#i do not support transnazis
anarchy-flagz · 1 year
Transn*zi Symbols Awareness Post.
(All asterisks/* are replacing the letter A. I do not support any form of antisemitism, this post is for education purposes only.) (Content warning for discussions of n*zism, neo n*zism, transn*zis, transneon*zis, and antisemitism.)
A big reason I left the radqueer community is because of the blatant antisemitism that goes on in the community, through those who support or use the term "transn*zi" and labels relating to it. As someone who is a flag archivist, emoji combo archivist, and most importantly jewish, I feel I need to take it upon myself to show you the symbols that are used by the transn*zi community so you all can keep yourselves safe. This post is going to be hard on me to make but someone needs to do it.
Awareness post starts here:
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"transn*zi pride flags + symbol"
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"transneon*zi pride flags"
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"transn*ziaesthethic pride flag"
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"pro-transn*zi/transn*zi ally pride flag"
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"transn*zigender pride flags + symbol"
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"transneon*zigender pride flags"
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"n*zi attraction pride flag + variants" "purple is sexual, green is romantic, and yellow is platonic"
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"neon*zi attraction pride flag + variants" "purple is sexual, green is romantic, and yellow is platonic"
Emoji combos to look out for:
"transn*zi": 💜ϟϟ "transn*zi": 💜🍞 "transn*zi": 🚩⛸ "transitioned transn*zi": ⚡️❤️ "transn*zigender": 💜🍞🏳️‍🌈 "n*zi attractions": ⚡️❤️🎀 "transneon*zi": 💙ϟϟ "transneon*zi": 💙🍞 "transneon*zi": 🚩🌫 "transitioned transneon*zi": ⚡️💗 "transneon*zigender": 💙🍞🏳️‍🌈 "neo n*zi attractions": ⚡️💗🎀
Everyone is free to reblog/repost to spread awareness on the topic. Honestly I shouldn't even have to explain how this type is stuff is messed up.
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gorecrunch · 14 days
A post about my cistnazis flag because I was informed that someone got the wrong idea from it:
It is not supportive of actual cisnazis. Cist- was a term that was created to describe people who are trans-[thing] but identify as being cis-[that thing] for whatever reason.
I am jewish myself, and I do not support cisnazis nor will I ever coin things in support of them. I do, however, support transnazis, and that will not change because they are not the same.
To the person who made the initial claim that my flag is a cisnazi flag, if you see this, please feel free to ask questions next time instead of accusing a label of being supportive of cisnazis or calling my flags cisnazi flags. /nm
That is all, thank you for reading.
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proshippy-fox · 28 days
hey uhm question what’s a radqueer? /gen
i see this term tossed around a lot and a lot of the sources i look at have very different meanings and interpretations and i just wanna know which one is correct /nm
I'd say that, like the term proshipper, it's best to ask someone who uses the term or specifically in this case, used to use the term. Not sure I'm the best to ask here because I am not radqueer nor have I used to term to describe myself, but I'll share my thoughts anyways.
I'm anti-radqueer because the radqueer community, from what I've seen (mainly from radqueers who post in the proship tag at times) support things like being "transrace," "transdisabled," and "transnazi," as well as some people who used to be part of the radqueer community saying that there are lots of pro-contact harmful paraphilias in there. I think it is a harmful community not only because of that, but because they try to co-opt queer terms (trans) in ridiculous, nonsensical, and downright harmful ways. You can't "transition" to be black, or asian, or white, or any race or ethnicity. You can admire other cultures, and want to learn more about them, but that is not something you can "transition" into being a part of. You don't "transition" into becoming disabled, you simply become disabled due to certain factors. You don't "transition" into hating an entire race of people- You are just a hateful person.
For that last one, having intrusive thoughts about potentially being racist, sexist, a pedophile, anything harmful at all- Those are intrusive thoughts. That is not a trans identity. None of these radqueer labels mentioned have anything to do with gender, and trans is a term used for gender. I will not doubt that there are radqueer identities that do deal with gender, but as the radqueer identity accepts people who use the term trans for harmful and disrespectful purposes, I am very anti-radqueer.
There is also a difference between rad-inclusive and radqueer- I've seen people who are rad-inclusive say that they are anti radqueer. Rad-inclusive, from what I've seen, means they accept transgender and queer identities that seemingly contradict each other, such as m-spec lesbians. I personally have no problem with queer people using labels like that as they please- gender and sexuality is very fluid, and being queer hurts no one.
I suppose the main problem I hold with radqueers is just how disrespectful and harmful many of the terms they use are, and the way they try to claim these terms should be associated with gender and sexuality when they are not.
Again, it's probably best you ask people who have first-hand experience with radqueer spaces. I am lucky enough to not have any personal experience with any of them, considering how some have said grooming and encouragement of nonconsensual paraphilias are rampant.
I'll put the proship tags in, so maybe someone else can help answer your questions more accurately. I myself am also a bit curious, and would love to see what other people think^^
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antiradqueer · 5 months
Prats made a borderline ripoff of kandiqueer (awooqueer) and,, it is vile and horrible, I cant even type it all out because it's disgusting, it supports "minors in kink" and fucking abolishing the age of consent
[pt: vile, abolishing the age of consent /end pt]
it is just a ripoff really, not even borderline, i only saw it today doing the carrd stuff
heres what i wrote for the carrd, its kinda a TL;DR on the label
Awooqueer, code : 🌈🐺🍼
"Biting those who say that they are getting groomed by radqueers"
RQ "Youth lib" centered, ProPara, Pro TransIDs, Pro Transramcoa or Transnazi.
Pro Incest, Pro MIK, Pro the abolition of the age of consent and age of majority, Pro MSM/MMP/CP, Pro "sexual education to being of any age.", Supports relationships between adults and minors, Pro conatct necro and zoo, Proship/Darkship, Pro cannibalism, "Intrage over chronoage", Pro "assisted suicide" and s/h, Anti Recovery, "Anti puritan"
and its very similar counterpart
Werequeer, code : 🌕🐺 / 🌌🐺
RQ "Youth lib", ProPara, Pro TransIDs, Pro Incest, Pro MIK, Pro the abolition of the age of consent and age of majority, Pro MSM/MMP/CP, Pro "sexual education to being of any age.", Pro Incest, Pro conatct necro and zoo, Proship, Pro cannibalism, "Intrage over chronoage", Pro "assisted suicide" and s/h, Anti Recovery, "Anti puritan"
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vinecoveredgarden · 6 months
why do you support transharmful people? as someone with intrusive thoughts, IDENTIFYING *AS* them seems super dangerous. im jewish, I feel just as unsafe with a neonazi than I would with a "transnazi".
Because I, myself, am transharmful.
It isn't just "I want an excuse to be an awful person.", it's (in my experience, at least) a response to trauma that left me violent and hateful when I get stressed or threatened.
It's wanting to stab someone to watch the light drain from them because I was physically abused and I had no way to negate it.
It's wanting to manipulate someone into being my own personal toy so they can never abandon me like everyone else did.
It's wanting to repeat the cycle of abuse that made me so hurt and broken and confused because it's all I know.
Do I think "transition" can be achieved ethically or safely for people for me? No, I don't. But for many, "transharmful" gives them a word to describe the feeling that mainstream recovery doesn't.
"Your feelings are valid!" works until your feelings are "I need to make someone else feel this pain, as deep as I do, that's the only thing that'll alleviate this pain."
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goobersnart · 2 months
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Image description of flag is tba
I want to preface this coining post with the following:
This blog is not a discourse blog or a coining blog! We don't take requests for this stuff. If you start shit you will be blocked and ignored! ^_^
The emojicode (cus we're a sucker for 'em): 🌤️🌈
Feel free to do whatever the fuck you want w/ this flag, it's a pretty flag, have fun with it!
This is a long post, be prepared HELP
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Joyqueer is essentially a blankqueer term where one prefers to focus on positivity. They try and look on the bright side of things, even in the darkest of hours.
Even though Joyqueer focuses on the positivity, it doesn't condone toxic positivity. We're not naïve, the world isn't sunshine and rainbows 24/7. We look on that side when applicable to ease life and stress because focusing on the bad 24/7 and being drowned in misery is painful and hurts.
This stance is for good faith terms/identities, follows P.L.U.R (Peace, Love, Unity (and), Respect), and users might spread positivity and joy amongst others.
This stance is supportive & inclusive of/to the following:
Mspec queers (ie mspec lesbians, gays, biles, bipan, etc.), gender anarchy (being a girlboy, transfemasc thing, having no gender while having gender, etc), & relationship anarchy (being aplatonic, being loveless, having sex with your friends and or doing things with friends that others consider "weird", polyamory, being with objects and or stuffed animals, etc)
System inclusive with the respect of cultures and against spreading misinformation.
Inclusive of ones with cluster B disorders and to educate about them and spread joy to the ones with the disorders that are suffering. NPD abuse doesn't exist, and pw HPD/BPD/ASPD aren't bad for existing!
Anticontact paraphiles that are just existing in a world that sadly doesnt understand them. attraction isn't action and no matter how ""harmful"" the attraction is (attracts cannot be harmful as thought crimes dont exist), you aren't a bad person for something you cannot control.
Anti-censorship in art and storytelling; fiction freedom in the largest of sense. Fiction isn't on the same level as reality, characters are the dolls you play with.
Youth liberation; realizing that the youth isn't stupid and that children are people too.
Atypical dysphoria and the ones that're nonhuman and or alterhuman, extranthrope, altsex, therian, objectkin, conceptkin, etc. A means to spreading positivity and joy to the ones suffering with odd and unusual dysphoria. This includes transhumanism and the personal choice of deciding what one does to ones body; this includes things that you'd find personally uncomfortable/harmful.
This stance is not supportive & inclusive of/to the following:
Transitioning to harmful transids (transnazi, transracist, transblack, transasian, etc.)
any sort of harassment
antitheism/abolition of religion
Like I said above the cut, any sort of hate will get deleted. Spread positivity to the ones that need it, the world needs more positivity. If one has any questions, feel free to ask! :]
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1nt3rn3t4ng3l · 1 day
Important Rant abt Radqueers
CW:discusions of radqueers and the shit they support/ID as so just be advised(check the tags)
sorry this may be a long post but idc anymore./nbr
Seeing Radqueer people interact with the non/alterhuman communities and "be apart of them" makes us angry.
also seeing Radqueer people say they are "punk" boils our blood.
Radqueer as a whole is actually gross.
It supports and romanticizes Harmful paras,Abuse,Natzi and other harmful shits ideology and Abelism.
Ive seen radqueers try and justify their deplorable "identities" like TransID shit by mentioning Systems and BIID...stop just STOP dont rope us or anyone into your sick reasoning.
seeing blogs DEDICATED to being "TransBPD" or "TransPlural" or "Transtrauma" genuinley is discusting.
im sorry but your just using these things as fucking asthetics.
"transBPD" people dont ACTUALLY want BPD they want that glorified "edgy" romanticized version of it not the "i want to slam nails into my fucking skull" cuz you FP took 10 minutes to respond to a text.
"transPlural" people dont actually want to be plural they dont want to stand infront of a miror and not regognize themself and end up having a breakdown cuz "whats going on" and "why cant everything be QUIET".
"transTrauma" people dont actually want the trauma. They dont want to have been sexually assaulted at a young age wich causes life long problems like hypersexuality and a distrust of men. They dont want to have been beat cuz they took food without "permission". they dont want to tip toe around praying no one will wake up cuz if they do your doors going to be removed and your online privileges will be taken away.
this is genuinely a sick thing.
they use words like "transAge" "transNazi" "TransHarmful" to excuse the fact that they are degenerates and abhorent excuses of people.
seeing them talk abt how MAP is valid and encorage Zoophilia is honestly so fucking gross.
and no we are not being a fucking "snowflake" we are having common fucking sense.
you know its bad when even PROSHIPPERS have them on their DNI(pro shippers are gross aswell and can easily intersect with rad queer people)
this is genuinely a big fucking problem and just a fucking disgracefuk "community"
radqueer will never be fucking "valid" rad queer will NEVER be excepted.
anyone whos rad queer in the non/alterhuman community is not apart of our community
we dont claim or want yall and if your radqueer and say your a therian,,,,no your fucking not
our community will never EVER allow you to be near it(at-least i HOPE so)
note: thinking about making a masterlist of radqueer terms and emoji combos+their meanings so people can be aware and stay away,,, (also thinking about adding radqueers that i know have interacted with non/alterhuman posts and are "apart of the community")
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gender-mailman · 9 months
I've been a radqueer and in radqueer servers and tbh, you do not wanna fucking be in there. I've seen channels where adults simp for minors, people encourage others to touch children and groom them, minors and adults get into sexual conversations on vc, and a lot of stuff in that vein. Also, almost every radqueer discord server supports transnazi and transhateful identities. It's really fucking disgusting.
- 🌌🐱
Ew, sick /vneg
I hate radqueers so much, i have never been into a cult but i have seen vídeos abouts culto and i can say that, radqueers are a fucking cult holy shit
The shit they do and how they target kids with disorders, pwBIID, people with paraphilias is all fucking disgusting, seeing how they all normalize all this shit and then say that WE ARE IN THE WRONG, FUCKING GOD!
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PLEASE give the gosip on safetypinz i hate their guts
I won't give out any personal details (like accounts or anything) but here are some of what I've seen (although I've never spoken to them, I used to be in servers with them):
They're really fucking weird and gross. Like, constantly posting unsanitary shit untagged. I think they have paraphilias related to that stuff which is the excuse I've seen them use?? But yeah they'd post really gross shit untagged and unprompted, which made a lot of people uncomfortable
I'm not going to immediately jump to "they're a faker!!", but they claim to have self-diagnosed ASPD despite having stated that they fit basically none of the symptoms (I remember them saying something like "I'm an asshole because of my ASPD", so I think that's why they say they have it? because they think all pwASPD are assholes??). I know a couple people who have ASPD and safetypinz shows none of the symptoms they experience, even things as basic as feeling no empathy and having little to no emotion (from what safetypinz has said, they don't fit either of those basic criteria). I won't say they're faking, but... There's definitely something not right going on here (even if it's just as basic as them not understanding what the actual criteria for the disorder is)
They're pro-transnazi, and claim that because they have Jewish ancestry they have the authority on this (even though they're aren't a practicing Jew and don't know anything about the culture nor do they know any other Jewish people and that even a lot of the radqueer community disagrees with transnazis)
Not to mention the constant posting of cutesy emojis with captions like "mother-daughter consang <3333" - not only supporting incest, but also supporting child grooming too. Wow!
And also them claiming that torture and abuse... isn't traumatizing. Which they base off of pseudomemories/exomemories - which were only brought up to say "well actually I went through this and it wasn't traumatizing, so actually if someone says they aren't traumatized then you're a horrible person for disagreeing and wanting them to recover!", outright supporting people being denied help because they "aren't actually traumatized" or because they're in denial about their trauma
They're super pro-c, pro-incest, pro-"race/age/neurotype transitioning", and shit like that. The "kandiqueer" in the tags wasn't lying - they're absolutely awful. They're besties with someone who's "dating" a dog, although idk if safetypinz themselves is a pro-c zoo (considering they have "zeta", a well know pro-c zoo term, in their username... I wouldn't be surprised)
They're one of those "cripplepunk is for physically abled people too" people as well - so even more ableist. I'm pretty sure they even harassed and attacked someone because that person said cripplepunk was only for physically disabled people
There's definitely more that I either haven't seen, was done before I became radqueer, or was done after I left. If anyone has anything they'd like to add, feel free to share!
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radqueer-takes · 8 days
It’s a joke how this community pretends to be for radical acceptance, then supports bigots. Do we want people to feel safe or not? Transracist? Transnazi? Transmisogynist? All have potential to make someone feel unsafe, because their identity is based around discrimination. Why is this community supportive of identities around discrimination? I don’t get it, I don’t get how anyone should expect to feel safe in this community when there’s people openly identifying with forms of oppression that have gotten people killed
This community is going to shit
Disclaimer. The owners of this blog may not agree with the opinions submitted. Remain civil in the notes, please & thank you.
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Ily, you're a delight on my dash, but I never know what discourse you're on about <3. I've heard of transabled before I think? But what is radqueer. Do I even want to know
In short, radqueers (or PRATs, as I prefer to call them) are ppl who support shit like “transracial”, “transabled”, “transharmful” (which includes things like “transnazi”, “transracist”, etc), etc. Many are also pro-contact for harmful paraphilias and believe kids and animals can consent.
Very disturbing group of people, to say the least.
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puppy-loves-pudding · 16 days
People need to understand that transID people can actually believe they have that disorder they are "trans" of, or that they are trans-disabled, or even trans-nazi in some way, whether due to something spiritual, body dysphoria or some neurodivergence that they may have and don't know it.
Is not people who are transID the problem per se, it's the way they communicate, they manipulate others to use these terms and tell them that no one will accept them thanks to the hatred of the antis themselves (I have read so many posts or had chats about this, unfortunately I have not saved any), and how they overlap with Radqueer spaces.
The transID purpose, its meaning, its attempt to overlap with transgender and transsexual spaces, its support for dangerous transitions for the individual and ND and disabled communities are also part of the real problem.
Now that we've identified the problem with transIDs, let's now talk about the problem with anti-transIDs.
Is something short. Being hostile will never lead someone to agree with you, It will only lead to more hate.
We know harassing people is just shit, we are not them and we don't know what's going on in their heads. You have to understand them, understand why do they need to want to use those terms, and try to find a way that is not problematic.
Even if they just want to have an ND for "the aesthetic", I wouldn't think anyone would want that just for the sake of wanting it, if you know what I mean, there are more layers behind that, is something we can't see in plain sight. Yes, even behind transNazi, transHarmful or stuff like that, and we have to find a healthier way to create a community that meets the needs of these people.
Is going to be hard? Hell yeah, the transID community, especially the part that overlaps with radqueer spaces, is very manipulative, these people really believe that this is the community they need and that they are right and that all the rest of us are closed-minded idiots.
And goood.
I know this may sound stupid but the other day I was just thinking about that, like, I tried to imagine what I would do if I was, and why would I'll be RQ and transID, and I think these are points that should be talked about more. The "why to be" and the "way to be" in a community.
Dumb post? Yeah probably nobody is going to read this shit.
Have a flower. 🌷
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impunkster-syndrome · 9 months
What is radqueer? Is it like. A step above radfem but gay?
I see the other ask too, don't worry. I don't mind answering questions.
"Radqueer" itself is a discourse stance that believe that all identities are to be accepted, but this also comes with the inclusion of bigots, pro-contact paraphiles, belief that you can change your race/ethnicity through transitioning, as well as being able to transition with your age and disability. It applies queer identity politics and fluidity to non-queer aspects of life, like disability, race, ethnicity, paraphilias, careers, crimes, and bigotry.
It tends to hijack terms and movements from other communities that are more accepted than itself to try to legitimize itself. A prime example is how "transabled" was taken from those with BIID who do not want to see their experience as constant suffering and instead applied to anyone who wishes to be physically or mentally disabled for any reason. Similar hijacking has happened to "transrace" which was originally for adoptees who are a different race than those who adopted them and the experiences that can create for them. In the radqueer belief, this term is for anyone who wants to change their race or ethnicity to another, and typically it is into fetishized cultures and reliant on stereotypes, much akin to their views on disability.
There are things that they do support that are not inherently radqueer, like destigmatizing paraphilias and paraphilic disorders, but those are taken to the extreme with encouraging people into crimes such as beastiality and sexual grooming of minors being seen as acceptable. By supporting contact for harmful paraphilias (not just necrophilia, pedophilia, and zoophilia), this puts those in that community in danger of being groomed. This is also where "parapunk" and "radpara" come from- wanting contact for harmful paraphilias to be accepted and become the norm. (Speaking as a paraphile but I am aggressively anti-contact for my harmful ones, not only due to the harm is can cause for others but also for myself due to developing these from trauma, most radqueers are anti-recovery and their beliefs about harmful contact stigmatize us more and embolden the people who want to harm others or the subjects of their attraction.) The support of endogenic systems is also not inherently radqueer but they mask it as "transplural" when these systems have been in the plural community since the early 2000s.
That post in the punk tags was due to me seeing someone post shit in the neuropunk tag and I've seen someone post it in the cripplepunk tag before. They tend to fetishize minorities or see our divergence from the typical as desireable, and when a minority tells them the truth of bigotry they experience for those traits they claim the minority is bigoted. They even see bigotry and harm to others as acceptable, hence the coining of terms like "transnazi," "transhateful," and "transharmful."
Don't even get me started on "consang" which is just incest, as someone with an incest paraphilia due to trauma. It's fucking gross to encourage that when it is not healthy for anyone involved and often only "consensual" due to grooming or this kind of contact being normalized. Or the pro-ED shit. There's so much there that is just not okay, like kandiqueer that supports the same but also is pro-suicide and pro-ED.
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