#i check twitter like once a month and this is what i get. nearly ruining jrwi for myself. slash jay…
donnieluvsthings · 2 years
the amount of physical restraint it took for me to not read condi’s tweet with ep81 spoilers in it…….unreal
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liquidheartbeat · 3 years
Rainy Dinner For Two
Iris grabs dinner from her and Barry's favorite diner on a dreary, rainy day.
Iris steps out of her car, underneath a dark gray covering of clouds.
They hang low in the sky, rippling past her quickly to the north. She hopes they’re signs of a passing shower, because she has a nice outdoor dinner with Barry planned tonight — and nothing will get in her way.
For the past six months, this has been their routine every Friday. She gets off work, then heads over to their favorite cafe and picks up their dinner. Usually, the weekend crowd has the place packed elbow to elbow, but the impending storm has run everyone indoors.
Everyone but her.
She takes in a deep breath as she walks, reveling in the earthy smell of incoming rain. The diner is nearly empty, except for the older gentleman in the booth, near the back. For as long as she’s eaten at this diner, there’s never been a day he didn’t occupy that spot.
He’s always orders the same thing. Two pancakes, three strips of bacon, an egg and Black coffee. And each time she walks into the diner, he greets her, tipping his hat forward.
Today is no different.
Iris smiles and waves, in return, then heads to the counter.
It’s a rare sight to see it completely empty, and she would take the chance to actually sit at one of the stools, but she’s already running a little late.
And Barry’s waiting for her.
At the counter, Karla, the evening waitress looks up from her phone, surprised to see a patron in this weather. Still, she smiles warmly. “Hi, Iris. What can I get for you today?”
“The usual, please.”
Karla’s nods as she writes it down by memory.
Steak, salad, potatoes au gratin. Fresh rolls. An entire pan of lasagna. And to top it all off, brownie sundaes, ice cream on the side — all of her and Barry’s favorite foods.
“Coming right up.” The woman smiles and heads to the kitchen to alert the cook that his quiet evening at work won’t be so quiet after all.
Iris is sure she hears him groan, but she doesn’t care.
She always leaves a generous tip, so he’ll live.
As she waits for her food, Iris pulls out her phone to pass the time. Her go-to app of choice is Instagram. It hasn’t always been this way;  as a journalist, she used to prefer Twitter to stay up on the news and gossip within her industry. But lately, Instagram has taken up special stock in her heart, serving as a living, breathing archive of her and Barry’s relationship.
So many beautiful milestones captured on film forever.
She finds herself scrolling through their years of pictures, at all hours of the day. Late at night when she should be sleeping at work.
Of course, her iCloud holds thousands more pictures than Instagram does, but what Instagram has that her phone doesn’t are Barry’s comments. His weird inside jokes, gentle mocking of her burnt food pictures, his excessive use of heart emojis on the rare selfies she posts, self deprecating jabs on their couple’s photos.
Invaluable expressions of their relationship through his eyes.
She smiles as she scrolls, grateful that her obsessive picture takING has served her well.
When Karla returns, Iris is deeply entrenched in her phone. “Iris?” She grunts as she lifts her huge order, tucked neatly into takeout containers. “I have your food.”
Iris looks up. “Oh.” She laughs and shakes her head, digging into her purse for cash.
The order always comes out to just under $50 bucks, another reason to love this diner. Not only is the food delicious, it’s dirt cheap. Iris always pays with a $100 bill. “Keep the change.” Her usual mantra.
Karla trades the food for the money and smiles. “Appreciate the business.”
“Of course.” Iris slides off the stool gathers the food.
As she turns to walk away, Karls says: “Give my best to Barry — he hasn’t been by in awhile.”
Iris pauses, stops dead in her tracks. “I will.” She smiles brighter glancing back at Karla, then heads for the door.
She steps outside and makes note of her surroundings.
The sky is darker, more menacing. The wind has picked up too. Iris walks in haste towards her car and packs up the food in the backseat, then rounds ducks into the driver’s side just as the first drops of rain begin to fall. Revving up her engine, she leaves the parking lot,and heads towards the sight of her and Barry’s weekly’s dinners. Her fingers tap along the steering wheel as she drives, her building anticipation fighting with her nerves.
It’s dumb to feel nervous. This is her husband, afterall. Her best friend. But the venue unnerves her. A large open plot of land, no dinner tables, no guarantee of privacy. Plus, the weather feels especially foreboding today. As she creeps down the road, the sky continues to darken. “God, this is going to be some storm, huh?” She says as she stops at a red light. Rolling her window down, she pokes her head out.
The temperature has dropped considerably and in only a few minutes at that. She glances at her backseat, checking to see if her jacket is still there.
She smiles as she realizes it is. If only she’d remembered to bring her umbrella.
For a moment, she considers texting Barry and asking him to run by the loft and pick it up. But she knows he’s occupied, so she refrains.
By the time she arrives, it’s drizzling slightly. But nothing too terrible. Her hair will be good as ruined, but she doesn't care. Her husband is waiting for her.
She gathers the food and her jacket, which she throws on her shoulder, and heads over to Barry. Thankfully, there’s no one else out, so they can have a private dinner. As she walks, she remembers that she forgot the picnic blanket to lie on the ground.
But it’s too late to turn around.
Guess she’ll have to toss these clothes once she gets home. Grass stains and mud do not mix. Still, she pushes forward, walking over the large plot of land.
“Sorry, I’m late,” she says as she sits the bag of takeout on the ground. “I got a little tied up at work.” Hands free, she slips on the jacket that’s cast across her shoulders, just as lightning illuminates the darkening sky.
She flinches slightly, but kneels to the ground in front of a large tombstone.
It reads: “Here lies Barry Allen. Born March 14, 1989. Died April 7, 2021.”  
She shakes her head to herself. Such a piss poor summary of a rich, varied life, full of service. Absolutely no mention of the sacrifices he made as The Flash, the same sacrifices that promised him an early demise.
But she knows that he gave his life for the city. So that the people he loved could live another day. She presses a hand to her heart, eyes welling up with tears.
His death had hit her like a ton of bricks.
But in the months since, she’d forced herself to hold things together and try to get as much out of life as she possibly could, so his sacrifice wasn't in vain. To keep living, to keep running. But once she’s in front of him, it’s hard to keep the promise she made to him.
These dinners are hard on her stomach, and not just because she’s eating enough food for a small family. But because there’s no goofy laughter at the end of her rant about her boss, no consoling breath when she expresses her insecurities about her position at work, no seductive crooning that foreshadows the next part of the evening, once they return home. It’s just her and the fresh air, and wilting flowers and Barry’s gravestone.
Thunder cracks overhead like a whip, pulling her from her thoughts. Lightning blazes across the sky. It’s a terrible day for an outdoor dinner. But then again, every day without Barry is terrible, when she really thinks about it. At least here, she’s closer to him.
The rain picks up, huge droplets pelting the ground. Iris pulls her hood on her head, and lays lengthwise in front of his gravesite. On a clear day, she’d trace his pitiful engraving with her fingers, but the weather has her seeking shelter inside her jacket.
She draws her arms inside her sleeves and holds the fabric together from the inside.
The food she bought is getting absolutely ruined, but truth be told, she doesn't have much of an appetite. Today, a conversation with her husband is the only thing she needs on her plate. “So, Barr,” she says, “I have so much to catch you up on…”
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aquarium ii | kth
pairing(s): taehyung x reader; ex-jungkook x reader
summary: Life after Jeon Jungkook was grey. You had to find your own color, grow your own rainbow. But what would surprise you the most is the appearance of white cosmos, seven of them clutched tightly in Kim Taehyung’s hand.
warnings: reader discretion is advised: a (half-hearted) suicide attempt; mentions of cheating in previous relationship; language; heavy angst; fluffiest fluff; non-idol!AU; kind garden-loving landlord!Taehyung x reader; ft. sadboi!Jungkook
part i
now playing – without me by halsey ft. JUICE WRLD
tell me, how's it feel sittin' up there? feelin’ so high, but too far away to hold me
You couldn’t remember that night very well, because you didn’t come up.
The worst part about being cheated on was not the actual cheating. It was the moment where you thought you had done something wrong, like somehow it was your fault it happened, like if you hadn’t done this or that, maybe things would have been different. Maybe if you hadn’t chosen that night to snoop into Jeon Jungkook’s phone, he would have had second thoughts, deleted it all, and loved you again. Maybe if you were a little kinder, a little more attentive, he wouldn’t have fallen out of love with you. Maybe... Maybe.
You knew that was just your brain trying to rationalize his irrationality. You had done wrong by invading his privacy by acting on sheer gut feeling. And you had run away, without confronting it, without giving him a chance, because you knew, you knew that if you gave him a chance, you would believe all his words, get dragged back into his sea, back into those dangerous waters.
All these thoughts coursed through you as the water closed in.
The milky bathwater was slowly replacing your depleting air, leaking into your lungs and you didn’t fight it, turning the darkness of the underside of your eyelids into light, because deep down you still loved him, no matter how stupid or foolish it was. Your heart still clung to his soft, I’m sorry, and you didn’t want to hear it anymore.
You didn’t want to know what loving Jeon Jungkook was like anymore. It was too painful.
you know i'm the one who put you up there name in the sky, does it ever get lonely?
You gave everything so he could be what he wanted to be, not knowing that you were the one slowly being eroded. No one could tell you. You were the one who had to find the signs. You were the one who found yourself trapped in glass walls, stuck in an aquarium, surrounded on all sides by Jeon Jungkook as he made a mockery of your feelings.
You screamed into the water and no one heard you.
The next memory you had was hazy, barely there.
You felt a tightness in your chest, harsh, solid pressure. A frustrated, agonized voice above you, desperately calling your name in deep baritone, desperately asking you to come back, praying in every language he knew for you to come back, come back, please, please, please.
In the whiteness, you wandered. Were you meant to be here? It was a loose fog. You looked around, seeing traces of memory like torn book pages, slipping through the haze. You reached out to touch them and they disappeared, only mirages.
And then you fell, dragged into dark blue, torn, battered, lungs burning as you struggled to stay afloat, coughing hard, your muscles screaming with asphyxiation, sudden oxygen flooding your brain. You whipped your head to the side, hacking up water, spilling it all over the green tiles of the bathroom floor, head pounding. Thoughts swimming, barely computing the shouting above you.
“I can’t fucking believe you,” one voice growled above your jerking body, so venomous that it made your blood run cold. “You absolute disaster of a man, thinking for one fucking second she would even consider taking you back. Look at her! She’d rather drown herself in my damn bathtub than hold a conversation with you!”
“What the fuck do you know?” The familiar voice, the voice that haunted you in your nightmares, the voice that fed you sweet poison. “She would do anything for me! She worships the fucking ground I walk on!”
You curled up into a ball, head pounding by the sudden explosion of light and sound. There was a towel over you, covering your wet naked body, and yet you shivered. You barely registered Kim Taehyung snarling, rising to his feet.
“You narcissistic bastard,” Taehyung spat out. “Get the fuck out of my house. Get the fuck out and don’t ever come near her again or I’ll break your fucking neck.”
“You can’t do anything to me. You’re a nobody,” Jeon Jungkook taunted. “Unlike you, I actually have money to sue you for assault.”
Apparently, Taehyung did not give a single shit, because he immediately roared and launched himself past you, the brown ball slamming into the black wall. You blinked, trying to register what was happening, but it was too much for you and your brain that was slowly trying to restore function due to lack of oxygen. They tumbled down the stairs and you laid your head against the floor, hearing the grunts and shouting, wondering why Taehyung had come back.
Wondering how he knew.
You closed your eyes.
In your dreams, you saw the soft sunlight glowing against Taehyung’s tan skin as he reached down to retrieve a dark green cucumber to show you. It was a bit wonky and hadn’t grown quite right, but you watched Taehyung tap it and smile to himself.
“Doesn’t matter what it looks like on the outside,” he said cheerfully. “I know it will still taste delicious because I gave it love.”
You tried to go back to work, but it was awful.
You loved your work. Perhaps it was boring to others, accounting all day, but it was mundane and peaceful, always knowing what you had to do. You never had to question the numbers. The numbers were what they were and that was that.
But now when you stared out into the grey urban jungle, it pained you.
What once was your safe haven turned into your cage, chaining you to clock in, clock out. You would go home to a motel nearby, crying into unfamiliar, starched sheets, pitying housekeepers preparing your meals, asking you what was wrong and you couldn’t tell them.
Because you didn’t know.
i'm sad inside, but i know it's for the best, right? you had to realize where you drew the line 
You didn’t check his social media. You didn’t check his Twitch, his Instagram, his Twitter. You got a new phone, only giving your new number to your work and your parents. With a start, you realized you hadn’t contacted your old high school friends in years. You had lost them all, committing social suicide for Jeon Jungkook. In fact, you had no social media presence, so there was no need to download those apps.
There was nothing on your old phone that you wanted. It sat in the storage unit, forgotten. You didn’t want to turn on your old phone to see the photos, the lock screen of his arms around you, smile on his face from two years ago.
A smile you didn’t even know was real or fake.
i still hate it when you’re not there
You tried to tell yourself you were fine, because moping over Jeon Jungkook was stupid. But you had invested so much. You had given him everything. It was hard to regrow. You were stuffed in this tiny motel room, staring out to the hazy, polluted city, yellow sunlight fighting to be seen.
You sat by the window, clutching your pink flats, remembering Taehyung’s last words to you before you left.
“I looked up the brand and bought you some new ones,” he had said sheepishly. “I felt bad that they got so ruined, all because I asked you to help me with the garden.” He gave you that big, boxy smile. “Just think of them as a parting gift for being such a great tenant.”
You inhaled a deep breath, placing the pale pink flats next to the exact same style but grass-stained, greyed-out, worn ones. You stared at them both.
And made a choice.
“I thought I would never see you again.”
You lifted your head. The scent of flowers, so familiar and comforting, wafted around you, a reassuring embrace. You were wearing a long-sleeved white dress, a brown ribbon around the collar. The pink flats, the ones the owner of the deep baritone voice had gifted you.
That was nearly six months ago now. You had since thrown away the other ones.
Kim Taehyung walked up to you. He was wearing brown overalls and a cream shirt, elbows smeared with dirt. His skin had lightened due to the passing winter, but it was spring now. The flower shop was very busy, but there were other employees, and Taehyung was fixated on you.
“I didn’t know you worked here,” Taehyung said quietly, his brown eyes shimmering. “I would have come here a lot more often if I knew.”
You bit you lip and bowed your head politely, smiling at him. Taehyung coughed and rubbed the back of his head, messing up his dark brown hair. It was longer and curlier now, desperately needing a trim.
“I… I came to get carnations. The shop I normally go to ran out.”
You nodded, leading him wordlessly to the red and pink carnations. There was still a good number left, but you had to pick through carefully to find the most beautiful ones for him. He watched you work, chewing on his lip. You held up the large bouquet to him.
“What do you think?” you asked softly.
He smiled at you. “Perfect.” He didn’t ask the price. “Could you make two corsages out of a few of them?”
“Of course. Right this way.”
You brought him to one of the counters, selecting a few blooms to make the corsages. You showed him the available ribbons and he picked a thin, sheer white one. He watched you work, quickly, but delicately, careful not to bruise the petals.
“You became an expert about flowers,” he remarked. “I’m still struggling.”
You smiled. “I’m still learning. It’s very different from what I used to do.” You twisted the ribbon into a perfect bow, using floral wire to secure it.
“You don’t talk to him anymore, do you?”
You shook your head. “Haven’t seen him since that day you threw him down your stairs.”
Taehyung laughed a little too loud, making the patrons stare at him. He coughed nervously, cramming the crumpled brown hat under his arm onto his head. You placed your hand over your lips, trying to hide your chuckle. Your fingertips smelled like phloem sap from the cut stems, sweet and grassy.
Taehyung gazed at you, surrounded by flowers, carnations laid out on the counter.
“Will you… let me take a picture of you?”
You blinked at him, lips parting.
Taehyung reached into his pocket, pulling out an old 35mm film camera. He looked sheepish as he held it up, hesitating.
“Sorry, I just… you look so beautiful, and I don’t want to forget that.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “I know it’s a weird habit. But I like to take pictures and I never took one of you.” He looked deep into your eyes.
“I really regret not taking a picture of you.”
Your fingers were still over your mouth. You nodded.
Taehyung held the camera up and snapped a photo.
“He waits for you to get off work every day. It’s been a week now.”
The manager was teasing you, nudging your arm as you tugged on your long camel coat. You smiled at her, an old woman with knowing eyes that had seen and enjoyed a lot of life. Taehyung waved across the street as you made eye contact with him.
“There aren’t men like him anymore, you know,” she said gently. “These kinds of things happened in my generation, but now young people send pictures of flowers instead of the real thing.”
When you thanked the manager and walked out to Taehyung, he held out a small bundle of tiny flowers to you. White cosmos. You stopped, surprised. Breathless as you looked up at him. He was illuminated by a streetlight and the dying sun, the golden hour matching his golden skin. Holding out the white cosmos, shivering in the spring breeze.
“They’re not that pretty,” he said guiltily, stepping up to you. “I’ve been trying to grow flowers for months now and these are the only ones that survived, ahahaha…”
He scratched his head, brushing his hair back.
“I always hoped that if I saw you again, I could show you that I was able to finally grow flowers.” Taehyung laughed, shrugging apologetically. “This is all I got.”
You reached out and took the small bundle from him. They were a bit curled and slightly wilted from being carried around but you smiled at them.
“No one has ever grown flowers for me,” you said quietly.
The tiny yellow centers of each flower were surrounded by white. You counted seven. Taehyung had given you seven flowers. Seven flowers he grew on his own, because he wanted to show you. You placed your fingers on your mouth, the scent of the floral shop returning to you with the action. Your chest felt tight and full, a feeling unlike any other.
“I wanted to grow at least eight,” Taehyung lamented. “Because that would be luckier, but…”
You shook your head quickly, looking up at him. Him and his beautiful brown eyes, a small patch of dirt underneath his cheek. He probably didn’t even know it was there.
You removed your hand from your lips and smiled at him.
“Seven is perfect.”
You threw your hands around him and hugged him tightly.
When Jeon Jungkook saw you again, everything was different.
He was distracting himself from school. University was much harder than he thought, especially since he didn’t attend right after high school to pursue his streaming career.
For a long time, he had someone to take care of him, first his mom and then you. Someone to do everything so he could recklessly chase his dreams. But things were different now. He had to suddenly become an adult. It wasn’t because of you. You hadn’t told anyone what happened.
But everyone knew.
One girl had let it slip, and then another and another, and then screenshots were plastered everywhere, all over the internet for anyone to see, not knowing the context, tossing judgements left and right. His parents found out and then his friends, everyone disappointed in him, not surprised that you vanished without a trace. He had to vanish too, every sponsor cutting ties with him immediately, not asking if it was true or not. It was bad for business to be associated with something like that.
Jungkook really regretted it now, but there was nothing he could do to take it back.
That’s why he was sitting in this tiny, one room apartment, using what was leftover from his streaming money to get a degree, saving every penny to his education. At least he hadn’t been so reckless to overspend. You hadn’t let him, always reminding him to save for his future, using your own income to pay for the necessities.
Even now, you were helping him.
Every once in a while, Jungkook would type variations of your old Instagram username into the search bar, wondering if you had ever set it up again. He had asked you to delete it, since you had been getting constant DMs from guys asking you out, sending you unsolicited dick pics. You had agreed, even through you could have fought him or simply privated it.
You had deleted it, Jungkook knew now, because he asked you and you loved him.
It hurt to know that you loved him so dearly and he was too busy feeding his own ego to see it.
When Jungkook saw you again, you were surrounded by flowers.
Your profile picture was a close up shot of your beautiful face, golden sun against your skin, a white cosmos tucked behind your ear. He knew it was you. He could tell by the shape of your lips, the contours of your eyes, even through your eyes were closed. Wearing a white dress, the ruffles fluttering in the wind.
Jungkook was breathless, seeing you again. He scrolled through your pictures. They were mostly of flowers, with captions of how to grow them. Were you a florist now? Some of them were of you in different dresses, surrounded by blue sky and green summer. The smile on your face was so dazzling that he wondered who gave you that smile.
His heart wrenched uncomfortably in his chest.
Or maybe it wasn’t a someone.
There was a time when that smile was his. There was a time when he could make you smile like that, your lips saying his name breathlessly – “Jungkook, Jungkook, look at this!” – showing him something silly or giving him his favorite banana milk with special edition packaging, saying how cute it was, just like him.
He blinked and a droplet fell onto his phone.
Right on your smiling face, hand holding a large straw hat, your pink dress fluttering in the wind.
Jungkook wiped it away, swiping at his tears with the sleeve of his black sweatshirt, wondering why had he taken that smile for granted, why he had drifted away from the safe coast, why he had thought, even for a second, that the days and nights you spent cleaning after him meant that you were keeping yourself busy and away from him, not seeing it for what it was, not seeing that it was your love for him and his own sloppiness that left him here now, staring at your summer as his summer was torn from him by textbooks and lectures.
He shuddered, still looking at the pictures, not wanting to miss a moment, even if they weren’t his moments anymore.
One of your pictures was a bundle of seven white cosmos, a little wilted and sad-looking.
Jungkook read the caption.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t think you’re beautiful. Because there is someone out there who thinks you are. They use every resource they know to give you love, even if it’s clumsy at first. Even if you don’t think you need it or want it.
The tears were really coming now, streaming down his cheeks as Jungkook asked himself why, why did he give this up?
They celebrate you and your love instead of simply tolerating it.
You sat on the edge of the cliff, legs dangling over the side.
Your pink flats were right beside you, and your arms were resting on the wooden fence. The ocean breeze was strong here, salty and cold. But you didn’t feel the cold, because Kim Taehyung had wrapped a thick wool blanket around you two. It was already night, but by the seaside it was still chilly, even in the summer, due to the sea breeze.
He peeled the foil back on a roasted sweet yam, taking off some of the skin so you could bite into it. You tried to take it from him but he shook his head, frowning at you. You laughed and took a bite, scalding your mouth from how hot it was. But it still tasted good.
“I asked my parents if I could have it.”
You looked up at him, trying to blow the steaming air from your mouth in attempt to cool off.
“The cottage?”
Taehyung nodded, taking a bite and wincing. “You’ll never guess what they said.”
You smiled. “What did they say?”
He scowled. “Then pay rent!” He waved a hand to the seaside house behind you two. “They own it! Why do I have to pay rent? I’m their son!”
You giggled, hiding your mouth behind you hand. Taehyung angrily bit into the sweet yam again and choked, forgetting how hot it was. Your giggles turned into full-blown laughter, falling back onto the grass, wool softening your fall. Taehyung narrowed his eyes at you, shaking the yam furiously. The white moonlight glinted off the silver foil. He puffed his cheeks and sighed as your laughter faded out.
You looked up at the stars, realizing how clear the sky was here.
It was nothing like the city.
Even in darkness, the white stars shone against the black, bright and clear. You wouldn’t have seen them if you weren’t here, on your back and looking up at them.
“Anyway, they only said it was a hundred won, so I guess that’s fine,” Taehyung grumbled. “Really made me worried there for a second, sheesh.”
You turned your head to look up at him. “You going to live here?”
Taehyung shook his head.
“No, you are.”
You blinked, taken aback. He rewrapped the yam, determining it was too hot to eat right now. He gazed down at you, smiling a little.
“It’s better than that one room you have in that house. Safer too.”
You chewed on your lip. “But I can’t pay the amount I paid when I rented it…”
Taehyung poked you with the yam. “Weren’t you listening? The rent is a hundred won. No, two hundred for you, since I have to make some profit.”
He laid down next to you, eye to eye now, smile getting bigger.
“Although I hear there’s this annoying gardener that comes around every day caring for the plants.”
You were smiling now too, drawn by his cheeky, boxy grin.
“Really? I think he’s pretty cute. I think that’s how he gets away with it.”
His brown eyes locked with yours.
“Will you let me care for you too?”
The sound of the sea, crashing into the rockface, constructing a new memory for you.
“I know you’ll be much harder than a plant,” Taehyung murmured quietly. “Sorry, that’s a dumb thing to say, I meant–”
You pressed your lips against his, cold air chilling your cheeks, warmth spreading throughout your soul.
When you pulled away, breathless, Taehyung was staring at you, eyes wide. Those three words came to you, words that you thought you were never going to say again, words you had for someone else, but you knew this was the right one, the perfect flower.
The one who struggled to grow seven flowers.
White cosmos.
Just for you.
“I love you, Kim Taehyung.”
The next summer.
Seven flowers. White cosmos, bright, glowing, perfectly shaped. Surrounding your left hand. The ring finger held a princess-cut diamond surrounded by six tiny small ones like petals.
The caption.
He grew them perfectly this time.
Jeon Jungkook sighed heavily, placing his phone back in his pocket. The noise around him was loud, clattering and chattering, now a familiar atmosphere. The black bucket hat was low over his eyes, shrouding them. He pulled his face mask higher, hiding his features, not wanting to be recognized. Internet shame was enough; he didn’t need public shame as well. He already had to switch universities because of it.
Jungkook placed his hand back onto the subway rail, shouldering his backpack, staring out the train window at the black tunnel.
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jinkicake · 4 years
Ushijima, Tendou With a Clingy S/O
Ushijima and Tendou with a s/o who likes to cling onto them.
Ushijima x Reader
Tendou x Reader
For @ryreeee who requested this, I hope you like it, I really liked the prompt so thank you for requesting it! Muah. Omg, I saw someone on twitter call Tendou ‘bootleg Hisoka’ and I have not been the same since. (-д-;)
WC- 1,498
Tendou Satori
Omg Tendou would L O V E this
He is already such a clingy person who loves contact so you’d be like his own personal heaven
He always feels so good when you hold onto him
Whenever you’re walking anywhere, like to class or back to the dorms, one of your arms would be looped through his
The two of you are always, somehow, touching one another
Tendou just radiates safe energy, he would be so refreshing to be with
Imagine just holding his hand, holding onto his arm, holding onto his jacket pocket, holding any part of THE Tendou Satori
You’re like a personal heater the way you’re always pressed up against him
Tendou, and I cannot stress this enough, would LOVE this
Even after a game, whether they win or l̶o̶s̶e̶ win, you capture him in a tight hug
One where you simply hold him and tell him how awesome and cool he looked or how proud you are of him and the team, before teasing him and telling him he needs to take a shower since he is drenched in post-game sweat
While the two of you have your own respective friend groups you still hang out a ton, to the point that people think ‘how are they not at each other’s throats?’
The two of you just get along so well, both supportive of the other, and completely utterly in love with each other
It’s early in the morning, birds are beginning to chirp and the sun is just starting to light up the outside. Yet, you’re still awake, you never went to sleep. Neither did your boyfriend. The two of you just started a new anime and are determined to get halfway done with it before the next day. Thankfully it is the weekend and Tendou has no practice. Your arms are wrapped around his waist and your head is buried in his chest, occasionally squeezing him every now and then.
“That guy reminds me of you.” You glance up at Tendou before looking back at the TV, watching as the character takes out a bunch of people with his cards.
“Huh?! The little boy?” Tendou teases pointing at the dark-haired protagonist, you pinch his hip in response and ignore the yelp that leaves his throat. His red eyes widen when the magician comes back on screen. “Oh, the clown? Why him?”
“Because you’re both hot.” You tell him honestly, though it really is the hair. The two have a similar hairstyle.
“Oh, you think I’m hot?” A finger pokes your cheek and you can practically see the smirk on your boyfriend’s face.
“Obviously.” You sit up and reposition yourself so that your face is resting in the crook of his neck rather than on his chest, it’s easier to kiss his cheek from this position.
“(Y/N), you think Hisoka is hot?!” Tendou shakes his head disappointedly and you gape up at him.
“What you don’t think he is?!” You retort, equally as shocked. The two of you stare at each other in silence before bursting into a fit of laughter that drowns out the show playing in the background. Tendou eventually moves to cup your face in his large hands and stare down at you. His face lowers to brush his nose against yours and he smiles softly at the giggle that leaves your lips.
“I love you.” You shyly look up at him, your face heating up at the confession, even though you tell him this twice every day.
“I love you too (Y/N), with my whole entire being.” Tendou confesses back, his lips now kissing along your neck.
“Do you want to go get ice cream from 7/11?” You manage to ask, your eyes closed at the sensation of his lips working on your sensitive skin. Tendou halts for a second and a noise of confusion leaves his lips.
“I’m feeling you up right now and that’s what you’re thinking about?” Tendou nips at your ear and you nearly squeal at the feeling of his teeth.
“I-Is that a no?!” You ask, your breath hitching in your throat as he begins to suck under your jaw.
“Of course not, let’s go!” Tendou is off of you in an instant and you almost regret the offer you made. A frown makes its way onto your face at the lack of heat you’re facing after Tendou left.
“Come here baby,” Tendou coos and you turn excitedly towards him, only to meet a face full of a sweatshirt he threw at you. “Oh, headshot!”
“Tendou!” You whine and throw the warm material on, quickly moving to put on your shoes as you wait for him at the door. The two of you look like quite the pair, decked out in your pajamas and matching hoodies. As soon as you make it out into the hallway and Tendou locks the door, you instantly wrap your arms around one of his. You glance up at him cheekily and pout as he pretends not to notice you. That only lasts a couple of seconds though, because not before long you feel his lips pressed against the top of your head. He removes his arm from your tight hold to wrap it around your waist, pulling you into his chest so he can pepper soft kisses all over your face. Leaving the last kiss right on your lips.
Tendou Satori is, oh so, incredibly soft for you.
Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Ushijima loves when you touch him
He might not understand it, he seems like such a, not a touchy guy but he adores it when you touch him
He appreciates the little ways you show your affection
He also likes how small you look next to him
Ushijima is very busy, with school and volleyball but, he lets you tag along so you don’t feel left out
You study together and try to help each other understand the material, the whole time your leg is pressed against one of his
You watch volleyball practice when it is just him in the gym, silently you wait on your phone until the moment when he is finished and yours for the rest of the night
Ushijima doesn’t understand why you like being around him so much until you go on a trip for a few days
Very quickly he realizes how much he adores being around you, he loves every second he gets to be with you and misses you every second you’re not together
When you get back from your trip, Ushijima shows his true colors
You had never seen him act so clingy before, the hug he holds you in is long enough to the point you feel you might have to push him off
He only says he missed you once but holds your hand the entire way back to your dorm
Ushijima might not be the best at expressing his emotions, but that's okay because he has his own love language and you’re fluent in it
“I can’t believe it’s raining.” You stare up at the cloudy night sky, glancing at your boyfriend and feeling slightly guilty that you dragged him out here this late at night before checking the weather. “I saw that the Moon was supposed to be super big and bright tonight,” Ushijima only continues to stare up at the sky and you sink further into your jacket. Mentally you curse at yourself, with a new relationship like this one, only being together for a few months and you go ahead ruin it with some weird ‘spontaneous’ date. “I just wanted to spend time with you.”
“I’m happy you asked me out tonight,” Ushijima confesses and you look up at him with hopeful eyes.
“Even if we can’t see the moon?” You ask, your timid tone showing through.
“Even if we cannot see the moon, I am still having fun.” At this, you grab his hand in yours and squeeze it. Ushijima can only watch with a new fascination as you bring his hand up to your lips and press a kiss against his knuckles. His face heats up with a light blush dusting his cheeks and you hold his hand to your chest even as you continue to watch the rainfall.
“Do you want to go eat, I’m sure a cafe must still be open.” You offer and Ushijima continues to stare at you, you feel warm under such an intense gaze.
“Where ever you want to go.” He answers and you nod your head before standing on the tips of your toes to reach his hood and pull it over his head.
“Don’t get too wet.” You wink and when you start to let go of his hand Ushijima only grips your hand in his own, a silent plea not to let go. He can see the wide smile you’re trying to hide off your face. 
Ushijima can’t help but smile back, feeling that same affection swirling in his heart.
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
Potential Breakup Fic
Yes, this is inspired by the re-release of the classic “Potential Breakup Song” by legends Aly & AJ. Check out the rest of my Masterlist HERE. Enjoy!
Word count: 2223
CW: Niggas aint shit. Kiana sat on her couch and tried not to cry into her glass of merlot. She took off her heels and got up to unzip her dress and take off her bra since she knew she wouldn’t be going anywhere tonight. She checked her phone again and was met with an empty screen. No notifications, no missed calls. She threw her phone down in anger, and was thankful when she noticed the screen didn’t crack.
“I can't believe this nigga.”
She looked at the clock and shook her head. It was 12:07am, and her 25th birthday was officially over without so much as a word from her boyfriend. Just last night he had told her to be ready by 7, and she hadn't heard from him since.
They had been together, on and off, for three years. They met their junior year at Howard, but didn’t hit it off right away. He was too slick for her liking, but over time he eventually weaseled his way into her heart. His smile lit up the whole room and his big brown eyes could seduce anyone just like that. And he did, constantly. T’Challa was a huge flirt, and it was cute when they were still single and just getting to know each other, but even now T’Challa turns his charm on for every pretty face he sees. Kiana had brought it up to him many times, letting him know how disrespected she felt. He would always say the same thing.
“But entle, I’m just being nice. You know I only have eyes for you.”
She did know that once, but that ended about a year and a half ago when she was casually scrolling through twitter on his phone and caught him cheating.
“Yes, my love?”
“What the fuck is this?!”
“Why are you on my phone?!”
“Don't fucking raise your voice at me, I’m not in the wrong here. I saw a funny tweet and started scrolling when YOU got a text from some bitch named Jasmine talking bout ‘I miss you daddy’ and sending you pictures of her pussy. Care to explain?”
He reached for the phone and she pulled it away from him.
“Nah-uh, talk.”
He sighed in exasperation. 
“If you give me the phone I can explain, sithan-”
“Don’t you fucking ‘sweetheart’ me, answer the goddamn question. How long, T’Challa?!”
“Just once. Eh, one and a half maybe-”
He was interrupted by a throw pillow to the head.
“How the fuck do you halfway cheat nigga?!”
“She just gave me head the first ti-”
“That’s still cheating!”
“Will you lower your voice? You have neighbors.”
“Fuck! Them! Did you even use a condom?”
“Yes, Kiana I’m not-”
“Stupid? You’re not stupid?” Kiana laughed. “Get the fuck out of my apartment.”
“My love, I-”
“Oh now I’m your love? Where the fuck was that energy when you were balls deep in this other bitch?!”
T’Challa stood there dumbstruck. He had never seen Kiana get this angry and didn’t know what to say. He knew he was wrong when he did it, but seeing the tears streaming down her face made him truly regret what he’d done. She had been so busy with school and work that she barely had time for him anymore. He had needs and just so happened to stumble upon someone more than willing to fulfil them. 
He cursed himself for not locking his phone or at the very least, turning it over. 
“How many, T’Challa...” Kiana sniffled.
“I told you, it was only twice-”
“How many women?!”
He froze, not knowing if he should mention Lisa since that was so much earlier in their relationship.
“Oh my god...oh my god...oh my- are you fucking serious?! I-I have to...I have to go get tested, I-”
She looked at him with such fierceness that he shrunk under her gaze.
“I-I am sorry, I didn’t do it to hurt you, I was-”
He was stopped by a heavy-handed slap across his cheek that nearly knocked him over.
“Get the fuck out.” She said, barely above a whisper.
Six months later they ran into each other in the grocery store and decided to catch up over a cup of coffee. Kiana had healed and moved on, but T’Challa was still stuck on her. They had spent almost two good years together before he ruined what they had, and he just couldn’t let it go. He loved her, and he was determined to make it work this time.
Or so he really, truly thought before he met Marci...and Tanisha...
T’Challa knew he wasn’t a one-woman man, but he just couldn’t let Kiana go. His dalliances were never serious, just enough to scratch his constant itching. Sometimes they were a one-time thing, but others stuck around if they were good enough and knew how to be discreet. No matter what though, he always came back home to Kiana because despite his trash behavior, he really did love her in his own toxic way.
However, he didn’t love her enough to double check his calendar before leaving work on her birthday, or any day leading up to it. He had forgotten what day it was, and when he told Kiana to be ready at 7 he just meant for a regular date night. 
It had been a long day at the Wakandan Embassy and Kiana’s Prince Charming needed a drink more than anything. He stopped at the first bar he came across that looked halfway decent. T’Challa walked up to the bar and caught the eye of the beautiful barkeep.
“Hiya, what can I do for you?”
T’Challa smiled his panty-dropping smile and she smiled back, revealing her perfect, white teeth. There was nothing he loved more than a pretty smile.
“Well, miss…”
“Tanisha,” she responded while using both arms to mix a shaker full of liquid courage and ice. His eyes avoided her chest, slyly watching in the periphery only. 
“Well, Miss Tanisha, I had a horrible day at work and I am in need of a whiskey on the rocks. Preferably Jack, but truly anything will do.”
“We all have those days honey. Here’s a double on the house,” she said as she slid the drink to him across the bar top with a wink.
T’Challa licked his lips and lifted his glass to her before taking a sip of the warm amber liquid. He let out a sigh and his day seemed to melt away. 
Tanisha kept coming back to check on him and they would chat when the crowd died down. T’Challa was on his third double when she came over with a plate of wings.
“You’re an angel.” He dug into the wings and made a complete mess on his shirt, so he went to the bathroom to try to wash the stain out. On his way back to the bar he noticed a very tall and sweaty man leaning over the bar trying to talk to Tanisha. From what he could see, she wasn’t feeling the conversation, but he kept approaching her anyway. When T’Challa returned to his seat she immediately gravitated towards him. This angered Mr. Tall and Sweaty, who drunkenly attempted to punch T’Challa in the face. T’Challa dodged the lazy punch and knocked him out cold with one hit. Security saw the whole thing go down, and removed Tall and Sweaty from the building once he came to. 
“What you got planned for the night, handsome?”
“Nothing at all, why do you ask?”
“I get off at 9, wanna hang out?”
“Good, now here’s a water.”
“Thank you, angel.”
By 10pm he was already halfway inside her, and when his phone started vibrating he was too wrapped up in her to think anything of it. Without looking he quieted the annoying sound and turned the phone off so he could focus on the task at hand.
Two and a half hours later, T’Challa was creeping out of Tanisha’s bed right as Kiana was sliding into hers. She had washed off all her makeup, but she didn’t have the emotional energy to tie up her hair. Normally she would wear one of T’Challa’s t-shirts, but she was too angry with him so she slept in a cute nighty she never wore. She admired herself in the mirror for half a second before bursting into tears and pulling the covers up to her head. She tried to stop crying, but the tears kept coming and she eventually gave herself a headache. How could he miss her birthday?
Kiana got up and threw on her plush maroon robe before she padded to the bathroom to grab some Advil. On the way she noticed her phone getting multiple notifications, the first of which was from her best friend Bebe.
“Have u seen this?! Sis, I’m so sorry. When we slashing his tires? Just 3 tho, this nigga needs to pay $$$.”
“What the fuck is she talking about?”
Kiana clicked the link and saw that it was Bebe’s cousin Darrell’s Instagram Story. Apparently there was a fight at the bar where he was celebrating a coworker’s promotion and he had filmed it for all of Instagram to see. Kayla stared at her phone in shock. There was her aint-shit boyfriend at a goddamn bar on her fucking birthday. She watched him punch a guy in the face on her birthday. At a bar. Without her.
She thought the kicker came when she saw him turn around and flirt with the bartender, but the story after that just about killed her. There he was, leading her out the back door with his hand too far down on her lower back to be simply platonic. Even the caption read “Ooooh someone’s about to get some ‘thank you’ pussy. That damsel in distress pussy hit different!”
Kiana saw red and almost cracked her phone for a second time tonight. 
She grabbed the remaining merlot and downed it before throwing the bottle at the picture of them on the fridge. She watched the glass shatter and cut their faces while the trace bit of deep red wine seeped down the picture like blood. She wanted to trash the whole place, but remembered she would have to clean it later. Kiana started to hyperventilate and felt like she needed to get some air when she heard the lock turn.
“Kiki, what are you doin- are you ok? What happened here?”
Kiana ignored him as she walked towards where she threw her phone, silently pulling up the story and handing it to him. She watched his face go from confused, to shocked, to fearful. No regret, though. 
“Give me your key.”
“Kiana, please let me-”
“The key. Now,” she said with her voice completely devoid of any emotion.
T’Challa assumed she would be angry and yell or throw things, but this quiet storm terrified him. To him, it felt like she didn’t even care anymore. He was right.
He slowly reached his hand out and she snatched the key ring, removing hers and tossing the rest back to him.
“I’ll have your stuff packed by the morning. It’ll be outside my door by 8am. If it’s still there when I get back from work it’s going in the trash.”
T’Challa couldn’t bear the coldness in her voice. Tears rolled down his face and his knees buckled.
“Kiana, please. I can explain, I didn-”
“I don't give a fuck what you did or didnt do. You know why?”
“Because it was my birthday, T’Challa. MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY and YOU forgot it. Not only did you forget it, my gift was you fucking some other bitch and leaving me lonely yet again. So no, I don't care if you fucked her or not even though I know your sorry ass did. I know she’s probably not the only one because I saw how easily you slid on in there in that video. You were way too comfortable, so I don't even want to ask you how many because it doesnt fucking matter anymore. Now you can stick your dick in every fine ass Black girl you see without remorse, oh wait...you were already doing that. So fuck you, get out my apartment before I call my brothers.”
“5, 4, 3,...” Kiana counted as she dialed her eldest brother Trey’s number, ignoring T'Challa's pathetic excuses. “2, 1… Hey Trey, I’m sorry did I wake you up?...Yeah I have a situat- oh look at that, his bitch ass is leaving-”
“I am sorry, Kiana,” T’Challa said one last time before she slammed the door in his face. He could hear her on the other side of the door explaining the situation to her brother, and when she started to cry it finally hit him. Her wails broke his spirit and more tears fell from his eyes. 
He knew Trey would be over soon to comfort his baby sister and he needed to get the hell out of dodge, so T’Challa left Kiana’s apartment and never came back. Not even for his things, which turned out to be the best thing for Kiana because she and her girls got to burn it all up in Trey’s backyard fire pit and finally release that toxic man from her life.
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Sensitive 2.0
Jealous waitress is jealous
A/n: I was reading a Bucky fic that I cannot find again of course that kind of inspired this? It was about Bucky taking reader to dinner and then getting upset bc she flirted with the waiter so he revenge flirted with a waitress. Idk it was messy but somewhere along the way came this.
This is the fic I wrote that became a Chris fic. I was gonna delete it but like fuck that. Here’s Tom.
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Opening the door, Tom could barely get out I’m home before he was met by you barreling your way towards him, nearly tackling him with a hug. It had been five long months depending on phone calls, letters, and the few weekend visits. But they were never enough. Nothing could compare to having your boy home until further notice.
Tom laughed at your excitement, knowing it mirrored his own well, but plane rides never fail to suck the energy out of a person. He wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you gently. Each of you silently taking the other in; finally being together was just blissful.
Eventually, you pulled away, sniffing as you wipe your eyes. “Don’t cry,” he chuckled, smiling as he reached up to wipe a stray tear that appeared at the corner of your eye.
“I just really missed you,” you whispered, Tom pressing his forehead against yours as you spoke.
“Yeah?” He asked, feeling bad for leaving as often and as long as he did. “I’m here. And I’m not leaving.”
. . .
The next day was spent at the Holland home, giving Tom time to see his parents and hang out with his younger brothers. “Any plans?” Nikki asked as she sat next to you. Everyone was outside, you and Nikki sitting on the deck while the boys played football in the garden.
You smiled at the question. “In what way,” you ask, turning to look at her.
She shrugged, “just since he’s home now.”
Nodding, “we have reservations for dinner tonight,” you tell her. Turning back to where the boys are before raising your voice a little higher, “which we should probably be getting ready for.”
Tom looked at you then looked at his watch, checking the time. “She’s right. I’ll see you guys later,” he told his brothers, leaving them to finish their game. He offered you a hand, helping you out of the chair. Both of you giving his mother thanks for lunch and having you over before leaving.
. . .
“I’m excited,” you tell Tom as he drives to the restaurant. You had dressed in your favorite outfit, not too formal but way past just casual. The last time you had date night was way too long ago.
“I am too,” Tom smiled, reaching his hand out to your thigh. You placed yours on top of his, appreciating the warm felling of his skin. “You deserve all the date nights.”
There was a hint of sadness in his tone, making you sigh. “I don’t mind missing out on a few, as long as I get you.” He looked over at you for a second before looking back at the road. Tom took your hand, pressing a quick kiss to your knuckles. He parked the car, jogging to your side to open your door, offering you a hand as you step out. Your fingers intertwined as you walked into the restaurant, giving his name for your reservation.
You followed the hostess down the hall where she sat you at a small square table toward the back, thanking her as you both sat down. Not long after, a waitress approached. “How are you doing tonight?” She asked Tom, not bothering to look at you. He looked at you, knowing her intentions but not sure what to do about it. You shrugged, leaning back in your chair.
“We are doing wonderful, thank you,” he replied to her with a short nod. “Can we get a bottle of champagne?”
You noticed the girl purse her lips slightly before answering. “We actually don’t have any tonight. I can get you a beer though.”
Tom looked to you again. “Yeah, that’ll be fine.”
“And I’ll have a Jack and Coke,” you said, having an idea of what the night would look like. “Go ahead and make two.”
She huffed and rolled her eyes as she wrote it down, turning abruptly. “So much for no champagne this evening,” you repeat, pointing out the couple across from you- the waiter popping the new bottle.
“I’m going to ask for a new server,” Tom said as he stood.
“No,” you rejected, grabbing his hand before he could pass you. “It’s fine- she just wants your attention. I’ve dealt with mean girls before. Just... it’s fine.”
He sighed, thinking about it. “I don’t want her ruin our night just because she’s trying to ‘get my attention’.”
“It won’t be ruined, Tom,” you assured him. “Unless she smashes my head in with a pan, it’s fine. I can handle it.”
Tom’s jaw clinched as he looked ahead of him in the restaurant, noticing the girl obnoxiously laughing about something with her coworker. “Alright,” he said sitting back down. “But she does anything...”
“Then you can do whatever you think is necessary,” you finish for him. “I just want a nice dinner.” He looks at you sympathetically before being interrupted.
“Here’s your beer,” the waitress says kindly as she purposefully bends over to set the bottle down in front of Tom. You watch as she stands straight before turning toward you. “And, um,” her hand purposely hits the bottom of her tray, knocking the liquor all over you. “Oops.”
You stand trying to keep the damage minimal, but it was everywhere. “What the fuck is your problem?” Tom asks as he stands, unable to keep the anger contained. There was slight panic in the girl’s eyes, not expecting her favorite celebrity to yell at her.
“It- it was just an accident.”
“I’m not an idiot. I saw you do it on purpose,” he pointed out to her. “Make yourself useful, and get us a waiter that’ll actually do their job and not treat my girlfriend like trash.”
She nodded, small tears appearing in her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she looked at you before walking away.
“I’m gonna go clean up in the restroom,” you tell Tom before walking away. He kept his eyes on you until you were out of sight. A few servers came to clean up the area as well as the manager to help diffuse the situation.
Returning with only slightly drier clothes, you saw Tom still standing as he spoke with the manager. They both turn as they hear you approaching.
“I apologize for the actions of our waitress,” he stated. “Your meal is on the house, and she will be fired immediately.”
Your brows furrowed in concern. “Don’t fire her,” you say, worried for her but moreso for yourself. Your biggest fear would be that she would run to twitter telling everyone that you caused her to lose her job.
The man looked slightly confused, looking to Tom once before turning back to you. “We’ll talk about it. Please enjoy the rest of your meal, and let me know if I can do anything for you.”
“Thank you,” you nodded, sitting in the newly dried seat. Tom looked distraught as he messed with the watch around his wrist, shaking his head subtly. “It’s okay.”
“No,” he said quietly, pausing as the new waiter set your two fresh drinks down in front of you then leaving again. “I should’ve asked for a new waiter. I knew something stupid was gonna happen with that girl.” You sat silently for a few seconds, unsure what to say. You never expected her to actually do anything, just some looks and a few comments. “I hate that I can’t take you on a proper date without people trying to sabatoge it.”
“But I still get a date with a cute boy,” you offer, hoping it’ll make him feel better.
“Yeah, and you still got liquor all over your top,” he sighed, looking at the light brown stain covering the fabric.
You sigh in return, wondering what the hell you could say to make him happier. “It’s fine, I have plenty more. And a shopping addiction so it would’ve been forgotten soon anyways.” Tom didn’t reply, obviously starting to hold a grudge against the girl. You rolled your eyes and stood up, moving to where Tom sat, motioning for him to move his seat back. Once he did, you sat yourself in his lap and pressed your forehead to his.
“I love you. That girl doesn’t matter. What she did doesn’t matter. We’ll literally never see her again, so don’t be upset over it. I’d take a hundred drinks spilled on me if it means I get to kiss you and hug you and love you.”
Tom let out a breathy laugh. “Not if I get a say in it,” he joked, lifting his chin to meet your lips in a kiss. You smile, kissing him once more, before standing to get back to your seat, noticing the waiter standing awkwardly in the corner.
“Um,” he coughed. “Ready to order?”
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lyssismagical · 4 years
i don’t know if you’re still taking prompts but maybe peter telling harley he has a crush on him? with maybe some fluff and angst. thank you :)
Peter had never really had an internet friend before, and sure, he was worried about what he was getting himself into at the start. They met because of Peter’s Twitter account which had amassed over three million followers because of his connection to the Avengers, Spider-Man, and being Tony Stark’s Intern.
There had been some comments he’d seen written by one Harley Keener, and eventually he started replying to them, and then one day, he sent Harley a message.
Worry had time to boil while waiting for a response, waiting to see if Harley was just someone who wanted an inside scoop on what Tony was really like, if Harley would get what he wanted and disappear, if Harley would use Peter’s trust.
But Harley responded with a dorky meme followed by how are you? and saw your last tweet, if you want help I’m always happy to :) Fixing up cars is kinda my forte.
The Twitter messages continued for nearly four months before Peter received a message with Harley’s number. Peter was worried about giving out his private phone number, even to Harley. He wasn’t quite sure he could trust him yet, not with any personal information.
But Harley had followed it up with a message that read only if you feel comfortable using it :) If not, no worries at all. I like Twitter all the same.
Before he knew it, he was waking up to Good Morning Texts, falling asleep to Good Night ones, spending weekends glued to his phone screen. By month seven, they were texting constantly, and by month nine, they started calling at least once a week.
When Peter falls, he falls hard.
Harley, over text and on the phone and even when they facetime, is the best. He’s a bit rough around the edges, the way May always worried Peter would become after all he’s been through, but Harley makes up for the brashness by being charming and doting. He did quietly sweet thing that he never took credit for like sending care packages to Peter. Well technically to the tower because he didn’t want to make Peter uncomfortable by asking for his address. Tony had teased Peter about it for ages.
The anxiety set in the moment he realized how he felt about the boy he’d been texting for a year.
He wanted to tell Harley how he felt, but he was scared. He didn’t want to lose one of the greatest things that had happened to him in a while.
It didn’t help how in the dark he was feeling.
This is where he would’ve turned to Ben.
Maybe even in recent years he might’ve turned to Tony for advice. He did tell Tony all about Liz after Peter started working with him. But Tony gets worried and protective, and if he found out Peter was talking to a boy who he’d never met, Tony might end up doing a full background check, maybe intimidating him. He didn’t want to put either of them into that situation.
He’d already talked to May. It was different, not how it ever felt when he talked to Ben about that sort of thing. Not necessarily bad, just different.
“I really like this boy,” Peter said. His head was in May’s lap and an old romcom was playing muted on the TV. “But we’ve only ever talked online, he lives all the way in Tennessee, and I’m terrified of screwing everything up.”
“You know your parents met online.” May had laughed quietly, nails scratching gently at his scalp. “Mary was working in California and Richard was here, but they met through mutual coworkers, I guess. They emailed a lot and eventually, when Mary moved back here, Richard told her how he felt.”
Peter pouted childishly and rolled his eyes. “It’s not that simple. We’ve been talking for a year, I can’t lose him now.”
“Well if you two are really friends, he won’t drop you if he doesn’t feel the same. But, I know I’m a little bit biased because I love you, he’s missing out on a lot if he lets you go.”
And that was that. To May, it was that simple.
To Peter, not so much.
Harley could ruin Peter’s life easily with the amount of information Pepper and Tony have fought to hide from the public.
But he knows he has to do it anyways.
Hey. I don’t want this to ruin our friendship or anything and if you don’t reciprocate we can just move on and pretend it never happened. I swear I won’t be angry or upset at all.
I just kinda have a huge crush on you. You’re so sweet to me and funny and sarcastic and I just idk I really like you.
And then he does something stupid.
He puts his phone in the suit’s pocket and goes out Spider-Manning, not wanting to miss a reply from Harley despite how late it is.
And then, because Parker Luck will never let him live a peaceful day, he falls straight into the Hudson River again, breaking his phone.
“It’ll work again, kid, if you’re really so attached to this one,” Tony says, flipping the phone upside down and watching the water drip onto the floor.
Peter finishes toweling off his hair and frowns. “I need it. I sent an important text last night and I need to see the response.”
“Thirty-six hours in rice, kid. That’s what Fri says does the trick.”
The towel falls from Peter’s grip. “Thirty-six hours? You’ve got to be kidding me. I need it like now, Tony.”
“I can’t do now, kid.”
So Peter waits.
Thirty-six hours.
He goes to school and his knee never stops bouncing, fingers tapping on his desk and getting reprimanded by five out of six of his teachers. Coach Wilson doesn’t, solely because Peter manages to turn most of his nerves and anxiety into running the track. Unfortunately, it means he forgets to be the pre-spider bite kid with asthma and could barely do three pushups, so Ned has to physically grab him when he’s on his sixth lap to tell him to cool it.
He’s scared.
He doesn’t want to know what his phone will tell him when he gets it back. He doesn’t want to see the rejection on the screen, the potentials of blackmail. It would be so easy for Harley to tell the world the truth about him. Bisexual, nightmare-riddled, dorky, Midtown High School Student, grieving his uncle’s death, secret holder for Stark Industries, Peter Parker. The target it would put on Peter’s back would make Tony put him in lockdown.
But when he arrives to the lab, seven am on the dot, exactly thirty-six hours later, Tony’s grinning in amusement, bag of rice in hand.
“Can’t believe your phone was so important that you’re risking not only detention but a grounding by skipping first period.”
Peter rolls his eyes, a little more annoyed than fond of the teasing, and Tony seems to pick up on it because he hands over Peter’s phone with a huffed, “God, teenagers.”
Fifty-eight texts from Harley and two dozen missed calls.
The most recent text reading a simple call me please.
So he does. He doesn’t even wait for the elevator doors to close behind Tony, leaving him alone in the lab, before turning his back and pushing his phone against his ear.
“Peter?” Harley sounds like a wreck, voice rough and hoarse, trembling like he’s trying not to cry. “If you’re fucking with me, I swear to god, I’ll walk all the way to fucking New York to punch you.”
“I’m so sorry!” Peter gasps. “I had my phone in my pocket and I fell in the river and Tony insisted it had to sit in a bag of rice for thirty-six hours, and I had no way to contact you-”
Harley cuts him off. “You fell in a river?”
Peter hasn’t told him about Spider-Man. “Well, uh, you know me, so clumsy… It’s not important. I’m just so sorry. I had to wait the thirty-six hours before I could see what you said-”
This time it’s Peter who cuts himself off.
Because he didn’t actually read the messages. He doesn’t know what Harley thinks.
“I didn’t sleep last night, I was so worried. Fucking hell, Peter, don’t do that to me, alright? You never answered me, are you fucking with me? Is this some strange joke? ‘Cause it’s not funny.”
“Not a joke,” Peter says quickly. “I swear, it’s not a joke. I’m sorry, Harley, if you- if you want to just forget this all happened, I’d totally get it and I-”
Harley laughs. Well and truly laughs. “Forget this happened? This is by far the funniest love story I’ve ever heard, Parker. Tell me you like me and then fall into a fucking river. What is your life?”
“Love story,” Peter repeats.
“I like you too, you dumbass.”
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @spideygirl2003 @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed  @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10 @justme--emily  @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman  {Let me know if you wanna be added or removed}
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crowdedimagines · 5 years
It’s Just PR - Shawn Mendes
ft. Harry Styles;)
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“You know that this wasn’t my choice.” Shawn tries to reassure, his hand reaching up to brush against my cheekbone.
“I know, that doesn’t mean that this doesn’t suck.” I roll my eyes.
Shawn has just informed me that for Senorita they need to do press together and act like a couple, without ever fully confirming the relationship.  
“Please, don’t be mad.” He presses kisses to my cheek.
Shawn and I have been dating for nearly two years, but we’ve never come out to the public. Between the two of our jobs in the public eye, neither of our managers thought it was the right time. Shawn has always had the single boy persona to attract more fans, I’ve never really questioned it. This is the first time they want him to be in a relationship. Unfortunately, not his real one.
“What do you want me to be then?” I get up from the couch
“Not mad at me.” He runs a hand through his curls.
“This isn’t fair.”
“I know.” He reaches out his hand for me to rejoin him on the couch. He knows I would never be able to say no to his big brown eyes.
“We’ve been waiting so long to be able to come out to the fans, and now this is just going to be pushed back even later. We’ll never be able to just be free and be us.”
“It’ll only be for the summer. After that, we’ll give it a little time, and then we can come out and I’ll tell everyone how you’re the woman I love.”
I can’t help but smile at his words.
“We’ll get through it, I promise.” He presses a reassuring kiss to my temple.
The past three months have to be the longest ones I’ve ever experienced. Time after time of Shawn canceling because the have paparazzi sessions planned, or they need to get photographed making out on the beach. I never thought it would get to this point. I never thought Shawn would let it go so far.
It all became too much when Shawn told me he was performing with her at the VMA’s, an event that we would usually sit next to each other for. An event that now he has to perform with her, sit with her, and most likely walk the carpet with.
“Are you kidding me?” I groan.
“This should be the last time! Summer is almost over and after that we can just fade to the background. Then one of us will talk about the breakup in an interview. We’re almost there!” Shawn says, obviously trying to be optimistic.
“That’s so much time already! You know that they are going to drag this out and milk is as long as they can.” I get up from his dining room table. He had cooked supper for once, which I should’ve caught immediately as a sign he had bad news.
“This is it, this is the last time. After the VMA’s I don’t have to see Camilla again. Just a little bit more time with her. It’s just PR.” Shawn follows me as I pick up my items from around his house.
“I just don’t get why it’s been going on for so long.” I turn around to face him as I put on my shoes, “It still didn’t make it to number one on the charts. The fans know that this is fake, they aren’t stupid. Why are you guys still even trying?”
I finally look up and catch the look in his eyes. Anger.
“Really? How can you be so selfish?” He yells, any sense of him trying to comfort or ease me is gone now.
“Me being selfish? Are you serious right now? You think that I’m being the selfish one?” I throw open his front door, unlocking my car with the keys in my hand.
“Wait-” He follows me, “That’s not what I meant.”
Shawn places his hand on my door so I can’t shut it.
“Please don’t leave on terms like this.” He frowns.
I shake my head and a humorless smile graces my face.
“I need to, I can’t be here right now.”
I reach out a hand to place on his cheek and he leans into the touch. It makes me long for the days when this was so common.
“I just need some space right now.”
Only a few days later I was reminded of the VMA’s at the final fitting for my outfit.
“And you’re sure I can’t just back out of this?” I groan.
“No, you know how good publicity is for this! Plus you’re nominated for an award, you should be excited to go.” Joan, my manager insists.
“I just don’t want to see the performances.” I roll my eyes. “I just know that they have to be all over each other and I just have to sit there by myself and watch. Act like nothing's wrong for the cameras. It’s bullshit.”
“It’s one night.” She smiles, “And, what if you brought a date?”
“What?” I laugh and turn to face her, making the woman altering my dress let out an angry huff.
“You have friends in the industry, just ask someone to come with. Walk the carpet with you, sit at your side. It could be fun!”
Joan’s words stick with me all the way through the night. While sitting on my kitchen counter desperately debating back and forth. I shouldn’t feel guilty, Shawn has been doing way more than this for months, and most times unapologetically.
“No, there’s no way.” I say to myself and slide off the counter. I reach out to my phone, the first thing I come across on Twitter is new paparazzi shots of Shawn and Camila. His arms wrapped around her waist, whispering god knows what in her ear. Not even an hour ago he was spamming my phone with messages trying to talk to me, and this is what he’s been up to.
“Fuck that.” I grumble.
I close out of Twitter and start dialing before I can think twice.
“Y/n? Uh, hey, it’s been a while.”
“Hey, I need a favor.”
It didn’t take much convincing to get Harry to do me this favor. We aren’t the closest of friends anymore, but in our years in the public eye we’ve always managed to check in on each other. We’ve nearly crossed the line of friendship a few times, but ultimately decided that we didn’t want to lose each other because the media could just ruin it.
“Oh my god, are you Harry Styles?” I tease, running up to him for a hug. He lets out a loud laugh and rolls his eyes.
“You look absolutely smashing.” Harry grins, he reaches out a hand to spin me around. He’s successful in making me laugh.
“Thank you.” I grin, “I have to say, you look handsome as ever.”
His dimples grace his face and he turns us towards the car before I can see if he’s blushing.
The ride from the hotel we got ready at isn’t far at all to the VMA’s. Harry gets out first to offer his hand and usher me out of the car. The fans get louder and the camera flashes almost start instantly.
The woman running the event is giving us directions on where to go. We take our first few steps onto the carpet and start posing. It takes Harry pinching my side to pull my attention from smiling softly towards the camera.
“I think you’ve caught his attention, love.” He whispers.
I glance over Harry’s shoulder and he’s right. Shawn is by himself on the carpet, which is surprising, and he’s glaring in our direction. His jaw is clenched tight, I break eye contact before I can stair any longer.
“That’s not all this was about.” I reassure, “I wanted to go with you and have someone by my side. To actually have someone’s support. Pissing him off is just a nice bonus along with the nice PR.”
We finish the rest of the carpet together, ignoring all of the questions about dating and focusing on maintaining a polite smile. More people guide us to where our seats are. We are close to the stage which is unsettling knowing the acts that are to come.
Harry and I walk towards our row, which is the second from the front.
“So what awards are you up for tonight?” Harry asks, pausing before sitting down so we have a moment to stand before sitting for the next couple hours.
“Y/n, I need to talk to you.” Shawn suddenly comes up to where we’re standing. I don’t even know where he came from, he should probably be back stage or something.
“I don’t think that is a good idea.” I keep my eyes away from him, hoping to avoid whatever drama he is about to create.
“It’s been three days and you don’t return any of my messages or calls. This is the only time you can’t just ignore me.” He persists yet again.
“Mate, maybe later-”
“And what the fuck are you doing here with him? Are you kidding me? You’re mad at me so you find some other dude to fuck?” Shawn interrupts Harry without even a second of hesitation. People around us are staring, starting to listen to hear whatever is going on. Shawn’s voice is far from quiet at this point.
“Harry, I am so sorry for the way Shawn is acting right now.” I turn to look at Harry, completely ignoring the temper tantrum Shawn is throwing. Harry nods understandingly and being perfectly him. I take my cue to look at Shawn, “I think it would be best if you get the fuck away from me because I am not going to maintain this nice persona because people are around much longer.”
I motion for Harry to take his seat and I join him. Shawn just continues to stand in the isle, debating saying something.
“I’m sorry. It’s just-” He lets out a loud breath of air.
“What? Hard seeing me here with someone else?” He nods solemnly and I lean in closer before whispering, “Well, why don’t you go find your girlfriend.”
part two?? harry as a new love interest?? give me feedback:)
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artxyra · 5 years
Another DC TA Marinette Story
*So the other version is strictly a one-shot drabble post while this one might, and I repeat might have more than two parts. 
Part 1: Welcome to Gotham 
Part 1 (here) | Part 2 | 
Marinette’s having a bad day. It started with her waking up late, breaking her five-day streak of waking up early. She nearly fell on her way down the stairs, thankfully she remained unharmed. Then she was late coming to class, but that mainly due to poor time management decisions. Only for her to then realize that she’s no longer a student, but the teacher assistant for Mme. Bustier’s class. 
“Look Mme. Bustier, Marinette’s late again.” Lila points out, as the graduate rolls her eyes and takes her place in the back of the classroom. 
“That’s enough, Lila.” Caline scolds, before turning her focus to her teaching assistant. “Is everything alright, Marinette?” She asks. 
Marinette nods and pulls out a folder filled with paperwork that needs to be grade. The class continues as follows. Caline spoke about the upcoming projects about the American lifestyle in specific cities. Marinette would finish the paperwork, pull out her laptop, and take a few notes on class’ behaviors. 
Everything seemed fine, but that crashed when Lila thought it would be a great idea to once again open her big mouth. 
“Mme. Bustier, I cannot do this project as [insert overly used lie here].” She pouts. 
“Girl, I can help you. She did say that we can do it as a group project.” Alya interjects with a smile. 
Lila ever with the dramatics, “Oh Alya, you can’t be serious. I don’t want you doing all the work.” 
Marinette could feel her phone buzz in her pocket. She pulls it out to see that it was a message from Gotham’s Prince. She smiles and opens the notification. 
Gotham’s Prince: Did you sleep well, Angel?
Gotham’s Fashion Sense: It was good until it wasn’t. 
Gotham’s Prince: What do you mean?
Gotham’s Fashion Sense: You’re not with me. 
Gotham’s Prince: Well, soon I will be. 
Gotham’s Fashion Sense: And I’m counting down the days. 
Marinette looks up from her phone and sees that her former classmates are staring at her. She shrugs and places her phone in her pocket.  
“What city do you plan on doing, Marinette?” Alix shouts out catching the attention of both Caline and Marinette. The teacher and her assistant lock eyes before the former curtly nod. 
“Gotham.” Marinette murmurs, gathering her supplies to neatly present them later. 
“I actually visit Gotham, you know.” Lila states, “If you need any help, I’ll gladly give information to you.”  
Marinette scoffs and forces a smile towards the pathological liar, “Thank you, Rossi, you will be my last resort.”
Lila once again started the dramatics by crying her eyes out. It is amazing how that liar can still be able to cry with the amount she has done. 
It wasn’t long before the class was over. Marinette walks over to the front desk and hands Caline the stack of graded assignments.
“Thank you, Marinette,” Caline says, accepting the assignments. 
“I want to tell you in advance that I’ll be joining my boyfriend in a couple of days. Do you think that you’ll need me during that time?” 
Caline thinks for a moment then she shakes her head, “I don’t believe so, Marinette. Thank you for the heads up in advance. How are your studies going?” 
Marinette smiles, “They’re going great, my business classes are helping me in running my freelancing business. And I already finished my fashion assignments earlier this week.” 
“I’m glad to hear that,” Caline opens the door for the two of them to exit through. Marinette walks out first with a quick curtsy to the gesture. 
Marinette’s phone buzzes again. 
Gotham’s Prince:  You are the only person that my brother will listen too, call them. 
Gotham’s Fashion Sense: Why? 
Gotham’s Fashion Sense: What did they do now? 
She didn’t receive an answer. Shrugging, Marinette places her phone in her back pocket and make a beeline to the main entrance. 
“I’m sure whatever charm you have over Mme. Bustier, will be gone before you know it,” Lila whispers into the graduate’s ear. Marinette rolls her eyes and continues to walk away. Unbeknown to Lila, it was a smirk that presented on the teen’s face rather than a pout. 
“That was very brave of you, Marinette.” Tikki complements when the two are alone. 
Marinette turns to her kwami and smiles, “I have way better things to do than to let some phony ruin my day. Besides what she does will indeed hurt her at the end.” 
“Marinette…” Tikki sighs with a giggle at the end. 
“What? You know that it’s true. As long as the class doesn’t know that I actually graduated last quarter, anything that she throws at me will be seen as an assault.” 
“You’ve been spending to much time with Jason, haven’t you?” Tikki wonders. 
“Only on the weekends, Tikki.” Her chosen jokes before catching the sight of a certain blonde model. 
“Hey, Manette,” Adrien Agreste greets, running over to the graduate.  
“Hey, Adrien, how was your photoshoot?” 
“It could have been better if Lu was there, but I rather suffer in silence and get comforted later.”
“That’s...good to hear.” Marinette’s eyes narrowed unsure of her reply. “Have you thought about the city assignment?” 
Adrien shakes his head. “Honestly, I have no clue. I was planning on doing Smallville, but I don’t know.” He looks to Marinette with kitten eyes, “Are you really doing Gotham?” 
Marinette nods only to lean against a nearby wall. 
“I figure that would be easier to do since I’ve been there and all.” She admits, holding her arms against her chest. 
“Great, Gorilla is here.” Adrien groans. 
“He’s more of a guardian than anyone else,” Marinette states, spotting the large bodyguard and pushing herself off the wall. 
Adrien sighs and wishes the fashion designer a farewell before heading over to Gorilla. Marinette smiles softly seeing how much the model has changed since entering the public school system. Of how he has grown since becoming Chat Noir, granted they did have their ups and downs but once he finally accepted his being, everything has been smooth sailing. 
Gotham’s Prince: Check Twitter.  
Marinette’s eyebrow raises at the message and she opens up her Twitter app. 
Dick Grayson @theflyinggrayson Grumpy-pants here is missing his GF
Below shows a picture of Damian Wayne looking at his phone with what appears to be a sad look on his face. 
A chuckle escapes her mouth. 
Manette @GothamsFashionSense  Thanks for the laugh @theflyinggrayson, I pretty sure that you all miss me.
 Marinette then adds a cute kitten gif relating to the post. 
Gotham’s Prince: What the hell, Angel! 
Gotham’s Fashion Sense: You asked and I delivered
Marinette places her phone back into her back pocket and walks in the direction of her family’s bakery.
“What do you mean you won’t be able to come?” Caline Bustier asks her assistant in the middle of a meeting. Marinette bites her lower lip and looks between the principal and the full-time teacher. 
“What I mean is that I’ll be overseas staying with my boyfriend’s family around that time. At the very least tell where you’re having the class exchange at and I can make plans around that.” Marinette informs the two with arms cross and an irritated look on her face.
“The exchange is with Gotham Academy, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng.”   
Marinette’s eyes bug out. Her whole demeanor changes. “No,” She denies. 
“Will that be a problem, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng?” The principal asks slightly concern for the alumna’s wellbeing. 
Marinette straightens herself out. “No, in fact, I will already in Gotham. If something does come up, I will only be a phone call away. Will I get there in time that will depend on what I am doing at the moment.” 
Caline’s face brightens, she’s not going to be alone with the class in Gotham. “That’s great news to hear, Marinette.” 
“Yes, I’m sure. The trip is in a month, correct?” 
“Yes, and the exchange will last for about four weeks. Mme. Bustier will only be there to oversee the program and class if something were to go array. They will be living in housing provided by the school as we’ll do the same to their students.” The principal states. 
Marinette nods, “Is that everything or do I need to fill out any paperwork allowing me to supervise the class while at Gotham Academy?” 
“I do have the paperwork here for you to fill to get access into the building. Other than that you--well we should be fine. I will inform you if anything has changed.” 
“Thank you, Principal De La Fontaine.” Marinette exits the office with a smirk on her face.  
Ever since the akuma has begun showing up in France, the Paris school board officials declared Principal Damocles unfit to be a principal and opted for De La Fontaine to oversee college and lycee of the Dupont schools seeing as they are short-staffed. Marinette was able to take the Baccalauréat after pleading to her parents. Thankfully, she was able to pass on her first try and even convinced the school to allow her to be a teaching assistant until the end of the school year. 
“I’m telling you Dami, I have everything ready and pack for my trip to see you.” Marinette states into the phone. She sighs and switches shoulders as she is placing the final set of clothes into her suitcase. On the other side of the phone, Damian said something that causes her to roll her eyes. “Damian I will end this call; besides, you know that I would call you if something goes wrong. I’ll see you in two days. Je t'aime.” Marinette ends the call before she couldn’t find it in her to blow up her international data even more. 
 Marinette throws herself onto her chaise sighing, “Tikki, should I take the miraculous box with me or ask Kaalki to open up a portal?” She wonders as her flying ladybug kwami hovers beside her. 
Tikki, munching on a cookie, says, “Marinette would it even matter. You use Kaalki every time you go to Gotham. It’s a miracle that you’re parents haven’t caught on yet.” 
“You say miracle, I say luck.” Marinette plays, “Besides making it look like I go to the airport has covered my quick trips pretty darn well.” 
“Well, what are we going to do about Hawkmoth?”   
“I’m giving Luka and Kagami their miraculous for when the class goes to Gotham as Adrien will most likely be joining them. Hopefully, Hawkmoth doesn’t do anything drastic while we’re gone.” Marinette sighs and kicks herself over to lay on her back. 
Tikki could only smile at how far her chosen has come. From the unsure thirteen-year-old to the now strong level-headed seventeen-year-old woman. Ever since Fu’s amnesia, Marinette has done a great job of making sure that everything regarding the miraculous box is kept secret and safe. She created a box similar to her diary box to protect the miraculous box. 
After giving Luka and Kagami their miraculous, she (as Ladybug) informed them that she will be once again going on a vacation overseas. The two wished their friend farewell with the promise of calling her when Hawkmoth attacks.
“I expect details on the proposal when I get back,” Marinette demands, pointing at Luka causing him to blush thinking about a certain cat-themed hero. 
“You’ll give a heart attack if you keep saying things like that, Manette.” 
“I know,” Marinette beams. 
The group of three hugs each other before parting ways. 
Gotham’s air may have never been clean as crimes happen all the time, but to Marinette, it was like a second home. She loves returning back to Gotham since she met the Wayne family, which was completely by accident. Well, it wasn’t much of an accident it was through Jagged Stone that they met; however, it was by accident how she met Damian. 
“Angel! You’re here...finally.” Damian greets his lover of two and a half years. Marinette giggles and runs into his arms. She misses the feeling of his body warmth and well just him in general. Just don’t tell the others that.  
“Of course, I’m here and now you’re stuck with me for two months.” 
Damian is taken back, “What happened to being here for two weeks?” 
“A class exchange with Gotham Academy. As the TA of the class selected, I was roped into joining them on their journey to hell.” 
Damian curtly nods his head and wraps his arms around her torso. He kisses her cheek causing the Paris native to blush.
Manette @GothamsFashionSense Look’s who’s back in action. Can’t wait to spend time with you all. 
In the attachment is a photo of Marinette posing in front of the Wayne Enterprises with a smile reaching her eyes. Comments flood the designer’s notifications to the point she had to turn them off. The majority of the comments were from the same people, the entirety of the Bat-family.  
“Jay-Jay, I swear if you play a prank on me, you’ll receive no cookies for the rest of the week,” Marinette growls, exiting the guest bedroom--well it’s really hers, but won’t admit it.
“Todd, it’s too early for this.” Damian groans, coming from behind the designer in a personalize pajama design set. 
Jason stares at the two in shock and teasingly asks with a mock sense of seriousness, “Did you at least used protection?” 
Marinette’s jaw drops as murderous intent rolls off Damian. 
“I’m gonna kill you, Todd!” Damian screeches, pulling a katana out from miraculous knows where and chase at the laughing anti-hero. Marinette stood frozen as a rosy pink color spreads across her cheeks. 
“Why would Master Damian and Master Jason be running down the halls, Miss Marinette?” Alfred wonders, appearing in front of the designer. 
Marinette shakes her head and gives the butler a cheeky smile, “Jay-Jay being inappropriate. I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually kills Jason today.” 
Alfred sighs and tells her that breakfast should be done in a moment. Marinette happily nods then returns back to her room to get change. 
“What do you mean that Marinette isn’t coming to class?” Chloe shrieks, when Adrien announced that Marinette had left for a trip yesterday. The entire class could only focus their ears on the two blondes for gossip. 
“It’s like I said, Mari, said she’ll be gone for a couple of weeks. She didn’t say where and all I know is that Mme. B let her off the presentation assignment.” 
Chloe scoffs then huffs at the newfound information. “Well, that will explain why Lu and Gami showed up last night instead of her.” 
“I’m sure she’ll give us a call when she settles in,” Adrien adds on just as Mme. Bustier walks into the classroom with a stack of papers in hand. 
“Good evening class.” She greets, setting the stack down on her desk. “As you all know, our class was selected for a class exchange with our American partners. These are your permission slips to sign and date for the trip. If there is any question, please do not hesitate to contact me.” 
“How long will we be gone for?” Alya asks raising her hand without being called on. 
“The program will last for four weeks. What you learn during the exchange will count as a credit to graduate.” The teacher smiles. “Are there any other questions?” 
No one else raises their hands. Caline smiles at this and begins to hand out the permission slips. 
“Have these all turned in by the end of this week.” 
“What about, Marinette?” Surprisingly, this question didn’t come from the protect Marinette squad but instead Juleka, who is usually quiet in the class. 
Caline is taken back, “Marinette will be joining us for this exchange. We have already contacted her parents. Are there any other questions?” 
The room goes silent. Caline nods and turns on the projector. “Today we will be going over your presentation assignment. The only person excused is Marinette as she has completed hers in advance.” 
Of course, the class blows up at that declaration. 
 “What, why does she get special treatment?” Alya’s voice booms through the classroom. “If you one it should be Lila!” 
“Alya, calm down, the reason why Marinette did her assignment is that she won’t be with us these coming weeks. If you have an issue with that take that up with her. Now please, can I continue with my lesson.” Caline could feel a headache coming. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to mention Marinette’s presentation and just use it as a template for the others to follow. 
Manette @GothamsFashionSense    Been in town for two days and these idiots are still the same. Mar’i, honey, you the best!
Below the tweet is an attached image of Marinette sitting in the middle with Mar’i Grayson on her lap laughing as Damian appears to be yelling at Jason, Tim’s head smack-down on the table a coffee cup in hand. Dick behind them all with Kori’s arm wrapped around his torso. 
Marinette laughs at the impending struggle Damian has in an attempt to once again harm Jason. She plays with the young toddler on her arms as Mar’i tries to take a scoop of the leftover ice cream. Marinette bounces the young Grayson in her lap and feeds a scoop of ice cream. 
“It’s so nice to have you back, Nette. Mar’i miss her Auntie.” 
Marinette chuckles brushing off the comment, “Mar’i has several other Aunts, how could she miss me? Beside’s I’m not even a Wayne.” 
Kori raises an eyebrow and Dick coughs up a “Yet.” before turning away as if he didn’t spill anything important. 
“Pardon?” Marinette wonders turning her attention to the older Grayson. 
“It’s nothing Bluebird, just a cough that is all.” Marinette purses her lips before deciding to let it go to play with Mar’i. 
Mar’i squeals in delight as Marinette plays with her stomach.
Damian watches from the corner of his eye. A smile sneaks it’s way up onto his face. 
“Wake up, Replacement.” Jason say as he kicks Tim’s leg. 
Tim’s arms grab the nearest coffee cup and drinks from it. He bounces back up with sleep still in his eyes. 
“Tim, you need sleep.” Marinette states. 
“Look whose talking. When’s the last time you slept?” Tim counters, knowing that they would have battles on who can stay up the longest without rest. They’re pretty much tied for first. 
Marinette was about to open her mouth, but one glance at Damian told her otherwise.
“Angel, when was the last time you slept--I mean actually slept?” Damian asks, appearing behind her. He kisses her cheek. She blushes and leans her head into his chest. 
“I’m fine, my prince. I actually slept well last night.” She answers before whispering, “Being next to you and all.”  
Jason oohs but quickly moves to evade the punch that Damian was about to throw. Marinette laughs and pushes away the mess that Mar’i created on the table. What a normal evening with the Wayne’s. 
“So, Bluebird, how are your studies going? I hear that you have a big project coming up soon.” Jason asks, taking a seat across the designer. 
Marinette chuckles, “They’re going great and that big project you supposedly heard about is nearly done, but it’s not for a class.” She teases. 
“Do we at least get to see it? C’mon Bluebird, help your brother out.” 
“Damian doesn’t even know about it.” Marinette narrows her eyes at her boyfriend. Damian chokes on his drink and looks away. “Jay-Jay you will be the first to know.” 
“Hey, what about me?” Mar’i’s voice asks looking up to her aunt. 
“The second person, Jay-Jay, you will be the second.” The designer corrects herself before snuggling the younger Grayson in her arms. Mar’i giggles.
Jason scoffs, but he has to agree that seeing Marinette and Mar’i acting all cute and stuff was a miraculous sight to see. 
Dick Grayson  @theflyinggrayson The two Maris in one place 
Attach is a photo of Marinette holding Mar’i outside the ice parlor smiling at one another with Damian off to the side looking longingly at Marinette. Comments from the surrounding BatFamily, Dick’s followers and co-workers flood the comments section. 
Two weeks of pure and utter bliss. Too bad, it had to end seeing as the worst class at Dupont Public schools in Paris is coming to Gotham Academy the next day or so. Marinette’s mentally preparing herself to the slaughter of comments that will be coming her way. 
“Mme. Bustier, I can assure you that I will check with the academy this afternoon about the arrangement. You can worry about preparing the class for this trip.” Marinette speaks into the phone. 
Damian waits for the call to end to sweep in and be the caring boyfriend. He kisses her cheek and holds her. 
“These next four weeks are going to be hectic. I just know it..” Marinette mumbles to him. Damian huffs tightening his grip. 
“Thank you, Dami.” Marinette pauses, “I really needed that.” 
“Of course, Angel.” They kiss. “Do you need any help?” 
Marinette shakes her head. 
Back in Paris, the class gathers at Dupont for departure. Parents came and went saying goodbye to their teens and wish them the best. Lila’s already trying to spin a story that focuses on her and this time she really trying hard to spin her web deeper than ever 
“It’s been forever since I’ve been in Gotham, you know. The last time I was there, it was for a Wayne Gala and my Damibear asked me out. It was so magical. I was dress is this sunset like gown and he was matching me. You know, when I told him that I was coming, he practically jumped with joy…” 
Adrien and Chloe could only wince at the sound of her voice and eluded lie. Everyone in their right mind would know that Damian Wayne has been in a relationship with this girl under the username GothamsFashionSense as the Wayne family tweet about her a lot. Along with that, she look eerie similar to Marinette but with black hair and pink lowlights.  
“I can’t wait to see their faces when the cat jumps out of the bag. Oh, how her empire will crumble to nothing.” Chloe admits to, reapplying her lip-gloss.
“Well, I just hope this all ends before graduation. Do you think Mari will be joining us on the flight or something?” Adrien wonders as he watches Luka say his goodbyes to his sister. 
Chloe shrugs and looks at Kagami, who’s coming their way. 
“‘Gami,” Chloe greets hugging the Japanese fencer. 
“Hey Bee, and hello to you too Adrien.” 
Adrien curtly nods to Kagami. Luka walks over to them and stands behind the blonde model. No one but the two women in front of them notices the interlocking of their hands. 
“You think you can live without your model for a couple of weeks?” Chloe hints with a smirk on her face. 
Luka sarcastically laughs, “Yes, I’m sure Bee.  Though the real question is can you last without your dragon for four weeks.”
Chloe scoffs as Kagami laughs pulling her girlfriend closer to her. 
It wasn’t long before Mme. Bustier called for the class to get onto the bus. The couple gave their significant others a quick kiss or in Adrien’s and Luka’s case a hand tightening before heading off. Oh what they shall await when they reach Gotham. 
~Part 2
As of 12/9/19, the Tag List is CLOSED
Any asks before that will still be added. After that, I’m sorry but can follow my fic tags.
Tag List: @virgil-is-a-cutie | @thejustmesimplyme | @mewwitch | @tamoni112 | @goggles-mcgee | @bb-basbusa | @mochinek0 | @schrodingers25 | @zalladane | @jessigurl-design | @constancetruggle | @tog84 | @shamefullove | @mindfulmagics | @scribblinggraveyard | @clumsy-owl-4178 | @captainmac6 | @vivilakitty | @sonif50 | @mystery-5-5 | @emjrabbitwolf
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floof-reppu · 5 years
Anniversary (add banner later)
Hawks x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: It was your one year anniversary with Keigo Takami, and what better way to spend it than on a date... and something more.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: This was my part of the trade that I did with the lovely cosmicamorosa on Twitter! I can’t believe I actually wrote this much, especially since I told myself that “2,000 is my minimum. Let’s try to stick with that.” I’m so glad I got the opportunity to do this because her art is so amazing and she deserved every word in this fic! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Your relationship had always been kept under wraps, at least for the most part. 
The public had no idea about your relationship with the winged hero, Hawks, whom you knew and referred to as Keigo Takami. There were a few exceptions, including your immediate family as well as, more or less, every other pro in the country. It wasn’t that you didn’t want it to be public, it was just never a good time to bring it up. 
Tonight was going to be different, though. The two of you had a date planned, something that was out of the ordinary in your relationship. Usually, Keigo would want to stay at home with you and have a take-out night, but it was your one-year anniversary. Even your feathered boyfriend knew that anniversaries were special, and should be treated as such. Instead of splurging on something… more expensive, he decided that going to his favorite eatery in the entire world would be the best option.
“Kentucky Fried Chicken? Really, babe?” You raised your eyebrows inquisitively as you looked up on the sign. Indeed, Keigo wanted to ‘fine dine’ on fried chicken together with the love of his life. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, it was just… odd that when he told you that he would be taking you somewhere nice, that nice place just happened to be somewhere that you would order from at least once or twice a month, depending on how much free time the two of you had. 
“Why sound so put off about it, love? We both love this place, so I thought that it would be nice to eat here on our anniversary as well!” He managed a thumbs up as he held the door open, letting you enter before going in himself. “This is the first time we’ve been out at a public place together like this… I don’t know whether saying ‘act natural’ would be the best choice of words.”
“I just hope we won’t get a bunch of stares. You are pretty recognizable, after all.”
“True. If you want to play it off as if we’re just friends, that’s fine. But if somebody walks up and asks… I’ll tell them the straight truth.”
Just as you wished wouldn’t have happened, the population of the restaurant looked at both Keigo and yourself, checking the two of you out and murmuring amongst themselves. 
‘Isn’t that Hawks? Who is that with him?’
‘There’s no way that he’s got a girlfriend!’
‘Either that, or they haven’t gone public yet. I wouldn’t be surprised, though.’
That much was true; if Keigo decided that he wanted the two of you to go public, that meant you could be put in immediate danger, at least in your eyes. If anyone, even a small syndicate, wanted to lure him out, all they had to do was harm you.
Or worse, they could abduct you. 
There was no time to think about depressing things like that, though. Keigo was already ordering a bucket of their chicken and two drinks (even though you always told him water). His eyes lit up as he smelled the air, filled with the fresh aroma of fried chicken. It was absolutely lovely to him, intoxicating even, while you could probably gag from the smell of grease. If there was a specific gift that you think Keigo would like to have one day, you would think that he would want a fried chicken scented candle. I wonder if they even make those?
“Hey love, can you find us a seat? I can stay up here and wait for the food, so you don’t have to stand here with me.” He placed a hand on your shoulder, pointing over to a few empty booths with a cheeky grin plastered on his face. “I think there’s a few over there.”
“Yes, I can clearly see that.” You giggled, shaking your head and gently shrugging out of his grip so that you could walk over to one of the clean booths and reserve a spot. You also made sure to take the drinks with you, since your feathered boyfriend was going to have his hands full with the chicken. A few people turned and looked at you with a wide-eyed expression, not expecting for someone such as Hawks to be so close to you.
Was it that odd for a pro to be seen out in public with another person?
What was a few minutes to everyone else felt like hours to you, as the gossiping continued. It didn't make you completely uncomfortable, per se, but you were glad to finally see him coming over. Keigo nearly drooled into the bucket as he carried it over to the table, eyes glued to the lid as he ran into other people. 
If it wasn't for said lid, he would have probably devoured the delectable delicacies without you.
"Sorry about that! Had to watch them make it fresh, but boy was it worth the wait!" He pulled the lid off the chicken and licked his lips. "You look like you've just seen a ghost. What's up?"
"Kei, have you looked around us?" You grabbed a few napkins and grabbed a piece of chicken, biting into it. The flavor was amazing, but accidentally biting into the bone wasn't. "Almost the entire restaurant has been staring in this general direction the entire time you were up there."
"Oh. Well, maybe this will help them to remember?" 
Leaning forward with a trademark grin tugging on the corners of his lips, he captured your lips in a chaste kiss, causing the people around you to gasp and take out their phones in awe (if they weren't already).
"Yeah, this is my girlfriend, Y/N. We just wanted to eat together, so if you can… we would appreciate it if you left us alone. At least until we're done eating." Keigo's voice boomed throughout the vicinity, causing others to look away and go back to their own business, although reluctantly. You were just glad that you weren't being observed much now, being able to focus most of your attention across the table to your boyfriend. He stroked his chin as he too picked up chicken, devouring the first piece in no time flat. "So, how was your day?"
"It was really good, actually!"
"How so?" 
"Because today is our anniversary, and that's all I could think about. Nothing could ruin it, not even the onlookers. This is our day, of course." You held out your hand on the table, palm facing upwards. "Even though you had to work earlier."
"Sorry, dove. If I could have got today off to spend with you, I would've." His hand snaked on top of yours, calloused palm rubbing against your own. Leaning against the back of the booth, he chuckled. "But look at the bright side, you get me for the rest of the night!"
"I know! I'm really excited to spend tonight with you, especially since you've been busy lately." 
Keigo’s expression turned grim. Did I say something wrong?
"What can I say, being a hero doesn't allot much free time, especially when you’re a high rank like I am.”
The table went silent, and you didn’t really know what to say to alleviate the awkwardness. You both watched each other eat, eyes looking away only to check the time once. It wasn’t terribly late, but the sun was starting to set in the distance. Even though there were lights to brighten up the streets, there was always a pit in your stomach when you went out during the night. Keigo could only do so much to alleviate your nerves.
“Maybe we should get going, Kei.” You stood up, brushing any lingering crumbs off your pants. “If we stay too long, it might be harder to get back to the apartment.”
“Fair point.” Keigo grabbed a few napkins and cleaned around his mouth, making sure that he didn’t look like a completely messy person. Rolling his shoulders back after sitting for so long, you could hear a subtle crack from the tension gathered in his shoulder blades. “I’m sure we’ll be on the news tomorrow.”
“I don’t doubt it. But I guess I don’t mind, either.” 
The bucket previously filled with fried chicken was left with nothing but bones, darkened grease stains collected at the bottom from the mess. You didn’t even have to ask for him to throw it away; he was already on his way to trash it as soon as you made the observation. His head gestured towards the exit, acting as if you had forgotten that you were leaving in the first place. As you walked towards him, you couldn’t deny the looks that you were yet again getting. Were they judging you? You didn’t have the slightest clue.
All you wanted to go was get back to the apartment and spend time with Keigo. 
Breathing a sigh of relief, you pushed the door open before your feathered boyfriend could even think about it and walked straight outside. “Finally, it doesn’t feel like I’m getting stalked…”
“Babe, you weren’t getting stalked.” Keigo took your hand in his and squeezed it for reassurance. “If I saw anyone who was, though, I wouldn’t hesitate involving myself.” 
You smiled, leaning into him slightly. His protective side always seemed to take over whenever you were uncomfortable, and you were thankful that he cared that much about you. 
“Thank you, Kei. Really. You don’t have to do so much for me, though, since I know if you involved yourself that you could lose your job.”
“Damn, you always hit it right on the nail. You just want me to stay out of trouble, don’tcha?” He leaned down to kiss you on the cheek, his stubble rubbing against your face. The way it touched your face tickled, causing you to laugh slightly. Keigo noticed this and did it again just to get a reaction. “You like that, love?"
Humming in both acknowledgement and satisfaction, you pulled your head away. "I like it, but you're making it harder to stay on the side of the road away from traffic, as well as making it take longer to get back to the apartment.”
“It doesn’t take that long to get home, relax! I wouldn’t let you get hit by a car anyways.” 
It wasn’t long before the two of you had made it to your shared apartment. It was odd, since Keigo usually insisted on flying the two of you over there so that you wouldn’t have to walk, but he more than likely knew that you wanted to take the time to get there. The air outside was crisp, and you wanted to take every second that you could to breathe it all in. That was one thing that you could appreciate together, since your winged partner usually flew in the not-so-clean areas of the city to get from place to place.
Taking out your key, you unlocked the door. The place somewhat reeked of the stench of alcohol, given that he liked to drink every once in a while to cool off for the day. You never really partook in it, given that it wasn’t in your best interest to do so, but you respected his choice and let him do what he wanted. Your sneakers were left at the genkan as you slid on a pair of slippers, walking down the hallway to your bedroom to change for the evening. Keigo and you never discussed exactly what you were going to be doing that evening, so you were a bit clueless. Maybe the two of you were going to sit down and watch a movie together? 
Whatever the case was, you just wanted to get out of your everyday clothes and into a nice set of pajamas. You were more than likely going to take a shower in the morning, since you wanted to spend every free moment you had with Keigo. Before you knew it, a hand that didn’t belong to you was creeping up your waist as you slid your shirt off.
“Hey, baby. I know you said you wanted to spend some quality time together tonight, so I thought that maybe we could spend it in the bedroom?” Keigo’s usually chipper tone sounded husky in your ear, his head resting on your bare shoulder as his hand continued to move upwards and cup your covered breast. “How does that sound, my little dove?”
You tried so hard not to unravel, but the way he spoke to you, the way his growing hardness was pressing against the small of your back… there wasn’t anything else in the world you wanted other than him. Eyes clouded over with lust, you nodded, swallowing any form of knot you had in your throat.
“Yes, I’d like that.” 
His lips were on your bare skin in a mere second, biting on the flesh and sucking hard enough to cause hickeys. Keigo wasn’t even at your most erogenous zones, yet he was already causing you to moan from mere contact. He just had that kind of effect on you. A pooling heat gathered at your core, and you were desperate to have him.
Your lower body was still fully clothed, being caught off surprise by the assault on your upper than you had no time to slip them off. You tried moving your hand down to take them off, but your lover’s free hand caught you. His head lifted off of your body and moved back to its regular position.
“Let me do that, love. You get on the bed.” 
Obeying like a servant did for their master, you walked backwards onto your bed and laid there, waiting for Keigo to make his move. He didn’t disappoint, as he followed your lead, hovering over your form. His hands made quick work of first removing your bra, letting your breasts free of their prison as he threw the garment to the side of the room without a second thought. You felt naked and exposed, but that was something that you were used to when it came to intimate encounters with your boyfriend. 
The only thing separating you from him was your underwear and pants, which were next on his agenda. He wanted to make sure that you were getting ready to take him in, and since you seemed to be eagerly awaiting more physical contact, he lowered his head and ran his tongue around your nipple. Simultaneously, he was removing your lower clothing and slowly exposing your sex to the open air, but all you could focus on was him. You already felt like you were going to burst from just this alone, but you knew that wouldn’t be fair to him. 
His mouth left soon after you were completely stripped naked, licking his lips and grinning like a maniac. 
“If you want me so bad, come here and suck me.” Keigo took hold of his zipper and teasingly tugged down on it, letting go when he was done and pulling his pants off. His boxers clearly outlined the shape of his erection, which was throbbing in anticipation for what was to come. Sitting up and moving forward, your hands moved to his waistband and pulled them down, his member springing up into close proximity to your face. His hands were placed on either side of your face as he looked down at you. “Go on, then.”
Obeying, you opened your mouth and wrapped it around his member, swirling your tongue around a few times to taste the already eminent precum dripping out. You could tell he wanted to push your head in to take him in fully, but you wanted to slowly, teasingly edge your way to that point. He let out a small groan, something that meant you were doing your job correctly. Having decided that enough was enough, you started to slowly ease his cock into your mouth. 
You felt his hips buck towards your mouth, forcing the rest of him down your throat and nearly causing you to choke. He wasn't doing this to make you uncomfortable. He just wants you that bad. A rhythm soon came as you began to bob your head up and down, using your tongue as well to help stimulate Keigo. 
"Oh, fuck…" There was no hiding his groans, as even the neighbors were more than likely able to hear because of his loud and dramatic temperament. 
How much was enough, though?, you thought. It seemed as though this could go on forever, and yet there was a part of you that wasn't being attended to… and it made you stop, removing yourself with a loud pop. Even though Keigo’s hands were on the side of your head, he didn’t try to force you to swallow him again.
"Something… wrong?” He said through grit teeth, trying his best to stay calm in this situation. “You stopped.”
“Just… just put it inside of me already.” Laying back on the bed yet again, you spread your legs open for him and looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to make up his mind. Keigo stroked himself as he approached you, lips meeting yours for a tender yet hungry kiss. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him, but wanted you to be able to tell him that you were ready to take him yourself.
“I don’t know. You sure you’re not just all talk and no show?” He positioned himself in front of your entrance and whispered in your ear, “Are you ready, my little dove?”
“Yes. Don’t hold back. Please fuck me…”
That’s all it took for him to push all the way inside of you in one swift motion. A moan escaped from your lips, and you wrapped your arms around his neck as he started to thrust into you at a relatively fast pace, the slap of skin and moans the only thing that could be heard throughout the room. There was not going to be any stopping or slowing down soon as he plowed into you almost animalistically. 
“Fucking hell, babe…" Keigo groaned, his pace staying the same but his thrusts became more pronounced. 
"You're… so good at this, Kei…" 
"Really? Heh… couldn't tell if I was or not."
You could feel the knot growing yet again in your core, your release coming soon. There was no way to tell at this moment if Keigo was in the same position that you were, but you hoped that he would say or give a signal that he was ready. Hands went back to your breasts, teasing your nipples and pinching them, causing you to both moan and scream in pleasure. 
"Feel good?" He said, face scrunching up. " 'cause I know that I do. You… about ready for me?" 
"Y-Yes, oh God, yes-"
You weren't able to contain yourself anymore as you felt your back arch off the bed, waves of pleasure filling your entire body. At the same exact time, you could feel Keigo's throbbing member release loads inside of you, mixing together with your juices as he was sheathed all the way inside of your walls. The synchrony that connected the two of you was amazing, and caused the two of you bliss beyond your wildest imagination. 
"Damn…" Keigo pulled out of you, breathing heavily as he watched his semen flow out of your entrance, but also spreading your fold apart in order to see the full show. "You got me all riled up, love."
"I think you brought it on yourself, Kei…" You took a deep breath and looked down at him, curious expression on his face. "Can you at least clean up your mess?"
"You mean our mess?"
"Fine, our mess, just... please, before it gets all over the bed."
He got up, going over to the other side of the room to grab a box of tissues quickly and started to wipe away the residual cum; thankfully, none of it had dripped onto the sheets. Keigo was always attentive to you, and tonight he wanted to make extra sure that you were taken care of. 
"So, what do you want to do now? The rest of the evening awaits us." He chuckled, throwing the tarnished tissues away and flopping onto the bed beside you. "Movie? More food? Round two?"
"I think I want to just... sleep here with you. I'm too tired to move."
"There's nothing I'd rather do more."
Your feathered boyfriend snuggled up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he buried his face into your neck. The events of tonight all started to weigh down on you as you tried your hardest to stay awake, just for his sake. But it was no use, as you felt your eyes betray you and close on their own. The last words you heard whispered in your ear was a goodnight from Keigo. 
"Good night and sweet dreams, my little dove." 
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bookishlyjules · 4 years
2021 Anticipated Releases - The Books I Currently NEED In My Life!
I’ve never actually done a TBR check, or waiting on list, but these 2021 releases made me think long and hard about how I need to be sharing my excitement for them to come into the world!
1. You Have a Match - Emma Lord
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By NO surprise at all, the first book I’m excited for is Emma Lord’s second title YOU HAVE A MATCH! I absolutely loved Tweet Cute (and still claim to be it’s number 1 fan) so knowing Emma is coming out with another title made me shake from excitement!
“A new love, a secret sister, and a summer she'll never forget. When Abby signs up for a DNA service, it’s mainly to give her friend and secret love interest, Leo, a nudge. After all, she knows who she is already: Avid photographer. Injury-prone tree climber. Best friend to Leo and Connie…although ever since the B.E.I. (Big Embarrassing Incident) with Leo, things have been awkward on that front. But she didn’t know she’s a younger sister.”
Edit: I wrote this list without posting it and I have since read YOU HAVE A MATCH and it met all of my expectations and MORE! And lucky news for you it’s OUT NOW! (full review coming soon!)
2. We Can’t Keep Meeting Like This - Rachel Lynn Solomon
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Another book that should not surprise anyone is Rachel Lynn Solomon’s next YA book, WE CAN’T KEEP MEETING LIKE THIS! 
“A wedding harpist disillusioned with love and a hopeless romantic cater-waiter flirt and fight their way through a summer of weddings” 
sign me UP!
3. Last Chance Books - Kelsey Rodkey
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A first DEBUT on my list is LAST CHANCE BOOKS by Kelsey Rodkey! If you are on Book Twitter this name will sound familiar and we finally get a chance to read something from an up and coming star. 
“Don’t you just love the smell of old books in the morning?
Madeline Moore does. Books & Moore, the musty bookstore her family has owned for generations, is where she feels most herself. Nothing is going to stop her from coming back after college to take over the store from her beloved aunt.
Nothing, that is—until a chain bookstore called Prologue opens across the street and threatens to shut them down.
Madeline sets out to demolish the competition, but Jasper, the guy who works over at Prologue, seems intent on ruining her life. Not only is he taking her customers, he has the unbelievable audacity to be… extremely cute.
But that doesn’t matter. Jasper is the enemy and he will be destroyed. After all—all’s fair in love and (book) wars.”
I’m getting such ‘Recommended for You’ vibes and I canNOT wait to dive right in!
4. Hot British Boyfriend - Kristy Boyce
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The cover and title were really enough to seal the deal for me needing this book TBH.
“After a horrifying public rejection by her crush, Ellie Nichols does what any girl would do: she flees the country. To be more precise, she joins her high school’s study abroad trip to England. While most of her classmates are there to take honors courses and pad their college applications, Ellie is on a quest to rebuild her reputation and self-confidence. And nothing is more of a confidence booster than getting a hot British boyfriend”
5. Cool for the summer - Dahlia Adler
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Bisexual representation and Jewish representation are all I need to scream YES to this book (doesn’t even matter that it comes out the day after my birthday).
Cool for the Summer is a story of self-discovery and new love. It’s about the things we want and the things we need. And it’s about the people who will let us be who we are.
6. The Ex Talk - Rachel Lynn Solomon
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I mean she’s already on this list once so I had to put her on it again when I found out she was writing her first Romance being published by Berkley! I adore Rachel and her words and I can’t wait to read her older audience stuff. Her YA stuff is already brilliant so I have no doubt this will be magnificent.
“Shay Goldstein has been a producer at her Seattle public radio station for nearly a decade, and she can't imagine working anywhere else. But lately it's been a constant clash between her and her newest colleague, Dominic Yun, who's fresh off a journalism master's program and convinced he knows everything about public radio...”
7. The Intimacy Experiment - Rosie Danan
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This is a follow up to The Roommate which blew my socks off (and many others I’m sure). I’m excited for the Jewish rep and to dive right back into this world!
“Naomi Grant has built her life around going against the grain. After the sex-positive start-up she cofounded becomes an international sensation, she wants to extend her educational platform to live lecturing. Unfortunately, despite her long list of qualifications, higher ed won't hire her. Ethan Cohen has recently received two honors: LA Mag named him one of the city's hottest bachelors and he became rabbi of his own synagogue. Taking a gamble in an effort to attract more millennials to the faith, the executive board hired Ethan because of his nontraditional background. Unfortunately, his shul is low on both funds and congregants. The board gives him three months to turn things around or else they'll close the doors of his synagogue for good. Naomi and Ethan join forces to host a buzzy seminar series on Modern Intimacy, the perfect solution to their problems--until they discover a new one--their growing attraction to each other. They've built the syllabus for love's latest experiment, but neither of them expected they'd be the ones putting it to the test.”
There are SO MANY more books coming out in 2021 that I know this will either be updated or I’ll have to make a whole other post but these are the books that are on the tip of my tongue and I cannot wait to read them!
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sunflowerkiwi93 · 4 years
Now That We’re Done - HS
All Parts: HERE
Summary: A twenty year old dancer, Elizabeth Payne, is recovering from a traumatic past with the help of her older brother, Liam. The two of them have been yearning for peace for quite some time, and when a good friend comes to live with them for the summer they start their journey towards finding it.  Through ups, downs, relapses, and two albums- Liz fights through her own mind to get better.
Warnings: There are mentions of abuse, PTSD, and anxiety throughout every part.  Also- mature content. One of the guys doesn’t turn out to be so great- this story is not intended to give him this image.  This is all purely fiction.
Part Seven
Laying down across my couch the tv played meaningless sitcoms as I scrolled through my phone.  Twitter was alive as I interacted with some of my fans, and I watched the trending hashtags closely like I usually did.
Some people were tweeting questions about my sister, about my sister and Harry and about my sister again.  
Her name hadn’t been out in the world this huge since it happened.  She was posted all over social media, her face across nearly every magazine in the world with trashy articles written about her left and right.  There were a few that steered away from it and supported her, and I personally reached out to those companies to thank them and to help them work on any future projects.
Now that Elizabeth had been spotted three times in the same month, the world didn’t know how to act.
What happened to my sister didn’t die down until a year after it happened.  She went into hiding, we put her into hiding, and made sure she was completely out of the public eye.
A new tweet popped up to the top of my feed.
@julesstevens798: your sister sure knows how to run through your group of friends huh. #liampayneqanda
I stared at it for a moment and watched as a few replies followed it.
@onedxalways54: Shut up!!! U dont know her or them!! Leave her alone. She went through serious shit.
@julesstevens798: so she gets to whore around again with another one direction guy?! seems messed up to me. isnt she fucked up in the head anyway!?
I wanted to block her and throw my phone away, but instead I refreshed the page.  Torturing myself some more.
@camcam_ryannn: @julesstevens798 And Harrys entire album was about Kendall who are we kidding.  One D Always can shut her mouth. Harrys just looking for a fuck. #liampayneqanda
@julesstevens798: @camcam_ryannn and easiest way to get it is to use someone mentally unstable!!!! LOL!!!!
@camcam_ryannn: @julesstevens798 I bet she knows what shes doing too.  How long has it been shes had sex am I right?!?!?
@julesstevens789: @camcam_ryannn lol girl, who knows where shes been and who shes been with!!!!  they probably all slept with her when she lived with them before!!!  probably why she moved in!!!
I stopped myself from reading the thread between those two girls and tossed my phone to the side.  I buried my face into my hands and let out a scream.  Something I could only do when I was completely alone.  My heart was on fire and I could feel it through my entire body.  I jumped up and paced around my living room.  I tried reminding myself that those people online really have no idea what they’re talking about.  They don’t know what's on the inside.  They don’t know how many nights I held my sister as she cried herself to sleep.  
How two years ago I found her lying on my kitchen floor in a ball screaming that she did this to herself with tears streaming down her face.  I couldn’t get her up on my own, I could barely hold myself together. I knew I had to for her sake, so I called Harry.  By the time he got to my house Elizabeth was sitting up with her face against my kitchen cabinets still sobbing as I tried to hold onto her.  Harry ran through the front door, leaving it open behind him, and threw himself to the ground in front of her.  He tried to grab onto her hands and she fought him away.
“Don’t touch me!” She shouted at him, “Don’t come near me!”  Harry sat back and watched her.  He looked all over her and closed his eyes.
“Elizabeth,” He said in a soft voice.  She didn’t acknowledge him, “Elizabeth.” He said again, opening his eyes.
“Stop!” She shouted covering her ears.  I sat back leaning against the cabinet next her and covered my face trying my hardest to hold back my tears.  “Go away,” She demanded, “Go!”
“I’m not leaving,” Harry said in the same tone he spoke in before.
“Please!  Leave!” She shouted, sliding her body down to lay completely on the floor where she was before.  “You shouldn’t be here,” Her voice got quiet but still she cried.  I looked up to Harry who was looking at me with a sad expression and he quickly returned his attention to my sister.  “I shouldn’t be here,” She said quickly and stopped her crying abruptly.
“What are you talking about?” Harry asked, maintaining his gentle voice.  Normally I could handle myself in a situation like this, but it never got this bad.  My hands were shaking as I sat beside my sister unable to comfort her.  She sat up and glanced around the room, not looking at me or Harry.
“I shouldn’t be here,” She whispered.  Her lips were red, her eyes were bloodshot and her skin was pale and washed out.  Her cheeks were stained with tears and her hair was in the same bun it's been in for weeks.  It’d been a month since we’d been home from the tour.
“I don’t... deserve this,” Her hands started to shake.  She tucked her knees into her chest, “I don’t deserve him, he’s so much better without me.  I ruined his life.  I don’t deserve to be here, to have you or anyone,” She looked to me with sad eyes, “Why is life worth it, why should I even try?” I reached over to hold onto her hands a bit too fast and she flinched, jumping away, pinning herself to the cabinet with a crash.  She stared at me with her eyes wide open.  My hands, still out in the air, fell to my lap and I cried.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” I said clearly, “You know me, you know who I am.  I’m not going to hurt you.”  She stared at me, her eyes still wide, and she watched me cry.  We sat that way for a minute.
“No,” She said and swiftly stood up and hurried away from the both of us.  Harry jumped up and chased after her.  I took a deep breath and got up to follow them.  When I turned into the bathroom where they were, Harry had my sister in his arms.  He had his back pressed against the shower with Elizabeth facing away from him sobbing into her arms mumbling something I couldn’t even understand.  Harry, still somehow staying strong, nodded at me and closed his eyes for a second.
“We have to take her,” He whispered and she sobbed again clearly shouting and disagreeing with him into her arms.  I let more tears fall, swallowed my pride and left to grab the car keys.
Harry carried her out to the car clearly strong enough to resist her fighting and he held her against him in the backseat.  No one spoke until the car was in park.  Liz had stopped crying and uncovered her face to look at Harry.  He gave her a soft smile.  She sat up, looked out the window and let out a staggered breath.
“You should just leave me here,” She sniffled and wiped her face with her sleeves.
“We won’t be doing that,” Harry said firmly.  She looked at him, then to me, then to Harry and began to cry again.
“Come on,” She fell back toward his chest and with that we brought her out of the car and into the hospital and stayed with her there overnight.
I fell back into the sofa and sunk into the cushions directing my attention to the TV.  I did tap on my phone once to check the time.  It read 8:07.  I frowned at it, crossed my arms over my chest and looked at the TV again.  Tapping my right foot against the floor I did my best to fight the urge of calling Harry.  He and my sister had been out since about 10 o’clock this morning.  He told me they’d be home before the sunset, but that timeframe was quickly coming to a close.  I hadn’t heard from either of them all day.  I had actually planned for nothing to do for the sole purpose of being free to answer my sister's calls, but I assume she’s fine.  The moment I reached for my phone ready to call him, the front door swung open.  Harry waltzed in with my sister under his arm and they were laughing.  I watched them quietly.  Elizabeth twisted herself around and wrapped her arms around Harry's back, her face in line with his chest.  He was incredibly taller than her.  Her chin was tilted up and she was smiling at him.  His arms fell around her as he smiled back and touched his forehead to hers. He whispered something to her and she blushed.  He whispered to her again and she grinned.  Their eyes never parted.
She said something to him and he took a second to answer.  Whatever he said to her made her frown, but he quickly said something right after to make her laugh.  She pushed him away shaking her head.
“Harry!” She nearly snorted.  I clicked the TV off and their heads turned to me in shock, both their mouths fell open.
“Hi,” I said happily and a little uneasy.  Elizabeth hesitated a moment but then she hurried her way in the living room to hop on the couch beside me.  Her face was glowing and her smile was beaming.  Her hair and makeup weren’t as done up as they were when she left this morning, but she looked beautiful.  She leaned into me for a hug.  Pulling her in I saw Harry over her shoulder watching us with his hands in his pockets.  He gave me a small smile, and I pulled away from Elizabeth before I thought about returning it back to him.  My mind still influenced by Twitter.
“How was your day?” I asked giving her my full smile and attention.  Harry looked unsure to me as he slummed his way around the other couch to sit down.  My eyes didn’t deter from my sister.  Elizabeth talked for fifteen minutes about the day they had, Harry chiming in now and then to answer her questions and to clarify things for me.  The coffee they had, the records they bought, the hats they tried on, the drums that she played, the ice cream and the dinner they ate.
“I asked if we could walk the rest of the way home once we turned the corner to our neighborhood,” Her eyebrows raised.
“You know where that is?” I questioned pulling a face.  She nodded.
“Course I do.  I don’t forget Liam,” She poked a finger to my chest, “We got out of the car and walked,” She sighed, her eyes closing, “The air was wonderful.  To be outside at that hour surrounded by nothing but green.” Glancing to Harry, his elbow was on the arm of the sofa with his head resting in his hand.  He was gazing at her with a smile.
“It was so... ethereal.” She let out a breath as if she’d been holding it in.  Harry and I were both surprised by her choice of words.
“You’ve been spending too much time with him,” I joked pointing to Harry.  Elizabeth covered her mouth and laughed.  She looked over her shoulder at Harry, the two of them smiling, and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.  I cleared my throat gently to break the silence and Elizabeth turned to me.
“I think I might go call Kens, is that okay?” She asked. I looked at her confused.
“You don’t have to ask,” I told her, “Are you okay?” My mind trickled back to Twitter.
“Yeah!” She breathed, “I just want to tell her about today that’s all.” Her smile was still on her face.  Harry and I both let her go off to her room.  Harry watched her all the way until she turned the corner of the hallway.
“So,” I started and waited for him to look back at me.  I took a much needed deep breath, “It was a good day, yeah?” Harry sat forward, elbows to his knees, and looked me in the eye.
“You have the greatest sister,” He said, his voice quiet, “She and I had the best day I’ve had in a long time.  Unbelievable to think of where she was just last year, mentally.” The use of that word threw my mind for a spin.  I looked down at my feet and continued to listen.
“She went a lot longer than I thought she was going to.  I thought after the record store we would’ve been done and coming back,” He scoffed, “I was very wrong.”  I nodded along my eyes looking at him again.
“Liam,” He leaned forward a tiny bit more, “She was singing in the car, she was dancing to the music in the car, she was acting like she was when she was eighteen.” His voice was low.  A smile snuck onto my face.
“I couldn’t tell you what’s happening,” I said truthfully, “She’s...” My voice trailed off.
“Getting better,” Harry finished my thought.  We looked at each other with a smile before his fell.  He sat back on the couch and looked at his lap.  He looked like he had something to say.  Now was my time to lean forward, elbows to my knees.  His eyebrows were low as his eyes flickered to find mine.
“What?” I asked softly with a hint of big brother in it.  Harry licked his lips and took a breath.
“We kissed in the park on the way home,” He spoke guiltily softly.  I felt a tinge of anger.  As a brother you don’t really want to hear those things about your sister especially from one of your good friends, and with the situation we’re in here at home I didn’t know how to take it.  We sat in silence.  The sound of Elizabeth's feet came barreling down the hallway.  Harry and I both sat up straight to see her.  She hightailed her way into me and nearly fell on top of me.
“Kens!” She exclaimed, “She’s so happy!  She’s calling you tomorrow, Liam.  I feel so great,” She held her chest breathing heavily, “Gosh, I can’t catch my breath.” She groaned, immediately looked to Harry and the two of them shared a laugh.
“Alright, well tell her I’m looking forward to it,” I grinned.  She said goodnight to Harry and I, and popped her phone into my hands without thinking twice about it and walked back toward her room.
“I was on twitter not too long ago,” I started.  Harry's head turned to me, “And I read some things I didn’t need to read.”
“Oh no, Liam,” Harry giggled a bit, “Don’t you remember the first rule from media training!” He joked and I could remember those days of sitting in a room for hours learning the ways.  I talked over my laughter.
“I do, trust me, but as a brother I had to forget that rule.”
“How long ago was it on there?” Harry asked, pulling his phone out.
“Harry, you don’t have to-“ I started to say but he found it quick.  He pulled a face.
“No, no,” He stated.  His eyes continued to read and they shot open wide, “This is disgusting!” He shouted.  I shushed him for Elizabeth’s sake.
“I know.  It’s terrible,” I agreed.  Harry tossed his phone on the coffee table not even bothering to lock it.
“Alright Liam Payne Q and A,” He scooted to the end of the couch he was on to get closer to mine, “What do you have to say about them, because I know something is coming.” Harry squinted his eyes.  I know he’s waiting for me to get angry, and for me to throw a fit.  He’s waiting for me to blame him.  To put all of this on him as if he wrote those tweets himself because that’s how I used to treat this stuff.  I brought my hand to the back of my neck and shook my head.
“It’s not her’s, nor is it your fault those tweets were written,” I said.  Harry scoffed, telling me I was right, “It just makes me upset that people could think those things about her... and you.”  Harry shrugged.
“That’s been our lives, Liam,” He explained, “Every person we’re seen with, every place we go, everything we say.  All of it is always twisted, always pulled out of proportion.  Everything everyone knows about us is not even half true.”
“Yeah,” I bobbed my head.
“Don’t let teenagers on twitter affect you or your life.  You’ve come so far with your sister and you know her heart.  You know who she’s been with and where she’s been.  Right?”  He schooled me.
“Right,” I answered.
“Right!” He exclaimed, “I kissed your sister, but I swear I won’t do it again nor will I lay a finger on her until I know you’re going to be okay.” He stated looking me straight in the eye.  I could see the heat in his face, the passion behind his words.  He spoke from his heart, he always has.  With everything in me I trusted him.  He’s stuck with us for so long, and he keeps coming back.  He comes back to see her.  He came back to help me take care of her on multiple occasions.  Looking at our past it was clear his heart was always there at the frontline.  He was just about to leave me and I stopped him in his tracks.
“Harry,” I said, lifting a hand to make him pause.  He sat back down and waited.  Folding my hands together I held them on top of my forehead, “I think... you need to...” Harry shook his head and shot me a crazy look.
“What?” He asked in a funny voice.
“I think you need to let it happen,” I said looking him in the eyes.  He stared back at me in shock, and I could tell he had a smile in there somewhere.
“Really?” He whispered, not making a move.
“Yes,” I answered swiftly ignoring the darker side of my mind, “It’s clear you’re both... in love.” I thought of another word to use but there wasn’t one.
“She is?” He was still whispering and had barely moved.
“Oh, she hasn’t said anything?” I questioned, but smirked, knowing what I just did.
“No, neither of us said anything.”
I ran a hand under my chin and nodded.
“Interesting,” I said mysteriously.  Harry still sat there frozen staring at me, “Harold, get it together.” I laughed, clapping my hands together.  He didn’t move but his smile grew larger and larger.
“Thanks Liam,” He said, and with that he left the room and started down the hall to his room.  He and Elizabeth both turn left at the end of the hallway to get to their rooms, and I’m the only one who makes a right.  Letting that information marinate in my brain for a moment, it actually didn’t bother me as much as I thought it was going to.  He got to the end and I’m pretty sure I watched him fist bump himself a ‘hell yeah’ as he turned the corner.  I found my phone and held it up to unlock it.  I quickly swiped out of twitter and went into my messages where I had two waiting for me from Kens.
K-Evening!  It seems as though our girl has had a lovely day.  I’d like to call you tomorrow for you and I to chat a bit about it.
K- Elizabeth told me you were okay with a call.  I’ll be in touch tomorrow!
I didn’t bother to explain why I hadn’t answered, she knew I was home with Elizabeth and Harry.  I sent her a thumbs up, locked my phone and started for my bedroom.  Glancing to my left when I got to the end of the hallway, Harry's door was shut but my sisters was open.  She always left her door open at night.  I stepped to it quietly and peeked my head in.  Instead of curling up into a ball like she usually did, she had both her hands over her head and she was laying on her back with her knees tucked in.  She looked insanely at peace.  I blew her a kiss and went to bed.
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keep calm and let HR handle it [I/VI]
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Rey managed to go a full year without ever directly interacting with her new CEO, but now it seems like he’s dropping by her office every single week.
(Because what else is a love-struck fool to do when he falls for his head of HR other than find reasons to visit her department?)
OR: five times Ben gets summoned down to HR, and one time Rey gets called into the CEO’s office, based on this prompt from @optimisticsprinkles: "Rey as the director of HR at [office] and Kylo/Ben starts finding reasons to be sent down to HR".
Hello, friends! I’m officially back from hiatus with a one-shot that somehow stretched into a six-part fic. Here’s hoping I’m not too rusty! Anyway, please enjoy the office shenanigans of CEO Ben and head of HR Rey as they go from colleagues to friends to lovers.
Chapter 2 Also available on AO3. And hey, maybe check out my Twitter and Ko-fi?
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Office Conduct
Dear Mr. Solo,
This department has been contacted by several concerned individuals regarding your conduct this afternoon. Attached please find my schedule for the next two weeks; I would appreciate it if you could drop by my office for a meeting between us at your earliest convenience.
Warm regards, Rey Niima, Head of Human Resources, The Organa Foundation.
 To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Office Conduct
Dear Ms. Niima,
As I’m sure you’re aware, I’m quite busy handling the fall-out of today’s events. My only availability this month would be at 5PM this Friday. Of course, I don’t expect you to stay after hours for a meeting. Perhaps we should reschedule for next month?
Best regards, Ben Solo, Chief Executive Officer, The Organa Foundation.
 To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Office Conduct
Dear Mr. Solo,
I look forward to seeing you on Friday, in that case.
Warm regards, Rey Niima, Head of Human Resources, The Organa Foundation.
 It’s a little… surreal, Rey thinks, that she’s managed to avoid her new CEO for a whole year only to have their first in-person encounter revolve around her telling her boss off for throwing a temper tantrum.
She’s still a little hung up on the boss part, but Rose and Kaydel had pretty much forced her to send that email on Wednesday after news of the morning’s events started spreading like wildfire.
“This is exactly what HR is for!” Kaydel had insisted.
“If anyone else thrashed their office and made their assistant piss their pants in fear, you’d definitely call them in,” Rose had pointed out.
The keyword being anyone else, Rey had attempted to argue. The chain of command is clear, after all, in that the CEO sits at the very top of it, while the head of HR falls somewhere around the middle at best. But her team had refused to take no for an answer, and so here she is, two days later, anxiously waiting for her boss to arrive so that she can… gently scold him for his inappropriate behavior? Drop hints about anger management? Make pointed comments about the cost of replacing office supplies and furniture?
Rey has had two whole days to prepare for this meeting, and she still feels like she’s walking into it completely blind. She’s spent every free moment since Solo’s reply quizzing her friends and coworkers about him, only to somehow end up with even more questions about her boss than she had to begin with.
Paige thinks that Ben Solo is intimidating, but also shy. Finn says he’s intense and result-driven, but he tries to keep things light in the office. Poe swears he’s seen some of the scariest people in the business leave Solo’s office in tears, but Wednesday’s outburst was the first time anyone in the building had actually witnessed his legendary anger issues.
An okay boss, the consensus seems to be. Nowhere near as loved and respected as his predecessor and mother, but also nowhere near as bad as all of them had feared when it was announced that the COO of their sworn enemy was jumping ship to return to the family business.
It’s this reassurance that Rey clings to when the dreaded knock on her door comes at exactly 5PM. At least he’s punctual, even for a meeting he obviously tried his best to evade. Joke’s on him, though, because now they’re both wasting their Friday evening when they could have had this meeting at a perfectly normal working hour instead.
“Come in,” Rey calls out, and it instantly occurs to her how strange it is that she’s giving the CEO permission to enter her office. How in the world is she supposed to build up to the telling him off part?
Said CEO strides into her office with his eyes firmly fixed upon his phone and a furrow between his brows. “I apologize, Ms. Niima, but I have a previous engagement scheduled for forty-five minutes from now so we’re going to have to make this–”
He stops short as soon as he looks up from his phone and at her, and usually Rey would break the ice by asking if she has something on her face or in her teeth but… she’s equally at a loss for words, it seems.
Because here’s the thing: Rey thought she knew what Ben Solo looks like. After all, she’d seen him from a distance the day of Leia’s retirement party, when he was first announced as his mother’s successor, and sometimes their paths cross and she spies him down the hallway or across a room. But distance… distance does not do Ben Solo justice.
He’s tall, but she’d figured as much just from seeing him tower over literally everyone else in the office. Broad too, but she vaguely recalls Poe once insisting to a skeptical Finn that Ben Solo is shredded, so that’s no surprise.
But up close like this, what strikes Rey the most is his eyes. She’d forgotten – or maybe never even realized – that he has Leia’s eyes. It’s disconcerting to see that familiar glint of quiet determination lost in a sea of something she’s unable to name, something she only recognizes because like calls to like.
Rey shakes that thought off and snaps herself out of it, just in time to stand up and take Solo’s hand as he reaches for hers.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Ms. Niima,” he says, and Rey has to force herself to concentrate on his words rather than the smile that frames them. “I’ve heard so much about you, especially from my mother.”
She blurts out the first thing that comes to mind, still holding his hand. “It’s Rey. Um, I mean – please, call me Rey. No one calls me by my last name.” It’s not even hers, not really, but this is a HR meeting with her boss, not a heart-to-heart with her best friend.
“Same here,” he says with a shrug, and somehow they let go of each other to settle into their seats at the same moment. “Just Ben will do.”
Rey knows for a fact that a lot of people call him by his last name – nearly everyone, in fact, with the exception of Poe and his preferred boss man – but that’s not what they’re here to talk about, and she’s not going to let herself get derailed – not by tiny details like what he prefers to go by or the way the corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles at her or how cramped he makes her rather spacious office feel.
She turns her attention to the clock hanging above her door instead – a kitschy little thing Rose brought back as a souvenir from a trip once – and is rudely reminded of the circumstances surrounding their meeting. It is 5PM on a Friday evening, and she should be at the company’s weekly happy hour over at Maz’s instead of dealing with her misbehaving boss. It’s a much-needed reminder, one Rey keeps in mind as she dives straight into it.
“Okay, Ben. Since you’re in a hurry, let’s get right to it. Could you talk me through the events of Wednesday morning?” She’s always been a no-nonsense, straight to the point kind of person, but Rey feels a brief flash of regret for her bluntness when the smile on Ben’s face suddenly disappears, only to be replaced by a perfect mask of… nothing.
“Right. Wednesday.” He clears his throat and drops his eyes down to his hands, laced together on the other end of her desk, and Rey watches in mild concern as this huge man seems to curl in on himself. “Look, it was… it was not my best moment, that’s for sure.”
He looks up then, carefully meeting her eyes, and Rey encourages him to go on with a wordless nod and the listening face she’s spent all her time in HR perfecting.
It works like a charm, every time. “I’ve been trying so hard,” Ben says quietly, still facing her even as his eyes occasionally dart away, “ever since I got here, and it’s been a whole year so I thought maybe things really had changed, maybe I’d changed, but then… then Wednesday happened, and fu- freaking Armitage Hux just had to swoop in and ruin everything for us, and I just…” He brings one hand up to run his fingers through his hair in an agitated manner, while the other clenches into a fist. This time, when his eyes move over her shoulder to stare out her window, they stay there.
“Of course Hux was the one to ruin everything. It’s always– maybe he brings out the worst in me. Maybe it’s just FO as a whole. Or maybe I’m just an asshole making excuses–”
His speech is getting faster, his breathing harder, and Rey looks down to find the fingers curled into a fist pressing so hard into his palm it looks like they might cut crescents into his skin.
It’s instinct, the way she reaches out for him without a moment’s thought or hesitation, the way she places her hand on top of his to soothe and comfort.
“Ben,” she says quietly, firmly.
And his eyes immediately snap back to hers.
“Sorry,” he says, the tension seeping out of his shoulders and eyes and jaw, leaving him looking rather like a deflated balloon. “Sorry, I just… I’m guessing you’ve heard about my experience with First Order?”
Who hasn’t heard the tale of how Ben Solo nearly gave his mother a heart attack when he chose to work with her mortal enemy right out of college? Who hasn’t heard all the whispered horror stories about his notoriously short fuse and his cold, unfeeling way of doing business and his complete lack of passion and principles?
Except… that’s in the past, all of it. And in the entire year that Ben Solo has served as CEO of the Organa Foundation, this is the very first incident she’s heard of. So Rey decides to go easy on him, especially in light of what he just said – or ranted – about trying to change.
“Bits and pieces,” she claims, a white lie.
Ben pulls his hand away from hers with a nod. “Enough to know what kind of person I was,” he assumes. “It’s probably true, everything you’ve heard. Especially the worst parts. But I meant what I said, about trying. That’s really not who I am anymore.”
He hangs his head in shame.
“Or at the very least, it’s not who I want to be anymore.”
Rey almost wishes his hand were still in hers, just so she could give him a little supportive squeeze. “One slip-up doesn’t undo a whole year of hard work, Ben,” she says instead, as gently as she can. “And given that this is the first time you and I have had to sit down, I’d say you’ve been doing pretty well this past year.”
It occurs to her, as she waits for him to absorb her encouragement and look up again, that this is not at all how she’d expected this meeting to go. First of all, she’s supposed to be scolding him, not comforting him. And secondly… this is her boss, not some overworked newbie stressing out about their first project. Absolutely no one is going to believe she ended up spending her meeting with the notorious Ben Solo as some kind of motivational coach instead.
But then he looks up at her with a smile – a small, soft thing – and suddenly… suddenly Rey’s okay with all of it.
“Thank you. That… that means a lot. And I’m sorry, for all of this… babbling. I don’t know what came over me, I don’t usually open up to people like this–“
“It’s a HR thing,” Rey quickly assures him, even though she can count the number of people who’ve actually broken down and opened up to her during a meeting on one hand. She just… she doesn’t want him to be uncomfortable.
Except she might’ve just made things uncomfortable with that reminder of the roles they’re supposed to play, the professional boundaries that should be in place.
Ben stills for a moment, and then sits up straighter, slides his hands off her desk and out of view. “Right. It’s just part of your job, isn’t it? Anyway, I should get going, there’s a conference call I need to attend to and I’m sure you have plans, what with it being Friday evening and all that–”
Rey watches in a sort of stunned silence as he abruptly stands up and cuts their meeting short, jarred by the sudden switch into exactly the kind of CEO she’d expected him to be. It’s only when he makes to turn his back to her that she snaps out of it.
“Wait, we still have to talk about what you did–“
“It was a mistake,” Ben says, without turning to look at her. “A slip-up, like you said. And it won’t happen again, I promise.” With that, he sweeps out of her office just as suddenly as he’d entered it.
And Rey is left staring at her door, trying to process the weirdest meeting of her life.
. . .
One down, four +1 left to go!
And hey: hello again, friends! It's been a while - more than four months, if anyone's keeping track. My hiatus was long, unexpected, and damaging, because wow is it hard to get back into writing proper fics after four months of nothing but the occasional Twitter fic. I've tried my best to polish this, so hopefully it's not as clunky as I fear it is. And hopefully things will get smoother with each subsequent update, as I remember how this writing thing works.
Until then, thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it, and as always, comments, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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cocochannel00 · 6 years
In which Harry gets into an accident and (Y/n) doesn’t know if he’s ok...... some major angst and fluff ahead
It was finally the weekend and you couldn’t wait to spend the day snuggled up to Harry in your nice warm bed. It was about 9 am when the sunlight finally invaded your room, causing you to wake up. You let out a small groan as you stretched your body out. You began to shift quietly in bed before a pair of arms snaked themselves around your waist and tugged you closer to his chest. Harry buried his head of curls into the crook of your neck and let out a loud grunt.
“Good morning to you too” you mumbled back quietly as you snuggle closer into his embrace.
“Morning love” he whispered back, closing his eyes once more.
“I want to stay like this all day but first I really have to wee” you stated as you tried to untangle yourself from Harry with little success.
“Five more minutes” he mumbled.
“Harry I’m going to piss the sheets, let me go please” you replied back, continuing to struggle.
“We can wash them” he mumbles back before you whack his arm.
“Harold that is disgusting! Let me go H” you replied more firmly as he groaned and released you.
You ran to the bathroom as quickly as you could. Once you were done you went to brush your teeth at the sink. As you were about to put the brush in your mouth Harry’s phone rang.
“Please don’t pick it up, H” you yelled from the bathroom.
“Love it’s Jeff, I have too”  he replied back quietly.
“No H don’t do it. It’s our day off! I want you all to myself... naked under the sheets” you mumbled as you walked back in the room, toothbrush in hand just as Harry picked up the phone with an apologetic smile.
“Hey, Jeff... no no, I was awake don’t worry... yeah what happened?” Harry spoke as you rolled your eyes and walked back to the sink. Once you had finished brushing your teeth you washed your face quickly and headed back to your room only to find Harry putting on a pair of light washed jeans.
“Nooooo Harry you promised not to go anywhere today” you complained as you walked up to him and ran your fingers over his butterfly tattoo.
“I know love, I know but some of the software at the recording studio glitched so I have to go in and record some bits. They need the demo done by Monday” he stated as he held your hands in his, kissing your knuckles and giving you an apologetic smile.
“Harry you always do this. All I asked for was a single day of just you all to myself. I’ve been thinking about this for weeks. I canceled my morning shift to spend the day with you, can’t you do this tomorrow” you replied back, getting upset with him.
See this wasn’t the first time that Harry had ruined your cozy days alone. Last time it was because Mitch had come up with a new bridge that Harry wanted to try out. That time he had been gone nearly the entire day leaving you to sulk around the house and wait for him. You knew something similar was going to happen this time around. Usually, you wouldn’t even be this upset about the situation, but Harry had spent the last month in Tokyo trying to write his new album and you missed him. He was the one that wanted to do the lazy day today which only added to your fury.
“No I can’t (Y/n), Jeff asked me to come in today so I’m going in today. I’ll be back soon, I promise” he tried to reassure you, but you were having none of it.
“Harry, don’t make promises you very well know you aren’t going to keep. I haven’t spent more than a couple hours with you in weeks. I had the whole day set up.” you replied back becoming slightly more agitated.
“I wouldn’t say choosing a movie and having sex is exactly planning the day” he stated as he pulled away from you and shrugged on a t-shirt.
“Well then you can forget about the sex today then since I guess it isn’t important” you replied back as you walked past him and began to strip off the sexy pajamas you were wearing and putting on some comfy clothes.
“(Y/n)... you know that’s not what I meant. You’re being a bit unreasonable and frankly a bit of a bitch.” he retorted as he slipped on his loafers and his hat.
“You know what Harry Styles, fuck you. Go record your song, heck fly back to Japan for all I care. You clearly don’t want to be here” you stated, anger and disappointment boiling in your veins.
“Great maybe I will. Look I’m already late so I’m leaving, don’t wait up for me” he announced as he grabbed his car keys and headed out the door.
You were fuming at the moment and the only thing that could calm you down right now was a cold shower. After your shower, you decided to finally tackle your laundry pile you had been procrastinating for a while. For lunch, you had leftover Chinese food from the night before while watching Friends and by the time 6 rolled around you were tired out from all your pent up anger that day. You decided that you were going to take a power nap so you put your phone on Do Not Disturb and set a timer for an hour. You curled up in your bed with one of Harry’s hoodies as you drifted off to sleep.
Your alarm softly blared in the background as you groggily opened your eyes and began to stretch in bed. Groaning softly you sat up in your bed before walking over to turn off your alarm. After shutting it off you saw about thirty texts from your friends and 10 missed calls from Jeff and Anne. As you were about to call them to see what was happening you got a twitter notification saying that #praysforHarry was trending. Your heart sank into your chest. What had happened? Was he ok? What was going on?
As your heart raced you shakily pressed on Jeff’s contact. The phone rang twice before he finally picked up
“(Y/n) where are you?” Jeff asked frantically.
“I’m- I’m at home. Jeff, what's going on? Harry was supposed to be with you at the studio?” you stated softly, your voice cracking slightly.
“He left early. Said he needed to be quick so he could go back to you. Was on my way home when I got a call from St. Thomas hospital, said I was the emergency contact. Harry was in a car crash, (y/n). Apparently, he was at an intersection and a drunk driver crashed into his car. The drivers dead at the scene. Harry was taken to the hospital and I’m here now, but they won’t tell me anything. Anne is coming but I thought I would-” Jeff but you zoned him out.
Harry. Your Harry. Your Harry was in an accident and you didn’t even know. You were shaking aggressively as you held back sobs.
“(Y/n), (y/n)- hey, are you still with me?” Jeff yelled through the phone, snapping you momentarily from your trance.
“Ye-yeah I’m... I’m here” you whispered as you slowly began to hyperventilate.
“(Y/n) I need you to breathe ok? Gary is going to be outside your house in five minutes so he can drive you here ok? Breathe, just breathe. He’s in good hands, ok? Your friend Jackie said that she was going to be one of the nurses in the operating room and that she would take care of him.” Jeff tried to reassure you.
“He’s- he’s in surgery?” you asked as you tried to calm your breathing down.
“Yeah went in about a half hour ago. Ok, (Y/n), Anne just go here so I’m going to hang up. Gary should be there any minute now, ok? He’ll be fine” Jeff stated before mumbling a quick goodbye and hanging up.
Of course, he had to get hurt today of all days. The only day this entire week that you weren't working at the hospital and the only day the two of you had argued. You cautiously ran your fingers through your hair as a car horn sounded outside. Quickly you slipped on one of Harry’s old sweaters and grabbed your sunglasses from the counter before placing them in your backpack and running out the door.
The car ride to the hospital was quiet as you shuffled through your bag looking for your nurse's badge to get you in the building faster. As Gary pulled up to the front entrance you saw the flashing of cameras through the tinted windows. You put your sunglasses on to block the flash as well as to hide your swollen eyes from all the crying you had been doing on the way here. Gary carefully guided you into the building before you ran into the building before stopping at the secretary's desk.
“Eileen where is he? What room is he in? Where is Harry?” you asked the old woman.
“Oh (Y/n), sweetheart I’m so sorry, Love. Let me check that for you. What’s his last name and date of birth again?” She asked you with a sympathetic smile.
“Styles. Harry Styles. S-T-Y-L-E-S. Birthday is February 1, 1994″ you replied quickly as you fiddled with your badge.
“Ok, love, here we go. He’s currently in operating room 4, no status report I’m afraid, but his private waiting room is room 53c,” she stated softly.
“Thank you, Eileen” you replied as you ran to the elevator.
Once you stepped out onto the fifth floor ran down the corridor and made a left before making to his waiting room. You swiped your card and cautiously walked in. Many of Harry’s closest friends were already in there as you spotted Anne in the corner next to Gemma, a cup of tea untouched in her hand. You made your way to her as she gave you a small teary-eyed smile. You sat next to her, grabbing her hands as you gently placed her tea on the coffee table.
“Anne I- I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have I- I should have just let him go and now he’s here and, and I-” you began as tears streamed down your face.
“Shh (y/n), Oh darling come here,” Anne said as she wrapped you in her arms. “This isn’t your fault love, none of it is. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. You had nothing to do with it” she stated as you continued to argue with her.
You ultimately gave up and ended up curled up next to Anne before Nick came over with a cup of water for you an hour or so later.
“Have you heard anything yet by chance?” Nick asked cautiously as he rubbed a hand up and down your arm. You shook you’re head.
“Jackie texted me saying she would try and get me an update during the operation but nothing yet. I think I’m going to try and go down there in a bit to see” you mumbled as you wiped at your eyes with the sleeves of Harry’s sweater.
“(Y/n) that might not be the smartest choice. Maybe we should wait for the Doctor to update us here” Nick offered.
“No, I can’t wait here not knowing anything. We don’t even know if he was conscious in the ambulance! I’m going down, I’ll be back in a bit” you replied as you gave Anne a quick squeeze before making your way down to the operating room.  
You made it down to the second floor where he was getting operated in before you carefully walked into the seats of the operating theater. There he was. The love of your life laid on the operating table with a breathing tube down his throat as the team of doctors worked on him. You had to cover your mouth to prevent the sobs from coming out. You recognized all the doctors and nurses working on him and you spotted Jackie in the corner grabbing another pint of blood before hooking it to his IV.
You carefully walked over to the speaker before pressing the intercom button.
“Dr. Marcos, it's (Y/n) (Y/l/n), can you tell me how he’s doing?’ you asked cautiously as the man looked up quickly from Harry to see you up in the view dock.
He quickly motioned for Jackie to go up and see you as he pulled down his masked, “He’s in good hands (Y/n), don’t worry.” he stated sending you a small smile before returning back to Harry.
Jackie walked into the room where you stood and wrapped you in a tight hug. You nearly collapsed into her arms as you sobbed.
“Hey, hey (y/n) relax for me, breathe. They’re just finishing up on him. He’s had a bit of a rough time, I won’t lie, but his breathing has been stabilized and we’ve stopped most of the bleeding.” she stated.
“He’s he going to be okay?” you asked her. Jackie gave you a sympathetic look.
“You know I can’t give you that answer. As of now, he’s stable” she mumbled as you squeezed her tighter.
You were about to ask her another question when you heard a chorus of shouts and beeping from the operating room. You saw a flat line on the monitored and nearly felt your own heart stop. Jackie quickly placed you in a chair before running to the speaker and turning off the operating room microphones and putting the black screen up so you couldn’t see anything.
You thought your heart had stopped at that moment until Jackie jerked your arm harshly, grabbing your chin in her hand so that you would face her.
“Listen to me (y/n), ok? He’s in very capable hands right now and they are going to do everything, EVERYTHING they can to save him and help him. He’s a strong man. We both need to have some faith in the doctors, ok? As soon as he’s stabilized again they’ll page me.” she replied as you emotionlessly nodded your head.
As you sat there in the small theater chairs you recalled all your good memories with Harry. Your first date at the tiny record store down the street from your old house, your first kiss on the edge of the boardwalk, your boat ride in Paris, your first Christmas together curled up on the couch watching movies. Every memory you had ever made was quickly coming back to you as you realized that your greatest fear could come true; those could be the last memories of you and Harry. As you lost yourself in thought Jackie’s pager rang, a sigh of relief leaving her mouth.
“He’s stable. They’re finishing up the last stitch right now and he’ll be placed in a recovery room. I told you all you needed was a little faith” Jackie stated with a soft smile as you through yourself into her arms and sobbed.
“He’s ok, he’s ok. Oh thank god, I don’t know what I would have done without him” you mumbled as you tried to catch your breath.
“He is (y/n), don’t worry. Now we're going to clean you up a bit and then would you like to tell everyone upstairs that he’s ok? He’s quite the popular boy” Jackie chuckled as she carefully helped you up.
“Yeah, I can do” you whispered, a small smile on your face as the two of you walked to the closest bathroom.
After washing your face with cold water and Jackie putting some of her concealer under your eyes you gave Jackie a quick hug and let her go see the rest of her patients.  Jackie had given you all the information you were allowed to share with everyone upstairs. Harry had just been moved to his room and was currently fast asleep (would probably still be for a couple of hours) as was currently stable. You walked up the stairs to the fifth floor before carefully knocking on the waiting room door, closing the door behind you softly as you came in. Everyone’s attention turned to you as you gave them a hesitant smile and tried to hide your hands in the sleeves of your sweater.
“Umm, so Harry he- he’s stable. Just got out of surgery and is currently asleep in his room. Can probably visit him in ten minutes. Umm, his umm his heart stopped at one point during the surgery but they were able to resuscitate him. He’s fine now though” you spoke.
Once you were finished talking the crowd of people began to murmur to each other with a mix of relief and worry. Anne ran up to you and squeezed you into a hug before leaving the room with Gemma. You walked over to the table in the corner to get yourself a cup of water as Nick came over and gave your shoulders a tight squeeze.
“Told you he’s strong, (y/n). You both are going to make it through this. I’m going to leave with the rest of our friends so you guys have some space. We’ll come see him tomorrow now that we know he’s ok” Nick states as he placed a kiss on your temple and you gave him a tight hug.
“Thank you, Nick. Thanks for being here, I’ll make sure to tell Harry” you spoke as Nick nodded his head and started to grab his coat. You gave a quick wave to the group leaving the room before taking a seat on the now empty couch.
He was ok. He was going to be fine. Everything is fine. You repeated these three statements to your self in the now empty room until Michael walked in. He gave you a small smile and handed you a cup of coffee you graciously accepted.
“Gemma and Anne are almost done talking to him so if you’d like you can go in” he announced, giving your shoulder a soft squeeze as you sipped at the coffee.
You shakily took a deep breath and stood up carefully from the couch. Putting the cup down you gave Michael a tight hugged and thanked him for being here.
“Harry’s like family to me, I’ll always be here to support him and his family and friends” He replied.
You released him and carefully grabbed your backpack from the room before making your way down the corridor. Hesitantly you knock on his hospital room door before pocking your head in and seeing Anne and Gemma sitting on either side of him. All three of them turned their attention and the minute your eyes locked with Harry’s your eyes teared up.
“Hello, love” Harry whispered, he voice sounding quite hoarse.
A sob left your mouth as you closed the door and dropped your backpack on the floor. He had bandages all over his torso and on the side of his forehead. You could see a cast on his left foot and a large cut on his nose. Your sobs got louder as you stood frozen at the end of the room, hands over your mouth.
“Oii love, come here, (y/n). I’m ok, I promise” Harry whispered as he opened his arms slowly.
Anne carefully moved her chair away from the edge of Harry’s bed and gestured for you to come forward. You slowly walked towards him until you were inches away from his hand. Harry cautious held his hand out to you and you grasped it between your two hands, bringing it up to your lips to place a kiss on his knuckles. He wrapped his free arm carefully around your waist and tugged you closely until you were essentially sitting on his bed. Gemma and Anne said there quick goodbyes before leaving the room. Once they had left you began to speak.
“How- why did you-u... what happened baby?” You asked as Harry made some room for you on the bed.  
“Well I don’t remember much but I know I was trying to come home early so that I could surprise you and apologize for being a wanker. Everything after that is a blur, I remember starting to turn left but then the other car hit my side and everything goes blank” he replies as he fiddles with your fingers.
You nodded your head before bitting your lip and looking down at the cast on his foot.  Harry gently placed his hand under your chin to lift it up so that you would look at him.
“Hey, I’m alright. Everything is just fine. The doctors said that besides the scare in the operating room everything else was much less severe then they expected. All I have to do is take it easy for a bit and-” he started before you cut him off.
“Oh no, I’m putting you on bed rest for at least a week. You’re not moving off our bed mister. Do I make myself clear?” you replied while running your hands softly through his hair.
“Of course Nurse (Y/n), anything for you” he replied back with a small smirk as you softly wack his none injured arm before snuggling into his side.
The two of you laid there in silence for a while as Harry ran his hand through your hair slowly. You had been contemplating whether to ask Harry the question that had been mulling over in your head since you made it to the hospital. You promised yourself that if he made it out of this ok that you wouldn’t hesitate to tell him but now you were chickening out. Harry could sense you progressively getting tenser so he carefully turned onto his side to look at you.
“(Y/n) what’s wrong?” He asked as you bit your bottom lip harder. You stared up at him cautiously before blurting out
“Marry me”
A moment of silence passed between the two of you before Harry smirked and stated, “well I would but last time I checked you're supposed to be in the white gown and not me”.
“Harry I’m serious” you replied back with a stern face, tears threatening to follow as Harry quickly wiped the smirk off his face.
“I know love, I know. I am too. Hey, no tears now, yeah? Can’t have the love of my life in tears” he whispered softly.
“I- I - when I saw you on that table flatlining I just couldn’t stop thinking about all the things we would have missed out on... our wedding, the birth of our kids, graduations, birthdays, holidays together... all of it. And -and I promised myself I would ask you if you made it through and-” you rambled as Harry cut you off with a delicate kiss to your swollen lips, trailing them across your face to kiss your tears away.
“Shh, darling its all over now. My answer yes. Yes I’ll marry you and we're going to buy that house down near Brighton that you love to look at on our way to the beach and we’re going to have the most beautiful and amazing kids and their going to look just like me” he rambled with a smile as you shook your head softly at his antiques.
“Before all that, though I have one request” he announces as you scrunch your eyebrows together.
“What?” you replied back as you stared down into his eyes.
“Got to let me propose properly, yeah? I want to do it right, down on one knee and everything but you got to give me a little time to heal up though... and you got to give me your ring size” he stated sheepishly, a blush rising up to his cheeks.
You smiled brightly at him and gave him a peck on the lips.
“Size 7, but I’m in no rush as long as I have you here with me now” you whispered softly as you brushed back his hair.
“I love you” he whispered to you.
“I love you too Harry” you replied back before kissing his plump lips softly.
So I won’t lie I started writing this like two week ago, but I have been so busy that I just didn’t have a chance to finish and it's probably not my best work but hey it’s done! With that being said I love to hear from you guys so let me know what you think and let me know if you have any requests!!! Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
547 notes · View notes
7-wonders · 5 years
All the Time In the World
Summary: Life has thrown you a few curveballs lately. Between absolute chaos wreaking havoc at your job, being too busy to sleep and your schedule not meshing with Duncan’s, you’re stressed beyond measure. So stressed, in fact, that you don’t notice you miss your period until you’re two weeks late. 
Word Count: 2285
A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this oneshot I cooked up for you! This is tied into the Kiss Me Through the Phone universe, which you can read at my MASTERLIST. Feedback is always appreciated; leave a comment or note in my inbox about what you thought. If you liked this, please like and reblog!
Warnings: Talks of possible pregnancy, mentions of periods/mensuration. 
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The past few weeks have been extremely hectic and stressful for both you and Duncan. President Hale-Underwood had announced her extremely late bid for re-election, sending your workplace into a scramble as everyone attempted to reshape the political landscape now that the current powerhouse was back in the race. It’s been many long nights at the office for you as you research and formulate new statistics, work on creating new graphics for the various media outlets, and interview other candidates from both parties as they react to the incumbent President joining the election race. You’ve been so busy that it’s often easier to just sleep at your apartment lately, that is, if you can even make it back home before falling asleep at your desk. It’s closer to where you work than Duncan’s place, but it’s still difficult sleeping without Duncan.
Life hasn’t been too easy for Duncan, either. Since the Shepherds and the Underwoods have been feuding for years, this announcement has only fueled Annette’s need to ruin Claire. She’s been incredibly tense and, from what Duncan’s told you, five lower-level employees have been fired just this week. When Duncan’s not working on a new app (one that doesn’t involve stealing people’s information, thankfully), he’s being ordered to try and find dirt on the President. It’s a trying time for both of you, and not having Duncan around is really starting to take its toll on you. He’s the same way, so when he persuades you into not giving into your boss’s pleas to work this weekend, you do the same for him.
It’s the first time you’ve slept more than five hours for at least two weeks, not waking up until breakfast was more like brunch. Duncan, having been up first, ordered food from a nearby cafe to be delivered to the apartment. It was an extremely welcome surprise, and sitting at the table, holding hands with your love and just enjoying each other’s presence is much-needed. You sip at your coffee, pulling up the news on your phone when Duncan stands to go and wash the dishes left over from your meal.
Being so entrenched in the news already, there’s not much to read that you haven’t experienced first-hand by now. A politician said something controversial, war in the Middle East, hurricanes in the South: it’s all dated to you. Exiting out of that app, you swipe through your phone to see what else you can check up on. Instagram doesn’t seem too appealing, since you’d rather not see all of your classmates from high school and what they’re doing. Your Twitter timeline is dead this morning, and you get bored within thirty seconds of opening the app. Your eyes dart from each of the little icons on the screen. VSCO, Snapchat, Period Tracker, YouTube-wait, Period Tracker?
Your body tenses while you try to remember the last time you opened the app. Normally you’re very good about tracking your period, a habit stemming back to when you were a teenager and your periods were extremely irregular. While they’re more normal now, you do still have some off-months. Clicking the app, you wait impatiently for it to load. Duncan’s humming sounds almost too cheerful for a situation like this, but how is he to know that you might have made a giant mistake? When the screen finally loads, your heart nearly stops.
You were supposed to start your period two weeks ago. You haven’t been this late in years; normally when you are late, it’s by a day or two. You’re wracking your brain, trying to think of how this could possibly happen. You take your birth control daily, so that’s not an issue. You and Duncan use condoms, and you haven’t been lazy enough to go without a condom since--
“Oh fuck.” You curse, head falling in your hands.
“What’s wrong?” Duncan looks up from the sink, a dish towel slung over his shoulder.
“I’m late.” Your words are muffled by your hands, so Duncan asks you to repeat yourself. “I’m late.” You enunciate.
“Late for what? It’s Saturday, we don’t-”
“Duncan!” You snap. “I was supposed to start my period two weeks ago.”
The dish he’s washing clatters to the bottom of the sink, and you glance at him to see his jaw clenched while his face is devoid of color.
“But...how did you forget?”
“I’ve forgotten to eat regular meals for the past three weeks, my period was the least of my concerns.”
“Fuck.” He concurs with your earlier statement. “What do we do?”
“I mean, I need to go and buy a pregnancy test, I guess.”
“My assistant’s working today, I can text him and have him pick it-”
“No! God, please do not do that.” You know that you shouldn’t be snapping at him, he’s just trying to help, but you’re on the verge of a full-on panic attack and he’s not making it better. Duncan can tell that you’re freaking out, falling on his knees in front of you and grabbing your face in his hands.
“Hey, it’ll be okay. Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it together. Do you want me to go and buy the test? Or I can come with you, whatever you want.” You take one of his hands in both of yours, moving it to your lips and kissing his palm.
“I’ll just run to the store down the street and be right back.”
“You sure?” You smile slightly, nodding.
“I’m sure.”
The trip to the corner store and back, although most likely under twenty minutes, feels like it takes hours. You grabbed three different tests, two electronic and one with the plus/minus sign so there was a variety in the tests. Of course, the day you need to get out of the store quickly is also the first time you’ve ever seen a line in this store, causing you to have the most impatient wait of your life before making it to the front. The cashier, a woman in her mid-50s, shot you a look when ringing you up.
“Do you need the bathroom key, too?” She had asked.
“Oh, uh, these are for my-my friend…” You don’t know why you lied to a total stranger, but there was no going back once the words were out. She had looked at you, obviously unconvinced, but you just smiled awkwardly before taking the bag and rushing out of the store.
After taking the tests at home, the only thing left to do is wait. Duncan sits on the bed, shaking his leg nervously while he watches you pace back and forth across the bedroom.
“(Y/N), you need to calm down.” He says carefully, not wanting to aggravate you further.
“I am calm, I just don’t think I can physically sit down right now.” Duncan sighs but remains quiet, knowing you’ll talk about what’s bothering you soon enough. “It could be stress making me so late this month but...what if I am pregnant? We never planned for this. I just got a promotion at work, and you’re so busy with the Foundation.”
“What did I tell you earlier? Whatever happens, we’ll get through it together. If you are...pregnant, then we’ll carefully go over our options. No matter what, though, I won’t leave you.”
“I’m too young to be a mom.” Unexpected tears well up in your eyes. “Sure, loads of people I went to high school and college with have kids, but they’re good at being parents. I can barely take care of a plant, how could I take care of a tiny human?”
“You’re just overthinking, (Y/N).” Duncan soothes, grabbing your arms and tugging you against him. The hug immediately has a calming effect on you, reducing the shakiness you’re feeling and helping to level your breathing.
“How are you so calm about this?” Duncan shrugs.
“We can’t really change what happened last month.” Damn both of you for being too lazy to slip on a condom when you had morning sex. “Right now, we just have to focus on the present.”
“I hate when you’re right.” You mutter, feeling Duncan chuckle against you.
The alarm on your phone has both of you jumping from the sudden loud noise. Grabbing the device from your back pocket, you quickly silence it before looking back to Duncan. He’s patient with you, holding your hand while you work up the nerve to move towards the bathroom.
“We’ve gotta look sometime, babe.” You nod, finally walking in with him.
Your eyes keep flicking back and forth from each of the three tests, your brain trying to comprehend that what you’re seeing is real. Duncan’s obviously confused, picking up the boxes to try and decipher the symbols on each test. You don’t need a box, though, the signs being as clear as day.
“Oh, thank God!” You let out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding, leaning back against Duncan for support. “I’ve never been so happy to see the word ‘no’ before.”
Duncan rubs his hands on your shoulders, but remains oddly quiet. After you slide each of the three tests back in their boxes and toss them in the trash, you turn around. He’s looking at the trash can instead of you, and you pout slightly at his indifference towards this.
“You okay? I thought me not being pregnant would be a cause for celebration.” Duncan finally looks at you, just barely smiling.
“No, it is! I just...well...uh, why haven’t you gotten your period, then?” It’s a question that’s very uncharacteristic for him, causing you to raise your eyebrows at him.
“Probably just because of how stressed out I am. I don’t know, if I still haven’t gotten it by next week then I’ll make an appointment with my gynecologist, it could be a cyst or something like that.” You know that it’s most likely stress, and now that pregnancy has been ruled out you can focus on not being stressed out in the hopes to get your period to show up. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.” It’s the most unconvincing sentence you’ve ever heard, and he knows you’ve caught on when you fold your arms across your chest.
Before he can even make a move, you’ve wrapped your arms around him and stumble out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, using your strength and the fact that you caught him off-balance to help you. You land on the bed above Duncan, quickly straddling his torso and pinning his arms above his head. He obviously didn’t expect you to tackle him, eyes wide while he tries to figure out what you’re doing.
“I’m not letting you go until you tell me what’s wrong.” Duncan rolls his eyes and sighs, but you only tighten your grip on his wrists. “I’m serious, Dunc!”
“(Y/N), nothing’s wrong.”
“That’s bullshit and we both know it. I’m fine with doing this all day until you finally give in.” You glare at him, refusing to let him move no matter how much he squirms.
“Fine! You’re such a stubborn woman.” You stick your tongue out at him, but wait for him to continue. “I...this is so embarrassing.”
“Hey, no it’s not. I promise that whatever you say won’t be embarrassing.” You reassure him, watching as a pink blush paints his face.
“I-uh, I didn’t know how much I wanted a baby until those tests came back negative.” Your hands go limp, releasing Duncan from your grasp, but he doesn’t make any effort to move out from under you.
“You’ve never talked about wanting kids before.” You say quietly.
“I haven’t wanted kids with anyone until I met you.”
“You’d want me to have your kids?” You’re oddly flattered by this sentiment.
“I couldn’t imagine starting a family with anybody but you. I just--while you were at the store, my mind kind of ran away with the idea of you being pregnant. You, having to wear my shirts because your baby bump makes your shirts too tight.” Duncan’s hands drift to your stomach almost against his will. “Getting to design a nursery and pick out names for our little baby. I want all of it; I want to hold your hair back when you get morning sickness and go and get you whatever food you’re craving at three in the morning. I want to be sleep-deprived, but so happy that the cause of it is this tiny human that we created. Before I met you, I assumed I would just be some perpetual bachelor. I never saw a reason to change the way I acted. You make me want to change, (Y/N). That life, which I once saw as the only possible life for me, suddenly isn’t appealing anymore.”
“Really?” Your voice comes out as a squeak, causing Duncan to chuckle.
“I’m not asking you to have a baby with me right now, but...I plan on being with you for the rest of my life, and I hope you do too.” You nod eagerly, taking his face in both of your hands and kissing him deeply.
“Of course I do.”
“Yeah?” Duncan sits up, face to face with you now while you nod again.
“Probably no babies until after our lives calm down.”
“And we’ll plan for it, instead of having a scare like we did today.”
“Oh trust me, the first time we try, I’m putting a baby in you.” Your heart flutters at the dark look of determination in his eyes.
“You’ll be okay with putting the baby plan on hold until then?” Duncan smiles before kissing you again.
“I can wait.”
Tag List: @khaleesimel @sammythankyou @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @langdonslove @heda-mikaelson @readsalot73 @jimmlangdon @sebastianshoe @let-me-try-mom @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @pastel-cloudz @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @lichellaw @ultragibbycentralworld @grim-adventures58 @dolceandchalamet @dandycandy75 @alexcornerthethird @everything-is-awesomesauce @ccodyfern @wroteclassicaly @langdonsdemon @trelaney @rocketgirl2410 @starwlkers @hexqueensupreme @divinelangdon
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harryandmolly · 5 years
The Emancipation of Ginny ~ 11
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summary: shawn and ginny could’ve ruined everything six months ago, and sticking together despite their past could make or break them now as ginny stays on as his personal assistant. but what happens on tour doesn’t stay on tour.
warnings: change.
WC: 2.4k
For all Shawn knows, he’s playing fucking “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” up on that karaoke stage. He’s not focused on his fingers or even so much on the words he sings when he steps into the mic to harmonize with her. He doesn’t have the capacity to worry about a performance.
He’s completely overwhelmed by her. It’s a familiar feeling.
Ginny Dresden, in all her glory. She’s fucking magnificent. She’s strong and she’s focused. She’s resilient and thoughtful and patient and intuitive and so caring. She has the voice of an angel and the heart of a lion. While he’s standing here watching her, barely remembering to get his fingers around the chords, Shawn finally manages to forgive himself for running away.
It all happened so fast, when he left her. It didn’t feel like it at the time. It felt like slow torture, pulling the nails from his fingers, when he realized he couldn’t love her like that. Or didn’t want to. It was a feeling that was somehow a cousin to this one -- just as intense, just as terrifying.
That feeling was muddy, though. It was sickly and wrong and awful from the time it hit. He thought he would feel some relief when he ended it. He thought it would feel right, a puzzle piece snapping back into place. It never did. He thinks maybe it’s been a little off ever since.
This feeling, standing in front her over the mic, their foreheads so close they’re nearly touching, singing together like they’ve always done, this feeling is clear. Yes, he’s overwhelmed again. Yes, it’s not simple or easy. Yes, Shawn loves Ginny and no, he can’t run from it.
Not anymore.
Shawn sits on the end of his bed in gray sweats that are a little too short for his long legs. He shakes a hand through his frizzy curls. He feels a cold sweat break out on his bare back. His toes press into the expensive carpeting and his heel bounces, shaking his whole leg as he stares at his phone.
He hears stirring in the room next to his. He remains stock still. Only his eyes flick up to the plain dove gray wall. She’s awake. He strains to listen. He thinks he can hear her stripping the bed like she always does before check out to make the maids’ lives a little easier. Or maybe he’s just imagining it because he knows her too well.
He looks down at his phone again. His chest deflates. He presses his thumb onto the “call” button. It rings three times.
Sara is sitting up in bed, still in the t-shirt and panties she fell asleep in. She’s mapping the freckles on her leg and listening to him breathe over the phone, wondering exactly how honest he’s going to be. Will he be as honest with her as he was with Ginny on stage last night?
The video is absolutely, completely everywhere. If Ginny Dresden doesn’t have a recording contract by the end of the week, Sara will be shocked and disappointed in the music industry. Every gossip rag on the planet is touting it -- some call it a gimmick, a PR stunt, but most are seeing it for what it is, an out-and-out declaration of love.
Sara feels like a flaming moron.
I mean really, how could she not see this? She’s never seen Shawn and Ginny together, sure, but how could she not see this in him? He’s sodden with it. Even in the shitty bar lighting on phone cameras, you can see him dripping with his love for her. It’s unapologetic and heartbreakingly honest, which is why the mags are loving it. So rarely do they get a display like this of so much true feeling.
And she loves him back, that much is clear. Sara can’t blame her. Any woman with a soul would have to love him when he’s looking at her like that.
It’s an old love. These aren’t the fresh sprigs of something just coming up between them -- shy glances, flushed cheeks, little touches. This is strong and smooth like worn leather, tried and true, beautiful in its familiarity.
Sara can’t even be mad at that. She sees the inevitability and just wonders how she missed it with all the time she spent looking at him. But maybe she wasn’t really looking too hard. Maybe she didn’t want to.
“I knew this was too easy,” she admits into the phone with a sigh.
She’s not going to give him a hard time about this. She doesn’t have the energy. Plus, she knows there were no bad intentions here.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. He sounds a little broken. She knows it’s not because of her. And that’s ok. She’s not broken from this either.
“I know you are,” she replies. It’s warm and sincere.
It’s not that she’s not hurting. It’s that a piece of her knew this wasn’t forever. When she watched the video on her laptop this morning, that piece shook loose and grew.
He doesn’t say anything trite or silly about trying to stay friends. Neither of them assume they will. That’s ok too. He tells her she’s special and she deserves the best. She chuckles and tells him without a hint of edge in her voice that she already knows but appreciates the reminder.
She hangs up and lets herself stay in bed a couple more hours, enough time to be sad and say goodbye to a small happiness.
That afternoon, she gets up, showers and dresses. Off to find newer, bigger happiness.
Ginny stares in the mirror, wondering how it is that her life got to feel so fragile, so easily swayed by seemingly small decisions.
Not that getting up and performing with Shawn last night was a small decision. She knew that even as she was making it. She felt the weight of it when she stood and lifted herself onto the stage.
But even still, it was one song. One song in front of a room full of people. And it changed everything.
Ginny didn’t sleep much. Once every half hour, she had to stop herself from climbing out of bed to knock on his door just to be near him. Maybe proximity could help her understand where that all came from last night, what it meant. The way he was looking at her… god, it was like before, wasn’t it? Before the videos, before Sara, before Bianca, before that flight that triggered something in him. He didn’t say anything afterward. He just walked her to her room next to his and said goodnight.
As she opened the door and stepped through, he called her name. Her heart leapt into her throat. She ducked her head around the door to look at him.
“What time is the flight tomorrow?”
That was all. That was all she got. She knows him enough to see the way his brain churned under his thick head of hair. He’s processing. She could be patient and let him process. Or so she thought until 3:47am when she got as far as the door to her room before she turned back and told herself not to be crazy.
If she couldn’t sleep, she could do yoga. That would help. That would keep her even-keeled until morning. She stripped out of her t-shirt and panties, unwrapped her hair from her pineapple and pinned it up out of her face. Sun salutations lulled her anxious mind and body into a quiet hum. She flowed through crow pose, reverse triangle, pyramid pose, warriors 1, 2 and 3.
By the time her alarm went off, she had been awake for two hours and was mid handstand. It was time to wake up.
But while Los Angeles slept, New York made moves.
Ginny had been too far gone from sanity to think to check social media for reaction to videos of them she was sure had popped up everywhere. When she got back to her phone to start her day, she found the re-entry jarring. She had texts from everyone -- Hannah, Niall, her dad, her mum, several industry people she met at the gala, including Demi Lovato’s manager. Everyone but Shawn and Andrew, it seemed.
The video was everywhere. If she thought their last escapade outside the club was big, this was so much bigger. The images compounded -- Buzzfeed had launched an investigation into Shawn and Ginny’s relationship, referencing “receipts” from their own social media posts leading back to when she first began working from him all the way to the present, “Shallow” karaoke being the focal point. People posted a whole photo series. The Huffington Post, Just Jared, ENews… it was stratospheric.
So Ginny stood watching herself in the full length mirror, trying not to hear her phone buzz. In siren red leggings and a sports bra, she looked the same as she ever had. She looks like herself. She feels like herself. But suddenly everyone cares.
She swallows. She glances at her phone. The notifications come in so quick between Instagram, Twitter and iMessage that her phone won’t. Stop. Vibrating. She takes a deep breath, sifts her fingers up into her sweaty curls. The tears come hot and fast, welling in her dark amber eyes.
“Oh god,” she mutters, grabbing her phone and flinging herself out the door. She hooks a right and smacks her knuckles against the surface of the door next to hers. He opens it so fast it’s like he was waiting for her.
He’s shirtless in gray sweats looking a little paler than usual. He blanches further at the look on her face.
“Ginny, wh--”
“How do you do this?” she rasps, throat thick with tears as she steps in past him and hands him her phone. He looks down and swipes through some of the thousands of notifications. He looks up at her. Her wiry frame is shaky, unstable. He cups her shoulder and leads her to the edge of his bed, sits her down.
“Take some deep breaths, honey.”
She tucks her head between her legs. While she re-centers, Shawn swipes into settings and turns off notifications for her various social media accounts. When her phone is finally silent, he sets it down and approaches her carefully.
Her breathing is even. She’s hunched over her knees, head hanging, sniffling quietly. On his way to her, Shawn grabs some tissues as an offering. He settles on his knees between her legs, waving them beneath her nose like a white flag. She cranks herself to sitting and takes them, patting the tears from her face. Shawn wraps a hand around her muscular calf, pressing his thumb in to massage her gently.
“You ok?”
She takes a moment, then nods. “‘M ok.”
“It gets easier. I promise.”
Ginny lifts her eyes to his. “How long will this last?”
Her voice is firming up. She’s trying to enter manager-in-training mode -- crisis aversion, image management. She’s trying to think of him.
The corner of Shawn’s tired mouth lifts. He squeezes her leg. “Gonna last a while, I think. If you want it to.”
He watches her meaningfully. The world’s eyes are on her. Shawn’s been on his phone all morning, too. He’s been flooded by texts from so many of his industry contacts. Everyone wants to be in the Ginny Dresden business. This is her moment. He wants to make sure she recognizes it.
Ginny’s eyes start to fill again almost automatically. She shakes her head.
“I don’t know, I really don’t… maybe it’s just… like a fluke thing? People will just forget about all this.”
“What I’m saying is they don’t have to. You can make them pay attention. You can hold on to this if it’s what you want. This could be it, Gin. This could be your time. Not mine, not Hannah’s. This could be your way out.”
She releases a short sob and lifts her hands over her mouth and nose. Shawn scoots closer and presses his hands into the bed on either side of her firm legs.
“What if I don’t want a way out?” she hisses, keeping her eyes shut. Shawn pauses to stroke some curls out of her tear-streaked face.
“This was never going to be forever, remember? You were always going to do something bigger. Something better than this. I mean, I was pretty sure Gertler was gonna be on your payroll someday,” he laughs, “And maybe he will. But maybe it’ll be because you’re his artist.”
Ginny’s eyes open. Shawn inhales slowly and forces a smile.
This is the one thing they’ve never talked about, the one thing she’d never let Shawn say. The truth is, he hoped for this one day. He wanted this for her -- she deserves this. He never let himself think about how hard it would be to let her go. But he already kept her desperately close once. He won’t do it again. He refuses to do that again.
“You’re amazing, Ginny. There’s no one like you on a stage. You’re so powerful, so confident. You know how good your voice is. Jesus, your voice is like fucking magic. It’s perfect. It’s special. Don’t you want to let people hear it?”
Ginny’s breath has gone ragged again. He holds on. He wants to go on, to keep gushing about her talent. She’s heard it all a million times before. But the possibility has never felt so real. Her voice has never been an option.
“I need to think,” she gasps, standing suddenly, snagging her phone off the dresser and leaving him to walk back to her room.
He watches the door for a minute like he thinks she might come back through. He sighs and drops his head to the duvet where she just sat, closing his eyes.
She might not be able to say it out loud yet, but she’s leaving. He doesn’t know when. He doesn’t know exactly for what. He can feel it, though. It’s gonna be big.
Shawn lifts his hands into his hair and balances his forehead against the mattress while he calms his shaky breathing. This is what he always wanted. This feeling, the one so big he can’t hold it in so it comes out as tears down his cheeks, dropping wet, salty spots onto his sweats. This feeling of aching loss and the certainty that his heart won’t be the same.
He wanted love, he wanted heartbreak. She gave him both.
So he’ll take them, if that’s all he gets of her now. He’ll take whatever she’ll leave for him as she rises.
If you’re real hype about the last two chapters of this story, raise your hand AND buy me a cup of Ko-fi (link on main page)!
Taglist: @smallerinfinities @the-claire-bitch-project @achinglyshawn @infiniteshawn @mendesoft @singanddreamanyway @alone-in-madness @abigfatmess @shawnitsmutual @awkwardfangirl2014 @september-lace @urfavearmo @sinplisticshawn @rollingxstone @yslsaint @randi-eve @sauveteen @fallmoreinlove @voguemnds @searchingunderthestars @heyits-claire @itrocksmysocks
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