#i could do spidersonas of the other guys though
the-sneep-snoop · 1 year
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you’ve heard of spider punk now get ready for spider of other musical subculture
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draculasfavoritewife · 5 months
Miguel O'Hara x Reader Headcanons
Summary: How you and Miguel found yourselves in a situationship of sorts.
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x fem!Spider!Reader
Warnings: Miguel gets angry when he's worried (it's a canon event guys). A very sultry kiss and implied smut towards the end. Me using far too many of the adjectives at my disposal just to describe this man and all the things he makes me feel.
I went and saw Across the Spiderverse TWICE in a week while it was in my hometown, and immediately started drafting fic for this goddamn gorgeous problem of a man 🔥 He just gave me too much to work with and I may or may not have spent entire months watching every single compilation I could find for "scientific inspiration". For my headcanon purposes, reader is a spider-hero as well, but I left her pretty vague on purpose -- feel free to fill in her costume/powers/skill set with your own spidersona :)
*Spanish translations at the end! (I am fairly bilingual, but if I made a lil mistake here or there do forgive me)
• He would say he had no idea when or how it started -- you, on the other hand, were taken by him from the first time he gave you his whole "canon" spiel.
• How could you not be? He towered above you, body chiseled like a Greek God, angular face equal parts weary and arrogant.
• And that voice -- rich and smooth as a silky black coffee -- it would be safe to say you were pretty smitten right away.
• To his surprise, you worked your way into his inner circle fairly quickly for a new recruit. Although you definitely had your own opinions, you knew when and how to push his boundaries and when he wasn't in the mood for it.
• Soon he trusted you to handle yourself with minimal supervision from him -- and maybe that trust was the beginnings of it for him. Because even though he recognized your competence, he still found himself continually assigning you to his personal strike squad, not to look after you, but because you somehow didn't annoy the hell out of him.
• Which comes in handy for everyone else after a while, because soon that translates over to you soothing the proverbial beast when he's biting the heads off of the more sensitive Spiders.
"How could you be so STUPID -- !"
"Okay, Miguel, I think they got the point."
"But they -- !"
"I know. They know. It's okay, let's all just take a breath."
"¡Ay coño! Nadie me oye. Todos son idiotas."
But he does back off, and does take a breath, and everyone else stares at you like you're the second coming of Christ.
• Your fascination and admiration for the intense head of the Society soon turns to a genuine enjoyment of his company. He's not much of a conversationalist, but you're okay with silence, and sometimes you just...end up keeping him company in the monitor tower after missions and he just...lets you.
• You soon notice the ungodly hours he keeps and start leaving him an empanada and a black coffee at the end of the day when you leave -- you know how dangerous he gets when hangry and undercaffeinated.
• It's a bit strange for him at first (someone is actually choosing his company over the bombastic personalities of the other spiders?) but Miguel soon gets used to you hanging around, and the hairs on the back of his neck finally stop bristling at having a fellow person in the room.
• One thing he absolutely can't figure out is why the scent of fear never radiates from you, even when you witness his occasional equipment-trashing tantrums. But he somehow doesn't quite mind that he can't intimidate you.
• He would strongly deny he ever gave you favorite treatment, but some of the others do realize he's not QUITE as hard on you when you challenge his decisions.
• Sometimes you check on him late at night before you go home; you can tell when he hasn't slept in a couple days by the way his shoulders hunch and how often he pinches the bridge of his nose against an oncoming headache (though sometimes that's just from dealing with Peter (x100) for too long).
• And that turns into you staying in late to keep him company while he swipes through screens upon screens of things that require his personal attention.
• That's how you end up finally seeing the videos of him and his little girl; he probably forgot you were there and her loss hit him all over again and before he knew it you had seen what he was like once, when the lines on his handsome face were from smiling so widely instead of losing sleep over the fate of all of reality.
• Neither of you really address it for a long time, but you know, and he knows you do, and there's this weird comfort that settles between the two of you after that.
• He already knows your story of course, and your canon events, but when the pair of you finally start talking during those late nights you share the little details, and you have the feeling that he wants to care about the small things, he just can't with the much larger picture he has to handle.
• It's little things that make it past his unbreakable outer walls -- the fleeting brush of your hand across his back as you pass behind him, the way you can hold eye contact with him longer than anyone else, the seemingly flippant way you blow him a kiss every so often when he sends you off to go make yourself useful elsewhere. Casual things, but he notices.
• And you want to tell him you're in love with him, but have a feeling he doesn't want to hear those words, because once they're out in the air, it means you both can't sidestep it anymore, so you don't.
• After a particularly rough mission, he's angry and you're shaken up, and he doesn't mean to react the way he does, but he takes it out on you, scolding you for what almost happened, and you fire right back because you're emotional, and the two of you end up raising your voices and everyone else just kind of...leaves the room.
• Then silence.
• You and Miguel are breathing hard, staring at each other. And something fragile takes root in the empty space between you.
• "Could you do me a favor and maybe not get yourself shocking killed?!" he growls at last, and there's a raw edge to it you haven't heard before.
• You laugh brokenly. "What do you really care, O'Hara? There's literally hundreds of Spiders here; I think you'd be okay."
• "¡Coño! How can you be so blind?!" He's snarling now, full lips pulled back and sharp teeth on display. "I thought we were on the same page for once."
• You're totally unprepared for when he grabs your shoulders and forces you to look up, right at him. "I can't lose someone else."
• He's so close, and his angry mouth has softened. And maybe you've lost your mind, but he's already angry, so what do you have to lose, really? At least that's what you tell yourself as you take the plunge and lean in.
• And to your surprise, he not only meets your lips, he kisses you back with matching fire, and what was supposed to be a simple, singular impulse turns into an unexpectedly heavy ongoing process -- fingers raking through hair, bodies pressing together, hotly whispering things neither of you remembers.
• And then as quickly as it happened, it's over, and you're on opposite sides of the room again like sulking cats, and he sends you home.
• You don't talk about the incident for weeks. Life goes on.
• But then one night, he offers to take you home when you both stay behind late, and at your door he apologizes for his lapse in professionalism, and you admit you...didn't mind. At all. He doesn't seem in a hurry to leave, and wanting to distract him from his work for at least a little while, you invite him in.
• And somehow what was supposed to be a sweet goodbye-and-thank-you kiss a couple hours later turned into exploring touches and murmured questions and agreements and how damn good his arms feel locked around your body; and when the sun filters in through your window in the morning he's long gone but your skin still smells like him and you realize that actually happened.
• You assume it's a one-time thing. People make mistakes, after all, no hard feelings.
• Bur when Miguel holds you back after a mission several days later and wants to make absolutely sure that the other night didn't make things uncomfortable between you, you go out on a limb and admit to him that you really enjoyed it.
• And he has to take some time and process that.
• But eventually he shows up at your place late one night again, and it starts to become a bit of a regular thing. So much so that you give him the spare key to your apartment and he starts to leave some of his clothes there sometimes. You love wearing his shirts, because they're enormous as hell on you, and you sleep in his clothes whenever you can't have his skin against yours.
• (For his part, he also likes when you wear his shirts, because then your throat, shoulders, and thighs are that much easier to get at.)
• And life goes on.
¡Ay coño! = (Expletive)
Nadie me oye = No one listens to/hears me
Todos son idiotas = They're all idiots
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rroechan · 7 months
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The Thorny Spider
'Flying Devil'? 'Spider from Hell'? That's just your terrifying friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man on the prowl!
lots of yapping below
Super late for the spiderverse trend but i've been reading an unfortunate amount of peter parker fics and i couldn't help but pull this guy up from memory
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Spider-Thorn? Horned Spider? Spider-Fiend?
His name is Piers Lang, born and raised to kick your ass. With both parents dead at the ripe age of 8, kiddo found himself going from his home in M'sia to living with his aunt and uncle all the way in USA 🫡🦅🇺🇸
his abilities are about the same as OG spiderman, like spider-proportional strength, speed, stickiness etc etc. There's only one thing that's vastly different from the others is his enhanced senses
So like, enhanced hearing, scent, that sort of thing. If it was already bad for Peter in his day to dau life, imagine what this guy's goin' through
due to a mix of nature and nuture, his senses, particularly his sorta 'area awareness' is higher than the average spidey
He grew up with terrible vision and in a rough neighbourhood so his senses has always been fairly attuned to his surroundings. A bit like a 6th sense or a natural instinct one would naturally gain over time. The bite basically strengthened all these features except his eyesight (most spider species have poor eyesight. only some have it good. i thought that was funny)
that scene in spider-man: far from home where spidey relies entirely on his spider sense to fight mysterio's drones? Yeah THAT but 10 fold
even when totally blinded, he can use this specific ability to make like a fully 3d mental map of the area around him. Basically seeing everything around him 360 with his eyes closed. So he can fully fight no issue in the dark (basically Daredevil's radar sense)
sometimes he purposely fights with eyes closed cause it helps prevent him from being overwhelmed (even pre-bite he had issues with sensory overloads)
For the hearing and smelling, i tried to see if OG spiderman had any upper limit at all to the distance of his abilities but there's nothing solid :// My guy in particular, I like to think there's no true limit to his sense, like he could track a whole city of people if he wanted but he'd have to be meditating and in a super focused state to do so + overuse of his senses makes his head hurt a lot
Out of the suit, he has a habit of wearing earplugs or earphones constantly playing some genre of white noise. And some strong smelling balm on his upper lip (idk whats the actual english name of it)
Aside from that, he has a few spidery traits (got the idea from a fic, no I do not remember what its name is). The spider he was bitten by had all sorts of different spider dna weaved into it.
He sometimes chirps or purrs when in a good mood or just, when he's comfortable enough to not hide his spidery traits. Has stare offs with actual spiders for dominance. Absurdly flexibles and can get into wild contortionist-like poses and calls them comfortable. Likes smoothies. Gets sleepy when cold. Salvatory glands produce a very mild venom. Yada yada
About the suit
He didn't design it, his man-in-the-chair did. Though he did do all the wiring, engineering etc and was the one who suggested to base the suit design off an orb weaver spider
The red of his suit glows with exposure to UV. Adding on the fact that he mainly patrols at night makes it worse for baddies because imagine you're in the middle of crime-ing and from out the darkness, Satan himself comes to be your reckoning.
The suit being majority black adds the challenge of making sure his poses are readable so that's Fun.
of his 8 'eyes' only 2 of them actually function which are the main ones in the upper front. the others are for show.
The horns are where all the business is at. They all have a solid exterior so he fully can use em to shoulder check, headbutt, etc baddies but their main purpose is to act as antennas. Both for his comms so he can go super long distances without worry as well as help hone and focus his senses to his surrounding area
See, usually his senses is like a motion detector but across a super big area so without earplugs and the smelling balm, his senses are extremely scattered and kinda blurred.
He figured out fairly quick that with antennas connected to his main 'sensory points' on his body help focus his senses to his immediate area instead of being fragmented (does this make sense? im fully bullshitting at this point)
Not illustrated but under the suit he has this network of connected patches (like those they put on you during surgery) to track his stats and junk alongside the whole spidey sense honing thing
Moving on, the spider on the back of his head is actually a later addition cause ppl keep thinking he's supposed to be a demon (him not realising ppl aren't entomology nerds like him)
The spikes on his knuckles are purely for combat and is entirely inspired by his favourite sonic character: Knuckles.
The baggy pants, body suit and hood are all one piece. Only the mask and the utility belt are removable
The whole front of the mask is a solid piece under the fabric. So he can't fold the mask halfway up to his nose and kiss someone upside-down but he can remove one of the lower eye panel thing to eat or drink if he needs to.
the utility belt mostly has his burner phone, zipties, few first aid necessities and cereal bars
I wanted to add a brief telling of his backstory here as well as his ascociation to the spiderverse gang but this post is long enough orz
Ill definitely post abt this guy again though, that's for sure. I'm more a manga fan but I have some plans on mimicking american comics style for some 'fake' comic pages for this guy and his main villain
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i know i JUST did this with the pony au but.. been thimking of.. saiki k spidersonas.. head in hands..
let me give u my ideas😋
this is just a brainstorm dont judge if its cringe
chiyo- love bite
pink+orange suit
HEAVY on the mask eyeliner
suit has a cute lil skirt, both cuz its just cute and fun and cuz she was insecure about the way the skintight suit looked
"i stained my mask with lipstick.. why did i do that..." (continues doing it)
eventually she just makes a mask that doesnt cover her mouth and realizes she shouldve just done that in the first place cuz one of her powers is her sharp ass venomous teeth😭(venom only deadly if she bites for a REALLY long time)
also for some reason i think one of her powers would be like an ABSOLUTELY EAR SPLITTING SHRIEK.. not bad enough to make people go deaf, but it seriously disorientates them and makes their ears ring
shun- jet black widow
blue+black (+red accents? maybe yellow to go with his whole thunder thing)
bat wings on his suit.. can he fly?? prob not.. sure can glide though!!
aren- the demon killer ??? (just his gang alias, idk what else to name him)
purple+black (+red accents?) ((matching with shun?🤔)
i feel like his only power would be super strength (but like.. SUPER super strength.. bros crazy strong already so...) and he would have to manually create a suit that gives him more spider-like capabilities.. why did he need to become a spider-person instead of just being a regular superhero?? um cuz its cool and his friends were doing it obviously..
kokomi- heart slinger
her suit also has a cute lil skirt, mostly cuz she didnt want annoying guys to be weird about the skintight suit
y'all know miss heed from villainous??? she prob has powers like that but yk.. less evil
i also imagine one of her powers being that shes somewhat indestructible.. like thats exaggerative ofc but it probably takes a LOT for her to bruise or bleed and she can take a lot of pain.. it just feels right to me, fitting for her perfect girl thing..
mikoto- tiger spider
BRIGHT pink+animal print
COVERED in what looks like stickers but is actually just cute little images embroidered on the suit
can obv still see the future like in canon.. cant decide if she has other powers naturally too
i kind of imagine her just updating kusuo on the sidelines or something but that might make her seem like too much of a sidekick and i dont like that so maybe she stays with him and does her predictions right there
maybe shes like aren and just has the one power but has special suit technology.. kusuo prob helps her, which i'll talk about in a second
ALTERNATIVELY she could be like peni parker and have a robo suit (covered in stickers and very decorated..) where she can safely do her predictions while controlling the suit.. she could use both interchangeably or either one idk
BIG social media following.. posts EVERYTHING.. pisses kusuo tf off
kusuo- cyborg spider man / psi bug
the media calls him the first name because its a running bit and hes PISSED about it
was thinking he'd just be plain spiderman but there has to be at least some sort of theme to go with his limiters sticking tf out the mask
despite already being the most powerful, his suit is the most technologically advanced.. hes just seriously really extra, bro prob made big spider legs sticking out the suit even though he can fly and defy gravity already.. he doesnt need them.. but it sure does look cool..
helps the others make advancements in their suits too
he'd prob have different limiters in this au too, like ones that limit in different amounts so he can fight efficiently
fyi he did NOT want to be a spider person cuz ew spiders but after a power reveal to his friends and them all having some weird accident or something and getting these superpowers snd THIS was the gimmick they went with.. he didnt have much of a choice
anywayyyyyyy most of them prob have secret identities and dont wanna be public (for various reasons) but miko would definitely just tell everyone who she is.. kusuo would constantly be having to protect her from stalkers and the like when shes just trying to live her life
kokomi prob tried to be secret at first just to prevent having MORE stalkers and general crazy people surrounding her every day life, but she would def be the first person to be exposed by the public because.. well, the media would be OBSESSED with her but also, shes just really obvious and doesnt realize shes not being subtle at all.. prob has all her long blue hair out of her suit and everything.. eventually she prob decided against having a mask at all (or just having one around her eyes) cuz being pretty and perfect adds to her whole thing
kusuo is pissed at both of them cuz he seriously cant handle hanging out with them in public now.. like if it was bad before, its terrible now
alsooo i was thinking about whether or not all his friends knew each others secret identities from the start or not and i started considering like if they didnt at first, yumehara would have a crush on kaido or the jet black widow and i was thinking theyd team up or something and she'd be like ugh i cant crush on this guy, i have kaido !!! and then i realized, this is just miraculous, i was making yumekai miraculous 😭😭
is kusuke a supervillain? ehhhh, probably nottt, he'd prob be similar to how he is in canon.. jealous and obsessive over his brother but doesnt really care about anything or anyone else enough to really be evil, he prob creates crazy supervillain esque tech that could rival the heroes easily but only uses it in private against kusuo cuz he wants to prove he can beat him.. kusuo comes back from his brothers place absolutely BATTERED and bloody and the others are like "?!?!? did u battle someone and not tell us???" and hes like nah i was just hanging out with my brother
just a thought!! i didnt do everyone but with some of the others, i wasnt sure whether i would want them to be spider people in this au or not, like maybe theyd have some other role ?? would not be opposed to it though if anyone else has ideas for it or if i think of something..
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cottageimp · 1 year
What silly shenanigans do spot and clover get up to on patrol like do them chase each other around or do they like have random conversations while fighting other bad guys.
I love your art, and it’s giving me so many ideas for my spidersona. Your blog has gotten the extremely rare honor of getting notifications turned on.
Hmm that's one question!! I love it! I apologize it's taken me a bit of time to answer some of these but I'm gonna try to answer a few now that I can just type up because I don't seem to have the particular energy I need for doodling many answers!!
Y'know sometimes I think Miguel wouldn't want Spot going with Clover but Clove is only able to convince him after showing off how Spot could help catch anomalies (It probably took days to be honest)!! As for what they get up to! I think they'd make cute conversation amongst themselves while trying to capture someone. I can see it now!
Clover: "WOW! That was so cool! How did you do that?!" Spot: "OH well, I just learned how to do that actually. I... Sorta winged it. Anomaly: "Are you two serious right now?!"
All while they swing and portal through any sort of landscape trapping the anomaly. I can see it being quite silly to witness!! Frustrating for the anomaly though...
Oh as well!! Thank you so much for the kindness ahh! I love giving others ideas. I wanna mention that I'm never one to gate-keep an idea. If you enjoy a sort of theme I present to you, please interpret it as you please. I love love love inspiring others! Of course exact copies isn't wanted but inspiration or reference!! Please have fun!
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Headcanon time!!
1. West and DJ have Thier hoodies, shirts and jackets constantly stolen by Thier respective Partners even after offering to just buy the clothes in that size!
2. Adder is a chili head
3. Joust, Purl-hew and Cyril talk long about how to make good Irish coffee ( coffee with whiskey in it) and other alcohol infused coffee
4. The Sayu crew do small warm-up/ cool down routine after each day as it's important to do a bit of excersize even if you just draw all day
5. Nova, Yinu and Mayday all have light up shoes
6. The rest of 1010 call West 'Chubaka' in turn he calls them 'Clone troopers'
7. Tatiana owns all Barbie movies! They're fun!!
8. Kliff has a fear of clowns
9. Eloni is not allowed near vending machines due to an accident that happened when she still had the ring for hair
10. Zuke, Remi and Eve all have spidersonas (and they all wanted the new spider verse together)
1). Nova is a lot more adamant on their partner just getting a plus size hoodie/shirt to wear as he doesn't like people wearing his clothes except in certain situations (ie. partner is extremely cold even with proper clothes). West on the other hand loves sharing his clothes but after some time not getting it back starts either suggesting them to get clothes his size or will steal his clothes back.
2). Like the spice? I actually see Adder as not having a good tolerance for spice at all. He is much more of a bland food kinda guy.
3). They are also probably talking about all other kinds of alcoholic drinks as well. Purl and Joust arguing if fruity drinks are good or not and Cyril wanting to combine their cultural alcohols together for fun. (also love that you put Purl and Joust together in a HC because they do have a kind of relationship I have yet to publicly explore yet lol).
4). This was definitely Sofa's idea. Asked Dodo for help to teach simple exercises and was able to get Tila and Remi to join in as well. It has helped all of them both physically and mentally to have this active time every day.
5). Well for Nova that's basically canon based off the concept art lol. Yinu I can definitely see her having light up shoes as well. As for May, she would LOVE to have some but can't because light up shoes are super chonky and she hates having big shoes on (heck, she hates having shoes on at all). So she just wishes she could have light up shoes that didn't feel heavy/big.
6). Hmm... Sorry, don't know how I feel about this one. Mainly because my family used "Chewbacca" as an insult growing up for my cousin. Also, calling 1010 clone troopers would probably be more of an insult than an endearing nickname (especially to Purl who has major problems with their identity). So, sorry, but for this one I can't get behind as a headcanon (obviously you can have it though! I just have my own issues with it).
7). Those early 2000s Barbie movies were amazing! Don't know if she would be greatly into them, but I can see her having them just for fun, especially after the new Barbie movie that came out (is coming out? IDK, haven't been keeping up to date with it, only know the memes coming out of it).
8). Him and Purl are the same then lol (though for Purl it's more of an unsettling feeling than a true fear).
9). Technically she can still have it, but I think you mean when it was a solid piece of metal. And yeah, at that point I can definitely see 1010 doing something stupid and next thing you know Eloni has her rind fully stuck in the hand slot thing lol.
10). Ooooh! I still need to see that movie! I've been seeing such good things from it. You better believe those three are loving every moment from it! Eve's spidersona definitely has multiple arms. Purl, Remi, and Sofa are also probably talking about animation. Eve, Zimelu, and Celine are gonna make cosplays. Fun stuff all around.
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cloudygreywolf · 1 year
For OC asks
Also did you abandon your spider sona? /lh /gen
1. Your first OC ever? - I honestly can't even remember, I was spitting out these guys since before I could properly even spell I think, but the oldest that I remember is Theseus "Ted" McCoy, who was a son of Poseidon. He was my first PJO OC, and I came up with him in sixth grade lol. I think he was pretty much the same as Percy, but he had some more earthquake centered powers as well. I'm not entirely sure though, I don't remember much except for the name.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? - None of my earlier ones could be, because I was trying to make them as #Edgy as possible, but the most sunshine character I can think of that I created is Amabel "Mab" Hall. She's an interesting amalgamation of angel, demon and human. She's certainly sunshine to all her friends, mostly because they view her as the "sunshine" while they are the "sunshine protectors" due to her being the least durable between them at the start of the story. Mab was dubbed a monstrosity by angelic and demonic forces who sought to hunt her down, each for their own ends honestly, but her stepdad who's identity even she isn't sure of, created a pair of enchanted rings that could essentially "store" the angelic and demonic parts of herself, allowing her to pass as a plain old human. The downside of this was her having no powers, but thanks to that, she managed to survive to adulthood. And since even her other human friend can summon nearly indestructible dragon scales at will, they see her as someone they must protect at all costs. She's also genuinely a nice person, but if you'd ask her, she would probably say that her friend Peter was the sunshine of the group. But that's just her opinion.
34. Do you have any twin characters? - No. Plenty of siblings, but no twins.
Off topic: I haven't really abandoned the spidersona, I just haven't found enough time to really invest in it with uni work and all. Although ATSV has got me itching to get back.
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agathaarts · 4 years
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Spidersonas forever!!!!!! Though she’s become less of a Spidersona and more her own weird spiderspinoff at this point, complete with a name change.
Some more Itsy stuff outta basically nowhere! Her spider-human hybrid form is where she’s most “comfortable” and ultimately where she winds up resting most of the time, though she’s still a pretty competent were-spider-shapeshifter-sort. She has a number of different and modifiable outfits, perks of living with a seamstress, and....I also wanted to draw a bunch of her, uh, rogue’s gallery together, though admittedly the Black Cats could be considered friends before long. Or at least, associates.
This is far from all of them, but these are the guys I have concrete looks for at least! Maybe I’ll do one of her allies soon. As is, most of her issues stem from the monsterous OZCORP, the company that not only created her, but continues to create it’s own forces, meddling in the nature of reality to do so!
Tiny blurbs below the cut for each of them, and if you’d like to know more about any of ‘em...let me know! I have an unfortunate amount of ideas for this AU!
ITSY-BITSY AKA SPIDER-WOMAN aka Aggie Appleton. While working for the unscrupulous OzCorp, unlucky intern Aggie Appleton is caught in the backlash of an experiment that fuses her with unstable realmatter and the test subject- a hyper-adaptive spider created using the same unstable realmatter! Now, she fights to protect her city from OzCorp’s increasingly dangerous experiments and the beings created by their experiments as ITSY BITSY aka THE INCREDIBLE SPIDER-WOMAN!
THE GREEN GOBLIN aka Norma Osborne. The CEO and leader of OZcorp, Norma Osborne has sacrificed everything for her company and their work, being a gifted and brilliant scientist in her own right. It has cost her family ties, friends, her social life, and now- her sanity and stability of form. Able to transform into the corrosive GREEN GOBLIN, she becomes a destructive force of chemical reactions and decay, with no more limits standing in her way! At least, until that annoying spider shows up...
THE KLYNTAR, represented by units VENOM and CARNAGE ~ Inter-dimensional beings, symbiotes (or, perhaps, parasites) who feed off of living beings, the KLYNTAR are horrors from beyond who’ve made a deal with Norma Osborne: a place to stop and feed in exchange for OzCorp to poke and prod and take samples to use their unstable realmatter forms to create new techniques and horrors! Of course, once mold gets in....it’s almost impossible to get it out, even if said mold is far more than anything native to Earth!
BLACK CAT is a mystery. A force of corporate espionage, a cat thief, a rumor, and mystery, a funny joke to poke fun at unsolved thefts and leaked information- of course, it’s very hard to find Black Cat. They slip in and out of secure warehouses, files, and companies with nary a trace, virtually impossible to spot. Especially unless you know they’re not one person, but three. At least, that Itsy-Bitsy comes to know of...
THE BUGS are a group of ne’er-do-wells who took up an offer to be bonded with biotech armor by OzCorp, all for their own various reasons, and now they’re beholden to OzCorp...and on an impressive payroll, that motivates being guards, bullies, and thieves as necessary.
SCORPION aka Mac Gargan. Once a private detective of disrespectful status, Mac Gargan was hardly in a place to turn down OzCorp’s offer after befalling tragedy and desperation. Unlike his fellow bugs, he tends to question a lot of his commands, and is well aware of the quote “hinky crap” going down behind the lab doors of OsCorp- but the pay grade is nice. And the benefits, well, the benefits are killer. Besides, he’s gotten to know the personality of his symbiotic armor well...and wouldn’t abandon him back to OzCorp’s nonexistent mercies by quitting.
BEETLE aka Abby Jenkins. Previously an engineer with white collar criminal aspirations, Abby Jenkins was hardly in a place to turn down OzCorp’s offer after befalling tragedy and desperation. Having bonded well with her symbiotic armor, she’s enjoying the steady work and respect she finds with OzCorp, and gets to spend her spare time tinkering with projects amongst brilliant inventors she’d have never had a chance to rub elbows with before!
FLY aka Richie Deacon. A career small-time criminal, Richie Deacon spent most of his life in and out of prison, halfway houses, and shelters, and was hardly in a place to turn down OzCorp’s offer after befalling a particular tragedy and desperation. Now they don’t care much about the work they do, happy to do whatever OzCorp asks in exchange for living a cushy life, even if it means having to wear the gross symbiotic armor. Still, small price to pay to fly!
SHR- i mean -SHOCKER aka Herman Schultz. Another career criminal, Herman Schultz worked as muscle for a few crime families in various cities, before getting bounced out of almost all of them and directly into OzCorp’s loving arms. No tragedy or desperation needed to convince him to get into a suit of powered armor (even if it’s more or less a giant lobster as far as he’s concerned) and start breaking things at a whim! Besides, everything at OzCorp is so damn weird, he’s never been more entertained anywhere in his life!
ELECTRO aka Max Voltage. Once one of OzCorp’s many test animals, an electric “eel” cobbled together out of various types of electric fish and a hodgepodge of other animals, Max taking on human traits was, well...an accident, but a happy one. Now settled into a form distinctly human, with intelligence to match (though some would argue otherwise) Max is capable of incredible feats of electrical manipulation and sensitivity beyond any creature in it’s creation!
DOCTOR OCTOPUS aka Octavia Otto. Respected young researcher and lead scientist of many OzCorp projects, Octavia Otto was caught in the backlash of an experiment that ultimately fused her with a number of test subjects, hyper-adaptive octopuses...except she’s continued to mutate and change, in ways nobody else can quite pin down (but it’s okay, she’s keeping rigorous, detailed notes on the process! For science!) and has assisted OzCorp’s goals since, happy to have a constant source of supplies and test subjects to work with. Her and Aggie Appleton had...history, before this all went down, too, so that’s not awkward at all!
RHINO aka Aleksei Sytsevich. Arriving in America as Anna Kravenoff’s bodyguard, Aleksei found himself out of work before long as Anna hastily shucked her father’s protections of her and kicked him unceremoniously out of her life. Once OzCorp decided he’d make a fine test subject, well, he’s been a professional mook for most of his life and didn’t have many complaints about the improved size, strength, and toughness. Aleksei may put on a blithe, dopey exterior, but he’s far too controlled to be an actual fool...which makes him quite dangerous, even if he only does as OzCorp asks.
THE SPOT aka Joon-Woo Ohnn. The Spot’s creation is a sort of mystery, even to himself and to OzCorp. An experiment, a failure, and...Dr. Ohnn is still certainly alive and aware, but some sort of bizarre 3D shadow cast by, well, wherever he is. While unable to speak, Ohnn is still fully capable of serving OzCorp, with his ability to function as a series of wormholes and perform strange acts of teleportation.
MYSTER.IO aka Mysterio aka thecrystalball aka The Mystery aka ??? aka aka aka aka aka..... Myster.io is a digital character- either a face for someone distant and anonymous, or many someones, or perhaps some sort of self-aware AI, Mysterio’s story changes every time he tells it and that’s just how it should be! This bizarre digital being pops up on people’s devices and is an information gatherer and peddler, always happy to tweak reality to better suite someone’s needs for a price.
KRAVEN the HUNTRESS aka Ana Kravenoff aka Kraven Jr. aka Lady Anastasia Kravenoff. Kraven the Hunter was a star, a legend- a man who battled beasts and travelled to impossible places and rose to reclaim an ancient family legacy, he was famous and infamous alike, and regardless of if you loved or hated him- he was a household name across the globe. Ana would like that. Ana might have been shipped off to America to live a carefully tailored “normal” life by her father and his estate, but Ana has aspirations that greatly outstrip those of her brothers and a goal to match her father’s infamy someday! But until she can secure a show, she hunts monsters for YouTube and enjoys her modest cult following- especially since she’s found a way to attend college in a sleepy Midwestern City that just happens to have a lot of monster-related issues. Her current target? Spider-Woman!
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jinxthequeergirl · 6 years
The new hero on the block (pt.1)
Peter Parker x reader (mentor! Doctor strange x student! Reader)
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Summary: you never really looked up to any hero growing up until two specific hero's changed that
Warning: none
Note: ok imma be straight up with you guys this is the written version of a comic sorta thing for my spidersona so is this going to suck? Yes! Am I gonna regret writing this series? Hell yes! Am I praying this goes well. Yup! So enjoy!?
Living in New York was something you didn't really enjoy as much as you did when you where younger.
Though things where easier back then. You didn't have to worry about much as you did now.
You huffed and pulled yourself onto the top of the building putting those thoughts aside and looking at the shorter building below.
You pulled a grappling hook from your bag and swung it onto the ledge of the building and pulling it securly in place.
You pulled your hood over your head along with your cheap smiley face mask over your face. Though the bright yellow color was faded by now along with the upwards smile you recently went over it with a perminate marker going over the eyes and marking the smiley face a frown.
You pulled your bag over your shoulder before grabbing the rope and leaping off the edge swinging yourself to the building. You planted your feet firmly on the side of the building next to the window and pulled yourself up the rope to reach the window better.
Hey what you up to?
You looked at the message that poped up on the screen of you phone from Peter.
Nothing much! You?
You tucked your phone back into your coat pocket and set work opening the window.
It opened with a solid click and you pushed it open and stepped inside softly.
Your phone went off in your pocket again and you crouched down to read it.
Not much either...hey I was wondering if when I was finished with the internship tonight you wanna grab something to eat?
You smiled at your phone and hovered your fingers above the key pad ready to respond until a loud sound caught your attention.
You shut your phone off and dove behind a large case. The lights came on momentarily causing you to cring.
There where heavy footsteps from across the room followed by a sudden shutting of a door then the lights went out. You exhaled releved and peered around the case looking past the multiple others finding no sighn of a person.
You got up roaming around the room you entered passing an assortment of cases. You stoped to look at a red cape in one of the cases stepping back so your reflection would fit it.
You smiled from under your mask making heroic poses in it for a bit before remeberong what you where doing.
The place was huge and everything in it looked ancient. You stroled over to the large book case on the other side of the wide stairs.
The moon was the only thing illuminating the building at this point. It's light flooded in through the large round window at the top of the stairs. You passed it slowly stopping seeing a large book sat on a table in the light.
You pulled it off the table and tucked it into your bag. Books sold for a fair amount but from the looks of it that's all you where going to get was a handfull of old books.
It was a rule for you to never take anything from a case it was to obvious that someone took it if you even got past opening it. Lose things like change,books,jewlery, etc. Where the only things you stole. They sold for good money and the person rarely knew what was missing.
You sighed picking up a piece of metal with two holes under it. You looked at it placeing two fingers on it and punching the air. Assuming it was a pair of poorly made brass knuckles you shrugged putting it in your bag with the book next you picked ul a clearly used plate and looking it over. You didn't want to be doing this stuff. You had too.
Your Mother got involved in a bad bussnies in hopes to make your family more money. In turn she went into bebt with her "bussnies partners" and lost everything and went on the lamb leaving your family to deal with her problems. She was found dead a week after leaving.
You where the only one able to take care of your family or the only one willing to. Your dad did work as much as he could be he spent so much time collecting the money and building it up to pay them he forgot to take care of you and your little brother.
So when a job was only enough to pay for grocers that lasted a week you resorted to plan B. Which was what you where doing now. Though you loved your family it was hard to go home to nothing most nights.
Your dad worked both earily in the morning and late into the night only coming home in the afternoon while you where at school. And he sent your brother to spend time with your aunt most days.
So Peter offered you the world it seemed And May was more than willing. She set up your own room in there apartment in case you wanted to stay with them. You did most of the time. They felt like the only good left in the world. And they where the only good left in YOUR world.
There was a sudden pownding on the front door down stairs. You jumped placing the plate back down on the table and running across the room to the window you entered. The door that had previously shut swung open letting the yellow light of a lamp bleed into the blue light of the moon. You jumped out the window and grabbed hold of the rope and climbed up it in time to see the whole building light to life.
You groaned and fell flat on the roof remembering Peters text.
You pulled your phone out and hurried back to his apartment.
Ya know that sounds great...I'm actually on my way over now, see you then?
You ran down the back ally of Peters apartments and stuck your mask in the hidden compartment of you backpack. You scaled up the diet escape finally tapping on his window.
"Hey there parker!" you grined at him as he opened the window and you slithered through. "You can come through the front door you know." You shrugged pulling your shoes off and carrying them out of his room. "I know...but I don't want to ask for a key and I don't want to deal with your neighbors...they judge me."
"Oh they do not!" may smiled at you from the kitchen. "Hi may!"
She made her way to you and hugged you. "Oh here. I know you didn't ask for it but you need one at this point." She dangled a key in front of your face. "Wow...thanks!" you grinned at it.
"So where are we eating?" you asked her heading to your small set up of a room and dropping everything.
May looked at Peter urging him to tell you something.
"Oh uh well may actually has plans so I thought maybe we could go out?" you put the key on a necklace chain and hung it around your neck and smiled up at him. "Of course!"
"Cool...cool ok! So like around 9:00?"
Peter smiled and left your room allowing you to change into something better. You shut the door and sat on the bed pulling your coat and hoodie off and pulling your bag in front of you and rumaging through it to find the book.
You flipped through it a bit before getting up to grab a sweater from your dressers. Your room was small a bed sat in the middle of it and a dresser sat across it along with a book shelf on the oposite wall and a few small house plants littered a few spots. It wasn't much but it was more like home than home really was.
You pulled a shirt on not taking your eyes from the book. Illustrations of the brass knuckles you lifted littered the page along with people wearing them and step by steps on how to use it. You pulled the brass knuckles out and slid it onto your finger and followed the steps.
You waved your arm in a side circle multiple times until sparks appered.
"(y/n)!?" the Peter knocked on the door before coming in you quickly tossed your bag into the corner and the book And ring under your pillow.
"Ready?" you nodded sliding a pair of shoes on and grabbing your jean jacket and followed him out.
As you followed him to the resturant all you could think about was the book.
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elcorhamletlive · 5 years
This might be coming out of left field but I've been meaning to ask you just because I freaking LOVE the spiderverse movie and it looks like you do, too! I want to know who were your fave characters? And moments? Like, which made you cry and which made you laugh? Wow moments and unexpected moments?Also the soundtrack was bomb so any songs sticked to you after the movie? *phew* glad I got that off my chest the movie is just so beautiful asdfghjkl that animation is so top notch!!!
ANON!!!!!! I am SO SORRY for how long it took me to get to this, but Ithought it was such an amazing question and I wanted to take the time to sitdown and write it, and lately all my significant free time is spentwriting/rewatching the MCU. 
I was so glad to receive this though, because I fucking LOVESpiderverse. I think it was the best movie of 2018 - not just the best animatedmovie, the best superhero movie, but the best movie of the year, period. I’veseen it about three or four times, and each time it just continuosly amazes meall over again.
And there’s SO MUCH to praise this movie for. The art style, which isabsolutely fantastic - it’s such a GORGEOUS movie, the type of movie that’sworth going to the theaters to experience in the most complete way possible.It’s so colorful, the characters’ expressions are so good, and Miles’ New Yorkis just so full of LIFE, bursting at every single shot. It’s a movie thatembraces animation in its fullest, and embraces everything that an animatedmovie can be as opposed to the current trend of just trying to make the styleas realistic as possible.
I think this movie just has so many characters that are a delight towatch. Miles is a shining star, his personality shines through in his everymovement, his struggles are honest and relatable, and, despise this moviehaving so many different spidersonas, it never looses track of the fact thatit’s MILES’ movie and MILES’ story. He’s such a good. I also fell in love withGwen, her voice acting, her entire design and just overall vibe. Everythingabout her was so cool, and I loved the fighting style they gave her, how it wassomething unique to set her apart. And I also need to mention Spider-man Noir,because he was just responsible for the funniest moments of the movie, imo, andI need a cross-over fic with him and Steve fighting nazis together.
But if I were to pick just one character to single out, it would have tobe Peter B. Parker. I feel like they couldn’t have done something better withthe character. The whole sequence of his life, his divorce, his cynicalbehaviour… I loved it all. The end, where he’s so READY to lay his life forthe others, and Miles is the one who calls him out and tells him to go home.How actually scared of going home he is. Like many people, I just related tohim so hard, and it was wonderful to watch him.
There are SO MANY moments that are just fantastic, so many that made melaugh out loud, so many that gave me chills, it’s hard to pick a single one.Let me list a bunch.
 “play dumb”/”who’s morales?”/”not thatdumb”
Miles and Aaron graffiting the wall, and then Miles just casually batting away the radioactive spider.
The entire sequence of Peter Parker’s death and the town’s reaction, with Scared of the Dark playing in the background. Everything about this sequence is pure perfection. I cry every time when Stan Lee appears, and, yeah, part of it is the context of his death, but when he says “we were friends, you know” about Peter, and when Miles asks what if the costume doesn’t fit, and “it always fits… eventually”. Mary Jane’s speech and the people in the crowd wearing spider-man masks. Just typing it is giving me chills.
Miles climbing the stairs, looking down at the top of the building and the cut to a shot of him going down the stairs.
When the cop sees Miles swinging with Peter B. and says he’s going away with the body of a homeless guy.
Peter B. cutting Miles off when he starts the “with great power comes…” quote.
The scene with the Kingpin clicking the pen and the flashes of his backstory. How they’re drawn differently. I love it.
Peter B. yelling at Miles to stop listening to him.
Gwen’s arrival at the battle with Ock (and her haircut!!).
Noir’s arrival and Peter B. asking “where is this wind coming from? we’re on a basement”.
“Can you close off your feelings so you don’t get crippled by the moral ambiguity of your violent actions?”
Honestly, I could probably just quote every Noir line here. The peak of Nicolas Cage’s career.
Peter B. running into Mile’s universe’s Mary Jane. “For you they should fill this place with bread”. Cracks me up every time.
GOD, PETER B. CRYING IN THE SHOWER, I HAD FORGOTTEN THAT. “I handled it like a champ!”, and then him being in awe and kind of emotional talking about seahorses. God I love this movie.
Miles saying Peter B. has to go home, Peter B. beeing terrified of going home, and Miles giving him the push he needs.
The entire What’s Up Danger sequence. Best suit up moment of any superhero movie, ever.
The final “let’s start from the beggining” sequence. 
I could probably just keep going. There is so much wonderful stuff in this movie. It truly is a gift, the type of great that’s rare to find. Everything about it just brings me so much joy.
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ifridiot · 6 years
Could Be Anybody (spidersona intro fic)
Alright, kids. Let’s get this right in one, okay?
My name is Naia Leadley. Fourteen years ago, I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and since then, I’ve been the one and only Spider-man.
Okay, step back a minute.
Naia Leadley. You might have heard of my dad, Robin Leadley -- yeah, that Leadley. He and my mom owned and organized the Leadley Circus, the only all-mutant performance in the US. I grew up in the circus watching him perform. Dad taught me tumbling and acrobatics, Mom taught me not to skip leg day, and when I was sixteen I was supposed to start performing with them on stage.
Of course, anti-mutant bullshit will out. If you live in New York state, you probably heard about the Leadley Massacre. I prefer thinking the family name went household before the family went in the ground, but I’m not dumb enough to think anyone gave a shit about us until most of us were killed. We were just a bunch of mutants in spandex.
Not like we were the X-Men.
Anyway, I missed that little party. I was in NYC staying with my Aunt and getting bitten by a radioactive spider.
See, Mom homeschooled me up until high school. Then she and Dad decided I needed to experience the joys of public school, so I started living with my Aunt May during the school year. That was a fun part of my life. You know, never seeing your folks, being picked on for both being related to mutants but not having any powers yourself -- the fucking dream, right?
September of junior year, I got bit by possibly the largest fucking spider I ever saw. I was not cool about it at all, not gonna even try lying here, there’s a spider on my arm the size of Texas (1) and my heart fucking stopped. Then it bit me, and I screamed, flung it off me, and ran up stairs, swearing off gardening for life.
Aunt May was not home and I didn’t have health insurance (I still don’t but like, superpowers) so I just put myself to bed when my arm started swelling and I felt feverish.
Now I guess I should mention that, despite coming from a family of mutants, I wasn’t one. If there’s a gene, mine was maybe dormant. I’m not a fucking biologist or geneticist. What happened to me might as well have been magic.
All I know is, I woke up twelve hours later drenched in sweat with an extra set of arms and eyes that do that reflective-light cat thing in the dark. The other powers came later.
I showed Aunt May. No point trying to hide that shit when I’m at home. She was excited, right up until we decided to try calling my folks. We hadn’t done more the grabbed the phone before it rang. Syracuse DoP (2), sorry to tell you this, but there’s been an incident.
Incident. Like someone fell off the highwire, not like a group of militant bigots busted onto the state fairgrounds at the end of the night and slaughtered everyone you care about, plus a handful of customers who just hung around too late.
Spider-man is billed as a menace. I like Spider-man; he looks out for the little guy and kills the fuckers who hurt the little guy. Spider-man also doesn’t have to hide that he’s got four arms, or that he can see in the dark, or that he can walk on walls and ceilings. Spider-man pretty much just gets to be himself.
Except for the chest binding. Dear god, do I hate the chest binding.
But it keeps people off my track. Everyone knows enby Naia Leadley just likes their baggy hoodies and skirts; most folks can’t even remember my preferred pronouns. Neutral ain’t easy for folks to remember if you’re not a skinny androgene. It works, though, even if I have to wear sunglasses at night if I’m not in the mask.
I’ve been hunting down the people who killed my family. It’s all part of some kind of homegrown all-American terrorist group, which is all tied up in more corporate and government bullshit than you’d imagine. They call me an antihero, but I don’t really care for that term. You ever meet The Punisher? Yikes.
Or Deadpool? Extra Yikes.
But hey, in between hunting down bigots and taking care of Aunt May, I’m Spider-man. I’m catching crooks, I’m saving people from deadly falls, I’m changing lives. It’s more than I ever could have dreamed. Anybody could have gotten bit by that spider, anybody could wear the costume, anybody could be Spider-man. But they’re not -- it’s me. For fourteen years, it’s been me.
And until someone big enough shows up to take me out, it’s gonna continue to be me.
The spider was maybe an inch across, but it SEEMED huge. At the time. With its fangs in my arm.
Syracuse Department of Police
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glitchy-bean · 5 years
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I didn't know it would kill her!
It doesn't change the fact that she died and you helped.
WhOo explination time
[the explanation has like, gory implyment and stuff and very bad physical and emotional pain ig- very edgee, if you don't like that stuff or get queasy easy the explanation stops at "anYwho"-]
Okay so, imagine if you will, a Undertale RP (honestly though, no one in my friend group rp's a Undertale character and it's only a UT RP because that's the Amino we're in, so it's based in the underground). Now, my Spidersona is in said RP, because he's cool and I've got a reasonable explanation for it so it's whatever. In this RP, [Redacted] has been terrorizing Alex. She can make people feel things and see things that aren't happening and aren't there, and last timeline she used this to make Alex watch his friends die and made Alex feel like all of his bones were breaking. Not fun, right? At the end of the timeline, she killed Alex by first attempting to burn him alive, but Alex fought back before she tore his arms off and told him, basically, that if he could attack right here, right now, and kill her, that would be it. He couldn't, so she killed him.
Cut to next timeline (the current one)- he sees [Redacted], and since Redacted is a anomaly in the timelines things come flooding back. They fight, he loses. Miserably. They get back and Skye (redacteds ex-wife) finds out what she did and gets to work to develop a """"""syrum""""" to stop her in a syringe. It has to be a two man job so it's easier done, and Alex's job is to sneak up behind Redacted while she's talking to Skye and inject it. It works, she tries to fight back but straight up disappears. While Skye and Redacted were talking, Redacted said that she was the hero and called Skye a crazy murderer. A psychopath. Alex asks some questions afterwards, cause Skye thought he deserved answers, and discovers that Skye gave Redacted her powers through questionable expirementation and that the syrum killed Redacted. (that's what Skye told him anyway)
He has a couple rules for himself- don't hurt the bad guy unless they attack first, and even then don't hurt them too much and, most definitely, don't kill anyone. It's the line from a hero to something worse in his eyes and he refuses to cross it. And he crossed it. Whether he meant to or not, he crossed it and some part of his brain is telling him it was the right thing to do because of what she did to him and that it shows she could do worse to others. WhOo aNgSt.
Hope you enjoy this angsty thingy owo
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soulflamesketches · 5 years
(The horror tailcoat spidersona with the sharp nails 1/3) Im looking for a romantic ship please! So she is in her 20's, asexual panromantic and is studing to be a cryptozoologist. Though in her spidersuit she gives off more of an intimidating vibe, she tends to advoid serious fighting in favor of stealth, though considering the creatures and people she fights thats hard to do. It also doesnt help that she tends to act before she thinks.
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Hmmm, toughy. But I’m going to ship this bean with…
RIPeter! (Or Pine Parker as I’ve come to call him)
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(I know he died before he could even meet some of his other versions, but I do not care.)
This Peter would immediately become curious about her world, since he is a man of science, hearing about a world where the paranormal exists would be something he would want to investigate. This allows the friendship to begin. I’m guessing that he would insist on joining her on her investigations since he knows that you two will have each others’ backs.
He’s probably the best one to have with her on such adventures. He’ll say he’s not scared, but I’m sure she’ll know that once he starts running his mouth that he’s scared. Feel free to make fun of him. He’ll give her an unimpressed look but he’d be smiling under his mask since he got to hear her laugh even at his own expense :3
He may seem to be a confident hero that can handle a lot due to his ten years of experience, that doesn’t stop him from worrying about her 24/7. Especially with the line of work she is in. It concerns him every time he sees a new scar on her.
Need help with school or research? He’s your guy. Need a new wound patched? He’s right there by your side. This lovable dork is always ready to help you whether he’s in the suit or not and to be a loving but concerned partner. 
Possible Common Couple Moment: When he finds little doodles on your papers. If he is able to, he keeps them and cherishes them. Probably has a secret little folder full of them. Especially the ones she may try to throw away. She may not like them, but he loves them. 
I hope I was able to get my point across. Please critique me, I am new to this shipping types of posts 
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