spraying refresher air freshener EVERYWHERE. 
“I don’t know what that baby ate but...EWW!!!” Wrecker grimaced. 
“OH MAKER!” Echo yelled; his face had a severely pinched expression. “Now it smells like FLORAL SHIT in here!!!” 
Frustrated, Crosshair shot back at Echo. “Well, WHAT would you have me DO???” 
Tech to the rescue: He engaged the Marauder’s indoor filtration system. However, it did take some time to dispel the smell.  
When Shaak Ti brought the cleanly changed baby back, Echo requested to hold him next. The baby took an interest in Echo’s scomp.  
Wrrrrrrrrrr. Baby was entranced. Wrrrr, wrrrr, wr, wrrrrrrrrrr. 
Echo laughed, then the baby laughed... 
And make THAT FACE. 
Wrecker held his nose. “OH NO! NOT AGAIN!!!” 
“It seems the Kaminoan baby formula irritates his sensitive stomach. Another anomaly in his genetics. I switched his formula for the trip.” The Jedi attempted to get up and retrieve the baby. 
“Please relax Commander. I’ve got this.” Hunter got up and took baby from Echo.  
Shaak Ti handed Hunter the diaper bag, and he made his way to the back of the ship. 
Crosshair sprayed the air freshener in Hunter’s wake. 
Echo turned around to glare at Crosshair. 
“What?” Cross leaned back with an antagonistic smirk, inserting a toothpick into his mouth. 
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Sometime later everyone settled in during the trip to Ryloth. Hunter offered Shaak Ti his bunk so she could rest before arrival. She warned the baby may need to eat soon. 
By this time, Tech had the baby in his lap and was info dumping about various animal life of the galactic planets. Baby was deeply interested in everything he had to say. 
Or maybe it was just the glare on Tech’s glasses that caught the baby’s attention? 
Either way, Tech set up his datapad to play the corresponding animal sound when the baby pressed a button. Baby cooed with each animal sound.  
Shortly after baby lost interest and started to fuss. 
“Uh oh...” Wrecker was weary. 
“Well...he isn’t making THAT face, so I think we’re safe.” Echo ribbed Wrecker. 
"It’s fairly obvious that he’s hungry.” Tech stated. 
Hunter rummaged through the bag to find a bottle full of blue Bantha milk. 
“You like the GOOD stuff, kiddo.” Hunter smiled, taking baby from Tech and popping the feeding nipple into baby’s mouth. 
Baby suckled away and made grabby hands towards Crosshair again. 
Cross side-eyed baby. 
“Come on, Cross. He obviously likes you.” Hunter pleaded. 
“Usually that’s asking a LOT of someone.” Echo joked. 
“So funny, Echo.” 
“Hey, we ALL held him.” Wrecker piled on. “Hunter EVEN changed his diaper!”  
Crosshair wasn’t convinced. 
Baby continued grabby hands and was now vocalizing in between gulps of formula “Uuuuummmm!!!” 
Straining out of Hunter’s grasp towards the sniper. 
Tech verbally poked at his brother “It would seem that he INSISTS you hold him. Why he wishes to be close to your unyielding nature is a mystery.” Tech was baiting him. 
Crosshair pulled the toothpick from his mouth and flicked it at Tech. “All right...” He huffed. “Give me the little womp rat.” 
Hunter gave Crosshair a shit eating grin as he placed the child on his brother’s shoulder. Cross didn’t expect to have baby THAT close to his face. Hunter KNEW what baby was after. 
The baby held his bottle with one hand, chugging away. Then reached up with the other to grab a handful of Cross’ hair.  
For a second Crosshair looked panicked. But relaxed when he realized baby only wanted to hold onto something while eating. The weight seemed strangely familiar...like his rifle when it rested upon his shoulder. But...warmer...more comfortable.  
Crosshair leaned back on the seat and put his feet up.   
Tech played his specially recorded soothing sounds of Kamino’s waves over the Marauder’s PA system. Baby continued to suckle away at his bottle, then fell fast asleep on Crosshair’s shoulder. 
The sounds also affected Crosshair as he eventually passed out in a deep sleep on the cabin chair totally unaware of what would transpire... 
...as the rest of The Batch decided to record this special moment. 
After all, Baby would be in his new, safe home by tomorrow... 
There’s a pic Tech keeps on his datapad of a snoozing Crosshair with a baby sleeping on his shoulder. The rest of the Batch is posed around him.  
Hunter leans his head against his brother and the baby. A serene smile on his face. 
Wrecker gives Crosshair Lula ears with his fingers behind Cross’ head. He pulls Gonky in next to him. 
Echo puts his arm around Gonky and proudly leans into the shot next to Wrecker. 
Tech took off his goggles and propped them up on the Marauder’s dash so the recording device attached to them could mark the occasion. Then blindly made his way to Hunter’s side to pose, a sassy half grin on his face. 
In Hunter’s bunk, Shaak Ti sighs contentedly in her sleep. 
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Back on Coruscant, within the Jedi Temple, Yoda pauses and quietly smiles. 
He looks to Mace Windu “The child is safe, he is.” 
Mace, relieved, replies “Eventually...the galaxy will be too.” 
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ornii · 2 years
Hai hello hai
Ok so remember how you said enid goes into heat cuz shes a werewolf and all... so enid and reader hook up alot, and wedsnday find out and gets jealous
Male reader x wenclair
ThxThx. btw Love your writing so much
“Our” Boyfriend
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Wenclair X Male Reader.
Summary: Who Knew Wednesday Addams was a Commie?
Wednesday Addams obviously isn’t a commie it’s a joke I don’t want to be canceled right when I start using tumblr over an obvious Joke
When it came to Enid and Wednesday, you couldn’t find more polar opposites who seem to get along just fine. While you never particularly adored Wednesday you were on good terms, however Enid was a different situation. With Enids primal libido and drive, hooking up was a constant that happens at least twice a day. There’s a decently sized list of how often and where.
Sometimes when walking to your biology class, you can spot Enid heading into a small janitors closet. Confused you peer in and she turns and grabs you by your tie, yanking you in for skipping class and a “Quickie.” Which was more than an hour, it’s a surprise nobody heard the walls banging.
Other times she gets even more reckless, along the balcony walkway over the quad, all seems well until she “Leans” over the the railing, purposely wearing a much shorter skirt than usual, almost teasing you to take her, obviously who wouldn’t and your palms gladly grip her waist and plunging in.
Enid would even go so far to bring you in her dorm as Wednesday slept near by, you had to be as quiet as possible but that wasn’t particularly easy. The way Enid rocked her hips into yours, her panted breath, wolf like whining when you hit just the right spot. You had to let her bite your arms sometimes just to keep her from howling in pleasure. The soft bed creaks were just enough for Wednesday to awaken, she didn’t move an inch though and just, listened. That one mistake lead you to the situation you’re in now.
One afternoon, Enid was preparing for a night out. Wednesday was preoccupied on her typewriter.
“You’re leaving?” Wednesday asks.
“Yeah, Yoko throwing a small Party. It’d gonna be like totes cute!” Enid says putting on lipstick. And Wednesday stops and turns to her.
“That’s odd, Yoko informed me of no such party.” Wednesday said and Enid stops, slowly growing fearful.
“O-oh, well yeah i-its a bit private.”
“Is it? Or are you going to meet (Y/n)?” Wednesday says which Enid slowly turns to her, trying to be cutely oblivious.
“What? No, it’s not like that we’re just friends—“
“Friends who fornicate Like hounds in heat, and in the same room next to me.” Wednesday says and stands up, and Enid slowly begins to realize she knew. Enid is slowly backed to a corner.
“We-We wouldn’t do that!”
“Hm, would you? Shall I read an excerpt from your diary?” Wednesday asks and Enids eyes go wide. “June 14th, (Y/n) didn’t want to go to the dorm but I couldn’t wait, so we did it in my bed next to Wednesday, I really didn’t want to wake her but it felt so good that I almost made a—“
“Okay! Okay! You made your point.” Enid says sadly. “I’m going to meet him and well, he knows a few open empty dorm rooms.” Enid said.
“Interesting.” Wednesday says, “a word of advice Enid, if you’re you’re going to break the rules, don’t Leave a trail of evidence.” She says.
“Noted, so, what do you want?” Enid asks.
“Him.” She responds, much to Enids confusion.
“Excuse me?” She says, “You aren’t his girlfriend, meaning he can be in any relationship he wishes, and I wish to partake in it, or would you rather me inform Thornhill?” She says, and Enid pouts.
Later that night (Y/n) Lays on his bed, with Enid around his left arm.
“So, Wednesday basically blackmailed you into sharing me as your hook up buddy?” You ask, Enid nods sadly, “I’ll admit it’s weird sharing you, but I’m kinda okay with it.” Enid says, you turn right, to Wednesday who was also lying with you.
“Wow Wednesday, didnt know you were a commie, “Our Boyfriend.” Heh.” You say smiling and Wednesday rests her head upon yours and speaks.
“Da, chert voz'mi”
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lilacmingi · 11 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you are under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Moondrop!San & Sundrop!Wooyoung x fem reader
Word count: 4,092
Note: This was published on Wattpad October 2022 and since the FNAF movie is coming out in a couple days I’m sharing this one on Tumblr! It’s one of my favorites and I feel like it’s so unique. There will not be a part 2. Also if the cover looks bad pls ignore it :P
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You huffed as you pushed up the metal garage-like door just enough for you to get through. You didn't really care where it led to, you just wanted to get out of the main area of the mall and away from those incessant staff bots.
You just started working at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. In fact, it was your first day on the job and you somehow managed to get yourself locked inside. You were so busy with all your work that you lost track of time. When you finished, you found that you had been locked inside.
The area you just entered was the daycare.
The first thing you spotted was a huge golden statue depicting a sun and moon character, both dressed in attire that resembled that of a jester. Glancing around the room, you saw round tables scattered about, each one with a number on it. You were quick to figure out you were in some sort of reception area of the daycare.
You peered out into the netted area beyond the reception hall, inside were two large, multicolored play structures with cartoon faces of the glamrock mascots from the Fazbear franchise stuck on them and a massive ball pit designed to look like a mote. Your gaze was drawn to a platform a few feet above the play area, made to look like the outlook on a tower, a bright spotlight shining directly on it. Red curtains draped over an arched doorway that led to what you could only assume was a room.
The daycare area appeared to be a safe and vacant place for you to lay low for a while.
Your eyes searched the area for a moment before you spotted a colorful rainbow sign that read: SLIDE INTO FUN! leading directly into the daycare area. It appeared to be your only way inside, seeing as the security bots were patrolling the staircase that led to the second entrance for adults.
Without any other option, you got in and descended down the slide, falling right into a ball pit. You waded through the colorful spheres and stepped out of the pit. Now that you were inside the netted area, you were able to get a better look at everything.
The place seemed to be empty and free of any bloodthirsty animatronics.
Surely, you'd be safe.
Suddenly, your attention was turned to the castle up on the wall. A man suddenly emerged from the arched, curtain-draped opening and stepped out onto the platform. His blonde hair was pushed back away from his face, tousled in a way that made it look a bit spiky. He was dressed in jester attire, the collar ruffled as well as the top of his yellow and red striped pants. Tied on his wrists were red ribbons with bells that jingled when he moved.
The man lifted his arms into the air, chuckling gleefully before diving into the ball pit you were just in moments ago. You watched with wary eyes as the man never came up. Hesitantly, you stepped closer, peering into the ball pit. He emerged abruptly, causing some of the colorful spheres to fly through the air. He made his way out of the ball pit, a bright smile on his face.
"Hello, new friend! You're a bit big to be in the daycare." He tilted his head. "That's alright! We can still have fun!"
He didn't give you a chance to speak as he continued talking.
"We can finger paint, tell stories, drink Fizzy Faz until our heads explode and stay up all night!" He exclaimed, giddily as he pranced around.
"I was actually just hoping to—"
"What's your name, new friend?"
"Uh... Y/n." You answered.
You were wearing a name tag. Did he not notice it?
"Ah! Y/n. What a wonderful name! I'm Wooyoung, but my friends call me Woo. Hey, do you like glitter glue?"
"If you like glitter glue, I have glitter glue, and lots of it!"
"I'd like to just stay in here for a while if that's okay."
His eyes sparkled as an excited gasp left him.
"Of course! There's so much we can do! We could play hide and seek, have a puppet show, make macaroni art." He listed enthusiastically.
This guy didn't seem so bad and the daycare appeared to be the safest place for you. Perhaps you could stay.
"Oh, this'll be so much fun! There's one rule, however. Lights stay on. On." He punctuated the last word, his voice sounding ominous when he did.
"Uh. Yeah. I can do that."
"Wonderful!" He clasped his hands together. "Come here! I have some fun activities planned."
He grabbed your hands, yanking you forward. Because of that, you stumbled and accidentally knocked over a stack of cylinders that had crescent moons and music notes on them, the objects making the sound of a party favor as they tumbled to the floor.
Wooyoung came to a stop, turning to see the shapes that had toppled over.
"No, no, no, no! What a mess! Oh, which was the bottom? Where is the top? Clean up! Clean up!" He stressed, hurrying to stack the musical cylinders back up.
Once the stack was back the way it was, he let out a sigh.
"There. Good as new."
"Sorry." You apologized even though it wasn't really your fault, but it felt appropriate.
"It's alright, friend." He beamed. "I get ahead of myself sometimes and I can be a bit clumsy."
He continued to pull you towards a tiny table where he ushered you into a small chair that you barely fit in.
"Look at all this neat stuff!" Wooyoung beamed. "Here."
He placed a piece of copy paper in front of you and began talking about all the different arts and crafts materials he had.
You opted for the colored pencils, grabbing one of them while Wooyoung started grabbing paints.
"What are you gonna draw?" Wooyoung asked, giddily. "I'm gonna paint a sun."
"I'm not sure what I'm gonna draw yet."
"That's okay. Just wait for inspiration to strike!"
As you thought about what to draw, you noticed a black cord stretching across the play area.
"What are those cords?" You asked Wooyoung.
"Oh. Those lead to generators in the play structures. There are five of them and each connect to a light on the outside of the structures." He pointed.
You noticed a few lights here and there attached to the plastic grate walls of the structures. You wondered why there were generators in a play area for children, but chose not to ask questions.
"So, you mentioned Fizzy Faz earlier."
"Uh-huh." He nodded.
"What does it taste like?"
The paintbrush in Wooyoung's hand fell, as did his jaw.
"You've never had it?"
You shook your head.
"We have to change that right away! What flavor do you prefer? There's orange, pink lemonade, cherry, lime, and grape."
"I'll have (your choice)."
Wooyoung immediately got up from his chair and started to hurry off only to stop and turn to you.
"You won't run off, will you?"
"I don't have anywhere else to go." You shrugged.
Minutes later, Wooyoung returned with a can of the fizzy drink and a small paper cup.
"Here you go, friend." He beamed, placing the small cup down on the table.
You thanked him, trying some of the soda, the tiny cup already nearly empty.
"Are you hungry? I have all sorts of yummy snacks. Goldfish crackers, cookies, potato chips, gummies." He listed.
"Now that you mention it, I am kinda hungry."
"Great! I'll be right back."
He hurried off somewhere while you stayed in your seat, working on your drawing.
Moments later, a paper tower was placed on the table as Wooyoung started putting small piles of assorted snacks onto it.
"I wasn't sure what you wanted, so brought everything." He paused for a second. "You don't have peanut allergies, do you?"
Before you could answer, he spoke up. "It's fine. None of these snacks are made with peanut products anyway. Gotta stay safe for the kiddos." He gave a bright smile, his head cocking to the side. "Here you go, friend."
You chuckled at the setup before you. A small, paper cup with soda and a paper towel with little piles of snacks on it.
"What's so funny?" Wooyoung asked.
"This just reminds me of when I was a kid." You smiled softly at the nostalgia. "This was the usual setup for special snack at school."
"Ah, that's right. You're not a kid." He chuckled. "Sorry, friend. I'm used to being around children." He slid the can of Fizzy Faz to you before sitting back down in his seat to continue his painting.
"That's alright." You waved it off, taking a drink of the bubbly soda. "You're trained to handle kids. You're used to that, so I don't blame you for being on autopilot."
"Thank you, Y/n." Wooyoung gave you a gentle smile before turning his attention back to his artwork.
"So, you work here?" He asked.
"You just noticed?" You chuckled.
"Yeah. I was so excited to have a visitor that I got carried away."
"Well, I only just started working here today. I don't know too much about this place and I had so much work I got distracted and when I finished, the doors were locked."
"So you're stuck in here until morning?"
You nodded.
"You can stay in here with me until 6am! You'll be safe here."
"Thank you."
Things were quiet for a few moments. The only sounds were the music playing in the daycare accompanied by the soft noise of your colored pencils against the paper.
"New friend, Y/n. Can I tell you something?" Wooyoung asked, cutting through the silence.
"Sure." You hummed, painting away.
When he didn't say anything, you looked up at him. His cheeks were tinted pink and he was holding back giggles.
"What is it?" You urged.
"You're very pretty."
"Oh. Thank you."
"Only children come into the daycare, and parents, of course, but I'm not used to seeing someone as pretty as you." Wooyoung was blushing like crazy as he spoke. "The teenagers and young adults usually spend their time elsewhere like Roxy Raceway."
"Right. I'm sure this is weird for you."
"No, actually. It's a nice change. The limited non-robot staff we have here don't really come into the daycare, so I'm not around older people that often. But, again, it's a nice change."
An hour or so passed and you were having a wonderful time with Wooyoung. Making crafts and painting really took you back to your childhood and helped to distract you from worrying about animatronics. Wooyoung had even made a cute little drawing of you with crayons, which you found endearing. He was very enthusiastic and bubbly, asking lots of questions about you and your interests. Whenever you'd give him your answer he'd watch you with wide eyes, taking in every word.
The two of you were having a blast when all of a sudden the lights shut off, surrounding you in near total darkness. You let out a gasp, the bright and sunny man's stern words immediately replaying in your head.
"Lights stay on. On."
He was so serious when he said that.
What happens when the lights go off?
"Oh no." Wooyoung muttered. "Oh no. Oh no!"
He stood up from his chair abruptly, causing it to fall over as the panic in his voice rose.
"What's wrong?" You asked, worriedly.
"Not good! Not good!" He put his hands on his face, staggering backwards as he screamed in agony.
Lost in his hysterics, he tripped and fell behind a stack of large, foam blocks sitting about the daycare, the atmosphere becoming eerily silent.
"Wooyoung?" You called out, shakily.
To your shock and mild horror, a completely different person emerged from behind the shapes. This one had dark hair with a white streak in his bangs. His attire was similar to Wooyoung's, but instead of stripes, this man's pants were a dark blue color with yellow stars all over them. He donned a night cap on his head with the same pattern.
"I'm not Wooyoung." The man responded with a sinister grin. "I'm San."
"What happened to Wooyoung?" You asked, taking a step back.
"He's not here right now." His red colored irises that seemed to glow raked down your body. "You're up a bit late, don't you think?"
"No." You answered, taking another step back.
"You should be sleeping. Naughty, naughty." He shook his head while wagging a finger at you.
"I'm not a child." You responded.
He let out a tsk as he leaned in close to you, tilting his head. "Daycare rules."
You took a step back, stumbling when your foot hit something. You had accidentally knocked over the same stack of cylinder shapes that you'd bumped into earlier.
San growled angrily, bending down.
"Clean up! clean up!" He repeated in a seemingly annoyed voice as he began stacking the objects back up.
You then realized Wooyoung reacted the same way and perhaps you could use that to your advantage. You took that as your chance to try and escape, bolting directly for the play structures, crawling up the slide, opting to hide there for a moment.
"Oh~ you wanna play hide and seek?" San chuckled, the sound coming out in a rasp. "I think I can manage."
It sounded like San was on the opposite side of the daycare, which put your nerves at ease, but only for a moment.
Afraid to stay in one place for too long, you
shimmied up the slide and started crawling around in the structure.
What do I do? What do I do?
Would you have to spend the rest of the night hiding from this San guy?
You advanced further into the play structure, moving up a bit higher, taking a moment to peer out into the daycare. It was dark except for the giant screen at the front of the room depicting a sun character that resembled Wooyoung.
Using the light from the screen, you looked around the area from above. You didn't see San anywhere, which terrified you. Instead of staying in one place for too long, you continued on your way, slipping through a colorful tube and into another section of the structure.
As you crawled ahead, you felt your foot catch on something, instinctively flinching before turning around to find a generator. The relief you felt when you saw that it wasn't San was immeasurable.
That's right. There are generators inside the play structures.
You shuffled back to the generator, a red light shining. Feeling around, you managed to find a switch of some sort, your fingers curling around the handle. You pulled up on it, a light on the outside of the structure coming on shortly after.
A quiet sigh of relief leaves you.
One down, four to go.
"You can't hide forever, dear." You heard San's voice from somewhere below.
Taking one last look out into the daycare, you spotted San creeping across the bridge above the ball pit.
You needed to find the other generators, and fast.
You crawled through the top area of the play structure, not finding any. As much as you hated to, you knew you'd have to go back down to the lower level.
Taking in a deep breath and gathering all the courage you could muster, you headed down until you got to the bottom level. You glanced around, checking for San before sneaking your way into another section of the play structure. It didn't take long for you to come across a second generator. You flipped it on and were on the move once again.
The floodlights didn't illuminate the area very well, but it was better than nothing. You hoped turning on all five would somehow bring Wooyoung back.
You continued searching the play structure, opting to follow the cords throughout the area, hoping they would lead you to a generator. Sometimes they would lead to one you had already turned on, while other times they led to a light attached to the outside of the structure.
You hadn't spotted San for quite some time, which gave you a sense of relief. Maybe you got lucky and he forgot about you.
Just then, you spotted him clinging to the outside of the play structure. A scream tore through you as the man leaned close to the grates.
"It's past your bedtime, my dear." He said with a sinister smirk.
You scurried away as quickly as you could, wanting to get as far away from him as possible, your knees becoming sore from crawling around so much.
You had already turned four generators on. There was only one left, but you couldn't seem to find it.
I've searched this entire structure. You thought to yourself. Where could it be?
Just then, you spotted a second play structure on the other side of the daycare, your heart dropping in your chest. The last generator is over there. You're certain of it.
You would have to find a way over to it without getting caught.
Moving silently throughout the play structure, you made your way to the bottom where you slowly began to lose your nerve. Your mind began to fill with petrifying thoughts, wondering what ghastly things San would do if he caught you.
You have to get to that last generator, Y/n. You told yourself, trying your best to psych yourself up and gather your nerves. Getting the lights back on was the only way to ensure yourself safety.
Taking one last look out into the daycare, you got ready to make a break for it, checking for San. When you didn't see him, you took off across the colorful foam flooring, skittering towards the second play structure.
Dark chuckles echoed through the vast room.
"Run run as fast as you can."
Hearing San's taunting frightened you and had you shaking like a leaf, but it also gave you that extra rush of adrenaline you needed, helping to get you safely to the second structure where you momentarily felt safe.
"I can see you." He sang creepily, prompting you to scurry further into the structure in an attempt to get away from him.
You hated this. Why did the lights have to go out all of a sudden? That was the one thing Wooyoung said not to do and now look where you are. It's your first day on the job and you're going to die by the hands of some psychopath in star pajamas. The mere thought of being caught made the panic within you rise tenfold.
You creeped through the structure, hoping San doesn't find his way inside. Little did you know, your fears would soon become a reality.
As you're crawling, you feel someone's breath fanning against your neck.
"Knock knock." He whispered.
You let out a terrified yelp, continuing to move forward at a quicker pace, but you didn't make it very far.
A gasp left you as San grabbed hold of your ankle, jerking you backwards until you were underneath him.
"Caught you."
His hands held you firmly against the flooring of the play structure, preventing you from escaping. You were just a foot from the last generator—so close, yet so far away. San moved in closer, his sharp eyes gazing down at you as a wicked smirk played at his lips.
What do I do?
You were panicking, your heart beating so fast you could hear the pounding in your ears. Fearful of what he would do with you, you shoved him away with your knee, pulling yourself closer to the generator, stretching your arm out, your fingers reaching for the switch, just barely brushing it.
You paused after hearing San call out to you.
"Don't. Please."
The desperation in his voice caught you off guard, making you hesitate in your actions.
Your brows pulled together in confusion. Did he just ask you not to flip the generator on?
"I thought we were playing hide and seek." He continued, a frown pulling the corners of his mouth downward.
"Hide and seek?" You parroted in disbelief. "I thought you were trying to kill me!"
"Kill you? No. I thought we were just playing a game."
He pout in his voice almost made you feel bad for him. Almost.
"You didn't exactly make that clear."
He sighed, his head dropping in disappointment.
"I'm turning this on." You told him. "I want Wooyoung back."
"You don't like me?"
Your hand froze once again after hearing his words. He sounded hurt. Pitiful, almost. Turning back to him, you saw the expression on his face. His bottom lip was stuck out in a pout, quivering slightly as his red eyes appearing glossy with tears.
Your hand went limp, abandoning the the generator and silently hoping you weren't about to make a mistake.
Your heart thudded against your rib cage, your knees hitting the plastic flooring of the play structure as you crawled as fast as you could through the narrow passageways, getting lost in the maze once again.
I can't believe I let this happen again.
You barely made it out the first time and now you're stuck here once more. That all too familiar feeling of terror was beginning to build inside you as you hurried to hide, ominous chuckles from San echoing down the tunnel you were crawling through. Your body shook as you hurried through the endless labyrinth that was the play structures. The raw panic and trepidation that ran through your body was the only thing keeping you going. Your trembling hand grabbed onto the switch on the third generator, flipping it on.
That's when you heard San's dark chuckling behind you, causing you to gasp.
He was inside the play structure.
Crawling as fast as you possibly could, you turned a corner, shuffling through a tube, coming out at the bridge that connected two of the play towers. You hurried across into the second structure in search for the next generator.
"You're getting better at this, darling." San's voice emitted from across the bridge.
He was right on your tail.
You followed the twists and turns of the tunnels and platforms, not realizing you'd somehow gotten turned around.
Panicked, you changed directions and shimmied down a nearby passageway, narrowly escaping. You arrived at a small ramp that led to a lower level of the play structure. From what you remember, there was a generator nearby one of the ramps, though you weren't sure if this one was the right one. There was no time to think it over as you took the chance.
Just when you thought you were about to find the next generator, you ran into San who had a wicked smile on his face, his eyes flickering with mischief.
You yelped in surprise, which only made him grin wider. In one, swift motion he lunged forward, wrapping his arms around you.
"You promised you wouldn't chase me this time." You frowned.
"Sorry." He giggled. "It's just so much fun."
"I've had enough hide and seek for the night. I wanna hang out with Wooyoung."
"You got to hang out with Wooyoung earlier." San whined.
"Alright, fine. But I don't want you scaring me anymore."
"No scaring. I promise!"
After that first night at the pizzaplex, you learned San wasn't so bad after all. He just had an odd way of interacting with people sometimes and tended to come off a bit scary. He wasn't nearly as terrifying as he appeared. In fact, he was actually rather adorable.
His counterpart, Wooyoung, had apologized profusely to you once the sun had come up, worried that San had spooked you. Being honest with him, you explained what happened, but assured him that San wasn't a bad person and you actually enjoyed your time with him—when he wasn't chasing you, that is.
From then on, you would drop in and visit Wooyoung during the day while working and stay after hours to spend a little more time with him before bringing San out. Something fishy was definitely going down at the mega pizzaplex, especially with the glamrock animatronics, but with San and Wooyoung around, you felt safe. You found yourself looking forward to seeing them every day, wondering what new shenanigans would ensue once the pizzaplex closed for the night.
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
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211 notes · View notes
jordosprout · 5 months
Hello! I have a fic idea where the reader has a sensory meltdown and even though the others try to help they don't really know what to do but then Tech comes in with all the know-how on how to approach/help.
Maybe it could be taking place during the race Tech did and the reader gets overwhelmed by the sound and the heat and anxiety and Tech comes in for the rescue after the race ends, or maybe on a mission and Hunter asks Tech to take you aside/back to the marauder and tells him that they have it handled.
I think it'd be cool if Tech silently brought out sensory items and waited patiently with you and then opens up about how he has the same issue but maybe he usually shuts down instead or has a meltdown alone. Sorry I had a few ideas I wanted to share, hope this ask isn't too overwhelming! <3
Alright, took me awhile but I finished your request! I ended up going with the race plot :) I apologize for the wait. I wanted to do my best to portray everything correctly.
Sprouting Within the Soul
Tech x GN!Reader SFW Comfort Fic (gender-neutral pronouns used, little physical description.) (Can be read as platonic)
Reader is a phytotoxin specialist and becomes a clone medic. Story takes place on Safa Toma where Tech comforts them during an autistic meltdown.
Warnings: Talk of overstimulation, stimming, meltdowns, and gentle praise.
Notes: Phytotoxin- plant poison. I'm still getting used to Tumblr so no fancy dividers yet :,) I am working on making some for personal use
WC: 3,955
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Setting up readers' story, skip if wanted!
You didn’t enjoy medicine as much as you did vegetation. But the two interests mixed into a love for phytotoxin, and you found yourself as a specialist clone medic 2 months before you fled with Omega; working alongside her during that time. You grew deeply attached to the special little clone; knowing nothing could separate you.
She told you everything she could about the Clone Force 99; from their names all the way to their genetic mutations. And during one of those one-sided conversations, she told you about the inhibitor chips. This is what sparked your questions about the clones true purpose.
Your interactions with the boys themselves were brief. However, that would suddenly change.
Omega told you that she felt that Kamino was in danger, and you believed her immediately. It didn’t matter what it was that made her feel that way. You trusted Omega, and the thought of not knowing if she was safe scared you. You accompanied her, and her brothers, off-world; not a second guess in your mind.
Leaving the life you came accustomed to was hard. Especially when you were being so abruptly transitioned to a chaotic one. But the others, especially her brother Tech, did their best to ease you into the new life.
With Hunter and Echo being off on their own mission, it was just you Wrecker, Omega, and Tech today. A day you'd absorb every calm second you were given.
You were sitting beside Tech at the bar, him looking into poisonous plants for you.
You noticed that when he found out about your love for the subject, he took it personally. He took every moment he could to talk to you about the various flora of the universe. It wasn't a rare occurrence for him to share something you already knew. But that never mattered or annoyed you. You were just happy someone took part in your interests. Sometimes, he would tell you something that you surprisingly knew nothing of. Others, he would mention something you knew plenty about and you’d talk to him about it for hours.
It felt good having someone to talk to (or at) that clearly enjoyed it.
Just as he would offer you his ear, you would offer him yours. Always listening and enjoying whatever facts he had on his current interests. His passion for the things he knew made them all the more interesting. His voice and excitement would never get old to you.
Even though you felt seen by Tech, you still had moments of worrying you said something wrong. He never gave you a reason to think that you may have offended him, but you couldn’t help the anxiety. So you would often overexplain your intentions. He allowed you to say what you felt you needed to in order clear your intentions, and would then follow up in calm reassurance. He was always a source of calm patient energy, something you never got enough of.
But your day was swiftly stolen by a green Trandoshen. Cid, of course, had a last-minute mission for the four of you. You huffed to yourself, you just got comfortable watching Omega and Wrecker’s Mantell-Mix bet!
You were tracing circles with your finger on the countertop; cheek resting on its cool surface. Omega and Wrecker were playing Dejarik. Hearing them laugh and get competitive with each other made you smile.
“Hey I heard that! Don't get sassy with me Bacta Bunny. I have a mission for you and you're taking it!” 
You scowled at the nickname, your reaction being noticed only by Omega, who looked at you briefly before looking at Cid. You found the nickname demeaning- as if all you were was the occasional medic the batch needed.
“Hunter and Echo aren't back from the other mission yet.” Omega told Cid, confused as to why they would do something without them.
“I would not call transporting 50 cases of nerf nuggets a ‘mission’. Nor is it a proper use of our skill set,” Tech added to Omega’s statement.
You rested your head into the palm of your hand, leaning into it, “Tech isn't wrong Cid. You're wasting what ya’ got. There are better uses of our skill y’know.”
“Yeah, well, your skill set will come in real useful on this one. Especially you, Muscles. You're gonna be my security crew.”
Your head lifted at that, “Hey now security for what? What did you do that requires security?”
Tech nodded in agreement, “We will require a more detailed briefing than that.”
“No time. The shuttle's waiting.” Cid dodged, already at the door. You disliked how secretive Cid was. Why couldn't she just tell you what you needed to know?
Wrecker tossed Omega her little helmet, and of course, Omega gave you all her usual wishful thinking.
“Maybe it'll be fun.”
“Heh, works for me.”
“Wrecker, you're saying that as if you're difficult to convince,” you bantered teasingly, you loved the big guy but you weren't wrong. He was easy to convince. He just grinned and gave you a mix of a laugh and grunt before following Omega.
You sat for a moment, wishing you could easily adapt the same way Wrecker and Omega did. But you couldn't help but feel anxious with the sudden change to your schedule.
Tech sighed and you gave him a small pat on the shoulder before jumping off your barstool.
It shouldn't be all that bad, should it?
As soon as your shuttle landed, you were met with muffled crowds and people. 
‘Just a little noise. I can handle this’
“I am beginning to understand the need for added security in a place like this.” Tech mentioned to the group, taking in the nature of the people around him.
“Safa Toma can be a little rough around the edges if you don't know what you're doing. But lucky for us I know my way around. And if things get dicey, that's where you come in.”
You looked at the back of Omega’s head once Cid said that last sentence. You weren't particularly fond of how much danger she was constantly in. Yes, she's a clone like her brothers. And clones were indeed made to fight. But she's only a kid and is already dealing with so much. You placed your left hand on her right shoulder, and she gave you two pats in response. Something she always did to let you know she'd be fine.
But once you exited the building, and were blasted with Safa Toma’s boiling sun and restless crowds, you felt like you were the one who might not be fine. You took a deep breath to ground yourself, but the air dried out your nose making you more uncomfortable. 
‘This shouldn't be a long mission. It's just security.’
The cheering got louder as you became surrounded by people, constantly getting bumped into. The machines on what appeared to be a race track flashed by directly in front of you, any loose hair you had whipped in the direction they flew towards; tickling your skin.
You stayed behind Omega and held your hands together, rubbing the flesh between your left hand’s pointer and thumb to soothe yourself.
“Whoa!” Omega was leaning on the rail, trying to take in everything happening on the track.
“It's called Riot Racing.” Cid said, clearly only talking to Omega.
One of the racers began shooting at an opponent ahead of it, resulting in the victim crashing into one of the walls. 
“Wow! Did you see that?” Wrecker excitedly asked Omega. You glanced at Tech whose eyes were wide behind his goggles.
‘Well if Omega didn't Tech definitely did.’
“It appears anything goes out there.” 
The PA system announcer began narrating the scene in front of all of you. Declaring the steal of the lead, that was apparently carried out by Cid’s racer.
You blindly followed Cid and the others after TAY-0’s win, falling slightly behind. You fixated on your hands, attempting to tune out the obnoxious droid in front of you. Any other day his quips would pull a small laugh from you. But the sun felt like it was getting hotter, and the crowd seemed louder and fuller. You didn't understand how Omega was handling it so well, she didn't have the climate-controlled armor her brothers did. 
‘If Omega can handle it then why can't I?’
“Your ringer is a droid?” Tech queried Cid, getting what would barely count as a real answer from the droid instead. 
“Oh, I'm so sorry. You have a problem with droids, human? You think you can make the split-second calculation to win out there? You want to challenge TAY-0?” the droid asked, defensively getting up in Tech's face. And of course, Tech gave little to no physical reaction.
“I do not have enough information about this sport to determine that at this time.” 
“Then take a seat, spectacled spectator.”
Okay, you held in a snort with that one. That was really clever.
Wrecker on the other hand was quite upfront with his reaction, repeating TAY-0 and bumping Tech. 
You sat against a wall as repairs were made to the droid's speeder. You chose to ignore what was going on for the time being. You weren't needed at the moment, so you should take advantage of that. You closed your eyes and pressed into the wall, trying to grasp all the peace you were given.
Which wasn't much apparently.
A large man found his way into the pit, three smaller men behind him. You stood after he greeted Cid, his tone making you realize he was the reason she needed security. And when he approached Omega you quickly made your way behind her next to Wrecker; all of your hands making their way to your designated blasters. 
“Not gonna introduce me to your new crew?”
‘Why’s that matter to him?’
He gave a hearty laugh, “They're not gonna help you win.”
Cid stood up to Millegi, looking much shorter than she already did in front of him. 
“Oh, I know I'm gonna win.”
After a few seconds of intimidation from Millegi, he offered a bet. It was frustrating how quickly Cid agreed. Of course, she'd take any chance she could to make some credits.
You spaced out for a moment before Cid insisted on hurrying up with the minor repairs. She was going to be much pushier now that credits were on the line. 
You paced behind the others, feeling restless now being back at the track. You looked up only for a moment when Wrecker returned, then back to the ground. You could feel your patience for today running low. You were rather surprised to hear Tech say he didn't know who'd win. But you knew he'd figure it out eventually, he always does.
But when TAY-0 took damage, and Millegi’s racer won the round, you knew Millegi wouldn't be far.
So you rushed to help collect the pieces of TAY-0 from the track and held your guard for when he'd eventually show up. 
And he did, of course, with Cid not having any credits to give him.
“Wanna step in here? I didn't bring you three for the company.” 
And with your cue, you put on your helmet and hovered a hand over your blaster. Millegi's men were quick to point their own at you. Of course, Omega spoke up, “Wait how much does she owe?” 
“More than you got, kid.”
“Well,” she paused for a moment, “we're not done yet.”
“Omega…” you whispered, “Don't. Stand down.”
“That's right. Looks like you're done to me.” 
“One last race. If you win, we pay you double.” 
You groaned into your helmet and shared looks between Tech and Wrecker. This could either go really well or really bad.
“If we win, we get Cid.”
“You don't know what you're getting into, kid.”
You followed in suit with the boys, Tech speaking up first, “I'm inclined to agree with him, Omega.”
“Yeah, I'm inclined too. We don't know anything about racing” Wrecker added, not at all slick about the confession.
“Omega this can very easily end very badly.” You told her worriedly
“They're gonna hurt Cid if we do nothing.”
You breathed in deeply through your nose. Omega was not one to lose determination. And you all knew that. You crossed your arms and stood behind her. If this is what she really wants to do, then you'll just have to stand with her.
“So we have a deal?”
“We race tomorrow. And I keep Cid as collateral.”
As his men collected Cid, Millegi gave a warning, “For your sakes, you better be able to pay up.”
You looked down at Omega, “I suppose that went well?”
After Omega spent some time on the speeder, you offered to take her place to get a break. She nodded and jumped down from the table, you taking her place. 
“Do we really need to fix him right away? He isn't exactly pleasant company,” you joked slightly.
“Well, he is already partially operational. So it is a bit late now. Speaking of, with a few more adjustments, he may be capable of racing.”
TAY-0 was basically summoned by your conversation, “Uh, that is hilarious. I am more than capable. I am ready to– Where are my arms and legs!?” You laughed to yourself and looked up to finish the repairs that were left on the speeder. TAY-0 was entertaining, but he's also just… a lot.
Wrecker came into the pit and dropped off the rest of TAY-0's parts.
“No, that's not how you connect the servo. Let TAY-0 instruct you how to do this properly.”
You grinned at Tech’s response. What can you say? You enjoyed his sass.
Nightfall came, and Safa Toma was finally quieter and cooler. But you still felt uneasy. All day has been dealing with people and TAY-0, and now you have to sleep in the pit. You tossed in your sleeping bag, Wrecker and Omega already sleeping beside each other. You covered your eyes with your forearm, hoping the pressure would help you sleep. 
You lifted it though when you heard rustling beside you. 
“Hey Tech, finished working on TAY-0?”
“Yes, he is fully operational for tomorrow's race.”
You nodded and yawned before turning on your side. The ground was hard and the sleeping bag didn’t help as much as it should.
“Problem?” Tech asked, now behind you.
“Oh, no Tech I’m alright. Just been a long day and I didn’t realize how long we would be here for. But I’m alright.”
He shuffled, likely laying down himself. You knew he could sleep just about anywhere, and honestly, it’s a skill you were a bit jealous of.
“I understand. I am not a fan of sudden plans myself, let alone ones with little explanation. I may be used to dealing with them, but they are still difficult.”
You smiled to yourself. “I’m sure we won’t be here too long.”
“Hopefully not”
You wished Cid would have prepared you for where you would be in some way. It felt like you were being cooked underneath your gear and it was miserable. Even when you stayed behind in the pit, there was still all of the noise and the fact you were somewhere completely new with no way to get away.
Two days in a row of dry heat. Two days of screaming. Two days of an obnoxious amount of people and tense interactions. And it was getting to you. Normally it wouldn’t bother you, or at the very least if it did you’d be able to get away from everything. But not being able to escape made it feel like you were suffocating. And as Omega and Wrecker cheered along with the crowd, you slipped away to find quiet.
It proved to be a harder task than you thought it would be, that in itself made you feel worse. But after struggling to find a place to rest, you gave up and decided a place with no people would be enough. You couldn’t help tearing off your helmet and gear, slamming it to the ground as you took your frustrations out on it. You slumped against the first sturdy object you found. The shade was minimal, but it was there. At least you were alone.
After a few minutes, you faintly heard Tech’s name being chanted. And after 5 more standard minutes went by, your comlink beeped. You ignored it, only for it to beep again. And when it did, you tore it off and threw it as far as you could. You couldn’t stand the noise. Or any noise at this point of your mental state.
You covered your ears and held your eyes shut, blocking out as much as you could.
Tech was surprised when he exited his speeder and you weren’t with Wrecker or Omega. And when he asked about your whereabouts, they were surprised too, worrying him even more.
“They were behind me!” Worry and defensiveness laced Wrecker’s tone. They both knew that Safa Toma wasn’t a safe planet for someone to go off by themselves. And after Tech commed you twice with no response, he was definitely certain something wasn’t right.
“I will be back, I am going to track the com signal and check in.”
“I wanna come too!” Omega pleaded with Tech, but he shook his head.
“Negative. We do not know the situation. If assistance is required, then you will be notified.”
Omega didn’t like the idea of not going with, but listened anyway. Wrecker keeping her occupied until Cid and Millegi showed up.
Following your com signal, he eventually found you. He was relieved to see you were safe.
“Ah there you are.” You didn’t respond. At first Tech thought you just didn’t hear him, so he tried again.
You said nothing, instead shifting where you sat. He said it again. But again, there was nothing. He approached.
He saw all of your gear strewn about on the ground around you. Then took a moment to study your body language. Your hands were over your ears, and your eyes were tightly shut. You made yourself small where you sat.
He looked around to try and see what he could do to change your surroundings, but when he couldn’t find anything he chose to sit beside you. Your eyes were still squeezed shut, moisture at their corners as you snapped your fingers. Your body couldn’t decide between refusing stimuli or letting it out. He remembered the one-time use earplugs he kept on him for Hunter (or for himself), taking them out of a pocket and placing them next to you. 
“Here,” he said softly, only saying what was necessary.
You grabbed them and placed them in your ears, taking in a shaky breath. You brought your knees to your face and pressed them into your eyes. Your hands were free to move about however they needed to. 
He chose that simply offering his presence until you expressed you needed him would be best. He knew that sometimes interacting with others during a meltdown was hard. At least, it was for him. He grabbed his data pad from one of his many pockets to occupy himself while he gave you time. He would be there when you were ready, no matter how long that might be. It would be a few minutes before you said anything or acknowledged him in any way.
“Did you win?”
He looked up at you, your cheek resting on your knee as you looked in the opposite direction of Tech. Your sudden break of silence caught him off guard.
“Of course, was there any doubt?” He asked back. You shook your head no and smiled to yourself before frowning again.
“Can you hug me?” you asked him quietly. He hummed in confirmation before lifting the arm closest to you. Turning around and seeing his arm open for you, you leaned into his side. He squeezed you gently, giving you the pressure you needed in that moment. 
You sat together, Tech finding his own comfort from the stress of the past two days with you. He rubbed your arm with his thumb before finding a strand of your hair to twist in his fingers. Breaking the silence when he felt you were ready.
“Why did you not say you were overstimulated?”
You rubbed the flesh between your thumb and finger, “I… I don’t know. I was embarrassed. Everyone else seemed fine and I was- am frustrated that I’m not. It bothers me.”
He looked down at you quizzically, “Why would you be embarrassed? It is completely normal to have different needs. Even clones are different from each other, in one way or another. It is expected.” He told you.
“I know that but it doesn’t feel like the kind of ‘different’ that just makes someone unique I guess. I feel weak, but I know I need to be strong for everybody.”
Tech was quiet for a moment to figure out the right thing to say. He knows how you’re feeling. He’s felt the same way. He took in a deep breath before he spoke, “Being autistic does not make you weak. The way you receive and process information in your brain is different. It is okay to allow yourself time for it to do that. I promise, it is okay to have these needs. I have them too.”
“You do?”
“I do. While I do not have meltdowns often, I frequently have shutdowns. That does not make me a less efficient soldier. Genetically modifying me to be autistic was not an accident. There are desirable traits in autistic people. For example, I have exceptional attention to detail. I have a strong memory that allows me to retain important information. I am loyal. Of course there is more. But I do not wish to come across as egotistical.”
You sat there with Tech’s words. You never thought about the fact that, perhaps, nothing was wrong with you. Just different. You looked up, looking just past Tech’s eyes but flicking to them slightly before asking, “What is there that is good about me?”
He quirked his usual half-smile and looked up into the sky, “For starters, you are empathetic, more so than some. While I am sure this may be difficult for you at times, it allows you to be more compassionate. You are honest and direct, making your transition into our force easier as you are too honest to be distrusted. You are passionate and determined. No matter how many times you fall, you get up and try a new approach. You are not only passionate with things, but with people. You have spent much time learning what our crew members like and dislike, and act accordingly. You are deeply passionate in your relationships and I admire that about you. I could continue if you would like.”
You shook your head, cheeks slightly warm at the praise you asked for.
You found yourself leaning deeper into Tech and he welcomed you. You loved that you were able to find comfort in the exceptional clone beside you. It felt good not having to be alone, and being not only understood but accepted. His armor cooled you but his presence warmed you to your core.
“Thank you Tech I-...I think I’m ready to go now.” You told him shifting away slightly to prep yourself to get up. He nodded and stood, offering a hand to help you to your feet. You smiled up at him softly, feeling something in your soul sprouting in his light.
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spotsandsocks · 3 months
Tumblr story time
Now you may not be interested but I was thinking it might be interesting to share how we all got stuck in here and tell the story of how you ended up as the tumblr blog you are today .I’ll go first 💜
Joined tumblr, 2015 looked around, thought hmmm a lot of people have very intense feelings about Sherlock and left. I suspect this might be the superwholock phase I hear tell of.
Time passed, I tried again, now there are two guys on my dash. A lot. Firefighters?
One of them did something the other one is forgiving him. People are quite invested in this. Maybe I can watch it somewhere, no.. not available here… but more gifs of them turn up, hope I don’t get dragged into something … no I can resist this … then the well scene hit my dash and well that was that for me. Then 911 came to a TV near me…
So I lurk and I move from McDanno to buddie tags on ao3, I read, kudos but I don’t comment, too shy to do that. I lurk some more on tumblr then I start liking, then reblogging and then summer 2021 I write something and put it on ao3 (it’s then I start to commet on fics because I understand what it means to get a comment now.) I post my fics on my blog.
A few more followers turn up which is exciting then I get tagged in a writing game and I’m off. My stuff, your stuff… Reblog reblog reblog, followers go up… Get braver start sending asks (anon) get braver and go off anon… make some friends sharing some more, more followers, more sharing more fun.
So I’m still a very small part of the fandom not a big blog in any way I think but now I’m spotty to my pocket pals, and people I’ll never meet think of me when they see dragons- and that makes me so happy. I have strangers I care about across the world and can make smile by sending a silly picture or an ask or just saying hi. It’s fun and I like it very much. The world is brighter because I ended up here and said hello to some of you and you said hello back. Thank you my lovelies.
My blog is now 60% 911, 20% sci-fi stuff and 10% randomness and the last little bit is the strange and peculiar musing of the spotty one herself . I have somehow gathered more followers than I ever expected and written nearly a million words of fanfic in 3 years.
How remarkable! How wonderful.
So here I am and I’d love to hear about your blogging journey if you want to share tag me in or just come say hi. Never be worried about coming to say hello to me, I adore it.
I know some people are on hiatus so no pressure but tagging you just in case (sorry if I missed you 😔)
@shortsighted-owl @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @thekristen999 @steadfastsaturnsrings
@inell @shipperqueen6 @rogerzsteven @underwaterninja13 @bekkachaos
@hippolotamus @bi-buckrights @djdangerlove @fiona-fififi @giddyupbuck
@theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @buffaluff @honestlydarkprincess @daffi-990 @diazsdimples
@the-likesofus @eddiebabygirldiaz @thewolvesof1998 @hoodie-buck @ronordmann
@bidisasterevankinard @wikiangela @weewootruck @rainbow-nerdss
@tizniz @actualalligator @loveyouanyway @bewilderedbuckley @caroandcats
@elvensorceress @repressedqueen @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine
@stagefoureddiediaz @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @spaceprincessem @pirrusstuff
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