#i do honestly believe it will end very badly when i try
brightsstar · 2 days
In a way, i have come to realize that something did still need to be sacrificed for Solar's return, and Eclipse sacrificed himself by sacrificing his dimensional signiture so Solar can continue to exist there. And it is true that the potential outcome for the both of them having the same signiture in the same dimension could end potentially very badly for the both of them. (Look at what happens to Fredbear in fnaf world if you interact with him while Fredbear is your party leader-)
I mean, personally, i had a feeling that dimensional code had something to do with it, but i was thinking more like maybe rewriting it and using the star power to anchor Solar to their dimension instead. Not sacrificing. (Though part of me really hates that it also lines up with what i planned to do in that comic with Eclipse and Solar that i didn't finish. It was gonna end in a similar outcome, but then i got so conflicted over the ending i wanted for it that i had to stop.)
I refuse to believe Eclipse only did it to prove himself superior to Moon. That may be a part of it, but everything he had done leading up to this proves that he cares. And he probably at least did it for Earth. Like, he actually did try to get Moon help before he completely fell off the deep end. That despite everything, he remained set on it (in a much calmer manner too) and even kept exactly what he was told to himself until he was absolutely sure it would work, only hinting that he may have an idea that might work up until that point. Even pushing through what Dark Sun had done to him to try getting as far as possible before he either shut down or until he couldn't move at all anymore. He risked everything just to get the information he has. Considering Dark Sun kept him just on the verge of not dying the whole time he was there. Hell, he even asked for help. Unlike Moon..
He also told Moon at least twice that he had a way to bring Solar back without needing to sacrifice a life the way Moon was trying, and Moon just told him to get on with it, not bothering to ask what that method even was. He didn't care to listen. And, in Eclipse's own words: "Moon's a stubborn mule, Once he has his mind set on something, he will not get off of it! And if I even told him about this whole idea, you know what he would have done? He would've told me to fuck off."
And again, he mentioned he had a different idea to Moon at least twice. No details, but Moon did not care. He was too set on getting him back by sacrifice instead of giving Eclipse the time he needed. Though, honestly, yes that worked in Eclipse's favor when he didn't since Dark Sun is no longer slowing him down.
One thing is for certain, Dark Sun is planning something and it is not good. And our Sun is catching on. He's still a damn hypocrite though.. for someone who kept saying he just wanted to be left alone, he is meddling a lot in their lives for no discernible reason. He could have left them to their lives and kept to himself, but he is clearly taking advantage of Solar's death and the mental state it put New Moon in (also due to his meddling...). Now that he has New Moon, i don't know what he plans to do with him. I presume that New Moon and Dark Sun will be the new villains. I also think that Dark Sun is gonna betray New Moon in some way. They may do the takeover this year, and both previous takeover arcs had betrayal in them. So i will not be surprised.
I think that this descent into insanity arc is over now, and transitioning into the next one since Solar and Old Moon are coming back soon, and Dark Sun and New Moon are up to god knows what. Time to see where things go from here.
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lavendarsarepretty · 8 months
oh yeah no i’m fine i don’t need help with this!! ^^ (i am three seconds away from exploding i cannot do this but if i tell you that then i have failed and must be actively lying even if i’m telling the truth and this is probably an elaborate set up for you to judge me anyway and if i accept help then i will die alone and unemployed but i can’t do this fuck fuck fuck please help me god)
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sunnyferr · 3 months
"The characters from Naruto realizing they're in love."
Hello, this is my first headcanon! Please bear with me as I'm not very fluent in English, but I'll do my best <3
Characters: Naruto, Sasuke and Shikamaru
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The first thoughts towards you were something like "She's too nice of a girl!" because you were kind and quite fun, to be honest! I spent most of my time with you. If we weren't training, we were eating ramen at Ichiraku, and if we weren't eating, we were bothering Tsunade or Sakura.
Spending time with you became a habit in our afternoons, mornings, and nights. There were times when you went on missions for almost a whole week. Strangely, I felt empty without you. After all, you were my teammate and best friend, right?
Well... not entirely. I loved you, but I just thought it was another teenage crush like the one with Sakura. But it wasn't really like that. I felt a connection for a long time. The fear of rejection was the real issue...
The day I accepted loving you was the day you almost lost your life facing some ninjas from the Sound Village. You came back badly wounded. Seeing that scene, I felt something break inside me. I didn't want to see you harmed, I wanted to protect you.
When you came out of the hospital, with your hands bandaged and a few scratches here and there, I was waiting for you at the door. Upon seeing me, you asked what I was doing there. I invited you to eat ramen, thinking it would ease any pain you were feeling at that moment. We walked slowly to Ichiraku, sat down, and ate almost until bursting. Both of us satisfied, you put money on the table, but I placed a sum higher than yours. You looked at me strangely, "I'll pay, y/n-chan..." You vehemently refused, trying to pay yourself. Ichiraku and its daughter watched amusedly, the argument was small, like when we argued as kids. After some back and forth, we split the bill evenly, and we left the food stall. I walked you home, we talked about everything, but little by little I felt our hands brushing more than usual. Suddenly, I stopped and stood in front of you, uttering the words that had been longing to come out of my mouth.
"These past few days have been the best since you've been with me. I would like to always be by your side... I ask you, please, to be my girl until the end of time. I promise I'll always protect you! Dattebayo!"
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Quite challenging, honestly. He's like a stone, shows you NOTHING, I'd even believe a stone could show more affection than him. The first thought he had of you was a 'hmph...' and NOTHING ELSE.
But that changes when he sees you train. He sees you as a strong and powerful woman, trying to move forward and continue training with a fixed goal in mind. He adores that his partner has a fixed goal and strives to achieve it (as he does, actually).
He wants a partner who fights alongside him, not someone he has to rescue from every problem they encounter. And when he noticed how independent and resourceful you were, he fell for you like nobody else.
At first, it was hard for him to accept that he was utterly lost in your presence as the Alpha Female, given that his pride is bigger than his body. But he wanted you to be with him as his future wife and to restore the clan with you (😏).
He took you by surprise, seeing him at the window of your house, leaning on the frame. The moonlight illuminated the room, and the curtains danced in an infinite seeming dance. Sasuke had left the village a long time ago, but he visited you almost every day, and you never knew the exact reason, but you almost expected him every day. 'What are you doing here? I thought you had an important mission tonight!' you said, snapping out of the surprise that the dark-haired boy had given you. He stepped away from the window frame and approached you slowly, taking your hands delicately. His hands were very cold compared to yours, which radiated a warm embrace. He sighed and spat out the words that had been stuck in his chest:
"I need to be by your side. It makes me feel calm with myself. Right now, I'm giving you the opportunity to escape together and restore my clan... both of us, together."
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(my baby❤️)
He is the true "mastermind" (Taylor reference). Since he realized his love for you, he began to play with your mind little by little so that you would fall into his love trap.
I know he seems like a lazy guy who doesn't care about anything (which he actually is), but when he felt the direct hit to his heart, he realized he couldn't let you slip away from him.
"How annoying you are, I guess I'll have to accompany you so you don't get lost, right?" It seems like you're forcing him to accompany you, right? NO, he indirectly offered to take you to Training Ground Number 5 (even though you knew perfectly well where it was).
He would make all the dominoes fall perfectly in his favor, and he knew that you also felt something strong for him (Ino, the gossip, never tell him about your loves again).
You arrived at the gates of the village; you had been away for a few days on an important mission, with an important scroll in your hands. At the entrance, the boy with eyes as dark as night was waiting for you. He greeted you as usual, teasing you about being too slow. He always made silly jokes because he knew it annoyed you a little, but it was funny to see you like that. He offered to carry the scroll together, and you accepted. You walked together to the Hokage's tower, and before entering Tsunade's office, a hand on your wrist stopped you.
"Lately... you've been more annoying than usual... you never leave my mind, and the clouds I see every day. I need to confess to you that I don't want you to be just annoying in my dreams, but also by my side. What do you say?"
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fallenhunnyapple · 11 days
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@ilikelookingatthings left a very long and question filled essay about Angel!Lu AU in the replies so now its time to delve into More Info about the AU! @fallenguitarhero is my Adam so I got his input for all the Adam-related parts of this. Under a cut because.... this is Very Long LOL (bonus art at the end)
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I'm going to just Copy-Paste the answers I got when we discussed it
I do think that Adam actually subconsciously shifts blame to Lilith because he's very black and white in his views. He hates devil Luci but he thinks he can prevent angel Lu from going down that path if he just keeps them apart. Lute also believes this and ngl her view of Lilith is like...really awful internalized misogyny type shit. Both of them think its better the two never meet and Lute outright threatens Lilith to stay away. Adam is too possessive to try and shift Lu to someone else but he does like... try to push Lu back into friendship type feels. Adam is a dumbass about sexuality so he thinks if he brings Lu to do Masculine and Straight things it will fix this. Instead he ends up just spending even more time with him and making it worse. As for his trauma... yeah Adam tries to hide it. Mostly by changing the subject and acting like an asshole tbh. I've thought abt Lu finding out about Cain and Abel p much by mistake (maybe saw artwork of it, all the hell related stuff is hidden but they wouldnt think to hide art of Adam holding Abel's body or Cain's exile) and it breaking his little baby heart. Adam def has moments where like... his mind is busy w something else like a bad day or a nightmare and for a second he sees the devil instead of his angel. Adam always like... 'shit, sorry, i thought you were someone else- fuck, don't look at me like that, c'mon.' There are other issues he just... doesn't realize he needs to hide. They're right about Adam being cynical and like... telling himself Lu doesn't really love him. Even once they date, he's still insecure. At that point i think he'd tell Lu about Lilith leaving him for a friend of his (whose name he never gives) and his marriage with Eve ending badly. He avoids details. He prob talks way more about his kids and prob even introduces Lu to them... Lu being around might encourage him to work on his relationship with them. Adam's body dysmorphia is such a contrast from the Adam Lu knew before... i do think that with him hiding so much from Lu, he tries to make it up to him by making sure his life is perfect. He goes out of his way to keep his angel happy and his attitude spreads to his exorcists who accept Lu into their flock. tbh Adam's dynamic with them prob becomes way healthier over time due to Lu's influence. i think Adam does tell the truth about some things but leaves out the details. Like he says evil found earth and destroyed Eden but says it hurts too much to talk about it (not a lie) and tells Lu that it's why the exorcists exist, they protect heaven and the dead humans from it. Which is what the official story is anyway! i think Lu prob has the same info the average low ranking Heavenborne and winners do. If Lu pushed him too much Adam might admit there are things he can't tell him but frame it as a military thing - there are things only Michael, Adam and the high ranking exorcists can know. He feels a lot of guilt about lying. it weighs on him a lot. that and the stress of protecting Lu from his brothers honestly makes Adam act more subdued and tired than canon Adam. His eyebags are awful. It prob becomes obvious as time goes on that Adam is Not Well. He keeps his mask on for a looong time after the first time bc it helps him hide his feelings and self-regulate but when he finally takes it off it's obvious to Lu from how he looks that Adam is struggling mentally. Comparing him to how he looked in Eden makes it so clear.
For Lu's part of things. Of course he'd ask about Lilith. Especially after finding out that so long has passed and Adam is here, so Lilith is probably here too, right? I feel like because he missed... So much, the concept of Death to him still doesn't really sink in. Like even with the Sins, it's basically like he just Knows he can't See them again. So with Lilith its like Adam has to just lie the same as with Anyone else from Hell. And Lu is definitely heartbroken about Lilith being Gone.
And like, at the time, Adam isn't lying so he doesn't feel Guilty about it, he just feels bad seeing Lu so upset. The timeline of this is kinda indeterminate but it definitely is Earlier than the 7 years of Lilith being in Heaven. So when he first Appears, she hasn't left Hell yet. Who knows, Charlie may not have even been born yet at that point. There's no Solid point in Time for Lu to have appeared in Heaven, it's just... Earlier. He doesn't think to Look for her because he knows that if she's Not Already There, then she's Inaccessible. Otherwise Adam would have told him, he's sure of it. (Adam has no obligation to tell Lu when Lilith does get there and for the reasons stated above + the fact that the Elder Angels probably would try and deter any interaction between the two. he's left in the Dark about her arriving in Heaven. He doesn't know Adam has even made a Deal with anyone) He still misses her because Adam is Truly the only friend from When he's from left.
And tbh the mixed signals are what keeps Hope Alive for Lu. As much as he tries to be okay with friendship, he still wants more because he's In Love and Adam is the only thing that makes him feel Normal when his entire life and everything he knew was entirely up-ended. It's why he's so passive about it. He doesn't want to make Adam feel bad, but he sees Adam being so Conscious of him now and it makes him happy. He doesn't wanna Push it, but he still likes seeing that Adam is Aware of him like that now. Especially because it's not in a way where Adam is trying to push him away, Adam is actively spending more time with him!
The longer time passes, the more discontent Lu grows. Knowing he's being lied to/that things are being hidden, even by Adam, he is Curious and he wants to learn more. But he also isn't going to be reckless about Learning More. The thing is also he Doesn't Know what questions he should be asking. He could ask Winners things and get answers, its not like anyone would stop him from Talking to Winners, its part of his Job. But like... How would he even start to figure out what's Missing in his knowledge?
Also Lu is definitely Aware of how different Adam is from his Eden self. Like just Visually, it's so easy to separate them because Adam wears his mask. But when its just the two of them and Adam is maskless, Lu may be more susceptible to treating him like that. But he's also very aware of the fact that actually their Knowledge Base is completely flipped. Lu hardly knows anything and Adam knows Everything.
And like.... Lu Knows that being kept in the dark is probably 'for his own good' but as stated, the person who fell is Still him. So now instead of resenting/being upset that Humans were kept in the dark, now it's himself. There's no Fruit That Will Fix Things for him though. He's just left frustrated at his lack of agency in this. And honestly, what keeps in line Most is Fear. Since coming to this time, his family has been Nicer to him, he's actually getting along to some degree with his brothers who used to ridicule him (or worse) and he Knows it's only because he's 'behaving' now, now that Creation is over and Life Has Existed. And he's scared or what will happen if he steps too out of line. He doesn't have the refuge of going to Eden to visit the Humans if things go south with his siblings. He isn't allowed on Earth, he's confined to Heaven, so he would just be stuck with the same sort of things that ultimately drove him originally to commit the Sin of giving Eve the Apple (not that he's Aware of how it culminated) And Also he has Adam. He doesn't want to know what the consequences would be if they were to decide that they shouldn't be allowed to stay together. It would absolutely break him.
If Lu were to find out about the exterminations, he'd be just as Appalled by it as Emily was. Lu doesn't know about Sin, what that entails, how Sinners destroy everything. He hasn't had to live with it so he can't see any contempt or justification for their destruction. Lucifer hates them because they came in a ruined the world he tried to build in Hell. Lu doesn't have any such associations with them. He would just see them much like Charlie does, souls who made mistakes and who should be given the chance to Do Better and make up for it. (That's sort of what he is, in a way, too.) He would absolutely be upset and scold the fuck out of Adam and Lute if he knew what his besties were REALLY doing once a year-
As for the sexual stuff, Both Lucifers started without having a concept of sex or sexuality, so both of them are specifically shaped by their partners (literally in a way). So the Lucifer who learned and explored with Lilith is going to be completely different from the Lucifer who learned and explored with Adam in terms of How they have sex. It's a skill they learn by doing, so it's not the Same.
Thank you for sticking it out this long, have a doodle for your troubles 🙏
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
Platonic! Korra Gang x Chef! Reader
This is the Request of @chantillymoon i hope You're doing good with your Cooking, i'm sure it's fantastic😋! I hope this give you a little motivation💞
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Korra probably met you in the events of book 1 (did you see the Gala where Mako went with Asami? one of those), you were in food service.
and since Korra was a bit moody and in a new city, you were friendly with her and they got along quite well. You tried to entertain her a little with your cooking (like the chefs in certain Asian places, if you're a firebending master or something like that, even better).
Thanks to this Korra was going to see you when she needed to talk and generally let loose a little. You guys became friends pretty quickly.
If you have your own place, Korra tries to promote you when she interacts with important people and the topic of Catering comes up.
She firmly believes that your food is much better than the holidays food honestly. especially those of Unalaq.
I have a feeling that in the water tribe, especially in the south, there is not a very complex gastronomy thanks to literally living at a pole.
It's a more personal hc, but I think Korra grew up eating mainly fish and its variables (maybe rice and vegetables)
Obviously, she ate more things in her training to be an avatar, but it's not like it was food as such to "eat" but rather those for nutrition purposes.
so when she becomes a friend of yours (cutie) and you give her VERY varied and VERY delicious food, she is delighted.
like “FINALLY something that is nutritious and TASTES GOOD!”
Besides, you cook a lot of variety, so Korra doesn't know where to choose. but she has a big appetite, so it's not unreasonable to think that you probably won't run out of leftovers with her.
If you're stressed about a particular recipe, she may try to help you by giving you a hand with things in the kitchen that she knows she can't screw up, like reading you the recipe book or handing you things, all while trying to joke with you to relax you and make you laugh.
If you want a definitive break, flour war! Whoever ends up completely white loses and Naga will have to clean it up!
Now, apart from improvised or high-survival food, Korra doesn't cook shit, she doesn't know how to handle herself very well, so seeing you be so fluent in that habit is something new for her. Of course, she was used to her parents cooking. but not at your level, so there's a lot of excitement on Korra's part about how you learned all this.
If you try to teach her, can she go either very badly or...decent? which cannot be said whether it is good or bad.
Since at first Korra may even, trying to make things easier (or imitate you, if you use your elemental control to cook) use her avatar skills in the kitchen, which since she has no experience ends very badly 😅 with muddy dough everywhere.
or even with BURNT water in some way??
but after a few attempts and several burnt bouls, Korra gets the hang of it and manages to start improving her cooking skills!
She can make simple meals now at least.
but she always prefers yours, you make them much more delicious, according to her.
Korra is not going to tolerate any destructive criticism of you, who does she have to hit?she's going to scare them with the fucking avatar state🤣😅
Sure, she can TOLERATE constructive criticism because it's not malicious, but she doesn't understand why people eat your products if they're not going to like it anyway?
do not understand.
In general, Korra encourages your vocation a lot and encourages you to try new things with her :3
Asami knows you because of Varrik, he needed as many staff as possible, including the kitchen, so he hired you as soon as he liked one of your meals without thinking about it.
Asami needed a break from all of Varrik's antics, so she went to the staff areas for a while (without realizing it) and you noticed her state.
So you talked to her while you prepared something simple for her to eat and get energy back.
It was kind of nice, since you didn't feel intimidated by her or what had happened with her father, a breath of fresh air, so you continued seeing each other after that (in a platonic way).
Asami is used to eat in High Quality and/or fancy places before this, and still doing it.
which most of the time is not bad, on the contrary, it usually produces rich and delicious food.
but there are also times when for some people (ahem VARRIKahem) it just needs to be prettier and tasteless to be considered "gourmet" and even if it's not high quality food, Asami sometimes misses the feeling of having a normal meal. .
That's when you come into her life, her bubbly friend, to make things way better.
Asami probably never had a home-cooked meal as such (no, it doesn't count if CHEFS make it for you Asami) so it was a new experience for her. In the good sense.
Instead of eating aesthetically impressive but disgusting food, with you I could eat things that were really modest but that TASTED GOOD.
If you are having problems like not finding someone to give you more advanced cooking classes, don't worry! Asami will give you a hand with her contacts and help you find a good tutor.
If you already have your own place, rest assured that Asami (and in general the entire Avatar team) will come to see you and buy you food often no matter what you sell.
Even if you have any financial problems with the place, Asami has your back and helps you as much as possible. You may even become a constant Catering associate for the company!
Asami also tries not to let her friendship with you affect you so directly, especially when scandals arise with her father.
He goes to you for advice when they go out to eat, your food gives him a certain feeling of peace after all, so when you both go out he can be with a cooler head.
It's a feeling of familiarity that she hasn't felt in a LONG time.
You can definitely see Asami especially liking food with meat or more complicated things, but then again, he also really likes it when you make really simple things, like pasta or pizza, for example.
She says that it is because "you do it with love" and it is partly true, that you put so much effort into the preparation makes it much more special and she appreciates it a lot.
but in general I think she doesn't usually give you negative comments.
I mean, if you happen to screw up some food and it tastes REALLY bad, you know it just by looking at her face, even so she will never give you a "bad" word so to speak, she use very sweet constructive criticism and still assure you that you did a good job.
and you can also guarantee that if there is a particular food that she likes, she will pay you to make a couple of reservations for her ;) she can't help it! She loves how you cook!
If someone tries to criticize you in a non-constructive way and is simply Bullying you, she will directly kick their ass and deal with the consequences then why would someone be mean to a little sun like you? It doesn't make sense to her.
In general, a friend who supports you financially, emotionally and psychologically is always willing to give you a hand in the kitchen.
That's right, don't let her cook☠️ she may hace good intentions but she'll burn everything.
Now, let's get a little sentimental.
Mako and Bolin growing up on the streets probably never really had much to eat, not to mention they probably didn't eat every day.
especially Mako, I imagine that he probably even gave what little they had to eat to Bolin.
It's a habit for him.
So when he meets you and you give him a taste of your food, for FREE, he thinks you're too good to be true.
but he appreciates it very much.
but seeing how much his opinion matters to you. warms his heart.
For the same reason you could feed him the most disgusting thing you could cook and he would eat it like a big child.
He will tell you the truth, but he doesn't leave a crumb.
For the same reason, I have two possible versions of how the two of you met and became close friends.
One, the one I like the most, is that probably when you were younger and trying to cook on your own, Mako and Bolin tried to steal your food, failing miserably.
But from then on you started leaving food scraps on your window for them to grab so they wouldn't die of hunger.
Thanks to this little by little they began to interact more and even began to help you to apply seriously in the kitchen!
and the other possibility is that he knew you thanks to Pro-control, being the one who will be in charge of the food at the events.
In this scenario at first he would be colder but eventually either because of Bolin or because of your adorable personality, you end up liking him.
other than that he can see that you can't swing a fly, and that you're REALLY passionate about your job, so he respects you a lot for that.
We all know that Mako is more of a tough guy or expresses that he cares through actions, so he shows that he cares by showing interest in your hobby and helping you as much as he can.
But when he already has a stable job and can give you a hand.
When something specific goes wrong, he tries to cheer you up in an unconventional way, such as telling you something about his work to distract you a little or even inviting you something to eat to de-stress.
Maybe even Mako himself has learned to cook from you, of course, he is not at the same level but when you are very stressed or tired he has your back.
and when you manage to do what you want, he sincerely congratulates you, he knows that you deserve it after all.
Similar to his other friends and Bolin, Mako is quite protective of you, especially if you can't control any elements.
It's like the dynamic of "Sunshine + Sunshine protector" basically.
It also tries to help you accept criticism well, which is necessary to improve after all.
Although of course, if there is someone who is telling you shit just because and without really wanting to help you, give them the names, they will not tolerate it.
In general, he is a friend who is a bit rude but who defends you, appreciates you and supports you in your tastes, hobbies and career. regardless of how You two met.
He knows that you are as good a person as you cook well, and you are a VERY good cook ;)
Bolin, similarly to Mako, has two possibilities for how he met you.
one more painful than the other.
the first, in which he knew you for trying to steal something from your leftovers when he was little, in itself, living on the streets of a republic city is not nice.
but at least you took pity on him and started leaving him leftovers. which left him EXTRACTED because (according to him) YOU COOKED AMAZING. even if at that time you were just practicing.
Even if you try to tell him that he was probably just saying that because it was his first meal in god knows how long, he still thinks the same thing.
and the second way, unlike his brother, is that he simply found you working somewhere he likes.
Maybe even with his amorous nature, at first he had a crush on you, but over time he realized that it wasn't what he really felt.
In general he is your personal cheerleader.
No matter how many times you fail to make a particular meal, Bolin eats it like his life depends on it. unlike Mako, he doesn't have the heart to say anything even remotely critical of your food :,)
He's also the kind of friend who constantly gives you ideas for new recipes. some good, some not so good, and some quite extravagant.
ex: some dessert based on Pabu.
It breaks Bolin's heart to see you sad when you don't get a particular recipe, but he will immediately move on to a session of giving you compliments and reminding you how you made other recipes to motivate you.
I can definitely see him recommending you to the important people he hung out with when he worked with Varrik, both to do you a favor and to be able to see you in those moments when Mako couldn't pay attention to him.
Bolin's favorite food is definitely desserts. cakes, cupcakes, pies, candies, anything that is sugary.
and if you get to practice making animal food (like for Pabu) Bolin is OVER THE MOON.
I can see Bolin trying to learn cooking things with you, both to spend time together and to be more independent, to help Mako out.
Apart from that, he would have the opportunity to try more of your food :D but he makes a great effort to listen to your advice and follow the instructions you leave him.
The results are quite promising! along with Mako, he is the best cook of the group (hc personal).
Similarly to Asami, he seeks advice from you when he feels left out of the group and doesn't know what to do.
Normally you prepare something hot for him so he doesn't feel so bad. It would probably be his second favorite food of yours, hot soups. In general they remind him of you, a warm and comforting presence.
Bolin is more passive when it comes to criticism and when it is constructive he makes sure to remember it and even writes it down so as not to forget it and thus apply it in his own attempts.
but eventually you can better distinguish between constructive and destructive criticism.
and when someone like that shows up, no matter how strange it may seem, they usually just ignore it. He wants to believe that he is better than them after all...
...only to launch Pabu on the attack in defense of your honor. Although well, didn't you see it coming?
He is generally a very sweet friend, he does not distinguish in social class or how or how long the two of you have known each other. He is convinced that you have genuine talent for cooking.
and he is very willing to show you that you have that talent and support you through everything.
Conclusion: They all love your food but they love the person behind that food more and how you support them in difficult times :,)
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Shares, reblogs, and comments are very welcome!
Thank you very much for this Request ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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batwritings · 6 months
Hii, I hope you're doing well! Can I please ask for headcannons for the brothers and dateables (if not everyone, you can choose, but please write for Lucifer, mammon and barbatos) would react if MC offers to put chapstick on their lips.
I know it's a strange ask, but imagine this scenario: It's gotten really cold suddenly (in? On? At?) the devildom and MC notices said character has chapped lips and seems very uncomfortable with it. She offers them her (can be gn!reader but I'm using she/her for better explaining) chapstick and they deny, but she insistist in putting on them, and they feel giddy because she's caring so softly for them 😭😭😭
I in the vibe of soft casual love, stay warm and hydrated 🫶🩷🩷🩷🩷
I don't think this is strange at all! Soft caring actions like that are honestly cute as fuck to me. Enjoy!~
Lucifer The absolute quickest to deny you. The great and powerful Lucifer? Receiving a smidgen of help??? The greatest travesty in all the realms, clearly. But bat your eyes and maybe bring him some Demonus and he might crack. Once you get it on, he didn't realize just how badly his lips were chapped. You'll be offered a small thanks, and a promise of something more substantial for a reward once he has more free time.
Mammon How could the cold affect the great Mammon so much? He simply didn't believe you at first. Fun fact, he knew damn well his lips were chapped as fuck. He just really didn't want to admit he needed the help. Simply subdue him with a kiss after putting on the chap stick and he'll be a puddle of grimm in your hands.
Leviathan <Insert MC doing the inhale "BOI" meme here> Being a shut-in means Levi doesn't exactly get out into the cold much. Therefor, he's a little more susceptible to the effects of the cold than his brothers. One trip to get a new Ruri-chan figurine and he's got chapped lips for days. Thankfully he has you to thoughtfully apply chapstick to his lips which leaves him with a persistent blush every time the two of you cross paths.
Satan Oh? It honestly hadn't crossed his mind. While he's no Asmo, Satan does take pretty good care of himself. He's actually the most lenient of the brothers in letting you help. If this were the Nightbringer universe, he's fight you a bit more. Yet the wrestle session would be a nice release for his anger, even if he couldn't go full force on you. He'd thank you by letting you put the chapstick on, blushing in denial of enjoying the attention.
Asmodeus Asmo, sweetheart, darling, you can't use lip gloss as chapstick, I'm sorry. And that'll be his excuse, mark my words! You have to explain to him that sadly, most gloss doesn't cover the chapping and he'll be more than amenable to let you put it on him. In true Asmo-chan fashion, of course he'll need to test it on you, just to be sure. A reward for helping him always look beautiful.
Beelzebub This man's gonna try to eat the chapstick, and no, you cannot convince me otherwise. You know how people see a big animal and go "if not friend, why friend shaped"? Beel, sweet himbo lad that he is will legit ask you, "if not food, why food smelling?". Did you have to reapply it multiple times because he kept licking it off? Yes. Did he complain to you every time that it didn't taste nearly as good as it smelled? Also yes. Did he learn his lesson? Nope!
Belphegor He spends ONE (1) NIGHT up in the observatory and ends up with chapped lips. It's rather annoying to him, and he genuinely doesn't hear you the first few times when you offer to put chapstick on for him. Belphie will deny it at first purely on the basis of "I'm not a little kid just because I'm the youngest". Just wait til he gets too tired to fight you on it and you'll get a mumbled little "thank you" before becoming his favorite pillow. Hope you have nothing to do for the next few hours.
Solomon Unsurprisingly enough, it wasn't the cold that got him! It was a spell gone wrong in trying to make a chapstick that would never let your lips chap again. Solomon sighs very defeatedly and sits back with a pout as he lets you put the balm on his lips. For practice purposes, he has you sit down and look over the ingredients to see where he went wrong. May or may not purposefully mess it up again to have you so close again.
Simeon You can't tell me this man wouldn't absentmindedly pick at the chapped parts of his lips. He can't be perfect forever ya'll, he's gotta be a little weird like the rest of us. (/j) You actually catch him in the act which makes Simeon fluster and admit to forgetting his chapstick in his room. His denial of attention and care for you is half-hearted and he very quickly crumbles at the chance to be so close to you. Maybe he'll have to forget his chapstick more often.
Barbatos This man is far too busy to realize his lips were chapped. It was one of those rare instances that you two crossed paths that you noticed and offered to put some on for him. In another rare instance, you notice Barbatos blush slightly because he didn't realize he'd looked so out of sorts. He had meetings with Lord Diavolo later that day as well, so yes! Please! Quickly! You make sure to add a generous amount in the hopes that it would last him through his meetings.
Diavolo His lips were chapped? Truly? It's only then that the demon lord to be realizes how absolutely flooded he'd been and that Barbatos had even told him about that earlier in the day. When you offer, Diavolo tries to politely decline, asking you not to waste what you have on him. It only takes a few minutes of remembering how busy he'll be and how this is absolutely a chance to know even a smidgen more info about you that he relents and lets you apply it gingerly to his lips.
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fanofthelamb · 1 month
I just went through your entire blog looking for more of your art!! Loved your work!!! I have a question though, in ur au does the lamb and narinder end up falling in love or is it one sided? Since the lamb married narinder to humiliate him, how does he react to the "humiliation " ??
vvv Including a SHITLOAD of Pics <3 vvv
Actually, they’ve been in love for a long time! Narinder was the one who fell first, and was NOT shy about showing the lamb.
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Of course the lamb didn’t care at first. In fact, they were trying to have ANY of Narinders bullshit. They were here to kill their executors and everyone else could get fucked, honestly.
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He DID eventually win the lamb over. They were still extremely shy about it, being able to see the obvious problems that came with having a relationship with their god, but YOLT, right?
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Now, though, it’s still reciprocated. The lamb is still angry at Narinder for asking them to lay down their life, and is happily taking it out on him! Depending on the AU, whether it be my main blog and it’s interpretation of the lamb or my BTG AU, it really depends. FOTL I do really have plans for the lamb to at least soften up on Nari, BTG explores the lamb being unable to let go of what happens and letting it and the crown lead them down a path they can’t turn back from. Very fun either way!!
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The marriage thing had the OPPOSITE effect of what the Lamb was hoping for. To give context; the lamb and Narinder are “married” before he leaves his chains (the lamb will DENY the hell out this though + comics about that still in progress) so when the lamb married him again, he completely misinterpreted the marriage as the lamb telling him They still loved him instead of it being a punishment, even with the lambs threats after the ceremony. It’s his strongest piece of evidence that the lamb is just pissed and needs a LOT of time to cool down. He is right, but no one believes him. Especially with how the lamb acts towards him.
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The "humiliation" of the marriage failed terribly, and the lambs attempts to torment him fail just as badly. Any time the lamb tries showing affection though, that is when Narinder is truly terrified.
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So... The "humiliation" they try to put him through never works but when they have a tiny moment of weakness that fucker's whole life flashes before his eyes skDASKHGFFJH
n e way... YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TY FOR THE ASK <33333
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chaifootsteps · 14 days
honestly even Stolas' song about how he's gonna fix things and everything is going to be better is very focused on himself
I swore I wouldn't dwell on the divorce So for my own health, I'll remind myself -> why would he think about the divorce anyway? he never loved Stella or felt bad about cheating on her, at least not anymore
I'll believe him and not the voice that says I'm not enough -> I just want someone to love me and fix my self esteem
Stolas' interlude section -> his life has been hard, brief acknowledgement that how he treated Blitzo was monstrous (which Stolas will forget by the end of the episode because his brain is apparently a sieve)
He's worthy of your love and trust -> these are the lyrics according to a transcript, so I'm choosing to read this as 'I can trust Blitzo enough to be vulnerable with him' and not 'he's worthy' as in Stolas is positioning himself like his love and trust is some great gift
on its own this isn't terrible - like it's fine for characters to have some introspection about their own feelings in a number like this. Problem is Stolas doesn't mention Blitzo's feelings at all until the last line
Will it please him or will I just be fucking it all up?
Like just a tweak would've gone so far here. Have him try to empathize with Blitzo's perspective or loneliness. Have him say more than just 'is he freely with me or no?' but have him reflect on how Blitzo must have felt if the answer is no and how he's gonna try and make it up to him. He doesn't consider giving Blitzo any space at all between ending the arrangement and springing a confession on him
The problem with Stolas in a relationship is that he's not a giver, he's a taker. In the arrangement he was concerned with making Blitzo do all the work of pleasing him and in the relationship he wants to have all he really wants is Blitzo to love and want him. He doesn't show much care for who Blitzo is as a person outside of thinking he's funny and liking how good he is in bed. He says it right there in the trailer 'I want someone to care, I want someone to want me'
And that's understandable but it's not enough to sustain a relationship. We've barely seen Stolas care about Blitzo's life at all outside him wishing Blitzo the best with the business. Meanwhile Blitzo has been very enmeshed with Stolas' life, given he's met Via more than once and helped bail Stolas out of a mess he created when she ran off
Yeah, I noticed this too, and it's all painfully true. Stolas's half of the duet contains a few token mentions of Blitzo's well-being and how Stolas will respect his choice whatever it is (that don't mean anything because he abandons them the second Blitzo rejects him) and beyond that, it's all just about Stolas's feelings, Stolas's fears, and how badly Stolas needs this to happen because he anticipates it will fix everything wrong in his life.
A character like that written in full awareness can be masterful (see Frollo, Hal from Megamind.) In Vivzie's hands, with all her sympathies resting squarely with Stolas, it's flat out dangerous.
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roses-prose · 1 year
Your Love Isn't Gone
park chaeyoung x reader
word count: 1005
a/n: inspired by an ao3 fic i read a long time ago
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You're not sure what made you believe this was a good idea, meeting up with your ex and coming over to her apartment alone. But here you were now sitting the opposite of her, catching all the small things you remember about her.
Roseanne park. The woman who had it all and at the same time, feeling like she had nothing at all. Her fingers dragged across the edges of the pages in her tiny journal, the one she always brings around to jot her ideas down, as she always loved the way the pages felt against her fingertips. She sets the journal down, her lips meeting the probably now very cold rim of her cup to take a quick sip of coffee.
"Hi Roseanne."
Her face seems almost shocked as she puts her cup down, her pink lipstick marking the edge of it, "I haven't heard you call me that in a long time."
"Well", you continue to avoid her gaze, eyes scanning through her apartment, "We haven't spoken together in a long time anyways."
Sitting in front of her now, you hate to admit it but your heart still feels that spark of affection you've felt all those months ago. Neither of you speak up as you pour yourself a glass of water, the quiet jazz of the speakers in the corner of her room not enough to drown out the silence.
It was common for you to be left alone, sitting in the silence but for her, maybe not so much. She hated it. She hated how it made her feel. Maybe that's why she was away so often.
She lets out a small sigh, her face riddled with the look of disappointment, either because of you or herself, you don't know. "I'm sorry."
Your brows knit together, "For what?"
Her hands start trying to talk for her, the words not seeming to be able to come out of her mouth, "For... you know."
And this was where she, the global superstar, seemed to fall short. The way she can't seem to tell you what's on her mind. The way she can't express herself. "I don't know."
She lets out a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood as her fingers fiddled together under the table, "You're really not making this easy for me."
Your lips turn into a wry smile as you poke at your food that she prepared for you, not really wanting to eat a single bite despite it all looking honestly delicious. "I'm not sure what you mean, Roseanne."
Her face visibly seems hurt at the name that escapes your mouth, "Please, can you... not call me that?" Her voice almost seems to crack at the end her question, her eyes softening as she lets out another dreadful sigh, "I know... I fucked up. Badly."
Invisible strings seemed to pull at your heart, your strong façade seeming to break away as you mulled over her words. She never admitted her mistakes. She'd always cover them up with kisses and lies.
"I'm not asking you to forgive me nor am I asking you to even let me back into your life but... I want you to know that I am sorry." Her tone is soft. And for the first time here, you see her smile, albeit wryly. The silence envelops the two of you again as you took a sip of your drink, her eyeing you from across the table.
The silence never was comfortable per se between the two of you, but it was always there whether you liked it or not. "... Do you remember our first date?"
She seems to be caught off guard by the question, before she laughs softly into her hand, "I do. When you fell on your face, right?"
You smile gently, "then you fell right behind me so I quote on quote, "Wouldn't feel embarrassed doing it alone"."
"I'd still do it now, you know." she remarks, the awkward and stiff tension in the air seeming to disappear slowly between the two of you. She points at the bridge of her nose as you laugh, "If you look closely enough, I still have the scar. All the staff members were so mad at me that day."
You two begin to reminisce about all the fun memories you two had together from that time she baked madeleines and accidently used salt instead of sugar leaving you thirsty and disgusted, to that time she came over to your house at 2 in the morning to celebrate your birthday early with a song she made, or to that time you thought you misplaced your favorite hoodie but in reality she was wearing it the entire day.
It's the thought of the quick kisses you two shared in the morning before she went to work, the days you two decide to sleep in and call in sick, and the stupid things you two did together that makes you realize it slowly but surely.
You missed her. You missed the fun you two had despite everything that's happened and you see the way she remembers it all, the memories seeming to spark something inside of her. You set your glass aside again, the sight of her feeling so happy and carefree making you smile.
"... I do forgive you." The words don't come easy to you as your emotions begins to clog up your throat, the words coming out so abruptly, that even you weren't expecting it.
You see her eyes light up as she stares at you in surprise, her lips almost beginning to twitch into a small smile at the name you call her. "It's hard to hate you... Rosie."
"So does that mean... will I see you again?" The question is abrupt as your own words, almost interrupting all train of thought as her tone is hopeful and ambitious.
You smile gently, "I still have the same number." And that's all she really needed to hear to know you weren't gone for good.
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you are expendable
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Summary: adjusting to a life away from the red room is tough, and letting go of the mentality they drilled into you is even tougher. As much as Yelena tries to protect you, you'll always believe that you are expendable, and she is not.
Word Count: 3783 Pairing: Yelena Belova & Reader Warnings: self-sacrificial R, near-death injuries, poor self worth/mental health issues Requests (combined): "Yelena x best!friend reader who struggles with self worth, gets hurt protecting Yelena?" "Hi! Can you do a story where Yelena has taken reader in as a sibling figure, and reader is constantly trying to “payback” yelena like through small things and more bigger things like being reckless on mission so yelena doesn’t get hurt; and Yelena gets really worried one time and finds out why R is doing it, and assures reader that they don’t need to do that and more fluff at end if ok?"
A/N: italics are flashbacks, Russian is google translated. Honestly this was a fun one to write so I hope you enjoy!
»»————- ★ ————-««
Yelena holds the door open, allowing you to shuffle in behind her, before she motions towards the sofa. You immediately move to follow the unspoken command, perching yourself at the very edge and pressing your body into the armrest as if you could become part of it. The blonde, meanwhile, takes a central seat on the opposite chair. She rests her elbows on her knees and leans forward, with her chin resting on intertwined fingers. Her brows are minutely knitted and her gaze pounces on any movement you make – you realise she’s analysing you.
Well, two can play at that game.
In an instant, you come away from the armrest and relax your back, spreading yourself into a wider stance… everything you can do to level your authority, even in the older Widow’s own apartment.
“Y/N, don’t do that,” she scoffs before changing her position again; she’s leaning back now with her arms crossed over her chest, though her attention to you remains as analytical as ever.
“I’m just sitting.”
“Widow’s don’t just sit.”
“Then what do you want me to not do?”
“Don’t be a Widow.”
“I am a Widow.”
“I know. Don’t be.”
You huff, now unintentionally copying her pose once again when you cross your arms and sulkily lean back into the cushions. “You are very confusing, Yelena, how should I not be what I was raised to be? What you trained me to be.”
Yelena winces a little at the reminder. Ten years older than you, the woman now sitting across from you had been your assigned trainer for eleven years in the Red Room, from your arrival at age six and right up until last month, when she’d broken free of the chemical control and escaped into the real world. Everything you knew about espionage and violence, everything you hated to be, came from her teachings, and you’d been just about ready to pass it on to your own mentees when she came and freed you from the Red Room’s control.
What they forced her to do to you would always be a sore spot for Yelena, but, regardless, she schools her expression back to neutral, then smiles. You eye her suspiciously.
“Why are you smiling?”
“You ask how not to be a Widow? You are already doing it; do you think Dreykov would approve of that stance?”
Yelena laughs as you quickly scramble back to the perfect pose she’d once drilled into you. “Dreykov is not going to punish you, he is dead. At least, I think he is dead,” she frowns, “though he has escaped being blown up once before, so you can never really know. Either way, he must be very badly injured and probably also dead, so you can relax.”
When you don’t shift, Yelena stands up and takes a seat beside you. “You’re free, Y/N. They can’t control us anymore. Our lives are our own and, from now on, they always will be.”
She finally closes the gap between you two when she sees tears forming in your eyes, pulling you close but leaving a loose arm on your shoulder – giving you the opportunity to escape her grasp should you want. You don’t. Instead, you press yourself further into her side and let the tears flow.
“Stay here with me?” 
With the careful way she suggests it, you can tell it’s something she’s been dwelling on for a while, rather than an impulsive response to your show of emotions. “We’re both new to the world, we can work it out together, if you’d like that? I’ll keep you safe, I promise. You can just be 17.”
You don’t respond instantly, already growing quite comfortable with being tucked in Yelena’s arms, but when you do nod, Yelena notices; she smiles and pulls you a little closer.
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Да” (Yes)
“Это ваше. Поддерживайте его в живых.” (This one is yours. Keep it alive.)
You’re shoved harshly in the direction of the young blonde. The guard who pushed you laughs as you stumble, but Yelena catches you and keeps you on your feet. You try to pull yourself closer to her side, latching on to the first show of kindness you’ve had in weeks, but the teen prises you off of her and positions you behind her back – she doesn’t look at you, only staring down the guards until they leave, before she grabs your arm and leads you into a small adjoining room. She slams the door and you startle, your vision clouding with tears as you realise things aren’t going to go back to normal, that this woman won’t be your saviour.
“Вы говорите по-русски?” (Do you speak Russian?) she asks; it’s not harsh, but it’s not as soft as your mother’s tone either. The tears begin to flow.
“English?” she tries again, this time you nod.
“I spoke only English at your age,” the girl says, “you must learn Russian though; I will help, but the trainers will perfect it.”
You don’t reply and eventually the older girl sighs; she takes a step forward, but still lingers awkwardly across the room from you, not wanting to get too close. “I am Yelena. What is your name?”
“I’m going to be your mentor, Y/N; do you want to learn new things?”
You’re not sure what to make of Yelena, but, at 6, there’s a lot of things you want to know, so you nod shyly, then ask your first question, “what is going to happen to me?”
Yelena notices the shake in your voice, and she’s been an assassin long enough to infer what you must have seen, what instances brought you to her. She comes a step closer again and purposefully softens her voice, “you’re going to stay here; you and I, we are going to be a team from now, okay? We’ll do some training and that will keep you safe. I’m going to try to keep you safe.”
“Do you pinky promise?”
The older girl hesitates, staring down at your extended finger as if it were a gun pointed in her direction – but at least she’d know how to handle that. The longer your hand hovers, extended, the more Yelena worries, knowing this isn’t a promise she can make in full confidence, but she can’t disappoint you either.
She wraps her own pinky around yours and shakes on it, “I promise,” she says at last, “I’m going to keep you safe. I just need you to listen to everything I say.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
The adjustment period is hard – certainly harder than either you or Yelena expected. Contrary to your original expectations, Yelena doesn’t give up the assassin lifestyle, and she doesn’t force you to either; it’s all the two of you have known, and you’re too ingrained in it to manage a completely clean break. 
For one, neither of you have birth certificates or any form of ID at all, and you find out very quickly how necessary those are. Yelena puts her contacts to good use and obtains birth certificates and American passports for the both of you; the legalities are dubious, but she’s now officially your older sister, which gives her guardianship status over you – because apparently a 17 year old needs that in the real world, as if you don’t have several lifetimes of maturity and experience under your belt already.
You’re grateful for all the steps Yelena has taken to look after you: from signing you up to a boxing club for the familiarity of training, to telling Valentina that the two of you could only be employed as a pair, ensuring she’d be there to protect you even on missions. You want to repay her for everything she’s done for you, but you’re still learning the limits of the real world – your resources were practically limitless in the Red Room if it completed the mission, but that is certainly not the case anymore. So, instead, you’re forced to turn to the internet for adequate methods of thanking your lifelong friend.
You start small: flowers, household chores, cooking… anything you can find, but most end up in chaos. Flowers gave you hay fever, it turns out; your meals have to be scraped out of the pans and taste worse that the Red Room canteen; and, much to your annoyance, Yelena refuses to let you do all the chores, immediately stopping you and taking over for ‘her turn’ if you'd done it the night before, which only gave you more to thank her for.
Eventually, you conclude that if you want to thank Yelena properly then you should stick to what you know: murder, maiming, and incredible violence… though she tries to discourage that now, so you shift to simply risking yourself, doing everything you can on missions to keep Yelena safe.
It works the first few times, you get a few bruises and scrapes, but that's nothing unexpected in your line of work and, more importantly, Yelena comes out unscathed. She seems ignorant to the actions you're taking, which is how you aim to keep it; you know she wouldn't approve of you putting yourself at risk just to keep her safe, but that's how the Red Room taught you to perform and, after everything she's done for you, it's what you're willing to do to thank her.
»»————- ★ ————-««
“You ready, Y/N?” Yelena smiles. The two of you are in matching bodysuits, sitting in the back of a jet destined for Manchester, England. You nod and double check the various weaponry attached to you.
Yelena reaches behind her, pulling out a map which you’ve memorised by now, and lays it on the table between you. “There’s two floors to this facility,” she recaps, “they’re developing weapons and we’ve been assigned to retrieve blueprints for all of them. Where do we find them?”
You point quickly to the corridor of offices. “Locked filing cabinet in office 2, if intelligence is to be trusted.”
“And which route will we take?”
“From the bus stop, into the woods within the perimeter. The back entrance will have only one guard between 0130 and 0200, giving us a window to enter. This corridor here,” you point, “has a guard, so we must pass while their back is turned. Stairs are unguarded. Two rights and we’ll be at the offices. There’s a ladder to the roof and an escape route from there, which is how we’ll get out.”
“Good. You have learnt it well. The Red Room demands perfection, but you are going to make them proud.”
Hours later, you aren’t so sure. You sit by her hospital bed, knee bouncing with worry as the medics operate on her; the steady beeping of her vitals acts as your only comfort, but you know first-hand that it could switch at any second. 
Behind you, a door opens and closes, causing a noticeable shift in the atmosphere of the room. The medics stand taller, the guards lower their gaze, and you immediately stop your movements, knowing exactly who has walked in. You stand to attention and turn to face the tall, boney woman in front of you, though you bow your head in respect just as the guards did.
“A word, Y/N, outside,” Madame B instructs. She doesn’t wait for a response – she knows you wouldn’t dare give her one – she simply turns on her heel and has you follow her back out of the door like a puppy on a leash.
“Explain exactly what happened. And I don’t want excuses.”
“We were fighting the guards for some time, there were far more than Yelena and I had expected–”
“I said no excuses.”
“Sorry Madame. We left one of them for too long and he was able to take a shot while my back was turned – it would have hit my head, but Yelena noticed and stepped in between, receiving the bullet just to the left of her heart, puncturing her lung. I brought her to medics quickly-”
“I don’t need to hear the rest,” the woman cuts in. “Yelena is one of our best Widows, whereas you… you are expendable, Y/N, and I expect you to know it. Until you train yourself to be better than Yelena, then it is your responsibility to put your body on the line to keep her safe, no matter the cost to you. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Madame.”
“You will go to the training room immediately. If you think your life is worth more than Yelena’s, then we will put that to the test – incapacitate the five Widows in there without taking a hit, and you will be excused from punishment this time.”
The task is impossible, you know that, you may defeat the others, but not without one of them landing a blow, and once they do that, you will be beaten to within an inch of your life for failing the task. Regardless, you nod towards Madame B and march to the training room with your head held high; you deserve the punishment, you know that too. You are expendable, Yelena is not. 
All five girls jump at you. This is what you deserve.
»»————- ★ ————-««
You were always aware that something would eventually go wrong, each mission where you threw yourself recklessly into danger was only testing your luck. You accepted the risk, but when it actually happens, well… you hadn't prepared for the consequences.
After four months of obtaining only minor injuries, you and Yelena are on another mission in Upstate New York, dressed to the nines at some CEO’s mansion. You don't care to remember his name since, if all goes to plan, he'll be dead at the end of the night anyway.
The party is already buzzing when the two of you walk in and, after a quick scout of the area together, the two of you separate and mingle with the guests, establishing your presence in the main hall until there's an opportunity to corner the host away from spectators.
It's going well, you think, until angry yells sound out from the other side of the room, loud enough to drown out the music. Guests look up curiously, just as you do, until you see Yelena thrown onto the stage. A handful of bodyguards emerge from the crowd to surround her, all readying their weapons in her direction.
You don't think, you just barrel through the gawking crowds to tackle your mentor out of the firing line. Yelena is back on her feet in an instant and you try to do the same, but a sharp pain keeps you down. The crowds are screaming now, and hopefully fleeing as you're overwhelmed by a chorus of gunshots. 
You counted 7 guards before. They are no problem for Yelena to take down alone, but you don't allow for that. Ignoring the excruciating pain as you move and pretending you don't notice that your shirt is soaked in blood, you roll yourself onto your back, reaching for your holster and taking out the last three guards in rapid succession. Their attention was focused on Yelena, making it easy for you to do.
In a now empty hall, Yelena finally releases the breath she's been holding and looks around to congratulate you, until she sees you right where she left you, lying flat on the stage.
Her face interrupts your view of the ceiling and you yelp when you feel her hand clamp over your ribs. “I know, I know,” she whispers, face filled with worry as her dialtone begins.
“Natasha?” she says when the person answers at last, “I need you, please, we need medics at my location. I don’t know, the best the Avengers have got. You have good ones, right?”
The world seems to fade at the edges and you relax into your tired state. But then Yelena is snapping her fingers in front of you and her tear-stained face comes back into focus.
“Stay awake for me please, Y/N.”
“Natasha, hurry,” she sobs once again.
You can't help it; everything fades to black.
»»————- ★ ————-««
The view when you next wake up is a complete shift to the dark but extravagant mansion you'd fallen asleep in. Everything is blinding white and purely functional; you're not unfamiliar with the set-up, but the location is new, you think. After visiting so many, the hospitals begin to blend together.
“Y/N,” someone beside you gasps, and you mentally scold yourself for not checking you were alone before you opened your eyes. Madame B will punish you for that.
No, Madame B is gone. It is only Yelena now, and she doesn't punish you anymore.
You shrink away all the same when Yelena comes into view, knowing you are the cause of her red-rimmed eyes and the dark bags underneath.
“You almost died, Y/N!” she shouts, and tears prick at your own eyes. You didn't want to disappoint her, just protect her. “I've noticed it for months but I didn't bring it up because I thought you knew better than to risk yourself like this! Missions are not the place to be reckless, what were you-”
She stalls suddenly. Your eyelids, which were previously squeezed shut, open slowly, cautiously and carefully checking for Yelena's reaction. Her face softens when you catch her eye and suddenly she's rushing forward and trapping you in a hug.
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell, I'm sorry. I just want to protect you, always, and seeing you like this… it's…”
She sighs, and you interrupt.
“No, I'm sorry, Yelena. This wasn't meant to stress you out or have you worrying about me. I wanted to keep you safe, you know, like you always used to do for me. And after you freed me from the serum and then everything you did to look after me afterwards, I had to find a way to thank you. And I tried all the things Google said like cooking and gifts and everything! but they didn't work, so I thought that maybe keeping you safe would be enough to express my gratitude and make us equal, even if I got hurt in the process.”
“Oh, Y/N,” the older Widow sighs again, a teary smile overtaking her face. “I know it's hard, but we're not in the Red Room anymore; not every interaction is transactional, and not every mission has to have an expendable agent. In fact, none of our missions will have an expendable agent – it's you and me as equals, alright? Both of us are surviving them and I won't have any other outcomes.”
You nod and she continues.
“You're my best friend, Y/N, and my little sister in every way but blood; I'd have done – and I still would – anything to protect you in the Red Room, but that's not how it has to work anymore. And as for looking after you goes, it's my pleasure to do it; it's not something you need to pay me back for because just getting to spend time with you and have you around is all I could ask for. Just get through this, Y/N, get out of this ward and come home, and that will be the only thing you ever need to do for me.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
You're still weak, so Yelena has her arms around you and your body is pressed into her side, but you're walking, forward and forward until you cross the threshold. 
You're home.
A few weeks longer and you're back on your feet without assistance, standing next to Yelena in the kitchen as she teaches you to cook – starting easy with some basic pancakes after you said you had a craving for them in the hospital.
“Keep an eye on the pan,” Yelena instructs as her phone starts to ring in the other room, “flip it in 30 seconds if I'm still gone.”
She walks out. You set down your knife and the strawberries you had skillfully been cutting to stare directly at the pan, mentally counting down exactly from 30.
“I don't want a mission, Valentina,” you hear Yelena say from the living room. You don't let it distract you.
“Y/N is grounded from missions until they're back at full health, and I'm not going without them. I told you before, we work as a pair. That's non negotiable.”
You're flipping the pancake when Yelena walks back in, using the spatula instead of risking a pan flip. The older woman scoffs and gently nudges you out of the way so that she can take the pan back.
“Spatulas are for wimps,” she claims confidently, “let me show you some real skill.”
Both of you take a step back: you towards the door, and her towards the centre of the room, before she flicks the pan with her wrist. The pancake goes flying high into the sky, hits the ceiling, then falls unceremoniously back down to splat on the floor.
You both stare at it in silence.
“This is why I used a spatula,” you say at last.
“Maybe we should get a dog.”
“Where did that come from?”
“Well then it could eat the floor pancake.”
“Or we could just pick it up.”
“Yes, go on then,” she grins, moving forward to put the pan back on the heat and pouring more batter into it.
“Oh I would but, you know, I'm injured,” you say with false disappointment, “from when I saved your life, remember? So I probably shouldn't bend to pick it up.”
“You are a nuisance, child,” Yelena grumbles under her breath when she goes to pick the pancake up. You just grin… until the floor pancake is thrown directly at your face. You yelp and quickly dodge it; it smacks against the fridge this time so you catch it and finally put it with the food waste.
Eventually, a stack of successfully flipped pancakes fill the plate, enough for you and Yelena to enjoy your fill. Throughout the meal, you forget all about your squabble in the kitchen, and you believe Yelena had too, so when she smiles and turns to you, saying “you wanted to pay me back for the hospitality, right?” you nod earnestly.
“Then I think you can do the dishes for us both!” she continues, handing her empty plate to you before relaxing further into the couch. With a flick of her wrist, but a beaming smile on her face, she shoos you away.
“Because a gunshot and bleeding out for you isn’t enough,” you huff with a roll of your eyes, playfully kicking Yelena’s leg as you stand. “Some people are never satisfied.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
General Taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
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movieexpertlvr · 2 months
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ᵒⁿᵉ ˢʰᵒᵗ
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Summery: reader try’s to break up with JD…
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
ᵗʳⁱᵍᵍᵉʳ ʷᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᶠᵒʳᶜᵉᵈ ᵏⁱˢˢⁱⁿᵍ, ᵈᵃʳᵏ ᵗʰᵉᵐᵉˢ, ᵐᵉⁿᵗᵒⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵒᶠ ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵏⁱˡˡⁱⁿᵍ, ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ʲᵃˢᵒⁿ ᵈᵉᵃⁿ, ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ ᵐᵒʳᵉ
“Jason get out of my room!” You shouted at him frantically however his smirk and calm demeanor not dropping, “Y/N you know you don’t mean that your just upset when you calm down you’ll ring me and tell me to come back you always come back darling“ he says walking over to you with his hands on his pockets and that sarcastic 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐲 grin on his face. “n-no! Not this time Jason go away y-your dangerous you k-killed m-my… some one I’ve known for years!” You say cowering back a bit “see you can’t even call her your best friend darling she was horrible to you so so horrible and I made her go away, for you” he sweetens his voice at the end which almost gets you but you back up. “No! No no no! Get out get out I don’t want you here!” You say starting to cry and throwing a plushie at him from your bed, he smirks and takes the plushie smelling it “it smells like you darling” then leaves through the window taking it with him. You knowing he took it as a sure fire way to make sure he sees you again on the off chance you don’t fold and call him.
A few hours go by and you just lay in bed and cry you cry because your boyfriend is a killer but also because you still love him and wanna be with him in spite of that what does that say about you does that make you as bad as him, but was it wrong she was a HORRIBLE person who made the lives of so many miserable so maybe he did a lot of people a favor and maybe if he promises never again than you can still be with him and not hate your self, you don’t know though your head and logic are taking you one way but your heart and loyalty for JD is taking you another.
During the mist of all of this your mom had come in your room and found it smelling of cigarettes and as much as you tried to convince her you weren’t smoking she would believe you and grounded you making you go to your grandmas so you’ve been gone all weekend with no reconciliation with JD. But much to your suprise when you come into your room back from your grandmas JD is there which takes you back a bit, “what the hell Y/N where have you been I called your room phone but it was disconnected I tried to come by and you weren’t here any of the times” he says this with a panic in his voice so much paranoia and you can sense that he’s trying to keep his control so badly and he comes up you grabbing the back of your head and kissing you hard and roughly his arm wrapping around your body and this kiss feeling very demanding and desperate. You try to pull away put he just tightens his grip on you making it clear your not going anywhere and eventually he lets you go for air but keeps holding onto you and brushes a hair out of your face. “Your not leaving me I don’t know what or who is in your head making you want to abandon me but no, I won’t let you.” He says the end with such seriousness which the rest like paranoid question statements and you take a deep breath before looking him in the eyes and brining both hands to his face “please JJ calm down what do I always say?” You calling him JJ immediately calming his exterior and he sighs “in through the nose put through the mouth” and you knod “I’m not going anywhere but you need to promise me you will try to control your emotions no one’s gonna take me from you I’m all yours”.
“Honestly I just get scared I’m gonna loose you and I guess some of the stuff I do can be a bit extreme but I would never ever hurt you and I don’t want you to think I’m a monster” he says and honestly you’ve never seen his gaurd down like this and you tuck a peice of hair behind his ear “your not a monster JJ you just…don’t see a place for the bad people in this world which isn’t really wrong it’s just complicated” he knods and picks you up laying down on your bed and laying you on top of him.
“You always come back daring~ never leave me again”
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Long dead memories (Sephiroth X Reader angst)
Tw: Death and sickness; DNI if you are not comfortable with these themes.
Geostigma. The most debilitating, terrifying, fear striking disease to have ever existed, it wracked the bodies of most of the survivors of Sephiroth's heinous scheme to destroy the planet with Meteor. It appeared to be most prevalent in those who were closest to him, therefore it was only natural for you to be one of the most heavily afflicted.
The disease had claimed your entire body, primarily concentrated in your legs, making them so weak it hurt just to move them, thereby rendering you bedridden. To make matters worse, the majority of your body, except for your genitalia, face, hands and neck, were covered in large, ooze-secreting sores that burned when exposed to air, covered in cloth, or touched in general. Your entire existence was that of misery and pain--this applied to both your mental and physical state.
Honestly, you were well aware your end was approaching. After all, no known cure for Geostigma existed, and no scientists were around to try and make one. Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people had already succumbed to this terrible ailment; you would just be another corpse in the pile.
Such depressing thoughts were only natural of someone on their deathbed. As most people do when their lives are slowly slipping away from them, you began to recall some of your most beloved memories. Memories of your childhood, your happiest moments, your accomplishments, but more importantly, your memories of Sephiroth.
That beautiful, green-eyed, silver-haired angel had been the sun of your life; the atmosphere to your earth, the salt to your food. He was the most precious thing in the world to you, and just like that, he'd been ripped away. His death, combined with your contraction of Geostigma, sent you into a depressed spiral. There was only one thought that brought you comfort: He was in the Lifestream now, and therefore all around you, so technically you weren't dying alone; he was there too, silently watching over you. You wanted this fact to be true so badly, you forced yourself to believe it--not that there was anyone around to tell you otherwise.
Closing your eyes, you turned over in your bed, wincing when you felt sharp pains shoot throughout your legs and shoulders; your sores squelching under the weight of your decaying body. It hurt, so, so, much, the pain was enough to bring tears to your eyes, making you wanted Sephiroth by your side more than you ever did in your lifetime. He always knew what to do, what to say, or what not to say, and how to hold you so the pain would go away. You could picture it in your mind's eye, the way his would circle his arms around your torso; how he would press kisses to your forehead and shush you, reminding you of how much he loved you in just a few words. You could hear it even now, the timbre of his low, rumbly voice echoing in your ears.
"Do not be afraid. Sleep, for I am with you, and always will be."
Though he rarely used pet names in times like these, the gentle tone of his voice and soft caressing of his lips against your skin reminded you of how much he loved you in ways words never could.
You shivered, wrapping your blankets tightly around yourself, mentally cursing the coldness of your room. At the very least, you wanted to die in a nice, toasty room, perhaps by a blazing fire. As you tried to remember what comfort felt like, memories of Sephiroth cuddling you flitted into your mind. Snuggling with him always felt the best; his large frame constantly emitted warmth, much like a human heater; resting your head near his broad, warm chest was pure bliss. As you reminisced, you could have sworn you felt his presence surround you even now as you lay on a cold mattress in a freezing, heat-less room.
Small teardrops spilled forth from your eyes, the nostalgia of events long passed filling you with a profound sense of sadness you couldn't fully understand. You gripped your sheets tightly, screwing your eyes shut in an attempt to hold on to this soothing feeling that you hadn't felt in years.
You wished you could stay like this forever, wrapped safely in the arms of your dearest love. Your mind began to fog over; the burning pain of your Geostigma sores beginning to vanish as your mind slowly sank deeper and deeper into sleep. The further into the darkness you went, the calmer and more at peace you felt.
A small smile crept onto your face as you finally let go of your last threads of consciousness, glad to be able to depart in the tender embrace of some long dead memories.
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fictarian · 11 months
Could i request Hobie w/ reader who struggles with expressing their emotions?🫶
𝐇𝐢𝐦 <𝟑 . ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝐏𝐭. 𝟖
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ღ I’m not gonna lie, I had such a hard time thinking of how I would portray the reader since there are multiple reasons as to why someone would struggle with expressing themselves, but I ultimately decided on making the reader reclusive, quiet, and VERY awkward. Shout out to my introverted and socially awkward followers, we’re in the same sinking boat 🔥
ღ This kind of strayed from the original request so that’s MY BAD (me when ADHD)
ღ Also, here’s the update on the votes for the next series— It’s currently tied between Miles (both 1610 and 42) and Pavitr Prabhakar, BUT, Spider Noir is currently in the lead. The voting ends when I post part 10 of ‘Him’, and that’s when I’ll choose the winner. So if you haven’t already, go ahead and vote here
ღ Good lord i’m running out of banners, maybe this is my sign to do another profile theme change
ღ Pervious part can be found here !
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• It’s a mystery to everyone as to how you and Hobie started dating, given that you both are polar opposites. And to be honest, you have no idea how you managed to bag him either LMFAO.
• You probably met him at the local record store while you were browsing through some of your favorite albums when Hobie suddenly came up to you, asking if you knew where a certain artist was. You didn’t respond to his question for a good couple of minutes, since you were still trying to comprehend the fact that a fine ass, 6’3, punk lover was actually talking to you and you weren’t dreaming.
• When you did respond, your answer came out in a jumble of loud incoherent words (y/n ahh 😭). Of course he didn’t understand what you were saying, so you repeated yourself MUCH quieter, and that didn’t help at all.
• In the end, you just pointed to where the albums Hobie wanted were located before hastily turning around while cursing yourself for fumbling so badly.
• I like to think that Hobie often hangs out with loud and extroverted people, so seeing someone that was the complete opposite of that was refreshing for him (no matter how awkward the situation was). And honestly, Hobie found it cute that he made you react like that from just him talking to you.
• So when you were at the counter paying for your albums, best believe that Hobie came up and payed for your shit as a way to engage in conversation. You did NOT know how to react to that, especially when Hobie only winked and slid you the receipt. He turned it over, which revealed a collection of numbers in messy hand writing.
• “Go head and add my number f’me, love” Your jaw dropped, causing Hobie to chuckle before he pushed himself off the counter waving goodbye to you before exiting the store.
• It took you awhile to actually message him, since you had no clue what to say. But talking to him on phone was much easier in your book, since you didn’t have to rely on your voice much and the thoughts that usually ran through your head in public were slowed.
• You started out with a simple hey and a thank you, and the conversation started from there. Since it was over text, you became a lot more at ease and relaxed while talking with Hobie. However, some (if not all) of the texts he sent made you giggle and kick your feet like a school girl 💀.
• At one point Hobie began flirting and soon, you became daring enough to flirt back.
• ‘Daring now, aren’t we? I bet you wouldn’t say all of this face to face ;)’ ‘Watch me’
• You eat those words when you two set up a place to meet up, and Hobie starts teasing you about the texts you sent NONSTOP. His teasing only makes you act worse and public, and somehow increases your stuttering x10.
• And even when he isn’t teasing you, every single thing Hobie says still makes you trip. For example, when you’re talking, and then he asks you in his deep and gritty voice ‘Speak up f’me, love. I can barley ‘ere a word that comes outta yer pretty mouth’
• 🧍
• Despite your differences and how easily it was for Hobie to make your brain rot, you two grew quite close over a short period of time.
• He’d always push you to do more things and meet more people, and even if it doesn’t work out, Hobie would always praise you for trying and getting out of your comfort zone.
• Hobie would he very supportive and patient with you, since he knows how difficult it is for you to properly get your words out. But even then, he still LOVES teasing you and seeing just how easily he effects you.
• Overall, Hobie would be your #1 hypeman and biggest supporter while also managing to be the reason of your demise
tag list ! @zalayni @luvstarrstruck @jrrantss @pixqlsin @kairiscorner @k4tsu3 @asmobeuses @maxoloqy @miirene
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gffa · 5 months
I might be in the minority, but Baylan Skoll is one of the worst characters I ever witnessed. He is nothing but an empty mystery box, yet people praise this douchebag. In fact, there’s nothing original about him: he looks like Emperor Valkorion, he acts like a Dooku wannabe, and he wants to “end the cycle”, mirroring Kreia’s nihilistic agenda. I feel like people only like Baylan because his actor, Ray Stevenson, died and doesn’t want to criticize the character out of fear of being disrespectful towards Ray.
I'm not trying to talk you out of your feelings, anon, but honestly some people just really like Ray Stevenson as an actor (that's me, it's not because he died that I feel obligated to enjoy the character, but because I genuinely liked the gravitas I felt he brought to the role, I liked him as Volstagg in the Thor movies as well, which was long before he died), they really like the aesthetic (some people are not immune to a light dusting of daddy kink), some people are really into that Dooku-style character (*raises hand again*), and some people genuinely like mystery box characters. That's just the way people work, they have different tastes. I can agree to some criticisms of Filoni's writing of the character (which is another thing some people will disagree with me on, too!), I do not have a lot of faith that his story would be satisfying on a purely text level, and I'm extremely wary of any potential recasting, but as the character of Baylan Skoll stands, I genuinely liked the weight and gravity he had, even if there wasn't a ton to go on yet. I liked teasing out potential in the character, that he'd turned towards a bullshit path but that I did feel a pull to the Jedi in him, I liked that he came across as a trauma victim who was coping very badly with that trauma to me, I liked the glimpses we got of his relationship with Shin. It's fine that you don't like those things, but I've gotten several messages along these exact lines, that supposedly people only like him because the actor died, and that's just not my experience at all. If you're coming into my inbox to say how much you dislike him, when I've been clear that I find him intriguing and liked him, then I'm assuming you're expecting a response along these lines. Sometimes I just really, really like characters who are clearly full of shit and on the wrong path, but I feel a pull to examine why they believe what they do, and I find them sympathetic even if I disagree with them. I'm an Anakin Skywalker fan, I love that character with my whole being, it's not a huge leap to also being a fan of a character like Baylan Skoll, especially when played by an actor I thought did a far better job than I was expecting from this series. Nobody's obligated to agree with me, because sometimes people just disagree and if it really bothers you that others like him, blacklist his name and we'll talk about other things we both do like!
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sometimes i feel many issues within the fandom are because people that are not used or do not enjoy anime are watching it now thanks to netflix and so trie to apply fandom purity rules.
Like the trope '1000 years old looks like a kid' thing is disgusting because it is used for sexualization of characters, not because it exists, half foots are allowed to have whole life and not one is posed or drawn like parody porns or voiced like little girl role plays.
The thing about Shuro also seems to be rooted in this, only focusing on the autism similarties without inspecting the societal rules and when applying race not considering that this is a japanese media.
The orcs too, people say it is colorism and i do not doubt there is some bias but Zon is more patient than Leed; she insults the party and Chilchuck repeatedly and only help them because of respect for her brother and diplomacy. Zon was telling his kid how they end up in the dungeon and has to discuss it with Marcille who never tried to examine her racism and he didnt punish her for it, then he let them eat together and asked Laios genuinely and believed him in his goals in the dungeon. If the fandom falls in the 'oh the light skin character is better person' is because their biases, not Kui's.
Senshi's pantyshots are a comedic gag mocking the usual trope to ogle female characters it does not make the media more pure and honestly it is a bit insulting because if Kui wanted it to be sexy she woukd have done it like that, she is very very good with anatomy. The fact that it is a groundbreaking concept for so many people speaks of the ignorance of the media, plenty animes have a Comedic Gag to keep the story lighthearted (think of Fullmetal Alchemist and the Alphonse badly drawn) and has no significance on the overall theme.
And Mithrun. He just had his anime debut and I am baffled. People are calling him ugly and geriatric when he also fits anime tropes so recognized that his VA voices another character of nearly the same personality. And ugly??? he is drawn like any other overpowered twink but has a lazy eye and you call him ugly??? hell, SPECIAL EYES are another trope in anime to distinguish the characters, to dismiss it with a 'so ugly' is so ignorant and reeks of ableism. you should have seen him and think 'oh this an important character'.
i want to gatekeep anime and i dont even like it as much. Try to interpret the media on its own genre (seinen) and tropes instead of treating it as any other of your western pandering cartoons (and yuri is a genre too!if you are going to be 'oh this is queerbait because of farcille' go put some fucking work and get acquainted with japanese queer media, which has canon couples! yuri is not a meme!!)
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
i had this idea where cartman confesses out of horniness,, do you think you could add onto my idea/elaborate? everything seems so much greater in your writing <3
It took me like, 30 minutes to write this
Also I was about to draw my oc in a mock top but I looked at tumblr so like
Cartman confessing out of horniness hcs
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• Tbh Cartman probably had a crush on you for a long time but he didn't have the balls to do much besides horribly flirt with you. It's fine tho, you always thought it was sweet
• You would always hug him extra tight and your boobs would always press against him! Or bend over in front of him and the all too familiar feeling of his pants getting a little tight would come back
• At first Cartman would refuse to jerk off to the thought of you, even if you gave him all those boners. It's degrading! Yeah no that didn't last very long he caved sooooo easily
• He was jerking off to the thought of you when he got home one time and didn't notice how the time flew by. He got a call from you at like, 7 pm and that's when he stopped... when he started at 3
• Yeah and then once y'all were done it was IMMEDIATELY BACK TO JERKING OFF- bro needs help at this point like damn. How horny does his man gotta be to be horny over your voice??? To be fair, you were also sending him pictures of you in skimpy clothes and asking for outfit advice. He felt kinda creepy about it but like, that faded pretty quickly
• The worst part about all of this? You always acted like you didn't know what you were doing and it made him so frustrated. Like how could you not know??
• What's funny is that you actually did know! You're just a really good actor, but not good enough he saw through you eventually. What can I say, the attention was nice
• Dude was getting so desperate he started acting differently, it started to concern his friends at some point. They all started calling him pussy whipped, which honestly didn't make sense but they didn't care
• Yeah but anyways, he started doing a lot more gestures to try to show you how much he cared about you and stuff. Usually Cartman's a lot more smart about this but it felt like he was losing braincells the more he thought about you, which was like, ALL THE TIME
• But you're still not getting the hint! Who knows how the fuck you're not but you ain't
• In a moment of pure desperation he flat out tells you, well he probably didn't mean to. He was trying to make a joke about how you're hot and that backfired so, so badly
• Cartman started getting flustered and started rambling. The gist of his rambling was that you're really fucking hot, he's really horny, and he's had a crush on you for the longest time
• It was really funny, and he's about one step away from begging on his knees for ANYTHING
• Just touching your boobs or your thighs, a handjob? Hell even a kiss, ANYTHING YOU'RE WILLING TO GIVE HIM HE'LL TAKE
• In fact he DID start begging, thank fucking god that it was at his house when he was home alone or he would've died
• Honestly, you don't know how he talked you into him thigh fucking you but he did. He's a smooth talker and knows how to manipulate people, it's actually not too hard to believe that he could do it
• Cartman felt like he was in heaven tbh, and he cummed embarrassingly quick because he was so desperate. He then proceeded to think about how good your pussy would feel and got another boner
• Yeah he's a smidge pent up and horny, but thats fine! You end up helping him out, whether it's eventually or that day and he's fine with that
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