#i crave it i need it like oxygen i need MORE
biblio-smia · 3 days
“sharing a kiss after not seeing them for an extended period of time” with robin buckley, please! ♡
your gas tank is almost drained again by the time you stop, the a/c you've had to turn on full blast as the sun came up practically eating it. soreness from staying seated in the same position for so long disappears, replaced by happy nerves as you flip down your little mirror and touch your tired face up.
you'd been counting down the days on the cute little calendar that had been gifted to you. this was new, this anticipation to return to hawkins. the town had never held anything for you before, especially not in the summer. the odd part-time, the local pool, the occasional other-worldly being to fight.
this summer, though, your heart had been aching to see your girl.
you weren't sure how one person managed to bring you home like this, moving out of your little dorm almost a thousand miles away as soon as you possibly could. not even your friends could make almost a full day of driving seem so easy but i guess that's why you weren't dating any of your friends.
it's been almost three months since spring break and you craved to be in hawkins almost every day of that. phone calls had managed to get you by but it wasn't nearly the same.
your feet unnecessarily pace themselves into a run; robin's driveway isn't very long and it's only about ten steps from her door. excitement buzzes through your body. almost three months, almost a thousand miles, almost here. one door is the only thing that separates you now.
you ring the doorbell and make yourself wait, seconds feeling impossibly long as you begin to hear faint footsteps growing louder, louder. the locks click, the doorknob turns and she's there, she's here.
you barely catch a glimpse of the shock on her face before you've pulled her in for a kiss. the driveway's empty and really, you couldn't care less about what the neighbors see right now.
you hold her face in your hands gently as you kiss her with fervor. you kiss her like you need it to survive, as if she's your only source of oxygen.
you've forgotten to tell her you were on the way, her reminder only ringing in your head again two hours in. you've saved her the anticipation, at least, the counting down of the hours - the same phenomena that drove you to drive all this way without stopping to rest.
you'll pay for it later, you're sure, but right now you're both too overcome with something happier to inspect the details of your journey.
your head rests on robin's shoulder now. she's managed to drag you in a foot and close the door behind you as you hold her with no intent to let her go.
robin pries you off with a laugh at your whiny resistance, soothing you with a soft "come on," and her hand in yours.
robin moves a few employment advertisements out of the way before waving you into her bed.
you're in each other's arms again, unable or unwilling to have your hands off the other. robin inspects your face - the shadows under your eyes, the old flecks of mascara rubbed off of your lashes, the residue of the shiny lip tint she'd gotten you.
her thumb follows the curves and edges of your face, grazing your face with as much care as the first time around. you can recall, almost perfectly, how nervous her touch made you feel, how you'd held your breath under her stare.
robin still has an effect on you, many months later. this time, though, you take advantage of her distraction and take this opportunity to stare: her hair is up because she hates how some pieces tickle the back of her neck when she's laying down, her freckles so much more prominent now that it's summer.
she still smiles nervously when you watch her as if you'll find something wrong if you stare too hard. there's nothing, though - nothing that could ever convince you robin wasn't perfect.
she kisses you again, softly. gently, but enough for you to feel how much she's missed you. perhaps she'll forgive you for not calling.
keys jingle and the front door opens, voices booming down the hallway as you and robin separate.
"robin! we're home! the car in the driveway, isn't that-" robin's father's voice calls, getting closer until he's appeared in the doorway. "i knew it," he grins.
robin's mother pops up behind him, equally as delighted. "oh, robin didn't mention you were on your way back! did you come straight here? i saw that car of yours filled to the brim with things. have you eaten yet? of course you haven't, robin, you haven't offered anything?"
she shoots so many questions you have to hold back a laugh. "yes, i just got back."
"oh, why don't you stay for dinner then?" robin's mother encourages you with a nod and you can't help but agree.
robin looks at you once they leave, a soft expression on her face. "you came straight here?"
you nod quietly, a shy smile playing at your lips. "couldn't wait another second to see you."
robin laughs hard, falling onto her back.
"why are you laughing? i'm being vulnerable with you and you're laughing." you lean over robin to press a kiss to her cheek through your smile.
"because you're a dweeb. a cheesy, cheesy, dweeb."
"oh, that's cruel."
robin pulls at your face before you can pull away in time, knowing your next move would be to deprive her of any affection. you really can't resist within a certain distance from her, letting her pull you in for another kiss.
"we need to find a job together this summer," you whisper against her lips.
"and steve," the both of you mutter at the same time. giggles erupt out of the two of you, causing a collapse of your body on top of robin's.
she holds you as you kiss along her face lazily. all the rush has left your body, leaving you yearning for a nap. preferably in robin's arms.
"dinner's ready!" a voice calls from the kitchen.
"you should know, it's just leftovers." robin admits.
"i don't care," you grin, kissing robin's nose before forcing yourself to get up before you fall asleep right then and there. "come on."
because really, there isn't much to sweat when robin's around - not inter-dimensional monsters, not long-distance, and certainly not leftovers for dinner.
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part of v's 1000 follower celebration | main masterlist
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suntails · 1 year
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this is me literally every single time i sit down to draw my son
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moon7jay · 5 months
Pent up (l.hs, p.sh)
Read pt.2 here
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Warnings : Non con, dub con(?), morally grey plot obviously (what do u even expect from me), filth, smut
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Heeseung could feel the familiar itch in his chest and palms... and somewhere else. Well his dick to be precise.
He was horny. Inexplicably and utterly horny. could you blame him? His fanbase was majorly comprised of females. Hot females. But they weren't allowed to mingle with fans and that heightened his yearning more. Like craving the taste of a forbidden fruit.
He rubbed an exasperating hand over his sweaty face, breathing heavily through his nose to get in as much oxygen as he could, the testosterone was high in the hotel room, everyone still riding the adrenaline rush from the concert even though it had been done and over an hour ago. The tension was high in their bodies still and he could feel himself buzzing with it.
He knew it was practically impossible to get pussy at this hour, especially with the whole NDA thing and it agitated him further. His balls were heavy and in a desperate need to be drained empty by a tight warm pussy or mouth, he didn't even care, he just needed release.
He mentally thanked God for being the oldest and having the solo room privileges cuz it seemed like hardcore porn and his hand would have to do for the night. He was so ready to jerk off till his dick ached.
"Gonna head to my room" he informed Jay, who was sitting beside him on the spacious couch, just in case their manager started panicking upon not finding him with the rest of the boys.
Jay gave him a quick nod of acknowledgement and went back to whatever he was doing on his phone. Probably texting his girlfriend. That lucky fucker, heeseung thought. Jay's girlfriend was hot, heeseung had checked her out shamelessly on multiple occasions, even tried to get into her personal space a lot of times until Jay strictly told him to back off. Well, his bad, but what could he do? He was just a man who thought with his dick most of the time.
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You heard him before you saw him, the sudden click of the door opening startling you enough to make you jump and turn around towards it. With the air freshener still in your hands, you came face to face with the most gorgeous man you had ever seen.
First thing you noticed about him was how tall he was, looking down at you even from a distance. His messy hairs fell over his forehead , his entire body clad in a casual black shirt and sweats attire. You gulped cuz this wasn't a part of the job. You were told to ready up the rooms for some very important people who would be staying at the hotel tonight but no one was supposed to be here for another hour or two. or maybe you messed up the timings again. Oh you were fucked.
The gorgeous man raised an amused eyebrow at your deer caught in the headlights stance and that's what finally made you break out of your inner monologue and you bowed to him, body on autopilot to do damage control
"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience sir, i wasn't aware you would get here this fast, I just need to fix the bed and I'll be done" you stuttered out, hoping a quick apology would be enough and turned back around to quickly fix the sheets, spraying the freshening spray around, hoping you won't be reported to the manager for this blunder.
What you failed to notice in your inner panic was how heeseung turned the lock of the door, setting the bolt in place, basically locking you in the room with him.
You didn't notice how his eyes scanned your figure while you apologized to him, or how his blood ran hot when the word "sir" came out from between those tempting, glossed lips of yours.
You didn't notice how his eyes ran shamelessly over your exposed legs, his tongue coming out to wet his lower lip while he ogled the curve of your ass as you bent over to fix the bed sheets.
Damn, heeseung thought, his dick twitching in interest, already leaking in his pants with how excited he was becoming at the sight of you.
You jumped upon feeling two large palms grabbing your sides, a squeak falling from your lips at the unwelcome touch
"What the fuck" was the first thing that came out of your mouth, caught too off gaurd to even react properly.
You tried to turn around to push him away but before you could even move he was twisting your body, manhandling you onto the bed. Your mouth opened to scream but a large palm stopped your attempt, your eyes widened in terror upon feeling his large body settle over yours, one tight grip on both of your wrists, trapping your hands above your head while his hand covered your mouth.
Heeseung was ecstatic, he could feel how soft you were against his hard body,your tiny figure squirming underneath his harsh hold, wide scared eyes staring up at him through wet lashes, he wanted to coo, you looked so adorable like this. Just ready to be fucked.
"You know I could easily get you fired sweetheart, just don't fight this" He threatened subtly, his calm voice oddly did the trick and you halted your struggling body.
You were a broke college student barely making ends meet. Your younger siblings depended on you for everything and so just the thought of getting fired was enough to chill your bones. That just wasn't something that you could afford. Tears flowed down your cheeks but you complied. Accepting your fate.
His eyes pivoted to your heaving chest, the open button at the top of your dress shirt giving him a peak of your perky mounds, driving him crazy with his rising lust for your body.
"Going to remove my hand but only if you'll be a good girl" he whispered, his hot breath fanned your face and you nodded too enthusiastically, making him chuckle and remove his hold on your mouth. His hand instantly moved to unbutton your shirt, making you sniffle into yourself. You closed your eyes in disgust, not wanting to see what was happening to your body, a sharp gasp leaving your lips when his rough hand squeezed your chest harshly.
An excited "fuck" fell from his lips upon feeling your soft tits, hardening him further in his pants. He duck down to run his nose along your clavicle, breathing you in while he groped the sensitive flesh of your boobs mercilessly. He traced the length of your neck and jaw, leaving small kisses and bites, eventually coming face to face with you.
"Open your pretty eyes I want you to see me do this to you" he whispered on your lips, taking the bottom one between his teeth. His nails dug into your mounds when you didn't listen, making you cry out in pain and giving into his wishes.
Your tear strained eyes looked into his lust blown hazy ones, watching how he suckled on your bottom lip, opening your mouth pliantly when he thrust his tongue into your mouth, licking and sucking, lewd noises coming from him at the taste of your tongue.
Heeseung was painfully hard. And as much as he wanted to take his time exploring your body, he was too fucking impatient to do so. His dick was weeping to get inside your warm fuck hole and he was not going to deprive himself of the much needed relief of your body any longer.
He moaned into your mouth, licking deeper while his hand travelled down between your legs, moving under your dress skirt to probe at your pussy from above your panties, making you gasp into his hungry mouth. That breathless gasp and the feel of your cunt was what did him in.
Removing himself from your body he climbed down the bed while you watched him petrified. Nerves frozen in anticipation of his next move.
"Take off your panties" He instructed you while he undressed his lower half, hastily taking off his sweats and boxers, exposing his hard and leaking dick to your terrified eyes.
You sobbed, your thighs closing upon the sight of his member, it was so big and you could already imagine the pain it was going to put you in. You saw how his jaw clenched at your lack of action, sharp and annoyed eyes staring daggers at your face
"we can both enjoy this if you don't fight me baby, or I can enjoy this alone I don't fucking mind it either way" He gritted through his teeth, climbing back on top of you. Before he could reach for your clothes your small hands were stopping him, sniffing softly as you took a good look at him. His inquisitive eyes watched you impatiently.
"O-okay" You whispered and slowly reached down to take off your panties, opening your legs for him. A weird tingling feeling was starting to build up in between your legs upon seeing his leaking length. Maybe it was the fact that you hadn't gotten laid in a while or maybe you were a freak but you could feel the moisture starting to accumulate in your pussy.
He bit his lower lip upon seeing you so pliant and ready to take him. God he needed to fuck the shit out of you. "That's a good fucking girl" he whispered.
He didn't wait any longer to aim his cock at your entrance, parting your pussy lips and breaching the opening of your cunt, a pained moan leaving your lips while he groaned in satisfaction at the feeling of your snug walls.
Your hands held onto his shoulders, your back arching at the feeling of him forcing himself inside of you so roughly, burying himself in your womb to the hilt.
"fuck yeah baby" He groaned upon feeling his balls slap your asscheeks, finally fitting his entire dick inside your warm and tight pussy.
He didn't give you time to adjust, his hips moving on pure animal instinct to fuck. You screamed in pain at his brutal movements but the constant bumping of his dick into your cervix was making your eyes roll back into your head.
His hips moved against yours roughly, pelvic smacking sounds filling up your senses. Heeseung's mind was focused on the singular thought of your pussy, brows furrowed and mouth open as he moved his dick in and out of you, enjoying the tight clench of your walls, giving him so much pleasure his entire body was on fire
"your cunt is making me feel so good" he panted on your face, his movements never ceasing, you could feel every drag of his veiny cock against your gummy walls, making you moan in pure pleasure
"You're getting wetter the more we fuck baby" He chuckled through strained voice, hoisting your legs over his shoulders, taking you deeper, penetrating his cock way past your womb.
Your nails dug into his shoulders, moaning helplessly as he grinded his lower body into yours, your colliding sexes making a mess now that you were leaking onto the sheets
"That's right-fuck-enjoy it with me, a little fun never hurt anybody" He grunted, increasing his pace, desperately chasing the friction your pussy was giving him
"Oh my god-" you screamed when he continued to beat your insides raw, bumping continuously against your g spot.
"Yeah? feels good doesn't it baby? giving it to you so good yeah?" he spoke, his thrusts merciless. Railing you into the bed.
Your hips chased his own, opening your legs further for him, enjoying the sex more than you were supposed to. If this was happening to you, you might as well enjoy it right?
Your lips attached themselves to his throat and he moaned, lust blown eyes staring down at you
"You are getting off to this you little fucking slut, fuck yeah " He spat at you in disgust but the twitch of his dick inside your womb didn't go unnoticed by you.
"You like when men force themselves inside your slutty little cunt yeah? makes you feel so good doesn't it baby?" His words only made you wetter, your juices leaking onto his balls.
He was busy pounding you into the sheets, the bed creaking loudly, skin slapping sounds so deafening you didn't hear the lock jingling and the door opening.
"Mhmm fuck, busy enjoying alone?" a manly voice interrupted your pleasure filled haze, your eyes darting to the side as a tall and even more gorgeous figure came in your field of vision. His eyes were focused on you and how heeseung was railing you.
Even though you wanted to hide away from his gaze, the lust filled phase your mind was in was turning you on more.
Heeseung didn't cease his movements, smirking at the spare key in sunghoon's hand, he sighed in pleasure at the way your pussy was clenching rapidly around his dick, excited at the prospect of someone watching you fuck
"little slut, she likes that you're here" he panted, folding your body in half and fastening his hips, feeling the knot in his stomach tighten.
"fuck keep clenching on me baby, I'm so fucking close" He groaned, his movements incessant, holding your hips and moving rapidly against you, harsh breaths fell from his lips, eyes focused on yours. He slotted his mouth against yours and moaned out loud, his hips stilling inside you while he filled you with his fuck cream,moaning in satisfaction.
His subtle grinds were frustrating you, needing more friction to reach your own high. Heeseung felt your hips pushing up from the bed to chase his dick and chuckled in disbelief
"you want more dick?" he asked pulling out of you with a pop and watching his thick cum leak out of your hole. You nodded, your hand moving down to circle on your clit, arching into your own touch like a literal sex hungry slut.
"fuck that's hot" sunghoon groaned and your eyes moved to him, his hand squeezed his bulge from above his pants while he watched your movements with hungry eyes. In your sex drunk haze you had forgotten he was even there. You opened your legs further, showing him what you were doing.
"You can stick it inside of her you know, bet she wants it bad" heeseung taunted at him, climbing down the bed and taking a seat on the couch across from it.
Sunghoon was scurrying to unzip his pants as soon as he understood the meaning of heeseung's words and before you knew he was settling over your body, rubbing his dick against your slit, making you bite your lower lip in anticipation of getting dicked down again.
"Where did you even find her, I thought we weren't supposed to fuck fans" He asked looking over at heeseung briefly before pushing himself inside you with a pained groan. You screamed at the sudden penetration, body squirming.
"so fucking tight" he let out through gritted teeth, snapping his hips into yours impatiently.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and arched your body into him. God he was so much bigger than heeseung, your pussy felt so full, you could already feel your high approaching.
"She's not a fan" heeseung groaned gruffly, making you glance over at him, your pussy clenched crazily upon seeing how he sat manspreading on the couch, his dick in his palm, jerking off while he watched you.
Sunghoon didn't question him further, at this point he couldn't care less about who you were, he just wanted to fuck your pussy and that's all that mattered to him.
His hands moved down to help you wrap your legs around his waist and he started thrusting inside of you, a pleasurable groan leaving him upon feeling your wet snatch
"warm and wet, she's like every guy's fucking wet dream" He grunted, his hips snapping rapidly into yours, fucking his dick into your fuck hole in a frenzy. He wasn't going to last long.
"she is isn't she, fucking slut, fuck her pussy , beat it till it's red and raw" Heeseung panted through gritted teeth, his movements fastening on his dick, squeezing his balls and sighing in the overwhelming pleasure.
"fuck yeah" sunghoon groaned and adjusted his hips to reach inside you deeper, making you moan in pleasure, incoherent words falling from your lips, you could taste your orgasm on the the tip of your tongue. "Such good pussy fuck yeah you should get paid for it" He chuckled breathlessly and you moaned at his words. No one had ever talked to you this way.
Your hips chased his dick desperately, fucking yourself back on him
"Yeah you like this don't you? - holy shit-like when men use your tight little cunt to jerk off their dicks don't u baby?" sunghoon panted on your face and you moaned, nodding your head while he pounded you into the sheets
"Cum In her hoon, fill that filthy pussy to the brim" heeseung moaned, his hips lifting off the couch as he watched your grinding bodies fucking like animals on the bed. Hot pleasure was running through his viens and he could feel himself close to another release.
"Shit yeah, so good, feels so good, yeah mhmmnfuck" sunghoon rambled burying his nose into the crook of your neck as his hips grinded into yours, feeling so close, so close, so-
A gutteral moan ripped from his throat and he was coming undone inside of your cunt,the feeling of his warm cum pushing you over the edge, moans and groans filling up the room
"fuck, fuck, fuck ugh God" Heeseung gasped, spilling his cum all over his hand and thighs, his stomach clenching and caving upon feeling such mind numbing pleasure.
Sunghoon's body fell upon yours, grinding a few times to properly fill you with his cum and then he was pulling out of your abused cunt. Groaning upon seeing the mess you were making on the sheets.
Your head lulled to the side in exhaustion, body so sore and mind so numb that you didn't even notice the flash going off as sunghoon captured the sight of your leaking pussy on his phone, saving it in his jerk off folder. He was quick to adjust his dick inside his pants and climb down the bed
"thanks man I needed that" He said and winked at heeseung. Heeseung nodded at him and watched as he left the room fully satisfied. His eyes fell on your spent and naked figure on the bed and he could feel his dick twitch in interest again. Fuck.
Before he could decide against it, he was picking up his phone and dialing jake's number
"Hello?" came jake's muffled voice from the speaker
"Come over to my room and bring Jay with you, I've got the perfect thing for you to relieve the pent up tension"
"Is it your ps5? Because I don't-
"It's a pussy"
Heeseung smiled upon hearing the instant scurrying he could hear over the speaker and he faintly heard jake calling jay's name before he hung up on him.
The night was going to be so so long.
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cb97breathing · 6 months
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Pairing: Han Jisung x Afab! Plus Sized Reader
Theme: Fluff, smut, breeding kink, rough sex, creampie, oral sex (f receiving), squirting. 18+ NO MINORS.
Word Count: 2.1K
A/N: Please do not repost or translate my work!
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Having kids was never something you or Jisung talked about, even as newlyweds. But god seeing him today playing around with Chan’s son made something change in you. Seeing how amazing how gentle he was, how playful and caring. All you could think about was how amazing of a father he would be. You stared at him as he chased his little nephew around pretending to be a monster while Changbin pretended to be a knight and help slay him. You wondered if there was ever going to be a chance for you and him. Suddenly the smile disappeared from your face and you looked away.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Chan asked softly as he sat beside you in the kitchen, making you jump slightly. You bit your lip and looked over to Jisung.
“I found out that I have pcos, recently.” You said quietly. Chan looked over to Jisung holding his son and spinning him around then back at you and it clicked almost instantly. He reached over to grab your hand gently and squeezed it. “He knows, I couldn’t keep it from him. It’s more common now than it used to be. — But because of that, it will be hard getting pregnant, if at all.” You looked at him nervously. “For all I know I could be barren.”
“If you think that could stop Jisung from loving you, I hope you know it wouldn’t.” He said quietly. “Jisung would move mountains just to be by your side. – And hey there’s still a chance you can.”
“I want to try.” You said quietly. “I want a family with him. But I’m scared.”
“You should tell him.” Chan said softly.
“I’m going to. I just..I’m..” He pulled you into a side hug.
“It’s gonna be okay.” He whispered softly as he rubbed your back. "It's not going to go bad as you think it is. I promise you that."
Later on that night Jisung could tell something was wrong. You were quieter than normal, and kept zoning out. When you came home he pulled you close from behind and wrapped his arms around your waste. He nuzzled his face in your neck and kissed it softly.
“What’s wrong, doll?” He asked softly as he held you close. “What’s on your mind? You were so distant today.” You felt guilty for making him worry and melted into him as he held you.
“I was just thinking about something that’s all.” You whispered quietly. Your fingers gently ran up his arm that was wrapped around your stomach as your heart pounded from nerves. Should you listen to what Chan said? Should you tell him now? Your thoughts went back to earlier in the day with Jisung and his nephew and you couldn’t help but feel the wanting grow even stronger within you.
“What is it? What are you thinking?” He asked softly. You slowly turned around in his arms and looked up into his eyes nervously.
“J-Ji..” You whispered softly. He stared at you gently as he ran his fingers through your hair. “I want to try.” You whispered, his fingers stopped and he looked deep into your eyes. “I want to have a baby, I.. I want to have a family with you.” You let out a shaky breath and looked down at your feet. “I k-know it’s gonna be difficult, but after seeing you today I just–” You were cut off as Jisung tilted your head up to kiss you deeply. You melted into him instantly, just like always. His kisses were always addicting, they put you under a spell, making you want more, craving his lips the way you needed oxygen to survive.
“I love you.” He whispered into your lips. “If you want to try, so do I.”
“A-are you sure? I don’t want to disappoint you. What if, what if I… what if I never.” Jisung caressed your cheek making you stop mid sentence.
“Then we can look at other options, we could adopt, find a surrogate. Whatever you want to do, I am here and I will support you. My love, you could never disappoint me. This isn’t something you can control and I would never ever think badly of you for it. I married you for you, not anything else. I love you so much. You’re my universe. That will never change.” He pressed his lips to your forehead and held you tightly. His words made all your nerves disappear in seconds. You couldn’t help but smile at him as he bit his lip.
“—- I won’t deny I’ve thought about it. You walking around, glowing, stomach swollen with our little one growing inside.” He pulled you closer and nipped your lips. “Just the thought of it makes me want to press you against the wall and take you right here.” You shook at his words as he stared into your eyes hungrily. You could feel your core grow wet between your legs, dripping at the thought.
“Then why don’t you?” You whispered softly. He pressed his body to yours and quickly pinned you against the wall. He pressed his lips to yours hungrily and pushed up your skirt quickly and ripped your panties off. You gasped as you felt him wrap one of your legs around his waist as he nipped at your lips. You whimpered as you heard him undo his pants and push them down quickly. You felt his tip brush against your wet folds and shuddered.
“So drenched already, you want this bad don’t you, doll? You want me to stuff you full of my cum and knock you up?” He growled softly as he teased you with his tip. “Your body is screaming for it. Leaking so much on me.”
“Yes.” You whined loudly. “Please Ji.” You rocked your hips and he groaned in response. He buried his face in your neck and nipped at your skin as he pushed deep inside you. His curved cock hitting spots that made you see stars already. You both whimpered loudly as he bottomed out in you. You trembled and tangled your fingers in his hair. “Love you.” You mewled out.
“Love so much more darling.” He whispered into your skin. “Can’t get enough of you.” He rocked into you slow but hard, each thrust making you cry out and arch off the wall. “My beautiful girl.” Your heart flipped at that and you pulled his head up to kiss him passionately. He kissed back desperately as his thrusts began to pick up pace. He picked up your other leg so both were wrapped around him.
The sounds of skin slapping against skin along with both of your moans of delight filled the apartment and no doubt left no imagination for your neighbors. Not that either of you cared, if anything this was revenge for the couple next to you who went at it for hours last week. You were definitely louder than they were. But you couldn’t help it. Not when his cock was hitting that sweet spot deep inside of you repeatedly. Your legs were shaking as you felt yourself getting close to your peak. You clung to him for dear life as he felt you clench around him.
“That’s it love, let go for me.” He whispered. His hips started to snap at a rapid pace making you scream out and your eyes roll back. You arched off the wall and mewled loudly as he whined into your neck. “Yes yes yes, oh fuck baby keep clenching like that. Wanna fill you with my cum, want your beautiful pussy to milk me of every last drop baby.” You couldn’t hold it in any longer and sobbed as you finally reached your orgasm. Jisung followed seconds after as he pounded into you three times as he spilled into you. He held you tightly as you shook in his arms, peppering kisses all over your neck and face. “You alright baby?” He whispered softly.
“More than alright.” You breathed out as you pressed your forehead to his. “Think we scarred the people in 2b?” He chucked as you giggled to yourself.
“Oh, by the time I’m through with you tonight. They won’t be able to look us in the eye ever again.” You blushed deeply at his words and bit your lip. “Don’t do that love or we will never make it to the bedroom.” He warned softly before pressing his lips to yours.
“The couch is just as good.” You whispered softly. You could feel is cock twitch inside you. “Or the kitchen counter.” He growled in response. “Maybe even the kitchen table..”
“Fuck y/n..” He whispered softly and rocked into you, making you shudder. “Look what you do to me.” You whimpered at the feeling and nipped at his lips.
“Need more cum, Ji. Wanna have your baby please.” You begged softly. He stepped out of his pants and carried you to the couch. He laid you down and pulled out of you gently making you whine at him. He smirked at you and spread your legs wide.
“Wanna make you feel good first.” He whispered. He dove into your core and licked it clean, his tongue swirled around your clit making you shake and sob. You were sensitive and if there's one thing Jisung loved doing, it was making you cum until you begged him to stop. You tangled your fingers in his hair as he devoured your core like a man starved. Your hips rocked against his mouth in desperation making him shudder and rock into the couch in need.
You choked on air when you felt two fingers enter you and curl, finding your spot in seconds. He knew your body inside out, and you knew he was going to have you in shambles by the end of the night. He began to thrust his fingers into you quickly as he sucked on your clit, you couldn't even think. All you could do was writhe and jolt as he made a mess of you. His name left your lips in a desperate plea. You didn’t even have a chance to warn him as your orgasm hit you hard, your juices spilled onto his chin as he groaned loudly. He licked it all up and grinned up at you.
“Can’t get enough of your pussy, tastes like heaven.” He whispered. He kissed up your stomach and pushed up your shirt exposing your breasts, you took your shirt off quickly and threw it to the floor as he licked at your nipple. “So fucking stunning, my beautiful thick girl. All your curves drive me so insane. I’m so fucking lucky to have you as my wife.” He ripped off his shirt and you whimpered at the sight of his chest, your hands running up his abs gently.
“You’re the perfect one, you’re so beautiful Jisung.” You whispered. He laid flush against you and kissed you feverishly as his hands ran up your thighs, he pushed them up, positioning them high and eased into you slowly. You gasped into his lips as his cock filled you again, the angle bringing new waves of pleasure to you.
“Gonna breed you, gonna make you nice and swollen with our baby inside you.” He growled out, his lips brushed against yours as he snapped into you roughly, making you cry out with each thrust. Your eyes’ never left each other, as he pushed deeper and deeper into you. Soon you where whaling as he thrusted violently into you. Your body shook violently as you clung to his forearms. You couldn’t speak, you couldn’t think, your mind was a fog. “Look at you, so cock drunk and gone. My beautiful doll.” He cooed as he pressed his lips to yours. You shrieked as his pace picked up, at almost an inhuman speed. “Gonna ruin you, gonna fill you up over and over.” Your eyes rolled back and you clenched around him making him cry out in delight. He watched as your legs shook violently as your juices spilled all over him once again. The look on your face bringing him to his climax as he shoved his cock as deep as possible into you, spilling his seed inside once more.
You whimpered as you felt the warm creamy liquid spill out of you as he pulled out. He caressed your cheek and looked at you softly.
“You did so well love, come back to me.” He whispered softly as he pressed his lips to your head.
“J-Jisung.” You whimpered. He ran his fingers through your hair and held you close.
“I’m here doll.” He whispered softly. “I love you so much.”
“Love you.” You breathed out.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and in bed. You’re not gonna be doing much walking tomorrow.” He teased softly, earning a little giggle from you as you slowly came back to reality. “There she is. Welcome back.”
“You made me squirt twice.” You whimpered. He chuckled and buried his face in your neck.
“And I’ll do it again.” He grinned. "But for now let's get you in a nice hot bath hmm?"
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
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Thank you to @ave661 for the eye candy
Price x AFAB!reader
Warnings - 18+, minors DNI, daddy kink, praise kink, semi-public sex, p in v, oral f receiving, oral m receiving, unprotected sex
Reader is early 30s Price is 38 … though in my mind he’s 100% 45 lmao man radiates dilf energy
This isn’t proof read … I love chaos
It’s started as a joke, a tongue in cheek joke aimed towards you Captain over some celebratory drinks in the local pub. It had been a hard mission, alcohol was a must after what you’d been through as a team. It was the middle of December, fairy lights hung above the bar as a roaring fire lit up the snug corner of the pub.
Drinks were flowing, the atmosphere was cosy and conversation was easy. You were sat in the middle of your Captain and your Lieutenant. Their wide bodies crowded you in the booth as you relaxed into the warmth of their firm muscles. As you were drinking Gaz came running up to the table ‘right, I’m off.’ He had a smirk on his face as he downed the last of his pint, noticing a woman stood by the door you threw him a wink ‘she’s very pretty Gaz. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.’
Soon after Johnny slipped away, telling you he was meeting up with an old friend. Even your stoic Lieutenant had been making eyes at a lucky woman at the bar. Turning to your Captain, your head swimming in alcohol you pouted at him. ‘What’s the matter cap? Worried you’re a bit too old for these spring chickens in here?’ You smiled as you said it, rubbing your tongue over your teeth.
‘Careful love’ he growled, just low enough so only you could hear, ‘could teach you a thing or two yanno.’ You scoffed rolling your eyes, you dropped your eyes to his lips as you bit yours softly. ‘An old man like you? What would you know about pleasing a woman?’
And that’s exactly how you ended up in the back of his car, laid out, bottom half bare as he ran his tongue up and down your cunt. You gripped the leather seats as his tongue swirled around your clit, adding just the right amount of pressure to sent jolts of electricity through your body.
Your sweet moans filled the car as Price inhaled them like the very oxygen he needed to survive. Arching your hips into him you craved more. He was holding back. ‘John … please’ you begged as you gripped his arm. ‘What’s the matter? Old man too much for you?’ He questioned, his deep blue eyes fixated on your glowing body. ‘Feels so good John, don’t stop.’
With your permission he grazed your slit with his thick fingers, gathering your arousal. The sound was sinful. You bit your lip as he gently pushed into you, stretching your hole as you gasped for breath. You couldn’t see it, but he had one hell of a smug grin over his face. If it was one thing the Captain took pride in? It was how he could fuck.
He picked up his pace as he slowly added a second finger, stretching you further. He watched as his fingers moved in and out of your glistening hole, conducting a chorus of gasps and moans from your lips. He kept thrusting his fingers, watching your body writhe from pleasure. Your chest heaving and panting, your eyes screwed shut as you clenched your thighs around him.
‘Pretty little thing ain’t you?’ He cooed, before adding his thumb to your swollen bundle of nerves. A sharp gasp left your lips at the sudden intrusion. ‘Shit, oh my god’ you whimpered, burying your face into the leather seat. He leant over you, still keeping his punishing pace, lips hovering just above yours. ‘Not god love, just John.’
Feeling you begin to clench around his fingers he replaced his thumb with his mouth. Nipping, sucking and licking your clit, pushing you further and further to the brink of your orgasm. A string of incoherent words emerged from your throat as you threw your head back. ‘That’s it, give it to me love’ he whispered against your cunt, his beard tickling your sensitive skin.
Pushing your fingers through his hair you gripped it, pulling his face further into your aching pussy. He smiled against your folds savouring your arousal on his tongue. Your orgasm rushed over you in a tidal wave of unbridled pleasure. Completely blinded by your orgasm you hadn’t realised what you’d moaned.
Opening your eyes you saw Price staring down at you, a devilish glint in his eye. ‘Daddy huh?’ Oh god no. You didn’t realise you’d said it. He nuzzled into your neck nipping it softly between his teeth ‘mmm let daddy show you how well he can fuck eh?’ It was a growl, a low rumble from the depths of his chest.
He pulled you up onto his lap as he kissed you, his arms wrapped around you as he cupped your head into his. The kiss was messy and desperate, tongues fighting for control amongst the mass of teeth and lips. Rolling your hips into him you felt his hard cock against your core. ‘Fuck me John, now’ you demanded. Never being one to say no he quickly pulled out his cock and lined himself up.
You sank down onto his cock, both gasping as he filled your hole. He gripped your hips and began guiding you, rolling you back and forth as you covered his cock with your arousal. ‘Keep goin love, just like that … pussys so good’ he praised. He licked his lips as you began bouncing, wrapping your arms around his neck you nipped his bottom lip.
The windows were steamed up, the car filled with the sound of skin on skin, your pussy being filled and fucked. But the good Captain wanted more, wanted to show you how good he really was. In a swift motion he placed you face down on the back seat, instinctively you arched your hips up to meet him. He slipped back into your cunt, both of you gasping once more.
You pushed back into him as he began to thrust, gripping both your hips he slammed into you. A truly punishing pace, his cock felt so good as it ground against your core. He let out deep satisfied moans as he fucked you from behind. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, feeling completely cock drunk. ‘Oh fuck daddy!’ You wailed as you scrambled to grip onto the leather seat, his pace was unrelenting. ‘That’s right’ he growled, ‘let daddy take this of this pussy.’
Spanking your ass he watched as the muscle juggled with each thrust. His eyes glued to the shape of your body beneath him, he snaked his hand into your hair. Pulling you backward causing your to arch your back further, your tits bounced each time he slammed into your pussy. ‘Oh fuck, right there, right there daddy’ you spat through gritted teeth.
‘Good girl, takin’ this cock so well.’ The praise drove you wild, it was like nothing you’d ever experienced before. Your skin felt like it was on fire, he rubbed your back, each fibre of your being lit up as he caressed you. ‘More daddy please, please please please’ you muttered, it was almost like a mantra. He spanked you again ‘little whore cock drunk already? Daddy’s doin a good job huh?’ He groaned under his breath.
You felt yourself tighten against his cock, ‘fuck fuck fuck, gonna cum’ you said, your voice strained from pure pleasure and desire. He dropped his hand from your waist to your clit, toying with it between his fingers. Daring you to come on his cock, pushing you further and further. He couldn’t not make you come again, his pride wouldn’t let him. He needed to hear your pretty little moans again, feel your cunt constrict around his cock.
Your jaw went slack, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you pushed your forehead into the seat beneath you. No sound came from your mouth as your orgasm ripped through you. John wasn’t too far behind, he pulled out and flipped you over, shoving his cock down your throat. You gagged around him as he came down your throat. Looking up at him through hooded lids, tears stung the corners of your eyes as you swallowed.
Whispered grunts and whimpers fell from his lips as his cock pulsated in your mouth. Your sweet saliva coating the entire length of his sensitive shaft. He offered you a warm smile as he pulled out, tracing your jaw with his thumb. ‘Now. What do you say to daddy?’
With a content sigh you licked your lips as you grazed his muscular thigh with your nails. ‘Mmm thank you.’
Taglist - @luminousbeings-crudematter @griffmors
I low key hate this lmfao daddy kink makes me shudder but it fit - thank you to @johnnytavish who suggested the daddy kink lmao
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etfrin · 4 months
— ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴜɴꜱʜᴏᴛ ⋆
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ꜱᴘᴇɴᴄᴇʀ ʀᴇɪᴅ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: NSFW | subby Spencer, dom-ish reader, praise kink, hints of overstimulation, edging, orgasm denial, hint of dacryphilia, pinv sex, creampie, unprotected sex (wrap it dumbfucks), riding | lmk if I forgot anything!
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: inspired from season one, ep nine; Spencer is safe from danger but you're still scared about losing him, leads to a night of passion <33
ᴀ/ɴ: first time writing Spencer, this is season one Spencer, hopefully I got his character right, he's so fucking sexy, lmk if there's anything I can do to improve writing his character!
bc: @cafekitsune @saradika | masterlist | navigation
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You flinch as the sound of the gunshot seems to ring. Spencer was inside and Officer Gideon was walking inside the train. You were looking away from the camera, afraid about the worst outcome. That is until Derek said, “He is fine. Spencer is fine.”
You let out a shaky breath and glance at the monitor. Derek didn't lie. Spencer is fine. The situation is under control. But you weren't.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
You were in your shared apartment with Reid. You had cooked dinner, something simple as Spencer was looking at some case files. “Anything interesting?” you asked as you set the plate down on the table. You ignore the way your hands shake.
Spencer doesn't. “Your hands are shaking,” he points out, “Shaking is an indication of fear. There is nothing to be afraid of right now.” He furrowed his eyebrows and asked, “Is everything fine?”
“Yes,” you lied.
“You're lying,” he calls out immediately, “Some researchers estimate that the average person tells around 1-2 lies per day. But you never lie to me. This is a first. Does that mean-”
“Spencer,” you interrupted him, a hint of guilt in your mind as you saw his confused expression. You don't want anything more than to kiss it away. You look away from him. “Dinner is ready.”
The rest of the night no other exchange of words happens between you and Spencer. You take one of his t-shirts to wear for the night, and you like how the scent of his cologne engulfs your senses.
Spencer was already in bed, lying on his side as he waited for you to join him. You quietly slip beside him and turn off the lights. “Goodnight, baby,” you whispered to him in the dark, your mind craving the heat his body was radiating. But you didn't want to cross a boundary so you don't go closer.
“Do you want to break up?” he thought out loud.
You let out a surprised noise. “No!” You say loudly, turning your body towards his. Despite the darkness, your eyes were connected to his. You practically feel his nerves.
“Well, because of your behavior today, it's clear that something is wrong. I am not sure what it is but such behavior indicates that there's a chance of breaking up. I am sorry for whatever it is. Don't leave me, love,” he lets out in a single breath.
You take in his words and shake your head. “No- no, baby, it's nothing like that.” You go closer to him, snuggling up until there's no space left between both of your bodies. “I was scared of losing you. You could have been dead right now.”
“I am alive though,” he points out.
You roll your eyes, not truly expecting him to understand. But it was fine because, in the end, he was fine. “Please, please be more careful next time,” you whispered. “I wouldn't know what to do without you, Spence.”
Spencer doesn't reply and you frown, before you can call out his name, his lips seal yours in a kiss. You whimper at the sudden uncoordinated clash of teeth that was so unlike the agent you knew. You moan into his mouth as your tongue tangles with his. There was no fight for dominance, you were both eating each other alive with the way you kissed. Spencer whines as you have to break the kiss to take in oxygen.
“What was that?” You chuckled, surprised in the best way possible.
“I need you,” he admits unashamed. “Right now.”
You giggled, but your hands urgently worked to unbutton his shirt. Your lips meet his for another kiss, and it's just as good. Your mouth is sucking his tongue, and you enjoy the taste of him. He groans, his hands exploring your heated skin. He clumsily unhooks your bra and curses as he begins to knead your breasts.
His fingers pinch your nipple, and you let out a sharp gasp. “Let me take care of you,” you whispered to Spencer as you changed your position to straddle him. “I want to ruin for everyone else like you did to me.”
Spencer’s eyes are wide, his lips are parted. He looks like a mess and his mind scrambles. He couldn't reply, too lost in your touch. “Please,” he lets out, begging for you.
“Such a good boy,” you praised, and he fucking whimpers.
You start by pressing soft kisses to his neck while your hand snakes down on his body to free him of his pajamas and boxers. He was unbelievably hard, his slit had beads of pre-cum decorating his cockhead. You swipe your thumb and gather the pre-cum to smudge it all over his cock as lube.
You knew you should have prepared yourself, taking his cock like this would stretch your walls out. It would hurt. But God, you wanted to make it hurt, you wanted it to burn so you'll remember this night forever.
You let out heavy sighs as you raise yourself to sink into his length. “Spencer,” you moan, your eyes closed as you take him inch by inch. “Baby,” you cry out as his cockhead pressed against your spongy spot.
“Oh, oh, ahh,” Spencer groans as he feels your tight, slick walls around his length.
Spencer grips your hips as a way to anchor himself. He was afraid of cumming too fast. You felt so good. He felt he would burst any second.
Spencer sits up and wraps his arms around to keep you caged so you couldn't move and he wouldn't embarrass himself by cumming too much. “Wait,” he whispered, his lips brushing against your skin.
“As long as you need, baby.”
Your walls squeezed his length and he groaned out your name as a warning. You giggled, absolutely loving his reaction to you. You begin to clench your walls repeatedly around his length, milking him. He responds by biting your skin, his teeth digging into your flesh, marking you. Your eyes roll back from the flash of pain and the pleasure that follows.
“Fuck, baby,” this time your pussy flutters around his dick genuinely and he whimpers.
“Let me ride you, Spence,” you said, pressing your lips to his. You whispered, “I'll be good, I promise. I won't tease.” He believes you. He nods.
You start slowly, getting used to his dick kissing the deepest part of you. You grind your hips against his and moan out his name. The pace was driving both of you insane. Spencer, even more so wanted to drive his cock into you. The urge to pin you down and thrust into you roughly was foreign to him, so he didn't act on it.
He feels himself getting closer, “‘m close,” he rasps out. You stop moving your hips. You take in deep breaths as Spencer gets confused. He feels his orgasm fade. He whines from the loss.
“Not so soon, darling.”
You begin to ride him again, loving the way how desperate he is getting. “You're doing so good,” you coo at him, “let me use you. That's my boy.” He whines, his tongue eagerly licking stripes of your salty skin between your breasts. When you feel him twitch inside of you again, you stop.
He cries out, his cock getting overly sensitive, his balls heavy with cum. He was waiting to breed you with his seed, but you were being mean. He begins to beg, “Please- please, please…”
“Why should I let you cum?” You whispered.
You weren't going to lie, you explained an entire Wikipedia explanation on exactly why you should let the pretty boy cum inside of you. What he says instead shocks you.
“Please just let me cum,” he whimpers.
How can you deny this sweet, pathetic man? Wait, you can. You stop again and he cries out, the salty scent of tears filling the room. “Please, please,” he moans your name, “I would do anything- let me cum.”
“Promise me you won't put yourself in danger.”
“Huh?” He said, not expecting those words.
You begin to slow down your pace until you eventually halt. “Promise me you won't put yourself in danger. You'll always take precautions when getting into dangerous situations. What happened today… I can't lose you, Spence.”
You lean forward to kiss his forehead before your lips sloppily kiss his lips. It was filthy and slow. Saliva dripping down on both of your chins, any other day Spencer would be disgusted. Today it made his cock leak out more pre-cum inside your slick cunt.
“Okay,” he promised.
“Then cum whenever you are ready, darling.”
You lay him down with a hand on his shoulder. Despite the fact your thighs burnt from pain, you fuck yourself faster on his cock. One of your hands holding his, you squeeze it as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. Every time you stopped before, you ruined your own orgasm as well.
It was fucking worth it though.
You moan out his name as your pussy pulsates around his length. Your free hand snakes down and you begin to play with your clit. You begin to draw sharp circles on the pearl, and you lose pace, getting lost in the pleasure. Spencer takes over, raising his hips to fuck his cock into you.
Neither of you has the time to warn each other as you cum. Your cunt milks him dry. His cum painting your walls. Spence fucks his cum into you until his cock slips out.
You take a moment to catch your breath.
“You're mean,” Spencer whispered.
“Whatever it takes to keep you around, genius. You like me mean.”
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mm-lurking · 12 days
To him, you are love.
Something I wrote in my friend’s dms while my simping juices were flowing. Written with Blade and Al-Haitham in my mind, but you can imagine your favourites.
Warnings: x fem! reader, pure fluff — The idea of his large, rough calloused yet gentle hands as he rests them on your smaller frame; he’s shocked by just how tiny you are and how he can fully enclose you in his arms like a vine that snakes around tree branches
The idea of just pressing your back into his chest and resting your head on the crook of his neck as his face and hair shades you from everything else and his beating heart soothes you
The idea of them just learning to sit with you in silence, learning to understand what love and to be loved is like, the silent message that their heavy breathing speaks, the gentleness in holding you in their arms as they protect you with quite literally everything they have
The idea of them just admiring you as you close your eyes and inhale their scent, completely satisfied with their existence while they struggle to embrace the concept of affection; it's so foreign but so pleasant and they cant help it because it's you, it's you whose breaking their barriers down and letting them know how to love
The idea of how he looks at you with such gentleness and tenderness and he finds an uncertain emotion stirring in his heart, the emotions violently tug on his heart strings and he just knows he's going to have you around for the rest of his life
The idea of how everything and anything you do killing him, he's absolutely floored by the littlest of your touches, giggles and smiles, the idea of him trying to just breathe as naturally as he can when he's with you but by god he cannot breathe when it comes to you
The idea of him going from not liking physical affection and anyone in his personal space to craving you to be around, he cannot bear to part with you in the privacy of your home, to deny holding your hands is to deny the very oxygen he breaths, he needs you, he needs your touch, he needs the way your gentle fingertips brush against his rough ones, the way your fingers so perfectly intertwine with his, you are sculpted to be his and no one can tell him otherwise
The idea of him accepting his fate, just completely surrendering himself to you as you trace his battle scars and whisper sweet-nothings into his ears; how could someone's touch and voice be so therapeutic and healing? He is drawn to the warmth you radiate like a moth buzzing around the streetlight on a dark night- yes that's precisely what you are to him, the light of his dark cold life and it drives him insane but he's addicted to you and he cannot withdraw himself away
Never had he thought he would express what they called love. It was a foolish emotion to him, one that distracted him from the path he had chosen to take. He did not have the time to love and be loved when life had never granted him a reason to do so. Then you came around and he's swept off his feet, and the more he tried to deny it the stronger these feelings got. How did someone break the walls of his heart so easily, so swiftly? How could someone just enter his life and crumble the shield he had built for himself so painstakingly? What magic did you possess in your words that he had fallen spellbound too?
And now here he was, with you in his arms, safe and secure, taken in every bit of you like a parched traveller who had gotten the taste of cool fresh water after days of thirst. If this was love, if this was what those foolish scholars and everyday humans giggled around about then he was willing to name himself as a fool too; for he was your fool, and yours only.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ©mm-lurking 2024 do not copy, steal or reuse my work.
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abbyshands · 4 months
kit you spoke to me on a spiritual level with camgirl!abby i will get on my knees for more ♡
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.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
a/n; @andersonlore, ml, how could i say no to that? <3
pairing; sub!cam girl!abby x dom!gn!reader
synopsis; cam girl!abby needs you like the oxygen that fills her lungs. so, in your own way, you fill her just as much. (or, put simply, fucking abs before a mirror <3)
warnings; use of a strap-on (abby!receiving) referred to as reader’s dick or cock, reader uses sweetheart, baby, and pretty girl for abby, roughish sex, praise (abby!receiving), reader is a huge tease, abby films reader fucking her, reader films themself fucking abby, lmk if i missed smt! ♡ (which i prob did bc i’m so sleepy rn)
wc; 1k
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
imagine sub!cam girl!abby, phone in her shaky hands as she films you pounding into her from behind. she’s been craving you all day, but she couldn’t find a good time to ask you. it was only when you came out of the shower, wet hair, naked body, looking so pretty her knees buckled, that she expressed this dying need of hers.
and then, decided to fulfill it.
you and abby are poised in front of the mirror beside the very shower you came out of, your hands on abby’s ass as you take her from the back. “f- fuck!” abby moans as you squeeze down on her bottom, hard, possessive. each thrust grows quicker, more ravenous by the second, as you give the blonde all that she’s asking for.
“keep that camera up for me, baby,” you commanded as you saw the phone begin to slip from her fingers. she didn’t get why she couldn’t just prop it up. it’d make it so much easier on her.
but you wanted to make her work.
“how’s anyone going to see your gorgeous self if you don’t?” you ask her genuinely.
“th- they’re not,” abby whined. she didn’t want to have to admit that you were right. she would have preferred to prop the phone up like she always did in her videos. but when it came to having a partner like you? she knew full well that it wasn’t that easy.
you just loved to mess with her.
“that’s right, baby. so just take it for me, yeah?” you coo into abby’s ear, and she nods all too quickly in response. you’re deep inside of her soaked pussy by now as abby moans your name, cheeks pink, eyes locked onto the view of you rutting into her in the mirror.
you smirk as an idea crosses your mind. “aw. poor thing just needs to be filled,” you tease. purposefully, you pull yourself out of her, earning a low whine of disapproval as quickly as you had done it.
abby’s fingers can barely keep the phone in her large hand when you derive her of what she’d been wordlessly begging you for all day. she can’t get enough of you, and your absence makes her go crazy. “c’mon, please, don’t- don’t stop, f- fuck. please.”
you want to give it one more moment or so before you give her what she’s asking you for. but your own need bubbles inside you as her sweet moans fill your ears, and you’re desperate to hear them again.
you’re just as bad as she is.
“oh, sweetheart, i can’t when you beg me like that,” you’re all but gushing over abby as you slip back inside of her, hips rutting hungrily into your lover. abby’s quick to whine again, eyes glued to the counter you’re fucking her against. “you sound too good, baby, holy fuck,” you cuss.
“it’s you, god, it’s all you. you’re making me feel so, so- fuck,” abby groaned as you gave her an especially hard thrust of your hips. “good.”
“mmhm. can barely hold that camera up, hm?” you hum, a simper on your lips. it’s all abby can do not to roll her eyes at you as you keep going. in the end, she decided to keep her response in her head.
your pounding ensues for a while longer before you’re forced to grab abby’s phone from her. poor girl could barely comprehend the feeling of your cock inside her cunt.
much less hold a phone while she was doing it.
you aim the camera on her back as you fuck into her, your free hand on her ass as you do so. “fucking adorable. you see her? you see how pretty she is?” you whisper to no one but yourself, and the millions who go as feral for your girl as you do.
your words make abby’s embarrassment, her shyness, rush to her pale cheeks. her head goes down in seconds, eyes not on you, not on the mirror, but on the sink below her.
you weren’t the biggest fan of that one.
“nuh uh, pretty girl. look up,” you say it like an ask, but abby knows it’s a demand just from the way the words leave your lips. she does it, but slow, and you decide to help her along. you guide her by her braid, gingerly, and force her to look into the mirror once more. “there you go, baby. that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
you drive abby crazy as you pound her to no end, because you want to make sure she’s pleasured as much as she needs to be. it’s obvious when abby’s on the brink of release. her whines are so lewd they mimic crying, and her hips begin to push back against you as she allows her neediness to take over.
that’s when you prop the camera up, and you know abby’s wondering why the hell you didn’t do that earlier.
“you’re close, aren’t you, baby?” you ask, and her response is whiny, broken as she answers, “yes,” lowly so.
abby can barely hold herself back from letting herself go. she needs you to make her cum, but at the same time, she wanted this to last forever. “god, you feel so good, f- fuck, so good,” abby rambles. “iloveyou, god, iloveyou.”
that’s abby’s last tell that she’s close to cumming, and it always has been. she whispers how much she loves you, how good you make her feel, how gorgeous you are. it’s beyond adorable.
“mmm, i love you, too, baby. now, c’mon, almost there. you got it, sweetheart,” you praise your pretty girl as you push yourself as deep inside of her as you can go, pace hard and fast, a blunt converse to the way you’re speaking.
it’s not long before you’ve got her.
“yeah, baby, fuck, c’mon. cum all over my cock, good girl,” is what abby heard as she’s dripping all over you, just like you asked of her. she slaps her hand over her lips to muffle a lewd mewl of your name as she drenches your dick in her cum.
your neighbors already hate you as it is.
you’re not at all surprised when you see just how much abby came for you when you pull out. it had probably been building up all day, really. you can’t help but smirk as you grab the camera, and sink down to your knees behind her.
“look at all that. came so much, didn’t she?” you rasp, n’ you lap every last bit up for future viewers to see, unable to help yourself. you can see abby’s muscles jerk as she grips onto the counter, and a moan escapes her lips as you lick up her release like the hungry person you are. “mmm. could eat you all day, sweetheart.”
abby pouted as you got up from your knees, and she grumbled as you ended the video and saves it to her camera roll. “you’re such a tease,” she whined.
you chuckle at those words, and wrap your arms around her from behind, kissing and nipping at her neck in response. you link your arms around her waist as you pull her close to you, whispering, “yeah.”
“but you love me.”
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
reblogs are very much welcomed <3
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
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pacentia · 8 months
Title: Her gift
Pairing: Astarion x fem!reader
Warnings: Intimacy and cuddles. Bloodsucking vampire man.
Summary: Astarion feeds from your neck in the privacy of your tent.
Words: 1,007
Note: i had to get this drabble out of my system, i love Astarion so much omg 🥹🥹🥹🥹if you have any smut/intimacy / confessions/requests pls send. Pls no spoilers as i'm only in act 1 hehe
You retreated to your own tent at the campsite you shared with Astarion, Shadowheart and Wyll after a long day of travelling. The weather had turned chilly, so for the first time in a while, everyone disappeared into their tent. 
This was much to Astarion's disadvantage, because every night he would enjoy your blood in the open. He'd politely ask for sustenance from you and he was good to fight the next day. You'd let him bite you because… He was your friend and he needed it. And… you felt a certain way around him. You were starting to get closer to the vampiric man recently, and he drew you in more and more as you got to know him.
Anyway - you were curious if the hungry vampire would sneak his way into your tent somehow - and if he'd wake you up. Eventually midnight fell upon the lands, and you slowly drifted off into a deep sleep… Until your sharp ears heard a faint rustling of noise.
Astarion on his knees at the front of your small tent.
"Oh - Apologies, darling…" He started off unsure, "Perhaps I should not be here in the privacy of your tent, I-"
You wiped the sleep from your eyes and sat up, inviting him in, "That's alright Astarion. I forgot you needed sustenance tonight." A little lie to deepen your relationship with him. You finished your words, "It was quite the day again." The vampiric man listened intently to your every word, a small smile hinting on his lips. 
"Indeed it was." He reminisced about the adventures your party encountered today, how you had insisted upon murdering his Gur hunter, small things that he would not forget. After all, these were nice things that he did not experience for 200 years. The man gently spoke, "Perhaps I should leave you tonight and hunt for other blood, you've been far too kind to me these last weeks." 
You shook your head, insisting that he should not leave, respectfully of course. "Please, Astarion." You whispered, and opened your duvet for him to crawl under - while he would feed from you.
The vampire took a moment to collect his thoughts, he wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to feed from you - he'd taken a lot of blood from you already, but at the same time - he was just. so. hungry. Your blood was all that he craved recently. Whenever the wind brushed through your hair, the fantasy of delicious, deep red oxygenated blood rushed through his system, activating his need for you. It was starting to get difficult to restrain himself. But he would do everything in his power to not waste this gift.
At last, he gently crept under your covers and lay next to you, and at the same time you bared your neck below him, swiping away strands of loose hair. The smell of your blood instinctively made him swallow and bare his fangs - his fingers gently tracing the already scarred place he'd sink his teeth into.
"Thank you, dear…" He whispered as his deep red eyes caught yours, bodies aligned with one another. You had no idea how much he desired to tear you apart and drink up all your blood at once. To be a feral monster. Yet, he restrained himself - he made a promise to you to always stop in time, and you had no idea how hard this was for the hungry vampire.
"It's alright Astarion." You reassured him, your hand carefully embracing his body closer, nudging him to set his fangs into your neck. Until he did.
A cold, deep sting pinched at the flesh of your neck, his lips enclosing around the new wound, and he started sucking away like the hungered man he was. Your bodies only tied closer, his large hand supporting the back of your head, your arm pulling him in closer, your leg draping over his - which made you release a small cry of delicious pain. 
Your blood filled Astarion's hungry mouth, spilling from his lips, sucking away at your neck in sanguinic bliss. He softly growled beside your ear in carnal pleasure, his hunger slowly replenished again. Until his focus shifted on the way you so gently held him, drew him closer. He wasn't sure anymore which felt more pleasuring - your warm, insatiable blood - or the dear way you could hold a monster like him.
With all his might he stopped himself, despite his bloodlusting urge to keep feeding, and finally he released with a deep groan, lips covered in your fresh blood. He lapped up the remnants of blood specks on your neck with his cold tongue. 
The tenseness in your body suddenly vanished, and you felt as if you could finally breathe again. You felt more tired, yet pleased to have taken care of his urges. Astarion felt energized as ever, confident, strong, and… protective somehow. He watched you within his hold, slightly weakened after enduring his feeding. He felt so thankful that he had you. That you trusted him. It made him want to… watch over you and take care of you. Stay with you. 
You groaned and opened your weary eyes, only to see him lick his lips clean, his soft eyes watching you carefully. 
"Thank you." He whispered, and indicated his leave.
"You're welcome to stay, Astarion." You admitted in a tired blush, "Unless you wish to hunt." 
He couldn't believe his mind what was happening - you actually wanted him to stay? She already indulged him with her blood - and now she asked for his company? This woman truly intrigued him, nobody had ever been so soft and kind to him.
Astarion's body stayed right where he was positioned, completely aligned with yours - and you automatically nuzzled deeper into his cold chest under the duvet. Your head was tucked under his chin while your arm enveloped his strong core. 
No other words or expressions were shared, there was only quiet and soft intimacy - until the pair drifted off into a deep, wonderful sleep.
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blueicequeen19 · 8 months
The Rich & The Damned
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Warnings: unprotected sex, implied sexy accountant, public car sex, choking
How did I get here? Men usually paid annual salaries just to get a few minutes of my time but now.. I’m in the front seat of a Rolls Royce for free. With a man who doesn’t respect what I do. Who wants me to quit my job and be his good little wife. He infuriates me. He belittles me. But fuck.. his touch turns my PHD brain into mush.
I’m good at what I do. I recognize my skill set and I know how to play powerful men. I’ve paid my bills with cash in advance for years and put myself through Ivy League schools that only care about last names. I don’t have a big name but I have loaded pockets and that speaks volumes. So why the fuck am I on this man’s lap, dying for a scrap of attention when he can no longer be bothered to come inside to see me?
“Fuck me.. please.. I need you.” I whine, tugging on his hair as he peppers kisses along my throat and collar bone, large hands palming my thong-clad ass and rock me against his erection.
“Come home with me.” He growls, taking a chunk of my flesh between his teeth and making me hiss as I shove his head away.
“I told you not to mark me.” I snap, glaring at him even as his blue eyes shine with amusement and mischief.
“And I told you if you wanted back in my bed, you had to stay off the pole.” His words sting, even with the red lipstick smeared across his mouth. If anything the smirk on his face combined with the red smear made him look even more sinister.
I pull my lips back in a snarl as his hand slides between my parted things to cup my pussy. I slap at his hand but his free hand finds my throat, pushing my back against the dash and squeezing hard.
“You’re not for them.” He growls, tucking my thong to the side before shoving two then three fingers inside me. My eyes roll back into my head, my pussy gushing in his hand as he strokes my sweet spot.
“I-I’m not yours.” I rasp, riding his hand like a desperate whore. God, I’d agree to anything right now if it meant I got to feel his fat cock inside me again. Maybe it’s the lack of oxygen to my brain as he squeezes even harder.
“Don’t lie to me. You’re not very good at it.” His words light me on fire again, making me dig my nails into his chest as I try to lift off his hand. The hand around my throat drops to my chest and he yanks my bra down so my breasts spill out.
“I guess we’re both liars.” I purr, just as his hot mouth closes around my nipple and sucks hard. I was so close to my orgasm I could feel it in my toes. I throw my head back as I shamelessly ride his hand but I desperately craved his cock instead.
“Maybe if you’d stop treating me like one of your customers.” I yelp when he’s teeth sink into my nipple so hard, I know there’s blood. Or the very least, a new piercing. His fingers leave me aching and needy in their retreat.
“Stop treating me like a whore and maybe I’d treat you like someone who actually means something to me.” I bite back, shoving his chest hard as I hear the sound of his belt buckle. When his cock springs free between us it takes everything in me to keep my composure. His large hand wraps around the thick shaft as he strokes himself almost lazily. The tip leaked clear drops of precum that I desperately wanted to chase with my tongue.
“Fuck me in my bed and maybe I’ll believe you’re somebody else.”
I was so fucking weak for him. I wanted to choke on it even if it meant I didn’t get off. If he fucked my throat until it was raw, I’d say thank you like the obedient slut I was. But only for him. Only ever him. So why didn’t he get that? I’d fuck him in front of every single client I had just to show him I was his. He could lead me around on a leash if that’s what it took.
I reached back to unhook my bra and let it fall to the floor before wrapping my hand around his on his cock. I savor the way his eyes become hooded and his breathing becomes labored just from my touch. I loved that he was as weak as I was.
“You—,” I brought my other hand up to his throat, squeezing the best I could until his eyes fully dilated while I lifted myself up on his thighs, “—don’t own—,” I notched his thick cock at my entrance and sank down one excruciating inch, “—me.” I sank down the rest of the way, my body welcoming the pain and stretch of him as his breathy moans met my ears.
It was always in moments like these where it became obvious that Rafe Cameron was fucking mine.
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faetima · 2 months
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𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 . .
. . he's just had a little taste of infatuation. or is it obsession?
// tws ; stalking, taking photos w/o knowledge of other person ; gn reader ; yandere au 
a/n: i swear i'll start writing the aventurine exes hanahaki au after i post this
a soft flash of white light, akin to the color of the small wings that adorned him, appeared before sunday as the camera went off. it encased you in a photo, forever embedding your beauty into a polaroid.
you were so pretty.
too pretty.
even a photo couldn’t capture your full beauty — you were just too beautiful.
too pretty.
too heavenly.
too ethereal.
all sunday wanted was you. all he needed was you. he just loved you so, so much — a little too much, if you were to ask robin or aventurine or anyone other than him about it.
sunday was meant to be yours. you had ripped his heart out, claiming it as your own (well, not that he minded too much. you could have him as well for all he cared!).
you couldn’t just leave him like this after you had yanked and twisted and pulled his heart out of his body, leaving him only to bleed out.
sunday felt as if he would die without you.
you were oxygen, the only thing breathing life into him.
an oasis in a desert, which he would die without.
sunday wanted you. no, wait — scratch that. he needed you.
well, that would have to wait. for now he would have to settle with having only a minimal amount of photos and polaroids of you.
well, if "few" meant having walls and walls and walls of his mansion covered and plastered with only photographs of you.
he just needed you so bad. so, so bad.
if only you noticed him. if only you were bewitched with his heavenly and ethereal appearance like he was with yours. if only his words, strung together carefully and ever-so-delicately so he could tie you up defenseless, worked on you. if only his cunning yellow eyes — just like the chesire cat's — enchanted you, leaving you in a trance, as your eyes did to him.
every time you were around him, his heart raced, as if it would leap out of his chest at any moment. but, unfortunately, he couldn’t say the same about you, which was a tragedy indeed.
his need for you was more than desire or a craving. it was as a human needed water. if they didn’t have it for a prolonged amount of time, they would perish.
as would he if he didn’t have you.
though, it would only be but a matter of time before he had you tied up with his strings of words too, just like he had done to everyone else. even if it meant following you everywhere you went, unbeknownst to you. perhaps one would call it stalking, but it wasn’t his fault he had such an unhealthy obsession with you.
you would be his, akin to how he was yours.
you will be his.
another click.
another photo.
another step closer to having you.
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arlowthenacho · 7 months
that funny feeling
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(carmen berzatto x reader)
summary: you thought carmen berzatto was just a hookup. a fuck-buddy. key word, you thought.
warnings: cursing, allusions to sex but not really? its only mentioned a couple times. no smut, intended lowercase, if theres anything i missed plz let me know !!
wc: 1.1k
a/n: arlow thought about carmen spoon feeding them and made it angsty lol. this is rlly short but fret not !! i think this is gonna be a 2 parter, possibly 3 parter? idk, but i think its gonna be a series lol. anyway, enjoy my lovelies !! 🫶🤍
it started as a one time thing. a one-night-stand. a meaningless hookup. something that would and could only happen once.
until it happened again. and again, and again.
because carmen berzatto was a drug, and you were addicted to him. you craved him like lungs crave oxygen, but you weren’t sure that the feeling was reciprocated.
because if carmen berzatto was a book, he’d be written in code. scrawled in a language you didn’t understand, in writing to confusing to decipher. because carmen berzatto was nothing if not confusing.
a sudden vibration on your nightstand pulls you from your thoughts as you swipe open the screen. a text from carmen. shit.
carmy 🧑‍🍳
you up?
fuck. shit, shit, shit.
you quickly sit up and type back a response.
you hold down the backspace button. too simple.
i wasn’t until you woke me up
pop. too accusatory.
i am now. whats up?
good enough.
you click send and set your phone back down on your bed, waiting for a response.
the reply was almost instant. maybe that scared you a little bit.
your finger hovers over the screen, debating whether to open the text now, or just forget about it until the morning.
the former won.
carmy 🧑‍🍳
can you come over?
oh. oh.
you don’t know why you expected anything different. it’s not like you were dating him. even though you wish you were. in his eyes, you were just a casual hookup who he occasionally called for something not relating to sex.
you heave a sigh and shift your eyes back over to the phone in your hands.
yeah, ok.
you don’t really care if it sounds passive aggressive, or angry, or disappointed or whatever else it could sound like to him. to be quite honest, you just want to get this over with.
you quickly change out of your pajamas into something more presentable. a white sweater, blue jeans, throw in some lacy undergarments and you’re heading out the door and into your car.
you turn on the ignition and start the short drive to carmy’s apartment. you have his address memorized, (which you will deny is creepy until your dying day) so you don’t need to use a gps.
you turn on some music and try to distract your racing thoughts. its not like this is the first time you’re meeting him. no, far from it. but you don’t think your brain has processed that yet, because your heart is pounding and fluttering like a bird caged within your chest.
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you finally make it to his apartment after what feels like an hour, and you’re standing—quite awkwardly—at carmen’s door, your fist hovering over the wood hesitantly.
after a full minute of standing at the door with your arm raised, you decide to bite the bullet and knock on the damn door.
so you do.
and he answers instantly. like a fucking gentleman.
his hair is tousled, and he runs a hand through it nervously. his eyes somehow look even more blue in the shitty light the hallway of his building provides, and it’s driving you crazy.
he is gorgeous. he is perfect. he’s all the synonyms for beautiful you can cram into one human being.
carmen’s voice is deep and gravelly, still thick with sleep even though he’s probably been awake for some time now.
a beat passes.
“can i-?”
he jolts up from the doorway he was leaning on.
“oh, yeah. shit—yeah, come in. sorry.”
an apron is tied around his waist, a gray sweater fitting loosely around his frame. it makes his eyes appear bright, like gleaming pools of sapphire that you want to spend every pretty penny on.
nonetheless, you smile politely and step into his apartment.
no matter how many times you’ve been here, the first thing you notice is always his bookshelves. more so, the books. cookbooks, magazines, culinary textbooks and newspaper articles litter his floor and decorate his walls.
the second thing you always notice is his ever-growing collection of denim. jeans and jackets make up most of his wardrobe, and are crammed into whatever space he could find.
after looking around his small apartment, a smell hits your nose.
no, that can’t be it. you were just here to fuck, right? the food was probably for someone else. for work, or somebody he wanted a real relationship with. not you.
the thought left a bitter taste in your mouth.
you sigh, disappointment crashing into your heart like waves against rocks for the second time tonight.
despite that, you’re the first to break the silence.
“aren’t we going to your room?” you cringe at the tone of your voice. it sounded exactly how you felt. disappointed, hurt, maybe a little bitter.
“what? sorry, couldn’t hear you.” carmen leans down to you to hear better, his breath a faint whisper against your skin. your breath hitches.
“aren’t we going to your room?” you repeat, a tad louder than before.
“oh. no, no, no. no, that not—that isn’t—” carmen seems to be at a loss for words, and he feels like a total dick.
“we aren’t?” you’re confused, but hide it well. you raise a brow pointedly. “then why’d you ask me to come over?” for the first time in a couple of minutes, you notice where you followed him.
“i—just,” he searches around for something.
a spoon, full of some kind of red sauce. he cups his hand under the utensil to catch anything that drips, and urges you to come closer.
you’re in his kitchen. his safe space. his fucking sacred space.
and suddenly a wave of confusion and frustration and hope is erupting within you. so many emotions and so much fucking hope. hope that this could be something more. hope that maybe you were wrong. silly, foolish, childish hope that enthralls you completely in its deceitfully warm embrace.
he’s still holding the spoon to your mouth when he speaks.
“can you try it? it’s something for the bear. for the new menu. wanted your opinion on it.” he looks nervous, like he wasn’t the one who invited you over. like he isn’t currently the one lighting your cheeks ablaze and causing your to heart implode under the sheer force of your adoration for him.
“oh, um, yeah. of course.”
he smiles. a close-lipped thing that makes you want to kiss it off of him.
you move to take the spoon from him, but he gently shoves your arm down against your side, says “open up,” and puts the spoon in your mouth.
the food is great. more than great. but you’d be lying if you said you were paying attention to that.
because carmen fucking berzatto just spoon fed you. like a couple.
and now the domesticity is crushing you, mind, body and soul.
because you’re in love with carmen berzatto.
and by some miracle, he might be in love with you too.
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virginsexgod69 · 3 months
would die for a dom Daryl who’s absolutely weak for fem reader but displays that in the way that he craves hearing her beg for him, is obsessed with drawing things out and making her cum and LOVES cockwarming omg. Established but new relationship would be so cute!!! And since they’re still learning eachother’s bodies (and their own honestly because maybe neither of them have rly let their guards down in sex with others before?) Daryl makes the reader squirt for the first time and is absolutely amazed 🤭
(Wanna thank in advance because I feel like squirting is not represented very often in fics and it’s so nice to read it, as a human who experiences it myself!) <3 :-)
❝ Oasis ❞
pairing Daryl Dixon x f!Reader
cw smut, cockwarming, unprotected p in v, squirting, pussy eating
889 words
not proofread yet
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 You rested against Daryl’s chest as he took another drag from his cigarette. You lazily watched the way his pretty pink lips wrapped around the cigarette, wishing they were on your clit instead. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before going back to his cigarette. You were growing impatient. He’s had his large cock stuffed inside you for what felt like forever, yet he insisted on making you wait until he was through with his cigarette. You looked up at him pleadingly, but he didn’t give in. 
“C’mon, Daryl, please?” You begged, squirming in his lap. His rough hands placed a firm grip on your hips, keeping you still. 
“If you keep wigglin’ aroun’, ‘m not gonna let you cum,” he warned as he put out the finished cigarette. You sat up straight, looking him in his dazzling blue eyes. He put his hand behind your neck and pulled you down for a kiss, tasting your mouth with his tongue. You pulled away when the need for oxygen took over. 
“I’ve been real patient this whole time.” You batted your eyelashes at him with faux innocence. You ran your fingers through his hair, pulling gently. You’ve come to find out that he loved it when you did that. A gentle grunt slipped from his lips. “Fine,” he said, finally giving in. Holding your hips, he guided you up and down on cock, thrusting his own hips up meeting you halfway. He pulled you into another kiss before sucking marks onto your neck and chest. You gripped onto Daryl’s shoulders for support, digging your nails into him though the fabric of his button-up shirt. The thick vein on the underside of his shaft rubbing against your velvety walls brought you close to the edge. The bowman pulled your tank top down, exposing your breasts to the cool air of the garage. 
“So pretty,” he commented before taking one into his mouth. You tangled your fingers in his hair as your rhythm became sloppy. His dick was rubbing against that one spot that drove you mad. It felt so good, yet so strange, like you needed to pee and cum at the same time. But you didn’t dwell on it as you continued to ride your boyfriend. 
“‘M gonna-”
“Go ‘head, baby. Cum fer me,” he encouraged, rubbing your clit for extra stimulation. Daryl held onto you as you threw your head back in ecstasy. The coil in your gut burst, sending a white hot orgasm flooding through you. But this felt better than your typical orgasms. A rush of liquid flowed out of you as you came. You and Daryl looked at each other with wide eyes. 
“Did ya jus…” He looked down at his soaked lap with a flushed face. He prided himself in making you feel so good that you squirted. 
“Oh my god, Daryl,” you said between pants. “I didn’t know I could do that.” His warm hand supped your face gently. 
“Needa taste ya.” His eyes were so full of lust you could barely tell they were blue. Before you could reply, he picked you up off his cock and placed you on his work table, spreading you out. His flattened tongue lapped up your juices from your slit like a dehydrated man finding an oasis. Still sensitive, you let out gentle whimpers, everything felt even more heightened. He inserted his tongue into your tired, soaked hold. His hand groped your thighs as he ate you out, his tongue hitting you in that same spot that made you see stars. 
“Yeah, right there, keep doin’ that!” You begged Daryl. 
 His fingers found your clit and began rubbing rapid circles on the swollen nub. Your back arched off the table as your hips chased his mouth and thighs clamped around your head. His tongue continued licking around your smooth walls, eliciting wanton moans from you. You tangled your fingers in his hair, pushing him deeper between your thighs. His own hand found his achingly hard member, stroking it as he brought you to your second orgasm. The same feeling overtook you as that coil burst once again. Feeling your juices squirt onto his tongue brought him to his own orgasm as he drank them up. Reluctantly, Daryl pulled away from your abused cunt. He licked the remaining liquid off the inside of your thighs before helping you off the table. 
“You taste so good, Sunshine,” he praised as he cleaned you up with his red rag. You pressed a kiss to his cheek as a way to thank him for making you feel so good. 
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artemisgrayy · 3 months
The Importance of Aftercare [AU]
[AO3 Link] | [✨ Masterlist ✨]
18+ - minors do not interact with me or my content
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Tags: Tags: Fem!Reader, NSFW, BDSM, drawing blood (teeth/claws), breath play, creampie, Alastor's shadow, rough sex, aftercare
A/n: I adjusted the formatting of this little headcanon fic from a prompt into something more fleshed out 💖 Hope you enjoy!
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Alastor has you bound to the bed, his shadow tendrils like icy shackles against your wrists, ankles, and throat. The radio demon circles you, a wicked smile on his face as he looks down at you with amusement dancing across his eyes. He loves to watch you struggle. Every beg and plead for him to release you fuels him. You come close to your freedom, only for him to pull you back down again, his cackle reverberating off the walls.
The demon crawls between your legs, and his teeth slice into your inner thighs without a single hesitation. He draws blood, your scream triggering a primal growl to escape from his throat. Alastor takes safe word usage seriously, but it's a game to him. He pushes you right to your limit, teetering on the line. He loves to see you squirming from the pleasure and whimpering from the pain.
He loves to see you on the brink of breaking beneath him.
He holds your pained gaze as his tongue grazes across your skin, lapping up the blood as he edges closer to your exposed heat. He stops just shy of it. His claws gently trace along your clit, and he basks in the noises you make when he applies just enough pressure that you're writhing in a mix of pain and pleasure.
You're breathlessly pleading, your chest heaving with such desire that you can't take it anymore.
He waits a bit longer.
Your pathetic whimpers and bargaining remind him of the countless souls who have begged him for their lives. Nothing ignites his desire more than that.
Alastor climbs on top of you, his shadowy tendrils pinning your neck and forcing you to lock eyes with him. He's consumed by the ecstasy painted across your face when his cock pushes through your folds. His maniacal chuckle rings through your ears as your vision blackens. He loves the way your face twists when you're robbed of oxygen, overwhelmed by his monstrous length stretching you out, inch by inch.
The deathly hold loosens the hold around your neck, but you’re only given a moment to gasp in a breath before he starts fucking you relentlessly, finally feeding into your desperation.
Alastor wants to hear who you belong to, over and over again. He grows more feral with each "I belong to you, Alastor" as you fall further and further into subspace. His eyes blacken, the horns on his head jut out violently, and his radio-filtered snarls echo off the walls of the room.
The demon is enthralled by the way you submit further for him.
He pulls out of you, leaving you feeling empty and desperate.
You want more.
You crave more.
You *need* more.
As if reading your thoughts, Alastor lifts you up with his shadow, flipping you over to take you from behind - his favourite position.
He wants to fuck you like the animal you are.
Alastor sinks one set of his claws into your waist, intentionally carving through the skin. A growl rumbles in his chest when he hears you cry out. His other hand reaches up to pin your head to the pillow, and you feel the hair ripping from your scalp as he hungrily bucks his hips against your ass.
Your hand slides between your legs to massage your throbbing clit. Alastor’s claws retract from your waist to clasp your your wrist preventing you from chasing your own release.
"Ah ah ah," he tuts, static crackling through his voice like a raging fire, "you'll cum when I tell you to.”
Alastor is driven wild by the way you beg, plead, and bargain for your release when you're right on the cusp. His thrusts become more aggressive as he feeds off of your desperation.
The demon pulls you up by your hair to hold you against him. He wants to see your face when he allows you your climax.
The smell of fir assaults your senses as he his lips press against your ear, "Cum, my doe.”
The walls of your pussy clutch Alastor’s cock when the orgasm rips through you. A violent growl rips through him as itIt pushes him over the edge, his seed spilling inside of you.
He loves the idea of filling you up and marking you as his own - physically laying claim to his possession.
Alastor doesn't take long to shift into aftercare mode when he notices you trembling. The tendrils release their hold, and he picks you up, pulling you under the covers with him to cradle you against his body.
With a snap of his fingers, Alastor summons a gramophone, playing soft jazz that echoes through the vastness of the room as he runs his fingers through your hair. You sit like that for a few minutes while you bask in post-orgasm haze together.
Alastor confirms your boundaries; he ensures that, despite everything, you feel safe. It doesn't matter to him how long he's known you - he'll check in with you again and again. He'll listen to your words, your feedback, all while cradling your face as you look up at him.
He continues to listen while he cleans and bandages your lacerations, apologizing when you flinch from the acrid bite of the antiseptic. He'll whisper to you- only you - about how beautiful your body, your flesh, and all of you looks, as he gingerly runs his claws against your skin. He's captivated and almost giddy by the way you let him leave his mark on you.
Materializing your favourite pajamas, Alastor puts them on for you, careful not to disturb any of the still-raw injuries he's decorated your body with.
You place your head on his chest, and he runs his clawed fingers up and down your back.
"Good girl," he whispers, his mellifluous voice coating your ears like the sweetest honey as you surrender to sleep.
If you're looking for something fluffier, check out my multi-chapter Alastor x Reader fic
✨ Masterlist ✨
If you want to read about some Lucifer aftercare check out the original fic
The Importance of Aftercare
From One Hell to Another
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frantic-fiction · 6 days
What Is Now
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Pic Credit: preciouslittlebhaalbabe3 (I cannot get over how he looks at Tav)
Astarion X gn!Reader/ gn!Tav
Summary: It's date night and Astarion cooks you dinner.
A/N: A slight continuation of this piece, but could probable be read as a standalone. Also big thanks to @dajeong, I didn't exactly plan for a sequel but you got my brain working so I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.5k
Tags: Pure fluff, like seriously I have a problem you guys, Astarion being lovesick and so excited about it, he's just so happy.
It's been a few weeks—maybe a month—since your almost-date with that wretched bard. Astarion hasn't kept track of the time; why bother with details when he's too consumed with the lightness in his chest and the electricity coursing through his veins? It feels like you've breathed new life into his soul, making him feel alive and as giddy as a child.
Right now, he's practically buzzing around the room, a whirlwind of excitement and nerves. Astarion has finally wrangled you, the ever-busy diplomat, from whatever's kept you away for over three moons. It's been dreadfully boring without your company, but the time alone has allowed him to perfect the meal he's finishing just for you. A simple stew, taught to him by Shadowheart through many exchanged letters, a visit and a favor collected. He even baked a loaf of bread—this time, not scorched. It's not much, but it will have to do with Astarion's limited culinary experience.
He bites the inside of his cheek, fang grazing the tender skin. Astarion throws water onto the fire, coaxing the flames into sizzling coals. He gives it a final stir and hangs the ladle on the side.
"Gods, please be edible this time."
You're not due for another half hour, so the vampire attempts to finish up the tunic he's making. But his knees are bouncing too fast, and his mind is racing with thoughts of you. Astarion gives up after the needle pierces his finger for the fourth time. He tries to read, but the words blur together. Astarion moves to do the dishes, keeping his hands and mind busy for a mere blink before he paces the hall, waiting for your knock.
Then he thinks better of it. He scolds himself; he's not some lovesick pup. Except he is because as he sits on the couch, he listens for your knock with a slight desperation in his posture. And when it finally comes, Astarion shoots to his feet and bolts to the door. He at least has half a mind to slow his walk, to hide his eagerness to see you. He hopes you can't see it on his face.
As soon as the door opens, he is blindsided by your body slamming into his. Astarion falls back a step, catching you in his arms, laughing at the zeal with which you greeted him.
Your arms are around his neck, your face in the crook of his shoulder and jaw. "Hells, I've missed you!" You say breathlessly, smiling against his skin.
This unleashes the floodgates of affection, and Astarion is cupping your face and crashing his lips onto yours. An adorable squeak leaves your mouth in surprise, and Astarion eagerly swallows it in his excitement, licking into your waiting mouth and deepening the kiss. You melt into his hold, desperate to feel his body against yours, relishing the little gasps that bubble up Astarion's throat when you scratch the nape of his neck and play with the soft curls that dangle there.
Astarion can't get enough of you; he's an addict, and you are his drug. The warmth of your touch, the softness of your lips, the taste of your tongue—everything about you makes him crave more while feeling lightheaded and happy as if evil could never touch this perfect little bubble of his.
You pull away with a gasp for air, but Astarion quickly captures your lips again, needing your kisses as much as you need oxygen.
"Astarion—" you try to speak, but he kisses you again. "Astarion," You're laughing now, shoving his face away, and he changes tactics and starts to pepper kisses over your face. "Gods, you're ridiculous."
"I can't help it, my love," Astarion chuckles, running his nose along the line of your jaw, inhaling your intoxicating scent. He pulls away, a dopey grin on his face. "I've missed you."
Your eyes soften, and you cup the side of his face. He leans into your palm. "I've missed you too, Star. And I smell something divine—did you cook?"
"I might have," Astarion says coyly, grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles. "I thought it best to even the score and feed you for once."
"I can't believe it," you giggle, tugging Astarion down the hall. "You're telling me. Astarion, mister 'allergic to labor,' made little ol' me dinner?"
"Darling, is it that surprising I would do something nice for you?" He scoffs, folding his arms over his chest as you rush to the cooking pot to inspect the meal. "I'm not completely selfish, though I did expect this surprise to be met with affection, not mockery."
The last part was merely a mumble, but you heard it because as soon as you finish the spoonful of stew, you look up at him with a mischievous glint—an expression that holds promises of more than whispered praises. The look immediately affects Astarion, his mouth suddenly becoming dry. If he could blush, he's sure one would be blossoming up his neck.
You stalk towards him, eyes narrowing at his throat bobbing as he swallows over nothing. A light hand slides up his crisp blue shirt, a color you once said suited him perfectly and stops over his chest. Astarion's hands find your hips in a tentative hold, thumbing the skin peeking out from your shirt.
You kiss him, and Astarion is lost in your touch, but only momentarily before you pull away and smugly say, "It needs salt."
The light melody of your laughter follows you as you twist from his hold and move to grab a bowl. Astarion stands dumbfounded as he watches you serve a bowl and sprinkle the specs of mineral around the stew he spent hours perfecting—or so he thought. You stir it and give it a sample before adding another pinch and tasting it again.
"Mhm, perfect," you practically moan, mouth full of potatoes. "Don't worry, Star, we'll get you to be a master chef in no time."
The comment has Astarion rolling his eyes. He clicks his tongue, "Oh yes, I'm sure in due time, all of Faerûn will be flocking in to enjoy a meal served by a vampire."
"With one as handsome as you, I bet my coin that you would have a line running down the lower city begging for a taste." You smirk over your bowl.
"Then, I guess it's a shame I'm only the private cook for a certain hero," Astarion laughs, kissing your food-stuffed cheek. "Now, come sit down; I also made you bread."
"You did not! Astarion, I think you're spoiling me."
You let him guide you to the kitchen table and watch as he pulls out the still, slightly warm loaf from the basket. He intently cuts a few slices for you, and you're quick to dunk it into the broth, letting out noises of satisfaction with every bite.
"My intentions were to spoil you tonight. You have fed me for far longer; this was the least I could do." A smile seems to be a permanent fixture on Astarion's face as he reaches over the table and thumbs the dribble of stew that trickles from the corner of your mouth.
"Well, handsome, be careful—you'll be stuck with me if you keep feeding me like this." You push the now-empty bowl away, leaning back with a lazy grin on your pretty face.
Astarion rounds the table, effortlessly turning your chair. His hands frame each side of you, pressing into your space. "Then, you have fallen perfectly into my villainous plan. You'll be mine in no time, my love."
You kiss his cheek. "I'm already yours, Astarion." You leave the vampire in a state of shock, your feet padding against the floorboards as you move into the living room.
Astarion recovers quickly, practically bolting after you. You're already settling on the sofa, feet folded under you as you wrap a blanket tightly around your form. He stands on the threshold, just staring, mind whirling from your words. You turn your head with a soft smile on your face.
"Are you going to join me?" You say with a laugh that pierces straight through him.
"Did you mean it?" His voice is hoarse. Astarion falls into the cushions next to you, and you immediately curl into his side.
"Of course I did. I—"
You don't get a chance to finish. Astarion's lips crash onto yours, a fervent, desperate kiss that's all passion and urgency. His hands are in your hair, and yours find their way to his chest, pulling him closer as he guides you down onto the cushions. The kiss deepens, and it's a messy tangle of tongues and breaths, each of you matching the other's intensity.
Astarion pulls back suddenly, breathless, his eyes wide and filled with an emotion you've never seen before. "I love you," he exclaims, the words tumbling from his lips as if he can't hold them back any longer.
For a moment, you're stunned. Those three words hang in the air, so powerful and profound. Then, a radiant smile spreads across your face, brighter than the morning sun. "I love you too."
Astarion feels a surge of intense joy, almost overwhelming. His heart feels like it's beating again, or maybe it's just yours beating for him. Either way, he's never been happier. His lips find yours again, softer this time, and you lose yourselves in each other.
At that moment, Astarion makes a silent promise to himself: now that you're his, nothing will ever take you away. He doesn't think he could bear the heartache.
I just wanted some fluff and some giddy lovesick Astarion okay! I won't apologize, look how happy he is, he's so in love dammit!
@heartfully10 @ayselluna @marina-and-the-memes @anixson @canonicalchaoticneutral @toadsbitch @meulinkitten-blog @ambr4armr @lotusandcrystals @venussakura @synapticjive @skittleabyss @asterordinary @lariatbunny @whispering-depths @butchboi-chihuahua-slumlord @darkest-part-of-the-forest @queenofcarrotflowers-s @sessils @d20bunny@cherifrog@ophelia-ophelian @bgthree @darlingxdragon @mothynyx @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @babyqnn @mmendez0124 @kokoyu-art @lilah-asteria
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kirans-underland · 2 months
I'll be honest: Rook is never on top. Never. Even if it's straight sex, he's being ridden. The ONLY exception to this rule is if he's asked to do the work. That's it.
Oh, and gay sex? Yeah there's cum up his ass. No changing my mind. This guy plays it cool and then crumbles at the first bit of pleasure. First he's, "Mon amour, I cannot promise to be gentle..." and then he gets some stimulation to his dick and he's all, "Please, please, I want to t-taste you!" Or, "Mon amour, please, I-I need you, I need you, I need- ah~" and that's if his mind hasn't melted to the point of being unable to articulate his thoughts.
Your honor he's pathetic and I'd ride him
anon… anon anon anon whoever you are we are getting married then I am eating your delicious brain like a praying mantis..
this is scrumptious..
~~~~~~ Rook would be the type to be in control of the making out.. to begin with. But as soon as your hand brushes over his crotch, all his resolve leaves him. He begins to whimper and beg you to remove his pants.
If you’re riding him, he’s a whimpering mess with hands everywhere. His hands grip your thighs, hips, the sheets, his own hair. He’s desperately trying to hang on to sanity. The warmth of your insides and the feeling of your skin bouncing off his is ecstasy. His hips weakly buck up against yours as tears brimmed his eyes.
“Please amour~.. hard.. please~ anything you like.. use me~”
If you were penetrating him, he’s a whole other level of pathetic. He’s laying prone on his stomach with his face buried in the pillows. His moans and whimpers are muffled into the pillow as you thrust into him from behind. Grab a fistful of his hair and pull his head back and he may just start crying. But keep going, he loves it. Move your hand down to his neck and jaw to hold his head up and he’ll cum on the spot.
Rook sitting in your lap while you’re penetrating him. You don’t move and he pathetically rocks his hips against you. He needs you. He craves you. He wants to breathe you as if you are oxygen itself. The way to absolutely break him is to start stroking his cock in this position. The man starts to short circuit and shake like a leaf.
He will cum until he’s shooting nothing but blanks and will still beg for more.
Your honor he is pathetic and I need him.
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