#i didnt suck up to teachers mind you. i just was quiet in class and did my work
felikatze · 5 months
that poll reminding me. not so secret feli lore i'm sure i've talked about this before. but one time in school a guy confessed his love to me as a joke (i knew it was a joke because he was part of a clique that Could Not Stand my autism swag) and he did it in front of my friends, with his friends watching from a distance, and the scenario was so absurd i started laughing at him.
Like full on fucking ojou-sama hand to my face laugh. For several minutes. It was the funniest shit to ever happen to me I just did not know how to react.
Obviously this embarrassed him and he went back to his friends. Idk how they reacted to this but over the next few weeks he would try to confess several more times. I would still laugh at him but then it got annoying. So I'd just start kicking him. Every single time he got near me and opened his mouth I would kick him in the shins. Guy was a football player but I still did it. If it came to a fight he could've kicked my ass easy i am a twig but my sheer ferocious moxie scared him.
One math teacher fucking hated this guy for being the "class clown" (read: calling everything gay and autistic as the height of comedy) so she sat us next to each other on purpose and actually gave me permission to kick him if he was being annoying.
This all came to a head on the day my best friend whom I'd had a secret crush on got rejected by HER crush, and she was crying. So to stop people from badgering her I made a distraction. I challenged my nemesis to a duel in the hallway in front of the chemistry rooms. The entire class could hear. Everybody focused on me over my crush trying to wipe her eyes around the corner.
I kept calling him a coward as he ran away from me (presumably out of fear, or because he knew that if he did fight me, he would win, but i would 100% kick him in the balls first). When the chemistry teacher arrived she made us apologize to each other and I no longer had permission to kick him publicly but the damage was done. I had a Reputation. I was Feared. I was the quiet nerd teacher's pet until anybody fucking looked at me wrong.
At the end of that school year, that entire clique decided to graduate early (which you can do, since minimum school attendance is 10yrs, and we were in 10th grade). So many students left and/or changed schools that the principal personally asked the rest of us if everything was okay. This was probably because they all had shit grades and wanted to go to an easier school, but I hated them and choose to believe my warfare efforts were also a cause for this.
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hanaasbananas · 1 year
saw a post earlier about how well behaved you were in school/how often you got in trouble and I can't find it again BUT it made me think of a couple of times I got completely REAMED by my teachers.
One time when I was in year 6 so..11? I think? it was 2008/9, I'd just discovered Fruits Basket and was practically in love with Kyo Sohma. That's fine, right? Perfectly normal experience
UNTIL we got set a homework task to write a short 1000 word essay on any subject and what did I choose?
Well. I chose to copy and paste the ENTIRE Wikipedia article about Fruits Basket. The whole thing. And then I painstakingly went through my entire document, removing every single hyperlink so that "Mrs M won't know that I didn't write this and will be so impressed by how much i wrote". ARE YOU SURE. ARE YOU SURE HANAA
she did notice. Almost immediately when I rocked up with a STACK of paper and everyone else had like, one page and I still had the GALL to show off "how much work I did" to everyone else on my table. where is this confidence NOW??? when I NEED IT.
anyway turns out my friend ALSO plagiarised her paper about tigers but she didn't take out the hyperlinks so we both got yelled at for 10 minutes during break, absolutely sobbed our little hearts out and then were told to wash our faces and calm down in the last 5 mins lmaoo
I think the funniest part of this story is that Mrs M ended up being one of my favourite primary school teachers, though I never plagiarised a Wikipedia article again.
The second instance I got absolutely WRECKED by a teacher was in year 8 dance. Yes, dance. I absolutely LOATHED dance. Despised it. Was absolutely HORRIFIED when I started secondary school in year 7 and found out it was MANDATORY for two years.
(Essentially all subjects are mandatory until u choose ur gcse options, at which point you only do the core subjects aka maths english science and then 4 other subjects of ur choice. most schools have u choose options in year 9 bc year 10 is when you sit your gcse exams but THANK GOD my school made u choose in year 8 so you could have a practise run with the subjects you chose in year 9 and change them if u wanted to)
I didn't mind doing drama, (though i HATEd having to take ur shoes and socks off in the classroom), didn't mind ICT or food tech or graphic design or DT or geography. I HATED dance.
And also, unfortunately when I started my secondary school the lessons were LONG. The day was from 8.45-2.45 (unless you were an older student and had later lessons. Having a maths lesson at 2.45 and watching everyone going home SUCKED.) and for the first 3 years while I was there each lesson was AN HOUR AND A HALF. NINETY MINUTES. So you only had 3 lessons a day if you finished at 2.45 but they were really painfully long.
(They did switch to 1 hour lessons eventually and and sometimes you'd have a double period of a subject but that was fine.)
ANYWAY back to the story- despised dance, had to do it anyway. I surilvived one year, but then I had a stricter teacher in year 8 and one time we had an end of year assessment where we'd been practising dance lifts all term and she gave us 45 mins to pair up and come up with a dance sequence that had lifts in it and then perform it to the whole class at the end.
and the thing is, I was (am) a little heavy. So I knew I'd be the one doing the lifting. No problem. Until it came to pairing up because I was shy and quiet I only hung out w two other girls.
do you see where this is going?
those two friends of mine (TRAITORS) paired up so I was left with another shy muslim girl who I vaguely knew as a friend of a friend. She was lovely, honestly but things Didnt Go Well.
and by that I mean she couldn't lift me and wouldn't let ME lift HER so we could come up with something, anything. and I was CHRONICALLY shy. so I wasn't about to go tell the teacher, then my partner would hate me!!
time comes to perform. all of us sit on the floor against the mirror as the teacher goes down the line and sees everyone's performance.
we were last
we had nothing
"what were you doing for the last 45 minutes then girls? everyone else managed to do it, why didn't you?"
i tried to explain as articulately as I could, which is v impossible when you are a 12 year old trying not to start crying as you are BEING YELLED AT IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE (SILENT) CLASS. my partner didn't cry but she also didn't tell the teacher why she didn't let me lift her.
naturally, we were given detention. and this was in the time when detention was the same amount of time as a lesson. AN HOUR AND A HALF DETENTION. I was distraught. What would my mum say when I had to stay late after school? I'd NEVER gotten a detention before I couldn't believe it!!
the ultra humiliating part was this was at the end of the day and we all got changed in the dance studio, they had like, open lockers at the back to put your stuff in so I couldn't even leg it out of class at the end I had to get changed next to my classmates all while they're sneaking glances at me and I'm just. Sobbing.
I think the teacher did feel bad about how much I was crying though because she told us that she'd email us to let us know when the detention would be and never did. I skipped class the week after just in case she remembered but I escaped unscathed.
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He did? Umm.. what happened exactly?
(referring to this post)
my 11th grade chemistry teacher had an associates degree in liberal arts.
you know how in virtually every class you’ve ever had since middle school, your teachers made a big stink about the syllabus? she didn’t have one. this was her first teaching job, which she got because of her length experience as a substitute, not by her licensing qualifications. we were, at first, excited to have her, because she was a “fun sub” and we were 17 years old and stupid as all shit. we were the “normal chem” class in a system where the only other options were “honors chem” which was filled with children who actually know how to study (or cheat) and have an air of proper student activity, and “AP Chem”, which is clear enough if you’ve been an american student in the last 15 years.
she followed the mcgraw hill chemistry book in order of chapters, despite the fact that our state standardized tests did several of the chapters out of order. ever notice how you’ll suddenly be looking at chapter 11 when just last week you were on chapter 5, then the next week you’re on chapter 8? standardized testing is the reason. anyways by asking my friends in other classes who had chemistry teachers of relative competence, i was able to discern which chapters i should focus on, and while she was distracted with literally watching youtube videos all period, I was turning around in my seat and walking across the classroom helping my friends and enemies with the packets. (she was a two-packets-a-week kinda teacher.)
yes i said enemies too. the people i hated, i hated because they were sons of bitches i wouldnt piss on to put out a fire. i hated them so dearly i used to pray to god that they would bump into me so i could throw myself into the concrete and split my forehead open and get them expelled due to the blood-clause of our “zero-tolerance policy”. two of the kids in my class had, only the previous year, attempted to set my hair on fire.
i hated the teacher more. 
it gave me extreme pleasure to see her fume and clench her fists when a student would say “i need help” across the classroom and she would move to get up and they would say “oh not you miss, im waiting for vicky.” jesus christ the only time ive ever felt a comparable high was when i was at a halloween party in college where i was literally so zooted i couldn’t move.
it got worse over time, her getting more and more angry, my ego growing larger and larger. i was a huge bitch in high school, i really thought i was the smartest bitch in the room at any given moment. severe main character syndrome. imagine that kind of person actually being right for 45 minutes out of every day. can you even comprehend the kind of frustration that would create? in a room full of little sociopaths who dont give a shit about anything but getting this joke of a class over with so they can graduate? your first real teaching job and they look right past you, the teacher, to this annoying little shit whose grades are completely abysmal? how are they managing to learn anything from a child who can barely speak in front of more than 10 people? who turns cherry red in the face of literally every authority figure in the building except you? who can’t concentrate and stay still in one spot for more than five minutes? all of your other classes behave! they listen! they sit down and shut up and do the packets! so what fucking gives!!!
so you say “fine, since you all HATE ME so much i just won’t teach then!!!” on literally week fucking ten of teaching. and instead of prostrating themselves before you, begging you to like... point at transparencies and read directly from powerpoints i guess.
and they all collectively say “okay” and let the chipmunk child flutter between desks and help them memorize formulas and mnemonic devices and shit. surely her grades will suffer if she’s constantly dealing with other people and you’ll have justification that her horseshit is “distracting” and “a detriment to her studies”. she got bored gave up on that after two days after nothing changed.
then we did the midterm.
except at the end of the exam packet was something we never learned because again, she was going through the book chronologically. because i actually enjoyed the chem book (so much that i stole it when the year was up lmao), i knew the material.
it was about lewis dots/structures. i couldn’t tell you a damn thing about it today but in december 2010 i absolutely knew that shit. i didnt have too much of a problem with it in the exam, but the students who had gotten to that point were complaining and at first she pulled that “you should have been studying independently uwu” shit but the class was about to get loud during exam period so she shushed us and said that when we get to that point, just stop, and she’ll mark it correct during grading, no harm no foul just keep it quiet. one of the more confrontational students called horseshit and said theres no way we’re trusting that and there’s definitely no way anyone will keep an entire classroom cheating at the instruction of the teacher quiet.
i offered to teach it.
she scoffed, rolled eyes, said “sure fine but you can’t get your exam back” and i said “okay.” so when everyone was to the point in the exam, we piled them all on her desk and i used the whiteboard to briefly and quietly explain lewis dots, used the book examples and problems, and helped the other kids understand. there were a couple exam questions that were lifted straight from the book problems so i skipped those. while teaching i realized i had gotten a couple wrong which sucked :( it was an incredibly stupid experience overall, and no teacher worth the paper their certification is printed on would have allowed that to happen. and fucking yet.
anyways everyone but me got their exams back and finished it and many of us passed, only a few of them did particularly well.
discussing the chem exam with friends who also took the chem exam, many students found their anecdote about the lewis dots to be confounding, for you see, the exam we took was not, in fact, the midterm, but the god damned final.
she had us taking the fucking final because she didnt read the fucking folders which read “midterm” and “final exam” on them
she was reprimanded severely and we all had to take the exam on different days, in different classrooms, sitting very far apart. after that she hated me even more. like girl it was your fault lmao i am literally a teenager grow up lol. anyways you can imagine how much more fucking insufferable i became, knowing how miserable she was.
it all came to a head in february when some students were giggling quietly following a minor fuck up on her part regarding bellwork. they were making fun of her like “are you sure thats not tomorrows bellwork lol” and a friend next to me did the “hey i need help wait no miss not you sorry” thing and when i answered him, she solidly snapped. blah blah YOURE SOOOO DISTRACTING blah blah YOU THINK YOURE SOOOO SMART DONT YOU blah blah blah and she was like demanding i leave the room and shouting at the top of her lungs at me “ YOU POISON THE MINDS OF EVERY OTHER STUDENT HERE. YOU’RE POISONOUS VICTORIA, YOU’RE A VIRUS IN THIS CLASSROOM.”
i will never forget that line as long as i live. it was like crack to me. i moved to open the door to leave and the vp opened it first. he escorted me to the office and asked me what happened, then told me to keep my head down in class from now on, and that if i wanted to help my friends i should give them my number and help them out on our own time. i was like “bro thats really stupid” and he was like “thats all we can do right now but i promise we’re working on it”
i lasted the rest of the year giving smug smiles as we did packet after fucking packet for the rest of the year. they were all take-home work. i wasnt comfy giving my number to my enemies. the class camaraderie ended.
the final was altered. my class took a different final than the rest of the normal chem classes.
i started 12th grade and got a solid case of senioritis. i told that story to anyone who would listen. while it was happening, i obviously told my favorite teacher everything as it happened. when i mentioned it senior year he was like “oh yeah i forgot about her,
she was fired over the summer.”
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fallingfor-fics · 4 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 6: potions
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chapter 5
She continued to show me to all my classes, "Ok so I have Advanced Charms first period, Herbology second, Advanced Transfiguration third, lunch, Defense against the dark arts fourth, then potions last, which is followed by a free period and then dinner. Ok sounds simple enough, except I absolutely SUCK at potions."  "Oh you can't be that bad" Hermione laughed. "Oh no you don't understand the only reason I got through it last year was by cheating, magic, and more cheating. I barely retained any of the information '' I said a hint of worry in my voice. "Oh well I can help when you need it, but good luck especially with Snape as the Professor."
 "Oh fuck I didnt even think about that. He's gonna be a living hell isn't he?" She gave a simple nod and took me to the dungeons to show me Snape's classroom and the Slytherin common room. "Ok so in here is your common room and dormitory, but i'm not really allowed in there. And down here is Snape's classroom, which hopefully he is not in right now" she laughed as we peaked inside it. "Okay wow this is a very large school." I laughed. "Oh yeah but you get used to it pretty fast" "It's almost time for fourth period, sorry if you wanted to get lunch" I said giving an apologetic smile. "Oh no it's fine, and yup off to DADA you go!" I looked at her confused "DADA?" I said , trying to keep a smile in "Oh hah that's what we call Defense Against the Dark Arts." she said as we headed that way. "I have Herbology right now but I will see you at dinner and in Charms tomorrow!" "Ok sounds good thanks again for showing me around!" I said waving as we parted ways.
   I entered the DADA classroom and looked at the tables of students. I spotted a Empty seat next to a red head boy and a boy with round glasses and sat down next to them. "H-hello." the red haired boy stuttered, staring in awe at me. The boy with glasses elbowed him and he closed his mouth and sat up straight. "Hi." I responded, getting my books out. "Im Harry and this is Ron, you're the new girl right?" the boy with the glasses said.  "Yep that would be me" I said smiling. "Well welcome. I think you'll like this school." he said smiling "Well I hope so" I responded. "We are friends of Hermione's, she told us about Dumbledore having her show you around," he said softly. "Oh cool I take it you both are also Gryffindor's." I said , noticing their ties. "Boy you catch on fast heh" Ron added. Just then the door opened and in walked the teacher. I rolled my eyes forgetting it was Professor hand-kisser that taught this class. "Good Evening class! I hope you all came prepared and ready to learn from your magnificent Professor!" he said with a large smile on his face, some of the girls across from me giggled and he smirked, what a tool. "Now" he continued but paused when he caught my eye. "Oh we have the new student in our midst, how wonderful!" he said, smiling at me as some of the kids turned to look at me. What an ass.
   He went on to describe the lesson today, nothing exciting, once he finished he went and sat at his desk. "Ms. L/n can you come here for a moment" he said retaining eye contact with me as I walked up to his desk, I gave harry and Ron a concerned look and they just shrugged not knowing what he wanted either. "Yes?" I said when I approached his desk. "How are you enjoying Hogwarts so far?" he asked grinning at me. Really this is what he called me up for. I managed to halt the eye rolling and answer him politely. "Well this is the first class i've been to so I can't give you a clear answer." "Hmm well how do you like my class?" he said, smirking. "Well it's only been 15 minutes. But it's ok" I said, smirking awkwardly. "Ok well im sure that will change very soon and you'll love it" he said winking. I just stared at him with a blank face and nodded my head. What the fuck is his deal? hes such a creep. "How old did you say you were?" he asked with a casual tone. Ok what. The. fuck. What kind of question is that. "I'm 16 ill be 17 in February." I said awkwardly. "Ahh February the month of love haha!" he laughed, I just kept a straight face and waited for this to be over, to my rescue Harry came over "Professor Lockhart I had a question" he said looking at me and smiling softly, I mouthed a thank you and excused myself back to the table.
After what seemed like forever class was over and it was time for the class I was really dreading. Potions with Snape. As I was leaving DADA Lockhart stopped me again. "Y/n I wanted to say it's a great pleasure to have you in my class, you are very intelligent from what I hear." he said, smirking. I don't know how he heard that or who from since I'd only been here a day. "Thank you but I need to get to my next class." I said stepping towards the door to which he stepped in my way. Hermione told me to be early or on time to potions or else Snape would be furious. "One more thing" he said smiling "i want you to know if you ever get stuck or need help, not just in my class you can always come to me." He said, still smiling and looking in my eyes. This was getting weird but I didn't have time for it. I really needed to get to potions. "Ok I will keep that in mind thank you but I really need to hurry to potions with Professor Snape." I said pushing past him and hurrying off. I looked at my watch and picked up the pace, practically jogging down the stairs and to the dungeons, I bumped into a few students and mumbled quick apologies. Soon I heard the bell ring as I was nearing the class. "Shit" I said, hurrying to his room. I opened the door quietly, trying to catch my breath. I noticed Snape's back was turned and he was facing the chalkboard and I quietly walked to the nearest empty seat in the back. Hoping and praying he didn't notice. "Late on the first day are we Ms. L/n?" he said, still not turning around. Well fuck I thought to myself. "Im so sorry Professor Lockhart wa-" "Silence!" he yelled, turning around briskly his robes following suit. "I do not wish to hear your insignificant excuses." he said, staring at me. I was still out of breath and I was getting a little nervous being singled out. "Just for this I would like you to come sit in the front next to mister Malfoy." he spat. I didn't even notice Draco was in here but he turned and smiled at me. I grabbed my books and did a walk of shame up to the front, avoiding eye contact with the brooding Professor. I took my seat and sat quietly.
My heart was beating and I was getting more red by the minute I could feel it. I didn't usually get like this, usually I'm able to argue easily with teachers that are rude. But something about Snape made me very afraid to even test those waters. "Ms. L/n since you seem to be too good for my class that you think you can join whenever, why don't you come up to the board and finish this list of ingredients for the Befuddlement Draught." he said clearly annoyed and angry, which I had picked up as his normal tone. He held out the piece of chalk and waited patiently. I slowly got out of my seat and headed up to the board, shaking hands, taking the chalk from his and looking at what he already had there, which was nothing but three bullet points. I didn't know what was in this potion. I had no clue whatsoever. I began to internally panic and closed my eyes trying to think of what's in it. I remember making it once but I couldn't remember what was used. "Today, Ms. L/n." he said sarcastically. There was a type of grass. I thought for a moment and remembered. I went to write "scurvy grass" but when I pushed the chalk it broke in half. A few students snickered and I could see Snape give them looks to shut up. "Shit" I said quietly, but apparently not quiet enough. "Ms. L/n! Do you not know where you are?!" He said furiously. I continued to stare at the board. "Language like that will not be tolerated in my class!" he yelled. "I-Im so sorry Professor it won't happen again it just slip-" "Fifty points from Slytherin! If it happens again it will be triple. Now take your seat and keep your filthy mouth shut!" he yelled as I quickly scurried back to my seat. This man will be the death of me.
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emsvegetables · 4 years
Hello!! first, I wanted to tell you that your med student hcs were literally SO good they really hit home for me. I I was also wondering if I could ask for hcs of Kuroo, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki who are stuck at home with their s/o? Like, who goes insane first? How do they pass time? Also, if they're in college, how many times do they also go to class online? Thank you so much!!!
omg anon this request WAS SO FUN TO WRITE thank you for requesting this :-)!!!!!
* That’s my dream lmaoooo
* He’s so EXCITED he gets to be in quarantine with you!!!!
* Like, even though the both of you share the apartment and are dating, it’s very hard to actually spend time with you, with the both of you being in different courses in college after all.
* So spending time with you??? He’s so happy.
* Before the quarantine really goes into effect, he’s insisting that the both of you have to go get some groceries.
* He’s always making breakfast for you in the morning!!!! LIKE???? This man is husband material 10/10.
* If you aren’t awake by the time he’s plated the food, he runs into the room and carries you out.
* There was once he dropped you on the floor but we don’t talk about that.
* When you guys have lessons on???? The both of you are in separate rooms bc you’re too distracting to him.
* But you bet that if you have a call going on and he doesn’t, he’s creeping beside you and saying some weird ass stuff to distract YOU.
* There was one time this asshole came into the room saying,” are you made of Fluorine, Iodine and Neon? Cause you’re F-I-Ne!” while your mike was on.
* BRUH your whole class literally started laughing at you.
* Even the professor GIGGLED.
* At this point Kuroo’s face is the shocked pikachu one.
* And ofc you get back at him during one of his lessons later on during that day.
* He’s focusing on the teacher and writing down notes onto his notebook when you hear the teacher ask him a question.
* You’re like: ITS GO TIME BABY.
* When Kuroo unmutes himself to answer the question, you’re pressing a quick kiss onto his neck and biting down on it.
* “The answer to the question is—ah shit baby it’s going to be like that?”
* Then Kuroo realises what just came out of his mouth and YOU bet this is the first time you’ve seen him so embarrassed.
* His teacher just keeps quiet for a moment; before asking another student the same question and completely ignoring Kuroo for the rest of the call.
* REIOFDO YOU BET HE’S GOING TO TICKLE YOU UNTIL YOU CRY FOR THAT and maybe do something else that’ll make you REALLY CRY.
* Tbh the both of you love each other so much, and there’s never a boring moment with Kuroo in quarantine.
* He keeps you on your toes, and you keep him on his, so you’re actually not bored or tired of him in quarantine!!!!
* But when he sees that you’re getting a little fidgety and tense, he’s immediately suggesting something that the both of you don’t do usually.
* Like BAKING???? He’s happily making cinnamon rolls with you and dancing with you in the kitchen to some weird song.
* Or he’s playing WII with you, and the both of you make so much noise the neighbours come over and ask you politely if you could...”make love a little quieter” DOROFOFIFIFIEIEI
* So none of you go insane because this man just KNOWS how to handle you!!!
* This guy??? He’s such a sweet man.
* When he realises quarantine is going to go into effect, he’s dragging you out to buy some essentials for your lockdown.
* He’s making sure to buy at least some healthy snacks and vegetables to make sure you stay healthy during this time period!!!!!
* OKAY LETS BE REAL this guy is the one that takes care of the other in the relationship.
* He’s making sure you go to sleep at the time you should be in bed, and hauls your ass to bed if you refuse to do so.
* But his cuddles are very soothing so you fall asleep VERY quickly.
* But if you really can’t sleep??? He’s staying up to talk to you about anything that comes into your mind.
* He’s also making sure you eat!!!! He’ll make lunch for you if he sees that you overslept and missed breakfast.
* If you want to bake, he’s trying his best to help you, but this man can only give you the ingredients bc for some reason he SUCKS at baking.
* He tries baking cupcakes for you in the middle of your lessons one day and the cupcakes were all droopy and uncooked. SO LESSON LEARNT.
* Tbh he knows not to distract you in the middle of lessons, so he’s either in another room during your lessons or he’s quietly resting his head on your thighs.
* BUT.
* You’re totally different.
* You make it a point to disrupt his lessons all the time, always asking for cuddles in the middle of his lessons and asking for kisses as well!!!
* He just sighs at you when you come crawling towards him while he’s writing down notes, and just opens his arms to allow you to crawl into his lap.
* THERE WAS ONCE where you were cuddling him and the teacher asked him to answer a question, so he turned on his mike and camera, and then he hears a loud gasp.
* “Matsukawa! What are you doing?”
* DIORIRRIRKRK when he hears you laugh, you bet he’s going to punish you later 👀😎
* But as much as the both of you love to spend time with each other...do you know who goes insane first??
* YOU.
* You need to go outside!!!!!
* Mattsun notices how you’re getting all tense, and he’s trying his best to take your mind out of it.
* He’s asking you to exercise with him, and it often leads to OTHER THINGS HAHAHA
* And he plays some random two player online games with you!!!!!!
* In other words, being stuck with Mattsun in quarantine is a fun thing!!!
* You go insane but he’s there to perk you up!!!!!
* This man :””)
* Tbh you’re 90% of his impulse control, so when the both of you split up to buy the essentials you need during quarantine, this boy comes back with potato chips and all the unhealthy snacks.
* But you can never say no to him so you buy those in the end :(
* This guy is amazing to be with, but it’s pretty obvious YOU’RE going to be the one taking care of him during quarantine.
* You’ll have to tell him it’s 12am and it’s time to sleep and to stop watching Rosemarie being disgusted with Ed.
* You’ll have to tell him, no, eating potato chips does NOT count as lunch.
* But sometimes he’s so damn convincing he’s pulling you into his lap to continue watching 90 day fiancé, and he’s feeding you the chips with a kiss to your lips.
* He’s trying out all those weird quarantine things that he saw on youtube with you LOLOLOL
* He got so bored that at one point he got into tiktok and made a video that went viral.
* But then he logged out bc he was BORED of Tiktok so...
* He goes to sleep late every night, but he somehow wakes up entirely refreshed for his lessons the next morning?????
* And you don’t disrupt him during his lessons, usually just reading quietly beside him or watching the television in the living room.
* But this little shit loves to bother you in the middle of lessons.
* BRUH HE SCARED YOU while you were trying to answer the question the teacher asked.
* You screamed into the mike and the teacher jumped.
* “(Y/N)! I asked you to answer a question, not murder my ears!”
* “Sorry miss!!!!!!”
* And when you hear Makki laugh after you mute yourself again, you instantly formulate a plan to murder him.
* But then, you thought, LETS MESS WITH THIS SHIT.
* So the next time he has lessons, you’re quietly reading beside him, and you casually place a hand on his thigh, which slowly moves up as the lesson goes on.
* He doesn’t notice at first, but when your hands brush dangerously close to where mini Makki is, he’s groaning.
* When the teacher calls Makki to answer a question, you grin.
* You’re softly pressing against it when he unmutes himself, and he lets out a low, guttural groan, which the entire class hears.
* “Hanamaki, are you alright?”
* “Yes, Miss—“
* He GROANS again when you press a little harder.
* Iwaizumi’s in this zoom call, and you know he KNOWS what’s going on, based on the disgusted look on his face.
* Hanamaki somehow manages to answer the question, and when he mutes himself, he’s shooting you a smile and telling you that you’re in trouble.
* In the end, you’re the one going insane.
* BC YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH MAKKI’s shit every day.
* Not that you don’t love him, but caring for this man who doesn’t know what a healthy sleeping schedule is making you MAD.
* But he’s a GOD in the kitchen, and he’s making you these exquisite meals with the little groceries you have that you ALWAYS forget about how you’re slowly spiraling into insanity whenever you take a bite into the food.
* He makes you forget about all your troubles with a nice massage on the couch while the both of you watch 90 day fiancé together! :)!!!
hope you like, anon!!!!! :-)
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
bases loaded* highschool!ricky horror x reader
+++++++++ Highschool au woo!
originally i was like ‘hey maybe they could like sneak into an empty classroom’ and then i remembered in my highschool there are batting cages for softball practice in a long narrow room above the gym. also the only way you can get to it is a staircase that goes from the basement at the end of the hall with the art/shop/weight training rooms all the way up to the gym and the batting cages above it, its like a four story staircase. (i know it sounds weird but our school has had a lot of additions over the years, theres a wrestling room in the back of the ‘new’ gym too) but thats kind of where the idea for this came from so if it reads weird or doesnt seem like a normal highschool set up, i promise it is because i lived it, its literally in my highschool lol.
* -  You two sneak off during class to find an empty room (this was  og promt). He has to keep you quiet during a hard fucking so you dont get caught
Song: mrs infamous (my sweetness) by palaye royale
tag list: @thisplace-ishaunted @svintsandghosts @theoneandonlykymberlee @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @musicsexandpizza69 @ryansitkowskiswifey +++++++++
"Meet me at the end of the shop hallway during sixth period."
I replayed that sentence in my mind over and over again. He sounded so needy whispering it in my ear as the bell rang to release us from lunch. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and it made me blush each time. I thought about if skipping class would be worth it but it always was. We were seniors after all, which meant what few classes we did have, we didn't have much to do at this point. I rounded the corner and spotted him at the other end of the hallway, smoking out the open window. I walked quickly towards him, hoping none of the art teachers would notice me. When I got to him I smiled.
"Did you miss me?"
I said quietly, making him jump. He sighed out in relief.
"Jesus y/n."
I laughed a little bit.
"You said to meet you. What are we doing?"
He smirked at me before putting his cigarette out on the window sill.
"We, are going to have a little fun."
He grabbed my hand and started towards the stairs.
"Since we haven't been able to hang out after school for the past like two weeks I figured we could have some time to ourselves during. Besides, it's not like we have anything better to do."
I smiled to myself as he looked around, leading me up the stairs once the coast was clear.
"And we're heading to the batting cages because?"
this stair case only went to one place and i had a pretty good idea of what he wanted to do. He looked at me over his shoulder and smirked.
"It's private, and with it being over the gym no one will hear us."
I raised a brow.
He sent me a wicked smile before turning back around. When we got to the top he paused, letting go of my hand.
"Isn't it locked during school hours?"
I asked. He just ignored me, kneeling down and pulling two pins out of his hoodie pocket.
"Nothings locked if you try hard enough."
He said smoothly, moving to pick the lock. I smiled to myself as the door popped open and he stood up. He held it and kissed me endearingly.
"After you m'lady."
i smirked at him.
"How thoughtful."
He followed in after me. The whole room was dark aside from the light coming in from the 'windows' to the gym. You could hear the coaches  instructing students, it sounded like they were playing kick ball today which meant we'd be home free in the noise department. i walked along the far wall, making sure no one down below would be able to see us at the angle. there were gym mats littering the floor along with a few racks of equipment and large nets to catch the balls that were hit. in one corner however there was a medium sized table with two chairs behind it, where the coaches usually kept their clip boards and the water coolers and things. today however it was empty. i walked quietly over to it, leaning my hands on it to make sure it wouldnt squeak under my weight. when it didnt make a sound i turned around and slid up onto it, kicking my legs under me and watching ricky as he looked around. by now the gym class had started their game and you could hear the loud sound of rubber being hit and students yelling to their teammates.
"you stalling for a reason kiddo?"
i asked, pulling rickys attention to me. he held his pointer finger to his lips to shush me as he peered out the glass-less window down at the class. he looked back to me after a second and smiled. i watched him intently as he strutted carefully over to me, placing his hands firmly on the table on either side of my thighs.
"you ready to go?"
he asked smoothly, staring into me, his gaze falling momentarily to my lips. i shuddered, running my hands lightly up his arms. i always could get lost in his ocean eyes, the dark makeup pulling me in deeper as he beckoned me with his siren song. i nodded to him before capturing his lips in mine, pulling him to me as i kissed him hungrily. we slowly began making out and i could feel his hands move to my hips, squeezing them gently as he stood up. i detached from him and inhaled deeply, looking up at him with an innocent gaze.
"i love you ricky."
i said a little dazed. he smiled at me before kissing me lightly, his one hand moving to my face to caress my cheek.
"i love you too y/n."
he waited for my response and as soon as i smiled at him, bringing my hands to hold his waist to me, he was back to my lips. i hummed against him as he shoved his tongue in my mouth. as we continued to make out i moved to get his jacket off, unzipping it slowly and pushing it down his arms. he dropped it to the table next to me and returned his hands to my exposed thighs. he pulled away from my mouth, moving down my neck as i snaked my fingers into the hair at the base of his neck, just under his black beanie.
"im so glad you wore a skirt today."
he mumbled against my collar bone, making me shudder at his hot breath.
"so am i."
i sighed out, feeling him slip his hand between my legs. he moved his head back up to kiss me as he ran two fingers over my clothed heat.
"so needy."
he said seductively, making me blush.
"i missed your touch."
he moaned low in his throat at my comment before pushing my skirt up quickly and pulling me to the edge of the table. i caught myself, dropping both hands to the table behind me as i leaned back. when i looked down between the two of us i could see his bulge pressed hard against his tight jeans.
"god, i need you so bad right now."
his voice was barely above a whisper. i pecked his lips before looking back down between us. i slowly began to undo his jeans, looking back to his face every once in a while to see his eyes screwed shut as i grazed him, pushing his bottoms down. he breathed deeply, barely opening his eyes as he pulled himself out of his jeans. i groaned to myself as he pressed his member against my thigh, spreading my legs apart and pushing my panties to the side.
"you ready baby?"
he asked lowly. i raised a brow.
"did you bring it?"
he looked confused for a second before realizing what i was asking and pulling his pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket. when he opened it i could see it was half empty but he had remembered to bring a condom this time.
"got it."
he said, pulling it out and tearing it open. i helped him roll it on before leaning back again. i moaned as he ran himself over my slit, getting my wet over his tip before he guided himself into me. He reached up to cover my mouth with his hand and looking panicked for a second.
"youve gotta be quiet princess, or we're not gonna get very far."
i nodded and he dropped his hand back to the table. i scooted closer to the edge of the table as he pulled halfway out and pushed back into me a few times. as he began thrusting a little harder i brought one leg up to hook around his waist, bringing him closer to me. as he got rougher he finally remembered to take care of me, bring his hand down to circle my clit. i dropped my head back immediatly, giving him access to kiss and suck at my neck again. my eyes screwed shut as he pounded into me, breathing heavily against my skin. i moaned again and he shot upright, covering my mouth as he continued fucking me hard. i looked at him with dark eyes, reaching for his shirt and gripping it tightly.
i moaned into his hand. he decided that wasnt enough though and replaced his hand with his mouth, kissing me roughly as  his movements got sloppier and more uneven. i could feel him twitch as he kept moving, thrusting into me and pushing his thumb against my clit. then i felt it, my vision went blurry for a second as my orgasm wracked through my body, making my thighs quiver against his waist. he thrusted hard one last time before pausing and sighing heavily into my mouth as he came. we both sat there breathing heavily for a second before he pulled out of me. as he was pulling the condom off we both heard a whistle blow from inside the gym, then one of the coaches yelled for the class to clean up.
"you ready to dash?"
he asked, pulling his pants back up and helping me down off the table. i nodded, fixing my panties and my skirt back into place.
"lets hope we dont get caught."
i winked at him, picking his hoodie up and draping it over my shoulders. he smirked down at me, taking my hand in his and pulling me towards the door.
"do we ever?"
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Bio! Dad Strange part 12 Waiting for Help
Marinette promised herself that this was a nightmare, that she’d wake up and there wouldnt be a kwami or earrings.
She was wrong.
Her dad compliemented the new studs at breakfast, asking if she got them in Gotham.
“Found them laying around is all.”
Maman told her they’re begining self defense lessons tonight, and to bring the other girls. She didnt point out she already knew how to fight, and made a mentsl note to tell the girls to pretend she was just good at gym, not fighting.
She checked her phone. No message from Tim yet.
“What yout doing?” Tikki—no captor—asked.
Marinette forced a smile, “just checking my messages, that’s all!”
Tim looked over his messages. He remembered seeing two alerts on his burner from Harley Before the Arkham Prison Break and its destruction. He couslnt remember from who though... was it a heads up about the outbreak or...
He tried to find it on his laptop, cloning the phone to it ages ago. The data from it was... corrupt?
He didnt like the look of this. It was from Pixie. Teo messages, oen short and one cery, very long.
He managed to get one phrase at the end. His french had to be wrong but it said “they won’t find you”
He tried to call Pixie then. The number was disconnected. He swore.
He’d need to find the RKC somehow and findout where Pixie’s family lived. It sounded like somethinf was wrong, and he didnt know if he could get the old number back.
Marinette was dragged into the girl’s room on entering school.
“Marinette, I want you to help me out with Adrien—you’re the type his dad should like.”
Marinette raised an eyebrow at Chloe. She loves her but really?
“Becuase I’m smart?”
“Ew, no, well...” Chloe shook her head. “You design, and you’re good at it. He might listen to you on giving him more free time if it was to snag you as a designer.”
“His dad?” Gabriel Agreste, owner of the brand Gabriel. Hasn’t designed since his wife’s disappearance, and has a hermit problem.
“He owns a fashion brand, and they like new talent.”
Easy to exploit, unaware of industry standards, and less aware of the laws protecting them... that didnt sound good.
“And i’m the key becuase...”
“He’s seen your work before, remember last year at the show?”
He was? She didnt remember it, too busy back stage and throwing classmates into outfits while Chloe did touchups on makeup and threw people on the catwalk.
“Come on, Adrien has bars on his window, please? For me?”
That... paranoid millionaire designer or abusive father, definitely toxic tendencies though. Maybe working on this family would be a good distraction?
“I’ll try, but no guarantees. And you know i’ll use a different name, right?”
“We’re minors Mari, I’d be worried if you didn’t. Now, let’s go say hi to my prince!”
Marinette questioned her sanity once more. But magic butterflies and kwami are a thing.
She just wants to toy with Markov’s emotional intelligence and translator programming. But she needs a cover for that...
Flash frowned at the images from the satellite imaging. Either something was off in Paris, one picture showed damage but the one before and after showed no issues, or there was a glitch. Occam’s razor.
“Hey Red, can you check our imaging tech? We had a glitch over Paris!”
He needed to work on his proposal for the JL on intervening with the meta situation in France. No one liked it. Someone pointed out there was polarization of us vs them in France, metas fleeing left and right. From french media reports, it sounded like they were running a campaign to remove metas from France unless they were ‘under the state’s control’ and that. No one liked that.
He hopes he can get Jill out before things get bad. He know’s she can hide,’but how long can she hold out? He doesn't want an answer to that.
He’s going to get her and the others out before it gets that bad.
Marinette wanted to throw Kim across the school when she remembered that Kim set off the Big Guy yesterday. She would be a normal meta in hiding if he hadn’t.
Sabrina made a slideshow last night for her to lecture him. Alix is down to tear Kim a new one, and Marinette has no sympathy for him.
The class is quiet when Big Guy comes in.
Marinette gets up, smiling at seeing him and Mylene together now.
“Hey guys, so, how’d it go?”
Big guy and Mylene blushed a bit. Interesting but not definite proof of her suspicions...
“So are you to going to sit together or...”
Mylene nodded, tugging Ivan behind her. Marinette smiled back at her classmates, who were... staring?
“Guys, things happen. Now get back to what you were talking about or get ready for class, okay?”
“Says the Gothamite,” Kim smirked.
“Only during the summer, you know the custody deal as well as I do.”
“Don’t remind me, I have to be deprived of my favorite princess every summer,” Chloe pouted, almost launching herself over Marinette and Sabrina’s desk to throw her arms around Marinette. Almost. 
“I like seeing my family?” Marinette didn’t get why everyone made a big deal of it--if she was honest, objectively she did prefer Gotham. More science, metas are out and not hunted, and she has a family happy to help her with whatever  that listened to her morals and played by her rules... albeit weirdly and a bit murderous at times. 
But then she wouldn’t have her  friends and she wasn’t going to give them up anytime soon. Especially since Max would build a tesla coil if she didn’t stop him. and a death ray too, to prove he could.
Sabrina rolled her eyes as Kim flung himself over his desk and pulled Marinette into a hug. “My sister, Gotham can fight me.”
“You would lose,” Max state, cleaning his glasses. (for dramatic affect, obviously Marinette, she heard him snark in her mind) “You can’t even cross the street without almost getting run over.”
Kim blushed as the class laughed. “Shut up--I don’t need to cross streets, just fight.”
“Marinette, has he even gotten close to beating you yet?”
“A ten year old kicks your butt regularly Kim.”
“She beats everyone that challenges her. It is the law. of Marinette in a fight.”
Adrien stared at her then, “Really?”
Max piped up then, “Out of the 230 matches they’ve had, Kim lost each. As have her challengers in each match.”
“That’s awesome! Do you think you could teach me?”
“As long as we’re not at my house, I don’t see why not.” Good, keep him distracted. “Oh that reminds me, Sabrina, Chloe, Alix, Maman demands you come over to practice too. Remember the rule--”
“You’re not that good in science,” Alix began
“You kind of know how to fight, but not really.” Chloe continued
“And you have never, ever done anything remotely reckless,” Sabrina snickered.
that got a number of laughs out of her group. “Oh shut up, shouldn’t you be grilling Adrien on what color and other thing he’s using from now on?”
That caused the group to light up.
“I almost forgot we haven’t introduced Adrikins to that part our little group!”
“Little?” She heard the cure red head whisper. Yes, she memorized his voice already.... its not weird at all...
“Okay, so I’m yellow and stripes, as you can see,” Chloe gestured to her outfit. “Kim and Alix understand the wonder of my choice, as Kim is red and yellow, while Alix is black and stripes, hers are always her gloves or uses her snake sleeves to pass.”
“I’m purple and argyle, the best pattern,” Sabrina beamed.
“Green and collared shirts, the only way to go,” Max stated.
“Uh, pink or red is me, and a floral pattern is always on me,” Marinette gestured to the flower pattern on her shirt and showed off her coin purse.
“Blue and my hat,” Nino tipped his hat at Adrien as he walked over. “Nino.”
“Adrien, and wow, i don’t know... is my jacket okay?”
“White jacket, when off he’s mad at us then. Pro tip, wearing someone else’s colors or patterns means they’re your favorite,” Nino explained, turning to Marinette. “So Alix is your new favorite with the new studs?”
Marinette moved to hide her earrings. 
“Marinette, how could you not tell me your rankings changed!” Sabrina mock-pouted. 
“Sweet! I get dibs on Mari’s bed tonight!”
“I, just, someone told me they’d bring good luck and with what happened over the summer...” and yesterday. “I figured it’d be okay to be a little superstitious--it can’t hurt in this case, right?”
Max shook his head, ready to lecture his la partner until Sabrina and Kim glared. He shut his mouth with a small frown.
“Of course not,” Adrein beamed. “Guessing it was pretty rough?”
“It was... more Gotham chaos than usual, that’s all.” New brother that was dead and is now alive and teenage again, Hero Stalker almost dying and somehow having one of her personal heroes deem her a good soundboard for solving cases that stump him? She didn’t know what to make of it, not really. (yet, Uncle Oswald’s voice rang in her head. You will when the dust settles, until then, keep your cards from view, or end up someone’s lunch.)
“That sucks.” Well, he didn’t try to hug her... yet. She could feel him debating it. 
Class began then. 
Marinette glanced back at Cute Red Head. She really needed to learn his name soon....
They had gym before lunch. During it, Marinette was told to show the class what can happen if someone is flexible and does the exercises right in a fight..
Kim came after her on the mats. She turned him into her vault, sent hi to ground as she jumped off him, and flipped out her landing for fun.
“I said for normal people Miss Cheng.”
Marinette grinned at their gym teacher. “Very well. Given that we seem to have magic infecting our city, its important for you all to learn how to defend and flee to safe places. Now, today we’ll be going over evacuation procedures...”
During lunch Alya and Lila were dominating a few other classes’ groups, talking about something called the “Ladyblog” and how amazing Ladybug was....
It didn’t sit right with Marinette. Chat was a big help, when he wasn’t getting ahead of himself. She was trained, he wasn’t. Could they be a little nicer to her apparent partner? She get’s she’s good, but she and Chat can be good together, can’t they?
Chloe was about to drag her to her table with Adrien, Nino (when did that happen?) and Sabrina, but she knew Max would follow her. which meant Kim would too--and she wasn’t lecturing Kim in front of Adrien and Chloe about him being jealous of them. that was a recipe for disaster--and she needed to do some recon on Big Guy and what triggered the transformation. 
the police actually remembered to encrypt their files on the case, so she had to go the other way. 
“I’ll catch up with you guys during class, I think those two,” Marinette pointed to Big Guy and Mylene, currently sitting alone and being avoided, “might need a buffer from the rest of school, Example setting and stuff, right Chloe?”
Chloe rolled her eyes. “I am reserving you in advance for tomorrow.”
She had one day to get Kim’s jealousy under control, great.
“Sure thing! See you later!”  Marinette ran off with her lunch and took a seat across from Mylene and Ivan. “Hi, Marinette.”
Big Guy was Ivan apparently. Somehow Marinette managed to ask about how they got together, the poem he wrote yesterday did it. She squealed at that--it was cute, okay?
Kim came over after Marinette. Ivan tensed when he did.
“Hey Marinette--why are you--”
“Why not?” 
Kim was silent at that, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh....”
“Sorry about Kim, he’s dense and i may be regular clumsy, but he’s emotionally clumsy.”
Ivan snorted at that. “Like when you almost dropped three trays of macaroons at the talent show last year?”
Marinette pouted at that. “I caught them all!”
Mylene giggled at that. “I think you’d do well in a circus act with reflexes like that.”
Marinette beamed at that. “Thanks! My Uncle Jerry grew up in one so he sometimes teaches me old tricks. Still haven’t mastered taming a certain monkey...” Marinette raised an eyebrow at Kim.
“I---fine. Ivan, I’m sorry about yesterday, i shouldn’t have made fun of the poem.”
“...and your feelings.”
“And I should talk my feelings out instead of taking them out on others.”
“I,..” Kim frowned, thinking for a moment. “I’m glad you managed to confess, and will work on not acting out when I jealous of someone doing what i want to but won’t.”
“Good Kim.” He still wasn’t getting a macaroon. “Sorry about yesterday.”
Ivan stared at her and Kim. “So, dating or...”
the pointed at each other. “That’s my brother/sister if my parents have it their way.”
Mylene brightened at that. “Really?”
Marinette nodded, “Kim decided he has all big brother rights too, apparently i’m a human arm rest.”
“You steal my hoodies.”
“It was cold, and unguarded. free game Kimmie.”
Kim shook his head. “this is not over Mari.”
“Is it ever?”
Mylene waved at someone... Alix and Max then--too long for one person.
“yo, sitting here today?”
Marinette hummed as the pair took their seats. Over the course of the conversation, she found out a few things. 1) Ivan did not remember being Stoneheart. 2) the last thing he remembers is being told to knock by Damocles which only made him angrier at the time 3) a voice talking to him.
while inconclusive, her best guess would be some form of possession with rage as a catalyst for said possession to occur. Possibly just negative emotions, but she didn’t have enough data to support that theory.  
Classes began again, this time with Adrien sitting by Nino, Sabrina moved back to Chloe’s side, and Marinette given more room than she needed. 
Class was boring. She took the girls home with her while Max followed Kim to his house. Nino said something about babysitting and Adrien looked... sad. Some Huge Guy he called Gorilla picked him up without talking. 
Maybe Huge Guy Gorilla is mute, otherwise very rude. 
Maman had her handle the front while the girls were taught in the back what to do. and probably mined for information on what happened yesterday.
Marinette checked the Ladyblog and felt sick. She was being called a hero. Her family was not one of heroes---they were vigilantes at best and she knew it. She was a vigilante at best. don’t call me a hero--heroes always disappoint.
Marinette handled the front until closing time. she made dinner with the girls and Maman while Papa finished prep for tomorrow’s pastries. 
dinner was normal. The girls kept their own anxieties about what was happening mostly quiet, but Marinette could feel it.
Alix stayed the night, Chloe had ballet and Sabrina needed to feed her hamster since Raincomrpix would be home late. 
Marinette checked her messages again. nothing from Tim. She tried texting him while Tikki and Alix were asleep. she wasn’t even on read.
Marinette kept the tears in. He was still mad at her then.... did she doom Paris by lecturing Batman?
no, she just had to wait. Gotham wasn’t always calm. she just needed to wait for it to be calm and he’d see it. The Justice League would come. If not from Tim, then she’d work something out into her messages to Flash. a code.. just one letter in each letter needed to be different enough to notice. it would take time, but she knew he’d notice. 
he had to.
she just had to wait. Had to be Marinette Dupain-Cheng in the meantime. 
Paris and her just had to be patient. 
They would’t abandon her Paris, right?
Bruce looked over the mostly cold case, Princess Jill, and sighed. They never found the girl that summer, and Superman wasn’t taking it well. 
He looked over at Flash, who was trying to make a proposal the others could support. His french meta, Jill Smith, she was in Paris and they made progress on that front. No idea what her french name was, or her parents, but they knew she was in deep with the Gotham Rogues for Harley Quinn and Joker to claim any familial connection. 
Both of these girls went by Jill. Possible body doubling given they both are summer only. There was a slim chance they were the same person, very slim, but that would mean that the Rouges were letting their princess go into fights, and he doubted they would. She’d be kept under lock and key while Mr. J was active, and clearly Pixie was not--possibly rebellious. They could use that to convert her.
Apparently Pixie Jill Smith was connected to a new threat to Gotham, Red Hood, often working in the same areas as Victor Zsasz. He wasn’t sure how the trio were connected, but he didn’t like it.
Flash was insistent that Jill was just scared and well... Batman would admit that much was obvious. He hoped Flash managed something usable in his proposal. The less batman needed to tweak for him, the better. 
That’s all this time. Warning, there is an angst train and it will hurt for a while. it takes Years for things to end up where we want it, so this is a longfic in the works.
and reminder, Marinette had multiple romantic crushes and relationships in this. I only ask you tolerate the various ships.
Also the lovesquare from cannon may not be included, or if it is, it will be very different as so far, Marinette has a very different crush. 
link to the full story for easy finding from ao3 --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/22342267/chapters/53372962
@mosseaters @dast218 @daminett4life @chaosace @emeraldpuffguide @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @mystery-5-5 @weird-pale-blonde-person
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erismerald · 4 years
𝕥𝕣𝕒 𝕝𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕖  (Sam drake x plus size reader) final
Hey, I hope you're enjoying this story, but it is with great sadness of mine that I bring you the last chapter.
I also warn you that this last chapter will have content nsfw. Thank you for all the love you've given me!!!
I repeat again that English is not my first language so I would be very grateful if you would correct me.
Now without further ado, GOOD READING!!!!
I couldn't even believe I was in Italy, let alone believe that there might be a chance that Sam could have feelings for me.
The bus trip was calm and I took pictures of several rural places we passed by, I was talking a lot with evie about what had been sussed in the plane, but I think it made her too happy, she wouldn't shut up ahahaha.
Whenever I looked in front of the bus where the teachers were, I saw sam standing up, talking to teacher james and with crystal, I didn't like to remember at all that they had kissed, even though I hadn't seen the kiss it's painful for me to think about such a thing.
sometimes i felt sam looking at me and when i gave him back the look, he would bite his lip, which made me nervous, but excited. i had never felt anything romantic about anyone, and the first time someone took an interest in me, he's twice my age and he's super attractive.
In a few minutes we were already in front of the hotel. Some people had separated because it was a small hostel, and it didn't fit many people, and those who didn't stay in it would go to a hostel closer to the station.
"Do you think sam will stay at our hotel?" I asked him to hold his mobile phone looking for a place to have lunch.
"ahhh I don't know, but if he doesn't stay, I'm sure he'll find a way to come see you here" she says laughing maliciously but still I was anxious I really wanted him to stay here... it might not happen at all but I wanted you close by.
I was getting desperate and saw a lot of people getting off the bus but I couldn't see that I really wanted to. And without giving me time to continue watching crystal I called the students to check in, and distributed the rooms where we were going to stay 3 each.
"stop looking, you were already making me nervous!" evie talks almost killing me with the look "my hope died..." I said lowering my head when I felt someone approaching. I lifted my head quickly but mine changed when I realized it was crystal that was in front of me
"Good girls I'll stay with you two" she said looking at me a little arrogant, I didn't understand why, but her expression changed when she looked behind me.
she smiled and waved, and when I looked back I saw my prince enchanted
"so the trip was good Y/n?" he turned to me ignoring her, and as I was going to answer she left our side
"quite quiet, I took some pictures" I smiled in embarrassment "but you're missing one" he says by taking the phone out of his pocket. and opening the camera. he approached me and put his hand on my waist holding me tightly "evie join us" he said smiling, and so when she joined us she took our picture.
after we took some pictures, sam continued with his hand on my waist, but before he took it off he slid it all the way to my breasts and stopped before he got there.
"Thanks for the photo my love, now I'm going to my room if you don't mind" he says turning around and grabbing his little bag.
"Did you see that?" I said grabbing and he was smiling at me.
"I told you, he's flirting with you, it's only a matter of fighting back," she said, but I felt something was wrong, when I looked back I saw crystal with a little bit of anger.
"Fight back like when I have a competition" I say pointing in the direction of crystal coma head
"Don't worry about her, I'm sure he prefers you, but forgetting that we'll have lunch?" she asked me already dragging me to the door
"Wait, I've got to go to the bathroom to change my shirt, it's too hot outside, if I'm dressed like this I'll die of heat" I say by turning around "I won't be a minute, I promise"
"You better, or I'll get you, even if you're naked" she said laughing
I took my evil and ran to the elevator, got in and pressed my floor. As I was walking out towards the room I heard crystal talking to someone
"You can't hit on her like that, Sam, she's much younger than you are, besides look at her, do you think she has leather for you?" she says, those words made me dizzy, she wasn't lying... I was too ugly and unkempt, I don't have the body that men find attractive, on the contrary, they would only disgust me from seeing me.
"Can you mind your own business? fuck if I forgot how annoying you were when you were annoyed" he says laughing "you didn'rule my life, you understand?”besides she's more than you've ever been to me, she's not a one-night stand, she's a one-night stand and for God's sake, don't shout at me."
 He says already angry but his words were sweet... he really likes me... is this just a dream?Next thing I knew crystal was coming towards me, I ran into the elevator again to pretend I'd only gotten there at that moment.when she opened the elevator and saw me, I almost felt sorry, she looked crying and couldn't even look at me.I left slowly and walked towards the door of my room. 
When I was already at the well said door I felt someone behind me.
"hey again" I turned around and saw sam, he was looking mysterious and angry, that made the attractive
"hey" I smile without stopping looking into his eyes."Where are you going now?" he asked quietly, leaning against his bedroom door."Me and evie are going to a pizza place nearby for lunch, I just came to change for something cooler," I said, opening the bedroom door.
"Do you mind if I go with you?" he said but when I turned to answer him he was too close to me, and I could almost feel his body leaning against mine. "Y-yes of course, ahm can you wait just a little ?"
 I didn't know what else to say my heart was beating too fast and I didn't even know what to do.
"Of course I'll wait for you in the elevator" he walked away from me and went towards the elevator, I could feel that he was very angry. i walked into the room and the thought of him being angry no matter how bad it made me feel excited... try to ignore that thought and i ran to the suitcase and chose the shirt that best sat on my body, when i finished i ran out of the room and headed for the lift
"Let's go?" I spoke up, and as soon as I entered I felt the look of sam devouring my body.
"Of course, I'm starving" he leaned a little bit to press the boot that would take us to the entrance floor.As I stood next to him I felt tiny, he was really tall, and as I was only 1.50m tall I felt like a child. when we got there evie was already getting ready to complain to me, but when he saw sam coming out from behind me his mouth almost fell off
“ you two..." she whispered in my ear, and as soon as I heard it, I was all embarrassed. I'd never done anything like that before
."n-no, we didnt doo nothing, I swear!" I raised my hands in protest
"ahahaha you really get cute when you get nervous" she laughed and kept walking, I ran after her and hit her in the armThe afternoon passed quickly at lunch and we were talking a lot and I kept telling embarrassing stories of my own, and I laughed a lot, but also told things that made me almost fall out of the chair laughing so much. 
After all we went to have the rest of the class regroup and to see some museums and sam was always by my side, he really is very intelligent.When it got dark we went for a walk in the city, but evie told me she was going to stay with a colleague of ours (we both knew what that means). but that made me nervous because I would be alone again with sam and I was not prepared.
"So, where do you want to go?" he asked me as he left the restaurant "I don't know very well I don't know anything here, but I could use an ice cream ahahah" the truth is I really wanted an ice cream, so I could find an excuse not to talk to him 
"Of course, why don't we have an ice cream while we visit the city?" he smiled and took me by the hand slowly my heart was pounding at a thousand an hour I could already believe that it was coming, basically I'm going to have my first date with him alone.
On my way to the ice cream parlor, Sam told me some historical facts about the places we passed by, until when we arrived there, the ice cream parlor was closed.
"I really thought it was open, well let's go to another one" he grabbed my mother and pulled me with him "o-of course" said embarrassed
it was strange to be hand in hand with him, he seemed so protective but at the same time daring. When I came back to reality again, we were on our way to a small alley further from downtown, and in a few seconds we reach a small garden by the river
."We could stay here for a while, what do you think?" he said, pulling me to a bench covered with petals and flowers that fell from the tree.
"Of course this place is beautiful," I said, looking at the river. Sam sat down by my side and put some of my hair behind my ear.
"Y/n can I ask you something?" he said taking a cigarette and putting it in his mouth.
"Yes, why not" at that moment I was getting nervous, anxious, didn't know what would happen next.
"What do you feel when you're next to me?" That question was very direct... did he know I liked him?
"I feel pretty goo-" 
"That's not it, what you feel when I talk to you, I touch you..." good if the other question was direct then...
"I don't know... I feel nervous, anxious, like I want to be with you all the time..." I looked at him and his eyes were fixed on mine. I couldn't run away, I didn't want to, I wanted him to kiss me. "Oh yeah?" he put a hand on my neck caressing him, and calmly. little by little he lowered himself until he touched my neck with his lips... that was wonderful, my body was tense, my blood was boiling "keep talking love" he spoke in a husky voice, sucking the skin off my neck and biting gently.
."What do you want me to say?" I spoke breathlessly, I could no longer stand it, but my legs started to rub each other, that feeling again invaded my body
."How do I make you feel dear?" He climbs his kisses up to my ear, leaving me with chills and no breath.
"Hot..." I put my hands on his shoulders, and moaned softly. I couldn't believe what Sam was doing at that moment. 
"Why me? You had so many options... why me?" I asked him to look at me.
"You have something that fascinates me, that attracts me me...you're pure, intelligent, sweet, you have a fantastic body...and darling you drive me crazy, I'm controlling myself a lot these days" he pulled me over him and put his hands on my thighs caressing them.
"but what do you want with me? just to have pleasure and then abandon me like you did with crystal?" I spoke with a few tears in my eyes, I was afraid this moment would come
 "No, not my angel, I want you for me, I can't stand the thought of someone touching what's mine..." he approaches my ear "and you're mine"
After hearing that, my heart stopped, I didn't know what to say, I just hugged him and let myself be there for a while while while he massaged my back and left marks on my neck. And it was in that moment.... I felt brave and I started to do the same to him, I felt something hard under me, he was controlling himself not to do anything stupid right there. I got up and started to walk "we'd better go or we'll have to give satisfactions to the other teachers" he agreed and continued to hold my hand. When I got to the hotel he took me to my room. "thank you for tonight princess" he said putting a sweet kiss on my cheek
"I'm the one who thanks you sam..." I said and quickly entered the room.
when I entered the room, there was no one there... I lay in bed wondering what had happened... I couldn't believe what had happened...
I got up and went to take a bath to calm down, and that's when I saw, the marks Sam had left on my neck... I touched them lightly, a smile roared in me.
in a few minutes the bath came out and I opened the bedroom door and saw evie that in a short time it jumped on me
"So how did it go... THAT IN YOUR NECK IS.... AHHHHHHHH?" she asked almost pierced my tympanols "yes me and sam were a little more... coming today, I have a lot to tell you and come" I took his arm and we sat on the bed, enjoying that crystal wasn't there yet.
𝕊𝕒𝕞 ℙ𝕠𝕧:
This night was fantastic... to feel her skin... to hear the moaning she let out was driving me crazy, I wanted you there only for me... I want to be the only one to hear, to feel the face she makes when I give her pleasure. I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like when I could dominate her, feel her lips on mine, feel her body glued to mine.
I went to take a shower and took the opportunity to think about several things but the image of her smile didn't leave my mind. I was never a dating man, always preferred one-night relationships but with her I took a risk.
I made up my mind tomorrow I'll ask her to date. away from my thoughts i heard someone slamming the door and a smile on my face, is she?
I opened the door and saw crystal, she looked angry.
"You can't get involved with her samuel..." she said in a joking tone I was already getting sick of her. "Oh yeah why?" i said already angry grabbing a cigarette and going towards the window
"because if you do I'll tell james... and he'll send you back to the States" that was a threat ? I couldn't believe what I heard
"What do you want from me crystal?, I'm not her teacher and we're adults," I said, pushing her against the wall and cornering her.
"Sleep with me, for as long as we're here, and I won't tell him anything," she said by putting her hand on my neck.
I took a deep breath, and agreed, I didn't want to hurt Y/n or hurt her career. But I have to find a way to talk to her. _______________________________________________________________
𝕐/𝕟 ℙ𝕠𝕧:
I spent the night thinking, I couldn't sleep, I could only think about him and how he made me feel. I got up early in the morning, put on a dress and quickly went for breakfast, I wanted to see sam again.
When I got there, he was already there, when he saw me his look froze, I looked behind him and saw crystal full of hickeys, and with a huge smile.
sam looked at me and ignored me while crystal looked at me and laughed preventively and....hugged sam and kissed him I didn't want to believe what I saw. I wanted to get out of there, but someone touched me on the shoulder and it was evie. When she saw what had happened, she tried to get me out of there, but it wasn't very difficult.
We got out of there and went to the bus that was going to take us to Venice to our next stop, I sinned in my bag and ran. I just wanted to be alone.
When we were already inside the bus I saw sam looking at me with sadness. I just looked away, I just looked away and leaned over evie's shoulder that stood there beside me, evie looked at sam in anger and hugged me. the trip was calm but i spent the whole time melancholic, i didn't say a word, i was feeling used... and i was feeling bad for not having eaten anything since last night, i was very weak and without patience for anything. but whenever i looked at sam, crystal was clinging to him with his head on his shoulder, and when my gaze crossed with sam's i felt useless. I didn't want to believe that everything that had happened was a lie.When we got to Venice it was raining so we ran to take shelter. But I didn't... I asked evie to take my bag, I wanted to be alone
"Y/n you're too tired, you hardly slept, you didn't eat, come" she tried to pull me but I refused, and I walked away “LET ME GO"I screamed with my eyes already wet with tears and rain, sam was seeing everything and as much as I didn't want to lose it I couldn't compete with crystal. "okay if you need anything call me okay?" "Yeah, I love you," and I walked away a little so I wouldn't have to take the sam look.The rest of the day was quiet I wandered around town until I had to join the rest of the class. I couldn't stand to be there anymore, I just wanted to forget about sam...the week went by quickly and we were already almost in the middle of the second week, sam and I didn't talk much, only when necessary... I was feeling better, still hurt but better, evie helped me a lot and at this moment we were on our way to pompeii, we were going to stay in a camp this time, funny that I had never camped before, but I was eager for that to happen.
when we got off the bus, I felt someone pulling me into a farther area... it was sam.
"Can we talk?" he asked looking right into my eyes
"What do you want?" I was cold and indifferent, but deep down talking to him left me relieved and happy
"it wasn't my fault to walk away..." he said by walking away from me a little bit "Are you gonna say it was mine?" I said looking at him in anger "I WAS CRYSTAL OKAY" he said in anger "I wasn't gonna walk away from who I love but she threatened to tell james about us and I didn't want to hurt you" he said leaning against the wall "I would never walk away from you love but I had no choice you understand"
"You won't hurt me shit, I don't want you to walk away from me, but you hurt me ... I don't know if I'll forgive you sam..."
"Please honey, there wasn't a day I didn't try to get close to you, I was afraid of losing you" he spoke grabbing me on the shoulders quietly
"if you really don't want to lose me try the-" I said and as soon as it came out of my mouth sam kissed me!
he grabbed my body and used his to hold me, his kiss was passionate, needy, fierce, I was hypnotized by him again.
When we separated, we were both panting, that was my first kiss.
"this was my first kiss." I said, hiding my face in his chest. "and so you liked it?" he spoke kissing the top of my head "I needed this, you, your body." he dragged my hair to the side to see my neck.
"s-sam" I moaned softly when I felt his lips on my neck again, he was leaving hickeys on my skin again. "for everyone to see that you're mine, including that crystal bitch, today I'm going to put an end to this" he said by sticking his lips back on mine.
when we finally broke up, we went back to the edge of our colleagues. evie was worried so I told her everything sam had told me, and it made her angry.
for the rest of the day sam flirted with me all the time and i was curious about her answer. When night fell I was seeing some ruins of a small temple, and I felt someone with me.
"I know you're there sam" I turned around and saw him a bunch of flowers "I talked to james about everything... he said it's okay that I'm not your teacher and you're not underage" he handed me the bouquet and kissed me.
I hugged him and put my hands in his hair pulling him towards me, I wanted to feel more. "be careful what you do, my dear, you may regret it" he said holding me in his lap and leaning against one of the pillars.
"what are you gonna do to me hum ?" I whispered and his ear "you're driving me crazy love, you don't really want to know what I can do to you" he speaks in a husky voice and kisses me again. in the middle of the kiss I felt his hand go up to my breasts, caressing them lightly "We're in public" I tried to call him out, but he couldn't even stand me and I moaned low in his ear~
"If you keep moaning like that, darling, I won't care if I'm in public or not, I'll have you right here." He says if you put me on the ground, and crouch in front of me and lift me up again.
"Let's go to my tent," he says, walking towards the camp. When we arrived at his tent he laid me down on the ground, and put himself on top of me. "Are you sure you want this, love? if you say yes I'll really make you feel like you've never felt before" he says kissing my neck
"Yes I do, please don't control yourself..." I said embarrassed to be about to lose my virginity to a man like Sam.
sam kissed me with passion and started to take my shirt off slowly, I was already getting nervous, I’d never done anything like this before and I was too anxious, Sam stopped when he saw me with my shirt off, it looked like he was seeing treasure right in front of him
."You’re beautiful..." he said kissing my belly going towards my chest.
 "I’m dying to hear you moan my name all night, baby," he lifted up his body a little to take off his shirt too, and when I saw his physique, I nearly died. For a man wiyh his age, he was pretty well preserved, he had some scarring on his body but it just was getting me more horny.
"get up a little angel" he asked by pulling my body up by putting me on his lap... he was already hard at this point, and already saw the pleasure in his eyes.
with a simple gesture removed my bra and caressed my breasts, slowly I began to feel his mouth near them. and when he finally touched them I groaned with intensity, he closed his eyes and sucked each nipple at a time, licking and biting gently. I put my hands on his back and on account of the pleasure,and start  left scratches and marks... that was the first time I heard him moan, he liked it, so I continued to do it. "Calm princess, I haven’t even started yet" he put his hand on my face and pushed his thumb into my mouth, I was outside of myself so I just licked and kept my eye on yours. "good girl, now lie down" With a few movements he removed all the fabric that surrounded my lower part and separated my legs, kissing the inside of my thighs. with his hand he touched my clit and stroked with a little force 
"now I just want you to close your eyes and be quiet okay?" I shook my head and obeyed, and without warning i start feeling his tongue licking me, it was the first time I felt it, and it was wonderful, in response to his action I moan loudly, and grabbed his shoulders. " ah nah, I said quiet" he talked grabbing my heels and continuing to lick and suck my clit, which was driving me crazy. little by little the movements of his tongue were becoming more aggressive and my moans more frequent and loud, I was already sweating, that was fantastic. "im gonna cum" I said panting and tried to loosen my wrists "so cum, baby, let you surrender, I want to feel you cum in my mouth" those words were driving me crazy, I couldn’t think of anything else.
then the sensation of climax hit me and just felt a warm liquid come out of me Sam in turn licked everything, and stood up. "you are delicious my love" he licked his fingers that were wet with my juice. I got up I tried to open his pants and soon I was stopped
"today no,my love, today it is you who will feel well" he said raising my head "but I want to make you feel good too please" he then did not resist and took off his pants and his boxer.
 He was huge and he was a little afraid that the member would not fit inside of me, but at that moment I just wanted to experience him, I wanted to give him pleasure.
"Do you know how to do it?" He said hoarse holding my hand "I know more or less, so don’t worry" with this I took his dick and started using my hand to make movements from top to bottom, slowly. And again I heard Sam groan, and he was panting, and put his hand upon my mouth. "If you prefer, you can use your mouth, dear," and so I did, slowly licking it from the bottom up and when I caught it unnoticed, I put it inside my mouth, and so I felt his body tremble and his moans come out more often. I licked and sucked,  until I felt his hand pressing on my head
"im gonna cum baby" he said moving his hip quickly in my mouth. I loved watching him do that. And in a few seconds sam came up in my mouth, and a white and hot liquid invaded me, as I did not know what to do swallowed and I looked at it.
"beautiful girl, now lie down and spread your legs my love"
he said by putting a presevative on his dick, and putting himself in my lobby "This may hurt a little, my love, if you don’t feel comfortable, let me know." I waved and closed my eyes waiting...then i start to feel a little pain invade my body and tears began to fall from my eyes.
"All right, you want me to stop?" he asked with a soft, soft voice caressing my face.
"I am well continued" he did so, slowly began to move inside me and moaning quietly near my ear,  at this point I no longer felt pain only pleasure "It’s tight baby, if it keeps going like this I’ll cum in a few minutes" he said kissing my neck and then my lips.
when he saw that I was already confident he start to goes faster and therefore i began to scratch his back again...
For a while we were united, our bodies were connected... our moans were music, our lips glued together, and I couldn’t stop smiling.
"I’ll come again sam" I said panting "me too" he increased the speed and we reached climax together, our voices united and when we calmed down sam fell on my chest tired.
That night was wonderful, we just stood there and talked and laughed about what we just did.
"Y/n?" he said by stroking my hair "Yes?" I rose from her lap and looked into her honey-colored eyes "if I asked you to date me...would you accept?" he said passing his hand to my face "YES OF COURSE YES SAM" I shouted with joy and kissed him "does it mean that we are now officially a couple?" he asked with a smile on his lips "yes, we are" I kissed him again and lay on his chest "I love you Y/N L/N!" "I love you too, Master Darrake!"
from that night my heart won a new owner and sam won the greatest gift of his life.... you! (yeah you reader)
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
Farm In The Middle Of Nowhere
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(oh hello and welcome to this smutty af fic with bby ben sksksk FIRST OFF every single person in this fic is 18, i dont write no smut about minors yall EW so just needed that to be very clear lol ALSO joe and lucy are in this fic so i wrote everyone as the same age, i needed some best friend material okay, i hope u all like it and i hope i didnt butcher it lmao ily)
Word Count: 4,815
Summer vacation was over and the beginning of senior year was just starting. Nerves were all over the place as everyone made their way into the busy school, in search of their new designated classes. You had stepped into the building and looked around as teachers guided people in the right direction for where they need to go. 
You take in a deep breath and glance down at your schedule sheet. Your first hour was math. You groan to yourself and begin making your way to room 303. You disliked math so much and were not excited that it would be your first class in the morning. You were groggy and tired and were not ready to work with numbers and formulas. Math being your first hour class wasn’t even the worst thing. You were a brand new student and for your senior year. You missed your friends back home and despised being here. Everyone here already had old friends and their cliques picked out, you didn’t fit in at all. You were nervous and just wanted the year to go by fast.
You make your way to your classroom and silently praise yourself for not having to ask for help. You notice the door’s open so you walk inside. Students have filled the room as some stand up and talk, while others are sat. A seat in the very back corner of the room is available and you can’t help but thank the gods. You make your way back there and hurriedly claim the seat. You notice a few students staring at you, so you look away and grab your notebook from your bag. You sit there quietly when you notice someone walk up and stand next to the desk beside you. They lean forward and look at you. You look over to notice a tall guy with jet black hair smiling at you.
“You’re new.” he says.
You raise a brow and slowly nod.
“Looks like it.”
He half laughs and looks you up and down, raking his eyes over your body. You cursed at yourself for wearing the tightest pair of jeans you own.
“Ya know, I actually might think you’re hotter than Mackenzie.” he silently says.
Your eyes open wide a bit as you watch him dumb founded.
“I’m sorry?” you ask, not understanding.
“Mackenzie. She’s the hottest girl in school, but I think you have her beat.” he says smirking.
“So what does that make you?” you ask sarcastically.  
The guy’s face drops as you look at him with your brow raised, waiting for an answer. You then hear somebody laugh in the distance.
“Yeah, Mark. What does that make you?”
You look over and a guy with dirty blonde hair and the greenest eyes you’ve ever seen was walking up to you two. Your heart almost stopped as he looks to you quickly and smiles a bit. Were people your age even allowed to be that gorgeous?
“Oh, piss off.” says Mark, embarrassed as he looks at you once more and walks away.
You roll your eyes and look back at the notebook in front of you. The blonde man sits in the empty desk next to you and you can feel his eyes on you.
“New schools always suck on the first day.” he says to you.
You look over to him quickly and your face burns as he looks at you. You smile and nod.
“Yeah. Being the new kid is always so fun.” you say, causing him to laugh.
“I’m Ben.” he says, still smiling.
You tuck a piece of hair behind your ear and smile back.
“Y/n.” you reply.
Ben leans back in his seat, still watching you. The teacher makes her way into the class and tells everyone to take their seat. It quiets down as the teacher begins speaking about herself and how the year would go. Ben looks to you and rolls his eyes, making you laugh.
“Is something funny you two?” asks the teacher, looking at Ben and you.
Your face goes red as you shake your head and fight back a smirk. Ben just smiles his big grin and shakes his head.
“No, ma’am. Just talking about how beautiful you look today.”
You look to him fast and can’t help but admire how good he is at being charming. The teacher just laughs and shakes her head as she continues speaking. Ben looks to you and winks. He takes out a piece of paper and begins writing on it. He quickly slides it over on your desk and you look over at him fast. You unfold the piece of paper and begin reading.
I can tell tell we’ll be good friends x -B
You smile to yourself and begin writing back.
I hope so - Y
You slide it back to Ben and he reads it. He smiles and looks back to you. That was the beginning of the note passing.
3 Months Later
“I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as attractive as she is.” says Ben to his best friend Joe.
“Have you even talked to her?” he asks.
They’re at Ben’s house in his bedroom as they talk about you.
“All the time! We have first hour together. Math is officially my favorite subject because of her. But when it’s over, I literally can’t stop thinking about her. It’s… I don’t know.” he trails off.
Joe laughs and shakes his head as he stands up and grabs his bag.
“You have a crush on her, dude. You should tell her.”
He walks to Ben’s bedroom door and opens it up.
“Yeah, because it’s that easy!” says Ben.
Joe shrugs his shoulders.
“If you stopped making it so hard, it could be. I’ll see you later, okay?” he says as he walks from his room.
Ben is still laying on his bed as his mind races back to you. He thinks about your hair, your cute nose, the way you smile, your eyes. He tenses his jaw and starts thinking about the curve of your hips, the outline of your butt in your jeans, the view he gets when you lean over and your shirt pulls down a bit. Ben bites his lip as he feels himself get excruciatingly hard. He slowly brings his hand down to palm himself over his pants. His breath gets hitched as he presses down hard. Ben’s eyes open up as he remembers he’s home alone right now. He quickly unzips his pants and pulls them down, along with his boxers. 
His hard length springs free and it’s already dripping with precum. He wraps his hand around himself and his head falls back against his pillow. His eyes close once more as he groans out loudly. He slowly pumps himself as he thinks about you. He thinks about your lips on his. He thinks about his hands all over your body and squeezing. He thinks about you undressing for him and he wonders how sweet you would taste. He pumps himself even faster as his legs shake. He thinks about your lips wrapped around him with his hands in your hair. He then thinks about how amazing you would feel as he rams into you repeatedly. That does it for him. Ben pumps faster and faster as he whimpers loudly.
“Y/n,” he whispers out your name. “Oh, fuck, y/n…”
His mouth opens wide as he begins to see white. His cock twitches in his hand as he bucks his hips forward. He cries out as his body jerks and warmth spurts out of him, covering his stomach. He pumps even faster as he moans and feels ecstasy wash over him. He pumps once more and he’s finished. He breathes heavily as he looks down and realizes the mess he’s made, all thanks to you.
2 Months Later
Your relationship with your new best friend Ben was five months in the making. He was the only guy in school who didn’t try to get into your pants, although something in the back of your mind was hoping he sort of would. Ben was well liked in school and some would say he’s popular. You agree. He was always getting in trouble for smoking on school property with his friends and for getting into fights with idiots like Mark. He had, you could say, a reputation and nobody wanted to be on his bad side.
The two of you spend all of first hour and lunch laughing together and talking, but one morning the conversation took a different turn. You two had been passing notes and talking about how two popular students, Jesse and Erica, were caught by their parents in her bedroom.
The fact they’d choose a place in their HOUSE to get it on is sad and weird - Y
Ben reads the note and coughs to cover up a laugh.
Yeah, I’d want a place where I know no one would come barging in lmao - B
You read the note and laugh to yourself. You weren’t sure why, but a sort of confidence washed over you and you wrote something down quickly. Your heart was beating fast as he opens it and reads. His face drops for a moment, then a sly smile forms.
Have you ever… Ya know… - Y
Ben writes something and slips it back over to you.
Of course I have. - B
He lied. He doesn’t know why he lied exactly. He guesses it’s because he wasn’t sure if you had or not, and he didn’t want to look dumb to you, so he said yes. This time, his heart was racing as you read it. Your stomach falls when you read it. You had never had sex, so you were now intimidated. He’s slept with someone, you think to yourself. Of course he has, look at him. He’s a pro, you think once more. You glance over to him then back at the paper. You’re not entirely sure what to write.
Lucky girls. - Y
You think so?? - B
I do. I’m not as experienced… Maybe you could, I don’t know… Teach me? - Y
Ben reads the note and his eyes go wide. He looks over to you and his pants slightly tighten as you watch him and smile. He smiles back and grins as writes back. This was like a dream come true for him. All of those nights where he touched himself with your face in his mind, might actually become reality.
As long as it’s not in any of our houses. - B
You laugh when you read the note, knowing what he was referring to. The teacher asks who’s talking and the two of you go quiet and look forward, fighting back smirks. She looks away and you hurriedly write.
My family owns a farm in the middle of nowhere. Tomorrow at 8? I’ll say I’m staying with Lucy. - Y
Ben shifts in his seat and silently prays that no one can see how hard he’s getting. He clears his throat and writes back once more.
8 sounds perfect. Just text me the address. Can’t wait - B
You look to him and smile as you look down at your notebook and try to concentrate on your work, which was difficult to do now.
“You and Ben!?” asks Lucy as she sits on your bed crisscrossed.
It was the next day and you were nervously walking around and trying to figure out what to wear. You run your hand through your hair and exhale.
“I like him so much, Luc!” you say.
She smiles and nods as you look through your closet.
“What’s not to like about him? He’s a sweetheart, always does the right thing, super fit…”
You turn around and you both laugh loudly.
“I just can’t believe I’m gonna….” you trail off, thinking about it. “And remember, I’m supposedly staying with you, okay?”
She nods her head in agreement.
“Have you told him you haven’t done it before?” she asks.
You slowly shake your head.
“I didn’t say I was a virgin directly, I just said I wasn’t as experienced.”
“You and y/n!?” asks Joe as he hangs upside down on Ben’s bed.
Ben was walking around his room and trying to find his favorite jacket to wear. He was meeting you in a few hours and he has never been this nervous in his whole life.
“Yeah me and y/n! You know how much I like her.” he says, looking around some more.
Ben finally finds it and smiles. He shrugs it on and looks at himself in the mirror.
“Has she done it before?” asks Joe, curious.
Ben looks to him and furrows his brows a bit as he thinks.
“She never said she didn’t. She just said she wasn’t as experienced. I take that as maybe she has.”
Joe sits up all the way and nods.
“And you told her?”
Ben freezes and his face looks guilty.
“Ben, you didn’t…” says Joe.
“I panicked, alright!? I told her I’d done it before, because I’d be so embarrassed if she has and I… haven’t.”
“Oh, dude,” starts Joe, shaking his head. “You gotta tell her.”
“You have to tell him!” says Lucy loud.
You bite your lip and exhale loudly. You finally picked out a flowy sundress and settled on it.
“I’m so intimidated by him. He has experience in all of it and the only thing I’ve done is make out with a boy freshman year. I will eventually.” you say.
You look into your mirror and fix your lip gloss. You take in a deep breath and turn back to Lucy.
“I’m ready.”
It was nearing 8 pm and you were insanely nervous, you felt like you could puke. Ben kept rubbing his hands over his pants due to him being a sweaty mess. He keeps taking deep breaths as he drives out to the address you gave him. You arrive to the farmhouse first and step out of your car. You smile at the familiar scenery and walk up the porch and to the screened door. You unlock it quickly and make your way inside. The furniture was very minimal as were decorations. All that there was in the living room was a couch and a table. Your parents were still trying to remodel the home, so furniture wasn’t a big deal. You just thanked them for leaving the king size bed upstairs. You check outside and see if Ben had made it yet, but he didn’t. You rush to the bedroom and fling off the old sheets and comforters. You slide on new, clean ones and hide the dusty ones. You wipe your hands off when you hear a car door close.
Butterflies immediately take over your stomach as you rush downstairs. You open the screen door and stand there as Ben reaches the porches steps. He looks up and spots you, his face turning pink as he looks you up and down. You looked so beautiful to him in that dress. He smiles and walks up to you.
“Hi.” he whispers.
You can’t help but grin back.
He looks you up and down as you turn around and walk back inside. Ben looks around and admires the beautiful, old building.
“Wow,” he says.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” you ask, looking around with him.
Ben looks to you and watches as your eyes dance over the walls, as if you’ve never seen it before. He takes a step forward and you look to him quickly.
He looks at your lips then to your eyes. He opens his mouth to say something as you stand there and wait, but it never comes. Instead, Ben gives up and cups your face as he harshly kisses you. You’re surprised by his sudden actions, but you melt into him immediately. His tongue darts in your mouth and the feeling is still odd to you, but you love it. You mimic him and kiss him back faster. He breaks away and glances down at your chest for a split second. You nervously watch him and swallow hard as you slowly remove a strap from your shoulder. Ben watches with wide eyes as you remove the other strap and allow your dress to fall over your breasts. Ben stares at them in amazement as you smile.
“You can touch them.” you whisper.
He looks to you fast as he slowly reaches his hand out to you. He hovers it over one, but doesn’t place it down. You wait for a second before grabbing his hand bringing it to you. Ben instantly squeezed, which causes you to moan. He watches you fascinated as he massages you, then brings his other hand in to do the same. Your head falls back a bit as your eyes flutter. Ben was already painfully hard.
“Fuck,” he whispers to himself.
He leans back in and kisses you once more. You bring your hands up to his hair and gently tug, causing his mouth to open even wider.
“Take me upstairs.” you whisper against him.
He freezes and stares into your eyes. You both smile as he grabs your hand and rushes up to the top bedroom with you. He looks at the bed and then to you.
“Can I take your dress all the way off?” he asks.
You nod and step even closer to him. Ben leans forward and wraps his arm around you as he slowly unzips. The dress pools at your feet as Ben takes a step back and admires you. Your face was hot and you had to fight the urge to cover yourself up.
“You’re so beautiful.” he says.
You watch him and your heart flutters. You blush and look away as you smile. You walk up to him and then around as you crawl onto the bed. Ben follows behind you as you lay on your back and look up at him innocently. He bites his lip at the sight before him. He’s never touched a women in the way he’s about to touch you. He then slips his own shirt off and tugs down his pants fast, leaving him in only his underwear. You squeeze your legs together as you stare at him. He was so gorgeous. You could feel yourself throbbing and now soaked as you provided yourself with some friction.
“Are you okay?” he asks, making sure.
You nod fast and smile.
“I’m okay.”
“You sure?” he asks.
You laugh and nod.
“I’m sure. Now get on the bloody bed with me or I’ll start without you.” you purr.
His eyes open wide a bit as he hurriedly crawls in between your legs. He stares at your heat as his eyes flutter up to you.
“Can I touch you?” he whispers.
You bite your lip and nod.
“Please.” you whisper back.
Ben smiles as he slowly drags his finger up and down your clothed heat. He had watched enough videos to know how to do this part well. You had never felt anything like this before. Your eyes close as he pushes down even harder. You’ve never been this turned on in your life. Ben then slips his fingers around your panties band and slowly pull them down your legs. You were so nervous and almost embarrassed being this exposed to him. You looked at him scared and he realizes it. He tosses your underwear on the floor and sits up on his knees.
“It’s okay.” he says.
He slowly slides down his boxers, releasing his aching length. Your eyes open wide as you realize just how big he is. Now you were even more scared at how bad it would hurt for your first time. Your breathing gets a bit faster as you two smile at each other. He had been so scared that you wouldn’t think he was big enough, so that made him happy. He was trying to make you feel as comfortable as he can. He gets back down and kisses your inner thigh, making you squirm. He doesn’t wait any longer as he dips his tongue into your folds and licks you up. You moan out as your head digs into the pillow. Pleasure rips through you and you didn’t realize exactly what you were missing all this time. Ben brings his tongue to your swollen nub and quickly rubs tiny circles around it. Your leg begins shaking as his finger makes its way to your entrance. He freezes and you look down at him.
“Can I-” he goes to ask.
“God, yes, please. You don’t even have to ask. Do whatever.”
Ben’s length twitches as you tell him that. He dips back down and slowly slides in a finger. You squeeze your eyes shut as a tiny bit of pain makes you wince. It’s soon gone as he begins pumping even faster. His tongue keeps working on your clit as he adds another finger. Ben hopes he wasn’t doing a sloppy job. He wanted to make you feel as good as he can. When you moan out loudly and smile, he realizes he’s doing just that.
“Oh my god…” you say. “Ben, that feels so good.”
Ben hums against you, which makes you jump. He pumps his fingers into you fast and then stops. He slips them out of you and feels your slickness all over his fingers. You open your eyes and watch as he holds his fingers up for you to look at. You smirk to him and call him over to you.
“C’mere.” you purr.
He slides up on top of you slowly. You grab his two fingers that were just inside of you and slide them into your mouth. His eyes open wide as you suck on them and twirl your tongue around. Your eyes never leave his as you pull them from your mouth with a loud pop.
“Fuck…” groans Ben.
“Do you want me to...” you ask, looking down at his already dripping length.
He smiles and leans forward to kiss you.
“Trust me, I might explode if you do that.” he teases, causing you to giggle. “Wait,” he says as he reaches over the bed and grabs his pants.
He slips a condom out of his pocket and holds it up for you to see. You smile and nod as he leans back and slowly slides the thin material over himself. He sighs as he finishes and looks back to you. He crawls between your legs once more and slides a finger up your folds, making sure you’re still wet. You are. He smiles down at you as he lines himself up to your entrance. Your face goes serious as you grip his shoulders hard. You needed to tell him everything.
“Ben,” you go to say, but he interrupts you.
“I’m a virgin.” he says fast.
You freeze and just stare at him. He looks so embarrassed and ashamed as he confesses to you.
“I lied. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did. I was just nervous that you would see me differently since you’re not one and-”
“Ben, I’m a virgin too.” you interrupt, cupping his face.
He looks down at you shocked and shakes his head.
“I just assumed-”
“I know. I should’ve told you too. I was intimidated after you said you weren’t one and I didn’t want to look stupid to you. I just wanted to be good.”
You look away, not able to look in his eyes. He smiles and kisses your neck gently.
“Figure it out together?” he asks, holding up his pinky.
You stare at it and smile wide at him. You bring your pinky up and wrap it around his.
Ben nuzzles his head into your neck as you wrap your arms and legs around him. You can feel his tip pressed against your core and you were nervous.
“You ready?” he asks, his lips brushing against your neck.
You close your eyes and nod fast.
Ben slowly and gently brings his hips forward and begins to enter you. Your eyes squeeze shut as you whine out in pain. It hurt as he stretched your walls wide.
“You okay?” he asks worried.
You nod your head and groan.
“Keep going.” you tell him.
He moves even more and eventually bottoms out in you. He’s still for a long time as you get used to him. The pain is still there, but isn’t as bad.
“If I move I bet it’ll feel better.” he whispers in your ear.
He slowly pulls himself out of you as he groans loudly. This is much better than his hand.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” he says as he slips from you and slides back in easier.
You jump at the contact and pull at his hair. Suddenly, the pain subsides and pleasure starts to form.
“Thought about this every night when I touched myself.” he grunts as he picks up his speed.
Your legs were already starting to shake as he leans away to look at you. He admires your blissed out features as he closes his eyes and thrusts in deep. You call out loudly in a pornographic tone and Ben twitches inside of you.
“I wanna be on top.” you say quietly.
Ben’s eyes look at yours and you look excited, pupils large. He smiles and nods as he slides out of you, making you both groan. He flips on his back as you stand on your knees and look at him. You have never done this before and you weren't even sure what to do. Ben holds a hand out for you to take.
“Straddle me first.” he says, trying to help guide you.
You nod and swing your leg around him and stare down at his face. This felt so weird as you moved around to get comfortable. Your core was aching so bad to have him fill you back up. Ben’s hand went to his length and pumped a few times. You lean forward a bit and move yourself around until his length is back at your entrance.
“Ready?” you ask.
He smiles and brings his hand up to graze it around your throat.
You bite your lip, close your eyes and slowly sink down on him. This time, it was much easier and less painful. You gasp at the fullness as Ben, without thinking, bucks his hips into you. You cry out in pleasure as he apologizes.
“No, no! Do it again.” you say.
He watches you closely as he bucks his hips and this time hits something deep inside of you. You had never felt this before. It was a different kind of pleasure. Like ‘seeing white because it feels so good’ kind of pleasure. Your head falls back as your hands lean against his chest for support. Ben continues to thrust into you as you work yourself against him at the same time. He feels how close he is already, so he brings his finger to your clit and begins rubbing. Your mouth falls open as your eyes roll in the back of your head.
“Ben!” you cry out as he rubs hard and fast, making your head spin. 
The mixture of him inside of you and rubbing you was too much. You lean forward and lean your forehead against his shoulder.
“Does that feel good?” he asks.
All you can do is nod.
“Yeah? You like that?”
You fist the bed sheets beside you and cry out.
Ben continues his thrusting and rubbing when all of a sudden he feels his release coming.
“I’m not gonna last.” he says quickly.
You nod your head and murmur a ‘mhm’. You begin to start seeing white as his fingers work on you. Your body was trembling and your breathing was broken up. Ben bucks his hips once more and freezes, deep inside of you. He cries out as his body jerks. The moans coming from his lips had pushed you over the edge. His fingers never left your heat as he kept rubbing. You bite at his shoulder as your stomach tightened and then released. You shook profusely on top of him as you gasped. Ben was catching his breath from his high as he watched you cum all around him. Your body calms down as you collapse on top of him, him still inside you. Your’re breathing hard as you lean away and smile. You were both exhausted.
“How was that for our first time ever?” he asks, teasing you.
You smile wide and nod your head, your eyes now heavy with sleep.
“Amazing. What did you think?”
He cups your face and lowers you down as he kisses you.
“Better than I even imagined.”  
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Part one PG Amasai
**This is like the first thing I've ever posted on here. So I hope you enjoy it? I'd love to continue if you do.**
'One, two, three...FUCK.'
"Mr. Saihara?"
'Just one more time... I'll finally get it.'
'One, two, THREE.'
A loud thunk echoed, bringing the boy in question out of his thoughts. Saihara had been thumbing away at his portable gaming console and not giving any thought to the people around him, including the teacher that was now looming over him, with a book in hand that he had hit the desk with. Saihara must have lost track of time and didnt realize class had started. Shit.
"Uh..uhm.." Saihara began to stutter out.
"Uh uh." The teacher interrupted. "You know the drill."
"Y-yeah I do. Im-m sorry." What was he supposed to do? A new mini game had just come out for his favorite series, Danganronpa. Did people just expect him not to beat it the day it released just so he could have bragging rights? No one understood.
Unfortunately he had to stay after school for an hour or two as punishment. Not that it bothered him. He didn't exactly care to be at home. He would just end up hiding away in his room with his laptop anyway.
He lived solely with his Uncle who was a detective so he wasn't home that often. He never really knew what happened to his parents. He had been told quite a few different stories but they were never the same so Saihara gave up asking. Having detention would just pass time until dinner.
He put away the console into his messenger bag and continued trying to pay attention to the rest of the class. Key word being tried; His mind always wandered. He would always end up studying and doing well on his own so he would often daydream while in classes. He could just pick up where he left off in the game at lunch.
Two more hours rolled by just like normal. During transition times he would quickly zoom through the crowd to get to the next classroom without having to face any humiliation from bullys. He really didn't feel like battling them today.
Finally he had reached lunch time. He'd finally be able to play again. Saihara had packed a fruit bowl and a bottle of water into his bag this morning for lunch, so there was no need to crawl through the lines of students trying to buy their lunch.
He dashed to the back of the school. It had finally begun to turn autumn. The trees were all different shades of reds, yellows, and oranges while the brown ones had fallen to the ground. With each step he relished in the sound of them crushing. The cool air made it the perfect time to be outside. He had found a tree on the outskirts of the campus line and let his bag slump off his shoulder.
"Bout time you get here." A voice called from behind him.
"I'm s-sorry Akamatsu. I was trying to get here as, as fast as I could." He turned to face the blonde girl behind him. Her signature resting bitch face glaring at him.
"Did you bring the game?" She asked in a low tone. It felt like they were doing a more illegal exchange.
"Of course I-I did. Do you th-think I'm dumb?" Saihara was almost offended. Akamatsu was one of the only people he knew that loved Danganronpa too. Not as much as him of course, but she did have the same aspirations as him.
"No. Just stupid." She responded bluntly before sitting down on the ground beside his bag.
"Ha ha." He faked a laugh and joined her. She had her hands inside of his bag digging out the console. He didnt mind, he was used to her being very abrasive. He opted for looking around while she booted up the game.
Suddenly his heart began to have palpitations and his stomach started twisting. Off in the distance his eyes were glued on a tall man with green hair lighting up a cigarette as he went to cross over to the convinient store. Many of the more, rough students would go there to smoke or create chaos.
"Hey I fucking swear if you drool on yourself I'm going to take this home with me and hold it for ransome." Akamatsu called out to him.
Saihara wiped his mouth and frowned. "S-sorry."
The green haired man's name was Rantaro Amami, and Saihara had the biggest crush on him. Amami had already been in one of the killing games and survived. Saihara had watched every episode, with his crush growing more and more as he watch Amami help figure out the blackened. He almost didn't know how to react when he saw him in school. He was a celebrity, an idol, to Saihara. They hadn't even spoke but Saihara had thought of the most inappropriate fantasies involving the two of them. He vowed that one day he would finally open up to him. Whether it be during school or perhaps they could be on a season together. The thoughts sent shivers down Saihara's spine.
"You might as well talk to the guy." Akamatsu had begun pressing buttons and working through the beginning of the game on her own save file. "What's the worst that could happen? He says no?"
"Punch m-me and tell me t-to fuck off." Saihara answered.
"Okay but you'd get off on that so I dont see a problem here." Damnit she really did know him.
"Maybe one day."
"You say that everytime."
"Okay jeez." He tipped the hat he always wore down over his eyes a bit more, slightly embarrassed. Amami had already crossed over to the store and out of sight much to Saihara's dismay.
They stayed pretty quiet after that. Akamatsu stuck in the game and Saihara left to watch and help if she needed it, though most of the time she didn't. The hour flew by and Saihara watched for another sign of Amami. He had finished his fruit with Akamatsu's help.
"Fuck we're gunna have to go back to class. I dont want to." Akamatsu saved her place and sat it down on the ground near Saiharas bag.
Saihara looked away from the store and back to his friend. "Lucky me, I have to stay after school for a bit."
"Sucks." She stood up and brushed flakes of leaves off of her skirt. "Can I take the game while you're locked up?"
Saihara huffed. "Fine. B-but you cant take it home. I'll find y-you and kill you."
"Dont make promises you cant keep." She grabbed it off the ground and started back towards the school. "See you fucker." He watched her disappear before he stood up himself.
He slung the bag over his shoulder and looked over at the store once more. Perhaps he had just missed Amami. He huffed at the thought and gripped the strap of his bag before making his way to his next class. The kids had already scattered and the last thing he needed was to be late and have to stay even longer.
The crunch of leaves turned into steps on pavement as he followed the small groups of kids into the school.
"Hey freak!"
Fuck. Saihara knew that voice. Kaito Momota, the schools biggest asshole.
Without thinking Saihara began to sprint and push people out of the way.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Suddenly he was stopped after he hit directly into the back of someone. He fell on to his knees and caught himself with his hands. Oh god he was embarrassed.
The person he had run into didnt get nearly as affected. They had just been pushed forward slightly.
Saihara started to sputter an apology as he noticed their feet had turned to face him. His eyes slowly raised from the person's shoes, to their brown cardigan, to their face- Amami.
Amami stood over him with a scowl on his face and dark eyes.
Oh god Saihara was on his knees in front of him. His face immediately flushed.
"Oh m-my god I'm s-sorry. I didn't-"
"Didn't see me?" Amamis low voice finished his sentence. Amamis voice was so sensual, it did things to Saihara that he wouldnt admit to anyone else. Not even Akamatsu.
"Yeah, uhm."
"You going to get up?" Amami crossed his arms and Saihara had to keep from drooling at the sight of them and the thought of his hands grabbing him and-
"Alright suit yourself." Amami turned to leave.
This brought Saihara out of his daydream and he quickly stood up. "No!"
"Excuse me?" Amami stopped.
"I-I I mean uhm. No I n-need to apologize." Saihara knew he had to be as red as the color on Amamis loose tie.
"Okay. Go on."
"Uhm, I'm sorry f-for running into you."
"Hey you cant out run me!" Oh great, just what he needed. Amami to see just how much of a weakling he was.
Saihara bit his lip and looked toward Momota.
Momota walked up to the two of them, glaring at Amami. The tension between the two was something Saihara was not prepared for.
"The fuck are you doing Momota?" Amami questioned him.
"Look stay outta my business. The kid and I got some catch up to do."
"Dont you have anything better to do than compensate for your tiny ass dick." Amami didnt miss a bit nor was he phased by Momota.
"Do you want me to fuck you up right here pretty boy?"
"I'm not into that. Now leave."
Momota seemed to be thrown off at the comment and he glared at Saihara. He took this as a warning for next time. With that, Momota stormed off.
Saihara was grateful. No one had ever gotten Momota to leave like that.
"Amami. Thank you."
"Shut. Dont drag me into your shit anymore. I already deal with him."
"I-im sorry?" Saihara was not quite expecting the response. He knew Amami was a little cold but he was not prepared.
"Just be careful next time." Amami turned and walked off.
That response seemed, somehow softer. Amami was turning out to be very confusing and it only intrigued Saihara more.
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i-writing-is-hard-i · 6 years
Blood Traitor pt6
Summary:  You are Draco’s older sister.  A pureblood Witch, without the prejudice and anti-muggle beliefs of your family. Who just so happened to fall in love with none other than a blood traitor, just to complicate matters more Voldemort has returned.  What will you do?
okay, I suck at writing descriptions,
[Disclaimer] Mentions of sex, violence, and hints of torture, I may have screwed up the timeline somewhere along the way, and no one dies, because, thats sad
[Begining]  - [Previous] - [Next]
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Part 6
The next week seemed to drag in, but you were finally standing on the platform ready to go to Hogwarts.  You spotted George and Fred in the crowd, hard to miss them really.  George spotted you, giving you a wink and a smile, which you returned with your own smile.  Fred followed his brothers gaze, but you looked away just in time. ‘That was close’  
The journey seemed to last forever, but you were getting more and more excited to see George, you hoped he felt the same.  You wished you had managed to get in the same carriage, but at the same time, it would be risky.
You practically ran to the dining hall, making sure you got a seat where you could see the Gryffindor table, sure enough, George made sure he got a seat facing you. As the new students filed in, your eyes were on George, who kept making funny faces, to make you smile.  Always managing to turn his attention elsewhere before his twin noticed.  BFF/N had noticed though, in your excitement you forgot to be more subtle, though luckily she didn’t know who it was you were looking.
Your attention was taken when Dumbledore announced the new DADA teacher, it was none other than Umbridge, she worked with your father and you really didn't like her.  The policies she created for werewolves, were downright cruel.  You had no problems with werewolves, in fact, your favourite teacher was Remus Lupin, he was a good man.  Your father hated him, almost as much as he hated Dumbledore and Harry, maybe a little more than he hated the Weasleys, he never shared why with you.
After Umbridge was introduced Dumbledore went to continue with his speech but Umbridge interrupted him.  All the students turned to her in silence, even those who had no interest in listening to Dumbledore stopped talking.  Umbridge droned on about teaching standards and a few other things that made you want to tell her to shut up.  You felt yourself glaring at her.
After dinner you and BFF/N made your ways to your dorm, talking cheerily about the holidays.  She had mentioned that Dumbledore was crazy but when you denied it, she seemed scared, guess it’s easier for people to believe the papers.  
It was a few days later when you and George finally got a chance to be alone.  You were already in the room waiting when he came rushing in, without hesitation he pulled you into an iron grip.
“I missed you” he mumbled into your neck
“I missed you two” you returned happily.  George quickly pulled away only to crash his lips to yours in a longing kiss.  The kind where you could really feel just how much he had missed you.  After that and a moment to catch your breaths the two of you snuggled together.  Talking about anything other than Voldemort, even though you wanted to ask him, so many questions, you decided that it was best not to ruin the moment.
“Georgie?” you piped up after a while, but he didn’t reply.  ‘Was he sleeping?’
“I really missed you” you whispered again.  George groaned in his sleep, but you knew he hadn’t heard you.  You didn’t mind though.  You pulled out your book as gently as possible, so as to not wake George up, settling further into his chest to read.
It had only been 15 minutes when George woke up.  You felt him shuffling behind you, but you were so engrossed in your book you didn’t really pay attention.
“Enjoying that love?” he asked, his voice was husky from the short nap, it was really sexy.  You were so caught up in the way he said it that you hadn’t realised he called you love straight away.  Your cheeks turned red when you did.
“Yup, you enjoy your nap?” you asked after regaining your thoughts.  It probably meant a lot more to you than him.
“Yup,” George replied, nuzzling into your next.  You suddenly felt him tense up, but he quickly relaxed again.
You only just realised it had started to get dark.  It would be time to head back soon, not without the usual kiss.  
The next day was your first DADA class,  you missed having George sitting beside you, but at that moment your focus was on Professor Umbridge, in her bright pink outfit as she introduced herself, when she mentioned that there would be no practical magic in her class, a few concerns were raised, by you included. When she had enough, she yelled at the class. ‘Raise your hands if you want to ask a question’. It was the end of class before everyone had settled enough to actually do some work.  
Two days later you were finally able to meet up with George.  He was already sitting there waiting for you, with an interesting expression on his face.
“You okay Weasley?” you joked.  Not really used to him looking so serious.
“Naturally Malfoy” he returned, but he still didn’t look it.
“Have you heard anything, about Voldemort I mean?” you asked.  He looked up to you, it seems he was wanting to ask the same thing.
“Well, uh, everyone thinks Harry’s looking attention, and Albus is losing his mind, but it is true, he’s back” George explained.  
“So, you haven’t got any actual proof either.  I’ve asked my mother and father, but they keep denying it. I do believe my father didn’t know about Barty though, and I am not completely sure he knew of Voldemort’s return but he’s hiding something, he just won't tell me” you explained.  George let out a sigh,
“We are like some cheesy romance novel” he sniggered, earning a giggle from you too.
“If I do hear anything, I will share it with you” you stated, but it was quiet. “I know this is hard for you, Y/N, I’m sorry” George walked over to you, pulling you into a comforting embrace, that you happily returned.
“So, Umbridge”  George spoke changing the subject.
“That woman is......” you stopped trying to think of the perfect word to describe her, but nothing seemed to suit.
“I really don’t like her, never have” was all you could manage.  George laughed at your anger.
“So you know her then?” he asked.
You had met her once or twice through your father, but he worked with of a few occasions she was a horrid woman, who was against ‘half-breeds and muggles’ believing purebloods were superior, though as far as you knew she had never worked for Voldemort.  You explained all this to George as well as some of her policies, that were making life difficult for those who weren’t pureblood.
“Horrible woman,” George said, but he looked happy like he was planning something.  You eyed him suspiciously
“What are you planning?” you questioned
“Oh, you will just have to wait and see” he smirked.  You were a little-excited thinking about what he would do.
“Oh, how’s the shop coming?” you suddenly remembered.
“Well, we managed to get funds, can’t tell you where they came from, but hopefully after school, we should be good to go” he smiled happily.
“Harry wasn’t it, his winnings,” you asked.  He looked shocked, but you didn’t really notice. “Well, that is good, I better get a discount” you teased,
“Well, I dunno, what makes you think I should do that?” George teased back.
“Because I am the best girlfriend ever” you replied.
“Well you are pretty good” George nodded thoughtfully
“Just ‘good’ huh?” you were both trying not to smile now.
“Well, I might need reminding, say a kiss” George smirked.
“You think you deserve one?” you weren’t giving up, but George’s smirk only grew.  Next thing you knew he had you pinned down, placing quick kisses all over your face, making you laugh out loud.
“Georgie” you stuttered, his final kiss was on your lips.
“I am really lucky to have you,” George said
“Does this mean I get a discount” you joked back.  George laughed at it.
“You can have anything you want” he replied.  Smiling warmly at you.  You almost said ‘I love you’ but settled with
“I am really lucky to have you too,”   you thought it would be too soon to say I love you, it would freak him out, put him off.
“I love you” George suddenly said, looking serious.  You stared at him for a moment, shocked,  it was like he read your mind, but it quickly made you smile.
“I was just thinking about how much I love you” you returned.  You watched George’s expression relax, as you run your hand across his cheek, before pulling him into a long loving kiss.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
delirium | zhong chenle
admin; mirae  a/n; I was scrolling through the chenle fluff and imagines tag and I couldn't really find any new ones so I decide to write this! I am very well away that it is blah but meh XD. The day that we get a nct request is the day I combust  warnings; none? genre; fluff, with barely any angst  word count; 1.1k pairing; chenle x fem!reader I apologize for any spelling/grammar issues and that the moodboard sucks yg
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The woods were eerily silent now, the birds had seized their chirping and the only sound that could be heard was the giant gust of wind that would blow by every few seconds. You both had stopped walking and simply looked around you, the trees that you would have normally stare at in awe had begun to be symbols of isolation and loneliness. Your breath hitched in your throat once you realized how much farther down the sun had gotten. Looking around you couldn't see anything you recognized, not even a path frequently took by animals. Your hands reached out as you clasped the boy next to yous jacket. The material was soft, feeling it in your hand gave you a sense of comfort.
 “Y/n,,, how do we get back?” Chenle asked looking around, he did so in an attempt to hide his crimson cheeks from your sight. “I,, I don't know. Where did everyone go?” you asked while remembering back to just a few minutes ago. You had been walking with the rest of your class through the woods while your teacher talked about the importance of your project, Chenle and you had been paired up. One minute you two were wandering around during the 5-minute break and the next you were completely alone in the darkness of the woods.
 “I'm scared,” you confessed tightening your grip on Chenle's jacket. Normally you would have been so honest and frightful but something about this place made you terrified beyond belief. “Its okay, I'm here,” Chenle said softly, he removed your hand from his jacket and held it in yours. You held back your giggles. Chenle grabbed out his phone using his free hand and held it up to the sky, you glanced to see that he had no signal. You squeezed his hand and smiled softly. “Let's retrace our steps,” he said giving you a bright smile, he did his best to act brave and not afraid but you could see all his fears in his eyes, he was just as worried and frightened as you, but who wouldn't be in this situation. “Okay,” your voice was barely above a whisper as you spoke.
 You stepped over multiple branches and leaves, heading back in the direction you came from. “Why did they just leave us like that?” you asked feeling hurt. You couldn't even hear anyone calling your name and surely your friends would notice that you both had gone missing by now, it had almost been 15 minutes since this whole disaster started. “There is to many of us to keep track of, everyone is trying to get things prepared for their project, they must just not notice,’ almost like he could read your mind he added “they didn't forget about us,” hearing those words made you smile once more. Chenle was such a sweet and caring guy, normally he was talkative and bubbly but right now, in this moment, he was showing a different side to him. It was a comforting side that you took a liking too. 
You were about to speak up when your foot caught on an unearthed tree branch, you let out a light yelp as you started to fall forward. Chenle was still holding your hand, he pulled you back and into his chest to make sure you didn't fall. “Are you okay?” he asked looking at you. Your chest tightened as you got an overwhelming fluttering feeling that almost made it hard to breath “Yeah, thank you,” you whispered. You guys were so close that you could feel his breath on your face. You stared into his mesmerizing chocolate orbs, curious as to why he hadn't let go of you yet. “Hey Y/n,” he said softly while pulling you closer. “Yeah Chenle?” you asked. You could feel your heart beating faster than the wings of a hummingbird. “I know this probably isn't a good time at all to say this but I really need to get it off my chest,,, I like you,,, a lot. I have for awhile now but I never knew how to talk to you since you always seemed so quiet, when we get paired up for this project I was super excited,, I'm sorry I got us lost,” he confessed. Your eyes were solely focused on his lips and how soft and kissable they looked. Chenle must have noticed because his cheeks somehow managed to get even darker. 
“Y/n?” he questioned when you didnt reply. Chenle was about to let go of you when you leaned up and pressed your lips to is. Your lips locked for a few seconds before Chenles brain has processed what was happening and he kissed back. The kiss was amazing for your first kiss, you had always imagined how horrible and embarrassing your first kiss would be thanks to your friends. This kiss was nothing like you had imagined, it was short and simple but long enough and passionate enough to make the entire world stop: all your thoughts fade away and were replaced with delirium. You guys pulled away with the biggest grins imaginable on your faces. “I really like you too Chenle,” you said while playing with your hair. Chenle started to do his bright and high pitched giggle causing you to return the laugh.
 “Y/N?! Chenle?!” you heard voice holler out. A bright smile made its way onto your face, you had completely forgotten the fact that you two were lost in the scary woods. Chenle leaned in and placed another kiss on your lip, catching you by surprise, before he hollered “Over here.” Your allowed wind Chenle as you to make your way back to the group. Of course, you both got scolded heavily by your teacher, you both were forced to clean the cafeteria after lunch for the next week. Which neither of you really minded, that just meant that you both got to spend more time together. Chenle squeezed your hand as you two walked back to the camp with the group. You bit your lip and smiled, you were going to have to thank your, friend, for forcing you to come and not ditch
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ddonggeun · 6 years
Hey! So I’m suspecting if I got adhd/add but is there any symptom idk. It’s really exp here to get it diagnosed
sorry it took me a while to get back to you because honestly i dont know whats a good alternative for you can be so i guess i can share my own experience? 
first of all i think googling symptoms and types of adhd and reading peoples account on how adhd/add manifest is a good start? my doctor and the reddit /r/adhd REALLY help me to accept myself (which is the first step i think) but the way i get diagnosis (i am adhd with predominately inattentiveness - but at the same time i have depressions and dyslexia which is like a killer combo 10/10 would never rec) is that i came across with an article a couple months about how girls with adhd are more likely to be (mis)diagnosed with depression and it basically fucks up multiple generations because they cant get the help they need and i was like wait whats describe in it sounds kind of like me but at the same time i have always been very lethargic and rather well behaved in class growing up i am nothing like what you would typically associate with adhd (you know the hyper-activeness) so during my next visit to the doctor (im getting treatment for my depression) i mention to the article to her and she said wait you know what describe how you feel in a classroom setting growing up and is there anything you do that teachers complain about repeatedly and tell me how studying and doing homework is like to you and so i did (i can go further into details of my life since a lot contributes to why i only get diagnosis when im 21… let me know if you would like to know i guess?)
my doctor (who just so happens to be an adhd specialist and is quite active in the research area i didnt know before then we stan forever i love her really she is so encouraging and so good at her job) took some notes as i was talking and after im done she said you know what i think you might be onto something but i cant be sure yet (since i have depression and dyslexia which both overlaps quite a lot with adhd/add) why dont i first explain to you what adhd is and i’ll give you the set of official diagnosis questions you dont have to do it just take a look at it first do some research organize your thought talk to your parents about it and if you think getting a test on it is something you want we can set up another appointment and we can go from there - which is really really nice because adhd has always been a taboo at least with my upbringing it makes you a loser socially academically and you know just in general its not something you will want to have…. 
in hind sight there are SO MANY SIGNS even in early childhood how come no one notice i dont know prolly because i grew up in the 00s if you are different you need to kys lmao rip: 
trouble paying attention in school or work,
the appearance of not listening - although im an audio learner funny enough
avoidance of activities that require sustained focus,
being easily distracted 
fidgeting and cant sit properly - i shake my legs or click my pen so much especially when im thinking or anxious lmao, i got into trouble a lot when i was younger because i only sit in my seat facnig the teacher 5 mins max at at ime then i move around or i move the chair around i think better when i cross my legs but i went to a uniform school and i always make my skirt too short so you know
interrupting - if i dont say what comes to mind when it comes to mind, the thought is gone forever
frequent talking and talking way too fast - i get the exact same comment every single report day class from when i was 4 till i graduated high school im not even kidding “she has excellent comprehension skill and reading speed. it would be great if parents can help her out a bit in maths or chemistry.  she has a lot of potential if she applies herself, she seems distracted although when we ask her questions she can answer. very helpful and bubbly and yet she talks too much in class. she is not disruptive and her seatmate never complains but she just doesnt stop talking. we have been pairing her up with quiet students in class in the hopes that she will talk less in class but she just turn the quiet student talkative”
trying to do multiple things at once - i cant do one thing at a time, even when im say writing a paper i need to be listening to music or talking to someone if not switching between tabs or word files
mood swings
hyperfocus - oh boy oh boy oh boy
impulsiveness - i dont know if i get better as i age or is it getting worse i just know how to clean up my mess lmaooooo
poor time management - although i would say ever since i start listening to stuff 24/7 it really helps build a sense of the passage of time or whatever? its like now i know ok by the time i get to the third song in the shower i need to be washing out my conditioner; or say i need to go somewhere in 40 mins which is really abstract to me i set timers and put on a show thats 35ish mins even tho im not watching it just so im aware of time is actually happening if it makes sense
fail to follow through - i start things and once i have it figure out in my head i struggle to put it down in words or explain it to others i work well with other adhd peps tho
doesnt follow instruction and only do stuff their way
burnout - this is the worst especially if you are a perfectionist or a control freak and guess who is both 
trouble coping with stress - 
i luck out because im canadian and my doctor (in my schools clinic) just so happens to be a specialist who is very passionate about helping undergrads and grad school students to achieve as much as they can - so doctor and diagnosis for me is free. i do have to pay for my medications out of my pocket for a bit since im on vyvanse (to treat both my adhd and depression-lead anxiety its complicated but it makes sense when my doctor explained it to me lol) and this drug isnt covered by Pharmacare (CAD $130ish for 3 weeks worth of 30mg, im mostly on 30mg but on days when i dont have work on stuff or go to school i take 20mg just so my anxiety dont cause me to explode lmao) and very expensive but recently my doctor and i have agreed that vyvanse really work for me and it is something that i should be on daily for the foreseeable future we applied for special authorization which means i only gotta pay the tax… of course medicating isnt a must but it is what works for me and we figure out a way to make it affordable so i cant be more happy about that
at the same time i work with my psychiatrist to you know configure the whole adhd thing cause you know 21 years of repressing and forcing your feet into a shoes that not even your size frick you up thats something people dont tell you 🤷🏻‍♀️
what my doctor said to me then stuck with me - she told me adhd or add really is no monster or flaw in fact it is a very valuable set of traits we inherit from our ancestor - we hate it now because modern society render these skills useless well you see adhd isnt all about the hyperactiveness you see in the media people with adhd are extra sensitive to their surrounding and prefer hands on experiences (today we call them distracted) they are always aware of the change around them and is capable to attend to a couple things at a time and act fast because their brains are always making sense of things even when they arent consciously doing it. in todays society we dont want these kind of people why? because they ask questions they are curious people who notice trivial stuff that dont contribute to productivity they cant sit still which makes them not the ideal factor workers or pupils BUT! you have to remember that industrialization started like a century ish ago before that our ancestors live in predominately tribal society - adhd people then are the perfect caretakers and protectors, why? because they are always noticing things they adapt and react fast… so yeah it kinda suck for us growing up in a system thats designed to be everything we are and it is something that need to be changed but for those of us who “made it out alive” especially people who only get diagnosed in adulthood more often than not they look back and realize they have developed so many incredible ways to cope to make things work - are they always the perfect way? are they always health? no definitely no but at the same time it shows you how incredible these people are they make things work yes things are really hard sometimes but you got to give yourself a pet in the shoulder for not giving up… with the help of science and research we now know a little more about how adhd affect people we now have medication and programs developed to help people with adhd - they arent to dumb you down or numb you but instead it helps you to focus better so you can actually hear your entire thought and not just phrases or sentence fragments
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dissonants-13 · 6 years
Prompt 25: “If I leave now, I won’t come back.” For any ILITW character that inspires you
Thank you for playing non! I hope you like it xx
If anyone would like to make a request, prompt list is here: break yo heart
Story Details: Angst, angst, angst. Lucas x MC, Lucas x Stacy if you squint. I’ve used the generic name Devon for MC, but I’ve used they/them as dear nonny didn’t specify a gender. Dark themes, mental health issues. 
‘I Wont Come Back’
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“Devon!” Lucas says, for the fourth time,raising his voice a little now. It’s halftime, the last game of the regularseason, and the cheerleaders are doing a routine - but nothing so interestingthat Devon would be that engrossed. Dan is standing on the side line,open-mouthed beneath a stream of Gatorade, and when he’s satisfied, he wipeshis mouth on the back of his sleeve and tosses the bottle back to the waterboy, before leading his team down the race to the locker rooms.
“What?” Devon finally says, turning to look atLucas.
“Finally! What planet are you on?” Lucas asks, tappingDevon’s forehead and half-expecting to hear a hollow sound. “Do you want somefood?”
Devon shakes their head absently, wrapping theirarms around themselves as if to hold all their pieces together. Lucas isfamiliar with the posture. He’s also familiar with Devon’s standard ‘no’ answerto food, and, eyeing their jutting collarbone, resolves to get an extra dim simanyway. 
He pushes and shoulders his way through themilling crowd to the food trucks, and he lines up, his mind still on Devon.They’ve been together for quite a while now, since before Noah; a relationshipforged in the fire of the whole Redfield issue. Over the last year, everyonehad scattered; Lucas and Stacy to college, Andy and Dan repeating senior year,Lily working as a teacher’s aide, and Ava working at the library and running ahealing herbs business out of Pritch’s old place. Devon stuck aroundWestchester to heal and take stock, but since the one year memorial, that wholeprocess had seemed to crash a little.
Lucas pays and takes his food back to thebleachers, where Devon is still staring into space. More often than not thesedays, this is how Devon is, even when Lucas is home from college. The weightloss, the clear depression - which Devon does not want to talk about -the distraction, all of that Lucas can deal with. What he’s struggling with isthe abyss of distance that’s opened up between them; Lucas feels like he’salways reaching to Devon across the darkness, and getting absolutely nothing inreturn.
He’s tried to say how it all makes him feel, butDevon just doesn’t really get it. All the guilt and sadness in the wake ofNoah’s betrayal and sacrifice is enough to deal with - Devon just doesn’t seemto comprehend how all the little manifestations of pain in their life harmsLucas and their relationship. How it feels like Devon doesn’t care, becausethey never ask how Lucas’ day was, when he always asks after Devon’s.How much it hurts when Devon doesn’t even notice Lucas anymore, not even whenhe strolls in, naked as the day he was born and gleaming after a shower. Howdevastating it is when Lucas is always trying to help, and Devon gives himnothing back. They can’t talk about Devon’s feelings. They can’t talk aboutwhat happened. Every day just feels like mounting moments of things leftunsaid, and Lucas is worried about Devon coping, but he’s also exhausted fromfeeling like he’s the only one putting all the effort in.
After the game, the gang wants to hang outbecause everyone is back in town, and the Wolves won, and they so rarely get tobe together for the happy moments now that everyone is doing their own thing.Devon doesn’t want to go; Lucas watches their lips press together and theirhead shake slowly, firmly shutting down Stacy and Lily’s pleading.
So Lucas goes out with the gang alone, and forthe first time in a while, it’s kind of like a weight is off his shoulders.
“It’s like guilt, warring with a sense offreedom,” Lucas sighs, rubbing his tired eyes and stirring his coffee.
Stacy hums an agreeable noise and eyes Lucasclosely. “But how are you doing?” She carefully avoids the ‘are you okay?’ lineof questioning, and Lucas both blames and thanks her Intro to AbnormalPsychology class for making her so good at interrogating him. He has absolutelyno doubt that Stacy will be literally the worlds best criminal psychologist,and it’s only partly because she already has an innate ability to see straightthrough everyone’s bullshit.
“It’s hard,” Lucas admits. “Every day is hard.But..” he stops, breathing deeply, and the words die in his throat.
“But what?” Stacy asks, lacing their fingerstogether. There’s no hesitation. No doubt or space between them. It’s easy.
Lucas pushes his glasses up the bridge of hisnose with his free hand and eyes her. “But…I haven’t shut everyone out atleast.”
The night that finally breaks Lucas is hisbirthday. It’s not just that Devon seems to have forgotten all day and onlysays happy birthday when Lucas’ phone dings with a steady stream of birthdaymessages over dinner (which he picked up and bought with him to Devon’s house).It’s not just that it’s painfully obvious immediately that Devon didn’t get hima present. It’s not just that for weeks Devon has been noncommittal to allLucas’s ideas; movies, bowling, dinner at a nice restaurant, none of it. Andit’s not just that when the gang arrives, ready to take Lucas out, that Devonflat refuses to go. It’s all of that, and more.
It’s the missing affection, which he givesDevon, but he doesn’t get in return.
It’s the fact that Devon won’t even tryto let him in.
It’s the fact that Lucas is putting in allthe effort and getting a brick wall in return.
It’s that Devon would rather write letters toNoah that never get sent, because he’s dead, than talk to Lucas, wholoves Devon and wants to help.
And Lucas is sick of it. The guilt isoverwhelming, but Lucas is just so exhausted of the whole thing. He can’t holdDevon and himself up anymore, he can’t drag Devon out of the darkness without anyhelp. He doesn’t want to end things, but he can’t ignore how he feels anymore.He needs to take care of himself.
And so, with all their friends watching and hot,prickling tears in his eyes, he says; “Are you really not going to come?”
Devon curls up on the couch, in that samehugged, defensive position. “No. I don’t want to.”
Lucas feels someone, maybe Lily, touch hisshoulder gently, but he shrugs them off. “Then you know this is it?” he says, alittle harsher than intended. “If I leave now, I won’t come back.”
Devon slowly meets his eye, lips pressedtogether. It strikes Lucas then that all the warmth is gone from Devon’s browneyes. There’s nothing left but emptiness and maybe the slightest hint ofregret.
“Then go,” Devon says, with an air of finalitythat makes even Andy suck in a shocked breath.
By the time they get to Dan’s car, Lucas knowshe’s crying openly, but it still hurts and he can’t hide that. He gaveeverything to someone who was lost to a dead man, and forces none of them couldcontrol.
“We don’t have to go out,” Ava says gently, andif Ava Cunningham thought the situation didn’t need any snark then things weredire indeed.
“No, we do,” Lucas snaps, getting into the frontseat. “The last thing I need is to turn into Devon.”
They pile in behind him, half in Dan’s car, andthe other half in Lily’s. Stacy sits behind Lucas, and halfway into town, hefeels her squeeze his shoulder gently. He lowers the window, and, for the firsttime in months, he can breathe again.
It’s after midnight, and his suite is quiet andstill when Lucas gets the call. It’s Andy, full of panic and grief, and Lucasalready knows what’s happened before the news even comes.
“It’s Devon - parents found - nothing - just getto the hospital-”
Lucas drives there in a stupor, through thenight, to the hospital at Westchester, but Dan intercepts him in the lobby.Lucas melts into Dan’s strong arms and vice-like hold, letting Dan take all theweight of his world for a moment. Curiously, he finds he cannot cry; his jaw istight and his eyes burn, like he should be crying, but nothing comes.
“Devon’s gone mate,” Dan murmurs, in the mostDan-like of voices; deep, calming, like music you don’t hear, but feelin your soul. “It was over before the medics even got to the house.”  
“No suffering?” Lucas manages to ask, throughhis sandpaper throat.
“Like going to sleep, the doctors said,” Dananswers, holding Lucas tighter. And then, without even looking at Lucas’ faceto know, Dan says, “This is not your fault. Devon had demons none of uscould understand.”
Even still, Lucas knows the guilt and the painwill live with him forever.
In the years since, he’s asked for signs. He’sdowned oceans of booze, slept with scores of easy conquests, driven too fast,and purposefully listened to songs that make him cry, just to feel something.But no sign has ever come. He tries to move on, but he never goes for what hereally wants because he doesn’t want to destroy that too.
Maybe it’s a curse, he thinks. Noah had it afterJane, and Devon after Noah. The curse of being unable to let go. Redfield’slast gift.
It’s like a ball of lead that sits in his chest,weighing him down no matter how good he feels. Lucas wonders if he’ll ever notfeel the weight of what Devon did. 
He wonders right up until the moment that Lilylooks up at him, her newborn son cradled in her arms, and says, “Uncle Lucas,there’s someone here who wants to meet you.” Stacy holds his hand, and the roomis so full of emotion from all their friends, that it feels like the warmestand softest of blankets shrouding them all. Even Ava is misty-eyed, and she’smore stoic than any of them.
And he hopes again.
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s0ftkwan · 7 years
it’s complicated | park jihoon
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as requested by a lovely anon here’s a flangst-ish (is that a thing now?) park jihoon scenario. enjoy! send all requests here
“i love you“
it was only your second period and safe to say this is not how you expected your monday to go
confessions of love and admiration weren’t anything new to you
in fact, you could even be considered one of the most popular students in your school
you were beautiful, smart, super friendly, and such a social butterfly
not to mention you were also volleyball team captain, homecoming queen/king, and student council vice president (second in command to a senior named hwang minhyun, also quite popular)
in short, you were pretty popular, so confessions should phase you at all, right??
they still shook you
no matter how often you receive love letters and pretty flowers, you could never wrap around your head why. this. kept. happening.
and the current confession was no different
however, unlike most of the declarations you’ve received which were mostly in the form of writing or gifts, this one was plain and simple
which is exactly how you would describe the boy delivering it--park jihoon
you’ve never actually talked to the boy but you know of him
he wasnt popular but he wasnt exactly a nobody either
you knew him mostly because of his giant group of friends you remember them being 11?? that minhyun was coincidentally a part of
you’ve asked him multiple times how he managed to pick up such a big number of friends but he always just shakes his head and smiles saying that “it’s a looooooong story” that he’s never actually gotten around to telling you
sure you and jihoon have some classes that you share and sure you’ve probably exchanged a couple polite smiles and awkward glances but that was the limit of your interactions
and here he suddenly is confessing his long time crush on you
“o-oh,,,,,,,, h-how,,,,, nice of you jihoon,,,, uh,,,,listen,,, jihoon––“
"you don’t like me back, do you?”
you felt your body go stiff like ‘oh shit how does he know and how can i break it to him gently‘
but turns out!! you dont have to!!
because before you know it, jihoon is laughing a small bittersweet laugh while shaking his head
“well,, kind of expected it, not gonna lie, but it’s fine“ he stops laughing and offers you a small friendly smile that you wouldnt mind seeing again
“i hope we can be friends instead?“
at his statement, you tilted your head a bit out of shock, but a few moments later, a full blown grin erupts from your face
“o-of course!!!! i always love new friends!“
his face scrunches at the L word and you realize your choice of wording a bit too late but you’re like !!!! when you do
“oh my God, right, im so sorry, fresh subject, sorry“
but jihoon assures you that it’s fine and that he was already late for class and that he would see you later
and that’s that
  kidding did you actually think that was it
it’s not christine unless she gets super carried away in a scenario !
the next day, your teacher surprises your class with a sudden seat shuffle after receiving complaints about a certain park woojin and lee daehwi being a little too noisy together
and what a coinky dink (still dont know how to spell that) guess who ends up next to you! park jihoon himself!
you shifted in your seat when jihoon sat next to you and you braced for the awkward atmosphere
but it was totally the opposite
turns out jihoon was either really good at faking it or he really just wanted to be your friend
you decided on the latter
he was super friendly and funny and nice and tried so hard to not make anything awkward after yesterday
it was as if he never even confessed to you in the first place
you two eventually ended up passing notes with funny jokes or stories written on them all throughout class and trying so hard not to burst out laughing
it was your first time ever doing that and you were kinda glad it was with jihoon
it wouldnt be your only first with jihoon though if u catch my drift ;)
you two ended up becoming super close friends, if not bffs, throughout the whole school year
you two were basically attached at the hip
you knew each other like the back of your hand
you told each other everything
so it came as quite a shock to you when you caught jihoon and some random girl sucking face in his room
i mean you were partially to blame
you stormed into his house like it was your own with the intent of being comforted by and ranting to your best friend
this was literally the last thing you expected
“y/n! w-what are you d-doing here?“ the girl removed herself from jihoon’s lap
“the question is what are You Doing Over Here.....who is that?“
“u-uh,,, y/n this is––“
“i’m his girlfriend.“
and that was that
you felt your heart break even though you had no idea why
“o-oh,,,, well then,,, i-i have to go“
you ran out of his room and even if you heard jihoon calling for your name over and over again, you couldnt find it in yourself to turn around and go back
the next day and the following days after that, you tried your best to avoid jihoon at all costs, even if it meant skipping that class where he sits next to you just to hang out at the nurse’s office
you had to sort out everything you were thinking about in your head and what you felt in your heart
why did you feel your heart break? why did you feel so heavy thinking about it? why are you so affected by this?
the rational part of your brain was telling you that you felt betrayed at the fact that jihoon didnt even bother telling you that he was in a relationship
but your heart was screaming out another side
you were in love with your best friend
how could you not be? he was so kind and friendly and considerate and funny and Fuck you were in love with your best friend
you got to thinking about all those months ago when jihoon confessed his feelings for you
who knew it would end up like this?
“finally found you.“
jihoon’s voice was all too familiar as he approached your form on the clinic bed
“y/n have you been ignoring me all day?“
you turned to you side, so you avoided facing him
“depends on what you define as ignoring. if you think me going to the extra length of camping out in the nurse’s office to avoid sitting next to you in class or hiding in the nasty janitor’s closet just so i dont pass by you in the hall is ignoring then yes, you would me correct“
he chuckled and a part of you begged to hear more
it got quiet again
“y/n, she’s not my girlfriend“
your ears suddenly perk up and you turn ever so slightly to see his face
"s-she’s not?”
“nope. she was a crazy neighbor who’s been in love with me ever since she moved here. she used the excuse that she needed to be tutored to get in my room and to kiss me. i swear i would have pushed her off a second after you came in the room. y/n please believe me, you’re the only girl i love––“
at that, you immediately shot up as jihoon shut up
“what did you say?“
“s-she’s not my girlfriend,,“
“no after that“
“she’s crazy?“
“gdi park jihoon you know what i mean“
“,,,,fine,,,,,y-you’re the only one i,,,,love,, i-if you still dont feel the same t-thats totally ok! we can go back to how i––“
poor boy couldnt even finish because you pressed your lips to his instantly
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daehwifi · 7 years
Cafe Guanlin AU
Admin Xion 💕
A series where 11 boys meet their lovers through a cafe
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- HHH I LOVE GUANLIN - A BIAS WRECKER - A WHOLESOME MEAL ITSELF - 10/5 STAR MEAL - anyways - lets say guanlin was at a cafe with a macbook doing some studying - and your table was right beside his and you both had macbooks - you left to use the washroom then came back and saw the two macbooks alined - and you decided to sit at the one to the left because you remember sitting on the left side - you grabbed your drink and drank it as you scrolled through the document of the laptop - iN REVOLTING PAIN - YOU ALMOST CHOKED BECAUSE IT WAS - BLACK - COFFEE - SOMETHING YOU EXTREMLYYY HATE - AND WOULD NEVER ORDER - and the document was on a poem - not your geometry assignment - so, you mistakened the wrong macbook - and the wrong drink - "uhh, that's my seat...and drink," a voice spoke - you looked up as you saw a familiuar face which seemed like he went to your school due to the same uniform - you stood up and apologized multiple times as he softly laughed and claimed how it was okay - returning back to your correct macbook - you both stayed quiet - and the bitter taste remained in your mouth as you whinced in revolt because black coffee tastes so disgusting to you - you kept on taking sips of your sweet, black tea [in which looked simular to the black coffee] but the taste wouldn't go away - "uhm, excuse me," a familuar voice called - you looked to the side of you as you saw the same boy staring at you - "does black coffee really taste that bad to you?" he asks - "mmhm! i really dislike bitter stuff," you spoke kindly - "bitter stuff is amazing i dont understand-" - "lISTEN HERE BUDDY-" - "BITTER STUFF TASTE DISGUSTING" you yelled [softly] - "sweet stuff taste disgusting," - "well you are a girl so...' - "EXCUSE ME BUT-" - he began to laugh softly as you sighed, leaving a smile acorss your face - "you go to my school right?" he asked - "mmhm, shujin uniforms sure give it away," - "i'll keep that in mind," he spoke as he closed his laptop - he then took his coffee and placed his macbook into a laptop bag and walked out the cafe door - "black coffee is disgusting," you mummbled to yourself - TIME SKIP - so you were in class - but this time you sorta kept an eye out for that dude you met - + you didnt even get his name - and it turns out he was in your art class - and at one point, you both just made eye contact and chuckled - the art assignment was where you'd paint something within the class, then swap it with someone else anonymously - after the class was done painting the teachers were swapping the paintings around - and once you got your swapped painting - it was a picture of two plastic cups - with black coffee inside one of them - and black tea inside the other - you turned towards that same boy as a soft smile creeped up on his face - "fuck you," you mouthed as he replied with a wink - [fjcking guanlin i cant take this-] - you looked at the small signature at the bottom - guanlin lai was signed - you gave it the mark as everyone traded back - "10/10 but it's actually a 2/10 because black coffee sucks..."
Jisung | Sungwoon | Minhyun | Seongwoo | Jaehwan | Daniel | Jihoon | Woojin | Jinyoung | Dwaehi 
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