#i didnt mention my texture layers
karda · 2 months
Would you ever consider doing a coloring tutorial? Totally cool if that's not ur thing but I'm very curious how you get all the variation on each color like that
tried my very best. lol. sorry in advance for the headache
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i dont mess with colors too much early on so it doesnt get to messy, my base colors are normally pretty boring. then i add moody filters. this one i started off dark, so using difference or multiply with cool colors (purple.) and i didnt do it that much in this one but picking colors you like from that is Very important
i get almost all my favorite colors in the in-between base colors and dramatic filters colors. mixing them together makes it easier to digest too. i picked a lot of green from Benrey's sweater that i wouldnt have gotten if i didnt use filters.
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then i go fucking crazy. messing with literally every option i have on ibispaint. this is when i move the files from my computer to my phone. i condense the colors to one layer and the lineart to another so i only have to deal with 2. messing with different hues can change the entire thing. this one ended up being a lot warmer than i meant it to just because i ended up liking it more along the way.
this is also when i add stuff i forgot to do on my computer, ex. the background, and adding color to the lineart.
THEN i use posterize. im not sure what kind of crack ibispaint puts in this filter but im obsessed with it. it ups the contrast in colors and emphasizes them a lot. also adds a cool rough texture. this with a noise filter is my favorite.
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left is messing with just saturation and color balancing, right is after posterize filter and messing with contrast more. ALSO forgot to mention i always double my lineart and blur the one on top. putting it on a low opacity to give the drawing a comforting fuzz :)
edit: sometimes i use the colors i got from the posterize filter to! ill save it and bring it back to my computer so i can make it more detailed. i do that with bigger stuff. this ones just a doodle so i let the filter do the work lol
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neonfretra · 4 days
making hockey edits as a total newbie
having completed my first poetry edit its both easier and harder than i thought! which is pretty exciting considering the fact i have a poem in the back pocket that reminded me of the sharks. its WAY longer and i probably dont REALLY want to actualize it. but. fun process! talking about my process below the cut :)
the inspiration was wanting to make a pickles edit and his number is 44 (and there are SO many sharks players that couldnt take 44 because of him. i mean it so seriously i hope they retire his number solely to inconvenience everyone for the rest of this franchises lifespan)
i dont think hes super widely known because:
the sharks are bad
marc edouard vlasic is bad
so i doubt the narrative of the edit makes much sense LOL
long story short, he used to be REALLY good. never got acknowledged for it in the broader scope. fell off with age . makes him super unpopular because hes signed 8x7m (shout out to past gm doug wilson) and hes bad. hes played with the sharks for the second most amount of games (second to patrick marleau who is like. THE shark of all time. hes so shark they call him mr shark. so if you grade on a curve...?) .
i love our shriveled husk!
the first image (the title card) came way before everything else actually, sort of my proof of concept and proof that i could actually make anything its very young pickles! that image is like. 7 years old
collecting images
all images (not including text overlays) were pulled directly from getty images
i got around the watermark kind of stupidly! most of the time, you can get around it by just pulling it from newsites that did pay for the rights to the image (reverse image search is a pal) or by checking social medias for reposts by the photographer or team (harder for me because i dont use any social media, use instagram only when necessary because it CRUNCHES)
i used mspaint.
it shows.
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(brian babineau)
yeah it was by literally pasting the thumbnail (upsized by about 334% i believe?) on top of the image which is why its such a mess of pixels . the nice thing about the human eye is that it kind of smooths over the image if you dont look too closely . other times the texture of the image is so crunchy already that it doesnt actually make a difference.
(i DID edit the right image i just. cant see it?????)
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(left: kavin mistry, rightt: noah graham)
for simpler shapes i did try to use an airbrush to fix it but its not super noticeable so.
the important thing was not using photos where theres a watermark over the main focus because im not making it look good enough to pass .
are there easier ways? oh god yeah. for sure. am i using them? well if you scroll back up
human centipeding images together
hardest part was the photos that mashed images together:
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(man just check the original post for credits)
these were NIGHTMARES (now text free!) i have all the things i edited as separate layers if anyone ever wants quinn hughes disembodied hand or two pickles
making image two
the concept of this one was the second, but i had the final image ready to go second and finished it last. i finished this one second after fighting for my life to compile the images for it
the ideas straightforward enough: pickles on ice with the puck, other prominent defensemen going through the motions of a shot edited in. this is when pickles is like. capital g Good
compiling the pictures were easy enough? the hardest one was actually finding one of pickles HAHAHAHA
fun fact is that i chose a bunch of right shooters by coincidence. actually a miracle that i didnt notice until comparing pickles to them in editing. which i did extremely haphazardly (seriously i was guessing when resizing them
i did all this in an art program that didnt have the ability to select the subject so i hand erased the background. i keep mentioning it but if i had to work around erik karlssons hair i get to complain about it.
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first time using the soft eraser if that means anything. the green background was to help me tell what i had and hadnt erased yet
this one took me the longest by far and had me questioning the decisions that lead up to this point the most.
making image three
PAINFUL. there are five different peoples hands on this thing and i spent most of it trying to choose hands that were interesting poses+decorations and in different places. didnt bother removing the watermark on any of the hands because why do i want to make more work for myself. erik karlssons second hand did not make the cut (watermarked)
the nice thing IS that there is a sort of photoshoot they have with consistent angles and lighting. i proceeded to spend way too much time aligning five different photos on top of this to make sure the hands are in the right place and about the right size.
an interesting bit of the editing is that the colors on the trophy photo were actually an afterthought! because it looks kind of nothing.
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it looks nice next to the second image because of the cymk coloring but the problem was that the first three images had colorful elements to them and the fourth is just text on the image
adding text
image 3 uses my favorite quote about pickles believe it or not ^_^
If you are new to hockey or are newer to the San Jose Sharks fanbase, you will see the withered shell Vlasic is of his former self and think that any conversation about immortalization in Toronto is beyond the bounds of possibility.
insane someone wrote this about another person. quite chuffed that you can read that phrase in the final image!
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image four babe im so sorry you are so underbaked. the article on THAT one is literally just about the 1000th game celebration. but also its hella ironic
“I’m still the same guy I was when I came in, just 14 years older,” Vlasic said. “Plays the same way, does the same things, plays against the same players. Just 14 years older.”
whole lotta people want this man GONE because hes flopping so hard. everyone and they momma taking bets on when hes getting bought out. its BAD LMAO i hope they sign him another 8 years
in reflection
edits are way easier than i thought they were to make with zero knowledge of the medium! i had no idea what i was doing but i made something i feel extremely proud of, take a shot at it sometime ^_^
something i kind of struggled with was making something that felt interesting and unique but unified as a whole piece? i dont approach things with a visual "theming" in mind and i more or less tripped up on the colors LOL
give it a shot! a spin, even! oickles.
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jovoy · 2 years
good morning i have a definitive list of my favorite body lotions i think as someone who is somehwat of a lotion conoisseur. and by favorite i mean these smell the best and will make you smell so good people will be like WOW! you smell so good and theyre also really great for layering. and they have a really good texture to them as well
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honorable mentions are l’occitane herbae and fresh sugar lychee which also smell amazing so good but i didnt want too much l’occitane on this list but i really love l’occitane
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sojrner-fishsticcc · 2 years
loona pm update:
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was hoping to get more work done on loona and get her fully rigged 2nite, but oh my god cpm is a nightmare program designed to drive me insane. i didnt spend as much time working on the finishing rigging stuff 2day as i had hoped to but i managed to get it done. the main issue was the armor which i swear to god i think i spent 3 hours messing with because the way cpm handles armor is indescribable. however this is my text post so im gonna spend an entire paragraph describing.
so basically cpm defines armor in 9 folders to define which parts of the body they move in sync with. helmet, chestpiece, 2 folders for each arm piece of the chestplate, 3 for leggings (1 for the portion on the lower chest, 1 for each leg) and 2 for the boots, again 1 for each leg. APPARENTLY, these folders need to be in the root of the files for parts. what does that mean? ok so, when you have multiple parts move in conjunction, folders are super useful. folders can be rotated and moved, so they can move multiple parts at once. theyre useful since if you have multiple parts that rotate around a central point, like a tail, itll rotate all the parts around a central point you designate instead of individually rotating each one around itself which means youd need to manually move each rotating part because theyd travel some distance if theyre not directly at the center. folders are great since you can nest them within each other to have multiple dependent parts. the tail in the gif above is made of 5 folders, each one containing all of the tail segments except the previous one. the first folder contains the base and all the parts after it. in frame one of the animation when it swings left the first folder rotates everything 5 degrees. the next folder, which contains all parts except the part before it, the base, also rotates 5 degrees. this keep looping, removing the previous part with each folder so that it makes a really smooth curve. folders are useful for moving parts in sync. the legs use this in a way that the thigh moves all the parts beneath it, then the calf moves itself and the foot, and the foot just moves itself. great! thats amazing for animation so i barely need to manipulate individual parts. why does the armor-folder system suck? well-
the foot part of the armor is made of two segments, one of the calf and one on the foot. multiple parts in sync, synced to the foot, so it should fall in the calf folder. well, as i said above, the folders for armor have to be in the root. that means they cannot be in anything, and they need to be in the same folder to be defined as “armor” in the foot group. thats not a big deal in vanilla skins, which have one leg segment. the legging and foot groups define themselves off of a joint they have in the same place as the legs’ actual joints. that doesnt work here since the legs have independent joints which will extend and retract to a point that the base thigh joint doesnt help define anything. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN.
anyway. all this modeling is legitmately driving me insane. i dont understand how one program can be so buggy. i should also mention the animation tool cant be described as anything other than “foolish and downright silly” because it DOESNT HAVE A TIMELINE. THERE IS NO TIMELINE FOR ANIMATION. its entirely based on keyframes. ahhhh. also i had to deal with a million other random issues which drove me to depths i didnt know the human mind could reach. at one point the outer leg layer textures got really warped and distorted for genuinely no reason. like genuinely none. i had to just remake them using the same position and uv mapping. also had to rip apart the legs, hair and tail to joint them in a way that could be used for animation which you can see here in the gif above!
i was hoping to have her fully rigged but hey, here’s all i have for now. some basic little global anims for the tail wagging and the hair flapping in the wind. overall, could not be more happy with this (unless cpm burst into flames and sank into a salt marsh never to be seen again) will try and keep updating this model until its suuuuper polished. might update again later tonight if i can get significant progress on it. also will get back to posting art soon since i just havent been feeling it i just NEED to keep modeling. its so cool but god these programs hate me ahhhhh.
good night :)
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chimeramoth · 12 days
For the first time in about 2 years, I checked my weight.
I don't know what in particular made my decision, why then, why there. I was just in my bathroom at home and stepped onto my roommate's scale that is always in the same spot on the floor.
I've always felt dysphoric about my body since a young age. Each wave of puberty felt like it brought on a new layer of curves that made me feel worse. In 7th grade, my chest grew to a size C. In 10th grade, my hips grew wider. In 11th-12th grade, I took on more weight around my neck, armpits, belly, and thighs. None of these things were wrong or unhealthy. My body was just going through the motions of puberty in which it best understood. But each time that I noticed I was curvier or had more volume in my chest, hips, or butt, I noticed my weight going up a few pounds. Nothing drastic.
Dysphoria was (and still is) heavily on my mind. I was miserable with feeling it all the time. I went through a period of not looking in the mirror except to comb my hair in the morning or wash my face, until I could coexist with my appearance better. That also took at least a year, before I felt that my dysphoric thoughts were more manageable, not ready to start critiquing every curve of my cheek and jaw.
When I felt my dysphoric thoughts start targeting my weight, I had enough. I didn't want to know my weight. It was a number that didn't indicate much for me. I felt myself cringe when other people mentioned the look of wright on themselves and on others. I had to soothe myself down so as not to react so sensitively. Other people would talk about how much better they thought they looked when they slimmed down, and how discouraged they felt when they noticed they gained a few pounds.
I get so tired of hearing about diets, how unhappy people were with the taste of their food and how pricey some things were. I still have to work on expanding my food sensitivity boundaries, learning how to get myself to eat more vegetables and fruits without wanting to cry myself to sleep. Learning how to take a bite of food I don't like the texture of, but then take a big swig of a drink that makes me happy and swallow them together. Learning how to make the sensations of food more tolerable for myself. Learning how to eat things that keep my BMs regular and learning what ingredients trigger my IBS. I'm sad that I can't eat shredded wheat cereal anymore. I found that I love oat cereals and oat biscuits. I still stress out about whether or not I get enough vitamins and minerals.
I even stopped looking at the weight scales at doctor appointments. I purposefully turned my head away to look at a wall 5 inches from my face. There's nothing on that wall, and my healthcare providers noticed me purposefully doing this. They all stopped reading my weight out loud to me almost immediately. In that whole time, only one nurse announced to me, and I tried not to mind too much. I never told the nurses to stop telling me, and I didnt tell that nurse after it was already said. I don't even remember what the number was now, because I am forcing myself not to care. I am taking away that avenue for my dysphoric thoughts to use to bully me. If there is something concerning about my weight specifically, my healthcare team will tell me, because otherwise my weight (or anyone's weight) will fluctuate naturally for any reason. Weight is not stagnant, and it is not the most important indicator for my health.
And for the most part, it has worked for me. I mostly don't care how heavy I am. I feel freer not obsessing how much the number goes up or down or trying to identify what behaviors make that number go up or down. I focus on eating better, cutting down on snacks that have HFCS. If I decide to have a soda, I limit myself to one can a day. I think about when the last time I had a vegetable was, and then convince myself it's time for more vegetables. I've started to notice a specific kind of pain in my stomach that also tells me it's time for more vegetables. I take an omega-3 fish pill a little more often.
I guess what made me decide to step onto that scale is that I have felt my dysphoric thoughts attack me less about how fat drapes on me and using my weight as a tool for bullying myself. I feel happier not knowing my weight every week, and felt genuine curiosity of how much I weigh now, for the sake of knowing one of the measurements of my body. I was ready to accept that I might not like the number I see.
The number that came up was about 20 pounds less than what I was expecting. There was some relief to that, but how much of that relief is just perceived fear? How much of that relief is genuinely feeling proud for changing my behaviors and my dysphoric relationship with myself? How much of that relief can I share with others without making others feel self conscious, humiliated, or dysphoric? Maybe it's a blend of all of these feelings, but also some relief that I also do not feel the need or urge to know how much I'll weight next week or next month or right before a holiday feast. I feel the anxiety gently bubbling up inside me that I need to keep making that number lower, but it does not compel me. I think I will just keep doing what I have been doing: eat more vegetables and try a new one every once in a while, cut down HFCS and deep fried foods more, remember to take a fish pill maybe twice a week, drink some more cran-strawberry juice, and drink a bottle of water before drinking caffeine.
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haokilop · 2 years
Buffalo chicken dip recipe
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I think that may be the problem some people here had who are saying their's came out too runny (and maybe they did not use enough chicken).
Also, I think it is important to use the full flavor dressings and cream cheese so that it is not too runny. My husband kept saying he wanted to wrap it up in tortillas. The people at the party (there were only 7 of us) destroyed that dip with Fritos scoops. I think the broiler helped a lot with that layer of grease that I have seen other people mention, because when I took it out of the oven, I had only a very thin layer of grease to blot up. Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Dip 4 Prep, cook, and serve this delicious Buffalo chicken dip in 1 bowl - your slow cooker Cook the chicken breasts, shred with a hand mixer, then add the rest of the ingredients and voila: 4 hours later, this yummy dip is ready. I put it in the oven for 25 minutes and then I just turned the broiler on high for less than five minutes and that really got the cheese on top a golden color. Then, I put them in my 8x8 dish with the cup of shredded cheese on top. I mixed the cream cheese and dressing together and the chicken and wingsauce together and then mixed them all together. It could have actually used a little more meat than that just to soak up some more of the dressing-cream cheese mixture, I think. And I used a 48oz package of boneless skinless chicken breast. I used 1/2 cup of Franks Buffalo Wingsauce (because less than that is not enough to compete with the amount of dressing imo). I made this recipe for NYE and it was a hit! I used the exact measurement of ranch and blue cheese dressing and 1-8oz countainer of regular cream cheese. Everyone commented that it was pretty hot, but they still came back to keep eating more! I think it tastes good with crackers and celery, although the crackers seemed better since the dip was more on the runny side.
Also, I used more hot sauce than it called for - about 3/4 cup and I noticed that it seemed to be really greasy/runny when I took it out of the oven and I think it was just all the extra sauce had settled on the top and I had to sop a lot out with a paper towel.not sure how to avoid that if you want more hot sauce. Only thing was that I couldnt figure out how long to sautee the celery because it never seemed to get "soft" and I actually couldnt even tell it was in the dip when I tasted it (no one else could either) so I think it could easily be left out and just use celery to dip in.or else have the pieces bigger if you want to actually taste it in the dip. Ingredients 1 (8-oz.) 4 ounces sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded (about 1 cup) 4 ounces pepper Jack cheese, shredded (about 1 cup) 1/2 cup refrigerated bottled. But as the dip cools slightly, it will thicken and set.Yum!! I dont like blue cheese and usually use ranch when eating wings.but I used both as the recipe stated and it didnt have too strong of a blue cheese-y flavor so I liked it. 1 cup shredded rotisserie chicken 6 oz cream cheese 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese cup LEVO infused ranch cup sour cream cup LEVO infused hot sauce. Straight out of the oven, the dip will be a little bit thinner when scooped. Cream cheese is the hero that thickens this dip and gives it its dip-able texture. The short and happy answer… cheese! And this recipe calls for three types of it: cream cheese, Cheddar cheese and blue cheese. Yum! Add an extra sprinkle on top before baking, if you're a fan, or leave it out if you aren't. The salty, funk of blue cheese gives this dip an added sharpness and flavor reminiscent of dipping a plate full buffalo wings into some blue cheese dressing. You can definitely play around with the type of shredded cheese-sharp Cheddar, Colby Jack, or even mozzarella would give this dip great flavor and tons of stringy cheese pulls. Buffalo wings always top our list, and this Easy Buffalo Chicken dip brings all of those spicy, meaty vibes to this simple-to-serve app.īuffalo chicken dip is a tried-and-true combination of cream cheese, buffalo sauce, ranch dressing, cooked chicken and cheese. Prepping for a big day of watching football? Game day snacks make the day, whether you’re at home or headed to a tailgate.
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miru667 · 4 years
Do you have any art tips or a step by step on how you color??
Please its ok if you wont
sure, i can give a tiny bit of insight on how i colour. Under the readmore:
At this point of my personal understanding, i would say colouring is just two things: 1) making sure your colours look good together, and 2) lighting (if u decide to even do lighting/shadows, that is)
The 1st one you can achieve by doing palette studies based on photographs or other ppls art, or by doing trial and error, or apparently by learning colour theory (im too dumb to understand it) and also applying digital tricks like overlay layers and also fiddling with hue/sat/brightness/contrast until it looks good to you. Below is my latest Audrey drawing without the overlay layer (left) and then with the overlay layer (right).
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It’s magic, right!? I’m so used to having an overlay layer in every drawing now that these days i just slap one on before i even start colouring lmao. usually 20-50% opacity, usually a saturated orange or pink and then i’ll adjust as i go. mostly i just do trial and error like fitting wooden toy shapes into the right holes - my brain will go “ding!” when the arrow on the hue gauge hits a colour that looks good to my eyes.
The 2nd one, lighting, is more complex. I always say “lighting is everything” because to me it IS...it can control the entire mood of the picture. Where is the light? Is it hard or soft? is there a secondary light? What emotion are u trying to convey? and then how can you execute it? how would light look on THIS object compared to THAT object? A big part of lighting is being able to visualize your drawing in 3D. Once you can do that, you can lay down the light and shadows quite naturally depending on where your light source is. this ties into the way you DRAW things tho (like, u have to already be thinking about 3D while in the drawing stage) so i dont wanna get into it since this post is about colouring.
Lately I’ve been p lazy and doing all my major shadows on a single layer, set to “Shade” on sai (it might be something diff on other programs idk), 42% opacity (for this particular piece), and clipped to my folder of colour layers. So that means almost all my actual colour layers are just flat colours! Here’s my main shadow layer all by itself without any base colours (left), and then shadows + base colours (right):
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sometimes i’m already thinking about lighting while im still sketching the picture. sometimes i’m already thinking about lighting before i even start to draw. For this particular pic I ended up with 5 different layers for lighting: 1) all shadows (42% opacity Shade layer); 2) some extra shadow under her hat (72% opacity Shade layer), which then allowed me to create the cool hat texture by simply erasing bits of this layer 3) a soft angelic backglow coming from behind her. this layer goes somewhere above the lineart layer to give the illusion of light spilling in front of her and fading out her edges; 4) secondary blue reflective light coming from the....sky im presuming, but mostly because i just felt like the drawing needed some blue lol; 5) a 55% opacity overlay layer containing a trace amount of vignette in 3 of the corners + an extra glob of light just to the right of her cuz i was experimenting with different instagram filters near the end and found one i rly liked and tried replicating it on sai 😂 Here’s the picture with only my main shadow layer (left) vs the picture with all 5 lighting layers (right):
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The pic on the right makes her look more like she is Somewhere. I think I could’ve pushed the depth even more but i wasn’t confident enough. And sai doesn’t have blur tool :(
I also always have at least one layer that i name “extra”. The Extra layer goes on top of the colours/shadows/lineart layers, but under the overlay/glow layers. This is for extra details (including extra LIGHTING details) that I wanna add like extra sparkles, extra straw hat strands, hair strands, hair shine, zipper shine, etc all for that “extra” touch of realness. I don’t do all this stuff at the end, though. I have my Extra layer created pretty early on and i go back to it and add to it when I need to. Here’s what it would look like without the Extra layer (left), and with it (right).  Try to find all the extra bits i listed:
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One last note is i don’t colour one thing at a time. Before I start, I slap on all the base colours and all the shadows super roughly, just to check if my lighting and colour choices look good TOGETHER and make the entire composition look good. no point in spending hours rendering all the lighting and shadows on the character’s hair if in the end u decide there was actually a better lighting design u could’ve gone with. So here’s the rough colouring plan I made for myself before i started rendering for real:
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im not sure if this was useful at all but i hope it was interesting at least! if you want to see my actual chronological process for colouring you can watch the gif of wips i compiled here: [link]. You’ll notice that i edit my lines as i colour. I think it’s good to be adaptable, and to be ready to go back and change ur lines to benefit your lighting, colouring, and overall look of the piece.
Also here’s the finished version of the pic: [link]
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orbdog · 3 years
ignore how like...stupid red my hands are here but >_>
i got two more figures in the build a portal set! :] i originally wasnt planning on going all in to build the portal, as that isnt really where my interests lie when it comes to figure collecting, but i already have the zombified piglin and the brute on the way so...why not? these little figures make me so happy, and having an end goal of making the whole portal has given me something to look forward to!
i really need to take pictures before i open these things. but first, heres the wither skeleton!
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as always the detail on this little guy is super neat. its very hard to get on camera, but instead of having different painted sections for all the shades of gray and black, they have different textures! which looks really great.
because of his big ol head and little skinny legs he struggles to stand up on his own, and his center of balance gets even worse when you pop the stone sword in his hand. he just kinda topples over lol im sure this is just a problem with the regular skeleton as well. his arms also dont pop out at an angle like the piglins do. i assume this is because theyre too small for that, or theres just no need to since most of the time in game hes gonna be in one of like, two poses, but i thought it was fair to at least mention that.
hes still really cool, and he came with the inside of the portal so of course i had to get him.
no real complaints though!! love the guy.
up next, my first (and so far only) non nether mob: THE GOAT
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im obsessed with this guy. the level of detail on such a small and weirdly shaped figure is awesome. the layers of wool, his big dopey head, i just love it. hes got some okay articulation for what they were working with, his head moves up and down for proper Head Bonkin and his legs move as well. he also game with a spawn egg??? which is such an odd choice for an item, but it did give me the chance to give the piglin way too much power
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aaaand yeah! those are the the next two in the set! im still waiting on the piglin brute to ship out (preorders =_=) and im still on the hunt for the strider (which is either a preorder or its. on sale at target?? i dont know its very mysterious) and a creeper that doesnt have a super huge upcharge.
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this is genuinely one of the coolest things in my collection. quite possibly outshining the ruined portal lego set in my favorite piece of minecraft merchandise. almost....maybe.
not only is it the second best nether mob, its also a WEAPON. with the button on the back you can shoot out these little plastic "fireball" chips at the face of your nearest enemy!
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it comes with ten of the slightly translucent pieces of plastic. i definitely didnt look directly at the business end while seeing how it works right after opening. nope. not at all.
the cool part though, is that a plastic plate in the face moves up when you push the button in, revealing its "attack" face
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something about this is just so cool to me. they didnt have to add that detail at all but it makes it all the more special. another thing they didnt have to do but did?
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ALL OF THE LEGS ARE ARTICULATED???? what a cool touch! theyre set at different lengths, and when tilted slightly backwards like in game, it stands up on its own even when its full of chips. makes it perfect to sit at the back of some kinda display like its floating behind everything. its pretty much to scale with the other figures as well which is really nice.
the perfect discreet weapon no home intruder will ever expect! :D (i do not condone ghast related violence)
anyway, overall i really dont have any complaints about any of these figures so far. theyre all lovely in their own ways, all look great on their own or with other figures.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
I know the dark sides kinda accidentally bullied Virgil for regressing but did they know/realise that he has autism? Did they know how to help his sensory issues or did he just have to try and cope himself?
EDIT 31 oct 2020: this info is slightly outdated now as i have decided vee does not get diagnosed until he is 14
This is a little bit heavy so scroll past if u want fluffy happy stuff!! mention of internalised ableism
Janus was basically his father so yeah he definitely knew Vee was autistic and accommodated him to the best of his ability at the time - but he wasn't the most educated on the smaller aspects of autistic life, he knew the big things like meltdowns (which he was adequate at getting virgil through) and stimming (he actively encouraged it but did tease virgil about being embarrassed about it which only made v more embarrassed) and vee not liking certain textures or bright lights (not necessarily an issue in their house) but he wasn't that aware of the things that go unnoticed like small sensitivities to food and poor emotional regulation and other things i can't think of atm.
He was guilty of thinking Vee was simply picky and fussy as a child and didn't really click that it was just another part of being autistic and should have been taken more seriously. Also Janus thought it was standard for Virgil to have a proper meltdown every week, but once vee moves to the light sides its more like once every 4 weeks because its a much more accommodating environment
Also he is canonically pretty selfish, I'm not sure he would have actually sat down to research accounts of autism from autistic peoples persoectives, he probably researched just the standard medical info and considered that enough
(quickly mentioning here that janus is not bitter that virgil left. he was at first but when he saw how much better virgil was doing in the other house he was satisfied that virgil was where he belonged, even if it was still upsetting to him that it wasn't with him. it's not until he wants in on the regression family dynamic that he recognises he COULD have helped virgil feel better in the dark sides house, and begins to educate himself on virgils specific needs so that he wont make the same mistakes again as nana janus)
back when vee was a child Janus explained to remus what autism is and Remus was pretty indifferent tbh he didn't really listen and janus didn't explain vee's specific needs in detail. remus was not very considerate or observant, so tended to accidentally trigger virgil's sensory overload by being loud and stuff. occasionally he felt a little bad about it but would just roll his eyes - but he wouldn't do any loud pranks for at least a few hours after. he never made things harder for vee on purpose out of cruelty, he just wasn't necessarily willing to adapt his behaviour for the sake of virgil if it meant he wouldn't personally have as much fun.
as much as janus knew how to get virgil through a meltdown, virgil had to deal with all the smaller details on his own. he had to pick certain foods off his plate and wear ear plugs when the others refused to turn down the volume on their horror movies and he struggled a lot with internalised ableism because no one helped him with these things so he thought it would be burdensome for him to ask for help but he also realised he wasnt coping well on his own and really wanted help, he just wouldnt let himself ask for it
in conclusion, they were aware of his autism and didnt make fun of it in any way because thats mean. Still, they weren't very educated on it or considerate at the time and didn't adapt the environement much to make it easier for virgil to cope, which is one of the things that led up to virgil moving out
I want to point out again that these are realistic experiences that explore a family who did not have the tools to effectively make things easier for Vee at the time, it is not abuse and it is not "unsympathetic", though it was undereducated and inconsiderate - A lot of the reason things were so bad in the house was because the dark sides just dont communicate effectively.
janus and remus are awkward with feelings, their idea of a heart to heart is grumbling a slight reassurance veiled in 8 layers of sarcasm then immediately calling each other names to brighten the atmosphere. theyre the friends who say they thoroughly hate you when you make them laugh and they threaten to decapitate each other as a form flattery. and they dont need to change that about thrmselves, some people are just like that, to janus and remus thats their favourite way of communicating and showing affection and it makes them happy. its just a bad match with virgil who is very sensitive to even the slightest insinuation that someone doesnt like him. janus and remus arent bad people they just are not the right people for virgil to live with
I am basing this specific storyline/concept on my experiences with my family and their gradual acceptance and understanding of me being autistic. Yes it would be nice if every family instantly knew exactly how to make things easier for someone who is autistic but it's just not always that idealistic. It's not black and white, it's not either 100% supportive or 100% abusive. it's not always a linear line, sometimes families make mistakes and accidentally make things worse at some point, but what matters is they recognise and acknowledge them, apologise sincerely, educate themselves and unlearn misconceptions, and work to be better in the future!
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todorokih · 4 years
i was tagged by vero @nitsumii​! thank you~
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
i dont want to dig too far so im only going to put edits i’ve made after i came back from my most recent period of hiatus, which started from around the end of may. this was very fun to do, i love sharing my editing life struggles!!!!
01. tsukishima - i literally made this yesterday kjahsdlgkj. i wanted to make something from what is already in my laptop, and hq s3 was one of few anime i have. and ofc i chose this gold moment!! tsukki is my best boy and hearing his YOSHAAAA,,,, i am moved to tears. anyway i think this one is pretty neat? i love the typography, the gifs are good, the colors are pretty nice too. even though this was born out of impulse its probably one of my faves right now lmao.
02. goro - made this for his birthday! i do not know how to make graphics (please can someone teach me). i was solely driven by the amount of love i have for this boy and the need to celebrate it. but in the end i think this one is quite nice! i like the colors i used here, and the black borders are so good. the 2 top pics are my favorites. i can only make minimalist gfx because i have no textures saved and even if i do i dont know how to use them haha... ha......
03. orange - a very simple edit but i love the colors so much!! it is so warm and 'orange' lol. i like how the 1st and 3rd pics turned out. i remember spending some time in the 4th pic because idk what to do with the amount of empty space i had, and in the end i just added a flower from a brush set akjsdgk (does anyone remember that set i think it was pretty famous back then). simple and neat if i do say so myself.
04. psycho pass ed - i spent more time trying to get this to appear in the tags compared than actually making it. i had to remove a makishima gif im sorry you didnt deserve this. i made a gifset of this ending years ago and this time i wanted to try something different, so i tried making every gif have a different color. bless hue/saturation adjustment layer for making this possible. i think this turned out good, and some people said the gifs are hq which i kinda agree with haha.
05. mafuyu - i finished watching the entire season of given in 2 hours at 2 am. after i wake up i started making given gifs and realized i do not vibe with the anime's coloring, its just hard for me to color?? i do not know how to color mafuyu nicely. i scrapped multiple colorings for this gifset because they look bad. in the end this is what i achieved. i thought it looked bad when i posted it (i was Tired) but when i woke up the next day i was like huh. this aint too bad.... kinda soft and the red/oranges are pretty nice..... yeah i kinda like it asklgdjalsk. 
+ honorable mentions: bsd ed, chrollo, persona 5 masquerade, kogami.
tagging: @katsukls @mafuyuh @katsukes @25th @shoto-doroki @krshima @svmeragi @monsteous @noxdivina @klavoir @emperanas @koujis @ohreigen and anyone who wants to do this. as usual, feel free to ignore! 
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vore-scientist · 5 years
A Game Of Chase
(safe/soft - GT - M/f-fluffy - platonic - vore)
A (mini) tale of the mystic woods
Premise: A classic pred/prey past time! Lots of mouthplay!
Warnings: very small mention of blood, including tasting it. It’s NOT a result of the vore/mouthplay, Yonah is very careful! I promise it’s like, nothing. \
Zipping like a roadrunner the Princess Sophia’s footsteps made quiet the little ditty on the stone floor. A ditty that was overpowered by the thunderous stomping of the half-giant that chased after her. Pushing her short legs to their limit she increased her speed a smidge more. She wasn’t just small compared to the half-giant, she was small for a human, at 157cm (5’2”). 
Yonah, not wanting to trip and fall on his princess from carelessness, tried to predict her heading so he could focus on his own feet. The bedroom maybe? They were currently the living room, but had been in the workshop. Sophia had practically fallen down the stairs, using some crazy and daring bounding that kept her ahead of Yonah. 
Sophia had a wild smile on her face as her heart pounded with exhilaration. She made a sharp turn for the bookshelf and heard the little scramble as Yonah compensated for this new direction.
Baseball doesn’t exist in this world, and while similar sports do you wouldn’t get such references. So baseball it is. Not caring for her own skin she slid under the bookshelf like a runner racing a fast ball to home base. That stung; She’d be licking her wounds later for sure. Or rather Yonah would, she mused for a moment. Eh, that should be fine. 
“Awww come on!! I’m hungry!!” Yonah knelt on the floor and glanced under the bookshelf at the princess who was crawling to the back. 
“Too bad! Earn your food! It ain’t gonna waltz into your mouth!”
“But it-she can! She is just being a butt today; getting into places I can’t reach!” Yonah still tried to reach for her but she was too far back and his arm didn’t fit. 
“And you’re not trying hard enough! Aren’t you magical as shit?”
“That would be cheating!”
“Says the giant who wants me to just offer myself up!” 
Groaning he halfway stood up and grasped the side and bottom of the shelf, carefully moving it without letting any books fall. It was a slow process But when he was able to see behind it the princess was gone! 
If he had somehow crushed her with the sliding wood (an absurd notion given how slowly he went) surely would have heard her scream and stopped what he was doing. 
Something caught his eye on the table behind him and he whirled around. Nothing! Then something pulled at his hair and thudded into his back. He tried to reach for her but she was already climbing up his ponytail. 
She clambered onto his head, under his hat. And snuggled into his hair in the dark. Hugging his head as he laughed. 
Light returned. She had one last move, as a hand came up to snatch her off his head! She lept! Forward; into the air, aiming for the bookcase once more. And was caught in two callous but soft hands. 
Now she dangled in front of his beaming face. 
“Got you!” He said, opening his mouth. 
But he didnt eat her. Instead he gently placed his lips around her side, delicately pressing his teeth in a love bite. Withdrawing his face he kissed her side, flicking his tongue out as he did, then under her arm to lap it up into his mouth. Her arm was still in his mouth, trapped by his teeth, thoroughly tasted, even as he sat down in his armchair with his prize. Wanting the use of his hands he pulled up the ottoman, took off his shoes, and put up his feet so that his knees were close to his head. He placed Sophia down. 
Sophia yanked her arm from his teeth, it was starting to hurt. Not from the force of the bite, but her shoulder was strained by the awkward angle. She massaged her arm and wiped the spittle off on Yonah’s robes. 
Yonah did not mind, he was happy to play. As soon as Sophia was relatively dry he licked her bodily. And froze with his tongue still on her. There was an unmistakable taste of iron. But surely she would have said something? He withdrew his face, but Sophia was smiling. 
“Why’d you stop?” she asked. 
“You’re bleeding somewhere.” it was not a question. 
“Oh!” She laughed, she turned over a leg to show him “I scraped my leg sliding under the shelf, I’m fine. Unless you’d rather not taste blood… I didn’t think it bothered you.”
She’d gotten scraped up on patrols before, minor nicks from thorns or falling off rocks, and that had never phased him. Sophia was certain his preference for uninjured had more to do with making things worse, than an aversion to a little blood. 
Yonah’s face turned red, “I was worried I hurt you.”
She leaned against his face, and whispered “If I’d been hurt you’d be bleeding from your ears right now!”
He knew she was right, but didn’t like how she’d phrased that, so he licked her in retaliation, covering her face in slobber. She shoved the tongue away but it was futile, Yonah pushed her into his mouth, her hands slipping across the tongue as she yelped in surprise. Then he sealed his lips around her torso, holding her delicately between his jaws, his tongue under her stomach. 
“Wow you got over that quickly,” she said, smacking his tongue rather loudly and elbowing his cheeks. 
The only response she got was a giggle, though she was pressed up against the pallet and the laugh reverberated through her a bit, the tongue flexing. Then a humming noise, which was all Yonah could manage in the way of speech since his mouth was so occupied. 
“I dont know what your fuckin saying!” Sophia said, doing her best to hug his tongue, wrestling it gently. 
Such an odd texture. It was soft, but so lumpy, in a way that she couldn’t compare to anything else. She liked it a lot. 
Then the jaws parted just a bit, enough so she could easily slide out. She sat in Yonah’s hand as he leaned back with a contented smile. 
“Dude if you’re gonna eat me, eat me!” She was starting to get sore from laughing, and might have a bruise or two from his teeth but that’s what one gets roughhousing with a half-giant. In addition she was soaked in drool. it was getting uncomfortable. She wanted to clean up or just be swallowed so it wouldn’t get all dry and sickly sticky. 
The wizard’s dark brown eyes glinted orange And she was held in front of his face. 
With a gentle stroking he applied a dab of glass paste to her forehead and whispered the magic words. His stomach grumbled in a Pavlovian manner to the poof of purple sparkles and he wasted no time in lowering Sophia into his mouth. She smiled as she was swallowed down swiftly and smoothly. 
Mmmmmm. There was a lingering layer of flavor on her glass form, which slid into his stomach, filling it up ever so nicely. He leaned back, stretching, clenching his gut so that it really squashed Sophia who chided him with a  “HEY!” and some nice strong kicks. 
“Scrumptious as always, Princess,” Yonah pat his stomach, “Nothing hits the spot quite like you do.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you wanted something for all this flattery,” Sophia said as she stretched out and settled into the soft folds of the stomach. 
Sophia was just tickled pink knowing that this place, a dangerous torture chamber for anyone else, was her secure little hide away made of plush walls and intense loving warmth. Sure it was Yonah’s stomach, and she was technically “his” princess, but he was her father’s wizard. He belonged to her father, sort of, so this half-giant wizard’s stomach was her father’s, sort of, and thus sort of hers. Sort of. 
Yonah licked his fingers, not wanting to miss out on any of Sophia’s flavor, savoring it and the comforting feeling of his princess snuggling his insides. 
“What could I possibly want other than you snug in my belly?” He asked genuinely curious.
“That’s what I’m wondering,” she said. 
Now that the game was over and the adrenaline draining away, even from her cursed form, she was tired. 
She yawned. For some reason, even if she couldn’t breathe and didn’t need to, her body did things just because it was what it felt it should do. 
“Falling asleep already?!” Yonah nudged his stomach causing the princess to jostle around. He smiled as she moved to find a new position. 
“Only if you let me apparently!” 
She sounded just pissed enough to stop Yonah from asking for belly rubs. 
Yonah considered for a moment, the prospect of a nap. And then he yawned a massive yawn. It filled his lungs and tensed his entire torso, including his gut around Sophia. She didn’t complain. 
“See, you’re tired too,” she sounded pleased. 
“Or yawns are infectious,” he noted. 
He was a bit tired. Not enough to fall asleep so easily, even with his belly full of princess. But he wasn’t going to stop Sophia from sleeping just because he was awake. He was professionally evil. Not personally a jerk. So he got up and wandered to the bookshelf. 
“Hey what’s with the movement?” 
“Just getting some reading material.”
He has to choose between a arcanists journal, specially printed for his scale, the cover boasting new advancements in Prophetic Dowsing, and a storybook, science fiction but trashy romance set in space. Yonah wasn’t much for prophecies, so he chose the fiction. He’d read the first book in the series and bought the next 3, but hadn’t touched them. 
The book was a bit awkwardly sized. Half-giant wasn’t a common enough scale to warrant consideration for printing. 
Sometimes he could find things in “ogre” size. It had to be popular enough that ogres who could read at least one common smallfolk language would buy it to read to their fellows. But ogres didn’t really care for long prose stories about mostly smallfolk. They preferred shorter stories in serial magazines. 
Giants on the other hand were a viable market for smallfolk fiction. Enough to even invest in translations into the various giant languages. The books still had to be popular enough, and the books were rather expensive. But worth it. 
So what looked like a normal book in the hands of a giant, looked like a big college textbook in Yonah’s. Out of scale though not ungainly. Especially if you were a wizard. 
Instead of returning to the armchair he opted for the couch. He would eventually fall asleep, he wanted to be lying down. Taking both throw pillows he placed them at one end of the couch and made himself comfortable. 
“Are you done yet?” Sophia asked, recognizing the current orientation of her chamber and hearing Yonah sigh. 
“Are you not asleep yet?” 
Sophia was suspicious of his jolly tone. 
“If you’re still awake you can give me belly rubs!” He said cheerfully, patting his stomach. 
There was grumbling from his middle. He didn’t expect to get any belly rubs. He did expect the impressively strong kicks as the princess expressed her frustrations. 
“That’s all your getting!” She declared and stopped moving once she’d found the most comfortable position. 
“Sleep well my princess,” Yonah cooed and gently rubbed his stomach. Then reached for his book. 
Obviously he couldn’t rest the heavy book on top of Sophia. And it was so heavy he wouldn’t have propped it up on his stomach regardless, those hard cover edges weren’t pleasant 
He levitated it. Positioning it at the perfect height and angle so that he didn’t have to strain his neck or eyes. 
Which worked great. 
Until he fell asleep and it fell right on top of Sophia. 
At least when she yelled from inside of him it was muffled. 
[Thanks for reading! please reblog/message me with feedback! for more mystic woods go to vore-scientist.tumblr.com/tagged/mystic+woods+story or search ‘mystic woods story’ on my blog! For thief stories only search “MW Thieves”]
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lgalacticjayl · 5 years
Cats the movie (2019) review
So as many others who watched this movie have done its my turn to tell yall my thoughts after just watching it in theaters.
First off : like no theters are showing it anymore its only playing a 45 min drive away amd only at 9 20 pm so i just spent a lot of time driving and got home at 1. (Because my friend lives even farther away) and thats all in like my northern province area just one show a day.
Second there was my group of 3 another group of 3-4 a couple i think and this random lady by herself. This lady shushed us the whole movie even before the actual movie started and we were laughing at just the sheer concept of it she shushed us and another group and told us to be quite. Even just for laughing. This woman wanted to see and enjoy this movie.
The graphic are just not good. Cats ears clip through cats, their feet don't look like they are touching the ground, the fur texture of clothes is the same as the cats fur and thats unsettling. Some clothes hung above the body and didn't move with the body. Some cats had shoes. WHY? Who made them shoes? Where do they get these clothes from and why can one of them tapdance?
The physics don't make sense. The cats are way to small to be actual cat size and it upsets me. A ring can be worn as a braclet but try that on your cat at home i dare you. But also they had cat sized rings for some cats. Some cats also had gold teeth and i dont like that. Like they were just too small and looked like smurfs rather than cats which also made the mice and cockroaches even smaller. The rats looled to be the size of and inch or two. Some times a cat would hold a dice in his hand, cats also cant grab things, and it was the size of the whole hand but so where his cards and that doesn't even make sense. Did he have cat sized playing cards? Also the movement sometimes like jumping and flying through the air was very un cat like and was way slower than cats fall/move. Cats also shouldn't and dont drink milk so. Their tails also are for balance not decoration. The only good thing is their ears actually showing their emotion.
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That brings us to the cats themselves. JUST NO!! WHY? They are just humans with fur and its unsettling! Like its just plastering a face onto a kind of cat head like from what we do in the shadows and then human bodies with a fursuit/morphsuit on. They didnt even change the noses or anything. They still have eyebrows and human eyes. Why do they look so naked!? Especially the McAfee dude or whatever. He has abs! And the females have breasts! Cats have 6 nipples and that would be even worse. Cats dont work like that! At least they are neutered or this would be truly horrifying. Why have hands for paws. Cats have paws. Cats can't grab things. Cats dont have feet. They keep mentioning paws and none of them have paws. Also calico cats can't be males so that one twin cat is trans confirmed.
The plot:
Every song sounded like a different langue with random words thrown in lile lamp or whatever and Whats A Jelico Cat? Apparently its like a clan? We had to look it up because it doesnt explain it! There is a song about names and im still confused they never bring it up again in the rest of the movie. That grey cats only role was just showing the new cat around. Honestly there was no plot it was just showing a new cat around and then so.eone got in an airballon. Wierd thing i still don't understand WHY DO THEY CATS HAVE MAGIC !!! But Like Only Some! WHAT? ? Why? Why can that dude teleport other cats? Why does the magician cat have to be like the only good cat? He also has magic i guess and can hold a pencil that is the same heighg as his cards. I also love his jacket and kinda want to make it. Very glad there was no kiss scene but they came very close to having a couple and that was not okay. There was also not a cgi dog thankfully. I did actually like the twins energy and song and drugging of cats. The train cat dude was also cool but much too small for the rails. Not realistic. Gus whose name is ASPARAGUS! for some reason is a theater cat? Idk but i kinda like him he just doing his own thing. The taylor swift song is like the best song but mcafee is uncomfortable to watch still. And theres like an abbandoned cat that gets picked to start a new life by the elder cat and she flies away in an airballon that appears and she disappears into a cat shaped cloud. Before all this sorry um rebel wilson unzips a layer of cat fur to reveal clothes its just unsettling. This happens multiple times. There is a cat that follows warriorcat naming conventions. Magical cat is named after the devil and is the best character. Why did jason derulo have to do this to us.I actually knew the song memories some how before hand. Evil cat lost his powers at some point. The movie ends with the old lady cat looking straight at the camera theough your soul which triggers an innate fight or flight reflex and that gaze is held for wayyyy too long. Never did explain the magic aspect and i know nothing of these cats backstories so much is lost on me. There is also a bunch or random talk about ghost and and afterlife? I think and im pretty confused.
There are some actually funny writen moments and a lot of cat puns. The script itslef isnt bad its pretty standard not like award winning but its good. If it weren't for the whole look of the movie it would be pretty good. If it were properly animated like aristocats it would be a solid movie. That was my rant about cats the movie. Sorry it doesnt make sense the movie was very confusing. I am jusg writing down all the thoughts from my brain.
Overal good time with friends, bad experience with actual movie.
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scarfcoded · 5 years
Using various art programs for the same or simmilar Hajime drawing
So first off: clip studio paint
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This motherfucker only lets you draw one hour perday unless ya pay
Its terrible
Also I could hardly figure out the system
Next: Medibang
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It looks better I’ll say that
As for the app itself its basically clip studio but no timer and a bit easier to figure out where shit is
Granted the bucket tool sucks more and leaves so many white pixels everywhere it’s depressing
Next: Drawing Desk
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How in gods name is this even a drawing app
Theres no color option, and if there was, I couldn’t find it
The app made my phone rotate to TV mode/rectangle mode which was terrible, not to mention the canvas didnt even have that much room or space
Hell, I could hardly draw
Next: Painter
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While the drawing isnt that great, it was a LOT more fun to use and so much easier. Like. You could actually *find* shit.
There wasnt any bucket tool tho? If so I didnt see it
So I just messed with some of the texture brushes
So while the drawing sucks, ill give the app 2.4/5
Next: Sketchbook
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Again, no bucket tool, drawing kinda not that great, but despite this it was a lot of fun and so much easier
I used Sketchbook before I used IbisPaint, so I was more aware and comfortable of some of the works. Not to mention they added new brushes which was really cool!
Next: ibisPaint
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I mean
Its kinda obvious which program Im best with?
Its kinda funny tbh
Seriously, ibis has so many great features that the others didnt. Sure, others might have funkier brushes n such but
Being able to comfortably draw is a lot better than suffering
Note: each program I 1. Did the same baselines, 2. Used one layer for the ink 3. Used one layer for color (except ibis cause I did make another layer for the DR texture to put in hajimes hair but thats it, plus the yellow on his tie)
Anyways, happy birthday hajime hinata! (And izuru kamukura who I will be drawing)
Thats all for now, happy 2020 everyone!!
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gendertrader · 6 years
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Physical Weight - 266 lb Height - 5′9″ Age - 24 25 mg Aldactone 1 month, 50 mg Aldactone 1 month
Because this is the first month that I’m ‘fully’ (due to reports suggesting that passing 100 mg may not be as effective as previously thought) on Aldactone, from here forward, I will report this as my first month.
Hair (body/head) [hairline, texture, thickness] I have noticed an increase in the amount of head hair that has fallen out over the past month.  This was not initially expected, but after some review of anecdotal reports, this is not uncommon.  Not enough has been lost to make it visible, but I will keep an eye out.
Face [hairline, cheekbones, facial hair, eyebrows, eyes, acne, skin] I have not noticed much change in facial structure as of yet, which is to be expected, but I’ve started wearing mascara more regularly and I’ve had an increase in acne, specifically around my chin, but it hasn’t been too bad.  I’m interested to see how this changes as I was not a particularly acne-ridden teenager. I have started trimming my beard a little differently to further act as contour, and its growth has started to have a more significant effect on my mental health.
Body [fat, taste, libido, hair, calves, nail growth, testes, temperature] I have seen little to no fat redistribution (unsurprising as it often takes up to 3 months of a full hormone regimen to start seeing real changes), but there may be a hint of gynecomastia from the aldactone.  I’m also learning to hold my body differently so as to accentuate the breast tissue, so any changes I’m seeing could self-influenced. I have noticed a clear increase in sugar, specifically chocolate, and salt cravings.  I have started incorporating a shake of iodized salt during meals to prep for this month, when I anticipate experiencing much stronger cravings.  I have seen mental health changes (please see mental health section for additional thoughts), which I imagine have contributed to the sugar cravings. Libido is...something.  I haven’t started fully experiencing the loss of libido caused by anti-androgens, but I seem to be getting it in waves that sort of follow my typical ‘horniness fluctuation’ if you will.  The primary difference is that everything is stronger: when I’m horny, I’m  h o r n y  but I can also go weeks at a time without masturbating and the sight of a hard dick does next to nothing for me.  I’m interested to see how this progresses. Despite taking a daily 10,000 mcg dose of biotin, I’ve seen a decrease in nail growth speed and a slight decrease in nail strength.  I used to be able to keep them rather long (good for painting, etc.) but they’ve been short for almost two weeks now (after I removed the pink fake nails pictured above) and little to no growth has occurred.  Finally, and I’m not sure that this is due to Aldactone, I’m having a more difficult time properly digesting food.  Part of me believes it’s due to my wearing high-waisted women’s jeans every day, which press on a part of my abdomen that isn’t usually compressed and could potentially disrupt flow of digestion through the stomach, but it occurs even when I’ve not worn those specific pants all day.  I suppose this warrants additional observation.
Mental/Emotional Brain Fog I’m creating a new category specifically to mention brain fog.  I have definitely seen an increase in what I must assume is the brain fog for which I see so many reports.  To me, it feels like when you’ve been high for a really long time and finally start coming down - almost as if there’s a layer of thought that has been suppressed and you have to focus just a little more than usual to process the things happening around you.  I imagine that, for somebody who has never been high, this could be rather disconcerting and difficult to navigate.  Fortunately, I’ve been smoking for about 2 years straight as this point, so I have very little trouble living with a little bit of brain fog for now.  I will make an update if I notice an increase in fog from 50 to 100 mg.
Depression There has been a slight but definite increase in depression symptoms.  It feels like it’s primarily due to the energy-sapping quality of Aldactone, and less like I’m extra sad all the time, but the sadness-depression has increased somewhat as well.  I imagine this is due to the fact that I’m no longer actively repressing my understanding of self as a transfeminine individual, so the masculine qualities that I dislike are starting to stand out more.  Some examples of these include my beard (I used to go 1-2 weeks without shaving as I am a depressed graduate student and don’t always have the time/energy to shave, but I’m now shaving around twice a week), my face (a couple times while really high and having removed my glasses, I’ve seen Alex as she can be with estrogen but it usually lasts for minutes at a time, so I’m then immediately reminded that I do not look like this - clearly the typical trans experience, but I didn’t think it would be this strong for me and it feels like it’s only the beginning, so I’m strapping up), or my internal experience of being alive (it /feels like/ I’m on testosterone, and sometimes that just gets the best of me; during those times, I have to remind myself that wanting to be a girl is a symptom of being a girl.  It’s then that it feels like I’m getting a taste of the true Trans Experience and I have to code switch into thinking how lucky am I to have so much room to grow which only helps a little but that’s more than nothing).  I had a few boy days recently, which were nice because everything matched up, but it was somewhere closer to 3 or 4 days out of the month so I’m less worried about my boy days interfering with my transition.  Finally, as I’ve stated before, even without the effect of the Aldactone, or the drain of coming out to everybody around me, or the strain of an actual social transition, it’s exhausting.  Because I choose every day to take this medication that continues to bring me one step closer to my ideal self, I also inevitably must at least briefly consider what I am doing and the changes I hope to see, which is much more introspection on this topic than I’ve wanted to do for a while.  I’m nervous that friends are going to find out before I’m ready (I’m in my final months of my master’s program so there’s no reason in my mind to attempt a social transition yet as I have other very difficult things to do already (I have a conference in which I present at the end of the month and I have to finish data collection and create a poster; I have to collect data for my thesis before analyzing said data and completing my master’s thesis before the April 22 (I think???) deadline so I can graduate on time; I have to find a job (lmao this is so difficult brb crying), which will include a million applications and half a million job interviews; I have to complete 2 additional manuscripts for publication (again, once data collection is completed); and I have to move to wherever I eventually get a job) and I don’t need a social transition piled on top because I’m already barely staying afloat as it is.
Anxiety There may have been a very slight increase in anxiety near the middle to end of the month, but I had also been on the same strain of weed for a while, so I wasn’t taken off guard at all.
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thepleasureisguilty · 6 years
A Day of Pampering Chapter 7:
Part of an ongoing rp between @ask-a-slippery-boy and myself
Chapter 1:(SFW)  https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180404620744/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-1-insomnia-and-a-night
Chapter 2: (SFW) https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180491298229/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-2-bathe-in-the-baths
Chapter 3: (NSFW ish): https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180609254064/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-3-turning-tables-in
Chapter 4: (NSFW)
chapter 5 : (SFW ish)
chapter 6: (SFW):  https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180782130404/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-6-the-counts-new
this one is SFW: contains feasting with a countess and  making Devoraks blush.
*I jump a little as you squeeze me but I don’t make a sound. I hold your arm as we follow Nadia down lucio’s hallway and to the dining room. Servents scurry around and Nadia grabs one and tells them to find Portia and have her join us.*
*The dining room is also fairly busy. We are seated across from Nadia near the end of the table.*
*I sit next to you, holding your hand under the table and watching the servants scurry about and having this sensation of wanting to help *
*Pasha comes through the doors in a hurry* “Countess, you called for me?” *she looked a little flustered, like she may have ran a bit to get here*
*Nadia held up her hand to calm her.* “To join us, for dinner.” *She gestures to the seat besides her. Portia blushed and walked over to the seat only then realizing who “us” accompanied*
“What??? Ilya??? Mast??? You both look so good! Ilyusha I didn’t even know you could wear at color..”
*nadia smirked* “they do look rather good don’t they? I dressed them up after I found them rummaging around in lucio’s closet of all places...”
*portia gave us a look and a gesture which I returned with a shrug*
*i wave at portia and give a guilty smile when she gestures at us*
Haha there really is no excuse portia *I shrug as well still grinning*
*Portia narrows her eyes at us, as if to say that she doesn’t buy that there isn’t some wild story involved, knowing us.* *Nadia simply looks amused at the whole situation.* “So, Mast, you mentioned you run a lounge? Please tell me more.”
*i flush* oh i do, its a very... Underground business. An artist collective of sorts where the group can make a few bucks and have a place to practice their art. *I try to skirt past the fact that we feast on the leftovers of nobles*
If you ever would like a portrait done Nadia, i would be honored to assist
*my eyes go up to the painting in the dining room* that was commissioned by lucio wasnt it? ... *I smile* I can tell by the color scheme and composition
*Portia and and I devolve into making strange expressions at each other. A wordless conversion that is essentially a back and forth of “what did you do?” And “I didn’t do anything”*
*my eyes occasionally switch between you two and i laugh to myself*
*nadia looks thoughtful.* “I do appreciate the underground resurgence of art in this city. I always find the most interesting things there. Theaters, markets, alike. I’d be very interested to see what yours is like.” *She looks a little surprised when you offer to make her portrait and laugh when you say the one on the wall was obviously commissioned by Lucio.* “you’ve only spend a few minutes in his closet and already you can tell the man’s taste. How amusing.”
*Portia surfaces from our “conversation”* “Mast is really talented, my lady! They drew Pepe and I the other night.” *Nadia smiles* “well I’ll have to consider it, since they come so highly recommended.”
*I blush a bit at the praise and smile* id be happy to sketch you sometime to show you my talents Nadia. Then you may determine for yourself if it is justified
*She seems pleased* we’ll have to make an appointment of some sort.
*Servants come in with carts. They set down wide but shallow bowls of creamy soup. They set down glasses of fine white wine to pair with it, and vanish quickly as they appear*
*I inspect the food, the smell is rich in spices and fish* cream of scallop? *I venture the guess smiling*
*nadia nods* “You must have a good pallet. That is correct.” * the soup is delicious. I make a satisfied sigh as I eat, but that might also be because I can hold your thigh under the table without anyone noticing*
*I humm happily as you hold my thigh and i taste the soup, it is great. Highly doubt this batch would ever be sent back to the lounge *
*I trace circles into your inner thigh. I have such a hard time keeping my hands off of you, I’m actually surprised we ever make it outside sometimes* Delicious, as always. Thank you for the invite Nadia, your hospitality is greatly appreciated.
*Portia nods* “And thank you for inviting me to join you too! It’s nice to get a quiet moment with you *she blushes* e - everyone I mean
*I give a glance to nadia as though to let her know portia wasn’t talking about me or her brother* indeed ... More wine for anyone? *i stand and reach for the carafe *
*i refill your glass* I imagine you two don’t get many quiet moments *i grin slyly* running a city is exhausting and im sure portia feels it too being your right hand
*Nadia is very perspective. Your Portia’s comment, along with your glance, do not go unnoticed to her. Everyone thanks you for the refill.* “Oh not at all!” *Portia insists* “Helping my lady is no trouble at all! Especially when she works so hard to keep the city together. You should see all the work she’s gotten done this last week! It’s incredible!” *Nadia flushes a bit under her praise* “Nonsense, Portia. You work very hard for me.” *there’s a low purr in her voice. I might not be particularly perceptive, but even I pick up on that little subtly* *I arch and eyebrow at Portia, who blushes deeply*
*i smile... Checkmate.... My brow raises to portia too* oh dont worry portia, i know for a fact how much you enjoy working for the countess, nothing you have told me would ever make me think you didnt enjoy your job *I smile earnestly knowing that my point has been made And the ball has began to roll*
*I sit back down and put my hand on your thigh, under the table*
*She turns bright red under our combined gaze. Nadia observes this with amusement and a mischievous curl of her lip. I could pick out a Dom Face (tm) from miles away. I’m deeply uninterested in knowing whatever she may be imagining for my baby sister, but I am glad to know that Nadia may be interested. If anyone would treat Pasha right, and give her the spoiling she deserves, it’s Nadia. Under the table, I put my hand on yours, and intertwine our touching legs. I attempt to act oblivious to all the different tensions happening at the table and work on finishing my soup*
*I try to hide a smirk with finishing my soup and drinking the wine, i intertwined our fingers together and reciprocate the leg touching, i am not acting oblivious at all to all the tensions in the room. I watch nadia, observing her Dom face gawking at the blushing portia... I trust that she will tell her how she feels when the time feels right. As for me and you... Everyone already knows were fucking.. No mystery to it and i like it that way... I like the fact that we and everyone knows we want eachother and it is simply up to us to determine when and how*
*As we finish our soup, servants re enter and take the bowls from us. They replace them with plates of roasted lamb, accompanied by many different sauces and sides of jeweled rice. I favor a minty yogurt for mine dish.*
*my mouth waters as i look at the plate* so... Did you know roasted lamb was my favorite meal countess?
*Nadia looks surprised* “I did not, but I am glad to hear it. Hopefully it is cooked to your liking.”
*i cut open the meat, juice pours from it and the center is a bright pink color with charred edges* perfection....
“Ah I am happy to hear it. You are my guest, and I would prefer to to afford you as much luxury as I can.” *Nadia says*
*I smile, nod, and shamelessly dig in. The noise i make is slightly erotic without meaning to be*
*I make a sensual satisfied sound that is perhaps a bit too loud when I take the first bite of the lamb. It is delicious. Portia shoots me an unimpressed expression.*
*Nadia smirks and teases* “It seems Portia was not exaggerating when she said the two of you were very well suited for each other.”
*I swallow and chuckle at nadias comment and look to you lovingly*.... I guess not *i smile and squeeze your hand before diving back into the meat*
*I beam back at you, my lips are shiny with the oils of the lamb. Being slightly uncouth next to you? My fantasy come true. This tender moment is slightly interrupted when Nadia says.* “Next time we really ought to invite Asra, and MC as well. Gather the ‘old gang’ as it where.” *I accidentally inhale a grain of rice and choke on it rather ungracefully*
*the second bite holds all the flavor, it is full bodied and juicy, theres a bit of blood left that leaves a fatty copper taste to it. The texture is divine, the meat is tender and ritch. Garlic, sage, tyme, and rosemary was rubbed into the outside of the slab before being cooked. The roasting process formed a crunchy heavily seasoned layer on the outside and a soft, tender middle...im missing something... It adds to the moisture of the flesh... White wine!... Slits made in the cut towards the end of the cooking process flooded with white wine... Ohh this truly is magnificent. I take a bite of the rice... Olive, garlic, parsley and a creamy dill flavor hit my senses... Little bits of chopped up onion...and the rice is panfried so it has bits of crunch to it... --- my enjoyment of the meal is interrupted by you choking, i offer you my water and rub your back*
A A Asra? *Cough* I-if you so wish it Countess. It um... has been a while. *Nadia raises an eyebrow* “Oh, is there a problem, I had thought the two of you had put your... past behind you.” *I cough a few more times* We did errr that is, we have... *I blush deeply*
*I raise a brow, before i put two and two together* Asra?
And old lover im assuming *i raise a brow and smirk at you*
*I drink some wine to finally stop my choking* The three of us... Nadia, Asra, and I, used to be quite close friends... “Yes,” Nadia chimed in, “This was before Julian ‘murdered’ my husband.” *I flush deeper and deeper* Well things progressed between Asra and I, but the ending was.... a little messy.... “Yes, our Doctor was thoroughly heart broken if I recall correctly.” *Nadia added helpfully* *I shoot her an exasperated expression* It was a long time ago. But... well, that last fight was a little hurtful... we both said things we shouldn’t have.
“And” *added Nadia* “They have spent plenty of time to get her since then. I personally don’t understand where your anxiety stems from.” *Nadia said. I only know that she It attempting to comfort me after knowing her for so long. Her approach is generally logical and a little cold.* “Clearly Asra has let the past go. You should not be worried about what he has left to say to you.”
True. *I pose with my fingers on my forehead dramatically* But it was not Asra’s heart that was broken on that fateful night *Truthfully I don’t know why I’m still scared to see him. Maybe because I know that he’s seen my worst qualities and isn’t afraid to point them out. I hope I can cover any genuine concern by pretending to be overdramatic*
*damn harsh... Nadias words strike... But your reaction it seems like youve dealt with this before... I give you a look when you overdramatize and bring your hands from your face and into mine* okay drama queen *i smile trying to lighten the mood* if you need to have a long talk with asra to calm your anxieties about him... Then I suggest you do it, it can even be at the lounge if you like... If you dont want to do that then i wont encourage us going on a triple date with him *I smile and touch the bottom of your chin in a "buck up" manner*
But i will have you putting on a one man show to hide your anxiety... Deal? *I smile at you hopeful *
*But do we need to talk? I’m not sure what we would say to each other. I give your hand a squeeze.* I... I don’t know if a heart to heart is exactly what a I need or not, but I’m not opposed to a triple date. *Portia blushes deeply each time we say that word* I think exposure may be the correct therapy here. *I kiss your hands* Nadia is right, we have spent time together since. I don’t think there’s much remaining as far as bad blood goes. *I kiss your hands again* Thank you for being understanding. Don’t let your lamb go cold on my account. *I smile and let you go. Returning back to my food as well*
*I squeeze your hand reassuringly and glance apologetic at nadia and portia nodding my head at each of them before returning to the lamb*
*they both seems happy that you managed to talk me down. Both have bore witness to how deep I can go into my little tangent. Nadia does not approve of emotional coddling, but she seems to appreciate your problem solving approach. Portia smiles to herself too. *
*i understand the spiral... The use of theatrics to hide real emotion or make satire out of what your feeling. I also know that one needs to be told they are doing so and given another solution to the issue*
*I don’t think I’ve ever been with anyone who really understood the motions of my emotional spirals as well as you do. I squeeze your leg under the table. This isn’t the time to talk about it really, but I do appreciate it. I appreciate you, entirely. I shoot you a loving look.*
*I reciprocate the squeeze and look back at you smiling* So, when are we planning this triple date or then? *I perk up smiling at Nadia and Portia*
*Nadia smirks and Portia turns red* “Hmm... unfortunately I don’t have much as far as free time as of late. I have lots of projects in the works, things Vesuvia desperately need. Finally I’ve removed most of my obstacles in completing them.“
If there is anything i can assist you with Nadia, please just ask *i smile at her* you have been very...kind to me. I want to be of assistance anyway i can.
*She sighs* “it’s hard to tell what I’ll be needing in the future. But I will keep you in mind should I need use of your skills. Thank you for the offer, Mast. I do look forward to our date” *she made a meaningful glance at Portia, who looked like she may jump out of her skin* “I just cannot guarantee that it will be very soon.” *She smiled mischievously* “And I would like very much to visit your lounge. Portia,” *Portia jumped to attention* “Would you like to attend with me? See what sort of trouble your brother has gotten himself into?”
*I cant help but grin in semi disbelieve and victory, a heavy sense of accomplishment washing over me as nadia asks*
*Portia gave me a look up and down, eyes lingering on my bite marks* “I’m not sure how much I want to know.”
Nadia laughed. “Yes. I did see perhaps a little too much when I found them earlier...”
“Oh gross!!! I am so sorry my lady! Ilya! I cannot believe you!”
*I flush and laugh a bit* honestly I think it was a good thing you came in when you did nadia *I blush more very embarrassed and a little proud*
*Nadia’s grin deepened, obviously getting a bit of a kick out of grossing out Portia and embarrassing me* “Oh? And why is that, Mast?”
*I turn red*
*uhoh... Was not expecting that...* uh hhh hmmm *i turn bright red nable to answer, my articulation skills have betrayed me*
*Nadia rests her head on her hands and waits patiently for you to answer clearly*
*i smirk wide and rest my head on my hands in the same fashion* you would have been blind by all the gody things we were trying on in your husbands closet...
Seriously some of the things he owned were quite terrifying. Im only glad you were spared
*i sip my wine raising my eye brows at her*
*Pasha pretends to gag. I say nothing, knowing i will only blow your cover if I try and help. Nadia, on the other hand, I’ve never seen such an evil look on her face.* “I assure you the most terrifying things in there were gifts from me. Did you have any favorites?”
Hmmm *I scratch my chin thoughtfully* I would have to say my favorite gawdy thing in there, that i saw so far* would have to be the large red cloak with white fur and black spots on it with the giant gold lion clasp in the front
*I chuckle while saying it, honestly not knowing if he owned such a thing*
*Nadia sighed, disappointed* “Oh I thought you were talking about the flogs. You’re quite right, I hated seeing that dumb cape. A lion? Honestly...”
Flogs? Oh we didnt get that far! Perhapse you could show us later? If you like *i smile* and agreed *I nod fain knowing what shes talking about* very distasteful
*Nadia places a hand on Portia’s shoulder, who looks as though she may faint* “I’ll think about it, I’d hate to scare dear Portia here. Unless red hair and easily flustered aren’t the only dominant Devorak genes...” *im not particularly surprised that Nadia knows what a massive masochist I am. It’s not exactly a secret. But Pasha... looks confused and terrified. I’d have to tease her about it later.*
*As we finish dinner, servants replace our lamb with delicate little cakes. Each seems to be a different flavor. Mine is white chocolate and raspberry*
*I chuckle at the situation and turn my attention to the little cake* Mmmm coffee and a dark chocolate
*The cake is good too. I make another sound that could possibly be interpreted as lude. Pasha looks like she could kill me.  * Nadia, this is so delicious, I am continuously impressed with your skillful chiefs.
*I make a sound at my second bite of the tiny cake* agreed this is a wonderful meal, thank you so much
*Nadia smiles* well thank you for the company. Even if it was... unexpected.
*I smile back and chuckle* dont worry nadia... Next time we break in we promise to be much more careful not to get caught *I wink at her*
*Nadia scoffed* I’d much prefer that you ask me if you may visit. I might even let you use a bath that isn’t covered in a thick layer of dust and Gods knows what else.” *she gives us a meaningful look when she said “what else” that makes me blush.*
*Portia chimes in* What you used Lucio’s /Bath/ too???
*I smile guiltily at portia* I am of course joking nadia... I would definitely ask your permission first
*Nadia relaxes* “Good I would hate to put my guards on high alert to spot you. It would probably even more embarrassing to be caught by them than by me. They won’t wait until a convenient time to stop you...” *she winks*
*I laugh embarrassed and turn a bright red again I look at you to see your reaction as well*
*I have been caught with my pants down by the palace guards before.* No, they do not. *i state this matter of factly. When I catch your eyes I smile softly at your blush. It’s so damned cute.*
*I sputter out a laugh at the no they dont attempting not to cackle*
*nadia gave Portia a sympathetic pat* siblings can be difficult
*poor portia, this entire night she has been embarrassed and practically tormented by nadia.... I know shes loving the attention though*
*I decide to cut Portia some slack and give her something else to think about besides Nadia’s close proximity and all the wild sex you and I have been having since we last spoke to her.* It’s been a few days, I have to ask, how is my niece Pepi? Is she happy? Does she miss me?
*Portia rolls her eyes* “Pepi is very happy! Unlike you, I take good care of her!” *I roll my eyes back* you asked me to watch her, and I did. She’s fine. *Portia looks offended* She’s fine because I came home in time to save her from you!
*I turn to you* ilya? Did you not take care of pepei? *I narrow my gaze at you*
*I take a deep breath* I did. I swear.
*Pasha pips in* “He did not! That giant raven of his was going to carry her off!”
No he wasn’t! He’s a good- *I flush, the words “good boy” almost come out of my mouth. I’m a little extra sensitive to the phrase these days* he’s a good bird. And I was watching to make sure anyways... also Malak isn’t even my bird. We’re just friends....
Malak is a good boy I can say that for a fact. And I'm sure pepei wouldn't let anyone man handle her *I smile*
*I shift my posture as you say the phrase. Nadia defiantly notices. Portia pouts* “Even fighters need help sometimes. And Ilya if the Raven is your friend then I’m sure he’s rowdy. He squawks up a storm whenever he sees me.”
*I blink* must be the uniform…
*she narrows her eyes* Ilya that doesn’t make any sense
*Nadia leans on her hands* “It’s hard to say, Portia. Julian seems like a /good boy/. I’m sure he wouldn’t leave your dear Pepi at risk...” *I flush deeply and grab your hand* *Pasha misses the significance* He’s not! He’s loud and rowdy and he drinks to much and everyone know it!
* give Nadia a protective look and rest my arm on your shoulder* he is portia... * I look at you* and i wouldn't want it any other way
*Nadia simply looks amused. I am turning deeper red by the second. Portia is apparently more oblivious than I am. I clear my throat*
to be continued... 
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yumenosakiacademy · 3 years
ok twt released this thread where it shows a ton of met gala looks n lets go in2 opinions bc im bored n hungry (note: most of these r not taking in2 account the theme of the gala, which was “in2 america” or w/e, but i do mention it occ. i see it not as a requirement, but if they go w the theme in a specific or obvious way, it’s smth 2 note) (note2: this is only covering the ppl in the thread, not any others tht were omitted, bc there r apparently Others tht werent in the thread)
holy shit the absolutely dreamy looking pink gown on billie? beautiful. princess-like. loving the hazy look to the long train. could use some accessories/jewelry tho, methinks. but even w/o it, it’s a lovely dress.
harris reed... not a fan. i was willing 2 say it was Ok but i noticed the bottom half was, in fact, NOT  dress layered w feather, but a sleek gold dress n then this weird sparse feather thing tht hangs over it n i went oh tht’s a no 4 me
j.lo’s outfit gives me pimp vibes im living 4 it. it radiates Power.
nas’ 1st outfit (the puffy gold 1) isnt all tht appealing 2 me... mayb if the puffy arm parts were replaced w smth tht jus draped from the shoulders or a mid-high collar 2 resemble a king’s cape but it looks a lil silly. 2nd outfit (gold suit) is p bold, i can dig it. not much 2 say on it bc it’s jus a gold suit of armor, ngl, but it’s not smth u see at a gala, so tht’s unique. 3rd outfit (gold bodysuit) was v pretty i like it.
grimes’ outfit honestly makes me think space warrior or smth n i rly like it? i dont typically like tht hairstyle, n the pattern on the outfit is still a lil eh, but i like the metallic mask n the makeup n the way the fabric drapes in gradient to black at the bottom. also a SWORD? is tht even allowed?? like, it apparently Was but surely they mustve got it checked out w met gala b4 bringing it, right? fun fact, it’s made from a melted AR-15, which kinda goes w the america theme, ironically enough. idk i rly dig this odd look.
love the dress n hair on lupita!! luv the glitter n overall shape tho n her hair!! is so pretty honestly. idk who this lady is but shes stunning.
frank ocean’s outfit is simple n ok BUT i dont the weird ugly robotic baby he was carrying. the outfit it had on too? like this... weird green patterned onesie or smth? UGLY as hell. at least chose a better onesie if ur gonna hav the weird baby prop... it doesnt even match w his outfit n the pattern is such a fucking ugly 1.
megan fox rly out here giving us devil mistress  holy shit. it looks cool as all hell i luv it. hot as Hell, pun intended. 
addison rae looks boring, im ngl :I the dress isnt all tht pretty n it’s kinda simple. like, not inherently ugly, per se (tho im not a v big fan of how it looks at the top of the dress) jus... feels basic. 
ciara’s is football-themed, thus does matcht he theme 4 the event, america, n i do like the shade of green she used also glittery fabric n the shape of the dress near the bottom, but the parts to the side of the dress where it shows skin feel like they bring the look down, honestly... if it didnt hav them, it’d look better. but bc it has them, im not personally a big fan. 
barbie ferreira is giving flapper vibes, n w the theme being america tht’s v fitting! lots n lots of pearls~ id say quite a few too Many pearls, as i wouldve preferred more fabric n stuff? but i can see what she was going for n i dont terribly dislike it! it’s ok. 
kim’s outfit is ugly, end of story. dont try 2 go 4 so unique tht it looks awful. unique? yes. no1 wouldve expected tht, but it’s so...?? why cover ur face n everything else n then make it look so Odd i jus.. ew. no. 
kendall on the other hand looks nice! draping jewels (esp diamonds or smth in tht whitish-grey sparkly color) n transparent fabrics r a classic tht’s used v often n the same applies here. looks nice! luv the way the jewels curve down.
ppl in the replies r calling olivia rodrigo’s outfit boring n while i can kinda agree, it doesnt look too terribly bad? i dig the outfit, esp the lace fishnet fabric. i think it’s p cute! but compared to all of these pretty gowns, yea it might b a bit underwhelming. not ugly tho!
ppl r rly ecstatic abt lorde’s outfit on the other hand, but i dont like it? the fabric reminds me of like, curved construction paper or tortillas n it jus feels p boring 2 me i dont like it at all :I
miss biles... it just is Not hitting. mayb if the puffy gray fabric didnt suddenly widen at the hips it’d still b a bit more acceptable, albeit still not great, but the texture on the grey, puffy, prob heavy fabric isnt great n is jus too like.. dense-looking i dont like it at all. 
justin n hailey look boring. tht’s jus a normal black suit n black dress, bro. absolutely NOTHING special. i do like hailey’s dress, esp the neckline, but dear god theyre both jus so bland? no accessories? no nothing? tht’s jus a straight narrow black dress, hailey. tht’s jus a regular suit, justin. this is the Red Carpet.
gigi... nice hair n gloves n accessories (tho the necklace doesnt rly seem 2 match? it seems a bit golder) but the dress?? ugly. Ugly. i dont care if ppl r praising her in the twt replies. the stiff fabric of the bland, boring outer dress makes it all the fucking worse. like a cardboard roll only more flexible bc Fabric.
i like the red, white, n blue draping fabric on saweetie’s outfit, also it ties in w the ameria theme, but the rest of the outfit (or, as much as i can see bc her front is kinda obscured in the photo) jus.. isnt pretty.
i rly rly luv the dress on naomi, my word! the colors swirl rly nicely together, but i think the black part of the dress would b nicer if as a lower arm coat or smth instead of attached 2 the dress like how i think it is. also dont like her hairstyle, but i think it’s referencing smth cultural n has meaning tht i jus dont understand so! cant say much abt tht. the main dress part tho is rly nice.
chalamet is good until the converse gjhsdn why did he think.. tht converse (or shoes resembling them, as some1 in the replies said they might not actually b converse) would b red carpet appropriate. also the crotch of the pants shouldve been a bit higher imo cuz it looks like its a bit lower, like harem pants but not baggy or quite as low.
i luv the blue glitter gown on miss gorman! wow how glittery! n tht’s not sarcasm btw i genuinely luv glitter gjhsnd but it fits the america theme n is such a bright eye-popping color.
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