#i cant treat one group differently when grading
0ssianic · 6 months
I had the most awkward feedback session today and it did shake me up a bit. I hate confrontation
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okay, so ive got a weird one
WIBTA for basically anonymously harassing someone who was into me?
i (15x) stopped being friends with these two people, who i will call grape (19x) and celery (17m) around half a year ago. celery cheated on my best friend mango (17x) with grape for apparently the whole time they were dating. celery is polyam, but never said anything about him and grape. i know he had to have been going behind mangos back, because ive had conversations with him about not telling one of your partners about another partner being cheating (this was a conversation initiated by him. he literally agreed.)
now. i knew celery vaguely in middle school, and our relationship was strictly platonic, established on both sides. he said i was too young for him, and mango also took that stance. this is where it gets a little weird.
i met grape when i was 13. they were 17. theyre just a year ahead of me in school, but they failed a grade and i skipped one. its basically the same gap between a freshman and a senior.
around may of this year, before school ended, they confessed that theyd been into me for a very long time. i asked how long, and they couldn’t even count. the whole thing threw me off. we had a lot of casual intimacy before this (being really, really close to each other; they laid their head on my lap a few times) and i never thought different of it because 1. our whole little group was autistic and me, celery, and grape were all very casual with touch and 2. im aro and grape admitted to being arospec, which made me more comfortable around them because i was sure they understood!
grapes mom had even approached me about this at an event once, saying i was far too young for them and giving the implication that i was into grape. i dismissed this very quickly.
after the celery/mango incident, mango & i were still friends with grape despite them also hanging out with celery. shortly after the grape incident, i cut complete contact with grape and mango basically did as well.
none of this is what im wondering if im the asshole about. i dont care too much.
what i think i could be the asshole about is sending an anonymous drug search to grapes house. i know theres definitely a bunch there and i cant call them on the other illegal shit like being into minors, so im sure i could get them back another way. think of it as a treat. besides, it doubles as payback for celery cheating on mango, because grape and celery are still disgustingly close emotionally and physically and i dont want celery to think that just because he butts into my conversations with other people that we’re ever anywhere close to being friends again. wibta?
What are these acronyms?
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yarrayora · 3 months
9, 25, 30
9. favorite anime child
for the sake of argument of what a child is in anime we will use the fact that anyone older than in their 20s are treated as geriatric elderlies in anime world which means high school age is Basically Adult so i will use middle schooler and below as my criteria
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grade schooler shirota mahiru despairing over his mother's death
second place belongs to young child trapped in the orphanage who got his foot nailed to the ground
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25. anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime
that would depend on what the other person is looking for? i would have to personalize it according to individual's taste lmao
30. one anime conclusion you would change
only one? okay, bleach, then. i would change the fuck out of the quincy war. instead of a bunch of supervillains with overwhelming powers that can easily crush the shinigami they should be tight knit survivors with limited resources who learned how to be REALLY really good at ambushing shinigami in group and picking them off one by one while being unseen
it would be soooo good if ichigo learns that "winning the war" doesnt always mean a victory, especially if they actually stick to their gun about quincies being survivors of a genocide it would be great to have shinigami fearing them thinking theyre outnumbered but we shifts to uryu's perspective and even the quincies are struggling to survive
it would make ywach so much more of a threat too, a charismatic leader who unites his people with the promise of a better future instead of leading with fear and an iron grip
also god. to have an enemy asks ichigo "you enjoy fighting us, don't you? you goddamn monster" pinned down by ichigo and no longer fighting simply waiting for their death. buying time for the others to escape
ichigo has never fought an enemy crying fearing death but already resigned to their death
like ichigo's theoretically aware of the quincy genocide in canon but to have to look uryu in the face and see the weight of it? thats very different
you can also have younger quincies being gungho about fighting in the war because they can finally avenge their family, the reality of war itself hasnt settled in to them, only to be defeated and have an older quincy saving them
toshiro going "why would they send an inexperienced soldier like you to war?" sneering. not realizing the truth yet
also god. ichigo already had similar storyline with hanataro. why cant he saved a quincy realizing theyre the same age as his sister?
battling a group of quincies and then to the rest of the shinigami seemingly out of nowhere ichigo blocks their attack and the first assumption is ofc that he got mindfucked somehow but then they hear ichigo mumbles and says "what?" and ichigo shouts louder "THIS IS JUST A KID!" as if he wasn't the same age as the quincy he saved when he risked his life to save rukia
and the shinigami wouldn't get it, maybe if it was komamura, but the rest of them? so in the end ichigo runs while carrying the quincy kid in one arm while using his blade with another to fend off attacks and the quincy kid grips onto ichigo demanding to know why he saved them while trying so hard to sound brave
tears swelling in their eyes waiting for this to be a trick a trap and not that their enemies have compassion too
also like. ichigo saving a quincy would make his mother's heritage even more relevant! he brings the kid back to their people and like. imagine if yhwach tells them they can trust ichigo because he is his mother's son
the quincy kid feeling less guilty about being saved by a shinigami bc turns out the shinigami has quincy blood in himand it's just. that's wrong, isnt it? his blood and his heritage shouldnt paint what he is as a person! but it's hard to say that when he sees how the quincies are living
and then yhwach tries to radicalize ichigo because he is the strongest asset to have in this war
okay I'm getting too long here so I'm cutting it short BUT. I'm right
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corntastixx · 8 months
Hi! My name is Corn (not my real name).
At the time im writing this im currently 20, i was born in 2003, as a male!!
I grew up in a very conservative household and was raised as a boy for a lot of those years, but ive been through quite a few ‘stages’ since then
I first started questioning my gender when i hit grade 6, i had a lot of female friends and felt that i really connected with them, i really connected with being feminine despite having a dick, because of this i considered myself TRANS for the longest time but even then that label never sat right with me
The problem is that sometimes i felt connected to being masculine also, i felt i belonged in my body somedays while other days i didnt and after a long time of researching and finding myself i concluded that i am in fact GENDERFLUID, i go my she/him/they pronouns depending on what i connect with that day
The problem here is that ive been noticing a lot of change here on tumblr, ive been here forever, interacting with fanfictions of all sorts of fanfictions, including male!readers and female!reader fanfictions and ive always had my age and pronouns in my bio
Lately ive noticed a lot of creators i really liked going missing, without any trace, without anyone noticing, i thought maybe they just deleted their accounts but when i checked on a burner account they were still there but i had just been blocked and i really dont understand why
I understand that i dont have female parts, i dont have a vagina, i dont have a uterus, i dont have my period and i cant get pregnant, im not female and i dont pretend to be, but i do identify with being a girl, and interacting with female!reader fanfictions have really helped water down the feelings of disgust i get with my body on days that i identify as a girl
The worst part is a lot of these content creators have in their bio that they support the LGBTQ+ comminity, and share posts about how everyone is valid yet i get blocked because sometimes i identify as a different gender, and i think thats just disgusting??
How are you going to block me from content because you dont agree with how i identify myself and then claim to be an ally, you cant disregard people in a community and then claim to support that community at the same time
Its not like ive ever been rude to these creators, half the time ive liked their content and then moved on without saying a word, im over 18, i have my label in my bio, and clearly im not a bot, so what reason do they have to block me?
Its extremely belittling finding that the same people who claim to support also being the ones treating you like an outcast in your own group of people, treating you like your label isnt valid, as someone thats struggled with myself for so long feeling disgusted with myself for identifying with being feminine as a male this sort of behavior is extremely hurtful
I already feel like an awful person for identifying the way i do, knowing i dont have the same parts as a girl but still identifying that way feels like a crime against women, and it feels like a crime against men feeling disgusted with my body somedays while loving it the next,
Has anyone else found this same problem?
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discet · 2 years
Random question: what would happen if Marcy introduced to World Hoppers to the concept of Cosplay/Roleplaying? Who would dress up as who? Would they dress up as each other or people from old stories, like Barrel the Brave(I feel like Polly would like him)?
I've been sitting on this for about a week and unfortunately I don't think I really have a good answer for you :/ Wrong past me. Anyways, were.
Ivy: Man this answer is so different by the end of season, but for now: Ivy is probably the most resistant to the concept. She'd been dressed up by her mom as something she's not enough times to be wary of cosplay in general. However I think she finds a old portrait of her mom in her adventuring days and asks for Marcy's help replicating it.
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Maddie: The Witch Queen Belda. A frog from early in Andrias's reign, who is basically amphibia's version of the Baba Yaga. She is a folk tale figure. In many a story, Belda often enables the mistakes of others. Giving them potions and curses that often the catalyst for the plot, for ill or aid. However what has largely been lost/purposefully purged from the annals, is she was also a real person. In the second century of Andrias's reign, Belda was the leader of a cabal of witches dedicated to fighting against the witch hunts. She is probably the closest anyone came to killing Andrias prior to start of story.
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(Cant find the original artist for this one, which is a shame cause it is basically perfect)
Sprig, Polly, & Marcy: So Marcy mentions the concept of group cosplay and Sprig absolutely insists on doing one with Marcy. Marcy is on board since its not like Anne or Sasha ever had much of an interest in Cosplay after they stopped trick or treating (well treating, anyways, halloween became a night of tricks and pranks after 5th grade for the girls). Polly insists on joining, not wanting to be left out.
Ultimately they decide to roleplay as their respective characters from the first Vagabondia chronicles game. Sprig as Elowen, Polly as the big fluffy Toma and Marcy playing Petyr.
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If this was an episode of the show there would probably be a bit where Maddie and Ivy are looking down at the picture of the character art then back at the Plantar kids cosplay at just the absurdity of differences
While ultimately I ended up disagreeing about Polly and Barrel, I do want to say when I first wrote this response I did agree. I think Barrel is one of the few figures in Amphibia who is respected across species lines. The Toads celebrate him for his strength. The newts for his service and loyalty. And the Frogs for protecting the common folk.
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sadblckaquariusgirl · 4 months
Ranting Journal #1
i've never known what it was like to just feel accepted. or be good at anyting. ever in my life.
every trophy or award i got... it was just participation. the only time i did get a award that i 'earned' it was for the TAKS test... which is just a standardized test in Texas...that no longer exists so does that even mean anything?? and i was in the 8th grade...so i really don't think that counts.
its something more than saddness what i feel. like a grief but not even that seems like the word. and i'm angry... fuck i'm so fucking angry. because like WHY? ya know?
i keep asking myself like what i did? what is it that i continue to do to deserve the shit that I get. And I obsess and i think over and over and over and i cant...come up with anything. that i did to deserve being so fucking alone. and constantly mistreated. Not to say i can't say when I've done wrong cuz I can, i pick my wrongs apart. but what i'm saying is my wrongs... the consequences for them...they don't align. its like a massive consequence for what? and that's if i did something. Usually the thing is just...me being mysefl. or expressing an intererest. God FORBID i open up and go vulnerable on someone. then its just flat out Neuclear....sometimes i laugh because...what the fuck you know lol
how can i be 29, almost 30 and i don't know what romance means. I don't know what its like to have a group of friends and laugh with them. I don't know what its like to have a relationship with my family that didn't make me feel like shit. or an alien or like i should have been born into another family. I don't know what its like to be taken care of. or considered or seen.
i've never been kissed, like honestly. not just because a guy feels like he has to because we're hooking up. No i want, a real kiss. I want a 'you are so beatiful, i can't express it in words, the only thing i can do is kiss you' type of kiss. i want someone to hold my hand. in public. i wanna go on dates. nice dates. I want someone to introduce me to their friends and gush about me and i want them to be teased becasue of how love sick they are because they think i am just that great. I want to be considered, my feelings, my likes and dislikes. I want someone to hold me just becasue they want to. and i want to feel safe with someone.
but all i get is rejection or negative feedback and i just...i don't know why? its so fucking odd. All i do is self- reflect, and try and psychoanalyze myself. to the point where its probably obsessive. becasue i just want to fix me.
i just want someone to tell me what it is about me that's just so wrong, and off and not right. tell me what it is, so i can fix it. i'm willing to fix it. but no one will tell me what it is. instead they just gaslight me. when i say i'm not getting xyz but i see everyone else is they tell me to stop comparing myself.
thats what everyone loves to say... but like... i'm a logical person ya know. i deal in evidence. and what i see. and the patterns and what happens. and i can fucking see it. how i'm treated vs everyone else! and its different. the problem is i don't know why i can't see what it is thats wrong about me. So when i say 'what do i have to do?" and you tell me 'be myself' i just feel fucking insane. BECAUSE I AM!! I AM BEING MYSELF 100% AND YOU FUCKERS STILL DONT LIKE. ME YOU STILL DON'T WANT ME. AND I'M STILL THE FUCKING VILLAIN!!! So what?? Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me, so i can fucking fix it. because i am so fucking tired of being alone.
i'm almost 30. and i don't have anyone, and i've never had the warm fuzzy feelings, or secure feels, or anything real. I'm almost 30. with no friends, living at home again (biggest mistake was moving back) in between jobs....no boyfriend or prospects.....
i wish i could just go numb from it all. i don't want to feel like this anymore. i don't want to just keep wondering what i did. "waiting for my people" and all that shit. I just want to disappear. becasue.... it downa't matter.
i'm not good at anytihng. i'm talentless. fat, kinda not cute (I'd say i'm a sollid 5.5...6 on a good day with makeup)
i just want to know what it feels like for two seconds. to be praised. and loved, and understood and an accepted and. considered and seen. and be talented an rewarded for work.
I just want my brain to .. idk i want someone else brain. just for a day. i'm convinced that if i had a different brain. one that was never hit, or screamed at or told was 'the problem' or was bullied, or that moved a 1000 times....if i had a fresh brain....i know i wouldn feel this way. and thats what makes me even more angry. Because IT'S NOT MY FUCKING FAULT
she ruined me. she broke me. its like i never had a chance, and yeah its my 'responsibility' to fix it. go to thereapy and heal. But i didn't break me! i didnt' fucking do it. so why do i have to fix it. I was fine before! I was the mona Lisa. and she ....took a knife to it. and so did they....and them after that... and them...like over and over and over.
i just want a break.
and i want to feel my life isn't pointless.
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hustlerose · 4 years
ok heres the rambling i hope u like reading
seriously some of you guys claim to be progressive but youve managed to dredge up the old “video games/ movies/ comics/ magazines/ books/ hoop and stick games are the reason our kids are violent” argument lol. i keep seeing ppl say every piece of art that depicts bad things is unequivocally bad and its so stupid. first of all, you should be able to understand that fictional characters are not real people and their actions don’t take place in the real world. on top of that, you should understand that just because someone made art depicting something bad doesn’t mean theyre bad, and just because someone enjoyed it doesnt mean theyre fucked up and evil and literally condoning blah blah blah. when you say this shit, you sound like a boomer 
at some point you should be mature enough to see a piece of art and engage with it beyond the level of “i’m going to write a callout post for pearl from steven universe”. and more than that, you should accept that art is subjective and other ppl are gonna experience it differently than you 
i’ve been a horror fan for a long time and i love seeing fictional violence. blood, gore, torture, lies, cheats, dirty deeds, sexual assault, extreme emotions, extreme trauma, unreality, and morally gray characters. when handled well, these things can be dramatic, shocking, and emotional and i love it. 
i understand that some ppl would rather avoid these things, and i think content warnings are a good thing. if my friend has an anxiety disorder and epilepsy i’m not gonna force them to marathon all my favorite horror movies with blinking lights. you should be able to pace yourself. but the flip side of that is: some people don’t need those warnings. some people actively seek that stuff out and enjoy it. and just because it’s not for you doesn’t mean it’s not ok for someone else to love it. there are tons of normal level headed ppl who enjoy things that are way more extreme than your average disney channel show, and enjoying those things doesn’t make them problematic or suspicious or whatever, they just have different tastes than you 
example. one of my favorite characters is guts from berserk, one the best manga series of all time. in berserk, guts attempts to sexually assault another character, kills hundreds of people including a child, and serves in a war under a proto-fascist warlord. does the fact that i enjoy berserk mean i condone murdering hundreds of people? no, i wouldnt hurt a dragonfly and im also a tiny baby. does liking berserk mean i cant criticize the parts that are genuinely bad?? also no, the series basically treats casca (our main female lead) as a lamp for half the plot, and the part where guts tries to assault her is framed as an edgy character moment, which is pretty misogynistic if u ask me. again, if any of that turns you off, you dont have to read it. but i did read it, and i got a lot out of it and learned a thing or two about how not to write about women. 
with any piece of art, you should bring your own morals into it, and engage with its ideas. art is not always good or evil, it’s a dialog between you and an author. you NEED to be able to appreciate these things without resorting to insane reactions and in-group/out-group shenanigans 
you know that kid you knew in 9th grade who you could ask “do you listen to [band]” and they would always say yes no matter what band it was, just because they were terrified of the idea that someone else might be different than them in some tiny way? thats some of yall except youve formed a hivemind around it and appropriated a bunch of liberal academic terms lol 
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i’m sure you’re tired of me posting non incorrect quote or non zutara things, but there are things i want to talk about. it started, i guess, as a trend on tiktok where people would share their stories and experiences with racism as people of color in the united states(or anywhere really, but everyone i’ve seen has been from the us). as a woman of color, i felt compelled to participate, but wasn’t sure how to. i didnt want my face showing up globally because i knew that with posting that, not only could people i know in real life find it, but so could the wrong side of tiktok, thus leading some nice so not comments being left under the post. with tumblr i like the anonymity. i can talk about this in as much detail as i want without anyone being able to put a face to my name. despite being here for almost 19 years, i’m still not completely comfortable talking about these experiences when people know what i look like.
i’m going to put this under a cut so it doesn’t take up too much room, and so you can skip if you want.
for starters, my name’s holly. i’m asian american. i was born in china, but shortly after i was born i was stuck in an overcrowded orphanage. this resulted in being adopted by white parents when i was about one and a half to two years old. i lost fluency with my native language and that eventually lead to losing the language completely, and i lost touch with my culture.
i was in second grade, that’s how far back i can remember my first real encounter with racism. i was seven in a classroom full of white kids. there was this boy with blonde hair and blue eyes who sat next to me for a good portion of the year. i remember walking into class everyday, and every day he would ask me the same questions. “why is your nose so flat?” and “why do you eyes look like that”. i was seven. and whether or not he intended to hurt my feelings, it stuck with me for a long time. at first i was confused, because i didn’t think i looked different. i didn’t view myself as looking different until then. until i was constantly reminded everyday that my facial features were “weird” and “odd”. that my face was undesirable. it lead to years and years of insecurity and self hatred.
i wanted so bad to look like the other white girls in my school. i wanted a cute upturned nose with a perfect bridge shape. i wanted blue eyes. i wanted eyelids that didn’t connect in the corners and eyelashes that were naturally curled and turned up unlike mine, that just rested straight forward. i wished that i had lighter skin and blonde hair. i didn’t want to be different and undesirable. i thought i was ugly, and i would look at myself in the mirror for long periods of time, picking out everything that set me apart from the other white kids at my school.
that same year i found out that i needed glasses, and i’m pretty sure i cried. i didn’t want another reason for myself to stand out. i refused to wear them for an entire year and a half, before i realized that i had to wear them if i wanted to see. i was seven, eight. i wasn’t even in the double digits yet but i had this idea in my head that i was ugly because i wasn’t white. whether that kid had meant to hurt me like that didn’t matter, because the damage had already been done. and the worst part was that i had no one i could tell, but none of my friends and none of my family would understand what i was going through. so i suffered in silence and dealt with it the best a child could.
when i was in middle school, i can vividly remember kids mocking asians for laughs. they thought it was funny. funny to be racist. i remember this one time i was out walking the track with a group of kids during gym class. i was walking just behind them and i overheard their conversation. they were making fun of asian’s eye shape, and pulling their eyes back to make them smaller. and it hurt. and they knew i was walking behind them. they knew i was there and that i could hear their whole conversation, but they didn’t care. and i was too scared to speak up for myself, so i had to sit back, listening to and watching them mock people who looked like me because they thought it was funny. i was in seventh grade.
that next year, i was in eighth grade. i had a class with a boy. (i was convinced i liked him, but i’ve come to realize that was not the case at all. i was just forced into thinking he liked me, and i felt obligated to like him back. i realize now that that is just how society (and a get normative society) has conditioned women to feel, but that these feelings were nothing more than platonic. this will make more sense as i continue to tell the story.)
as i was saying, i had a class with a boy, and we began talking and becoming friends. or, i thought we were friends. i realize now those feelings were one sided, and that he only used me to pick on me. he and his friends would take my things and hide them. they sat behind me and would move my desk during class while i was trying to work. they’d throw things at me, whatever they had available. sometimes it was paper, sometimes it was coins, i remember a few times it was a stick they’d found on the track. and now, it doesn’t seem like a racially motivated thing, and maybe it wasn’t and i’m just overreacting. but i saw how he treated other girls. i saw how he treated his girl friends. i saw how he treated my friends. i was with them all the time, and yet i was the only one who was ever on the receiving end of this treatment. and that, that sucked. but i didn’t tell anyone again, because i knew they would just tell me “that means he likes you”. but his actions went further then a playful slap in the arm, and became almost dangerous. i was only fourteen.
in high school i tried my best to stay away from those toxic people. instead, i could remember the racism i faced in those four years coming from my own family, rather than my peers at school. i cant possibly name every time my family has been racist, but i can specifically remember times when i was constantly told by them that my eyes “didn’t look asian”. that my sister looked “more asian” than i did simply because her eyes were smaller than mine. as if i didn’t already have an identity crisis because i wasn’t white enough to fit in with my predominantly white neighborhood, but i wasn’t asian enough to fit in with the few asian kids at my school. it was my dad who continually pushed me to be an engineer(which im not doing, to clarify). don’t get me wrong, he wanted all of us to be in a field where job demand was high, and he did want my sister to be an engineer, but he didn’t bring it up at the rate that he did with me. he still does it. and this plays into the stereotype that all asians are smart and that because we’re smart i have to go into a field that requires high intellect. he didn’t put that immense amount of pressure on any of my other white siblings. just me.
there’s a chinese restaurant down the street from us. we order from there a lot, and usually they’re really good with getting our orders right. in fact, this was the only time i can remember them getting our order wrong. and immediately they began to make fun of their understanding of english and their broken english. immediately they jumped on that opportunity to mock their language, using words like “ching chong” to describe their words. and the saddest part is, i wasn’t even surprised. and yet i couldn’t say anything because i didn’t want to start a fight, and i knew if i did i would be told that “it was just a joke” or that “you’re being too sensitive”. i often wonder if they’d mock me if i didn’t have perfect english. if i spoke with a “chinese accent”. it makes me wonder if i’m only really accepted because i’ve been so assimilated into whiteness that you can’t even tell i’m asian unless you look at my face. this happened mere weeks ago.
last week i went to get my hair done. because of covid everyone is required to wear masks, but there were at least 10 people in there. i was sat down in front of the mirror while my hairdresser cut my hair. in the reflection of the mirror i could see this older white women getting her hair one behind me. she wasn’t wearing her mask properly. it resting under her nose, eventually her chin, and at one point it came off completely and her hairdresser had to tell her to put it back on. the entire time i was sat in that chair, where i could only look straight ahead in that mirror, she was watching me like a hawk. giving me side eye glances and even turning her head completely towards me at times. let me remind you that there were other customers in there. it wasn’t just me and her. i could feel myself starting to get anxious, my heart starting to speed up and my fingers under the apron they put around you, tapping the side of my phone in my hands nervously. i was genuinely afraid that she would start throwing racist slurs and start blaming me for the coronavirus the entire time. i was scared. and it was literally just last week. im tired.
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cuckqueanslave61 · 5 years
At 13, I was pretty naive to the world and all the bad people in it. I was going through my days, getting good grades at school, hanging out with my friends, coming home and spending the evenings with my family. At weekends, my friends and I would go camping at the local park or shopping in town. One weekend, I got home and found my mum’s best friend waiting for me. She was crying and there was a police officer with her.
I cant tell you about my parents accident, its too painful for me to write right now. All I can say is that they were killed in a car accident by a drink driver. A story we hear all too often and too much. But that was the start of it all.
I moved in with my mum’s best friend, I’ll call her Sandra, and the first year, I rebelled. I was angry and unprepared for all the changes. I guess anyone in the same situation is. No one expects to all of a sudden lose their family. It was just me now, I had no siblings.
I don’t know whether Sandra and her husband, Mike, just got fed up with me and felt I needed to learn respect, but eventually I became their Cinderella. I couldn’t blame them I suppose. I was living for free with them and I had treated them like crap.
I had to do the chores around the house. All of them. I was a live in maid. I no longer went to see my friends and shopping trips were well off the agenda. At first, it wasn’t too bad. I was still part of the family. I still ate dinner with them at the table. I was still clothed well and I still went on holiday with them. But as their lives got busier, my place within the family diminished. I should say that Sandra and Mike had no children of their own. I don’t know why, whether it was by choice or not, but I’m glad of that. I’m also guessing that they didn’t really want the burden of me either. Sandra possibly just felt she opted it to my mum.
When I was 16, Mike’s attentions turned to me in a different way. My body was developing well, and he had noticed. He looked at me with a smile rather than with disappointment or anger as he had done previously. Mike was a man in his 40s, but attractive. He worked out and looked after himself well. I found the attention was appealing to me in a way I had not felt before. I hadn’t been all that impressed with boys my own age, finding them annoying and immature.
I developed feelings for Mike, but he didn’t make any moves towards me. Not until the first time I got drunk and he had to pick me up.
It was our Leavers Ball at school and Sandra had agreed that I could go onto a party afterwards. I had convinced her it was only a small group of girls and we were just going to reminisce about our school days over pizza. Of course, I had lied, but I wanted to go and couldn’t tell her the truth. I hadn’t drunk alcohol before, so it wasn’t long before I was drunk and making a nuisance of myself. One of my friends called Sandra, explained what had happened and before I knew it, Mike was there, angry faced and authoritive.
As I slid into the car, Mike turned to me and asked what kind of punishment I thought I deserved. I shrugged and then said the most embarrassing thing I had ever said.
“I love you, Mike. I mean, I am in love with you! You cant punish me.” Mike laughed.
“Then punishing you is going to be easier and more enjoyable.” He started to drive.
“Enjoyable! What do you mean?” My eyes were starting to close.
“I’m going to enjoy giving you a really grown up punishment, since you think you are so adult now.”
I fell asleep at that point. When I next woke up, I was in my room, in my pyjamas with a bucket by my bed and a glass of water on my bedside table. I guess I was grounded then.
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ruoxye · 5 years
MXTX College AU!
Wei Wuxian is a 3rd year in college and was kicked out of his previous dorm for pulling a prank that involved setting lose 33 chickens and bubbles, lots of bubbles. So, he was forced to move to a new residence hall. there, he bunks with Lan Wangji, 3rd year, (the only person that didn’t have a roommate). During his time with LWJ, WWX constantly is asking to borrow pens, pencils, and various other school supplies. Luckily, LWJ has enough patience to let his roommate borrow his stuff (despite them never being returned). One night WWX was gaming all night, which kept LWJ up as well (though he also couldn’t help but steal a few glances at WWX throughout the night) who was at his breaking point with WWX’s chaos. Thus, the next day, the sleep-deprived LWJ slips up and forgets his pencil bag in the dorm and class is about to start. WWX notices and offers a pen, but only if LWJ asks for it.
WWX: *while waving the pen in he air* Ah ah ah. Where are your manners Wangji? Aren’t you forgetting something?
LWJ: *quietly through gritted teeth* May I borrow your pen?
WWX: Eh? What was that? I cant hear you. You know my old ears aren’t what they used to be
LWJ: *with much pain but louder* M-may. I please. Borrow. Your. Pen.
WWX: There you go, that’s all you had to do! *laughs and tosses the pen to LWJ*
The next day LWJ remembers his pencil bag, but secretly tucks the borrowed pen away in his desk.
One day, WWX is framed for stealing from a mother student. LWJ is his only alias; however, people think WWX is threatening LWJ to comply with him since LWJ is known to be an i right student. Further, WWX is known to be poor and always borrowing things, so people have reason to keep him guilty. Along they way, more things are stolen around campus. Many people still blame WWX but other students (most of which come from tougher backgrounds) are also implicated as well. The pair must find the true culprit and help the other innocent students.
Shen Qingqiu is a college professor. Luo Binghe is a 1st year college student. Back in Luo Binghe’s 1st and 2nd year of middle school (7th and 8th grade) SQQ was one of LBH’s teachers and they formed a close teacher-student relationship. However, SQQ disappeared from LBH’s life after that. In college, LBH sees that SQQ is teaching at the college he was accepted at. LBH signs up for one if SQQ’s classes and their lives intertwine again. However, SQQ is less than enthusiastic to get close to LBH again. Apparently a few rumors about their relationship rose about SQQ and LBH back then and SQQ didn’t want to tarnish LBH’s reputation. That won’t stop LBH from getting close to his Shizun again.
LBH: Shizun, I don’t understand. Why must you always brush me off?
SQQ: It’s best if you didn’t know...
LBH: *grasps SQQ by the shoulders* But I want too know. Nothing will hurt me.
SQQ: *surprised by LBH’s newfound height and his boldness* Stop, this is not appropriate for a teacher and student. I don’t want anyone to see us. I don’t want you to get hurt again- *oops, he let it slip*
LBH: *eyes widening in realization* So that’s why... All those years ago.
SQQ proceeds to tell LBH the whole truth about why he left all those years ago.
LBH: I don’t care what others say, Shizun. I only care what you think.
xie lian is a 4th year honor student admired by all. Hua Cheng is a 2nd year that is said to be smart yet “troubled.”What seems to be by fate, XL and HC meet when they accidentally swap papers while printing them at the school library. This leads to more chance encounters and eventually friendship. Unbeknownst to XL, many years ago (XL was 13 and HC was 10) he helped HC with a group of bullies on multiple occasions (of course XL never to know who he helped). HC and XL grow close. However, a rumor is spread that Qi Rong, XL’s cousin, is involved in gang violence and XL’s family name is tarnished. XL’s reputation around school is ruined and more and more preposterous rumors are spread just to target XL.
XL: *after just finding out about another nasty rumor* I just don’t know what to do anymore. I-I’m considering dropping out of college. I’ll probably be able to find a job at my parent’s business.
HC: Gege, I know you don’t really want to do that.
XL: *head in hands, on the verge of tears* But no one at this school throws a glance in my direction, even the teachers treat me differently. Besides, with my bad reputation I won’t be able to find a job after college. I might as well-
HC: *embraces XL* To me, you’ll always be the brightest star in the sky. No matter what anyone says or does to harm you, I swear I’ll stand by your side. I know you, they don’t. You’ll always have me. *XL begins to sob*
The pair decide to figure out the culprit behind the original rumor and set things right. Who knew it may be someone closer to them than they think.
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Back and Forth
Idol: Siyeon (Dreamcatcher)
Prompt: Hello, hello<3 I would like to request a Hogwart AU where the slytherin!fem!reader has this relationship-not-really-a-relationship-some-flirt with.... choose your fighter: Hani (EXID) or Siyeon (Dreamcatcher)
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I decided to make Siyeon a Slytherin as well in this case since we’ve written her as a Slytherin before, hopefully you didn’t want her as a different house? Also I’m sorry I haven’t been writing much for, well, a lot of reasons, but I hope you al enjoy this story and hopefully I'll be back to my normal posting schedule soon.
♡ Tip Jar♡
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“Did you do something new with your hair, (Y/N)? You look even more stunning than usual.” At the sound of your housemate’s familiar voice, you looked up with a smile, watching as she sat down in the seat at the table beside you.
“Awe, Siyeon, you noticed? I got a little trim, do you like it?”
“I love it, but I love everything about you, babe,” Siyeon said dramatically, tossing her hair over her shoulder and sending you a wink. Collectively, your friends around her groaned, making the two of you laugh.
“It’s too early in the morning for this. Can’t your cheesy remarks wait until at least lunch?” Gahyeon remarked, wrinkling her nose in mock disgust.
“Nope, I have to be cheesy and greasy at all times or I will combust on the spot, Gahyeon my dear.”
“You’re so dramatic,” Sua said as she throw a piece of her food at the other girl. Siyueon ducked, avoiding it easily, but still pulled an offended face.
“Don’t throw things just because I’m better at flirting than you!”
“Keep telling yourself that.”
“I don’t have to. (Y/N), aren’t I the best flirt, babe?” Siyeon turned to you with a spark in her eyes and a grin on her lips, and you rolled your eyes, knowing that she just wanted to hear you praise her.
“Yes, yes, Siyeon, you’re the best flirt in the Slytherin house, just like always,” you said to appease her, clapping sarcastically and making Gahyeon laugh, but Siyeon seemed pleased, turning to Sua with a smug smile.
“See? Told you!”
“Your girlfriend’s vote doesn’t count.”
“We aren’t dating,” both of you said at the same time, used to this by now. One of the younger Slytherin guys, new to the group, looked up with his eyebrows raised.
“Wait, really? I thought you guys were a thing!”
“Nope.” Siyeon threw her arms around your shoulders, and you swallowed as she pulled you closer, your face heating up slightly. The two of you always did this, so you should be used to it be now. But you weren’t, and you hoped no one noticed the slight flush as you made a face at her affection. “We’re just flirty friends.”
“That’s not a thing,” Gahyeon pointed out, “please just date and stop confusing people.”
At the thought of dating Siyeon, your stomach twisted in your stomach and your heartbeat picket up, and you slowly pulled away from her, suddenly not feeling hungry. You knew you shouldn’t feel this way, not with Siyeon. But for some reason, you couldn’t help it.
“Please, (Y/N) is out of my league. Don’t insult her.”
You laughed along with everyone else, but it felt hollow. “Oh, so that’s the excuse now? I thought you said last time that you were out of my league.”
“I changed my mind after you beat my potions grade for the third year in a row. I just can’t keep up with you, but that’s why I love you.” She blew a kiss your way, obviously joking, and you wondered if she knew how much it made your heart hurt to catch it.
“Obviously, Siyeon here is delusional,” you said, only half-joking as you stood up. “I needed to stop back by our rooms to grab a book before class so I’m going to get going. I’ll see you all in class.”
“You didn’t eat hardly anything, are you sick?” There was genuine concern in Siyeon’s voice (which was a little weird, she was usually snarky) but Sua snorted, ruining the soft moment.
“Sick of you.”
“Hey! There’s no way she’d be sick of me! I’m her favorite person in the world!” As Siyeon’s voice raised, ready to fight Sua, you rolled your eyes and turned away, sighing as you went to throw out your leftover food. If only Siyeon knew just how true that statement was....
“You might as well just tell her, at this point.”
“Jiu, I seriously cant do that. What if she thinks it’s weird? This is all just a game to her, you know? She likes the back and forth, the playful flirting with no strings attached. She wouldn’t want me to fall in love with her for real.” Orange and red were terrible, awful colors, you decided as you laid on Jiu’s bed and stared up at the ceiling. The brightness of it all hurt your eyes, and you were reminded of just how glad you were that the sorting hat decided to put you in Slytherin.
“So you’re just going to mope on my bed forever instead?” Jiu turned around from where she was doing homework, a small smile on her lips and her arms crossed. “Why do you always come here instead of asking me to come to your dorms for once?”
“Because you have more privacy. The moment I admitted my feelings for Siyeon out-loud, someone would be listening and in minutes the entire school would know.”
“I think you’re exaggerating.”
You closed your eyes, to get away from the offending brightness of the room. Why couldn’t your best friend have been sorted into Ravenclaw instead? At least blue and silver were bearable. “I’m not. I never exaggerate.”
“Whatever you say, honey. But I seriously think you should just confess. I think Siyeon likes you more than you think.”
“She’s just like that,” you retorted, “she’s one of the school flirts. It’s not like I’m any different from any other students she flirts with.”
“That’s not true, at all. I’ve known Siyeon just as long as I’ve known you, and I’ve seen the way she treats you. She flirts with you way more than anyone else and she’s always paying attention to you or staring at you. Remember that time you came down with a cold and she stayed in your dorm room for three days nursing you back to health? She wouldn’t do that for you if she didn’t care about you.”
“She cares about me like a friend.”
“No offense, but I’d never stay right beside someone’s bed for three straight days, skipping all my classes and risking getting in trouble just to make sure a friend was okay during a little cold. I’d also never call any of my friends ‘babe’ and I’ve certainly never told my friends that I wanted to kiss them.”
Your face heated up and you opened your eyes, turning to glare weakly at Jiu. “That was after she drank that weird potion Gahyeon made her to make her fever go away! She was basically drunk, drunk people say things they don’t mean all the time.”
“Sometimes being drunk makes you more honest,” Jiu pointed out. “I’m just saying that Siyeon liking you is more likely than you’re acting like it is.”
With a sigh, you shook your head and stood up. “Thanks for trying to encourage me, but I still doubt it.” You gave your best friend a little smile. “I’m going to head back to my dorm now. Have a good night.”
She looked like she wanted to say something, but she just shook her head and smiled instead. “Alright. Goodnight, (Y/N).”
As you walked back to your room, you tried not to let the things she’d said get to you. But you couldn’t help but think: what if? What if Siyeon liked you? What if everything Jiu was saying was true? What if you actually had a chance with her? Shaking your head, you tried to chase the thoughts away, You shouldn’t be fantasizing when Siyeon was, well, Siyeon. It was playful flirting, that was all. You needed to find a way to get over her before things got out of hand.
Before you realized it, you were back at the Slytherin dorms, and you let out a sigh as you stepped inside and headed for your own room. You needed to take a nap and clear your head. So you ingored everyone else in the commons room, focused on just getting into bed when....
“Do you think (Y/N) hates me?” It was Siyeon’s voice, and your hand stalled on the door to your room, body frozen in place. Her voice was coming from Gahyeon’s room beside yours, and you couldn’t help but be curious. Especially because of what you’d just heard.
Swallowing, you made sure no one else was around before standing close to the door, listening carefully as Gahyeon hummed in thought.
“Well, no. You guys are always hanging all over each other so it’s obvious that she doesn’t hate you. Why do you ask that?”
“It’s just that she doesn’t seem to have noticed how I feel. Like, I cling to her and flirt with her and tell her that I love her all the time and she just laughs it off and is so quick to dismiss it. She’s so fast to tell people that we aren’t dating too. It hurts a bit, you know? And it makes me think that maybe she doesn’t like me at all.”
“I feel like that’s jumping to conclusions,” Gahyeon said with a sigh. “You’re being dramatic.”
Siyeon whined. “I’m allowed to be dramatic! I’m in love with (Y/N) and she hasn’t realized a thing!” Wait, what? Were you dreaming? Had Jiu cast some sort of spell before you left? What was going on? “I really thought that she’d get it after I told her that I wanted to kiss her that one time, but nope! How? How doesn’t she know?”
Your heart was pounding in your chest and you wanted to both run and burst into the room at the same time, but you stood by the door, rooted to the floor and unable to move from the shock of it all. Inside, Gahyeon laughed.
“Maybe because you’re the biggest flirt in the Slytherin house. I’m sure that has something to do with it.”
“I’ve cut down on the flirting I do, though! I really only flirt with (Y/N) these days.” Siyeon groaned, and you heard robes rustling. You were sure she’d just put her face on Gahyeon’s shoulder. “I regret being such a flirt in my youth.”
“Again, you’re being dramatic. Just tell her straight up, she’ll get it.”
“I doubt it. Because we joke flirt like that all the time, you know? She’d probably just think it was another joke! I’ve set myself up for failure.” She was right. Had you heard her say half these things in any other context, you would have thought she was still just joking with you. But she was talking to Gahyeon about you, without knowing you were there to see. This wasn’t fake. This wasn’t a joke. This was real, and your breath caught in your throat, butterflies going crazy in your stomach as you took everything in. Jiu had been right.
“So you’re just going to let things continue the way they are?”
“I might just give up, honestly. If she doesn’t like me that way, I’m not going to keep pushing her. I get it, she doesn’t like me. I’ll leave her alone.” Those words were what made you finally move from the spot you’d been rooted to, throwing open Gahyeon’s door with a blush on your cheeks and your eyes wide.
“No, you’re wrong!” At the sound of your voice, both of the girls jumped, and Siyeon spun around, her mouth dropping open.
“(Y/N)? W-wait, how long have you been listening?” You had never seen Siyeon’s face so red before, but you also knew that yours was no better as you stood there, mind racing as you tried to think of what to say.
“From the beginning, I think. But please don’t give up on me. I like you too, I was just too dumb to realize that you were actually flirting with me. I thought it was all a joke, and that you didn’t do romance.”
“I didn’t do romance before I met you,” Siyeon said, voice soft and shy, and your heart melted. “You really like me too?”
“I do. I’ve liked you since the moment I met you.” A grin spread across your face, silly and cute and very un-slytherin, and you shuffled awkwardly, not knowing what to say as Siyeon smiled back at you. “Um, so are we dating now? Like, for real?”
“I mean, if you want to.”
“Oh my god you two. Just date and get out of my room!” Gahyeon groaned, shoving you both out by your shoulders, but even as the door slammed behind you, Siyeon laughed and reached out to hold your hand.
“So should we? Date, I mean.”
With a smile, you reached over to kiss her cheek, relishing in the blush that appeared on her face. For once, you were glad about the lack of privacy in the Slytherin dorms. All it had taken was an overheard conversation for you to finally spit out your feelings. And yeah, it was embarrassing, and both of you were definitely going to hear about it later, but right now, you were on top of the world. And nothing was going to bring you down.
“Yeah, I think we should.”
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The Webby Pledge: A Student Critique on Character Strong
I still remember it clear as day. It was last year, and I was genuinely excited for Character Strong  to go around our school, thinking it might actually make GCA a better place. But then, almost like it was fate, Mr. Hood has us all stand up raise our right hands and say some simple pledge. I read the pledge. I cant believe it. Are we really saying this? I wait for him to change the slide, but he doesn’t. We all chant, as we all silently lose our respect for this program.
“This is my webby. I promise. To always use my webby when greeting others. One day, this webby, my webby, will help me get a job and make a positive difference in the world. I promise to always use my webby!”
Now flash forward a year later. A sea of purple, white, and very few yellow polos fill the seats of the gym bleachers. The student body all sits, impatient and bored. Many of them either typing away at their phones, hastily doing homework, or whispering away at the top of the bleachers. Every student may be doing different things, but they all have one thing in common: no one is paying attention to the Character Strong assembly.
Character Strong advertises itself to be a to be a tool that helps teachers and staff incorporate social-emotional skills into their weekly curriculum. The program that GCA uses is meant to be for grades 6-12 and is meant to be taught once a week in 30 minute increments, exactly like our new Wednesday schedule. The administration seems happy with this decision of changing schedules. But the overall consensus is that students, and some teachers, are not. But why is that the case? Well, it appears that many students share the same ideas. 
First of all, the student body agrees that with the way they are handling the program, it seems like they deem us to be younger than we actually are. And, with questions like “What cartoon character would you like to snuggle?” in last week’s lesson, or the use of the iconic Webby Pledge, it's easy to see why students feel that way.
One student told us that “Character Strong would be great if we were in elementary school!”. Another said that “we’re in high school (and middle school) not in elementary school… they’ve almost babied us through the program.” Again and again, students feel a lack of respect from this program, making them feel treated like children instead of adults. The so called challenges, like planting sticky notes and smiling in the halls are “a joke [and] they’re treating it like they’re teaching little kids.” The consensus is that students feel the program, although targeted for our age group, is making everyone feel like they are disrespected, seen as immature, and is overall a time waster. And this attitude stems from the fact that the administration does not know what the actual GCA environment is like. 
“I think that Character Strong is a clear representation of the administration at GCA not understanding the needs and wants [of GCA] and trying to force something out of nothing.” GCA, due to its small numbers, is full of students who feel like they are one big family. Everyone is close to each other, whether they are in the same grade or different grades. Character Strong makes the “true underlying problems at GCA”, such as cheating, stress, and overall physical and mental health, seem like they are not important. Instead replaced with the notion that if you smile at someone in the hall, all of your problems will go away. Let’s face it: GCA is tough. And trying to enforce a faux kindness on your students, trying to sweep the real issues under the rug, isn’t going to fix anything. The administration, with their survey last year, must know these problems with Character Strong already and are choosing to ignore them. “He [Mr. Hood] is ignoring our feedback because he wants it to work.” But ignoring the student body until they accept the program wont work. And 30 minutes a week isn’t going to solve the real issues at our school either. One student commented that “character strong just isn’t the right answer to the problems at gca.”
But is there hope for  the sinking ship that is Character Strong? Even with all of the negative opinions about Character Strong, the ideals of the program are still seen in a positive light to some students. A student said, “learning how to interact with people and be confident in yourself and love yourself is so important!”, another said that Character Strong is a “huge opportunity to make a real change in students lives”, but if it was done in a different way. The ideals of Character Strong are important to a person’s growth. And integrating mental health and emotional accountability into the curriculum is something that many students need. If it was done in a different way, one that incorporated GCA’s issues along with treating the student body like adults, maybe Character Strong would succeed. But with the lack of connection from the actual program to our daily lives, Character Strong just isn’t the right fit for GCA.
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lovingikesen · 5 years
Character Configuration
Hi! I have seen a lot of post with tips to help you writters make better stories and characters, even though i dont write i still find it fun, its just my energy and focus goes for drawing and animating rather than writting, but still on University i have two semester of writting script where we create characters, whole stories from 0 and cool stuff. My boyfriend study to write movies -and any type of visual content- so i have learn a lot from him too.
They teach us a basic way to create characters that we call 'torta de cuatro', i guess that it would be something like cake of four. Its really simple, when you are creating a character you have to think of four aspects of them, these would be:
Their social life: how they interact with others, how is they life after school, job, etc, how they are socially, are they shy? Are they extrovert? They love having an active social life or prefer to be more quiet? Do they make friends easily? Or have just a few. How are they when hanging around with their friends and how they try to make friends, if they do not try to make them, then why? Did they have a friend that traition them? Or what. Things like that.
Their family: how is the family of the character, it has siblings? They get along well? Or they hate each other. Did the mom die? Alright, then why? And how that affect your character? It has daddy issues? Fine, but why? Their parents care about them? Are they overprotective? Or really dont care and only pay attention to their personal issues.
Laboral aspect: do they work? On what? Its happy with that? Or wish to have another job. If thats the case, what job is their dream job? And why that one and why it doesnt have it yet, because cant find it? Because it feels like it will be bad on it? How is the economy of that character? You know, like rich? Has trouble to make it trhough the whole month? Or isnt poor but isnt the best neither? You character doesnt work because is still on high school or in university? Okey, then write about it, how are their grades? Goes to class consistentily? Or it does skip them? And why.
Personal aspect: how they are when they are alone, in they privacy, like they true-self. When they doesnt have to put a mask on their faces to show it to somebody else, how are they.
A good example to analyze would be Helga Pataki, she is really rude when it comes to her social life, really dominating person, a little bit bully with Arnold. Her best -probably only one- friend, the one that goes everywhere with her is Phoebe, but still the rest of the group know how rude she is so they are kind of used to it so they still play with her but ignore it when she start to being annoying.
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She has a sister which she doesnt like, and they dont get along for more that her sister try to make her love her, Helga just doesnt like Olga, but why? Because their parents freaking LOVE Olga, and everything that Helga does their parents ignore it because they only have eyes for Olga, the 'perfect daughter'. She almost doesnt see her dad since he is always busy working on the company and he is pretty bad with her mom too, remember when her mom wanted to work but the dad says no because she is a woman and cant work because of that? Her mom has show in some chapters to have problems with alcohol too, depression and keep fighting to keep herself conscious. A pretty disfunctional family.
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Helga doesnt work since she is still on school, but we know that she is pretty average when it comes to grades, she isnt exceptionally great and neither the worst. Maybe we could attribute that to the fact that it doesnt matter how well she do something for school Olga definetily made it better? Maybe she is lacking of incentive from her parents? She is just makig trhough it.
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Personal aspect! I love Helga when she is alone, she is another person, she is sensitive, she does care of people -particulary Arnold-. So we have this character that is show to the people around her as rude and doesnt care about what happen to the people around, but she does! She cares, especially about Arnold, she always try to help him in the shadows, she worries A LOT for him, i mean, THE GIRL HAS A FUCKING ALTAR FOR ARNOLD WITH A STATUE MADE OF CHEWING GUM, HOW MANY OF THOSE SHE CHEW TO MADE THAT? xD and why she has such devotion for him? Because he was the first to care of her, when they were really tiny and arnold say to her that he liked the pink bow on her hair, the boy made her a sweet compliment and share his umbrella with her while her parents didnt give a fuck about her, so of course she will be happy when a boy with a funny head shape treated her better than her own parents.
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Im sorry, my fingers slipped xD but i think you get the point! EVERYTHING on a character has a reason to be, no one is mean or 'evil' just because of reason, they have a reason to be like that. So when you do your cake of four for your character you will have a guide of how your character will react to situations that they are in.
Another thing that helps and its good its to make a backstory since the minute they were born to the exact time where the sory begins. That will help you to create more complete characters since you are writing their whole life. It will help you to think how your character reacts to the different situations that you are putting the poor boy/girl on it. You have a character that its old, wise and powerful? Like Gandalf, Dumbledore, Netero (hunter x hunter)? Great! You have a lot of backstory to write, why and how they become that wise? Probably they went through a lot of things to become that.
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Your antagonist that is 'evil'? Snape for example? We all know that he wasnt evil at all and where nothing but a cinnamon roll but the things that happened to him made him take the role of the villain to protect Harry. Meruem? The king of chimera ants? Yes, he is an overpowerful character since his birth, but still there's a reason of why he was born with such power and because of that he saw humans as weaks, fragiles and not worthy until he meets Komugi and have a beautiful arc on his character. Killua? The one that at first people sense him as dangerous since his family history? But we learn inmediatily that he is just a kid trying to enjoy his childhood as a normal kid, and Gon is the one that teachs him that and thats why he is SO loyal to Gon, always caring and protecting him? If you see the version of 1999 you will see that at first Killua its really this dark kid who didnt laugh, he doesnt feel like just a kid until he began to spend time with Gon and discover that he can enjoy and play like a kid too. And dont make me start with Zuko because i love him so much and if i keep going we will never see the end of it xD
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The point is configurate correctly your characters and it will be easier to imagine how they will react and it will actually make sense to the lector. I hope this help you to something, i keep seing tips for writters and wanted to share something if its worth for you. Keep writting people, you all are amazing.
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boojersey · 5 years
cw for like some common lgbt+ topics such as dysphoria violence discrimination etc just. tread carefully if u get triggered easily by bad lgbt experiences
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? -im a gay trans man and my pronouns are he/him but they/them is also acceptable!
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?-oh wow i originally thought i was a lesbian because i didnt even know what transgender was i just thought wishing i was a man meant i was butch and then i met my friend donnie in eighth grade who told me he was trans and it was kinda a huge slap in the face but with a sack of gay bricks? and i found out i dont like women through actually having sex with cis women and finally realizing it. really wasnt for me so now im just a gay man as opposed to queer as an umbrella term but i periodically refer to myself as such
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?-oh yea i literally was misgendered today i just kinda brush it off but it can be hard sometimes especially when people know im trans and do it
Who was the first person you told, how did they react?-i first told donnie about my gender, it was a thing where i went to bed the night i met him and was like  .. wait holy fuck and then the next day i was like BRO HOLY FUCK but sexuality? i dont really know???? it was so long ago it was honestly probably my group of friends on kik that i had in 2013 (u were included in that mister!!!!)
Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?-im not actually fully out but the first time someone who was an adult knew about my trans-ness was what really set in for me the fact that i could come out one day; my friends mom referred to me as seance (and like. obviously she respected my gender she has a trans kid) but it was just super jarring bc no adult had known yet abt my identity in any way and as a result i was rlly glad it was nighttime in that car bc i cried almost immediately; the first time i came out on my Own was to my cousin and he laughed in my face so that was pretty damn awful and its kinda funny cuz the bastard is bi so u would think hed have been accepting but n0pe!
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?-im out to my friends now ! and the reception was generally positive bc i think i do an ok job at picking ppl to be around in terms of morals so there was little bad reception
What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?-i hate when ppl ask if im gay as in for men or gay as in for women because im trans, i am a man so when i say im gay i feel like that should be easy enough to put 2 and 2 together but when they ask that i feel as if they still view me as a woman
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.-emo of the gods themselves it is absolute scene and emo vomit and i love it; its seriously hard for me to wear dresses and skirts without dysphoria and just general discomfort but i own a couple anyway bc theyre cute i just. never wear them
Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?-my main thing at the moment is gerard/frank/grant morrison bc i love poly fics very dearly and gerard/bert because bert mccracken deserved better than gerawrds internalized homophobia lol
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?-makeup to me is an androgynous thing so i wear eyeshadow a lot and lipstick sometimes, eyeshadow is easier on my eyes than eyeliner bc im allergic to a lot of makeup thats on the heavier side so if i put on eyeliner my eyes will water and burn throughout the day but with eyeshadow im mostly ok; other opinion is that makeup on Anyone can be sexy as hell if they do it for fun and wear literally what they truly want and not just what they think is accepted or what they Should wear
Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?-oh yeah my dysphoria is pretty debilitating if im gonna be honest; i used to have very little problems with it because my hold on reality was loose at best (before i was medicated to clarify) but now that i am almost completely Here my dysphoria is pretty bad and even just like. the knowledge that i have breasts is pretty awful; a few weeks ago i put on an outfit that i have to wear a victorias secret bra to fit properly in and just one look in the mirror had me sobbing and i had to change my clothes before i could leave the house and i havent worn a bra since because just the thought of showing off my chest makes this stark fuckin dread shoot through my veins but i also have dysphoria in regards to my voice that i discussed at my last trans therapy group meeting actually ; my voice has a tendency to bounce around my octave range so sometimes ill be like. excited then hear what i sound like. and ruin it for myself immediately u kno? im not even gonna talk about my dicksphoria bc thats just. awful. 
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?-ohhhhhhhh my god u know what? ive heard..so much .. that im gonna instead take this opportunity to mention my mother genuinely thinks dnd is satanic
What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?-the fact that were so strong. we are so fucking strong we deal with violence and opposition constantly and at staggering rates yet we stay strong and we continue loving through all of it, whether its in dark corners in secret or loudly in the streets we continue loving and do so with all of our beings because we know its our own truth and well gladly go to hell if it means we got to love on earth (not that everyone believes in hell or the idea that us gays go to hell but my point stands)
What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?-we have this audacity to create divide (to the fault of mostly cis white gay men thank u very much) when what we need to do is love each other because we are different but at the end of the day we all need to remain in tandem and as a family or we will never get to where we need to in terms of acceptance and that means being uplifting and protecting our trans sisters of color, our disabled lgbt members, our autistic lgbt members, our anything past cis white gay man because we all need recognition, we all need love, and to exclude any letters of lgbt is to tear ourselves down and set ourselves on fire
Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?-no :((( no one would drive me in the past and i dont think ill have a way to get there this year either
Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?-brian molko! my bisexual, androgynistically-inclined father who birthed me at the tender age of 16 when i found placebo
Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?-ya theres been a few and i dont rlly like to talk abt my relationships with anyone unless theyre online relationships so im just gonna leave it at that
What is your favourite lgbt+ book?-pantomime by laura lam! its one of if not my favorite book to this day
Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?-y a every damn day bitch ! example is when i was deadnamed by my psychiatrist while she knows full well what my name is the other day; another is the countless times i get called a lesbian ???? and when strict lesbians ask me out i get a very bad taste in my mouth (i understand full well that sexuality is fluid, these are lesbians that spit the ‘penis is gross blegh’ rhetoric)
Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show?-uh im just gonna say preacher bc its my favorite show altogether n cass is bi/pan/something similar
Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?-@ble3dmagic is my boyfriend in crime (not rlly thats a joke) and @musicalsense​ is my sunburnt Brother
Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?-queer! i also use f*ggot a lot when talking about myself and my friends that are ok with it
Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it?-i went to a drag show and it was so amazing and one of the first times i felt accepted in my own community that i cried
How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you?-well i identify as a man with no leaning towards womanhood or nonbinaryhood in any way, its just . man . but in terms of Expression i am quite androgynous bc i can rlly appreciate femininity (NOT the same as womanhood) and being a man to me means just that ive always wanted to grow up with that “gender role” like i always wish i was raised as a stereotypical parent would raise a son and ive always been more interested in stereotypically masculine things and people since i can even remember and i feel like puberty was just this unpreventable spiral into something i didnt want. i didnt want it at all . this is tmi but when i got my first period i cried my eyes out bc the idea of being called a Woman repulsed me so much and since i didnt even know that being trans was a concept i was just this scared puppy full of confusion and fear aimed at myself because all the stuff i heard i was supposed to be proud of the change but i wasnt i was so ashamed of it and the idea of being called a woman made me sick to my stomach and i just wish i could go back in time and hold myself and tell me itll be alright 
Are you interested in having children? Why or why not?-absoLutely not i hate kids (and by that i mean i hate being around them and the culture that surrounds having children; i do not treat kids like shit and i do not act like hating children is a personality trait; i get migraines and usually the second a child starts screaming or crying i am on the floor of my brain writhing in dire pain and i have absolutely no desire to support another human life when frankly i cant even support myself; its also just not a lifestyle i want to live)
What identity advice would you give your younger self?-god so fucking much. so fucking much. so many things i wish i could say to myself
What do you think of gender roles in relationships?-i think if someone wants to adhere to them then hell yea go ahead just dont expect others to do it or try to tell other people its a Norm or something; theyre for the most part christian in nature so i dont have any desire to follow them myself, i want a relationship (if any) thats more of a coexistence if that makes sense, like. roommates plus dick
Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?-i always used to anxiously chew on the idea that my chest dysphoria is just me holding disdain for the shape and size of my breasts but let me tell you. the second i put on my binder for the first time i immediately started crying because i was so overwhelmed by the fact that i was looking at something one step closer to myself and i know full well i am never going to have that doubt again. this week has been exponentially cathartic and therapeutic for me
What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+?-i want the cisheteros to know that nothing they learn about us is new. everything about us has been around for so so long but has been silenced and erased to the point where a lot of us dont even know many things about our rich and beautiful history
Why are proud to be lgbt+?-honestly? its hard for me to not just straight up say im not proud of my identity. its taken me years to stamp down the plain grieving toward my identity and wishing i could have the easier path but frankly? the fact that i am choosing this path of hardship and hell on earth just to be who i truly am i think speaks volumes of my pride in my identity at this point; further back in my archive by a few years my posts are littered with sentiments of bitterness wherein i stated that i hate being trans and not just cis but i like to think ive finished hating myself for my identity. i like to think im proud now. to ask me why is to ask too much of me, all i know now is that i am proud and thats enough for me right now.
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*rips straw packet off*
*jams straw into overpriced iced drink*
*loudly sips*
*smacks lips* aAaHhHhhhh
heres *taps camera once* the motherfucking *twice* tea *thrice*
so if y’all dont know (or do) it’s been a year since ive passed my thesis and graduated buT some shit went down while doing my thesis project
~for context~
so first off, in my college and course, you’re allowed to work on your thesis alone or with a partner or a group of three. Before going into senior year, my friend (lets call her 🐨) and i already agreed working together; and i already came up with an idea and the name of the final output so we were basically ready but one of our friends (⚫️) in our lil group of 4 was alone bc the other one (🍋) was held back a sem so she cant take thesis class yet. Since we were all buddy buddy back then, we adopted ⚫️ into the group. The first sem was fine-ish, i didnt really notice anythinh wrong. During the first defense, ⚫️ did her report a lil poorly (like, relied on her notecards, spoke softly) and never answered the panelists questions.
When the second semester came around, thats when shit hits the fan because ⚫️ started to do poorly in school? Like she was absent frequently, relied on people to tell her what needed to be done. And basically, she didn’t help much with writing the thesis as well—at this point, im still not seeing it as something entirely bad? I mean, i was annoyed but i kept giving her the benefit of the doubt because I know she’s sickly, she’s depressed, and she has anxiety attacks. During interviews we needed to conduct, she couldn’t go if its past 3 bc her parents are strict; she’s almost, ALWAYS offline ON WEEKENDS but is online like the night before a class she knows she has homeworks or reports on. She doesn’t work on her own, like, we have to tell her what to do and when we’re looking for suppliers and people to interview, she never contributed.
But anyways, 🐨 sent a very snarky message about giving more effort and input into the thesis did I start turning on ⚫️ because I felt like I was being dragged into her laziness but lmao when i read 🐨’s message i was hurt af like i claimed that shit and i started confiding to another classmate,🍜, telling her “icb 🐨 is saying i dont do shit, i made a damn PowerPoint for us while i was sick with a damn fever” and 🍜 was like “what? No!! That was for ⚫️. 🐨 has been bitching about her and how she felt bad for you bc u were sick but were doing shit ⚫️ was supposed to do” and true enough, later that night 🍜 told me, 🐨 messages me about ⚫️ and this basically made me realize everything about her. So we started talking to multiple profs about it—our dept chairperson/thesis coordinator(🦏), our thesis adviser, and this one prof we treat as our mom for advice on what we can do. They’re all like, then tell her you have to separate ways bc she’s dragging us down and getting literally a free ride to graduation if we keep letting her do this.
I dont know what drove me to go to our guidance counselor during our thesis class (so we’re complete here, even 🍋 was sitting in), but i told her about ⚫️ and how she says shes depressed and how shes dragging us down bc of it; she’s harmed herself before, etc. and what our counselor says just made me regret going to her bc shes telling me to keep giving her a chance and when i left the office i deadass broke down crying and I texted 🍋 to come out to the buildings little balcony and i was just crying to her about how conflicted i am (bc if u havent noticed im just too nice of a person) and 🍋 gets 🐨 out so we could all talk and debate, and mind y’all this is an open area people can see us, other classmates who were taking bathroom breaks saw us and tried to comfort me. In the end, 🍋 goes to the counselor too to tell her about ⚫️ since she’s sort of closer to her? Like ⚫️ has confided some secrets to her.
Timeskip, we eventually tell her we needed to cut her off and she has a full blown anxiety attack and starting there, our friendship is basically over. 🦏 told us that she has rights to the first three chapters of our thesis since its been passed and graded already from the first semester with her name on it, buT she needs to come up with a completely different output (like new product and name) HOWEVER she basically drops out of the sem and returned next year (this year) to finish up her remaining classes to graduate.
all seniors who had their thesis have defended them early this week, including 🍋 aND ⚫️. (They’re not partners thaNk god); ⚫️ had the same thesis adviser we had from before and he posted a pic on his fb, congratulating the seniors on their defenses with ⚫️ and her panelists and 🦏, with her thesis output thaT LOOKS SUSPICIOUSLY LIKE OURS. 🐨 IS FUMING AND IM TRYING TO BE LEVEL HEADED HERE BUT IM STILL JUST AS MAD BC 🦏 REPEATEDLY TOLD US ⚫️ HAS TO HAVE A DIFFERENT OUTPUT FROM US (not a book) BUT TELL ME WHY—in the picture our adviser posted—IS THERE A YELLOW BOOK IN THEIR HANDS?
Our thesis is an art therapy activity book named jitter jotter; hers, is named Doodly Doo and I’m pretty sure it’s basically STILL an activity book as well 🤔🤔🤔 i wish i could post pics, but hers is blurred out
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
not so tough // lee chan
♥ college!au
♥ slight angst and fluff!!!
♥ 2.1k words
♥ requested :  Hi bby! I thought you'd may like some other seventeen members to write for so could I request an angst with happy fluff ending chan? Thanks you and keep up the amazing works ily~
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chan has a habit of keeping up a strong facade, especially as the oldest in his family
and sometimes his group of friends have an effect on him to break down those walls
but even those instances dont come so often and yet he’s still strong enough to hold it in
or at least for now
you’ve known him for at least three years and all of it started with a very cliche moment of knocking into each other, more than once and quite literally
you had just gotten your exams over and done with and had decided to treat yourself to something sweet at the campus’s cafe
after ordering a small slice of cake, you turned around to head back to your seat until hot liquid poured all over your blouse, scalding you a little in the process
“oh god i’m so sorry,” a tall figure apologizes to you profusely, bringing out napkins from the counter while his friend instinctively took his hoodie off of himself
“he’s a little clumsy but i hope this hoodie will do,” the shorter one apologizes on his behalf as he gives you the hoodie but you were quick to refuse
“its not like i have anywhere else to go, and it’s not as warm with the ac on,” you muster up a smile, even though your skin was burning under your shirt
“either way, it’ll make us look like the biggest idiots for not helping you out. take it, i have more than just one hoodie,” he grin, his strong resolve to give you his hoodie was undefeatable
“if you say so. what’s your name? or maybe your number? so i can at least give it back,” and maybe your high five-ing yourself for taking this cute boy’s number with the best opportunity, fetching out your phone 
“here, let me put in my number,” he quickly types it in and gives it back
“lee chan? i guess we’ll see each other soon,” you chuckle, thanking him once more for the sweet gesture as you went to the washroom to change
“so our little baby finally asked out a girl?” mingyu teased chan, nudging him in the ribs
“for once i thank god for making you this tall clumsy giant,” he shook his head but the smile on his face never wavers
but the second time you guys meet wasnt as soon as you had thought it would be
once your grades had been keyed in, you couldnt help but forget about the cute boy’s number, a little disappointed at the fact that it wasnt up to your expectations
with a sigh, you decided it would be best to just walk it off, and get some fresh air from being so cooped up in your dorm and lecture rooms
the park near your dorm was peaceful and calming, the harmonization of the cicadas as well as the chilly breeze made it worthwhile
you were too busy admiring the night sky with your earphones plugged in to notice a figure bulldozing your way
the both of you collide, falling to the rough pavement as you rubbed your butt
just as you were about to apologize, a familiar face sits on the opposite side of you
but you dont see a smile on that face, or that reassuring aura he exuded that day
instead you him curled up in a different hoodie, tears streaming down his face, making his eyes turn blood-shot red and the tip of his nose reddening 
“lee chan?” you dont even realize your voice coming out as a whisper, his vulnerable state having such a big effect on you
you dont even get up from the floor and instead, sat with your legs crossed, holding his hand cautiously
“what’s wrong?” you whisper once more, this time drawing circles with your thumb on the top of his palm
but that only urged him to bawl his eyes out even more
he must have kept it in for a long time, you thought
without another word, you sat beside him and wrapped an arm over his shaking shoulders
after a few minutes, chan’s sobs turn into sniffles and you chuckle as you take another look at him
“i didnt want our second meeting to be this way, but i guess you look pretty cute with rudolph’s nose,” you tease a little as a small smile threaten to adorn his face
“me neither, i might even have planned it out,” he chuckled, still sniffling every once in a while
“plan? for what?” you scoff and even when your arm still remain on his shoulders, it didnt feel right to remove it from him - it’s still pretty cold y’know
“to take you out on a date? what else would i do? ask you to take a survey?” he raised a brow, and the apples of your cheeks turn bright pink and your glad the night was dark enough to hide them
“then i should have remembered to text you if it was going to be that way. but we’re here now, besides, what’s up?” you question, a topic you were a little hesitant on asking but something told you it was for the best
“its nothing-”
“if it was nothing we wouldn’t be here right now with your snot all over the place,” it was your turn to tease him now, making chan scoff in disbelief
“i guess i’m a little stressed out. personal matters and work. it’s all piling up and i guess i bottled it for too long,” he sighed, bringing his knees to his chest
“you dont have anyone to talk about this?” 
“i,,, do actually. but i’m sure they’ve got their own problems to fuss over. they’re always taking care of me too so i couldn’t make them hold the burden of my own problems,” he chuckled in embarrassment
“of course everyone has their own problems, silly. but we all still confide in someone right? then if you don’t confide in them, why not talk to me? i dont have all the time in the world but its 2018 we’ve got phones,” you giggled, quickly typing into your phone
as chan’s phone dinged with a new notification, you pat his back once more
“look, now you have my phone number too so you can always tell me whenever you have a problem. and maybe also remind me about your hoodie,” you smiled while chan chuckled at your first text message
‘for the cute boy with the red nose’
and the both of you had been close ever since
there were times that you would take the time out of your day to walk at the same park, to spill all the details about your day or to simply hang out
sometimes you would leave silly voice messages to cheer him up or simply things that reminded you of him
like the otter miniature you saw at a toy store or the time when you took a picture of a deer and drew a red nose on it
and chan would keep reminding you to give him back the hoodie
and you lowkey really want to keep it forever because its super comfy
“you told me to remind you to give it back but its been a whole year and its still at your dorm,”
“you cant blame me for liking a perfectly comfortable hoodie that smells a little like you,”
and chan actually also secretly likes it when you take a selfie with the hoodie on because you look extremely cute in it
like damn, he would give you all the hoodies in the world if you looked thaT cute with it on
and its just constant teasing and flirting between the two of you even though nothing really announces the both of you being officially together
and your scared to even mention it because you’re afraid you’re thinking things a bit too far
although holding his hand all the time and not only when his sad sounds like heaven and just,, snuggling with him?? whenever you want to too??
you’re afraid that you’re the only one thinking about it
but hOOO boi
chan has been thinking about placing kisses all over your cute face and seeing you in all his hoodies and just showering you with all the love that he has
because he has never really had someone to break him out of his shell, and for you to have that ability all the time honestly scares him too
because what if you dont want things to go further either? to take the next step
it’s been three years now ever since the both of you knocked into each other at the park
and ever since then, the both of you have been attached at the hip
you even got to know chan’s family as well as his group of friends which you still recognized one of them who towered them all
all of them loved you and secretly knew about the constant love eyes that appeared whenever chan mentioned you
jeonghan may or may not have threatened you about taking care of chan, but once he actually got to know you, he’s been fawning over you too ever since
which also meant that he might have told you things about chan whenever you werent around
like the way he kept showing your selfies to the others because he thought you looked like a cute kitten
or when he kept mentioning you whenever they went out together
and maybe also about the time chan had finally decided to tell the others about his problems too instead of relying on only you
because he knows how hard life can get for you especially with the numerous secrets you have only told him
and that was a wake up call you never new you needed
with that information, you planned to tell him the next time you and chan met at the park, where the both of you could be alone
and when chan finally suggested to take a walk through facetime, you enthusiastically agreed and slipped on his hoodie, although his scent was no longer there
when chan sees you with the familiar apparel, he laughs into the quiet night, his laughter making butterflies flutter in your stomach
“you’re finally giving this back to me? why? is it because he doesnt smell like me anymore?”
and youre caught off guard, eyes widening as your mouth failed to form sentences
“you’re making it seem like i have super powers when you cant even whisper without me hearing,” he chuckled ruffling your head
as the both of you walked side by side, catching up with each other and telling about each other’s day
you bathed in the feeling of comfort and serenity and you just knew being right by his side was a safe haven you never asked for but needed
“chan?” you call out to him, digging your hands deeper into the pockets as he hummed in reply
“i... i really want to thank you for being my friend, for being here for me and doing dumb stuff with me all the time. I couldn’t ask for someone better,” you giggled, looking back up to him
chan’s heart race at the sight, the way your eyes twinkled looking AT him
he was the reason for you to look this happy, and it felt like he was walking on cloud nine, like he became the president of south korea
“of course i would do dumb shit with you, you’re entitled to being my friend after you saw me have that mental breakdown,” he joked, wrapping an arm around your shoulder
“but i dont want to be just a friend,” you spoke up, stopping in your tracks as chan did so too, his heart running a mile per minute
“t-then what do you want to be?” he questioned, looking right back at you now, his arm letting go of you only to hold your hand again
“i want- will you be my boyfriend-” without another word, chan hugs you tight and places a soft kiss onto your forehead
“you beat me to it,” he laughed, euphoria washing over him as he swayed the both of you from side to side
he wouldnt stop laughing, nuzzling his face into your neck while you hugged his waist tightly
“so...can i take this hoodie instead?” you asked him, a mischievous grin on your face
“as long as you’re with me, you can take any hoodie of mine,”
chan soon learnt the immense regret for saying that, but who cares when the love of your life gives you the best cuddles, am i right?
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