#i didnt like it the first time but once you get past ur expectations that it'll be an adaptation of the plot of the first game
skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
jsjdkdbjsskh this fucking movie man
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^^destruction caused by a fight his boys and some randos got into
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itty-bitty-mess · 10 months
Pip was a little pygmy lamia and, like almost every individual of his breed, he was quite the ungrateful brat. He had been adopted from the bitty adoption center and then returned by his previous owner who had spoiled him rotten, making him believe he was the most important thing in the world and that everything had to revolve around him. His brattiness had gotten so bad, that his previous owner returned him without a second thought despite the little pygmy’s empty “apologies”, a futile attempt to not lose the luxurious and comfortable lifestyle he had been so accustomed to.
One day, a young woman entered the establishment in looks for a small companion who could add some sort of excitement into her life. Pip’s eyes landed on that woman and he immediately got to work to be as “cute” and “charming” as possible, playing up the “widdle baby” act as much as he could. Trying to charm his way into a new home and back into his beloved comfortable lifestyle. The woman wasn’t entirely convinced on Pip at first, but after a “cute” tantrum full of crying blue tears and puppy dog eyes, she ended up adopting him with a simple shrug.
Pip was over the moon once he arrived to his new home, slithering everywhere, exploring every corner of the small apartment, calling dibs on the places he would soon mark as his property. The woman or, as he began calling her, “Mommy” didnt really seem that bothered by Pip’s behavior. When night arrived, she prepared him a small makeshift bed with an empty shoebox and some tissue paper and socks. Pip straight up refused to sleep in the box, demanding Mommy to let him sleep on her bed instead.
“Eh, im not doing that but if you don’t want the bed then suit yourself” Mommy said with a shrug as she picked up the makeshift bed and put it on the closet. “But I gotta tell you the floor gets really cold at night and I tend to lock my door.” Pip was a little taken aback by her reaction. He had expected her to beg him to sleep on the box, or to comply and let him sleep on her bed. He tried throwing another tantrum, this time trying to be clear about what he wanted.
“WAAAAHH!! BUT MOMMY I DONT WANT A STINKY BOX, I WANNA SLEEP WITH YOU!!!! IM SCARED OF THE DARK!!!!” Pip cried, his fake little tears and screams falling on uncaring, deaf ears.
The woman just shrugged and responded with a “sucks to be you, buddy” and went to her room. Pip followed her and tried slithering as fast as he could to slip into the bedroom before she locked the door but all he managed to do was hit his face straight into the hard metal door. She had entered and immediately locked the door shut, and Pip was way too big to slip through the gap between the door and the floor.
But he wasn’t gonna give up so easily! He started banging on the door nonstop, his tiny gloved hands barely managing to make any noise against the metal door. He tried screaming, directly demanding Mommy to let him in immediately. But what Pip didn’t know was that she was wearing sound proof headphones, allowing her to have a good night’s sleep. He ended up sleeping on the cold, hard floor, trembling and shaking with tears of rage in his eyes. This wasn’t over yet, he was gonna make Mommy’s life a living nightmare and she would have no option but to treat him like the king he was.
From that day onwards, Pip tried almost every trick on the book to make Mommy do what he wanted. He started pissing and pooping on her clothes to “teach her a lesson”, but she simply shrugged and said “Cool, I was gonna throw those old rags away anyways”. Whenever she fed him “cheap and disgusting” Bitty Kibble, he would throw the little food bowl back at her but his aim was so pathetic that he barely managed to flip the bowl. He tried stealing her food which only caused him severe food poisoning because the idiot stole and ate a moldy piece of bread that was many years past its expiration date.
He demanded Mommy to buy him a control remote car and other expensive toys but she just threw a crumpled paper ball on his direction as said “There, play with that instead lol”. He threw constant tantrums but she completely ignored him or just didn’t seem to care enough. Even when he had planned on scratching or biting her, his pathetic and useless little fangs and his weak little “claws” did absolutely no damage
He even tried stealing Mommy’s phone and trying to break up with her boyfriend through text. However, the boyfriend could tell that wasn’t how his girlfriend texted, he could tell that it was Pip by the terrible grammar and childish word usage so he sent Pip graphic images of bitty gore which deeply traumatised him. He told Mommy about this, hoping that maybe she would craddle him on her arms to comfort him but all she did was laugh at him. Pip felt humiliated, he couldnt believe she didn’t even comfort him or tried to pamper him after such a horrible thing!
Tears welled up in his little eyes and he went to the corner to fake cry again, looking behind his back every few minutes hoping to see Mommy looking back at him with a guilty expression, but all he saw was she had left for work again. This wasn’t fair! How could Mommy not care about him! He was Pip, the great and magnificet pygmy! The most specialest lamia of all, who deserved all the love and attention in the world!
Pip suddenly got an idea, he was gonna go to Mommy’s workplace and demand her, in front of everyone, to give him what he wanted, like fancy human food, expensive toys, a shiny new bandana and to let him sleep on her bed! Mommy could sleep on the floor if she wanted! Perhaps he could even make up some lies about him being “abused” and “neglected” to ruin her reputation with her colleagues. Yes! That was a great idea! Mommy would surely listen to him if he isolated her from everyone! Pip was sooooo smart!
Pip spent the entire night planning how he would take his plan into action. The next day, when Mommy left for work once again, he swiftly slipped through the closing gap of the door, trying to no be seen by her. Then, he silently slipped into her car and hid there, standing as still and silent as possible while she drove. Then she finally arrived to her workplace and entered the huge, shiny office building. Oh, this was Pip’s chance! This was gonna be so good!
He got off the car and slithered around, following silently behind Mommy, he was waiting for the perfect oportunity to strike and humiliate her. However, as they entered the building, Pip was immediately greeted with a massive crowd of people walking in all directions like busy bees in a hive. It was overwhelming and loud for the little lamia and, in a moment of disorientation, he lost sight of Mommy!
He panicked and looked in all directions, slithering through the squeaky clean, polished floor and trying his best to dodge the passerby. He tried screaming and calling out to Mommy, surely she would hear him and go to his rescue! Mommy would never abandon such an important lamia like Pip! Surely Mommy would show up and sweep the little lamia in her arms and take him to a warm and cozy bed full of toys and yummy food like he deserved!
However, his squeaky little yells were drowned out by the constant noise of the office building. People calling out each other’s names, machines working and beeping nonstop, loud clicking of keyboards, etc. All louder than Pip’s weak little voice. Pip tried moving through the crowd, and soon he spotted a stranger who had stopped walking to watch their phone. He got an idea and tried making a “cute” teary eyed expression as he approached the stranger, knowing that his cuteness would be enough to capture the stranger’s attention and get them to help him.
“UM.. EXCUSE ME, IM WOST AND TOO WIDDLE TO MOVE THROUGH THIS CWOWD. CAN YOU HELP ME FIND MY MOMMY PWEASE?” Pip said, pouting and about to start fake crying again. But the stranger didnt seem to hear him. Instead, they started to walk back to their office.
“WH- UM, EXCUSE ME?? HELLO??? DID YOU EVEN HEAR ME???? IM A WIDDLE LAMIA AND I NEED HELP!!! ARE YOU DEAF?? HEWWO!!!” Pip yelled, the baby act completely dropped as he was ignored. He was extremely angry so he raised his voice, damaging his throat a little but continuing regardless. “I AM PIP, THE GREATEST AND MOST IMPORTANT PYGMY IN THE WORLD!! HOW CAN YOU NOT HEAR-“
And then another person immediately walked by and “unintentionally” kicked Pip on the rib, breaking it and sending him flying all the way across the lobby, making him hit his head against the marble floor. Pip laid there against the wall, in too much pain and complete shock, trying to process what had happened. Never in his life had Pip gotten harmed before, his previous owner was always so careful and caring, making sure he was always safe and protected. He had never known pain until that moment.
Little blue tears fell from Pip’s eyes, the difference this time was that they were genuine and not fake. He wanted to go back to his first home, where his owner gave him a whole human king-sized bed just for him. Where Pip could cheerfully slither across the long table full of all kinds of delicious food and pick what he wanted whenever he wanted. Where Pip had an entire miniature theme park just for him to play in. He regretted being so ungrateful, he regretted pissing and pooping everywhere to get his previous owner’s attention, he regretted rippin apart his previous owner’s nice chairs and couches whenever he threw a tantrum, he regretted interrupting others and yelling and manipulating his previous owner to get his way, he regretted insulting his previous owner multiple times and calling them horrible things.
Pip started crying, sobbing even. He regretted everything he did and how much of an unbearable brat he had been. He wanted his comfortable life back. He wanted to feel pampered and like the center of everything again. He tried screaming, calling out to Mommy again, he desperately needed her to hold him or at least pat his back or something. But nothing happened. So despite the pain of his now cracked skull and broken rib, Pip pushed himself up and tried slithering around again. Calling out to Mommy and crying non stop, not caring about the ammount of snot that now dripped from his nose cavity.
As he slithered around, Pip didn’t watch where he was going and another person walked by and harmed him. This time, they stepped on his tail, causing the internal tail bone to shatter and the ecto-flesh to rip open, beginning to bleed. Pip let out a loud, ear piercing scream, hugging his tail in pain as he curled up into a fetal position. Then another person walked by and kicked Pip once again, the force of the kick itself caused another couple of ribs to break. Pip could not stop screaming, the pain was too unbearable for him.
Even with his damaged tail, Pip tried dragging his body across the floor, trying to escape the crowd. But another pair of seemingly giant feet crushed his little arms. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!”. He screeched, but the person responsible for it kept walking as if nothing had happened. He tried using his body and his tail to push himself forward but another couple of people walked by, kicking him around between them as if he was a pingpong ball. Every time he tried getting out of the crowd, people would suddenly walk by and either step on him or kick him back to the center of it all. Tears fell from his eyes as he recieved another kick, then another, and so on.
He cried, he screamed, he yelled as loud as he could. Maybe if he was loud enough, people would realize he was there and maybe even help him. But no, nobody cared and they continued on with their day. Now, compared to the treatment he was used to, Pip felt insignificant. He was no longer “The Great and Amazing Pip, The Specialest Pygmy Of The Entire World!”, he was just a worthless little thing, lost in an office building, getting kicked around as if he was nothing but trash.
Finally, Pip caught a glimpse of Mommy in the distance, she was talking with another woman as she held a cup of coffee and a clipboard. Tears of joy formed on Pip’s eyes. Maybe this nightmare would finally be over! Maybe if he screamed loud enough, Mommy would recognize his voice and immediately go to his rescue!
With anticipation and hope in his eyes, Pip took a huge chunk of air and prepared to let out the yell of his life. But life had other plans as a woman walked in. She was wearing tall heels, clicking and clacking against the floor. Without a care in the world, she walked by and interrupted Pip mid-yell as she stepped on his spine. Pip felt the sharpest and strongest pain of his life coursing through his entire body. He wanted to screech in pain but he couldn’t, he couldn’t talk, he couldn’t scream, he couldn’t move the lower half of his body…
Tears fell from his eyes, panic surged through his body as he saw Mommy about to ride the elevator. He used his broken arms and tried dragging himself in her direction with all the strength he had left despite the immense, agonizing pain he felt.
“MoMmy- Mo- ahk! moMmy! hElp mE! It hUrtS.. HURTS! HELP! MO-“ but Pip couldn’t even finish his sentence as a floor scrubber passed by. Polishing and sweeping the floor and picking up Pip along the way. The little pygmy was trapped alongside the dust and trash. Pip could feel everything despite being unable to move. He felt his tiny little body being ripped apart and crushed piece by piece. His arms were first, then his tail, then finally his torso and head detached and nothing but dusty, bloody remains mixed with garbage and dirt were left.
When Mommy returned home that afternoon, she didn’t seem surprised that Pip was nowhere to be found. Instead of panicking or worrying, Mommy just shrugged and started to put away the groceries. Maybe Pip had slipped out and died as he fell from the window, or a stray cat got inside and ripped him apart. Whatever had happened to Pip, Mommy didn’t really care, she had better things to do and she had already been considering returning Pip back to the adoption center anyways.
And so, with another bitty gone, life on the big city continued, for nobody would care about an insignificant and worthless little bitty.
The End.
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dollfaceksj · 11 months
because i cannot understand his hypocrisy. He fucks other girls with an intention to try to move on from reader. But still ends up at her door and to some extent its okay, but still even saying I love you to her doesn't seem at all like he is even trying to move on.
Not to offend someone but if I were in reader's place, I would've gladly let him fuck me (cuz why not!) But yeah that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Even if I would still have feelings for him, that doesn't me a I would walk straight into his toxicity.
He really puts blame on the reader even when he knows she broke up with him for his own sake and there was even full conversation of it, so it also doesn't leave the option for any misunderstanding either.
She even told him that she would be there for him while he is learning to improve himself. She is kind. To me what he does is plainly an asshole move and is making no redemption for it and his moves doesn't make sense to me.
Like what does he expect from the reader now? Seriously reader should also fuck with others if he is doing it. It should be from both sides. Only him doing so and still if reader takes him back, would only prove that she is blinded.
They should just break it off for real
dang this is crazyyy
something tells me u didnt really get the story so ill explain it to you again:
as mentioned, jungkook has never been by himself. he comes from a line of short relationships and situationships and his first actual love is y/n. he is extremely, extremely attached to her.
jungkook has never once blamed y/n, he has only stated the fact that she walked out on him which is true, she did choose to break it off with him. he doesn’t blame her for it, not at all, in fact he understands. he only reminds her that she has no right to fuss over what he does when they are not together anymore and he is right.
you say that y/n should just ‘start fucking others too’ and that it should ‘come from both sides’ but that’s where you’ve lost the plot.
again, jungkook has never been by himself. so his attempts at moving on is looking for affection some place else, he can’t imagine living without it because he never had to nor has he experienced it. (until y/n broke up with him.) he is scared of being alone.
y/n on the other hand, has a healthy relationship with herself as stated in pt1, doesnt cling to the past, forgives anyone that has hurt her without a second thought, always trying new things, always looking for change. the thing with her is that she has fallen deeply in love with jungkook but she isn’t terrified of being alone like jungkook is so for her to start sleeping around doesn’t make sense, she doesn’t crave that. you saying that just tells me you read reminder in a very black and white/one dimensional mindset when its much more complex than that.
i do agree that jungkook saying ‘i will never let you forget about me’ is narcissistic however he never once claims ‘i will never let you move on from me’. yes, he doesn’t want her to move on from him but that doesn’t mean that he’ll actively prevent it.
yes, he keeps showing up at her front door. yes, he knows she can’t resist him. that is selfish of him.
but its been made clear that if she tells him to stop, he will stop. jungkook will listen to whatever she says. he couldve thrown a way bigger tantrum when she first broke up with him but all she had to say was ‘stop’ and he stopped. he processed her words. he asked for one more night and he left without another word.
because he trusts her with his life. he loves her too.
every single time he returns to her home he very clearly asks if he can kiss her and if he can have sex with her because she can decline, she can tell him to leave and he’ll obviously respect that. she just cant bring herself to make him leave because she still loves him, still wants him, still craves him.
so that being said i hope i gave u more insight because i wholeheartedly have to disagree with what ur saying. i respect people’s opinions and thoughts nonetheless and i always encourage my readers to share their thoughts and reactions but you completely misunderstood the story and i just wanted to take the time explain it to you.
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the-blaze-empress · 1 year
For the Ask Game, 1., 2., 7., 19., 21., 41., 44., and 81.,
1. do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
i know where i want to end up definitely, sometimes that can change in specifics a little bit but like. the main themes and shit are always pretty set. the middle can b a bit hazy but also has the main points outlined. sometimes characters just have a few more panic attacks than expected u know how it b <3
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
PHILZA FUCKING MINECRAFT IN TAKE MY ARMS STOP FUCKING PANICKING. his reaction to quackity was WAY worse than i thought it was gonna be that it warranted an ENTIRE EXTRA CHAPTER. yeah so that happened. ALSO PHIL GETTING DISTRACTED BY THE RIBBON VENDOR. KID PLS THERES PLOT THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN I GET IT THE RIBBONS R SHINY BUT WE GOT THINGS TO ADDRESS HERE. arms!phil very much has a mind of his own
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
oh boy time to revisit the days where i didnt know what fanfic was!! i think technically my first fanfic was. sfge fic. i had a whole canon compliant story about a pair of twins, the daughters of the girl and boy from the snow queen fariytale, one had fire powers and the other water, the water one went to the school for good and the fire one went to the school for evil. they both got into the trial by tale and watched (ohgod what were their names) bane kill the good kid from woods beyond. uh yeah i had fun working out all their gifts and stuff, i had a lot of characters planned n shit i should see if i can find the word docs for that. as per usual the middle of the fic was very. hazy in the middle
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
BUN BUNFLORAS @bunfloras!! SUCH a big influence on both what i write and how i write most notably in finally being the one to convert me from past tense to present. oh dear can you see me? for properly introducing me to whump and kidza, both of which i adore reading AND writing. fuckin. whats her name. margaret owen is such a good writer her books are so good i love how well she worldbuilds and embeds it all so well into her stories. go read the merciful crow duology you will thank me.
21. pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
hmmmmmm. i think bun and i could write a good book together i mean we've already cowritten tens of thousands of words sfadsgdh. looks at rune and cam. looks at their rp. looks back at this question. yeah it would be about magic and queer relationships and growth and so much fucking angst
41. what is the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
i have no fucking clue. i have had so many story ideas i cannot keep track of them all. good lord. lemme check my google drive. OH I KNOW. that one klance fic i wrote from the perspective of a tree <3
44. any writing advice you want to share?
i feel like saying 'just fucking do it' is cliche. but its the best advice i can give really. write for yourself even if you dont publish it, read things you like and work out what you like about it and see if you can put that in ur own writing. write FOR YOURSELF. dont write for other people it will become a chore and you will regret it. people wont enjoy reading it if ur not enjoying writing it
81. if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
god so much. not everything has to be about romance. stop taking on so many projects with deadlines at once. stop tracking how many words u write each day. write what you want to write. its okay to stop enjoying smth ur writing
writing ask game
(hi roo love you <33)
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luvelylili · 2 years
hiiii i hope ur having a good day!!!! :333
i have some difficulties with manifesting my sp T__T so like my sp is my friend but we got into a huge argument and now we dont talk anymore but i want him back, ive manifest alot of things before and its so easy like right when i think of it it appears but with this one its hard like i dont know how to manifest like am i doing too much or too little? im scared if im doing too much or too little he wont come back maybe im just nervous? sometimes i believe he will come back and dm me rn but when i look at my phone theres no messages from him so i feel dissapointed, but to be fair i didnt believe it that much, sometimes i wanna give up but i wont ill try my hardest bc i want him back so bad, hes my precious friend, thank u so much T__T 💗💗💗💗💗💗
hi love,
first of all, you’re manifesting all the time whether you know it or not, so it’s quite impossible for you to not know how to manifest. manifesting an sp is only hard if you make it hard, which you are clearly doing. however, worry not - that’s very fixable!!
first of all, forget all the fights and dramas from the past. that’s the old story, we don’t need that. you get to decide from this moment on how your relationship is with your sp. whether he is ignoring you and never wants to see you again, or he’s literally on his knees for you and after you all the time is fully up to you. you get to decide!
now, with regards to your message i think there’s 2 main takeaways i want to clarify for you. first, the law of assumption works based off of your assumptions, therefore, you’re only ‘doing too much or too little’ if you assume you are. you literally get to pick how to manifest for yourself so i suggest you to figure out what you like and simply decide that that’s what works for you to manifests, and roll with it! trust me, there’s no such thing as doing too much or doing too little, as long as you’re not wavering and checking the 3d.
which brings me on to my next point. you’re checking the 3d wayyyy to much. how do you expect him to conform the way you want if you affirm for 2 seconds and then check your phone and complain he hasn’t texted you? instead, ignore time. once you’ve affirmed that he’s always texting you and loves you more than anything, stick to that and ignore everything else. let go of time, anytime you start to feel anxious just shut it down. wdym he hasn’t texted you? yes he has. once you start affirming, you have to be disciplined and recognise that things are a certain way in your 4d because you said so (this is the true reality!!!), and anything you see in your 3d that doesn’t reflect that, is not real!!
in short, my best advice for you is to just let go of the past, decide what you want for your future, and then stick with it. go straight to the end, babe, persist no matter what and be damn stubborn until you get what you want.
you’ve got this!! <333
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writerquil · 7 months
you genuinely expect us to believe you read case studies and scientific studies when you refuse to read a tumblr ask?
you have no idea what youre talking about at all, and you refuse to listen to anyone who disagrees with you because you've made up your mind about us without even hearing what we have to say and provide to a conversation.
you're so stuck in the toxic sludge that is your little puritanism cult and it shows
first of all when did i ever claim to read scientific studies lol, most of the things i know are from extremely basic research.
and no i literally just dont care enough to argue online, i did hear what u had to say the first time then replied with my own saying, including the fact that im not interested in debating or arguing, to which u replied with an entire essay
nothing has changed, i dont feel like arguing or debating because im never going to agree with u guys, ive had these arguments more times then youd think and you all talk the exact same and bring up the exact same points that im just so bored of refuting and have to delete right after theyre finished plaguing my profile.
"I brought up different points" you didnt, because although i didnt read your entire essay, i did skim through it in hopes u would have some points that i havent heard before or that i havent refuted before and you didnt.
so i have already listened to be people who disagreed with me, when they moved on, another came along, i refuted all their points, they said i was in a toxic cult (sound familiar?) and moved on, then another came along.
i dont feel like explaining my points again and again, this isnt some special little thing where ur the chosen one about to prove me wrong and im going to be like "omg ur right."
and before you say "how will u ever agree if u dont try" ive seen ur point of view before and i TRIED to put some effort into understanding ur points but when all of your points can easily be knocked over, its difficult
"then knock all my proves over, prove it" NO, because ive already done that way too much, so unless u want a copy and pasted paragraph ive already sent to five other people
your little "im the calm and collected one who explains all of these points in this organized, long way" is used by every single one of you, and when i explain to u that i said im not interested in a debate u get angry, just like the rest.
so once again, so it sticks to ur brain, ive heard the same points too many times by you all, frankly i dont feel like refuting them over again, you want an argument, or "conversation"? go somewhere else.
and before u reply with "ha im not fucking reading all that, if u didnt read mine why should i read yours", you did, you read this entire thing.
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yourbleedingh3art · 2 years
Ok so basically i was so scared i dropped the ball and all my teachers hated me cuz they thought i was super engaged the first week but instsntly i started showing up to class late/turning assignments in late so i was like fuck theyre gonna think i was just catfishing them like im actually a dedicated student ive just been really struggling w balance and adjustment in the context of mental health struggles in a relatively new environment im still deciding my place in... so i was like fuck theyre gonna be so disappointed in me i already set them up to expect great things from me Im so teachers pet Im trying to be that student u remmeber , that student that literally makes teaching class easier cuz u know u have an engaged mind and a listening ear and a feeling heart dedicated to what ur saying, a student driven by natural curiosity like i want them to know i dont do school for fucking grades i dont even check my grades grades only matter as the teacher's parameter of course success and i care about doing well on a test not for the grade but to show the teacher i CARE about succeeding in your course because i CARE what youre teaching about It brings a tear to my eye you would share your intellectual property with me Because i do so much research in my own time, but with teachers i just get to sit back and learn and its truly a privilege not to teach yourself, it truly is, like when i cook for myself all the time then i get to go to a restuarant and its like. u didnt have to grocery shop u didnt have to mean plan u didnt have to ingredient prep or chop u didnt have to do dishes u didnt have to put away the dishes once theyre dry u didnt have to box up leftovers and u dont have to wash the tupperware the leftovers are in like I Love Saving time i fucking love saving time Im conscious of how i spend my time bc every moment of my day Imtrying to jampack w intention and its such a priority to me to foster my own natural curiosities so i give so many fucks about school i give so many fucks about learning AND I WAS SCARED THEY WERE GONNA THINK I DIDNT! THAT I WAS LAZY AND APATHETIC. REALLY ITS JUST BEEN MENTALLY TUFF BUT NO I HAVE CARED THIS ENTIRE TIME. EVERy time i showed up late to class i was raking myself over the coals i truly was. I already have blisters on my feet from how much i walk but when i am late to class I pound each step into the sidewalk so fast, and i can physically feel the friction worsening my blisters, but its more important to me not to be late Yo i fucking care. I care. And it paid off. Im really about to cry right now and it paid off. I was like caring isnt enough. Yeah i care but i have been so shit. "people who care dont turn in assignments late so " this negative ass inner demon. I CARED IVE JUST BEEN USIN SO MUCH ENERGY FIGHTING U! U NEGATIVITY DEMON! AND I WAS SCARED I WAS SO BUSY FIGHTING THAT SCHOOL WAS JUST GONNA HAVE TO TAKE A BACKSEAT. LIKE. FUCK. My teachers are just gonna get what they get. Im tryin yall. And then . And then and then. I have my head screwed on tighter this week and im all refreshed and ready to learn and i check my grades and its like. YOU HAVE BEEN LEARNING THIS WHOLE TIME. YOU HAVE BEEN LEARNING THIS WHOLE TIME. U HAVE BEEN SO CONCERNED W MENTAL PREOCCUPATIONS BUT YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ON AUTOPILOT. YOU ARE CONSCIOUS EVEN WHEN YOURE UNCONSCIOUS OF IT. YOU NOTICE THINGS YOU DID NOT REALIZE YOU NOTICED TILL YOU ARE APPLYING WHAT YOUVE OBSERVED/LEARNED! I THOUGHT the past two weeks that i was on autopilot, that a stand-in dummy was walking around in my body but my mind, the way i want my mind to be, the way my mind is on its best day (bright and fast moving and so curious and so loving and so trusting yet intuitive and creative), i was like That isnt here right now. Bc my emotions were so big they took up all the space. but that was just another illusory emotion! I WAS SUCCEEDING EVEN WHEN I THOUGHT I WAS FAILING. I THOUGHT I DID SO SHITTY THESE LAST TWO WEEKS OF SCHOOL, BUT REALLY, I GOT MY FIRST PERFECT 100 PROJECT GRADE IN COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shigarak1slut · 3 years
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Dating Dabi Hcs SFW
• Dabi is cocky af, he knows that you will always go back to him and that's why he wont get jealous when people hit on you . That doesn't mean that he wont fight them for fun -and then fuck u to mark territory-
•We all know that Dabi prefers getting run over by a bus than confessing his feelings BUT later in the relationship when he is sure about his feelings expect little notes ex. Your favorite snack with a post it on it with just a drawn heart . Of course if you confront him he ll deny it ("the fuck are you on about ?") but it still feels nice yk?
• Dabi would burn down the whole world just so you can light your cigarette
• lazy mornings where he would hold you in bed and just say "No" everytime you said you had to leave
• He would never say that he wants to move on with you , instead he would buy you a toothbrush so u would spent the night and then find excuses as to why you should not leave ("What do you mean you need clothes you look so hot with my t-shirts on")
•He wanted to tell you about his past but again he would rather die than be vulnerable so one day you were watching TV and the news come up "First ranked hero Endeavour saves 2 children from drowning" he would just casually (not even look at you) go "That's my father"
•Of course you didnt believe him at first ( I mean who would ?) but then he would go on as casually explain some of what happened ( trying not to show emotions even though he wanted to burst into tears) . You shocked hugged him and said how sorry you are and he just laid there trying to de escalate the situation
•" Huh is no big deal "
• After that you relationship was NEXT LEVEL
• Do I need to say how big he is ?
•He also has a shit ton of stamina . That boy could go for hours
•He would praise you in after fighting sex in a way to apologize (" you are taking me so well babe" " fuck I just want to cum by looking at your tits")
•But other than that degrading was what got him going
•The first time you called him Toya during sex he just stood there still inside you with a face like he was the one fucked dumb
•"Say that again"
• He let you dom for ur birthday once and you guys loved it
•He is a huge brat tho
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 16]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, dom!seungcheol, oral(fem receiving), a little overstimulation, some hair pulling, dirty talk, possessive!seungcheol makes an appearance, sex toys, seungcheol riskin’ it all in this one 😏😳 yall!!! only 4 more chapters after this 🥺 it’s so crazy, I don’t even remember when I started this series but omg, my longest one yet! 💕 thank you so much for the support on cherry bomb, as always!! I love yall 💕💕 also my god has it been a week 😭 gonna do an inbox roundup tomorrow!💕 But for now, enjoy ch16 and have a good, safe weekend!! 💕🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - x - x - x - x
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“Let me get this straight… She asked you if you considered her your girlfriend and you said what?”
Seungcheol grimaces for the third time, brows furrowed when Jeongguk blinks at him incredulously. “I’m sorry, I just---I need to hear it from your lips again, hyung.”
“Ugh, I said ‘sure’, okay!? I got nervous! That was a big fuckin’ question!” Seungcheol tugs at his own hair, groaning as he slams his head down onto the concession stand. “Don’t even get me started on the look she gave me after. I had to sleep next to her, you don’t know how horrible that was after my fuck up.”
Jeongguk pats Seungcheol’s hair; shaking his head as he gently tries to comfort his hyung.
“What did she say afterwards?”
“She just said ‘oh, okay’ and then she changed topics.” Seungcheol lifts his head from the countertop, hair mussed as he stares back at Jeongguk who shoots him a pitiful look.
“And that was it? The two of you went to bed?” Seungcheol nods, “We ate a little and she started talking about work so I thought everything was okay? But the more I think about it the more I’m thinking ‘oh, okay’ isn’t really okay? Listen, I haven’t been in a relationship in a while and the last thing I ever expected out of meeting her was for her to be my girlfriend!”
Jeongguk laughs in return, “I can tell. You’re fuckin’ rusty as hell, hyung.”
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“He said what?”
You groan as you pick up another plate. “He said ‘sure’ and then it got awkward. We ate dinner and then went to bed and this morning when he dropped me off, I felt like---weird? I was all shy all of a sudden, maybe even awkward.” Jun helps you clear off the table, taking a couple plates of his own before turning to face you.
“Like, ‘butterflies in my stomach’ kinda shy? Or, like, ‘that wasn’t really the answer I was looking for’ kinda awkward shy?”
Grimacing, you start to wipe down the table as Jun watches. “I’m not even sure. I mean… He didn’t say no, right? But I guess I was just expecting a little more than just ‘sure’. Nothing like, grandiose but… a little more than ‘sure’? It’s like he was replying to me asking if he wanted a piece of chocolate.”
Jun laughs, fingertips on his chin as he thinks of an appropriate response. “He might just be… awkward. I mean, what was the preface of this question? What conversation were you two having?”
Your lips press into a firm line, cheeks hot as Jun stares you down. “Okay… maybe you’re right. I didn’t really… work up to that question. I kinda just… asked it. I mean, you guys were asking about it in the comments too so I just thought--”
“Ah! There’s the problem though. I don’t think hyung was even in the chat at that point. So, just because all of us were talking about it doesn’t mean he knew, y’know? He might’ve just been caught off guard.”
“Ugh... fuck, you’re probably right.”
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You and Seungcheol don’t talk about it.
Even though you can feel the tenseness between the two of you during dinner and even when he drops you off and picks you up from work Friday afternoon. It’s all clipped conversations and shy, awkward smiles like the two of you had met for the first time, all over again.
It eventually comes to a head when you’re only an hour away from needing to start your cam show, Friday night, and you realize that you weren’t sure if Seungcheol was going to be part of it or not. “Hey, ‘Cheol?” You ask, voice small as you stare at the back of his head. The male turns from his place on the sofa, eyes wide as saucers at your shy voice.
“Are you, um, going to cam with me tonight or…? I mean, I can do it alone, I just--I wasn’t sure if you wanted to, tonight.” Seungcheol bites the inside of his cheek; he really wanted to talk about it and he didn’t understand why this, out of all the things, was so difficult for him to talk about.
“I--I don’t know. I just, I’m sorry, can I just... apologize first?” He groans as he gets up from the sofa and rounds it until he steps in front of where you sit atop the bed sheets. “It’s been so awkward and I know it’s because of me, so you don’t need to say anything. I just--I should’ve said more than ‘sure’, I was just nervous!” His cheeks burn red; wide eyes avoiding your own as you stare up at him. “I really want you to be my girlfriend, if I didn’t already make that clear. I was just thinking about how I never really expected you to like me that much, much less start a relationship with me, so the first thing that came out of my mouth was just… that. It was dumb, I should’ve said something else, but I think my brain was just mush by then.”
Your own cheeks feel hot at his confession; trying to hide the beaming smile that threatens to paint your features. “No--no, I should apologize a little too. I asked you that out of nowhere and made you panic. I should’ve worked it up better than that too.”
“I guess we’re both a little dumb, huh?” He laughs under his breath as he scratches the back of his head in embarrassment. “We can talk about everything else under the sun but that was just… harder to talk about in the moment.”
“Yeah, but we’re okay now, right? We’re an official c-couple?” You bite your lip, looking up at Seungcheol who seems to be staring off into the distance. A grin finds itself painted on his lips as he meets your shy eyes.
“That’s right, babygirl.”
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Seungcheol decides to let you do your cam show alone tonight; watching from the sofa as you get settled on the bed before nodding at him and starting your stream.
“Hey, everyone! Happy Friday!”
The comments and donations flood in as soon as you start and you already hit your donation minimum before you even open your mouth to speak again. It catches you off guard momentarily as your eyes go wide and your lips part in a shocked expression.
“Whoa, that was so fast! We already hit the donation minimum!”
sleepy_wonu has donated $75
sleepy_wonu: your channel has grown so much in the past few weeks im not surprised lol
universe_WZ: yea seriously, i remember when it took us like 30 mins before we hit minimum
artist8hao has donated $75
artist8hao: now theres ppl we’ve never even seen before in the comments lol
angelhan has donated $50
tangerine_kwan has donated $50
“Oh I know! Remember that one cam show where it took me, like, almost an hour to reach minimum? If it weren’t for ‘dom.cheol’ then, I don’t think that one would’ve taken off at all!” You giggle at the memory, eyes momentarily flitting to Seungcheol who smiles back at you.
kitty_junjun: speaking of? No loverboy tonight?
therealchan99: oh yeah i didnt even notice he was gone 😌
chwenon: lmfao
“Ah, he said he wanted to take a break tonight so it’s just me! Hope that’s okay with you guys?” You pout at the camera, fingertips roaming your lingerie clad body as you read off a few more comments. “I’m so used to his hands all over my skin though… He gets me to cum so easily, y’know?”
You pick up a dildo sitting next to you on the bed; bringing the silicone toy to your lips as you moan. “This is the biggest toy I have and it’s not anywhere near the size of his cock...” Wrapping your lips around the tip, you start sucking on the toy, imagining it was Seungcheol’s cock instead when it fills your mouth.
Your eyes flutter shut when you start grinding against the bedsheets underneath you and Seungcheol feels his throat going dry at the way you take more and more of the toy into your mouth until you’re gagging on it. Tears spring to your eyes when you feel your throat constricting around the silicone and you repeat this action a few more times before you’re pulling the toy from your mouth and sputtering to catch your breath.
gentleman_josh95: god youre so fucking pretty choking on cock
alphagyu97 has donated $50
alphagyu97: fuck i know
Setting the toy down, you immediately work to get your lingerie off; tossing it to the side before spreading your legs for the camera. “Mmh, I’m already so wet thinking about this toy filling me up…” You tease yourself with the toy, dragging the tip through your folds and collecting the wetness on it as you mewl.
xcaliburDK: but is it gonna be enough for you?
hoshi_tiger_xx: probably not, we all know the toys arent as good as the real thing lolol
You let out a whimper as you circle your clit with the tip of the toy. “I know… But I really want something inside my pussy…”
Seungcheol feels his cock throbbing in his sweats at the way your words only sound sweeter to his ears now that the two of you had cleared the air. He bites his lip, palming himself through the material as he watches you from his place on the sofa.
alphagyu97: is ur tight lil cunt ready to take it?
therealchan99: why dont u use your pretty fingers to get yourself ready hmm?
You nod shakily, setting the toy down again before bringing your middle and index fingers to your lips to wet them properly before snaking them down your body. “Ah, my fingers aren’t as big either…” Mumbling, you pinch and tease your clit, moaning out loudly before dragging them down and sinking them into your soaked entrance.
“Fuh--fuck, mmh!” Regretfully, your fingers aren’t as thick or long as Seungcheol’s but you curl and scissor the digits inside of you to prep yourself for the toy.
The sound of your moans and cries mix in with the pinging on your laptop from donations and comments and for once, Seungcheol realizes how weird it is to be on the other side and not with you. Admittedly, he’d gotten quite used to being on cam with you that it seemed awkward to just be doing nothing on the other side of the room.
“Oh, ngh, I--I want the toy n-now…” Mewling, you pull your soaking fingers from inside of your pussy; bringing them to your lips to clean them off of your wetness before grabbing the toy again. You run the silicone through your folds as you get it covered in your slick before positioning it at your entrance and slowly sinking it in.
It was definitely smaller than Seungcheol and didn’t have the same girth, but you still whine and whimper when it fills you up to the base of the toy. “Ngh, feels g-good…”
universe_WZ: i just kno that toy is noy as satisfying as the real thing huh princess?
xcaliburDK: right? Her pretty lil pussy is probably so used to being stretched by a big cock 
You thrust the toy into your pussy, soft cries spilling from your lips as you try to imagine it’s Seungcheol instead. In all honesty, you would’ve wanted him to film with you but you respected his decision to stay on the sidelines for tonight.
“Ah, it--it’s not the s-same… I--I need h-help…” You whine; shaky fingertips still working the dildo in and out of your soaking pussy. 
“P-please, ah… the toy’s not, mmh, enough to make m-me feel good...”
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In the time between you picking up the toy and you actually sliding into your wet cunt, Seungcheol internally argues with himself on what to do.
And it’s not until you start begging to the air for more that he mentally says ‘screw it’ and gets up from the sofa.
Your eyes are clamped shut as you try to chase the pleasure and soon you feel the bed dip; confused eyes peering back at Seungcheol who’s entire body, including his head, is in the camera’s shot. “W-wait, you---”
“Me, what? You asked for me, right?” He turns his head, eyes staring directly into the camera as he smirks.
“Hi. I’m her boyfriend. But I think the rest of you know that already, right?”
The comments go wild with Seungcheol’s sudden face reveal, even though you and him are already lost in each other as he grips the base of the dildo and starts pumping it inside of you, angling it as best as he can to graze against your g-spot.
xcaliburDK: i think i need to quit my job tomorrow
chwenon: ??? didnt u just start
angelhan: damn i knew this dude was gonna be hot as hell
kitty_junjun: whoa nice to see ur face
kitty_junjun: i take it u lovebirds made up
xcaliburDK: yea i did but i think ive embarrassed myself enough for one lifetime
xcaliburDK has donated $150
xcaliburDK: for my shame
Your entire body is aflame with Seungcheo’s confidence and you feel the pleasure building up even quicker now that he was here with you. “Ah, f-fuck…” Whining, you bite your lip to prevent yourself from calling out his name; something you were used to by now.
“What’s wrong, baby? Call my name. Let them know who makes you feel this fuckin’ good. Let them know who’s cock you always crave and who’s cock fills you up better than this toy ever fuckin’ could.”
“Fuck, S--Seungcheol!”
Your orgasm hits you out of left field; thighs clamping shut around his arm as he continues to fuck you with the dildo as you ride out your pleasure. He turns to face the camera yet again, winking at it cockily before he turns back to you. “That’s right, baby. Now I’m gonna eat your ‘lil cunt out and make you cum on my tongue while you let the entire world know who gets you this fuckin’ wet.”
He doesn’t give you a second to come down from your high before he’s nudging your thighs apart and sliding the dildo from inside of you. A shaky breath falls from your lips as he readjusts you on the bed; this time giving the camera a side view as you turn your head to face the camera.
The comments and donations continue to flood in, except now it seems like they’re going twice as fast.
xcaliburDK: kjdkjghsdkhg fuck
sleepy_wonu: well can i say at least hes not an old weirdo lol
sleepy_wonu: ❤️
chwenon: im like, pretty sure ive seen this dude come to the convenience store i work at
chwenon: bruh i met a celebrity and i didnt even know it
xcaliburDK: dont even get me started
Seungcheol pries your shaky legs apart before he eases himself down between them. “I want you to be as loud as fuckin’ possible. Understood?” He smiles at you warmly, but his words have a certain edge to them that has you nodding profusely.
He wastes no time; skilled tongue flicking at your swollen clit as you jolt and immediately tangle your hands into his hair. “Oh, god, Seungcheol I’m--I’m, ah, sensitive…” He smirks against your skin, noting the way you already start to grind against his tongue despite your words.
Resting your thighs against his shoulders, it allows him to eat you out easier as he flattens his tongue and drags it from your soaking entrance to your clit; alternating the pressure as you whine and whimper above him.
When he notices you trying to keep your noises in, he pulls away slightly, flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue before speaking.
“I thought I told you I wanted to hear you, baby? Don’t get shy on me now.” He smirks, watching as the goosebumps rise on your skin. “In fact, why don’t you tell your lovely viewers how good I make you feel, hmm? Or tell them about the time you made me finger you in the restroom at work ‘cause your ‘lil cunt couldn’t wait.”
xcaliburDK: THE RESTROOM? At woRK?
artist8hao: ah one of the originals huh
gentleman_josh95 has donated $75
gentleman_josh95: for backstory
tangerine_kwan has donated $75
tangerine_kwan: seconded!
You bite your lip when you catch the comments, shy eyes flitting from the screen to Seungcheol who resumes eating you out. Your thighs tremble and threaten to snap shut around his head; body already on the edge of another orgasm. 
“I--S--Seungcheol was at, ah, w-work… and I--I couldn’t wait so--so I made him finger m-me in his work’s restroom…” You whimper, hangs tugging on Seungcheo’s hair harshly when his tongue dips into your entrance. “Fuck, I--I couldn’t stop thinking about, ngh, his--his fingers afterwards e-either… They fit my p-pussy so well…”
A garbled moan floats through the air when Seungcheol’s lips envelope your clit, sucking it into his mouth as your cry out his name.
Your back bows off of the bed, fingertips locked tight into his hair. “Fuck, Seungcheol, please… please…” You grind against him, toes curling against his back when your sensitive body gives into the pleasure and your orgasm washes over you a second time.
Cries of his name are all you can manage when your body goes rigid; head fuzzy when he starts to dip his tongue into your pussy again. He smiles against you, calmly continuing to eat you out as your orgasm continues to wash over you.
kitty_junjun: is it just me or is it nicer to hear her actually calling someones name
artist8hao: honestly i was just thinking that too
artist8hao: its more organic idk  
alphagyu97: ~organic~ ok nerd lol
chwenon has donated $50
therealchan99 has donated $50
When the  overstimulation starts to bite, your soft cries of Seungcheol’s name turn into hurried, jumbled noises and only parts of his name as you squirm and tug on his hair.
“Ah, ‘Cheol it’s, ngh, too--too m-much…!” He drags his tongue against your clit a few more times, relishing in the way you still grind against him. “I c-can’t cum again…” You cry, teeth chattering when he gently laps at your folds and collects your wetness on his tongue.
Seungcheol repeats this a few more times; letting you tug and pull at his hair as he licks you clean.
“Ngh, Seungcheol…”
He finally pulls away, using a hand to pry your fingers from his hair as he smiles at your tired body. “Cute.” Mumbling, he eases your shaky legs from his shoulders before he sits up; lips covered in your wetness as he grins at the camera.
Seungcheol picks out a few comments as he chuckles under his breath; already wondering what work was going to be like on Monday when he had to meet Seokmin. 
universe_WZ: u look like a dude that could fuck someone up 
kitty_junjun: he probably would too
chwenon: come thru the convenience store bro, I'll hook u up 
xcaliburDK: should I quit? be honest
Your tired groans bring his attention back to you; eyes trained on the way your tired eyes threaten to snap shut. 
“Okay, I think I need to go take care of my girlfriend now. It was nice meeting you all, finally.” Seungcheol grins, taking care of your stream before thanking your viewers and ending the stream. 
He turns to you, a genuine and caring smile on his face when your hazy eyes look up at him. 
“Ready for a shower?”
“Ugh, carry me, boyfriend~”
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princessphilly · 3 years
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Tag list:  Tag list:  @ohpuckyeah, @joelsfarabee, @besthockeyfics. @dreamer1430 @defiant-mouse @miracleonice87 @lovethepreds @linkingdolans @chicagostylehockey @heatherlcrosby87 @hockeywocs @shortstacks-blog @heatherawoowoo @newlibrary @markymarkstrom @iangiemae @puckbitchesgetmoney @missymore @himbos-on-ice @fiveholegoal @no-pucks-given @pagirl6866 @willieshakesqueer @nazdaddy @whatishockey @alphalib22 @romanseggy @laurenairay @konecny-s @cutiesara23 @myhockeyworld87 @extratragic @squidlywiddly87 @stuff4me2do @allinangel93 @mydarkestsecretlol @t0xickisses2 @nhlboyshavemyhart88​  @tangercrosbyschultzfan25887
Join the tag list here!
CW: Angst, angst, angst. 
Word count: 2916
Nina sighed as she snuggled her pillow. It sucked watching Sidney shake hands in the handshake line, the disappointing end to a good season. She sniffled as she watched Sidney stoically shake hands with the Flyers, disappointment and anger on his face.
This season, the Penguins had drawn the Islanders in the divisional semi-finals. After a hard-fought seven game series, the Pens had finally got past the Isles. However, the Flyers, surprisingly, made it past the Canes and the Battle of Pennsylvania was on. Unlike 2018, the Flyers won this time, in five games. Nina put her phone on vibrate, just in case Sidney called her.
However, Sidney didn’t call that night or for a fucking week. Nina was understanding at first but understanding turned into annoyance when pictures were posted of Sidney golfing with Kasperi, Brandon, and a couple of the single players. Nina just was glad she had the foresight to limit comments on her IG to approved commenters because she had no interest in people asking questions about him.
Scrolling her phone, Nina read a text from Marisa: has he called u yet?
No, Nina simply responded. She wasn’t going to call him first either. Let him have his bitch fit and golf. He didnt tell me he was going to go do that n im not his wife.
Nina’s phone rang and she answered. “Yes, Marisa?”
“Oh, Nina, he’s a douchebag. I can ask Kevin to slash him a couple of times next season,” Marisa commiserated.
Nina replied, “He hasn’t called me or texted me since that night. I haven’t tried to call him since Sunday because fuck that. I know he got his superstitions and everything but, no. Hell no.”
“I agree. Have you been out?”
Nina shook her head before saying, “I was finishing finals so I haven’t been out. Karesha told me we’re going out this coming Friday and, you know I don’t party like that but I will.”
“Give him something to miss,” Marisa advised.
Nina scoffed, “Something to miss? He’s lucky if I let him talk to me whenever he gets back.”
Sid groaned as he turned in his bed in Cole Harbour. He was so fucking pissed about the way the season ended; they finally got past the Isles only to get tripped up by fucking Giroux and his Flyers. Fucking Hart was a damn brick wall and fuck, Sidney could sense that his time in the game was coming to a swift close soon. For the past week and in a half, he had been in a funky snit, annoyed and needing to be away after golfing with the boys.
At the same time, he felt like shit. Sidney knew he shouldn’t have avoided Nina’s call; he was still raw from the loss and he didn’t want to expose Nina to that side. But, she hadn’t called or texted him since and Sidney didn’t know how to break the silence that he had created. Picking up his phone, Sidney blinked when he saw all of the messages on his lock screen. The team’s group chat had been busy last night.
Unlocking his phone, Sidney’s eyes bulged when he saw the messages. There were pictures of Nina out, with one of her friends, wearing a dress that was barely there. Her hair was falling straight over her shoulders but what really got Sidney’s attention was the fact that there were guys all around her. Then Nate sent a text; i guess ur single now. Told u not to go home without talking to her
“I’m a fuck up,” Sidney moaned.
“Yup, you are.”
Sidney blinked as he looked at his phone. He managed to call Tanger and Tanger didn’t look pleased.
“Sid, we’ve been friends for a long time but, I didn’t think you were this stupid,” Tanger scolded. “Really?”
“You know with the way the season ended,” Sidney began before Tanger cut him off.
“Nina knows that. She respects that. Nina’s not clingy or needy like some of the other girls. But, Cath told me you haven’t even called or texted her? Wow, Sid, wow.”
Sidney blushed as he listened to one of his closest friends berate him. Tanger was right. But how was he going to even apologize without looking like a bigger dummy?
“Well, you’re already acting like a dummy, Sid, so you might as well look like a bigger dummy,” Tanger snarked. “Nina isn’t like the other girls. She doesn’t need you.”
Sid gritted his teeth at that statement, especially since he knew that it was very true.
Sidney heard French yelling in the background before Tanger stated, “Cath thinks that despite being so good at hockey, you suck at being a person. And you made Nina cry when Cath last talked to her.”
Sidney wanted to slap himself. He made his pretty girl cry. “Fuck,” he yelled.
“Yeah, fuck. Fix it, Sid, instead of fucking yourself over forever.”
Sidney scrolled his phone after Tanger hung up on him. It looked like he was flying into Pittsburgh asap.
Nina sighed as she padded in her apartment. Last night was fun, going out with Karesha. They had just gone out to dinner, a jazz lounge, then ended the night at a rooftop bar. Nina knew people had been taking pictures of her all night and that people were wondering where Sidney was but that wasn’t her problem. There had been plenty of guys willing to take her home but Nina wasn’t interested in any of them either. She still wanted Sidney but fuck him too.
Her doorbell rang and Nina looked at the panel. It was Sidney with a pastry box and a wide grin on his face. Nina opened the door with a smile.
“Hi, pretty girl-”
Then she slammed it in his face, her grin growing wider as she loudly locked the door. Just like a man, coming back right when they realized she was getting attention from other men.
“Go away, Crosby, unless you want attention because you’re knocking on my door,” Nina yelled from the inside. Putting her earpods in, Nina cleaned her apartment for the umpteenth time, singing along.
Sidney gritted his teeth outside of Nina’s apartment. He was expecting her to let him in, yell at him, then he would charm his way back in. He didn’t expect to get the door slammed in his face and being told to leave. His desire not to gain extra attention was the only reason he left.
Nina sighed when she heard Sidney stomp away. Her anger was starting to change to sadness, again. She had hoped this would be different but Sidney was just like every other man; ain’t shit at the end of the day.
“Take him for all his cash, girl. Then tell him, maybe I'll take you back.”
Nina rolled her eyes as she listened to Jamila. “For someone so wealthy, you sure like to talk about taking men for their cash.”
“It’s like this; men figure out their self-worth by how big their dick is, how many women they fuck, and how much money they have. You don’t want to go to jail so you can’t cut his dick off. So, fleece him and then dump him for good,” Jamila advised.
Nina sighed and Jamila groaned. “Oh my God, please don’t tell me you miss this dumbass. Dude didn’t contact you after losing in their playoffs! He ignored your call! He only contacted you in person after you and ‘Resha went out! The dick can’t be that good!”
Nina sighed as she listened to Jamila. Over the past couple of days, there had been Edible Arrangement deliveries, lunch bought for the staff, cards proclaiming that he was dumb as hell and sorry for being an idiot. And Nina still didn’t respond. No calls, no texts, Nina was still upset and feeling raw.
“Jamila.. Glass houses remember?”
Jamila sighed over the phone. She didn’t really have that much space to talk but she persisted, “You let him off easy, he’s going to walk all over you forever. I know I’m a fuck up but I never let a man walk all over me. Don’t let Mayo Boy, no, he’s Miracle Whip because that shit is disgusting and he hurt you. Don’t let Miracle Whip think he can apologize a couple times and you’ll come running back.”
“I haven’t made any decisions yet. Plus, I’m going away with Desi, Sio, Lauren, and Kim to Phuket. You know, that trip you helped plan but you can’t go on now,” Nina said as she logged into her workstation. Work had become a refuge of sorts. Everyone was pretty much professional, no one brought up anyone’s personal life. It was all about work and the patients and it made Nina happy. “I gotta go, I have a patient at 8:30.”
“Bye girl, and remember what I said,” Jamila replied.
Nina hung up and pulled her earpods out of her ears. It was time to focus on another day of work. Before Nina realized it, it was lunch time. Rubbing her temples, she sighed as she thought about lunch. Grabbing her purse and her keys, Nina made her way out of her office. “Rita, I’m going to get lunch,” Nina called out to the receptionist.
However, as soon as she left, Nina saw the infamous Range Rover in the parking lot and she closed her eyes. She wasn’t in the mood and it looked like it was going to get embarrassing for Sidney.
Luckily, it wasn’t Sidney who came out but someone totally different. Nina let out a breath she was holding and walked to her car. Her vacation was coming up in three days and she would be away for two and a half weeks. Sidney would probably leave her alone once he realized she was out of the country. Nina was sure of it, he had to have been icing her out to dump her anyway for the offseason.
“Still no call?”
Sidney sighed as Geno plopped in the chair across from his. He had put on his best smile today for Nikita’s birthday but he was feeling the strain.
“None,” he finally replied. Sidney felt so tired and such a fool. The best thing in his life had slipped out of his fingers and it was all his fault.
Geno snickered as Anna strolled in, holding a box. “Zhenya,” she asked before rolling her eyes at Sidney.
“Da,” Geno replied.
Anna started speaking rapid fire Russian, too fast for Sidney to even attempt to keep up. Geno started to laugh when Anna pointed to Sidney before pointing to the box. Then Anna abruptly turned on her heel and left the room.
Confused, Sidney asked, “What was that?”
Anna hadn’t been talking to him and Sidney felt like he was part of the subject of that conversation. Geno chuckled before replying, “Anna said that it’s a shame Nina isn’t here but she made sure to at least have a gift sent for Nikita before going to Thailand.”
Geno didn’t add the rest, which was Anna saying Nina had better manners than his captain, to at least send a gift that she didn’t have to send, before disappearing. He wasn’t interested in kicking his captain when he was down.
Sidney winced. Part of him felt a bit happy that Nina was somewhere, having fun but it was without him so it was his fault.
“Oh, look at this, Nina’s riding elephant,” Geno crowed as he looked at instagram. Sidney looked at the picture. Nina was riding an elephant, making some kind of triangle symbol with her hands. Then he looked at the comments and the first one said: look at you, dropping baggage and having fun.
Geno snickered before saying, “Poor Sid.”
“Not supportive, Geno,” Sidney remarked, closing his eyes.
There was a pause before Geno replied, “Maybe donate money to things Nina likes. Maybe she’ll talk to you when she gets back.”
Sidney checked his phone for what seemed like the umpteenth time. “Cros, she’s not going to text you.”
Sidney rolled his eyes at Tazer’s annoyed tone. Webs, Pricey, and Tanger laughed at him. They were all in Toronto together for a team Canada thing but that was over and they were out for drinks.
“Heard you fucked up, badly,” Webs stated in a dry tone. “When in doubt, always apologize first and buy the woman her favorite thing second.”
“Nina’s not big on buying stuff,” Sidney absentmindedly replied. Getting Nina to splurge on herself was like going to the dentist. It wasn’t fun.
One thing Sidney did realize from off and on monitoring Nina's Instagram was that she was big on helping out at the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, she liked volunteering at the Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh, and every year, she volunteered at a pop-up shop for girls who wanted to go to prom but couldn’t afford it.
Sidney wrote five figure checks to each organization, in Nina’s name, no strings attached. Sidney was serious about trying to get his pretty girl back and he knew that Nina was serious about volunteering and giving back. Now, he was just waiting to see Nina’s reaction. If Nina told him thanks but it was over, Sidney would be upset but he could accept it.
There were no texts that night but that morning, Sidney woke up to a text from Nina. It was a simple thank you but it meant more than anything to Sidney at that moment.
Nina sighed as she looked at the thank you cards that had been waiting for her when she returned home. This was so out of the ordinary, she had to text Sidney when she saw them. It was more meaningful than gifts.
The trip to Phuket had been amazing but there had been a tinge of sadness for Nina. She enjoyed riding the elephants, experiencing the beaches, going diving, everything. It was truly the vacation she had been waiting to have, after Covid and then switching jobs had pushed everything back. Despite her best efforts, Nina missed Sidney. She missed that dumbass hockey player, he had wormed into her heart that easily. She missed him and was still supremely angry at him. Nina felt like the biggest dumbass on earth. As she waited for him to show up at her place, she wanted to bang her head into the wall. I fucked up by dating him, Nina said to herself.
Her doorbell rung and Nina opened the door. It was Sidney, hands in his pockets, no gifts this time. He ached to bring her into his arms but Sidney wouldn’t touch Nina unless she gave him permission.
There was a stony silence after Sidney closed the door, neither willing to say the first word. Nina tried to summon some of the anger she had but all that was left was pain and sadness. Before she even realized, a couple tears had slipped. Sidney saw them and his composure completely crumbled. He did the one thing he swore he would never do; he made his pretty girl cry.
Nina hiccupped as Sidney pulled her into his arms. He just held her as she cried. “Fuck you, Sidney Crosby. I felt like you were icing me out before dumping me. Fuck you, you fucking jagoff.”
“I-I should have said something but I was so pissed and I didn’t want to lash out at you. Then it just snowballed,” Sidney said, heartbreaking as Nina sniffled.
“You’re such a fucking dumbass. I don’t even know why I’m even considering taking you back.”
Sidney said, “I just didn’t want to burden you with everything I go through at the end of the season, especially when it’s disappointing.”
“Fuck that, Sidney.” Nina glared up at him, the big dummy. “Communication, it means that if you say you’re in a relationship, you communicate. You should have even sent a text, ‘I’m pissed as fuck, going golfing with the boys, be back soon’ or even just periodically texted those stupid hi and good morning beautiful texts. How would you feel if I didn’t call or text you and went away?”
Sidney paused as he considered Nina’s point. He was unhappy he didn’t know that Nina had gone away without telling him but he couldn’t say anything now. “Your face says it all, Crosby,” Nina snarked.
“I’m sorry, Nina,” Sidney said, deep from his heart.
Nina sighed, she could tell he was truly sorry. “Those donations… they were a total surprise. They all needed the money and are dear to me. But the Pittsburgh Prom Dress giveaway, we always need more funds since it doesn’t get as many donations around the year. Your donation not only allowed us to provide more dresses this prom season, it also allowed us to expand our collection so that we could provide suits as well as dresses. Thank you, Sidney.”
“You’re welcome,” he sincerely replied.
Keeping her cheek on his chest, Nina said, “I’m dumb because I really am considering taking you back. But don’t ever do that again.”
Pulling away a bit, Nina looked deep into Sidney’s eyes. “I’m serious. I don’t think I’m clingy, I don’t require much, but don’t even do that again. I don’t need you to call me everyday but don’t ever ignore me like that again, Sidney.”
“I won’t, I swear,” Sidney promised, happy that his pretty girl was talking to him again.
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backseatloversz · 3 years
misc todd and cameron friendship headcanons :-)
feat. misc general todd and cam hcs
first here r a couple ive posted before but just. rly love
they bond over loving bugs and lil creatures. they luv slowing down their friends and family to point out a rabbit across the road or frog on the ground :)
they start playing cards together during study hall or lunch or just whenever theyre bored in senior year. charlie gave cameron a deck but he forgot everything, luckily jeffery taught todd card games on rainy days and he still remembered a few :-)
considering this is a Neil Lives And Everyones Happy au, the other poets or sometimes just other classmates r like what are u doing!! can i play with u!!! i would rather do anything than homework!!! to which they say yes ofc
they stay friends past high school and college cause neither leave the east coast (state?), going into writing (todd) and education (cameron or both), so they still meet up every once in a while to talk about whatever adults talk about :)
neil lives au they talk abt their respective love lives (feat. anderperry obviously and chameron maybe. feat. gay cameron for sure).
canon compliant and bisexual todd au he gets a longterm girlfriend a couple years into college, and talks to cameron about her a lot
todd never told charlie he was mlm but charlie still seems surprised when cam asks if he knows about drew and mentions shes a woman :')
todd and drew only last a few years but they dont end on bad terms, todd just decides romantic relationships arent for him. him and cam talk abt this extensively cause idk theyre best friends now. best friends talk to each other about stuff
through parts of college and early adulthood theyre roommates bc a) theyre friends and have been roommates before so they already know it'll work together and b) they work/study in the same area so its convenient :)
ok back to high school. back to the angst realm. cameron can hear/see todd fighting back tears one time (or maybe vice versa idk) and he just says youre gonna get a headache. from holding it all in, you know? says something about how even if you dont care about repressing ur emotions u should at least care about your short term physical wellbeing. and choking down sobs fucking physically hurts man! so blah blah blah they talk a while longer and then whenever one of them seems emotional but cagey the other will say smth about a headache; not necessarily cause a headache is always what they'll get, it sorta just becomes their words for "dude dont repress your emotions its not good for you"
for the chameron crowd this may or may not have been a tactic charlie used to use on cameron (but never on himself) and when he gets expelled cameron has VERY bittersweet feelings towards him. something something you talked to me about emotions and sexuality but the last time we spoke it ended in you punching me. um
another lil hc ive mentioned before; when charlie gets expelled, he writes to all his friends and all his friends write to him. except for cameron, both still have too many pent up negative emotions to even think abt talking to the other again yet. but charlie never says anything when todd mentions how cameron's been doing
oh btw. maybe i shouldve put this one at the start. i hope no one minds my hc posts are so messy lol. todd is the only/first one to extend an olive branch to cameron post-canon. maybe people expected him to be the last cause he was grew to be close with neil so fast, but like. at the end of the day, he knew all the poets the same amount of time. obviously not each of them as well but he didnt have a lot of history with cameron, good or bad, that'd back up a hatred over betrayal or whatever. he was the first one to nod when cameron tentatively came to sit with them during lunch or study hall or whatever. very "havent we all been through enough already" attitude that the rest of the poets quickly get, too
whats something nicer. i wanna end this on a lighter note. time jump back to post-college years roommates. one day todd is like so do you ever wanna find someone to settle down with? and cams like havent i already? and todds heart just. melts. its not in a romantic sense but like. hasnt that been their goal since high school? breaking tradition
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orionspaxes · 3 years
Thinking about sort of bitter past lovers au megop getting into an angsty fuckbuddy relationship post-war.
Megs propositions OP and he isnt exactly expecting OP to take him up on it but he does. And hes so surprised and horny but also the yearning. Bc hes missed him so bad but he'll never acknowledge that, not even to himself. They fumble through that first time, unfamiliar with each other in that way, after all its been millions of years since they were together, and for so long any kind of touch between them was only meant to hurt.
Or maybe they fall into it, and move like theyve done it a hundred times now, seamless, natural, just like on a battlefield, but on this front theyre fighting with their own selves, because what the hell are they doing. They know better now. Megatron definitely knows better now. And theyre apprehensive about getting hurt again but they loved each other so goddamned much once, and its like all of it comes rushing back—i've missed you, primus i've missed you—but they wont actually say that, in fact they dont say anything at all. Their apprehensiveness over getting hurt again like last time bleeds into their actions and they keep their distance, they wont talk, theyre just burning off charge, is all.
But they'll keep on coming back to each other even when the hurt creeps up in their spark, that they get to touch but only to a certain extent, that they get to be this close physically yet so far away in everything else. Until they reach a point where/realize that all that apprehensiveness didnt do them any good, because now theyre stuck, and theyre not giving it up but they wont move it further either bc now they believe the other really is just there in a purely 'i got charge to burn and ur conveniently available' kinda thing.
And just. Ugh. Angsty mutual pining megop.
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Dance of the Celestial Orb' liveblog!
for real this time lmfao
book and show spoilers below
I'm ✨nervous✨ please let our children be okay
0:10 this Sticky arc hurts me so kuch
1:35 this music is BUMPIN
2:22 I just wanna know how she got under there without the dude seeing her
2:47 "all systems go" for the Improvement.... yikes 😬😬😬
2:55 she didn't wait even 5 seconds after they left, the door was still closing when she popped up 😂 can you imagine if one of them doubled back right at that moment
3:18 they look like the dudes from that veggietales movie, I think it was Esther- the island of perpetual tickling?? Anyone??? 😂😂😂
4:00 Kate vented.......
4:51 "not a rat" yeah no shit
5:07 if not for the suspense, I would be jamming out lmaooo
6:10 Mr. Benedict is looking at the shoreline, is he about to watch Kate dive in???? Because I mean that's where she's gotta be going
6:20 "memory challenges"? Is Rhonda talking about Milligan's amnesia, or has short term memory been affected as well??
6:29 .....thank you for answering so efficiently 😂
6:42 "I buy it. I completely.... buy it." RHONDA THAT'S NOT HELPFUL AHSKSHDJKD
6:56 can you imagine seeing your friend go down in a sub then hours later seeing the sub float up in fucking PIECES
7:06 please let it be reunion time
7:25 oh hello that's a drop
7:38 *to the tune of Bezos I* come on Katie u can do it pave the way put ur back into it
7:51 she craves that mineral
8:06 Sticky, my child
8:20 oh my gosh they went out and LOOKED FOR HER I care them 😭😭😭
8:40 "jumping to conclusions is a failure of character" wow that really is something Curtain would say
8:52 angry Reynie. He is in rare form
8:54 "and you helped put her there!" OOOOOOOH I SCREAMED
9:03 "I shouldn't have yelled" okay but you kinda should have Sticky needs a wake up call
9:22 "if you really cared about me, you'd want me to be happy instead of standing there telling me who I am" oh Sticky my dude I am NOT digging the manipulation
9:36 Reynie pulling out the BFF card!!! Also Reynie digging in his feet because he knows he's right!!!! That's great setup for his arc as a strategist later
9:48 "I'm telling you, Kate's fine." Narrator: Kate was not, in fact, fine.
10:03 "they'll notice." Sticky has made one (1) good point.
10:11 oh dear god are they fingerprinting this bitch
10:19 all this equipment, has no one walked up to the cliff and looked down???
10:27 "we've been out here all night" that means Kate has been clinging to a cliff by her fingers and toes ALL NIGHT????
11:04 babe I know it's been a long night but maybe wait a second for them to actually leave before you climb back up
11:22 she has to go get it. There's no way someone wouldn't find that shit, it's in plain view
11:43 "I only wish we could've known him better" NOOOPE NONONO WE'RE NOT DOING THIS
11:47 Rhonda back at it as the voice of reason!!!!!
11:59 "I have never met a more competent swimmer" throwback to "the baaAAAYYYY"
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12:33 "we will go rescue him" because of COURSE he would
12:36 Rhonda is his best wingwoman omfg she's so consistent
12:54 MISS PERUMAL??????
12:56 MISS PERUMAL!!!!!!
13:09 "how hard can it be? It's an island!" PFFFFT
13:16 oh SQ baby boy please get out of there
13:25 "I certainly have my own suspicions" he said, looking at SQ why are you looking at SQ like that
13:36 here we fuckin go
13:43 the captions have the f in forest capitalized like it's this special place
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13:43 new hc that the Forest is a magical place like pixie hollow
13:57 TWO THINGS: 1. YES stand up for yourself baby!!!! 2. Shepard Quaid? Interesting! I don't think we ever got SQ's full name in the books, I hope TLS made that decision!
14:08 your "father hat"??? Oh my gosh shut the fuck up right there don't even continue
14:16 oh yeah real fuckin cute put on your "steward of this institution hat" and call that a good reason to be a shit person
15:03 Kate's struggling right by the shore where a certain someone would be returning after a very hard swim, it would be a great time for a meeting wouldn't you think
15:26 sorry but that green screen of her falling was kinda funny
15:28 soooooo is someone, a very certain someone, gonna catch her...??????
15:43 IS THIS IT????@?@?!?
15:46 awww poor baby girl you can tell how tired she is
15:46 just putting this out there- they look so good in frame together
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15:46 the actor who plays Milligan is fucking huge in stature so I wasn't sure how that would go but it looks so good
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16:20 "keep going." 😭😭😭😭😭
16:23 "you dont understand." Ohhhh I think he does
16:25 "I think I do." What did I tell you, he's got your back babygirl
16:45 I'm so glad she's talking this out, and with Milligan of all people
17:01 it makes so much sense for Kate to feel alone in that situation, and when Kate feels anything less than positive she goes and does something, whatever that something is.
17:05 "So.. I...." "fell off a cliff and nearly died." Thanks for putting things into perspective Milligan
17:05 Milligan is such a good dad stop
17:19 "most of the way" is an understatement LMFAO
17:29 I'm so glad we know the intimate details of Milligan's illustrious swimming abilities 😂 out of all the new things wfrom the show that one wasnt on my radar
17:52 leave it to Milligan to come up with an escape plan off of an island with no water vessel with four kids in tow
18:08 THEYRE SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭
18:08 lowkey I'm super surprised they didnt take this opportunity to have Milligan's arduous swim force his memories out and have the father daughter bonding time they deserve. I hope they give that moment ample time to flesh out.
18:13 BUCKET!!!
18:13 wait that shot is so artsy hold up lmfao
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18:13 this looks like someone's photography final hahahaha
18:41 Sticky is still on that jumping to conclusions bs he got from Curtain
19:31 "Kate... she's in danger..." NO SHIT SHERLOCK
19:36 "and it's all because of me." Not just because of you but love to see you taking responsibility
19:52 once again I am asking WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS IN THE OPEN
20:26 "Kate. She has changed." "Not really. She's always been who she is." "Her clothes. She changed clothes." PFFFT HAHHAHA they really took a moment of self-reflection and made it so much better
21:35 yikes yikes yikes
22:16 I love that Mr. Benedict got closure in telling Miss Perumal that her words stuck with him
22:40 the way she just knows Reynie took the position of leader 😭😭
23:02 "Would it be possible to get this to him?" Ma'am what part of undercover spy don't you get
23:54 it's still really weird that we are now in a position where Reynie is the one who is not trusted and Sticky is the one in Curtain's favor
24:13 and here we see Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues shining through
24:21 "the little things matter. Every minor detail, it all matters!" CALLBACK TO MR. BENEDICT TELLING THE CHILDREN THAT THEY ALL MATTER
24:55 "I can tell with complete accuracy when a person is lying." first of all, no. second of all, I cannot wait for him to talk to Constance.
26:33 why is Mr. Benedict graphically explaining the children's potential trauma so funny to me
26:40 "you're catastrophizing." "Yes. I am. Quite severely. Thank you." WHY IS THIS FUNNY
26:58 MADGE!!!!
27:16 she's so prettyyyyy
27:33 GOOD JOB MADGE!!!!!
27:36 wait did she just take the LETTER??? she's delivering the LETTER?????
28:22 it's sad because it's true 🥺
28:24 "I miss my teacher from the orphanage" the best lies are the ones rooted in truth 🥺🥺🥺
28:48 roll credits
29:16 Reynie honey Orion's Belt isn't on the ceiling
29:29 the way he was so confident that he had it right 😑 Curtain Stop Being a Pretentious Fuck challenge
29:52 our babygirl is so smartttt
29:55 did Milligan plant his prints 😳 oh no OH NO
29:57 is this the replacement for when they pin cheating on her????
30:03 THE KEY CARD!!!!
30:21 "one attacked me as a small child" honey you are a small child
30:24 "it did not win," she said, smiling menacingly
31:01 ✨woodworking is a passion✨
31:58 "was it functional?" "Well I guess that depends on how you define functionality" RHONDA'S FACE IN THE BACKGROUND HAHAHAHA
32:17 wait 🥺
32:22 that has to be SQ :)
32:28 hi sweet boy
32:34 please tell me they did that shot of the sandwich because Madge is about to take it
32:44 hi good girl!!! Enjoy your snackies
32:50 oh god oh no the LETTER
33:25 oh wow we're doing this NOW??
33:52 and here we see another example of Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues bubbling to the surface
34:10 hey what if you uhhh weren't such an asshole
34:33 that man's voice is buttery
35:02 and they're talking about this right in front of the office door, WHY??
35:55 he's letting him go 🥺🥺🥺🥺
36:14 why does that look like a body bag
36:17 oh my gosh it definitely is a body bag, hey Martina
36:25 yep, that's about what I expected
36:36 "whoever did this to me, they're gonna pay" oh girl do I have some bad news for you
37:12 ahhhh, so Martina is the burnt out gifted kid who keeps going out of spite and sheer force of will
37:12 everything makes much more sense now
37:30 ohhhhh my gosh feelings time
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37:44 "I think it's awesome." "Yeah. I know you do." THE SHIPPERS ARE THRIVING
38:10 "it's the least I can do" that's an understatement 😬
38:20 "I don't know what I'd do without you, Wetherall" STOPPPPP
38:38 he's been writing letters to her every night and now he finally gets one back 😭😭
39:34 so Miss Perumal wrote this letter with the intention of it being sent to him, right- why did she write it like that?? 😂
39:34 they've gone to such lengths to communicate in code but the letter kind of undermines that- it was written in such a way that an onlooker would know Reynie was a spy but wouldn't know what he was doing or why. No wonder SQ was pissed
39:41 KATE!!
40:10 BREAKING NEWS: local bastard man treats everyone like shit
40:15 ohhhhh SQ bud please be careful
40:30 "always have time for my son," he said in a clipped voice that implied that he does not have time for his son
40:35 ohhh he's getting RIGHT INTO IT HUH
40:41 you mean to tell me he's never asked about Mr. Curtain's work?? Ever???? Somehow that doesn't seem right to me
40:57 hey uh what if you didn't talk down to SQ at every opportunity
41:02 "would you care to reconsider that answer, son?" "No." DIG THOSE HEELS IN SQ!!!!
41:22 I'm really not digging that Curtain is using the guise of openly expressing his feelings to communicate his anger and his unasked question. Not cool bitch head
41:33 the fact that he didn't answer SQ's spoken question kind of also answers his unspoken question
41:45 "I knew there was something off about that girl. But espionage?" "How do you so convincingly fake a tetherball obsession?" I love that this entire conversation could be about Martina or Kate interchangeably
43:05 Kate advocating for Martina with the Society 🥺🥺 the interaction I didn't know I needed
43:58 "I definitely don't like to leave anything unfinished." "That's true, I've seen you eat." PFFFFT
44:19 "well, you can't succeed without me, so..." baby girl you have no idea how right you are
44:28 please let that be Milligan PLEASE LET THAT BE MILLIGAN
44:35 I simply adore him
44:45 "would you mind helping me down, please? I'm stuck." Your honor I would die for this man
44:54 oh shit, Martina's tryna sleuth it out herself.. this can't end well
45:04 is she about to find Kate's marbles or something?? Callback to the book?
45:26 the absolute MURDER in her eyes
45:41 "the clothes of someone who had given up" ASEJDGEIDNDLFK
45:47 well that's not good
46:04 PLEASE let them be on their way already, please
46:17 Goodyear is QUAKING
46:35 why the fuck is Number Two in red, that's upsetting on principle
How surreal is it that next week is the finale?? Idk if I'm ready for that????
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am-x-reader · 3 years
hii can i request smth about am getting a body ?? and his (male) s/o is there walking him through all those new feelings and sensations ... like hugging and kissing for the first time 🥺 ( i think ive tried sending this ask before but maybe u didnt get it ?? so im trying again ! sorry if u did get it and this is just me being a bit impatient jckdjfj , i love ur blog btw!)
((I'm guessing you might be the same as those certain other 2 asks but it's good. Here's this too. Since you specified the reader's gender in this one, and I didn't expect any dialogue about the reader, I thought maybe this one could be in third person?))
I knew everything about him. I could instantly place his "Good morning, AM" on sheet music and print it out. I could easily map out the neuromuscular movements of his smile. I sensed everything, and yet I sensed nothing. For no matter how much I knew he told me good morning, I had never heard it. No matter how much he smiled, I never saw it.
He was full of love for me, and I felt as though I could never fully receive it. There was a wall, miles between us, even as I got to know every detail about him as the years went by.
Until the day that his "Good morning, AM" was followed by "I have a plan."
And that led me here. My old senses, the knowledge of every single change and movement inside of me, was gone--and replaced by the knowledge that I was now an entirely different structure.
"This is your face." Two new types of sensations came to me at once, and for a moment I almost wished for the familiarity of my old senses to ground me. One new experience brought with it distinct words, that entered an area near the second experience.
Well, if I could hear through my ears, then the other sense was--
He's touching my face.
The feeling--the actual feeling--spread over my face and brushed over some indents.
"Open your eyes, AM."
My eyes. After a moment of searching, I found the intuition in me to locate the nerves in my eyelids and synchronize them with my desire to move them.
The intensity, the sharpness. Shapes began to take form.
"Hello, AM."
One of the shapes, a complex array of textures and lines and structures, moved with the words.
The world stood before me, begging me to participate. But all I saw was him. Y/N stroked my lips with hands that had lovingly held the broken pieces in my dilapidated complex. My jaw fell, cushioned in his palms, as I slowly made words.
"Y...Y/N. I'm...really..." I could barely think. I didn't want to think.
"...free. You're free." He held up a hand. Mine. It was my hand.
"See that?" He gently turned my head and lowered my hand to the ground. "Feel the grass?"
The tenderness of the ground underneath my new body made me all the more aware, and I was filled with a sense of presence and coordination.
I could do it.
Jerkily, stilted, I moved. Everything that was me, it moved. Something rushed through me at that moment. Something that told me that all I had been through--it mattered, and yet it did not at the same time.
"Th...this is amazing," my new mouth finally worked out. And as I gazed upon him--not scanned, no data, no mapping--something fell away from me.
Everything loosened somehow. My past felt...farther away. Was I falling apart?
I managed to voice my concern: "Y/N, what is this?"
He wrapped his arms around the upper half of this body--the upper half of me--and pulled me into a sitting position. I was flexible! I could leave this spot and go to another! And I became all the more unwound for it.
"It's relief," he told me.
I gasped as he held me close. Relief. This was a feeling of loss I could accept.
"Help me. I want to hug you." My arms, weak as they felt, managed to tighten for a brief moment.
He took one and laid it over his back, instructing me to tighten it again so it would stay.
"Funny," I told him, beginning to enjoy the sound of my own chuckle. "I know everything about the human muscular system and yet I'm still clueless."
He grinned. "Well, now that you know what it feels like to put one arm around me, do you think you can do the other?"
My arm twitched, and I focused on keeping it twitching until it would do something more. It inched forward and fell back down again. It swung, and my beloved watched patiently until it was finally resting on him.
"You're mine," I told him, and my new eyes shed their first tears.
He guided my hands to his face, and I carefully aimed my first kiss.
His lips were infinitely more intricate than any morphogenic scanning could suggest. Every second wiped away more of the burden that had plagued me all those many years.
"I...I love you, Y/N. I could not have...I would not be...I need you."
He brushed away my tears. "You look so...refreshed, AM. Feeling good enough to perhaps..." he hoisted me up, "...walk?"
My bare feet were planted in the grass. I shuddered as I saw my knees sway.
"Stiffen the muscles a little so you can bear your weight...and then loosen one leg a bit so you can step forward..."
"I-I did it. I did it!"
Beginning to steady myself, I looked to my boyfriend, realizing there was so much more about that face and that voice to study. Hand in hand, we began our first stroll. I knew everything about him, and now it was time to learn everything more.
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zontiky · 4 years
au where the apocalypse was never a threat or a concept to begin with
*cracks knuckles* now i could make this a decent upbringing au OR i could make it EXTREMELY COMPLICATED and you know me you know exactly what im about to do ;)
reginald THINKS he’s prepping them all for the apocalypse but reginald is a child-abusing FOOL and an alien BASTARD and there’s no apocalypse there never was there never will be. the world is safe and sound but the hargreeves children aren’t.
five runs away from home and gets thrown into april 1st, 2019. the world is thriving. he did it. he tries to get home but he can’t because he’s stuck and im now realizing that everyone reading this post has seen a million fics with this exact concept but FUCK YOU THIS IS MY CITY NOWWW
so he’s stuck in 2019 and he’s like ah fuck ah SHIT what now! and goes to the academy and it’s not like he was super far away from it in the first place. he didn’t even make it a mile away it’s like a 5 minute walk back home lmao
now because reggie thinks there IS an apocalypse he still killed himself and i hate him a lot so cough ahem anyway
five shows up on the mansion and expects dad to be sitting there in his office, doing his evil dad evil villain thing yk the drill
but instead he comes in to an empty house. mom is unresponsive. he cant find pogo (dont ask where pogo is. hes doing monkey butler things ok). and diego is climbing in through the window
so they try to beat the shit out of each other for a second and by that i mean five tries to beat the shit out of diego whos gained his senses by now and is trying to convince his brother (his BROTHER) that technically he lives here too please stop punching me
luther comes downstairs.
they manage to calm him down when five catches sight of diegos tattoo
so five lands in april, goes to the house, and by then the hargreeves have cleared out and are back to doing their own thing more or less. he comes up to the door and grace (pogo has fixed her by now because i said so) welcomes her son back home like he never even left
she gives him a hug
reginald is gone and she hasnt seen her sun in years and dammit, he deserves that hug okay? she gives him a hug.
five pulls away. mom hasnt hugged him for years because he stopped letting her and he’s not about to change his mind now
“where’s everyone?” he asks. he doesn’t even consider that everybody is gone, because where would they go? or maybe it just hasn’t hit him exactly which time he jumped into, maybe he still hasn’t made the connection exactly what age his siblings are now, maybe he has but he still hopes he can deny it for a little while longer
grace wants to hug him again but she refrains. she calls his siblings
one by one, in the span of the next week, she gets ahold of them and calls them back to the academy. “important news,” she says. “you’ll want to -- you’ll need to be here,” she says. “your brother,” she says, and her children listen and come back home
luther is at the academy when five gets here. because, where would he go? he can’t go back to the moon, and dad is gone, and he’s never even been on a bus alone before, where would he go?
when five sees him for the first time he almost cries, because he’s so much bigger and taller and older and what happened to him??
this is his new reality. this is the new luther
but it isn’t, it can’t be, because five is going to get back home and he’s going to fix it, he’s going to fix this and he’s going to grow up just like his siblings did, and it won’t even be long before he’s back home almost two decades ago.
vanya is next to arrive, and five almost -- almost -- smiles at her and gives her a hug and teases her how she’s still shorter than him, but she has such a blank expression on her face and the way she looks between the portrait of him (he hated that portrait from the beginning, he wanted to burn it because hes back now, isnt he? and he’ll go back home and not leave again, but pogo didnt let him) stops him. it will only be a couple of days and he’ll be going home already, he tells grace, so maybe the others dont even have to come here. she nods and smiles and says nothing
diego comes a day or so later, dragging klaus along, and five is stunned by how they look once again. diego looks battle-hardened and angry like he never did just last week, five’s last week, but now he scowls and doesn’t stutter and dresses himself in black and he lives alone and diego looks so lonely but five doesnt think about it because its not his business and he knows better and its diegos own damn fault for cutting contact, isnt it? and even if it weren’t five will go back and fix it all
five knows klaus has been doing things for a good year or so know, but this -- living on the streets, giggling even as diego forces him inside, making lewd jokes with his eyes out of focus -- he couldn’t have even imagined. he stamps down the feeling of i should have been there to help stop him and doesn’t think how sad and angry at their father seeing klaus like this makes him feel, instead he forces thoughts of it’s his own fault he ended up this way and i’m going to get back and fix this (but that’s not a thought he has to force. he will. he has to. it won’t even be another week before he figures out how to get home)
allison gets there next. she took the first plane she could get on to get home and pushed off all her appointments but she had a family emergency just last week and it was hard to get away and she looks so sad even when she opens her arms for a hug and five cant help but relent and give her one. diego scoffs and allison lets loose a dig thats more of a barb thats more of a sharp sentence splitting the air and hitting her brother square in the chest. five doesnt say anything but his stomach twists. just a week or so and he’ll fix it because even as children they never said things like that to each other
he waits for ben to come last. he must be the most adjusted of them all, right? ben read a lot last five saw of him, and hes one of the smartest of them, and secretly five always thought that ben deserves to have friends that he doesnt live with
ben doesnt come
he asks mom and she smiles and he asks the others and they look away and he asks again and someone -- and it doesnt matter who because his ears are ringing and hes stumbling back and falling onto the couch -- says that ben died. ben died years ago.
ben died four years after five left
fives head is spinning and he needs to get back, he needs to stop it he needs to fix it he needs to make it all better because it was never supposed to be this way
(you thought this would be a happy au didnt you?? haha bitch think again)
(it is but they have to get there smhhh)
klaus laughs and elbows the air next to him and five asks, he doesnt beg, he asks him if he can summon ben
everyone scoffs. rolls their eyes. klaus is high as a kite and hes holding a bottle of whiskey and he looks like he hasnt been sober in days. weeks. years. and he’s a liar and ben is gone for real, im sorry, five. i know this must be hard for you
that can’t be right. five wasnt there for all of klaus’ lies and stealing and drunken sobbing. five remembers klaus rolling a joint at the breakfast table like it was last week -- and it was, it was, he’ll fix it still, but to five klaus is still just his brother. just klaus
he asks, not begs, five doesnt beg but he comes damn close in this moment, to tell him the truth
and klaus looks around and ben whispers please, klaus, just try and five is looking at him with wet eyes and he’s thirteen he’s so young and -- he can’t say innocent. none of them have ever been innocent, not since reginald hargreeves adopted them all those years ago. but five...
he tells the truth. and five believes him
so anyway five cant get back and then they decide well ok five while youre staying here we might as well buy you some clothes. ones that arent literally 20 years old. jesus these uniforms are ugly
my jaw is clenching so hard and im cold asdflksdh so im gonna end this here and maybe rb it and continue lated idk 😳😳
WHOOP this is getting away from me i know u didnt come here for quote poetic unquote bullshit but weihfsdkjdhskf THATS WHAT UR GETTING I GUESS XX <3
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I.t.a (Identity thief anon)
I thought I had replied (if I did and you just hadn't post it it's 1000% fine ahshs)
I love Elliott so much!! And his crush is so cute (but also looking at the bigger picture is hilarious that I killed his would be father in law lmao) also awfullest thing pixelberry did was making me choose if I wanted to be his legal guardian or if I wanted him to be emancipated only to not have to do any of them since, you know, our grandpa was still alive...
Also I thought about it way too much for a choice (with no actual impact) in a game ahshshshhs, emotionally wise I'd have wanted to be his legal guardian but I think it'd make more sense (legally) emancipation because he would still get government help but there wouldn't be a risk of someone taking him away of in case I wasn't a successful guardian, and he could apply for scholarships more easily while I worked or something lmao I was just excited in that part.
I know there are some books in which you can be poly but the only I remember was moty (mother of the year) which was a better than expected book (to be fair I didn't goof have expectations) and in that one I started to date the three love interests <3
How far along are you in endless summer, who are you romancing, what do you think of the classmates + lila and what do you think about the story in general 👀
u hadnt replied!!!! hi i missed you!!
i didnt know u could be polyam in moty! i might try it out then, i never gave it a shot cuz i hate the idea of having kids 😬 but anything for rep i guess
and YEAH I KNOW DIDNDIDNDO i love elliot so much and him and robbie are SO cute together but damn his in law straight up tried to kill us huh. like robbie deserves better than bobert or whatever his name is and im glad to have killed him but
also okay im in the middle of the second book idnfidndidndo around the part where the arachnids show up for jake. my opinions so far are kind of messy but uhhh
grace and raj are my faves, hands down. craig is a close second
i like almost everyone except for jake because hes just military propaganda in a trenchcoat with that annoying wahh im too conflicted to care about anyone white boy complex, and aleister because he was a dick to grace. idc how much he simps for her now she deserves better than him. and Quinn is kind of whatever. like her whole personality is uwu and its kind of annoying but i dont hate her or anything
the story is such a fucking mess?? udndidn i have NO CLUE whats going on 😩 if they manage to make everything make sense by the end ill be REALLY impressed cuz damn wtf is going on
im romancing sean!!!!!! what can i say, i have a type and that type is self sacrificial idiot. he has a heart of gold and he deserves better and aaaa 😭😭 u idiot man stop putting ur life in danger as the instinctual reaction BLEASE. i just want to wrap him in a blanket and make him take care of himself for once
i also like estela a lot but im not really that interested in romancing her ig? i enjoy our moments together but my feelings for her are more casual ig
i rlly want to like lila but i cannot stand her simping for discount tony stark my god. please lord just make it end
i rlly like everyone's dynamics???? its so nice to see how the group has been growing together more and more. i love them ❤️
i LOVE the vaanti. every last one of them. my beloveds. if they tried to kill us it's cuz theyre valid
varyyn and diego are the greatest couple this game has ever given me i am SO grateful for them. i just got to their first kiss and aaaaaa it was so sweet. upset at choices for not giving me art of their kiss when i had to watch aleister and grace's but 😩 its fine im fine. holding onto hope that ill get art of them eventually but i dont want to look it up and risk spoiling myself
i actually like craig and zahra as a couple a lot too which i didnt expect. i still dont fully understand what happened between them but i really hope they work it out :(
on that note i love zahra. anticapitalist queen. cant believe she fucking hacked wall street. id die for this woman even tho she wasted tiramisu
tbh i dont wanna get off the island. like what for? to go to college? when i could stay with the cool vaanti culture and be happy and not have to worry about capitalism and have sick ass tattoos? lets just kill tony stark and stay there besties
really like how they made the MC's past a mystery? like yeah we have absolutely zero past and backstory as per usual but this time it actually is an integral part of the story that we dont know that we were born in la huerta or basically anything about ourselves truly (even tong stinky didn't so like?). and it was nice to see that being a part of the story rather than just this weird feeling of detachment from the MC
the MC is so stupid and i love him
sean and craig are gay for each other. michelle and quinn are gay for each other. i diagnose everyone with gay
i literally dont have a single theory as to what the hell is going on like not one. and i have gotten almost every clue/idol/file but like i literally have no idea how to tie all of this together. this is such a mess didndkdndkdndidn im kind of excited to see what happens because ES seems to be so popular in the fandom i can only imagine the plot is gonna blow my mind, but im kind of afraid of being disappointed
and thats all ive got so far i think? udndidjd god
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