#i can do this i am smart. i am capable. i am ambitious to the point of getting my ass handed to me. i can do this
isabelguerra · 2 years
i really wish i had a better comparison for this stupid ass goddamn theory other than Spirits Are Horcruxes kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me
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jemiswumbo · 4 months
she’s out of her mind
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luke castellan x daughter of hades!reader
anon prompt: Hey babes! I saw your post about wanting prompts and I was wondering you could write Luke Castellan x Daughter of Hades! Reader where it's like sunshine (Luke) x grumpy (Reader) trope?
authors note: hello i am back with a small drabble for the cute prompt above! i got drunk off of applebees dollaritas and wrote this in 15mins so do with that information what you will. hope you enjoy! :)
title is from she’s out of her mind by blink-182. lyrics are a lil fitting.
warnings: none? i think? it’s just fluff, i think. sort of.
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“Wake up, sunshine.”
You groaned low and deep, releasing a guttural sound full of pure agony. Rolling over on your (extremely warm, cozy, sleep inducing) bed, you came face to face with your boyfriend, Luke Castellan, who was currently opening up the curtains in your cabin.
Being the only child of Hades at the camp, the entire cabin was sparse and empty, save for the corner you called home. There was a bed with black sheets and blanket, a side table full of the few memorabilia you had to your name, and a dresser beside that which held your extensive collection of black clothing. The walls resembled the inner workings of a cavern; slick rock prodded with small bones and beautiful jewels encapsulated the bedroom areas. Sconces held lit torches burning bright with turquoise Greek fire.
Your favourite part of the cabin, though, was the specially-crafted blackout curtains that were typically drawn tight over the windows. Not even a sliver of light could penetrate the thick, black, velvet drapes. That was, until, your idiot boyfriend took it upon himself to draw them open. The harsh blades of sunlight violated your eyes, illiciting your pained groan. You hated it when people interrupted your sleep.
“Luke,” You whined, shoving your face into your pillow, hoping to evade the blinding light. “Let me sleep, please, for the love of the gods.”
“Fuck the gods,” Luke said, and you could hear the smirk in his voice without needing to see his (cute, devilishly handsome) face. “Anyways, it’s 9am! You’ve slept in long enough and I wanna have breakfast with you and your pretty face.” Luke flopped down on the bed beside you and flipped your body back over with ease, in a foolish attempt to force you into the world of the living.
Typical for a child of Death, you kept your eyes squeezed shut and pounded the bedsheet with your fist. “I will literally, genuinely, actually murder you without hesitation if you don’t leave me the fuck alone.”
“That’s no way to talk to your boyfriend.” Luke said, pressed a small kiss to your nose. You swatted him away with anger.
Any other (normal, rational, smart) kid at camp would’ve soiled their pants and fled in terror from such a threat uttered by the one and only daughter of Hades. You were capable of a simple killing — you were graciously bestowed the gift of sucking out the souls of mortals with a mere flick of the wrist — and so it was only logical to fear such a ghastly claim. Luke, however, had realized early on in your Camp days that you were full of shit and would never hurt a fly. He took an opportunity to befriend you and you’d been dating for a few years now. You were (truly, madly, deeply) in love with him and yes, despite your immense hatred for morning sunlight, you would never actually hurt him.
“Come on,” he prodded again, cuddling up beside you and tapping your forehead mischievously. You mustered the courage to crack open one eye (barely) and saw him grinning down at you. “Wake up, baby. Let’s get breakfast and then spend the day at the docks. We can swim and sun bathe and have a picnic—“
“Gods, you’re ambitious today,” you grumbled, rolling back over to face the opposite direction of Luke (and, the open windows), allowing him to grab your waist and pull you up against his chest. “I hate being in the sun. You know this.”
“Yeah, but I like to try new things with you,” Luke said, peppering a few kisses down your jaw and the side of your neck, squeezing his taut arm around your torso. “And I’m dying to see you in a bikini.”
“Perv,” you mumbled, but deep down you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, causing a crimson blush to bloom over your chest. “Give me another hour to sleep.”
“No,” Luke said, and now it was his turn to groan impatiently. “Please, now, for me? I love you and want to spend time with you.”
“I hate you and want you to leave me alone,” you replied, pulling your fluffy duvet back up over your shoulders. “Bed time.”
“Beach time,” Luke decided. He sat up slightly and ripped the blankets entirely off your form, exposing your body to the cold air of the morning.
You shrieked. “Luke, you asshole—“
Luke jumped out of the bed, smiling wide. He gathered up all the blankets up into his arms, much to your dismay, and held them away from you. You only wore shorts and a tank top to sleep last night, and the chill in the room froze you right to your bones. Luke bundled up the bedding into a ball and fired it across the room. “There, now you’re acclimated.”
“You’re dumb as hell.”
“You are a grouchy, sleepy demon who needs breakfast and vitamin D.”
“Ugh!” You exploded, finally shoving yourself out of bed in a fit of exasperation. Luke had the audacity to applaud you. “Okay, there, I’m up!”
“So proud of you, my sleeping beauty,” Luke remarked. He crossed the room to you and placed a tender kiss to your lips, making sure to nip at your pouty bottom lip.
“Sorry for being rude,” You murmured, after having kissed him back. “I love you. I just don’t love being woken up.”
“I know,” Luke said with a grin. “I actually think you’re cute when your grumpy, so I do it on purpose to bug you.”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t stop the small smirk from appearing on your cheeks. “Whatever. You promised breakfast and I’m starving, so let’s go.”
Luke mimicked your playful eyeroll. He took your hand, leading you out the door and towards the dining pavilion.
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note 2: hi hi! if you read this and enjoyed it and maybe want to read more from me, i would super appreciate prompts and requests sent to my inbox! can’t guarantee i’ll write them all but i will for sure try my best! thanks for reading! :)
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rosesnbooks · 2 months
🩷Cancer placements🩷
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disclaimer: i am not a professional and these are some observations i've read over the years and/or noticed in people i know♋
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🐚Sun in cancer-they feel things deeply, and they're both vulnerable and strong because of it. people tend to underrestimate them a lot and this frustrates them. nevertheless, if well-developed, they are strong and loving people. family plays an important role in their lives, there is a certain attachment they cannot escape, nor do many of them want to. they don't reveal their true selves to the public completely because they want to uphold a certain image and protect their heart. when they try to use their emotions for creative outlets, they excell in it since their style is raw and imaginative: once they express this side of them, you'll feel their emotions like you're experiencing them too. they can hold grudges and be passive aggressive at their worst. because it takes them time to process things, who knows how long it would take for them to forgive someone. they can be so kind that it melts you completely and catches you off guard. it's so easy to love them. may be quite impressionable so they need to watch out for that
🐚Moon in cancer-very sensitive, caring, giving, and emotional. they are indeed intuitive, but they tend to come up with false impressions/conclusions because they lead with their emotions, which clouds their intuition. they love profoundly and they romanticize love a lot. it means a lot to them and therefore, it is one of their main focuses in life. they tend to idealize their crushes though. once people realize how kind they actually are, some of them try to use them. others appreciate their affections greatly. they can be ambitious when they put their mind to it. creative outlets help them explore their emotions in ways they maybe couldn't process on their own, which makes them satisfied and happy. they are very nostalgic and collect things that remind them of certain memories and people. it takes time for them to get over things and it impacts them heavily, which is why they need to have the right support around them and they need to focus on themselves in such times.
🐚Ascendant/rising in cancer-you can tell that they're cancer rising because they seem kind and sensitive, and their gaze is usually soft. they have a sweet smile too. they try to keep up with their good manners, even when they're not a fan of the person they're talking to. people tend to underestimate them because of this, which might provoke them to change their image (make it darker/more serious) if under-developed. they care about their family image in public and keeping well connections with relatives. they usually have a romantic or academic fashion style, just something that I noticed. very charming individuals who like to idealize a lot and see the best in people. also, i think that their personality is visible once they start talking to you, but their resting face may not be approachable always lol
🐚Mercury in cancer-their memory is outstanding. they just tend to memorize anything, and if you're someone really close to them, they'll use this memory to show just how much they care about you. they have an emotional way of thinking so they do take everything personally. they can jump to conclusions because of this, even if their intuition tells them otherwise. they tend to doubt themselves and their abilities even though they are really smart and capable. if developed, they can use their logical and emotional side to lead a conversation healthily. for example, they can express how they feel and if they think you're worthy of their respect, they'll approach the topic carefully so that they don't hurt you. they are really careful with words in this scenario. however, if they feel very wronged or if you talked to them while they were in a vulnerable state, they'll snap and say hurtful things because they know which buttons to push, but they feel awful afterward if they care about you. other than that, there is so much to learn from these loving individuals because they are so complex and they have a lot to give. lastly, they need to be more optimistic and not expect the worst. sometimes missed opportunities are what one needs to gain something even better later on, but yeah sometimes bad things happen too but that's a part of life. don't dwell too much on things you can't control
🐚Venus in cancer-they would give everything for their partner. they are very romantic and love their partner no matter what. that being said, they sometimes tolerate too many things due to love. this is a cliche, but most of these people want a family of their own one day, or at least a found family. they like to take care of the people they love and be there for them. they have a lot to give and not all people are like that, so it probably takes them more time than they'd like to admit to find the one who is right for them. they fantasize about romance a lot and probably have an idea of a partner they'd like. their person would have to pay lots of attention to them and accept their strong emotions without shaming them. they also need to make sure that no matter how many yeard they spend together, they should go on dates and cherish each other. venus in cancer may love cheesy and personal romantic gestures-something that is timeless but also lets the person know that they care about them. at their worst, this placement can be aggressive and manipulative, so they need to look out for that
🐚Mars in cancer-they remember everything you ever said or done, so be careful if you want to mess with them. they are really smart and ambitious, they have dreams that they wish to achieve one day and despite the obstacles they face, they have good discipline and therefore, they manage to succeed in the things they worked hard for. they can be very passive-aggressive if you disappoint them because they expect you to understand them on a deeper level since they try to do the same for the people they love. seriously, people don't talk enough about how dedicated they are to their dreams and loved ones. they can be very rational and logical, which blends amazingly with their sensitive and intuitive side (lots of empathy as well). make sure you let them know how much you love them with actions and words if you want a healthy relationship of any kind with this placement. they want people around them who make them feel safe and loved, just like family. anything less than that isn't enough
🐚Saturn in cancer-they get carried away by their emotions often, and cannot hide it really well. many people don't/didn't cherish their kindness and selflessness which hurts them greatly. they need to stand up for themselves because if they do not, they may harbor a lot of resentment which could lead to bad outcomes with those they love. wearing your heart on your sleeve and wanting the best for everyone is not a weakness, but please take care of your heart because you deserve it too. this placement can be quite intense when angry. their family has a strong influence on their life, whether good or bad. nevertheless, at least one family member is super important to them, possibly even the most important person in their life.
🐚Jupiter in cancer-they thrive best when they are true to themselves and their feelings-especially when they are not ashamed of them and simply accept them. they are very caring and thoughtful, it's addicting to be around them. besides their emotional intelligence, they are very smart in general and this helps them so much in life. their connections can be really strong and beneficial. they may be quite spiritual and interested in such topics. astrology could also be one of their passions because they could excel in it and understand it easily. may have strong connections with their family, whether one member or several (or many haha). could also have strong connections with their past and ancestors, just something i've read once.
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thank you for reading this, and i'm looking forward to your feedback🩷
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AITA for not wanting to get a better job?
I (20s F) work at a job related to my degree that earns a salary of $45k a year. I’m not really invested in my job, it’s boring office work, and as it’s a small company, there’s not much opportunity for growth aside from yearly raises to match inflation. My true love is writing, and I feel comfortable with my job and our finances that I don’t need to aspire higher in a demanding career that will distract from my writing ambitions.
My husband (20s M) has always been way more financially minded than me. He’s getting a masters in finance and works as an investment banker. He has moved up the ranks at his job and currently earns $60kish with promises that upon certain milestones, that pay will increase to $80k, $90k, and so on. Between the two of us we make around $100k. Despite this, he constantly brings up that I’m not ambitious enough, I rely on him to do all the heavy lifting for our finances, and am settling when I’m smart and could get a better job. But as previously noted, I do have ambitions, they just don’t involve getting a secure office job that earns me a ton of cash (that I’d probably have to get a second degree to even be capable of being hired anyway since with my current credentials this is about as much as I can get).
So basically, I told him that I AM contributing, even if it’s not as much as he wants, and I’m comfortable where we’re at (he dreams of traveling and having fancy stuff which i don’t really care about, but to achieve that it requires me to contribute more. I once told him I don’t want to sacrifice my dream of being an author to achieve his dream of being super rich).
Anyway, we stopped talking about this much because we can never agree, and he gets annoyed when I work on my books because he sees it as a time sync that’s taking time away from him and time I could spend on a “real career.” Sometimes I feel like he just wants me to not write and do nothing with him, as if denying myself of what I want to do will be proof that I love him most. Anyway. Am i the asshole here? Am I selfish, and should I be contributing more?
What are these acronyms?
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archivalofsins · 5 months
I'm so late but- I can't believe they just made Amane bad at math canon?!
This was inspired by a conversation I was having with a friend for the most part. Didn't want to get too carried away but love the subtle changes in the minigrams and how they play on the timelines.
That's a D, and even though that's an average percentage in Japan, there's a chance it's not meant to be read that way. Like it can still be average. Average grades are fine but like the difference between this and the timelibe interests Mr.
Because this Minigram comes directly off of the last one with Shidou. A minigram that they also took some creative liberties with for comedic reasons. Yet that one ended with Amane searching for a new teacher not going to find Kotoko like in the original timeline interaction,
Amane: ……what’s wrong, Shidou-san? Your hand has stopped marking. This is mathematics, so there’s no questions about the answers. If I got something wrong, please mark it with an X.
Shidou: I…… I just don’t understand. If everything about MILGRAM is true…… why did a child like you have to become a murderer? Just imagining what sort of circumstances must have led to that, it makes me so sad……
Amane: ……*sigh*. Is that right. I don’t think I’m going to get along with you, Shidou-san. I don’t agree with the fact you refuse to acknowledge that I have my own free will, and that I should be held accountable for my actions, just because I’m a child. I may have only been alive for 12 years, but all the choices I’ve made, even if they weren’t the best ones, were entirely my own. What point is there in you getting sad when I have no regrets myself? ……please give me back my test. It seems you don’t have the concentration levels required to be my teacher. I’m going to get Kotoko-san to teach me instead.
Shidou: Amane…… I don’t think that’s true. However smart you may be…… you’re still just a child.
In the original timeline convo Shidou states the things he was thinking in the minigram aloud causing Amane to leave. In the Minigram Amane is just left baffled and confused as Shidou seems to fail to understand what her test even says and leaves on her own.
Like we said before, she doesn't state she's looking for Kotoko, just a teacher who seems capable. She immediately disregards Futa as an option. Something also done for comedic purposes.
So the test Amane gives Kotoko to grade in this Minigram is still the mathematics one. Unlike in the portal timeline when the interaction between her and Kotoko is several days after her one with Shidou,
Amane: Thank you very much for teaching me. ……but, though I realise it’s strange me saying this after I asked you, I must admit it’s kind of unexpected. You give off the impression of someone who wouldn’t want to get involved in things like this.
Kotoko: ……well, you’re not wrong. I’m surrounded by people who could all be murderers, so I don’t plan on going out of my way to talk and make friends. I can’t let my guard down. But I like ambitious people like you. If you want to study more, then I’m happy to teach.
Amane: I see…… You look scary at first impression, but I quite like the way you treat everyone equally regardless of whether they’re older or younger than you. You don’t just treat me like a child or anything like that.
Kotoko: Treat you like a child? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding. Back when I was your age, I was already the person I am today. I don’t have any plans to let you get away with something just “because you’re a child.” ……remember that. There, I’ve finished marking. 83%. How do I put it… Even though you act like this, it’s not like you’re super brilliant at studying or anything, huh.
In contrast to the timelibe interactions that happeb a good bit away from each other, the Minigram is more meant to document her starting out bring tutored by Kotoko. Not her falling out with tutors like we see in the timeline. This right here is all about timing.
First, do you notice how in the minigram they stay away from the treat you like a child conversation entirely? Only focusing on how Kotoko likes ambitious people like Amane, the grades, and the need to improve them in this area. That's a stark difference from the original timeline.
Plus, notice how the timeline has Mikoto and Kazui there. Two people she asks for help at different points in the timeline. Well, more so take note of how this minigram uses Mikoto specifically. The Minigram uses him to emphasize and announce to everyone that right now, this isn't about language.
The topic that he and Amane excel in or have a good grasp of,
Q.01 What’s your speciality skill?
Amane: I don’t think I have a particular skill. Would studying count? I’m good at Japanese language.
It's about math. It's still about the math test from the previous Minigram. You know what's not the timeline interaction that takes place five days after she did that test and ended the conversation stating she was going to Kotoko. From how Kotoko and Amane are speaking in the June 18th timeline, it's implied she's been helping her for a minute. She's probably been helping her since what occurred on the 13th with Shidou.
Does anyone here think it would take Kotoko five days to grade a math test? No probably not. So she's more than likely grading a different exam all together.
I believe Kotoko's wording is important in this timeline. Because she says, "Even though you act like this, it's not like you're super brilliant at studying or anything, huh?"
What about the way Amane behaves would imply she'd be good at math or studying?
They even change this in the minigram instead having Kotoko state,
"How do I say this... For the way you act, you aren't a good student, are you..."
Along with the visual, which implies that Kotoko isn't just saying this based of Amane's grade but how Amane reacted to it. She wasn't surorised or upset in fact she seemed like she expected it.
In the timeline, while Kotoko still attempts to find the right words, she's more matter of fact. Even though it's still a question she flat out forgoes saying she's not a good student and states she's not brilliant at studying or anything. Just point blank you're not amazing at this.
If the thing she was discussing here was in fact Japanese language, the thing that Amane says she's good at. That would hurt a lot more than saying it about math something she doesn't state she's good at it. Plus it's be easy to assume she's excel at that based on how she speaks or being like that.
So yeah, that's why I think this is probably a case of two different things being graded. Not her grade being changed. I want to hope for a part three since she took note of what Mikoto said about being able to help with debate and discussion, but who knows.
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dangermousie · 7 months
Let's discuss hormones. Mine.
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The way he comes in wiping blood from his hands btw is such a great character moment - small but so telling.
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We get the general under Lord Ge complaining...and I lose my mind at how much I love this character arc for Di Lin.
Because he's a doomed character, watching Liu Yuning as Di Lin is the closest we will ever get to seeing Wei Shuo as he was in the novel even if somehow, improbably, Prisoner of Beauty leaves the NRTA jail. Because Di Lin - ruthless as fuck in battle and politics, ambitious, totally whipped for his wife - is very much book WS and no way no how will the censors let the protagonist of a drama who gets a happy ending do what book Wei Shuo or drama Di Lin does (and will do, if they follow the book.)
I mean, the man is executing his soldiers if they don't follow military discipline, killing captured enemies unless they surrender (and sometimes if they surrender too slowly) and if a city refuses to surrender and he takes it, he puts the entire place to the sword. Is this a man I want to chill (in a bath :P) with? Nope. Would I want a kid of mine to join his army? Also nope. Is this something an effective period warlord would do? HELL YEAH!!! Man only had 50K troops and went into insane odds and he's kicking butt extraordinaire.
In fact, he's a genuine sweetheart compared to some of the successful historical warlords in China and elsewhere. (And before the censors starting riding the dramas so hard, you'd see it reflected in dramas more often - see Three Kingdoms 2010, The Advisors' Alliance, The King's War etc.) God, I love that!
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He throws this into the older man's face like a challenge but I get the sense that this is what he tells himself every night as justification to himself, so he can sleep at night. There is a certain unhinged desperation in his words and actions.
And then this scene! AAAAA! (Wasting food refers to the old officer smashing a bowl of porridge when he came in.)
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The thing is - part of it is intimidation tactic for the man to leave and not to interfere again - but part of it is I think Di Lin is operating from serious trauma response freak out level and - I don't want to say he's not rational because he's obviously smart and capable and doing well in battle - but he's traumatized as fuck.
I mean, look at the scene after the old officer leaves. He's the supreme commander of his force and he kneels and starts trying to scoop up the spilled porridge into the broken shards of the bowl with shaking hands like his life depends on it. This man is not well.
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We started the drama by slowly realizing that Xiu's sunny jokester demeanor conceals serious serious trauma and now we are watching Di Lin get traumatized in front of our eyes. And I love that the trigger is war for both but also that they were already under stress already before which probably facilitated that. Xiu had to be in the hell of border privation and battles for 7 years but he went in after losing his adoptive father, being betrayed and being kicked out of his life - so someone with trauma already there got a lot of war trauma on top and came back the way he came back.
And with Di Lin, he's had to be the spy in Lord Yang's camp for the last 7 years which is stressful as fuck and can end in sudden death at any moment and he has to live with everyone except his two bros and his wife thinking he's someone who he is not, at all - so that's already a "congrats on coping" territory and then he goes to war (and it's his first command; I am sure he's fought before but command is a whole different ball of wax) and he's outnumbered and has to actually work for two enemy factions (Lord Yang and Xiu's) even through his battle strategies and so he is now also falling apart.
Going to war is enough trauma for most people on its own and here - ugh. I love that Xiu is incredibly competent and functional and Di Lin is also but that doesn't mean they aren't super super fucked up.
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
How would you characterize Lloyd/Suho’s relationship with Alicia in Tged? I’ve just started the webcomic and I find their dynamic so fascinating despite that they’re not the main relationship of the series.
it's. it's hard to describe. and tbh i'm not the best person to ask. i am not a lloyd/alicia shipper and i was too fascinated by every single other of lloyd's relationships that i think i missed when their relationship started to shift into a more personal one.
lloyd respects alicia, he knows she's a tolerant, fair and just queen, he feels relatively safe that she won't screw him over for no reason and knows he has her absolute trust. he's kind of afraid of her tho lol like not because he thinks she's evil or anything but simply because, well, she's the queen. you gotta treat royalty carefully. and alicia is the kind of ruler that wants to squeeze the last bit of use of her subjects, not without fair compensation of course but still, she isn't the kind of person who likes to see a competent person just lazying around when she can put them to use to the betterment of her kingdom. so that's. not good for lloyd's plans lol
as for alicia... she mainly thinks he's a very smart, very competent, very stingy and petty person lmao. he's cunning and insolent and lazy and capable and she kinda likes him. he's frustrating but he's trustworthy. he's annoying but he's reliable. he's cheap but he's hardworking. he's exactly the kind of person she wants working for her.
"A competent individual was to be used. Ignoring one's talent was wasteful, and it bordered on being sinful. The more tired capable individuals became, the more prosperous the kingdom and people's lives became." <- alicia's ideology and lloyd's worst fears lol
she knows exactly what he wants and how very non-ambitious he is. that he wants to live an ordinary life and he's just itching to be free of having to work. she is absolutely not up for that lol
so like. they're both extremely smart people. intellectually they're pretty much equals. but when it comes to their power dynamic i always feel a bit iffy tbh 😅 i really didn't like the change they made to the webcomic where alicia outright threatens to invade the frontera fiefdom if lloyd doesn't do the work she has for him. most of their interactions is either her summoning him for a job or lloyd going to her to offer something in exchange for her help or to avoid a disaster. and when it comes to their flirting it mainly boils down to alicia flustering lloyd and lloyd just,,, accepting it ig jakshdska
i don't know! i feel like a missed a huge chunk of the novel! like! honestly! at the end of the novel, lloyd says that when he was struggling with his despair back in korea that two people he thought the most about was javier and the queen. javier because he was like a brother who had always been there with him. and the queen because he'd never told her about his feelings. and like???? what feelings??? when did that happen?????? we have 400+ chapters of lloyd and javier's relationship growing and changing and evolving and then we have,,, i'm not sure how many chapters are about lloyd and alicia interacting actually, sorry, but they're not nearly enough for me to believe he would think about her an equal amount to someone he spent the better part of the last few years of his life with or to, y'know, his found family, the one he also spent years coming to know and love.
my feelings about their relationship are very tainted by my frustration that the author seemingly couldn't bring himself to give lloyd a happy ending that didn't involve him getting married to the only female side character who was 1) not related to him, 2) already in a relationship with someone else and 3) who's character development was directly related to her not having to marry for duty. it just. it had to end with him marrying for it to be a happy ending apparently.
so i'm really not the best person to ask about them i'm so, so sorry alskdhlasd
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batmanschmatman · 2 years
Lewis Nixon - Nebelung Cat
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Please ignore that this breed technically didn’t exist officially until the 1980′s, because honestly, most domestic cats are extremely similar animal behavior wise, and my wife insisted that Nix get a rare, fancy, pedigree cat that’s renowned for its smarts. Nothing but the finest, etc. etc.
Much as Dick is a textbook herding dog soul, Nix is such a cat. He’s such a cat, you guys, you don’t even know. (Also, cats and dogs are such good fits for romantic partnerships, trust me on this.) A domestic cat soul gives the outward appearance of being extremely aloof and self confident, but in reality we - as I am one of their number - crave love and attention and cuddles. Not from anyone, mind you, and we can be very self confident and aloof, but the simple fact is a domestic cat is way more of a social creature than most people give them credit for. They don’t need or want approval from everyone, but they like their people and want to play with and be loved on by them. Nix is more playful and open with Dick and Harry because they’re his people and he loves and trusts them. Cats are also more than capable of being part of a unit, either in a domestic household, working barn cats, or feral cat colonies. Nix might not be a pack/flock/herd animal the way someone like Dick or Malarkey is, but he’s happy to be a part of the group, benefit from that companionship, and help out where he can to the best of his ability.
Cats are extremely smart and adaptable creatures. They can survive just about anywhere and are devastatingly good hunters. Nix is extremely smart and good at work he finds important or interesting, but he’s also not especially ambitious or interested in doing work he doesn’t like just to get ahead. Cats tend to care little about hierarchy or pecking orders because they’re confident and secure in their own spot, much like Nix doesn’t actually care that much about being promoted or demoted at the end of the day.
Cats also like to do things on their own time and be their own boss. Nix was famous for being a great intelligence officer, but also really good at delegating tasks he didn’t want to do so he could do the things he did want to, like sleep in or go hang out at Easy or Second Battalion’s CP to spend time with a certain someone when he should be with his more immediate coworkers. Cats tend to be conflict avoidant, either wanting to smooth a situation over, pretend it’s not happening, or bluff their way out of a fight. Nix isn’t one to bite first or pick fights for no reason, even if he can get blustery and pissed off if things aren’t going his way. He’s also very intuitive and good at saying and doing the right thing to the right person, much like a cat might instinctively know you’re feeling down and in need of some cuddles or hope to trick you into thinking they haven’t been fed yet.
Also worth mentioning that cats are notorious for bringing their people the gift of dead birds and other “snacks.” Most behaviorists interpret this as cats showing they think of you as family and aren’t sure you know how to hunt for yourself. Nix is always giving Dick little treats or things he thinks he’ll like (like tanks, or a weekend pass to Paris!) as a sign that he likes him and because he knows Dick is a little bad at looking after himself.
My wife and I named Nix’s daemon Zelda as a very trendy and uppercrust sort of name from the 20′s, and she is a little prissy and fussy. She spends most of Bastogne shoved into the front of Nix’s jacket glowering at everyone because she is cold and wet. >:C
( HBO War Daemon AU Masterlist )
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luck-and-larceny · 1 year
Tagged by: @carnivalis
Thanks so much for the tag!
Tagging: @thefreelanceangel , @kestrelvylbrand , @charm-in-spades , @dumb-hat, @tough-bit-of-fluff ... Really anyone with multiple OCs who thinks this would be fun!
Favorite OC: Oh, come on now, I love all my children equally.
That's a lie. Sometimes I struggle with OCs and can't quite connect with them. Sometimes when I write or play them it feels like I've known them forever.
Still, I can't really settle on a favorite. I like so many of them! It might be Xifang, my red-headed, over-the-top, manic, thiefy character over on Gilgamesh. If you follow my OOC blog, crimson-thorns, the profile picture is of her.
Oldest OC: That's also Xifang. She started as an Exalted character.
>.> Do I gravitate towards certain character types? -hides every over-the-top, manic, thiefy character she's ever made behind her back- Certainly not.
Newest OC: Aurora Carries the Sky. Or just Aurora. Another Exalted character. She is NOT a thiefy character. Ha! She might be the other things though…
Meanest OC: Hmmm… Malika is maybe the meanest. She's certainly the most spiteful. And one of the most selfish. That makes her sound like she's not much fun to be around, but she can be! At least I think so. I hope so!
Softest OC: Oh, probably Saachi. She's a bit of a contradiction when she's at her best: strong, capable, and stubborn while simultaneously soft, vulnerable, and riddled with crushing uncertainty.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Willow, my Reborn D&D Warlock. She's been given a second chance at life after making some huge mistakes with her first chance and she's still trying to figure out how to be less aloof.
Or Adelaide in FFXIV. She's the oldest daughter of a remarkably shitty noble house in Ishgard. On first brush she might come across as haughty and aloof.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Long ago I had a character in Aion named Mistlethrush. She was exceedingly dumb and fun to play.
Liv, a character I've brought to FFXIV in a far less dumb capacity, was originally a low Intelligence character from a D&D game. I like to think her dumbness was a bit sweet and charming.
Dumbest (Derogatory) OC: Oh, I don't know. NPCs in games I ran don't count do they? If they do it's Jeryk from my Shattered Star campaign. He was the woooorst.
In FFXIV, maybe Xifang. I play her almost like an NPC. She's dumb if the scene/another player needs a character to be dumb at that moment. Usually it's at her own expense for humor. She usually deserves whatever consequences she experiences for her stupid schemes and poorly thought out plans.
Smartest OC: Willow. No doubt. The problem with playing high int D&D characters is that I, myself, am just average in intelligence. @_@
In FFXIV I think my most knowledgeable character is… hmmm. Maybe Adelaide? Or Liv (she's not low int in FFXIV). Malika isn't especially book smart, but she's got social/street smarts. She knows enough to be a problem… and frequently is!
Horniest OC: Yeah yeah yeah. It's Malika. She's a hedonistic character who believes that everyone should do whatever they want, whenever they want, to the extreme as long as it isn't hurting anyone else. She's excessive and exhausting.
OC you'd bang: Probably Malika. And I'd feel real weird, uncomfortable, and awkward afterwards. And probably she'd steal things from me that are super important to me and I'd think "Wow. I made a mistake." I think most people come away thinking that about her. I think she doesn't disagree with that assessment.
OC you'd be best friends with IRL: Saachi probably! But she'd accidentally make me feel like an insecure underachiever because she's so driven and ambitious and I'm, you know, often trying to figure out how to just stay home, eat a bunch of snacks, and play video games all day.
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ub-sessed · 2 years
I am writing a little essay to post on Facebook about what I'm going through, workwise. This is a very rough first draft. I'm gonna post it here and let it sit for a day before I come back and clean it up.
(À mes followers francophones : Si vous voyez des erreurs dans mon texte, n'hésitez pas à m'avertir!)
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[English follows below.]
J'aimerais d'abord remercier tous mes collègues du plateau pour les presque dix ans de compagnie amicale et inspirant. C'est vous qui faites le movie magic, et vous le savez: Il n'y a rien qui est plus magique que d'assister à une équipe de feu dans le jus créer un nouveau monde au complet avec que leurs mains, leur imagination et leur collaboration. Personne d'autre ne peut comprendre c'est quoi travailler ensemble avec les gens comme vous-autres qui ont chacun leur propre super-pouvoir. Mes heures sur le plateau étaient les meilleurs de ma vie.
Là pour raison de santé ma vie est en plein transition.
I am intensely proud of the work I did as a script supervisor, especially of the sustained exertion it took to get that good at something that demanding, and in my second language! I feel lucky that I found my calling, that for almost a decade I got to do a job where I knew that once I got to set, all my other worries would disappear. When I was on set I was in my element, I was laser focused. I was my favourite me. I am grieving the loss of a career that I loved so much and that I worked so hard to build. (So hard. You have no idea how hard. How much effort I put into making it look easy.)
But now that I have finally acknowledged that I won't be able to go back to it, I find that I am enormously relieved. The fact is that in order to do what I did on set, I had to push myself to the very limit of my capacity when I was off set. Well beyond anything sustainable.
What a relief it is now to no longer be straining to be exceptionally good at something exceptionally difficult.
I have spent my whole life pushing myself outside of my comfort zone because that's the only way to really excel. But looking back I realize that the expectations I have set for myself have been absurd. That I have always pursued careers that were well beyond my physical capabilities, or that demanded inhumane hours, or required a level of self-discipline and self-motivation that were completely inappropriate to my temperament.
Script supervising was the closest I ever came to finding the perfect career for me, but even before I got sick, it was clear to me that the only way it would be sustainable was if I could always insist on having an assistant to do the paperwork. Very few script supervisors in the industry can demand that.
My whole life I have been told that I should be more ambitious, that something-or-other should be easy for me because I'm so smart, that if I just had the right attitude I could do things that I actually find nearly impossible. And my whole life I've felt like I was drowning.
Whenever I have tried to make a realistic assessment of my abilities and accept my limitations, I have been told that I'm being "too hard on myself" and that my "negative attitude" was what was keeping me from reaching my goals. But this misguided advice just made it harder to set healthy goals in the first place. I have spent the great majority of my adult life nowhere near my comfort zone. It was exhausting and stressful. These people were right that I should have had more self-confidence: then I would have believed that I know myself better than anybody else does.
It took being completely incapacitated by illness to realize that I have spent my entire adult life feeling inadequate for not meeting the well-meaning expectations of people with only the most superficial understanding of my situation. What a relief it is to no longer be trying to "live up to my potential".
I'm just grateful that I'm young enough that I still have a chance to build myself a life that actually goes at my own pace. A life where I put myself first.
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archer3-13 · 2 years
Someone was dumb enough kind enough to get me pokemon violet this christmas so i guess i am gonna be playin it and gettin the 'inside scoop' on the pokemon companys latest game. For clarifications sake the last pokemon game i really bothered to sit down and complete was oras and thats only because oras was a remake of gen3. otherwise the last mainline one ive gone out of the way for is xy.
i appreciate the effort to cinematography, it helps breath a bit more life into the affair then there might otherwise have been
on the other hand the game runs like ass, which you could arguably say is a good indication of the ambition the pokemon companys going for this time... but i would argue back that its just the game being poorly optimized cause overall well its all rather ambitious i havent seen anything that feels too far outside the switches capabilities so far.
nemonas a treat, shes got that slight edge of barrys insanity but its a bit more balanced with calmer moments so that she doesnt feel quite as overwhelming as barry could
is catching easier in this game? cause it feels real easy so far to catch in this game, practically nabbed the whole lot of pokemon in the 'tutorial area' before hitting the school
i appreciate the game introducing terrestalizing the way it does, having nemona use it against you before letting you enjoy it. it helps demonstrate how well its quite the powerful new gimmick to use, its not invincible and can be beaten if ya play it smart
that said the ai for battles is feeling particularly rock stupid this time around. hopefully that'll change when things go on, but if nemonas response to having her pokemon wake up on red health with already 3 workups behind it, is to go for another workup as ralts erases it from existence immediately afterwards... im not confident itll get much better from there.
neither penny or backpack boy leave much of an impression so far. cant even remember backpack boys name.
it definitely feels like theres some form of response to criticisms of pokemons previous outings going on here, how a lot of the gens after xy were seeming to get increasingly hand holdy to the point of gen8 having the player around as a side piece to its actual plot. here the reins are taken off pretty heavily even just in the tutorial section and they really wanna emphasize how its 'your choice' on what ya do.
that said, the fact that theres 8 gym challenges but only 5 star bases and 5 titan pokemon makes me irrationally angry cause they arent all 8 apiece. hopefully they still all feel substantial enough that it doesnt become an actual problem...
the tutorial section as it were both lasts too long, yet feel too short in my opinion. cause mechanically you can get all the stuff the game teaches ya here out in a much shorter timeframe/area. but on the other it doesnt feel quite as immersive as i think they were going for to draw me in?
i like that even in the school setting child endangerment is just the accepted status quo of things. turns out even if red and blue were in school they'd still have a better then 0 chance of being killed by super powered monsters.
idk, maybe its the abysmal expectations i had going in but im digging this more then i thought i would. if the game ran more consistently and didn't... glitch out in a lot of places i'd probably be even more hooked into the experience.
they shoulda given you a cylcazar as a 'ride slave' instead of the box legendary to start with, especially if were just gonna keep the legendary out of battle 'till yer tough enough' regardless. that way you could have the legendary as a reward for say, completing the titans quest.
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dearestones · 2 years
Death Note Matchup: Mello/Mihael Keehl
Warnings: Fluff.
@voidsmind Request: Hii! Could I please request a Death Note matchup with a male character? <3
I’m Italian, my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic. I have green eyes and short purple hair. I dress with fairy core/ fairy grunge clothes. I wear lots of rings and love to exchange them with others.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own, I would do everything for the people I care about and sometimes I’ve been told that I’m too kind for my own good. I have a sarcastic humor and I love making others laugh. I don’t like when people tell me what to do and I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else.
All my friends tell me I’m very smart, I get very good grades and I do well in school. I also try to help my friends with study and school as much as possible. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation.
I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
I really hope I did this right and I didn’t write too much, have a great day :)
After reading through the information given, I believe that your best match is with Mello or Mihael Keehl!
First of all, Mello absolutely adores your style. After leaving the orphanage, he managed to dress according to his own sense of style and flair and he appreciates that you have your own bold aesthetic. In fact, that’s probably what attracted him in the first place: that you have the confidence to pull off such a great look! He may not fully understand fairy core or fairy grunge clothes, but if it makes you happy and makes your identity pop, then it doesn’t matter. 
As an orphan, he doesn’t exactly know what it’s like to have a mom. He had to fight and strive every day amidst so many other children just so that he could stay at the top—or close to the top. He may be put off by your kindness and your soothing nature, but when he realizes that you’re not out to get him or that your actions aren’t patronizing, he’ll gladly go to you whenever he needs advice or if he wants to simply be in your calming presence. He’ll never admit it, but he dreams about putting his head in your lap so that you can run your fingers through his hair. Try it out! He might start purring like a cat.
Mello might think that you’re a little naive. Optimism, in his opinion, doesn’t take people too far in life. Furthermore, he also finds it irritating that you would put others’ needs above your own. Granted, it’s a wonderful personality trait, but shouldn’t you be selfish sometimes? When Mello finds out that you’re hurt or you’re suffering from handling too much, he will definitely take you aside and force you to get some self care. It’s good that you care about others, but remember to take care of yourself first!
(No, he doesn’t care about you, that’s not what this is, he just doesn’t want to see you get sick, okay?)
Ah, you’re a firebrand like him, is that right? On one hand, he’s glad that you have a backbone, but on the other… He knows that this will lead to heated discussions and fights down the road. He can stand his own in a fight, but something tells him that if you put your mind to it, you would manage to cow him into conceding his position and allowing you to do whatever you want. He’s not a pushover by any means, but he’ll fold to you.
Ambitious and smart? Now you’re speaking his language! He finds it great that you are intelligent and capable; he can have conversations that may be beyond the understanding of some people with you. Of course, if you are confused or need more enlightenment, he’ll break it down to simpler terms just for you. (He’ll act like he’s doing it begrudgingly, but he actually likes seeing your face light up when he takes the time to make complicated matters more comprehensible for you. You’re the only one he’ll do it for). 
As a person who has strived for the top, ambition has always been part of his more positive characteristics and his eventual downfalls. He will always be on your side and willing to help you reach your goals no matter the cost.
Mello is decidedly more engaging when it comes to physical affection. When you first meet, it will take forever and then a few more months before he starts engaging in physical contact with you. If you want the relationship to progress, you will have to initiate hugs and kisses. However, when he’s more comfortable with you, he’ll gladly scoop you up in his arms from behind or pull you into his lap to cuddle. He loves your warmth and will likely play with your hair if you let him. Words of affirmation are hard to come by him. The chances are slim that he’ll ever tell you that he likes you, much less loves you. He’s a man of action and words are merely a courtesy. Even so, in the rare chance that he does ever admit his feelings, be prepared to strain your ears and come closer because he will whisper the truth about how he feels and once only.
Overall, your relationship can get rocky and at times toxic if you don’t communicate to him your wants and needs. Similarly, you need to pay attention to his mood swings and ask after him since he doesn’t like opening up despite how blustery and loud his personality may seem. Once the both of you get over the hurdles of your relationship, the both of you will blossom and enjoy a personal connection that will be hard to break. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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sachisei · 9 months
10 Compliments I Would Give Myself
I love my taste in books, movies, anime, etc. I won't fucking trade it for anything else. What I enjoy reading and watching shows a lot about who I am. And it's usually garnered on what I also value in life. So even if it's cringey or basic for others, I love stories about relationships, community, creativity, and self development.
I take pride on writing my poems to not make them very easy to read or digest. I understand that poems don't have to be read to be deciphered. While I do want to convey my own emotions into my poems, I also want the readers to make their own conclusions when they read what I wrote. I don't necessarily have to write for myself. I want to also write for other people to gauge. I normally write poems that way, unless I had a really rough day and decided to write about that shitty feeling then it becomes more apparent that it's my perspective. Anyway, I don't think it's ridiculous to write poems that way. In fact, I think it's beautiful to have a bit of "hmmms" when you read a poem, you know. Make those brain cogs working.
I'm smart. I can be lazy and distracted and clumsy and uninformed, but I really am smart. I know my way out of my own problems most of the time. I complain about shit cause it's annoying.
I am self-sufficient. This is related to number 3. I rarely ask help from others because I try my damn hardest to find a way to make shit work for me. At the very least I would ask people what they think about stuff, but I still ultimately decide for myself. That's pretty girlboss of me, not even gonna downplay myself on that.
I am very caring towards friends. At this point I dont really know if it shows in the manner I speak with friends, but I intensely pay attention to their moods, health, and circumstances. Friends, to me, is not as simple as connections or people I vibe with or people I can rely on. Friends are people I've sworn myself to protect and support at all cost. That's why I'm selective and careful of who I consider as friend. I can't afford time and energy to do that for anybody.
I like to call myself a fast learner, although it's usually hit or miss. But on a good day, I am. I will also research on my own to do shit better than what is expected. My bosses should give me a raise, but then I also don't want attention. Sigh. What a pain.
I am quite confident these days. I feel proud of that. I can only thank my past self for hanging in there. You know what…
I am proud of the progress I made every year. I don't fundamentally change that much, but my tone does. I feel a lot calmer than years ago. And I learned many things that will stick by me as early as in my twenties. Damn, I was more resilient that I thought I could be. Or maybe I'm just a pushover.
I can accept criticism of output and performance fairly well. In fact I seek out negative feedback more than positive ones. I'm kinda weird like that when it comes to stuff I work on. Idk. I like that about me though.
Although I'm ambitious, I'm not arrogant about my status nor do I overestimate my capabilities. I hate hierarchies, but a system is necessary to avert disorder. And I'm glad that I haven't once succumbed to feeling smug about any of my accomplishments. It's good to feel happy about it, but not to rub it off on anybody's face. Like come on, dude.
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suni-b-rose · 1 year
I use to write down every thought I had
Because I never said them out loud
I use to be hyper and ambitious
And I was told to be quiet, to calm down, to fizzle
I kept coming home crying to hear the same advice
“Fuck them.
If they don’t like you for you then who cares
Move on and you’ll find someone who actually cares”
So I’d go mute.
I’d be angry.
I’d say fuck them
But usually the people I got mad at were the people close to me, people I couldn’t escape.
So I’d say fuck them
And go mute in their presence
Id stew and stir over all the thoughts and words I absorbed and couldn’t give back out
My parents didn’t like to be talked back to
They didn’t like to hear that they were wrong
They assume my wrong doing
And tell me they won’t let me tell them I am anything but what they already know
And depending on the day who knows
I’m a liar, a thief, fat, and ungreatful
Smart, capable, courageous, and fierce
To my teachers I’m full of potential but can’t keep to myself
To the younger family members who I was told to watch after, I’m a bossy mom with thunder thighs and fluffy pillow arms.
To my parents I’m a dream and then a crazy bitch
To strangers I’m a ball of joy until I suddenly break apart
I am many things to many people at any given moment. And usually they have no problem telling me what they think.
Sometimes when I say,
That’s no true
I’ve been met with a
I never put my foot down and just say no again
Because clearly not hearing me wasn’t the problem
It’s the not believing me
What If I said
Because I haven’t been writing as much.
The thoughts become overwhelming
Because I learned to speak up and start talking
I’ve learned to curve the thoughts
But sometimes I’m still stuck.
Sometimes I’m still silent
Because I’m people pleasing
I don’t want to be seen as unagreeable, selfish, or mean.
I don’t want to be yelled at
I don’t want to be called out my character
But damn in 26
I already had a whole break down at 25
I’ve been suicidal since 9
I can’t keep letting myself fall apart
But I’ve got so many diagnosis
So much trauma
And no one or no hope for relief in the form of another
I’ve choosen silence and myself
And I’ve choosen silence with others
I’ve choosen to
Im working on this show right now
By Charly Evon Simpson
Black women are falling apart
Literally turning to sand
And the more they worry about it
The more they worry in general
The worse it gets
And when they finally let go
And when they stop being so concerned
They stay in tact
When they focus on themselves
It all comes together.
I’m excited to start this process.
I’m excited to learn more.
I want to heal from my hurt
But I also want to move on
Healing vs the Cure
To find harmony vs treating symptoms
I can speak my mind and find solution through connection and conversation
But all that I need is within me.
If saying fuck them and moving on silently is all I have to do.
Then to the moon we go.
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noones-untruly · 2 years
Hi! I'm back with my gloomy mind! These thoughts just won't leave me alone, so I had to get rid of them in any form, so why not writing and drawing, haha? Anyways, enjoy my nonsense~
"I don't know how to describe this, but I always felt like I'm faking it. Like I am pretentious little bitch. It feels like I am not supposed to live as I live now, like I was not supposed to even exist. But here I am. Living a stolen life, pretending to be someone else I am not and will never be. I feels wrong. My entire personality is based off of lies. And yet, I'm still here, pretending that this is okay, that this is alright, that it's supposed to be like that. I feel that all art I do is fake, because drawing and creative was always "just a hobby" for me, because I was told so. I was told, that I'm smart, brace, ambitious and perspective. I was told that I can become a great scientist, an inventor, that I have a destiny. And they all were so fucking mistaken.
I am nothing.
I'm not smart, I'm a coward, I have no ambitions or perspectives. I am a huge pathetic lie. An average vessel to an entry soul. I'm not capable of creating, I'm not capable of inventing. I can't. Everything I do, any kind or form of art feels empty, unreal, fake and soulless.
But I pretend like it's full of something. There are a lot of thoughts and feelings in each piece I do. But when time passes, I feel like it was wrong to create it. As if I don't deserve to feel, to create, to exist.
I feel like I am a puny mistake.
It would have been so much easier, and probably better, if I never existed.
I can't even express my own emotions. The only way for me to cope with them is through art and creation. And even this way it feels wrong. I'm not supposed to be like that. I wish I could talk. I wish I could express myself. I wish I had someone to be there, to listen to me, to help me go through this.
But there isn't. Because I won't allow myself to trust anyone enough for it. I am the only problem of myself. I am the only one to be there, to listen and help myself through this. There was, there is and there will never be anyone else, I'm afraid.
I wish, I were brave enough to disappear."
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buttercupbuckk · 3 years
BBC Merlin Characters: Houses & Wands
Having recently re-watched Merlin early this year, and getting into the fandom once again - I took it upon myself to do sort some of my favourite characters in houses but also create them their own wands too. All of these are based on my interpretations of the characters, as well as headcanons within the fandom considering many of these characters lack proper development within the show (*couch Arthur *cough* Percival *cough*). You are of course allowed to disagree, and I would love to here your own versions too! But i hope you enjoy this!
Also, fair warning, I am completely ignoring the Harry Potter history within this, cause honestly, its a bit rubbish,
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Though Ravenclaws are often depicted as wise and smart - qualities which Gwen certainly upholds of course - they are also incredibly creative and unique; underrated traits within Ravenclaws which I believe Gwen represents perfectly.
Regarding her wand, Hazel wood often chooses wielders who have deep connections with and a high awareness of ones emotions, regardless whether they are positive or negative in nature, and the power used through the wand relies heavily on the emotions of the caster. Not to mention they are incredibly loyal to a caster, as well as brilliant at producing skillful magic - which I thought did Gwen justice and represented her well. Unicorn Hair cores produce the most consistent magic, as well as being incredibly faithful.
Slytherin house is notable for traits such as ambition and cunningness, and even from Season 1, we are made aware of Morgana's own ambition as well as her determined nature - which perhaps gets lost in meaning of vague stubbornness. Slytherin house upholds many of the qualities Morgana has, and in my honest opinion, no other house is capable of representing her so well.
Witches and Wizards who wield wands crafted from Ebony are typically best suited for combative magic - which I believe suites Morgana's nature well, and pairs brilliantly with her as a person. Ebony wands are known for being just as determined as their casters and are never easily swayed from their cause either. Her wands core, Phoenix Feather, was an easy choice as through out the Harry Potter series it resembles magic as it changes form and ages in skill, which is probably because the core itself can take a while to show it's true nature and power - so I believed it to represent Morgana better than any other core.
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Slytherin house is typically associated with misguided and villainous characters, which is just an incorrect notion in itself, I believe that Merlin suites many of it's other traits, particularly determination and cleverness, and given Merlin's sarcastic and sharp witted behaviour as well as his ambitious nature, I feel as if it is impossible to imagine him in any other house but Hufflepuff, given his extreme notions of loyalty and kindness, but in the end I felt as if Slytherin represented in just that much more.
Wizards who are chosen by Cedar wands are known for their strength of character and their odd loyalty. The wands themselves are just as perceptive as their wielders, and it is noted that it would be foolish to cross someone who wields these wands, especially to hurt people in which they care about: in general, it fits Merlin perfectly. Wands which contain Dragon Heartstring cores, are not only known for producing unbelievably powerful and volatile magic, but are also incredibly prone to accidents, as well as forming strong bonds with their wielders. Given Merlin's own personality and general character, his perfect wand would be one that represents his power, loyalty, and general clumsiness.
In a controversial turn of events, I did not sort Arthur Pendragon into Gryffindor. While he does show bravery and courage, I prefer to focus on my beloved traits of Arthur's - ones which he learnt from his subjects and friends, rather than from inherently being a noble and knight. Hufflepuff's are not only the most loyal, but they also have a strong sense of justice, dedication and hard-working tendencies. All of which Arthur should be credited more for, rather than just his courage and bravery. Even from early episodes of season 1 we are exposed to his sense of justice, as well as his dedication - not only to his family, but also to his knights and closest companion. Hufflepuff just suites Arthur's core better than any other house.
Regarding his wand, I spent quite a lot of time debating between quite a few choices, before ending up with Rowan wood and Phoenix Feather core. Rowan wands are suited best for strong willed and defensive magic, and refuse to turn towards evil. Notably, Rowan wands are at their happiest placed with those of a pure-heart, and can out-duel many. Phoenix Feather wands are hard to learn, but given time and dedication, are perfectly suited for those with powerful magic.
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The values of a Gryffindor are ones that align with Lancelot in almost perfect ways. From his chivalry to his nerve, Lancelot is just the most accurate portrayal of a Gryffindor within this show, and perhaps across a vast amount of fictional characters.
Crafting Lancelot's wand was rather easy for me, considering his clear character and personality. The wood I chose, Black Walnut, typically represents wizards with good instincts and easy to master, but it is quite attuned to inner conflicts and is unable to perform to a witch or wizard who is dishonest to themselves, and given Lancelot's tendency to exceedingly keep himself honest to his cores, I felt that it suited him the best. The core, I believe, balances it out well given that Unicorn Hair wands are typically loyal to their original owners and create stable and consistent magic.
Like Lancelot, Gwaine treasures many of Gryffindor's values but at the end of the day, when it comes down to is, he is just stupidly brave and above all else, he is one of the most daring knights to ever grace Albion, nevermind Camelot.
His wand was honestly the most comical thing to create in my opinion. Dogwood wands are typically best suited for entertaining wizards, who are playful and exciting. However, it would be wrong to think that they are not capable of producing the most serious magic - as these wands can perform outstanding feats of magic, especially under tough conditions. For Gwaine's core, I chose a more exotic option, deciding upon Thunderbird Tail Feather which are powerful but incredibly difficulty to control - and i thought that this represented Gwaine well, especially given his own stubborn nature and inability to step down from a fight would explain how wands of these cores perform magic alone to protect if needs be.
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I will stand by Hufflepuff Leon until the day I literally perish. If you wanted a definition of pure and true loyalty, I would simply point you in the direction of this man. As a Hufflepuff myself, I see a lot of my own qualities in Leon, especially his dedication, hard work and loyalty - he's also quite funny, and while not an official trait, many Hufflepuff characters are known for using comedy to protect oneself from something - in Leon's case, "poetry".
I struggled immensely to craft Leon's wand, and it certainly took a lot of effort it find the perfect wood and wand combination that suited his essence. In the end, I chose English Oak which is best suited for loyal wizards who's core is made from strength, courage and fidelity. People who use these wands typically have powerful intuition too. For the core, I believed for a loyal wood to be used at it's highest, it needed a core which matched it's loyalty perfectly - so that is why i chose Unicorn Hair core for Leon.
For Percival, I followed a similar route to that of Leon and Arthur, choosing Hufflepuff house. Percival has a strong sense of justice, and seeks it more often than not, but he also appears at most times, incredibly kind and respectful - not just for appearances sake either, but as a reflection of his true feelings towards people. Percival embodies truth and honest, Hufflepuff traits often hidden by their loyalty and kindness.
Pear wands are best suited for wizards who are warm-hearted and generous, and the wands themselves tend to be popular and well-respected, perhaps like the wizard who carries it. They are known for turning to the Dark Arts, and are some of the most resilient wands known to man, which I believes is a strong and noble description of Percival that is more than well deserved. Unicorn Hair core, like previously stated, is best suited for wizards of great loyalty and fidelity, and produce a steady stream of wonderful magic.
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There is very little I can deduce about Elyan's character, but for a fact I know he is one of the most resourceful and determined knights, as he was long before joining those at the Round Table - and I think the fact that some of these traits he had to learn among the way is what truly embodies what it means to be a member of Slytherin House.
Wands made from Poplar are best suited for those who pride themselves on their integrity. They are consistent and strong, and often find themselves working at their best in the company of those with clear morals and determination to follow them - which is why I believed it to suite Elyan best compared to any other wand wood. The unicorn hair core paired well with this, especially if the wizard in question usually has good morals, and a tendency to seek justice.
Mordred is incredibly complex and difficult to decipher - he has skills which align to multiple houses, but in the end I felt more comfortable placing him in Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw's like Mordred pride themselves on their originality, independence as well as their tendency for being analytical. However, Mordred aligns best with Ravenclaws in this manner as these are the times in which Ravenclaws are described for overlooking specific senses of humanity whilst gathering a detailed picture - which on the end is why I placed him in Ravenclaw.
In regards to his wand though, I chose Red Oak for the wood of the wand given the fact that it works best for wizards who are quick-witted, and adaptable but also with a hot-temper - they are also great for spell creation, and given Mordred's core traits, i felt that this suited him well. The core to his wand, however, is another rarer core; Augurey Tail Feather. The core is best for those who are often misunderstood, wise, ready-minded, free-spirited, and reclusive. These wands have an affinity for divination to. So all in all, I felt this combination would make a perfect wand for Mordred.
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