#i cant imagine he was much happy to be stuck with me either
savetheghost · 4 months
im gonna need more meat
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mirage-aera · 5 months
can we please get more angst? 🙏
like what if reader decides to unalive herself? cant take the grief anymore and knowing that drinking and binge eating will not do anything but just burn money and delay the inevitable. and simon is too late to save her. cue simon grieving in return and drowning in guilt and self hatred for putting her in that situation.
•°. *࿐ Drowned
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader
pt. 1 - pt. 2
Synopsis: By the time Simon returns to your shared home, it's already too late for you. You've hit rock bottom in the rabbit hole, and Simon is ready to jump into that same hole.
Word count: 2.606
First of all I’d like to apologise for my two month(?) absence. I got overwhelmed with school work that I needed to focus on and some personal problems happened. For anyone who has stuck around, this is the long waited part 2 that I promised a while ago. I haven’t written anything in my long break so bear with me. Second of all you guys really want more angst from me. I was planning on doing a happy ending but this will do.
TW!! Suicide, alcoholism
For the people that wanted to be tagged: @somehopeatlast @yyiikes
It’s too much. Everything is too much. Everyone has been telling you that healing takes time. When in reality, all that you feel is despair. Instead of the wound gradually closing, all that’s really happening is your heart getting ripped out day by day. You don’t know how much longer you can keep this charade up. You’re throwing people fake smiles left and right, and ‘I’m fine’ has left your mouth more times than you could actually care for. It’s as if you’re living life as a mindless zombie. Barely doing the bare minimum to sustain yourself. Every time someone checks up on you, you tell them you’re doing okay, could be better but you’re fine. At least, that’s what you want them to think. You’re just a shell of the person you were when Simon was still here and alive. You’re blowing through your money like no tomorrow. But can you get yourself to care enough to do anything about it? No, and not for the foreseeable future. You spend your days drinking away, either at home or in bars. You’ve tried moving on, but the only thing you’re able to see in them is Simon. You chicken out before anything can get serious. Your bingeing habits haven't changed a bit, you’re on the same routine.
It's been months and you can’t get out of this rabbit hole you’ve dug yourself. Months.
It’s crazy to think about the chokehold Simon has on you, even when he isn’t physically here himself.
You’ve had enough. You’re not living life as is. You’re practically a dead person walking, a mindless being. All you’re doing is blowing money when you could be doing anything else but that. You’ve contemplated long and hard about this decision, and to be frank. You see no negatives to this option. Taking the way out seems like a way better alternative for you than continuing to waste the air around you with useless breaths.
The hooded figure that you sometimes see outside your window has started showing up less and less. You’ve made eye contact before, but before you can even mutter a word out the shadow has vanished. As if he never existed and is a figment of your imagination. You could’ve sworn that those were the eyes of Simon. His sharp brown eyes are unmistakable. You can recognize them from anywhere. But, he is dead. The possibility of it being him is simply impossible. You stare solemnly out the window. You want to see whether the shadow really is a figment of your imagination, or if it’s actually a person. But they never show up. If the shadow had shown up, would you have gone through with your plan? Probably not. As insane as it might sound, you feel a sort of pull for the shadow. As if it’s calling out for you.
When all you can see is the dark starry night. You sigh and shut the blinds. No one needs to see what you’re going to commit. You head upstairs to your once-shared bedroom. You walk absentmindedly to Simon’s bedside drawer. Revealing a small handgun. He always keeps weapons on him, or around him. To keep both you and him safe in case anyone ever dares to try anything in your own home. You pick up the piece of iron. Simon has taught you how to use it, in case there’s an emergency and he isn’t there to protect you. Back then it felt like a light piece of metal. Now, it sits heavy in the palm of your hand.
You slowly sit on the floor. Your back against the side of the bed. You expected to feel afraid. But to your surprise, you don’t feel anything at all. As if everything is numb. For that part you are a little thankful for, it’ll make this so much easier for you to do. You turn the gun in your hands. Inspecting your executioner. Minutes pass, and you’re still sitting idly on the floor. You’re waiting for the right moment. Deep down, you’re hoping that Simon will walk through the door. Wrap you up in his arms and tell you how everything is okay now. That it was simply a mission gone wrong, which made it so he couldn’t come home at the promised time frame. But as the silence of the house engulfs the house in an eerie peace. You close your eyes. This is the right moment. Simon won’t show, and he won’t show. You need to get that in your thick skull.
You look around your shared bedroom for the last time. Picture frames litter your dressers. His clothes are still hanging in his section of your closet. You put the gun away and back into his nightstand. You can’t do this, not here at least. Not at the serenity that belongs in your bedroom.
You scramble up from the floor. You pick up the crinkled piece of paper sitting on Simon’s desk. You go downstairs and pin it on the fridge with a magnet. Visible for anyone who comes looking for you. You rush outside, not bothering to bring a jacket with you. You’re not going to need it anyway. You run outside, not noticing the shadow blending in the night watching you. He wants to follow you, like he usually does, wanting to make sure you don’t do anything stupid or that you’ll regret. But this time, he can’t bring his feet to move. He simply watches you run off to whatever destination you have in mind.
You run off to the bridge you frequent with Simon. Not a lot of people go across it during the day. No one ever comes through at midnight. Giving you time alone to think and reminisce. You lean on the metal railing. Images of the various late-night dates Simon would take you on during his off days flash through your mind. You crack a small smile at that, embracing the pleasant memories once again. Your smile drops. Memories, that’s all they’ll ever be. You won’t be able to recreate them or make new ones anymore, not with Simon or anyone else. You brush away stray tears and let out a soft sniffle. You climb over the railing. You stand on the other side, peering down at the frigid cold water below. You look behind you, making sure no one is there. You suck in a deep breath, close your eyes, and let yourself slowly tip over the edge. One to two seconds feel like minutes. You feel the wind rushing past your face. Soon the cold water greets you. Despite the freezing temperature, it feels like a warm embrace. As if it’s welcoming you. You let yourself sink, letting more memories of you and Simon flash through your mind. Soon enough, everything goes black. You’ve lost this battle. Was it worth it? Some would say not, but to you? It was. You were miserable day after day. This was a peaceful alternative.
The shadow gets worried when hours pass by and you don’t return home yet. A bad feeling settles in the depths of his stomach. A nauseating feeling overwhelms him. He emerges from the shadows of the night. His mask was illuminated by the moonlight. He wants to know where you’ve gone. He shoves a flowerpot on your front porch aside with his foot, revealing a spare key. He grabs it and unlocks the door. It opens slowly. He steps inside, he takes off his worn boots. Not wanting to have anything traced back to him, anything that’ll show someone has been in the comfort of your own home. He looks around with confusion. He spots your phone and keys on the dining table. That’s weird. You never leave without those items, something Simon has drilled into your mind. He frowns behind his mask. He looks around everywhere. Eventually, he finds himself in the kitchen. At first glance, nothing seems out of the ordinary. He squints his eyes at the fridge. A note is pinned on the piece of metal. He takes big strides towards the fridge and reads the note. His heart sinks to his stomach. The urge to throw up is getting to him.
To anyone who finds this note. It’ll most likely be you, Price. I’m sorry. I know I’ve said that I’m fine, that I’m getting better. But I think you know this as well, that I’m not. If anything, I’m getting worse by the day. I’ll keep it short. I have nothing much to say anyway. Not that anyone would care. Don’t come looking for me. I’ll be long dead by the time you find this note. I don’t even know where I am. I might be in my bedroom, bathroom, in a ditch somewhere, or even floating in a river. On the bright side, I’m happy. Happier than ever. Don’t worry, I’ll be okay. I have Simon to keep me company.
I love you Simon, I’ll see you soon.
He rips the note off the fridge. He rereads it over and over. Hoping, no, praying that his eyes are deceiving him. That this is just some sick joke being played on him. You’ve done your fair share of pranks on him, but they’ve never been this extreme. He crumples up the note and shoves it in his pocket. He rips his mask off and throws it on the table near your phone and keys. He lets out a snarl. He slams his palms on the wooden table. “Fuck!” He exclaims. He pulls out his burner phone. He dials a number. They immediately pick up on the third ring. “Simon.” A low voice comes through. “Price.” He replies. He clearly doesn’t sound happy. He can’t let out tears, not now. He doesn’t deserve to. “Did you find something?” This sets something ablaze in Simon. He lets out a dry chuckle. “I’ve found something alright.” He sneers. He can’t help but convert the feeling of anguish to anger, and frustration. Anything but sadness. A low hum follows. “What did you find?” He takes a deep breath in. “I’ve found a suicide note in my own home.” He spits out. A painful silence ensues. “What?” He glares at the wall, lined with your pictures together. “You’ve fucking heard me. Want to explain that to me? You said she was doing fine!” A sorrowful sigh could be heard through the fun. “That’s what she said. I-” Simon interrupts him. “And you believed her?! How didn’t you see what was going on?! I told you, I fucking told you to keep an eye on her while I am gone!” He snaps. Something he probably shouldn’t do to Price, but he can’t bring himself to care right now. Another sigh could be heard. “Simon, listen. The mission-” He scoffs. “I don’t give a damn about the mission right now. My girl is dead for fucks sake!” He shouts. He continues. “I wasn’t happy with this mission. I already told you, I’d only agree to do this if you keep a close eye on her. I trusted you, Price. Now look at what happens. I faked my death, and now she’s dead!” He takes another deep breath to calm himself. “After this mission, I’m done. I’m pulling out. It’s about time I retire from this shithole anyway.” He sneers and hangs up. He throws the phone down on the table as well. He runs a hand through his hair in frustration.
He takes a seat at the table. He runs his hands down his face. A million thoughts run through his head. How did it end up like this? Multiple what-ifs pop up in his mind. What if he showed himself to you on the first day he came back to see you, would you still be alive? He lets out a low growl and slams his fist down on the table. Silent tears stream down his face. How does he always fuck up whatever good comes in his life? At this point, he’s just cursed. He can’t have happiness without something ruining it.
After he collects himself he gets up, but he still has work to do. And as much as he wants to drown himself in guilt and self-hatred. He understands that he still needs to finish his mission. He narrows his eyes as he walks out of your house. The people at the other end of his wrath need to watch their backs. Simon will make anything and anyone suffer, to make them feel the same pain he’s feeling. Deep down, he knows nothing will compare to it.
A fucked mission later, a hell of debriefing, he comes back home as a retired soldier. A home that has turned into a cold, haunting, and uninviting. Everything that made this house a home was you, you were his home. You aren’t here anymore. And it’s all his fault. If only he went against orders, let you know what was happening. You would still be here. If only he came to check on you more often, he could’ve seen the signs and stopped you. If only he could’ve shown any sign he’s still alive, you would probably still be here. Alive, breathing, at home, doing whatever you love to keep yourself busy while he’s gone. But no. He fucked up, and he’s paying the price for it.
For days on end, he will feel the remorse, the regret, the guilt. He would fall into the same rabbit hole you dug. Instead of you going down it. You’re already rock bottom, he’s simply joining you. He spends his time drinking. That’s what he knows helps best in this situation. Whenever he’s not drinking he’s spending time in his home gym.
A thought crosses his mind. The same one that has yours at one point. He lays in bed, your pillow still has your smell and it haunts him. He reaches over to his nightstand and opens his drawer. What he sees breaks his heart all over again. His gun. It has been moved. He’s certain this wasn’t how he left his gun before he left. He always made sure that the grip was facing him so he could grab it quickly in a time of emergency. It isn’t lying in that position anymore. He sits up with the gun in his hand. He plays around with the piece of iron in his hand. Unloads and loads the bullets over and over. Pushing the safety back and forth. Anything to distract him from the void he’s feeling in the pit of his stomach. Your note that you’ve left on the fridge rests on his nightstand. You said you were going to be okay. That you’ll have Simon to keep you company. Well, he isn’t fucking there, is he? He wants to join you so desperately. But he’s afraid, not of death. But even if there is an afterlife, would you accept him? He lied to you. A lie that cost you your life. He doesn’t know if he could endure that on top of the grief he’s feeling. But even seeing you one last time would be better than this.
So he sits there, in the darkness of your shared bedroom. Contemplating if he should join you. Something you were doing a few nights prior. If only he didn't accept the damn mission. He wouldn’t be drowning in his grief and self-hatred if he let the mission go. You would be here, in his arms. And that thought would forever haunt him until he does opt for the other route.
I’m sorry lovie, for everything.
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
26 ASKSKSS💖✨💖✨💖
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The other Power-ups work differently to the Fire/Ice flowers..
Any power-ups that transform the bros bodies usually expend energy by just keeping them transformed. And even if the bros don't actively use that power, it'll eventually just drain itself away.
For example, the super shroom. Making Mario grow big and keeping him big consumes power. If he ate a super shroom and just stood there, eventually he would shrink back to normal. Running around. jumping, punching, that activity would make it drain faster though.
Same goes for the Super bell, mini mushroom, mega mushroom, super leaf, double cherry,,, etc. Just keeping the bros transformed consumes power. The fire/ice flowers don't transform the bros though. Mario and Luigi's bodies stay the same, they just become outlets to expel the flowers power. And if they don't use it.. well.. its gonna stay stored up in their bodies. And eventually freeze/burn them to death..
The only odd case when it comes to Power-ups is the 1-Up mushroom. It stores itself in the host's body, and doesn't effect the host or release its power unless it needs too. Mario could touch a 1-Up, and then 15 years later he dies and that's when the 1-Up will release its power. All though those 15 years Mario would have had 0 side effects from having it in his body. Its as if it didn't exist at all..
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Its always possible I'll return to them! :00 As we've seen XDD
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Hmm,, I haven't really thought too much about them other than the stuff I already talked about in the OG post..
But I was thinking that the imp species could have all these wacky and bizarre shapes at the end of their tails that dont really make sense..? Jevil's tail being this odd T/Y shape is actually rather bland/common. But other than that,, I cant really think of any other developments to their species <:/ Sorry! Thank you for taking interest though! :DD
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:DD thank you! I wish the same for you! :]]]
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Oh man.. scary is what it looks like.
I can see them all just living on the octopod. Traveling around the ocean in hopes of finding livable waters. All grieving over the loss of their families.. I cant imagine the pain they'd suffer, the hardships they'd face.. and what they'd have to do to survive..
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Freddy is his best fweind <:'}
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I have not played it actually.. is it any good? :0 Those Mallow and Geno characters sound neat! :)
(Also there was an OG one??)
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Oof, my Gravity Falls era? What an unfortunate time to find me-
None the less I'm happy you stuck around! :DD It means the world to me, thank you so much!! 💖💖
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Thank you so much! I'm flattered to hear it! :DD
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Grillby did.. :(
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:DD Well thank YOU for leaving me a kind comment! Very much appreciated! :}} 💖
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If any of the three Octodads were to experience a hallucination, it would probably be either Natquik or Calico Jack. But since I'm going through a re-write of Natquik's backstory and I don't actually know how traumatizing his re-write will be... I'm gonna say that Calico Jack is most likely to have one.
Although I'm not sure what would cause it.. mayyybe an encounter with a creature in the everglades could remind him of a traumatizing experience he had..? And that panic could result in hallucinations? I actually know very little about how hallucinations work so its hard to say what would exactly trigger one to occur.. <:(
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I have plans for them to encounter a lot of Kwazii's monsters in someway. :0
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Wow, only my second? Man. I feel like I've done more style updates/redesigns than that. <XD I guess its only two-
(Also I'm glad you like them! :DD Thank you! )
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XD I'm glad you like them and the Queen! Thank you so much! :}}
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Well thank YOU for sticking around and sending me a nice message! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well! :}}}
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MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS! :DDD Thank you so much! :}}
Also sorry, I don't take requests! But you just reminded me that I should probably go buy that book-
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Oooo that's interesting :0 I imagine that Barnacles would look like one of the Freddy's. As for the others I'm not sure! :o I know there was a FNAF fan game that had a cat and penguin animatronic though. Five nights at candy's was it.?
(Also thank you! Same to you! :D )
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I don't know if its necessarily pain..? More like.. a panic attack maybe?
When they're separated, their systems are flooded with commands to seek out the other. And if they cant find th.em or reach them? Well.. those commands will get overwhelming.
But that doesn't mean that you cant do maintenance on them. My idea was that there's a simple procedure where you take both of them to parts and service, put one aside and put one on the work bench.. and then shut them both down at the same time. Then when the work is done, reactivate both of them and return them to their room. Easy!
As for why they designed them like this? The main idea I had was that having this A.I. meant that they would naturally follow each other around in a way that seemed natural. Fazbear entertainment really wanted their animatronics to seem life like, but they also don't want Fred and Spring to ever separate. They want them to always be in the same room for photo shoots and meet and greets.
This A.I. means that if Spring is talking to a guest and a kid tried to lead Fred by the hand to another room.. Fred would stop at the doorway and redirect himself and the kid back into the room. "Lets play here instead!" "My friends Spring Bonnie is here, lets play here instead!" Meanwhile Springs conversation remains uninterrupted. This in turn makes them seem more life like and also prevents them from seperating.
Its not very strong reasoning but its all I've got to be honest <XDD
Also as for Spring loosing Fred..? It would be impossible for him to function without Fred. If they scrapped one, they'd have to scrap the other..
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Oh! No no, not Horrortale Papyrus. This Papyrus is one I made myself! :00
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Do you mean help wanted 2? :0 If so I'm not sure yet.. I'm watching Markiplier's playthrough and he hasn't finished the game yet..
Also Sun is still the same old Sun as far as I've seen.. He's not my favorite animatronic personality wise.. <XD But I guess he's alright
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XD tbh with how insane the FNAF lore is getting now? I wouldn't be fazed if they came out with a storyline about falling into a different world through a closet-
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I've made a couple doodles/drawings of Caine and he doesn't have the wind up hat thing.. But now that you mention it, that kind'a sound like this gals version of Caine :00
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archersxartxblog · 4 months
Ok so recently I read the entirety of Warden Twins in the span of 4 hours (with a break in between cause it was 2:30 AM) and I just had a funny shower thought I'm gonna put here.
Basically, Arceus feels bad about the whole situation, so he gives Drayden and F!Emmet Arc Tablets or something that show the both of them Ingo, Lil' Ingo and Emmet and their misadventures. They essentially react to everything that happens in the fic as it happens.
Drayden is initially very sceptical of the whole situation, rightfully so. His nephews were kidnapped like 3 days ago (he basically got like a prologue vid showing what happened before showing him everything else), and then some stranger gives him an iPad that shows him his missing nephews being adopted by some guy who looks hauntingly similar to Lil' Ingo, with amnesia and who knows where. But he eventually warms up to F!Ingo cause hes actually not that bad at being a dad, is increasingly growing more protective over his now sons everyday (as he should be), and is looking out for them when he cant.
He invites Clay over cause his boys just became friends with Liam who ALSO looks hauntingly similar to Clay. And then the both of them bust out conspiracy boards when Akari reveals that all 4 of them are from the future. Lil Ingo and Emmet make sense, but Ingo??? If hes from the future as well, then is he some cousin they never heard about? What is this???
But they dont really care about that. Drayden swears that Ingo is now gonna be (officially) part of the family if- no WHEN they all return back to the future. Oh and so will Akari, she's a cool cousin to the boys.
This eventually just devolves into Drayden watching all of this like it's a soccer game or something : very passionately. Like "oh my dragons I'm gonna kill the Miss Fortune sisters for kidnapping my nephews", and then cheering like his team won the world cup or something when Gyarados shows up. Oh and Drayden will be so angry he might rip a tear in spacetime in order to kill Volo when all THAT happens with him and Lil' Ingo.
With F!Emmet its gonna be a bit more complicated, since he either remembers the past or not. But if he doesnt remember, then he will be panicking. His brother went missing like 5 years ago, and when he finally sees him he's with baby versions of them??? Why is Ingo a father to two kids who are named after them and look EXACTLY like him when he was also 10?!? 'AM I AN UNCLE??? DO I NEED TO BUY A BIGGER APARTMENT NOW?!??' Elesa is surprisingly taking this much better.
And then when Akari is revealed, F!Emmet is both verrrrrry happy to be an uncle and that his brother is not alone and happy, but at the same time mourning his bank account, cause hes gonna need to buy a bigger apartment if he is to house 3 new kids and like 24 new pokemon.
And then its revealed that both Ingos are one of the same. Emmet is internally having a blue screen of death moment, cause that means that Ingo literally raised him. Elesa is just treating thos like it's a certified Watchmojo top 10 anime plot twists.
But if he does remember, then he is basically just refreshing his childhood memories.
I wanted to add that maybe Emmets and Draydens tablets are connected to one another, but I've already typed WAYY too much. Can you tell that I love the Warden Twins AU?
Anyways enough from me, thank u for listening to my Ted talk. What are your thoughts about this? Really hope the fic gets updated soon and have a good whatever-your-timezone-is
Oh wow
Not gonna lie this was really fun to read. I love reading stuff like this. This is a really fun idea, i just imagine Arceus making like a YouTube channel like Gamingharry or Ladyoflore or something and just sending it to Drayden and future Emmet with a message that says "this explains everything"
I do need to get back to writing Warden’s Twins, I'm a little stuck with Lil Ingo's face off with Kamado, so I've taken a small step back for a bit to try and figure out how to go about it.
But I'm so glad you're enjoying Warden’s Twins :)
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solomons-poison · 2 years
my mind is going in circles right now
okok whats ur opinion on ex hubby sol and mephisto
i always type sol btw because it’s awkward writing his full name (dk whyy)
with mephisto there would be angst potential, maybe he let his pride get in his way and ended up hurting you along with his pride, he doesnt rlly believe in ‘divorce’ so he’ll try to act like nothing is wrong but inside of him its killing him, hes in denial, disbelief of himself and the whole situation
with sol i cant rlly imagine divorcing him (maybe bc im biased with him) but for the sake of this, there would be so much angst potential like so much, the first human in a very very long time he had deeply loved until it was all shattered by his own hands
Ohhhhhhh yes ex-husband angst, it just hurts so good.... (Sol is under the cut, this just got very long lol; also unintentionally wrote this as reader suggesting the divorce, cause both guys seem like ride-or-die with their partners to me and I cant see them bringing it up without good cause...)
Divorcing Mephisto would absolutely be so dramatic and very painful. He's either going to explode on you, yelling and gesturing wildly and maybe even making baseless accusations against you (that he will 100% regret later and you'll never forget what he said). Or he'll suddenly get unnaturally quiet/ignore or avoid you. Even if you need to get documents signed or need to talk about how to break up assets, etc, he avoids you at all costs. The only thing that might turn him around is if people start rumors about you or your relationship (or lack thereof), because he still cares about you and doesn't want your name slandered like that by others.
He'll definitely be in denial for a while, and hurt you that way by saying things like "you don't mean it/want this", "just give it some time and you'll see you're wrong". He absolutely won't listen to you until you have to get a third party involved that he can't ignore, like Diavolo. It is a super messy affair...
There would be so much tension between you two, and if the divorce is for anything other than falling out of love, I can bet there'd be a lot of instances of angry sudden makeout sessions or breakup sex tbh. If you're not careful, you might get stuck in a cycle of hookups/dating again and then sudden breakup.
Now, divorcing Solomon... He definitely isn't explosive like Mephisto would be. I can see him being very quiet about the whole ordeal, but the pain and sadness is so evident in his eyes. His smiles afterwards are all strained and forced. Cause you know that you were the light in his life, the color in his world that he had initially lost after becoming immortal.
I think initially, you two would come to an understanding about the divorce, it would be a mutual agreement with little argument or fights. But he will ask for some time to think about things beforehand (meaning time for you to think about it too). And don't get him wrong, he is absolutely upset about the whole ordeal. But it's not your fault that you feel the way you do, you have a right to be happy and he wants to support that. But it's definitely painful to him.
I think even after becoming a full fledged sorcerer, you two would still have a kind of mentor-student relationship since he's so knowledgeable about spells and magic. So during/after the divorce, he may want to stop teaching you because being in close quarters with you is too much to stand. As much as he wants to be by your side, it's so bad for his own mental health and he'll put distance between you two.
Like I said, these are kind of focused on reader wanting the divorce, for whatever reasons, just cause I can't really see either Mephisto or Solomon ever wanting to divorce, they'd try everything to make things right again. But if you have thoughts about it going the other way, I'm very interested. Sorry for the word vomit, I've been really into the ex-husband angst vibe recently and it's so bad for me lol
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Incoming ramble I wanna hear you’re thoughts on this cause it’s been on my brain for a little bit and it’s got me in my feels
K so I forget if it’s in the step 3 prologue or in the Drive moment but either way when on the topic of Cove leaving for Nevada every now and again and choosing how your MC feels about it there’s the option to choose that it makes you sad and nervous specifically because the little 8 year old in you (who remember was probably HORRENDOUSLY lonely) was scared that Cove was gonna leave and never come back
Now that option alone already gets to me (cause I relate to it hard cough cough) but just imagine the MC actually confessing to Cove about that fear!! Obviously the MC doesn’t want to make Cove stop going cause yknow he’s literally going to see his own mom but MC also can’t deny that there’s that sad lonely little kid inside their head who just doesn’t want to be left alone again so they’re kinda just stuck in the dilemma. But soon enough after feeling well enough to admit it they finally tell Cove about it and get to actually work it out!!!
cove would actually feel so relieved omg bc it makes him sad too and he misses you, ofc ik he says that no matter what but I think he also worries abt leaving n nevering coming back
very traumatized from the move after his mom n dad divorced n he tried to run away bc he missed krya, yk 😟
reassures you that he'll always come back, and that if that did happen he'd prbly try to run away to see you LOL
would offer to take you with him!!! if you're dating ofc you need to work it out w his mom a bit more than necessary but she wouldn't mind if you stayed over or came to hang out w them
I imagine krya spends a Lotta time at work anyway since she can't be on leave the entire time he visits, so she'd be relieved that he has someone to keep him conpany
he talks abt you so much anyway, it's like you're basically there w them already
if you can't or don't want to go with him, he'd video call you sm more
sends lots of pictures n texts and voice messages
tells you basically everything abt his day and sends gm and gn texts
coves sleepy, raspy voice saying "good morning" (
sounds like this, would even call you sunshine like sonny did!!!😭😭
I'm falling apart
mmm if he's gone a long time he'd prbly even come see you, or meet you half way
which is stressful bc he has a long drive but he would bc he's crazy abt you
omg gives you a shirt of his.
omg and asks you what you're wearing every day until you say that shirt n he wears it like "omg!!! what a coincidence!!!!" babe we know u did it on purpose PLEASE
sends you flowers
n by send you flowers I mean asks his dad to pick up some flowers and deliver them to you
sends his dad money too but cliff would prbly pay for them once or twice bc he thinks this is so chge n send the money back to cove so cove is like "dad!!!" n just makes an order on his card bc his dad is so stubborn😭😭
cliff is actually in love w your guys relationship he's so happy,,, pls
I should write some hc's on how cliff feels abt you guys dating bc my man's is so happy!!!! pls. OK anyway
will ask what you're eating n have the same thing if he can
n you can just see his chin, the sky and then it's like kinda black n then for some reason u can see the floor and then he's like "sorry" and he starts running back to his car AGAIN
and so he delicately places the phone down n is panting n just goes, "sorry. I'm ready now" *throws his head back* "omg gimme a minute... man. climbing thru your window really came in handy"
big "mmmmwaahhh!!!"
or tiny "mweh", no in between
falling asleep on the phone too
he's totally normal abt you I swear
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itsjustalark · 1 year
" I hope you don't mind me breaking that ask up into smaller chunks to respond to instead of actually answering the ask in my inbox. Sometimes people send me really long things, and then I know having it on my blog and then having to read my probably accordingly long answer is not going to happen, and I just. Feel bad about it."
Mind? Hell no. I'm honoured that you've decided to give me the time of the day at all. It is completely fine with me and thank you for letting me konw. Next time ill make sure to post on my blog and just tag you.
"Tiadane's not actually a boy; this is made clear relatively early on, and he's not picky about pronouns because his home doesn't have a good concept of things like "gender" and "lots of gendered pronouns." I tend to alternate what I use for him when not in the book, and even in the book he shrugs off a couple "she's." And there's actually not any romance in that one; Tiadane and my deuteragonist's relationship is platonically weird in that one. I don't always like writing romance, but I usually have a deuteragonist running around because I just like paired character dynamics a lot."
I'm really sorry for just asssuming Tiadane to be a guy. On the other hand I love when fantasy worlds explore cultures that dont have the same understanding of gender as us. I feel it isnt done enough and where it is atempted its never done with the enough care.
Also when I said 'relationships' I didn't mean them as explicit romantic ones. I'm a big fan of interesting dynamics and I dont believe they always have to be romantic to get me interested. There are so many ways humans interact with one another. That is whats most facinating to me.
"I'm actually not super great at worldbuilding, either. I tend to do it as little as possible and only when I need to; a lot of my current revisions are fleshing the worldbuilding out. And now that I'm focusing on, a lot of the results are good, but it's often just sort of not really the most fun focus for me. "
I'm also not an intricate world builder and cant even imagine going to the flora and fauna level of detail. My points of interest in world building is societities. How they function different from our and how they effect the people living in it accordingly. I build my worlds around my characters becaude i also feel that a fleshed out world only gives more depth to the characters.
Glad to know your world building is going well. I cant even imagine the revisions i have to make one i finish first draft as ive completely given up ingraining the magic system as part of the characters perspective and how it effects their thing cause it was gettjng to complicated. So i will now have to add all of that stuff later on.
"What I shared was actually the query; queries and synopses are different in the publishing word. Basically, my query is supposed to sell people on making it sound interesting, so I'm glad it's working for those functions for now. It still needs to be edited some more later. "
Oh I didnt know that. Still new to all the publishing jargon but always happy to learn more.
"Tiadane's book originally came from playing too much Smash Bros and staring at Pit for too many hours in a row. And then I just typed some random shit to get some words out when I was stuck revising something and not having fun, and started writing this introduction to his world."
I love how we writers get ideas from the most rediculous of senarios.
"I am a very character-focused writer and have had recurring problems with getting a plot to attach correctly over the years. I think Tiadane's book is the first time I didn't have (too) many issues with one by the time I sent to to a CP, and I'm still ripping a lot out to replace it with something better. "
I also write character focused works. Characters are why i read books. I dont reallyenjoy plot heavy books. Every aspect of plot, fleshing out the world or magic i enjoy because it makes tge characters feel more real and elps highlights the themes if the book.
"Each of my fantasy worlds (I also write sci-fi sometimes, and some stuff just...set in our world) has its own magic system. I don't know how writers just have The One for tons of stories. Large universes to play in can be fun, but so is making up new stuff every time."
Also, would you mind telling me about your magic systems? I love that stumm. It facinates me how maging systems ingrain themselves into a story. When i was first materializing my story it was set in a normal world but my mund was like: no no no this story need a magic system and an exploration of the chosen one narrative even though back then it didnt have anything to do with the main plot. But thats me cause i love over complicating thing for myself.
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merotwst · 2 years
I don't know if you've seen Hadestown (there's a couple reccordings on youtube, it's really good) but I have had this idea stuck in my head of...just...Mc putting on a play in Twisted Wonderland, maybe during their second year when they no longer have to deal with the overblots, and kidnappings and cleaning ramshackle. And Jamil gets the part of Orpheus because his voive is just *chef's kiss* and I know he can play the guitar even if he denies it I KNOW HE CAN
Just Jamil singing the most beautiful love songs in a play about freedom, mending ones relationships, love and hope? Please I'm on my knees at the image of him getting the main part, getting to show his true talents to an audience and be recognized all while his crush is singing alongside him and he's never been happier??? It has me on a chokehold
the reason i took too long to respond to this was bcs i had to listen to the musical. i finished it and UWOOOGH I FELL MADLY IN LOVE FUCK IT'S SO GOOD ANON THANK U I LOVE U FOR THIS
as for the jamil brainrot
no, i can see myself becoming absolutely mesmerized when he plays this poor boy who keeps his heart on his sleeve
ok but also
hear me out.......
i feel like he'd be so fitting as a hades....
and then imagine him slowly slowly learning to fall in love with his persephone again
imagine him looking at you with the coldest of glares (fans face and flutters eyelashes) and then soon, sooner when jamil hades remembers how much he loves you, the way everything becomes clear to him. what happened to you both? what has he done? he loves you. please say you'll try again with him
i wanna play persephone someday UGH HER GROWLY VOCALS
i love love love persephone
ahhhh he'd be so excited if his crush got cast as his persephone pls imagine ure dancing with jamil in the end ure in love ure happy again he wants u to be happy go back and bring sunlight into the world once again and he will wait for you in his darkness. he'll keep ur memory of light in his heart until you return to him and ure in his arms again for the other half of the year im tearing up hold on
kalim would be orpheus
he'd be perfect as orpheus with his sunny personality it would br so natural. i dont wanna hear his bird screeching though cuz like apprently in the game people thing his voice sounds good bro idk bitch wher he's constantly SCREAMING. THAT'S NOT IT. ok sorry for the kalim slander i love him lemme squish his cheeks squish squish little bitch boy that i adore smooches forehead
and jamil would definitely be the type make his life more complicated by forbidding him to look back lmao anyways
he deserves a happy ending
he is the perfect hades idk if his voice would fit but we can make it work
i know because i was cast as persephone i was there i saw jamil he was perfect
the perfect babygirl for hades
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guiltiestlove · 10 days
I love that you’re doing simon fics! And they’re really good too
Can i ask for simon with a male s/o who’s a defense attorney? (nsfw or sfw)
(I’ll be 🫚 anon?)
After a painfully long day in court as a defense attorney, you get a little surprise from your prosecutor boyfriend.
Simon Blackquill x masc!reader ~880 words
cw/tags: reader has a penis, reader is masc, established relationship, handjob, kinda public sex, degradation if you squint
notes: i wasn’t sure whether to label this as masc!reader or male!reader tbh! i honestly havent written much from either pov (ive always worried i cant do it justice) so this is both masc and y/n has a penis which obviously can mean a variety of things gender wise lol; i hope that works anon!! im cis but i hope my writing is enjoyable for everyone and i’m happy to accommodate any specific requests (ofc not fetishization lol) i hope this makes sense! and let me know if i ever fuck up :’)
“What an absolutely excruciating day,” you thought to yourself as you walked out of the courtroom. Incorrectly submitted evidence, scheduling problems, the judge nearly falling asleep—you couldn’t be happier it was finally over. Exhausted but relieved, you made your way down the halls and up a few flights of stairs; surely your boyfriend would be milling about somewhere. Stopping for a drink at the water fountain, you mull over the events of the day.
“Can’t believe I got stuck working on a case against Winston Payne again… Simon was supposed to be on this case with me! Maybe I can try—” And as you were straightening up from your hunched position at the fountain, you felt a smack on your ass and the low voice of your boyfriend in your ear, “Evening, handsome.”
You whip around, your entire face flushed in embarrassment, praying to whatever gods existed that no one else was around. Incredibly proud of himself, Simon stood laughing for a moment until he wrapped both arms around your waist leaning hips forward into you. “Hah hah hah hah! There’s no reason to be so bashful. Your case took so long that the courthouse is practically abandoned.”
You’d been so dazed you hadn’t even noticed, but there really didn’t seem to be anyone around, in fact it was quieter than you had ever heard it. You relaxed into your boyfriend’s touch, moving his hair out of his eyes and started laughing, “God, can you imagine though? People would never let it go if they saw us fooling around in the courthouse halls.” You pulled at his tie ever so slightly, pressing into him even more. “Fooling around, hm?” his tone was dripping with mischief. Staring into your lover’s eyes, it was remarkably easy to pick up on his train of thought. Getting distracted as your gaze moved to his lips, you pondered how you wanted to reply. But before you could act, Simon immediately pulled you around the hallway’s corner into a more secluded, dead-end corridor.
It was late enough that the moon’s light shone through the large window directly onto your partner, granting him more of an ethereal glow than usual. Steadily he pressed you up against the wall, leaning on you with his full body weight. While you didn’t want to feed his pride too much you couldn’t help but happily sigh and untuck his shirt just to feel his skin.
One of his hands was on the wall boxing you in while the other was stroking your cheek. His eyes were sparkling, and his mouth was now mere centimeters away from yours. “Ironic isn’t it? The more you try to resist a thought…” His free hand felt down your tie to your belt buckle, to the bulge in your pants. “…the more urgent the thought becomes.” When you felt his roaming touch end at your crotch, you inhaled sharply as your head fell back to the wall. As he lightly palmed you, you couldn’t help but provoke him in between breaths. “You’re the one… who couldn’t keep their hands off me…Been needing me that badly?”
While you were slightly nervous someone could be around somewhere, you didn’t care enough to stop this, especially not after the horrible day you’d had. And it’s not like there weren’t worse rumors about what defense attorneys and prosecutors got up to around here…
Simon’s voice brought you away from any anxiety you might have had, “Perhaps I did need you that badly.” Lazily he met your lips, his tongue immediately seeking yours. Your feet shifted as you felt him slowly unbuckle your belt. Though your mouths moved at a relatively slow pace, your kiss was filled with electricity, both of you channeling the last bouts of energy from an incredibly draining day. As Simon finally unbuttoned and unzipped your pants, you began kissing him with more hunger, biting at him, unable to resist the need for his flesh.
When his large, muscular hands finally wrapped around your cock, you were hard and dripping. He purred into your ear, “Hmph. Now who’s needy?” As he began pumping your length, you were only able to mutter curses under your breath. Every time you and Simon were intimate, it had been impossibly good. Getting drunk off each other’s touch was baked into every day one way or another, and the simplest touches from him could light your skin alive.
As he slowly moved up and down on your shaft, he spent extra attention rubbing your wet head with his thumb. “God, you feel so fucking good,” you breathe across his lips. You feel the warmth of his laugh on your face, “Hah,” as he punctuated it with a kiss.
You suddenly groaned as you felt him remove his hand from your pants. “Fuck you’re such a tease, Simon,” you mutter, as you try to clammor for his neck with your mouth. Smug as ever, he quickly zips and buttons you slacks back. “Hmph. The sooner we get home, the sooner we can resume… Surely you can resist such thoughts for a little while longer?” Not having the energy to quip back, you buckled your belt faster than you ever have in your life. Hurriedly taking Simon’s hand, you practically fly out of the courthouse.
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swagatron9 · 2 years
I volunteer
Pairings: Gale Hawthorne x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Gale volunteers so he can be with the reader I wrote this on wattpad a few years ago and cant be bothered to go through and highlight things
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For three years of my life, I had spent it dating the boy who I one day planned to marry. We were inseparable, it was a rare occasion that you would see one without the other. We were constantly going hunting together so we can both afford to pay for our family issues. Over time I could never imagine my life without him in it. "We should run away." Gale sat on my right, my head on his shoulder as we looked out into the fields. "I can't risk losing you to the games." His voice came out shaky has said those words. We were both in our last years for being entered in the games, so our names were in quite a few times.
"But what about our families? We can't just leave them behind, I'd never forgive myself." Truth was, I was scared of change. Everything was content the way it was, I was the youngest in my family, so I didn't have to worry about anyone being forced to go in the Hunger Games, the only person I had to worry about was Gale. He had younger siblings, ones that were capable of going into the Games in a few years' time.
"We'll bring them with us. We practically already live in the woods. What would be the difference?" He said nonchalantly.
"The difference is that we'd get caught. It's simple, we live we die. You know this." I would do anything to run away from this horrible place, but we would never get far, not without being caught.
"Don't you want to have a family someday? Kids of our own." I liked when Gale spoke about our future together, it was nice to know he thought about me as much as I did him.
"Of course, I do." We didn't speak about kids that often, but they had been mentioned several times before.
"We can't raise them here. What if they get reaped? You don't want that to happen." He wasn't wrong, I didn't want my kids to suffer through all this. I stared out to the distance and sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just worried, what if you get reaped tomorrow?"
"Either of us could be reaped. The only thing we can do is hope."
 I held Gale's hand as we walked towards where the reapings were being held. "Everything will be okay." It meant to come out as a whisper, words to reassure me that everything will be fine, but I knew that wasn't true. I couldn't predict the outcomes of what would happen today. I begged and begged that we could be safe. We split ways as we went to get signed in. I stood in the line for girls while Gale did the same for the boys. I stood behind someone I knew all too well.
 "Hey, Katniss." She turned around a look of fear in her eyes. "How are you?" A silly question, but I couldn't stop it from leaving my lips.
"As good as anyone can be on this horrible day." She frantically looked around, letting a sigh of relief as her eyes landed on someone. A young girl, Prim. I'd never had the chance to meet her but by the stories that Katniss told me I could tell she was a lovely girl. "How are you and Gale?" Rumors went around not too long ago that Katniss had a crush on Gale, I wouldn't be surprised. Although throughout it I stuck around her, she was my only friend aside from Gale, and I could trust him so that was all that mattered.
"Same as usual. I can't wait for this to all be over, I won't have to worry anymore."
"Lucky for you." She sent me an unamused smile as I realized how insensitive I had sounded.
"Oh- I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I understand you have yourself and Prim to worry about. If you need anything I'd be happy to help." I didn't want her to dislike me. She was a friend I could spill my emotions to, and she'd always give me feedback, even if it weren't something I'd necessarily wanted to hear.
The line got shorter and the women at the desk repeating the same word over and over was starting to give me a headache.
It was finally Katniss' turn which meant I was next. My nerves began to rise as every minute went by. I looked over to my left to see Gale getting his blood taken. He looked over my way and sent me a smile, a smile filled with reassurance to tell me everything would be okay. But would it really?
I held my hand out to the peacekeeper that pricked my finger and pressed it to the piece of paper. My blood was smeared on the sheet as well as many other girls. The paper was scanned, and I was dismissed with a wave. "May the odds be ever in your favor." I jumped in surprise at the sound of Gale's voice in my ear.
"Our favor" I corrected. He leaned down and placed a peck against my lips.
"I'll see you in a bit." He walked away towards where all the males were gathered, and I took my place over where the females were.
Effie Trinket walked on stage in her over-the-top outfit that all Capitol people wore. "Welcome! Welcome, welcome. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor." She gazed around at everyone before smiling brightly. "Now, before we begin. We have a very special film, brought to you all the way from the Capitol." The film began playing and my ears were filled with the blasting sound coming from the speaker.
"War, terrible war. Widows, orphans, a motherless child." President Snow's voice boomed through the speaker, causing me to wince. I look over towards where Gale was stood to see him already staring my way. Once he noticed my stare, he nodded his head before sending me a playful wink causing me to shake my head. "Brother turned on brother until nothing remains and then came the peace." I found it hard to believe there was ever peace in place so horrible as the Panem. "Each year the various districts of Panem would offer up one young man and woman. To fight to the death." I never understood why we were having to suffer from the results of our ancestors. "The lone victor, bathed in riches, would serve as a reminder of our generosity and our forgiveness. This is how we remember our past. This is how we safeguard our future."
"I just love that." The whole time Effie was stood reciting the short film, word for word. "Now the time has come for us to select one courageous young man and woman, for the honor of representing District 12 in the 74th annual Hunger Games. As usual, ladies first." I stood with fear, my name was in there 42 times, I could be the Tribute. Effie walked over to the glass bowl sat on the stool and dug her hand around the stack of envelopes. She teased the crowd as she took her time finding the correct one before she finally plucked one out. She eagerly waltzed over to the microphone and slowly undid the paper. My heartbeat quickened. She let out a breath before finally announcing who the unlucky person would be.
"Y/n Y/l/n!"
My face dropped. Everyone turned in my direction, but I turned to Gale. His face was similar to mine. He had a look of pain as he stared at me. "Don't be shy." I noticed that some of the peacekeepers were coming my way, so I began to slowly walk down the pathway that had formed through the people. I passed Katniss who had a look of sympathy on her face.
With every step I took, I felt fear, I was going to die. "And now for the boys!" Effie's voice was filled with excitement, something I could never understand. How could a person enjoy watching children fight to the death? She repeated the same as what she did with the females, taking her sweet time to grab an envelope. She let out a deep breath. "Peeta Mell-"
"I volunteer!" My breathing quickened at the sound of Gale's voice echoing throughout the area. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I looked out towards the boy who just risked his life, all for nothing.
"Oh- I- Well, this certainly is new." Effie had developed a whole new level of excitement at the idea of someone volunteering. Gale made his way up the stair and stood beside Effie. "What a courageous young man you are. What's your name?"
"Gale Hawthorne." His words came out mumbled as he blankly stared out towards the crowd. I hadn't once taken my eyes off him since he spoke.
"Everyone give a round of applause for Gale." No one dared to move, they all had looks of sorrow and sympathy. They knew what was to come. "Well, our tributes from District 12. Go one you two, shake hands." I turned towards him and my face said it all. He shouldn't have done it, but there was no way to change it. As he gripped my hand, I felt his thumb caress the back of my hand. 'it'll be okay.' He mouthed those words to me, but I knew it wasn't true. "Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor." We were ushered off the stage by peacekeepers before being taken into a small room. "
Why would you do that?" I didn't wait for him to reply as I continued. "What are we supposed to do? What are our families going to do?" Gale never looked up from the floor. "Are you listening to me? Why? Why would you volunteer yourself?"
"Because I love you." His gaze was still locked onto the ground. "I love you so much, and I can't risk losing you, so if I have to trade my life for yours then so be it." His voice broke, and then he finally looked up. Tears welled in my eyes at the look of distraught.
"But what if we both die? What if you die? I don't want to live without you, and we can't just leave our families behind." He let an annoyed sigh. Was he not thinking rationally?
"I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you win." He placed both his hands on my cheek and forced me to look him in the eyes. "I love you too much to lose you."
"You won't have me when you're dead and I won't have you. I refuse to leave the games without you. If you die, I die. There is no possible way you can convince me otherwise." My nerves were far gone out the window and instead, I was filled with anger.
"You're so stubborn, but that's why I love you." His head dipped down to connect our lips. It was a passionate kiss, filled with aggression. I was shoved back into the wall and our lips finally disconnected. "We'll discuss a plan later on."
We said our good-byes to our families and plenty of tears had been shed, no one knew how this would turn out. Only time would tell.
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Summer Sun - Bucky Barnes x (fem.) Reader
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A/N: So... this happened in my brain tonight, and I can tell you, that was a wild dream .. 
Now thanks to @buckgasms I had this written in a little storyline. Hope you maybe enjoy this one.. or not :) 
Warnings: Smut / Metal Arm 
Sun, sweat, blue sky and no cold breeze... this is what you get for Summer when living in a city like New York. The weather has been crazy like this for a few days now and there was no opportunity to cool down.
So currently you were draped over the huge couch in the living room of the Avenger Compound, you best friend a mini ventilator, which provided only a little of the much needed cooling. The pool was currently being under construction, so you had the chance to decide if either a ventilator or a bathtub with ice cubes were the better option.
You went with the little blower, as there were also some perks of being in the compound in the summer.
The first thing you noticed as you looked out the huge window was Sam being weird. He modified Redwing, so that the little iron bird blew cold air with little wings, Sam had attached to its normal ones. Sam enjoying the breeze from a sun chair underneath it. What else to say about this ?
Laughing to yourself, so realized how happy you could actually be right now. You had a family of all your best friends and colleagues around you, no missions in sight for a few days and the weather showing his best side. So you sat there and smiled in content while you let your eyes continue to wander around. In some corner of the huge green area you saw Wanda and Natalie laying around in their Bikini's. They asked you several times to join them, but you preferred to stay inside and not melt into a puddle of sweat.
The next thing that caught your eyes, made your breath hitch in your throat and the little ventilator nearly fell down, tangling your hair. But you could catch it in time, keeping the sight ahead of you in your view.
Steve Rogers was sparring with someone who you would never fail to recognize. This back, strong and firm, showing the outline of his defined muscles. Droplets of sweat rolled down his neck, along his spine, just to disappear in the waistband of his underwear, that stuck out just a bit of his shorts.
One arm holding Steve on a constant distance to him, the other, shining in the bright light like a flame cutting through the air, to throw punches at his childhood friend.
James Buchanan Barnes. A sight for the sore eyes, you can tell.
His long brown hair was messily tied up in a bun, only loose strands hanging out of it.
No shirt on, to impress with his massive built features. Pants hanging low on his hips, dangerously low to be honest. His defined V-Line just showing out a bit, if you keep a good look at it. And which is what you did.
This is not the first time for you to imagine running your hands over his torso, tangle your fingers in his locks.. or even pull his shorts even lower.
So here you were daydreaming of nasty things with this man in the summer sun, while he kept wearing out his body with his pal.
Unbeknownst to anyone out there of course. At least that's what you thought.
“You're drooling sweetheart”, a voice interrupted your thinking.
Natasha was standing on the counter behind you with a smudge grin on her face.
“I don't. I'm just laying here trying not to melt”, you shoot her a glance and act like you didn't know what the assassin was talking about.
“Girl. You might fool those idiots outside, but you cant fool me”, she said and grabbed a cool bottle of water out of the fridge.
“I'm sure Barnes would help you cool down.. or make you even hotter”, she winked and ducked down as you grabbed a pillow and threw it into her direction.
“Shut up Nat! I wasn't even thinking about anything”, you countered, but also knew she could read you like an open book.
It was no secret between you girls that you had a thing for the former Winter Soldier and she and Wanda encouraged you to talk to him about it more than one time. Wanda even offered to use her powers for support. But of course, you always denied and talked down your crush into something more simple.
“Yes, ANYTHING that includes no clothing. But seriously Y/N, talk to him. We all see how he's looking at you as well. Just like now for example”, she hushed the last part as her eyes flicked outside just as Bucky turned around to grab a drink.
You didn't think twice and also turned your head, just to see him indeed staring inside, giving you a full blown smile. You immediately felt like he caught you at doing something you shouldn't. Well you actually did, but luckily he wasn't the one to read minds.
So you gave him a small wave and turned your attention back to Natasha, who was laughing at you ,trying not to blush like a tomato.
“Ugh please shoot me already! I give up!”, you whined and went to hide your face in the pillows around you.
“Never doing that. This show is way to interesting for me”, the red head laughed and strolled out of the room.
The rest of the afternoon you switched between staring, hiding on the couch and getting something to drink. Every once in a while someone came up to you asking to join them outside, but you decided it would be for the best to stay inside. Or else your panties might explode if the guys didn't stop their sparring anytime soon.
You might have drifted off into a little nap when you heard the door of the refrigerator being opened and closed again. When you opened your eyes, you were met with the sight of Bucky emptying a lonely water bottle and a few droplets decided to slide down his neck and over his chest.. you dared yourself to keep staring at them, vanishing just below his belly button.
You hoped he did not notice you woke up and acted like you were still fast asleep.
“Doll.. I know you are not sleeping”, his deep voice startled you.
Great. So you obviously were not a good actor at all.
“I'm resting Mr. Spy”, you said, trying not to sound impressed at all.
“Do you want to know what else did I spied today? A certain woman stealing glances at me and Steve the whole afternoon”.
“What a nasty girl what do that? That's not proper at all.”, Bucky put down the bottle and starting coming closer to the couch.
“No absolutely not. She should be ashamed, indeed. Do you think she is?”, he was nearly there.
“I don't know.. Should I?”, too late you didn't realize your mistake when you saw his grin rising to his ears and felt the blush immediately start rising in your face.
“I didn't say that you were the one, doll”, he had you and he fucking knew it. “So, you accept the accusation?”
His face now only inches away from yours and you could already feel the heat from the previous training radiate of his body. You tried your hardest to not show how much he affected your body. How badly you wanted to grab his face, mold your lips over his and bury your fingers in his hair, pulling him even closer.
His evil grin, did not help the situation at all.
“I plead guilty at all points” you whispered, hoping you'd get what you wanted and thought you had him where you wanted him the most, as he came even closer. But instead of touching your lips, he went further and whispered something into your ear, which immediately caused goose bump to rise all over your skin.
“Why don't you join me in the shower? Then I might show you how bad girls are treated”.
You thought you were dreaming. Was Bucky Barnes offering you a shower with him? Naked ? Alone ?
Not believing what you just heard, all you could do was stare while processing the words in your brain.
He went to get up and leave, suddenly feeling he might over crossed some line as you didn't respond to his words.
After a few seconds your brain finally seemed to function again and you got up, following him further into the compound but he was already out of your sight. Damn you thought, those damn super soldiers.
You knew exactly where his room was, so it didn't take you long to enter his room, already hearing the water running in the bathroom. So you entered without even thinking, just to see Bucky getting undressed.
“Doll, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..”, he started but you didn't let him finish.
Before letting your new found confidence fade again, you walked up to him and kissed him. He did not waste any time to wrap his muscular arms around you and hold you even closer. The kiss grew hotter with each second and your hands snaked into his boxers, to let the remaining part of clothing he was wearing, fall to the ground.
You pulled apart, catching your breaths as you admired the god created masterpiece of man in front of you. Bucky was the one to break the silence first.
“You can't shower with that much clothing on”, he whispered in a husky voice and pulled your shirt over your head, ripping your bra with his metal arm and not even caring about it.
Your mouth found his again in another heated kiss, while he worked on getting your clothes off in a matter of minutes.
“God you're so fucking beautiful”, his words affected you in many ways. They made your heart flutter and beat even faster, but also they went down straight to your core.
Muscular arms snaked around your hips and he hoisted you up, without any effort. You both went into the huge shower, being welcomed by the warm water running over both of your bodies.
You couldn't believe that you actually found yourself in this situation. Sure, you imagined it many times, but now finally being caged in his arms seemed more like a dream..
Your fingers tangled into his wet hair, as he pressed you into the cold tiles, making your back arch into his chest. You could already feel his semi hard erection being present between your thighs and the only thing you could do was to moan into the kiss.
The kiss grew hotter with each passing second and then he let his mouth wander from your lips to your neck, pressing gentle kissed there and making sure to leave marks in his way, to mark you as his.
Your moans increased as he sucked on your delicate skin, and you felt your arousal increasing as he did so.
It's been ages since you've been with a guy that treated you properly and Bucky seemed to push at all the right buttons right away, leaving you a panting mess.
As he worked his mouth on your neck, you felt him balancing you out on his flesh arm and used his metal arm to grab your neck keeping you attached to him.
He then caressed down to your breast, toying with your nipples and enjoying the reaction he caused on you.
Your hand was still buried in his hair, while the other supported yourself on his shoulder to keep you steady. You wanted to touch him everywhere.. getting to know what his skin feels like, feel the way his muscles worked under your hands but currently you were too focused on the pleasure he was giving you.
After he made sure to treat each breast with the same attention, his skilled fingers went even lower and caressed your thigh in a way like he wanted to savor each moment.
Suddenly you felt his metal finger on your clit. And heaven, never did you felt anything like this before.
The firm metal, heated from the water was applying a gentle pressure on your bud he rubbed it just the right way to make you lose control. Your hips rocked on his finger, wanting more of him, but he kept you in place while continuing to explore your mound with his fingers.
“Bucky..”, you moaned out.
“Didn't I tell you that you're still need your punishment for staring shamless at me?”
His finger slid into your wet folds and you moaned out at the feeling of it.
Dangerously slow he pulled his finger out and slid it back into your heat.
The pleasure you were feeling was already incredible and you knew he had barely done anything.
You wiggled trying to get more friction, but still, his hold kept you in place while he added another finger into your heat, but not speeding up the pace.
He kept finger fucking you on a slow pace until he felt your walls starting to flutter around his fingers, just to pull them out when your moans increased as well.
“Bucky please.. I was so close”, you whined.
“I know.. that's why I stopped doll”, you heard him whisper and he pulled you in another kiss.
Then he let you down and dropped on his knees in front of you. Looking up at you like an innocent angel, he gently spread your legs and kissed your clit. Not sucking, just a single kiss that made your heart rate speed up. Your hands found their way into his hair again, trying to push him gently closer to your heat.
He let you do this, so he went straight to devouring your clit with his mouth, while his tongue played with it.
If that wasn't already enough to drive you crazy, you felt his fingers on the back of your thighs pushing you closer onto his mouth.
Your legs spread automatically and you tried to support you as best as possible, fearing your legs would give in due to the pleasure he created.
Sinful moans flooded the bathroom and echoed back into his ears, so Bucky let his metal fingers find their way back into your heat, just where they left off their unfinished work.
He licked you like there was no tomorrow and he never heard any more beautiful sounds as in this moment as you tried not to fall apart right now.
Once again, he felt you getting closer to your high as he speed up his fingers and his tongue working wonders on your clitoris.
You were just about to climax, when all friction was pulled away from you again.
Not believing, you looked down at Bucky, your wetness on his face and an evil smirk written on his lips.
You just opened your mouth to say something, when he lifted you up once again and entered you with his now very hard manhood without a warning.
The moan leaving your mouth was the most erotic sound he ever heard in his life and he was enjoying that he was the one causing it.
Your hands gripped his shoulders as you tried to adjust to his size. He filled you up perfectly, like his dick was only made for you.
“I only want you to come around my dick, you hear me?”, he whispered into your ear and the words went straight to your core as you nodded.
“Say it”, Bucky commanded.
“I only come around your dick Buck. But please let me come”, you sounded too needy but you didn't care.
Bucky started thrusting gently into you, after you adjusted to his size. No pleasure you received before, was comparing to what he did to you. Sure you imagined this in your head, but the actual feeling of him inside of you made you see starts and never wanting to feel anything else.
His lips captured your in a passionate kiss, while his hips snapped into yours, making your grip on him tighten even more.
The feeling of indescribable pleasure starting to rise in your body once again.
“I feel you getting closer doll. You want to come ?, Bucky knew how to tease you to no limit and he had you in the palm of his hand.
“Yes Bucky, please. You feel too good”, you moan.
“Let go doll, I know you can't hold on any longer”, he gently bit down on your neck and that was all it took for you to lose control.
The feeling of pure pleasure exploded and your walls contracted around his cock. Your back arched shamlessly into his chest and your moans came out uncontrollably.
You never came this hard in your life and it felt just perfect.
With the feeling of your walls faltering around him, it was hard for Bucky to hold on any longer, but when he wanted to pull out of you to finish, your legs tightened around him and keeping him inside.
“I want to feel you James”, you whispered into his ear, still in the afterglow of your own orgasm.
Hearing you say his actual name instead of Bucky, he fell apart and came right into your, letting your juices flow together.
Not being able to keep up any longer, he pushed you back into the wall with his body, clinging to you.
“Fuck..doll”, he smiled and looked at you. “I hope to catch you staring more often”.
“If that's my punishment, then I will gladly accept it”, you said and pulled him into another passionate kiss.
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rjshepherd · 3 years
I need more submissive karl in heat 👀 with the same partner from before. Maybe their first time being exposed to karl in such a state? Let The Service Top Shine And Praise The Good Boy
ok its spicy under the read more as usual lads
- so im not a HUGE fan of making people, particularly abused men with agency into little UWU helpless baby subs when it comes to sex.
but that being said
karl is a little helpless when it comes to heats. They come on so strong and he is still a human, unlike the lycans. he’s just not equipped to deal with so many hormones flooding his body at once, even after having heats by years. he sort of just. malfunctions. Can't do things that yesterday he could do with ease, struggles with basic tasks because he's out of his mind with fever and horny. i don't know if id say "he needs an adult" but he def needs someone sober and not lust drunk to keep him out of trouble and remind him to eat.
- this submissiveness is absolutely not by choice. were it up to him he'd keep the bravado even when bottoming. He forces himself to keep going, pretend hes not having this kind of heat until he literally collapses with either fever or exhaustion and is usually just stuck lying where he fell until a lycan comes across him or the heat wears off. its a little different with you around but either way, hes not happy about this situation and he's sure as hell going to let you know about it.
- He cant take care of this himself so he's dependent on you. but that doesn't mean he's a patient man. i always say he's a bottom but he's not the most submissive person alive. there's a lot of "hurry up and fuck me already" or " get moving i cant wait any longer". its a cross between demanding and begging. if he can move without too much pain, he likes to top from the bottom if you know what i mean.
- i think the first time you came across him like this was different. You had NO IDEA what to expect and probably didn't even realise he was in such pain because he was so adept at hiding. now days you can tell, maybe even have a calendar so you can prep a few days before. but the first time was an absolute shit show. i can see it happening in a few different scenarios, you can choose which one you like best:
1. Karl wanders into the lycans den, desperate for some relief from his heat. the hormones have him almost floating towards the other infected like a loonytoons character smelling food, hes powerless to stop its pull on him. after a few hours of searching you finally find him in the lycans den, looking bloodied, like he's been in a fight. You dont know it until later, but that's just how lycans mate. there's no difference between fighting and fucking for them and this is how karl as been dealing with things for years. You freak out, dragging his semi-conscious ass from the bottom of the lycan pile and back to the factory to patch him up. When he finally comes to he's almost feral; he's having trouble making coherent sentences, body freaking out because he's not surrounded by the scent of the lycans. Feverish and painfully aroused in seconds he tries to shy away, get up and go back to the lycans but he's just too weak. He tries to hide his embarrassment from you as he spreads his legs, making a space for you between them. i see a smile creep onto your face as you realise what he's asking you to do for him. Imagine his surprise when you do actually clamber onto his bed whispering sweet nothings "dont worry darling, im here now. ill take care of you."
2. after a few days of just avoiding you, snapping at you and generally being a grumpy unlikeable fuck you both crack. You get upset first and that sets off karl. Hes shouting and shaking and finally he just slides down the wall, too tired to put up a fight anymore. before you know it he's angry crying from the stress of it all and finally just tells you whats wrong: he's harder than a slab of concrete and needs you, just you, to fuck him so he can finally get some peace. sitting on the floor of the bathroom or something it's hard not to see the tenting in his jeans " that looks painful." you mutter " want your alpha to take care of you?" you offer.
Karl whimpers, hand flying to his mouth to stifle the sound. EVENTUALLY he nods, letting you know he's game "good boy" you murmur crouching down in front of him . just your words had such an effect on him? he must be really suffering. so why didn't he just ask? pride probably. maybe he was embarrassed that you or your scent affected him so much. you're just a tiny uninfected human how can you have such influence over the most powerful lord in the village?
having you crouch there, gazing right through his tough facade is doing things to him. He's a little hesitant at first, spreading his legs or bending over to present himself to you. but it's such a sweet gesture, who are you to deny him? you literally fuck him into the floor where he fell, in the middle of the factory where anyone could see. maybe he uses his powers to help you lift him up so you can fuck him against the wall. he's taking most of his weight but he's acting like its all you, clinging to you for dear life as you rock his world. don't forget to praise him as you go, he is your good boy after all.
3. karl wakes up besides you with the worst heat he's ever had. His scent doesn't actually affect you but yours is REALLY affecting him. you can definitely smell his, regardless. If this is how strong it is for you, it must be absolutely MADDENING for poor karl. it's like a fog that's filled the whole room. Karl is almost incoherent with lust, able to do little more than whimper and beg for you to help him out. how you've come around to becoming the alpha's alpha is beyond you, but you aren't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
His hands are already down the front of his shorts, desperately trying to find some relief for himself but he just cant . He's dropped all pretense of shyness or embarrassment; he just doesnt care at all right now. you have a little chuckle to yourself "so shameless." you laugh , leaning over him. you inhale deeply running your tongue along the shell of his ear. Karl shudders "a-are you going to help me or not?" he huffs, eyes clenched shut . You answer his question by clamping your teeth down on his neck. Karl keens, back arching in pleasure but its not enough to push him over the edge. you slap his hands away to take care of him yourself. He's hopeless when he's like this. "you keep forgetting darling." you say as you sooth the bite with a kiss " no one can touch you like i can." i think this is one of the few times Karl ever submits to you completely : He needs you but he doesn't just want you to bred him, no, he wants to be yours, wants you to mark him for the whole pack to see. you have a blank cheque for mayhem. Make as much of a mess of Karl as you want, cover him in bites and kisses from head to toe, fuck him so hard he can't sit down for days or love him so gently he clings to you and cries in joy when he finally finds relief from this heat. He's yours now, you can do whatever you want with him ~
in the days after , karl is walking around with a love drunk expression, black and blue from bites and hickeys but happier than he's been in weeks. The other lords might raise a few eyebrows but as long as you two are together ,who cares what they think?
there you go nonnie, i enjoyed this IMMENSELY. in fact i genuinely might take all 3 of these scenarios and write some ftm or pegging specific reader x karl stuff. its good shit and since ive fleshed it out here half the work is done already lmao. theres a lot of karl fics out there rn but theyre all top, macho karl taking care of the reader ( which is great dont get me wrong) but i like to cater to a different audience ~
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skyephobic · 2 years
oh i found those two concepts interesting as well! and now i can't get it out of my head so i also want to share my thoughts and this is quite long so apologies for that!—
the idea of half-human/supernatural akane becoming a full supernatural because he died during the duration of his contract is a goddamn delicious angst to eat. and for this is a self-indulgent wish just for this version of aoi akane to interact with the cast the moment the first arc began, i imagined his death was caused from an attack by another vengeful spirit that lurks in the halls or outside of kamome. (it was either his fate in this universe or he was caught at the wrong place, wrong time.) this would've fueled akane's hatred for the supernaturals even more because from his perspective, it is their kind the reason as to why he became one of them and can no longer get his humanity back. and, as you said, he started to lose himself.
and, i just realized this, his death can change some of the characters and his relationships with them?? such as, apologies if the characterization isn't right, aoi might've become more wary on who to befriend because her childhood friend, the one she took for granted, left her and she doesn't want to be hurt again. lemon himself have difficulties of befriending others since there isn't a class representative to talk to him after almost hitting him with a bat. and teru, while he is much more crueler and harsher since akane is a full supernatural, might become guilty that he could've prevented akane's death if he was faster. because akane died from something that teru swore to protect the students from, and he still failed.
and something like that
then the idea of an already supernatural akane! i agree with you that it does change his relationships with the cast. i imagined that despite stopping time (and (just realized this again) becoming powerful, i believe, because he is no longer a contractor) he still doesn't fully understand what living in the present means. perhaps for him, it is stopping to admire the things eternally instead of moving forward. this akane might also start finding humans more interesting and wish that he is also one but at the same time, doesn't want to since he hates to abandon the responsibility. ugh imagine akane being adorable when relentlessly asking yashiro and kou about the current present while still keeping that terukane dynamic with teru
but i do wonder on how he, kako and mirai (akane is still the one who chose their names, but decided on akane cause he doesn't like how genzai fits him) stuck together in this au.
and that all! sorry for the messy rambling!
NONO DONT BE SORRY ANON THIS IS AMAZING . CHOKED ON MY SMORE WHILE READING UR ANALYZATIONS THEYRE SO GOOD ??? can we be best friends u understand akane like me this is something i never see in people [i promise im normal]
ur characterization is also really good WHAT R U TALKING ABOUT !!! apologies if i sound so excited ive just never really gotten to talk about this so im so happy ...
born supernatural akane would definitely ask constantly about the current present.. i found it ironic that he wouldnt understand it yet be able to control it. it just fits him so well for some reason, like he cant properly grasp it no matter how much he asks because he doesnt have a good concept of time itself since he's supernatural. probably doesnt even know how long he's been one either, no one really cares enough to tell him and he doesnt ask. its probably better that way too
i wonder how as well .. akane's relationship with the clock keepers has always been an interesting one to me canon and non canon
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mari-monsta · 2 years
hi i just want to say it's such a pleasure to follow you bc youre so right about stuff all the time. love the way you think about characters and narratives and themes etc. unrelated but I listened to hadestown again today and if you have literally anything else to say about ml/hadestown crossover i am ALL ears but i am all ears whenever you speak regardless xoxo
HEHE THANK YOU it was an absolute PLEASURE to receive this ask yesterday morning and I treasured it and saved it to answer until now because i was busy watching lil nas x twerk on stage yesterday and also working
ANYWAY this is high praise and it always makes me SO happy to hear people like my character interpretations and my blorbo ramblings. Please note I am sending this to my friends to tell them that I have proof i am so right about stuff all the time :) thank you for enabling my blorbo illness. I would also like you to know that I love ur thoughts and reactions to things in ur tags and also ur content is so immaculate 🙇🙇
OKAY SO I have SO MUCH thoughts i am dying to share them maybe I will use a cut now for people who don't want to hear me talk extensively about hades town but HERE WE GO
So first of all Gabriel agreste has to be hades. The Control the trying to keep his loved ones under his thumb the fear his Need to know that the rug won't be pulled out from under him. His desperate attempts to bring the love of his life back into his arms but subsequently pushing her father and father away. I Do Not Know how you have Adrien be Orpheus or Eurydice with his as Hades but it has to be like this it just has to!!!
Then for Adrien and Marinette being Orpheus and Eurydice I just its so HARD because they're both like nothing alike either of the characters but at the same time their failings and fears and stuff are all the same??? The inherent tragedy of it all. it BLEEDS love square i just couldn't let it leave me alone even though it doesn't quite fit.
Now the reason I have SUCH a hard time assigning them one role or another is this. Clearly Marinette generally more closely resembles Eurydice upon first glance because of the way she guards her heart and her hesitance to commit. Marinette is much more likely to be the one whos turned cynical and jaded against the world as they are in canon now. She's been canonically less likely to think to believing in the inherent good in people like adrien and also Orpheus seems to.
Adrien in turn fits Orpheus as an inherent romantic and loyal to a fault. Naïve and captivating in a way that you truly believe he believes in the possibility of the world to be good and good things to be manifested from it. Adrien has that easily captivating side of him and its easy to imagine him singing songs that move everyone.
However, despite the fact it's not always her first instinct, Marinette has been more than shown to have the power of captivating people like this.
This is where I get stuck too, because I cannot see Adrien EVER turning a blind eye to Marinette in her time of need the way Orpheus does. Now, I 100% believe it wasn't his fault and that he had no idea. But I just CANT see Adrien ever getting sucked into his work so thoroughly that he wouldn't be able to realize Marinette was crying out for help to him.
DO you know who does do that though? That's right. Marinette does. Marinette is canonically a creative type that can easily get so sucked into her duties and her efforts in protecting everyone that she loves she subsequently pushes them all away and neglects them in the process. Like I said though I'm not blaming either character for this I'm just stating their similarities. Marinette also cares to a fault but very differently than Adrien does.
And do you know who's been known to lay down and die about it when he thinks there's no hope? That's right. It's Adrien. Something something the tracks chant to songbird are basically kuroneko something something I hope you understand because otherwise I'll sound insane.
THEN we have the second act. This is where everything is turned on its head. Eurydice has signed her life away to Hades and Orpheus thus begins to question all his faith in humanity and the inherent goodness of the world, the betrayal breaks him. Now I think this works just fine for either Marinette or Adrien. But it's the climax, where Orpheus is leading them all back to the mortal world and has Eurydice and the workers following behind. As much as Adrien has the capability to believe in the good in others and sometimes inspire it, he's never had quite the leadership capabilities that Marinette does.
If ANYONE would be leading a revolt against the cruelties of the world instead of laying down and taking it it would be Marinette for sure. And if anyone would follow her through hell and back to help her do it it would be Adrien. But Marinette doubts. She doubts so much. Such a big part of the reason Marinette started pushing Chat Noir away during season 4 was that she was afraid of him. Afraid of leading him astray and having him leave her first, so she pushed him away before he could do it. But he was never going to leave her, and he proved that all along. He'd always believe in her and be on her side no matter what mistakes she made along the way. The only thing he doubts in her is her care for HIM. So Marinette is 100% the one who'd be so strong as to be able to walk through hell and back all alone. All alone until she gets to the very end because she doesn't think her kitty has been behind her all along, and is shocked and overjoyed to find him right at her back as always.
Definitely it could go the other way too but.... HNGNNGNGH season 4 narratives,......
Anyway edrklemsdlkvmeklmrfe I hope you don't mind the long rant too much I don't know if you expected me to dump like 7 paragraphs on you i hope you enjoy???
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lordabovehelpme · 4 years
Wonder- Din Djarin x Reader
Request: Hi Lordy! okay, so I got and a request idea and was wondering if you like to write it (no stress if you cant! :) ). I was wondering if you could write something based off of the song "Wonder" by Shawn Mendes? I think i would be great from either point of view and I know you will write something absolutely AMAZING because you are AMAZING! <33333 -🪐
A/n: Hello lovely! I am so happy to see you!!! I hope everything has been going splendid for you! I absolutly love this idea and I hope you like what I came up with! Thank you for stopping bye and I love you a ton! (Also this song is like one of my top ten favorites)
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He can’t move. He’s stuck in place. He just stands in the doorway, unmoving and no thoughts running through his head.
You are standing in the hull, child falling asleep in your arms as you rock him back and forth. His little hands grip at your shirt and his eyes open and close in his fight against slumber. The arm not supporting his body rubs his ear and tickles his forehead. A faint melody flows through the room from your mouth.
The strong and comforting wave of love flows from your soul into his own, sparking thoughts he should never have.
Thoughts of how it would feel to be in the little ones place. To have his head resting in your lap while your fingertips comb through his curls. How your nails would lightly run along his scalp, sending shivers down to his toes. The soft rhythmic swell of your chest as you breathe in and out. He would let his eyes fall shut as you sing down to him.
He starts to wonder. Silently, he asks the universe what you would do if he walked over and wrapped his arms around you. What you would do if he rested his heavy head on your shoulder. Would you shove him off and cower? Or would you let him sink into your flesh and hide from the world?
These thoughts plague him daily. Every little detail and action you have gives him a new idea. Just this morning when you padded up to the cockpit with your eyes still half closed, he would have given anything to be able to pull you into his lap. To have you curl up against his chest; he’d even take the armor off just so you could stay warm. He would cup the back of your head and tuck you away into his embrace, happily listening to your soft snores.
Everytime you blink and your eyelashes flutter, he wonders what they would feel like against his skin. The soft wisps of hair sweeping across his cheek just in the way you do to the child. “Butterfly kisses” you call them.
He yearns to be able to rub his nose against your own. To press his forehead against your own. To be able to hold his lips against yours. He stares at them. Those pillowy plush lips that terrorize his every thought. He hopes you never notice, but at the same time, he wonders what you would do if you knew.
He wonders what it would be like if he had the liberty to love you. To be able to grab your hand wherever he pleased or so desired. To be able to shield you and protect you from the world. It always pains him whenever you’re scared and he can’t do anything but stand there. He wants… needs to reach out and make sure you're okay. But that would only make it worse.
That night the storm happened. The Crest moaned and creaked as it’s walls were pounded with rain and wind. Thunder boomed and long bangs sounded outside as trees and rocks fell. He had heard you. He had listened as your faint cries and sniffles flowed. In a panic he had stood and ran out to your bunk. But when you saw him you brushed away your tears and smiled up at him.
“Big storm out there, huh?” He hated that you tried to put on a happy face. “Sorry, did the little guys' tears wake you? I just got him back down.” You gesture to the child fast asleep in your arms, his cheeks shining from fresh tears. “You can go back to bed.”
You turned away from him to put the child back in his hammock. And his heart crashed to the floor, shattering into millions of pieces. The hand that was going to reach for you stopped and fell back to its place on his side. He only nodded as he walked back to his own bunk, but as soon as the door closed shut his helmet was ripped from his head.
His own tears poured from his eyes as his heart clenched. He shouldn’t have done that. He shouldn’t have got his hopes up again. His fingers gripped at his chest. Why are his emotions always so much more powerful when they are about you?
What would it have been like if you tried to find refuge in his arms? He would have given anything to have just reached out and held you. Even now, he still wonders what it would have been like to comfort one another that night.
When you smile at the child, he smiles under his helmet. He can’t help it. He can’t help but to imagine what it would feel like if you smiled at him. If your eyes would sparkle for him just as they do for the child. He wants to be able to reach out and pinch your cheeks, and trail his fingers across your skin.
He wonders what it would be like to be able to trail his hands across your form. He wonders what it would be like to be able to worship you. He would kiss and rub every single inch of your skin, paying extra attention to the areas you despise. Especially the soft swell of your stomach. He knows you hate it, but he loves it. That soft flesh that ensures him you're healthy. The urge to lift your shirt and press his head against that swell grows more intense every day.
What if you finally let him hold you? He’s not quite sure what he would do. No, he does know. He would pull you as close as he could and wrap himself around you. He would overwhelm his senses with you. He would never let go.
He wonders what it’s like to be loved by you. What’s it like to see your face light up when you spot him. For you to bound over to him and hug him, not caring if anyone notices. For you to call him yours, and gleam when he calls you his.
But now, as the child finally falls asleep and your melody ends, he can only watch. He can only stand there as these questions and feelings swirl through his mind. And as you turn to him and nod your head with a small smile he shoves these sentiments down as far as they will go and climbs back to the cockpit.
He can only wonder. Because he knows they are only dreams and that you would never be able to love such a broken man like him.  
Sequel: Reality
Excuse me while I cry. This got a lot softer than I originally expected. 
As always, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment! 
I love you guys so much, Lordy :) 
Taglist: @ficthots @along-the-lines-of-space @jedi-jesi @coldlilheart @remmysbounty​ @t3a-bag​
If you want to be added/removed from my taglist- just give me a holler and I’ll happily do it! :) 
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fezcosbitch · 4 years
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After a few requests, here’s the second part to passion and wild regret
you can read part 1 here
if the link doesn't work please tell me! x
I hope you enjoy ❤️
You can request if you want x
Warnings: Angst, hella angst. Also the pogues (kie) are rude in this one like...RUDE. Reader is confrontational and not gonna lie, i’m here for it, like I wish I could do this. also if you like Kie... you about to not like Kie, shes a bit off the rails, mega jealous ex here.
All feedback’s welcome, as long as its not mean or rude 💙
So yeah, hopefully you enjoy❤️
It was 2:57 when i woke up the following morning, or evening, and i had absolutely no clue what to  do with myself. I had an immense headache, and a deep pain in my heart. How could they do that? say that? You had been there for them all, through everything. Yet somehow they decide to say all that about you. You were there for Kie when she was at her lowest point, you found her in the bathrooms with Sarah, yet when Sarah left, you stayed, and she never saw it. When John B felt like he would never fit in, and you were the only one (apart from JJ) who stuck by him. Or pope, who, for preparation for his college interview wanted someone to revise with so he wouldn’t be lonely for hours on end, and when everyone opted to surf and sun tan instead of help him, you were the one to stay behind and assist him in his studies, while you could’ve been outside in the summer, tanning and surfing. And  then JJ, the person who undoubtedly hurt you the most. You were there for him all the time. Throughout all the beatings his dad gave him. And all the angry times he almost threw his life away by getting arrested. You saved him from so much, and yet he repays you by saying you’re too much for him, and not worth him.
You couldn’t stand having these thoughts festering around in your mind, so decided that the best thing would be to confront the pogues, and ask why they thought what they did. You hopped in your car and drove over to the chateau, ready to either make or break all your supposed friendships.
Pulling up to the chateau, You saw all the pogues sitting around the porch, talking about something you couldn’t hear. After you’ve stepped out your car, you slam the door shut and lock it, as all the pogues heads turn to look at you. JJ immediately gets up and heads towards you, while the rest of the pogues stand up behind him.
“oh baby I-” JJ started, tears brimming in his eyes already just wanting to apologize over and over again. “don’t even JJ, don’t even start” you said , shaking your head at him “I-” he tried again desperate for you to hear what he wanted to say. “NO JJ, NO. You don’t get to speak over me ok? none of you do. I cant believe you guys i mean, how dare you. I’ve done nothing but stick by you! all of you! yet you repay me like this? wow, Thanks guys I really appreciate that yeah. Just, I can’t believe all of you.” You quickly let out, looking at all of them
“I DIDN’T AGREE WITH THEM BABY I SWEAR” JJ bursts out, desperate for you to forgive him. “what?” you question, immediately wanting to know if this is true. “ I-I-I don’t know what you heard but I never agreed to what they said,I would never, please baby believe me, I know you’ve done so much for me, you’re the best thing to ever happen to me, I argued fully with them all night, I never once agreed, please take me back.” JJ begged, now directly in front of you grasping onto your hands. “is this true?” you asked the rest of the pogues behind him, desperate to find out if it was true or not, desperately wanting someone on your side. All the pogues solemnly nodded, proving to you that JJ did in fact argue against his friends. You looked him dead in the eye “of course i’ll take you back idiot, i kind of stormed of halfway through, didn’t get to hear what you said” you told him smiling through your tears of joy due to knowing that JJ did in fact fight for you. you quickly take him in your arms and hold him tight, “I’m so sorry” you whispered, knowing it must of been hard for him to read the letter you left him. “It’s ok” he whispered back, lightly kissing your shoulder. In that moment you both knew you were never going to let go of each other again, and that if needed, you’d swim entire oceans to be together. 
In all of that chaos you had forgotten the pogues behind you, who you initially came here for. Breaking out of the hug between you and JJ, you turn to face them with all your pent up anger ready to be unleashed, and knowing JJ was safely with you, and prepared to go to the end of the earth with you, you felt ready to take on whatever your ‘friends’ say to you. 
“What about you guys then?” you started off. “What was that all about? all the ‘Y/ns not good enough for you’, and the ‘she’ll only bring you down’ what was all that?” you questioned looking around at all three of them “Its our honest thoughts” Kie spoke up, making you turn to look at her. “really?” you questioned, cocking one eyebrow. “yeah” she responded, crossing her arms. “boys?” you asked, wanting to see if they agreed. John B was the first to nod his head, almost instantly, and pope slowly after, agreeing with his statement. “wow... All my friends hate me.” you whistled, slowly coming to the full realization. JJ grasped your hand, to remind you that he was there for you. “We don’t hate you y/n... we just hate you and JJ being together” John B backed Kiara up, acting as if it was the most obvious thing ever. “why bro? why can’t you just be happy for us?” JJ questioned from behind you, genuinely curious “ because bro, Shes a bad influence. She doesn’t care bro, not about you, us, anyone man why can’t you see that? sure shes cool and stuff and shes a fun friend but that’s all she should ever be” John B ranted. “ What the fuck bro? All of you think that? wow. So everything I’ve ever done for you guys is washed away by some dumb mistakes right? I do some drugs and SHIT I’m the worst person in the world right? everything I’ve ever done forgotten because of some things I do when I’m drunk right?” you questioned all at once, trying to show them how stupid they were being. “Yes” Kiara responds. “Yes because we don’t know what else you’ll do. First it’s molly, next its what? METH?” Kiara stressed. “You’re unreliable, and God knows what you could get JJ into.” she finished. “wha- Kie why are you SO scared about what JJ could get into man? Like what?  I’d never hurt him, or do anything like that, I love him man, so what are you so worried about?” you ranted, confused by Kies emotions. Of course you understood her worry for her friends. but she didn’t say that about John B, or Pope, so why JJ? “BECAUSE YOU DON’T DESERVE HIM! YOU NEVER DID” Kie fully lets out. Ah, you understood now. “You jealous Kiara?” you questioned? “you want JJ yeah? want him to be with you, so now everything I do apparently is more of a reason for him to be with you yeah?” you finally said, having worked out why she was so angry. Kie and the rest of the pogues were silent at your discovery. “wait, what about you guys?” you questioned the two boys. “well uhh, Kie kinda told us you may have cheated on J”
your jaw dropped. 
“THE FUCK KIE? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” you were shocked at the lies she was spilling. “ WELL YOU DON’T DESERVE HIM ANYWAY, THE MORE PEOPLE THAT SEE THAT MAYBE THE MORE HE’LL REALIZE IT, WHO CARES IF THERE’S A COUPLE OF LIES” all of you stood there shocked at what Kie just said. “ the fuck-” JJ started, shocked out of his mind that Kie would say something like that. “ I can’t even. Don’t talk to me Kiara, don’t even approach me until i say so, oh and sort out your major jealousy problem, it’s not cute honey” you said while getting in your car, waiting for JJ to enter in the passenger side. After J got in, you started the car and rolled down your window, “oh and I forgive you boys, i understand why you did it, so like don’t worry. Sort it out Kie, love” you sarcastically grinned and waved to her as you drove away.
“Jesus Christ” you said to JJ “you know I’d never cheat on you don’t you?” you questioned just to make sure. “no of course i know you wouldn’t, its just, the fuck was that with Kie like, what even?” JJ responded. “Honestly, I don’t even know. I forgive John B and Pope cause like, obviously, they were lied to and lead to believe all that but like. How can she be so jealous man?” you questioned, genuinely curious about how one person could be so jealous of another. “I don’t know baby, I don’t know” J responded while kissing your hand.
even though you were away from it all, one question played on your mind...why would she do that?
So yeah... Kie did that.
What were your thoughts? Please tell me ! 💙
Part 3 anyone? If so please tell me x
Sorry for the long wait x
And also sorry if it’s bad ❤️
But yeah that was that how do you feel about it?
All feedbacks welcome as long as it’s not rude or mean💙
But yeah, cya
People who wanted to be tagged :
@mrsmaybank18 (Wouldn’t let me tag you :( )
@captainwinterwriter @ifilwtmfc @hurricane-abigail
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