#i didn’t include steve and i am so sorry about that–we’ll just say he doesn’t have him yet
cinnamon-bunni · 11 months
omg not me finally getting around to posting this. I was just about done with this for a while now but kept forgetting to finish the last paragraph and post so. here i am now. finally posting it lmao
once again this is made for @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense's job switcheroo au!! i really hope i did your characters justice, i just absolutely love them, they're so fun to write <33 please enjoy!!!
Louise found himself standing outside of the medic’s lab. The doors had been closed since early morning, with Germinoma being the only one who ever came in and out of the place. Though, Lyse wasn’t sure how much that actually happened. He didn’t think he had heard the doors open since breakfast.
He leaned against the wall, right across from the doors. He stared at the doors as his internal clock ticked the seconds that passed, with him at some point wondering if he could perhaps bore a hole through the doors with how much he stared. He made no move to open it, or knock, or anything to gain the doctor’s attention from the other side.
In truth, Louise had been waiting for a few minutes. He had news for Germinoma, but was unsure if it was the right time to tell him. It had been silent, for the most part, inside of the lab-slash-medical station, with only faint murmurs being heard by the ex-spy. What the medic was doing, he had no idea.
He clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth together. Germinoma had important work, something he emphasized to the whole team last they saw him, just after breakfast. It didn’t seem like any other “important” work, not like before. It seemed…serious. It gave Louise a bad feeling in his gut, one that he didn’t like. Things were happening in the background, bad things, and without him or his team knowing. Germinoma knew something about it. Louise wasn’t sure if he wanted to know himself.
Footsteps down the hall caught Louise’s attention, as well as…dragging? Scraping against the smooth, concrete floor made him turn his attention off the door. He grimaced at the sight of Monday, just down the hall, coming towards him with a very much broken leg that was leaving a bloody trail as he walked.
“Hey,” he greeted, once he had gotten closer. Too close, in Louise’s opinion, as he could smell the reek of blood and dirt and whatever else he may have gotten in contact with. Louise cringed at the sight of the other man’s hair, all crusted and matted with both dried and fresh blood, along with saliva from the soldier’s chewing habits. God knows when the last time the man had showered. Louise scowled when the other planted himself just a few feet away from him and had mimicked the same way he was leaning against the wall.
“What do you want?” he asked, tone clear that he would rather have that man be anywhere else on the base than there. Monday shot him a sloppy grin, fixing his hair by brushing the disgusting strands off and over his shoulder. He did nothing though, to fix those crooked, yellow-tinted glasses that were cracked in one lens, and completely missing another.
“What, can’t a guy wait for the doc to heal ‘im up?”
Louise scoffed, and reached for his cigarettes and lighter. “I doubt the doctor would see you even if you had a knife stuck in your head.”
“Wrong, Goldilocks,” Monday responded with the same shit-eating grin, “considering that happened last week, I have to say I might just be his favorite patient yet.”
Louise thinks about the incident when Germinoma stabbed Monday with a needle, seemingly out of the blue, because the latter had apparently gotten on the medic’s nerves one too many times that week.
“Right. I’m sure you are.”
“If anything, I should be askin’ why you’re here, mate.” Monday titled his head a bit, and Louise noticed blood started to come down his face, the injury hidden underneath somewhere in his hair. “So. What’re you doin’ here?”
Louise lit up a cigarette, the movement being muscle-memory to him. “I have important news for the doctor, but he has more important work that has to be done. So, I am waiting.”
Silence filled the hallway, and if Louise listened hard enough, he could hear the voice of the doctor inside the room. The man had always been fond of voice recordings; a better way to take notes of his work and thoughts, without having to stop everything to write it down. And he hid them, hid them very well in his chaotic-tidiness of that room, so that no one could find them.
Not that Louise had searched for them or anything.
“Well Louie, I’m afraid that my very broken leg and other injuries take priority,” Monday argued. “So, if you excuse me mate-” As Monday moved, Louise outstretched his arm to stop him.
Monday paused, a scoff leaving him.
“The doctor is busy,” Louise explained once more, “and neither of us are going to interrupt him. We both know how he gets, and he won’t do a single thing to help you if you put him in a mood.” A deep drag of his cigarette calmed the demo’s nerves. “His work is bigger than either of us. Bigger than him.” He took out his cigarette, using it as a pointer as he tilted it towards the closed doors. “He’s got a dead BLU in there–why? What sort of work involves a dead enemy?”
Monday did not respond. The masked demolition man sighed, and leaned back again against the wall. “We both know that something is afoot, whether you want to admit it or not. Things we don’t understand, the doctor doesn’t understand; you can pretend, but then you’ll just be even more of a sad man than I took you for.” Another drag from his cigarette. “So no, you will not bother him. Go get a first-aid kit somewhere else and fuck off.”
Silence filled the air, as Louise glared at the soldier, who just gave him a blank stare behind his broken glasses. “Not going to lie mate,” Monday finally started, voice low, “I’ve been bleedin’ out for a while now, and haven’t heard a word you said for the past minute now. So if you excuse me Goully, I am going to get myself some medical attention before I pass out again.”
When Monday took another step, Louise was quick to light another cigarette and flick it towards his feet. This one though, not quite a normal cigarette, explodes on impact, making a moderate boom. 
Monday leapt back when the boomstick hit a few inches away from his feet. “The hell mate?!” he yelled. “The fuck’s wrong with you?”
If Louise was as attentive as he said he was, then he would have noticed how the noises had ceased in the medical lab; no more sounds of equipment, no doctor talking to himself. Alas, he was not, and so he answered the soldier’s question.
“Germinoma has made it clear to everyone on the base what happens when we disturb him,” Louise repeated. “And more than that, I won’t lie by saying I’m not interested in what he’s investigating. You disturbing his work is ruining what chance he has of investigating something that goes just beyond a fucking broken bone or duties done on the base; we will wait patiently because if that’s what it takes for him to learn about something that could potentially affect us all on a unfathomable scale, then I will gladly stand out here.” Louise paused his long rant, letting a smile creep onto his face. “Besides, throwing my sticks at you is quite entertaining.”
Just as Louise reached into his pocket for another boomstick, the loud door of the lab slid open. The two outside froze as the noise filled the area, as they found themselves facing a rather furious looking medic.
“Oh, hey Germy,” Monday said with a wave of his hand. He smiled and said, “leg’s a bit broken, if you’re up to fixin’ that.”
Germinoma’s eyes glanced down the hall, forcing him to do a double-take; he leaned out of the doorway to look at the long trail of blood that led to the pair, with a large puddle of it at the soldier’s feet–not even mentioning the dark spot of soot from the explosion.
“The fuck is wrong both of ya?” he asked. “Is today fucking ‘Piss Off Medic Day?’ Or are you two asshats just so fuckin’ in love with me that you can’t just fathom leavin’ me alone for a whole day?”
Neither answer for a few beats. Monday then spoke up, pointing at the demo to say, “he got something important to tell ya, and I am about to pass out from blood loss from a botched landmine-jump.” He shrugged. “Still workin’ on it, but it’s coming along nicely.”
Germinoma gave him a blank stare, leaving Louise quiet in understanding of how the man surely felt.
“Get your ass in here,” he eventually groaned. “Not like I was doin’ anything important. I should really get you a helmet or something, Jesus.”
Monday gave a sloppy salute, answering with a “sir, yes sir” before marching on in. The medic’s attention snapped over to Louise.
“And what the hell is it that you want? You got more important things to bother me with than what I was doin’?”
A smile appeared on Louise’s face. “Just hear to tell you that you’re assigned dinner duty tonight,” he said, and took his leave. 
“Wha–are you fucking kiddin’ me!? Yeah, let me just drop everything on my plate to cook up some soup. Thank God my entire plate was empty, or else I wouldn’t have time to stir a big pot full of lentils and meat and shit in it! I was almost worried that I wouldn’t be able to do that, and instead would be forced to work all day on something totally fucking not important or anything! Jesus fucking shit!” 
Louise was unable to keep the grin off his face as he walked down the hall, the shouts slowly turning into a faint and muted noise as he headed off to his own room. No answers from the medic about what he had been doing, not that Louise had even asked. Only sarcastic remarks from the man, and nothing more. Not unusual, not for the secretive doctor, but Louise still needed answers; for what Germinoma was working on, for what the hell was even happening to the BLUs.  He wouldn’t get them, not now, and he accepted that. But nonetheless, he knew something was afoot, and he'd be damned if he didn’t try, at least a little bit, to see what Germinoma was investigating.
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satashiiwrites · 5 months
Snippet Sunday
tagging @quietborderline @monsterrae1 @rosieposiepuddingnpie @tkwritesdumbassassins @outtoshatter @whimsyswastry and @missanniewhimsy with no pressure. It’s sunday and i’m procrastinating packing for vacay. Y’all know the rules.
Banner by me.
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Title: Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, Chapter 13: Eddie POV
Fandom: 911, H50, SWAT
Pairings: Buddie, McDanno, platonic Deacon/Hondo
Fic summary:
When one family seems lost another comes back from the past. But does Buck want to return to the past or live in the present? And does his present lead to a future he wants? Only he can answer these questions but Steve at least will be there to support him
Tags/warnings: first draft. NavySeal!Buck. Slow burn (look it took us 170k almost to get to the first kiss), first time, get together, set post tsunami/lawsuit era.
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The nurse gives him a warm blanket to wrap around himself while he waits for someone to read his scan.  Eddie falls into a light doze and is woken several times by the orthopedist and then again by the nurse and neurosurgeon telling him that he’s cleared to leave sometime around five AM local time.  
Each time he wakes, he reaches for Buck only to see the rigid line of his back through the tiny slit window in the door. Buck is never looking back at him, and Eddie knows he’s got his work cut out for him to knock whatever bullshit Buck’s been telling himself about Eddie being taken is his fault out of Buck’s thick skull. 
But first, Eddie needs Buck to willingly be in the same room as him. 
Danny Williams shows up at the time that Eddie is handed his discharge papers. Buck has disappeared in search of a wheelchair despite Eddie’s protests that he can walk out of the hospital. Eddie is irritable, hasn’t slept in what feels like ages, and wants a real shower. 
“Danny Williams—I’m a lieutenant with 5-0, which I’m sure you know.”
“I have heard of you,” Eddie admits as he shakes Danny’s hand. “Any chance you can get me a shower so I don’t smell like roadkill left out in the heat for two days?”
“Sorry, no can do. We need everything on you for evidence and then pictures.”
“For trial?”
“Yes. Assuming we go that route,” Danny mutters the last part, but he hands Eddie a set of hospital scrubs and allows Eddie to change in private, leaving his clothes, including his boots, in a large paper bag. He won’t wear his boots without socks, and Danny has provided a set of flip-flops that are the right size. 
“We’ll get you some regular clothes after the CSIs have their pictures, and you can use the showers at our headquarters. You signed the release, letting us use your records for the case?”
“Yeah. Where’s Buck? Did he have to go to LA for that wheelchair I don’t need?”
Danny snorts and smothers his laughter, ice-blue eyes dancing. “You give him a run for his money, don’t you?”
“I guess?”
Danny waves off Eddie’s confusion. “He saw me coming and hightailed it somewhere. He’ll be back once he’s talked himself into something possibly macho but extremely bullshit about you getting hurt.”
“It wasn’t his fault,” Eddie repeats yet again, scowling at Danny. 
“That’s the attitude. Keep repeating it until he believes it. The kid is too much like Steve and needs to have his little brood session before you knock him straight. He was terrified for you, so let him have it now.”
“I’m sure you don’t need my lecture on the care and feeding of your Seal?”
“I know how to take care of Buck,” Eddie firmly states. He doesn’t need to be told anything to care for Buck as long as they’re talking to each other. If Buck keeps hiding from him, he might take an assist from Kono if she’s available, but he doesn’t know Danny, and McGarrett will probably be on Buck’s side in things and be unhelpful if he needs to pin his partner down. 
“Again, I’m sure you do. Just remember he’s a bit tender about you being kidnapped.”
“How could I forget,” Eddie says, pointing to the bruising on his face. It didn’t hurt since he was given some Tylenol and ice, but it was pretty spectacular looking in the glance he’d gotten in a mirror. 
Buck picks then to reappear with a wheelchair, and he pales at Eddie pointing to his bruises.  
“Buck,” Eddie calls, stopping him from disappearing again. He may play it up a bit how stiff he feels when he stands and hobbles to the wheelchair, making Buck hover. Give Eddie a few hours in the sun, a shower, and a nap, and Eddie will be good as new and ready to sit on Buck if necessary to make him listen to what Eddie has to say. 
“Let’s get the show on the road. The sooner we get your photo shoot done, the quicker we let you shower,” Danny reminds him as Buck pushes him out of the ER.  
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polizwrites · 2 years
Things Are Looking Up
Bucky’s reaction to a Wilson family tradition gets Sam to check in with his teammate and friend; crystalizing their connection.
Fandom: MCU/Marvel Pairing: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes Rating: General Tags: Post-The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, holiday traditions, love confessions
This is a fill for my @samwilsonbingo Mini Holiday card B1- Under The Mistletoe square and today’s @flashfictionfriday prompt [#FFF181 Crystallized]
It had always been a tradition at the Wilson house to hang a sprig of mistletoe over the entry to the front room as part of the overall decorations. It was all in fun, giving aunties an excuse to request a bit of attention from the kids who swore they were too cool for all this holiday family stuff, as well provide the couples a moment of PDA. Uncle Fred had always made a big show of it, even when he was too old to dip Aunt Ida anymore.
So Sam wasn’t surprised when he noticed that Sarah had put up a spring of the white berries as well. He’d managed to get each of the boys a couple of times - picking them up and noisily planting a smooch on their foreheads as they giggled, although Cass made a face and scrubbed at his forehead afterward.  Sam caught Sarah as well - she bestowed a barely-there sisterly kiss, claiming she didn’t want to smudge her lipstick.
But when Sarah attempted to include Bucky in the tradition, he froze up, a panicked look on his face. Sarah immediately apologized pointing upward to the greenery. “It’s just a family thing - you know, kissing under the mistletoe? Everybody does it to everyone else. It doesn’t have to mean anything.”
“Yeah, of course, sorry,” Bucky relaxed just a bit, cheeks red with embarrassment as he gave Sarah a peck on the cheek. But Sam could see Bucky was still a little jumpy afterwards, so he asked him to help with some outside decorations.
“You know I didn’t really mean it when I told you to stay away from Sarah,” Sam stated, wondering if that was what was bothering Bucky. “Well, maybe I did at the time, a little, but now?” he shrugged, “you both know your own minds and I’m not gonna stand in your way.”
“That’s not it,” Bucky replied, an edge of tension in his voice. “Don’t get me wrong, Sarah’s a great lady and all, but …. she’s not really what I’m looking for.”
A part of Sam wanted to be offended on his sister’s behalf, but he could tell Bucky didn’t mean it that way. “I gotta admit,” Bucky continued, “I flirted with her mostly just to see if I still could.”
“I get that,” Sam agreed. “I mean, you were out of circulation for, what, seventy-some years? You needed some practice.”
Bucky barked out a laugh. “That’s one way to put it.” He paused, giving Sam an assessing look. “Did Steve ever tell you about the whole ‘finding the right partner’ thing between him and Peggy?”
“Yeah.” Sam wondered where Bucky was going with this. He’d just made it clear he wasn’t into Sarah, and Sam knew Bucky and Sharon would be at each other’s throats within a day or two. Surely he didn’t mean Zemo.
“I’m thinking maybe I’m in the same boat.” Bucky’s storm blue eyes met his and all of a sudden, everything crystallized and a part of Sam he’d carefully locked away after losing Riley broke free.
“So are you saying you want someone else to kiss you under the mistletoe?” The words tumbled out of Sam’s mouth before he could stop them.
Bucky stepped forward. “Yeah, I am.” He glanced upward at the porch eaves. “Shame there isn’t any out here.”
Sam grinned and slid his hands around Bucky’s waist. “Guess we’ll just have to pretend.”
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rwrights · 3 years
summary : nat and you never got along. reasons still unknown, but it was affecting the whole team. steve assigns you both to a mission, with natasha acting harshly. she said something to you before heading off. she got in your head and the aftermath wasn't so pretty.
contents : angst (??) / fluff
warnings : mentions of blood, guns, bullying, cursing and just occasional marvel fight scenes.
NOT PROOFREAD. a/n : my first fic aaaahhh !! i was inspired by a lot of similar fics like this, but mostly by this WANDA FIC WRITTEN BY @/maximons - i suggest you give it a read BCS ITS SO GOOD ARRGH <3
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you don’t know how the feud started between you and natasha. you couldn’t tell if it was because of your age or because you were new.
you had quite an age gap with the former assassin, being a striking 24 years old, but according to the russian - you might as well have been 12 years of age.
unlike most of the avengers, you had a decent childhood. it wasn’t filled with trauma, and death, and basically what some of them unfortunately went through. you grew up in the suburbs with your mum and two older siblings. you got all the toys you wanted and everyone loved you! because of that, you were always polite and cheery - it’s what made people like you. you were funny and usually managed to put a smile on people faces ; usually.
natasha found your positivity irking and unnatural. how could someone be so, happy? she felt as if you were shitting rainbows down her throat, and god, did she hate it. how could someone like you even have the guts to be an avenger?
she enjoyed picking fights with you out of nowhere, and as fun as it was at first - the hostility only progressed and became a disruption to the whole team, including you. you tried your best to really become friends with natasha - or at least be civil with her. but the more effort you made, the worse she treated you. all you wanted to do was make it a little easier for the team, you all have enough crap to put up with and the quarreling between the both of you was definitely not needed.
─── donk.
“nat! y/n! conference room one, now!” steve’s loud voice called out through the speakers placed throughout the compound.
you set your book aside before running down to the conference room as you were told. you walked passed natasha, already giving you a sharp glare from afar. she adjusted her speed and basically ran to where away from you. you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her as you trailed behind.
you entered the room, greeting everyone politely before sitting down next to wanda, who saved a space for you.
“alright, now that we’re all here..” cap began, walking around the table where you were all sat. “we’ve got a mission for two of you,”
“did you call us here to compete for it? because i am so getting this mission.” natasha stated, pointing at everyone as if she was threatening them. “uh, no.. not exactly. we’ve already assigned the mission to two of you..”
“who?” she asked, wanting to leave the compound immediately and get some action (not the peepee way).
“you and y/n,”
hearing your name, you just froze. you couldn’t help but stare at steve as if he was out of his mind.
“what?!” natasha squeaked. “i’m sorry, but there is no way i’m going with her. it’s probably best if i go on my own!”
“that’s just mean..” you replied quietly, in your seat. you weren’t in the mood to argue, so you tried to contribute as little as possible into this conversation. “cap, if natasha doesn’t want to do the mission with me, i’m totally fine with sitting this one out.”
“oh, don’t suck up and use your y/n reverse psychology on this. it’s not gonna work,” she spat, obviously mad about the whole situation. “nat, i’m being serious. i know how much you’ve been dying to go out, so please. just take it.”
“no, y/n, you’re going with nat. we’ve decided this already.” steve stepped in, trying his best to set his foot down. “steve, i think you know this isn’t going to happen.” natasha glared.
“you either go together or y/n takes someone else.”
“steve! i swear i’m fine!” you argued, seeing how natasha’s ears were practically steaming from anger. “i-”
“no, you know what? fine. enjoy your mission, y/l/n.” she growled as she stormed out of the room. you couldn’t do anything but watch as she slammed the door shut. as much as you wanted to chase after her, you and everyone else in the room knew you’d probably make the situation a thousand times worse for natasha. you sighed and slammed your head on the table in exhaustion.
“we’re sorry, y/n. we thought her need for a mission would make her say yes even with the partnership.” bucky said from the other side of the room. your head shot up almost as quickly as you blinked. “what do you mean?”
“we thought sending you two on a mission together could… make the arguing stop - even by a little.” steve explained, sighing. you laughed at them, did they really think that would work? did they know the obstacles you went through to try to get on her good side? your first few weeks were HELL because of it.
“it’s alright.. clint? what do ya say?”
“always up for a mission, y/l/n.” he smiled, giving you a fistbump.
─── donk.
clint knocked on natasha’s door after the meeting. “nat? it’s me,” he called, nat opening the door a few seconds after.
“can you believe them? they know how much i dislike her and they’d send me on a mission with her? Bozhe mo! (oh my god!)”
“nat, y/n is awesome. it’s been months, it’s getting tiring.”
“oh, please. it took forever to get any of you guys to trust me. doesn’t mean it has to be the same with her.”
“nat, she’s a kid!”
“ugh, don’t say it like that. it makes my thoughts uneasy..” nat replied, mock-gagging. clint glared at her as he playfully shoved her. “you’re so stupid.”
“and oh, i’m going on the mission with her.”
“wait what?! but you’re my best friend, why would you take it!” she exclaimed. “i never say no to a mission, nat. you and i both know that. i thought you did, too.”
“i would’ve taken it, but.. no! i’m not losing this fight.” she huffed as she fell on the bed. “turn the tv on, i need to distract myself.”
he did as he was told and decided to stay and watch with her until dinner.
─── donk.
it was the day of your mission and you were making your way to the hangar. to your surprise, you saw natasha waiting there. you smiled at her only to receive another sharp glare. yeah, what a surprise. you looked away and decided to wait for clint.
not long after he arrived and said his goodbyes to natasha, just as you were going to aboard the ship, she grabbed your wrist and whispered in your ear.
“you’re gonna trip and get yourself shot, y/l/n.”
“what the hell? i’ve barely left and you’re already telling me i’m gonna fuck up?” you retorted, angrily. you weren’t in the right state to panic or stress. especially not before you were leaving. “have fun, y/n.” she smiled, dripping in faux kindness.
you followed clint onto the ship and couldn’t help but shake in fear. great, now you were worried. you didn’t want to fuck up. you weren’t planning to.
“you’ll be okay, y/l/n. i’ve got your back.” clint reassured, seeing the panic clouding on your face.
“thank you..” you mumbled, but natasha’s words never left your head.
─── donk.
“something seems off, clint.” you whispered, looking around and keeping your guard up. “i agree, y/l/n. it’s too quiet.. too easy.” he replied.
just as you were going to reply, someone charged at you from behind, getting a hold of your throat. by instinct, you kicked his shin and flipped him around. “clint!” you called out as you knocked your attacker out.
suddenly, groups of people were coming towards you - fully armed. “clint!” you screamed, pulling your gun out and shooting as many of them as you could. “shit!”
“y/n, it’s a trap!” clint finally replied, making you roll your eyes as you threw your fist at a guy’s temple. “yes, clint, i’m aware!”
“keep your guard up, y/l/n. you can do this!”
“there’s-” kick. “too many-” elbow. “of them!” shoot.
“try to hold out for as long as possible! i’m on my way,”
you looked up to see more men charging at you. “ah fuck,”
you grabbed one of the guns from the guys you managed to knock out and aimed. “clint, i can shoot right?” you asked for permission, not knowing if you were supposed to kill them or just simply knock them out.
“yes, y/n. you can shoot.”
“thank you!”
you silently thanked god for the gun you chose and started shooting at the guards. you quickly threw it away as they ran out of bullets and grabbed two pistols and continued to run and shoot away.
as you focused on getting a certain guard, one of them slid under you, quite literally slipping you off your feet - probably making you twist your ankle, giving one of them an opportunity to get a clean shot of your thigh.
the bullet went through your thigh, making you scream in pain. “fuck!” you shot back at him immediately and slid up onto the wall.
well great, another thing natasha was right about.
“y/n?!” clint called, hearing you scream. the worry in his voice was evident, it managed to make you smile for a second until you dodged another bullet.
“i’m okay!”
no, you weren’t. you could barely stand with your fucked up ankle and the hole in your thigh, but you continued to shoot and fight.
“just.. hurry up, please!”
you used your bad leg to kick a guy down and use him as a ledge. you cursed as you ran out of bullets. there were guns scattered across the floor, thanks to you. you just grabbed the nearest ones and looked back up.
as quickly as you did, a shot went through your shoulder and your abdomen. “gah fuck!” you collapsed on the floor as you tried to control the bleeding. you got up for a second to shoot back at the closest people and went back down. “clint, hurry up!” the pain was too much, the bleeding wouldn’t stop and your ankle looked like a fucking bean. you started to get nauseous, but tried your best to stay up.
“i’m here!” he yelled as he aimed at a few people in front of him. he ran towards you, finally seeing your state. “oh my god!” he kneeled down, putting pressure on your wounds to help with the bleeding, but the blood just kept seeping through “you just said you were okay, idiot!”
“i know, i didn’t want to worry you..” you mumbled. “no, no! y/n, you have to stay awake. come on!” he picked you up and started running away to go back to the ship. “you’re okay, y/n. tell me you’re okay right now.”
“i’m okay.. i’m okay, clint.”
“yeah, yeah, you are.”
you tried making it to the ship, but you were already so tired. “i’m gonna nap, clint..” you said before passing out.
─── donk.
clint alerted steve about you right when you passed out. they were rushing you out to the med bay to perform surgery on your injuries.
“she told me she was okay, steve. i thought she was okay!” clint screamed, he blamed himself for what happened to you. only if he arrived a few seconds before. you wouldn’t have been in the situation you’re in now.
“no, no. this isn’t your fault. neither is it hers, it happens, okay? we put ourselves at risk every time we step out of here. y/n was brave, alright?
wanda rushed down to the medbay, reaching for the door before pulling her back. “wanda, we have to let dr cho do her job right now. she’ll be okay.. y/n will be okay.”
she cried into steve’s shoulder - her best friend was being operated on. you were being operated on! the thought of you getting hurt never crossed her mind because she knew you were strong.
the team soon heard about the incident and let their worries out, obviously caring about you. natasha was confused about the whole hassle.
“vision!” she called out. he turned around and walked towards natasha. “how may i help you?”
“what’s the hassle about? everyone keeps whispering,”
“mr barton and ms y/l/n have returned from their mission, but ms y/l/n has suffered some major injuries and has been in surgery for about an hour now-”
hearing that, she sped to the medbay, thanking vision quickly. she saw wanda, steve and clint waiting around. “no, no, where is she?!” she yelled, making the three of them look at her in shock. “she’s still in-”
she tried running into the room like wanda did, getting pulled back by steve. “natasha, we have to let dr. cho do her job.”
“i need to see her!” she exclaimed, not being able to breathe. “what happened to her? what major injuries?!” she demanded.
“broken ankle, shot through her thigh, shoulder and abdomen..” clint recited, looking down at his feet. “where were you!? how could you let this happen?!” she roared, genuinely shocking them.
why did she suddenly care about you? well, yes, you suffered major injuries, but why was she getting mad?
“natasha! enough!” steve scolded. “this isn’t clint’s fault, and you know it.” he said, sternly. she didn’t reply as she panted. wanda held her hand as support, needing it for herself as well.
─── donk.
an hour later, dr. cho finally walked out of the room. everyone stood up in eagerness.
“is she okay?” steve asked, immediately.
“y/n suffered major blood loss, but we are lucky none of the three bullets hit any major arteries. she has also quite definitely broken her ankle, so i’m putting her on bedrest for at least 6 weeks until you get her up and going again.”
“main point, yes. y/n is okay.”
a smile broke out in all of their faces. “thank you, doc!”
“you may see her now, but she hasn’t woken up yet. don’t be too loud.”
they all walked into your room and stood beside your bed. “she looks so peaceful,”
“she definitely looks better right now than earlier,” clint joked, earning a soft laugh from the three of them. they stood by you for a while until natasha spoke up.
“um.. could- could i be the one who stays with her until she wakes up?”
they looked at the red head in surprise, “are you sure, nat?” steve asked.
“yeah.. i just want to be here.”
“alright,” they smiled softly at her before leaving.
she held your hand and stayed with you, waiting for you to wake up. it took for a while so she managed to fall asleep, holding your hand.
you slowly started coming back, groaning from the late pain you experienced. natasha jumped in shock and saw that you were awake.
“you’re awake!” she whispered, making you turn to her. “natasha? what’s happening?”
“you passed out during your mission. i know i told you you’d slip and get shot.. but i didn’t actually mean slip and get shot, idiot!” she scolded, flicking your forehead. “gah! it was an accident, i was doing fine,”
“no, you have three holes in your body. and not the good ones,”
“nat??” you replied, shocked. “did you just joke around with me?”
“you’re holding my hand.. what did they bribe you with?” you asked, quickly getting suspicious. you tried pulling your hand away, but she only held onto you tighter. “nothing! i.. i volunteered. ask steve and wanda! and clint!” she replied, defending herself quickly.
“well, if you volunteered.. what do you want from me? i’m not gonna be leaving the compound for at least 2 months, so you can have all my missions-”
“no, y/n. truthfully, i just really want to apologize.”
“i know i’ve made your first few weeks really hard and even after being here for months, i still managed to.. you know.. make it hard for you. in full honesty, i genuinely don’t know why i’ve been so horrible to you. i had a hard time opening up to people - and.. you were just so welcoming and i got scared. not an excuse for my actions, by the way! i was horrible and i’m so sorry.”
“thank you for your apology, i forgive you, nat.” you smiled, squeezing her hand. “i also.. have feelings for you.” natasha added, avoiding eye-contact with you. “you whAT?!”
“i like you too! but are- are you serious?”
“yes, y/n… i like you. guess that’s why i was so defensive about.. literally everything.”
“nat.. thank you. for opening up to me. it genuinely means so much - especially after all this fucking time, you asshole.”
“are we okay now?” she asked, hopeful.
“yes, nat. we’re okay.”
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Caffeine Rush: Chapter One / Americano
Javier Peña x f!Reader
Summary: Working a dull December morning shift, you meet a seemingly disgraced DEA agent by the name of Javier Peña.
Warnings: Language, talk of death and canon-typical Narcos violence
W/C: 2.3k
A/N: YOU GUYS i am so excited to share this story with you all!! i fuckin love Javi and coffee so this features my two favorite things! big thanks as always to my beta readers for helping me out- especially with chapter 2 (which i was stuck on for 3 weeks lol). I hope you guys enjoy! this story has some twists I don’t think y’all are gonna see coming ;) I’m planning to update this fic once a week! I just wanted to get chapter one out there :)
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Americano: espresso and hot water; has a similar taste to a brewed coffee, but still darker and more caffeinated thanks to the espresso. 
Work is blissfully slow on weekdays, allowing you to putz along at your own speed. Today, however, is boring as hell. You’d had approximately seven customers since the morning rush, meaning about seven drinks to make. There weren’t even tables to clean, no customers having sat in the cozy coffeeshop. You and your coworker had joked around, swept and mopped, and cleaned the espresso machines twice each. 
At this point, with nothing else to do, you sipped your third peppermint mocha while perched atop two stacked milk crates, leafing through your worn copy of The Great Gatsby. It was a common occurrence when evening rolled around, but rarely so early in the day. Since you were the one on barista duty, Mandy kept watch for customers and allowed you to relax with your book. It was routine for the two of you. She mindlessly fusses with the product wall and the coffee grinder, cleaning everything for the third time.
The door opens and you pop up from your makeshift chair excitedly. The weather is blustery and cold, with heavy snowflakes starting to fall outside the large windows, and the man who enters is pulling his jacket tight around himself. He looks up and you quickly dodge behind the espresso machines before you can make eye contact. It’s instinctual, and you’re unsure why until your brain reminds you of the man’s face. He’s handsome, even though you got maybe a second’s look at him. Dark brown hair and a neatly trimmed mustache, eyes an even darker shade to complement his tanned skin. 
You bite your lip and grab a large ceramic mug, bringing it to the espresso machine. No one would be crazy enough to order a cold drink in this weather. Mandy takes his order and a few seconds later, his receipt pops up through the printer at your end of the shop:
Ticket 114 - 12/3/93
Name: Javier
!memo: darkroast
Javier. The name suits the man, you think to yourself and smile as you begin prepping the espresso for his drink. As you walk to Mandy’s station to fill the mug with drip coffee, she smiles and nudges your side. “Isn’t he cute?” She murmurs. You look at the printed ticket then at the coffee warmers: there’s no dark roast. 
“Very,” you giggle a little and fill the mug with light instead. He’s seated in the corner. “I call dibs,” you tease, and Mandy shakes his head. She’s married, but she knows your type, and it’s exactly the man sitting there, staring at a newspaper.
“Yeah, okay,” she shakes her head but smiles at you. “No wedding ring either. I think you should bring his drink to him instead of calling out the order.”
Staring down at the filling mug, you shake your head. “We’ll see,” you chuckle softly and return down to your end of the bar, pouring the two shots of espresso. “Javier?” You call in your barista voice, and the man lifts his head and walks to the bar.
“That’s me,” he says, a small begrudging smile on his face.
“Hi,” you chuckle and hold up the mug. “We’re out of dark roast right now, so I had to use light. Could I put some flavoring or cream or sugar in there for you?” You offer. “Otherwise, I can most definitely make you something else. An americano maybe?”
He pauses for a second. “Yeah, an americano would be great,” he nods. “What kind of flavors… are there?” he asks. 
“Oh, we have a ton,” you say enthusiastically, grabbing the syrup rack and pulling it your way. “Any of these. Hazelnut, vanilla, raspberry,” you smile, rattling off the flavors, “otherwise we also have caramel and any flavor of chocolate.”
Javier raises an eyebrow as he looks at the small display. “Never been somewhere with so many options. Could I do dark chocolate and cream?” He asks, and you nod.
“Of course,” you tell him, dumping the previous mug and grabbing another. “I’ll have that right up for you. You can head back to where you were sitting,” you inform him.
He shakes his head. “I can wait here. Save us both a trip.”
You nod. “Sure,” you say with a smile, prepping more espresso. “The redeye and americano are pretty different in caffeine though, the americano is going to have more since there’s more espresso.”
“I just need as much caffeine as I can get. Tough day ahead,” he nods. 
“I’ve been told bartenders and baristas are wonderful ears to listen,” you offer, a sweet smile on your face.
His guard has fallen like a wrecking ball through a house of cards at the way you smile. “Well, I’m with the DEA.” It feels strange, openly admitting that around here. Colombians weren’t exactly welcoming to American agents, but it felt like citizens around here saw them as some kind of superhero. 
Your eyes light. “Shouldn’t it be a fantastic day for you then?” you ask. “I mean, it’s all over the news. Escobar. Do you know the guys in the photo?” You ask with excitement in your voice.
He nods. Escobar was killed yesterday, and it’s all over the news, including the paper back at his table. “Yeah. The blonde guy in the red shirt is actually my work partner. It’s a tough day because I didn’t get to be there when it happened. I’ve been down in Colombia for years now, and they catch Escobar two days after I leave.”
The smile on your face turns to a frown. “That’s… awful,” you nod, eyes full of sadness for him. “I’m so sorry. At least it must be nice to be home?” you ask, tilting your head slightly and pouring the espresso shots into the mug.
He shakes his head. “D.C. isn’t home. I’m from Texas,” he admits, and the way he speaks finally registers as a slightly slowed speech pattern from the area. “I’m happy for Steve though. The blonde one, my partner. He deserves it. We’ve been down there for… Jesus,” he sighs and looks at the ceiling as he counts the years, “well, a while now. Couple of years. I fucked up, bad. Honestly, I think I’m up here to get fired.” 
You frown slightly as you pump the chocolate into the hot espresso and water, swirling it around with a spoon. “You worked on Escobar for years?” you ask, and Javier nods. “Well, then I personally doubt you’d be getting fired. You guys just caught him, everyone must be in a good mood. I guess it depends on how bad you fucked up,” you shrug as you tap the spoon into the sink and bend down to grab the cream.
“I… do you know who Los Pepes are?” he asks. You shake your head as you stand, pouring some cream into the steaming drink. “Well, they’re a radical group who did some crazy shit to try to weaken Escobar, and I got involved with them. I have a meeting today with the review board.”
You finally make eye contact with him, wincing for him. “Yeah, that doesn’t sound great,” you admit with a chuckle, putting the cream back in the little refrigerator beneath you. 
“It’s not.”
“It’s not necessarily why you got called up here,” you shrug and grab a saucer, putting the mug on top of it and on the bar for him to take.
“Well, I don’t know, I suppose,” he agrees and takes the drink from you.
You shrug. “Best of luck, Javier,” you tell him with a genuine smile of encouragement.
He nods, looking at your name tag attached to your apron. He murmurs your name before looking back up at your face and into your eyes. “Thank you.” He takes his drink and returns to his table, and you sigh and return to your makeshift chair in the corner. 
Mandy pulls up two crates next to you, sitting down across from you with gleaming eyes. “Did it go well? You two talked for a while,” she asks, raising her eyebrows and encouraging you to tell her more.
“A little, but just… how I would with anyone, I guess,” you shrug as you sip your mocha for a moment, drinking the last of the warm coffee. “Not like I got his number or anything.”
“He’s sitting down to drink his coffee. Go offer him a refill when he’s done.”
“That would require me to stare at him, Mandy, and I think he’d notice that,” you shake your head as you stand to make yourself a new drink. 
She stands with you, pushing the crates out of the way. “I’ll keep an eye on him for you. I’ll signal to you when he’s done or getting low on coffee, and you can bring him a refill. How does that sound?” she asks you.
You nod with a sigh. “Since you’re apparently not going to let this go, fine. I will.” 
Mandy claps her hands together excitedly. “Yay!” She sings. “Oh, will you make me a drink while you’re at it? I’ll have a-”
“Skim hazelnut latte with no foam and light whip,” you recite before she can finish her order.
“You’re a babe,” she sings and heads over to clean the tables that haven’t even been touched since she wiped them an hour ago. 
You make her drink and set it aside, then work on your own, fourth coffee. The peppermint and the coffee swirl together deliciously in the air, fitting the weather and the time of year. It’s December, and the snow outside and the warm feeling from the man across the coffee shop contrast in your heart. You sneak glances at him a couple of times, biting your lip to hold back a smile as you admire the handsome face peeking above the newspaper he reads. 
About ten minutes later, you look up from cleaning the machines to see Mandy tucked behind a wall where he can’t see her. She’s frantically waving at you, pointing towards Javier once she catches your attention. Go, she mouths excitedly, beaming at you. 
You wipe your hands on your apron and walk to where she stands. “Fine, I will, but you’re making the drinks if anyone else comes in.”
“Oh no, how will I handle it?” She asks in a deadpan, eyeing the shop that’s empty except for the two of you and Javier. “Go,” she says, giving you a light shove and giggling.
You shake your head but walk over, placing a hand lightly on the table. “Coffee’s looking low. Could I get you a refill?” you offer.
Javier looks up at you, and you feel like turning to jelly as you look into his big brown eyes, filled with confusion but also admiration. He furrows his brow, creating small creases between his eyebrows. “Uh… sure. How much is it?” he asks, reaching for his wallet and setting down the newspaper.
You put a hand on his arm, giving a gentle smile. “You need it. It’s on the shop,” you tell him.
“No, seriously, what, like $5?” he asks, but you put a hand over his. 
“No, Javier,” you chuckle lightly. “Don’t worry about it. Another americano with chocolate and cream?” you ask.
“Uh… make me whatever you like best. And bring one for yourself too.” He says, well, really asks, nodding to the empty chair across from him. “It’s not too busy to talk, is it?”
You swallow hard before you break into a grin. “No, not at all. Uh… do you like peppermint?” you ask. 
“Peppermint is good,” he says, giving you a small smile.
“Perfect,” you smile softly at him, picking up his empty mug and saucer. “We have a peppermint mocha, it’s seasonal. It’s my favorite, I’ll be right back with them,” you say, giggling softly and biting your lip as you turn and walk back to the bar. 
You’re hidden behind the espresso machines as you finally grin and giggle, and Mandy rushes to your side. “Oh my God,” she laughs happily. “He’s so hot. What were you guys talking about?”
“He asked me to sit with him,” you giggle excitedly, preparing four espresso shots. 
She nearly squeals with excitement, grabbing your arm closest to her. You scoop some chocolate chips and pour milk into a pitcher, putting it under the steam wand. “Holy shit. What has he told you so far? What’s his story?”
“Well, he said he’s a DEA agent. He’s on leave from work right now, but the guy in the red shirt in that picture of Escobar after they killed him? That’s his partner,” you tell her, letting the excitement speed your words up. “He’s been in Colombia for a couple of years working on it. Isn’t that cool?” You laugh. 
“So cool,” she nods in agreement. “And he’s so fucking cute. Girl, you need to get your ass back there before I steal him myself.”
You laugh as you pour the shots and then the steamed milk into the mugs. “I’m trying, but you holding onto one of my arms is holding me back, love,” you tease her and she breaks away. You top both mugs with a perfectly peaked whipped cream layer, then sprinkle candy cane pieces and chocolate chips on top. “Wish me luck,” you practically sing as you walk back with a mug for each of you.
Javier’s holding back a grin himself as you make the drinks. He can see your head bobbing along behind the bar, the other woman chatting with you. He’s more transfixed than you than he should allow himself to be, but all fears fade as he sees you approaching with a grin and two large, whipped cream-topped drinks.
You set the drink down in front of him and he smiles at you. “Wow. This…” he looks down at it and smiles a little. “Well, it looks sweet.”
“I have a sweet tooth,” you admit with a soft laugh and sit down, taking a sip and sighing softly. “It tastes like winter. I love it.” He nods and takes a sip too. It’s sweet, but not as bad as he expected. “I added extra espresso to yours,” you tell him, a shy smile on your face. 
“A woman after my own heart,” he chuckles and sets it down, licking the foam off of his mustache. 
You smile a little wider at that and hold back a laugh. “Did you want to talk about the meeting?” you ask him, tilting your head, your expression softening.
Javier’s already falling, and he curses himself as he looks at you. Not a thought except him. He’s already thinking of a sly way to get your number. “No, not really. I just spilled basically my entire life story to you.”
“Then you’ve had a very short and boring life. That was hardly anything. I’ve had customers come in and cry over divorces or lost family members; the whole job situation was mild,” you chuckle and admit, tracing the rim of the mug with your fingertips and staring down at the steaming drink.
“Really? You seem like a therapist and a barista in one,” he teases lightly.
“Well, I did just graduate with a Masters in psychology,” you shrug. “I just graduated with it from Georgetown. That’s why I’m here,” you tell him and look up. “Working here part-time while I decide what I want to do.”
“No shit. I did my undergrad in psych and sociology,” Javier says with a small smile, making your smile grow too. “Texas A&M though. Nothing as prestigious as Georgetown.”
“A&M isn’t anything to sneeze at,” you chuckle as you look over at him. His eyes are deep-set, deeper than they probably normally are. They’re bloodshot and hold bags beneath them. After a breath, you bite your lip and look him in the eye. “You look tired. I don’t know you normally, I understand. Maybe you shouldn’t finish this,” you tell him with a concerned smile, scooting his mug towards you. “Too much caffeine.”
“No, I need it, please,” he says, tugging it back and sipping at it again. “Just… until after this meeting. Then I’ll know what my future holds, then I can rest.”
“What time is it at?”
There’s a beat of silence. “I don’t have any plans tonight,” you say gently, looking at him with a question in your eyes. “Would you like to get dinner? Talk things out, once you know what your future holds?” You offer, a soft smile and hopeful eyes. “I already know enough about you. This could be practice therapy for me,” you tease softly.
Javier thinks for a second, though he knows what the answer will be. At least pretends to think, surprised that you could hear all he had said about Los Pepes and working in Colombia and that you still offered. “I’d like that,” he nods, his voice soft when he looks at you. “I don’t know the area well. You’ll have to tell me where.”
“Do you have a car up here?” You ask him, and he shakes his head. “I can pick you up,” you offer. “Where are you staying?”
He grabs a napkin and pats his pockets for a pen. You hand him the paint pen tucked on your apron and he quickly thanks you before writing down the address to the hotel. You take the napkin and the pen and grab another napkin. “And this…” you say and write down your phone number, sliding it to him, “is where you’ll call me when you’re ready for me to come get you. Okay?” You ask.
Your voice is so soothing, Javier thinks. More than sleep or reassurance or even a hit of Escobar’s private stash or really anything could be to him right now, it’s a comfort. You must be a miracle, he thinks, some kind of blessing for something he isn’t quite sure of, but he must have done something right in the eyes of the Almighty to be here, right now, talking with you. “You know, I was raised Catholic,” he tells you and leans in a little. “I don’t know that I am anymore. But still… I think you might be an angel in disguise.”
Biting your lip, you giggle and look down. “I don’t know about that,” you chuckle as you look up at him again. “Just… right place, right time, maybe. I’ll see you tonight, okay?” you ask him, placing your hand over his and standing.
Javier nods as he looks up at you. “How should I dress?” he asks and tilts his head. His eyes are so expressive, you notice and smile a bit. They betray exactly what he’s thinking.
“Um… what you’re wearing now would be fine. A button down and jeans would work,” you tell him with a nod, patting his hand and picking up your mug. “I’ll see you then. Good luck,” you tell him with a sweet smile and retreat to the back. Javier can’t say anything in return, just sips his peppermint mocha.
Three minutes later, you return with a muffin. “Eat this. You can’t have all that caffeine and no food.”
“Thanks,” he chuckles and looks down at it. You’re gone when he looks back up, and he breaks off a piece. What a weird day. It’s only about to get weirder.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @yooforia @oceanablue @sara-alonso @pedrosmustache @feelingmadclever @hnt-escape @radiowallet @obsessivelysearching @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan​ @linnie0119​​
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urimaginespimp · 3 years
Breathe (This love pt. 5)
Bucky x Reader
Set during Endgame
Look out for: Stubborn dad Thor, and 40s Bucky.
Previous Chapter
None of you thought it was going to end that way.
When Carol, a new friend of yours, found Tony in space with one of Thanos’ daughters, there was a spark of hope within you. But when your adoptive father chopped the titan’s head off out of rage, you knew you had to go back to the people who might be able tell you what’s next.
To visitors, the Norns’ cave felt eerie. But stepping in it for the first time after Thor took you under his care, it still felt like home. You could already feel the Norns’ presence despite not being submerged in the pool of water.
You smile at the memory of how they have the reputation of being cruel and torturous to anyone they possess, when they have never been less than gentle to you. Dipping your right leg first, you instantly felt how they made the water warmer. Walking into the middle, you waited for them to enter your consciousness.
Taking a deep breath, you laid yourself back and relaxed enough for your body to start floating on water. Then you felt them.
“We’ve been expecting you, child.” Your voice blended with theirs once they spoke up.
I’ve been meaning to visit you. I’m sorry I didn’t go sooner. You replied in your thoughts.
“You feel... broken.”
A titan got hold of the stones and snapped the universe’s population in half. I- I lost most of my family.
“We know. And now you’re here because your heart cannot rest.”
What can you tell me?
“There is a man...”
Of course, there is. You caught yourself thinking. There was a pang in your chest when you remembered how amused you were when one of your Midgardian friends rolled her eyes and said that phrase.
“Now is not the time, Y/N.” They snapped at you.
Sorry. Please continue.
“The man is stuck in a realm in Midgard, and he’s on his way.”
There is a realm within the Midgard realm? Confusion laced your thoughts.
“But remember child, it is not until resentment within your family is put aside, that you would have even an ounce of chance to fix everything.” You think back to how Stark still isn’t speaking to anyone of you. Yiu haven’t heard from him for years now.
How can I fix us?
“You can’t meddle in this one Y/N. It is only with time that the rough patch would heal.” you sighed in frustration but found yourself agreeing. If it’s for the best, then you’ll let time take its course.
“Now, you are banned from leaving the cave until you tell us about this Bucky that’s plaguing your mind.”
When you were first introduced you as Thor’s adopted daughter to the Asgardians, they were polite but you could feel that they were still unsure of you. But with spending time with helping them fish and being patient enough to teach them the Midgardian lifestyle, they now treated you as their own princess despite not being of royal blood. But since Thanos, Thor has been more distant – leaving responsibilities to you and Val.
For five years, you tried to appear as if you were doing better than most. And after taking time to just wallow in sadness for a while, you finally started visiting Nat and Steve from time to time. You were glad to hear that Steve was going to therapy, and you know he means well when he drops hints that you should go with him and join his sessions, but you always gave lame excuses, and often diverted away from any topic that would involve Bucky.
Nat however, has never been one to shy away from calling you out. “I know there’s a part of you that still blames yourself for not bending his blood and brains out.” she once confronted you when you were lounging on the couch, day drinking and eating sandwiches. You sat up and gave her a sad smile, your eyes tearing up.
“Damn it Nat, I came here to drink, not to get therapy from you.�� you chuckled, grimacing at how forced it sounded.
“But it was never your fault. Believe me when I say that we all blamed ourselves at some point.” She continued, and your eyes teared up.
In the last five years you thought no one could see that you’ve been beating yourself up for not getting to where Steve and Thor were sooner. You thought that maybe if you had, you would’ve stopped Thanos, and half of the world, including Bucky, would still be here.
“Sometimes I wake up thinking I’m still in Wakanda, and that this has all been a nightmare.” you breathed out, feeling yourself about to break down for the first time. “I can’t find myself to stop waiting for him even if I don’t know if we could ever bring everybody back.” you finally admitted.
“Y/N -”
“Nat, the worst part is that I never got to tell him I love him. I know he knew and didn’t feel the same way. But I still wish I got to.” tears were starting to spill from your eyes, and Natasha was quick to get the drink from your hand before it spilled, and take you in her arms for comfort.
If you were to be completely honest, half the reason you go out of your way to visit Nat and Steve, was so you could also visit The Smithsonian Institution, and just... look at him. You’ve read what was written about him over and over, but it wasn’t enough to replace the yearning that you have inside.
In your sleep you can sometimes still see him just seconds before the blip. On other nights, it’s just the image of him sleeping soundly – his lips parted slightly, and his breathing getting steadier by the minute, the crease between his brows relaxed, and his hair pushed and tied at the back after you offered to - a sight you’ve engraved in your mind after many nights of comforting him following a nightmare.
“He loved you too, Y/N”. Steve spoke out from the doorway, seeing your state. “Maybe not like the way you do, but I know he does. And today I went out for a walk and -”
“Steve, if you’re about to tell her to look on the bright side, I’m about to hit you on the head with a PeanutButter sandwich.” Nat cut him off.
But then everyone’s attention snapped to Nat’s desk, where a notification pinged. It says that someone was outside. Sliding on the call, there was a man outside, asking if anyone was at home. You know you’ve seen his face before, and after he finally said his name, you remembered who he is.
“Is this an old message?” Steve asked after a few seconds in shock.
“It’s the front gate.”
“I’ll do it too.” You spoke up to the group.
The team was going to have two tests – one where it would be a quick time on wherever the test subject would want to go, and if it’s successful, the second would leave the test subject longer in the timeline they choose. And you just volunteered yourself right after Clint.
“No, I forbid you.” Thor spoke up from his seat. Everybody turned their attention to him in surprise. All along they thought he was asleep because he had sunglasses on and was unresponsive.
He stood abruptly and came closer to you. “This is non-negotiable, Y/N. I’ve already lost enough; I can’t lose you too." Your eyes welled with tears in surprise. For the last five years he’s managed to shut everyone out including you – leading you to believe that he doesn’t care anymore and just hasn’t kicked you out, out of honor.
“We’ll let you both talk first.” You heard Steve say in a low voice, ushering everyone else out of the room.
Thor grunted and moved away back to his seat, still wearing his glasses, while you stayed standing, leaning in the corner. Taking a long hard look at him, you understood where he was coming from. But you also knew getting things right would be the only way to possibly get him back up again. And it was a risk you were willing to take.
“There was a time when I believed you were dead.” You started talking, regardless of not knowing if he was listening. “I jumped right into anger out of guilt, and as I was ruthlessly destroying those outriders, I thought I was gonna have to stay feeling that way forever. Just plain angry.” You chuckled and pushed yourself from the wall.
“But there was a moment where that anger was replaced by worry and fright. It was when Bucky was getting too overwhelmed by the creatures’ attacks. Yes, I almost got pierced like a kebab right after, but it was also the moment I realized that I preferred feeling any other emotions than blinding anger. I don’t want you feeling that way forever too.”
“I’m not angry.” he snapped, standing up once again to get closer to you.
“Yes, you are. But above all you’re hurting.” you stood your ground in front of him.
“I am definitely NOT hurting.” He sarcastically answered.
“Really? Then take those glasses off. Let me see those definitely not bloodshot eyes.” you smiled gently up at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest, when he snorted at you. “Don’t think I didn’t hear you sniffling and trying to hide it by pretend-drinking that empty can of beer earlier.”
“gods, why are daughters so annoyingly observant.” He muttered, finally throwing the empty can of beer somewhere in the room. You can see that the team was back just right outside the glass door. You gave them an assuring smile, and faced him again.
“If it works on Clint, then fine.” He groaned, and you couldn’t help but tackle him out of gratitude.
Clint was on the ground once he returned, and Nat rushed to his side to check on him.
“Hey, look at me.” she asked him, and he turned to look at everyone. His eyes were teary, but it wasn’t from sadness.
It was hope.
“It worked!”
“Now, Y/N. This time you’re going to be there for a longer period, okay? Use your powers if defense is necessary.” Banner instructed you. You were now standing at the center of the machine in your suit. But only Nat and Steve knew what you had under it. It was their idea.
“Are you ready?” This time, Nat was behind the controller with Banner to overlook it. You gave her a small smile and a nod.
“Wait, where are you going anyway?” You heard Scott asked out loud, as Nat input the year. You looked over to where Steve was standing and he was also grinning.
“Say hi to him for me.” you heard him say before you felt yourself shrunk. And you were in.
You made it out of a tent, now out of your suit and left with the old nurse’s uniform you were wearing under it earlier. Everybody else was too distracted, cheering on Steve because he just brought back with him the soldiers from Hydra’s base.
You tried to calm your nerves, just realizing that the people around you were now most likely dead from your timeline. How many of them survived the war, and how many of their grandchildren have you befriended? And how many of those grandchildren were also taken by the blip?
When the crowd was starting to disperse and most of the people were trying to get back to their tasks, you found yourself roaming around, a little lost, trying to figure out where the medical tent is.
“Steve, I told you I feel fine.” you froze when you heard his voice a little far behind you.
“It’s better to make sure, Buck.” you heard Steve insist. You still couldn’t will your legs to keep walking. “And even if you are, you need rest. Just let me find you a...”
“...nurse! Hey, ma’am!” You weren’t sure if you were the one Steve was calling out. Turning around slowly, your breath hitched when you finally faced them. Bucky’s own face went from annoyed to entranced in a second. He was staring at you with the very same pair of orbs you’ve been missing. Only that in this timeline, they still held a glint of playfulness and innocence in them.
You cleared your own throat when you realized it’s been a few seconds since anyone said anything. “Uh, what can I do for you, S- Captain?” you gave them a smile, trying not to chuckle from almost calling him by his first name.
“You know what, Steve, I am feeling a little funny.” Bucky nudged him with his elbow. And you turned your attention to him.
“Right. Uh, allow me to assist you, Sargeant.” you walked slowly towards him, feeling like your heart was going to jump out of your chest.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Steve muttered to him.
He put his arm around your shoulder for support as you start walking to what you hope was the medical tent. It was only then you realized that it was left arm. Your hand shakingly reached for his wrist, careful not to go for the hand, as if you were just making sure that you would be able to help him hold himself up.
“So... what’s your name?” He started trying to make small talk.
“Y/N” you answered, trying to mask your nervousness.
“I’m James. But you can call me Bucky.” Hearing him introduce himself in such a confident manner struck you deeply. You know that after this, he wouldn’t be able to know who he is for decades to come.
You almost wanted to warn him.
“Are you okay?” He asked in concern after being met with silence.
“Yes, sir. I’m just a tad nervous. I’m kinda new here.” you gave him a tight smile.
“Please call me by my name. And lucky for you, I’m the easiest patient you’ll ever tend to, doll. All I need is some company while on bed rest.” He gave you a boyish smile.
“You got yourself a deal, James.” you found yourself returning the smile.
Entering what was thankfully the medical tent, you helped him settle down on one of the beds. There were only about 3-5 other patients, and they were all being tend to already.
“I’m kind of curious, why did you decide to serve?” he gave you a sheepish smile.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything wrong with you, soldier?” you asked him first, and he responded with a small shake of his head. Smiling, you came up with a believable answer. “My dad was a high-ranking officer, but something happened, and they lost a lot of people. And now he’s back home wallowing in guilt. I decided to serve in behalf of him, so now I’m here.” you bit the inside of your cheek. It wasn’t entirely a lie.
James was looking at you in awe, and he took your hand in his left one and gave it a light squeeze. “You don’t have a man waiting on you back home?” you could hear he was almost hesitant to ask.
You blinked away the tears threatening to spill. How would you be able to say something so heart wrenching?
“Bu... He was among those who didn’t make it.” you cleared your throat to compose yourself. This was all too much.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” he didn’t know what to say. He almost kicked himself for having a tinge of relief in knowing that you weren’t committed to anyone.
“He wasn’t really mine... I was in love, yes. And he knew but just didn’t really feel the same. And I never resented him for it. I just wish I was brave enough to really tell him before he...” you choked up and apologized to him, but there was no judgement behind his eyes.
“I’m sure he wouldn’t want for you to be filled with regrets every time you remember him. I know I wouldn’t.” He gave you an assuring smile, squeezing your hand in comfort as the tears finally run down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry for crying. Now they’re gonna think you were being mean to me.” you gave him a sad smile.
“Steve will lecture me about manners for sure.” He chuckled.
“He still does it.” You thoughtlessly blurted out, earning a confused look from him. “I- I’ve heard some people saying he’s been super righteous even way before he became the Captain America.” you sheepishly smiled, hoping he believed you.
“Yeah. Always been a punk.” He replied, but you could hear adoration lace his voice.
“I think I should leave you to actually get some rest.” You knew it was time to go.
He nodded and smiled at you. “You're the most beautiful nurse I’ve ever seen. I don't think most of us wouldn’t mind if your face is what will be the last thing we’ll see.”
“Yeah, there is definitely something wrong with you. Get some sleep, soldier.” you turned and was already near the way out, when he spoke up.
“We’re going on a raid tomorrow. Will I get to see you when we come back?”
You felt your heart drop. You knew what was about to happen to him.
You turned to face his way and walked back to him where he was now sitting up on the bed.
“James, you’re a strong man. You’re going to be okay.” eventually.
“Thank you, angel.”
It was your turn to give his left hand a squeeze. And bringing it up, you gave it a small kiss before gently dropping it back to him.
“I’ll wait for you to come back, Buck.” you smiled, and quickly left the tent before you completely break down.
It was time go back.
@eternalharry @iheartsebandchris @lizzarooni @the-ayo-lit
@tanyaherondale @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul
Today is a great day. Fearless (Taylor's Version) + New TFATWS episode.
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
The Devil Looks After His Own (Ch.1)
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Little Steve Harrington is so lonely he tries summoning a demon with a ritual advertised on TV--but luckily, it doesn't work, and a buff, non-human nanny hired by his mom shows up minutes later.  Years later, they're best friends, and Steve still doesn't know the truth.  For @magniloquent-raven​!
When his dad finally locked him out of the office, Steve spent the morning sitting in the hallway playing with his Legos.  When his stomach growled, he knocked quietly, and his dad’s voice on the phone continued, so he went in the kitchen to forage.  He found Cheez-its, and olives, and a tightly wrapped triangle of gooey cheese that tasted good in the middle, but had gross, chalky skin, so he licked the middle out and stuffed the rest down the side of the garbage. 
He walked back into the front room and flipped the TV on, just to make some noise.  “In the future,” came the syrupy voice of the man on the screen, “—we’ll have robots to be our helper-friends!”  He chuckled to himself, leaning back in his leather chair, and folding his arms on his huge wooden desk.  “But that doesn’t work for us now, I hear you say.”  
The camera zoomed out, and he waved to a woman with curly hair and long fangs, sitting on the edge of his desk.  She was wearing way less clothes than the man was, and Steve frowned, wondering whether she was cold.  “Our summoning spells are assembled by real lawyers, and airtight!” the man said, and the woman nodded, smiling, and holding up a picture with a lot of numbers and lines.  Steve squinted at it guiltily—he’d seen the man’s ads before, and he mostly remembered the picture, probably.  
The helper-friend lady looked nice, he thought.  
“Too good to be true?  We even include offerings!  Bat eyes, tears of the innocent—” he said, smiling and holding up jars, as ‘ethically sourced from internment facilities’ scrolled across the screen.
Steve frowned around, and then grabbed his LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28, the most complex set he owned.
“Honey,” the man told the woman on screen, and she opened a can of soda, and poured it over her own head, still smiling.  “Perfectly compliant,” he said.  “And just wait, there’s more!  Any purchase comes with a matching, complimentary summoning sigil for a protective home guardian!  Just drip a drop of fluid—” he winked at the camera, and it showed something red splashing across the page, as his voice suddenly screamed “Augh-no!  Don’t—”
Steve had already grabbed the remote and hit the fifteen-second replay, and began drawing out the picture.  He hit it again and again, coloring in different colors, and wishing people in commercials didn’t always yell.  He drew the circle carefully with a piece of thread from the long fringe on a throw-blanket he wasn’t allowed to mess up, then folded it carefully again, grimacing.  He colored in the crosses with a different color so it looked nicer, and drew the little castle wall-looking-bit.  He added a horse.  
When it came time to drip fluid on it, he clicked the TV off, and got a juice box from the fridge, figuring apple juice was way less gross than blood, and it wouldn’t ruin his picture.  
Steve stared at the picture, holding the juice box, and thinking.  He imagined not eating alone.  He imagined the nice lady smiling at his Legos—maybe she’d like the castle set, he thought, like in her picture.  He’d just summon her for a little, he thought—just a few minutes, enough to make them both a PB&J.    
His stomach growled—again—and he frowned at his dad’s office door, sighed, plonked the Camaro in the middle of the picture, and squeezed the juice box to spray over it all.  
Nothing happened.  Steve stared at the picture for a long moment, his eyes welling up with tears, and then kicked the couch.  It felt like his foot broke from the impact, and he spun around in a circle, muttering a lot of words he wasn’t allowed to say in the house.  He hopped into the kitchen, sniffling, and got out the peanut butter, jam, and a spoon—but instead of getting the bread, he sat on the floor in front of the sink.  
He felt a sinking sensation of guilt as he stuck the spoon right into first the jam, and then the peanut butter, sticking the whole spoonful straight in his mouth and licking it off.  Once he’d licked the spoon, he stuck it back in the jar, his heart pounding.  The peanut butter was crunchy and salty, and the strawberry jam was stickily sweet.  He wondered whether his mom would check the bread and know, and cried harder as he chewed, hugging his knees.
The floor in the front room creaked, and he startled so hard the spoon jabbed hard between his upper molars.  He scrambled to his feet, fumbling the lids back on the jam and the peanut butter and shoving them under the sink, his heart thudding in his chest, but nobody came in.  
The couch squeaked softly, and Steve edged to the doorway, the big spoon hanging forgotten from his mouth, to see a tall man with horns and no clothes at all lying across the couch, right up against the forbidden throw blanket.  He raised his eyebrows—they had shiny jewelry in them—and breathed out smoke, indoors, as he looked up at Steve.
He then yelped and scrambled to fall with a thud over the back of the couch.  “The fff—what are you doing here, kid,” came his voice, from behind the couch.  “Where the—where on earth are your parents?!”
“Unhm,” said Steve, who hadn’t ever seen a man wear so much jewelry before, and wondered how much it hurt to have jewelry in your dick.  He took the spoon out of his mouth.  “Uh.  Dad—dad is—in there,” he pointed vaguely toward his dad’s office, his eyes still fixed on the horns sticking up past the back of the couch.  “Do...do you want me to...get him?”  
The naked man popped up behind the couch again, looking kind of mad, and Steve stepped further back, watching the golden chains and jewels glint in the light from the window.  “...you look very pretty,” Steve said politely, and the man groaned, grabbing the blanket as he stood, and wrapping it around his waist like a towel.
“Why the—why are you here,” he hissed, and Steve swallowed.
“I’ll go in my room,” he tried to say, but it came out kind of a weird whisper, and he realized he was starting to cry again, so he turned away, and the man scrambled from behind the couch.
“Wait!  Kid,” he said, and Steve stopped to see him step and spin kind of gracefully around the glass coffee table without catching the blanket on it.  All his nails were pointed, and painted black.  “I’m sorry—” he cut off, staring down at Steve’s picture, and the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28.  
“...what’s this,” he asked, like maybe he was mad again, and Steve wondered, suddenly, whether his mom had forgotten to lock the door, and the man was a naked burglar, looking for clothes to steal.  
“I wanted to meet the TV lady,” Steve admitted, trying to take it, but the man snatched it up.  “Um, are you—are you a burglar?”
“Am I—” the man glared at him—his eyes looked like fire, weirdly, the blue fire on the stove—but he didn’t look mad at Steve, yet, so Steve just bit his lips together.  “...you drew this?” the horny man asked, more quietly, and Steve nodded.  “Why?” he asked, and Steve knew he was in trouble—even if the man wasn’t supposed to be there, grownups always told each other when Steve did something dumb, like steal the TV man’s picture, which was the point Steve realized he was a stealer, a thief, like on TV.  America’s Most Wanted, he thought, his heart pounding.  
“Why draw this?” the man asked softly, crouching down, and Steve sniffled again, wiping his eyes.  
“He said a friend would come,” he admitted, wondering whether kids had their own jail, or whether he’d be in the one with all the guys from movies, who chased teenagers with chainsaws and knives.  
“You wanted a friend?” the man asked, but even softer, and Steve nodded, clenching his fingers in the sides of his pants.
“I didn’t mean to steal it,” he whispered.  “I won’t do it again.”
“...okay,” the man said.  “Don’t—don’t cry, it’s okay, are—are you okay?” he held his hands up like he was gonna touch Steve’s shoulders, then crossed his arms, frowning.
“I’m okay,” Steve nodded, wiping his nose on his sleeve.  “...are, um,” he asked, cautiously, “—are you supposed to be...in here?”
“Uhhh,” said the man.  “Definitely not naked, right?” he laughed, kinda nervously, Steve thought, and he snapped his fingers.  The throw blanket turned into shiny fringed pants.  
“Ohhh,” Steve whispered, impressed.  “How’d you do that?”
“Oh,” the man said, grimacing.  “Um, let’s talk about you summoning demons, okay?”
“...okay,” Steve nodded, sighing, but then a thought occurred to him.  “Uh, do you want a PB&J?”
 As they ate, the man spread Steve’s picture on the table, with the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28.
“So this is a circle to summon the demon Belial,” he said, low but kind of intense, like Steve was in trouble, but mostly he looked sort of worried.  
Steve swallowed his bite of sandwich.  “...it’s not exactly the same,” he pointed out, a little sulkily.  “I added a horse.”
“...so you did,” said the man, turning it to look.  “...look, summoning demons is very dangerous—”
“My dad says there aren’t bad demon summoners,” Steve told him.  “He says there are bad plumbers, and bad strippers, but if you’re talking to somebody, and they summoned a demon, they must be good at it, because you’re talking to them, and—and he was on TV—”
“Strippers,” said the man weakly, and Steve realized he was being rude to his guest.  
“I’m Steve,” he said.  “What’s your name?”
“...Bel,” said the man, then, hurriedly, “Bill?”
“My mom likes Billy Idol.  And Billy Joel,” Steve suggested, and the man nodded.
“That’s a normal name that I definitely have,” he nodded, grimacing, “—Billy, I’m Billy.”
Steve considered this.  
“Are you listening, though?  About demon-summoning?  Even a lot of adults have a hard time with it—” Billy started again, holding Steve’s LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 to his chest like it was a present for him.
“The guy on TV said it was for a helper friend,” Steve told him, feeling a little guilty, but really not too much, since it hadn’t even worked.
“Steve,” Billy said, pressing his hands together over his mouth.  The chain hooking his earring to the ring in his lip swayed and made a bell sound, and Steve stared at it, then remembered to nod.  “Okay,” Billy said.  “Could you promise me you won’t try to summon any more demons?”
“My dad says—” Steve started, again, but he cut off guiltily as Billy slumped back in his chair, groaning.
“Look,” Billy tried again, rubbing his face.  “Summoning demons isn’t like inviting somebody over, okay?  They have to come.  Now imagine if someone called you up to—” he frowned down at himself, biting his lips with pointed teeth, and cleared his throat.  “Uh,” he said, swallowing, and snapped his fingers with both hands—and all the jewelry vanished.  Even his cool horns were gone, Steve realized, and he had clothes on, a little tiny black shirt that showed his belly button, and shiny plastic-y silver pants.  
It was disappointing, but Steve looked into Billy’s flameless eyes and blunt-toothed smile and politely said “...you still look nice...I guess.”  Billy snorted a laugh.  “...I’ve never seen pants like that,” Steve offered, and Billy frowned down.
“What’s wrong with them?” he asked, then shook his head.  “No, wait.  Okay.  What if you don’t want to go somewhere—”
“People make me go places all the time,” Steve said darkly, remembering the week before, when his mom had drug him in for a haircut that made him look like G.I. Joe.  He rubbed his still-fuzzy head, glowering.
“Uh,” Billy said, trying not to smile, but spinning the tires on the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28, and Steve was a little proud that he liked it so much.  “Okay, a stranger.  What if a stranger makes you go somewhere you don’t want to go?”
“That’s kidnapping,” Steve said, breathlessly, his eyes huge, and Billy pointed the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 at him.  
“Yes.  When you summon a demon, you’re kidnapping them, okay?  And they can’t leave unless you let them go.”
“But the man on the TV said—” Steve whispered, then stopped, remembering how he’d made the almost-naked woman pour soda on her own head.  Steve covered his mouth, suddenly realizing she might not have wanted to be almost-naked, maybe the man had taken her clothes off, like Steve with a doll.  “Oh no,” he whispered.  “I’m so glad it didn’t work!”
“Ah, yeeeah,” Billy said, grimacing.  
“Um,” said Steve, reaching a hand over to retrieve his prize LEGO kit, and Billy snatched it back.  Steve narrowed his eyes.  “You were looking for my parents, but my dad didn’t say you were coming over, are you my mom’s friend?”
Billy winced, grimacing.  “Where is she?”
“She’s at work,” Steve told him.  “Daycare is too expensive, so over the summer I have to be good.”
“Wait, are there any grownups here?!” Billy asked, looking horrified, and Steve nodded, pointing down the hall again.
“My dad.  He locks the door.”
“...What if you drown in the bathtub, or try to eat your own fingers, or something,” Billy breathed, and Steve glared at him.
“I’m not little,” he hissed, sliding forward in his chair a little, so his toes reached the floor.  “I’m not a baby.”
“You don’t need a friend, you need a nanny,” said the recently smoking, horned, pierced and tattooed man before him.  “And that’s, uh, that’s why your mom sent me.”
“...did she really send you?” Steve asked, narrowing his eyes, and Billy crossed his arms on the table, hugging Steve’s LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 against his chest.  
“Yeah.  Yeah, she did,” he said defiantly, and Steve relaxed a little, because Billy sounded like a teenager, just a bigger kid, really.  “She said to put less peanut butter and jelly in your sandwiches,” he pointed to Steve’s overflowing PB&J-bread-burrito, looking smug, “—and just make another sandwich.”
Steve gasped, staring at him, and feeling absolutely betrayed.  “You tricked me!  Why’d you let me make it!”
“It’s okay, I won’t tell,” Billy said, and Steve’s heart was won.
 Billy won it further when he scooted his plate aside to admire the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28, and Steve drug him back to his room to show him the kits he had.  “Come on,” he said, excited and rude, and Billy slowed way down, grimacing, and flickering back to his pretty bejeweled self, with horns.  
“How about you ask if I wanna do things,” he said stiffly, slowing almost to a stop, and smoking more around the eyes.  
“Oh, yeah,” Steve nodded.  “Sorry.  Can I show you my room?”
“Or maybe, ‘Hey, Billy, want to see my room,’” Billy suggested, taking a deep breath.  
“Okay,” Steve nodded.  “Want to see my room?”
“Sure,” Billy nodded, relaxing like it was some big relief.  
It occurred to Steve maybe it was.  “Sorry,” he said quickly.  “I’ll be polite, I won’t get you fired.”
“Um, yeah,” Billy laughed, shaking his head.  “Maybe don’t, uh, order me around.”
“Yeah,” Steve nodded, thinking hard about it, so he’d remember.  “I won’t say ‘Billy, pick me upOOF—” he wheezed, as Billy yanked him into the air with one arm around his waist.  “Sorry,” Steve wheezed, his feet kicking.  “I-I’ll say Billy would you, sorry—”
“Shit!  Damn it, I mean, uh, sorry,” Billy said, grimacing, and sat Steve back on his feet, straightening his clothes.  
“I’ll remember,” Steve told him, wide-eyed, and then, because Billy looked guilty, “It’s okay.”
 He tried hard to remember, and he usually did, because Billy got all tense and weird if Steve forgot, like he was trying to move underwater, and Steve had to yell “If you want!  If you want!” as Billy grimly bit into the crunchy, burned eggs Steve had made.  
“That was disgusting,” Billy told him, that time, and Steve couldn’t stop laughing, waving his hands.
“Okay, okay, can I—can I just tell you you can ignore me?  I won’t tell, you can just—just do things if you want to—”
“...you sure about that?” Billy asked, snorting softly, like Steve might be kidding, and Steve nodded frantically.  
“Yeah!  Yes!  Don’t, um, don’t eat any more eggshells, I’m sorry!”
“...okay,” Billy said, smiling down at him.  “When am I not supposed to listen?”
“Uh,” said Steve, blinking at him.  “I mean.  You should—you should always listen—”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Billy said, rolling his eyes.
“No, you should!” Steve told him, grabbing Billy’s hand and tugging it.  “What if something’s gonna hit you in the head?  You should listen,” he nodded, thinking about it.  “But once you listen, you should decide what you want to do.”
“What if I wanted to...eat you?” Billy asked him, reaching down to tickle Steve’s stomach, and Steve yelped, giggling.
“You won’t eat me,” Steve told him, leaning into Billy, to give him a hug.  “You’re nice.”
Billy sighed, and hugged him back, tightly.
 Billy was better at some things than other people, like clothes, Steve thought, because Billy was always pointing people’s outfits out, and explaining how they weren’t as good at picking them.  He wasn’t as good at other things, though.  Steve sat down one night to heated-up pasta sauce over Cheerios, and he didn’t want to say anything, but he was pretty sure that wasn’t right.  Billy gave Steve’s mom a glass of water that was completely frozen because she said she wanted it iced, and when Steve’s dad told Billy to make burgers, Billy didn’t buy buns, or tomatoes, or anything, and he threw the meat in the pan until it caught fire.  
Steve was pretty sure none of it was a joke, because Billy frowned between the glass and Steve’s mom, and grimaced over the burgers after Steve’s dad stomped away, and Steve caught him whispering into the phone to the neighbor, hiding half in the fridge like nobody was gonna notice it was open.  
“Billy,” he whispered, and Billy jumped, as Steve crouched down next to him.  The breeze from the inside of the fridge was nice, but it hardened all Steve’s suspicions, because no grown-up had ever left the fridge open, he was pretty sure.  
“Yeah,” Billy muttered back, guiltily.
“...how old’re you,” Steve asked, and Billy flinched.  
“Older than you,” he shot back, and that Steve was willing to give him, because Billy wasn’t human, and some things lived different amounts of time, like trees.  
“Are you a kid too?” Steve asked, and Billy glared at him.
“No,” he said defiantly, and Steve nodded slowly, raising his eyebrows, until Billy groaned, deflating, sitting against the edge of the fridge and letting his legs sprawl out across the floor.  “Look, I’m trying—”
“I won’t tell,” Steve said, reaching out and squeezing Billy’s hand.  “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“...teenager...maybe,” Billy admitted, grimacing.  
“Okay,” Steve said, nodding.  “Billy,” he said, trying to sound like a parent, or a teacher, and Billy’s shoulders hunched.  “You need to tell me you need help,” Steve said, putting his hands on his hips.  “I can help with things like human food.”
“You are human food,” Billy said, fondly, yanking Steve into a hug.
 Most of the people that did magic like Billy ate kids occasionally, Steve found out, as he was reading his Dictionary of the Magic Realms that night under the covers, by flashlight.  Maybe they were mean kids, Steve thought, or maybe Billy was just way nicer.  “Are you a fairy?” he asked the next morning, and Billy laughed.  
“Depends on what you mean,” he said, grinning over.  “Is that slang for—”
“Can you fly,” Steve interrupted, because that seemed the most important, and Billy cocked his head.  
“...actually, I probably could,” he said, considering.  “Not like you mean, though.  I don’t have secret butterfly wings, or anything.”
“Oh,” Steve said, because he'd been privately imagining Billy as they’d first met, with the jewelry and the horns and wings, and it seemed to fit.
“...do you want me to have wings?” Billy asked, sitting aside the dish he was drying, and bending down sideways to try and meet Steve’s eyes.  “I can change form—”
“No!” Steve told him, waving his hands.  “No, I know you like looking like...that.”
“...that,” Billy said, raising his eyebrows as he looked down at himself.  “You saying I need to do better?”
“You’re just—normal,” Steve said quickly.  “Instead of pretty.”
“Instead of,” Billy growled.
“I mean,” Steve yelped, waving his hands.  “Pretty with all the jewelry!  And the horns.”
“I was gonna say,” Billy said, reddening.  “If you’re saying I’m not pretty—”
“Of course you’re pretty,” Steve said, rolling his eyes and sighing, but grinning, too.  He patted Billy’s shoulder.
“Well,” Billy said, clearing his throat, and turning back to the dishes.  “All right, then.”
 A few days later, Billy was moving the kettle off the flame for hot chocolate, and a big gout of steam belched up over his arm, which shimmered into all over scales.  Steve yelped and grabbed him, yanking him over to the sink, and ran water over it, all the while panicking.
“Billy, are you a mermaid?!” he asked, spraying Billy’s arm, and trying not to cry.  “Are you a mermaid, are you okay, are hot things bad for mermaids—”
“I’m okay,” Billy told him, turning off the water, and hugging him close.  “I’m not a mermaid, Stevie, I’m not hurt.”
“O-okay,” Steve gasped, grabbing Billy’s arm to run his fingers over it.  “You—you’re okay,” he whispered, leaning into Billy’s hugs.  “...are you a...lizard?  Or a snake?”
“Nope, not exactly,” Billy said, snorting a laugh, and Steve groaned.
The rest of my Harringrove works
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
@stephanieromanoff​ asked: 
Hey! Could you write something like Natasha’s always thought she was straight but then reader joins the team and now she’s started questiong her sexuality? Fluff pls!
I wasn’t sure how exactly you wanted this to go but I did my best, hope I did your request justice lovely!! also, i noticed @thedevilwearsbeskar​ wrote something for a similar prompt and I’m sure theirs is better lol (haven’t read it yet so I could write this one first). gorgeous divider is by @whimsicalrogers​, italics are for thoughts. Enjoy!
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: some curse words, apart from that it’s all fluff🥰
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You were standing in front of all of your heroes – the Avengers. Your heart was racing, but the smile on your face didn't falter once as you introduced yourself warmly to your new team.
When you were asked to join the Avengers, your first thought was that this must be some kind of prank. No one, not even your closest friends, knew of your secret life, the powers you kept secret from everyone in your life to keep them out of harm's way. But apparently, Tony Stark is ever the know-it-all.
You were in the middle of stopping a robbery when suddenly, the big red flying suit bolted in, and you knew you were caught red-handed by the man himself.
So now here you were, standing in a briefing room in the Avengers tower, telling the other Avengers, your new teammates, how excited you were to work with them.
As you let your eyes pass each of their faces, you found nothing but warm smiles and welcoming nods. Well, except Black Widow, Natasha – her expression was utterly unreadable.
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Thinking about how pretty girls are is normal, right? Like, everyone does that.
That pretty much summed up Natasha's mindset throughout her life.
Being trained in the red room meant being trained to seduce men. Natasha never questioned her ability to do that. She was good at it, the bowing of the head, the sultry looks, the bite of a lip and they were pretty much done for. To Natasha, these pompous men were easy, simple. That's what made her so dangerous for them.
Girls have always been more of a puzzle, and she included herself in this. But it's never once been a puzzle she'd been requested to solve, so she didn't. Do what you're told, and you'll survive.
It doesn't mean it was a puzzle she didn't want to solve, from time to time.
Natasha trained with girls, trained by girls. And sure, every once in a while, she'd check out a girl's ass as she passed by, or caught herself staring at another girl's lips for too long, but that was just… professional interest, you know? They were all made to look appealing, to draw you in. So, it was only normal it would work on her as well, it meant they were doing their job.
When Natasha left the red room and joined the Avengers, she didn't have much time to date, or think about dating, anyone. She simply didn't think about it.
But now you were standing in front of her, and Natasha Romanoff was absolutely captivated. The way you oh-so-elegantly held yourself, the smile gracing your beautiful lips, the glint of it reaching your eyes, illuminating them. You were stunning.
After the meeting was over, Natasha needed some time to think, so she opted to leave the room after greeting you as minimally as possible, for now.
She went to do what she knows would allow her to think best – go punch the shit outta some stuff.
Entering the training room, she rolled her neck a little, getting into position, and starting to throw hard, precise punches at the punching bag, letting her mind wander where it needed to go.
She remembered one training session, a long time ago. Her opponent was a girl about her age, Valerie. Natasha was confident she could beat her, since Valerie was known to be not the best at face-to-face combat, and Natasha was great at it.
Natasha had the upper hand the entire time, just as she expected. She had Valerie pinned under her, still writhing and not giving up, but Natasha was sure it was a matter of seconds, until—
Natasha looked at her, really looked. Her tousled hair, her wide eyes, the breath escaping in short spurts between her lips. And that was just enough time to allow Valerie to get out of Natasha's grip, flip them over and win the fight, just like that.
To her friends, she said she let her win because she pitied her. To herself, she said she slipped because she got too cocky.
She wasn't so sure of either of these answers anymore.
Seeing you knocked the breath out of her, your outside beauty reflecting your warm, courageous personality, reflected from both the stories of your acts of heroism and the way you told them. You were what it took to make her start connecting some dots.
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Natasha was no stranger to the internet and it’s weird and wacky sides, but googling was clearly not going to solve her current problem. She spent hours browsing over the last few days, looking for a clear answer. The conclusion she arrived at – she is the only one capable of providing herself with such a thing.
She did talk to you a few times, but she didn't see you a lot, since you had your hands full getting familiar with the compound and she had her hands full with… well, trying to figure out who she wanted her hands full with.
She made her way to the kitchen to grab a snack – because if nothing makes sense, at least she has food. Making her way through the door, she froze at the sight of you and Tony, laughing and clearly in the midst of a discussion. Well, more at the sight of you, Tony was just kind of there.
"They were all so great, Tony! I was really nervous about meeting them all, but they're all so nice!" your voice rang clear in her ears. Her spy instincts kicked in, and she silently leaned next to the door on the outside, shamelessly eavesdropping.
"Nice doesn't matter," Tony answered matter-of-factly, "Who was the hottest? And there is a correct answer to this, so tread carefully."
Clearly you and Tony quickly became good friends, Natasha thought. The sound of your laughter rang through the room, making her smile without even realizing it.
"Well, I know what you want to hear, but I'm sorry, there actually is a correct answer to it, and it's definitely Natasha."
She could faintly hear Tony gasping in mock hurt, but her racing thought drowned it out. Maybe it was just a friendly compliment, she rationalized, tuning back into your conversation in time to hear you say:
"Seriously! Do the Avengers have a non-dating policy or something? Cause if we do, I am very tempted to break it," you chuckled.
Okay, so maybe not a friendly compliment… a blush crept onto Natasha's cheeks.
"We don’t, but good luck with that one, Romanoff's never gonna –"
"Never gonna what?" Natasha barged in impulsively, knowing whatever Tony was going to say about her probably wasn't going to be good.
"Never gonna let me take you out," you smirked.
"Well, it's your funeral," he told you, and picked up a donut from the counter, "I'm just gonna grab this… there you go, please don't destroy the kitchen," he said, leaving abruptly.
"So, will you let me take you out?" you asked Natasha once more once he left, a smile on your lips.
"Like, take me out with a gun? Unlikely," Natasha shrugged, "But to dinner… we'll see about that," she smiled, and your grin widened in response.
"But I should probably tell you something first…" Natasha hesitated. Normally, she would never do such a thing. But right now, she knew you were going to work together, and your dynamic needed to stay a good one. She couldn't fuck this up. "I'm not… a hundred percent sure I like girls," Natasha hurriedly said and then swallowed. "I, uh, never really thought about going out with girls before," she shrugged, "but I do know I'd love to go out with you," she smiled.
"That's okay," you said, and after thinking for a moment you added, "If you want some more time to think about it, that's really cool too. If not... I wouldn't mind figuring things out with you," you smiled.
"Thanks," Natasha smiled. "So, think we should destroy this kitchen? For good measure," she raised her eyebrow.
"Absolutely," you agreed, and before she could react you grabbed another donut off of the counter and shoved it in her face, the glazing smearing over her as she called out in surprise. She wiped the glazing from her eyes and glared at you while you burst into laughter.
"I hope you know this means war," she said, her tone threatening yet her lips still smiling, tongue darting out to lick the glazing.
"Bring it!"
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I hope you liked it!! <3
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mytwinklelights · 4 years
A Reunion - Part 1 | Peter Parker x Stark! GN Reader
A/N: Remember over a month ago when I wrote this preview and didn’t post again? Oops sorry, I had to take a little break from tumblr because I was reading way too much fanfic. But now I’m back, just to post, still no reading for a while! Umm but yeah, here’s the first part! I can’t guarantee when part 2 will be posted but it’ll definitely be within the next 2 weeks! I hope you like it, please let message me with any feedback because I need validation to stay motivated lol
Summary: Y/N is an Avenger, the youngest Avenger. Then, Peter Parker comes along and they’re happy to finally have someone their age to hang out with, even if it was the boy they spent their senior year of high school crushing over.
Content Warnings: I don’t think there are any - let me know if I missed any though!
Genres: Friends to lovers, Stark! Reader, Frequent cameos from Avengers and them being cute, Slow burn, Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 2019
“Alright gang.” Tony begins, standing in front of all the Avengers at the end of a large oval table in the conference room.
“I’m sure you’ve seen these ‘viral videos’ of this Spider-Boy kid swinging around the city and being a friendly neighbourhood vigilante. Well, Happy and I have managed to track him down and he’s agreed to join the team”
“Viral videos of superheroes?” Steve exclaims, looking at Tony whilst tilting his head and looking genuinely exhausted. “I’m still catching up on these keyboard cats and kids biting fingers”.
I giggle. Having Steve around was just the same as having an uncle you saw once the year who lived of the grid. He was extremely sweet, but utterly clueless to anything other than his job. But I mean, that job does include fighting evil aliens.
“Anyway…” Tony continues as the other Avengers chuckles die down after Steve’s outcry “he arrived not too long ago. Happy is next door giving him all the T&Qs and they should be done now. Let me just check and I’ll introduce you all.” Tony then leaves the room, and the other Avengers start to talk among themselves.
I pull out my phone and type ‘NYC spider boy’ into YouTube clicking on the second search result with 20 million views. I have seen this video before as my friend Michael sent it to me around a week ago.
“Do you think there are many other super kids wandering around the city?” Sam asks, whilst looking at the video of my shoulder. Currently the hero is stopping a city bus from off-roading into some confused tourists by building up a wall with his web.
“I doubt it, I mean I guess he’s the only one going viral” I answer, moving the angle of my phone so the others who have gathered around me can see “but it would be cool to be able to meet some people my age who do what I do, no offence guys”
They all laugh. Being the youngest Avenger and hanging out with 30+ year olds all the time can be kind of isolating, but it’s like having a super close family. A family who also happen to be in life and death situations regularly together. But that’s a great bonding experience I would say.
“Guys, this is Peter, the Spider-Boy” Tony draws our attention away from my phone to the door where he has just entered.
“Spider-Man” Peter mutters as a lame attempt to correct him.
“Peter?” I question and the boy stood in front of me was not who I expected. I didn’t expect the masked vigilante swinging through New York to be someone that I knew.
“Y/N?” He responds, looking even more confused than I am “What are you doing here?”
“So Tony Stark is your dad?” Peter asks.
After seeing a guy from your school who you shared a chemistry class with last year, walking into a super-secret meeting for superheroes where he will be now joining your team. It is understandable that Peter and I were now talking this out to figure out how this state could be so small.
“Yep” I answer. We were sat next to each other on bar stools at the kitchen island. Wanda made some of her famous fruit smoothies for us and we were both stirring them around with our straws whilst conversing alone in the main living space.
“But your last name isn’t Stark, or Potts?” He continues, genuinely really confused about this whole situation.
“Yeah, well you can’t have the daughter of a billionaire and superhero couple walking around New York City alone, going to a normal school, having normal hobbies. It’s like asking for me to be taken hostage. So, I don’t have either of their last names and the general public doesn’t know I exist. It’s for my safety” I continue, reciting this memorised answer I’ve had to say to multiple people once they find out my existence.
Peter nodded as if he was understanding everything, he probably was, but I guess this wasn’t the conversation he planned to have today.
“And you’re the great Spider-Man” I continued, wanting the change the subject from me to him. “How did that happen? Wait… were you Spider-Man when you sat behind me in Chem last year?”
He began to explain to me the story, it happened to him on our school trip to OSCORP we took last year for our Chem class that happened just before the end of the semester. Something about a radioactive spider. It was strange, kind of the weirdest superhero transformation story I’ve heard. And I’ve heard quite a few.
My story was nowhere near as interesting. I guess having superhero parents who were always around weird alien technology and contaminated substances led to some weird epigenetic alterations of their reproductive cells and then when they had me, I could turn invisible.
They didn’t know at first, I was seemingly a normal baby. Then at my 2nd birthday party when they surprised me with a freaky clown, I was so scared that my body just decided to turn invisible. They weren’t expecting it, the clown definitely wasn’t expecting it and they had to cover up with a very convincing lie.
From then, whenever I was embarrassed, scared or essentially in a situation where I wanted to disappear. I did. Literally. It wasn’t entirely effective though as even though my body tuned invisible, the clothes I was wearing didn’t. I spent the majority of my preteen years of being a walking hoodie and jeans with no head or hands protruding from the gaps. For my 13th birthday Bruce and I got to work on a suit which responds to the activity of my skin cells, when I was invisible, my suit was invisible. It made it a lot more effective for me to actually be invisible when I turned but it also meant my dad let me start training to become an Avenger.
Training was fun, I worked with Nat a lot in our gym in order to become an efficient fighter. ‘Just because people couldn’t see me, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t know how to serve a mean right hook’ she always said. I also spent a lot of time with Wanda, trying to manage my powers. Now I am able to actually turn invisible and visible again on demand. And it only takes extreme embarrassment now to turn me invisible against my will, which is great because mum and dad finally let me, after my years of begging, attend Midtown High and stop being home school. This is where I met Peter last year and now I’m at Columbia studying genetics and engineering. A double major, I know but when you’re around the top geniuses in the world everyday, there is no such thing as too much learning.
“So, I guess we’re the only Midtown Alumni to have these crazy powers huh?” Peter finishes. After a long ramble about his becoming a superhero story. I guess he wanted to ease the tension after I couldn’t really think of what to say after “that’s super cool”. It wasn’t like I wasn’t interested, I really was, but when I wanted to have another person my age to hang out with, I didn’t expect it to be the boy I spent my senior year of high school obsessing over. I had turned shy, like really shy, like my normal levels of shy times 50. I couldn’t think of what to say.
“Sorry, if that story was too long and boring, I’ve only gotten to tell it to one person before, my best friend Ned so I was kind of excited to be able to tell it again.”
“No, it wasn’t boring, it was genuinely really cool!” I say a little too loudly and enthusiastically. I cringe at my tone of voice and speak normally again as I continue “It’s just I didn’t really expect the new Avengers recruit to be you, you know, like someone I know. It’s just kind of weird, but nice? I don’t know, now I’m rambling”
Peter chuckles.
“Umm, so are you going to be staying with us whilst you train or are you going back to Queens?” I ask, hoping this new question will miraculously erase Peter’s memory of what I last said.
“A bit of both, my Aunt is back in queens and I don’t want to leave her completely alone, but this upstate facility is a little too far for an everyday commute. I’m here just for today but once I start training on Monday, I think I might stay for the whole week.”
“Well, I can give you the tour! Since you’ll be staying with us soon, I guess you’ll want to know where everything is!” I say whilst jumping of my bar stool and putting my half full smoothie cup in the fridge. I noticed peter has just finished his, so I grab the glass and put it in the dishwasher for him. He thanks me as I do so.
“So this is the kitchen, where we make our food, different from the kitchen where the chefs make our food for occasions, charity events blah blah blah. And also, this seating area here is kind of the main seating area where we’ll sit throughout the day. Lots of sofas because there are lots of us and this is Bucky’s armchair. Don’t ever sit in Bucky’s armchair.” I say, stopping behind the chair and resting my hand on the headrest.
“Bucky, scary guy with the metal arm right?” Peter questions whilst following me at a slight distance around the room as I show him around. I nod. “Yeah, don’t worry, I won’t be sitting in his chair” he laughs.
I continue to show him the rest of the complex, the gym, the labs and finish up on the floor with all our rooms.
“I’m not sure which one of these rooms will be yours because we have a couple spare ones, but they all have the same layout. Look I’ll show you mine” I walk into my room, then hold the door open for Peter so he can follow me in.
“Uh, so this is my room. Obviously, yours won’t be decorated like mine but It’ll be the same size and have an en-suite attached with a full shower and tub and stuff. You know, the basics” I say, whilst sitting on the edge of my bed.
“I like your room, it’s cosy” he adds whilst looking around and then heading for the bookshelf as soon as he spots it.
“Ah thanks, I mean it’s cool, bigger than when we were in the tower in the city so I can’t complain” I say whilst also looking around. What is it about someone else being in your room that makes you see it with fresh eyes and make you super self-conscious that there is going to be a rogue piece of underwear on the floor? Even though I know I tidied my room this morning.
“Holy crap, Vision you scared the life out of me” I say on an exhale whilst holding my hand to my chest after the large gasp I just made as he enters the room, through the wall.
“Sorry, but your door is open” He continues, “Mr. Stark has told me that your car is here to take you back home Mr. Parker. If you would just follow me, I can lead you there” Vision continues, as if him just floating through my bedroom wall and speaking to the boy from my chemistry class now turned superhero was a normal thing to happen on a Thursday evening.
“Oh… thanks Vision” Peter says with some hesitancy, you can see that this is a weird circumstance for him too. “Well, I’ll see you on Monday then” he says smiling at me and walking towards the door. Which vision doesn’t use to exit.
“Yeah, see you then” I smile as he closes the door and I’m left in my room listening to him shuffling down the corridor.
Part 2
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jamie-leah · 4 years
War of Wolves (16)
Season 1
Episode 16 - Finding Nemo Normal
Bucky x Reader 
Summary: You have been on the streets for the past two years, ever since your accident that left you with the ability to tell if someone is lying. You work as an informant for the white wolf and his mob but you had never met him…until you overhear a phone call that leads you to saving his life. Now he wants you to work for him. Its an offer you couldn’t refuse…right?
Word Count: 2974
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, NSFW, Sex, and fluff
A/N: I am terrible at updates and I should stop pretending to have a schedule. Just pray I keep up once a week. Hope you enjoy Lovelies :) 
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The next day Bucky didn’t want to leave you. He was in overprotective mode since the Isaac thing yesterday and you weren’t going to lie and say you didn’t like it. But you also knew he had things to do. 
So, after having breakfast in bed with him and getting halfway through a film you sit up from his chest, “I know you can’t afford to take a day off Buck”. 
He ignores you. But you carry on, “I love the fact that you’re so willing to sacrifice a busy day for me, but honestly Bucky, I’m feeling better since yesterday”. 
He looks at you then, processing your words and studying your face. He starts to shake his head, so you turn the TV off. He looks at you mock offended which makes you smile. 
You kiss your way up his chest until you reach his lips briefly, “I know you have work to do and I know your phone hasn’t stopped blowing up since breakfast. Go and do whatever you have to. I was thinking of training a little and maybe even baking…”. 
He gives you a cheeky smile, “hmm, well, I’ll go if you do me two favours”. 
You nod, “anything”. 
He smiles, “make me some of those cupcakes and let me take you out to dinner tonight”. 
You feel a massive smile spread across your face, “you have yourself a deal”.
The day went by quickly. You baked cupcakes to share with most of the house. That took most of the day and then you started getting ready for dinner with Bucky. Bucky said that he was going to take you somewhere fancy. 
You were nervous since you hadn’t gone to a restaurant in years and even then, you never went anywhere too fancy. But you were more excited than anything because no matter what, you were with Bucky. 
You were glad that you bought more dresses after realising that you might need to go to gatherings more often. You settled on a dark green dress, so dark that it looked black until it came to the light. 
You put your hair up and put light make-up on. You put your shoes on and made your way down the stairs. As you get to the end you can hear Bucky’s office door open and a few seconds later he appears, as handsome as ever.
He holds his arm out, “our chariot awaits milady”. 
You take his arm with a small laugh, “you’re such a dork”. 
He smiles down at you, “and you’re a beautiful woman with a beautiful laugh”. 
You blush as you look away and you can feel him chuckle softly. He guides you out the house and towards the car. He opens the passenger side for you and closes it after you. He then proceeds to open the driver’s side and hop in.
As he starts driving you look over to him, “so, how was your day? How did it go?”. 
He shakes his head, “nope. No work talk tonight. It’s just you and me and normal conversation”. 
You tilt your head with a smile, “I’m not sure if you noticed Buck, but we’re anything but normal”. 
He glances at you with a wicked grin and wide eyes, “I know, isn’t it great?”. 
He laughs as he looks back at the road and you join him in his good spirit, “actually yes, for the first time in my life its great not to be normal”. 
He places his hand on your thigh and squeezes it gently. The car ride is easy, comfortable and conversation is normal. You talk about Steve’s twins and their birthday coming up. You talk about Peggy and what she’s going to name the baby. 
After a conversation about present ideas, Bucky announces that you’ll be arriving at the restaurant soon. You smile as you lean back in the car and close your eyes for a few minutes. 
That’s when you hear Bucky clear his throat like he does when he’s going all serious, “can I ask you something?”. 
You open your eyes with a frown and a look of concern, “you can ask me anything, although your tone makes me nervous”. You laugh anxiously. 
He shakes his head like there’s nothing to worry about, “it’s just, with our conversation about Peggy and the kids, it just got me thinking. I wanted to know what your take on kids was?”. 
You frown not quite understanding what he meant. He glances at you and clarifies, “in terms of whether you want them or not?”. 
You swallow and think about it for a second, “do you want kids?”. 
He shakes his head with a small smirk, “I asked you first”. 
You laugh and think again before answering, “its funny because when I was homeless I gave up on the idea of having any type of normal life, kids included…but the more time I spend with you and the more time I spend with the twins the more I thought about it. So, to answer your question, yes, I would want kids, but I don’t feel ready to have them yet”. 
You watch his reaction closely. It takes a few seconds, but you slowly start to see him smile. You lean to get a better look at his face and say, “what? Why are you smiling?”. 
He doesn’t look at you, his eyes fixed on the road, “we’re at the restaurant”. 
You feel the car slowing down, but you don’t let it go, “no, that’s not why you’re smiling. What is it Buck?”. 
His smile grows slightly bigger as you keep pressing him. He parks the car and you ask again. When he switches the engine off, his body half turns to face you, “I’m just glad that we’re on the same page”. 
You look at him surprised, “I’m not gonna lie, I’m surprised that you want kids considering your profession”. 
He nods, “the original plan was to not have kids for that very reason. They’re a weakness and something else to be used against you. The original plan didn’t involve falling in love either. Then you came barging into my life demanding to see me and you saved my life. I tried to stay away from you, I tried not to feel anything, but you’re a stubborn woman”. You both chuckle until he gets serious again, “when we first started our relationship I said to myself that I wouldn’t have kids with you either. That that was the one plan I would stick to, but the moment I saw you with Sarah and Joseph I knew it was something I wanted, only with you. But I also agree that I’m not ready for kids just yet”. 
You nod as you look down at your hands blushing at his words for the second time already that evening. He lightens the mood with, “I’m not quite ready to share you just yet Doll”. 
You giggle as you look back up at him. You can see him relishing in being able to make you laugh as he smiles, crinkles forming around his eyes. 
After your little moment in the car, Bucky hops out and comes around to help you out the car. He offers his arm again and you take it. 
You could tell it was an expensive place just by being in the foyer, but when your waiter took you into the dining area you glance at Bucky in question of just how expensive.  
It was a cool looking room but with warm lighting. White and silver seemed to be the theme with hints of blue. There were round tables and square tables. The place seemed full and waiters and waitresses were rushing around. 
However, the most noticeable feature of the room was the floor to ceiling side of a wall. It was glass that was filled with water and amazing aquatic life. It was beautiful. 
Your awe only grew as the waiter gave you a square table right next to the glass. Bucky pulled your chair out and pushed it in before sitting down himself.
You were on either side of a corner of the table and you heard him tell the waiter what drinks you wanted, but you couldn’t focus on specifically what he ordered as you stared at the fish. 
You started to reach your hand out to touch the glass, but then stop yourself. You look back at Bucky, “I probably shouldn’t touch the glass, should I?”. 
Bucky frowns, “why not?”. 
You look at him like its obvious, “well, for starters no one else is doing it so I would look even more like I don’t belong. Plus, I bet its all expensive and I wouldn’t want to leave a mark or have anyone be mad or I don’t know”. 
He smiles, “you’re cute when you ramble”. 
You give him a serious look, but you couldn’t stop your smile, “I’m being serious Buck”. 
He holds his hand up in surrender, “okay. Well, the way I see it, fuck what everyone else thinks and our house costs more than this place so I think we’ll be fine if you break something”. He notices that you still don’t look convinced, “what is it?”. 
You look back at the fish and shrug, “that’s your money though Buck. I would feel awful if I broke something and you had to pay-“. 
He cuts you off firmly, but gently, “Y/N, listen to me, what’s mine is yours, always. Everything that I have is also yours. You need to stop thinking of things as just mine. The money that’s there is ours. The house is our home. The people that are there are our family, okay?”. 
You nod with a smile as he brings your hand up to his lips and kisses your knuckles. He lets your hand go, “now go play with the fish”. 
You shake your head, “you say that like I’m five”. 
“well, if the shoe fits…”, Bucky shrugs and then smirks at you. You slap his arm discretely and he chuckles, “okay, okay. I’m sorry, I guess you’re more like ten”. 
You kick him under the table and he laughs so hard that the table not far from you starts to give you looks, “that table is looking at us”. 
Bucky keeps laughing as he rubs his shin, “I don’t give a fuck”. 
Bucky soon calms down when the waiter comes with drinks and menus. When you open the menu you nearly have a heart attack. You look up at Bucky about to say something when he holds up his hand and talks to you, his eyes never leaving his menu, “I’m starting to get offended that you think I can’t afford things Doll”. 
You shake your head, “its not that I don’t think you can afford them-“. 
He cuts you off, “okay, great, so don’t worry about it Doll. Order whatever you want and just enjoy it”. He looks at you then seriously. You stare at him for a few seconds before nodding and looking back down at the menu. 
Once you place your orders, you and Bucky don’t stop talking. You’re true to his word as the conversations are normal and you find that you’re both laughing more than you ever had in your lives. 
The evening went by so quick you didn’t notice time had slipped through your fingers until you were sharing dessert with Bucky. That was when you remembered what Ray had told you in the shop the other day. 
You look over to Bucky, “you know I don’t know much about your past”. 
He looks up at you from his spoon, “I don’t really know much about yours either”. 
You smile, “you know more about mine than I do about yours. I’m sorry, I don’t want to force you to talk about it or anything its just I remember Ray telling me that you used to be homeless and it made me realise that I don’t know much about your past”. 
Bucky puts the spoon down and takes a sip of water, “you don’t have to apologise for asking, I knew you would eventually, just like I want to know things about you. I won’t tell you it all, but long story short is that me and Steve went into the military together. One day I lost my arm in active duty and got shipped home. Steve still had to serve as I recovered and once I did they sent me on my way. I couldn’t adjust to life as a citizen and as a disabled person, so I ended up on the streets”. 
You felt terrible for even asking about it now, “I’m sorry Buck, I didn’t mean-“. 
He grabs your hand, “don’t. It’s okay, you didn’t know and besides, it turned out alright didn’t it?”. He gives you a pointed look and you lean over to kiss his cheek. 
You both go back to dessert and lighter topics. As you finish the dessert Bucky looks at you and laughs. You scowl at him and he laughs harder until he licks his thumb and rubs at a stain in the corner of your mouth. 
You keep your eyes on him as you turn your head slightly and catch his thumb in your mouth. You lick the pad with your tongue before giving a little suck. You watch his eyes darken when you release his thumb and you thought he might start something there and then until the waiter came over. 
Before the waiter could even say anything, Bucky’s voice came out gruff, “just bring us the bill please”, his eyes never leaving yours. 
The waiter rushes off as you continue staring at each other. You give him a smirk as you let your foot wander up his leg. You couldn’t do much more as the waiter comes back with the bill. 
Bucky doesn’t let you see the total as he pulls out a wad of cash from inside his suit, also handing the waiter a very generous tip. Bucky just about acknowledges the waiters thank you before he was getting up and leading you out of the restaurant. 
You’re both giggling when you exit and make your way to the car. Bucky gives you a playful slap on your ass and you run in front of him so that he doesn’t do it again. When you get to the car Bucky twists you. 
He pushes your back up against the car as he kisses you deeply. As your tongues entwine you forget the cold night, his kiss starting a fire in your stomach and between your legs. 
You push him back before your knees become too weak and you open the rear door of the car. You push Bucky inside so that he’s sitting in the back normally. You give a quick glance around before hiking your dress up your thighs and climbing in on top of him. 
As soon as you straddle him and close the door his lips are on you again, travelling from your neck and up to your lips. You take a moment to thank the tinted windows as you moan into Bucky’s mouth. 
You grind down over Bucky’s already hard cock and his growl fills the car. He stops you after a few minutes, “stop teasing, I need to be inside you”. His words flip your stomach and pools at your pussy as you lift up slightly in order for Bucky to undo his trousers. 
When he unleashes his cock, it springs to attention and you waste no time in pulling your panties to one side and sliding down. You moan together, never taking your eyes off each other. You roll your hips slow and hard. 
Bucky manages to get your breasts free and he rolls one nipple between his metal fingers and takes the other between his lips. Your hands tangle in his hair as he sucks the nipple hard. He bites down gently and you both moan loudly as a bolt of pleasure causes your pussy to squeeze his cock. 
He kisses his way up from your breasts to your neck. He sucks softly before murmuring, “you’re so fucking beautiful Baby-Doll”. His metal hand slips between the two of your and you gasp when you feel his finger connect with your clit. 
He circles it as you roll your hips and you feel the pleasure start to build as you whisper, “James…I need more, give me more James”. 
He growls against your skin, more animal than human, as he applies more pressure to your clit. You lose rhythm as he brings you closer and closer to the edge of release. But before you can fall over the edge he stops with a smirk. 
You’re panting now, your legs starting to shake with the pleasure. Bucky takes charge now, lifting you up, your pussy barely on his cock as he starts to thrust up into you. 
He starts slow and increases until he’s thrusting up hard and fast. Moans and groans fall from your lips like drool as they mix with his own. You feel yourself on the edge again and as a result you squeeze Bucky’s cock harder. Its not long before you feel Bucky start to spurt hot cum into you, a violent thrust accompanied with each spurt. 
The feeling of him cumming in you tipped you over the edge of pleasure as you throw your head back. You lean into Bucky as you come down from your high. You rest your head on his shoulder as you both catch your breath. Bucky nuzzles your neck and places kisses over the hickey he gave you as he says, “I should take you out to dinner more often”. You laugh together in the backseat of the car. A perfect end to a perfect night.
WoW Taglist: @a-really-bi-girl @crazyblonde124 @summerwelsh @scuzmunkie @loving-life-my-way @pequenaguaxinim @paranoid-borderline-insane @lilsonbucky @somanyfandomsblog @broco8 @inquisitor-selvala @mad-red @k-n-e @rinkashirikitateku @duhh-danielly @boundtomyfate @kalesrebellion @booktease21 @whatinthyworld @flyingbabyunicornnamedangel @asapkyndall @yaszx @amoredashley @aveatquevale @putinovertime @melimelbean @valsworldofcreativity @lokilokilokilokilokilokilo-blog1 @vesper852
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cwritesforfun · 3 years
Captain America x Fem!Reader: Nightmares
Y/N - Your Name
Y/L/N - Your Last Name
Post Age Of Ultron but ...
Plot Twist -Tony & Steve get along :)
And Peter Parker is an Avenger already :)
Steve Roger's POV
I pour a bowl of cereal and eat it as I read the newspaper.
My phone buzzes and I answer it.
((Start of conversation))
S- Steve Rogers       T- Tony Stark
S- Hello? Tony?
T- Hey!! So I'm bringing someone I want to introduce you all to. She's a possible Avenger if we all like her.
S- Why wasn't she here when we initiated Sam, Rhodey, and Wanda?
T- She was technically at the Avengers Institute, but she was just testing tech and fixing Jarvis' system to make him stronger. She didn't leave her role and she was too deep in her work that I knew she wouldn't want to be interrupted.
S- So you know her?
T- She's technically been working for me for 10 years.
S- Oh wow. Well yeah what time should I make sure everyone is ready for?
T- Like noon. We'll come for lunch.
S- I'll message the team then and can you send her file? Or like what you have on her? I'd like to do a background check.
T- Of course you want to. I'll send it now. Bye.
((End of conversation))
I message the team and then go back to my room.
I change into dark jeans and a fitted gray long sleeve shirt. Hm fine. Wait why am I stressed about finding an outfit? It doesn't even matter.
I open the file Tony sent on my computer and I share the screen to my tv to view it bigger.
I click and watch the videos. Interesting so she has powers similar to Wanda. In her pictures, she's always smiling. She has a picture with Tony and Pepper at a beach. Did they travel together? Ok. I keep scrolling and read articles involving her. So I guess if I kept up with all of this and if I visited Tony, I could've met her earlier than this. She's so interesting.
A little before noon, I leave my bedroom and head to the kitchen.
I sit next to Wanda and she says "You seem stressed."
I reply "I feel antsy. I don't know why. I trust Tony. I do. I just don't know."
I forget she can get into my head sometimes.
She replies "I have a funny feeling in me as well."
I ask "Really? You're not playing with me."
Vision replies "She most definitely is not messing with you. She complained all night."
I laugh.
I hear more footsteps and turn to see Tony walk in.
The woman next to him is smiling and she is beautiful. Wow. Her eyes draw me in yet there seems to be something mysterious about them too.
I stand up and walk over.
I extend my hand and exclaim "Hi ma'am! I'm Steve Rogers or Captain America. You can call me Steve though."
She shakes my hand and exclaims "Nice to meet you Steve. I'm Y/N Y/L/N."
I reply "Nice to meet you."
I then shake hands with Tony and say "Good to see you again with a new face. Vision made lunch so no telling what we have."
Tony laughs.
We walk over to Vision and Wanda.
Vision says "Today's lunch includes Cesar salad, lasagna, and cheesecake."
We all clap and get food. 
Natasha shows up and so does War Machine.
Both shake hands with Y/N.
As we eat lunch, Peter Parker comes running in saying "Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark! I'm so sorry I'm late! Please don't banish me from the Avengers! Oh hey Y/N! Mr. Stark... wait Y/N are you an Avenger?"
She shakes her head and says "Not yet. They still haven't even seen my powers and they'd all have to agree for me to join."
He smiles and hugs her.
He then walks off and starts getting himself lunch.
I ask "Y/N, how do you know Peter?"
She answers "Oh well since I've been working with Mr. Stark for years, I've met him. We hang out when I visit the city."
I ask "Have you met any other Avengers?"
She answers "Yes I've known Natasha for years. War Machine or oh I should say Rhodey and I hang out sometimes too. He's not an Avenger, but hey I know Nick Fury. We chat sometimes especially if he needs my help."
Chats with Nick Fury? Who is this girl?
Natasha lightly elbows me in the side and whisper  in my ear "Careful Steve, your jealousy is showing."
I whisper back "Am not!"
She whispers back "You are."
After lunch, we walk to the yard and Wanda asks "What are your powers, Y/N?"
Y/N answers "Well just as you can manipulate the mind, I can manipulate inanimate objects. Here I'll show you with this stick."
She closes her eyes and when they open again, they are purple. Woah! She holds out her hand and the stick levitates a bit. It then changes and becomes a golden retriever. What the f?!?!?
Peter runs over and pets it.
Peter looks at Tony and asks "Can we keep it?"
Tony laughs and shakes his head.
Peter moves away from it and Y/N transforms it back into a stick.
Tony exclaims "All of you should really see her powers on a bigger scale. I think I can get Jarvis to pull up some tapes of when Y/N helped me fix the Avenger's Institute after Loki destroyed it."
I turn to him and ask "Why didn't Y/N become an Avenger then? If you were aware of the powers she possessed, she could've helped in Sokovia."
He replies "I didn't think about it. I can now see that she would've helped, but we were terrified of enhanced people prior to Sokovia. No one would've accepted her as an Avenger."
I mean true but maybe not :/
Wanda interjects "To be fair, she seems cool and like someone valuable to the Avenger's."
I nod in agreement. 
We keep talking as Y/N talks with Peter. He's already voiced his opinion and he of course wants her to join.
We agree to let her join. Wanda wants to watch out for her and Nat wants to teach her how to fight. No one objects and Tony lets us know she can help with most tech as well because that's what she worked with back at the Avenger's Institute.
We let her know she can join and she hugs everyone.
I wish my hug lasted longer.
Next Day
I'm reading the newspaper when Sam walks in.
He asks "Can you train with me?"
I nod and get up.
I follow him and we walk to the training center.
The doors slide open and I see Y/N in a boxing ring with Natasha.
Natasha yells "Come on Y/N! No powers!! Is that the best you got?"
Y/N jumps at her and Natasha jumps away laughing.
So Y/N already knew how to fight. Kinda hot.
Sam nudges me and says "They've been like that for the last 2 hours or so. I bet by the time we finish, they will still be fighting."
I laugh.
We walk over and we train together. 
After working out, I take a seat on the bench and drink my water.
I glance over and see that Y/N has a bloody nose plus cuts on her arm. I see that Natasha looks just as rough. I then see knives in their hands.
I turn to Sam and ask "Why are they training with knives? They're cutting each other up!"
Sam asks "Why do you care? It's not like they're killing or severely injuring each other."
I answer "They can't risk their lives during training."
Sam nods and replies "Y/N has powers and Nat is reckless. Let them be, Steve."
I shake my head and walk over.
I yell "Hey!! NAT!!! Y/N!!!"
They both stop and look over at me.
I ask "Why on earth are you training with sharp knives? You can't just risk your life during training."
Nat laughs and says "Steve Steve Steve. Stop worrying. Y/N, what do you say? Call it a tie?"
Nat looks over at Y/N and they nod at each other.
They slip out of the boxing ring and they pack up their stuff.
Nat says "Steve, your left swing is a little rough. You need to practice more with Sam."
I ask "How did you see that? You both were fighting nonstop?"
She answers "You should always be aware of your surroundings, Steve."
She then walks off.
I shake my head and walk over to Y/N.
I ask "Are you alright?"
Y/N looks up, smiles, and says "Yeah of course. We were just training. We weren't fighting to kill. I may go just clean my cuts though. I think I brought a kit to do that and I won't need to bother doctors. How was your training?"
She's fine! How? She's asking about me. What do I do?
I answer "Oh same old same old. Nat says that my left swing could use some work. That could just be her saying it."
Y/N replies "Oh yeah she mentioned it as we trained. She made me watch to see if she was right."
She starts walking and I walk with her.
I ask "So was she?"
Y/N answers "Listen Steve, I don't know. I don't really feel comfortable answering that. We barely know each other and I wouldn't want to jeopardize my position here and even make you an enemy."
She doesn't want to make me an enemy! It was bad.
I reply "So it is bad then?"
She answers "Not really. I just think you need to do a little coordination practice. Nat would definitely be glad to help with it."
I ask "Would you?"
Ah shoot probably shouldn't have asked.
She answers "I'm hardly a teacher."
I ask "Please?"
Why am I begging like a kid at an ice cream store?
She answers "Fine. We can do it tomorrow."
I nod and smile.
I notice we make it back to her room and I ask "Need help wrapping your cuts?"
She smirks and answers "Sure. I could use help."
I follow her in and notice the room already set up.
I ask "Did you set this all up yesterday?"
She answers "Yes. Mr. Stark and Peter helped me last night after lunch but before dinner."
I nod.
She waves me over and pulls out her First Aid Kit.
She sits down and I clean her cuts.
After helping her, she thanks me.
I leave and head to my room.
I sit on the floor and realize I just left Sam.
I stand up to go find him and see him walk in.
He closes the door behind him and says "I noticed you left with Y/N. What happened?"
I answer "I wanted to make sure she was alright and I helped clean her cuts up. She even offered to help with my coordination tomorrow."
He laughs and asks "So when's the wedding?"
I slap him playfully and he says "Ah just kidding, but dude you should really just ask her out."
I reply "Yeah great plan. She just becomes an Avenger and I ask her out now. But what if things don't work out? What if one of us dies in battle?"
He puts an arm on my shoulder and says "Calm down. I doubt you asking a girl you find attractive out will cause such mayhem. Plus, you deserve it. You deserve another shot at love."
I reply "Yeah you're probably right."
Later, we all have dinner together and Sam's words stick in my head. 
I watch Y/N as she interacts with everyone.
She lights up everyone's faces including mine.
. . .
The next 2 weeks pass :/
Everyone has been training a lot and some have been traveling.
Y/N and I have talked quite a few times. She's really sweet and she's very smart. She has many great ideas and views that I like hearing.
2 hours after I fall asleep ...
I wake up and feel like something is wrong.
I know it's dark outside and everyone is probably asleep. I just have this bad feeling.
I walk over to my window and open the balcony up.
I walk out and stand outside.
I breathe in and feel calmer.
I look around outside and see it's so quiet. Except what is that? I look to the balcony next to mine and see Y/N crying. Oh no! What's wrong?
I run back inside and go into the hallway.
I try to open the door and I then softly knock on her door.
It opens and I ask "Can I come in?"
She answers "No offense Mr. Rogers, but I don't think now is a good time."
I reply "Please. I can help with your nightmares."
She replies "Ok. Come in."
I walk inside her room and she closes her door.
She asks "How did you know?"
I answer "I had a feeling something bad was going on and I thought the fresh air would help. I saw into your window when I went outside to breathe in the fresh air."
She nods and sits on the edge of her bed.
She replies "Oh well then good I guess."
I nod and sit next to her.
Before I'm able to ask her another question, I see her curling up into the fetus position. She then lays down and starts to cry.
Oh sh**!!
I quickly lay next to her and I stroke her arm gently while saying "Y/N. Y/N, it will be alright. I promise. Nothing here can hurt you. You're safe. You're an Avenger and nothing can stop that. You are a strong woman who can defeat her foes. I'm here and I can help if needed."
She starts shaking less and curls into my side.
I wrap my arms around her and she wraps her arms around me.
Next Day
I wake up curled next to Y/N and smile.
Her nightmares stopped when we were cuddling.
She asked me to stay with her and I agreed to.
I know I shouldn't kiss her on the forehead, but I want to.
I lightly kiss her forehead and her eyes flutter open.
She looks up at me and I smile at her.
She looks up at the ceiling and says "I suppose you deserve an explanation about why I had those nightmares and what they were especially since you stayed."
I reply "No no I mean you don't have to explain. What matters is that you fought your nightmares and were able to rest."
She looks into my eyes and says "Well thank you for everything. I appreciate it."
I reply "I would ... I'd like to be there for you whenever you need me to be. I care about you."
She replies "Steve, you're so kind. Thank you. I care about you too."
I smile and kiss her on the cheek.
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slutforbuck · 3 years
Traveling Soldier Part 3 -- Bucky Barnes x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
The elevator doors opened, and Natasha and Steve stepped out. “This can’t be the data-point, this technology is ancient.” “Nat, what is that?” Steve pointed to a tall tube against the wall. Natasha looked in the direction Steve was pointing, “I’m not sure, go check it out. I’m going to look over here.” Steve walked over to the cryostasis tube, and yelled. Natasha turned from the desk, computers booting up behind her, “What’s the matter Steve?” Steve was trying to open the door, “My sister Nat. It’s y/n in there. I’ve got to get her out!” Natasha stepped around Steve, and found a release on the side of the tube.
Your eyes open, and you see two people in front of you. “S..Steve? You..You’re dead. We watched you go down with the plane.” Steve smiled as he pulled you from the chamber, “Long story. We can catch up later.” Natasha called you both from the desk, “It’s talking.” Steve supported your weight as you walked over to the desk. “Rogers, Steven. Born, 1918. Romanoff, Natalia. Born, 1984. Rogers, Y/n. Born 1917.” “It’s some kind of recording.” You stepped back from the two and sat against the floor. You heard Zola talking about how HYDRA had infiltrated SHIELD and realized that this must have been the new doctor that Howard had introduced you to right before he froze you. You got to your feet as quickly as possible. Something felt off about that man then, and something felt even worse about him now. As you stood, you heard him say, “Out of time.” You saw Steve and Natasha dive into an opening in the floor, and you threw yourself under the desk just as the building explodes. The three of you run from the building just as a man steps in.
“Steve where is Howard? Why does everything look so different?” Natasha furrowed her brow, “Howard? Surely you don't mean Howard Stark.” Your eyes lit up, “Yes! Where is he?” Natasha looked at Steve, slightly worried, “Y/n, he's been dead since 1991.” Your eyes went wide, “Dead? 1991? What year are we in?? How long have I been frozen?” “It’s 2014. If you went on the ice when Steve “died”, then that would put you at being frozen for nearly seventy years.” Your walk slowed as you tried to take in what you were just told.
You walk up to a house, and Steve knocks on the door. A slender man opens the door, “Hey man.” He looks to Steve questioningly while stepping back to let the three of you in the door. “I’m sorry about this. We need a place to lay low.” Steve nods to the man in thanks as he brushes past. “Everyone we know is trying to kill us,” Natasha looked at the floor as she walked past, arms crossed over her chest. “Not everyone.” Sam offered a small smile to the three of you as you made your way into the house. “So what happened? You..You shouldn’t be here. Not this young still.” Steve looked at you with concern in his bright blue eyes. You sighed, “Steve it’s a long story. I don’t know exactly where to start.” You looked at your hands, not sure how to tell him why you agreed to take the experimental serum in the first place. “The beginning is a good place. What happened?” Steve looked at you sternly. “Well after the plane..with you..I didn’t have anything or anyone. Bucky was gone. You were gone. I had no-one left. Howard had been playing around with new serum formulas, and needed a candidate. I figured I didn't have anything left to lose, so why not volunteer?” Steve’s jaw dropped slightly, and his eyes went wide. He pushed the chair away from him and began to pace, running his fingers through his short blond hair. “Why? You shouldn’t have done that, you could have died!” Steve had a pleading tone in his voice, and was straining to not yell. “What did I have to live for Steve? The man I love and my best friends were dead. Not coming back. Even if something would have happened to me, I was doing the same thing you were. I was helping create something that could be so beneficial. You did what you had to do and so did I.” Steve stopped and slowly turned to you, “What I was doing was different. I was serving my country.” You stood and stalked towards your brother. “I was doing the same as you Steven Grant Rogers. Do not try to parent me. I did what I felt was right.” He glared down at you, and looked into your eyes. He saw the pain you felt, and his jaw began to unclench. He rubbed his eyes, and looked to you again, “Okay so you were injected with the serum. You’re alive obviously so it worked I’m guessing? That doesn’t explain why we found you in a hidden office on an old army base.” It was now your turn to pace, worry beginning to show on your face. You looked to him, then took a deep breath. “HYDRA. They heard that Howard had developed a working serum and they wanted the formula. They wanted EVERYTHING that he had to do with Project Rebirth, including me. Howard felt like freezing me and hiding me down there would help keep me hidden. He was supposed to come back for me when it was safe, I don't know what happened.” You felt your brother’s arms around you, “Get some rest, we’ll talk more in the morning. You’ve at lease got your best friend back. Not so sure about this man you love though.” As he walked away, he shot you a wink. “I’m going to find Nat, I’ll see you in the morning.” You sat down on the bed, wondering what could have happened that Howard didn’t come back for you. He had plenty of time, Natasha said that he didn’t die until 1991, that was almost fifty years after you were frozen. You laid back on the bed, memories coming back, feeling like it was only yesterday that you were standing at Camp Leigh with Peggy and Howard. Your eyes slowly began to close as sleep began to take over your body.
The next morning, you made your way into the kitchen. It was barley light outside, and you enjoyed the moment of peace. Pulling out a chair at the kitchen table, you sank down, sliding your head into your hands. There was so much time you had lost, but you couldn’t decide if you were upset about the time lost or not. There was almost seventy years of time that was just gone, but you were also almost seventy years in the future. You were seeing everything that you and Howard had been working towards. You decided that the time lost was worth it. You had gained, you hoped, a couple of friends, and your brother back. You stood, and lost in thought, floated to the window. You stared out and memories flooded your mind again. “Buck…I love you so much James Barnes. You stay safe, and I will see you when you get home. Promise me that you’ll come back safe.” “I promise, y/n. I love you.” The last words you and Bucky had ever spoken to each other. You wished that the two of you had more time with each other. You stood at the window, remembering all the things you and Bucky had done together, and didn’t notice everyone else come in. It had begun getting light outside, and Sam began cooking breakfast. “Y/n? You okay?” You jumped, startled, and turned towards the voice. “Oh. Good morning Natasha, yes I am fine, thank you.” You offered her a small smile while hugging your arms close to your body. You sat back at the table, still zoned out. You saw the three friends talking, whatever it was seemed important. You only caught the end of the conversation. “I can’t ask you to do this Sam. You got out for a good reason.” “Dude. Captain America needs my help. There’s no better reason to get back in.” You looked to Natasha and whispered, “I’m sorry, what are we doing?” She smiled and filled you in.
“Steve I can help. I was trained.” “No way. Not happening. I don’t care if you are a super soldier or not, you are NOT fighting.” You huffed and sat back waiting for Sam to get back with Agent Sitwell.
“We’re going to get information. Stay here, and don’t do anything stupid.” You rolled your eyes at him and whispered under your breath, “You’re talking all the stupid with you.” He looked back and grinned at you before jogging to catch up with Natasha.
“HYDRA doesn’t like leaks.” You looked to the man in the backseat, he looked nervous and was wringing his hands. Natasha and Steve began talking about how to stop Project Insight, and you heard a thud on the roof. You looked in the backseat and Sitwell was gone. Steve jumped forward and pulled the break handle, which made the man on the roof of the car fly forward into the road. The man jumped back onto the car, shattered the windshield, and yanked the steering wheel from the car. Glass flew towards you, and you threw your hands up to cover your face. “Shit!!” Bullets began flying through the air and you couldn’t tell where they were coming from, but you knew both sides were shooting. Steve breaks the door from the car, and throws you all on the door, sliding you down the street away from the car. Natasha grabbed you and ran, shooting back at the man. She manages to make a hit and shoots the goggles covering his eyes. Они мои. Найти его. (They’re mine. Find him.) Natasha hides a recording behind a car to throw the man off as you two hide. You study the man as he leans down to roll a bomb to where he thinks the two of you are hiding. Something seems familiar about the way he holds himself. You are preparing yourself, knowing you are going to have to fight soon. You watch as Natasha jumps onto the man’s back as the car explodes. He throws her and she runs, warning civilians as she goes. You take off after her, but you feel him grab you by the arm. You see his arm shine out of the corner of your eye, and realize as he is lifting you into the air by your throat that he has an arm of metal. The need to breathe and fight back overtakes your curiosity. You try to kick him, but his hand has too tight of a grip on you. Steve jumps in and attacks that man, knocking you out of the air. You fall to the ground and look up as Steve knocks the man’s mask from his face. “Bucky?” You whispered, shocked to see the man you thought was dead in front of you. You hear confusion in Steve’s voice as he repeats the name, “Bucky?” Bucky looks at the two of you with his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “Who the hell is Bucky?” Your heart fell as Bucky raised his gun and shot at you and Steve. Sam flies in and kicks Bucky aside. You begin to grapple with him, trying to get the gun away, and you see Natasha raise a grenade launcher. You release Bucky and the gun as you throw yourself to the ground. You look up as the smoke began to clear, and see that he is gone. Agents begin to swarm the four of you, and you are all put to your knees and taken into custody. You and Steve stare at each other while being put into a van. “Steve, it was him. I know those eyes.” “I know it was him y/n. He looked at me like he didn’t even know me.” Sam looked between the two of you. “How’s that even possible? That was seventy years ago.” “Zola.” Steve looked to you, then to his hands. You looked to Sam with tears in your eyes, the pain of losing him coming back all over again. “Bucky’s whole unit was captured in ’43.” Steve heard your voice break and stepped in, “Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and..” Natasha looked at both of you sympathetically, “None of that’s your fault, Steve.” You both look up, “Even when we had nothing, we had Bucky.” You looked at the side of the van sadly. Sam notices a gash in Natasha’s shoulder, “We need to get a doctor here. We don’t put pressure on that wound she's gonna bleed out here in the truck.” You gasp as a guard shocks another, then takes off her helmet. “Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain.” You and Sam look at the woman in confusion and Sam speaks, “Who’s this guy?”
You make it to the facility Agent Hill was leading you to and a doctor met you. “Let me take her.” Maria stepped in front of her, “She’ll want to see him first.” You come to a tall man that was bandaged and had a patch over one eye. Steve whispered, “That’s agent Fury.”
The six of you were going over how to take out the Helicarriers, and Steve began arguing with Agent Fury. “We’re not salvaging anything. We’re not just taking down the carriers Nick, we’re taking down SHIELD.” “SHIELD had nothing to do with it.” “You gave me this mission, this is how it ends. SHIELD's been compromised, you said so yourself. HYDRA grew right under your nose and nobody noticed.” Nick began getting loud, “Why do you think we're meeting in this cave? I noticed.” Louder Steve tried to get his point across, “And how many paid the price before you did?” “Look, I didn't know about Barnes.” Agent Fury’s face slightly softened. “Even if you have, would you have told me? Or would you have compartmentalized that too? SHIELD, HYDRA, it all goes.” “Well, looks like you’re giving the orders now Captain.”
Nick turned to you, “Steve, who is this?” Steve put his arm around your shoulder, “This is my sister, y/n. She worked for Howard Stark back during the war. She was apparently the last candidate for Project Rebirth. Nat and I found her at Camp Leigh with Zola.” Nick turned back to you again, his eye wide with shock. “Wait, wait, wait. I read those notes, Stark said his assistant volunteered, but didn’t say anything about a woman, especially not Captain America’s sister!” You shrugged Steve’s arm off your shoulder, “I had nothing left to lose, I had lost Steve and Bucky. I was devoted to my work, and would do anything I could to help Howard. We both felt like the serum would be very beneficial to the army, especially with men that were like Steve. Brave, ready to serve, but a little weak and scrawny.” You winked at your brother while Nick chuckled. “It is an honor to meet you y/n.”
You sat on the bank of the river, watching Sam and Steve talk. You put your hands in the water and slowly drew patterns with your fingers in the cool water. You knew you had to get your mind straight before you went to the Helicarriers. You knew Bucky would be there, and you had one job. Your job was not to even be close to Buck, no matter how badly you wanted that. Your mission was to switch out the chips. Steve and Sam meet you at the end of the bridge, “Y/n you ready?” You looked up with a smile, “As I’ll ever be.”
“GO! Get that chip in there y/n! I’ll distract him!” You run up to the system and grab the chip you are replacing and throw it across the carrier. Bucky knocks Steve to the ground and rushes at you. You stick the chip in just as Bucky grabs you and pins you against a beam by your throat. “B..Bu..Bucky please..It’s me,” you manage to strangle out a couple of words and Bucky’s steel blue eyes go soft for about half a second, just long enough for you to wrestle out of his grip. He picks you back up and throws you to the edge of the carrier with Steve. As the three of you are still trying to regain your footing, the carrier crashes into a building, causing some of the beams to fall and trap Bucky. Steve lifts them as you pull him from under the rubble. “You know us!” Bucky pins Steve to the ground. “Bucky you’ve known us your whole life.” You are trying to pull Bucky from Steve, “Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. You are a wonderful, good man Buck. Please stop!” Bucky slings you down next to Steve. “SHUT UP!” Frustration and fear is beginning to show itself in Bucky’s angry voice. “I’m not gonna fight you. You’re my friend.” “You’re my mission!” Bucky begins beating Steve’s face. “You’re my mission!!” He grabs you by the shirt and lifts you, about to throw a fist to your face. “Then finish it. We’re with you to the end of the line.” You look him in his eyes, tears welling up, but refusing to break eye contact with the man that you still loved. You knew that underneath this crazed man was your Bucky, and you would die trying to get that man out. Bucky looks at the two of you, an understanding beginning to show on his face. You screamed as the bottom of the carrier fell out and you and Steve fell into the river. You were only mostly still knocked out as you felt yourself being dragged from the river. Rocks were digging in your back, and you were able to barley make out a man sitting next to you. The man touched your cheek, and whispered, “I know I know you. I don’t know exactly who you are, or who I am, but I am starting to feel like you’re important to me. I’m going to figure this out.” You felt his warm hands leave your face, and the rocks and sand crunched beneath his boots as he walked away.
It was cold when you woke up, turning your head you saw Sam sitting to your right, with Steve on his other side. “On your left.” Steve spoke and Sam smiled, glad to see his friend awake. “Is she okay?” Steve sat up nodding in your direction. “She’s fine. She’s been in and out. She keeps talking about Bucky and how she needed to get to him. I don’t know, she may just be dreaming.”
In a small cemetery, there were five people all standing around a freshly dug grave. “So you’ve experienced this sort of thing before?” Steve glanced up from the stone, “You get used to it.” Natasha handed you a file before kissing Steve on the cheek, “Call that nurse.” The three of you watched as she walked away. You glanced at the file and opened it. Bucky’s face frozen in a crystasis chamber stared back at you. The file snapped shut and found its way into Steve’s hands. “Sam, give us just a minute.” Sam nodded, then walked towards the car. “Sam told me you were talking about Bucky in your sleep. What are you not telling me?” Looking up you smiled, “I can’t dream about my best friend?” Sternly Steve looked down at you, expecting a real answer. Sighing you hugged your arms to your chest and looked off into the distance. “Bucky and I were..closer than you two were. We were just beginning to figure out what we were. That night at the Expo, it was almost like a first date. He told me he loved me. Steve I love him. I did then, I do now. I know you're going to object, but I have to find him. He’s lost, confused. He’s the one that pulled us out of the river.” Steve’s voice dropped to a harsh whisper, “You what? How do you know he’s the one?” Touching your cheek you relayed what Bucky had said, “He said that he knew that he knew me. And that he was going to figure out why he felt like I was so important to him. I’ve got to find him Steve. You had Peggy..I have Bucky.” Steve hugged you tightly, “Please don’t get in over your head. Come with me and Sam for just a little while, learn some more, then go.” Smiling you agreed, “Always looking out for me, should be the other way around.” Steve smiled as the two of you walked to the car. “You might be older, but I’m bigger now.”
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zi-i-think · 4 years
Request Prompt List
*Disclaimer* Some of these prompts are from Pinterest, some inspired by social media and tv/movies, and most of them are created by me. I have no problem with other creators using my list.
You can find my prompt list with the hashtag #zi prompt list
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How to request:
In my asks
Tell me the universe and character (characters not included in this list are fine, but I do reserve the right to refuse to write for a character for any reason).
AU (optional)
Prompt (max of 3)
Any information about the reader (Gender, Hogwarts House, appearance, etc.) I will write the reader as y/n unless otherwise specified.
If you want any specific plot or event, just let me know. Whatever isn’t specified will be left to me and my creative freedom.
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Harry Potter Series
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Bill Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Remus Lupin
Serius Black
James Potter
Lily Evens
Regulus Black
Merlin BBC
Sir Leon
Sir Gwaine
Sir Elyan
Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier
Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel
Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow
Sam Wilson/ Falcon/ Captain America
Scott Lang/ Ant-Man
Steve Rogers/ Captain America
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch
Xu Shang-Chi
Xu Xialing
Eros/ Starfox
Lord of the Rings
Avatar: TLA + LoK
Ty Lee
Lin Beifong
Fallon Carrington
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Headcannon: word length varies
Drabble: 100-500ish words
Short fic: 500-2000
(If you want me to write something longer, please know that they take me more time)
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AU’s (optional)
High School
Certain time periods (ex. 1940’s)
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Gen Z Prompts ✵
1. “This is going to sound controversial, but I think that went well.”
2. “You have no idea how to make toast?”
3. “I haven’t showered in four days.”
4. “Tell them how you screwed up.”
5. “Try not to gasp.”
6. “Well, this just scrambles my eggs.”
7. “Look I’m not the brightest tool in the… toolbox.”
8. “Please be quiet, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live.”
9. “Chile, anyways.”
10. “Why does he have to be so fucking hot!!! And respectful!!!”
11. “That sounds neat, my guy.”
12. “So sad. Alexa play Despacito.”
13. “Well, there goes the fucking plan.” “Wait there was a plan?!”
14. “I want you to park that big mack truck right in this little garage!!!”
15. Teaching them how to do the WAP dance.
16. “Why can’t I throw it back?!”
17. “That wasn’t very g-money of you.”
18. “Yeet!”
19. Playing Among Us.
20. “It the ___ for me.”
21. “You are such a [zodiac sign].”
22. “Sorry, I only simp for Corpse.” “You’ve never even seen his face.” “I’ve seen his hands!”
23. “Will you be my emotional support himbo?”
24. “Might I request thy hand in-” “Marriage?” “No, I was wondering if you want to go to McDonald’s with me.” “Even better.”
25. “I’m here for you bro.” “Really bro?” “Really bro.”
26. *giggles* “Rawr.” *more giggles*
27. “Please pardon my french, but what the diggidy dang was that.”
28. “When will you learn! That your actions have consequences!”
29. “Calling all the Monsters by China Anne Maclaine is a bop and you can’t convince me otherwise.”
30. “Eat the rich!” “[name], I am rich.” “I make no exceptions!”
31. “You’re being very calm right now.” “Oh, that’s just because I haven’t processed what happened. Give me a minute.”
32. “I love you bitch. I ain’t never gonna stop loving you. Bitch.”
33 “I am in love with you and I’m telling you straight up. I want you to be my boyfriend/girlfriend. Do you accept or deny!?... BItch get out the way.”
Fluff ❁
1. “Boyfriend and girlfriend right now?” “No.” “Boyfriend and girlfriend eventually?... You didn’t say no.” “I’ll play the long game.”
2. “I crave physical touch. Please cuddle me.”
3. Kisses on the nose.
4. *sneeze* “That is the cutest sneeze I’ve ever heard.”
5. “How long have you been flirting with me?” “Only since we’ve met.”
6. Playing with their hair.
7. Dancing in the kitchen.
8. “Did you just boop my nose?” “Yes… boop”
9. Y/n going off into a rant and character just stares in admiration.
10. Waking up in the morning.
11. Cuddles after a stressful day.
12. Teaching character or Y/n how to ____.
13. Character or Y/n having a long day and is given a massage.
14. “Sorry I’m late, have you been waiting long?” “Darling for you, I’d wait for centuries.”
15. “Care to give me a back scratch.”
16. “I’ll always be here to annoy the hell out of you.”
17. “I think I love you.”
18. Passing notes in class/in a meeting.
19. “It’s always been you.”
20. “Shush and go back to sleep.”
21. “Your bedhead is really cute.”
22. “I will murder you.” “Of fun?”
23. “You are my new pillow.”
Angst ☁
1. “I said I’d die for you”
2. “I never loved you.”
3. “I trusted you!”
4. Y/n or character sacrificing themself for the cause.
5. “If one of us doesn’t make it-” “Don’t say that.”
6. “I am not weak.” “Yes, you are. And you know what else? You’re stupid too.”
7. “I’ll see you again. One day.”
8. “Is that all we’ll ever be? Friends?”
9. “It’s midnight, where the hell were you?!”
10. “Where did all those bruises come from?”
11. “You could’ve died, you know?”
12. “You want to know the truth? I’m not okay.”
13. “I’m your friend of course I care!”
14. “Let me clean your wounds.”
15. “Can you please come and get me?”
16. “I can’t love you anymore.”
17. “Stop telling me you’re okay!”
18. “Because no matter how much I tried, I can’t stop loving you!”
19. Character or Y/n being reminded of the other, despite them being dead for years now.
Spicy (18+ characters) ♛
1. Hands
2. “You know you’re awfully red for someone who supposedly isn’t attracted to me”
3. Character or y/n training and taking off their shirt.
4. Soft sex
5. Bondage
6. Drunk sex
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Doodlewash April 2021 prompt 15: Armchair
So sorry, I spent all day yesterday sewing and I wanted people to actually see this, so I’m posting it a day late. Today’s (16) prompt-fic will be up in a few hours.
Also I’m so sorry you guys have to read more dialogue and planning, with rehashed information for this AU. Look it takes a lot of repetition to get many people in on a plan okay?
Reminder: 93-10-01 = Tommy
If anyone wants to be part of a taglist of this Vigilante AU, feel free to message me/send an ask/or mention it in reblogs.
Tubbo was playing Mario Kart 8 with Eret in the living room on the giant 70” TV in the living room when someone knocked on the door. It was Eret’s turn to pick the course so Tubbo ran over to see who it was.
He opened the door. “Hi.”
“Hello,” Elaina said, dropping her head down.
Tubbo peered around her to see a few other bodies. He took in their outfits and decided that they were here on vigilante business. He turned to yell: “Elaina’s here! She’s here with Mr. 5up and Co. Also Miss Niki’s here for some reason. She has cupcakes!”
“Cupcakes?” Eret asked. “Let ‘em in.” The sound of Mario Kart turned off. “Is 5up in black or pink?”
“Pink!” Tubbo moved aside and let them in.
“Dad’s out.” Was the first thing Eret said when the group entered his living room.
“I know,” Elaina said. “That’s the point.”
“Well make yourselves comfortable.” Eret draped his freakishly long legs over the armrest of his chair.
Elaina dropped on the futon and patted the seat next to her for xChocobars to sit. Hafu and 5up made themselves comfortable on opposite ends of the other couch.
“To what do I owe the pleasure? And why don’t you want dad? Usually when people come see me for vigilante stuff they want dad.”
“Yes. But we did risk assessment and decided that your dad would tell us to send it in the official channels. We also decided that Hero HQ would not be qualified to do this mission,” Hafu said.
Eret blinked a few times. “So it’s risky enough that dad would want to take if off our hands because we don’t have any actual training, but it’s also delicate enough that you don’t want to hand it off?”
Eret tilted his head towards where Niki was still standing in the doorway. “You gonna sit Niki?”
“No!” Tubbo said. “Niki is going to make cookies with me in the kitchen.” He took Niki’s hand and tugged.
“One second.” Niki smiled at Tubbo and put the frog cupcakes on the coffeetable. She grabbed two and followed Tubbo to the kitchen.
“What’s that about?”
“Niki’s helping.” Elaina shrugged as she said it.
“Niki’s helping but not my dad?”
5up laughed. “Well when you put it like that.”
Eret grabbed a cupcake. “Lay it on me.”
“We found an illegal child fighting ring full of kidnapped children,” xChocobars blurted out bluntly.
Eret’s hand froze. “You what?”
Hafu took over. “1889 Coral Lane in District 67. It’s a warehouse, 18 000 square feet. It’s been refittied with a boxing ring and a host of rooms.”
“Rooms for kidnapped children?”
“How many.”
“I estimate 200,” 5up said. “But I could be wrong. And if I am I think that number is low.”
“Shit. Last time heroes were in charge of keeping more than three kids safe on a single mission they let like a hundred school blow up.”
“Exactly,” Elaina said. “That’s why we didn’t come to your earlier.”
“Don’t say it like that. It was never mandatory to come see me.”
“Well no. But another body is always helpful.” 5up grabbed his own cupcake. “You in?”
“Of course. What’s the plan?”
Hafu unrolled the crude floor plan 5up had managed to nab. “So there are twenty five of us including you. Plus Niki, but she doesn’t really count.”
“Be nice,” Elaina scoulded.
“So. 5up is going to go into the warehouse for the betting. He has an invite; you know how his dad is.”
Eret raised his third cupcake in a toast and shoved it all the way in his mouth, like he had just taken a shot, and leaned forward to listen.
“Then 5up will give the signal. Alpha team; me, 5up, DumbDog, Wolfabelle, Yvvonnie, Peter, Edison, Aipha, and xChocobars will storm in from roof access, and take charge of the room. Then Beta team; you, Corpse, Toast, DK, Lily, Fuslie, Rae, and Syykuno will come in from the four back alley entrances. Charlie team; Steve, Ellum, Koji, Poki, Sleepy, and Elaina will come in through the front door.” Hafu grabbed a cupcake and sat back.
5up came forward. “The ring is used by high profile City people like my father. It’s a gambling thing.”
“I know. So Alpha team will be focused on taking control. Beta team will be focused on grabbing and neutralizing the criminals in charge of the operation. Then Charlie team will be keeping all of the gamblers as hostages basically.”
“And while I was doing recon – and betting in my father’s place – they paraded this kid 93-10-01 around. My signal will happen while he’s loose, then he’s going to show some of us on Alpha team where the other kids are kept.”
“There are people on each team that will go grab kids once we know where they are,” Elaina piped up. “Once we’ve got it under control, Poki is going to go help with that.”
“Tina, Teccy, and Niki are going to wait outside and set up a little camp so we can organize the stream of kids as we get them out of the building.”
“That makes sense.” Eret went to grab another cupcake. “Is she gonna have enough of these?”
“Hopefully.” Elaina took a bite. “These things are good.”
Eret sat back in the armchair. “I assume we’ll have a proper everybody meeting where we will all go over in detail everything we’re going to do?”
“Of course,” xChocobars huffed. “We just needed a snapshot of a good plan before we came to you.”
“You wanted me to be confident in you so I didn’t go to dad.”
“I trust his judgment and I agree with it, I just don’t think it’s the best thing. And as the vigilante in charge of the area with the problem, I have final say.”
“I was having fun being substitute you.”
Eret barked out a laugh. “I’m in. Tell me what to do Miss Hafu. My services will be prodived at your discretion.”
Eret and Hafu shook hands. “You’ll be coming with us to Hero HQ when we hand these guys in.”
“Yes of course. I’ll deal with the backlash from Hero HQ.”
“Thanks.” Hafu stood up. “Well, we’re done here. We’re going to DK’s dojo next Tuesday to go over the plan in detail.”
“I’ll be there.”
The kitchen timer beeped. “Cookies!” Tubbo shouted across the house.
@causeimfabulous @anty-kreatywna
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
Pseudo Princess Pt.17
Forgiven Misunderstandings
Pairing: King!Steve x Reader          Word Count: 7,054
Warnings: Language, smidge of angst, lots of fluff, like...tons, lots of links (sorry not sorry)
A/N: This was fun to write. And it came out pretty close to how I’d haad it planned. Hope you like it! Have a favorite part? Let me know! I love reading your thoughts and comments. As always, if you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work. May not have another update until after Thanksgiving. xoxo
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It feels a little unfair to you that your husband should be so beautiful. Especially when you feel as if you can’t compare.
There is so much about him that you love, and also a lot you still don’t understand.
Any King comes with their fair share of worries and obligations but somehow, as you watch his Majesty sleep beside you, his brow puckered as he dreams restlessly, you get a sense that for him there is more than the usual.
It’s like a picture that isn’t fully painted yet. He’s unfinished in your eyes.
You can’t wait to get down to the bottom of this gorgeous man.
Pain in the ass that he might be, he’s your pain in the ass. Forever.
Reaching up, you press your fingertip to his forehead and smooth out the wrinkle between his brow. It only puckers more.
Maybe your lips?
You shift upwards or try to, but his Majesty’s arms close around you more tightly. Pulling you closer against his chest.
Your heart flutters.
Still you manage to stretch up enough to press a soft kiss between his eyes—not quite at the offending spot but close enough—and you feel him relax around you.
He puddles into the mattress and his arms go a little slack. When you pull back to check, you find his brow smooth, mouth slightly open again. He looks just as peaceful as he had when you’d drifted off to sleep yourself. Unburdened, however short lived it might be.
For some reason, you feel as if his Majesty is often burdened with things you don’t quite understand yet. At least one burden…Margaret…appears to be lessening. Are you helping? Truly?
You watch him. Stare. Love him more with each second that passes and the prickly whiskers over his lip shift slightly as he breathes in slowly and back out.
There’s a small knock on your door, starling you from the peace you’ve found, and you hurry up from the bed. You draw your robe tighter and glance back at your sleeping King as you pull the door open a crack.
“Yes?” You whisper, afraid to speak loudly in case you wake him up.
“Why are you whispering?” It’s Nat, her large green eyes trying to peek in.
Stepping back, you let her in.
“His Majesty is sleeping.” You explain, looking at him again. “He was so tired.”
“He hasn’t slept in nearly two days.” She shakes her head. “How did you get him to sleep? James has been trying all day.”
You bite your lip, nervous but it’s only an after effect. You’re all joy and excitement.
“What?” Nat demands quietly, noticing the sparkle in your eyes.
“I told him.” You confess, looking back at him again.
He shifts on the bed, laying on his back before turning onto his left side to face your wall and vanity. One of his arms falls over the edge, his long legs sprawled out wide to take up a majority of the foot of the bed.
He’s used to sleeping alone.
“Told him?” Nat asks, confused.
Her eyes widen as she realizes what you must mean.
“What did he say?” She asks excitedly, reaching for your hand.
Taking hers, you give it a squeeze.
“He’s so happy.” You smile. “And afraid.”
Your smile falters.
“Because of the attack?” Nat wonders, knowing.
You nod. “He thinks the baby might be in danger.”
“Both of you are. You and the child. We’ll keep you safe, Y/N. I’m certain now that he knows, Steve will be watching you like a hawk.” She nods, assuring you of your safety.
“I know.” You sigh. “But I don’t want him to worry.”
“That’s not possible, love.” She reaches up to caress your hair, letting her hand rest on your shoulder. “He loves you. And now you’re carrying his heir? Steve might not let you out of his sight ever again. You’re all that matters now.”
“I shouldn’t be all that matters. I know he’s got other things to occupy his attention. I don’t-”
“Y/N,” Nat begins, slightly chastising. “This is what you’ve been wanting.”
“I didn’t want him to only focus on me. I just wanted him to let me help. To let me show him how much I love him. I wanted to be included and accepted.” You sigh, reaching down to place your hand on your stomach. “I don’t want to be a distraction.”
Nat chuckles lightly. “It’s too late for that, my Queen. You’ve been a distraction since the moment you said, ‘I do.’ But don’t worry. Now you’re welcome one.”
Both of you look to him and he sleeps on, face hidden from sight by his wide shoulders.
“It’s almost time to dress.” Nat informs you.
“I don’t want to wake him.” You protest, looking back at her.
“Another hour, but then we must get you dressed. It’s acceptable for the King and Queen to be a little late to their own feast, but not absent.” Nat insists.
“Another hour is fine. I just want him to rest.” You explain.
Nat nods. “I’ll get your dress sent up and have Peter hold it out for you until Steve leaves.”
“Thank you, Nat.” She nods and turns to leave but you catch her arm and pull her back gently. “Did he ask you again?”
Nat smiles a little more widely. “James asks me to marry him every time he gets me alone.”
“And you said yes this time, right?” Raising your eyebrows, you wait for her to respond but the way she’s chewing her luscious red bottom lip, you feel like maybe she’s told him no again.
“I didn’t refuse him.” She counters. “I’ll say yes eventually.”
“Nat, why won’t you say yes?” You wonder, worried now that James may one day get tired of asking but you also don’t find that likely.
Her smile falters and she moves closer to you, caressing your hair again. “Now that you and Steve have reconciled there will be a time when your opinion of me might change. There won’t be secrets between us for much longer, I don’t think.”
“Secrets? You’re keeping secrets from me?” You gasp almost offended.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I’m sure now that he’s willing to try that he’ll tell you everything by and by.” Nat assures you, but she still looks a little sad.
“What will he tell me? Why are you two keeping things from me? And what does it have to do with you marrying James?” You demand.
“James is a good man. He deserves someone just as good.” She says, before you can ask her to elaborate, she moves to the doors. “I’ll be back. Enjoy your time alone.”
With one final melancholy smile, she leaves you stewing in wonder.
Worried, upset, a little angry, and full of irritation because of these secrets that all of a sudden, you’re aware of, you move around to his Majesty’s side of the bed and stand there, staring down at him as he continues to sleep.
Steadily your breathing gets deeper, rage that you’ve become so good at hiding bubbling up.
“Your Majesty?” You say, stern, hard, or as hard as you can make your voice when looking at him while he’s as gorgeous as a sleeping angel.
He doesn’t respond.
“Your Majesty?” You say a bit louder.
His arm shoots out towards you and wraps around your hips. You gasp as he pulls you towards him, burying his face into your stomach as he breathes in deeply. His hand traces the shape of your lower back, moving down to rest against your bottom as he nuzzles your barely covered skin.
“Why are you angry with me?” He asks, his voice soft and soothing.
He’s never spoken to you in that tone before, all gruff and deep from sleep.
He kisses your tummy and your breath catches in your throat. Damn him. This is cheating.
He kisses it over and over, moving up towards your breasts, then falls back onto the bed, his left arm brought up to wrap around your waist as he lays on his back and looks up at you.
“Did I make another mistake?” He’s surprisingly worried, brow furrowed, blue eyes deep and swirling.
You swallow hard, trying to recover the anger you’d been feeling only a moment ago. “I-”
“I’ll fix it.” He promises. “Please don’t be angry with me.”
You huff a breath. Resigned, you sit down on the edge, and he takes the opportunity to wrap his left arm around your waist more securely.
“I’m not angry with you.” You allow, placing your hand on his chest tentatively, the motion unfamiliar.
He quickly brings his right hand up to rest over it, taking hold of your fingers and giving them a gentle squeeze.
“Is it time for the feast?” He wonders, deep voice slightly clearer but still heavy with exhaustion.
“We don’t have to have it.” You try once more. “We can cancel it and have it another time when you’re more rested.”
He smiles slowly, shutting his eyes as the wry amusement curves half of his lip up. It’s all hidden by that bristly beard. Your free hand wanders up to trace the shape of it. You couldn’t help it. You’ve wanted to touch him for so long…
That makes him open his eyes and in awe he watches you, slow-blinking and smitten.
“Why are you worried about me?” He asks, that trace of amusement still in his expression. “I don’t need much sleep, my flower. I’m okay.”
“You don’t look okay.” You fight.
“But I am. You don’t have to worry for me.” He insists.
“I love you.” You shake your head. “Worrying about you is unavoidable.”
Your body is yanked sideways, legs laid over his Majesty’s as he twists himself so that he’s hovering beside you as you fall onto the bed with a small bounce and a squeak.
“You just said that you love me.” He points out, licking his lips.
You stare at them, stunned and breathless by the threat of his body pressing so close.
“Do you mean it?” He asks.
“Yes.” You whisper. “I love you.”
He leans down and rubs his whiskers against your lips, a pleasant scratch tickling you senseless.
“Do you? Truly?” He whispers.
You nod.
“Tell me again.” He pleads, a real note of desperation in his voice.
“I-I love you.” You offer, wondering why it suddenly seems to matter when it didn’t before.
He breathes into your slightly parted mouth, filling you up with his relief.
“I will earn it.” He promises. “Will you let me try?”
You nod, so far gone, he could have asked to murder you and you would have accepted.
“I love you, my sweet, tempting flower.” He sighs, then leans in and presses those hot wet lips against your own.
His beard scratches you up, your hands wind up around his shoulders and you pull him in for more.
His Majesty kisses you until he’s breathless and then lays his head on your chest, shuts his eyes, and sleeps a while more.
The music is loud. The din is deafening. There are people laughing and shouting and talking animatedly in every corner of the Great Hall. This particular hall is larger than the smaller hall that your first wedding feast had been held in.
It makes you a little sad and bitter that his Majesty had hidden you the way he did in the beginning. No one had been invited to the ceremony other than those that were necessary. And your wedding feast had been a lively affair for everyone but you and your new husband.
The noises of the party echo out to you in the hallway and it sounds as if half the castle town will be there.
“I forgot my fan.”
“Peter?” Nat turns to him and he springs into action.
“Fan, coming right up!” He turns and races back the way you’d come.
“Nat, how many people are out there?” You wonder, worried. “And this dress, shouldn’t I have worn something red or blue? His Majesty loves red and blue.”
“You should call him by his name, Y/N. I know that you’ve been reluctant to-”
“I’ll call him by his name when I’m ready.” You bristle, in a rare display of annoyance, you turn your frown back to the large and heavy wooden doors, shut, ornately decorated in a weave of golden vines with silver leaves.
There’s a symbol in the very center like the one on your necklace, split in half by the crease where the doors open. The circles and the star at the center. His Majesty’s sigil.
You reach up to fiddle with your own.
“I’m sorry.” Nat says.
“I told you why I don’t and you still-” You continue, irate like you’ve never been before.
“I know.” She says, cutting you off but gently, reassuringly. She wants you to know that she cares. “I’m sorry.”
She sighs.
“He shouldn’t have been so cruel.” Nat sounds angry now and it puts you on the defensive.
Lately, you’ve wondered how many of those closest to you think you’re foolish to stick by his side. To stay with his Majesty despite the way he’s treated you.
“I’m sure he couldn’t help it.” You say, wondering if you’re right. “I just…I need time.”
Nat goes silent as do you, both of you listening to the change of song to something more akin to a waltz though you’ve never danced one yourself. Most of the dances you know are country dances. Nat’s been teaching you but you’re still nervous.
The new dance changes the noise on the other side of the doors, making it more excited if that were possible. The waltz is the newest craze and the people cannot seem to get enough of it.
“What if I mess up?” You chew your lip.
“You won’t. And if you do, you’re Queen, Y/N. Just…fuck the rest and act like you meant to do it.” Nat offers.
“Nat!” You gasp, half laughing.
“You look beautiful. Every woman in there will be wearing red or blue because they know that those are the King’s colors. You deserve to stand out. What does he call you?” She asks, reaching out to touch the folds upon folds of flowing voile and silk.
Soft green, like an underground garden under the cover of a stormy morning. Around your waist the bit of red, crimson blood, and embroidered into the sides of your bodice and along the puffs of your sheer elbow length sleeves are peonies in pale dusty pink, surrounded by small buds of baby’s breath.
The florals extend down onto your skirt in uneven patches as if the blooms have really begun to grow upon it.
You smile, reaching down to touch a small peony just above your thigh crease. “His flower.”
“And you are.” Nat gushes. “You’re going to outshine every woman in that room. Maybe you…your beginnings were not like previous queens of this kingdom, but you exude the regality of one. You were made to stand out, your Majesty.
“James told me that Steve sees you as his true partner. The woman that was meant to rule at his side.”
“But Margaret-?” You begin, confused.
“Was his first love. She was strong and willful, and she loved him very much, but her priority was never Steve and it was never the Kingdom. She wanted to be everything for him, but she couldn’t. You are right where you were always meant to be. This Kingdom and its people will be better for having you as Queen. Do you trust me?”
“With my life, Nat.” You assure her, eyes misty from her bolstering.
“Then believe me, you are the right choice. You are the only one. You are Queen.” She reaches out to straighten your skirt and then with a gentle hand pushes your shoulders back. “Now stand up straight and take your place by your husband’s side.”
A flurry of footsteps echo from behind her as you stare and take in her pride. You internalize it as Peter stops beside her and holds out your fan.
“Here you go, your Majesty.” He smiles at you, reading your mood shift quickly as you reach out and take the crimson fan, same shade as the ribbon around your waist.
You take it, look at your guard, and he nods at you once swiftly. He’s also telling you that you’re good. You’re great. You deserve to be here.
“Whenever you’re ready, my Queen.” Peter moves to stand beside you.
Chin lifted, eyes peeled away from your lady, you step towards the doors.
Peter rushes towards them and bangs his fist hard against the wood.
There’s a loud shifting and groan as the doors are pushed open. Two of the guard step aside to let you in.
The music fades, a jumble of string notes and melodic recorder tumbling into quiet as you cross into the massive Great Hall.
Everyone’s eyes are on you as dancers stop and those eating set aside their forks and knives to rise and look at you. Their Queen.
Peter walks behind you, chest puffed out in honor as he accompanies you while Nat makes sure that your dress is just right as you move towards the far end of the room where a long table with two large throne-like seats sit empty before plates laden with morsels.
Your stomach clenches hungrily but you ignore it as your people bow when you pass.
They eye you up. Devour your visage. Truly, you’re a flower among a sea of rubies and sapphires in shades from sky and strawberries to deepest ocean and thickest blood. The silver crown that sits on your head, laden with stunning white diamonds dazzles underneath the bright and warm glow of hundreds…maybe thousands of candles and a roaring fire in the largest fireplace you’ve ever seen in your life against the wall to your right.
“Your Majesty.” People say as you pass, some admiring, others more calculating.
Though you don’t search for her, she’s the first person that you really see in the mass of elegant gowns and suits.
She’s standing near the head table where you and his Majesty are supposed to sit. Leaning towards him, her hand on his forearm as she smiles sweetly. Her blonde hair is left to flow in soft waves, falling along her bare shoulders.
Her red dress, as red as an apple ripe enough to bite, falls in shining satin petals around her perfect and lithe figure.
For a moment, your confidence wavers. She looks every bit the royal Queen that his Majesty deserves. Like in the garden, she’s already playing the part. She looks it. She sounds it. She is it.
Sharon Carter. Who can’t seem to stop touching your husband!
Beside her, he sees the a few people nearby rise and then bow. This draws his eyes up to you as you make your way towards him and the flame in his eyes rages as his mouth falls at the sight of you.
He swallows hard, his lips curl into a smile and you forget the woman in red beside him.
He’s deadly handsome in elegant black trousers and a matte silver tunic, careful white lines of stitching laid out in patterns of damask. The only splash of color, almost as if you both planned it, is the crimson belt around his waist, a bit deeper in tone but it matches yours perfectly.
You walk a little faster, now that you see him, and he turns away from Sharon to offer you his hand as you reach him. He looks so happy. So pleased. Besotted.
Disappointment is what you feel when he only lifts your hand to his lips to kiss your fingers. It’s hot around yours and pleasant.
“My Queen.” He says.
Why doesn’t he kiss you like he did in your room?
“My flower.” He gushes.
“Your Majesty.” You smile at him, pushing aside your disappointment for now.
He pulls you closer, wrapping an arm around your waist as he lifts you up onto your toes and dips his head down to kiss you making your stomach tumble.
You shut your eyes, relishing in his kiss which ends too quickly and holds only a fraction of the passion that he gave you this afternoon.
“You look beautiful.” He swears, then offers you his elbow. “Come, you must be starving.”
You take his arm and allow him to lead you around to the other side of the table. Peter pulls out your chair and you sit. His Majesty moves to stand in front of his own chair which is nice and close to your own.
Holding out his arms, he gestures at the musicians who begin to play their music again, a little quieter than before but just as enthusiastically. “Please, eat. Dance. Enjoy the feast. This celebration of my wife and her good health.”
He reaches down to grab his silver goblet and holds it up towards the room full of bodies all standing and staring at you.
They raise their glasses and goblets too.
“To Queen Y/N, may she reign long at my side.” His Majesty toasts.
“To Queen Y/N!” The people answer, and they drink.
The next four hours pass in a blur.
The dancing is nonstop, and people seem eager to move on to the next when one finishes. The food is also endless and keeps coming even after you’ve had your fill.
“Don’t worry, we will distribute it out as you’d been doing.” His Majesty assures you, pulling your hand up to his lips to kiss softly, when he spots you eyeing the copious amounts of food still untouched and uneaten.
There’s a small scuffle on the other side of the room that is broken up quickly, but otherwise the night passes in frivolity, excess, and joy. Most of all joy. Oh…and scrutiny.
Everyone is watching you. Everyone is watching his Majesty.
Not once does he leave your side though he talks to many people. He eventually slides his chair over a little to place his arm around your shoulders so that he might always be touching you while he speaks to his people and then to you.
While he does his duty, you keep your eyes on the people and find them watching the way his Majesty is with you. They’re confused but not suspicious.
It’s nearly midnight when Nat finds you again having been dancing and eating with James all night.
Although she’s checked on you frequently, she doesn’t stay.
“It’s important for the people to see you and Steve together alone. No one between the two of you.”
Now she looks flushed, from dancing, not drink.
“Are you alright?” She asks, taking the seat to your left. “Feeling okay?”
“I’m good.” You assure her, looking around for Bucky. “Where’s Bucky?”
Nat smiles. “He’s asking the lute player for a favor.”
She gets up and moves around you to his Majesty’s other side and nestles in between him and Samuel who’d been giving him the rundown on some task he’d been sent to perform.
“It’s time.” You can hear Nat tell his Majesty.
He turns to you and chaffs your left shoulder. “How’s your stomach?”
“I’m fine.” You promise him. “I’m all fed.”
He places his hand on your stomach then smiles. “Do you think you might have the energy to dance with me?”
It almost feels as if you’ve missed a step. Your stomach bottoms out and your hands are suddenly numb.
“What will we dance?” You squeak.
“Come on.” He chuckles and helps you to your feet.
Everyone stops what they’re doing to look and as he leads you around and to the center of the square where everyone has been dancing, they part for the two of you and make room.
His Majesty sweeps you out and you’re so startled you gasp, but he brings you back in with a twirl and you come to a soft crashing halt against his wide chest.
Chuckling at the expression on your face, he gives your back a rub.
“Relax. I’ve got you, my sweet flower.” He prides and you relax just a tad.
Only enough so that when the music begins to flow, he steers you with ease.
“See.” He says as he twirls you, stepping lightly as he moves you around. You’re not even sure your feet are touching the ground with how easily the two of you glide along the stone floor. “Nice and slow.”
Relaxing a bit more, you smile and give one small chuckle.
He laughs too. “There you go.”
The song is indeed slow enough that you can keep up. Although the waltz is new to you, with his Majesty as your partner, you move along with him almost skillfully. The song is sweet. Enchanting. Almost magical and you find yourself humming along with the melody after a few more turns.
Your skirt flows around you like water, swishing around your legs and around his Majesty’s ankles.
As the song begins to end, slowing down a bit more, his Majesty wraps his arm all the way around your waist and lifts you up, spinning with you. You laugh and he laughs, your arms wrap around his neck.
The lute finishes its melody and the recorder’s last note echoes around the large space as he slowly puts you back down.
“Nothing to be scared of.” He whispers to you, leaning down to press his lips softly over yours. “Right?”
You’re all smiles, cheeks aching as you stare up into his storm blue eyes. You nod.
“Nothing.” You repeat.
His Majesty smiles and kisses you, this time, his passion is clear.
He leaves you breathless as his people applaud your dance.
When he pulls away, he’s already speaking.
“I have no doubt that many of you have speculated about my reluctance to accept my new Queen as my wife.”
His words are jarring, and you’re shocked into focus as everyone’s claps die and they become very attentive to his Majesty’s words.
“You would be right. I was torn by duty and grief.” He continues. “As many of you know, Margaret Carter was the first woman I loved. She was the wife I chose. And she was friends with many of you.”
He looks pointedly at a few people in the room. Some you recognize and some you don’t.
“Her loss left me broken and I didn’t think I’d ever recover. And although I know that she can never be replaced, her friendship was something that extended longer than our romance, I’m happy to say that with Queen Y/N’s persistence, I was finally able to lower my guard.
“I’m ashamed to admit it took me longer than it should have.” He nods, turning to look at you as you stare at him with watering eyes as his speech cuts at your previously flying heart.
Margaret again?
He sees the pain there and reaches up to caress the side of your face.
“It took nearly losing her—as many of you know, the Queen was recently very ill—for me to realize how much she’d already found her way into this old king’s frozen heart.” He sigh, nodding as he turns to face you. “I wasn’t hospitable. I wasn’t kind. I was cruel in many ways.”
His admittance, while the truth, puts many of the nobles watching on edge. They hadn’t expected to get such an inside look at your marriage tonight, and if you’re honest, you didn’t expect all of your dirty laundry to be aired out for them either.
Bringing up Margaret again? Telling everyone all this? Your chest is suddenly very hot.
“When my Queen woke, she was very angry with me for my neglect. And rightfully so.” He nods. “She had every right to be angry.”
You shift uncomfortably, staring daggers at him.
“Somehow, by some miracle, she forgave me.” He declares, then licks his lips nervously. “Something I hope she might do again, seeing as she’s angry with me once more for saying all of this out loud, no doubt.”
A few of the people laugh. Some of them lean around to get a look at you and you try to relax the rage in your face.
His Majesty wraps his arm around you again, pulling you against his side as he turns to look out at his people with you.
“In case anyone wonders, in case rumors begin to fly, in case you doubt it, let me assure you that this woman by my side is the Queen this Kingdom deserves. Broklin has never had a Queen with this much compassion. Has never had a Queen with this much devotion or pride in its people, despite class or wealth. Everyone is equal in my Queen’s eyes and that is what my people—our people—deserve.
“This woman by my side, staring at me with these angry eyes, is the woman I love.” He declares, more laughter follows. “Not because it is my duty to love her, but because no woman has ever made me look in at myself. No one has ever challenge me to be better. No one has shown such resilience and strength and kindness having to deal with me and my moods.”
More laughter.
“I don’t know how you put up with me.” He says, turning to look at you only. “You’re the light of my life, sweet flower. The love of my life. I’m sorry it took me so long to see it.”
You’re not sure whether to be overjoyed or upset. Your heart squeezes and aches, but your stomach is all aflutter.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, just quiet enough for you to hear.
You consider him for a moment, gauging the sincerity in his eyes and it’s true. Everything he just said. Just as it has been every time, he’s said it since the moment you came back.
You nod, and he practically knocks you over with the force of his kiss.
The people clap.
He pulls away, smiling like a fool.
“Oh,” He says. “And we’re expecting our first child. The heir to Broklin.”
The fire of passion in your belly is iced out with his words as the people cheer, the rage once more fills your gaze.
“I’m sorry!” His Majesty calls, chasing after you as you storm your way down the hall towards your room. “I didn’t think you would mind.”
“Why didn’t you ask me?!” You rage. “You could have at least warned me!”
“They needed to know eventually.” He argues.
“But why now? I just told you today. Today!” You stop in front of your door, and you can see Nat and Peter lingering at the far end of the hall, peeking over at the two of you but keeping their distance so as not to disturb.
“I know. I’m just so happy.” He reasons. “I’m excited.”
“To have your kingdom secured?” You accuse, hurt and suspicious.
“What?! No! Y/N, no. I mean, yes of course I’m happy that the Kingdom will remain in my care, but that’s not why I’m happy. I’m happy because you’re having my child. You will be the mother of my babe. I love you. I want the world to know that we are family. That we will be parents to beautiful and kind children because how could they be anything but with such a mother?”
You turn away from him, storming into the first small foyer of your room and then into your bedroom itself.
“Well, they still have their father’s nature to contend with.” You spit, uncharacteristically bitter.
“Truly,” He says, following you until you stop by the seats in front of your fire. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you.”
You shake your head, teetering back to outrage the more you think of it. “You told them everything.”
Well…almost everything. The details were void but the sentiments were real. The neglect, the cruelty, the agony you’d been in.
“I just wanted…the baby was just mine. For a little bit it was mine. You took that from me. Why couldn’t we have just kept that between us?” You beg, turning to look at him.
You see the confusion cross his face. “Nothing is between us, Y/N. It will never be just us. You’re Queen of this kingdom. I’m King. The people deserve to know that their futures are secure. With our child, that’s what I can give them.”
And you understand that. You know that he’s right and you’d known that even before tonight. And yet…
“Sometimes I think you forget what you agreed too.” He mutters, a little miffed now too. “You agreed to be my wife. You agreed to a life as Queen. This is what it is. No privacy. They will always know what happens between us. They may never truly know the details, but they will know enough.”
“I know that.” You grit through your teeth.
“This isn’t your village where you can retreat to your hut and-”
“What?” You ask, your words sharp and striking.
Your blood boils.
He meets your eyes and seems to realize what he’s just said. “No, that’s not-”
“I know that I’m no longer in my hut.” You spit. “Forgive me for wanting to spend a few days sharing in my joy with my husband that we have finally, after six months of trying to produce an heir, succeeded.”
He stares at you, taking in the anger in your face while he also fumes at your apparent regret at accepting your role at his side as Queen.
“I think maybe we both need some rest.” His majesty says.
“Yes, I think you’re right.” You agree.
“Alone.” He says.
“Alone.” You say at the same time.
You stare at each other, both aching.
“Good night.” He says, then turns and leaves you standing there, feeling unprepared and alone.
You toss and turn. Uncomfortable in your bed after having shared it with his Majesty all afternoon.
The fight also doesn’t help to ease your mind. Yours was an overreaction. You know that. You’re not wrong about being angry because he didn’t tell you before he decided to share it all with your guests.
There should have been a discussion and you hate that there wasn’t. He was wrong in that sense.
But the news would have had to come out eventually. You’re also pretty sure that the reason he spilled it all is because he was genuinely happy to be with you at that feast, dancing and laughing.
This night had been perfect until that moment.
You turn onto your back, sighing heavily as you give up and accept that you may just never sleep tonight.
It had been a perfect night…and maybe it still might be?
You rise, pulling your robe over your nightdress and move past the night guard who has fallen asleep—you’ll have to tell Peter later though you also might not. Don’t want to get this guard in trouble.
The soft slap of your feet against the cold stone floor prompts you up onto your toes as you sneak all the way down the hallway to his Majesty’s bedroom door.
You consider knocking, wondering if he’s just as awake as you are, thinking and stressing about your fight but decide that you don’t want to wake him.
If he isn’t tossing and turning, and if he’s managed to find some sleep and peace in all this, you’d rather not disturb him.
If he’s up, then you can talk to him.
Inside his foyer there is no guard but that’s not surprising. Other than Samuel and Bucky, he doesn’t seem to travel with a guard at all.
You can hear the crackle of fire from the other side.
Will he be angry that you’ve come to call on him in his room? You’ve never been in here.
Your mind races, remembering his reaction when you intruded in his office and fear makes you take a step back.
But he’s your husband. And surely, if he’s meant every word that he’s said about proving his love to you, that means that you’re welcome here, right?
You gather your courage and push the left door open.
The room is glowing with only firelight. Almost the entire floor is covered in a tan, brown, and faded blue rug. It extends underneath the very large wooden bed, elegantly carved and embellished with golden designs. The headboard is stunning, elegant, and tall. The sheets and every other cushioned surface is covered in red satin fabric, silk for the bed, in the same deep red. Plush pillows covered in pearl cream covers.
Even in the dim light, you can make out his Majesty’s form. He’s laying mostly on the left side of the bed, almost sitting up, shirtless—his entire perfect sculpt on display for you to see—and in the small space between his left arm and the bed, nestled into his side is a lithe female form with cascading blonde waves dressed in a barely there nightdress, robe thrown on the floor.
Your eyes devour the sight, noting the hiked-up skirt of her gown so that you see the taut muscles of her thighs, and the way that his Majesty’s arm is secure around her shoulders.
She’s got her stupid cheek pressed against his stupid chest, and her stupid arm is wrapped around his stupid waist.
The door creaks loudly as it swings open fully, prompting his Majesty’s eyes to open slowly.
For a second, it’s like he doesn’t see you or maybe he just doesn’t realize you’re real? Because he blinks and nearly closes his eyes again to sleep more.
You scoff and his eyes shoot open.
Turning, you leave the room, heart in your throat, stomach twisted into knots. You might throw up.
“Y/N!” His voice cries out behind you.
Sharon wakes—or it sounds like she does—and then she speaks. “What’s going on?”
“Move.” You hear him say, “Wait!”
Then he’s there, faster than you thought he could ever be, grabbing your wrist and turning you to face him.
You pull your hand from his grip, or try, but he holds tight.
“Let me go.” You plead, suddenly realizing that you’re crying.
“No, wait, please. That was not what it looked like.”
“It looked like you went to bed with someone else, that isn’t me, and not alone.” Idiot! Stupid man. You hate him!
“If you’ll let me explain?” He pleads, pulling you closer by force and making to wrap his arms around you.
“Stop!” You shout, loud enough that the snoring guard outside your room is startled awake. He races to the doorway but then sees you with his Majesty and he slinks back out of sight.
His Majesty drops your wrist, doing as you wish. Stopping.
The heartbreak in his eyes is real. That you can see. He’s almost vibrating with the need to speak, and the disappointed slump of his shoulders is almost too much.
“Explain.” You sob, just once, and he reaches out to comfort you, but you take a step back. “And don’t lie to me. Please, don’t lie to me.”
“I will never lie to you.” He swears. “Sharon came into my bedroom without my permission.”
If you had the ability to make someone’s brain burst, Sharon would be first on your list.
“She thought I was pretending with you at the feast tonight. I set her straight.” He says, as if you’re expected to understand.
“Explain.” You repeat, sniffling.
Steve moves closer and you step further away.
“She thought that I was only pretending to love you. Out of my sense of duty for the kingdom. She thought we were lying about the baby. She offered to marry me.” He says, and seriously, where is that stupid blonde? “When I told her that I truly do love you, that you are mother of my future heir and the only woman I want to be with…”
He runs his hand through his hair and shakes his head, looking down at your fare feet.
“You’ll catch cold.” He fusses but doesn’t make to move closer to you.
“Explain.” You repeat weakly one final time, you won’t give him another chance.
He meets your eyes and shrugs. “You won’t want to hear it.”
You say nothing. He sighs.
“I was not the only one unable to process their grief for Margaret. They were like sisters and losing Maggie has been hard for her. After I convinced her that I really do love you, she cried for a long time. So did I.” He admits. “I haven’t seen Sharon often since Maggie passed and having her here makes the pain a bit sharper. I’m not sure when we fell asleep, but nothing happened. I swear to you.”
You consider his words, weighing them against what you saw.
“D-Did she try and seduce you?” You check, the hiked-up nightdress, the way she was dressed in general all point to yes.
“Yes.” He admits.
“It didn’t work?” You wonder. “It didn’t-You didn’t-?”
“No!” He promises. “I swear to you, Y/N. Only you can do that to me.”
Well, he’s not lying about Sharon at least.
Rage flares in our chest.
“I haven’t even been in your bed yet.” You nearly growl, finding your way past the sorrow at what you’d thought you’d walked in on to the anger left at the thought of this woman disrespecting your marriage so blatantly.
“I know.” His Majesty nods. “I’m sorry. I should have sent her away immediately.”
Silence prevails as you let his words sink in and you let your mood settle. You’re still pretty bitter, but you’re not all bite and fire anymore. Two minutes pass of him shifting from foot to foot, watching you intently.
“I’m going back to bed.” You turn to move towards your room but stop when you don’t hear him move. “Aren’t you coming?”
It’s like he was untied and left to move freely. He races forward before you’ve even finished talking and he picks you up off the ground.
“You’ll catch cold.” He explains and you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
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shotsbyshae · 5 years
Stone Cold
Warnings: Language
Words: 2.8k
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader
Summary: Ransom has one last interview left for his book. 
Sequel to In the Dark
Ransom Drysdale Masterlist
*Spoiler free: no movie connections whatsoever.
God knows I tried to feel, Happy for you. Know that I am, even if I, Can’t understand, I’ll take the pain.
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The door to your apartment creaks as it opens, and your entire body goes numb as you see the man step into view. The remorseful look in his steel blue eyes tells you everything you need to know, but you ask anyway.
“He stayed with her, didn’t he?”
The tears well up in your eyes and Barnes closes the short distance to wrap his arms around you, sinking with you to the floor as silent tears stream down your face.
“I’m sorry – I’m so sorry, doll.”
“No – no,” you whisper quietly.
After everything.
You can’t wrap your mind around how he could do this.
“Hey,” Ransom’s voice brings you back to the present. “What do you think? Wilson said he knew Rogers the longest, but I can’t get him to return my calls.”
You sigh because you’re not sure it’ll do any good. Sam had settled with a phone interview because he and Barnes were away on a mission, but Barnes had refused even that.
“I’ll talk to him,” you remark quietly. “He usually listens to me.”
Ransom stands from the chair in your living room and begins to approach where you stand in your kitchen, his head tilting curiously, “Really?”
You take a bite of the frosted flakes cereal from the bowl in front of you, shaking your head at him as you do so. “Nuh uh.” You mumble around the food in your mouth. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” he smirks. “This is – classic.” You take another bite of cereal as Ransom leans against your counter. “You were pining and the best friend swoops in to – comfort you.”
“It’s not like that,” you state flicking your eyes over to him. “We’re friends.” You clench your jaw in annoyance as Ransom continues to stare at you with that boyish grin.
“Friends,” he reiterates not believing you.
“There was one tequila infused night that we don’t talk much about – okay.”
“I knew it!”
“Don’t make me stab you,” the words slip past your lips only half threatening as you point your spoon at him.
“With that?” Ransom questions, eyeing the utensil.
“It’ll hurt more,” you reply before shoving it back into bowl of cereal.
Later that afternoon
You spin quickly, but he grabs your wrist instantly. The vibranium is cool against your skin and the mechanisms in his hand make an almost ominous sound as his grip tightens and he flips you onto your back.
“You’re rusty,” Bucky remarks before helping you up from the sparring mat.
“Says the hundred-year-old man,” you state under your breath.
“I’m kicking your ass, aren’t I?”
“Oooohhh,” you cut your eyes over at him. “That new haircut is making you cocky.”
Tossing him his water bottle first before you take a long drink from your own, you contemplate how to ask your next question. With a sigh you finally do it, “Will you talk to Drysdale – please?”
A groan escapes the man in front of you and a look of annoyance crosses his face, “So, that’s the reason for your visit.”
“And to let you kick my ass,” you smirk at him, trying to ease his irritation.
He shakes his head at you, “I’ve seen photos. He looks just like him, doesn’t that bother you?”
“At first.”
Bucky stares at you for a moment, “Why do you care – about the book?”
You glance down at the bottle in your hand, wanting to give him the same excuse you’d given Sam when he’d asked you the same question.
Because Fury had asked you to.
However, you know Barnes can see through even the slightest of lies when it comes to you. “Regardless of what he did,” your words come out slowly. “Steve was the best of us.” You glance up at your friend. “I can’t let my feelings get in the way of that.”
A grin crosses his face, “He used to say that you were the best of us.” Your brows furrow in confusion and Bucky continues. “That even if the whole world sees the devil, you would only see a fallen angel.”
Your lips turn up in a sad smile, “Of course he did – jerk.”
“He was a punk,” Bucky comments reminiscently.
You fold your arms across your chest, “He was never mine, Buck. Part of me knew that going in, and I did it anyway.”
“But you don’t regret it.”
You shake your head slightly, “I don’t, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.” Bucky’s hand reaches for your shoulder, pulling you into a loose hug. You accept the embrace and wait a moment before continuing. “So, you’ll talk with Drysdale?”
Barnes sighs, “I guess.”
“Thank you.”
2 Days Later
Ransom’s phone vibrates from the dresser in the hotel room, and he quickly looks to see a new message from you.
My place 2pm today. Bucky will be here for your interview.
He smiles as he types his response.
Good job. You two better be dressed when I get there. No Tequila.
Your response is quick.
Shut up. Also, it's been a long week and I plan on binging Netflix while eating my body weight in pizza tonight, so the interview better be over by 5.
Drysdale laughs at your statement.
Promise. Besides I have a date at 7.
With who?
Girl I met in the hotel lobby.
Careful, if she’s named after a flower or food, she’ll expect payment at the end of the night.
Ransom sends two laughy face emojis, followed by the middle finger one.
 You had offered up your apartment as a neutral meeting ground for Bucky to have the sit-down interview with Ransom, that didn’t mean you wanted to be present.
“Where’s –” Drysdale begins to question Barnes as he shrugs off his coat, looking around the apartment for you.
“She went for coffee,” Bucky responds, watching the man closely.
“Coffee – sure,” he states, pulling a notebook and pen from his bag, part of him disappointed that you aren’t present for the interview. Given your history with Barnes, you might be able to pull more information from him than Ransom could alone.
Bucky spends the next forty-five minutes answering questions about the years he spent with Steve before the serum – the war. All while trying to figure out the man sitting across from him who looks eerily similar to his best friend. Barnes doesn’t trust easily, especially trust fund, playboy types who seem to have ulterior motives.
It only takes an hour for those possible motives to make an appearance. Barnes had spoke earlier of Steve’s relationship with Peggy and Ransom had gotten his opinion on their dynamic, but it isn’t until Bucky mentions your name that he notices a shift in Drysdale’s demeanor.
“What can you tell me about their relationship?” Ransom questions with his phone lying in the center of the coffee table, recording every word they’re saying.
“Is that important to the book?” Bucky asks, almost defensively.
“Well – yea,” Ransom responds. “I want to show that relationship as well. To lose the love of your life, wake up seventy years in the future. Having to learn so much, including how to love again. She loved him, that much I know.” He hesitates a moment. “And he loved her.”
“He did,” Bucky practically cuts him off.
“O-kay,” Drysdale replies. “And – then he left.” Barnes stares at him threateningly before he leans back on the couch, folding his arms across his chest as Ransom continues. “I’m just trying to figure out why.”
“It really seemed to affect her,” Ransom replies, watching the man across from him curiously, unsure who’s interviewing who now.
“Of course it affected her,” Bucky states. “Don’t sit there acting like you know her – you don’t. I was there – you weren’t. I thought this book was about Steve.” Drysdale shifts in his chair as Bucky continues. “Is that what all this is really about – her?”
Ransom narrows his eyes, “No.”
Bucky leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, “See – I’m beginning to think it is. That’s why you tracked her down, because she didn’t fall into bed with you. Then, to your surprise, you find out about Steve and it gives you the perfect reason to hang around – a book.” He watches Ransom’s jaw clench. “I’ve known men like you. Always wanting what you can’t have and trying to burn the whole world down just to get it.” Bucky can see the anger on his face, but he doesn’t ease up. “All because – why? Your mother didn’t hug you enough as a child?”
“Careful Barnes,” Ransom sneers. “You’re sounding a bit jealous.”
Bucky laughs, “Trust me, I’ll never be jealous of you.” He stands up from the couch, glaring down at Ransom. “Because, I know her, and she’ll never be able to look at you and not see him.” A small malicious smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “She’ll always see Steve.”
Drysdale drops his notebook on the coffee table as he stands up, eyes narrowing at the man across from him, “Keep telling yourself that, if it helps you sleep better at night.” He pauses for a moment before continuing. “Although, I would think that would be the last thing to keep you up at night, being a former Hydra assassin and all. Exactly how many people have you killed Mr. Barnes?”
Bucky’s fists clench at his sides, “Too many, but I can always add one more.”
“That’s enough, Buck,” you state angrily, glaring at the two of them.
They were so wrapped in up asserting their dominance, neither of them heard you come through the door. Your arms are folded across your chest angrily and both of them look at you in surprise.
“I should go,” Bucky states, crossing the room towards you.
“Yea,” your answer is sharp. “We’ll discuss this later.”
He gives a curt nod, already hearing your voice yelling at him in the back of his mind.
You and your overprotective big brother bull shit.
You’ve used the phrase once or twice with him before.
Your gaze follows Bucky as he exits your apartment.
The tension in the room is heavier than it’s ever been.
No doubt because of the conversation with Barnes. He hadn’t let him see it, but his words had affected Drysdale. Your eyes drift back to Ransom and he can see a softness there – you aren’t angry with him.
There’s a touch of sadness in your eyes and his brow furrows, “He’s right, isn’t he?”
“What?” confusion apparent on your face.
“You see him,” Ransom’s tone turns hard – cold. “When you look at me – don’t you?”
Your shoulders drop – voice quiet, “Don’t.” There’s a pause as he glares at you, your eyes pleading with him to stop. “Please – don’t do this.”
“You were in love with him,” he begins angrily. “So, it’s nothing about me. Everything you’ve done for me is because of his face. Because he was a better man than I’ll ever be – right?”
You fight back the tears as you raise your voice, “Stop!” You take a forceful step towards him. “You’re right, I did see him when I first met you, and yea, just looking at you was the hardest thing I’d ever done.” Ransom watches you carefully, determined to know the truth. “Part of me hated your face, because he fucking left.”
“Why?” Ransom questions, and you start to shake your head. He watches you bite the inside of your lip. “Why would he leave – abandon you?” He knows that word that will set you off.
You glance over at the picture of you and Steve on your shelf, “He knew I wouldn’t be alone. I’d have Sam – Buck.” The words angry as you swallow the lump in your throat. “So, he didn’t abandon me. Or us, because he knew the three of us would have each other. I guess that’s what made it okay in his mind.”
“That’s fucked up,” Ransom says quietly. “If he loved you –”
“She had his heart,” you reply sincerely. “I could never compete with that.” You glance back to the man in front of you. “So no – I don’t see him. I haven’t for a while, Ransom.” Your voice barely above a whisper as you admit it. “I only see you.”
His breathing falters at your statement and he reaches to turn off the recording app on his cellphone before he sits back down on the sofa. You move slowly over, glancing at the coffee table where the notebook is. Reaching for it, you half-expect him to stop you, but he doesn’t. You begin to read over some of the messily jotted down lines.  
Steve Rogers believed in doing what was right, regardless of the consequences.
A true hero (more than once) when the country needed it the most.
Rogers was a friend to everyone and there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for a friend.
He was loved twice by women (not only beautiful, but smart and strong) with such passion – ferocity – most people are lucky to experience that kind of love just once in their lifetime.
A smile tugs at the corners of your mouth as you read the last lines and Ransom speaks quietly, “Are you still in love with him?”
You glance at him thoughtfully for a moment, “No, but there is a part of me that will always care for him.” There’s a hint of disappointment in his eyes and you change the subject. “Why did you track me down?” Hearing Bucky’s question earlier had brought it back to your mind. “Because I know it wasn’t easy – and it wasn’t over a wallet.”
“I don’t know,” he flicks his eyes up at you, seeing the expectant look on your face. “Maybe it was the fact you were just so – real. I mean – aside from the fact you were lying.” You can’t help but smirk as he continues. “Even as Natalie, you weren’t fake with me. I’d never experienced that before.”
There’s a warm smile on your face as you lay the notebook back on the coffee table, “Well, when you finish this book, maybe you should get out more.”
“Funny you mention that,” Ransom stands as you start toward the kitchen. “I have an idea for another book I want to run by you.”
You turn around curiously, “Run by me – why?”
“Well, Granddad is known for his murder mysteries,” Ransom begins, eyeing you closely for your reaction. “I thought I might give it a shot, maybe put a different spin on it. Instead of far-fetched ideas, going more of a ‘based on actual events’ route.” Your mouth begins to open slightly as you see the grin forming on his face. “Granddad’s leading characters were always men, so I’m thinking for my leading character a female secret agent perhaps.”
“Me?” the look of shock on your face is hilarious.
“Well,” Ransom smirks. “She would have to be smart. Funny. Attractive is a given.” You fold your arms across your chest as he takes a few steps closer to where you stand. “Intimidating. Definitely a bad ass.”
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
His face lights up, “All the missions you’ve been on, all the secrets S.H.I.E.L.D.’s kept, I might could shadow you on future ops.”
“Absolutely not.”
Ransom’s face instantly falls, and he looks similar to a sad golden retriever.
“If you want to stay in New York – stay.” you remark, watching him carefully. “But you’re not writing a book about me.”
There’s a smug look on his face as he responds, “It’s not about you – it’s about Natalie.” You narrow your eyes at the man, and he holds his hands up defensively, “Okay – fine.” He turns around and walks back over to the coffee table and begins to gather his things.
You watch him for a moment, remembering he’s going back to his hotel, probably to get ready for his date with random lobby girl. The feeling you’re having makes you want to scream into the nearest throw pillow.
What – why?
Are you seriously jealous right now?
You can feel the heat starting at the base of your neck and you take a deep breath before speaking, “Hey – do you wanna stay?” He stops packing his bag to glance up at you, seeing something unusual on your features – trepidation. “We could order in – watch a movie.”
He gives you a genuine smile, “Sure.”
There is nothing he wants more than to spend the evening with you, eating take-out and watching old movies, because you see him and not many people do.
But who in their right mind leaves a beautiful blonde waiting in a hotel lobby across town for a date, without so much as a call or a text to let her know he can’t make it?
He does.
Because after all –
Ransom Drysdale’s an asshole.
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