#i come back every other month to make bad gifs (i forgot how i do my colouring)
kwakjiseoks · 10 months
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230905 Jooyeon — Time of Our Life (orig. Day6) cr. JOO
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ambrosiagoldfish · 5 months
Adam x third spouse part 3 I’m begging pookie ❤️
like a time skip to when Charlie appeared and proposed the idea
Benifit of the doubt Pt.4
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Adam x 3rd Spouse! Reader
Warnings: General Adam TW’s, a little bit sad for a moment but it’s ok. Gn! Reader! honestly that’s about it I think?? Wow this is the first time it’s been this short in this series.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
Request Box: Open
Word Count: 4617~
A/n: So… it’s been almost 2 months… whoops. In all seriousness though I’m sorry it’s been so long. I’ve just not been in the mood to write and a lot of stuff has been happening (which is finally over) and I’m glad I could finally post this. I was also, if I’m honest, nervous to post this, cause I’m not sure if everyone’s ready for the direction of the story. But I have made it clear that I wanted to do a time skip to the show at somepoint and decided to do it now! If you enjoy this, please let me know cause I’m really nervous about (Not my words of affirmation love language coming out-) ALSO to the requester, I know you said part 3, but I used it for part 4. I got your request as I was making part 3 soooo my bad. Hope you don’t mind tho <3 this will be the last part before the angsty finale (and maybe an epilogue)
Reblogs are always appreciated!
Anyways this was NOT beta read unfortunately, I tried to get as many errors out during the writing process so hopefully it’s fine. Also, there’s probably some words I might have wanted to italicize or make bold that aren’t, but I’m too tired to care honestly.
Tags: @tired-of-life-86 @nervoussystemss @qopia @lovelyemily @hcneyiced @v3r41ynn @ghostdoodlen @nxptvne-13 @ximenavc-che @edgyfluff @ericityyy @diffidentphantom @faimmm @slasher-whore69 @1-randomized @ozzersauce @fanlovedlt @alientee (if I forgot someone or you want to be added just tell me !!)
Days turned to weeks, to months, to years. Until eventually an eon had passed. An entirety filled to the brim with an indescribable happiness and love, threatening to spill over at any given moment. You loved Adam and Adam loved you.
To say it was all happiness would be a lie, there were some moments of sadness and pain, but all relationships were like that, even ones that lasted for eternity. You both always bounced back, apologize and moved on with a stronger bond than before. And you loved every second of it.
A lot has changed in these last few eons. Adam formed a band and is now the most popular guitarist in all of heaven. You both made new friends, some got into heaven while others were made there. Emily was one of these people to you, she looked up to you for being older than her. You’ve existed for almost all of human existence so, of course she’d look up to you.
Adam had also made new friends, his band members, some officials in heaven, but someone he’s grown close to recently was Lute. You're really happy about his friendship with Lute. She seems like a strong and loyal friend, someone that can keep him grounded while still encouraging him to be more himself. Overall, you really liked her.
How they became friends though is something… less tasteful for you. All the way back when Heaven and Hell had their first meeting on what to do with the surplus of sinners in hell causing an uprising. Neither side came to an agreement in the end, you do feel partially to blame for that, but you still stand by what you did.
You never returned to any of the follow up meetings
But Adam did, surprisingly to you. In the end, you were called to talk with Sera and Adam. You were told of the agreement between Heaven and Hell, about the yearly “cleanse” that Adam and his “Exorcists” would have to commit. At first you were shocked, sure, you didn’t have the best experience with sinners and especially with the rulers of hell, but was death really necessary? You didn’t know what to say, and Adam clearly saw this.
“Babe, you alright?” He puts his hand on your shoulder rubbing his thumb in circles. You place your hand on his.
“Yeah it’s just a lot to take in. Are we sure it has to be done… that way?”
Sera looked down in pain “they’re… uprising and are becoming to much of a threat to heaven.”
You sighed as Adam took you in his arms. Adam was fully aware that you don’t share the same sentiment towards sinners as he does. His hatred towards the unholy souls down in hell was brought about by events that you simply cannot understand. Which he is thankful for, he never would want you to experience what he did.
“If there isn’t anything else we can do then… I guess we have no choice. But I don’t want to… kill anyone, even if they are sinners.”
Adam holds you closer “You won’t have to,” you smile at him, the now familiar flickering of his LED mask meeting your gaze before softly frown “you ok?”
You nod, “yeah, just…I wish there was another way.”
That was it. Adam would take his exorcists down to hell to kill as many sinners as they could each year. Adam knew you didn’t want him to talk about it , he kept it as separate as he could from your life. You did have to attend meetings regarding it, as one of the very few people to know about it, that was your duty.
You were fine with having that part of the job. You weren't sure if you could kill someone, sinner or not. So, for the countless years to follow, you played your part with every new extermination, attending meetings to deal with the repercussions of each cleanse.
Adam would also have to attend the occasional meeting. Which is exactly what today was. Sera had called you both in to talk.
“Thank you both for coming. I have to inform you that you will be attending a meeting tomorrow.”
Adam groaned “What! Again? This is like the 4th fuckin’ one this week! Ugh fine! Where is it this time? halo city? Cherub towne” Adam’s voice mocked the locations you’ve both been sent to countless times with a high pitched voice. Even you have to admit that the meetings could drag a bit.
Sera's face turned into a slight grimace as she looks away from you both, she sighs and continues “The meeting will be in… hell.”
“What!” Both your voices raise in shock
“Sera, you know I don’t want to go down there again!”
“Why can’t you just send the other fucking dipshits who know about-“ Adam crossed his arms defiantly
“Stop,” Sera raises her hand toward you both “no one wants to go there, and I know you both especially don’t.” She pauses “But you both are the only available angels who know of the cleanse that aren't busy. Please… I understand your disdain but heaven’s business comes first.”
“Who are we even gonna be talking to -Wait a damn minute- Don’t fucking tell me we have to talk to him.”
“I'm sorry…” You all sat in silence for a moment before Sera begins to speak again, “But you both won’t have to worry about physically being there, we have prepared holograms for you, so neither of you would be in any danger.”
“I'll have an Angel escort you to the ‘meeting’ room tomorrow, please, get some rest. I’m sure you both have had a long day.”
With that, you and Adam went home, you were definitely not feeling well about the meeting, but the fact you wouldn’t actually be there calms your nerves a bit. You had to be a little honest with yourself, hell wasn’t really the issue for you, it was more so the people. Lucifer for one, that made you feel uneasy.
The next morning, you and Adam got ready, you had to motivate him a little. He was clearly not excited for this meeting like you. The entire way there he held you close, even though nothing could have hurt you it made him feel better knowing how close you were.
On the way there, you also got Adam some ribs, his favorite. You thought it would help his nerves a bit. Turns out, Lute was the one Sera assigned to escort you both there. That also made you both a little calmer knowing a mutual friend would be there.
The three of you waited in the ‘meeting’ room for a while, about an hour. At first you thought the meeting might had been canceled or moved and you just weren't told. But then, Lute walked up to you both.
“Sir! The Seraphim has told me to inform you that there’s been a change in plans!”
“What? The fucks that mean?” Adam said stuffing a rib into his LED mouth
“Lucifer won’t be attending the meeting, instead… his Daughter will be here in his stead.” Lute’s mask showed a continuous frown and stern expression as she spoke.
“Daughter?” Your voice shook a little. This was news to you, as long as you’ve existed you had never heard he had a daughter while in hell. You look over to Adam to see His LED eyes were wide in shock but his mask turned into a smile as he sighed.
“Phew boy, we sure dodged a big ass bullet, huh Sweetcheeks?” He laughed as his arm pulled you closer. The whole thing caused you to join in. Suddenly your nerves felt a lot better than before.
“When should she be arriving, Lute?”
“Within the hour.”
Adam scarfed down another plate of ribs as you all wait for the “princess of hell” to arrive. The entire time you just had to wonder what kind of person she’d be. The daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. The more you thought about it, the more bizarre it seemed.
But suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by the sliding doors opening to the meeting room and a girl steps in, asking if anyone is there.
“She can’t see us?”
“Yeah, Sera gave me a long ass lector on how this stuff works before we got here. Let’s see here…” Adam pushes a button causing a click to sound out as he says “Sup!”
The girl jumps back and falls to the floor, shocked by Adam’s sudden appearance in the room. She introduces herself as Charlie. Adam offers her to shake his hand, only for it to go through.
“Ha! I fuckin’ got you! Did you fucking see that? Good shit.”
You let out a slight laugh, as you sit and watch the meeting happen. Well, you say “meeting” but nothing about it seemed very professional. Adam for the last hour (you honestly wasn’t sure at this point) had been talking about the most random of things.
You or Lute occasionally shakening your head yes or no while listening to him, while Charlie seemed quite tired already. Not that you could blame her, people who weren’t used to Adam’s banter definitely weren’t cut out for it. But You love every word that comes out of his mouth.
Eventually Adam decides that it’s time to get into what you all came here for. Pulling out a bunch of papers, Charlie begins explaining her solution to hell’s overpopulation. You were only really half listening at first, at least before she mentioned that her solution could stop the extermination which peaked your interest.
She explains her “Hazbin Hotel” and its purpose to rehabilitate sinners, you wanted to hear more of it but Adam cut her off.
The meeting didn’t really go that well, At least for Charlie. But the whole thing left quite the impression on you. The idea of ending the extermination was stuck in your head for so long, and now you had someone who had an alternative.
“Adam, are you sure that it couldn’t have worked?”
Adam looks at you in surprise “What? Do you think that shitshow could have actually worked?” He laughed as he placed a hand on your back. “Don’t even pay it any mind, alright Babe?”
“I know, it’s just… you know I don't like the extermination. So another way to lessen the population of hell should at least be looked into.” Your voice was soft enough to barely hear.
Adam’s gaze softened but he didn’t say another word, only wrapping his wing around you pulling you closer. You lean towards him, snuggling into his soft robe. No matter how much you wanted to ignore it, you couldn’t. You needed to do something, anything.
So that night, after Adam fell asleep, you asked to talk with Sera. Leaving a note for Adam saying you went to buy something just in case he woke up.
“What is troubling you?” Sera’s voice was clear and concise.
You looked toward the ground, your nerves feeling tighter than ever, as you struggled with how to put your words together. “You're aware of all that happened in the meeting with Lucifer’s Daughter, right?”
Sera nods her head “of course, all meetings are documented about as they happen.” She tilts her head slightly “What about it?”
“Well!” You steel yourself before continuing “I would like permission to observe Charlie Morningstar’s ‘Hazbin Hotel’”
Sera’s eyes widen, breaking her calm demeanor before giving a firm “No”
“It’s too dangerous for you to be there, Adam wouldn’t want that anyways”
“He would listen if it was an order from you!” Your eyes felt watery but you continued “Please Sera… I know you don’t want the extermination to continue. Just let me do this!”
Sera looked away from you, her feelings evident on her face, any mask now down. ‘Just a little more’ you thought
“Sera, I promise you, I’ll be careful! We don’t even have to fully support them yet, just let me observe them. It would be devastating if so many souls parish if we failed to seek all options!” You beg
Sera sighed, shakingly “…I’ll see what I can do.”
Your eyes gleamed up at the tall woman “Sera, thank you, thank you!” You wanted to hug her but out of courtesy, you advised against it.
Sera tells you that she can’t guarantee anything but she will try as she sends you home to rest.
A few days past after that and you haven’t heard anything from Sera. It was a little worrying and felt like a bad sign to you. That was, until you were informed by Sera that your request was accepted!
“But.” Sera stops you before you can celebrate “You're only there to keep track of the progress and to make sure nothing is happening under our noses” You nod your head in understanding
“Also…” she pauses “If anything involving this hotel happens, you will have to take full responsibility, understood?”
You nod again “yes I understand. Have you… told Adam yet?”
She shakes her head
“Ok… can you… not tell him it was my idea, please. I don’t think he’d agree if he knew.”
Sera sighs before nodding her head “Very well, I’ll tell him after you leave”
“Thank you.”
You return home, when you got back Adam was already gone, Sera must have already called him to the office. You dreaded when he got back. You didn’t want to see him upset, it hurt you to know how worried he was for you.
A few hours later, Adam comes through the door in a panic. He stomps up to you and pulls you into a warm and intense embrace.
“Don’t go down there. I need you here with me” his voice hitches as his wings wrap around you both, curling you both into a warm and feathery ball.
“Adam…” you paused, was this really the best thing to do? No, It had to be. If this goes well, not only will the extermination stop but Adam wouldn’t have to go down to hell ever again.
“Adam, you know I can’t go against Sera’s orders.” You kiss his cheek “and I won’t be gone forever, I’m only supposed to be there till the next cleanse. Not to mention, I’ll always come back to see you.”
Adam grumbled a little “I know, I just… don’t like you being in the same place that bastard is, and in his brat’s stupid hotel! ”
You laugh softly “Adam…” grabbing his hand, you put yours in it, showing off the gold ring on your finger “I’ll never forget my promise. You know that, right?”
Adam looks at the ring, the gold wrapped around your finger with a perfectly snug fit. Everytime he looked at it was just a reminder of your love for him. That promise was something he could never forget. He slowly raises your hand to his LED mask, kissing the back of it. “Of course not.”
“Good. I promise I’ll be fine, ok?”
He nods. Hand in hand, you slowly lead you both to the bed. The both of you lay next to each other, your bodies linked together like knots. You slwoly remove his helmet from his head, laying it on the nightstand.
Your hands move up his body before landing on his face, cupping his cheeks before pulling him to a kiss before snuggling into his chest.
Finally it was Time for you to leave. Sera allowed you to create portals back to heaven in case anything happened and you were in need of assistance. Adam walked you to the front gate.
“Ok, do you have everything? You didn’t forget that fucking angelic dagger I had Lute get for you right-“
You shush him “Adam, I told you I’ll be fine!”
He’s sighs “Damn it- I know that but just make sure to text me while your there ok-
You kiss him deeply “Adam. I know, you’ve told me a hundred times.” You smile as you cup his face “I love you”
He sighs “Love you too Sweetcheeks”
With one final kiss, you give Adam a tight hug before waving goodbye as you went through the flaming portal. As you went through, you take a second to look at your surroundings. In front of you was a tall building. You take a few steps back to see LED lights of a sign flashing the words ‘Hazbin Hotel’
You let out a sigh of relief. You had been a tad bit worried you’d spawn somewhere random and you’d have to find the building yourself. But it seems heaven at least spared you of that.
The red skies of hell were quite different from the pristine blue ones of heaven. Even though you just got here, you could already hear the sounds of screams and explosions in the distance. How welcoming.
You steel yourself and with three hard knocks to the door, you wait for someone to open it. Muffled Scurrying sounds of footsteps approach the door before it creaks open revealing the young blond woman in the doorframe, Charlie Morningstar.
“Hi! I’m-“
The door is slammed shut, Before opening again
“Be not afraid-“
It shuts again…
Well, this may be a bit harder than you initially anticipated. You go to knock again only for it to open once more. This time, the door doesn’t close again, instead the girl mutters a quick “Hi” before going quiet.
“Hello! I didn’t mean to scare you!” You give a small laugh before continuing “I believe we met a couple days ago?” You bring your hand towards her for a shake, to which she reciprocates.
“During the meeting with.. Adam? Right?” She grimaced when she mentioned Adam, which you decided to ignore, you simply smiled and nodded. ”but I don’t believe I caught your name?”
You tell her about yourself, about how your there to stay and monitor any progress the hotel may have. You made sure to pronounce ‘may.’ While you were hoping for this idea to show some kind of positive results, even you weren’t sure if it’d would work.
“Charlie? who’s at the door- WhatHolyShit-“ a woman with a red X over her eye suddenly shouts in surprise. You look over at her, She looked very familiar…
“Wait, you are-“
“Vaggie! Charlie’s sinner girlfriend! And you are?!” The woman known as Vaggie, highlighted the word sinner while performing a “be quiet” gesture with her hand. Your eyes widen a little at the ex-Angel in front of you but you simply smile a nod “I’m Y/n, I don’t believe we’ve met, yes?”
Look, lying is the last thing you’d want to do as a citizen of heaven but you figured that it would be fine if it was to protect someone. Vaggie nodded, her face scrunched up in a tense look.
“You feeling ok Vaggie? You’re looking a little… red?”
“I’m fine! *ahem*, Hun, how about you give them a tour of the hotel.”
Charlie gasped “Yes that's perfect, you may as well get acquainted with everyone if you’re going to be here more often!”
Charlie ran off, telling you “this way! This way!” Over and over. Before you went to follow her, you leaned toward Vaggie and said a quick “Relax, I won’t tell anyone.”
She lets out a sigh before muttering “Thank you”
You both follow Charlie as she shows you the various rooms in the hotel before leading you back to the hotel’s lobby and lounge area.
“Hey! Hello everyone!” Charlie’s voice picked up a little “I’d like to introduce you to our uh… new staff member?” You nod in agreement with the title. The room in front of you was shrouded in looks of both horror and amazement.
“What the hell’s an angel doin’ here?” A lanky spider demon spoke up first
“It’sss an ambush! seek Cover!!” The Snake demon shouted, seemingly grabbing an army helmet from thin air before taking a deep dive behind the couch.
“No Pentious-” She sighs “they’re here to monitor the hotel! Heaven sent them to scout any potential progress the hotel will have”
“It’s nice to meet you all” you look at the people in front of you, to say it was a colorful cast would be an understatement.
“These two are our current tenants of the hotel! Angel dust and Sir Pentious!”
The snake slithered slowly from behind the couch up to you, while the Spider demon remained rested on the couch
“Oh… *ahem* Excuse me dear! I am Sir. Pentious! Formally known as ‘the Architect of destruction’!” He laughs, a slight hiss sounding in his voice.
He offers a handshake which you accept. To which you immediately regret. ‘ Slimey’ you thought, before wiping your, now wet hand on your clothes.
The spider demon, who you now know as Angel Dust, just gives a wave with one of his 4 arms.
“And-“ Charlie extends the word as she quickly walk to a bar by the entrance “this is the recreational area, run by our Bartender, Husk!”
The winged bartender seemed entirely uninterested in your presence or even Charlie’s. The most you got was a small glance before he takes a swig of his alcohol and walks off.
“He’s not the most… social guy in hell” she awkwardly laughs before moving on to the next person. “And this is Nifty, our one and only maid at the hotel! Nifty say hi.”
The short woman scurried moved around you, her eye quickly looking at every every nook and cranny of you as she moved. She made numerous attempts to touch and grab various things on you, your clothes, wings, and eventually she tried to climb up you to get to your halo. That’s when you finally grabbed her in place “you're a… fast one, huh? Nice to meet you!”
“And last but not least! This is Alastor, the hotel’s executive producer and our first -and only- overlord sponsor!”
Immediately, you could tell there was something off about Alastor. The entire aura he gave off was as if he was restraining something completely and utterly ungodly. The static that surrounded him was just one of many whispers you could hear from his soul.
“Hello! It’s quite a pleasure to meet someone of your… holy status!” He offers a hand to which you, hesitantly, shake. “And what do we owe the pleasure for your service?”
“They’re going to be here to keep track of the progress of the hotel…” Charlie paused “you know I’m starting to sound like a broken record- here, it’s late, how about we all get some sleep and we can talk about it in the morning!”
“Fine by me, I am waaay too sober to be having social interaction this late” Angel picks himself up and stretches “I’m gonna hit the hay”
“Here I’ll show you to your room!” Charlie smiles “We -obviously- didn’t have time to make your own so I hope you don’t mind using one of the guest rooms” she laughs
She and Vaggie walks you to your new room before leaving you be, The room was nothing more than just your average hotel room. Of course it did have its differences, a multitude of… eyes seem to be on the wall, staring at you. Well, that’s not the least alarming.
You place your stuff down and begin unpacking, you mostly just brought the basics. Clothes, hygiene stuff, your phone, and, most importantly, a framed photo of Adam.
You sat the photo on your nightstand, angling it just right so that it would always be visible to you. As you do so, you think about the memory the photo brings, you took it on one of the first dates you went on with Adam. It was a relatively tame date, you and Adam, having a picnic by a lake at night. You brought candles so you both weren’t completely in the dark, and you just loved the way he looked, his golden eyes watching the water. The dim candle light illuminating his face with a warm golden shade. Adam hates photos of him with his mask off but… You just had to keep that moment in time forever.
*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*
Speak of the- well, you know the rest. The bright light from the phone comes with the notification sound displaying Adam in bold letters. You smile as you read his messages.
Heyy Sweetcheeks, it’s been a bit since you left
You there??
Fucking answer
You let out a small laugh at Adam’s barrage of messages. He’s not used to you being away from him for more than a day, huh? Not that you could blame him, this is honestly nothing compared to how you feel each year he has to do the extermination.
Hey love
Everything’s fine, I’m ok.
Aside from not having you with me :’(
Fucking finally
You know you don’t have to do this
If I bitch enough to Sera I can get you back by tomorrow
Please don’t, Sera already has enough on her plate.
I promise I’m going to be fine
I’ll be back before you know it.
I know
This shit just worries me
Gonna miss hearing your sexy ass voice at night too ;)
You blush at the message before sighing. Whenever you or Adam approached a topic that made him uncomfortable, he would always try to change the subject to something that made him feel better. You knew why, Adam’s someone who rarely talked about his feelings, even after all these eons together that was something he hadn’t changed. You knew exactly what he needed, even if he didn’t explicitly tell you.
I already miss yours too <3
Do you want to help me fall asleep with that heavenly voice of yours on the phone?
Whatever you want Sweetcheeks <3
You smile when, almost immediately, Adam begins calling your phone. You click the lights off before You make your way in your new bed, not even bothering to change out of the clothes you’ve been wearing. You grab the cover and pull it over you and tapping the answer button.
You yawn “Hey handsome, I missed your voice”
You hear his voice hitch before he caused on “Of course you did, no one has a better voice than the dick master. But uh, yours is a close second”
You’re let out a tired giggle, “such a charmer, you. How’s your day been huh?”
“Oh! don’t even get me started on that- Lute took me to get some ribs to ‘calm my nerves’ or some shit and they had me, ME, wait in line for like 15 minutes! The fucking audacity!”
You smile to yourself as Adam tells you about his day, the sound of his voice was like a sweet lullaby to your ears and you couldn’t get enough of it. But eventually…
“And then when I got home, I couldn’t find my damn charger and it took me like 40 fuckin’ minutes to realize it was under our bed, do you have any idea of how it keeps getting there?” He waits for you to respond only to be met with silence. “Uh bitch, I’m talking to you.”
More silence… well no, actually if Adam focused on listening, he could hear the faint sound of your snoring from the phone. Adam sighs,”Long day, huh?”
Adam lays back in your shared bed, getting comfortable. He sets the phone beside him, plugging it in while keeping it on speaker. He yawns, “Goodnight Sweetheart, can’t wait to see you again”
Slowly, the soft sounds of both yours and Adam’s snores filled each others rooms, a distant, but intimate connection. Even in slumber, you couldn’t stop thinking of your handsome and caring soulmate.
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freyaphoria · 2 months
Ateez Reactions: You want to keep your hoodie/t-shirt on (maknae line)
hyung line
tw: gaining weight mentioned, being skinny memtioned, stretch marks, hurt-comfort, kissing, insecurities!! (idk why but i can't write tw properly)
taglist: @aim-blossom @itza-meee
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You had just finished the first month of your relationship with San, you didn't see each other often due to his work so you hadn't been physically intimate yet. Since you had been friends for a long time before becoming lovers, he knew well the things that you were confident in and those that you were not, and he always approached you with respect on these issues. He would try to cover up your shortcomings without letting you know, which is why you've never felt insecure around him before. But why do you feel like you're going to sink into the ground right now?
San was on a week-long vacation and wanted to spend his vacation with you. You are also excited to spend time with him. San had booked a room at a nice a hotel with sea view, and things happened faster than you expected and now you were under him, waiting for his next move.
You were feeling insecure because of your skinny body compared to his wide and muscular body. San was always a gym freak and loved bodybuilding. What if he doesn't like your skinny body?
His hands were touching every part of your body he could find. He never let go, as if you would disappear if he left you for even a moment. "Are you sure? If you don't stop me now, I won't be able to stop again." He asked you without looking up from his buried head in your neck. Your hands were pulling on his hair and you pulled a little hard because you were nervous. San looked up at you because he thought you wanted him to stop. "Love? Is there something wrong?" You were torn between telling him or not, but if you didn't tell him about your insecurity and he found out later, he would be sad and maybe disappointed with you; you didn't know, you were so overwhelmed right now.
"I don't want to take off my t-shirt because I'm so skinny and I'll look bad next to you, you won't like me." San looked at you for a while and laughed. But it wasn't a sarcastic laugh, it was like 'are you giving a fuck about this?'.
"You look bad next to me? Love, you are the hottest person I have ever seen and you call yourself bad? Huh?!" San pulled you closer and brought his face closer to yours. "You're so beautiful! Get that in your mind!" He started tickling you and you were squirming. "San- Sannie! Stop!-" You couldn't talk because you were laughing. He knew how to instantly lift your mood. This was a habit from your time as friends. If one of you was in a bad mood, the other would tickle them until they forgot about that thing.
"Okay okay! I give up!" He left you and you regained your breath. "Say it." "Say what?" "Say that you're beautiful or I'll tickle you again." "I am beautiful." You said, staring at him blankly for a moment before his hands moved back to your waist again. "But can I still keep my shirt on? To make me feel comfortable." "Of course, you are already so beautiful in every way." He nod his head before burying his head in your neck again and whispering into your ear the most beautiful words you've ever heard.
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It wasn't unusual for you to get close in the studio. You've done it dozens of times before at Mingi's studio. But what was different was that you were insecure about your body these days because you thought you had gained weight. Mingi never commented on your size; He wouldn't talk to you critically, except to tell you how beautiful you were and that he adored you.
But when one of your close friends talked about your weight gain in a very humorous and derogatory way, you inevitably felt bad.
While Mingi was trying to write his new solo song, you were lying on the sofa in the studio and playing on your phone because you couldn't find anything to do. You were startled when Mingi suddenly pulled his chair back and turned towards you.
"Come here." He patted his lap. You lazyly got up and sat on his lap. This was also a habit between the two of you. Whenever Mingi was stressed, he would call you to his lap, hug you, and while your scent enchanted him, new ideas would come to his mind.
Mingi's hands began to wander over your body as he hugged you tightly. He started tugging on the thick hoodie you were wearing. When his breathing deepened, you understood what he wanted. “Put your arms up kitten, help me” he grabbed the hem of your hoodie and tried to lift it up. When you stopped him by grabbing his wrists, he looked at you confused. "I don't want to take it off." When you said it hesitantly, his eyes looked worried. "Did I do something? I'm sorry? Did I make you angry? Is it because of the cake I ate yesterday without realizing it was yours? Kitten, I didn't know it was really yours." If you weren't in a bad mood you'd giggle at him. "No, of course not. It's just... I gained weight and my body is not beautiful. I don't want you to see me like this." Mingi pulled you closer to him and hugged you again while stroking your hair. "Don't be ridiculous. I don't care even if you gain weight. I love you so much that even if you weigh 500 kilos, you will still be the most beautiful woman in the world." You giggled at him. "Is it possible to weigh 500 kilos?" Mingi pulled your hoodie down. "I don't know, maybe not?" You both laughed. "Would you feel more comfortable if we didn't take off your hoodie?" You nodded at him. “Okay kitten, I got you."
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"Would you relax a bit?" It was the first time you and Wooyoung got this close; Yes, he was usually on you all the time, but this was different. You were in his dorm room and you were nervous because someone would break in at any moment, on top of that you were going to show him your body so openly for the first time, and he understood your nervousness. "What if someone sees it?" He was kissing you slowly. "There's no one in the dorm right now. Can you trust me for a bit?" You trusted him, and he didn't force you. At first you wanted to get closer, but then your insecurities took over and you started making excuses.
He pulled you into his lap and held your head in his hands. "Why are you nervous? If you don't want to, I can stop and we can continue our day as if it never happened." You shook your head. "I want, but..." "But what?" You avoided eye contact and started playing with the ends of your shirt. "But you know... I..." Your eyes met as he lowered his head to make eye contact with you. You took a deep breath and spoke. "I'm not happy with my body and I have stretch marks." He looked at you confused. "So? I have stretch marks too? What does this change?" You were too embarrassed to talk so you whined in his lap. He grabbed you under your arms and lifted you into the air, pulling you closer. "Look, if you worry about such small things, you'll miss the moment." His eyes were so full of love that they almost made you forget all your insecurities. "I know I just can't help it. Can I just keep my t-shirt on? Besides I'm scared that someone will come and see me. Please?" He grabbed you by your neck and gently pulled you down to his eye level and kissed you slowly on your lips. "I'm 100 percent sure no one will come, but as long as you're comfortable."
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You and Jongho hadn't gotten physically intimate enough to take your clothes off yet. You would kiss and hug each other every day, but you wouldn't go that far. Jongho wanted to wait until you were ready and not bring it up so that you don't get nervous. But today, for the first time, when you said you were ready for him, you had doubts. Jongho never made a bad comment about your body, but you still didn't feel good about him seeing your body.
When you and Jongho were lying lazyly on the couch in the living room and the topic came up with physical intimacy, you gave him the green light, Jongho couldn't wait any longer, he changed his position, laid you on your back and started kissing you slowly. Your heart was beating so fast with excitement and tension that you thought he could hear it. He was kissing you deeper than you had ever kissed before, and you thought he was holding back until now. Since only the light of the television illuminated the room, you couldn't clearly see his facial expressions; you got nervous because you didn't know if he liked you, if he was enjoying you, if he was happy... You were afraid that anxiety would start to take over and ruin the mood. So you tried to pull away as his hands moved from your chin to your waist and he slowly started removing your top. You couldn't go back too far and held his hands.
"Don't." You were still kissing, but your pace slowed down. "Hm?" He hummed you without leaving your lips. You didn't know how to tell him. "Don't take off my hoodie." Jongho finally pulled away from you and you locked eyes. But his hands went to your hair and tucked the strand from your face under your ear. "Why? How will I see and feel you then?" You could feel your ears turning red with embarrassment. You mentally thanked the lack of light in the room. "You don't need to see my body because it's not beautiful-" He interrupted you by kissing you and whining against your lips. "Don't be ridiculous." "I'm not being ridiculous, I'm telling the truth."
He picked you up and placed you on his lap. "If you're comfortable, let's keep your clothes on, hm?" You nodded your head, too embarrassed to speak. "Look at me, doll." You lifted your head and looked at him. "It doesn't matter to me, stop stressing yourself. Besides, it makes me very angry that you are so beautiful and you treat yourself unfairly." Just as you were about to open your mouth and object, he interrupted you. "We can do it any way you want, as long as you feel comfortable and safe. Shall we go to the bedroom?"
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a/n: I finally completed it! Sannie's was a little long but... Anyway, I'll continue with yandere requests. Yunho is wrecking me these days, so don't be surprised if I post 50 yandere yunho at once. HE IS SO!?!?!?!???!?! You have to stop Jeong Yunho, my heart can't take it anymore.
I don't think anyone reads this a/n place lol so I'm going to ramble on around here from now on.
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charnelhouse · 2 years
no but like what if ghost did fuck reader in front of the team. my head is so full with that thought.
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A/N: Simon Ghost Riley x F!Reader. Voyeurism kind of. Vague smut.
It’s not out in the open. Not really. But every damn one of them knows what’s happening. 
Price is on watch while the rest of the team lies on the floor of a dirty, old living room. It’s a rundown shack in the middle of Colorado. The cold is severe, full of needles and glass, and Soap can see his breath. Gaz is pressed against him. Vargas is on his other side. 
Romantic. Two unshowered men nearly on top of him, but the heat is appreciated.
It’s quiet except for the wind screaming like something out of legend. Makes him think of banshees or spirits. Soap can hear voices in the violence of its texture. Branches snap against the windows and patchy roof. Howls of agony that may just be from the meat of his head. He's seen a lot of death this week.
“We can’t.”
It’s you, your voice high and thin before it's met by the low, rumbling rasp of Ghost responding with something Soap can't discern. The floor creaks, the shadows burning patterns across the popcorn ceiling. Cobwebs. The stench of rotten wood. 
What are they whisperin’ about?
Soap hears Ghost shift. He’s surprised at how the man maneuvers his colossal mass without the room buckling.
Simon somehow got dibs on being your source of warmth for the night. Soap had even asked first, a tease more than anything.
“Care to be my cuddle buddy, lass?”
You’d laughed before your eyes cut to Ghost who was leaning against the wall, bulging arms crossed over his chest. All black aside from the white stain of his mask. Looming like some stone effigy.
“Um,” you said. “Sure, Johnny-“
“You’re taking watch with me, Red,” Ghost had cut in, tone flat and dry enough to burn. You’d blinked at him, the corner of your mouth twitching. 
“Oh,” you said softly. “Forgot. My bad.”
Soap jerks when he hears you whimper. It slices through the cold, the wind. He moves his head to look before Vargas knocks him in the thigh. Soap scowls.
“What the hell, mate?” he whispers.
“He’s fucking her,” Vargas states plainly. “Just warning you.”
Soap nearly chokes, a laugh punching at the back of his throat before he stifles it. “Come again?”
Vargas widens his eyes meaningfully. Soap can’t believe it and so he lifts himself to his elbows to peek across the room. He’s not exactly understated, mostly running on curiosity and bewilderment. 
Lieutenant wouldn’t -
Oh. Holy. Shit. 
Ghost is on top, one arm braced beside your face. Soap can barely see you due to Ghost’s giant body that’s pinning you to the floor. You’re revealed in flashes. Bare knees locked against Ghost’s waist, pant leg loose around an ankle. His trousers are hitched lower, but he still appears fully dressed. Your small hands clasp the back of Ghost’s head, before slipping down to dig your fingertips into the nape of his neck.
Ghost is fucking you slow and lazy. His ass rises before driving forward, lurching you slightly up the floor. One gloved hand is under the crown of your skull, pillowing it from the uncomfortable wood surface. Your heel slides down the back of his thigh. He thrusts a little more sharply and it forces a moan from your lips.
“Shhh,” Ghost murmurs in a voice that Soap has never heard him use. In fact, it sounds alien coming out of Simon Riley. It’s coaxing and tender. “Good girl,” he finishes before there’s the distinct noise of something wet. 
A hand grips his collar and wrenches him back down. It’s Gaz, expression chastising as he cocks an eyebrow. “If Ghost catches you watching them…”
“He’s gonna what?” Soap returns, jaw clenched because the sight, the sounds are doing something to him. “If Price walks in, the cunt’s gonna have his fuckin’ head for screwin’ her.”
Gaz squints, his teeth gleaming white in the dark before stifling a yawn. “They’ve been sleeping together for months. I thought you knew.”
The wind screeches outside.
Soap gapes and Gaz flicks his chin. “Close your mouth, man, before the flies get in.”
Soap rolls his eyes. “How’d you know?”
“Saw them going at it outside that bar in Rio.”
“Like kissing?”
“Like he was behind her and had her cheek shoved up against the alley wall.”
Jesus. He remembered that trip. You’d scraped the side of your face and you’d said you’d fallen. 
“They haven’t been subtle,” Vargas shrugs. “Remember when Ghost slaughtered half that room on Vlad Kuznetsov’s boat…”
“Yeah,” Soap replies. “But they’d shot her. He was just reacting.”
“He was supposed to keep them alive,” Vargas reminds him. “Death only if necessary.”
“So he deemed it necessary-“
“Because they hurt his girl.”
“I’m too tired for this,” Soap growls. “He should-“
There’s the startling noise of Ghost slamming his hand on the floor and shuddering. You giggle, and he bites off a curse before slapping some bare piece of you - probably your ass. Christ. 
Silence returns. The two lovers are breathing hard and deep. The floor creaks and fabric rasps. Simon is talking to you in a soothing baritone before he chuckles. It’s weird as fuck.
“Think she’s seen his face?” Gaz suddenly asks. The question hangs there between the three of them. When Soap hears Ghost laugh softly again, Soap thinks it’s more likely than not.
For the Follow-Up.
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aperrywilliams · 1 year
Under the Rain (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
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(Not my gif. Credits to the creator!)
Author Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader.
Summary: Reader is waiting for Spencer in a restaurant to celebrate their 2nd anniversary. What happens when Spencer doesn't show up?
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending. Spencer fucked up but Reader loves him.
A/N: It's winter on this side of the world, and the rain makes me kind of sad.
Is there anything worse than your boyfriend standing you up in a fancy restaurant on your 2nd anniversary? Yes, being stood up by your boyfriend in a fancy restaurant on your 2nd anniversary day while outside it’s raining cats and dogs.
That's worse. And pathetic.
You feel pathetic, sitting in that chair, all dolled up and waiting. You arrived at 19:30, and now your watch reads 20:45. No sight of Spencer.
What the fuck?
He was the one who suggested a romantic dinner in this very restaurant. He was the one who told you to make reservations. How could he forget it? You knew there wasn’t an active case. The very Penelope told you it was paperwork day when you texted her in the afternoon.
In the past hour, you dialed his number several times. You were worried at some point: what if something terrible happened to him? But you know bad news travels fast, so you assumed he didn’t show up just because he forgot. Deep down, you wanted there to be another explanation because if he only forgot, that would strengthen the idea of how little you mean to him.
Sensing the pitiful looks the hostess and the waitress sent you occasionally, you only wanted to dig a hole and disappear.
When the clock marked 21:00, you gave up. You asked the hostess for your coat and left the place completely silent.
The rain pouring outside was the perfect scenario for your current mood. You thought about calling a cab in front of the restaurant, but you only wanted to be far from that place as soon as possible, so you started to walk in the rain.
Goodbye to the stylish hairstyle that took you hours to achieve. Goodbye to the makeup you put so much effort into doing.
Striding along the sidewalk, you made sure to step on each water puddle you found along the way as you recalled every moment in the past months you felt Spencer away from you. And not only physically as when he was in a case. It was more than that. It was each morning he didn’t say I love you before leaving your shared apartment. It was each text he didn’t send telling you he was coming home or leaving for a case. It was each coffee you didn't share in the morning. It was each animated chat in the middle of the night you didn't have.
Were you being dramatic? You knew Spencer’s tendency to distract and engage in whatever his job could present him. In any other circumstances, you could have understood. Not tonight, though. Not when it was supposed to be your night together celebrating this milestone. The two years of love you thought were strengthening your relationship. How blind you have been. How naive.
You kept wandering on the streets with no destination. You didn’t want to come back to the apartment. You didn’t know where else to go either. So you kept walking.
Spencer Reid is a man with an eidetic memory. Everybody knows that. He can remember every piece of information people usually wouldn’t recall. He knows almost everything about anything. But even with his big brain, he sometimes has trouble keeping track of his own life. Like today.
Engrossed in a pile of manila folders from old cases, he lost time. A task meant to take just an hour or so kept him occupied and entertained for almost four hours. Emily’s voice was the only thing that brought him back from those files to reality.
“You still here?” Emily asked with a frown. Spencer looked at her oddly.
“Yeah. I was looking for patterns in our last cases in the northwest. What Tara said about the mixed murder weapons sounded familiar to me,” he explained before rubbing his eyes. He didn't notice how tired he felt until Emily interrupted him.
“Spencer, it’s almost 10 pm. And there is no active case. You can resume this tomorrow. I even thought you had plans today?”
‘10 pm’ and ‘plans today’ was enough to bring Spencer to realization.
“Fuck!” He yelped, jumping from his seat and freezing immediately, not knowing what to do.
“What?” Emily asked, seeing the panic in Spencer’s eyes.
“Shit. Shit. Shit,” he repeated over and over as he reached for his phone in his satchel.
“What is it, Reid?”
“Emily. I was supposed to be in a restaurant with (Y/N) tonight! It’s - uh - it’s our second anniversary,” he, visibly embarrassed, finished the sentence.
Emily shut her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Reid? How on earth do you forget something like that?”
“I don’t know! I - I don’t really know. Fuck. I’m an asshole!” He checked the phone: twenty missing calls. Why he left it on mute?
“Stop complaining and do something! Come on! Move your ass out of here if you want a chance of not being precisely kicked in the ass by her,” Emily instructed. She knew Spencer needed directions when he was freaking out.
Spencer rechecked his watch. It read 10:05 pm.
Swearing under his breath, he dialed your number, which went straight to voicemail. Putting his coat on, he tried again while rushing to the elevator. Maybe you were still at the restaurant? Getting in the first cab he found, Spencer headed there.
Once he arrived, he asked the hostess about you. The girl told him you left after 9 pm.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
He called you again with no success. This time you turned off your phone. Spencer’s stomach was a knot, and his heart hurt imagining you sitting alone, waiting for him.
Were you at home? Spencer guessed you wouldn't want to see him, so it was less probable. Should he go there anyway and wait for you? No. You deserved better than that. He would look for you even if it could take all night. Taking a cab, he decided to check the apartment - just in case - and grab his car keys.
As expected, you weren’t in the apartment. Spencer faced the darkness and coldness of the place, and a chill ran down his spine—the fear of losing you forever.
In the car, he thought, where you could be. It was still raining, and Spencer feared you were getting soaked and frozen, God knows where.
It was at this kind of moment Spencer wanted his eidetic memory, and all the knowledge in his brain could help to compensate for the dose of common sense he lacked.
‘Come on, Spencer. Think. For once in your life, do it for what is really important for you.’
Spencer parked and rushed out of the car, hoping his hunch was correct. He was in a park. Not any park, though. It was where he met you three years ago—where his life changed forever and for the better for once.
You were in a swing, moving softly back and forth, your feet touching the ground. Your eyes focused on the rain collecting in the nook you created with your feet in the mud.
“(Y/N)!” Spencer called once he spotted you. The rain muffled the sound of his voice.
Your eyes didn’t leave the ground. At first, you thought you were imagining things. It could have been wishful thinking that your boyfriend really cared about you. He called again, and now your brain obliged your eyes to look toward the voice’s source.
Spencer was in a corner where the park's playground began. He was looking at you and wanted to run to you, but the fear you could run away made him stay there, as the rain dampened him.
The sight of you broke him. You were utterly soaked. Your coat and lovely black dress were ruined, and your face with traces of smeared makeup. He could even spot your bloodshot eyes, swollen from crying.
He caused that. And Spencer hated himself for it.
Seeing you didn't say anything, barely acknowledging his presence, Spencer dared to take some steps forward. Your numb body didn't even flinch.
“(Y/N). I’m sorry,” were his first words. Expectable but useless for you. “I fucked it up. I’m sorry. I should have been there. I wanted to be there with you,” he apologized, giving a few steps closer to you. Not looking at him, you mumbled.
“But you weren’t. And if you really wanted to have been there, you would have.” Your voice was low and husky. You sounded tired and defeated. It was worse for Spencer. For him, you should be yelling. Telling him how hurting you were. How an asshole he was.
“Baby, there is no excuse for what I did. The last thing I want in my life is to hurt you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Spencer’s voice broke with each word.
What had he done? Why? How can he be so stupid? He loves you. You’re the most important person in his life, so why did he do that to you? How can he fix it?
Still not looking at him, you spoke again.
“I can’t understand, Spencer. It was our anniversary. You were the one who suggested doing it,” you remind him. He nodded, kneeling in front of you. It didn’t matter the mud, and it didn’t matter the rain still falling. Spencer needed to look at your eyes to explain himself.
“I’m an idiot. I lost track of time and forgot,” he mumbled. You held up your head and finally looked at him.
“You forgot? So it's true I’m not that important to you,” you concluded sadly. Spencer’s eyes widened.
“No! Don’t say that!” he pleaded.
“Am I wrong? I don’t think so.” Your chin wobbled, but you needed to say it. “I know your job is important, Spencer. I do. And I never wanted to compete with that because I thought I didn’t have to. But after these past months, I think I need to get used to the idea I lost you already,” you acknowledged with a pained sob betraying you. It was the pang of the meaning behind your own words.
The memories of the past months flashed before Spencer's eyes. And there he saw it. The kisses he didn't give you, the 'I love you' he didn't tell you. The nights he didn't sleep by your side—all the things he has been missing.
He realized that although he never doubted his love for you, he stopped nurturing it and took it for granted.
Crying, he took your hands, and by divine grace, you didn't push him away.
No words he could say would be enough to convey how sorry he was. But he needed to try because he didn’t want to lose you. You needed to know he loved you and that you owned his heart. You needed to know he just realized he made a mistake, and he wants to fix it.
“The first time I saw you in this very place, you were slowly swaying in this exact spot with your eyes focused on the book in your hands. I was so mesmerized that I never thought I would get the nerve to talk to you, you know? But I did. And when I saw the warm look you gave me when I asked you if you had read the author's biography, I felt my heart warming as never before. And when I heard your laugh after I clumsily tried to flirt with you? I swear it was the sound I wanted to hear for the rest of my life,” Spencer confessed, eyes sparkling at the memory. You fondly recalled it too. You never liked to talk with strangers all of a sudden, but with Spencer? It felt natural and right.
“You let me in in your life. You opened your heart to me and taught me how to do that too. You realized I’m not the best student in those matters, though,” he chuckled, seeing your nod.
“Despite that, you believed in me. You gave me a chance to love you, and I swear loving you has been the most natural thing that has ever happened to me. You have made me so happy (Y/N). You have no idea. And that is the problem. I have not known how to love you the way you deserve. I hadn't realized what I was doing. I'm sorry. I spent much of my life fending alone, not walking with anyone by my side. And I know that does not excuse my behavior. Even so, I dare to ask for an opportunity to prove you do not have to compete with my job. Give me a chance to prove to you I can be better. I can be the man who deserves your love. Please let me gain back your love and the privilege to hear you laugh again."
Spencer was almost out of breath when he was done speaking. You mulled in his words as his hands enveloped yours, patiently awaiting your response. Would you give him a chance?
As the rain continued pouring down, your eyes focused on him, still kneeling before you with hopeful eyes.
You know he loves you. Even if he needs to be better at proving it to you. And you love him even if you feel hurt for what he did. You both would have to work to make it work. You both deserved the chance, though.
The answer to his question was clear then.
You hopped off the swing and kneeled, not releasing his hands grasp and pulling him to catch his lips with yours. He kissed you back with everything he had. When both parted, you smiled at him, and Spencer was trying to figure out what that meant. You spoke to make it clear.
“Please, just don't make me regret being in this same place three years ago.”
Spencer earnestly shook his head.
“I won’t. I promise,” he told you before kissing you again under the rain.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @disaster-in-waiting @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger
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themultifandomgal · 2 months
Can you do a cute/funny Jay Halstead x reader where reader is Trudy’s niece and when she find out they’re dating, Trudy says something like “detective chuckles?! Really?!” And gently picks on them ♥️ add some cute domestic fluff about maybe moving in together and designing shared space?
Jay Halstead- Love Must Be Blind
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I really enjoyed this one, making Trudy just picking on Jay but secretly she's really happy for them. I hope you all enjoy this one. It’s just a small one really but cute nonetheless.
YN and Jay met through YN’s aunt, Trudy who works at the police station. It started out with YN bringing baked goods for everyone from her bakery. Over time YN got aquatinted with everyone, especially Jay. He would come into her bakery every day for breakfast, always ordering the same thing. Eventually Jay plucked up the courage to asked YN on a date, five months later and they are officially boyfriend and girlfriend, however no one knew about their relationship, that is until today.
Jay had insinuated that he had a girlfriend and everyone had been trying to guess, but so far no one had got it right.
Jay had forgotten his lunch, so YN decided to drop it off, forgetting that her aunt was working today. As YN arrived at the station Trudy watched from a distance as her niece greeted Jay with a smile
“Hey you forgot lunch so I thought I’d drop it off for you”
“Thanks your a life saver. It’s going to be a late one tonight”
“That’s ok. I’ve got Jen covering the shop today so I can make us food for later” YN leans up and places a kiss on Jay’s cheek which causes her aunt to clear her throat “crap I forgot about aunt Trudy working today” YN whispers to Jay who laughs in response
“Detective Chuckles really? My niece?” Trudy raises a brow at the detective “and you” she then points to YN “we shall be having a chat later about… this” rolling her eyes at her aunt, YN places another kiss on Jays cheek before saying her goodbyes and leaving.
Later that evening when Jay returns back to his place he finds his girlfriend dancing in the kitchen. He immediately wraps his arms around her making her giggle
“Smells wonderful”
“Thanks. How was the rest of your day?” Groaning Jay leans his head in the crook of her neck “that bad?”
“Your aunt is a menace”
“Oh tell me about it” YN spins round in Jays arms to face him “she rang me and told me, and I quote, ‘love really must be blind’ which I of course told her how amazing you really are”
“She hates me. She’s been giving me grief all day, making me do silly jobs for her”
“She doesn’t hate you. You have to remember that after mum passed away she took on that roll”
“I can grantee she does hate me” YN rolls her eyes at her boyfriend
“You wanna know what she said to me on the phone ‘Jay is a good man, I don’t think I’d trust anyone more than him’ just give her some time”
“I love you, you know”
“I love you too, but I won’t love you if you make me burn our supper because I’m starving” YN gently pushes Jay away who goes to wash his hands in his sink
“What would you like me to do?”
“Chop the chicken? You know I hate touching raw meat”
“Of course. Anything for you”
After their food had been cooked and eaten and the dishes had been cleaned, YN and Jay made their way to bed. YN lies on Jays chest, just listening to the thump of his heartbeat when he suddenly speaks
“I’ve been thinking”
“Oh no” YN jokes
“Oi” Jay tickles YNs side making her laugh
“Ok ok I’m sorry. Carry on” YN now leans up so she can see jays face clearly
“You and I are practically always with each other and now your aunt knows about us, I was just wondering if you’d maybe like to move in together?” Jay asks nervously. YNs smile grows wide “you don’t have to move in here, I could move into your place, or we could get our own, then it would be like…” YN plants her lips of Jays who finally stops talking “is that a yes?”
“Of course it’s a yes. I love you Jay”
“I love you too YN”
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You're not good at keeping secrets from the boys. Turns out, Will isn't either.
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Pairing - Will Miller x female reader. Benny Miller, Santiago Garcia, Frankie Morales x female reader.
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - Brief allusion to sexual content. No cursing in this one!!
Word Count - 4.3k
Author's Note - hi lovelies. here's another triple frontier fic for you all!! i love writing these boys so much. we all know by now that i am a total will girly, so it's no surprise he takes the lead in this one. but all the boys are included - i can't leave them out <3. as always, if you have any specific requests or thoughts, send them over!! lots of love x
my other triple frontier fics - Tethered, Time, and Home Is Where The Heart Is.
Masterlist. Requests.
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“Baby, we gotta go!”
“Coming!” you yell, running down the stairs with a duffel bag in your hand. “Almost forgot my toothbrush.”
“You’d forget your head if it wasn’t on your neck,” Will winks, nudging you with his shoulder.
“Shut up, Miller,” you tease, no real malice in your voice. You lean up to peck his lips gently, before he takes a step back.
“We can’t be late again. I can’t make up another excuse – last time was bad enough.”
“That was literally your fault! You were the one that couldn’t keep your hands off me, like some sort of teenage boy,” you laugh.
“It was the green dress’ fault, not mine. I don’t regret it,” he chuckles.
Will winks at you again before picking up your bags and walking outside to pack up the car.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Four days by the lake with your boys sounded like complete and utter bliss. When Frankie had suggested it, initially, everyone had laughed it off. Realistically, it wouldn’t work. You all struggle to plan a day off at the same time, never mind multiple. It sounded like a sweet little idea. Nothing more.
Then, life got stressful. Work was tough on everyone, families causing issues, deadlines looming – the mundane routine of every day wearing the five of you down. Eventually, it was Santiago that snapped.
“We’re going to that damn lake house,” he exclaimed one evening in Benny’s backyard. “I don’t care what we have to do. I don’t care if we all have to call in sick. We are going to the lake house.”
He looked around at his friends, expecting them to instantly shut him down. Instead, he was met with unanimous nods of agreement.
That was months ago. It was a logistical nightmare, working out your schedules to intertwine with each other, but you did it. You were ridiculously ready for four days of swimming, drinking, sunbathing and laughing with your favourite people in the entire world. It sounded like the well deserved break everyone needed.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Will’s warm palm meets the bare skin of your thigh as he drives. The roads are long and monotonous, but you don’t care. Everything is an adventure with him.
“You still sure about not telling ‘em?” he asks, blue eyes flitting over to you briefly. He’s got a gentle smile on his face. He always does when he’s with you. It’s like his default setting.
“Yeah, I think I am. Are you?”
“Yeah. Think we should live in paradise a little longer.”
“Paradise, huh?” you tease, squeezing his hand.
“You know it is. I’m on cloud nine every moment I’m with you, baby.”
His words make your head spin, and you’re glad you’re sitting down already. You wonder everyday how you got so lucky. It’s rare, to know with full certainty that you are someone’s favourite person in the world. The centre of their universe. Sometimes, it’s overwhelming. Mostly, it’s astounding. It warms up your bones, settles itself carefully into your ribcage, pumping your heart to the beat of Will’s love. What a gift.
Which is why you’ve decided to keep the two of you a secret from the boys. You know that it won’t change anything between the group, not really – but you’re a little worried nonetheless. It’s scary, altering a dynamic that works so well. The five of you, stuck like glue, know each other like the lyrics to your favourite songs. You know each others strengths, weaknesses, favourite ice cream flavours, middle names, star signs, families – everything. It’s the kind of friendship that binds you together for life. Changing that in any way would break your heart. Will’s too. You know, deep down, that they’ll be perfectly accepting. But the fear still lingers, ugly and unwavering.
Also - you and Will didn’t take the most conventional route into a relationship.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The two of you met in Delta Force. Co-workers, first. Comrades in arms. He had your back, you had his. You saved each other’s lives countless times. You’d stitch up each other’s wounds, carry each other back to base, share your water even though you only had a drop left. You were a team.
Then, you became friends. It’s hard not to, when you’re thrown into a life-or-death situation. You spent 24 hours a day together, wherever you were sent – sometimes Asia, sometimes South America, sometimes Africa. You got to know each other, learnt one another’s quirks and habits and likes and dislikes. The five of you bonded quickly and effortlessly. It made you a slick team, your missions running like clockwork. You could all predict each other’s movements, finish each other’s sentences. It’s what made you so successful, so revered.
After Delta Force, you became friends outside of work. Forced proximity friendship is one thing, but actually making the time to see each other back on home soil is another. You were worried that you were going to drift, and all of the trust built would perish. That wasn’t the case. The five of you quickly adjusted to being home together. You’d all spend Saturdays in Frankie’s backyard, Friday nights on Santiago’s porch, Sundays in Will’s kitchen. You’d pop by and see Benny on a Wednesday night after work, ready to watch another episode of that reality show you both couldn’t get enough of. You’d see Will any chance you got. Sunday morning farmers market trips and early swims and pancakes for breakfast and why don’t you just stay over? It’ll save you driving home.
You’d been best friends with Will for years before you realised how you felt about him.
It’d hit you, all of a sudden, one Sunday morning. You drove over to Will’s to pick him up, ready to go to the flea market downtown. You were going to grab lunch after, maybe cook some dinner together later. Just an average day.
You let yourself in to his house using the key he’d had made for you years ago. You had keys to all the boy’s places – just in case. You found Will at the stove, shirtless, golden skin on display. Whatever he was cooking smelled heavenly, and you wondered for a minute how it was fair that he was talented at everything.
“Morning, Miller,” you sing, throwing your bag down and striding over to him.
“Morning, sweetheart,” he replies, turning around to face you. He opens his arms and you step into his space, wrapping yourself around him and resting your head on his bare chest. You inhale, breathing in his scent deliberately. He smells like warmth and sleep and sunshine and promises.
You take a step back, craning your neck to look at him. The morning sunlight is gleaming through the windows, casting a gold hue across the room. Will’s hair is glowing, illuminating him like some sort of halo. Angelic boy.
Those ocean blue eyes survey you carefully. He rests his hands on your hips, pulling you in closer.
“What’s on your mind? I can see it runnin’ a mile a minute,” he murmurs. You try to look down, but he catches your chin with his thumb and forefinger, gently guiding you back up.
How do you explain that you’ve just realised that you’re completely, utterly, irreversibly in love with Will Miller? That it’s just dawned on you like a sunrise, warm and promising? How do you tell someone that you’re quite convinced you’ll drop dead if you don’t kiss them immediately? Is it even possible to explain these feelings? Is it possible to put all of these emotions into words? Are there enough words in any language to explain the enormity of what you’re experiencing?
Instead, you simply say,
“I’m in love with you.”
Will’s pupils blow wide, and he sways slightly, as if the weight of your confession has knocked him off balance. You steady him by cradling his face, forcing him to look at you.
“You don’t have to say it back,” you continue. “But I’ve kind of just put the pieces together, and it seems stupid not to tell you. You of all people know that life is short and fragile and can change in the blink of an eye, so I just thought –”
Will cuts you off by smashing his lips against yours. The kiss is passionate and tender and so full of love you’re convinced you could get drunk off it. He pulls back for air and looks at you earnestly.
“Don’t have to say it back? Sweetheart, do you know how often I’ve dreamt of you saying those words to me?”
You can’t help but break out into a grin. You feel like you’re floating, levitating above ground, held up purely by the love William Miller has for you.
“You have?” you ask, disbelief written on your features. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was waiting for you,” he beams. “I knew you’d figure it out eventually.”
You smile at him ear to ear before jumping into his arms. You kiss him again, legs wrapping around his waist to anchor yourself, closing the distance. He spins around the kitchen with you in his arms, the joy of being in love filling the room.
Suddenly, Will puts you down.
“Stay here,” he tells you, before sprinting upstairs.
Usually, you can predict Will’s every move. But not now. Now, you’re more confused than you’ve ever been.
He returns, placing a kiss to your forehead, before getting down on one knee in front of you.
“Marry me,” he says, complete certainty in his voice. You’ve never heard him this assured.
“Will… what?” you ask incredulously. You confessed your love for each other ten minutes ago, and you’ve skipped straight to marriage, apparently.
“Listen. I know it’s crazy. I know it seems fast. But we’ve loved each other for years, sweetheart. I realised when I met you that I was never, ever going to love anyone else again.”
He pulls out a box from the pocket of his pyjama pants and opens it to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. It’s understated and it’s elegant and it’s just so you.
“I bought this two years ago. Maybe you think I’m insane, and maybe you’re going to run out of that door the minute I stop talking. But I’ve never been surer of anything in my entire life.”
You’ve been trying to catch your breath unsuccessfully for the past few minutes. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion, and your brain is trying to keep up.
“Will, we aren’t even technically dating,” you tease playfully. You already know your answer. You just like hearing him bear his truth to you like this.
“We’ve been dating for years, technically,” he rallies. “Everyone always thinks we’re a couple. We’re together every weekend, we go on dates, you sleep over… we went grocery shopping last week!”
You grin, remembering how you’d jokingly argued over whether to get the red or the green grapes, and how you’d ended up getting both. It was all so domestic it made your heart ache.
The two of you sit in the silence for a minute, Will still on one knee. He’s looking up at you like you hung the stars in the sky just for him. There’s no doubt in your mind what you’ll say.
“Yes, Will. God, yes. The easiest yes of my entire life.”
He jumps up to grab you, spinning you in circles. You kiss him with so much force he stumbles backwards. Will takes your left hand, and carefully slides the ring onto your finger. It looks like it’s always belonged there.
You always knew it’d be Will Miller. It’s the only thing that makes sense.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
That was months ago. The other boys know that you and Will spend a lot of time together one on one, so no one has suspected anything out of the ordinary. You have no doubt they’ll be happy for you both, but you’re content to keep everything a secret a little while longer. It’s easier, that way. It means you and Will get to keep living in your bubble of bliss, unphased by the outside world. You’ll tell them soon enough. You’re just trying to savour every last second.
“We’ll tell them soon,” you reassure Will, interlocking your fingers with his where they rest on your leg. “We’ll make it a whole thing, if you like. It feels like something that warrants a celebration.”
“Oh, definitely,” he grins, turning his eyes back to the road. “We’re almost there. So, you’re gonna have to act like you’re not totally head over heels in love with me for four days. You think you can manage?”
You scoff playfully, and squeeze his hand.
“I’m sure I’ll be okay,” you tease. He chuckles, and the melody of it is music to your ears.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You arrive at the lake house only ten minutes late, which you and Will agree is not entirely unacceptable.
“Finally, they’re here!” Benny yells as he bounds over to the car. He envelopes you in a bear hug, picking you up off the ground accidentally.
“Frankie is inside,” Santiago reassures when he catches you looking over his shoulder. You turn to give him a hug, and he kisses you on the cheek. Old habit.
“Santi, did you pack bug spray? You know the mosquitoes love you,” you wink, running your hands through his hair affectionately. He has greys coming through, and they suit him beautifully.
“Yes, hermosa, I got your text reminding me,” he smiles. “Thank you.”
You and Will grab your bags and make your way inside, where Frankie is making margaritas.
“Hola, mi amor,” he greets, wrapping his arms around you. “How was the journey?”
“All good, Francisco,” you reply. “I have a very reliable chauffeur.”
Will laughs from behind you, and it makes your knees weak.
“Bad news, you guys!” Benny interrupts, jumping to sit on the counter. “You two have to share a room, since you were the last ones here. Finders, keepers, and all that.”
That really isn’t the inconvenience that the boys think it is, but you and Will play along nonetheless.
“Damn it. He snores, you know!” you laugh, looking over to where Will is pretending to be offended, hand over his heart.
“That’s what you get for being late, losers!” Benny retorts, throwing his head back in amusement. Everyone laughs along with him, and all the tension melts from your body.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
It’s day one, and you’re already struggling. You’re all relaxing on the dock, soaking up the sun’s rays. Will is wearing his forest green swim trunks with a ridiculously small inseam, his strong thighs on display. You so badly want to kiss them, lick them, bite down on them in the way you know he likes. Instead, you sip your margarita and settle for ogling him over the rim of your sunglasses.
He dives into the lake elegantly, and a bead of sweat drips down your neck. He breaks the surface, coming up for air, and pushes his hair back, water cascading down his golden skin. He’s glowing, beaming, gleaming in the sunlight like an ancient marble statue. You’re practically panting. Santiago notices.
“You okay, hermosa?” he asks, giving you a once over.
“Yeah, Santi, I’m good. Just super warm,” you lie. He seems to buy it, because he moves to grab his book, fanning you with it. Admittedly, the light breeze does cool you off, and distracts you from Will. Double win.
“Thank you, kind sir,” you joke, as he pretends to tip his hat towards you.
“You should join us!” Benny shouts from the lake. When did he even jump in?
“Yeah, come on, darlin’” Will chimes in, watching you with a slight smirk on his face. He’s not going to pass up the chance to see you sun soaked and dripping wet.
“Fine!” you huff jokingly, pulling your oversized t shirt (which you’re realising belongs to Frankie – when did you steal that?) over your head. You’re left in a bikini that leaves little to the imagination, the bright colour accentuating your skin beautifully. You look good. You feel good.
Will looks you up and down and takes a deep breath. You’re just friends, remember? He’s trying to convince himself, attempting to make the act somewhat believable. You break him out of his thoughts by running along the dock as fast as you can, and diving into the lake with a surprising amount of grace.
The five of you spend all afternoon in the water. Benny thinks it’s hilarious to pick you up, placing you on his shoulders before jumping backwards, sending you both flying through the air. You all play catch, laughing when Frankie misses the ball and accidentally punches Santi right in the stomach. You and Will easily fall back into your old habits of being friends, but you can’t help but notice the way his eyes linger just a second too long every now and again. You’re sure nobody else clocks on, all of the boys too busy splashing each other like children.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
When the evening comes, you all shower and dry off while Will and Frankie make dinner. You, Benny and Santi curl up on the couch, trying to warm each other up after hours of being in the water. You eat, you laugh, and you all swap stories about the things that you’ve missed since you last saw each other properly. It’s bliss. Perfect tranquility.
The sun sets, and you all move outside to the deck. Santi starts a campfire, and the five of you grab beers, settling into the warmth of the crackling wood. Everyone is relaxed, not a care in the world. You wish, for a moment, that life could always be like this. As if reading your thoughts, Will reaches out and brushes your cheekbone with his thumb in a fleeting moment, before retracting his hand as if nothing happened.
“I’m gonna make us some warm ciders,” Frankie decides, rising from his chair.
“I’ll come and help you. You always put way too much alcohol in - these idiots can’t handle it,” you signal towards where Benny, Will and Santiago are sat. They all scoff at you, laughing because they know it’s true.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You sit atop the counter next to where Frankie begins gathering his ingredients. When a strand of hair falls into his eyes, you move it away gently.
“Will you let me cut your hair tomorrow? It’s getting in your way,” you ask him softly.
“Of course, mi amor. Wouldn’t trust anyone else.”
He smiles at you, and your heart swells. You love this man so much - some days you wonder how you got so lucky. All five of you are bonded for life, best friends until the end. But there’s no denying that you and Frankie have always understood each other on another level.
He stops making the drinks, moving to stand between your legs. He looks at you intently, as if he’s trying to solve something.
“I like seeing you happy like this,” he murmurs.
“How can I not be?” you whisper back. “I’m with my favourite people. I have everything I could ever want.”
“Yeah, but this is different.”
You scrunch your brows in confusion, and he chuckles. He begins to draw slow circles just above your bare knee. You can tell he’s thinking carefully.
“It’s Will, isn’t it?” he asks, gentle smile on his face.
In this moment, you could lie. You could feign innocence, deny it with your life, maintain that you and Will are just friends. But what’s the use? Why hide the best thing that’s ever happened to you from one of the people you love the most in the world?
“Yeah,” you grin. “It’s Will.”
He’s practically beaming at you now, equal parts proud of himself and you.
“Knew it,” he murmurs, careful to keep his voice down. “Did something happen?”
You realise now that there’s absolutely no point in lying to Frankie. You’ve come this far. Might as well tell him the truth.
“We’re engaged,” you whisper, grinning from ear to ear.
He pauses for a moment, processing the news. You can see the shock registering on his face. Then, he lunges forward, wrapping his arms around you.
“Oh my god, hermosa! You’re kidding!”
He’s squeezing you so tight you can barely breathe. You hear a shout from the boys outside and remember where you are.
“We haven’t told anyone yet. We’re just living in our little bubble of happiness for a while.”
“Hey, I get it,” he reassures. “I’m so happy for you. Both of you. I knew it’d happen eventually. It was just a question of when.”
You hug him again, so overwhelmed with love. What a miracle, to be loved like this by so many brilliant people.
“We’ll tell everyone soon, I promise. We were thinking of making it a party, a whole celebration.”
“Of course. Just tell me when, and I’ll be there.”
He pinches your knee playfully, before making his way back to his drinks, smile still plastered across his face.
“Hey, Francisco?” you murmur, still aware of the volume of your voice.
“Yeah?” he turns, giving you his full attention.
“So, I know it’s not traditional, but, I mean, when have me and Will ever done traditional?” you both laugh, and you continue. “I was just thinking – and you don’t have to say yes… I’d love it if you did, but really, you don’t have to – “
“Spit it out, mi amor,” he teases gently.
“Will you be my best man?”
He stops in his tracks, suddenly serious, and you’re worried you’ve made a mistake. Then, he breaks out into a grin, practically running over to bear hug you again.
“Of course I will,” he confirms into your ear. “I’d love nothing more.”
“I love you,” you tell him earnestly.
“I love you too, hermosa. So much.”
Frankie kisses you on the forehead once, then again, and begins to pick up the drinks he’s made.
“They’re gonna get suspicious if we’re gone too long. You know how they get,” he winks, leaving you alone in the kitchen.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You sit in your happiness for a little while, just basking in the glow. You’ve never felt so at peace.
Will wanders into the kitchen, immediately coming over to stand in front of you. His warm palms find your hips, and he leans in to kiss you softly.
“Hi, sugar,” he murmurs against your mouth.
“Hi, handsome,” you mutter back.
“You okay? You disappeared,” he asks, fingers moving in warm circles on the bare skin of your waist.
“I’m good. So good,” you smile, kissing him again.
It’s then you realise what you’ve done. You broke the rule – don’t tell the boys.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I have something I need to confess.”
He pulls away so he can see your face, and smiles at you gently, before putting the pieces together in his head.
“You told Frankie, didn’t you?” he asks, still smiling.
There’s a pause before you bare your truth.
“Yes. I’m sorry! He kind of figured it out himself, and he asked, and I didn’t have the heart to lie to him. He’s my best friend, he can see right through me at any given moment. I know I was the one who said we shouldn’t tell them and I know this makes me a hypocrite and I’m sorry – “
Will cuts you off - just like that day in his kitchen - by smashing his lips to yours.
“It’s okay. Sweetheart, it’s okay,” he reassures when you pull away.
“Yes. I promise.”
He rests his forehead against yours, and allows you to breathe him in. Then, he chuckles softly.
“What?” you ask.
“We’re idiots,” he replies.
“I mean, yes. But why?”
He chuckles again, clearly amused, before answering,
“I totally just told Benny and Santi while you were in here telling Frankie.”
You process the information, before bursting into a fit of giggles. He joins you, the both of you laughing like fools.
“You’re kidding!”
“I wish I was. Benny made a comment, said he’s kinda noticed that something has changed, and I just sort of confessed.”
You’re both laughing so hard your sides hurt. What are the chances? It all feels like fate. The two of you, together. The timing of the evening. It couldn’t have worked out any more perfect.
“We’re idiots,” you agree, throwing your arms around his neck. Will pulls you off the counter and spins you around, making you shriek. It’s the most beautiful déjà vu.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The two of you make your way back out to the deck. As you walk over to the boys at the campfire, you’re suddenly caught off guard by two of them rugby tackling you, the three of you barrelling into the ground with a thud. Benny and Santiago are crushing you beneath them, shouting as they do it.
“Hell yeah, sweetheart!”
“How did you even keep this a secret for so long?”
“Yeah, when were you planning to tell us, huh?”
“Can’t believe you’re marrying my brother. Oh my god, we’re gonna be family!”
“The five of us are already family, Ben.”
“Yeah, but, like, legally. Brother and sister!”
Benny’s hair is in your mouth and Santiago’s knee is in your ribcage and your earring is caught in someone’s shirt and the grass is scratching your back and you can’t breathe. Will and Frankie are watching from a distance, chuckling. You wouldn’t change it for the world.
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malarkgirlypop · 2 months
MEDIC! Part 34 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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I'm running out of GIFs ahhhhhh!!
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, @b00ks1ut , @mstiemountainhop, @awaterfalls anyone else please let me know.
We sat in the bar drinking and laughing. All of the nurses were giggling and gossiping over their drinks. 
When we had arrived the rest of the nurses were already waiting for us. They had saved a cute booth in the back for us to all squish into. There were so many of us girls that we practically sat on top of each other, but no one seemed to mind.
I listened to all of their stories, hanging off every word, I missed talking to women. I forgot how much more in depth their tales were, we always got every piece of information we could about the topic, even if it didn’t have anything to do with the plot. Men only had the basics they could tell a story from start to finish, but they didn’t have the fine details. 
The bar was crowded with other army personnel and members of the public. The record playing behind the bar was hard to hear over all the noise. We all had to lean in close, raising our voices to be heard over all the commotion. 
Being a group of women, we were attracting attention. Men would come and go from the table, trying to sidle up to the girl who took their fancy, but there was never enough room for them to squeeze into the booth. So they took to pulling up chairs at the end of the table, basically trapping us in. 
Unfortunately for me our group had been the last one to arrive, so I was stuck on the outer edge of the booth. 
It was fine, I had mastered ignoring them and most of them wanted to talk to the other nurses, which I was thankful for. 
I was almost sitting on top of poor Alice, who was the youngest nurse in the group. Her sweet round face and big doe eyes took in the world with wonder. She had told me this was her first time in a bar and that she had never drunk alcohol before. I watched in amusement as she took her first sips of a wine we had ordered her. 
“Oh god!” She coughed, puckering her face with the sour drink. “It burns.”       
We all giggled, as she blushed shyly.
“To Alice’s first sip!” I cheered, raising my glass, the rest of the nurses laughed and raised their glasses as we all clinked them together.   
“How are you finding it?” I bumped her with my shoulder. 
“The drink?” She asked, making a grimacing face. I laughed loudly at her naivety. 
“No, I can tell by your face the opinion you have about the drink. I meant the pub. Are you liking it?”  
“Yes, it’s very fun!” She replied in a chipper manner. 
“A bit later we should dance.” I suggested, I watched her face light up as she nodded. 
“I love dancing!” She sighed dreamily. 
“Do you love dancing? Or dancing with someone in particular?” I questioned. 
The blonde’s face blushed a deep shade of red as she dipped her head down. 
“Could you tell?”
I laughed again. Alice was so sweet my teeth hurt. 
“Yes, your big love heart eyes gave you away.” I teased. 
“He said he would come tonight, but I haven’t seen him.” I watched her crane her neck over the crowd trying to spot him, but her lip caught between her teeth. 
“I’m sure he’ll come.” I tried to reassure her. 
I spoke to Alice most of the night, it was more difficult to speak to the rest of the girls due to the noise.  
“When did you start working?” I asked, thinking she looked so young. 
“A couple months ago, they were needing more nurses since they were so short, they said they would take anyone. So I applied.” I nodded my head listening to Alice speak. 
“You’re very brave.” I told her, as she sent me a soft grin. 
“No, you’re more brave than I. You work on the front, don’t you?” Alice asked, tilting her head. 
“I did, not anymore. But I do have to tell you the scariest thing was how bad those men smelt.” I grinned as she threw her head back in fits of laughter. 
“What’s happening?” I asked as the rest of the nurses made their way out of the booth. 
“They cleared the dance floor!” Ruth cheered. “Come on!” 
I smiled at Alice and we jumped up from our seats. We followed the rest of the group onto the floor. The men had been quick to action, swooping in and stealing all the nurses away to dance with them. 
“Care to dance.” I extended my hand to Alice, putting on a masculine voice. 
“Why of course, Sir.” She curtseyed while giggling at my silly antics. 
Alice and I danced around the room in hysterics, we ignored the odd glances sent our way from the other patrons who were watching from the outskirts of the floor. 
After a while a man tapped my shoulder and asked to cut in. I looked over to Alice as her eyes became large and blush rose to her cheeks. From the way she bit her lower lip nervously, I could tell it was the person she had spoken about earlier. 
“You be good to her.” I warned, but still handed her over to the tall man.    
I watched like a proud mother, as Alice and her guy swayed together. I enjoyed watching all of the nurses dancing with their men. Their knowledge of the different types of dances amazed me. With each new song they knew the exact dance that went with the tune. After a while of watching I made my way back to the booth, waiting for the girls to finally come back to the table.
“Hey, I know you! You’re Easy company’s medic.” I startled as the random man slumped down into the space next to me. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to discreetly scoot away but he had cornered me right into the back wall. 
“I am one of them.” I said hesitantly. The man smelt of booze and slurred as he talked. Each time he spoke he lent agonisingly close, his hot breath wafting over my face.     
“You must be tired.” The drunk man sent me a greasy smile. 
“No, I have other medics who help me.” I informed the man, confused by his comment. I furrowed my brow trying to peek over his shoulder to see I could rally some assistance, or at least distraction. 
“No,” He chuckled, “from being passed around.”
I stilled, turning my head slowly to see if I heard him correctly. He looked at me smugly, my stomach twisted. 
“Excuse me?” My lip curled into a snarl, but the man was too drunk to notice.
“Won’t you let me have a turn?” He smiled at me, his hands wandered down the inside of my thighs. I gripped his wrists, trying to keep him from exploring any further.   
“Fuck off!” I snapped, trying my best to escape the corner he had me tucked into. His back was facing toward the crowd, his whole body was covering mine. I’m sure I couldn’t even be seen from the position we were in. 
“Aw, that's no way for a lady to talk. Come on, everyone else has had a ride.” The man licked his lips, I almost gagged. It was a split second decision, my head clouded by the wines I had drunk, I raised my hand. I knew it was a bad idea but my hand was already wound up behind my head. 
I slapped him across his face, sending him cowering back. 
“I said, fuck off!” I asserted, but my tone didn’t match my actions. My voice shook slightly as I came to terms with what I had done.
He looked at me in disbelief, clutching the cheek I just struck. My handprint left a red welt on his face. 
I knew from the rage that spread across his features, I had fucked up. 
I tried to scramble out the other side of the booth, but the only way to move was to scoot around the bend and then down the length of the rest of the bench. 
Not even two scoots along, he had caught up to me. His arms longer than mine reached my limbs and dragged me back. 
Pinning me to the back corner by my throat, the drunk man loomed over me. His nostrils flared as he glared down at me in disgust. 
“You motherfucker.” He growled lowly in my face. 
“No, but I did fuck your Dad.” I said mockingly. My drunk mind was taking more control than the sober me, who was in the back of my head yelling at me to scream for help. 
The man guffawed in shock. He reeled his arm back ready to strike, just as he was about to swing his wrist was captured by a hand. 
In a split second the man was gone. He was right in front of me, huffing down into my face, then in a blink of an eye he was being dragged out of the booth. 
I sat for a moment in shock, not quite believing my eyes. I darted out of the booth, following behind the man who had my assailant by the scruff of the neck. 
No one stood in the way of the pair as the soldier hauled the man through the crowd. 
“Hey!” I called out after them, as I pushed my way through the onlookers. 
I followed them outside, watching as the soldier threw the man onto the ground. The drunk rolled in the gravel before getting to his feet. Raising his fist in front of his face readying himself for a fight. 
As I looked around I saw that a group had formed around the pair, my brows furrowed as I clocked familiar faces. Bull, Babe, George, it was all Easy men. 
“What the-” I muttered under my breath before my attention was caught again. 
The drunk man lunged forward sloppily, his fist swinging out wildly trying to hit his opponent. The man dodged his attack ducking to the side and moving past the man as he ran forwards. 
He now stood facing me. 
“Donald what the fuck!” I yelled in disbelief. I had no idea how I hadn’t noticed it was him this whole time. 
Don looked over to me as I glared at him. The drunk man darted forward again, but Don wasn’t paying attention, he was too busy looking back at me. 
I watched in horror as the man’s fist collided with Malarley’s face. He stumbled back clutching his cheek, before shaking his head and raising his own fists.  
“No!” I marched forward getting ready to intervene in this stupid fight, but hands caught around my waist holding me back. 
“Let go!” I struggled against the strong arms but their grip held firm. 
“Just let him get in a good few hits, and then I’ll let you go.” Lieb whispered in my ear. 
“No, I don’t need him to fight my battles for me. I was dealing with the situation.” I raised my voice loud so Don could hear me. 
“Right like you were handling it! You were seconds from being hit in the face.” Don chimed in from across the gravel.
“Why do you even care?! You wanted space, remember?” I didn’t care who was listening. I was so angry all I could focus on was Malarkey. 
“We can talk about that later.” Don said while dodging another attack from the man. His fist snapped out from his side, audibly crunching into the man’s nose.  
The drunk man hollered in pain, collapsing into a heap on the floor. Bright red blood poured from his nose as he clutched it screaming out in agony. It was definitely broken. 
Finally Lieb let me go. I stormed out of his arm right towards Don. 
“What is wrong with you?” I shoved his chest, but he didn’t budge as he stared down at me. 
I bent down to the man who was cradling his injured face covered in his own blood. 
“Here let me help.” I offered my assistance. I reached out to move his hands away from his nose so I could see it better. 
“Why are you helping him?” Don scoffed trying to pull me to my feet. 
He was right, I have no idea why I was trying to help this man when not even five minutes ago he was groping my thighs and asking for a turn.
The drunk fended me off, “Like I want your help, you got me into this.” He growled at me as he got to his feet and trudged off. 
I was about to raise my head and have another go at Don, but before I could say anything I was tugged away and steered back into the bar and towards the dance floor. 
George twirled me round, placing his hand in mine and the other on my waist. 
“Wooh, look at you. Even when you’re about to get beaten up, you still look good.” I stared at him in shock for a second before I laughed. 
“What on earth are you doing?” I was baffled by the man as he grinned at me. 
“Come on doll, let me give you a spin.” He twirled me again, disorientating me on purpose to distract me. 
“I don’t know how to dance George!” I protested, trying to leave his arms.
“Oh, of course you do. Don’t lie to me! I literally saw you dance back in Hagenau.”  
“Well I don’t know how to do this dance.” I gestured towards all of the couples who were doing the most elaborate dances with ease. 
A Frank Sinatra song started playing over the record. George took me under my arm resting his hand on my back and holding our other hands together. 
“What dance are we gonna do?” I asked nervously. 
“The foxtrot.” George grinned at me, I gave him a scared look, but he just chuckled at me. 
George patiently taught me the steps. After stepping on his toes multiple times, I finally got the dance. 
We glided around the floor, looking like the other couples I was in awe of moments ago. I was able to actually look at George as we danced, not having to look at my feet anymore or think too hard about what they were doing.
“What’s up with you and Don?” He asked tentatively. 
I sighed, shaking my head. “I don’t know, we had a fight, he said he wanted space and I guess I just spiralled from there.”
“Yeah, I brought you in for a dance cause it looked like you were about to bite each other’s heads off.” George laughed. 
“Thank you, I needed the distraction. Also why are you all here anyway?” They hadn’t said anything about coming out tonight. 
“We might have told Don how beautiful you looked and that if he didn’t come out here after you, you’d probably be swept off your feet by another man.” George replied quickly. 
“Well you were right, someone did sweep me off my feet!” 
“Who?!” George asked, looking around frantically. 
“You, stupid.” I laughed, he sighed in relief, finally getting the joke and chuckling. 
George dipped me down dramatically before bringing me up again. I giggled as he spun me round then pulled me back to him catching me before I smashed into his chest.  
The songs slowed, as the couples around us swayed gently to the music. We stood still, stepping from one foot to the other swaying to the beat. A hand tapped on George’s shoulder as we whispered to each other. We looked over to find Malarkey smiling at us. 
“Mind if I steal her away Luz?” Malarkey asked.
Chapter 35
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calummss · 5 months
Miss | Nell Jackson
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summary: kidnapped your top priority was to make your way back home. meeting nell jackson wasn’t one
pairing : lesbian! nell jackson x wlw reader
words: 1.6k
a/n: first fic on anti depressants so if it sucks take it up with my doctor lmaoo. NOT PROOFREAD
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I had a good life. Franky, nothing to complain about. I lived a life others would play dress up as and pretend. I put on the same clothes, only more expensive, and was not allowed to show flaws in my performance. However I never planned on fucking up this bad.
The door was left unguarded. Both the men as good as dead if it weren’t for the snoring that could wake up a lion’s den. It was the first time in weeks that they had made a blunder, their ego so high they forgot how low their intelligence was.
‘Come on, Y/n. Come on!!!!’
The chair you sat in let out a squeak as you slowly lifted up your body so that you were standing, bringing your arms to your front by popping your legs through the hole.
‘This will do until now. Can’t fucking untie myself. Why? I can’t waste time on this knot, can I?’ You shook your head, pressing your lips together, lifting your foot and gently shifting your weight. You scrunched your face with every move, so tense with fear you might never leave that room like you had planned over and over in your mind. It was now or never. Your parents surely already alerted everyone. That their daughter was missing. That the heir to the throne had been taken from her castle.
Carefully you put your hand on the door handle and steadily pulled it open until the slit was big enough for you to slip through. Just as carefully as before, you pulled the door shut, breathing out as you heard the door lock. But as you turned around you stood face to face with a woman. She was dressed as a man, her big eyes capturing you as you felt your escape plan crumble.
“What are—“
“Shhh.” You quickly covered her mouth, feeling her hot breath on the back of your hand as your heart began to pound, your chest rising and falling against hers. You pulled back until you saw her eyes again and just as you were about to fall into them you retrieved your hand, bowed your head and apologised.
You raced down the stairs of the tavern, facing the floor as you made your way through the crowd of dirty men, laughing at the jokester. As you went through the door and saw the grey sky, you pondered which way led to the capital, eager to get back to your family. Choosing to go left, your feet snake in the mud. Just as you were going to take another step you heard that familiar voice again.
You ignored her. Did she know who you were? Was she going to bring you back? You couldn’t risk it.
You refused to turn around.
“Miss.” You felt her presence next to you as the legs of a white horse appeared next to you. “Are you going to continue to ignore me?”
“Where are you heading?”
“You mean London?”
You stopped in your tracks, “What other capital could I be talking about?”
“I can take you.”
“I’m sure you can .”
“London is a two month ride from here. You, Miss, are on foot.”
“I am very much aware,” you stomped ahead.”Wait a minute.” You turned around, standing face to face with her horse before looking up. “You look familiar.”
“So do you.” She fired back, her quickness of it making you unsure if she was trying to jest or if she was speaking the truth.
“I don’t.” You gave her a petty smile, her most remarkable shade of brown eyes never leaving your face as her softened eyebrows pulled together slightly.
“You look like that princess.”
“And I think you are Nell Jackson. The famous highway woman everyone’s been talking about.”
“Have you?” She asked.
“Talked about me?” She smirked ever so slowly, her elbow resting on her knee as she leaned forward.
You cleared your throat. “Until recently I suppose I have, why?”
“Just making conversation, Princess Y/n.”
‘I am not the princess.”
“Yes you are.”
“God you are so aggravating, Nellie Jackson.” You spat at her, hoping your nastiness would let her take the hint and leave you alone, even if your journey ahead would be made easier with her help, you couldn’t risk it.
“Don’t call me Nellie.” She sat the same as she had minutes ago. Barely moving a muscle as she sat on top of the carriage that seemed to carry a few more people since you could see more than one pair of eyes glance from behind the curtains.
“Don’t call me princess.”
“Fine. Good day.”
You lifted your shoes out of the mud and continued treading down the path but the faint sound of wheels and a breathing horse spied your every move. You refused to let her win. After all she was in fact a highway woman. You were a princess. A royal never gave up.
“You sure are stubborn, Y/n.”
“Fine,” you mumbled to yourself before stomping towards the carriage and onto the front seat, sitting next to Nell as she eyed you up and down with that same smirk that made you want to grab them and rip them off. “Take me to London then, Nellie Jackson.”
“As you wish, mi lady.”
It had been around three weeks since Nell had offered to take you to London, her accent having indicated to you that she knew the place very well. You didn’t want to admit it but you grew fond of her. You caught yourself taking prolonged looks at her. Whether she was doing some heroic things or simply nothing. She had captivated you. Whenever you made dinner it was the two of you having fun whilst the others kept busy. She taught you how to shoot a gun. You could still feel her body behind you, her arms guiding yours.Her breath clashing with your neck. You stopped calling her Nellie the day you met her, she really disliked it for some reason. Occasionally you would call her Nellie to strike a playful fight that always ended with her hands on your body. Your heart was warming up to these memories. You knew you couldn’t like her but your heart wasn’t in the mood to discuss.
As you were riding through the forest the sudden sound of guns fired into the air, holding your carriage. You pulled back the curtains to see three masked men nearing themselves. Nell jumped straight into action and fought them off one by one but didn’t notice the concealed weapon from the man beside her.
“No!” You shoved her away from your body just as the bang sounded.
Then everything went silent. It was cold, wet, quiet, and so very dark.
“Y/n, wake up. Fuck.”
Nell had nothing but commands aimed at you like arrows ever since you decided to let her take you home. But this request wasn't a demand. It was a need. You had to wake up.
“Why the fuck would you do that, Y/n?” She growled with a deep rasp. “WHY?”
You could sense the shakiness of the carriage as you saw the scenery pass your eyes.
"You're not a god,” you whispered, your throat tight as you struggled to get words past your adam's apple. “I didn't want you to take that bullet just so you could protect me again.”
She stared at you with a mixture of disbelief, anger, and something else you couldn't quite make out. If you could roll your eyes at that present moment you would've. “You don't get to sacrifice yourself for me. Do you understand?”
Why was Nell allowed to let you live but not her? Nell had a purpose in this world and it just got started. Why on earth were you not allowed to die? You shook your head. You didn’t understand.
“Then let me make it clear for you,” she said, the darkness in her eyes fuming. "You would survive without me. You would move on. Her tone roughened. “I can't imagine a world where you and all of yourself doesn't exist. So if you die, you'll take me with you. Your sacrifice would mean nothing.” Her voice became quieter as tears started to pool in her eyes.
Your chest tightened as a tear escaped your eye. It was still so cold, you could feel the trembles that had taken over your body.
“I'm so cold, Nellie.” Your eyes felt like they weighed a ton each, so you closed them, an instant wave of relief washing over your barely conscious mind.
“No," Nell growled, grabbing your face with both of his hands. “Don't fucking close your eyes.”
“I’m sorry I called you Nellie,’ a breathy chuckle escaped your lips. “Nell. Nell Jackson. Nell, nell, nell…”
“It’s okay,” her hand stroked your head. You could see her red stained hands shaking as your vision began to blur. “You can call me Nellie.” She sniffed. “I like it when you call me Nellie. I only pretend to hate it because I like your laugh and sneaky jokes when you thought you were getting under my skin. Don’t die on me, Princess.”
“I feel a bit tired, Nellie.”
“No, no, no. Go faster!” She yelled.
‘Come closer,” you said, Nellie’s face inching close enough so you could kiss her. ‘In case something happens.”
‘Nothing will happen, baby. Nothing. Just stay awake, okay.”
‘Okay. I will try.”
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Hello, hope you're having a good day/night
I really love the cod and reader turning into a werewolf fic ❤️
I was wondering if I could request the batfam x male reader who's been goin out with Bruce (and has figured it out in their own what the batfam do) but reader is trying to hide from everyone that he has chronic pain someday's are manageable where someday's he wants to do nothing but curl in a ball, the bad days are when his mood takes a plummet.
Sure you can, sorry for the long wait. Also, I made just Bruce because I didn't see the word batfamily. I need a new set of glasses. I saw the word to late.
Summary: (Y/N) has chronic pain. Bruce doesn't know.
Warnings: reader has chronic pain, Bruce loves reader a lot.
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(Y/N) (L/N) and Bruce Wayne. An ordinary man with a billionaire and one the most powerful people in the world. The most influence would be in Gotham city.
They met by pure accident, on a gala. (Y/N) had gotten an invitation from his company and it would be a stupid thing to miss this opportunity. Although he had to take a lot of pills to even get through it.
Thankfully, it wasn't a bad day when it came to his pain.
(Y/N)'s boss introduced (Y/N) to Bruce and Bruce was mesmerized. Dick would later say that it was love at first sight. Bruce would have to agree. He didn't know what attracted him to (Y/N), but it wasn't just looks.
They have spent the evening talking and dancing, making every other female jealous. Maybe even some men. It wasn't surprising, because Bruce was leaning both ways in the eyes of the media.
Unfortunately, the evening ended too quickly for Bruce's liking and he didn't even get (Y/N)'s number.
Well, it was time to get to the Batcave and look for the number. Of course, that wasn't done without his sons teasing him. Damian was the most critical one to completely check (Y/N)'s background, but Bruce was against it.
After finding the number, he gave (Y/N) a call. Afterwards the dating started and now they were 6 months in. Bruce couldn't be happier. He might have found his soulmate in (Y/N).
(Y/N) wasn't sure how they started dating, but he didn't mind. He liked Bruce a lot, he was an amazing lover. Always texting him in the morning, wishing him a good morning or sending him some flowers from time to time.
It was nice. And even the fact that Bruce was Batman didn't deter him. Bruce didn't tell him directly, but (Y/N) figured it out. If they were on a date and a Gotham rouge attacked or did something to endanger Gotham, Bruce always left, saying he had a family emergency.
Not to mention the bruises and cuts and whatnot.
But there was something that Bruce didn't know about (Y/N). (Y/N) had chronic pain from a bad car accident. Sometimes it was just his back and that was the lowest level of the pain and sometimes, there were days were his entire body was hurting and he needed to stay in bed.
He was thankful that he had a great boss. On bad days, he was allowed to have days off and they wouldn't be deducted out of his pay. And those days were the worst. He couldn't even get out of bed and he could barley call.
It was difficult, but he managed.
But today was that day. He was in bed, crying from the pain. It was awful and he just wanted to die. He couldn't even move. He tried to, but couldn't.
In the process of it, he forgot about the date at the manor. Bruce said that they were going to be alone.
Bruce was in front of (Y/N)'s door, extremely worried about (Y/N). (Y/N) was late to the date and he wasn't picking up his phone. After deciding to ping (Y/N)'s phone, he saw that he was in his apartment.
Did he feel guilty about invading (Y/N)'s privacy like that?
Was he worried?
He couldn't not check if he was okay. (Y/N) would never miss the date they had. He would let him too. And now he wasn't picking up? Bruce was very worried. They live in Gotham.
Robbery, burglary, kidnapping are the first 3 things that come to mind.
He knocked on the door. Nothing. Called again.
The ringtone could be heard from the inside.
Bruce sighed as he knelt down. He had to pick this lock. Yes, it was wrong, but worry was bigger than the feeling of remorse he was about to feel about this.
He entered quietly, closing the door behind him. He called out (Y/N)'s name and he heard a soft response. He walked to the source and his heart broke in half when he saw (Y/N).
" Hey, what's going on? Are you okay? " Bruce asked kneeling down.
" Get me my meds... I can't really get up. " (Y/N) said, wincing from the pain.
Bruce nodded and went to the bathroom, searching for the meds (Y/N) has said. He took them all and quickly went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
" Here. "
After helping (Y/N) down them, (Y/N) managed to fall asleep. Bruce sighed in relief. He called Alfred, telling him that he will stay the night with (Y/N). The boys will be solo for the first time on patrol and Bruce told Alfred to make sure that they are alive, that they don't kill and that Gotham is still standing.
Bruce took the couch that night.
Bruce woke up early, checking on (Y/N). He was asleep and it was nice to see that he wasn't in pain. Well, not visible one. Bruce needed to have some coffee and then a talk with (Y/N).
He saw that (Y/N) had a coffee machine with a timer. He was happy to see it and took two mugs. He poured some in his own, coincidently the one with a bat on it.
He smirked at the mug. He loosened his tie and just enjoyed the coffee. What is going with (Y/N)? He looked like he was dying from pain.
He poured some coffee in (Y/N)'s mug when he heard (Y/N) called him. He took both mugs and went to the bedroom. (Y/N) looked better than yesterday and Bruce smiled.
" So it wasn't a dream last night then. Sorry I didn't come. "
" I don't care about that, I just want to know that you are okay. I was worried about you. " Bruce admitted, putting down the mug on the night stand.
" There is something about me that I didn't tell you. Usually people are turned off by it. " (Y/N) started, taking a breath to start. " I have been living with chronic pain for a few years. I had it since I got into the a car accident. I have to take an array of medications in order to somewhat function. " (Y/N) said, making Bruce shake his head fondly.
" I'm not so superficial that I would be turned off by that. At all. I fell for your personality and for you. And I would helped you out if you told me. So, if you need anything to help you with the pain, let me know. "
(Y/N) smiled at Bruce leaning in to kiss him. Bruce smiled, happy to kiss (Y/N). The kiss was gentle and Bruce leaned away, still smiling.
" I will be there for you (Y/N). No matter what. "
" I really appreciate it Bruce. Thank you. "
Bruce responded with another gentle kiss. He really did love (Y/N).
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mchlgayser · 2 years
can you write one about bellingham where they’re married and they are arguing all the time so they’re thinking about divorcing but one day he saw her crying in their bedroom and he conforts her and realises how much he loves her
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𓂃⭑ᜊ: REALIZATION ft jude bellingham
𓂃⭑ᜊ an: HELLO! Ok this is a GREAT idea! Icl I love it, I might do this all out I swear.
𓂃⭑ᜊ content warning: arguments, divorce, and breakdown
𓂃⭑ᜊ: @iwritesjud3's masterlist
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'I can't fucking do this anymore!' He burst, and you sat there numb and in distress, you sit on the couch hands over your head as you sigh heavily 'Should we just... Separate, Jude?' You didn't meant it, you really don't it just kind of slipped out.
But maybe, maybe you meant it.
'..Yeah. I think that's for the best, it's just not working out like this.' He shakes his head, sitting down next to you 'Right.' You declared standing up and stare down at him 'I'm taking the guest room, you can sleep at the room.' Leaving him, you tread upstairs as fast as you can and lock the door.
When? When did it get to this? Did it just happen? You thought to yourself, eyes burning with hot tears cascading down your cheeks. Tired is what you are feeling.
'Can you stop being jealous all the time?!'
'Oh well, I'm sorry for being so jealous over a girl wrapping an arm around you!'
'We talked about this, come on! Do I have to bring it up all the fucking time?!'
'I am not your fucking maid, Y/n. Take out the trash yourself.'
'How many times do I have to tell you not to touch my things! You are so stubborn!'
'Where are you? I called you the millionth of times, I'm worried!'
'Mind your business'
'Oh my God! You are a drunk mess!'
'Fucking let go, Jude!~'
'It's four, why did you even bothered coming home?'
'Because I paid for it, go and stop bothering me Y/n!'
When you think thoroughly about it now, it hurts so bad your heart aching and hammers so loud. You cry the whole night with your body still attached on the door.
The next day you woke up, and you didn't see any signs of Jude 'He's probably at practice.' You murmured going around the yard to take a breather. This yard is one of your favorite parts of the house. It was green with grass, yellow with daisies, and red with roses. The koi fish pond and a small bridge over the pond. The swing. Every part of this yard are your favorite. Sad to think you'll have to leave the house so soon.
Well technically this house is both yours and Jude's after you got married but to think that you have to live with thousands of bad memories in this house, you feel hopeless just thinking about it. If you wanted to divorce and leave, then you need to start fresh.
You stay hours in the yard doing nothing but admiring it. One memory after another came gushing back to you
'Stop Jude, it tickles'
Spending hours in the yard, you both did nothing but talks with each other, joking around, getting to know each other even better.
'You're cheating, you are not supposed to look!'
Hiding the canvas on his chest, you both spent time painting what reminds you both of each other, filming. He drew a beautiful home, exclaiming that you always remind him of the 'home is a person' thing. Meanwhile, you drew a flutter of butterflies.
The reason is that every small thing about him caused your stomach to rabble butterflies.
'Oh my God! The sausages burnt!'
It was a funny memory indeed, you both got so lost in your world, admiring each other's details you forgot the sausages you grilled on the pan.
'I love...'
Sunset picnic you both religiously do every month, pinning what you both like most from the snacks, fruits and drinks.
Now that you think about it, when is the last time you both did it, two months ago? Perhaps four months ago. It just sort of disappeared into thin air.
Your eyes welled up with tears again, these memories constantly bring you down making it harder for you to leave. Can you do it? Abandoning everything about him?
You walk upstairs to your shared bedroom sit on the bed and look around, your stuff, facials, and makeup are still neatly placed on the table. The mattress created a faint smell of Jude's fresh minty cologne. The one you bought him for your first wedding anniversary. The curtains slightly open allowing the sun to peep in inside the dimmed light room.
Eyes boring around some more, your eyes fidgeted on the nightstand table's drawer, it was open subtle and you got up to open it to see what was inside. The contain managed to slip a small gasp out of your mouth, tears welling up again. It was a photo album of you and Jude since you were both friends.
You take out the album and open it to the first page. It was a photo of you and him taking selfies with ice cream and beside the picture, you wrote 'We got each other's fav ice cream!'
You skipped a few pages, and the next page you open was you and him cutting a cake on your wedding day, you are smiling down, and Jude gazing at you with wide stupid grin on his mouth.
Another picture on the bottom is you feeding him a small piece of cake, and throwing your head back, laughing while he boop icing on your nose.
Smiling at how lovey-dovey you two were before, without noticing a single stray of tear fall down your cheekbone. Skipping pages through pages, reminiscing the old good memories.
You held the album close to your chest, crying and wailing alone. Your tears freely escaped your sockets, you don't want to leave, never would you but you know, this is going nowhere. The marriage is something both you and Jude can't worked out together. Maybe this is the best. For him and his career.
Jude on the other hand just gotten home from training, he dropped his duffle bag and slumped on the living room couch, and close his eyes for a short sleep.
The gushing wind interrupted, he eyed up to the yard realizing that the balcony door is opened, the curtains pushed up and down because of the wind, he groan getting up to close the door.
He gazes the yard for a moment, now thinking of you. He tread ways upstairs to your shared bedroom. The door is open lightly and he peek in to see you on the bed, crying.
Your eyes are red and puffy, cheeks stained with tears. He slowly opens the door peeking his head in 'Y/n?' You jolted at the familiar voice, you hid the album away but it was too late.
Jude came and confronts you, he sat down beside you as the mattress dip 'What?' You stuttered out, eyes avoiding his gaze 'I just... Wanted to check up on you.'
You sighed 'We are separating soon Jude, no need to check up on me anymore, I'm fine.' He felt bad, really bad.
He thought to himself, how did this happen? Do you two just end up disliking each other and get spiteful every chance you get?
'I don't want to lose you, Y/n.' You gasp, eyes watering with salty tears 'No Jude, please don't say that. We both know that this is not working out anymore.' Out of instinct, he held your hand 'No! What we both said last night is purely angry talks, I said things I didn't mean and that's the same way for you! Please, I still love you, don't you love me?' You were hesitant 'I... Do but..'
'Then, that's enough for now, we'll try our best to go through this obstacle, we'll fight for each other just like we used to, alright?' You hum and nods at him
He takes you in his arms 'Thank God! I don't ever wanted to lose you.'
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depressopax · 7 months
BrBa/BCS characters on Valentine's day
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Happy valentine's day to everyone that celebrates! Shout out to my single fellows, same bestie 🫶
Pairing: Mike Ehrmantraut - Nacho - Jimmy - Kim - Jesse - x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): Cheesy af lmao. User is gender neutral (they/them and referred to as partner) Words: 900 Summary: How do the BrBa/BCS characters celebrate valentines together with reader? English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 AO3 link soon
How do the BrBa/BCS characters celebrate valentines together with reader?
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Mike doesn’t really get the idea of valentine's day, when he can be affectionate any other day.
Probably the one who scoffs at couples that exaggerates valentines day with expensive gifts etc (same Mike, same)
Double standard king, he’d do just that, just to see you all happy when he surprises you
Probably cringes at himself, but your reaction to his affection makes it worth it
If you like celebrating valentines, then so does he.
Mike will take you out to a fancy restaurant and make sure you feel special
Also make sure he has the day free so he can spend it with you.
But this is nothing unique, this man treats every day like a valentine's day and takes all opportunities to spoil you. 
When you give him a gift too, he’s rather surprised.
He’s not used to receiving gifts and having someone spend money on him “You didn’t need to” meanwhile he smiles like an idiot
The day is spent with dinner, cinema or maybe both? 
Of course he has more plans for later, too. 🤭
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Same with Nacho, he’s not that fond of Valentine's Day, especially all the cheesy annoying couples that make such a big deal out of it.
He thinks it’s ridiculous to only show affection and give gifts to his partner once a year, he does so every opportunity he gets (which is often, homeboy got no limits when it comes to you 💀)
But of course, he will make a big deal out of it when it comes to you.
He buys you roses and some gift but feels really awkward about it
Which quickly changes when he sees your happy reaction. 
When you give him a gift too he probably plays it cool
Meanwhile he melts on the inside. 
He loves you and the thought of you spending money on him makes him flustered “What did I do to deserve them?” He thinks as he looks at you in admiration.
He takes you out for a date and then takes you to his place iykwim ;)
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Honestly? He has two moods: 1. Planning valentine’s day weeks ahead 2. Forgetting about it and panicking about it when waking up on february 14. 
He spoils you with gifts and dates any other day, but he still likes celebrating valentine's day with you.
So he feels really bad if he forgets about it, which he did today lmao
He woke up early in the morning, feeling like he had forgotten something.
Homeboy rushed out of bed to get to the store early to buy gifts
He doesn’t give a fuck it all fancy restaurants are fully booked for the night, he wants to take you there and wont give up.
Somehow finds a way to get a seat for the two of you at the restaurant
He picks you up and drives to the restaurant, making sure you have the best day ever. 
But knowing him, you can sense he forgot about what day it was.
You don’t mind, though. 
Of course, you give him a gift too, just to watch him blush when he receives it lmao
After a perfect date, he has plans for when you go back to his/your place. He wants to thank you for the valentines gift, after all. 😼
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Kim loves you more than anything, but her job takes up lot of the time which she wants to spend with you
She doesn’t get the opportunity to take you on spontaneous dates, nor does she like it.
Kim wants to plan the perfect dates when it comes to you
Valentine's day is her way to “make it up” to you by really showing her love and affection to you
She plans it months ahead, with booking a table at a fancy restaurant, buying a thoughtful gift, and making sure she has nothing work-related planned, so she can spend the day with you, and only you. 
She buys some thoughtful gift for you, maybe some jewelry, roses or chocolate etc
She doesn’t expect something back but when you hand a gift to her, she feels so appreciated.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a “bad” gift, she’ll love it either way and keep the gift close to her all the time, knowing it’s from you. 
Kim makes sure you have the best date of your life, doing everything to make you smile and enjoying every second with you. 
The valentines celebration ofc continues at her place ;)
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Though he would never admit it, Jesse LOVES valentines day.
Whenever he goes into stores with valentines decorations and gifts, he gets the urge to buy something
Spoiler alert: His impulse wins.
On February 14, he probably has at least done 10 impulse purchases to give you
“You got something for me?”“Of course, idiot” He smiles as you give him the gift he didn’t expect (but was hoping for)
Jesse looking at you with so much love in his eyes, grateful to have someone like you.
He takes you for a perfect, cheesy date. 
He doesn’t like awkward dinner dates, so he ends up taking you to an amusement park or takes you for a romantic picnic, preferably when it’s dark outside. 
He def dresses up nicely too, even if you guys end up at some amusement park or a not so fancy pizzeria lmao
When back at his place, he’s prepared with lights shut off, lighted scented candles and romantic music, just like he’s seen in cheesy movies
You can probably guess the rest. 🤭
This was cheesy af loll, but I wanted to post something fun and valentine's day inspired!
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happyanderes · 1 year
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Stalker x reader
⚠︎Warnings: Yandere, stalking, drug usage(movie chloroform)
This is an oldie, so no drawings of the guy:>
Unless someone wants to see it
Word count:1.6k
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If you’re reading this letter, I hope you read it to the end. 
You have the right to know everything written in here.
The first time I met you was exactly three months ago, it was a fraction of a second. you walked past me with hurried steps, I was deep in thought.
At that moment, a question that popped in my head.
Can someone know everything about a person when the other doesn’t?
……Only one way to find out. 
It was an experiment, and I chose you to be my participant.
To be honest, it could’ve been anyone walking there, you were just unlucky, I guess.
So I took the plan into action and turn around to follow you home. The first thing I learned about you was that you walk really fast, as if you’re in a hurry. 
But I was faster, you were relaxed, I can hear the little tune you were humming along with the music from your earphones. You liked that song a lot back then, but it changed to another lately, right?
Anyways, you were in your little world, I didn’t even have to hide the sound of my footsteps. Well, nobody is prepared for a stalker, not even me, perhaps.
I learned so much about you just that night, you would play with the straps on your bag, twist your fingers in them. Did you notice that little habit? It looks like you want your hand to be held.
And the way you breathe was quite adorable, sometimes you take deeper breaths as if you forgot to breathe.
You were a complete stranger to me, not my type, even.
But those little details were quite intriguing, so I continued on with my “research”.
Can someone know everything about a person when the other doesn’t?
For the first two weeks, I followed you through you going between work and home, at 8:30 sharp, but you often leave late, looking tired, were you being picked on? I later knew that it was in fact, true. Poor you, but it’ll get better, I’ll make sure of that.
By following you, I learned quite a lot, your favorite foods in the convenience store, how you would get all excited when you see a stray cat, or someone walking a dog. 
But that wasn’t enough, I can see you have a mask on when you’re outside, always smiling, always so composed.
So, I did what I have to, I broke in your house. It was so easy, who hides their spare keys in somewhere so obvious? So I took it and had someone make a copy, they didn’t suspect a thing, even laughed and told me to be careful with my keys, after all, who would know they’d encounter a stalker in real life? It’s amusing.
I haven’t felt such emotions in a long time, the fear of being caught, the excitement of sneaking around, the interesting feeling when I think about how nobody suspected me.
Strangely, I didn’t feel guilt, I mean, never had. 
Anyways, I went in your apartment, it was way smaller than what I’ve expected, and quite messy, must I add. But it holds a certain charm to it, how you really are is so obvious just by seeing this room, I find it cute, how your pajamas are lying on the bed, how you forgot to leave the cap of your toothpaste on. Always, you go to work in a hurry and come home so late, do you have time for anything?
The first day was a little dangerous, I was so into the photo albums and the trinkets you collect in your room I almost forgot the time, I went past you when you were on the ground floor, but you didn’t seem to notice me, you looked so tired, no matter how much make up you put on it couldn’t hide those dark circles.
I felt bad for you, but I can’t help out yet, the experiment will last for three months.
Can someone know everything about a person when the other doesn’t?
After that, I often visit your house, in fact, I visit every day when you were not there. I would go in, look at all your things, then leave before sun down.
It was when I tried to go in your computer and faced a password did I realize that I don’t know your name yet. 
So I went through all your stuff, finding some mail and your passport, found your password, your name and your birthday isn’t a good combination, by the way, someone bad might figure it out.
It’s too late for that, apparently.
The stuff you have in there is just, so interesting.
First of all, you should block that guy who’s keep messaging you instead of dragging it on! Why are you giving him hope? He’s disturbing you and that alone is enough for him to die a thousand times.
Next, interesting taste in fictions. We might make a good couple.
Unfortunately, I didn’t think about it too much at the time, the need to do an experiment was replaced by the excitement rather than attachment or emotions towards you, of course, I felt attached to you, but it wasn’t strong……not yet.
Then after a month or so, I went through everything I could find, including your computer, I even read all the manga and stuff to get to know you more……and I hate to admit it, but it wasn’t half bad, some had nice plots.
But at some point, I couldn’t bear the thought of not seeing you, so I went back to stalking you. I’ve gone a little rusty, but same as always, you didn’t feel it, it was a little frustrating to be honest, I don’t want you to notice me in this experiment, but at the same time I wanted you to turn your head around and use those beautiful eyes to look at me, to notice me, to show all those emotions and little details to me. I must have gone crazy……if I wasn’t at the start. 
We are only halfway through the experiment, and I’ve known so, so, so much about you, all those adorable little quirks, the real side of you, you became so beautiful in my eyes when I started stalking you again, for a moment, I thought you were an angel, not the biblical accurate ones you’ve seen in fictions, the ones people think about.
It was then I realized, I have fallen, not that deep yet, but…... 
If I stopped the experiment could we still be strangers back then? 
Can we?
No, it was too late for that……
Just following you wasn’t enough anymore, just going through your albums isn’t enough anymore, just looking through every post you made on social media isn’t enough anymore.
I have to……no, need to touch you.
It was the biggest risk I’ve taken by far, It would be the end if I was caught.
But it was so tempting, to touch your hair, your face…..to hold your hand and kiss your nose. 
I enjoy petting your hair a lot, whenever I touch them, I can’t get my hand off it it, and how comfortable you look when I pet you even when you’re sleeping. 
And the way your nose would scrunch up whenever I kiss you, as if it tickles you is just so cute.
That was just so adorable I couldn’t help but kiss you again and again, in your forehead, your eyelids, your cheeks, and your lips. They were soft, but a little dry.
It became routine, everyday when you’re fast asleep I would go in your house and just look at you, if I was feeling bold I’d touch you some more.
But it’s not enough, it’ll never be enough.
I haven’t slept well ever since I met you that day, I was making notes, or planning things, you never leave my head, every second of my life was surrounded by you, but the fact that you don’t know me was driving me crazy, you did all of this unconsciously.
By the time I realized, it’s only a week until this experiment ends. I learned about anything I could possibly learn about you, the way you talk to the people you like, the way you talk to the people you dislike, the little habit you have when you’re tense, I fell madly in love with you.
But there’s one thing I don’t know about you.
What would you do when you talk to me?
What face would you make when you see me?
Some stranger who knows all about you?
I think I have an inkling.
I can predict what you do easily, it’s amusing.
Anyways, I took a little time off from you and got some……supplies, I’ll put it that way. I’ve decorated our new place in the way you like, I hope you would appreciate it. I should be in your house by now, remember to take a deep breath.
I’ll come and get you in……
(Suddenly, you feel someone breathing on your neck)
(when did the door click open? )
“Ah ah ah, don’t run.”
(An arm was wrapped around your waist)
”The experiment was successful, I know aAaaLlll about you.”
(A cloth covered your mouth and your nose, you try to struggle, but it’s getting dizzy.)
“But it’s time for you to know about me. After all, it’s only fair for you to know all about me when I know you so well.”
(Your consciousness is fading, you tried to attack the person behind you, but you don’t have any strength anymore.)
“Can’t wait to have those pretty eyes looking at me.”
(You lose conscious)
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Insubordination | Part 1
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Summary: Tired of fixing up things after Kizaru’s messing ups, Akainu hires an assistant to help his colleague perform his duties correctly. A good idea it seemed, until Kizaru’s natural extraversion got the best of you.
Characters: Kizaru, Akainu, Assistant!Reader
Parings: Kizaru|Borsalino x Assistant!Reader
Word count: 2800
Warnings: Smut, explicit sexual content (not in this part)
A/N: Finally writing some real stuff for Kizaru! I enjoy this so much so far! (I had to split this one into two part cause it was getting way too long)
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‘Focused’ wasn’t exactly an appropriate adjective to describe Admiral Kizaru, especially when it came to his position and work in the Marines. Akainu, on the other hand, was a very thorough and observant man, so he made a point, as soon as he got promoted to the place of Fleet Admiral, to hire an assistant for his ever-distracted colleague.
Hiring an assistant for an officer of the Marines wasn’t unseen, but it was rather rare, as most of the typical work of an assistant was often given to subordinates. You had been selected after a series of various interviews and tests. The final step of this process had led you to Admiral Akainu’s office, where you frankly hoped you would never have to face him again.
All this was about three months ago. By now, you had gotten used to working for the admiral. Reports, dispatch orders, meetings, general paperwork, you got to take care of everything. It wasn’t exactly an easy work due to the amount of things to do in one day, but you quickly got the hang of it. The work was fulfilling when, at the end of the week, you knew every little thing was sorted out and taken care of, and your boss was satisfied.
Today was another normal day. It was pretty quiet in the headquarters as a bunch of Marines were dispatched somewhere on an island nearby. It was indeed quiet, yet you were quite restless. It was precisely thirty four minutes past nine and Kizaru hadn’t shown up to work yet.
You mindlessly took a glance at the clock sitting on your desk while filing some documents in anticipation for a meeting you had to attend later that day. You put the file aside on your desk and sighed, pressing the palms of your hands on the fabric of your pencil skirt.
Kizaru being late to work wasn’t unheard of. But you had promised Admiral Akainu to make sure he was on time, if not early, from now on. That proved to be a difficult task as the man was rarely responding to his baby den den mushi, probably most of the time because he forgot how to turn it on.
However, outside his mishaps and overall carelessness, working with him wasn’t all that bad. He was always kind and respectful to you. He was also very friendly, which you appreciated as you spent most of your day in the headquarters where practically no one talked to you unless they had some business with Kizaru.
He always greeted you with a warm smile when he got to work, often time complimenting you in some way. Unbeknownst to you, you had grown eager to hear his praising every morning. You had slowly noticed your mood change drastically when he was around. You had first blamed it on the lack of social interaction in your workplace. But you eventually realized that you might actually have a slight crush on your superior. Slight…
Your days usually went the same. He would come to work and you would brief him about the things to do today. He would listen to you religiously and you would smile, knowing part of your job was already done. And sometimes, just like a few days ago, he would go a little further to make sure you knew your presence was appreciated.
“You look very elegant today, Y/N,” he said with a smile as he passed by your desk, “it’s always a pleasure to have you around.”
“Ah, thank you Admiral…” you responded, smiling back, your head bowing ever so slightly in gratitude. You felt heat rise to your face at his words and mindlessly lifted your hand above your head to check no stand of hair was loose in your hair-do.
Most days went like that. You would often times find yourself both very pleased and awkward in the face of his compliments and praises. Put secretly, in the dead of night, these scenes from the past day would replay in your mind. And you would imagine more. More praises, more smiles… touches and moans…
But today wasn’t one of those days, you reminded yourself as you looked over at your clock. You honestly didn’t know what to do with yourself now that you had sorted everything out for the day. You were just missing one key element, him.
You frantically typed the number of his den den mushi, simultaneously grabbing the receiver. As you were about to finish dialing the number, Kizaru’s tall figure finally appeared at the corner of the hallway. You sighed and hang up, waiting for him to get to your desk.
He was walking fairly nonchalantly, seemingly distracted by a few marines passing by him on his way to you. You trotted towards him as to not waste any more time.
“Where have you been?” you asked, practically scolding him while trying to rid him of his coat. “If he sees you arriving late, my job is on the line,” you said, leaving him to go and hang the heavy white garment on the coat rack.
“Sorry, I got distracted on my way,” he said apologetically, scratching the back of his head. “And you know I would never let that happen,” he added as he was following you inside his office. He sat at his desk as you quickly laid out the files your prepared for today.
“You could’ve warned be, I’ve been trying to reach you,” you said, glancing at him briefly. He nodded and reached into the interior pocket of his jacket, getting out his baby den den mushi.
“This thing won’t work ever since yesterday,” he said, his voice lowering awkwardly the more he spoke. You held out your hand to take the snail.
“You’ve got to turn it on, like this, watch,” you explained calmly, showing him the proper way to use it before handing it back to him.
You didn’t waste any more time and opened the first file on the desk. You started going over each task you had to do complete today. He listened to you in silence, never interrupting. You could see he was finally making the effort to focus on his work and it gave you a rush of confidence.
“What would I do without you, Y/N?” he finally said once you were done, his eyes fixed onto yours, his gaze filled with awe. You chuckled awkwardly at his words and felt yourself getting distracted again by the praise.
“I’m glad I can be of service to you, Admiral,” you said with a serious tone and a strong nod, trying to collect your thoughts.
You quickly got started on your day after that. It went quite smoothly from then on. Kizaru seemed to make a point to stay focused, as if to compensate for his late arrival this morning. You were quite appreciative of this and it made you hopeful. He was more and more inclined to follow your advice these past few weeks and it seemed like your efforts were paying off.
“Hey, Y/N.” Kizaru’s voice got your out of a very monotonous session of typewriting as he approached the front of your desk. Hands in his pockets, he bent over ever so slightly to talk to you. “I’d like to take you out for lunch today,” he said. You paused your task to listen and reflect on his proposition.
“I’d love to, but,” you started.
“Alright, great!” he announced with a smile and a clap of his hands. He was a little too excited as you tried to tell him this wouldn’t work out. You stood up and walked to the side of your desk.
“Admiral, the meeting is at twelve o’clock,” you said, trying to catch his gaze with your eyes. “Surely the representatives will have planned something to eat during the meeting,” you explained as he looked at you. He seemed a bit disappointed but still determined.
“Well, I’d prefer we go out,” he said, bending towards you again, a little closer this time as he tried to keep his voice low. “We’ll be back before anyone notices,” he assured you. You sighed, crossing your arms while holding his gaze. “And before the meeting, I promise,” he added in a quiet voice.
“Fine,” you let out, rolling your eyes slightly.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he replied with the enthusiasm you liked to hear in his voice. He smiled widely and suddenly pulled you into a hug of sorts. You didn’t have time to fully register his movement when he planted a dramatic kiss on your temple. You gasped and felt your face heat up as he let go and walked back to his office to grab his coat. You took a moment to regain your senses as you could still feel his arms around you. So warm…
“Don’t thank me until we get away with it,” you said with a chuckle as he passed you again, handing you your own exterior garment to put on.
You had to give him that, it was surely good thinking on his part. You definitely needed some time to breathe outside and away from your desk. You were used to him being very talkative all the time but you hadn’t expected to talk that much yourself.
You had been conversing about a dozen of different topics by the time your waiter brought you your desserts. From the way you spent daily life, the hobbies you were interested in in your spare time, your family and history all the way to funny anecdotes that were almost irrelevant for the conversation but that you were eager to share. You had talked about anything and everything.
He talked to you too, of course, it wasn’t a one way conversation. But he mostly listened. You could feel your heart beat slightly faster when he reacted to your words, whether in surprise, enthusiasm or laughter. Sometimes when he would go on about his young years in the marines, you would catch yourself staring into his eyes for a little too long. Then, you would look down briefly to your plate and rearrange your clothes in a quick flick of your wrist.
You found it very easy to talk to him. So easy in fact that when you heard ringing of his den den mushi in the pocket of his jacket, your heart skipped a beat. You both paused for a second and he watched your eyes widen. The waiter approached with the check and you didn’t know what possessed you when you bent over the table to grab your superior’s wrist, turning it briefly to look at his gold plated watch.
Quarter past twelve.
“Shit,” you let out, abruptly standing from your seat and gathering your belongings. “Shit,” you repeated, unable to find anything else to describe the situation. You gestured for your superior to start packing too as he was still stunned from your previous action.
The waiter watched you both quickly pack up everything and quietly thanked Kizaru when he left a consequent amount of money on the table, telling him to keep the change.
In one swoop, you were both out of the restaurant into the streets. You kept a fast pace, almost running towards your destination as you cursed your superior for letting you get distracted and for laughing the way he did.
You slowed down for a mere second and gripped his forearm tightly, trying to get him to move quicker. He burst out laughing. A laughter, which to your surprise and displeasure, was very infectious. Your heart was beating fast from the adrenaline rushing through your veins and you found yourself chuckling as he caught up with you, bending to speaking closer to your ear.
“Come on, Y/N,” he started, “isn’t it fun to break the rules sometimes?” he asked with a genuine smile. You looked at him from the corner of your eyes, suddenly painfully aware of the way your hand held his arm. You watched him sustain eye contact for a few seconds, waiting for an answer. You couldn’t help the smile blooming on your lips.
“It’s quite… exciting,” you let out, looking forward again.
“Good,” you heard him say, as he smiled from the corner of his lip.
You had to give him that, the rush you felt in this instant, in this setting, was something you had longed to feel for quite some time now.
Despite your late arrival, the meeting took place as planned. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, expect for you. It had been a very slowly and painful torture session as your boss, Fleet Admiral Skazuki stared at you for the whole duration of the meeting. You had forced yourself to put on your best show of discipline and thoroughness before him, listening attentively to what was said and taking rigorous notes.
But this wasn’t enough to distract him from what had just happened. And a sense of impending doom washed over you as he immediately directed you to his office once the meeting was done. You had no way out of this situation and you briefly looked back to Kizaru for some sort of support, only finding him being held back into another conversation.
He looked back at you, his eyes suddenly darkening as he caught a glimpse of your distress. The last image you caught was of him trying to cut the conversation short.
You hadn’t expected to find yourself in that office so soon. And you surely hadn’t planned on facing him again, at least not in this setting. You stood straight, your hands gathered in front of you with your head slightly bent forward.
“You are supposed to keep him in check,” he started through greeted teeth, standing in front of you, towering over you. “that is what I hired you for!” he finished, his voice slightly louder despite himself as he tried to contain his fury. “So do your damn job!”
You flinched slightly at his words and bent further down in apology.
“I’m deeply sorry, Sir,” you said, trying to put as much confidence in your voice as possible. “This won’t happen again,” you said with a nod, straightening up to face him fully again when Kizaru came barging through the door behind you.
“Don’t you dare blame her,” he warned, quickly approaching his colleague, pointing a threatening finger at him. “She had no say in this!” he added, making your eyes widen slightly.
You watched Akainu pounder his option, his gaze blazing with rage against his colleague. He briefly looked back at you before turning fully to Kizaru again.
“And you’d do better to remember to do your job as well,” he snapped back, approaching dangerously close to his colleague. They remained still and silent for a few seconds. They said nothing but the look in their eyes were worth a thousand words. You feared a fight would break you here and there if they continued like this. Fortunately, Akainu stepped back, his face keeping that stern look, his demeanor still firm and commanding.
“This is the first time I have to say this,” he started speaking again, looking at Kizaru and you in turn, making you shiver slightly. “And I hope for you it is also the last.”
The walk back to Kizaru’s office was silent. You made your best effort to keep tears at bay as your mind reminisced of the altercation. This man had that effect on you. You were scared shitless, to be crude and honest.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Kizaru’s voice pulled you out of your trance as you stood motionless in his office. He then took your shaky hand in his and rubbed his thumb on the back of it. His hand was warm and his gentle touch made your heart flutter and your mind switch back to reality.
“I’m good, thank you, I…” you started speaking, slowly retrieving your hand despite your longing. “It can be fun sometimes, but…” you said, mindlessly pulling your hand close to your chest and rubbing it slightly where he had held it a few seconds prior. “No more of this, please…” you finished playfully.
“No more, I promise,” he assured you, raising his hands slightly. “I’d hate to see you lose your job because of me,” he added, his voice soft and quiet.
“And I’d hate to have to leave you,” you said with a soft sincere voice. There was something else in that voice, something deeper than the simple amity that was due between you and your superior. And you immediately corrected yourself, fearing you might be forgetting yourself, “Sir.”
You fled his gaze, noticing from the corner of your eyes his lips bend into a gentle smile. He said nothing more.
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Hopefully this motivates me to finally write that second part !
Edit : here is part 2!
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
Drunk and in Love
Summary: The reader and Loki finally reveal their feelings for each other while drunk, leading to a beautiful and heartfelt confession...in front of the entire team.
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Avenger!Reader
Warning(s): mentions of alcohol, drunkenness, bets, love confessions, bit of my bad humour, lemme know if I forgot anything
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You sat at the bar, staring at your drink with a glazed expression. You had been trying to work up the courage to tell Loki how you felt for months, but every time you tried, the words just wouldn’t come out. 
But tonight, something had changed. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the fact that the team were all gathered in the bar, cheering you on. Whatever it was, you knew that it was now or never.
“Alright, alright,” Thor boomed, standing up from his seat at the bar. “It’s time to make our bets. Who thinks Loki is finally going to confess his feelings to Y/n?”
“I’m in,” Steve said, putting a pile of cash on the table. “I have a feeling that this is it. Loki’s been mooning over the reader for months now, and it’s about time he made a move.”
“Oh, come on,” Tony said, rolling his eyes. “Loki’s too much of a coward to confess his feelings to her. I’m betting against it.”
“I’m with Tony on this one,” Natasha said. “Loki’s too afraid of rejection to put himself out there. He’s going to stay in his comfort zone.”
You looked at the team with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement on your face. You had no idea that your crush on Loki was so obvious, or that the team had been placing bets on it.
But as you looked at Loki, you knew that it was time to put your feeling out there. You turned to him, your eyes filled with love and determination. 
“Loki,” you said, your voice slurred. “I have something to tell you.”
Loki looked at you, his eyes filled with concern. “What is it? Are you hurt? Did that villainous fly from earlier come back to continue our battle. I’ll send it to Valhalla myself for harassing you!”
You giggled, “No, no. Nothing bad... at least I hope it’s not bad. Oh god, it’s terrible isn’t it? No, I can’t do it!” 
Loki cupped your face with his hands, “You don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything, Darling.”
Pulling away from his touch, you took a deep breath, gathering your courage. “Loki, I love you,” you said. “I have for a long time, and I can’t keep pretending like I don’t. I know that we’re from completely different worlds--realms even--but I have to tell you how I feel. I can’t keep it inside anymore.”
Loki’s eyes widened in shock, and then slowly filled with tears of joy. He reached out and took your hand, his voice shaking with emotion. “I love you too,” he said. “I have for such a long time, and I’ve been afraid to tell you. But hearing you say it, seeing the adoration in your eyes, makes me realise that I can’t keep pretending anymore. I want to be with you, no matter the consequences.”
Your heart swelled with love and happiness as you looked at Loki. You knew that you had finally found the person you had been looking for, the person who accepted and loved you for who you were. 
The team watched in amusement as you and Loki began eating each other’s faces off. Slowly, Thor began to reach for the pot of money on the bar, ready to claim his victory, when Tony began yelling.
“He didn’t confess first! That money is Natasha’s and mine!” 
It’s safe to say that there was a mini civil war over who won the pot. And they were all too caught up to notice you and Loki sneaking off into the darkness. 
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A/N I kinda wanted to replace my other one “drunken words” I feel it’s kinda cringey...
Taglist! @thewaithfuckingannoyme
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rocknrollbabe14 · 2 years
Just the Two of Us
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Warnings: Sexual situations, protected sex (p in v sex), breeding kink (?), ass worship, doggy style, oral (female receiving) multiple sexual encounters (protected, p in v sex), anything I forgot, let me know.
Things had changed in a year and three months. Amelia was now five years old, Arthur was a year old. Arthur was walking, so you and Joe had to baby-proof the entire house. It was February, the month of your all’s anniversary. A week away from the day you all got married. Joseph was serious when talking about buying a new house. You all had been to see a few houses, none of them quite catching your eye. Amelia was in first grade and was well adjusted to school now. Joe was even having an easier time dealing with the fact. 
Joe was wearing his glasses as he climbed in bed, Arthur sleeping on your chest. He was so attached to you, it wasn’t funny. You rubbed his back, noticing Joe was coming to bed. You had tried moving Arthur to his crib, but it was unsuccessful. He was screaming and crying until you or Joe couldn’t take it anymore. You were crying by the time you ended up going to his room and getting him, bringing him back to your all’s room and rocking him to sleep in your arms, him sniffling and snuffing. 
“How long has he been out?”, Joe asked, running his hands through his soft hair. 
“About forty-five minutes.”, you yawned. 
Joe nodded easily. “Is this a bad time to surprise you?”
You eyed him confused before giggling.“Surprise me with what?”
“Well, I was thinking. Maybe we go away for our anniversary this year?”
You eyed him. “For how long?”
“A week? Maybe in Paris?”, he smirked, kissing your forehead.
There hadn’t been a lot of time lately to make love with Joe and to be honest, you were starting to feel it. You missed feeling him touch you—savor you. He missed you too, making innocent passes at you like rubbing his hand up your thigh, kissing your neck softly in bed. Anything to drive you crazy and make you want him. Every time that you both had started the process, Arthur woke up crying and wanting you. You both didn’t remember Amelia being this difficult. Sure, she slept with you all but not like this. She adjust to her crib well, just crying when needed to be changed, fed, or if she was sick. 
“Think Arthur can be away from me that long? Who’s gonna watch the kids?”, you asked easily.
Arthur’s head was on your chest, the sound of your heartbeat soothing him off to sleep each time. His pediatrician said this was normal. He was used to hearing your heartbeat. 
“Mom and dad offered to keep them while we’re gone. Plus, the pediatrician said it’s not going to hurt him to be away from you for a little while. I know the thought’s scary, but mom and dad will take good care of them.”
You nodded, patting Arthur’s back easily before kissing his head. You always noticed how attached Amelia was to Joe. But now, Arthur was the very same way with you. 
“I know. I’m just gonna miss them.”, you sighed.
“I know, love. I’ll miss them too but we need some time to ourselves. I know you miss us making love because I do—so bad.”, he groaned softly. 
You felt your stomach ache, that familiar feeling returning but you knew right at the moment, there was nothing you could do to fix it. 
“I know we do. But you don’t have to do all this for me, Joe.”, you eyed him.
He got closer to you, leaning in with his brown eyes looking into yours. “I want to. I love you more than anything in this world. Plus, I wanna make so much love to you that your knees are all weak and you can’t leave the bed.”
You gulped. “You do?”
He nodded, brushing your hair out of your face carefully. “Yes, so that just results in us making more love and staying in bed all day, tangled up with each other under the sheets.” 
He kissed you softly, the burning, aching feeling in your stomach rising. 
“I just wanna fuck you out until you can’t take anymore—so bad.”, he sighed softly. 
“Joseph Anthony Francis Quinn.”, you scolded in a whisper, surprised by his words. 
“What, love?”, he smiled, a sneaky smirk on his face. 
“Don’t make me think about that.”, you groaned softly, trying to refocus your attention on your son. 
“You know you want it too.”, he breathed softly. 
He smirked, taking his glasses off before turning the lamp off and cuddling up to you and his son, giving goodnight kisses. It didn’t take long for Joe to start snoring, a sign he was asleep. Trying to go to sleep after that was hard—a complete struggle. You tried everything to drift off to sleep—counting sheep, trying to think of nothing, trying to focus on Arthur’s small snores—anything to make you drift off to sleep. Nothing was working. You groaned, eyeing the alarm clock. In bright red letters, it showed the time. 
It was like the clock was mocking you, reminding you of the lack of sleep you were getting. You easily moved, careful not to wake Arthur up as you laid him down in bed, moving the blankets back. He was in a onesie, so you knew he wasn’t cold. You went down stairs, drank some water, and eat a small snack before returning to bed, hoping this would somehow lull you to sleep. You slid back in bed between Joseph and Arthur. 
Your mind continued to reel, thinking about what Joseph said. All you could hear was his words echoing in your head. The entire rest of the week went that way. You all waited until two days before you left to break the news to Amelia that you all were leaving to go to Paris for a week. She took it better than you expected. Leaving Arthur was what you dreaded. The day came for you all to leave, giving Joseph’s mom and dad a few pointers before leaving. Joe was wearing his glasses, listening to the optometrist. 
“I have some milk in the fridge, some’s in the freezer.”, you sighed, looking at Arthur walking into the living room to Joseph’s dad. 
You had stopped breastfeeding Arthur, your boobs finally returning to normal. You had frozen enough milk to last him until he turned two. It was easier for your schedule, allowing Joe to feed him a bottle or you—whoever could get to him first. 
Joseph’s dad was wide eyed, clapping as Arthur got to him. You were glad he was distracted at least.
His mom nodded. “Okay, dear. Just relax and you both try to have a good time, okay?”, she smiled, hugging you both.
Amelia was coloring at the table, looking up at you. “Are you leaving mommy and daddy?”
“Yes, princess. Come tell mommy and daddy bye.”, he eyed her, his brown eyes becoming slightly watery. 
She abandoned her masterpiece, running over to you both, hugging you and kissing you both. The next part you dreaded. You all went to the doorway of the living room, watching Arthur smile at his grandad. 
“Bye-bye Arthur mommy and daddy love you.”, you waved to him easily. 
“Ma-ma, da-da.”, he babbled. 
“Tell mama and dada bye-bye. Tell them you’re gonna be fine with nan and grandad.”, Joseph’s dad picked him up, bringing him over to you both. 
You both kissed him before his dad went back to playing with him, long enough to keep him distracted so you both could get out the door. Arthur was beginning to look more like Joseph every day. Comparing Joseph’s baby pictures and his, there was hardly a difference. You all said your final goodbyes before Joseph grabbed your suitcases and packed them in the car, preparing to drive to Paris. It was going to be six hours, almost seven. You had a list of the emergency numbers on the fridge in case one of the kids got sick.
You also had a list of important dates—one being the first day of Amelia’s dance class. She had begged and pleaded to be signed up for dance, you and Joe finally gave in. His parents assured you both she wouldn’t be late and would make it on time. Part of you felt guilty to miss your daughter’s first dance practice, but his mom assured you both she’d take multiple pictures of her in her cute little dance outfit. You all had already spent quite a bit of money on all her supplies, making your heads spin.
Joe kept his hand on your thigh the entire time as you both drove. You all stopped to take some pictures and take in the scenery. Growing up in the states, you had never seen this before. Joe had decided taking you back to the place where it all happened would be special. He had proposed to you in Paris, right in front of the Eiffel tower. You hadn’t forgotten, it seemed just like yesterday sometimes.
You looked down at your pear-shaped engagement ring, remembering him sliding it on your finger as his hand was shaking because he was so nervous, he was so afraid you’d say no. Even though he knew you loved him and wanted a future with him, he wasn’t sure that you wanted to right at this time, even if he had felt it was the right time. He remembered his dad telling him after showing him your ring and telling him he plans of proposing to you, “You know when you know, son.”
“Are you excited?”, he smiled over at you, rubbing your thigh.
You nodded. “Mhm, I am.”
It was nice for you both to get to talk to each other without any interruption. You both loved your kids but also loved one another and valued your time with each other. You had been exhausted, Arthur being attached at your hip. In the car ride, you managed to doze off. Joe just smiled, rubbing your thigh. You needed all the rest you could get, that’s what this whole week was about. He wanted you both to rest, relax, and make a lot of love. He had a lot of catching up to do. 
Eventually, you both arrived in Paris. It was deemed the city of love and Joe hoped the city would use its charm for the both of you. The hotel he had made reservations for had beautiful views of the Eiffel Tower. You were in awe, continuing to remind Joe he didn’t have to do this. He just smirked at you, reminding you that he loved you and this was your all’s anniversary. Joe never fell short when it came to making you feel loved, wanted, and needed. 
Once you got your hotel keys, Joe carried the luggage. He insisted, dismissing the idea of you carrying it.
“I don’t want you to lift a finger unless it has to do with me making love to you.”, he kissed your cheek, going to unlock the door. 
“Joseph, what has gotten into you?”, you giggled, blushing like a schoolgirl. 
He smirked, finally getting the door unlocked. The room beyond him was pitch black, him blindly reaching for the light switch. 
You shook your head, rolling your eyes as you dragged your suitcase in the room, against Joseph’s wishes. You didn’t think that was a huge deal.
“Aw Joe, this is so beautiful.”, you gasped, taking in the view of your room. 
Through the window, you could see the Eiffel Tower. It was a perfect view, breathtaking if you had to describe it. The memories and feelings came flooding through you like a dam that had just broken free. Tears almost formed in your eyes, remembering Joe down on one knee, asking you to be his forever. 
“You like it, love?”, he smiled, abandoning his suitcase, immediately wrapping his arms around you from behind and kissed your neck, sending shivers down your spine. 
“I love it, honey. You’ve really outdone yourself.”, you looked back at him, a smile spread across your lips and your eyes looking into his deep, brown ones. 
He chuckled seductively as if he had just woken up after having amazing sex with you, cuddling you, and keeping you safe. “Have I told you lately how beautiful you look?”
You smirked, feeling his breath against your neck. “You may have mentioned it a couple times.”
“Can I please—pretty please make love to you?”
“Like right now?”, you hummed, feeling his beard brush the delicate skin of your neck as he placed soft kisses on your neck. 
He thrust his hips into you, instantly allowing him to feel how hard he was for you already. “God, yes. Please, yes.”, he pleaded in his best needy, seductive voice. 
You turned your head slightly to look back at him. “Aw, is someone hard for me already?”, you teased, turning your body slightly and beginning to kiss him. 
They were soft, slow passionate kisses enough to make small smacks each time you made contact. Your head instinctively moved to his cheek, feeling his growing stubble. His hand moved to your waist automatically. It was like you all were a little hesitant to get too far, used to hearing your one year old begin to cry or throw a small tantrum. Joe thought it was quite comical how attached he was to you. You, on the other hand, were not used to it. Amelia loved you and took some spells where she wanted you more than Joe but those were few and far between.
“That obvious?”, he joked through kisses. 
You hummed, enjoying the soft, slow passionate kisses. You loved your kids, you really did. But there was something—a part of you that craved and needed to be savored by Joe. You felt like he needed it too. You maneuvered easily, turning to face him completely. You felt him begin to grab for the hem of your shirt, easily moving it up your chest. The only moment you all broke the kiss was long enough to get your shirt off before he was right back to give you soft, small kisses.
Part of you was glad he wore just a button-up, your fingers instantly going to unbutton it. Your hands were shaking slightly, nervous to finally be doing this again. It had been a good while since you and Joe had got to be intimate. If you remembered correctly, it was about a month ago when his mom and dad took the kids out for lunch. It was a quickie, but you both felt so good and well taken care of afterward. You both remembered smirking at each other, hair slightly a mess, trying to make it look half decent as his parents pulled back in the driveway.
His mom and dad didn’t mind watching the kids. Amelia was happy to go see her nan and grandad most of the time. Arthur, however, had severe separation anxiety from you preventing him from going like Amelia did. Arthur’s pediatrician’s suggestion was to just do it—go on a trip—small or big, and he would have to adjust to it. It sounded slightly cruel to you, but the pediatrician reminded you it was okay and healthy for you and your marriage to spend some time away from the kids. 
He moaned into the kiss as you continued unbuttoning his shirt, reaching the button right below the collar. You wasted no time in helping him slide it down his arms, giving it a gentle toss to the side. You’d help him iron it if he wanted to wear it later on. He wrapped his arms around you, bringing you flush against him. The sensation of your all’s warm skin touching was already driving him crazy. You felt yourself shiver, feeling his fingertips on the small of your back. 
“Can—I—take—your—pants—off?”, he groaned between kisses.
You nodded and hummed in agreement, his hands immediately going for the button on your pants. He undid them so fast, sliding them down your legs. You stepped out of them easily, never breaking contact with him. It was your turn, reaching for his and unbuttoning his pants. They fell to the floor as he repeated the same thing you did.
His eyes widened. “Mhmm matching bra and panties?”
You nodded. “Just—for you.”
You did try to keep some romance alive even with two kids. They may have been closer to the bottom of your drawer, but you hadn’t forgotten them. It was a black bra and thong set, something you weren’t used to wearing, feeling quite exposed in. He was helping you get over your anxiety quickl
He smirked, reaching behind you, grabbing the string of your thong, giving it a soft snap, and gaining a small gasp from you. “It’s very sexy, baby.”
Your cheeks were growing red. “Don’t lie.”, you giggled easily. 
“I’m not lying baby, you’re so sexy—I just want you so bad.”, his breathing was more rapid, he needed you. 
“Want me to lay down?”, you whispered, kissing his cheek and feeling his stubble against your lips—something that made your stomach twist. 
He nodded. “Let me just pull the curtains.”
You all broke contact, you biting your lip as you fell back on the bed with a soft thud. You watched Joe pull the curtains as you moved carefully to the center of the bed, your mind wandering as to where Joe was going with this and where he would touch you first. The hot, aching feeling returned to the pit of your stomach as you watched Joe return to the bed in just his boxers, his hard-on apparent and obvious.
“Hmmm baby, I’m trying to think how I want you first.”, he smirked, placing a kiss on your belly. 
You sighed softly, humming. “You are?”
“Mhmmm….what do you want first, baby?”
“Surprise me.”, you whispered before his lips crashed into yours again. 
He continued to share the same familiar soft, slow kisses with you. He straddled your leg, running his hand up your bare thigh. His touch was soft, tender and loving. 
“I have an idea.”, he whispered between kisses. 
“Turn over baby, please.”
You did as he asked, pulling a pillow to you to support your upper body. 
“Fuck.”, he cursed.
Little did you know, he was already popping his rock-hard cock from his boxers, taking it between his strong grip, and beginning to jerk himself off. 
You looked back at him easily. “You like it?”
“Like it? I fucking love it. You have such a sexy ass.”, he groaned, closing his eyes for a brief moment. 
Shivers spilled down your spine, your stomach turning. “I do?”, you asked innocently. 
“Hell yeah, baby. Ever heard of ass worship?”
You had indeed heard of ass worship, but knew very little about it. There were a lot of misconceptions. You didn’t know what it exactly entailed. 
“Um yeah.”
Joe loved when you pretended to be innocent. It really turned him on, making his cock twitch before growing harder. 
“Can I worship your ass baby?”, he hummed as ran one of his thick hands over your bare ass cheek, intertwining his fingers in the lace of your thong. 
You let out a soft moan, gripping your pillow. “Yes.”
“Thank you, baby.”
He gently gripped the lace fabric of your thong tighter, pulling them down your hips. You softly sighed as he tossed them to the side. Joseph took a moment to admire you lying in front of him, sprawled on on your stomach. You gently looked back at him, your eyes filled with lust and pining just for him. He couldn’t help himself from allowing his eyes to wander further, admiring the swell of your ass and thighs. He could feel his cock growing harder, painfully harder—needing you—desiring you. 
That’s when a thought crossed his mind—a naughty, indecorous thought. 
Joseph began trailing two fingers down the length of your back. You began to revel in his touch, letting out another soft sigh—a sign you were thoroughly enjoying this. His soft groans were audible along with a “beautiful” “sexy” or “amazing” occasionally mixed in as he traced your soft skin. It had been far too long. You felt him shift in the bed, Joe straddling the back of your thighs, gently caging your shoulders.
He was about to take what was his—remind you how much he loved and cared for you. He craned his neck down near your neck, feeling his breath tickle your skin. You shivered, chills flooding through your body as Joe began to kiss down your spine, each kiss gentle and soft. His nose nuzzled against your skin as he continued working his way down your spine, kisses becoming sloppier as his need for you grew. 
Once Joe reached your lower back, you felt his tongue softly lick—nip at the area above your ass causing you to slightly jump—surprised at the sensation. He smirked as he pulled back, sitting up. He was admiring the sight before him, how needy and ready you were for him. He steadied himself before he began touching the globes of your ass, his grip becoming stronger. He began massaging the flesh in his warm hands, eliciting a moan from you. He smiled, realizing this was becoming a pure pleasure for you. 
Joseph always appreciated the way your body felt whether it was against him, bare or naked. Or if it was his hands tracing his hands down your soft, supple skin. He needed you, he craved you—however, he could have you. This was only feeding his insatiable desire. He wasn’t going to lie, he always admired your body. He admired how beautiful and sexy you were. He couldn’t help but admire your ass or your breasts. Even when you were pregnant, you had a perfect little bump and a sexy ass. The thought alone was driving him mad.
Whether you were pregnant or not, he thought you were the most beautiful, most sexy woman he had ever laid his eyes on. He had no desire to look any further, completely satisfied with you. 
Joseph noticed the soft moans and sighs escaping your lips as your hips began to slowly grind into the mattress. These were signs you were enjoying this. He continued his slow ministrations, a helpless and small whimper falling from your lips. He crawled down your body further, pressing half-hazard kisses down one cheek as he continued to massage the other. 
You noticed a teasing nibble here, a softer bite there. It was as if he was eating a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie, savoring you as he ate you up. 
“Joe.”, you moaned softly, voice hoarse and slightly muffled by the material of the pillow. 
“Hmmm?”, he hummed, continuing to gnaw and softly bite at the flesh before him.
“Is this really what you want?”, you smiled softly, looking back at him. 
“Mhmmm, baby. I want to worship you.”, his voice drawled out, turning his attention to the opposite cheek.
“Feels—so—good, Joe.”, you moaned, grinning your hips against the mattress. “Feels—so—nice.”
Joe groaned in response. “I just couldn’t resist—baby.”
You smiled before humming again in response, tightening your grip on your pillow. His eyes flicked up to you, watching how you closed your eyes fluttered shut. He carefully shifted in bed, the mattress slightly squeaking in response. He switched attention to your other cheek, beginning to place soft kisses on the other cheek, giving it the attention it deserved. Joe could sense when your breathing hitched before exhaling softly. 
His teeth grazed and nibbled at your cheek, causing you to grind your hips further into the mattress. He noticed your hips beginning to grind soft circles into the mattress. His cock twitched as his desire to be in you grew stronger. He didn’t know how much longer he could go without diving right in. He finished placing soft, slow kisses on both cheeks, rubbing each one of his hands down the curve of your ass, resting his hands there.
You moaned softly. 
“Baby.”, he breathed. 
“Can I please make love to you?”
“Already?”, you sighed into your pillow. 
Deep down inside, you knew you were already wet and ready for him. Just him doing something as simple as ass worship made you slick, anticipating him. You nodded easily, causing a smile to cross his lips. 
“Wanna make a baby?”
Your heart stopped for a second, causing you to twist your torso enough to look back at him. “What?”
He saw the surprised expression on your face and he could almost read your mind. He knew what you were going to say—you had two beautiful, healthy children. They both managed to keep you on your toes. Arthur was being very needy, going through a phase Amelia didn’t exactly go through. Amelia was five, starting dance. Arthur was one, nearing his terrible twos. Two was the perfect number, one girl and one boy. It was a blessing you had them both. 
“I mean—I just know you like when I talk like that during sex.”, he breathed, covering his tracks slightly.
Your expression eased. “When’s your vasectomy again?”, you smirked.
“Um March 30th.”, he smirked, rubbing his hands on your thighs. 
You all had decided a vasectomy was the safest way to go. You offered to have your tubes tied but it would be harder for you, your OB letting you know that it would be another procedure under the knife. Joe immediately dismissed the idea, telling you he had researched it and for him to have a vasectomy, it would only be a quick procedure in the doctor’s office. 
You nodded as he reached for the box of condoms he had sat on the bedside table, grabbing one. You were still turned back, eyeing him. He ripped open the package, brown eyes meeting yours. You noticed the circular rubber in his hands, already feeling your stomach twisting. He sat on his knees, sliding his boxers off with ease, tossing them to the side with your panties. His cock sprung out, long, hard, and very erect. You swallowed harshly at the sight. It had felt like such a long time since you had him. 
He put the condom to the tip of his cock, beginning to unroll the rubber. He was carefully and slowly stretching the condom across the length go him as if he was teasing you. 
“Can I put the next one on?”, you asked softly, watching him as if you were in a trance. 
He smirked. “So you’re saying there’s already going to be a next time?”
“Well, you said whatever I need—or want.”
He smiled, making sure the condom fit correctly, pinching it slightly at the tip while making sure he had room. “I did say that.”
They always said stopping to use protection could really kill the mood, but you and Joe didn’t mind it too much. He was still able to stay aroused, keeping his hands on your body while feeling your soft skin. You found it very sexy when he slipped a condom on, giving you the chance to admire his girth and length. Unconsciously, you always bit your lip. He noticed and he thought it was the most adorable thing. He loved everything about you. 
“Ready for me, baby?”, he leaned down and kissed your ass cheek one last time.
You nodded, trying not to appear too eager with it. He smirked, beginning to situate himself behind you. 
“Face down, ass up baby.”, he rubbed your hips.
You moaned softly, following his directions. It almost took all the energy you had to raise your hips, putting your face on the pillow, turning your head slightly to the side. He rubbed your hips again, leaning down to place a soft kiss on the small of your back. 
“Let’s see how wet you are for me, baby.”, he hummed as shivers raged through your body. 
You felt two of his fingers enter your wet folds, working in and out of them easily. You moaned softly, loving the way his fingers ran across your slick. How his thick fingers moved slowly and sensually inside of you, taking his time. Joe knew exactly how to do it, he had learned your body. 
“You’re already so wet.”, he breathed softly. 
“Mhmmmm.”, you moaned in agreement. 
“Well, in that case, are you ready for me?”
You nodded again softly. 
“Good, baby because I am so hard right now—just for you.”
“Just for me?”, you repeated innocently, looking back at him and batting your eyelashes. 
You knew it drove Joe crazy when you played innocent. It just did something to him. He smirked rubbing your hips, steadying himself.
“Yes, baby, just for you. Just relax and enjoy.”, he leaned down and kissed the small of your back once again. 
You nodded easily as you felt him brush against your entrance, truly realizing how hard and erect he was. You let out a soft moan, sinking further into your pillow. He could see the lust laced in your eyes, indicating how badly you wanted him. 
“Can I put a baby in you?”, he whispered, voice soft and slow. 
He heard your breathing hitch before you exhaled slowly. “Yes.”
“Yes what?”, he groaned softly, tracing and teasing your entrance. 
“Yes, put a baby in me.”, you moaned softly, chills cascading down your spine. 
He chuckled softly as he circled your entrance once more before entering you, causing you to audibly gasp before moaning. Before he continued easing into you, he gave you a few seconds to adjust to him. You weren’t used to his size anymore, considering it had been a month since he had been inside of you. He held your hips, steadying himself before easing his way on into you. 
“God, you’re so tight for me.”, he groaned.
“Mhmm, I am.”
He began thrusting into you, soft slow thrust at first. Enough to make you want and crave more. 
“Joe, feels so—good.”, you moaned, not even attempting to hold back. 
He smiled, holding your hips as he thrusted into you. With each thrust, he went a little deeper. You moaned with each one, grinding against the mattress in rhythm with him as he thrust into you. 
“Does it feel good when I try to put a baby in you?”, he hummed.
“Mhmmm, feels so—good—when you try and—put a baby in me.”, you moaned through hiccups. 
“You know what?”
“This would be the best position if I really was trying to put a baby in you, pretty sure it’s how we got pregnant with Amelia.”, his voice was laced with desire.
“Probably—we did it enough.”, you moaned.
Part of you was beginning to debate if he really wanted another baby. He made it seem like he was kidding around, but you hinted some honesty behind his words. You all had talked about another baby, but both agreed at the time it was not really in the stars for you all. Amelia and Arthur were enough for you both. After your miscarriage, part of you was afraid to get pregnant again. You worried the entire time with Arthur, at least until he was to the point he would have been okay if you delivered early. 
It didn’t help that Jamie and Jess were trying to have a baby. Jamie was talking to Joe a lot, asking him how you both managed it. They said they wanted to come over and spend more time with Amelia and Arthur, seeing what it was really like behind the scenes and you had actively warned Jess it wasn’t as easy as it appeared some days. Arthur, lately, was really giving you a run for your money. Especially Arthur being so needy and only really needing you. Joe helped as much as he could with him, but you were always the one he wanted most. 
He was beginning to speed his thrusts up, the sound of his balls smacking against your ass filling the room. You gripped your pillow tighter, sighing and moaning softly. He loved all your little sounds and he knew each one of them by heart. He was grunting, really working on you. It felt so good—considering how long it had been since you both had been this intimate with one another. 
“Does it, baby?”, he cooed, continuing to thrust himself deep in you. 
“Mhmmmm, so good babe.”, your voice moaned half into your pillow.
He held your hips, rubbing them and attempting to get you as close to him as he could manage. Your vision was becoming hazy. The subtle signs that your orgasm was well on its way. Joe could read it too, smiling to himself. He couldn’t wait to make you cum. He had missed this with you so much. You tried to relax as much as possible, feeling Joe becoming handsy, feeling up on your ass, giving it a gentle squeeze as he continued to fuck himself into you.
He took turns feeling up both cheeks of your ass, chuckling to himself, thoroughly enjoying this. 
You could feel his thrust becoming lazy and sloppy, a sign he was nearing his release. But you weren’t going to let him have it before you. 
“Baby….”, he moaned.
“Hmmm?”, you hummed happily. 
“Are you—close?”
“Yeah, baby I’m—close.”
You could feel the feeling in the pit of your stomach growing strong, that familiar hot and achy feeling. Your toes began curling against the mattress, the rest of the world beginning to be drowned out. All you could focus on was him thrusting himself deep inside of you. You had to admit, it felt better without a condom. But until his vasectomy, you weren’t giving in. A soft sigh escaped your lips. 
“Joe, I—I think I’m getting really close.”, you breathed, swallowing hard.
Considering the fact that he was so good at giving it to you and you hadn’t had it in a long time, you knew you both wouldn’t last a long time. But you knew there were going to be ample opportunities to have sex and make a lot of love on this trip, this was just the tip of the iceberg. 
“Cum for me, baby. Cum for me so I can cum all inside of you—in my pussy.”
You were visibly shaken by his words, not used to him using such candid language with you. 
“Is it my pussy?”, his breathing picked up, his thrusts becoming harder and faster.
“Yes, it’s—it’s yours.”, you moaned, your orgasm right there. 
“I fucking love when you say it.”, he groaned. “Cum all over my cock, baby. Please.”
His words and his hands rubbing all over you were all it took for you. You felt yourself begin to come undone at the seams, your orgasm beginning to crash over you.
“Babe, I’m—I’m cumming….right now.”, you moaned out, gripping your pillow.
“Oh yes, baby. I can’t wait.”, he moaned, bending down and kissing your back. 
You felt your walls tighten up around him, squeezing him and pulling him into you. You moaned out, letting yourself go. Joe moaned himself, holding your hips steady, continuing to thrust into you. He was helping you ride your orgasm out. 
“You feel so good, baby.”, he complimented, feeling your warm juices against the condom. 
“Mhmmm.”, you breathed, beginning to go silent. 
It happened after your orgasm had taken over, you just wanted to talk him through his now. He needed you now. 
He threw his head back as he continued to fuck himself into you. “Do—you—want my baby?”, he groaned shakily.
“I do, baby. I want your baby so—bad.”, you said softly.
You felt his thrusts become slightly quicker. “Can I put my baby inside of you—please?”, he begged. 
“Yes, babe. Please put your baby in me.”, you cooed, helping him through his orgasm. 
You could already feel your eyes becoming heavy, your body used to giving in and cuddling up with Joe after sex. You loved being cuddled, it was your form of aftercare. Joe was always happy to oblige you. Just hearing him breathe and take deep inhales near you made you feel that much closer and connected to him. Sometimes, he would play in your hair, brushing it softly before kissing your head. He made it obvious he loved you and cared for you. 
“How bad do you want me to put my baby in you, baby?”
“Very bad.”, you said softly and sensually. 
He sharply inhaled and thrusted deeply a couple more times, the last very sloppy. 
His hips stuttered, digging his fingertips into you. “Baby, here it—comes. I’m cumming.”, he groaned, stiffening up. 
You could feel his cock pumping through the condom, him coming undone at the seams. You sighed as he let himself finish cumming before he felt satisfied to pull out. He tossed the condom in the trash beside the bed as he fell down beside you taking in his arms. He kissed your head, pulling you closer to him.
“That was amazing.”, he breathed.
“Mhmm it was.”, you turned over to look at him before kissing him. 
It was quiet as you both looked into each other’s eyes, smiling like two giddy teenagers. 
“Wanna go again?”, you asked easily, feeling eager and ready for him.
“Again?”, he repeated.
You nodded, biting your lip. 
All his clothes were gone minus the chain he wore often. He smirked, his pupils dilated from fucking you out. 
“Of course, I do. I’m never gonna pass up an opportunity to make love to my beautiful, sexy wife.”, he smirked, shifting in bed to where he was on top of you. 
You giggled as you both began kissing again, soft and slow. Your hands held the sides of his face, feeling his beard brush your soft hands. You loved his beard whether it was against your thighs, cheek, or your hands. It didn’t matter to you. He noticed your hair sprawled out on the pillow behind you, your pupils were blown from the mind-blowing sex. 
“Joe.”, you said softly in-between kisses.
“Yes, baby?”
“Missionary?”, you suggested.
You felt his hardening cock against your thigh, pulsing at the suggestion that rolled off your lips. It was so tempting to for him to just slide inside of you, but he knew better. You both had decided on two children and the decision was becoming more permanent next month to his bewilderment. 
“That’s exactly what I was thinking, love.”
You hummed in agreement as his hands ran across your chest, finding your breasts. He gave them each a squeeze before finding your nipple and thumbing over it, instantly causing it to harden. You moaned inside his mouth, your kisses continuing. It was relieving for once to not have milk come out. You had become less self-conscious since your body was returning to normal. 
“So—beautiful.”, he hummed through kisses, continuing to play with your nipple. 
You moaned softly in response, him taking his time to savor you. 
“Am I?”, you asked softly. 
“Of course, baby. The most beautiful and sexy woman in the world.”, he breathed, his head diving between your two breasts, immediately beginning to kiss between them. 
You felt his chain rubbing your stomach, the coolness sending chills all over your body. You ran your hands through his brown curls, back arching at this slight action. He kissed his way over to your left breast before grabbing it with his hand, holding it steady so he could make sure his tongue hit your nipple, placing a soft kiss on it before sucking it. 
“Babe.”, you moaned out.
“Like it, baby?”, he asked with a mouthful of your breast. 
You nodded, trying to find your words. 
He smirked, going back to showing your breasts attention. He continued to suck on the left one, hearing soft, small moans escape your mouth before he moved to the right one, repeating the same action. After he left he gave each breast the right amount of attention, he began kissing down your abdomen, circling his tongue around your belly button, causing you to moan and arch your back further.
“What do you need from me, baby?”, he breathed.
“Put it in me….”, you moaned out.
“Put what in you baby?”
Now he was just teasing.
“Your cock.”, you sighed.
He smirked, coming back up and straddling you. He centered himself up with you, holding his cock in his hands. He reached over, chain dangling, to grab another condom out of the box. He began to rip it open.
“You promised, babe.”, you playfully whined, giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
His eyes lit up. “You really want to, baby?”
You nodded.
He chuckled, handing the circular rubber to you before moving closer for you to properly place it on his cock. You sat up in bed slightly, unrolling the condom on his long, thick cock. It was as hard as a rock. You swallowed hard, feeling like a nervous teenager doing this for her boyfriend for the first time. He groaned, his head falling back and his eyes fluttering closed as you unrolled the length of the condom on his cock. You bit your lip, taking your time to appreciate his size. You felt him pulse under your touch, making you desire him all that much more. 
He let out a moan. “Your hands feel so good, baby.”
You smiled, making sure to pull back slightly at the tip to leave room for his ejaculate. “Does it feel like it fits well?”
“Perfect, almost better than I did.”
You giggled. “You’re just sucking up.”
“No, I mean it, baby. Now, let me make love to you and maybe give you a baby?”
“Give me a baby, please Joe, give me a baby.”, you moaned.
You could remember when you all were heavily trying for Amelia. You all did it any chance you got. Your preferred position was doggy style, reading that was the best way to get pregnant. Joe was willing to do anything to help you make a baby, wanting to make you a mother. He knew you were going to be an amazing mother. You could remember the times he would barely make it through the door and you all were undressed, giving it to each other whether it be on the couch, on the kitchen counter, in the bedroom, in the shower—wherever and however you wanted it. Joe wanted to make you happy.
Secretly, he couldn’t wait for you to get pregnant with your all’s baby. You all had talked about the possibility of having a boy or girl. He was excited for either, as were you. You all just wanted a healthy baby. The day you told him you were pregnant with Amelia after getting sick before dinner, he was the happiest man in the entire world. You remembered back to your first ultrasound. You remember hearing her heartbeat, nice and strong. You all nicknamed her Baby Q since you didn’t know whether the baby was a boy or girl. 
Those were the memories that almost made you second guess his vasectomy. What a time to think about something like while your husband was teasing you, tracing your entrance with his rock-hard cock. You looked up at him, blinking easily. He ran his spare hand through his hair, causing his curls to fluff up slightly. 
“I’m gonna give you a baby.”, he breathed as he traced your entrance once more before entering you without warning, causing a gasp to escape chased by a moan. 
He began thrusting his hips, sending himself deeper into you. He was able to slide into you with ease since you had already come. You could tell you you were stretched out, your body was ready for him. You held onto his broad shoulders, rubbing your hands up and down his back while occasionally giving his shoulders a squeeze. He groaned, keeping eye contact with you while he thrusted deep inside of you. You loved when he kept his eyes locked with yours. It deepened your connection with him.
“You promise?”, you smiled, speaking in a soft, sultry voice.
He nodded, continuing to thrust into you deeper. “I—promise—if—it’s—the last—thing—I do.”, he groaned.
You wrapped your legs further around his waist, your feet touching his lower back as you moaned at his words. 
Maybe another baby wouldn’t be so bad. Your mind quickly tried to think the intrusive thought away, reminding yourself to think about that when Arthur was crying and asking for mommy. But right now, all your mind wanted to think about was how good your husband was making love to you, telling you how much he wanted to give you another baby. 
“Joe….”, you moaned out.
“Why—do—you—want to put another baby in me?”, you asked, your eyes fluttering shut. 
He chuckled, breath hitching. You could see sweat beginning to form on his forehead. Truth be told, you thought it was super sexy. His chain was dangling as he shifted slightly to lean down and kiss you. 
“Because—”, he groaned.
“Because why?”
There was teasing laced in your voice while you posed this innocent question.
“Really wanna—know baby?”
You nodded eagerly, traces of lust in your eyes. Your mind was curious, needing to hear it from him. You had some ideas as to why in your mind but you wanted confirmation from him. 
“Well, for starters,”, he began as he ran a hand up your thigh. “I love just knowing I’m the one who made you pregnant—I’m the one who gave you my seed.”, he groaned, thrusts slowing down temporarily and becoming deeper. 
“Yeah?”, you moaned at the change in speed along with his words. 
“Yeah, and I love seeing your body change—knowing you’re keeping our baby safe—helping it grow. You always look so beautiful and sexy pregnant, especially when you start getting—that cute little bump.”, he groaned as he thrusted slow but with great force as if he was trying to go as deep as he could. 
Your eyes widened, not used to Joe using this candid language. “Really?”
He nodded again. “Yes, I love your bump—always have—I love rubbing it and feeling our baby, knowing it was something we made together—out of so—so much love.”, he stuttered. 
“You do?”, you breathed, smiling up at him.
“Mhmm…why do you think I rub it so much? Lay my head on your bump?”, he hummed, thrusting into you, visibly becoming exhausted.
“I—don’t…”, you gulped.
“Because I just love—it so much— and you’re absolutely so beautiful and sexy.”
You moaned at his words, beginning to falter. You could feel yourself coming apart at the seams. 
“Yes baby?”
“I think I’m gonna cum…..like right—now.”
“Cum baby, please cum so I can cum and put a baby in you…make you all cute, sexy, and pregnant.”, he moaned, sweat beading up on his forehead, making his curls damp.
That sent you over the edge. You felt your orgasm wash over you, barely managing to get the words out. “Joe, I’m cum—cumming.”
Your toes curled, touching his hips. Your nails dug into his back deeper as your orgasm intensified. You finally felt relief, the sexual frustration that had built up in you for the last month was finally being released. You sighed as he continued to fuck himself into you, his thrusts becoming sloppier.
“Oh shit—baby, that feels so good—ready for me to put a baby in you?”, he asked in a grunt while closing his eyes.
He watched you swallow hard, closing your eyes before nodding.
“Tell me, baby. Are you ready for me to put a baby inside you?”
“Yes, please Joe. Please make me pregnant.”, you moaned softly.
That was all it took for him. You felt him go stiff, his stuttering as he held your thighs up, deepening himself inside of you. You felt his cock throb and pulse as he released his seed into the condom, making you miss the sensation of him coming inside of you. He smiled, his brown eyes glazed over. He bent down, chain brushing your chest as he kissed you before pulling out slowly, and falling in bed beside you. He shed the condom, pulling the comforter and sheet over you both before taking you into his broad, strong arms. 
The dampness of his skin sent a chill down your spine as he kissed you again, causing you to smirk. 
He eyed the alarm clock, realizing how late it was. “Looks like we missed going out for dinner tonight.” 
This caused you to turn your attention to the clock also before giggling. “We really did, didn’t we?”
He nodded before kissing you softly and slowly once more. “Room service?”, he smirked.
“Looks like that’s our best and only option—just so you know, I’m starving.”, you smirked as he grabbed the menu off the bedside table, giving you a chance to admire his bare chest. 
He chuckled before kissing your head, bringing the menu where you both could look at it. You laid your head on his shoulder before brushing through your hair. You felt like such a mess—rather looking like one. You cleared your throat easily as you both looked over the menu, trying to decide what to order. Anything was sounding good, considering you both hadn’t eaten since breakfast. 
“Have you decided what you want, love?”, he asked easily.
His eyes were still soft from fucking you out. There was a different hint of brown in his eyes. It was really sexy and made you want him again—but first, you had to eat something. 
“Um I think I want the fruit platter, we could share that. And some strawberry crepes? Maybe an omelet. I want something a little lighter.”, you smirked.
“Sounds good, love. I’m thinking the same.”, he leaned over and kissed you.
He picked the phone up, dialing the number. Joe always smelt good—no matter what he wore. A hint of sweat mixed with his cologne and deodorant was starting to drive you wild, making you feral over him. You wanted him—needed him. Two times just wasn’t enough when you had gone without it for a month. You sighed softly as you waited for him to tell them your all’s order.
He sounded so composed, so put together even after railing you twice in a row while telling you how much he wanted to make you pregnant again. You were starting to debate if you wanted one more baby. You all really needed to have the conversation before his vasectomy. You could hear him talking, being so polite while your mind was reeling, trying to contemplate another baby. 
“Alright, baby. Should be here in about thirty minutes.”, he breathed, taking you in his arms before kissing your head. 
“Yes, love?”
“Do you really want another baby?”
You didn’t know where your courage was coming from. There was zero alcohol in your system.
His brown eyes looked deep into yours before he chuckled nervously. “Where is this coming from?”
You sat up in bed easily, pulling the sheets around you. “Um, well I’m just asking.”
“Because Jess and Jamie are trying for a baby?”
“Maybe, I don’t know. I just wanted your opinion on things. I mean, your vasectomy is next month and it’s so hard to reverse everything.”
He definitely seemed to be pretending to be nonchalant about it.
“I mean, I’d love to have another baby. But I want you to do what you feel is best for you, love. I mean you’re the one who has to be pregnant and I know it has to take a toll on you at times. We’ve been through a lot before Arthur. I love Amelia and Arthur with all my heart and I’m happy with them. We have two healthy, beautiful kids.”, he held your hand easily before running his thumb over yours.
“So you’re happy with just Amelia and Arthur?”, you asked easily.
At the end of the day, you were happy with two kids. That had always been your magic number. You weren’t completely opposed to three kids, but you were worried about being pregnant again. Ever since your miscarriage, you were terrified of something happening to the baby beyond your control. Joe understood that. 
“Absolutely, if you are, love. All three of you are my entire life.”
“Okay, babe. I love you.”
“I love you most.”, he joked, kissing your head.
You watched him get up, his bare ass turned to you causing you to bit your lip and swallow hard. You feeling defeated, fell back into the bed. He turned around easily to view you, just enough to hide his front and tease you.
“You feeling okay, love?”
“Perfect.”, you responded easily.
“Need something else after dinner?”
His question made your insides twist, stomach began to turn somersaults. It didn’t matter you all had been married for five years. He still knew how to make you feel like you all had just started dating again. Even with the stress of having two kids and him at the height of his career. 
You bit your lip. “Maybe.”
“Just maybe?”, he smirked with a tease.
You swallowed as he grabbed a robe, threw it on, and tied it on him. You happened to see his length briefly in the process, making you shift in bed. He turned back around and you could see his bare chest barely under the robe as he began to unpack your things.
“I’ll get my clothes.”, you offered easily.
He eyed you. “Hiding something from me?”, he smirked.
“No, I just could help.”
“I’ve got it, love.”, he breathed as he began hanging your dresses up. 
“I’ve never seen this red one before.”, he smirked as he eyed you. 
“Well, I’ve been saving it. Hoping it fits.”, you joked.
“It’ll look so sexy on you, I just know it.”, he smirked as he continued to hang up your clothes from your suitcase. 
You were waiting for him to come across your panties and bras, biting your lip. You had packed a few sets of lingerie, well aware you hadn’t worn them in a while—probably since trying for Amelia and the second baby. Suddenly, a knock came on the door, interrupting him. He easily opened the door, hearing the servers telling him everything they had brought. Orange juice and water included. Joe nodded, thanking them in French before grabbing the tray of food and closing the door. Hearing him speak different languages always sent you over the edge.
“Do you need help?”, you asked easily. 
“I’ve got it, love.”, he said as he sat it down at the bottom of the bed, where it was level.
“Joe, I’m not helpless.”
He eyed you. “I know, love but this is our anniversary trip. I’m trying to make it about you. You’re always so busy with the kids.”
You laughed easily. “I love you, you know that?”
He smiled. “I love you even more.”
He handed you your food and drinks. You all would never eat in bed at home, but this was your all’s anniversary trip. Live a little, right? Once he was done handing out the food and drinks, he stripped the robe, finally revealing to you what he was hiding underneath. Your eyes watched him, the robe being tossed to the chair. 
“You’re making me wanna skip dinner, you know that.”, you sighed, taking a sip of your drink. 
He smirked. “You can have me again, after dinner. You need your energy.”, he smirked before sitting down in bed, completely naked, and kissed your head.
You had your own ideas about teasing since he wanted to tease you some. You both ate together completely naked in bed, somehow helping you both feel closer and more intimate together. You finished up, setting your plates to the side and going for the fruit tray. Joe noticed you, taking a drink of his orange juice. It was your turn to tease him. You touched your index finger to your lips, debating the next route to take.
“Still hungry, love?”, he asked easily.
“Just want some fruit.”, you replied easily, sitting back down on the bed, totally nude and going for the fruit. You picked up a strawberry, dipping it in the whipped cream. You innocently eyed him as you brought it to your mouth, licking the whipped cream off the strawberry. You did it slowly and sensually as if you were performing oral on him. You had got his attention, taking a small bite out of the strawberry.
“So good.”, you rolled your eyes easily before shutting them, a hint of a moan in your voice. 
You could hear Joe swallow hard.
“Gosh, there’s gonna be so much whipped cream left.”, you smirked, taking another strawberry and raking it through the whipped cream.
“Yeah?”, Joe panted easily, totally fixated on you.
“Yeah, it’d be a shame to waste it, wouldn’t it baby?”, you smirked, licking the whipped cream off the strawberry again. 
He swallowed again, his Adam’s apple prominent. “Yeah, it’d be a shame….”
You knew you had him right where you wanted him. It was rare for you to take the reins, but when you did, you tried to make the most of it. 
“So what are we gonna do about our little dilemma?”, you eyed him before taking another bite of the strawberry.
He cleared his throat quickly. “Um…”
You finished off the strawberry, grabbing the container of whipped cream. He watched you, brown eyes totally fixed on you. You took a handful of whipped cream starting to dab it on your nipples, instantly causing them to harden. You took a sharp inhale. His eyes grew wide, his mouth beginning to water at the sight of you. You smirked at him.
Handing the container to him, you asked him, “Wanna take over, babe?”
He eyed the container before looking back up at you quickly. “Yes, I do—so bad, baby.”
He took it from you easily. You laid back down, making yourself comfortable while waiting for him to finish what you had started. You tried your best to relax, closing your eyes briefly. 
“After this, we have to call and check on the kids.”, you smirked.
“Okay, we will baby—but shit, let me take care of you first.”, he breathed as he took a handful of the whipped cream, placing it in your belly button, causing you to squirm slightly. 
The sight drove him crazy. You finally settled back down only to meet with another fingerful of whipped cream in your entrance. It sent chills all over your body. You squirmed slightly, causing a devilish smile to spread across your face. You weren’t prepared for that, nor did you think he would do that. 
“Joe.”, you hiccuped easily.
“What baby? Just making sure none of this gets wasted.”, he said innocently before taking a strawberry himself and dipping it in what little amount of whipped cream was left, before bringing it to his mouth and popping the entire thing in his mouth.
Now, he was teasing you.
Once was finished swallowing the strawberry, he began placing soft and slow kisses on your neck, moving down your chest and in-between your breasts. He took one of his hands to steady your left breast. He smirked at you as he lapped at your nipple, getting the majority of the whipped cream in the first swipe. You moaned loudly, gripping the bed sheet beneath you. 
You heard him chuckle beside you. “Feel good baby?”
You nodded feverishly. “So—good, Joe…..”
He went back in, taking another long, slow swipe with his tongue. He looked up at you simultaneously while you moaned out. He sucked on your nipple, making sure he got every last bit of the whipped cream off of it. Once he was satisfied he had licked it clean, he moved on to your other breast. You felt his breath on your chest before his tongue took another swipe on the opposite nipple, causing you to moan and shiver under his touch. He took his time, slowly licking and lapping at your nipple. 
You closed your eyes, getting lost in the euphoria. This was only the tip of the ice burg. Only the beginning of how good he could make you feel. You felt him lick, nip, and suck on your nipple and breast, causing you to moan. It was obvious how much you had missed this—missed him taking care of you. Not that he hadn’t tried, he had. But it was hard when you had a super attached one-year-old. 
You felt him kiss his way down your abdomen, placing so many soft kisses around your abdomen. You still weren’t a hundred percent satisfied with how you looked, but you felt better now than you did. You had lost a little weight, but nothing major. Enough to finally fit your clothes prior to having a baby. 
Once he was done kissing your stomach, you felt his tongue circle your navel. You held your breath, knowing what was coming next. You felt his tongue lick and lap at your navel, licking the whipped cream out of your belly button. You began squirming, doing your best to stay as still as you possibly could. His tongue was driving you crazy. 
“God, this is so sexy.”, Joe muttered as he took another lap with his tongue, ensuring he got every last bit of the whipped cream out. 
“Yeah?”, you asked easily.
“Yes, baby.”, he reaffirmed.
You knew what was coming next. It was the last place he left whipped cream. 
“Now, I’ve saved the absolute best for last.”, he smirked.
You swallowed harshly as he scooted down on his belly, parting your legs easily. You still became a little shy when it came to him eating you out. He could sense the slight hesitancy in your wobbly legs. He easily placed his hand on them, holding them steady before looking up at you from between your legs.
“I promise it’s amazing, love. Nothing about you should make you feel embarrassed, we’ve had two beautiful children.”, he hummed as he kissed your thigh, sending chills down your spine. 
You nodded easily as he parted your legs, you instantly feeling the roughness of his beard against your thighs. Joe knew you liked his beard a little longer and a little thicker. Between both kids and lack of sex, he hadn’t really thought about shaving it. It was still neat, just more like it was when you had Arthur. That sensation only lasted a moment before his tongue took a fast swipe up your wet folds, instantly removing half of the whipped cream. You moaned easily, reaching for his hair—anything to grab onto.
You fumbled slightly until you found it, feeling your toes curl in the process. After the initial swipe, he began lapping and nibbling at your swollen bud. You moaned louder than you had in a while, music to Joseph’s ears. 
“You taste so fucking sweet, baby.”, he groaned into you, vibrations sending chills up your spine. 
“I do?”, you gulped easily, voice soft and fragile.
“Of course, baby. I could eat you all day every day—for every meal.”, he moaned before his tongue nipped, lapped, and circled your swollen clit. 
“Shit, Joe—not gonna last….”, you moaned out, tightening the curl of your toes.
“It’s okay, baby. Just cum—let me taste you. Please, please, let me taste you.”, he begged.
Joe was not above begging when it came to getting what he wanted. Your eyes fluttered closed.
“It won’t—be so enjoyable for you…..”
“Of course, it will, baby. Pleasing you pleases me…..”, he moaned out, flicking his tongue back and forth, beginning to rub your thighs.
You felt it again—that same familiar feeling. The twisting, aching feeling in the pit of your stomach. The feeling before you completely came undone. You moaned, your moans becoming short and huffy. The thought of him getting off to pleasing you was all it took—it was the icing on the cake.
“Joe….shit, I’m cumming—right now—.”, you moaned, your toes curling further. 
“Mhmmm.”, he moaned, feeling you clench and tighten around his tongue before he tasted your sweet, warm juices hit his tongue. 
You tried to catch your breath as his tongue swirled at your entrance, lapping up every last taste of you. You moaned as he took his time, taking several swipes with his tongue. 
Once he was satisfied, he came up from between your legs, licking his lips to ensure he wasn’t wasting a single drop. You could his beard was soaked with you in the low light of the hotel room. He laid down beside you, the bed creaking with his increased movement. You leaned over and kissed him, hand on his cheek with no hesitation. He found it extremely sexy, a smile spreading across his face. 
“Should we call the kids now?”, you whispered.
“Yeah, let’s get under the covers and call the kids….then it’s aftercare time for you baby.”, he smirked, kissing you again. 
“Promise?”, you smiled at him.
“Promise, love. Whatever you want, I’ll do.”, he smiled, kissing your head again.
It was hard to put on a face for the kids right after he’d spent the last few hours fucking you out, but you did as you cuddled up to him, pulling the comforter over you both. You could hear the chime while FaceTime was ringing, Joe calling his mom.
“Hello, dear. How’s Paris? Didn’t expect to hear from you so soon.”, his mom smiled, sounding slightly occupied.
You could hear Arthur babbling in the background. At least he wasn’t crying, that was definitely a plus. His mom looked back, clearly distracted.
“Arthur, be careful around the coffee table, love.”, his mom sighed easily. 
Joe eyed you. “Is he being curious tonight, mom?”
She nodded, realizing Joe’s dad had finally picked him up, causing him to fuss lightly. “Very.”
“Has he been doing okay?”, you asked easily, clearly worried since he was so attached to you. 
“Very well, dear. Once you and Joe left and he got all his little feelings out.”
You both could hear Joe’s dad in the background, playing with Arthur causing him to laugh. It made your heart warm. You loved being a mother even if it did come with its struggles. You and Joe enjoyed your time away, but missed both your babies. They were your lives. 
“Good, how was Amelia’s first dance practice?”, Joe asked next. 
“Wonderful, sweetie. She looked adorable. Oh! I’ll have to send you the pictures when we get off FaceTime.”, his mom smiled.
“Yes, send them. I wanna see my baby girl.”, Joe’s eyes brightened up before pouting playfully. 
“You all are in bed early, aren’t you?”, his mom questioned quizzically. 
“Yeah, mom. Super tired.”, Joe yawned. “We lose sleep with Arthur, you know.”
You stifled a laugh, feeling like teenagers lying to your parents after you went to third base for the first time. Joe held a serious face, you admiring him for that. 
“I know, dear.”
“Nan, is that daddy and mommy on the phone?”, you heard Amelia ask.
“Yeah, why don’t you tell them how your first dance rehearsal went, love?”
You heard Amelia agree, his mom handing her the phone. She was brave for trusting Amelia with her cell phone. 
“Daddy, mommy, how’s Paris?”, she asked quickly. 
You looked at Joe, noticing his eyes watering up slightly. It caused you to smile, knowing how much Joe loved her. You could remember what a proud dad he was the day she was born. He couldn’t stop calling Jamie and Wesley, telling them about his little girl that you all had named Amelia Wrenley Quinn. He called her “the best thing he ever made”. He made those phone calls while they were moving you all to a regular room. He was telling them how small she was in his arms, how she had ten perfect little toes and ten perfect little fingers, laughing through his happy tears.
He told them how she had the strongest little cry, the cry that made you all realize you were now a family of three. You had a beautiful little girl to love, nurture, and protect. The memory caused you to smile from cheek to cheek. 
“Very beautiful, baby. But daddy misses you so much.”
“I miss you, daddy. I love you.”, she smiled.
“I love you, princess. How was dance?”
“Fun, daddy. I started ballet.”
“Oh I have a little ballerina, now?”, Joe smiled, his entire face lighting up. 
“Yes. Daddy, I’ll have to show you what I learned.”, Amelia said brightly, excited she had learned something new.
“Yes, you can show daddy and mommy when we get home from Paris.”
“When are you and mommy coming home from Paris?”
“What? You don’t like the company of your grandad?”, Joe’s dad asked, teasing Amelia.
He came into view behind Amelia, holding Arthur in his arms. He gave you both a small wave, asking how the trip was going. Arthur could see you both, making a confused face at how you all were on the phone. But the plus side was, he didn’t cry. 
Amelia turned around, appearing slightly offended. Her curls bounced. “I love you grandad, but you’re not daddy.”
“Oh.”, he laughed easily, making a fake surprised face. 
After you both talked to her for a while, Joe’s mom came back on and you all talked with her for a little bit before hanging up, you both exhausted. 
“Ready for aftercare baby?”, Joe asked, kissing your head. 
“Yeah, just want your cuddles.”, you yawned.
The extreme tiredness was finally setting in. This was the harsh reality of being parents. Amelia was a very easygoing baby. She was attached to you and Joe in her own way, but she would spend time with her nan and granddad with ease. You hoped as time went on, Arthur would become that way as he was turning two later this year. Only time would tell. You had read about the terrible twos, a stage Amelia completely missed out on, however, you feared the result would not be the same with Arthur. 
Joe got up, turning the extra lights off. You bit your lip, once again admiring him nude. He smirked as he realized exactly what you were in awe of before he climbed back in bed with you, taking you in his arms before he grabbed the lamp on the bedside table beside him. He pulled the sheet and comforter over you both, making sure you were warm and cozy. Being skin-to-skin with Joe was a feeling you never grew tired of. He kissed your head, rubbing his hands up and down your shoulders and back. His touch was soft and sensual, the perfect mix of both. 
“Did you enjoy tonight, love?”
You nodded groggily. “Mhmm, loved it, babe.”
He smiled, kissing your head and running a hand through your hair. “So glad, baby. So thankful for you and all you’ve done for me.”, he breathed.
“Like?”, you smiled softly with your eyes closed, begging him to go on and dote on you. 
“Like,”, he began, teasing you with a terrible imitation of you. “how you were the best girlfriend ever before I proposed to you six years ago, you were the best fiancée. I remember the night you wanted to start trying for a baby.”, he smirked, kissing your cheek. 
You smiled, eyes still closed. You were beginning to float in and out of consciousness, his voice becoming faint in certain words. You could fall asleep anytime listening to him talk to you. Not that he bored you, he didn’t. His voice was super comforting. 
“Hmm, yeah. Was a good night, you’d just come home from a trip.”, you yawned through a mumble. 
He smiled, caressing your cheek softly. “Yeah, I did. Then shortly after we got pregnant and didn’t know we were gonna have a little girl. We kept it a surprise. I felt so bad knowing you were so sick with Amelia.”, he sighed.
“Worth it, though.”
“You’ve been such an amazing wife and mother since. Our wedding was one of the best days of my life aside from our kids being born. You’ve been so strong to withstand everything you’ve been through.”, Joe breathed, tears welling up in his eyes unbeknownst to you. 
You smiled, becoming more drowsy by the second.
“You’re the best wife and mom a man could ask for. I love you, Y/F/N.”
His words gained no response, realizing you had drifted off to sleep. He peered down at you in the dark hotel room. The only hum was from the quiet heater. You breathed rhythmically, indicating you were transitioning into a deep sleep. He knew with Arthur, you hadn’t got to sleep well in a long time. Once more, he kissed your head and rubbed his hands up and down your arms, closing his own eyes. It was a matter of minutes before his hands slowed down, giving in to his exhaustion. You both slept soundly for a few hours.
Before you woke up, craving him. He had been half asleep when you began grinding your hips against his soft cock. Joe inhaled sharply, a sign he was still half asleep. You didn’t let up, continuing your ministrations. The more you did it, the more he was becoming increasingly alert. 
“What d’ya need baby?”, he said in his best sexy and sleepy voice. 
“You know what I need.”, you replied softly, grinding your bare ass into his cock further.
“Need me to make really good love to you? Need my cock in your pussy?”, he breathed, trying to come to. 
You could feel his cock beginning to become hard, pulsing against your ass. You moaned softly, a sigh escaping your lips. 
“Mhmm.”, you agreed softly. 
“What was that love?”, he teased, pretending as if he didn’t hear you. 
This way, you would have to intentionally repeat yourself. 
“Yes, Joe, please.”, you begged again. 
“Mhmm want my baby that bad?”, he teased. 
There appeared to be more behind his words—more than just to help you get all hot and bothered. Sure, you liked when he talked about putting a baby in you, especially during sex. It just did something for you, it was hard to describe. It did something for him too.
“Yes, Joe—want your baby so—bad.”, you hiccuped, his cock now completely erect from you continuously grinding your ass on him.
Joe’s hands traveled to your waist, feeling them up. Your skin was so soft and sensual, causing his breathing to hitch and slow. You felt his breath on the back of your neck, his mouth meeting your neck, placing kisses on them. A sigh escaped your lips, your eyes still closed.
“Gotta put a condom on.”, he groaned, kissing your neck.
You lifted your right leg, bringing it closer to your midsection. This would give Joseph a chance to enter you from behind, keeping you both comfortable without having to shift positions. You grabbed your pillow, tightening your grip as you exhaled. Joe fumbled in the dark, trying to grab a condom and put it on. Keeping you both from being inconvenienced by turning on a bright light. You felt him scoot back from you, pulling the covers down. You heard the package of the condom rip, the sound of Joe trying to roll the latex over his length.
He grunted and groaned, shifting his hips as he tried to make sure the condom was adjusted correctly. 
“Joe.”, you moaned, needy. 
“Trying sweetheart, promise. Wanna get inside you so bad—make you pregnant.”, he groaned, brushing his length against your bare ass.
It was no time before things continued. He asked you if you were ready, you begging him to enter you. He reassured you it would be just a minute as he lined himself up with your entrance. He entered you, his cock rock hard for you. This position worked well for both of you, especially in the middle of the night. He was right against you, making this session of lovemaking feel that much closer and more intimate with one another, bringing back fond memories of when he helped you out—very pregnant with Arthur. 
It wasn’t long before you felt ready to come undone at the seams, him following suit. You came first, feeling the best you had felt in a long time. He came shortly behind you, filling the condom to its brink. He barely had enough room. He stripped it off, tossing it in the trash can before pulling you into his arms and kissing your neck. You both fell asleep in minutes, a new record for you both. Especially since having Arthur. 
You may or may not have woken him up another time to help you take care of yourself—it’s what he said he wanted to do. Morning came in Paris, the sky a mute grey as it was trying to snow lightly. You and Joe woke up a little later than what you both were used to back home. Once you all woke up and became oriented, calling the kids and checking in, you decided to go sightseeing today. Joe was on the bed in his black slacks, red velvet button-up, and small black suit jacket before grabbing his longer peacoat. 
He sprayed his cologne before tying his dress shoes. He watched you standing by the mirror, putting your makeup on in your bra and panties. He swallowed hard, trying to ignore the urge in his pants by quickly thumbing over his cock through his pants. You could see him shift in the bed, not exactly realizing why as you eyed back at him. He didn’t want to come off as if he wanted sex and just sex from you, he didn’t. But you still managed to be absolutely sexy and he wanted you to know how sexy you were. He loved you and loved making love to you, proving how much he loved you. 
Your underwear and bra matched a pink set. You closed your makeup palette, satisfied with your eyeliner and eyeshadow. You grabbed your tights, sat down in the chair and rolled them up your legs causing him to swallow hard again. Sure, he’d seen a lot of pretty women but none as beautiful as you. Satisfied with your tights, you got up and went over to the closet, grabbing the black dress you brought. You stepped inside it, fixing the long bouffant sleeves. You brought a few pairs of shoes, settling on your black knee-high boots for today. 
You lightly spritzed your perfume, taking one last look in the mirror before shaking out your hair slightly. 
“You ready, love?”
“I think so.”, you smirked as Joe came over to you, quickly taking you in his arms and kissing your head. 
You shared a kiss with him on the lips, you both trying to deepen it. 
“Joe.”, you moaned softly. 
“Coffee?”, you reminded with a giggle, pulling away slightly while looking into his deep brown eyes.
“Right, coffee.”, he smiled, looking into your eyes.
He grabbed his wallet, sliding it into his pocket and you all set out, deciding to walk the streets of Paris and take in some of the morning sights. He held your hand as you all exited the hotel, feeling the cold morning air hit your cheeks, causing them to flush almost immediately. The air had an obvious nip to it, but when you were with Joe that didn’t really matter. 
You all walked a few blocks down the street, holding hands just like you all used to when you all had begun dating, having more time to go on dates. Joe squeezed your hand, causing you to look over at him and smile. It was nice to see the sights, walking hand in hand with your husband. No one made a big deal out of you all being there, that you were aware of. You all reached the coffee shop, small and quaint. Joe let go of your hand only to grab the door for you, being a true gentleman. 
You smiled at him, stopping to share a small kiss with him before you went ahead in front of him. You were starting to like this side of him. Joe always made sure you knew he loved you and cared for you. It was the small things he did that reminded you. However, on this anniversary trip, it was a reminder life had changed for both of you. Especially since having Amelia, getting married, suffering a miscarriage, and having Arthur all while Joe’s fame skyrocketed. You thought it was very sexy of him to be so romantic and flirty. 
“Chivalry isn’t dead, after all.”, you smirked back at him as his hands found your hips, holding them as you both decided what to order.
He smirked, kissing your head. “Not for you, mi amor . Never for you.”
You had to have Joseph’s help when ordering coffee in France. He spoke some French which was very sexy if you must admit. It made you weak in the knees when he spoke French. He had been several times before. The only times you had been to Paris were when you all got engaged and now. Joseph wasted no time in ordering your coffees, dragging his wallet out to pay for everything. You felt somewhat bad when he had to pay for everything. You felt as if you didn’t contribute at all to your all’s financial situation. 
Joe reminded you that you took care of the kids, him, and the house and that was more than enough. You eyed Joe’s hands as he slid his wallet back into his pants, admiring his assets once again. You didn’t know what had gotten into you, your sex drive increasing. Maybe it was the fact Joe was being so romantic and flirty. Maybe it was the fact you all hadn’t got to express your love for each other physically in over a month. Maybe it was the charm of Paris, the city of love. You weren’t sure. It could be all three. 
Joe grabbed your all’s coffee as the employee sat them on the counter. You all made your way over to a small table near the window, made perfectly for a couple.
“Thank you for coffee, babe.”
“You’re welcome, love. We need a little pick me up.”, he smirked, taking a sip of his coffee.
You smirked, grabbing your coffee. You took a sip, looking out the window and admiring Paris. It was a sight you never grew tired of. It may have been grey skies and snow, but it was still beautiful. You looked back at Joe who was admiring you, his brown eyes full of love and admiration. He held his hand out, wanting you to place yours in his. A smile spread across your cheeks so wide, causing them to hurt. You laid your hand in his, knotting your fingers in between each other’s while keeping the other hand free to sip your all’s coffee.
“What did you want to do today, baby?”, he asked, rubbing his thumb over your hand.
“Sight see? Maybe just go look around at some art? I know you like that.”, you smirked at him.
You didn’t want this entire trip to just be about you, even though Joe insisted that’s what he wanted. You wanted it to be about both of you.
“Sounds good, love. Wanna go to a few shops?”, he sipped his coffee.
“Mhmm sounds good, babe.”
Joe sat his coffee down long enough to eye your engagement ring and wedding band, the same ones he had originally proposed to you with and placed on your hand the day you all tied the knot. 
“Is something wrong with it?”, you asked, noticing his extended amount of attention on your rings.
Concern was laced in your voice.
“No, love. Not at all, just admiring them. It’s so hard to believe that was six years ago that we got engaged.”
You smiled. “Mhmm, one of the best days of my life.”
Joe smiled up at you, taking a break from viewing your rings. “Mine too. Can’t believe you’ve put up with me for six years and had my babies.”, he joked trying to lighten the mood.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “I love you, Joe.”
“I love you most, Y/N.”
“Not possible.”
“Believe it.”, he countered.
You all leaned over the table, sharing another kiss. After finishing your coffee, you all left the small coffee shop, venturing on to the most famous art museum in Paris, Louvre Museum. The entire time you all looked at the art, he was holding your hand. You felt like a prize he was showing off. It was something you’d never forget. It was interesting to finally see the Mona Lisa in person. Joe had a way of showing you new things and helping you cross off your bucket list. You all had a small lunch before continuing to sight see. One of them being the Arc de Triomphe. You all passed a Louis Vuitton store, Joe stopping abruptly.
He had been able to afford the designer name brands. His photo shoot for Wonderland magazine featured the iconic Louis Vuitton jacket, which he kept. His favorite brands to wear at the moment were Christian Dior and Gucci. 
“Did you want to go in there, babe?”, you asked easily. 
“Yeah.”, he said, looking like he was on a mission. 
You knew that look on his face, he had something on his mind. He was planning something. He opened the door once more, allowing you inside first. You all were automatically greeted by an employee, immediately asking if she could help you all find anything. You eyed Joe easily, waiting for him to respond. 
“Actually, yes.”
“What can we do for you?”, she asked, a tad overly friendly. 
You looked around easily, handbags everywhere. Almost every woman could only dream of owning a Louis Vuitton bag. You weren’t opposed to it, you just would rather spend the money on the kids. You’d never asked Joe for much of anything, even after he rose in fame. It just wasn’t something you were going to do, nor felt comfortable doing so.
“Well, I want whatever handbag my wife picks out.”
Your eyes darted over at him, visibly shocked by his words. You expected to come in here for him to find something. 
“Joseph Anthony Francis.”, you gasped easily.
He chuckled, finding it funny you used his entire name when you were attempting to scold him. “What, love?”
“You’re not doing this.”, you insisted, shaking your head.
The employee eyed you both. 
“Yes, I am. Think of it as part of your anniversary present.”, he smiled.
“Joe.”, you said seriously. “We can use this money towards the kids or the new house, you really don’t have to do this for me, really. Please.”
Joe laughed easily. “I’m going to do this for you. No if, and, or buts about it. So, will you kindly show this lady which bag you want?”
Your brain was in a fog, trying to even register the fact that this was real life and this was really happening. You just weren’t one to ask or want things. Joe did enough to show and prove his love to you. This was highly unnecessary. But he insisted. No matter how hard you tried to talk him out of doing it. As much as you protested, he wasn’t having it. 
Beyond your protests and attempts to talk Joe out of it, he dismissed them quickly and you looked at the various designer bag designs, Joe handing them to you and helping you decided which style suited you best. You weren’t used to all the attention, usually straying away from it. While Joe was out making big appearances and getting dressed by a team of makeup artists and designers, you were home with the kids cuddled up and watching a movie. You were doing better with coming out with him, even bringing the kids to conventions. 
You tried a larger one, looking in the mirror. Your face was still unsure.
“That looks perfect on you, baby.”, Joe smiled, admiring your reflection in the mirror behind you. 
“You think so?”, you smirked back at him.
“It does.”, the employee agreed.
You smiled back at Joe, feeling totally out of your element but happy. “I guess this is the one, then.”
She took the bag easily to wrap it and put it in one of those fancy little bags. Joe hugged you in the meantime, kissing your head. He rubbed his hand up and down your back. 
“Joe, you really didn’t have to.”, you sighed.
“I know, love but I wanted to. You do so much for me and the kids and I feel like your wants and needs go by the wayside sometimes.”
You shook your head easily. “No, I mean you let me get my nails done and have my little pamper days which is really nice.”, you smiled softly. 
“I just don’t feel like that’s enough appreciation for you.”
You rolled your eyes easily. “Joe.”
The employee finally brought the famous orange bag, handing it to Joe and you both left the store. You grabbed dinner and began your walk back to the hotel, the night getting colder. You shivered easily as you walked back to your hotel, pulling your jacket tighter.
“Cold love?”, he asked, his breath evident in the cold air.
You nodded. “Not too far to walk though.”
Joe wasn’t taking that for an answer, sliding his peacoat off almost instantly. You eyed him carefully before feeling him wrap the coat around your shoulders.
“You’re gonna freeze, babe.”
“I might, but at least my love won’t.”
You couldn’t help but smile before rolling your eyes playfully. “You’re so corny.”
You both stopped in perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, small snowflakes falling to share a kiss. Every kiss with Joseph was magic, making you feel like it was the first time again. Once you arrived at the hotel, Joe once again held the door for you, you both went inside and felt the instant warmth hit you. You both laughed as you entered your room, setting your bag down and beginning to instantly undress each other. Laughter, kisses, and a bottle of champagne had the night beginning strong. 
You lost count after three times of making love to one another. It was on and off throughout the night. That’s how it was for the remainder of your trip. It was finally your last night in Paris, you and Joe going back to the restaurant where everything happened. It had an immaculate view of the Eiffel Tower, the balcony where he proposed to you. You finally wore the red dress, Joe zipping it with ease. You let your hair down over your shoulders before putting your heels on and sliding your peacoat on. Joe wore all black, a look that fit him well. 
Dinner went amazing, holding hands the entire time. You both were so in love, something you feared you’d never have. You all were leaving Paris in the morning. You all had dessert before going outside on the balcony. 
“This is what started it all.”, he smiled at you, the cold wind blowing his curls. 
“Yeah, crazy to think about it. But I’m so glad to do life with you.”, you smiled at him before sharing another kiss with him. 
You both admired the view in silence until you felt Joe shift his movements. You looked over to find him on the ground, down on his knee once again, holding your hand. You wore a surprised expression, brushing your hair out of your face. 
“What are you doing?”, you were becoming teary-eyed, reminding you of the day he asked you to be his.
His brown eyes were beginning to water. “Y/F/N Y/M/N Quinn, I love you more than anything in this entire world. Every day, I fall more in love with you...if that’s even possible. You are the sunshine in my darkest days, you are the sweet in my dreams, you’re my best friend, the love of my life. Do you still love me? And do you still take me to be your husband and want to spend the rest of your life with me?”
He popped a ring box open, a new ring. It was from Tiffany and Co., something you weren’t expecting. You gasped easily, tears running down your cheek. 
“Joe, I-I-of course, I do. I love you so much.”, you finally managed to get out before he slid the ring on your opposite ring finger and stood up, taking you in his arms, and giving you a long, slow kiss. You laughed through your kiss as Joe wiped the tears from your cheek, you took your turn to do the same to him.
You both were teary-eyed, laughing lightly and looking into each other’s eyes. 
“Now, I feel like my gift won’t compare to yours.”, you laughed through tears before admiring your new ring.
“I’m sure that’s not true, baby.”
You reached down to the bag that held his gifts before handing them to him easily. He took it easily, a wife smile already across his cheeks. He removed the tissue paper, reaching down inside and pulling out a framed picture of the kids.
“When did the kids have these done?”, he asked, feeling like he was out of the loop as he sniffled.
“I kinda snuck them to have them done for our anniversary.”, you ran a hand through your hair nervously. 
He smiled in disbelief. “I love it…our babies…..the best two things we did besides getting married.”
You all shared another soft, slow kiss before he moved on to the box. You had special ordered it. He popped it open easily to reveal an all-black watch with your wedding date engraved on it.
“I love it.”, he hugged you easily. 
“It’s not a lot.”, you breathed.
“Are you kidding? You gave me the best two gifts ever—our babies.”, he smiled and sniffled, wiping his tears away quickly before taking you in his arms again. 
Your anniversary had been perfect. Everything you had hoped for and more. You all were giddy, returning to your hotel room. All of a sudden your phone rang. It was Jess.
“Hello?”, you answered, putting it on speaker. 
Joe had his hands wrapped around your waist from behind, pulling him into you. 
“Hey, dear. How’s Paris? How was the anniversary trip?”, she began easily.
“Amazing, beautiful. Everything we could have hoped for and more.”, you smirked back to Joe before sharing a small kiss with him.
“Sounds wonderful.”
You could hear happiness laced in her voice.
“Yes, it’s been amazing. Exactly what we needed.”
“What did Joe get you darling?”, Jamie chimed in. 
“Well, he went way overboard as usual. He got me a Louis Vuitton bag, a new ring, a set of lingerie, and some Miss Dior perfume.”, you smirked.
Joe had the lingerie and perfume waiting for you back at the hotel. 
“He did well, didn’t you Joe?”, Jamie laughed.
“She thinks so.”, Joe spoke up.
“Well, we have some news of our own.”, Jess began in a chirper tone. 
You and Joe looked at each other easily.
“You all are two of our best friends.”, Jamie added.
“Okay.”, you both said easily.
“Well, we’re pregnant!”, Jess exclaimed easily.
Both of your mouths dropped open. 
“Oh my God, that’s great! How exciting!”, you exclaimed, Joe, taking your hand. 
“Wow, how far along are you?”, Joe asked.
“About six weeks.”, Jess answered easily, you could hear the smile in her voice. 
You and Joe talked to them further, even talking about your own experiences. You all hung up, Joe seemed a little quiet and reserved. Jamie and Jess made plans to come over and spend time with the kids to get a closer feeling of what it would feel like to be parents. Joe laid back in bed easily, closing his eyes.
“Are you okay, Joe?”, you asked easily, cuddling up to him as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Yes, love.”
“You don’t seem it.”
“Just tired, baby.”
“Is this about a baby?”, you asked carefully. 
He sighed before nodding. “I just know we can never experience holding a newborn baby again….”
You sighed easily, taking his hand. “I know, babe. But you’re the best daddy ever. We got two amazing kids.”
He nodded easily before you both kissed. “You’re right.”
Your anniversary trip in Paris wrapped up and you all returned home to your kids. Amelia immediately showed you the new dance moves she learned. Joe was so proud of her, kissing her head. Arthur was happy to see you both, right back attached to your hips. Life was back to normal. Joe had to leave for a few days to work on a new project, leaving you with the children. His mom and dad said they would come over if you needed them. 
Lately, your appetite had increased and you felt increasingly fatigued, but you chalked it up to being a mom. It was while Joseph was gone, you noticed you missed your period. You weren’t too concerned on the first day, but by the second you were very concerned. But you all were safe about it, you used condoms. You couldn’t be pregnant again, could you? You shook the thought away as Amelia ran into the kitchen. 
“When’s daddy coming home again?”
“As soon as he can.”
“I miss daddy.”, she sighed, sitting down at the table to color in her coloring book.
“I know, baby.”
The evening went on, day turning into night. You were feeding Arthur a bottle, rocking him to sleep on the couch. Amelia was watching television, Bluey. That was her current obsession. Joe texted you, telling you he was close to home. Before you knew it, you heard the door open. Amelia instantly heard the door open, her head turning around, making her curls bounce. 
“Daddy!”, she yelled, jumping down from the couch and running to the door.
“Hey, baby girl. How’s daddy’s girl?”, he picked her up, kissing her before coming to the entrance of the living room.
“Good, daddy. Missed you.”
“I missed you too, love. How was school?”
“Good, I have a surprise.”
“You do?”, Joe smiled.
Amelia nodded before Joe let her down and she ran to get a spare piece of paper and a purple crayon. Joe eyed you quickly, giving you a kiss and admiring Arthur who was in your arms, asleep finally. His hair was starting to get small curls, just like his daddy. Amelia ran back into the room, putting the paper on the coffee table before kneeling down and scribbling quickly. She held up the paper with a big smile on her face, allowing her daddy to read it.
“Amelia Quinn, you can write your name?”, Joe smiled, his face bright.
You nodded as Amelia was all smiles. “Learned it at school daddy.”
He kissed her, it doing something to him to see his daughter write his last name. He never imagined this would happen. 
“That’s amazing, baby girl.”, he kissed her head.
After all the excitement, you all laid the kids down. Joe could read you—something was on your mind.
“Um…Joe, can we talk?”, you asked easily, rubbing your arm.
Your stomach twisted in knots, becoming nervous to deliver the news. 
“Of course, what’s wrong baby?”
You exhaled deeply, closing your eyes. “Um…well, I kinda—I’m late.”
You finally ripped off the bandaid, the words finally slipping out of your mouth instead of lingering in your head.
“Late for?”, he wasn’t following.
You exhaled again. “Um….late for my period…..”
His eyes widened, his eyes blinking. “You missed your period? How late are you?”
“Um…three days.”, you rubbed your arm nervously. 
Joe’s brain attempted to take in this information and process it. He looked shocked. You could only imagine what was running through his head. How would he react if you were pregnant?
“But—you’re always on time, right?”, he asked quickly, running a hand through his curls nervously. 
You nodded easily. “Yes…usually.”
Joe rubbed his face easily. “Have you tested?”
“No. It’s probably nothing—stress.”, you tried to convince yourself.
However, your brain was quick to remind you of all the symptoms of pregnancy you had experienced. You had been tired, fatigued, felt bloated, and were eating more often. Your eyes widened easily, but your voice of reason reminded you that you didn’t know yet—you hadn’t tested.
“Babe, you need to test. We need to know.”
Joe’s vasectomy was next week. 
“Um, I think I have a three pack in the medicine cabinet. I was saving it just to convince myself I’m not pregnant every now and then.”, you sighed. 
You and Joe moved into the bathroom, your hands shaking as you removed the pregnancy tests out of the medicine cabinet. The box was brand new, never opened, and still in date. They had the traditional two-line test, a digital one that said yes or no, and then one that estimated how far along you were. You looked back at Joe, a nervous and worried look on your face. There was no way you could be pregnant. You all used condoms. 
“Want me to step out?”, Joe asked easily before wrapping his arms around you.
You shook your head. “No. Let me just pee.”, you sighed as you moved over to the commode, sitting down and unwrapping the first test. 
Joe sat down on the edge of the bathtub, his face in his hands. You bit your lip, reading the instructions. Once you felt confident you were comfortable taking it, you did as it said. After you were done, you slid the cap back on the test and laid it on the counter, waiting for the moment of truth. In two minutes, you would know. You sighed as you washed your hands, looking in the mirror. Your eyes wandered over to the test.
After Joe timed two minutes, he was ready to know. “What does it say, baby?”
His face was serious. 
You picked the test up, keeping your eyes away from it. You came over to Joe, standing in front of him before flipping it over, showing you both at the same time. Much to your surprise, two pink lines were heavily evident.
“Oh my God….no, there’s no way.”, you began, feeling tears try to form in your eyes.
“You’re pregnant?”, Joe asked, completely shocked. 
“But—we were so—careful? We used condoms.”, you sighed. “How did this happen?”
“I—don’t know….maybe the condom had a hole in it or ripped or something?”, he sighed easily, taking you in his arms.
“Maybe it’s a false positive?”, you asked easily, grasping at straws.
“Love, that’s very positive.”, he chuckled nervously as he eyed the two dark pink lines. 
You breathed easily. “I can’t do this—we have two kids…..oh my God.”
Joe gave you a few minutes to gather yourself. He could understand that you were surprised. So was he. He wanted another baby but he understood why you thought two were enough.
“I’m gonna take the other two before we get excited.”, you said finally.
For the next two hours, you drank three bottles of water back to back to assist you in peeing. Your plan worked, watching one test after another come out positive. You were done to your last one, Joe thinking your denial was cute. 
“3 plus.”, you sighed easily, showing the test to your husband. 
Joe held it in his hand easily, his other hand on your waist. He was quiet as he eyed the test. You weren’t sure how to read him.
“I had to get pregnant on our anniversary trip.”
He looked up at you, nodding. “Guess I really put a baby in you?”
You felt like he was trying to lighten the mood, but part of you wasn’t in the mood for laughing. You were pregnant for the fourth time, the fear once again setting in if you could keep your baby safe. 
“Yeah, looks like you did.”, you sighed softly. 
A smile suddenly broke out on Joe’s face. He began laughing, tears sliding down his cheeks. You gave him a glance. “Joe?”
He looked up at you, his brown eyes filled with tears. “Yes, baby?”
“Are you upset?”
He laughed through his tears, wiping them off his cheeks. “No, love absolutely not. I’m—just in awe….we’re pregnant again…..we’re having another baby.”
You nodded. “I’m just scared….what if I lose it? How am I gonna be a mom to three kids?”, you rubbed your flat stomach easily.
“You won’t, love. Our little peanut will be okay. And you’ll be the most amazing mom ever to all three of our babies.”, he kissed you, still holding and admiring your pregnancy test. 
“How do you know?”, you asked meekly. 
“I just know. I promise I’ll do everything and anything I can for you and this baby.”, he placed his hand over yours. 
You both looked into each other’s eyes before sharing a soft kiss. “Promise?”
“Promise.”, he kissed you again. "We'll be amazing parents to all three of our babies. We'll do it together."
"I love you, Joe. Happy late Anniversary?", you asked easily, before shrugging. 
"Happy late anniversary.", he held your flat stomach easily. 
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