#i didn't even title it though
fazcinatingblog · 1 year
so unfair when you have an idea and you type away on your phone for hours like "wow this is so good, it'll be the longest fic ever" and then you check the thumbnail on the computer and IT DOESN'T EVEN FILL THE THUMBNAIL
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#i didn't even title it though#it doesn't need a title#anyway it was what i wrote when the chapter ended with JAMES#and now i'm up to chapter trent bianco and it feels like the moment's passed#hate to think what i wrote#i definitely didn't write that matthew was still drinking in secret#matthew u ok#will matthew ever be okay#honestly#like the fear that he'll turn out like cordelia's father......... i just#i mean he went away with the love of his life TO PARIS and promised to put down the drink and he COULDN'T#like he's the cool fashionable option for cordelia after that brooding mess of a husband#matthew's like the... brother in that simpsons episode#you know the one where homer has disappointed bart for the nth time and bart's like RIGHT I'M GETTING A NEW DAD#and then when they see homer at the thing and the new dad is like 'homer? so this is the drunken alcoholic gambler?'#and homer's like 'yep that's me'#just owning it#james is that#some brooding herondale who'd rather wallow in his own sadness than get what he wants#'i COULD tell cordelia the truth and explain orrrrrrrrr i have this gene inside me that just wants a dark room and a paintbrush'#'i could profess my love to cordelia orrrrrrrrr i could rant at these pesky ducks who keep pooping in my pool'#if there's not a broody herondale in every series written by cassie clare then i don't want it#wait who's the broody herondale in emma and julian's story????#probably jace#i mean julian obviously is broody but maybe he's like painting portraits of jace in a dark room bitterly wondering what emma sees in him#'i told you julian for the last time i just want to be a warrior like jace!!! i'm not in love with him!!!'#julian bitterly thinking 'right sure that explains the poster of him in your room'#'you already told me that poster was the first thing you'd grab in a fire'#emma just like 'ugh god julian it's you i like godddd you idiot' storms off to see cristina (i can't remember her name).#wait i just remembered there's an actual herondale in emma and julian's story YEAH BUT HE DOESN'T GET ENOUGH AIRTIME
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nerdierholler · 2 months
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IT'S DONE! I made a book! I never thought I'd ever be able to make a book. Sure mistakes were made but it was still a fun process and I learned so much from making this first one.
This a binding of The Wayhaven Chronicles IF but with my personal Detective's choices included and the resulting text smoothed out to read more like a novel.
Honestly, I thought something like this would be way beyond my skill set but it wasn't as scary as I thought once I got started. Definitely check out @renegadeguild for some book making and typesetting guides and their discord is super friendly and helpful as well.
If you want to learn from my mistakes I'll go into some trials and tribulations under the cut.
I'm not sure how well this book will hold up long term but that's ok! It was more about learning and I'll make some adjustments and try again with the same text probably.
Margins - need to make them bigger. I mostly read paperbacks so I was going for that format with narrower margins but then when I ran into paper problems, I didn't have a ton of room for trimming.
There was an option on the imposer to add dotted lines to the center fold and I clicked that but they're visible still even after binding. Could be that I needed to sew my signatures tighter and that would help but regardless I don't think I need them in the future so I'll be skipping that feature.
The font was intentionally small, along with the margins, because I was trying to minimize the number of signatures I was dealing with for a first project. I'll bump it up in the future.
Paper (so much wrong)
So the grain should run parallel to the spine but I couldn't find short grain paper. I read at some point that someone recommended using sketch books instead because that should be the right grain. It was not, at least not what I bought, so it still ended up going the wrong way.
The sketch note book I bought had perforated pages. It made them easy to get out but I didn't realize that the page widths were inconsistent until everything was printed out. The paper width varied by at least 1/8 of an inch. I wasn't planning on trimming my pages but my top was super uneven because of this so an attempt at trimming was made. It could have gone worse (there was no blood) but the trimming could have been a lot better too.
Should have just used printer paper. The results would have been the same.
Making Book Cloth
Used the Heat and Bond method with some spare fabric and it worked pretty well. The problem was when it came to adding backing. I'd read tissue paper or even plain paper so I grabbed some piecing paper that was close at hand. That was a mistake. It was good quality fabric so it was thicker already and the paper backing made it too thick. I could barely fold it over and it kept wanting to flip up. It's the spine fabric and I'm still concern it's going to do this in the future.
Used tissue paper for the marbled looking fabric and it was much easier to work with.
Book Board
Not measuring right was all on me. The rice box worked in a pinch but I think it will be prone to bending. Got me the experience I needed be wouldn't be my go-to material for a project of this size.
I used Elmer's All Purpose and it got the job done but, again, probably not going to hold up the best long term. However, I'm glad I didn't buy PVA and basically waste it on this project. Elmer's was good and cheap enough for practice. I'll be getting some PVA for future projects.
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krimsonmay · 1 year
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the prophet's curse
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Quarterfinals Match 1
This is Where You Are Caucasian Destination Boy - Project Sekai - Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku
Title Screen - Crazy Bus
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
This is Where You Are Caucasian Destination Boy:
"holy shit this song was suppossed to be what vivid bad squad (one of the bands in the game) was trying to surpass their entire first story arc. also this song was pulled out right after taiga (guy singing this song) told them that their idol is dead. and then they lost to Caucasion Destination Boy. jesus christ."
"[This is Where You Are Caucasian Destination Boy] is so bad lyrically it's funny. Like, truly a monsterpiece."
"#I KEEP FORGETTING ABT THIS 'SONG' #same energy as im in the house like carpet"
"#[This is Where You Are Caucasian Destination Boy] brought me to tears"
#i thought the title of [This is Where You Are Caucasian Destination Boy] was a joke until i played it
"#oh god [This is Where You Are Caucasian Destination Boy] sounds like if imagine dragons had a lobotomy"
"#dude This Is Where Youre Caucasian is just so bad"
Crazy Bus Title Screen:
"couldn't even listen to three seconds of the crazy bus music. god fucking damn who QA'd that"
"#crazy bus better sweep this tournament hi crazy bus"
"#crazy bus title screen is so fucking funny#i lose my shit every time i hear it"
"#literally just. listen to the crazy bus title screen #for literally a second"
"#is there any real contender against crazy bus?"
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randomyuu · 1 year
A JJK GoYuu fancomic... of a fanfic (read right to left)
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You know… despite me getting into JJK fandom this year, I’ve never drawn any JJK characters. (cue me drawing 9 whole-ass comic pages-)
This wonderful fic is titled (you'll whisper, serpent tongue) what you fear you have become by @voxofthevoid​. This comic covers chapter 1 scenes.
Beware of the tags, as the fanfic is NSFW. Oh, and also, manga spoilers! Major character and arc spoilers! I’ve read until chapter 4 and no NSFW so far, but still, beware!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43446157/chapters/109219954
I hope you enjoy reading this comic and the fanfic if you decide to!
Update: Chapter 6 scene fanart
More of my random thoughts and an early drawing of GoYuu below:
Have I told you I’m not used to drawing manga as well? Manga panels are pain. PAIN, I tell you. I shouldn’t have done this, but I did. I did, because every time I read the synopsis of this fic I keep picturing manga-like scenes. You should blame me for reading those AllYuu doujinshis.
It was… interesting experience. I was struggling a bit with the balloon consistency, like, do I use white boxes or just italic words for thoughts? Or maybe a balloon with a cloud-like border?
And there’s GoYuu (YuuGo? Idk honestly, don’t care lol) themselves. As I said, I literally have never drawn JJK-related content before. So when I started thinking about the panelling, I realised that I don’t really know how to draw Gojo, even more a thousand-year-old Yuuji. A whole day is spent researching Gojo, Yuuji and Sukuna’s appearances lol. Sukuna’s markings are a problem since I can’t find a full view of his markings. I know I can just finally watch the anime (yes I haven’t watched the anime, only some short clips; yes I know the animation is good, and I really want to watch it but my brain doesn’t want to) or re-read the manga, but I don’t want to ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
After going through Google images, Twitter and Reddit, I whipped up a front drawing of GoYuu as my reference:
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Gojo’s is easier because he hasn’t changed from the official (I blatantly eyeballing the character sheet I found haha), but Yuuji is different. Yuuji’s hair is longer; if I recall, there’s no exact description of his clothes. I assume he’s topless due to this description: Messy pink hair, long enough to cover the creature’s nape but not to hide the segmented dark markings running down his back, shifts in the wind.
And halfway through storyboarding, I realised that I have no experience using screen tones. Whatsoever. So off I go searching for a screentone bundle I can freely download and slowly figure my way out after fully lining the page.
And we haven’t even touched perspective, background, achromatic colouring, non-human characters—man, I really bite more than I can chew lmaooo
Ah, the things you would do to satiate that drawing mood ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Also, I hope I’ll have time to draw more fanarts of JJK GoYuu fanfics because they live rent-free in my brain and I need them to get out. Maybe other pairings as well? I like quite a lot of pairings that involve Yuuji. He’s precious, and I love having it shown to me over and over through fanfics.
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Aragorn from LOTR ✨
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Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings is Christian!
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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theyilinglaozus · 4 months
So for those who, like myself, no longer have x/twitter and perhaps weren't aware, Seven Seas has come under fire again due to a recent licensing announcement.
On February 21st, Seven Seas announced that they had secured the rights to license the Kinnporsche novels into the English language:
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This announcement was met with both positive and negative reaction; the negative focusing mainly on two points. The first being that Daemi, the authors for the original Kinnporsche novel, were already under fire for their behaviours and treatment towards an actor in the KP drama, among other questionable behaviours.
But the other main negative reaction stemmed not from the novel or authors that were licensed, but towards Seven Seas themselves.
Kinnporsche is the first Thai BL novel of this kind to be licensed under the Seven Seas name. Yet Seven Seas has caused upset because, despite coming from a different country entirely, they have still decided to brand Kinnporsche as a danmei title.
Many fans took to social media explaining why this was an incorrect thing to do, yet rather than listening to them as well as both the Chinese and Thai communities, they instead decided to edit their websites definition on what danmei means:
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For those that perhaps aren't already aware, danmei as a genre specifically applies to Chinese works. It does not apply to any other outside country - and that includes Thai.
It isn't just China that has a unique name for their male/male genre novels. In Japan, similar titles can be called yaoi. Thai takes inspiration from the Japanese name for this genre, often referring to their works as Y.
"Although the term boys-love, or its abbreviation “BL”, is more prevalently used internationally to denote the genre, it is more commonly referred to as waai (วาย) or “Y” in Thai. This term is derived from the first letter of the Romanized spelling of the Japanese expression for the genre yaoi. The term waai functions as an adjective and can be added, according to Thai grammar, after any media formats, such as siirii waai (“Y” series), niyaai waai (“Y” novels), kaatuun waai (“Y” comics). So, the next time you encounter “Y” alongside any Thai series, you will now be able to recognize it as belonging to the BL genre." (source)
While boys' love is the overarching umbrella for all these genres, it is both important and respectful to refer to the genre name of the given country of origin for a novel. Seven Seas has chosen not to do this, and instead has decided to band everything together under the danmei umbrella. This is both wrong and misleading.
If Seven Seas wants to publish such works under a more open branch, they'd be better rebranding under the boys' love term. But they won't, due to the success they've already achieved from their past releases of Chinese danmei. It isn't fair to other Asian, non-Chinese releases to not be referred to by their own title of the genre. Many of these potential new releases we're seeing are the first to come from certain countries - do they not deserve the same respect upon release as others?
I've been in fandom a long time - long enough to see the Japanese yaoi genre grow from being something rarely known in the west to something that's grown hugely popular. I've been here from the beginning of these danmei releases in the past recent years. While seeing how reintroducing stories to new audiences can come with its own difficulties and growing pains, we've come far along enough in the years that there is little excuse for Seven Seas not to show more care and respect when it comes to the way they handle these things; especially given how they've already received backlash in the past with their danmei releases when it's come to concerns over translation, treatment of translators and their work, the decline in quality vs. the rise in time between volume releases, as well as arguments that they don't always do the required research into licensing a title beforehand.
Don't get me wrong, I love that Seven Seas is bringing some of our favorite titles over to us. I just wish that the people behind them cared a little more, especially when it comes to these sorts of things which could very easily be rectified/researched into in the first place.
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diloph · 6 months
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Coming to you live, the immediate and dreaded realization that a big red mechanical eye in one franchise is actually the big red mechanical eye from the other one.
#Godzilla#Superman#Justice League#Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong: The Search For A Better Title Like Seriously Did Nothing Pithy Come To Mind?#Spoilers#Mechagodzilla#King Ghidorah#Lex Luthor#Brother Eye#I literally had the one-two punch of wondering why they'd bring in Brother Eye when they had enough villains kicking around#only to remember that DC has Mechagodzilla money.#I mean at least Ghidorah controlling everything made SENSE it was just everything else with Mechagodzilla's construction that didn't add up#which Legacy of Monsters is trying to account for bless 'em.#er...#Monarch Spoilers#Anyhow. DC science and tech used to rebuild and upgrade Mechagodzilla makes perfect sense tbh#though considering Godzilla has APPARENTLY killed Superman with a single blast MG's gonna be even more overpowered.#I mean if Toyman and/or Lex try to control the Titans that way then ring-a-ding-ding baby Ghidorah's back in control.#... fuck I wonder if they'll regrow his body. Then they're TRULY fucked.#Like I'm very iffy on how this comic came about and is being executed#like the Bats defeating Camazotz after Jason somehow injures it with a handheld rifle like the military and Kong didn't ever go for the eye#with bigger and more powerful weapons/equipment and the time scale is all over the place even with teleporters and superspeed#not to mention Kara hearing Clark's heart stop and declaring him dead with her SUPER SENSES but Batman goes 'NO! NOT UNTIL I CHECK!'#because of course he'll spot something she didn't and they'll blame it on her being upset.#... er moving on#Iffy on concept and execution. BUT. The one thing even GvK didn't diminish was the dread I felt when Ghidorah's involvement was revealed#and boy oh boy did that feeling spring right back when I put together just who Lex found... the One Who Is Many has returned...
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sovonight · 1 year
the comprehensive xan x radri post! unlike their tag, everything here is categorized and sorted in nice chronological order 💖
last updated: 1 / 2 / 2024
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baldur’s gate i
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The Outline
Xan: *sigh* Go ahead. Ask me why a mage carries a sword around.
Radri: Wh—what?
Xan: You were staring, and quite obviously. The sooner I satisfy your curiosity, the sooner we can direct our attention back to the dangers that surround us, so that we may endeavor to survive the day ahead.
Radri: O-oh, that's not why I... I'm sorry. It's a moonblade, isn't it? You don't need to explain.
Xan: So you are instead surprised that I so severely contradict the tales told of our people, for I do not sing songs and revel in the joys of life? *sigh* I've heard it all before, and I—
Radri: What? No! I'm sorry—I should just take my leave!
(In the early morning, at the inn.)
Radri, pleadingly: Imoennn, you know I need you to bargain with the shopkeeper for me!
Imoen: Bargain with 'em yourself. 'M sleeping.
Radri: Please, Imoen, no one else can do! You're so charming and peppy and disarming—
Imoen, pulling the covers back over her head: 'N exhausted! Jus' fork over the extra gold pieces, who cares.
(Radri steps out of the room, letting the door close behind her and falling back against it with a huff.)
Radri: Ugh! Really— (She freezes, realizing she's not alone in the hallway: Xan is there, mid-stride, just passing by.)
Xan: Is something wrong?
Radri, embarrassed, straightening immediately: No! Nothing. I—I'm headed to the store before everyone else wakes. Do you... need anything?
Xan: No; I have all I need, and an excess of supplies can just as readily doom a party as a lack of them. But shall I assist you?
(Xan glances over at Radri, who is very rigidly looking ahead, and sighs.)
Xan: I should not have said anything yesterday. It was presumptuous of me, and it is far worse to have your gaze avoid me entirely.
(Radri gives him a startled glance, then looks back away quickly.)
Radri: No, no—I'm sorry. It was rude of me. I'm just unused to being in the company of another elf... and a stranger.
Xan: You have known the others for a long time, then?
Radri: Oh, no. Imoen, sure, but I only met Jaheira and Khalid a couple weeks ago. But because they knew my father, they don't feel quite so much like strangers. Not to mention, one only has to nod through Jaheira's conversations to survive them... and Khalid does not ask more than pleasantries.
Xan: I see. Since I ask more than pleasantries, do I trouble you?
Radri, panicking: No! Not at all. It's refreshing, if anything. And really, I—I'm grateful for your help, I mean, to travel alongside a defender of Elvendom, is...
Xan, subdued: Do not think the moonblade makes me invincible, Radri. It is often more trouble than it is worth. And you should save your praise: I have not yet accomplished anything in service to you beyond placing myself in your debt.
(Radri glances over at him again, daring for the first time since Nashkel to actually catch a proper glimpse of his face: his expression is solemn, and his dark eyes are dull. The rest of the walk is spent in silence, until at last they reach the shop. Xan holds the door open for her.)
Xan: Imoen is usually the face of your transactions, I gather?
Radri, embarrassed: You heard all that earlier?
Xan: I can serve in her place, if you wish.
Radri: Oh—yes, thank you! Here, I have a list…
Imoen: Radri... Radri! Whatcha doing, spacing out? You've gotta stir, or the stew's gonna burn!
Radri: Oh—sorry, Imoen.
Imoen: Really, if you'd had any chores back at ol' Puffgut's place, he woulda chewed you out already. What's on your mind, anyway?
(Radri's gaze drifts away from the cooking fire and back over to Xan, who's working on his spellbook alone. Imoen follows her line of sight, and looks back at her in apprehension.)
Imoen: Oh, no. Don't tell me you've let his attitude infect ya.
Radri: No, I… (She hesitates, wondering if she should share.) I walked with him in his memories, last night, of Evereska. It was so beautiful... his eyes shone as he spoke… but when we woke from reverie, it was all gone. Sharing his memories with me had only made things worse. And worse still, I didn't know what to say.
Imoen: I don't think even the best speaker on Faerun could brighten his day, Radri. Don't let it weigh on ya.
Radri: *sigh*...
Imoen: *gasp* He's already gotten to ya! Radri, quick, ya gotta smile—it's the only way!
Radri: Imoen, hold on—stop! I'm smiling, I'm smiling—the stew!
Compounding Fluster [crossposted on ao3]
Poor Substitute
Special Treatment (skip the second one in the link, it comes later)
By the Fire
(Xan exits the inn with enough haste to send the lit lantern by the door frame swinging slightly on its hook. The lantern illuminates a quiet side street, and its light conveniently slants over the alcove in which Radri sits, quiet and curled up with a book, against the wall of the building. Radri looks up at his arrival; even from here, with a view only of the back of his head, she can gather that he's searching for something he lost.)
Radri: Xan? Are you looking for something?
Xan, turning quickly, relieved: Radri!
(In an instant, she recognizes that he was, in fact, searching for her. It’s a habit of hers to slip away—Imoen had assured Jaheira and Khalid of that, in the early days. Surely Xan had been met with the same exchange, and yet here he is. In a way, she can’t help but feel flattered.)
Xan: Why are you not inside with the others?
Radri: It's... a little loud inside. Too much noise…
(Now that she says it out loud, the reason sounds silly to her ears, but he doesn’t question it.)
Xan: I see. Still, I would feel better if you were not out here alone.
Radri, gesturing to the spot beside her: There's room for you, if you'd like. 
Xan: If a shadow in the night emerges to slit our throats, I will not have the awareness or the speed to protect you, I fear. But perhaps my death would grant you some time to escape…. Very well, if you will have me. 
(He joins her, and at this angle, catches the name of the book she's reading.)
Xan: The Dead Three? Of all the books that you have rifled through in search of spells and gold in our travels, I did not know you had deigned to take any one title with you. 
Radri: This was Firebead's reward; I couldn't bring myself to sell it.
(She returns her gaze to the book, and sighs.)
Radri: I don't know why I keep returning to it. I'm not even reading the words anymore. I know the story, I just…
(She hesitates; what lingers on her mind is something she has been unable to utter to the others, and that she has even avoided confronting in words herself. It is a fear, really, one that the others would surely attempt to talk her out of… but not Xan. Haltingly, she speaks.)
Radri: …Do you ever feel like you're standing on a precipice? …At the very edge of falling. And it's as if… the body knows what lies beyond the edge, and is pulled to meet it… but the mind holds it back.
(With her eyes gazing distantly through the book’s pages, Radri fails to catch the responding quiet, longing glance that Xan sends her way.)
Xan: ...Yes. (Then he looks away, disappointed in himself to admit,) I experience the sensation daily.
Radri: I fear it, I think, but there's no use in dread, nor anticipation. What waits for me is already here. And I… and I….
(Radri falls into silence, feeling a chill move up her neck; on the book's open pages, her hand has begun to tremble. She flips the book shut, and grips it closed tightly.)
Radri: But never mind. It's getting cold, and late, and I shouldn't keep you here any longer. Shall we go to bed?
(She stands, and offers her hand to him. Xan stares at her.)
Xan: To bed?
Radri, pink: Oh—I'm sorry. To reverie, I mean. (Her offered hand withdraws partially, subconsciously, as she reflects to herself,) Though I suppose after so many nights, you must long for quiet, too. N-never mind. I'll ask Imoen—
(She doesn’t want to be left alone tonight, and Imoen’s unconscious company is better than none. But then Xan, composed again, accepts her hand before her doubt can rescind it.)
Xan: No, let us go together. Though it can only be a temporary illusion, I find a peace of mind in our rest together.
Radri: Really? (She ducks her head, her gaze drawn to the comforting sight of their joined hands, a touch which has already begun to take the chill away.) I'm... I'm relieved that I have not yet imposed on your kindness.
Xan, distantly, to himself: "Kindness." I wonder if it is….
[crossposted on ao3]
"Will you guide me?" Radri asks.
"Guide?" Xan echoes, then gestures around them with a shrug. "It is a standard estate. There is the entrance hall, the drawing room, the parlor—"
"I lived in Candlekeep, Xan," Radri says, "The structures of "standard" living spaces are not exactly known to me."
"You say this as though there are no tomes on floor plans and architecture—but, no, I see that they must have been too dry for you to grant them your attention," Xan says.
He sighs, and holds out his hand.
"Very well... I will give you the tour."
Her hand slips easily into his, and a familiar jolt of joy and disbelief flits through her heart, unchanging no matter how many times now she has taken his hand. Unlike in the waking world, where their clasped hands facilitate the link between their minds, here, the gesture holds no practical use. For how readily and naturally he offers, this must all be second nature to him—but somehow, she's unable to reconcile the image of his offered, open hand with the way that she has so often seen him draw his cloak tighter around himself, as though the fabric were a barrier that could close him off from the world.
As they walk, Xan speaks in his low and solemn tone, describing to her the history in these halls; in the portraits, and artifacts; in the people that walk past, the figures of memory, their faces bearing a dreamlike quality. Radri finds herself staring, turning to look at them as they pass, subconsciously slowing until Xan's hand on hers acts as a tug.
"Come," he says, "We have almost reached the garden." She notes that they are already leaving the interior after only having passed through the common areas—wherever the chambers may lie, they are above, or further within.
Scattered sunlight spills in through the windows, filtered by the leaves that rustle gently against the panes from the outside. Warm yellow and deep green tones, abstracted by the thickness of the glass, make the windows appear to glow from within. Ahead, a rectangle of sunlight marks the presence of a set of glass doors, and they pass through them to a veranda, where the greens and yellows of earlier burst into detail and bleed vibrancy into the air around them, filling their surroundings with color.
Here, her hand falls from his, and her feet take her ahead on their own. A path, lined with flowers, winds into the swaying shadows of the trees, and her steps slow in these shadows, falling easily into silence.
"Radri?" Xan calls, with some worry, to have seen her disappear—but Radri does not call back, her hand pressed to her silent smile. There is no danger here in the calm of the past; perhaps she will loop back and surprise him, or perhaps he will follow. There sounds a rustle of leaves, a dragging of fabric—yes, he will follow.
She keeps two steps ahead, and yet traces a rhythm that she remembers easily, a pattern that she had learned at Candlekeep. Its memorization had been inevitable seeing as, for years, she'd had only the same set of shadows to train in. It is no wonder, she thinks idly, that her skills had remained in plateau until she had left. Her eyes, half lidded, can make out the obstacles now: this path to silently round the hay bales... these steps to slip past the barrel... this way to reach the door, and with practice, open the door without a sound. To her surprise, her hand, outstretched in memory, finds a handle. It is not crafted in an elegant arc, like the ones inside the estate, but bent into the bold angles of a firm, humble bracket. A flash of dread passes through her, but it is too late: she pulls.
The man behind the door turns at her entry, and his eyes gleam in satisfaction and glee.
"Oh, goodie goodie!" He cries, "I've gone and found ye first! You are the ward of Gorion, no doubt?"
Her mouth works, but her voice is gone, stolen by the sensation that has numbed her and turned her legs to lead. 
"Not much of a talker, eh? I apologize for this sordid business, but I must have your head," he says, and advances upon her, bearing the tell-tale glint of a blade. With a vicious grin, he drives the dagger forward to meet her, and though her body tenses, knowing how to escape, she can't move—she can't move—
Her eyes shut tight, and a hand grasps her arm, pulling her sharply back. There is a clatter, followed by a heavy, dead thud, and she is spun around by her shoulder, as another hand comes to her cheek—trembling, light—Xan.
"Radri... Radri? Please... look at me."
But when she looks, she does not meet his eye; her gaze drawn away, cast back over her shoulder at the fallen man, who lies not dead, but unconscious.
"It is only a memory," Xan reminds her, drawing her away. The door closes, and they are back in the garden—but, her heart beating fast and high in her throat, she pulls away.
Away, away, and out of reverie. The night air is cold on her skin; her pillow is damp against the back of her neck; and her hand, clasped in Xan's, is nearly slick with sweat. Tugging herself free, Radri curls onto her side, moments before Xan gasps belatedly awake beside her.
She hears him shift, turning to her... then pause, silent, no doubt forming what he wants to say.
"Candlekeep," Radri says for him, cutting his unspoken question off before he can say it. "It happened in Candlekeep."
"I had thought that the first attempt on your life happened at the Friendly Arm," Xan says. "The others...."
"I never told them," Radri says, and her voice begins to tremble as her words spill out, "I—I mean, you saw it, what a... what a poor attempt, the... the man wasn't even armored, that—that dagger was all he had... what kind of leader would—would—"
"Would have frozen?" Xan says, quietly. "You were home, where you had been safe for decades, as long as you can remember. You were not prepared, and a moment of fear is nothing to be ashamed of."
"I can't have any moments of fear."
"Oh, but you should," Xan says. "I recommend it. No one is invincible, and the few true fearless are bound to foolhardiness and doomed to an early death."
Slowly, Radri lifts her head, gazing back at him. Her eyes are still damp with tears, but no pity shows in his; his gaze only softens, bearing relief. She wipes the tears from her face with the side of her hand, until Xan silently offers a handkerchief. He is quiet for another beat, and then,
"That day," he begins, slowly, "will you tell me what happened?"
She had thought that she had long swallowed the words, but now they rise, pressing against her closed lips. There is no magic at play, here; only time, and memory, and his quiet patience.
"He missed," she says. "The dagger, it... it only cuts me above the brow... and lands in the wood beside the door. He wrenches at it... there is an unruly nail, you see, Dreppin always did swear he would fix it... and though I have my opening, all I can do is stare. I had driven my blade into the hearts of countless illusions just earlier, but—but I'm too afraid to stab him. Then, I hear the wood crack, and I panic: I knock him out with a blow to the head."
Radri laughs, weak, and empty; Xan remains silent beside her.
"You know, the funny part is, I stepped back out into the sunlight and it was like nothing had happened. Parda asked, but... I thought that was it, so... I didn't say a thing. But then—but then—you have to guess," Radri says, feeling almost lightheaded, like something in the air has sent her mind spinning. Judging by the grave look on his face, she doesn't expect Xan to humor her—but he does.
"There was a second attempt," he says. "Just when you had thought it was safe again."
"You're right," Radri says, faintly, feeling strangely empty now. "I stabbed him that time... there was blood, on my new armor... surely Karan had seen it, and yet... I still couldn't say a word."
She falls silent, clutching the handkerchief in her hand, her eyes dry now, and her cheeks sticky with tears.
"I'm sorry," Radri says.
She ducks her head, unable to see the way Xan blinks from compassion into puzzlement, blindsided by her apology.
"For what?"
She doesn't know; she can't put it into words, knowing only that shame fills her chest. Shame, for being here in front of him—for craving his attention so deeply and totally when she has done nothing with it but worry him. Danger did not used to follow her; things did not happen to her. She had always been quiet, inconsequential, like a shadow in the halls.
"F—for," Radri begins, and then her hitched breath overtakes all other words, and she can only shake her head silently as she attempts to hide herself again.
Xan sighs. She curls in tighter on herself, sure that whatever he had seen in her has lost its luster now. Perhaps, if she had not accepted his offer of shared reverie, she would have been able to bear the facade for even just one day longer.
But then, fabric shifts, and instead of standing and walking away, he leans in, holding her.
It is a tentative embrace, and to some degree, it is awkward: she has brought her knees up to her chest, hunching in upon herself, so Xan is left to drape himself over the mountain she has made. His head tilts against hers, but it is held rigid, and leaves no weight upon her; and there is the slightest tremor in his fingers, whose touch is similarly feather-light, although they curl into the folds of her blanket, still draped around her. This balance is held for one frozen moment, until a sob escapes her, and whatever restraint he had had breaks, pulling his warmth and weight to her as though a new source of gravity had manifested in her chest.
"Forgive me," Xan says, quiet and low, "My arms can provide little comfort, but I am afraid that my words would provide even less."
She wants to speak; memories crowd in her chest, memories of Candlekeep, so unchanging across the decades that they all merge into a blur. She is the obedient child, quiet as she is told to be; the daughter of a storyteller, able to pluck the morals from any tale; the reader staring down at a thousand pages, for whom the world starts and ends between the covers of a book. She is an observer, nothing more. She is not seen. She is not seen.
And yet here she sits, painfully present in the real world, in the grounding weight of Xan's embrace. A great part of her wishes dearly again to hide—but a budding fraction feels nothing but sweet relief.
When at last she can exist again, she lifts her head, and Xan releases her immediately. She raises her gaze to meet his, and Xan looks pensively back at her, until he reaches out to tuck her hair back behind her ear. He places a kiss upon her forehead, and though fleeting, weightless, and gentle, with that kiss the last of whatever insecure words she'd held on her tongue are gone.
"The next watch is mine," Xan says, unfazed, as though he had not just turned some layer of her reality over. "If you wish, you can join me until you are ready to return to reverie."
He holds out his hand to her, and she takes it, allowing that familiar spark of elation dance through her fingers and up into her heart again.
Then I Shall Stay [crossposted on ao3]
Newly Vulnerable (the second one in the link)
Art Exchange
First Impression / Attention
United in Misery
Waiting [crossposted on ao3]
(extra art)
Recognition [crossposted on ao3]
Stealthy Care
[Next is two versions of the same idea—I couldn’t pick one to throw out]
Radri: I think I've perfected my system—see? (She begins unfolding pages out of her journal, which each expand to a size larger than the journal's cover itself.) Map. Local maps. Open quest list. Closed quest list. Inventory—
(A regularly-sized page flutters out from the complicated arrangement; Xan retrieves it for her, then pauses.)
Xan: What is this ominous page of untitled dates?
Radri, freezing: Oh, um, a record of every... quail I have seen. I mark down the day.
Xan, raising a brow: I did not know you were a quail enthusiast.
Radri, quickly taking the page back: Well, we still have a lot to learn about each other.
(A quail passes by in the underbrush.)
Xan, flatly: Ah, there is another one. Will you mark it down?
(Radri, who’s about to reach unwillingly for her journal, pauses, then huffs.)
Radri: Fine! It's a record of every day that I have seen you smile! I am sick of marring it.
Xan, stunned: What? Why would you feel the need to conceal that?
Radri, annoyed: Because you'll say that I'm silly for keeping it, that we will all turn to dust, and that the work I put into recording these things is pointless because it is futile to preserve anything—a struggle which one would think I am intimately familiar with given that I spent my entire childhood in a giant archive.
Xan, fond: Oh, Estel'amin, even in your anger, your beauty is breathtaking to behold. Come here.
(Radri looks at him, and grows even more annoyed, though she still lets him gather her into his arms. Her face is now pink.)
Radri: I am still not marking down today.
(Radri’s head rests against Xan’s shoulder as they rest together; he brushes absent-mindedly through her hair with his fingers, watching the way the last of the day’s sunlight plays across the strands, as they did so many nights ago.)
Xan: Do you remember that first night by the fire, when I arranged your hair?
Radri, eyes closed in contentment: Yes… it's a memory I used to revisit often. It was the first time I saw you smile.
Xan: I... I did?
Radri: You had this faraway, peaceful look on your face... I was unable to return to reverie for hours afterwards. I just kept picturing your smile when I closed my eyes.
Xan: A restlessness that I can relate to all too well. But... you spoke in the past tense, earlier. Is the recollection no longer to your liking?
Radri, defenses low, drifting off: It was a beautiful smile, but once I loved you I couldn't bear it anymore.
(The brushing stops.)
Xan: What do you mean?
Radri, realizing what she confessed: I-I mean… Well, I… My glimpse of it was clearly stolen, and it was not meant for me—you were no doubt recalling a memory. (She sits up, looking away, embarrassed.) When I began to wish dearly that you would look at me like that, I didn't want to see it anymore.
Xan: Well, it is fortunate that you now have memories to replace it, then.
Radri: ...
Xan: …Estel'amin, I know for a fact that I have smiled more with you than I have in the past four decades.
Radri: ...
Xan: *sigh* My beautiful, beautiful Radri, what doubts yet linger in your mind? What reason would I have to be false with you?
Radri: None.
Xan: None.
Radri, unable to contain it anymore: But sometimes, surely, you're just smiling at the beauty of nature around us! How could I presume to have factored into any part of that joy? I merely happen to be present.
Xan, dryly: Yes. Surely, you just “happen to be present” in all of the happiest memories of my life. Radri, there is coincidence, and then there is causation. You can believe me when I say that you are the cause.
Radri: ...
(Xan tilts her face towards his, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek.)
Xan: If the countless words I have spouted in our months together have not been enough to convince you, what shall I do to show you? (As he leaves his kiss, he catches sight of the welling tears in her eyes.) Oh, Estel'amin...
(Radri turns her face quickly away again, covering it with a hand.)
Radri: No—I'm not sad, just touched!
Xan: Your earlier laments are wasted on yourself; you should lend them to me, who seems only capable of making his beloved cry. Though, it gives me the opportunity to kiss away your tears. Shall I?
Radri, lowering the shield of her fingers a fraction to glance back at him disapprovingly: That sounds unpleasant and salty for you.
Xan: And yet I would readily perform the gesture. Do you glimpse now the depths of my devotion?
(As he waits for her acknowledgement, her eyes widen in surprise, and she forgets to shield herself entirely.)
Radri: Oh... you're smiling.
(In his own realization of it, the smile is gone in an instant—but the memory remains.)
A Gift [crossposted on ao3]
Radri: I used to dream of finding someone to share all that I am with. I still cannot believe that I've found you.
Xan, touched and blushing a little, hiding it quickly: I dare not ask if I am all that you dreamed of. —And yet, there are the words now, hanging irrevocably between us. Let me guess: you envisioned gallant knights, white horses?
Radri, laughing: Do you think I immersed myself in love stories? That would be Imoen, not me.
Radri: I… It may be silly to say, but… I couldn't bear them. They were other people's stories; there was no place there for me.
(Xan looks at her softly, understanding; embarrassed, she doesn't meet his eye.)
Radri: B-besides! Even when I dared dream, I could never have imagined you.
Xan, unsure if he should be flattered or insulted: …
Radri: I mean—! You're… so… you.
Xan, unimpressed: I am… so… "me". Surely, in another life, you could have been a wordsmith.
Radri: Agh, just give me a second!
Radri: You were… so… intimidating, to me. Speaking to you felt like walking on a tightrope. ...As a child, I imagined that I would feel instantly at ease. That no matter where I was, with this someone, I would feel a sense of belonging… like I could finally come to rest.
Xan: …
Radri: And that's you.
Xan, blindsided: Radri—you very clearly defined how that is not me.
Radri: Not in the beginning, but it is now. (She waves a hand to the side idly.) A lot had to happen, of course, which I could not have imagined as a child—but, anyway. What about you? (She leans into him, wearing a lighthearted smile.) Am I all you dreamed of?
Xan: If you must know, I dreamed of little; I felt early on that I would not be one to continue on the family line, and chose not to dwell on romance.
Xan: But…
Xan: You have been all that I dared not dream of, Estel'amin. In knowing you, I realize that I have starved myself, for a long, long time…
(He kisses her hair, and she accepts it shyly, too touched to say anything. Xan gives her silent, flushed face an amused look.)
Xan: No response? Ah, I must still intimidate you, I see. (Smoothly, he takes her hand.) Perhaps more exposure will help.
Xan: Sigh…
(Xan glances over at Radri, who hasn't looked up from her journal.)
Xan: Sigh…
(Xan glances over at Radri, who still doesn't look up. Xan sighs for real.)
Xan: It used to be that you would look up at my every sign of distress. (Radri finally looks up at him, but Xan looks away) Oh, how I wish big, strong Radri would come here and comfort me…
Radri, laughing a little: Alright, I'm here. What is it that troubles you? A general malaise?
Xan, frowning a little: Is malaise not already general?
Radri: …
Radri, pulling away and cupping her hand around her ear: My apologies, my lord, but I'm getting another call, from Lady Adventure—
Xan: Wait—
Radri: And she doesn't mind if I don't look up my every word in a dictionary—
Xan: Radri! (He sighs and turns away, giving up) I should have known better than to ask for your attention.
Radri, with a little smile: Oh, but I just remembered that I prefer your company to hers, so I redirected her call.
Xan, feeling sorry for himself: If only that were true.
Radri, teasing: Is what I'm hearing a general malaise?
Xan, still too sorry for himself to meet her eye: It is something, alright.
Radri: Well, perhaps I can work my magic.
Rational Grief Response
Storyteller / Return to Candlekeep
[The first rest after being freed from Candlekeep’s jail; they’re still underground.]
(Radri has hidden herself away in shadow; it’s only through their bond that Xan is able to find where she’s retreated away from the rest of the group. He can’t see her, but he knows she’s nearby.)
Xan: Estel'amin... Will you speak to me?
(For a moment, he fears that he’s mistaken, that she’s not here and that he is only speaking to dust and cobwebs—but at length, she responds.)
Radri: We have nothing to talk about.
(Her voice… he’s facing the wrong alcove. He turns, searching for her direction.)
Xan: You are displeased with me, and for good reason. What I said was uncouth and unwarranted, and it will never happen agai—
(She interrupts his apology, barely listening, her tone clipped and dismissive.)
Radri: You should return to the others. I want to be alone.
(This alcove. He’s sure of it… he thinks. Something is off about her tone of voice, and he realizes that it suggests she’s not angry at him. If not him, then….)
Xan: …I do not think you should be alone in a time like this.
(A bitter laugh—and a fortunate scrap of light hits the familiar crimson of her cloak. There she is, in the darkness: her back is turned to him, and her hair spills dark across her shoulders, which are hunched in on herself as she hugs her knees to her chest, her form made small and cut off from view in the shadow of a cracked pillar. He would like nothing more than to rush over and embrace her—but he waits.)
Radri: Why? Are you afraid that I will spontaneously burst murder and chaos into existence around me if I am left unsupervised?
Xan: Radri—
Radri: The prophecies are written, after all, and I have already been dragging trouble around with me since I stepped out of Candlekeep. All of these spells, these nightmares, and that damned book—I knew it, I knew something was wrong with me! (In the midst of her anger, something in her voice breaks, leaning into sorrow.) You saw it too—dread filled your eyes when you looked at me. And yet when I pleaded with you, you stayed. We sealed it all with a bond that must not break... oh, how deeply you must regret it now. I will never be anything more than an unwanted burden, shuffled between keepers—I am sick of this life!
(He feels for a moment like he’s looking into a mirror—not this lament, but another, though are they not in a way all the same story retold—and the sorry hatred and bitterness in her voice seep readily into his thoughts like an old, unwanted friend. For that moment, he feels it; in the next, he lets it go.)
Xan: Rage at me for my thoughtless words as you will, but do not malign our love. It is true that I once sought to leave you, but it was nothing but the act of a coward, so afraid of the thought of losing you that he believed he would rather live with a hole in his chest than stay and love you. Indeed I knew nothing, for now that I have known your love, nothing across all the Planes could ever convince me of abandoning you again. I have never regretted our bond, nor dreamed of breaking it.
Xan: And what of Gorion? Was he not a father to you—did he not love you as his child? You do yourself and his memory a grave disservice to speak of yourself this way!
(Radri, who had remained unmoving, flinches at his words then with a choked, muffled gasp of breath; he pales, pulling back, worried now that he has overstepped his bounds. And yet, still, he cannot bring himself to leave her entirely to her suffering.)
Xan: If you truly wish it, I will leave. But I fear I cannot believe your request if you do not face me and say it. Please, Estel'amin... will you look at me?
(His heartbeat, loud in his ears, keeps him from any internal estimate of the passage of time. A thought, persistent at the back of his mind, tells him to leave now before he ruins what he has with her any further—and yet he stays.)
(Her cloak slithers across ruined tile, and her form retreats fully behind the blocking pillar… and then she emerges, standing, facing him as he’d asked. Her expression is solemn, and her dark eyes are dull, though something in her gaze still glimmers.)
Radri: I wish I were nothing.
(It is not the truth, and he is relieved for that. He takes a cautious step towards her—and as though he had broken some sort of silent stand-off, Radri’s lip begins to quiver, and then she’s crying, her tears spilling freely down her face. She makes no move to wipe them away; and neither does he, really, because when he rushes to her, he holds her, pulling her to his chest and kissing her atop her head, uncaring of whatever cobwebs certainly cover them both.)
Xan: If you were nothing, how could I hold you? How could I kiss you?
(He kisses her again; she has made no move to hold him in return, but this is a fatigue he understands, and he holds her tightly enough for the both of them.)
Xan: It is painful, I know, but you are here, and my heart is with you—and so is that of your sister, and of your father's old friends, who have through your just leadership become your own. (After just the barest pause, he adds reluctantly,) And I suppose even Viconia must feel some tiny, miniscule shred of supportive, positive emotion somewhere in her heart for you, which is a miracle in itself.
(She is silent, but then,)
Radri: …You referred to her as my sister… Imoen will be overjoyed to hear this.
(It’s too early for her to jest in earnest, but he finds himself holding onto the unlikely hope anyway.)
Xan: Ah, of course, out of everything I have said, this is the one word that sticks. Does this bring a smug smile to your face? I will imagine that it does.
(Radri pulls away from his embrace, which he relaxes, but does not release entirely—nor does she make the full effort to leave. Instead, she gazes quietly at him, seemingly merely in want of the sight of his face. He appreciates the sight of hers in return, but while some life has returned to her endlessly deep eyes, sorrow still lies within. He runs a gentle thumb across her cheek, still stained with tears; he has never truly regretted his nature, but he comes close now.)
Xan, quiet: What should I do, Estel'amin? I am no use in lifting spirits without a spell; that craft has always eluded me. Shall we return to the others, who will surely do what I cannot?
(Rather than accept readily, she glances down and away.)
Radri: I'm... not ready to face them yet. Can you stay here with me... just one moment longer?
Xan: Then I will.
Desire [crossposted on ao3]
(In the early morning, in Baldur’s Gate. Radri rouses from her reverie, only to see Xan already packed for his journey, and making his final preparations before he is off.)
Radri: Were you going to leave without waking me?
(Xan turns to face her; his expression holds some disappointment, but also a resignation, and to a subtler degree, a quiet gratefulness.)
Xan: That was my intent, yes. Though I should have known that it would not be so easy to slip away from you undetected.
(He leaves his backpack on its chair, and sweeps back over to the bed, leaning down to lay a gentle kiss upon her forehead. Radri gazes up at him, still blinking away the last sensations of her reverie.)
Radri: But why?
Xan: Why? If you could see yourself now, you would understand why. It was hard enough to muster the will to pull away from your resting form, let alone resist the pull of your vulnerable, open gaze.
(She snags his sleeve as he begins to pull away.)
Radri: I will walk you to the city gates.
Xan: You will not. If I let you accompany me to the gates, the moment I step through them you will declare, “I will walk you to the next town,” and so it will continue until your next words are “I will walk you to Evereska.” No, I must hold you here, and hold firm.
(She's a little put out—he's got her dead to rights. Radri sits up, glancing about the room.)
Radri: You have everything? Spellbook, components, potions—?
Xan, dryly: Yes, you have provided me with enough health potions to outfit a full adventuring party, and I thank you for your confidence in me.
Radri: …Perhaps I should accompany you to the next town anyway.
(She moves to swing her feet over the edge of the bed, ready to get dressed—but Xan stops her with a firm, unamused gaze.)
Xan: Radri, what am I, a fresh-faced youth being sent on his first adventure? (He sighs, and sits at the edge of the bed, taking her hands in his.) I would like nothing more than to take you back to Evereska with me, but its gates are closed to you. Would you have me be so cruel as to force you to wait outside for me as though you were a stranger?
Radri: You could.
Xan: No. You are my hope, my world, and my soulmate. I could not. Besides, it is you who insisted so adamantly that I keep our relationship a secret—not that I planned on telling my superiors anything in the first place, since it is a personal matter. If we were seen together, the nature of our relationship would be known instantly.
Radri: How so?
Xan: Estel'amin, have you forgotten already how you have transformed me? I would need to study for a hundred years to conceal the love I have for you—and I have no desire to, for I would wish for the whole world to know.
Radri, red: Surely not the whole world.
Xan: Indeed, the whole world. Were this land not ripe with our enemies, I would shout it from the rooftops, and spell it out in the sky... but you have already begun to shrink away from me in terror, I see. Do not worry; I will be discretion itself.
Xan: So, are you satisfied with our farewells? May I take my leave now?
(Radri looks at him, and at the backpack on the chair, and at the ceiling and walls of the room that surround them—a room that, without him, will surely feel large, cold, and empty. She will not be alone after he is gone; the others are still here in the city, ready for adventure, wherever it may take them. Still, she feels as though she is about to return to the loneliness she had lived in in Candlekeep: surrounded by many, yet seen by none.)
(Xan, after waiting and watching throughout her silence, begins at last to pull away—but she holds on, one last time.)
Radri: Are you not going to kiss me?
(A deeply tortured look flashes through his dark eyes, which she recognizes now to be of the kind that he used to send her in their early months together. It spells a yearning for that which he believes he should not have—and before she can wonder what it is that he has forbidden himself this time, he leans in, kissing her. He lingers, tender, savoring the moment… as does she. As they part, at last, he gives a soft, gentle sigh.)
Xan: Now I will think of little else but the taste of your lips. You have ruined me, Estel'amin, and yet I carry your soul with me happily, with all the contentment of a man oblivious to or uncaring of death...
Xan: I promise, I will return to you as soon as I am able.
Sad Influence
— — —✧✧✧— — —
baldur’s gate ii: soa
— — —✧✧✧— — —
Birthday Wish [partially crossposted on ao3]
Promise [crossposted on ao3]
Innate Evil
Xan: Do you think your father would have approved of me?
Radri: Hm? My human father, or my divine father? Because from what I've read, Bhaal was a cruel and difficult god to impress, and you haven't the temperament for his methods of worship.
Xan: (shivers) No, and I am glad I do not. I meant Gorion, of course.
Radri: ...
Xan: ...You are giving it more consideration than I thought. Never mind, Radri—it was a foolish question, and perhaps I no longer wish to hear the answer.
Radri: I think he would have liked you. We shared a similar sense of humor; he would have enjoyed your jokes.
Xan: Yes, these famous jokes that I myself am not aware of. I see, so I would become a court jester to not just the princess, but the king, as well.
Radri: I think if you were a court jester, it would be to the king first, and to the princess second. —And did you just liken me to a princess?
Xan, red: A slip of the tongue, I am sure. Though given the abysmal attitudes of nobility in the human lands, you deserve far better than to be compared to—well, let us just move on so that I do not inflate your ego any further.
(Xan turns his gaze back to his spellbook, ready to return to their earlier comfortable silence—but Radri takes his hand in hers with a soft smile.)
Radri: You make me happy, Tahlimil. No matter what he might have thought of you... he would be glad for that.
(The corners of his lips rise slightly, in what has almost become a regular occurrence… then the smile falls.)
Xan: I... mentioned before, my dreams, where my parents disapprove of our relationship....
Xan: I think they would have their misgivings. Certainly about the way that I have thrown everything aside for you, like a lovesick fool... a fool that perhaps I am. I have left my career... left Evereska... and indeed, one could say I will begin to shirk my duty next, though I have not been struck dead yet.
Xan: But I think if they had the chance to know you, they... they...
Xan: *Sigh* Never mind. This is a pointless line of thought. I cannot imagine what they would think, and I will not see them again for an eternity, and that is only if I am lucky. I regret having brought it up.
(Radri gazes quietly at him, then tilts her head against his shoulder, the contact gentle and light. He does not tense, so she squeezes his hand lightly, pressing their palms together: for the briefest moment, some of what burdens him is shared with her.)
(He sighs again—not sharp this time, but soft—and he tilts his head against hers.)
[A while after this exchange:
Xan: I wanted to enchant a ring for you, but this one overshadows everything I will ever be able to give you. How ironic that it comes from the Shadowmaster of Athkatla.
Radri: And how unfortunate that none of us can even wear it, our equipment being what it is. I would rather have your ring, instead.
Xan: A mere bauble will not protect your life, and I have no time to enchant it properly. Perhaps in the future... but no, I have distracted myself from what I wanted to say.]
Radri: I've been thinking about your ring.
Xan: My ring...? Ah, the one that has yet to be made.
Radri: But it already has, hasn’t it? You’ve carried a ring with you ever since you returned from Evereska.
Xan: You noticed? I can slip nothing past you, I see. But it is not complete, Estel'amin—as I alluded to before, it is unenchanted, and as such, it is yet nothing.
Radri: It is not nothing. Its current form is to its advantage: enchanted, it would have to compete with the other enchanted equipment I carry, but unenchanted, I can wear it always.
Radri: Even now, it would bring me courage—or, would you rather that it raise my sense of self-preservation, although as I keep trying to convince you, it is already appropriately high?
Radri: I... I suppose we speak so much of the future now, and of dreams of a quiet life, and when we’re so far from all of it, I’d feel one step closer to…. Oh, never mind. I feel like I’ve stolen a secret from you; I'm sorry, I won't mention it again.
(She looks away, out across the cityscape; in the sunset, even the slums district appears awash in glittering gold. Beside her, Xan remains quiet for a moment, then retrieves something from the pocket of his robes.)
Xan: This ring has been passed down in my House. Through trial and tribulation, and the endless march of time, its magics are gone, having long served their purpose; it holds only its history now. I carried it with me from Evereska thinking, perhaps, that I would give it new life—that when it was ready, I would present it to you in ceremony...
Xan: But perhaps I have been thinking too long.
Xan: Here. My ring, unfinished and unpresentable as it is. If it pleases you, even in such a state as this, it is yours—but I promise you, I will strive to make it worthy of you someday.
Radri, meeting his eye warmly as she accepts it: I love it, Tahlimil. It is already worthy.
Xan, embarrassed and relieved: Why does my mind insist on tormenting me with thoughts of your judgment, when my heart already knows what you will say? Though now that it is on your finger, perhaps it is time to let go of my frivolous dreams of holding a formal ceremony. We may as well just find a quiet spot in which to say our vows.
Radri: No, we must still have the ceremony. Because you wish for it, it must be so, and it will be grand and beautiful.
Radri: I lost it.
Xan: Lost what?
Radri: I lost it! Linvail's ring! I had already been thinking of getting rid of it since it only takes up space in my backpack, but—to not even be able to recoup the barest fraction of its value by bringing it to a shop?! Oh, I can't believe I—Xan?
(Radri looks up in time to see Xan shaking in silent laughter, which then bursts out in a full laugh.)
Xan: Of course! Of course, you would care so little about a ring powerful enough to belong to royalty that you let it be misplaced! What an absurd life it is we lead!
Xan: Meanwhile, mere trinkets are given the treatment of kings—even the blooms I had set upon your hair a year ago were kept carefully preserved in your journal, as though they were imbued with a lifetime's worth of magic and not merely painfully ordinary. Sentiment will not save your life, but you hold it dearer than the things that could.
Radri, half insulted: I think I strike an appropriate balance between sentiment and practicality.
Xan: Oh, Estel'amin, smooth the furrow in your brow; I do not laugh at you, but at myself. I see that even if I spent centuries in study, you would not love the ring I enchanted for you for its boons, but for my efforts. What pointless, pointless jealousies I bear…
(His rare mirth fades as he sobers once more.)
Xan: But I am sorry that the ring was lost—it was truly in a class of its own, and now you will earn nothing for it.
Radri, still in shock and awe of what she’s just witnessed: No, I... think in the end, it paid for itself.
Dragon Slayer [crossposted on ao3]
Just Friends (a direct redraw)
A Monster
The Graveyard Encounter (an outline of changes)
[At the inn, after Xan survives and Bodhi lies dead:]
Xan, at the tail end of asking Radri a question: ...What do you think?
(He turns to her, but Radri has her head down, and clearly hasn't been listening to him.)
Xan: Radri?
Radri, quiet: You nearly died.
Xan: I know. Admittedly, I am still shaken by the encounter. If it were not for you and my moonblade, I would have been transformed into something abhorrent... once again, you have my gratitude, Estel'amin.
(Xan seems content to leave it at that, but Radri isn't. She lifts her gaze to his, revealing the tears in her eyes.)
Radri: But it was so close.
Radri: If I hadn't formed a connection to your moonblade—If I hadn't asked the right question that day—
Radri: W-would you even have told me on your own? That it was possible? Or would you have kept silent, and died today?
Xan, worried by how shaken she looks: Radri... none of us are ever far from death. Though it may not look it, every day is like this one. Luck, coincidence, and sheer miracles save us—
Radri, firm, distraught: Our actions save us.
Radri: And today I could do nothing but watch—Don't you understand?
Radri: I-it's not like I couldn't get there fast enough.
Radri: I was right there—but it's like I was frozen again, and—
Radri: And I would've had to watch you die—
(Radri's voice breaks, her tears falling—and Xan, truly concerned now, goes to hold her)
Xan: You did act, Estel'amin. I could not have been saved without your will.
Radri: ....
Radri, unable to word the turmoil she's feeling, just repeating: It was too close.
Xan: I know.
(Radri just lets herself be held for a moment, instinctively searching for him through their bond again, but it's too faint for her to feel anything close to what she did in that moment in the graveyard, when the urgency of the moment had lended her a single-minded determination. She pulls away to look at him—the dusty shoulders of his robes, his combat-mussed hair, the fading scar on his cheek... his worried eyes. She'd caused that, by making a bigger deal of this than he had.)
Radri: Tahlimil?
Xan: Yes?
(She'd wanted to ask that he not leave her sight for the time being, but holds the words back.)
Radri: You... you were asking me something earlier, weren't you? I interrupted you.
(Xan can tell that's not what she wanted to say, but lets her change the subject—and knowing how affected she still is, he changes his question, too.)
Xan: I asked... if you wished to join me in the bath.
(The tub the Copper Coronet provides is barely big enough for one person to soak in, let alone two; Radri tries to communicate this, but in her current state, it comes out as:)
Radri, caught off guard, puzzled: I... but... the inn, it doesn't... what, take turns?
Xan, warm, amused at her sentence fragments: No, no. Would you believe that I discovered a bath house nearby? Far too late to enjoy after our escapades in the sewers, but perhaps it was waiting for when it would be most needed. There is a private room we can share. What do you think?
Radri: Oh. I... I think that sounds nice.
(Xan's small smile becomes relieved as he sees the tension in her shoulders already relax a fraction.)
Xan: Then follow me.
— — —✧✧✧— — —
baldur’s gate ii: tob
— — —✧✧✧— — —
World’s Saddest (Hypothetical) Chosen
Innate Evil, Self Accusation Edition
[The TOB scene where Xan cooks her an omelette.]
(While Radri begins to eat, Xan just leans his chin on his hand, gazing contentedly at her.)
Xan: When this is over... when we have made our home... I would cook breakfast for you each morning.
Radri: I see you don't wish to suffer through my meager skills in the kitchen.
Xan: I could never find any aspect of my lady wanting, and your skills will grow with time. No, I would cook for you to love you.
(It’s been so long, and he’s said that he loves her so many times, that Radri imagines she should have developed at least some resistance to it by now—but she hasn’t. She blushes, touched.)
Radri: Are you not going to eat, too?
(Xan gazes dreamily at her blushing features, fully content.)
Xan: Oh, I have already been fed, and most heartily. If I had known even earlier the extent of what shy expressions you reveal in private...
(Radri blushes harder.)
Radri: Each day it becomes harder to believe that you are the same man who spent ten minutes gathering the words to ask if he could kiss me.
Xan: Ah, but I am not the same man. I am remade each time I wake and meet your eyes; each day I walk at your side; each night I rest my beating heart beside yours. I have been transformed a thousand times over, and wish to be again.
Radri, gathering him a forkful: I think you should be transformed by this omelette.
(Xan takes the bite from her fork, and his expression falls, disappointed.)
Xan: Oh... I do not think I added enough salt, after all.
silly alternate universes
radri was raised “evil”
radri was raised in evereska
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tethered-heartstrings · 11 months
why is posting a fic harder than writing it
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bonefall · 1 year
Same anon- wasnt trying to imply that with blossom either! Just wanted to say that it could've been read that way and could be triggering to some, and the fact that no one speaks up felt off, even if its against the code. I've never read the more recent books either, so by the way the posts were spaced it felt like the series goes Df battle > Tempest > Ashfur in the span of a few moons, meaning blossom went from one horrible event to another and was still feeling isolated and shameful. Sorry if anything came off as confrontational or mean!
As for the 'why dont they leave?' thing, I think we all default to how Ravenpaw actually DOES leave and we just apply the same logic. As humans we naturally draw connections, and if we see a situation where a whole clan turns on one cat, we ask why didn't they just do what Ravenpaw (or Dovewing iirc) did and decide they can't deal with this and it's better to move on. It's a pattern that we itch to see fulfilled: Tigerclaw turns everyone on Ravenpaw so he leaves, Dovewing gets her whole clan telling her to do better so she leaves, Blossomfall gets named as a traitor and repeatedly gets dishonor titles to remind her of all her faults- why do cat not leave???
But yeah, if Blossom got to heal, i retract my statement entirely. I just was going off the logic that she felt isolated/cut off and that being told she's better off invisible would just shove her further into that belief. I do wanna ask, do you know what the thing Blossom spoke up about that got her slapped with the title?
Ah, I see! Let me clear up the order of events so far;
ThunderClan's Tempest, shortly after the Great Battle, dealing with the Clan moving on. Contains some parts of the canonical Dovewing's Silence but mostly Bramblestar's Storm
AVOS, with Blossomfall joining the Kin and being rescued sometime towards the end. Still working out some kind of incident where her kits are either stolen, or have to be retrieved-- the sire is not known
Squirrelflight’s Horror, a book about how Bramblestar turns a tense political situation into an excuse to leverage his power to abuse his deputy after feeling slighted.
TBC, which is at least a year after AVOS, with all of Blossomfall's children now being young warriors and her life coming back into order
So Blossomfall is having a pretty long journey here! Her life has been rocky and she can be a really nasty person, but she was brought back into ThunderClan because she is still loved. There are people who really want to see her get better.
And as for when she gets Clearface'd, I'm torn on it either being the first sign and SUPER shocking because it was just the normal amount of Blossom-sass, OR it coming right after the death of Bristlefrost and she argued that
"Bristlefrost was a codebreaker but who cares! She was a warrior of ThunderClan! There's no way that StarClan--"
And then interrupted and quashed with the title.
So, first option, to demonstrate Bramblefake's new level of malice at the earliest possible point and use Bristlefrost's death as the "turning point" of the arc where cruelty becomes violence,
Or, as a direct response to Bristlefrost's death, and the moment where there begins to be suspicion, because Bramblestar is NOT this good at naming.
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
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Wow, I hate this essay ('Suddenly Sexual Women in Bram Stoker's Dracula' by Phyllis A. Roth)!
As funny as the phrase, "the Big Daddy, Dracula" is, the reliance on a Freudian/Oedipal complex reading drives me mad every time. Factor in the insistence on reading the heroes' relationships with one another in the worst possible light, and I am fully against this one. Which is annoying, because it kept almost going in interesting directions before veering back to this kind of nonsense.
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carcharsaur · 8 months
I finished even if tempest dawning connections the other day...😭
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I couldn't stop myself from playing this for like 10+ hours a day until I finished it, but I really really loved it. it's just what the first game needed imo. with this and the update to the first game that fixed it's audio compression, the series is solidly in my top 5 of otoge now, if not top 3!! no major or CG spoilers for the fd but I'm gonna ramble below
legit I think my only real complaints is that the conrad sidestory is like. kind of overboard.... totally skippable if tyril's bad/sad love end in the first game was already bad for you I'll say; aanddd they tried to debunk transmasc tyril as an interpretation BUT IT LIVES ON. TO ME!!! oh and I wanted more ish content but what DID get in was really good I'm just greedy OH AND MAYA DESERVES A FULL ROUTE GODDAMN IT AGHHH
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my mild nitpick is there's 2-3 plotpoints they added that don't feel well explained, but they tied up basically everything that felt a bit confusing or shallow in the first game... so maybe they're setting up for more in the setting...? conflicted about that as an idea though.
BUT, every LI was so good in this!!!! was such a good time ToT zenn is still my favorite, AND they basically turned to me and said "you're right, zenn should be the implied-canon final route boy actually" and I LOOOVED that. tyril almost tied with him for me though, but instead him and crius are forever clashing for me now... my godddddd it was peak
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lucien got the time he needed to really shine after being shortchanged in the first game, absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE his and anastasia's dynamic of boyprincess and girlknight 😭
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there was a lot of small things that I feel like I need to go over again to pick up on the larger implications of, especially after having played the writer/directors previous work of norn9 she just loves to put things to read into but doesn't call much attention to them... and her machine translated QnAs can only help me so much LOL but overall good ass game... it feels like they made it for JUST ME AGAIN but it makes me so happy (A COUPLE LINES IN THE ZENN ROUTE FELT SO TARGETED...)
anyway. ish indulgence. (mostly removed from context)
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jichanxo · 1 month
senseific ask time yet again: is there a non-placeholder title for it already? and is the fic turning out completely different from what you’ve had in mind at first (the length of it doesn’t count)?
1. a title? nope. I tend to title my fics towards the end of writing (or sometimes only when I’m writing up my ao3 listing lol so the literal last possible second) it’s going to be an interesting time for sure when I eventually have to think about titles… and chapter titles too… both daunting and fun. senseific is like my baby at this point it’s gonna feel so odd. I think I remember you mentioning you like to title things earlier and that surprised me! now that you mention it though it might be good to start thinking it over...
2. I’m not sure, since my initial ideas on senseific were pretty vague. I suppose I was anticipating it being more lighthearted, but in the end I think it’s going to be a bit more serious? I’d always imagined yagami and kitakata fighting quite a bit and it not necessarily being a big deal, but things didn’t really end up that way. their disagreements are more loaded than I anticipated...
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poptartmochi · 6 months
favorite thing about act I Agustín is that he's just some guy. he's just a rando with a walking staff 😭 who made him the party leader!!!
#he won that title because he's the mediator between lae'zel and shadowheart 😔#like.. lae'zel SHOULD be party leader on account of her drive and experience with The Issue Specifically#but lae'zel Also ditched everyone and promptly ended up in a wooden cage trap. so... 😔 she cannot be the Leader of the Party#shadowheart clashes with lae'zel too much to keep the party a party. Also i feel like she would also ditch you if she didn't have confidence#in you lol! astarion cannot be the glue that binds the party bc he is a dramatic.. a pot stirrer.. an instigator if u will..#he will gladly be part of the party but he will NOT be in charge of it. he needs to be 3ft away so he can observe w his glass of wine#(these are all ofc ignoring origin runs where you ARE the party leader 🍷)#gale could be party leader... but he got stuck in a vortex before the silent party leader votes were cast so#😔😔 sorry man#so instead of The Wizard‚ you get Mister Regular Degular for party leader 🙈 the dude who Just Topples People with his cane + gets a cantrip#off every other time... but he is the glue that binds the group so he gets to be in charge 😌#it's like dragon age origins all over again hehe 👾👾#the gale sabotage is okay though bc he still gets the honor of being camp chef.. that has perhaps More power than party leader yk#but anyways. i love act i augie because he seems SOOO mundane. but then he and gale have that scene#where gale cracks the weave blockade in agu + is like 🧐... sorcerer?.... hmmm 🤨#and then they meet wyll and learn Tav isn't even agustín's first name.. like.. what OTHER secrets do you have staff man! 😠#you do Not want to know lol!#sriracha.txt#🦖
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