#i didn't *just* unfollow them because they said something i liked was bad.
gamebunny-advance · 5 months
People that can only enjoy things through spite really baffle me.
For a while, I was following someone that ran a fanblog for something that I liked, but alongside reblogging fan art, every other original post they made was about how they would hate X, and that Y was better.
X and Y were any number of things relating to the subject of the blog, and the specifics of what they were aren't relevant to the discussion.
It wasn't that their criticisms were unfounded. They sometimes had legitimate gripes with a work, and I even agreed occasionally with some of the things they said. What bothered me is that conversely, they rarely talked about the things they did like unless it was in relation to the thing they didn't like.
It was never, "I like Y because ABC, and y'all should check it out too!" it was always, "X is horrible and bad, so I'm gonna consume Y instead!" or "At least Y is better than that trash X!"
It was just very tiring. I don't know what made them like that, but there was always a bitterness to their posts that always made me uncomfortable, especially in relation to what the blog was about. I would think a person running a blog like that would be more forward about positivity and love, but the impression I got was that they were purely motivated by spite.
But I tolerated it for a while because I liked seeing the reblogged posts and "X" was rarely something I was personally invested in. It was only recently that the "X" was actually something that I cared about that I finally decided to unfollow them. For the second time. I'd actually gotten sick and tired of this behavior long ago, but I decided to give them another shot, which they blew yet again.
I dunno. I know some people enjoy when others "spill the tea" or whatever (it seems like several of their followers enabled their behavior), and I'm not beyond hearing criticisms of a thing I like (I'm usually the first to make them). But I think I get the most enjoyment from people who also share the things they love because they love the thing, not because they hate something else.
It doesn't have to be an unconditional love, it just has to be earnest. I say all the time that being critical of the things you love is basically an essential part of truly appreciating anything in this world. But beyond the spite and criticism, I want to know that the person has something that they truly adore without it being tied to primarily negative feelings.
I just never got that from this person. There was never a post where they could gush about something without bringing something else down with it. I never sensed an earnest love from them.
But, maybe some people are just like that. Maybe their joy stems from venting their frustrations, and I can understand that. But their joy, is not my joy, and I just have a limit to how much spite I can take from one person before I just can't have them in my purview anymore.
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norris55s · 10 months
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reputation - lando norris
pop star reader x lando norris social media au
part two - part three
a/n: lando did a very reputation-like helmet and the hamster in my brain started working. rep's songs are also very lando coded to me. faceclaim is soyeon from (G)I-dle
requests are open, but i may get to them late because uni is kicking my ass!
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f1waggossip: McLaren’s golden boy seems to be newly single… at least that’s what the streets say, considering his last girlfriend, pop star Y/N L/N, has not been seen in months at the paddock following a very public fall out with her former girl squad, and consequent fall from grace from everyone’s eyes. They seemed in love. What do you think?
landonorrizz: honestly, i never understood the hype for her. she has always been a red flag and dramatic!!
mercedesgarage: i don’t get it lol i don’t follow her, what happened?
455chilli: basically she was friends with other singers, models and actresses and they have recently unfollowed her and exposed her for not being as great as everyone thinks
y/nforever: you mean she had a friend group who turned on her out of nowhere? lol what her ex friends have said is based on jealousy
landostareyes: it seems like they broke up but they were really cute together :// i kinda feel bad but she also seems to be the problem
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landonorris: p2 cake babyyyyyyyyy
supremey/n: that is my y/n if i’ve ever seen her
formulaonegirl: so they’re still together
carlandocontent: it could be any girl tbh, it’s been months since lando has even mentioned her
papayaheart: it’s even worse if they’re still together and she just won’t show up to support him in races anymore lol
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y/nusername: Reputation. Out November 17.
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landonorris: Are you ready for it? Reputation out November 17.
y/nlandodefender: nothing has ever been as iconic as a Y/N comeback special helmet i am in tears
landolove: reputation helmet to beat the breakup allegations wasn’t on my bingo card
supremey/n: I KNOW THAT’S RIGHT
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f1waggossip: Y/N re-debuts at the paddock.
y/naura: ohhhhhhh i know some of y'all are MAD but my girl will stay thriving with the album of the year
softlylando: came back with a bang, goddamnnnn
mclarengirly: lando is definitely bagging a podium for her today!!
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landonorris: i like her for her
y/nusername: Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me. 🖤
ferrariheart: shut up this is so cute
norrisreputation: mans really said we've been together all this time LMAO
babyfaceoscar: where is everyone who was calling her a red flag and saying her and lando didn't belong together?
dailylando: been real quiet since reputation dropped
magicy/n: i woulda stfu too after she released something like call it what you want, nevermind lando's promotion helmet LMAO
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y/nusername: The Reputation World Tour officially began and I can’t thank you enough for showing up for me, when I thought I couldn’t even show up for myself. I might make the same mistakes, burn bridges and never learn, but I know I did one thing right: have the best, most loyal fans. Also, it seems right to thank the man who inspired me to write way too many love songs for this album, the king of my heart, landonorris. 🖤
landonorris: i believe i was also called gorgeous and stuff
y/nusername: I am truly never complimenting you again
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xclowniex · 12 days
I truly think that the majority of goyim simply do not know what it has been like for jews in the diaspora since Oct 7th.
When the news first broke, I did not know how far hamas had gotten into Israel, my family in Israel was on a trip somewhere in Israel too and I had no clue where they had gone for a holiday. Whilst I knew they did not live anywhere near the Gaza border, I had zero idea where they were when it was happening. I had zero clue if they were alive or dead. I was stuck in limbo watching all the reports.
Then on Monday, I had to go into work like nothing fucking happened, like I didn't just spend the weekend worrying if they were dead or alive.
When I came into work, my manager who had heard the news who knows I have family in Israel asked me what had happened. I was still processing the news myself. All I told her was that there was an attack on Israeli civilians and she said that she hoped my family was safe.
In the coming days I saw all the protests, all the protests BEFORE Israel had even retaliated. I saw the antisemitic protest in Australia where people were chanting "gas the jews" and thinking "oh my fucking God, Australian culture is similar to New Zealand culture, is a similar protest going to happen here?" I spend so long worried that something like that would happen where I lived. I planned what I would do if I got caught near one, picturing all the common places people protest and planning my escape routes. Thankfully nothing on that scale happened. I was lucky.
None of my friends at the time asked me if my family was safe, but they all posted about Palestine. Keep in mind that all bar one knew I have family in Israel as I've spoken about it multiple times.
I watched support keep coming and coming for palestine when Israel hadn't even retaliated yet, and no support for the Israeli lives lost. I pushed my feelings aside, giving people the benefit of the doubt, maybe just maybe they didn't know the extent of Oct 7th that was released at that time.
After Israel retaliated, I ended up unfollowing so many content creators online because they refused to talk Oct 7th and only talked about Palestine. Were my family just chopped fucking liver to them???? Did my anxiety that I felt about their safety just not matter? Did all Israelis dying not matter to them?
I went to my first Halloween party. It was fun and I enjoyed myself for the most part, but on the way there I kept worrying that someone was going to say something antisemitic, that someone was going to bring up the war and dehumanize Israelis, dehumanize my family. I spent the whole evening on edge, worrying that it would happen. As a result, to calm my nerves I ended up getting super fucked up. It did not work and I overdid the alcohol and weed and I just felt terrible. The next day I felt immense guilt. How could I party? How could I dance when those at Nova were killed when they were dancing?
Then the antisemitism started online. I watched antisemitic tropes just start flying around social media. It's what made me start posting about the war and antisemitism online. My blog turned from clown posts, my special interest, to a space where I could get my feelings off my chest.
Then the antisemitism started in real life. Whenever I wore my magen david, I would get called slurs. I had to start avoiding certain parts of town because of it.
I also felt highly isolated at work. I didn't know who I could speak to about what I was going through. My office is made up of mainly leftists. No one really spoke about the war at work, which in a way made it worse. I didn't know who was normal about jews and Israelis and who weren't.
The harassment got so bad that my partner at the time was begging me to stop wearing or at least hide my magen david as he was afraid that I would be physically attacked.
There were times which I hid it, and I still experienced antisemitism because I have a very jewish nose.
I experienced this for MONTHS.
At one point in time, I tried venting to my friends at the time about the antisemitism I was facing. One of them said that they hadn't seen any antisemitism so they didn't know what I was talking about. I called what they said weird, and they started on this whole tirade that I'm only calling them antisemitic because they're arab. I think this was in November. I looked at their blog and found posts denying oct 7th, saying it didn't happen. I took screenshots in case i needed them in the future. Oh the foreshadowing.
About two months ago, a new person was invited to the friend group discord server. This new person made some pro hamas comments and said they were a resistance group. I explained with proof that Hamas has said that they wanted to kill jews. This was the start of a downfall of my friendship with my ex friends.
2 weeks after that, one of my ex friend vents about the war, and in their vent they dehumanized Israelis. I decided to check all my friends social media posts. I found post after post after post with blood libel, oct 7th denial, antisemitic tropes, dehumanization of Israelis and jews, and posts in support of groups which want jews dead, such as the houthi which have "curse to jews" in their slogan. That new person added to the discord server literally sent a few messages explicitly saying that they support the houthi.
I take a few days to process things and decide enough is enough, and that I need to unfriend them all. I email my local synagogue and get accepted to join after being screened by them to verify that I was in fact jewish and not some antisemite wanting to harm the congregation. I end my friendship with my ex friends with an essay of a message stating what they said, why it was antisemitic and that I do not feel comfortable or safe being friends with them anymore.
Two of them reached out to me to try to fix things. One hasn't really done much, she only didn't ask if my family was safe after Oct 7th + never called out any antisemitism the friend group did. However our friendship could not be repaired as her boyfriend was one of the worse perpetrators of antisemitism.
The other one who reached out supported groups who had tied to Hamas. I asked them to no longer support SJP, and they refused with the excuse of "I already avoid so many activist groups because of white supremacy, it's too hard to avoid SJP. I had to bite my tongue. I wanted to scream at them "why the actual fuck are you attracted to so many groups who engage in white supremacy that you need to actively avoid them? How hard is it to avoid one more! Write a fucking list if you need help remembering!" But I didn't say any of that, I just told them that if that's their choice then we can no longer be friends anymore and I blocked them.
Going to synagogue was amazing. I felt so welcomed and have made some new friends. Reconnecting with my jewishness after not going to synagogue for years was good. It was exactly what I needed. However, it was the cause of the end of my relationship with my ex.
He had his parents force his culture on him since he was a child and hated every second of it. When he immigrated here, he assimilated and wanted nothing to do with the culture from the country he was born in. Whilst he was fine with me participating in jewish culture, he didn't want it brought into the relationship at all. He was fine eating jewish food if i cooked it, but he didn't want to learn about jewish culture or do anything regarding it. I wasn't expecting him to convert, all I wanted was for him to learn the basics about jewish culture, maybe surprise me with some recipies from my childhood like I've done with sri lankan recipies from his childhood when he told me that he's craving them, attend jewish markets when they happen. I did not at all expect him to convert or to become immersed in jewish culture, I just wanted him to make an effort to support my jewishness.
We were looking at marriage and children in the next few years and were discussing how to raise them. I wanted them to learn about their jewish culture as children and it would be up to them if they participated in it or not as they got older. He didn't want that at all. He viewed it as them being "indoctrinated" into judaism. I told him that I feel like he just wants to date some white girl who has a default culture of our country and that I could never be that, I would never throw away my jewishness to be that. And he agreed that he did want someone who just had the default culture of our country. So we broke up. To be fair, I had been thinking about breaking up for months due to other issues, but that was the one which made me go "this relationship cannot be fixed, it has to end or I will be unhappy forever".
On its own, it doesn't seem too bad, but after going through so much antisemitism, the one person who is support to support me, who is suppose to love me, couldn't do that as long as I was actively jewish and participating in jewish culture.
And that's not even a complete list of everything I have gone through since Oct 7th. And I can't make this post without mentioning the amazing jews in my phone, who have been there for me since the start. You have made this hellscape bearable.
Like I said, goyim don't know what it has been like for jews since Oct 7th
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: video gamer Steve who is very very private & constantly has competitions with his friends/followers. But one day he does & q&a and someone asks him about his ring/necklace (or something that is noticeable) & he talks about his partner. & Eddie who is a well known musician who talks about his partner Steve. And somehow their fans put it together that Steddie are together. Then they do a really cute q&a on Steve's channel all about their relationship & its really cute
MY LOVE!!! Honestly, if Liam didn't watch so many gamers on YouTube, I would be so clueless. I never got into video games (because I'm so so bad at them you guys it is actually embarrassing) and I never really watched streamers on YouTube or anything. But I know that some of them have like a cult following and so I am picturing Steve to be one of those here. Please don't ask what games he would play because this is a choose your own adventure part of the story. - Mickala ❤️
Everyone made fun of Steve for how much he talked with his hands. Even on camera, his hands were constantly in the frame, moving and emphasizing his passion for whatever game he was playing for that stream.
He should have realized that wearing a ring on his usually bare hands would have given him away.
It was his first livestream competition since Eddie proposed on their trip to the Maldives.
He was still a little high off of, well, everything, and he wasn’t thinking clearly.
He ignored the first question that popped up.
who got you that ring?
He shared some basic personal stuff with his fans and followers, but he kept most things private, especially his relationship.
But then questions kept coming in.
usually the girl wears the ring right
If you’re taken I might have to unsubscribe
The last one made him pause.
It’s not like he was an idiot, he knew that there would always be a handful of people who followed him because he was attractive. He didn’t mind, especially because some of them would message him and explain that they ended up getting into games because of him.
“Okay, wait. Sorry guys. Um. I wanna address something before we start the actual stream.” He held his hand up, looking over at the ring Eddie proposed with. “I share a lot with you guys. I came out about a year ago during a stream as bisexual, and it really shouldn’t have been much of a shock, but it caused a bit of a…thing.” He grimaced. “And I guess most of the reason that I came out then was because my boyfriend had come out as well, and it felt like something we could do together without actually doing it together. Most of you know I was just gone for a week on a much needed vacation. I was with my boyfriend, and he proposed while we were there. I said yes because he is the only person I’ve ever wanted to spend my life with.”
Steve put his hand down, sighing.
“I understand if that makes some of you unfollow me, but I do hope you look at yourself and try to come to terms with why that is what makes you unfollow someone you enjoy watching. Anyways, the ring is beautiful, and it's a simpler version of one he wears every day, so it means even more.”
He felt relieved, but also a little stressed, and knew he’d be calling Eddie as soon as this was over to talk to him about everything.
“Let’s get gaming!” He gave his best smile to the camera.
“Yeah, we had a nice week off together, alone, and I finally got to propose. I don’t think we left the bed for 24 hours after that,” Eddie laughed.
The interviewer laughed too, used to Eddie’s jokes and blunt answers.
“I’m glad you got to spend some time just the two of you. This has been a busy world tour for you and Corroded Coffin and you’re only halfway through!” The interviewer, Hannah, stated. She smiled at him when he nodded. “Anything new planned for the second half of the tour?”
“We can’t give out secrets, Hannah, you know that,” Eddie smirked. “But Gareth did say I should tell you about one thing.”
Gareth definitely had a crush on Hannah and had pouted endlessly about being scheduled for a different interview at the same time as Eddie’s interview with her.
“Oh?” she leaned forward, eyes gleaming.
She maybe had a crush on him, too.
“He actually wrote a song that’ll be on our next album. He doesn’t usually get bit with the writing bug, but someone’s inspired him,” he winked at her, smiling at her blush. “Anyway, it’s been added to the setlist for the second leg of the tour and we’re all really excited for everyone to hear it.”
Eddie felt his phone vibrating in his pocket multiple times. All the guys knew he was in an interview and couldn’t answer a call, so who the hell was calling him?
It was easy enough to ignore through Hannah’s next question, until it started again.
He reached in his pocket and checked to see who it was, eyes going wide when he saw ‘Stevie’ with a picture of them on their vacation lighting up his screen.
Steve never called twice in a row unless it was an emergency. He knew if Eddie didn’t answer, he was truly busy.
He felt his heart racing as he looked back up at Hannah, who instantly seemed to catch on to something happening.
“We’re going to a commercial break, but when we’re back, Eddie’s gonna share a few hints about the next album!” Hannah said, immediately shutting the mics off and gesturing for him to get up.
Eddie took off his headphones and stood, walking out of the room as he answered the phone.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“I’m sorry to bother you, I just-”
“Hey, no, it’s not bothering me. I was just in a radio interview with Hannah so we had to cut to commercial break before I could answer. What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned that something terrible had happened.
“Fuck, I forgot that was right now. I’m sorry. Call me back when you get to the bus,” Steve seemed like he was trying to rush off the phone.
“No, Stevie, wait. What’s wrong?” his tone was firm enough to let Steve know he wasn’t going to let this drop.
“Um. I just had a livestream thing. And like, people asked about the ring, so I told them I was engaged and some people just didn’t take it that well and then I went online and some people have apparently put it together that the Steve you talk about is me because of something I mentioned about my vacation and something you posted about the vacation and so I think everyone’s gonna know and I’m sorry,” Steve was panting by the end, speaking a million miles an hour literally taking the breath from him.
“Okay, well, we knew this would probably happen eventually, my love. I’ll just call the guys and we can talk to Chrissy about it if it gets picked up by the media. No reason to panic,” Eddie tried to calm him down while watching through the window to the recording booth where Hannah seemed to be introducing a song to kill more time.
“But I ruined our plan!”
“No, love. People ruined our plan. And it’s okay, anyway. We’ll figure it out.”
“But your fans will be mad that it’s me. I’m just…me!”
“You’re not just anything and any fan of mine who says or thinks that, isn’t a fan,” Eddie sighed. “I love you, and we will figure this out. Whatever we gotta do, okay?”
Steve let out a long breath before responding.
“I love you too. Tell Hannah I said hi?”
“Of course. I love you so much, okay? ‘Til death and beyond.”
Steve let out a small laugh.
“You’re not allowed to use those lyrics in the vows. But I love you so much, too.”
“We can discuss that later. I wrote you a very metal love song that I fully intend to use some of in the vows. Okay, bye!”
He hung up before Steve could argue and walked back into the studio, mouthing an apology to Hannah, who just waved it off with a smile.
Everything would be fine.
“The lighting isn’t ideal, but it’ll be fine,” Steve was pacing, double checking his set up while Eddie watched.
He tried helping, but kept being told not to touch things, so he ended up just sitting on the hotel bed.
Steve had traveled halfway across the country to do this, his stress was at an all-time high, and Eddie didn’t need to get his head bitten off.
“Five minutes,” Steve said, shaking his hands nervously.
“Come here, sweetheart,” Eddie said, waving him over to the bed.
“No, you’ll distract me.”
“Yes, which is exactly what you need for a minute. Come here.”
Steve sighed, but went over to him, dropping onto the bed and resting his head against Eddie’s shoulder.
“What’s got you so worried?”
Eddie sighed.
“But specifically.”
“I just don’t want you or the guys to lose fans because of me,” Steve was playing with the edges of the hole in Eddie’s jeans absentmindedly.
“Sweet boy, we lose fans because we endorse a certain amp brand over another. We’ll be fine.”
“This is bigger, though. I’m just a nobody who got lucky on YouTube playing some games,” Steve whined.
“And I loved you before that. If they don’t want me to be happy, they aren’t real fans anyway. You’re my future, not whatever woman still thinks she has a shot with my gay ass,” Eddie said.
“But it isn’t just you who suffers.”
“None of us suffer. We lose some homophobic, idiotic fans who shouldn’t ever have claimed to be fans at all. None of us want people like that around.”
Steve’s alarm went off to signal one minute before the livestream started.
He jumped up and pulled Eddie up with him.
They’d already gone over everything together, discussed it with Chrissy and the guys, even Steve’s manager, Robin, about how this would work.
Steve would pretty much act like it was any other livestream, but Eddie would be there for the first five minutes or so so they could do a quick explanation of things.
Eddie would do a phone interview with Hannah in 30 minutes while Steve was gaming, covering a bit more and answering some questions about their relationship.
Then they’d both have a night off to decompress in the hotel before Steve had to fly back home and Eddie had to head to the next tour stop.
Hopefully, the buzz would die down relatively quickly.
Steve did his normal intro, but Eddie’s hand rested on his knee out of sight, squeezing once when he heard his voice start to shake a little while introducing Eddie.
“There’s been some rumors about us, and we just wanna be completely honest about things so that the rumors stop,” Steve continued. “First of all, we’ve been together for almost four years. Way before I got anywhere with YouTube, before Corroded Coffin had even released their first album. And we were friends long before that.”
“Even though I had the biggest crush on him in high school, I didn’t admit I was in love with him until we both moved to Chicago. Wasted years,” Eddie shook his head.
“Second,” Steve smirked, looking over at him for a moment. “The week off in the middle of his tour had been planned for Jeff to go home and be with his family for his wife’s birthday and daughter’s graduation.”
“Anyone who thinks Steve threw a fit about needing a vacation and made the band take a break is just saying so out of spite that we had to move around one of the tour dates to make the week off work. It’s not up to you to come up with a narrative,” Eddie added, brow raised like he was chastising children.
“And finally, most importantly, what either of us choose to share is up to us. We do not owe anyone any explanations. Our relationship is ours. Being public figures already takes away a lot of our autonomy, and this is something neither of us will budge on. We are willing to share our happiness, but we are not willing to let everyone become a part of our life together.”
Sometimes, Steve said things in such a way that Eddie couldn’t do anything but stare at him in awe. He loved him more than anything, and sometimes the only thing he could do was kiss him.
He did so now, not exactly forgetting they were live streaming, just not really caring.
Steve tensed for a second, but then relaxed, cupping his cheek and smiling into the kiss.
Eddie pulled away and looked back at the camera.
“On that note, I’m gonna leave Steve here to his gaming. If you aren’t nice, I’ll ban you from Corroded Coffin shows for life,” he waved before standing and leaving the camera’s view.
Steve rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly as Eddie walked out of the bedroom, blowing kisses back at Steve the entire way.
After that, Eddie made random appearances on Steve’s live streams, and Steve flew out to a handful of shows to support Eddie.
It’s not that they were hiding before, but they just hadn’t felt like they should have to try to.
Now they didn’t.
Steve even did a Q&A with the band on tour while playing games with them.
They were all pretty terrible at it, complaining most of the time about how D&D was so much easier than this. Eddie didn’t play, but he sat next to Steve and braided his hair while he kicked their asses, asking them all the questions that popped up from people watching.
When he got to one for him, he smiled and kissed the top of Steve’s head.
“This question is for me. How did you know Steve was the one?” The guys all groaned, but they were smiling. “Well, I knew he was the one back in my first senior year. I tripped on the step into the gym and Steve was the only one there. He helped me up and smiled at me, and I was a goner.”
“He’s lying to you all,” Steve said without looking away from the game. “He knew when I made him homemade banana bread. His exact words were, ‘I’m gonna marry you so hard someday, Harrington.’ and then six months later he proposed.”
“Both can be true,” Eddie pouted.
Steve paused the game and turned to him, kissing the tip of his nose.
“Every moment I have with you proves you’re the one for me,” he said before turning back to the game and leaving Eddie silently shocked.
“This is the last time we come on this thing, Steve,” Gareth said.
“Yeah. You broke him,” Jeff agreed.
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bibuckkinard · 2 months
ohhhhh for the prompt thing can i see 30 or 49?
(also MY BAD i accidentally hit the unfollow/ follow button instead of the ask box 🙈🙈🙈)
lol, I was very confused. no worries!
Yes, I would love to! I'll do 30 now and 49 in a couple hours? I'm currently using my partner's computer and will be going home soon. 😊 I'll make sure to tag in you in that one too.
30-Being Protective
Buck really should have seen this coming, but at the time, when Gerrard had made the comment, he'd simply been venting to Tommy. But maybe this time was one vent too far because, a couple hours after he sent the text about Gerrard's latest bullshit, Tommy is striding into the station, a look of rage on his face like Buck's never seen before.
He gets in front of him, holding his hands up. "Tommy, babe-" but Tommy neatly sidesteps him and going clearly for the Captain's office (Buck and the rest of the team refuse to think of it as Gerrard's, no matter what the bastard says). Buck shoots a worried look at Eddie, Hen, Ravi and Chimney and they all follow Tommy.
"Hello, Kinard," Gerrard says in that oily, smarmy voice that Buck hates. He leans back in his chair and folds his hands on his stomach like this is the most comfortable he's ever been.
"You son of a bi-"
"Tommy, don't," Buck insists, laying a hand around Tommy's bicep. His muscles are wound tight. Tommy is in fight mode, flight nowhere in sight.
Gerrard stands, using his hands on the desk to lever himself up, a smug grin on his face. "What did you say to me, Kinard?"
"Leave him alone," Tommy says, voice hard and cool. "Leave them all alone."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Gerrard says, far too smoothly for Buck's liking and he's right. Every little comment or dig, everything he does is never outrightly offensive. But they never leave room for much doubt. They're working on collecting evidence but they just don't have enough yet.
"I'm sure," Tommy bites out. "But I promise you, one more, one more time I'm told about something you've done to him or said, or implied something, I don't give a shit about my career. You will see the inside of an ER. I promise you that."
Smart, Buck thinks. Tommy promising that Gerrard will see the inside of an ER doesn't necessarily constitute a threat. Tommy knows how to play the game after all these years.
"You really think you would get away with anything?" Gerrard says softly.
Tommy leans forward, as far as he can over the desk, and hisses, "Try me."
Before Gerrard can say another word, Tommy turns around and strides out, not looking at any of them. As Buck and the others follow him, Buck looks back and can swear he sees Gerrard's mask slip, just the tiniest bit.
"We'll cover, Buck," Eddie says as Buck follows Tommy out to the parking lot and Buck shoots him a grateful look.
"Tommy," he says gently as Tommy gets to his truck and leans against it as though all his strings have been cut.
"I'm sorry," he croaks. "I just...I spent a really long time pretending I didn't give a shit about him but now, I've got you and I couldn't take it anymore."
Buck walks forward and wraps his arms around Tommy's waist, leaning against his chest.
"That-" Buck says, leaning in for a kiss. "Was the hottest thing I've ever seen."
Tommy blinks, clearly surprised. "What?"
"Yeah, you're getting rewarded when I get to your place tonight," Buck insists.
"Evan, I-"
But Buck kisses him again. "I've never had anyone stand up for me like that before. Thank you."
Tommy still looks pole-axed. "Um, you're welcome. I hope it doesn't make things worse."
Buck shrugs. "I can handle it. Maybe it'll make him slip up into something we can use."
Tommy sighs and cups Buck's face. "Be safe."
"I will. Go home. Hit a punching bag. I'll be there in a few hours."
Tommy nods and kisses him goodbye and drives off. Buck knows he will have that entire episode in his head on repeat for a very long time.
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takeachillpillshawty · 5 months
Why is it always the middle age women after the middle school boys? heck not even middleschoolers, tell me why some 40ish woman is after some of the UNDERAGE twst boys. Not men, BOYS.
Miss ma'am, you're old enough to be MY mom. I saw an art she did with Jamil and Kalim in a suggestive position, stripped down to their boxers. She said and I'm quoting her on this:
"I tried to draw something nsfw but I added clothes on a separate layer and ended up liking it better lmao.....oh well."
about a suggestive drawing between two underage boys in their undewear. I see that she draw Kalim and Jamil together, but the thing she forget about Kalim is that he's a drummer. She's trying to touch a cord and it's probably A-MINORRRR.
(Ok edit, I think I got too heated when posting this so yeah, I have some more to say.)
the bad part is that she's a good artist, her art is genuinely good, but seriously? I'm not saying that you have to stop like certain things at a certain age, but it's not fucking to NOT sexualize a minor, it doesn't cost you anything. And her excuse is the 'they are fictional, so it's not a problem' bullshit. I want you all to look up blogthegreatrouge on YouTube and look at all the videos calling her out on her weird ass art. I used to watch her shit when I was 7-8, I didn't know any better and thought the stuff she drew was normal. I and many of her use to be fans grew up and realized how fucked her comics were, the characters are fictional but the kids watching aren't.
This kind of shit will groom a kid to think it's normal because their favorite fictional character does it so it's ok. Kids are stupid, naive and looking for support, they will look up to someone they admire and if that person is feeding them such harmful information to that child, they will normalize it. This could affect the child's view on love and how relationships work, to the point that if someone is doing this to the child they will think it's normal, or the worst case scenario that child grows up to become that abuser without realizing it.
This artist isn't as bad as blogthegreatrouge but they are the adult in the situation, Twst is a fandom catering to a young adult audience, that includes young tweens. Like I said, kids don't know any better and it's our job as a community to be a good example and make sure they are safe. I hope if this artist knows who they are and see how this can affect someone, even if they're in their 40s....I doubt.
If anyone knows who I'm talking about DO NOT harass them, just unfollow, block and move on. If anyone is interested into know who I'm talking about you can privately message me, again. Do not harass them.
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AITA for how i broke up with my boyfriend?
(hopefully this all fits in one ask…)
so i was dating this person, we'll call him Z, and while i had strong feelings for him in the beginning of the relationship, they faded kind of fast (i'm on the aromantic spectrum (and he knows this so this kind of thing happens a lot when i'm in a relationship). i felt kind of bad about being in a relationship where i didn't really have feelings for the other person anymore but i didn't know what to do, and i've broken up with almost all of my partners because of this issue so i felt like i was a failure for having to break up with another one.
instead of breaking up with him, i sort of tried to respond a little less, be a little less affectionate, not to an extreme amount and i was still responding to him often but i was hoping the dip in sweet responses would get him to break up with me. he didn't.
a month or two went by and i decided i needed to just bite the bullet and break up with him - i thought he would just accept it and saw me as a bad partner but apparently he didn't, and he kept trying to say we shouldn't break up. i told him i thought i was a bad partner and i knew i couldn't give him the love that he deserved (which was true, i couldn't, because i didn't love him like that) and that he deserved better (he did). i didn't want to admit that i had lost feelings and wasn't in love with him anymore, because i thought that would upset him further (i’ve seen many breakups where people admit they don’t love the other person and it always seems to make things worse). it took a while of back and forthing before he finally accepted the break up. we agreed to still be friends, but since the breakup we haven't really spoken, though we still follow each other - or at least we did for a while (you'll see why i say that)
pretty much immediately after i broke up with him, one of his best friends, we'll call them T, texted me, super pissed off that i broke up with him. i didn't really talk to T much because (while i understand why Z wanted to vent to a friend about it) it wasn't really their business why i did what i did and i wasn't concerned about defending myself to somebody i didn't even really know. however, right after yelling at me for breaking up with Z, T told me they hope i die, which while i don't really see as that dramatic or serious of a threat (and they admitted they just said it to get their anger at me out), it still hurt me a lot, since even though the break up didn't go smoothly, i can't control my feelings for Z, as again i am aromantic (spec), and it made me feel like a horrible person for something i didn't choose. (and they were specifically mad at me for breaking up with them in the first place, not for how the break up was handled). i feel like maybe if i had explained that id lost feelings they would have responded differently, but again i thought this would hurt Z worse, so i don't know if that's my fault or not.
however, we still followed each other, even after the interaction with T, and this is not the only time they lashed out at me. months after the breakup, i made a silly post like "who wants to date for fun" or something, which i didn't really think anything of, until Z vagueposted about it, seemingly getting really upset, and T sent me an anonymous message telling me to kill myself. i know for certain it was T and that the vaguepost was about me.
not only that, but even more months later, i had a really awful day because somebody stole $500 from my sister, who needed it for rent. i didn't post about the situation, but i vented about "having the worst day ever", and Z immediately posted about me, saying that he was laughing at my vent post. i was so beyond upset that i immediately unfollowed him (however, he still followed me at the time - i didnt block him just because i dont care enough tbh, i just never wanted to see him vaguepost me negatively again.)
Z and T were almost always completely kind to me (from what i can remember) before the breakup, so i'm wondering if it's all my fault or if their reaction was out of proportion. i know the way i went about the relationship sucked, so i'm honestly expecting at least a YTA if not ESH but i thought i'd send anyway just to see other peoples unbiased thoughts, since all i have is my friends opinions, who obviously only tell me that i was in the right (i dont know if i believe them).
What are these acronyms?
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buckera · 4 months
a genuine questions because i didn't open tumblr until my lunch break ... why do people think lou was hacked? could it not have just been him behaving like someone without a pr person who runs his accounts? being an idiot online isn't unheard of from actors and it wasn't even that bad?
I mean no one really knows for sure I guess, but the whole following in anti-bucktommy accs and unfollowing bucktommy accs doesn't really add up for one — and the posting something in the same vein that the posts the hardcore buddie stans were banging on about, which he posted on his insta back in 2013 (which... I said my piece on that on twitter but this is just deranged and sad and desperate) it just feels sus... in any case, after impersonating a fanaccount just to break into a bt server I wouldn't put it past them...
not saying that Lou couldn't post/say something out of pocket, because of course, no one is infallible and we don't actually know him (or any of the cast, despite what some people love to believe, they are just strangers to us and we only see what they let us see) but with everything else surrounding it and the way these people have been acting more and more rabid lately, I definitely lean towards that theory.
in any case, the death threats and the bullying are playing out in real time, so that part is not a speculation at least... not sure if I can call that a good thing though.
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doomsdaydicecascader · 7 months
What would you say was the thing that really shifted your opinion on postcanon stuff? I remember reading your long form posts about it and finding them pretty eloquent and interesting given the information I had (and I admit they did nudge me to me to end up not reading the epilogues along with the sheer length and my own squeamishness, though of course you also gave them their due when you felt it was fair)
if i'm being real, it's primarily interaction with other homestuck fans - my social media spaces tend to be pretty heavily curated, i basically only follow people i trust to be intelligent, since like. there is a level of comfort and complacency with social media? i don't like following new people, i don't like unfollowing old people. so i just dont branch out that much.
but i joined the mspfa discord in........ may of last year? while i really enjoy playing the role of like, i compared myself to solaire of astora once. guy who is there to help. i enjoy doing that, there is fun in that. i have spent many hours over the past months explaining homestuck plot points in ways that basically only i would and it is largely, pearls before swine, because the fact is that people dont want to understand post-canon, they don't want to like, pick at it critically, to understand why the decisions were made, they want to hate post-canon. and this is a very critical difference between me not liking post-canon and the majority of people hating post-canon.
and there is something to be said about experiencing homestuck as it is perceived by other people, to really solidify what i liked about homestuck post-canon, because there was stuff i liked to begin with. and seeing people who hate it without good reason frustrate me! genuinely, if you had to see the same "i heard jade has a dog penis" discussions every 2 weeks from some sprout who showed up only to be mad, you would start to defend it too.
like, i actually delayed that second blog post at the time because hatred for the team was flaring up again, for whatever reason, i don't even remember. but i remember putting it off because i didn't want to contribute to people who were blindly angry about homestuck^2
there are reasons to not like post-canon, lord knows there are plenty. i actually stand by basically everything i said about it not actually working and the times where it goes too far. in the second blog post, not the first one. but like, there is a total and all-encompassing difference in what the conversation is, "yeah, the meat and candy thing doesnt really work and dirks graphic suicide is ill-considered at best" doesnt matter at all when the level people are operating on is "say a plot point as a joke, make people mad, have fun circlejerking over how bad it is"
part of it is also that in the process of writing my own comic, it kind of comes with the territory to be less precious about the characters. like, team slime, my home discord server, watches movies every saturday. for a while, our theme was musicals, and eventually, we watched hamilton. and i realized that lin manuel miranda writes alexander hamilton in the exact way i am always afraid i am writing jane and vriska, like. just. truly relentlessly protective of them. and so being less precious about these characters means recognizing the flaws therein, not being afraid to write them just being kind of disasters. i still am pretty precious about them, but its a work in progress. you gotta get your hands dirty with them, and that puts it in context of respecting when others do the same
like, there are still a lot of really glaring flaws in post-canon, dont get me wrong, but theyre not insurmountable, and it helps to have spaces like burning down the house for me to express directly like. what i wanted out of homestuck. post-canon is not what i want it to be, but when has homestuck ever given anyone what they wanted without any complications whatsoever
and i think it is genuinely capable of being extremely good - this recent update (yiffy overlooking the rosemary drama) is extremely choice! i genuinely love how everyone involved is characterized, the panels are flashy, it puts to bed really stupid shit, like. its unbelievably fucking good how the problem kanaya has isnt "rose had another kid with jade in secret, our marriage is in shambles" but "jane knows about this kid", like. the absence of infidelity conflict is refreshing and says so much about everyone involved. and i have been thinking nonstop about how rose and jades daughters takes after caliborn of all characters. like. "you hope they eat each other alive" with the perspective of like, a caliborn grin is such an INSANE direction to take yiffy! holy shit! its awesome!!!!!!!!
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mcchaoticgrimreaper · 8 months
So, let's get the elephant in the room.
My thoughts and such goes a bit everywhere, blame my ADD.
Also, refer to that person (R*****) to A-san.
I'm coming back to what I said on my rp blog @yookoota. And I will make a quick beware.
If you truly believe the rumors and false accusation Mafumafu got and believe A-san is in the right, please get out, unfollow me and block me. Get out of this blog and do not engage with me. I will NOT tolerate any bad behaviour on this place. I support Mafumafu.
That being said, every in this post explain his situation from HIS point of view.
Please read as to understand everything.
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This is beyond heartbreaking. As far as I know, Mafumafu is a kind person, and lived through so much yet never once has he truly done something bad.
Okay he hides his martial status to us, and? This should not concern us. It's his private life. He lied to us about his love life, but what happened to him is far worse.
It's just... Beyond me. Why exactly him? Like the fuck did he do to deserve abuse? This is beyond me.
I will not lie, I didn't listened much to his music lately, because I listened to something else, without being aware of what was happening. So hearing this truly shock me.
What shock me more is the Animal Abuse accusation he recieve, yet when you see how he loves his cats, care of them, and as someone who seen them grow too, you really can call him an Animal Abuser?? You're kidding?
Heck, he even gifted shrimp plush lately. Like, 1-2 days ago, sure he killed A-san cat. Bullshit, I call Bullshit.
Let's not forget that A-san put the urn in THE TRASH!! Thank god Mafumafu got it back and now resting with a loving person.
I'm sorry for this rant but I can't fucking stay silent. God he apologies so many times when he wasn't at fault. He's the victim here. It's heartbreaking.
I know not everyone is perfect, I get that, doesn't change from the fact that Mafumafu is a kind and tolerating soul.
Even if you won't see it, we love you, Mafumafu. We love you and support you, and you're not alone here.
That being said, thank you for reading.
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bil-daddy · 9 months
hi mr bildad um im just gonna dump this here since i have no one else to talk to
as someone who has always praised in their ability to be friends with anyone (i also need human interaction to survive btw) ive been feeling very lonely, especially since now are the school holidays.
my best friend (who is one year older than me) is barely online and doesn't take me seriously enough. and when i ask my friend group (with 2 other people my age) if they want to go out nothing happens. ive asked so many times but it's like they just don't want to hang out. and i keep seeing them post everywhere of them having fun with their OTHER friends (i don't know them bc they're from their primary schools; we are in secondary school now). and the obvious solution is to hang out with my primary school friends, right? well awesome news I DONT HAVE ANY.
and like ive just been feeling really really lonely especially today. i don't even text anyone except for my best friend, and even then she doesnt really respond properly because its like i dump a lot of messages and 4 hours later she skims through them, rinse and repeat.
(also side note i used to have another best friend but he ended up having a crush on me and didn't give me space so i kinda ended the friendship bc i wasn't comfortable with it)
during my entire TWO MONTH school holiday i haven't gone out with friends. not even once. while i see everyone else my age having so much fun and enjoying life while i just rot at home scrolling through tumblr.
so yeah im not really having a great time. hopefully when i get back to school in january things will be better
sorry for the long rant
Hey, kid (human). No need to apologize for the long rant. Actually, I've got a lot to say about this topic, too, so take a toilet break, grab a beverage and a snack, then sit down with your deal old Bildaddy (platonic, metaphorical) for a chat.
First off, sorry you're going through this. It hurts a lot when friends start fading away, and you realize they no longer consider you as close and you consider them. Feeling left out and like you don't have any real friends seriously sucks.
But it's actually something every single person goes through at some time or another--though most of us aren't brave enough to admit it like you have, because it feels embarrassing and shameful. Like there's something wrong with you.
There isn't.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Friends come and go, and 99% of the time it has nothing to do with you, or anything you've said or done. It isn't your fault. That doesn't mean it hurts any less, but it isn't your fault.
But that being said, I promise you, for every person you see pictures of having so much fun and enjoying life, there are twenty--probably even more--at home like you, scrolling tumblr, or tiktok, or reddit, or whatever the kids are scrolling these days.
And even those people you see posting pictures, that isn't their everyday life. They post pics of the good times, not the bad ones (well not usually) or the boring ones. Especially not the boring ones. I bet they do more sitting at home and scrolling than you think. They're just not advertising that for all their followers to see.
But that's not the point. The point is (dolphins! goats!) your current friends aren't fulfilling your need for socialization. And that means you need to find some new friends, anon.
You can still stay friends with your best friend and that old friend group. As in, don't send them a message officially ending the friendship, and don't delete and/or block them everywhere. You can still talk to them in school when you see them.
(Do unfollow them on social media if seeing them hang without you is upsetting--or better yet, pause on using social media entirely--except for tumblr, of course--until you're in a better place, mentally and emotionally. Bildaddy deleted instagram five years ago and never went back.)
But starting today, back off on asking these friends to hang out, and sending long text messages to your best friend that she only skims through. They're not matching your energy, so you need to start matching theirs. Either they'll notice the difference and start making more of an effort (no, not that kind), or they won't and they won't. But either way, you'll stop wasting your time.
Next, you take all the energy you were spending on your old friend group and start looking for new friends.
While you're still on winter break, there might not be as many opportunities, but there are some possibilities. Do you have any cousins around your age who might wanna hang out? Or maybe there are local events aimed at teenagers you can attend? Check libraries and community centers. Or on New Year's Eve, there might be some sort of Parents Night Out event you can volunteer for and help babysit a group of little kids, along with other teenagers that you could befriend?
Then, when winter break ends, look around your school for other students who might be in your same situation--and trust me there are others in your same situation. Is there someone who always sits alone at lunch? Or what about that kid in class who's too shy to speak up? Is there someone getting bullied or ostracized? Someone new to the school who hasn't made any friends yet? Look for the ones who might need a friend as much--or even more--than you do and try to befriend them.
It won't always work, no, cause nothing always works. But it will work sometimes. And you only need it to work enough times to make a couple friends. And if you make the right friend, they might have a friend group that you can join.
I know it's really scary to put yourself out there and make the first move. But you'd be surprised how receptive people are, especially the shy ones who are too scared to say 'hi' first, and rely on the braver ones, like you, for the human connection they need. Because we all need it. (Even me. Because I'm totally 100% human.)
Other ways to make friends are clubs, in school and out of school, which is probably what adults will suggest if you ask them, so I'm not going to spend much time on this. But they're right. If you're not already in clubs--academic, sports, art, books, music, anime, whatever your interest(s) is--join some! If there's nothing of interesting at your schools, churches and other local organizations might also have youth clubs and activities, too.
Shared interests in a sure way to make friends. I see it happening all the time on Tumblr. Those mutuals you wish didn't live so far away? Well, you can find mutuals just like them IRL! (Especially if you start or join a book club that reads Good Omens, or a tv show club that watches Good Omens)
Another option is getting a part-time job at a place other teenagers work. If this is something you can do without disrupting your schoolwork, try it. Fast food restaurants, cinemas, places like that.
You say you're someone who has the ability to be friends with anyone? Well, prove it! This isn't a threat, by the way. This is encouragement. I'm encouraging you.
Now go out there and make some friends, kid! I know you can do it! I believe in you, and everybody here is rooting for you.
And, as always, have an ox rib (platonic)
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dracomort · 5 months
I'm sorry if I have hurt you in any way because that was not my intention. I don't really mind who you ship or what you ship. It's just, I open my Tumblr and the first I see is someone calling something I like a crack ship while talking about their favourite ship. My point is why talk badly about something/someone else's ship when you're also shipping something which is also very unrealistic? Like I get it you have a favorite, but you can talk about your favourite without saying someone else's ship is not possible/crack for that matter. My bad if I made you feel bad because I really didn't want to do that. I just didn't want to the see someone bashing my ship as the first thing I see when I open Tumblr. I just don't get why people can't ship their own things without calling others' ship crack. Either ways, I'm sorry you felt attacked honestly; I really respect you as a person and a writer. And that's why I was sad to see you say those stuff. I really liked your fics as well and I love how you write Tom, I really do. That is why I was so surprised to see that post on my feed, but oh well. I do hope you have a good day and again I'm sorry if I made you sad in any way.
I appreciate the apology. I understand that it's not fun to see something that you interpret as critical toward your ship on your dash, however, I did not put that post in the Tomarry tag. If those kinds of posts are upsetting to you, then consider unfollowing me, because when I receive asks, I will answer them with my honest opinion. Coming into my ask box like that is not appropriate.
I'm just scratching my head here, because tbh that wasn't an anti post? To say that Tomarry requires a reimagining of canon or that there are plenty of things they could dislike about each other is not me saying it's a shit ship. Drarry's my OTP after all, lol, hate = spice. I also didn't call it crack, though I don't think crack is an insult either. Most Tom ships are crackish to some extent, especially ships that require an AU for the characters to even be the same age (Tomarry, Tomione, Taco, etc.). Harry Potter x the dude who tried to kill him a bajillion times is pretty implausible to most people, but that doesn't make it a 'bad' ship. You can make any ship work and there are many, many writers who have brought more life to Tomarry than Canon Hinny received from JKR (before someone else comes for me, this isn't a Hinny critique either, this is a critique of JKR's ability to write romance lol)
This is what I've said on Tomarry and Taco previously.
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^FYI this was a joke
Finally, it isn't your ship vs mine. I've shipped Tomarry longer than I've shipped Taco. I'll ship Tom with a pair of snakeskin loafers if I thought they'd have chemistry. I can ship something without singing its praises endlessly. In fact, I reckon I've said way meaner things about Taco on here than Tomarry lol. I've said that Tom would loathe Draco under most circumstances and that he would murder him for sure since lil bro can't stop yapping. I've also said Draco is ugly an acquired taste and Tom has no game 💀. My DAD has come to Draco's defence over some of the things I said about him as we were watching the movies. Roasting is my love language, pls don't misunderstanding it.
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doumekiss · 4 months
If you are here to contact me on behalf of someone else read this first
So I really hoped I wouldn’t have to make this post, but it recently came to my knowledge that a person I blocked many years ago started to send messages to a person she saw me interacting with here on my dungeon meshi prompt post asking them to send me a message on their behalf. I don’t have any wishes to receive messages from this person, so please don’t. Below I will explain a little bit of my history with her: 
So the person who contacted them won’t leave me alone, I’ve blocked them on everything and they won’t take no for an answer, I’ve told people in my life that if one day somebody kills me to look her up as a possible suspect because of how much she creeps me out, this is not the first time she saw me interacting with someone online and tried to get close to them.
I am going to explain a little bit about the context so you guys know where I am coming from so I met Ana on a Brazilian fanfiction website called Nyah Fanfiction back in 2015, and she was one of my most frequent readers and I had a lot of affection for her at that time. So in 2018 when some friends and I decided to create a WhatsApp group to send prompts and do challenges and just talk about fandom things, I decided to invite her to join. She accepted and became one of the most active members.
And then after a few months things started to get weird, anything I said she would get offended and hurt, and she would take everything personally, like she saw me liking an episode of Black Mirror that she didn't like as a personal attack on her and it was hurting me to constantly be treated as a villain to the point that sometimes I dreaded to send messages to the group I created, but I continued to ignore it until this incident at the end of 2019:
We did a mini ficathon on the group and Ana wrote a oneshot based on a prompt that I sent and she send me a message letting me know, usually when someone does something based on a prompt I try to read it the same day, but that week I was tired, at the time I was working and studying for some important exams (and she knew this because I mentioned it in the group), and then on the evening of the same day she sent a message asking if I had read it yet, and a bunch of other messages in the following days. So I went to tell her that this in the fandom was considered bad behavior and it's not something she should do to me or anyone else (she was 18/19 years old at the time and I know that often this kind of thing isn't very clear to young people in fandom). And then she got mad and said that I was bad and that she liked my writing but that I was a terrible person and a lot of other things.
I reflected for a few days and I went to tell her that I thought it was better for us to stop interacting, that we were clearly incompatible as friends and that because of our different personalities we were hurting each other. She was pissed but accepted it when it became clear that I wasn't going to change my mind.
A little before that I joined a different brazilian fanfic website called spirit fanfiction because most people had abandoned nyah at that point due to some really shitty management decisions that made the site almost unusable. Around the time that I chose to end our friendship I unfollowed her there, but I didn't block her. A week later after the drama, she started to favorite the works I posted here, and comment super nice things on some of them (I had a lot of nyah content to pass from one site to another), and send prompts in the first prompt journals I published (back them the site had this feature of creating blog posts similar to livejournal, and there is also a timeline feature that is similar to a mini twitter, this will be relevant soon), and I was a little uncomfortable because I asked her to stop interacting with me, but I thought it would be ridiculous to make drama about it and I just let it go.
A few months go by in november of 2020, and then I receive a message from someone who created an account just to let me know that Ana was talking bad things about me all the time on the timeline and sending messages to everyone who followed me to let them know that I was terrible person. At the time I barely interacted with the timeline, it wasn't a feature of the site that I read or paid attention to, I generally talked to people through comments on the fics. So I went to read Ana's timeline, and it was creepy as fuck, almost every day for months there was some subtweet about me, sometimes many times on the same day, things like that I copied her stories (which btw I didn't even read), that I had an evil soul, that she felt stalked by me, that I was rotten inside, that I should be run over by a bus. And she got so angry when people said something positive about me or interacted with my stories, there was a comment that I found particularly strange about me stealing readers (like how you steal someone's readers? It's not like a person chooses just one writer to read, I don't know, maybe she thought that every time someone chose to read something of mine they were rejecting reading something of her idk).
And after that, some things started to make sense, like my number of followers kept going up and down in those months, a sometimes people stopped following me just a few hours after they started for no reason at all. And some people continued to follow me but stopped interacting with my stories, at the time I was really active in the A Song of Ice and Fire fandom, and as soon as I joined the site I started interacting a little with other writers in the fandom because it was one of the ones I had more content to post, but then little by little they stopped talking to me, people who at first treated me very well, at the time I received the message I think there was two or three people still talking to me on that community. So I blocked her, and a few hours later she went to talk to Vanessa, a really good friend of mine she met through the group, that she didn't understand why I had done that. After receiving the message I talked about it with the person who sent me and also with a couple of personal friends on private and Vanessa was one of them, and she was someone who had known me for over ten years at that point, so she told me about Ana’s message and asked me if she could tell Ana that I knew what she was doing, and I said yes. And now I became super aware of the timeline and then I saw that Ana was making herself the victim there saying that she was going to leave the site because she made powerful enemies (seriously, the image she has of me is so distorted, she thinks I'm super popular but like when if you look at my fics you see that this really isn't the case, I have a few that ended up popular but you know I’ve been writing since 2009 I wrote over a thousand stories eventually something would end up popular lmao, but if you see in general most of the things I post only has like 2 or 4 favorites, I only have a large number of followers because I write for a lot of different fandoms and in general I tend to follow people who follow me back on there. 
My friends suggested that I write a journal explaining to my readers that there was someone spreading rumors about me on the site, and I considered it but I thought it was better not to, because everyone would know it was her and I knew that Ana had problems with depression and anxiety, my friends pointed out that I had it too and that Ana had no problem doing these things to me, but in the end she was a teenager and I was a 27-year-old woman so I put it aside and got on with my life.
In the following years she created a few new accounts just to interact with me, and as soon as I realize it’s her I block her again. A couple of people from the asoiaf fandom that stopped talking with me started again, and told me that they used to believe a lot of bad things about me because of Ana, and then she started being creepy with them too and making a lot of drama so they blocked her and thought maybe they were wrong about me, but I’m sure there are probably a lot of people who still believe in the things she said, and sometimes I still get a little paranoid sometimes that everyone secretly hates me and that the best thing would be to delete my account and only talk to some of the few people I trust, which obviously sucks because before fandom used to be just something fun that brought me happiness and I was much more open forming friendships in the past.
I called her out public on spirit I believe it was the end of 2021 or beginning of 2022 after it came to my knowledge that she started contacting people she saw me interacting with, I couldn’t talk with anyone on the timeline or get friendly in the comments that she went to follow them and started to message them, this time not to talk shit about me but casual at first, just to befriend them, and them after a while she mentioned we had a friend in common and how sorry she is about everything. And I made it very very clear that I have no wish to have any contact with her again ever in my life, and I thought it was over until I received that message today. 
In the message she said she was sorry for everything and that she did because she was a minor and had depression and that she wants to be friends again, but like I joined fandom when I was a minor with depression and anxiety and many many other issues and I never did this sort of shit to anyone, and she is no longer a minor and she is still trying to contact me after I made it clear that I don’t want to talk to her again, she has no respect for the concept of consent when it comes to human interactions, she thinks she deserves to have access to me no matter how profoundly uncomfortable she makes me. Everytime I’m reminded of her I have to relieve this really shitty chapter of my life. 
Her current username is iammyownsaviour, I’m not telling you guys to block her or don’t be friends with her, but please don’t send me anything from her, I don’t wanna hear it. 
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
I miss your long posts about Jimin BPP. I was kinda skeptical when you said you can't write about your biases so I kinda tried to trick you with the ask about RM but you just posted his pictures in reply and ignored the other ask I - 🧍
If you don't my asking is there a reason you can't write about your biases the way you used to write about Jimin? Prolly not a huge deal but it's kinda impressive you had such a positive view of Jimin when you didn't bias him. It only makes me wonder how much more positively you see him now that he is someone you bias. Also makes me wonder about some members you like who I've heard bad things about but don't know as well. I wish you could explain what you love about your biases so I can get another view of their personalities and skills.
To give you some perspective, I just got off the phone with a Hobi-biased friend (call her Z) because after my Friday night plans just suddenly changed (I'm now staying in tonight), I texted my partner about the changed plans, took a shower, pre-heat my oven, and called Z to have a full blown freakout over how Hobi got a bald high fade that's symmetrical to his brow fade...
And yes I'm very proud of myself.
But I also know practically everything I said on that call would get me cancelled, tarred, feathered, slutshamed and dragged harder than an Indian in a Steinbeck novel.
And that's the bits that by some miracle were coherent.
I'm sorry to everyone who followed me to read about Jimin, but I honestly can't promise to write about him going forward. Anyone who wants to unfollow this blog is of course more than free to, no harm no foul. I'm not trying to be dramatic and it's not like something I'm doing consciously. Writing about my biases is just harder because I know I'm unhinged about them when I'm excited and so writing, filtering, everything becomes near impossible. A lot of you compliment me for my words but I honest to god can't string a sentence together in English without thinking through it a few times, I can't easily write about the people I feel this much love for, most of the time, and that list now includes Jimin.
Here's a post with some selected Jimin posts from this year. I made that list partly because I'd seen a few people talking about how I don't talk about Jimin anymore, so it's a quasi peace offering. Alternatively, you can search my blog by "#jimin" or "#jimin only" hashtags to find my past posts about him.
I've got a quip about what you said here though:
"...it's kinda impressive you had such a positive view of Jimin when you didn't bias him. It only makes me wonder how much more positively you see him now that he is someone you bias."
I personally judge k-pop stans by how they talk about Jimin and a few other idols. It's been my litmus test for something going on 5 years now and never failed me. At the same time though, like everyone else I like the guys and have things I dislike too, and that doesn't change when an idol becomes a bias. At least it doesn't in my case lol.
Sorry again to you and all the Jimin biases who follow me, about the drought of Jimin posts. It's not an intentional choice, I'm just kind of a weirdo in that way.
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
What's wrong with jungkook
Omg. Jk has been giving me mixed signals eversince he released seven. It's like there's a spark but the wires are not connecting cause wtf. Okay so before jimin got number one on the BB I bet nobody ever dreamt of it or even thought it was possible even jimin himself he never aimed for the billboard he just wanted to release music but it just happened to happen that every song he released this year charts on the BB. Like how am I going to say this... I just don't know what's wrong with him lately he's like a rookie that just got fame and now is letting it change him. Like I know there's no problem whatsoever when a person wants to chart on the BB I mean that's ever artist's dream but...
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Like what do you mean by that. Jk already know that, that position is already secured scooter already payed the money we know. But why the sudden obsess with no1 if jimin hadn't got that no1 I bet he wouldn't even be thinking about it. But I've always knew he's been competitive and he's said numerous times he wants to be recognised more and stuff so what scooter and bang pd did they didn't manipulate him nor threaten him he wants this, all this payola and fraud. I'm disappointed in him actually cause why would he actually shit ok everything that BTS stood for, for years making music the honest way. What's he hoping to gain from this? Because armies might be blind but the world isn't. Like what is wrong with him.
The members have been acting fishy during the second chapter. If it's not Tae distancing himself from the group it's RM and acting bitter sometimes and well yoongi then now jk who's suddenly became chart obsessed it's like he tryna be the Beyonce of the group or something. I literally don't want to hate him but lowrdddd he's pushing me lowrdddd. It's like he tryna prove he's the golden goose and no-one can outdo him. I don't know what's he hoping to gain from this really because news flash this ain't gonna gain him new fans or something. BTS have always been used as scapegoats and belittled for way too long after proving themselves over and over again to the west and to Asia that honest artists to exits, that in order to achieve you must be passionatee
BTS has always preached about how making music is more that just making musing and selling music it's about passion, the message and all but wtf is this...
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I swear I'm not slandering him nor being a hater jk is/ was my second fav after jimin and I'm a jikooker and I love them both but I tend to lean to jimin's side more because he's the owner of the magic shop. The reason why I'm into BTS today.
Anyways BTS has never urged us to vote for them, stream for them, buy their music all they've asked from us is to enjoy their music. But someone doesn't think so...
Yoongi and JK are the members that have been pushed the most so far. I mean a Tour really when's he going to military? Then jk and his payola and fraud I'm disgusted atp. It's like he wants to blow up so bad, like dude you're already famous what more do you want, or he knows he wouldn't have achieved what he did with seven without all that push which is why he's welcoming the payola with open hands and happy about it.
Mhhhh... Idk I don't want to sound like a hater but jk is annoying me rn so so much I don't want to end up hating him because hey it's not that deep but honestly how would you feel if you were called to the table to eat fancy food with utensils while your brothers eat crumbs on the floor but then hey
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I don't want to sound like a hater because I think I'm starting to sound like one. This is the last time I'm talking about this I'm unfollowing anything related to him because I don't want to be toxic and know what's going to happen forward is going to shatters that little love I have left from him so I'm unfollowing everything related to him I don't want to see his face nor hear his name till jimin releases something.
Anyways congratulations to Tae on his new ambassadorial deal as the new brand ambassador for Cartier. And Kths had the nerve to involve jimin in their celebration like have your little celebration but know your boundaries Tiffany is bigger than Celine and Cartier combined. Does anyone know the difference between a Global House ambassador and a Brand Ambassador
I'm eating noodles for the whole semester I'm saving for pjm2 and possibly a concert from jimin even a one day concert would be enough :⁠,⁠-⁠)
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
that anon's being really shitty, and id just block them, honestly. tumblr now has a decent enough filtering system that 1) they can ask you to tag stuff (which they seemingly did not do), 2) they can filter out things (you can even out filter words from posts, not just tags, now, so they could for example filter out "pap smear" and have the post hidden even if it's not tagged), or 3) unfollow. i try and tag most things, even just mentions of them, if it's a common enough trigger (ex. "abuse tw" or "abuse m" for discussion or depiction, and then minor mentions, respectively) but anon cannot demand people know what their triggers are. especially if it's not super common. like, for awhile as a younger teenager, the image of the "mspa blob face" as someone's icon would really freak me out, as i had a stalker at the time who used it. it didn't mean i could storm up to any blog and yell at them via anon for not knowing about this very obscure, uncommon trigger of mine if it crossed my dash.
this isn't even taking into account that nobody "has" to tag stuff, even if asked. the only thing i think people should Always tag if possible is stuff like flashing lights. if someone asked me to tag, say, madohomu or something, it would be perfectly reasonable for me to say no for a variety of reasons: it's common on my blog, i don't tag ships (can't usually tell when somethings meant to be read romantic rather than platonic, tfw aro), i won't remember to, i just plain don't want to, etc. nobody is legally required to tag triggers. it's really nice when they do, don't get me wrong, but not being able or willing to tag xyz thing all the time with tws isn't a moral failing or a sign someone is a bad person.
Thanks, bestie. The anon messaged me again and I blocked them for both of our sakes. Like I said, I honestly feel bad for them because I think they're in a bad place and lashing out, but I don't appreciate being talked to in such an accusatory way.
Blanket announcement for everyone: if you want me to tag something, just let me know. Please don't send me a weird accusatory ask about how you were triggered by one of my posts and how it's my fault- a post which, by the way, which was about a traumatic experience I literally just endured and was venting about. I'm always happy to tag things because I tag religiously in general to keep my blog organized. I don't bite as long as you don't bite me first, I promise.
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