#i can see why people on here have brainworms about it now
wabblebees · 1 year
just finished my first playthrough of disco elysium. guys. wgat the fuck
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luwha · 1 month
THIS ISN'T A ROAST. It's some thoughts and backgrounds on a thing that's been eating my brainworms for a bit.
haha ok so, the last few years I've been hearing a lot about how AI can be useful and a tool, which i refuse to believe it is (and if so, the damage it causes to artists FAR OUTWEIGHT any benefit).
So, there's this youtuber that covers, like, tech and stuff. When generative AI for images and text came up , they were rightfully poking at the ethical dilemma, and copyright infringement, but STILL made a soft argument about how useful it can be on pitch ideas, concepts, and other things that quick and cheap art could be used (also fuck whoever did this jobs before i guess lol)
BUT THEN an app finally did the same for music, generating indistinguishable quality music. The said youtuber makes music, usually vibe check music to hear on video's background and such.
but see
this time they were frustrated, and made a video about the ethical concern, how unfair it is, how it destroys the effort and passion of creating and all, and did NOT make an argument about how it could be useful, because now they knew that despite the benefit, if it goes off, their dreams is over.
A lot of people are quick to jump into "this can be useful" for generative tools, and very rarely i see artists, especially digital artists, agreeing with this. And most that do either have no stakes on their careers, aka they're already well off, or have no careers to begin with.
Serious artists KNOW how bad it is, no matter what. The youtuber had no stakes in visual art. They doesn't make them, they don't really profit or benefit from making them.
When it came to a thing they DO understand and make, now they've got to understand why it's bad. Why the benefits are not good enough to justify the disaster it makes on artist's life, on the humankind development as a whole.
idk what the point is here, i just really got pissed that at the point, they've been really kinda "this is bad but this exist, who knows, could be good if it's not unethical etc", to go fully into "this is bad. like, real bad for everyone here and music industry".
Wish that understanding came from their kindness, not AI coming with a baseball bat to their knees. Makes me real sad that it came for them too.
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yandere-daze · 1 year
As you may have noticed, I started getting into Resident Evil and the Leon brainworms are strong. I am so down bad for this man so it was inevitable that I would have to write something for him soon.
So here you go, enjoy!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, over-protectiveness, delusional mindset, mentions of violence and guns ( because it´s resident evil), staring, delusional mindset
Please do tell me if there is anything else you would like to have tagged!
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General Yandere! RE2 Leon Kennedy headcanons
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I believe that rather than an authority figure or someone working with the government, Yandere! RE2 Leon would fall in love and grow obsessed with a civilian
He first sees you in Racoon City, an innocent bystander running away with a zombie following behind very closely. You were scared to death and Leon immediately decided to jump into action, not at all hesitating drawing his gun and shooting the zombie until it dropped to the ground and stopped moving
It has always been in his nature to protect other people and so naturally, he just had to help you out.
But there was also a different reason why he had decided to help you. Truthfully, Leon had just been overwhelmed with relief to see another living human being amidst this hell he had been thrown into. All this time he had feared that he might be truly alone in this, but now there´s someone else. Someone that can keep him company in these dire times. Someone he can talk to. Someone he can protect and keep safe
Of course you´re very happy to see Leon after he had basically just saved your life and so, after you´ve both introduced yourself to each other, you agree to tag along with Leon when he offers to take you with him
I mean why wouldn´t you? Going with him would greatly increase your chances of surviving this entire ordeal and not being completely alone just lifts a huge weight off your shoulders
You´re honestly just glad that Leon lets you go with him, it´s not like you´re really of use to him, so you would have understood if he decided that it was too much to deal with
And yet, when he looks at you with a small smile and promises you that he´ll keep you safe no matter what, you have a feeling that you can trust him to keep his promise
And he definitely does! Whenever a zombie appears, Leon tells you to get behind him while he wastes no time shooting them.
He has to admit though, the way you fearfully hide behind him and stick close to him makes him feel a little strange. Why does it feel so good for you to go to him for protection? Why does he like knowing that he´s the one making sure you´re unharmed, the one taking care of you?
Why does he not want to let go when he protectively wraps an arm around your waist?
Yes, the more time passes, the more Leon starts to fall for you. Going through such a traumatic event with someone else by your side probably speeds up the process too.
You´re both the only partner the other one has. And so, Leon starts to get attached to you. The way he feels about you slowly shifts from someone he met under unfortunate circumstances to someone he met because it was meant to be this way. Fate had brought the two of you together.
Why else would you two be the only living people in this place? There was simply no other explanation.
And he had certainly taken notice of the way his heart speeds up when you smile at him every time you thank him for taking care of you.
He wants to take care of you forever. He wants to show you that he could. Better than anyone else.
And so, Leon gets more and more protective, determined to make sure you both get out of this alive so you can start planning your future with each other.
Because of this, he doesn´t like it when you stray too far away from him. Just having you leave him for around a minute makes him want to make a mad dash to go after you, immensely worried that something might happen to you while he´s not there to protect you.
He´s pacing around the room and biting his fingernails when you tell him you just want to check out a room you saw down the hallway real quick. It doesn´t matter that he already killed all the zombies roaming these halls on your way here, what if there´s another one? What if you´re all alone in that dark room and suddenly the door slams closed and a zombie tumbles out of a locker? What if he wouldn´t be able to get to you quickly enough? What if you died because he wasn´t there?
These thoughts keep eating at him and so Leon practically insists on going everywhere with you, he starts getting really clingy all of a sudden, not letting you walk even two steps without him trailing closely behind.
You might have gotten mad about someone acting that way usually but you can´t really bring yourself to blame him, considering the situation you were in.
Still, you found it kind of creepy how his eyes never seemed to leave your form. Whenever you would turn your head to look at Leon, you would catch him already staring at you intensely.
He´d have the shame to blush and apologize for staring at you but he never really stops doing it either. He just can´t help it, you´re so enchanting he has to always have his eyes on you! It´s like he´s drawn to you.
Um, he always has to make sure you´re safe, is what he meant to say there actually! There´s no other motive behind his staring!
But yes, Yandere! RE2 Leon is like a lovesick little puppy that trails after you and practically begs for your praise.
There´s always this creepily bright smile on his face whenever you thank him for doing something for you. It´s like he´s living off of your praises. And he is, truthfully. There´s nothing better to him than hearing your praise, it makes all this work worth it.
It just feels so good to hear you compliment him so sometimes he makes a show out of killing zombies, trying to look as cool as possible in front of you in an attempt to charm you. He wants you to think he´s cool and reliable. He wants you to think that he´s a good partner. That he could be the perfect boyfriend for you.
Because he´s sure that there´s no one out there that cares about you as much as he does. He would do absolutely anything for you. You could use him as much as you like and he would do it all with a smile on his face.
He just wants to show you how much he adores you, how much he loves you! That you two are meant to be together! He´s too shy to say it to you outright but he knows you must also feel the same way about him. You must! Because you´re soulmates and now that he finally met you, Leon is not willing to let go of you again.
It´s unlikely he would ever lock you up or kidnap you but he desperately wants to be a part of your life.
So please just say you love him back! Tell him you´ll never let him go and Leon will worship you every single day for the rest of his life.
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silvergarnet12 · 2 months
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Splatoon was the first Nintendo game to push me out of my comfort zone of single player games, and with the closure of it's servers I wanted to draw a tribute to a game that really means a lot to me.
Some long rambles about the game under the cut.
When I first played the Global Testfire I was 15, and the only mutliplayer games I played were with friends in the same room.
Splatoon was also the first shooter I ever picked up, as I always liked bright colours over more realistic graphics in my games, and back then the only shooters I knew about were Halo(and that was only really a name to me!) and the CoD games.
Any worries I had about being bad quickly vanished as the sheer vibe of chaotic fun the game had, particularly when no one had played it before, got rid of any worries, and all I remember is having fun. And choosing to play as the guy instead of the girl for the first time, solely becuase I wanted a ponytail like in real life(I would continue to use the guy through the series as a tradition, a contrast to what I saw most people online doing).
When the game came out I binged the single player, and vividly remember the first time I fought DJ Octavio, and the first time I heard Calamari Inkantation. If ever a game was to convince me that a song could irreversibly change your life, it was Splatoon. Because to teenage me, in that moment, with Calamari Inkantation playing in the background while I fought an octupus DJ, it did.
It gave me terminal brainworms for this series. And here I am, 8 yrs later. Older and more tired, been through some shit, had some good times, tried, succeeded and failed in things throughout the years.
I've always been grateful that they made the decision for the player character from 1 to return, everytime they've shown up it's felt a bit like seeing an old friend, especially since as the games time skips have always had them close to my age(which probably helped my attachement back in the first game). So hi Three, can't believe we both probably pay taxes now.
I have the original two Inkling Amiibos, in a collection that is slowly building, I'm still attached to Marie, and yes I was on her team for the Final Splatfest.
I cried when it was over, just like I did in 2's Final Fest(I was team chaos, two for two baby!) and will probably do so for 3's as well. Something about this series just makes me super attached to it's world and characters.
So booyah Splatoon, my final online game of yours was well and truly years ago, but I replayed story mode to share you with a friend recently, and I think I'll refight Octavio tonight in honour of the good times.
You encouraged me to try out games I wouldn't have otherwise(hello Overwatch and Deep Rock Galactic), and outlasted one of the other major games of my teenage years(...Overwatch 1 I miss you). So thank you for that.
I'll miss Squid Jump, Inkstrike, the og kit for the NZap 89(why does it's new one not vibe with me ;-;), the Squid Sister's broadcasts and the more saturated colours. At least I can always return to the Plaza in 3, and that Spyke isn't dead like I was concerned he was when 3 released, and see the Squid Sisters perform during Splatfests again.
I have so much more to say in my heart about you but no more ways to word it.
You've been a fantastic game, and will always be a treasured experience that I am grateful to have been a apart of from the very beginning.
Now bring back Moray Towers in 3 damn it! It's in 2 but I DON'T WANT TO LOSE MY FAVOURITE STAGE IF IT"S NOT IN 4.
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yuri-is-online · 12 days
Ok but what if yutu finds a box full of letters and poems in yuus closet?
Their partner was out, so it was a perfect opportunity. In a week their 1 year marriage anniversary will happen, so they needed to act quick and be sneaky. They go to the closet and unbury a box full of all the letters and poems their partner has wrote throughout their years together, some even have no name onto them as they were intended to be from a secret admirer, but yuu noticed the similar handwriting.
They were going to take the box and turn into into a book, like an album of memories.
They hear the front door open. Oh no their partner is back way sooner than they expected. They hide the box into their clothes, as they're too far from the closet.
A man they've never seen before walks in. Before they can get a word out, they're blasted with two spells back to back.
One muddles their mind, the other opening a portal behind them. The shock from the blast, and them being not far off of their due date causes them to lose balance and tumble into the portal.
When their spouse returns home all they find is a rummaged closet and messy bedroom. Although they want to deny it, the evidence suggests that yuu took any funds they(yuu) were hiding and ran away.
Yes I'm also the grim overblot anon 😁 my brain is full of angsty worms and your au is just too perfect for me not to take them out on 💕
This could be read as something for any of the boys but I feel that it fits rook the most😶‍🌫️
Hello newest friend o/ I'm surprised at how many brainworms I've managed to give people, but it is very nice chatting with all of you about this. I really like this ayuu c:
I like this concept and agree that it fits Rook the best out of all of them. So much so I think I am going to steal it for his Yutu hc post. In general though I think that if Yutu found something like that it would add to the mystery of who his father is for him. Lilia! Yutu sees it as further confirmation that he was the product of an affair, Malleus! Yutu takes it as further proof that magic is real. Jade, Deuce, and Riddle's Yutus would probably be even more confused; if his dad loved Yuu this much then why isn't he here with them? While Cater, Ace, and Yutres of the the Trey Triplets would just find the letters very romantic and not think too much on it beyond that. I can't really see Leona writing letters, Idia I could see writing a digital diary of sorts but no physical letters. It's a really cute idea ;-; the correct mix of angst for this ayuu I think.
Now as for Rook thinking that Yuu left him...
The evidence suggests that yuu took any funds they were hiding and ran away. That's what whoever created this scene wants him to think. But there's no way Yuu would have been able to leave the house without him knowing unless they had a very specific sort of help. The Hunt estate has some of the highest level of security clearances in Twisted Wonderland, whoever took his spouse is someone with connections indeed. But not to worry, he got Vil back from the Isle of Woe did he not? He'll find Yuu and their child soon enough. Rook writes a detailed diary about his search, about the beauty he observes that he missed telling Yuu about.
But he doesn't find them. He doesn't find them and the real world begins to crumble around him alongside his personal one.
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hakugin0 · 1 month
So that new Levi card, woah boy(positive). I get how setting is slightly dubious but unfortunately my brain stopped at the ‘childish jealousy’ part and yeah childish was the perfect word he actually is throwing a bratty tantrum about MC talking about their time with Minhyeok WHILE THEY'RE NOT EVEN NEXT TO HIM. Levi, babey, you're not beating the Tsundere allegations.
Also the part about the sins was very interesting ‘cause it kinda puts in perspective why he feels like there's no King he's close to. Or at least that's my read on that part, all their sins have some positive parts while his is the only fully negative one so of course he couldn't feel close to them. (Personally I do think that part is his viewpoint on their sins and it would be interesting to see the other Kings’ too, Satan in particular since I feel like his sin and depressive mood swings do go hand in hand)
Now for the read more aka wiiiild speculations because he didn't come home in the reduced ten pull aka see you in 3 months bae when I have 500 pulls and you still refuse to show up(looking at you bath Satan), fair bit of character analysis and slight canon divergence(???) plus personal MC involvement.
Aight? Aight! Here we go gamers
Gonna start this off by saying that when they dropped the first teaser for the card my expectations for the story were jelly Levi wants to replace minhyeok and thus enters MC's memories except surprise surprise it was actually some corn set in a high school (don't pretend those aren't a thing, we're all adults here, and with MC’s track record in that game it would not be surprising) in part because the story had to get spicy at some point.
Personal belief is that what we see in the prologue of Levi is the closest thing to a ‘normal’ him aka a version of him that got to experience a normal childhood and not have all the trauma of… ya know… HIS WHOLE PAST. The way he expected an attack when MC initially trips breaks me in a very particular way, he has never known peace, he expects everything to be some sort of attempt on his or his people’s life. The one time he wasn't as uptight ended up with him heavily injured (Bloodshed card).
There is also him ascertaining that they had different starting points. Now this could refer to a lot of things but to me one thing that does is put a definite line between them. To me it sounds like he's reasoning with himself that because of their very different lives they would be incompatible (combined with that thing about his sin being the only negative one it shows he always separates himself from people he would otherwise form bonds with)
Now he's still not nice, far from it, but he can be accommodating and look out for MC when he is not thinking 24/7 about possibly being attacked. Whether he reasons that it would endear himself more to them or out of pure instinct he looked out for MC, those were not Minhyeok’s actions he mimicked but his own.
So yeah, average Levi is horrendously bad at emotions and frankly probably the one who understands his own emotions towards a potential romantic partner(since tbh that is what MC is) the least. (This is a whole other can of brainworms about how aside from Solomon he probably has not been attached to anyone in that way until MC based on something he says in his H-Scene, but that can of worms shall be opened later) please get some therapists in Hell, clearly everyone would benefit from it.
There is also something impossibly endearing to me about seeing Levi in a high school setting even for a bit because that's not something he ever experienced and I wish his time exploring that part of MC and Minhyeok's past was a bit longer. I want to believe MC gets to ask him later in the story how he felt about it.
If you were only here for the character analysis then thanks for reading, have a lovely day/night/evening, we are going into wild speculation territory and some personal things regarding my MC Jin in that particular scenario.
tl;dr: After Jin's parents were killed she pretty much secluded herself in their home doing most of her studying through online courses and only showing up physically at school for a couple of days.
I choose to believe she was aware of stuff from the start but in that way you're aware you're in a dream while you sleep, she can tell things are a bit off but not fully what is wrong. She knows the person with her is not Minhyeok, she also knows who Leviathan is, but there's a certain disconnect when trying to piece it all together, but the further the dream goes the more she ‘realises’ and ‘awakens to the truth' if you will.
She cannot help but pity Levi’s situation even if she knows if she ever said that she'd probably get insta-hanged, so a part of her cannot help but wonder if he wanted to experience some normalcy for once. (She's not the brightest tool in the shed so the fact that he wants to replace Minhyeok would not pass by her singular braincell) (I love her I swear, being mean is my love language)
So I imagine after the whole dream thing is over and she next visits Hades she doesn't raise any questions about that event. She seems annoyingly unbothered and not curious at all. If anything this just makes Leviathan more angry because she can't be that unbothered after everything and pretend nothing happened, he should've been the only thing on her mind and yet she still sometimes mentions that detestable human. Oh how he should hang her for it. And then one day she has a conspicuously familiar candy in her mouth. “Was the experience at least a bit pleasant?” She's soft spoken anyway but she sounds almost apologetic. Why yes the experience was quite pleasant if Levi had to be honest but he'd never praise her openly… and then it hits him. She's not asking about that, she's asking about how he felt in a normal human high school.
When she gets no answer she stammers and starts speaking again, trying to fill the void. “I didn't exactly… go there often…” The pauses are plentiful and her shoulders droop almost in shame. “... so I imagine whatever you saw was rather lacklustre… aside from… my pathetic display-”
“It wasn't bad.”
A short sentence and it was enough to make the human girl perk up instantly. From anyone else that would be considered nigh an insult, but with Levi's temperament that was the highest praise she could hope for. By the time Jin was next to his desk after he'd beckoned her with a wave of his hand her visage had brightened significantly. ‘Stealing’ the lollipop from between her lips was ‘child’s play’ after that, the girl clearly took stunned to speak and becoming redder by the second.
“Yes, not bad at all.”
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ganondoodle · 7 months
since seeing a post from a mutual yesterday i was thinking about how grateful i am that i can now, confidently say something like -im taking demise away from nintendo- or -hes MY character now- while knowing that the people following me will understand that thats not actually possible and also i dont mean that literally literally (duh)
bc (while i have mentioned it in the past and im not trying to fish for sympathy with this, the memories ... and trauma really does come back every now and then) there were people once that imagined i said that about a popular character in the fandom i was in when i was a teen and proceeded to try (and nearly succeeding bc i was already struggeling alot with depression, anxiety and undiagnosed autism) to bully me into killing myself; perhaps it wasnt their actual goal, but the shit they did (alot of them were adults too), was absolutely insane, but i've only been able to see that wayyyy after the fact
like even if im remembering wrong and i did word it wrong or weird or in a way that was easily misunderstood, i was a teen, with english not as my first language and it still was some fandom shit that ultimately did not matter and never in any scenario warrented that level of harrassment, i dont even think i ever told my parents bc i thought i had to deal with it alone since i 'caused' it too and since then just ... wanting to forget it ever happened
while i am much, much better now, and slowly learning to manage my mental health struggles too, i do wonder just .. how much of how i am today was shaped by that horrible experience, like the way i overly try to pre-apologize and put doubts on every thought i write out, or the panic i feel when something does go outside my usual range (mostly twitter really ..) was immensely worsened by that .. among stuff i probably dont even realize
funnily enough, i made my account on tumblr to try and flee from all that was happening to me (even if they did stalk me at first .. even here) and hey, im still here :D
i guess what im trying to say is, i am very happy to still be here, i am grateful to be able to be myself, even with its downsides, even with my problems, even if the things i do are passable at best, even if i will never "make it big", even if i am annoying at times, even if i do mistakes still, even if i am .... horribly bad at replying to the awesome people that message me-
there are, at least a few people, who enjoy, or even care, or heck, even think about what i draw and write, which is .. still mind boggling to me and i might never be able to truly believe its all real, there are people who are able to see beyond my flaws, forgive me if i do missstep or overreact, and just be aware that even with everything i share about me, there is lots you dont know that may inform why i feel a certain way about something, but thats okay, i am human, i am here, there are people who enjoy my brainworms, and perhaps even think i, as a person, am nice
i am so grateful for that
some things are good
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mixelation · 10 months
brainworms of the day: reborn au con shenanigans
i posted before about tori and kakashi going to a ninja fiction con like a tired older sibling taking his kid sister to a con. and i like the idea of them repeating this, because like. kakashi isn't super into interacting with fandom but he likes merch and he gets a kick out of seeing cosplays, and tori likes company and kakashi is pretty cill when he's not actively being a troll. so cons are like Their Thing and kushina gets very mushy over the idea of them bonding so obviously minato always gives them the time off
anyway i had some thoughts for shenanigans
thought one: minato canonically really likes icha icha and i think he deserves to have some fun. at first i was like "i don't think the hokage gets many vacation days, and surely if he DID take a vacation he'd spend it with his family?" but then i remembered he can teleport. minato takes days off all the time with the idea his assistant will just summon him back if there's a problem. he shows up unannounced in a pair of sunglasses
minato: i'm incognito :)
random passerby: the fourth hokage and hatake kakashi group cosplay? this place gets less and less original every year
kakashi and tori are unsure of this addition to their group because this is Their Thing. kakashi gets over it pretty quick because he does like getting casual time to hang out with minato, actually, but tori is annoyed because first of all. how is she supposed to behave normally* if her boss is here. secondly now everyone keeps asking her why SHE'S not in matching cosplay.
minato: do you want my cloak? lotta people in cloaks
*everyone who knows tori would like to point out that the only change in her behavior is a 15% reduction in swearing.
anyway i am getting a kick out of imagining actual hokage and infamous ninja namikaze minato waiting in the same-day registration line. squatting in a two hour line to get into one of the big panels. taking photos with other minato cosplayers. holding back tears because there's a fourteen year old kakashi cosplayer with a sERVICE DOG ALSO IN COSTUME!!!!!!!!
thought two: sasori crashes a con because he wants to pass on intel about orochimaru or soemthing
tori: oh my god WHY are you HERE
sasori: because you're closer than deidara >:(
tori: no i mean, in public? in the crowded dealER'S ROOM?
sasori: who's going to notice?
(a group of sasoris in ugly wigs pass by)
anyway the true shenanigan-y part of this is that initially kakashi thinks a weird 25 year old man is chatting tori up. which like. yes? technically true? but kakashi thinks this is just tori falling for the wiles of a hot cosplayer and that he needs to intervene immediately because she's FIFTEEN, you PERVERT--
kakashi: hi :) who's this :)
tori, feeling her spirit leave her body: he likes my sasori fic
sasori, in pain: yup. i. do. that's what this is.
kakashi: oh :) how nice :) then i'm sure you won't mind me standing here while you chat :) sharpening my kunai which are totally just props :)
thought three: i think in her later teens/early twenties, tori starts falling back on I HAVE A BOYFRIEND really frequently to get out of conversations. like in theory the card is for "a guy is hitting on me" but she'll also play it for "someone is talking to me and i don't want them to be."
in konoha this strategy works because even if you were just telling her the cafe is closing in five minutes, "but i'm waiting for my boyfriend, uchiha itachi :(" is enough to give this random poor employee pause. these words have meaning in konoha. however i think there's some Shenanigans to be had for her doing this without thinking about it at a con where context is very different.
man she's trapped with bc they're in line and he won't stop trying to get her to give him her room number: boyfriend? prove it.
tori, exasperated: (pulls out a photo she keeps on her)
man: that's uchiha itachi
tori: exactly
man: .....you honestly expect me to believe that? you clearly just have that on you because you're a fan
tori: .....fuck
for bonus shenanigans repeat a similar exchange but it's at a kitty girl stabby ninja con so itachi is there and immediately wonders up afterwards with like. cat ears on.
man: (eyes darting back and forth between the photo and itachi himself, terrified)
itachi: the food options weren't great but i brought you some bread. did the line move?
man: (now looking around to see if anyone ELSE has noticed this)
tori, very blatantly taking his hand: no they just made us rearrange to stop blocking the hallway
itachi: i see
thought four: something cute
i don't want tori to be as well known as deidara/itachi in civilian circles, mostly because it'd be funny. but also i don't think she's as flashy as them and a lot of the stuff she does relies on her not being recognizable. and i like the humor of interacting with itachi/deidara stans and cosplayer who just don't recognize her. so there isn't much in the way of tori cosplay/fic/etc even when she's older and has her own Reputation among actual ninja. but okay. imagine. at the ONE con tori can't make there's a lone tori cosplayer. she's sort of haunting the place-- obviously socially awkward and shy. kakashi loses his mind. he summons minato. minato brings kushina. they bother this girl for like hours and low-key make her day even though it's also kind of scary?
kushina has to physically hold tori back from stalking her after she sees the photos. SHE'S JUST GOING TO BREAK INTO HER HOME AND SEE WHAT FANFICTION SHE'S READING NOTHING VIOLENT OR SCARY--
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it’s been a brainworm for a while, but i’ve been thinking about spiral avatar/distortion will wood. it makes sense to me, i guess, with the way he expresses himself especially in the self-ish era!
it started as a joke with a friend of mine, where i joked about his songs making me spiral into insanity and that’s what he would’ve wanted. so anyway! here’s a few headcanons for spiral will wood!
(ignoring the timeline because i said so)
he found a leitner. will didn’t need to go through michael’s hallways to become a distortion, but he found a leitner. will’s a bit eye aligned so his curiosity got the better of him and ended up serving the spiral long before he became a distortion.
“everything is a lot” is a pre-distortion album, but he made it for the spiral. (think of it as a tribute before becoming an avatar)
somewhere between eial and self-ish, will fully became an avatar which is why self-ish deals with identity loss and all that.
when he sings, his skin shows little spiral patterns, but people kind of assumed its his little face paint thing. they glow a bit when he sings and it disappears when he stops.
will doesn’t need his hallway to spiral someone into insanity. he uses his music.
however! he does have a door and it looks like this :D
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the patterns on his piano move around. if stare at it too long, you will get lost in the patchwork and paisley, leaving you hypnotized. (like the web table). even if someone were to pull you away, you’d hear ringing and all you can think of is the moving colours. and also, hey did you see that random black and white tapeworm door? wonder how did that get there.
michael can disguise himself as a human enough, and will does too. but occasionally he uses his long fingers to play inhumanly possible songs/instrumentals and use his distorted voice to sing.
and also he looks different in every photo lol
he ate his first drummer which is why we have mario now
he is just very spiral coded in general
anyway, one of his concerts is a ritual. he sings but the lights are all colourful and everyone is dancing but they're all twisting and its all so wrong. they twist to his music as he laughs and sing and the spirals on his body come alive.
obviously it didn't work.
he’s the spiral’s silly guy though so,,
anyway here’s all i have currently so feel free to add to the idea more :33
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citadelofswords · 4 days
shoka and shadow meeting
riley sent me this prompt before the finale aired and now i have brainworms. forgive the formatting i'm posting from mobile but i can't stop thinking about this.
it's two weeks later when the door opens in the engine again and shadow crashes back onto the train. “alphonse," he snarls, and trish jerks around to stare at him. “i saw everyone else. i did not see alphonse. where was he?"
“he stayed back on the caboose with shoka," trish says. “the previous conductor… she tried to separate it from the train. people were going to die."
“hmph," shadow says, and folds his arms. “magnanimous of him."
it is at that moment that the door to the engine— the actual door, not one of the doors off the train— slams open, bearing three people with them. jason todd enters first, holding a black haired girl in a cat hoodie by the scruff of her neck. roxas trails behind, face white. tear tracks are carved down the dirt on his face.
jason glances at shadow. “oh good, you're here," he says. “we're gonna need you in a second. shoka— you wanna tell trish what you just told me?"
shadow stares at shoka. there's something about her he can't put his finger on, something off and wrong about the way she's carrying herself. not quite like it's an act. but close to that.
there's blood under her fingernails.
“i," shoka says, and swallows, eyes darting to the side. “we were helping the kids. and i turned around and. he was." she looks down. “simon snuck up on us. he."
“where's al?" trish asks. her voice sounds so, so small.
“i turned around. and simon was there. he was standing over." shadow’s blood goes cold and for a moment, just for a moment, he wishes shigeo had been a little more ruthless.
and then his eyes narrow.
“bullshit," he says, and trish and jason both snap up to look at him. “bullshit. you're lying. alphonse is strong enough to have taken that child with only one hand. he wouldn't have been caught off guard by something as idiotic as that. tell us the truth."
“shadow?” trish asks, and he stalks forward to grab the cat-girl by the collar of her hoodie. she's not making eye contact with anyone in the car.
“where is alphonse,” he says. "do not think you can lie to me again.”
“i’m not lying,” shoka snaps back. "simon killed him. he's gone." trish chokes behind shadow, and roxas looks at her and then crosses the room. shadow cannot look at trish right now, because if he does he will make a mistake.
“then where the fuck were you?!" shadow snarls. “why weren't you there? why didn't you help him? why didn't you stop simon?"
he lets go of her with a shove, letting her sprawl to the floor. she winces as she hits the ground. “you need to learn how to lie better," he growls. "and now you need to run, and pray that i do not see you again.”
“yeah, shoka," jason says darkly. “that's probably for the best." he's not looking at shadow, but trish; shadow can hear hitched breathing behind him and does not turn around.
shoka slowly stands. she throws shadow a dark look, one with venom behind her mask of grief, and says, “fine. i’ll go. see you around, trish."
“don't talk to her right now." roxas says, vitriol in his voice, and shoka turns on her heel and leaves the car.
“she's lying," shadow says. “i could see it in her eyes. this is not wishful thinking." now that shoka is gone he can turn to trish, who's letting roxas hug her. shadow pushes him aside and grabs trish’s face in his hands. “look at me. hey. look at me, trish. she's lying.”
“she could be lying about simon being the one to kill him," jason points out. “and he could still be dead."
“not fucking helping," shadow says. "trish, you have to trust al. he's alright. he's stronger than that, and he's definitely stronger than her. he's fine.”
trish swallows, and nods, and swipes the tears away from her eyes with her hand. “good girl," shadow says approvingly. “i'm going back home again. but you're doing great. i’ll be thinking about you."
“thank you, shadow," trish says quietly.
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nalpurex · 3 months
i got souyo brainworms again and i gotta share some thoughts i have
this ones a long one so ill put a 'keep reading' thing here just in case yall dont wanna scroll past a wall of text
basically some headcanons about a healthy mix of chad narukami and normal yu, injecting loads of gap moe into this guy
(and it eventually devolves into some weird semi-story because my brains really spiralling here)
okok so, hear me out, chad narukami isnt that bad as an idea...? maybe as a more calm iteration, just another layer to yu
in the p4 manga, we get to see some of yu's backstory. (its been a while since ive read it so i might get some details wrong but) his parents are very busy people, always working and moving around, so yu's always moving around with them
because of this, hes a very independent but also lonely kid. poor guy doesnt talk much with his own mom and dad, and he never really have a good enough chance to form lasting friendships
so when he moves to inaba and starts making friends there, hes like 'oh i really want to keep these guys around...' so he starts putting up a bit of a persona (hah), some cool, unfazed guy that everyone can rely on thinking thats what people might like more. to his credit, it works pretty well, but its a bit stifling for yu himself. hes never had this many friends though, so he'll keep it up
we all know yosuke admires him quite a fair bit as is, just as a dependable friend and a strong leader. he looks up to yu in these aspects, thinking hes basically the perfect guy. (and lets never unpack that thought.) talented, charming, 'gets all the ladies', that kind of stuff
at some point its just the two of them, maybe walking home from school or something, yu gets pretty comfortable and his facade slips a little. maybe he says something completely silly, or heavens forbid theres a stray cat along the road! ("awww look at the little guy, cmeree, pspsps- oh- ahem- uh, its pretty cute...") it surprises yosuke quite a bit. he's thinking about it a lot as they part ways, it was... definitely a new side to his partner, but its also not a bad thing...
after that, yosuke starts noticing more small things about yu. whenever he invites anyone to share his lunch, its always something they like. whenever the IT are talking, he makes sure no one feels left out. he likes cats, a lot more than hes willing to show, and he loves nanako a whole lot too. his partner's... a bit of a softie under that calm and collected vibe, isnt he?
(alternatively, it'd be really funny if the entire IT knew? like "yeah, hes got a straight face all the time and sparkles fly around him whenever he strikes a pose, but hes got a dedicated schedule for hanging out with us and hes always asking when we're free. hes a big puppy, really.")
anyways, yosuke tries to encourage him to show more of this other side of him. stuff like "c'mon, we'll think you're cool either way!" and yu at first is a little hesitant, so yosuke suggests he just try it out with him
he feels some pride about it, because hes the first to learn about this side of yu! his partner trusts him the most, hes the most comfortable around him! (whats this strange other feeling? hm. dont like that.)
yu takes a little more time with the others, but theyre very welcoming about it nonetheless. specifically, they find it very charming! (making cute shapes in your bento? sewing cute stuffed toys with kanji? playing with literally every single stray cat you lay your eyes on? hell yeag.)
of course the facade doesnt completely shatter, because some parts of it are still true to yu. its just that he'll now crack the dumbest joke youve heard in your life with the same old straight face
(aaand now to derail for the sappy stuff huhuhu)
because yosuke's usually the first to be exposed to whatever new shenanigans yu's up to, eventually he starts getting some... weirder things. he brings some of it up to the other IT members and he looks insane, like:
"what? he hasnt been giving you guys origami?"
"why would he? i mean itd be cool, but thats just his part-time job isnt it? hes probably sick of paper cranes!"
"cranes... haha, yeah..." (as he thinks about the row of stupid paper animals sitting on his windowsill)
yu over time starts getting real sweet with yosuke, and he kind of gets the feeling he should just... keep this to himself...? especially when he doesnt see him acting this way with anyone else, and a small part of him wants to keep it to himself. all of this, just for him.
but that would be kind of gay, wouldnt it? hes not gay, is he...? he gets pretty happy whenever yu smiles at him, whenever he does something for him, but its just because he appreciates him as his partner... right?
eventually it all comes to a head when yu invites him to that... that spot high up in inaba. (ykno the one, its got the railing and shit.)
yosuke's climbing the hill, wondering whats yu gonna tell him, and at the top he sees him already waiting there as the sun's about to set on a nice breezy day
he kinda jokes a bit about it, like "damn did you ask me to come here now for the atmosphere?" but yu's strangely quiet
so they kinda just stand in a bit of an awkward silence before yu clears his throat... and confesses to yosuke.
they just. stare at each other for a bit. yosuke's at a loss, heat slowly rising in his cheeks, because what the hell?
and then yu explodes into a flustered mess, bumbling about "hey yeah man you dont have to accept if you dont wanna, i was just saying things yknow? you dont really have to-"
yosuke cuts him off, sighing a little. he tells him its okay, hes kinda had a feeling he felt the same way but he wasnt ready yet... and now his partner's confessing to his face, he cant really put it off anymore, can he?
("by the way, did you plan this? like, the timing and everything?"
"i... had a hard enough time saying 'i like you' with a straight face as it was, i kind of had to..."
"... ah.")
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i haven't rly thought of a name for my OC so i'm just gonna use the placeholder name jean for now [after Jean Vic. don't @ me on this]. he might not even end up french tho we'll see…… anyway he was a sailor (don't ask me for further details, it's blurry. it's Real blurry) and he just got back from a voyage but he was discharged from the navy.
what happened during the voyage was he got into a relationship with a higher ranking officer and they were close but was pursuing their relationship knowing that when they get to land they won't be able to continue it (not if the officer wanted to stay in his social circles) buuut it was kind of an open secret on the ship. then there was an Accident, in which the higher ranking officer died (yes i'm going down the dead lover cliche pathway--shhh it's for the plot later). so when the higher ups were looking into the death, they found out about their relationship, which is why the discharge from the navy [[listen. i think at this point france has decriminalized homosexuality but i have no clue what it's like in the navy. so i'm assuming it's the don't ask don't tell thing. so don't @ me on this. or do, i would Love to know if anyone knows]]
so heartbroken and out of a job jean found a job vacancy of being a stagehand at the opera house. his job would be way down below the stage or way up above stage, and the job requirements reminds him of finding his way on a ship, so he's doing just fine with this. he does his job well enough, keeps his head down, tries to be friendly when he can.
after a while of doing bits and pieces here and there and he's established himself, the new chief stagehand gives him the main job of maintaining the area on the mezzanine floor where joseph buquet was killed (i'm smooshing leroux canon and alw canon together here btw. canon is toy blocks for me to pick and choose) since a lot of stagehands avoid that place like a plague. it's not out of malice, it's just that they all realize that jean doesn't rly believe in superstitions or ghosts so they're all like why not? he's knows about the stories but since he doesn't believe in ghosts (and thinks that anything about phantom as an actual dude is an exaggeration of events to attract patrons) he's like eh, alright.
all this happens while jean suspects that he's definitely traumatized by the events that happened during his voyage, obviously. he knows of stories of what happens to people who's traumatized enough. at this point in time he's given in to talking out loud to his dead lover when he's alone, so this is how one day erik heard him through that trapdoor into his home (/torture chamber). when erik tries to scare him off by speaking to him in a disembodied voice, jean Naturally thought that his trauma has given him auditory hallucinations. he at first breaks down about this because he thought he was doing better mentally, but this is a sure sign he isn't doing that great actually.
erik, absolutely confused about this reaction, decides to show himself physically after some time, just to prove to jean that he's not Actually having auditory hallucinations. but jean first mistook him for a lost patron, and is like sir u can't be here without supervision?? and jean's worried he'd lose his job if someone catches a patron wandering down here with only jean watching him bc he sure as hell ain't qualified to give patrons a tour below stage. but erik would mysteriously disappear any time anyone comes close to them. cue a whole bunch of meetings like this bc erik's lonely and this man new to the opera thinks he's a patron and treats him like a normal man and he's been starved of company ever since christine left and the mob hunted him done and he stopped bothering the opera
so they get closer. jean's half worried that erik's a hallucination, since he disappears a lot and is never seen by anybody else but jean, but he seems so real……
they get to a point where erik tells jean of christine and they bond over having lost someone they loved. erik speaks longingly of his dreams of being married and having a wife to go on sunday walks with
at this time jean is a little (a Lot) in love with him and gets his heart shattered into pieces bc god damn it he wants a wife Of Course he'd want a Wife...........
and then somehow erik finds out that jean is in love with Someone and he asks about it (somehow feeling something like Rage and Something Else because jean? in love? WHO WOULD CAPTURE THIS MAN'S ATTENTION? WHO DARES? WHO DESERVES IT?) and jean is like its of no matter (because he thinks erik wouldn't reciprocate. he's not the exactly right gender)
then jean spends a long time thinking it over and realizes that even if erik doesn't return his feelings, erik seems like someone who would benefit from being told that in this world Someone does loves him, even if he [erik] doesn't love jean back. so he tells him and it takes a while to convince erik of it but then erik remembers that jean said his love for erik is "no matter" and goes batshit about it bc does this mean he doesn't matter to jean????
and jean tells erik that it does matter. it matters to him a lot. erik matters to him a lot. but he can't give erik what he wants, their relationship would not exactly be an open one. it would be some secret thing, at the very least half hidden from society. he won't impose that on erik when he knows erik wants his little walks in the park with his lover........ erik's showing the 404 error code.
anyways idk how it goes from here but they'll get together. i swear
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noodyl-blasstal · 9 months
We Got Boned!
I got brainworms from @taakosleftshoe's post this morning and now we're here!
Lup's upset about Lord Artemis Sterling paying his way into a permit to acquire some human remains he definitely shouldn't be using as a jigsaw puzzle in his stupid rich people museum. But it's okay, they're gonna write a book about it.
Read below or on Ao3
"I've been thinking."
"About the bones?"
"About the bones."
"I don't like it…" There's a pause. "The bones that is, not the thinking."
Lup appreciates that Barry doesn't ask the usual questions the, "is this because of the… you know?" Followed by a vague gesture which she guesses is supposed to somehow encapsulate the 9 and a bit years spent cradled in her own corpse's hands as the meat sack she lived in decayed.
"I think we can do something about it."
Barry sets his book down. "I'm listening."
"We're writing a book."
"Oooh, that ticks off some of the research requirements at work too."
"See, chagirl's not just the hottest elf you ever met."
"No, you're also the smartest and the bravest and the kindest…" He says it with such fondness, eyes crinkling at the sides, the lines by his mouth falling into place as he smiles. She's glad she got to add to those laugh lines before they gave up on the whole ageing schtick.
"Damn straight."
"...and the second best chef."
Barry's ducking even as she swings herself round to grab a cushion to throw.
"So, we're writing a book." He says evenly as the first pillow bonks off his back.
"About bones." Lup says cheerfully as she flings the next one.
"In general?" Barry asks as it baps harmlessly into his unguarded ear.
"About being bones."
"Oh. Oh that's good!" Barry looks up just in time to get a face full of the squishy fire patterned pillow.
Lup decides that’s enough violence. “It is, right?”
“An autoethnography of bones. No one’s done it before.”
“They sure haven’t."
“Have you got a name?”
“Not yet, I thought maybe you might have a sugg…” Lup’s not even done by
“We got boned!” Barry’s positively gleeful.
“Taako’s going to hate it. It’s perfect.”
"I love the way you wove your narrative in with Hodge's theory." Barry looks so proud, she fizzes from the inside out. She found someone who’d read what she wrote, who’d appreciate it.
"Thanks! This chapter about the rituals of death juxtaposed with the time I carved your leg bone is brilliant." She loved reading Barry’s work, he always found interesting ways to guide the reader to conclusions so naturally they’d believe they thought of it.
"You're only saying that because carving a ring out of your dead husband's thigh bone is, and I quote, “fucking rad” and you're glad people are going to know about it."
Lup admires the ring on her finger. "It's also very well written. Stuff can be two things."
"Stuff can be two things." Barry nods in agreement.
Lup reaches out to touch her hand to his.
It was fun to research together again. There were opportunities at the university, sure, but this was different. This was late nights and ad hoc meals, it was falling asleep on the sofa nose in a book, mussed up Barry waking her gently and leading her to bed so they didn't wake up with bad backs. It was exciting, being on the edge of discovery again, being part of the science of it. They lived it, maybe it could make a difference. And if not, the heist would.
Shit! The heist.
"Hey Bear. Did I ever mention why I wanted to write this?"
"Education of the masses?"
"Sure. Yeah. That. But also…"
"Lup?" Barry's doing the fake frowny face, if she waits too long he'll start laughing.
"There might be a teeeeensy heist."
Barry raises his eyebrows and blinks slowly at her.
"Just a little one, honest."
Barry waits, because he's glorious, he's perfect, he's always game for good reasons crime.
"I'm in."
"You don't have questions?"
"Not really." Barry looks thoughtfully down at her, hand still idly stroking her back. "I assume you have the how and I already know the why."
"It’s just a tiny backwards Indiana Jones."
"We're gonna steal the artefacts out of the museum."
"We're save the life-challenged people from the basement."
Barry snorts at that one, exactly like she hoped he would.
"So the book was for the book launch?" Barry asks. Smart man, excellent man.
"Where else would we hold it?"
"Can't think of a better location.” Barry says, nodding.
"Taako's doing the artefact levitation, Magnus is muscle, Merle’s on healing duty, and Krav's there to ensure they're actually gentle."
"You thought of everything." Barry says, and kisses her fondly on the cheek.
"So, I forgot about the security." Lup announces to the table.
"Mmhm." Says Kravitz, lips already pulled tight in disapproval. "Have you considered maybe not doing a crime and writing to ask them to release the remains instead? Maybe a petitio…"
Taako drowns him out with a loud raspberry. "You're embarrassing me, Bones. If you don't wanna come it's fine, just means Magnus and I can be faster with the dead dude jigsaws." Taako winks at Lup as Kravitz's eyes widen in alarm.
"No wait, crime's good, I love crime actually. I just forgot."
"Is it even really a crime if he was only allowed to exhume the bodies from the black glass because he bought the permit for it?" Barry asks.
"Yes." Says Kravitz too fast, then winces in pain as Taako definitely kicks him in the shin. "But, er, actuall… oh fuck it. You know what, yes, it's a crime, but I think the Raven queen will approve of this one."
"I'm also slightly concerned about the legality, Dr Lup."
"Who brought the baby?" Taako rolls his eyes.
"Why you did, Sir, remember, I live at your house, you drove Mr Kravitz and I here, you made me the bag of car snacks, remember?"
"It's our house, Agnes, we've talked about this, and we also talked about being cool." Taako hisses.
Lup snorts loudly. "You don't have to be involved, Angus, it's okay."
"Thank you very much Dr Lup, but I think that I might be able to help with the security. There's only two of them, I went to check yesterday, and I think they'd both find a distressed little boy very difficult to cope with."
"The perfect role for Merle!" Magnus says brightly. "He's the right height."
"I thought I might do it, Sir." Says Angus before Merle can reply. "I have…" Angus starts to sniffle. "I have been so looking… forward to a… a chance to act… you see… but if you think Merle would… be a better choice..." Tears leak down his cheeks and he looks so utterly forlorn that Lup's halfway to scooping him into a hug when he smiles. "Acting! See! I'm perfect for the role."
"And the moral conundrum you were wrestling with mere seconds ago?" Kravitz cocks an eyebrow.
"I just thought it'd be funny if Mr Taako thought he was living with two squares, Sir." Angus smiles brightly enough to get away with it.
"So if I'm not the kid, what am I doing?" Merle asks.
"You're our medic. Anyone gets knocked down, you make sure they get up again." Lup replies.
"They're never gonna keep us down." Deadpans Lucretia.
There’s a booming “HA!” from Magnus in recognition.
"Davenport, do you need anything?" Lup already knows the answer. Davenport's already prepared, Davenport was ready for this heist before Artemis Sterling took the bones for his stupid rich person museum.
"No thank you, Lup. I have the plans, the van, and the magnetic signs are ready to go. I thought a cat salon would work well."
"What do we do with them once we've got them?" Lucretia asks.
Lup's got this covered. "Where would they least expect?"
"Back in the basement!" Magnus yells immediately.
"My greenhouse!"
Taako grimaces at the thought. "We don't know if they were over 18, there's no way they're allowed to spend time in the cesspit of sin."
Angus thrusts his hand into the air, bouncing in his seat. Lup cannot believe they raised such a nerd. He's perfect.
"Where they came from, Dr Lup." He grins, proud of himself. She's proud too.
"Right! What idiot's gonna steal something and put it back where it came from?"
"These idiots!" They chant in unison.
The thing about being one of the saviours of the universe and having your lives pumped into everyone’s heads is that no one can dispute it when you write a book about what it’s like to die. They know about every single time already. The falling, The Sword Cupboard Incident, the going-out-in-a-blaze-of-glory, the stabbed in the back and trapped for a decade. No publisher was going to say no, especially not when they realised it wasn’t a hinky memoir - there was no point in that. Everyone already knew. What they didn’t know though, was how to be science, but Lup and Barry? They breathed it.
It turns out that when you’re the saviours of the universe it’s easy to pick where you launch your book, you’re fighting the offers off. When you’re the saviours of the universe you can even get a guided tour in advance, you can bring 5 of your closest friends, and the world’s greatest detective, and no one questions it. Lord Artemis Sterling will give you the tour himself, let you know exactly how little he thinks of the people he stole, reinforce exactly why you’re definitely not planning on stealing any of his collection - cross your heart and hope to die.
When you’re the saviours of the universe no one can tell you that you can’t wear big stompy boots with a cocktail dress for your book launch, or that a denim suit isn’t “fitting” for the occasion. Lup has checked thoroughly, actually, and it’s fitting Barry very well if she does say so herself.
When you’re the saviours of the universe people who don’t give a shit about your book will show up for the launch just to put a sight on you. Just to say they saw the lover and one of the twins, they’ll hope to see the others. They won’t, of course. Apart from Lucreita. The lonely press release writer, noting down the events of the evening for posterity.
When you’re the saviours of the universe, you can get away with a lot.
The sound of metal pinging against ‘the nice glassware’ sets Lup’s teeth on edge. Being adored is great and all, but couldn’t it be quieter?
Chants of “speech!” chorus around the room, so she and Barry nod at each other, he pulls the cards they prepared from his inside pocket, and they walk slowly to the podium. Angus smiles beautifically up at her as she passes, this is his cue, she already knows he’s going to shine.
“HELLO NEVERWINTER! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK AND ROLL?” Lup yells into the mic, covering the wailing sound of Angus’ performance beginning as the door swings shut behind him. The audience looks at one another, there’s a single cough.
“I said, ARE YOU READY TO ROCK AND ROLL?” Lup repeats, revelling in the sea of horrified faces in front of her. She throws in a high kick, you know, just because. It’s important to keep all eyes on them and a boring speech is not going to cut it.
“Yes!” Lucretia shouts from a distant corner of the crowd.
“I suppose we could?” Someone else says.
“Great, that’s the kind of energy we love and were hoping for.” Barry says, adopting his very best patient teacher smile.
A small “woo!” comes from somewhere in the mass of people.
“Maybe we’re ready for just the rocking no rolling, Lup?”
“Well, we can certainly show you a medium good time this evening.” Lup smiles and nods at the smattering of polite laughter. The crowd seems slightly relieved she’s turned the energy down, more fool them.
“Have any of you ever been bones?” Barry asks the crowd.
“Yes!” Lup snorts loudly at Lucretia’s interjection.
“How was it?” Lup asks.
“Bad!” Lucretia shouts back. “I was dead.”
“You sure were! And did that mean you wanted just anyone to take your bones and do all sorts of bullshit with them?”
“No!” Lucretia replies, giving Lup an encouraging thumbs up.
“No.” Repeats Barry, solemnly. “And that’s how Lup and I feel too. Every bone, you see, has a story.”
“So when we got boned, it was hard.” Lup says.
“Really hard.” Barry adds, trying very hard to keep his face straight.
Lup notices his mouth twitching and decides to go for broke. “There’s no need to boast Barold.” She whispers, nudging him. He turns a delightful shade of pink. “But what felt best…” Lup says, talking into the mic again. “... was when I was treated with respect. There’s nothing like your own brother stealing your stuff and cheesing it to make you feel like an object, not a person, even though it definitely wasn’t his fault because he couldn’t remember you.”
There’s a loud “Ha!” From a man in the front row, the person next to him elbows him hard in the ribs.
“No no, go ahead, that’s a good one, honestly. Just wait until we get to the bit where I made this.” Lup holds up her hand to show off her shiny white ring and grins wide. There’s a groan from a woman on the left. Lup hopes there’s at least one terrible first date happening here tonight.
“Bones, by their very nature, were part of a living breathing being.” Barry starts to work from the cards. He’s right, of course, they probably shouldn’t stray too far from the plan, shouldn’t front load too many of the anecdotes. “But once flesh leaves bone, we often forget the humanity of them. We don’t look at a person any more, we look at an object. An object to be taken, studied, stored, or displayed. We don’t often consider who they might have been, which grave markers we have taken them from, or whether there are families missing them.” Barry takes a moment to look out across the crowd. “When is it okay to take a body?” He asks no one and everyone all at once.
They wait.
Someone always cracks, eventually the heat of the silence will get to them and they’ll popcorn their way into an answer. It never fails in class.
Lup nods encouragingly, makes eye contact with anyone stupid enough to look up in this moment.
“After a thousand years.” Someone shouts up.
“Yes, so the historical argument is a good one. What’s the point in the militia looking at a skeleton from thousands of years ago? Why shouldn’t the remains become an artefact, each bone catalogued and recorded.”
“I’ll ask another question, what makes a person?”
There’s a longer silence.
“Who are you?” Lup asks. She loves it when people have to think about this. It’s rare they consider what the stuff of them is, beyond a name or a place or a purpose, the context of their lives.
“Lucretia!” Shouts Lucretia.
“You sure are. And who’s she? Is she books and journals and learning?” Barry asks.
“Fuck off Barry, I learned to fight! I made a second moon!”
“You did.” He says, voice softer for a moment. “But how would we demonstrate that in a museum?” He looks patiently around the room again.
“An information board?”
“What would we put on the information board?” Lup asks the room, they’re getting bolder and she’s delighting in it.
“The stuff about the moons.”
“Her name!”; “The fighting stuff!”; “Journals on display.”
“All good suggestions, but how much of that context can we give? And how do we get it from some bones?”
“Research ‘em.” Lucretia’s beaming. Lup needs to bring her to more conferences to heckle.
“Research them!” Barry agrees, happily. “We wrote this book for multiple reasons, we wanted to share our experience because it’s important to encourage learning, but we also wanted to help people think differently.”
Angus sneaks back into the door, flaps his hands in a complex circle motion and purses his lips. Lup assumes he’s doing the bird call he practised earlier, thankfully him arriving back is all the signal she needs.
“Anyway, the main thing we want you to remember is that skeletons are people too. Thank you bye!”
Lup drops the mic.
Barry, many years deep in his conference circuits with Lup, reaches out to catch it before it fully leaves her hand. “Thank you for your time, please remember to buy your copy of “We Got Boned!: an autoethnography of death, respect, and being rad litches who can’t die.” Have a lovely evening and enjoy the canapes.”
Lup’s glad she didn’t knock the softness out of him, glad that the years apart didn’t take it either. She hopes people do buy the book, that people do care. But most of all she hopes that the people below them are currently speeding to freedom in the back of a ‘cat shampoo’ wagon.
Angus sniffles and grabs her leg. She bends to comfort him. “The mongoose have left the nest, Dr Lup, I repeat, the mongoose have left the nest.”
“The otters have built the dam?”
“Pardon?” Angus looks up at her his adorable little face scrunched up with confusion.
“Just messing with you Ango.”
“Oh. I… I knew that. Good one, Dr Lup.”
She winks at him, then scoops him up onto her hip - the next part of the plan was flawless, no one could argue with kid tears. “You ready?”
“I was born ready.” Angus replies, tears already welling in his eyes. “I was so… scared.” He wails. “I thought… I’d… never… see you… again.” The sobs are coming thick and fast.
“Oh no, don’t worry little man, you’re back now, but what have I told you about wandering off?”
“That I shouldn’t do it.” Angus says through his tears. “I’m going to be in so much trouble with Mr Taako and Mr Kravitz.”
“It’s okay, pumpkin, we don’t have to tell them.”
“I already did, I messaged them on my stone and they said I have to come home right away?”
“Right now, Angus?”
“Right now. I have to go home right now.” He wails loudly.
“Oh dear, well let’s go find Barry, I’m sure he’ll understand.”
Angus is shaking against her shoulder and Lup has no idea if it’s with laughter or the best fake-tear education Taako could give.
“Oh no, what’s wrong Angus?” Barry’s face is lined with concern as they approach him.
“I have… to… go… home.” Angus snuffles out between sobs. Lup tries to mop at his face, but soon realises he’s already soaked his hanky through. Incredible.
“Do you have a…?” She waves Angus’ handkerchief at Barry.
“Of course, oh dear, poor thing.” Barry hands over his denim pocket square. “I’m so sorry everyone, this was a fascinating discussion, but you can’t argue with that face, it seems like we’ll have to be off.”
“Surely you don’t both have to go?” A tall man with a well waxed moustache asks.
“I… miss my Grandpaaaaaaaaa.” Angus wails.
“Oh buddy, I’m so sorry. What can we do to help?” Barry asks.
“I’ll never be… able to see him… again because he’s… dead…” Angus is definitely reaching now, but thankfully everyone looks alarmed enough by the invocation of a dead grandfather that they’re not going to question it. “... but I’d like to… go home.” The sobs are thick and fast now.
“Oh Angus, of course we’ll take you home.” Lup pets his hand lovingly. “Won’t we Bear?”
Barry nods.
There’s grumblings around the circle, but no one is willing to outright tell a crying child no, especially not when Angus sobs even harder and reaches for Barry. If he’s not careful the kid’s going to give himself a nose bleed and Taako’s never going to forgive her if Angus gets hurt on her watch. Barry grimaces apologetically and takes Angus from Lup, who simply shrugs the universal ‘what can we do?’ at the group.
“Angus, you’re a genius.” Lup whispers to him as soon as they’re safely bundled in their coats and waiting outside for Barry to bring the car.
“Thank you very much Dr Lup, I thought my performance was excellent. You should have seen the guards.” He whispers back.
Lup dabs at his dry eyes with a fresh handkerchief from her pocket, just in case anyone’s watching.
“There’s pizza.” Taako waves his hand lazily in the direction of the kitchen. He’s strewn across Kravitz’s lap feeding him bites of cookie.
“Did you cater the heist?” Barry asks, as if he hasn’t been part of this family for years, as if he hasn’t heisted with them before.
“What are we, animals?” Lup and Taako ask together.
“Yeah, okay, I walked into that one.”
“So we’re all good?” Lup asks the room.
“We were so respectful.” Magnus shouts, appearing from the kitchen, mouth half full of pizza.
Lup glances to Kravitz, he nods subtly. That’s good enough for her.
“Everyone stashed safely?”
“I organised some plant cover to be extra safe.” Merle lounges on a beanbag there’s no way he’s getting out of without help.
“Organised or organ-ised?” Barry asks. “Wait, actually, no, I don’t want to know. Don’t tell me.”
“Too late, let me tell you about the dwarves and the ivy.” Merle crooks a finger and smiles his dirtiest old man smile.
“Pizza you say, Taako? In the kitchen?” Lup grabs Barry’s arm and pulls him out of danger.
“Thank you.” He squeezes her hand.
“No no, thank you.” She replies.
Lup hops up onto the counter, grabs a pizza slice with one hand and uses the other to pull Barry closer.
“We did it!”
“We did it.”
He kisses her, she kisses him right back. It’s only illegal if someone catches them.
“None of that on my ship.” Davenport shouts from the hallway.
Lup rolls her eyes and kisses him one more time anyway.
Lup huffs and throws the paper down.
“Still nothing?” Asks Barry.
“Still nothing. They didn’t even notice.” She doesn’t mean to take it personally, it’s good really. The longer that it takes for them to realise the bones are gone, the less likely it is to be linked to their event, but still, still. He cared enough to steal 12 year dead bodies from their graves, surely he wanted them for more than just the prestige? Infamy? Lup didn’t really know what the term was. Maybe he was just rich and bored and fancied trying his hand at archaeology. Either way, he hasn’t worked it out yet.
They’ve been scouring the paper for weeks, asking Krav to ask Sloane to ask Hurley if there’s anything rumbling, but there’s no word that Artemis has noticed the much emptier basement of his “museum.”
“Did I tell you that Lucretia found another family?” Lup asks.
“You did!” Despite hearing the news before, Barry sounds just as excited as she does. The relief has been palpable every time they’ve facilitated a reunion. Questions answered, a family able to care for their loved one in the proper way.
“I saw you matched another few sets of bones too.”
“Yeah, he jumbled them down there, hadn’t preserved them properly either, but I’ve been working on it. I’ve been talking to them while I work, it’s nice when they help out, makes it easier too. I’m glad they approve.”
“Who wouldn’t want you pouring over their bones? Handsome nerd paying endless attention to my body? Sign me up!”
“You can have that any time you’d like.” Barry says. He winks, corny enough to unbalance the smoothness of his words.
She loved him endlessly. Perfect, wonderful man.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
I have wrathful cerulean flame brainworms again so now I'm thinking about how Amiya's confrontation with Kaschey subverted how Amiya's destiny as the Lord of Fiends is treated by the story.
It's established very early on in Arknights that Amiya's powers are abnormal even within Terra's fantasy setting, and that the rings she wears that restrain her are for her own good. We were not quite sure yet what her powers really meant at that point, but it certainly looked like more of a curse than an ability.
Later on, we found out just what Amiya really is. The Lord of Fiends is the title of the Sarkaz king, which she inherited from her adoptive mother Theresa, the deposed leader of Kazdel and founder of Rhodes Island.
The Lord of Fiends is known by some as the mythological enemy of humanity, a harbinger of death who will bring about total annihilation. One of Silverash's lines to the Doctor has him saying to put Amiya in chains before they end up crowning her. Kal'tsit has Amiya's body sealed under ten rings at all times, demanding that Doctor must prevent Amiya from unsealing the rings at all costs lest she fulfill this destiny. Even a Sarkaz like Buldrokkas'tee sees a vision that the surface of the world will be blanketed with bones should Amiya be allowed to live and grow up.
These moments are meant to be sad and foreboding (obviously), not just acting as grim reminders of Amiya's place in the world being set even when she's still just a child, but as the alternative to the fact that Amiya and Rhodes Island might not even have a future at all, with Amiya being infected and Rhodes Island being an infected organization created and still partly run by the Sarkaz, the most oppressed group of peoples in Terra.
But this gets turned on its head during the confrontation with Kaschey.
Kaschey believes he lives an existence beyond that of humans. He is an impossibly ancient being of innumerable faces and names, wearing people as masks and their lives as clothes. They are nothing but cattle (uh, burdenbeasts,) to him, lower beings that, in his own words, were born to be ruled. He is not a person, because people die, and he is The Deathless, he is the one who loves Ursus, the very meaning of Empire itself. In his own words, "people were born to be ruled."
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No one can touch Kaschey when they can only fight the face he currently wears, hate the name he hides behind. His invisibility is the source of his invincibility, and in turn it is the root of his ego and self-belief as a higher power.
Yet, just like the humans he believes to be above, Kaschey feels fear — fear of the Sarkaz kings. Unlike those who fear the Lord of Fiends through reputation or prophesy alone, Kaschey fears them from something they've actually done.
The reigning king of the Sarkaz has the ability to look into the hearts of people. The kings of old could /see/ him, hiding inside the shells of his victims. They could fight /him/, and not just the people he uses as puppets. The Sarkaz Kings destroyed the idea that the Deathless Black Snake was untouchable.
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For Amiya, who is so young, whose lungs were on fire and who was so scared she could burst into tears, Kaschey's fear of the Lord of Fiends was Amiya's moment of courage—a reminder about whose legacy she was upholding by taking this fight, and who chose her to do it. A reminder that part of Theresa is still with her, and can still make the great and terrible shrink back from her name alone.
Amiya may have pulled a magic sword, but it was Kaschey's fear that truly legitimized her as Theresa's heir. If she's just a stupid kid and illegitimate heir by a lunatic king like Kaschey claimed
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then why be scared at all?
If Amiya must live her life caught in a vicious cycle of oppression and discrimination as an infected and as someone adopted by a Sarkaz, then why not own it and do exactly as her adoptive ancestors did centuries ago, and what Theresa would do if she were here now?
Call for the Snake by name. Challenge his mastery over the world. Let him know you can see him.
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Let him know you can beat him.
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eilinelsghost · 8 months
I've been thinking a lot about oaths lately, due in large part to @thelordofgifs' wonderful The Fairest Stars and also my own wrangling with this in Atandil. And this has gotten me once again brainworming about Finrod's oath and why that oath, sworn by that specific character, with that specific relationship to the world around him mattered for the outcome of the whole First Age.
Buckle up and apologies in advance for the length of this, it's one of my absolute favorite topics.
So basically the overarching premise is this: the only Silmaril that is wrested from Morgoth without the Valar's direct intervention (and pivotally that Silmaril is the means by which their subsequent intervention is pleaded for and won) is only acquired because a second oath from the doomed House of Finwë is fulfilled that serves as a counter-balance to the first (and primary) Oath on which that doom hinges.
(Caveat before we move forward: we're talking about the Oaths here and how they and their resulting actions operate within the narrative. None of this is to imply that the sons of Fëanor, for example, do not operate from other motivations in tandem with their oath, or to claim that Finrod is always a representation of the Good. Like most of Tolkien's characters, these are all complex individuals who act outside of this as well.)
Some Oath Analysis
So. To dive in. Oaths by the House of Finwë basically drive the First Age of Middle-earth—and key to this, I believe, is the striking similarity between the structure of these two pivotal oaths and where they diverge within that structure. So let's look at these side by side:
They both move in three parts (color coded below for reference in the text):
1. the action the oath promises 2. the group it is promised to 3. the relation of the swearer to an associated object
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1. The Action the Oath Promises
Thus we can see that in Fëanor’s oath, the action promised is pursuit with vengeance and hatred, a pledge of destruction and revenge. While in Finrod’s oath, the action promised is “abiding friendship and aid in every need,” a pledge of love returned and in fact returned exponentially for what was given.
Both are promised actions that escalate far beyond the inciting event: a stolen possession repaid with pursuit to the ends of the earth, and a life once saved repaid with the promise of help in every need to a whole bloodline rather than a one-off return to pay the debt.
2. The Group it is Promised To
Also in both oaths, the group it is directed toward expands far beyond the inciting event to include people/generations who do not exist at the time of the swearing.
In the Oath of Fëanor, the subject moves out from Morgoth who stole the Silmarils to include literally any creature you can imagine who might exist throughout history and have the audacity to come into possession of a Silmaril—even if they merely found one. (Of course one can quibble over the technicalities of what exactly that means and how it is interpreted by the bearers of the Oath, but the way it plays out—especially at Sirion—I think speaks for how it escalated as time and desperation drew on.) This trail of wreckage ends up including entire kingdoms, repeated treachery, multiple kinslayings, and even, in what is arguably its darkest moment, children left to perish in the wilderness.
In Finrod’s oath, the recipient moves from Barahir to include any of Barahir's kin as well. It expands beyond a “you had my back, now I have yours” return to encompass any current and presumably future generations. Furthermore, it isn't aid in any need, it's aid in every need. An immortal being making a promise like that means Finrod was knowingly signing up to be potentially fulfilling this oath repeatedly for thousands of years to a shit ton of ever-multiplying Barahir-descendants—if it hadn’t claimed his life within the first generation.
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3. The Associated Object
And finally, you have the contrast between the relation of the swearer to an object involved in the oath:
In the Oath of Fëanor, it’s all about the swearers retaining (or regaining) possession of the valuable item(s) they consider central to their identity. If anyone else holds a Silmaril, it is a direct affront to their power, property, and birthright.
In Finrod’s, he instead takes the item that serves as a visible representation of his identity (the ring his father gave him that signifies his place in the family, his inherited position, and his father’s blessing—the badge of the house of Finarfin) and he gives it away to another.
So in effect, you have an oath of taking going up against an oath of giving and in some way they seem to at least temporarily cancel each other out. Or at any rate, the oath of giving holds the oath of taking at bay as it is being fulfilled, which allows the quest to succeed.
Possession vs Sacrifice
To me, this all comes down to the primary animating power behind each oath: possessive love vs sacrificial love.
Or, to put it another way, it hinges on each oath-swearer's relationship to power and how it's used—a theme we see time and time again in Tolkien's writing.
Fëanor and his sons (by their co-swearing of the Oath) are driven by a desire to be the sole possessors of the "unsullied light, and masters of the bliss and beauty of Arda.” This leads them even so far as to bring in racial supremacy as they add that "no other race shall oust us."
This, of course, is an outgrowth of the whisperings of Melkor regarding the coming of Men: that they would supplant the Firstborn Children of Ilúvatar and that the Valar were party to this disinheritance. And this sets them immediately in a posture of suspicion toward any new people(s) they encounter.
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Whereas from the moment Finrod discovers the Edain, for example, "love for them stirred in his heart" and he works consistently as a mediator to establish peace and friendship between the various Elven peoples and Men, actions which undergird his oath and bond to Barahir.
Put more succinctly: the oath of Fëanor is undertaken in the pursuit of supremacy and the oath of Finrod is undertaken in the pursuit of relationship.
Both oaths ultimately lead to the swearers losing their realms, treasures, power, freedom, and ultimately their lives. But pivotally, those losses are the costs extracted by the oath of Fëanor while they are losses willingly relinquished by Finrod as he seeks to fulfil his.
This is especially of note as Finrod uses the symbol of his own inheritance as the mark of his oath. He gives his own birthright to the Edain and thus even his familial crest becomes known to history as "the ring of Barahir" rather than the ring of Felagund.
He therefore serves as the antithesis to the racial supremacy of Fëanor's words in Tirion and simultaneously as a model of what was intended for the Elves: to prepare the way for the Secondborn and pass the world on to them freely. Tolkien notes this aspect of the Elves in his letter to Milton Waldman where he discusses the connections between the Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings:
“The doom of the Elves is to be immortal, to love the beauty of the world, to bring it to full flower with their gifts of delicacy and perfection, to last while it lasts, never leaving it even when ‘slain’, but returning – and yet, when the Followers come, to teach them, and make way for them, to ‘fade’ as the Followers grow and absorb the life from which both proceed.”
Letter 131 to Milton Waldman
Again it is that very Tolkienian contrast of taking up power to master something versus laying power down to preserve something. And that, far from being Finrod "swearing a foolish oath" or "throwing away his kingdom because of his pride," is once again that "fool's hope" upon which so much of the estel of Arda is built.
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passthroughtime · 8 months
Was Sawa-sensei really the only argument Yagami had? The answer may shock you
So, few people know that I fucking despise this take. It's been fun and still can be fun to me sometimes, but as time goes, I see more and more people thinking that unironically and even hate Yagami for this, among other things.
(Huge spoilers for both games ahead. Obviously.)
And I do a lot of (over)thinking myself, as I am writing a looong fic (first three chapters already live on ao3, sorry for shameless promo), and I always love to delve into characters' motives in canon events, goes with writing exclusively canon compliant things of course, and adding to my ever existing brainworms. Moreover, I'm revisiting Judgment atm for the first time since early 2020 if I'm being correct? And I see a lot of things I've forgotten which give lots what has happened in Lost Judgment pretty damn much sense. The Sawa argument is among these things.
First things first, what was the takeaway of the first game for Yagami? His trauma at first was that he fucked up bad and felt he had lost some crucial evidence that Okubo was actually the killer, but during the events of the game it transforms into "I haven't done anything to get to the truth". His trauma, as well Kuwana's, has its core in their inaction during the critical events of their lives. They were never the same again because they didn't do anything while they could, and yes, in that regard they are wounded in the same way.
How have they both responded? In a similar way. Yagami swore to always get involved there he can do something to change the situation before it escalates. Kuwana does the opposite, he tries to punish for the mistakes already made. (Which is funny considering that Yagami as a lawyer dealt with consequences while Kuwana as a teacher had the power to navigate people's lives to prevent the same mistakes, but it's the whole other theme in itself, and has little to do with the initial one.) Let's focus on Yagami though.
The only reason why Yagami repeatedly gets involved on his own in the Lost Judgment plot time and time again, though literally nobody asked him to do so, is the lesson which he learns in the first game. He says explicitly that he wants to get to the bottom of things, and not forget about cases when a trial is done. That's the reason why he doesn't want to be a lawyer again and why he can never be one again, not full-time at least.
And then Sawa gets murdered. Yagami draws parallel to Terasawa Emi (because of course he does) and is determined to bring everyone who is responsible for her death to the light. For now, it's Soma, the direct murderer, and Kuwana, which made Sawa the connecting thread between his crimes. Yagami realizes that Sawa's death was a tool for everyone to get what they wanted, like Emi's. He references it here:
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At this point, Yagami has no proof to think otherwise. He thinks that everyone has forgot about Sawa and that she shouldn't have died. The very least Yagami could do, is to make sure everyone will answer for what they did to her. He sees that Kuwana feels guilty and quite shitty that the student which he thinks so highly of was murdered. Kuwana feels responsible, and Yagami knows that someday he will break.
I think it's also important to say that at no point of LJ has Yagami says anything remotely identifying the goal of his words and actions as "murder bad", but that's more obvious than anything else though requires explanation too if I'm to be believed that Yagami isn't after justice for all the murders.
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This whole scene is the Sawa argument summarized, but if you look closer, it is really the only beef he has against Kuwana.
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BTW he's not as goody two shoes as you prefer to see him in LJ, if his "I get how you feel" doesn't convince you.
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And then the one person Kuwana is determined to do anything for has betrayed him, right before Yagami's eyes. What does Kuwana do? Abandon Yagami when Soma has said to his lackeys to do anything so he wouldn't escape, even murder him perhaps?
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Great question, Yagami. This really does contradict everything he has thought of Kuwana since forever. After, instead of a goodbye Kuwana makes sure Soma couldn't stay on the boat longer and kidnap/kill Yagami. RK had no time for that, fleeing was the priority over someone they can find some time after.
First thing Yagami does is visit Kusumoto at the hospital, where he learns she has no regard to Kuwana's life, as long as her son is safe and her crime stays uncovered. Which is fine, I guess, though it's sad because Kuwana would do anything for her and for Mitsuru, but whatever. Ehara doesn't come around too, which also understandable, though Kuwana has risked his life to give Yagami the crucial evidence, he is nothing to him and has already played his part. He is just a tool in his revenge. Wait... What?
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Yes, actually it's Kuwana who is being brushed off as collateral damage by everyone. Everyone he has helped actually. And he hasn't come clean during the time before Ehara's trial (he at least could leak the information or point to the body without endangering himself, idk) nor he disappeared to save his skin.
After the trial he thanks Yagami for helping Ehara (which Kuwana wasn't able to do himself) and points to his, and Kawai's body, location. Kuwana knows damn well he can die, but getting to the one who murdered Sawa is more important to him. So, Kuwana has no one on his side, even himself.
No one is going to save him. Sure, he isn't as innocent as Emi, he has fucked some shit up. Does he deserve to disappear for good and be forgotten, or even worse, be remembered as a psycho teacher who killed his student? Yagami doesn't think so. All Yagami sees is that Kuwana desperately tries to protect everyone who did everything right or did nothing at all, every victim of bullying. He has no other motive.
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Yagami takes no shit from Kuwana, he isn't afraid or angry when Kuwana threatens to blow up the warehouse (as Sugiura and Higashi for example). He knows that Kuwana isn't capable of killing anyone who doesn't deserve it, he takes no pleasure in murder and doesn't do it for personal gain. Yagami, Kaito, everyone else aren't guilty of anything which deserves death as punishment.
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If not for the gang, he would set off the bomb though, I'm 100% sure. But that's besides the point.
So, returning to the question: Was Sawa-sensei really the only argument Yagami had? An answer is yes. Because he really doesn't fucking care bullies are being murdered, slay worstie. But it's not because he's such a crappy lawyer, but because he realizes the importance of a person's life above everything else. And a person who cares is not necessarily stupid or unprofessional.
You can argue all you want who was right and who was wrong. It doesn't matter for the characters.
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It was never about justice. They don't argue from a legal point of view. It was about remembering about the importance of a person's life.
I beg you to look at this story from another perspective. Not as a technical coldly-perfect story it should've been. People are imperfect, and Yagami, first and foremost, a person. A person who cares. And JE with LJ as stories can be imperfect... but also realistic.
Terasawa Emi is murdered for the greater good. Sawa is murdered for selfish reasons. Kuwana is almost murdered for the both. I can't imagine Yagami would want to go through lots of red tape to do something someday. He does this something right now. Because the lives of people, living and breathing, should be protected right now and valued above what's right legally.
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Please, stop looking at fiction as something which should be perfect, or make more sense, be more logical and emotionally detached than the real world. Some can be like that, but Judgment hasn't been from the start.
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