#i cant believe i had so much left to say ab these girls........... i still love them sm n it was nice to revisit this universe
ashsostrange · 9 months
I'm honestly surprised at the amount of people who are still supporting him.He's got his little ((whats left of them at least)) fan base wrapped around his fingers.
“ He’s a minor he cant think for himself, his brain ain't developed!!” “ You don't know what it's like for him at home!” my fav so far “y'all are ablest and racist!! Yall don't care about black people!”
Bitch no one gives a fuck that he is black!! Motherfucker is telling people/threatening to eat glass to get away from what he's said to people. Calling someone out for gaslighting and trying to manipulate people with that shit ain't racist. Also using self diagnosis and laying about taking pill that will “get you high” as a way to get out of all his call outs. This is the stupidest shit I have seen while being on tumblr for the past three or so years like damn!!💆🏾‍♀️
perioddd!! lemme talk my shit again
i honestly giggled when his bf tried to say “y’all hate black people” when pretty much everyone speaking on him is black. why would i do that bc he’s black?? i’m black, not to mention a darskin girl. do with that info what you will.
ppl wna make us seem like bullies so bad. this isn’t just about what happened w catty, hell, it’s hardly about her at all! it’s ab his behavior in general. it’s inappropriate! if he would’ve just owned up, there wouldn’t have been a problem. i’m not obsessed w this nigga, i don’t care to go out of my way to make a post ab him everyday. he’s the one who escalated this further. he only wants us to “mind our business” when we’re not coming for his neck.
ab his mental health, if he doesn’t have a real diagnosis, he needs to not claim mental illnesses like that, but rather acknowledge that something is wrong with him. if you make a mistake, you need to not blame every damn thing on your said mental illness. if anything it’s a justification, but never an excuse. take the initiative to look at yourself and decide if you’re in the right headspace to be on the internet or not. i struggle with mental health, but not in the way he allegedly does. if ik i’m not in the right headspace for something, i step away. he needs to do that. and invest in a diary.
i genuinely don’t know why people are defending him when he did this to himself. if woulda stopped riding my dick like beyoncé rode that surfboard, then maybe we wouldn’t be here right now. accountability isn’t a bad thing. we’ve all made mistakes. i know i’ve made many, it’s about how you address them that matters.
i was literally defending his lame ass when he was sending inboxes as an anon to cause more mess between these two girls. yao was saying he was behind the anon and obv i didn’t believe her bc it wasn’t making sense to me at the time, and there was no real way to prove it. but then he started sending her hella inboxes and tagged all his mutuals saying “war has begun” a whole day later. when i tell you i showed one of my bsfs that post and we LAUGHEDD 🤣🤣🤣 nigga this is tumblrrrr, not a battlefield! from that day i’ve been watching him lmao. didn’t wna say anything about his behavior until i gathered more info cuz i’m not a mean girl (and didn’t want his army bombarding my inbox), but this is ridiculous.
and i’m so glad lia dmed me one day so we could discuss his weirdness. we literally played his ass and he didn’t know. bro was sending her msgs talking ab “i liked your new fic, but you blocked me” and he was the only one she had blocked recently. he sent so many hateful msgs under anon after that, nd he was reblogging it acting like it wasn’t him like… ok weird nigga.
i’m not ableist or “racist” (i’m literally fucking black!) fuck i gotta b ableist for? i’m the last person to rock w any kind of tomfoolery, and all my mutuals and irls know that. i’m unapologetically me on this blog. what you see is who i am.
“he’s a minor!!” so are the rest of us dealing with his bs bro. i’m literally SIXTEEN 😭
like i said, in most situations, if multiple people (with good morals) are telling you that you’re wrong, you can’t be right. i was never disrespectful with him to begin with. you get disrespectful with me, i get disrespectful with you. don’t care who you are ✌️like thank yewww
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xaninmyblunt · 6 months
I’m sitting in class first day… i notice that I’m surrounded by girls most of them on my side of the class and i feel happy about that. I don’t want them only one catches my eyes fucking obsessed already r.i.p. funny thing is I remember scrolling on facebook one day sliding in girls dm like a chump . Ps i feel very uncomfortable but i like that feeling it makes me feel alive . Anyways I’m texting girls left and right delivered no text i come across a girls page she is pretty and i thought to myself damn i don’t want to say anything stupid just in case i see her and speak of satan she is right here in my class sitting next to me…what the fuck !!!! I remember what she wore that day pink checkered shirt w a pink skirt oh well. I am obsessed :3 lol
We became friends or a variant of it i felt close but not close enough i loved to make her laugh i found out she had a boyfriend sucked dick so fucking much kinda hurt especially when i found out it was a dickwad. She was supposed to be mine fucking fuck fuck. Soo that day after school i took shrooms blasted off . Seen things played games. Then after sold my soul in the bathroom fell asleep for two seconds. Woke up naked and everything was normal thats what i thought but selling ur soul is uhm a big deal and big mistake but fuck it u only live twice.!
I feel like i was put into another dimension same people but created by satan a sandbox if u will where the devil is the admin and controls the works and my involvement in it. Even if i think I’m controlling it I’m clearly not . Anyways i kinda lost my mind a week in i had dreams of being killed mee killing people i could smoke weed anymore my favorite drug stripped from me oh well.
Anyways i started to hear voices and see things that were not fucking there definitely not my fucking consciousness’s.. the clouds look like demons faces and the outlines of the bark on trees looked like demonic faces . When i would try to smoke weed it felt like someone had turned on a heater at full blast my ass legs shins testicals would burn i couldn’t sit still in class i would go to the bathroom and just go insane absolutely bonkers. I love rapping and when i rap its about killing people doesn’t bother me that much but if i think ab it too much i kinda get worried i might do some of the things i rap about.
For some odd reason during lunch i went to the auditorium and decided to play on the fuckingg piano lmao like i know how to play that old thing i sat down and started playing it in the empty audience silence. I decided i was going to play music for the dead the souls of those who sold theirs just like i did. Wouldn’t u believe it me playing the piano actually sounded amazing i was astonished by the fact i could even play an unearned skill that i probably shouldn’t have cool i felt like some anime character. A month in i had pretty much distanced my self from most of my classmates i was just going insane the voices and seeing things was just to much for me to sit still. Fucking horrible. I felt like everyone knew what i had done bc they are in a sand box i helped create
Oh im so fucked this thinking has got to go.
By the way this is all based off a true story
Im slowly drifting off into dreaming and then im falling i cant even feel my bed anymore im falling up down but i dont feel like im being ragdolled its unimaginably smoothe how im falling but its also fast paced and so dark i cant see anything im scared my mom wakes me up…thank you
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banditchika · 6 years
I came across your really old kotohonoumi harry potter au headcanons and I'm super curious about how you'll sort the rest of muse! Can I just mention I absolutely love the tiny hufflepuff!eli detail you slid in because that's my headcanon for her house too ahshdhshsjsjs
HI SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY the ask notification got buried under a lot of stuff :,D ill b rlly real here n admit that i had to reread these headcanons just bc its been so long since i wrote them LMAO life moves fast!! i think id end up sorting the other girls like this though: 
eli: hufflepuff. eli defies easy sorting, which is why i rlly love her!! she’s one of those characters where you could argue a p good case for her to be in any of the houses n there’ll b plenty of material to back you up. but my favorite house for her is hufflepuff bc she’s just.... such a dad... she belongs there among the badgers. i don’t consider eli particularly courageous in the way that gryff exemplifies bc she loves to dither over things and has Anxiety: Idol Fest, and for all that she’s a nerd i don’t think she’s much of a ravenclaw either. so tender-hearted, hardworking n upright eli for hufflepuff!! she might seem like a cool hardass on the outside but rlly, in her heart she’s always having a butterbeer and chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen alongside hanayo. eli, by the by, probably inherits the magic from her grandma and grows up treasuring the stories that her grandma passes on.
nico: slytherin. she’s,,,,, such a slytherin?? burning w ambition yeah n full of cunning ideas, but she’s also extremely loyal to those she considers her friends n family. she’s hardworking n has an unrelenting sense of personal values too!! good big sis nico yazawa whose also unashamed of wanting something beautiful for herself and owning her dreams.... i love HER!! she’s a muggleborn constantly punching up to make a space for herself in the wizarding world
nozomi: also slytherin. i feel like other ppl have written rlly lovely things ab nozomi being a slytherin kid n why it works so my ultimate breakdown would just be: im gay, i like it, n im not separating nozonico, now or ever!! i also don’t think that nozomi’s a pureblood, but like eli, she definitely has magic in her family--particularly a talent for divination. she befriended nico in their first year on the hogwarts express n was rlly shy n goofy n awkward, which nico thought was rlly charming. then they got sorted into the same house n became roommates, n then nico broke through personality proxy one n 2 to unlock the Deep Nozomi (tm). she complains that she regrets it every day, but she doesn’t. she doesn’t in the least. 
maki: ravenclaw. i don’t think i’m qualified enough to rlly go into why, but i don’t think i need to either. what a nerdy kid!! of course she’d be in ravenclaw. im rlly attached to the concept of her being the muggleborn heiress to a prestigious hospital n having to juggle between her love of muggle physical sciences and the bizarre scientific laws that govern the wizarding world. she can bond w kotori over being torn btw two worlds!! (edit: i just realized that maki’s all alone in ravenclaw, which actually suits me just fine?? maki kind of seems like the person to easily get lonely once she realizes that she has Friends n that they don’t share a lot of time together, so i think her being the only ravenclaw in muse could b the catalyst that eventually pushes her out of her shell n leads to her doing smth rlly out of character in her eyes n admitting that she loves n treasures her friends) she ends up being head girl in her last year n is so awkward about it
hanayo: hufflepuff. hanayo, like eli, has moments of courage n when push comes to shove will chase her dreams n ambitions against the odds, but the thing is that i don’t think she aspires to bravery?? the way i read her focus episodes in the anime was that she was stepping out of her comfort zone, but that she was glad to do it too and that she was proud of herself for it; it’s a quiet sort of drive and focus that suits hufflepuff more than gryffindor. i think it’d be cute if hanayo were ravenclaw so that she could hold maki’s hand in the library and stuff, but listen. listen. hufflepuff hanayo? is good. idk what hanayo’s backstory should be, bc the wizarding world doesn’t exactly have an equivalent for school idols and her backstory is constantly in flux depending on which love live medium you choose to consume. it’d be rlly hilarious if both she n nico were die hard quidditch fans tho 
rin: gryffindor. she’s a brave, brave girl!!! one moment that rlly cemented rin as a gryffindor for me was when she was ready to throw hands n fist fight maki, a complete stranger, just bc she thought that maki was intruding onto what rin considered to be hanayo’s decision in the s1 first year’s episode!! what a gryffindor mood?? i also think she’d rlly jive w hufflepuff, tho not enough for her to be considered for the house. she’s the second gryffindor chaser n becomes captain once umi graduates!! i put her as the seeker initially, but ultimately i don’t think rin would care to spend like, 90% of the game flying around doing nothing but squinting for some tiny golden ball. she wants to fly around and participate with the team!! im p set on her being a muggleborn; hanayo’s probably from a magic family n breaks rules to talk to rin ab magic, n when they were kids rin would listen to hanayo gushing ab all the stuff she loves ab the wizarding world while wishing that she could b w hanayo in that universe; well guess what rin!! ur a wizard!!
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gentil-minou · 3 years
Puppeteer 2 is one of the best episodes for relationship development of the series
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this is once again a plea for the fandom to get over a minute long statue scene that is honestly kinda funny to enjoy some of the beauties of the rest of this episode. I've seen so many people, even people who don't salt say this episode is a pass when you should definitely watch it if you love the love square
this is one of the best love square development episodes of the series and i see so many people discredit ot not realizing that all the salty takes on how the love square is a bad ship would be discredited by this episode and just....it's a banger of an episode
under a read more cause this post got long
for starters, the core 4 and djwifi interactions are godtier
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He values her friendship so much and is absolutely devastated that she doesn't feel the same way and so he spends the rest of the episode trying to make her like him because he just cannot bear marinette dupain cheng not liking him
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look at them how could you not want to know why the tension in the elevator is so palpable
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we have adrien who genuinely just wants to be friends with marinette and marinette catastrophizing up a storm and see them both lose braincells cause adrien is like oh i'll just play a prank like when i do it to ladybug that always works but it doesn and then the best part of the episode is THEY TALK ABOUT IT
and mari makes up another excuse for why she doesn't like him as more than a friend, but she does reassure him that they are friends, she just doesn't me like him more than friends, and honestly this is where she dug her own grave yes but think about how HAPPY adrien is to have a friend and especially one marinette dupain cheng to be that friend. we know how important friends are to him and i can't deal with the idea that for so long he wasn't sure if mari like him even as just a friend but this time she confirmed it and just ahhhhh
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i'm also a sucker for adrien protecting mari scenes okay, and seeing him fence hawkmoth is some pretty exciting stuff (and dare i say some potential foreshadowing? >.>)
*ahem* LADRIEN
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the ladynoir interactions are also so good btw like for real this bit:
CN: The worse the situation, the more amazing I realize you are!
LB: How do you do that?
CN: Do what?
LB: If I mean so much to you, how is it so easy for you to say these nice things to me, even in bad situations? The really important things are the hardest to say, aren't they?
CN: It's precisely when it's important that it's important to say it!
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also I don't have time to explain but this was also genuinely the best rehash of an akuma because those wax statues coming to life and pretending to be LB and CN had me terrified.
and we end with this interaction, somehow both heartlifting and heartbreaking:
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M: I shouldn't have kissed that statue. I didn't know it was you, if I had it wouldn't have neem a prank because—
A: No, no! It's my fault! When you left the workshop, I was so worried you were mad at me it made me do this prank and...
M: Of course I wasn't mad! I'm sorry I made you believe that.
A: Is that true? We're still friends?
M: Of course! But maybe we should stop playing pranks on each other!
A: *laughs* I know, I'm not good with jokes. The girl I'm in love with doesn't like them.
M: The girl...you're...you're in love with
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i promise, once you get over that 1 minute scene this episode is one of the absolute best and worth far more than any momentary cringe. come on friend i know you can do it
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
the glow up (5) | pjm, jjk
pairing: jimin x reader x jungkook
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: angst, smut, childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 3k
warnings: college boys fighting, jimin’s abs, everyone’s abs, misogyny, mentions of sexual harassment, light smut: threesome (mxmxf), tittie fuck, cock warming, a single spank, gaslighting, toxic behavior, slut shaming
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7                                                    masterlist
It was another scorching day. Your stomach turned at the prospect of the day ahead of you. Today was Hobi’s annual summer party. Every summer he would have a big party with literally everyone from your old high school.
Hobi’s party had a notorious reputation of being the scene where all the summer flings were established. You and Jimin would always go together and leave together, never getting too involved. It was boys like Taehyung and Jungkook who really got wild at this.
You hadn’t even thought about how different this party would be for you now, especially after Jimin’s. Normally you and him would catch up with old friends, drink a little bit, but mostly just enjoy the music and have fun together.
Not only would you not be able to hang out with Jimin, but you also would not be able to avoid the heart of party. Hook-up central. The pool.
You shuddered thinking about the last time you were in a pool, where Jungkook had just groped you so openly and you just let him. You liked it. 
You tried to convince yourself that Jungkook’s actions lately didn’t effect you, but for some reason the thought would leave you with a sour taste in your mouth. You and Jungkook had always been cordial, he was part of your friend group, but you two were never specifically that close. You were comfortable with him, but Taehyung was definitely more approachable even back then.
You had texted Taehyung about going to the party together, but he had already made plans to go with Jungkook, and that was the last person you wanted to see.
You really only had one option left.
Next thing you know, you’re back at Jimin’s doorstep, remembering with a wave of guilt how you left him to go fool around with Taehyung just around a week ago. You rang the doorbell.
“Who is it?” You heard from inside.
“It’s me”
The door cracked open slightly. Jimin was shirtless, his skin now significantly tanned from when you last saw him, and also his muscles surprisingly more defined. He had clearly been working out a lot since you last saw him.
“Oh hey” His eyes softened when the met yours but you could see the sadness in them. Your heart clenched. You pushed past the door and threw yourself into his arms, giving him the tightest hug you could conjure. “Are you okay?” His familiar scent overwhelmed you, and you wanted to just melt into him.
You nodded, cheek pressed against his shoulder, “God I missed you so much. Jimin stroked your back affectionately before pressing his lips to the top of your head. You looked up at him. “I am so sorry Jimin”
Jimin forced a slight smile, “It’s…fine. What’s going on, is everything okay?”
Not leaving his arms for a second you spilled. You told him everything that transpired. Every thought you had, Every regret. You told him about what really happened at his party, what happened after. You told him about jungkook, taehyung, everything. You could no longer bare to keep anything from your best friend.
You hadn’t noticed, but Jimin was now clenching your waist tightly, his eyes raging.
“Jungkook did what” After a few moments of silence to take in everything you said, Jimin was furious.
You took his hands into yours and sat him down on his bed. “Look it doesn’t matter.” Lies. “I just, I’m so sorry about all of this. I’m such an idiot—“
Jimin pulled away from you, shaking his head. “No way. You have no reason to be sorry. This is NOT your fault. I’m going to fucking kill Jungkook” He tilted his head in anger.
“Jimin, it’s okay just—“
“It’s OKAY?” Jimin yelled, “You’re OKAY with the fact that Jungkook just fucking stuck his fingers in you? And…that fucking Taehyung too…he didn’t do anything to stop him? What the fuck?”
“It’s really not like that Jimin” Jimin ignored you and cracked his knuckles.
“I didn’t” Your voice went small, “I didn’t try and stop him. It’s my fault” Jimin stared at you.
“You know, you could be a lot of things, but I would have never thought you were stupid.” He inhaled sharply before easing his voice back to an appropriate volume, “Are you okay? Like seriously.”
“I think so.”
“Shit y/n. SHIT” Jimin tossed a pillow across the room in frustration before buying his head in his lap.
“Jimin…” You ran your hand through his hair as he tried to calm down.
“I’m the one that should be sorry. God I was such as ass to you. After we had sex too, ugh I regret it so much. The things I said I mean…not the sex. You’re my best friend, it’s my job to protect you and be there for you, and make sure you don’t get hurt. I made our relationship complicated and I’m sorry.” Jim-in raised his face, giving up an intense look, “But so help me y/n, if Jeon Jungkook or Kim Taehyung have the audacity to show their face to me tonight, I will FUCKING end them”
Jimin decided it was best for you two to stick together like usual during the party. You decided to forgo the swimwear completely for the evening, opting instead for a a pair of denim shorts and a tube top. Jimin would have preferred you cover up more, but he didn’t say anything. You put a glittery body spray that added a nice shimmer to your skin in the sunlight.
Hobi’s house was gigantic. Even after all these years, it always excited you to come see all the new things they may have added. Flat screen TVs in the kitchen, a glow in the dark pool table, a whole dance floor, each year brough surprises. Hobi’s pool was on the roof of the house, infinity style. You could already hear the music blasting. It was comforting that there were already a lot of people there, so your entrance could go unnoticed. You saw Taehyung’s white convertible parked from the corner of your eye, letting you know he was already there. Jimin parked the car. You both sat for a while, simply listening the loud bass vibrate your surroundings. The music gave you a sense of confidence. You reached for Jimin’s hand but he pulled it away.
“Let’s just be normal tonight” He tried to smile. You wanted to roll your eyes. He was so hot and cold. You got out of the car. You could see people standing around smoking, old friends hugging and taking selfies. Red plastic cups everywhere. Shirtless guys, bikini-clad girls, familiar faces. It felt like an out of body experience. You followed Jimin, who chose to wear a loose white muscle tee that showed off his toned arms.
“Oh my GOD! Y/n!” You heard some familiar voices of girls from your high school. You smiled and waved, “GIRL YOU LOOK SO GOOD YESSS” You giggled. More girls crowded you, fawning you with compliments, but the attention was short living, as soon they noticed Jimin who was by your side.
Now this glow up made them drool.
“Park Jimin!” “Have you been working out?” “Holy shit, wanna come over later?” “Jiminieeee I missed you oh my gosh”
Good. Take him away sea of ladies. You thought to yourself. Jimin turned to look back at you in worry as he got dragged away. You winked and gave him a supportive thumbs up. Once Jimin was out of sight, you decided to look for Taehyung. 
Where to look first? The pool. You climbed the stairs until you finally got to Hobi’s rooftop, walking out into the intense sun. The pool was packed, music louder here than before. People seemed to be having a great time. There was volleyball, chicken, all sorts of games happening. People were jumping, splashing, it was truly a sight to behold. You saw Junkook right away, with a girl on his shoulders wrestling playfully with Hobi in the water. You stared at him, jaw clenching at how carefree he looked.
“Princess” You turned to see Taehyung, dressed still in partially unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. In his hand was a cup of what you assumed was beer. “Good to see you” He places a firm kiss onto your lips, lingering a bit. You flinched at the sudden action.
“Taehyung what the fuck” You whispered, looking around to make sure no one had seen you. Taehyung chuckled, wrapping his hand around your waist. His eyes followed where you had been looking earlier.
“Wanna dance with me?” You had no response. Especially because while the two of you were strictly hooking up, Taehyung did seem to really like you, but you suddenly felt overwhelmed. So many people would see you two together. Someone would tell Jimin. And then Jimin would start a fight. Taehyung noticed your hesitation.
“I…I’ll be right back” You wiggled out of Taehyungs grasp and rapidly made your way through the crowd before he could stop you. You barely glanced back long enough to see a confused and slightly hurt look on Taehyung’s face.
It wasn’t long before you heard a whistle.
“Y/n! Babe! Get that sexy ass in the pool” Jungkook cat called. Hobi playfully splashed him, rolling his eyes. The girl on his shoulders just giggled. “Bet I could take you both, if you know what I mean” He winked. You glared at him.
“Excuse me” You felt yourself getting dizzy as Jimin’s voice came booming across the pool. You had no idea when he got up here. He had a few girls surrounding him, but his eyes were glued onto you and Jungkook, who was still in the pool a few feet away from you. He made his way over to you, pulling you back behind him, gritting his teeth. “Get out of the pool Jeon” He spat.
“Nah I’m good Jimin. But hey, I’d be down to share. You me and y/n. Sounds fun” You could hear Hobi mention to the girl that she should probably leave.
“I can’t believe I’ve let you live this long after what you did” Jimin growled, curling his hands into a fist.
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair and smirked, “The fuck did I do? She’s the one screwing Taehyung left right and center. Get mad at her. Bros before Hoes” You placed your hands on Jimin’s arm to keep him from jumping into the pool and pounding Jungkook’s face.
“Jungkook, that’s enough” Hobi said, trying to keep a playful demeanor, “Come on guys, let’s not kill the vibe. Take it inside”
“Any guy here could make a move on her and she’d sleep with them. Because she can. She’s a slut now.” Jungkook raised himself out of the pool, the water dripping down his intense muscles. His tattoos gleamed in the sunlight.
“Inside. Now.” Hobi’s voice became more stern. Jungkook put his hands up in defense. You followed Jimin’s lead and went down into the house, Jungkook trailing closely behind. The three of you reached Hobi’s bedroom.
“Tell me one good reason that I shouldn’t smash your face” Jimin sneered. Jungkook, to your dismay, could not stop smiling.
“I dare you to try”
“Guys!” You finally intervened. “Please, let’s just talk it out” You plopped down on Hobi’s bed. “I wanna get back to the party so just make it quick”
Jungkook suddenly pulled down his shorts. You quickly covered your eyes and Jimin yelled out “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Let’s just have sex.” He whined “It would be so good, think about it. It’s like revenge sex, hate sex, jealous sex all in one.”
You could hear him stroke himself slightly, and you opened your eyes to watch. Jungkook had a body of a God. Your heart raced, unsure if this was a dream.
“You’re insane. I am not having sex with you. And y/n is definitely not.” Jimin approached Jungkook with the intention of pushing him away, but Jungkook was stronger, and simply held Jimin in place, kissing him on the lips. Your eyes widened at the scene. Never would you have thought you would see two of the hottest guys you knew kissing right in front of your eyes.
Jimin pushed Jungkook back, “Dude what the fuck?”
Jungkook licked his lips, “Come on Jimin, don’t be a prude, live a little. It’s an experience”
“My problem isn’t fucking you, it’s you fucking Y/N”
Jungkook turned to you. “Do you want to do this? Do you wanna try it out?”
You bit your lip. You did fantasize about having one someday, just not necessarily with these people. However, Jungkook looked stunning and Jimin made your heart race. It could be amazing.
“I guess I’d be down to experiment…but I don’t know if I’ll like it” You commented, hugging your knees to your chest. Jungkook knelt down and kissed the tops of your knees.
“Oh baby girl, there’s no stopping me once I get my hands on you”
You didn’t have time to process what he said before he was pulling down your shorts and pulling off your top. Your naked breasts bounced in front of his eyes.
“Oh fuck yes” He muttered. He motioned for Jimin to join him on the ground. Next thing you knew, both boys were on their knees before you, each one with their mouth latched to one of your breasts. It was the most erotic sensation you had ever felt. It was overwhelming, and you couldn’t help the loud moans that slid past your lips.
“Oh my…holy…shit that feels” Your sentences were unable to form, it was as if the electric pulses of the way their tongues circled and lapped at your sensitive nipples shut down the rest of your brain. Waves of heat seared through your veins and your hips bucked up unconsciously. Jungkook, who was already naked, helped you lay back on the bed.
“Now, Jimin. Since you two actually like each other or whatever, I’ll let you pick.” He motioned towards your body that was squirming around and begging for their attention. “Pussy or tits”
Jimin frowned at Jungkook’s coarse language, but scanned your body nevertheless, considering his options.
“You are not getting inside her.” He mumbled. Jungkook shrugged.
“Either works” He climbed over your face so that his knees were on either side of you. His large hands pushed your breasts together as he let his long, thick cock slap against your glittering skin. The view wasn’t ideal, but once you felt Jimin’s soft fingers caressing your thighs, you relaxed immediately.
“Condom?” Jungkook asked. Jimin smirked slightly and shook his head. “Oh wow, Park Jimin’s gonna take his bitch raw. Impressive”
“I’m protected you idiot” You mumbled, shutting your eyes so you could focus on the feeling of Jungkook slowly sliding his cock in between your heaving breasts. The invasion accelerated your heartrate. The way his tip just rubbed against the valley of your chest almost feverishly as he picked up his face. You were so turned on you couldn’t believe it.
Jungkook let out soft grunts as he thrusted into you. Meanwhile you could hear Jimin undress and start stroking himself, the sound of skin on skin driving you wild. Your thighs trembled in anticipation.
Finally Jimin was hard and ready for you. He watched carefully as Jungkook fucked your tits mercilessly, his hands clenching your breasts so harshly you were afraid they might bruise. You felt Jimin tease your exposed folds with the tip of his cock. You let out a whimper when he backed up a little to continue stroking himself.
“Jimin” You whined helplessly, “Jimin please. I wanna feel you please”
“I…” Jimin still wasn’t sure that he wanted to do this. Seeing you, with Jungkook almost sitting on your face and using you like a sex doll, it made him feel queasy.
“Jimin baby please I need you” Your voice almost sounded to him like a cry for help. His eyes narrowed at Jungkook who was too fucked out to notice.
Suddenly you felt something wet sprawl all over your stomach. Jungkook came. Everywhere.
“Fuck that was so good” He groaned, releasing his hold on your aching breasts only long enough to slap them harshly before squeezing them again one last time. He carefully got off of you and stood up. You opened your eyes to see Jimin still standing where he was, only this time with his cock out in his hand. Jungkook began to dress himself.
“You missed out Jimin. Oh well” He winked, and as if nothing happened, he was gone.
You and Jimin were silent.
“I…” Jimin stuttered, slightly embarrassed that he froze up and didn’t join in, “I just…couldn’t. The way he was just, using you, I felt…dirty”
You sighed. “Come here” He obeyed, cuddling up behind you. He wasn’t as hard as he could be, so you figured you might as well assist him with that.
You reached down and began stroking his cock. He nestled his face into your neck.
“I’m so sorry y/n” He whispered before letting out a pleasurable whine “I’m so sorry”
He kept apologizing as you jacked him off, eventually spitting in your hands to increase speed at which you pumped him up and down along his length. Something about his pitiful whining was turning you on a lot. You wrapped your whole hand around his cock and guided it in between your ass. Jimin moaned loudly.
“Oh my godddd” He exhaled as you wiggled your ass back and he entered you from behind. “Can we just stay like this for a bit baby? Can you keep my cock warm while I cuddle you hm?”
You nodded, and he softly kissed your neck.
“You’re mine. I’m never sharing you again”
<-----previous                                                                 next------>
A/N: i know the smut was very much not satisfying in this, i promise the next part is nice n dirty. hehe. 
taglist: (lmk if you wanna be added!!) @honeyspillings @hollowtree10
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Loki ep 6 thoughts
-recap reminds me I hate ravonna
-I want more mobius/sylvie
-Greta thin burg I love u
-upside down heart in rock
-this music slaps everyone say thank u Natalie holt
-they look so good….ugh
-sylvies hair…wah
-she’s asking him to tell her to stop :’)
-best buds I love dem
-she’s pulling the ‘I’m 8 minutes older than u!!’ Argument that every twin pulls
-she needs a moment now but she didn’t hesitate back in ep 4. Hmm
-Tom looks fuckin great here let’s not lie
-statues?? Omg who
-ominous door slam
-what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
-I need a second
-I’m so sorry that gives me the ‘HEY SISTERS’ jumpscare energy I’m laughing but terrified
-it’s fuckin kang aint it
-oh he scared
-he’s scared
-of the lokis
-wants to bargain with them hmm
-this never ends well
-this is a trick loki PLS DONT FALL FOR IT
-full offense but ‘we can reinsert you so you won’t disrupt the timeline’ and ‘you can kill thanos and have the infinity gauntlet’ cannot POSSIBLY coincide
-her eyes are creepy
-don’t let this overrule your GOAL SYLVIE
-god one of you have braincells pls
-oh she thinks they’re a thing too huh
-Disney don’t do it I stg
-sylvie looks so annoyed girl me too
-even my cat’s confused
-I don’t wanna have any sympathy for ravonna don’t show me those stupid fuckin rings
-why is this so funny
-knife buds
-I shouldn’t love him but I kinda do
-okay but they’re so funny just holding their knives to him
-I’m so sorry sylvie is so cute
-her little hair flips
-it’s a Loki thing
-he’s funny but I’m fairly certain I’m gonna hate him
-at least call her by her preferred name bitch
-“one mans void is another man’s….piece of cake”
-youre not sorry bitch
-B-15 like I’ll expose the fuck outta your ass
-Loki I love you but this is obviously bigger than you think
-man’s a script writer omg
-ugh not him being a sylkie shipper
-man I hate u
-right when they thought they could start doing their own thing and making their own decisions he’s like SIKE!!!
-I sad
-this bitch is exactly why I’m like meh on Christian god
-must be boring
-man I don’t want him to turn them against each other
-ravonna is. A little unhinged
-‘an illusion conjured by the the weak to inspire fear. A desperate bid from control’
-I’m sorry but she sounds like cliche christians
-this is coming from a cradle Catholic
-why is this the mokius/Loki fight from ep 4 all over again
-she literally says crisis of faith
-mobius: hey I think this entire institution has manipulated us and I'm gonna try and figure out what's at the bottom of it
ravonna: lies to him, has him killed
ravonna: wow i cant believe he would betray me like that
-no bc its giving Aaron burr 'now I'm the villain in your history'
-its giving catra and adora in s1 when adora's like 'they're awful' and catras like 'yeah we been knew. How dare u not condone that'
-except I don't ship Mobius and ravonna
-I had to pause to write this rant
-she threatens to prune him again as if he wouldn't just go back to the void
-mobius: we can't take away ppl's free will
Ravonna: i disagree
mobius: where are u going
ravonna: in search of free will
-mobius being left ONCE AGAIN
-poor bitch
-everyone has evil clones just let shit happen
-why is it literally an entire religious allegory
-im so confused
-what does the illusion of the time keepers do at all
-he fills the same spot as them either way
-is it anonymity?
-why doesn't he just kill all the bad variants of himself
-he sounds like a liar I don't trust him
-hes just an asshole
-why doesn't he offer ppl the option to work for the tva
-if he thinks they'll still work under Sylvie and Loki then he must think they'd help
-why does he look scared
-idk why but I'm real tired of all this
-time shit's confusing
-dude i just want lokius interaction
-no I’m so ficking emo
-I want them to be besties
-“because you can’t trust. And I can’t be trusted”
-bro I’m sad
-I’m so sad ab Loki
-he’s trying so hard not to hurt her pls
-I am going to SOB
-that’s it I’m fucking logging out
-Disney I hate you
-I’m so fucking pissed
-I’m so tempted not to finish this episode I’m mad
-anger fills me from top to bottom
-I am taking a moment
-are you SERIOUS
-my exact words when she says ‘I’m not you’ were “AH fuck. GODdammit” but I need you to take the liberty of imagining the exhaustion in my voice
-bro I’m just so mad
-I’m like apathetic to the rest of the plot rn sorry
-I couldn’t care less ab this
-man I am so disappointed
-I’m sorry I just am
-does it really fuckin have to go like that
-god at least let me have one last Lokius moment
-Tom Hiddleston’s deliverance of that rant was so fucking good
-like. You can hear how truly fucked up he is about all this. We’ve never seen Loki like this
-I’m rly emo about it
-I’m actually going to kill marvel
-I am. Divorcing this show
-are you fucking kidding me
-no because fuck you
-I am going to be pissed forever
-you fucking make MOBIUS FORGET HIM?? JUST LIKE THAT???
-I’m so tired
-I just want to take a long fucking nap
-I’m gonna spend the next few years pretending this episode doesn’t exist
-fuck everything man. I’m fucking mad I haven’t been this mad since I watched infinity war in theaters.
-with that I will be. Dying somewhere
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nc7dr3am · 4 years
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so their ship name is just his full name LMAO
they love it
so yknow how dream clowns mark?
obviously she does too
but she’s more gentle and has a TON of respect for mark
“minhyung oppa is extremely hardworking ... he’s always working to be his absolute best and he is so kind and down to earth”
they’re actually a really soft duo
because like. mark is truly her big brother
he cares for her a lot and helped her so much during her debut
he helps her practice her dancing (even after he left dream)
because she trusts him a lot and he know the exact way to help her
but yeah she still clowns him
calls him old man all of the time
but she was full on SOBBING at their last concert with mark
like she had to move her mic because it was so bad
mark isn’t too big on the pda but when they’re together he always lets his baby sister give him so many hugs
when sm told them that mark was coming back and they were a fixed unit ... god she cried a lot then too
she was so happy
“lily is actually so sweet guys. like, she’s so genuine. she cares a lot for all of us and she’s also so intelligent? she’s always reading” - mark when asked about her on vlive
he’s trying to teach her guitar but the only instrument she formally knows is violin
her skill with the bass is self taught and she doesn’t know actual notes so she applies that to guitar and mark is trying to ACTUALLY teach her
mark also understands her well because they were both raised in the west
she expresses herself better in english and mark is always there to understand and listen
they’re just actual siblings and love each other so much
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lily makes renjun look a lot taller
she doesn’t ever make fun of his height and gets mad at the other dreamies when they do
she clowns his voice crack tho HAH
lowkey the savage duo
lily is more secretly savage though
renjun is the one allowed in her room the most
he works on his art and she reads or writes or practices violin
they have a lot of quiet moments
but they also get silly together
so lily doesn’t think about the universe deeply because she lowkey thinks it’s a waste of her time
like .. she’ll never know and she’s fine with that so why dwell on it
HOWEVER she really believes in aliens and she and renjun legit have sat for hours looking online ab alien shit
they’re also both so smart
and she’s always talking about how much she admires renjun’s brain
stans his vocal talent. like. she’s loud about it
fans love this duo a lot nd they have a lot of romantic shippers
even tho .. they have never liked each other that way LMAO
at the airport she links arms with him a lot and they look like they’re gossiping hhhhh
when the dreamies are being too much they just look at each other and fans love that shit
also they’re both arguably the scariest members
renjun because... duh y’all know him
but lily doesn’t get annoyed often. when she does... there’s hell to pay and she has a good punch
“renjun oppa is so good at korean! i’m actually korean and he speaks it better than i do!”
“that’s because i’m smarter than you”
“do you want to die?”
basically just a really close pair! they’re always there for each other 🥺
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she openly says that jeno is the cutest member
“he’s the most adorable person ever! his eyesmile is too cute”
the way she laughed when jeno ripped his shirt off-
she clowned him for DAYS
every time she was wearing a jacket or cardigan she ripped it off and mocked him
also whenever she’s drinking something around him she recreates his milk cf
also!!! she thinks jeno is so funny
she loves him and his humor
she and jeno have a really really deep bond.
he saw her journal (refer to my post about her room) and he’ll take what he read to the grave
he checks in on her a lot because he knows when she’s hurting
when they were trainees she was struck by how kind he was to her
and they were stuck together ever since
lily hasn’t ever been mad at him ONCE
they’re arguably the softest duo
they have a lot of romantic shippers too but
it’s a no
she’s a big nomin shipper too like unironically she thinks there’s something there
she always hypes his vocals!! he doesn’t get to sing enough >:(
he’s also her biggest cheerleader and when she cries and gets upset about her dancing he always pulls her aside and consoles her 🥺
he helps her with writing songs too!
wholesome beautiful friendship
they go out to eat a lot
jeno also helps her paint her nails LMAO
and they ride bikes together a lot
can’t commit to working out with him though because it’s way too much for her to do all that
lily also bakes a lot. and jeno appreciates that. a LOT
they’re best friends. she even bought them stupid girly heart bracelets that connect together LMAO
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so much affection!!!!
she is such a hyuck stan
“haechannie is my bias!!”
always calls him fullsun (in english)
number one hyuck skin enthusiast!! she thinks he’s gorgeous and glows brighter than all of them
also she loves his singing and thinks his vocal tone is so unique
always laughs at his jokes and finds him hilarious
he doesn’t prank her as much as the others because he’s actually so sweet to her
he’s used to having a younger sister and thinks of lily as his little sister
they constantly text and facetime a lot since they live in different dorms
she’s lowkey whipped for him and he’s whipped for her
not in a romantic way tho!
another member who always eats her baking
they learn girl group dances together
now we all know damn well that hyuck is the sweetest boy and so full of love
but we also know he annoys the shit out of the members
jimin is NO exception
he pokes fun at her and mocks her all the time
so she slaps him in the back of the head LMAOO
when does she actually get mad tho? when he shows up at the dorms and enters her room without permission
cue her chasing him around the dorms with murder in her eyes
yknow the vine where it’s like
“let me see what you have?”
that’s the other guys making sure hyuck doesn’t get brutally murdered
because lily can pack a punch
all in all though, they’re a great duo and they’re always so proud of each other
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okay jaemin babies the FUCK outta her
he always takes care of her and talks to her about her concerns and vice versa
he was so happy for her when she debuted and was sad he couldn’t be there for it
she visited him all the time when he was gone
and she was heartbroken that he wasn’t with dream
she is a BIG 8dream stan because they are a family
but yeah fans can’t even ship them romantically because they know lily is his lil baby
she helps him with his english
and he always compliments her singing and dancing
proud of her songwriting
so much affection
even tho she hates when he pinches her cheeks n calls her cute
when he came back during go she was overjoyed
“go is our special era! we were all reunited~~”
he always wanted a sister and now he has one <3
she drinks a lot of coffee but not as much as him and was so worried about his health
they’re the biggest flirts w czennies
you’ll always find them with their arms linked in the airport
and everywhere really
during empathy era she was always hugging jaemin’s side
they also do a lot of lives together!!
such cute bffs
she is a big nomin stan like i said
name twins and they always tell everyone that they’re actual siblings
jaemin’s mom is so fond of her and treats her like her own daughter
they’re really true siblings and best friends 🥺
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01’ liners and so similar in ages but he ALWAYS brings up that he’s older
they compete over a lot
literally everything is a competition
she’s at her most childish with him
they also make lots of bets and she usually wins
clowns him for those predebut pics LOL
they can be really soft but will never admit it even if they are caught on camera
they’re pretty calm if they’re cooking together
he is Banned™️ from her room and she won’t budge at all
“chenle isn’t allowed in my room because he will disturb my peace”
remember on that one ep of weekly idol where chenle was SCREAMING while they did aegyo
yeah it’s louder when lily does aegyo
u didn’t hear it from me but her aegyo is SO cute it’s not as cringey as the others
but chenle hates it because she’s cute and he wants to clown her but he CANT
really proud of each other. super proud of each other
chenle has sat with her as she’s cried a lot. and comforted her. and it always stays between them.
she’s always there for him too
a LOT of fans have suspected that there’s something there
his mom loves her so much!!!!!
when she and jisung went to his house they were BAFFLED and impressed
“something bothers me a lot. one day, chenle woke up and looked grown up. he used to have chubby cheeks and looked like a kid and now he looks like an adult and has such defined cheekbones. it’s so strange”
when they became adults they got SHITFACED DRUNK
they definitely don’t say it a lot and when they do it’s in private (even tho everyone knows)
but they really love each other 🥺
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jisung and lily is
p o p u l a r
with fans
because fans put together the pieces that jisung had a crush on lily during debut
lily thought it was sweet because jisung was always so cute and young
she saw him as a little kid
they used to not have MANY interactions
she always laughs when jisung is bein funny
and is in AWE of his dancing
he always assures her when she gets upset about her dancing
lilchenji is an ICONIC friendship
they watch a lot of movies together
she’s been on chenjis this and that a few times
remember that live when nomin got all in each other’s faces while chenji just froze and looked at them and then looked at the camera and looked real shocked
she was there and the three of them were like 😶
so yeah when jisung started getting really tall lily was real confused
and then somehow
during go and we go up
jisung started looking different. like. more grown up
and he had more confidence and talked to her more
and lily was like 😳😳
but spoilers so i won’t go too deep into that
they’re really good friends these days tho
the fans LOVE THEM it’s such a popular ship
at the dream shows when they sing bye my first
the song that lily famously LOVES
yknow that one line jisung has where the music goes quiet and he goes
“na geuttaeneun cham eoryeosseo”
blessed line it was beautiful
anyway at the dream show jisung would hold the mic to lily and have her sing the line or they’d duet it
and their eye contact!!!! and lily’s SMILE IS SO BRIGHT
stars in their eyes
um anyway!! they’re great friends nd very shippable for. reasons!
author’s note! i’m also a ‘01 liner! so don’t think it’s weird if i’m writing a jisung romance LMAO or who knows if it’ll be jisung? 👀👀
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bnha-mcu-requests · 3 years
Request #5
Okay so I have a story idea that I cant find so if youd like to could you maybe write it? The idea is bakugou and kirishima get together and all the others in the dorm think that its probably a toxic relationship based on how bakugous personality is, so they confront one of the two, and bakugou is rlly hurt by it aaaand that's all I got
 I love this request and I am so sorry it so long to respond to it but here it is!
The room was dark. Not an oppressive or frightening dark, but one that promises comfort, warmth and a good nights rest. 
Perhaps Kirishima was being biased but with Bakugou nestled under his chin, strong arms thrown haphazardly over his chest, he would say he was entitled to his bliss. It had been awkward at first, Bakugou angrily confessing his feelings during a training session before attempting to run away under the guise of storming off. Kirishima had acted on instinct pulling him back into an admittedly sloppy and inexperienced kiss but, he wouldn’t have had it any other way.
The rest of 1-A had yet to find out and both were content with this, neither really understanding the need to make a massive deal about burgeoning relationships. Besides, they were happy together and that’s all that really mattered. Privately, Bakugou worried about the responses they would receive, his less than pleasant demeanor was not exactly the poster for a healthy relationship. But whenever he voiced these insecurities with Kirishima, he was pulled into a tight hug where whispered responses and assurances of love tickled his ears.
Truly, they were made for each other, and while both knew it, neither broached the subject, embarrassed by the sappy confession.
Kirishima was snapped out of his musings by a groan and movement as Bakugou pulled himself away from the bed to stretch, arms reaching towards the ceiling, and, weak to the wiles of the blond, he didn’t deny himself a glance at the toned abs that peaked out from the bottom of his loose tank top.
Crimson met vermillion and an uncharacteristically soft smile graced Bakugou’s face as he admired his bedmate. 
“How long was I out Ei?” he asked, gravelly voice sending shiver up Kirishima’s spine. 
“About three hours. The others are back from shopping now and it shouldn’t be too long until dinner is ready”
The blond’s nose scrunched up in distaste as he remembered who exactly was on cooking duty that night.
“Fucking half and half better not have made cold soba again I swear to god I’ll explode the bowl” small sparks popped in his hands emphasizing the disgust and Kirishima could only watch on fondly as his boyfriend - his boyfriend holy shit he was dating Katsuki - grumbled while moving around the room looking for his hoodie that the redhead new for a fact was strewn over his desk chair. 
Kirishima let out a loud groan as he swung himself out of bed, sighing in relief at the loud pops that emerged from his spine, ignoring the concerned look Bakugou threw his way, before ambling over to his explosive partner and wrapping long arms around his torso. The boys were of a similar height however, Kirishima’s muscly form made him seem bigger than Bakugou who’s form was more like that of a swimmer’s. He nestled his nose into Bakugou’s nape breathing in the slightly sweet scent of nitroglycerin that followed the blond around. He felt his face vibrate as other chuckled and pulled away.
“C’mon Kat I just wanna hu-” he was cut off by soft lips pressed to his in a chaste but meaningful kiss.
Dinner was a rather uneventful occasion, ignoring the yelling at the discovery that they were, once again, having cold soba and the students of 1-A settled down into the common room for Saturday night games. 
Everyone got involved in the game night, even Bakugou and Iida who under normal circumstances would have retreated to bed at 8 and 9 respectively. It was a good bonding time, or so Mina had declared when she first announced the idea. That was almost a year ago now and at this point, everyone had just accepted it as part of the routine. Sometimes they would play cards, charades, video games, monopoly and other board games, but on occasions when the class was high energy, they would beg Aizawa to let them use the training grounds for a massive game of tag or manhunt.  Tonight it was Hagakure’s turn to pick a game and like the teenage girl she was, she chose truth or dare.
Immediately people went around the room giving boundaries as they all knew there were some subjects that shouldn’t be disturbed in such an open environment as game night. Todoroki refused to talk about his scars, Shoji refused to take off his mask and Kouda would never be forced to talk if he didn’t want to.
Other than those boundaries it was pretty much a free for all, anything goes, nothing is off limits and as the night went on, the dares and truths got more and more personal or humiliating. Eventually, Kaminari worked up the nerve to ask Bakugou a question.
“Truth or Dare?” the boy asked, nervous sparks dancing across his cheeks causing Sero to move away slightly to avoid getting shocked.
“Truth” Bakugou grunted from his position on the sofa, arm thrown casually over the back of the chair so he could discretely stroke the back of Kirishima’s head.
“Um- are... are you and ....”
“For fucks sake Pikachu just ask the question” Bakugou snapped, startling a squeak from the other boy.
“Are-” “ARE YOU AND KIRI IN A RELATIONHIP?!” burst in Mina who had grown tired of waiting. The room went silent and all eyes shot to the two boys sat on the sofa, warily trying to assess the threat levels from the explosive blond.
“Yes” a collective cloud of confusion shrouded the room, some relieved that the boy hadn’t exploded while those who were braver began to ponder the nature of such a relationship.
Sensing the change in the atmosphere and feeling uncomfortable, Bakugou stood up, excusing himself to the bathroom. It was only seconds later that Midoriya got up to follow him but when Kirishima also made to stand up, he was stopped by a hand gripping his elbow.
He looked down into the doe eyes of Uraraka. She looked worried.
“Are you okay Kirishima? Bakugou isn’t forcing you to say that is he?” Shock stunned the redhead silent, he couldn’t believe what he had just heard. He sat down, surprise stealing the strength from his limbs.
“What?” he breathed out, voice barely louder than an whisper.
“Well, Bakugou is quite a violent individual, I can’t imagine that he would be the nicest of partners” Momo voiced from where she was sat in front of Jirou who was braiding her hair. Despite the eloquent flow of her speech, she looked distinctly uncomfortable, throwing subtle glances towards a stoic Todoroki - something that Kiri noted to look into later.
“He’s not hitting you....is he?” Uraraka once again asked, usually bubbly voice heavy with concern. 
Before he could respond, he heard the door to the common room open and Midoriya and Bakugou walked back in, Midoriya wearing a small smile and Bakugou appearing much more relaxed than he had when he left.
That was shattered when Iida sped towards him, hand slicing up and down much too close for comfort as he demanded to know if Bakugou had been hitting Kirishima.
“That is abuse Bakugou! I cannot believe you would allow yourself to stoop to that level! It is very unheroic” - Todoroki flinched - “You should be ashamed of treating someone you should love in this manner!”
Shocked, confused and a little hurt Bakugou stepped back, eyes darting around the room before he made contact with Kirishima.
“Ei-” he began before he was cut off by an angry Mina stepping in the way, blocking his view.
The blond turned his head towards Deku who looked just as confused as he felt and was trying to calm the still yelling Iida down. Under the weight of hateful glares and crushing betrayal, Bakugou was paralyzed - ‘Is this how Deku felt?’ flickered into mind before being chased away. 
Unable to do anything, unable to breathe, to talk, to defend himself, Bakugou turned and walked out of the room, deaf to the demands that he come back and blind to the worried look and approach of his boyfriend who was held back by Sero and Ojiro. 
He continued to walk, numb and silent until he found himself in his room. He locked the door and turned off the light.
This dark was cold and oppressive reminding him of the harsh accusations he had just heard. It wrapped around him in a suffocating mimicry of a hug, cruel words whispering telling him that they weren’t wrong, he was terrible. He did horrible things and he didn’t deserve Eiji- Kirishima.
Sinking to his knees at the foot of his bed, Bakugou Katsuki began to cry, his hiccupping sobs swallowed by the night, going unheard by the angry masses downstairs. He couldn’t hear the defences that Midoriya and Kirishima put in place, he couldn’t see the guilt in his accusers’ eyes when they realised what they had done, and he didn’t feel the warm arms that picked him up from where he had curled into a ball and that laid him into the bed. But through shuddering sobs, he could smell the cologne he bought Kirishima for his last birthday and he allowed himself to relax into the warmth of his boyfriend's chest, finally falling into a fitful sleep.
 There we have it. I know that toxic relationships can cover a wide range of aspects however, given the way Bakugou’s personality is portrayed in the manga and the anime, I believe this is the form that would most fit should the relationship be a toxic one.
My exams are finally over so I have more time to write requests and a post containing the rules for the requests (since I realised I didn’t cover those) will be coming out shortly. In the meantime, send me your requests, they really help to get the creative juices flowing!
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
pre-elimination thoughts
hello here is a compiled list of all the asks i woke up to this morning relating to the elimination ksdjfks please enjoy 
If u see it from the pov of yn like actually that the person yn said “lets vote kook off after he shared his feelings and got provoked abt it” thats gonna hurt koo so much and he probably will completely shut himself off/ maybe even ask to leave the house if sora allows that?😳 and for yall b’s to vote him off!!! I’ll never forgive yall if sora announces that he got voted off fr fr!!!
Listen I’m not trying to be hateful but what did tae give us this week in comparison to JK??? Did he give us a whole scene? did he take the time to set up the gym into an exam room? Give us a sexy doctor moment?? No. He gave us some relatively mild puppy play which is fine!! But i mean compared to everyone else’s scene?? JK needs his moment, needs US on his side! Tae will still have jimin if he gets eliminated but koo needs a moment to shine! #byetae #savejk
I just remembered the elimination is based on sex...i voted the wrong person😞
why are people kicking off hoseok what did my man do
I’m gonna day this once. Vote koo out and I’m coming for kneecaps. There is so much potential there with the Maknae line. Listen hear me out the candidate that would hurt the least is hobi I know he was gonna get booted last week but like he’s the one that is the least emotionally attached to yn ya feel?! And also I feel like this opens up opportunities for him to dick down other members…. not naming names but *cough* jimin *cough* anyways that’s my tea if Jungkook is booted this week Readers …. I’m cracking my knuckles and we’re fucking throwing hands accept there won’t be a Seokjin and Yoongi to hold me back when I push y’all on a coffee table 😤😤🥱🥱👊🏾👊🏾
jimin may of instigated the fight, but jungkook threw the first punch and to me that’s a lot worse
the way it just took me five minutes to vote 💀 and 4 minutes and 55 seconds of those 5, i was just staring at my wall contemplating
Let's try and think with the few braincells we have left fam. Hoseok scenes are the most fun to read bc he is extremely confident and also one of the most experienced in the house. DON'T VOTE HIM OUT. A lot of the others could have a great storyline just hanging out in the house and creating sexual tension and drama. HOSEOK SHINES WHEN HE'S PERFORMING AND BEING A HARD ASS CONFINDENT SEXY DOM. PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU DON'T VOTE HIM OUT JUST YET.
i swear to fucking god i y'all vote hoseok out i'm rioting
People out here fighting for who should get eliminated but I'm here cant even figure out who to vote for cause I love all of them so much,,,, BUT IF ANYONE EVEN COMES NEAR MY BABY JIMIN AND YOONGI AND KOO IM KILLING ON SIGHT -jimin slap me anon
Ngl y’all wish I could vote y/n out 😂😂😂 girl gets into a relationship on a porn show... with 2 guys she doesn’t really seem to even like that much in a romantic way. Idk I’m fine with vmin but I don’t like the poly :/ not because it’s poly just because it doesn’t make sense + it’s complicating a lot of shit. I love the story though so I’m gonna keep reading it I just don’t agree with the relationship. I don’t think she should have a relationship with any of them until the show is over
Aaah this chapter was so good but also a mess 😭 I literally don’t know who to choose, I would actually be the worst in such a situation because I hate making decisions like that! I‘m seeing all those aggressive asks you’re getting and I‘m just sitting in the corner over here instead trying to deal with emotions 🥺 I just hope they’re all going to be alright in the end!!
I sent u two asks already queen and it def shows what good of a job you've done but this time let me be selfish for a second Because these anons are pissing me OFF! I can't believe so many people are in favour of voting Taekook out bro I'm really gonna pull a Kook and fight yall in the living room like UR really gonna break their hearts like that? JKS gonna blame himself for opening up and Tae will be devastated that he cant touch MC since touch is one of his love languages! Yall make Me SIQUE!
im voting tae out bc imo his scene was v plain. I get that pet play is out there n kinky but it was boring. While the hopekook scene with y/n was explosive it felt like tae having jimin there for his scene was a cop out. n then they did their dumb poly thing which should honestly be against the rules. WHAT SNAKES! also ngl but i feel like jimins been such a b to hopekook all the time FOR WHAT! im voting out tae for this week n jimin after. VMIN CAN GO FUCK EACH OTHER IN THE BUNKS FOR ALL OF TIME
Please please please don’t throw JK under the bus, if he gets eliminated his mental state is going to crumble even more than it already did, poor baby boy doesn’t deserve to get eliminated specially if we vote solely on the sex, because this man really went all out with his prompt, he was so diligent with staying in character and all, AND come on y’all did you not read the part in which he was being taken out crying while saying how sorry he was for the mess? We can’t break his heart even more
#kickjk2020 vminy/n for the win ‼️😼
Okay I’m sorry for yelling in my last ask BUT I’d be lying if I said I couldn’t relate to the way jk reacted bc I’d definitely feel the same as him that, doesn’t make the actions he took right but I mean have y’all really never felt that upset and alone before? You’re up against a wall with no where to go dude. Ofc you’re gonna lash out. His prompt was AMAZING he put in so much effort and it was SPICEY. And he felt so apologetic after the fight. He needs more time please:(((( #SaveJungkook
Ok but what i think some of us don’t get is that the elimination vote is from Y/N’s perspective, right? So how in the world will that go down? After all this, her voting Jk off. So, what i’m saying is #saveSora and #savejk
that chapter was so emotionally exhausting 😓 you’re such a great writer but it breaks my heart nonetheless. I guess that’s all I have to say about the chapter. but as far as voting, my choices are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. cause one I want to vote out based off of sex, and the other strictly based on emotion. uugh I can’t decide (even though I know you want it based on sex). my final statement I’ll campaign for is PLEASE don’t vote out jin or joon 🥺 #savejin&joon
I see ask about voting my man Jimin or sweet baby boy jk and even sweet taetae out while I'm here wondering if we can veto yn out 😔 i get her pov but damn im really pissed that she just gets "plant mode on" in situations like this
I’m so sorry for my baby but Tae is the one who has to go, c’mon everyone he is the safest option! He will still have Jimin and he can still have fun with the rest of the gentlemen, and you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t enjoy just watching and/ or punishing y/n when she decides that she can’t keep her hands to herself, HE WOULD STILL BE ABLE TO ENJOY BEING ON THE SHOW WITHOUT THE SEX WITH Y/N BECAUSE WE’VE SEEN HIM ENJOY SEXY TIMES WITH THE OTHER GENTLEMEN! HE CAN STILL BE HAPPY IF HE GOES
If koo gets voted off I'm actually going to c r y just-
if y’all vote my baby koo out i will personally hunt you down and crack your spine like a fucking glowstick xx
i’m sorry but if we’re voting by who did they prompt the worst you have got to choose seokjin. i feel so bad for him because the thing ab his feelings just came out but the most interesting scene he’s had up until now was the threesome with yoongi. if i could, everyone would keep participating but in this moment, seokjins the obvious choice to me
luckily it wasn’t as many as i thought but still fsdjfkjks phew yall are passionate ;;-;
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here we are, folks, mama's gonna write another one of these things so sit down and enjoy some post-hoco peter starts to fall for mj shits
sigh why do i even bother
Caught Stealing
Peter likes to think he's been doing pretty good at this whole superhero thing for quite a while now; saving people, giving directions, catching thieves. Things have been going pretty great.
But the one thief he didn't expect to show up on his radar was one that didn't even show up when he was in spidey-mode, oh no, this one showed up when he was regular ol' peter parker for crying out loud. Just one day at another one of these acadec meetings, Peter Parker saw MJ try to steal a glance at him while he was on a call with Happy, and his brain was left on buffer for the rest of the call, the meeting, and pretty much the entire week after.
"Hey, Ned, hav you ever seen MJ like... look at me?" Peter asks Ned in the cafeteria while MJ wasn't there yet (he's brave enough to go through flames with a broken leg to save Liz's supervillain dad but hell if he's brave enough to talk about a potential crush just mere feet near said crush).
"Yes," answered Ned without even looking, and just continued eating his tuna sandwich lunch.
"What!?" Peter exclaims slightly loudly making him take a look around him to see if anyone (MJ) might have noticed. To his relief, no one did what with all the conversations happening in the cafeteria and MJ still wasn't there. "When were you going to tell me?"
Ned swallows the bite he just took, "I thought you did know."
"Well, clearly I didn't. I've been pretty busy with ~something~ as you know."
"Pfftt yeah and you were also crushing pretty hard on Liz if I can also recall."
"Okay, okay fine whatever, we've already established I've been busy. I just- how long have you known? Or how long have you noticed it was going on?"
"You seriously haven't noticed?" Ned asks genuinely a bit shocked that Peter didn't know.
"Dude, I'm telling you I haven't-" Peter repeats for the nth time, frustrated he still doesn't know how long this has been going on. "How long?"
Ned lets out a chuckle of disbelief, "Pretty much since halfway through freshman year, bro. Wow, I can't believe you really haven't noticed. Some Peter-tingle you've got there."
Peter lets out a huff of frustration, "It doesn't work that way. And ugh can you please not call it the Peter-tingle? I already get enough of that from Aunt May."
Ned turns his hands up in defeat and just proceeds to continue eating his lunch again.
"I can't believe this, has it really been going on for that-"
"Hey, losers," MJ greets to their table, finally showing up to their usual spot.
"MJ!" Peter almost shouts from shock. Man, Ned might be right, his (ugh) Peter-tingle just wasn't working right now.
MJ snorts from Peter's reaction, "Yes, Peter, it is me, MJ, the girl who's been sitting next to you guys for the better part of a year now,' MJ mock explains. "You doing okay there, Pete?" MJ asks finally taking a seat.
"Yeah, yeah, just a bit jumpy, I guess..."
"Alright, whatever. What can't you believe has been going on for that long?"
"When I got here, you were saying you can't believe it's been going on for that long. What has?"
Peter looks to Ned in a panic and he blurts out "Spiders!" in response, making Peter face palm himself on the table.
"Spiders?" MJ still asks, being what Ned said did nothing to explain anything.
"Yeah... Peter's had this really intense phobia of them ever since we went on that fieldtrip. He accidentally slipped in the bathroom this morning cause he saw a spider and he couldn't believe he still hasn't gotten over his phobia," Ned explains lies so casually, but by the end of it sighs and gives Peter a not really that subtle thumbs up.
Peter on the other hand is semi-frustrated over having to lie to MJ about TWO things in his life now and the fact that his best friend just made him seem like a scaredy cat that actually slips in the bathroom from seeing a spider. His frustration doesn't last though cause he's just waiting to see if MJ actually buys Ned's load of spider phobia bs.
"Oh, okay-" MJ thinks about how they were probably talking about spider-man things before she came but decides to just go along with their excuse and thinks about a possible cause of the phobia on the very highly unlikely (at least in her opinion) chance that Ned was actually telling the truth, remembering Peter's uncle dying just a few weeks after the fieldtrip and feeling bad for Pete so she offers up a solution or maybe just something to comfort him.
"You know, they say that to get rid of a phobia, exposure therapy works, so maybe it'll make you feel better to know that humans swallow up to like 10 spiders in an entire year," MJ jokes a bit awkwardly and pointedly that she just proceeded to eat her meal after finishing her sentence.
It makes Peter chuckle for a bit though so MJ releases that breath she didn't know she was holding and continues to avert her eyes to her meal and just continue eating.
"Wow, MJ yeah sure, nothing'll make me feel better like knowing there's probably like hundreds of tiny spiders inside me right now," Peter remarks sarcastically making MJ laugh as he fake shivers.
"Glad I could help," MJ winks and then averts her eyes again to get her book so she could read while eating, signalling she was ready for this convo to end (she wasn't going to be able to talk after what she can't believe she just did).
And Peter's kinda glad she does end it because holy sh- did, did MJ really just wink at him right now? Did that just happen?
Peter looks to Ned for confirmation who could only shrug in response being just as unsure about what to make of it as well.
Wondering what the hell just happened is the last thought circling inside Peter's brain while Ned just changes the subject to something else that didn't even register to Peter.
MJ may actually ACTUALLY like him, and Peter doesn't have a single clue what to do about it.
Nothing as it turns out, cause as the rest of the week passes without fanfare, it seems like Peter's finally regaining his sanity again as he thinks that maybe MJ looking at him was just MJ being MJ and he goes back to thinking of MJ as his friend and not the smart funny pretty girl who might have a crush on him, which she doesn't.
Until, yet again, Happy interrupts Peter at this week's acadec meeting and he steps outside to take the call.
"What, Happy? I told you I was busy during saturdays with acadec, what do you want?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know I was talking to Mr. Bigshot here. You know, I started on Stark Industries as a dri-"
And with that, Peter just proceeded to wince and hit himself with his phone, knowing he just made this phone call twice as long as what it probably would have been. He starts to just block out what Happy is saying and takes a peek at what he's missing at acadec.
Flash is asleep at the sidelines, must have been that party Peter saw he was having posted and streamed all over social media, it was so annoying. Ned, Cindy, Sally, and Abe were all on a roll tossing out answers back to back, Eddie was blanking and swearing the answer was at the tip of his tongue, and MJ as usual, was running the drills.
Yet again, Peter was thinking about how wonky his brain must have been to actually think that MJ, don't give an f what anyone thinks acadec team cap MJ, actually liked him.
But it seemed Peter must have been staring for too long because MJ noticed and glanced at him too, making Peter panic and immediately avert his eyes to a different direction, any direction at that. God, why was he this awkward?
But god help Peter Parker who must just be an awkwardness masochist because he couldn't help but just sneak a peek once again, only to see MJ was still looking at him and he must have had some ridiculous shocked expression on his face because the slightest grin started to appear on MJ's face and she looked away with almost- was that- A BLUSH?? a blushing expression on her face??? did that? she just? whattttt????
But before Peter could even get himself together, MJ looked back at him again only to grin over the fact Peter was still looking at her and roll her eyes over how ridiculous this wordless convo they were having across the room was, that she just snickered and gave a silent hi and subtle wave hidden from their team mates just below the podium.
Peter found himself grinning like an idiot too and could only give one awestruck wave which made MJ snicker and avert her eyes back to their team mates with a barely noticable flush on her face and a blink and you'll miss it, moment where MJ had to think about what she was saying before she and Peter began this cutely wordless reparte across the room.
MJ had to think about what she was going to say. Cool, suave, witty retorts and comebacks MJ seemed to have a moment of speechlessness.
And so as Peter could only hear a faint "Peter? Peter, are you still listening to me?" from his phone, he knew that he was absolutely, one hundred percent without a single doubt in his mind, truly, and utterly, fucked.
Maybe MJ wasn't the only one who had a crush.
heeyy yooeesss i missed writing mah anxious boi's pov yallssss. i miss writing for them in general huhu. also im probs gonna write a bunch more of these how they fell for each other fics cus i think this version of em/phase of their relationship is pretty underrated hehe
plus i still cant get over ffh pj disapproval so fine i'll just write the middle man fics myself then. it's just so easy to see how pete could fall for mj, i just cant
toot toot and i hope yalls enjoyed dis folks. it's good to be back. rlly missed em, ya know?
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Requested Imagine By Rachelcarroll1819: Being Hanna Sister and Being in a relationship With Jason Dilaurentis
Author notes: So- it got more steamy then I normally do, but it’s Jason its hard not make it steamy with him! I love Pretty little liars ! And whenever I have the chance I will jump too do a imagine about him lol 😂 Did I proof read? Mostly! I tried but I have a wicked Head cold/ ear infection so I re read a lot. Hopefully it’s good! If Not I’m sorry! (sorry about the spacing)
Warnings: steamy (Not full steam but Steamy)
Fandom : Pretty little liars
Howling up the stairs, the entire time praying Neither Hanna your sister Or your Mother weren’t home. The main reason was because of the man wrapped around you. Jason Dilaurentis, Mr Hottie. The Hottest brother out of all your friends. (Well too be fair. You aren’t Friends with Alison, she was more your twin sisters friend. But he counted) he’s lips brushed over your neck kissing you just at the curve too your shoulder as you tried too keep your voice from giving away that Jason was attached too your neck. you felt Jason’s lips trace over your neck. He was holding you tightly against him as you called out again making sure no one was home “MOM?” Not hearing a peep. You turned your attention too Jason who smiled not your neck
“Guess no one is home.” He chuckled softly picking you up, he carried you over too the living room kissing you as he placed you on it. He climbed into the spot beside you as you pulled back caressing he’s face. God he’s beautiful. The complicated Love that is Jason Dilaurentis . He smiled at you reaching over kissing you as yu thought about how this all happened how you were the lucky girl too get Jason. Alison Hated you! Ever since you were kids. But Jason was always nice too you. Always looking out for you when Alison went too far. When you were complaining too Spencer about being annoyed you were the only one out of the girls who haven’t kissed anyone. Jason heard. Leaped over the Fence as he leaned down and kissed you. And from that moment on you had a crush on Jason.
Jason’s lips traced down your collar bone as you reached over caressing he’s abs, your hand found itself under h’s shirt as you soon pulled it over he’s head. Jason had a big smile as he kissed you again.
Your mind raced too the moment you and Jason got together, feeling he’s lips on you as he slide your shirt off as your mind slipped again.
Hanna, And the girls were all kidnapped, right after being charged for murder. You were woken up by your mom who told you the news about Hanna you were up and in the kitchen waiting for anything. Caleb was over, So was Toby,ezra, and all the parents was pacing. You sat on the island Listening too all the guys screaming about plans. When the door Rang you glanced at the time seeing It was two am. So you answered it seeing Jason. It was pouring rain as he looked gutted. He stepped into the house hugging you tightly.
“Oh God I thought- I heard you were taken too.” Hugging Jason back you shook your head, “No- I was in bed- how are you? God I can’t believe this!’ Jason held you tightly when you heard Jason crying. You hugged him tighter saying that Alison and Hanna will be alright as Jason spoke, “I’m more relieved your safe! God.. I cant lose you too!”
And that was the start of your complicated relationship with Jason. Those too be fair everything in Rosewood was complicated. Hanna your twin sister, Her life was so complicated and full of secrets. All your friends were involved in the secrets and lies. That you tried writing it all down too make sense of it all! At last it was too complicated and too twisty. for the most part A has left you alone. . You stayed away from Alison and you made sure the moment she came back. Alive you stayed the Hell away from her and the girls. A was the only One who Knew about you and Jason. And she she Or He. Or Whoever A Is. Found out. They Sent you a Text that you still had on your phone.
A: Now that is a good match, be good too him xoxo A
At first you wanted too Tell your sister about Jason but then you remembered the time she didn’t tell you that Caleb River was secretly living in the house. You discovered that when you were home sick. You were had the the chills and heat flashes and was bundled up in a blanket wearing PJ pants nad your bra. You were going Thur the fridge looking for ginger ale when you noticed Caleb open the basement door.you screamed throwing a jug of milk at him. Then of course the Time both Hanna and All your friends hide the Alison for weeks. From you when she came back from the dead (or Ran away you weren’t really sure the real story about that) the biggest reason too Hide Jason from your family, friends, the world was Jason was in a relationship with your mother. Well Not a serious relationship it was more a friend with Benefits sort of deal but Still! Your MOM!
Either way having Jason’s lips kissing your bare neck was starting too distract you from your thoughts about being distracted. You were sitting on his lap as he held you close too him. At first you thought this would be a Fling. But the moment you kissed him for the second time you Knew it wouldn’t be just a fling it was Jason! Your long time crush! Your madly in love with him.
Holding hes head softly. You were’t excatly keen on telling youR twin “Hey dating your Best friends brother, and your mom’s ex sex buddy!” But keeping him a secret was perfect. Everyone had one in the family, the entire town it was nice too have A normal, Boyfriend and act normal! Something that was rare in your life. Kissing Jason’s lips again, your head was spinning like crazy. until Jason pushed you back and you heard it. The front door opening and hearing Hanna’s voice. You quickly slipped on your shirt as you jumped over too the front door blocking Hanna too only discover Caleb was with her.
“Oh Hey! We were about too go study you want too join?”
Hear the back door open. Caleb spoke, up, “someone here?”
He went too walk as you reached over putting your arm up, “My secret Lover.”
Hanna laughed loudly pushing you aside slightly too see what was happening seeing No one you in the house, “See!” Hanna looked around the living room. Thankfully Jason cleaned up fast gathering he’s cloths as he ran off. Caleb stared you down as he questioned you , “your lips are swollen… and your lipstick is all smeared.” Glancing up at him, you were close with Caleb. If you were going too tell anyone about Jason it would be Caleb. But he also liked treating you like a sister, and you couldn’t Handle he’s judgement over Jason. You shook your head. Thinking up a lie quick, ‘I was- Having Spaghetti! I have too go I have plans.”
“oh! Y/N! Are you still close with Jason?” You nodded your head weakly, “Yea I guess why?”
“Long story short I need you too find out who Charles is.”
Staring at your sister. Caleb rubbed his face as you Asked, “A stuff?” “Yea you mind?”
Normally Anything too do with A you involved like the pledge but Right now your thought were mainly on Jason and getting him shirtless again. Playing up like it was a annoying you walked off. Smiling too yourself getting too he’s house. Jason answered as he smiled, “Hey did Hanna?” Shaking your head he smiled pulling you inside the house and into he’s arms before Long you were sitting on him and on he’s bed. He reached over cupping your face. Your perfect moment was disturb again when the door knocked hearing Alison annoying demanding Voice.
“Jase open up! I need too talk too you!” You cover your mouth as Jason pointed too the closet as you tipped toe into the closest.
“we need too talk about this Charles thing.”
When Ali, Emily, Aria , Spencer was kidnapped, you And Jason Got close and he was thankful that you weren’t taken. You knew about the dollhouse how Hanna was handling it, you couldn’t imagine how Alison was doing . Or the other girls. Crossing your arms softly hearing Jason speak up, “I don’t know Charles! Or a Charles! Get out!” Hearing some shuffling of feet. The door closed as your closet door opened too see Jason.
“Jason- Hanna asked me too ask you about that guy too! I wasn’t going too Ijust said I was too have.a excuse too see you but Now-“
“I don’t know- Honestly.” Nodding your head weakly, the stakes felt different the game was more advance, All the girls felt it. They were always scared. Staring up at. Jason you knew you were safe, A basically gave you their blessing too be with Jason. He was one of her dolls. And it terrified you that A could turn the tables onto you both.
“I don’t know anything babe.”
Rolling your shoulders as you spoke, “A wont Stop, until they are Dead or back in that Dollhouse!”
He sighed heavily as I spoke, “what if A turns on us? What if They tell Our parents? My Mom would send me straight or hell! Then Too my dad’s too graduate with my awful step sister! JasoN! I can go too my Dads!”
“Your mom hates me that much?” Shaking your head you spoke, ‘No- but I mean- I don’ think she would be thrilled too have her little girl dating her Ex- Boyfriend?”
“what you think we should do?” Breathing deeply, “Jason- I don’t know.. but we should be careful alright. It’s bad enough A has the knowledge about us. So please.” He agreed as you kissed him bye quickly and left.
A few days passed. Your mom was out of town for work, Hanna was being well Hanna. Running around finding clues for A. You had Jason under you as you were kissing his neck. Jason always makes a low rumbling moan when you kiss his neck. Neither you or Jason were pay attention too anything but each other so when your door flinged up too see Caleb, Hanna and Spencer at your door. All stunned. You gasped as Hanna spoke, ‘No!”
‘Oh God! Jase!”
Caleb was the only one who was quite as Jasons poke, “Oh.. Hey..”
“Y/N! NO!” Hanna snapped. You slide off he’s lap as Jason spoke, “ Hanna. I’m in love with your sister!”
Hanna stared at you both as she spoke, “Oh God! Mom is going too Freak out!”
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
(First film. After “rewrite the stars”. On the isle. Maleficent saw the whole thing)
Jafar: she’s failing
Maleficent: no she is not. She is just
Grimhilde: a teenager. A lovesick. Hormonal. Useless teenager. Y
Maleficent: would the both of you like to be throwing up thorns for the next decade?
(Jafar and Grimhilde shut up)
Maleficent: as I was saying. My daughter is not failing. She is just. Stuck. Like when the infant evaded My detection for sixteen years
Jafar: yes. Yes. If I recall correctly that was because your little runty minions had no idea that children grow
(Grimhilde shrieks in laughter. Maleficent’s eyes glow bright emerald green and the evil queen is being throttled by vines. The shorter woman’s eyes glow a bright sapphire blue and a torrent of glass heads towards the dark fairy who cuts the flow and turns it to sand. Jafar looks on bored out of his skull)
Jafar: ladies ladies. Knock it off. And we ARE right Maleficent. The child is failing. I believe it has something to do with that freckled child
Maleficent: no. He and your son and the carrot and the stick.
Grimhilde: and my daughter
Maleficent: is superfluous to the equation.
Jafar: the child is weak.
Maleficent (ruefully): just like her father
Grimhilde: her father
Maleficent: is a fool. And a traitor. That bastard left me alone with nothing but an energy drain to make up for it
Grimhilde: I remember. I was the midwife
Maleficent: All you did was catch the egg when it popped out.
Grimhilde: then you banished me. And didn’t rescind it until eight years later. I had no one to help me through 72 hours of
Jafar: biniemat allah. Would you both stifle. It’s disgusting talking about woman’s things in polite society
Maleficent: vous salir bâtard. Just because you created you spawn so immaculately with magic doesn’t mean you are the only one who ever gave birth
Jafar: why am I even here. I am a man. I shouldn’t be taking orders from a green skinned heathen
Maleficent: and that is exactly the reason why you lost the fight
Jafar: I lost because you cheated. Which is typical down to the letter with your kind
Grimhilde: halte den Mund, halt den Rand, Halt die Klappe. Du willst meine Tochter heiraten. Du bekommst kein Mitspracherecht
Jafar: I am a sultan
Grimhilde: abgesetzt
Maleficent: as I was saying before personal grievances entered the matter. They have not failed. Mal knows what will happen if they do
Grimhilde: ab mit ihren Köpfen
Jafar: iqtew ru'usihim
Maleficent: enlevez leur têtes
(In Auradon. Mal bursts into her and Evie’s room close to tears)
Mal: something just happened. Something. I know know if it’s good or bad but it’s something and that something terrifies me
(Evie’s clutching her desk. She looks white as a sheet. She looks like she’s about to throw up)
Evie (barely above a whisker): go. Now. Go. Please
Mal (stubbornly): my room as well. And I wanna talk.
Evie: I SAID GO!!!!
(The glass in the vanity mirror explodes and heads for Mal’s face intending to cut her to ribbons. Mal turns it to sand before it can reach her)
Mal: you know better than to do that indigo
(The windows broken by a twisted vine that wraps itself around Evie. This is when Jay comes in and disappears both the sand and vines leaving the girls still looking ready to kill each other)
Jay: ok what the fuck. You were getting along so well. Honestly this is sort of preferable. But why. What happened this time to set you into melee mode?
(The sisters rotten screech and rant over each other until jay manages to shush them both)
Jay: right. Mal first
Mal: I think I almost kissed the prince
(Evie sits down. Jay’s jaw hits the floor)
Mal: well the pair of you needn’t look so surprised
Evie: I told him. No. Not the time. You kissed him or he kissed you
Mal: myeh-myeh
Evie: what now?
Jay: I think you broke her brain. What happened after Carlos and me left?
Mal: Evie yelled at Lonnie cause of chad I thought Ben had black blood went mothery on him almost planted one on his unfairly cute face next thing you know Nasira’s you’re aunt and I’m throttling my sister with thorn vines
(The other two blink)
Evie: I can explain. That idiotic commoner told me
Jay: yeah yeah don’t care. Lonnie’s a good friend Chad’s an ass go for Doug. Now when you say “planted one”. Do you mean romcom or kids cartoon
Mal: there’s a difference?
Jay: hells yeah there’s a difference. Kids cartoons a short and pg. Romcoms. Are not.
Mal: the-the-the-then rom...com?
(Jay cheers loudly and punches the air. Then stops)
Jay: wait. When you say “almost”?
Mal: I stopped myself. We may or may not have danced. Then I ran out of there
Jay: oh good god it’s like a sitcom
Mal: nothing about this is funny. I. Cannot. Get sucked in
Jay: why?
Mal: because
Evie: oh my god. You’re scared. The big. Bad dragons daughter. Is scared. Of a pretty face
Jay (sending danger): ohhhh kay. Why don’t we just take a breather
Mal: I’d much rather bash a water jug over her head.
Evie: can we talk about me now?
Jay (long suffering sigh): fine. What did Lonnie say.
Evie: same thing Doug and Ben said. That Chad’s a user. That he’ll dump me when he’s bored. But she’s lying
Jay: I don’t think she was. And I don’t think you thought she was lying either
Evie: she has to be.
Mal: she wasn’t and you know it. We can read minds, remember?
Evie: yeah but
Jay (kindly) Mal (not so kindly): Lonnie wasn’t lying
(Evie goes into the bathroom to cry)
(Meanwhile, Audrey’s pacing the floor of fairy godmothers office mad as all hell)
Audrey: it’s disgusting the way those backwards circus freaks leech off him. He’s too nice to say it but I can tell he’s annoyed by them. And who wouldn’t be. Those things are barely with a first look. We should all just dump them back where they (there’s a knock at the door) OH WHAT?!?!
Doug: fairy godmother asked to see me before curfew. Something about my report card?
Fairy Godmother (glad for an excuse to be rid of Audrey for at least a couple of moments): yes! Yes. Last semesters report card. It got lost just before the break and I recovered it today. I thought we could video chat your father
Doug: sure
Fairy Godmother (under her her breath): oh thank goodness. (Regular volume) Audrey I’m so sorry dear. Well have to continue this chat tomorrow
Audrey: I’m not done
Fairy Godmother: well I am. I’m sorry dear but you have got to stop this smear campaign against Mal and her friends. It’s not nice. It’s not healthy. And it will not end well for you
Audrey: I don’t care. I’m not gonna rest until Ben sees they’re heinous villains. I’m not going to rest until that damned pixie that witch that unmanacled djinn and that freckled face fa
Fairy Godmother and Doug (absolutely incensed): AUDREY!!!!
Audrey (genuinely ignorant of what she said): what
Fairy Godmother: we do not use those words here. We have a zero tolerance policy for those types of slurs
Audrey: what slurs. It’s what they are. It’s technical terms.
Fairy Godmother: you do not use those words if you wish to continue to attend this school. Doug. I am so sorry. A rather urgent matter Amiga’s materialised. I hope we can continue this tomorrow. Audrey I’m calling your parents. You have break lunch and after school detention for the next month until family day. I am going to call your parents and give them a detailed rundown of your horrible behaviour
Audrey: my parents are in Malta until the 24 hours before family day. They’re coming down for the event. Grammy’s available
Fairy Godmother (visibly deflating): ah. You still have detention. And are required to apologise to Mal Jay Carlos and Evie for your frankly despicable actions
(Audrey pompously turns on her heel and leaves. Bumping into Ben in the doorway. He looks shocked and terrified)
Audrey: oh hey benny boo. So I was thinking when this madness is over we could
Ben (robotically): I uh I I need to speak to Doug
Doug: um fairy godmother. I need to help Ben. Training for my future employment and all that
Fairy Godmother (absolutely no idea of what’s happening): of course
Doug: c’mon Ben
(He leads the prince the back to his bedroom. Where Ben promptly starts hyperventilating)
Ben: I can’t. I can’t beli. She. How. How could she. I can’t tell them not now.
Doug: breathe. You’ll be ok
Ben: she’s wrong. She has to be wrong. Nobody’s fully rotten to the core. Are they?
Doug: buddy she doesn’t care. All she knows is that now they’re here. She’s not important anymore. And she’s doing what ever she can to make herself feel important again. And she doesn’t care who she hurts to get it
Ben: but she wouldn’t cross a line
Doug: when we were six she got her nanny fired because she said and I quote “nanny Mavis didn’t tell the tooth fairy about my incisors”. And she’s the one who locked you and Jane in the wardrobe when we were eleven
Ben (face in his hands): oh god we were in there for two hours. We had to get our braces rewired. A whole week of school spent in a hospital bed
Doug (sarcastically): sure. That’s what’s wrong with the situation she put you in. Not the fact she’s a jealous cow
Ben: anyway. Enough about me. What’s up with you
Doug: nothing. Need to show my dad last semesters report but otherwise peachy keen. Why do you ask
Ben: because I see your face whenever Evie mentions Chad
Doug: she chose chad. There’s nothing I can do even if I wanted to. Which I don’t. Can’t change her mind.
Ben: yeah. But you’re still upset.
Doug: This isn’t about me. This is about Evie. And chad. And the fact he is going to emotionally destroy her and they shouldn’t happen to anyone.
Ben (smiling knowingly): you love her
Doug: I’m sorry who has the hots for the daughter of Maleficent?
Ben: guilty as charged. But still.
Doug and Ben: we cant make them fall for us
Ben: I think Mal might like me though
Doug: lemme gues. The pen thing almost led to the inevitable kiss. Then she ran. Am I right?
Ben: yes. And how many people know about the pen thing?
Doug: well Lonnie managed to keep four people quiet that I know about. So probably everyone in our grade barring Mal and her friends
Ben: not what I had in mind for my first scandal but it could be worse I suppose
Doug (incredulous): you’re PLANNING your scandals?
Ben: I’m almost sixteen. I’m going to be king. People can be very unkind. So I may as well try to rein in some measure of control over what gets out
Doug (smiling sadly): if anyone ever tries to take that light from your eyes Lonnie and I are gonna beat their asses to death
Ben: please don’t. Nobody should ever get hurt because of me
Doug: well. Lonnie could give saint Spinelli a run for her money when she gets going. And I’ve been known to bite. But I won’t seeing as you asked so nicely. I cannot vouch for Lonnie though
Ben: of course.
Doug: you’ve still got some er (he rubs his bottom lip)
Ben: oh! Eh heh heh (he wipes his mouth)
(Back at the sisters room. Carlos has wandered in half asleep and confused)
Carps (yawning in Jay’s spare tourney jersey): whassapening?
Evie: you’ve got a new papa
Carlos: huh
Mal: don’t confuse him indigo. I almost kissed Ben C
Carlos: wha?
Jay: we can talk about it tomorrow.
Carlos (pouting): I woke up and you were gone
Jay: I’m sorry buddy. They were fighting
Carlos (rounding on the other two): you know not to fight after I’m asleep
Mal: I’m so sorry C. It will never happen again.
Jay (scooping Carlos up): c’mon buddy. Let’s get you back to sleep
Carlos: leave again I’ll turn into a boa constrictor
Jay (chuckling): I don’t doubt that
(Jay carries him out of the room)
Evie: sit down. This time we have
Mal: no. Nope. Absolutely not. No girl talk
Evie: too late! You wanna hold him
Mal: I swear. If you quote shrek at me
Evie: ok. Ok. Seriously though. How do you feel?
Mal: rotten. And not in a good way
Evie: why
Mal: look at Ben. Then look at me
Evie: well Ben does have fashion sense
(Mal kicks Evie out of the chair)
Evie: great. Now I have your boot print in my kidney
Mal: well Carlos wanted us to be closer as sisters
Evie: well yay him. Anyway. If you like him
(In the princes bedroom)
Ben: why don’t you just go and tell her
Doug: because
(Girls room)
Evie: because why?
(Ben’s room)
Doug: because
Ben and Evie (in split screen): because why
Doug and Mal: because I’m not god enough
(The friends look at them in sympathy)
Doug and Mal: it’s. It’s not how it’s done.
Doug: I am not
Mal: the one he
Mal and Doug: needs
Mal: and I wasn’t raised for it.
Ben: you know you can talk to me right?
Doug: yeah I know
(Girls room)
Evie: then talk to me
(This is when “heart attacks” happens)
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hepivs-blog · 5 years
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❝   zoë kravitz.  cisfemale.  she/her.   ❞   ━    𝕝𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨  welcomes  alexandra palmer  with  open  arms.  the thirty two year  old  mechanic has  been  living  here  for  seventeen years,  give  or  take.  on  a  good  day,  they  seem  the  affable  &  tactile type,  but  their  sullen  & distant  tendencies  shine  through  when  there  are  no  taxis  into  the  city.
hey whats up jake paulers. ron here once again, bc i have poor impulse control and i just love too many ppl to only pick one fc at the end of the day yk. so here’s my second kid, alex. n honestly my big little lies ass is just head over heels w zoë so its a win win. anyway, here’s my gal
folks!!!!! *claps hands* ( im too into the kurtis conner intro im sorry ), this yee haw mf right here is alexandra katherine palmer and for the early fifteen years of her life she lived in tucson, arizona so u can say shes a certified yee yee cowgirl n all tha yk
family wise the girl hasn’t had a grand ol time yk, her mom died when she was four due to cystic fibrosis and boy did it take a TOLL on her family fr. honestly tbh alex’s dad loved her mother so much and made sure that alex grew up loving the memory of her mom as much as he did
so yeah, maybe out of a need to occupy alex’s time with activities that encouraged a healthier life for her or out of fear that alex had inherited her mom’s disease, the palmer papa made sure alex was always wrapped up in sports. swimming, cross country, basketball, nothing was too much for alexandra and she genuinely felt a deep connection w athletic activities. but the real winner out of all the modalities alex performed, the girl was an innate boxer
in fact, she became kind of a rising star. alex took up boxing at twelve years old and evolved quickly, her natural disposition and agility were a deadly match and three years later, alex was invited to join a professional boxing team in louisiana ( the reason why they came to lakeview ok )
ofc alex thrived and put a lot of wins under her belt, winning a few championships, even H O W E V E R, when alex was getting ready to go big and finally turning eighteen her dad, papa palmer, had a stroke :///
so she was left with a choice of closing her dad’s garage and going off to fight ppl everywhere professionally and leaving her dad to the care of nurses and the like, or staying w her dad and abandoning her dream of being the next million dollar baby
obvs you can tell which option she picked. bc of her childhood trauma of losing a parent, alex couldn’t envision a living where she didn’t stay and help out her dad. and though nowadays papa palmer is alive and well and kicking, the window of her success is already closed. but alex doesn’t resent her dad for it tbh, if she had to make the choice ten times over, she’d pick her dad
nowadays alex works in her family’s garage and makes a living as a mechanic but she ocasionally still pumps out a few punches. she’s also v protective of her father and couldn’t bear if anything ever happened to him tbh ( can u imagine that??? a good dad?? me neither )
her personality is v hot n cold tbh shes v matter of fact and doesn’t take any bullshit and at the same time shes v confident and extroverted bc of all the sports shes ever practiced and being good at them all yk it must b nice to not suck at coordination skills
yeehaw lesbian yk
has some trouble w relationships bc she always viewed her parents marriage as the be all end all of relationships and the fact that her dad hasn’t remarried and how he says his mother n him were soulmates rlly gets to alex n its sad cause she cant believe she’ll find that in her life thus making her a lil cynical
however v flirty n will offer to pay drinks for pretty girls
kind of a sweetheart but has a hard time showing that cause she hates feeling vulnerable or some dumb shit like that so yk dont invite her to watch sad movies cause she’ll cry n then punch u bc u made her watch it
loves to fish bc shes outdoorsy n annoying
abs for fuckin days
oh def a stoner my dude, she loves to fix cars n smoke n listen to some swift lauryn hill yk how it is
won’t ever admit she has feelings ok the way she’ll show she cares about u is asking you for ur netflix password cause she considers that a familial gesture idk either
conspiracy theories galore she swears she saw an ufo while farming when she was a teenager
has a weird sense of humor but she means well
her pinterest board
okay so i still have one more intro to write but if you’d like to plot w my beautiful but ocasionally aggressive gay pls hmu or yell into the void n i will come to u. thats it arigato n sayonara
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #208
Don’t forget to vote on the season 7 polls!!
BTVS 7x21 End of Days
Stray thoughts
1) So this is how Faith is doing as the leader…
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…and this is how Buffy is doing as the outcast Slayer…
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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder who’s the boss… (maybe we should ask Abed.)
2) I don’t like seeing Faith hurt, but I do get a very sick (I admit it) satisfaction at seeing all these girls hurt and scared because they kicked Buffy out and they screwed everything up in the worst possible fashion. I know that by having Faith lead them into yet another trap the writers were trying to prove the point that what happened at the vineyard could’ve happened to anyone and that it wasn’t Buffy’s fault (Buffy will make this same point herself later on the episode.) Both Buffy and Faith were trying to do what they thought was best, yet it backfired. Shit happens yada yada yada. Yet I just can’t help but feel personally vindicated when I see Faith and the potentials fuck everything up so spectacularly.
On the other hand, not only was Buffy able to pull herself together after the group (and her friends! Her family!) kicked her out and made her feel like the worst piece of shit in the whole world, but she also managed to A) get the scythe and B) make Caleb nervous, which was a first. So yeah. #teamBuffy
3) So why exactly were the Scoobies looking for Buffy? I mean, didn’t they kick her out literally the day before? And now they’re suddenly worried about her or something? The only person who followed Buffy after they all kicked her out was Faith. Faith! Do you see how wrong/ironic that this? Do you see how painful it must’ve been for Buffy not to have NONE OF HER FRIENDS – not Xander, not Willow, not Giles, not even her own sister! – go after her to see if she was okay? To ask her where she was going or what she was going to do? The only person who showed any concern whatsoever about her was probably the only person she would’ve labeled a potential enemy. 
Damn you all, I’m still pissed off. I hate this. I hate having to feel this way about the characters I’ve loved for seven seasons in the FINAL EPISODES OF THE SHOW. It just feels so wrong, but I can’t help but HATE THEM. What the hell was this fucking writing choice? I hate it. I hate everything about it.
4) If I have to say something in favor of Kennedy is this, when shit hit the fan, she was the only one who wasn’t screaming like a moron and who was actually trying to fight off the Turok-Han. So yeah. The girl got spunk.
5) But she’s nothing compared to our designated BAMF.
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6) No one is kicking Buffy out now, HUH? HUH???????????????????
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Yes. Yes, you did.
8) And this is exactly why they shouldn’t have kicked her out or “rebelled” against her or whatever the fuck they thought they were doing.
BUFFY You guys, it was a trap. It's not her fault. That could've just as easily happened to me.
9) While I do appreciate the pun and the side glances between Buffy and Willow…
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I still feel it’s very wrong they’re all just talking and Giles is playing around with the scythe as if the last time they’d been together they HADN’T HUMILIATED BUFFY AND KICKED HER OUT OF HER OWN FUCKING HOUSE???? LIKE SERIOUSLY??? In Willow’s own words, you're not gonna jokey-rhyme your way out of this one.
Like, I know the apocalypse takes precedence, but maybe say “sorry for kicking you out” and “thank you for saving us AGAIN”.
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11) Again, I get the same feeling with Xander. Like, did they all suddenly forget they had left Buffy alone and kicked her out of her own house? Xander is all like, “I don’t need you to protect me just because I lost an eye” but literally a day before he was telling her it was HER fault he’d lost it, and using that as a justification not only for removing her from her role as a leader but also TO KICK HER OUT OF HER OWN HOUSE. And now it’s just like nothing ever happened? How is that possible? How is literally no one apologizing to Buffy? And not only is he not apologizing, but Buffy is telling him that he’s her heart and the reason she’s still alive, which okay, it’s all kind of true, but he’s also the guy WHO BLAMED YOU FOR LOSING HIS EYE AND WHO KICKED YOU OUT OF YOUR OWN HOUSE THE DAY BEFORE?!
I didn’t know that End of Days could make me as angry as Empty Places but here I am.
We’re 14 minutes into the episode and still, no one has apologized to Buffy and they’re all pretending like they didn’t turn their backs on her and it’s pissing me off. I hate feeling this way in the episode prior to the series finale. This is not how a fan should be feeling right before the show ends!
12) Not only do I know what a glottal stop is but I’ve also learned how to pronounce it. Or at least I was able to pronounce it a few years ago. 
13) And hence the fate of Miss Kitty Fantastico was finally revealed…
DAWN Xander, my crossbow is not out here. I told you, I don't leave crossbows around all willy-nilly. Not since that time with Miss Kitty Fantastico.
If you must hate Dawn, it should only be for this.
14) Did anyone really believe Xander would hurt Dawn?
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15) What was the point of this scene…?
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…I mean, other than to give us Nathan Fillion’s orgasm face?
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16) And this is the difference between Buffy and the rest… just remember how everyone reacted and treated Buffy after the vineyard, and see how she acts here after literally the same happened with Faith in charge…
FAITH What do you want me to say? I blew it.
BUFFY You didn't blow it.
FAITH Tell that to—
BUFFY People die. You lead them into battle, they're gonna die. It doesn't matter how ready you are or how smart you are. War is about death. Needless, stupid death.
She’s understanding and reassuring, she’s not pointing fingers or kicking people out. And that’s why she’s a hero and the rest are a fucking bunch of morons. I’m sorry, I’m still so angry about Empty Places and this episode is not making things any better.
17) But I do love when my two slayers see eye to eye…
FAITH So, here's the laugh riot. My whole life I've been a loner.(…) No ties, no buddies, no relationships that lasted longer than... (…) Me, by myself all the time. I'm looking at you, everything you have, and, I don't know, jealous. Then there I am. Everybody's looking to me, trusting me to lead them, and I've never felt so alone in my entire life.
FAITH And that's you every day, isn't it?
BUFFY I love my friends. I'm very grateful for them. But that's the price. Being a slayer.
FAITH There's only supposed to be one. Maybe that's why you and I can never get along. We're not supposed to exist together.
BUFFY Also, you went evil and were killing people.
FAITH Good point. Also a factor.
BUFFY But you're right. I mean, I... I guess everyone's alone. But being a slayer? There's a burden we can't share.
FAITH And no one else can feel it. Thank God we're hot chicks with superpowers.
BUFFY Takes the edge off.
FAITH Comforting.
BUFFY Mm-hmm.
This is something that had been a long time coming. Since day one, Faith had envied Buffy. Just like Buffy saw in Faith her road not taken, Faith saw in Buffy the life she could’ve had but didn’t. She envied it and she wanted it for herself. She literally tried to steal it away several times. So if she couldn’t have it, if it wasn’t meant for her, then she could take Buffy away from it, drive her to the dark side, where she lived. Every attempt was futile, even stealing Buffy’s body and literally taking her life. It only made her feel more undeserving, more inadequate, more unworthy. But every time she’d taken a shot at being the leader, it was by playing tricks, by taking what it wasn’t rightfully hers. This time around, she had somehow earned it. There was no foul play on her part. Others made the decision for her and gave her the role she’d craved for so long. And she finally understood that it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Yes, Buffy did have friends and people who looked up to her and cared about her. But when push comes to shove, when tough calls must be made, the Slayer is always alone. The weight of the world is only on her shoulders, and she can’t share the burden. It took four seasons but Faith finally got it. And she could finally let go of all the envy and jealousy.
18) I just love the fact that for the first time Buffy is the one who opens up to Spike. She’s always been the one who pretends there’s nothing between them and who skirts around her feelings and dismisses his. But not this time. And for me, it was enough that she acknowledged that it meant something, even if they – and we – don’t know exactly what that was.
BUFFY You're a dope.
SPIKE I'm a what?
BUFFY You're a dope. And a bonehead. And you're shirty.
SPIKE Have you gone completely carrot-top?
BUFFY Do you see this? This may actually help me fight my war. This might be the key to everything. And the reason I'm holding it is because of you. Because of the strength that you gave me last night. Look, I am tired of defensiveness and weird, mixed signals. You know, I have Faith for that. Let's just get to the truth here, OK? I don't know how you felt about last night, but I will not—
SPIKE Terrified.
BUFFY Of what?
SPIKE Last night was... God, I'm such a jerk. I can't do this.
BUFFY Spike...
SPIKE It was the best night of my life. If you poke fun at me, you bloody well better use that, 'cause I couldn't bear it. It may not mean that much to you, but—
BUFFY I just told you it did.
SPIKE Yeah... I hear you say it, but... I've lived for soddin' ever, Buffy. I've done everything. Done things with you I can't spell, but... I've never... been close... to anyone. Least of all, you. 'Til last night. All I did was... hold you, watch you sleep. And it was the best night of my life. So, yeah... I'm... terrified.
BUFFY You don't have to be.
SPIKE Were you there with me?
BUFFY I was.
SPIKE What does that mean?
BUFFY I don't know. Does it have to mean something?
SPIKE No. Not right now.
19) Update: 29 minutes in and I’m still waiting for someone to apologize to Buffy.
20) Am I the only who thinks this speech is okay but like, the writers were trying too hard to give Anya her “Anya Speech Moment” of the season and it kind of feels a bit, I don’t know, forced?
ANYA Well...I guess I was...kinda new to bein' around humans before. But now I've... seen a lot more, gotten to know people... seen what they're capable of, and... I guess I just realized...how amazingly screwed-up they all are. I mean really, really screwed-up in a monumental fashion. And they have no purpose that unites them, so they just drift around, blundering through life until they die...which they...they know is coming, yet every single one of them is surprised when it happens to them. They're incapable of thinking about what they want beyond the moment. They kill each other, which is clearly insane. And yet, here's the thing. When it's something that really matters, they fight. I mean, they're lame morons for fighting, but they do. They never... never quit. So I guess I will keep fighting, too.
21) #priorities
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22) And in another episode of Plots Totally Pulled Out of the Writer’s Ass… (a.k.a. Joss Whedon Tries to Rectify the Fact that He Wrote a Bunch of Men Violating the Original Slayer by Putting a Demon Inside of Her and Thus Utterly Destroyed the Whole Slayerness Equals Feminism Theme)
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WOMAN We forged it in secrecy and kept it hidden from the Shadow Men, who...
BUFFY Yeah. Met those guys. Didn't really care too much for 'em.
WOMAN Ahh, yes. Then you know. And they became the watchers. And the watchers watched the slayers. But we were watching them.
BUFFY Oh! So you're like... what are you?
WOMAN Guardians. Women who want to help and protect you. We forged this centuries ago, halfway around the world.
Okay, I get it, I get what you were trying to do, but it was so fucking obvious, it was so transparent. Like, I know most of the so-called metaphors in this show were not so subtle (think the fucking monster-penis in Doublemeat Palace, for instance.) But the feminist struggle in the slayer vs the council struggle was always something that I personally enjoyed. And this is how Joss’s brand of “feminism” began to crumble down, in my opinion. This is what a white dude who is a self-proclaimed feminist believes to be a Good feminist storyline, but it’s so clichéd and self-evident it's almost cringe-worthy. Like, you get a bunch of Evil Men quite literally raping a Poor Woman, who is faked Empowered (her powers were lent to her by the Evil Men and the source of her powers is Evil, Demonic in nature because  duh! she is a Woman)  so that they can Manipulate her and Use her for the benefit of the Patriarchy. But oh wait! This is a Feminist Show! So in spite of what the Evil Men who were supposedly the Powerful ones did, there always were These Great and Powerful Women behind it all, the True Guardians of the Slayer, This has been a Matriarchy all along, you see?! PLOT TWIST!
The worst part? I can imagine all the writers patting themselves on the back for writing such a groundbreaking and Feminist storyline and for sticking it to the Men.
23) And btw, just to show you how big a Feminist Show this is, we get this…
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I guess since this is a Feminist Show and Angel is the hero here and Buffy the damsel in distress, that makes Angel a woman, right?
But hey, at least he (or she?) literally let Buffy deliver the lethal blow…
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24) And yes, this totally makes sense!
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because Angel has not claimed to be in love with Cordelia and Buffy has not just had her more honest heart-toheart with Spike. Let’s just disregard whatever arcs have been developed in both shows in order to deliver a Ship Moment for the Bangel fans, right? Who cares about character development, right? Because I’m positive this is what former lovers do after not seeing each other in over a year, being currently emotionally unavailable, and facing the greatest evil of all. Suck face.
25) Update: minute 42 and I’m STILL waiting for someone to apologize to Buffy.
26) Sorry for the bitter rant! 
27)  If you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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yourkittywilde · 5 years
TAGGING → @yourkittywilde & @sammynolanh  
TIME FRAME →  I don’t remember, some time in Jan. 
LOCATION → Sammy’s apartment, NYC.
WARNINGS → none that I can remember, tho it’s kitty & sammy so probably nsfw - ish.
NOTES → Sammy leaves to spend a bunch of time in LA filming. 
It felt like the easiest route in the world, the one from Kitty's place to Sammy's. Everything was finally easy, everything was right and perfect and now? Now Sammy was leaving and the knot in her stomach had only gotten more tangled since the moment they landed back from Florida. She puts her hand on his apartment key easily and opens the door to her boyfriend's apartment. "Hey, hot shot," she calls out, smiling involuntarily when she sees the small dog emerge from seemingly nowhere. Dude had grown on her, he had this playful energy that reminded her of Sammy so in some ways it was inevitable. She wasn't a dog person, Dude was the exception. "What's hanging, little dude?" She reaches down to pat his head, "Where's your dad that's abandoning us today?"
Sammy had just emerged from the shower when he heard another voice in his apartment. Since he knew nobody else had a key, he figured it was Kitty. Not that he wasn’t expecting her but he didn’t what time she was coming around. He had about another hour before he had to leave to the airport. He could hear the dog barking in excitement and he stepped out of his bedroom with his towel wrapped around his waist to go and greet the girl. “Hey, beautiful.” He grinned and pulled her in to kiss her deeply.
Kitty leaned into her boyfriend's kiss, her fingers grazing over his shirtless chest. She'd miss this. She pulls away from his lips with soft smile. "Go and put some clothes on," she says her hands moving to his abs. "Its not fair to walk around taunting me with your hotness before you leave me." She pouts for a second before unhooking the towel from his waist, "but I'll take this anyway. You know, to control to the washing you leave behind... Come on." She smirks, towel in hand as she moves towards his bedroom and gestures for the pup to follow.
Sammy raised a brow when Kitty told him to put some clothes on “You really want that right now?” He grinned as she unhooked his towel. “That’s what I thought.” He laughed as he rushed back to the room with her. Chills went up His body from being naked. He looked over at Kitty and walked over to her with a small smile. “You doin’ okay?” He asked her.
She threw the towel down onto his bed, letting it land messily, and turned around with a smirk on her lips when she saw her super hot naked boyfriend. The next question though really wasn't one she wanted to answer. "It doesn't matter either way, babe," she says nonchalantly, looking up at him with a faint smile. She was determined to get through today without feeling like her heart was breaking - neither of them needed that, and Sammy didnt need to know it already kinda was. "Are you doing okay?I guess it's just another day in the life of a movie star for you." She asks him, her arm wrapping around his waist as she leans in to kiss his chest lightly. "Do you need help with anything? Packing? Dude? There's got to be... something I can do."
Sammy frowned a bit. “It does matter.” He mentioned and ran a hand through her hair gently. Yes, he was excited to start filming again but he was also very sad to leave Kitty. They had been attached to the hip ever since they got together. He shrugged. “I’m excited to work but I’m really sad about leaving you and Dude behind.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m actually all packed, I didn’t know if you wanted to stay here with Dude or take him back to your place, but I packed you a little dude overnight bag with essentials.” He told her with a small smile. It was hard to be too happy because he didn’t know how long it would be before he would get to see her again and that killed him. He nuzzled his face into her hair. “I love you.”
Kitty sighs quietly and a little sadly, hugging her arms around him tighter. This wasnt a conversation she was ready to have. Going from spending every possible minute with each other to being in different states for God knows how long felt like a disaster waiting to happen, but she was going to support Sammy. "I love you," she murmurs finally, ignoring everything beforehand that could remind her there's a lump in her throat. She pulls away to sit on the bed. "I dont know where I'll stay, but thanks." She smiles up at him and calls to Dude to jump up. "I know I want him here, but you can take him with you if you want? He's still your puppy, babe, and you dont know how long-" She still can't say it outloud, so she shrugs. "Also not that I'm complaining, but you really should put some clothes on before you freeze."
Sammy shrugged again. “You’ll have more time for him anyway.” He told her. He reached over to the pile of clothes he had set out before his shower, grabbing his briefs and sliding them on first and then his joggers. He sat next to Kitty on the bed and pulled his socks on before laying back on the bed, looking up at Kitty. Dude attacking his chest with kisses but settling there after a moment. Sammy pet the dog lovingly and smiled at Kitty. “I’m gonna miss you.” He told her.
"You won't." She shrugged and laid down next to him. "You may, for the first hot minute because you're so used to having me around, and then you'll get swept away in Hollywood," she muses, looking at the ceiling and then back to Sammy. "There's a reason long distance doesn't work like, 99 percent of the time. And we've only been together a few weeks, you're about to be away for longer than we've even been together. So, you know, you won't." She sits up and takes a second to pull herself together, before mustering a smile, "But, it's okay. I'm okay. We're okay."
Sammy furrowed his brows, he wasn’t sure what was going on or why Kitty was saying all this. Was she breaking up with him, is that what was happening? Cause that’s how it felt. “What are you doing? Why are you saying this.” Sammy replied, his chest feeling tight and his stomach in knots. “Why are you being so negative about us? Do you not believe in us?” Sammy didn’t get it, the thought that they wouldn’t work out long distance hadn’t even crossed his mind. He was going to visit her and plus it wasn’t even that long.
"I'm not being negative. I'm being realistic. Long distance relationships rarely work out." She shrugged. "I love you, but you cant even tell me when we'll see each other again" she says, her voice breaking slightly. "And then you'll finish your movie and press and Hollywood heart throb duties and come back to New York in time for me to leave it. It feels like a lot of goodbyes... and not something we talked about before we decided to get together." She chews on her bottom lip, and could feel the tears on her cheek. "I mean... for you and Dude, obviously," she adds and forces a smile to try and lighten the mood. "Don't worry, I'll get used to it, I just didn't think about it. Since meeting you you've spent most of your time in New York so you've always been in my life. At times annoyingly so. And now, it's gonna be different."
He sat up.“I’m not going to be gone for that long. They only gave us a month to finish the movie. I’m going to come visit you, Kitty. But you can’t think this way and let this get the better of you.” He spoke quietly. “It almost sounds like you’re just giving up because it might be too hard. And I don’t know where you get the idea that I’m not going to miss you or that I’m going to forget about you.” He brought his hand up to brush the tears off her face and pulled her close to his chest, kissing the side of her head. “We are too special to give up. We’re strong and we’re going to get through this... Even if you decline all the plane tickets I’m going to be sending you.” He added on.
Kitty shook her head. "Sure, long distance feels kinda impossible. But I'm not giving up on you, babe." Even if a part of her did think it would be easier, she would take one look at Sammy's face and change her mind. Her eyes flutter shut for a moment as his hand brushes her cheek, and all she can think about is how quickly she has fallen for this man and how much this whole thing sucks.  Not as much as when he went to LA to be with his fake girlfriend, but sucks nonetheless. "You know it's easier to leave than be left, right? " She says quietly, as she leans against his chest. "I think I'm gonna miss you a lot, Samuel Hummel... I'm gonna have to get my own coffee, and actually sleep at my own apartment. By myself." She huffs. "It'll be like I'm single again, except I can't get random cute boys  to buy me coffee on the off chance I'll hook up with them."  she sighs and looks up at him with a small smile. "But for the record,  I don't let anything get the better of me."
Sammy bit his lip and sighed “I know... but don’t think this is easy for me. All I’ve known is you for the past month.... I know I’m going to miss you, so much.” He rubbed her back gently and cuddled her into his chest. “You know you can stay here and you can Uber eats your coffee, or use the French press I bought you for Christmas...” he grinned. “But you’re not single and we’re gonna have sexy phone and Skype calls. Plus you have those pictures and that video we took in Florida.” He raised a brow with a suggestive smirk. He leaned down to kiss her. “I love you.”
"Always my coffee knight in shining armor." She muses happily, and smirks when he reminds her about the sex tape. "That's very true. I guess I don't really need you here any more then." She teases, poking him playfully before pulling away with a quick peck to his lips. "I love you too... But we should go to the airport." Because the longer she sat in his embrace the more likely she was to suddenly beg him to stay... probably without clothing. And the less likely she was to keep holding it together. "Say good bye to Dude because staying with me I don't know what state hes gonna be in when you get back." She laughs as she picks him up hold the small pup in her arms.
Sammy sighed as she reminded him that he had to go. He nodded and turned to grab his shirt and pulled it on and then turned back to Kitty and the puppy. He leaned over and kissed the pup, letting him lick at his face. He chuckled and pulled away, wiping the dog saliva from his face. He looked up at Kitty with a sad smile. “Okay, lets go.”
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futuremrszainmalik · 6 years
#1 How You Meet
HARRY: You are working as a receptionist in one of the grandest hotels in Toronto, still not able to believe that you landed such a decent part time job. Well, one fine day, when you were working, your friend/colleague read out from her phone, "OMG! Harry Styles is currently in Toronto!". You turned around and excitedly said "No kidding!". At that point of time, you heard an "Excuse me" from someone at the desk. You irritably turned around, faking a smile, to none other than Harry Styles himself. You gasped. He said "Yeah. No kidding.". You put on a smile, trying to be as professional as possible and said " Good evening sir, how may I help you?" He greeted you with a good evening followed by a handshake. He said "I would like to book two separate rooms for me and my manager, who was supposed to be here already. " he rolled his eyes. "In whose name shall I book the room?" He handed out his credit card and said." Harry Styles". You smiled and repeated " 2 separate rooms for Harry Styles and his manager who was supposed to be here already. Aaand Done!" He chuckled. You smiled and then handed him his credit card along with the keys. "Do you need anything else? To that he cheekily replied " No, nothing except for your name?" "y/n y/l/n" He said " A pretty name for a pretty girl." You blushed and asked "Anything else, sir?" He replied, "Ah yes. I would also like to know if Ms. Y/L/N would be available for a dinner tomorrow night. Can you please check that for me?" "Please wait one minute. Sir, Ms. Y/l/n has responded that she is free tomorrow night." you said with a wink. He chuckled and gave you a card with his number and leaned in to give you a kiss on the cheek " See you later y/n" "See you later, Harry". You blushed.
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NIALL: It was a busy Saturday at Starbucks. It was too crowded especially because of it's small size. Every tables were filled with people, well almost every tables. Luckily for you one table near the counter in the corner was free so you  went there and opened your laptop starting to complete the work that you had to do. You were so focused in the work that it took you some seconds to notice that some cute Irish accent from behind was asking you if the seat opposite to yours is taken. You said " No. It is free" and turned around and saw Niall Horan with an awful lot of food and coffee in a tray in his hand. You nodded and helped him to set the heavy tray in the table. Niall smiled and said "Thank you. I'm Niall", handing his hand. You returned the gesture and said " Its alright . And yeah, I do know you." He smiled " If it won't trouble you too much, can I ask another favor from you?" "Go ahead." "If you won't mind, can I sit in your seat? Cos that way I'm facing the wall and not much people will notice me." You smiled and said "Yeah. I understand." And you shifted your places. He asked "Soo.. What's your name?" ''I'm y/n y/l/n". The conversations went on for hours with him insisting you to taste the different food he ordered and you both jointly reviewing them, until he got a call from Paul reminding him its time for his rehearsals. You both exchanged your numbers and promised to meet again soon. Before he left the table, he leaned in and whispered "y/n y/l/n, I don't tell this to everybody, but you are one of those few people whom I don't mind sharing my food with." You giggled and said "I'm honored". He gave a kiss on your cheek and said "You should be, pretty girl, you should be." You blushed.
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LIAM: "Perfect! This is absolutely perfect." You thought to yourself when the lady at the airport desk told you that there are no seats left for a flight to London. You had  to attend  a wedding in London. It wasn't just anybody's, wedding,it  was your bestie's sister's gonna kill you if you won't attend it. You had no idea what you were gonna do so you just sat in the waiting area of the international terminal, hoping something would come up. It was 3:00 in the morning and almost every one of the few people in the lobby were sleeping. Suddenly a cute little girl ran towards you giggling. But she fell down before she could reach you. You gasped and rushed towards her and picked her up and placed her in your lap. You hoped there would be no injuries and to your relief there were none. You calmed the crying girl after quite a long attempt. Then a tall guy who you identified as Liam Payne came running, shouting "Luuuuxxx!!!" He came up to you, gently took the kid from your lap and after a few minutes rocked her to sleep while singing melodically. And it worked, Lux peacefully slept in his arms. He whispered to you "Thank you for calming her, I was supposed to put her to sleep. But she wasn't having it today, so she ran away from me. I'm glad she ran in to you and not to somebody dangerous, say, a murderer." You chuckled and said "There's always that possibility. Aren't you Liam Payne? I'm a big fan of your music." He nodded and thanked you. "What's your name?" "y/n y/l/n" "That is a cute name. So when is your flight?" You then explained your horrible situation to him. He said "Hey! I have an idea. We have a private jet. Why don't you tag along with us? We are also going to London." Your face lit up when you heard this, "Seriously? Would it be too much trouble-because if it is, that's alright, I can find some othe-" He cut your babbling off with a kiss on the cheek and said "It would be our pleasure if a pretty girl like you joins us!"
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LOUIS: You planned to take your little brother shopping and buy him something from the most expensive collection of Louis Vuitton. I guess you could say that, working as an Apparel Buyer there, has some advantages like a 50% discount (on special days, only). So today, on his birthday, you decided to abuse your discount by buying him something. But it wasn't as simple as that. He was extremely confused what to wear. His opinion about a shirt may change from it-looks-so-cool to i-haven't-seen-anything-as-horrible-as-this-thing-that-they-call-a-shirt within minutes. Your attempts to make him understand  that they look good on him failed miserably, every time. And he wouldn't even allow you to select him clothes, cos apparently he doesn't want a girl to select his clothes (ugh, don't ask.) So you have been sitting in front of the dressing room the whole time when he takes something, wears it, changes his mind, goes back, takes something else and repeats this cycle. You sat there reading a magazine not even bothering to take your eyes off from it, during the whole dressing-changing ruckus. So when you heard the door of the dressing room open up, you naturally said "Hey! It looks amazing on you. This is the one.", without even looking up. A different voice responded to it saying "Why, thank you. But it would have been more convincing if you actually looked at me before saying that!" You were startled and saw that the one who you complimented just now was not your brother, but Louis Tomlinson himself! You became speechless for a moment and then apologised to him, explaining the whole situation. He laughed and said, "So, y/n I will help you under one condition". "And what is that?" "If you promise that you'll go out with me this Saturday. So what is it gonna be, your choice?" He asked you very seriously and dramatically like a Quiz Show presenter. You laughed it off and said "We'll see. I cant guarantee  you anything, cos it seems that I won't be able to leave this shop for a few days.". He laughed and asked your brother to come nearer and asked about his interests. After half an hour, with the help of Louis, he found the perfect clothes and was actually contented with it. You were awestruck and you instantly pulled Louis into a hug. He smiled and kissed your cheek. Then he said "No problem, love. And, now about that date?" You smiled and gave him your phone number.
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ZAYN: You looked at yourself in the mirror. You were in a stylish saree and were wearing the right amounts of jewelry and felt that you were finally good to go. It was one of your best friend's sangeet tonight . She was a Pakistani (living in London) so you and your friends chose to dress up in a desi avatar and were looking forward to a very fun and memorable night ahead. When you and your friends reached the venue, you were mesmerized by the beautiful venue. The cool night was lit up with a lot of festive lamps and lanterns. And let's just say that, it was the most beautiful night you have ever seen, but little did you know that it was gonna get better. It was almost the time for the ceremony to start, so you decided to go to the restroom  located inside a small room which was a bit far away from the actual venue. You went inside, got one last good look at yourself and when you turned around to return from the room, you accidentally bumped into someone. You mumbled an apology and looked up and found none other than the Zayn Malik  helping you get up. His jet black hair was brought out by the long shining black sherwani he wore. And boy, didn't he look too amazing. You both looked at each other  for a minute, silently. You broke the silence and said "I'm really really -" But he cut you off, staring at you and said "Beautiful! Really beautiful" You continued "Sorry. I'm really sorry! " He coughed and said "Uhmm... Well, its okay. No harm. No foul. I'm Zayn, by the way." You smiled and said "Yeah. I know you. And I'm y/n y/l/n"   He smiled and gave a quick nod. When you both rushed to open the door, you found that it was locked. You both panicked a bit. He tried to call his friends and you tried to call yours, but none of them were picking up. You assumed they might not have heard the phone ringing, all with the noise. After what felt like an hour, you both surrendered and quit your attempts. "Don't worry y/n, someone will come pick us up soon. And there's still a good 1 hour before the ceremony starts." You agreed, now calmed down. "So y/n how are you related to the bride/groom?" "The bride is my best friend. What about you?" "The groom is actually a distant relative of mine." That was the start of some interesting and fun conversations, discussing about everything. You understood him and how much different he really was from the bad boy persona that the media created. He asked you if you're alright every few minutes, making you feel humbled by his caring attitude. After about half an hour, one of your friends called you back , and agreed to come pick you guys up. And before you left, he hugged you and gave a quick kiss on your cheek before whispering into your ear "I had the best time bumping into you. Call me later?" You nodded. And felt an instant blush rise up to your cheek.
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A/N: This is my first time writing. Sorry for any mistakes.
GIFs are not mine. Credits to the rightful owners.
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