#i couldn't have gotten it more wrong than disney
abby118 · 7 months
Watching the Loki series is like watching an endless gag reel. It's so bad it's surreal. Loki doesn't feel like Loki. That's not Loki. It's like we're watching Tom Hiddleston just flail and flop around in a bad suit. He reminds me, (and someone else also pointed this out, I can't remember who), of the Edgar suit in Men In Black. And I can't help but wonder if that was a conscious decision Tom made, to act like a possessed, reanimated corpse? We'll never know, of course, but every time I see video clips and gifs, I just see the Edgar suit and if it wasn't so laughable, I could cry.
I completely agree. I couldn't even get through season 1 tbh. And I'd thought ragnarok was bad and out of character...
My advice would be to avoid it completely. I've got the tags blocked, I don't look at the new content and just stick to the original. It truly makes me so sad for the entire fandom, to see such complex and deeply interesting character destroyed and stripped of his very essence. I've been a fan of Loki and the characters from the Thor movies since 2011 and hyperfixated big time. I won't let some disney bullshit ruin that. It helped me through the hardest times of my life and I see parts of myself in the personalities of the characters, having grown up with it being a safe place. It even inspired me to find interest in the norse mythology despite it being so different. I read numerous books and studies on it and I feel like you can catch little glimpses of it in the original franchise.
Sadly, it feels like Tom is so out of touch with who he is supposed to be portraying. I hope this is the result of a contract and not entirely his own input. Although, I'm worried that might be my wishful thinking.
I was studying the soundtrack of Thor 2 the other day and how much thought went into it and it made me weep internally. Brian Tyler studied the characters' personalities and brought that into what he crafted. It was full of care. He even named one track Lokasenna, which if you don't know, is the name of a poem belonging to the poetic Edda and is about the conflict between Loki and the Aesir (asgardians). I also love how the og Thor franchise had the recurrent theme of light & shadow. Returning back to the brian tyler vid- the theme he was talking about is named Shadows of Loki.
Now, compare it with what we got in the last years (sth that feels like a very badly written fanfic). That is just a single example.
For me, the ending of Thor 2 is the end of canon and I am writing my very extensive continuation. It's the best ending we could have gotten in terms of fanwork because it's an open ending. A still in-character-ending.
The series feels wrong, it feels like utter mockery and I'm not here for it. With that said, my blog is a safe space for everyone who feels like this or gets bullied by the new "fanbase" (yes that happens)
Thank you so much for sharing your opinion, I appreciate it more than you know 🖤💚
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halfagone · 1 year
Heya Halfa!
I'm watch Hercules for the first time in a while and something about it made me think about your WonderBat dcdp fic, and gave me an idea to share with you for a fic with Diana being Danny's bio mom, could be WonderBat or not, idk, I'm still very much on a Danny/Jason kick so if it's not WonderBat that's open.
But essentially Danny was adopted by the Fenton's and maybe a checkup with Frostbite has Danny realizing there's more to his powers than being a halfa, but he doesn't know what exactly? So, I'm thinking he just tells the Fentons he wants to find his bio parents, not being out as Phantom, but Idk, and i trust your thoughts.
Basically, just Hercules as inspiration, not trying to stick to its plot, tho doing Dead on Main and Jason as Meg ajfjkshda it would be quite funny
Idk, just had to share this with you, hope it brings you some of the joy the thought brought me!!
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Also have a pic of my roomie's bunny
GOSH I love Disney's Hercules! Hades is an entire mood, and I love him for it. Definitely one of my fave villains ever. But now that you mention the idea...
If we did base it off on bloodlines, where Danny is taken as a child (and like Hercules was taken from his parents in the movie), then we could always make this a Super-Wonder... Wonder-Super? Superman and Wonder Woman ship, but their relationship was very brief. This was before he and Lois had gotten together and got married. And they do canonically date sometimes, and even had a child together in at least one universe, so it wouldn't be super weird.
So basically, Danny grows up a quasi-god (quarter-god? Ugh, that's confusing-) and half-Kryptonian. Except due to his life style and exposure to ectoplasm, his Kryptonian powers don't kick in like a normal half-Kryptonians would. But he does have a measure of super hearing- which gets diagnosed as another symptom of his ADHD later. And he does have freeze-breath! Which is why people aren't super surprised if they catch some cold mist coming out of his mouth when he becomes a halfa, they're pretty sure he's just always been like that?
But for one reason or another, Danny leaves Amity Park for an extended amount of time. Oh! His family takes a vacation to a beach, somewhere nice and sunny. And then Danny gets irritated about something, or maybe there's just a fly bothering him and he glares at it from a distance only to shoot red laser eyes at it and promptly freaks the fuck out. His ectoplasm has never been red before!
He runs off to Frostbite and the Far Frozen as soon as he can, begging for the yeti to help him because there must be something wrong with him! Frostbite is awfully confused at first, and then he asks Danny if he showed any other habits or behaviors before he'd become a halfa. And so Danny explains how he could hear things most people couldn't, but he'd been diagnosed as neurodivergent, and that wasn't exactly uncommon, and then he explained how technology always worked a little funny around him even before his accident and that's why his parents never thought anything was off when their inventions were wonky around him now (he doesn't realize he has lightning manipulation from his bio!mom's side, thus accidentally zapping devices every once in a while), and a handful of other things and it all culminates into this:
Frostbite is pretty sure Danny has never been fully human.
Which would thus lead Danny onto a journey of self-discovery and self-fulfillment and oh yeah, there's a ghost Minotaur that wants to rip his head off his body and they've got a hostage to go along with them. In Danny's opinion, Red Hood makes for a very poor hostage, but he's not about to tell them that either.
I could probably go on eventually, but I adore this idea, so thank you very much for sharing it! :D <3<3<3
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
A Natural
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Sinister Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: Stephen begins teaching the mystic arts to your daughter, and you both ruminate on your current pregnancy.
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - pregnant sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, light dirty talk, pet names, language, creampie, sweet fluffy sex
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"Patience my little sorceress. I know you can do it. It just takes time and practice. Slow down and breathe. Okay? You are already doing much better than when I tried to teach mommy."
You stuck your tongue out at your husband across the room, making your daughter lose her concentration. She erupted in giggles when Stephen copied your silly action. 
You strode towards the pair of them and took a seat on the couch behind where they were practicing. So you and your belly were out of the potential line of magical fire. While daddy and daughter worked on their magic you rubbed your growing pregnant belly and wondered if this child would take more after you or Stephen. 
You knew Stephen wanted them to take after you. That way each of you had a mini me. You kinda wanted another Stephen to be honest. It would be chaotic, but god it would be hysterical. As much as you two had talked about wanting one of each, a boy and a girl, you had your suspicion that Stephen was secretly rooting for another girl. 
He loved having a little girl to dote on. To play princess and tea party with. To watch Disney movies over and over with. To dance with her as if he was the Disney prince. To look at him like he hung the moon. He was a big softie really, despite all outward dark scary appearances, and once you had Donna he became a complete teddy bear.
It didn't take long for you and Stephen to conceive the second time around. Within six months, probably closer to three. The universe seemingly listened loud and clear to the intention once you put it out there. The universe seemed to be doing nothing but encouraging your little family to flourish. Soon you would be far enough along that Stephen would start to be able to sense whether you were adding a boy or another little girl to that family.
You didn't think Stephen could get any happier than the day you gave birth to Donna, until the day you found out you were officially pregnant a second time. He was practically bursting at the seams when you told him you were pregnant again. He literally picked you up and spun you around. Borderline jumping for joy. 
You thought back to the days after you first fell into his world. To when getting him to even say full sentences to you was a stretch. He was a completely different man now. He was still your Stephen though. The man who was so determined to protect you at all costs. Even before he knew you he made it clear he would keep you safe, and he had never once faltered in that promise.
"Well maybe I would have stuck with it if you didn't start kissing me every time I couldn't do it and got upset. That kinda reinforced my wanting to get it wrong."
Stephen came over to where you were sitting and leaned down resting his hands on the bump you were now sporting. Pressing a kiss on the bump before leaning up to press several small kisses and one deeper one on your lips. Your daughter was starting to grow tired of your constant affections for each other. If it was even possible Stephen had gotten more lovey with you since you got pregnant again. 
"Well if I didn't kiss you so much we might not have our little sorceress over here and that little one too. So all in all, I think it was still a win." 
"Ew, can you guys please stop kissing?! I'm trying to practice magic with daddy." 
In addition to starting the basics of regular schooling. Things like starting to read and write. Stephen had also decided that your barely past toddler age daughter was also going to start learning the basics of the mystic arts. Something that despite your apparent latent magical abilities, abilities that managed to rebirth bits and pieces of your universe, you had crashed and burned at. You never got beyond a few small sparks.
Stephen turned back to Donna but left both hands on your belly. You knew he was gonna try to bargain his way into a few more kisses. You could tell it was one of those days he would be all over you. After putting Donna to bed you were sure that he would want some frisky time. The fact that you were starting to show drove him absolutely bananas. Seeing your belly full with his baby was an aphrodisiac like nothing else for him. He practically drooled when he saw you naked. You kinda loved it. It made you like your changing body instead of worrying about it.
"I want two more good kisses from mama and I'll give you an extra 5 minutes of magic practice. Okay?" 
"Just two?" You questioned, already not believing him.
"For now."
He quirked his eyebrows at you with a devilish look in his eyes before he moved in to place his last two kisses on your lips. The first one was just a little deeper and longer than it needed to be. The second one ending with a little lick along your bottom lip, clearly indicating that he had plans for you later. You gave him a little wink that you knew your daughter wouldn't catch, letting him know you were game for whatever he intended for the two of you later.
"Alright teacher, don't keep your star student waiting. The flunkie will just sit here and watch. Maybe this one will learn through osmosis."
You patted your belly and that made his eyes light up a little extra. He hadn't thought about making sure your unborn baby was exposed to his magic lessons too! It made sense. It was common for people to expose their unborn children to classical music in utero. Why not magic? He was gonna have to make sure you were around for more of these magic lessons. Just in case.
He turned his attention back to Donna and moved behind her, helping to position her hands. He had crafted a small sling ring for her that was frankly the cutest thing you had ever seen. They were both taking this very seriously, even if she probably wouldn't be capable of much magic for a couple more years. 
"You've been hearing and seeing these spells since you were months old. I know you know them. Deep breath, and focus."
He took a deep breath with her and then let go of her shoulders to let her do the hand motions on her own. You watched in surprise when after a few more attempts you saw the first few orange gold sparks appear from her small fingers. Your hands flew up to cover your mouth in shock. Stephen had trouble containing his giddiness. He was trying so hard to stay in teacher mode and not go full proud parent. 
It didn't stop Donna from jumping up and down, bouncing in a circle excitedly. It appeared that her father was right. She was going to be a natural sorceress.
Your husband entered the room and quickly wrapped his arms around you from behind. Rubbing your baby bump with both hands and burrowing his face into your neck. Purring as he held you close. This time, knowing you were pregnant from the very start, he was making sure to note all the small little things that changed about you as well as the big things. For example, your scent had changed. It was something he noticed a few weeks after you took the test that came back positive. You started to smell sweeter and warmer. A little bit more musky. Normally your scent had a bit of crispness to it, almost a citrus bite. Now it was like that citrus had ripened to it's peak. 
He was also paying very close attention to every tiny bit your body grew. He had been the one to notice the first time your bump had become visible, even before you caught it. He didn't let you sleep at all that night. He just couldn't keep his hands off of you for longer than 10 mins at a time. You really didn't think you would have been so happy to see your body change so drastically if you didn't have a partner who embraced it so much.
He had started leaving small kisses along your skin and it wasn't long before they turned from sweet pecks to heated love nips. His favorite time of the day was when he got to steal a few moments alone with you and he always tried to make the most of them. He had just put Donna to bed and now all his attention could be lavished onto you. He loved being a father, but you were the thing that his world revolved around. The true center of his universe. 
You couldn't help but crane your neck and let your head tilt to the side a little to give your husband better access to the smooth warm skin he was seeking. He quickly took advantage of it and let his teeth nip at a spot just below your jaw prompting you to inhale sharply through your nose. He licked at the spot tenderly to soothe it before taking it in his teeth again. Just to make sure. Even if he couldn't leave marks all over your neck like he used to, unless he wanted your daughter asking all sorts of questions, he still liked to leave one little one here or there. 
Even if you were currently bearing the most obvious and beautiful mark he could ever leave on you. Your growing pregnant belly. Slowly becoming more visible day by day. Until you could hold your new little baby in your arms and he could drown you both, and Donna, in even more love than he thought his heart could give. His little family. After that he wanted to mark you that way all over again. Keep adding to your family until the Sanctum ran out of rooms.
"Do you know how much I love you my darling wife? How much I adore and worship you? How I would move heaven and Earth and the entire multiverse for you?"
"You don't have to lay it on quite so thick Stephen. I thought from earlier you already knew you were gonna get lucky tonight."
"Doesn't matter. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you. Every little thing about you. How grateful I am that you came into my life. Even how utterly terrible you are at the mystic arts. Everything. Because you are the reason for our magical little girl, and this little magic being. The fact that I get to make love to you is just the icing on the cake. Even if you never let me fuck you again I would still worship at your feet." 
"Well I think we both know I'm never going to stop letting you fuck me Stephen Strange, and hey not everybody can be a natural wizard like you. You are just lucky our daughter takes after her incredibly gifted and amazing father.”
His eyes narrowed at you through the mirror when you called him a wizard. You knew the title drove him up the wall when you did that, which made it one of the funnest things to do. It was one of the ways you liked to poke and tease him about the most. You were trying to hold back a grin when he put on his best scary and sinister face. A look that had no doubt sent chills through many, but for you it just made the butterflies he gave you start to flit through your stomach faster. 
“You are lucky you are the wife and mother of two, soon to be three, powerful sorcerers, love. Otherwise calling me a wizard would have dire consequences.”
Without any warning he scooped you up and carried you over to the bed. Letting you fall and bounce somewhat unceremoniously upon landing on the soft mattress, amid the fluffy blankets and covers. He grabbed your ankle and yanked you over to the side of the bed. You were too busy trying to cover your mouth to keep your yelps and laughter down to a volume Donna wouldn't hear to do much but wiggle in fake protest. Playfully swatting at his chest as he threw himself on top of you, making sure to be mindful of your belly, and descended on you smothering you in kisses. 
After a few sloppy excited kisses on both of your cheeks your lips finally met. The kiss was sweet and playful but still full of passion and desire. The feel of one of Stephen's hands coming to brush against your cheek making you press farther into his touch. His lips curled into a smile against yours as he continued his kisses. He loved feeling how you responded to his touch. You had never shied away from him. 
After a few more moments you were growing impatient with the slow lazy tempo Stephen had set. Your pregnancy hormones made your libido stronger, and the two of you had enough trouble getting enough of each other even before. To try and communicate your need for more you nipped at his bottom lip and arched your back to press your breasts tighter against his chest. You craved the feeling of his body on yours. Your breath getting quicker. 
He chuckled teasingly as you whined when he pulled away. He loved knowing that you were just as needy for him as he always was for you. Especially since now that you were showing he knew he had been near insatiable. He always worried about whether you were just trying to appease him. He knew you loved him, but his mind always liked to try and play tricks on him. Perhaps it was a lingering effect of the Darkhold, but he always worried in the back of his mind that he would never be worthy of the life you had given him. Feeling your body respond to him, your love and want for him, soothed those fears. 
"Seems like someone is feeling a little needy. What got you riled up? Hmm?"
"You know I love watching you do magic. Watching your hands and fingers, seeing you so confident. Then you come in here and get all lovey. You can't be surprised at what you do to me Stephen."
"Well, an incredibly sexy, beautiful, amazing woman did tell me I was a natural with magic. Of course she did also call me a wizard, knowing full well the correct term is sorcerer. Good thing I'm crazy about her." 
You gazed into Stephen's sparkling blue eyes as he smiled down at you. His body had settled on the bed beside you, staying pressed tight to you. The hand that wasn't at your face running up and down your side. Each pass letting the night shirt you were wearing creep higher up the side of your hip. His fingertips now making contact with the soft warm skin he loved so much. 
"Good thing indeed, because she is crazy about you." 
His lips lowered to yours again in a loving caress. Stopping in between kisses to nuzzle his face against yours. His heart fluttering every time his facial hair tickled you and made you giggle. He let himself melt into your kiss and let his body mold to yours, pulling your leg up to wrap around his hip when both your arms looped around his neck. Soft little moans starting to sneak past both of your lips as you drank each other in. Each noise spurring the other on, wanting to pull more from the other. 
Eventually your hands skimmed along the neck of his tunic and robes, starting to pull them loose from his body. Another whine of protest coming from you when he pulled away from your mouth to rid himself of his boots and the top half of his robes. Your pout disappeared as the smooth pale expanse of his chest came into clear view. The sinew of lean muscle on his back was visible as he turned to throw his clothes to the side. You couldn't take your eyes off of his as you watched him undress. Unable to find the desire to strip yourself when you could just watch him. He was beautiful. Everything about him was beautiful.
You felt your cheeks flush as he turned and looked at you while moving to start removing his pants. His gaze darkening when he saw you sheepishly try to hide the hormone driven blush on your cheeks. He knew what he was doing to you and he was loving every second of it. After getting the button and zipper of his pants undone he crawled back on top of you, spreading your legs so he could settle his weight between them and kissed you with a renewed hunger. Nipping at your lips when he felt your arms loop around his waist and over his low back. Your palms pressing into him as you let your hands slide under the fabric of his pants and grab at his ass. 
The feel of his skin through the fabric of his boxers quickly stopped being enough for you. So just as quickly as you had grabbed a hold of his ass you let go, only to swiftly slide them past the elastic of his underwear to once again dig your nails into his strong backside. Both layers of fabric starting to slide down more the tighter you cling to him. The elastic band now pressing against the base of his quickly hardening cock making him thrust forward against you. A groan coming from both of you at the friction he created. 
You needed to feel all of him. At times his touch felt like a drug. One hit to your system only made you crave more. So you didn't have to let go of him with your hands, you started trying to push his pants and boxers down with your feet. After a little bit of struggling you succeeded in shoving both layers down to his knees. The feel of his cock being freed making him gasp against your neck in between kisses.
Stephen pulled away and rolled beside you on the bed to finish getting his pants off, leaving him completely naked. You gazed at his nude form and practically purred at how sexy he was. How sexy your naked husband, the father of your babies was. You started rubbing at your belly as you got up on your knees, thinking about the fact that he put that baby there. The way he looked at you made you feel so sexy and wanted. You could feel his eyes on you as you pulled your night shirt over your head and threw it to the side. Your breasts and belly now on full display, leaving you in just your panties.
As you took your top off Stephen couldn't help but start to stroke himself a few times. He wanted you, he needed you. He beckoned you to come crawl on his lap before you could do anything else. Tonight he wanted to watch as you rode him.
As you crawled over and got on top of him, Stephen made a small wave of his hand and your panties magically disappeared. 
"That's cheating you know."
A shit eating grin appeared on his face. He started running his hands up your legs, from your knees to your hips. Then letting them cradle your belly before moving up to cup your breasts, letting his thumbs strum over your nipples. 
"Oh but I thought you liked watching me use magic. Watching my hands and fingers. Although there are much better things I can be doing with them."
 He let his fingers curl around your ribs and urged you to lean forward, lowering your chest so your breasts were right in his face. After a quick nuzzle in between them he took one nipple in his mouth. His tongue circled it until he felt it stiffen before licking and sucking on it. Then he repeated the actions on your other breast. After he finished lavishing your breasts with attention he moved back up your neck to your lips. Kissing you deeply and letting his tongue lick over yours adding to the heat and tension. 
"Ride me baby. Wanna watch you ride my cock. Use me to make yourself feel good darling."
He moved one hand down between your bodies as you lifted your hips to position the tip of his cock against your entrance. You immediately started sliding down on him. Moaning when you felt your hole starting to stretch around him. Taking him in a little bit before pulling back up and pushing down again and going a little bit farther. Working to pull every ounce of pleasure from that first delicious penetration. From that first delicious stretch that made you feel so full. Once you had bottomed out and had taken all of his cock inside you, you stopped your motions. Letting both of you bask in the feeling. 
Stephen brought his hands to your hips and started urging you to roll your hips forward to grind your pelvic bone against his, aiming to start stimulating your clit. You happily obliged. You loved that he tried to put your pleasure first most of the time, even when he was feeling greedy. He got off on seeing you shaking and moaning his name. So you let him start to grind your hips against him, bringing your hands to the sides of his head and leaning down to kiss him. 
Once you could tell you were getting closer to orgasm and felt the ball of heat growing in your low belly you urged his hands down to your thighs letting you sit up straight. Placing your hands over his you started to lift your body up and down on his cock. Moving teasingly slowly at first so you could feel each vein on his cock as you moved. Carefully starting to build your speed and force as you started to bounce faster. Pulling yourself up higher and moving your hands to his thighs, leaning back to make sure Stephen got a view of his cock sliding in and out of you. Making sure he could see the way your slick glistened on his skin, the way you had drenched his cock. 
He was hypnotized as he watched you. You looked like a goddess in the flesh. His very own goddess carrying his child. Seeing your growing belly as you rode him made his head spin. Every bounce of your body had him teetering on the edge of his control. He could feel his balls pulling closer to his body and knew he wasn't going to last much longer, but he had to get you there first. He had to. This was non-negotiable in his mind. 
Pulling one hand free from your grasp he licked his thumb and quickly brought it back down to start stroking your clit. His initial touch of the sensitive spot making your mouth fall open and your eyes fall shut.  He grinned to himself as he started circling and stroking the nerve filled bundle, listening for just the right noise that meant he found that perfect spot on your clit. While he did he repositioned himself with his feet flat on the bed, starting to thrust his hips up gently to meet yours. When you started whimpering and your bounces on him started losing their rhythm he started urging you on with sweet praises.
"That's it, love. I love watching you fall apart for me. Love feeling your pussy squeeze me so tight when you cum on my cock. I will never get tired of making you cum. So beautiful and so fucking perfect. Cum for me baby, just let go. Love you so much." 
When he felt your cunt start to flutter around him he took over the thrusting, but didn't stop his ministrations on your clit. You let the warm energetic pulse in the pit of your belly take over as your own movements slowed. Letting the electric wave of your orgasm sweep through your body out to your fingers and toes. Your head dropping back and a deep satisfied groan coming from your chest. 
Once the feeling waned and you floated back down to reality, you smiled at the man below you. Lowering your chest down to his and running your fingers into his hair as you kissed him over and over, whispering to him in between kisses. Pressing Your hips back to meet his thrusts with a faster and harder repetition. Wanting to work him to his climax just as he worked you to yours.
"I love you too Stephen. You make me feel so good. Want to make you feel just as good. Wanna make you cum baby. Love to feel you cum in me. Fill me up Stephen. Give me everything."
His hips picked up to a pounding speed as you coaxed him on. Strained groans falling from his lips and his eyebrows furrowed. A deep growl coming from him as you felt him tip over the edge and start to fill you. Feeling his cock throb inside you over and over until you were practically leaking with his seed.  For another moment he didn't let you move off of him. Wanting to stay in that moment, suspended in time, for as long as he could.
Eventually he let you move to clean yourself and him up before crawling back in bed next to him. You knew he hadn't taken his eyes off of you the entire time. He only relaxed again once you had snuggled back into his arms and he felt you relax with a deep exhale. Exchanging whispered "I love yous", before the weight of sleep took hold.
He held you tight in his arms and watched as you fell into a heavy sleep. Yeah you may have been shit at the mystic arts, but you had a magic that was all you own. A magic that Stephen wasn't sure he would ever fully understand, but he was okay with that as long as he could continue to bask in it with you. 
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marinerainbow · 1 year
So... I've finally listened to the whole soundtrack of 'Six: the Musical'. And I want to post more of my work here.
So, taking inspiration from @slashingdisneypasta drabble set, here are imagines of the six wives, but with Disney Villains and different Y/N's.
TW warning: If you know anything about the musical or the history, you probably already know the warnings in this. Death, jealousy, infidelity, sexual references, attempted murder, actual murder, and trauma. You have been warned.
Claude Frollo - No Way
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(I'm not entirely sure if this is historically accurate, I tried to find more information but couldn't. But we're here to have fun, we aren't in history class, so I'm ignoring it.)
You must agree that, baby, in all the time I've been by your side
I've never lost control, no matter how many times I knew you lied
Have my golden rule gotta keep my cool, yeah, baby
Frollo wasn't a priest, no matter how much he liked to carry himself as one. As such, he, just like everyone else, had to get married. And you, Y/N, had the 'honor' of becoming his spouse years ago.
On the outside, you two seemed to be an unstoppable pair: the cruel judge, and his cold, unassuming wife. But that couldn't have been more wrong.
No one has the curse of knowing this awful man like you do. Not even Quasimodo, the poor boy who you wish you could grant his dreams, knows of all the atrocities this man thinks up in his narrow-veiwed mind. The gypsies that are hunted down by him know too much, but at least they can voice their own protests.
You, however, must suffer in silence. All for God's will to have the wife subservient to her husband. Frollo loved to throw that one in your face constantly. Even though you read and quote the same damn scriptures he does.
I've put up with your sh- like every single day
But now it's time to shh and listen to what I have to say
Your only friend and ally in all this is the archdeacon. He, like you, is all too aware of Frollo's sins. But, just like you, there is little to nothing he can do about it. All he can do, is tell you when your husband is back on his shit again.
And you, even though you desperately want to knock that old fool off of his pedestal, know you can't. He is the judge, and you are just married to him. He is the one with all the power here, and all you can do is stay humble and loyal, like any good wife should do.
That was, until you heard of a certain woman who caught his eye.
You must think that I'm crazy, you wanna replace me
baby there's n-n-n-n-n-n-no way
If you think for a moment I'd grant you annulment
Just hold up, there's n-n-n-n-n-n-no way
Even though you two haven't shared a bed in years- yes literal years, you still know that look in your husband's eye when he wants something. And you knew that he didn't want to burn Esmerelda at the stake.
Or maybe he did, since of course he would blame her for his sinful desires. Of course it's not his fault that he not only wants to sleep with the Romanian woman, but wanted to sleep with someone who wasn't wearing his ring.
There were many times, you admit, that you should have tried to intervene. Quasimodo and his mother were one of them. But you were so used to just focusing on your own safety and appearance that you had never gotten involved in his affairs. But the night you overheard Frollo, practically screaming into his fireplace, "Let her be mine, and mine alone!" was when you finally had enough.
You got me down on my knees, please tell me what you think I've done wrong
Been humble, been loyal, I've tried to swallow my pride all along
If you can just explain a single thing I've done to cause you pain, I'll go
All the years you held your tongue, all the years of built up rage had spilled out of your mouth that night like a broken dam. If Frollo was the burning fire, you were the raging storm.
Not only was he going to pursue- if you could call it that- another woman while you have been nothing but loyal to him, but he also carries himself to be even greater than your own cathedral. How he constantly blamed everyone else. Why? Why did he see himself as entitled to all this? What did he ever do that made him above God's will? What did you ever do to him that made him think he could just do what he pleased while you swallowed your own pride?
But fine. If he can give you one reason, just one, where he has the right to drag an innocent woman down with him, and even go so far as to blame God for his own desires, then you'll let him continue his buisness like normal, and you will wait for him at home like you always do.
No? You've got nothing to say?
I'm not going away
You made me a wife, so I'll be queen 'til the end of my life
Of course, you're not surprised when he just gives you the same speech about how everyone was at fault but himself. So, in his own language, he had no reason.
He promises he'll deal with you later, before heading out to go find Esmerelda. Being sure to lock you in the same room so you couldn't warn anybody. And of course, no matter how loud you screamed or pounding on the door, no one came to help you.
You got the front row seat to watching the dancers' trial. You got to watch in horror as Notre Dam threatened to be burnt to the ground, and feel proud of the deformed boy finally standing up to his 'master'. And, hours later, when your good friend the archdeacon finally finds you, you can barely contain the relieved smile on your lips when he informs you of your new status as the corrupt judges widow.
Gaston - Don't Lose Ur Head
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(This one gets a double warning since it's a bit... uh... Well... This song made my inner bitch unleash. So this imagine is going to get extra spicy (I'm shocked but also kind of proud of myself, ngl))
He wanted me, obviously, messaging me like everyday
Couldn't be better, then he sent me a letter and who am I kidding
I was prêt-à-manger
When you moved into the little French town, it didn't take long for all the villagers to notice you. Especially the boys. You were the next most beautiful girl in town after some other gal named Belle, so obviously they wanted you. Though quite frankly, you found them all boring, or gross. Haven't these people heard of dentures??
You were starting to lose hope of finding a night of fun in this town... Until you saw him. The one and only hero of this quiet little town, Gaston. You saw him, and you knew that he was going to be this villages saving grace for you.
And you knew damn well he wanted you too. Gaston isn't exactly the kind of guy to hold back.
Ooh, sent a reply
Ooh, just saying hi
Ooh, you're a nice guy
I'll think about it, maybe, X.O baby~
His ego was annoying, yes. How he just expected you to fall in his arms made you roll your eyes, even if you did want him to shove you onto the nearest surface and hike up your skirt. But hey, why not use it as an opportunity to play a game of cat and mouse? After all, he is a hunter; surely, he could recognize a good chase.
Just like any hunter worth his salt, he followed the tracks you left for him, finding all the signs you were close by, but just out of his sight where he had to keep trudging through to find you... Just before you'd slip away. What? Did he really think the new girl was going to make this easy for him?
It's only when you let him come closer, let him stroll into your home like he owns the damn place muttering about how you've "Finally learnt your place~", do you let him touch you... All night... Many times... And a lot of broken furniture.
Needless to say, Gaston decided that you were too good to just be a one and done lay. He was going to come back for you, and you knew it.
I didn't know I would move in with his misses
What? Get a life!
You're living with his wife?
Like, what was I meant to do?
Unfortunately though, this definitely caught the whole towns attention, especially all the ladies. And, in a small town, gossip and rumors spread like wildfire.
Suddenly, you heard people talking about you behind your back. Did they seriously think you were deaf!? And now, you hear that some people are jealous- both of Gaston and you, while others were confused. Wasn't Gaston seeing Belle? Were you some sort of mistress?
Oh, hell no! You don't want to be part of some threesome. You don't want to be the other woman. And after talking to this Belle, you know she has no interest either, in both an open relationship and Gaston himself.
Well, now that Belle filled you in on what was really going on- she's such a sweet gal. Maybe you should invite her over after you buy new furniture- you had no qualms with finding Gaston, in the middle of town, and ripping him a whole new one in front of everyone. And all he could do was stare at you dumbfounded as you did the one thing people in this town should have done a long time ago. It was either Belle- and she wasn't an option since she wanted no part in this- or you. And you weren't going to settle for half.
Uh-Oh! Here we go, your comic went viral
I didn't really mean it but rumours spiral
Wow, Anne Y/N, way to make the country hate you
Mate, what was I meant to do?
And now, everyone thinks you're the bitch. You can see it in their eyes. But you don't care. All you do is huff and turn on your heel to head home. You don't even notice the plotting look in the hunters eyes.
A few days later, Gaston actually comes knocking on your door, dressed in his finest, and asking you to marry him? Is he serious? Glancing out your window, you see nearly the whole town gathered in your front lawn with a band, cake, and pure white decor, complete with some crying bridesmaids.
... Yup. He was serious. Looks like that talking to you gave him really made him finally realize he couldn't have Belle. But you didn't expect to just get married straight away! Though you have to admit, the idea does have some merit. Maybe this town will stop talking about you if they know you two are officially an item.
That and, as much as he is a jackass, he's still one of the best lays you've ever had. You'd never have a dull night again.
So, ignoring the feeling in your gut that this was a bad idea, you go put on your best dress, lock arms with Gaston, and mentally prepare yourself for the wedding day you didn't think you'd have.
Henry's Gaston's out every night on the town
Just sleeping around, like what the hell?
If that's how it's gonna be, maybe I'll flirt with a guy or three
Just to make him jell!
Oh, you knew there was something going on between Gaston and those blonde triplets!
In hindsight, you probably should have realized that marrying Gaston would have a load of problems for yourself... But that doesn't make you any less pissed. Especially since he's still harassing Belle! In front of you! And when confronted, all he claims is that, obviously, why wouldn't he want the two most lovely girls in town?
Obviously, that leaves Belle disgusted even more, and you infuriated. You didn't give up your freedom just for him to keep acting like he owned you and your new friend. You were far too angry to even consider that maybe flirting with some of the guys at the bar in front of your husband wasn't the greatest idea on your part... What!? What were you meant to do!?
And, of course, that just leads to you being tossed into your own home and getting into your first lovers quarrel.
Henry finds out and he goes mental
He screams and shouts, like so judgemental
You damned witch! Mate, just shut up!
I wouldn't be such a bi- if you could get it up
Oh yeah. You said that. And he was not happy. Not. At. All.
The man you call your husband screams and shouts, his temper tantrum able to make the whole house shake from his sheer size alone. You don't back down though, and when he realizes this, all he does is storm back out. No doubt to his tavern. You don't follow though, you choose to just stay at home and take your own frustrations out on one of your pillows.
By the next morning though, the whole village has heard Gaston's exaggerated side of the story. And of course, everyone blames you. After all, Gaston was the hero! How could you betray his trust like this?? No one even considers the fact- or just doesn't care- that he's just as, if not more, guilty as you.
Great. Your life is ruined. All because you wanted to get a head.
Maleficent - Heart of Stone
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(I know there are probably other villains who would fit this one better, but Mal is one of my favorites and I love the idea of her getting mad at herself for falling in love so I'm treating myself)
You came my way, and I knew a storm could come too. You'd lift me high, or let me fall
But I took your hand, promised I'd withstand any blaze you blew my way
'Cause something inside, it solidified, and I knew I'd always stay
You were a... Strange mortal, definitely. You were kind and curious, yes, but you had always been drawn to the darker side of the world. It made you the outcast in your village, but you didn't care. It wasn't like you were casting hexes on others, you were just enjoying your interests.
And when you ran into the mistress of all evil herself while on a trek in the forest, you weren't afraid of her. Even when she tried to scare you off, all you did was keep your cool and smile, too intrigued to go away.
You didn't know it then, but it reminded her of herself, centuries ago, before she became the dark fairy she is today. That was enough to let her spare you and just walk the other way instead, her irritation coming back when you just followed her, continuing to ask questions and just being a general nuisance. It got to the point that she just chose to teleport back to her castle, leaving you behind.
You can build me up, you can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best, but I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakeable
This continued for so long. You were determined to get through Maleficient and her hard shell, and would constantly look for her in the forest. No matter what, you kept strong-willed, even when she would try to test your patience with her trickery and wickedness.
Fortunately, somehow, you won her heart. Even Maleficient was confused and honestly quite furious that you managed to break through her. Her. She wasn't a sweet little fairy who wanted nothing more than to love and be loved, and she could very easily break you... But she didn't.
When the fire's burnt, when the wind has blown
When the water's dried, you'll still find stone
My heart of stone
It wasn't long before Maleficent 'brought' you from your village to live with her. It'd be more accurate to say she whisked you away, but you don't mind. You didn't want to stay in the village anyway.
It was definitely an odd time of adjustment for her. She was used to only having Diablo for company- unless you count her army of goblins and imps- and she was perfectly fine with that. But now, she has to find a way to actually take care of her little mortal.
No matter what though, Maleficient kept you 'hidden away' so to speak. You weren't imprisoned, obviously, but she just preferred to keep her life with you separate from the rest. At least for now, while she was still getting the hang of this 'love' thing.
You were fine with that, even if you did want to know more about her magic and schemes. You're just happy to have won over your dark beloved. It was like a dream come true for you; living in a magical place, with the most beautiful and dangerous woman by your side... Though you had to admit, there was one more wish you had.
You say we're perfect, a perfect family
You hold us close, for the world to see
And when I say you're the only one I've ever loved, I mean those words truthfully
Eventually, when you told her you wanted a child, she was skeptical. She's already pushing herself with a lover, but a family? Especially a mortal family who will just pass while she lives on? Absolutely not. Not in her castle. You may be her lover, but she's still the queen of this castle.
But, she does love you. You're the only person she actually wants to see happy. It took a long time, but you were able to get her to see the appeal of starting a family. After all, if you can sneak your way into this fairy's heart, anything is possible.
But you are absolutely not letting her kidnap a child and replacing it with a changeling. You want kids, but you didn't want to rip them away from their own family. She knows a thing or two about magic. Surely there's some way you two could have your own child? Maleficent at first scoffed at the notion; she's never heard of anything like that, and she's an expert in this sort of thing. But fine, she'll investigate, just so she can rub it in your face how right she is.
Her smug aura practically vanishes, and is replaced with your own, when she finds out that yes! There is indeed a spell that allows you two to have a baby together magically... "Alright, Y/N, wipe that smile off of your face, we have a youngling to create. Come on."
Soon I'll have to go
I'll never see him grow
But I hope my son will know he'll never be alone
She insisted though that you would be the child's vessel until it was ready to be born. Or, to translate, you'll be the one pregnant. What? Did you really expect her to take this job?
You are nervous about it, though, especially as the due date nears. You just can't shake this terrible feeling. Though Maleficient always quells your worries. She's a master of her craft, no spell has yet to have failed on her. Yes, this is new to her too, but what could go wrong? All you are doing is carrying a magical child inside you for nine or so months.
All the times she's brushed your worries aside, all the times she's dismissed your 'visions', Maleficent comes to regret all of it, when on the day of your child's birth, your heart beat comes to a stop.
'Cause like a river runs dry and leaves it's scars behind
I'll be by your side
'Cause my love is set in stone
She did all she could, using whatever enchantment she knew to bring your soul back to your body as your son wailed in a basket for one of his mothers. Even she was almost worked into tears when she finally realized she had lost you for good. And she had no one to blame but herself.
Maleficent though, doesn't mourn for long. She has a new life to care for, the last bit of you there is in this world. There's no time for her heart to crumble. And so, the dark fairy takes on the task of raising your child alone.
Jafar - Get Down
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(For the sake of argument, let's just say Jafar won in the universe of this imagine)
Sittin' here all alone, on a throne
In a palace that I happen to own
When the sorcerer finally took his rightful place on the throne, his first act of business was to get rid of Jasmine and the former sultan permanently. To ensure no one could take away what he worked so hard to gain. And he kept Razoul, along with some new, more competent soldiers, to ensure that street rat wouldn't be able to take one step into the palace if he somehow survived the Arctic.
In every sense of the word, Jafar had won. And now, he could get started on shaping Agrabah as he deemed fit. But, first things first, he needed a wife. And he knew exactly who had in mind.
Bring me some pheasant keep it on the bone
Fill my goblet up to the brim
Sippin' on mead and I spill it on my dress with the gold lace trim
Not very prim and proper, can't make me stop
Y/N. The queen of a kingdom far away. Jafar had seen your portrait years ago during his travels, and had heard so much about you. You were considered the most beautiful in your land, and had riches and power beyond anyones wildest imagination. And of course, the ambitious sorcerer wanted you for himself.
He had tried to convince the Sultan to form an alliance with you, claiming it was for the benefit of the whole kingdom, but really, it was just for his own lustful gain. But that old fool decided his toys were more important, and the former vizier had been left fantazing about the queen, swearing to himself once he was the ruler, Y/N would be his first act of buisness.
Well, no better time then the present, yes?
I wanna go hunting, any takers?
I'm not fake 'cause I've got acres and acres, paid for with my own riches
Where my hounds at? Release the bitches
And so, you received a letter, detailing an invitation to Agrabah from the new Sultan, making it clear he was looking for his own Sultana and wanted you. You yourself had heard of the kingdom, but never held enough interest to venture out there, especially when you heard of the childish king. But now, this Jafar is enough to pique your interest. How he somehow gained the throne without having to marry or be of royal blood was definitely impressive. Not to mention he wasn't exactly bad looking in the picture he sent.
After some discussion with your royal advisor, you decided to at least check it out. If you chose to marry him, great. If not, at least you get a good vacation. So you sent a reply to him, promising to be there within a weeks time.
Head back for a round of croquet, yeah
'Cause I'm a player
And tomorrow, I'll hit replay
Jafar had been quite pleased. It seems like everything was falling in place for him. Of course, he made sure to prepare for your arrival, making sure the servants set up your lavish chambers perfectly and even going out of his way to buy ingredients for dishes from your own kingdom. He was going to make sure you at least agreed to an alliance.
Neither of you once thought that this could have been too good to be true. And you could tell he thought this exactly when he first set eyes on you in the flesh.
You, you said that I tricked ya
'Cause I, I didn't look like my profile picture?
Too, too bad I don't agree, so I'm gonna hang it up for everyone to see
And you can't stop me 'cause
"... Quite humorous. Now, where is the real Queen?" Was the very first words that came out of his mouth when he saw you. And your servants already knew where this was going.
Oh no he did not just say that to you!
Even though you kept your royal air and dignity about you, the cold look in your eyes told everyone that you were not taking this insult lightly. You were gifted with a silver tongue yourself; you always knew how to cut into someone deep, and you were not afraid of a man who could shoot sparks from his silly little staff.
I'm the queen of the castle!
Get down, you dirty rascal!
Of course, Jafar didn't like what you said about him, even if it was the truth. The servants of both royals were terrified as they watched them practically try to murder the other with their glares, hoping not to get caught in the crossfire.
However, he too knew how to keep his cool when it was necessary. He's had to have done it for years under his former employment. The last thing he needed right now was to start a war all because little Y/N lost her own cool. Yes, he could easily win it with his powers, but his main objective was to form a treaty with you, not lose what could benefit his own kingdom greatly.
So, he manages to stop himself from summoning his powers. Though he makes it clear that marriage was no longer on the table at this point. You traveled this far though, so he'll generously let you and your entourage stay to refresh yourselves, and he'll still discuss business with you, but there would be no pleasure.
which, at this rate, was perfectly fine with you.
Let me explain
I'm a Wienerschnitzel, not an English flower
No one tells me I need a rich man
Doin' my thing in my palace in Richmond!
It's not that you were insecure. You knew you were beautiful. You knew that you were the one in charge. It was how this man invited you into his home and had the gall to say that to you. This man who had to claw his way to the throne felt like he had the right to insult you? You weren't going to let that go.
Fortunately, for him, though, he was able to convince you to at least consider an allegiance. You didn't like his attitude at all, but the idea did seem to have potential. Besides, you didn't want to risk some deranged magician trying to take over your kingdom.
So, you agreed to be his ally, and then set off for home after fine tuning the agreement, making sure he wouldn't be able to take advantage of any loopholes.
You were still an unmarried woman by the end of the day, but hey, you like it that way anyway.
Evil Queen Grimhilda - All You Wanna Do
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I think we can all agree, I'm the ten amongst these threes
And ever since I was a child, I made the boys go wild
I was young, it's true, but even then I knew
The only thing you wanna do is...
You always seemed to lure in the wrong kind of attention. You were 'gifted' with beauty, as your own mother put it, and as such, you had countless suitors over the years.
Though none of them treated you right. None of them cared for the woman behind the pretty face. They all seemed to think they had a right to your body, whether they'd try to force themselves on you or try to buy your affections.
And, unfortunately, you had to learn it the hard way.
Made me a lady in waiting
Hurled me and my family up in the world
Gave me duties in court, and he she swears it's true, that without me, he she doesn't know what he'd she'd do
It was shortly after the Kings mysterious passing did you meet the new Queen. She was looking for a new handmaid, and your family insisted you apply, despite the fact that it was clear that Grimhilda wasn't exactly pure of heart.
Miraculously, she doesn't get envious of your beauty and chooses to hire you instead of the countless other women who applied. She kept you close by her side, you helped her in every way she needed and then some. You didn't question her, unlike the majority of her court, and you did exactly as she asked you to.
It was mostly because you didn't want to put a target on your back, but still.
You were a hard worker, and it definitely didn't hurt that you were quite beautiful- not as beautiful as her, obviously, and that just made it even better to the queen.
You say I'm what you need
All you want, we both agree
This is the place for me
I'm finally where I'm meant to be
Even though you had been reluctant at first, you now knew you made the right choice. Yes, you had questioned your morality many times, but this was the best place you could be; on the good graces of the evil Queen, and on your own. You didn't have to worry about anyone trying to hurt you here.
Then he she starts saying all this stuff
He She cares so much, he she calls me love
He She says we have this connection
I guess it's not so different...
Though of course, tranquility can't last forever. You realized this when Grimhilda had called you to her throne room and gave you an offer you couldn't really refuse.
She truly was a snake. She knew how to lure you in with the promises of love and care. Something you imagine she must have done with the previous king.
Still though, even if you didn't want her, she wanted you. And when the evil Queen says it's you, than it's you.
You two were eloped shortly after. No wedding, though. Two women marrying would have caused an uproar. So in the publics eye, you were still her handmaid. No one knew of the way the Queen held you close at night, or how you would get down on your knees for her, "As any spouse of mine should."
With Henry Hilda, it isn't easy
His her temper's short, and his her mates are sleazy
Except for this one courtier
He's a really nice guy, just so sincere
It didn't take long though for this relationship to wear you out. Grimhilda was still as cold as ice, and the people she conducts business with aren't exactly the most upstanding of people. Just because you became her consort, didn't mean that she was going to suddenly become selfless and compassionate. You knew it, but... Still.
You did find one friend, though. The Queen's own huntsman, in fact. You had seen him before, you don't quite know how long he's been under Grimhilda's 'employment'. But one evening, while your wife was in her laboratory, you decided to make conversation with him. And that was the beginning of your first genuine friendship.
This guy finally
Is what I want, the friend I need
Just mates, no chemistry, I get him and he gets me
And there's nothing more to it
He just cares so much, he's devoted
You two practically became two peas in a pod. Whenever you two weren't carrying out her evil deeds or entertaining her, you both could be found together, chatting away about your previous and current lives in the halls or gardens. He even taught you how to use a dagger so you could defend yourself if need be.
Now, this is what you needed. All you ever wanted was just a nice friend you could lean on. You didn't need a marriage, you didn't need a lover, you just needed someone who truly cared.
But then... When the two of you are alone...
He says we have a connection...
No... No no no no! Why!? He knew you were married, it didn't matter if it was ultimately loveless! He knew your troubles with men before! Why would he even say this!?
I thought this time was different!
Why did I think he'd be different?
But it's never, ever different!
The huntsman seemed to realize his mistake when he saw the tears fill your eyes. He tries to comfort you, even when you tried pushing you away. Even after what he said, the two of you were still friends, and he reassures you he would go if you really wanted him to.
You should have ordered him to leave. You should have stormed away. You should have done anything else. But when you saw the true care in his eyes, and how he was willing to set his own desires aside for you, all you could do is break down and cry in his arms. Both because you still had your friend, and the fact that regardless of the choice you'd make, your relationship was going to change forever.
How tragic it was that the Queen just so happened to walk down that very hall, as you and the huntsman embraced each other. Now you got to witness first hand her wrath and jealousy as she ordered her guards to drag you two away.
Playtime's over...
Playtime's over...
Playtime's over!
You and the Huntsman were executed. Grimhilda was never one to show mercy. The Huntsman was simply beheaded, but you had your heart carved out of your chest and given to the Queen. The only way she could have your heart to herself.
Hades - I don't need Your Love
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(I'll admit, i had a lot of trouble with this one. I'm still not sure of how this came out, but I didn't know how else to write this)
You know I love you, boy, in every single way
Though I love you, boy, I'll miss you every day
You were a brilliant woman of your time. You were a writer, a philosopher, bringing light to the great myths of the very gods. Of course, many were true, as shown with the mortal son of Zeus, but others were exaggerated or simply not true. You treasured the life you had built for yourself, and you couldn't even imagine exchanging it for anything more or less.
Anyone like you would have grabbed the gods' attention. You had caused an uproar in Olympus, so much so that even the Underworld heard about you, especially one God in particular.
It wasn't long before Hades had heard about you and decided to look into this new mortal. Usually, it didn't take much to make the other gods angry, so he wasn't expecting much.
And even though this feels so right
I'm holding back the tears tonight
Though he found himself both intrigued and entertained by you. Finally, someone who didn't just blindly worship the other gods! And you didn't even feel afraid of incurring the wrath of the gods. You were also pretty cute, that was a plus.
And then, that's when he gets an idea. It wasn't exactly a secret he was mocked on Olympus for many things, one of them was that he still didn't have a spouse. He mostly ignored them about that particular jab. How could he take offense from people whose relationships were already fifty shades of fucked? Still though, he can already see the smug looks on their faces being wiped away after seeing him stride in the room with the very mortal who made the others question them.
Honestly, he just wanted them to shut up about his personal life, and he thought this was the best way to accomplish that. Especially after the whole 'unleashing the titans' fiasco, this was another, more subtle, way to get back at them.
That I don't need your love, no, no
I don't need your love, no, no
You were certainly surprised to see the God of death at your door. At first, you thought maybe he was offended by what you had been writing, but he surprised you even more when he... Asked you out? He even worded it like a business deal, too, and flirting with you a bit, though you're not sure if he was being genuine or just trying to charm you into accepting his deal.
Honestly, you wanted to decline. You weren't stupid, you could tell this was just Hades wanting to annoy the other gods. Everyone knew well enough by now that you didn't want to get on a deities bad side, and you were already pushing your luck. You knew this, he had to know this too, and you were certain if you accepted just this one date, your whole life wouldn't be the same.
You wanted to reject him. You really did... Until he sweetened the deal. He would ensure your safety and even help you with your writing - apparently, he genuinely liked your literature - if you did this for him.
How could you deny that? Safety to continue doing what you love, in exchange for being part of some scheme to tick the rest of the gods off?
So I sent that letter to my love
Got married to the king
Became the one who survived
So, writing away your old life, you agree to Hades' deal.
And, as you predicted, one date became a second date. And then a third... And a fourth... It got to the point that you would expect to see Hades at least once a week.
Obviously, this attracted all kinds of attention. Both from your neighbors and the other gods. You're pretty certain that all those thunderstorms conveniently over your house weren't exactly coincidence. And your fellow mortals would try asking you about you and your, supposed, lover. What was he like? Did he bribe or kidnap you? Were you carrying his child yet? That question you supposed you couldn't blame them considering Zeus' reputation. And, the one you heard most of all, when would you two get married?
You were no longer you. You were now known as the death gods lover. As any artist would know, no matter what kind of art they pursued, fading away was possibly one of the worst fates you could have.
There's was more to you than just being a deity's consort. There was more to you than your newfound status. Why was it that people recognized it before, but now they seemed to have forgotten it?
I've told you about my life; the final wife
But why should that story be the one I have to sing about?
That's not my story!
There's so much more!
Still though, you didn't throw yourself a pity party and let it stop you from creating and bringing the same light you always had before. You were now more determined than ever to reclaim the voice you had lost. And now that you had all the resources and security you needed thanks to Hades, your works were now better than ever.
It actually impressed him, even though he knew he had inadvertently caused this for you. Hades didn't think you were trying to outshine him at all, he was just reminded why he became attracted to you initially.
You were once more surprised that he became your biggest supporter outside of your initial agreement. He would brag about you to all the other gods, but not for his own gain, because he was proud of you. And if someone saw you and just referred to you as 'his consort' while he was around, Hades would immediately step in with, "Oh yeah, she's an absolute ball of fire, but have you read her scriptures? Trust me, Athena wishes she could be as good as her."
And you had started to actually genuinely like Hades. He had a pretty good sense of humor, was actually easy to get along with outside of his temper, and you could see the appeal in the guy. You had even spoken up against the other gods whenever you'd hear them talking about your date. That didn't win you any points with Olympus, but it's not like you cared what they thought of you anyway.
You didn't see it coming, but your relationship had started to turn more into just a show. You two had started to genuinely care about each other. It may not have been true love just yet, but you two were definitely good friends. You supported each other, even if you didn't entirely agree with everything he did, and that was all you two needed.
During your last visit in the underworld, when you were passing the hall while being escorted by Pain and Panic, you could have sworn you heard the three fates looking into yours and Hades' lives together... What was that they said about him proposing in a few years?
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#10 Cinderella
The cinderella movie is without a doubt a classic disney movie. It was one of the first disney movies I remember watching. As a kid it was also one of my favorite movies, I would always watch it at my grandparents house since they had it on DVD.
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This was one of my favrouite movies because I believe the opening scene is so well done. It starts by explaining her back story which always had me upset, hearing that she lost her mother and not soon after lost her father always made me think of my parents and how I wouldn't want to lose them. However, once it switches over to her being woken up by birds I always wished that I could've been woken up like that, it seemed like such a peaceful way to wake up and seems like a much better way then hearing your grandma snoring while watching the movie.
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Another reason this is in my top 10 favorite movies is because of the scene we all know and love, when fairy godmother appears and prepares Cinderella for the ball. As a little girl whenever I saw this scene all I wanted was for my grandma to become a fairy godmother and turn me into a beautiful princess. This scene brings me so much joy since we just watched her heart get broken when her dress was destroyed. Watching her turn into a gorgeous princess made me so happy, I was glad she got the chance to go to the ball and prove to herself that her step-mom and step-sisters couldn't do anything to stop her.
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I can't do a review on Cinderella without mentioning the classic ballroom dance scene. Obviously, this is an amazing scene, watching her get picked over by everyone else is so fulfilling. Their first scene dancing together really shows the chemistry they had, they danced together so nicely everything flowed. They then proceeded to spend the entire evening together which just proved to us more they were perfect together.
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Last but not least, the glass slipper scene. This scene starts out stressful, she's locked in a room and we're not sure she's gonna get out in time to see the prince. The first time watching this scene it had me on the edge of my grandma's couch praying she would get there. Now imagine my excitement when she gets downstairs and we all watch her put on the shoe and find out it fits. I was beyond excited that the prince found her again and she got to leave the house and not have to deal with her step family again.
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Now, you're probably wondering why this isn't my number 1 movie after naming all good things about it. The reason I put this one as number 10 is because this is a movie I grew out of. As a kid I loved watching and loved the story line but as I got older I realised that this movie is all about how the princed saved her and that she would've never gotten out of her situation if it weren't for him. I also feel it was a very rushed ending. Immediately after she fits into the shoe they are getting married and living in the castle together.
In conclusion, this is definitely a movie I still love watching to this day. It always makes me happy watching her proving her family wrong and showing them that they aren't better than her in any way. However, based on the times this movie reflects and the super rushed ending this movie isn't too high up on the list but is still a disney classic.
#1 movie hint: This movie's famous line is "Loyal, brave and true". Do you know what movie it is?
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evermorehqs · 1 year
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Peri Windsor is based on Periwinkle from Disney Fairies. She is a 28 year old fairy, employee at Scoops, and uses she/her pronouns. She has the power of frost talent and flight. Peri is portrayed by Vrginia Gardner and she is taken.
Sometimes, after their birth, fairies heading to Pixie Hollow would veer off course. A gust of wind separating them from their original destination. It didn't happen often, but when it did, they seemed to end up in Evermore. And Peri was one of the lucky few... if you could call her that. The town was all she had ever truly known, learning to blend in with humans since she was but a wee sprout, very few ever saw her wings. She was taken in upon arrival by the small community of fae in town, and with their help, learned how to assist with the changing of the colder seasons. It wasn't as big of a job as those in Pixie Hollow; she heard stories about all of the work they had to put in, how they were able to travel to the mainland, and she was unable to leave her home. But she didn't mind too much. She was optimistic and surrounded by loved ones and opportunity she wouldn't have otherwise --- like working in an ice cream shop that allowed her to introduce new flavors from time to time, and shop for clothes that weren't made of leaves and acorns. All of these years, however, she's felt like a part of her has been missing, something she couldn't put her finger on. But she's made the best life she could for herself and tried to ignore the longing that tugs at her from time to time. What Peri didn't know was that she had a sister out there, a twin that hadn't lost her way. A twin that, by chance, by fate or by luck, ended up in the same place more than two decades after they'd last been together. A twin whose path she has narrowly avoided crossing thus far. Lately there have been new faces in town, people --- and other fairies --- that confuse her for someone named Talia... sometimes insisting she's playing a prank on them when she tells them who she actually is. It's a little strange, but she's trying not to think much of it. Whoever this Talia is, she likes to jokes to her friends, she must be one pretty girl if the two of them are constantly being mixed up.
❀ Phoebe Naar: There is something to be said about the pull to your opposite and there is no one more diametric to Peri then Phoebe. Fire and ice can sometimes play nice and these two are often the perfect example. ❀ Max Desai: An unlikely friend, perhaps, Peri doesn't understand the sarcasm he's often using, but she would do anything for him and she knows the feeling is mutual. ❀ James 'Slightly' Zhao: One of a few that have gotten her confused with another, she's seen him around town a few times, narrowing his eyes at her when she doesn't respond to the wrong name. A little unnerving, but she tries to ignore it.
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 months
weekly fic recs | 50
fandoms: disney, mcu, sxf, tgcf
disney/fairy tale
bell for memory by lalaietha
"I am not small, and I have never sparkled. I am a tinker - I mend things made of metal, all metal, except iron - and one of my names has been Bell, because I make them. I can fly, but I do not have wings. I need no children to believe or clap for me to remain, only shadows and thoughts and the dreams of humankind."
Four Things that Weren't Adequately Covered in Mulan's R.A. Training by NaomiK 
Mulan is a Resident Assistant on a dormitory floor at a college. Gosh, some of the students on her floor come from really screwed-up families.
know your place by LunaChai
Shang knows Mulan's secret. The wrong one.
A Future Shining by icarus_chained
It took Tony a while to notice. To see the increasingly massive sections of memory space that someone had blocked off in JARVIS' systems, the processing power being diverted to something that ... that Tony couldn't breach.
Tony, and JARVIS, and a conversation Tony never, ever thought he'd be having.
Life In Reverse by Lise
Home is where you make it. Or, the AU where Loki falls to Earth after Thor, wanders around trying to work out what to do with himself, and somehow ends up working for SHIELD. (Mostly because supervillains are so plebian.)
Degrees of Separation by plingo_kat
Oh god, what if Jarvis infected Dummy with, with emotions. Jesus Christ.
beyond the storm by Ahenix 
Loid comes home to an anomaly: closed doors, and silence.
Bloodied Hearts by icarus_chained
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
Twilight, while investigating an organisation dedicated to Ostanian purity, is captured by terrorists and awaits death. But before they kill him, they want to bring those he's been close to in, to see if they've been corrupted by him. A cavalcade of secrets are revealed in the aftermath, and three battered hearts have to choose who to give their trust, their loyalty and their love.
(They've already give it. All of them. They just need to realise how much so).
once more with feeling by sometimesiship
Twilight has two simple rules: No unnecessary touching and no unnecessary lying. They've gotten him through the cognitive dissonance that playing house creates, and finally, after four years, peace between Ostania and Westalis is within reach. He just has to kill one man—a man guarded by none other than Thorn Princess.
But when identities are revealed and loyalties come to light, the rules no longer apply. As all three Forgers navigate the minefield that their home life has become, the line between Twilight and Loid begins to blur, begging the question: if your fake wife is the final boss and your pretend daughter knows your every thought, is peace even an option?
Oh, and don't forget about the damn dog.
what's in a name by rurinas
In a world where people are born with names written on both wrists, where one is their soulmate and one is their worst enemy, Shi Qing Xuan has the same name written on both wrists: He Xuan.
promise me a place by everyearning (noctiphany)
He doesn’t let He Xuan change forms, but he does allow him to wear a mask as they make their way around town. It’s pretty, an ornate black and gold, something Hua Cheng had made specifically for him, and it covers enough of his face that no one in Ghost City would ever realize who it was that Hua Chengzhu was leading around like a dog on a leash as he conducts business.
But Hua Cheng knows.
Dark Sword, White Flower by Skeleluna04
(graphic depictions of violence, major character death)
Xie Lian never left that coffin. Not truly.
He didn't.
He never escaped it. He did not continue living outside of it.
And now, he has become a Calamity.
Or: Xl dies in the coffin, becomes a Calamity, and meets Hc right before ascending for the third time. Plot ensues.
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leonbloder · 4 months
Surprised by Grace
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I have had more than a few brushes with celebrities in my life.  
I've met all kinds of people I have admired from afar, from authors to musicians in famous bands, celebrities, and politicians, who have turned my former opinions about them upside down. 
Some of the sweetest celebrities I have met include Michael Jackson, Robin Williams, John Stamos, Jim Henson, John Lithgow, and Paul Sorvino, to name a few.  
I expected them to be aloof, but they were not.  
I will never forget guiding Robin Williams through the Backstage Studio Tour at Walt Disney World and how beautifully gracious and kind he was.  
Those are pleasant surprises because we always hope the celebrities we admire will be good people worthy of our admiration.  
But there are moments in our lives when the rubber meets the road with that kind of thing a bit more personally.  
The other day, I was reading one of the Daily Meditations I received via email from Fr. Richard Rohr's Center for Action and Contemplation, and I read a quote from Fr. Richard that hit me right between the eyes: 
Have you ever spoken ill of somebody, actively disliked somebody, or put someone down in the presence of others? Then they approach you, and it turns out they’re not only nice, but they’re really nice. They wish you well. 
Ouch. If you are like me, that might have landed on you.  I've had that happen more than once, most often to people I had never gotten to know.   
Years ago, there was a pastor of a large church in my presbytery, and I would often see him at Presbytery Meetings as he got up to protest one thing or another, ask provocative questions, and generally act like a pain in the butt. 
When he or one of the other pastors on his staff would get up to the microphone at the meetings, you would hear an audible groan from the crowd. I was one of those people who groaned.  
He and I couldn't have been more different, so I thought I had him all figured out until I went to lunch with him one day.  The lunch was my idea because I wanted to see if he was as big a jerk as I had decided he was. 
He wasn't.  In fact, he was warm, open, and curious.  I was amazed at all of the mission projects that his church was doing to improve the lives of the people in their neighborhood and surprised at his humility. 
Even though we had theological disagreements, we bonded over our common calling and desire to follow Jesus as best we could. 
And then I felt really awful.  
Fr. Richard had this to say about that awful feeling we get when we realize we were wrong about someone we had poor opinions about: 
That feeling is called remorse; we used to call it compunction. We are reduced to silence and confusion. Let’s be honest, grace is always a humiliation for the ego. 
And that is precisely what happens.  Our ego gets humiliated as it ought to be in moments when we let it run the show.   
Because the truth is, we don't know anyone all that well, or at least as well as we imagine.  The only way to do that is to have proximity to them, allowing us to listen to their stories, share our own, and find common ground. 
This doesn't mean that disagreements will fade, but it does mean that we can get a chance to glimpse their humanity and realize that most of our preconceived notions about them were mainly about ourselves. 
Will some people affirm our poor opinions of them?  You bet.  But even in those moments, we ought to realize that even they are worthy to receive grace, even as we are, despite our ego.  
May we find ways to let our ego be humiliated by encountering the image of God in those we struggle to find connection with, and may we be surprised by grace. 
And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us now and always. Amen.  
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emmaelix · 2 years
Disney's Frozen + Its Potential
So, I watched Frozen today with my mom, younger sister, and younger brother. (My sister is sixteen and my brother is nineteen, in case you were wondering)
Frozen had a lot of potential to become a success so huge they couldn't keep it on the shelves. And it was definitely successful, don't get me wrong, but there were things the movie could have done better.
I'm not going to talk about Frozen 2 because I haven't seen it and I don't want to harp on something I don't truly understand and know. Also, in case you haven't noticed, I don't own Frozen. It's Disney's.
Alright, point number one. Anna and Elsa's mother and father were terrible parents. They tried their best, yes, but they trusted mossy rock trolls more than their own daughter's feelings and how it would affect both of their children. They taught Elsa to fear herself, and Anna that love was hard to come by.
What did this result in? Anna thought the first man she saw was her true love, and Elsa let no one in until it was so late into her spiral if she fell the wrong way she would've become the villain.
If nothing else, the king and queen should've taught Anna and Elsa about Elsa's powers, and gotten them and the public accustomed to them.
Now, if point one is taken into consideration it would take a lot more to rile Elsa up, and we wouldn't have Hans as an immediate answer.
This is going to be more of a screenplay like thing than anything else, but bare with me.
So, how about, instead, a man named Kristoff comes to the princess and new queen, asking Elsa for help with his ice business as someone has sabotaged him.
Elsa doesn't want to do that, but Anna doesn't see the harm since Kristoff is about to go under if he doesn't get help somewhere. Hence, the rift between sisters.
Elsa storms off to the mountains where her parents taught her to use her magic, locking herself inside the castle she built at fifteen. Anna and Kristoff head into the mountains, bickering the entire way.
When they arrive at the base, they still find Olaf and Anna still gets hit accidentally by Anna. But now Kristoff feels entirely responsible, so he rushes to his family to seek help.
They try to heal Anna, but it doesn't work, leaving Kristoff feeling useless. He rushes, with Sven and an unconscious Anna, to Elsa's palace, pleading for her to let him in so she can heal Anna.
Kristoff tells Elsa that his family said only true love could save Anna. Elsa responds with, "If that's true, why hasn't she healed by purely traveling with you?"
Kristoff begins to realize his feelings for Anna as Elsa reluctantly ushers them inside, telling Kristoff not to be as stupid as he's been acting up until this point.
As he's talking to the still sleeping Anna, she stirs, making Kristoff jump and run to her side. Time seems to slow down as Kristoff watches Anna breathing, holding her hand in his much larger one.
He presses a light kiss to Anna's hand, then places it, curled, onto her heart, where unbeknownst to him the frost spreading in Anna's body has started to lessen.
Kristoff decides to sleep next to where Anna is, and when she finally does wake up it's the middle of the night. She tries to wake up Kristoff, but ends up scaring him. When he sees Anna is awake he pulls her into a hug, inadvertently pulling her onto his lap.
Elsa walks in just as Anna kisses Kristoff while still on his lap. Elsa giggles slightly, telling them to get out of her house. Anna turns to Elsa, asking her to come with them back to Arendelle.
Elsa agrees, but says that Anna will be a better queen than her if the last week has proved anything.
We end on a much happier note, but with a sinister turn as the Duke of Weaselton (Or whatever it was) comes up to the sisters, asking what the new trade agreements will be.
I think that this version just suits my needs better, and sets up an automatic sequel much like the original Frozen. I'm happy with it, what do y'all think?
*My sister is looking at me very disappointedly right now. She's five years younger than me and acting like my mama.*
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shanastoryteller · 7 years
sound the drums of war
okay so i’ve gotten a lot of requests to do a retold fairytale about pocahontas, which is a really reasonable thing to request since i’ve done so many retold tales about disney movies, but here’s the thing
pocahontas the movie is easily one the most messed up things that modern media has ever produced, and i’ll belt out color of the wind like nobody’s business, but that doesn’t change the fact that disney took a history about lying, abduction, rape, and torture and … turned it into a love story. which. what. who thought that was a good idea???
so. look. this is the only retold fairytale i have in me for pocahontas. i know it’s not what anyone who requested this actually wanted, so. sorry.
we’ll keep disney’s aged up premise and characters, because the truth is just too sad to touch at all. we’ll keep pocahontas as her name, because it wasn’t her real name (her real name was matoaka).
okay here we go
we have pocahontas, the young daughter of chief powhatan. she is spirited and flighty, having no fear of jumping off waterfalls or any other manner of dangerous things. what does she fear? growing up, responsibility, having to be a grown woman in her tribe and all that that entails, of being forced into a marriage she doesn’t want.
she grew up with kokoum, she knows him, he is a good man and a strong man, he will provide for her everything she could need or want – but she doesn’t think that’s a good enough reason to marry him. he’s a good leader, he’ll probably be elected to replace her father when the time comes, and she will move on from being the daughter of the chief to the wife of the chief.
something in her rankles at being the daughter of, the wife of, to being just ‘of’ anything.
she goes to grandmother willow often, lamenting her woes. and she’s no mystical woman, no shaman, but grandmother willow talks to her anyway. (she wonders if grandmother willow talks to kekata, the real shaman of the tribe, the man who speaks to things she doesn’t understand and knows many things she’d doesn’t. she never asks though, somehow afraid of what the answer will be.)
she is known for being clever, for being smart, but knowing too much and thinking too little, or perhaps the opposite, of knowing too little and thinking too much. her status allows her a freedom to pursue what she likes, and she’s one the most learned people in the village, going from master to master ever since she was a small child and soaking up whatever knowledge she can. she has a particular gift for languages.
sometimes she feels like nakoma is the only one who understands her, but even nakoma urges her to settle, to sit, to make herself small so that she fits in the place the world has carved out for her.
pocahontas is not a girl that knows how to settle.
so she meets john, and he’s so strange and different than her, and he has kind eyes and pretty smile. they don’t speak the same words, but she’s smart, and quick, and within a few months she’s speaking to him in his foreign tongue. she likes his light eyes and light hair and light skin, and thinks because he is kind to her then so must the rest of his people be kind.
she is wrong.
she should have known she was wrong in the beginning, when he called her stupid and did not know how food is grown or how to walk in the woods so that the animals are not startled. big and clunky and loud, like a baby, not like something she could love, or grow to love.
kokoum is – shot, is the word they use, with their strange weapons of metal. their weapons are like them, big and loud and imprecise. kokoum will live, kekata says, but it is a near thing. and pocahontas looks down at kokoum, the bear paw prints tattooed onto his chest to show his bravery, and thinks of the gun that shot him, that required no bravery at all.
pocahontas makes a choice.
it is not a choice that a child can make, it’s not even a choice that a woman of the tribe should make, not a daughter of the chief or the wife of the chief or even a chief at all.
but pocahontas makes it.
white men march to them, holding their powerful metal guns, and they are a small tribe. perhaps the pale men’s destructive power could be beaten with numbers, but they have neither numbers nor power. so when the time comes she throws herself over john, shielding him, and uses her clever tongue to plead his life from her father, from her people.
john does not die.
her people do not die.
the pale men with their guns leave.
this is unrest in the tribe, but she does not address it, does not listen to it.
that night, she goes to nakoma and says, “do you trust me?”
“i hate when you ask me that,” she answers, which is all that pocahontas needs.
they sneak down to the settlement that night, and sneak past their guards, the ones that are drunk on their supposed victory, their supposed peace. she steals every gun she can find as they sleep, silently tiptoeing into private room to take them. nakoma is smart, and she takes the bullets too, a stubborn set to her mouth as they fill baskets with their stolen good and balance them on their heads like baskets of corn on their trek back to the village.
as the sun rises, pocahontas and nakoma go to her father and place the baskets in front of him. “now,” pocahontas says fiercely, “now maybe we shall win.”
“i thought you did not court war, daughter?” the chief asks, looking down at these strange weapons.
“i don’t,” she says, “but neither will i ignore it’s call and have our heads be forfeit.”
and fearless, flighty pocahontas gathers the men, and she tells them grimly that it’s time, that the white men will come for them as soon as they realize their weapons are gone. her father is a peacetime chief, but he leads them into battle.
these pale men are not warriors. they don’t know how to fight without their guns, not really, and they are slaughtered.
pocahontas watches from high above as the battle happens, nakoma’s hand in hers. she flinches when john’s head is removed from his body, but she does not scream.
john was kind.
but one kind man is not worth her nation.
they bury the bodies and burn whatever they don’t find value in.
kokoum wakes to find pocahontas by his side. she is the one that tells him what happens while he slept, while he recovered. she tells him everything, all that she did, and he looks at her with solemn eyes and says, “there will be more. they will keep coming.”
“i know,” she says, and her voice cracks. “i did not think we could defeat them, i thought peace would be the best option. but they take and take and take, and kill what they cannot take. their people must have kindness in them, but it is not kindness they sent.” she takes a deep breath and presses her hand to the center of kokoum’s chest, and says, “teach me how to fight. i don’t want to have to spend the next battle standing by and watching.”
and there is an uproar at it, but the chief agrees to it. as soon as kokoum is healed, pocahontas becomes his student. finally the chief’s daughter has found her drive, her purpose, and it’s not the one he wanted her to have, not the one he wanted her to need to have, but it’s there, and it is hers.
they know their land is big, that the pale people could come from any direction, could find a tribe who would show them kindness and hospitality and suffer for it. so pocahontas, with her gift of languages, who already knows so many tongues of the tribes and nations besides her own, goes traveling. nakoma goes with her, and kokoum tries, but she tells him that he must stay here, that their tribe needs him. he can’t argue against that, because it’s the truth.
she spreads her knowledge as far as she can, spreads her message. these white men are dangerous. they must be stopped. be kind, but be wary. do not tolerate lies. do not allow betrayal. any pale man with a gun is an enemy.
she finds others who have encountered these people, some good, some bad. she gains a greater understanding of their language, learns how to speak and read the pale man’s language as well as her own.
pocahontas has always been charismatic and bewitching, someone who’s very presence is mesmerizing. she uses that charisma now to bring chiefs together, wise men and woman together, speaks to councils and urges them all to set aside their differences, just for now. the enemies they have within their borders can be fought once they have the defeated those outside them.
people come looking for jamestown. pocahontas is there this time, and she does not sit and watch. nakoma dresses her for battle and squeezes her hands and then pocahontas goes to stand next to kokoum, and as one they go roaring into battle.
after, kekata tattoos marks of bravery into her skin. her people elect a wartime chief, when it becomes clear that war is what they’re in now. pocahontas expects it to be kokoum, and she’s proud, proud of him and proud to continue helping him.
that’s not what happens.
instead the people elect her.
it’s far from traditional to have a female wartime chief, but when she says this they tell her this is far from a traditional war.
so pocahontas meets with the other wartime chiefs, and it’s a war that stops and starts but never truly ends. the pale men keep coming, looking for gold they don’t have, and they keep fighting back, luring them into their land where they know all and the clumsy pale men know nothing, and kill them there.
pocahontas comes back, dripping in blood that’s not her own, and nakoma is there, as she always is. she peels off pocahontas’s blood-soaked leathers and washes her skin and her hair, stitches up her wounds and gives her marshmallow bark to ease the pain. “one day i’ll have to do this one my own,” pocahontas says weakly, “when you get yourself a husband.”
nakoma looks up from where she’s soaking pocahontas’s clothes to prevent staining, and there’s a wry twist to the edge of her mouth. “i’ll get married when you do, pocahontas.”
that ends up being very true.
after the next battle nakoma loses her patience and is kissing pocahontas as soon as she’s close enough, and kokoum and the others are cheering and yelling. pocahontas has a gash across her upper thigh, and she blames that when her knees give out and nakoma has to hold her against her and dips her.
they get married the following year, and very little changes besides that.
at some point, the pale men figure out they can’t win this war by force, not when their body count keeps rising and not a single inch of land is taken. they send scholars and people with smarmy grins to negotiate, to ask for peace. except pocahontas was prepared for this, and she made sure everyone else was too.
all the chiefs speak the pale man’s languages, or have trusted advisor’s that too, and all the loopholes and tricks in their contracts are neatly found and picked apart.
finally, finally, the pale men accept that the people of this land cannot be fought, or tricked, but they can be negotiated with. so the war ends, and commerce and trade being. the tribes set up a council with representatives from each tribe to deal with the other people from other countries that come to them, since trying to explain that they are a people of many nations only seem to confuse the pale men.
it’s been decades, but the war is over, and they’ve won. pocahontas steps down as the wartime chief, and kokoum is elected as the peacetime chief. pocahontas serves on the council dealing with foreigners, and her curiosity is endlessly satisfied as she finally gets a chance to speak with and deal with the people from these foreign nations who are not soldiers or warriors or greedy beyond measure. she quite likes their craftsmen, their merchants, their scientists.
so begins a time of mostly peaceful trade and exploration between the foreign countries of the world. although this was thanks to many, many people, pocahontas is largely considered one of the most instrumental in ensuring the continued freedom and prosperity of her people, and all the other people living from her coast to the other.
she lives happily ever after with her beloved wife nakoma, and often visits her dear friend kokoum when given the opportunity.
hers is a name forever remembered in history.
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saikis-coffee-jelly · 2 years
How the MHA boys like to kiss
Hanta Sero
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•Sero LOVES the spider man kiss.
•Like seriously he'll use his tape to hang upside down just to kiss you.
•Don't deny him his spider man kiss or He'll ignore you for a week.
•He can't help it, Ever since he saw it he knew he had to try it.
•After that you guys do that at LEAST once a day, doesn't matter where.
•Man is literally a spider man FANBOY so it makes sense.
Tenya Iida
Look at bby Boi go😍
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•Okay so Iida is a pretty plain guy when it comes to this so I think he likes to give You forehead kisses.
•What can I say he is just sweet like that.
•At first he was worried you wouldn't like it but now he knows you like it too.
•You get one before bed, before he leaves, after he comes back and when you wake up.
•He is just so in love with you that he can't help it.
•Iida is not much for PDA but a forehead kiss is the only exception.
Tamaki Amajiki
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•Shy boi🥺
•Tamaki's favorite is definitely cheek kisses giving or receiving.
•He'd pretend he doesn't like it but caves in very shortly.
•Poor boy needs affection
•When you kiss Tamaki on the cheek in public (Randomly) boy goes redder than a tomato but doesn't complain because it's YOU!
•Tamaki loves you so much and shows it, He isn't as nervous when your around.
Side note: Cheek kisses are just so sweet and adorable (Like him)
Shouto Todoroki
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•Shouto likes any sort of affection (Poor baby is touch starved), but I think his favorite is when your hugging and he kisses your head.
•He is just so touch starved (Again) that he just Melts anytime you're hugging him
•Boy is a puddle🥺
•He just seems so into the whole affection thing that he can't help but kiss your head every time you hug
•Shouto is so determined not to be anything like his father and is so gentle with you.
•Please don't deny him his hug🥺
Mezo Shoji
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•So I don't see him taking off his mask in public but in private he LOVES kissing your lips.
•Doesn't matter what way as long as it's your lips.
•Just something about your soft lips makes him MELT
•At first shoji didn't want to take his mask off because he thought you'd be scared and leave him, but when you didn't he fell for you even harder.
•Something about the trust he has with you seeing his face and still wanting to be with him is just unbelievable to him.
•If you guys find a secluded space in public he'd pull his mask down and kiss you.
•He is just so in love with you.🥰
Fumikage Tokoyami
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•So since he has a beak he can't kiss you but instead he nuzzles into you.
•Don't get me wrong if he could he would
•But nuzzling into you is HIS way of kissing you
•It's just so sweet when he does this that you immediately melt.
•The closest you have gotten to an actual kiss was pecking, You didn't mind and thought it was cute but he fears hurting you so he doesn't do it often
•At first he was saddened by the fact he couldn't kiss you in return but when he tried the nuzzling and saw how you reacted he melted aswell.🥺
Denki Kaminari
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•Denki just LOVES French kissing you, I mean why not your HIS partner so why wouldn't he
•Denki is the kind of guy who will full on make-out with you anywhere and anytime.
•If you deny him those kisses he will be a pouting mess.
•Denki is very persuasive so I highly doubt you'd escape his kisses
•Denki isn't very vocal when he wants a kiss but you know because he'll send little zaps when he wants one
•The only way you can get him to do his work is to kiss him *cough cough* hes a simp😏
Mirio Togata
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•So Mirio is into the classic hand kiss.
•He will take your and kiss it no if's ands or buts about it.
•It doesn't matter where you are he will kiss your hands because you are Monarch/king/queen, you are his absolute world.
•This man loves you more than anything and treats you like royalty, So the hand kiss is appropriate according to him.
•Mirio got the idea straight out of a Disney movie. (This man has so much love and admiration for you)
•Mirio is so polite as well and the hand kiss is fitting to who he is
Eijiro Kirishima
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•Kirishima's favorite is kiss is undoubtedly the single-lip-kiss.
•He just loves to be close to you and something about it being So intimate and simple is just so manly to him.
•Kiri is just so in awe with you that he kisses you like this every time he see's you.
•This may be "basic" according to some of his friends (*cough cough* denki), but to him it's his favorite thing, Basic or not.
•Kiri will sometimes nibble on your bottom lip though just to tease you, but other than that he is generally pretty basic.
Hitoshi Shinso
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•His favorite is undeniably the shoulder kiss.
•Something about Hugging you from behind and kissing your shoulder is so appealing to him.
•He is usually tired out from hero training but when he comes back he just LOVES to rest his head on your shoulder
•He just loves you much and loves how you trust him even with having a quirk like his.
•Shinso is generally laid back and considering how quiet he is it's easy for him to sneak behind you and hug you from behind.
•It doesn't matter what your doing he will sneak up and hug you.
The End😅
Lol I lost alot of motivation and kept rambling on and stuff😒
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falcqns · 3 years
𝖎𝖙'𝖘 𝖆𝖑𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
☼ 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Bucky x Sam (platonic), Sam x Reader (platonic)
☼ 𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: Bucky has a seizure during a Disney show.
☼ 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔨𝔫𝔤𝔰: Bucky has PTSD and PTS (post traumatic seizures), seizures, angst, fluff, mentions of food and eating, Sam being protective over Bucky, like he goes full papa bear mode.
☼ 𝔞/𝔫: thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy!
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Bucky's seizures weren't new to you. he'd been experiencing them since you met them, so you knew how to handle them. that doesn't mean that they were enjoyable to witness.
normally, they occurred after a nightmare. he'd gotten into the habit of waking you up right after having a nightmare, as there was usually a few minutes gap between him waking up, and the seizure starting. the seizure never lasted more than 2 minutes, and after he'd drink some water and have a small snack, he'd be back to bed, and would have little to no side affects, except maybe a small headache that was cured by some Advil.
he'd had a nightmare the night before, and he woke you up as usual, but he didn't have a seizure. the two of you waited, in silence, not wanting to wake Sam up, for over an hour, before drifting off to sleep naturally. when you woke up, all seemed fine, so Bucky rejoiced, hoping this meant that they were stopping.
that was definitely not the case.
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you two were following Sarah and the boys around Hollywood Studios. your fingers were intertwined with Bucky's, and he had a huge smile on his face, the biggest one you'd seen on him.
"god, i wish this existed when i was younger." he said, looking around at all the attractions. you guys had just come out of Rock n' Rollercoaster, and were heading down Sunset Boulevard towards Commissary Lane to get some lunch before your next FastPass in an hour or so.
you had just walked past the Chinese Theatre when a thundering boom echoed throughout the park. Bucky stiffened beside you, and a whimper escaped his mouth. he squeezed his eyes together, and released a shaky breath. "'m dizzy." he said, and you stopped walking abruptly.
"okay," you said, knowing what was coming. you looked around, finding a spot for him to be able to sit and have the oncoming seizure.
Sam looked back as you led him off of the main walking path, and to a tree in a cement planter. you helped him sit down, just as Sam approached.
"Buck, what's wrong?" he asked, concerned. Bucky shook his head.
"he's about to have a seizure." you answered, and Sam swore and took off his leather jacket. Bucky's body seized up, and began to convulse. Sam laid his jacket on his lap, and helped you lower Bucky to the ground, resting his head onto the jacket and his lap, keeping his head elevated. you maneuvered his limbs into the recovery position, and you glanced at your watch to time it.
you saw tears escaping his eyes and sighed. "it's okay, baby." you said, wanting nothing more than to wrap him up in your arms until it stopped, but you knew you couldn't do that. Sam saw his distress, and ran his fingers through his hair.
Sam had gotten used to his seizures the more time he spent with Bucky, and had become much more comfortable with touching and openly comforting him. he'd witnessed Bucky have a nightmare and seizure on a mission, and spent the rest of the night with Bucky in his arms.
the convulsions slowly began to subside, and Bucky freely cried, reaching out for you. you held his hand, and helped him sit up slowly, before switching places with Sam. his head fell onto your chest, and his eyes followed Sam, who'd gotten up and walked off.
"where's Sam goin'?" he asked, his words slurring from his crying. your nails scratched against his scalp.
"he's just going to get you a drink and a snack." you assured him. he got extremely clingy to whoever helps him after a seizure, and Sam was no exception. he told you of a time when he was on a Wakandan beach with Steve when he fell asleep. he'd had a nightmare, followed by a seizure, and Steve had to carry him off the beach because he refused to be away from him.
Sam came back moments later with a water bottle and a mickey head shaped soft pretzel. Bucky took both from him, and sat up again. "thanks," he said, biting into the pretzel.
"no problem man. i'm gonna go and find an employee to see what the fuck that noise was." he said, before he was off once more.
a few more minutes on the ground, and Bucky felt much better. he stood up with help from you, and headed out onto the path to meet up with Sarah just as Sam came back, an angry look on his face, and pushing a wheelchair. he gave it to you, and Bucky sat down in it with a sigh.
"it was a fucking Star Wars show. they set off a damn cannon." he said, and Bucky flipped his head around.
"there's a cannon?" he exclaimed. "can we go see it?" he asked, giving you his puppy eyes.
"i'm gonna fucking kill someone i swear," Sam said, still pissed off. you chuckled, and rubbed Sam's back as you watched Bucky chase his nephews in the wheelchair.
"don't go all papa bear on him now," you said, and Sam scowled.
"they sent him into a damn seizure. i deserve to go all fuckin' papa bear."
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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theme/s: moana, frozen, and little mermaid inspired. the story of a queen and a prince who lived in two different worlds. which one would let go of their throne, title, and family for the other?
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word count: 1,937 words
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roze’s note: i know those are three disney inspirations and that it’s not really explicitly shown in this oneshot but i hope you all will like this! for me, i think this is one of my best works so far. i enjoyed writing it~ anyway, enjoy reading!
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once upon a time, there was a queen.
“all hail (y/n), queen of atlantis! long live the queen!”
the roar of the chant continued on, their voices muffling inside your head as you refused to look at all of them in the eyes. instead, you glanced at your father, his gaze already on yours with a troubled look on his face, one that you could say that could mirror yours.
your breathing was normal but deep inside, your heart was pounding by your chest that if someone were to come close to you, they would have been capable of knowing your fears and anxiety. but even if they looked closer, your tear-stained cheek will not be in view for it was already washed away by the water—or rather, your water. it’s yours now, you own the sea.
“what seems to be bothering you, our queen?" glancing over at one of your most loyal bodyguards, neito, you found his eyes gleaming with concern over your state. you could clearly read them well—the eyes. it's one of the perks of being a mermaid. without using your mouth, any mermaid or merman can have a conversation with either just by looking into the eyes. it's one of the advantages they have against the humans.
yet still, there are casualties in the population.
"don't mind me, monoma." you say, glancing away in hopes your emotions were kept in check, most especially now—where everyone is relying and looking up on you, with their stares and wary gazes focused on your figure, observing each and every move or expression that comes across your face.
he looks like he wanted to talk some more into you but another guard stops him, one that you could say you trust the most.
“apologies, my queen. is neito bothering you again?” kendo, your personal bodyguard. she was a commoner thus the officials did not really want her in such a high position but since your parents trusts her too, she was entitled as the “royal commander”, the guardian of the younger princess of atlantis just because everyone thought that there would be an army for the future queen and it should only be fair to have someone by the princess’ side.
how they thought so wrong.
“no worries, itsuka-chan. monoma was only asking how i was.” you answer as you look around the hall, still finding it a bit dull despite the celebratory theme of the party.
after all, what’s there to celebrate about when yo were just a replacement of a throne that was not really yours since the beginning?
“congratulations for getting the throne, princess (y/n)!”
your eyes landed upon an unpleasant sight of the siren that had been lurking around the kingdom for years.
"she is no longer a princess, dabi. please address the queen correctly." kendo scolds the man and he instantly apoogizes.
"my bad, my bad." he doesn't sound regretful at all. "it appears that your highness is still grieving for her sister and i only wanted to place a smile on her beautiful face once again."
you were trying hard not to show any kind of expression in front of everyone at his words. it was a good thing kendo stayed by your side or else you would have banished your sister's fiance instantly—rather, ex-fiance. sirens were not originally allowed to lurk with the mermen but your family allowed it because your sister claims that she loves the man.
and to think he would have became king if she indeed wed him. you were actually close to coming into conclusion that he wanted to be one, that's why he was with your sister. it could be possible but you couldn't linger in that thought for long or else you'll burst out from the thoughts that clouded your mind.
"excuse me, i need to take a breather."
"wait-your highness!"
you were already swimming away from them—from everyone. you couldn't handle it. to be crowned as queen the day after your sister was declared as dead.
it was all suffocating.
your hand reaches out into the light outside, your lips parting with a silent call—for help? redemption?
whatever it is—you just want to—
you saw how fast darkness envelops the sky from above the water, pulling you away from your train of thoughts. pursing your lips, you suspected a storm would sooner than later.
you were about to head down back to the castle when your attention was called out by a shadow that looms over your figure—something that you certainly could identify.
a ship.
memories of your sister's smile the last time you had seen her pass your mind and you were close to the temptation of that feeling that you never thought you'd ever come by—revenge by pure hatred. yes, that's it. who would have thought that you would ever hate humans?
before you could ascend further, something gets thrown into the water and you were no stupid to not think it was a human. a specie that has legs—of course.
you found yourself colliding with the figure—not too hard though. you were able to prevent it from hitting you hard, but the impact was still there at least.
it was because of his face—that face. you stared at it too long.
you had never seen a human before so you certainly had never seen anyone that could compare this one to. but he looked much like any merman would, minus the gills and the tail. were you enamored because you had never seen anyone with this kind of face? this kind of beauty?
it sooner came to you that he wouldn't be able to breathe without gills.
you have a chance of killing this human.
pulling him with you, you swam as fast as you could towards the surface, farther from the ship that he fell into. once you had gotten him out, you were able to breathe the fresh air of the outside world, giving you a sense of freedom you always feel when you go out of the water.
you didn't know what you were thinking as you placed the boy down the shore, a hand on his chest. light emitted from where your hand was and as you hovered them further up into his face, the light followed.
water came out of his mouth, just as you had intended. a sigh came out of your lips when the boy coughs and was able to breathe once again. you might have not seen a human before but you have studied them through books and asking from those who have interacted with them.
that’s why it was so hard to resent them. when you learned that your sister was killed by pirates, you couldn’t believe it. yet for some reason, you still did.
you wanted to blame someone—anyone. and that thought of killing this man earlier dawned to you that you were willing to do murder just for revenge.
your sister wouldn’t have liked that.
“who... who are you?”
when you look up to his eyes, every little thought in your mind vanishes away like fire when poured by water. you never knew anyone could have two eye colors and now that you have seen this man, you became much more fascinated.
he doesn’t move away as you lean forward and stare at the turquoise and grey of his orbs, but you could see him glance down and feel his gaze by your tail, an indication that you were not of his kind.
but he remained still.
“you’re...” he looks up again. “you’re a mermaid.”
there were no ill-tone in his voice and you begun to wonder what was on his mind as you continue to keep silent.
your skin crawled for the first time when you two gazed at each other as seconds pass by, too enamored to look away from each other.
was it the same for him? you thought. though as you were to open your mouth and speak, voices from the background catches both of your attention.
he had a troubled look on his face and you didn’t fail to notice it.
“find him! find the prince! make sure he’s dead!”
mermen had could understand human language. and you were no fool to not understand what the situation was.
your hand finds his and as he looks at you again, words slips out of your lips.
“come with me.”
questions towards yourself came as soon as you spoke. you refused to answer them and instead waited patiently for the boy.
you’d just have to make do for later.
what’s important is now. you can’t just let this boy die in front of your eyes. not when you had felt a connection with him.
he glances down at your hand that was on top of his and then made eye contact once again. he has this expression that you couldn’t read, but it only intensified the curiosity you felt towards him.
“how?” his voice was much clearer this time and you couldn’t help but notice how tingles came by your arm as you felt him interlace his fingers with yours, already deciding despite of his question.
you lean forward and he didn’t bulge. there was no fear in the hues of his eyes and all you could feel was the calmness of his soul and the fire that was on your stomach.
“you have to be a siren.” you answer, coming out as a whisper, as if it was a secret that shouldn’t be heard by anyone.
“a siren?”
you nodded, raising another hand to his chest, you felt the warmth emanating from it, much different from how a merman’s body would feel.
“what’s your name?”
“shoto. prince shoto todoroki.”
“prince.” you say, remembering back to the echoes of the voices from earlier.
nodding your head in acknowledgement, you introduced yourself curtly. “i’m (y/n).”
although after he had shook his head in response, you had pulled him backwards—towards the water, dragging him with all of your strength. he didn’t have time to struggle, and you preferred it that way.
because in order to be a siren—to let go of his humanity and become impure in front of the living, the prince has to die first.
you didn’t let go of his hands as he lost the oxygen of the above. and before he could breathe his last breath, you lean in and placed your lips on shoto. it was the very last step of living as an impure being living under the water; having the same breathe with someone who does the same—which meant you.
when you pulled away, you saw shoto’s eyes flutter open again; the once turquoise and grey were now dark, as well as the hair that were once crimson and white. he begun to mirror the features of a merman, yet with the same dullness that your sister’s fiancé has.
shoto reminded you of dabi, most probably because dabi was once a human too.
yet their features do look alike. are humans usually like this? you questioned in your mind.
a gentle squeeze on your hand alerts you of the completeness of the process, his senses coming back to life that was once dead—or much closer to death.
“i... what have you done to me?” he was breathless despite having gills and nose to breathe. though, the expression in his face told you a whole different story.
“i made you one of us now.” you say, holding tightly onto the same hand that you’d been interlaced with since earlier.
“i am the queen of atlantis. welcome to my world, prince shoto.”
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ambssssssssss · 4 years
The Swan-Mills Family Discovers Kingdom Hearts
Part 1 of ?
I don't go here but anyway
One day, after the last curse is broken by True Love's Kiss shared between Emma and Regina, the two of them are at the Mills household with a tumbler of apple cider split between them debating on letting Snow plan them a huge extravagant wedding or just sneaking off to the courthouse one day, when Henry comes home. He's absolutely buzzing with excitement as he walks straight into the den and turns on his PS4 (he's probably more than a little spoiled by now, which annoys Regina to no end but he's still her little prince so she actually doesn't mind all that much) without so much as a hello to his mothers.
Emma and Regina follow him and blink curiously as the opening credits for a game they don't recognize begins to play. The style is a little outdated but it looks like the animation had been updated recently based on Emma's very limited video game knowledge. Curious, Regina picks up the case the game came in and turns it over in her hands.
"Kingdom Hearts?" She reads the title aloud, her inflection morphing as the words change into a question. Henry hums.
"I know everyone is pretty tired of the fairytale thing but I couldn't resist getting this. It looked like so much fun."
"I don't really think we can get tired of fairytales considering the fact that we're living one," Emma says, but her curiosity is peaked and she seats herself on the arm of the couch next to Regina. "But this game is about fairytales?"
"Kinda. It's hard to explain Ma," Henry eyes don't leave the screen as he sets the brightness, difficulty level, and controller vibration intensity. "But there's a ton of save slots if you want to play too."
"We'll just watch for now kid," Emma tells him , absently rubbing Regina's back with one hand. Henry nods and presses the button to start the game.
The family of three all find themselves almost immediately engrossed in the story of the game. The beginning is a little slow, though the choices and questions are interesting. Henry had accepted the staff and given up the sword, leaving the shield alone. The Heartless, the enemies Henry had to defeat, were actually pretty cute. At least, they were until an enormous, shadowy figure of the main character, Sora, appeared. Henry made a few comments on how the fighting style would improve as Sora gained more skills but Regina was more interested in the surface the character stood on. Each one depicted a different princess and Regina wondered what they might symbolize.
Another round of questions and Henry was told that his journey began at dawn and then the game finally, truly began. As Henry directs Sora to explore the place called Destiny Islands, Emma repositions herself so she's sitting on the couch cushion instead of on the arm. Regina settles against Emma's side with her legs tucked underneath her and her head against Emma's shoulder as they continue to watch. Henry, seated on the other end of the couch closer to the television, is leaving forward with the controller in his hands. His brow is furrowed in concentration as he races against Riku, for the 7th time, and loses again. Emma has to hold in a chuckle as Henry groans and begins the race again. Regina is relaxed in her arms and if not for the way she had maneuvered their hands together and was absently playing with Emma's fingers, Emma would have thought she had dozed off. Henry let out a little cheer as he finally beat Riku in the race and the family watched the next cutscene with interest. There seemed to be quite the mystery to solve, people in strange robes, and even the makings of a love triangle between Sora, Riku, and Kairi.
By the time Emma remembered that they were supposed to meet up with her parents for dinner like they did every Tuesday, Henry had already beaten the huge shadow figure for a second time, gotten a weapon called the Keyblade, and was wondering around a world called Twilight Town after a long cutscene that revealed more familiar Disney characters in the game. Thankfully, these were characters that Emma was certain were just fictional. She had no idea what she would do if she ever met a real Donald Duck or Goofy.
"Time's up, kid. We've gotta meet you're grandparents for dinner." Emma called when Henry found a save point and he groaned good naturedly but complied. After donning shoes and jackets, the Swan-Mills family made their way to Granny's diner chatting about the game.
"I think we should restrict this to a non-school night game," Regina commented as they stepped through the door to Granny's. Charming and Snow had already claimed a table for the whole family so they made their way over. "Clearly it is easy to lose track of time playing this."
That was an understatement. Regina and Emma hadn't noticed the hours passing, three of them to be exact, and they were only watching Henry play.
"What's this?" Snow asked curiously after pulling each of then into a hug one by one. Charming did the same for Emma and Regina but traded a fist bump with Henry instead as Emma greeted her baby brother.
"A new game Henry is playing," Regina answered as they all took their seats again.
Henry launched into a startlingly in depth run down of how the game came into existence, its reputation of having a hopelessly convoluted storyline, several branch off games that were not necessary to play but would fill in a lot of gaps outside the two main games, and the much anticipated release of the third game in the main franchise, Kingdom Hearts III.
"Sounds interesting," Charming said after Henry finished his long winded explanation and began to devour his food. Regina was glad that the explanation was over if only so Henry could eat his food while it was still somewhat warm. "And it's about fairytale characters?"
"Sort of. The game was developed by Square Enix but they collaborated with Disney for this. Most of the characters are either from Disney or another video game series called Final Fantasy."
Snow asked about the plot of the game but Henry shrugged his shoulders. In it's most basic form, the game was simply about light versus dark, good versus evil. Henry didn't know how much this game would delve into the shades of grey between good and evil but he was eager to find out.
"You'll have to let us know how the game goes," Snow said after they finished their meal and were walking out. Henrt nodded enthusiastically as he gave his grandmother a parting hug.
"I thinks its gonna be awesome," Henry said as he pulled away. Then he looked over his shoulder at his moms and smiled his most charming smile. "Even if nothing can be as great as your story."
Emma chuckled. "Nice try kid, but you're not getting extra game time tonight."
"As soon as we get home its homework, shower, then bed. You have school tomorrow," Regina completed, taking Emma's hand in her own as they walked out.
Charming laughed as Henry shrugged his shoulders, "Worth a shot."
The Swan-Mills family walked back to Mifflin street and Henry, as instructed, grabbed his bookbag and went up to his room to complete his homework for the night as his moms retreated to the study to finish the cider they had started earlier.
"He's right you know," Emma commented sometime later from her spot on the couch in the study. Regina, sitting at her desk and reviewing a few documents she would need for a meeting the next day, looked up curiously.
"What are you talking about darling?"
"Henry," Emma rose from the couch and made her way to Regina's side as she spoke. "He was right about us. No story will ever be better than ours."
"He was sucking up so we would let him play more video games," Regina rolled her eyes but still put the papers she was reviewing down in favor of pushing away from the desk and pulling Emma down into her lap.
"Doesn't mean he was wrong," Emma placed her arms around Regina's shoulders, one hand tangling in long, dark hair as the other caressed Regina's cheek.
"I suppose so," Regina tilted her head back slightly to look Emma in the eyes. "As long as our story has a happy ending, I think it will be the best one ever told."
"Our story has the happiest ending of all because it's not an ending. It's a beginning. The beginning of us."
Emma leaned down and kissed Regina then, slowly and surely and with the confidence that she'd get to do so every day for the rest of her life. As Regina poofed them up to their bedroom in a cloud of light purple magic, videogames could not have been further from Emma's mind.
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bleepblopbloop56 · 5 years
The Murder in the Dressing Room
Chapter 8: Because I Love You
Just a small note: im so excited for you guys to read this one you have no idea. going through the editing process this week has somehow made it my favorite chapter in the whole story i swear. Alright also need the routine stamp of Edited By @pathos-logical who made this what it is today i swear
Warnings: unsympathetic deceit, abusive deceit, manipulative deceit, toxic relationships,slight blood mention, slight medication mention, unwanted kissing, a litttlleee bit of unwanted touching.
"Hey there, beautiful~" A handsome stranger in a yellow button up smiled down at him, sliding into the stool at his right. "Can I buy you a drink?" Normally Roman wouldn’t have thought twice about refusing the offer, but the irritation lingering in his chest made him reckless. He traced his eyes over the man’s face, gaze catching on his green eyes. He couldn't tell what it was, but something in them made Roman want to say yes, want to listen to every word he said. 
… Just one drink can’t hurt, he decided, requesting just a diet coke while raising his eyebrows at the man. He didn't complain, which Roman took as a good sign.
"I'm Ethan, but you can call me Dee," he introduced himself, offering his hand.
"Roman," he said, taking the hand and holding it for a moment longer than necessary. He couldn't help it- those eyes were sucking him in and putting him in a daze. 
"So what are you doing here, Roman?" The way the man- Ethan- said his name made his heart skip a beat. "Looking for anything from tonight?" The way he smirked made it clear he didn't mean anything so much as anyone, and he was looking at Roman like he was the most beautiful man in the world. It felt good to be flirted with. Logan sure as hell didn't do that too often. 
"Me and my boyfriend are fighting," Roman chuckled nervously. “I just wanted to have fun for a bit and forget about him." Roman scooted away, suddenly rethinking coming here. He loved Logan, he just… got so frustrated with him sometimes. He'd spent nearly every day at work for the past few months, even his days off. He worked and worked and left no time for Roman. All he wanted was some attention. That wasn't too much to ask, right?
Ethan frowned like Roman had just told him Logan had locked him up in a tower. He leaned forward a little, seemingly unconsciously bridging the space Roman had put between them. The shifting lights of the club shadowed his eyes and threw the scar on his face into sharp relief for a second, making him look… dangerous. "You deserve better."
Roman laughed purely out of shock, a little taken aback by how serious he sounded. He tried to deflect, to take some of the blame off Logan, but Ethan steamrollered right over him. "You look lonely. Don't you want to forget yourself and be someone else for a night? Don't you want to the star of the show for a change?"
Ethan had seen right through Roman- hell, he'd practically read his mind, reaching down into his soul and pulling up wants he couldn't even admit to himself. Roman wanted to move back and put some distance between himself and Ethan- or maybe just the uncomfortable truth- but then Ethan smiled, slow and deadly as any poison. "A guy like you shouldn't be lonely tonight."
Roman’s breath sped up against his will. A hopeful grin crept across his face in a way he hoped didn't look too eager. "Maybe…" He leaned in, maybe a little more than he should. "Could you… could you make that happen?" 
Ethan… no, Dee, quirked an eyebrow at him, his smirk deepening to something lethal, and struck the killing blow.
"Anything you want…" 
And god, Roman wished he could have the excuse that he was drunk that night, to say he wasn't thinking clearly when this man pulled him away into his huge house and made him feel like he was the most precious treasure in his collection. To say he was high or drunk or drugged when he woke up in another man's arms wishing this movie star life could always be his. He wanted to say that he didn't enjoy that night, that he thought of Logan the whole time, that he didn't mean any of it. But he couldn't lie to Logan… Not like that. 
Street lights lit up Dee's face as he drove down the winding streets. He'd been quiet since they'd left the hotel; whether that was good or bad was anyone's guess. Roman sat beside him just as silently, lost in thoughts of the night everything went wrong. The first of many "worst mistakes of his life". Without even realizing it, tears began to slip down his face.
Dee's hand rested on Roman's knee, thumb rubbing in small circles but not moving any farther up his leg like they usually did. He glanced over and put a fake pout on his face, the kind he was so good at. It made Roman sick. 
"Why are you crying, baby?" Roman stayed silent. "We're going home! Don't you wanna go back home with me?" Dee took his eyes off the road to wipe off the tears, and despite being a sweet gesture, Roman could only read it as a threat. Everything Dee did now felt like one- he'd never be safe around him again, not after this.
He forced himself to nod his head slightly, sniffing and wiping at his own eyes. He was lying, but he had a feeling saying "no, I want to go back to Logan and I want you to leave me alone forever" would make Dee slam the car into a tree. Dee smiled at him, turning back to the road.
“Why are you doing this, Dee?” Roman asked quietly. He didn't know what he was expecting to hear. Maybe “because I'm evil’ or ”because you’re mine”- something he could understand, something that would make sense, at least with Dee’s twisted worldview in mind. What he did not expect was the soft “because I love you” that came from the man, sounding as genuine as it had all those months ago.
“Because I love you, Roman,” Dee smiled, cupping his cheeks in his hands, "and I want to marry you." Dee hadn't waited for an answer after proposing- he’d immediately slipped the ring onto Roman’s finger, pulling Roman back in when he stumbled back in surprise. He leaned down and kissed Roman, not caring that he didn't reciprocate, ignoring how Roman tried to squirm out of his grip.
Roman's mind was racing a million miles an hour. Marriage? He had been trying to work up the courage to break up with Dee for weeks, and now he thought it was the time for marriage? 
"Don't you think that's a little fast?" Roman tried nervously, putting his hands on Dee's chest in an effort to keep him away without showing it. "I mean- Dee, baby, we've only been dating for a year," he chuckled, trying desperately to keep his voice light. He looked down at the ring. The bright diamond caught the light, a promise of more of this picture-perfect life to come… The sex, money, clothes, attention- all of it was right in front of him. Everything Roman had ever dreamed of, and all he had to do to get it was say yes.
"Do you not want to marry me?" Dee's eyes held something dangerous in them, and Roman read the question for what it was- not a question at all, but a threat.
Roman stared back at him, trying to make his mouth form any words that weren't "of course I do" trying to say that this had gone too far, that he wanted to go home, to see his friends, family, Logan, all the people Dee had made him cut ties with. 
"I'd love to, Ethan," he smiled wearily, standing on his tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
Even at that moment, he’d felt like he’d made a deal with the devil, and every time he looked at that ring he was reminded of the price he paid.
"How's your head, baby?" Dee asked. "I have some ibuprofen in the glove box if you need it." Roman wasn't all that willing to take anything Dee offered, but he was reluctantly grateful to hear it- getting slammed into a wall hadn't exactly left him feeling peachy. It could've been worse, I suppose, he thought. At least he didn't hit hard enough to dent the wall… or my skull.
He reached in the glove box, muttering a meek thank-you as he did. His hand hit against something long and thin wrapped in cloth, and when he peered in to get a better look, he was met with the sight of spots of dark red covering the fabric. He almost jerked his hand out and slammed the glove box shut, and only the knowledge that Dee was watching kept him from doing it. He slowly pulled out the bottle of pills, shaking so badly that he almost couldn’t unscrew the cap.
When his hands finally steadied, Roman took three and popped them into his mouth, wincing as he swallowed. While mumbling out another thanks to be safe, he vaguely made the connection that when Dee had apologised, it was specifically asking for forgiveness, not to make Roman feel better. Had it always been like that? No… He had to have been earnest in the beginning. Roman wouldn't have gone with him if he wasn't. Right? 
"Why are you so quiet, my prince?" Dee cooed, glancing over every few seconds to look at his love. His Prince Charming… 
"Hey, Prince Charming!" Virgil called, throwing a pillow across the room at the pair. "Back off on the PDA, I have virgin eyes." He dodged the pillow when Logan threw it back at him, laughing. He had started calling Roman that after he’d walked in on Roman serenading Logan with Disney songs in the kitchen, and Roman would be lying if he said he didn't like it.
Roman dropped to a knee, bowing to Virgil with a look of mock regret on his face "Oh King Virgil the Virgin, how will you ever forgive my misdeeds?!" He threw a hand on his forehead, flopping onto his back like a Victorian mistress who’d just gotten a whiff of her vivid green wallpaper. "My only hope is that you continue to let me rule over this humble kingdom under you!" Roman kept his eyes shut tight, trying not to break, but when Logan of all people started snickering, he burst out laughing and let the act drop. Virgil was laughing too, they all were, and that was the best thing about them. They were always laughing, everything was fun with them.
And now Virgil was gone… 
And now he was back with Ethan… 
Now he'd ruined it all.
Roman let his tears fall freely. Sitting beside the murderer of his best friends and his brother, it occurred to him- not for the first time in the relationship- how completely and utterly trapped he was.
"I'm just… thinking about Remus," he whispered, wiping his tears with the top of his shirt. It was only partly a lie; he wasn't just thinking of Remus, he was thinking of everyone. Remus, Virgil, Thomas, Logan- all of them were clawing out of his brain and finding their way down his face. But Remus was family, and hopefully that was someone Dee would allow him to grieve for…   
But Dee didn't look sympathetic. "You didn't need him," he said coldly, pulling into their house- no, his house. Roman didn't belong there anymore. "I did you a favor, Roman. Now you can focus on me." Roman must've done something with his face, because Dee's coldness turned right back to sweetness. "Now we can focus on us."
Roman nodded even though he knew that wasn't right, stomach twisting in knots at the reminder that he was the reason people died- that no matter how indirectly, it might as well have been him who’d killed them. That he was only here so Dee wouldn't hurt anyone else
"Remember the rules?" Dee asked, staring down at his passenger before unlocking the doors. The light, casual malice in his voice made Roman think of the knife in the glove box, and he nodded jerkily, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from crying. They'd gone over them three times in the car; they’d been drilled into his brain by now. He thought he’d break down if he had to hear them out loud one more time, but- "Say them," Dee demanded, and Roman obliged. 
"One hand on you at all times." He started with the easy one, voice strained to the point of breaking to keep from bursting into tears. "If I run, you'll kill Logan. If I scream, you'll kill Logan." His voice was cracking. "If I call for help, you'll kill Logan…" Dee smiled at him, leaning in and kissing Roman sweetly as he unlocked the doors to the place Roman had once called home. Hand on Roman's back, Dee pushed him gently through the house. They walked through the living room, spare bedrooms, the small library, passing everything until they were in the very back. Roman almost lost himself in the haze of familiar scenery for a few minutes, but then-
"Dee? Dee, our room is back there, Dee where are we going?" Roman couldn’t help how his voice pitched up in terror, and his attempts to dig his heels in were to no avail; Dee just shoved him forward more forcefully. He threw open the door to the basement- the one room in this huge house Roman had always been too afraid to go into, the one that locked from the outside. 
"I have some business to do, my prince, I'm going to have to leave you here for a bit," Dee said with a fake pout. Nonsensically, almost hysterically, Roman thought that all his expressions were fake- nothing about him was real. Not anymore.
"Please don't leave me here, Dee," Roman cried, trying to follow him up the stairs. "Please, I promise I won't leave, Ethan-" but the door slammed shut, and the lock clicked behind him.
One thing that Ethan didn't mention was that no matter how closely Roman followed the rules, no matter how good and obedient he was, Ethan had always planned on killing Logan. Nothing Roman could do or say would've convinced him otherwise. 
Ethan was in love with the idea of Roman, in love with having someone beautiful to wake up beside and do everything he said. He loved having his little plaything, and one person was trying to keep that from him. And that just wouldn't do… 
The murder in the dressing room taglist:
@cataclysm-al @knightinsoftpastels @intrurality-fusion @katie-the-noble-fangirl @whizzie72 @grayson-22 @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @winterwonderland7669 @missieluvsmurder @sign-from-god-complex @dragonindigo245 @angryfanboyscreaming @ninja-wizard101 @sombraookami @crystalistrappedintheinternet @imtooaromanticforthis @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @dragon-hair @satanblessi @spookilyfingergunsoutofexistence @skruffy901 @selectivereality @nonbeenary-enbee @imbasicallyshakespear @cats-vetal-miking-vomit @incoherentfangirl @oofmood @nonbianary-pineapple @royalnerd829 @unicornlogansanders @magma-llama @chumo-cookie
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knightedrogue · 6 years
Today it hit me that the last time we see Han Solo kiss someone on screen will not be with Leia, it will be with Qi'Ra. And they will probably get a scene in bed or implied to have sex while Han and Leia never got one. They couldn't even give them a kiss in TFA. I started crying and I wish I had never gotten involved in this fandom or fallen in love with Han and Leia because now Disney is just going to break my heart over and over again. History will be rewritten so Qi'Ra is Han's soulmate now.
Anon! I can understand why that is painful and a horrible feeling to have. I certainly don’t want you to regret falling in love with Han and Leia, because they are amazing, complex, beautiful characters that deserve all the love in the world. 
Lemme tell you a story, anon. I was in fandom in the early/mid 2000s, and I thought the worst things in the world were 1) Bria Tharen, and 2) James Luceno. Luceno was the hack that decided it would be fun to have Han cheat on Leia (thank god the editors cut that idea down quick) and Bria was the EU version of what Qi’ra is supposed to be now. 
And then I left fandom. I took all my love for Han and Leia and went completely dark for seven years. But anything was better than the fandom wars and the lack of response in the community and the meanness that exists in fandom, right?
My next SW adventure was TFA: a horrorshow that left me totally damaged while everyone else was telling me it was amazing. And I threw myself into fandom again to right what I thought had been wrong, even though a part of me was always upset that I was no longer a “canon fan”. But I couldn’t deal with Disney canon. Those weren’t my characters. That was not my Han and Leia. 
And what I took away from this experience was that fandom is what you make of it. If you are hurt by the idea of Qi’ra, join us in the group that denies Disney the fanfare it wants.  YOU determine who your Han and Leia are. Your feelings about the Solo movie are totally valid and you are allowed to decide where your canon starts and where it ends. 
Don’t let anyone tell you who your Han Solo is. And if you need creators to help you, I am happy to provide you with any and all of the awesome people I know who, like me, believe we know and love him more than Disney does. 
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