#i copy and pasted from the teen wolf one so if there is a mistake i'm sorry
theiceemperor · 3 years
Criticizing and pointing out Scott McCall's canon abusive actions and behavior isn't racist either. Scott's race – which is never even mentioned in the actual show, by the way – does not excuse/justify all the shitty, fucked up things he's said and done (and that Jeff Davis desperately tried to frame as "heroic") in the show. And yet here you are, claiming that people dislike Scott because he's not white. Even though Posey is white passing and Scott's parent are played by Italian-American actors
Hey, it's me again!
Anyway, I did some research. As one does, when they want to make a point, right? (No need to answer, I know this.)
You're right, Scott's race was never actually adressed in the show. Which I think is one of the problems in Teen Wolf in general.
Even the basic research wil tell you that Scott is Latino, or at least half-Latino. Posey himself said it (because he is biracial, as his mother is Mexican).
But, well, we all know what opinion have anti-Scott fans on Posey, so. It doesn't really matter what I say or what proof I'll give you, does it?
And that he's white passing? Well what about that? It still doesn't erase his heritage, his descent.
And let me just – if you've scrolled through my posts, you'd notice that I've never directly called anti-Scott fans racists. But here's the thing: If it's not true – if the racism isn't real, not even for a little bit – then how is it possible that (many) anti-Scott people only see Scott's mistakes, and not Stiles's? Or Derek's? Peter's? Or literally any other white, male character's?
That is something to think about, isn't it?
Moving on to the thing about Scott being abusive.
I've seen abusive people, seen abusive relationships. I've been abused – still am –, just like I was bullied. Hated. Manipulated. The usual 'sob story of one misunderstood villain' stuff. But you know, this gave me the ability to see people. Study them. (The fact that I love psychology is just a plus.)
And so I think that I can say that, yeah, Scott has made mistakes. Many mistakes, actually. Some were bigger than others, some smaller. But he's not abusive, as I stated in one of my earlier post. He's done some bad things, but making mistakes doesn't instantly mean someone is abusive.
We're people. People make mistakes. If we didn't make mistakes, everyone would be perfect, and that's just not possible.
But hey, no matter what I say, or what proof I'll give you, it won't change anything. At least not to you, anon.
It's amazing how you keep accusing us, the Scott McCall defense squad, of toxic behavior and harassing fans, yet you're the one spamming my inbox with copy-pasted, anonymous messages. You're the one calling us sexists, ableist and racists and 'typical rabid fans'.
You're putting things we've never said/written in our mouths/hands, like that we're trying to paint Stiles as a 'dumb monster' and many more. You're saying we, pro Scott stans, are toxic and abusive, yet between the two of us, it's you who's using mockery and insults as an argument. You're constantly calling the squad literally anything else than what it's name really is.
Many of us are trying to give you proof. Trying to explain our point of view, trying to get you to see other perspective, but it's no use. You're saying the same over and over again – at least from what I've seen and read.
So it doesn't really matter what I respond to your asks, does it? It won't change anything, not until I say what you want me to say. Not until I stop liking Scott.
So I'll listen to your words from one of your asks (which I've posted and then deleted), and, citing, “fucking go 🙄”.
And no, it doesn't mean I'll stop posting content about Scott. After all, I have much more important things than to stress about anon.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 years
📖 alternate dimensions/time travel for Steter (me trying to narrow it down, did it work?)
alternate dimensions/time travel for Steter (me trying to narrow it down, did it work?)
NOW we're cookin! (Pasted it bc as soon as I opened the answer window, your ask disappeared. Might be because of the heading font?)
I've got exactly 1 AU that fits this desc: Survivor's Guilt. (Technically 2, but the second is more of a reincarnation type story)
This story has presented an interesting problem for me, because it's technically Pitch (Peter/Mitch), except Mitch is still Stiles; just Stiles from the future. Obviously he can't tell anyone he's from the future, so he falls back on an old nickname that predates Stiles; this one drawn from his actual name. His parents usually shortened Mieczyslaw to Mitch.
So: Stiles for younger self, and Mitch for future self, but they're both the same person.
The future... does not go well for the pack. They all get killed off one by one, until Stiles is the last one standing 10 years in the future. After he buries the last one, he can't take it anymore. He's the human, he never thought he would be the last one to survive. it's not fair. So he performs some forbidden magic to tear a rift in reality and travel back to the beginning, before it all started. Unfortunately it's not an exact science, so he ends up part way through season 1, once things have already kicked off. And his younger self is damn stubborn; he has to change his plans from staying away from the supernatural at all, to keeping himself and his friends alive.
I'm going to put the rest under a cut and just copy what I have from my notes, because it's much more organized!
Stiles is determined though. Mitch gets there shortly after Scott has been bitten, and the wolf is out of the bag, and Stiles is so fiercely loyal that he won't abandon his best friend. Mitch wants to grab him and shake some sense into him, but he's a stubborn asshole and that won't work. He tries to intervene in other ways when it becomes clear that Stiles will not be put off this course, tries to keep him far away from Derek. And hindsight is 20/20, he's able to prevent a lot of things. But a lot of things still work themselves out anyway, interdimensional lynchpins that will always happen. The Hales will always die, Scott will always get bitten, Stiles will always foolishly fall in love. And Mitch hates it, having to watch Stiles make all these same mistakes over again, because he's already lived them. He's seen the consequences play out, felt the pain of everyone he loves dying horribly, leaving him the only survivor because surviving is what he does, like a fucking cockroach.
The best he can do is try to teach him everything he knows, all the knowledge he's had to pay for with pain and blood, in hopes that it will prepare him for what's coming. And along the way, something starts to unfold between him and Peter and that is just... so complicated. Mitch doesn't want to deal with that, he knows he shouldn't get involved, he's fucked up enough with everything he's doing here, falling in love with Peter is the last thing he should be doing. 10 years ago, when he was still Stiles, bright-eyed and not destroyed by the world, the kid he sees running with wolves like it's no big thing, Mitch wouldn't have even considered it. He remembers how much he hated Peter, always suspicious, watching with a careful eye. It's a distant memory, like the ghost of once-familiar perfume. More fresh is the memory of his grief, when Peter picked the wrong moment to start being altruistic, and got himself killed for it.
But he's not sixteen anymore. He's not the same optimistic kid mooning over Derek's bad boy with a heart of gold schtick, thinking he can fix him and heal the damage done by Kate (and god help him but he did, somehow). He's older and jaded and bitter, and Peter is everything ne needs and doesn't want but does, desperately. Peter, so damaged that being with him is like looking in a mirror, because Mitch has lost everything too, can sympathize with Peter now in a way he never could before. Peter would do anything to get his revenge, and Mitch would risk everything, break every sacred rule of magic, to save the ones he loves.
Peter gravitates to Mitch, drawn to his pain like a moth to flame. There's something so familiar about him, but Mitch keeps everything hidden, doesn't let any of them get close, and Peter has always loved a challenge. A good mystery is just what he needs to focus on, to temper his more murderous impulses. Now that he's older, Mitch is less Stranger Danger and more reluctantly attracted, and it's so easy to let Peter in. To not be alone anymore, after so long. Of course Peter puts it together. He doesn't say anything at first, but he watches, sees the way Mitch and Stiles interact with the world, the way they mirror each other. Mitch isn't nearly so spastic, doesn't talk as much. he's not an anxiety-ridden teen anymore, he's a broken confident adult. But they have some mannerisms that are impossible to mistake, and Peter wonders how no one has put it together yet. Then he remembers that these are stupid puppies; Scott can't be bothered with anything that isn't up Allison's skirt, Boyd and Erica only have eyes for each other, Stiles is too busy not listening to Mitch to hear the way their verbal tics are exactly the same, and Mitch does his best to avoid Derek, the only other one who may notice. It hurts Mitch to be around him, because somewhere, that bright-eyed kid that's dead and buried still loves him, and the pain of losing him will always be an open wound. Scott thought it hurt to break up with Allison, but he doesn't know true loss. But he will. They all will in the end.
Mitch and Chris get on well of course. Chris is the one that trained him into the killer he is now, almost like a second father to him. Aside from Peter, Mitch spends time with Chris, warns him about the dangers Gerard represents, especially towards Allison. Chris isn't one to blindly trust, but he does investigate into the situation when dear old daddy comes kicking around.
And when Mitch sees his dad the first time... It's some innocuous meeting, maybe they're in a bar. They strike up a conversation, John offers to buy a round, and it takes everything in him to maintain his composure when all he wants to do is collapse into John's arms and cry, because the only thing worse than losing Derek was losing his dad, holding him in his arms as he bled out, hearing his breath stop, seeing the light leave his eyes. The nightmares of that night still haunt him.
Mitch is gonna feel so conflicted about his attraction to Peter, especially at first. Bc part of him still remembers what it was like to love Derek but there is no way he's touching that with a 10 foot pole even if he's not the same kid that was in love with him, and maybe he wonders if he's just trading in for another Hale? that wouldn't be fair to anyone.
And like that is the least of his concerns, who knows what's going to happen if he starts something with Peter now. But he's been so lonely, starved for touch and affection. And Peter knows, he more than understands. He spent 6 years in a coma, longing for the same thing. He wants to give that to Mitch now, to both of them, if Mitch will just let him
it's a clusterfuck trying to deal with it, and Mitch is trying to fix things, but he doesn't know how. he's not omniscient. All he knows is that something went wrong, Y caused Z but he had no idea about X. He only knows the things he was directly involved in, and there are layers of schemes, unseen factors that will be uncovered this time around as fate continues to set itself straight even as Mitch keeps messing with the timeline
eventually Mitch has to admit that he wants what Peter is offering, desperately. He's not as cold as he pretends to be, and it's stupid to keep denying them both. He's already breaking every cosmic rule by coming back here to change things, and the universe keeps laughing in his face. So he may as well go all in here.
and maybe, briefly, Peter wonders if Mitch still loves Derek. But he doesn't; Stiles died along with the rest of his pack, leaving Mitch in his wake. Everything Stiles was is gone in him not everything, he's still fiercely loyal, hopeful beneath his jaded pessimism, enough to challenge the universe itself like Icarus on his waxen wings nothing left but the memories.
Mitch is reliving his own mistakes getting involved with Peter, just like Stiles is with Derek, and god knows what the consequences will be this time. But they can't be worse than any he's already suffered, the total destruction and devastation of everything he held dear, leaving him a burnt out shell of a man. Peter can empathize. Can't take his pain, but can maybe help to dull it, help shoulder the burden of it, show Mitch that he doesn't have to be alone anymore
And I think I know how stiles figures out Mitch is him: something happens. One day Mitch and Peter are just doing something, it’s a pretty normal day. But then something seemingly innocuous happens and Mitch has a moment of oh shit realization and he just takes off running because Stiles is in danger
Because you know, he doesn’t know the exact dates that things happened, especially in the beginning. It was so long ago. But something will happen, some small thing burned into his memory, and he’ll remember. And he doesn’t get there in time of course, the damage has been done. Leaving stiles with a wound to perfectly match a scar Mitch has from the same incident.
Mitch does manage to avert enough to change the future. But that means he doesn’t become who he is. If the pack doesn’t die, Mitch never comes to be, he never has to come back in time to change things, never falls in love with Peter. So he ceases to exist. But even though he fades away, the memories of him don’t.
"We did it," Mitch gasps suddenly, eyes wide like he can't believe it. Something in him shifted, something intrinsic. Like a damn had broken and all of his suffering was washed away by the cool waters of relief and happiness, the kind he hasn't felt in years. Not since before he lost everything. "Peter!" And Peter is watching him with pure, unadulterated excitement, because they've averted the catastrophe that would have befallen the pack without Mitch's intervention.
And then Mitch starts to fade.
Peter is grabbing for him, but his hands pass right through like Mitch is just a ghost, and then there's less than that. His very molecules are ceasing to exist. He doesn't exist anymore, Mitch realizes. "I'm sorry," he tries to say, a second too late.
Peter is left standing there staring at nothing. An empty space. There aren't even any ashes to prove that Mitch had ever been there, vanishing between one heartbeat and the next.
Peter doesn't realize what's happened at first. Doesn't want to, his fast mind lagging behind. "No," he whispers. Everyone is staring at him. Stiles is looking on with mounting horror, Derek mirroring him. It's the Sheriff who catches him when he collapsed, arms strong around him. "No, no!" It's all Peter can say. This can't have happened, it's all a mistake. Mitch will come back to him, he has to. It can't end this way.
Distantly, Peter knows he's crying. John is too, Peter can smell his tears. Of course he is, he just watched his son fade out of existence. Of course, he still has Stiles, still gets to watch him grow. Peter has no one. Derek comes to him, followed by Stiles. He's crying too, on the ground with him. Derek has a hand on his shoulder. Melissa is covering her mouth with her hands, eyes glistening. Even Argent's stony mask has broken as Peter falls apart in front of them.
Peter throws his head back and roars, so loud it shakes the trees around them. The earth quakes, the preserve trembles in fear. But the world keeps turning, the universe continues on, ambivalent. What is one human life in the grand scheme of things?
Everything, he is everything.
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reinathevocaloid · 4 years
My Akeshu/Shuake Fic Rec
After reading a good amount of Akeshu/Shuake fanfics, I’ve finally decided to compile a list of all my favorites. This list will be updated over time with any new ones that I read as well.
L’appel du vide by Xov 
It’s not a Akeshu/Shuake Fic Rec without one of the most popular fics in the fandom. This is a New Game + fic that takes place after P5 vanilla, and it follows a 19-year-old Akira who has been thrown three years into the past. It’s still ongoing and the updates tend to take a while, but it is always worth it. I legit reread this fic all the time and I always notice new things I missed.
False Start by Xov
I love all of Xov’s fics so all of their works will definitely be in this list. This is technically another New Game + but Goro makes some bad choices instead of learning from his mistakes.
A Study in Distress by Xov
A no-powers AU where Akira and Goro went to the same school and they get to be love-struck idiot teens that solve cases without having to save the world.
death of choice by Xov
Although the second half of the fic is still being written, the first half is already good enough to be its own fic. During the preparations for Akira’s parents’ funerals, Akira accidentally meets Goro years later. While the reunion doesn’t go terribly, it doesn’t go well either.
Reverb by Xov
A short fic that Xov wrote for the akeshu Showtime zine (which I actually got a physical copy of, despite all the drama surrounding it lololol).
Hungry Thirsty Roots by coolkidroland
Ayyyyyo it’s the first fic I read in this fandom! Goro has a palace and Akira decides to steal his heart (and Goro’s shadow kinda helps out).
right now, forever by kittyakeshu
Another early fic for me in the fandom! Goro gives Akira a pair of cat ears! Honestly, I love how this fic has the perfect mixture of smut and fluff with a hint of darker undertones. Plus, Goro’s characterization in this fic makes me a bit nostalgic for vanilla Persona 5!
resistance. by lithalos
Okay warning this fic is not for the faint of heart, but it’s so good! This is a Fantasy AU where Goro is a knight, Akira is a witch, and Shido is an awful king. The thing I like the most about this fic is that it points out the fact that Akira meeting Goro earlier may not change the mindset Goro has.
and i felt the fever coming. [oh the wreckage follows] by vntagecassette
Sick Fic! Sick Fic! Sick Fic!!!! It’s not a proper fic rec without a good sick fic, and vntagecassette is an amazing writer. Also, in this fic, Akira is selectively mute and uses Shuwa (Japanese sign language)!!!
tomorrow (B-SIDE) by relationshipcrimes
Although there is an A-Side to this fic, I choose to ignore it because my heart can’t take the pain. B-Side has a hopeful ending though! Akira daydreams constantly about what he will do when he meets Goro again during the long days that he waits for him.
the first step to find your way is to mark where you have been by futuresoon
Another Goro has a Palace fic!!! I love how detailed the palace is in this fic and how Akira and Goro work through it together. 
The Royal Scramble by D_Maradine
This fic has only just started but I’m loving it already!!! The events of P5S are reimagined so that they occur after P5R and Goro joins the gang.
goro akechi and the quest to apprehend the illustrious mossy mothman by ethyxx
A fluffy and funny fic about Goro trying his hardest to get a rare gatcha toy for Akira 💕
Don't bite off more than you can chew, little wolf by Ren_Saxon 
Shapeshifter werewolf!Akira meets Vampire!Akechi at College and tries to woo him over.
Heart for sale (try free or buy it now) by Tayani 
After thief!Akira steals from CEO!Akechi, Akechi becomes smitten with him and decides to become his sugar daddy.
Breathing exercises by TroubleWriting 
In a universe where some people are born Doms or Subs, Akira is a Sub who doesn’t trust anyone enough to help him through his instincts, but luckily Akechi decides to help him. (despite the premise, this fic is more emotional than sexual)
This December by YassHomo
Akira meets Black Mask early on in the story and slowly befriends him which changes things (this one hasn’t been updated in a while but I still love it)
Kiss me, crown me, put me into words by Ren_Saxon
Akira is a gossip novelist who meets Prince Goro Akechi at a royal ball! This chance meeting completely changes the course of Akira’s life.
Drowning in the Deck by MercysEmbrace
Goro helps Akira deal with some current life issues. Basically, I’m a sucker for any fics where Goro helps Akira with anxiety issues and points out how Akira can be a people-pleaser.
Blooming through Orchids by Zeliez
Omega!Akira (who pretends to be a Beta) is forced to room with Alpha!Akechi (who also pretends to be a Beta) during the Hawaii trip. I’m really picky with A/B/O fics, but I love some of the more unique takes on the AU that are used in this one-shot!
Hold me down by TroubleWriting
I always love a good Mafia!AU, and this ongoing fic absolutely fits the bill! Crimelord!Akechi becomes obsessed with Information Broker/Thief!Akira.
Winner Take All by HoneyCorvid
Basically, Akira and Goro have sex during the metaverse duel and it changes everything! Honestly, besides the great smut scenes, I just really adore how this author writes their interactions! I found myself laughing multiple times throughout the story lol
Tied to you, tied by you by saikowrites
Goro discovers that Akira is into bondage when they try climbing together and uses this knowledge to his advantage lololol
everything or nothing at all by malevolentmanga
Akira and Goro swap personas and things get a bit heated! Tho as always I think the best part about this three part series is the dialogue and characterizations.
flora, electricity, and other forms of magic by SoulFishie
Powerful witch Akira and his familiar Morgana are forced to move to Shibuya in order to try to deal with a mysterious and dangerous stalker that’s following them. Luckily, Akira is assigned a bodyguard during his first year in the city: a (supposedly) werewolf named Goro Akechi. I love everything about this AU and how Akira is characterized!!!
The Real Magic is You by CelestialTrickster
Knight Akira regularly travels to the evil sorcerer Akechi’s tower to “rescue” Princess Hifumi, which really means that he visits his secret boyfriend. However, things become difficult when Akira’s father tries to force Akira to marry Hifumi. I absolutely loved this and would love to see more in this universe!
Less Than Righteous/ More Than Friends by HoneyCorvid
During Sae’s palace, Akira has sex with Loki, reveals some truths, and possibly changes the course of history forever. Once again I love how this author writes the dialogue between Akira and Goro (and his persona lol).
Playing Hero (third time’s the charm) by HoneyCorvid
An ongoing NG+ series where Akira and Goro remember the original timeline and work together to make their own happy ending. The parts in this series are short glimpses into moments within this plot (also the first part legit made me tear up at 4am lol)
Twice as Old and Four Times as Weary by rosegardenlake
A short and sweet one-shot about Akira learning to lean on Goro and the rest of the Phantom Thieves, especially as they all get older and their tiredness catches up to them.
mountains (molehills) by Ciasquare
Goro and Akira have started rock climbing together, and the rest of the phantom thieves misunderstand the hobby as something else entirely. One of my favorite aspects about this fic is that Akira is selectively mute and uses sign language, and the author uses their own experience with sign language to write most of the scenes! I feel like I learned a lot about sign language that I had never known before!
Where we go from here by EnlacingLines
Taking place in an alternate universe (no powers) where Akechi goes to Shujin as well, Akira is worrying about the upcoming high school graduation and what that means for the future. Basically, Akira re-learns just how much his boyfriend, friends, and found family love him.
glucose guardian by corrupted_voracity
If I had a penny for every fic where Akechi tries to become Akiren’s sugar daddy, I’d have two pennies, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it has happened twice. But for real, I absolutely adore this fic! Basically, Ryuji makes a joke that broke college student Ren should get a sugar daddy and Ren actually makes an account on a Sugar Daddy app, which leads him to meeting COO Akechi. Despite the premise, this fic is actually really sweet and focuses on Goro and Ren navigating their new relationship together.
Taste Test by EnlacingLines
Hilarious shenanigans occur after Akira accidentally buys strawberry flavored lube. This fic is both super funny and sweet!! I love how this writer portrays their dynamic so much!!!  
Let Me (care for you) by CrinklePuff
Another sick fic!!!! Ren gets sick so Goro stays home from work to take care of him for a few days. This fic is filled with so much domestic fluff that you will get toothaches from the sweetness lol
Nevermore to leave here by EnlacingLines
During a severe storm, Akira is forced to take shelter at a strange mansion that is rumored to be haunted. Turns out that the rumors are somewhat true because the house is occupied by a very attractive demon known as Goro Akechi. Honestly, I just love demon!aus ngl!!!
AceSpec!Akira Bullies DomTop!Akechi: The Saga by EveryMountainClimbed (DemiPalladium)
An ongoing no powers Shujin!Goro alternate universe series where Goro and Akira have been best friends for several years and they decide to start dating. This lighthearted series mostly follows their developing relationship, and it’s incredibly funny. Also, as someone on the ace spectrum, I especially relate to Akira!
Daredevil, You've Hit the Wall by ez_cookie
Another rewrite of P5 Strikers with Goro and Sumire present!!! I absolutely adore how everyone is written here, and I love all fics that point out Akira’s unhealthy focus on trying to be the rock for everyone to lean on.
the joy of the hunt by TroubleWriting
Akira is forced to participate in a local hunt, but it leads to him reuniting with Akechi. I love ABO fics that play around with the details of the universe and I also love fics that have some predator/prey tropes, so this fic definitely hit multiple of my buttons!
Most Wanted by Prince_Tenjou
Two years after the events of P5R, Akira accidentally stumbles across Akechi, and so he makes sure to not let go this time. Basically, a short and sweet story about the two of them reuniting and confessing their feelings.
stand and deliver your diamond ring by lady_peony
A beautifully written fic with a fem!Akira! Like the author, I also lament over the fact that Atlus scrapped the FeMC concept for P5 every day...
caliology by lady_peony
A short and sweet one-shot where Akira and Akechi are in an established relationship years after the events of the game and they discuss mistletoe (but of course it’s about more than just mistletoe).
wishes wisely expounded by lady_peony
A fairytale-esque story where Akechi and Akira are childhood friends!
roll for initiative by HoneyCorvid and malevolentmango
Goro and Akira finally reveal their feelings for each other while running a DnD campaign with the rest of the thieves!
Between the Shadow and the Soul by Pigeonfeatherquill
An ongoing AU where 24-year-old Akira, who is a long-time member of the BDSM/Kink scene, meets a mysterious dom who may or may not be connected to the “prince” who saved Akira from a dangerous scene a year ago. Besides loving the characterization in this fic so far, I also love how it also gives an in-depth look into the kink community (and includes Ann as almost a main character, since she is an underrated fav imo)
I will continue to add more as I gain more favs!!!
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As I mentioned b4, I'm rewatching TW (s1 & s2) and I've been wondering since I joined the fandom how old is Derek. I knew it was never clear but now that I'm rewatching it I'm realising just how much plot holes there are in the show and this is the perfect example. In the first ep Stiles says that Derek is "a few years ahead of them in school" and that the fire happened 10 yrs ago which we know isn't true bc Derek said to Scott that the fire happened 6 yrs ago which then brings me to how (1/?)
old is Derek and how old he was when the whole freaking Kate thing happened. Being a few yrs older than Stiles and Scott would mean imo not more than 4 yrs max bc Stiles wouldn't really remember him otherwise which indicates that Derek is cca 20 yrs old during s1 and that the whole Kate thing happened when he was 14 which once again isn't possible bc of the Paige thing and this is so frustrating bc this is literally the base of the ENTIRE SHOW bc if the fire didn't happen Peter wouldn't (2/?)  go crazy and kill Laura and all of those people and (most importantly for the show) wouldn't bite Scott!!!!!!! (3/3) Thank you for listening/reading my rant and hopefully I copy pasted it correctly and got the point across :D 
(I didn’t know how to tag this as a trigger warning so if anyone knows the correct tag, please tell me because I don’t want anyone to get triggered. This ask talks a lot about Kate and Derek’s gross and abusive history so if that hits you hard, please don’t read it and take care of yourself <3) 
Derek’s age is a continuity thing I see discussed a lot across the fandom and honestly, I think the answer is nobody knows, not even Jeff |D 
I know @always-the-little-spoon told me once that the original script said Derek in episode one of season one was supposed to be 18 (or maybe 19? This convo happened so long ago and as I keep saying, MY MEMORY IS SHITE!) but basically only legit 2-3 years older than Stiles and Scott. 
But then the fire timeline doesn’t add up to his age, because as far as I recall (or it’s been said? Or implied? Or theorized?) Derek was def still a minor when the whole Kate thing happened, but like 16-17 (I feel like someone at one point says Derek was 16 when the fire happened so that would mean his relationship with Kate was when he was either 15 or 16) Typing this is squicking me so bad bleh
But yeah, as time passes, it’s implied Derek is A Full Adult™ of like, a mature 25-26, so suddenly the age gap between Scott/Stiles and Derek jumped. 
I think overall, if I’m looking at it from a devil’s advocate POV, is that they wanted Derek in the “teen” spectrum to fit the “TEEN Wolf” theme, but then as they developed his back story and realized “Oh... wait... if the fire happened ten years ago, and he’s eighteen/nineteen in the pilot, then he’d... oh noooooo~” SERIOUSLY THIS IS MAKING ME UNCOMFORTABLE TO TYPE So they had to make him older, but even then they were probably like “Mmm, even if we make him 25, then he’d only be 15 ten years ago and that isn’t great, either. What if we make him 24, and the fire was six years ago? Then we can say he was just shy of 18 so he’s still a minor, but the ‘older’ side of being a minor.” STILL A MINOR KATE YOU GROSS GROSS LADY! 
Is it more likely they forgot how old they made Derek and how long ago the fire was? Yes. Yes it is. But is it also possible they realized their horrid mistake and fixed it? I mean, maybe? >.> 
Bottom line, no one knows how old Derek is, least of all Derek. So you get to make it up like everything else we do while writing 8D 
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gideongrace · 5 years
Talking amongst ourselves - fanfic writer interviews: @ihni
(Originally, these interviews were done more conversationally, but this interview is a LONG one! So I edited it down for tumblr. You can read the whole unedited, uncut interview over on a03! There are pictures involved. :)
Please say your first name, your age, your pronouns, the fandoms you write for and provide a link to your a03. You can also mention your sexual orientation or other details, if you'd like.
My real name is Moa, but I go by Ihni online. On AO3, I have an account under Ihni (https://archiveofourown.org/users/Ihni) but that's for rhymes (and doodles). I only wrote rhymes/poetry for a long time, and when I started writing fic, I wanted to put that under another pen name. I was NOT comfortable writing stories for YEARS. Now, though, I don't care. So, I write fics under the pen name Thei (https://archiveofourown.org/users/thei/).
It's all Stranger Things, these days. Harringrove (because I love the fandom and I like the two of them interacting) and Billy-centric (because I love his character, SO MUCH).
I am ace and aro, so my fics tend to not contain any sex (I have ALLUDED to it a couple of times, but that's basically as far as I go). I am also just as happy to write fics without any romantic or sexual relationships at all. Billy and Steve can be buddies only, as far as I'm concerned.
How do you feel about being aroace when so much of fanfic is all about romance and sex?
I live by the tried and tested rule of "don't like, don't read". 
There is a lot of romance in our fandom, for sure. But it's not like it's lovey-dovey IN OUR FACE romance, you know? 97% of Harringrove fics are two dumb boys who are bad at communication and who can't deal with Feelings. And I fucking live for that! Also, even the lovey-dovey fluffy romance stuff is cute, when it's them. I may not want a relationship for myself, but I don't mind at all if the boys are in one! (If they want it, they deserve it <3)
And as for sex ... well. I can read about sex, if it's well written or if it furthers the plot. If it's too graphic, I tend to scroll past it though, or just skim through it. It doesn't... give me a lot? I guess. Like, it's not like I read "smut" in the tags and go "oooh I have to read this!" - rather the opposite, in fact. I can read it, but it's not something I actively look for, and when I stumble upon it, I don't always read all of it. If I know the writer, I'll probably read through it to honor their work, though.
I just won't ever leave a "omg that was so hot!" comment! XD If someone expects that from me, they'll be disappointed (and I'm constantly terrified of disappointing or offending people for NOT commenting on their smut).
Basically, I am the master of my own fandom experience, and if something makes me uncomfortable I will keep away from it. Simple as that.
More people should live by that rule.
What's your writing process like?
That's an interpretation of my writing process.
No, but.
I usually get SUPER INSPIRED to write a specific scene, or concept... and THAT part goes well, but then I have to build a STORY around it, and that takes SUCH A LONG TIME and SO MUCH EFFORT!
And also, usually, it gets out of hand.
I usually have to force myself to get the words in, honestly. And also, I get real tired of what I'm writing, real fast. So I have to force myself to finish (I have a few WIPs that are more than a year in the making...) before moving on to other things. (And I usually write the other things inbetween, anyway.)
I get easily distracted, when I write. Like, actually sitting down and writing takes an hour and a half. Then I MIGHT write for like twenty minutes, lol.
Cold Turkey Writer was a godsend XD.
If I have internet on while I'm writing, not a lot will be written, let's just ... let's just say that.
How do you edit?
Sometimes, I read through it once, and change a few things, and let that be it.
In a couple of cases, for the longer ones, I have actually made an effort to read through it more than once. (The problem being that by then, I'm so sick of it that I will skim through it just to get it over with.)
A couple of times, a friend has read through it for me, and given me pointers. Which is VERY HELPFUL! But they've offered to do it for me, I would never ask it of someone.
And about the editing process ... I check for spelling mistakes, or when something sounds wrong, or looks wrong ... and then I fix it, so it looks and sounds better in my head. I don't know. That's editing, right?
What fanfic authors do you admire?
In the Harringrove fandom, I have to mention LEMONLOVELY, because I'm in love with the way she writes Billy, and the way she's shaping her fics as she goes, and the way her attention to detail brings a whole mood (I am OBSESSED with her "Words Left Unsaid" fic, and am probably that fic's biggest fan).
LYMRICKS, because fucking hell, they sure can write a fic that draws you in. There's something about long sentences in combination with short sentences that really makes them easy to read, and the language is like a punch to the gut, at times.
CALLIEB, because I love their stories and I'm currently following "Second Thoughts" and I love how they write everyone like ... like they're holding their breath, waiting for something.
And I'm not even gonna mention any others by name because I'm terrible with names and I'm bound to forget someone and I'm just, I don't want to do that. Our fandom is full of talented writers, and I just. If I've commented on your fic, I read through all of it and I liked it. If I haven't - well, I HAVE been writing more lately = less time to read, and I have like 100 fic tabs open on all of my devices ... I hope to get there, some time!
In other fandoms, let me mention PeaceHeather (for how they write Loki and that world), aloneintherain (such good whump!), isaDanCurtisproduction (the absolute best Spideypool!) and gaelicspirit (who writes lovely angsty whumpy Musketeers fics). Like. Just to mention 0.01%, or something.
I don't think any of them, particularly, have impacted my style - because I don't HAVE a style - but I soak up every word of every fanfic I ever read, and if one sentence is a particularly pretty string of words, I will copy & paste it into a word document that is now 170 pages long, or screenshot it to keep it forever. ❤️
Words. <3
What's your favorite story of yours?
What's your least favorite story of yours?
What's your favorite line you've ever written?
Like, in what SENSE? Even though I know my writing isn't up to par, they're still my babies. Still my creations. I love them in different ways! Like. I love "Coming Back" because it was the longest I had written back then, and it's probably the one I am most pleased about, writing-wise, and it's also the one I went through and edited the most. So it feels like the one I worked the most on.
I love "Toy Soldiers" because it was a totally self-indulgent piece of writing that I wrote for the joy of it, and because I wanted to read it and no one else was about to write it for me.
I love "About Apologies" because something about it pleases me, it was an experiment that didn't fail, and I like it more and more with time.
I love "Less of a mistake, more of a miscalculation" because I had fun while writing it, and it turned out kind of like I wanted it to, plot-wise.
I love "Actions and reactions", because I had no idea what I was doing back then, but I still did it, and somehow it got long and I still don't know how that happened.
And I realise that this makes me sound a little self-centered, but I worked hard on them. I love them, even if they're my ugly and imperfect babies. And even if I cringe if I re-read certain parts XD
I guess my least favorite story of mine (and I'm guessing we're talking Stranger Things things here?) is "Not unusual" because a) I never re-read it and b) it was the start of something that I have to actually FINISH at some point and ugh, that was not the original plan. If we're talking least favorite stories in all fandoms, then definitely "In which there are mistakes made", which was a Teen Wolf fic, and the reason why I don't do WIPs anymore. The last chapter was written simply to fucking END it, and ugh, I hate it.
The favorite line I've ever written ...? I don't know. Are we talking in fic? Because I write my best stuff in comments, honestly. :p I don't think I have an answer for that one, actually. Sorry :S
What part of writing is easiest for you?
What part of writing is hardest for you?
Easiest? Dialogue. I like dialogue. Like, as a non-English speaker I can at least imagine a plausible exchange of words, and banter, and make it sound somewhat realistic, I imagine.
Hardest? The rest. Like, some people are just fucking WIZARDS with words, can write these long descriptive sentences that perfectly sets the mood for when a character gracefully moves across the room ... whereas I am just, "He stood up and walked over. End of fucking story."
What do you do when you're struggling for inspiration?
Give up?
Or do something else.
Or go and read. (That's basically the same as giving up.)
Or, if I'm still writing, I go to another part of the story and write THAT, and hope that I'll feel like connecting the two pieces, later.
Inspiration is a bitch.
Who introduced you to fandom and when?
Oh god. I am old. I don't remember. 
I started writing stories when I was real young, and I was always reading something. I started writing stories with my friends when I was a teenager. Then we discovered the internet (yes, this was around the time when we got internet access in school and at home, told you I was old!) and when doing that, I guess we found more like-minded people.
Fanfics ... weren't an organized thing, back then. But I've been reading them, and been in fandoms, ever since I discovered that there were people online who liked the same things that I liked.
I would say, actively, from maybe around 19-20 years old? Like, that was ACTIVE fandom-ing.
What is your advice to fellow writers?
How often do you jump between fandoms?
How long have you been writing?
As a WRITER, I am not the best person to give advice to writers, I think. I'd rather TAKE advice than give it, at this point.
As a READER, my advice is to WRITE, WRITE, WRITE, because you are doing a good thing and you are creating a version of a world that is yours, versions of characters that you can shape into anything, and SOMEONE out there will love you for it (probably me).
I jump between fandoms ... hmm, as a WRITER? Seldom. Billy's my jam and I'm not moving.
As a READER? All the time. I mean, I'm pretty deep into Harringrove and Billy and Stranger Things, but sometimes I need something light-hearted, and then I go back to some of my basic fandoms, and read something else. I will never run out of things to read. 
And how long have I been writing? FOREVER. I wrote when I was young, and thought I was going to be an author (wrote in Swedish, back then). Then I wrote when I was a teen, for fun. Then I stopped writing. Then I started writing rhymes, in English, because it was a craft I could do and train in, and it was short pieces. And only in recent years (very recent), have I started writing fics. And now, I write long-ass fics in English, so I guess I have at least come a long way!
Why do you write?
I just sat and stared at the screen for a good ten seconds.
I'd say that it differs.
Sometimes, I write because I want to READ something and no one has written it (or is going to).
Sometimes, I write because I want a very specific thing or feeling, and it doesn't exist yet.
Sometimes, I write because I am inspired.
Sometimes, I write because I want to.
Sometimes, I write because of a deadline.
Sometimes, I write because there's something in my head that Won't Leave Me The Fuck Alone until I get it out.
Sometimes, I write for fun.
Sometimes, I write because I want to hurt.
Sometimes, I write because I need to.
Sometimes, I write because I want to become better at it; learn; reach towards the writers whose work I love.
And sometimes, I just sit and stare at a document, don't write a single fucking word, and go watch a movie instead.
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vegetacide · 4 years
Tagged by @gumnut-logic  :)
1. Would you rather accessorize with scarves or necklaces?
Scarves,  cause I like soft stuff to snuggle and hide my face in.
2. How old were you when you first saw mountains? (Or if you haven’t seen mountains, what do you imagine they’re like?)
Smokey Mountains on a road trip... erm.. in my mid teens I guess...
3. Do you make your bed in the morning?
It a habit I recently started when we first went on lock down to help me get my day started... prior to that.. hell no as I would just be crawling back into them later.
4. What type of stories did you like as a child?
Book wise when I was little.. anything my Dad would read to me at bedtime...As a teenager it was Sci-fi, fantasy and romance and hopefully all in the same book. 
5. What was the most exhilarating experience of your life?
Hmm ...no idea so will pick some at experience at random... sailing through a sun shower in St. Thomas on one of our honeymoon excursions to see sea turtles in their natural habitat. ...
Snorkeling for the first time in the ocean..
Skiing down a winter slope when I was a kid and somehow not managing to kill myself (I suck at skiing) 
First day we brought my daughter home from the hospital.. feels surreal as I sit here to think the 5 year old softly snoring beside me was once sooooo small and it was ONLY 5 SHORT YEARS AGO.  Dude, when they say the little years go by fast.. they weren’t kidding..
Oh.. and of course walking down the isle and somehow not tripping over my feet and face planting in front of my family and friends as I was shaking like a leaf caught in a hurricane having a mild panic attack and worried I was going to fuck up somehow.
Okay, so the last one was more terrified than exhilarating but.. meh...
6. Do you agree with the concept of exotic pets?
Here in North America... if the thing was born in the wild.. it should stay in the wild...unless under the extreme circumstances of animal rescue when the animal can’t be returned to the wild..   If it was breed in captivity and is not on the endangered species list and wont eat you or rip your face off...say like a hedge hog which is oddly enough considered exotic where I am.. then its okay but only if the owner can provide a loving, healthy home.  (wolf hybrids,  tigers, ligers, and other exotic large cats are the exceptions as no one can care for them properly unless specialized training has taken place and you have like a billion acres of land for them...basically any animal that has not been domesticate over hundreds of years ... leave em alone... )
7. Describe your feelings about maths.
Necessary evil...enough said. 
8. When was the last time you finished a book?
Do audio books count? If so.. in March right before lock down.  Listened to a lot of books on my travels to and from work..   Currently I am able to actually pick up a hard copy and I am working my way through Crazy, Rich Asians.   Good book!
9. What’s a small way that you’ve been kind recently?
All the things I have done recently have just been what is expected of a normal human being with responsibilities so I cant really say.. erm.. made an extra meat loaf for my Dad so I know he is eating well... collected his beer bottles for return cause they just started excepting them again.. 
Started making my husband lunch as he was recalled to work... Do his laundry cause he usually does it for himself...
I haven’t really be out much in the world lately and as I said.. basic stuff. 
10. What new hobby/activity have you always wanted to try?
And got to the bottom and I think I fucked this up... oh well.. lmao.. so on to the questions I was supposed to answer...ooopppsss..  gonna leave the other answers above cause I spent the time to write em.. 
Oooh, and now I have to ask questions…
1. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?  
Falling Lakes aka  Plitvice Lakes National Park  in Croatia cause it looks beautiful and would be the closest thing on Earth to being in a fantasy novel..  
2. Favourite pasta shape?  
No favourite shape.. just spoon sized cause spaghetti is messy
3.What do you need to do everyday to keep your mind and body working well?
Wake up... lmao
4. First ever fandom and why? How old were you?
This is a surprisingly hard question to answer as I have loved many things over the years.. I have always loved cartoons going back as far back as I can remember and later in life comic books and anime  so will answer this by first fanfictions  and first community.... 
Well.. first fanfiction i got hooked on reading was for Sailor Moon..age..erm... high school so like maybe grade 9ish..  At that point I had always loved cartoons but Sailor Moon really sucked me in. 
First I wrote and will never see the light of day... Biker Mice From Mars and/or G.I.Joe...cant rightly remember which came first and I am a huge Snake Eyes fan.  
First posted... DBZ I believe under another name.. and ermm.. no, I wont tell. 
First community I joined... Dragon Ball Z on here in fact.. and within the last few years.   I am still a DBZ fan but I jumped the fandom community wagon and joined up with a bunch of Thundernerds and completely fell down the rabbit hole.
And I am being vague about the age for a reason.. lol   
5.Deserted beach or snazzy night club?
Beach! 100% Sand between the toes,  the sound of the water lapping up the shore.. the smell of the salt in the air.. the sun on my back and my sandals dangling from my finger tips.. ahhhh perfection. 
6. Do you find it easier to talk to people online or offline?
Online.. cause there is security in anonymity. 
7. What do you think is the aim in your life? What do you ultimately want to achieve?
Wow.. talk about a soul baring question.. lmao.. I don’t know.. to be remembered and looked back on kindly.   To be better then those before me and to not make the same mistakes.. to be a good mom to my daughter and to not fuck her up to bad. (I answered this one out of order.. meh)   
8. Coolest Thunderbird
....well this one should be an obvious answer. lol
9. What is your absolute favourite topic to talk about?
My interests.. which are vast and varied. 
10. Do you have an embarrassing story to share?
How I fucked up this questionnaire.. lol 
okay so now for questions to ask,..if I understand this right that is what i am supposed to do now... hmm
1. Favourite dessert.
2. What would you rather...fine dining or eating around a camp fire?
3.  Favourite past time outside of here?
4. If you were a video game character, who would you be? Why?
5. Flight or invisibility? 
6. In the case of a zombie apocalypse what would be your escape plan and what would you do to survive? 
7. If you could go on a road trip anywhere in the world.. where would you go and what car would you be driving? 
8. Who would be in the seat beside you? 
9.  What would you rather... watch a thunderstorm or close the blinds
10. What 10 questions would you come up with if you could ask anyone anything?  (Ya, I so cheated there mu ha ha a ha) 
Feel free to answer.. or not. Open to anybody just copy and paste the last 10 questions.. not the whole thing like I did... oops... cause that would be wrong.. Oh and if you made it all the way down here after this long ass ramble .. GOLD STAR FOR YOU!  :) 
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justauthoring · 5 years
No Reason To (30/50)
Prompt: “And I guess… when it comes down to it, I trust you.”
It has come to my attention that by adding links to my posts, it stops that post from being seen in the tags tagged. So, sadly, I will no longer be able to tag previous parts of NRT on new chapters. BUT all part can be found easily on my “No Reason To Series MasterList!”
A/N: Here we go! ;)
Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. As usual, I hope you all enjoyed!
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Pairing: Stiles x McCall!Reader
Based off of: Teen Wolf 04x10, 04x11 and 04x12
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Rubbing at your eyes tiredly, you let out a sigh. Briefly, you glanced down at your phone, sighing at the lack of messages still, your leg pouncing in anticipation. You should’ve just gone with Scott, that way you wouldn’t be losing your mind like you are in this moment. But, at the same time, you know you never would’ve given what had happened to Stiles.
It’s like none of you could catch a break. Every time you made it a step further, you just got knocked back down and it was starting to weigh down on you. You just needed a minute, that’s all, a minute where you could just stop. Because if it wasn’t someone trying to kill you, it was someone trying to kill your brother or Stiles or Lydia or someone else.
Something always went wrong.
And now Scott wasn’t answering, leaving you to wonder if he was okay and if Satomi’s pack was okay. You should’ve gone with him, but how could you not make sure Stiles was okay after what you had heard? That an employee in Eichen House had taken both Stiles and Lydia and tried to kill both of them, but specifically the latter. That Stiles had a concussion and if it hadn’t been for Parrish, you very well could’ve lost Stiles. You hadn’t even known.
And, even if you had, there wouldn’t have been much you’d be able to do. Because while they were nearly murdered, so were you.
“Come on,” you whisper, biting your lip in worry. “Answer your damn texts, Scott.”
Blinking, you raise your head at the familiar voice, both relieved and surprised to find Malia stood in front of you. You hadn’t really spoken to her after the two of you, along with Liam and Scott, had nearly been burned alive. Mainly because, what could you say? Hey, I know you’re still mad at us and that we nearly just died, but how are you? Because you knew she was still mad at Stiles and Scott and probably you for not telling her the truth about Peter and you couldn’t blame her.
But the sight of her causes you to straighten out, momentarily forgetting about the fact that you were waiting for a reply from Scott as your eyes follow her carefully as she takes a seat next to you. “Hey...”
“Are you okay?”
Blinking, you swallow thickly. “Me?” You question, gesturing to yourself. “I’m fine... you?”
“Good,” she nods, the atmosphere thick as she glances down at her lap.  
After a moment of silence, you swallow down your fear and speak up. “What are you, um, what are you doing here?” You ask, pulling her gaze back on you as you turn your full focus on her.
“I heard Stiles almost got killed,” she explains bluntly, “and that you were here. So I wanted to make sure the both of you were okay.”
“That surprises you?”
Truthfully it did, but you didn’t expect Malia to ask it so suddenly. Though, you figured you shouldn’t have been that surprised given her personality. So, after only a moment of surprise, you shrug; “I just... Well, I figured you were still mad at us, so...”
“I am,” Malia says simply, mimicking you and shrugging.
Your lips part, blinking; “oh... okay.”
As silence falls over the two of you, you let your eyes wander across Malia, pausing in thought. You understood why she was mad, and in all truth, you believed she had a right to be. But for a time being. She also needed to understand why Scott and Stiles, and even you, you guessed, had lied. That yeah, like she’d said last night, it was to protect her. And that was just it.
“You know,” you speak up, gaining your courage as your gaze falls to your lap, playing with a stray piece of thread on your jeans. “Stiles and Scott did what they did to protect you, like you said last night. And that’s the only reason why they did it. Why they didn’t tell you. Why I didn’t tell you.” Pausing a moment, you glance up, finally meeting her eyes. “And yeah, maybe we didn’t think it all the way through. Maybe we made a mistake and should’ve thought about how it would affect you, but... what we did was because we thought it was the best for you.”
Malia doesn’t reply. Really, she doesn’t do anything. She just stares back at you, blinking, as you feel some of your courage disappear.
“So...” You move to continue, voice lowering somewhat. “That’s why you shouldn’t hold it against them. Against... Against me. We made a mistake, and--”
Your words halt the moment Malia’s hand falls on your own. It’s an intimate response you would’ve never expected from the coyote-turned-girl, but despite your initial shock, it brings a soft smile to your lips.
“I’m not... good at things like forgiveness,” Malia says with a shake of her head. “Some things i’m picking up fast. But some things are like...”
“Like math,” you finish for her, raising a brow in question.
“I hate math.”
And you’re not sure what possesses you to say it, but suddenly your lips are parting and you’re speaking faster then your mind can comprehend. “You hate me?”
“No,” Malia whispers, shaking her head. “I could never hate you.”
Your cheeks warm slightly, and there’s that fluttering feeling in your chest that you can’t completely explain, but it’s there. And suddenly, you feel like you should speak; “then,” you start, maneuvering your hand so it is now gripping Malia’s in return. “Help Stiles and I, please.”
It only takes Malia a moment, pausing before she nods. “Okay.”
Instantly, you perk up, your eyes brightening. “Really?”
Shaking her head with a light laugh, Malia rolls her eyes at you. “I already said okay.”
Your cheeks flush in embarrassment, your hand slowly slipping out of her own as you push yourself to your feet, tucking your hair behind your ears. “I’m just...” You trail off, hoping that Malia already knows what you’re trying to say without actually having to say it. And by the look on her face as she comes to a stand next to you as well, you figure she does.
“Let’s go talk to Stiles.”
The minute Melissa opens the door, you waste no time slipping past her, reaching Stiles in seconds. He smiles brightly at the sight of you, and you waste no time wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in for an embrace. You let out a sigh of both content and relief when his arms slide around your waist, squeezing you in return.
It feels like forever since you’ve just been able to hug Stiles, as silly as that sounds. But it brings immediate relief to you, the tightening of your chest loosening somewhat as you pull back to smile up at the boy. “You’re okay?”
Smiling himself, his eyes filled with admiration as he stares back down at you, Stiles raises his hand, letting it fall on your cheek. Gently, he cups it, his thumb stroking your cheek. “Yeah,” he whispers, “you?”
“Better now,” you smile.
Then, Malia shifts and you blink, suddenly remembering that you weren’t there alone with Stiles. Of course, Malia’s deliberate shift also catches Stiles’ attention and his eyes raise, widening when they land on Malia. You don’t blame him, because he probably hadn’t expected to see her in this exact moment. So, he briefly glances down at you in question, before turning back to Malia. “What... What are you doing here?”
“I heard you nearly died,” Malia shrugs, causing you to smile slightly. “Wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“Malia is also going to help us,” you speak up, smiling brightly over at Stiles as you pull yourself back from his arms, gesturing to the girl. You take her arm in your grasp, pulling her forward in opens of lessening the awkward tension between the two. “Mom told me you were look for a tape player?”
“Oh, yeah,” Stiles nods, blinking. “Something that might help us with the dead pool.”
“Great,” you nod, “let’s go.”
“H-Hold on,” Stiles calls before you and Malia can step away, causing your eyes to fall on his. His gaze shifts from you then to Malia; “you’re... you’re not mad at us anymore?”
Smiling softly, Malia lowers her gaze to you; “I thought it was about time.”
“Let’s go Lorraine.”
“Listen to me. Please listen.”
You let out a sigh at Lorraine’s voice, setting your chin in the palm of your hand as you briefly glance over at Stiles sat next to you. He only meets your eye before turning back to the cassette player, keen on listening. 
“There’s something I have to do,” Lorraine continues, her voice somewhat shaky. “Something I have to stop.”
“I have to take you back to Eichen, Lorraine,” Brunski speaks up in the recording. The same Brunski who had tried to kill both Stiles and Lydia.
Your attention is stolen briefly by Stiles as he leans forward, turning up the volume of the cassette player before leaning back, eyebrows drawn in in concentration. Malia wears the same expression as him, as you bite your lip, unsure of what you expect to hear. You hope it will give you some clues to the dead pool, but you’re nervous about what will be revealed along with it.
“No, no,” Lorraine sighs, “I don’t think you’re gonna be taking me anywhere. I can hear the recorder in your pocket. It’s on now, isn’t it? You’re making a tape. Just like you taped the others.”
Suddenly, Stiles shuts off the player, turning to both you and Malia with a shake of his head. “This didn’t happen at Eichen House.”
“But then where did she go?”
“That’s what we need to find out,” you remind, turning to Stiles as a sign to turn back on the cassette player.
“...Back to Eichen, Lorraine.”
“No, no. I don’t think you’re going to be taking me anywhere.”
“That’s it,” Malia suddenly calls, jumping to alert. “That’s where it is. Play it again,” she begins, to which Stiles leans forward, moving to do as she instructs. “And turn it up.”
You lean forward as the tape rewinds, shuffling closer in between Malia and Stiles as you listen closely in focus.
“No, no,” the tape repeats, “I don’t think you’re going to be taking me anywhere.” There’s a moment of pause before Lorraine speaks again, and even though you don’t hear anything, it’s clear by the look on Malia’s face that she does. “I can hear the recorder in your pocket. It’s on now, isn’t it? You’re making a tape. Just like you taped the others.”
The moment she’s done speaking, you turn to Malia; “Malia?”
“It’s the record player,” she explains, shifting slightly.
Pausing the tape, Stiles shakes his head; “what record player?”
Standing up, Malia’s eyes narrow; “the one in the lake house, in the study.”
“So,” you begin, “she escaped from Eichen House to go back to listen to a record player?”
“Well, she was like Lydia, right?” Malia reminds, pacing in thought. “She was a banshee?” 
“Yeah, but only once,” Stiles confirms, “she predicted Maddy’s death and then just spent decades trying to predict something else.”
“Okay,” you say slowly, furrowing your brows. Then, something strikes you. “What if she did?” You offer, eyes widening in hope, “and what if this time, it wasn’t just one death, it was a lot of deaths?”
Realization dawns on Stiles; “like the Dead Pool.”
“What if all those years ago, Lorraine predicted it? And she knew there was something in the study that could stop it?”
“Then we’re going to the lake house.”
Blinking, you stare at the record going round and round, the only thing you hear is the faint sound of the needle scratching against it. This was hopeless.
“What are we doing? This room wasn’t even made for us.” It seemed Stiles was losing his patience just like you as you turn your head to watch him jump up to his feet, shaking his head in exasperation. “No, we need someone like Lydia or Meredith, and we’re just sitting here listening to a stupid record player play a record that doesn’t play anything.”
Leaning forward, Stiles shut off the record, shaking his head. “Come on,” he urges both you and Malia, reaching out for your hand. “There’s plenty of other things we can be totally useless doing.” Letting him pull you up to your feet, you follow Stiles out of the room, only noticing a moment later that Malia hasn’t followed you.
Turning to Stiles, you tug on his hand, shuffling back into the room as your eyes fall on Malia in the exact same spot as before. “Yes?”
“I can still hear it,” she explains, leaning back slightly.
Brows twitching, you take a step forward, hand slipping from Stiles’. “But it’s not on.”
Scoffing, Malia shrugs; “then it’s something else.” Slowly coming up to her feet, she stares at the white wall the record player is set again, nodding her head. “Something spinning.”
Taking a step forward, you glance past the record player as Stiles does too, and the two of you seem to notice the cord that extends to the other side of the room at the same time. Your eyes meet his in question, before moving to push the record player out of the way, coming to a crouch before the cord. Stiles takes it in his hands, holding it for a moment as he glances back at you and Malia, as if wondering if he should go further.
You both nod and then, he’s tugging, tearing some of the wall slightly, pausing in surprise. You shrug your shoulders at him, silently telling him to continue and before you know it, he’s tearing a line straight through the wall, reaching the top. It’s then that you and Malia step forward, helping him tear the rest of the wall down in chunks before revealing an entirely separate room.
Inside are three, possibly more, large machines that you’re not even sure what they are, but it causes your chest to tighten with worry and floods you with apprehension.
“What is this?”
“The Dead Pool.”
“I think there’s something inside. Do you have a wine opener or--?”
You blink in response as Malia takes the bottle of wine out of Stiles’ hands, slamming it to the ground and thus shattering it. Well, that was certainly one way to do it.
Stiles and you only pause a moment before rushing forward to grab what Stiles had felt inside of it earlier. Brushing some of the shattered glass away, you grab the key laying there, your heart flooding with hope as you move to give it to Stiles. He doesn’t hesitate to grab it from your hands, moving to one of the three large machines and pushing the key into the slot on top.
He hesitates a moment before turning it, everything go dark for a moment before the lights flicker back on. You pause, turning to Malia and Stiles, before you notice the hum of the machine slowly quieting.
They’re shutting off.
When Stiles opens his eyes, he certainly doesn’t expect to see you sat up.
At first, he’d been about to go back to bed as he’d been having a really nice dream. He moved to pull you closer to next to him, only to find the spot next to him empty causing him to let out a moan of dejection. So, blinking open his eyes, trying to peer through his blurry vision, both confusion and concern floods him when he finds your back turned to him, sat up on the edge of his bed.
You haven’t seemed to notice Stiles yet, thoroughly stuck in your thoughts. But, as Stiles pauses a moment to gaze at the back of you in confusion, he notices you lightly shaking.
You jump slightly, a sigh leaving your lips as you shuffle slightly, arms rising and doing something Stiles can’t quite see, before turning your head over your shoulder to gaze at him. It’s then Stiles realizes what you’d been doing, or at least, he can take a pretty good guess. Your eyes are slightly blood shot and puffy, and there’s the faintest hint of tear streaks on your cheeks, slightly red.
Frowning, Stiles pushes himself up to his elbow, his hand falling on your arm as he gently pulls you round to face him completely. “What’s wrong?”
You sniffle, shaking your head as you desperately try to avoid Stiles’ gaze. “Nothing,” you lie, and even if you try to be as convincing as possible, Stiles doesn’t buy it for one second. “I’m fine.”
Stiles’ frown deepens and he hesitates on replying right away, taking a moment to let his eyes wander across your figure. It’s then he notices the bags under your eyes and the way your eyes droop heavily. His assumption is enough to make him sit up straighter, shuffling closer as his hand bounds around your waist, pulling you against himself and into his arms. “How long have you been sitting there?”
You swallow thickly, gazing down at your lap.
Then, it hits Stiles; “were you awake all night?”
Your silence gives Stiles the answer he needs. Even if you try to pretend like everything’s fine, he can tell that it isn’t. He can always tell when it comes to you.
Raising his hand, Stiles cups your right cheek, wiping some of the tears that had managed to escape your defenses and fall without your permission. “Hey…” He calls softly, moving to gently clasp your chin in between his pointer finger and thumb, finally pulling your gaze on his own and meeting it steadily. “What’s the matter?”
“I can’t sleep,” you shrug, voice small.
“Why not?”
“Because,” you begin, voice shaky. “Every time I shut my eyes, I… I see myself being stabbed, I feel it all over again. The pain, the fear… everything. And,” you hesitate and Stiles isn’t oblivious to how hard this is for you. You never like to make it about yourself and try to always put others before yourself. But everyone has their limits, and Stiles knows you’ve reached yours. “I’m scared.”
Shaking his head, Stiles smiles, albeit small; “it’s normal to be scared–”
“But that’s just it,” you interrupt, grasping his hand by the wrist and pushing it away from your own gently. “I can’t be scared because of the things we do. The things we have seen Stiles… it scares me. But it’s never going to stop. We’re never going to have a normal life.”
“You don’t know that,” Stiles argues softly, shaking his head.
“Yes,” you shake your head, “I do. Because Scott’s a werewolf and i’m a witch. And Lydia’s a banshee. And… And Liam,” you huff, sighing. “Any chance he would’ve had at a normal life is gone now. It’s always going to follow us. Me… It’s always going to follow me.”
Stiles’ eyes narrow and he frowns, trying to understand the meaning behind your eyes. His heart spikes slightly in anticipation, fearing the worst. He hopes… “And that means?”
“That… That you should go before it’s too late.” The words feel like poison on your tongue but it’s a thought that hasn’t left your mind for a long time, and with everything that’s going on, you have to say it. “I mean, you nearly died the other day. You should go before it’s too late, before you can’t. Being… Being with me,” your eyes flicker up to meet his, swallowing thickly. “It’s dangerous.”
Stiles pauses a moment before replying, watching the way your eyes water and despite being held in Stiles’ arms, you still continue to shake. You look tired, exhausted even, but Stiles’ isn’t sure if you mean the words you say or not. And if you do, well… he’s just going to have to tell you why you’re wrong.
Shifting slightly, Stiles ignores your attempt at pulling away, cupping both of your cheeks and pulling your gaze back on him, not allowing you to pull away. “So what if it’s dangerous?” He says simply, shrugging his shoulders. “If I was scared of the consequences I would’ve left a long time ago, but I haven’t. And you wanna know why?”
Biting your bottom lip, you shrug your shoulders.
“It’s because Scott’s my best friend. And i’m always gonna be there for him. It’s because Lydia, Malia, Kira and even Liam, they’re my friends. I care about them.” His grip tightens, not painfully but in a way that you know he means what he says. “It’s because I love you. I always have and that’s never gonna change. No matter what happens.”
“But what?” Stiles shakes his head, “so what if you’re a witch? I loved you before you knew and I still love you now. Y/N… Seeing you nearly die that day scared the shit out of me, and… and it made me realize that a life without you isn’t a life worth living.”
You blink, some tears spilling over as your lips part at Stiles’ words. Your heart flutters and you feel your shoulders ease, finally leaning into his touch. Part of you wonders if you should argue against his reasoning, but you already know you won’t. You can’t.
“Okay,” you whisper, nodding.
“Good,” Stiles smiles, moving his hands to your waist. “Now, we still have a few hours before we’ve gotta go to school. Get some sleep, yeah?”
Nodding once more, you let Stiles pull you down, shifting so your back is pressed against his chest and his arm is around your chest. Both of your arms are bent up, holding his arm as you let out a sigh of content. Then, as silence falls over the two of you, you lean forward, pressing a kiss against Stiles’ forearm.
“Shouldn’t you be in school?”
Shutting Derek’s loft door behind you, you let out a shrug, a small smile falling on your lips as you turn to face him. “Wanted to see how you were doing.”
A smirk on his lips, Derek pushes himself off his staircase, arms crossed over his chest as he makes his way over to you. Your eyes follow him as he comes to a stop before you, just a little bit of distance existing between the two of you. “Something tells me that isn’t all you’re here for.”
With a shrug of your shoulders (once again), you step past Derek, already knowing his gaze is on you, as you let your eyes wander. It’s not like you’ve never seen Derek’s loft, obviously, but you decide to tease him a little before getting to the point of this visit. That point being, besides making sure he was okay, to talk to him about your powers.
“Y/N,” Derek calls, causing your eyes to fall on him as he raises a brow, telling you to get on with it.
“Fine, fine,” you relent, holding up your hands in surrender. “I once came to you for help about my powers.”
Nodding his head, Derek agrees with ease. “Yeah, and?”
“I need more help,” you say earnestly, letting your hands drop by your side. “Everyone has weaknesses, I know. But... mine nearly got me killed. I can’t let that happen again.”
“If you can’t help me,” you interrupt softly, squaring your shoulders. “I’ll find someone else, no hard feelings. But there has to be a way to master my powers without having sight. I mean, there must have been blind witches before, right?”
Derek laughs slightly at your reasoning, shaking his head. “I would imagine so.”
“Then,” you urge, “can you help me?”
“Y/N,” Derek calls again, his voice laced with warning. “Your powers are different than what mine were. They’re different than Scott’s. You don’t just have to learn to attack with claws, but you have to learn how to control your thoughts. Control where your magic goes and what it hits. It takes time and patience.”
“Okay,” you nod, already having your mind made. “I’m ready.”
“There’s more,” Derek sighs, moving to stop before you once again. “I don’t know as much about witches and their powers as I know about other supernatural beings. But, one thing I do know is that you have a lot of it. I sensed it back when I first was teaching you, but I never said anything. Y.N,” you brows twitch slightly at the tone of his voice. Suddenly, you feel like what he’s about to say is a lot worse than you’re expecting. “Yes, you can learn to control your powers but you can also lose control of your powers.”
Swallowing thickly, you bite your bottom lip. “And?”
“And,” Derek continues with a nod of his head. “Then... well, there’d be no stopping you. You could hurt people, kill people even. Even if you don’t want to. It would all be out of your control. Why do you think you were thirty on the Dead Pool?”
Frowning, your gaze lowers to the floor.
“Because your powers are immeasurable compared to others,” Derek answers, causing your heart to plummet with slight fear. “You can either be the most powerful witch, or the most destructive.”
You hesitate in thought for a moment. You know Derek says this in warning, but not to scare you. Yet, it does. It does scare you, a lot. Because you’d never want to hurt anyone, but... at the same time... “Scott can lose control,” you finally say, blinking up at Derek. “Malia can lose control. Kira... I’m just like them, and I want to be better. I want to be strong, not for me, but for those I love.”
And then, a smile falls on Derek’s lips. An almost proud smile. He laughs lightly, letting his hand fall on your shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly, he nods.
“Okay then. I’ll help you.”
“Drop what you’re doing. I’m taking you both out for dinner. Whatever you want.”
Raising your chin at the sound of Noah’s voice, your eyes widen slightly in question as he enters Stiles’ room. At his proposition, you turn to Stiles in question, raising a brow.
“Dad,” Stiles calls, somewhat confused, somewhat nervously. “I don’t think a man of your debts should be treating anyone to anything.”
“Well, there’s one debt we no longer have to worry about,” Noah explains with a smile, reaching into his pocket and pulling out an envelope. Handing it to Stiles, he smiles over at you.
“What is that?”
“A letter of apology from Eichen House,” Noah answers. “Apparently, they’ve decided to forgive our debt due to... uh... Well, you and Lydia almost getting murdered.”
“Seems reasonable,” you shrug, gaining the attention of the two men. “But still, they can do that?”
“They can do it and they did it,” Noah smiles.
“I have never been so happy to have almost been murdered,” comments Stiles, reading briefly over the letter with a light grin. You roll your eyes at his words, but still, can’t help but join in the two of their reliefs. 
“Well, we’re not out of it yet,” Noah reminds, “but... we’re going to be okay. And at least for the moment, I can afford to take my son and his girlfriend,” your smile broadens, “out to dinner.”
Moving to close your textbooks, Stiles stands up to fall next to his father as the two turn to you. “Y/N,” Noah calls, pulling your attention back on him. “What your favourite food?”
Pausing in thought, you shrug; “I like anything really.”
“Pizza,” Stiles answers after your lack of a helpful response, smiling encouragingly over at you. “Y/N likes pizza.”
“Yup,” you laugh, “I do.”
Said boy pauses, turning his head over his shoulder to look at you. At the sight of the panic in your eyes, Stiles’ brows furrow. “Y/N, what’s the--”
“Scott’s missing,” you interrupt, unable to stop yourself as you come to a sudden halt in front of him. “He didn’t come back home last night and he’s not at Derek’s loft with Kira like he’s supposed to be.”
“Okay, okay,” Stiles calls, grabbing you by the arms and gently pushing the two of you back. Pushing you away from the crowd of those there to watch the lacrosse game, Stiles makes sure no one’s near enough to hear the two of you before placing his full focus back on you. “Just breathe. What’s going on?”
Inhaling deeply, you follow Stiles’ advice, nodding your head. “Scott never came home last night,” you begin again, “and I didn’t think anything of it. Just told mom that he was out on a date with Kira. But then Derek called me and said that they were both gone from the loft and it looked like a fight broke down. And Stiles...”
“Ever since we went to dinner with your dad, i’ve felt this ache. I couldn’t explain it before and just ignored it,” you sigh, shaking your head. “But it won’t go away and it’s all over my body. Now, it’s stronger then before and there’s this feeling... feeling of dread. I think it has to do with Scott.”
Cursing softly, Stiles pauses a moment before nodding his head. “Okay, okay,” he repeats, obviously trying to come up with a plan. “Here, i’ll get my dad. You wait here, and then we’ll go to Derek’s together. Okay?”
You don’t reply right away, lost in your head slightly, flooded with nerves. The feeling won’t leave you, and you can’t seem to stand still. The thought of losing Scott... it petrifies you.
“Y/N,” Stiles presses, staring down at you in concern.
“Yes,” you blink, shaking your head. “Okay, yeah.”
“What the hell happened?”
You can practically feel your heart sink at the sight of Derek’s loft. This... this did not look good at all.
“It was supposed to be a date,” Derek explains with a sigh, shaking his head.
“They were both here?”
“And they’re both gone.”
As soon as Braedan finishes speaking, Stiles’ phone buzzes. Gnawing on your bottom lip, you turn to him at the sound, watching as he presses his phone against his ear, answering the call. “Hey.”
You don’t know what’s said on the other side, just that it’s Lydia who’s calling him.
“Scott and Kira,” Stiles says, “we just don’t know where.”
Then, after a moment, Stiles pulls his phone away his ear.
“Stiles?” You urge, turning to him with a worried expression.
“Mexico,” he mumbles, “we have to go to Mexico...”
“Oh, Liam! Go home. You’re not coming with us.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s a full moon,” Stiles huffs, walking past the boy. “And I don’t feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out.”
Pausing in between Stiles and Malia, you send the younger boy a small, pitiful smile as he presses the issue.
“We could lock me up, right?” Liam offers, “chain me down to the back seat or something?”
“You tore through the last chains, remember?”
“Yeah,” Stiles nods, “we would have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there.”
“Okay,” Liam shrugs, obviously not having caught Stiles’ sarcasm or reference. “Then where do we get carbonite?”
Stiles only pauses in shame, eyes squinting. “Seriously, you haven’t seen it either?”
Shaking your head, you set your hand on Stiles’ arm, moving to push him toward the door before Liam halts you. “Wait!” He all but bellows, causing you to turn to him in surprise. “What if we put me in the trunk?”
“Liam, you’ve been a werewolf all of five minutes. You don’t have to do this.”
“I know I don’t, but I want to,” Liam argues, voice lowering slightly. And you blink in surprise, surprised by this boys bravery. You didn’t expect him to be all too willing to risk his life for the sake of your brothers. Oddly, you almost feel proud. “There’s gotta be bigger chains, a bigger trunk or something. There has to be.”
“Maybe there is.”
“How’d you get a prison transport van?”
Scoffing, Braeden states the next like it’s the obvious. “I’m a U.S. Marshal.”
“Yeah,” Stiles nods, “I just thought that was just a cover.”
Just then, Derek pulls up. “We’re really bringing him?”
Raising a brow, you scoff; “you really bringing him?” You ask, gesturing to Peter who falls to a stop next to Derek.
“We’re bringing everyone that we can,” Peter explains defensively. “And considering Scott and Kira were taken the night before a full moon, we should probably get going. A werewolf can’t steal a true Alpha’s power. But maybe a Nagual jaguar with the power of a Tezcatlipoca behind her... Maybe she can.” Pausing a moment, you shake your head. “So, everyone is sufficiently freaked out, I say we get going.”
“We can’t,” Stiles sighs. “Not without Lydia.”
“What’s she doing at the school anyway?”
“We got KIra’s sword, but we need something with a stronger scent,” Malia explains, holding up said object. “Lydia went to get a jacket out of her locker.”
Walking back into the garage, Stiles sighs; “nothing.”
“If she has a car,” Braeden speaks up, crossing her arms over her chest. “She can catch up to us.”
“No,” you argue, shaking your head. “What if something happened? What if she’s in trouble?”
“Fine,” Peter shrugs, causing your narrowed eyes to fall on him, “you stay, you find her. We’re gonna go on without you.”
“I could call Mason,” Liam offers, causing your eyes to fall on him. “He has a study group at school. Maybe he could look for her.”
Turning to Stiles, you purse your lips in thought. You hated the idea of leaving Lydia behind without knowing if she’s okay, but you can’t leave the issue of Scott any longer. You needed to find him.
“All right,” Stiles sighs, “fine.”
The sound of bullets is what causes you to rush out of Stiles’ jeep. You’d managed to arrive just a little after everyone else, but you didn’t expect to hear the sounds of fighting so soon.
The moment you’re on your feet and you’re able to see what happened though, you realize it’s much worse than you originally thought. Derek is on his back, multiple wounds upon his chest that are profusely bleeding and because of the fact that he’s lost his powers, he isn’t healing. Your hand falls to your lips at the sight, shaking slightly as your wide eyes stare down at him in disbelief.
Instantly, Braeden is crouched down next to him, assessing the damage.
“How bad is it?”
“I’m fine, i’m fine,” Derek rasps, shifting slightly in pain and discomfort. “Just get to Scott.” No one moves, hesitating. “Just find him,” Derek pushes, “we’ll be right behind you. Go.”
Turning to Stiles, you meet his eyes briefly in uncertainty.
But then, at your hesitance, Derek is bellowing out; “go!”
Then, everyone starts moving, Peter being the first. You move to head towards Stiles, his hand finding yours and just before you turn to run off, Derek calls out; “hey, hey... Save him.”
At Stiles’ silence, you nod, before the two of you turn to run off. Stiles only hesitates once more, glancing back at Derek and you follow his lead, before your hand tightens around his own.
“Come on. We’ve gotta go.”
“Kill it. Kill it, now!”
No... No, it doesn’t feel right.
“Stop,” you bellow, shaking your head as all eyes fall on you. “You have to stop, please.”
“Why?” Peter snaps, turning to you. “This... This thing is trying to kill us!”
You don’t know why, but it just doesn’t feel right. Killing this Beserker feels wrong. Seeing Malia lunge at him causes you’re body to freeze with disbelief, every muscle in your body screaming at you to stop her. But you don’t know why, because this... this thing is trying to kill you and for some odd reason, you don’t want it dead. However, when your lips part to explain this to everyone else, all that leaves your mouth is silence. 
Scoffing, Peter turns to Malia, disregarding you; “kill it!”
She lunges forward, raising her hand with claw held in between. Your eyes watch her movements carefully, as if in slow motion, and you feel your heart sink. It feels like the world is collapsing on your shoulders, watching as the berserker struggles in Liam’s and Peter’s grip. Then, it’s clicks. Suddenly, you understand why it feels wrong.
“Malia, wait!”
It’s Stiles, your head snapping to him as he rushes forward, hand held out in desperation.
Then, Kira, appearing out of nowhere, runs past you, swiping her sword forward and knocking the claw out of Malia’s hand, slicing it in half.
“It’s Scott,” Stiles explains as everyone turns to look at them in disbelief. “It’s Scott.”
That’s why...
At their moment of hesitance, the Beserker, or rather, Scott, knocks both Peter and Liam back, breaking their hold on him. He lets out a growl in response, stepping forward with a thud as you blink, flinching slightly in response. Then, he turns to Malia, punching her out of the way and lunging for Liam who crawls back with fear.
“Scott?” Kira cries, “Scott, don’t!”
But she’s only ignored and you watch in shock as Stiles steps forward, trying to tell Scott that it’s him and he’s only pushed out of the way as well. It’s the sound of Stiles crying out in pain and thumping to the ground that causes you to move, running forward and stepping in front of Liam in the last second. Before Scott can shove you out of the way, you raise your hand, holding him back with your mind and staring into his eyes, the best you can, steadily.
Liam shuffles behind you, trying to keep some distance as you block Scott’s path to him.
“Scott,” you call, “just stop. Please. I know you’re still in there.”
Scott only growls in response, your words having no effect on him as he fights against your power. Your teeth clench together, body straining in effort as it becomes harder and harder for you to hold him back. You can feel your strength dissipating, Scott stronger than you can handle.
Then, Liam speaks up. “Scott,” he calls, his voice shaky as he sits up from behind you. You don’t turn to look at him, knowing that would loosen your hold over Scott, but you feel Liam come to a stand behind you, shoulders squared despite the fear in his voice. “You’re not a monster. You’re a werewolf. Like me.”
Inhaling deeply, you follow Liam’s words, letting out a cry of effort. “You’re not just a werewolf,” you argue softly, bringing your other hand up to increase your strength. “You’re my brother. You’re my family, Scott.”
Then, after a moment of hesitance, you feel Scott step back. It’s slow at first, but eventually you feel your muscles loosen and a breath of relief leave your lips as Scott takes a step back. He steps away from all of you, your eyes never leaving his own as Liam comes to a stand next to you, watching as Scott gazes down at his hands in shock. He begins pulling off pieces of his armor slowly, eventually grabbing the mask with both of his hands and pulling.
A yellow glow lines the cracks and your eyes widen the minute you see a hint of Scott, his glowing red eyes the first thing you see. A scream tears through his lips as the mask finally breaks away.
Then, as he falls silent, Scott suddenly calls; “you.” And at first, you’re confused. Until you realize his eyes are on Peter. “The only one who knew as much as Argent about Berserkers. About the Nagual. You taught Kate. You helped her. All for Power.”
“For my family’s power,” Peter calls back in defense, all eyes on him. “To be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible, he won’t shed the blood of his enemies even when justified. You don’t deserve your power.” Then, blinking, Peter’s eyes glow blue. “Not power like this.”
You watch with narrowed eyes as Peter transforms into his werewolf self, turning to Malia and growling. She mimics him, jumping forward to attack only for him to knock her back, shaking his head. “Oh, sorry, sweetheart, we’ll talk about this later.”
Kira moves to make her own attack, but Scott calling for a name halts her. By the look on his face, it’s clear he wants to do this on his own.
“You were my beta first, Scott,” Peter reminds, “it was my bite that changed your life. And my bite that can end it.”
“Then,” Scott shrugs, “end it, Peter. Because you won’t get another chance.”
“There’s enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back. But be careful.”
“You’re really going with them?”
“I made a deal with the Calavera’s weeks ago,” Chris explains, “they’ll leave you alone. All of you. But only if I help them catch Kate.”
“What if you can’t?”
“I’ll find her. Someone has to.”
Nodding, Chris steps back and you watch as he follows after the Calavera’s, back turned to the rest of you. Then, as your hand slips into Stiles’, squeezing lightly, your attention is stolen by Derek. He nods shortly at Scott, who returns the gesture before his eyes fall on you.
Letting out a sigh, you frown. There’s an unsaid message in your eyes as you stare back at him, and with a small smile, Derek turns away from you.
A knock on your door pulls your attention away from the book in your lap. You blink up at Scott, a small smile falling on your lips.
“Hey,” he calls back, “can we talk?”
“Uh, yeah,” you nod, shifting on your bed slightly to give him room to sit next to you. Scott enters at your silent invitation, shutting the door behind him as he takes the spot next to you. And for a moment, silence falls over the two of you, until Scott speaks up, referring to the book on your lap.
“What’s that?”
“Oh,” you mumble, letting your hand drift across the cover of it. “It’s a book about witches,” you chuckle lightly with a shrug. “Derek was supposed to teach me some more but now that he’s... well, you know.” Scott nods with a small frown. “Anyway, I thought I might try to learn more about my heritage. I mean, why exactly am I witch?”
“You find anything yet?”
“Truthfully?” You answer with a raised brow, turning to Scott who nods. “No,” you chuckle, pushing the book aside. “Nothing at all.”
Chuckling lightly, Scott scratches the side of his head.
“So,” you press lightly, “what did you want to talk about?”
“Well, I... I don’t know,” he shrugs, “I just wanted to make you were okay after... after--”
“Nearly dying?” You offer.
“I’m okay,” you say simply. “I’m happy the dead pool is done and that we’re no longer being hunted by professional assassins, but...”
“But,” Scott begins, meeting your eyes. “You’re wondering what’s next.”
“Yeah,” you nod, frowning. “There always seems to be something next.”
Scott can’t deny your words and, turning his gaze ahead, he sighs.
“You scared the shit out of me, you know,” you speak after a moment of silence, voice low. “I could sense something was wrong, but I didn’t know what. Then, Derek said that you and Kira were gone and I just... I nearly lost my mind.”
“I understand,” Scott nods, turning to you once more. “I felt the same when you were in the hospital.”
And just like that, silence falls over the two of you once again and you wonder, is this really your life now? Stiles had said that it wouldn’t be forever, or at least he’d hinted that he believed that. But if it wasn’t hunters and assassins hunting to kill you all, it was an evil spirit possessing your friend. If it wasn’t that, it was people coming back from the dead with the intent to kill. It was your friends dying and you trying to stop it, but sometimes failing in the end.
It was struggle after struggle, and you were tired. Tired of it all.
Would it ever end? Was this really what your life was? Would be?
A hand grabbing your own pulls you from your thoughts. You blink, eyes raising to meet Scott’s own as he smiles softly back at you, squeezing your hand. “You know,” he begins, slowly at first. “Whatever comes next, i’ll always be here right? I won’t let anything like that happen to you again. You’re my sister, Y/N. The person I trust most. I can’t lose you.”
His words causes you to smile and finally, you squeeze his hand in return. “We’ll be there for each other,” you correct, eyes squinting with warmth. “Like we always are. Deal?”
“Deal,” Scott laughs lightly.
Content, your smile brightens as you tilt your head, letting it fall against Scott’s shoulder. This time, as silence falls over the two of you, it’s with content and reassurance.
No matter what, you’ll always have each other’s backs.
Part 31?
Let me know what you thought! Season four is officially over, so season five here we come :)
Tag List: @potterheadbbc - @sunsetblake - @mythicalamphitrite - @loverofwaytoomanythings618 - @minuteandahalf - @mnk - @gazebros - @colie87 - @quilliamfears - @quellum - @pessimisticbullshit - @kaylinfayezink - @maiabiovillage - @tr1chst3r - @arkcangel - @quirkytwinkles - @thegirlwhoimagined - @noones-girl1980 - @illumminated - @fairchild345 - @all-will-be-well-love - @animemes-trash - @starryrevelations - @literallyhelpme - @theskytraveler - @jinandtion1c - @ilovemymoose - @bibliophilesquared - @stilessarcasmqueen - @mersuperwholocked-lowlife - @newtsshelbys - @wyattgoleft - @pancakefancake - @saturno-in-the-night - @pizzamelon7384 - @riskregretting - @mdgrdians - @ravenclawnerdfromnarnia - @franchisefan14 - @lovingpeterparker - @audreysduvxl - @kararanae23 - @alioop3818 - @a-gir1-has-n0-name - @andyl394 - @sclestial - @jayymocha - @2ptonpt - @itsfangirlmendes- @deafeningmusicdetective - @alex–awesome–22 - @nicholerodz  - @kellbell44- @serrahruby - @agentmarvel13 - @egg-in-a-spork - @nickigv - @vxidnik - @marvelousgab - @emmaleighrose- @danielag1969 - @digicharr - @shantayok - @cherry3bombshell - @thatprofessionalfangirl - @itsjaynebird - @grippleback-galaxy - @dafukbish - @randomfanfictiontime - @unicorn-sparkles123 - @sammyrenae68 - @myfanficlibrarium - @liveforthenight130318- @booknymph02 - @smileyouresopretty - @fionnthebandersnacc- @voidsarahh - @kal-pal - @darlingimmafangirl - @burningmusicmarchi - @celacaveremo - @maolhy71706 - @supernatural-kinda-girl - @wherever-life-takes-us - @natalien-92 - @letmebeyoursforever - @lonelyforeverlina - @parkerschurros
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straycatwandering · 5 years
My Teen Wolf headcanons
Being a few of my favorite thoughts (from having watched the show up to s4 through once and select bits more than once, read a lot of fic and disagreed with approximately 75% of it). 
Accuracy is subject to vague recollection, whims, fan theories and my id, which wants Derek Hale to suffer as much and as prettily as possible.
(There was formatting before I copied and pasted it, I swear!)
Anger is Derek's anchor because it's there all the time anyway (98% of it at himself), and it's easier to redirect it than suppress both it and the shift at the same time. Anger raises the heart rate, after all, but pain is something that also raises it and can be used to suppress the shift. So Derek is using anger the way most werewolves use pain. Probably because if he looked at it too closely it would look a lot more like pain anyway. (He doesn't look at it too closely)
Derek is an asshole but not a cruel one until his encounter with Kate in s1 ep 5, which flips a switch from being "grieving asshole" to "traumatised GIANT BAG OF DICKS". This is probably an unfortunate side effect of having anger as an anchor.
It takes getting on for two seasons for this to wear off, mostly because of the whole plot repeatedly re-traumatising him. Because canon.
I can't help wondering how different s1 would have been had he had someone who knew trauma when they see it in his corner immediately afterwards.
If I ever write it, it'll probably be Melissa. But I've had writer's block for five years and counting so
If Derek wasn't a rape survivor when he arrived in beacon hills, he sure as hell was one after Kate had him captive in s1. Like, we see the canonical sexual assault on screen. Is that really the only and worst thing she did in a week of having him in her power?
This explains a lot of why he claimed the alpha power at the end of s1--a near reflexive attempt while in extreme emotional pain to become less powerless.
So of course it works about as well as you'd expect.
We actually don't have much idea what an emotionally healthy Derek Hale acts like, really anyway
Blue eyes are a multi causation deal including 
Killing a human or yellow eyed wolf
Drawing pain from a human or yellow eyed wolf at the moment of their death
Having a yellow eyed wolf drawing pain from you at the moment of their death
Performing necromancy
Having necromancy performed on you
Basically anything to do with death and magic, and also some other stuff nobody's quite figured out yet. 
Most hunters know this but they don't have a culture of presumed innocence, where wolves are concerned so blue eyes are still a licence to shoot.
On the other hand, nobody knows what the true alpha deal is about. Once in a century is not enough to establish statistical significance, and there's a lot of propaganda around previous true alpha, both from their packs and from their enemies. For all anyone knows, it could be a genetic mutation.
Peter handled the Paige situation the way he did because Derek was supposed to marry into Ennis's pack, and he was way too serious about Paige way too early. It would probably have worn off on its own without Peter's meddling. Unfortunately for everyone, Peter does actually learn from his mistakes. Just not the lessons that he ought to learn
I'm on the fence as to whether this was on Talia's orders or not. I have bunnies riding on both scenarios.
Derek doesn't stick with Braeden post s4 because she goes where the work is, and there's a lot of places where a blue-eyed omega wolf just can't go.
Derek doesn't remember anything about his s3b-s4 period of captivity with Kate at first. It starts coming back after he leaves with Braeden, and it's the catalyst which finally induces him to find a therapist, because he doesn't have either the anger or the distraction of repeated life and death crises to hold it at bay with any more.
He chooses a mundane therapist because he doesn't trust anyone in the know not to have an axe to grind.
He does a TERRIBLE JOB of concealing the supernatural world from her.
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24stiles920 · 6 years
Teen Wolf Rewrite
Pairing: Stiles x Reader
Warnings: Ages 18+, swearing, smut, dry humping, hand job, underage drinking, violence
Words: 5719
A/N: Okay, but this is when Dyl’s acting really hits a high note. It’s getting good, people. Hope you enjoy!
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Season 3B Masterlist
“So, when did you get there?” Agent McCall asked, looking down at his tiny notebook. Scott, Kira, Stiles, and I were crowded on the couch in Noah’s office, a few battery-powered lanterns lighting the room up.
There was a town-wide power outage after Barrow tired electrocuting Kira. Somehow, though, Kira ended up absorbing all the electricity, saving Scott and Stiles, and taking the town’s power. That was the abridged version that Scott gave Stiles and I, so I didn’t know much so far.
“At the same time.” Stiles answered. Agent McCall stared at Stiles with a blank expression while Noah, who was sitting behind Agent McCall, sighed.
“At the same time as who?” Agent McCall glanced at Stiles.
Stiles pointed at Scott, while Scott gestured to himself and said, “At the same time as me.”
“By coincidence?” Agent McCall probed.
“What do you mean ‘coincidence’?” Stiles trailed off.
“That’s what I’m asking you.” Agent McCall stated. “The two of you arrived at the same time. Was that a coincidence?”
“Are you asking me?” Scott asked, hit tone full of confusion.
“I think he’s asking me.” Stiles replied.
“Well, I think he’s asking both of you.” I spoke up, glancing that my chipped nails.
“Okay, let me answer the questions.” Agent McCall interrupted us. Stiles and I exchanged glances, smirking at McCall’s mistake. Agent McCall sighed and shook his head. “Let me ask the questions.” He corrected himself. Stiles winked and pointed at him.
Agent McCall looked back at his notebook. “Just so I have this absolutely clear. Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town.”
I nodded as Stiles drawled, “Sounds about right.”
“How did you know he’d take her to a power station?” Agent McCall questioned, looking directly at Stiles.
“Well, because he was an electrical engineer. So where else would he take her?” Stiles snarked, sending a smirk toward me and Scott.
Agent McCall tilted his head back, a semi-amused, semi-annoyed look on his face. “That’s one hell of a deduction there, Stiles.”
“Yeah, what can I say? I take after my pops. He’s in law enforcement.” Stiles winked at Noah, pointing at him. Noah snorted in amusement, causing Agent McCall to look back at him. Noah coughed fakely, trying to cover up his snort, making me smother my giggles into my fist.
Noah cleared his throat. “Stiles, just, uh—just answer the man.”
Stiles shrugged and intertwined his hands. “We made a good guess.”
Agent McCall seemed to take that as an answer and turned to Scott and Kira. “And what were you two doing?”
“Eating pizza.” Scott spoke at the same time as Kira said, “Eating sushi.”
They looked at each other and grimaced while Agent McCall gave them a confused look.
“Eating sushi.” Scott said as Kira grimaced, “Eating pizza.”
Agent McCall pursed his lips and glared at his son and Kira. Scott looked ahead, annoyed as he and Kira said in unison, “Eating sushi and pizza.”
Agent McCall looked back at Noah. “You believe this?”
Noah sighed. “To be honest, I haven’t believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak.” Stiles squinted and gave a nod while I snickered. “But I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it.”
Kira bit her lip and looked down as Agent McCall looked at her. “Kira, is that how you remember it?”
Scott, Stiles, and I turned our heads to stare Kira down, expecting her answer to be an affirmative. Kira looked at us nervously before nodding.
“Yes.” She confirmed. Agent McCall looked almost disappointed. “Can I get my phone back now?”
“Sorry, but no.” Agent McCall shook his head. He grabbed Kira’s phone and got up from his position against Noah’s desk and walked to the door, gesturing for us all to get up. We followed him out of Noah’s office and watched as he handed the phone to a deputy.
“Kira, a deputy is going to take you home.” Agent McCall announced. “But we’ll need you to fill out some paperwork first.”
Kira looked back at Scott, Stiles, and I before reluctantly following a deputy to his desk.
“Scott, could I talk to you alone?” Agent McCall asked, giving Stiles and I a pointed look.
I pursed my lips; I could take a hint. Stiles and I intertwined our hands and walked out of the police station, where the jeep was parked outside.
“Do you think Agent McCall believed us?” I asked Stiles as we climbed into the jeep and buckled our seatbelts.
Stiles snorted and started the engine. “Fuck no.”
Warm lips pressed against my cheek woke me up from my restless slumber. They trailed down my cheek to my jaw, placing a wet, open mouthed kiss there before moving to my neck. I sighed in content, slowly opening my eyes to see the back of Stiles’ head, his dark brown hair all messy and floppy like it was before hair gel.
“Morning.” I breathed, clenching my thighs together as he sucked some of the skin of my neck between his lips. He nibbled against my flesh a little before pulling away slightly.
“Morning, baby.” He muttered, flashing me a bright smile. He leaned down and softly pressed his lips to mine, apparently not caring that I had morning breath.
“Mmm,” I hummed as he pulled away and buried his face back into my neck. He kissed his previously spot, flicking his tongue out quickly. “What are you doing in here?”
“Waking you up.” He murmured, trailing sloppy kisses to my bare shoulder. He flicked my bra strap to the side so that it slid down my arm before softly scraping his teeth across my shoulder.
I shivered in delight and moved one of my hands up to bury into his hair, pulling at the strands lightly. He groaned and brushed his sweatpants-covered pelvis into mine. I could already feel his erection poking into me and my clit throbbed at the thought of him and all of the pleasure he could give me.
I took my free hand from its place on my bed and snaked it between our bodies, sneaking past his waistband. To my delight, he was bare underneath his sweatpants so my hand found its goal immediately.
I wrapped my hand around his dick and wiped my thumb across his head, gathering up the precum that had collected there. Stiles moaned, pausing in his ministrations, as I moved my hand up and down his shaft, squeezing a little here and there.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He grunted, burying his head in my neck as he moved his hips in rhythm with my hand.
I kept up the smooth pace, only picking up speed when he moaned breathlessly against the side of my face. His hand smoothed down my stomach, making its way to my pubic bone. He deftly slid my panties to the side and attacked my clit with the pads of his fingers, making my hips jump from the sudden sensation.
I whined in delight, his long fingers doing fabulous things to me. I kissed his cheek and trailed my mouth to his, slanting them together in a sloppy kiss. Our tongues battled it out together before I finally submitted, letting his tongue explore every region of my mouth.
It was getting hard to concentrate while I stroked his cock, the sensations from Stiles’ fingers making my mind foggy. My wrist ached from this position, and I think his was too, as pulled his hand away from my pussy and grabbed my wrist, stopping me from jerking him any further.
“What…?” I trailed off. “Oh!”
Stiles rubbed his hips against me, his cloth-covered dick pressing delightfully against my clit. My eyes rolled back into my head as Stiles grunted out, his sexy and husky morning voice egging me on.
“You’re so sexy, you know that, Y/N?” He gruffed in between sucking on my collarbones. “I just wanna stay with you all day long, me between your thighs.”
“Stiles!” I cried, electric currents running through my veins. A knot was starting to form in my lower belly and I called out that I was close.
“That’s it, baby.” Stiles crooned before groaning as I wrapped my legs around his hips. “I’m so close, Y/N.”
The knot in my belly tightened and tingles spread down my thighs. I moaned loudly as I exploded, waves of bliss floating over me. Stiles kept rutting against me, curses randomly coming out of his mouth as he got closer to his peak.
As my clit became a little sensitive, I snaked my hand back into Stiles’ sweatpants and wrapped my hand back around him. He let out a loud moan, his head falling back as I stroked him. Just as my thumb brushed his sensitive head, his cock twitched, letting out his cum over my hand and the inside of his sweatpants.
“Shit.” Stiles panted after his aftershocks. He gave me a quick, but sweet kiss before awkwardly climbing off of my bed. I laughed as he weirdly walked out of the room. He gave me the middle finger before shutting my door.
“Love you, babe!” I shouted, sitting up fully.
“Love you, too.” I heard faintly.
Stiles and I stood at his locker just before school started. I was texting Allison about what happened last night while Stiles did his combination.
“Class starts in five minutes!” Coach declared through a megaphone as he walked down the hallway. “Just because there’s no power don’t expect there to be no school.”
“That was a triple negative.” Stiles called as he took a book out of his locker. “Very impressive, Coach.”
“Copy that.” Coach replied, walking away.
Stiles nodded and pulled another book out of his locker, dropping his set of keys on the linoleum floor.
“Oops.” He mumbled, bending down to pick them up. He looked up at me with a smirk. “You know, I can see up your skirt perfectly right now.”
“Perv!” I gasped, pushing his shoulder playfully. He laughed and stood back up, his keys clutched firmly in his hand.
He stared at a certain key in confusion, cocking his head to the side. “Hello,” He said to the key. “Where did you come from?”
While Stiles pondered where the key was from, I looked behind him, noticing that Scott had entered the school. I waved at him but he didn’t notice. Instead his eyes were locked on something behind me. I followed his eyesight and discovered Kira, who was looking sheepish. Scott started walked forward, toward Kira, but as he passed us, I put my hands against his chest, stopping him from walking any further.
“No, no.” I glared at him. “Stop. Stop it.”
“What?” Scott replied. “I need to talk to her.”
“No, you need to remember someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her.” Stiles spoke up, grabbing Scott’s arm.
Scott raised his eyebrows. “Which is why I need to talk to her.”
Stiles rolled his eyes and sighed. “Scott, no way.” He spoke slowly. “Until we figure out if she’s just another psychotic monster that’s going to start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction.”
“I agree with Stiles.” I said, pointing at my boyfriend. Stiles winked at me in response.
“What if she’s like me?” Scott asked, staring after Kira as she walked away from her locker.
“That girl walked through 1.21 jig-a-watts of electricity.” Stiles pointed after her. “She’s not like you.”
Scott sighed and he looked so sad that I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.
“Come on, Scott.” I said, patting his arm. “Let’s go to class.”
Scott nodded in agreement. I smiled at Stiles before walking away, but he was looking down at the key from before, no doubt wondering where it came from.
The day passed by quickly. Classes were boring, lunch was sucky, and Coach was even more annoying than usual, shouting everything through that stupid megaphone.
News of Danny’s blacklight party that was being thrown at Derek’s loft with the help of Ethan and Aiden spread through the school like wildfire. Stiles had asked me to go to the party with him, and though I wanted to spend Halloween night handing out candy to cute little kids who were dressed up as witches and vampires, I had told him I would go with him.
While I was getting dressed for the party—a neon-colored skirt, a cropped tank top, and white converse—Scott had sent a message through the group text that he, Stiles, and I had. He said Kira needed our help sneaking into the station because she had naked pictures on her phone and Agent McCall had it bagged up as evidence. Stiles and I—more like just Stiles—reluctantly agreed to help, so we met Scott and Kira behind the police station.
Scott and Kira walked up to the jeep, where Stiles and I were waiting for them with the windows rolled down. Stiles took out a pile of keycards that he had made that would get them into the police station without being noticed.
“Okay, this one will get you into all of the perimeter doors,” Stiles said, handing Scott one of the cards. “This one into the evidence room, and this one’s for my father’s office.” He handed the last two cards over to Scott.
“You didn’t steal these, did you?” Scott asked, a worried expression on his face.
“Nah,” Stiles shook his head. “I cloned them using the RFID emulator.” He informed Scott and Kira.
“Is that worse than stealing?” Scott narrowed his eyes, while Kira looked back and forth between the two best friends.
Stiles hesitated for a few seconds before answering. “It’s smarter…”
Scott nodded quickly while I laughed softly. Kira grabbed Scott’s arm and started pulling him away.
“Scott, can I ask you something?” She said quietly.
Scott nodded and walked away, causing Stiles to press his lips together, dissatisfied.
“Okay, we’ll just…” He trailed off, scoffing lightly.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” I whispered as Scott and Kira conversed.
“I don’t know.” Stiles shook his head.
“I bet—”
“Shh, here they come.” Stiles interrupted me as Kira came back to the jeep and clapped her hands together.
“Okay.” She chirped.
“Okay.” Stiles said, amused. “So, now almost everybody’s out dealing with the blackout, but there’s always somebody at the front desk. Dispatch and usually a night shifter or two. You guys are gonna use the service door entrance by the dumpster, all right? Nobody uses it.” Stiles pointed toward the door at the back of the police station. “Now, I’ll text you if anyone comes out, but, Scott, if you get caught, we can’t help you. My dad’s under investigation for an impeachment because of your dad, so, if anything happens we will run away and leave you both for dead.”
Kira smiled nervously while Scott nodded. “I got it. Thanks. Seriously, dude.”
“I’d ask my dad, but you know…” Stiles said, shaking his head.
“No, I know.” Scott assured him. “I get it.”
“All right.” Stiles nodded, giving Scott a small smile. “Just, uh, hurry up.”
Scott and Kira nodded simultaneously and walked to the service door entrance. Scott slipped the card through the scanner and entered the building, Kira following after him. It was silent for a minute, but luckily, it wasn’t awkward.
Stiles yawned while twirling his keys around his fingers.
“Have you been sleeping lately?” I asked quietly, intertwining my fingers together while looking over at his profile.
Stiles snorted. “Not really.”
“Bad dreams?” I guessed.
“Yeah.” He nodded, his words coming out quiet. “They’re not as bad as they were before, but… I don’t know, something is off.”
“Like what?”
“Like…” He cut himself off. “Like, I can’t concentrate at all. The Adderall isn’t working and it’s irritating me to death.”
The whole time he was talking, he kept on jiggling his leg, making the jeep shake. I reached over and pressed my palm gently against his knee.
“Hey,” I whispered. He sighed and took my hand that was pressed against his knee and intertwined our fingers. As he kissed the back of my hand, I whispered, “Everything is going to be okay.”
Stiles pursed his lips and shook his head. “You don’t know that.”
“Of course I don’t.” I scoffed. “But I have hope that it will. And in the end, that’s all I need. Just a little bit of hope.”
Stiles turned his head to look at me, his eyes soft. He leaned over and pressed a quick peck to my lips, my neon lipstick smearing against his lips.
“Have I told you how much I love you, Y/N Stark?” He brushed his thumb against my heated cheek.
“You have, but I do love hearing it.” I teased him. “I love you, too.”
“Good.” He grinned. “I—oh, fuck!”
“What?” I asked, looking at him, alarmed.
He looked out the windshield and I followed his sight line. Agent McCall was in the car parked in front of us, unbuckling his seatbelt. Stiles picked up his phone and texted Scott, but he didn’t answer. By this time, Agent McCall was already at the back door.
“Come on, Scott.” I muttered as Agent McCall scanned his keycard.
“Okay, I’m so going to regret this.” Stiles said, shaking his head. “Come on, Y/N.”
I followed Stiles out of the car, where we raced around the building and entered through the front doors. We nodded to the deputy at the front desk, who grunted in acknowledgement and waved us through. We caught Agent McCall just as he was about to walk through the doors that led to the desks that belonged to the deputies.
“Hey, hey!” Stiles called, catching Agent McCall’s attention. “Wow! Thank God you are here.” Stiles pressed himself between Agent McCall and the doors. “Oh, boy! Thank the lord.” He laughed awkwardly.
“What do you two want?” Agent McCall asked, annoyed.
“Stiles had a theory!” I blurted out. Stiles glared at me, but I nodded at Agent McCall. “Tell him, Stiles.”
“Okay.” Stiles was silent for a second. “I was just…I was thinking on the case. I was thinking I should clue you in on my thinking, and here’s my thinking. I was thinking this…” Stiles snapped and pointed at Agent McCall. “I was thinking that Barrow, right…I was thinking that Barrow received the information about who to kill at the school, right, you know that?” Agent McCall nodded, looking at Stiles apprehensively. “So, I was thinking maybe the person who gave him that information, check this out, might actually be someone at the school.” Stiles nodded and casually poked Agent McCall in the chest. I actually wanted to face palm.
“And that’s, uh, my thinking.” Stiles finished.
“Hmm.” Agent McCall hummed. “You’re right.”
“I am?” Stiles asked as I said, “He is?”
“Yep,” Agent McCall nodded. “We, uh…We started looking for links between Barrow, faculty, and students last night.”
“So, you already, then, uh, know that stuff?” Stiles asked, his voice faking his casualness.
“Hmm.” Agent McCall confirmed.
“You already thought of that.” Stiles grinned, trying to smooch up to Agent McCall.
“Your dad did.” Scott’s father said.
“His one useful suggestion.” Agent McCall continued, reaching forward to swipe his card through the scanner. He went to step forward, but Stiles pressed a hand against his chest.
“You know, this attitude that you have toward my dad?” Stiles’ voice was smooth and confident with a threatening edge. It sent a chill down my spine, though I had no idea why. “You can dress it up to all the professional disapproval that you want. But I know the real reason why you don’t like him.”
Agent McCall chuckled softly. “Is that so?”
“Yeah, because he knows something that you don’t want him to know.” Stiles declared. Agent McCall scoffed. “And guess what?” Stiles continued, lowering his voice to a whisper. “I know it, too.”
My mouth gaped open, shocked at Stiles’ confession and his strange demeanor. He’d never acted this way, not even when he was interrogating Jackson at the rave last spring.
Agent McCall took a step back and cleared his throat. “Go home, Stiles. There’s a—” He hesitated. “There’s a curfew.”
He cleared his throat and swiped his card through the scanner again. As the door beeped as it unlocked, he grabbed the door knob and stepped through the doorway. I watched as Stiles smirked, his eyes looking tired and blank.
“Stiles?” I said quietly.
Stiles glanced at me, like he forgot I was there.
“Come on.” He said, grabbing my hand. He led me back out of the police station and back to the jeep. Just as we got to the jeep, the back door opened and Scott and Kira ran out and over to us.
“We did it.” Scott informed us. “All the pics deleted.”
“That was awesome!” Kira proclaimed perkily. I raised my eyebrow at her and she hesitated. “I mean, terrifying. Completely terrifying…But kind of awesome. I’ve never done anything like that before. Have you?” She asked me and Stiles.
Scott, Stiles, and I exchanged knowing looks.
“Yeah, once or twice.” I admitted, amused.
We all stared at each other for a few seconds before Scott cleared his throat.
“So, I guess I should take you home.” He awkwardly said to Kira.
Kira nodded and they both walked over to Scott’s bike. I waved to them as I walked around the jeep before opening the passenger door and getting in. Stiles pulled away from the police station and headed to Derek’s loft. We got there at the same time as Scott, who I guess asked Kira to go to the party with him.
All four of us entered Derek’s loft, where hundreds of people, decked out in costumes and neon body paint were dancing to electric music that came from the DJ at the front. As we walked through the crowd, Stiles started telling Scott about the key that showed up on his key ring randomly.
“It just showed up there on my key ring this morning.” Stiles shouted over the music. “I asked my dad if he put it there, but he said he didn’t know anything about it.”
“It’s just a key, right?” Scott yelled back.
“Yeah, but it’s not mine. And I don’t know how it got there or what it’s for.” Stiles replied.
Scott grabbed Stiles’ arm, pulling him closer so that he could hear. “You want to leave so we can figure it out?”
“Uh…” Stiles muttered, trailing off when a girl wearing a neon wig came up and grasped his head and planting a kiss on his cheek.
“Happy Halloween!” The girl, who was clearly drunk, cheered before walking away.
I gaped after her, feeling my temper boil. This was the second time this had happened and I wasn’t any happier than the first time. Stiles quickly wiped his cheek with his hand, where the girl’s lipstick was stained and looked over at me. I stepped forward to follow after the girl, but Stiles wrapped both of his arms from around my waist, stopping me from going any further.
“Oh, no you don’t.” He said in my ear. He looked back over at Scott, who was looking at me with a mixture of concern and amusement, and called, “It can wait. We’re going to get drinks.”
I huffed as Stiles grabbed one of my hands and led me over to the bar. Stiles asked me what I wanted to drink but I didn’t respond, looking over the many choices of alcohol that the bar offered.
“Babe, come on.” Stiles raised an eyebrow at me.
I grabbed two shots of vodka before I walked away, trying to find a place to sit. I wasn’t angry at Stiles, but I needed time to cool down. I didn’t want to ruin the night with my jealousy. I took a seat at the edge of the dance floor and gulped down a shot, wincing that the taste and sting of the alcohol. I took the other shot and looked around, waiting for the vodka to kick in.
I spotted Allison, who was only wearing a neon pink bra, and Isaac dancing at the edge of the crowd of people, pressing their bodies together. I sighed; they had finally gotten their shit together. I thought it would take forever.
Just as I was starting to feel a buzz, Stiles found me. He came over with two bottles of beer and held them up, taking the seat next to me.
“Want one?” He asked.
“Yes.” I giggled. “Do you have a bottle opener?”
Stiles grinned and dug his hand into his pocket, pulling out his king ring. “Yes. Are you drunk?” He asked, amused.
“Buzzed.” I corrected him. As he opened the bottles of beer, I caught sight of one of his keys. It was glowing under the blacklights. “Hey, your key has phosphors on it.” I grabbed the key and showed it to him. “Look.”
“Oh.” Stiles narrowed his eyes at the key. He looked so handsome at that moment, that I couldn’t resist him. I leaned forward and, just as he turned his head toward me, locked my lips with his, grabbing his head and threading my fingers through his hair. “Oh!”
Our lips moved together passionately and our tongues caressed each other. Stiles placed a hand on my cheek and brushed the flushed skin there with his thumb.
“Uh,” Stiles slowly pulled away from the kiss. “You’re not—you’re not mad at me?”
“No, silly.” I laughed. “Jealous, yes, but you know me. I’ll eventually get over it.”
“Okay—” He started but was interrupted by my lips pressing against his again. He pulled away again. “Mmm. I’m sorry, what are phosphors?”
“Any substance that luminesces.” I informed him. “It’s in your teeth and your fingernails. Laundry detergent.” I reached up and wiped my neon lipstick off of his lips. “It’s also in this. “It reacts to the UV lights, that’s why it glows.”
Stiles nodded in understanding and looked at me before slamming his lips to mine. I moaned and moved my lips with his, enjoying the taste of him. He slowly pulled away again and I looked at him, confused.
“How would I get phosphors on my key?” He asked, holding up the glowing key.
“Have you been handling chemicals?” I wondered, looking at him with innocent eyes.
“No, I don’t think…” He trailed off, glaring at the key in his hand. He jumped up from his seat. “I’m sorry. I’m really, totally sorry.”
“Stiles?” I asked worriedly.
“I just—I just thought of something and I have to go.” He explained. “Can you get a ride home with Lydia or Allison?”
“Uh, yeah, but what’s…?” I was cut off by his lips pressing to mine for a second.
“I have to go.” He said apologetically. “Drink some water, okay? I love you.”
“I love you, too.” I said, but he was already gone.
I got up and headed to the bar to get some water. Once the bartender handed me a bottle, I walked around, sipping at the water slowly. I stopped in my tracks when I felt a chill go down my spine and I heard a spooky rattling noise that definitely did not come from the electric music playing.
I slowly spun around, hearing the strange noise again. Ahead of me, there was a blurry figure, dressed in all black with a mask on. I gasped as it suddenly disappeared and turned, spotting another figure.
Gasping for air, I turned again, only to see the same figure reappear.
“Scott?” I called. “Scott!”
The figure got closer and closer and Scott wasn’t coming. I turned and ran through the crowd, heading straight for the door that led to the balcony. On the concrete floor in front of me was Lydia, curled up into a ball.
“Lydia!” I gasped, kneeling down to check her pulse. It was strong, but she was freezing cold.
I could hear the rattling sound again and when I looked up from Lydia’s shivering body, I saw the black figure from before. It had a silver mask on and had strange, yellow-green eyes, kind of like a lightening bug.
I turned around, only to see a hand coming out of the floor, appearing out of the shadows. I stood up and went to run back into the loft, but another figure stopped me. I opened my mouth to scream, and when the noise came out of my throat, the figure raised its hand, silencing my scream immediately.
The figure placed its hand on my ear, its finger pressing on the skin behind it. Its glowing eyes flared as it stared into my eyes and I couldn’t move away. It was like I was hypnotized. The figure made the rattling sound again and slashed at the back of my ear before disappearing.
I fell to the ground, shivering and unable to move.
It felt like hours, but eventually the door to the balcony opened. I slowly opened my eyes only to see Danny and Aiden.
“Aiden, over here!” Danny called, kneeling in between Lydia and I. “Lydia? Y/N?”
“Lydia?” Aiden asked frantically. “What happened? What happened to them?”
Danny gathered me into his arms, his hot skin bringing me instant relief.
“I don’t know, but Y/N’s freezing.” Danny replied. “She’s practically hypothermic. What about Lydia?”
“She’s the same.” Aiden said. “We gotta get them inside.”
Danny nodded and situated me so I was in his arms bridal style. He stood up and led Aiden, who was carrying Lydia, back into the loft, where the party was still going on, unaware of the trouble Lydia and I were in.
“Over here.” Danny called to Aiden as he set me down by a heating vent. “There’s a heating vent.”
Lydia and I huddled together, our bodies quaking with shivers. Aiden held both of us against him, but it wasn’t enough relief.
“I’ll try to find a blanket.” Danny said before rushing off.
Lydia shakily reached down and grabbed my shaking hand. The contact calmed me some, but I was still freezing and panicked out of my mind.
“Lydia?” Aiden said softly.
“They came out of the dark.” She whimpered.
Suddenly the music abruptly stopped with a loud crash following it.
“GET OUT!” Someone roared and I immediately recognized Derek’s voice. People started rushing out of the loft, squealing, screaming, and shouting as they fought through the door.
“Find Scott.” I shakily muttered to Aiden.
I looked around and saw Isaac and Allison supporting Ethan in their arms, while Scott and Kira ran down from Derek’s set of spiral stairs. Derek, himself, was by the DJ table that was now laying on the ground.
Five black figures were standing still, scattered around the room. As soon as all the party guests were out of the loft, the simultaneously took a step and turned toward Aiden.
“Guys, they’re all looking at me.” Aiden called out. All at once, the five figures took a step toward him. “Why are they all looking at me? Guys?”
Several snarls sounded as the surrounding werewolves changed forms. Almost as if they had choregraphed it, Derek and Scott ran toward the figures, throwing their arms out to punch and kick at them. One of the figures jumped up and kicked out a leg, pushing Derek to the ground. Scott threw out an arm to slash another figure with his claws, but the figure did a side flip through the air, dodging the blow.
Derek roared and jumped at the figure that kicked him down, taking its head in his hands and twisting, snapping its neck. Derek looked away, figuring that the black figure was dead, but its neck realigned. Derek looked at the figure in shock, and it slashed out, knocking Derek against a pillar.
Scott continued fighting against two figures, but was quickly overpowered, one of the figures slamming a palm into his chest and knocking him across the room. Scott groaned, wincing in pain.
“Scott.” Lydia gasped and I clutched her hand, trying to comfort her.
All five figures turned back toward Aiden. Isaac let go of Ethan and stepped forward, flinging out his claws. One of the figures turned toward Isaac and put a hand up to its chest. It shocked all of us by pulling a long sword out of its chest. It swung the sword around like a ninja, causing Isaac to step back. The figure turned back around, facing Aiden again.
“Somebody do something.” Allison called out as two figures took a hold of Aiden and another stood in front of him. The figure in front of him grabbed his ear like the one did to me, and suddenly Aiden was on the ground.
The figures turned around, facing Scott, but Scott stood up, flashing his crimson eyes as he growled fiercely. He looked back toward Kira and then back at the figures, growling again. Suddenly a beam of sunlight streamed through the window, hitting the masked figure. The figures began to disappear like smoke until their whole bodies were gone.
Ethan ran over to Aiden and held him while Derek stood up from his position on the ground. Scott looked around and spotted Lydia and I huddled together by the heater. He ran over and crouched behind us, putting a hand on both of our backs.
“What the fuck were those things?” He asked.
Isaac looked toward Allison and said, “Your dad’s twenty-four hours are up.”
I didn’t know what the hell that meant, but I sure didn’t like it when he explained.
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stileslydias · 8 years
Boy Meets World. Friends. The Fosters. Gilmore Girls. Riverdale. Shadowhunters. Vampire Diaries. Too Much? don't care. Remember I love you.
adie you are lucky i love you omg i’m screaming!!!! (under a read more for OBVIOUS reasons)
shows i can’t do; boy meets world (haven’t seen much of it I started it recently), gilmore girls (i’ve made it to season 4 only so far)
everything else I’ll do;
Friends (I’m on season 8 so keep that in mind lmao)
my all-time ultimate fave character: rachel green :D
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: monica? I just remember not liking her much in the beginning 
a character I used to like but now don’t: -
a character I’m indifferent about: ross?
a character who deserved better: Phoebe, Joey? idk honestly
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: ross/rachel I like it then I started to .. well not like it
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: MONDLER IS CUTE
a cute, low-key ship: joey/rachel joey/phoebe
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: joey/rachel???
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: -
my favourite storyline/moment: the one with the ride-along (with the car backfire LMAO)
a storyline that never should have been written: -
my first thoughts on the show: Super funny I loved it, made me laugh aha
my thoughts now: still love it! can’t wait to finish it :D
The Fosters (I haven’t seen any of 4b)
my all-time ultimate fave character: mariana adams-foster
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: mariana ahaha
a character I used to like but now don’t: aj? idk I get mixed feelings with this guy
a character I’m indifferent about: jude
a character who deserved better: Callie? (more like deserved better writing because her character is so good but has a lot flaws too)
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: callie/aj
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: -
a cute, low-key ship: callie/aaron ?
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: callie/aaron ??? LOL IDK
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: mariana/wyatt
my favourite storyline/moment: when callie got adopted that was some drama lmao 
a storyline that never should have been written: -
my first thoughts on the show: I thought it was pretty cool! I was obsessed with callie/brandon before ahahah
my thoughts now: I haven’t seen any of 4b that is airing now, but I still like the show! I’m not really into shipping much of anything on it anymore, but the family is cute as always and this show always has so much unnecessary drama I love it LMAO
my all-time ultimate fave character: betty cooper my love (it was originally veronica but it could easily bounce between these two)
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: -
a character I used to like but now don’t: cherly (this girl confuses me like are you nice or not lmfao)
a character I’m indifferent about: kevin maybe?
a character who deserved better: JUGHEAD JONES GIVE HIM A HOME
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: I pretty much like all the ships except well.. grundy/archie lmao 
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: none yet
a cute, low-key ship: everything pretty much
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: LMAO bughead 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: fucking grundy and anyone lmao (ie grundy/archie)
my favourite storyline/moment: uhh well considering we only got this one storyline so I’d say the murder of jason blossom.. 
a storyline that never should have been written: -
my first thoughts on the show: I loved the pilot and these characters seem really awesome. 
my thoughts now: let’s hope the CW doesn’t fuck it up.
Shadowhunters (I am slightly behind btw)
my all-time ultimate fave character: alec lightwood or isabelle :)
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: lydia branwell
a character I used to like but now don’t: uhh idk? jocelyn is rather weird in s2
a character I’m indifferent about: luke .. do not hurt me I know everyone loves him alsdkfj
a character who deserved better: idk why but I feel like magnus?? he is just precious, protect him
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: clace is still hard for me but I don’t have anything against it tbh it’s one of my favourite clary ships, I just find it hard to get into dom’s and kat’s dynamic (s1 was also a very quick development)
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: MALEC
a cute, low-key ship: sizzy
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: none?
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: are they gonna do sebastian/clary ?? lol
my favourite storyline/moment: I liked the episode where they had to try and get Clary’s memories from that demon in s1
a storyline that never should have been written: -
my first thoughts on the show: Ngl the acting was pretty bad in the beginning and the lines a bit cringey aha but I liked the movie and liked the first book so I stuck with it.
my thoughts now: it’s gotten a lot better!!! I like it a lot more now, and I think malec is really cute and I want clizzy but we’ll see lmao. Also clary is MUCH better now ahaha.
The Vampire Diaries (I watched up to like halfway through season 7)
my all-time ultimate fave character: elena gilbert
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: caroline
a character I used to like but now don’t: damon
a character I’m indifferent about: matt??
a character who deserved better: ELENA GILBERT
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: st/roline
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: STELENA AHAHAHA
a cute, low-key ship: caroline/tyler
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: caroline/klaus (i guess it’s not particularly unpopular idk)
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: uhhh 
my favourite storyline/moment: I think season 2 was my favourite
a storyline that never should have been written: season 4+ lmao woops
my first thoughts on the show: I loved this show okay like I was obsessed with vampires and I was like 13/14 idk.
my thoughts now: I am super bitter about this show now. And it was a show I used to adore. So yeah I just try not to think about it much.
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Tangled In Knots, pt2
Derek/Stiles (Teen Wolf) | PG-13 | ~2k | AO3 canon-compliant (ish), full shift werewolves, references to knotting
Summary: He’s right under the nose of the FBI, even though he knows he’s on their target list. But it’s not the first time he hid right under the law enforcement’s noses. Last time, it was Stiles who harbored Derek’s fugitive ass. He’s really not expecting it to be the case here, no matter how close to Quantico he is. He also has other issues to worry about, and that’s when he spots a flyer that promises information on the problem he’s had ever since the time he saved his own life by shifting into a wolf. Derek really should rethink his position on coincidences.
A/N: More @wipweek goodness, this time Newest WiP. (There’s more to this, but for now, have this update.) 
It takes three more weekends before Stiles gets curious again. Or, as Derek suspects, before he dares asking out loud what he’s been wondering for the past month.
“So, I still don’t really understand something,” Stiles says as they’re tidying up after the knitting session is over.
To Derek’s and Stiles’s surprise, it’s been fun to be there, to learn the craft and to spend time with not only Stiles but also the ladies who never missed a meeting. They have taken to bringing baked goods—apparently, both he and Stiles look like they’re not all that good at taking care of themselves, according to all of the ladies—and have patiently helped out Derek whenever he struggled if Stiles couldn’t help. He’s almost halfway through the scarf that he started§ and while there are several spots where he obviously dropped a stitch or made a mistake, he’s pretty proud of himself.
So when Stiles’s curiosity shows, Derek can’t help but worry. He doesn’t want anything to throw off the precarious peace that the knitting and the company give him. Since Stiles didn’t ask a question yet, Derek just raises an eyebrow to prompt him to continue, but he’s internally starting to panic a little.
“This,” Stiles says with a wave at the baskets, “doesn’t seem like it’s really your thing. How come you showed up that first time?”
And there it is, the perfect prompt for the excuses that Derek’s been thinking up over the weeks. But Stiles’s face is so genuinely curious that he can’t help but think of the mistake he made, which makes his whole face heat up.
“Okay, what?” Stiles immediately asks, because of course he wouldn’t miss the blush in Derek’s face. “Is this like, some sort of weird werewolf thing? Is knitting a kink or something?”
“What? No! How would you even… no,” Derek says a little too quickly.
“Then why do you look like I just rummaged through your online browsing history or discovered your secret journal?” Stiles asks, and he’s very clearly amused by the way Derek is flustered.
The plan was to tell Stiles that crafts were something that he used to do as a kid with his grandparents and that the memories were the reason why he showed up. Or to say that it was an attempt to distract himself from the memories that weren’t so pleasant. Or—and he wouldn’t have really been lying about that one—that it was something that a therapist recommended once upon a time. Sure, any of those would have invited questions, but Derek had contingency plans and backup stories at the ready in case Stiles decided to dig deeper.
Instead, his cheeks heat up more and he can’t stop himself from turning his gaze to the floor. He knows he looks guilty as sin and that it’s the perfect prompt for Stiles to not only keep prodding but also to come up with all different possible answers until Derek gives him one.
“Dude, seriously, it can’t be that bad,” Stiles says, and Derek looks up to see his amused face. “I mean, you did say no to the fetish thing, so….”
Stiles’s voice fades out and he lets the words hang in the air as an opening for Derek to tell him the truth.
Only, Derek hasn’t talked to anyone about his predicament which he still has no answers for, no matter how much he researched. And Stiles’s mention of browsing history hit a little too close to home, because if he did somehow manage to see Derek’s… well, Derek doesn’t want to even think about it. But now he can’t use any of the excuses he came up with, because none of them warrant the level of blushing the heat of which he still feels in his face. And Stiles isn’t stupid.
As he tries to scramble for an explanation, Stiles’s face shifts from amused and curious to pensive and confused. A moment later, Derek sees a flash of panic and then Stiles’s eyes are wide open and his cheeks turn a little darker.
“Derek? Where did you see the poster for the meeting?”
“Out by the gas station, the one about two miles out,” he says, confused by Stiles’s question.
“Oh shit,” Stiles blurts, and his cheeks get redder. “Oh. Right. Okay.”
Derek can hear Stiles’s heart hammering in his chest, and he smells a hint of embarrassment coming off of Stiles.
“Right, so,” Stiles starts. “When I typed these and had a friend make copies, I didn’t realize that there was a typo on them. And I replaced all the ones that I put up, but Dan put the one up that you saw and I didn’t know until after the meeting.”
“Right,” Derek’s voice comes out flat, as the realization starts hitting that Stiles is coming closer to getting the answer that Derek doesn’t really want to give him.
“So, you saw the poster that wasn’t properly corrected to knitting,” Stiles barges on, and Derek tries to brace himself for the moment when it all clicks. “You saw the one with the mistake. And you still showed up. Because… you’re into… some sort of hobby that involves knots?”
His voice is betraying his confusion like his mind is trying to come up with an explanation other than the obvious one.
“Dude, help me out here,” Stiles says when Derek doesn’t react. “I mean, there is more than one thing that this could be about and both of them are… well, you know I don’t do judgment. I just… is it wolf related or kink related?”
“Wolf,” Derek mumbles, and his cheeks keep feeling like they’re on fire.
Only now he also has thoughts of the other option that “knotting” could be about and well, his mind is running away with them and wondering whether they’re something that is on Stiles’s mind. Or maybe in his list of interests.
“Oh. Ooooooh,” Stiles drawls out, and Derek can hear and smell the combination of surprise, curiosity, and a hint of interest. “Is it the full shift thing?”
“Yeah,” Derek says. “I mean, it’s not like it’s… I didn’t know it was a possibility until that night in Mexico.”
“And has it…” Stiles starts, then pauses, then takes a deep breath. His fingers start plucking on a strand of yarn from the basket on the table in front of him like he needs to distract himself. “I mean, Braeden knows you’re a werewolf, so….”
Derek shakes his head, though he’s not sure what exactly it’s a reaction to. When Stiles looks at him with a confused expression, Derek takes a breath and tries to find the words to explain.
“I mean, yeah, obviously she knows I am,” he says. “But we haven’t… I mean, after Mexico, we were only together for a few months and most of those were spent trying to track down Malia’s mother and avoiding getting caught. So we haven’t really…. She doesn’t know that.”
“Oh,” Stiles says.
It’s almost like he’s relieved and Derek doesn’t understand why he would be, but he’s not about to ask. The fact that he can scent emotions is still odd for anyone in the pack, whether human or wolf. He gets it, it’s invasive at best, and uncomfortable to be aware that someone else knows things that are so private.
Normally, Derek only pays attention to the chemosignals when it’s absolutely necessary—in a fight, when trying to track someone—and not during regular conversation. But now, now he’s intrigued.
“So, you thought that there would be a meeting about this predicament that you’re in,” Stiles starts, and his face clearly shows how likely he thinks that would be. “In plain sight, like it’s no big deal.”
“There’s a pack in town and they get visitors a lot, because of where we are,” Derek explains. “And I wasn’t going to just march in and start asking questions. That’s why I was….”
He nods towards the window that’s looking out at the street where Stiles found him that first time.
“Ah yeah, lurking,” Stiles says, smirking. “It’s kind of reassuring to see that some habits haven’t left you.”
Derek frowns at him but doesn’t say anything.
“Right, so, obviously that plan didn’t work out since we’re definitely not that kind of meeting,” Stiles starts rambling again. “And I’m guessing that you haven’t found another source of information yet.”
“No,” Derek says, shaking his head. “I’m not that close to the pack here and I don’t want to make things awkward. They don’t even know I can shift fully. No one but those who were in Mexico knows that. And Cora.”
Stiles nods. Derek knows that he doesn’t need to point out that he couldn’t ask anyone in Scott’s pack about what’s happening to his body. The only ones who might know would be either Deaton—who hasn’t earned Derek’s trust—and Peter, who’s about the last person on Earth whom Derek would consider going to.
“Right. So, we should probably move this conversation somewhere a little more private,” Stiles says, glancing towards the back of the house. “If there’s a pack in town, I’m sure there are people who know, but I’m not really keen on finding out and losing this prime location due to Abby’s fear that I’m bringing in a LARPing group here next time.”
Derek nods in agreement—he’s seen the owner of the bed and breakfast, and he knows that she’s very much human—and follows Stiles outside, hands full with knitting baskets. Stiles loads them up into Roscoe. Then he turns and leans against it.
“Did you drive here today? Or can we just jump into my baby—“ he pats the baby blue metal “—and head over to my place?”
“Where is your place?” Derek asks.
It dawns on him that since Stiles is an intern-slash-trainee for the FBI, it might not be the best place to head to. Not when Derek still is likely on their wanted list.
“Here in town, actually,” Stiles says, then chuckles as Derek breathes out in relief. “During the week, I’m usually in Quantico in the dorms, but Olive—“ he refers to one of the ladies from the knitting meeting “—has graciously allowed me to stay in her guest room for the weekends. I think it’s so she can feed me some more,” he finishes with a smile.
“I’m not sure if cookies count as food,” Derek says, remembering the usual offerings from the meetings.
“Oh no, she makes a mean lasagna and there have been these delicious meatballs she made last week,” Stiles says and he looks like he’s getting lost in the memory of said meals. Then he shakes his head a bit and looks back at Derek. “Right, let’s grab the rest of the stuff and head to mine. I’m sure once she gets wind of you being over, there will be an extra portion set aside for you.”
Derek shrugs, follows Stiles back inside the house and grabs a few of the baskets, ignoring Stiles’s muttered “show-off”. When the room is cleared, the supplies all loaded into Roscoe, and the chairs back to their pre-meeting positions, they head out. Stiles glances around the street for cars, then looks at Derek with narrowed eyes.
“Seriously, did you run here?”
“Only from the store,” Derek says, nodding towards the end of the street. “Didn’t want to block the driveway like last week.”
“Served you right for parking right in front of Alice’s truck,” Stiles says, grinning. “That woman drives like a maniac.”
Derek lifts an eyebrow, smiling.
“Hey,” Stiles immediately protests. “Roscoe doesn’t manage those speeds and I wouldn’t try to cut off everything that’s on the road. She did that with an ambulance a few weeks ago, claiming that she was in more of a rush.”
Derek continues looking at Stiles without a word.
“It had the lights flashing!”
“Because your Dad never had them going on the cruiser,” Derek says, chuckling at Stiles’s outraged expression.
“I did not!”
Derek raises his hands, palms out, in surrender. Then he looks towards the Jeep.
“Okay, want me to follow you, or will you drop me back to my car later?”
Stiles shakes his head. Then he starts towards Roscoe and looks over his shoulder back at Derek.
“I’ll bring you back. It’s only a block away from the store anyway,” he says, and Derek nods as he follows him to the Jeep.
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nyxelestia · 7 years
I think I sent an ask, seeking advice as to how I should include Scott in my Sterek fics as to avoid the issue of POC erasure, and in this particular instance, erasing Scott. I want to write about Stiles and Derek romantically without erasing Scott, so that was the gist of my ask, which you clumped together with trolling asks.
The exact nature and suggestions of how to do this would vary drastically based on the plot, genre, and trope of your fic. But most broadly speaking:
1.) Remember that Scott is his own character and person. Ideally, you'd be doing this with every character - they have their own narratives, we're just only seeing part of it because they aren't the main character of the show. I specify this because a lot of fics write him - and everyone other than Derek and Stiles (and sometimes even Derek) - as caricatures, cardboard character cut-outs whose purpose is to make the main character (predominantly Stiles) feed bad and/or look good. Scott - and Erica, and Isaac, and Boyd, and Allison, etc etc. - are all characters of their own, with their own lives and their own problems.
Whoever's POV your story is through, take a step out of it and try to figure out, what do the other characters know? What do they physically see and hear, for them to understand your main character? A lot of characters (not just Scott, though primarily Scott) are written as assholes for the crime of not reading Stiles' mind and knowing that he's struggling, despite the fact he'd put a lot of work into hiding said struggling. When writing a scene between two or more characters, always try to think, what do those other characters? And how/why do they know it? If you don't have an answer to the second question, then the answer to the first question is, "They don't." - If they didn't see or hear or whatever something in canon, then you either have to write knowing that this character does not know everything you do or that your POV character does - or, you have to create and write how they find out what you need them to know.
2.) If writing about canon, try to remember what everyone was doing during the relevant bits of canon - and the bits before and after. A lot of the scenes in which Scott is blamed for abandoning or ignoring Stiles, Scott was in the middle of his own problem or already trying to help. While Stiles was trapped in the pool, Scott was at the Argents' home, and had no idea Stiles was in danger. When Stiles was kidnapped, Scott was already working with Isaac on a plan to track Stiles' scent to look for him...when Derek and Peter showed up. They explained that the kanima might not be dead Gerard (the only threat left) still has control over it. A few scenes later, Stiles is already at home (meaning no one needed to rescue him), while Scott, Derek, Peter, and Isaac are working on what to do about the kanima.
(And something to think about for the final confrontation of Season 2 - how did Stiles know where to go, when he drove Lydia there? Either this was the plan all along and he was in on it - contrary to popular fanon that Scott had kept his plan from Stiles - or Stiles had been in contact with Scott, in which case Scott already knew that Stiles was safe/at home.)
3.) That level of critical thinking should also be applied to your own assumptions about the characters. It's hard to remember, sometimes, what's fanon and what's canon. Try to always double check your assumptions and biases - especially if they portray a Character of Color or a female character in a negative light. Ideally, looking at the show itself, though not everybody has access to that. While I do, I actually/mostly use the Teen Wolf Wikia, which has complete synopses of every episode ever aired. I copied and pasted them all into one notebook (on Evernote; you'll want to compile them all into one place in wherever it is you keep notes or information, or put them all into one Word Document or GoogleDoc). This way, I can just use Ctrl+F to search all the synopses of every episode of the show thus far (not to mention the Wiki is a slow website and will make you want to throw it in a tire-fire if you need to look at multiple pages on it). The goal, in this case, it to look for things to support your assumptions about characters and events - or, to challenge them.
(i.e. there is no scene in which Stiles finds out about Scott's plan...including after it happened. Meanwhile, he doesn't even seem to notice Gerard's half-dead, black-blooded body, or seem particularly surprised by it. Now, this could mean Scott hadn't told Stiles about the plan - but it does not definitively mean that, and it could also mean Stiles knew about that plan all along, it was just the viewers who hadn't known. Challenge your assumption, and if you realize there is no canonical support for your assumption, either try writing your story without it, or make a point of including/creating new support for it in your fanfic - i.e. talking about when Stiles found out about the plan, and how he hadn't known about it before. If you're writing an AU, write your AU.)
I don't think Scott has to be at the center of your fic or all Sterek fics or all Teen Wolf fics ever. I think it's problematic that he gets only a fraction of the fics two white secondary characters get, but that is a much, much bigger problem than you and I could ever hope to address, and it's a bit too late in Teen Wolf's fandom history to do much about it, anyway. The goal is to at least stop writing fics where his strengths and accomplishments from the show are erased or given to white characters, and to stop justifying or erasing white characters' vulnerabilities, flaws, or mistakes.
i.e. Stiles has many strengths - empathy isn't one of them, but that doesn't mean he's a bad friend. You don't have to force empathy onto him to write him as a good character, or cast him as a bad one because he lacks it. He isn't all that nurturing - and he doesn't need to be, he can be a good and supportive friend without suddenly turning into a housewife.
For some more concrete examples, here are a few Sterek fics which wrote Scott really well. These are not all/the only Sterek fics with a good Scott balance in them, just some (my personal favorites). For the sake of simplicity, I limited this to canon-divergence or "post-canon" fics:
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justauthoring · 6 years
No Reason To (5/50)
Prompt: “And I guess… when it comes down to it, I trust you.”
It has come to my attention that by adding links to my posts, it stops that post from being seen in the tags tagged. So, sadly, I will no longer be able to link previous parts of NRT on new chapters. BUT all part can be found easily on my “No Reason To Series MasterList!” found in my bio.
A/N: Once again, I am just absolutely blown away by the positive feedback i’ve received. I struggled a bit with the last chapter, but I felt more like myself writing this one so I hope you all enjoy it!! I can’t wait to delve deeper into this series!
Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. As usual, I hope you all enjoyed!
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Pairing: Stiles x McCall!Reader
Based off of: Teen Wolf 01x08 and 01x09
Tag List: @potterheadbbc - @sunsetblake - @mythicalamphitrite - @loverofwaytoomanythings618 - @creamychickenuggets - @mnk - @gazebros- @colie87 - @quilliamfears - @quellum - @pessimisticbullshite - @desired-love-@thinkwritexpress-official - @kaylinfayezink - @maiabiovillage - @tr1chst3r - @arkcangel - @quirkytwinkles - @thegirlwhoimagined - @noones-girl1980 - @illumminated - @fairchild345 - @all-will-be-well-love - @animemes-trash - @starryrevelations - @literallyhelpme - @theskytraveler - @jinandtion1c - @ilovemymoose - @bibliophilesquared - @stilessarcasmqueen - @mersuperwholocked-lowlife - @newtsshelbys - @wyattgoleft - @pancakefancake - @saturno-in-the-night - @pizzamelon7384 - @riskregretting - @mdgrdians - @ravenclawnerdfromnarnia - @franchisefan14 - @lovingpeterparker  If you’d like to be tagged, just let me know! Any in italics are those Tumblr won’t let me tag!
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“Are you sure?”
Sighing, you continue to pull your shirt over your head, turning to your mother once it’s on. “Yup,” you exaggerate, popping the ‘p’ at the end.
Melissa frowns in response, shaking her head with her arms across her chest. You feel slightly guilty at being lippy with her, considering she was just concerned for you. So quickly, you walk across your room, grabbing your backpack and jacket, pulling the latter over your shoulders. “Honestly, mom,” you smile, “i’ll be okay.”
“It’s just... after everything that’s happened to you and your brother, for the past few days.” She lets out a huff, pausing. “I can’t help but worry.”
“I know,” you smile softly, though it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. Stepping forward, you set your hands on her shoulders, squeezing them reassuringly. “But i’ll be fine. Besides, I’ve already missed enough school.”
She nods, and once you’re sure she’s content, you let go of her shoulders, stepping back to brush your hair into a high ponytail.
“You’re, uh, still not talking to your brother?”
Her words cause you to frown, body pausing. You hadn’t spoken to, or even really looked at your brother, since that night at the school. After the first few days of you ignoring him, Scott had given up trying to talk to you. But that didn’t mean he didn’t constantly send you glances, hoping that if he did it enough, you’d finally reply to him.
It never worked.
“But, you guys are siblings. Twins...” Melissa stresses, and you can practically feel the desperation radiating off of her. She sounds so hopeless, voice laced with concern and confusion. You don’t blame her. You feel the same.
Not to mention, since this all begun, you’ve never really stopped to think about what it’s doing to Melissa. How worried she must be. Things are obviously different, anyone with eyes can see that, but you and Scott have always been close. It must be so weird and strange for her for the two of you to not be talking.
“How long?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you continue to shove things into your backpack. “Depends.”
“On what?” She huffs, “I still don’t even know why you won’t talk to him.”
Zipping your bag up, you shake your head, turning around and walking past your mother. You stop halfway though, pressing a kiss against her cheek, before opening up your door and heading out. “See you tomorrow.”
You know your words have done nothing to ease your mother. And you wish you could say more. But she wouldn’t understand it. Any of it. And if anyone should tell Melissa what has happened to Scott, it should be him.
“See you tomorrow.”
“It’s just weird.”
Picking up your head, you turn your attention on Allison, stepping past a few people to fall next to her side. Lydia is on the other side of her, and the both of you are intently listening to what the girl has to say. “Everybody’s talking about what happened the other night, and nobody knows it was us.”
“Maybe that’s a good thing,” you comment, pulling their gazes on you. “I mean, i’d liked to not to be the center of attention.”
Lydia scoffs, “thank you, for the protection of minors.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes at Lydia’s snark, shaking your head with a soft smile. Your smile, though, fades when you hear Allison sigh loudly, throwing her head back; “do you guys think I made the wrong decision?”
Before you can reply yourself, you notice Lydia eye Allison; “about that jacket with that dress?” She teases, “absolutely.”
“With Scott,” you smile her way, raising a brow. Lydia only rolls her eyes in response, shrugging her shoulders. Though, you and her both know you’re only teasing one another.
“Y/N?” Allison calls, causing you to blink. “Do you think I made a mistake?”
You want to say no. You should say no. It’s obvious, plain as day, that Scott is really hurting because of Allison’s decision, and it seems she’s not even sure if she made the right decision herself. They’re both not happy, clearly. But you can’t just erase all he’s done. You can’t just agree for the sake that he’s your brother.
He hasn’t really been acting like a brother after all...
With a frown, you glance down at your feet; “no,” you say, voice small. It takes you a moment, but eventually you gather the courage, raising your head and meeting Allison’s eyes without a doubt of uncertainty. “No, I don’t think you made the wrong decision.”
Allison still seems unsure, and maybe even a little stunned that you’d say that, before she turns to Lydia. “Lydia?”
“Hello?” Lydia sighs, “Scott locked us in a classroom and left us for dead. He’s lucky we’re not pressing charges or making him pay our therapy bills.”
Circling another answer on your test, you try to stay focused on the task at hand. It’s a little more harder than it seems, given that you’re surrounded by the exact people who keep distracting you.
You need to do this test. You need to pretend that for once, everything’s still normal. That werewolf’s don’t exist, and your brother isn’t one. You need to pretend like you hadn’t just been hunted by an alpha werewolf a few nights ago, in this very school. You need to pretend that your life is normal. That you’re just a teenage girl, trying to get good grades and maybe a boyfriend. Who knows?
You need to at least try.
But of course, things don’t go the way you planned. A few minutes after starting the test, Scott suddenly stands up, practically bolting out of the classroom. It catches the attention of everyone, of course, including you. You raise your head, eyes wide with concern as he ignores the teacher calling after him and just continues to run.
Stiles follows after him a moment later. “Mr. Stilinski!”
You hesitate, unsure. Then, before you know it, you’re on your feet, racing out of the classroom. “Ms. McCall!”
You halt to a stop though once you’re outside of the classroom, nearly running into Stiles. He turns to you with wide eyes, gasping; “what are you doing, Y/N?”
Shrugging, you gesture forwards; “same thing as you.”
You turn to look in the direction Scott had run, finding his backpack laying in the middle of the hallway, Scott nowhere to be seen. You send a confused glance Stiles’s way, both seemingly agreeing to step forward. The moment you reach the backpack, Stiles crouches down, picking up Scott’s backpack. “Scott?”
“Here,” you say, “i’ll call him.”
Reaching into your back pocket, you pull your phone out, swiping it on and going to your contacts. You press Scott’s name, pressing your phone up against your ear, only to hear his ringtone echo out in the hallway. It seems to be coming from somewhere near, in front of you and Stiles.
Nodding at the boy, you both follow after the noise, turning the corner once you reach the boys locker room. You had picked up your pace, but quickly pause in front of the entrance of the boys locker room, unsure. You can hear the faint sound of the shower running and that is something you definitely don’t need to see.
“Y/N,” Stiles calls, turning to look at you. “Come on.”
“Stiles,” you snap, “I can’t go in there!”
“It sounds like he’s showering. I can’t-”
You’re interrupted by Stiles reaching forward, grabbing the wrist of the hand holding the phone, and tugging you forward. You stumble forward slightly, quickly catching your footing and glancing around the room, biting your lip.
The sound of the shower grows louder, and you and Stiles both pause when there’s only a set of lockers blocking you from sight of Scott. You meet Stiles eyes, turning your phone off and shoving it back into your pocket. You shuffle behind Stiles slightly, both scared of what you’ll find and not really needing to see that part of your brother.
It isn’t until your past the set of lockers, do you find yourself relieved. Scott looks perfectly normal, and he’s wearing a pair of pants.
He turns slightly, wet hair in his eyes as he breathes rapidly. “I can’t...”
“What happening?” You ask, eyes wide.
“Are you changing?” Stiles adds, holding his hands out before him, bracing himself.
“No,” Scott pants, “I can’t.... I can’t breathe.” He wheezes after he finishes speaking, and quickly, you turn to Stiles, helping him pull Scott’s backpack forward to search for Scott’s inhaler.
He’s having an panic attack. You’ve seen it before.
Reaching forward, you open the smallest pocket, allowing Stiles to reach in and grab the inhaler you knew was in there. He extends it towards Scott, who only stares back at it in confusion. “Here. Use this.”
Scott only continues to stare at it.
“Scott,” you snap, “do it.”
Taking it, Scott hesitates a moment longer before pressing it against his lips, and pressing the button. The moment he does, Scott sets his hands on his thighs, taking a few deep breaths before catching his breath. The moment he’s okay, he shakes his head; “I was having an asthma attack?”
“No,” Stiles sighs, “you were having a panic attack. But thinking you were having an asthma attack actually stopped the panic attack. Irony.”
Breathing heavily, Scott stares back at Stiles in confusion. “How’d you know how to do that?”
“I used to get them after my mom died,” Stiles explains, “not fun, huh?”
Huffing, Stiles shakes his head; “I looked at her, and it was like someone hit me in the ribs with a hammer.”
Sighing, you glance down at your feet. Seeing Scott now, and how hurt he is by Allison breaking up with him... you can’t believe you told Allison earlier she hadn’t made a mistake. What was wrong with you? What kind of sister does that?
“Yeah,” you sighs, “it’s called heartbreak. About two billion songs written about it.”
“I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“Well, you could think about this,” Stiles offers, “her dad’s a werewolf hunter, and you’re a werewolf, so it was bound to become an issue.”
“Stiles,” you snapped, sending the boy a glare.
“That wasn’t helpful,” Stiles mumbles, “okay, dude, yeah, you got dumped, it’s supposed to suck.”
“No,” Scott denies, shaking his head. “That’s not it. It was like I could feel everything in the room, everyone else’s emotions.”
“It’s got to be the full moon,” Stiles shrugs. “so we’ll lock you up in your room later just like we planned. That way the alpha, who is your boss, can’t get to your, either.”
“I think we need to do a lot more than lock me in my room.”
“Because if you get out, you’d be caught by hunters?” You ask, confused.
“No,” Scott breathes, stepping forward towards the both of you. “Because if I get out... I think I might kill someone.”
Running in behind Lydia, you feel your eyes widen at the sight of Danny on the ground, his nose all bloody.
“Is he okay?” You question, looking up to glance at Jackson.
“Yeah,” he nods, slowly turning his head to look at you and Lydia. “It looks like he just has a bloody nose--.” He meets your eyes first, before slowly drifting off to meet Lydia’s. You would’ve turned your attention back on Danny, if you hadn’t noticed the way Jackson suddenly halted in his speech, attention caught by something from Lydia.
“What?” She questions, not oblivious to Jackson staring.
“Your lipstick,” Jackson explains, and you tilt your head around, noticing the smudged lipstick on her lower lip.
Pulling a compact mirror out of her purse, Lydia opens it, eyes widening when she realizes what Jackson was referring to. “Oh,” she laughs lightly, raising her hand to wipe away the lipstick. “Oh, wonder how that happened.”
“Yeah. I wonder.”
Furrowing your brows, you look away from the two of them, obviously realizing it wasn’t any of your business. But as you look forwards, you catch sight of Stiles who’s staring at the two of them, lips parted in bafflement. He slowly turns, and following his direction, your eyes widen when they land on Scott.
It takes you a moment, glancing back and forth between Lydia, Stiles and Scott before putting the pieces together.
Stepping forward, you bite your lip; “Stiles,” you call, unsure. He keeps his back to you, and with a frown, you set your hand on his shoulder. “Stiles.”
Normally, you would’ve been hurt. Not that you had any real reason to. But it always seemed like Lydia was the only thing on Stiles mind, instead of you. Yet, in the moment, if your suspicions are correct, you don’t necessarily blame Stiles for being upset.
What your brother did... or what you think he did...
“I’m sorry...”
“He just doesn’t talk to me anymore... not as much as he use to... neither of them do.”
You halt to a stop, just barely halfway down the stairs as your mothers words register in your mind. It’s obvious she’s talking to Stiles, given that he’s the only one that would come here this late at night, and it’s also clear you missed a large chunk of this conversation but you can’t help the guilt that floods through you.
All of this. All that’s happened. You’ve never stopped to think about what kind of affect it’s having on your mom.
“Well,” you hear Stiles reply, “he’s had a bit of a rough week. And Y/N. Y/N too.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” Melissa stammers, “yeah, um... okay, uh... Be careful tonight.”
“You, too.”
“Full moon.”
You pause, head jerking back in surprise, causing you to lose your footing. You end up slipping, just barely managing to catch yourself before you fall on your ass just as Stiles blurts out; “what?”
“There’s a full moon tonight,” you hear Melissa mumble, and you feel your entire body tense. Please, don’t let her have heard you. Please- “Y/N, is that you?”
You take a step, slowly, hesitantly, peeking your head around the corner of the wall blocking you from view. “Uh, yeah,” you laugh, raising your hand in a wave. “Just... uh, thought i’d come and say goodbye.”
“Oh, well, goodbye,” she smiles, and you nod before she turns back to Stiles. “Speaking of that full moon, you should see what it does to the E.R. Brings out all the nut jobs.”
You laugh weakly, so does Stiles; “yeah.”
“You know,” your mother continues, heading towards the front door. “It’s, um, actually where they came up with the word ‘lunatic’.” She steps forward, opening the door as you call one final goodbye. You wait until the door is completely shut behind her before turning to Stiles, wide-eyed.
“What was that?” You screech, walking until you’re before him.
“I don’t know! It just... happened!”
“Oh, my god!”
Jumping, you whip around, looking at the back of Stiles’s head with narrowed eyes, prepared to yell at him for scaring you to death like that. But then you catch sight of Scott, and the way he’s positioned on the chair in front of you both, and you don’t really blame Stiles all that much anymore.
“Dude,” Stiles sighs, “you scared the hell out of me.”
“And me,” you grumble, stepping out past Stiles. “What the hell are you doing, Scott? Mom said you weren’t home yet.”
“I came in through the window.”
“Okay,” Stiles says slowly, a little on nerve, and you don’t blame him. Scott has yet to move, at all, and he’s looking at the two of you with lidded eyes. It creeps you out. A lot. “Uh, well, let’s get this set up. I want you to see what I bought.”
Crouching down next to Stiles, you peek into the bag; “how do you guys do this anyway?”
“Oh, well-”
“I’m fine.”
You blink, glancing up at Scott in confusion.
“I’m just gonna lock the door,” he clarifies. “And go to bed early tonight.”
Meeting Stiles’s eyes, something tells you that that is not the best course of action.
“You sure about that?” Stiles questions, “cause you’ve got this kind of serial killer look going on in your eyes, and i’m hoping it’s the full moon taking effect, cause it’s really starting to freak me out.”
“I second that,” you mumble, looking up at your brother worriedly.
“I’m fine,” Scott repeats, voice emotionless. “You should go now. The both of you.”
“Okay, well,” you start, “I live here, so that’s not happening.”
“Nope, nope,” Stiles shakes his head, grabbing your wrist. “We’re leaving.”
You reel to him, “Stiles-”
“Would you just at least look in the bag and see what I bought?” Stiles interrupts you, raising his voice a little. “You know, maybe you use it, maybe you don’t. Sound good?”
You narrow your eyes, baffled. What is Stiles doing? You can’t just leave Scott alone. He said it himself, he’ll kill someone.
A moment passes, and you can’t help but practically feel your heart plummet when Scott suddenly leans forward, slowly pushing himself out of his seat and standing tall before the two of you. You shuffle back slightly, Stiles guiding you as Scott nears the both of you. For a moment, you’re not sure what he’s gonna do, but then he’s crouching down before the both of you, looking through the bag, chains jiggling in response.
He picks up a hand full of said chains, looking at Stiles through narrowed eyes. “You think i’m gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?” Setting the chains back down, Scott scoffs.
“Actually, no,” Stiles says, and you blink. Then, he’s lunging forward, pulling a pair of cuffs out of the bag, tightening it around Scott’s wrist before connect the other end to the heater in his room. Your eyes widen, stunned, and then Stiles spinning around, grabbing your wrist in the process and practically dragging you up to your feet, pausing by the door.
“What the hell are you doing!”
You glance back at Scott, eyes wide. This is the first time you’ve ever seen him like this. This angry. You’ve seen it almost happen countless of times, but you didn’t know it could get this bad, and you’re guessing worse.
“Protecting you from yourself,” Stiles answers, straightening his shoulders. “And giving you some payback... for making out with Lydia.”
Leaning against Scott’s bedroom wall, making sure to stay as far away from him as possible, you bite your lip. You can’t help but stare down at him with narrow eyes.
After Stiles had finished explaining why he was doing this to Scott, he’d gone off to get him water, leaving you on watch. You didn’t mind. It meant you could glare at him longer without an audience. Because not only were you mad at him for being a dick to you, you were also mad at him for being a complete asshat to Stiles. Whether you were jealous of Lydia or not, it was clear how much Stiles liked her. For your brother to kiss her...
The sound of Stiles’s footsteps pulls you from your thoughts, causing you to peer over the wall slightly, meeting Stiles eyes just as he walks into the room. He only glances at you for a moment before looking down at Scott. “I brought you some water.” He calls, holding up the water bottle.
You managed to catch sight of pet dish in his other hand before he raises it, a chuckle leaving your lips before you can stop yourself. Holding your hand against your mouth, you try not to burst out in laughter as Stiles raises the food dish meant for dogs, the name Scott on the front of it.
Even though Stiles’s back is turned to you, you can already tell he’s enjoying this as he pours the water into the dish, setting it down before Scott.
Just as Stiles turned to walk out of the room, you moving to follow him, the bowl meant for Scott clatters, water splashing. “I’m gonna kill you!”
Whipping around to face Scott, you glare down at him. “Scott!”
“No, i’m gonna kill him!”
“You kissed her, Scott, okay?” Stiles suddenly bellows before you have the chance to say anything, whipping around to face your brother. “You kissed Lydia. That’s, like, the one girl that I ev-”
Frowning, you glance down at your feet. You shouldn’t be getting jealous. Shouldn’t be upset. This isn’t about you. But you can’t help but hear those three words; the one girl... over and over again.
“And, you know,” Stiles continues, voice still raised in frustration and hurt. “The past three hours, I've been thinking, it’s probably just the full moon, you know, he doesn’t even know what he’s doing, and tomorrow, he’ll be totally back to normal. He probably won’t even remember what a complete dumbass he’s been.”
Stiles pauses, and you can’t help but look at him in pity, your feelings pushed aside.
“A son of a bitch, a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend.” Stiles pauses once more, and you step forward, hoping to dissipate the tension, but he continues. “And brother. Terrible, terrible brother.”
You gasp, eyes wide. Stiles doesn’t glance back at you, and you’re not sure why, but you would’ve never... You never knew he cared enough to notice.
A moment of silence passes, before Scott speaks. “She kissed me.”
It almost felt like your jaw could fall off in disbelief. He did not just say that.
“I didn’t kiss her,” Scott clarifies, shifting slightly so he can look at Stiles better. The son of a bitch is actually smirking. “She kissed me.”
“Stiles,” you call, putting your hand on his shoulder, pulling him towards yourself. “Let’s just go. You don’t need to hear this-”
“She would have done a lot more, too.”
“Okay,” you huff, glaring at your brother. “That’s enough. Just stop-”
“You should have seen the way she had her hands all over me. She would have done anything I wanted.”
“And you,” Scott suddenly says, turning his eyes on you. “What kind of sister are you?”
You pause, lips parted in surprise.
“You don’t help. You can’t do anything to help. You’re useless.”
Stiles grabs your hand, pulling your gaze on him. He only shakes his head, pulling you out of the room. You easily follow him, but not without glancing back at your brother once more in disbelief.
Laying your head back against the wall, you keep your arms crossed over your chest, trying your best to ignore the cries and grunts of your brother as he tries to escape his confines.
“Stiles,” he cries, “Y/N, please let me out.”
Shaking your head, you keep your gaze on the ceiling above, trying to ignore him. Part of you is still angry, still hurt. Mainly angry, though. But a part of you, no matter how small, feels pity for your brother. Wants to help him.
“It’s the full moon,” he continues, voice pleading. “I swear. You know I wouldn’t do any of this on purpose.” There’s a moment of silence, the only thing that can be heard is the slight noise of Scott’s handcuffs jangling and his heavy breathing. Then, “please, let me out. It’s starting to hurt.”
Biting your lip, you try to block out Scott’s voice.
“Y/N, please,” he pleads, and inhale deeply. “Stiles, it’s not like the first time. It’s the full moon. It’s Allison breaking up with me. I know... that it’s not just taking a break. She broke up with me.”
You finally look down, watching as Stiles rolls his head to the side, face tense with struggle.
“And it’s killing me,” Scott adds, and you huff. “I feel completely hopeless. Just, please, let me out.”
You don’t say anything. Maybe it’s selfish of you, and this may be your brother, but it’s Stiles who’s been hurt by him. You have too, but in a different way. This is something Stiles has to do, no matter how badly you want to let him out. Or at least help Scott.
“I can’t,” Stiles sighs, voice small.
A few moments of silence pass, and the wrong part of you relishes in it. When Scott isn’t begging to be let out, it’s a lot easier. But it only lasts a certain amount of time before you hear Scott crying out; “no, no, no! Aah! No! No!” The jangling of his cuffs grow louder, and you straighten out in alert. “No! No! No!”
The screaming grows louder, almost inhumane. You feel your heart pounding madly against your chest, wondering if you should go in there and help, but one look at Stiles, and you’re bewildered. He only presses his hands against his ears, shutting his eyes, and leans his head back.
Your lips part, Scott’s screaming piercing your ears.
Then, suddenly, the screaming stops.
“Scott, you okay?”
“Stiles,” you call, “what’s happening?”
He only shakes his head at you, calling out Scott’s name once more before standing up. He opens the door, and you inch forwards until you’re behind him. You tense your entire body, afraid of what you’ll find, but then, he isn’t there. His handcuffs, broken, lay on the floor with splatters of blood.
Scott’s nowhere to be found.
“Oh, my God...”
The words slip past your lips before you can stop them, the red and blue lights of police and ambulance sirens reflecting in your eyes. You don’t have to glance at Stiles to know he’s seen the same thing, and is just as panicked about it as you.
He pulls up to the police scene, and just as Stiles’s presses down on the breaks, a body is being wheeled into the ambulance. You climb out of the passengers seat, walking around the front of Stiles jeep until you’re beside him. “Dad!” Stiles calls, voice filled with panic.
He breaks into a run, running towards one of the police men, grabbing his shoulder and whipping him around. “Dad?” He calls, stumbling back when he realizes that person isn’t his father. “Has anyone seen my dad?”
You bite your lip, glancing around the crime scene with fear.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Stiles walking up to the dead body, and almost immediately you run up beside him. “Stiles, don-”
You turn your head around, eyes widening with relief when you see Stiles’s father step forward, eyes narrowed in confusion at the sight of you two. “And Y/N. What are you two doing here?”
Stiles only steps forward, wrapping his arms around his father in a tight hug. You step back in respect, glancing down at your feet with a small, pitiful smile.
You have no idea where Scott is, but for some reason, in that moment, you’re not too worried. You know how much Stiles’s dad means to Stiles, just like Melissa means the world to you.
“Get in!”
Moving over to the right side of the back seat, you give Stiles some room, watching Derek crawls into the passenger seat behind him. Almost immediately Scott starts driving again.
“What point of laying low do you not understand?” Scott bellows, keeping his eyes before him on the road.
Derek only slams his hand against the car, “damn it, I had him!”
“Who, the alpha?” Stiles questions, popping his head up to the front. You scoff, grabbing him by the arms and pulling him back so you can see as well. He only rolls his eyes at you as you shift forward yourself, the both of you hitting each others shoulders as you squish forwards.
“Yes!” Derek snaps at Stiles, “he was right in front of me, and the friggin’ police showed up.”
“Woah,” Stiles argues, “they’re just doing their jobs...”
At the look Derek sends Stiles, you don’t necessarily blame the boy from backing up lightly, face scrunched up in mild fear. You’re just glad it’s not directed at you.
“Honestly,” you speak, pulling the attention on you. “It’s technically your guys fault that the police are even after Derek. I mean, it was Scott who decided to make him the most wanted fugitive in the entire state.”
“Thank you!” Derek huffs.
“Can we seriously get past that?” Scott pleads, voice rough with shame. “I made a dumbass mistake. I get it.”
“Alright!” Stiles cuts off, unnecessarily loud. You press your palm against your ear, sending the boy a glare. “How did you find him?”
Derek looks back at Stiles for a moment, before scoffing. Clearly, he doesn’t want to tell you three.
“Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?”
“Yeah, all of us.”
“If there’s anyone I trust in this car besides myself, it’s her.” Your eyes widen when he points at you. “She’s only the one here who hasn’t turned the police on me.”
“Really?” You question, surprised, as a small smile falls on your lips. “Thanks.”
Scott huffs, pulling your attention back on him as he narrows his eyes. “Derek,” he calls, voice stern.
Derek sighs, shaking his head; “look, the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris.”
Once again, Stiles shoves his way to the front; “our chemistry teacher?”
“Why him?”
“I don’t know yet,” Derek snaps.
“Well,” you speak up, once again shoving Stiles back to give yourself room. “What’s the second?”
Pulling a small folded piece of paper out of his pocket, Derek unfolds it, revealing some sort of picture. “Some kind of symbol,” he concludes, before Scott suddenly flinches, as if he recognizes the symbol causing your attention to fall on him. “What? You know what this is?”
“I’ve seen it on a necklace,” Scott sighs, shaking his head and instantly you know who he’s referring to.
“Allison’s...” You mumble, eyes wide.
Gasping, you stumble back the moment you feel yourself slam into a chest. It takes a moment to realize just who you’ve stumbled into, and you feel your eyes widen when you find Jackson staring down at you, a smirk plastered on his lips.
“Oh, Jackson,” you mumble, unsure. You haven’t really talked to him since everything that happened that night in the school, and if you’re being honest, you have no idea what to say to him. “I-I’m sorry,” you smile softly, cheeks a little red. “I didn’t see you-”
“No,” Jackson smiles, cutting you off. “It’s all good. It’s my fault.”
You nod, swallowing thickly. “Agree to mutual faults?”
Jackson laughs but nonetheless nods his head, pulling his backpack higher on his shoulder as he smirks down at you. A smirk on Jackson’s lip isn’t an odd thing, the guy practically oozes cockiness, but there’s something about the way he’s smirking down at you. Like he knows everything. But of what, you don’t know.
“Hey,” Jackson suddenly cause, pulling you from your thoughts. “Why don’t I walk you to class?”
“Oh, you... you don’t have to-”
“It’s no problem, your class is on the way to mine anyway.”
...How does he know that?
“Well, I was actually about to meet up with Scott and Stiles,” you explain, coming up with an excuse. “You’re welcome to-”
Jackson shakes his head, offering you a small smile. “Best I don’t,” he laughs, you mimicking him, albeit a little more feigned, “but i’ll see you around?”
“For sure,” you mumble, nodding slowly. Jackson sends you one more smirk and a wave before walking off past you. You mean to move, really, but you find yourself stuck in the hallway, head turned past your shoulder, watching his back grow farther and farther away from you.
Flinching, you spin around, wide eyes falling on Stiles. Almost immediately, you let out a breath of relief, holding your hand against your chest.
“Everything okay?” Stiles questions, obviously noticing your odd behavior and frazzled attitude.
You hesitate before answering, glancing behind yourself once more. “Yeah,” you whisper, “the weirdest thing just happened though. Jackson-”
“Jackson knows i’m a werewolf.”
Blinking, you turn your head to the side, finding Scott before you. He seems more frazzled and shaken up than you did a moment ago, cheeks flushed, signalling he’d ran over here to find the both of you.
“What?” You blurt, confused.
“Jackson,” Scott repeats, lowering his voice to a whisper. “Knows i’m a werewolf.”
You take a step forward, Scott and Stiles following your step as the latter speaks up; “how the hell did he find out?”
“I have no idea,” Scott breathes.
“Did he say it out loud-- the word?”
“What word?”
Scoffing, you shake your head at your brother, “werewolf,” you clarify. “Did he say, ‘I know you’re a werewolf’?” If he did, if he does know, could that be the explanation to his odd behavior before?
“No,” Scott answers, “but he implied it pretty freaking clearly.”
Taking a deep breath, Stiles tries to think optimistically. “Okay, maybe it’s not as bad as it seems.”
“How?” You deadpan.
“I mean,” Stiles continues, sending you a glare that read: not helping. ���He doesn’t have any proof, right?” Scott shrugs in response. “And if he wanted to tell someone, who’s gonna believe him anyway?”
“How about Allison’s father?”
“Okay, it’s bad.”
“Who’s not being helpful now,” you mumble under your breath.
“I need a cure,” Scott says before Stiles can retaliate, “right now.”
“Does he know about Allison’s father?”
Sighing, Scott throws his hands up in the air; “I don’t know.”
“Okay,” you continue, trying not to panic. “Where’s Derek?”
“Hiding,” Scott answers, “like we told him to. Why?”
“Well, I have another idea,” Stiles answers for you, and you let out a breath of relief. You had no idea what to do. “But it’s gonna take a little time to finesse, though.”
“We have that game tonight,” Scott reminds, stammering and turns to Scott. “It’s quarterfinals. And it’s your first game.”
“Wait,” you call, holding up your hands and meeting Stiles’s eyes. “I didn’t know you were playing tonight.”
“Oh,” Stiles mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, it is.”
You nod, unable to stop the small smile that falls on you lips.
“Guys!” Scott whines, returning the attention on him and his current situation.
“Okay, I know,” Stiles nods, “do you have a plan for Allison yet?”
Shrugging, Scott nods hesitantly, “she’s in my next class.”
“Get the necklace.”
“Wait,” you call once more, “shouldn’t I just get the necklace from Allison? No offence Scott, but you two aren’t really friends right now...”
“No,” Scott shakes his head, “I’ve got this. Don’t worry.”
Sending him a skeptical look, you shrug your shoulders. Maybe he just wants an excuse to talk to her. “Okay.”
You drift off from the conversation between Allison and Lydia, the bright smile on your lips dissipating slightly when you see Jackson turned towards your brother and Stiles.
It’s clear by the expressions on Stiles’s and Scott’s faces what Jackson is doing, and you find yourself narrowing your eyes slightly at the side of his head.
“Don’t you agree, Y/N?”
“Hmm?” You blink, turning your head back towards Lydia and Allison. They’re both smiling at you, but you watch as their smiles fade much like yours did a few moments ago the moment they realize you weren’t listening. “Sorry,” you smile slightly, “my mind fell on other things.”
“Oh, I see,” Lydia smirks, “you were looking at Stiles.”
You blink again, cheeks inflaming almost instantly in embarrassment. “What?” You blurt, trying not to overreact. Stay calm, you told yourself, stay calm. “I wasn’t-... no, I, I wasn’t.”
Allison smiles slightly, giggling at you as you stutter as Lydia nods. “Yes, you were!” She continues to grin, smiling madly. “You totally were looking at him.”
“No,” you repeat, “I was not.”
“Do you like him?” Allison grins over at you, eyes wide with excitement.
You shake your head, repeatedly, trying to figure out a way how to get out of this conversation without further embarrassing yourself. What Lydia and Allison are saying may be true, but there’s no way you’d tell them that. Especially Lydia. Knowing her, she’d try to set the two of you up and that would just end... horribly.
As you’re trying to come up with excuses, quickly, you notice Jackson gone from the corner of your eye, causing you to stand up in panic.
Glancing around, you notice Stiles and Scott from afar, looking just as tensed up and panicked as before, but you can’t seem to find Jackson anywhere. Turning to Lydia and Allison, you shake your head; “did you guys see where Jackson went?”
Allison purses her lips, looking around; “no...”
“Who cares?” Lydia shrugs, grinning up at you; “stop trying to change the subject!”
Before you can reply, there’s a loud snap and suddenly everyone’s eyes are on Scott. His lunch tray having been cracked in half, and his face is read. With anger.
You quickly look around, the lunchroom now silent, finally able to spot Jackson. He’s over by the vending machines, so, quickly excusing yourself from Lydia and Allison’s sides, them barely paying attention now after the display Scott just gave them, you rush over to Jackson. Reaching forward, you grab his wrist, smiling sweetly up at him.
“Can I take you up on that walk now?”
His eyes slowly slide from your brother to you, the smirk on his lips only faltering for a moment before it brightens. It’s clear he hopes he can anger Scott more by messing with you, if his smirk is anything to go by, but as Jackson slides his hand in yours, leading you off to class, you turn your head in Scott and Stiles’s direction, sending them a nod, letting them know what you’re trying to do.
“Where’s Stiles?” 
Sighing, Scott shakes his head; “he says he’ll be here soon.”
Clasping your hands before yourself, you nod, glancing around the field nervously. It may be pathetic, but you can’t help but worry about Stiles. This is his first game, and you don’t want him to miss it.
It takes you a moment to remember you’re still awkwardly standing in front of your brother. Said brother who you haven't really had a normal conversation with in a very long time. Glancing up at the bleachers, you see Lydia sitting there by herself, looking both angry and hurt.
“Well, I should-”
“Y/N,” Scott interrupts, causing you to blink up at him. “I want to apologize-”
“Not now,” you cut off, shaking your head with a small smile. “Just, I should get back to Lydia.” Leaning forward, you lower your voice to a whisper; “don’t let Jackson get to you,” before pulling back, smiling brightly at him. “Good luck, okay?”
Scott nods, and you move to step away, before a shadow falls next to you, blocking your path.
It’s Jackson.
“No good luck for me?” He smirks down at you, glancing over at Scott before meeting your eyes.
Swallowing thickly, you plaster a smile on your lips, a tight, very feigned smile, trying your best to ignore Scott. You can feel his anger practically oozing from him as Jackson grins down at you, barely an inch away from you. 
Biting your lip, you clench your fist; “good luck, Jackson.”
You know arguing will only make it worse, and it’s best to just leave before Jackson tries to make Scott more angry, knowing he’ll be doing plenty of that on his own during the game. Sending the two of them a final smile, you head up the bleachers, taking the empty seat next to Lydia.
“I don’t know why you dragged me here,” she grumbles, hugging herself. “There’s no way I wanna support that asshole.”
“You’re doing it for me,” you remind, smiling reassuring her way. “And to prove to him you’re better than him. Because you are.”
Lydia’s frown softens slightly, and she sends you a smile in return, bumping her shoulder into yours lightly. “Thanks, Y/N.”
“Anything for you, Lydia.”
Silence falls over the two of you, and as you wait for the game to start, you can’t but glance back, hoping to see Stiles appear. He never does.
“Looking for Stiles?”
“Hmm?” You mumble, turning your attention back on Lydia. “Oh, uh, no... Just noticed he wasn’t here.”
“I’m sure he’ll be here,” she smiles, “after all, he’s got you to impress.”
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