#i could make so much stuff from basement yard alone
waterghostype · 9 months
i think about how nya was looking at jay when he was talking to baby wu often
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dawnisatotalqueen · 6 months
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title: broken promises
character: steven hyde x reader
warnings: profanity probably I didn't rlly pay attention, mentions of marijuana usage, talking down abt women smh.., jealousy, miscommunication, ZEN MASTERS MENTION
summary: after hyde's fight with your date and his almost admission, nothing had happened between you two. next thing you knew, it was veterans day and someone else had their eye on hyde.
disclaimer: i do not support danny masterson in any way, shape, or form. i just have an attachment to hyde </3 (this is exactly what I said last time I just wanna make sure yall know...)
word count: 2,094
part one
Nothing had happened between you and Hyde since that fight. Your relationship had reached a stalemate.
That didn’t stop you from questioning it.
Your dates had slowly dwindled down, though it wasn’t that you didn’t have options, guys old and new still asked you out, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go out with them.
You wanted Hyde.
Too much to ignore.
Much to your dismay though, someone else had begun pursuing Hyde, someone that you never really could’ve expected. Jackie.
After her and Kelso broke up again because of him hooking up with Eric’s sister Laurie, Hyde had given her lessons on “Zen”. The two’s friendship started to bloom, and Jackie quickly caught feelings.
You couldn’t blame her, and the more you thought about it, they made sense. Despite that, you didn’t like the idea of it. It wasn’t fair, and you knew that, but you just couldn’t help the bitter feelings in your chest when you watched the two.
It was Veterans day, which meant it was time for Red Foreman’s annual party. He was pretty passionate about the day, being a Veteran himself.
Everyone was down in the basement. You were sitting in the chair opposite of Hyde’s, watching as Jackie talked to him while he sat on the washer. “So Steven, isn’t Veteran’s day romantic?”
“Oh yeah, government pawns, and missing limbs. That’s amore.”
“I know, I know!” Jackie placed a hand over her heart. “It’s a day for people in love to have fun together!”
“Man, all this talk of fun makes me wanna have fun… Hey! Let’s throw stuff at other stuff!” Kelso gasped.
Eric perked up, getting off the couch. “Man, that's perfect! I got stuff!!”
“I’m in!”
The two boys went upstairs and you couldn’t fight back your snicker.
Jackie turned back to Hyde. “So, Steven, you wanna go to Mr Foreman’s barbeque with me?”
Before he could answer her, you decided you could not sit and watch this, so, you went upstairs to go throw stuff with Kelso and Eric.
You wore a simple (F/C) dress, with your classic jacket. You looked around the front yard, there were a multitude of people that Red and Kitty knew, and a few different people that your friend’s knew, but it was mostly the usual crowd. You knew that Donna’s Dad was having a party, but you liked the Foreman’s house. You’d still stop by though.
You noticed Jackie with a guy you didn’t recognize, and you decided to walk over.
“Everybody, this is Chip, Chip, this is everybody.” Jackie motioned around to the people in the area, that being you, Fez, Kelso, and Hyde.
“Hey everybody.” Chip nodded at you guys.
“Yo.” You nodded, glancing over at Hyde. He looked.. Grumpier than usual. You felt your insides twist, and a brief sense of dread.
Chip told Jackie he’d grab her a drink, then went off. You watched as Jackie walked over to Hyde and you sighed a little, walking over to Kelso and Fez.
Kelso had his arms crossed over his chest as he huffed. “Man, this isn’t fair! Why does some random dude get to bring Jackie to the party?!”
Fez grumbled. “She could do soooo much better.”
You let out a breath. “Right? But it’s just to make Hyde jealous, so chill.”
“That’s not cool though, man!” Kelso whined. “I thought Hyde liked you!! So what’s goin on?!”
“I did too.” You sighed, watching Jackie and Hyde’s exchange.
After a little bit you saw Jackie get up, leaving Hyde and Chip alone to talk. You weren’t sure how it went down, but when you passed by, you heard Chip speak.
“She’s a bitch.”
You paused, turning around. Using your context clues, you figured he was talking about Jackie, which pissed you off. You were almost ready to give him a piece of your mind when Hyde said, “Oh no..” And he hit him.
You squeaked, jumping back from the two. “Holy shit!”
Jackie ran over. “What happened?”
“Somethin– Bitch– He–” Hyde looked between Jackie and the very knocked out Chip.
Jackie looked between them before gasping. “He– He called me a bitch and you hit him!”
“...No.” Hyde stared at her, very obviously lying.
“I am the bitch! And you love me!” Jackie looked like she had actual stars in her eyes and you could feel your heart crack. Did he love her?
You needed to get out of there. Maybe a date, maybe something, anything–
“L/N!” Kelso huffed, nudging you.
You blinked. “Huh?”
You looked around, realizing it was night time and you were outside somewhere?
“Get your head in the game, man!”
You remembered now. After talking to Kitty, Hyde came outside and asked Jackie out. Kelso and Fez were upset, and you.. Were hurt. Somehow, some way, the two boys had managed to convince you to spy on Jackie and Hyde’s date. Did you have a momentary lapse of judgment? Probably. But there was no backing out now.
The three of you snuck through the trees, eventually arriving right behind Jackie’s car, where Jackie and Hyde were sitting at the front of it. Their backs were to you, and you couldn’t hear them.
“What are they saying?” Fez tilted his head.
“Don’t worry, I can read lips.” Kelso stared at the back of their heads. “Jackie’s saying.. Wow I really love this date, Hyde!” He put on a high pitched voice for Jackie. “And Hyde’s sayin.. Yeah, totally man, I agree.”
Fez gasped. “Really? They’re having that much fun?”
You put a hand over your mouth, trying to conceal your laughter so as to not get caught. “Kelso, I don’t think that’s what they’re saying–”
When you looked back up though, Jackie and Hyde were leaning in..
You felt your heart drop.
You could’ve thrown up on the spot as you quickly stood up.
“L/N!” Kelso whisper-shouted at you, but you couldn’t sit there. You’d seen all you needed to see.
What you didn’t see though was how when Hyde and Jackie parted from their kiss, neither of them were into it. They gave it a shot, but it didn’t work. In his head, Hyde knew why. He had you in the back of his mind. He had been trying to ignore it for months, playing it cool like he always did, but that wasn’t working. He didn’t like you any less than he did before.
As it turns out, it might’ve been too late.
You were going on a date. For the first time in months, you were thinking about a guy that wasn’t Hyde.. Or, well, trying to.
Loyal to your old routine, you were heading to the Foreman’s house to wait for your ride. Your outfit wasn’t much different than your usual ones, but you did look a little done up.
“Hey, L/N.” Donna nodded at you, a lazy smile on her face. Everyone looked pretty high.
They were passing around the blunt, Hyde being the last one who had it. “Wanna hit?” He raised a brow.
You shook your head. “Wish I could, but I’m only gonna be here for a sec. I have a date.” You hummed.
“Really?!” Jackie gasped, looking over. “You haven’t been out in months!”
“Yeah, thought you were giving up the whole meaningless date thing?” Eric tilted his head, looking over at you.
You shrugged, shoving your hands in your jacket pockets. “I was, but, I don’t know. Guess there’s not really a point.” You side eyed Hyde in a way that you thought was sneaky, but unbeknownst to you, he saw it.
Your glare made him sit up a little straighter. He’d seen you when you were mad, but it had never been directed toward him before. What’d he do to piss you off– And more importantly, what did that have to do with you going on a date again?
Kelso looked at you. “Oh heey– By the way, are you good, man? Yesterday after we were watching Jackie and Hyde you ran off and we didn’t see you after!!”
“I told him that you probably had to go to the bathroom.” Fez nodded, sinking into his chair.
You immediately went pale. “Ahah– Yeah, uhm. My bad. I didn’t feel well. But, wowie, jeez, look at the time I gotta go– Bye!!” You quickly called out, going right back out the way you came.
Hyde put his hand over his mouth, mumbling. “Shit..”
It made sense now. You saw him and Jackie, and based on what Kelso said, didn’t stick around long enough to hear how it ended.
What didn’t make sense was why you would care. Why would it matter if he kissed Jackie?
You had been gone for about two and a half hours. Everyone dispersed, and Hyde couldn’t help but be reminded about the night you spent together months prior. This time though, he planned on changing things.
He paced around outside, hoping that the guy you were out with would drop you off the same place he picked you up.
Lucky for him, he was right. A nicer car pulled up, and you got out, exchanging a few words with whoever was in the driver’s seat.
You were happy with the date. It wasn’t anything extravagant, and you didn’t really like the guy, but he was nice, and it was fun. You were planning on just walking home before you heard your name being called. And not your last name, which is what everyone called you. It was your first name. It sounded foreign from that voice.
You had turned around, tilting your head before your face dropped. You didn’t want to talk to Hyde. In the back of your head you knew you didn’t have any place being mad at him, but you were hurt.
You blew out a breath. You just had to act like you didn’t care. Easy. “What’s up?” You shoved your hands in your pockets, looking at him.
“Can we talk?” He walked up the driveway, standing in front of you.
You winced, talking being the exact opposite of what you wanted to do with Hyde. “I don’t know, I need to head home–”
“L/N.” He stepped a little closer. “I just wanna explain what happened between me and Jackie.”
You froze. Of course he knew.. After what Kelso said earlier, there was no way he didn’t know.
You blew out a breath. If you couldn’t play it off, you needed to try to fix things. “Listen, Hyde, you don’t need to explain yourself. It’s fine, you like Jackie, she likes you, and it’s cool.”
“L/N–” He ran a hand through his curls, taking off his shades.
You didn’t see him without his sunglasses very often, and it always caught you off guard when he’d take them off.
“I don’t like Jackie.”
You blinked, tilting your head. “What? But I saw you guys kiss on your date–”
“You didn’t stick around long enough. If you would’ve stayed, you would’ve seen that the kiss didn’t mean anything. There– there wasn’t anything there. No sparks, no feelings, it was just.. A kiss.”
You listened before furrowing your brows. “Okay, um, that’s, okay.. Why are you telling me this, Hyde?”
“Because I like you.”
You felt a heat creep up your neck all the way to your cheeks. “What?”
“I like you. I– I don’t know when it happened, but I know that a few months ago when you spent the night I realized it. And, it’s not a big deal, but it sorta seemed like you might.. I don’t know. If you don’t like me, it’s cool, but it was starting to feel like you do.”
You stared at him. He liked you. But what about your promise? What about the possibility of ruining your friendship? A messy breakup could start bad things in your friendship. But…
Could you ever forgive yourself if you didn’t at least give it a chance?
You looked down, your cheeks growing redder by the second. “I uh.. I like you too.”
Before you knew it you felt hands on your cheeks, tilting your head up. “Could I..”
You nodded, the motion being so small it was almost unnoticeable.
He closed the space between you. The kiss was gentle, sweet, a result of years of denied pining. Then, it turned deeper, more passionate, the tension between you finally bubbling over the edge.
It was everything you wanted, the perfect kiss for a perfect moment.
Maybe some promises were meant to be broken.
tag list: @cantbecreative
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sirfrogsworth · 2 years
Looking Forward
If I trust my brother... and he did my dad's will properly... and set up my trust correctly... then I should be able to stay in the house for roughly 2 years.
If I trust my brother.
Then I can either sell the house and use that money for a small apartment or try to find a roommate situation to help me stay in the house a little longer. The nice thing about paying the mortgage is I can get most of that money back if I ever do sell the house. It's almost like a savings account with all my stuff inside.
Let's just hope the property value doesn't plummet for some reason. Though it has been around the same amount for many years.
I like living in my house. It's what I've known for 30 years. But being alone in the house is going to be a hard adjustment. After two years (or sooner) I may want to move near Katrina or Delling so I am closer to a support system. I wish we could all live next door to each other. Or live on a farm/ranch situation. And instead of chickens it is just a bunch of free range corgis.
I tried convincing Katrina to build a pool house, but she has a small backyard and no pool. HOWEVER... Apparently Florida has a lot of "mother-in-law suites." I had no idea that had a name, but I could be Katrina's mother-in-law. I have the skill set to guilt trip, make passive-aggressive comments, and judge how she raises her future kids. (And any other outdated stereotypes I've learned from 80s comedians.)
But I also like the idea of having a roommate. I could accommodate a single person or a small family. And I'd love to have an animal of some kind around. We have a huge fenced-in area left over from Otis.
I think I could offer someone a pretty sweet living situation. I have a full basement apartment that I reside in and so the entire upstairs is available for people to live in. I could charge cheaper rent than a cheap apartment in exchange for helping with chores that I struggle to do.
There is plenty of furniture and appliances ready to use. Full laundry room. I've got a really nice home theater in the living room so they can watch movies in style. I also have a few hundred TV series and several thousand movies on Plex. They get a full kitchen and bathroom to themselves. Plenty of garage space and a long driveway to park vehicles. They can have up to 5 rooms to do whatever in. They could do 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a small den area. My mom liked the den because she could watch her Judge Judy shows while my dad watched JAG in the living room.
If they don't have a family, they could convert 2 of the bedrooms into office space or craft rooms or S&M dungeons. They can decorate any way they'd like. But they have to keep the sex swing clean so I can use it. Not for sex--I just enjoy centripetal forces. And they'll have great privacy as I will be in the downstairs apartment. They'd only see me if I exit the house or if they invite me to dinner or movie night.
All they would have to pay is whatever I can't cover. I'd estimate in the $600-$800 range once the trust fund runs out. Plus the chores like cleaning and yard duty. That's a good deal, right?
The only downside is the house is in a deteriorating neighborhood. Businesses are closing and people are moving away. Our street is pretty isolated so there isn't much danger or crime. But we are adjacent to a dangerous neighborhood and the schools aren't great. That said, while there isn't much around here, in St. Louis you are always ~25 minutes from anything you need. The highway is literally down the street so driving to anywhere is fairly hassle free.
Also, I'd be happy to lend out the car for transport to a job. I'll only need it to get groceries every few weeks. They'd have to get added to my insurance and help with gas and maintenance.
Soooo... yeah, I think I have a lot to offer with my house.
They do have to be okay with my big subwoofer rattling things. The sound doesn't really travel through the floor, but the vibrations can. I can tone it down if they are sleeping though.
Oh! We also have a huge workshop on the property too. It could be used for working on cars or woodworking or an art space. It has electricity, lighting, heating and is perfect for anything that requires getting dirty. If that makes sense.
One idea I have been considering is seeking out an unhoused queer individual who was kicked out or is struggling to afford a decent place. If their parents don't want them, maybe I could provide a safe place. Things are so scary for LGBTQ+ folks right now. Especially in Missouri. St. Louis is a pretty blue city, but Missouri is a blood red state. If I could do something small for someone like that, I would be happy to help. Could be mutually beneficial.
So those are all of my thoughts and ideas as of now.
Again, if I trust my brother, I should have a decent amount of time to figure things out.
If things go sideways, I might be screwed.
So far he seems to be doing all the things he should be doing to get me sorted.
I'm going to choose to trust him.
With my life.
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dalkyeom · 2 years
📌— Weekly Chan ; SKZ break!
This announcement has been a long time coming but I wanted to come here and let you know that I’ll be stepping away from creating skz content for the foreseeable future.
Tbh I didn’t know how to tell everyone that I wouldn’t be drawing for them anymore. Maybe, because I found myself comfortable with the community I found myself in but my passion to create fanart for them dwindled over the past few months. I held on thinking this is a fluke, but I think it's time for me to explore other interests of mine. I wanted to stay but I found myself frustrated with feeling like I'm putting myself in a box. honestly, it was the lack of traction or how hard it was for my work to be seen that was a big factor in wanting to leave. I stand by the fact that feedback is vital for an artist's motivation to continue making the things they do. The lack of it made me question if it was even worth continuing to draw for skz bc while I love them a lot, not having my works reach a larger pool of Stays was pretty taxing. also the fact I was hidden in the basement did not help :(
Sadly, my love for Chan couldn't soothe the creative frustration I was in. So I guess it's just time to go, step outside for awhile, and explore new worlds.
As a staytist, I want to thank you for liking my art 🥺 and I hope they were able to give some comfort or healing. Most of them were made out of sheer love for the group bc for a long time Stray Kids were my home. They provided me happiness that I wanted to share too. I’ll never forget reading the nice tags and the nice asks you’ve sent my way! Thank you for welcoming me to the fandom even though I don’t interact as much.
So I want to say, please love your content creators. editors, writers, fanartists— the whole nine yards bc without them you can feel the lack of an integral part of the fandom experience. If their works make you happy and you want to see more from them: share their work, send them love and asks, comment, engage— anything that can help share their work around bc we spend so much time creating things out of love for free! Let them know you appreciate the work they’ve put into the things they love. The least we ask for is to share works we spent lots of time on.
Thank you for reading! I hope I can still see you around while I make art for other interests. Under the cut will be about Weekly Chan updates and a more in depth explanation/ goodbye letter/ final thoughts since the important stuff has been said.
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Weekly Chan has 19 more portraits to go before I can say I’m officially finished with the project. So, I’ll be working on those on/off because more than anything, I want to see it done. Weekly Chan started as a normal dedicated fan project for Bang Chan (mainly out of Chanrot) that became a source of wanting to spread warmth to fellow stays much like how Chan does weekly through Chan’s Room.
I made a goal of 100 portraits by his birthday, and since I’m close to finishing it I’ll be seeing it through 💖 as a gift because Chan has done a lot for me, like an extra booster when I feel like I’m doing things alone. There is no definite end date since I'll take my time finishing it. He is, after all one of the stars I cherish the most.
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Tbh aside from the whole art-related stuff. Around March, I think I was already finding myself detaching from skz. It was like a gradual loss of motivation to keep following them. I'm sure if you were a follower of my @/mocimori blog you've heard me cry over it a couple of times. Mainly it was a culmination of many things but the speed the community was going (lovestay > oddinary) and over saturation made me feel what I felt towards Genshin twt's fast paced consumption of new content.
getting tickets to their Maniac Tour was what broke the chiamel's back. I was tasked to secure tickets so my fam and my friend can watch the show with me, but I underestimated how stressful it was. No amount of preparation could prepare me for ticketing day. The fact that there was no membership pre-sale made it 10x more stressful it was as if we were on the hunger games as involuntary Katniss Everdeens at the quarter quell. It was that bad. I ended up sick from the preparation stress and the crushing weight of not being able to secure even 1 ticket. Eventually, I did manage to secure tickets when they open sales for Newark D1 but the exhaustion I felt stuck to me like tar.
I think I was just hoping to go back to the way it was. The ticketing left a bad taste in my mouth and omo, this is a fault of mine but messy fandom stuff will slip in my radar even though I try to keep my feed negative-free. Then I heard about how Staytists were being treated by fellow Stays (reposting of art w/out consent, rating fanart on tiktok — basically just disrespectful behavior) I had a hard time trying to reconnect afterwards.
Also this post is getting way too long so I shall tl;dr what was going on with my Chan ult'ing journey but eventually the sparks just faded out. It was probably a combination of so many things and the pressure of wanting to draw Chan on a weekly basis, sometimes 3-5x a week that it just… took its toll on me…
it came to a point where I would cry over Chan at random hours of the day. I missed him, I felt guilty bc suddenly he was no longer the center of my thoughts. I felt guilt bc I knew people knew me as that Chan fanartist. It was silly, how I let a kpop boy affect me this much but I held him with the highest regard. He was my star; out of all the biases I ult'd he had the most special position and was a symbol of hope. Having a hard time relate to him, feeling so detached made me feel bad. As if the security blanket was ripped away from my fingers.
sometimes, I still cry over him. It's no longer as bad as that time I cried over him for a week or two straight. I reflected a bit because yeah, it was a bit silly of me but when he was the source of all my hope when I felt like I had no one— even if it was that small of an interaction, I felt like what I'm feeling is valid. So, yeah, I just feel like it's ok for me to let go now. I think it was more of my fear of leaving behind a community that made me want to stick around. Other than the pressure, I just feel like throughout the last few months I lost what little creativity I had bc I wanted to follow trends, I had to box this outlet for the sake of accuracy and aaah idk it was just not healthy anymore.
i'll still support the Kids in my own way. At the end of the day, they're still my ults and I love the music they make. But I wanted to write this so you won't worry wth happened to me and the skz art. It's not really a goodbye but maybe, a see you soon!
thank you for everything!
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jeyramarie · 3 years
Parcel 9- Pogues x OC (part 2)
summary: the pogues adventure turn crazy, scary and happy, all in one second. 
wc: 2.6k
warnings: blood, injury, cursing
a/n: enjoy everyone!! happy reading 🦋
prologue~ pilot~ the lucky compass~ the forbidden zone~ spy games~ midsummers~ parcel 9~ 
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Previously on Good Life: 
“What’s going on with you and Pope?”
“Yeah, he clearly likes you.” The kook chuckled as she placed a curl behind her ear.
“There’s absolutely nothing going on, trust me.” Kie answered as she leaned back onto her hands.
“How ‘bout you?”
“What about me?”
“Like, do you have your eye on someone?” The pogue grinned as Lani blushed, looking away. 
“Maybe.” She smirked and smiled at Kie who smiled back. The kook stood up and held out her hand for the pogue to grab. They walked back to the girls to find Sarah almost asleep and Fallon chopping up the manual.
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Lani suggested to play truth or dare trying to put the actual plan in motion, which was to bring the girls together. The game only lasted a few minutes due to Sarah saying stupid things when she chose truth. They felt tired which made them move to the wall of the boat to lean against it. Lani placed her head on Kie’s lap, for her to play with the kook’s curls while Sarah and Fallon sat next to them. 
“Hey, guess what? Would you rather... have… I was imagining you like this just now.” Sarah said messily as she took hair out of her face. 
“It was pretty funny. Would you ima... would you rather… have nipples for eyes or eyes for nipples? Imagine if you get really old and your nipples…” She continued as the girls looked at her all confused, having no idea what she was talking about.
“Your boobs get saggy, and your nipples, if they were your eyes, you could see if your shoes were untied.” The blonde chuckled, making Fallon roll her eyes. 
“Is this your first time smoking or something?” Kie asked, feeling annoyed by her presence. 
“Yeah, you’re acting really pathetic.” Fallon huffed as she stood up, walking to the cabin. 
“No.” Sarah muttered and fidgeted with her fingers as Lani sat up from the pogue’s lap to sit in front of her, facing the girls. Fallon came back and sat next to Kie as they stayed in silence for a while. 
“Oh my god!” Fallon groaned, feeling annoyed. 
“Enough of the ‘hey girls’ bullshit. Why’d you do it?” Kie said quickly getting upset which caused Lani to place her hand on her leg, letting her know she was there. 
“Why did I do what?” 
“We were best friends, the three of us.” The caramel haired pogue said as she leaned forward to look at Sarah while she talked. 
“We stole beers from your dad’s fridge, we watched movies together, we cried over boys-”
“And the next thing we know, we’re watching you have your little princess birthday party on Instagram.” The pogue said after cutting Kie off, feeling a mixture of anger and annoyance. 
“It was one party.” Sarah muttered as if the conversation wasn’t important. 
“You invited everyone but us!” 
“And then you told everyone that we were the reason the party got busted.” Kie said softly as she shook her head in disappointment. 
“Well, who else would call the cops?” Sarah asked, raising her voice as she looked at the pogues. 
“You never ask, you just let the rumor go… that we were rats.” The curly haired pogues said, beginning to feel sad as she remembered how she felt in that moment. Lani scooted closer to her and held her hand tightly, trying to comfort her. 
“You were our best friend, Sarah and you ghosted us… we don't even know why? Like, seriously, what did we do wrong?” Fallon asked, feeling upset as she pulled her knees up to her chest. After more emotional talking, the girls finally came to an understanding. Everything that went down in the beginning of high school was behind them and Lani was happy to have seen that. 
The next morning the girls woke up pretty early to wait for the boys. They had a small breakfast while they talked about their revenge plan. Lani gathered her stuff, placing it inside her bag when she saw Kie doing the same thing. The pogue looked up and stared at the kook for a while before being interrupted by the boys, causing Lani to walk to the edge of the boat. 
“You forgot your keys or something?” John B asked looking over his sunglasses. 
“Need a tow?” Pope laughed as he stopped the boat next to Heyward’s. 
“Please don't give them the satisfaction that this worked.” Lani muttered with her back turned to the boys as the girls walked towards her. 
“Absolutely not.” Fallon whispered smirking as she leaned over to see JJ. 
“Did you… reconcile your differences?” 
“No.” Kie spat as she crossed her arms, watching as Lani climbed off the boat into the HMS. 
“Obviously not.” 
“But we’re willing to work together.” Sarah sighed as she looked at John B who smiled and high-fived Pope. 
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That night they were going to put the plan in motion. They were finally going to go to the Crain house and fetch out the gold. Before they left, they all met up at the Chateau, making sure they had everything ready. Lani went over the list one last time before they left: flashlights, dark clothes, rope, pulley and a grappling hook (according to JJ). They all piled the Twinkie and drove to the Crain house, parking across the road from it. Before they climbed out, John B turned and looked at his friends, stopping them from leaving.
“I just wanted to thank you, guys. Seriously. It means a lot to me that you’re here tonight.” 
“Aww, you went soft John.” Lani said, tilting her head to the side as she smiled. 
“Always.” Kie smiled.
“Of course, man.” JJ muttered tapping the pogue’s shoulder in support. They all climbed out of the Twinkie and walked into the house’s yard. The flashlights were on, guiding them to the basement when the porch light turned on. They all ducked and hid behind some old structure that was covered in plants. 
“Great, she has motion sensor lights.” Lani muttered looking over at the door and getting back down. 
“We could, uh… move very slowly, maybe?” JJ asked dumbfounded. 
“That’s not how it works, J.” Fallon tapped his shoulder with a light chuckle. 
“Let’s throw a rock at it.” He suggested again making everyone look at him. 
“A rock?” The curly haired kook asked, thinking she had heard wrong. 
“Of course, let the axe murderer know we’re here.” Kie whispered.
“Do you have a better idea?” 
“Literally anything but that.” Pope said and turned back to the porch, thinking about what they could do. The bright light turned off, making the teens let out a breath of relief. 
“Oh my god, the breaker. In the circuit box on the porch.” Fallon said looking at JJ who smiled and high-fived her. 
“We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids. And if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch.” He grinned as he remembered 9 y/o caramel and blonde haired kids. 
“I’ve seen it.” Sarah smiled. 
“No, no. You’re not going in the house alone.” John B started objecting, causing the blonde kook to laugh. 
“Watch me.” 
“Crain chops people into pieces.” 
“If you believe that but she’s like what, 85?” Sarah asked, looking around at the teens. 
“Yeah, something like that.” Kie shrugged. 
“She’s probably barely still kicking.” Fallon said and turned to make her way to the porch when JJ held her wrist. 
“Hey, be careful. Please… don’t do anything crazy.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” She pecked his cheek and made her way to the porch. Sarah walked behind her some time later while JJ went back to see Lani and Kie making fun of John B.
“Be safe.”
“I’ll be so safe… I’ll be safe for you.” Lani whispered as Pope and Kie laughed. 
“Come on, stop it. I’m gonna kill you.” 
“How will that keep us safe?”Lani asked with a straight face as everyone chuckled. 
Fallon and Sarah slowly stepped onto the porch pointing their flashlights at the wall. The floorboards creaked as they walked closer to the door, not putting too much thought into it. 
“Where are the breakers?” The blonde whispered pointing her flashlight all over the wall and quickly stopped once she saw the cable. Fallon moved her flashlight along the cable, until she noticed it went into the house. 
“Shit… it goes inside the house.” She whispered and looked at Sarah who stared at her with scared eyes. They walked into the house, slowly, following the cable with their flashlights until they stumbled upon the breaker. Fallon opened the box almost immediately and turned the switch, making the bright light from outside shut off.
“Oh my god, they did it.” Lani whispered, staring at the porch and back at the pogues. 
“They did it. Go time.” John B turned and walked quickly towards the basement followed by everyone else. They all piled around the well and moved away to get everything ready. 
“Pope, look. This is C.H.U.D, full C.H.U.D.” JJ said filled with excitement as he moved her arm, signalling at the whole place. 
“JJ, what the fuck are you talking about?” Lani asked, stopping what she was doing to look at the blonde. 
“Cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers? Have you guys not seen that film?” 
“Can’t say that I have.” Kie said walking towards Pope to give him a few more stuff. JJ then moved to explain what the film was about which caused Lani to just look at him in confusion. She never thought that things like that would be going through his head. John B told him to shut up and moved to Pope as he began to ask some things about the depth of the well. They got the rope ready as the pogue sat at the edge waiting for his friends to give him the ok. 
“Guys, I have one request.” 
“Yeah?” The teens asked, looking at him.
“Don’t drop me.” John B descended into the well as Lani nodded. 
“Cool… no pressure…” She walked and stood next to JJ, holding a piece of rope as they moved it slowly. They kept lowering him until he got to the bottom, surrounded by sewer looking water. JJ and Pope kept calling out for him, making sure he was okay. Upstairs, Fallon and Sarah ran from Mrs. Crain was chasing them with a shotgun, even though she was blind. Suddenly, the girls stumbled into the basement, out of breath making everyone turn to them.
“Woah, you guys okay?” Lani asked with worried eyes. 
“Mrs. Crain! She’s up there.” Fallon shouted, placing her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. 
“She tried to kill us with a fire poker.” Sarah held her stomach as she breathed heavily. 
“We gotta go.” Kie said and ran to the bags, getting the flashlights and everything gathered. 
“We locked her in the parlor but we really need to leave.” The caramel haired pogue said, walking to the exit as Kie trailed behind. JJ and Pope alerted John B but when he began to shout the teens went crazy, thinking he was drowning. Everything grabbed a piece of rope and began to pull quickly, noticing that the boy wasn't attached to it. After a few minutes of trying to him out, Mrs. Crain had followed the ruckus and made it down to the basement. She heard voices and pulled the trigger causing a loud bang to echo around the room. 
The teens ran in different locations, trying to cover themselves. JJ tied the rope as Pope shouted down the well, telling John B what to do. They all ran out of the basement and climbed into the Twinkie. Pope and JJ were in front while the girls were in the back, holding the door open for John B. The blonde began to drive as a figure appeared to jump over the stone wall. He ran down the street and threw himself into the van as Lani slid the door close. 
“Oh my god. That was fucking crazy.” The kook said, leaning against the door, feeling tired. 
“Are you shot?” Pope asked, turning his body to the very dirty pogue.
“I think I’d know if I was shot right?” Kie questioned, touching her chest but quickly looking down at the boy in disgust.
“Ugh, John B you smell like ass.” Everyone chuckled and began to talk about Mrs. Crain and how she was like Yoda. Lani drifted from the conversation and stared at the pogue who was taking something out of his jacket, it was shiny. 
“What is that?” She asked, grabbing everyone’s attention. Sarah looked down at her boyfriend and gasped, quickly smiling.
“No, you didn’t.” 
“We did it, baby!” John B shouted with a huge smile on his face. The van erupted in celebration and screams until Kie held her hands out.
“Wait, wait, Guys, we’re gonna be rich.” 
“Like full kook rich.” Fallon smiled looking at JJ through the rear view mirror. 
“Full kook, full kook, full kook!” They chanted on the way back to the Chateau. Once it was over they started laughing,feeling nothing but joy. It was quickly replaced with worry once Fallon sat back and winced when her arm touched the cushion. Lani’s head turned to her immediately, watching the pogue holding her arm. When she parted her hand it was covered in fresh red blood. 
“Fallon’s hurt!” The kook said as she moved towards the pogue, quickly helping. JJ’s eyes went wide and looked through the mirror in fear. 
“What do you mean she’s hurt?”
“She’s bleeding from her arm… It’s too deep, she needs stitches.” Lani said loudly for the blonde to hear her as the girls piled around her. Kie looked for the emergency kit and gave it to the kook, making her automatically start working. 
“JJ, how far are we?” She shouted as she opened the kit, making sure everything was there. 
“5 minutes!” 
“I can’t wait 5 minutes, she’s bleeding a lot.” Lani muttered and turned, grabbing two flashlights and handed them to Sarah and Kie. 
“Hold these up.” She put on her gloves and opened the alcohol bottle, pouring a bit on Fallon’s arm. The pogue winced in pain, making Lani look at her with eyes of pity. 
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts but… I-I need to make you better, okay?” Fallon nodded and Lani quickly pressed a gauze on it as the pogue whimpered in pain. JJ sped down the road, getting to the Chateau almost immediately. They got out of the van and the blonde sprinted to Fallon, feeling scared when she saw all the blood. 
“Hold the gauze hard on her arm, okay? I’m gonna get the stuff ready.” Lani said and ran inside the hut, gathering her supplies. JJ sat the pogue down in the dining room, holding her hand the whole time. The kook ran back and moved a chair, closer to Fallon as she tapped J’s hand to let it go. 
“You know how to stitch? H-How are you gonna do that? You’re not even a real doctor.” JJ rambled as he stared at Fallon losing more blood. Kie and Sarah pulled him outside as Pope stayed to help. 
“How do you know how to stitch?” Fallon muttered weakly, clearly feeling scared as Lani cleaned the area. 
“My mom is a surgeon, she has taught me a few things… and I took a few medical classes since I skipped a few grades.” The kook said placing the bloody gauze down and picking up the gloves to put them on. Fallon’s eyes watered as she knew what was happening next. 
“Hey… you’re gonna be okay, I promise. This is gonna be quick.” Lani smiled as she picked up the needle, getting ready to stitch. 
“Pope, get her some pain killers.”
“I’ll be right back.” He muttered and ran off to the bathroom as the kook pushed the sharp end through the skin. Pope came back and gave Fallon the painkillers as Lani stitched up her arm while the brunette pogue assisted. After a few minutes, the stitches were done and the kook placed gauze over it. Then wrapped it with a bandage. 
“All done.” She whispered and stood up, gathering everything that had to be thrown away. 
“Thank you, Lani.” Fallon said with watery eyes as she grazed the bandage with her fingertips. 
“Anytime.” JJ walked in and immediately ran to the pogue, examining every part of her to make sure she wasn't more hurt. Fallon fell asleep on JJ’s bed while everyone else sat around a bonfire with beers, celebrating the Royal Merchant gold. 
good life: @ilovefandoms102​ @agardenofbooks​ @cloverrover​ @lynlovesouterbanks​
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wizardlyghost · 2 years
- LAST WE LEFT OFF i had started off into the wilderness with DOGMEAT to find some non-radioactively-poisonous vegetables to grow.
- we wandered around for A While, killed some raiders, found a bunch of FLOWERS and BEANS and stuff. i’m assuming that some of these things are used to craft the startlingly wide array of drugs that you can make in this game, so i am going to keep them far, far away from MAMA MURPHY.
- i... have found the RANGER STATION. remember how last time i said the STREET CORNER BUNKER was the most jarringly upsetting thing i’d encountered so far? the remains of a girl who fought with her parents the night before the bombs fell before running away from home and dying alone in this abandoned cabin in the woods knocks that out of the fucking park. holy fuck.
- i discovered how to play HOLOTAPES by listening to this poor thing’s final diary entry, where on the day she dies she desparately wonders if the future will ever be ok again. sure. i’m not gonna think about that every time i play a HOLOTAPE in the future. no sir.
- it doesn’t even seem like this leads into a quest, the TAPE is pretty much the only unique item in the cabin. why the fuck does this game not have a mechanic for burying bodies? am i just supposed to leave this poor thing sprawled out on the floor and be ok with that? why is there an option to steal the dress off of her skeleton but not to give her a proper burial? answer me TODD.
- with my heart freshly broken, i continued chasing undiscovered locations on my HUD until i found an ABANDONED SHIPPING LOCKUP infested with GHOULS. there was also a ROBIT that i could activate, which reminded me of the one i’d found and then forgotten about in LEXINGTON. i tried activating it as a medical drone but didn’t seem to be able to give it further instructions, so i guess that kills my idea of bringing it back to SANCTUARY.
- i found another one of these weird MAGAZINES that increase your skills. i’m not sure if i have to keep them in my inventory to retain their effects so i guess i’m gonna wind up carrying around entire stacks of these things.
- found a place called ABERNATHY FARM, which seemed to be exactly the windfall of MUTANT VEGETABLES that i’d been looking for, but the fact that it still had a name as opposed to “abandoned farm” or something made me hesitate to just start carting off anything valuable. turns out, this was the right decision, as inside there were living people.
- it never fails to amuse me how in these games you can break into someone’s house and activate them while they’re sleeping and they just proceed to have a completely normal conversation with you. “HI WE HAVEN’T MET AND IT’S THREE AM BUT DO YOU HAVE ANY DELICIOUS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR SALE” “no but i’ll pay you some BOTTLECAPS if you bring me MELONS from my back yard” “DEAL”.
- there didn’t seem to be an option to help the ABERNATHIES with their harvest free of charge, which was disappointing, but they have their MELONS and i have a QUEST to retrieve a LOCKET? will get to that in a bit.
- by this time i’d looped back around to heading towards CONCORD, but there was one more tantalisingly close location on my HUD, so i decided to pay it a visit. after getting fly tackled by a bunch more GHOULS (what IS it with these people?) i made my way inside and found the ghoulified remains of WAYNE GORSKI, a ROOT CELLAR DOOMSDAY PREPPER, here meaning someone who was planning to cause doomsday rather than survive it (although i guess he did sort of survive it ironically). he was building a NUCLEAR BOMB in his basement because the US GOVERNMENT had put POWER LINES in the area to CONTROL THE MINDS OF US CITIZENS. i feel like this guy was using a warhead as a pillow loooooooooong before he was ever a ghoul.
- i went back through CONCORD to pick up all the LOOT that i’d skipped when i was saving everyone’s asses. turns out i’d missed a HOLOTAPE from the guy who previously owned my POWER ARMOUR, as well as a bunch of LASER RIFLE AMMO from the DEAD MINUTE MEN still lying around. see again: Todd Howard You Let Me Give These Folks A Proper Burial Right Now.
- i’m not especially religious but the skeletons in the church, including the priest collapsed over the pulpit? another heart wrench.
- met a guy out behind the town who complained that he was uncontrollably farting from eating some bad meat and then promptly gave me the rest of the bad meat. ...nice to meet you too, i guess?
- concord has accessible sewers! this must be where the DEATHCLAW came from.
- time for CRAB... i think?
- idk wtf a MIRELURK is but it takes a lot of bullets. this is either a giant crab or a giant bug but either way i don’t like it.
- just discovered that VAULT-TEC LUNCHBOXES open with a spray of confetti and a kazoo toot. hasn’t this company done enough to its poor employees? join the VAULT-TEC UNION today!
- i think that’s all of CONCORD explored now. guess i’ll go back to SANCTUARY.
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writersrealmbts · 4 years
Diamond Tears and Little Wings: Part 5
Description: You’re a fairy, taken in by BTS. You need lots of love and care, otherwise your light will fade and you turn to stone. Between the seven of them, you should never feel unloved. Right?
Warnings: N/A
Posted: 02/11/2021
Tags: bts x reader, ot7
Angst/Fluff/Angst: 3,846 words
A/N: Okay, I told you guys that I would be alternating between DTLW and Clearwater Springs, so here’s the proof. Anyway, two more parts after this!
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Your fourth home in five years is what they told you this was. But you couldn’t remember any but this one.
So your heart was aching, and you always wanted to cry, but you never dared to do so. Something, someone’s, words, telling you that crying in front of strangers was dangerous kept echoing in your head. So you blinked away any tears that came, hugged your stuffed animal, and studied the area you would lived in.
It was a little cold, so you hugged your coat tighter to you. You’d been told by the other fairies that your coat was special, because it appeared to be designed exactly for your wings, which was rare. But none of them seemed to have any idea why you would have such a special coat, excepting the fact that maybe in the country you came from it was more normalized to have custom wing-slits.
It was completely normal to come away from a home with a stuffed animal, and clothing and jewelry that could shrink down. People liked dressing up fairies.
You played with your bracelet as you examined the cement floor, and the plain white walls, and the windows that weren’t quiet fully insulated but were full east and full west, respectively, and provided quite a bit of natural lighting. You had your own bathroom and kitchen area, and the laundry room was in the basement. The bed was a bit creaky, but the mattress seemed decent. You had a cute lamp on the side table, and they had a few books for you on a bookshelf that had the bottom shelf broken beside the side table.
There was shoebox bedroom on one of the shelves as well, very simple, with just a bed in it, but it was decorated carefully—though perhaps by their daughter. There was felt covering the floor and back wall, which would provide a little insulation for you. The outside was colored on, but you didn’t have a problem with that.
There was an old rug rolled off to one side that they said you could use, and a bar with some hangers already hanging on it and plastic drawers they said you could used for your clothing.
You looked at your suitcase, which was resting on the bed, then set your dog on top of it while you got the rug, unrolling it and placing it near your bed.
Your job there was to do their laundry and take care of the cat that their daughter wouldn’t let them get rid of, and to entertain their daughter now and then, and when you weren’t delivering the clean laundry or entertaining their daughter you were to stay in the basement bedroom. Simple enough.
The cat was a sweetheart and the laundry was quite simple with only three people to wash for. Laundry was tossed down the shoot daily and every Monday and Thursday you were to deliver their clean laundry before they awoke.
They weren’t cruel, or strict, just very structured and busy.
She was very kind and brought you groceries, even getting you exactly what you requested. You just had to leave a list with her laundry on Mondays, because Mondays were grocery days. She even spontaneously bought you a cake, and when you told her that the basement was a little cold for you, she found a nice heater for you that greatly improved things, and found some more blankets around the house for you. They were generally gone over the weekends, visiting a different set of grandparents each weekend, which left you and Cupcake, the cat, alone in the house to do as you pleased.
Those were the days you ventured down to the fairy market, which was a safe space for fairies and since you did get an allowance for doing the laundry, you could sometimes buy some special treats or things that you needed.
You weren’t a fan of the husband, which was fine, because he only seemed to come downstairs if he needed to check the water-heater (they were having issues with it and he was too stubborn to call whoever it was that professionally dealt with those things), or to ask you to do an emergency clean on a shirt or tie or slacks. It wasn’t that he was mean, or sleazy, or that he gave you bad vibes, he was just very grumpy and brisk. Cold.
And he hated the cat.
Plus you had the distinct feeling that if he found out about your diamond tears it would be a very bad thing. He was a greedy man, raising a greedy daughter.
But you had a CD player now, and you could find CD’s now and then at the fairy market, and the wife said you could use any CD’s you found in the basement.
Which was how you found your current favorite CD. You weren’t certain who the artists were because the disc hadn’t been in it’s proper case, but their songs were so nice. And you loved the one song.
So some days, when you had nothing to do but give the cat all the love it wanted, you just listened to that CD on repeat, singing words as though you’d known them before.
You did different crafts, and solved some of the abandoned puzzles from the storage room.
You improved your shoe-box, replacing the bed (it was a sponge, hard and weird to lay on) with a carefully arranged nest of fabrics and stuffing. Sometimes you stuck your stuffed dog into the shoebox and snuggled into that. The smells on it so familiar and foreign that it made you cry.
Which meant you had to find a place to hide your tears. Normally you just saved them and exchanged them at the fairy market—where the currency exchange fairy, Heidrun, just discretely nodded and added their value to your shopping card balance.
But one day she stopped you before you could leave, holding your hands. “You don’t look well, dear.”
“Fourth home,” You told her simply, shrugging. “It’s more of a job than a home. But I’m not…I’m not suffering. She always makes sure I have what I need and allows me a lot of freedom. I have the whole basement to myself, and I’m allowed in the side-yard at all times. She even encourages me to come here. And I have music to listen to. Actually, I found a CD I really like, but I don’t know what band they are because it doesn’t say on the disc.”
“Try Magnus, he knows everything going on in the music scene,” She told you, squeezing your hands. “And trying to hold onto whatever love you’ve got and are getting. It’s not healthy for our kind to go unloved.”
You nodded. “I’ll do that.”
Magnus did help you, granted, you had to sing a couple of the songs for him to find the right group, but once he did, he sent to you over to Frida with a request for BTS albums.
Frida nodded, pulling out several book-like things. “They’re super popular, but they’re also in a ton a magazines right now. They lost their fairy because of some scandal, and now they’re in a slump, but they’re also going on a world tour, so it can’t be that much of a slump. They’re actually coming to our stadium for a concert, which is cool. They’ve started putting up the posters already.”
You looked at the books, confused. “I thought you said they were albums?”
“They are. The CD’s are accompanied by a booklet of photos and the lyrics, photocards, and usually a poster.”
You blinked then picked up the biggest one, concerned and confused. “It’s…huge…and a box?”
She just snorted. “You want that one? It’s one of their more recent ones. Don’t have their newest yet, but I can see if I can get one for you.”
You nodded. “That’d be nice, but sure, I’ll…take this one for now.”
She nodded and swiped your card. “All yours, sweet-cheeks. Now, tell me how you get your hair that shiny.”
You grabbed your hair and shrugged. “I don’t know. I just wash it.”
“Not even fair,” She muttered, then turned to a new customer.
You went home after hitting a few more stalls, getting more craft things and some stuff for the kitty, hugging the album and wondering what awaited you inside.
Cupcake was waiting for you on your bed, sitting up and meowing loudly, stretching out a paw for you to take (which you did because why else teach him that trick) and then purring and arching into your hand.
“I know, I was gone for forever,” You scooped him up after successfully setting everything else down. “I bought some new music for us. You need a better name. A masculine name. You don’t respond to Cupcake anyway—not that I blame you. It’s a rather poor choice of a name for a cat, much less a tom.”
He just purred, climbing up onto your shoulders and riding there while you put away the few food items you had purchased and hopping onto the fridge while you started cooking your dinner.
You hummed as you tried to think of a different name for him, but after a moment you paused, wondering what song it was you were humming and why it was so familiar and yet so distant. So easy, but you couldn’t remember. You couldn’t remember the moment you stopped singing what the words were or how the song went, despite having reached the chorus. You could only remember the last words you sang.
You shook your head and went over, quickly opening the box to where the disc was in the album without seeing any sign of the pictures (Maybe a poster?) and then popping it into the player.
But it was worse than the first one, because you swore you knew each song. You had vague images in your head of people performing the songs. It hurt. It hurt to hear these songs because they were too familiar. Too familiar and yet so completely foreign that it was unfair.
The first one wasn’t too bad, but the second started really getting to you.
By the third song you were in tears.
By the chorus of the fourth song you were full-on sobbing on the bed.
The fifth song clashed so much with the sentiments of the previous two that it just broke you down further, and you had to turn it off before you started screaming at the empty space where the music should have come from.
You grabbed the photos from the album box after you had calmed down enough. Not bothering to try and remove the sticker, you slide the photos out and started flipping through the pages, horrified at the fact that they looked so achingly familiar and yet you had no idea who they were.
You tossed them back in the box and slammed it shut, eyes filled with tears.
But you must not have woken when someone came into the basement, because three days later the man was demanding to know where you got so many diamonds.
And fairies can’t lie.
Five days later you were staring out the window, a place you couldn’t go until you filled the box on your small counter space with diamonds. It wasn’t too large, but it was large enough that you were worried about whether you would ever fill it.
So you turned on the disc again, and cried. Cried until you were sick, and then collapsed into your bed. Exhaustedly petting the cat until you fell asleep, only to repeat it the next day. And the next.
When you finally filled it, you went straight to the market just to get some time away from the basement.
The shopkeepers from your regular stops came rushing up when they saw you, even Heidrun, all asking where you’d been and if you were okay and before you knew it you were sitting at one of the picnic tables with some soup and some tea and a bunch of worried fairies fussing over you.
Frida sat silently across from you, looking concerned but ultimately staring at the table.
Or so you thought, because she suddenly reached across the table and grabbed your bracelet. “Where did you get this?”
You blinked and tried to recoil, but couldn’t. “I don’t remember. I just figured it was from one of my previous homes.
Magnus frowned, looking at it. “It looks a lot like the one that…”
She nodded. “There’s something etched onto them. Fairy craftsmanship. Come over to my shop. Come on.”
You followed her, curious, and not wanting to let something you had a very strong attachment to out of your sight.
First she tried a jeweler’s eye loupe, then she wrinkled her nose and grabbed a flashlight, shining it through the gems and onto the table.
You stared down at it, confused.
“Something tells me your family didn’t give you up willingly,” Magnus said, voice a little tense.
Frida looked at you, as though she couldn’t believe it. “You’re the fairy that was taken away from BTS?”
You just looked back at her. “Um…is that what all of that means?”
“How did you like that album you bought?” She asked, eyes narrowed to slits.
You shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to think about how much you had used it to make yourself cry, because if you did then you knew she was right. And if she was right, then it would be even sadder.
“Weren’t the one that said that they couldn’t have been too sad about losing their fairy to be going on a world tour? Why would I want to be her?”
“No, they talked about it…it’s because they’re trying to find her. Find you. They didn’t say it explicitly because they could get in trouble for that, but they’ve hinted at it and there are tons of reports and pictures of them visiting every fairy sanctuary they could without compromising their performances. It just took a while for it to hit the news for us. Y/n, they’re looking for you. And if this is any proof, I think they love you and you need love. You look like a skeleton with skin.”
Heidrun gently pulled you into her arms. “What changed? You were doing alright and then you were gone and you come back looking like a ghost.”
“They found my tears,” You whispered.
She inhaled sharply, not quite a gasp, and held you tighter. “You can’t stay there.”
“I can’t leave there either. Where would I go? I would just get arrested and brought back to them.”
Frida folded her arms. “Leave it to me. You go back, lay low. Maybe try to appeal to the lady of the house. I’ll have you out of there as soon as I can. In the meantime….”
“I’ve still got a backlog of your diamonds, come get them just in case he asks again.” Your arm was gently pulled toward the currency exchange station.
You took the bag, and the treats most of them packed up for you. If the love of other fairies was enough to sustain you, you never would have been in this mess. But fairies, while kind and caring, didn’t have enough love for other fairies to keep them alive, especially once exposed to the love of a family. Fairies were good, and kind, and helpful, but also emotionally unstable which made it hard to focus enough love into one another without a consistent source of outside love.
It was a miracle your species had survived as long as it had.
Cupcake greeted you, meowing pathetically and hopping into your arms.
You sat down on your bed with him. “Let’s think of a new name for you.”
Eventually you settled on Keyowo, which was close to his current name but meant friend and was just…it was better.
You then set to deep cleaning over the next week, shrinking your things and tucking them into your suitcase to keep them out of sight.
On Tuesday he beat you to tears because you weren’t producing tears fast enough.
The album caught your eye again on the next Friday.
You picked up, tracing the seven on the cover, and then opening it. You pulled out the poster and unfolded it.
They were in white, with feathers floating down and a hole in the floor. They all looked so good.
You touched the one on the far left, wearing the sweater. Slightly cat-like facial features. You felt like you knew what his hands looked like, even though you couldn’t see much of them in the picture. Slightly calloused, bony, but gentle and careful. Caring for everyone.
“Yoongi,” You whispered, choking up. Tearing up.
Your fingers traced over each of them, names a whisper in your mind. A whisper that turned into shouts, memories flooding your mind of each and every one of them. Your mind screaming for them because your throat was too tight to even whisper.
They were your boys.
They had to let you go.
You weren’t supposed to remember them.
They weren’t supposed to try and find you.
The next day you shoved everything into your bag, tucked the cat into your coat, left a note for the missus and headed straight back to the fairy market.
Frida looked surprised when she saw you. “Whoa, what happened? Is this the kitty your were telling me about?”
“They’re gone for the weekend, that means even if I stay nearby they’ll think I’ve had two days to run out on them. I need you to help me get me back to my family.” You teared up. “I need to find them.”
Frida nodded, glancing around and closing her shop. “Come on. You can stay with me.”
Frida’s family consisted of a pair of siblings.
The sister, Alena, was a fairy rights activist in her spare time, which is why Frida had so much freedom, and a huge music fan. She had a whole wall of CD’s and albums and posters. Stacks of magazines featuring musicians.
The brother, Agnar, was quiet, “just an accountant”, and very kind. And very affectionate toward Frida.
Frida was equally affectionate toward him, bringing a fake gag from Alena.
They helped you find an outfit that hid your fairy-ness, and he got you tickets to the concert, all of you hoping that it would get you close enough for them to see you and recognize that you were there. Also, it would help you health-wise to see them in person and the rush from the concert would be overwhelming, but also might revitalize you.
Then Alena forced you to sit in the bathroom with her while she applied a cloth to your face with epsom salts to try and reduce the bruising and swelling on your face. She told you about the fairy abuse responders, and how she would call them in the morning and tell them about your family.
Agnar totally stole your cat.
Frida let you sleep in her fairy-home (because it definitely wasn’t a dollhouse and it was awesome, of course).
Four days later, you were at the concert venue with Alena, taking a seat and soaking in the atmosphere. People were talking all around and some people were chanting the boys’ names. Another group was starting to sing the songs.
You listened nervously, wondering whether it was true or not that they were looking for you. What if they were just making a fuss to get back at the company a bit? What if the media was making things up? It wouldn’t be the first time a story was fabricated for magazines.
Then the concert started and you and Alena were cheering for your boys, but you wondered why you ever thought they’d be able to see you in this mess.
It wasn’t until the second half of the concert that you had hope.
The boys were in more casual outfits, having more fun.
And they were all wearing the jewelry that Namjoon had made from your diamonds.
Jimin was the one who saw you first, though he looked right over you and then seemed to try and pinpoint you again, but was unable to in the crowd. He stood there with a smile plastered on his face, acting as though he was studying each Army’s face when you knew he was searching for you.
So you stood still in the writhing mass that of the crowd, and studied him.
He had lost weight, and if it hadn’t been for the makeup, you bet he’d look fairly wrung-out.
All of them looked like they’d been sick enough to lose weight.
Taehyung came over and practically dragged him away (making it look playful).
But Jimin said something to Jin and Jungkook.
Jungkook was over there as casually as he could, totally looking at the camera and doing ‘fanservice’. But he obviously didn’t spot you.
Jin didn’t either.
But Yoongi did during the very last song and he stopped, staring, then he was crouched, hand over his mouth, just staring in your direction.
You waved, wondering if he actually was staring at you.
He smiled, but it also looked like he wanted to cry. He waved as well, then cautiously moved off, still keeping an eye on you.
You bit your lip, smiling.
Alena squealed and grabbed onto you, and the two of you did your best to fit in with the rest of the crowd.
Both of you lingered as long as you could afterward, her extremely hyped from the whole concert and talking a mile a minute, while you were feeling…exhausted? All of the emotions around you and finally seeing your boys again….
But you had no idea how you were going to get to them, or how they were going to get to you.
Until you saw Sejin, scanning the crowd.
The likelihood of him being on the side of the boys was pretty good.
You tugged on Alena’s arm, pulling her to a stop.
Sejin locked onto you and started moving, coming your way, waiting until the straggling fans that had been around you were gone before telling security to let you through.
You dipped your head to the security guards, then bowed slightly to Sejin. “Hello.”
Sejin smiled. “Hello, y/n.”
You bit your lip. “I remembered.”
He nodded. “I figured. We all figured. They’re waiting. They’re all waiting.”
You were practically vibrating.
“Come on, let’s get you back to them. Your friend can come but she needs to wait in the hallway for…security purposes.”
You nodded and relayed the information to Alena, then both of you were following back to the waiting room.
Sejin stopped by the waiting room. “Go on in.”
You nodded, putting your hand on the doorknob and then turning it and going in.
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One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five
Second time's the charm~
A casual greeting at a book store turns into so much more.
[WARNING]: This is a YANDERE story! Stalking, murder, the whole nine yards!!! Read with caution!
If you find this story on any website NOT under misfitgirlwrites/misfitgirl3390 please let me know!
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   "Don't cry, sweetheart. I'd never hurt you like that."
   That's what Leo said to Cherri after killing Gabriella. She didn't know how long it's been since then. She never attempted to leave the room again, even when the door was unlocked. Cherri spent most of her time trying to convince him that they didn't have to move, but he didn't want to hear any of it.
   He opened his eyes to look at her. He liked to take his naps while holding her.
   "Hm? If you're asking about staying here again--"
   "N-No...I just...I want to go upstairs." She was tired of staying in the same room, it was driving her crazy.
   "Oh? Why's that?" His green eyes never left her but she refused to make eye contact.
   "I don't like being down here." Her voice got quieter.
   Leo hummed, resting his head against her. "Wait a little while longer. When I'm sure you'll have nowhere to run off to, you'll be able to move around again. That won't happen until we move. It'll be soon."
   Soon. Cherri was starting to feel sick.
   "I'll consider letting you sit in the kitchen while I fix us lunch though. For a kiss." Leo smiled at Cherri once she looked at him. She hesitated. 
   "C'mon, babe. You never had a problem doing it before."
   Before was different. She almost wished she didn't know any of this stuff. Maybe it was Gabriella's fault. Cherri shook the thoughts from her head and slowly shuffled closer. Leo placed a hand on her cheek abs went in for the kiss. This one was much longer than the last one and his thumb stroked her cheek gently.
   He pulled away and placed one last kiss on her forehead. "Try anything stupid and I'll break your legs, Cherri."
   "I-I won't."
   "Good girl. Let's go."
   Cherri slowly stood up and followed Leo out of the room. She took a brief glance in the area Gabriella once was before quickly going up the steps. She took a small breath once she was in the kitchen.
   "Sit on the counter for me." Leo looked at Cherri and she complied. She watched Leo as he moved around the kitchen before shifting a bit.
   "...W-Will I ever get my phone back?" She asked.
   "Probably not." Leo answered.
   She missed Marcel and Mary.
   "...When are we leaving?"
   Leo tilted his head, "you wanna know?" He moved towards her as she nodded. "Why?"
   "I'm just--I'm just curious." Cherri mumbled.
   "You'll know when the day it happens, babe." He smiled, "I'm working it out."
   She didn't like that answer. Leo placed a kiss on her forehead.
   "Now do you want a ham sandwich?"
   After eating, Leo took Cherri back in the basement, as much as she didn't want to go.
   "...Do I have to stay down here? C-Can't we go upstairs?" Cherri asked.
   "I still don't trust you, so no." Leo's phone started to ring and he looked at it. "I'll be right back."
   He left the room, leaving Cherri alone. She heard her phone vibrate and she glanced at it. He brought it down so she could tell Destiny and Marcel that she was okay through the phone instead of a text. Phone calls would make them less suspicious. Cherri quietly moved towards her phone. It vibrated again and she quickly reached out for it.
   She flinched when Leo grabbed her wrist. His green eyes narrowed and Cherri tried to pull her hand away. He didn't say anything to her yet, he was still on the phone.
   "Great. I'll have to call you back though. Is that alright?"
  Cherri twisted her wrist, "Leo--"
   He hung up the phone and tightened his grip. "Did you think I left that there on accident?" He asked her.
   "I-I just wanted to--"
   "What? You wanted to what?"
   Cherri bit her tongue and scooted back a bit. Leo pulled her back and bent down to look her in the eye.
   "I w-wanted to text Marcel." She muttered.
   "Text him for help. Right?"
   Cherri didn't respond.
   Leo put his phone in his pocket and moved Cherri further onto the bed before grabbing the chain.
   "If you kick me you'll regret it." He glared at her while chaining her to the bed again.
   "No! Take it off, I'm sorry!"
   "I'll be back later." He took her phone.
   "Wait, please!"
   Leo didn't look back as he left the room.
Taglist: @lilkrissmuffet​
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kareniliana · 4 years
Jeremy: Meet Again
A//N: a little different and low key long. not really first time meeting but you'll see the connection when you read it. Also if you want to request something just let me know! I hope you enjoy this one!
xx Karebear 💛🧸
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Being a sixteen year old in high school is stressful enough but being a sixteen year old witch, with little to no friends and absentee parents makes it harder for you to get your emotions in check. But you were able to find something that helps calm you, weed. You don’t necessarily need it but when the moon is full, your powers are enhanced and a little out of control. 
okay that's a little bit a lie, they become too much for you to control. Thats where the amazing marijuana plant comes in handy, it calms your anger. You've always had problems controlling your anger. At one point your parent’s noticed too many holes in the walls of your personal rage room and sent you to anger management.
It helped for a few weeks but when the full moon was in effect, all that progress- everything that you learned, it went down the drain. You slowly became more and more angry and uncontrolled during the day but at night. It only seemed to get worse for you.You don't sleep because it gets too hot upstairs. You go down to your basement, where your parents moved your rage room to, for this reason exactly. Over the night you continually get fed up and release the pain and anxiety and anger against the four walls of your rage room. You thought you were helpless and a waste of energy to help. 
You were contemplating on your life, if it was ever even worth the trouble to get to know or help. Having no real friends doesn’t help either. As you lit up a joint in the stoner pit you see the regular groups of people who use drugs to escape from everything but that wasn’t you. You weren’t escaping reality, you were reverting back to the median. Your emotions sometimes gets the best of you and with your magic you start chaos.
“Y/n Y/l/n” Your one and basically only friend comes up to you and sits with you before school starts.
“Jeremy Gilbert, to what do I owe the pleasure” you joked and laughed as you passed the small joint to Jer.
“So I found some stuff out these past few weeks. I just need someone to talk to.” He said almost awkwardly, hitting the J and passing it back to you. You looked into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, almost getting lost in them. You shake your head of any intimate visuals your brain is coming up with.
Jer smirks, almost as if he knows about your little crush for him. “but uh, You cannot tell anyone, not a single soul.” He looks at you with soft and adoring eyes, almost making you think maybe he likes you too? 
“Who am I going to tell, my weed?” You joke, lifting the joint to your lips. “Seriously though, what is it?”
He sighed deeply before looking at you with worried eyes, “Vampires and werewolves and witches- they exist. They’re real, we have students who are supernatural creatures.” He drops the bomb, studying you for any kind of reaction. You held a straight face, you’re a witch. But you didn’t know about werewolves and vampires, you really only know about witches because why the hell else would you research more on the supernatural spectrum?
“You can’t be serious Jer.” You stared into his eyes looking for a hint of dishonesty, but he wasn’t budging.
“Why would I lie to you? We think someone here is a new incoming witch, and we need to find them and help get their magic under control before something big happens.” His voice sounds worried and caring but who else here is a witch.
“What makes you think that?” You asked, a little worried because you can admit sometimes you lose control at school but you never knew if it was noticeable or not. You’re a loner, no one really cares if you’re having a panic attack or whatnot.
“You cannot tell me you haven’t noticed all the bizarre shit that’s been happening here? Just yesterday before lunch everyones locker in the halls opened. Everyone heard the sound of them opening simultaneously, it sounded like a canon!” You realized you were the witch they were looking for, you had birthday dinner set with your parents but they called you during class to inform you they were sent on a business trip to New York for a client. Which meant they were canceling on you. For the third birthday in a row. You lost control of your emotions and you let it out as a scream, you heard the echo of the lockers burst open from the basement of the school. 
“A few days ago Stefan and Caroline were mind tased that only a witch can do. And-” Jeremy looking to the two vampire from a few yards away, your face tinging with guilt, every time you went to let your anger out, you did something to the school or something around you. 
“-Wait, why only Stefan and Caroline? Are they..” you interrupted.
“Vampires. Luckily no one else was in the halls...” your head falls in disappointment, a frown and sad eyes very evident. Jeremy looks back over to you, instantly concerning himself. 
“Whats wrong? Wait, hey Y/n, what happened?” Jeremys hand reaches for your face, lifting your head to look at him. Tears formed, threatening to spill out. Guilt was written all over your face.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone I swear I just get so angry. I- I -” Your bottom lip started to quiver, almost sobbing you looked over to the vampires, “I’m really really sorry.”
“Hey wait, what are you...” He tried comforting you as he realized it was you they are looking for. “oh... it- it’s you. You're the witch.” You nodded your head, leaning away from him. He’s gonna see you differently now. He’s gonna hate you. He’s gonna leave, and you'll be all alone... your breath quickly increased, becoming into a panic attack and it’s beginning to become too overwhelming.
As your breathing increases, clouds roll in slowly covering the sun, then the wind starts raging around you all, you were doing this without even realizing it. It scared you more. 
“Y/n? No, hey hey its okay.” he tried reaching for you, but you were too fast. Jumping off the deck and running to your car. Then suddenly the clouds begins to crack with thunder, you can see the lightning across the clouds, ready to strike the earth.
You saw Stefan and Caroline begin to run to you but without really thinking you wave your hand at them, sending them flying into a bus. You ran without a second look back. Getting to your car and driving home, down the lonely winding road to your driveway, passing other driveways to the very few neighbors you have. 
“Okay, calm yourself!” You shouted at yourself as you hit the steering wheel, causing the storm to hail down rain. Suddenly you got the feeling os pins and needles all throughout your body, every muscle you felt a stab or slicing. You can feel your skin warming up.
“No, no, no, no, no, this cannot be happening!” You gripped the wheel and let all hell loose, screaming at the top of the lungs. A wave of power and force struck out from your body, feeling a wave of calmness come over you. You stopped the car, keeping your eyes closed hoping you were able to hold back the storm in your brain and above you in the dark sky.
You got your breathing under control, opening your eyes you see the storm is rolling away, and the sun is shining through. You chuckled, you were able to pull it back. “I did it, I really did it?” You smiled at yourself, letting out a deep breath. You got out of the car to really look at the sky.
As you got out, you look ahead and see tire skid marks on the road, they look fresh. You following the trail to a crash and totaled car, thrown again a wall of trees. Bringing tears instantly to your eyes, you hurt someone.
“Please be alive, oh, please be alive!” You scream trying to open the door but it’s at a weird angle the side doors aren’t opening and you're not climbing the death trap to the top. You can see blood on the windshield and drivers window, anxiety making your hands begin to shake.
“Okay... Think! Think!” You yelled and hit at your head. “You're a Goddamn powerful witch, start acting like it!”
You took a deep breath, standing a few feet away. You concentrated all of your magic to lift and stabilize the wrecked vehicle. Closing your eyes and feeling the earths pull on the car resist you, smirking at the feeling of power for good and not an emotional outbreak. 
“Y/n! Y/N!! WHERE ARE YOU?” Jeremy, Caroline and Stefan followed after you in Carolines car. Jeremy convinced Stefan to let him go look after you alone. You trust him, you know him, you don’t trust Stefan- you barely know him. And Caroline has a reputation, you make it your mission to avoid her.
You opened your eyes seeing the car is now on all four wheels, you exclaimed in excitement. “I’m here, their bleeding! Come help me!” you walked into view, he stood at the road near your car. Jeremy saw you emerge from the trees and ran to you.
“Help me get them out!” You didn’t even give Jeremy a chance to get to you before you sprinted to the car. You can’t be responsible for killing someone.
“What happened?” He asked as you try to pry the doors open.
“I happened! What else?!” You exclaimed as it finally gave in and opened. The bloody elderly man in the passengers seat had cut’s everywhere, he lifted his hand just for it to fall again, letting go of his last breath.
“No, no! Stefan!!” Jeremy screamed the second we got the door opened. The vampires showing up not even a second later. “Help him!”
Stefan listened for a heartbeat, but there was nothing. “I’m sorry, he’s gone.” Stefan says sadly.
“But, no...” You said sadly, “I killed him? I actually killed him?” You looked to Jer.
“Can you explain to me what kind of witch you are? ‘Cause I’ve never seen just one witch make that bad of a storm and especially not that fast.” Stefan asked nicely but worried. You looked to Stefan with a scrunched up face, wondering how he could jump from you killing an innocent man to your supernatural abilities. But it slowly made sense, he’s probably an older vampire than you thought and has more experience with this than you did. 
Your face relaxed into a frown, “I don’t know, just a regular witch. I don’t even know that much. I don’t know anyone in my family who could be a witch. I have some control of it... except..” You sighed deeply, suddenly feeling very embarrassed.
“Except when?” Stefan said a little more sternly than before, taking a step towards you. Caroline grabbed his arm holding him back and interrupting.
“This seems like a witch problem for Bonnie. She can help you get control, no matter what it is, we can help.” Caroline said with a nod and soft smile. You returned her a smile of your own.
“But what do we do now? About him?” You asked about the dead man in the totaled car. Stefan walked towards the door, seeing the man drenched in his own blood but none of the windows are broken.
You brought Stefan’s attention away, “What am I supposed to do? Should I turn myself in?”
“Y/n, when do you have the least amount of control?” He asked sternly and worried, like he was depending on my answer to be best case scenario. 
You gulped loudly, “during the full moon” you muttered, everyones eyes on you. They looked confused yet scared.
“Y/n, look at him. Tell me, how did he die by this much blood loss without any broken windows, the car I trashed but the windows are for the most part intact.”He spoke softly, almost guiding me through his thought process. You looked up at him confused by the scene in front of you.
“What were you feeling when the accident happened?” Jeremy asked, almost catching on to what Stefan was trying to conclude. 
“I... first, I felt this overwhelming feeling of fear and self anger. Then I felt almost like something was slicing into my muscles, kinda like pins and needles... And I was hot, like I kept trying to stay warm but I couldn’t...” You looked down before asking, “Instead of me feeling that pain, I passed it to him?”
Jer sighed sadly,“Yeah. but his body doesn't heal like yours, because he's human... and you’re...” 
“A witch...” You finished, looking down with a frown on your face and sad eyes.
“And a werewolf.” Stefan added, causing your head to whip up at him. Confusion and sadness written on your face.
“What? Is that even possible?” You asked looking back and forth between Stefan and Jeremy.
“We’re not sure but if we’re right, you just triggered the curse.” Stefan said point-blank.
“No, I can’t be!” You raised your voice at Stefan.
“You have trouble controlling your anger, you lose control of your magic on the full moon during the day.” He said quickly, almost scared of you losing control again. “What happens at night? Huh?” 
You thought back to those sleepless nights of complete chaos, you’re starting to think he’s right.
“Tonight’s a full moon. What can we do to help?” Caroline spoke up, worried for you. 
“I need to figure out how to control it, what if now that I actually triggered it, it’s only worse from here?” You asked, worried out of your mind.
“Don’t think of it like that, I think you can do it. You just have to believe in yourself. Okay?” Jeremy brought his hands to your shoulders, comforting you. “Maybe now, you’re not bounded. You can shift and feel it instead of passing it on.”
Jeremy hugged you, trying his hardest to help keep you calm. He was worried for you. He was scared this would be too much for you and you’d end up hurting yourself instead.
“Okay, Jeremy get her out of here. We got this okay.” Stefan said, suggesting he would make it go away or at least make sure nothing points to you or Jeremy.
Jeremy takes you home, you showed him your rage room with all it’s damage and glory. He thought it would be best to stay here where you’re most comfortable and your parents were still out of town. Being worldly known defense lawyers means, business trips to New York or L.A. or Seattle. Really anywhere but Mystic Falls.
“Okay So I called Tyler and Bonnie. They should be here soon.” Jeremy sat down on the sofa with you, looking over to you. You sat up and looked confused to why you needed Tyler.
“He’s a werewolf, he can help guide you through the shift. He’s probably going to say something like ‘accept the pain’ blah blah.” He joked, making you laugh a little.
“Can you stay with me?” You asked shyly, after the laughter died down a little.
“You sure?” He asked looking at you with worried but loving eyes, getting lost in your y/e/c eyes.
“I’m basically going to go through the shift with strangers, I don’t think I could do it without you there. But if you don’t feel safe-”
“I’ll stay” His hand reached for yours, giving it a little squeeze. “You need me, I’m not leaving.”
You looked up from your hands to his eyes, you smile softly. You opened your mouth to say something but then the doorbell goes off. Almost scaring you both, you go to the door. Opening it to see Tyler Lockwood and Bonnie Bennett. You never in your life expected to ever see them at your front door, let alone being the supernatural creatures that they are. Crazy how life turns when you found out you're not human.
You showed them your rage room, and ensured them that your parents will not be in town for a few days. Then Tyler pulled out sets of chains and some restraining equipment, Tyler drilled anchor points on three of the wall and ground. Bonnie began to assemble the wrist clasps and what looked like a collar but metal. This all began to start to scare you and you could feel your magic begin to storm. But shortly after the magic spark, you could feel your body radiate extreme heat. Jeremy was helping Tyler connect the chains to the anchor points. You stood there confused, in pain and beginning to lose yourself. But then you’d catch a glimpse of Jeremy and you came back to the median. When this cycle of pain and anxiety came, you'd look to Jeremy and you'd look back to you with a smile, and you seemed to get control. 
Until suddenly, your bones begin to break. You screamed in pain and fell down to the floor. “Jer!”
“It’s starting already?! But the moon isn’t even at in effect yet!” Tyler exclaimed, helping you get up from the floor.
“Oh yeah? Well why did it start nearly an hour ago! Ahh!” Your arm breaks, you’re a panting sweaty mess. Tyler, Bonnie and Jeremy are trying chain you up but it’s a little difficult when you’re in the middle of shifting. Then the agonizing pain of your fangs coming out causes you to roar in pain, your eyes glowing an iridescent yellow. Claws and wolf hair growing out of everywhere. 
Tyler pushed Jeremy towards the wall, getting him out of harms way. Jeremy watched in amazement, he’s never seen a shift like this one. It was oddly controlled. You moved as if you’ve done this before, but everyone knows you haven’t. Jeremy didn’t realize he was the reason why she was so relaxed and accepting, he would look at you and you’d remember what he said. just believe in yourself.
Bonnie and Tyler moved back once they finally closed the last cuff. You roared, but held onto your humanity, you stayed in this half way form, holding Jeremy’s gaze.
“Yeah that's it Y/n, you got it. Just accept it, embrace it, don’t fight it. Okay?” Jeremys calm voice led you do letting go of your fears and you let yourself finish your shift. Your clothes ripped into shreds as you transformed into a white wolf with your bright iridescent eyes- even your fur seemed to glow a yellow tint. You glowed, truly glowed. The three of them stared in amazement, this was their first time experiencing something so magical and boundless.
Once they realized you were shifting back to human they left the room for you and bonnie, she brought down some clothes of yours that weren’t shredded to pieces. She released you from the restraints and handed you the clean clothes. As you got dressed you talked about your magic and how in control you seemed, she goes on to say that maybe your problem isn’t losing the control it’s that you get scared and make yourself lose it. You’re scared of what embracing the magic can do to you. She mentioned she also was scared of fully embracing it and letting herself be powerful.
“Last night you were too focused on your shift that your magic was controlled. You never wavered. You should be proud of yourself.” Bonnie praised you and had left a few spell books with you to help you get comfortable using your magic. 
You followed after Bonnie to the front door, walking Tyler and her out. “Thanks for everything, I know who to call if I’m in trouble with the shift.”
“Call me for anything.” Bonnie smiled and got into her car, Tyler opening the door and nodding at you before getting in. He rolled the window down.
“You got this, if you ever need anyone to let off some steam, come to me. We can figure out healthy ways to release that anger.” Tyler waved and they were off. Jeremy came out from the bathroom, grabbing his jacket. 
“I have to get home to shower before school.” He pulled his phone out as he received a text from Elena. You turned around as you heard her car pull up before you can see it. This werewolf hearing is gonna take a while to get used to. 
“I’ll see you there?” He asked, worried you weren’t going to school. 
“Yeah, of course. I- I feel good. I think I got a good handle on it now.” You smiled proudly in yourself. He smiled with you.
“I’m proud of you too.” He went down the steps and climbed into his sisters car, as they drove off you could hear Elena tease Jeremy about you.
You ran upstairs getting to finally shower off this exhaustion and soreness, shifting was painful but once you’re through it, it feels like a huge relief. You’re at peace and calmed. but now you’re back to human form, and it’s like your personalities of each are at each others neck. You were able to control it and keep them at bay. You weren’t helpless, you’re not a lost cause. You were helped, after all those terrible sleepless nights and the pain, the feeling of being alone in your pain and agony. You were found, you found yourself. You’re more you than you’ve been.
You cleaned up your rage room and put a lock on it, that way your parents don’t get curious and check it out- not that they have but just a precaution. Getting everything locked up and squared away you got int your car and went to school, driving past the site of the accident there was police tape a little ways into the woods. Stefan and Caroline had told the sheriff the truth, seeing as she knew about the supernaturals and helped cover up some major instances. Much like the accident you caused, which you will never stop feeling bad about. You don’t think you’ll be able to look at a human life the same again. Because you had to take a life to finally feel free and like yourself. You never knew being a were-witch would be the answer to your emotional health. 
You pulled into a parking spot, getting your things together before getting out. Seeing Jeremy leaning on a tree, waiting for you nearby. You smiled at him and walked to him. 
“You seem different.” Jeremy pointed out once you reached him. You smiled up at him.
“Yeah I feel different. I don’t feel like the same Y/n as before.” You chuckled, embracing yourself for the first time is empowering.
“In that case. Hi, I’m Jeremy and I'm a Human.” Jeremy held his hand out, meeting you all over again.
You laughed and played along, “Hi Jeremy, I’m Y/n. A Were-witch.” You giggled, feeling a sense of self.
You gave him your hand, not letting go of your gaze. He smiled at you and pulled you into a hug.
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supercantaloupe · 4 years
@dimension20alphabet​ prompt fill #6: Flowers
title: A Little Fall of Rain - campaign: Fantasy High: Sophomore Year - 1882 words - set post-fysy
Aelwyn learns a new way to grow.
The window of the wizards’ tower overlooks the backyard of Mordred Manor. 
There’s a small graveyard plot, its grass overgrown. There are a few trees, as old and strange and history-filled as the rest of the house. There’s a hill that gently slopes down to the edge of the woods, a short walk into which you’ll reach a creek. But you can’t see that from the window; just the hill and the trees and the messy grass.
Aelwyn spends a lot of her time looking at that yard, when she’s home-where-it-does-not-feel-like-home. Plain and drab and sad. Her sister and her friends go to school and the adults go to work, but Aelwyn spends most days home alone. She can hardly stand to look at that empty yard for another second.
So, she decides she won’t.
She goes to the library one day, and spends hours browsing the shelves and reading, taking notes. She comes home in the evening when the library closes with a stack full of books, and stays up late reading them in bed while her sister trances in the bunk below. The next day she scours the garage and basement and storage of the manor for tools, anything she can scrounge together. She gathers them out back in preparation, leaning them against the wall outside. The next day, she goes out again, borrowing cash from Jawbone to get the items she’s missing. She thinks about stopping by the mall, too, for the right outfit, but Sandra Lynn catches on and gives her an old pair of boots and overalls for free.
The next day, she gets up early, and gets to work. 
The first few days are nothing but digging, ripping up grass and sprinkling fertilizer and turning the soil until there are new, neatly defined beds outlining the house and the yard, blank canvases.
She loses two days to a spring thunderstorm, one raining her out all day and one sunny but swamped with mud, setting her progress back at least a few more days. She feels like tearing her hair out, and throws a trowel across the yard in frustration. 
She comes back the next day, pulls the trowel out of the ground from where it’d stuck, and gets back to work. She spends hours one day lining the beds with rocks to keep them neat and pretty, and checking the levels of soil temperature, nutrient balance, everything. She makes a chart in her notebook, portioning out where everything will go. 
The next day she spends ten straight hours planting. Her only break, around noon, is when Jawbone comes out and brings her a sandwich and a lemonade and practically begs her to take a rest. She obliges, if only to quiet the distracting growl of her stomach. He has to come back out and drag her in when the sun goes down for dinner, despite her protests. When she washes up to eat, it takes her two minutes of scrubbing to remove the dirt stubbornly caked into her fingernails. 
If there’s anything good to come out of being an unemployed, out-of-school teenager slowly and painfully rebuilding herself from trauma, it’s that Aelwyn has a lot of free time. Free time she spends every day out under the sun in her new garden, planting seeds and sprouts and monitoring their progress, new greens popping up row by row. She covers the beds with mulch and straw to protect their roots, just like the books say to do. She waters them every morning, and curses when the rain comes and renders her work redundant. Her delicate elven skin starts to burn in the sunlight, even after she takes to wearing a wide-brimmed hat, but after so long it just starts to tan instead. Now when she washes in the evening she sees someone her parents would have hated – face sweaty and flushed, hands caked in dirt and callouses from work – and it feels good, in a strange way. There is a satisfaction in going to bed each night, climbing up onto the top bunk and collapsing in the pillows with the deep-set, satisfied exhaustion of hard work in her bones. 
Her garden starts out well enough, neatly arranged and manicured and ready to go. Then days pass, and weeks, and there is not much more to show. Nor is there enough new work to sustain her breakneck pace. Aelwyn stares out the window of the wizards’ tower and grows restless and frustrated again. She’s doing everything right. She’s double checked every book in the library about it. Why aren’t they growing? Why isn’t it perfect?
The manor’s inhabitants have long since figured out Aelwyn’s project, and her dedication to it, and they respect it. They don’t bother her when she’s working and they don’t offer to help, an interference. But visitors don’t always get that so intrinsically, and the Bad Kids have a lot of friends. There are the girls who live here, and then their male partymates, and occasionally other guests. The half-orc brings a satyr girlfriend along often, most times he visits.
“I like your garden,” she says. Aelwyn is sitting on the back porch, staring broodily over her stunted plants. She glances over her shoulder at the satyr unkindly, she who has broken the unspoken rule against disturbing her in her yard.
Aelwyn grunts and turns back, scowling. “I don’t.”
“O-oh,” Zelda says nervously. “I’m sorry, that was stupid. It’s, um, it’s just…fine?” she stammers to correct herself.
Aelwyn huffs. “They won’t grow properly. I’ve done everything right.” She gestures in frustration at the neat rows of plants, manicured but underwhelming. 
“Some people, uh, some people just don’t have a green thumb,” Zelda says. “I mean, like, satyrs are supposed to be, like, really in touch with nature and stuff, right? But I can’t even keep a fern alive in my room, it’s like, crazy,” she continues. Aelwyn grunts again. “Have you tried talking to a druid?” Zelda continues. “They’re supposed to, like, know a lot about plants, right?”
“I don’t know any druids,” Aelwyn says bluntly. She’s talked to Sandra Lynn; a ranger is as close as she can get, but Sandra Lynn doesn’t know any more about gardening than Aelwyn does.
“I could ask Danielle for you?” Zelda offers. Aelwyn turns again and looks at her, confused. “Danielle Barkstock. She’s, uh, my party’s druid.”
“Danielle Barkstock,” Aelwyn repeats, placing the name. “She was one of those girls in the crystals.”
“Um,” Zelda says. “Yeah. Um. We all were. Uh…we formed an adventuring party together after…that.”
Aelwyn laughs once, no humor to it. “I’m sure she would love to help me out with my pathetic little shithole here.”
“I could ask her for you,” Zelda repeats, sounding intensely nervous again. “I don’t have to tell her it’s for you.” Aelwyn looks her over again. “Sorry, it’s a crazy, stupid idea, I’m just…ignore me, haha, it’s stupid–”
“Would you?” Aelwyn cuts her off, sounding uncharacteristically soft. Zelda blinks, then nods.
A few days later, all the Bad Kids and all the Maidens are over at the manor for a party. Aelwyn pointedly stays out of the way, spending the afternoon in her garden. She hears the back porch door slide open and looks back to see who’s there. Zelda, and a half-elven girl with flowers braided into her hair. Actually, there’s a third with them: a small silver fox. 
“You must be Aelwyn,” the half-elf says.
“You must be Danielle,” Aelwyn returns coolly. Danielle descends the porch steps and wanders through the garden, observing Aelwyn’s work silently. Aelwyn waits, kneeling in the dirt, for any kind of feedback. “You’re a druid, then?” Aelwyn says, breaking the awkward silence. Danielle nods. Her fox wanders between the plants, sniffing them as it goes. “You know what’s wrong here, then? Why they won’t grow?”
“I know more about animals than plants,” Danielle responds neutrally. Aelwyn shuts up and looks down. “But I think I have an idea here,” she continues, finally looking at Aelwyn. She turns around and meets her gaze, hopeful if restrained. “It’s too perfect. You have to step back and let them grow on their own for a bit.”
Aelwyn’s brow furrows, confused. “I’m doing everything the gardening books say to do.”
“Then stop reading books,” Danielle says simply. “Plants are living things. They’ll tell you what they need if you let them grow and listen.” With that, she walks back to the house, her familiar following at her heel. 
Aelwyn blinks, dumbfounded and confused, and offers a feeble “thanks” as she goes. Danielle holds up a hand but doesn’t look back.
It feels strange, and foreign, and wrong to sit back, but Aelwyn forces herself to heed the druid’s advice. She returns the gardening manuals to the library. She spends time in her garden still, but without tools in her hands. She lays in the grass and looks at the sky. She drinks tea and reads under the shade of the tree. She keeps the grass in the graveyard plot trimmed.
It does take a few days for her to notice, but her plants do start to grow again. They creep beyond the boundaries she’d so carefully delineated for them, and she fights the urge to trim them back. She watches and listens to them closely, not with the eye or ear of a drill sergeant but of a parent, a real one, a loving one, one like Sandra Lynn who offered her overalls and one like Jawbone who brings her lunch and lemonade and asks her to rest. She finds what the plants ask for, and she gives it to them; plucks insect pests from their stems, prunes diseased leaves, ties them to stakes so they can grow tall, waters them when they’re wilting. 
By summer, it is no longer just green. Aelwyn wakes up one morning and looks out the window in the wizards’ tower, and for the first time, she sees pink. The next day, yellows. Soon, there is a rainbow of flowers blooming all over the yard, of a variety and vitality Aelwyn has never seen before. Her old home had a garden, sure, but it was too manicured, too neat, too formal, too artificial, and never was she allowed to tamper with it; that’s what hired landscapers were for. Mordred Manor has no hired hands; Aelwyn has her own.
Jawbone and Sandra Lynn meet her in her garden one day. It’s sunny and hot out, and Aelwyn is watching the bees and butterflies flit from plant to plant, drinking their fill of sweet nectar. They say how beautiful it is, and Aelwyn agrees. They tell her how proud they are of her work, and she agrees. They say they’re proud of how much she’s grown. (At first she thinks they mean the plants, but she realizes after what they really mean.) And they thank her for livening up the manor, and bringing some color out to the yard.
When they go inside, Aelwyn gets up, and grabs her shears. She finds the best blossoms from the best plants and carefully snips them off, tying their stems together in a bouquet with ribbon. And she sends them to Danielle, with an apology and a thank you.
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fallingappleshurt · 4 years
Secrets To Save You
~~chapter description because I forgot last time~~~
Tubbo is dying and his only hope is Techno getting supplies for a healing potion in the Nether
Eyyyy bad description but I did chapter two eyyyy and I bet the docs formatting got messed up eyyyy
TW: Swearing but nothing to bad
Chapter 2: Into Fire
Techno always found the fourth ring to be somewhat depressing, it was dirty and broken, the sidewalks and roads eventually morphed into dusty gravel then dirt. The houses were small and in shabbley, garbage and junk crowded parts of the road and the fence that was supposed to separate the rings from the forest had kinks and rips in the mesh. Nature still managed to push through, bushes hiding yards from view, flower pots on window sills.
Even with the fence keeping the forest out there were actual trees in the fourth ring, some leaned over the fence, vines creating cover along the edge. The people seemed happy at least, he passed a rinky treehouse, filled with shrieks and giggles. An open nearby window let a soft melody drift out into the street.
He would have appreciated it more if his head didn’t feel like it was about to explode as he rushed down the street
Skeppy lived in a little scrappy house, one of the windows was busted and the door creaks every time it’s touched but it was a good cover for what was underneath. Skeppy had hollowed out a huge space underneath that was hidden by chests, it was basically a secret basement. It had mini farms and stolen goods, Skeppy was good with his hand and could make just about anything. He’s been running a racket.
Techno knocked lightly on the door, he heard shuffling inside then the door squeaked open and Skeppy poked his head out, he had redstone dust against his cheeks.
“Who- Oh hey Techno, what’s up?”
“I need help,”
“Never a dull moment with you, what do you need?”
“I need to go to the Nether.” Skeppy raised an eyebrow.
“Did you hear about the attack in the second ring?” Techno asked, Skeppy nodded, “My little brother’s friend got withering poison and I need to get potion supplies.”
Skeppy’s face dropped, he opened the door all the way, “Come inside,” Techno stepped inside and found himself sitting at Skeppy’s shitty table, tapping his fingers nervously along the scratched wood.
“What all do you need?” Skeppy asked, digging through one of the chests along his wall.
“Nether wart, blaze rods, and blaze powder,” Techno listed off, hoping the Captain hadn’t forgotten anything.
“I only have nether wart,” Skeppy said.
“Do you know of anywhere else I could get it?”
“Without stealing or for a reasonable price? No, sorry man.”
Techno groaned, jamming a hand in his hair, “I need to get this stuff, Tubbo’s life depends on it.”
“I still might have something that could help- would you be willing to go to the nether?”
Techno blinked, would he? He wanted to help Tubbo but there he had only read about the Nether and it’s creatures years ago, a hellish, hot, burning landscape with danger at every turn. The mobs were loud and explosive, some could fly and shoot fire, or that could actively hide and breathe in lava. He didn’t want to go in there, he had no idea how to handle, even with all of his training.
Then he remembered Tommy.
He remembered that Tommy was going to lose his best friend if he didn’t do this. Tubbo had his whole life ahead of him, he was a smart kid and Techno knew he’d go far and do great things, both of them would. Those two had been side by side for years, they were a part of each other. It was never just Tommy or Tubbo, it was Tommy and Tubbo.
He couldn’t do that to them.
‘You could die!’’ The other side of him reasoned, he shoved it aside. He had to do this, for Tommy and Tubbo.
“Yes,” He rasped, Skeppy grinned then walked over to his mattress, pulling a bag out from underneath it. He tossed it at Techno, who dumped it’s contents onto the table, papers and pens scattering everywhere. He grabbed one of the folded pieces and opened it, revealing a detailed map with bullet points along the side and in the margins.
“If you’d let me explain before dumping all of my stuff everywhere, these are maps around the Nether, one to get a portal I have in the woods, one on how to get to different regions of the Nether and notes on what to do or avoid. Do you know how to navigate the Nether?”
“Not in the slightest,”
Skeppy laughed, “You’re so bad-”
“Just tell me what to do-”
“Let me talk, so when you first get in there don’t step on anything that glows, it’ll either burn you or break. Just try and stay anyways from any mobs, you’ll see a lot of these pig things but as long as you have something that looks like gold on you then you should be fine.” Skeppy shoved the papers around until he found a yellow pin.
“Wear that on your shirt and they should leave you alone. For the rest of it, just follow the map and try not to get set on fire.”
“What about the fortress?”
“I’ve been in the fortress once before and it was absolutely terrifying, the blazes had these weird sticks that fly all around them and they will spit fire at you so watch out, they usually are in their own little boxy areas. The only real advice I have is try not to get set on fire.” Skeppy said, shrugging. Techno sighed, shoving the papers back into the bag.
“Thank you-”
“Oh, you’ll need this for the portal, to start it up,” He handed Techno a piece of metal and flint, tied together, Techno pocketed it.
“Thank you-”
“It’s whatever- oh wait let me grab the nether wart,” Skeppy jumped up, pushing one of his chests to the side, climbing down a rusty ladder as Techno continued to clean up the maps. Skeppy emerged from the gap and tossed a small pouch at him.
“There you go,” He paused, “Good luck, and you know the drill, you never got that stuff from me.” Skeppy grinned, Techno snorted, shouldering the bag and opening the door.
“Of course, I’ve just met you, it’s Skippy right?”
“Haha, very funny-”
“Later Skippy-”
“Techno-” Skeppy’s retort was cut off by Techno closing the door. He didn’t know much about the Nether but he knew he needed a weapon so he headed back to the apartment to get his sword. The walk back was uneventful though there seemed to be less people, and guards milling about. Techno chalked it up to the commotion in the second ring.
Coming into his neighborhood, he climbed up the rusty stairs to their apartment and opened the door. Inside Wilbur and Tommy were passed out on the couch, a bandaid was on Tommy’s cheek and he didn’t see Phil anywhere, the coast was clear.
Techno slipped into his and Phil’s room, putting the bag of nether wart under his mattress, he grabbed his sword from under his bed. Running his fingers along the sheath to clear the dust then adjusted it to his belt.
“Where are you going?”
Techno turned and saw Phil in the doorway, he froze. He couldn’t tell Phil he was trying to sneak into the Nether, he didn’t even like Techno going to the duels so him walking into what was essentially hell would have been a no go.
“Tommy told me what happened, is this for Tubbo?”
Techno nodded, he didn’t like lying to Phil but he didn’t want to worry him either, well, more then he already did.
Phil sighed, “You aren’t gonna be able to earn enough money for hospital care in one night,”
Techno blinked, realizing he had an out, he didn’t have to tell Phil what he was doing, not directly, just tell him that he was going to help Tubbo.
He swallowed, “I can try,”
Phil looked down, after a moment he said, “Be careful, okay?”
Techno nodded, he stepped forwards and placed a hand on Phil’s shoulder, Phil put his hand on top of Techno’s. “Of course.” Then as quietly as possible, he walked out of their apartment and back towards the fourth ring, dodging the few guards and walking along the fence until he found a big enough opening.
He had only been in the forest once before when he was younger and it had not gone well. He shuddered and pushed away the memories, pulling out the map of the forest, and started in.
The edge of the forest had garbage and junk littered around, a few animals poking at it or climbing on the bits of metal sticking out of the dirt. Further in however the garbage started to recede and foliage looked more lush, the tree rustled as squirrels ran along the branches.
Techno pushed vines out of the way looking at the trees for Skeppy’s landmark, at the heart carved into the roots, turn left and keep going until you reach the mountain. He scanned the surrounding trees, hoping to see the mark but coming up short. He walked further, stepping over roots and flowers, trying not to disturb the foliage. It wasn’t night yet but if monsters were nearby then he didn’t want to alert them.
Techno wandered a bit further until he looked down and saw a little heart carved into the root of a sycamore tree, after checking the directions again he turned left and continued on. The terrain started to get rockier and steeper, tree roots bent out and tangled and more noticeable then ever. The dirt changed into stone as he approached a small craggly mountain, checking over the map again he couldn’t find any other directions besides ‘look for the cave thing- you know what you mean’.
Of course Skeppy would write something like that.
Techno looked up and down the mountain, trying to see if there were any openings or caves when he spotted one halfway to the peak, groaning, he started up the cliff side, not bothering to avoid any plants in his path this time.
This turned out to be a bad idea because he stepped on a patch of leaves and vines and immediately fell into a hole. He lay flat on the ground for a moment, contemplating his life.
After he finished his internal scream fest he pushed himself to his feet to try and find a way out of this stupid hole, only to look up and see an inky wine colored arch in the wall and a nearby chest covered in dust.
Yeah this seemed like something Skeppy would make.
Techno got up, dusted himself off, then checked the chest, finding it was empty besides a thing of rope which he left alone. He pulled out the flint and steel and spent the better part of ten minutes trying to light the damn portal before finally getting a solid spark.
The portal shook then violet tendrils crept from the edges and twinged together. The portal swirled loudly and Techno threw himself in before he could change his mind.
He stumbled into what he could only define as literal hell.
The air was hot and somewhat sticky, everything was either bright orange or a dark red. Monsters shuffled around, grunting and groaning, a high pitched wail sounded in the distance. Lava dripped from the ceiling and pooled into sluggishly moving puddles, he could feel it’s heat even though he was a safe distance away.
He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, digging through his bag he found the nether map and started jogging deeper into the rough red realm.
Techno followed Skeppy’s landmarks, a really gross looking blue tree, a deep hole that led directly to a lava pit, and avoided a very dark and foggy biome then continued straight.
He was starting to give up hope when finally he saw a large dark brick structure over a sea of lava, he looked around and saw the path Skeppy used to get to it. A little tunnel in the rock that led to a part of the fortress that was stuck in the wall.
He hopped onto the top of the structure and immediately felt uneasy, like someone was watching him. He walked along the top until he found an opening and climbed in, drawing his sword, the halls were empty but you could never be too careful.
Techno wandered down the hall until it opened into what seemed like a courtyard of sorts. Broken and rotted creatures walked along the railings of the fortress, unbothered by his presence. A breathy hiss drew is attention, a blaze, or what he thought was, hissed at him.
The blaze chucked a fireball at him, he dodged back then ran forwards, slashing at the monster. He caught it once before it flew up, screeching, Techno dodged another attack and swung in an arch, clipping the blaze. It howled again before bursting into smoke, dropping two merigold rods on the brick.
Techno shoved them into his bag, not sure on how many to get, on one hand he wanted to leave but if it wasn’t enough then the whole trip would have been pointless and they would lose Tubbo.
A breathy hiss made the decision for him as he ducked away from a fireball, then charged at the approaching monster, it was better to over prepare then under prepare.
Techno fell into a rhythm of sorts, slashing, stabbing, and dodging. The thing about the duels was that they made him feel alive but also dull, it was the same thing almost every time; some dumbass with a cocky attitude and little to no sword skills, it was easy.
Fighting the blazes was different, they were unpredictable- chaotic, deadly.
They didn’t have any rules to play by, only going on pure instinct, not bothering to try and banter to entertain an audience. It was new, fresh, dangerous, he got used to the fire just barely licking at his skin. It got his heart pounding and lungs aching- it was almost fun.
After what felt like seconds but had to have been at least an hour he had 14 blaze rods. He shoved them into his bag then ditched the fortress, rushing back out the way he came. He ran until he reached the blue biome again and stopped to break.
While waiting he saw a lanky black figure standing by one of the trees, he squinted at it. It looked familiar, Techno knew he had read about it before but he couldn’t place his finger on it.
Then the figure started screeching and ran at him. Techno jumped then lashed out and got a solid blow but was thrown back against a tree, shaking his head he slashed the creature across the chest then stabbed it. It’s jaw unhinged, it howled, staring at him with wide purple eyes then disappearing in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a blue ball.
Techno picked up the ball, looking it over, after realizing he didn’t know what it was and therefore probably had no use to him, he chucked it behind him and started back towards the portal.
Only to be farther back then before, he yelped, looking around frantically. What the hell just happened?
Then it hit him. He remembered reading about Endermen and their strange relationships and reactions to humans. He also remembered Tommy telling him about these weird, rare blue balls that they dropped that could teleport you if you threw them; he had learned about it in school and wouldn’t stop talking about it for a week.
He realized those could be pretty useful, especially in the Nether, then set out to look for more of the lanky creatures. After about an hour he had fought multiple but only managed to get three pearls but that was still better then nothing. He slipped them into a pouch on his belt and continued back to the portal.
Once out of the Nether, after getting over the wave of nausea, he used the rope in the chest and climbed out of the hole. After sloppily covering it up he ran back through the forest, to the rings. The moon was starting to dip towards the trees and he realized he had been in there all night and that would make the trade off harder but Techno still had time.
He climbed back through the hole in the fence and headed towards the Captains house, cutting through yards and possibly trampling a few flowers and other things. He made a pit stop at his apartment to grab the Nether wart and dropped off his sword. He ran to the edge of the second ring and skidded to a halt outside the house.
Techno knocked, quietly but quickly, until a scruffy looking Captain opened the door.
“Techno?” He asked, “What are you doing here-”
“Let me in, I got the stuff,” Techno said, pushing his way in, the Captain closed the door.
“What stuff?”
“The potion supplies,” Techno set his bag down on the table, the Captain’s eyes widened.
“Wait you actually got it? How?”
“Don’t ask questions you aren’t prepared to hear the answers too, just take them.” Techno set the pouch of nether wart on the table then proceeded to dump out all of the blaze rods.
The Captain didn’t move, he stood there staring at the materials.
“You got everything else?”
The Captain nodded and Techno smiled, heading towards the door, he was exhausted.
“Good to know, I hope to see Tubbo soon.” Then he left, closing the door, heading back home, where he drank half of his body weight in water then collapsed into bed.
He hadn’t heard much from anyone in Tubbo’s family for three days. Everyday Tommy would come home from school and report that Tubbo was still missing. Techno would bite his lip and hope that the Captain would be able to make the potion. He had avoided stopping by to cause less suspicion.
On the fourth day, a Saturday, someone knocked on the door. Tommy was in his room, Phil was reading in the living room, and Wilbur refused to get off the couch so Techno answered the door.
Tubbo stood there, looking up at him holding a plate of cookies and a folded note.
“Oh! Hey Techno! These are for you guys, they are from my mom!” Tubbo said, pushing the plate closer, “And the note is for you, from my dad.” He added quietly, “Said it’s a secret.”
Techno took the plate, smiling softly, after finally finding his voice; “Thank you, come on in for a minute.” And pulled Tubbo inside. He set the plate down and pocketed the note.
“Hey Tommy, come here for a second!”
“What is it?”
“Just come here!”
Tommy’s door opened and he stepped out, “What’s the big idea-” He trailed off upon seeing Tubbo, who waved.
Tommy stood there, in shock before launching himself across the room and bowling into the other boy, shrieking.
“Tubbo! You’re okay!” He said, wrapping his arms around the other.
Wilbur got up from the couch and Phil followed to greet Tubbo, ruffling his hair, and telling him they were so happy he was okay.
After the room had settled, Tommy immediately drug Tubbo into his room, asking him what the poison was like. Phil warned Tommy to be careful in case Tubbo was still healing and Wilbur warned Tommy to not touch any of his stuff.
Techno stepped away and looked at the note.
‘Please bring Tubbo home tonight then talk to me- Captain’
The vagueness of the note made his stomach turn, the whole rest of the day Techno worried about stupid things like ‘what if the potion only worked temporarily and Tubbo was still in danger? What if a guard saw him doing all the very illegal actions he did last night? What if Sparkles reported him?’
When Tubbo said he had to get going, Techno offered to walk him back, then still proceeded to worry the whole rest of the way there.
He followed Tubbo inside his house when the Captain pulled him into the kitchen and gave him a hug.
Techno stood shocked, blinking, before awkwardly returning it. The Captain had never really seemed to like Techno, he was never mean, just always seemed on edge. The Captain pulled away, eyes shining.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” He said, “You saved my son's life, without that potion he would have died- thank you.”
“It was no problem,” Techno said, scratching the back of his neck nervously, “I care about the kid a lot and he helps keep Tommy out of trouble, so it was the least I could do.”
“The least- oh nevermind, I still want to thank you for risking your life for him and ask you a question.”
Techno nodded hesiatinely.
“Does anyone else know about what you did?”
“Just one other person, but trust me he won’t tell anyone.”
“Okay, I had an idea, potions are in high demand so I was wondering if you wanted to do a little back alley selling,”
Techno raised an eyebrow, “How so?”
“You would get the ingredients, I would make the potions and sell them off then we would split the money. And I know that we aren’t that close but this could help both of our families, if you are willing to.” The Captain offered his hand
Techno considered it, “I don’t want to be doing any of the hand offs-”
“No that would be all me, all you have to get is gather the ingredients!” He assured, Techno sighed then took the Captain’s hand.
“It’s a deal.”
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fan-girling-101 · 4 years
Pogue Halloween
Pogues x Reader x Kooks, Rafe x Reader
Summary: You’re dared to spend the night in a serial killer’s childhood home with your best friends and your worst enemies. But what happens when that serial killer comes back home?
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: references to Halloween franchise (mentions of killing, Michael Myers), typical horror movie suspense stuff, slight language?, lots of fear, Rafe lowkey being a sweetheart.
Thank you @thisismynerdyself​ who let me use her story. It’s going to be a multi chapter story but the first chapter is basically hers with just some small things. Please go check her out and read the original. And thank you for letting me use it. I hope it’s good enough. Also not going to lie about it I never watched Michael Myers Halloween movie thing.
Original here
Her Tumblr
Part two 
Tumblr media
“Okay, guys. Who’s going in first?” JJ looked around the group, challenging each one of you to make the first move.
None of you were particularly eager to enter the infamous serial killer’s childhood home, but you couldn’t back down from a challenge. So here you all are, face to face with the nightmarish home of Michael Myers. Windows had been boarded up years ago, the door was barely still attached. The ivy creeping up the walls all but covered the aged brick exterior. Yep, this was a horror house alright.
Pope took one step backward, holding his hands up in defense, refusing to be the first one in. You, Kiara, and Sarah looked at each other in solidarity, agreeing that none of you would be first. That left John B and JJ to fight it out.
Whether it was lucky or unlucky for them, they didn’t have to decide themselves. Just as they began to debate about it, you heard a chuckle from behind you. You all whipped around, already slightly on edge just from being on the property. Your entire group groaned in unity at the sight of Topper, Rafe, and Kelce striding toward you on the sidewalk.
“What are they doing here?” Kie whispered to you. You shrugged your shoulders, unable to answer her question.
“Look what we have here. Six little Pogues trying to act all tough. Too bad none of you can actually handle a night in that house”, Rafe sneered at you as he invaded the personal space of your group.
John B stepped forward to face his foe, “And you think you can?”
Rafe puffed out his chest even more than usual and replied “you bet I can.”
“How about we just put this to the test. We all go in. We see who lasts the longest. Pogues or Kooks. Last one out wins. Losers serve the winners poolside, the indoor pool- with a hot tub, of course, for one whole day,” JJ boldly challenged the three boys.
You let Rafe go in first since he claimed to be so brave. Kelce and Topper followed after him, but neither of them looked comfortable with the arrangement. JJ, Pope, Kie, John B, and Sarah each filed into the main foyer of the dilapidated building. You came in last, closing the creaking door behind you. You made sure to keep it unlocked for whoever would leave first.
You all gathered together, formally declaring the beginning of the night. What had you all gotten yourselves into?
You decided to split into smaller groups to start out, making exploring the house a bit easier. Rafe, Topper, and Kelce decided to start upstairs, looking around the bedrooms. And oh how creepy it was to find that there were still neatly folded robes in the closet after all these years. To find the dusty vanity in Michael Myers’ sister’s room, old fingerprints still smudging the mirror.
Topper decided to venture out on his own, looking in the bathroom where Michael once killed his own mother while drawing his bath. The stains on the counter stood out beneath the dust. It was enough to make anyone’s skin crawl. He wasn’t too keen on being alone, but he knew Rafe enough to know that he would make this slightly scary night even worse with his inevitable shenanigans.
Everyone was moving around slowly, realizing it could be a long night, and not wanting to get bored too quickly.
Downstairs, JJ, Pope, and Kie stayed on the main floor, venturing through the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room. All the furniture had inch-think dust coatings and smelled like mildew and mothballs. Not a pleasant place to be staying for long. The kitchen was the eeriest room on this floor, all three of them finding utensils in the drawer that could easily be used as weapons.
As they made their way back toward the foyer, Pope froze in place as he thought he heard a noise from the stairs. As he looked up, he saw someone jumping down toward him, over the stairway railing. As the person landed with a thump, Pope backpedaled and collapsed against the wall, an involuntary yelp escaping his lips. The maniacal laughter emanating from the new occupant of the room sent Pope into a rage as he punched Rafe in the arm.
“Hey, we’re not messing with you guys, so leave us alone. I doubt Michael likes it when people pretend to be him”, Pope spat out at the boy in front of him. He already didn’t want to be there, so the cruel jokes would only make him more agitated.
Rafe feigned a guilty look and retreated back upstairs, but not before calling back, “it’s every man for himself in this game, Popey.”
You, Sarah, and John B decided to check out the basement. Not your wisest move in the world, but you would argue that none of you were being smart just by being in that house. You were immediately creeped out by the colder air and the musty odor.
You turned on your flashlight, eager to wash away the darkness. As you made your way through the room, you spotted the bottom of the garbage chute and opened the door, jumping back when a dead rodent dropped at your feet. You decided to stick closer to the other two for a bit longer. You all wound your way around boxes and turned corners until you came upon a dead end. 
You took turns opening some of the boxes to find old moth-eaten clothes, file folders and other clutter. But among the stacks and stacks of storage containers, you managed to pull out an old shoebox full of photos. Passing them around, you were able to deduce that the box contained photos of Michael’s family, including some from the night he turned on them. Donning his halloween clown costume, Michael stood outside this very house, holding the very weapon he had used to kill his family. 
From what you knew of the legend of the man, only his sister survived the tragic night, and she was whisked away into protection while he was taken into custody and held in various hospitals for years until his eventual escape.
Brought back to reality from your thoughts about what the murderer had done, you notice that behind a stack of boxes is a large hole in the wall. Against your best judgment, the three of you work together to reveal the hole, discovering a passageway behind it. By shining your flashlights through, it seemed as though there was a tunnel underneath the house. Definitely not something typical houses would have, but very fitting for a serial killer.
You glance between each other, wondering what to do. You aren’t usually one to back down from an adventure, so you take a step through the hole and into the tunnel. None of you dare to say a single word as you realize you’re deep beneath the house now, unsure of what could possibly lie ahead. Using your flashlights to light the way, you traverse the dingy tunnel cautiously. But you stop when the path is blocked by a floor-to-ceiling metal gate. The lock looks old, so John B easily kicks it apart and the gate swings open.
Once through the gate - you wonder why the gate was there in the first place - you find yourselves at the bottom of a sketchy metal ladder. Sarah steps up first, eager to get out of the too-tight tunnel. She reaches the top and you follow after her. John B brings up the rear.
You can see faint moonlight shining through a window in a nearby door. Huddled together as if your lives depended on it, you and Sarah approached the door, looking out into the yard of the house you were just in. Sudden realization dawned as Sarah whispers, “I think we’re in the shed.”
So far, none of you felt too overwhelmed by the house other than the overarching sense of creepiness. Were you excited to still be there, no. But so far nothing too terrible had happened.
Topper had wandered his way downstairs and into the living room, hoping to find a safe place to wait out the night. He found an old armchair in the corner of the room, attempted to dust it off as best as possible, and exasperatedly sat down. He didn’t even want to come here, but somehow Rafe had always roped him into things. He was tired and, if he was honest, he was already getting scared. 
JJ, Kie, and Pope were headed into the basement, although none of them were keen on the idea. Pope got to the last step, took one look around, felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and hightailed it out of there. He had had enough. When he got upstairs, he spotted Topper in the armchair nearby. Topper, realizing that Pope looked like he was ready to go, stood up and said “if you’re leaving, I’m out too.” The two boys quickly made their way out the front door, not even noticing that the door that was once closed was already hanging wide open for them.
Kie and JJ rolled their eyes at their friend’s hasty exit and walked through the basement. Much worse than the main level, she already felt more uneasy. As they perused the cluttered room, they paused when they thought they heard heavy breathing coming from the back corner. Kie stepped behind JJ, choosing him to be the sacrifice.
As JJ stepped closer to the noise, he heard a low chuckle that erupted into a full blown laugh as John B stepped out of the shadows. “Dude, you should see the look on your face!”
JJ punched him in the arm, complaining “not cool John B. What are you trying to do, make Michael Myers come out here and prove to you that he’s real?”
John B simply rolled his eyes and pushed his way past his friend, heading upstairs to find the others. You came in through the front door right as he made it to the top of the stairs. “John B, I hate to say it, but Sarah decided to bow out. She saw Pope and Topper run out and figured she could make her exit then too. They went to wait in the van.”
“Did I hear you say you lost two already?” You hear Kelce’s voice emerge from behind you.
“Yeah, but from what I understand, you may have lost one of your own, Kelce. I don’t see Top anywhere” Kie replied as she glided into the room from the basement door.
JJ followed soon after, passing right through the room, headed to the stairs to take him to the second floor. “Alright you wusses, let’s break up this party. Nothing scary happens when everyone’s together”, JJ called out on his way through.
You laughed and followed him up the stairs, figuring his tough guy attitude might be your best shot at surviving the night. “Okay, J, where do we explore first?”
Meanwhile, Rafe and Kelce confidently strode down the basement steps, ready to take on any frightening scene that might unfold before them. As they crept through the basement, they took turns making creepy noises at each other, resulting in a laughing fit. Partly from their own antics and partly because of the three teens who had already bailed on the night.
And it was all fun and games until the basement door slammed shut, sending them into complete and utter darkness. Figuring it was just the fools upstairs, Kelce yelled up, “ooooh, I’m so scared” with a laugh just to stir them up.
But his laugh died as his eyes grew wide at the dark shadow, too large to be any of the others, slowly descending the stairs. The deep thud of the tantalizingly slow footsteps stopped when the shadow reached the bottom. When it turned toward them, they saw the masked face of the man and practically ran each other over in an attempt to find an escape route.
They tumbled their way to the back corner of the room where you, Sarah, and John B had uncovered the hole in the wall, and they practically threw themselves through the hole and into the passageway, no thought to what could be in store for them. Down the tunnel they took off, only turning around enough to know that the tall, muscular form was still following them.
Rafe was the first to reach the large gate in the tunnel, but it had been wired shut, blocking their way. Taking the time to unwrap the wire meant the mysterious pursuer was approaching closer and closer.
“Dude, hurry the hell up, man!”
“I’m going as fast as I can!” voices shakily yelling out in the darkness.
 And just as the slow-moving man approached and raised his arm in attack, Kelce wrenched the gate open and they launched their way through and up a precarious ladder.
Kelce was first to the top, where he didn’t look back as he took off out the shed door and down the street to find the others. Panting, he knocked on the window of the old van. Topper unlocked the door and let in his friend, confused by the look of pure horror on his face. Kelce was speechless as he climbed in the back and sat frozen in his seat, not even coherent enough to realize Rafe hadn’t emerged behind him.
Meanwhile, on the main floor, Kie and John B heard the sudden commotion from the basement, recognizing the frantic noises that reminded them of a scene straight from a horror movie. And when the noises faded, John B realized they must have run back into the tunnel they had found earlier. He knew they would find their way out eventually since he had left the gate open down there. But when he turned to find the basement door had closed, knowing that neither of them had done it, he looked at Kie, who looked back with eyes as wide as they could go.
They cautiously walked into the kitchen to look out the window toward the shed and saw Kelce, alone, running for his life, a look of absolute terror on his face. That was their cue to leave, so they turned and ran out the front door, not even turning around to see the tall, masked man standing in the doorway behind them.
As you and JJ slowly made your way through the upstairs bedrooms, just glancing at the old furniture left behind to rot, you thought you heard thumping from below. Everyone was on edge tonight, so you assumed your mind was playing tricks on you. Then you heard a door slam downstairs, causing you and JJ to look at each other and smile. JJ couldn’t help but say “sounds like someone else just made us one step closer to winning this thing.”
While the thought of winning was pretty sweet, you knew that the people left in the house wouldn’t be easy to scare, so anything that caused them to run would have been seriously frightening.
You continued into the very back room, furthest from the main stairwell. The room was empty except for a few scattered boxes. Making your way toward the side wall, you found a door that was a bit different from the rest in the house. JJ was able to wrench the door open and you found yourselves staring up into the narrow attic stairwell.
You looked at each other, silently wondering if this was a good idea. JJ decided for you as he took the first step up and you hesitantly followed him. You were about to comment on the smell as you ascended the stairs, but your breath caught in your throat as you took in your surroundings.
You and JJ found yourselves in a vast attic space. You were surrounded by coffins. The coffins Michael Myers had used for some of his victims. This was his storage space. The ones you could get to were, thankfully, all empty. You even found one for a child, sick to your stomach just thinking of the poor soul it had been for. The acrid stench of death was seeping through your already plugged nose, but you were unable to block it out. Your quickened heartbeat was probably audible to JJ as he stood frozen in place as he connected the dots just as you had.
Without a word communicated between the two of you, JJ had grabbed your hand and pulled you down the stairs and toward the main stairwell. But you both skidded to a stop at the sight in front of you. The stairwell was blocked. By a tall man in a black jumpsuit and a horrifying white mask.
“SHIT!” JJ yelled as he pulled you into the nearby bedroom. After moving a small vanity in front of the door, you ran toward the window on the other side of the room. You both tried to pry open the window but it wouldn’t move. “SHIT!” 
As he got closer you tried to look for something to defend yourself with. Your eyes finally land on a wooden plank that was used to board up windows. You lounge to grab it, swinging it in the direction of the man.
The two of you don’t waste a second sprinting out of the room as fast as you could. JJ made it to the stairs first running down with you in behind. As you make it to the last couples steps you miss one tumbling down the rest of the way.
“Come on Y/N!” JJ yelled at you, but when you got up you didn’t see the way the blond ran so you chose a door running through it. Of course you had the pick the wrong way into the kitchen with a back door that won’t open.
JJ makes it out running into Rafe on the way to the van. They get inside after sprinting from the house, not yet realising they were missing a certain Y/H/C headed girl. 
“JJ where is Y/N?” Kie tries to calmly ask before freaking out that one of there best friends is still in the creepy house with a murderer. At this point they all look out the van for the girl.
“She was following me out. I don’t- she tripped… she probably is still in there. Oh God.” He stutters out thinking that the person he was closest with in the world was stuck in a house with a crazing killer.
Before anyone could react or do anything Rafe got out of the van with JJ’s gun in hand. He quickly starts his way back to the house hoping to get there before you're dead.
The tall man in front of your small frame grabbed your shoulders slamming you back into the marble counters. You let out a cry of pain, the pain spreading through your body. “Please.” You whimper. “Stop.” He lets out a creepy laugh watching the struggle. He brings up the knife running it down your side drawing blood while cutting the country artist shirt I was wearing. He brings it up going in for the kill before a gunshot rings out. The tight grip he has on you falls making you fall to the ground, as it was the only thing holding you up.
You feel a hand on your arm causing you to flinch before looking up to the blue eyes of Rafe Cameron. His hand slips under your knees effortlessly picking you up from the ground as if you weighed nothing. Your arms wrap around his neck hiding your face in his chest.
He carries you out and in the van. No one says anything before starting up the van. The quiet hum of the engine couldn't be heard over your sobs. A cloth was pressed to the bleeding on your side causing you to let out a loud cry. No one knew what to say as you buried your head closer into Rafe’s chest.
John B starts dropping people off at their houses. Starting at Kelce’s then Kie’s, to Topper’s before pulling up at the Cameron residence. You already all knew Sarah was going to stay at John B’s. Rafe tried to move you off him but you wouldn’t let him. Your arms around his neck tightening. 
“I have to go.” He whispered into your ear. All the pogues left in the van watched the encounter between the two of you. Never had they seen Rafe be so nice to someone, so caring. Not even Sarah.
“Take me with you.” You cry into his shoulder. “Y/N.” He goes to say be cut off by a soft “please” making him give in. He picked you up again listening to the chorus of goodbyes you got.
He lightly set you down on his bed leaving for a second coming back with stuff to clean your wound with. He sits beside the bed on the floor grabbing the hem of your shirt looking up at you. “Can I?” You nod helping him get your favorite shirt off that was covered in blood. He must have seen the look of sadness you had as you watched him place the shirt on the floor.
“I can get the blood out but you can probably sew it or it might look cool with the rip but I don’t know.”  His hand grabs one of yours putting a cloth soaked with something, cleaning the cut. You tried to hold in the sound squeezing his hand. “It’s not too bad we just gotta keep it clean. Anything else hurt.”
“My back.” You flip on the stomach letting him see where you got slammed into a counter. 
“That’s going to be on nasty bruise Pumpkin, I grab some ice. And here change into this.” He sets some of his clothes on the bed for you to wear. You jump out of the bed grabbing his wrist pulling him to face you.
“Please don’t leave me alone.” The look you were giving the older kook boy made him give in quickly. The two of you walk down the kitchen happy that Ward, Rose and Weezie were asleep somewhere in the house. As Rafe grabs the ice you look through the cupboards looking for something to eat. Finally finding some oreos the two of you head back into his room.
You change and lay on the stomach on the bed Rafe getting in beside you resting some ice on your lower back.
“Thank you.” I move my head to face the boy who was already staring at me. “For everything.”
“Of course Pumpkin. Get some sleep okay.”
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red-hood-vigilante · 4 years
hbo spn storylines, drabbles, ideas, thoughts, wishlist, whatever you may call it. it’s messy, nothing makes sense and pretty sure a lot of these contradict each other
more of sam at stanford with jessica/flashbacks. jessica potentially lives but is revealed to be a demon (but she developed actual feelings for sam and really did come to care for him because a demon falling in love with a human would be SO interesting) OR she lives but her memory gets wiped like dean did to lisa OR she dies like she did but she is a ghost that haunts sam (he welcomes it but eventually he lets her go -> character arc). he still dreams about her though and he has her keepsakes with him wherever he goes, her rings, her favourite book, anything that was left of her from the fire
you have to be extremely careful when making deals with demons because they are cunning and evil creatures. they will follow the rules of the deal but will find loopholes to put some sadistic twist on the terms. you want money? of course, too bad you’ll be arrested for fraud before you can use any of it and spend the next ten years in jail before i drag you to hell. you want a perfect husband? sure he’ll love you. in fact, he’ll love you so much he’ll keep you locked up in the basement to keep you safe etc etc. saving a person often becomes the person that causes or leads to your death.
the creation of jack: after s5, when lucifer is trapped in the cage again lucifer fuses his own soul with a human soul to create jack, who escapes to earth to find sam and castiel. i have a longer post about this saved in my drafts
lucifer is trapped for good in the cage after s5 but if he was to return again, dean would kill him while sam would kill michael - this would be nice parallels and a sort of fulfillment of the “one brother must kill the other” prophecy because one brother DO kill another brother, just not their own
more azazel and how he came to the plan of how to free lucifer; opening a hell gate earlier, more experimentations with the demon blood etc
mary was infected with the blood when she was a baby, sam is the first and only second generation special child (longer post about that here)
personally, i want to see more and know more about john and mary’s relationship. when mary died, john and mary had fulfilled their destiny (having sam and dean) so does that mean that his love and dedication to mary post her death was falsely fabricated by the angels to ensure sam and dean would grow up in ideal conditions to become hunters? or maybe, after mary’s death, john wakes up from the spell with two kids he doesn’t recognize and a wife he thinks he loved, but the memories of the past years of his life are like a fever dream; he never wanted to live in a town like this nor was he interested in having kids? but here the house is, and here are his kids, but now he’s alone and empty and with no answers. (idk i just find john and mary and their relationship very fascinating) if the latter, if john and mary see each other again it’s like the spell activates again and they become blindly in love with each other, but once gone, they return to their confused and hazey state of mind, like just woken up from a coma
i do like mary coming back but i love how in s5 when she wasn’t found in heaven it was hinted that she was just discarded because she had fulfilled her “purpose” and i think this adds to the whole notion of how heaven and angels can be really cruel AND how mary is this mythical, religious figure to both sam and dean and we only get to know her through their lenses, like religion and faith
ruby is present for a longer amount of time to make the reveal even more shocking. at one point or another, dean does actually trust her and they all work together on cases for a while. ruby’s backstory as a witch is more explored. i like her death in s4 because she’s in this total state of euphoria and has achieved a goal only she was entrusted with, and she is so convinced sam will understand, until sam holds her down while dean carves her heart out. so we either keep that or she serves lucifer for a while (until he kills her which she is happy about because of her blind loyalty to him, could again mirror dean and john/castiel and heaven) or she serves lucifer and like crowley she realizes lucifer will kill demons after humans (redemption arc, but i don’t really like that, let her be evil!!)
dean and sam helps bela out of her deal and she becomes their go-to person when they need a magic item or book. she doesn’t like it but she owes them. regularly hooks up with jo.
angels are really hollow soldiers - they only follow orders and don’t understand the concept free will or choice or individuality at all. they are extremely righteous and strike without warning often on a whim, often very bloody (explosions a la castiel in swan song). if something fall into what they consider justice they will kill it. no concept of love, attraction or gender. real form can’t be perceived by humans unless they want them to, which leads to eyes melting (pamela) or breaking a person’s mind (in 5.16 zachariah actually says that sam and dean sees him in his vessel bc they’re ‘limited’. so.)
castiel, anna, maybe uriel and some others are exceptions to this, but only becomes so after longer exposure to human’s world. even then, they don’t change their violent whims, just the reasoning and where their loyalty lies
hbo spn is s1-5 stretched out for 8-10 seasons with the aesthetics of s1-2. i’m cutting out demon dean, purgatory, the mark of cain, the men of letters, the alphas, leviathatan, god being the real villain all along and the other worlds because it was just too much and far remived from the roadtrip aesthetic. keeping kevin, charlie (she is introduced via ash bc they’re hacker friends), the trials, rowena, uuuh the angels falling is such an interesting concept but idk if it would fit. maybe metatron? but his motivations are different. soullessness + the concept of souls might be kept if it’s explained better. i’m torn on whether or not to include the campbells
hell, heaven and purgatory are explained but only seen in glimpses, keep these ideas ambiguous and up to interpretation outside of what we hear. remember the line ‘hell is...well, it’s like hell. even for demons’? leave it at that. the exception is 5.16 bc that episode fucks so hard
if we end on swan song and let the show be the tragedy it is, i want to keep the ambiguous ending. is that sam or lucifer? if it’s sam, will he contact dean or walk away? we will never know! there is also no ‘the world is ending’ more than once, it really lost its impact after the second or third time.
idk how i feel about the men of letters - it is logical that there would be organized hunting and an established network and system on how to do things, but for the sake of keeping it hbo-style and grounded, there are no networks beyond the roadhouse and singer’s salvage yard.
i want sam and dean not have a permanent home except the impala, motels and impala ONLY. the bunker had potential but it was just for the sake of convenience it was there with all the lore and answers they needed when it was necessary. maybe eventually they do stop travelling so much when it becomes more about the Big Stuff instead of the episodic cases that requires driving all the time but it will be like an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. i want sam and dean to never have a physical house as a home but they scrape together whatever they have make something similar to a show
as the show progresses, sam and dean become pretty hated by other hunters because they’ve started apocalypse and have an increasingly shitty reputation. and john was an infamous good hunter but also a dick. everybody knows that people who work with the winchesters often end up dead, that one brother will sacrifice anything and anyone to save the other and that they frequently work alongside demons. even the ones they DO work with (jo, ellen, bobby, rufus, bela) are hesitant to be involved with them
sam’s powers are strong but after killing lilith and the truth revealed to him, he represses the powers in shock and fear of how blinded he was by them and the rush of power they gave him. a little more about how sam fears what the lust for power and strength did to him. he continues to repress his powers, often to a dangerous point where he will be on death’s door as a result of not using them. when meeting jack and mentoring him in using his powers, jack asks him about sam’s powers after sensing them. sam eventually decides to lead by example and embraces his powers again, but remains extremely careful about using them (this also fulfills dean’s arc of having to let go of the holy-innocent-pure-ideal-not a person but an idealized version of sam-little brother sam he has put on a pedestal for so long)
bobby is viewed as a father figure by sam and dean but bobby makes it clear he doesn’t want that burden or relationship in his life after his wife died. he makes this clear to them too, but sam and dean have fucked up perceptions of parental figures so they don’t think bobby means it (they just latch on to whatever parental figures they can find)
we see more of sam’s relationship with the side characters; sam and jo hunt together on occasion, he hangs out with ash and talks hacking when visiting the roadhouse. he and ellen loves playing poker together. if anything, dean is the one who’s isolated - he only ever really cared about mary, john, sam and cassie, and never really had any friends. sam is way more well adjusted and sociable after spending time at stanford where he’s had conversations that didn’t only revolve around dead bodies and lore. 
this could also feed into dean’s extreme abandonment issues and isolation he feels and how this would affect his psyche
sam and dean are both unknowingly prepared to become the perfect vessels; sam loses his humanity by becoming more and more like lucifer (defying his father and his will) while dean becomes prepared by doing what michael did; casting his brother away in his time of need (blindly following his father and his will). very much like in s4 but even more intense and brutal (i love angst :))
we see different hybrids; demon/human (antichrist), human/(arch)angel (nephilim) and demon/angel (???), but none of them are all powerful bc narratively that’s really boring. they’re strong but have very specific powers that affects them and/or their surroundings in catastrophic ways (but no other worlds bs, we stick to the road trip aesthetic, keep it grounded). i want the only all powerful character to be god but he doesn’t show up at all, he’s the ultimate absent father. is it chuck? we never find out!
powers would for example include giving people diseases, force anyone close to them to tell the truth (not consciously, it’s just the air around them), read minds, create storms, light things on fire when they’re angry, make people hallucinate etc. like fucked up shit but not things that are too grande because again - that’s really boring
abbadon, the princes of hell and the four horsemen are more fleshed out villains instead of the one season reign the each had. 
being a prince of hell is a title that is inherited - after azazel dies, sam gets the title because he is the one with azazel’s blood in him OR meg does, but idk if that would be as interesting (if she actually was his daughter)
it remains a horror show throughout, lots of gore and blood
the moral code and ethics of the brothers are the opposite of the beginning; dean thinks in black and white, sam sees shades of grey and individuals instead of what they are. however, as the show progresses, their train of thought becomes opposites; dean becomes more open to how people are true evil and how monsters are often victims of their circumstance while sam becomes harsher and less forgiving after ruby’s betrayal along with finding out the truth of his existence and how there’s been demons around his entire life. eventually they’re on the same page and they see the circumstances. 
on the other hand; i also really fuck with the idea of dean maintaining his black and white morals on that all monsters=inherently evil, humans=inherently pure and good, but he is the only human on team free will. sam is half demon, castiel is an angel, jack is a nephilim, rowena is a witch, garth is a werewolf, mary is a zombie etc
demons become demons in hell by agreeing to become the torturer and thus giving up their humanity to be free of pain, does that mean they could become humans again by regaining some humanity? by doing good deeds? (potentially this is confirmed with jessica and how she came to love sam; genuine love and care for a human could reverse the demon process?) this also means dean was a demon in hell but was purified/turned back again when castiel raised him. this also plays into dean becoming like michael; in trying to absolve himself from what he did in hell he becomes ruthless, unforgiving and righteous to evil, much like the angels, regardless of his personal connection to a person and what he would consider “evil”
dean and pacifisim: after dean is cured from being a demon/the mark of cain/is made aware of his blind righteousness that he used as an excuse to kill, he becomes firmly determined to reign in his anger and violent tendencies by becoming a pacifist (like sam in s11) as a way to redeem all the blood he’s spilled. of course in his profession and true dean fashion he won’t be able to do it 100% so he decides to only act in self defense, and he only goes batshit violent on the offense when it’s about protecting sam
OR. dean’s self righteousness becomes his own downfall; the belief that all evil must be eradicated, refusal to see the circumstances and the shades of grey is what pushes him to lose his humanity and become a demon and therefore, in a potential ending the ruler of hell, because i think it would such an interesting journey from a to b, that dean starts out human, revels in his holiness, executes and kills in the name of his own holiness in the belief that he’s becoming the ultimate angel, the ultimate hero when it’s doing the opposite. if this happened then sam would take the opposite route; starts as a human, becomes more and more demonic, stops himself and returns to his hopeful and optimistic self, has faith and humility and that is what makes him ascend from abomination to purified and holy (trials). 
this could be a perfect 10 season structure as well: s1-5 are when sam and dean start off humans; dean becomes holy and as close to an angel a human can be, while sam drinks the demon blood and almost becomes one to gain the freedom and power he wants, but begins to turn it around to send lucifer back to hell. s6-10 is when dean becomes the unholy and sam becomes the holy even though neither realize because now there’s no grand master plan - this is who they are, who they choose themselves. don’t know how this ould end though; either as normal humans again (but there wouldn’t really be a ”normal” after everything) or they really go off the rails with sam like ruling heaven (not as god though, just as a good and just man) and dean ruling hell. castiel is human and stays on earth with jack.
the gothic americana aesthetic is kept throughout the entire show and is only shot on film
after s5 castiel returns to heaven to help restore order, and he takes charge for a little while, but eventually returns to earth after trying to introduce democracy to angels who didn’t get it. in his place, anna takes over and she rules heaven well (after trying to kill mary when going back in time she isn’t killed by michael, but narrowly escapes and remains in hiding to heal until castiel reaches out and finds her)
when finding out they are The Vessels and will be brought back regardless of what they try, sam and dean explore what this means more. dean throws himself into dangers and to protect others. he is burned, blown up, stabbed, electrocuted, beheaded and eaten, but wakes up the next morning in his bed without a scratch, without any pain and memories of his deaths. he revels in this untouchability. sam kills himself over and over only to be resurrected again and again by lucifer. he remembers the pain and blood.
that being said, while dean is like angel royalty, sam is demon royalty. the demons don’t go after him, they don’t hurt him. some even offer up themselves to be drained of blood, even after lilith’s death. it makes it really difficult to stay clean but he pulls through with dean and castiel actually supporting him. to help sam get through his addiction, dean stops drinking alcohol and they go through their withdrawal together
the angels almost worship dean as the michael sword and have an open disgust towards sam for being lucifer’s vessel - they always answer dean’s prayers and calls for help, they follow his orders if need be and don’t hesitate to heal him if he needs it. sam could pray until his vocal chords bleed or call out for help while holding his guts in his hands; none of the angels would come to his aid. the only one who answers sam’s prayers is lucifer as a voice in sam’s head or a hallucination. sam could call demons to help him out but he refuses
sam isn’t the first hunter to drink demon blood, to try to enhance his own abilities using the supernatural as a means to get there - there are hunters who have altered themselves with parts from werewolves and vampires to become better hunters, like the styne family (the guys from s10), blurring the lines again of what’s good and human vs what is evil and inhumane
if angels can’t find a vessel to volunteer, they will force them to say yes - the how is not important, only that the ‘yes’ is said, whether its meant or not, any verbal yes will do. the angels never sleep and they never eat, which is disturbing to sam and dean who are exhausted all the time and eat scraps whenever they can
castiel, like all other angels, is taught to despise and not care about sam winchester at all, but the more castiel gets to know sam, he becomes fascinated with him, how lucifer’s ultimate vessel, starter of the apocalypse and destroyer of god’s creation can be so kind and gentle, so full of faith, acceptance, optimism and hope. in dean castiel sees a good man, yes, but also a man who’s bloodthirsty, rages, revels in war, resorts all problems with violence, loves conditionally and expects unquestioned loyalty. sam too, has a darkness and bloodthirst in him, but it only comes out in glimpses. castiel thinks it’s funny, how sam turns out to be the opposite of lucifer while dean is so alike michael
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“don’t try to pin this on me”
prompt: “don’t try to pin this on me” (alt no.6)
whumpee: neal caffrey
fandom: white collar
back with neal today!! missed writing him :) this is set s3 or 4 ish, well into the show anyway. hope you enjoy!
“I’m missing dinner with June for this,” Neal grumbles, holding the door for Peter. 
“And I’m very sorry she’s missing your sparkling presence,” Peter replies, stepping through the door and flashing his badge to a security guard. “Maybe think about things like this the next time you decide to get yourself arrested.”
Neal spins and looks at him, mock affronted. “Low blow, Agent Burke.”
The two make their way through the apartment of the lobby towards the elevators. Around them, other agents begin coming into the building, overwhelming the poor security guard, who fights a losing battle of attempting to check everyone’s credentials. 
Peter and Neal step into the elevator just as the guard sinks helplessly down onto a bench, head in hands. 
“Poor guy,” Neal remarks, pressing the button for the top floor. 
Peter reaches over him and presses the button marked ‘5’ instead. 
“Can’t we go to the top first?” Neal asks. “I hear there’s a restaurant up there with amazing views of the city.”
“Right, an amazing restaurant that’s part of an apartment building being used to run a massive counterfeiting operation.”
“Still,” Neal complains, “it wouldn’t hurt to just take a look.”
Peter relents as the elevator opens onto the fifth floor. “Fine. After all of this is done.”
Neal seems happy enough about that prospect, and the two of them step into the hallway. 
“Lovely place,” says Neal, stepping over an empty can of paint. 
“This is the only floor currently under renovation,” Peter says, “and apart from the basement it’s most likely to be the center of operation for the entire thing.”
“And we’re here alone.”
“Other agents are coming up in a minute. Besides, these guys already know we’re here, and I’ve dealt with their ringleader before. He’ll run, not fight.”
“Great,” Neal says, not sounding much like he believes this. Apparently, though, he accepts it, and follows Peter down the dimly-lit hall, stepping over various construction materials and ducking the occasional piece of exposed pipe. 
Neal’s a few feet behind Peter when the agent steps around a corner, then quickly sticks his head back around it. “Found something,” he says, and Neal hurries after him. 
Peter has indeed found something. Several somethings, in fact, in a hallway that’s curiously devoid of the construction materials that litter the rest of the floor. A stack of counterfeit purses, some kind of large machine that Neal’s seen before in operations like this, and a safe with its door open. 
“Nothing in it,” Peter says, gesturing towards the safe. “And they didn’t take their bags.”
“Or unplug their machine,” Neal adds, as he pulls its cord from the wall. 
“They left in a hurry.”
“They could still be nearby.”
Peter radios this information to the rest of the team as the two of them continue down the hallway. 
“Watch your head,” Peter warns Neal, ducking underneath a metal pipe stretching across the hall. 
They reach the end of the hallway, which splits off into two directions. Neal looks down one, and Peter down the other. 
There’s movement at the end of his hallway, slightly obscured by the reemergence of the construction stuff, but visibly human. 
“Peter,” Neal hisses, trying not to let whoever it is know they’re there. 
“What?” Peter hisses back, coming to stand next to him. 
“Look,” he whispers, pointing to the movement.
Peter draws his gun. Neal keeps his eyes trained on the figure. 
Who must suddenly see them, because they start running. 
Neal takes off after them without a second of hesitation, hearing Peter shout behind him but ignoring him. He’ll catch this person. He will. 
He’s gaining on them slowly but surely, coming within a few feet as the two of them skid around a corner. He’s so close…
He looks back to Peter, several yards behind him, for just a second, to make sure he’s coming, then turns his attention fully back to his chase - 
And, too late, to the piece of metal pipe in front of him. 
He slams into the pipe at full speed, head colliding with a resonating metallic sound. The taste of blood fills his mouth almost immediately, and his ears start to ring as his forehead bursts into an explosion of pain. 
He stumbles to the ground in the shock of it all, the world spinning around him. He blinks to try and clear his head, and then the blurry shape of Peter is crouching in front of him. 
“Hey, you okay?” Peter asks, or at any rate, that’s the best approximation of what he says that Neal’s ringing ears are able to make out. 
Ugh...definitely not okay. He cannot believe that this has happened to him. It feels like something that might happen in a cartoon. He imagines little birds and stars floating around his head, and turns his blurry gaze to Peter’s face, and the offending piece of metal pipe behind it. He scowls at the pipe, wanting irrationally to get up and punch it.
Peter had been running as fast as he could behind Neal, who’d been incredibly stupid to just run after a potential suspect like that. Nevertheless, he’d been grateful, considering the lead Neal and the suspect both had had on him. 
The two had turned a corner, Peter hurrying along behind them. Neal had turned around to look at him a second after Peter had shouted a warning about the piece of metal pipe in front of him, and had then promptly run straight into it. 
Which brings them here, Peter kneeling worriedly by his CI’s side. Neal’s looking at him, though his eyes are unfocused, and he’s got this look of utter betrayal and anger on his face that’s definitely out of proportion for the situation, which is both funny and weirdly endearing. It’s also clearly not directed at Peter, he knows, turning around to see the piece of pipe directly behind him, dotted with a few small specks of blood. 
He turns back to Neal, whose gaze has not wavered, but is again aimed in Peter’s direction. 
“Don’t try to pin this on me, now,” Peter warns, grabbing a small flashlight from his jacket and turning it on, shining it into Neal’s eyes. 
“Cut it out,” Neal whines, turning his head away from the light. 
“I need to make sure the concussion that you almost certainly have isn’t too serious before I call for help,” Peter explains, gently guiding Neal’s face to once again look at him. 
Neal scowls again, a less severe version of the look he’d been giving the pipe, this time directed solely at Peter.
“I’m sorry,” Peter says, shining the light back into Neal’s eyes. “It’ll just take a second.”
He flicks off the flashlight as soon as he’s satisfied that both of Neal’s pupils are the same size. That, coupled with the fact that he’s conscious, though groggy and grouchy, makes Peter reasonably sure that his head injury is mild, moderate at worst. 
He radios for help, which Neal, predictably, balks at.
“I can walk, Peter,” he says, and attempts to stand to prove his point. 
He’s pitching forwards almost immediately, and Peter shoots to his feet to grab him before he hits the ground and hurts himself more. 
“Sure you can,” Peter replies, guiding the two of them back to the ground. “Just like you can avoid giant metal pipes.”
“Hey!” Neal protests. “‘S not my fault I turned around to look at you. You said something.”
“I said, watch out for that pipe.”
Peter reaches out and touches a gentle hand to the blood on Neal’s forehead. As with most head wounds, this one is small, but bleeding a lot, and Peter wipes away some of the blood with his cuff to keep it away from Neal’s eyes. Neal winces and pulls away, then looks at Peter’s hand with confusion evident on his face.
“‘M bleeding?” Hands quickly reach for his head, and Peter pulls them away with his non-bloody hand. 
“It’s just a cut, Neal,” he reassures. “Nothing to worry about.”
Neal relents easily, dropping his hands down to the floor. It’s clear he’s pretty out of it, and Peter hopes the paramedics will arrive soon. Right now, Neal’s not feeling the full effects of having slammed into a metal pipe at full speed - he’s in a little bit of a daze, obviously hurting, but not nearly as much as Peter bets he will, once the initial shock wears off. He’d like for Neal to have some painkillers already in him when that happens. 
A minute or two later, a few paramedics come hurrying up to them, bustling Neal onto a stretcher, which he attempts a rather feeble protest at. They push him into the elevator, Peter walking next to him, speaking into his radio. 
“We’ve caught a suspect fleeing the building,” someone says, in response to Peter’s call. “Saw him climbing down the fire escape on the fifth floor. Dressed in a security guard’s uniform, pockets are full of money.”
“You hear that?” Peter asks Neal, as the elevator opens to the ground floor. “They caught him.”
Neal nods. “Knew I’d get him,” he mutters under his breath. Peter stifles a laugh, patting Neal softly on the shoulder. 
“Good work, buddy.”
“Aww, thanks,” Neal replies, with a self-satisfied grin. The paramedics stop them outside the doors of the building, helping Neal to sit on the back bumper of the ambulance, whereupon they begin to do various checks on Neal to make sure he’s not too concussed, and bandage his cut. 
As Peter’d figured, hoped, he’s fine - a mild concussion, treatment for which is a few days off of work, some better-than-over-the-counter pain meds courtesy of the paramedics, an ice pack, and someone to watch over him for 48 hours. 
“That would be me and my wife,” Peter tells the paramedics immediately after they pose the question of who exactly will be watching over him. Neal looks up at Peter from where he’s sitting, like he’s not sure he’d heard him correctly. 
“You’re coming home with me, understand?” Peter asks, offering Neal a hand up and a silently-given shoulder to lean onto. 
“Got it,” Neal says. “Thank you, Peter,” he adds, after a beat, voice soft and a little slurred, leaning into Peter a bit more. 
“Anytime,” Peter says, and he genuinely means it.
thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed :)
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halo-jpeg · 4 years
Hi love! Can I make a request for Thomas, Bubba, Brahms and the three Sinclair brothers asking their s/o to marry? I love your blog 💗💗 Ily💗
Of course this is so cute holy crap-
Some Slashers Proposing to their S/O
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas would ponder the question for days and days and days! Was he really up for this? Were you up for this? Would you say yes?
With some coaxing from his momma he’d finally decide that- yes, he could do this! He wanted to marry you, and he was confident that you would say yes!
He would try to make it seem like nothing was happening, though he never takes you into the forest. He always says it was too dangerous for you!
Unbeknownst to you, Luda Mae and Hoyt are hot on your tails, anticipated for the big question. Luda Mae just can’t wait to hold a wedding ceremony, her boy’s all grown up!
Thomas would stop you in the woods, towering over you in the most non-threatening way possible, taking in everything about you, tracing a hand over your cheek. 
The look in his eyes can’t help but make you smile, but the smile fades into a surprised expression as he gets down on one knee like he’s seen people do in movies. 
The ring he presents is nothing special- a simple silver wedding band passed down from his mother, but it’s more than enough because it’s from him. 
Of course you would say yes, and he’d be so relieved, standing tall again and wrapping his hands around your waist. After a passionate kiss and a dramatic twirl, Luda Mae and Hoyt would burst from their hiding places to congratulate the both of you. 
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba would be so, so so so so so so nervous, pacing in front of his brothers as he tried to communicate his question with shaking hands. He needed their approval first, of course.
After much struggle, Drayton would obviously encourage the idea, since you aren’t actually that bad- don’t tell your S/O he said that, Bubba! Bubba would be absolutely overjoyed, and he might even cry a little. This was really happening!
He’d make it up to be something very special! Drayton would prepare a huge dinner, and Bubba would dress up in his nicest outfit- his Grandfather’s old tux and his prettiest mask, topped off with lots and lots of makeup! He’d even get Nubbins and ChopTop to dress up!
After a spectacular dinner he’d drag you out to the sunflower fields, giddy with excitement and anticipation. He’d stop surrounded by tall yellow flowers and he’d hold your hands in his. 
With a deep breath he’d finally gather the courage to get down on his knee, holding out the ring he’d carved from bone fragments. It was detailed with little carvings and swirls, his greatest work ever. 
The pure joy he would feel as you say yes would force him to leap right back up, slipping the ring onto your finger and taking your hands, spinning quickly around in circles of celebration. 
He would hug you so close, kissing your cheeks and forehead repeatedly, and then he’d walk you back home to a waiting and happy family to plan a wedding.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms would know he wants to marry you from the moment you first started dating. He’d never tolerated anyone before, but you had wormed your way into his heart and he liked that.
He would want to do something very, very special, and since he’s always too afraid to go outside (but you begged him to come out and garden with you) he knew that you would love what he had in mind.
Days in advance he would build up his courage and slip out into the yard, scared as a squirrel. He’d scout out the grounds for a perfect place. Thank god you had kept all the flowers alive. 
At last, with a ring in his hand, he would drag you to the door after dinner, clean and wearing a fancy suit. You would be stunned and happy enough by him leading you outside with a confidence you hadn’t thought was possible for the scaredy cat. 
He would bring you to the ruins-like place overlooking the large lake, a bouquet of roses he’d snipped (dammit, Brahms, don’t cut the flowers!) resting on the edge. 
First, he’d give you the roses, and as you admired them he’d slip of his mask without you asking for once. By now you have to be wondering why he’s being so romantic and perfect. 
When he gets down on one knee it clicks, and your eyes well with tears. The ring he pulls out is gorgeous, a faded gold with a large diamond encrusted on the top. It was his mothers ring. 
A yes would be obvious, and once he stood again, slipping the ring onto your finger, he’d kiss you, a passionate kiss, more love-filled than any you’d ever shared. 
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent would make the proposal perfect. He’d get Bo’s permission to take over one of the buildings, moving out the wax figures and littering candles all over. He’d light each one and try to collect some flowers to scatter about. 
He’d be a little bit off all day, more affectionate and confident than usual. You also notice Bo and Lester are staying out of your way for once. 
Vincent would present to you a meal more sophisticated than any you’d ever had with the Sinclairs. Expensive steak, expensive wine, and expensive dessert.
Then, he’d take your hand and you’d stroll slowly towards the building he’d set up, the candles all lit and the flowers arranged beautifully. He’d hold the door open for you and he’d watch, adoring your surprised and awestruck expression. 
He’d profess his unending love for you, saying that you are his absolute soulmate and no one else would ever even rival your perfection. He’d take your hand, and he’d place the wax ring gently inside. 
Upon closer inspection, you can see that instead of a diamond there is a perfectly carved rose to size of your pinkie nail, realistic and stunning. 
After you say yes, he’d kiss you passionately, and rest your forehead against his, swaying back and forth and muttering praise, love, and thanks for being so perfect. 
Bo Sinclair
Bo never imagined himself getting married. It had never been important to him, but you- you made him feel some type of way and he needed you to see how much he loved you right back. 
He wouldn’t make it too special- he wouldn’t know how but he’d spend the entire day with you, making sure you felt appreciated. 
As the sun slid towards the horizon and Vincent was down in the basement, Lester asleep, you and Bo were left alone. He’d pull out some beers, a big blanket, and he’d sit with you out on the front porch stairs, your head on his shoulder and his hand in yours. 
He’d start off the proposal with a nervous question; “Can I say somethin’?” you could detect the nervousness in his voice, and you’d pull away to face him with a furrowed brow. “Of course!” 
He’d go on about how much he loves you; how mouch you’ve changed his life for the better, how he could never live without you, how you bring out the good in him. 
He’d fish through is pocket for the ring he’d stolen off of a victim from a few months back. It had small diamonds along the top of the rosegold band. 
“Sorry for bein’ so cheesy and soft, but... I wanna marry you. Or... I want you to marry me. This is a proposal, I guess.” he isn’t very good at this, stumbling over his words and correcting himself on numerous occasions. The amused expression on your face almost makes him think you’ll decline, but a passionate kiss is enough for him to know you agree.
He’d slip the ring on your finger, wearing a silly half smile, and you’d know he was the one. “I love you even more when you’re cheesy and soft.”
Lester Sinclair
Hoo, boy he is nervous. He has some serious self-esteem issues, so for the longest time he really wants to propose but he’s too afraid to. He rants to Vincent quite often since he’s so knowledgeable about romance and stuff like that. 
After plenty of reassuring, Lester finally gathers the courage to ask you the big question. He’d ask you to come on a last-minute scan of the nearby areas for roadkill, but that wouldn’t be very romantic. That’s not what you’re actually doing, of course.
He’ll bring you out to the forest, and now is when you realize the way he taps nervously on the steering wheel, chewing on the inside of his cheek. When you ask him what’s wrong, he’ll stutter out a “n-nothin’!” that makes you even more concerned. 
He’ll stop somewhere quiet and open so you can stare up at the stars, hopping from the front seat and asking you to meet him in the bed of the truck. 
He’ll sit with you there for a while, staring up at the breathtaking stars and the even more breathtaking you, until he feels gutsy enough to speak. 
He’ll brandish a ring he had bought from a nearby pawn shop, afraid that you wouldn’t like it. He’d spent more on it than he’s ever spent on anything else other than his truck. 
Upon hearing your ‘yes’ he can’t help but hold you tight, burying his face in your hair and inhaling your scent. He’s so lucky to have you.
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vsquadgoals · 4 years
Settling Down (J.W) Part Four
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Part 1 
Part 2
Part 3
Ever since Jeff mentioned having more children that’s all Milena can think about, Alethea having a little sibling, but also having someone by her side while she’s pregnant, having someone to enjoy the beautiful moments with instead of doing it all alone. When she got pregnant with Alethea she had so many hopes for her future with her father and she dreamed of sharing those moments with someone and those dreams were crushed when she told him and it broke her heart, she struggled for so long to get other those feelings, sure she still struggled with some insecurities and she probably always would but Jeff had quickly broke down those walls that she spent so long building high for no one to get through; Now here she was dreaming of the day that she would be telling Jeff that she’s pregnant with his baby. No matter how excited she was for this day she also was so damn nervous, she was also excited to tell Alethea’s father and that didn’t turn out the way that she had hoped. Jeff was different of course but she still couldn’t shake the nerves that one day she would be raising two beautiful babies on her own. “You okay?” Jeff asks pulling her out of her spiraling thoughts, she didn’t realize that she was sitting in there staring at her unedited video for god knows how long. Milena looks up at him and smiles shyly before nodding. “I’m okay, sorry.” Jeff frowns and kisses her head before cupping her cheek. “You can tell me anything, you know that right my love?” God, he was so sweet, and just as fast as the doubtful thoughts filled her mind they were vanishing as she looked into his eyes that were full of pure love as he looked at her. “I know. It was nothing, I barely remember what I was thinking about.” She leans up and pecks his lips before smiling at him. “I love you Jeff.” He smiles and kisses her again. “I love you more Milena.” She brings her attention back to her laptop in front of her and starts editing the video that had been waiting for her. “Hey, David wants me to go with him to go look at some houses, I think Heath and Mariah are going as well. Do you want me to bring Alethea? We can have a little daddy daughter day so that you can get some stuff done?” Jeff asks standing across from her now so that she can see him over the screen of her laptop. She smiles at him and shrugs. “If you want to, that would be great. Are you sure you’ll be okay?” She asks knowing damn well he can handle it, Alethea was always an Angel for Jeff. He chuckles and nods “I think we’ll be just fine.” Milena smirks and nods before turning her attention to the laptop once again.  
Jeff finishes packing Alethea’s diaper back with everything he would need for her for at least a few hours, honestly he probably packed enough for like two days but he wanted to make sure he was prepared and didn’t have to bother Milena at all. When he brings the bag out of the nursery and puts it next to the stroller Milena looks at him confused. “What is David looking at houses for anyway?” She asks and he shrugs. “I don’t think hes going to actually buy anything, he loves his house too much, but they have a lot of fans that show up there all hours of the night.” Milena shakes her head. “People don’t know what personal space is.” He nods and makes his way over to his girlfriend and wraps his arms around her before peppering her with kisses. “Don’t worry I’ll always keep my girls safe.” He reassures her making her smile. “I know.” Before he can kiss her again Alethea is bumping into his ankles with her walker making him chuckle. “Oh, someone’s so jealous.” He teases picking her up from her chair. “Are you ready to spend the day with me?” He asks kissing her cheeks making her smile wide. Milena smiles “Call me if you need anything okay?” She tells him and he smiles and kisses her. “We’ll be okay I promise.” She nods and kisses Alethea. “Have fun with Daddy, don’t pick up any new tricks from Uncle David.” She teases making Jeff chuckle. He straps Alethea into her car seat and opens the apartment door. “Say bye Mommy! We love you.” he calls only closing the door when she says I love you too.  
Jeff had met David at his house so he could follow him to the houses, he didn’t exactly trust David enough to let him drive with Alethea in the Tesla, he was not gonna risk that. They were on house 3 and these houses were amazing, they were huge and beautiful, and David loved them. He posted a few stories as he walked through the houses panning over to Jeff and Alethea and then the rest of their friends every so often. Milena watched the stories while she took a break for lunch smile when she sees Mariah pushing Alethea’s stroller and Jeff holding her as she smiled wide looking around these big beautiful houses. The one the third house they pulled up to was not like the other ones that David had looked at, not as flashing, more normal and practical. Jeff looked at David confused. “You picked this house to look at?” Jeff asks confused as they walk up to it. David shrugs looking at him before they walk inside. “I don't know it’s nice. You don’t like it?” He asks as they start to walk through, Jeff looks around and he’s speechless, he loves the house, its open and a great size and so gorgeous. But a house like this was not something David would like to live in, this house was more for someone like him and Milena. Suddenly that’s all he could think about as they walked through the house, raising a family with Milena in this house, which room would be Alethea’s, where her play room would be, Milena and Jeff’s office and the basement was fully furnished and a perfect space for the barbershop. Then when they got to the master bedroom his heart swelled, he could practically see Milena decorating it with her incredible style and then the connecting master bathroom, he could see them laying in the huge bathtub relaxing together. “I love it actually.” Jeff finally says to David who shrugs. “It’s not really my style, this is more for like a family.” David says and Carly agrees. Mariah and Heath smirk knowingly at each other as they have been watching the was Jeff was looking around the house. When they’re in the backyard Mariah nudges him a little and smiles. “You guys should get it.” She says catching him off guard and then he chuckles looking at her and Heath. “We could never afford it.” He says and they shake their heads. “Milena would fall inlove with this place, it’s perfect for you guys. You could pull it I’m sure.” Heath says and he’s totally right, it was perfect for them and Milena would die for this house.  
They look at one or two more houses before Alethea is over it. Jeff says bye to everyone and hands Alethea her pacifier before putting her into her car seat and buckling her in. He decided to pick up dinner for the three of them before heading back to Milena’s apartment. When he enters he smiles seeing Milena walking toward the closet where their washer and dryer are with a basket full of laundry. “Hi beautiful.” Jeff says making Milena jump a little and giggle. “Oh Jeff, you scared me!” She says making him chuckle, he puts the food on the counter and takes Alethea out of her seat and puts her into her highchair. “hungry?” He says looking over his shoulder at Milena who nods and smiles. “I missed you guys. Did you have fun?” She asks tossing the load of laundry into the wash and starting it before sitting at the island next to Jeff. Jeff handed her food to her and nodded contemplating whether to tell her about the house. “it was fun, there were some gorgeous houses.” He says putting on Alethea’s bib and feeding her some of her food. “I could tell! One of them did not look like his style though.” She says taking a bit of her food and humming happily. She gets up from her seat and gets them both a bottle of water and puts them on the island and got Alethea her sippy cup full of water and put it on her highchair tray. Jeff thanks her for the water and nods feeding Alethea another bite before eating his. “That one was more our style honestly.” He says trying to be nonchalant. Milena looks at him and smiles a little sensing where he’s going with this as she eats. “Oh yeah? Maybe I could go see it.” She says hiding her smirk as she takes a sip of her drink, Jeff’s eyes light up and he looks at her smiling wide. “Really? Yeah that would be great. I think you’ll love it. Heath and Mariah think so too.” Milena giggles and nods. “Well ask David for the relaters number so we can set up an appointment to look.” Jeff nods happily before turning his attention back to feeding Alethea.  
The next day, that was how fast they were able to get an appointment to see the house, David insisted on going with them, we all know he loves a good reaction. Milena and Jeff got out of her car and Jeff took Alethea out of her car seat knowing she wouldn’t stay in it while they walked around, David’s Tesla pulls up right behind him and he gets out smiling wide at them camera in hand as always. “It’s beautiful.” Milena comments taking Alethea from Jeff as he puts her diaper bag on his back. “Isn’t it?” He comments before David is by their side and smiling wide at them before looking at Alethea who is reaching out for him. “Hi sweetie.” David says kissing her small hand. Milena follows Jeff and David into the house taking in every detail, as soon as she walked through that doorway she was in love and already planning her décor. David had his camera glued to his hand recording Milena as she walked through the house, Jeff leading the way. Her eyes were wide and full of pure happiness and she had a smile on her face she couldn’t hide. Once they had walked through the entire house, they went out to the back yard so she could see the surprisingly large yard that it had which was unusual for LA. It had a beautiful inground pool that had a hot tub connected on the corner, a huge patio that’s doors connected to the kitchen and a large patch of grass off to the side that had plenty of room for kids to run and play and more than enough room for Nerf to live his best life. Milena looked at Jeff and frowned her eyes tearing a little, she was glad that David had stepped away from them to take a call. “What’s wrong baby?” He asks concerned cupping her cheeks. She sighs and wipes her eyes shaking her eyes, it takes her a minute to compose herself so she can answer him, she clears her throat before talking. “I just love this house and all I can picture is our lives here together, growing our family, having our friends and family here.” She sighs and bites her lip. “I just don’t think we can afford this Jeff.” Jeff smiles a little and kisses her forehead pulling her into a hug careful not to squish Alethea. “I think we can figure something out; we’ll just have to run some numbers and budget a little when we get home before we can make a decision.” Milena nods and hands Alethea to Jeff before she heads back inside to look around a little more. David comes back to Jeff and looks confused. “You guys okay?” He asks and Jeff shrugs. “I knew I shouldn’t have brought her here. I knew she was going to love this place and we wouldn’t be able to afford it, it’s not fair to her.” David frowns and nods. Soon after they leave and head back to the apartment, Alethea goes down for her nap and Jeff and Milena sit down and go through their budget and work through their numbers to see what they can swing.  
Later that week Jeff and Milena go to David’s house, Milena’s mom begged her to bring Alethea to her house so she could spend the day with her and it worked out perfectly because David told Jeff they needed to come by the house today and ‘stop being antisocial.’ This of course made them laugh and head right over. Milena and Jeff had talked it out and decided that it would be best for them to just rent another apartment or house once their lease was up in the next few weeks instead of buying the house, they just couldn’t swing the down payment right now while Alethea was so little. As the couple walked into David’s they were greeted with happy faces and Milena got some hugs from her friends who she hadn’t seen since before they went to New York. They all sat around and talked for a while catching up on how their trip went and what Jeff’s parent’s thought of Milena and Alethea. Mariah and Carly gushed over how cute Alethea was when she was with Jeff looking at the houses, how she was such a good girl for him and barely made a peep. “Unless she was giving me some input on the houses of course.” David adds to the conversation making the girls giggle and nod. “True, she's a natural interior decorator.” Carly teases making David chuckle. They’re there for about an hour when David is making an excuse for Milena and Jeff to join him in the Tesla in the driveway, Milena looks at Jeff confused when David is propping his camera up on the dashboard. Jeff shrugs and shakes his head watching David from the backseat. “Roll with it.” Jeff says making Milena shrug and giggle. Once David has the camera set up, he's turning his attention to Milena in the passenger seat next to him. “So how did you like the house the other day?” David asks making Jeff frown from the backseat and Milena smiles at David trying not to show how upset she was that they couldn’t get it. “I loved it, it’s beautiful.” She said simply, David nods and smirks a little. “Yeah it’s perfect for you guys.” He says looking back at Jeff briefly who’s looking at David trying to figure out where he’s going with this. Milena frowns a little and shrugs. “It just wasn’t meant to be, maybe one day.” She says trying to smile. David shakes his head and pulls something from the side of his seat. “Well, that house is too perfect for you guys for you not to buy it.” He says before handing something to Milena. “So, I'm going to pay for half of it.” David says and Milena’s eyes dart from David to the blank check in her hand. “It’s already signed you guys just have to fill out the amount.” Milena doesn’t realize it, but tears are practically pouring down her face and she’s almost sobbing. “Dave... we can’t take this.” She says begging him to take the check back. Jeff is in complete shock in the back seat, he reaches forward and wraps his arms around David hugging him tight. “No, I really want to do this for you guys, you deserve it. I want you guys to have a place to raise Alethea and grow your family.” David says tears streaming down his face too. Once Jeff lets go of David, Milena is wrapping her arms around David and sobbing into his chest. “Thank you, David. This means more to me then you’ll ever know!” She cries and David smiles wide hugging her back wiping his own tears away.  
And just like that a few weeks later they are moving their stuff into their dream house, their friends were all there helping them move their stuff in and the girls helped watch Alethea so Milena could guide the guys where to put certain things. They obviously didn’t have enough furniture to fully furnish the house, but they would soon, Milena has been going a little crazy furniture shopping. They of course filming an empty house tour once they got the keys to the house because her supporters would kill them if they didn’t. 
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Alethea was completely in love with the house, she also loved the fact that Jeff was now around 24/7; he practically lived at her apartment with them but he had to go back to film his videos so she would miss him when he was gone for hours. Jeff had done the whole downstairs as the barbershop so now he had his own area for the videos, and he could film whenever he needed to and not have to worry about waking up Alethea since she would be on the second floor along with their bedroom. Milena excused herself from her friends and went outside onto the patio calling in and ordering some pizzas for everyone and sent Todd out to go and pick up some beers and drinks for everyone. Thankfully the first thing to get delivered was their patio furniture, she was so glad so they could at least have something for everyone to relax on today since it was such a beautiful day outside.  
Soon Todd is walking through the front door with arms full of cases of beer and some sodas with the pizza guy right behind him. “Lena!!!” He calls and nods to the delivery guy telling him to follow him. Milena comes downstairs and giggles seeing Todd place everything on the counter, she smiles at the delivery man and takes the pizzas from his arms putting them on the counter and grabs the money from her purse handing it to him and telling him to keep the change. She guides him out the door and closes it behind him. She goes upstairs to wrangle everyone in. “Hey guys! That’s good for today, there’s pizza, beer and soda downstairs.” The guys cheer and follow her downstairs, Jeff wraps his arms around her waist kissing her cheeks. “You’re the best.” He says making her giggle, she puts out paper plates and some solo cups. Milena takes Alethea from the girls and tells them to go eat before the guys eat everything. Everyone goes outside sitting around on the patio furniture, Jeff brings Alethea’s highchair outside and sits it next to her so she can feed her. Milena breaks a piece of pizza into very small pieces for her to pick up and eat and sets her water sippy on the tray as well.  
“Milena this house is amazing, I can’t wait to see how you decorate it.” Erin says and Milena smiles wide. “Thank you, I have so many things up my sleeve.” Milena says making Jeff chuckle, “The delivery guy is going to know our first names by the time the house if furnished.” She giggles and shoves him playfully. She turns back to Alethea picking up a small bite and feeding it to her. They sat like this for hours, goofing around, filming and just hanging out. Thankfully everything they had for their bedroom and Alethea’s were going to pretty much stay the same and the important things were set up and put together. Soon Alethea is wining and reaching for Jeff with sleepy eyes, Milena kisses her head and hands her to Jeff, he’s standing talking to Todd and Jason as he holds a very sleepy Alethea to his chest, she nuzzles into his neck and her hands play with his beard as usual. He sways back and forth as he continues talking to his friends, Jason smirks watching Jeff hold Alethea close and she's falling asleep fairly quickly. Jason’s so happy seeing Jeff and Alethea together it warmed his heart seeing his friend turn into such a sweetheart with her and practically fall into the father roll like a natural. After about 10 minutes Milena looked over and smiles seeing Alethea fast asleep on Jeff’s shoulder, she excused herself from her friends and made her way to Jeff who was still talking to Todd and Jeff. “I’ll take her.” She says slowly talking Alethea from Jeff’s arms trying to keep her asleep. She made her way inside and upstairs to her new nursery. She laid her on the changing table and changed her diaper and changed her into some pajamas somehow without waking her up. Once she was laid in her crib and fast asleep, she turned on her sound machine and turned on her baby monitor camera and bringing the monitor downstairs with her.  
Once Milena was back outside, she turned up the volume on the monitor and set it on the table in front of her when she sat back down with the girls. They all talked for a while about random things and goofed around a little while the guys talked by the pool and Jeff explained a few plans they had for the yard. Everyone hung around for a few more hours before they slowly started filtering out, Jeff and Milena thanked them for their help today. Jeff was walking out Todd who was the last person to leave and Milena started cleaning up, she picked up empty bottles from the outside patio along with paper plates and threw them into the trash. Jeff came into the kitchen where she was packing up the leftover pizza to put into the fridge, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kisses slowly from her ear to her shoulder making her tilt her head to the side and smirk. “That was fun right?” She asks trying to focus on packing up the food and not the tingles that Jeff is sending right between her legs as his lips tease her skin. “Mhm.” he hums not paying much attention to what she's saying making her giggle. Once she’s done packing it all she turns around to face him wrapping her arms around his neck. “Did you hear what I said?” She teases and he looks down at her and chuckles. “Yes of course I did baby. I just am a bit distracted by this hot babe that’s in my kitchen.” Jeff teases back before his lips are attached to her neck again. “I can tell.” she hums leaning into him and closing her eyes. Jeff grabs her hips and lifts her effortlessly onto the kitchen island and stands between her legs, Milena giggles and looks at him biting her lip. Jeff cupped her cheeks kissing her lovingly. “God, I love you so damn much Milena.” He mumbles against her lips making her smile wide, “I love you Jeffery.” She says kissing him a few more times. Soon Jeff his lifting her dress off her legs and kneeling between her legs, he kisses her thighs lovingly until he's hovering over her slick panties, he pushes them to the side and looks up at Milena who is looking down at him biting her lip her eyes practically begging him to touch her.  
Milena runs her fingers through Jeff’s hair as she looks down at him waiting for him to make a move, the suspense was killing her. As if he could read her mind, he buried his face between her sweet thighs that he loves so much, his tongue swiped through her soaking wet folds before his lips attach onto her clit sucking and rolling his tongue around her clit. Milena holds onto his hair and throws her head back moaning into the echo of their practically empty house, Jeff hums happily against her clit sending vibrations through her making her jolt against him and almost come undone right there. He slips two fingers into her curling them up, his tongue circles around her clit making her pull his hair and squirm. “Jeff.” She whimpers and he smirks against her pulling away slightly. “I know baby, cum.” He says before attacking her clit again, and on que she's coming undone on his fingers, she throws her head back moaning his name, she bites her bottom lip hard trying to keep herself quiet. Jeffs fingers continue working on her helping her ride out her high, soon her legs are shaking, and snapping shut and she’s trying to squirm out of his grasp. He slowly removes his fingers and brings them to his lips sucking them clean before kissing her lips. Milena smiles against his lips wrapping her arms around his neck, he wraps his arms around her waist and picks her up off the island carrying her up the stairs to their bedroom. Milena buries her face into his neck and giggles as he makes his ways to their bedroom, he closes the door behind them and places her gently on the bed. “Clothes off pretty girl.” He says his voice deep eyes scanning over her as he strips himself of his clothes. She smirks and bites her lip as she pulls her dress over her head tossing it on the floor and then pulls off her panties tossing them to Jeff before laying back on their bed. Jeff catches them and looks at her with his eyebrows raised, he chuckles and tosses them onto the floor before climbing on top of her. His lips attack her neck as he lines himself up with her, he teases her slowly rubbing his tip between her folds making her squirm and moan. He smirks against her skin before slipping into her slowly. Milena moans softly burying her face into his neck trying to muffle her moans as he thrusts in and out of her keeping his pace steady.  Jeff groans against her ear before leaning back and putting her legs over his shoulders, his hands gripping her thighs tightly as he thrusts into her deeper his movements already becoming sloppy. He could’ve cum watching her cum on his face and fingers earlier, so it was no surprise that he was already close to his high. Milena arches her back grinding her hips along with his moaning loudly, Jeff smirks and reaches down to cover her mouth trying to keep her quiet, his other hand reaches between them and his fingers circle her still sensitive clit making her moan loudly against his hand. “I’m close baby.” He groans snapping his hips against hers faster, Milena nods looking up at him with pleading eyes. He feels her tighten around him as he grinds against her hitting all the right spots, before he knows it Jeff is releasing inside of her snapping his hips roughly and she’s following right behind him her fingers gripping the sheets tightly between her fingers. Jeff helps her ride out her high before he’s collapsing on top of her trying to catch his breath.  
It’s a few minutes later when he’s pulling out of her slowly and lying next to her, he runs his fingers through his damp hair. “I think that was a perfect way to end the first day in the new house.” Milena whispers turning onto her side to face Jeff, he chuckles and looks at her. “I think I agree.” He says smirking. Once Milena can trust her legs again, she climbs out of bed after pecking Jeff on the lips. “I’m gonna shower.” she whispers, and he nods smiling. “I’ll finish cleaning downstairs.” He says kissing her again. Once Jeff is finished cleaning up after their friends, he makes sure all the doors are locked and closes the windows in the kitchen and living room. He brings the baby monitor that is long dead upstairs, before he goes into their bedroom, he cracks open Alethea’s nursery door and peaks his head in trying to be as quiet as possible. He smiles wide seeing that she is still fast asleep in her crib, he was worried that she would have trouble adjusting to being in the new house but she was actually still asleep and usually by now she would have woken up at least once. He closes the door slowly making sure not to wake her as he does. When Jeff walks back into their bedroom and smirks seeing Milena pulling one of his t shirts over her head, “She’s still fast asleep.” Jeff tells her before pulling in the baby monitor on Milena’s side of the bed. “Really? Wow.” Milena says before slipping into the bed under the warm blankets, she quickly braided her still wet hair before laying down and nuzzling into the pillow. She looks up at Jeff and reaches her hands out for him. “J.” She wines as he strips down to his boxers chuckling. “I’m coming Lena.” He says smirking before crawling into bed next to her, he wraps his arms around her and pulls her into his chest holding her close. “Welcome home beautiful.” He whispers into her head before kissing the top of her head. Milena smiles wide and nuzzles further into his chest. “I love you.” She whispers only falling asleep when he whispers it back.  
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