#i changed my mode right as i was inking it though
univac1219 · 2 months
Does your 1219 have a nickname?
Also, I was wondering if you have any fun stories surrounding it! Strange quirks it has or anything like that.
I'd love to see more photos if you're allowed to post them!
Thanks for the question! These are my favorite part about my blog by far.
Not exactly, the UNIVAC 1219 doesn’t have a nickname. I did realize recently that I should specify the pronunciation (Twelve-Nineteen), but it doesn’t have any nicknames. Apart from ‘the 1219’, it’s also regularly referred to as the CPU or just ‘the computer’.
Fun stories or weird quirks? Boy, I could fill a book with this machine’s weird quirks (or as we say, intermittent issues), but I’ll try to blitz through the most common ones:
Sometimes the computer will stop running and enter a WAIT mode. No reason, it just needs a break. We can’t fix it, it just has to decide to go back into operating mode.
The computer will often start attempting to communicate on IO channel 13. We’re not telling it to talk to anything, it just decides to try to.
One of our teletypes (the Kleinshmidt) stamps ink splotches into the paper rather than characters most of the time. However, this weekend it worked for the first time in 10 months! We didn’t change anything, it just had an extra cup of coffee or something.
The Digital Data Recorder, or the tape drive, has the most gremlins out of any of our units. The top handler works fairly well, but the bottom handler won’t properly read data, write data, move the tape forward, initialize the tape, or any number of other issues.
There’s more but hopefully this satisfies your curiosity.
Fun stories? Well, I can’t name any specific ones, but I can say it’s a very endearing machine. It’s the very last of its kind and being one of three individuals in the world responsible for it makes every issue that more frustrating. There is no real forum for it, the subject matter experts sit next to me and are often just as exasperated as I am.
But the unique nature of this situation make every successful diagnostic test that much sweeter. Every new addition (5.25” floppy drive via serial) that much cooler. I have an IBM PC-XT clone at home, but I thank my lucky stars every day that this big iron is what I get to specialize in.
As for more photos, I have none that are as grandiose as you would probably expect. I do have my working photos though. I took all my photos when I first started working on it and now I am more dedicated to fixes than photo-ops.
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This is a photo of our finicky Kleinshmidt teletype. Still has blotches but it actually printed!
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This is the back of the bottom handler. Pictured is the vacuum pump in the bottom left (so sudden stops just yank magnetic tape slack rather than ripping tape). The big cylinder in the center is a motor for running the magnetic tape handler itself. The big black ‘hose’ of wires coming out of the steel plate contains all the cables that come right off the handler’s head for reading and writing data!
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This is the forward pinch roller of the bottom handler. It was replaced after this photo was taken as you can see the rubber has deteriorated in the 55 years this machine has been operating.
As for being allowed to post photos, that’s not an issue. The last 1219 was decommissioned in 2014 and now you can find all of its documentation online at http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/univac/military/1219/
59 notes · View notes
aviivix · 1 year
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A lot about this has changed since I originally wrote this up, especially around act 3 since while right now it’s still up in the air between a few different ideas, the act 3 in this post is cringe-tier and I’m embarrassed for having wrote it. Another significant enough change to mention here is that old Agent 3 and Agent 8 now join Off the Hook as antagonists, and recruiting “enemy” Octolings is now a core mechanic that the story anchors around more heavily. Also, Cy actually looks good now.
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I’ll do a revised writeup of this at some point, but for now, take most of this with a grain of salt! A lot has changed. Now, flashback to about a year ago!
Soooo... I’ve been dead for a while and that’s because I’ve been fixated entirely on Splatoon 3 basically since it launched and all this time I’ve been working on an AU/HC/Fanfic/Something Like That called Culture Shock.
Given this has been something I’ve been working on for a LONG time, and given it’s entirely tied to Octarians, I figure I might as well make a big post about it before Side Order totally invalidates it! (Though I’ll keep working on this as an AU even if I don’t like how it interacts with Side Order.)
Details and more art under the break! (Though the quality will vary greatly as, again, I’ve been doing stuff with this since Splatoon 3 came out.) This is an extremely long story concept and if you read the whole thing I officially owe you my soul
There's a LOT to this (as there is with any hyperfixation concept like this) but I'll try to keep it somewhat light on details. Of course, it’s subject to change, and the exact plot progression is still kind of in the air. A big part is whether the climax of Act II should actually happen at the end of Act I... But here’s what I’ve developed so far.
The Story
Culture Shock is designed as a DLC story mode set a year after the end of Splatoon 3's main story. The Squid Sisters have disappeared at some point in that time (a familiar situation), and ol' Cuttlefish has called in all of the agents-- plus Pearl and Marina-- to join forces against the Octarians that are undoubtedly behind it. Rather than going into stages alone, the levels are designed for you to do them with CPU teammates.
It's pretty quickly made certain that Octarians were involved, and thus the group is airlifted by Off the Hook into Octo Valley to find Callie and Marie. Upon landing, the player is ambushed by a group of Octolings -- that is, until one member in the backline pulls down her mask and excitedly calls out. It’s Callie? And though she doesn’t immediately unmask, Marie is definitely next to her.
After some confusion and accusations from both sides, the Squid Sisters assure the Squidbeak Splatoon that they’re not brainwashed, and offer to explain everything. Though Marie warns that it’s a long story, so the group settle down by ol’ Cuttlefish’s shack for a massive flashback played from the perspective of the Squid Sisters.
(Gameplay-wise, this whole setup is to allow the player to interrupt the Squid Sisters’ sequence at any time, and then pick up where they left off. It being a flashback also means it’s easy to replay missions or go for 100% by just asking Callie to repeat something.)
Funny title card, and the real story officially starts. I’m gonna skip through things a lot more, since at this pace it would take WAY too long to summarize every little scene and there are a lot of things not really settled on. I’ll be keeping detail for the introduction, as well as some key scenes, but for any less important/in-between type stuff, I’ll be summarizing what happens. Even doing this it will be extremely long, though Act I is far bigger than Acts II and III because it’s primarily setting up the world and motivations.
Act I
Introductory cutscene, in which the Squid Sisters find themselves stuck in purple ink, locked in an Octarian vault. The Octarians who squidnapped them keep their distance, though one particular Octoling does try to chat (to the annoyance of the others).
She claims that the Octarians will let them go in time, and that they won’t be hurt - though the Squid Sisters are suspicious at best. And, after noticing their discomfort in the Octarian ink, she offers them her Octoshot to paint the ground their own color. As the Octoling goes back to standing guard, Callie inks the floor and the two slump over, one of them idly singing the Calamari Inkantation under her breath.
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Fade to when the Octoling swaps guard duty with another Octoling, who leans up against the wall and, after the first Octoling leaves, promptly falls asleep. Callie realizes she still has the Octoshot from before, and suggests slipping through the keyhole in squid form. With help from Marie, she’s able to get out on her own, and sets out to find the key to the vault. (This serves as a tutorial for stealth missions - though the guard will not wake up even if you fail.)
After freeing Marie, the two of them head towards the door, whispering about how crazy it was that the guard slept through all of that. The guard then dully tells them that he wasn’t asleep. The Squid Sisters prepare for a fight, but the guard barely has his eyes open and has not moved. After some back and forth with Callie, this Wendy’s employee of an Octoling just assures them that if he could beat them, it wouldn’t have even gotten to this point, and tells them to do whatever they want - just warning them that the other Octarians wouldn’t be so lenient.
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An Octoling watches them come out, but just looks around frantically before running up to meet them. Marie declares that they’re breaking out, and prepares for a fight... but the Octoling starts freaking out instead, first worrying that they’ll get hurt trying to escape, and then worrying about what the rest of the Octarians are going to do with the Squid Sisters gone.
Before either Inkling can interject, a much more stern Octoling calls out while angrily marching up to the group. Through this conversation the Squid Sisters learn that the worried Octoling is named Aris, the tired Octoling is named Oregil, and this new more angry Octoling is named Cy. What originally seemed to be a jailbreak quickly turns into some (rather silly) negotiations with Cy, the Squid Sisters trying to convince her that Aris didn’t do anything wrong, and that Oregil totally did all he could to stop them.
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Though Cy clearly doesn’t buy it, she lets it go, returning Aris’s Octoshot but also warning the Squid Sisters that their squadron’s mission is of utmost importance, and if the rest of them won’t do their jobs properly, she will. That said, the two of them just broke out of the only vault they had. So now, the Squid Sisters have to just stay in camp under Cy’s supervision.
With no more weapon to brandish and a clearly blown cover, the two of them kind of have no choice but to agree. Though Marie alludes to how dysfunctional this squad appears to be, and how easy it will probably be to escape.
Though before the conversation ends, Aris asks if “Tetra” will be okay with this. There’s a sort of tension in the air immediately upon mention of the name, immediately pierced by an intimidating voice asking what was going on. This was an Elite Octoling, apparently Tetra. After a recap from Cy, Tetra turns to the surrounded Squid Sisters, and tells them in no uncertain terms to always remember that they are prisoners - they are not one of them.
From here on out, the rest of Act I is a sort of slow burn. At the start, it’s purely the Squid Sisters looking for ways to escape. But as time goes on, they learn more about these Octarians by sort of living their life, and through learning about the octo squad themselves.
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Aris is kind, possibly to a fault. While she’s committed to the squadron and their goals, she’s also the most both-sides-ist of the bunch. She wants to think that everyone is trying their best, and does everything she can to avoid conflict, but as a result she doesn’t speak up as much when the Squid Sisters make faulty assumptions about them, and she uninentionally hinders their growth at the start by letting them hide behind her leniency. Over the course of Act I, she eventually has to realize she can’t just hold everyone’s opinion equally - the Squid Sisters are making judgements off of bad information, and she realizes that her enabling that is making it harder for everyone.
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Cy is the opposite. Cy is deeply passionate about their situation, and takes any opportunity to show the Squid Sisters what they get wrong. She especially butts heads with Marie, having little patience for the various non-solutions to their problems, or for the ignorance about Octarian culture. She’s extremely well connected among Octarians, even having worked with Octavio himself, although she doesn’t seem thrilled about it. Thus, despite coming across as very headstrong and aggressive, she also is the source of a lot of information about Octarian life.
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Oregil is a self-proclaimed realist - in actuality, a doomer. He doesn’t say much, but what he does say is not particularly hopeful. When put in charge of something, he doesn’t tend to have a lot of energy behind it, as he’s become convinced that, in the end, Octarians cannot be saved. That said, it would be wrong to call him fully complacent. He still sticks with the team, even if he doesn’t have much energy to contribute, and would rather go down with his sinking ship than abandon his friends and family. Though he always seems to be napping on the job, he never actually does, though not for lack of trying. He has insomnia, and it’s rare to find him asleep at all even when laying in bed.
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The Elite Octoling Tetra rarely shows herself. The only things the Squid Sisters have seen of her is that she’s intimidating, and not to be reckoned with. But the way the others talk about her and interact with her betray a different story. Oregil is flippant about her commands and doesn’t actually give anything his all. Cy goes along with Tetra’s commands, but seemingly only due to her own reasons aligning with Tetra’s rather than out of any respect for her authority. Aris obeys, but the way she acts and talks about it makes it almost feel like she’s obeying out of pity.
Lastly, there is also a fifth mysterious Octoling that the Squid Sisters will occasionally grab a passing glimpse of. They don’t know who this Octoling is, and whenever she’s mentioned, the others assure them that “she’s nobody”.
As the act goes on, Callie especially pries deeply into the hows and whys of a lot of Octo stuff. She had been in Octarian territory before in Splatoon 2, sure, but she was being brainwashed by DJ Octavio himself and held up as a superstar. This time, she was fully aware of herself, and living the life of the average Octoling soldier in the time between Octavio’s Zapfish heists.
The two of them wonder why the sun hasn’t come up, and learn that without the Great Zapfish, the kettle’s “sun” cannot shine. It’s a land of eternal night. The Octolings seem to live on a diet of mostly power eggs and salmon, which they learn is because without light, most crops don’t grow. Many little things like this illustrating just how resource-starved this nation is.
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There are a lot of assumptions made and corrected. A lot of complaints put into perspective when the things they find uncomfortable or annoying are things these Octarians have had to deal with every day. But one of the biggest things is their ideas of resolution. An early question being, “Why don’t you just leave? Inkopolis is a stone’s throw away.”
There are a lot of answers that are given to this, but to some effect, they all boil down to “culture”. Inkopolis isn’t the same as Octaria. It has different people, different history, different fashion, different food, different expectations... it’s just a totally different place.
Oregil’s lived in Octarian society his whole life - it’s his home. Cy is an artist, she makes distinctly Octarian music and sees firsthand how it connects those in Octarian communities. Aris knows Octolings are “accepted”, but only insofaras they appeal to Inkling expectations. It’s hard to express their culture without being seen as weird or other. Even little things like how they look - Octolings in Inkopolis tending to make their hair slimmer, straighter, adding patterns and minimizing the amount of visible suckers. Plus, how many non-Octoling Octarians do you see in Inkopolis and beyond? Maybe an Octoling can fit in, but what about an Octotrooper?
The most impactful realization for the Squid Sisters as well, is just how few Octarians are even there anymore. Between the exodus in Octo Valley, the bigger exodus in Octo Canyon, the horrors of Octo Expansion, and just recently the similar horrors of Alterna... all stacked on top of the nation itself being less and less hospitable year by year? Since the events of Splatoon 1, so many Octarians have been lost. Within the squad they’re in, pictures and murmurings from the rest of them tell the stories of at least four other Octolings that were previously in their squadron.
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So then the other aspect of the Squid Sisters’ arc is... if they don’t think Octarians should be stealing the Great Zapfish or dealing with Salmonids or anything like that... what should they be doing?
Because so far, nothing has worked for them. Negotiations fail, because Inklings don’t know enough about Octarian society to understand why they need so much support. They don’t know enough about the history of Inklings and Octolings to realize that Inkadia is largely the reason they’re suffering. The average Inkling doesn’t know enough to realize there’s a problem, and the average Octarian doesn’t have a loud enough voice.
All this compounded onto the fact that now, the only Octolings Inkadia sees are the ones who decided that Octarians were oppressing themselves, to the point where they abandoned everything they knew to live in the nation that started this in the first place.
Though, it’s hard to blame them when life in Octaria is practically nonexistent. Losing so many people, living in such horrible conditions, led by an egomaniac whose awareness of his people is performative at best... but most Octolings can’t let that take away from who they are as a people. They don’t let it tear their communities apart, or sever the bonds they have with people. Their lived experiences show them that it’s worth fighting for. Well... except in one scenario we’ll get into later.
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The final important thing that comes to light over this period... This whole time Octavio has barely come up, because he doesn’t even know the Squid Sisters are there. The squadron are a real squadron in the Octarian army, but this whole mysterious operation involving the Squid Sisters is entirely outside Octavio’s control. In fact, it becomes apparent that the Octarians at least in this squadron or associated with this squadron, hate Octavio and everything he’s been doing to their society as a whole.
They’ve always seen the Zapfish heists as a horrible, horrible ego trip. An extremely hollow, expensive move that only plants targets on the backs of Octarians. But even in feeling that way, Aris and Oregil both admit that there isn’t much else offering them hope. If not for Octavio stealing the Zapfish for those couple days of “sun”light, what would they be doing? Though Cy has a much more strong opinion there, asserting that doing nothing would have put those resources into survival rather than gambling it all on a fool’s errand.
Needless to say, the Squid Sisters get a bit wrapped up in this stuff. Talking to these Octolings, learning about their life, living it, offering to help (gameplay sections), and all around having a lot of beliefs challenged. It’s a lot of stuff that they are only able to wrap their mind around from actually knowing what it’s like to live through it, without the option to just leave when it gets too rough.
While at the beginning they were just looking for an opening to escape, by the halfway point they aren’t even really being watched anymore, let alone trying to break out. Tetra may call them prisoners, but by that point they’ve had so many opportunities to just walk away. The only thing keeping them there is the fact that if they leave, what will happen? And can they confidently say that it’s the Octarians’ fault for it happening?
By the end, their primary objective is to find something they can do to actually give them a shot. And for that... they’ll need more than just the two of them. The idea of bringing in the Squidbeak Splatoon is immediately dismissed as insane by Cy - especially the idea of bringing in THE Agent 3. But after a little while, with Oregil indifferent as always and Aris on board, she comes around, though warning that Tetra will not like it, and they could be accidentally luring Agent 3 into a death trap. But it’s a risk they decide to let the Captain decide for themself.
Act II
Acts II and III are far less elaborate, because this is after all the characters have been established, and the world has been largely explored.
Act II kicks off with there being a lot of reactions. (As a note, the Octolings with the Squid Sisters at the present time are Oregil, Aris, and Cy. In their own ways, they’re uncomfortable in the presence of Captain 3. Cy and Oregil also seem to have an attitude with how they look at Marina.) A lot of disbelief, but also, to some degree, understanding. Naturally, Captain 3 is skeptical, taking a moment to contemplate what they’re being asked to do.
But around this time, Marina cuts in, asserting that regardless of the cause, Octarian society is inherently a problem. That’s why she left. She accuses the squadron of perpetuating DJ Octavio’s oppressive rule, and that they could have their cake and eat it too just by moving to Inkopolis.
The group go back and forth, with escalating emotions and accusations, until Pearl declares that, whatever they’re plotting, Off the Hook and the Squidbeak Splatoon will put a stop to it. Silence falls over the group, until Marie retaliates saying that she doesn’t think she can in good conscience fight against people who are only trying to exist.
The other agents start taking the Octarians’ side, even Agent 8 who, despite hesitating given their trust in Off the Hook, still resonates too strongly with the plight of the Octarians to turn their back on them fully. Pearl is taken aback, but after a glance at a very betrayed Marina, declares the Squidbeak Splatoon their enemy too, Marina locking eyes with Agent 8 before Off the Hook take their leave.
Cy remarks that it’s a shame, but she understands exactly why Marina is acting this way. Callie asks why, but Cy just assures her that Marina isn’t stupid, so if everything goes right, she’ll come around. Aris tells the player where the kettle’s entrance is, and at their leisure, they can join the Octarians there.
Upon entering the kettle as the player Cy assumes you know how things work, and there are a few filler travel stages to break the story up a little, before eventually the group return to see Tetra emerge for the first time, locking eyes with Captain 3, removing her goggles for the first time, and immediately going on the attack. Captain 3 drops their weapon and holds up their hands, but Tetra still rushes them down, holding both Dark Tetra Dualies up to their face.
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After a long moment of them staring each other down, Tetra narrows her eyes, throws her arms down in a burst of anger, and leaves without saying anything else. After a few sighs of relief across the group, the tone lightens up, and Cy guesses that Tetra won’t be bothering them - which is a relief.
The bulk of Act II itself is actually fairly underdeveloped story-wise and is a lot more gameplay focused. It reinforces a lot of the character stuff from Act I, but a big ongoing theme is repeatedly clashing with Off the Hook in various places, and getting more glimpses of the strange fifth Octoling and getting more hints as to what it really is that the squadron is planning, and why they’ve kept it hidden.
While their convictions are still the same, there is a growing level of uncertainty among the group as they feel less okay with being kept in the dark. Eventually, the Squid Sisters, Cap 3, and Agent 8 catch a glimpse of the mystery Octoling leaving, and watch them enter a building off the edge of the camp alongside the other Octolings. The Squid Sisters take the opportunity to snoop around the building, which appears to be a laboratory of some sort.
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As the group search deeper within for answers, strange, distorted music can be heard - with oddly familiar vocals. It turns into a full stealth mission, until eventually towards the end you’re spotted and confronted by all four of the squadron members. Tetra warns that they were not supposed to come here, Cy is quiet for once, Aris is quiet as usual, and Oregil... actually looks motivated to stop you.
Of course this is a video game and you win that horrible 4v4, breaking through into the room ahead to find that fifth Octoling in a room full of synthesizers, speakers and computers. She calls for Cy, before turning around and realizing who it actually is.
Marie asks the obvious question, of what the hell this is, and the fifth Octoling who introduces herself as Sock, answers that this is a studio, actually. Well, a lab and a studio. Maybe it should be called a studyo. Weirdly lighthearted for what the group was expecting.
Cy, having respawned and entered behind them, is audibly defeated as she guesses an explanation can’t be avoided.
The studio was used over this entire period to study the effects of a song whose influence is as potent as it is destructive... the Calamari Inkantation. It’s the song that spawned not one, but two mass exoduses. It has an undeniable impact on the cephaling psyche. And, as they know, it’s one of the most important songs to not only the Squid Sisters, but Inkadia as a whole.
The fact that the Inkantation can grab the mind so easily when it isn’t being actively fought, and cause such extremely psychological changes... it was, and still is, one of the biggest problems Octaria has had to deal with. And up until recently, there was little you could do about the Inkantation besides actively study its influence.
What they found, was that it was able to simply cloud out your own lived experience. It would walk you down mental shortcuts, take advantage of the simplicity of certain ideas, and corrupt experiences that contradicted it. Causing Octolings to simply leave their struggling communities, their memories twisted with the idea that they’ve somehow invented their own struggle, corrupted only to enable the Octoling to gravitate towards assimilation without dissonance.
The only Octolings welcome in Inkadia are those who have listened to and internalized the Inkantation... those who, consciously or not, allow it to twist their memories and reshape who they are as people.
It’s a lot. Some Octolings are more resistant than others, and some, like Sock here, have managed to reverse engineer it and escape that way. Sock, an Octoling raised in Inkopolis, raised with the Inkantation, and only later exposed to its flaws - without memories of Octaria to have been twisted by it, she was only able to create new ones, to learn from those who live Octaria every day, rather than being stuck behind a layer of cognitive dissonance.
Of course, other Octolings simply could not leave. The new experiences formed after the Inkantation constantly falsify the old, corrupted memories, and reinforce the reality. But many Octolings, upon being swayed by the Inkantation, simply left and assimilated into Inkling societies.
The idea that the Inkantation is not only not good, but actively a corrupting force, was not something Cy nor any of the squadron were confident the Squid Sisters or anyone else exposed to the Inkantation would be able to process. And without that, how else would they understand the importance of their mission - to reverse the effects of the Inkantation using the strange, distorted song the group have been hearing.
Taking a lot of voice samples from the Squid Sisters was the only way they would be able to relpicate the sound that originally entranced those under the Inkantation’s effects. That’s why they needed to go for broke and resort to squidnapping. The Inkantation being a strong corrupting force meant that it was unpredictable how they would react to learning the truth behind the song, while still at least partially under the effects of it.
And that’s also why Cy said of Marina that she understands why she’s so hostile - Marina is one of the most deeply Inkantationed Octolings.
A lot of the breakdowns of how the Inkantation affects Octolings also resonates extremely strongly with Agent 8 - who, despite how prominent and overpowering the Inkantation was, was still able to hold onto friendly feelings around Octarians, and frustrations around their place in Inkling society. So many weird, dissonant feelings, are starting to make sense. But also, a lot of really awful feelings are starting to surface as well - traumatic feelings, now that they’re starting to think back on their life, and counterbalancing that to the horrors they witnessed in the Deepsea Metro. Horrifying, but... real. So, so, horribly real.
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This is their last shot. If they can reverse the Inkantation across Inkopolis... who knows what it would achieve. But the plan, at the very least, is unity and community. Cy admits that in all likelihood, most Octolings will stay in Inkopolis even after the Inkantation is cleared. That’s their home now - they have new friends, new commitments, a new life... and there’s not much of a home to return to in Octaria.
But, maybe, some Octolings come to visit. Maybe some Octolings come back. Maybe those that don’t, can at least use their new life in Inkopolis to raise the voices of those suffering back home, and create a real partnership - no egotistical DJ required. And not just turning Octolings into Inklings with funny hair.
Well, once this whole reveal happens, there is a lot of internal conflict, but on the face of it, there’s really nothing to argue. There’s the disgust and to a degree personal insult felt at the idea that this song that was so important to them, that became a cornerstone of Inkadia, was harmful. That they the Squid Sisters enacted that harm onto tens of thousands of Octolings.
But it’s all there. Their minds want to deny it, but there’s nothing to stand on.
At the very least, they have a rare opportunity to set things almost entirely right. And so, they take it.
The plan is simple: Do what the Inkantation did. Blast the song out to as many Octolings as possible, and then... maybe overthrow Octavio for fun just as a bonus lol
The Squid Sisters are already popstars - they can just take the song into the Inkopolis News Station, perform it live, and get it playing all over, such is how Inkopolis is with its new music. Or well, that’s how it COULD work...  if there wasn’t a sudden “NEVER GONNA HAPPEN” and muffled “Pearl--!!” coming from Agent 8′s earpiece, that they forgot to take out.
So... the easy walk-in walk-out strategy just turned into a big climactic final battle for the station. The specifics of which........ are still being ironed out, sORRY!
But generally, Pearl and Marina get backup in on the situation, and it’s a lot of small missions in one building, split across multiple teams, some stealth, some just battle, some objectives, and the final battle being a survival section over the Squid Sisters performing the song (playing as the squid sisters is cool but its not quite a Splatoon Final Boss if the Squid Sisters aren’t singing some variant of the Calamari Inkantation over it except that one time) including Pearl and Marina themselves getting in on the battle.
I’m not musical enough to think of how this would work, but it would be kinda crazy for it to sort of be objective-based by whether the Squid Sisters’ reverse-Inkantation or perhaps even Off the Hook singing the normal Inkantation is playing for more time - like a dueling song of some sort
After it’s over and you win, there’s this sort of both relief and confusion since it feels like not much happened - but it affects Marina. Like, god, does it affect Marina after everything that happened to her after the Inkantation. A lot of what she knew, the people she was close to, her life in general, all just flooding back. Suddenly realizing that these were not shadowy monsters that were out to get her, they weren’t evil clones trying to destroy the world. They were people she knew, old friends, family even, that were just trying to get by as best they could without leaving their friends and family in the dust. And then she let herself be swayed by a song, and then suddenly... how could she have just left them like that? What did she do to them? What did she do to herself?
But cutting through it all is Pearl’s voice, asking if she’s okay. Despite what she was worried about... it’s still Pearl. It didn’t make her hate Pearl or not recognize Pearl or change anything about how she felt about Pearl. It just, cleared the fog around the other people she cared about, that she had been convinced she didn’t.
So.... yeah!! Once all is said and done, Marina assures Pearl that she’s still her, that all these fears she had, didn’t happen. Plus, some minor panic over how close she got to keeping these thoughts down forever. But she didn’t, and now that it’s all over, she can let it out to Pearl and the rest of them.
Other Octolings throughout Inkopolis start feeling similar things, though minus the Deepsea Metro trauma, and as anticipated, some of them do return. Some come back temporarily, some just have a lot to think about. Many who come back in some form or another will also sadly realize how close Octaria is to just crumbling to the ground. But over the following days, weeks, months, and years, both Octolings and Inklings work together to both raise awareness and to help reconstruction efforts.
It’s the start of a much, much, much larger social shift - that kind of also passively involves removing Octavio from power, but that’s easy enough at this point. And of course, Pearl and Marina come up with some shenanigans to get the squadron and the Squid Sisters... off the hook.
And that’s Culture Shock, the entire story exists for that one throwaway pun at the end thank you for listening you’ve been a great audience and even if this FINDS its target audience NOBODY will be able to read this before the direct that will inevitably have Side Order content which means NOBODY except ME will have the knowledge of this before their expectations are shfited by the existence of Side Order
Okay but seriously if you somehow finished all of this like, DM me on Discord @aviivix or something because we will become best friends
Also... if you can believe it... this is like maybe HALF of like all the story stuff I’ve got in Culture Shock - each member of the Octo Squad has an arc (especially Tetra she has the biggest arc but I barely mention Tetra here) and there’s big ass history with the dead Octos and a lot of specifics I didn’t touch... if you ask me about any of it I will be your best friend no questions asked.
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Splatoon 3 Version 7.2 patch notes breakdown
The patch notes for version 7.2, which is going live tomorrow, dropped earlier today, and this is a fairly beefy patch balance-wise, so let's take a look together, shall we?
First of all, the patch includes the renovated Undertow Spillway, but we won't know how it's been changed until it goes live, so let's jump right into the main weapons:
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Sploosh's bullets have had their hitbox size increase, and while they don't specify by how much this should in theory make Sploosh's damage more consistent.
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Splattershot Pro and H-3 now do 3 more damage, which doesn't change much about them directly but if you've been even lightly chipped by anything they're now gonna 2-shot you and that can be pretty scary. Watch out!
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Nova is now 8% more accurate when its feet are on the ground, which means it might actually hit what it's aiming at every once in a while!
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Luna Blaster's explosion ink is now 20% bigger, which means it paints more and can trap people in its paint more reliably, though I can't see that changing much with how fast it fires.
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S-Blast's long-range mode will now do 50+ damage more reliably. Note that this is not a splash radius buff, it just makes it deal damage more reliably within the radius it already has.
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Painbrush now paints more when rolling and starts recovering ink faster after rolling. This seems like a very meh buff to me, but it does speed up the weapon a bit, and it definitively needs that.
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And the final main weapon change of the patch, Dapples now move faster when walking and shooting. It's a bit quicker on its feet now, and that only makes sense for the lightest dualies, doesn't it?
Now, moving on Specials:
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Big Bubbler receives a chunky durability buff on its weak spot. This thing's gonna take a lot of effort to take down now.
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Splattercolor Screen now does 10 more damage. This makes it combo with a couple of more damage sources, but did you know that you can squid roll through a Screen to take no damage from it? Now you know.
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Triple Splashdown is getting a buff and a nerf. You now spend about ten frames less time in the air, but the splash radius was reduced to compensate. My gut feeling is that this is an overall buff, as it makes it less risky to use, but we'll have to see how things pan out.
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And finally, and this is actually a big deal, when you Super Jump to a teammate using Kraken Royale you'll no longer jump to their location, but instead to the place where they activated their Kraken. This is huge because it deals a massive blow to the popular Clam Blitz cheese strats that the special had become known for where you use it to swim up to the basket and let your team jump super clams to it with no effort required. It was a huge sore spot in the mode for a lot of people, and this change pretty much kills the entire strategy. Very nice!
And with there being no Sub Weapon changes, let's move onto the final section, the points for Special changes:
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Neo Splash and N-Zap '89 are the winners of this patch's "random shooter buff" lottery, and I expect the '89 to be incredibly common and incredibly annoying in turf wars after this. Carbon Roller becomes the first weapon in Splatoon 3 to hit 160p, and considering how poorly it paints that's only fair. Splat Charger and Dapples get 10p taken off their special charge as well, and in the case of the latter it's a buff that works pretty well with its mobility buff from earlier. In the nerfs department they hit a bunch of the most popular meta weapons with 10 extra points for Special, with Squeezer becoming the second ever weapon to get 220p after Sloshing Machine (and unlike it, squeezer kind of deserves it).
Overall, I think this is a good patch. The biggest pain points for competitive play going into this patch was Trizooka spam and the utter dominance of Snipewriter, and this patch does address both of them, albeit indirectly. Trizooka still probably needs a nerf, and nintendo remain as hesitant as ever to address any problem directly, but it's still a step in the right direction.
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taperwolf · 1 year
So I often see novel computer keyboard designs, but I hadn't really felt inspired to make my own until now.
See, Hackaday recently ran a piece on Stephen Holdaway's "Unicode Binary Input Terminal", which lets you flip switches to input any Unicode character — by flipping switches to indicate its binary value in UTF-8 encoding.
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It displays the character on the little display, and you can then flip another switch to send the character like a keyboard would over USB.
Among the usual comments about how Holdaway should have built the device by using only 555 timers came the suggestion that UTF-8 is unwieldy, and that he should have added even more toggle switches to enter longer bitstreams directly. Now, I don't want to take that tack on it; toggle switches get expensive. But there are other ways to input long sets of binary data!
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Years ago, I found this panel in some surplus or thrift shop; I honestly don't remember any more. It's got two sets of eight hexadecimal thumbwheel switches; each one can be set to a hexadecimal "digit" between 0 and F, and the binary pattern of that hexit read off the leads in the back.
(If anyone out there recognizes where this panel originally came from, let me know; it has no other markings besides the visible ones, and the switch banks just each bear a sticker saying they came from the Digitran Company of Pasadena, California, and were probably made in 1972. (Remarkably, Digitran still makes very similar switches — I think there's a military spec for them — though they're presently owned by Electro Switch Corp, and are of the sort that don't list prices on the webpage. For similar devices, Surplus Sales of Nebraska has 6-hexit banks, albeit with shorter numbers, available for $225 each, or slightly taller ones for $15 per hexit and you have to fabricate your own frame.)
At any rate, the switch banks are easily removed from the panel. My plan is to set them in a new panel with a display between them and have a toggle or slider switch to change modes, so you can enter UTF-8 streams (anywhere between eight ASCII characters and a single dual-character-point emoji; the wheels are currently set to display the US flag) or sets of UTF-16 or UTF-32 characters; a final button would again send the character(s) over USB.
I'm currently dithering over how best to implement this. Obviously Unicode isn't going to fit in any of my usual microcontrollers, and the 64 data lines required to read the switches will need some GPIO expanders or shift registers. I do have a couple of unused Raspberry Pi ZeroWs lying around, which would let me leverage Linux font and Unicode handling, and then I could hook it to an Arduino or Teensy to handle the USB part, unless there's an obvious way for a Pi to be a USB client. The display is a similar dither; I've got some small graphical LCDs and a tiny OLED display, and even some e-ink displays that might work for this. Heck, I should see if I can find those dot-matrix VFDs I have somewhere. It's more likely to be a color LCD if I want emoji support, but requirements are flexible right now.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 4 months
What texture/paper/background do you use for your digital drawings? I really like it!
I'm actually using a brush from a trick that I learned from this 4 year old video:
They show two ways to make a textured canvas on Procreate, but I've only ever followed the first option.
Basically, I grab a regular white canvas of my choice.
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Then I take these colors:
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The Main Color I just fill the entire canvas with by dragging it out of that little circle at the top right.
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Then I find the brush "Soft pastel" amongst my default brushes in the tab "Sketching." and take the Texture Color before lightly brushing all over the canvas with the brush on its largest size. But only once and on a separate layer.
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You already get a little bit of a texture going. Then I take the second layer (the textured layer) and change the mode to Multiply. Which makes it darker and makes the texture contrast harder against the plain first layer.
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I merge both layers before finding "Hue, Saturation, Brightness" in the Adjustments tab and I play around with only the Saturation bar on the bottom until I get the exact shade of paper that I want.
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The difference from before and after I play around with the Saturation bar. (Which stands at default on 50% I'm pretty sure)
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And I do that before every drawing that I do on "paper."
It takes less than 5 minutes and really gives my art that textured feeling that I really enjoy. :)
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I don't even have to stick to the brown color I showed for sketching and lineart because most (if not all) colors fit. The lineart of the middle one is actually a dark green.
Though for the Snotlout piece I used a different brush to create a different type of texture and I can't remember which one.
For the coloring in the Femcup piece, I only used the default "Round Brush" from the Painting section, but because I didn't press too hard, the texture still came out as if I drew her on actual paper.
For the sketching and lineart, I tend to use the default "Ink Bleed" from the Inking section.
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mintleflower · 10 months
PLEASE share your oil settings
Oil paint flat brush is my personal favourite! I use it for pretty much all my painting.
From what I've heard it was deleted from the default brush gallery in the later versions of the software, so if you've only recently acquired it you can find it right here!
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I can't really share my oil settings? As I change them constantly mid painting depending on what kind of effect I'm looking for, so honestly all I can tell you is to play around with the sliders, whether you want the brush to blend or block things in I do all sorts of things with it. I never stick with one setting so why should you!
A quick tip, though! I do recommend turning on the perceptual mixing mode in the ink settings.
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Turning this on allows for the blending/mixing with the brush to be much more natural (no more muddy colors!)
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rhan-hastur · 1 year
Hi! @velvetcloak asked me to do some kind of lineart tutorial/step-by-step, I'm by no means an expert so don't hesitate to ask if you need some things clarified! Always glad to help.
I use three different methods that are pretty much trial and error, depending on what works best for the artwork but I'll do my best to explain with screenshots - these were taken on photoshop, I draw with procreate, but I'm guessing the layer modes are similar on other softwares. (Also mine are set in french, sorry in advance for the confusion.)
If you're already familiar with digital lineart and softwares, this probably won't be of much use, it's very basic stuff.
Otherwise, more below the cut! (It got a bit long.)
I. Solid black lineart, with this illustration used as reference.
I used the basic gesinski ink brush in procreate, 100% opacity in normal mode to get pure black. Very basic, it's set on top of the colour layers, everything above that is just additional effects and filters + textures. Note that I always draw separate elements on different layers and fuse them later, it's easier to deal with details this way. The isolated layer looks like this (I changed the colour of a disappearing hair lock, more on this later):
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And the colours without it, like this (my style relies heavily on lineart, lol):
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Good! It's a bit harsh though, I like to add a second layer to soften things up, set in 45% opacity multiply mode right under that. I duplicate the main lineart, and add a gaussian blur to the copied layer (between 3 and 5px, values vary from one artwork to another, same with the layer modes.)
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Not done yet! I use the blured lineart as a colour filter by locking it to pixels only and filling it with the tone I want. In this case, red. Isolated layer:
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And the end result:
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The second method, I tend to use more on sketches and loose drawings to get a better blend of lineart and colours:
II. Semi-transparent lineart, with one of these sketches.
Basic 6B brush in procreate (my fav), quite thin here but you can get great results with a larger brush. It's not really obvious looking at this scale, so here's a comparison between a black solid lineart (1 layer, normal 100% - the scars are on a separate layer because of the colour, otherwise it's the same setting) and a semi-transparent one (2 layers), especially visible in lighter areas, note how the second one lets hues show through. I find this to look a bit less stiff.
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Now for the method! Since this relies on the layers underneath, you want your colours to a bit more precise than the previous example. Without lineart:
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TBH it's also a two layers solution, super easy. Once you're statisfied with your basic lineart, set the layer to overlay 100%. You'll get something like this:
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Then duplicate this layer, put the copied layer above the overlay one and set it to normal 70% (or whatever looks best, this is 67%) and you'll get the final result as previously shown! In this particuliar case, I erased the black circle around the iris in the normal mode layer to keep the blue of the overlay one. You could also skip step two depending on the desired rendering.
The third method is a blend of the other two result-wise:
III. Coloured lineart, with this illustration. (tw: a bit of gore and blood in the full artwork, I'll crop it out of the screenshots. Poor guy can't get a break. It's the only file in this style with a semblant of organization, don't be like me, rename your layers and use folders.)
Fountain pen toothy brush, from the MaxPack watercolor set. It has a bit of a texture to it, and isn't entirely opaque so it blends nicely with the layers below. The lineart is set to normal 100%, for this method it's preferable to have separate layers for each elements, since you'll be recolouring them individually. Here, the hands, skull and additional details are all on individual layers.
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Just like the blurred layer in the first method, you need to lock your pixels (the little grid to the left on photoshop):
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And either fill you layer with colour, or paint on it with an opaque round brush/a soft one depending on the desired outcome. (Some zones might need a gradient, or various colours.) You can also use another normal layer on top of a black lineart and set it as a clipping mask, same result, different method. But I prefer to keep the layers count to a minimum when possible. With the layers below, it will look like this:
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You can notice a bit of lineart transparency over the skull colour layer, cool stuff. (The shading of the skin is set on top for some reason, I don't remember why but surely there was a reason.) However! In this illustration, I need a yellow glow for the fire so let's create yet another layer, shall we? This affects the whole rendering. I painted a diffuse light source using a soft gradient brush, and set the layer to hard light. Isolated layer:
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End result:
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All done!
Now go create!
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beaubambabey · 10 months
Before I flew out to Japan I lost the pen for my tablet PC. This absolutely sucked. So hard. It was maybe three days before my flight. I was planning on doing some (not a lot but some) digital art during my down time just to get back into the swing of things. So I did some research and found that Yes, I can buy just about any Windows Ink compatible stylus and have it work for my Dell XPS 13 2-in-1, No, it doesn't have to be the Dell Premium Active XP Pen I'd been using since I got this laptop. This is the story of my quest to replace my tablet pen.
So I had my dad drive me to Best Buy to get my hands on a Wacom Bamboo Ink stylus. Tried it out in the car, worked fine, thought that would be enough for me.
I was wrong. About me, at least. Since I'm kind of a picky bastard.
The thing that I liked and got used to with the Dell Premium Active XP Pen was the rubber tipped nib. Pen pressure? That's variable and I can work around fewer levels or whatever. The nib though? I loved the slight drag and resistance of it. It helped make my lines smooth and I developed most of my current art style around the way I could make waves and curves work in my lines.
The Wacom Bamboo Ink stylus has a plastic tipped nib. It feels too slippery for me. I could mitigate this by getting a screen protector for my laptop, but that's a whole other story and not even the biggest problem I have with this. The biggest problem is consistent functionality. I often have to press buttons just to get it to stay working in the correct mode. Considering how it only draws on my tablet in one single mode, this gets kind of inconvenient. That on top of not feeling *juuuust right*? Guess it's getting relegated to a backup.
During my research on replacement pens, however, I learned that there's a rechargeable version of the Wacom Bamboo Ink called the Ink Plus. The Wacom Bamboo Ink Plus was not available anywhere that wasn't online prior to my trip. When I was in Japan, I decided "Hey, you're here, in Wacom's home country, during a time where the currency is weaker than the currency of your own country. Let's go to an electronics store!"
Big mistake. Because Japanese electronics stores are very different from American ones. They are terrifying.
Yodobashi Camera is a Japanese electronics chain store that is several stories tall and has many floors to get lost in. The walls are stark white and the lights are blinding as the speakers sing of the best deals possible while everything beeps around you. It probably didn't help that I went to the one in Akihabara but y'know. I went in, got help from like three separate employees trying to buy it, and spent 2/3 of what I would've to get it shipped to me in the states. Showing my passport off to get it tax-free probably helped too. Either way, it was twice the price of what I paid for the non-rechargable cousin of this stylus and the few Reddit posts I found about comparable alternatives to the Dell Premium Active XP Pen said that this one with the blue pen nib was the better alternative.
There's a very frustrating quirk about this one. Similar to its non-rechargable cousin, it also struggles with consistent functionality in a way that is even more unique. Specifically in that it wiggles. It makes my straight lines wavy. On top of how it will sometimes forget that I'm trying to draw with pen pressure and automatically pretend like I'm not pushing hard at all, which compels me to push harder on my screen. Which tends to put undue stress on a glass surface and can lead to cracking. I tried all three nibs and they all have the same issue. I even figured out how to connect it to Bluetooth which supposedly helps and it still did it.
Absolute pain in the ass. I miss my old pen. Yeah, the exterior was peeling and I had to tape it up just to keep the body of it protected, but at least it only stopped working once a year when I needed to change the AAAA battery.
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More weapon experiences!
Carbon Roller Deco: Okay I had some ABSOLUTELY ABSURD matches with this, like the fact that it’s just so fast and you can point-blank one-shot people just encouraged me to engage my splooshie brain cell and just keep running straight into the fray, which sometimes PAID OFF IMMENSELY with enemy team wipeouts and it was such chaotic fun especially with burst bombs to help out. But in other matches, sometimes I just died repeatedly and was no good to anyone (mostly on flounder heights, ick). Nonetheless I think I might add this to the short list of weapons to come back to (which currently consists of this, .52 gal, and splatana wiper) because it was just so fast and fun, though trizooka is kind of a challenge to use effectively.
Explosher: This was really difficult and I mostly just...flailed around and died a lot. But towards the end, I finally took in some appreciation for the sheer range of this thing and how much it inked where it hit, and it clicked in suddenly that maybe this is what it means when I hear people talk about “controlling an area” My entire mindset with this shifted. I stopped focusing almost entirely on hitting targets and instead focused on using it to just threaten the enemy team as much as possible, hitting in front of where they want to go, cutting off paths they might want to swim through. It was like in that moment my entire perception of the game changed. It was kind of magical. My last two matches with this felt really good.
Ballpoint Splatling: Initially I took the strategy I had been playing with explosher towards the end and just tried to get high ground and just try to keep control of the area as much as possible, but as soon as I got the hang of this thing’s first mode of firing, I ran right back up to the front lines, lol. This is probably the splatling that I dislike the least so far, between it actually being very viable at closer range and being able to recharge it mid-fire. I love that versatility aspect. I dare say I even had fun with this.
Nautilus: This was not quite as fun after getting used to the Ballpoint, but I feel like I still had a reasonable amount of success with it. I’m getting a little more comfortable with playing defensively, focusing more on making sure the enemy can’t easily get to me than necessarily taking them out (though, I am also getting a little better at taking them out when they get too close). Ink storm and point sensor are also like... very low-fuss, and I appreciate not having to put a whole lot of thought into how and when to use them.
This game can really be overwhelming at times, and there’s so much to learn and watch out for and it’s hard not to tunnel vision and it’s hard to be aware of everything going on at all times that you could possibly infer from the available information you’re getting visually and audio...ly, and there are times I just feel like it’ll never happen, it’ll never all make sense or that I don’t really know how to make it make sense or how to.. actively get better at parsing all that information. But earlier in a match I heard an ultra stamp activate, and a second later got stomped with it, and I thought to myself, oh, I should have known that was a threat and figured out where it was and reacted. And I like to think and hope that as long as I’m still having thoughts like that, still at least catching myself ignoring useful information, that at least I’m probably at least still actively learning and becoming more aware. So that’s hopeful, at least.
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Undertale Theory: Sans, Papyrus and Gaster Appear In Blooky’s Home
 while playing a new save on the new offline account that I had tried to make the Mii look like a Mii-Frisk and even gave it the name “Frisk”...
I still plan for that to be a type of “AU” where there was only one Reset, and the first name I had used to name the fallen human was Frisk, and then after I had showed mercy and spared Goat Mom Toriel...
I Reset the Timeline, and got to change the name to Chara.
so anyway before I had ended up fighting and befriending Undyne,
I went to Blooky’s home, and I had Frisk lay down on the ground around 4:38 Am to 5:59 Am in Real Life Time.
but when I was waiting for the time to become 5:59 Am, and yeah I did get up early and I did get a nice sleep and well of course at some point I did wake up and decided to play more of that new save...
anyway while looking at the galaxy that Frisk and Blooky was laying on,
I started to notice that Sans looks like he was in there, but really big and his looking to his right, then I notice what looked to be a monster soul to his right, but it turns out when I looked again, it actually kind of looked like Gaster, you know the name you can’t use for the fallen human unless you spell it backwards.
and to the left of Sans, looks like a younger version of Papyrus but with tiny dot like “eyes” but he didn’t look like he had a mouth.
plus that Papyrus might of been around Monster Kid and Frisk’s age.
I just notice it on December 4, 2022.
I guess if you keep Frisk from moving for that long and just look really closely, you start to notice stuff.
I dub that Sans in that galaxy or space, as Titan-Sans, you know because in Deltarune there are suppose to be Titans....
he seems to be bigger than most alternate versions of Sans....
and either my eyes and mind were playing tricks on me, or Sans, Papyrus and Gaster really did appear as huge hidden images in Blooky’s house.
well I did find that possible secret message in that crossword where Sans is possibly the one who is saying “I see someone better go diet.”
sure some of the letters aren’t all close together, but you need to look very carefully in order to find them to see the words.
it’s either Sans doing that whole telling us we need to go on a diet, or it’s Gaster picking on us from across time and space.
this might be more than just a theory though, about the whole finding huge hidden images of Gaster, Sans and Papyrus in Blooky’s home but only can find them if we decide to do the whole family tradition of Blooky’s.
 plus it could turn out that the Papyrus in that hidden image, could be the version from Deltarune, and that could go double for the Sans in the hidden image.
Gaster is a mystery, but I guess he could  be the version that is from deltarune or could be the one from undertale or from the timeline that came before both undertale and deltarune, which could take place in the Hard Mode...
I’m not really sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me or if I really did see those three being in huge hidden images and being like with space or galaxy or universe bodies, I know for a few moments Sans seem like he looked a little bit like Steven Universe, which I guess maybe because some those little star dots or whatever kind of made a design that looked a little like his hair...
I will leave myself signed in, while I go watch Sonic Underground.
if there was a Undertale/Deltarune Crossover AU version of that cartoon,
 Ralsei and Asriel would be the Sonic and Manic...
as to who would be the Sonia, I would say it would be Chara.
also maybe it’s possible that the Sans, Papyrus and Gaster I thought I saw at Napstablook’s home, could turn out to be Omnipotent and are technically very powerful to the point that not even Ink-Sans or Error-Sans can rewrite or destroy them, and not everyone has to agree about the theory.
but if by chance there has been others who have started to notice this on the Nintendo Switch when playing Undertale, either by their official online or offline accounts (I don’t mind playing both, I mean not at the same time, but you know what I mean...)
maybe there will be others who will bring it up, that they have started to notice Sans, Papyrus and Gaster show up in that little galaxy that appears when Frisk hangs out with Blooky by doing that family tradition.
don’t know if it was always there or if it only appears if you stay still long enough....
also yes I had made Frisk lay down on the floor around 4:38 Am to 5:59 Am,
because I was full of Determination to try to see that through, cause it was something I want to do...
yeah, I was weird enough to try that, I mean we do wait for Toriel most of the time in the room she left us in, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we waited for her in there until the next day in real world time, she still wouldn’t be back yet, even if we do move around while waiting, take a break for a sandwich and even bathroom breaks, and she still isn’t back yet even after the dog takes her phone...
well it is possible she wont just come back, even if you wait until the next day.
the Toriel from the Hard Mode Timeline, could be a Darkner and and Flowey from the Hard Mode might be a Darkner, or not.
Flowey doesn’t seem to follow us in Hard Mode, and the Demo version of Undertale that has Flowey, he might just be a Flower that has nothing to do with Asriel and isn’t him, and just was a normal flower that was injected with determination by Gaster, and not Alphys like it is in the full game timeline. 
there seem to be already a tag with “Omnipotent Sans”, so I chose it for this post as well...
in another theory I have thanks to those possible hidden images of Sans, Papyrus and Gaster at Blooky’s home if you decide to do that family tradition wit them.
the bodies that Sans, Papyrus and even Gaster use, are just Avatar and Vessel bodies that are using that are connected to their higher dimensional selves.
so in other words, they are like Washu, Tokimi and Tsunami from Tenchi Muyo.
Gaster somehow lost his full connection to his magical organic body vessel.
he can only connect back to it sometimes, and even when the Player is able to find that gray door and find Gaster when he is once more connected to his vessel, but it doesn’t stay that way for long and he becomes disconnected from his vessel once more and is send back to where he is trapped in.
if Gaster can only connect to the Undertale World sometimes, then he could possibly make a new vessel body that looks like him, and send it to deltarune.
 maybe Gaster, Sans and Papyrus wouldn’t be like Washu, Tokimi and Tsunami.
but if they were, Sans would be the Washu, Papyrus would be Tsunami, and lastly Gaster would be Tokimi.
that show is for mature audiences only, so it isn’t for little kids...and for good reason, and I know that Tenchi Muyo GXP ain’t for little kids either.
maybe I will watch more of that after I watch some episodes of Sonic Underground.
is it weird to think that if there was a crossover between Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss with Tenchi Muyo, and Washu is in her older form that is her true form....and she is hit on by Stolas’s Dad King Paimon or Charlie’s Dad Lucifer Morningstar....
it be funny if she replies “but boy, your only a child.”
lol, some might get what that means, I mean besides it being a reference to that song from the Mamma Mia Movie.
if Asmodeous and Fizzarolli were to hit on her when she is in her true adult form, well the version of her that is a Goddess.
she might tell those two the same thing that she would tell Stolas and Charlie’s Dads if they hit on her, by telling them “but boy, your only a child.”
even if Paimon, Lucifer, Asmodeous and Fizzarolli are fully grown, but she would be WAY older than them.
and well if anyone has watched most of the episodes of Tenchi Muyo, might know why Washu decided to take a different form from her true adult form.
if you think about who would win a fight, Ryoko or Vaggie, who would you think would win in that fight...?
or if there was a fight between Ayeka and Charlie, who would win...?
or like there is a fight between Razzle & Dazzle Vs Ayeka’s Guardians.
and while that is happening, Angel Dust is running off with Tenchi (still held captured), and by the time Ryoko, Vaggie, Ayeka and Charlie notice, Angel is a few yards away while holding Tenchi bridle style but still wrapped up in webs.
and then the chase starts where Angel while still holding Tenchi, is running from Vaggie, Charlie, Ryoko and Ayeka with their respective bodyguards/guardians.
of course it wouldn’t be canon, but it would be interesting.
but anyway, it’s okay that not everyone ends up seeing what looks like a huge hidden images of Sans, Papyrus and Gaster in Napstablook’s home when we decide to lay on the floor and be like garbage with them.
 I’m not sure if many notice that or if it was my eyes playing tricks on me, I mean I do know I did find that whole “I see someone better go on diet.” in that crossword puzzle, and you would have to look very carefully for those words because they wont be close together, well maybe not all of them.
anyway I am also going to see that whole thing I finally notice at Blooky’s, that had to do with Sans, Papyrus and Gaster as Fan Headcanon as well.
maybe not everyone will end up seeing them, and it might just be me.
but it be nice to know that I wasn’t the only one that started to see Sans in there, as well as the possibility that Papyrus and Gaster in there as well.
but the odds of someone else noticing it are possibly 1 to 100 of happening.
if it took me and some other fans to notice the secret message in that crossword puzzle, so of course it’s gonna take a while for other fans to really look at the space or galaxy that appears in Blooky’s home when you decided to have Frisk participate in Napstablook’s family traditions.
anyway still gonna be signed on, but be back in a hour or so to check out more art and stuff, after I watch some Sonic Underground, Tenchi Muyo GXP and some other stuff....maybe I’ll watch a movie as well.
I think once I do reach Asgore’s castle, I will wait to fight him (even if I hope Toriel appears if the plan works) on December 31, 2022.
which means I want to break the barrier on Christmas, and after I do beat the game and get the happy ending in that one offline account that has a picture of a Mii-Frisk and even has the name “Frisk” in there, I will not Reset that world a second time, and let those versions of the characters live a happy life.
but I can still play Undertale on the other one and reset all I want, it’s just that one will be off limits after I get the True Pacifist Ending, I could play deltarune as well on that one that has that Mii-Frisk, so that’s good.
I hope it snows for Christmas, it be nice if it did...       
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blue-opossum · 5 days
Quality Time, Creating Puzzle Images, Burnt Pizza Smell
        Quality Time, Creating Puzzle Images, Burnt Pizza Smell
        Saturday morning, 21 September 2024
        As I reenter the liminal state from the outward to inward transition, much of my real-world memory fades. I am still in a bed, but I am sitting on it. Proto-cognizant staging is predominant even though my illusory physical awareness is present. It intensifies with my somatosensory response but becomes surreal at one point. My activity seems to last a long time, being well-defined (including the text).
        A fictitious young female relative is sitting on my left. (Zsuzsanna is sleeping on my left, but real-world recall is absent.)
        We use pencils to create imagery, but the method is unique and surreal. This activity is secondary staging (arm and hand mobility and coordination). With well-defined proto-cognizance, it almost borders on genuine cognizance. The visuals and motions of writing and moving the pencil back and forth are extraordinarily realistic.
        At one point, I print "MAZE" on the paper. By filling in the area, the word causes a maze to become defined (in white lines) through the pale gray pencil shading. However, being a dream, the patterns change. The rectangular maze is simple but does not seem complete. I may have to fill in more of the spaces. At one point, I realize I am pressing too hard. No additional images appear other than abstract patterns (including the face described below) and an eye inside a square. The girl creates and solves a few simple puzzles with the same method of writing one or two words and shading over them until a picture is defined as a white sketch.
        I focus closely on the filled-in area. At one point, I see a girl's face with the right side (my view) flipped upside down. (See image.) I study it for a couple of minutes, feeling somewhat puzzled.
        The door had been closed, but I check it at one point and find it open a few inches.
        After several minutes, the girl's mother is on the bed, but now the bed is perpendicular to where it was (though my dream self does not notice or care). It is time for dinner. I get a vague impression that I am in a house where a brother on my father's side lives, but the people are fictitious.
        The woman asks me if I am going to eat. I tell her, "I didn't hear myself telling me that." This scene is the most vivid protoconscious event as it usually is when looking directly at a personification of this state.
        As I gaze at her, I am amazed by how much she looks like an older version of the girl I was with earlier. (Protoconsciousness, when personified, is often associated with being near a door because it occurs during a close-to-liminal state where real-world recall is sometimes more integrated, and a door is the virtual barrier between dream state illusion and viable consciousness).
        There is a vivid smell of burnt pizza (with the sense of smell being rare in my dreams in this mode).
        I leave the room to find the kitchen or dining area. (The house is unfamiliar.) However, at this point, my dream is less vivid (as proto-cognizant staging usually is since it typically defines only mental modeling in contrast to physical). It is more like I am moving through an undefined space, with the list of words approaching me.
        I see a floating envelope. At least four words are on it in bold type. I read "VIBRATOR," but not any of the other words. My dream self makes no associations with the word. I do not know what it means. It is solely a matter-of-fact reading of the stable text.
        My dream self fades before I reach another area of the house. I do not recall waking up from this dream.
        I am guessing this unusual activity may have come from the influence of Invisible Ink books - or Yes & Know books. However, it is also likely associated with rubbing with a pencil to get an image of a coin or reveal the writing on another sheet of paper with a recess from previous writing. (In the latter case, it does distort the image if you press too hard as in my dream.)
        On a side note, this dream debunks two asinine deceptions of all the mindless dream lore out there (of which virtually all is false - including lucid dreaming propaganda). One is the false claim that one "cannot read" in dreams (even though I have read in the dream state virtually every sleep cycle for over 50 years). Another is that the mind "cannot imagine new faces" - which is so unfathomably stupid, I cannot imagine a person of reasonable intelligence believing that. I have also read the opposite - that you cannot perceive a face correctly in the dream state.
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dine-on-nervine · 11 months
I really wish Xkit would fix Editable Reblogs
Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? No, but my thing lately seems to be waking up at 3am. Not getting out of bed unless it's to kill time on the computer, but after an hour of browsing I roll over and usually get some dreamy sleep.
What was on the last sandwich you had? The cuban at Amazon Go. Do highly recommend the sandwich and the store if one of them is near you.
What does the soap you use smell like? Mandarine orange and (very faintly) cedar.
Do you prefer to wrap gifts or use gift bags? I like wrapping gifts but haven't done that much in years.
The last person you spoke to, do you know their eye color? I should by now, since I go to that restaurant every week, but no.
Does anyone you know have their hair bleached? Yeah, a few people.
When you’re on the phone, do you doodle? Nope. My grandmother doodled though.
Is there anyone you know by the name of Frank? A former nephew.
Do you own a trenchcoat? You could say that. It's an Australian duster.
Name the hardiest piece of technology you own? I own many pieces of vintage technology which are more durable than you'd imagine. So for fun, let's say it's a typewriter.
Have you ever written with a pen that had pink ink? Probably.
Do you remember the last thing you took a picture of? A VHS tape at Deseret Industries: training material for Baskin-Robins.
From where you’re sitting, can you turn the lights off? If I leaned hard enough.
When was the last time you accidentally slept in? Twice in the last month or so I had either not set an alarm because I thought I'd be awake well before, or didn't change the PM to AM. In both cases, I was out of bed and out the door in 10 minutes after I realized the time, and made it where I was supposed to be ON time.
The last argument you had, who started it? I don't get into arguments. But I'd say that was a month ago and she both started it and finished it, and now I'm single.
Do you wear a ring on your left hand middle finger? I normally don't wear rings, but the hematite one I picked up in BC goes on my right fourth finger.
Can you remember the title of the song you last sang aloud? "Puppets" by Depeche Mode. The video came up in my Facebook feed from when they did it live on some show in 1981 -- and the sudden realization that you don't watch Fletch play the keyboard.
If a stranger smiles at you, do you smile back? Usually.
Tell me the current time? 6:17PM.
Are you currently listening to music through earphones? Nope.
What color shirt are you wearing? Is it your favorite color? I am naked. Will fix that soon, I need to fuel the car.
Do you own a pair of rubber boots? Not in many years.
Have you ever owned a tire swing? No, my dad would never allow that. I may have at one time had a piece of board with a knotted rope through the middle.
Does anyone you know own a bird that can talk? Nope.
What make-up are you wearing currently, if any? None. Straight male here.
Name one thing you are glad you accomplished today? It will be, in an hour, getting my car fueled. I swung by Costco twice today and it was ridiculous both times.
Name one thing you wished you accomplished today but didn’t? I had no aspirations for the day. I probably should have been scanning photos and I meant to (and still can) text my mother to ask about coming over next month.
Have you ever been afraid to call someone, even if you knew them well? I don't really like calling people unless I'm sleeping with them.
Do you ever not speak to someone because you’re afraid you’ll annoy them? This has happened, because they let me know one way or another that I was annoying them. Unrelated: Then there was the time a friend and I didn't talk for a good period of time because a mutual friend was telling lies to both of us -- she told friend that I wanted to get with her husband (say what?) and told me that friend was too busy to see me when I was in town (when I should have asked directly because I knew the friend had that day off from work).
Is there any drama going on in your circle of friends? I don't have a circle of friends.
Have you ever known a guy who caused a lot of drama? Just one, a former coworker. Happily he's a former coworker and so I don't have to deal with his imaginary trauma anymore. He still comes in every so often and talks to people but I say hi in passing and go away so I don't have to hear about shit no one cares about.
Is there anyone you know who wears their hair in pigtails regularly? Nope.
Personally, do you think you have a nice smile? I think so.
Do you have a nervous twitch? Not that I can think of.
Does the idea of snowpeaked mountains and a large lake sound appealing? I live minutes from these things.
Pick any number that has personal significance to you? No.
Have you ever lost your luggage at an airport? Nope.
Have you ever been on a rollercoaster that actually scared you? Maybe, but I've definitely been on a few that injured me.
Do you know anyone who can fluently speak more than two languages? Likely.
How many windows are open on your computer right now? Just the browser, and only one tab.
Do you have a fairly fast or slow internet connection? It's fast but sometimes takes awhile to actually do anything.
Have you ever gone in a sauna? Yes.
Out of these colors, which appeals most to you: orange, blue, or green? Green.
Have you celebrated your birthday yet this year? Three weeks ago.
Is there anything you’re saving up for? Nothing comes to mind, but I am always saving money for large bills like tire replacements and vacations.
Are you taller than most of your friends? My bestie, yes.
Know anyone with a really annoying laugh? I have a coworker that you can hear coming from the other side of the store. I mean, it's a great laugh but as said, it's obnoxious.
Have you ever punched someone and broke their nose? I don't think I've broken a nose but there was that time I swung and apparently my hand wasn't fisted enough... put a scratch on the guy's face. He learned a Valueable Lesson not to fuck with the wimpy kid.
What is the longest time you have gone without sleep? A couple days.
Have you ever been someplace tropical? Nope.
If given the opportunity, would you act in a commercial? I wouldn’t do any acting. I did used to want to do commercial acting when I was a kid, though. I used to practice and pretend I was making one all the time lol. << I have tape recordings of my fake ads. :)
You see an ant on the ground, do you squish it? Ants are fine. It's other bugs that must go squish.
Have you ever baked a pie? I have!
What is your favorite social networking site? Tumblr.
Who was the last person to call you? Last call no one was there. Previous call was a scammer. Call before that... I forget.
Does anyone in your family tell funny stories? My folks have been better about this. I'm usually the storyteller.
Do you believe in finders keepers in most situations? What was lost, what was found?
Is there a war memorial where you live? A few.
Has anyone in your family fought in any of the wars? Dad was in 'Nam.
Would you make any changes to your current bedroom? I would love to, starting with making it twice the size. But realistically, I have way too much shit in here. The one thing I'd change if I could would be that it never smells like four dogs live downstairs or like I have an open collection of mildewed old magazines.
Has a stray dog ever tried to bite you? Of course.
When riding a bus, do you prefer to sit up front, down back or the middle? Up front, actually.
Have you ever been on a cross-country train ride? Nope.
Are you normally a person to tell people off? Nope. But in my mind I might lash out. :)
Name an object that most would consider odd that’s special to you? The milk carton with Milkwalker on it. Seems I have the only one.
What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? I'd say a cat, since I couldn't have an indoor one when I was a kid and can't have one here due to the four stupid dogs (and the landlady says she's allergic... somehow).
Do you currently have any bugbites? No. Too cold for bugs now.
Is where you live on a boulevard, road, street, or avenue? It’s a cul-de-sac.
Is there currently any caffeine in your system? Of course. But from zero-calorie soda today instead of coffee.
Look around, are things organized? No. I know where things are, but there's no organization.
Know what you’re planning to do after this? I will dress and go fuel the car in 20 minutes.
0 notes
fungisteri · 1 year
Live Fungi Splatoon 3 4.1.0 patch notes reaction
Putting it under a readmore because I've been informed it's a controversial one
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Alright so we're starting off strong with some COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY shooter buffs, as if they weren't already the oppressively dominating weapon class at the moment. Oh boy.
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Meaningful buffs to a blaster? Now THAT'S interesting! I speculate that they're doing this to make luna less of a downgrade compared to other short ranged weapons, especially against mid-air S-Blast '92. This is pretty good, in my opinion! But I'll wait to see what the blaster professional Chara has to say on the matter...
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SERIOUSLY? OUT OF ALL WAYS YOU COULD BUFF THIS THING, THIS IS WHAT YOU DO? People on Twitter have been yelling at you for MONTHS about the terribly inconsistent paint output and the laughable damage, AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO??? Ohhhhh man.
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Alright, automatically a good patch for me. I've been trying this thing for the past week and I'm in love, but I don't have the resources to throw a build together- and they're fixing the ink consumption? For me? Trying to get on my good side, I see... (Also, they're REALLY burying Dynamo with this one LMAO)
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I don't know how to use the weapon so I can't really comment on this, but this might be an interesting change...
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This could be interesting... Not very meaningful, though.
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I was hoping that they'd do something more meaningful given that not a single new kit got lethal bombs, but I guess that it COULD have been worse. Sprinkler's a slightly better paintbot. Angle shooter, however... As a Slosher Deco main, I am pretty interested in this development 👀 although I do understand that it doesn't make a difference in the grand scheme of things
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These seem to be pretty good, in my opinion!
TriZooka I wish they would've adjusted the hitbox because that thing simply does not work, but I can accept this compromise.
Ink Vac's been needing buffs for a WHILE now. I don't think that this is going to make it a lot better because the concerns brought up by comp players were unrelated to this buff, but I would like to believe that it's a step in the right direction.
Super Chump might now be a viable special in competitive, and more effective to use in general! Wahoo!
I saw some concerns regarding Inkjet potentially becoming an unhealthy special, and I'm happy that was addressed :}
Oh boy, points for special are coming up...
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I almost JUMPED when I read Carbon Roller, but then I realized that it wasn't Carbon Roller Deco. Still, quite the W!
Ballpoint also had the points for special nerf coming for a WHILE now... But where's splash? And why is Rapid Blaster Deco still 210p???
The rest, I find... a little confusing? I COULD understand clash, but the resit? What are you doing, man?! Why are you giving Tri-Slosher Nouveau a harder time competing against N-Zap '85?! This is so dumb...
I haven't found any relevant bug fixes to cover, so let's go through the closing statements.
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Dude, you cannot be saying this with a straight face. The shooter bias you're showing is INSANE. Also, where the fuck are the brella buffs? Hello???? If you want to encourage weapon diversity, stop neglecting an entire class, for fuck's sake. At least they did something about Luna, which actually supports this statement...
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Listen man, you can't say "sub weapons" in plural. The buff to Angle Shooter as a combo tool is nice, but I'm gonna be real with you here: I don't think the 3 extra seconds of sprinkler's proper painting mode is gonna go a long way. It's just not. The fact that this is the most popular sub weapon is INEXCUSABLE. Get it together, man.
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This I can actually get behind of. I find the Super Chump and TriZooka buffs and the Inkjet nerfs promising, HOPEFULLY being a stepping stone to Splatoon 3's best meta in the future... But with these shooter buffs, the threat of a shooter meta might be right ahead of us... But until then, this is a mixed patch. Better than a negative one! :D
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alternamission10 · 2 years
sleepy Guac's ver. 2.1 update thoughts lets go-
Changes to Multiplayer
Dynamo Roller
- The damage-rate reduction caused by distance has been adjusted. You can now cause 50.0 damage / 100.0 damage from farther away than before.
Big Swig Roller
- The minimum damage from horizontal slashes has increased from 30.0 to 35.0.
oh ok dynamo can hurt people more. i heard there was something wrong about it so i hope its good now
i gotta admit, Big Swig has kinda grown on me so im glad it got the little buff it needed
Sloshing Machine
- Increased ink consumption by about 10%.
rip bozo
Sub-Weapon Changes
Angle Shooter
- Damage has been increased from 30.0 to 35.0.
- The radius of ink coverage when striking terrain or opponents has been roughly doubled.
Angle Shooter is a sub now
Special Weapon Changes
Triple Inkstrike
- Increased the radius of the area damaged by about 10%.
- Increased damage inflicted by about 50%.
TRIPLE INKSTRIKE W. Very good buff especially for Splat Brella. its one of the only things goin for it
Weapons Before And After
Sloshing Machine 210 -> 220
Splatana Wiper 180 -> 190
rip bozos. it think this is technically good for me though on the splatana cause i do NOT know how to use the Ultra Stamp. yes I played Splat2
Gear Ability Changes
Ninja Squid
- Ink splash will no longer be invisible for 30/60 of a second immediately after transforming into kid form.
- Using the gear ability Swim Speed Up at the same time will no longer result in one of these abilities being cancelled.
- While using Ninja Squid, swim speed will continue to be reduced by a fixed amount.
mm ok time to remove my swim speed up on my scuffed ninja-gear
Bug Fixes
Fixes to Player Controls
- Fixed an issue where when a player is moving or jumping with an open umbrella, the area being protected from incoming ink is about 1/60 of a second behind where it appears to be.
thank you
- Fixed an issue where when a player lands with an open umbrella, they are stunned and the umbrella seems to sink into the ground.
haven't seen it
- Fixed an issue where the area being protected from incoming ink by an open umbrella is slightly to the left or right of where it appears to be.
- Fixed an issue where the animation of opening an umbrella to protect from attacks happens slower than the actual defensive effect begins.
- Fixed an issue where the animation of closing an umbrella during the umbrella-opening animation was not displaying smoothly.
cute. thanks. man.
Changes to Multiplayer
- Fixed an issue where if you ink certain parts of the terrain in Eeltail Alley with a roller, it causes a slowdown in the game.
very good.
Changes to Salmon Run
- Fixed an issue that caused ammo stocked up in the Snipewriter 5H to vanish after depositing Golden Eggs or shooting them from a Big Shot launcher.
funny how i noticed that in my gameplay and had the immediate thought "they should fix that"
- Fixed an issue in Marooner's Bay during low tide that made it difficult to ink over a Flipper-Flopper’s area of attack if it tried to dive close to the water’s surface.
ran into this ALOT. fuck them fuckers they knew what they was doing
Changes to Story Mode
- Fixed an issue where when selecting weapons on a stage and switching from a brella to another weapon, the brella will not work properly. It may not launch, or it may not protect from enemy attacks.
ok bye
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burntowl · 2 years
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I did it! I have redrawn and renamed all my Sploon agents!! LOOK UPON THEM!!!
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
25 asks :0 with important FNAF lore/clarification!
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Oh, sorry about that! 😅 I’ve actually been away for about a week or so now working on IRL projects that I cant share..
I was gonna stay away until the projects were done and just make a comic explaining my absence when I got back. But I missed drawing real bad. :(  So when I came back for a short drawing break that’s when I finally saw your asks-- my bad!
But yeah, my projects aren’t done yet. And after I post these asks and some Cookie Run fanart, I plan to get right back to work until they’re all done. After they’re finished I plan to come back and get right back onto my FNAF AU and angst. :}
(Also out of the two, Foxy is my favorite! But my all time favorite animatronic out of the entire franchise is Glamrock Freddy! :0 )
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Thank you! I’m glad you like my works!! :}}
As for your question.. as it stands right now, Vanessa is the only human security guard in the entire Pizzaplex. She is the head of security and is supposed to stay in the HQ. Meanwhile the rest of the “security guards” are roaming security S.T.A.F.F bots.
As for if the animatronics are trusted to guard the Pizzaplex, only the Daycare Attendant is programmed to. 
Freddy, Chica, Monty and Roxy aren’t supposed to leave their rooms and it is not their programmed task to monitor the Pizzaplex at night. But their rooms can be unlocked from the inside and they don’t get in trouble for roaming around.
The daycare attendant, “Moony”, is programmed to be a night watch and to make scheduled rounds around the Pizzaplex at night. Although he hasn’t left the Daycare in months..
DJ also has a bouncer setting and was supposed to be programmed to roam the Arcade and watch over the expensive machines. But his bouncer mode was not programmed properly/is unfinished. So instead of guarding the arcade he is supposed to sit in his both all night and never activate his bouncer mode. Under any circumstances. 
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In my AU, Sun and Moon are the same person. No split personalities or anything. Just one animatronic, one personality, two nicknames depending on what outfit/job he’s doing.
Foxy and Bonnie have met the daycare attendant in this comic. Which by extension means they have met both “sunny” and “moony”. Even though they didn’t get to see DA in his Moon costume.
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So how I had thought it could work is the Daycare Attendant has a transparent plastic shell. His shell is mostly white with some parts being blue, like his face and arms.
And what I made is that he has yellow lights underneath his shell. And when he switches to his sun mode, the lights go on making his white shell appear yellow, and turning his blue shell to more of an orange, and it make’s him literally glow like the sun. I actually drew him shifting in this one comic I made.
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You can see his face turning from blue, to brown, to orange as the lights under his face plates flicker on.
When it comes to his pants they are supposed to be blue with little glow in the dark star shaped ink patches. And when his lights come on they shine through his pants and make them come out more redish orange. 
Basically, his color shifting is achieved through yellow lights attached to his endoskeleton, underneath his shell and pants. It realistically probably wouldn’t make his change of color so clean and convincing.. but hey at least it makes more sense then whatever security breach was doing. 🤷‍♂️
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@yasamen69kunoichi I felt the same! I always thought Octonauts was a really obscure show and didn’t have a fanbase. So I was really surprised/glad when I discovered it did! :D
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@artistiemi I would probably freak out mega bad. That’s no no vibes right there- 
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@karlz-corner​ oooo yummy, *grabs a fist full and eats it* :}
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@1readervb​ XDD I’m glad you liked the comics!! Remember to stay hydrated!!!
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@firecurls-27​ I’d like to think Kwazii’s parents were good people. Knowing the nature of the show, they couldn’t have been too bad.
I always personally imagined that Kwazii grew up as a pirate with his parents, but then turned away from that life to peruse a career in being a Lieutenant.  
I had actually imagined that Calico Jack would be proud of him. For turning away from pirating and perusing something greater. I pictured Calico Jack putting his hands on Kwazii’s shoulders and saying, 
“Just look at ya lad. Devotin’ yerself to helpin others, deticatin yer life to yer crew and those who need ye.. Yer better than all of us Kwazii.”
..Okay I realized I derailed a little bit from the question but still-- XD I don’t really know what happened to Kwazii’s parents. But I imagined they were awesome pirate parents and Kwazii just moved onto greater things.
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Probably sometime after I’m done with these IRL projects :/
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XD Who knows, maybe we’ll know someday!
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This brought me great joy
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@the-cobbstone Same bro
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Tank q :}}}]
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@friedpeachnerdapricot SLDLKASLDKLKA XDDDDD I’m glad you like how I drew em!!
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IM LIKE- “sksnsksnsnsk they’re gonna love/hate it so much its gonna be great” I LITERALLY SNICKER TO MYSELF AS I GO ABOUT MY DAY THINKING ABOUT THE DIGITAL BOMB I JUST SET OF IN UR BRAINS
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Thank you!!! :DDD
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It was only a few days between Foxy being found, and Gregory/Foxy finding Bonnie.
And when it comes to their accidents, when Foxy was decommissioned, Bonnie was decommissions about 5 months later or so.
As for how long its been since they’ve been decommissioned? For simplicities sake the animatronics say things like “A little over ten years” when the specifics would probably be between 10-15 years. 
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@laurajeanlynch2 Oh that comic was only the beginning! I have many more that I plan to make :} 
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@the-cobbstone (Start of comic in question) 
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Your pain brings me great peace.
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 I do not like Murph
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@ar1-thecat Thank you! Also I haven’t decided if Gregory will ever meet the other animatronics. Maybe in a future comic he will :}
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@literally-just-existing I have seen a handful of episodes of Above and Beyond. And so far I have very mixed feelings.
On one hand I like that we get to see more of my favorite characters. Like Ranger Marsh, Professor Natquik and Calico Jack.
On the other hand I personally don’t really like the shift from ocean life, to land life. I liked how the show was centered around the ocean. Also I don’t like how the crew is CONSTANTLY split up. The Octopod never seems to have its crew all in one place. And I don’t like how the show seems to really revolve around Dashi now. I mean good for her for getting more character development, but it feels like she’s in every single episode..
Also I don’t like how because the crew is constantly split up, we barely get to see Captain Barnacles anymore. Which is my favorite character. And BECAUSE they’re split up, Captain Barnacles and Kwazii are rarely ever seen together. And their friendship dynamic was something I really liked about the original show.
Also I personally despise Panni. And we get a lot of episodes about him so not a happy camper there-- <XD
Basically, its kind’a neat in some places but overall I preferred the original Octonauts. Personally its a 4/10 for me. :/
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Awe, thanks! Unfortunately though I’m not the best on giving instructions or tips when it comes to artwork.. but I do have this “tutorial” I made a while back. Its a little outdated art wise but it still applies to my artwork today. <:) 
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