#i do think the baked goods thing is maybe inherited because my mom's whole side is like that too
shivunin · 1 year
🙤 10 Things about me 🙧
Rules: Share 10 facts about yourself and tag 10 other blogs! I want to get to know my mutuals, and the people I follow a little bit :) The facts can be about anything!
Tagged by @greypetrel here and @demandthedoodles for the personal blog (I tried to think of 20 things and do ten each but gbr I blanked on more than what i wrote. so i'm splitting the difference and putting fifteen things on one blog haha). Thank you both for the tag!
Tagging: @gaysebastianvael @star--nymph @jtownnn @scribbledquillz @heniareth @cullenvhenan @ndostairlyrium @palipunk @zenstrike (and @ you, especially if I forgot anyone! No pressure, as always)
I used to know how to play the French Horn, but now I only know how to play the French Horn badly
Technically graduated college before high school (by about a week)
I was briefly stuck in a peat bog in Ireland
Grew up in the countryside and might, if pressed, still be able to rope an immobile target 
My love language is making people food (especially baked goods)
I cannot dance (Like at all. Rhythmic swaying is the best it gets) but I am a decent singer 
There were brief concerns that I might have some kind of heart condition (it was anxiety lol) so I have watched my heart beat in real time via echocardiogram
I still have the first seven lines of the Aeneid memorized (along with everything else I had to recite for Latin) 
I got married ~two days before my state shut down over Covid
I have a lot of texture and sound Things, but imo the texture and sound of unglazed pottery is the single individual Worst Thing in Existence
When I was a kid, my dad was really really into model trains. I had a special hat with “conductor” on it and I used to spend hours with him decorating the train table, cleaning the tracks, and listening to/singing train-themed music from the jazz age. 
I loooove bees and bee-themed things and honey. I have six different sorts of honey in my cabinet right now (but my favorite is walnut honey, which is very dark and molasses-like)
I once rappelled down the side of a castle
I watched The Last Unicorn and Clue like a million times each as a kid and they have irrevocably shaped who I am as a person
I’ve been obsessed with running games for other people since I was little. I used to write treasure hunts for my cousins whenever we saw each other and murder mystery dinner parties when I got older and I’ve been DMing a D&D group for…geez almost seven years now.
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capsicletho · 3 years
Sledding Away
Tumblr media
a reader x tony stark and morgan stark one shot by @beaubatns
gif credit: @marvelgifs​
trigger warning: Get ready for a whole bunch of fluff!
word count: 1.3k
summary: It’s snowing at the cabin and Tony and Morgan loved spending time in the snow, but when dad has to help mom prepare for dinner, Morgan has other mischievous ideas.
author’s note: This my first time rewatching Endgame after I first watched it in theatres and I choose to focus on Tony’s happy domestic life instead of the sad ending. I don’t know if this has been done before, but here’s my take on this little headcanon! 
“Alright, Little Miss, Daddy’s gotta go help Mommy make dinner,” Tony groaned, his own weight straining him as he pushed himself off the ground. “Are you gonna be okay here for a while?”
“Yeah,” Morgan grinned, comfortably sitting on the little bean bag chair Tony had fit inside the igloo they built while watching an episode of Doc McStuffins that was projected on the wall.
“Okay. Don’t go anywhere, okay?” Tony reminded her before hunching out of the cramped igloo.
From the kitchen, you could see Tony crawl out of the igloo he had made with Morgan. Well, Tony did all of the work with the help of Dum-E and U; Morgan mostly just sat on her little chair for moral support with some snickerdoodles and the hot cocoa that Tony had poured into a small thermos cup lid. Then again, Dum-E mostly knocks holes into the walls while U records the whole thing, so really it’s just Tony.
You smiled as he spotted you staring out into the playground from the kitchen. Tony glanced back one more time into the igloo to make sure Morgan is safe before heading into the house.
“She’s having fun,” he chuckled, immediately washing his hands and then checking the oven where a pie crust was blind baking.
“Is she gonna be okay there alone?” You asked, placing sliced Granny Smith apples into a bowl to start the pie filling. 
“Yeah, Dum-E’s feeding her snickerdoodles as we speak,” Tony eased your worries by placing his phone on the countertop which displayed your daughter lounging on her tiny bean bag chair with blankets and dolls watching her favourite show and drinking some cocoa while Dum-E held a small plate of snickerdoodles right next to her.
You smiled, your worries assuaged because of course Tony knew to put his surveillance cameras as baby monitors inside the igloo before leaving his daughter alone there to help you out in the kitchen. 
“Where do you want me?” He asked.
“Get started on the pasta for me,” you said. Tony was not exactly the best cook, but the chances of burning pasta is minimal and all he has to do was get them out of the box and wait for 8 minutes, so you knew it was a task you could trust him with. 
“Alright,” Tony obeyed and began to work. Once a while, he glanced at the monitor displaying Morgan and then out the window at the igloo.
You continued with the apple pie filling, combining all the ingredients in a pot. “Oh, I walked by the tower the other day,” you told him. Although you were living the quiet life now, you still come to work every now and again just to make sure things are in order and you happened to walk past the Stark Tower. “People were coming out dressed as Elvis Presley, I think they’re having a contest or something,” you laughed.
“What?” Tony looked at you, incredulous. 
“Maybe there’s a lookalike contest or something,” you giggled.
“Jesus Christ,” Tony shook his head. “That tower used to be where a puny deity from outer space gets his face bashed in, but sure, Elvis Presley is a legend,” he remarked sarcastically.
You and Tony very invested in the Elvis Presley lookalike contest and laughters that the two of you missed the scurry of little snow-boots-clad feet leaving the igloo and making its way into the garage. You turned around as the oven dinged, signalling that your pie crust was done and took them out, placing them on the counter when you noticed the flash of a familiar red and blue against the white snow.
You looked up to see Captain America’s vibranium shield floating on tiny little legs. The scene did not register to you until Morgan set the shield down on the snowy ground, star spangled-side down.
“Oh my God, Tony. Babe!” your right arm flailed around to catch Tony’s attention from across the room and pointed out the window. Abandoning the strained pasta on the countertop, Tony looked out the window with you to see Morgan sitting on the concave of the shield and pushed herself down the little hill of your cabin.
You yelled her name and Tony cursed, immediately running to the door and ignoring the fact that neither of you were wearing anything thick enough to keep you warm against the freezing weather. It was too late, however, because the little Stark spawn was already zooming past you and Tony with her gleeful giggles echoing across the property. U was right across from the two of you, recording everything as the two of you ran after Morgan. It would have been comical if it was not for the fact that you are getting a heart attack over your daughter’s antics.
“Tony, do something!” You pleaded in panic, but he was already one step ahead of you. Red and gold flashed right next to you, enveloping Tony’s form and he flew off in high speed to catch Morgan before she could make it to the barriers of the property.
You slowed down and stopped running as soon as Tony caught up to Morgan, floating right in front of her and putting his hands on the rim of the shield to overcome the inertia as smoothly as he could.
“Where do you think you’re going? Didn’t I tell you to wait in the igloo?” Tony reprimanded her with the gentlest warning tone a parent would ever use. It is part of the reason why Morgan was as mischievous as he was, because not only did she inherit the trait from him, but she also knew that her Daddy did not have the heart to be stern with her.
“Hehehe, hi, Daddy,” Morgan giggled as Tony lifted the shield off the ground, carrying her back towards you in it. 
Tony landed in front of you as you put two hands on your hips. God, you were turning into your mother; you always hated when she did that because you knew what was coming, and Morgan did too. She put on the best puppy eyes and little pout that she could muster to get into your good graces.
“Morgan H. Stark, what did you think you were doing?” You lifted her off the shield and onto your hips.
“I’m sorry, Mommy,” she hid her face in the crook of your neck. Tony’s suit disappeared to reveal a smirking and proud father as he brushed the snow off the shield. You shot a look at him, not wanting his proud smile to encourage the behaviour.
“Do not do that again, okay? Not when there’s no one to watch you, because you might have been hurt,” you told her, brushing her hair back in order to look her in the eye.
“Does that mean I can do it again now?” Morgan reasoned now that the two of you are there to supervise her.
It took all your strength not to laugh. “No, because dinner is almost ready,” you said and Morgan pouted, leaning her head on your chest to look away from you. No matter how hard it was, you had to let her know that what she did was not okay and letting her do it again would only encourage her more. 
You turned around and trudged back into the house, Tony right next to you, gently poking on the girl’s waist to catch her attention. Morgan’s head did not move, but her eyes were trained at him.
“Tomorrow,” Tony mouthed quietly and Morgan’s face lit up with a smile. You looked at the two of them and shot them a warning look, but your lips could not hide the smile you have been holding any longer. Tony pressed his index finger to his lips and Morgan stifled a giggle as the two of you entered the house.
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twoblueheartslocked · 4 years
Mini Para: August Flashback(s)
Rating: PG-13?
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Four and a Half years before the events of ( Hold On To The Memories, They Will Hold On To You ) Start of August before Blaine’s Senior Year and Sebastian’s Junior Year. Blaine (almost 17) Seb(16 as of this Para).
Location: Westerville, OH- Sebastian’s house.
Info: A look into the month of August and the progression of Sebastian and Blaine’s relationship. Sebastian celebrates his 16th birthday with Blaine on August 27.
Warnings: Kissing teens and cussing.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Notes: Some canon events remain in place while others have been changed. Some things may even be out of order. You can consider this sort of canon divergent AU. A few changes are that Blaine’s parents are different from the show (His mother is Filipina), he didn’t cheat on Kurt or date Dave and Sebastian is younger than Blaine. Feel free to send a message if you have any questions!
Blaine’s POV:
The month of August had been a bit of a whirlwind for Blaine; Sam had come back from his trip so he’d spend a few comic book and video game filled evenings with his best friend. Sam had been a little floored when Blaine had told him about him and Kurt. But, when Blaine mentioned all of the problems they’d be having; the fighting, the way Blaine spent almost all of his time insecure when it came to Kurt, how he always felt like he needed to dull his shine around him- Sam actually surprised him by saying that Blaine should have done this a few months ago. Much to Blaine’s surprise also was how Sam was not surprised at all that he’d been hanging around with Sebastian for weeks. He’d rolled his eyes and simply said the word duh, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Blaine had spent the rest of the night wondering if maybe, just maybe his feelings for Sebastian had possibly influenced his final decision in breaking things off with Kurt before they got too bad. He wondered if it made him a bad person because he knew now that it was so much more than just friends that he felt when it came to the tall, green eyed boy that had been taking up occupancy in his mind the last couple of months. He tried to ignore it when his brain yelled at him that Sebastian had, in some way, been there since they met, almost a whole year ago…
They’d spent almost every single free day they’d had together. Diners with shakes, and the county fair where Blaine had bought them terrible fair food and eaten too much cotton candy and Sebastian had charmed his way into a golden teddy bear to make him feel better. Blaine had dubbed the bear August as a reminder of their day. It was still sitting on his bed. They’d taken long night time drives and had gone to see a few blockbuster movies where Sebastian had gotten them giant buckets of popcorn slathered in butter and salt and sticky, sweet sodas. Blaine couldn't remember the last time he’d had so much carefree fun and every night he went home smiling and wondering what would come next.
And last weekend, Blaine had driven the two of them to the city- Columbus had one of those preserved old Movie Theatres' that looked like it had been frozen in the 1950’s. It was the kind of place that still tore your paper ticket and only showed movies that were before 1995 and only on 35mm film. The kind that still had a red velvet curtain, and ushers and they even made you watch a little cartoon before they showed the feature and good god, Blaine thought it was absolutely perfect. The film was Jaws this time, the theme being A Summertime Nightmare and they even sold little sugar cookies in the shapes of sharks with a painted on leg and shiny red icing for blood. Blaine bought them two. Sebastian wasn’t a big fan of horror films but once Blaine had playfully promised to fight the big bad monster off for him he seemed to calm down a little. Even if it was just because he was laughing at the thought.
Sebastian had been doing well until the ominous music started up and then he caught the first sight of the massive creature and Seb jumped so hard he almost tipped their popcorn, his body automatically curling towards Blaine’s as if he really could protect him. Blaine’s response had been to smile, chuckle softly and reach out for his companions hand, his fingers sliding easily between Seb’s. Seb had squeezed his hand back, face unreadable in the dim light of the old film light. But, he didn’t pull away and his grip told Blaine that he wanted to do it just as much as he did.  And it was so natural you’d think they’d done this so many times. That they’d been a couple for years. Blaine had spent so damn long fighting this feeling, the -what are we- over and over that he just didn’t have it in him anymore. It was like the harder he fought against his feelings for Seb, the stronger the magnetic pull towards Sebastian grew.
And so the hand holding became a regular thing over the last seven days, so much that Blaine’s stomach flipped each time he thought about getting to do it.  And it was almost laughable to him because Blaine wasn’t some green boy anymore. He’d been sexually active with Kurt over the last year,(He tried not to think about how insecure those moments left him, too.) but for some reason those times with Kurt didn’t seem to hold a candle to moments where he was just holding Sebastian Smythe’s fucking hand. And so every time they sat in a diner or took a drive under the stars to some park just to talk and walk or swing, he would find himself reaching for Sebastian’s hand and sometimes Seb reached for his. Blaine was in his feelings and he wasn’t sure what it meant, all he knew was that he’d fight the moon just to see Sebastian smile the way he did when their fingers were linked together.
Blaine bit his bottom lip, pulling himself from the memories of the past month and tried to concentrate on getting the six of the big 1-6 he was writing on the very pink cake in leafy green icing. It was Sebastian’s sixteenth birthday today and Blaine got to spend it with him. He’d baked a homemade round strawberry cake, complete with fresh strawberries adorning the sides. Even the icing was homemade and Blaine was rather proud of himself as he stepped back to look at his handy work.
“Almost like it came from a bakery, Blaine.” His head turned to the entrance to the kitchen where his mom stood, cute and compact with an empty mug of tea to return to the kitchen. She made her way in, setting the mug in the sink before making her way over to Blaine. Her dark lashes framing her inquiring gold eyes. She turned him and put her hand on his shoulders, tilting his chin down just a bit so she could see him. “Is Sebastian your new boyfriend, sweetheart?” Blaine blushed hard and bit his bottom lip. Icing from the cake still clinging to his fingers as he let his mom hold onto him. Blaine gave a shrug, unable to answer and afraid to know the answer himself. Imelda had just smiled, soft and knowingly before lifting her shorter body to kiss Blaine gently on the forehead. “Well, whatever he is to you your smile is radiant when he’s here.” She laughed a little. “And so is his. So, if you’re worried that he might not want to be with you, I don’t think it’s necessary.” Blaine bit his bottom lip. His emotions swelling in him as he spoke honestly to her and, for the first time out loud.. himself.
“I like him so much, mom. It’s crazy. I didn’t really realize, I mean, I truly didn’t know it until now, but I think I have for a long time. Does that make me a bad person? Because of Kurt...” She shushed him and shook her head before pulling him into a tight hug. “You can’t help how you feel, and now you’re free to feel the things you do, honey.” She pulled back enough to look at him again, her honey eyes, the ones he’d inherited, smiling. “Any boy that makes you smile like that is a keeper, Blaine. Don’t let him get away.” and then she stole a few leftover strawberries and was gone out the door before he could say anything else. He wondered if other people were seeing what his mom had seen. He still didn’t know what they were, but he hoped it was more than just friends.
He packed up the cake into a plastic cake container and made sure he had all the ingredients of the pizza he was going to make for Sebastian. Extra onions and extra bacon, sauce, cheese, crust… Yeah, he had it. He hadn’t gotten Seb a gift because he wasn’t sure if that would be inappropriate or or too much or what. But now as he looked at his spread he thought maybe it was too much anyway and old insecurities about doing too much or being too over the top started to trickle in. He made himself shrug it off.  Sebastian had never made him feel like that, he had no reason to think he would now. He took the dark blue cake box and loaded it into his green SUV along with the pizza stuff. He felt under dressed, his curls loose for once and his feet in flip flops. He was wearing red swim trunks with little navy sailboats on them and a bright yellow tank top. Sebastian had insisted he wear something that he could swim in.
He placed the little card he’d gotten on top of the cake box, smiling to himself because he’d picked it out precisely as a joke. On the outside was a sly fox with a bored but slightly smiling face and a bouncing bunny rabbit in a bow tie looking overly excited. The inside was blank but Blaine had written a note along with the date.
Happy Birthday, Seb,
There’s no one else I’d rather annoy with stories or waste my nights away with.
❤ B.
It was dumb and cute and Blaine hoped it made Seb smile. 
It wasn’t long before he was knocking on Sebastian's massive door, his arms full of surprises.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had begged his mom, Sabine to leave for the next evening. Blaine was going to come over with a birthday surprise for him and had hinted that he’d need the kitchen. The last thing he wanted was his mother or some random member of her staff hanging around the kitchen. 
“Mom. Please. Please, please, please.” He was practically on his knees. Sebastian felt like he didn’t ask for much but didn’t all teenagers think that? “Please let us have the kitchen to ourselves. We’ll clean it up and everything. I swear.” His hands were clasped in front of him as if in silent prayer. “And we can celebrate my birthday later in the week.” 
“Sebastian,” Sabine looked up from her book, his name in her french accent, her green eyes peaked over her black framed cat eye glasses. “You can use the kitchen.” She sighed and closed her book, her eyes focused his, a matching pair of hers.  “Are you and Blaine dating?”
“Mom…” He huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose, he could feel his cheeks slightly redden and Sabine laughed.
“Just clean up your messes.”
He promised he wouldn’t leave a mess and that they would have dinner together later in the week to celebrate. Seb  got out the room as fast as he could. Sebastian didn’t know what he and Blaine were but he knew he was having the best summer of his life. He had never realized such simple things could make him so happy. Bribing carnies for teddy bears, too much cotton candy, fresh popcorn, holding hands at classic movies, in the car, on walks, on swing sets. Sebastian couldn’t wait for Blaine to come over on his birthday.
The next day was spent obsessively checking the time and trying on different swim trunk/tee shirt/ tank top combos to see what looked best. Sebastian settled on a dark green tee shirt and navy blue swim trunks. He could make a scene out of taking the tee shirt off before they swam and the swim trunks were a little short but showed off his legs. Sebastian hoped Blaine would notice.
Finally, the doorbell rang and Sebastian raced to answer the door before the maid did. Blaine had the code to the gated community already and had seen the various members that worked around his home but he wanted things to go smoothly and as nonchalant as possible (though there were butterflies and elephants and any other cliche you could think of in his stomach)
“Hey, B.” He opened the door and stepped back so the other boy could walk inside the house with his various materials. “All this for me?” Sebastian led Blaine to the kitchen and watched as he set out the ingredients for pizza and opened the cake box. The cake looked almost professional and Sebastian had never had a friend bring him a cake before. Sure, the cook had baked him birthday cakes and his mother had ordered him cakes with various characters on them when he was younger but this was different. He could tell a lot of hard work went into it and Sebastian thought to himself that he had never had anybody outside of his home do something so thoughtful. “You even got my favorite pizza toppings. This is so awesome.”
“You made this all by yourself?” Sebastian admired the green writing and the expertly placed fruit. He already knew it would taste perfect because Blaine had made it and he was just so naturally talented at everything he did.
Seb picked a strawberry off of the side of the red cake and popped it into his mouth as he read the card. He rolled his eyes playfully at the cartoon animals. “Thanks,killer. I’ll cherish this piece of paper forever.” But it had said yours and he wondered if Blaine had meant to do that. Yours. That could mean so many things. Sebastian smiled to himself and set the card on the windowsill above the sink so that he wouldn’t lose it. His.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine suddenly felt extremely self conscious as he waited for Sebastian to answer his door. He wished he’d worn real clothing and just changed into his trunks when it was time to swim. Plus he was freaking gelless and now he was regretting it. He felt exposed with his curls loose god why didn’t he gel? He hadn’t let anyone see him this way for a moment. When Kurt had seen them he’d covered his mouth and pretended they were fine, and he’d been called an assortment of names by his friends. He could still hear Brittney's Broccoli comment and it made him cringe inside. But, over the last few months, Blaine had figured out how to keep the frizziness at bay with a new product and he figured tonight, what with the pool and all, would be a good night to try it out. But now, he was wondering if maybe tonight wasn’t the best night to test it out. It was too late now. Seb was opening the door looking just as gorgeous as ever in blue trunks that showed off so much leg Blaine was struggling not to stare at the light ripple of muscle as Seb led them to the massive kitchen.
His nervousness slowly ebbed away as Sebastian seemed truly impressed with his spread. He fought a smile and tried his hardest not to blush to his toes at the compliments Sebastian was dishing out. He was always pretty vocal about his appreciation for things he liked, but every single time they were directed at him, they made Blaine feel out of sorts and his tummy did little flips.
“Yeah, I made it. I like to cook and stuff and you like strawberry so figured why not? I hope you like it.” Again, he tried to fight his blush as he watched Sebastian pop the red fruit past his full bottom lip. Only Sebastian could make something as simple as that seem so attractive without even trying and Blaine was again regretting the damn short. He cleared his throat, thankful that if Sebastian noticed his crazy blushing he at least wasn’t saying anything. He watched nervously as he opened the birthday card, worrying his bottom lip and wondering if it was too cheesy. But, Seb’s smile and his words relaxed him and he wondered if he’d really keep it forever.
“So, I’ve already made the dough, it has to sit for a couple of hours, but you can help me roll it out, and I’ve cooked the bacon and cut the onions up, so all we have to do is sauce it, cheese it and top it.” He laughed, happy that Sebastian seemed so happy with his gifts. “I was going to go pick a pizza up from Borgata’s, but we get food out all the time and I thought it would be fun if we made one together. Besides, you can put as many onions and as much bacon on it as you’d like. I won’t complain one bit. However,” He reached out and playful swatted Sebastian’s hand away from the cake before covering it back up. “No cake until we’ve cleaned up the whole mess, got it?” He teased sliding the cake just out of his reach.
As it turned out, Sebastian was actually pretty terrible in the kitchen. Blaine ended up doing most of it himself while Sebastian stole pieces of bacon and cheese and traced his fingers through the flour before gently dragging his fingers over Blaine’s nose and down his cheek, laughing as he did so. He was lucky he got the pie baked in one piece. It was funny and sweet and Blaine felt like he was in a ridiculous rom-com for a little bit and he was already dreading having to leave for the night. They had cleaned up their mess while the pizza was cooling and then they’d gotten plates and brought fresh lemonade from Seb’s refrigerator, their slices of pizza and the cake box out onto the pool deck with them. The sun was setting and the moon was so full they didn’t need the deck lightly to see. Blaine had taken his flip flops off, feeling more relaxed and happy than he had in a long time.
“So, what’s the verdict, Birthday Boy?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Blaine’s eyes were wide and his hair was loose (a rare sight, Sebastian loved to see his curls) and he looked like he was sitting on the edge of his deck chair as he waited for an answer. Even in the moonlight Blaine looked beautiful and maybe even more so than normal. Sebastian thought to himself that he should tell him he looked amazing with his curly hair and sunkissed skin and swimming trunks but for once in his life (for some reason) he didn’t say anything and focused on his slice of cake. Sebastian smiled to himself and cut into the soft cake with his fork and took a big bite. He sighed and rolled his eyes (not in his usual surly way but in a ‘ugh this tastes so fucking good’ way) Seb took another bite and all but danced in his deck chair. “This is the best cake I’ve ever had.” He scooped up a forkful of frosting and popped it into his mouth. “And I’m not even saying that to get in your pants.” Sebastian laughed and popped more of the pink cake into his mouth.
The pizza was perfect, too and Sebastian gave Blaine so many compliments on his cooking that he was blushing. Blaine’s flushed cheeks were one of Sebastian’s favorite things about the other boy and he always pointed it out when he could. “You’re so cute when you blush.” They finished their meal and relaxed for a little bit before Sebastian stood up and removed his tee shirt. He threw it at Blaine and winked before jumping into the cold water of the pool. Sebastian hated the cold and the only way to get over it was to get in fast and force your body to numb itself to the feeling.
He floated on his back and stared up at the night sky. The stars were bright and there were fireflies lazily floating around in the Ohio summer air. Sebastian loved summer in Ohio. Nothing could beat the thick heat, cold  lemonade in sweaty glasses, fireworks, the scent of fresh cut grass, chlorine and hot pavement. Now he had Blaine in the summer. His favorite guy and his favorite season. Sebastian thought that this was probably the best summer of his life. He didn’t have to sneak into Scandal’s every night to have a good time and the other boy had shown him that. He was content driving around while Blaine sang him his favorite One Direction songs, Blaine’s smile seemed made just for him in those moments and Sebastian thought that he would probably do anything to keep that smile around.
“Come on, B. The water… well, it’s kinda cold but you’ll get used to it.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine did his best to cover up the blush and the smile that slowly spread out over his face. He was smiling so hard and so big that his face ached with the joy of the feeling and he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so good. Sure, he’d had good moments with Kurt, he had loved him… but lately all he could remember were the fights and how every good thing about his past relationship seemed to have been marred by some pettiness or disagreement about something Blaine hadn’t done right or well enough or something Blaine had done too well. And of course Blaine wasn’t perfect but Kurt never could seem to let him forget that and… and, not for the first time, he wondered if he should have ended things with Kurt before he mostly only reflected negatively and further if he should have given Sebastian a chance sooner.  He felt the connection between the two of them so strongly, he wondered how he was ever able to ignore it before.
“You don’t have to say that.” He was sure that Sebastian had had better cakes, and probably better birthdays, but he was smiling at him like he hung the moon and the way he savored each bite made Blaine feel a thousand times appreciated and he found it easy to accept the probable fib. And again his face was heated and surely red as Sebastian for the fiftieth time told him he was cute while blushing as if Blaine controlled that. It made him laugh anyway and he found that he didn’t mind.
He watched Sebastian, bold in his confidence, pulled his shirt off and threw it at him. Blaine breath hitched as he let himself really look at him for a moment, appreciating his lithe, lightly muscled form displayed in front of him before Sebastian gracefully jumped into the pool. The pool light below lighting him up and warping his body for a moment before he came back up. Blaine stood up, his fingers hesitating on the hem of his tank top, suddenly incredibly apprehensive to take it off in front of Sebastian. What if Kurt was right and his sweets addiction had caught up to him? Was he hairier than most boys his age or was his stomach not as flat as it should be? He tried his hardest to shake off his fears, Sebastian's beckoning and playfulness winning over in the end. Biting his lip he pulled the garment up and over his head, musing his curls as he dropped it to join Sebastian's.
He wondered what Sebastian saw as he sat at the edge of the pool, his feet dipping in first to test the cool water. Cold, but not unbearable. He scooted himself over the edge and took a deep breath before he let himself drop into the water, not allowing himself time to worry about his hair before going under. He swam towards Sebastian and popped back up right in front of him, splashing at the other boy playfully before nudging him in the side with his hip.
“It’s not that cold, Sebastian.” He teased, his body adjusting to the pool's temperature quickly. He floated for a moment, trying to calm down his pounding heart, the roar of blood in his ears telling him they way they had been acting with each other is so much more than friendship. He splashed at the other boy with a mischievous and admittedly flirtatious glint in his eye. He bit his bottom lip, fighting the giggle that was rising up in his throat and then wrapped his arms around Sebastian and pulled him under, the butterflies in his stomach fluttered against his rib cage from the feeling of his bare chest against Sebastian’s.
Before Sebastian could catch him, he was already swimming away, using the boxing workouts to his advantage, to the shallow end. In one swift movement he pulled himself up to sit on the edge of the edge of the pool. He ran his fingers though his curls and slicking his hair back, but he could already feel a few curls springing up. His grin huge and the glint in his eyes clearly daring Sebastian to come get him.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian’s head plunged underwater, his body pressed to Blaine’s as the cold water surrounded him. He could feel Blaine’s strong arms around him, his own arms askew in the pool from the surprise. Suddenly, Blaine swam off and Sebastian popped up above the tiny waves the other boy caused. He ran a hand over his wet face and caught his breath. He watched Blaine swim away and perch on the edge of the pool. He probably could have caught him if he wanted but he let him get away. Seb laughed the sort of heavy laugh one has after losing their breath for a moment and swam over to him. 
Blaine looked great on the side of the pool, the moonlight caught in the droplets of pool water on his skin. His curls already fought against gravity and popped out all over his head, his strong arms accented as they pressed against the tiled pool ledge, his wet trunks pressed against his body in all of the right spots. Sebastian wanted to touch him and the way that Blaine was looking at him as he swam, maybe he felt the same way? They had been holding hands a lot lately and lingering at doorways when they said goodbye. He could feel a tense but exciting air around them the past few weeks but always found himself uncharacteristically nervous when it came to saying bye. What if he kissed him or touched him and Blaine rebuffed it? What if he had been reading all of the signs wrong or Blaine was just trying to distract himself? It wouldn’t be the first time somebody had used Sebastian but this one might hurt worse than the rest because he actually had so much hope buried underneath the butterflies in his belly.
Sebastian decided in his short swim that he wouldn’t get anywhere in life by being shy and just went for it. He placed his body between Blaine’s thighs so that he could look up at the other boy (which was a new but amazing view) and he placed his hands on either side of his thighs. He could hear the sounds of crickets and frogs and summer all around them in a small moment where neither of them spoke. Sebastian bit his bottom lip, his green eyes a little mischievous.
“You know, you look really awesome tonight.” He hoped Blaine knew that he would move if he wanted him to. “Thank you for everything, by the way.”
Blaine’s POV:
The air around Blaine seemed to freeze as Sebastian came so very close to him. Heat was radiating from his legs and belly in the minimal space between their bodies. He wanted nothing more than to draw him closer to him and press his body against his, just to see if it felt as incredible as Blaine imagined it would. His breath hitched at Seb’s words and he swallowed, his eyes wide, as he let the compliment sink into his skin like the drops of water clinging to him. He’d meant to say thank you, he’d meant to say you’re welcome but, his barely there, almost whispering voice had disappeared for a moment at their closeness. He could feel Sebastian’s breath on his face, could make out the vibrant green of his eyes in the moonlight, he had little flecks of blue that Blaine had never noticed before but this close they were so noticeable he wasn’t sure how.
“You- you’re beautiful, Sebastian…” his voice was shaky and almost didn’t make it past his teeth and once it was out he felt a little embarrassed at the way he’s said it, like telling Sebastian Smythe he was beautiful was an original poem that Blaine had written and it was only meant to be performed in hushed tones and desperate pleas as the moon and stars watched and listened. How many other guys have said the same to him? Did he look at them the way he was looking at Blaine now? He wanted to make him forget that anyone else had touched him. The feeling of embarrassment faded away as Blaine reached out with trembling hands and gently pulled Sebastian closer to him, afraid he might scare him away. His fingers grazed his arms and his hands were moving up to rest against Sebastian’s chest for a moment and Blaine could feel the rapid thump of his heart against his fingers, reminding him that Sebastian was real and right here and Blaine ached so badly to know it better. To memorize the rhythms with his fingers. Before he could talk himself out of it his hands were sliding up to his slender neck where freckles dusted like the stars and Blaine wanted to stop and count each one.
He let his fingertips dust over a few before slipping his hands up further where they cupped Sebastian’s devastatingly beautiful face on both sides, holding him like he was precious and it was so clear now that he actually was to Blaine. He looked down from where he was sitting, holding Sebastian’s gaze, searching for permission to explore and getting it in the way Seb bit his lip and tilted his head back slightly, his face open for Blaine. There was an inhale and then Blaine was leaning down and pressing his lips softly against Sebastian’s. His skin felt electric and his eyes fell shut as he pulled back a little to tilt his head to deepen the kiss. His tongue slipped past Seb’s lips and teeth searching for his, barely audible whines of pleasure coming from the back of his throat when he found it.
His fingers slid from Seb’s face and around to his neck, scraping at his hairline before curling against his skin gently, pulling him even closer. He kissed Sebastian like he’d never get to do it again, deeply and with a slowness that made him ache with want and he was all but breathing the other boy in. Trying to convey with each slide of lips and tongue the way he had been feeling over the last two and maybe more months. Sebastian tasted like strawberries and lemonade and Blaine couldn’t remember ever feeling so alive. He wanted Sebastian to feel everything he was feeling. Wanted him to feel how much he was desired and how good kissing him felt for Blaine and god how had he waited so long for this? Kissing Sebastian Smythe felt like something he’d been missing his whole life, he just hadn’t known it. So he drank him in with each second he got to kiss him, his thumbs running slowly over his jaw, fingers still lost in the hair at the nape of his neck. Blaine’s heart swelling with a feeling he didn't know how to name and hammering against his rib cage, his toes curling against Sebastian’s thighs under the water.
Sebastian's POV:
Seb smiled, all of his teeth exposed and his eyes crinkled. He never smiled like that. He always fought against it and chose to smirk or frown or feign indifference most times. But Blaine always brought that smile out and Seb couldn’t fight against it. Compliments sounded so much better coming from Blaine than they did from anybody else. Sure, Sebastian had had plenty of guys tell him that he was hot or great looking or whatever. Nobody had ever said beautiful before. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at him. The butterflies that always seemed to hang around when Blaine was near swirled around in his stomach again and suddenly the other boys hands were on him. Little sparks jumped under his skin and he had goosebumps all over his arms. Sebastian thought he imagined Blaine getting closer until their lips touched and everything felt real again.
Thank god they were in the shallow end of the pool because as soon as Blaine’s lips were on his and his hands were on his neck, Sebastian’s knees went a little weak and he probably would have melted into the water and fell down, down, down, to the bottom of the pool. He couldn’t fucking believe that Blaine was kissing him, that his fingers were gently scraping the back of his neck, his toes against his thighs in the water. Sebastian had never really enjoyed kissing. It was always rushed or messy but this...this was different. Maybe he had never really been kissing before and how was he ever going to want to do anything but kiss Blaine over and over again?
Sebastian’s hands gripped Blaine’s wrists as they kissed. He moaned a little despite himself and his body felt jittery and excited and he was going to need to float in the water for a while to calm his body down. He ran his hands down Blaine’s arms, his sides, down to his waist to gently help him back into the water. Sebastian was taller now and he pressed Blaine against the side of the pool gently as he deepened the kiss again, slow and gentle before he pulled away. His lips were swollen and his smile was so wide it hurt and he laughed, a happy sound that rang out over the pool. Sebastian fell backwards into the pool water with a big splash and stared up at the stars.
Blaine’s POV:
It was all so perfect, Seb’s little moans with his mouth against his and moving against each other like they’d done it so many times- yet feeling like a first of many, his fingers pressed against his wrists flush against his skin and Blaine could feel his pulse against them. He sighed as Seb’s arms moved to encircle him, a little gasp escaping as he was gently pulled back into the water. And if he thought it was perfect before, it only improved as Seb was suddenly leaning down to kiss him, pressing his shorter body against the pool wall and Blaine could feel his toes lifting him up to meet Seb’s mouth better. His head back and face open and wanting as Sebastian kissed him this time, just as slow and just as deep and he tingles all over and wondered how the hell he’d get out of the pool without making a display of himself.
A noise left his mouth somewhere between a sigh and groan when Sebastian pulled away after a few minutes and Blaine was left empty armed and his lips were swollen with the feeling of Seb’s having just been on his. He was suddenly worried that maybe Sebastian was regretting it, that maybe Blaine had misread everything because why was he so far away now and why weren't they still kissing? He started to worry that maybe it meant nothing. Blaine knew Sebastian wasn’t some blushing boy that pined after him, so what if Blaine was so over the moon about something that was nothing for Sebastian? The thought hurt more than he wanted to admit to himself.
But the look on Sebastian’s face, the radiant smile, the one that showed all of Sebastian’s perfectly imperfect teeth, the one that Blaine had only started to see once they’d become closer, the one Blaine liked to say was just for him- was spreading over his features and Blaine would have given anything in the whole world to make him smile like that again and again. And Seb was laughing and Blaine was laughing, feeling free, like a weight had lifted. His worries once again just floating away into the night sky.
“Yeah… wow.”
He bit his lip, and took a deep breath as he watched Sebastian float just out of his reach and suddenly, and very unwanted- the world came back into focus. He could hear the alarm on his phone going off, the one he’d set in case he lost track of time, as he did with Sebastian. It told him it was almost eleven and he needed to leave soon if he was going to make his curfew. How many cycles had it gone through? Was he late? Normally he’d hate disappointing his mom, but tonight all he wanted was this. He told himself she’d understand as he sloshed through the water to make his way over to Sebastian. His body still embarrassingly respondent to the sight of Sebastian. He told himself he’d get ready to leave the next time it went off. Which meant nine more minutes of possibly doing this again. Nine more minutes of Sebastian in his arms.
“I guess it’s later than I thought…” He sighed, his heart overreacting and aching a little at the thought of having to go. “I want…-” He wanted to pull him back and hold him close, tilt his chin down so he could tip toe up and kiss him again with his arms pulling him against him.
But, he cut himself off, swallowing and trying to quell his worries. The ones that said maybe he was asking for too much, or that he was being too sexual and too needy. Kurt had made comments before that left Blaine feeling insecure about his need for contact and now it was trying to get the best of him. Sebastian isn’t Kurt. You’ve already spent the last ten minutes kissing him, he’s not going to reject you, Blaine. Go after what you want…
Being with Sebastian had made him feel alive and bold the last couple of months and tonight had just heightened it more and while he didn’t know what they were or what was going to come of this- he knew he needed to reach for it. He could feel something pulling him towards Sebastian. Again like a magnet, like a red string of fate and Blaine just couldn’t get enough. He licked his lips and reached for Sebastian for the second time that night.
“I want another one.” It sounded too demanding and he shook his head before licking his lips, softly trying again. “I mean could we… Could I have one? I don’t wanna go home without kissing you again.”
Sebastian's POV:
Seb had so many feelings racing through his body that he couldn’t decipher what was up or down and was thankful for the cool water of the pool, it calmed his mind and his body down a little. There was confusion about what they were because they were obviously more than friends. They couldn’t skirt around that anymore after that kiss. He didn’t feel like Blaine was his boyfriend; what a lame word-boyfriend. Could Blaine just be his person, just be his? There was the excitement because holy shit they had kissed and he had been waiting for that and wanting that for so long. Sebastian couldn’t deny that there was a little streak of doubt mixed in with the giddiness and the hormones and the questions and the adrenaline and the joy. He knew that Blaine’s friends didn’t like him because of the shitty things he had done almost a year ago and that some of them would never accept his apology and no amount of flowers or monetary donations weren’t going to change the minds of stubborn teenagers. What if they talked Blaine out of hanging out with him or pursuing something? Sebastian took a deep breath and focused on the sky again. It didn’t matter because things were great right now and Blaine was there with him.
Sebastian looked up at Blaine as he floated in the water. His wet curls were framed by the night sky and he could just make out the unsure look on the other boy’s face. He never wanted to make Blaine feel insecure or unsure about anything because….well fuck, he was Blaine. Sebastian would have believed you if you told him he had single handedly placed the sun in the sky and lined the planets and cherry picked the stars so that they gleamed just right. He thought that Blaine was just so effortlessly talented and beautiful and charming that he couldn’t comprehend how he ever doubted himself?
He paddled a little so that he could get to a spot where he could get back on his feet and regain balance in the water. Sebastian waded through the water so that he was standing in front of Blaine again. Sebastian liked when  Blaine’s voice sounded bold. He smiled, he hoped that encouraged him. “Yeah. It is getting pretty late though….best kiss me now.”
The two of them found each other effortlessly and kissed like they had been doing this for years. Sebastian wrapped his arms around Blaine’s waist, he could feel him against his skin, his face tipped up to erase the distance between them.  Kissing Blaine was like all of his favorite things about summer; hot like the sun, sweet like watermelon and lemonade and Popsicles, exciting like firecrackers, shocking like cold pool water.
Sebastian would have been content if the entire summer felt like this, if every Birthday had a cake and kiss from Blaine attached to it.
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scnnyfm-old · 4 years
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chicago’s very own sunshine ‘sunny’ carmichael has been spotted on madison avenue driving a bmw 3 series , welcome ! your resemblance to dua lipa is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-third birthday bash . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re sensitive , but being altrustic might help you . i think being a cancer explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be the scent of bubblegum, an abundance of house plants, and freshly baked cookies . ( cis female + she/her ) 
helloooooo ghouls, goblins, and everything in between. it’s ya girl aneesa or whatever fun nickname you wanna call me, and this is my child sunny! you can reach me via ims or catch me on discord at 𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐚 🦋☀#5408
* && 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬
full name — sunshine carhmichael
nicknames — sunny (preferred name actually)
birthday — july 15
height  — 5′ 8″
age  — twenty-three (23)
pronouns — she/her/hers
occupation(s) — singer, record executive, fashion/cosmetics brand ceo, fashion designer, reality show star, & model
languages spoken — english (barely)
orientation — bisexual
* && 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑹𝒀 𝑺𝑶 𝑭𝑨𝑹...
sunshine hawthorne grew up in the foster care system, according to the letter her mother left her, she was just a teenager with strict religious parents who threw her out the minute they learned of her pregnancy, and sunshine’s father was nowhere to be seen, and giving sunshine up was easier than living on the streets trying to fend for herself and a child
SEXUAL & PSYCHICAL ABUSE TW growing up in the foster care system was a lot, she bounced from family to family, and the things that happened were unspeakable. sometimes the abuse was physical, emotional, or sexual and it just caused a lot of deep personal trauma for herself that was never resolved
this caused her to become reserved, stuck up for the underdog even if it was at her own expense, just intrinsically unselfish, has always been the mom friend to a fault
she was 10 when she got adopted into an extremely wealthy family, like i’m talking top ten wealthiest families in the states, and suddenly sunny hawthorne became sunny carmichael 
so let’s take a minute to talk about the carmichael’s 
they originate from old money, i’m talking so far back it’s unclear whether or not the money they have was obtained legally or not, this caused her parents to be a little reckless w their spending
her father: sebastian carmichael is the one who inherited the wealth from his father, who inherited it from his father, and the cycle continues, he was addicted to gambling add that to the fact that he was a serial cheater and you have an extremely poor father figure
ALCOHOL & DRUGS TW her mother: davina carmichael was a drug dependent alcoholic who spent all of husband’s money to makeup for the fact that he was cheating on her, started her own billion dollar company from scratch, plans on ‘giving it’ to sunny
the carmichaels were very problematic and all of their scandals were extremely public, in fact the only reason they adopted sunny in the first place was so that they could appear more well-rounded then they were
after that would come give siblings, and it fell upon sunny to take care of all of them, so from a young age she acted extremely mature, learned to fend for herself, and still managed to have a soul flourishing with tender spots
sunny was a gifted kid, not academically, she struggled A LOT, she had trouble paying attention, couldn’t read as well as the other kids. she got teased a lot for being ‘dumb’ and honestly hated it, it’s one of her biggest insecurities to this day. but what she lacked academically she made up for artistically, she was musically inclined, and it was clear that she loved to draw (apparent from all the doodles in the margins of her notebooks)
her family capitalized on this as if she were some sideshow attraction, come see our daughter! look how good she is at painting and doodling! pay us money! and although it made her feel like some trophy the could polish and show off, and this messed up sunshine even more because she knew deep down they didn’t love her
in high school she was the bubbly ditzy popular girl, chewed on enough bubblegum to finance a new mercedes, and just was that stereotypical girl ripped straight out of an early 00′s movie
was on the cheerleading team because again i tell you she was just living her best teen life! having an amazing time! vibing!
although her parents could give her anything they wanted and were decent enough to pay the bills for her and her siblings, she wanted to provide for herself, not have to depend on her parents for anything
she got into modeling! and although t took her a while to find her footing eventually she did, and it was a great time! but eventually parents got jealous and made her quit modeling altogether, because god forbid that she get more attention than they did
eventually (and to everyone’s surprise lmao) she went to college, and somehow got accepted into an ivy league....for art! not as surprising, but her family lied and said she went to business school bc of course they did
she went to harvard and majored in visual arts, she got her degree, and got her her happy ass out of there, mostly stayed focused on her studies, occasional party here and there
she was extremely worried about her siblings and she immediately went back home to them, surprisingly they were in one piece, not surprisingly they were being raised by nannies
she applied her visual arts degree and started designing clothes, then modeling said clothes, because although her parents had enough money to get her company off the ground, she wanted to do it by herself
and she did! finally bringing a decent name to the carmichael family!
was a guest judge on a bunch of modeling/runway shows, occasionally starred in her family’s reality tv show against her will, and was so dynamic she would be offered her own, and of course she jumped at the opportunity! 
her mother tried handing off the company to her, and she declined! instead she opened up her own company selling her designs and was very hands on in learned to make cosmetics, and her company has been doing extremely well so far, it’s set to surpass her family’s company in a couple of years
as if she didn’t have enough on her plate she wanted to pursue her singing career, ended up having a whirlwind romance w a singer that she collaborated with, they were pretty serious and talked about being engaged, but eventually things fizzled out
said romance inspired a lot of her music, and encouraged her to keep going with her music career, she even worked her way up to the title of executive of their label, she’s on top of the world
she’s come a long way from the shy girl from foster care who afraid of her own shadow, but she’s lost none of her softness!
still extremely charitable and even started multiple charities all ranging from helping fund the foster care system to providing more funding for no kill shelters (she’s a vegan!) all of her charities are nation wide and oh boy does she have a lot on her plate
has....literally no time for anything else....still tries to prove to herself that she’s definitely not stressed and has so much free time! sdflksj tries to party and have fun, but mostly craves staying inside and takes baths with scented candles and just watches the same romcom over and over again 
* && 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭
....okay so maybe it’s not completely believable that she got into an ivy league with her own merit, after all she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed and spoiler alert she didn’t
her parents bribed an admissions counselor to let their daughter in their visual arts program, they even donated enough money to renovate the art museum 
all of this happened without sunny’s knowledge and she continues to live in blissful ignorance about the whole thing
* && 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
zodiac — cancer rising, cancer sun, & scorpio moon
alignment — lawful good
mbti — infp-t
enneagram — type 2 ( the helper )
temperament — phlegmatic
house — hufflepuff
positive traits — ( + ) altruistic , committed , conceptual , curious , courteous , determined , generous , humble , inventive , imaginative , loyal , loving , organized , passionate , playful , reliable , selfless , supportive , thoughtful , and trustworthy
negative traits — ( - ) anxious , cautious , compulsive , critical , disorganized , dogmatic ,, hyperactive , indifferent , insecure , impulsive , logical , oblivious , pedantic , protective , and resilient
* && 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
please don’t feel limited by this list because i have a brain the size of a walnut and this is all i can think of these are almost all ripped off ryker’s intro bc i’m not creative
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ 𝑭𝑨𝑴𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑨𝑳....
family friends  maternal or paternal cousins
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ 𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑪...
past crush  current crush  flirtationship except she prolly doesn’t realize bc head empty  unrequited love ( on either side )  fwbs  will they? won’t they?  someone her friends are trying to set her up with  forbidden love of some kind idk maybe not  exes on good terms  exes on bad terms  first love high school or college romances  summer romance  childhood crush friends to lovers  pr relationship somebody who leads her on 
‏‏��� ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ 𝑷𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑪...
BEST FRIEND / ROOMMATE PLOT BASED ON NEW GIRL OR FRIENDS PLS I WILL GIVE YOU MY EVERYTHING  best friends  confidants  ride or die sibling like friends  close friends  neighbors??  enemies to friends  reunited childhood friends drunk / party friends  someone she’s a good influence on  bad influence  unlikely friends  secret friends, aka friends who do not hang around in the public eye as their family or friends may not get along  #married....just they argue and love each other like a married couple
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ 𝑵𝑬𝑮𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑬...
enemies  former best friends  frenemies
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mtvswatches · 4 years
Wynonna Earp 3x05 Jolene
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) Okay, so I got it 100% right. Mama Gibson was trying to protect Waverly.
A demon has been stalking your sister ever since she was a baby. By the time she was six, I knew that it wanted to torture her and kill her. And I knew that it would win. I was trying to exorcise it when the barn caught fire. And instead, it became bound to me. It has been torturing me ever since for what I'd done. It broke me. That is what you see. (…) You let Waverly come and visit me. She touched me and she broke the bind. The demon escaped.
2) If Jolene is this demon that has been trying to murder Waverly since she was a baby, why is it wasting time baking cupcakes and pretending to be family?
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Is she bidding her time for something…? And again, what is Waverly? Why would a demon want to murder her since the moment she was born?
3) So this Jolene is keeping everyone under her spell by feeding them some super tasty pastries, but it seems they’re not working that effectively on Doc. What are her pastries laced with? Will it be like in Buffy’s Ted, where they were laced with ecstasy or something to keep everyone mellow, jolly and compliant? Or will this be a more supernatural, demonic type of drug? Anyway, Doc does get through to Wynonna and tells her how he went to hell and apparently acquired super hellish hearing there and was able to hear the demon in Mama Gibson’s therapy tapes, which gives some credit to her story.
4) “Sometimes dream can be like that…?” Really, Waverly? Three seasons and you come up with this explanation for the supernatural? I've raised you better than that!
5) Me:
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6) So, Revenants got nothing on Jolene. And I wonder, how did Bobo play into this whole thing? His name needs to be brought up, right? I mean, he promised to protect Waverly because of what Wynonna did when she time travelled, but still, if he was protecting Waverly that whole time, he must have run into this demon once or twice, right?
7) Why is Jolene letting them go, when Michelle clearly said she will try the binding spell again…? What’s this gal’s goal here? She can’t be here just to bake pastries and overshare everyone’s intimate secrets, right?
JOLENE: I mean, does she really need a mortal bartender with half a lung and a probable mood disorder dragging her down?
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The look of disappointment on his face, though.
9) So this is the moment that Waverly chose to ask her mom about her real dad? Right before they perform a demon-binding spell? Seems about right. And we learned exactly two things about him: A) his name was Julian, and B) he was someone better – whatever that means. So… if he was someone “better”, then he wasn’t a revenant, right? Does this mean Waverly is half something else? Something good? Like an angel, maybe? Or a fairy? Men can be fairies, too, it’s 2020.
10) Some answers, at last. Jolene can’t physically harm Waverly herself, that’s probably why she bound herself to Michelle and had her attempt to murder Waverly, repeatedly. And that’s why she’s allowing them to do the binding spell again, right?
And Jolene is in serious need of a facial and a dentist’s appointment…
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11) So, Jolene tricked all the Earps into believing the demon was this loser revenant – who I think was actually trying to warn them against her? – and she is now gaslighting Waverly and turning everyone against her?
12) I get that she is a demon, but does she have to be such a duplicitous bitch, going behind everyone’s back and telling everyone’s secrets? Because I feel she does that because it’s fun, I don’t see how it helps her with her plan. And now Wynonna found out Kate is Doc’s former wife…
13) I KNEW IT!
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I knew he needed to be brought back for this episode! And he’s demanding to see Waverly! Let’s hope he delivers some answers!
At least, he let Doc know what Bulshar is after – the ring that Nicole hid oh so perfectly well in the woods.
14) Oh, fucking Jolene got Wynonna to call Waverly half-sister, that’s crossing a line!
15) !!!
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16) !!!!
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Is this Slapgiving or what?!
Jolene is basically Yoko-factoring everyone and it’s equally fun and annoying. And I guess she got Wynonna and Michelle right where she wanted them, in jail, where they can’t help Waverly. On the bright side, Nicole didn’t give them the treats Jolene sent them, which should clear up their minds.
17) And now Nicole is yelling at Waverly and making her feel like shit, and she’s being super mean, but… some of the things she says feel like she’s been holding them back for a long time, you know? But I don’t like seeing them like this, angry and crying and screaming at each other. This whole glamour had better not affect their real relationship.
18) Kate reads Jolene’s fortune, and she warns her that she needs to pay her debt and that “he” is coming. Is this “he” Bulshar?
19) All this debacle led to Waverly surmising that, given the fact that the demon appeared when she was born, she might be the demon herself… Is this how Jolene will get her to try to kill herself, since she can’t harm Waverly?
20) Is this bitch really coming onto Nicole?????? And the thing that got her to show her true intentions was the fact that Nicole rejected her? OMG! And she got burnt by Bulshar’s ring, which mysteriously reappared in Waverly’s room, somehow?
21) It’s fitting that Wynonna open up to her mom about giving up her daughter in order to protect her since it really feels like history keeps repeating itself. Michelle assures her that it was the right choice, and while Wynonna is not convinced and I think nothing anyone could ever say will make her feel any less guilty, it must give her some reprieve to know that her mom made the same call when confronted with a similar conundrum.
22) Finally, Michelle and Wynonna come out of their pastry-filled stupor and realize that they haven’t killed the demon and that Waverly is still in danger. But Jolene has already gotten to her, and she’s still playing this mean-girl mind-games…
23) “The real baby was special…” but SPECIAL HOW?! Jolene keeps making Waverly believe that she’s evil, that she’s a demon, that her father was a demon, but I know it’s the opposite of all of that…
If I got it right, Jolene was born at the same time that our special, pure Waverly was – as an evil twin. They’re bound in some sense, and it seems Jolene can only be free if Waverly dies, that’s why she’s been trying to kill her since the day she was born. But why would one of the twins know this and not the other? Anyway, I need to know what the non-human half of Waverly is! She’s special and good, but supernaturally speaking, what is she? An angel? I can’t think of any other good, special supernatural beings...
24) Jolene almost got her to kill herself, but Waverly remembered…
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And I really love how their sisterly love is always the core of this show.
I also love that she didn’t need any rescuing, she overcame Jolene all on her own.
25) So… Michelle was about to kill Jolene or whatever, and then…
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The murder trees got her and she said “the girl was for you”, and then she mentioned Bulshar, so…? Does this mean that Bulshar needs Waverly dead? And are these the same murder trees that we saw in the previous episode? So are they working for Bulshar?
26) Now, this? This is how I like my Waverly and Nicole.
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27) I knew he wouldn’t let me down…
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DOC: I have come with something you desire. Something I will never relinquish. And I will never stop fighting for them. Whatever it takes, I will do. Even this. I am Doc Holliday. I do not fear the void. I spit into the void. So it seems, Bulshar, we do have an accord. I may be going to hell... But I will drag you with me.
He’s an idiot, but he didn’t let me down.
28) HA! I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!
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Finally, some proper answers!!!
29) A very fun and tense episode with a HUGE revelation nearly three season coming. I’m really interested to see what this will mean for Waverly’s arc, you know? She’s half angel, so this must have some supernatural implications for her apart from revenants and Bulshar and Jolene wanting to murder her. Do angels have any powers in this universe? Can a half angel inherit some of those? I’m VERY excited about this!
I also feel like I need to make a point about how I feel when I get some of predictions right with this show, which has happened a couple of times. I have to say it’s satisfying because it doesn’t feel like the show is being obvious or tropey or too on the nose about the storylines. On the contrary, they make a great job of keeping you guessing. But once they do reveal what they were keeping hidden, it always, always makes sense. So when I get a prediction right, I feel satisfied because it’s the show doing the storytelling right - instead of playing predictable tropes, you know? Anywho, super excited about the next episode! And I really want to finish season 3 so that I can start watching season 4 live!
30)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 3]
New? Read here! Then here!
Part 1 - Part 2
Chapter 10.75: It’s Vinegar- Wha?- It’s Vinegar, Pussy
I’ve been taking notice of the servants, they all have distinct features and some of them seem to serve a particular family member when they come around. Which leads me to think that this servant that took the picture probably knows the most about the house. From what I remember from the hologram, this servant is male presenting with light skin, sun spots, salt and pepper hair with a very pronounced nose. Problem is, I haven’t seen him.
I had some afternoon tea by myself in the parlor as uncle Tensei did some calls to our extended family. Usually I hate having tea time, because it makes me feel like a pompous piece of shit rich boy and I prefer coffee anyways. But I took the tea this time to observe the servants. I learned that they all gather in the kitchen at 8pm to gossip before the non-live in servants have to leave for the day. So I snuck down to the kitchen to listen in.
“...Can you believe I served afternoon tea again! Ugh, when will I forget he’s dead now?!”
“I saw, nice save that you served it to Iwata-chan.”
“Man that kid beefed up! He used to be so timid and never show his power. But I saw the way he levitated those antiques with ease, kid is like his mother.”
“Maybe we’ll get to see more of the family now that he’s dead?! The mother is just so pleasant to be around.”
“Too bad Thad-kun won’t be here to see them spend more time at the estate. He loved Itati-sama and Tenya-sama.”
I peeked my head in “Who’s Thad-kun?”
The staff yelped and jumped at my sudden appearance.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you!” I bowed in forgiveness “But I couldn’t help but to overhear that there’s a servant that isn’t here anymore?”
“Yes, Thaddeus was one of the oldest servants here” spoke one of the female servants “he was the previous head of estate’s favorite servant, from Thad’s record, he was about 20 when the previous head of estate inherited the estate. Since then, Thad was in service of him and only him.”
“Yea, Thad-kun passed two years ago of the flu in his private quarters” spoke one of the chefs “Poor man didn’t have any family or children, just spent his whole life serving the Iida family. But he adored all the family that married in and the children, he took pictures of all the children when they’re newborns and puts them in this scrapbook.”
“Oh yea the scrapbook! Pretty sure it’s in the parlor bookcase” chimed in a younger servant “We hid it from the old head of estate, we were scared that he might destroy it or something. Anything to preserve the memory of our friend.”
“Yup, all of us feared that old man. But Thad-kun knew how to calm him and never missed a single tea time” said the chef “We have his journal in the parlor book case as well. There’s notes on what that old man liked in case he wasn’t around to serve him and we dip into it when anything comes up.”
“Hmm, I just might crack into them” I pondered “Thank you for sharing! Sorry for interrupting again, I’ll be taking my leave.”
“Any time Iwata-chan!” said all the staff as they waved bye to me.
I float my way to the parlor, trying to not make noise to catch the attention of my uncle or the other servants that have night duties. I search through the books to find an old green leather photo album and a worn black journal. I took the books to my room to look them over, the album had so many pictures of couples and babies with their names neatly written underneath the photo. It was so organized that I could trace back to who was my great-grand father! Apparently I came from a side branch family and that theres 4 branch families and one main, but the main family didn’t marry and had children to maintain lineage. So great grand uncle was the last one of the main family. I only know of one other branch family, the other two are a mystery to me. Getting to the end of the album, I put it to the side and opened up the journal. I get to an interesting part that reads: 
March 14th, 
I helped Iida-sama take down portraits in the Lineage Hall. He’s asked me to burn them but I don’t have the heart to do so. When he left for work, I hid them in the West wing linens closet. I can only hope he will forgive me someday. Erasing these people and only keeping the heroes this family is the work of a tyrant! Mothers, daughters and non-engine sons are to be celebrated with their hero relatives. May the next heir see the light and I’ll unearth the family hidden history.
The west wing linens closet?! Such a place exists?
-The next day-
“Tio, what’s the agenda for today?” I asked after breakfast.
“Today I’m going to check in with the agency on the phone” responded Uncle Tensei “then talk to the gardeners, then we plan for a welcome ball.”
“Oh uhhhhh can any of those things wait until tomorrow?” I got timid over the full schedule of things “because I found an important clue regarding the portraits.”
Uncle Tensei looked at me with intensity “The agency can wait, show me what you found.”
I showed them the journal entry “...so do you know wheres that linens closet?”
“Hmmm the West wing is used to store the decorative pieces of the estate for Balls or other events” pondered Tensei “Nobody in the family would think of finding something that important there since it’s a servant accessible area...”
We looked at each other and activated our arm engines to zip to the west wing. It was like we shared the singular brain cell at that moment and it was telling us to stop being civil and zoom. And sure enough, there was the portraits! Still in excellent condition and in their original frames. There were some without frames and they were portraits of the women that married in the family in the recent decades, the most recent one was of my mom. I looked at the portrait and was stunted by the artist’s capture of her natural beauty. The way they painted the flower crown and her curls, the exact shade of medium tan skin, the detail of the rebozo on her shoulders and the crisp white of the traditional dress. She was so young in this portrait and it made me wonder when this was taken.
“Oh my I remember when this one was painted” chuckled Uncle Tensei as he caught me gawking at the painting “Your dad had this arranged for your mom’s 24th birthday, months before they got married. These are usually done with traditional wear and since your mom isn’t Japanese, she showed up in that dress and shawl. All the women in the family were fawning over how beautiful her traditional dress was. The artist was so inspired by the flowers in her hair that he had he pose in the garden, making her portrait the only one painted in an outside setting.”
“Wow, she had that type of power over others huh?” I said in awe.
“She didn’t want to at first but the family painter convinced her that she was already the first ethnic woman to marry into the family, may as well make the portrait as unique as possible” a frown slowly crept onto his face “But then great grand uncle wanted the portrait scraped because she wasn’t in kimono and that she looked unkept with her down down and no makeup. Honestly, I feel like he didn’t want Tenya to marry her because of her ethnicity but turned a blind eye on that because she was a CEO and wanted to asset the company. Your dad had this whole plan to make a garden for your mother to frolic in when he gets the estate, with lots of flowers and fruit trees OH and the lily pond! It was going to take up like half of that empty lawn space in the middle.”
I looked at the portrait “So much fuss over this woman.”
“But she was worth it. Look at all the things she contributed to the family!” He started to describe “She doesn’t see it but she’s a blessing to us. We needed someone outspoken and bold to challenge great grand uncle’s tyrannic ways.”
That stayed with me for the rest of my time at the estate. I didn’t know what to think of my mom anymore, yes she’s amazing but she kept an important part of history from me and who know who else?! Finally, after 6 days of tolerating it, I was able to go home! And just in time! It’s the day before Christmas Eve and Lili is flying in today. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” asked Uncle Tensei as I take my bags to the front door “I don’t have any business to attend to today.”
“Naw Tio, I’m good” I sigh tiredly “I’m just a little sick of spending time together like this, as much as I love you as my uncle” I float my bags “I just wanna go home on my own and reflect on things.”
“I understand, every young man needs their time alone” Tensei smiled warmly “Have a safe journey home, see you in a few days.”
I wave good bye “Bye bye tio!” I turn my head to the servants that gathered around “Bye bye everyone else! Thank you for helping me find the critical clue in the portrait mystery!”
Everyone bid me good bye and safe travel until I was out of sight. From there I took a short train trip and two buses home, picking up a few interesting things along the way that I could gift. In total, it took about 3 hours to get home. Whole time I was just thinking of the ways I was going to confront mom about what I learned. The ways I could say how I feel, the ways she might react...I don’t know what to expect! And I’m super nervous. I stood at the front door for maybe 5 minutes because of how nervous I was! Finally mustering the courage to open the door with my eyes closed, the air of baked goods hit me first. 
“I’m home” I announced myself, holding my breath to whoever answers.
“Iwata, you’re home” yipped the robo dog as it trots into view “Did you know it’s been 222 days since you’ve last been home?! I missed you very much and so has everyone else.”
I bent down to pet them “Has it? It feels longer than that” I booped their nose “I missed you too boy.”
“Mom is in the kitchen, Dad is picking up Lili at the airport, Hanaka is at her friend’s house and Tensei is practicing with their group” listed the robo “Everyone should be home before 7pm for dinner...it is now half past 4.”
I look at the clock thats mounted at the entrance to confirm the time, then looked down at the shoes. Mom’s were there in their usual spot and I kicked off mine in their usual spot. Now it feels like I’m home. I slowly made my way to the kitchen, and there she was, taking cookies out of the oven in her iconic floral apron.
“Mom? I’m home.”
“OH! Iwata! I didn’t hear you come in!” Mom squealed before setting down the hot tray to embrace me “I thought your were coming home tomorrow?!”
“Nah I’m sick of looking at Tio and doing rich people things” I gagged to drive my point “I left late morning and took public transport. I just really wanted to come home.”
“I understand mijo, I probably would’ve done the same” she pursed her lips and placed her hand on my face “Why don’t you settle back in? I’ll have some food ready for you if you’re hungry.”
My stomach growled in comedic timing “Heh, okay. I’ll go do that.”
My side of the room stayed untouched, as expected. Tensei was a good boy and doesn’t go through my things. I slammed myself face first into my bed and screamed into my pillow. GOD I missed my bed and the comforts of home! As I unpacked, I remembered what I was going to do and dreaded having to bring it up in casual conversation with her. I hid the device in my closet shelf, away from Hanaka’s prying eyes. When I finally showed myself downstairs, mom had my plate of food ready at my spot on the nook.
“How was things at the estate? Tensei hasn’t told me much other than it’s been busy.” Mom said as she washed her hands “Oh that reminds me! The school called tell me that you missed some finals and they’re letting you make them up the weekend before school resumes.”
I sat down “Things were weird mom. I learned way more than I asked for” I sighed and picked up my fork “I never want to be that rich and be without family! Did you know that the oldest butler hid the family portraits that the old man took down?! I didn’t know you had a portrait done with them.”
“You found it?! I thought that old man for sure destroyed it!” gasped Mom “It was a beautiful painting and a very sentimental art piece to your father. He wanted to keep it if the old man didn’t approve it to be hung in the estate, but before he could ask, it was gone! Or so we were told by the artist.” She sat at her spot to listen to me “What else?”
In between bites of chilaquiles, I told her of my time and who I spoke to. I tried to bring up what I wanted to confront to her about, but that look in her eyes and all her attention made me want more of her...I missed my mom and I as torn between all my emotions I was feeling. Wish I didn’t have to do this. Everyone came home and we were finally a full house. It felt so good to be in their company again, I didn’t even mind all the smothering this time! Suppose the confrontation has to wait.
-The next day, at breakfast-
“Damn B, it’s just spam and eggs with toast” said the twins, looking at Lili and me have a breakdown over our food.
Lili wipes her eyes “I KNOW! I have to cook for myself every meal” she pointed at her toast “I have to wake up at 6 in the god forsaken morning so I can buy bread like a peasant woman because there isn’t any chain grocery stores where I live in France!”
“I haven’t had a single decent meal since I lived in the dorms” I held my toast up gently “F in the chat for the toaster in the dorms that Beizu tore apart for parts in August.”
Lili held her toast up with me “F”
“Yall are so fucking weird” Hanaka said with a groan “You don’t see Oro and I do this shit.”
“Don’t make fun of your older siblings” scolded Dad with an arm chop “They’ve had a tough time being away from home. You’d understand once you have to cook for yourself everyday.”
“ANYWAYS! Mom, who’s coming tonight?” cut in Tensei.
“Oh ummm, Mr Hitoshi and his husband. Aunty Mimi with Nikita, uncle Jin, Mei and Beizu, Mr Tokoyami and Petti, the Ojiros” listed Mom “Aunty Midnight, Hoshi and the Midoriyas. So more people than usual.”
“Aw abuela and abuelito aren’t coming this year?” responded Tensei with a pout.
“They’re coming for abuelita’s birthday, so don’t get all pouty mijo” assured Mom “But after breakfast, we gotta get our butts in clean mode because Mr Hitoshi and his husband are coming at 3pm, they’re dropping the kids off at their grandparent’s then coming straight here.” 
And so I got back into the swing of things, my winter chore is cleaning the bathrooms and making sure they’re fully stocked with toiletries. I was done before our first guests were supposed to come, so my mind raced with how I was going to talk to mom as I showered.
“You decent?” knocked Lili at my door.
“Yea, come in” I said as I was drying my hair “What’s poppin’?”
She threw her arms around me and squeezed me “I just wanted to come in and hug you” she pinched my arms “Damn boy, UA beefed you up! I couldn’t tell under your baggy sweaters.” She laughed “But forrealzies, how much did you inherit?”
“Straight to the point huh?” I leaned in to her ear “2 million dollars and all the old man’s collectables.”
“Shut the fuck up!” gasped Lili “So you and tio were the only ones on the will?! That’s pretty wack, I’m the oldest and dad is literally that man’s family!”
I sighed “It’s complicated but I’ll say that it all has to do with mom.”
“Damn, but what are you going to do with the money?” asked Lili curiously.
“Might buy myself a house and go to college, or save it if I get a really good job out of high school.” I flop onto my bed “Lili, do you ever feel like mom has been hiding something from you?”
“Yea, it’s a given.”
I turn my head to face her “Wait what?”
“It’s a given. I’m sure mom hid things from us to protect us or because it’s none of our business” She responded “She’s a reasonable person, maybe she’ll tell us eventually when she’s ready to tell us. I’ve been curious of mom too when I was in high school. Nothing made sense and I felt like maybe I wasn’t going down the right path, so I asked her what she did and it opened up her past. After that conversation, I had more respect for her and felt like I can be more open to her about what I’m curious about.”
“Do you think she’ll answer me if I ask her something?” I felt my stomach tie itself into knots “I learned so much about her from other people that I’m not sure if we know the same person.”
Lili put her hand on my back “She’s our mom, no matter what, she’ll love us.”
That made me feel so much better about what I was about to do. I took my calming breaths at the base of the stairs before facing mom in the living room. She was having some down time after slaving over the pot of Pozolé and Ponché, her face still red from the heat of the pots.
“Hey mom, ummm mind if I ask you something?”
“Sure mijo is everything okay?” responded Mom as I sat down in the arm chair adjacent from the couch “You seem kind of stiff.”
“I’m just nervous” I responded “I just... I learned alot of things about you these past months. And I have so many questions that I’m afraid of knowing the answers too.”
“What is it? You can ask me anything” Mom said, looking attentively “You have my full attention.”
It hurt to see her like this, especially with what I had to say.
“Why did you hide about the death of Beizu Iwata?” I asked, looking at her dead in the eye.
Her face didn’t budge from her expression “I didn’t? His death is public information-”
“Stop LYING TO ME!” I yelled “You know what I mean! He was Bei’s dad and you couldn’t save him, and you’re guilty of your incompetence so you had me to give his son a friend. And that’s my purpose isn’t it?! I’m just some living plaything!”
“Iwata why would you say such a thing! I didn’t-”
“SHUT UP I’M NOT DONE TALKING!” I raised my voice “You named me after him, I’m here to just fix your mistake aren’t I? And what about your lovechild with Mr Hitoshi?! Oh and not to mention on why you came over here alone at 15 years old!” I felt myself become tense in this mix of rage and the verge of tears “It’s like I don’t even know you! WHO ARE YOU?!” I felt the hot tears run down my face “and why are things so complicated?”
Mom was white as a ghost and frozen on the couch. And my yelling got the attention of my dad.
“Iwata El Roca Iida! What is the meaning of this!” demanded Dad as he approached us “You dare to yell at your mother in that tone?! What has gotten into you? I-”
Mom held her hand up, commanding dad to stop talking. She then got up, stood in front of me and got on her knees for the deep bow. I’ve never seen her do this before and I got scared.
“I’m sorry Iwata, please forgive me for all my mistakes” she lifted her head to show the tears creeping down her face “I know I’m not a perfect mother and I’m a very flawed human with a very troubled past, but please let me explain things.” She took a deep breath to stabilize her breathing “I named you after Beizu Iwata, he’s one of the few people that I trusted to run the company. He poured his everything into the company and I wouldn’t be as successful without him. His death devastated me, I chased after him when he ran back inside the burning building. When I begged him to get to safety and to leave everything behind, he looked at me and touched my stomach before breaking the 6th floor window to throw me out with a box in my arms. Of course somebody caught me before my body reached the ground and he reappeared a few minutes later. After his death, I learned that I was 2 months pregnant with you, he saved both of us mijo. If I stayed any longer, I risked losing you and I don’t think my heart could take another infant death.”
“Another infant death?” my eye widened “No, don’t tell me-”
“I’m afraid so” She tried really hard not to lose her composure “I lost my first baby that I had with Mr Hitoshi, I wanted to have them so badly. You don’t know how much it hurts to not have a family when you still need them, so you make your own. But it hurts even more when you lose the family you failed to build.”
“Ita, please stand up” gently begged Dad, on the verge of tears “Please love, you don’t have to re-live the trauma. It’s okay.”
“No Tenya, I have to say it. How will we move forward if I don’t say what happened in the past?” She couldn’t look at us and kept her head down to face her lap “I came here to protect my family...” She told me the whole story of what happened in America and her decision that changed her life forever “...And that’s my burden to bear. I wish things didn’t have to be like this and I could be with my family and made my dreams come true back home. I dedicate my life to making sure nobody has to every go through what I went through unless it’s their decision.” She looked at me “I understand that you might not want to associate with me after all this, but just know that I love you so much. I wanted to have you, to nurture you, to teach you that you are free to be whoever you want to be, to love whomever you want” Her expression was full of pain, like it was bottled for years and it’s now surfaced “I know of all the bad things that could hurt you and I shouldn’t let one of them be me. And I’m sorry that I have.”
I felt like the villain, making my mom re-live her trauma and tell me she’s a bad mother. She’s not a bad person, she’s lived a life full of tragedy and we’re the one good thing that went right. And after all that, she still has the capacity to tell me she loves me? I really don’t deserve to be her son. I levitated her up and ran into her for a tight hug.
“I’m sorry” I sobbed “I didn’t know! And I feel awful! I just thought that maybe-”
“It’s okay baby” She shushed me, stroking my hair “No more bad feelings, no more deceit. If you want to know something, don’t bottle it up, just tell me and I won’t turn you away.”
“Okay mom” I held her tighter “I’m sorry I ruined Christmas.”
“You didn’t ruin Christmas Iwata” chuckled Mom through her tears “Your tia set the Christmas tree on fire when I was like, twelve, and it burned all the presents underneath it.”
“Never mind that actually sucks” I laughed, pulling away from her “Then is everything cool?”
“Hmmm, I wouldn’t say that” Mom said, giving me her iconic career ending face “I cleared up and explained myself, now it’s your turn.” She levitates me so I wouldn’t run “Care to explain your little academic double life?”
“Huh? What are you talk-” It hit me, she knows about my double program enrollment “Oooooh, oof.”
“We’ve known since June” Dad spoke up with his arms crossed “Nurse Eri told us when she called to discuss your health exam. We talked to the school to confirm, so theres no use in lying your way out of this one Iwata.”
I looked at my parents and sighed in defeat “Fine, I enrolled myself in the Hero and Intel course after your Great Grand Uncle told me he was going to pay for my tuition. So to spite him later, I was going to show him that I got both and decide to be an agent instead of a hero to break the streak of heroes in the family.” I felt like a trapped animal awaiting death “He insulted my family and I used my favoritism as my upper hand to get back at him that I am my mother’s son and so what?! Fuck that viejo and his hateful ass, I’m half latino!”
“You really are your mother’s son” said Dad in disbelief “It’s like looking at your mother when she was your age, same pettiness and pride!” He cleared his throat “But that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to punish you for lying to us on why you’re always stressed! You know better than to overwork yourself.”
“And on top of that, I had someone on the inside tell me about the device and the old school files” Mom added “So you peeked and meddled into my personal business ey?! And all you did was hurt yourself. We have no choice but to issue capital punishment to you AND Beizu.”
I gasped “You leave him out of this! He’s innocent!”
“Can’t do, he’s your accomplice” Mom pulled out her phone to show me texts “One of the perks of having friends that work in a school is that you have watchful eyes on your children at all times.”
“Damn you got us” at that moment, I knew I was about to hate my life.
“We’ll come up with a group punishment later, but we agreed that you’re to be sentenced to house arrest for the rest of the winter break” Mom crossed her arms “AND we’re taking away cursing privileges, starting now.”
I gasped “NOOOO! Anything but capital punishment!”
The doorbell rang, it was our first guests.
“Hey I brought- oh are we interrupting something?” Mr Hitoshi said walking into the living room.
“Not at all! Just issuing punishment” Mom puts me down and turns to the two men “Iwata was just talking about you Hitoshi!”
“Oh yea? About what?” chuckled the purple haired man as took a seat.
Mom motioned to me “Iwata, care to share with him?”
I gulped the guilt lump I had in my throat “I know about your and my mom’s baby and their death was the reason you left my mom.”
Mr Hitoshi’s face turned white “How did you- There’s no way!”
“He got real nosey and hurt his own feelings” Mom summarized it “Oh you brought the saké! Bring the cups out Tenya!”
“What else did you learn Iwata?” asked Mr Neito.
“I learned that you, um, did the deed with my mom” I cringed “Many times, in the dorms and a few times in the workrooms at school.”
“YOU WHAT?!” screamed Dad with a tray of specialty drink ware.
“Oh don’t act surprised Tenya!” Mom put her hands on her hips “It was totally obvious! I lost my virginity to him. And I rewarded him with intimacy after training and in turn, became a decent person.”
“Yup, sorry Tenya that you got my sloppy seconds” responded Mr Nieto unapologetically “But as I said at your wedding, good for you that you got a woman that can really spice things up.”
“I thought you meant that she’s a good cook!” Dad defended himself “Not that you two had a thing in the past?!”
“Join the club, I didn’t know either until she dropped off the wedding invite” Hitoshi said as he poured the saké “But I’ll drink to that!” He handed each of us a little cup of the alcohol and raised his glass “To Ita and her bomb pussy game, it was the one thing I missed the most.”
“Kampai!” cheered everyone but my dad and I.
I downed my cup and held it out again “Imma need another cup so I can forget that chief.”
I waited patiently for Beizu to come so I can hold his hand as we get flamed my our moms with the group punishment. And when he did, his face was puffy from crying and we just held each other for the brief moment we had before getting flamed. Our mom’s agreed that the group punishment was no sleepovers the entire break and one week of intense training with aunty Mimi. I didn’t know what to do, other than go up to my room with Beizu for blanket fort time.
“Iwa, we were so wrong about things” Beizu said softly as he put his head on my chest “but I’m happy it wasn’t that way. I couldn’t imagine a life without you, it’s the one thing I’m certain about.”
I smiled and stroked his hair “Me too, we’re two halves that can’t be left incomplete.” I thought about my inheritance “When we get older, would you go on a vacation with me or co-own a house with me?”
Beizu thought about it for a minute “Hmm, I’d co-own a house with you. Because then we can spend everyday with each other.”
“What if we do both?”
“Even better but I’m just thinking of all that money we’d need to do that” explained Beizu “the house is a better investment.”
“Okay, say I inherited 2 million dollars and I want to spend it on us, now what would you say?”
His eyes widen “You did not just inherited 2 million?!” Beizu was in disbelief “I’d probably just marry you at that point. Hell, lets get married right now!”
I laughed and brought him in for a hug “Let’s get married and spend all of our money on pillows and our favorite foods. Living easy for the rest of our lives.”
He held me tight “That’s my dream, to be with you forever.”
So maybe Christmas wasn’t ruined by me and I was just being latino-in-a-telenovela dramatic. I feel so much more like myself now. Year two of this shit is really happening!....wonder if it’s gonna rock my shit.
Chapter 10.75, End
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savannacentralperk · 6 years
The Perks Chp 10 Bust A Move pt 2
A/N: A special thanks to ScaraMedn and Kt_valmiri for beta reading and editing. Another thanks to Mooseman from DeviantArt for letting me bring his original character Jason into the mix. And of course, a huge thank you to everyone who reads. Much appreciated, from the bottom of my heart! …………………..
The rest of the afternoon was a happy blur. As it got later, the line was no longer out of control, though it stayed steady. There was enough time for Jon and Jack to replenish the baked goods and keep the counter staff on their toes. Skye handled it like a pro, her sweet charm and beauty putting everyone ease. Any customers who showed trepidation towards her or Kari had their fears dispelled after only a few words with the lovely vixens.
Both Jack and Bobby found themselves glaring at other males who offered to spend their free time with them. Needless to say, Sandra and Jon had a ball with teasing the pair. Kendall and Lucian, the mink and grey squirrel (respectfully) who worked on call for Jack, didn’t need to be brought up to speed, both capable of filling in the blanks.
Judy was excused not too long after and she bounced up the stairs to get ready for her …date.
Jack tried not to cringe at the thought of it. He had enough younger siblings that the idea of one of them going on dates wasn’t new or even strange. It was just the fact that it was Judy. His little Bun-Bun. Someone so different from the family they grew up with, the idea of her being interested in intimacy seemed wrong. Part of him was so used to her dismissing dates that it shocked him, especially when someone she claimed to hate got through.
Tom and Maple would have a field day with his reaction. It was just like Stu Hopps. So like his father, who cried for weeks whenever he found out one of his children were engaged. Stu cried at the drop of a hat over the smallest things where his kits were concerned and it made Jack anxious to think that he had inherited that trait. Another bout of denial told him he didn’t.
But he found himself hard pressed to argue when his baby sister came down the stairs in a dress he knew his mother had snuck into her luggage. Her fur was carefully brushed and her lips a bit shinier than normal. His eyes grew misty as he watched her smooth a paw over the soft peach colored, cotton material as Skye walked around the counter to compliment her.
To his horror, a few tears fell as the vixen pulled her to the side with a mascara wand and a pocket mirror. She taught his sister how to apply it, straightened a strap on her dress, and then grinned over at him. Only to have it turn sympathetic at his emotions. Rolling his eyes, he left the kitchen doorway.
“Oh, you bunnies,” Skye said with humor. “So emotional.”
“I’m not made of stone,” Jack said sadly. He smiled at her before turning to Judy. Reaching into his pocket, a few bills were pulled out and passed to her. “These are your tips, be home by nine at the latest, and keep your cell phone on at all times. You hear me?”
Judy smiled and nodded. “Yes, Dad, I hear you loud and clear.”
“I’m nothing like Dad,” Jack argued without heat. He opened his arms and was comforted when his baby sister dove into them. “Have fun.”
“Thank you, Jackie,” she whispered as she pulled away.
The trio looked over to the door as the bells jingled, Nick walking through dressed in a nice pair of khakis and green, short-sleeved button down. His heart clenched as she drew in a breath at the sight of him. And Jack had to hand it to the kit: Nick looked sharp.
The todd waved and walked up, a nervous grin on his face.
“Hi,” he greeted, green eyes on Judy, who grinned back at him. “You look …wow.”
His sister blushed but didn’t look away. “So do you.”
The two stared at each other, grinning before Skye cleared her throat. Jack did a double take at the sight of the vixen’s own eyes sparkling at her brother.
“All right you two,” she said in slightly choked voice. “Get out of here and have fun.”
Judy looked up and pointed at Jack, whose paw slipped into his jeans pocket.
“Don’t call him!” she warned. With a sigh and laugh, the buck held up his paws in defeat.
“Then don’t be late!” he warned back.
After hugs, the teens left for the door. Skye’s smile faded as she watched them disappear. Jack put a paw on her’s, causing her to jump and look down at it. He smiled sadly and jerked his head towards the back door. The cafe was slow enough for them to slip out for a few minutes.
“You ok?” he asked once they were in the relative quiet of the alleyway. Skye stood with her back to him, one paw on her hip the other clamped over her eyes. The distant sounds of musicians tuning their instruments at the bar behind them weren’t enough to muffle the quiet sob he heard.
“Yeah,” she said finally, if a little shaky. With a sniff she lowered her paw, keeping herself turned away while she cried. “It’s just, Nick…. He looks so much like him. He has a lot of Mom, but…. sometimes it’s hard to look at him and not see Dad, too.”
He came up behind her carefully, as though afraid she would pull away if he moved to quickly. She gave a small start when his paws landed on her hips and slid over to her front. Though he couldn’t see it, she smiled tearfully as he drew her to him and he buried his nose into her shirt.
Her paws covered his in a tender stroke, both swaying as the unseen band started to play.
“I love this song,” she whispered as she closed her eyes.
“Me, too,” he agreed. She turned in his arms and wrapped them around his neck, the pair of them dancing slowly to music as the sun set over The Perk. ………………
Nick looked down at her with a soft smile. She moved further into the museum, her eyes moving around the open space of the atrium. The windows had all been shuttered, every beam of setting sunlight blocked from entering. Lights were set at their dimmest to allow mammals to navigate to their spots for the lecture.
Ordinarily, there wouldn’t be too much to look at.
In this case, however, the whole area was lit up with stars. Donated to the museum by an obscenely wealthy hippo, a large projector was set up in the center of the room. Loaded with the stars, planets, and constellations visible this time of year, it had been flicked on as a teaser for the mammals slowly filling in.
Trying to seem as casual as he could, Nick stopped beside a larger mat, not unlike the ones they sparred on that afternoon. With a happy grin, he lowered himself, stretching out on one side and giving the space next to him an inviting pat. Judy raised her brows at him and smiled as she took a seat next to him, careful not let her dress ride up.
“So, what is this?” She asked once they were comfortably laying under the projected night sky.
“Stargazing isn’t very good in the city,” he explained, folding his paws behind his head, eyes moving from star to star. “And most mammals are too busy to travel far enough to escape the light pollution. So, once a month, the museum does Star Night. They download a sky map and project it while an astronomer describes what we’re looking at.”
“That’s so cool,” she whispered, her voice laced with excitement. Pride filled him as he looked over at her.
“Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?” she breathed as the lights went out completely and the stars become more visible.
“Every time I look at you.”
Whispered as quietly as it was, Nick felt himself flush when she turned to look at him. With shy smiles, they turned to focus on the presentation.
And she was the perfect audience. The todd found himself struggling to pay attention with Judy next to him. She was obviously listening to the bear leading Star Night, her own paws helping Nick point out some harder to spot star groups. But all too soon it was over and they found themselves filing out of the museum into the darkening streets of Savanna Central.
Judy tried to feel alarm at how nice it was to be there with him.
“So…” started Nick as he strolled next to her.
“So…?” she mimicked with a smiled as she watched him squirm at her question.
“Do you like me?” Part of her wasn’t surprised at what he asked. But another part of her remembered their first meeting.
“When you’re not being a complete jerk…” she responded, pausing under a street lamp to look up at him. She watched his ears fall at that as he turned to face her. The sudden embarrassment on his face made her muzzle curl into a grin.
“Yes. Yes, I do.”
Nick looked at her with the same smile he had when he stole a kiss from her. It was exciting how it made her want him try it again. Maybe that’s why she didn’t move away as their muzzle inched closer. Because, for all his charm, he could really be such a dumb fox, spurred on by even dumber actions.
Or, in this current case, words.
“More than Kody?”
Withholding a laugh, she rolled her eyes and started walking again.
“Well…” She clasped her paws behind her and looked up at the dark sky, pretending to think. “I’ve only known him for a few hours and he has yet to call me cute. Or hustle me into an absurd bet. Or make a move without permission.”
She finished with a pointed glance at the todd. His face was creased in a frown as he considered her words.
“Sounds boring.” He gave a firm nod of his head, a satisfied smile on his face when she gave into laughter.
“It’s called manners,” she chided, her voice an over exaggerated
Zootropolis accent. “It is what gentle mammals possess, good sir, I must say!” Nick gave a chuckle before putting on an air of over refined sophistication.
“Oh my, my little crumpet!” Judy snorted at that, watching the todd brush imaginary dust from his make-believe waistcoat. “How in HEAVEN’S name to do you put up with such GHASTLY individuals?”
He thrust an elbow out to her, bowing at the waist as she accepted it.
“To the ice cream shoppe, Lovey!” She laughed again as they sashayed down the sidewalk, arm in arm.
Judy laughed a lot that evening. She laughed every time Nick tipped an imaginary top hat to mammals passing them on the street. She laughed when they paused by a street magician who confused him with a card trick. And she laughed when the sly fox scooped her up without warning and gave an impressive leap over a flooded sidewalk curb.
Ice cream was purchased by Judy, though Nick had pulled his wallet out to stop her. Reminding him of the bet, she laughed again when he gave himself brain freeze. She laughed hard enough during the course of their outing that she missed the subtle glare Nick gave to those who huffed in disgust at them. But they were easy to forget about.
Because the laughter was addicting.
So, with paper cups filled with ice cream in their paws, the pair slowly made their way back to The Perk. The conversation tapered off as they ate, both of them trying to steal glances of the other and blushing when they were caught. Nick felt himself starting to become nervous again when they reach the front door of the shop, it lights dimmed to show it was closed for the night.
Mindful the many pairs of eyes on them, including Skye’s and Jack’s, the todd moved as close to Judy as he could without seeming too overbearing. He looked down at her, watching as another bite of ice cream vanished. She smiled around her spoon, pulling it clean and setting it in the now empty container.
“So…” she started.
“So….” he repeated.
“This is me.”
Nick laughed at the cliche line, both looking towards their audience who watched them in suspense, not even pretending to clean the vacant cafe.
“I had a great time tonight.” The observation had her looking down shyly before raising her eyes again.
“Me too, Nick. And I was thinking… Well… It wouldn’t be too terrible if we did this again…” Her ears suddenly dropped, though not before he spotted the tinge of pink inside them.
“I would like that,” the todd whispered, stepping closer. Inside the cafe, Jon stood behind the counter and clenched his apron.
“Kiss her, you idiot!” he muttered anxiously. Two paws shot out to smack him upside the head. Jack and Skye scowled at him, though for very different reasons.
The group collectively held their breaths as the two teens stared at each other. As one, shouts of either victory or disappointment echoed into the deserted space as Judy shot up to plant a kiss on Nick’s cheek. Breaking away from their spots, paws were shaken and money exchanged.
As the jingling of the bells sounded, everyone gave another cheer at the sight of the young bunny doe stroking her blushing ears. With an embarrassed smile, she waved at them before darting up the stairs to the apartment. Outside, Nick gave those who turned towards him a wink and a salute, before strolling casually away with a grin.
Jack sighed and smiled ruefully. He looked over at Skye, who was gathering the aprons and bidding everyone good night. Leaning against the counter, as the others left talking and laughing about their plans for the evening, he watched her move around his cafe as though she had been working there her whole life. As though it was where she was meant to be.
Feeling his eyes on her, she paused to look at him questioningly.
“I was just wondering what a buck’s gotta do to buy you a drink?”
She tipped her eyes upward and lifted her paw to her chin as she pretended to think about it.
“Dance in conga line with the mayor while dressed as Carmen Mirancat.” She answered with a smug grin.
The buck laughed at her response. “Sad to say there’s probably a video of me doing that from college.”
“Really?” She asked laughing. “With the mayor?”
Nodding, he pushed from his spot. “I’ll tell you about it over drinks?”
Skye eyed him suspiciously before grinning and holding out her paw. “Done.” …………
Nick stood in front of the entryway to his building, breathing in the warm summer air, high on life. He couldn’t even find it in him to be annoyed that his phone started to ring, pulling him out of his reverie. Not even bothering to look at the screen as his thumb slid over the answer button.
“Hey, Nicky!”
The todd’s eyes snapped open at the sound of Tabitha’s voice. He gave a quick glance at his caller id with a frown before putting the phone to his ear again.
“Hey, Tabs. What going on?”
“I actually was hoping you had a moment to talk?”
“Uh, sure!” Half curious, half impatient, Nick turned to take a seat on the steps leading to his building. “What’s going on?”
“It’s about Natasha.”
A paw went to the bridge of his muzzle to ease the annoyance that flared up. He had a feeling he knew what was coming…
“Listen, Nicky. Natasha really, really likes you and I really think you two would be good for each other. I was wondering if you would consider asking her out? To maybe a movie or something? I just know that you two would have an amazing time.”
“Thanks for your opinion, Tabs,” Nick took a deep breath trying to control his rising anger. “And here’s my thoughts on that. I’ve never liked Natasha. Ever. And as flattered as I am that she likes me, I’m not going to go out with someone I don’t feel anything for.”
“But if you just give her a chance, you might feel something! It’s not really fair, Nick, that you’re spending so much time and attention on a bunny and not even giving someone of your own species an opportunity!” He furrowed his brow as she sighed on the other end of the line. “Why can’t you see how crazy that logic is? Especially considering how much Natasha likes you.”
Doubt started to creep in as Nick took his own deep breath and closed his eyes.
“I’ll talk to you later, Tabs.”
He hung up before she could respond. Good feeling gone, his phone was considered for a moment before he stood again and headed inside. The door stuck slightly when he unlocked it, a firm push revealing his brother hanging upside down on the couch. Greg’s own phone lit up his face, a small smile on his his muzzle as his thumbs typed.
“Hey little brother!” he chirped, eyes never leaving the screen. “How was your date?”
The younger todd felt himself blush at the question, mind flashing back through what was definitely the best night of his life. Blue eyes left his phone to grin at his little brother. But Greg’s expression fell at the look on Nick’s face.
“What’s wrong?” The question was asked as he scrambled to sit properly on the couch, the space next to him patted. Obeying the wordless request, Nick sat down and gathered his thoughts.
“Greg,” he began with hesitation. “Do you think it’s weird that the female I like isn’t a vixen?”
Whatever the older todd was expecting, it wasn’t that.
“Uh…” Snapping out of his surprised stupor, Greg shook his head and cleared his throat. “Well, it’s a little strange.” Nick’s eyes closed in shame at that. “But-” They popped back open as his big brother put a comforting arm around him. “There’s nothing wrong with it.”
“Did you have a good time tonight, Nick?”
“I can’t remember when I had more fun.”
“Listen, being different is always going to make people nervous. Especially when it’s obvious like dating someone outside the species. But I knew you’ve had a thing for this bunny since the moment you saw her. I knew from the way you would just stare at her whenever you saw her around town. You’d get this dweeby, moon eyed look on your face and sigh. And the fact that you would spend hours afterwards talking to yourself and rehearsing what to say to her? Anyone with half a brain could see you were a sucker for her.
“So, don’t let the dip shits who live in this city make you feel bad because the female you’ve been pining after happens to have longer ears and a shorter tail.”
Greg’s grin returned as looked down at Nick.
Seeing Nick still lost in thought, he gave his little brother a small squeeze. “So, what prompted this question?”
Nick hung his head. “Tabitha Peaks called and said Natasha liked me and I should give her a chance because it’s only fair.”
“No,” came his older brother’s stern voice. “That’s not the way anything works.” Green eyes looked up in confusion at that.
“The only one being unfair in that story is Tabitha, Nicky. You don’t owe anyone a date, you don’t owe it to anyone to try to fake something you don’t feel. And you especially don’t owe anyone your time and affection just because they like you. If that’s the way the world worked, it would be crazier than it already is.”
“Then… you don’t think I’m being unreasonable for not going out with her because she’s a vixen?”
“Does she make you feel how the same way Judy does?” Nick shook his head.
“Then there’s your answer. It’s not that she’s a vixen. It’s that you don’t like her.”
The younger todd looked up at his brother with crinkled eyebrows.
“So, I’m defective?” he asked in a slightly defeated voice.
“Oh, definitely.” Greg laughed at his brother’s horrified expression. Though his humor died quickly  in the face of Nick’s exasperation. “But we’d rather you be defective than miserable.”
With an appreciative smile, the younger todd hopped off the couch towards his room.
“What are you up to, anyway?” he asked his older brother. “Normally you’re long gone or getting ready to be long gone.”
He tossed his phone onto his bed and turned to look at Greg in the door way. The older todd smirked and crossed his arms.
“Just about to head out now, actually. Mom’s still working. Though she reminded me there’s some food in the fridge, in case you were hungry.”
Nick’s cell phone started beeping from the nest of blankets, making his ears perk towards it. He dived towards the sound, wrestling the covers to find it as Greg watched with amusement. With a cry of triumph, he climbed free, phone in paw. Green eyes lit up at the screen as he smiled at the message.
“It’s her!” he said excitedly. “Judy texted me!” His eyes snapped up to his brother, who came up to peer down at the screen. Nick suddenly bristled and began pushing him towards the door.
“Out! Get out, get out, get out! I need to message her back!”
Greg laughed as he was spun and shoved towards out of the room. Digging his heels into the carpet, he let his body relax and fall back on his little brother.
“Oh, no!” he declared. “Gravity is increasing on me!”
“Oh my gods, no it’s not!” Nick cried in exasperation trying to keep his brother from falling onto him.
“Yes it is, Nick, the same thing happened yesterday.”
With a grunt of annoyance, a final shove was given propelling Greg out of his room.
“You’re the worst,” shouted the younger todd, scowling at him. “Why are you so weird?”
And with that, his door was slammed, leaving Greg dying of laughter on the other side. After composing himself, he gave the door a final fond glance. His own phone beeped, letting him know his date was outside. Wallet, keys, and jacket gathered, he left his brother to his own devices, happy that Nick was moving forward at last. ……………..
Male up, wolf!
With a determined stomp, Dave marched up to the apartment door and gave it a decisive knock. Which was met with silence. Arms folded to wait out the answer. After a few moments, when no one came, his ears and tail dropped as his paw timidly went to knock again.
It was less than an inch away before it swung open, the large tiger on the other side making his mouth grow dry. All the young wolf could do was gulp and stare up into a pair of suspicious blue eyes.
“Can I help you?” he growled as he folded his arms.
“Um,” squeaked out Dave as he tried to swallow past his nerves. “I… was hoping to, um, talk to Brook.”
The tiger looked him up and down. “You wanna talk to my sweet, innocent, little niece, Brook? Why?” he asked quirking his eyebrows.
It was a simple question that had him stuttering to find the answer. An indignant voice came from behind the larger male that had Dave’s ears perking.
“Uncle Jason!” The tiger turned to look at the speaker. Brook stood just outside a hall, dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, with a mischievous smirk on her muzzle.
“Are you tormenting my friends?”
“Of course not, sweetheart!” His grin turned to a scowl as he turned back at Dave.
“Just making sure you’re not wasting time with any of the riff raff.”
“I think that’s my job!”
Another male tiger came from kitchen, his brown eyes narrowed at the wolf. He came to stand next to Jason, their glares pushing the smaller predator close to heart attack. Ears and tail down, all Dave could do was try not to faint.
“You gotta give me something, Keith,” growled Jason. “It’s bad enough you married my baby sister. I gotta defend my only niece.”
“Mom!” shouted Brook, still unable to see who was at the door. “Dad and Uncle Jason are scaring my friends!”
Both males straightened in alarm at the voice echoing from the kitchen.
“Both of you knock it off and get in here! Jason, you promised to help me put this cabinet together and Keith, you better get that grill started and those burgers cooked! NOW!”
With jumps and gulps, they raced each other back to kitchen, though they did pause to give threatening looks back at the smaller male. Brook laughed and shook her before looking back to the door. Her smile dropped as her eyes met his. She bit her lip and rubbed the back of her neck before she found the courage to speak.
“Sorry about that. I’m the only cub in the family so they get a tad protective.” A ghost of a smile made itself visible as Dave responded with an uncomfortable laugh.
“I understand,” he responded. “I’m the only male in a family of six females. And I’m the oldest so I have to look out for them.”
The tigress studied him for a moment in silence. “So… what are you doing here?”
She asked quietly, walking towards him and crossing her arms.
“I just… I wanted to. make sure you’re okay,” he muttered. His eyes cast down to the threshold. He kicked his feet a bit before continuing. “And to… maybe…. ask you what I did. And if there’s anything I can do to get you to forgive me.”
A small sigh was given as she looked to the kitchen doorway, with her mother, father, and uncle poking their heads out to spy on them. Three pairs of eyes widened in surprise and they vanished from sight. Rolling her own, she gestured to the hallway.
Once the door was firmly shut behind her, she sighed again and tapped her foot.
“So?” Dave asked. “What did I do?”
Brook looked down.
“Brook? Please tell me…”
Her silence filled him with frustration, his paws going to the fur on top of his head to give it a tug. “You know what?” he growled and squeezed his eyes shut before popping them open. “Fuck this. Seriously, Brook. Fuck this and fuck you. I was under the impression we were friends. Under the teasing and the stupid jokes, I actually thought we were buddies. And… and we could tell each other anything!”
He glared at her. “But if you’re going to phase me out and not tell me why, then fuck it. You don’t want to be friends? Fine! We’re not friends. Happy?”
Brook watched him turn and storm away, tears filling her eyes.
But he paused when she finally found her voice.
“I like you!” Dave stumbled a bit before turning to look at her.
Looking equal parts guilty, embarrassed, and terrified, she wiped her eyes and looked to the floor. “I like you and I saw you talking to Marie LaFurre and you both looked so perfect together and you were obviously into her and I just…”
A small giggle had her lifting her eyes in confusion. Dave had his paws over his muzzle and was trying to hold in his laughter. He doubled over to laugh briefly before trying to compose himself. But once he straightened and looked at her again, he dissolved back into hysterical laughter.
“Oh my gods!” cried Brook. “What is so funny?”
“Y-you think-” He snorted into his paw. “You think th-that Marie LaFurre is interested in… in m-me!”
Confusion grew in the tigress as she watched him loose it to his mirth. All she could do was cross her arms and impatiently wait for him to get it together enough to explain. When his laugh became a quiet chuckle, she cleared her throat expectantly. One finger was held up as he wiped his eyes and grinned at her.
“I get it now,” he said with a nod. “You were jealous.”
Brook scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“You were jealous over nothing, really.” She wrinkled her brow at him as he put his paws in his pockets and strolled back towards her. “Marie is great. She really is. And she’s just my sister’s type.”
Eyebrows shot up in surprise at that. Dave gave another nod. “Remember how my sister, Darla, got into that upscale art school last year?” Brook nodded.
“Well, I knew she and Marie had a thing going on before she left so I was letting her know when Darla would be back. And how to surprise her.”
“Soooooo,” Brook looked back down again and clasped her paws behind her back. “You’re not interested in her?”
The wolf shook his head. “Not at all.”
“Not even a little bit?”
For the first time in days, Brook smiled at him. Really smiled. Radiantly smiled.
And Dave smiled back, his just as big and goofy as hers.
“Wanna grab some ice cream?” she asked.
“Yes, I do,” came the happy response. She turned back to open the door, only for it to creak open and a large paw to jut out with her purse.
“Be back by eight thirty,” growled a low voice.
The teens laughed and turned to walk down the hall. Feeling better than he had in days, Dave took a deep breath and smiled again. But paused when a curious scent hit his nose.
“Brook?” he asked as they walked down to the elevator. She smiled down at him. He sniffed her again. “Are you… are you bleeding?”
There was muffled laughter from her apartment door as the tigress facepalmed.
“Dumb pup,” she muttered. ……………..
“You didn’t!” laughed Skye.
Jack nodded, laughing along with her as he shared some of his exploits from his brief stint in college.
“Yes I did.” He assured. “I’m a mammal of my word. So, I put on the skirt, my sister’s favorite sparkly top, and a fruit hat, and marched right up to the mayor, grabbed his paw and started dancing. Next thing I knew, we’re leading the reception in a conga line.” The vixen dissolved into laughter as the buck looked on. “My boss was so proud!”
Still laughing, she tried to shake off the amusement and compose herself on her bar seat. An elbow propped up on the bar itself, her other paw reached for her wine glass, gesturing Jack to do the same. They touched glasses and smiled at each other.
“To stories that make us laugh,” she said as she leaned into him, her eyes still sparkling as she looked into his.
“And a future filled with more of them,” he completed, letting himself forget the wine in his paw as their lips met again.
There is saying among rabbits: When we first met, I had no idea you would be so important to me.
With the majority of his species happily hopping from bed to bed, when a mate was found, it truly was a surprising thing. Most rabbits, both male and female, were floored by the amount of emotion they suddenly felt when they met their one and only. Mostly because, when they met them it was supposed to be only for a brief good time before the next fling.
This saying didn’t apply to Jack.
From the moment he met Skye, she was important to him. Perhaps it was even before her interview; back to the day Kari handed him her application, excited that a vixen had applied. A well-qualified one, too. Back to the day he had read it over, unconsciously inhaling the scent that clung to it. Thinking she was too good to be true.
Kari had said most foxes waited to find their mate before going further than paw holding. The younger crowd were more open to casual sex, but, with few exceptions, they were still very picky. Everything Jack felt for Skye, she was returning with vigor. And she made him feel… Happy. Complete. Powerful..
And he would need that feeling when the time came to stand up against the look of outrage his sister Maple was wearing when she walked into the bar and spotted them.
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brain-stormer-blog1 · 6 years
Modern, Muggle Marauders
[wolfstar and jily/jegulily, 15,523 words]
oversized sweaters and button downs all day everyday
ink stained hands
collects old books - Most have torn pages and faded ink from constant rereading.
has too many half written stories all featuring the same characters he’s overly attached to (an: oh shit its actually me)
somehow always carries chocolate or knows the nearest place he can get some. works in a book store (an: I just love this au too much ik its cliché as hell)
can and will fall asleep anywhere
all his clothes have rips in them or are extremely worn - not on purpose like Padfoot however (’MOONY ITS PUNK ROCK SHUT UP AND GIMME THE SCISSORS’)
enjoys the rain a lot - lucky they stay in Scotland then
Amber eyes and golden hair that lightly curls with his love of the rain (James gets jealous bc hes the ‘curly haired friend’)
always carries a notebook, of which he has wayyyyy too many
knows too many constellations which he doodles in all of his notebooks and always keeps track of the moon phases, hence the nickname
his sleep schedule is beyond screwed - probably caused by “ nope I cant sleep without reading Pads,” and then getting completely transfixed by a fictional world
always sketching people around him, he could happily sit in a café all day and draw everyone there, maybe he has an entire notebook of Padfoot sketches, maybe he does not, who knows
can’t function without coffee
very trustworthy of his friends almost too trusting, but can barely talk to a person outside of their group
almost too pale, couldn’t tan if he tried all that the sun does is give him a light dusting of freckles and chases away his beloved rain
loves living in the attic of their huge shared home (curtesy of James’ insanely large inheritance and Sirius’ uncle Alphaard) it has wooden walls and an obscene amount of plants, his favourite part is a large window on the ceiling that he enjoys climbing out especially when its drizzling when the others join him
usually the subject of Padfoot’s (favourite) polaroids
probably the only guy there that thinks of the consequences of a situation before they become a reality
the responsible one
can read & write music
Lily & Peter read all of his stories - annoyed they aren’t finished loves animals, still pretends to be annoyed when James brings home stray dogs
gets sick constantly and secretly finds it hilarious when Sirius freaks out and acts like his nurse
constantly painting, drawing and creating awesome art pieces
photography nerd - has a huge collection of polaroids & pinholes in his ‘dark room’ (a cupboard under the stairs that has a red light)
owns a motorbike that he is constantly repairing and is attempting to convince
James to get one too “prongs we’ll look awesome c’mon do it or the aesthetic” James can’t ride a damn bicycle
always stealing Remus’ sweaters, even thought they are all about 10 sizes too big
has at least 15 leather jackets.(Wears one bc Moony got him patches for it years ago)
Long black hair that is always falling into tired grey eyes - Walburga has threatened to chop it off too many times
works in an art gallery, occasionally slips in his own work (the manager knows but she loves his work)
angsty as hell
always listening to music - preferably on vinyls  “I don’t care how expensive it is Wormtail, it sounds far better (also it’s not my credit card its my cousin Bellatrix’s so???)
Smoker (probably for the aesthetic tbh) “yeah right Moons it makes me punk rock as shit,”
wears his biker boots all day everyday
plays guitar (secretly acoustic is his favourite)
all his clothes are ripped as heck
very very protective of his friends, has given out and received his fair share of black eyes for this “its for a noble cause also it makes me look pun-”        “ Padfoot for god sake we get it you’re punk rock!”
terrible at showing negative emotions but has learned to when it comes to Prongs and Moony - he’s getting there with some of the others
obsessive in his love for dogs and is genuinely offended when Lily gets a cat, the day he found out  James bought it the word ‘betrayal’ is genuinely used, even more offended when Regulus began playing with the cats “ Sirius I’m named after a star in the LEO constellation???”
such a drama queen (speaking of Queen imagine him & Bohemian Rhapsody?)
tries to hide his aristocratic background, though his mannerisms show it off quite often
fluent in French he has a slight French accent
Lives on Tumblr (surprisingly this was never meant on this site) & Netflix
also memorises the moon phases ( just to impress Remus honestly)
makes awful puns constantly “I’m serious”       “nah I’m Sirius you’re James”         “ugh are you fucking serious”         “nah I’m fucking Moony” *atrocious wink*
ripped skinny jeans - Wormtail still calls him emo for it
super athletic
Loves photography claims to use the best equipment but still constantly invades Sirius’ excuse for a dark room
plays drums
somehow the only one who can cheer up Regulus instantly
only has 1 pair of glasses even though he is horrendously clumsy, Lily is assuming he is just seeing how much tape he can build up before they are entirely useless
obsessed over football - he manages a small team that he is way too enthusiastic about
still surprised Lily even talks to him “James we’ve been dating for 5 years stop being a prat”
plans out the biggest pranks and somehow manages to get everyone involved, if he doesn’t they turn to shit but that’s a ‘secret’ everybody knows only shoes he actually ones are trainers & football boots “James you are not wearing Nikes to Alice and Franks bloody wedding!”
really competitive
obsessively plays Xbox and has weekly gaming nights with everyone (Sirius always rage quits) Wormtail is the only one who is still playing with him after 30 minutes
goes on tones of unplanned road trips with Lily
tries a weird new diet practically every week, sort of a health freak
way too much house pride - his whole room is decorated red and gold
has an old pickup truck he prides too much even though he is almost needing to fix it as much as Sirius and his ancient motorbike
the ‘mom friend’ always looking after everyone
actually the only reason they don’t all eat fast food & take aways 24/7 - he’s a great cook
proof reads all of Remus’ stories for him before they get posted
works as a barista in a grunge as hell café across the road - the others always hang out there when he’s working
secretly enjoys the challenge of James’ strange dieting (gluten free+ vegan month was definitely a challenge though)
owns 2 pet rats - is scared shitless that Regulus’ pet snake is going to eat them at one point
really good at giving gifts because he’s great at listening to people has a massive collection of hoodies for no apparent reason
always third wheeling because of Wolfstar and Jily, it’s better now that Regulus has move in though
really good at video games - occasionally lets James win because he gets too moody otherwise
only listens to indie & grunge music - secretly loves Sirius’ obsession with vinyls
not super feminine but always has the latest fashion trends - usually fairly alternative (known to sport the jeans + fishnets thing that looks bomb as hell)
reads almost as much as Remus and is always hanging out in the book shop he works at
really enjoys playing football with James - finds it hilarious when he gets competitive
super long ginger hair + green eyes
loves tattoos, has handpoked a few of her own (mainly gets them done professionally, her friend Marlene is a tattoo artist) & Sirius let her do a moon on his wrist
doesn’t know that James reads all the books she talks about until she finds 3 of them hidden on his side of them wardrobe and interrogates him
super spontaneous really enjoys the constant unplanned road trips
does a lot of digital art, usually draws characters from books most often the characters Remus will never let go of in his stories
can ride a motorbike and occasionally takes Sirius’ for a spin
just a badass tbh
everyone takes their problems to her because she somehow has a solution for everything
wants to get into interior design and when they move in she helps everyone decorate their rooms, constantly adding to their home paints a different wall every week
literally friends with everyone - nobody dislikes her and probably couldn’t if they tried
has a weird skill for knitting, likely the source of 90% of Remus’ holy sweaters
obsessed with ‘retro’ things, favourite things tend to be from the 80s/90s
always helping Wormtail when he is baking, as long as she gets the first taste
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everlarkrealornot · 7 years
The PANEM Initiative, Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 17
“After reading your petition, hearing both sides’ testimonies, and taking into account that one party is refusing to sign the petition, the petition for divorce has been granted to go before a review board.” The Mellark’s Match Coordinator paused for a moment. “Each party should prepare personal witnesses – friends and acquaintances outside of your children are highly recommended.”
Shit. Katniss knew that Henry would never ask her to do anything that made her feel uncomfortable, but how could she say no to a family who had already done so much for her?
“Ida.” He turned to Mrs. Mellark. “Henry,” he addressed Mr. Mellark. “As your match coordinator, this is disappointing.” Mrs. Mellark’s jaw was set and Henry looked bored. “The Meet-Up requirement will continue to be suspended until the outcome of the review is decided. The Review Board will hear your petition in February.” He shook hands with them both before gathering his paper work and leaving the room.
Mrs. Mellark exchanged a few heated words with her attorney before he sighed and approached Henry.
“My client would like to propose a settlement to you so that no one else’s time has to be wasted.”
“Our time wouldn’t be wasted if she had just signed the petition,” Henry said coolly.
“Let’s hear them out,” his attorney, Anita, suggested. Henry simply nodded.
“Ida would like to propose an even split of all assets and continued separation.” Her attorney said.
“Hel – ” Henry started, but Anita held up her hand and stepped in between the two men.
“My client will not settle for anything less than a 70-30 split in favor of himself. He came into this marriage with property and monies he had inherited from his grandparents. Ida has contributed very little to this marriage.”
“I’ve contributed nothing?!” Mrs. Mellark yelled.
“I said very little, you used the word ‘nothing’,” said Anita calmly. “No matter, I have a feeling that whatever the offer is that we present to you, you will find it dissatisfying.”
“An even 50-50 spilt,” Mrs. Mellark’s attorney said quickly, before she could start again.
“That will not happen. Besides, Mr. Mellark’s wishes are to be legally free of you.” Anita picked up her briefcase. “See you at the Review Board.”
Peeta and Katniss sat awkwardly in the Mellark’s living room. It was a spacious room, with three large couches and Peeta sat as far away from Katniss as he could. Thankfully Rye had disappeared to his bedroom and Henry had gone next door to get a jump start on the specialty baked goods they sold the week of Thanksgiving.
Katniss was frustrated with how things had turned out after their conversation…it hadn’t even been a full day since, but having spent most of it with Peeta and being unable to kiss him or even hold his hand was driving her crazy. She had been hoping he would understand that her not being honest with Gale had nothing to do with him…but then again she had always had a hard time seeing things from the other person’s point of view and was bound and determined to respect his wishes.
“Are you okay?” She finally asked. He had been uncharacteristically quiet since then had gotten back from the petition review.
“I’m fine.” He stood up and tossed his tie on the coffee table. Katniss could tell he was, in fact, not fine. But normally she would have hugged him or pulled him to the couch so she could hold him until he finally said what was on his mind. Both of those options were out of the question and she cursed herself for being the reason.
“No you’re not.” She pulled her legs up and tucked her dress around her knees. “Are you worried about your mom’s demand for a 50-50 split?”
“She doesn’t deserve anything.” His words were so full of hate, it took Katniss back. “But right now I’m more worried my dad will think I don’t want to go back to WVU because of everything going on here.” He sat back down and rubbed his forehead. Katniss chewed on the inside of her cheek.
“I’m not trying to diminish the importance of the Petition Review Board, but why would he think that would affect your decision to not go back to WVU?”
“You’re not going back to WVU?” Ryen was standing in the doorway with an expression of shock and frustration on his face. Peeta sighed and nodded.
“I’m moving back home after finals.”
“You can’t let the shit that is happening with Katniss keep you from continuing your education!” Ryen’s words were full of anger.
“It’s not because of her and Gale! I can think for myself!” Peeta shouted back.
“Are you sure? Your mind goes a little fuzzy where Katniss is concerned.” Ryen wiggled his fingers around next to his temple.
Katniss had never heard Peeta and Ryen talk that way to each other. They were supposed to be the two brothers that got along. She tried to shrink into the couch as the shouting continued.
“I’m doing this for me!” Peeta stood up, his hands balled into fists.
“The timing seems awfully suspicious to me!”
“This is not about my feelings for her!”
“Are you sure?!”
“I’m not doing this because I love her – I’m doing this for me! I am coming home for me!” Peeta stormed out of the room and up the stairs, the sound of his slamming door echoed in the house.
Katniss let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. Ryen looked at her but the fire that was fueling his anger was already beginning to dissipate. He flopped down on the end of the couch Katniss was sitting on and closed his eyes.  
“Peeta told you about our conversation…or at least part of it?” She asked as she turned so she could see him better.
“Yup.” He popped his lips on the ‘p’. “He really cares about you, Katniss.” He sat forward and looked at her. “I mean, you heard him.” He of course was referring to the L-bomb that had just been dropped. “I just don’t want him to regret this decision.”
“I don’t either.” She agreed.
“Can I ask you something?” She nodded yes to his question. “Do you honestly care about Peeta?”
“Yes,” she said without hesitation. “The Initiative just makes everything harder.” Ryen nodded for her to continue. “Without the pressure of the Initiative, Peeta wouldn’t have to question why I’m with him.”
“Do you love him?” Ryen asked.
“Love is complicated, Rye.” She said in a warning tone.
“I get it.” He held his hands up in mock surrender. “But maybe you should tell him some of the stuff you just said to me.”
“Peeta?” She called as she knocked on his door. She heard the stool scrape across the floor and then his footsteps, before the door opened. She had been preparing to say some version of what she had just told Ryen but the words failed on her lips.
“I’m sorry about that,” he said to break the silence.
“No, don’t worry.” She waved it off and walked in. She sat on the stool so that he knew she was doing her best to respect his wishes. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Not the worst fight we’ve had.” He shrugged before stuffing his tooth brush into a small duffle.
“I don’t want – ” she stood up and crossed the room to him – “I don’t want to be the reason you are giving up on a dream you’ve had since you were ten.” She reached out to squeeze his hand but dropped her arm awkwardly to her side.
“Like I told Rye, I’m leaving for me, Kat. Promise.” He gave her a small, reassuring smile and then picked up his duffle. “I need to get back to campus.”
“How’s Madge?” Her mom startled her as she walked in the front door.
“Good lord, mom!” Katniss could feel her heart beating hard in her chest.
“Sorry, honey.” Helen snickered.
“I thought you would still be in bed.” Katniss hung up her coat on the hook next to the door.
“I couldn’t sleep, plus the smell of the cinnamon rolls baking pulled me out of bed.” The two inhaled together and let out a ‘yum’.
“Did Peeta drop them off last night when I was at Madge’s?” Katniss slipped off her shoes and started to settle into the chair.
“No, he brought them over this morning. I invited him to watch the parade with us when he called to invite us for Thanksgiving Dinner with his family.”
“Oh.” Peeta hadn’t told her he was coming over for breakfast.
“I’m sorry, should I not have?” Helen looked confused.
“No, I just…where is he?” Katniss stood up and looked around, as if she had missed him hiding behind a curtain.
“He was nodding off sitting at the kitchen table so I told him I would listen for the timer; he’s in your room.”
She grabbed her shoes and headed to her room (only stopping to peak at the rolls in the oven and give another appreciative inhale). She quietly put her shoes in the closet and lowered herself into the computer chair, not waiting to wake him.
Their conversations for the last week had been good. She wasn’t sure if it was Peeta being honest with her about WVU or her need to convince him that her feelings for him were real, but their communication seemed to be back on track. She had desperately wanted to see him when he got home the night before, but that was her only chance to see Madge during her Thanksgiving break.
“Hey.” His voice was low and still heavily coated in sleep. Katniss felt a chill run down her spine when she thought about the many future mornings she would get to hear that greeting.
“How is Madge?” He sat up.
“Good. She loves Penn U and she gets along really well with her roommate.” That wasn’t really what they had talked about but she wasn’t about to tell him that all they had talked about was him and the cute buy in Madge’s writing class. “Is Brandon home?”
“Yeah. He got home just after I did.” Peeta sighed. “Rye and I pretty much retreated to our rooms after dinner.”
“That bad?” She asked as she rested her chin in her hand as she leaned against her desk.
“He’s just obnoxious. He started in with questions about you and the whole arrangement but dad cut him off, filling him in on the petition review.” Peeta stood up. “I’m going to check the cinnamon rolls.”
She followed him to the kitchen, hoping to get her hands on the magical dough. He grabbed a potholder and put the pan on the stove. Katniss clicked off the timer.
“Yes please.” Katniss licked her lips for effect.
“Unless you want to burn your tongue out of your mouth, I suggest you wait.” Peeta pulled the frosting out of the fridge and spread it across the top of the rolls.
“I think I’ll chance it,” she said as soon as he was done with the frosting. He stepped out of the way and motioned for her to step up. She grabbed a plate and used a fork to coax the rolls out of the pan. “This is like heaven on a plate.” She sat down at the table and pulled a piece off, popping it into her mouth. “Ahh…ooochhh..ahh,” she mumbled around the burning bread in her mouth.
“I told you.” Peeta laughed at her.
Katniss finished chewing and despite the burning sensation in her mouth, she smiled.
“There is it.”
“What?” He asked.
“You’re laugh…it’s nice to hear.”
He smiled at her again, taking a piece of her roll.
“So, are you ready for our first family holiday?” he asked.
Katniss groaned in response.
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nox-writings-blog · 7 years
modern, muggle headcanons
[wolfstar and jily/jegulily, 1,5523]
oversized sweaters and button downs all day everyday
ink stained hands
collects old books - Most have torn pages and faded ink from constant rereading.
has too many half written stories all featuring the same characters he’s overly attached to (an: oh shit its actually me)
somehow always carries chocolate or knows the nearest place he can get some.
works in a book store (an: I just love this au too much ik its cliché as hell)
can and will fall asleep anywhere
all his clothes have rips in them or are extremely worn - not on purpose like Padfoot however (’MOONY ITS PUNK ROCK SHUT UP AND GIMME THE SCISSORS’)
enjoys the rain a lot - lucky they stay in Scotland then
Amber eyes and golden hair that lightly curls with his love of the rain (James gets jealous bc hes the ‘curly haired friend’)
always carries a notebook, of which he has wayyyyy too many
knows too many constellations which he doodles in all of his notebooks and always keeps track of the moon phases, hence the nickname
his sleep schedule is beyond screwed - probably caused by “ nope I cant sleep without reading Pads,” and then getting completely transfixed by a fictional world
always sketching people around him, he could happily sit in a café all day and draw everyone there, maybe he has an entire notebook of Padfoot sketches, maybe he does not, who knows
can’t function without coffee
very trustworthy of his friends almost too trusting, but can barely talk to a person outside of their group
almost too pale, couldn’t tan if he tried all that the sun does is give him a light dusting of freckles and chases away his beloved rain
loves living in the attic of their huge shared home (curtesy of James’ insanely large inheritance and Sirius’ uncle Alphaard) it has wooden walls and an obscene amount of plants, his favourite part is a large window on the ceiling that he enjoys climbing out especially when its drizzling when the others join him
usually the subject of Padfoot’s (favourite) polaroids
probably the only guy there that thinks of the consequences of a situation before they become a reality
the responsible one
can read & write music
Lily & Peter read all of his stories - annoyed they aren’t finished
loves animals, still pretends to be annoyed when James brings home stray dogs
gets sick constantly and secretly finds it hilarious when Sirius freaks out and acts like his nurse
constantly painting, drawing and creating awesome art pieces
photography nerd - has a huge collection of polaroids & pinholes in his ‘dark room’ (a cupboard under the stairs that has a red light)
owns a motorbike that he is constantly repairing and is attempting to convince James to get one too “prongs we’ll look awesome c’mon do it or the aesthetic” James can’t ride a damn bicycle
always stealing Remus’ sweaters, even thought they are all about 10 sizes too big
has at least 15 leather jackets.(Wears one bc Moony got him patches for it years ago)
Long black hair that is always falling into tired grey eyes - Walburga has threatened to chop it off too many times
works in an art gallery, occasionally slips in his own work (the manager knows but she loves his work)
angsty as hell
always listening to music - preferably on vinyls  “I don’t care how expensive it is Wormtail, it sounds far better (also it’s not my credit card its my cousin Bellatrix’s so???)
Smoker (probably for the aesthetic tbh) “yeah right Moons it makes me punk rock as shit,”
wears his biker boots all day everyday
plays guitar (secretly acoustic is his favourite)
all his clothes are ripped as heck
very very protective of his friends, has given out and received his fair share of black eyes for this “its for a noble cause also it makes me look pun-”        “ Padfoot for god sake we get it you’re punk rock!”
terrible at showing negative emotions but has learned to when it comes to Prongs and Moony - he’s getting there with some of the others
obsessive in his love for dogs and is genuinely offended when Lily gets a cat, the day he found out  James bought it the word ‘betrayal’ is genuinely used, even more offended when Regulus began playing with the cats “ Sirius I'm named after a star in the LEO constellation???”
such a drama queen (speaking of Queen imagine him & Bohemian Rhapsody?)
tries to hide his aristocratic background, though his mannerisms show it off quite often
fluent in French he has a slight French accent
Lives on Tumblr (surprisingly this was never meant on this site) & Netflix
also memorises the moon phases ( just to impress Remus honestly)
makes awful puns constantly “I'm serious”       “nah I'm Sirius you’re James”         “ugh are you fucking serious”         “nah I'm fucking Moony” *atrocious wink*
ripped skinny jeans - Wormtail still calls him emo for it
super athletic
Loves photography claims to use the best equipment but still constantly invades Sirius’ excuse for a dark room
plays drums
somehow the only one who can cheer up Regulus instantly
only has 1 pair of glasses even though he is horrendously clumsy, Lily is assuming he is just seeing how much tape he can build up before they are entirely useless
obsessed over football - he manages a small team that he is way too enthusiastic about
still surprised Lily even talks to him “James we’ve been dating for 5 years stop being a prat”
plans out the biggest pranks and somehow manages to get everyone involved, if he doesn't they turn to shit but that's a ‘secret’ everybody knows
only shoes he actually ones are trainers & football boots “James you are not wearing Nikes to Alice and Franks bloody wedding!”
really copetitive
obsessively plays Xbox and has weekly gaming nights with everyone (Sirius always rage quits) Wormtail is the only one who is still playing with him after 30 minutes
goes on tones of unplanned road trips with Lily
tries a weird new diet practically every week, sort of a health freak
way too much house pride - his whole room is decorated red and gold
has an old pickup truck he prides too much even though he is almost needing to fix it as much as Sirius and his ancient motorbike
the ‘mom friend’ always looking after everyone
actually the only reason they don’t all eat fast food & take aways 24/7 - he’s a great cook
proof reads all of Remus’ stories for him before they get posted
works as a barista in a grunge as hell café across the road - the others always hang out there when he’s working
secretly enjoys the challenge of James’ strange dieting (gluten free+ vegan month was definitely a challenge though)
owns 2 pet rats - is scared shitless that Regulus’ pet snake is going to eat them at one point
really good at giving gifts because he’s great at listening to people
has a massive collection of hoodies for no apparent reason
always third wheeling because of Wolfstar and Jily, it’s better now that Regulus has move in though
really good at video games - occasionally lets James win because he gets too moody otherwise
only listens to indie & grunge music - secretly loves Sirius' obsession with vinyls
not super feminine but always has the latest fashion trends - usually fairly alternative (known to sport the jeans + fishnets thing that looks bomb as hell)
reads almost as much as Remus and is always hanging out in the book shop he works at
really enjoys playing football with James - finds it hilarious when he gets competitive
super long ginger hair + green eyes
loves tattoos, has handpoked a few of her own (mainly gets them done professionally, her friend Marlene is a tattoo artist) & Sirius let her do a moon on his wrist
doesn’t know that James reads all the books she talks about until she finds 3 of them hidden on his side of them wardrobe and interrogates him
super spontaneous really enjoys the constant unplanned road trips 
does a lot of digital art, usually draws characters from books most often the characters Remus will never let go of in his stories
can ride a motorbike and occasionally takes Sirius’ for a spin
just a badass tbh
everyone takes their problems to her because she somehow has a solution for everything
wants to get into interior design and when they move in she helps everyone decorate their rooms, constantly adding to their home paints a different wall every week
literally friends with everyone - nobody dislikes her and probably couldn't if they tried
has a weird skill for knitting, likely the source of 90% of Remus’ holy sweaters
obsessed with ‘retro’ things, favourite things tend to be from the 80s/90s
always helping Wormtail when he is baking, as long as she gets the first taste
an: this was just a random thing I wrote in a notebook at school, the next time we get a cover teacher I’ll probably add some secondary characters (Regulus, Alice, Frank etc)
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