#i can’t move out because 1 i can’t afford it and 2 i won’t leave my dogs and i can’t move with them because one loves my dad too much also i
szczek · 2 years
i wish i could move out so much :(
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ladykailitha · 6 months
The Harrington Pattern Part 8
We have finally got to the part that started this whole story. Steve being validated by a professional.
Robin gets a pretty dress. And Eddie gets a little jealous.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Eddie joined them at the shop just as they were finishing up. Will used the extra ten he had to buy Steve a pretty little dagger that was mostly a letter opener, but Steve fell in love with it.
The dagger was silver with a moon in the hilt, the cross guard had moonstones on either side. It was nestled in a black velvet box that he was told he had to leave the dagger in and not pull it out while at the fair.
Steve promised he wouldn’t and turned around to nearly run right into Eddie.
“Whoa!” Eddie said, putting out his hands to steady Steve. “I didn’t realize I was that close to you.”
Steve blushed. “You get your schedule sorted for tomorrow?”
Eddie grinned. “Sure did, sweet thing. Will get his staff?”
“I don’t think I’ve seen anyone so happy,” Steve said with a smile. He jutted his thumb behind him to where Will was happily chatting with the seller.
Eddie peered around Steve to see where he was pointing and sure enough, Will was talking to the guy about magical users in DND and how they should expand it to include other types.
Will spotted Eddie and said goodbye to the seller. He rushed over to where Steve and he were talking.
He held out the staff for Eddie to look at. “What do you think?”
Eddie and Steve shared a fond smile. “It looks great. Will the Wise has finally got a staff worthy of him.”
Will blushed.
“We should put it in Eddie’s van,” Steve suggested, “so it doesn’t get stolen.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “Why my van?”
“Because it won’t fit in my car,” he replied with a blush staining his cheeks and creeping up his ears.
Eddie cackled. “Fair enough, Stevie!” He looked around and spotted Gareth with an arm full of all sorts of wares, from swords and armor, to decorative goblets and boxes that no doubt held jewelry.
“Hey Gare!” he said following an ear piercing whistle.
The younger man lit up and jogged over to the trio.
“Hey, Ed!” Gareth said with a shit eating grin. “You like my haul?”
Eddie shook his head. “Sometimes I think your parents have more money than sense, but I’m not about to begrudge a well plotted haul.”
Gareth grinned. “Oh, they absolutely have more money than sense. I just know how to use that to my advantage.”
Will and Steve laughed with them.
Eddie pulled out his keys. “Since you’re clearly in need to be relieved of your loot or grow three extra arms, you should take Will to stash your stuff for later.”
Will’s eyes lit up. “Oh, that’s a great idea!”
Steve just shook his head fondly as he watched the two boys walk off chatting about their prizes.
“It’s nice to see Will come out of his shell around new people,” he said to Eddie. “He really needs friends outside of the Party.”
Eddie nodded. “And it helps that I forced them to be read in with Wayne because there was no way I was going to keep a secret that big with the people who are my family.”
They began their stroll through the other stalls, stopping here and there.
Steve spotted a clothing shop and armory and he sided eyed it longingly. There was no way he would the money for anything in that shop. He chewed his bottom lip and was about to move along, when Eddie grabbed his wrist and pulled him toward a black leather cloak.
Steve was admiring the construction when he heard a voice behind him say, “That’s a neat tunic, but you do know that you’re supposed to wear a chain shirt under that specific kind, right?”
Steve turned around to see a buxom red head in a bodice and flowing red dress. Her hair was piled messily on her head, but Steve could tell it was artfully done as the structure seemed too sound to be accidental.
“Can’t afford the see the armorer,” he said with a wink and a half shrug.
She laughed. “I guess I deserved that.”
Eddie smirked.
“I like your tunic,” the red head said, looking Steve up and down. Eddie bristled next to him. “Where did you get it from?”
Steve grinned, placing a comforting hand on Eddie’s elbow. “I made it.”
She raised an eyebrow. “No shit. Really?”
“Yes, he did,” Eddie defended. “He’s amazing.”
Steve flushed with pleasure at his praise. “I dabble. I’ve been sewing for about a decade now.”
She walked up to him and admired the stitching on the hem on the tunic. “That’s really impressive.”
“Thanks, I was admiring your work on the construction of the cloak here,” Steve said. “Was it hand sewn?”
“Fuck no!” she said, rolling her eyes. “I wouldn’t have time to breathe if I did that.” She smiled to have him join in on her joke. But when Steve continued looking at her in awe. “Wait...” she said, as it slowly dawned on her. “You did all of this by hand?”
She brought the hem of his tunic up to her face. Steve blushed and Eddie batted her hand away.
“Oi! Don’t get fresh!”
She raised an eyebrow at him.
“I think a name would be a good start before you go and get grabby,” he growled.
“Oh!” she said slapping her forehead. “Right, sorry! I’m Katie. I run Damsel in this Dress. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Steve and this is Eddie,” Steve said.
Eddie looked only slightly mollified and Steve rubbed his lower back soothingly. Eddie preened, leaning into the touch.
Steve cleared his throat. “But anyways, yeah I stitched it all by hand. My parents didn’t think a boy should ‘play’ with a sewing machine.” He put play in air quotes.
Katie’s eyes went wide and she looked back at the tunic hem in her hand. “But it’s so tight and even...”
Eddie grinned. “Isn’t he amazing?”
She looked over at him. “He do yours too?”
Steve shook his head. “No, not his.” He spotted Robin walking by. “But I see someone else’s outfit I worked on.”
“Robin!” he called out.
His soulmate came to a...well stop wouldn’t be quiet accurate as she kept in motion, flailing around a bit trying to regain her balance from her aborted step.
“Steve!” she called back and hurried over to him.
Katie looked her up and down. “You did her costume too?” She raised a skeptical eyebrow at Steve.
Robin grinned. “Hell yeah, he did! He’s awesome!”
Katie looked back and forth between them. “May I look?”
“Oh I know!” Eddie said cheerfully. “Why don’t they try on something of yours so that you can take a look at their costumes without you having to get all handsy.”
Robin raised an eyebrow at Eddie but turned gleefully to Katie. “That sounds like a great compromise.”
Katie cocked her head back and forth. “Could do, I suppose.”
Steve immediately went for the chain shirts, while Robin wandered around some.
“You’d look pretty in one of my corsets,” Katie said waiting for Steve to get out of the tunic to hand it to her.
Robin blushed. “Aren’t they like painful and gross?”
Katie laughed clear and bright. “Not really. For centuries they were the only form of support a women had. Now, there were tight lacing bodices and corsets, but that wouldn’t happen until much later.”
Robin chewed her bottom lip. She really liked the blue dress and the blue and gold corset. “Can I try on those?” She pointed to the ones she liked.
“What’s your bra size?” Katie asked pulling out the right size dress.
“Uh...” Robin said with a blush. “It’s not very...”
Katie nodded. “It’s fine. I think I’ve got the right one for you anyway, but if it’s too tight or too loose let me know and I’ll find a different size.”
Robin nodded and Steve came out of the dressing room to hand her his tunic.
Eddie let out a low whistle. “Looking good, Sir Stephen.”
Steve did a slow turn and both Eddie and Katie gave him appraising glances.
Robin peeked her head out form behind the curtain. “Um...help?”
Katie was immediately by her side. “What’s up?”
Robin walked out with the laces in her hands and corset not tied.
“Oh!” Katie said. “God, the heat must getting to my brain today. Odd’s Botkins!”
She grabbed laces and showed Robin how to lace it properly.
“How does fit?” she asked stepping back to admire her creation on Robin.
Robin grinned. “I never realized how much I slouched until just now.”
“Yeah,” Katie said with a laugh, “I hear that a lot.” She spun Robin around causing the skirt of the dress to billow out like water rippling in the breeze.
“Wow, Robbie,” Steve said in awe. “That’s gorgeous.”
Eddie hummed his agreement. “Looking good, Buckster!”
Robin squeaked and then dashed back into the dressing room. She came back out with the shirt Steve had altered for her.
Katie took the shirt and tunic and laid them both out on the counter where the cash box was.
“It’s literally seamless,” she said in awe. “And you did this by hand?”
Steve nodded. “But I’ve been doing it for years so...” He half shrugged.
“Hey, man,” Eddie huffed, “don’t diminish your awesomeness. This is hell of a job.”
Steve nodded, blush creeping back up on his cheeks again.
“What’s this?” Katie asked, tapping the embroidery on the hems of both pieces. It was a lovely little floral pattern that was off white on Robin’s shirt so that it blended in, but was a striking silver on Steve’s tunic.
Eddie leaned forward. “Oh, I never noticed that before.” He smiled widely at Steve. “It’s cute.”
Steve flushed even deeper, the red now covering his whole face. “It’s a little something I add to all of my designs. It’s a little signature if you will, so you’ll always know I made it.”
“A Harrington pattern?” Robin asked, leaning over to inspect the embroidery, too.
Steve nodded.
“Have you thought about selling your pieces?” Katie asked. “You could be making bank with these.” She lifted up the shirt to emphasize her point.
Steve shrugged. “Sure, but I wouldn’t have any idea where to sell them or who to sell them to.”
“I’ll sell them for you,” she said, “for a cut of the profits, of course. I sell at gaming and comic conventions, Ren fairs, sci-fi and fantasy conventions.”
Steve chewed on his lip. “I don’t make them very quickly. With them being all hand sewn.”
“Which makes it all the more valuable,” Katie insisted. “A hand sewn dress from a major clothing designer would be worth thousands, sweetie.”
Robin mouthed the word ‘thousand’ in shock.
Eddie pounded Steve on the shoulder. “Hell yeah! Just sell a couple of pieces every once in while and you’ll always having spending money.”
Steve thought it over and then nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
Katie and Robin cheered while Eddie and Steve shared a warm smile between them. A smile that sent butterflies through Steve’s chest. Eddie was always there for him.
Katie pulled out a business card. “Give me a call when you’ve got pieces you want to sell. And don’t leave off that signature either. Your Harrington Pattern as your friend called it.”
Steve took the card frowning. “But won’t that make it harder to sell? Especially the male stuff?”
She shook her head. “The people that buy this sort of thing are the last people that would care about a floral design, particularly since it would make it more authentic.”
He blinked and mouthed ‘oh’. She was right. “Yeah okay.” He lifted the card. “Thanks for this. I guess Robin and I better go change out of these so you can have them back.”
Katie shook her head. “Think of them as an investment in Steve Harrington’s clothing venture.” She lit up and dashed over to the cloaks. She grabbed the leather one that Eddie had been admiring and held it out to him.
“For you too.”
Eddie blinked, he wanted to turn it down and would have, had Steve not taken it and draped it on his shoulders.
The inside had a soft almost fur like material that was a slate grey. It would be too hot to wear in the summer, but in winter he would be outright toasty in it.
“Thank you,” he whispered. He wasn’t sure if he was thanking her or Steve, but it didn’t really matter. He was grateful to both. He looked up at Robin.
“You’ll probably want to change out of yours, Robbie,” he said, carefully removing the cloak and draping it over his arm.
“Why’s that?” she asked with a pout.
A grin took over Eddie’s face. The mischievous one that always sent a lance of heat in Steve’s gut every time he saw it. “Because you’ll want to look rocking for the joust tomorrow.”
Katie grinned too. “That is an excellent idea, good sir!”
Robin seemed to agree because she grabbed her shirt and dashed back into the dressing room.
Steve was surprised she remembered the shirt, if he was honest.
Katie and Eddie helped him get the tunic over the chain shirt without snagging the cloth on the metal.
Robin came out mere seconds later with her prizes clutched to her chest.
“Thank you!” she squealed. “I can’t wait to wear it tomorrow!”
They all went to the parking lot to put away Eddie and Robin’s prizes. The cloak in the van, and the dress and corset in the trunk of Steve’s car.
Steve was grinning from ear to ear and couldn’t stop.
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Damsel in This Dress is an actual Ren Faire staple from where I'm from.
Yup, still on my Gareth lives in Loch Nora agenda.
And while I don't ship Will/Gareth Will needs friends who aren't trauma bonded, you know?
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1@zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss @croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv @dauntlessdiva @vampire-eddie-brain-rot @lololol-1234 @nightmareglitter
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sneakyboymerlin · 11 months
Heeeeeyyyyy it’s ur boy uh. Skinny penice.
If any of you lovelies wanna help me get my mom’s account out of the negatives, I would be eternally grateful.
Her account is around -$300 after the bills got taken out, we’re just trying not to rack up any late fees at this point ✨ any money will go to getting her account out of the negatives or else paying off the fees as they add up. She’s already been in the negatives for 2 or 3 days because she tried to “fix it herself” without telling me (I only found out because I happened to see her bank app).
Her car’s engine also stopped and we can’t afford a rental so I have to drive her to and from work myself (a 40 minute drive each way, I will be making the 80 minute drive twice today so I can go to my own job). I don’t get paid until Thursday and the only thing I can afford rn is gas.
I just had to pay $500 to get my own car out of the shop after almost 2 months since someone tried to steal it in September (all the parts they needed were on back order) and the dude who tried to take it for a joy ride gets to pay it back in small increments (when a white boy does it for fun, they give him every excuse) which means I’m out $500.
I wanted to attend my community college this upcoming semester but I’m just going to have to skip again if this keeps up, which I really don’t want to do because of pressure from my sister to get a degree or apprenticeship. She won’t help my mom in order to “punish her” but it really just punishes me. My mom has been hiding her finances from me ever since my dad died, resulting in things like my car (the car is under her name & insurance but my dad gave it to me) getting repossessed during the summer (we were able to get it back luckily) and the internet getting shut off. She lied about where the money I paid her was going, paid for her own car + insurance instead and let my car get repossessed. My finances and well-being are entirely dependent on her bank account, and she is consistently dishonest about where our money goes, and then funnels any money I make into her account. She also tries to buy frivolous things we don’t need when she runs out of money + tries to force me to buy those things for her and is only frugal when spending her own paycheck. Everyone I have explained the situation to tells me that I am being financially abused, and I cannot find a way out of it besides moving out, but I can’t afford to do that and I can’t leave my pets behind.
I was also trying to pay off my phone and late bills to T-Mobile so we could switch over to a cheaper company but I can’t make any progress on this because we can’t afford to pay anything off before the next month rolls over and we get charged yet again (when T-Mobile bought Sprint they started charging us out the ass). The electric bill is also going to be unsustainable this winter, our heater doesn’t work half the time so we have space heaters but that’s it for us + our 4 cats + 1 dog.
I’m also supposed to be going to the doctor’s to get a diagnosis (probably EDS), physical and mental therapy, etc. but I have to go through multiple doctors and institutions(?) to do this, which is pretty much impossible when you’re sharing 1 car between 2 people and are the only one with any gas money (which is gonna go FAST). I also do not want my mom to know under any circumstances if I attend mental therapy.
And there’s always more but I don’t have time to continue on
If you follow me or enjoy my posting please consider helping out if you can 💗
C*sh*app is $ThreeTrilobites
DM me for P*yP*l or V-nmo info
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riewritten · 2 years
hi love ur writing sm
can we get part 2 of erwin x marley reader ?
i got this req more than a month ago, and as much as i hate to admit it, i think this will get more than a part 2. oh my god. oh my GOD. i have nothing but my impulses to blame.
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leaving the pairing ambiguous for now bc i honestly don't know what will happen
TAGS: Manga S4 spoilers, Canon AU – The Attack on Liberio Failed, Violence, Psychological Warfare, Manipulation, Character Study, Enemies to ? heh... let us see
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It’s as if you are born once again in a pristine body devoid of any memories.
Except that it wasn’t in any way pristine, nor were you a newly-born infant.
You are lying on a ruined land, rough ground forming blisters on your bare back. When you sat up, what daunted was a doomsday: a village piled with carcasses, full of dead bodies. You are the only one alive—no, you are the only one unbruised out of all that had died. You don’t remember anything.
It’s as if you are born once again in a pristine body devoid of any memories.
Except that it wasn’t in any way pristine, nor were you a newly-born infant.
You are nothing. In a vast space with nothing but carcasses, the only thing you have is a body, not even clothes that the corpses wear.
It is until a blonde man with a beard and glasses spoke from behind, “Aren’t you cold?” He knelt and wrapped you up with a thick white cloth. “That’ll do for now, would you mind? I can’t afford my soldiers blushing amidst this tragic scene.” It sounded like a joke — at least you had the baseline comprehension to understand so. “Yelena, it’s all clear!”
“Who are you?”
He put his hand on his chin as if to think about it, so lack of seriousness and urgency as if no one’s dead at all. His face soon changed when he laid his eyes on you again, “Shall we have a deal first?”
“Who are you?”
“Look at your surroundings. Do you have any idea what just happened?”
Roaming your eyes all over, your question really did change. You gulped as fear reckoned inside, “What happened?”
“You killed them. All of them.” And unlike his jokey tone, he scooted his face nearer to whisper with dead eyes, “And I could do the same to you right now with one wrong move.” If his goal was to intimidate, it sure did work; your primal urge to survive kicked in, proving a semblance of humanity in your empty vessel. “I won’t make things complicated. All I want is for you to accept my deal.”
You stared at him, blank and confused, and thus his face turned casual again.
“Don’t get too scared, though! I’ll give you the benefit of a decent life despite all the lives that you took from my men!”
That was the last ping for you to understand the gist of your disposition. He really wasn’t lying because lots of corpses are wearing the same uniform as him. Fear reeked further inside with nothing in mind but the primal desire to survive.
“What’s the deal all about?”
The question was followed by a painful injection shot on your nape. Zeke got a bit surprised but it was followed by a chuckle, “Don’t just strike from behind, Yelena.”
“You can save the talk for later, Zeke. We should neutralize her first. Who knows what she can do?”
You resisted out of impulse, but the said Yelena grabbed your head and shoved it at Zeke’s chest. You can almost feel your neck tear apart with the reeking pang of fluid. You can hear it gushing. You can feel how huge the needle is. You groaned and wiggled away, but Zeke caught you in his arms with soothing hums. It won’t take long, it won’t take long. There, there, young lady. You can do it.
When the fluid emptied, Yelena harshly dropped you and then tied your arms behind your back. The cloth fell off; she heeded it no mind. Zeke let out a light tsk, “Have some pity on her. Can’t you feel how cold the breeze is?” But then he got distracted by the blister on your stomach. “Oh, poor you. We have to treat this later on.”
“Quite unique that your eyes are not lurking around her boobs."
Zeke shook his head in dismay then nonchallantly wrapped you up with the cloth again, “That’s very untimely, Yelena.”
“Continue your talk. We’ll be waiting at the base."
You felt utterly dizzy. Your vision is wobbly and Zeke is multiplying kaleidoscopically. He knew it well hence he held onto your shoulders for support. “So speaking of the deal…”
“Deal…” you blankly muttered with the last bits of consciousness.
“There, there,” Zeke’s palm caught your cheek that was about to fall on the ground. “Be a good soldier by my side and you shall live that undeservingly decent life. That’s a bit generous offer, don’t you think?”
“Think about it, I couldn’t be so generous anymore if you were to turn me down. The least that I could do by then is make you choose how you want to die.” He tapped your cheek. “Hear me? Oh, don’t tell me you’re about to faint. You hadn’t even told me your name yet!”
When your consciousness fluttered away for good, you felt him catch you. The kaleidoscope roamed all over your vision until it was no more. His soothing voice slowly transitioned into tip taps of the water, and the reeking smell of corpses changed into a rusty chamber. When you opened your eyes again, what daunted is still a blonde, but it’s not Zeke anymore. 
“That’s quite rude, spacing out in the middle of a life-changing contract.” Erwin deadpanned.
“What?” roaming around the surroundings answered the prompt. You’re in a torture chamber and the Commander is forming up a shenanigan. “The deal, yeah, we’re talking about a deal.”
“A loyal wildcard that wouldn’t break for me in exchange for a decent life amidst the crimes you had done with my men — was my offer too much to handle for your consciousness to slip away? I thought it was a generous one.”
Oh, nothing had changed. From the first memory you ever had of this world up to your tied-up figure now, you still have nothing. Nothing but generous offers of blondes who would kill you in a snap for noncompliance. 
“What do you know about me? Let’s start from that before running through the deal.”
“You’re speaking as if I could offer you another choice.”
“I can’t deal with someone who doesn’t know the hell he is trying to pry in.”
The Commander nodded at the given point, impressed. Without further ado, he shoved the medical equipment away and pulled your chair so you’d hear properly the things he was about to say. “The mysterious massacre at the Marleyan port involving soldiers and citizens alike. I heard that caused an impediment with the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers and yet…” he tipped his head to the side, looking a bit too curious about the answer. You’re uncertain if he’s just messing around or he really doesn’t know. “It was reported that the instigator was safe kept by Zeke and masked as a newly recruited underling. Oh, if only there weren’t any witnesses.”
The Commander stood up and walked behind your back and — much to your uncomfortability — glazed his fingers on your nape. He lightly pressed on a spot in the middle; the jitters ran through your nerves, roaring your heartbeat louder. “And as we speak, serum fluid is running through your nerves. How cruel of him to put you on a leash without your consent.”
Your breathing went labored, hands went colder — this man really knows what he’s talking about; he very much knows the hell he is trying to pry in. Maybe—just maybe—he even knows more than you.
His hands slid towards your shoulder next. He leaned his head, mouth nearer to your ear so you’d hear the first package of his deal, “Since it’ll be your first job under my command, I won’t impose much burden on your hands. All you have to do is prove that you really can be an unbreakable weapon for the Scouts.”
Despite the utter feeling of powerlessness, of lack of control, of lack of everything since the day you got “born,” you kept yourself intact. “How would I do that?” The question was muttered with no hint of bother, just as you vehemently attempted so.
“You just have to wait until he screams. If you turned into a titan, then my soldiers would release you of your despair. If not, then you don’t have to prove anything else — our deal officially starts by then.”
You just have to wait until he screams. If you turned into a titan, then my soldiers would release you of your despair.
If you’d be honest, your powerlessness includes ignorance. Not even you know the answer to that question — that’s what tied you to the sweet ruthless Zeke after all. 
However, despite the looming answers, you had quite a twisted wish.
You wish his scream would really turn you into a mindless monster, which Erwin’s crew could dispose of so quickly. The most pleasant deal you’ve gotten so far was his, after all. The pleasant deal of releasing you of your short-lived despair — of the lives you took, of the leash tied at you, of the shackles wrapping your hands behind your back.
The best deal you’ve got was with the Commander of this hell of an island.
With that in mind, you looked him in the eye and nodded, “Not like I have something else to lose.”
The Commander, now satisfied with the ordeal, offered you a cordial smile. “Worry not, I swear to treat you better than they did.”
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🏷 @frenchdyer @watyousayin | SUBSCRIBE HERE
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WELP… that took quite a dark turn. for context of this AU, i’m exploring a rather dead theory about how ymir just altered the canon timeline so eren would have no choice but to do the rumbling! i don’t believe in that theory myself but for the sake of this fanfic, this will revolve in a setting where:
mikasa ANSWERED eren properly (you're not just a family something something) and so they ran away together. BUT DON'T worry, eren will still run behind the curtains. his characterization just wouldn't sit still, i know) and;
both armin and erwin lived
but why these two variables? why did ymir not alter the timeline in favor of the rumbling? that’s where you enter the picture. good luck!
ALSO, sharing this colossal titan!erwin smith. whew.
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"Labor of Love" (Part 2)
SUMMARY: Jake and Lilah count down the days to the birth of their daughter. Continuation of "Broken & Beautiful."
Part 1
WARNINGS: Mentions of labor, childbirth and breastfeeding.
NOTES: Comments are greatly desired. I am a needy writer. 🙂
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     Well, I’ve made it to my ninth month of pregnancy. It’s June now, and we’re counting down the days until baby Maya’s estimated due date: the 21st. I’m on maternity leave, and I’m under the watchful gaze of a neighbor while Jake is at the restaurant. My adoptive mother moved to New York a few months ago, and she stops by when she can to help out as well. My neighbor, Jennifer, is one of the first people Jake and I befriended when we moved in. She and her husband, Michael, have a son who’s in the second grade. Jennifer, who works from home, has offered to babysit Maya when I go back to work. I hate the idea of not spending all day with Maya. In fact, I feel guilty. But I can’t afford to quit my job, either. It pays well, and the benefits aren’t too shabby.
     It’s been wonderful, having Jennifer and Maggie in my life. They keep me company while Jake is at work, making sure that I don’t stay cooped up in the apartment all day. Jennifer has experience with pregnancy and childbirth, and so she’s here to advise me as much as possible. Maggie, meanwhile, tries to ease my fears about impending motherhood.
     My doctor told me to stay active, and I do what I can as far as housekeeping tasks are concerned. On laundry day, my designated helper is in charge of taking the items down to the laundry room and bringing them back up when they’re ready. I insist on folding items, slipping clothes onto hangers, and putting everything away. As far as meal prep is concerned, my helper usually takes care of the cooking while I sit at the table and do what I can from there. Even Jake has stepped up in the meal prep department, as his cooking skills have improved. All he needed was a little time, some practice, and a lot of patience.
     Jake hasn’t said much since our last encounter with Simone. He still has nightmares every now and then, but they’re much less frequent. Progress has been made, in that he now feels comfortable with telling me about some of them. They involve water, mostly. Cold, dark, turbulent waves sweep over him and engulf him. No matter how much he struggles, he finds himself swept away and pulled under. He is then dragged down further and further by an unseen figure that refuses to release him until, finally, he wakes up gasping for air and covered in sweat. If I happen to wake up during his tossing and turning, I’m ready to hold him and talk him through it until he falls asleep. It seems that even though he’s confronted Simone and removed her from his life, she still has a grip on him that manifests in these nightmares. It is my hope that one day, he will receive the closure he needs and that the torment she’s put him through will become a thing of the past.
     In March, just a week after our run-in with Simone, Jake and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary. Because we’ve been preparing for the arrival of our daughter, we decided to keep the celebration simple. We enjoyed a romantic candlelit dinner at home, opting to recreate the picnic we had on the night we first said “I love you,” to each other. After dinner, we exchanged gifts. Jake presented me with a beautiful gold locket and a bouquet of roses, while I gave him a set of “love coupons.” And then, as I was putting our dishes in the sink, Jake slinked up behind me and declared that the dishes could wait; he wanted to put one of his coupons to use. We spent the rest of the night locked away in our bedroom, and any doubts about my desirability were finally cast aside.
     In April, my cousin Allison threw me a baby shower. Thanks to my friends and family members, Maya won’t be lacking in pacifiers, booties, blankets, onesies, cute little outfits, etc. And, thanks to Ari and Heather, there are a few post-maternity items to add to my closet.
     Since we still live in a one-bedroom apartment, Jake and I have set up a nursery area in our bedroom. We know that there will come a day when we will have to move on to a bigger place. But for now, this will have to do. Maggie gave us a dresser that houses Maya’s clothing items, blankets, burping towels, supplies and accessories. On top of the dresser sits a changing basket, complete with liner. There’s just enough space left for a diaper caddy that has enough room for not just diaper changing supplies, but extra onesies and socks. The clothing that Maya will eventually grow into, meanwhile, is kept in a vacuum-sealed storage bag in our closet.
     The wall to the left of our bedroom door houses a nook that is big enough for Maya’s crib, which Will helped Jake set up. While they were assembling the crib, I focused on decorating the nook. Since Maya is going to be a summer baby, it’s been decided that her nook will have a summertime theme. I found some adorable, colorful decals featuring bumblebees and flowers. Sometime after Maya’s birth, a picture of all three of us will be hung up in the middle of the nook.
     Attached to the crib is a beautiful, multi-colored butterfly mobile that plays music that will hopefully lull Maya into a peaceful slumber. Near my side of the bed is a rocking chair, where Maya will be fed and rocked to sleep. There’s also enough room for a bassinet, which will also be on my side of the bed since there isn’t room for it anywhere else.
     Why have both a bassinet and a crib? Well, for starters, I’m a first-time mom. I want a bassinet because I can keep Maya close to me, and it can be moved around the apartment when needed. I’m probably going to be one of those “Check on the baby every five minutes," moms. Finally, according to Jennifer and my OB, there’s a chance that Maya will sleep better in the bassinet as opposed to the larger, open space of the crib. But just in case it turns out that she’ll sleep better in the crib, it’s assembled and ready for her. And even if she does sleep well in the bassinet, at least the crib is set up for when she graduates into it.
     At the end of May, I put together a bag to take to the hospital. With each day that passes by, I become more and more anxious. Because of this, I admit that I may be mildly obsessed with checking my hospital bag to make sure I’ve packed everything on my list. Jake has given up on assuring me that I haven’t forgotten something, knowing better than to argue with a nervous mom-to-be. If it helps to check the hospital bag once or twice a week, so be it. Besides, I just can’t seem to make up my mind when it comes to the onesie our little girl will come home in. It’s not my fault that there are so many cute options to choose from!
     I zip up the bag and return it to its place by the door, walking (Or, in my state, more like waddling!) over to the sofa. Ever so carefully, I sit down next to Jake. Once my back support pillow is in place, I lean back against it with a sigh. My legs and feet are swollen now, which means that I have to put my feet up whenever possible. Thankfully, the coffee table is close enough for me to rest them on.
     “What did you settle on this time?” Jake asks, his tone light and teasing.
     “The one with the hearts,” I answer.
     He reaches for my hand, entwining his fingers together with mine. “I know you’re nervous, babe. But you’re the strongest woman I know. You got this.”
     “I hope so,” I answer tiredly. “I’m so ready to meet her. It’s just the labor and delivery thing that freaks me out. Ugh. Why did Hannah have to show us that video?” I cringe when I remember, in vivid detail, the images and sounds that I was confronted with during our last Lamaze class. I’m surprised I didn’t have nightmares after that experience. EESH!!
     “Need anything?”
     I shake my head. “I have my water. I have my pillow. I have you. I’m good. Just uncomfortable.”
     I’m in what my doctor calls the lightening stage, which means that Maya has dropped lower. Not only does this mean that I’m approaching labor, but this also means that more pressure has been added to my pelvis, hips and bladder. At the moment, I don’t have to make yet another trip to the bathroom. That’s a relief. But the pressure on my pelvis and hips isn’t fun, in spite of the fact that I am now able to breathe a little easier.
     It’s Jake’s day off, which means that we’ve been able to spend all day together. I’ve told him that if he wants to get out of the apartment and do something relaxing, I won’t stop him. But he insists on being here, just in case. Though he won’t admit it, I can see that he’s just as nervous as I am. I know him well enough to recognize the signs.
     I’m bored, and I’m not in the mood to watch TV or read a book. And so, I ask Jake to hand me the photo book and box of pictures resting on his side of the coffee table. I remove the lid from the box, which is set down between us, and then I open up the photo book. I’ve been meaning to put this together for a while. The boredom that comes with maternity leave seems to have motivated me.
     “I thought you were finished with that,” Jake comments.
     I shake my head. “Nope. Just a few more pages to go,” I answer, reaching the page I’m searching for.
     Jake picks up the box and begins to go through the pictures, most of which were taken by him. He pauses for a moment and then chuckles. “You took a picture of the pregnancy tests?”
     “Yup!” I confirm, giving him a lopsided smile. “What? It was a big day. We found out that we’re going to be parents.” He shakes his head in amusement, and I lift my brow at him. “It’s not like I saved the tests. I’m not weird. Our hard work paid off, and I just want to memorialize the occasion.” I take the picture from him and put it back in its proper place.
     “Hard work? I don’t remember you complaining.” He stretches out his arms a bit and puts his hands behind his head, using them as a pillow as he leans back. “In fact, I just remember a lot of ‘Yes, Jake! Yes! That’s the spot! Yes, yes! Don’t stop! I‘m almost there! I‘m almost there! I‘m there! I‘m there! I’m ... Aaahhh!’”
     He gives me a smug look, and I swat him on the arm. “I’m not the one who says ‘Mmm ... Yeah, baby. You like that? Does that make you feel good? Come on. Come on, beautiful. Come for m --’”
     Jake clamps a hand over my mouth. “Okay. I get your point.” He falls silent and, just when I think he’s backed down, he adds “At least I’m not the loud one. Remember the look the neighbors gave us that one morning? We still haven’t lived it down.”
     I narrow my eyes at him. “Jake, if you ever want to have sex with me again ... you’ll drop it.”
     He holds up his hands in surrender. “Yes, ma’am.”
     I pull out a few pictures and begin to arrange them, trying to figure out a layout that pleases me. I linger on the photo that Jake took of yours truly with my band mates. It was taken on the last night I performed with them, shortly after I announced that I’m expecting. Once my doctor confirmed my pregnancy, I had some decisions to make. As much as I love singing with the band, I don’t feel safe performing in the bar right now. Customers get pretty rowdy, and I can’t risk my safety or the safety of my child. Not to mention the fact that the bar smells get to me. It’s hard to perform while dealing with “pops up whenever it damn well pleases,” sickness.
     Jake watches as I add the photo to the picture book. “You miss performing. Don’t you?”
     I nod. “I do. I talked to Chuck the other day. I wanted to thank him and his wife for the present for Maya. He says that the band wants me to come back when I’m ready.”
     “Are you going to take them up on their offer?”
     “I’m thinking about it. I mean, it would only be one or two Saturday’s a month. You know, if you don’t count practice.”
     “If it’s something you want to do, I’ll support you.”
     I set the photo book aside and lean over to kiss Jake. “Thank you.”
     “You’re welcome. You hungry?”
     “Yeah. Jennifer brought over a casserole.”
     “One casserole, coming up.”
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     Thanks to my belly and my need to sleep on my side, Jake and I have had to adjust to different sleeping arrangements. At my baby shower, Jennifer gifted me with a body pillow that gives me the support and comfort I need to get a decent night’s sleep. Our mutual love language is touch, which means that Jake and I are very much into cuddling. I crave the warmth and safety of Jake’s arms, while he finds comfort in having my body so close to his own. I may be bigger right now, but that’s doesn’t mean that we’ve changed our routine. It just means that we have to make some adjustments. Because of my belly and my need for the body pillow, there are nights when I am the middle of a human/pillow sandwich. It took some time to get used to, but I’ve found that I sleep better with Jake spooning me while I snuggle up against the body pillow. Just as long as we don’t get too warm, this arrangement seems to work for the both of us.
     Jake and I are in bed when I begin to feel that there is definitely something going on. Thinking that this is another “Braxton Hicks moment,” I switch positions to see if the contractions will stop. I’m about ready to go back to sleep when I feel the sensation again, and I maneuver myself to my previous position. A few minutes later, I realize that these are definitely not Braxton Hicks contractions. For one thing, they’re not stopping. In fact, they seem to be coming at regular intervals. And while the Braxton Hicks are usually felt in the front of my belly, these contractions start in the back and move to the front.
     Yeah! This is definitely not false labor.
     I’m not exactly sure what I should do. Jake is still sound asleep, and I don’t know if I should let him be or if I should wake him. I mean, the contractions aren’t so close together that I know it’s time to go to the hospital. But I know that I’m in labor now, and I’m going to need him.
     I look over at the clock on my nightstand, seeing that it’s 8:00 am. Okay. Well, I suppose it’s not too early to wake him up. My decision made, I push my body pillow aside and turn to face my husband. I know from experience that touching him gently on the bicep or stomach usually does the trick. I made this discovery shortly after we became intimate, and it’s become my signal to let him know that I’m in the mood. I don’t even have to apply that much pressure. Just the slightest touch, and he’s awake. And so, nibbling on my bottom lip, I reach out and lay a hand on his bicep. I gently stroke his skin with my thumb and quietly speak his name, watching as he begins to stir.
     He opens his eyes and turns his head to look at me, blinking sleepily. “You’re awake,” he says, his voice rough from sleep.
     “I am,” I confirm with a smile.
     He turns onto his side and props himself up on his elbow. “What time is it?”
     “A little after 8:00.”
     He furrows his brows. “Everything okay?”
     “Yeah. It’s just that ... it’s time.”
     In his groggy state, he isn’t catching on to what I mean. “You’re in the mood?” He pauses, giving me a grin. “Not that I’m complaining. Just, umm ... give me a minute and --”
     I laugh gently. “No. Jake, I’m having contractions. Real, actual contractions.”
     He stares at me for a few seconds, and then his ocean blue eyes widen. Now he gets it. He springs into action, tugging on his jeans as he sits on the edge of the bed. “How far apart are they?” he asks, reaching for the shirt he discarded last night.
     “Jake, calm down. They’re not close enough for us to go anywhere.”
     Jake slips into his shirt and then pauses, turning to look at me. His lips are in that pout that I love, and he’s looking me up and down. I’m not sure, but he’s either annoyed or confused. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell with him.
     Now I feel guilty. “I’m sorry I woke you. I just ... thought you should know,” I explain with a shrug.
     He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “It’s all right." He takes a few moments to yawn and then run a hand over his face, and then he scoots closer to me. “Are you all right?”
     “I’m okay. I mean, they’re pretty mild right now. But ... this is definitely it, Jake.” We share a brief kiss, and I’m beaming. “She’s on her way.”
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     During the early stage of labor, Jake and I try to relax as much as we can. My OB, Dr. Powell, said that early labor tends to last a while. So unless something goes wrong, Jake and I do not have to rush to the hospital just yet. We keep ourselves occupied by not only tracking my contractions, but by doing some simple routines around the apartment. When my level of discomfort increases, Jake is here to rub my shoulders and remind me to take calming breaths.
     Finally, it reaches the point when it’s time for us to make our way to the hospital. Jake has just opened the apartment door when the contractions hit again. We come to a stop for a few moments as I focus on taking calming breaths, taking hold of Jake’s hand as the wave passes over me. I let out one last calming breath and then slowly straighten up, nodding when Jake asks if I’m ready to go. He bends down to grab the car seat and then slings the hospital bag over his shoulder. Then he guides me into the hallway, locking the door behind us. We encounter Michael in the hallway, and he’s kind enough to carry the car seat as he follows us down the stairs.
     It doesn’t take us long to hail a cab, and the driver sets the car seat and hospital bag up front. Meanwhile, Jake helps me into the cab and slides in next to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulders as he hands the cabbie a wad of cash to “Get us to the fucking hospital as fast as fucking possible.” His words. Not mine.
     I lean against Jake, his scent and warmth keeping me calm as the driver navigates NYC traffic. I don’t know how long it takes. Far as I’m concerned, it feels like hours. We finally arrive at the hospital, where I’m helped into a wheelchair by a nurse whose name I’ll never remember. While I’m wheeled inside, Jake retrieves the car seat and the hospital bag. A few seconds later, he meets me at the nurses’ station and hands over the folder containing my pre-registration forms.
     I’m so glad I heeded Dr. Powell’s advice and filled out these forms. I can’t imagine trying to complete them at the last-minute while in the throes of another set of contractions. This pain not only distracts me, but it makes me highly agitated. So it’s a good thing I don’t have a clipboard in hand, because it would probably end up chucked in the direction of one of the nurses.
     Eventually, we’re taken to a private room on the third floor. Most of my dignity is taken away when I have to change into a hospital gown. It’s one with ties in the back, which means my ass is exposed. I understand the practicality of the gown, of course. I’m just glad my lower half will be hidden under blankets. And if I have to get up and walk around, I packed a robe for the occasion. Once I’m helped onto the hospital bed, an IV is inserted into my vein. Not fun, but necessary. I’m also hooked up to monitors that keep track of my vitals, as well as Maya’s.
     Once the poking and prodding session is over, Jake and I are left alone in the room. He hasn’t stopped holding my left hand since the IV was placed, and he brings it up to his lips for a kiss. Now that things have settled down for a while, and I’m not in the middle of a contraction, I can appreciate the gesture. Courtesy of the fetal monitor, we can hear Maya’s heartbeat. As far as we can tell, she’s doing fine. I’m soothed by the sound of my daughter’s heartbeat, combined with the warmth of Jake’s hand.
     “We should let everyone know what’s going on,” I comment.
     Jake nods and then releases my hand, reaching into his pocket for his cell phone. I watch as he types out a mass text message, sending it out to our friends and family. He stuffs the phone back into his pocket and then takes my hand in his again. It doesn’t take long before I hear the quiet pinging sound that indicates that he’s receiving responses, and he reads each one to me. Shortly after he reads the message from Allison, my progress is checked and I’m asked the big question: Do I want an epidural, or would I prefer to experience natural childbirth? Up until today, I had been undecided. After some careful consideration, I’ve chosen to go without an epidural.
     We’re left alone again, and I exchange a look with Jake. He rubs the back of my hand in a small circular pattern, picking up on my nervousness. “Jake, what did I just agree to?”
     “You want me to call her back in?”
     I think about it for a moment, shaking my head. “No. I don’t want the meds to affect Maya.” I take in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Not because I’m experiencing a contraction, but because I’m freaking out. “I’ll be okay. Just promise me something.”
     “Don’t worry. I’ll be with you every step of the way. I’ve got your back.”
     I smile at him. “I know. That’s not what I was going to say.” He gestures for me to go on. “When the big moment comes, and I’m pushing her out ... don’t blame me if I hurt your hand. And whatever I say, don’t hold it against me. No matter how many nasty things I say to you. I won’t mean any of them.”
     He laughs a little. How sweet! He thinks I’m kidding.
     I reach for his hand, running my thumb over his wedding band. “But seriously ... no matter how much I yell and scream at you, I want you to know I love you ... and that I’m glad we’re doing this. This pregnancy hasn’t been easy for either one of us. You’ve been my rock, and I’m so glad you’re here.”
     He gives me another smile. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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     In the early hours of June 18th, our baby girl is close to making her grand entrance into the world. Jake is holding my hand throughout the experience, even when I squeeze a little too hard. I knew giving birth would be difficult and painful, but I had no idea how much work it would take to push a tiny human being out of me. The pain isn’t like anything I’d imagined, and I’ve been told that I’ll forget all about it when I’m holding Maya in my arms.
     “I can’t do this ANYMORE!!”
     “Yes, you can. Baby, you have to,” Jake says from his place beside me.
     “Don’t you DARE tell me what to do! You’re not the boss of me! Get the fuck away from me!”
     I narrow my eyes into a nasty, venom-filled glare when I hear the nurse say to Jake “Don’t worry. She doesn’t mean a word of it. It’s just the pain.” Oh! So now a total stranger thinks she can speak for me? You’ve got to be kidding.
     I have no idea how long I have been pushing, but it seems like an eternity. And I have to tell you this: I have grown tired of being reminded to breathe, being ordered to “keep that chin down,” and being told that I need to “push just a little bit harder.” I’m giving it all I have, people! I’m using all the “umph," I have! What more do you want from me? The only thing that is preventing me from kicking the doctor is the fact that I need her to deliver my child. That, and I’m too focused on trying to push a human being out of me. Otherwise, my foot would meet her face.
     Yeah! Turns out, extreme pain unleashes my violent streak. Who knew?
     “Jake!! If you tell me to breathe one more time, I’m going to break your wrist!!!” I snarl through gritted teeth, just before I squeeze his hand again and push with everything I’ve got.
     A few more pushes later, and her head is finally out. While I’m trying to recover from that experience, I’m told to hold off on pushing until the doctor says otherwise. I have no idea what the doctor and nurse are doing, as my eyes are closed and I’m breathing my way through contractions. I also mutter a few colorful words, followed by a quick apology to Jake. He tells me that I don’t have to apologize, and I can hear excitement in his voice as he tells me that Maya has “a lot of hair.” And then, the doctor tells me to get ready to push again.
     After an insane amount of pain and hard work, Maya Elizabeth Jade Holt enters the world. I let myself fall back onto the bed, exhausted and relieved. I’m drenched with sweat and panting, but deliriously happy. While the doctors tend to our newborn daughter, Jake wipes my brow with a cool cloth and presses a few kisses to my lips. All he can talk about is how strong I am, how proud he is of me, and how beautiful our little girl is.
     A few moments later, my exhaustion and pain are forgotten when our precious daughter is placed on my chest. Holding her gently, tears streaming down my face, I notice the dark hair on her head. I don’t know what color her eyes will be, but so far she takes after her father in the looks department. She begins to cry a bit, and I gently stroke her cheek and talk softly to her.
     “Hello, Maya. It’s me. I’m your momma.” I sniffle a bit. “It’s so good to see you, beautiful girl. I love you so much. Happy birthday.” Maya squirms a bit and quiets down, seeming to recognize my voice. I look up at Jake, who’s absolutely beaming. I don’t think I’ve seen him smile like this since our wedding day, when he saw me walk down the aisle. “Jake, you’re a dad.”
     He seems to be at a loss for words. Instead, he lets out a little laugh and reaches out to softly stroke her head. It’s like he needs to touch her, just to prove that she’s really here.
     “It’s time to cut the cord, Jake,” the doctor announces.
     Jake gives her a nod and, after two snips, the cord is severed. My snuggling session with Maya is interrupted when she’s gently whisked away for a brief health exam. She’s not too happy about being temporarily separated from me, as evidenced by her loud cries. She’s certainly not shy about making her voice heard. I’ll give her that! I can’t see what’s going on, but every now and then I can hear Jake talking to her softly. I hear him make the comment that “She has a good grip,” and so I assume that she’s grabbed onto his finger.
     After being weighed and measured, she is finally handed over to Jake. He seems to be a little nervous, having never held someone so tiny and fragile. But he soon adjusts, looking very much like the proud father he is. He steps closer to me and chuckles when Maya takes hold of his pinky again. “The nurse says she seems to be perfectly healthy. Seven pounds, two ounces. Nineteen and a half inches long." Maya squirms a little bit, making those adorable sounds I’ve already fallen in love with. “She just opened her eyes,” Jake proudly announces.
     “What color are they?”
     “Kind of a grayish blue.”
     I’ve been told that Maya’s eye color will change over time, and so it’s too early to determine what the final result will be. But if she takes after her father, I won’t mind at all. He has beautiful eyes.
     “I think she has your mouth,” he comments.
     “And your hair.” Jake hands her back to me and, after some assistance from the nurse, Maya has her first feeding. I begin to tear up again, my voice wavering a bit. “Look at who we made, Jake. She’s perfect.”
     I feel him lay a hand on my head, lightly stroking my hair. He leans down to press a kiss to my temple. “She’s beautiful, Lilah. Just like you.”
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     A few hours later, after getting some rest and seeing to it that Maya is fed again, I’m feeling up for visitors. I’m still tired, and my body is definitely feeling the after-effects of childbirth. Still, I look forward to introducing Maya to her extended family. Allison, Will and Maggie are the first to meet her. Will laughs as his goddaughter grabs hold of his finger, grinning down at her. Seems she’s won another person over.
     “Hey, kiddo. I’m Will. Yes, I am. Yes, I am.”
     “Oh, no. He’s doing the baby talk thing,” Jake comments, grinning at Will when he looks up at him.
     Shaking his head, Will returns his gaze to Maya. “Well, I can’t help it. No, I can’t. You know why? ‘Cause you’re the cutest widdle baby. Yes, you are. And guess what? When your mom and dad bring you to the restaurant, your meal is on the house. Know why? ’Cause your godfather is the manager. Yes, he is.”
     “Hey! Why is her meal free?” I give Will a mock-glare. “I’m the one who did all the hard work to get her here.”
     Will shrugs, grinning at me. “Sorry. She’s just ... She’s so cute.”
     “Cute? She’s adorable. So tiny!” Allison interjects. “I could put her in my purse!”
     “What do you think of your granddaughter, Maggie?” I ask.
     Maggie gives me a surprised look. She hasn’t said anything about it. But up until now, I assume she didn’t know exactly how she’d fit into Maya’s life. Maya is carefully transferred over to Maggie’s arms, and I can tell that she’s fallen in love as well. “She’s perfect.”
     Will is the last of the three to hold Maya, but the moment is cut short when he looks up at the clock. “Guess it’s time for me to go. The restaurant won’t manage itself,” he laments, looking down at Maya again. “I’ll see you later, kiddo.” Reluctantly, he returns her to my arms and leans down to give me a kiss on the forehead. He reaches out to give Maya a little tickle under the chin. “Congratulations, guys. She’s beautiful.” On the way out, he pats Jake on the shoulder a few times. “Good luck. You’re gonna need it.”
     Jake furrows his brows at Will. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
     Once the door is closed, I look down at Maya. “So what do you think of Will?” She looks up me with her blue-grey eyes, cooing a little. “Yeah. I like him, too.”
     A few minutes later, we hear a soft knock on the door. Heather is the first to enter the room, followed by Ari, Sasha and Tess. I give them a tired smile when I see that they’ve brought flowers and some stuffed animals, and Jake directs them to put them by the windowsill with the other gifts. Heather leans down to give me a hug and asks how I’m doing, and I give her the same response I gave to my previous visitors.
     “Tired and sore, but deliriously happy. Thanks for coming, you guys.”
     Sasha walks over to me, shaking his head. “You look horrible, Angel.”
     I roll my eyes at him. “You would, too, if you went through what I did. Turns out that childbirth isn’t easy.”
     “That’s no excuse for looking shabby. And that hospital gown does nothing for you.”
     “For your sake, I’ll forget you said that." I gently adjust Maya in my arms so my friends can take a good look at her.
     Jake sits down next to me on the other side of the bed, smiling proudly as he announces “Guys, we’d like you to meet Maya Elizabeth Jade Holt.”
     “Who wants to be the first to hold her?” I ask.
     Ari and Sasha opt out, preferring to give Maya their attention while she’s in the arms of someone else. I’ve known for a while that they’re not necessarily “baby people," which means their response isn’t surprising. Now, it’s between Tess and Heather. After using some hand sanitizer, Tess steps forward. Maya lets out what I call a “squeakel” (squeak + squeal) as she’s transferred to Tess’s arms, and I give my former co-worker a smile when she looks nervous.
     “Don’t worry. She’s fine. She’s just saying ‘hi’. Just remember to support her head.”
     Tess gives me a nod, staring down at my daughter. “She’s so tiny.” Ever the curious one, she looks up at me. “What was it like?”
     “Do you really want to know?” Tess just stares back at me, and I think about it for a moment. How, exactly, do you put that kind of pain into words? Then it hits me. “You ever see Look Who’s Talking, Tess?” She nods. “You remember what Kirstie Alley said about the watermelon and the lemon?” Again, she nods. “It really is like that.”
     My female friends stare at me in horror, while Sasha cringes. “Eesh! No need to be so graphic.”
     Tess passes Maya over to Heather, who sways a bit as Maya begins to fuss. Sasha does the chin tickle thing and immediately dubs Maya “Baby Angel.” Then he looks me up and down in mock disappointment. “So I guess this means we have to stop calling you Waddles now.”
     I laugh a little. “I told you to stop calling me that a long time ago.”
     He waves me off. “Since when have I ever listened to you?” I open my mouth to retort, but shut it again when Sasha’s focus is clearly on Maya. I can’t quite make out everything he’s saying to her. Only that it sounds like more baby talk with a few Russian words thrown into the mix.
     “I still can’t believe you two have one of these,” Heather comments as Maya coos away. “She looks like you, Jake.”
     Jake grins proudly. “You think so?”
     “You’ll never get your figure back, Angel.” Sasha lets out one of his over-dramatic cries when Ari punches him in the arm. “Ow! Stop hitting me!”
     “Shut the fuck up, Sasha!” Ari gives me a flirtatious smile. “Ignore the idiot. You’ll go back to looking hot in no time.”
     I frown. “Gee! Thanks.”
     “I have to go," Tess announces, leaning down to give me a brief hug. “She’s beautiful, guys.” Jake and I give her our thanks, and she waves goodbye to the both of us as she follows Ari and Sasha out of the room.
     “She really is,” Heather agrees, handing Maya over to Jake. “Great job, you two.” She then turns her attention to Maya. “And you, little girl ...” I wait for her to say something profound, like she usually does. Instead, she says “One day, when you’re old enough, I’ve got some crazy stuff to tell you about your mom and dad.”
     Jake and I exchange a look, and he says “After you run those stories by us. Right?”
     Heather doesn’t say anything. She just gives us a wink and a smirk. And then she’s gone, closing the door behind herself.
     I look down at Maya. “Well, sweetheart, that’s your family. I know they seem a little ... odd. But they love you.” I give her a kiss on the head and then hand her over to Jake.
     He leans down and gives me a kiss on the lips. “I love you. Thanks for making me a dad.”
     I give him a sleepy smile, touched by his words. “I love you, too. Thanks for making me a mom.”
     He grins back, and I watch as he carefully sits down in the chair. The last thing I see, just before my eyes slide shut and sleep takes over, is Jake smiling down at our daughter.
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     Jake’s POV
     By the time I return to our apartment in Williamsburg, it’s a little after 11:00. The apartment is dark, save for the light in the hallway. Figuring that Lilah is asleep, I try to be as quiet as possible. I leave my shoes by the door and hang up my hoodie, and then make my way to the bedroom door. I push it open slowly and step inside, smiling at what I see.
     Lilah is sitting in the chair, gently rocking back and forth with Maya in her arms. I’m sure she’s exhausted, but she looks content as she sings a song to our daughter. I know it sounds corny, but I think I love her even more than I did before. Maya, as usual, is awake and squirming away. When Lilah was pregnant, Maya was more active at night. Her night owl streak usually kicked in after 10:00 and lasted until 11:30 or midnight. Seems she’s sticking to her routine.
     I approach them, and Lilah gives me a tired smile. “Hi, babe. How was work?”
     We share a brief kiss, and I sit down on the bed. Giving her a shrug, I answer “Same as always. That kinky couple, Gabe and Giselle, showed up.”
     “Uh-oh. Who’d they go after this time?”
     “Alex,” I answer, referring to the bartender who’s filling in for Lilah. “They said he ‘has the body of a Greek god’. I guess they offered to pay him $5,000.”
     “Nice to know they’re staying consistent. Did he accept?”
     I shrug. “I don’t know. He took their card.” I reach out to touch my daughter’s head, gently brushing my fingers over her hair. “How were things with the night owl?”
     Maya is two weeks old, as of today. We came home with her two days after she was born, and it’s been an adjustment for both of us. I took a week off of work so I could help Lilah and bond with our daughter, and I dreaded the day when I had to go back to work.
     “Fine. Jennifer came over for a visit. She can’t believe how quiet Maya is. She only cried a few times, and then she conked out for a bit. I gave her a bath and then put her to bed at 8:00, and she woke up at 10:00 and had a late-night snack. Fell asleep right after I changed her. She just woke up. Maybe she knew her dad was coming home. Wanna take her?”
     I nod and move off of the bed, and Lilah carefully transfers Maya into my arms. Lilah gets up and moves over to the bed, making herself comfortable under the covers. I look down at Maya, who’s staring up at me. “Will you look at what you did to your poor mother? You wore her out.” Lilah’s eyes are already starting to become heavy, and I figure now would be a good time to step out. “Let’s take this party to the living room,” I say to Maya.
     After saying goodnight to Lilah, I leave the room with Maya. Closing the door behind myself, I creep down the hallway and step into the kitchen. Then I grab something to drink and sit down on the sofa with my daughter. She begins to fuss a little, and I’m pretty sure I know what the problem is.
     “Okay, Maya. I know what you want. Don’t have to tell me twice.” I rearrange her so that she’s now held out in front of me, just below my chest. My hands keep her safe and secure, and she eventually quiets down. “All good?” She quiets down after a while, looking up at me again. “Just wanted to see me better. Didn’t you? Yeah. I thought so. You know, everyone at work has been asking about you. Maybe one day, your mom and I will show you where we work. I bet you’d like that. You know, if someone had told me that I’d be a married man and a dad, I would have said they were crazy. But here I am. And do you know why? It’s because your mom gave me a chance. For some reason, she chose me. Not only that, but she gave me you. Not bad for someone like me.”
     I turn my attention to the bookcase across from me, and the photograph of my favorite tree in France. On the night when Lilah and I decided to try for a baby, I told her that fatherhood had been on my mind ever since my trip to France. It wasn’t until I’d experienced a real, committed, loving relationship with Lilah that I felt safe enough to think about the future. But I knew that I couldn’t pursue what I wanted - couldn’t even discuss it with Lilah - until I worked through my issues and cleaned up my act. I had a lot of growing up to do, and I credit Lilah for helping me through it. She stood by me through it all, encouraging me and giving me a shove when I needed it, and that only further cemented my knowledge that she’s the one I want to be with.
     I pause for a few seconds. “Look, kid. I gotta be honest with you. I don’t know what kind of a dad I’ll be. My dad skipped out of town when I was born, and the man who adopted me ... Well, let’s just say he was more interested in golf than in raising kids. Anyway, the point is: I’m new at this. I know I’ll make mistakes. There’ll be times when I’ll drive you crazy. But I want to be the dad you need me to be. I want to give you a better life than the one I was given. I want you to feel safe, and I don’t want you to worry that your mom and I won’t be there for you. We’re pretty new at this parenting thing, but we’re going to do our best. ‘Cause we love you. So, don’t be too hard on us. Deal?”
     I stay up with Maya until she falls asleep. Carefully, hoping she won’t feel my movements, I get up off of the sofa and creep down the hallway. Thanks to the dim light coming from the lamp on Lilah’s nightstand, I’m able to navigate my way to Maya’s bassinet. I set her down gently, cringing a bit when she seems to wake up, and then breathe a quiet sigh when she settles down. Lilah seems to be sound asleep under the covers, and so I quietly make my way over to my side of the bed. It’s a warm night, and so I discard my shirt and strip down to my boxers before I crawl into bed.
     My head barely hits the pillow when I feel Lilah move next to me. She scoots closer to me, and I move my arm to accommodate her. She settles down with her head on my chest, her hand resting on my stomach as she lets out a happy sigh. She no longer wears perfume, both for her sake and for Maya’s. But her hair still smells like lavender and vanilla, thanks to the shampoo she used, and the scent is intoxicating. I’m not sure, but I think my heart has just skipped a beat at the familiar, comfortable sensation of her skin pressed against mine. God, I love this woman!
     “Everything go okay?” she asks quietly.
     “Yeah. We hung out for a little bit, and then she passed right out.”
     “See? She just wanted some quality time with her dad.” I chuckle a bit, smiling when Lilah presses her lips to my shoulder and collarbone before she settles down again. “You’re a good dad, Jake ... and a good man. Maya and I are lucky to have you.”
     I breathe in the scent of Lilah’s hair, gently stroking her arm as she falls asleep.
     No, Lilah. I’m the lucky one.
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little-sw33tie · 2 years
40 Lyric Writing Prompt List
(Songs listed in order at the end)
1- “The rough nights ain’t leaving, so why the hell should we?”
2- “And there is not a single place I’d rather be, I’m fucked you just like you are, and you’re fucked up just like me”
3- “I’m still dreaming after all these years”
4- “I still gotta believe people are good at the core”
5- “doctor give it to me, I’ve got a bad case of not loving me”
6- “I want you by my side, so that I’ll never feel alone again”
7- “Just take my hand and we'll abandon this world, we’ll wash those tears away”
8- “it won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage. But you’d look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two”
9- “It’s alright, come inside and talk to me”
10- “Are you tired of me yet?”
11- “I’ll cut my hair, to make you stare. I’ll hide my chest”
12- “No wealth, no ruin no silver no gold. Nothing satisfies me but your soul”
13- “When god is gone and the devil takes hold, who’ll have mercy on your soul?”
14- “I saw a girl in my dream, she kissed me on the face”
15- “It’s not about the money but the world doesn’t agree, a bribe a lie a trick will hide the truth and they won’t see”
16- “As long as you’ve changed your mind, your soul belongs to me”
17- “If you bother asking me if love is really true, I would stare you in the face and say ‘it’s looking right at you!’”
18- “You tried so hard to take the discord out of me, but I’m not generic in that way, and I just wanna cause a little entropy”
19- “gonna hide myself way down in the deep deep blue, because I hate myself for being so mean to you”
20- “what do you think of me? Do you think of me?”
21- “And I think I like you, and I hope you do too”
22- “I still get a little star struck, baby you shine so bright”
23- “Don’t let me see what I am, ‘cause I can’t stand it. No I can’t”
24- “My odds are stacked, I’ve never been a gambling man, I’ve never had the winning hand. But for you I’d lose it all”
25- “Let’s face it, let’s come to terms and embrace it. Concur, admit, concede, I’m cute <3”
26- “I know I could fall in love twice with you, I do it every day so I swear it’s nothing new”
27- “I’m gonna do this right! Show you I’m not moving, wherever you go, I won’t be far to follow! I’m gonna love you so!”
28- “Why can’t I live up to my family name?”
29- “Well it’s not me that you see, it’s just my pedigree”
30- “Don’t you ever feel like you’ve been destined for something bigger than your skin?”
31- “Baby, all I think about it you. Baby, I don’t know what I’m gonna do”
32- “Life Made you bitter, I can make you tender”
33- “Help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever,”
34- “But I won’t let you lose yourself in the rain”
35- “I wanna live close to the sun”
36- “Everything to prove nothing in my way, I’ll get there one day”
37- “But where do you belong?”
38- “So you goners should do the do and do wander the blue yonder cause trying to fool the future takes too long”
39- “I don’t know quite where I’, going, but I’m on my way”
40- “If I could go back then and step into the past, I’d do it all again”
1- Welcome to the Family (watsky)
2- Sloppy Seconds (watsky)
3 & 4- Cardboard Castles (watsky)
5- Can’t dance, don’t ask (weezer)
6- Stolen Dance (Milky Chance)
7- The Cult Of Dionysus (The Orion Experience)
8- Daisy Bell (harry dacre)
9- Talk To Me (cavetown)
10 & 11- This is home (cavetown)
12 & 13- I am no one (gemini killer)
14- Another one of those days (cavetown)
15, 16 & 17- 1925 (English Cover by Biscuits and Discontent) (I’m sorry it just hits me in the inspiration really hard)
18- Entropy (Awkward Marina)
19- I hate myself for being mean to you (Isham Jones)
20 & 21- Your Text (Sundial)
22- Starstruck (The Scary Jokes)
23- Dysphoric (Cavetown)
24- Gambling Man (The Overtones)
25- Let’s Face It I’m Cute (11 Acorn Lane)
26- Twice (Rio Romeo)
27- Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me (Waitress)
28, 29 & 30- The Exit (Forgive Durden)
31- Fantasy (Mystery Skulls)
32- Al Dente (Jack Stauber)
33- Everybody wants to rule the world (Tears for Fears)
34- Spring and a Storm (Tally Hall)
35 & 36- I Wanna Be Famous (Graeme Cornies & Dawna Toews)
37- I Saw The Sign (Ace of Base)
38, 39 & 40- Stupidass (Watsky)
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annaphoenix1994 · 1 year
Ch.128 - Dipshits.
Previous Chapter - Masterlist 1; Masterlist 2 - Next Chapter
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Kiera discusses her next strategy with Rob; Simon catches Baler falling in with the wrong crowd by playing Cowboy Poker.
“It’s about time you showed up for lunch!” Robert chuckled while he joined her in her office, sitting down at the small table that was close to the window, looking out towards the vague frame of the Tetons in the far distance, only knowing the mountain range due to its shape alone. “I got you a chicken wrap from the café. Hope you weren’t craving anything else.”
“That’s fine, Rob. Thank you.” Kiera shook her head, kindly accepting the fresh chicken Caesar wrap he had brought her as a kind gesture.
As well as a reward for helping him make a fuck ton of money within the last few months.
“So, are you excited to finally be taking full control of this office?”
“Terrified, but it’s how I learn.” She shrugged.
“Well, what’s your first move?”
“For one, I’m going to take down Jenkins. Any fucking way I can,” She scoffed, eagerly curling her index finger under the tab of her can of Dr. Pepper. “You get these land developers like him who find pristine recreational property, build whatever they desire and sell the dream – no major problems arise unless you have cocksuckers like Jenkins who desire to take it further: building hotels and casinos. They all end up leaving because they can’t generate enough cash flow after trying to turn it into New York City.”
“That’s right. You can’t make a big business out of raw land with real estate.” Rob nodded.
“What’re you going to do?”
“We set up a fund – a fund that buys land and puts it into a conservation easement which cuts the property tax by 2/3’s by the end of the year. Then we go to the Department of Agriculture and enroll the land in a CRP.”
“What’s a CRP?”
“It’s the federal government paying us not to farm it.”
Rob scoffed, “Now why would the federal government willingly pay its citizens not to do something that brings in revenue? That just doesn’t make sense to me.”
“To control the supply. They won’t have to worry about local farmers – or people like Jenkins – diluting the market. It’s shit, but it’s a benefit for us.”
“What’s the turnaround look like?”
Kiera shrugged, “A government pay per acre, per year depending on land. The last I checked in Wyoming, it’s between $200-$300 an acre. That also goes for Montana, Utah, and Colorado – except Colorado is more stingy with where its money goes.”
“So the government will pay the land off for us in seven years?”
“We’ll pretty much become landlords who are paid not to rent.”
“Hm. Sounds like a pyramid scheme.”
“With the government at the bottom for once, then yeah. Let’s start with a $100,000,000 investment in land, then we funnel the CRP funds into more land purchases and buy probably up to 30,000 acres per year without spending a dime. We make a profit by year two with a net revenue of $45,000,000 per year.”
“The more we buy, the more the number increases?”
“Sound like a good retirement plan for you?”
“Of course it does, but why hasn’t anyone does this before?”
“They can’t afford it, but we can.”
“What’s in it for you, Kiera?”
“What makes you say that?”
“Something is buried within you.”
“I’m just doing my job,” She assured him. “And I’m doing the best I can to protect my father’s ranch and legacy for as long as I can.”
“I understand,” Rob nodded. “We’ll put the land into the hedge fund and use the brokers to buy up the land. Don’t haggle on price, Kiera. You know what to do.”
“Otherwise, you wouldn’t have given me the reins.”
Kiera’s fingers ached with as much as she had been typing on her computer, silently thankful that she had forced herself to upgrade from the slow HP desktop to an iMac, which hit the spot on her aesthetic, finding herself to be slightly more organized than she thought. Impressive, she mused.
Breaking her gaze from her computer, her head throbbed once she broke her focus to look for the source of the vibrations from her phone. Shit, already 5:00? “Hey.”
“What’re you up to, love?” Simon asked softly on the other end of the phone.
“Getting ready to have a meeting with a realtor who’s selling land around the ranch. Going to make an offer on it.”
“Rolling in the bread, yeah?”
She scoffed, “If only it was our money…”
“I’m sure I’d see signs,” He chuckled. “Coming home after?”
“Most definitely. My eyes have been so strained and my head has been hurting since I came in this morning. I ran into our buddy this morning.”
“Jenkins. I stopped at the diner for breakfast because I was craving strawberry banana pancakes and knew Ruby was there. That fucker was there, too. Me and him had a little word.”
“I bet that went well.”
“About like you could imagine. Couldn’t keep my big mouth shut.”
“That doesn’t surprise me,” He poked. “So… Cravings, huh?”
She swore she had heard him smile at the thought.
“It’s been a few weeks now… I need to check and see if we have another one on the way,” She giggled. “Guess I have a stop to make on my way home, huh?”
“I’d love to see that. Your daughter has been babbling dada all day and I’ve been on a Cloud 9. If only I can get Jacob to finally talk without saying gibberish.”
“That’s because they’re babies, Simon,” She scoffed playfully. “The realtor’s coming in. This shouldn’t take long. Want me to call you back?”
“You can call me back or I can mute myself, love. I’m just sitting on the couch watching Evie and Jacob sleep.”
“Where’s Baler?”
“Bunkhouse. He and Johnny have been bullying each other about playing poker and Teeter kept instigating it, so that’s what he’s been doing since he’s been home from school.”
“Christ, that boy,” Kiera shook her head, glancing up at the realtor who had walked in, setting his briefcase down next to him in the chair while he sat in front of Kiera’s desk.
“Did I come in at a wrong time?” He asked, his tone nearly irritated at not only the fact that he had to deal with a woman, but being a man of strict order when it came to appointments. When you say to be here at 5:00, I expect you to be ready, not talking on the phone. Fucking women.
Oh, but he had no idea what he was up against…
And she noticed this, making it a point to piss him off even more for her own benefit. “Just mute yourself, Simon.” She advised, also sending him a quick text to inform him that he wanted to hear the rest of the conversation.
“What’ve you got for me, David?” She asked, watching him huff before stacking a file on her desk with the plot of land that he was able to provide for her that was for sale.
“Hope this best suits your needs.” He commented.
She arched her brow as she looked over the file as well as the photos that he had taken for the marketing on his iPad. “How many acres?”
“418. Asking price is $6,000.000. Has a water source, two houses, a separate garage, horse barn, indoor arena that’s air-conditioned and heated. The whole nine yards.”
“How motivated are the sellers?”
David scoffed, “Well, they thought spending the winter here was better than being in South Carolina. You tell me.”
You cocky motherfucker, she scoffed to herself. I’m going to ruin your ego in a few minutes. “Offer $4,000,000. No escrow – cash. One week close.”
“Wouldn’t you want to see it first?”
“Seeing it now.”
“Okay… You didn’t strike me as the type that would just buy something without seeing it.”
“You’d be surprised, buddy,” She retorted. “No negotiations. Offer the four and a week close. Surely they’d be eager to move back east for a mild winter.”
“Care to see one more that might better suit your interest?”
“Why not.”
David nodded, removing another file from his briefcase before setting it on her desk, taking the iPad and opening the other folder for his next proposal. “800 acres that ties into the national forest on the west, view of the Grand Tetons from the back patio, nothing but hunting land. It’s not available, but I know the people—”
“Then why are you showing it to me?”
“You… Wanted to see every large plot in the northwest part of Wyoming?”
“For sale.”
A brief moment of silence fell between the two, making dominant eye contact as if they were challenging each other. “It’s called Wren Acres.”
“Why’s it named after a wren?” She questioned curiously, truly wondering why a plot of land would be called something opposite to what species resided there.
“Who the fuck knows,” David scoffed. “Maybe it’s because they’re from South Carolina?”
“What’s with the wit, David?” Kiera asked softly, her adrenaline pumping as she was eager to make another man mad that she would be questioning his dominance. “Quick math for your commission making you feel eager? Damn, you’re showing us properties that aren’t even for sale. Man, you’re on a roll. Might go home and lay some pipe to the ole’ lady.”
He scoffed in astonishment as well as surprise. It’s kinda hot when a woman thinks she can be more assertive than me… “Wha-?”
“Get out of my office.”
“Kiera, I don’t—”
“Get the fuck out of my office. When you make a proposal, fax it to me so I don’t have to look at you again.”
“Maybe I won’t.”
“You won’t or I will,” She shrugged. “You can lose your commission and I’ll go and lay pipe to your ole lady. Your choice.”
He scoffed, gathering his files and iPad before stuffing them back into his briefcase. “I’d like to see that.”
“I bet you would. Go write up the offer so I don’t have to. When you get your commission I want you to shove it so far up your waxed ass,” She scoffed, glaring at him while she watched him storm out of her office before mumbling, “Fuck, I hate real estate agents.” To Simon once she directed her conversation back at him, hearing him chuckling at her conversation while patiently waiting for it to end, although a part of him hoped it wouldn’t end, he quite thoroughly enjoyed watching Kiera be assertive to people, including him. It’s so bloody sexy when she tells me like it is, he mused to himself. “You remind me every day why I’m glad to be on your good side, love.”
“Did I forget to mute you?”
“Sure did, but I don’t mind. At least I was assured that you didn’t have another man in your office for another type of meeting…” He poked.
“That’s tomorrow,” She scoffed back, her tone nearly assertive, even though sarcasm was a thick underlier. “I’m finishing up and heading home. What do you want for dinner?”
“Remember, it’s Friday. Your mum was going to cook dinner and we go over there.”
“That’s right. I forgot to call her earlier—”
“Don’t stress about it. She called me and I took the kids over there around noon. She asked me to help her hang a few frames around the house that the poor lass couldn’t reach.”
“Awe, look at you being a house-husband.”
“Gotta do something while I’m on time off from work. Feels nice to do nothing with something on occasion.”
“I’m sure, babe. I’m heading to the truck now. I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Be safe. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Got a whole hand of ‘em, boys!” Frankie taunted the others, his free hand full of cards while the other clutched a bottle of beer.
“Easy to say when you’re not in it.” Dirk teased from across the table.
“What’s eatin’ you, Baler? I know that’s not your poker face!” Lawson snickered, nudging the teen with his elbow.
“Yeah, you look like you’re about to take a shite!” Johnny laughed, tossing into the blind that sat piled in the middle of the table.
“Maybe I am…” Baler sighed, the corner of his mouth raising into a smirk before tossing the winning draw onto the table, watching the rest of the playing wranglers sigh in defeat.
“You son of a bitch!” Frankie sighed, folding his hand before twining his fingers behind his head while Lawson tossed his ballcap to the floor.
“Is this all we’re gonna do?” Teeter groaned impatiently.
“It’s what we always do?...” Frankie answered, his brows furrowed.
“Is it just one set of nuts y’all share?” She taunted, making Dirk laugh.
“Aside from the ones I’m wearing, I think your lady has the only ones in this room.”
“You’re probably right, mate.” Johnny huffed, his face flushed.
“When I was your age, we were out in the arena playing real poker… Cowboy Poker.”
“Now that sounds fun!” Teeter chimed.
“Wh-What is that?” Johnny asked.
“Oh, it’s real fun, baby. Involves a lot of whiskey and gettin’ a lil dirty!” She mused, leaning down from behind him to kiss his cheek.
“What exactly is it?” Baler asked, his expression just as confused as Johnny’s.
“We’re not playing it, so it doesn’t matter.” Frankie answered abruptly, shaking his head and beginning to shuffle a deck of cards.
“Bock… Bock, bock…” Dirk trailed off, chewing on the end of his cigar.
“That old fart is taunting me!” Baler scoffed. “Let’s do it.”
“Boy, your balls haven’t even dropped yet and you’re wanting to risk not ever growing them!” Lawson sighed.
“And your dad will kill us.” Johnny reminded, arching his brow. “Especially me for letting you do it.”
“Afraid you all will lose? It’s a damn shame mine haven’t even dropped and I have more balls than all of you combined.” Baler shrugged.
“Goddammit,” Frankie sighed. “Let’s go.”
All members of the table stood to their feet, anxious and ready for whatever this so-called game was. Knowing that it was taking place in an arena, it was about to get messier than what Teeter had explained.
“Don’t worry, baby! Ye be alright! I’m gonna stay behind the fence here!” Teeter snickered, clasping her hands over Johnny’s shoulders as she stood behind him once he sat down in the plastic chair, setting an open bottle of whiskey in his lap before her lips rested on his temple. “Drink up. Ye gonna need some liquid courage!”
Johnny nodded, never hesitating before taking a large sip of the liquor before passing it to Frankie, watching him repeat the motion before he passed it to Lawson, watching him take a small swig before passing it to Baler, shocked to see him take a drink just like Simon would as well as never making a sour face after he swallowed.
“Goddamn, kid, you stealin’ whiskey when your dad ain’t home?” Dirk commented, surprised.
“Nah, I just had a rough life before this place, old man,” He retorted. “More liquid courage, Frankie? You look like a puss right now.”
“Fuck you. You sound just like my sister.” He retorted, referring to Kiera as she was his sibling.
“Taught me well, didn’t she?”
“Now, what’s the rules?”
“Last one at the table keeps the pot,” Lawson answered, his form visibly trembling from adrenaline and fear. “Pass me some more of that.”
“Drink up, dipshits,” Dirk laughed. “You’re going to need it.”
“You two are getting horse traded by this old bastard and he isn’t even drinking anything.” Baler taunted.
“This is fucking nuts!” Lawson shouted, desperate to pump himself up to hide his fear.
“Quit crying!” Baler scoffed. “We’re ready!”
“Yeah, there’s not a lot smart about this…” Frankie sighed.
“Here we go, ladies,” Baler continued, taking a final long swig of the burning whiskey before shouting, “Ready!”
Johnny took a deep breath when he heard the gate open, a set of thunderous hooves colliding with the sand while Teeter shouted at the bovine, the radio that was perched on the ground to provide as background music blared Mud by Whiskey Myers as the bull charged into the arena, looking around frantically before setting its sights on the table in the middle of the arena, each player sitting as still as they possibly could as the bull charged closer, bowing its head for its desired impact, Baler sitting on the other end of the table and physically watched the bull charge as if it were charging at just him.
With a sharp thud and the air kicked from his lungs, Baler steadily stood on his feet to flee to the nearest fence, watching as he was the last one in the arena, unaware that the other players had fled with adrenaline after being rammed by the bull, Johnny and Teeter both encouraging Baler to run with adrenaline still coursing through their veins, Dirk’s aching limbs helping the teenager over the top of the fence rail with a laugh while he did his best to dust him off. “That’s some cowboy shit, boy!” He shouted with excitement.
“That’s… That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever done!” He laughed. “But that was fucking awesome!”
“Ye okay baby, no missin’ teeth?! Your pecker still on right? I ain’t need no limp’n!” Teeter questioned Johnny, looking him over while he gasped for air and clutched his ribs.
“I’m fine, bonnie. Bastard hit me right in the ribs.” He groaned.
“Balls of steel!” Frankie laughed, patting Baler on the shoulder as he limped towards the barn, regrouping with the rest of the wranglers as they all gasped for air.
“Are you alright?”
“Fuckin’ peachy.” Baler groaned, wiping the blood from his nose.
“You might need this.” Lawson said, reaching the bottle of leftover whiskey to the teen as he took it eagerly, finishing it off without a second thought, even if Simon had just walked towards the arena to investigate the commotion, the wranglers unaware that the blaring music had caught his attention as it was very rare of the wranglers to throw a “party.”
“He lost his hat, so he owes us a six pack and a new radio.” Frankie teased, the players still unaware of Simon’s deathly gaze as he was storming towards them.
“The fuck I do!” Baler scoffed. “Give me my money!”
“Fine!” He scoffed, slapping the fifty-dollar bill into the teen’s palm, watching with a scowl as he had eagerly fisted it into his back pocket.
“What the fuck are you bastards doing?” Simon shouted.
The wranglers were wide-eyed, looking like a bunch of deer in oncoming headlights, nearly scared out of their wits and suddenly wishing they were caught slacking on the job instead of what they had just done, the worst of it willingly letting a teenager drink whiskey like an old man.
“Uhm… It’s Friday.” Baler answered for them, hoping that the day of the week would at least help him and the wranglers out of this situation.
“I know what bloody day it is, lad!” He shouted. “Why were you in the arena with that bull and why are you bloody?!”
“We were tryin’ to milk him!” Teeter snickered, knowing that Simon wouldn’t be as inclined to scold her in front of Johnny.
Boy, what she wrong.
“Not the fucking time,” He glared, more irritated that his son was battered and bloody – something that always drove under his skin as he always felt he needed to be the one to protect him, even in his wrong decisions. But Simon wouldn’t admit that he was impressed with the kid. You just took a beating by a two-thousand pound bull and still got up. You have some serious guts, kid. “Lad, go to the house and tell your mum what you just did.”
“N-No, I—”
“I’m not going to tell you again.”
Then, the teen did something that truly caught Simon off guard. He scoffed at him.
Simon arched his brow – a warning. “Get the furball out, then go to the house and tell your mum what you just did.”
Baler scoffed again.
“If you *scoffing sound* one more time, I’ll choke you for real.”
The rest of the wranglers laughed as Baler limped away in defeat.
“Balls of steel when it comes to a bull, but going home like a kitten when he’s in trouble.” Lawson teased.
“I’d be more afraid of going home if I were him,” Dirk shrugged. “That bull is the least of my worries if it comes down to dealing with Kiera as mad as a wet hen.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I forgot she beat the shit out of Frankie a couple of years ago.” Lawson snickered, nudging Frankie with his elbow before Simon quickly took control of the situation and grasped their coats, knocking them off balance before shoving them back towards the bunkhouse.
“You all get out of here and get yourselves cleaned up. Four a.m. comes early!”
“We never get up at four on Saturday—” Dirk pleaded.
“You all will tomorrow,” He glared. “Maybe you all will learn once you decide to not mess with a bloody rabid bull.”
“Yes, sir.” Dirk nodded, respecting Simon’s leadership as well as understanding his reason for being upset, joining the rest of the wranglers to the bunkhouse, Teeter helping the old man walk as Johnny stayed behind in an attempt to stay on Simon’s good side.
Like a dog who had just been punished.
“You, especially.” He scoffed, arching his brow at Johnny.
“I’m sorry, Simon. It was all just fun—”
“Yeah? How’d that work out for you?”
“Pretty fuckin’ rough,” He breathed a laugh, stuffing his freezing hands into his jacket pockets. “What’re you wanting us to do in the morning?”
“In case you forgot, you said you were coming hunting with me and the boy tomorrow.”
“I’d rather work,” Johnny sighed. “Hunting with you is like a recon mission. After being with Teeter for so long, I don’t know how to keep my mouth shut for longer than an hour.”
“You’ve never been able to keep your mouth shut,” Simon retorted. “Who won?”
“Your kid. Little bastard never moved.” Johnny huffed, relieved once he saw a prideful smile spread across Simon’s face at his answer.
“Is that right?”
“The kid is a walking stick of dynamite. He’s a perfect mix of you and Kiera and he isn’t even blood-related to you. Makes me wonder how your actual kids will turn out.” He poked.
“I can assure you, if my daughter grows up with Kiera’s attitude and my stubbornness and I catch her out here playing this stupid game like you all were playing tonight, every one of you would be dead and she’d be locked up in the house until she was an adult.”
“Don’t lie, you wouldn’t even let her out of the house when she was an adult!”
“You’re probably right.”
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Twisted Wonderland | 2023 New Year Campaign - Day 6: Ignihyde | Translation
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Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me.
Episode 6 - 1: Ignihyde coming to the shop! 
Ignihyde student: Hmm, should I go with the same ink as always or indulge and get this slightly more expensive one… will there be any difference when writing? Sebek: Since you’re curious about it, it would be best to try it yourself. You can try writing over there. Ignihyde student: Wah… I didn’t notice it. Thanks, I’ll try it. Vil: After six days as a part-time employee, you’re getting used to interacting with the customers. Vil: I will take care of the cash register, so could you guide the customers as you did now? Sebek: Got it. Leave it to me!
Sebek: …Hm? - Ortho and Idia appear; Idia walks from side to side - Sebek: What’re you doing over there? Are you having trouble with something? Idia: Eek, Sebek-shi?! N-No, everything is good... Ortho: Big brother, aren’t you having trouble finding the latest graphic card? Idia: N-N-Not really… I only came because Ortho wanted to come to the sale... Idia: So the graphic card is none other than an extra. Since it’s only looking for them, I can have you do a search in the store. Idia: Besides the employee reaching others… it's like in RPGs, waiting there to call you… Ortho: But since he already reached us, you could give your best to ask him for a new start this new year! Idia: Uuh… O-Okay! Idia: …A-Ahm, excuse me, where are the graphic cards…? The latest ones… Sebek: Speak clearly! I can’t hear you!! Idia: Uuuh! Isn’t this employee too pushy…? No, I can’t. Ortho, change places with me! Ortho: Guess there’s no other choice… Sebek Zigvolt-san, do you know where are displayed the graphic cards? Ortho: It’s a huge computer part that has attached three to four parts similar to electric fans. Sebek: Aah, that flashy machine part? An exclusive shelf for such delicate mechanisms is close to the cash register. Come this way. Ortho: Thanks! See, big brother? Asking was the right call! Idia: M-Mhm… Thanks, Ortho. Idia: Well, since this is a sale, they might all be outdated, but I will buy one if they are affordable. Huhi…
Idia: Eeeh?! Why is a high-end model of the latest graphic card on sale?! Is this legit?! Idia: And for 100.000 madols… T-That’s so cheap…!! When they are usually over 200.000?! Vil: Greetings, Idia and Ortho. Happy New Year. Idia: H…Happy New Year… Ortho: Happy New Year, Vil Shonenheit-san! Vil: How rare to see you in a place full of people, Idia. So why did you come? Shopping? Idia: Shopping! I mean, it’s impossible to see this amazing discount and not purchase it. Ortho: I’ll take this board games assortment. Vil: It’s 100.000 madols for the graphic board and 6500 madols for the board games assortment. Vil: And that’s what I received. Sebek: You’ve won the right to challenge us to a HAGOITA battle! Then, let’s start! Idia: Aah, for that rumored thing… Yeah, I’m not interested in those activities for normies. Sebek: But if you get the ticket, you could exchange it for anything in the store. Are you sure? Ortho: I’ve heard the HAGOITA battle is fun. Since we’re here, I want to try it! Ortho: If I combine my mobility with my big brother’s brain, we will make the strongest team! …Can’t we do it? Idia: Ugh… Ortho’s sparkling gaze hurts… Vil: You can’t back out now after what your little brother said, can you? Idia: O…O-O-Okay… Ortho: Really? Yey! Thanks, big brother. Idia: We will make it somehow. Rumors say HAGOITA is kinda similar to tennis, and I’ve experience with tennis games. Idia: Ortho, I’ll be the back player. Ortho: Eh… are you sure? The front player has to move less, though… Idia: But fastballs will come and go to the front player in the match, right? I won’t be able to take them at all. Vil: It will be a 2 vs 2 match, then. Sebek, are you ready? Sebek: Of course. I’m always ready to fight. Idia: I won’t show a pathetic sight in front of Ortho. The time has come to release my ultimate shoot… Huhihi! Ortho: I look forward to it! We will win for sure, big brother!
Episode 6 - 2: Ignihyde leaving the shop! 
Idia: Heh, hah…! M-My head’s throbbing from running too much… Oh…! Sebek: We’ve won again! The strategy we thought came out well! Idia: We focused on Idia in the back and kept moving the shuttlecock from left to right. …Was that a bit mean? Ortho: I’m sorry, big brother. I wished I could have supported you a bit more, but it was hard. Ortho: You installed the HAGOITA movements on me, yet it’s different to try them in real life. Idia: Uuh… if only I could make amazing moves like in games… hah, hah (panting)… Vil: Good work, you two. How was the HAGOITA? Ortho: It was fun to do it with my big brother! I think I can maneuver better next time, so I want to do it again. Idia: Aah… I can feel the muscle pain already… Let’s get back quickly. I have to assemble the graphic card before collapsing. Sebek: Hmph, how weak you are. Come again whenever you want. You will serve as training for me.
A wild translation from other game has appeared! I’ve been playing other game events these days. In TWST, I'm currently suffering with some of the extra battles (ーvー;)
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gilraina · 2 years
I rarely post anything too personal here, because the older I get the less inclined I am to share details of my personal life publicly online, but seeing that my life is kinda falling apart right now, I guess I can allow myself one (1) personal vent, so here goes.
Last week I was informed that I have until the end of October to move out of the apartment I've been living in for the last 6 years. If that wasn't devastating enough, the rent prices in my area have recently skyrocketed to a point where renting even the tiniest apartment would cost me at least 2/3 of my income, with the remaining 1/3 not being enough to cover all other necessities. Fortunately, I work remotely and I already confirmed with my boss that I can work from wherever as long as it's still in Poland, so now I'm planning to move back to my hometown, where rent is somewhat cheaper (though not as cheap as I'd hoped, oh well). And while that has put me slightly at ease, the absurd of the whole situation, the irony of not being able to afford living in Warsaw, while working in Warsaw, is fucking killing me. And like, I know that none of this is really my fault, the system sucks, wages are stagnant while the cost of living increases constantly etc., but still I can't shake this feeling of personal failure, you know? Like, maybe if I had made better choices, I wouldn’t be in this position now.
So this is where I'm at right now. If you're still here reading this, thank you for hearing me out 💕 I'm not going to ask for money or anything like that, but if you'd like to help, maybe listen to one of my podfics and leave me a nice comment? It won't solve any tangible problems, but it will cheer me up a bit, so there's that haha
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ahandsomecryptid · 7 months
So I have two things to ask your advice on.
1 my mental health and physical health is so bad I genuinely can’t go to school but nobody believes me and my family can’t afford therapy anymore. And when I go to the doctor they can’t find anything wrong with me. I genuinely don’t understand how to get better?
2 I’m 15 and I am so much more childish than everyone else so all my friends are leaving me and moving on without me. So do I act like someone else so I can have friends or do I be myself without any friends ?
I’m very sorry to hear you’re not doing very well in your health both mental and physical! I’m not entirely sure on what advice I can give on your medical situation, as I am unsure how the health system in whichever country you’re in works. The only advice I can give you I’m afraid try and get some help, a trusted family member (adult), to see what your options are. If things are really bad really bad there’s always the option of the hospital. I’m very sorry I cannot be much of some practical help for you. As for the mental health there are always health line services there for you to contact, I think there are also some internet chat services to talk to as well. Please take care of yourself however you can, give yourself small treats every day. Mental health is always such a struggle but it’s always definitely something extremely important to work on however you can.
As for the friends situation, people change. But there are always more new people out there who you will click with. If it’s possible try make some more friends, you don’t have to completely cut ties with your current friends. Also you will evolve as a person as you grow. You’re young you’ve so so much more to experience, so many more people to meet. Not to throw unnecessary personal backstory in, but I never imagined 10 years ago I’d be the person I am today, and I’m quite happy I’ve grown and evolved into a different person. I met one of my best friends only like over three years ago and I’m over far over 25 years old. Don’t try to squeeze yourself into an uncomfortable box for other people. If they don’t appreciate you, that’s their problem. You could always try and discuss things with them as well to see if there are boundaries you can set with each other.
I’m very sorry you’re doing it really rough at the moment. Also apologies I am not great at advice. Things will get better. Life is full of peaks and valleys. Just because your stuck in a valley at the moment doesn’t mean there won’t be a wonderful mountain top in the future. Please take care of yourself and be safe!
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tipsycad147 · 10 months
Witch Ancestors: How to Find Witches in Your Family Tree
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posted by : kitty fields
Every one has an interesting ancestors in their lineage. We find preachers, movie stars, blacksmiths, villains, even royalty in our family trees. Some of us have accused witch ancestors, too! Think about how big a family tree is the further back you go – the likelihood of witch ancestors increases. Hundreds of thousands of people were accused of witchcraft between the eighth and eighteenth century throughout the world. The web gives access to ancestral information including lists of accused witches.
There are different methods to research ancestry for witch ancestors, discussed below. Get out your black pointy hats and broomsticks. Let’s take a ride into the past in search of our magical witch ancestors.
First, What IS a Witch Ancestor Anyway?
Look, you and I and Karen could sit around and debate over what constitutes a witch and what doesn’t. We could also sit and debate how to know whether our ancestors were witches or just “accused” of witchcraft. Sure, many of them might not have been witches per se but a portion of them had their own unique magick. Just like we do today. Maybe they didn’t call themselves witches, because truly that was a negative word in centuries past. Maybe they didn’t call themselves anything at all but made herbal remedies for their families and friends. Or talked to the fairies in their garden. Or were able to see the dead.
Maybe people came to them and asked them to read the cards or scry in a bottle to tell them their future. Or find lost items. Maybe your ancestor practiced folk magic or faith healing and kept it all to him or herself. In these cases, we might not even have access to their names or know via documentation that they were indeed magical ancestors. But the whole point to this article is to EXPLORE your family tree. Your witchy history that runs deep in your veins and in your very DNA. Okay? Let’s go.
Finding Your Witch Ancestors: Family Trees
Ancestry.com is a great place to research and document your ancestral line. While it does cost money and time, it is worth it. Another great site is Geni.com. First, prepare yourself to spend time on this project. It won’t be a quick google search. You will have to spend time researching and documenting your family tree to find a link to a witch ancestor. Most of us don’t have the same last name as our witch ancestors, so we will create a list of last names in our tree. Also keep in mind, there are variations of names over time and place. For example, your last name might be Spade now but two hundred years ago your ancestors’ last name was actually Spaht. When they moved, they changed it. This is common. 
Step #1: Build Your Family Tree
Build your family tree online (if you haven’t already). If you can’t afford an online ancestry database like ancestry.com, build a family tree manually. This will take more time and effort, but it can be done by talking to people in your family and gathering important documents from family members and libraries. Go back as far as you can until you hit a wall, until you can’t find any further ancestors. Sometimes you might get lucky and find a story about one of your ancestors that might tip you off to the fact that he or she was a witch. If not, continue on to step #2.
Step #2: Build A Simple List
Make a separate list of your family’s names. This can be in a word document or on scrap paper. Keep the family names in alphabetical order for easy access while researching. Leave some space next to each person’s name and record their country of origin (and city/town if you have it). Make note of the years of birth and death, if available.
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Create a family tree to find your witch ancestors.
Searching the Web: Witch Databases
Once you have the foundation of your family tree and a solid list of familial names, research your witch ancestors by exploring online witch name databases. This seems like a daunting task, but it’s not so bad once you get started. Don’t forget to look for variations of your familial surnames!
Step #3: Research, Research, Research!
Use the name list with locations and dates and compare to databases online of accused witches. First, look at the locations of each of your ancestors (i.e. if you have ancestors that came to the United States in the seventeenth century, search for a list of names in the Salem Witch Trials or New York Witches). Don’t forget there were witches publicly accused in almost every U.S. colony, so research each state’s list of witch names too.
Check for your ancestors’ names against the Salem Witch Ancestry:
Salem Witch Trials Documents: court documents on the trials and personal diary entries from the people in the Salem Witch Trials. Search for your witch ancestors’ names and info. here.
Wikipedia List of People in the Salem Witch Trials: Wikipedia has an extensive list of people who were involved in the Salem Witch Trials. You may be able to find your ancestor’s name on the list. And it’s broken down by outcome of each person (executed, indicted, etc).
The Witches of New York: ancestry allows you to search for your witch ancestors in their database of accused NY witches. If your ancestors immigrated to New York, this is a great tool to use.
Witch Bloodline Names from Salem and Elsewhere: check OUR database
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Check the witch databases below for names of the accused across the world:
Witchcraft, The Witch Trials: information on the European Witch Trials. Click on each location to find your witch and ancestors from Europe. Note: if you don’t have the location or dates of your ancestors, this website will prove rather difficult for you to use.
Wikipedia’s List of People Executed for Witchcraft:  a huge list of people executed for witchcraft in Europe and elsewhere. Just remember these are only people who were killed – it doesn’t include the accused who were set free.
Scotland, Names of Witches, 1658: a huge document detailing names of the Scottish witches is available to search on ancestry.com. Access to the digital copy is available online to manually research (if you don’t have an ancestry account).
The Arcane Archive: one of my favorite resources for looking up witch names in Europe and elsewhere. Hundreds of names, dates and locations in alphabetical order.
Witch Hunt on Sacred Texts: this list has hundreds of names of accused witches from around the world. Not just Mainland and Insular Europe and the U.S. but also Ethiopia, Mexico, the Middle East, Malaysia and more.
It’s going to take time. It’s likely you won’t see results the first day. Keep going and take notes. If you do find a witch ancestor or witch hunter ancestor, do detailed research on that particular person. Look up the name online or at your local library.
Disclaimer: When a Name Matches But You Can’t Prove it
In some cases, you may find a witch or accused witch with your familial surname and even location of your ancestors. If you found this person via witch databases but you can’t link him/her to your actual family tree, it doesn’t mean you aren’t still related! In many cases, witches’ names were erased from family trees and some public records in an effort to further shame them or cut them off from their lineage. 
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Don’t worry so much if you can “prove” the ancestor is yours. Ask and believe.
Local Witch History and Family Stories
If the online research fails, there are other ways to research without a computer. If your family has been in the same area for centuries, look into your local history to see if your family played a part. If you know where your ancestors came from, more specifically the town or region, this is important to note too.
Step #4: Research Location History
Often, local historical documents are available at the library or even online. Through this research, you might find a story about one of your family members being accused or suspected of witchcraft. It’s also super helpful to familiarize yourself with your ancestors’ location, whether local to you or elsewhere. If you know where they lived, start looking into the ancient history of this place. What were the people like? What was their religion? Then research the Medieval history…did they have any Witch Trials in this area? Are there names you can view and compare to your list of names?
Step #5: Talk To Your Family
Find information about witch ancestors by simply talking to family members. Sometimes another family member has already done research and built a family tree. If you are really lucky, there might be a story about a witch ancestor or witch hunter passed down through your family tree. Talk to your oldest surviving family member for closer insight. Keep in mind other terms used like herbs, herbalist, cunning woman or man, midwife, wizard, alchemist, berserker, sorceress, sorcerer, bruja, occultist, wise man, sin eater, water witch, pow wow, faith healer, fairy doctor, fairy friend, witch doctor, healer, outcast, shaman, hag, crone, granny, sage, etc.
Still No Luck? Don’t Forget Logic
So you’ve built an entire family tree, spent hours on research, and still haven’t found a link to witch ancestors in your family tree? Don’t fret. This was supposed to be fun! But if you’re that serious about it, think about it like this. By process of deduction, someone in your family tree was a witch or a witch hunter. Why? Because you have literally thousands of people in your lineage. Someone was either accused or executed as a witch! We all have witch ancestors, it’s just about finding them.
In the meantime, now you have information on your ancestors to educate other people in your family or simply enjoy on your own. Put together a ancestry photo album or scrapbook. Write a book or blog with the stories you’ve gathered on your family tree. In addition, consider asking your ancestors to send you a dream or message with an answer to this question. I promise you, you will receive one. And maybe your witch ancestor is just waiting for you to reach out. Light a candle and talk to them.
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britishchick09 · 2 years
Hello, Sanford: A Wadlow Sibling Fic (part 1/2)
it's time for a new fic! this doesn't have to do with senpai's b-day, but it's a very special turning point for the fic series. it took 8 days to write (february 13th to the 21st with a v-day break!) and it was a lot of fun, especially the research! enjoy! ;)
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the wadlows are saying farewell to brown street and hello to sanford avenue? will they like their new home?
 Robert Wadlow carefully went down the stairs of his house, a box nearly hidden behind his hands. He looked up once his feet hit the floor.
“This is the last of it.” he told his dad.
“Good,” Harold replied with a smile. “Get it on the truck.”
Robert ducked outside alongside Harold. A brown truck was waiting at the end of the driveway. A big white arrow with ‘STORAGE’ written inside was below the ‘Jackson Storage and Van Co.’ on the van’s side. Robert set the box on top of a pile in the back of the truck.
“She’s all set.” Harold told the driver, who closed the back’s door.
As he started up the truck’s engine, Harold Jr. ran down the driveway.
“Wait!” he called. “You can’t leave yet!”
“What’s wrong, Junior?” Robert asked his baby brother. “All your things will be safe inside the truck.” “But without the truck, we won’t be able to get to the new house. The arrow tells us where to go.”
Robert gave a soft chuckle. “Dad knows the way just fine.”
Harold Jr. watched with an uncertain look on his face as the van drove off. Robert felt unsure as well, but it wasn’t because of directions.
After eight years of living at 3204 Brown Street, The Wadlows were moving out. Harold had been looking for a new house for quite some time. He and Robert had plans to build an abode that would accommodate his size, but that was tucked away for the future. Buying a bigger house was the most affordable option.
(…For now!)
While the Wadlow siblings were haunted by a phantom at the movies, Harold had closed a deal with Charley Yancy and was now the owner of a house on Sanford Avenue. Plans to move the next day had been halted due to a storm, but no one minded much. They liked being able to spend one last day in their beloved home.
But now that day was over. It was October twentieth… the dreaded moving day.
“How about we go see where the others are?” Robert asked his baby brother.
Harold Jr. smiled. “Yeah! Let’s go!”
Robert bent down to take his hand. They went up the brick steps together as they had many times over the years. Robert swiftly opened the door and they went inside. Betty, Eugene and Helen were wandering through the empty living room.
“Remember when Mike the chicken flew around here?” Betty giggled. “I bet he’d love it now!”
“Over there is where I broke Mom’s vase.” Eugene said as he pointed at a corner.
Helen chuckled as she ran out from the hallway. “And I just found where I hid Robert’s shoes that one time!”
“Having fun reminiscing?” Robert asked them.
Betty nodded. “I wish we could do this forever.”
“Yeah, I never want to leave,” Helen agreed. “Although I know we have to.”
“Isn’t that Rudolph guy stopping by soon?” Eugene asked.
“Who, Rudolph Valentino?” Betty asked.
“No, I mean Oscar Rudolph. You know, that guy who bought the house from Dad.”
Harold Jr. gasped. “Maybe we can stay here so we can get it from Rudy!”
Betty crouched down and put a hand on her little brother’s shoulder. “Sorry, Junior. I tried it already and I don’t think he’ll budge.”
“What do you mean by that?” Robert asked.
“I gave him a call.”
“How did you get his number?” Eugene asked.
Helen crossed her arms and gave him a squint as she said, “Phone books exist, you know.”
Eugene squinted back.
“So… we’ll have to leave?” Harold Jr. asked, his voice flooding with sadness.
Betty nodded. “Yep. We’ll have to leave.”
Harold Jr. started to cry. Betty picked him up a bit so Robert could hold him. He hugged his baby brother while soothing him.
“Shh… It’ll be okay. This is like an adventure for us!” he said with a smile. “A new, exciting adventure.”
Harold Jr. sniffled and buried his head in Robert’s shirt.
“It’s time to go, kids!” Addie told the siblings as she opened the front door.
They looked at each other. The rain from yesterday was gone and only puddles remained, yet a stormy cloud was over their heads. They wanted to escape it for sunnier pastures, but another part didn’t want to leave.
“Let’s walk around one last time.” Robert suggested, to which the siblings agreed.
Addie smiled. “That’s a wonderful idea, sweetie.”
Together, the Wadlows walked around the house. They silently took in memories of the home they loved so much.
All too soon, it was time to say farewell. Robert squeezed himself into the car and the siblings piled in after him. Betty was about to get in when she heard a sound across the street. She looked up and gasped.
“Gunter!” she exclaimed.
The dog of their neighbor barked again, his tail wagging enthusiastically.
Betty turned to Addie and asked, “Can- I mean, may I say goodbye?”
“Yes, you may.” Addie replied with a smile.
Betty looked both ways before crossing the street. Gunter met her by the sidewalk and she crouched down to give him a pet.
“We’re going away for a while, buddy. I think it’s just for the winter, but Dad says if no one buys our new house-” Betty stopped, feeling her voice choke up slightly. “I’ll miss you a lot no matter what happens.”
Gunter leaned his head into Betty’s soft hair as she wept softly.
A few moments later, she heard someone say, “We will miss you as well.”
Betty looked up. She could see Mr. Schmidt past her tears. He walked down the driveway with a glass container in his hand.
“I have a housewarming gift for you all,” he said. “I hope you’ll enjoy it.”
Betty stood up and took a peek inside. “Chocolate chip cookies!” she called to the siblings, who cheered. Robert rolled down his window to say, “Danke dir, Mr. Schmidt!”
Mr. Schmidt smiled. “Gern geschehen.”
“We’ll definitely be enjoying these.” Betty said, trying to manage a smile of her own.
Mr. Schmidt wiped away her tears. “Don’t be sad for long. You will visit, won’t you?”
“Yeah, we’re only five minutes away,” Eugene reminded her. “You’re acting like it’s five hours.”
Betty looked at him, then at Mr. Schmidt. “He’s right! We will be able to visit you!” She crouched down to pet Gunter. “I’ll see you soon, buddy.”
Gunter barked and gave Betty’s face a lick, making her giggle.
“I’ll see you again, too, Mr. Schmidt!” she added to the old neighbor.
She took the cookies to the car and got inside, where everyone was waiting.
“And we’re ready!” Harold declared.
He started up the car engine and slowly drove off.
“Schönen tag!” Mr. Schmidt called. “Bis bald, Wadlows!”
Harold Jr. turned to Robert and asked, “Why does he want us to be bald?” Robert chuckled. “He told us ‘see you soon’. And we definitely will.”
He looked out the window, seeing their now old house get smaller.
Bis Bald, Brown Street. he thought with a twinge of sadness.
The siblings silently said goodbye to the houses they had grown up around. A little over halfway down Brown Street, the car turned onto Main Street, passing by United Methodist Church.
Sunday’s ride will be just a bit farther now, Robert realized. We won’t just be going down the road anymore.
A minute later, the car turned right onto Sanford Avenue. The Baptist Church was on the left side.
“Will we be going to that church from now on?” Eugene asked.
“No, we’re already at United, silly,” Helen told him. “Besides, we’re not Baptists.”
“I’ll probably still sneak over there for the free wine and bread.”
Helen rolled her eyes and looked out the window. Numerous white houses surrounded them.
“I wonder what the house will look like.” Betty said.
“I can guess at the color…” Eugene replied.
Harold Jr. gasped. “Maybe it’s that one!” He was looking at a white and blue two story house that looked like it came from the Victorian era.
“That has an odd number,” Helen told her little brother. “Ours will be on the right.”
Harold Jr. turned his attention to the right side of the street along with the other siblings. They wondered what house they’d be at.
“Here we are!” Harold announced, pulling up behind the moving van.
The siblings gasped. Their new house was made of brick. It was rectangular with a slanted gray tiled awning. Two big windows were above the awning and a column with ‘2416’ was below it. Instead of having a pointed roof like all the others, this house ended in a squared point, where another window was. A chimney topped off the abode.
“Wow, it’s so nice!” Robert exclaimed.
“Very modern.” Helen added.
“The previous owner said it was built in 1906.” Harold replied.
“It sure doesn’t look like it.” Eugene remarked.
“I know. I almost didn’t believe him at first! It’s certainly a beaut.”
Addie smiled. “Yes, it’s a lovely house. Is everyone ready to look through it?”
The siblings nodded and eagerly got out of the car. They walked up the four steps leading to the yard, which was covered with orange leaves. Harold Jr. and Betty kicked them around while Helen and Eugene went up the four steps in front of the house. Robert held onto the railing and was about to carefully go up himself when he felt something hit his legs. He looked down, seeing leaves fall to the ground.
“Gotcha!” Betty exclaimed.
Harold Jr. grabbed a small pile of leaves and made a move to throw them at Robert, but he tossed them to Betty instead!
“Nice one, Junior!” Eugene complimented his little brother. “Looks like we have another sneak in the family.” Helen said approvingly.
Robert chuckled. “Let’s play out here later. We have a house to explore!”
Betty and Harold Jr. followed their brother to the porch, which was behind a screen door. The middle of the door had swirls that looked like upside down hearts.
“I like this house already.” Betty remarked with a smile.
Helen strolled around the porch as she said, “This would be a perfect space for viola practice.”
“And for relaxing after a long day.” Addie added.
The family waited for Harold, who had been talking with the moving van driver. Now he ran up the last set of steps and stopped at the porch.
“The moving guys are busy in there, so be careful,” he said as he reached for the door handle. “But be sure to have fun!”
He opened the door and the siblings rushed inside, running through the entry hall. They eagerly explored the house, which had a cozy living room with a fireplace, a dining room, a large kitchen (that was now home to Mr. Schmidt’s cookies) and a half bathroom. The mint green walls of the living room had a pretty flower pattern that complimented the large flowers on the carpet. A mirror above the fireplace reflected the staircase. Upstairs was a master bedroom with a dressing room, two bedrooms and a bathroom. There were a few walk in closets throughout the house.
“Which rooms do you kids want?” Harold asked the siblings after their tour.
“I’ll take the biggest one.” Robert replied.
“Naturally.” Eugene commented.
“We’ll share a room.” Helen said, wrapping an arm around Betty.
“And I can share with you, Big Brother!” Harold Jr. told Robert.
Betty frowned. “But now Gene doesn’t have a room!”
Eugene smirked, a twinkle in his eye as he pointed out, “We still haven’t checked out the attic.”
“The attic? But you can’t sleep in there. It would be too small!”
To Betty’s surprise, it was a full walk up attic, which was far bigger than she expected.
“I’d say this could fit a bed and some stuff,” Eugene said. “I’ll take it!”
“Guess you’ll have to make room for storage, too.” Helen told him.
“Nah, I’ll stick that in the basement,” Eugene smiled at her. “Might as well stick you in there, too!” “Ooh, a room all to myself!” Betty exclaimed with a grin as Helen gave Eugene a glare.
“Not if I stick you in there first!” she said.
“We should probably help stick boxes in here.” Robert advised the siblings.
They went downstairs, where moving men were already placing boxes everywhere. One of them went over to the siblings.
“This box here says ‘Helen’s things- don’t touch’,” he said. “Are any of you Helen?”
Helen stepped up as she responded with, “I am.” “You put ‘don’t touch’ on it… and he’s touching it!” Harold Jr. realized.
“That was meant for other people.” Helen told him, giving Eugene a sly glance.
Along with Harold and Addie, the siblings helped the moving men put their boxes in the right rooms. The last things to enter the house were a big chair and an even bigger bed… both belonging to Robert!
“I sure hope my room will be big enough,” he said. “Otherwise, we’ll have to move again!”
Luckily, there was just enough room for Robert’s bed. He decorated his and Harold Jr.’s room along with the rest of the family, who took care of their respective rooms. By the end of the day, nearly everything was unpacked. To celebrate, they had Mr. Schmidt’s cookies after dinner. The air was happy and light after such a long day.
…And then darkness fell.
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐊ᵃ𝐫𝐦𝐚 [ Season 3 ]
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synopsis; • Fast forwarding six years, Park areum is coming back to the journalist industry. A case from thirteen years ago re-opens when Areum finds something suspicious around a drug ring in clubs and her parents car accident from thirteen years ago have suspicious links. However something always trails back to past that she’s never knew about.
warnings; • mafia jeno Au, mystery, thriller, SMUTTT NO MINORS, ANGST, police exo au, romance, park areum and lee jeno are married , minjae and nayoung are cuties, horror (scary death scenes). gruesome graphic detailed language.
Now Part 1 !! || —> Next Part 2.
“I thought I told you to stay on the low and leave the country.”
He said growing tired of these mind games, watching the smirking man, move his hands lighting a lit up match stick to light the end of his cigarette. Man pushing the cigarette forward to him, as a sign of gesture if he wants one.
He paused, fake pouting. “Ah, wait I forgot. You stopped smoking.” He sees the eye rolls, “relax. No one will suspect me. Or are you scared that she will find out who I am.”
“I don’t want her name to come out your lips or else you’re dead.”
He laughs a little. “Oh no, ooze a little chill pill please. I’ll make sure she won’t suspect me.”
Papers flipping side by side, between the small fingerprints planting on it, the tired-stressed out woman trying the best to train stress-free as she drank the fifteenth coffee of the day. The soft rounded features tense up, eyebrows frowning at each word underlining it.
Lips puckering out in a downside frown, the skin glossing with sweat. The collar shirt loosen by three buttons, ruffed up sleeves rolling upwards, the shoes off leaving her to walk around in white socks.
Anyone could tell it was a rough night for the journalist, Park Areum.
“Don’t you think you’re overdoing it, Miss Park?” The man entering the office unannounced, wearing the black hair gell-style upwards, a blue office shirt with a black loose tie hanging downwards with loose buttons and wearing black trousers. Areum already looking up the moment her door flash closed, she gives a tired smile rubbing the eyes, leaning the back to slant on the chair and push herself away from the table. “Ah, Mark. What about you? Shouldn’t you be home at least, you pulled three Fortnights.”
Mark clicks the tongue between teeth, whistling when he closes the metallic file cupboard, clinking it shut. He turns to Areum with a scolding expression. “I can afford pulling three nights here because i’m single and without children.”
Areum smirks at the smart response, where he pulled the parent card. She sighs, closing the file. “If you say it like that I can’t argue with you.” He heard the woman admit, him humming. “As you should, i’ll clean your office up for you. So please rest and go home. It’s almost ten at night.” Mark points out.
Their gaze was broken, Mark’s words interrupting by a ringing phone on the desk, vibrating loudly. Areum’s ears twitching knowing who it is, she reaches for the device pressing answer.
Mark makes hand gestures that he will leave, Areum nodding. She answers the open once her co-worker was no longer in the office. “Hey, what you doing?” Areum strays first, causing the man on the line to chuckle slightly.
The man on the other side of the line calling her, was lounging by the couch between two sleeping children on his body using it as their own personal-brand out bed. Minjae curling by the right side, holding his body like a pillow. The little boy wrapped it’s small legs around those large meaty thighs Jeno has. Nayoung on the other hand was on top of Jeno, sleeping on his stomach.
“I should be asking you that.” Jeno whispers into the phone, as he glances down to his children, letting their heads softly in the sleep. “Will you come home today? The kids tried to stay up waiting for you to come home, but passed out eventually.”
Hearing this, Areum felt the chest tighten. The image of the children waiting so patiently and longing for their mother to come home early so they could see her, it pains her to say that sometimes she wishes they wouldn’t wait for her. But somehow, those same kids understand and never hold a grudge against her or Jeno in anyway. Areum looks across the dark office, as her silence was extended.
“I’m coming home, i’ll help put the kids to bed. Give me twenty minutes.” Areum said ending the call on the phone, standing up as she grabs the jacket. The office door swinging open as Areum left, Mark seeing her leave her bids goodbye.
The drive ends quickly knowing it was rushed. Areum made sure to park her black expensive car in front of their house. The family home was traditional but also modern, it had a garage containing Jeno’s car also has its parking in front of the house where Areum keeps her own car. A balcony in the master bedroom with a suite, two floors. An attic, three other bedrooms, one was a shared bedroom by the children. The two bedrooms were guest rooms.
It had a front yard and back garden, large living room and kitchen. Two bathrooms, one downstairs and upstairs. It was everything to keep their family contained and happy.
Areum worked herself off to buy this house, in fact Jeno said he would buy it but she told him it would feel much more worthy if she works for it. And she did, she worked for it. He was proud of her for being a hard worker, but really he could’ve paid for it. Instead, she told him to buy her a car.
The house jitters open widely, keys jangle in her palm to lock it shut. Down the dim-orange light hallway, shoes were off, Areum turns to the left open living room. The eyes travelling down to the half-asleep man, hugging the two children who slept soundly.
“I even told him to stay awake for me.” Areum mentions with a soft sigh. The wife’s eyes soften at the sight, feeling the unconscious uncontrolled smile painting on the face. The body cowering over the sleeping man, legs bending forward, a hand lightly tapping his face.
The man’s eyes flutter open halfway, a blur vision of his wife’s face came into view. Jeno carefully thought that she’s arrived way too early than he’s imagined. He starts to slowly sit up, gently yawning. “You’re back, sorry i fell asleep.”
She takes the sleeping boy on the side who has escaped Jeno’s arms. “It’s alright, let’s put them to bed.” Areum holding the boy on the side of her hips. Jeno cradles Nayoung like a princess held by a knight. The two parents make their way upstairs very slowly, maintaining a stable way so the children don’t wake up.
Minjae was a light sleeper and always has been, Areum was the same way. On the other hand, Nayoung and Jeno were heavy sleepers who could sleep through anything.
Entering the children bedroom, the darkness hovers the room like a blanket. The man puts the little girl on the cold bed softly, she turns around on the side urgently, the moment she was put into bed. He smiles at her, leans down to kiss the forehead as he pulls the blanket over her.
Areum shifts Minjae on the bed as she tucks him in the blanket duvet, her hands softly move the black bangs covering his eyes on the side, where she kisses the boy’s cheek.
Jeno moves towards Minjae’s bed where he also gives a kiss on the forehead and Areum moving to Nayoung’s bed, where she plants a kiss onto her cheek. These two finish their turns, leaving the bedroom quietly with their tiptoes.
“Coffee?” Jeno tucks hands on the front sweatpants, watching Areum standing on the side. She gives him a soft smile, but those eyes scream mischief to him. “I’m fine, i had coffee earlier. I might not be able to sleep for a bit.” Areum admits and he hums, going down the stairs. The moment he was about to go down, a hand stops him by the elbow. “Jeno.” She tells urgently.
He looks down at the smaller hand holding him tight, turning slowly to facd Areum now. “You should go to bed, you are tired. I can see it on your face.” She said, worrying was her middle name at this point. Jeno gives a small smirk walking back upstairs, pulling Areum’s hand forward. Areum falling forward into his chest embrace, felt the way his long muscular hands wrap around her back, almost squeezing so tight she felt the own spinal cord. The man moves the chin on top of her head, resting there. “You should worry about yourself, I’ll go to bed only when you’re in bed.”
The ears ring at the tone he’s using, Areum moves her face to look at Jeno. She gives him a small smirk back. “Only if you join me to bed.”
Jeno kisses the edge of his teeth, letting go off his wife as he looks right back at her,.
“How can i ever say no to you?” Jeno responds quietly, knowing every inch in his body that Areum is his softest spot. “You can’t, you spoil me the most.” Areum gently smiles.
He hears Areum Awh-ing and cooing at the sight as her hand moves to his head, she runs through the soft brushed up hair. Jeno felt his heart race watching down Areum. She tip toes slightly, pulling Jeno down by the shirt where she smashes her lips onto his.
Obeying at the sweet-loving action from his wife, Areum made sure to wrap arms around the neckline, she jumps up so that the thighs wrap around the waistline; Jeno carries on the signal walking to their master bedroom with his hands resting right under the waistline. Their bodies threw each other on the bed, as their doors slowly shut.
The thin line passing by the flowing curtains moving by the slow morning air, woke up the small girl on the bed, stuffed by the side with a unicorn plushie that she sleeps with everyday. The lips part, small yawn heard as Nayoung gets up.
She gentle runs up to the bed in front belonging to her sleeping brother. Nayoung taps him to wake up, “Minjae wake up.” She whispers. “I think mama came back home last night.”
Minjae slowly lifts himself up, rubbing the eyes open. He murmurs under the breath, slowly standing up from bed. “I think so too.”
Nayoung held Minjae’s hands dragging the half asleep boy to the master-bedroom. She opens the door gently, the door creaking loudly. Minjae sneaks around with his sister, climbing the high level bed.
When the children eyes saw Areum, they lit up immensely with happiness. Both of them crawling under the covers of their mother side by side.
Jeno was completely unaware, but Areum felt every single movement when the children have climb up from the bed and under the covers. She opens eyes, met with her wide awake children.
“Morning pumpkins.” Areum whispers quietly, Nayoung joyfully speaking. “Morning Mommy, you came back home last night didn’t you?”
Minjae murmurs. “Did you not come home because of work again?”
Areum blinks at those fast approaching questions all at once, with a soft laugh she pulls them into a hug. “I’m afraid yes.” She replies with a grin.
Nayoung whispers to Areum. “Dad and Minjae were both sulking two days ago because you didn’t come home at all.”
Areum pretends to gasp acting shocked, turning to Minjae who is pouting. She brings Minjae into a warm embrace giving him many kisses on his soft hair. “Oh no baby do you miss me this much when I’m not here?”
Nayoung smiles watching Minjae melt in his mothers gaze, they saw him shake his head stubbornly. The little boy was known for being shy about showing his emotions to most people, but everyone knows how compassionate he actually is. The tiny girl crawls on the empty side next to Jeno who was sleeping, completely unaware of their existence right now.
She whispers to her daughter and son, “Your dad is tired how about we let him sleep and I make breakfast downstairs?” The children nod in agreement, Areum standing up and walking out of the bedroom with her pyjama shorts and tank top.
Nayoung walks out, she was wearing the pink unicorn pyjamas shirt and bottoms. While Minjae wore the black marvel pyjamas shirt and bottoms. The children walk down the stairs, joining the kitchen calmly as they watch their mother start to cook breakfast.
”Mum you have to come home early today.” Minjae orders, as he chew on the waffles. Nayoung giggles. “You’re a mummy boy.” She throws.
Areum smiles turning around as she bites into the red apple in her hand. “I’ll try but I can’t promise that, Minjae. Your dad is going to work too, but guess who is coming to look after you?” The woman curls on their side in the middle, Minjae slightly gasping.
“It’s uncle Chan.” Areum heard the little boy say with all his might, she gives him a proud nod. Nayoung on the other hand pouts. “I was hoping it was Uncle Jisung.”
“Awh Nayoung, you can always call Uncle whenever you want.” Areum tells the little girl who huffs. “It’s not the same unlike when you see him.” Nayoung said. Minjae smiles ear to ear, he was satisfied.
Nayoung likes Haechan, but if she has to prefer one, it would be Jisung. Minjae has always preferred Haechan because he just did, nevertheless, Minjae does like Jisung too. But just like his sister, if he has to pick a favourite you’d already know the answer.
“How about this, tomorrow i’ll bring you to Jisung’s house okay? You can spend the entire day with him that way.”
Nayoung’s lips falter into a wide grin, giggling. “Really? Mum I would love that so much!” Areum humming. “I know right, that way you can see Mina too.”
“Auntie Mina is the best.” Minjae would say. “Mina always makes my hair.” Nayoung boosts as she plays with the hem of the hair strands.
The door on the knock brings Areum to break away from the conversation. Leaving the children talking amongst themselves, she walks out the kitchen. Down the hallway, reaching the doorknob, Areum opens it. The man with low fluffy black hair, tan skin covering by freckle moles; he wore a black leather jacket, white shirt and trousers. He took the shoes off as he steps inside.
“Surprise black-eye bags!” Haechan sneers with a low laughter. Areum puts in a front, slapping the guy’s shoulder as he pushes through making himself at home in the house. Slamming the door shut. “Morning to you too, Asshole.” Areum scowls unamused, walking to the kitchen.
Not so Surprising, Haechan was already surrounded by the children. Areum shakes the head, why did it feel like has three children now instead of two?
“Uncle Chan, when did you pierce your ears?” Minjae plays with the earrings finding them absolutely fascinating, it was only a small black cross, but Minjae found the style completely cool. Haechan rubs the ears, he spoke. “I think maybe a month ago. Do you like it Minjae-ah?” Haechan said babying the adorable introverted child sitting next to him.
Nayoung jumps on top of Haechan, climbing up his back as she held hands in around the man’s neck. Haechan panics keeping balance as soon as possible, stuttering out. “Ahhh N-Nayoung careful, I’m not built like Jeno.—“
He most definitely was not built like his boss, he lacks slight large muscles in his body, possibly the snatched waist too. Nayoung was used to being carried with ease, but Haechan’s body can only do so much.
Areum quietly goes to the kitchen to say goodbye as the woman puts on the long leather handbag strand by the shoulder . The boy with soft fluffy curls running up to his mother first, kissing her cheek goodbye. Haechan turning around as he holds Nayoung on his back, the girl waving goodbye and then blows a kiss.
“Bye bye mummy!” The girl shouts. Haechan giggling as he was sweating already. Parenting was no joke, he swore this burns more calories off than the mafia work he’s been given. Areum grins. “Bye bye kiddos, I’ll be back soon.”
Haechan sighs out. “You better promise me that because I have a social battery that runs out.” The boy exclaims and Areum scoffs. “I’m not pulling all-nighters anymore, relax. Just call me if you need help with anything, or just wake up Jeno.”
The boy shakes his head as he trembled with shivers at the thought of waking up Jeno. Waking up such a man is like wishing for death to come and collect you. Haechan let’s out a deep strand of no’s. “I think I’ll stick to calling you bestie.”
Cars beeping by the massive traffics outside the building echoes through the brick walls, reckoning the busy journalism workplace; co-workers and colleagues running about in their busy zone, none breaking contact from the massive files and cases that each hundred workers are doing sitting by the desk, some running to the printers in a rush.
On the other hand, Areum would be surrounded by a fidgety-anxious ball of stress Mark Lee, her one and only assistant who no longer goes by the rank Intern. Over the years, the older man with jet black fluffy hair and a fancy blue navy suit goes by the rank ‘Deputy Journalist.’
Who could believe it right? The shy newbie Mark Lee now was this fancy man with an important powerful role. Mr Ahn himself couldn’t believe it yet he gave him such title.
Areum glares at Mark with scolding gaze, shaking her head as she taps away from the computer, nit-picking at the man. “Yah, Mark Lee what’s wrong with you?”
“Mr Ahn’s going to kill me.” Mark beams rushing to the wooden desk in front of Areum. “What?” Woman lets out in confusion.
He lets out a blustery of cries. “I might or not have sat on his plant and killed it accidentally at lunch.” He sees the woman’s face turn from blank straight to an expression where eyes pop out the sockets, lips fell apart shattering as her body stands up grabbing Mark by his tie.
“Yah! Are you asking to get fired? Mark Lee, where did you hide the evidence?” Areum spills, the woman walking out of the desk as she joins the panicking man on the side. “I actually hide it in your office…”
The news brings the woman to judge him endlessly, he slowly points the hand at the free cupboard on the corner of the room, opening it where it shows the plant broken, crushed and floppy with the leaves breaking like fossils. A gasp exits Areum, covering the dropped lips with both hands.
You’d think these two were dramatic but it wasn’t any different from murder to Mr Ahn. The previous newbies have been fired because their angry boss threw a fit, panic attack as well as all five stages of grief. He’s the true epitome of Plant Mom. Mark was not any different to newbies, he will fire him.
Mark mutters quietly, “what will we do Miss Park..?” He grabs a hold of Areum’s hands as he slowly eyes her with pleading eyes. The woman looks at the man with a sad yet disappointing expression, tugging Mark away. “Argh I’m not an accomplice, i’ll hide the evidence away after work okay?” She tells him, Mark immediately sighing of relief.
The two turn around as a door came swinging open, the deputy quick to close the door hiding the horrible murderous evidence of their scheme. Mr Ahn shows up as he eyes Areum with a bright smile. “My Areum! My treasure!” He praises quickly going to hug Areum. The woman awkwardly returns the warm affectionate from her boss, seemingly knowing that she probably did amazing on the case studies— Otherwise Mr Ahn wouldn’t of been so affectionate.
“You did excellent on your article, we totally took down the scamming pharmacy! The twenty victim families are congratulating you so well online.” Mr Ahn explains and Areum smiles a little. “I see Sir that’s great—“ He slowly puts a finger inches away from the lips. Silencing the woman. “I have more news.”
Areum and Mark listen in, nodding. Mr Ahn’s hands roleplaying out a few drum rolls with his lips creating a beatbox of noises. “Annnndd! The SKN will be talking about the article on the news tonight! Prepare to see yourself on the tv, Park Areum!”
Mark goes shock, watching Areum side by side as he goes to hug the woman. Mr Ahn leaping in as well. Areum laughing a bit, shocked to hear such amazing news. “I’m going to be on the news?” She croaks still processing the entire situation that her boss told.
Mr Ahn nods, he shifts to Mark letting go off the hug with the three separate from their bodies. “Actually, where is Karina, I told her to bring the new case I found for you.” Ahn glares around, speaking of the devil a younger female rushes in, panting heavy.
The pale woman with purple ish highlights on the black onyx hair comes in, handing the yellow-ish white files with a large red number case IMPORTANT. Karina murmuring soft sighs “here sir.” Mr Ahn hums taking it, “a little late Intern.” He scolds.
Karina nods taking the critical as she sits up straight, Watching Areum. “Congrats on your recent case.” The younger girl cheers, Areum smiling back. “Thank you Karina-ah, what’s the case about Sir?” Areum said turning to Mr Ahn.
Mark came first peeking by the boss shoulder, all curious and sneaky. The younger male gasps aloud. “Car Crash? Why would Miss Park investigate a car crash from so long ago?” Mark ponders, Mr Ahn glaring at Mark as he hits the flat surface of the file on Mark’s head twice.
Not once but two times. Mark whines as Mr Ahn grunts out. “Stay away from things that don’t involve you Mark, instead how about you start focusing on organising the files again? You’ve been slacking a lot on that. My entire file section is a mess.”
Mark murmurs. “But I’m not an intern newbie anymore, that’s not my job sir.” Mr Ahn turns to Karina with a realisation. “Oh, you’re right. Karina get onto that.”
Years went by quick, but Mark will always be the intern in his eyes. Areum smiles as she murmurs, the files past in her hands. The moment the fingers lap to flip the thin layer of white papers, the eyes tremble. Mr Ahn clearing the throat. “Mark and Karina, leave the room please.” The two younger people nod as they did like they were told, leaving Areum’s office quietly.
Areum murmuring in confusion. “This case, that’s my parents case, Mr Ahn.” The woman looking up, Mr Ahn gave a nod. “I know Areum-ah. You might be wondering why i am bringing this case to you.”
The silence peeps inside like a dagger ready to stab both of the people in front of each other, overthinking thoughts warning the woman but the man too. Why, why would a case from thirteen years ago pop up now? Why from Mr Ahn? And why must it be Areum?
“I found a mysterious broker who sent me this file actually, I received this few days ago. I then found out that these two people have two children. Park Areum and Park Jisung. It’s currently a closed case by the police, however, we can easily open it up,
“Not only did i find online that many people are claiming this case wasn’t investigated properly by the police. We have the power to re-open the case if you find something.”
Areum looks back down to the case files where two small 4 by 6 square pictures of her parents side by side sit next to each other. People claim it wasn’t a car accident? People think it’s something else? What else could it be, Areum barely remembers much happening. The woman clenches the breaking heart in half instead of wearing it on her sleeve she begins to wear it on her forehead.
She nods slowly. Mr Ahn admiring Areum’s bravery for staying calm. “I believe it was just a car crash however, I was in the car.” Areum mentions with a short knowledge. “I’ll do my best investigating this privately because it is a closed case. The police aren’t the biggest fan of me right now.”
The police hate Park Areum with fiery passion, in many ways they view Areum as someone who gets in their way to success; for many years she’s stolen their cases, arrested their enemies including Na Yuta. It’s like she will always be five steps ahead of them, with a Plan B and an exit escape too. The police won’t ever survive against Areum. The hardworking crazy obsessed journalist is an one man army.
Mr Ahn mentions quietly. Ahn turns the back to Areum walking to the door, about to walk out. “That’s right, update me whenever you find something. Oh also, Areum?” He turns around looking at his best worker. She hums glancing back.
“Watch the news, you deserve the praise.” Mr Ahn smirks, praising her once more before leaving the office. Areum chuckles quietly but that differs when the eyes set down at the case file again.
Surely, this case will stay closed. She will make sure it stays closed.
The wind whipping through the dancing trees, creaking and groaning like an old rocking chair by the porch. As the heavy dust blown by the rough air pushing by the floor hitting the boots belonging to a woman who stops midway, grabbing out the car keys.
The metallic structure beeps once the finger push the button, the keys tucks away once unlocked the car. Her body getting in the slightly frozen car, the hands along pushing at the back of the car the broken vase and plant, as the midnight sky shines above the automobile.
The woman pushes the car to start the engine in the darkness, not bothering to push the light switch above on the roof. Areum would lean back once the vehicle roars in middle of the quiet isolated parking lot.
When about to drive off, her phone began to blow up with a text message from an unknown number. The woman looks down holding the phone up, glaring down when an image attached was sent.
“What the..” Areum softly breaks out past the seal clapped lips, swiping open as the message app opening, the unknown number sent an image with a car exactly like what Areum is in.
The fingers position themselves zooming in. Areum noticing it is her inside the car in the picture, she gasps looking up in slight creeps sending goosebumps in the body. “What the fuck.” She looks outside the window, only an empty isolated parking lot, trees in the distance and darkness hovering with side-walk street lamps dimming with light.
Areum looks down at her phone, now ready the text message in open.
“Your parent’s car accident wasn’t an accident.”
The drive home the woman was paranoid, in fact she came home feeling slightly better when the sight of Haechan, Minjae and Nayoung were watching the news on the television just to see their mother.
Minjae and Nayoung rush up to Areum, entering the living room. “Mom! Mom!” The two children shout, Areum lifting them both up with a soft sigh. “Hello, how are you both?”
Nayoung and Minjae both nod at once, “we’re good!” Haechan standing up with a stretch from the couch and a young lifting groan.
Areum turns to Haechan with a soft smile. “Thank you, was everything okay?” She’d ask but already know the answer. Haechan smiles. “Everything was okay, Jeno woke up and left for work in the morning. He’s probably coming late home so don’t stay up waiting for him.” He’d tell, as the younger walks to the front doors.
“Oh by the way, congrats on making it to the news.” Haechan smirks with a tap on Areum’s shoulder. If only she had the energy to be as happy as she was before about the excellent news. The happy feelings have disappeared the moment the text message came rushing in.
But she cannot make it obvious in front of the kids that she was worried about something completely strange right now. Areum moves to put the children to bed upstairs as it was already quite late, even though it was a weekend.
Haechan left the house after Areum went to put the children to bed. He will most likely make his way to the base to report to Jeno, then leave and go home to sleep because god knows taking care of twins at once is as tiring as taking care of jisung for twenty four hours!
The children fell fast asleep the moment their mother tucks them in with kisses and the heavy warm blanket to keep them safely wrapped durning the night. The paranoia and worry from earlier dissolved like sugar in with water, and eventually the sweet motherly feelings rush to the surface dominating any negative thought and worry Areum could possible have in the world.
No wonder the way, ‘Children bring you happiness in many ways’ exist. The woman could be sufferng greatly everyday but one look at her children and she is no longer suffering, she is free and happy. Areum stays in the room, standing by the door frame quietly as she hears them snoozing away peacefully.
Areum eventually closes the white door quietly and goes into her shared master bedroom. The woman could only sigh, a long day. The woman turns to the mirror as her hands tickle the front hem of the upper top clothing,
Sliding it off, revealing the laced front white bra and cleavage as her chest grew slightly by having twins. The rest of her body began to curve more defined, as well as her back too. Areum observes the mirror as she strips the lower clothing too, throwing the dirty clothes from today in the washing basket.
“A shower will calm me.” Areum mentions, heading to the her suite bathroom as she closes the door halfway, pouring a warm shower to erase and ease the mind at tranquility.
The warm water dripping down Areum’s back felt like therapy to the woman. She hums a little before closing the trap turning around the marble expensive looking shower, stepping out quietly with a towel around to dry the body.
Once she has dried off completely, the hair wraps in the towel and she slips into pyjamas. The silky shorts and satin pyjama shirt, resting softly on the arms and legs. Later blow-drying the hair too. Areum by then was ready to go to bed, but even though she laid on the double bed alone and in the darkness with the starry night shown in the balcony.
Many hours past and downstairs, the door knob slowly unlocks revealing a taller figure quietly stepping in. The watch indicating two hands on four am. The man wearing a white tee-shirt and black jeans raised on the snatched low waist openly flatters the figure perfectly.
The soft un-styled hair giving the face softness, as he drops the keys by the side locking the door. He didn’t waste time by taking off shoes and going up those stairs, making sure not a single creak was heard to disturb his wife and children who are sleeping.
Or so he thought. Jeno opening the door to the bedroom where he quietly tip toes, he was met with Areum shifting on her side, turning the lamp on her bedside table. He looks over at Areum raising an eyebrow, “Love, why are you awake at this time?”
Jeno would ask softly, unbuttoning three buttons on the white tee shirt. Areum runs her left hand through the long washed soft smooth silky locks, quietly speaking. “I couldn’t sleep, you came super late today. What happened at work?”
The man raises an eyebrow at the sudden change of conversation as she hums along, he might as well play with the conversation where his wife seems to be sorta avoidant. Jeno reaches to sit on the side next to Areum, slanting. “Lots of paper work and talking over the phone that’s all, I saw the news though.” He mentions, with a soft leisure his hand caresses Areum’s face as he brings a soft peck on to her lips. “I’m proud of you, you were on tv.”
The praising sent Areum many positive emotions, as well as completely making her go shy. Areum smiles, containing the eye contact with her husband. “Thank you.” She softly tells him and he nods, holding her hands.
“My wife is amazing, I’m lucky to be married to you.” Jeno mentions as he lovingly gazes at their hand interlocking, before looking back to look at her eyes.
“You okay though? Something on your mind?” Jeno trails where he kisses Areum’s forehead. She’d lightly tug in the hand embrace, grimly speaking. “Something is on my mind but i don’t know what it means.”
“Talk to me baby.” He tells her encouragingly. Areum took a little breath as her hands grab the phone pushing it on her lap, opening the screen to the messages. The man’s face scrunch up as he sees the message and image,. “I got this case and it’s my parents car crash case. I’m only just reviewing it and this number immediately texted me when I sat in my car going home.”
Jeno seemingly filled with slight worry but there was something else hidden on his face, Areum couldn’t describe or put her tongue onto what his expression meant. It was a complex mix. The man would copy paste the link of the number and image he sent, sending it straight to Haechan’s number. “I’ll let Haechan look into it alright? It’s most likely a stalker who wants to scare you.”
“Especially with how you became popular on news, you’ll have many enemies wanting to bring you down from success.”
Areum sighs a little, he might be right. It’s most likely one of the fan people who wish to scare Areum so she could re-open the case and stay a whole new drama. Jeno would see the worried long face on his wife, so he leans closer to it where Areum breaks out back into reality watching the man.
“Don’t worry Areum, okay? Focus on me.”
He pulls her face in his hands as he softly kisses her deeply on the lips. Areum sinking in the loving action. The worrisome thoughts that were infecting Areum’s brain to stay up all night seemingly push away with, now being infected by Jeno; the cause of the endless butterflies and electricity running in her body.
The body going reddish warm, blushing entirely. She sinks down into the bedsheets with him on top, her hands softly unbuttoning the rest of his shirt revealing the chiselled abs where the hands rest on the abdomen area with ease. Their bodies were relaxed and comfortable, by now Jeno has explored Areum’s mouth all these years
Yet he couldn’t get enough of it. Everytime he goes back for more, he wants more and more. It’s like he hasn’t done it at all, because he keeps finding ways to explore her in different ways, pleasure her in different ways, Love her in many ways that no one else could compare to. These two were a match made in heaven, these two souls were keys to each other locks. Soulmates, was perfect word for them.
Breaking apart, Areum’s satin pyjama top was unbuttoned releasing her completely nude. A long string of saliva connecting their mouth, Jeno hovering above the woman he loves so deeply.
He rasps out, unbuckling the belt on his black tight jeans, already with harden crotch suffering in the small enclosure in the clothing. Areum laying down watching him sensually, half dim lustful eyes. The lips curving in a flirtatious smile.
He returns the cheeky smile back when he sees Areum checking him out so openly at what she owns, what belongs to her. “I’ll give you a congratulation present, you want it?.” Jeno grunts out, sliding the fabric off.
“Please,” Areum pleads sinking more into the bedsheets. “That sounds amazing.” She admits as Jeno in boxers was set free from the jeans, he leans down kissing from the jawline and down to the neck.
He hums out. “Relax for me, tonight is all about you.” Those words stung out on the open, as their night was young and free.
The thoughts back then were no longer there, at least not in the front of her active brain where she no longer couldn’t sleep. But it was there buried at the back of her brain where soon enough it’ll come back to make her think about the situation from earlier. However for now, she has incoming pleasure to take.
Masterlist to chapters link here.
REBLOG, LIKE THIS FANFIC IT HELPS A LOT AND FOLLOW ME FOR MORE IF YOU WANT DAILY UPDATES. Please make sure to check out season 1 and season 2 as well!
@onyourhyuck Please refer from translating, copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank you!
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eddieswh0r · 2 years
It takes one, to know one.
Eddie Munson FanFic.
Summary: your whole world takes a turn when you realise he’s not the freak everyone makes out.
Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Drug use.
Word count: don’t ask 😅
This is part 1 of.. 🤷🏻‍♀️
P L E A S E PLEASE leave feedback and if you want the next part.
I hope you all e n j o y 😭🫶🏼
You smirked laughing at Jason’s remark to the absolute freak who was stood on the table across the cafeteria. Wavy brown hair, stood there with his fingers beside his head imitating the devil. Eddie fucking Munson. You hated him, with every ounce of your being, couldn’t stand the sight of the freak. What 19 year old plays Dungeons and Dragons AND if you had to hear Ozzy fucking Osbourne blast from his shitty clapped out van again you swear you’d combust in a rage and those stupid rings he wore, those stupid fucking oversized ridiculous rings.
“Y/n, COME ON!!” You snapped out of your scowling gaze at the metal head freak who had by now absolutely scared to death a fellow class mate and resumed his seat at the table. “Y/n, will you hurry up please? Chrissy has practise and you’ll be late for class” you gathered your things and followed Jason and Chrissy.
Chrissy was your best friend, you did absolutely everything together but she’d started spending more time with Jason recently but that was ok as the three of you did everything together, it wasn’t weird though being a third wheel. You loved Jason to bits and he was your hero, you looked upto him a hell of a lot. This only bought you closer together and your bond was unbreakable.
Seeing as he is your brother, after all.
“Y/N. you HAVE too. I can’t afford to be thrown off the basketball team, and Chrissy? Chrissy is smashing all classes and can’t be dropped off cheerleading”
“Jason.. please, he gives me the creeps! I can’t, I won’t. I hate him, he makes me wanna vom.”
“Look, please? Y/n for your bro? I promised the guys for the party you don’t wanna let them down do you?!”
You’d do anything, anything at all for your brother but this? This was gonna push you. You hated the idea of even being in the same school as Eddie fucking Munson, the freak, But going to get drugs from him for a party? It was a big ask, but you couldn’t let your brother down. You wouldn’t.
The cool autumn breeze moved some yellow tinged leaves along the floor of the woods where Jason told you to specifically be at 2:30pm. You left early, an hour before you had to be there, just to prepare yourself for meeting this freak.
“1:45pm, Hm. 45 minutes till IT turns up.” You mumbled under your breath. You looked around to make certain there was nobody nearby, you slipped your headphones on to your ears and hit play.
The music blasted through your headphones, your foot tapping and head bopping. You closed your eyes and listened. You HATED the fact you absolutely loved this music because it was what he liked. That freak. It made you feel sick but you loved it and it was SO good. The music took over you, you led down on the bench, tapping your feet still, doing a little air guitar here and there while your eyes are scrunched shut.
Unbeknownst to you, leaves are crunching under white reeboks. Eddie was early, he just wanted his pre sale joint in peace but no such luck.
“Hey? Hello…?”
You didn’t respond, your music turned up full whack, you were too wrapped up in now Ozzy, which you claimed you hated but in fact absolutely loved! Eddie walked over towards you and could hear the faint beat, with a confused look on his face he bent down beside you and stretched his neck over to hear.
“Well shit.. Ozzy” Eddie muttered with a smirk appearing on his face, you blasted another little air guitar, eyes still closed not knowing what was going on. You sniffed up
“what IS that, what is that smell?!?”
Your eyes shot open and you scrambled to your feet.
“MUNSON. I.. wha..” did he hear it? He must have done, he was pretty fucking close. Eddie stood there, smirk on his stupid face and a joint to his lips.
“Ozzy eh?” He grinned.
“Why are you even here so early? Half 2 it was said.”
“Hey man, I could ask the same” he said raising his hands. “I shouted but Ozzy was priority.” A slight chuckle left his lips.
Just looking at him made your blood boil, his stupid laugh and stupid hair around his face. It made you sick. You slammed your purse on the table.
“Are we doing this or what? I don’t want to be here a moment longer with you.” Your eyebrows furrowed into a scowl.
“You think you’re better than me huh?” Eddie mocked, placing his metal lunchbox down on the bench.
“I don’t think I am, I KNOW I am.”
“The only reason they keep you around Carver, is because you’re a loser. Like me. You have nothing to lose.” Eddie taunted as he was now stood face to face with you. “They use you.”
You could feel your throat beginning to get scratchy, he’d hit a nerve. Your blood boiled and your whole being exploded.
Your face was burning, the rage Inside you was too much to bare. Eddie nods in response to your outburst and leans in close to you, cm away from your face.
“Sorry what music do you listen to in secret? It takes one to know one, You’re a freak.” He smirked, massively.
Your words cut short, you froze still. What the fuck is happening.
Eddie held his cheek and you pushed him back.
you were in utter disbelief. Eddie planted his lips on yours, just out the blue, you didn’t know how to feel. Weirdly you didn’t feel sick or freaked out, you glared at him. Eddie was still holding his cheek, it was a fair smack you gave him.
“That shut you up, didn’t it Carver? I tell you what, you can fucking talk for the whole of Hawkins” he raised his hands, dramatically waving them around showing his pink burning cheek.
“I- you- I-“ you stumbled over your words, a low burning feeling in your stomach. It felt good, you didn’t want to admit it, man his lips were soft. You looked at his cheek and back at him. Eddie was still rambling on, you looked at him and I mean really looked. He had the softest eyes, you’d never noticed before.
“Carver, i really shut you up huh?” He smirked. “Fuck me man, you can talk. I thought we were here to do a deal? I mean like, im sorry but Jesus h chr-.”
You cut him off. Your hand twisted in the top of his T-shirt and lips on his. You wanted to make certain that it did feel good and you weren’t just longing for touch, any kind of touch, from anybody. But no, it did. It felt good, better than even. You liked it, his lips on yours, it was new, you still hated him but by god it was electric. Eddie really leant into the kiss, he was stood over you and as he put his hand on your waist you pushed him backwards letting out a breath.
“Where’s the stuff?” Breathing heavy, you looked at Eddie who had the most confusing look on his face, he signalled over to his metal box. You took it upon yourself to walk over and open it taking 2 small bags.
“These?” You called over while Eddie just stared at you. “Is it these 2 fucking bags or not?!” Slightly irritated in his no response, he managed to give you a slight nod this time, you grabbed your purse from next to the box and threw the cash into it and just walked off and kept walking, replaying over and over what had just happened. Was that real? Did that just happen?
. . .
Music was pumping throughout the house and garden, everyone was having such a good time. “CALL ME, ON THE LINE. CALL ME CALL ME ANYTIME” you and Chrissy jumped facing towards each other singing the song and laughing so loud. Jason was playing beer pong with his fellow basketball players and they’d already delved into the 2 small bags you’d got off Eddie for them. Eddie. Eddie fucking Munson. He’d been on your mind since what happened yesterday. You’d not seen him since but seeing as it was a Saturday and you’re not in school, why would your paths ever cross?
“Man, that was the BEST EVER CAMPAIGN. Eddie sure knows how to catch us off guard.”
You spun round on your heel at the mention of his name. What? Surely he’s not here? He wasn’t invited, he’d never be invited. But to your secret anguish, he wasn’t there. Dustin, Steve and Lucas. Of course, Lucas invited his friends. Steve was invited anyway, he was so cool and you’d always liked him, Jason didn’t care dustin was here, he wasn’t like the freak.
. . .
Outside was much cooler than the sweaty mess and wave of bodies that were crammed inside. You stumbled your way to the very back of the garden and propped yourself up on the bench, head between legs. “Fuck.. I’m gon-.”
You retched and retched, throwing up everything you’d drank. Your hair gathered behind your head out of your pale face and a hand rubbed your back.
“Ugh.. Chrissy thankyou. I don’t know why I’m so bad”
“I mean I’d look FINEE as a girl but you did drink way too much”
Your head span round so fast your neck could have literally snapped. “Eddie..” you said with almost a whisper as you wiped the corner of your mouth.
“What? Ho-. WHY ARE YOU HERE!!”
“Ive been here like 2 hours maybe? Your brother and his friends pretty much ran out and LOW AND BEHOLD THE FREAK WAS SUMMONED” Eddie stretched his arms above his head and practically shouted across the garden but nobody paid him attention.
“Go home EDDIE, no ONE wants..” *hiccup* “..wants YOU here!!” You stood up wobbling and almost falling to the side but Eddie caught you.
“Woah, woahhh. Looks like someone needs bed huh? You’re waaaay too drunk Carver. The fuck have you had to make you this bad” Eddie put his arm round your waist and yours round his.
“MUNSON I swear if you don’t let go of me I will SCREAM SO F-FUCKING LOUD”
“Go for it baby, you’re going to bed.”
Eddie threw you over his shoulder and carried you inside, not a single person turned their head to look as you glanced round, they were all too drunk to care. Jason was more or less dry humping Chrissy against the kitchen side, Dustin was well being Dustin, he was looking through the shelves and Steve was busy trying to flirt but with no avail. Your eyes heavy as Eddie carried you upstairs, he pushed your door open with his foot.
. . .
Led under your covers, your eyes closed. Tiredness took over and you fell into a deep sleep. Eddie point blank refused to leave, he was sat on the floor next to you making sure you didn’t throw up in your sleep, his hand on your forehead.
“Shit, you’re hard work Carver” he muttered under his breath as his eyes slowly closed. At this point you were both soundly asleep as Eddies hand slipped gently from your forehead onto your shoulder.
. . .
The sun peaked in through the gap in the drawn curtains, soft snores came from both you and Eddie who were still soundly sleeping. While sleeping your hand linked with his, fingers intertwined.
“Y/NNN.. will you GET UP!!!”
The call of your name from Jason didn’t wake you, nor Eddie and with a crash of your door opening Jason stood in the door way taking in what he could see before him, your hand linked with the freak, the freak that is Eddie Munson. Every part of Jason’s body boiled with anger.
“WELL WELL WELL. WHAT THE FUCK DO WE HAVE HERE THEN” your eyes opened slowly not knowing what was going on nor even having a clue your fingers linked with Eddies but before you could even process anything a hand was dragged from yours and you suddenly sat bolt upright seeing Eddie being pulled up by the scruff of his top by Jason.
“You wanna fuck around with MY sister freak? Huh? You wanna do things to her against her will? Wait till I tell everyone what you’ve done to her, you’re gonna fucking pay for this”
“Hey man, I d-did nothing, I was making sure she was okay! I- I didn’t.. I was just..”
And with that Eddie let out a loud grunt as Jason’s fist connected with Eddies stomach then his face, punch after punch. Eddies lip instantly burst, he was doubled over taking hit after hit. He looked at you, bleeding mouth, soft but scared eyes. You did nothing, nothing at all.
“Y/n.. please, t-tell him, it’s not li-like that”
“Shut the FUCK up, FREAK. She won’t help you, not after what you did to her, you were seen you know, carrying her upstairs against her will.”
You looked at Eddies face pulling your cover under your chin, you couldn’t do anything, you couldn’t speak. He needed your help, he needed you to tell the truth but you didn’t. You let him take beating after beating. Jason dragged him out your room and down the stairs and finally throwing him out the front door. Eddie led there, helpless.
“If I ever see your face again, FREAK. Just know you won’t like what happens.” And with a swift few kicks to Eddies ribs, Jason slammed the door.
. . .
P l e a s e please leave a comment or
I don’t know if y’all want part 2😭🫶🏼
Part 2 ⬇️⬇️
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Harry, Louis, or both are actors. We hope you enjoy these. Happy reading!
1) Storms Don't Last Forever | Mature | 5326 words
After being away for an entire week to promote his new movie, Harry arrives home thinking he'll be attacked in endless amounts of affection. Instead, he finds a dark apartment that looks the same way he left it.
2) Thank You, Five. | Explicit | 5669 words
“Harry?” He says as soon as he recognises the other man.
“Louis? Wh-what are you doing here?” Harry asks with a frown.
“Well, I’m here for rehearsal,” Louis announces with a proud smile.
There’s a flash of confusion on Harry’s face. “What do you mean rehearsal? I got the part, you didn’t.”
3) Take Me To Your Heart | Explicit | 6112 words
Note: This fic has mentions of top Louis/bottom Harry.
London Night Bus AU where all Harry wants to do is sleep, but he has a drunk man singing at him.
4) Paper Houses | Explicit | 11635 words
When model Louis Tomlinson admits to having a celebrity crush on a very famous actor in an article in GQ magazine, he has no idea it will lead to anything. He definitely never suspects he will fall so hard and so fast for Harry Styles. When reality begins to interfere, their relationship is put to the test.
5) (Won't You) Stay to the A.M. | Mature | 15538 words
Harry tucked a few loose strands back up into the bun on top of his head and headed to the front of the building.  He really would rather no one saw him behind the gym where he worked if possible so they wouldn't have a chance to catch on that the address he gave for work was actually his friend Ed’s and the number belonged to his buddy Niall. 
Harry didn’t like the term homeless, because he was making at least some money now and he was actively looking for a better gig so he could actually afford at least a bed in this massive city, but that’s basically what he was.  It’s nothing to be ashamed of, he knew that, sometimes shit just happened and this was how it turned out, but he also didn’t want to broadcast his situation if he didn’t have to either.  
Especially if Louis Tomlinson, Britain's most talented young actor, was going to be frequenting Harry's place of employment on a regular basis.
6) Your Good Side | Explicit | 15870 words
Note: This fic is part of a series, but each fic stands alone.
AU where Harry can't seem to win over his Dunkirk co-star. Inspired by Joey and Kate from Friends.
7) Power Couple | Mature | 17631 words
Harry Styles thought he had his life all figured out. He was a varsity football player in year nine, he had all the girls, and some guys, throwing themselves at him, and he had a good life. It isn't until a certain boy makes him forget about all he's had.
Louis Tomlinson. Young, smart, beautiful, and the one person Harry could never charm. Until he finally agreed to go on a date with him.
Now, Harry's 21 and professional and still in love with Louis, whose also world famous, but not for football. He's a model/actor.
When a certain interview gets the attention of Louis' flatmate, and best friend, Zayn, can that change the mind of Louis? And what if a yes results in a baby?
8) I Don't Want You To Leave, Will You Hold My Hand? | Mature | 19311 words
After breaking up with his boyfriend and going on one too many pap walks, Louis starts to consider moving home to London for a fresh start. Pinkberry employee and all-around good listener Harry makes him maybe not want to.
9) Singing To Tiny Dancer | Explicit | 22734 words
Note: This fic is the first part in a series. It looks like the other fics in the series that have smut are BL.
When everything gets to be a bit too much for A-list actor Louis Tomlinson, he runs back to the town he had never really called home and the boy who was the only one he did.
10) CAROLINA (Given a Chance) | Explicit | 24521 words
Louis will swear on his life he doesn’t know a Harry Styles, but that won’t explain why the lead single off Harry’s album, “Carolina”, is most definitely about him.
11) Drain To The Stars | Explicit | 28002 words
Louis lived a very quiet life at his inherited book shop in Notting Hill, until Oscar-winner Harry Styles walked through the door.
12) Play Me Like One of Your French Girls | Explicit | 26966 words
Louis is Hollywood’s ‘Bad Boy and Sometimes Darling’, and Harry is the clumsy, endearingly attractive part-time cellist whose cello gets upgraded to the seat next to his on the plane. They fall in love.
13) Building Me Up (But Buttercup, You Lied) | Explicit | 331007 words
Harry’s mouth felt dry just saying those words. What he had with Louis was so much more than a simple ‘fuck buddies’ situation. It was slow kisses in the morning between soft sheets and shy smiles, it was holding hands in the afternoon while walking and eating ice cream. It was breakfast for dinner, laughing and licking honey from each other’s lips as they shared goals and even some secrets, it was happiness, it was glow.
To Harry, what he had with Louis meant everything. Until Louis decided it meant nothing
14) If I Should Stay | Explicit | 31185 words
Louis is a television actor who suddenly needs a bodyguard.  Harry is the bodyguard he ends up hiring. 
15) Inside The Magic Hour | Explicit | 32432 words
Given the chance to create a queer remake of 1981 Film Noir classic, Body Heat, up-and-coming director Harry Styles casts one of his best friends in a leading role. Unfortunately, this proves to be a real test of his patience and creative professionalism, when he casts the beautiful and sweet Louis Tomlinson to portray the male version of the feminine and seductive Maddy Walker.
16) What Our Souls Were Meant To Do | Mature | 34106 words
All Harry’s father wants is for his son to marry as soon as possible and give their family another heir. All Harry wants to do is fall in love.
17) Not Quite | Explicit | 34163 words
As Harry prepares for the premiere of his first blockbuster film, his manager encourages him to hire a bodyguard as a precautionary measure. Harry ends up making an unusual choice.
18) Baby Blue | Explicit | 39439 words
Harry Styles takes his time coming out to greet them. Louis only knows what he’s seen on file and what he’s heard them talking about, but he fully lives up to the image he had inside of his head.
He saunters down the front steps of the farmhouse in his Levi’s, brown snakeskin boots curving out from underneath the denim Louis’ sure he had specially made. He’s got on a plaid button-down tucked into the jeans because of course he does, curls spilling out from either side of his cowboy hat around his sunglasses and country-tan skin.
“Harry Styles,” he drawls, extending a hand to Louis’ manager, “Pleased to meet ya’ll.”
19) Even If It’s Just Pretend (Say You'll Remember Me) | Explicit | 45446 words
“I’ve been told that you have a hard time talking to pretty boys,” he bats his eyelashes, watching something flash across Harry’s gaze, happy to know that he's getting under his skin so easily, “Didn’t know how else to get me in your bed.”
Harry laughs, turning back to face the bar, leaving Louis to stare at the way his shoulders move with every hiccup of laughter. “If I wanted to fuck you, then I wouldn’t need drugs to do it. You’d be begging for it.”  
Louis rolls his eyes and rests his elbows on the smooth, polished surface, “Like there would be room for me in your bed with you and your ego.”
“Don’t forget my cock, although I’m sure that you wouldn’t complain about that taking up space.”
20) Million Dollar Man | Explicit | 47624 words
“I’m putting myself out on a limb here but…” Harry pauses, reaching out to grab a hold of Louis’ hands tentatively. Louis’ a bit taken back, but his hands are so warm and Louis’ hands are so cold from handling the ice in the back. “You shouldn’t have to work in a place like this, I could… I could take care of everything. You can quit here and pursue Broadway full time,” Harry says, voicing quivering and Louis can feel his hands shaking and Louis holds onto them tightly.
“I don’t understand, are you an agent or do you just invest money in young actors?” Louis asks, eyebrows furrowing slightly as he chews on his bottom lip.
“Let me take you out, hm? We can talk more about it. I can pay for your tuition and…” Harry trails off, and Louis gasps quietly, leaning in towards Harry.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you asking to be my… sugar daddy?” Louis asks, lowering his voice and Harry can’t help but chuckle.
“Something like that, yeah,” Harry replies, squeezing the boy’s hands and smiling at his flushed cheeks and innocent expression.
21) We’ll Get It Right In The End. | Explicit | 53612 words
Harry Styles is what the media is currently revolving around. He's young, he's attractive and apparently good at everything. A singer song-writer and the new face of Captain America soon encounters himself amidst a problem when he finds himself falling for the person he's not supposed to, an elite professional escort, Louis Tomlinson.
22) Home To You | Explicit | 54078 words
At fifteen, Harry wrote his first song for an oblivious seventeen year old Louis Tomlinson. Ten years later he’s a singer/songwriter who cant find any words for his second album and Louis is a closeted actor tired of LA.
They both try to run from the things weighing them down and in the process, they find each other.
23) Into The Midnight Sun | Explicit | 63253 words
It's 1983, Harry embarks on his first world tour and Louis is a budding actor in LA. Life spent apart isn't easily adjustable, but somehow they make it work.
24) Pinkies Never Lie | Explicit | 83615 words
AU in which Louis hates his job and loves Harry, Harry just wants a distraction, everyone else wants them to get their shit together, and Louis learns the hard way that new beginnings are only possible when something ends.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Demeter
Have I been using this series to vicariously punish Belphie for the events of Season 1? I cannot confirm nor deny that statement.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter
Didn't think too much of the "human" when they popped out of the portal. Sure they had a straw hat and a huge basket full of produce but it wasn’t like they were… Wait… No… Were they…?
Oh no. Oh nonononono, this is not good…!!
Demeter is notoriously doting and protective of her children (see her freakout and breakdown after Hades abducted of Persephone as proof) and they've pretty much done the EXACT. SAME. THING. here!!
It was a mad scramble by him and Diavolo to contact and appease their godly Mother Bear before she came roaring down to Devildom herself to turn them all into barley. Thankfully, Zeus must have intervened at some point because though she was indeed PISSED, she didn't threaten to barge in… yet.
She made one thing very clear. Bend so much as a single hair on her precious child's head and there would be WAR…
The MC received a 24 hour security detail after that. Just Mammon wasn't going to cut it, he needed NO chances. It was a full rotation of Mammon, him and Beel for the entirety of their stay (Asmo and Levi both threw hissy fits at the prospect of babysitting, Satan couldn’t be trusted not to kill them just to irritate him, and Belphie was out for… obvious reasons).
In some ways, it wasn’t so bad. The MC was a very mild sort of person, rather even tempered. He’d dare say they were pleasant, mostly content to just tend to their gardens and be out in the moonlight…
But the problem was, he just could not convince them to stay OUT of nature. Including the forests, which were full of hellish beasts fully intent on gnawing their flesh from their bones… and their specialty was plants, not animals, sooo…
Their habit of sneaking out to wander the woods got so bad that he very nearly considered pulling a Belphie 2 and locking them in the basement for their own good. But Devil knows what damage their mother would do if she found out…
At least they make for pleasant company… And Diavolo seems to like them quite a bit himself so the mortal gets a pass from him. Now if they’d only consider their own safety for a change…
They make him a KILLING.
Like, no seriously. Their produce is insane!! He’s never tasted food so good, especially stuff that’s come fresh from the ground! It only took a few berries for Mammon to throw on a straw hat himself and start harvesting! He’s a farmer now, baby!!
Weeellll not quite. He’s still absolutely only in it for the money, but anything he brings to a farmer’s market goes so fast that he can hardly care about the labor! He’s never made this much Grimm in his life!! And it’s totally legit for a change!
He bought himself another car, paid off half of his debt, and even got Levi back that 2 or 3 grand he leant him centuries ago. Really, Mammon’s living his best life and it’s all thanks to MC!
It’s a good thing his blatant grifting doesn’t hurt his relationship with them at all, in fact they seem to enjoy having his help regardless. They bring him drinks on hot days or invite him on picnics and stuff, it’s… it’s really sweet. They’re very nice to him and he appreciates it…
It drives him INSANE that they won’t stay out of dangerous places!! After he started caring about them for more than just a meal ticket it only got even worse!!
He’s not usually one for monitoring someone’s every move (that kind of control freak behavior is more a Lucifer thing) but he eventually had to set up familiars around the House just to keep them from sneaking out at night...
What was so interesting out there anyway?? There wasn’t any kind of plant that he could bring them himself! They didn’t have any need to be out there!! 
They’d keep telling him they’d be fine but it’s not like he’s going to actually buy that. They were too… nice to be dangerous or anything so why would he believe them?
No more running off, MC! Please, he’s beggin’ ya!!
Wait, gardening? Like, being outdoors and stuff? Ew. No thanks, he’ll pass.
That was more or less his first reaction when they showed up and it never really got much better than that…
He admits that they’re friendly and it’s not like he dislikes them or anything, but their thing so far from his thing that they just don’t have a lot in common… you know?
For starters, they get So. Antsy. when they’re inside for too long! He tried to invite them to a marathon once, but they could hardly keep still and kept looking around like they were searching for a window… He said, “to jump out of.” They insisted just for some fresh air, but he didn’t buy it...
They’re nice enough to listen to his rants, but they’re barely ever inside for him to do so and like HELL is he going to leave his room and stand around out there for that long. Ranting is at least a one to two hour engagement! What if he gets hot out there? And have you SEEN Devildom bees?? Hell no!!
He has, however, asked them on multiple occasions to reproduce flowers he’s seen in different anime, especially ones that have a very unique look and they’ve done some real wonders with that!
He can now claim to be the only person to ever own a Ruby-Jade Vine plant, straight from the pages of TSL when it was used to brew tea for the Lord of Lechery during his brief illness and-is anyone even still listening anymore?
The point is, it’s a flower so rare it was imaginary but now HE has it!... or had it for about a week until his utter incompetence of all things plant killed it…
He begged the MC for another but they were out of the plants they needed to make it and would have to go back to the human world to find more… He’s still mourning his loss… Poor Henry 4.0…
Well… He’s called this MC “salt of the Earth” and he does truly mean it. Take of that what you will.
He doesn’t get much in the way of intellectual conversation out of this mortal UNLESS he’s talking about plants, farming, or botany… Interesting topics and complex in their own right to be sure, but that’s pretty much their wheelhouse and they like it there.
That being said, the feats that they can perform are genuinely mind-blowing! They are the ONLY person he has ever met who can cultivate the Devildom’s own ultra-rare Phantom Orchid, a plant only blooms when it reaches a perfect state of undeath (i.e. both taken care of and neglected just enough so that it's only barely alive. The balance is so tricky to master that one hasn’t bloomed down there for centuries!)
There’s also something just genuinely relaxing about watching them work or helping them in the gardens… More so than he’d ever expected from such a simple activity.
He admits that he’s taken quite a few strolls through the flower-filled courtyard of the Demon Lord’s Castle just to admire its beauty... But anything that they can grow just blows all of that out of the water!
They even taught him several magic botanical techniques so now he can grow some pretty mad plants himself. Lucifer never expected to find that giant Venus Flytrap in his closet, but one was there regardless. 😏
Just… out of curiosity one day, he asked the MC if they could make him a new kind of catnip. Not for any nefarious reason! You know… just for research purposes…
The nip they made was so effective that the House grounds were FILLED with nipped-up cats for a whole month! He was in Heaven!! (and Lucifer practically wiped those plants from existence so he couldn’t get any more… asshole...)
That must have inspired them because they apparently made a demons-only version that they told him about WELL after the fact. Had he known, he probably would have burned the stuff on principle... Do you know how dangerous demon-nip could be to them? Experiment responsibly, MC!
Ehhhh, gardening SOUNDS like one of those things that should be super Devilgram-able, but then you realize how sweaty and dirty you get in the process and it’s a huge turn off… Sorry MC.
When they first came down to the Devildom, he thought two things: 1) Such a sweet little flower child, as adorable as they were, would never survive; and 2) even if they could, he would never ever see eye-to-eye with them on the “wonders” of getting all up in the dirt.
Well, he was right about 2, but certainly not 1. Personally, he thinks his brothers worry about them too much, they ARE still a demigod.
At one point he saw a pack of hellhounds almost trample one of their vegetable gardens and they lost it. Word to the wise, never try to take on a child of Demeter in their own garden. Those hounds were wrapped up in rose vines before they could even yelp...
Yeah, the MC would be fine.
That being said, while everybody else clamors over their produce, he thinks that their flowers are really where it’s at!
Taking just five minutes in one of their gardens is something else... He’s never seen blossoms as healthy and immaculate in all the Devildom before! Their beauty could (almost) rivals his own! What they do isn’t just a hobby, it’s an art.
He’s taken multiple pictures with their blossoms and they go viral every time. It’s so rare to actually see gorgeous, petal-filled flowers in the Devildom, most of the native plants are of the man-eating variety.
His only complaint about this MC is that they seem to feel much more at home in work clothes and dirt than they do in any sort of party-look he tries to give them… Cute as they are, they can afford to gussy up sometimes can’t they? Mud and grass stains don’t make for a good look, sorry.
Beel gardens and the MC gardens as well. Add on that they seem to be able to grow all manner of fruits and veggies and he likes this one. A lot.
They had just finished apple-picking when the portal nabbed them so they had a massive basket of apples at the time. Naturally, Beel more or less stole the thing on sight, but the apples inside were so juicy and good that he almost shook them down for more on the spot!
Imagine his surprise when they, half pleadingly, explained to him that if he got them some seeds they could just grow more… and it wouldn’t even take that long.
To be clear, the formula he saw was this: Get seeds > bring seeds to mortal > mortal grows seeds > mortal makes endless supply of food….
Congratulations MC, you’ve now earned the sixthborn’s eternal loyalty after a grand total of… two minutes. He didn’t even know their name, but he was willing to take a bullet for them (provided he got more of those apples).
The next several months were spent with Beel attached to them to the hip in some way, but honestly? It was just so wholesome anyway…
If he’s helping in the garden, he never complains. He does most of the heavy lifting and actually likes being out there with them (unlike others...)
Many afternoons were spent sitting under fruit trees and talking. Sometimes, they go to the trouble of preparing a picnic or something but it would always inevitably end with Beel plucking the whole tree clean of whatever ripe (or unripe) fruit he can get his hands on with a smile. 
The MC never minded though. That’s just another excuse to grow more, right?
His only problem was when the MC would sneak out to the forest… especially when they get too antsy and just go alone. 
He HATES it when they do that! How is he supposed to keep them safe if they just wander off?? He knows that they have a special connection to nature and all, but it isn’t safe…
He’s flown in and scooped them back up to the House on numerous occasions and his “talking tos” get sterner after every rescue... Please stay put, MC! He’d have so many reasons to be sad if you were eaten… 😔
Okay, he was looking for a capable, if not gullible, human. Not a shoeless flower hippy!
He honestly wasn't expecting much out of this one... Damn their little heart because they did genuinely believed his lies, it’s just that they weren't… well… They were really good at gardening.
… And it grew kind of hard to keep hating them whenever they'd show up just to give him fresh berries or a bouquet to see him smile… He may claim that his heart is made of nightmares and orphan tears, but who doesn’t enjoy being given a batch of flowers? 
Damn their sweetness too… Right to here.
When it came time to kill them he had a heavier heart than he thought he would, but kind of saw it like putting down the sacrificial lamb. Gotta be done to reach better goals... Stiff upper lip and all that.
Unfortunately for him, they had taken to carrying packets of demon-nip with them as a self-defense measure…
He wasn’t exactly sure what he expected when they shouted “Get nipped!” at him mid-attack, but it wasn’t a face full of some smelly herb! Like, really smelly…! Actually, that smelt kind of good… Hold on.
Turns out murderous rage really doesn’t last long after you get what is effectively ultra-strong catnip thrown in your face. They ended up having to go and tell Lucifer what happened themselves because Belphie was way too blissed out on the floor to do anything... They were legitimately worried they might have fried his brain...
He’s told the effects of the demon-nip lasted three days. He doesn’t know, because he hardly remembers any of it... They described him as like he was high on “weed” and “ecstasy” at the same time but he doesn’t know what either of those are either so it wasn’t helpful…
Truthfully, they were so nice to him while he was recovering that he couldn’t even be mad afterwards so all's well that ends well? Either way, he’s sleeping under their orchard trees from now on. It’s peaceful out there...
They burnt all that nip though. It’s some strong stuff...
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