#i didnt feel like doing cobra
portaldisaster · 1 year
oh want more requests? cobra cadabra and gill grunt
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nmzuka · 2 years
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kinda quick and lazy redraw of something from uuuuh 2018?? (cause snolf's design has changed and I wanted monster smooches hhhh)
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veryberryjelly · 9 months
ok maybeeee 3 and 4 from the prompt list for poly!moonhawk
(also if you want me to resend this as a celebration request i totally will and also i can and will send more if that won’t be overwhelming, i just love this idea so much)
i am for real so excited to write for this pairing !!
i got very carried away
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3- hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve
4- ^^ the other notices so they pull them into a hug, smiling as they just watch them melt
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while you had never been much of a fan of karate, you knew this was something you could not miss.
your boyfriends dojo was competing in the all valley tournament and you and your girlfriend were sat amongst the rivalling dojo's families almost on the edge of your seat.
while moon had assured you a number of times that everything was going to be fine, it didnt stop your nerves.
you knew hawk could handle himself, but that didnt lessen the fear of him getting seriously injured.
one wrong move and he could break something major.
it was different when you stopped by the dojo to see him training, because while part of the motto of cobra kai was ' no mercy ' no one in there was set out to truly hurt their friends.
he could get truly hurt out here.
you had shared your concerns with moon last night while hawk was doing some last minute training.
laying on her bed doing nothing in particular apart from chatting with some music in the background with her head rested in your lap.
your're not sure how you ended up sitting like it but you weren't complaining.
' hawk's going to be okay tomorrow, right? i mean- i know he does this practically every day, but it's different. these people aren't his friends, they aren't going to pull their punches. '
while you talked you felt moons hand lift to thread her fingers through yours, pulling them to her chest and pressing a short kiss onto them.
' he's going to be fine. he knows what he's doing. they're not going to pull their punches but there's referees so it's safer than a street fight. '
her words went quite a long way to comfort you as this was going to be your first time watching hawk compete while moon had seen him before.
you could trust her words.
but it didnt completely squash the nerves in the pit of your stomach.
even when hawk returned from training and told you himself that he was going to be fine.
the three of you stayed at moons overnight with the plan to drive to the tournament tomorrow morning.
and that's exactly what you all did.
after arriving at the tournament, hawk went off to join his dojo after both you and moon wished him luck and told him to kick ass.
the two of you had been sat on the benches of there venue waiting for cobra kai to compete.
more specifically, waiting for hawk to step up to the mat.
when you heard his name called you could feel moon stiffen beside you and you had the exact same reaction, your hand reaching out to grasp onto hers.
the guy he was up against was big. he looked to be about 160 pounds of pure muscle with at least 8 inches on hawk including his hair.
" oh god " you muttered under your breath, watching as both contenders bowed to eachother before assuming their first fighting position.
it was as though you blacked out until the referee called the fight, announcing hawk as the winner, even if his bloodied nose said otherwise.
it was your first time seeing him fight outside of practising at the dojo and he was very good.
with every fight it got easier to watch, until you were actually enjoying seeing him do something he loved.
until the semi finals.
you and moon were both up on your feet at this point, partially out of nerves and just needing to stand up, and partially so he knew that you two were rooting for him all the way up there.
your excitement and joy was wiped away when a swift kick to the face sent hawk flying to the floor.
you waited for him to get up like he had been doing all day, but he didn't.
his opponent was announced the winner of the match and hawk lay still on the floor.
you suddenly remembered why you were so scared.
it took a minute for him to get up, and even when he finally did he was stumbling quite a bit.
there wasnt even a discussion between you and moon before you collected your things and stood from the stands to go and find him where he was inevitably receiving a little bit of medical attention.
in the back hallways of the venue it was almost silent apart from the echo from the main area where the fights were still commencing.
the thing that gave away where he was was a pair of voices from behind a door.
moon was first through to push through the door, with yourself close in tow.
you found what you expected, a medic sat infront of hawk performing tests to ensure he didnt have a concussion and issuing bandaids, tissues and an ice pack for the inevitable headache .
when she noticed the two other girls in the room she was quick to respond
" you two can't be back here "
" it's okay," hawk interrupted, his eyes landing on the two of you. " they're my girlfriends "
" you're girlfriend can stay but you can't both be back here " you assumed the medic thought he was just a bit confused from the head trauma.
" no, we're both his girlfriend " you corrected, knowing it was hard to grasp for some people. while you tried to be kind it was very hard to be right now when you could see blood pouring out of your boyfriends nose.
" oh- how modern...i'll leave you three to it then " she muttered out, leaving behind two advil for hawk along with a bottle of water before she scuttled out of the room while a soft smile rested on all of your faces.
that was always fun.
once the three of you were alone, all forms of restraint you usually held went out the window.
" are you okay? that looked like a nasty kick " you questioned, taking the ice pack from his hand to hold against his head, his hand dropping down to rest on your leg.
" i'm fine. just some bruises and a very mild concussion " he muttered somewhat angrily.
a concussion meant he couldnt train for a couple of days.
" you have a concussion and you think you're fine ?" moon questioned, her voice rising in volume slightly as she delicately wiped at the blood under his nose with her thumb.
" yes, because i am fine. " he assured her even if neither of you were believing it.
the look you exchanged with moon was enough to communicate an entire conversation without saying anything.
that short conversation between the three of you was enough for you to know that hawk was more than disappointed he had not only lost, but had ended up with an injury other than a bruise.
so you posed a question to him
" d'you want to stay or we can get out of here before everyone else ?"
there were a few moments before he answered.
" let's get out of here. " his reply set a minuscule smile onto your lips and moons.
" i'll go grab the car and i'll meet you out front " moon said simply, picking up her bag and pressing a short kiss onto both of your lips before walking out to get the car.
" you okay ?" you asked in a volume just above a whisper.
he nodded mildly, his eyes meeting yours.
" yeah, just gotta get out of here " he replied, standing from the bench you were sat on and reaching into his bag to grab a sweater to throw on over his slightly bloodied gi.
once he collected his things, the two of you walked down the hallway towards the front of the building where moon would soon be pulling up with the car.
while you waited leant against the wall of the building, you decided to fill the silence, fiddling slightly with the edge of his sweater sleeve as it hung around his wrist.
" you were amazing today. i've never seen you fight like that before...was pretty hot "
you couldnt even keep a straight face while saying that, a slight smirk edging it's way onto your lips as you met his gaze.
" yeah, " he started, lifting his arm to drape over your shoulders and pull you further into his side. " pretty hot seeing me kick some ass ?" he muttered quietly, a soft laugh edging on his tone
" yeah, not so much watching you get your ass kicked, but for the most part " you teased, your smile almost breaking past the boundaries of your face.
you weren't surprised when that comment earned you a pinch at your waist.
a car horn scared the shit out of you, causing you to almost jump out of hawk's grasp.
it was only when you heard your girlfriends signature laugh that your heart rate started returning to normal
" sorry, didn't mean to scare you guys " while that statement was definitely false, you couldnt bring yourself to care.
after climbing into the car, moon drove you to her place seeing as her parents weren't home until tomorrow and the three of you could spend the night again.
your evening was spent sprawled out across a set of soft sheets with moon's laptop playing an old movie while the three of you went between watching it, chatting in hushed tones and sharing very soft kisses.
it was as if hawk never even lost.
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shiftyourfocuss · 2 years
Wet Dreams (18+) afab reader
part two of negative !! <3
author note :// sorry this took a while!! pls comment recommendations and other cod characters you’d like me to write about!! ALSO !! I AM CHANGING Y/N’S CODE NAME TO JINX, I CAME ACROSS ANOTHER GHOST X READER USING THE CODE NAME COBRA SO I DIDNT WANT TO CONFUSE ANYBODY!!
✧ Simon Riley (Ghost)
✧ handjob, kissing, dirty talk, etc
✧ minors dni
✧ word count - 3k words 
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I stood in the shower, still as can be as the hot water ran down my scarred and dirty skin. My eyes were glued shut, enjoying the peaceful moment as much as I could. This is the most at peace i’ve been in ages. I sighed as I came to the realization that i’ve probably been in here way longer that I anticipated. I rinsed out the leftover conditioner in my hair before shutting the water off and stepping out of the tub.
My feet made contact with the cold floor as I quickly reached for my towel, wrapping my body in the black fabric before tucking it in on my side to keep it secure. Before my hand could reach out for my brush I was interrupted by knocking on the bathroom door. I stood still for a moment before walking over to it. I twisted the handle and peeked through the crack, only opening the door enough for my face and part of the towel that was wrapped around me to be seen.
“Was just making sure you were alive in there.” Ghost said lowly, not daring to lower his eyes from mine.
“Yeah, sorry.. just haven’t got to do this in a while.” I said slightly leaning my head against the door frame as I held onto the door handle keeping the door in the small position. He nodded before backing away from the door a bit.
“Once you’re dressed and everything I have the bed made up for you in the room, you need rest more than anything.”
“Ok, thank you.” I said giving him a small smile. He nodded before turning away and making his way back to his room. I shut the door to the bathroom before resuming to brushing my hair.
After putting on the large t-shirt and sweatpants ghost had left for me I looked at myself in the mirror, laughing at how large the clothes were on me. Ghost was a very large man and his clothes made me look so small and fragile.
I exited the bathroom, slowly walked to his room where he was sat on the edge of his bed, messing with his vest it looked like. He looked up at me once he felt my presence in the room and lowly chuckled at my appearance.
“how cute.” he said before standing up and tossing his vest into the corner of the room. I took in the view of him as he stood at a whopping 6’4, nice and muscular frame showing through the tight dark grey t shirt and black sweatpants he was wearing. He had his balaclava on just without the skull piece, and you could see the black makeup smeared on his eyes in the dimly light room. I walked over to the right side of the bed before crawling on top of it and sitting softly.
“You get some sleep, i’ll be downstairs if you need me.” He said before beginning to walk out.
“Wait!” I whined before quickly crawling to the end of the bed, grabbing his hand which halted his actions as he looked back at me confused.
“p-please don’t go. I don’t want to be alone.” I pleaded as I looked at him with big sad eyes, hoping he would atleast do me the favor of making me feel safe, especially after everything that’s happened.
“nobody’s gonna hurt you anymore-“ he faced me as he spoke, taking my small hand in both of his large ones. “you’re safe here.” he said keeping strong eye contact. The room was silent before I felt my eyes begin to slightly water.
“please.” I whispered one last time. He sighed before closing his eyes, pulling away from my grip. He walked over to the bedroom door and shut it softly before he made his way over to the bedroom lamp.
“you’re killing me kid.” he said before clicking off the lamp. I smiled to myself as I got under the covers, getting comfortable as I laid back, head sinking into the pillow. The bed dipped as he climbed in next to me, his large body taking up most of the room. The room fell silent as we both began to fall asleep.
Constant low grunts and shifting woke me as my squinting eyes looked around the dark room, the only light being the moon light shining in from the bedroom window. My back was facing Ghost and I softly turned around to face him. He was laying on his back, masked face turned to the side a bit as he let out big deep breaths.
I studied his body language as he would twitch and shift every so often. Curiosity flooded my mind as he let out a low moan, making me raise my eyebrows. Just to see if what I was thinking was true, I carefully raised the blanket that covered out bodies, seeing a large print pressed against his sweatpants.
My hand flew over my mouth as my eyes widened at the sight. I placed the blanket back down before laughing to myself quietly. Nothing but filthy thoughts filled my mind as I watched him, so vulnerable, so easy for me to satisfy him in every way he’d want.
I took my bottom lip between my teeth as I soft scooted my body closer to his, until I was pressed against the side of him. I reached under the cover and carefully took his large hand before bringing it up to my face. I peppered kisses all around his scarred hand, holding it with both of my hands. He shifted again just a little and I froze.
I turned his hand slowly before I pressed the tips on his middle and ring finger against my lips, I gave them a kiss before slowly wrapping my lips around them. A grunt rumbled through his chest as both fingers sat in my wet mouth, tongue running between and around them. I pulled them out before pushing them right back in, lips tight around them as I slowly moved my head back and forth. After all the subtle affection he still wouldn’t budge. I removed his fingers from my mouth before setting his hand down on my hip.
I slowly reached my hand up and swirled my fingers over his tightly clothed chest. You could see every crease of muscle through the shirt, almost as if he was purposely showing himself off. I trailed my hand lower and lower until my fingers landed at the hem of his sweatpants. I ran my finger back and forth, feeling the thick waistband of his boxers underneath.
“I suggest you get on with it before I do it myself.” I froze at his sudden statement before looking up and realizing he’s had his eyes on me for god knows how long. We remained eye contact as he squeezed the hand on my hip, waiting for me to resume.
I slid my hand into his pants, feeling his hard on pressed tightly against his boxers, begging to be touched. I felt him through his boxers, caressing him softly before finally reaching my hand into his boxers. A low grunt rumbled through his chest as my hand clutched around his thick cock. I leaned forward, giving his neck a few pecks as I swiped my thumb over his tip, feeling the precum smear around. He kept his dark eyes on me and I began working my hand up and down his large length, keeping a slow and steady pace.
“Can I kiss you?” I asked as I laid my head on his shoulder. He remained silent before he lifted his balaclava up just enough for his mouth and chin to be shown. I took in the view of his thick pretty lips and dark stubble that covered majority of his jaw. I leaned forward as I continued working my hand. He reached his hand to the back of my head and pulled me against him until my lips were smashed into his. He kissed me hard and keeping his hand secure on my head as he hummed into the kiss.
My tongue met his as the kiss became sloppier by the second. Our eyes glued shut and noses pressed against eachother as we took slight breathes in between kissing. I began moving my hand faster, feeling him throb in my grip. He grunted into my mouth and I grabbed his bottom lip with my teeth, pulling back before watching it snap back.
“Fuck..” He growled, resting his forehead against mine. “Gonna cum soon.” I nodded and I kept the same quick pace, raising my hand just a bit so I was slightly wrapped around his tip. He furrowed his eyebrows and he grabbed my face, pulling me back into another heated kiss. I moaned softly as his large hand on my hip squeezed again before sliding his hand up to my waist, holding firmly.
He let out deep and heavy breaths into my mouth as hot white ropes of cum coated my hand and his lower abdomen. I slowed my pace, still jerking softly as he rode out his orgasm. I removed my hand after a few moments, bringing my hand to my face as I licked the bit of cum off of my hand, keeping eye contact with him as I did so.
“fucking hell.” he mumbled before dropping his head back onto the pillow. I took his hand that was on my waist and brought it between my legs to which he quickly pulled his hand back and shook his head. I looked at his confused as he stood from the bed, wiping himself off with a towel before tossing the towel onto the floor.
“Why?” I asked as I watched him pull his mask back down over his mouth.
“It’s too soon.” He said before laying back down, facing me and he got under the covers.
“what do you mean?” I questioned
“I can’t. Atleast not yet. After everything you’ve gone through the last month I can’t do that to you.”
“That was different, I want you, I want this.” I said as I placed my hand on his broad chest. He shook his head, holding my hand that was pressed against him.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t yet. I don’t like the thought of man handling you so soon after the traumatic things you dealt with. Just doesn’t feel right.”
I get where he was coming from. He didn’t want to see me so vulnerable for him after the state he found me in not even 5 hours ago. I am hurt, I am traumatized from the things I endured in the last 5 weeks but I still craved affection. Affection that I WANTED, affection that made me feel special and loved. I wanted to be cared for. I miss the strong person I was before everything went down. I hope that person comes back to me in do time. I just need to heal.
“I understand.” I said with a lump in my throat. I turned from him, facing the wall as my eyes began to weld with tears. The room was silent for a bit before my body began to slightly tremble as I cried to myself silently.
“Jinx, sweetheart-“ He cut himself off as he scooted himself towards me, his large body molding against me and he wrapped his tattooed arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him. He rested his head on my shoulder before speaking up. “I’m sorry, but you have to understand i’m doing this for your own well being. I don’t want to hurt you.”
I remained silent as I kept my eyes shut, slowly but surely calming down as he held me tightly. This is the safest i’ve honestly felt in a long while. Why is he so sweet to me? Why didn’t he just leave me behind in that cage like anybody else would’ve? He may give off an intimidating appearance but definitely just a big teddy bear.
Tears stopped flowing as I melted into his tough, eventually intertwining my fingers with his that were pressed against my stomach. He gave my hand a soft squeeze before rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. We both remained still as we began to fall sleep in the small drafty room.
I woke up to the bright sun beaming through the blinds of the window. I squinted as I looked at my surroundings, rolling slightly to notice that I was alone in bed. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a drawer being closed, my vision was still blurring from being half asleep but I was able to make out the large bare back that was facing me. There’s were scars scattered around the bare skin, and just above was the dark messy hair that sat on his head. It was wet, slightly dripping down his back as he’s pulled a t-shirt over his head, dark grey cargo pants already on. He pulled on his balaclava and adjusted the skull piece over top before turning around to face me.
“how did you sleep?” he asked, adjusting his belt before applying the rest of his gear. I shrugged at his question before sitting up against the bed frame. “Better than being in a cage I presume.”
“I guess.” I mumbled as I looked down at my hands that rested in my lap. He sighed before deciding not to egg me on. I remained in my spot before a pile of clothes were dropped in front of me, along with gear and a holster that held a knife inside.
“we were able to find you some proper attire. Get dressed then meet me downstairs. It’s about time you meet the team.” He said fixing his last strap on his vest. I nodded before getting out of bed, stretching as I let out a quiet yawn. Before reaching down to grab the pile of clothes, he walked over towards me and rested a hand on my shoulder.
“you sure you ok with this? you know being back on the radar and all?” he said and he looked into my eyes. yeah don’t get me wrong, being thrown back into the army just being a hostage is kinda shitty but, this is what I was born to do. It’s the only thing that gives me purpose.
“definitely.” I said confidently. He nodded before removing his hand from my shoulder.
“good, I’m glad to hear that.” He said before walking over to the door, opening it as he exited, then shutting it behind him. I sighed before undressing myself, mentally preparing to meet a group of strangers.
I stepped out of the room in my new clothes, boots clicking against the floor as I made my way to the stairs. I slowly walked down as a group of men were scattered around the couches, having different discussions as Ghost remained silent in a chair just between the couches. Once I made it downstairs the room fell silent as I walked over. Eyes of 5 men landed on me as I took a seat besides of the guys who had warhawk and a soft smile.
“Everyone this is Jinx, she is a new addition to Task Force 141, treat her as you would any teammate, she’s one of us.” Ghost said shifting his gaze between the different men.
“Nice to meet you gorgeous, you can call me Soap.” The thick scottish accent flowed through my ears and he reached his hand over towards me. I shook it lightly as he gave me a warm smile.
“I’m Gaz” another man said as he peeked his head from behind Soap. I waved and moved my attention to the next couch.
“Price, Captain Price, Im the one who cleans up after the boys here.” He chuckled, Soap pretended to be offended as he slapped a hand on his chest.
“We spoke briefly but hello again cariño. Jinx is a badass name, I think it fits you well.” Alejandro said as he leaned back in his seat besides Price.
“Thank you, and it’s nice meeting you guys, it’s been awhile but I promise i’m a good shot, I was the best on my team. Those ass hats could barely work a pistol.” I said as laughs erupted around the room.
“Your team, where are they now?” Gaz asked before Ghost shot a deadly glare at him. Gaz mumbled a low “shit..” as he took note of the glare immediately, not even needing an explanation.
“It’s ok. You didn’t know.” I said reassuringly as I reached over and patted his knee. “They were great guys, they tried to hard to take the hits for me. They protected me with their lives and that’s the exact reason they’re not here right now. I miss them a lot, they deserved so much better..” I said looking down at my feet. Soap rested a hand on my back as he rubbed up and down, trying to comfort me in this vulnerable moment.
“I’m sorry Jinx, that’s terrible.” Price said with nothing but remorse.
“Well you have us now, and while we may also be ass hats, we can guarantee you won’t go through something like that ever again.” Soap said as he titled his head to look me in my face. I laughed at his use of the word asshats after me, making him smile at my amusement.
“Thanks guys.”
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80s4life · 2 years
Johnny Lawrence With An Egocentric Reader Headcanon
Word Count: 666 (oh shit, we’re summoning a devil)
Status: Requested!
Ask: im sorry that youre going through hard times ;( idk if its easier for you to write headcanons or drabbles but do what makes you feel comfortable. also, didnt ask you if you write for johnny lawrence, but if thats not the im sorry to bother! i wanted to ask you some hc or drabble, its same for me, of johnny x egocentric reader? sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, english is not my native language
@: a cute bilingual anon! (so talented by the way, I have trouble speaking any other language)
Fandom: Karate Kid Series - Cobra Kai
Relationship: Johnny Lawrence x Egocentric!Reader
Warnings: strong language, fluff
Key: All of Johnny’s words are bolded, while Reader’s is left in italics!
Masterlist Karate Kid Masterlist Cobra Kai Masterlist
{gifs are not mine, credits go to @kyrixxx​ & @filmgifs​ & @ewan-mcgregor​}
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So hot, I’m frothing at the mouth
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Young Johnny Lawrence:
You met at school, well, he saw you at school, you were too busy fighting the girls and their normal antics.
You were playing soccer with others while Johnny was too busy trying to catch the eyes of various other females as he stripped his shirt.
He tried to find every chance to get to you, and it wasn’t until he purposely slammed right into you with the claim of not seeing you while going to catch a football, did he finally accomplish his goal.
Knocking you to the ground, you easily got pissed and to his dismay, called him out on his bullshit:
“You did that on purpose, you Ass!”
“I didn’t do anything! It was a simple mistake, here let me help you up?”
“No, I got it myself, and stay the hell out of my way!”
From that day on, he was hooked. He didn’t know if it was your dominance and strength or your cutting edge demeanor; either way, he wanted you. BAD.
It was his duty to keep up on this game of cat and mouse, and each time, the blame was pinned on him (rightfully so) and turned away.
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Go torture someone else who’s more into you.”
“Leave me alone!”
It didn’t seem to matter what you did, he would always come back with these huge puppy dog eyes and a grin that could cut glass.
Maybe that’s what made you start to give into his charms?
When you finally allow him into your life, take you on dates and such, he often tries to pester you just to get you fired up. He thinks it’s hot, you think it’s utterly annoying and misleading.
“You’re trying too hard, Lawrence.”
“You’re pushing on the line of clingy.”
“Can I take a breather?”
Either way, you guys soon find a dynamic. Although you may seem self-centered and cruel to most, Johnny knows it’s just a perk that comes with the territory.
Whether this behavior was learned at home or by the way the world works, Johnny loves it and basically basks in it. It makes you tough, and like Sensei Kreese taught him, that’s what you need to survive; a skill Johnny has yet to master.
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Older Johnny Lawrence:
As Johnny had aged, he learned the skill of having to fend for one’s self before tending to anyone else. This asset had instantly peaked his interest upon meeting you.
You, getting the job rather easily, tended to the children in the Cobra Kai dojo when class was in session, helping to guide and help instruct every motion the senseis provided.
Like younger Johnny, older version of him also found this very endearing and headstrong, allowing him to feel safe and comfortable around you, knowing you could handle yourself in most situations.
Yes, being egocentric is very selfish or self-regarding, but it works in his world. In a world where John Kreese and Terry Silver reside in, hell, even Daniel Larusso.
However, catch Johnny on a bad day, and that’s his favorite topic to target:
“You always so damn full of yourself?”
“Only when it means warding off self-centered pricks like you. You have stereotypes written all over your forehead!”
“You’re one to talk!”
“Like you have much to say in defense?”
In light of the topic, you’re both egocentric but don’t like to admit it (much to our dismay)
Besides your personalities constantly crashing, they also mesh well, having similar attributes that make you work.
ESPECIALLY when it comes to going head-to-head with Kreese and Silver. 
Johnny loves to step back and watch you fire on them, knowing that in the end, you’re seeking comfort for yourself of all things. You don’t let them corrupt you, which keeps making them come back, but Johnny knows where you stand. 
You’re loyal, and he couldn’t ask for anything better than a Bad Bitch like you.
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dykeseesgod · 5 days
what well its just that you havent spoken to me in years except to call me a faggot or to dislocate my shoulder and you know what else is missing besides an attentive listener a segue i suppose forgive my bluntness please dont hit me but i could giv two shits about you or your vacant mind or your morbid curiosities or your dead fucking dog so why dont you just leave i never dislocated your shoulder according to my doctor you did in shop class last spring you twisted my arm behind my back and said you wouldnt let go until i said and i quote i like to get it up the ass i was just playing around with you oh that makes me feel so much better you know through my screams and the searing pain i can definely recall hearing laughter any way i can contribute to the fun of the group we were just messing around with you fuck you cb id rather you say we beat the shit out of you because we cant stand you rather than youre just messing with me that implies light teasing or slightly oproprious behavior i havent eaten in the cafeteria in 2 years for fear of going home with some part of it smeared across my shirt i havent been to the bathroom on campus since my head got slammed into a wall i believe you were there i didnt do that well you didnt stop it either and the faculty doesnt care you know what im tired of hearing they only pick on you because of your own insecurities aw jeez mrs blank now that you said that my head doesnt hurt so much and people wonder why kids bring guns to school to shoot you fuckers down maybe youre not the bully but you stand idly by and watch and to me thats even worse so please just go youre being hostile and im just trying to have a conversation with you like a civilized i dont want to talk to you i just want to be left alone i dont need social pointers i just want an apology for the five minutes youve stolen from my day see this is why you dont have friends i think we both know why i dont have any friends oh dont be so melodramatic youre in here crying about a dead dog and im being melodramatic shut the fuck up about my dog ok or what youll hit me go ahead ill show you how people get hurt and dont run away to cry like a big fucking baby whats so funny asshole im sorry nothing i dont see anything to laugh at its nothing its just that i was scared of you for like a second im sorry no its ok i deserved it promise me you wont bring a gun to school i dont even know where id get one you were one of my best friends you all were i just dont get it can i be honest if its any consolation none of us knew what to say to you after your dad got arrested it was pretty awkward it was more awkward for me im sorry we werent there for you that means a lot see now youre being sarcastic again no i wasnt its hard to tell with you truce i wasnt fighting a war but sure truce are you i dont know ive never had sex so kinda hard to tell at this point what about my dad im not sure thats considered sex you remember how my dog used to howl when you played the piano yeah i always found it pretty annoying he was singing along what do you think happens to animals when they die they go to heaven you believe in heaven sure there has to be some reward for living through all this and you think there are animals there in heaven the wolf will live with the lamb the lion will lie down with the goat and the calf the lion and the yearling together and a child will lead them the cow will feed with the bear their young will lie down together and the lion will eat straw like the ox the infant will play near the hole of the cobra and the child will put his hand into the vipers nest but my dog killed a living thing wouldnt god be mad he was sick cb he couldnt help it you know they say a dog sees god in his master and a cat looks in the mirror i hate cats me too
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Pentious fucking wrecks the Vs[title pending]
Absolutely funny and cool and badass, totally not written by pentious lol, angel dust is sneaky.
Angel dust made one joke, resulting in the fight being stopped and Cherri being forced to let the battle go, especially since Sir Pentious would leave her terf alone permanently. Only for his son would he do this.
The trick went so far that Pentious actually got to the hotel before the opportunist Alastor.
Due to the fight being stopped in such a sweet manner the news report went may smoother. Peoples opinions shifted, maybe the hotel was reforming Angel Dust, I mean really hes reuniting with his father.
All was going so well, Pentious was funding the hotel and manning it with security. Angel had to rein his emotions a few times but eventually he was warming up to the crew, he was getting protective of them. They were like his eggies, precious and fragile.
It was the moment Angel mentioned his soul contract and abuse that Sir Pentious snapped a bit and hugged Angel close,
"My sssweet son... I'll fix thiss. Dont you worry your precious little head..."
And like that he began crafting with angelic steel. It was intense, the look on his face when he was eating with his crew, his family. Within two days he was ready. He showed off the look of it to angel who was honestly freaked out.
"Hey uh.. Dad ya arent gonna... you wont actually do it right?.. it's dangerous you might get hurt..."
Angel had actually gotten pretty fond of his 'dad', his confidence scared him as he got hugged and watched Pentious go to slaughter the V's like a assassin.
He played it cool.
Then as soon as someone made a fuss he threatened and made it clear what hes there for, it took a simple look of the weapon to make anyone crack.
To be honest most kept it easy, some gladly guided him, hell they begged him to do it.
It felt so good to meet the V's all together and the be seen as a real threat. Vox tried to do something but Pentious had frequency jammers. He got loud at Pentious calling his bluff, which only resulted in a chest shot,
Val couldnt fly, not good but he tried, it only lead to his wings being blown off and most of his back.
Velvette got the idea to call for help but got told shes shit outta luck, they wanted to be free. Her head was quickly blown off.
Pentious slithered to the dying Val who's completely in shock.
"I wanted sssome of your fluff."
The sound of a blade was heard and next thing anyone knew he had his head. Then a feeling washed over Pentious.
"I... I won. I WON. Oh I'm sssso happy!"
He turned off the jammer and the cameras showed the scene to the masses after a few minutes. A employee probably wanted to see what had happened completely forgetting to not broadcast it. Or did they?
The masses saw the mess, they saw Pentious laughing about it, Vals head in hand,
He could finally relax his worries, no more dangers now to him, only peace.
What he didn't consider was how the people seemed to flock around him, worshipping him almost, yeah he owned them now but he expected.. what? He wasnt sure really.
He appointed the workers, his new underlings to just do whatever felt right. Broadcast what they like, make whatever. Oh and he made sure to make the bank accounts and funds of the V's his own. That way he can afford and handle these things.
He felt so... powerful. He was like a king.
"King Cobra sssoundsss good... yeah, king cobra! Hass a ring to it..."
People could finally think again, no more tv hypnosis, no more pain from unwanted sex or being stabbed with needles. Sir Pentious was a hero to them.
Alastor felt a bit threatened and tried to talk to him when he assumed it right but didnt account for the fact he scared the snake and was quickly dead too.
"Oopsss! Oh hehe, well who's gonna care.. no one will know! This meansss I own his soulsss too now... FUCK YEAH IM AWESssOME!!"
He slithered along into the hotel glad to be home, feeling cocky as fuck. He made sure he put the safety on the canon gun and turned it off to avoid another accidental murder.
His family and crew was small he felt. He gave his new power a try, spawning Nifty and Husk and eagerly telling them their new roles and that they really couldn't back out but he wasnt gonna beat them if they were gonna be stubborn. Everyone watched him giggle and play with his powers outside,
"Aw yesss, I'm so powerful!! No drawbacks!"
He was a good leader really, he can do it all. He will do it all. He noted his looked bigger too, more filled out, tail bigger. He could hug his new family with this tail! He had to stim a little and decided it was safe to slowly let loose some power into the air making everything glittery. He couldnt sleep, he was much too energized and high off it all.
Angel dust had to really take in the fact that he started this. Wasnt bad feeling actually. Felt great, he could feel it too. Felt warm and fun. Felt like child to father love.
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fangirlstorycreator · 9 months
CK Terry X Reader
Context: You get into a naughty mood when you see Terry working out...😏💚
Contains: S#xual content, rough oral s#x, dirty talk
Ever since Terry had taken over Cobra Kai with John, he had been working very hard, both mentally and physically. He was always one to do workouts at home, he would use many diffrent pieces of equipment and just general exercises, but one of the things you loved watching, was when he was on the training dummy. You could see how muscular and gorgeous his body was, and you enjoyed every moment as he worked out. Terry being Terry, he had his own personal gym at the house, but he did often use the dojo to release some pent up tention or just to burn some energy. It was on one of these days...that your impulsive thoughts took control....
John wasn't working today, he told you both that he had a date with a lady he met, so it was just you and Terry in the dojo. Terry and you had been teaching your own separate lessons at the same time, so when you both finished, you were so busy packing things away that you didn't have a chance to chat. But that's ok, he was your boyfriend after all, and you lived with him. You had just finished putting your mats and equipment away when 2 of your last students were just leaving your training room, you walk out after them into the main room and just grabbed a bottle of water from the front desk. It was lovely and quiet now, noone else there...wait a second? Where's Terry?
You stay as quiet as you can, and that's where you hear grunting and the sound of loud thumps. This could only mean one thing, he was working out in the back room again. Walking towards the backroom, that's where you open the door and see Terry throwing many punches on the adults training dummy. You've seen this look on his face before, he was stressed about something, and he was trying to release the tention he was feeling.
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Part of you didnt want to disturb him....and that part was your uncontrollable feelings towards him as you see his body move. You adored Terry, and you loved how sexy he was, especially like this. Seeing his muscles flex, the sweat on his brow, he just looked so god damn hot. His hair was getting a little messy, and that just made him look even better, you couldn't deny how your body reacted to him, but the other part of you was stronger, the part that was wondering why he was stressed. "Babe?"
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Terry stops when he hears you calling him, he wasn't expecting you to be standing in the door way. "Sweetheart" "Terry, what's wrong?" "You could tell huh?" "I know you babe, I know this is what you do when you want to release pent up frustration" You say as you walk a little closer towards him. "Talk to me, what's bothering you?" "It's nothing really" "Tell that to the training dummy you've been beating" This makes him smile just a little, and he walks towards the big black box with his things, to take off his dojo gloves.
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"One of my new students was pushing his luck in my lesson just now" "Oh? What did they do?" "He was rude, and answered back to me. It didn't stop me from putting him in his place though. You know me sweethert, noone talks to me like that without learning that the hard way" "I get that, but that's happened a few times where a student has tried to talk back to you. What's got you so riled up with this one? Did he say something that upset you?" "He did....we spoke privately in the corner as the other students carried on, but he apparently had previously seen me kiss you while we have been working hear" "So? Why would-....babe, what did he say?" "He...he told me you should be with someone your own age...not and old age pensioner"
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"That #sshole! How dare he say this to you?!" "Its fine though, I might have given him a few souvenirs to go home with, they should be turning purple around about now" he says with a smirk. "Good, he deserves a few bruises, how dare he think he can just say that to you. Oh Terry, what he said wasn't true" "I know, I do know it's not true. I can't deny it did anger me though, why do people think they can just comment on peoples relationships like that?" "Because people can be real #ssholes Terry" "Your right sweetheart....your happy right? With me?" "Did you honestly just say that? Of course I'm happy with you Terry, your the most wonderful man I've ever known" "I just wonder if me being this age is something you would want to change"
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You walk up to him, and give him a big kiss straight on his lips. "There is nothing, absolutely nothing I would ever change about you Terry. In my eyes, got are absolute perfection" "Your sweet to say that" "I'm being honest Terry. I love everything about you, your personality, the way you treat me, everything. And physically, well there have been many times we've had to buy new beds, I'm sure you can remember" "How could I forget" He chuckles at you. "Terry I don't think you realise quite how attractive you really are. You may not know this, but as I was stood in that doorway, my body was talking to me as I watched you" "Oh really? And what was it saying to you?" "Its was saying, how can this man be so god damn sexy? How lucky am I that I get to sleep next to this man every single night? Kiss his lips, run my hands over his strong muscles...leave bite marks on his skin..."
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He chuckles again, his hands finds your hips as you continue. "I love when you leave bite marks on me sweetheart....especially my shoulder...." "Its the best place I can do it if you've got me pinned to the bed like that" "You've got that right" "See? There's that gorgeous smile I love so much. I love you Terry, and no matter what anyone says, that will never change" "I love you too sweetheart" He gives you a sweet kiss, but it gradually gets more and more needy, your hand moving up his chest and grabbing the neckline of his vest top, pulling him in closer. "Mmmm, you have no idea how much I want you right now Terry..." "Oh yeah?...well maybe I can-" (noise: Loud knocking and front door opening) "Hello? Terry? Y/N?" That sounds like John, you and Terry thought he was busy tonight?
Terry walks up to the edge of the room, there is a window to the main room and it's got a wall underneath it, that's where he sees John in the main room, holding two outfits in clear bags. You slip out of sight as Terry speaks to John "John? What are you doing hear?" Terry asks as he leans against this little window, it's high enough to only show Terry's upper chest and face. "Hey Terry, oh? You on your own?" "Uh?" Terry turns to see where you've gone, but your stood not far away, putting your finger to your lips to tell him not to say anything, your playful side is coming out, and he can sence that. "Uh yep, yep it's just me hear. What's up? Why are you back hear? Didn't you have a date?" Terry asks John why he's hear as you crawl over to Terry and kneel inbetween his waist and the wall, slowly rubbing your hand over his quickly growing bulge.
He cant help but quickly glance down at you with a devilish smile on your face, loving the danger of this whole moment. "I do have a date Terry, I just cant decide which outfit to wear. Can you give me any advice?" Terry thinks about what he can say, but with you pulling out his cock and delicately licking the most sensitive part of his tip, he shudders and closes his eyes, trying so hard to keep calm and focused. "Uuuhhh, I think that hhmmm" "Are you alright Terry?" "Yeh yeh, sorry I uhh, I've just got this headache" He carries on giving John more advice on which outfit to choose, then you take him into your mouth and start to suck little by little, taking him into your mouth more with each suck. "Thanks for your advice Terry. Hey? Where's Y/N tonight? She's so busy, she's usually got her hands full"
Your feeling so turned on and so wet, it's then that you push it a little further and swallow his entire cock, having him completely in your throat, it makes Terry grunt in such a way, he pretends it's a headache again. But one of his hands moves down and entangled itself in the back of your hair, keeping you right there, keeping him inside you. "She does have her hands full, more of less...so uhh, I've got to close up now John, I hope you have a great night" "Yeh, thanks Terry, see you tomorow" You couldn't breath, but this was just making you more excited now that he was in control of your mouth, he didn't let you go until he heard the front door close and he saw John leave. "Uh f#ck! Holy sh#t sweetheart! You took all of me when John was right there, you really are a naughty girl arent you?..." "I am Terry....I think you need to teach me a lesson...take control"
"Are you sure you want that sweetheart? You'll only do what I tell you? You know you need to be good at holding your breath..." "You know I am Terry...." He chuckles, and runs his thumb over your bottom lip. "Your pretty little mouth is mine sweetheart, I get to do whatever I want with it...open your mouth for me" Your so sexually excited, you loved when he was a little rougher with you. You open your mouth and stick out your tounge, and his hand snakes behind your head and makes a fist into your hair. "I'm not going easy on you" You take a deep breath, and as soon as you have done that, he stuffs your mouth with his thick cock, not going easy on you at all. He starts to f#ck your mouth, in and out over and over "Oh yes...just like that..." You keep sucking him, the sounds of his grunts is turning you on so much. "Nngah! Look up at me...good girl" His praise was so f#cking hot. "Take a deep breath for me sweetheart, I'm about to fill you up"
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You still keep his tip in your mouth as you take in a deep breath through your nose, and the moment you do that, he slides into your mouth and sticks his cock right into your throat. He f#cks it mercilessly as your pinned between his groin and the wall, his hands hold your face at the sides so you can't move, he's in complete control. He's not stopping, he keeps pounding your face, but you love every god damn second of it. You need to breath, you can feel yourself getting light headed and his cock is very big. You manage to move your face to the side for just a moment to take a quick breath, but Terry moves your face back and f#cks your face again. "Naughty girl, you do what I tell you, you just stay there and take all of me...that's it"
Your head is pressed against the wall and the only thing that's moving it Terry's groin as he thrusts into your mouth, your trapped in the best way you could want, and you felt like you were about to cum because it was that exciting for you. "Just stay like that sweetheart, oh f#ck I'm gunna just-just stay like that-take all of me right-!" And then he lets out this inhuman grunt and a delicious moan as he finaly cums, right down your throat. "Uh f#ck, swallow every drop sweetheart, keep su-uh! fuck!" Still being completely inside you, you take every drop as he is almost finished with you, until he finally backs away and you take a big breath and gasp from finaly being able to breath again. Terry is breathless when he backed up, but he sees you on your knees, just smiling at how much you loved that, wiping your lip. "My god Y/N, you really loved that didn't you?" "F#ck yes Terry, I don't know why but that made me feel so wet, I loved you taking control of me like that. We don't do that often, but when you do, holy sh#t it really turns me on" "It was more exciting when there was a little danger of getting caught wasn't there?" "Absolutely! I can't believe John didn't seem me down by your legs...I'm very glad he didn't though" "I'm very glad too...I didn't hurt you at all did I? Is your throat ok? Is it sore?" "Its a little achy, but it's not painful. I'd love to do that again, just not right away" "You have magic powers with that mouth of yours I swear...how about this, I'll lock up and you can go and sit I the car. Then I'll drive us back home and I can show you what good girls get..." "Ooh Terry, I'd love that..."
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majjiktricks · 6 months
Kaz for the ask game? Every question. All of them.
oh dear this is probably gonna be long. some of these were hard…
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? i think mgsv was the second game i played (after mgrr) and i just. bro i fell in love with this guy almost immediately. hes depressed. hes full of rage. hes got sunglasses. hes even bisexual. more seriously, i think hes just really interesting. hes somehow one of the most reality-grounded characters (in a series with characters like ocelot and fucking. the pain/the rest of the cobras) while also being the guy who invented war-as-a-business and doritos. i find his story very compelling. child of war, doesnt feel he belongs in any of the places he could claim as home, so he fights to make a place for himself... oughghg... hes also veryyyy gender goals for me :3c
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? hes a NERD. he likes trains and hes a bit of a history buff, hes full of random facts (i know its mostly for game exposition reasons to tell the player, but i also like kaz just randomly knowing shit because its fun). in mg2 hes got all those fucking WEIRD tidbits to tell snake. like the spit thing. half the time i think hes making shit up to fuck with snake. but he does know things. i need fics and stuff to make him weirder.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? i dont think i really dislike any of the traits he displays in the games. yeah hes got flaws and hes an asshole and he commits warcrimes, but i think all of that is what makes him interesting. so rather than dislike something ABOUT him, i dislike what was done to him. its probably been beaten to death but im SO sad they killed him off in mgs1 and THEN decided to develop his character. like. cmon. they couldve done so much cool shit with him had he not been shelved so early in the series. or even- they bring back big boss TWICE. why cant anyone else come back 🥺 i love thinking about kaz being involved in the time around/between mgs1-4…
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? ngl i dont think about crossovers much. i dont like them.
5. What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? koi no yokushiryoku. its a fucking ridiculous song but it also makes me very sad. also diamonds by sam smith. thats a bbkaz divorce song to me.
6. What’s something you have in common with this character? i recently found out that my light sensitivity is not the normal experience for everyone ✌️ so ive been wearing sunglasses a lot lol
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? i think its so funny that he gets shipped with basically everyone. its so good. i love it ^_^
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? thankfully i dont see it much but i really cant stand the type of people who simplify characters down into basic stereotypes just for shipping purposes. ive seen a few things of essentially a bishie kaz in art (not in fic, bc i run for the hills at the slightest whiff). like. babes. you dont need to have one really buff guy and one feminine cutesy one for you ship to be good. please… hes not helpless nor is he very thin or boyish or any of that. hes almost 6' tall and fucking jacked in pw? i also hate it when people completely write off characters for being morally grey or for doing bad things. again, thankfully this doesnt happen much in my circles because i think ive curated a sane group of mutuals who like metal gear, but for anyone else who thinks this way? babe you came to the warcrimes series and didnt expect there to be warcrimes? where you play as the VILLAIN for 3+ games? i think the bad stuff makes him more fun :3c
9. Could you be roommates with this character? depends? does he let me hit it? 😏
10. Could you be best friends with this character? i would like to think so… if i met college-era kaz i think i would want to be friends with him… if he went on to be a business major and not a guy chasing death and combat around the world, yeah probably.
11. Would you date this character? i personally dont understand dating lol. probably? but if we could also just be friends/fwb thats fine with me 😂
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character? i like to think about the mundane things a lot… if i do something and it reminds me of The Character. for example i like the idea of kaz listening to city pop while hes cooking. its a very chill kind of music and its a genre hes likely familiar with if he kept up with anything in japan during the 70s-80s. i also think he would often smell like methol and camphor. tiger balm is very useful when it comes to pain, and he probably uses it a lot post-gz because hes the stubborn-ass type to deny medical treatment and assistance, insisting on doing everything for himself. (the same guy who got back to work after like. only a week spent recovering at mother base. and refuses advanced prosthetics that could help him…)
13. What’s an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? 😎 for obvious reasons. its just silly <3
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character. we only ever see him in uniforms/bathing suits, but i think he would be a high fashion man. slick suits in unconventional colors, barely there but somehow tasteful club attire, very carefully accented, subtle pieces of expensive jewelry. this guy likes money, he knows how to spend it too.
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.) vkaz <3
16. What’s your least favorite ship for this character? i think ive only seen it once? but. kaz/zero. why. tbf i think its mostly that i just dont like zero. at all. crusty.
17. What’s a ship for this character you don’t hate but it’s not your favorite that you’re fine with? i like pretty much all other kaz ships ive seen aside from ^^ i think i was originally neutral on ocelhira but at this point i have been swayed into liking that too :]
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? i find his relationship with solid snake really interesting. i wish we got to see more of it… he probably has very complex feelings about snake given their relationships to big boss and i just wanna dig my little claws in and inspect it bit by bit…
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don’t like? once again the only one i can think of is kaz and zero. and its less that i dont like it than i dont understand it. i probably should go back and replay peacewalker/watch the secret phonecall thing again. theres probably just a little piece im missing to make it fit into my brain.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter? we dont actually see kaz and amanda interact that much but man i would love more of that. they dont seem to be interested in each other at all, in the romantic/sexual sense, which i would want to see explored more. kaz is used to being seen in that lens by women and i want amanda to beat him up a little bit for it. i think shes one of few moral and sensible people in the series and i think kaz could've learned a lot from her. amanda also shouldve gotten more screentime in general. i wish she and chico were in gz or tpp somehow </3
21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like? i want to see him taken care of <3 i will have him taken care of :]
22. If you’re a fic reader, what’s something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don’t like? i havent read too many kaz-centric fics tbh but i LOVE it when people write about the 70s for him. or any of the missing time between games tbh. i love to see what people think he was up to at the time. i havent found any consistent throughlines that i dont like yet. usually if i dont like a fic i dont finish it lol.
23. Favorite picture of this character? the model swap with quiet. you know the one. pouty kissable lips mfer.
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but also so many others. theres so many good pics of him <3 this was just the first to come to mind ehehe
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? actually, he reminds me a lot of one of my ocs LOL ive had an oc named maddox for something like 6 years now, who once i thought about it is very similar to kaz. hes got (one) fucked up eye, worked for a sketchy paramilitary agency, has a robot arm, is kind of a harlot, mellows out and settles down with his children later in life… theyre both involved with the leaders of said paramilitary agencies. they both train kids who were involved also with that same organization. maddox doesnt go and try to start his own military country LMAO but i do think the other similarities are really funny. like. no wonder i liked kaz immediately. i have a guy just like him living in my brain.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now? i had no context for who kaz was when i first met him in gz but i thought he was a funny little guy. and then when you rescue him in tpp i just wanted to take care of him…….. ngl i think that sentiment has remained, just now i am full of other feelings as well. i think if i ever get out of metal gear brain rot, kaz will be the character that sticks in my brain lonnnggg after.
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kotopeachii · 3 months
kotohime palace rulers ranking (wakaba included)
oh no, being asked for my opinions on the palace rulers, whatever shall i do...
at number 9 we have the one and only kunikazu okumura!
probably the most predictable outcome, but can you blame me when he has an atrocious palace design, terrible writing as a character both in that arc and in haru's confidant, unsavoury memories of a certain cat... i mean, it wasn't really kuni's fault that morgana ended up stealing haru's spotlight to have his moment, but the writers know what they did
okumura's saving grace is that 1) he has enough backstory provided for me to do whatever i want with him in rsau and 2) he's pretty handsome
at number 8, junya kaneshiro!
now don't get me wrong, i love kaneshiro. i think about him allllll the time and he's THE bro in rsau (i can't go a second without mentioning it sorry) and also suguru's implied romantic interest cough cough
but... uh... :')
his palace is just as annoying. the only bonus it has is better music. makoto's awakening is also super sick, but this ain't about her
i get that he's got a fixation on being rich but it's a little comical how much he talks about it. like. he LOOOVES money. money money money. and hes purple fly hitler. who loves money
coming up on number 7 is yaldabaoth
cool twist. cool ending. cool whatever. but youre not my kitten baby (he actually is a kitten in rsau. or is he a cobra? kuni calls him a zebra)
at number 6 is wakaba isshiki!!!
who are you
at number 5 we have........ masayoshi shido!
was THAT predictable? i didn't think so!
you might think that from the amount of posting i do about how deeply i desire him carnally i must be a big fan, right? well. eh
playing through his palace was tedious and longwinded and dull when it wasn't plot-related. the whole "oh, kaneshiro and madarame actually knew shido and were sucking his dick the whole tiiiime" thing is also completely unnecessary and never gets mentioned again. nobody even talks about it. you probably didnt even remember it until i mentioned it again
shido is still cartoonishly evil like okumura is, but he gets bonus points for not trying to be made into a sympathetic, hard-working and misunderstood dad in akechi's confidant (and at least we actually get to see him show feelings towards things, even if it is just hating children and monologuing in his office)
also hes kiiiiiiiiiind of the tritagonist in cnau but we aren't going to talk about that.... yet..............
idk. i like shido but there's people who are better
making it into number 4 is futaba sakura!
i really like the twist on the concept of palace rulers actually. not every person with distorted desires is a bad person; instead of sabotaging others, futaba is self-sabotaging. but with a change of heart, that little shut-in is able to get back up and live life to the fullest!
now in the top 3, i give this spot to ichiryusai madarame!
the palace ruler with a canon deadname...... our trans icon 🏳‍🌈
he's what okumura wishes he was. this single father can do it all! he can paint, love, steal, emotionally abuse, he's a man of many hats without mastering anything!
if theres anyone who i love picking apart the brain of more than kaneshiro, it's madarame. he hates himself so much that it loops back around to having a huge ego. he was jealous of yusuke's mother and the talent she held that he let her die just so he can be validated boohoo
madarame thinks hes only worth what he creates, and being yusuke's only authoritative figure, imprinted that mindset and behaviour onto him. he actually sees yusuke as his son and loves him deeply but hes soooo dependent on him in multiple ways and without him he literally crumbles. madarame is pathetic and helpless and i love him
in 2nd place is sae niijima!
you know her. i know her. we've seen that section of the story. soooo good. banger palace theme, pretty environment, attractive lady, hoo-wee!
seriously, she has great development. sae never actually gets a change of heart, she changes on her own because she remembers she's here to protect what she really cares about; justice. she comes to be one of the few adults the phantom thieves can genuinely place their trust in. theres a bonus chapter in mementos mission where sae looks at buchimaru slippers because they remind her of makoto. and thats after she roundhouse kicks a purse-snatcher in the face while wearing high heels.
she's also the one who won the hottest palace ruler poll by a longshot so. you go girl!
and at long last... number 1 goes to......
i wanted to get a bunch of pictures of him for this but he's actually so hideous i legitimately got freaked out
he's my meow meow who did nothing wrong (he did everything wrong) and hes just a baby (literal abuser) and youre all just mean (he deserves worse)
they wanted to write a piece of shit and they did it. and they did it well. i can't think of a single reason why someone would like this guy. and thats exactly why i like him.
kamoshida was conditioned to believe that his actions had no consequences and therefore he could do whatever he wanted. people would cover it up. they'd keep their silence. his reputation is great enough that everyone is too worried to topple it because it might crush them when he falls. he doesn't need to be two-faced when they've already seen the other mask. hes the greatest introductory to the story and themes of persona 5 ever and i would not have it any other way
kamoshida is a SHIT BAG. he makes me legitimately sick to my stomach in a way the other characters just dont really do. i mean the mementos palace did a pretty good job of making me think about what im doing with my life so props to them, but like i said just looking at kamoshidas face made me feel uneasy
also i wrote a oneshot about him and kaneshiro fucking and there was the swag mention of the lingering guilt he experiences in the back of his mind every time he hurts someone because he is still a human after all
he's the protagonist in rsau and he's my favourite test subject for different kinds of pain and anguish. suguru kamoshida numba one 4eva. i hope he dies
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figitorynonsense · 1 year
i present:
figitorynonsense goes on a ramble about a random rescue bots AU she thought of in the car on the way to chinese school
sososo… idk if anyone has done this yet but Predacons and Maximals [from TFBW] in Rescue Bots….. and then eventually all teams get like a speciality weapon due to some glitch in time monster that awakens and caused this and so happens to lead the rescue bots towards the animalistic forms direction [more, MORE!!!] and the maximals + predacons to the vehicular forms direction
this sounds stupid and all but its mostly self indulgement
anyways here comes the big part
AKA what animals would the rescue bots take on???????
[ill explain the maxims and predas later]
ok wow but
theres alotttttaaaaaaa options here im think
at first i thought a cat bcuz… aloof and CAT but thats not really fit for fighting a gargantuan rip in space-time continuum being
and then those big ass cats [lions… lynxes… leopards…]
yea maybe but they just didnt fit
so i resorted to fish bcuz they’re the silliest, goofiest and most non-caring things i know
but i dont think anything i thought of sufficed so why not just…
hes a poison dart frog, a bleu one and also bigger bcuz wtf why not
frogs r pretty chill and usually harmless
but poisom dart frogs honestly kinda scary ngl
so hes got poison lightning now!!!! yay!!!!!
picture upcoming…
this cant be that hard right…
At first im thinking
“wow maybez tiger or the silly crocks…”
maybe i should have stuck with that but idk a great white shark kinda appealed to me…
or maybe a king cobra
idk im thinking off the top of my big ass head rn
actually maybe a grizzli bear
nah nevermind im sticking with the tiger
bengal tiger
ok i shoullldddd have maybe perhaps sticked with siberian tiger but c’mon… hes a rescue bot…
but then again they’re against a wormhole in time so idfk anymore
idk uh
i could go for a mockingbird or an owl but they aint exactly the biggest hunter
and then i just remembered “SkyHawk” so LMAOOOOO
Ferruginous Hawk
theyre apparently pretty social so hurray
[feel free to correct me on these…..]
[damn how do yall write long ass shit?? keep on going on the wrong areas SMH
ok maybe my first thought shouldnt have been a tortoise but
makes senze…
however i think boulder is the only one eligible for the hipp o
im not calling him fat
im not calling him slow
it just fits him
ok maybe i should reconsider —
ill leave this up for discussion:
Galapagos Tortoise,
Or Manatee [dont ask where this came from]
shit i just ran out of orange juice
ok im done here for now byeeeeeeee
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beah388love · 2 months
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Your on your period
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist
Cobra Kai Masterlist
Miguel:it was the middle of science class and you was sitting next to miguel and demetri , a couple of minutes past and you jusy knew and remembered you was due so you began to panick because you didnt have any pads or tampons with you, miguel noticed you was acting weird so he wrote down on a piece of paper 'are you okay? ♡︎' you wrote back no and he quietly whispered to you "whats wrong?" "im on my period and i dont know what to do" you whispered berg quietly back. He put his hand up and said "y/n feels ill can i walk her to the nurse sir" the teacher said yes and you both went to a shop to buy you pads or tampons(or anything you prefer) once you had found a bathroom and sorted yourself out you wouldnt stop thanking him and apoligizing for wasting his time,be immediately told you to stop apoligizing and took you too his house to have a movie marathon and cuddle.
Eli/hawk:you get very hormonal on your period and perticularly today your emotions were everywhere and you was watching peppa pig(idk why lmao) but in the episode you was watching susy was just plain evil and you started crying like having a full mental breakdown and when hawk heard you crying he immediately ran up to you and asked you whats wrong "s-susy is such a bad f-friend" you said between sobs "whos susy?" Hawk replied in a very confused tone and you just pointed to the tv "are you being serious?" Hawk said which made you cry even more "n-no! Dont cry its okay i-uh susy is a horrible friend" he said trying to comfort you and you just kept crying ,when hawk caught on that you was on your period throughout the day he went to a corner shop and got you your fav/f and he got you some more pads or tampons(or whatever u prefer) and he tried to not say anything that would offend you or make you sad for the rest of the day.
Demetri:you and Demetri were cuddling in his bed with your head on his chest and Demetri was gonna pee himself so he sprinted to the toilet and when he came back he turned the light on and that's when he saw it the red stain under you and on your shorts "OMG-ARE YOU OKAY ARE YOU DYING?" Demetri was screaming at you thinking that you was dying and bleeding to death "please don't die" he nearly had a heart attack until you told him you was on your period "oh- I-uh are you okay?" Demetri was now as red as a tomato  "yea but uh I need pads/tampons(or whatever your prefer) demetri went to the store to get you some but didn't know which ones you like or if you even have a preference so he texted you And when you told him what they looked like or the name he got them and bought you some snacks too. When he got back he washed his bedsheets and put new ones on and gave you some of his joggers to wear (which were really baggy on you) and then you guys are snacks and did a movie marathon of all your favourite films.
Robby:Robby would usually keep track of your period because he found it really stupid asking you all the time because you would get mad or sad at him cause of your mood swings so instead he just kept track and when he checked in the morning and saw you was due he bought some of your fav things and some pads/tampons(or whatever you prefer) because you was running out and then you guys chilled at his house and whenever you got a bad cramp he would give you a heating pad and massage your stomach.
Young daniel larusso:he knew instantly because you was always really sensitive on your period and would cry over the littlest things so he tried his best to not say anything that would make you upset or annoyed and when he did he would immediately not talk until you said it was okay for him to again and it might sound bad to others but you both knew it would stop unnecessary arguments and meltdowns for you both so you guys would just cuddle and watch films together all day.
Young johnny lawrence:Johnny knew what a period was but he never actually knew what it was if that makes sense so when you told him you was on yours he was very confused on what he should like if he should hug you or not touch you so he kind of did a mixture of both which was making you really upset because you didn't know why he was acting like that and confronted him after a day or two "Johnny why are you being like this?" You said randomly while you both were cuddling "what do you mean?" He answered back genuinely confused "well you keep being really cuddly and clingy and then you won't even touch me" Johnny knew exactly what you meant now and went bright red "I-uh I'm sorry I just didn't know if you wanted me to touch you or not i mean I've never had to deal with a girl on her uh what's it called?" he said "a period?" You answered "yeah! That's what it's called god that been bugging me all day" he said making you laugh "Johnny you can cuddle me if I'm on my period ,I mean like don't overdo it y'know just be how you usually are" "how I usually am?" He said kind of not believing you "yes how you usually are" you giggled. After that Johnny would act normally around you but he would still be extra kind to you because he knew that periods hurt from seeing you in pain from cramps before.
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Hello, Maxie(@cobra-star-of-sageclan) told me that you asked if you could join the Warrior cats au she is making, she responded but she is waiting on you to give her some information about the cat you want in the story, like what the cat looks like, the clan it's in, is it a background cat or more of a main cat. If you don't want to be part of the story let her know, but if you do let her know about the character you want her to add you to the story.
(I'm the one contacting you because she didn't want to at all sound rude or want to bother you about it)
omg im so sorry!!!! i didnt see the answer djbfbfjf i feel so bad!! anything is fine i really dont mind, but id love to just be a background cat if thats ok :3
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asseater3k · 10 months
Metal Gear Mania Day:5
At the time of writing I’m at the save screen after getting hit with 9 meaty electric god wind fists from a large Russian man I want try being less rambler for this one so I’m going to bullet out my talking points below the cut THESE WILL CONTAING SPOILERS FOR MGS 3 A GAME YOU SHOULD BE PLAYING IF YOU CAN
BOSS FIGHTS - I’ve faced three bosses today. The Fear, The End and The Fury all members of the cobra unit and all pretty fun I appreciate how open ended these boss fights are even between using Lethal vs non Lethal tactics each side has a plethora of tactics that you can use for example The End is set up so you can do a sniper wolf style snipers duel theres a room with an SVD and ammo in the arena and everything however I wanted his camo and didnt have a non lethal sniper so I had to go at it with a tranq pistol i feel like if I did this in some other games I’d be up a creek but here not only was I able to do it I had several ways of going about it you can terrace some animals use thermal goggles if you have them and even sneak up behind him which i was able to do once, The Fear is similar but I don’t have much to say as i cheesed him with fake death pill and stun grenade which worked shockingly well, The Fury is a lot less physically open than these taking place in a Vulcan raven style maze but the big storm drain looked cool and offered no less tactical depth, my one complaint thats very minor is that KOing The End doesn’t get you his camo just his myosin which is still a good pick up as its a non lethal sniper. I learned that to get his camo you actually have to hold him up three times which is it fine I’m just kinda bummed cause it turns out its a good ass camo. a lot of the stuff you get especially boss items seems to set you up for another playthrough which is kind of a thing throughout the game encouraging multiple play-throughs which is something I would be open to if I weren’t on a time crunch
THE BOSS- I noticed while comrade Kazuya was pushing my shit in boss got visibly upset by this on top of that she keeps insisting Colonel Mishima leave snake to her. It’s obvious she still cares for him in someway and she doesn’t seem like the kind of person who just defect to be on the other side so I dont think its just a lingering thing she has to get over on the side she beat my ass with powerful techniques twice already so I think theres something more its meta gear after all theres gotta be some crossed wires the only thing is that where I’m at now there seem to only be two major players 2.5 at best plus all this stuff with the “philosophers legacy” they bring up the philosopher’s super casually like I’m supposed to know them maybe it’s something from the MSX games but The Boss intrigues me I dont think she just out and out switched sides and I don’t really want to kill her we’ll see I guess
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satelitis · 10 months
Miguel Diaz — ♾️/10 i love him so much he is actually my boyfriend!!! <333 HE IS SO <3333 I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM
Johnny Lawrence— 9/10 he carried the show tbh, truely iconic
Daniel Larusso — 4/10 he was not it in this show, very judgy and annoying tbh…
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Samantha LaRusso — 4.5/10 I had mixed feelings though the whole show…her and miguel were cute but she was not my favorite like Miguel just wanted prom to be about them but she just HAD to make it about her and Tory… also the fact she was the only girl on miyagi do and lowkey made it her whole personality was not it…
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz — 7.5/10 I actually enjoyed his character and loved how he didn’t let kyler and the others get to him and found himself. DIDNT LIKE HOW HE WAS A BULLY TO DEMITRI AT ALL but then he had a redemption arc and actually came back and was a good person again and i respect him so much for it (also he was really funny ngl)
Robby Keene— 6.5/10 I loved Robbys character development throughout the show and how he grew with himself and learned to forgive Johnny throughout the series. HOWEVER there we quite a few moments that i was like DAMN how could he do that, like shaving off Hawks mohawk and legit screwing everything up for him and pushing the literal loml off a balcony when he was giving you mercy and didn’t want to fight anymore 😐 so there’s that. Nonetheless Robby still gets a 6.5
Tory Nichols — 9/10 i loved her way more than sam tbh. like she had way more character development and a reason behind her actions. payton list did a wonderful job with tory, and i feel like she will have such a big impact in season 6. i honestly loved her so much and can’t wait to see more of her
Kenny— 6/10 okay kenny i get you were bullied and shit and good for you for standing up to your bullies but he really thought he was all that and frankly he was quite annoying in my opinion.
Kyler , Terry , Kim — -27277228282828/10 I hate them i hate them i hate them i hate them no explanation needed.
John Kreese— 3.5/10 you see i have major on the fence syndrome with him cause i see what he was doing and he kinda had a redemption arc ig ig ig but like he was a bitch in the movies and like like like idk terry is WAY WORSE THAN HIM like IDK HOW TO FEEL ABT KREASE LIKE HE CARED ABOUT JOHNNY AND STUFF ANF WE FOUFNBTHAT OUT W/ THE FLASHBACKS HELP I FEEL IMA GET ATTACKED FOR RHIS 😭😭
Demitri — 8/10 he was very annoying at first and judgy but then he joined karate and found his confidence and then became a bad bitch so i personally love like s 3/4/5 demitri
Anthony Larusso — same with anthony he was a little annoying brat in the first 4 seasons and then hr pulled through in season 5 soooo 4/10 bc he can’t make up for it that much ykwim?
Moon— Marry me moon ilysm you’re the sweetest <33 9.5/10
Aisha — 10/10 she was a bad bitch i loved her so much she legit broke some kids nose and her , hawk and miguel are my fav friend group trio ever. she gave yas a front wedgie like she DESERVED enough said i love aisha <3
Rose— Yaya I love her so much she is such a funny character 10/10 i loved her so much she cared for Miguel so so much <33
Carmen — 11/10 she is so so so so amazing and a wonderful mom and i’m so happy for her and and Johnny !! she also cared for Miguel and is such a wonderful mother <33
Stingray — legit comic relief , legit annoying ass bitch 5/10 no words needed
Shannon Keene — 2/10 she abandoned robby BUT she is trying to better herself and take care of herself and try and be a good mother figure for robby
Yasmine — 1/10 is she dating Demitri , yes , was she a fat shaming bully who legit was a horrible friend also yes.
Amanda LaRusso — she isn’t Kumiko , but she was funny and is like one of the only characters with common sense 7.5/10.
Devon Lee— idk i don’t really have a big opinion on her?? so i’m just gonna give her a 6/10 cause she joined the Eagle Fang and kicked ass buttt she also kinda gave me off vibes when she was in Cobra Kai.
Chosen — Absolute bad bitch 9/10 , we stan chosen in this household. he dragged Terry and we’re here for it!!! I loved his character so much and boy can he dance.
@mictodii @juneberrie
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dutchwinter · 1 year
okay actual correct music ask game . 100 gecs and cobra starship for artists and uhhhghjkg. blue sky noise by circa survive for album
100 gecs YEAAAFGGHH i havent gotten around to listening to 10000 gecs in full but ive heard a bit of every song. and i loved 1000 gecs like two years ago i was OBSESSED with that album. ill say i know em even if im not all that familliar with their new album
Favourite Song: bloodstains or hand crushed by a mallet
Least Favourite Song: uhhh maybe ringtone? sorry i can only answer with 1000 gecs songs bc i dont remember their other music all that well. except bloodstains i listen to that everyday
Favourite Album: 1000 gecs
Least Favourite Album: i guess 10000 gecs but thats only because i dont know it well. i love it though
Song that got me into them: im not sure i dont have good memory..
Seen Live?: noo
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
cobra starship... i love the music i have heard but havent heard much though so yeah i dont know em. i know you make me feel hot mess and snakes on a plane lol. when i found out you make me feel was a cobra starship song i almost exploded tbh.
First song youtube took me to: well its you make me feel but im gonna scroll until i find a song i dont know. literally the 3 i know came up. okay its guilty pleasure.
First Impression: this sounds kinda familliar lol maybe i have heard it but if i have i dont remember so whatev. he doesnt even read.
Do I like it?: i actually really liked this song. i love fun pop music from the 2000s early 2010s. its like the best music ever made
Would I listen to more from them?: yes of course
Rate (from what I heard): cobra starship is the best band on earth
blue sky noise.. im afraid to say this but i have not finished this album i know like. 3 songs. ill go listen right now i swear it. OH MY GOD GAY PEOPLE WIN. sorry im literally watching the you make me feel video right now. brb
okay its tomorrow ive listened to it. . um wel l that was the best album ever okay moving on
Opinion on cover design: i used to hate circa covers but like nevermind best things ive ever seen 10/10. i love this one though but there are some ones i like better
Favourite songS: ALL OF THEM?? i guess imaginary enemy frozen creek... i have to stop here bc ive named the entire album and deleted it pretty much.. spirit of the stairwell... etc..
Least favourite song: girl i guess compendium lol. but its good so whateverr.
Underrated track: idk
Overrated track: idkk man
Rate: i need to say here that all the songs i didnt mention are literally favorites. i cant stress this enoughh. what the fuck
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