#i didnt even know rocky left????
my-soft-sunshine · 1 year
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kawataslvr · 3 months
Part 2 to Mikey x male reader. The one where sanzu cheated on reader. Like sanzu see reader at the office with Mikey and idk im not really good at descriptions. ~ 🌸 anon
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Summary : Angst??(ish) ,, Sanzu raising his voice n yelling + suggestive language , Punching , blood mention , reader is frozen and shaking. This takes place like.. a few weeks into you guys relationship btw!
A/N : i look at mikey requests and start going crazy my eyes go to the back of my head n suddenly im tweaking off the perc, im not sure what timeline this is supposed to be tbh, so you can imagine whichever one, but do be aware all characters are 18+
🌸 ,, anon req ~ ! ,, Part 1
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Sanzu walked to Y/N’s house, he received the break up text. He didn’t care.
you had no right to break up with him, and he had heard a rumor about a new boy friend of yours, although he didn’t bother to find out the name.
He was too mad to care who it was.
Before he could reach your door, he saw Mikey standing right beside you, his arm wrapped around you and giving you a kiss on the lips, his motorcycle parker right outside your house.
wether he was picking you up , dropping you off, or simply coming over.. Sanzu was more than furious at the sight.
How could you do this to him?
He would make you regret this.
You were his.
“Y/N!?” your head quickly turned at the sound, hoping that it was just your subconscious that was playing with you. It wasn’t Sanzu.
Yet your mind hadn’t betrayed you, and it was the pink head in front of you.
You hadn’t told Mikey about Sanzu being your ex boyfriend, nevertheless why you broke up with the cheating whore.
“Eh? Sanzu?” Mikey looked over at Sanzu noticing how your body froze. You two must’ve had a rocky past.
He squeezed the hand that was wrapped around you to reassure you.
Sanzu was uncontrollably fumed. Furious beyond words at the sight. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?? YOU LEAVE ME OUT OF NOWHERE WITHOUT CONTACT!?” Mikey was finally starting to piece the puzzle together.
Still left in a bit of confusion, you left Sanzu? out of the blue? and blocked him? it just didnt seem like you.
Your body froze at the voice. the way he screamed only brought you back, it felt like you were a kid in trouble.
You were shaking, Mikey noticed how your body language had completely changed around the pink head.
“Sanzu, I don’t know what you’re talking about but Y/N clearly doesn’t want to see you, why don’t you just leave.” Mikey’s voice spat venom, way deeper than the voice you were used to.
Sanzu tried to reach for you but was quickly met with a punch to the face from a now bloody knuckle.
Your body sent into a state of shock, not being able to react to your ex boyfriend on the porch of your home as Mikey turned over to look at you with a confused expression.
“what did he mean you left with no contact? what is he talking about Y/N.” you turned over finally regaining yourself and catching your breath, starting to explain to Mikey everything that happened.
After Mikey heard everything he had someone pick up Sanzu and take him back home, comforting you and thanking you for explaining. Comforting you on how hell still love you even now.
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Third surgery of the year went rocky yesterday. I have cried a lot in the last 48 hours. My mom and husband came with me and my mom was able to stay with all the way up to laying down for surgery bc babe had a therapy appointment i wanted him to go to and he agreed. My nurse was so nice and sweet but she tried and failed once to get my IV in. Then the anesthesiologist came in and was a very quiet man. And he sat and picked and prodded at my right hand for about 30 minutes. He tried twice with a lidocaine shot each time before he finally got an iv placed on the inside of my right wrist the third try, also with a lidocaine shot first. I sobbed the whole time. I barely remember walking to the surgery room and laying on the table. Then i woke up holding my moms hand so confused and then in 10/10 pain in my left arm where they took more of my arm out. I screamed and sobbed in pain. I asked Mom “where is Tyler?? Where is babe?!” I didnt even open my eyes i was crying in so much pain. My mom told me they couldnt reach him and i sobbed even harder, terrified. Tyler walked in abt 3 minutes later. His phone wasnt getting calls and he literally sped from home when he saw the voicemail notification. They held my hands as the nurses pushed a bit more pain and anxiety meds and i sobbed in pain. It took a while to get me to Tyler’s truck. I puked twice before i got home, revisiting the apple juice i had tried right after waking up and coming to. Once home i slept a lot on the couch. In and out of consciousness. Tyler stress cleaned our kitchen building our new shelf for our pantry and even selling our dog crate we’ve been needing to sell. So he was very productive awesomely while i was in and out of sleepy town.
Our dog Jupiter, his timing impeccable as always, had diarrhea and pukey all night so we were up every twoish hours having Tyler take him outside again and again. I woke up each time but had to stay on the couch. It was a very rough night.
Today has been the day after surgery and the pain has been so severe. I am staying on top of my pain meds. And thankfully i have been able to eat and drink just fine. The pain is just incredible and severe. We had to take the bandage off and clean it tonight and i sobbed thru the whole thing in agony. Tyler was so patient and gentle with me. I was so brave and its rewrapped and I’m back on the couch calming down while i write this. Im exhausted and it hurts and im so glad i gave myself a month before i go back to work because this is going to be a long recovery.
If anyone is so inclined or wants to: my cashapp and venmo is @ earnham and literally anything will help. I am having to spend so much on medical supplies and dont know when my fmla will actually go thru. Im also going to link my amazon wishlist eventually with a bunch of melanoma gear for this summer but that will be closer to my bday in June bc thats what ima be asking for this year, is help with anything on my wishlist.
This isnt the point of the post i rly just needed to vent my past 48 hours. Thanks for reading if u did.
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judeswhore · 9 months
okay check this out i wrote this a month ago but didn't send it to u but okay here it is jude is your good friend but there's always been a sexual tension between you two. One day you went to a club with your boyfriend and jude went with her girlfriend or a random girl. He sees you having an argument with your boyfriend and he then walks out of there and leaves the club and you're just sobbing like a baby, jude sees that went out and told her date that he wants to leave and he texts you that he is leaving and if she wants to come with him she can, u seeing jude's text, reply him back that its okay she can go alone and she doesn't wanna barge him on his date like that but jude texts u that it's raining outside and he sawyour boyfriend leavingthe club and u realize that your boyfriend had already left.
You come out of the washroom and you looked all messed up your dress is wet because of the spilled drink and your eyes are red. You sat in the backseat of the car and jude's date is just giving you side eye cuz she think your ruining that one night where she gets to have sex with one and only jude bellingham and u can feel it as well. Throughout the whole ride u were quiet and embarrassed cuz jude's date is ruined and he must have saw your boyfriend leave without u and so you were silently sobbing and you didnt even realize when you fell asleep and jude sees you asleep drops his date off and says ," sorry i can't tonight but maybe another time, she's asleep and i got to take her home".
Jude sees your swollen eyes and red tinted cheeks and wet dress and he just turned on by the fact that your do little and vulnerable what your boyfriend can't even cherish and how he wants to kiss u snd hold u in his arms. The way you were dancing and grinding on your boyfriend was making him jealous and he gets an idea and he takes u to his house, changes your clothes and puts you in his bed and when your boyfriend calls you, jude picks up the phone and just says that ,"well she's asleep on my bed call her in the morning" and hangs up the phone.
oh i love this🤭jude’s been in love with u forever but ofc he’s never made a move bc he’s respectful of ur relationship even tho he knows ur boyfriend is a dick and doesn’t deserve u at all. like ur boyfriend is mean and treats u like shit, he’s definitely cheating on u but ur so blinded by ur feelings for him that u won’t acknowledge it. but things have been rocky for a while and ur finally coming to terms w the fact u and ur bf r gna break up, you’ve been arguing so much and jude has noticed and he hates that ur constantly upset lately bc of the fighting but he doesn’t wna overstep so he just leaves u to it but makes sure he’s there whenever u need him. being out w all ur friends one night and u and ur boyfriend are fighting, he’d been flirting with a girl right in front of u and you’d called him out and he’d been so dissmissive and it had led to an argument and he’d been really mean before storming away and leaving u crying in the corner.
the whole thing leads to jude taking u home to his house bc you’d fallen asleep in the taxi and he doesn’t really wna leave u alone, his own date furious bc she thinks you’ve ruined her chances (she didn’t really have any to start with) but u feel awful. him waking u up to walk u inside and ur sniffling and still crying but now it’s half bc of how bad u feel for ruining his night so ur apologising over and over but jude’s having none of it, kissing the side of ur head and telling u it’s fine he’d much rather be with u then her anyway. he’s so sweet the whole time, cleans off ur make up and let’s u rant abt ur bf (tells u over and over that u deserve so much better), lends u one of his shirts to sleep in before tucking u into his bed w a glass of water and some pain killers, gives u a forehead kiss and again tells u that u deserve better.
ur phone ringing and blowing up w texts and at first he ignores it, gets himself ready for bed but then it’s none stop so he finally answers and ur bf is furious that he did bc he has his suspicions abt jude’s feelings but he has no right after how he’s treated u. ur bf asking where u are and jude’s just like “she’s asleep. yeah, she’s in my bed. well u shouldn’t have left her crying in a fucking club then! ur gna have to wait until tomorrow but i wouldn’t be so sure she’s gna forgive u this time” before hanging up
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mad-zz · 11 months
One Shot-
Mike Wheeler x Fem Reader
Word Count:
Warnings: Cuss words and some parts where i dont clarify who is speaking
Reader , Mike , Dustin , Eddie
Can’t belive he did it
Mike Wheeler wasn’t known to have “rizz” as some might call it. The only girl he ever actually dated way Jane/Eleven but she moved away with his bestfriend in a whole other state so the relationship got a bit rocky and the had to break up. Mike didnt want it but Jane knew it was for the best.
So of course this left Mike in a mental state where he thought he would never find love again……Untilll he meet you. Co-Captain of the cheer team. Never afraid of speaking her mind. One of the most popular kids in school. So who would ever think a nobody like mike bagged someone like you?? His friend sure didn’t think so until you proved them wrong
Mike was walking to his next class until he saw you at your locker getting out your needed books. He thought you looked pretty doing anything. Walking, Talking, Eating. Anything you did you did it best to him. So it wasn’t much of a suprise to him that you were one of the captains for the cheer team. Mike walked up to you and right when you saw him you gave him a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a tight squeeze.
Gosh you had butterflies in your stomach right away. You found it werid that you still get butterflies even though y’all have been dating for 2 months already. You had asked him how his day was going and he said good as usual. As you and mike were talking you two were on your way to class when a particular friend of mike’s was watching. You had seen him before..What was it…?Uhhhh……DUSTIN! That was it you had seen Mike talking to him and he told you that Dustin was a close friend of his.
But Dustin was off. He was just staring at the two of you looked confused. And when he saw you staring at him, he had walked off in a hurry. You just minded your business and walked into class with Mike chatting about his new dnd board and how you should come over and see it. In the middle of him talking you had cut him off and said “ Hey why was Dustin looking so strange just now?” He has turned to you saying “Oh he was here i didn’t even notice?!” He looked kinda nervous when saying it. You thought something was up but you didn’t metiton it. So when you finally entered class you had taken a seat by Mike and had forgotten about it.
~Time Skip~
It was now lunch time and you were sitting with the jocks and cheerleaders while Mike was sitting with his friends. Every now and then you two will share glances with each other. It’s not like your relationship was a secret. Almost have the school knew you two were dating. Emphasis on almost. Because while you didn’t know it, Mike’s friends were that other half. So while Mike was staying at you a little bit and Dustin noticed he said. “Mike what we’re you and Y/n Y/l/n doing walking habe in hand with each other?” The guys immediately spit out there drink and in union yelled out a WHAT?!. Mike had turned his head right away and kinda just laughed it off with a “Whattttt pffff uh i mean i would never uhhh you knowww umm yeah”
Dustin replied with “You complete dodged the question” “I did not doged the question-” “You definitely just doged the question Wheeler” Eddie said. “Ok ok even if I did where is your proff of-” “Jason is hitting on Y/n” “WHAT” Mike right away turned his head to see you just talking with your friends. “Hey you tricked me!” “Why were you so worried about jason talking to y/n hmmm?” “Do you like her??” “And going back to the original question why were you two walking to together?!”
Mike looking completey embarssed with no excuses he had to fess up. “Ok ok i’ll tell you but yall have to promise to not freak out or something ok?” The whole table and nodded wanting to know what was happening between there friend and the most popular girl in school. “Ok here it goes…. Me and Y/n are dating and have been for about two months so far” Mike had looked back to stare at his friends for a moment until all his friends had staring laughing as Mike trew his head back in frustration.
“HAHAHA OK OK SO YOUR TELLING ME YOUR DATING Y/N Y/L/N THE MOST POPULAR GIRL IN SCHOOL ??!!!” “Yes 😐” “STOP JOKING WHEELER IF THAT WERE TRUE I WOULD BE DATING CHRISSY RIGHT NOW AGHHH HAHAHA” “Guys im telling the truth!!” “Then how about you go prove it” Dustin said fake wiping away a tear “FINE” Mike says getting up to walk to your table. “Oh shit he’s actually going to do it”
You see your boyfriend walking up to your table so you wave at him but right when he comes up to you he pulls you up from the table and just kisses you. You don’t know why he’s doing it but hey your not complaining. You wrap your hands around his neck as he holds your waste. The kiss is passionate but soft at the same time. And when you two stop you ask him quitely why he did that. He just said I had to prove something to my friends real quick and presses a quick kiss on your forehead.
And Mikes friends are still at there table jaws dropped to the floor, astonished by the fact that Mike was telling the truth. Just as Mike was walking back Eddie said “ Cant belive he did it, he actually bagged Y/l/n” And Mike sat down he asked “Any other questions?” {Spoiler Alert they did}
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docwritesshit · 10 months
The Burden of the Sun
Blurb: Macaque confronts Wukong on his mis communications and Wukong finally snaps
Word count: 1k
Genre: Angst
Authors note: Hehehehehe, this was fun to write
Pairing: Shadowpeach
The cool darkness around him was no new feeling. It was a comfort at a time, back when he felt the warmth it could have at the end of it. A warmth only he knew. His own special light, one created from the shadows he made.
Now the warmth was gone, in its’ place only the shadows that grew and grew over the years. The shapes he left behind centuries ago. Ones that turned from blankets of familiarity to chains of memories, of guilt. That he regrets to admit is still the most comforting feeling, even now as he falls through this darkness.
He landed on his side, hissing as the pebbles one the ground dug into his skin.
“OH, don’t give me that shit. Up.” Macaque snarled. Wukong rolled over, sitting up. Macaque scoffed, squat down and grabbed Wukong collar.
“Well?” He prompted. Wukong noted how his breath smelled like mint, unlike the regular mango smell.
“”Well what?”
Macaque sneered, dragging Wukong up by his collar.
“I’M TRIED OF THIS SHITTY ‘I don’t know’ ACT YOU PULL!” Macaque tossed the Money King back down on the ground.
“I’VE BEEN DOING THE GOOD BOY THING FOR MONTHS NOW, I HELPED YOU WITH AZURE LION, I SAVED YOUR ASS FROM THE SCROLL. AND ALL I GET IS THE COLD SHOULDER????” Macaque exclaimed. He picked Wukong back up from the ground, pulling him closer to his face.
“I didnt lie about Lady Bone Demon.”
“I didn’t hide that dragon girl was the vessel of the fourth ring.”
“I didn’t run off to fight that bitch myself and get corrupted.”
I didn’t abandon everything I knew just in some misguided belief that would fix everything!”
“You did! All you do is lie and cross others. And you don’t even care.” Macaque scoffed, shaking his head.
“Even now you lie. I can see your glamor.”
Wukong bristled at that comment, but said nothing. Macaque huffed, and shook Sun Wukong collar.
“Well? Are you still putting up that act? Be the coward that you tired to change from?” Macaque prodded, his face contouring in disdain. Wukong s eyes trailed down to witness the state of his former companion, white patched and scars marring his body.
Wukong exhaled through his nose.
“Did you realize that the reason Lady Bone Demon was back because you couldn’t finish the job last time?” He asked.
“What?” Macaque snarled.
Wukong raised his hand, placing over his shadows hand.
“Did you think that others wouldn’t belive you and trust you if you said that they were going to be ok after such a overwhelming power enters them? Or would you stay quiet as you plan to make sure they wouldn’t have to go through that.”
The grip was too strong.
“Did you consider that everyone is depending on you, so you had to be the one to finish the job and clean up the mess you made?”
Why is the pain back, im not doing anything, I didnt do anything.
“Did you ever think that people were better off without you in their life until you better yourself?”
Please I’m sorry I’m sorry-
“And did you stop to consider if I told the truth, people would crosss me? Make life harder for themselves? Because I did, I cared so damn MUCH I grew to become an idol for others, make others look up to me when all I wanted was to shrink away.” Wukong broke the grip macaque had one him, pinching his forehead.
I wont do it again I wont do it again please let me go.
“Wukong…” The silent mumble from Macque lips snapped Wukong back to the cliff he was on, back to the grass instead of the rocky paths of the mountains.
“Your eyes.. Your head…” Macque observed. Wukong froze, raising his hand up. His callouses were visible.
I’m sorry I’m sorry
“Wukong look at me. Can you please look at me?” He pleaded, Wukong cracked his eye open, seeing Macaque holding his face gently. Wukong opened both of his eyes.
“I had to do everything. I was their powerhouse, the Great Monkey King. And what did I get whenever I tried to plea with them? Try and warn them of incoming dangers? When I tried to be a good monk and avoid disaster? A lecture and a torturous headache, that’s what.”
“I was nothing more than a guard dog with a short leash.”
Macaque’s gaze softened. He traced his fingers over the scar left behind by the circlet, trailing down to the blood red eyes of the Monkey King, Great Sage Equal to Heaven.
“I tried so hard to be a hero when all they saw was an a animal needing taming.” Wukong whispered.
“And now, I’m a king with no greatness being thrown around someone who truly cared for me.” Wukong pushed Macque away, walking toward the edge of the cliff.
“Thank you for the memories, and the companionship. Truly.” He took tha last step.
Macaque rushed over to the edge of the cliff and witnessed as Wukong flew away on his nimbus cloud. Macaque growled, falling to his knees and pounding the ground beneath him with his fists.
The blood came soon after, trclaiking down his clawed fingers. The white patched fur stained pink as his invisible barrier fell. His multi colored ears pointed downwards, his scarred eye producing tears.
On the cloud, Wukong let tears fall, bringing his glamour come back up as he flew toward the horizon. Towards the setting sun. Toward his bungalow hidden by forest, where all his monkey friends were. Where his cold lights were on. Away from the might warrior that was still mighty while he turned tail like the coward he was called.
The hero’s light turning dimmer and dimmer, with the warrior still in his shaodws.
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jj-lives · 1 year
I've mostly seen a bunch of analysis from everyone about Blake's part of the confession, but I think I'm more enamored with yang' part because we rarely see her so open about her own raw ROMANTIC feelings about blake to Blake's face, every other time its mostly been her trying to give words of encouragement, reassuring her things will be okay between them. But she was always so scared to scare blake away if she were ever honest about how she actually about her, partly bc abandonedment issues partly she didnt want to remind blake of adam. And the way Blake looks softly at her as yang gives these compliments and confession just speaks to the volumes screentime we've seen where Blake just feels utterly safe with Yang, "kinda scary but isn't" and you can see that here. Yang, the big bad beast who will tear you a part if you touch the people she loves (get fucked adam), but every single time she's with blake she's always so gentle with her, with her words with her hands, the way she still silently asks blake for permission to kiss her when looking at her lips and then back at her eyes, or how she continously gently pulls her in closer by the waist. You can tell Yang has been wanting to do that for ages, to hold and kiss Blake in the safety of her arms for 2 years now.
Oh for sure. I have seen some analysis on Yang's side of it. I'm pretty sure I mentioned a small blurb on it after the episode aired. I think a lot of people gravitated to what Blake said because of Yang's reaction to it. the surprise that was so evident on Yang's face at her words, and the fact that Blake was the quiet one that didn't really talk about anything. She doesn't give up her secrets so easily, so when she could have taken a cop out and said "I think your hair/eyes is/are beautiful," to slightly mirror Yang's "I think your cat ears are cute," comment and she doesn't, it was a big deal. She took the initiative, she was the one running headfirst into this where that's usually Yang's MO. (I'm not saying Yang's comment is a cop out, it had more weight to it than a simple physical compliment, and could write a whole thing on this as well, just that Blake making a comment on Yang's physical beauty wouldn't have had the same impact)
As for Yang's part of it... yes, I agree with you there anon. There is so much to unpack in this one episode, I could write 5 full on essays about it. The points Yang mentioned are so, so important.
The first thing she says is she likes how Blake has never been intimidated by her. When Blake had every right to be. When Yang did in some ways remind her of Adam. And I think Yang only came to appreciate Blake's trust in her after meeting Adam and standing with Blake against him. She realized how intimidating Adam was, how strong Blake had to be to run from him, stand up to him, and trust anyone after what he put her through, especially humans who she innately mistrusted, especially a human who's charisma and power/semblance reminded her of Adam. But Blake isn't intimidated by Yang, even in the ways others tend to be.
Then the "you never give up on them, even when they hurt you. You never give up. You know what matters to you." This is a whole pile of emotions to unpack.
Where the first confession was a comment on Blake's ability to trust Yang, this has more depth emotionally for Yang. "You never give up on them." It's both a reassurance that even though others have left and given up on Yang, Blake hasn't. She might have left after Beacon... but she came back and even though things were awkward and rocky between them, she stayed. She worked on it. She didn't give up. Because Blake knows what things matter to her enough to not give up on, and Yang is one of those things. And it means the world to Yang to understand that.
But it's also a reflection of who Yang is as well. It's a similarity they both share. Being there for those that matter to you. Not giving up just because things are difficult. Those are some of Yang's own core beliefs. They may have developed them in differing world views, but at their core, they are the same. And for someone like Yang, who gives her all, gives up everything for everyone else, finding someone that would do the same for the ones they both love, and for her...
Blake is someone she can share that burden with now, and Yang's never felt she could trust anyone else with that before.
So yeah, definitely there is so much to unpack in their confessions and I literally could write so much more on this because these characters are so complex at this point that I don't think any of us could fully do them justice at this point. I could expand on what you said about Yang being so gentle with Blake or how she always gives Blake a voice where Adam never allowed that from her... but I think you said it well. :)
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fearowkenya · 5 months
Winds of Change
Chapter 5: Something in the Air
Shuuji knows something is amiss when he catches Syakomon let out an almost imperceptible sigh of relief. He’s lucky that the viscous surface of Syakomon’s slimy green body betrays her—the quiver of the otherwise silent exhale sends a faint, wobbly shockwave across her skin, and she jiggles ever so slightly in her shell, as though somebody’s just set down a cautious bowl of lime-flavored jello.
Supposedly, the worst is over, but Shuuji can't shake the feeling that there's something the Kemonogami aren't telling him.
ao3 link in source , extended end-of-chapter author's notes under the cut!
oh BOY the editing situation was a doozy. granted, i was also busy with work, but even then this chapter needed a TON of reworking, much much more than chapter 4 did. like i said on ao3, it got to the point where this chapter was so long that i had to split it in two.
i also mentioned that this chapter marks the beginning of the second half of this fic. chapters 1-4 make up part one, which i'd summarize as "how did we get here?", and then from 5-8, the focus will be "what happens next?". it helped a LOT to recontextualize chapters 5-7 (now 5-8) as an answer to chapters 1-4, and i think it'll make editing easier going forward; i have much more direction now and a better idea of what needs to be expanded on and what needs to be cut.
unfortunately, like i said, i had to omit a lot of saki-centric stuff. she is the scariest character for me to write, and i think i need to progress more thru my replay of truthful before i feel confident enough to write from her perspective. it works out anyway, because the part i cut had shuuji taking a very passive role and just observing interactions between saki and floramon, and it felt very drawn-out and unnecessary. this is my favorite cut segment tho
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im really hoping to be able to figure out what an aoi-miu-saki dynamic looks like as i get more comfortable writing the three of them. i think it could be really fun. also i think it would be so funny if miu and saki bring out a mischievous side of aoi that would otherwise not exist. much to think about.
anyway. another challenge i had with editing this chapter was the topography of the beach area the group hangs out at before moving on to the shopping district and apartment complex. for some reason i was convinced the rocky beach area was like.. up on a cliffside? but then i looked at the map and got REAL confused. the beach is super super narrow, and that was really inconvenient when i needed shuuji to be somewhere relatively out of the way, where he could have a conversation with agumon that takuma cannot hear, while still being able to see takuma. so thats why i spent an hour and change squinting at the tiniest png of the map and reorganizing where people spend their time
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if my handwriting is illegible (from left to right) (oh my god now that ive added the image to the post its a nightmare. idk why im even posting it. lord. im not sure opening it in a new tab will help) factory residential area shopping district woods near shopping district minoru up here group rests here waterway exit from shaft here instead; rest of waterway rock w/ supplies hill down from the waterway shuuji rests here pt 6 argument happens here aoi & ryo here in ch4 (this is where they were keeping watch) miyuki here
i didnt make many changes; mostly i just moved people around. the one thing that i DID change though was the placement of the waterway entrance. i have NO IDEA why the game has it in the middle of the fucking ocean. like i know theres a tunnel there, but surely the entrance to that tunnel isn't underwater right? i then poured another hour and change learning about waterways, trying to figure out where it made the most sense to put the exit before remembering that it doesn't matter because the digital world doesn't play by human world rules. oops! it was still super interesting though! please look up 'tokyo g-cans' if you ever get the chance, its fucking fascinating. if i ever go back to japan id like to go down there, maybe.
obligatory commentary about the map:
oh my god it seems too big for what we actually see but im not a cartographer so i dont know for sure
the shopping district/apartment complex is visible from the beach but i feel like it shouldn't be: on the map it looks like it's on a cliff face while from the beach it looks like it's shore level
i've been reading half the green patches as dense tree cover but now that i think about it, that might just be open grassland. oops. it's all trees now.
i wish we could go to the sandy beach areas to the north and east ends of the island!!! that could've been fun!
i really appreciate that the second island is shaped vaguely like a beluga
in other news, agumon was much easier to write than i was worried he would be, and it was nice to work out how he felt about what happened in the waterway. one thing ive noticed about agumon on a second truthful run is that he and takuma are equally awful about pushing down their own feelings for the sake of the ones of their friends. a lot of the others seem to view agumon as the guy who is always Staying Silly , no thoughts head empty. while i DO think that that's a genuine part of his personality, i think it also happens sometimes that he uses that image to downplay his concerns.
my favorite part to write this chapter was labramon's dialogue at the end. and also baby stats. baby stats was the ONE THING i REFUSED to cut. non-negotiable. it's been in my notes since the beginning and digimon survived all edits of this chapter, and i was DETERMINED to keep it.
all right im getting sleepy and i want to post this chapter and then go to bed. as usual please dont be afraid to leave a comment, i looooove finding out people's favorite parts, and im still curious about your Gamer Theories, especially now that i think what i'm foreshadowing is becoming clearer and clearer >:3c
couldn't tell you for sure when ch6 will be out. ideally it won't involve as much editing as ch5, but it's hard to say. thank you for reading, and i'll be back as soon as i can!
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beanyboobee · 2 years
Something I instantly started wondering about the arranged marriage au is how red son would react to seeing mk again (provided he remembers his previous encounter like mk does) would he feel bad at all about how things went in there first encounter or would he be like in the swan princess where both boys clearly like each other but are too stubborn to admit it.
Either way, I can see things being on a rocky start for the two. And again wondering if both sides of the parental figures would try to step in to get the boys to like each other much like the parents in swan princess did.
(Sorry if this ask is long, I hope your having a great day, I love your art and aus so much!)
Hiya! And dint worry I love talking about my aus, so your ask was very welcome!
And I'm guessing the arranged marriage au you're talking about is the one I posted only a few days ago? If that's the case, than the two boys did start off on the wrong foot originally.
Both were in the wrong but they were kids so it's expected. The comic was their first time- or well, mks first time seeing Red after years.
They both have their reason not to like one another and as Mk has stated, the demon bull clan hates them. Still does, but they are trying to form a peaceful alliance because they realise the benefits in being allys rather than enemies.
The person mostly playing the in-betweener with them is surprisingly Macaque, as in this au he left FFM when Mk was a kid and joined the DBC, so he knows both parties and is basically neutral ground.
Mk is the first to come around to the idea and trys to make a mends with Redson, and Red is just confused because he never actually hated mk, and wonders where mk got that idea, sure they didn't get along but he didnt hate him
Basically ALOTT of misunderstandings take place before they are on the same level, but even when they understand one another better its a very slow burn into the romantic aspect
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pants-rants · 7 months
ANOTHER MERLIN RANT. ok i have to admit there are a few plot holes in merlin, the cgi would give you nightmare and they have never heard of historical accuracy and somethimes that characters act in ways whih i think are out of character. However, i love it.
There was one example os such a thing where is season 5 merlin was ledt alone in these tunnels, unconsious and hurt. Arthur was wounded and unconsicous also so he isnt to blame. In fact before he got hurt he was looking for merlin but what about the other knights?? Gwaine especially who said in the past merlin is his one true/only friend. He has protected merlin even when he got banished for it. The other knights are also his friends, why would they leave him? After dedicating everything to his Kingdom? Granted they dont know that but he lived there for 10 years!
I struggle to believe why he was last seen in the caves with everyone leaving and then there was a cut scene to Camelot! Ok it could be a filming error where they didnt realise they made it appear as if they left him but it rly doesn't seem that way! Imagen you risked ur life to save ur friends. You have traveled days in snowy mountains with barley any food and water, u were captured by bandits, escaped, broke into a castle of a dangerous enemy (morgana and her men) fought ppl and went back as a distraction, then u saw ur friend (arthur) threatened so u run to help him and u get throw into a rocky cave wall. Ur now fading into unconsiousness and the last thing u see is ur friend being threaten with a knife.
This is what must of happened after. You wake up. There is no light and bodies all around you. It is deathly quiet. U have a possibly bleeding head and are all alone. All the ppl u risked ur life for have left u. In enemy territory. Imagen the betrayal and sadness. Except merlin doesnt do anything. He is back in Camelot in the same episode. NO ONE, remarks on his being left. Did they not notice or just not care? What would feel worse. He travelled all the way back, days, all alone. How loyal he is, how sad he must be. I don't think his closest inner circle will have left him. No matter how they sleem slightly to have drifted apart in the last season or two.
Its horrible, not even mentioning one of the next episodes where Gwen, one of his closest friends previously (again drifted apart) accused him of Murdering Arthur and everyone just .... went along with it? Belived it? The pain that no one belives u, trusts u. He served arthur for 10 years, he has publicly risked his life on numerous occasios. he is the only one to speak plainly to arthur without a filter and trys to get him to show emotions (except gwen his wife, but even she is more respectful and timid in this way). How could his closest friends belive he would hurt arthur and condem him to death. If Arthur hadn't woken, merlin would have been executed by his friends. Gwen, who he has saved and risked his life for on multiple occasions.
Fair enough, shes possessed but why wouldnt the others refuse, stop her?? Its too out of character or, merlins friends rly dont trust him enough or are gullible. I lean more towards gullible/oblivious cause no one in merlin seems to see his obviously golden eyes and accept Merlin's or Gaius's excuses. Thats a horrible feeling for merlin, actually for anyone. That the ppl u would die for wouldnt do the same for u, they would infact do the opposite. Again arthur is in a coma cause of the poison he could do nowt.
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smolcuriouskitten · 2 months
Rockelle was stuck in the past when the present was brighter. God it felt like when she was happy, something came up and smacked her in the face. It was getting harder to tune out Roxie's whispers, her anxiety was creeping up and her depression was beating her over the head. Everything was so loud and she couldnt concentrate.
The task she was doing fell on the back burner and just like that, she was out of it. Roxie's voice overtook her mind and swallowed it whole.
'He's just like Sebastian. He is cheating on you.'
'Nerds always get the most play. Have you seen the bimbos that approach him?'
'A Brainiac always knows all the ways around cheating. How do you think he surprised you that one year?'
Her hands were shaking and she dropped the glass she was using. It broke her out of Roxie's spells, her words now being replaced with cackles and degrading words about how stupid she was.
"Shit." Rockelle said, quickly rushing to clean it up. "Rocky are you okay? I heard a glass break." Sheldon sprints around the corner and she looks over at him with a dazed expression. "Y-yeah. Im...Im fine." She responds shortly, turning her attention to the glass on the ground. When she went to go pick it up, Sheldon put his hand on her shoulder. "You cant pick up broken glass with your hands, you will get a cut that way. I got it." He said, helping her up off the ground.
She kept the dazed expression on her face, not keeping eye contact with him. He looks at her confused, putting a finger under her chin to make her look at him. "Hey. Are you going to tell me whats going on with you?" He asks, Rockelle snapping out of it, looking up at him. "What? Oh...no no Im-" She starts then Sheldon shakes his head. "Dilated pupils, lack of eye contact, raised heart beat, tightened muscles, and your fists havent unclenched since I came into the room. Rockelle. Talk to me." He reassures, then Rockelle took a deep breath, fighting back tears.
"Have...have a seat. I will tell you why.." She said, Sheldon sitting in his spot with a raised brow. "Is it something I did?" He asks, Rockelle quickly shaking her head. "No no of course not. Its me. Its something going on with me." She quickly replied, sitting next to him, a soft sigh left her lips. It all started with...."
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'Day 368 of Sebastian being gone.' I doodled in my notebook, letting out a sigh. I never knew relationships caused this much pain. We fell and love and got married two years ago and here I am. Alone. He left without telling me anything and what happened to him is still a mystery.
Social media was nonexistent, he barely used his phone, communicated most through letters. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack and it weighed on me heavily everyday. I battled with getting rid of his stuff or keeping it. What if he has family who may want it? What if he comes back for it? Too many things were going on in my head and they wouldnt shut up.
I couldnt wither away on my couch, praying that he comes back. Call me clueless or naïve but I really hoped he would come back. Greet me as if nothing happens so we could go back to normal again. Even if the normal was miserable. He didnt touch me much, always against the concept of hugs or kisses or even cuddling. I thought it would change with marriage but it didnt. Sex was nonexistent and it was always painful. I just laid there until he finished.
It didnt feel like we were married. It felt like we were just two people living in the same house. He was always wrapped up in his stupid letters and didnt show me any attention, no matter how much I dressed up or how much makeup I put on my face. We couldnt get a pet since in his words, 'he hated them.'
At times I wondered why I missed him so much. Grew to love him the way I did. Love was always unconditional when talking about family but love outside of family has always been painful? How is this any different? Marriage is meant to be a sign of love and appearance is everything. Who cares if it burns you everyday to wake up, knowing you fell in love with a thought, sweet words, or promises?
I thought back to the time when I first met Sebastian. Tall, supernatural like me, and charming. His words would have me floating on clouds and his sweet act had me in a chokehold. Maybe thats why I stayed. I thought I could get the man I fell in love with if I was just patient. Patience was key and if I pushed him, he might keep being this cold hallow man that replaced my husband.
My work alarm went off and I let out a sigh, putting the notebook down to get dressed for work. I swear if money wasnt an issue, I would stay on this couch and never leave. Heading out the door, I locked my home and went to work. Being a tailor and seamstress was never easy on me. My hands ached like hell when I came home and I would have to soak them in ice water for some relief. If I wasnt a witch, my hands would have been beyond repair.
Coming home after a long 12 hour shift, I noticed my door was unlocked. Strange, I remember locking this door. Pushing it open, I see 2 pairs of shoes by the door. Those loafers Sebastian always wore, fucker was too good for any other kind, then some random gymshoes. I didnt put these here and they sure as hell dont look like my shoes.
Then the noises started. Grunts, moans, whines and other lewd sounds came from upstairs. I lived alone so who in the fuck was in my house? Slowly creeping up the stairs, I listened for a moment to see if I could hear a name beyond all the noises and cries. "Sebastian! Right there!" No. No no no. I slowly opened my bedroom door, standing in the doorway at the sight.
Sebastian was on top of some other person whose face I couldnt see or make out. It was fairly dark in the room but I could make out the familiar smell of sulfur beyond the sex in the air. It was solidified when those red eyes looked over at me horrified and all I heard was ringing in my ears. I seen his mouth move but no noise left it, the other person's mouth opened wide into a scream but all I heard was the ringing. I was hot, hot all over, I could practically feel the steam coming out of my ears.
All of these years. I waited and I was patient. Cried an unimaginable amount of tears, my heart shattered for this man, and I had to pick myself up to rebuild. He knew my trauma. My past abuse, what my ex husband did to me and my mother, all those stupid promises he made to me to keep me safe. He knew one of my triggers was cheating and lying. Maybe I was blind to all of his lies because of the silky voice he whispered into my ear. Maybe I was blind to the truth standing in front of me.
If I didnt regulate my emotions properly, he and this random person would have been a pile of dust in my room. Why did he chose to bring this dishonesty to me, in a home I was left alone in after he disappeared without a trace?! I went through the 7 stages of grief standing in that doorway and everything moved in slow motion. I could have been standing there for a minute but it felt like a decade. I cant let him get away with doing this to me. No, not after all that fucking pain he caused me for bringing his bullshit to my home after leaving me in a loveless marriage where I thought he was dead.
My feet moved on their own, I couldnt tell you how fast I was running or how I managed to get the bed out of the window with them in it, but I did. I saw red in that moment. With the bed and their filthy asses out of my house, I screamed and cursed. I didnt care how much my throat was burning, how my hands were filled with splinters from the shitty bedframe or how I even managed to lift a 300 pound bed. I could only focus on the person who caused me this pain and he was scrambling to put his clothes back on along with his partner.
We...no I lived on a public street at the time. Pedestrians were passing, cars were still driving by, everyone's life continued except mine. Some people briefly stopped to see what was going on, some pulling out their phones, others kept functioning as if nothing happened. The bed didnt hit anyone so beyond Sebastian and his new partner a world of embarrassment, they got out unscathed.
"Rockelle, how did you manage to throw a bed out of the window? With two people in it? How did it go through the insulation, brick wall, foundation, and window without any interruption?"
"Its called adrenaline mixed with witchy powers can surprise even the most of us. It didnt register at the time that I even did it so I dont even know how I did it."
"And wait...you were married before me? For 6 years?"
"Yes I was. I got married when I was 19."
"Sounds like statistically speaking, that marriage was bound to fail. Most marriages where both participants are below the age of-"
"Yes dear?"
"Can I finish my story?"
"Absolutely. I apologize for interrupting, that was just bothering me."
With that, I got in trouble with the landlord for destroying their property. It was a heavy tab and I had to increase my already grueling work hours. I worked 60 hours a week and I was miserable. My friends, sister, and her boyfriend came by to try and cheer me up but I was in so much pain. I went to the courthouse to get the divorce paperwork but of course, they needed his signature for it to be finalized.
I was past the stage of sadness at this point, the only thing I felt was anger. I check the mailbox about a week later and I seen it was an invitation to Sebastians wedding. I wanted to burn the damn thing like how I did everything else that was his. I wanted to close the chapter in my life with him in it but I couldnt do that without that damn signature.
Despite how much everyone advised me it would be a lost cause and to just forge a signature, I couldnt do that and I wasnt risking jailtime for this fucker. So begrudgingly, I put on my best clothes and went in the name of getting the signature. As soon as I stepped into the building, he was on me like white on rice, immediately flirting despite his partner being only a few feet away.
He begged we work things out and begged we forget about this. Even at his wedding he was a piece of shit. I wanted to smack him across the face and storm out and never look back but I needed that DAMN signature. So I played along, sold him a dream of life we could have in order to restart it together but he needed to sign the divorce agreement. He agreed, gave me his phone number, signed the papers, and I came up with an excuse to leave.
I ripped the paper with his number up and went home, angry as all hell. Angry for his future partner having to deal with a scumbag like him. Angry for having to grin and bear the flirting in order to get this stupid signature. So when I got home, I got drunk. I got violently drunk, if I tell you how much wine I drank that night you wouldnt believe me.
It felt good to be free from this torture I endured for 6 years and I needed a way to give him a final middle finger. A cherry on the top. I wanted the world to hear how I felt about him and feel the pain he caused me. I stumbled upstairs, went to a recording studio I never got to use, and sang my heart out. This was the first song I ever released. Tears running down my face and holding the bottle of wine that I didnt finish drinking in my hand. I just sang into the mic with no regard for anything else.
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At this point Rockelle was sobbing into Sheldon's chest, finally able to get the emotions out. "And...and thats why I fear relationships. I keep worrying about something happening and I want to prepare for it so I cant fully be vulnerable and I fear Im gonna mess this up and-" Sheldon gently moves her face from his chest and holds it.
"Hey. I am right here arent I?" He responds calmly, Rockelle sniffling and nodding. "B-But you might get sick of me and what if you cheat and-" Rockelle babbled again, Sheldon shushing her.
"I am not going anywhere. I wont get sick of you. I wont cheat or do anything that goes against your wishes. We have had each other this long, why would I leave? I am happy where I am. Arent you happy?" Sheldon responds, rubbing his thumb along her cheek. Rockelle could only bawl in response, plopping her face into his chest.
"I am happy! I am so fucking happy and it scares me that something will ruin it!" She sobs out and Sheldon rubs her back, just rocking her. "I know you like me based on how...how much you are letting me cry on you!" She hiccups and squeals, Sheldon cringes then shrugs. "Oh I love you so so much." He responds, scratching the back of her scalp.
@sheldoney @unsheldony
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viilpstick · 2 months
The sound of Pandora's heels clicking echoed through the halls. Stopping before the large entrance to a room, she pushed the wooden doors open.
In the centre, set upon a marble pedestal was her scale. Taking careful steps, she walked over to it. Upon closer inspection, the scale appeared deflected from its equilibrium towards the right. At that realization, Pandora's brows simply furrowed.
The "purpose" of the scale was ensuring Pandora remained fit for her duty but she knew better. The Seraphims never liked the idea of defiance and once met with it, she was their solution to the problem. For the most part, they didnt care what she did and she valued that freedom but once something happened that didn't even remotely fit their tastes, they would be quick to put her on a leash once more. After all, she really wasn't any different from a mere tool.
Lost in her train of thought, Pandora had failed to realize she had company. She hadnt noticed them, not until they gasped. Pandora turned to them quickly, her face now appearing more troubled than necessary.
If the angel reported back to the Seraphims, there was no possible way of it ending out well for her. So when they turn to exit the room, her body acted upon impulse.
Staring at the scene in utter horror, Pandora took shaky steps back from the corpse at her feet. Her sword slipped out of her trembling fingers as the blade clanked against the floor. Her dress was dyed crimson as blood pooled around the body. Peering back at the scale, this time the left plate far outweighed the right one.
Looking back at the dead body infront of her, she couldnt help but feel disgusting. Less of the fact that she killed someone and more of her selfish ness. Infact taking someone's life was something she had done more often than she'd like to admit but it was always justified by law. This time however, even with the motionless remains of a fellow angel lying infront of her the thing she worried about was herself. This would surely not remain unknown by the Seraphims and she feared the punishment she'd face. The scale was the least of her problems now.
"To play God by taking someone's life like that, you have some nerve."
The judge being brought accountable by the laws she upheld, *the pure irony.* Pandora would have laughed at the situation had it not been against her.
She could only stare at the Seraphims as they discussed what should be done regarding the circumstances. A certain empty spot, however, didn't remain unnoticed by Pandora. *Ofcourse Xion wasn't present.* The verdict against her would have been entirely different if he had been here.
"Your awfully quiet for someone who is about to get penalized. You don't plan on defending your case?"
"I see no reason to. Even if i chose to justify my actions, the result would remain the same. Infact, some could consider this as an act of resistant and that will do nothing but worsen my fate. "
"*Smart*. But moving on, destroying *it* seems far too merciful. As Seraphims, it is our duty to ensure peace and order. Ending *it* hardly seems fair since *it* doesn't feel the way we do it. Besides, justice must be served. "
With the constant emphasis on "it", Pandora didn't even need to look at the Seraphim to know who she has been talking to. Aine always seemed much more agitated by her existence than the others. Maybe the reason was her rocky relations with Xion.
"Well, what alternative do you suggest then? "
*"Explusion, ofcourse."*
Pandora couldn't help the fact that her body tensed at that. Death was a more welcomed fate. A quick end she would rather come imto terms with than be casted out, unable to fulfill her purpose.
Her face morphed into panic once Seraphims more seemed on board with that idea.
Surely this wasn't going to her fate, right? It couldnt be.
Pandora could feel each individual tissue beeing ripped apart, the tendons beings torn as the sound of the bones cracking filled her ears. On top of that, the blood trickling down her back naturally made this worse as her form began cracking.
Her wings lay infront of her, piled over one another. The pure white color of them now stained by her blood. A sign of her now being an outcast. How pathetic.
She wasnt sure who long it had been since she was banished. It could very well have been days or a mere hour. She couldnt perceive time in her dimension all that well after all. Her train of thought, however, was interrupted by the sound of faint footsteps. She was certain who they belonged to since no one but that person had free access to this space like she does.
"Apologies for the delay, my dear. The other Seraphims seemed keen on keeping me blissfully unaware who what occurred. "
Sure enough when she turned to look back, Xion was standing a few feet away from her.
"It's quite alright. The peace and quiet was a nice change. "
"Glad to here it but I'm afraid it won't last long. After all, we have to get you your place in heaven back. "
Pandora was stunned for a fraction of a second before curiously peering back at Xion.
"... You think thats possible? "
"You underestimate my influence, my dear. I can pull a fair share of strings to ensure that it happens. The Seraphims are far more predictable and easy to manipulate than you think. "
"I see...but why did you come here? "
Circling her form, Xion simply hummed in response. Coming to a halt behind her, his fingers traced the remaining part of her wings. His hamd wraped around the bone, twisting it and yanking it out.
"You know you can warn me next time? "
"I could but i wont."
With that Xion threw the bones aside, and began walking away. But just before he left, he stopped.
"Oh and before i forget. Be a good girl for me and make sure this doesnt happen again, will you? I hate errors in the system."
With that Xion disappeared. It was a few seconds after that did Pandora understand the meanibg behind his words, smiling to herself at the realization.
"But ofcourse."
"How long do you intend on following me, Pandora?"
"As long as i please, Aine. Though for someone like you i am suprised it took you this long to become aware of my presence. "
"Yea whatever. "
With that, Aine looked back at Pandora, the irritation evident in her eyes.
"I see your wings have grown back."
"They are more beautiful than the last, dont you agree? "
Aine could only grow more frustrated at the interaction.
"You know, just because the others let you back in doesnt mean you're forgiven. "
"Not in yours eyes atleast. Not that it matters to me. Im not answerable for my actions to you. "
"I think you're forgetting my rank is higher than yours so you very much are. "
"Not anymore. "
Before Aine could question the meaning of those words, she noticed the swords in Pandora's hand. One undoubtedly Xions. The metal plates of the blade seperated taking on a much more flexible form.
Aine could only take a careful step back before the weapon wraped itself around her body.
"What is the meaning of this?!"
"You see Aine, im simply carrying out my duty and removing the cause of the lapse in my case. Besides, you said it yourself that as a seraphim it is your duty to ensure peace and order is maintained in heaven."
With that pandora, pulled her arm back, bringing Aine closer as she pierced her body wiyh her own sword.
"So in a way im helping you carry out your job as well. You understand, dont you?"
i am actually speechless
like omg
literal chills
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poohwhin · 1 year
woo life update #2 bc i have internet now & am not actually losing my mind.
HELLO ‼️ yeah like end of march/the entirety of april was quite literally the worst time of my life and i am very. tired. a hiatus was vv much needed. (plus i didnt have wifi anyways so its not like i could do much here even i wanted to.)
i’m still not back. bc things are still vv rocky. (& literally stressing myself to death for a month and a half has left me physically ill SKSKSKS). but here are some small things that’ve happened !
1): i don’t have a laptop anymore. so when i do eventually decide to come back art is gonna be in a very weird spot. (im using my mom’s ipad rn but i also dont have an apple pencil so drawing with a stylus is odd).
^ adding onto that point. i also scrapped everything i was working on beforehand. i had already backlogged myself, so having to start using a whole new device just gave me the push to scrap all the ideas i had, and refocus myself. (most of them were just gifts for friends & birthdays i missed. :( but its okay hopefully you guys will have more sksksk).
for the time being i think i’m just gonna be making things i feel like making. ever since i started on tumblr i’ve always treated it like a job bc ive always thought it was unfair to those who followed me, and it was seriously starting to diminish my love for certain things (especially as i got into more things like genshin n honkai; feeling like i had to make an absurd amount of content everyday so things seemed ‘fair’ really just tanked my mood). but after taking a month break i was like “yo these are my blogs i should just do what i want.” SO ‼️ virek is still around & i’m still working on him, but there isn’t any set schedule bc i like a lot of things rn, and am just only gonna work on him when i’m in the right mood 🫂 (i don’t wanna end up hating him)
2): i’ve gotten really into honkai star rail & am already close to doing everything there is to do. so now i have more old people in my arsenal to draw.
not much has happened besides me sleeping/gaming to distract from literally everything else going on in my life. so forgive me for my absence 🫶 but hopefully i’ll be doing a lot better when i come back <3 (again the hiatus was. much needed. bc anyone who speaks to me literally ever knows that i can never actually take a break. thankfully this time i was forced to <3. and still kinda am bc our wifi is kicking on and off still & is vv janky but ANYWAYS. ILY GUYS 🫶 GIVE ME LIKE ANOTHER HALF YEAR AND I’LL BE BACK AND NOT GOING INSANE /j)
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skiniibuniii · 7 months
my dream room
the rest of the house wouldnt matter, i wouldnt leave my room.
the walls would be painted black. pink shelves sit, cluttered and haphazardly nailed apon them. manga of all colors cover the many of shelves, while the rest hold sakura hatsune miku and my melody and kuromi figures. the door is too close to it's second wall to hold a shelf. on the other side of the door, theres a metal coat hanger covered in black hoodies and coats and my white plush bunny backpack.
following the wall to the right-hand corner is a big stuffed animal pile. soft plushies of sanrio characters and my little ponies and gloomy bears and gloomy bunnies (my favorites). against both the right wall and the wall parallel to the door sits my bed. my cute pastel-rainbow comforter is kicked off the end of the bed, showing the black sheets underneath. white you cant see the blood stains very well, suspiciously places white smears shine throughout the sea of black. my big unicorn lays on top, against the wall with one of his arms out reaching as if he is saying "itll be okay, come give me a hug." his head rests apon my vintage carebears pillowcases, ive had thouse since i was a little kid. my favorite gloomy bunny, the pink one with rainbow ears and feet, sit on my pillows. even with the cum and blood and crumbs in the bed, it seems so welcoming and comforting. as if nothing more in the world would feel safer than snuggling up in that dirty bed.
the wall next to the bed has a nightstand. small and wood, shittily painted white. atop it sits a bottle of vodka, a boxcutter, and 2 razor blades. one of them is new, i guess the other one is getting dull. My computer's here too, kinda surprised i didnt just leave it on the bed again.
next to that, a window with both blackout curtains and sheer pink curtains. you dont need to see the sun if you cant bare it, but if you can, you can at least see it cute and sweet like candy.
most of the shelves sit on this wall. between two of them sits a collage of both Kurt Cobain and photos of my mother when she was my age. Kurt and Courtney's love sweetly contrast my mother's red hair blue cardigan vodka holding teen photos. Theres some photos of her at Rocky, too. my grandpa used to tell me never to become my mother, before he got cancer. i didnt become her, pop-pop, i became worse.
the final corner of the room, basically in front of the door, sits a dresser overflowing with black and white and red and pink clothing. most of my clothes are stolen from clothing donation boxes outside the grocery store. i tear them up and dye them with arylic paint and scribble on them with sharpies in and pathetic attempt to feel unique and express myself. as if i change my clothes enough to need all of them.
on top of the dresser if another old photo of my mom. black and white, wearing my favorite sweater. next to it sits Shadow's ashes and leash. i can never bring myself to get rid of it. next to that, a spider corpse i preserved when i was 13. somehow it still hasnt decomposed, ive never changed the alcohol in it. next to that, the skull of a deer. i watched that deer decompose over a year or so when i was 14. ill never know how it died, but ill cherish its beautiful life forever as it sits on my dresser.
you can watch me walk back into my room now. i act like youre not standing oddly at my dresser as i stumble back into my bed. im wearing a black tank top and pastel purple velvety shorts. god knows how long ive been ana, yet somehow my fatass is still 140lbs. my left arm is covered in cuts, to the point it looks like there isnt even skin there anymore. my right arm just has a few deep ones, same with my left thigh. my right thigh has a huge heart carving within it, right above the knee. i hope you think its as pretty as i do, ive been working on it since i was 12. i curl up into the arms on my unicorn, wrapping them around me. i reach for my laptop and turn it slightly so it doesnt hurt my eyes to look at.
i think its time for you to go.
thank you for stepping into my mind.
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
U know, i feel sometimes the writing is strange. When Daryl punched Negan, he felt guilty for Glenn's death and cried apologizing to Maggie. When he and Maggie went behind Rick's back in 9a, they've never been held responsible by no one not even themselves.
I guess having Daryl's looking for Rick's body for years was supposed to show the guilt he felt, same as Carol taking care of him in the meantime discreetly because she knew how he felt, but i actually think we were robbed of Daryl crying in Carol's arms showing his guilt. Even if it wasnt necessarily his fault, not saying this. But this should have led to a more moving conversation than the "i never found the body" in 9x7. We could have also had a moment with Carol saying "i know things were rocky sometimes betwen him and i but i miss him too u know". Carol never talked abt Rick. Hello??
As for Maggie, i initially thought this mess with Rick was the reason things were tensed with Michonne but it ended up being for totally different reason.
In general, they have Carol never talking abt her feelings, which yes is in character but at the same time its a bit too convenient for me: "good, since she's so reserved, we wont have to bring this topic anymore", like Lizzie and Mika.
I feel that what happens behind the scenes (like actors leaving for instance) affects way too much what ends up on screen: Michonne's departure (i dont judge her for going to find Rick, but how come no one ever asks where the hell she is?)
Like Maggie's departure and come back.. I mean it was easier when characters just died. But because they left open doors and windows for everyone now, because they want to Marvel themselves, it does look like a giant mess.
They also seem to rely too much on the "off screen" to resolve plots. Like Rosita/Gabriel breaking up, also, for example.
The only thing that was (at least since season 7) handled almost perfectly was Rick's departure, for me. Ok he didnt have a proper reconciliation with Maggie. But while he had a feud with Daryl , they later had a heart to heart, just in time before Rick's "death". Where is my heart to heart betwen Caryl? This should have happened in s11, before the end of the series, regardless of if the spin off was the two of them or just him.
I didnt hate Find me, but having it right after 10.16 (initially the finale of s10) where they were supposed to be reconciled made no sense to me, especially since nothing was openly resolved after, in Diverged AND since Diverged.
And they actually made it clear that there would be no heart to heart, now that i think abt it, when Carol said "i dont need an apology apology is just a truce". It was clear in that moment for me that it would be left like that, boom, deal with it people. So no on screen resolution of their feud either.
What do u think?
I agree it's extremely frustrating when the business side (and people's personal agendas) bleed into the creative side too much, and TWD is definitely one of those shows that made a mess of itself because of that. S9 and S10 weren't perfect. There were too many characters and the pacing got a little too clunky at times, but there were really strong character narratives that kept me engaged the whole way through, and I found myself rooting for Caryl more passionately following the three-season dry spell. S11 is where it all fell apart for me because it was like everything that S10 had been building toward suddenly meant nothing, the characters were behaving strangely, there was no payoff, there was very little emotional realism, and the ending was insulting. The spinoffs are even more concerning because they don't feel like the next chapter for the characters that we love, they just feel like one giant retcon. Like there's very little attention being paid to the loyal audience that made the spinoffs possible in the first place.
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symphonicmetal101 · 2 years
I used this picrew to do it, but you totally dont have to if you dont want to. What was your mcs first impression of the brothers? I might do a part two with everyone else.
Ok I'm stealing Ivy's idea- and Inky's and Max's
This is when Viz first came to Devildom
Lucifer and Viz had a rocky relationship. Viz had no fucks left to give so if Luci killed her, she didnt care. She called him out on all his shit, and of course, she also had Diavolo's favour...so Lucifer was always hesitant to retaliate. When he did, she had a comeback right away. They've since become friends and call each other out on their overworking and when perfectionism becomes harmful.
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She hated Mammon because of a conflict they had in the human realm years prior, and she wanted nothing to do with him even if he wanted to try and apologize.
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Levi has long hair-
but these two were so awkward with each other. Painfully so. Asmo shoved them into this picture. It wasn't until Viz learned he had a pet snake did the two start to talk more. She loves to hear him ramble, but cannot keep up for the life of her.
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Satan picked up on Vizzie's suppressed wrath, and helped her work through it after getting to know her fairly quickly after she came to Devildom. The two have become and stayed (yes, even over the Asmo arc, which if you're 18+ and a sucker for angst you can dm me) very close. He continues to help her, and she helps him with calming him down.
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She and Asmo had a difficult, but not a bad start. Upon first impressions, Viz saw right through the facade that Asmo had in regards to his confidence and how he saw himself in regards to "Im the Avatar of Lust" to "I'm a demon just like my brothers, and I'm allowed to not always be perfect especially at home where Im safe", and again with no fucks to give she told him exactly what she thought of him/the truth as she saw it when she got to see him in private. The way Satan helped her, she tried to help Asmo...except she was a bit rougher. Only because she didn't have very good social skills for people she cared for...customers and strangers are different.
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Beel pretty much adopted Viz as a little sister. And she liked it. The two just kinda enjoy each others company.
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So Vizzie didn't go through the whole "being killed" thing to uh...balance out what I had happen to her later on, also she didnt live at HoL for the exchange program
Belphie's just a little shit and likes to bug her as much as he bugs Lucifer
He likes to mess with her placement of stuff and whatnot, and her perfectionism screams every time
And then he would play it off like he did nothing wrong
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No pressure tags: @raccoon-carson @obey-r-us @reclusiveprincessofsharks @inkysninky @asmo-ds @ash-the-nekogirl @moemoemammon @undertaker-02 anyone else who wants to join! My brain died I cant remember any other URLS sorry fjdjdjdj
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