#i can but i will default to my sleepy guy
lemon-wedges · 2 months
So, you gonna play the new Hades game?
sorry just saw this notif on my desktop. i dont know why im not seeing asks on mobile??
anyways. YEAH! and im not gonna lie, im probably gonna spend most my time obessed with hypnos again unless this game hands me another muppet of a guy
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Sorry for sending requests back to back lol, I keep having my brain work and it's crazy:
UR RECENT SIRIUS FIC GAVE ME AND IDEA! imagine poly!marauders where both reader and sirius speak french? And maybe reader uses it more when she sleepy (that's usually when I speak french), so she's just sleepily gushing to sirius abt him and james and remus and HOW MUCH SHE FUCKING LOVES THEM AND HOW PERFECT THEY ARE AND SHIT??? Omfggg
Sincerely, :]
Omg yes, thanks for requesting my love!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 719 words
“You’re all too nice to me,” you mumble as Sirius pulls your hair back into a loose bun, James washing your face with a moist cloth. “I love you guys. Not just for this, though. I love you in general.” 
Sirius’ lips curve as he watches bemusement find its way into James’ expression. He wonders if your decision to make your lovey-dovey declarations in French was even a conscious one, or if you’ve just defaulted to it as you sometimes do when you’re this sleepy. He decides to answer you in it regardless. “I love you in general, too, my sweetheart. And we’re not even as nice as you deserve.” 
“I don’t like it when they do this,” James says to Remus, even as he dries your face with a loving hand. “It’s exclusionary.”
“They don’t get it,” you lament to Sirius, catching his smirk in the mirror. “It’s so much nicer when you’re lazy. The words just flow.” 
“I don’t know,” Remus answers James, spitting toothpaste into the sink. “It’s kind of hot.” 
Sirius’ heartbeat picks up frighteningly quickly, but his grin is wicked as he leans his head on your shoulder. “Did you hear that, my love?” he asks, not bothering to whisper since no one but you can understand. “Remus Lupin thinks we’re hot.” 
“Even when they say your name?” James asks, gesturing to Sirius as if to emphasize his point. 
Remus gives Sirius a lingering look. It takes everything in him not to collapse onto the floor. Sirius looks down, breaking Remus’ stare, just to make sure he is indeed still wearing pants. “Especially then.” 
“But they could be saying anything!”
“He’s so pretty,” you say breathily, gazing at Remus. His brows raise at your devoted attention, a twinkle of amusement lighting his amber eyes. Your gaze slides to James, looking at you with suspicion. “They both are.” You turn your eyes last to Sirius, and it’s a different look than the one he’d just received from Remus, but it melts him just the same. “You all are. And all so good, and funny, and smart. I can’t believe my luck.” 
Sirius chuckles, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck. “Me neither. Do you think they know?” 
You hum, leaning back and letting him support some of your weight. He takes it happily. It’s going to be one of those nights where you’re asleep before the rest of them have even made it to bed, he can tell. “Not well enough.” 
“Cease looking at me like that this instant,” James demands. “Moony, why do they look like they want to eat us?” 
“Doesn’t sound like such an awful idea,” you say through a yawn, pulling out of Sirius’ arms to move towards the bed.
He follows you. “True,” he says, casting a charged look back at his boyfriends. “I could probably gnaw on a bicep, now that you mention it.” 
“It’s kind of nice that not everyone can understand,” you observe drowsily as you slip under the covers. “Makes it easier to say what we mean.” 
Sirius laughs. “Of course these are your darkest, most secret thoughts, you softie.” He sits down on the bed, brushing a strand of hair from your lovely face. “If you couldn’t understand me, I’d be saying much filthier stuff.” He cocks his head. “Actually, you don’t know what braquemard means, do you?”
Your eyebrows cinch, and there’s a gasp from the bathroom a moment before James comes barreling into the room.
“I heard something!” He exclaims. Sirius smirks up at him from his place on the bed. “That brack-whatever—it’s dirty, I think. I’ve heard him use it before.” You snicker into your pillow, and James looks at you in horror. “Angel, what’s he roped you into? Is he corrupting you while we can’t protect you?”
“Interesting,” Remus hums, moving slowly towards the bed. He approaches Sirius, nudging the other boy’s legs apart and fitting himself between them. Sirius’ heart pounds against his rib cage as Remus tilts his head up, fingers curled lightly around his jaw. “Gonna tell us what you’ve got to say, pretty boy?”
Sirius takes a shuddering inhale, static filling his head as Remus strokes idly at his face. 
You make an amused harrumphing sound, and speak in English so everyone can hear. “Softie.” 
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fischltao · 2 years
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plot: random bf tsukki headcanons. reader insert.
a/n: your honor i love him. also i wrote this on a whim while listening to body paint by arctic monkeys
proofread?did i proofread this??idk :D
"and if you're thinking of me, then i'm probably thinking of you"
tsukishima wakes up super early to have enough time to be a hater
he really doesn't, he probably sleeps super late, spending the time on his phone and wakes up moderately early, like 10-11 AM
doesn't want akiteru to find out about him being in a relationship, he'll probably annoy him the fuck out and make him uncomfortable
so you don't really hang out at his house and the one time akiteru saw the pair of you walking down the street, he jumped in to ask you if you were his s/o and you kinda lagged out, not really knowing what to answer since you knew kei didn't want him to know for the time being but also feeling guilty for lying
kei saved it though
lmao no he didn't, akiteru was sure that you were his partner after that encounter
you, kei and tadashi are such a power trio,its kinda like those shonen trios (nobara/megumi/yuuji, aki/power/denji)
ukai teases you a lot as his assistant and eventually takeda sensei starts doing so too in his own ways
but whenever hinata or kageyama do so, tsuki goes well, tsuki mode
tanaka and nishinoya probs ogle after you but when guys from other teams do so they protect you out of respect for you and their teammate's honor
tsukishima often sends you songs that remind him of you, he never outright tells you so but you figure it out after the first few times he sends them to you.
looks over at you after scoring a point or doing a great block to see your reaction, his chest swells with pride
dumbass (affectionate)
tries to annoy you a lot but you know it's out of love
you're kind of like the default settings for him. sad? go to y/n. happy? y/n. wants to go out? y/n. is hungry? y/n might be hungry too so he's gonna pick up something extra for you too.
would die if he made you feel uncomfortable, like you don't understand how sick with himself he would feel if he ever made you feel like that.
super proud of you when you say something he would to the team. everyone's like "YOU CORRUPTED THEM >:(" and he's in the back smiling smugly and patting your head.
cuddly when sleepy. my brother in christ will on god lay on top of you, literally almost crush u, push his face in your neck and whine but as soon as you coo at him and say something along the lines of "aw is my baby sleepy?" he'll DENY e v e r y t h i n g. he's worse than youtubers getting caught red handed committing a crime. like tf you mean, there's literally evidence📸
he thinks about you so much throughout the day, you're his safe space <//3
he is kind of insecure though. when he notices other teams approaching you, it's then that others' comments about him begin to soak in.
of course he wouldnt admit it but you can see it in the way his face falls
tell him you love him and wont leave him 🔪
sometimes cries about this at night
he knows other people could be more open about their feelings to you and you deserved to be told how perfect you are as much possible
but he tries so much :(
he never saw it as "just a relationship" what you have is one of the few things he actually takes seriously
tsukishima is great bf and i said what i said
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So post Beyond the Spider-Verse. Miles and Gwen have things patched up, you know those two are EXHAUSTED and Peter B. is gonna turn around from whatever celebration they're having (they BETTER end this movie with a cookout if Miles' parents learn he's Spider-Man) and you've got Gwen curled into Miles passed out while Miles is snoring. Gwen's got her hood pulled up to keep the lights out of her eyes and Miles' jacket is spread across them.
I like this idea, mind if I write a bit about it with some variants?
Headcanon: Gwen when she is sleepy defaults to following people who she is close to; Miles may be closer to the top of the list that he may realize.
AO3 link
In a liminal space, we still find ourselves reaching for each other
As much as Miles wanted to kiss his parents goodnight and hit the bed, Peter's proposition to stop by his house to recharge seemed like the best idea.
He still needed to tell his parents that he was Spiderman, and maybe would be better to do it when he is less beaten down and with some sleep. Miles isn't sure when was the last time he slept; dimension hoping made time very confusing.
As they stepped into the house in Queen's (Miles assumed it was the living room but he couldn't be too sure,) Mary Jane stepped in from another room. It was kind of weird knowing who she is without even being presented first.
"Hi, I'm-" He started, a bit slower than he would like to. Too many hits in the head for one day.
"Miles" She completed seamlessly, smiling brightly at him as she put her hands on his shoulders "I had heard so much about you," And out of nowhere, she hugged him "Thank you for bringing him back to me," she told her in a really low voice, one he wasn't sure if it was meant just for him or not.
As tired and beaten down as he felt, he couldn't help but smile fondly as he awkwardly hugged her back. It was a good reminder too, that some of the greatest things he did weren't for being Spider-man, just by being Miles.
"C'mon honey, let the kid breathe," Peter says as he walks up to them.
"And you-" Mary Janes puts a finger on his chest, she doesn't look especially pleased but not too angry "I imagined it was serious when you went back to leave Mayday with me, but what happened? All of you look like you were thrown into a blender."
"Is a loooong story," Peter said, putting his hands up as he is trying to placate her anger, "Speaking of which, I promised them they could crash here until they recharge, hope that's okay-"
"Hmph," Mary Jane crosses her arms, looking at her husband unimpressed "I prefer a little bit more of a warning when you invite people, but I guess this was an emergency. Help me out to get some stuff for our guest."
"On it ma'am," He said with a mocking salute, to which she rolled her eyes before going to what seemed to be the kitchen. Despite how tired Peter B should be, he smiled brightly at them and said "Relax guys, my house is your house."
"Don't need to tell me twice mate," Hobie said as he looked around for a place where to drop dead, which seemed to be everyone's idea. They were all beaten down.
Miles, despite being ready to sleep for an eternity, followed Peter B and Mary Jane because even half dead his upbringing was stronger than any tiredness could be, and he could hear his mom in the back of his head saying "Be polite, bring a gift, and ask if you can help with anything they may need when you are visiting someone!"
Sadly he couldn't bring anything after trying to defy fate and time itself, but at least he could still be nice.
Aparently the couple didn't realize he was following them, because when Mary Jane turned around with cups in her hands she said "Oh Miles! Do you need anything?"
The place was homey, almost in an old-timey way. Pictures everywhere, a floral wallpaper that reminded him of white old ladies, but the warmth he feel around wasn't exactly for the warm lighting.
The kitchen seemed to have the same vibe, kind of similar to the one the Aunt May of his universe had.
"Um, I was going to ask if you guys needed any help?"
"Oh you are sweetheart," She said cheerily, before softly shaking her head "But you don't need to do anything, you are our guest and you had done more for us than you can ever imagine; please go to rest."
"You hear the lady, sit this one out, we will handle it," Peter said as he patted his back, before looking behind Miles and saying "Hey Gwen, you want anything?"
Miles turned around once he saw Peter looking behind him. Gwen stood at the entrance to the kitchen, she has been so quiet Miles also didn’t hear her come.
At the sound of her name, Gwen straightened her back and blinked a bit, as if she has been falling asleep on her feet, yet somehow she has decided to follow them here for some reason.
As she looked on to the front, she seemed to have the faintest blush, before she groaned and scrubbed her eyes “No, I- sorry, I guess I need some sleep.”
“Oh you can say that for all of us,” Peter laughed gleefully, before leaning his head to the side for Miles “You guys go to the living room, we will see if we can whip something quick to eat and see what we can do about emergency sleep arrangements.”
As they went to the other room, Miles realized that everybody has somehow found an answer to that last issue.
The living room had two loveseats and one armchair, and everyone more or less had found a place. On the loveseat that closest to the entrance, Noir was sleeping with Peni and Ham in his arms, Peni’s robot was turned off in a corner, and on the arm closest to Peni’s and Noir’s head was a hologram that read “Say ‘Spider-byte’ to bring user’s attention. P.S: Don’t wake me up unless the dimensions are collapsing.”
Pavitr has decided to go on the armchair, and you would believe he has been sleeping there for a long time because his head was hanging on the side, one of his legs was on the arm of the couch and the other lying against where your back is supposed to go. If it wasn’t because he was breathing fine, Miles would have thought he lost conscience and someone drop his body from the ceiling.
Speaking of the ceiling, even with one more loveseat available, Hobie had opted to make a hammock out of webbing as close to the ceiling as possible, on a corner of the room. From his position, Miles thought Hobie was using his mask on; maybe he needed more darkness to sleep than he needed to breathe properly.
At least it meant his decision was easy.
Dragging his feet on the ground, he let himself fall onto the side of the loveseat, he would have rejoiced in glee at how soft the couch felt against his beaten body if he himself wasn’t so tired.
Yet he didn’t have time to even sigh before he felt someone else not only fall right beside him but had her head leaning towards him. Miles felt himself go still as he felt the warmth of Gwen right beside him.
Despite the loveseat being big enough to have space for both of them.
How rigid his body was must have alerted Gwen because her eyes fluttered open, and seemed to look a bit confused towards him before she almost jumped on her spot and moved away enough that their bodies weren’t touched anymore.
“Shoot,” She muttered to herself before she hit her forehead “Sorry, when I am sleepy I just- sorry.”
Perhaps is because he was tired and his mind was making stuff up, but somehow things were starting to click in his head. The sleepiness in Gwen seemed to make her follow someone, and for reasons beyond his understanding, Miles has been the person she has decided to attach herself to, even if subconsciously.
“That’s different” Gwen had said to him before in the Williamsburg Tower, saying it as if somehow what they had was different from what she had with anybody else. That conversation felt like a lifetime ago, and yet his heartbeat raced all the same.
There were still a lot of things to talk about, of the lies and the secrets that she has keep, and how he has been feeling about all of this. Even now he wasn’t sure what to say.
“Is fine, we are all tired,” He said casually, before raising the arm that was closest to her side, “Come here, we can catch some zzz together.”
And regardless of all of it, he felt himself wanting to reach out to her too, missing her warmth even if he only got to have it for a second.
In a way, that’s what had ended up happening to him, wasn’t it? She came for what should have been just a blink in his lifetime, and he still was unable to let her go.
Her eyes opened slightly, as if she was surprised he had actually said that; probably thinking all the same things that were still between them and neither of them had the brain to talk about. He saw the hesitation in her eyes, as if she herself wasn’t sure if it was okay to accept.
Maybe it was a bit of wishful thinking on his part to think that way, as he said “Is okay, you can lean on me Gwen.”
Miles has really meant that in a literal way, even if deep down, he knew he meant it all the way. As upset as he was, he couldn’t bring himself to be mad at her, not when they were like this.
That seemed to be all the encouragement that she needed, because she quickly went back to his side, in fact so quick he was a bit shocked.
“Thanks,” she whispered to him, bringing her knees up to her chest as she rested her head on his shoulder, one of her arms hugged Miles’ waist as her other hand was left between her knees.
As it was the most natural thing in the world, his arms went around her, holding onto her as he rested his head on top of hers, “No problem.”
Despite the pain, the couch and still being in his suit, it was the best sleep he had in months.
This was supposed to be a drabble, oops?
I Will upload this to ao3, may as well. I like it more than I expected for something that I made on a whim.
Sorry for not having any analysis yet, I am kind of sick and I feel my brain is fried 80% of the time, HaShem knows how I managed work like this.
Hope you guys like it!
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gfcheol · 2 years
lover | h. joshua
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pairing: joshua x reader
genre: smut, fluff
word count: 1.4k
tags: sweet boyfriend!joshua, phone sex, reader is very needy, dirty talk, fluffiness
summary: you miss your very busy boyfriend during the wee hours of the night and decide to give him a call, to tell him just what exactly it is you miss...
exhaustion really was a horrible feeling to experience at 2am. all the tedious tasks of the day lay heavy in your bones, making your limbs feel numb and your eyes sore. you groaned into the darkness of your room. how on earth did people do this on a daily basis without needing a four week holiday after? a true mystery for the ages.
and still - what was worse than exhaustion? boredom. or well. feeling bored and needy for the attention of your lover who happened to be on tour on this dreadfully dull night.
you wondered if he was also tosding and turning in bed, thinking about you. you could almost picture him - laying on his stomach, in some far away luxurious hotel room, hair still damp and cheeks flushed from the shower he just took. heavens, what a sight to behold. you bit your lip at the thought of him, a sleepy grin playing on his gorgeous lips.
hesitantly, you reached for your phone, eyes squinting at the brightness of the screen.
[02:04] - 💕💕💕
sure, it was a vague message, but you still hoped it would elicit at least some kind of response. how embarrassing would it be to go all out on a sext, only for joshua to already be asleep. probably not that embarrassing - but still! you had your pride!
scrolling through your instagram feed to pass the time, you smiled at the image of your boyfriend. it was a simple picture one of his old high school friends had probably forced him to take, but you couldn’t care less about that in that moment. his face always had this soothing effect on you, calming your nerves. it felt as though his eyes were always trying to cheer you up, always trying to comfort. always such a gentleman.
[lover 02:12] - isn’t it 2am at home? baby you have work tomorrow
[lover 02:13] - is something wrong? are you ok?
you rolled your eyes at his caring nature, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip.
[02:13] - can’t a woman miss her boyfriend on a nice wednesday night?
[02:14] i’m a-ok babe how are you though?
[02:14] concert with the guys as fun as always?
[lover 02:15] 💕💕💕 i miss you too baby
[lover 02:15] i’m fine i just wish you could have come with me
[02:16] gosh i tried explaining it to my boss but she just couldn’t understand that i’m my boyfriend’s emotional support asshole and he needs me right by his side on tour 😩😩😩
[lover 02:17] 😂 stop
[lover 02:18] but really… any reason why you’re not sleeping yet?
[02:18] can u call me?
it took joshua mere seconds to call you, your phone softly buzzing in your grasp. the anticipation of hearing his voice was enough to make your heart skip a beat.
“hey, baby”, his voice was soft, almost a whisper if it weren’t for the faint raspiness, probably due to a lack of sleep. a wave of adoration flooded your heart at the sound of it.
“hey, handsome.”
“so what’s up? bad day at work?”
gosh, why did he make it so hard to be in a sexy mood when his default setting only consisted of sunshine and butterflies. the struggles you had to overcome were truly one of a kind.
you swallowed. “i couldn’t stop thinking of you. all alone, in your big empty hotel room.” you hoped to god, he’d pick up on what you were trying to do, without you having to spell it out.
there was shuffling on the other side of the line, followed by joshua clearing his throat. “oh? ’s that so? does my baby miss me?”
biting your lip, you nodded, momentarily forgetting the awkwardness of being needy all om your own. “yeah... i feel so lonely without you here. i wish you were with me. laying next to me.”
“what would you want me to do, baby? i want you describe it to me.”
you licked your lips, trying to lose yourself in the sound of his voice against your ear, your eyes shut. “uh- i- fuck. give me a second.”
it’s always been hard for you to shut your mind off. your mind and anxieties running in a never ending marathon that has no goal in sight. so needless to say, phone sex usually wasn’t your favourite way of relieving stress - but difficult times called for creative solutions.
joshua chuckled softly and you too, tried to suppress a grin. damn it, you were trying to be sexy. “take your time, it’s okay.”
an airy laugh. “no, wait- i almost got it”, kicking the heavy blanket off of your body, you sighed trying to push every unnecessary thought into the back of your mind for the time being. you shut your eyes once again. alright, ready for take two. “i love the picture you posted on your instagram. or maybe i just like looking at you.”
“yeah?” you heard him shifting around, probably trying to sink further into his covers.
“yeah”, you sighed into your phone. “you look so handsome, baby. so sexy. sometimes when you fuck me, i’m completely in awe because of the way you look. so disheveled and into it. fuck.”
“ah- fuck.” hearing joshua cuss always felt exciting. it seemed somewhat forbidden to hear such a proper gentleman like him, talk about all sorts of dirty and naughty things, just to get you off. “god, angel. i wish you were here right now. touching you, feeling your skin, kissing you…”
you rubbed your thighs together, soft whine escaping your lips. “wh- where would you kiss me?”
“everywhere, baby. your pretty lips, your neck, your - fuck - your perfect tits”, his breath hitched. “i love your tits so much, fuck. i’d love to bite them. seeing you squirm around, while biting down in them is always my favourite part. you’re adorable.”
you heard him starting to pant, a slight strain to his voice, causing a moan to slip from your lips. “are you hard, love?”
“fu- yeah, i am. god i’m so hard. what about you? are you wet for me?”
“yeah”, as if to prove it to him, your fingers dipped inside your panties, goosebumps covering your skin when you ran along your slit. “i’ve already soaked my panties.”
he groaned in response, only adding fuel to the fire you felt in your pussy. “fuck, baby. you’re doing so well, i love you so much.”
“s- shua.”
“say my name again, baby. please- fuck.” your eyes squeezed shut, you rubbed small circles on your clit, chest tight. it almost felt like you were there with him, hearing him growl into your ear like that.
“joshua. shua- baby. talk to me more, i need to hear your voice, i can’t do it withou you, baby.”
the groaning and shuffling noises grew louder, quicker, more desperate. your mind was reeling with the images of joshua's flushed face, stroking his cock in a frenzy, while listening to your voice.
“are you touching yourself?”, his voice sounded strained.
“y- yes.”
“good”, a huff. “i can’t wait to touch you myself again. always so beautiful, so fucking hot, babygirl.”
applying more pressure to your clit, you let out a moan at the petname - always having had a thing for the sound of it. “say my name again when you cum. can you do that? can you do that for me, babygirl?”
you nodded without thinking, words evading your mind as your head started spinning from the pleasure boiling inside you. your movements grew frantic as you listened to joshua spit into his palm for lubrication, your hips bucking into your touch involuntarily at the lewdness of it. “shua- hmmm. i’m so close.”
“i’d love to feel you cum around me, baby. i love it when i can feel you cumming on my cock- shit. you’re doing so good.”
“fuck!”, and with that you finally spasmed around nothing, your whole cunt throbbing as you let out a long, drawn out whine. joshua wasn’t far behind you, now fully set on chasing his high as you heard his groans turn into pants. you lazily smiled to himself. “you sound so sexy, baby. can you cum for me?”
“f- fuck, oh god”, a faint whimper.
“cum for me, love”, as soon as your words left your lips, his movements stilled, sighing your name in his final moments of ecstasy. your smile only grew wider, warmth spreading across your chest.
“and i just took a shower.”
you laughed, throwing your head back. “totally worth it though, right?”
the smile in his words was more than just evident as he replied. “you’re always worth it, babygirl.”
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lcs-library · 1 year
hi hi, can I request something for itaru? I don’t have anything specific in mind but just considering my love/hate for him how ‘bout just silly moments with him and some playful teasing where it’s like “I hate you so much” “aww, no you don’t ;)” and stuff like that haha. Just need to get that out of my system, he’s too strong rn 🙃
SCREAMING AND CRYING ONE OF MY FAVE A3! ARTISTS ASKING FOR WRITING??? FROM ME???? I AM NOT WORTHY😭😭😭😭😭 anyway. Ahem. Yes!! I love writing Itaru he’s such a gremlin. I had too many ideas banging around in my head, so I decided to write a bunch of lil drabbles n stuff instead of a headcanon list or a oneshot, so I hope that’s okay!! Thanks so much for requesting!
Request rules
1. Though he’d never admit it to anyone else, Itaru’s a huge sucker for affection, and loves taking time to laze around with you, even if you’re just holding hands.
On one particular afternoon, things got a little…silly.
He’s just a silly little guy, though, can you even blame him?
Anyway, the two of you were watching a show together on his couch, which slowly evolved into being fully wrapped around each other, then turned into play fighting? Which wasn’t uncommon for him, surprisingly.
It’s hard to tell if it could be classified as “fighting”, though, since it was more of the two of you holding hands and pushing each other away.
Point is, it was just a goofy way of showing affection.
Somehow, Itaru managed to get his flimsy body on top of you, and he lifted your shirt up, blowing the biggest, loudest raspberry on your stomach.
You couldn’t help but laugh despite being so done with how lame and cheesy he is.
Overall, stupid lil guy has stupid way of showing affection.
2. One night, while waiting for him to come home, you found yourself falling asleep in the middle of grinding one of his online games like he asked. Yes, he needed his dailies done, but he also needed to realize that you were infected with tired sleepy.
After about an hour or so of your nap, Itaru finally came home with a sigh, tossing his things to the side before laying his eyes on you. An affectionate smirk played at his lips as he came over to where you were sleeping.
“Guess I shouldn’t have asked you to help me out, my bad. GJ~,” he said softly, lightly patting your head.
Just then, a terrible idea popped into his head. The only question was: could he pull it off?
There was only one way to find out.
So he maneuvered his arms underneath your body, barely managing to hold you up.
And the second he barely lifted you off the couch, his arms gave out on him, dropping you right back onto it, waking you up.
“‘taru, whaddahell…” you mumbled lazily.
“Ah, morning, love,” he replied sweetly, acting as if nothing happened.
“What did you do?”
His face didn’t even falter at that being your default reply.
“I tried to carry you to bed.”
“With your noodle arms?”
“You’re so lame.” You replied fondly.
3. The two of you game a lot(surprise, surprise), with 2D fighting games usually being the favorite. Or really anything you could label as something that would ruin friendships. Like he’d get rid of you over a game.
On this particular evening, you were playing one of said 2D fighting games, but you just couldn’t win a single match.
This was a common occurrence, but this time, there was a specific technique that he was using with his character that you couldn’t seem to dodge, no matter how hard you tried.
“How the hell do you do that?”
“Want me to teach you?”
Without waiting for a reply, he shoved his controller in your hands, placing his over yours to guide your moves.
“So you wanna move the joystick three-quarters to the left, then X-X-B. Nope, too slow, try again. Okay, left, X-X-B. Mm-m. Don’t tell me you’re not paying attention and just like holding hands?”
He caught you red-handed.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t,” he replied smugly with a wink.
You did learn the technique, though. Eventually.
4. After each one of his regional tours with the Spring Troupe, Itaru wants nothing more than to hold up in his room and play games for twelve hours straight.
As if he could have that now that you were here.
The second he opens the door, he’s greeted by you practically tackling him in a hug, causing him to crash and fall to the floor.
“Hey, calm down! I was gone for three days!”
“Haha, you’re so pathetic. Can’t even stand a welcome back hug?”
Oh, two could play at that game.
He pulled your body down to join him on the ground, practically showering you in kisses, to both your embarrassment and delight.
“Alright, fine, I missed you too.” He says with a goofy grin on his face, his tone of voice trying to make it seem as if he wasn’t desperate to give you attention not even two seconds ago.
He’s the worst<3
5. On his days off, Itaru usually wears big, comfy sweatshirts to lounge around in(that you may or may not have stolen one or two of).
An annoying thing he does with them is sneak up behind you and shove you in there with him.
He’ll sneak up behind you, and the next thing you see is a blur of fabric before being held close to someone’s chest.
“Hi??? Can you just come up and talk to me like a normal person?”
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.”
Fortunately, you weren’t going to any time soon.
Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.” Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
“Hi??? Can you just come up and talk to me like a normal person?”
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.” Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
“Hi??? Can you just come up and talk to me like a normal person?”
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.” Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Troupe Event Translation - Sunny Blanc (1/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
*door opens*
Guy: We’re home.
Hisoka: I’m beat…
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Izumi: Welcome back! That’s a pretty bouquet you have there!
Azuma: Indeed it is. Why do you have those flowers?
Guy: A regular said they started a mobile flower shop recently, so they shared them with me. We discussed a lot before they opened for business, so it appears it was thanks for that.
Tsumugi: You aren’t going to display them in your store?
Guy: That thought did cross my mind. But I thought you would like them, Tsukioka.
Tsumugi: Sorry for going out of your way for me. I would drop by your store anytime to have a look as long as you let me know. Thank you though. I happened to buy a new flower vase recently, so I’ll arrange the flowers in that.
Izumi: I’m sure the lounge will brighten up if you display them here.
Homare: Mhm. Life with flowers adds a dash of colour. It is a wonderful thing. ….HA! A poem has come to me!
Tsumugi: I suppose this area still doesn’t need any fertilizer… I’m glad both the tulips and the hyacinths look like they’re doing well.
Hisoka: *Nom*… *munch, munch*. How are the daffodils from before?
Tsumugi: The daffodils are growing well too. …Fufu. We’ve been doing things like this more often since our 8th performance.
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Hisoka: Yeah. We were doing the opposite during that time.
Tsumugi: We were aiming to get to know each other for our roles as partners, after all.
Hisoka: *Yaaawn*… I’m sleepy…
Tsumugi: Your clothes will get soiled by the dirt if you sleep here. It would be better to sleep on the bench.
Hisoka: Mm… Zzz, zzz…
*dream starts*
August: These will dry by the afternoon in this weather. It’s nice and warm.
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Hisoka: ?
August: Look, you can smell the nice scent of the sun from the sheets.
Hisoka: The scent of the sun… (It’s a nice and warm smell…)
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August: It kind of makes you want to take a nap, doesn’t it? I guess I’ll catch some shut-eye too. Goodnight.
Hisoka: Goodnight…
*dream ends*
Hisoka: …Ngh.
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Izumi: Hisoka-san? Great timing. I was just about to wake you—.
Hisoka: …I smell the sun.
Izumi: The sun? Ahh, you mean this laundry here?
Hisoka: (I had a nostalgic dream about August… Maybe it’s because I smelled this while I was asleep…)
Izumi: You have a happy look on your face.
Hisoka: …August appeared in my dream.
Izumi: Oh, I see. It must’ve been a pleasant dream.
Hisoka: (Back then, I thought I would remember such a happy moment for the rest of my life. But I totally forgot about it before I knew it…)
Izumi: You know, maybe August-san was nearby and came to check up on you…
Hisoka: …August?
Izumi: Maybe he was wondering if you’re doing your best as an actor, or… um, that was a bit insensitive of me to say, huh? I’m sorry.
Hisoka: It’s okay. That sounds like something August would think, so I’m sure that’s true. They way you and August think are similar…
Izumi: If possible, I would have loved to meet August-san too.
Hisoka: You guys could meet if you could enter my dreams…
Izumi: Ahaha, I guess so.
Hisoka: …Oh yeah, where’s Tsumugi?
Izumi: Ah, Tsumugi-san was the one who draped that blanket over you. He went back to his family’s home in a rush earlier. He said he would explain the situation later. But I’m a little worried since it’s rare to see Tsumugi-san in that sort of state.
Hisoka: I wonder if something happened…
Izumi: We’ll just have to wait for Tsumugi-san to contact us for the time being.
*door opens*
Tsumugi: I’m home.
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Izumi: Ah, welcome back! How did it go back home?
Tsumugi: So you see, I rushed home since got a call from my mom saying my grandmother’s health wasn’t doing well… But it was just a cold according to the results from the clinic. I went home without listening properly, so my mom was surprised and told me I was in too much of a hurry. My grandmother also said it wasn’t a big deal. But considering her age, we can’t let our guard down even though it’s a common cold… My mom has her job as a nurse, and my dad is working in another city, so I’m thinking I’ll go home for a few days to take care of her starting tomorrow. I’m so sorry. I know we’re supposed to discuss Winter troupe’s play around this time.
Izumi: Don’t even worry about that! Please stay by your grandmother’s side until she’s feeling better.
Tsumugi: Thank you. I will talk with the rest of Winter troupe too. —.
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Izumi: A-are you alright?
Tsumugi: Ahaha… I just stumbled for a second.
Izumi: (Uh, and now he’s hit his head against the door… it looks like this has really shaken Tsumugi-san.) (I wonder if he’ll be alright taking care of his grandmother by himself…)
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amiharana · 1 year
more revalink hcs from this post part 4
previous revalink hcs here: x x x
full disclosure i rearranged and took out some of the questions around because a handful of them were related to cooking/eating and it's like. what else can i say other than link is disaster gay who can cook and revali is disaster gay who can drive
who’s the first to wake up in the morning
if you've read the sleepy link x coddler revali fic, you know what's up but here's a quick recap:
at first it was link because of his insomnia, hypervigilance, or his nightmares, and it would end up waking revali up too, because revali is a light sleeper
but gradually, link relearns how to sleep in again, comforted by the warmth and steadiness of revali's embrace, and now revali is the one who wakes up first by default and he stays in bed with link cuddled up on his chest, admiring how soft and peaceful his beloved songbird is <3
who’s the one to make breakfast:
revali is the type of person who doesn't eat breakfast because he can't stomach food that early in the morning (i'm projecting again) and him and link wake up pretty early as per the previous concept
but link always makes him eat a little bit because he's a firm believer that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
(in the future, link is the type to cook a big meal for every mealtime to sit down and eat with revali and their babies, because food is his love language 🥹)
who orders lunch
if link isn't around to make his food, it's revali
bitch would be living on that hellofresh shit if it weren't for link making their food all the time
could you imagine youtuber!revali doing a hellofresh sponsor
"yes, well, i suppose i should offer the proper gratitude for the sponsor of today's video, hellofresh. without my boyfriend or you, i might have starved to death and left the world one less god for its mortals to walk with."
who steals food from the other’s plate without asking
link LMFAO he's just a hungry little guy
"link, you have your own plate with twice the amount of servings on it."
"i cooked the food, i can eat whatever i want even if it's on your plate!"
revali is so soft for him though, he'll let link eat as much as he wants
revalink but they're the yoonkook moment where yoongi says watching jungkook eat makes him feel full
who cleans up the kitchen afterwards
revali cleans because he feels bad that he is a disaster in the kitchen and cannot help whatsoever during the actual creation of the meals; he is not allowed near the cooking pot 👍
will straight up snatch the plates from link's hands and insists on cleaning and link will smile at him fondly as revali aggressively scrubs the dishes
who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy
link for sure because he eats so fast and so much
revali will roll his eyes but continue eating as link snuggles into his lap for a quick food-induced power nap because revali will still make him get up to go take a shower and get ready for bed properly
who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work
he's already straddling revali's lap before revali can even register what link just said and then— oop. revali is going to be 30 minutes late to work now
who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day
neither of them would actually because they both have really strong self-discipline
they only suggest ditching when they notice the other being really tired or burnt out, and then suddenly link is at the receptionist's desk at revali's workplace demanding they let revali go home early like he's a parent pulling their kid out of class for an appointment
who chooses the movies
revali hands down
he's the type of guy who took theatre, film history, movie analysis, and all those kinds of classes as general eds in college
he has a letterboxd account where he frequently updates his list of watched movies and heavily critical reviews. he's amassed a small cult following there because of how out of pocket-ly mean his reviews are 😭 to the point where people start using his reviews as memes KDJFHKDJHF
link is one of the people who use it as a meme and is the one that tells revali that he's a internet microcelebrity now. revali facepalms (but secretly his ego has been stroked)
who initiates kissing during the movie, thus distracting the other from the movie all together
both of them HAHA
it's mostly link, but if link chose the movie and revali's not into it, he'll start slowly making moves on link KJDHFKJD
"come on link, is the movie really more interesting than me~?"
"shh revali, singing killed his grandma 🥺🥺🥺🥺" KJDHFKDHFKDJHFKDJ
who distracts the other from trying to work at home
mostly link because he gets pretty needy
revali does it more often than you would expect though, they're almost equally very needy and clingy to each other
link just keeps barging into revali's office to the point where revali has to lock the door
then link is just sliding down to the floor against the door screaming the lyrics to Gotta go my own way from High school musical until revali unlocks the door again and begrudgingly lets link sit on his lap while he works
if it's revali, he will straight up just pick link up from his work even if link complains, carries link to their room to flop link on the bed, lie down on top of him, and then cuddle ❤️
who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old
it's absolutely link
if revali says no, link books it after the ice cream truck with revali yelling and running after him
revali pays for link's fucked up spongebob popsicle though 🥺 and link makes him get a fucked up patrick popsicle to match
revali also the type to be like "we have ice cream at home" only for link to respond with "nuh uh i ate it all"
revali: what? we had like 2 huge buckets of ice cream in the freezer. what do you mean you ate it all
link: 🥺
who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream
revali. link made him take like 30 pics and post at least one on his instagram story
(revali keeps the other 29 pictures of link though in his folder of cute link pics to look at later)
who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face
you're not gonna believe this but it's revali
it slipped out he didn't actually mean to say it out loud
but link stares at him with wide eyes and mouth agape, then suddenly downs the rest of his ice cream, and then starts dragging revali home so he can jump him in the bedroom
link is just 😭 a horny little creature idk how revali keeps up with him
who stays up until 2 reading
it's revali, you know damn well he got those reading glasses and one of those lamps you clip onto the back of the book
he tried leaving the whole room light on at first but link was like i sleep in here too dickhead Close the damn light
the book-clip lamp was actually a gift from link because he did Not want revali to be contributing even more to their electricity bill
link has tried to join in but he's such a sleepy little guy he falls asleep with the book on his face and he felt bad (revali didn't really care but link was nearly gonna cry from being so guilty)
so instead, revali will read some of his own book aloud to link to make him feel involved until link falls asleep to his voice and also clinging to revali's side
who stares at their partner while their sleeping
revali of course but he doesn't do it in the creepy twilight edward way
when revali notices that link has fallen asleep to his reading, he'll put his bookmark in and set the book on the table to comb his fingers through link's hair
he just stares fondly at link, wondering how he was blessed to have a gift of a person like link because revali thinks of himself as a difficult person to love. how does link put up with him? why did link choose to stay with him? i guess he'll never know
(that's a lie; revali voiced these insecurities to him once and link got so mad he yelled at revali about how much he loved him and why, then locked himself in the office for the rest of the night only for revali to wake up the next morning to an entire powerpoint presentation from link on why revali is the most lovable person in the world)
who kisses their partner while they sleep
also revali but not in the creepy sleeping beauty way
revali is a big fan of forehead kisses especially because he's taller than link so he often likes to pull link closer and kiss his forehead before they leave for work or something
and he does the same as he's gazing upon link's sleeping face, wondering how he was blessed to have such an angel of a human being for a lover
revali will cup link's face with one hand and start with one kiss on link's forehead, a second one on his nose, and the last one being a very soft, chaste kiss on his lips 🤍 he's just so soft for link y'all 😭🥹
one time link woke up during the second kiss but didn't open his eyes until revali kissed him on the mouth, and then immediately pushed revali onto the bed to kiss him back harder. like i said 😭 horny little creacher
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dottie-writes-tmnt · 22 days
Settled In
This is part five of my story A New Kind of Familiar. Tags and other chapters can be found here!
No summary this time we ballin; Ruby gets his own room tho
Ruby woke up to quiet commotion going on around the couch he was sleeping on. Leo, Mikey, Casey Sr., and Donnie were all begging Red for something.
“Raph, cmon, please?”
“You’ve been saying ‘next year’ for the past 3 years!”
“Red, we should all go. It will be a bonding experience for all of us,” Casey said, oddly formal.
“I concur. Unless Ruby’s straight and/or homophobic, in which case it’ll be horrible.”
“Oh, shit. I forgot those exist. But Ruby’s literally Raph from another dimension. Isn’t he queer by default?”
“There’s always a possibility, Leon.”
“ Ouch,” Ruby snarked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. “It was already offensive enough when ya said I was straight, but the jump to homophobic was just evil. You guys really need to work on not talkin’ about a guy when he’s in the room with ya, by the way.”
He watched with mild amusement as everyone in the room looked at him in either shock or guilt.
“Anyway, where are you guys tryin’ to convince Red to let ya go?”
In his sleepy haze, it took him awhile to process what he’d heard.
“A pr—“
“Wait a damn minute, Leo’s— you’re all— holy crap, this dimension is so backwards oh my god.”
“You don’t mean to tell me I’m straight in your dimension!?”
“It’s not the end of the world, Leon.”
“You’re not straight all of a sudden?!”
“I’ve known I was gay since I was 6!”
“That’s fuckin’ crazy.”
“Language,” Raph warned, just slightly louder, overlapping once again with the Leonardo ingrained in his mind.
“Ah, right, I haven’t asked any questions about your dimension yet! I have been trying to let you settle in first, but my curiosity is slowly getting the better of me. And what better time to do it than while ‘buying’ more pride things for all of our ever-growing collections?”
“That’s a Donatello way of saying ‘be prepared, bitch, I’m gonna interrogate the fuck outta you’, ain’t it?”
“Third strike, yer out,” Red growled playfully, grabbing Ruby by the top of his shell and lifting him until he dangled in the air.
The turtle swallowed his immediate panic, recalling Raph doing similar things to Leo, Mikey, and Donnie.
“Donnie, you can interrogate ‘im next week. Ruby, ya get air jail for 10 minutes.”
“Haha you got air jail,” Leo taunted, sticking his tongue out at him.
Mikey gasped beside them.
“Guys, we have to go! It’ll be Casey Jr.’s first one, since Raph didn’t let us go last year! Ruby, have you ever been to a pride parade?”
“I’ve been nocturnal for most of my life and spent the rest of it fearing humans for all I’m worth. So no.”
“That’s why your sleep schedule sucks,” the box turtle said like he’d cracked some magic code to the secret of life.
Raph finally sighed.
“Fine, we can go. We’re going shoppin’ today, we’ll go to a parade tomorrow, and we’ll watch old gay movies the next day, and maybe if y’all behave, Raph and Leo’ll make ya some extra clothes, mm?”
The others rejoiced, waking up Casey Jr., who shuffled into the living room and leaned against the doorway, rubbing his eyes to try to wake up. His hair was a mess and he looked like he was back asleep already. Raph set Ruby back on the couch.
“Wha’s hap’nin?” the boy slurred, humming happily when Raph scooped him up and nuzzled the side of his head.
“Mornin’, Casey.”
“I think he’s already asleep again,” Leo murmured.
“No, he’s not.”
The snapper set him down on the couch near Ruby and the teen immediately latched onto him, nuzzling his face into the turtle’s shoulder. He stiffened immediately, eyes going to the teen on him.
“You’re gonna be there awhile,” Donnie informed. 
“Sooo…we call April, Barry, maybe Dad and leave around ten-ish?”
“Yeah, we do need to update Dad’s collection, don’t we?”
That was the craziest shit he’d heard all night. Apparently, during summer, the family was nocturnal.
“Now y’all are just lying to me.”
“Splinter is a homophobic conservative. Anything else and you’re lying.”
“Sorry to break it to you, amigo, but Dad is very much a bisexual.”
“You’re lying. Casey drools in his sleep.”
“I know. We’ll get him in a bit.”
“Everybody’s eating before we leave,” Raph growled, glowering at Donnie. Suddenly, music started blaring from Leo’s phone.
“You already know you’re dealing with this shit all month,” the slider said simply as I Like Boys by Todrick Hall played. “Anyway, just lemme know when we’re leaving.”
Donnie rolled his eyes. “Leon, we depart in close to an hour.”
“Yeah, whatever, I’ll see you guys then!”
“He’s going to see Usagi,” Donnie said at the same time Red said “he’s goin’ visit Usagi.”
They both sighed, rolling their eyes.
“You’ll see. Anyway, have fun with Jr.”
“Wait a damn minute!”
“I’m gonna go work on cooking, so we can all actually eat something before we leave.”
“SHELLDON is in need of his routine scrubbing. And I need to continue working on his body.”
“SHELLDON is our nephew, only the best little AI in the world,” Mikey chirped. (What.)
“With villain tendencies,” chimed Cassandra, before getting up. “Yeah, I’m gonna get a workout in before we leave.”
“What am I supposed to do about Casey Jr.?”
“Someone’ll swing by to get him or his body clock will wake him up. Good luck. You also look like ya need more sleep,” Raph said, glancing Ruby’s way.
“I can’t fall back asleep once I wake up. Trust me, I’ve got all the sleep I’m gonna get.”
“Alright. I’m gonna watch some Lou Jitsu,” the snapper said simply, turning on the projector and sitting near the couch.
Ruby turned to watch the screen, Casey inhaling deeply, shifting in his sleep as he sighed before he tightened his hold on the turtle and huffed.
“Jr.’s a very clingy sleeper. He lost a lot of people.”
“This’s worse than Chompy,” he muttered, sighing as he rubbed the human’s back. It was a subconscious gesture, his mind drifting to the last time he’d taken a nap with his child.
“Turtle alien from the time we went to space.”
“Yeah. To stop murderous aliens from killing everyone ‘n destroying the planet. Ya know, the usual.”
“That…how old’re you, again?”
“Eh, I dunno anymore. With the whole Dimension X thing, and the whole time travel thing, none of us know how old we are. But I’m the second oldest. I could be anywhere from 15 to fuckin’, what, 17?”
“When did you guys go to space?”
“Well, that was the time travel thing. I think I was 15? We count Leo as being a year older than me, so uh… I think. Why?”
“No reason. Just, y’all were kids.”
“I know. What does that hafta do with anything?”
“Nothin’! It’s great you guys did so much for the world.”
“Yeah, somethin’ like that.”
The two settled to watch the man on the TV scream hot soup and take out enemies courageously.
Some time passed with Ruby watching blurry colors and hearing static instead of the actual movie, the weight on top of him the only thing that kept him from completely being lost. That happened to him a lot.
“—by? Ruby? Hey, Ruby?”
He clocked in enough to hear Red’s voice gain more concern as he still didn’t respond. He couldn’t force noise from his mouth, unsure why he was having such trouble. He grunted, shifting to try to get some life back into himself. Jr. woke immediately, sitting up.
“It’s time to go,” the box turtle continued, walking over. “Ruby?”
He really wished people would just shut the fuck up and leave him alone.
“Blink if you’re hearing what I’m saying.”
Blink once or blink twice? He didn’t think it mattered, simply blinking anyway.
“Okay. Casey, lay back down.”
The ravenette obeyed without question, one of the turtle’s rumored “Doctor Personas” close to surfacing from the looks of it.
The human drummed nonsense patterns on his shoulder, and Ruby counted each impact for fun. What did they all need, anyway? There had to be a reason they were trying to get a response from him.
“Because it’s time to go shopping like we planned earlier. Of course, we don’t have to if you’re not up for it. We all were going to eat before we leave, though?”
Had he said that out loud?
“Yeah, big guy, ya did. Think you can get up?”
Casey got up again easily, hopping over the back of the couch. The red banded turtle sat up, wishing distantly they’d quit looking at him like that.
“We’ll be in the kitchen.”
He simply nodded. Now he wondered how long he’d been out of it. He shrugged it off in favor of getting his ass up and going to the kitchen. He had shopping to do later.
Malls were a lot bigger than he remembered. Leo immediately ran off, screaming about getting a Harry Styles poster. Draxum simply followed everyone to Hot Topic, then going off to buy his own stuff. Ruby stood looking at everything until Casey Jr. mumbled something next to him.
“I’ve never been in one of these stores either. I think we can just get whatever.”
Raph was pondering squishmallows while Cassandra gazed at jackets. Mikey was with Raph and Donnie was looking at pins. The teen beside him nudged him further into the store.
“Just see what you find.”
After looking for a while, he did find a nice looking leather jacket that he could modify later. And a few nice looking pins. And if Red caught him staring at a few Hello Kitty plushies and picked them up for him, nobody had to know.
After Leo returned, he shoved a trans pin at everyone.
“Renewing my gender like I do every year,” he drawled, putting it on his sash and brandishing his Harry Styles poster.
Ruby rolled his eyes, and they all went back to the lair. Splinter hadn’t come along but nobody seemed to be even remotely phased. April had been asleep and they didn’t disturb her further. 
“We actually have a surprise for you, Ruby!”
He quirked a brow ridge.
“What if I hated surprises?”
“Well, it’s kinda too late now. Cover your eyes.”
He did so reluctantly, Red guiding him somewhere.
He uncovered his eyes and felt his jaw drop. A subway car, just like the other bedrooms, but the walls were a dark red, and the stool he’d helped Mikey paint was at a desk with sewing supplies.
There was a mattress he recognized pushed into a corner, a bookshelf with books he’d rescued from the scrap yard hanging nearby. There were little bird skulls all over the room, and suddenly everything made sense.
Donnie dragging him into his lab to ask him questions about what shows and movies he liked explained the Corpse Bride poster on the wall, Mikey asking what colors he thought went with which, Leo annoyingly taunting him about the most random things until he could get sewing tips, Red just being Red—
“Holy shit, what the fuck.”
They’d pulled this straight under his beak.
“Do you like it?”
“How did I not notice?”
“Because we’re just that good.”
“That just ain’t true.”
“You guys did a nice job.”
“Wooo! He likes it!”
Everyone around him rejoiced and Draxum set a hand on his shoulder.
“This is just how they incorporate others into the family. If you think they were bad before, it only gets worse. I would run while I could, child,” the yokai said, clearly joking.
Mikey’s affronted scoff signed the baron’s death wish.
Distantly, Raph wondered how his brothers were doing. Quietly, he wondered if they cared.
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ko-odi · 7 months
I'm the guy who submitted the anon ask before (where u drew me a pic of Drake, thank u so much I will cherish it for the rest of my life!!!) and I'm in need of some Haunted headcanon inspo for a dnd game I'm trying to run soon!! Tell me some of ur headcanons, no matter how obscure, small, or seemingly insignificant
SRY THIS TOOK SO LONGGGG i. forgort BUT HERE R A FEW !!! :D some of these are my own and some of these are me parroting things ive heard from the haunted discord that i love (u should totally join the discord btw its fun i can give an inv to anyone not already there if anyone wants one!!)
-Drakes issues regarding tone and reading the room, such as 1) his default mode of speaking being thru sarcasm (no hes really not always trying to be rude, thats just how he communicates 😭), and 2) cracking jokes or quips at inappropriate times (like when graysons house was burning down and drake was all like “wow grayson sure does love his secret hatches lawl” and “he should really rethink his escape routes for next time haha!” like drake this is NOT THE TIME). Im not saying hes NOT sassy or rude (because he totally is <3) but like. its not ALWAYS ON PURPOSE OK LMAO he is autistic 🫶
-somewhat related to this is that i hc that he says cheesy lines like “erm… hes RIGHT behind me isnt he” and “um guys, you MIGHT wanna take a look at this…” all the time, and he does so bcs he repeats phrases hes read in books (or from movies/shows he saw before traveling to the future or whatever) a lot. either that or he just Says That Stuff which is almost funnier
-drakes sleeping schedule SUCKS dude and a big parta that is cuz enderman are nocturnal and his internal clock is all messed up. (the water up on his mountain canonically helps him sleep tho im pretty sure?)
-his bodys kinda awkward to move around in, and hes always tripping over his feet or bumping into stuff (hes just like me fr….)
-this ones odd, but the subspecies of enderman that drake is fused(??) with have rings all over their body that they use to light up dark areas (such as caves), and to communicate (blinking lights like fireflies, bright flashes to intimidate others, are dim when sick, etc). Theyre able to control this using their natural magic or whatever. HOWEVERRR drake is unable to control his himself! His rings are stuck at a set brightness, and he cant “turn them off”, leading him to always be expelling a small but steady amount of magic. This is part of why he runs out of mana faster than other magic users/enderman, and is part of why he tries not to waste his mana when possible.
-related to above, hes not ab magic doesnt last very long, but is very volatile and powerful in bursts. this is the OTHER reason he doesnt use magic willy nilly .. he has to learn how to harness it properly or else he might end up hurting people by accident (this might literally be canon but i thought id mention it anyway)
-in the haunting one, hes always stating things abt himself that we never actually get to see (like when he calls himself the builder, or good at parkour, or when armen said that he had a problem with breaking windows???? 😭) so i like to think that those are just collins memories slipping thru the cracks, and those memories dont rly belong to/are about drake at all. theres probably other shared fuzzy memories he has from collin too (like ruby shire perhaps) so thats super fun to play with!! I think this might actually be also canon but yk
-ARMEN iiii love this guy ok so i love to hc that, after hes revived/saved (IF you want to go that route!), he comes back not dead, but not quite alive either…. hes like sorta half and half to me lol. or maybe hes alive, but coming back to life has some side effects (like being cold all the time for example). Hes also suuuper sleepy all the time after hes saved LET HIM SNOOZE dude.
as much as it pains me, I also love the hc that armen comes back with his memory wiped (i think this is close to where the intended canon was supposed to head as well!). You can either go the “his memory is totally wiped, which effectively makes him a new person” route, the “his memory is wiped back to the fall into the lava, right before HB possessed him” route, or the “his memory gets wiped to before HB was involved in his life whatsoever” route. I like all 3 options aaaah idk what my favorite is!!! i’ll probably talk in depth abt these in a different post later bcs the fact that it adds more parallels between him and collin/drake makes me insane. either way he will sometimes have unexplainable deja-vu and things will feel familiar to him.
-armen is super cold all the time (always wearing sweaters and stuff) while drake is super warm all the time (always wearing thin clothes. but this is cuz hes always expelling some sorta magical energy involuntarily, so when he runs outta mana he gets cold as well) this isnt important or anything i just like it :3c
-i like to think that despite his affinity towards it before the fall, he tries to avoid combat & conflict when possible post-possession/revival. very “uhh im a lover not a fighter haha ..” (<- could kick your butt if he tried) vibes. or maybe he lost all combat ability post revival and totally sucks now !! either way man just wants to chill (he is traumatized)
-MIA shes lowkey scared of being on the water after her and her sisters shipwreck, the day she was captured by the empire. she probably slips back into familiarity when they take over that airship one time tho- maybe she gets an airship of her own in the future o:? haunted group sky pirate crew when 🤨???
-along with magic, she also GETS INTO ALCHEMY/CHEMISTRY !!! its like.. magic ??? without needing to provide any ACTUAL magical power yourself?? thats so fucking sick ok. She and drake do magicy-sciencey experiments together and they end up blowing stuff up a lot. despite what drake says, they BOTH enjoy the chaos.
-mia and armen would be BEST. FRIENDS. i think abt mia armen friendship literally all the time they would be so chaotic and thoughtful with each other i love mia armen friendship sm. maybe mia helps style his hair like hers since its grown out later :] They are so sibling core to me
-related to both yhings above, she shares her love of learning with armen. They learn tons of random stuff together :D chemistry archeology history magic biology etc. Mia loves learning anything she can get her hands on, and armen feels the need to learn everything he missed while he was gone.
(sidenote: if he comes back with completely wiped memory, him learning all different sorts of subjects is him trying to figure out what he enjoys, and who he is as a person. “building himself up from ground zero”. and mias glad to help ): <3)
-MIA AND GRAYSON ARE ALSO SIBLING CORE !!!!!!!!!! you are NOT immune to the “mia is everyones sister” propaganda …. im mind controlling you ….
-grayson my GUY dude ok. not rly a hc and more of an observation but i loooove how hes so serious and pessimistic all the time but hes also like…. friendly (yet distrusting) and silly (devouring and entire cake and being all like “:D” with a flower crown and slimey friend) like idk i just looav that contrast its yummy. cruel world forcing his joyous whimsey into hiding </3
-finds a sickening comfort in loneliness, while also being deeply afraid of it. no it is not healthy. i might have to describe this later, as ive not found the words to do so yet.!!! maybe others can add onto this if they wish :)))
-His wife was fucking awesome ok. She was totally anti-empire and wrote many pamphlets that hurt the emperor & his followers image under an anonymous name that spread around the public like wildfire. Did she initially start dating grayson to get more info on the empire without his knowledge? Was she herself high up in the empires chain of command, helping get grayson the job in the first place? Did grayson know and help his wife with her endeavors(im leaning towards yes but no would be fun)? idk but she was awesome and they committed treason together and were in love
-idk if im totally down with the idea, but graysons wife and/or kid ending up being ALIVE…. MANNN THAT COULD BE SO GOOD. SO DRAMA INDUCING. GRRRR i wanna play with this later
-if i start talking abt drake and grayson friendship i will not shut up about it so ill keep it BREIF ….. they are ambiguously romantic/ALMOST queerplatonic to me. they dont care abt labeling what they are, partially bcs they CANT. they r life partners who hold hands and find comfort in the others consistency and the stability their friendship brings. grayson calls drake his “darling husband” for shits and giggles and drake glares at him (while very obviously smiling). OK WE’RE DONE ..
-none of them are allocishet sorryyyy (<- not actually sorry at all) i can list out my queer hcs later if anyone wishes smile :))
-collin, luke, and lalea are still cooking in my head .. i dont have that many hcs abt them qwq i suggest looking to APPLE @apple-rose301 FOR THESE GUYS (she said i could @ her for this) and for any character hcs and analysis stuff tbh, their thoughts are basically canon to me /pos . would also love to hear EVERYONES THOUGHTS AND ANALYSES AND HCS EVER !!!! so if anyone sees this … u should totally list out ur own thoughts :)))) PLEASR PLEASEPLEA
i also have more thoughts on each character analysis wise, specifically the contrasts and parallels they have with each other and themselves, but that might be putttt into a different postttt
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skelavender · 6 months
“I’m going to take the gawking as a compliment. This time.” Scully says. “Holy– shit.” Is all Mulder can manage. “If you keep saying that every time I get a new dress, I’m gonna end up with an ego to match yours, Mulder.” “You deserve it. I mean, holy shit, Scully.
read chapter four of heartbeats on ao3, or below the cut!
Mulder wakes slowly, coming to in a haze of comfort and peace. He lets himself soak it in for a moment, before opening his eyes and trying to focus on the blurry mess of copper and cream that he knows is Scully. 
They’ve shifted in the night, now so close that her face is not even an inch away from his. Her breath comes in consistent puffs across his lips. He would barely even have to move to kiss her. But he won’t. He wouldn’t. He can’t. 
He evaluates their intertwined bodies. They lay in the middle of the bed, each having moved into the other’s space in equal measures, and their limbs are so intertwined that he can hardly tell which are his and which are hers. It’s everything he’s ever wanted to wake up to. 
And everything he knows he could never have. 
Scully married him because it was easiest. It was practical. The mutually beneficial solution to a problem. He keeps having to remind himself of this, a mantra he repeats whenever he notices himself falling too deep into the marital bliss he craves. She’s not really yours. She’s not really yours. 
But god, it’s nice to play pretend. It’s not as though it takes effort. Loving Scully is Mulder’s default setting. An unconscious action, one he doesn’t need to maintain. It’s stitched into his autonomic nervous system, woven in with his heartbeat. 
Scully interrupts his pining by making a sleepy sound and grabbing at him tighter, effectively shifting her torso in further towards his own warm body. A moment later, she opens her eyes. Neither of them move. 
“Hey,” she says, her voice rough. 
“Hey,” he echoes.
“What time is it?”
“I don't know, I only just woke up.” He doesn’t want to move, doesn’t want to break their bubble of proximity, but he lifts his torso to look over Scully’s shoulder at the clock anyway. “Six forty-eight.” He places his head back on the pillow. “Alarm hasn’t gone off yet, we have a couple more minutes.”
She hums contentedly, “‘M gonna stay here.”
“Alright,” he starts to get up, but Scully’s grip on him tightens. She doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t even think the action was intentional, but Mulder settles back in to keep her warm for the next twelve minutes all the same.
Scully calls Sanchez to explain their plan for that night, and asks him to sort out the logistics. They delay their anticipated meeting at the police station so that he and Dapshutte can do so, and she drags Mulder shopping for her so-called “siren seduction outfit” instead. 
She doesn’t make Mulder look through the options this time. It’s a far less weighty decision than her wedding dress is. It’s a quicker affair, and they’ve left the department store in under an hour. They are strolling through the mall towards their car, shopping bag in Mulder’s hand, when they hear a voice call out behind them.
“Agent Scully!” Both Agents turn around to see Casey DiMarco striding towards them.
“Ms. DiMarco, how are you doing?” Scully greets. 
“I’m alright, under the circumstances.” She replies, “I was gonna call you this afternoon. I talked to the friends I was out with the other night, they said they couldn’t remember anything specific about the guy, just that he was my usual type. Nothing about him seemed off to them.”
“So another dead end.”
“I’m sorry they didn’t have anything more helpful.”
“Don’t be sorry, that’s nowhere near your fault.” Mulder interjects. “Thank you for asking them, we’ll pass it along to Sanchez and Dapshutte.”
“Thanks,” DiMarco says, “So, are you guys taking advantage of Las Vegas’s renowned tasteful fashion scene?” She nods towards the bag in Mulder’s hand.
“It’s for the case.” Scully clarifies.
“Scully’s going to try to lure the guy out.”
“You’re dangling her out there like bait?” DiMarco sounds offended on Scully’s behalf.
“It was my idea. Don’t come after Mulder.” Scully shifts to cross her arms defensively, “I appreciate your concern, Ms. DiMarco, but I’m an investigator, this is my job. It’s well planned out.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I am.”
“And you think you’ll be able to get this guy?”
“Yes, I do.”
DiMarco is quiet for a moment, before continuing. “Thank you, Agent Scully.”
“Of course,” Scully lends her a small smile, “That’s what we do.”
“Well I’ll…. See you around I guess.”
“Stay safe, Ms. DiMarco.”
“Thanks, Agent Mulder.”
Upon their return to the motel, Mulder pulls up the betting group’s message board on his laptop and confirms that the group is targeting a more upscale bar that evening. He relays the information to Sanchez and Dapshutte to make sure the logistics are ironed out. Scully packs her new dress and a makeup bag before they head to the police station to discuss the plan for what Mulder has mentally been calling Operation Triple S: Scully’s Siren Seduction. 
They enter the conference room and Scully settles her bag in the chair next to her own. Detective Dipshit takes note.
“What’s that?” He juts his chin towards Scully’s bag.
Scully, eternally unbothered, simply lifts her eyebrow and counters with, “Well you didn’t expect me to seduce the perp dressed like a fed, did you?”
“So you brought–”
“A dress, yes. No need for me to wear it now, though, so I’ll stay in this until just before we leave. Now, what’s our status? Is everything in order?”
Dapshutte stutters at the quick change in topic, and possibly a little at the thought of Scully in something other than pantsuit-chic, but outlines the preparations so far. The operation has been approved, and their gear is set up. The bartenders have been forewarned about the operation, and know to offer Scully non alcoholic beverages, even if she requests a drink to keep her cover. 
“Well boys, good job. Sounds like you have it all sorted.” Scully pushes her chair back. “I’m going to go get changed, and I’ll meet you back here to get wired.” She disappears through the door, and the two detectives follow her to brief their assisting officers.
When Scully reenters, Mulder is alone in the conference room and messing with equipment on the table opposite the door. When he turns around at the sound of the door opening, he drops the mic in his hand. 
Mulder drags his eyes up Scully’s body, jaw hanging open absently. The heels are the same ones she was wearing before, three inches high and black. He’s pretty sure she’s got the same tights on too. She is, however, showing four more inches of thigh than she was in her earlier gray pencil skirt. The dress is a deep green, loose around her thighs, but clinging to her torso and revealing the skin between her breasts. Nestled between them, her wedding ring. Mulder, very carefully, does not let himself think about that. 
Scully strides closer to where Mulder stands, awestruck, and places two fingers below his jaw to press the hinge closed. She smirks, proud of her transformation, and Mulder notices that she’s also changed her lipstick. It is now a darker red than she usually wears. Mulder’s brain goes a little haywire. 
“I’m going to take the gawking as a compliment. This time.” Scully says.
“Holy– shit.” Is all Mulder can manage.
“If you keep saying that every time I get a new dress, I’m gonna end up with an ego to match yours, Mulder.”
“You deserve it. I mean, holy shit, Scully. I’m not going to be able to get the Dapshutte off you, much less the perp.”
“We could always threaten to shoot him again.”
“That’s uh, a good plan.”
“Mhmm.” Scully affirms, “Mulder, would you do me a favor?”
Scully touches her ring gently, and when she speaks, her voice has the same tone, “Would you hold onto my ring for me? I would tuck it into the top of my dress, but there isn’t really room.”
“Yeah– yeah Scully of course.”
Scully lifts the chain over her neck and drops it into Mulder’s outstretched hand. She feels naked without it. Even though she’s only been wearing it for a couple months, it feels like a part of her skin. Instead of slipping it into his pocket, as she anticipated, Mulder lifts the chain over his own head, and tucks it in where the top couple buttons of his shirt are undone. When it’s tucked safely next to his heart, their eyes meet. Scully can read the concern in Mulder’s gaze.
“I’ll be okay.” She whispers.
“But what if–”
She braces a hand on his arm to cut him off, “I’ll have backup. You’ll be a couple tables away, a couple more plainclothes officers inside, and Sanchez and Dapshutte and their guys will be in the van. I appreciate your concern, Mulder, but I’ll have protection on all sides.”
Mulder takes a deep breath, “Okay. Okay, yeah, Scully, you’re right. I’m worried for nothing.”
“Good. Now, help me with my wire?” He nods and passes her the wire he had been untangling. She tapes the microphone to the skin below her dress’s low neckline, and presses the dangling end down to the skirt. She then retrieves the box that Mulder offers her and lifts the bottom of her dress to reveal the top of her thigh-highs, and tucks it into the band. She holds out the end of the wire from between her legs. “Can you get it into the box? I can never seem to get the wires in right.”
Mulder nods and squats to where the box is tucked into her thigh-highs. He gulps. These are not the circumstances in which he usually imagines kneeling in front of Scully, but he’ll take what he can get. He clicks the wire into place in a practiced manner, and stands to tower over her once more. 
“Thank you,” Scully says.
“Of course, Scully. Anytime.”
Mulder fits his own wire by himself, taking his shirt off unabashedly. It’s nothing she hasn’t seen before, after many, many unsexy visits from Dr. Scully.
Scully admires the glint of her wedding ring on the chain around his neck. Somehow, it makes her feel more possessive than its twin that lays on his finger daily. Maybe it’s the secrecy of it all, maybe it’s the fact that he has it for safekeeping. Either way, she likes it. 
Mulder is buttoning his shirt up when Sanchez knocks on the conference room door, and leans in to tell them that they’re ready to go. 
As Mulder replies in the affirmative, Dapshutte passes the now-open blinds of the large window into the bullpen. He double takes at Scully, and almost drops the box of equipment in his hands. He stares and Scully levels him with her sharpest I’ll cut you, bitch gaze, complete with tensed lips and a lifted brow. 
After a final check of their wires and earpieces, Scully hops into their rental car and Mulder into Sanchez’s, and they depart for the bar. 
<- previous chapter next chapter ->
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thepalelfe · 8 months
while i’m here i just wanna talk about the ins and outs of intimacy with astarion let’s get into it besties
there’s a lot of stuff that is presumed about astarion in the fandom and i’m here to either confirm or deny some in my own iteration of him k
astarion is a switch in most contexts, he’s quick to fall into whatever his partner is comfortable with, but if you were to ask him his preference i don’t think he’d have one. there’s aspects of submissive things he likes and dominant things he likes. he’s just there to make his partner feel good whatever the context, which i feel is fair to say he doesn’t originally put a lot of focus on himself during sex so that’s a hurdle his relationships would most likely have to address. it stems from his feelings toward sex as a whole over the years, but he’s more than happy to grow beyond this as time progresses and most likely in any writing where i’m having him in sexual encounters, this will be the default unless we plot about it.
i may make all of my muses certified munch’s but what can i say i’m a people pleaser, and astarion is a champ at it 💅 i think it’s one of his favorite things to do/just giving head in general AND he looks good doing it.
he’s a sensual guy, never again will sex with him be transactional/clinical. he loves to be close with his partners physically, always touching unless it’s a pre determined “kink” scenario where it’s for fun or whatever. what i’m saying here is his partners are getting suffocated with physicality the entire time, they’re not gonna be able to think of much else.
i think he’s an overstim king ok? okay. if his partner is not a blubbering, pleading mess he’s like let me remedy that.
but he does enjoy simple vanilla sex too. doesn’t mean he’s not like ‘darling we can make love and be in other positions beyond missionary’ JWKKWKEKE, but he’s happy to just be for the lack of a better word.
sleepy morning sex is a yes!! it would have to be discussed prior but he’s open to the idea of the whole being woken up with a little good morning hello, but so long as he feels safe and assured he’s happy to participate / be the initiate.
loves things a little more aggressive too if occasion arises. hair pulling, scratching, biting ofc, he’s all for it. it’s again another case of feeling safe and secure in his relationships but.
i just think he knows lots of fancy knots too. he enjoys a little bondage fun - but not usually with him being the one being tied up, but rather him doing so. being tied up would take a lot of earned trust.
i’m a glutton for aphrodisiac plots i’m just saying. fuck or die? tell me more… NSNSMSM
he will kiss ur muse absolutely STUPID. he doesn’t technically need to breathe so he can just. suck the air out of their lungs good luck. if they’re incomprehensible he’s happy :)
if they can make HIM incomprehensible he’s a mess. he’s a bit of a challenge when taking the submissive role, and he will most likely bite back in most circumstances
blood play? 🫦 if everyone’s agreeable i mean come on he’s a vampire we know the rules. zNsnjssnsks
probably add more to this as a think about it
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yippieitsarvensart · 8 months
Bring it back to Floyd because I love yo project on him SO MUCH, I like to think that even though he likes clothes and fashion now way more than he did when he first got on land (sensory overload anyone?), he still has certain fabrics/materials he avoids like the plague. Jade and Azul avoid said fabrics as well so he can run up and tackle them at any time without worry of touching the Gross Fabric. Tablecloths and cushions in the lounge were made with this in mind as well.
So sorry Scarabia lovers but I haven't studied Kalim or Jamil under a microscope long enough yet to come to any detailed conclusions, but neither of them are neurotypical that's for sure!!
Also skipping Pomefiore bc they scare me (/j I just don't pay much attention to them personally sjheiddjbdjffb)
I mean Idia is the obvious one, right? He's the most universally agreed on, he literally goes nonverbal regularly and has aids he made with his engineering/programming special interest to accommodate that, like it's just. It's RIGHT THERE ya know? He almost leaves nothing to discuss XDD Him and Riddle are clashing autistics and it's a shame, you hate to see 2 pretty people fight but especially when they're on the same team 😔
And then there's Diasomnia. HOOO BOY is there Diasomnia. Lilia and his gaggle of autistic kids. Starting with Malleus, he also almost leaves nothing to the imagination when it comes to how he is, like?? Idk it's so Right There!!! His special interest is gargoyles obviously, he also has heavy preference/safe foods, he never seems to be on the same page as his peers, leaving Jim to feel isolated and Different, not only does he not fluctuate his tone so people can't tell when he's joking, he can't hear tone to tell when other people are joking so it's just miscommunication after miscommunication. He enjoys learning now things but prefers the company of his most trusted people, that or either quite isolation in a dim/dark area to decompress!! He's the type of guy who doesn't realize he's been overstimulated for like 6 hours until he gets to his room and lays down and it hits him all at once and he's like OH! Oh THAT'S why I felt like shit and wanted to smite everything and everyone. Okay, cool.
Idk if this will make sense to anyone else but like, Silver is Disney princess coded, right? And Disney princesses are autistic coded in small ways, right? Yeah. Yeah that's really the only way I can explain it SKSBAIKSDHHD but like!! I know I'm right okay!!!! As a very very sleepy autistic person I just KNOW, I see him and I know. Also animals love him which like, understanding animals better than you understand if someone is trying to deceive/take advantage of you? Idk dude, that's pretty autistic /silly
Sebek is tough because I havent fixated on him at ALL and have like none of his cards, but the BIG STRONG INTENSE EMOTIONS and lack of volume control and how he's apparently actually very emotional/sensitive, and how he likes to stick to his routine and his people and anything that interferes will be YELLED AT ACCORDINGLY!!!! Idk, I don't really know this man (yet) so I also can't fully explain my vision here XD
Also, everything is platonic unless specified otherwise btw!! Yuri Jeizu is so canon, but to me the octotrio is like, SO queer platonic coded so I almost always just default to that akshsksndhf
It's nearly 4 in the morning and I'm going INSANE, like there's 8+ rambles I could send you about queer/identity headcanons and ships!!! I haven't even STARTED on the side characters yet, I have so much fuel in this hyperfixation fire!!! Also if you literally ever want me to stop for whatever reason let me know and I will, no hard feelings akdvejskfh, I know answering a lot of asks can be A Lot
PLEAS ENEVER STOP unless you run out of things to talk on !!!!!!!!!! this is so in-depth I'm reading and nodding like yes yes I get this I GET YOU... Also literally same with Scarabia LOLLL I skipped most of the story... sorry Scarabia stans... I literally only paid attention when the octatrio was around.. skull emoji!!
And actually answering tons of asks ain't that hard for me right now, I'm full of writing energy because I've been working on an AU between twst and another franchise I'm #insane about >_< (I've been trying so keep it at a not insane level of detail because I know I'll focus too hard on certain characters but I also desperately need feedback on it... NOT THAT I'M ASKING RIGHT NOE THOUH I'm just complaining aha) (unless.... unless..........)
Floyd finding an interest in fashion (especially shoes) is something I forget often for some reason, I think it's because I also hc that Floyd hate hate HATESS the feeling of clothes (just fuckin' all kinds of clothes, he especially hates having multiple layers of all different kinds of clothing items on at once) against his skin, so that's why his uniform is never on properly...
I can't talk a ton about lots of other dorms bc I'm so not deeply invested in at least half the entire cast HSAHHAJKFDJ but you are so incredibly real and right I'm shaking /pos
If it's 4am bestie boo you should probably sleep and save the ranting for tmr!!!! or don't, and just keep slaying here LMAOO I'm in a discord server SPECIFICALLY for twst hcs and I'm THIS close to c+psting a bunch of this into there (or just sharing the post I DONT KNOW) cuz it's SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
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otaku-tactician · 1 year
My Sleep Paralysis Demon: An In-Depth Study
A few years ago, I posted an image of the goddess I saw in a dream. But actually, I have experienced a much deadlier presence during my sleep paralysis and dream episodes...a dude who has been consistently by my side for years (and has me convinced that I may actually be fucking insane seeing as he's still here). Say hello to the epitome of inner turmoil, my sleep paralysis demon!
This character has been haunting me for almost 8 years of sleep paralysis HELL!! He shape-shifts a heck of a lot into a shitload of different forms that he abandons on a whim, and recently adapted to look like another anime character but luckily he dropped that form XD However, he seems to like taking the form of one particularly popular character the most. That is also his default appearance- it's basically the knock-off version of a certain fate character (it will become pretty apparent who he's picked once you see some of his forms).
But anyway, this guy appears in a lot of my nightmares etc. Worst is when I'm in half asleep sleep paralysis mode, he becomes like a full presence that can talk and everything. Also, his presence feels like thorns that bite into the skin (pretty creepy).
First up is his first form. This form comes out whenever his favorite popular anime man disguise falls off, and it looks like a vampire cosplay.
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Form One- Duke Megalovania Grimhield VI
Bro, even his name is fake.
This form is the one he takes whenever he wishes to sneer in my face in my dreams- like a 'haha KONO DUKE MEGALOVANIA DA!!' moment. This guy is smug and annoying, but that's actually just a way to cover up his hidden insecurities. He says he wants to be adored, dominant and loved by everyone.
Form Two- War Maiden
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I don't know much about this form, other than the fact that she tried to give me psychological damage in a nightmare about my past that was completely inaccurate to my past (she made it all up?!) In fact, I did not even draw her properly (I forgot her hairstyle). This form loves warfare and battle, a complete military maniac. However this form was abandoned after only ONE DREAM. He only adopted this form to play havoc, but as it didn't work out; he abandoned her like a moldy slice of toast.
Form Three- Thirsty Angel
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If he was on Instagram, he would be the KING of Thirst Traps. This form only appeared twice, mainly to inflict sleep paralysis trauma :(
He reminds me of Matou Shinji, which is definitely not a good thing. However, unlike Matou Shinji he does not have much of a personality. To him, his appearance and seductiveness is what reigns supreme to him. -.- I think he chose this form to try and deceive me, and it worked very well. He is a MASSIVE SADIST, he derives great pleasure from mind-breakingly skillful betrayal.
Form THREE POINT FIVE- Thirsty Angel is Actually a DEMON
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This is another one of his 'fake true forms'- basically he reveals an alleged true form which ends up not being true at all. He is like a Matryoshka Doll. In this form, he grew a pair of black horns, and the scar on the right side of his face feels like sandpaper to the touch (it is very scratchy so be careful!)
This form of his is very insecure, like a 'little meow meow'. He mainly spends his time lamenting over his need to be loved and valued in this form- its a very melancholy side to him. He feels very self-conscious about his appearence in this form, and is worried that he looks ugly (if only he knew about monster fuckers). In addition to this, I would state that this form looks incredibly similar to a truly demonic terrifying beast form of his that is over 10 ft tall and has ridiculously long black nails (worst sleep paralysis nightmare ive ever had btw).
Form Four- 'I'M SLEEPY GTFO'
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This is the form that he takes whenever he haphazardly pulls an appearance together. As he tends to focus on having his pussy pop as much as possible, this form is as rare a sighting as a blizzard in the midst of summer- blink twice and its gone!
In nightmares with this form, he is super grumpy and doesn't resort to his usual charm tactics at all; which gives the impression that this is what my sleep paralysis demon is like when he's sleepy and has no energy. This form is also extremely desperate, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his dreams and exert his innermost desires.
Form Five- Inner World Form
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Whenever I do visual meditation, I see this guy. I cannot explore my inner world without seeing him nearby. On default, he takes the appearance of a certain anime guy, but oftentimes his demonic nature takes hold and manipulates his appearance into this slightly more malevolent exterior.
This is his most nonchalant form, most likely as a means of respecting my inner space. This form enjoys taking casual strolls by the beach, talking about life and sharing hugs. However, he almost trapped me within an abyss in one meditation episode, so he can't be trusted either (you'd never guess with how affectionate he can be in this form). dude i sound completely bonkers writing this
However, thanks to him...meditation is pretty hard to do sometimes.
Form Six- Deity Form
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This form is really surreal. His main symbol is that of the grape (and its for reasons that are too absurd for me to disclose). Despite being a shining deity, he is incredibly mysterious and evasive, so it's hard to get to understand him. He also roasts like hell in this form, and can be pretty cruel (well he is the same existence as the others, after all). ALSO THAT OUTFIT!!! HE IS BASICALLY COSPLAYING AGAIN!!!
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This form makes it pretty clear what Fate character he was inspired by...it is the greatest shame of my life to know that my sleep paralysis demon has exactly the same favorite character as me XD
This form is the ultimate cumulation of all of his other forms. In this form, he is dominant. He doesn't worry about being unloved or neglected. He turns on the charm to a bedazzling degree. However, actually that is not true. He is every bit as insecure, possessive and controlling in this form as he is in all of his other forms. This grand appearance is nothing but a filter for him to cover up the pain that he goes to such great lengths to avoid. This guy works really hard to control how he is viewed- to even the most minute details.
Basically, in this form; he DOES NOT WANT TO BE PERCIEVED AT ALL. Just to be admired and desired, to rule over others. That is the true function of his ultimate sadistic form.
Also wow his hair is super long! And his horns are massive! And his high heels are actually made up of three massive spikes. YES, HE WALKS ON METAL SPIKES.
In order to make sense of his two main appearances, I made a guide to showcase his deity side and demonic side. Those are the sides he likes to swap between whenever his main disguise as a certain anime character fails him. However, sometimes he can appear as just light and a shadow as well.
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And then finally, here are some forms that he used only a few times for the sole purpose of being the worst sleep paralysis demon to strike my nightmares :(
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Form on the left- some guy with white hair that pretended to be an angel soulmate
Dude in the middle- used for a nightmare
Dude on the right- WHO IS HE!
I hope you enjoyed my sleep paralysis demon showcase as much as I did ^^
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zackmartin · 2 years
hi hi idk if you’re still doing the wip game but if so, eyes! also i miss you and i love you and you’re doing incredible mwah.
It's pretty safe to assume that I'm always playing this game cause I'm obsessed with it. Like, you guys could just start sending me random words and I'd be thrilled lmao
Send me a word, and if it’s in one of my WIPs, I’ll answer your ask with the excerpt that it appears in!
Okay, so. Apparently I use eyes way too much, because I had an example in every WIP and I had to seriously narrow it down. Even so, I'm giving you two because I'm having a hard time finishing anything anymore so these games are my way of sharing my months worth of hard work <3 That’s also why the second one is kinda long, like I know I’m only supposed to do a sentence, but I really like that excerpt 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyway, they're both from a WIP called Partners in Crime (fighting)!
Zack nods in response, his eyes cast down to the table. “That’s the.... last remaining trace,” he mentions, obviously choosing his words carefully, trying not to divulge too much since they're in a public place. “I had Cody scrub it from everything else, just to be really sure that it’s gone.” 
And, again, sorry this one is kinda long.
Henry glances in that direction, but the only thing in front of them is a dark, empty dirt road.
His eyes dart back to Zack.
In the short time they’ve known each other, Henry's seen him in about a million different moods; annoyed, playful, flirty (which Henry is certain is his default setting), fearful but not wanting it to show, fearful and letting it show, adventurous, drunk, worried… the list goes on. But, Henry’s never seen him quite like this; expression as serious as a heart attack, eyes vacant and unmoving. 
Henry doesn’t get unnerved much anymore, but there’s something about this particular situation that has his heart thumping in his throat. It doesn’t help that Swellview is very literally a sleepy little town at this hour of the night. The only sound that can be heard around them is the chorus of crickets from the surrounding woods. 
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Troupe Event Translation - Sunny Blanc (7/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Hisoka: *Yaaaawn*… (I’m sleepy… I didn’t sleep well last night either… I feel like I’m going to fall asleep during my shift at Journey…)
Chikage: —Oi.
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Hisoka: ?
*pulls over*
*car passes*
Chikage: Watch where you’re going, will you? You’ll get hit by a car if you walk in the middle of the road like that.
Hisoka: …I was lost in thought.
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Chikage: Thoughts? You?
Hisoka: …Something smells good.
Chikage: That’s from these. I came across the cream puff shop Citron mentioned he wanted to try out while I was out, so I purchased some as a gift.
Hisoka: …A gift? You?
Chikage: Don’t laugh.
Hisoka: I wanna have some too.
Chikage: Well there’s none for you.
Hisoka: (This sweet aroma… that reminds me…)
*flashback starts*
Hisoka: (I’m starving… Which trash can should I scavenge through today…)
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Boy: !!
Hisoka: —.
Boy: Tch. Get out of my way!
Hisoka: ?
Shopkeeper: I finally found you! So you’re the one who stole my stuff!
Hisoka: Eh…?
Shopkeeper: Don’t play dumb! My goods! This incense—you must’ve been the one who swiped it!
Hisoka: Incense? Ah… a boy earlier, he…
Shopkeeper: I’m gonna make sure you never get up to no-good ever again!
Hisoka: It wasn’t me… it wasn’t…
Shopkeeper: Shut up! You’ve got the evidence right there, don’tcha!
Hisoka: —.
*runs away*
Shopkeeper: Ah, stop!
Hisoka: (It’s no use… he’s not going to believe me no matter what I say…)
Shopkeeper: Hold it right there!
???: Over here.
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Hisoka: !?
???: Shh, keep quiet.
Hisoka: …
Shopkeeper: Damn it! Where’d he go! You’ll pay if you show your face here again, got that!
???: …The coast is clear.
Hisoka: *Sigh*…
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???: What a disaster it was to be framed, hm?
Hisoka: …How did you know?
???: I happened to witness everything earlier.
Hisoka: Thank you… ?
???: What’s wrong?
Hisoka: …I smell something good.
???: Ahh, that must be these muffins. My family asked me to buy some for him.
Hisoka: …
???: …Very well. I’ll give one to you.
Hisoka: …Are you sure?
???: He’ll definitely complain about why I didn’t give you any if I explain this to him later.
Hisoka: Thank you…
???: Bye now.
*walks away*
Hisoka: (I see, there are such nice people out there too… I hope we can meet again…)
*flashback ends*
Hisoka: …
Chikage: What’s wrong?
Hisoka: Urgh…
Chikage: OI—!
Hisoka: Ngh…
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Izumi: Ah, are you awake? Thank goodness.
Homare: I shall inform the others.
Izumi: Please do.
Hisoka: …?
Izumi: How are you feeling?
Hisoka: I’m okay…
Izumi: You bumped into Chikage on the way to Journey and then you passed out. Do you remember?
Hisoka: Yeah… I also remember Chikage carried me here.
Izumi: Make sure to thank him later, alright?
Hisoka: …I got it.
Tsumugi: Are you alright, Hisoka-kun?
Tasuku: His complexion doesn’t look too bad now.
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Azuma: I brought some water.
Hisoka: Thanks…
Guy: There is no need to force yourself to come to the bar.
Hisoka: …Sorry for taking another day off.
Guy: Perish the thought. We did not have many customers today, so I decided to close up temporarily.
Azuma: You should take your time and rest.
Hisoka: …Okay. (All of them are worried about me… These warm, ordinary days—I really don’t want to forget them…) These days, I’ve been going through a tough time remembering all sorts of different things all of a sudden… Like memories of August, and memories of my childhood… I felt guilty for forgetting, and I was shocked that I had forgotten things that I swore I would remember for the rest of my life back when they happened. I recalled the times I spent alone, before I met August… Memories of awful moments I wish were left forgotten, and memories of kind-hearted people I should’ve kept with me… I started feeling afraid, like what should I do if the memories I have with everyone faded away without me even realizing it, just like that? I don’t want that… I don’t want to forget my memories with all of you… I used to think that it would be alright as long as you guys remembered for me. But the truth is, I don’t want to forget anything anymore…
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Homare: Hisoka-kun is surprisingly sentimental, isn’t he?
Tasuku: …Yeah.
Azuma: Perhaps that’s just how much he cares about us.
Tsumugi: Thinking you don’t want to forget isn’t strange at all. Nobody wants to forget their precious memories, or for others to forget them either.
Guy: Everyone feels the same way.
Hisoka: …Right.
Tsumugi: Say, Hisoka-kun. If you don’t mind, won’t you come to Flower Park with me next time? The peonies are in bloom. Or I guess, for you, I should call them paeonia?
Hisoka: Peonies…
Tsumugi: However, it might trigger some memories to resurface that you wanted to forget… So we can go once your feelings have settled down.
Hisoka: …I’ll go. I have a feeling now is the time to go.
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