#i could bring up new who seasons 1-10 but i watched them when i was younger so that could just be nostalgia
moonlitlex · 4 months
ok the verdict is space babys was fine? and devils chord was also fine? it's just fine i can see what people are enjoying about these episodes but even the elements i'm completely down for just add up together to be kind of underwhelming in the end? and like my expectations were already low but i'm still underwhelmed?
i feel like it's just missed potential. idk. like both these episodes i've felt like oh you could have done more with this premise but instead we don't really get. anything.
the pacing is also just weird. both of them felt way longer than they actually were
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severalforraelee · 1 year
The Girls Part 14: Charles Leclerc x Reader
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Photo credit to Team Scuderia Ferrari
Word count: 4,410
Written by raelee / Posted Oct 10
Formula 1 Masterlist
The Girls Masterlist
“I heard you were in Monaco and didn’t come see me,” Lando accuses as soon as I answer his FaceTime call.
“You were already in Mexico,” I answer defensively.
“Yeah, but asking me would’ve still been nice.”
“Why would I ask if I already knew that you weren’t there?” I question.
He opens his mouth to respond but stops, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I watch his eyes flicker on the screen, and as I’m about to ask him about the sudden movement, he answers my unasked question.
“Where are you right now?”
“Oh, uh,” I laugh nervously, causing Lando to squint at me. “I’m actually in my new flat.”
“Your new flat?” Lando raises his eyebrows at me.
“Yeah, Charles and I actually moved in together.” I wince, waiting for the earful that I’m about to receive.
If Lando doesn’t like Charles even staying at my flat, he’s going to hate that we live together now. Even if I told him that Charles is gone half of the year and we stay in different bedrooms he still wouldn’t be happy about it.
Lando opens his mouth, about to speak again, when his doorbell suddenly rings. I thank whatever God is listening in on our conversation for that. 
“Hold on,” he tells me like I have another option, heading towards his door so that I’m left staring at his ceiling. I hear muffled voices before he returns.
“Who was that?” I ask, hoping that the question will distract him from our previous topic.
“The delivery man,” he answers.
“Oh, what’d you get?”
“It’s not for me.”
I give him a questioning look at the response.
“They’re birthday presents for Ada and Lucy.”
Ada and Lucy's second birthday is coming up. They’re so excited to have a day that’s just dedicated to celebrating them. They’re especially looking forward to being able to eat cake and junk food all day, and open presents.
Unfortunately, it also falls on the day of the grand prix in Brazil. So Lando and Charles, two of their favorite people, won’t be able to celebrate their birthday with them on their actual birthday.
It’s going to be extremely difficult to explain to the girls why we’re celebrating, but why we’re not celebrating with the ones that they love.
“You didn’t have to buy them anything, Lando,” I insist.
“They’re my nieces, they’re going to get spoiled.”
“Well, thank you. We appreciate it. Were you going to come to London soon to celebrate with us?” I question.
It’s at a weird point in the season right now. There’s only a few races left until the season ends and winter break starts, so the atmosphere is weird. There’s a lot of testing and media duties for the drivers to do, so they’re at one of their busiest points, but everyone is ready for the season to just be done so they can get a little break.
“Well I was actually thinking that I could give them the presents in Brazil.”
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. “Like… you give them to Charles and Charles gives them to Ada and Lucy?”
“No, like you, Ada, and Lucy come to Brazil to watch the grand prix and McClaren will throw a birthday party for them, and I can give them their gifts then,” he suggests.
“Oh,” I’m taken by surprise. It’s honestly something that I hadn’t considered. “Lando, the grand prix is in like two weeks, that’s very short notice.”
“Yeah, but you already said that you don’t have classes on Fridays. And I think you said you work every other Friday and if I did my math correctly, you would have off that Friday,” he explains.
“I have a class on Monday in the afternoon, so if we flew back Sunday night or Monday morning I would still be able to make it…” I shake my head.
I can’t believe I’m considering this.
Going to a grand prix would bring the opposite of what I want for the girls. It would draw attention to them, especially if McClaren hosts a birthday party for them. After all of the drama on social media and people spotting us as a family of four out in public and posting about it, it makes me worried to go to Lando and Charles’ home away from home.
But… the girls have been showing more and more interest while watching the races lately. And I would love for them to be at a race to see their father and their uncle in their element. Plus meeting the people that Charles and Lando surround themselves with the majority of the weekend would be nice.
“I’ll have to think about it, Lando,” I sigh. “It just might be too hard and too soon after going to Monaco.”
“I get it, you don’t want to see your brother,” he jokes.
I roll my eyes. “Oh no, you caught me.”
“Let me know what you decide, alright? I can fly back and help you fly out with the girls, and I can pay for your flights and hotels and everything,” he offers.
I take a deep breath, gearing up to tell him that he doesn’t need to worry about that and I could figure it out myself. Then, I stop. “Okay, Lando.”
“You know what would be great?” Charles asks.
“What?” My eyes shift from the textbook in front of me to my laptop screen that has the problem pulled up, working through it in my head while also trying to carry a conversation with Charles.
“If you came to the Brazil grand prix with Ada and Lucy so that we could celebrate their birthday as a family.”
My head snaps towards where he’s set up on a FaceTime call on my phone leaned up against my water bottle.
“What?” I repeat my earlier question, although this time with surprise. My heart flutters when I catch that he referred to the four of us as a family. I know that I do it, but it’s nice to know that he does it too.
“Yeah, you know. We could celebrate their second birthday on their actual birthday, they could have a little party at Ferrari,” he suggests. “It’d be fun.”
“Have-”I pause at the question that I’m about to ask, already not believing the words that are about to leave my mouth, but Charles urges me on. “Have you been talking to my brother at all?”
“What? Why would you ask that?”
He’s a terrible actor.
“Because he said the exact same thing,” I deadpan.
“Great minds think alike.”
I sigh. “I’ll tell you the same thing that I told him. I’ll think about it.”
“If you’re worried about traveling with Ada and Lucy, I can fly back and fly out to Brazil with you three,” he offers.
“God, you really did talk to Lando,” I murmur. “You know what? Fine. If you and Lando can come out and help me fly out to Brazil with two toddlers and all of our luggage, we can spend their birthday at the grand prix in Brazil. I’m sure they would love that.”
“You’re not going to regret it, mon amour,” he grins enthusiastically. “I’m going to call Lando now to figure out all of the details.”
“Okay, have-”The phone call ends before I can finish my sentence. “Fun.”
I roll my eyes at the clear excitement on Charles’ face, but can’t hide the smile that’s growing on my lips.
“Lando, can you grab a bag, please?”
It’s like deja vu, except this time Lando is the one holding Ada and Lucy’s hands while I walk alongside Charles who struggles with the bags once again.
“No, I’m escorting Ada and Lucy right now,” Lando denies. Charles gives him a look of disbelief. “Uncle privileges.”
“Charles, just let me grab-””Not you, mon amour,” he declines, heaving a bag higher onto his shoulder.
I roll my eyes at his stubbornness but don’t persist any further.
I’m just surprised that I’m in the airport for the second time this month, jetting off on yet another international trip. I’m shocked that I’m doing this at this point in my life, nonetheless with two toddlers by my side.
Of course I have help from Lando and Charles (although, is Lando really help?) but after trying so hard to keep my daughters out of the public eye, taking them to a place where people from all walks of life attend is crazy to me. I can’t help but feel weirdly proud of myself for how far I’ve come.
“Are you okay?” Lando’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I return his gaze. “You just kind of zoned out there.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I smile at him and he smiles back.
And they’re genuine smiles. I really am fine.
Charles gets us in on Friday without having to deal with any of the media. I’m secretly relieved- as much as I’ve tried to reassure him that I don’t mind the media and fans, we’ll just have to hide the girls’ faces as best as we can, he’s taking all precautions to protect their privacy as best as we can.
“What are my nieces wearing?” A voice snaps me out of my quiet bickering with a whining Ada.
“Shirts and jeans,” I answer, picking her up and into my arms.
“Ferrari shirts,” Charles smirks at Lando.
“Ugh,” Lando wrinkles his nose in disgust. “That won’t do.” He glares at Ada’s gray Ferrari T-shirt and Lucy’s red one. “I’ll find something else for you.”
He disappears before Charles and I can say anything else.
I roll my eyes, a point for Charles not to comment on it, before we make our way into the Ferrari garage.
“Y/N!” I’m pulled into a pair of arms as soon as I enter. I don’t recognize the arms- he’s gotten much more muscular over time- but I do recognize the cologne.
He still needs to use less of it.
“Oh, Carlos,” I wrap my free arm around him.
When I was Lando’s assistant and Carlos still drove at McClaren, we became close because of their close friendship. I didn’t tag along on all of their outings, I hate golf, but we would go out to dinner and for walks together.
We became close fast.
And it was difficult when I had to end that friendship.
I pull back, wiping at the light tears in my eyes at the sudden rush of emotions hitting me. Luckily, Carlos doesn’t comment on it, leaning in closer to brush his thumb against the little girl in my arm’s cheek.
“And this must be Ada, I see you in all of your mother’s stories.”
“Is everyone on your private story’s list but me?” Charles whines.
“Step it up, Charles,” Carlos grins at his teammate, brushing a strand of Lucy’s hair behind her ear. Her cheeks blush as she stares at him.
“Oh no, no boys,” Charles scolds gently, turning away so that Lucy could no longer face Carlos.
To my surprise, Ada’s staring back at Carlos. Not in a bashful way like her sister, but in a curious way.
“I heard it’s your birthday,” Carlos says to Ada and Lucy.
“On Sunday they turn two,” I explain.
“Well I got you birthday presents that you need to open today.” He grabs two nearby bags.
“Carlos, they don't need anything. Especially not today, it’s not their birthday yet,” Charles tells his teammate.
“They’re opening them anyway.”
Carlos’ tone leaves no room for argument and the girls have already focused on the bags, so Carlos hands them over to open.
They’re toddler sized Ferrari hats, but on the brim there’s a 55 and they’re both signed by Carlos.
“Really? You signed it too?” Charles looks unimpressed. I can’t help but laugh, which earns a grin for Carlos and a glare from Charles.
“They could make a nice buck off of it one day.”
I try to subtly walk through the paddock back to the Ferrari garage to meet Charles after showing the girls the cars on the track for qualifying, but it’s not easy with a tired toddler on each hip while trying to look out for any phones recording or taking pictures of us.
An arm suddenly pushes on my back, guiding me towards a different garage.
“These are my nieces,” Lando’s familiar voice announces proudly to the group of mechanics and engineers.
“Ew, Lando, get your arm off of me, you’re all sweaty,” I whine.
He rolls his eyes but removes his arm, reaching out to forcibly take the exhausted girls from my arms into his.
“No, you must be tired from the race, I can hold them,” I reassure them.
“Let me spend time with my girls,” he disagrees.
“And who might you be?” One of the mechanics raises an eyebrow at me flirtatiously.
Before I can handle it (in other words, embarrass myself) Lando speaks up, glaring at the mechanic. “She’s my sister.”
One of the other mechanics nudges the guy and mumbles something. All I can manage to hear is ‘Leclerc.’
Speak of the devil and he may appear.
“What are you doing here?” Charles asks in confusion, resting a hand on my waist gently and stepping around me to wave at his daughters.
“Lando pulled me in here,” I explain.
“Did you come to spy on the enemy, Leclerc?” A man I’ve only seen in photos approaches. Well, he’s really just a boy.
“Oscar Piastri,” my face lights up at the sight of him and I step forward to shake his hand. “It’s so great to finally meet you. You know, I loved your overtake in F2 in Bahrain-””Now hold on,” Lando interrupts me. “Are you telling me that my sister is actually an Oscar Piastri fan?”
“Yes, I really am,” I admit, watching as Charles wrestles Ada out of Lando’s arms.
“I can’t believe this, my own sister likes my teammate more than she likes me,” my brother says in mock disbelief.
“Why wouldn’t she? I’m the one decorating the cake for her daughters’ birthday party on Sunday,” Oscar grins smugly.
“Birthday party? On Sunday? Here?” Charles repeats parts of the sentence, raising his eyebrows.
“Yes, that’s what he just said. Do you need your ears checked or something?” Lando questions jokingly.
“You can’t have a birthday party for the girls here on Sunday. We’re having a birthday party for them in the Ferrari motorhome,” Charles says.
“Well I’m their uncle that they rarely see, so they really should be spending more time here with me, and that includes having their birthday party here,” Lando responds.
“And I’m their dad, so they should have their birthday party in a familiar environment. And that’s surrounded by red,” Charles narrows his eyes at his competitor.
As if they both suddenly remember that I’m there, they turn to look at me with expectant gazes. As soon as I recognize the expressions, I laugh.
“Oh hell no, you’re not dragging me into this. Figure it out yourselves.”
They turn back to each other in defeat, narrowing their eyes at each other once again. This is going to be a long weekend.
“Oh my god,” I gape at the screen, hugging the girls tight to me as Charles crosses the line for a second place finish. “Dad came in second place, girls.”
The girls, despite not knowing what I’m saying, clap their hands in excitement, causing the engineers and mechanics around me to laugh.
“Are you going to the podium?” One of them asks.
“Oh, I don’t know,” I frown, fighting myself internally.
On one hand, it would be a great opportunity to remind Charles that I care about his career and success. Having his daughters at a race with him to watch him for the first time and then to get a podium, I know he’d be a little disappointed if we weren’t to go to the podium celebrations.
But on the other hand, I’m still worried about Ada and Lucy’s privacy. I know that pictures of their faces are already out there, but I want to do all that I can to prevent more of them from getting out. I want them to be able to have that privacy to decide what they want to do in the future instead of always being known as Charles Leclerc’s daughters. And a grand prix with cameras and strangers everywhere… they’re bound to constantly be on camera, especially with the controversy surrounding their existence and sudden appearance.
“Are you worried about their faces being seen?” Another mechanic asks. “Because I have a solution.”
I give him a curious look and he grabs two nearby helmets used for decoration, putting them over the girls heads. They squeal in excitement and I laugh.
“That’s genius.”
Together we make our way to the podium, crowding together behind the fence for Charles, Max, and Sergio to drive up. Everyone around me is polite, making sure to leave me plenty of room with a toddler on each hip.
When Charles pulls up and sees us, an expression that I’ve never seen before appears on his face. It lights up and it’s full of adoration, and he practically runs over to us.
He rips his helmet off, throwing it haphazardly on the ground behind him before leaning forward, lifting the visor of Ada’s helmet and placing a kiss on her nose. He does the same to Lucy and I smile at the gesture, expecting him to move on to the guys beside me to celebrate with them.
To my surprise, he pulls me into a hug, Ada and Lucy squished between us.
“Happy for you,” I confess to him, choking back the sobs that want to escape. He gives me a soft smile, able to tell that I’m seconds away from crying.
Thankfully he moves on to the guys before I start bawling my eyes out. I don’t know why I feel like crying. Maybe because this feels so… natural. Being at grand prixs again, surrounded by all of the drivers and mechanics and engineers. Taking my daughters to grand prixs, showing them the world that their uncle and dad were raised in and now are dominating.
Maybe it’s the pride that I feel for Charles, who’s having such a great season.
When Charles is up on the podium, I do let a tear slip.
“Good, I was just looking for you. They’re setting up the birthday party at the McClaren motorhome right now,” Lando catches up to the four of us as we walk back to the Ferrari motorhome.
“Lando, the Ferrari motorhome is already getting their birthday party ready,” Charles informs him slowly.
“Well, I already told you that McClaren’s going to host their birthday party.”
“And I already told you that Ferrari’s going to host their birthday party.”
Once again, the two stare each other down.
God I’m really getting sick of this.
“Guys, I have something to show you,” Alex suddenly appears, breaking the tension.
“Oh thank god,” I mumble, following behind him as he begins to make his way down the paddock.
“Is it in the Williams motorhome? That’s such a far walk,” Lando whines. I hear a thump, then another thump as Lando hits Charles back.
Alex holds the door open for us and Ada and Lucy enter ahead of everyone else. All of the sudden, a bunch of people jump out from behind the furniture in the room, shouting “Surprise!” and blowing party blowers.
Ada looks around shyly, clinging to my leg, while Lucy takes a step forward with a wide grin, loving the attention. There’s people from all the teams here, from employees in the communication departments to mechanics, engineers, and drivers.
I recognize a lot of the faces even years later, but there’s some new ones as well.
“Thank you for this,” I murmur to Alex as Lance Stroll and Esteban Ocon manage to pry Ada off my leg to dance and Lucy watches in a trance as Fernando Alonso and Sergio Perez engage in a conversion in Spanish.
“Of course,” he grins at me, knowing how much easier it is to have this party at a neutral location. Not only to stop the fighting, but also to hopefully mend the relationship between Lando and Charles.
It’s only when Ada and Lucy blow out the candles on their cake that it hits me. I have two two year olds.
Of course I know that they’re not the small babies that I once cradled in my arms or fed bottles to, but it’s so much harder actually realizing it. They’ll never be as little as they are now.
And right now… they’re not even that little. Right now they’re holding their own forks, feeding themselves cake while trying to keep it off of themselves as best as they can. They’re real people with thoughts and emotions, and they no longer need me as much as they once did.
It makes my heart hurt.
I glance over at Charles, thinking of his reaction when we found out that I wasn’t pregnant. If anyone’s the father of my girls, I’m glad that it’s him. It makes me curious about my future children… what their dad will be like. If it’ll be Charles.
“Why is she staring at him like that?” Alex’s question snaps me out of my thoughts.
My cheeks blush, thinking that I’ve been caught, but once I follow his sightline I see Lucy staring at Carlos, batting her eyelashes at him.
“She’s trying to flirt with him,” I inform him.
“That’s flirting with him?” Esteban raises his eyebrows in disbelief. It’s literally just staring creepily at Carlos and blinking quickly. She needs to work on it.
“I wonder where she learned that from,” Lily giggles, nudging me.
“That’s a classic Y/N move,” Charles chimes in.
“What? No it’s not,” I deny, reaching over to push his shoulder teasingly.
“Please, do you not remember?”
“Remember what?”
He grins at me and it’s like we’re the only two people in the room. “Remember when we would lay in bed at night on a race weekend and you would bat those pretty little eyelashes at me, ‘Oh Charles, can you please go get me a chocolate bar from the vending machine?’”
“I never did that,” I exclaim.
“Yes you did, on multiple occasions. I’m surprised we were never caught with how often I would have to buy you damn chocolate bars,” he teases.
I laugh and he joins in softly.
Someone clearing their throat snaps us out of the moment and I suddenly remember there’s people around us.
“Um, let’s move on to presents,” I announce awkwardly.
Ada and Lucy get so much stuff. Esteban gets them a book on how to learn French- I guess he doesn't know much about two year olds, Pierre gets them mini purses from Louis Vuitton, Lando had two toddler sized play cars sent to our new apartment but gives the girls practically the whole Barbie aisle for the party, and Max gets them a baby shark toy (something about how good the song is).
Slowly, everyone begins to leave, and Lando and George keep the girls entertained while Charles and I begin to clean up.
“Well I’d say the party was a success,” I say to Charles, bending down to pick wrapping paper off of the ground.
“Yeah, Albon did a great job hosting. Ada and Lucy had a lot of fun,” he glances over to where they’re playing with their new toys.
“So did the drivers,” I chuckle.
I begin to rise at an angle, hands full of wrapping paper as Charles bends down at an angle to grab some more wrapping paper. I turn my head at the same time he ducks his down, his lips landing on my own.
We kiss for a split second, lips moving against each other in sync before I remember where we are and pull away with a quiet gasp.
My eyes look over at the group of four, seeing them still playing. They didn’t notice the accidental kiss at all.
The damage is done as I look over at Charles, who’s staring back at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. I stare back with blushing cheeks.
“Are you guys almost done?” Lando calls out, breaking our staring competition.
“Yeah, just a little bit longer,” I agree, not breaking the gaze with Charles.
We don't have the chance to talk about it.
As soon as we get back to the hotel, both girls are sent into meltdowns from the sugar high and a long, exhausting day. Then, since they’re both throwing a fit, once one begins to calm down the other one begins to overreact which sends the other one into a fit again.
Finally Charles and I manage to bathe them, change them into their pajamas, and get them to bed.
If I’m exhausted, I don’t know how Charles feels.
I can feel his eyes on me as I anxiously fold one of Lucy’s dirty shirts.
I look up, meeting those hazel eyes that I’ve become so accustomed to seeing. Now I don’t know what I would do without them.
“So…” I start awkwardly.
He just looks so good like this. Hair messy from a long day, in just a casual T-shirt and gym shorts. It’s his dad look. The dim light from the hotel lamp casts a warm glow on him, making me want to just reach over and pull him into my arms.
Before I can even react, he takes two steps forward, hands gently placed on my biceps as he turns me towards him. He leans down and my hands reach up to grab the back of his biceps as our lips meet.
It’s an anticipated kiss, and god, was it worth the wait.
His lips are warm and comforting, like pulling on a sweatshirt straight out of the dryer. Like it’s meant to be, and although you know it can’t last forever, you’ll savor it while it’s happening.
His hands slide down to my waist and my arms wind around his neck, pulling him as close to me as I can.
It’s Ada and Lucy’s second birthday. And it’s also the day that Charles and I kissed twice- once on accident and once on purpose.
This may be one of the happiest days of my life.
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mayzi33 · 4 months
*clears throat.*
(apologize in advance for any mistakes english isn't my first language)
Alright. Here we go.
Look, I haven't watched MLP in a LONGGGG time. But recently with all the stuff I missed our and since the fandom is still pretty much alive and well I decided to take peek by peek in the seasons I haven't watched.
Until I came across, these guys
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And I have so much to say.
I didn't write a script for this or anything so I don't know where this rambling is going so I just ask you to bear with me for as much as you can, okay?
Look, watching the Young Six episodes I've experienced one of the things that angers me the most. SUCH. WASTED. POTENTIAL.
I homestly don't know what Hasbro WAS THINKING in giving them so little screentime. There's so much I have to say but I'll try my best to keep my thoughts organized.
First things first, we'll need to talk a little about G5 or "Make Your Mark" series or whatever. I personally enjoyed the movie, though the story didn't make much sense (we'll get to that later) the characters were pretty nice, the songs were catchy and the animation was mwah. I didn't bother to watch all of the G5 series, because- (pardon to all who enjoy it) it's so. Freaking. Boring. Like I know there's a pony girl that's supposed to be a traitor among them but then grows onto being their actual friend and there's a villainess and that whole conflict and yada yada yada. But honestly there just isn't anything I found enganging in the entire thing. I can't explain it, it just feels- off. I know I probably don't have much right to talk, cause again, only now I'm diving into the mlp again after missing out A LOT, but I just can't bring myself to like that series.
Now, the whole School Of Friendship saga in the G4 series with our beloved Young Six, I know some people had some issues with it and it didn't please everyone, and while it does have some flaws and is certainly not perfect, you can't deny there was lots of potential. (I'll try to not overuse that word I'm sorry)
I personally, really liked the concept of different creatures from different cultures coming together and forming the perfectly diverse friend group. Episodes like The Hearth's Warming Club and What Lies Beneath were particuarly really fun, it was nice to dive into their cultures and backstories while also watching the six of them be vulnerable in front of one another and grow closer. If only they had more screentime and more deep episodes like that, they could have been in the top 10 found families in cartoons.
Now, just some other reasons as to why I think they're interesting characters and should've gotten more than what was given to them.
1- Their whole deal is that they're not all ponies, that they're all different species. We get to learn lots about their different cultures and customs. It would've been such a good way to teach children about acceptance and respecting differences while also being entertaining. Especially in a school enviroment.
2- We got not one, but TWO male characters in the group. It would make little boys that are interested in mlp feel more comfortable and valid for it. AND those two males also have distinct personalities and their own active roles. Gallus being sort of the leader of the group, and Sandbar being the only pony therefore the one to stand up for his friends.
3- While they're supposed to be the new represantives of the elements of harmonies, their personalities are still interesting and different from the Mane 6.
Onto that, I really like how it's implied they could be the next helders (or whatever its called) of the elements of harmony. Given their special connection to the tree, how similiar they are to the previous groups (Mane 6 and The Pillars) and how Twilight LITERALLY LIFTED THEM UP AS WELL WHILE SHE SPOKE ABOUT HOW THE ELEMENTS WILL LIVE ON, it would've been such a cool concept.
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Onto that, I wanna talk a bit about each of their characters too and how I think they could've been dealt with.
Gallus is the element of magic, but unlike Twilight who's all open and confident-spoken about friendship and all, Gallus is probably the one in the group that's the most closed-off and dislikes getting all cheesy. It would've been interesting seeing his development as the helder ot the element of magic. AND ESPECIALLY since he doesn't have magic in the first place, since Twilight and Starwirl were unicorns. So maybe he could make posions? Get powers someway else? Many posibilities
Sandbar is the element of kindness, but unlike Fluttershy he's extrovert and down to making friends. His overrall personality is that he's constantly very chill-going and nothing seems to ever upset or annoy him. So it also would've been interesting to see how that pattern would break, especially because of his element.
Yona is the element of honesty. She's probably the one that has the hardest time adapting to the Equestrians among the group, and even tried to act like a pony instead of herself one episode. It would've been interesting to see how her element of honesty reflects on how she should be true to herself, especially since her Yak culture comes a lot with honor.
Ocellus is the element of genority, yet, unlike Rarity, she's a lot more like Fluttershy, being timid and insecure, while also being smart and well-read like Twilight. It would've been nice if her development with her element would be gaining confidence in herself and being generous to others that way. Especially since she has a fear of being like the old changling queen (forgot her name) so imagine if she just turned out to be the opposite of her. Instead of selfish and cruel, being generous and kind.
Smolder is the element of loyality, but also like Gallus, she's also not into getting cheesy. But what I find imteresting about her is how she tries to keep her tough, agressive persona (since thats how dragons are) yet it is revealed she's actually interested in cute, fluffy stuff like tea parties and dresses. So it would've been cool to see her growing confident in admiting her interests, therefore being more like Rainbow Dash, who's always confident on herself
And last but not least, Silverstream is the element of laughter. But what's hooking about it is the fact that Silverstream herself probably hasn't KNOWN what laughter is for a long time, having to hide under The Storm King's rule. She's very talkctive, creative and extrovert, like Pinkie Pie, but she also has her trauma that haunts and intimidates her, unlike Pinkie who usually faces her fears headfront. Another great development story.
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So just hear me out, okay. I don't care if MLP is over. I don't care if there's G5.
We. Need. A. Young. Six. Spin-off. Series.
I know it sounds crazy, but I genuely think this idea could work out if it was handled well enough, and Hasbro could make some good money out of this.
Just bear with me. A spin-off series set on the timeline between season 8-9 aka, still on the School Of Friendship, focused entirely on the Young Six. We could still get the Mane 6, of course, but mostly as support characters. It doesn't have to be a particularly long series, (though maybe that could work as well IF handled with enough care) maybe just 2 seasons or so. And I'm not thinking like a slice-of-life or fun little extra kind of thing, I'm thinking of ACTUAL lore. Just more about how the tree and the elements work, and how these six students could grow into being their new helders. In each episode it becomes more and more evident to them and the Mane 6 themselves that they're going to be the next generation of the elements. So imagine once they all fully it figure out and talk about it, the Y6 suddenly feel this pressure about how they're supposed to live up to their teachers and fear that they have to be EXACTLY like them. So we see Sandbar taking extra kindness classes with Fluttershy, Yona taking extra honesty classes with Applejack and heck even Gallus is taking studies more seriously (especially since he's supposed to be the element of magic which again I find imteresting since he doesn't really have magic at least not the way Twilight and Starwirl do. ) So we could have an entire episode about the M6 getting through to them and showing they don't have to be JUST LIKE THEM nor The Pillars. They can be their own people.
Another main-plot idea would be having more villains, probably trying to test them or tear them apart (cough cough like Swift Foot from the idw comics cough cough) or maybe you could even fit someone as intense as King Sombra, or maybe even even the return of Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis in there. (I remembered her name yay)
And, of course, more onto their characters, flaws, backstories and cultures! I would love to see more about their people and customs, just as much as I would love to explore their traumas, fears, ugly sides and how they overcome it together (cough cough found family COUGH COUGH GAGS)
And another thing, I especially would've liked to explore Yona's and Sandbar's relantioship.
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Don't they give massive beauty-and-the-beast vibes? I love how their colors and body types contrast with one and another, and their personalities aswell. Yona being loud, cheerful and clumsy while Sandbar is calm, thoughtful and carefree. I just love the big girl x soooorta small guy vibes and I especially loved how gentle and reassuring Sandbar was towards her in that episode. I mean, "I don't care if you're not a pony, you're the best Yona I know." SERIOUSLY? WHO WROTE THAT LINE? I'D LIKE TO GIVE THEM A HUG. And also, onto the spin-off series matter, it would also be a cool topic to explore. Imagine if some ponies/yaks are judging them for having a relantioship while being different species and they learn to ignore them and live past that??? I usually don't care much for romance, (always prefered friendship and found families) but this would've been a nice little arc and episode theme to see.
Lastly, (I'm almost done I promise) to the more technical/economical part.
Like I said in the beggining, I genuely think Hasbro could make some good money out of this. Firstly because it will be using the G4 characters and lore and not...whatever mess of a plot G5 is.
And secondly because, if they took the time to give them some cool power-up designs like they did with the Mane 6, I'M SURE the toys would sell.
I mean- JUST LOOK AT THESE COOL DESIGNS I FOUND ON THE INTERNET?? (not mine, credits to whoever made it, you ate that)
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And if anything, they could be as bold as to make an extra Equestria Girls (well, girls and boys) series with them. I know it sounds kinda dumb, especially given the fact that I'm not sure about how that would work given that when Spike went to the "human dimension" or whatever he turned to a dog... So Smolder would also be a dog? Sandbar would be the only actual human in the group?... BUT I'm sure they could come up with some excuse to make it work. Give them some cool, colorful outfits for different events and I'm sure it would sell. And ESPECIALLY since with Gallus and Sandbar in the group, it could get the attetion of young boys aswell.
Anyways. That was it.
Uhm. Conclusion: Hasbro should hire me. I know what I'm talking about. I think. At least a bit.
And I genuely think this could work if only SOMEONE gave it the time and care.
I don't know how to end ramblings so uhmmmm thank you all for coming to my pep talk.
They deserved better.
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crow-hoards-things · 5 months
The Bad Batch Series Finale
FULL DISCLOSURE: This is a vent post. I’m angry and hurt. After I get this out of my system I’ll be more open to discussing the positives of the episode.
Warnings: Ranting, Spoilers
Hooo boy. Okay. I am… less than satisfied?
Quick rundown since I haven’t posted much of anything Bad Batch related: Tech is my favorite Batch member, immediately followed by Crosshair. I’m also a HUGE Republic Commando Nerd (read all the books, played the game, despised Bad Batch as a whole initially because I felt the commandos were being unfairly ignored, can sing + translate Vode An, etc.) and Scorch was my favorite Delta. The Bad Batch grew on me shortly after Season 1 finished up, and I immediately latched onto Tech when I began watching. He’s the reason I watched the first two seasons. (Crosshair + delusions about Tech were the combined force behind watching the final season)
NOW, onto my actual thoughts on the episode, in no semblance of order because my brain is still trying to process, Ft. Cry count:
• Wish Tech was here. He would’ve loved the Zillo being freed.
• “‘Cause I’d do the same thing” no you wouldn’t. Fives would’ve. The you I fell in love with would’ve yelled at Fives about it being a terrible idea and then promptly gone along with it anyway. That said it was a really cute moment and I loved his nonchalant little “come on” afterwards.
• C: “Echo or Omega?” W&H: “Omega” THEY KNOW THEIR GIRL SO WELL
• When Hemlock went to get the operatives I got excited thinking maybe, just maybe we’d get Tech back.
• CROSSHAIR LOST HIS FREAKING HAND!?!? WHAT THE HECK!?! I will never stop being salty about this. He’s been through enough. [Near Tears]
• Rampart sucks
• Nala Se got to blow stuff up and I appreciate that even if I don’t really like her
• I’m glad Wrecker’s okay. He had me scared for a bit. Hunter, conversely, never really did? He’s Omega’s Dad, he had to survive.
• Did anybody else see that one operative whose helmet seemingly had goggles built into it? We had a lingering shot on his helmet for a few seconds and they looked like a red version of Tech’s goggles.
• HECK YEAH, HEMLOCK IS DEAD!!! [Tears of relief combined with grief over Scorch]
• I’m so glad Omega hugged Crosshair first. I fully expected her to just run to Hunter, and Crosshair needed that hug.
• Echo’s goodbye was disrespectful. 0/10. He’s family and they don’t even care that he’s leaving???
• I never really got super invested in the dynamic between Omega and Hunter, but the ending between them was cute I guess.
• We were robbed. We could’ve gotten Crosshair and Wrecker as old men and we were robbed.
• Tech is dead. Like, seriously, really and truly, dead. As a delusional “Tech’s alive guys, trust me” fan, it feels like he just died all over again. I’ll talk more about this later because I’m not over it. [Que sob-fest]
alright, circling back around to my main gripes, in order of appearance:
#1. Scorch.
I hate how they handled him. At first when he showed up I got super excited. That was my boy! In the Bad Batch show!! He’s making an appearance!!! Maybe they’ll do something with the Delta boys!!
Even as the episodes went on and I started to suspect where his path was leading, I consistently would go “Scorch!!! <3” every episode, because that is my boy and I love him dearly.
The levels of offended I am on Scorch’s behalf are not within my ability to express with words. The complete and utter disrespect he was shown over his time on the show is appalling. Why bring him in if you’re going to drain him of all his personality, make him have zero plot relevance, and then murder him?! They could easily have made a new clone for that, as seen by the number of operatives who exist and got 0.5 minutes of screen time.
But no. They brought in a beloved character with 10 seconds of canonical screen time prior, stripped him of everything that made him lovable, didn’t even have him DO ANYTHING, and then murdered him. It feels like a spit in the face and a kick to the gut all at once.
I will mourn. I’ve already cried and I’ll probably cry again. But right now I’m angry and I think Scorch deserves to have people be angry about how he was treated.
#2. Tech
Yes. I admit to having been a “trust me guys, Tech’s alive” person. I will also admit that at the end of episode 13 I wanted him to stay dead because I had zero faith they could satisfactorily bring him back.
My gripe is not with him staying dead. Yes, it feels like losing him all over again. Yes, I will mourn him again. Yes. That sucks. It’s not what’s making me mad.
What makes me mad is how his death was handled.
• It served ZERO purpose narratively other than to up the stakes and make us worry about whether anyone else would die (Spoiler alert: They didn’t. Tech was the only one who died) • Nobody mourned him. No one seemed affected by his death at all. No one cared. I don’t care what anyone says, that will NEVER be okay. • The first actual mention of Tech *dying* was in the finale. Sure, we’ve had name drops and goggle appearances, but actually talking about what happened? One line. One. Freaking. Line.
I feel like I’ve been slapped in the face, you know? He deserved better and so did we. He was a part of that family and they couldn’t even be bothered to address the responses to his death. He was beloved by many of us and they couldn’t even respect him or his fans enough to treat his death like something to be mourned.
That’s wrong, no matter how you look at it.
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maefansblog · 3 months
The Angst Needs to Match the Reward
This is how I imagine how Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 could be a bit better.
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Yes, I put it in plot points. I tried to put in as much as I can that I remember from the top of my head. I'm not a professional writer. I'm just a dedicated fan with some time on her hands. I left episode 8 pretty loose because, honestly, if things are fixed in 5-7, 8 would be fine. 🤷‍♀️
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Episode 5
1. Carriage Scene
2. Marriage Proposal
3. Telling the Families
4. Portia tell off
5. Colin showing Pen new house
6. Queen’s report
7. Penelope’s Engagement dinner
8. John and Francesca spending more time together
9. Eloise's ultimatum
10. Colin's toast
11. Charades
12. Penelope almost tells Colin and Anthony and Kate say they're expecting.
13. Cressida declares she's Lady Whistledown
Episode 6
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1. Engagement Ring
2. Church announcements and "love you's"
3. Cressida and Eloise fall out
4. Cressida and mother make plan for LW
5. Queen meets with Cressida
6. Portia and Pen plan for the wedding and about giving up dreams
7. Mondrich's ball
8. Colin and Pen happy dance
9. Cressida boss bitch entrance with Whistledown
10. Eloise and Pen start makeup with Eloise asking for help.
11. Pen goes to printers
12. Colin appears
13. "You're Lady Whistledown."
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1. Fight and angst.
2. He's concerned for her safety. Sends her home in his carriage WITH HER
3. Colin is moody and angsty with Eloise
4. Next morning Cressida’s lady whistledown and Pen's whistledown appear.
5. But Colin is still being angsty
6. Colin starts drinking at Mondrich's with the boys (John, Will and Benedict)
7. Pen drinks at the Modiste's with Genevieve
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8. Both of them meet on the street and start fighting again. He's still worried for her safety. He's upset about her writing about him. She stands up and writes that she only wrote truth. She used it to give her confidence and a voice. "What do you need me for?" I love you. Makeout. interruption.
9. He sends her into the carriage. She gives him an out of the wedding. He says stay. Stay. Stay. She stays
10. He brings her to their future home. Mirror scene starts here. Everything stays the same.
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11. He sees her to her Featherington house. Colin goes to Anthony and Kate, and they discuss marriage. Then he talks about moving up the wedding or just gets ready for his wedding.
12. Wedding scene stays same
13. Wedding dance stays same
14. Queen’s interruption stays same
15. Colin and Penelope fight and he leaves to be moody
16. Penelope and Eloise hug
Episode 8
I think from here everything could stay the same, if these points were followed.
*You can add Benedict's and Violet's love lives. It's not important to the main story, though. It's an added bonus.
I love how they showed that marriage wasn't a fix all. And the mirror is not a fix all. It never was. It was a symbol that Colin Sees Penelope for who she is, and he loves her. Even as Lady Whistledown. His love didn't come like lightning from the sky. Even when he was mad at her, he loved her. He would do anything to keep her safe. In Episode 8, it makes sense that Colin would be angsty and moody. His wife is in danger. (Although I didn't like Colin begging Cressida, I like that he made it worse. I liked that angst because prior angst was already resolved!!! We know that Colin loves Penelope. Yes, he's mad. He's mad at her. He's mad for her. The angst needs to match the reward.)
💕Just add that she's a goddess in the last intimate scene! (Little book crumb)
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Each conflict should move the story along for a purpose. Should conflict be resolved right away? No! However, little rewards need to be added to keep a viewer watching.
As it stands right now, I think they used the mirror scene either to reward us for Part 1, Colin putting Portia in her place, or the conflict between Eloise and Pen.
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If they were trying to reward us for Part 1 angst, they already did so with the Carriage scene. We have bigger problems now. If they were trying to reward us for Portia, it was too small. If they were trying to reward us for Peneloise, they were covering up the issue because it fixed nothing.
They used the mirror incorrectly in the show. It should have been in Episode 7. It balances the level of angst and payoff. After the wedding, the new angst is the Queen's reward and Cressida’s blackmail. The reward is the Ton Reveal, Love Declaration, and Baby reveal.
The higher the angst, the higher the reward. Colin's discovery of Whistledown (in the TV Show) should lead to the love scene in the mirror, and the ton's discovery of Whistledown leads to a big Love Declaration and a child.
If you read all of this or just came for the vibes, you are amazing! I appreciate you! 💕
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winter-leftovers · 1 year
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter ten: Relics (10/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Jim learns about her sister’s secret. Y/n gets a book and a suprise.
Word count: 2838
Warnings: no
(Season 1 Episode 18,19 )
Song?: Little talks by Of Monsters and Men// Kindly Calm Me Down by Meghan Trainor
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Y/n was laying down on the couch watching tv when the feeling caught her. A shiver ran through her spine. Her heart felt hollow. She sat down on the couch with her feet on the ground trying to shake the vertigo she was suddenly feeling.
She looked down at the ground but the carpet was no longer there, instead, there was tall grass hiding her boots, boots that she didn’t remember putting on.
She was walking to the edge of the cliff, to a man wearing heavy armor that was kneeling at the edge looking down at the sea.
“What have you done?” Her own scream shook her bones. She ran to the edge, trying to prove herself wrong. She looked down but the body was already being washed by the sea. The image made her anger start to boil inside of her.
“What have you done?” She whispered not taking her eyes from the water. The violent waves imitated the turbulence of her heart.
Her legs quickly gave out. She felt like someone was reaching through her chest and ripping her heart.
“No” a broken sob escaped her lips.
She stretched her hand down towards the ocean like it would return what she lost, like it would fill back the hole where her heart used to be.
The voices of her brother and friends started to fill the room, bringing back Y/n from her haze. The carpet was under her feet again but so was the grief and a cold space next to her.
The trollhunters were returning triumphant from their second quest with the second Triumbric Stone.
“Y/n you won’t believe what happened!!” Toby screamed.
Y/n turned to them. She couldn’t see well, her view was blurry. She could recognise each of them by their clothes, their voices. She was dizzy like she had just stepped out of the most violent rollercoaster.
Toby gave a nudge to Claire and she slowly took out a stick that looked like stone.
“Y/n, are you alright?” her brother asked after noticing the pain on his sister’s face.
She nodded with a smile and got closer to see what the teenagers were showing her. What Y/n believed to be a long piece of stone opened into something longer, a gray staff made of quartz taller than her.
Something in Y/n shifted. Her vision was blurry but she could see the staff clear as day. The dark quartz shining with purple reflects, the handle made of black stone.
“The shadow staff” her raspy voice was full of anger, of grief “How did you get this?” She said louder.
She didn’t understand a word of her brother's explanation, just one name, Angor Rot.
“He shouldn’t have this. You shouldn’t have this” She laughed incredulously “Why’d he had this? It’s her’s” Y/n screamed and took the staff from Claire’s hand.
The grief she felt during her vision grew. She felt the tears fall to the ground. She couldn’t see, the pain had made everything dark.
“Sorry, sister” a woman whispered, making Y/n drop the staff and fell to her knees letting out a guttural scream.
The heavy darkness became a warm soft orange light. In the tall ceiling, Y/n could see the shadows dance and for a moment, no grief existed. But the moment was cut short by the sounds of glass clinking, the heaviness returning to her chest.
“Ah, I see you’re awake” Vendel walked to the head of the stone bed “ Do you know where you are?”
Y/n nodded sitting up.
“TrollMarket” it hurted to talk.
“Do you know who you are?”
“Do you know what you are, Y/n?” A woman’s voice screamed at her.
Y/n knew it was just Vendel and her. She knew the voice came from inside her brain.
“Y/n Lake”
Vendel nodded.
“Do you remember what happened last night?”
She knew. She could see clearly now, see the confusion, the fear on everyone’s eyes, on her brother’s eyes. She also remembered the anger, the sadness, the hot tears in her eyes, her mind chanting ‘She died. He killed her’.
“Yes” she said between tears.
“You’ve been under a spell” Vendel explained “There’s a barrier in your head dividing your memories, between who you are and who you were” with his finger he drew a line in the air.
“I know” Y/n took her hand to her throat.
“You know?” Vendel shifted his cane to his right hand. He was surprised.
Y/n nodded.
The troll was about to ask another question when a loud meow erupted from TrollMarket.
“Alfred, no!” She heard Jim running but the cat was faster.
Al ran to Y/n’s lap and started to rub their faces together. He was relieved.
“I see” said Vendel.
Jim stopped by the entrance. His eyes focussed on her sister.
Y/n felt the shame rise. She was afraid. What if Jim was mad at her for keeping a secret and almost hurting his friends?
“Y/n” Jim ran to her sister, hugging her with all his strength.
Y/n was confused she was prepared for Jim anger, but not this.
“Jim” she caressed his head, brushing his hair with her fingers.
Her brother held her even tighter in response “I’m sorry” he said.
“No, you shouldn’t be sorry. I’m sorry, Jim. Last night was scary and I should’ve…”
Jim shook his head.
“It’s my fault. I dragged you into this…”
“Jim, is okay. This was going to happen even if I didn’t knew you are the trollhunter”
Jim lifted his head from Y/n’s side.
“She is right” Vendel interrupted “The spell has a expiration date. Even if you didn’t told her she would have this reactions to the reminders of her past life”
“So, it wasn’t my fault?” Al peeked his head from between the siblings.
“Woah” Jim jumped back “He talked”
Y/n laughed.
“No, it’s not your fault” Vendel said.
“He talked. How can he do that?” Jim pointed to Al.
“Yes, I did. I’m Y/n familiar” Al sat at Jim’s feet.
“Is like a wizard assistant” Vendel explained.
“Wizard?” Jim’s eyes shifted between Alfred and Y/n.
Y/n smiled. She was still just as confused as Jim.
“So the red light, that was you and not the staff?” Jim asked remembering the night before.
Y/n looked at Vendel with her eyebrows furrowed.
“Yes. Y/n used to be a powerful wizard”
“What?” The siblings said at the same time.
“I don’t think we should push anymore, Vendel” cautioned Alfred.
“I think we should work to make the barrier fall. After all, having Y/n next to the trollhunter may be of great help” The troll looked at Y/n “I could try help to return to who you were in exchange of your help against Gunmar”
“Of course” Y/n answered immediately. There was nothing to discuss, she was going to help magic or not magic.
“That’s settled then. I’ll see you tomorrow”
“I’ll see you tomorrow” Y/n smiled and left with Jim and Alfred.
“Y/n, are you sure?” Al asked once they were far enough from Vendel.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Al didn’t answer.
“So, you can do magic?” Jim asked.
“Yes, I mean, I only tried moving stuff”
“Awesome” Jim said “that’s so cool”
They laughed.
The walk was cut short by a scream.
“Y/n!” It was Toby.
Y/n turned around and was tackled by the younger boy.
“Oh god, I’m glad you’re okay” he held her tight “I was so worried”
Y/n chuckled, reciprocating the hug.
“I’m sorry, Tobes. I didn’t mean to scare you” Y/n said through the pain in her throat.
“I’m glad you’re okay too” Claire said. Her eyes fixated on the ground.
Y/n lifted a hand from Toby’s back and grabbed Claire’s hand with a smile. The girl lifted her eyes.
“Thank you” Y/n mouthed.
Claire smiled back.
Y/n was browsing the back of Douxie’s bookstore. Those last bookshelf that no one ever looks at.
She had never heard of some the books and that didn’t surprise her. What did surprise her was the top shelf. The first three books didn’t have its title written on it, they looked old, worn, loved. The three that followed were a couple of her favorite books, books that she had loved with all her heart. They were old, even the most recently published seemed loved.
Y/n stroked the spine of all the books in the row, her finger stopping on a small red book, like the first three, it was old and didn’t have the title written on the spine. Y/n grabbed it. It didn’t have the title written anywhere. She traced the golden details but before she could open it, Douxie came looking for her.
“Hey, love” he said after a customer closed the door.
Y/n smiled.
Douxie and her had been taking things slow. After their talk they’d hang out a couple times a week until Y/n got “sick” after the shadow staff episode, then they started hanging out every day.
One afternoon, Douxie called Y/n after she left several texts unanswered and Barbara answered. She told him about Y/n “sickness” so he stopped by. He sat at the foot of the bed and talked with her. At first it was just him doing the talking. He would tell her about the rude customers, about that old lady that went to the library with her dog and how Archie almost got his tail bitten but mostly he would talk about music. Douxie would show her his new favorite song and the new songs he had written.
By the time Y/n got her voice back they would sit side by side at the head of her twin bed with Alfred between their legs. Y/n enjoyed Douxie presence. She found comfort in the small domesticity he had created
“There’s something about him” she told her mother over tea one night after Douxie left for his shift at Benoit’s when her mother commented on Y/n and Douxie’s relationship.
Douxie had caught her staring a couple times during one of their lazy afternoons. She would look at him. Just observe him. She would follow the bridge of his nose with her eyes, having to stop his fingers from doing the job. She would imagine how his soft disheveled black and blue hair would feel between her fingers.
Y/n tried to engrain every little detail into her head. How his eyes would close when he smiled, how he would mindlessly scratch Al’s head, how he hums while making any task, how he knew how to make tea the way she liked, how he would scratch his head when he was nervous. She tried to embroider his little actions into her brain because a voice deep in her heart would remind her how easy it was to forget.
“But how could I forget those hazel eyes?” She would ask but the voice wouldn’t answer.
“Doux” Y/n turned around with the book in her arms.
“What’d you have there?” He furrowed his brow.
“Ummh…I don’t know” she gave him the book “Sorry, I was shamelessly snooping”
He chuckled and took the book from Y/n’s hands. When the book left her hands a piece of paper fell to the ground.
“It’s okay” Douxie smiled “You can do anything you want”
Y/n crouched down and opened the folded piece of paper. It was a music sheet. The paper was really old. Y/n was afraid to touch it too much and break it. The ink where the title was written was smudged but she recognised the piece instantly.
“Oh, I really like this one” she whispered to herself.
“You know it?” Douxie asked.
“Yeah, it’s my…” Y/n brows furrowed.
“It’s my sister’s favorite” almost fell from her mouth.
She shook her head.
“Well…It’s not really my favorite but I really like it” she corrected.
For a moment, Y/n thought about the incident that happened the other day. Thought about the sadness that the shadow staff would bring every time she would look at it and, most important, what that voice had whispered to her ‘Sorry, sister’. Could it be that she left someone so important behind that now they were trying to claw their way out of the exile of her memories?
Y/n gave the paper back to Douxie.
“I would like to hear you play it sometime” He smiled.
“Sure” Y/n smiled back, her cheeks slightly red.
Douxie looked the book on his hands for a second and looked back to Y/n and said:
“You know, this is a really good anthology. It could be really good to start reading again. Would you like to check it out?”
Y/n smile grew. She had told him she wanted to start to read for pleasure again when she found out that he worked on a library. She couldn’t believe he remembered that.
“Yes” She took the book and started walking to the couch but before she sat down she retraced her steps and stood in front of Douxie once again.
“Thanks” she kissed his cheek.
Douxie smiled, his cheeks turning crimson the moment her lips touched him.
Y/n carefully flipped through the yellow pages, inspecting the small letter and finding some illustrations but what surprised her the most was a short note on the last page: ‘I’m so sorry about your book. I hope you love this version too. —H.C”
Y/n smiled at the relic in her hands and wondered if the previous owner of the book loved it as the one they lost and if they ever forgive H.C. She stood up to go to Douxie and ask him but before she could her phone rang. It was her alarm reminding her about her appointment with Vendel.
In the last week, Vendel believed he had made some progress on Y/n spell but she wasn’t so sure. The visions she’s been having disappeared and her nightmares too but no memories appeared. And for a moment, she thought her lack of nightmares were a good thing but she quickly found herself missing them too. She missed the people inside her dreams: the tall man that would walk with his hands behind his back, the woman that was always too far off her reach and that soft blue light that seemed to follow her everywhere.
She found the hole in her chest growing and could only be ignored when she wasn’t alone but she wasn’t sure how much she could be this clingy with the people she loved.
“Hey, Doux. I have to go” She grabbed her purse and walked to the registry.
“Oh, okay “ For a moment Y/n thought she saw him deflated “I’ll guess I’ll be seeing you soon”
She laughed.
“I’ve actually been seeing you a lot this week” he chuckled.
Y/n smile fell. Maybe her fear was becoming true.
“Yeah, bye” she faked a smile and started to walk to TrollMarket.
Her mind repeated her last week with Douxie. Maybe it was too much.
“So how are you feeling?” Vendel asked while he tinkered with some vials.
“Fine” Y/n answered from her place at the bed made of stone.
They had the same routine for the last couple days. He would ask how she was and she would say ‘fine’. She wasn’t lying, she was fine, just fine. She hadn’t remembered anything yet. She had hoped that by now, at least, a small memory would’ve returned.
“Still no memories, huh?” He kept working with the vials.
“No” she saw him stop moving for a second but he kept doing what he was doing.
“Have patience. It’s a process” he turned to her, knocking a vial with his elbow.
“Careful!” She stretched her hands from her seat on the other side of the room.
Vendel didn’t took his eyes from Y/n, smiling proudly when he saw her shocked face.
The glass vile was floating four centimetres from the floor, a faint scarlet light surrounding it.
“Put it back on the table” Vendel asked.
With a small movement of her fingers she put the vial back on the table.
“I can’t believe it “ she looked at the palm of her hands.
“I told you to be patient” he got closer to her.
Y/n looked around the room. Everything seemed different. She recognised the stones around her, she could name most of the stuff inside the vials, she could even read the book in trollish that was next to her with ease.
“Thank you” she smiled and hugged Vendel.
The troll went stiff when she touched him, making her back up.
“Sorry” she chuckled.
“It’s okay, Y/n” he patted her shoulder making a small streak of electricity run through it.
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A/n: i really like this one for some reason ☺️ in the next post I’ll be uploading the playlist!!!
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Granada Holmes season 1 thoughts
I (finally) started watching this with my grandma and my roommate, who decided to join us. Unfortunately grandma wasn't impressed (pacing) so she dropped it after ep 4. But me and my roommate are enjoying it! So now we're watching it together, 1 ep/day.
Anyway here are my very unfiltered thoughts. Straight from the notes app
1- SCAN (30 iul)
Yessss. I liked it. A lot. Loved the disguises, i didn't even recognise him in the first disguise.
..why did they change it to "Irena" tho?? At least that's how they pronounced it. Weird.
At least they didn't butcher her personality
2. DANC (31 iul)
I liked this but it seemed slower. And after they get the bad news i feel like it should've been a bit.. worse? At least make the wounds more horrible. And why is Elsie still in the house? They had time to get her to a hospital.
3. NAVA (1 aug)
I hadn't read this one so i didn't know what to expect. I liked it. We made a lot of fun of Percy. I thought at one point that he had hidden them and was playing it up but no, he really was that dramatic.
Poor Holmes hurt his hand :(
Also very funny, i actually hurt my hand like 10 minutes after the episode ended.
Like during the episode I was all "awww do you want one of my pink peppa pig bandaids :(" and guess what. Guess fucking what.
4. SOLI (2 aug)
Well well well
I enjoyed this
I especially enjoyed Holmes beating up that creep
I have not read this story either but i listened to the Sherlock and Co episode. So i kinda knew the basics but not too much, yk.
My roommate appreciated how polite Holmes was with miss Smith. And i was reminded of that one part in the books where Holmes said that he thought of one of his clients like his own daughter. (Don't know what story it's from tho, i only saw it in screenshots on here)
I think it had a good ratio of intense (the obvious) and funny (holmes being kinda mean to watson, the ending :) )
Also the whole wedding in the woods bit was insane. Who would really think that that's enforceable. Jeez.
5. CROO (4 aug)
I mean it was alright. The "david" thing was a bit weird? Especially because she muttered it in her sleep? Like i guess it's something like calling someone a karen but still. The fact that she still said "david" in her sleep was odd.
Also what... How could someone do that? Indirectly (try to) kill a person who trusts you bc you like their girlfriend. That's insane.
He had it coming. Too bad it took 30 years🤷
Also Holmes being mean to that guy in the beginning was hilarious.
Oh oh and Watson's deduction at the end? "Elementary, my dear Holmes" :)))) that was good. We cheered for him
6. SPEC (5 aug)
AAAHH YEAASSSS YESS FINALLY this is my favourite story from the books, it's one of the ones i read when i was around 10 and it was my favourite then and yeah. Love it.
But yeah loved to finally see it on screen. I imagined the snake bigger and spotty-er but yeah. Oh and i loved the interactions between Holmes and Watson. And between them and Miss Stoner. (I told my roommate if i see one more person describe him as cold and emotionless, I'm throwing hands)
I liked that Holmes kinda felt bad for bringing Watson along because it was so dangerous, only for Watson to immediately go anything for you Beyonce :))
And then in the room, his hand shaking? Quality content. Bc yeah. It's a wild animal, it's unpredictable. (Super stressed at the end when he picked it up?? In his hands?? Like yea the leash was there but bruh-)
Also poor Watson being woken up twice :)) (does Holmes know how to wake someone Watson up like a normal person? Unclear)
Also also- "my intimate friend"
7. BLUE (6 aug)
Right so i do know the original story but i read it a while ago. I still think it's nice that they let the guy go but i remembered him more sympathetic in the books. Idk. Also, did Holmes keep the stone? I thought it was a bit of an odd choice. And how were they able to free the plumber guy without the culprit or the stone? Ehh yeaah, odd.
Also is everyone forgetting that Holmes and Watson aren't the only ones who know that the carbuncle is with them??
God he looked so different at the beginning of the episode, before he did his hair. Also my roommate made a comment about having cigarettes for breakfast and. Yeah, petition to have this guy eat a normal meal?? *Sigh*
Also why did we see Watson with a bunch of presents and then never saw any one of them opened? Chehov's Christmas presents. I wanted to see what he got for Holmes
(At least we have the Sherlock and co episode...)
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I submitted a take a while ago saying how I would do all stars as a full season, 20 contestants, aftermath episodes, ect. So here's how I'd cast it and why.
Gen 1 (10 contestants):
Beth - not only does she have a lot of unused potential, she was a finalist. She has a lot of knowledge of other characters as well as relations with many of them.
Cody - final three in world tour, plus he's a fan favorite. Could work for a lot of friendships and alliances.
Courtney - we're obviously going to need the whole love triangle here. Courtney is super strong, a controversial character, brings TONS of drama, goes far in every season (well, except 1), so she's an all-stars necessity.
Duncan - again, love triangle. Also a controversial character with tons of drama. And made it really far in every season.
Gwen - love triangle! Super important character and tons of drama like the previous two.
Harold - the star of action, great character relations to be used, just a good move to have in all stars.
Heather - the classic villain who competes every season. Made it to final three twice and about halfway through the game in action.
Leshawna - I can't believe they didn't bring her back. She's always reliable for mixing things up, has strong friends and stronger enemies, and was totally robbed every season. She's a fan favorite too.
Lindsay - underestimated fan favorite. Plus, she could've made so many new relationships because she NEVER got to make new friends and that's unfair. I love Lindsay. I wouldn't make her the first boot either.
Owen - again, can't believe he didn't make it. He's THE fan favorite. As well as the in-universe fan favorite. A fun filler character. Definitely needed.
Gen 2 (5 contestants):
Anne Maria - since I'm doing a lot of fan favorites, Anne Maria has to come back. Also, it is assumed that the contestants of TDAS came back willingly (Gwen said she only came back for Courtney, Duncan only came back for Gwen, ect.). She wanted that money BADLY. She would totally come willingly.
Brick - potential, fan favorite, best character no doubt about it I just really like Brick WE NEED BRICK.
Jo - totally could've badassed her way through. Jo is strong, arguable, and has drama potential.
Lightning - he's Lightning why wouldn't he be here.
Scott - a villain, he just better not be used dumbly this season.
Gen 3 (5 contestants):
Amy - where Sammy goes, Amy follows. She could play an excellent villain role and has potential to be used as Heather’s sidekick. Personally, I think Heather would use her and it would totally work.
Jasmine - strong, competitive, everything you need for an all star.
Sammy - she had SO MUCH potential. I literally thought she would be a Pahkitew finalist when I first started watching. She’s resilient, she’s dramatic, she’s all-star-tastic!
Shawn - finalist and could definitely be used again. Also a fan favorite.
Sky - finalist, strong, I could see her fitting in with Gwen and Leshawna. She could definitely rival villains really well.
Why I didn’t cast certain characters (excluding self explanatory ones):
Alejandro - I think it would be great if he just was in the aftermath. And he fought his brother about Heather in the aftermath. And he would be salty about being in the aftermath. Yeah.
Bridgette and Geoff - they are the aftermath hosts and I’m doing aftermath episodes! If I wasn’t, I would probably cast one of them in place of Harold or Cody or something.
Cameron, Mike, and Zoey - honestly I don’t think they need to come back. I don’t want the whole Mal thing, either. Their plots were all pretty resolved as of Revenge of the Island. And they kind of ruined Cameron in All Stars???
Dakota and Sam - I just don’t think they need to return I don’t know why Sam returned but if Dakota and Sam made out in the aftermath to rival Bridgette and Geoff I think it would be really funny.
Dave - I hope he died on the island uh anyways.
Dawn - a fan favorite and probably could be used again, but nah. She doesn’t have enough potential.
DJ - he’s a fan favorite, however, he doesn’t bring that much drama with him. And didn’t exactly make it very far in most seasons. I would make him very important in the aftermath, though.
Ella - she’s a fan favorite and fun and everything, but she just doesn’t have very much drama potential.
Izzy - I think she’s been on enough. However, I would include her in challenges as a little treat.
Justin - while he’s a fan favorite and a fun character, he didn’t do anything. Not even in action. I swear he was supposed to be a villain but he just wasn’t??? Plus, I think he wouldn’t ever come back to Total Drama if he could help it.
Max and Scarlett - first off, Chris wouldn’t let Scarlett back on the show if he himself got a million bucks. And I hate Max he can die anyways.
Noah - I know he seems like he should be one of the self-explanatory ones, I think Noah has a lot of potential. But that potential isn’t canon. And he probably wouldn’t compete if he didn’t have to.
Sierra - she’s not a fan favorite, at least from what I know, and I want her to be separate from Cody. She really doesn’t need to compete again.
Sugar - I think she’s like a Geoff kind of character- did one season good and never competes again.
Trent - I KNOW I KNOW I think him coming back would be good, but I think it would be even better to have him in the aftermath. He doesn’t need to compete anymore, but I would rather see him being really major in the aftermath episodes and with Bridgette and Geoff.
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4townie · 7 months
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 1…part 10…part 20…part 30
Z narrowed his eyes when he opened the door. “You.”
“Hey, bff.” Taeyoung pulled the lollipop out of his mouth. “How’s your sister been treating you?”
“Why are you asking about my—OOF!” Z was interrupted by Olivia head butting him. “LIVVY!”
“Wow, you’re right. I got a real charge out of that.” Olivia smiled brightly. “And to think I’ve been sticking to embarrassing him in front of his boyfriend all these years.”
“Now that is an art you’ve mastered that I haven’t.” Taeyoung said as he stepped inside. “Perhaps you can teach me your ways.” He slung an arm around her shoulder.
Olivia blushed and she started giggling. “T-That would be amazingly cool.”
“Ugh, I can’t stand seeing you two together.” Z rolled his eyes. “What do you get out of being so chaotic anyway?”
“It’s so satisfying.” Olivia answered as she very carefully started holding Taeyoung’s hand. “Who would I even be if I wasn’t bugging you or Lijah all the time?”
“Besides, you know me.” Taeyoung subconsciously shook Olivia’s hand off of his and moved his arm away from her. “Chaos is my love language.”
“It’s your what?” Olivia’s eyes widened.
“Oh by the way.” Taeyoung pulled a box of Pocky out of his sweater pocket. “For you and that adorable boyfriend of yours.” He winked.
“Ewww, you think I’m gonna kiss him when he’s sick?” Z took the Pocky with a look of disgust.
“I AM NOT SICK!” T yelled as loud as he could with a hoarse voice and a stuffy nose. “It’s allergy season and the pollen count is high today.” He narrowed his eyes. “You can give me all the tea and soup and drugs you want. Pollen has far more power.”
“You want me to go to the store and get you that allergy medicine that always helps?” Taeyoung offered.
“You have an allergy medicine that solves this?” Z raised an eyebrow.
T was quiet for a moment. “I forgot.” He shrugged awkwardly. “Tae-Tae, you would be a lifesaver if you got it for me. I’d owe you every hug and cheek pinch in the world.”
“And you’ll let me put volcanic ash on your face next time I sleep over?” Taeyoung’s eyes brightened.
“Volcanic ash?” Z and Olivia looked at him in confusion.
“He has a lot of Korean skincare products that he brings up every time he wants to tell me my skin is shit.” T waved a hand nonchalantly. “Yes, Tae, you can fix my skin if you save my nose and throat.”
“EEP!” Taeyoung squealed. “I’ll be back in a flash.”
“Wait!” Olivia followed him. “I wanna go, too.”
“Nope.” Z shook his head. “Nuh-uh. No way.”
“Why not?” Taeyoung crossed his arms. “She’s hardly a kid anymore. Do you not trust me?”
“It’s not you I don’t trust.” Z focused his gaze on Olivia.
Olivia groaned. “Aaron—”
“Babe.” T called him. “She can and will tackle you to the ground again if you get in her way right now. Trust me, she’ll be fine.”
Z narrowed his eyes. “Fine, but only because the way you’re handling this makes me wanna use this Pocky.”
T gave him a flirty smirk. “Is that so?”
“Okay, we’re out.” Taeyoung grabbed Olivia’s wrist and pulled her out the door. “Remember we’ll only be gone for twenty minutes so try to be normal by the time we get back.”
T and Z both hummed an absentminded response as they put a Pocky stick between them.
“Ugh, they’re so annoying.” Taeyoung rolled his eyes as he shut the door. “It’s almost as if they don’t know they have two adorable younger siblings watching them.” He smirked evilly. “That’s why they deserve to get tormented.”
“Yeah.” Olivia agreed with a ridiculous grin. “I love how much you love chaos.”
Taeyoung stared at her. “Gee, no one’s ever told me that before. Thanks, Squirt.” He shrugged. “Now let’s get moving cuz I’m very interested in those wedding photos you promised to show me over the phone.”
“I’m so excited to show you.” Olivia wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they started walking down the hall. “It feels like the start of something new.”
Taeyoung chuckled almost condescendingly. “Livvy, we’ve known each other for like three years now.”
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how do you feel about pnf coming back for two whole seasons?
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Do NOT message me about this answer. You can reply to this post, but don’t come into my inbox or messenger about anything I’ve written.
I’ve been holding onto these for a while because I didn’t want to a respond with my knee-jerk reaction of extreme pessimism (I actually had a whole rant drafted up that I deleted). I still think this is a bad idea that could potentially undo all the development the characters have been through (like what happened with Doof in MML) and bungle continuity (I doubt there will be zero continuity errors in the new seasons given that they messed up several things in CATU). I also hope they keep to the same formula of being a parody of episodic shows. All good things must come to an end lest they become a shambling corpse of their past self that a company is beating for money (Spongebob Squarepants, The Fairly Oddparents, and The Simpsons come to mind as several cartoon series that have run--at least they put FOP out of its misery a few years ago--way beyond their prime and suffered for it).
Now that the negativity’s out of the way, here are the only ways I will be able to enjoy the new seasons of PnF:
1) If there’s a timeskip. We’ve seen the kids in elementary school and high school, but not middle school. I think it would be a great opportunity to pop in on their lives when they’re still fun (good LORD do I have issues with the A-plot of “Act Your Age”)! Even just the next summer would be fine.
2) If it’s one of the other universes, like the one where Lawrence is a polar bear/Phineas has a different number of shirt stripes (”Lost in Danville”) or the second dimension (ATSD).
3) If it’s a reboot/remake. Fresh slate, nothing to worry about.
4) If I just watch the show and never look through the show’s tags ever again. I KNOW not everyone’s watched the hundreds of episodes that the show consists of multiple times. It’s NOT reasonable for me to expect everyone to remember tiny details or patterns. Nevertheless, it IS majorly annoying to go into the tags and see people being “BUT WHAT IF” when something in the show contradicts that or even supports it/it doesn’t need to be posed as a hypothetical. Equally annoying is “BUT WHY DOES” when the answer can be found in the details/patterns. If this is going to be a continuation of the same summer, then the entirety of seasons 1-4 of PnF and what happened in them are still relevant. I am too tired to be fending off dozens of hundreds of thousands of people who love charging ahead and spreading misinformation. I also am not going to be interested in people revisiting old debates that were settled over 10 years ago. The new episodes are doubtlessly going to bring in new watchers, and who knows if those people will watch the original run.
5) If I treat them as not canon to Phineas and Ferb (2007-2015).
My final thoughts on the subject:
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It is not possible for this show to be modern. They’re probably going to try and add in modern references like they did with CATU, and I’m going to hate it. 
If it’s a continuation, then the futures of “Act Your Age” and “Phineas and Ferb’s Quantum Boogaloo” are the definitive endgames for Phineas and Ferb (respectively 10 and 20 years into the future) whether the new seasons fit within them or not.
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...Also, bring back Stacy Hirano in a meaningful way 2k23.
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lavapasta-vids · 2 years
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My Ben 10 redesigns, concept storyboards, and reboot ideas masterpost 
as seen in https://youtu.be/19MpY8dVvwk
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1. Ben Tennyson shouldn’t just grow over the course of each episode, he should grow over the course of the entire series. Here’s a chart of loose ideas I made to organize them & keep them from contradicting each other. If Avatar: The Last Airbender can do character arcs over the course of multiple seasons, then we can, too. 
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2. Ben Tennyson’s villains should be darker reflections of Ben’s own flaws and weaknesses. It is by recognizing these similarities that allows Ben to break free of them and become a better person. 
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Albedo is a fun example of this because he’s literally Ben’s doppelganger, not unlike Shadow the hedgehog from the Sonic franchise.
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regardless of who the episode’s villain is, we can always write parallels between them and Ben. Want to make a Zombozo episode? Make it about Ben making fun of Gwen’s phobias until Zombozo triggers Ben’s phobia of clowns, where Ben learns that scaring people isn't so fun once you know what it’s like to be scared. 
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3. The central emotion behind all of Ben’s growth should be empathy. The Omnitrix gives him the power to transform into a completely different alien species and view the universe from its eyes, which should lead to Ben seeing himself more in other people and thus becoming a kinder, more understanding person. He becomes a superhero not by simply having power, but by empathizing with people enough to rescue them. 
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Tetrax Shard and Ben teaming up.
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Ben comforts Manny/an original tetramand character
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It is the Omnitrix that helps Ben develop his empathy, to the point that he sees himself in aliens that he has previously transformed into. It is the Omnitrix that forces Ben to realize that there is more to the universe than just him.
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My ideal Ben 10 pilot would involve Ben spending the last day of school being a witness to bullying, but fantasize himself as a superhero instead of meaningfully intervening, needing to be told by Grandpa that superheroes are supposed to be about rescuing people (in the same vein as Kid Cosmic), Ben experiencing the realities of superpowers by almost burning down their campground as Heatblast, and fighting Vilgax’s robots as Feedback, followed by saving people as Feedback once everything finally starts to click for him.
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If there is a story arc centered on Azmuth, the creator of the Omnitrix, it should end with Ben realizing that he should return it to its creator, but because Azmuth can see that his intentions for the Omnitrix have been fulfilled via Ben’s developed empathy, he allows Ben to keep it. 
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My Ben 10 OC: Cursebreaker, Since Charmcaster is Gwen’s nemesis, Charmcaster could have a little brother who can act as Ben’s magic-based nemesis, who can reflect Ben’s rambunctious id as well as his rivalry with his older sister figure. Ben & Gwen may be cousins, but their similarities to Charmcaster & Cursebreaker can show us that they're more like siblings. 
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Ben’s new anti-alien rhetoric deeply disturbs Grandpa.
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An early episode of the series could involve Ben watching so many alien invasion movies that he starts to develop prejudices against all aliens whatsoever, but when Ben gets captured by alien ICE while transformed into Fourarms and sent to alien prison, he learns that viewing aliens as evil invaders can be dehumanizing and helps free all the other alien prisoners once Grandpa arrives to rescue him.
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If we’re going to bring back the Plumbers, the super-secret police force that Grandpa Max used to be part of, my choice would be to make them corrupt and evil, signified by their re-branding into ‘the Rooters’ and led by a villainous eyepatch-wearing Phil Billings. 
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This change in writing would not only prevent the heroes from having a giant safety net to help them with their problems, it would give Grandpa a character arc where he has to confront his own blindness and work to dismantle the system he helped create. 
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I would write Kevin Levin to have a character arc where he goes from being a villain to an antihero, complete with his own ‘Zuko Alone’-style episode, to becoming a member of the main protagonists in the final season, because what Kevin really wants isn’t revenge against Ben, it’s to become friends with him again.
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Eon, the evil version of Ben Tennyson from an alternate future, should receive his own episode/arc in which a future Gwen time travels to prevent present-day Ben from becoming an evil tyrant who rules the world (in the same vein as Kamen Rider Zi-O or Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time). Either Eon has alternate selves he can summon, or can use the Omnitrix’s “command mode” to allow the Omnitrix aliens to fight on his behalf. Perhaps future Gwen believes that this is the catalyst for Ben’s villainy?
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When it seems that all is lost, it is Ben’s adult self Ben 10,000 who appears to save the day, stop Eon, and give our Ben a pep talk to restore his confidence, because the episode/arc was secretly a Ben 10,000 episode all along. Notice that the Omnitrix is on his belt instead of his wrist- maybe Ben actively takes off the Omnitrix to stop Eon’s future from taking hold, and this is what allows Ben 10,000 to exist? In any case, I want it to be a decision that our Ben actively makes that stops Eon, and the appearance of Ben 10.000 is the victory lap.
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Alien X, the all-powerful alien form introduced in the sequel series, deserves to play an actual role in the story of Ben’s growth as a character, and the perfect time to introduce him is when Ben is still selfish, bratty 10-year old. Instead of being annoying, ineffective know-it-alls that make teenage Ben seem more righteous, Alien X’s additional personalities Bellicus & Serena should be safeguards put in place to keep Alien X’s powers from being abused, antagonists who aren’t villains but still oppose Ben because they (correctly) don’t want him to use Alien X for nefarious purposes.
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Bellicus knows about that time you stole ice cream, Ben.
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This would force Ben to prove his righteousness and compassion for others in order to use Alien X, giving him a reason to avoid using the transformation without placing blame on Bellicus & Serena. When a world-ending meteor hurtles towards Earth, Ben tries everything he can to stop it and turns to Alien X as a last resort, tears streaming down his face as he tries to convince Bellicus & Serena to help him save his home as well as everyone living on it. Moved by Ben’s emotional breakdown, they oblige him.
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Alien X isn’t just an opportunity for Ben to demonstrate his growth as a character, it’s a opportunity to have multiple characters gain a better understanding of each other, where Ben learns that Bellicus & Serena aren’t some strict old fogeys and where they learn that Ben has the potential to become a noble, kind young man.
General miscellaneous ideas:
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Ben babysits the Incursean Princess Attea and gets a taste of his own rambunctious medicine. 
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Kevin has to work with a lovable but dim-witted Argit voiced by Matt Jones (Badger from Breaking Bad, Wedge from Final Fantasy VII Remake)
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The Vreedle Brothers are less like rednecks and more like cowboy parodies (Rhomboid being an expy of Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop)
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Since the original episode that featured Kai Green, Ben’s biggest crush, ended with her being in the wrong and Gwen telling her off, I want to see a plot where Kai and Ben are dating, but she’s only interested in Ben when he turns into an alien, where Ben needs to see that it’s not a healthy relationship and break up with Kai.
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Grandma Verdona and the Anodites deserve to be a running plot point, but instead of Gwen turning into a flying purple space alien, let’s have Ben’s DNA unlock an Anodite alien form (voiced by Tara Strong) for him to turn into. Maybe even have an ep where Ben has to spend a day locked inside a feminine body where he learns that girls don’t have as many ‘cooties’ as he thinks.
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Where the original series had a Gwen 10 au episode, I propose a Ben 10 x Gwen 10 multiverse crossover. What happens when our Gwen gets captured and Ben has to work with somebody who can use the Omnitrix better than he can?
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Grandpa give Ben advice.
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Ben stares out at the horizon.
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Miscellaneous images. 
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This is how I would write Ben 10.
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nationalcleographic · 4 months
hiii is the pokemon anime entertaining? are there multiple ones? i've never really played any of the games but i remember seeing a few episodes as a kid, thought it could be fun to watch some of it now as an adult :-)
this is a really good question! i love the pokemon anime, but i would be the first to say that it is not necessarily good. if you go into it expecting lots of crazy plot and character development, you are going to be pretty disappointed. but if you go into it understanding that it is a goofy show made for children, then you can have a lot of fun!! its a feel-good show to me with cute characters, fun plots, and (usually) exciting battles. i guess the best comparision i can make is that if you like old school magically girl animes like sailor moon or tokyo mew mew then you will probably like pokemon too? in the sense that they can both get a little repetitive at times, but for the most part they are just lots of fun :-D
as for whether there are multiple animes, the simple answer is yes. you can watch them all here (just make sure to use a good ad blocker). as for which series to watch, ive put some basic info about the main series below the cut
firstly, a basic synopsis: each series follows ash ketchum and his partner pikachu as they explore a new region in an attempt to become a pokemon master. along the way they meet new companions, catch new pokemon, develop new rivalries, fight team rocket, and challenge gym leaders to become the best of the best! each generation can stand alone, although there is continuity between them.
Original Series (seasons 1–5)
as the name implies, this is the original series and what most people think of when they hear 'pokemon anime'. here, ash travels with companions misty and brock through the kanto and johto region. if you are the kind of person who likes watching things in order, then this is the place to start. it introduces ash as a brand new trainer and explains how he and pikachu became partners. the animation and voice acting is definitely a product of its time, but is still charming in its own way. the main pitfalls of this generation for me are that the individual episodes can get a little bit boring at times (usually follows a repetitive formula). also, because they were still finding their footing, there is a lot of what i will lovingly call 'bullshit'. a lot of the battles dont make sense, and gym badges are given to ash for stupid reasons (like making a gym leader laugh instead of battling them). pokemon are released for no good reason and things just altogether get weird sometimes. ash is also just so dumb in this generation but i still love him. all in all though, this is the og, and it is rightfully iconic.
Advanced Generation (seasons 6–9)
this is the generation i grew up watching!! this gen introduces travelling companions may and max as ash journeys through the hoenn region. i think this is the most quintessential pokemon anime experience you can get. brock makes a return as a companion and in the later seasons they even return to kanto. the main focus is still ash's gym battles, but they also introduce pokemon contests in this generation with may which is a nice bit of variety. at times it can still get a little frustrating, but for the most part they cut down on all the bullshit. i feel obligated to let you know a lot of fans think that max is an annoying character. but personally i think they are wrong. anyways, this is just a classic pokemon adventure!
Diamond and Pearl (seasons 10–13)
diamond and pearl has ash travelling with dawn and brock once again as they explore the sinnoh region. this is basically advanced generation but with different characters and different locations. pokemon contests are a bigger deal in this generation, but the main focus is still gym battles. diamond and pearl is known for starting to bring in more nuanced character relationships and more interesting battling. most fans of this series like it because ash has an interesting dynamic with his main rival. ash is decently more competent in this generation. all in all, this is a solid series, although perhaps a bit of an awkward place to start considering its the last generation of the "classic" era.
Best Wishes! (seasons 14–16)
best wishes is a bit of an interesting series. it was intended as a soft-reset to the anime as a whole, so there are many changes from the previous generations. the tone of the main plot is much darker, with team rocket being a serious evil team rather than the goofy troublemakers that they used to be. in following with the reset, ash has completely new travelling companions with iris and cilan. if i am being honest, i find these companions to be more annoying than lovable, but that is just personal preference. this series also suffers from ash is also becoming less competent again, although not in the cute dumb way he was in the original series. i'm being harsh on this generation, but its really not all bad. if you want pokemon but a bit more mature, then this might be the series for you.
XY (seasons 17–19)
a brief disclaimer: i never finished this series. i had grown out of my pokemon phase when i started watching it, so most of what i am saying is based on what i know from other fans. that being said, XY takes place in the kalos region with new companions serena, bonnie, and clemont. most fans will point to this as being the best generation of the anime. the animation is much better, and there is more focus on developing plot. there are also some fan favourite pokemon that come out of this gen. ash is significantly more competent here, and on the whole is much more mature than previous series. to me, this generation is much more 'anime' than the others if that makes sense. if the reason you want to watch pokemon for the childhood whimsy, this is not the season for you. but if you want something with more plot that takes itself a bit more seriously, then i think you will enjoy XY.
Sun & Moon (seasons 20–22)
sun & moon is completely unlike any of the other generations that came before it. rather than journeying around a region to collect gym badges, ash instead lives in the alola region and attends school. as such, the supporting cast is not travelling companions, but rather his schoolmates. when this series came out, there was a huge outcry because people thought the cartoony animation style was ugly. these people are just haters. the animation in this generation is actually amazing. the tone of this series is also just way lighter. personally i find all the characters to be very lovable. this generation is also team rocket at their peak to me (still silly but not as annoyingly repetitive). i do wish this series had more battling though there is not nearly enough. sun & moon is definitely not a traditional pokemon experience, but its cute and fun so i love it. i'll put it this way - if you like my little pony, you will probably like sun & moon.
anyways! that was very long winded, but i hope it helped! i've left out some other series because i don't think they make for great starting point/i haven't watched them, but these are the main six. if you have any more questions please let me know because i could have easily written double the length and still had more to say.
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 9: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (2/3)
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 2545
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Notes: This story was originally written in 2014.
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
“Looks like your boyfriend learned about Christmas,” David said dryly as he pushed open the sheriff’s station door.           
Emma elbowed her way past her father to have a look and then barked out a laugh.  A veritable forest of mistletoe hung above her desk and chair.  David was right; it couldn’t be the work of anyone but her adorable idiot of a pirate.
“Although if he really wanted to get you to kiss him,” David continued, draping his winter coat over the back of his own chair, “he would have hung it inside one of the jail cells.  We left the station locked when we went on rounds, so I’m pretty sure this qualifies as breaking and entering.”
Emma grinned.  “Cut him some slack, Dad.  There are far, far worse things he could have done, don’t you think?”
“That depends,” David replied with a frown.
“Yeah?  On what?”
“Whether or not he makes use of the mistletoe when I’m around.”
Emma laughed again, still amazed at the happiness that was her life at the moment.  Seriously, who would have thought that Emma Swan, the unloved, unwanted orphan would one day have to deal with an overzealous pirate boyfriend and an overprotective father?
“I’ll make him behave,” Emma promised.  “At least while you’re around.”
David grimaced.  “You had to tack on that last part?”
“Yep,” Emma replied, taking a seat.  “Deal with it Dad; your little girl’s dating a pirate.  Bound to be some…um…misbehavior.  Probably on both our parts.”
David groaned.
Her dad put up a good show, but Emma knew that’s all it was—a show.  The bromance was strong with these two.  Emma didn’t know who was happier that her relationship with Killian was still going strong, her or her dad.
A month had passed since Gold’s sorcerer’s hat stunt, and they were all still reeling from it to various extents.  She’d had nightmares about it every night for a solid two weeks following the incident.  Nightmares where they didn’t make it in time.  Nightmares where she, her mom and Belle arrived at the clock tower a moment after Gold had finished crushing Killian’s heart into a fine powder.  She’d woken up shaking and bathed in sweat. 
If Gold had succeeded…she couldn’t even bring herself to finish the sentence.  The very thought scared her more than anything in her life had ever scared her.
It was in that moment when she was frozen in place, helpless to protect Killian, that she gave up the last bit of pretense.  She loved him; there was no denying it.  Just the sight of him was enough to make the butterflies start tap dancing in her stomach.
“What do you think of my first attempt at decorating for the season?” 
Speak of the devil. 
Killian strode in with the confidence (and looks) of a fashion model.  He leaned down, brushed a kiss against her cheek and then straightened with the grin she’d come to learn meant trouble.
“Not bad,” she said, “but you know people usually just hang one sprig of mistletoe, not a whole garden.”
He tsked, and frowned at her playfully.  “And where would be the fun in that?  I’d prefer to increase my chances of finding myself under it with a fetching lass rather than limit them.”
He pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her.  “Speaking of which, it appears you and I are currently standing beneath a particularly hearty specimen.  Holiday traditions must be observed, darling.  Good form and all.”
She grinned and looped her arms around his neck.  “So what are you waiting for?”
His smile turned distinctly wicked.  “Not a thing in the world, love.”
A wildfire raged between them at the first touch of his lips to hers.  It was always like this between them; like someone had tossed a lit match on a mountain of dry kindling.  Emma tilted her head, instantly deepening the kiss, reveling in the feel of his hand in her hair anchoring her to him, his hook at her back urging her closer.
David cleared his throat.  Loudly.  Whatever adjectives could be used to describe her father, “subtle” was not one of them.  Emma pulled away with an apologetic look at her boyfriend, then turned to face her dad.  Killian reached down and laced his fingers with hers.
“You guys mind?” David asked with a hint of exasperation.  “This is a place of business after all.”
“Funny,” Killian said with a smirk, “you seemed to be singing an entirely different tune that night last week when I walked in to find you and your lovely wife similarly expressing your affection.”
David spluttered.  “That’s…that’s different!”
“Aye?  How so?”
“It’s different because…because…well, because it just is.”
Killian laughed with such good humor that soon even David joined in.  “Look,” her father finally said, “I’m glad you two are happy together, I really am, but could you keep the PDA to a minimum while I’m around?  Please?”
Killian sketched a bow.  “I shall endeavor to control myself, but confronted with your daughter’s ravishing beauty, I am, more often than not, unable to express my admiration any other way.”
Emma laughed and swatted him playfully.  “You are so full of it.”
“Aye,” he returned with a flirtatious wink, “but I noticed you failed to put up a protest at my ‘PDA’ a moment ago.”
“I’ll admit,” she returned, placing her free hand over his heart, a gesture she found herself making more and more frequently since his ordeal with Gold, “kissing you is kind of addicting.  So, what’s up?  We weren’t supposed to meet for lunch for another hour or so.”
“I’ve come to steal you away, love,” He said, giving her hand a squeeze.  “The snow has bathed the woods in a blanket of loveliness, and I wish to share it with my favorite lass.”
“I can’t just go take a stroll in the woods,” Emma said.  “For one thing, it’s cold.  For another, I’ve got work to do.  And did I mention, it’s cold?”
The look on his face was two parts puppy and one part wicked.  “If we don’t go, I’ll be forced to hang around and, no doubt, nauseate your father.  We wouldn’t want that, now would we?  Besides, I’m…more than capable of keeping you warm.”
“Ugh,” David said.  “Emma just go with him.  I’ll cover for you.”
“Well,” Emma said, grabbing her coat and hat, “if you both insist…”
“We do,” David and Killian said in unison.
Emma had to admit it was beautiful and peaceful out here. And with Killian’s arm draped around her, surprisingly warm as well.  On impulse, she reached up and pecked him on the cheek. 
“And what was that delightful gesture for, Swan?”
She shrugged.  “No reason.  Just…thank you.  You were right.  It’s nice to get away from the craziness of the town for a while.”
He smiled, making the crow’s feet stand at attention at the edges of his eyes.  “Darling, when are you going to finally realize that I’m always right?”
Emma rolled her eyes but couldn’t keep the grin from her face.  “Don’t hold your breath, pirate.”
“Thought as much,” Killian muttered under his breath.
Emma had never been a big fan of winter.  She hated the cold, and the snow drove her crazy—especially now that she was the sheriff and was called to every fender bender and slide-off in the whole damn town.  Killian, however, seemed to have an entirely different opinion on the matter.  His face was lit up with the wonder and awe of a child as he trudged through the ankle-deep snow and watched the flurries continue to drift down.
“You seem to be enjoying this weather,” she observed, reaching up to feather her fingers through his hair and dislodge the stubborn snowflakes that had evidently decided to take up residence there.
“Aye,” he said, looking down at her with a delighted grin.  “Always reminds me of a day I spent with Liam many, many years ago.”
Emma perked up at the mention of Killian’s brother.  “You never talk about him.  I always assumed the memories were too painful for you.”
Killian smiled tenderly.  “Aye, some memories are.  It seems no matter how many centuries go by, the sting of his passing will never truly fade.  I do, however, have many, many pleasant memories of him, and the day we spent in the snow is certainly one of those.”
“Would you tell me about it?”
“Of course,” he complied without hesitation.  “It was one of the last good memories I had of my family.  My mum died the following year, and my father was never the same after her passing.  At any rate, I was but a wee lad at the time, five, maybe six years old.  Liam was a good ten years my senior and I nearly worshiped him.  He’d just informed me that he would be leaving in less than a fortnight upon his first ship; I no longer recall her name.  He was to be a cabin boy and I’ve rarely seen a lad so excited.  I was, of course, devastated that my brother, my hero, would be leaving me in a matter of days.”
“I can only imagine,” Emma soothed.  Killian felt things so deeply; his entire heart and soul were invested when he loved.  Liam’s departure must have hit him hard.
“Aye,” he said with a grimace.  “Anyway, on the day in question, Liam woke me, excited about the newly fallen snow.  We two spent the entire day reveling in it—making snowmen and snow fortifications.  Engaging in a rather ruthless snowball fight.  It was a day I wouldn’t trade for all the rum in the Enchanted Forest.”
“It sounds great.”
“Aye, that it was.”
They lapsed into silence for a time.  Emma rested her head against his shoulder, and she felt him brush a kiss against the crown of her head.
“So how was your breakfast with Henry?” Emma asked.
“Informative,” Killian said, and Emma could hear the smile in his voice.  “The lad is a wealth of information.  He seems quite excited for this Christmas holiday.”
Emma sighed.  “Yeah.  Seems like it’s all he can talk about.”
Killian looked over at her.  “From your tone, I take it you don’t share his sentiments?”
“No.”  The word was definitive, emphatic.
“The lad told me as much,” Killian admitted.  “He was concerned that you seem unwilling to participate in this realm’s Christmas traditions.”
Emma grimaced.  “I was hoping it would be enough for him to get all the Christmas crap at Regina’s or my mom and dad’s.”
Killian stopped walking and turned her toward him.  “The lad didn’t come to me because he needs more Christmas; he came to me because he’s worried about you.”
Henry was worried about her?  Because of Christmas?  “He doesn’t need to be.  I’m fine.”
Killian looked at her skeptically.  “Swan, I’ve seen you ‘fine’.  I’ve seen you happy.  I’ve seen you content.  You are feeling none of those emotions.  This ‘Christmas’ is obviously a source of pain for you.  Please, tell me why that is.”
Emma sighed.  There really was no point trying to hide anything from this man.  “It’s just…I don’t know.  Christmas is all about family and happiness and being together and stuff.”
“And these are bad things?”  At some point, Killian brought his good hand up to cup her face, and he was gently caressing her cheek with his thumb. 
“No…”  Emma drew out the syllable.  “Not in general, but for an unwanted little girl in the group homes it was torture.  I mean, everywhere you turned you’d get assaulted with images of happy little families doing happy little family things.  Every time you turned on the TV you’d see commercials and movies and everything else where everyone was perfectly happy and enjoying each other’s company.  The songs talk about it being the happiest time of the year, or about how people love going home for the holidays or the love of family.  You know what it was for me?  It was a slap in the face.  It was yet another reminder that I’d never had that and probably never would.”
The compassion in Killian’s eyes nearly broke her.  He dropped his hand from her face and gathered her into his arms, holding her tight.  She clung to him, drinking in the love he offered her.
“Emma,” he whispered., “there are so many, many people who love you.  So many, many people who would do anything to make you happy.”
The tears rushed to her eyes.  “I know, and it means everything in the world to me.  It’s just—I don’t know.  Childhood memories die hard.  I don’t know if I can even do all the ‘happy family Christmas’ stuff.”
“But you said it yourself, love,” Killian reasoned, stroking her hair.  “Christmas isn’t about perfectly fulfilling the traditions you’re accustomed to.  It’s not about living up to the standards you believe the ‘perfect’ families attained.  It’s not about fulfilling a checklist of Christmas items.  It’s about being with the ones you love; showing them how much you care.”
Killian pulled away.  “Let us love you,” he said simply.  “Let us show you how much you mean to all of us.  Let us build our own traditions, our own memories.  Perhaps they won’t erase the pain of the past, but trust me love, the good memories, the beautiful moments—they shine as brightly as the star Leroy attempted to force me to place on the top of Granny’s tree—if you but let them.  They are like the sun that blots out the light of the stars.  Losing Liam to dreamshade—it was one of the darkest days of my life.  The pain of losing my brother, the man who was captain and brother and hero to me, was such that words cannot describe.  Even so, traumatic as that day was, it cannot hold a candle to the simple joy of that day spent playing in the snow. ”
“I wish I’d met Liam,” Emma said with a wistful smile.
“As do I love,” Killian said.  “He would have liked you—and would have thanked his lucky stars that I’d finally found myself a beautiful blonde savior to point me back to the man I wish to be.”
Emma stroked his face.  “He’d be proud of you, Killian.  You’re a good man; one of the best and most honorable I know.”
Killian turned his head and brushed a kiss against her palm.  “You can have no idea how sweet those words sound coming from your lips.  I have but one bit of advice for you, love: don’t run from the love of family and the joys of Christmas all around you.  Make new memories, good memories.  I can promise you; you won’t regret it.”
Emma reached up and brushed a soft kiss against his lips.  “Maybe you’re right.”
“Again with the skepticism, darling?  Didn’t we just establish I’m always right?”
Emma chuckled.  “Whatever.  I’m hungry.  Are you going to take me to lunch or not?”
Killian sketched a bow.  “My lady’s wish is my command.”
–Up next, Emma and Killian return to her apartment after the town’s Christmas Eve party.
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localfanbaselurker · 3 months
I’m watching “Voltron: Legendary Defender” for the first time and these are my compiled thoughts.
This is Season 3
(S 1-2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
<this one will be a little longer because I took more pictures when I watched these two seasons, as I got a little more invested in the show>
(Edit: apparently I can only put 10 pictures per post, so while I planned for this to be season 3 and 4, this has to be a solo season post because I have wayyyy too many thoughts and a lot of them need accompanying pictures)
Pre-Season 3
-> I wonder who is gonna be the new black paladin, I hope it’s Allura. Or Keith I guess, but his ass is NOT ready for leadership
-> I need to know where Shiro is. Bring back my Cruella Deville!
-> the witch is altean! This is gonna be sooo important I just know it
-> I wonder how Allura and Keith will interact now that she sorta accepted him being part galra. that’s actually a really interesting topic.
->Keith being galra is gonna be something very important as well I think.
-> Pidge BETTER find her brother and father this season or I swear Dreamworks is gonna catch these hands
Post-Season 3
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-> ^if villain why hot?
->his ideals are giving Roman Empire. (I guess that makes sense considering he’s the prince of the Galra Empire)
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->^hmmm.🤨🤔 (I know what you are)
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->^Space TyLee! And Space Asami, too!
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->^oh so Keith gets to be insecure now, I guess everyone gets their own “angst” episode
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->^hes the first to comfort him! is this a “klance” moment? It feels like one
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->^Once again have to talk about Allura and her dad. She already threw away all her dad’s memories and his “essence” of him. Now she can’t even stay connected to him by piloting his lion ☹️. I genuinely get so sad every time I think about her. 🙁 All I do at 3 am is cry. 😕
->I originally got super sad about that, but then she became the blue one and I was really happy. But I was reallyyyy confused about the schematics of the switches. (still kinda am) like the lions don’t fit their personalities. And isn’t it the point that they get chosen for a reason?? Like when the blue one chose Lance in s1? And the red one chose Kieth, etc. ?? I guess it makes sense for them to call on other paladins when Shiro “dies” (his ass is not dead, I’m 100% sure of that) but Allura fits Black/Red better imo.
-> But then again, I did like how it was executed/explained. “Oh Lance ur the new red one cus you accepted Keith as ur leader and now you have to be the right hand. Get it cus red is Voltron’s right arm??” like yeah. And of course:
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->^Allurance!! I finally see it, now.
-> Also, my supposed question about “langst” was proven wrong, there’s more than just the “seventh wheel” episode.
“Not only am I not meant to be the leader, I guess… I guess now I’m not even meant to be a paladin”
He is really insecure about that isn’t he? Does any of this ever get resolved??
-> this season was huge for klance apparently. They have so many moments together. When they get dragged by evil elsa Lotor to that weird planet and have their lions talk face to face, the shoulder touch, them seeking each other out for/being the first to give the other comfort/reassurance, “Leave the math to Pidge” , Lance being the most upset that Keith isn’t at the parade thing, their teamwork in “Tailing a Comet”, “Yeah, who am I gonna make fun of?”
You guys just kept winning this season honestly slay.
-> The Lore drop that Coran did about the creation of Voltron/Original Paladins. Bro
->I’m still hung up on that. Honerva I could have saved you.
-> Gotta say though im all for an evil couple.
-> I loved all the S1 call backs to the original paladins “I’m a leg!” Like yeah 🩷 you are 💛 and the og blue paladin does the “lance in the intro” thing
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->^When they form Voltron for the first time in the flashback, the colors are brighter, much like the original 80s show’s colors, and the captions later read “Defender of the Universe”, which was the name of the original Voltron show. This is an especially fun detail because not only are they honoring the “original paladins/voltron” of the show’s lore, they are also doing so in reference to the original show itself, which I think is all so beautiful
->Baby Allura is soooo cute!
-> We get Shiro back! I knew he wasn’t dead. Low key I was scared he lost another arm or something but no! He’s okay 🖤🤍
-> I did some research and it turns out he is in fact 25, I don’t know whether to be happier or sadder for him. On one hand, thank fuck he’s not like 15-17 like the others, on the other hand, he should be at the club. He should be finding love, he should be at his 9-5 paying taxes and doing laundry not having his arm chopped off and replaced with magic and having to fight in the space coliseum and then escaping and having to pilot a giant robot and be a part of an intergalactic war. (I suppose that last part is true for all of them, but the rest is shiro-specific, and it all makes me a little sad)
-> call me crazy but he looked hotter when his hair was long
-> on that note, WHERE did he find a razor. Did he just use a sword or something?? Like in mulan??
-> in “Tailing a Comet”, they apparently meet alternate space reality!Kuvira from atla:lok , and ASR!Bataar Jr. I mean, really, down to the bun and the mole, as well as the controlling dictatorship-esque behavior and the “really, this is actually for their own good” attitude when it comes to said controlling behavior. Did the writers of each show just share ideas or??
-> im so serious with that last question. The thing that came out of the “quintessence rift” that the original paladins had to fight? A dark spirit from LoK: Book 2: Spirits. Whatever tf happened to zarkon when he got too close? When Unalaq got possessed by Vaatu. I mean really, were they just passing cards like go fish?
->I genuinely cried when Keith left for the Blade of Marmora (to save time, I’m gonna start calling them the “Blades” or “BOM”)
-> however, I feel like him leaving for the blades is gonna be really plot relevant later on
-> I think that’s when S3 ended im pretty sure. I don’t have further thoughts other than those I could’ve discussed if I could upload enough pictures for my S4 thoughts that accompanied them.
These are thoughts I’ve had compiled for a while. I finished S3 on 06/26/24 and S4 on 06/30/24. As of today (07/3/24) I am on S5E3.
I will continue to post my thoughts/Updates on the tag “laura’s first vld”
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hecatesbroom · 6 months
For the ask game -- The Golden Girls, of course! But also The Good Place, if you'd like! And I'm curious about what your favourite movie might be, if you have one, so consider that my third suggestion :)
aa thanks for the ask! And so sorry I took so long to reply. I love asks but am notoriously bad at getting to them on time, haha.
Of course the Golden Girls! (Which you can find answered here!)
The Good Place it is! + my favourite movie, both under the cut because this is getting long
My rating (1-10)
I still haven't watched the full show so I don't think I could rate it yet, but it's somewhere in the 8-9 range!
My favourite character
Ooh this is hard! I think Janet? Maybe? I love how she makes her own journey towards humanity. Though I also love Michael, possibly for the very same reason haha. It's been a while since I watched though, so I don't have too many well thought-out things to say about them at the moment!
My least favourite character
That bad guy? The demon trying to mess up everyone's plans? I forgot his name but I detest the guy (which I think is how you're supposed to feel as the audience, so you know, it makes sense haha)
The character I think I’d be friends with
To be perfectly honest, I can't really see myself getting along with any of the main cast. I'm sure they'd all get on my nerves after a while! 😂 my safest bet is probably Janet, or maybe Chidi.
The character I think I won’t hit off with
See my answer above! But I think out of the main cast, I'd get along worst of all with Jason. He's a nice guy, but even as a relatively patient person I'm sure he'd drive me crazy at some point 😂
My favourite episode/scene
It's been a while, but I still remember the way the reveal at the end of season 1 made me feel. And that was amazing!! It opened up a whole new layer of context, and gave the show so much more meaning. So that's probably my favourite part: the reveal!
Whose clothing style I like best
Oohh, I think it's Janet's outfit, to be honest. It's just great, what can I say?
Times I watched it (and if I would again)
Just once, about 2/3 of the way through, and I'd absolutely rewatch at some point (after I finally manage to finish it)!
My favourite movie is The Sound of Music! There are plenty of others I enjoy watching and rewatching, but nothing ever quite matches up to the magic of The Sound of Music :)
My rating (1-10)
10/10!! of course!
My favourite character
Maria, if only because I adore Julie Andrews (and she's just a great character!!) It's rare to find characters who are this kind and positive, without being a pushover or the comic relief :)
My least favourite character
I don't think I really have one? There are a couple I dislike for obvious reasons, but they all serve an important part in the plot, so I can't really bring myself to pick *one* I dislike most?
The character I think I’d be friends with
It'd probably be lots of fun to be friends with Maria! She seems like such a bright, uplifting person to be around. And also like the type to befriend everyone she encounters, haha.
The character I think I won’t hit off with
Uh. I think this is obvious if you've seen the movie lmao
My favourite episode/scene
Everything?? (Alright, I always swoon a little when I watch the Laendler scene)
Whose clothing style I like best
To be really honest, the costuming is the one problem I have with The Sound of Music. They're in the late 1930s! Why is everyone dressed like they're in the 50s and 60s?? I love how everyone's outfits match their characters, but come on, why didn't they make them more appropriate to the decade at least? :')
Times I watched it (and if I would again)
More times than I can count, probably (and yup, I'm definitely watching it again. And again. And again!)
Thanks for sending an ask! <3 I tried to keep it short, and I think I kind of succeeded (for my standards, anyway 😂)
5 notes · View notes
My internet provider was straight up playing me before because it took 3 hours to download the ep last week and with the new internet, 20 minutes this week, so anyway I took random notes while watching and just gonna post a couple of them in one hit before scrolling my dash:
1. “Anybody can get a guy to bang them once.” Oh, can they, Dennis? Can they?? Sounds like a man speaking from experience, huh.
2. Jack to Charlie regarding “play dates” together and him saying “You don’t remember,” oh that hurts my heart, Charlie having to repress memories of him. And then the extra creep factor with the fucking ice cream truck, good lord, I’m starting to think Jack murder is more and more possible this season.
3. “Don’t mind my friend, he’s schizophrenic.” “I am, yeah.” I know it’s like a joke here, but I like schizotypal Charlie headcanon so I choose to see this as a win. (Spider in my ear vibes though <3)
4. Dee and Mac asking “why” and “how come” Dennis has a system to get men and him shhing them, oh yeah it’s all coming together, he’s used this system fr, and the truth and something else is gonna come out, baby.
5. Love The Waitress is Getting Married vibes from Dennis helping Mac and Dee on their dates the way they tried to help Charlie.
6. Girl, how did Dennis get that bottle open over that guy, this man lives off of beer and air, he’s a weak, frail Victorian maiden who would absolutely get Mac to open jars in their apartment constantly.
7. MOMMY ISSUES DENNIS REAL. Okay so we’re all in agreement we’re gonna transport Den “back to a time when he was a snot nosed little bitch who depended on the most important person in his life for absolutely everything, the person who inflated his ego, who made him feel powerful but also powerless, the person whose validation he’s been seeking his entire life.” I’m SCREAMING. “The way to make a guy fall in love with you is to make him feel like you are his mommy.” GIRL, WHAT THE FUCK, Freud would like a word, I could write a whole essay on this scene alone, but I’m sure someone else already has, but oh my god they’re bringing up how Barbara’s influence really messed with him, inflating his ego, making him the golden child and holding him up to these perfect standards, but he’s trying to maintain that perfection even after she’s gone and realizing he can’t, making him powerless. He just wants the illusion of power! he doesn’t want to have to work for it this much. Head buzzing with incoherent thoughts but there are thoughts here I may come back to just aaahh.
8. On another note, I really liked their acting in this one, especially the S.I.N.N.E.D. scene, their deliveries were all great, they seemed to be having fun and it was sooo cute.
9. A boy in love with Johnny so he can’t be with anyone else, but Dennis is Johnny, Dennis catfish real, Dennis controlling anal beads real, what fever dream is this fucking episode, a boy in love with Johnny, Johnny dennis Dennis Johnny, I’m losing my mind.
10. “I’m Dennis, I’ve always been Dennis” and Ireland’s “You’re you, you’ve always been you” parallels and Mac’s need for solid and clear labels of identity, but Dennis’ continually vague notion of his own self, and Mac remaining completely clueless this whole season, not seeing what’s right in front of him, the blowing jokes, Dennis and his system for men, Dennis is Johnny, while Dennis is starting to realize maybe what he wants and continuously gets more aware, and it leads to mental health day, aaah idk!! So much!
11. I love how everyone was deep dive analyzing the Frank Dennis scene and it was just him telling him he got anal beads in his ass 😭
12. The chess opponent looks a lil like Donald to me.
13. Full ass blast 😭 I hate how this show makes me insane regardless of that.
16 notes · View notes