#i do want Hunter to have an official home tho
waywardsunlight · 1 year
I love the idea of Hunter kind of being a mutual kid for Darius (+Eberwolf), Eda (+Raine), and Camila. Ultimately I’m Team Darius but we know that Eda’s gonna be in his life and they’re probably going to get a lot closer after the end of the show, and I think Camila’s always gonna be the parent who taught him what it was like to be treated like a normal kid and looked after so. Yeah. Team Dadrius but we can share. I think it would be awesome if Hunter went from one shitty parent to a gaggle of good parents. I also think Perry would probably have Hunter over a lot anyways so Perry’s kind of like the Friend-Dad.
Honestly I think that’s how it’s gonna be a bit for Luz too, I think maybe she’ll live a couple months with Eda out of the year because Eda’s like her second mom and I think she’s always gonna be that for Luz even now that Camila is back in her life. Team Wolf Pack awooooooo!!!
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niki-phoria · 10 months
⋆。°✩ csm hcs - little things about dating them
characters: aki hayakawa, denji, yoshida hirofumi
includes: devil hunter reader, lots of fluff, forgive me if denji and yoshida are a little ooc, written with male reader in mind
a/n: i think i'm gonna officially start writing for csm :)) i'm open to taking some csm reqs but they might take me a little while to finish so pls be patient with me !!
warnings: mentions of blood/injuries, mention of smoking
gn reader (they/them pronouns)
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⋆。°✩ aki hayakawa
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— i see aki as pretty inexperienced
— he’s had crushes before but finding the gun devil and working in public safety makes it pretty hard to go out on dates
— you met when makima assigned you to be his new partner (to help him wrangle power and denji)
— aki’s very slow to trust, and even slower to have feelings for someone
— he’s overly professional when you first meet
— doesn’t talk much unless it’s necessary
— it takes a lot of effort to get to know him beyond his somewhat cold persona
— after enough time (and probably saving his life once or twice) he’ll relent and start to open up to you
— either you have to confess or you just silently start going out together and being more affectionate
— denji is nosy probably sparks the realization for aki
— “what’s going on with you and y/n anyway?”
— “what do you mean?”
— “you’re all soft around them. it’s gross”
— a few days of very deep introspection from aki later and he’ll randomly bring it up
— during one of your balcony talks aki will take a drag from his cigarette and then look over and go 
— “are we dating?”
— you shrug 
— “i’d like to be”
— and congrats you are officially aki hayakawa’s lover
— aki isn’t super affectionate but he’ll make an effort if you are
— he’s gonna be super awkward about it tho lmao
— incredibly stiff the first few times you cuddle or hug but he’ll warm up to it
— he’s never really done this before give him a break
— he’s very protective but in a more subtle way
— puts his body in front of yours, keeps you away from danger, lets denji and power take care of devils to tend to you
— ^they 1000% tease him about being whipped
— aki is very cautious about letting you take devil contracts
— he doesn’t want you to get hurt
— his love language is acts of service
— make him dinner before he gets home or wake him up with a freshly made cup of coffee and heart will go boom boom boom boom
— probably gets all flustered and then gets embarrassed about being flustered
— (if you smoke) he shares his cigarettes with you
— you take turns passing a cigarette back and forth
— late night talks together on your balcony are some of his favourite moments with you
⋆。°✩ denji
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— denji is INCREDIBLY inexperienced
— he spent most of his childhood alone with pochita, slaying devils for money whenever he could, and generally avoiding danger
— he’s seen attractive people before and probably had superficial crushes but he had never seriously considered dating someone
— until he met you
— you met when you were assigned to work with aki as a new recruit into public safety
— your relationship is pretty lighthearted and playful at first
— denji is very dense
— doesn’t really recognize his feelings as romantic until you ask him out
— you have to outright tell him “i want to date you” 
— he’s like “oh cool me too”
— congratulations !! you are now officially together
— denji’s affection is probably a little awkward at first
— he likes cuddling and being affectionate but he’s a little clumsy at how he goes about it
— his only frame of how relationships work is from manga and anime so expect him to try and replicate the tropes he likes with you
— it gets better with time though don't worry
— just don't tease him too much he's genuinely trying his best
— kiss him first and he’ll lose his mind
— his eyes get huge for a second before he smiles and kisses you this time
— during missions denji isn’t overly focused on safety 
— yours or his
— i mean he literally turns into a human chainsaw
— he won’t let you be seriously injured though
— afterwards he scolds you for being clumsy as he poorly tends to your injuries
— he doesn’t know how to do stitches and his way of helping is to press a bandage over everything and playfully kiss the wound afterwards but it’s the thought that counts
— denji isn’t used to being vulnerable
— he’s incredibly nonchalant when he talks about his childhood but he’s still human
— sometimes the weight of being a devil hunter really gets to him
— give him some space and let him come to you naturally
— he probably won’t talk about his feelings in detail 
— let him lay on your chest and play with his hair until he falls asleep 
— he’ll feel better when he wakes up
— emotional intelligence is not denji’s strong suit
— you have to bluntly tell him when he’s doing something wrong
— he’s quick to change though
— he's a little emotionally constipated and he can be a little clumsy with his words and affection but he does really love you
— he just wants the best for you
⋆。°✩ yoshida hirofumi
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— i think yoshida has some experience with dating, but nothing overly serious
— you met in class
— ^either through denji or just because yoshida happened to notice you
— he’s incredibly charming
— puts all of his effort into cracking dumb jokes so you’ll smile when you first meet
— the type to lean in super close so he can “hear you better” and let friendly touches linger just a little too long
— i honestly think he could go either way with confessing
— he wants to date you but he also relishes in seeing you so flustered around him
— if yoshida confesses, it’s pretty nonchalant
— might be romantic and give you a flower or something
— if you confess, yoshida will smirk the whole time
— probably leans back against a wall or something and just watches as you stumble your way through an explanation of how you have feelings for him
— when you finish, he tilts your chin up so you’re looking into his eyes
— does that thing again where he leans in super close just to embarrass you
— “i like you too”
— boyfriend acquired
— congrats :D
— yoshida is definitely a hand holder
— he’s always touching you in some way
— his hand on your thigh underneath your desks, your fingers intertwined when you walk through the hallways, his arm wrapped around your waist as he walks you home
— he refuses to work on missions without you
— he says it’s to “make sure you don’t do anything stupid” but you both know it’s because he worries about you
— also the type to scold you while tending to any of your injuries
— yoshida is affectionate, but only on his terms
— he likes to be the one to initiate physical contact
— in public, he loves bragging about your relationship
— pulls you closer if he catches someone staring at you, introduces you as his lover, follows you around and refuses to leave your side
— he’s a tease
— he cups your face with his hand, slowly leans in, waits for you to start getting annoyed, and then pulls you into a kiss
— always smiles against your lips
— he can’t help it, you just make him so happy
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try02line · 7 months
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The Owl House: Charis!AU
Context: the Wittebane brothers get tragically separated in their youth. One is thrown abruptly in the future, while the other remains stuck in the past, how will this change their story?
I am very happy to officially welcome you in my own personal AU of the show TOH, which I am creating in collaboration with @magpieddd (literally, none of this would have been possible without this amazing person-).
I will not spoil too much in this post, as I plan to gradually release the information thru blogs and building a small wiki as well so everything is much more organized! Just know that if you enjoy TOH and heavy Wittebro angst this is the place for you! Do not let the bright colors trick you, things will get dark pretty fast.
I want to dedicate this post to talk about my personal design of Young Philip Wittebane, because there are some details I am very proud of!
- The 9-years old design is very straightforward. Like hunter’s, it is simply a personal interpretation of his canon outfit. In this case, I wanted to remark the dire situation the two brothers were living in, with the clothes being clearly old and ill fitted for the small boy, and of course, i couldn’t not include his precious stag wooden mask.
- Now, for the second design, we get into interesting territory. For the hair, he decided to let it grow so that he would be able to tie it up, as a silent small tribute to his older brother.
- As it can clearly be seen by the first image, Philip is much smaller both in height and body type when compared to Hunter. This is due 3 factors: age, diet and lifestyle. In my au, Philip is around 12 years old, while Hunter is around 17. Hunter trains intensely to be the best of the best, a soldier and a perfect golden guard, even more than in canon as he is held to much higher and stricter standards, so he is of course more buff. And finally, the boiling isles offer a rather poor diet for a small human child.
- Philip has a belt with a bag attached to it, in which he carries his precious notebook
- the embroidery at the center of his outfit is meant to resemble a stag, but from the distance it may appear a demon as well
- AND FOR MY FAVORITE DETAIL: THE CLEARER SPOTS ON HIS CLOTHES. Okay, this has actually a double meaning! First and foremost, his outfit is meant to represent fire. This element can have many interpretations, something warm, but dangerous, that can give life and death in equal measure- but I personally mainly wanted to make a subtle nod to the witch hunting tradition of his home town, having him represent a pire on fire on which the people accused of being witches would be burnt alive. On the other side tho- the spots represent something much more innocent! When stags are still baby deers, bambis, they tend to have their back covered in white spots, which disappear as they grow up. This is to symbolize that even if he wears the mask of a stag, Philip in this AU is still very much a small child who has a lot to grow up to do, and no mask can change that as he wears barely disguised the signs of his naivety.
These are all my favorite details! I am so proud of this and I really hope you will enjoy it as well. More content will be soon posted in which I will go into more details about this AU.
PS: Charis is the fake name Philip uses in the Boiling Isles :3
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
This has been on my mind a lot lately. And idk y or if this is definite proof or not but look.
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We all wondered if this meant the two of them would get together in the first special.
They’re the only two looking back at eachother.
They’re holding hands with interlocked fingers for crying out loud.
But what does this mean? We didn’t really get any huntlow or confirmation in the first special except for the hair cutting scene, blushing at ‘buff brains!’, and the finger gun and winking scene.
So what does this all mean? Are they together? Are they a thing? Are they tip toeing around one another?
I know the crew likes to tease and such. They parallel other couples and scenes to eachother. The crew themselves are more than on board with making Winter art!
So what if these two are already together?
In the first picture, the crew is heading in different directions, the two are looking back at eachother but they aren’t together. And Flapjack is still there.
In the next one, they’re together, hand in hand, flapjack… isn’t there. RIP my favorite little buddy. But what if that means the two got together somewhere between the beginning and end of their stay in the human realm?
Now I’m just gonna be real. As much as we want these two to canonically be stuttering blushing messes and jumbles of words with eachother, we want to see the development. We just don’t really… have a lot of time for that?
Now I’m down, I’m sooooo down if they’re just tip toeing around eachother and they end up making it an official thing in the next two specials. Like be real, I’m a majorrrrr huntlow/winter Stan.
It’s just this one specific scene that always has me going back to it.
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He is used to this! He’s used to her casually flirting by now.
Titan she even waited on the rest of them to leave. They could be keeping this under wraps for all I know!
So what if they were already together? Nobody said they’d be the most affectionate couple. Onscreen or off screen. (Even tho I’d really really want that!) The show has so much ground to cover.
I could even argue that they were kind of a thing back in Clouds On The horizon and Kings Tide bc of how overprotective they were of eachother. I could. But I’m not gonna go that far.
Think about the parallels too! Evelyn and Caleb were together when Philip killed his brother.
If we’re being real. Hunter died. Philip repeated the cycle. Hunter was gone if not for Flapjacks sacrifice. Like a post I’ve reblogged recently whom I can’t quite remember who but they recalled the fact that Evelyn most definitely held her lover in her arms and cried. Held him close. He was gone.
That’s what we got here too.
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Now I could spend all day justifying this argument too if I wanted, but I’m an hour away from home and my phone is dying. So. This is it for now. What do you guys think???
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Gamergate drove a male escort to attack a politician's husband. Yeah, I don't believe that even for a second. It almost feels like he was reading from a script.
A man accused of a hammer attack on ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband has testified how he hatched a plan to end US corruption after becoming absorbed in conspiracy theories.
David DePape, 43, has pleaded not guilty to two charges including attempted kidnap of a federal official.
He cried as he testified how he hatched a bizarre plot that included wearing a unicorn costume while interrogating Ms Pelosi and posting the video online.
If convicted, he faces life in prison.
Closing arguments in the trial are expected on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, in sometimes tearful testimony, Mr DePape told the court he used to have left-wing political beliefs before a political transformation that started when he was living in a garage without a toilet or shower, playing video games for hours at a time. Giving evidence for more than an hour, he said that in the course of looking up information about video games he became interested in Gamergate, an anti-feminist campaign that targeted prominent women in the gaming world and became a huge online trend starting in 2014. He began listening to right-wing podcasters and watching political YouTube videos.
"At that time, I was biased against Trump," Mr DePape said, "but there's, like, truth there. So if there's truth out there that I don't know, I want to know it."
He said he formulated a "grand plan" that involved luring "targets" to the Pelosi home.
Inflatable unicorn costume
The names on his list included University of Michigan academic Gayle Rubin, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Tom Hanks, congressman Adam Schiff, former Vice-President Mike Pence, former Attorney General Bill Barr, Senator Bernie Sanders and liberal mega-donor George Soros.
Ultimately, Mr DePape said, he wanted to confront President Joe Biden's son Hunter, and after he got his targets to admit to corruption, he planned to ask the president to pardon everyone he considered a "criminal".
"It's just easier giving them a pardon so we can move forward as a country," he said, crying on the stand. _______________________
Article is finished under the cut, got another submission going out soon too doing this one first tho.
They need a shrink or three that don't know who he is or why they're doing it to evaluate him, because ya this is looking incredibly scripted in a way that provides a win win for both parties in the case.
Nancy gets to talk about right wing conspiracies and Pepe gets to walk on a temporary insanity defense.
Mr DePape said he went to the Pelosi home in the early hours of 28 October last year, hoping to talk to Mrs Pelosi about what he thought were false theories of Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.
He said he planned to wear an inflatable unicorn costume and upload his interrogation of her online. He was arrested with zip ties and duct tape in his possession.
When asked why he hit Mr Pelosi, he responded: "I reacted because my plan was basically ruined."
"He was never my target and I'm sorry that he got hurt," he said.
Mr Pelosi, 83, testified on Monday of his alarm upon waking up to find Mr DePape "standing in the doorway".
Mr Pelosi spent six days in hospital with a fractured skull and injuries to his arm and hand.
Defence lawyers are not denying that Mr DePape struck Mr Pelosi, but they are arguing he was motivated by his belief in conspiracy theories rather than Mrs Pelosi's status as Speaker of the House.
Because the charges involve assault on a federal official, prosecutors must prove that Mr DePape's actions were motivated by Mrs Pelosi's elected position.
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wordsbymae · 2 years
NO BECAUSE THIS MUST BE FATE!!! I SAW THAT VERY TIKTOK AND IT WAS A KINDA INSPIRATION FOR ME^^ Also thank you for the compliment, you too! You’re so overly detailed and you go these long essay rants, and I just get so excited because I know it’s gonna be good 🦋🦋🦋. But he’s very traditional and country. I can imagine him having strict parents. His dad was a big ole gun nut from a long line of deer/bear hunters  who were veterans (became one himself) and his mom a overly religious church woman, with a long line of family that either married men who positions in church or men who held positions themselves. She was Around marriageable age and her family was just waiting for a man to pick her up and marry her, and that’s what his dad just did. Saw her, followed her home, and in front of her demanded parents to hand her over to him. Eventually, they did since nobody step up to claim her and all men who were originally interested was never heard of again (he shot them all). Two Weeks Later she was legally and officially his. Nobody was concerned with the quick arrangement due to the recently spiked in missing young adult men, they never did find the cause 🤔. She was raised to be move in elegance and grace, she’s regard herself as prim and proper young woman. But for Clement (Clem to his wife) a man who grew up on the rougher and more dirtier side of town. A man who use to wrestle his brothers in the mud, in midnight sneak onto the fields of farms and flip over cows, race his father’s beat up truck on dirt roads, come home in the pinch of night covered in dry dirt head from toe, lost his virginity in a barn on some haystacks, never taught proper manners, his Sunday best (if he actually went to church) was a regular white shirt with dirt covered jeans and his failed attempt to slick back his hair, went skinny dipping, went to house parties held in the woods, use to work in a pork processing factory, was never given a curfew, education and learning wasn’t his strong suite, jump off cliffs into big lakes; she was stuck up, up tight and prissy young lady. Usually for a guy like, he wouldn’t even be able to look at a gal like her, hell if he hadn’t seen her when he did, but a couple moments down. He would had to shot her then fiancé in their wedding just to claim her for himself, for a crazy obsess and possessive man like himself that very thinking is his root to all his insomnia and paranoia. She on the other hand grew up in different circumstances than him. She was the middle daughter of two sisters, parent by a housewife and the pastor. The societal standards and norms were forced upon her from a very young age. She was homeschooled, never had a curfew because she wasn’t allowed out, was only allowed friends of her parents choosing (they were only chose by the highest status and closest relationship to the church), if being a housewife wasn’t her parents first choice she would have been attended a community college for medicine or a trade school.Very isolated and restricted home life.She would not have liked him for first time meeting.He was everything her mother told her not to want and look for in a man.He was a dirty, vulgar, gambling, drinking, poor, perverted man. But as he shoved down everything about him down her throat,she eventually come to love him.So obviously they wouldn’t get along at first. He wanted to break her, to be like “haha a prissy girl like you have to be stuck under man a like me 😜”,she even tho obviously wanted to be anywhere else besides near him, she still performed her housewife duties diligently which he liked.When she has a her very big O caused by him,her whole world tips over. She would feel like a common dirty whore. And to crush her, he would degrade her as he’s doing it. whispering raspy degradation as she comes down from her high. It was hard to hate him when he use to her eat her out like his life depended on it. Would embarrass her by refusing her a shower first after a long day of working at home, by his word “would stripe away the flavor”.There’s more, but hoped you liked :DDD
Awwww thank you!!!! Sometimes I rush through cause I don't have a lotta time to be online so I feel bad leaving you hanging or giving you less than what you gave me. Also, you have the best ideas and thoughts that sometimes I sit there and have no idea what to write because what you did was perfect and just so good!! I get so excited when I see you too and I reread them like 5 times.
How can you do this to me autumn!!!! Now I'm horny for another feral country boy. I blame you wholeheartedly. Man, I thought Joseph was the love of my life but now you bring Clement into this??? Have you no mercy?? I legit nearly fainted reading about this man.
Hehe, I have a bit of a thing for men in uniform, can you imagine Leroy in uniform??? I think he would still have his fatigues somewhere stashed away and probably would bring them out to role-play with Bunny (Once again I am projecting).
But Clement and his wife!!!!! AHHHHH
I can see her family waiting for the best suitor to come around if anything they were hoping for the sheriff's boy. But would have prefered it if another preacher come to town.
I think it would be cool if it was the first he's been to town since he got out of the military. Maybe he wasn't from that town originally and just picked it cause they needed a hunter or something like that. And he's driving through town when he sees the prettiest girl he's ever seen. He practically slams on the brakes and puts the car in reverse to follow her from a distance. He then banged on the door and asked to speak to her father. From there he states his claim. Although it didn't help that he didn't know her name and took like 5 minutes for her father to figure out which daughter he was talking about. And yes!!!! Her parents wanted to say no but no one else came forward and they couldn't let her become an old maid so they have to say yes I loved that he was just scarring/picking off all the other men who were trying to get her hand. and yeah the town is so concerned with the missing men that no one cares the preacher's daughter is marrying a veteran who lives in the middle of the woods that no one knew two weeks ago.
She is kinda mad but she was raised to be a good wife so there's not much she can do. She was expecting to be a sheriff's or a preacher's wife so she was taught to act elegantly and with grace. However, she is watching with thinly veiled disgust at her new husband's wild ways. She doesn't swear, take the lord's name in vain, lie or boast, she is a good preacher's daughter and she will make an even better wife.
"A man who use to wrestle his brothers in the mud, in midnight sneak onto the fields of farms and flip over cows, race his father’s beat up truck on dirt roads, come home in the pinch of night covered in dry dirt head to toe, lost his virginity in a barn on some haystacks, never taught proper manners, his Sunday best (if he actually went to church) was a regular white shirt with dirt covered jeans and his failed attempt to slick back his hair, went skinny dipping, went to house parties held in the woods, use to work in a pork processing factory, was never given a curfew, education and learning wasn’t his strong suite, jump off cliffs into big lakes" ------ This is an amazing description! I love that I instantly know who he is and I love it!
He would think she was such a frigid bitch, he loves her don't get me wrong, he's obsessed with her, but almost to the point where he hates that he does. She represents everything he never got, all the meals his mama had to skip, all the clothes his papa couldn't afford to repair, and all the years being squished under the fancy people's boots. She might not be rich but her family never had to starve and a part of him resents that he loves a woman like her. So different to him. People would turn their noses at him if he had ever dreamed of marrying a woman like her, let alone touching her. I love the idea that if he had missed that initial first look, he would have had to forcibly take her, shoot her soon-to-be husband and just run away with her. If you like country/folk music you should listen to charlie boy by benjamin Dakota rogers, as soon as I read that, the song came to me, it is literally that storyline, also john came home, and I was planning on writing a fic around it.
The sad thing about this reader is she is used to being oppressed so what is marriage if it not for the same thing. It would be a bit sad, and since I love happy endings, I think it would be so cute if clem could see she dreamed of being a nurse when she was a kid so he enrols her in an all-women's nursing school. She would be so happy! Every day clem takes her to school on his way to work and picks her up on the way back. He would let her study anatomy on him, and he was more than happy to help with reproduction study ;) But I see this only happening after maybe a year or so when they both have opened up their hearts to each other.
The start though is her being disgusted with him and trying to hide that, but he makes it hard to hide it when he sculls a beer and then another one during the wedding dinner. He pinches her bottom and slaps it in front of his friends. He whispers in her ear that she is going to have open her legs for a poor, filthy labourer like him and that it is her job as a wife to pleasure him no matter how he wants it. You are so right! I think he would be mean, calling her filthy things in bed to get a rise out of her (but I think she would like it, unlike Alwyn's reader, this one never wanted a sheltered life, she wanted to rebel from her parents, rebel from being a perfect woman, so him calling her these things allows her to rebel in a way, to destroy the perfect life her parents had planned).
Please tell me more !!! I loved it!!!!
Lots of love mae xx
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malka-lisitsa · 1 year
Well isn't this a clever 'work around' my dream come true, I get to be sandwiched between the Martel's. @ladamedemartel @lordofthestrix
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Who asks the other on dates: Katherine doesn't ask, she either tells them theyre going out or announces shes bored and either waits for Aurora to make a scavenger hunt, or for Tristan to arrange something
Who is the bigger cuddler: Katherine is a needy little shit, but she only cuddles on her terms. its ok tho bc her terms are quite often and she just climbs in laps- fully in denial that shes needy at all.
Who initiates holding hands more often: Tristan, usually with aurora, for Katherine its an absent minded affection she doesnt think to do very often.
Who remembers anniversaries: Apparently neither of the girls even know what day it is at any given time, so Tristan.
Who is more possessive: I imagine its all varying degrees and levels depending on the day, the ruling planet, the tides, and season.
Who gets more jealous: Honestly, and imma tattle on her and shell hate me for it but- Katherine. Because she knows she is and always will be the expendable one in that little whatever they call it. If someone had to go it will always be her. Some days she can take it out of sight out of mind after all theyre not serious and she doesnt have feelings for either of them, some days she cant and on those days she's particularly withdrawn and 'i dont give a fuck' in attitude. Very pouty and quiet.
Who is more protective: The Martel's are protective of each other first and foremost, Katherine is experienced in surviving on her own- however I would put fourth the possibility that if it seemed fun and fucked up Klaus' day one of the Martel's could possibly aid Katherine if she required it.
Who is more likely to cheat: Depending on if its even applicable I would say Katherine, and most likely acting out because she cant use her words and doesnt know how to say she feels left out and or neglected.
Who initiates sexy times the most: Is either of them paying attention to her? No? Then it's Katherine. Obviously for attention lmfao.
Who dislikes PDA the most: I think they all like being publicly claimed, though Katherine is a little more reserved in her affections for Tristan when Aurora is around- for obvious reasons.
Who kills the spider: Whoever feels inclined to do it if at all? Katherine says the spider isnt worth disrespecting her red bottoms like that <3
Who asks the the other to marry them: AHAHAHA Listen if the words came out of anyone it would be in the context of Katherine being asked to officiate a wedding for the other two.
Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Still 100% behind the idea that Katherine just brings home things she finds that are lavender scented and gives them to aurora, bath bombs, air spray, dryer sheets???? They dont even use them?? But it was lavender scented and Katherine brought it home bc shes a good impulsive hunter gatherer.
Who would bring up possibly having kids: None of them, They dont even invite Katherine's scary vampire daughter to dinner.
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: They all dead son.
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Katherine has her own room, so none of them, and if she really wants to get away well theres a boarding house in mystic falls with her soul mate she can go bother. <3
Who tries to make up first after arguments: Neither of the girls <3 theyre too stuborn
Who tells the other they love them more often: This is clearly Tristan and Aurora to each other. Aurora more tells Katherine how pretty and smart and special she is, and Katherine is more than ok with that.
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darkicedragon · 2 years
Seb/Angelo don’t Fully Spark Joy for me and Azure. So we talk about developing Rougewolfe and Angelo interactions instead.
darkicedragon Yeah, hm. Theres no Spark for me w angelo and seb Theyve got the culture and class differences, but they dont clash AGAINST each other. They tease, but dont make each other react azure same ú-ù Angelo has potential, but Seb just doesn't cut it *sigh he's not Muzaka, unfortunately darkicedragon Hes an m at closest, pff. But w self esteem. A lil ball of rage azure technically yes, but even his angst falls flat and boy, I should eat him up with the amount of shit that happened to him darkicedragon We need qn escaped alpha .... ............ Roguewolf Well shit 😂 A failed alpha who went thru all the experiments and augments and is a ball or rage azure YESSSS someone to balance Angelo heck I'd eat this ISH UP! GIMMIE GIMMIE THIS EXACTLY darkicedragon Doing what he can to get by, but too traumatised to do much and ends up back in the hands of scientists again azure HNNNNNGGGGG you I like ur brain darkicedragon Tho would angelo have anything to do with him, since roguewolfs dna just isnt fit for alpha augs. Unless roguewolf tries hunter, has a bad reaction and angelo wants to fix it since he feels its his fault hunter is on the streets Or the new batch isnt meant for ppl already enhanced darkicedragon Roguewolfe hating it there bc it just reminds him of his Failure and all the shit he was put thru, and just rage bc of the strong association angelo has w augur .... And also angelo getting a first hand acct of whats been going on under his nose, so now he has to figure out what to do with all this information and how to adjust with his new perception of augur (unless he already had suspicions, but never had time to dig deeper into it) azure whose blood were they using for hunter? wasn't it roguewolf's? darkicedragon W adjustments. Maybe they improved his own mixture enough that his dna rejected the new mixture like the original azure > Roguewolfe hating it there bc it just reminds him of his Failure... smells like a lovely combination of M and Muzaka and I'm digging it so hard uwu 👌 Wolf not trusting Angelo, but having no choice but to follow and obey him bc he can help him not die due to his faulty augs while Angelo is v =-= bc something is clearly at fault, but he doesn't know how to fix it darkicedragon Angelo asking abt rogues scars 'Its from the alpha training?? Did you seriously never oversee any of it?' 'An accident...?' 'Hah. As intended. You ask any alpha around how many scars they got from training and come back to me, or do you only listen to other scientists?' azure ohohoho yessss darkicedragon 'Oh right, you WONT see them, bc they were the SUCCESSFUL ones, so all their scars were smoothed over with the augments, never to be seen again' 'I...' azure 🤤 👌 also night terrors that go extremely bad because Wolf uses his powers to defend himself and Angelo has to physically hold him down and wake him up which is not easy, bc him enhancing Wolf meant he was pretty powerful darkicedragon omggggg. is wolfe being looked after in augur building or angelos home, bc wolfe might put his fist thru a wall 😂 darkicedragon 'you never asked, did you. what happened to the failures. you were too interested in the ones who made it thru, your little pet project, never thinking abt what happened to the rest of us' 'i just thought-' 'yeah. you did. the rest of us never mattered, so long as you got your fucking results for your golden alphas' azure I love this 🥰 also bc Angelo being at an impasse coming to terms with all the ppl he indirectly hurt darkicedragon yesssss azure hmmm, I'd like to say Angelo's home bc angelo... illegally stabilizing Wolf maybe as thanks for him giving him hints about hunter also bc I don't think Wolf would want to go back to augur ever darkicedragon and since wolfe isnt an official alpha, shouldnt be treated in the building either azure THE DOGGOS O0O the doggos sensing when Wolf is in a reaaaally bad place, going to him to calm him down Angelo finds him dozing off in a corner, with the doggos piled up on him/next to him bc they sensed him having a night terror/a burst of anger and they grounded him darkicedragon angelo def knowing somethings up when the dogs go to wolfe rather than him 8') also zeus going to angel to help wake wolfe up azure while Apollo is just a puppy pile on top of Wolf all <QnQ> *smol whines bc he's not waking up and he's hurting darkicedragon yesssss. licking his face and wolfe still isnt waking up azure and when Angelo wakes him up, he's startled and lashes out at angelo, not at the doggos, ofc uwu darkicedragon angelo is the first face he sees, while doggos 'only' feel like restraints, so its angelo he lunges for ... good thing angelo can heal and doesnt feel 8'))) unless wolfe isnt that strong azure Angelo does a good job at fixing him ^-^ maybe he didn't mean to make him that strong he... accidentally made him strong Angelo like "Ah, hmm.... Oh, well' darkicedragon 😂 he got too In The Zone and suddenly hes been pouring over wolfe's dna and what to tweak and he's got 10 missed called from hastings wondering where the hell hes been and hes missed all these V Imp Meetings azure yessss and he's like 'tsk, such a nuisance' oooh, maybe Wolf was breaking down or getting real sick and he had 2 options crawl back to augur and hope they fix him or make a deal with Angelo Wolf hearing Angelo is looking for more info about Hunter and Wolfe can get him that info darkicedragon yaaaaa azure in exchange for Angelo fixing him and not letting him die "No offense, doc, but you couldn't take a single step in the slums and not be recognized. I blend in easily, I can get you the info you need. You just fix me." darkicedragon yesssssss azure "Are you looking to get unlicensed enhancements?" "No, I just wanna stay alive"
0 notes
yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Immortal Nico pt.2 - Relationships
Immortal, Self-love Nico pt.1
Powers Modification
I suppose with everything Nico has gone through along with his immortality in this AU, there’d be some significant changes in his relationships.
- The gods: tbh even in canon i think Nico di Angelo is the one closest to Gods due to his proximity to godly entities (namely: Hades, obvsly) and magical creatures.
With his Underworld family, Nico is much more involved (since now it’s his home - where to return too - anw).
Hades is still learning the definition of a normal dad, tho Nico does appreciate his efforts. (Yes he has a luxury corner in the castle yes he’s the prince.) Persephone tolerates him just fine. Nico is respectful and she enjoys it enough to not turn him into any flower.
Zagreus & Makaria adore him. Zagreus teachs him how to utilize his abilities and drags him around to explore the surface when they have the chance, Makaria welcomes him in dinners and acts like a loving sister, stopping Malinoe when the other sister intentionally pisses off Nico.
With the Olympians, Nico works with them occasionally. Rarely with Zeus, Hera and Poseidon tho bc 1/ that’s for Hades to deal 2/ Nico doesn’t want too 3/ Zagreus hates his precious little brother coming near those arrogant ppl. The others are tolerable. Hermes talks business.
The Underworld creatures can’t hurt him btw.
- Camp Half-blood: Nico mainly visits when he has business, otherwise it’s to visit Aunt Hestia (she technically adopts him anw) or simply greet Chiron, Coach Hedge and sometimes Dionysus. Overall, he doesn’t have any personal reason to visit CHB and rarely talks with the campers, only doing that if there’re quests involved.
Since Nico receives immortality right after the fight with Gaea and moves on with his own way, his impression of Camp Half-blood only remains as sour and lonely. Nico technically isn’t quite fond of it. Yet, as he found a way to move on and free from the haunting past, he doesn’t have any problem seeing it, just not think of it as somewhere to come visit. Camp Half-blood to him is just a place, no more, no less.
Consequently, Nico becomes one of those myths, or legends (in urban legends) - those mysterious and powerful beings people hear about but rarely see and only believe in once it happens in front of their very eyes.
- Camp Jupiter: Nico shows up often since he has to check up Hazel and Reyna and attends meetings as the official Ambassador of Pluto/ Hades. As always, the Lars fear him and Romans respect him. When Reyna, Frank and Haz retires and leaves CJ, he still holds his position and watches as the demigod generations, new preators and augurs govern the Camp, delivering advices, sometimes from Reyna & Frank, sometimes from himself.
- Reyna: Immortal sisters, really. It strengthens their bond even more and the two still have each other when everyone pass on.
Nico keeps tab on Reyna the same way he does with Hazel, just not as frequently. After Reyna joins the Hunters, Nico would take time to pay her a visit when they are near, IM her frequently to update on the others and Camp Jupiter as well.
Okay this should do it now. The Seven will be on air later (my fav part really).
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readbythestarlight · 2 years
BOBF chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine
Boy there’s nothing at all around the palace huh like it’s just out there in the desert all alone
Oh damn he’s hardcore calling your bluff
The Order of the Night Wind huh
“Overpriced, you’re paying for the name”
“They’re just people, in hoods” lol Fennec throwing professional shade
There’s no rancor down there guys come on
Of course the Mayor sent him
Fennec is so smug it’s great
Nice title
The CGI for some of the aliens is slightly off why not more practical effects
“Do you have an appointment?”
So what I’m getting from this is Jabba ruled by fear and Fortuna just let the whole place turn into a slightly quirky very casual “I sit here and look impressive, you pay me and do whatever else you want” situation
Is only Mos Espa this way?? It seems like everywhere else on Tatooine is still kinda intense
They’re gonna keep poking fun at his lack of litter
“You know damn well who” badass
Oh?? Wait?? So the…? The Hutts??
“I am not a bounty hunter” yeah since when babe?
The out of touch with the planet vibes increase.
The twins??
What twins???
oh god they’re so gross and so CGI
And they came on a litter lol
Well, this complicates things
What the fuck that is one badass looking Wookiee
Boba hon you got your ass kicked by assassins like this morning maybe being like “kill me” isn’t the best idea rn
Oh no!!! Who are these people what’s happening?
Boba saving the Tuskens I’m so soft
Who and what the fuck is happening
This is saaaad :(
Boba honey you just learned to use that stick
Not that I don’t think you can do it
These are the same guys that attacked that farmer
RIP Tatooine man
Also tho I object to it being aliens hurting humans only
Fuck ‘em up Boba!
Oops broke the gun
That…. Didn’t stop the train tho?
I’m confused
Like we’re the speeder gang driving the train or something?
Oh okay thanks for clearing that up
Ready for a comedic sequence of Boba teaching drivers Ed?
I think the vibe that loses me is an odd lack of tension? Idk still figuring it out.
Boba forming his own space biker gang lol
He should let the Tuskens move into the palace with him just for company
I do love watching him earn their respect tho
If the cool lady (?) whose been teaching him to fight dies I will fight someone
Dear Tuskens why don’t you just?? Hide behind the dunes where they can’t hit you?
A train heist is a new Star Wars experience for me
Also tho really drives home why the Tuskens are so violent, it’s definitely like Din said; they’re brutal but so is the place they come from.
Ma’am(?) please be careful!!
I adore her what a badass
Train gonna go boom
Oh never mind train go crash
It’s not quite a Krayt dragon but it’s basically the size of one so it counts
“Like that” lol
Boba said Tusken rights
“Your lives are a gesture of our civility” is such a badass line??
oh damn that’s a lot of water to accidentally waste
“A gift? Why?” Boba
A lizard?
lol same thought
“I think I swallowed it”
That’s uncomfy
Ohhhh the armor flashbacks
This is trippy and I’m not sure I’m wholly down for it in terms of “native tribe has weird mystic hallucination ritual” like every show in the 90s involving Native Americans? Idk maybe I’m overthinking.
STOP with the childhood flashbacks!
Did he… actually wander out into the desert??
And find a tree branch??
Mmm yeah I’m both confused and slightly… not vibing? Idk hmmm.
STOP with the lizard
Awww nice he gets robes now welcome to the Tribe officially
At least we know now he got his badass look from TM
Building his own gaffi stick?? Awesome!
Oh I’m here for this tho someone people tell me this is some Māori inspired dancing happening here?
Tho I wanna know why the assassin said the mayor sent him like there didn’t seem to be any reason for that aside from moving the plot forwards
Additional thoughts:
Yeah okay so I think the reason the vibes are off for me is the lack of tension and also some tonal dissonance? Like, the Hutts show up and that’s great! We have tension! We have someone for Boba to really square up against!
But then we lose the tension built there by immediately flashing back to the past and hanging with the Tuskens for the rest of the episode. Which had its own tension in the train scene, which was neet, but honestly it really just leaves the “present day” stuff lacking.
As for the tone, it’s pretty great in the Tusken scenes (the minimal dialogue helps I think?). But in “present day” it’s so all over the place. Boba and Fennec are dead serious and everyone else looks at them and treats them like they’re just weirdos. Or patronizing, like Boba and Fennec are silly children playing Crime while the grownups pat their heads and say “oh course, honey, you’re just sooo scary”.
Honestly when they went in to see the mayor and got the “do you have an appointment” joke my brain flashed back to the “they don’t even have dental” scene in Shrek 2 which is not the feel I would have expected from this show.
Idk it just doesn’t feel quite natural to me yet. I’m enjoying it don’t get me wrong!! Just something is slightly out of sync with the whole thing. The humor vs serious tones need a better balance.
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product05 · 3 years
My thoughts during the episode "hunting palismen" from the owl house because why not? A lot of people probably thought about the same thing (Long post btw)
(sorry for wrong grammars, if there are)
Okay first I just wanna say, the moment Belos asked for more palismen I was concerned, because the episode title is hunting palismen, and that made sense. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that.
Anyway here they are:
Emperor Belos wanted to unite both realms which made sense because he's been talking about this "day of unity" since season 1.
The moment when the golden guard/Hunter called Belos "Uncle", I was like "ok cool they're related" but he later said that emperor Belos found him. So when Belos said that wild magic is the reason their family is gone, he's referring to his family and Hunter's family which is, y'know, different families.
It's cute that Luz kept the echo mouse then put it in a glass cage, and not let it roam the owl house then start eating different books mixing whatever the books it ate contains. Not that I thought about it, of course
Willow is a cute cinnamon roll that can actually kill you.
How the heck did they banished the giraffes
Ambassador Gus!
At first I thought the red bird (cardinal) would be Luz's palismen, but Eda stole a Palistrom wood then gave it to Luz so then I thought "ohhhhhh ok, it's for Hunter then".
Long hair Bump everyone. I did not expect that Frewin is his palismen. Why haven't I wonder where is principal Bump's palismen before???
Ngl I didn't thought about Eda stealing a Palistrom wood, even though we saw her saw Luz being upset then having an idea all of a sudden.
I love how Eda and King didn't hesitate to steal that Palistrom wood for Luz.
Luz haven't figured out her future. Same Luz, same :(
So the guards didn't recognize the golden guard without his mask? He have the emperor's coven sigil and yet they didn't believed him because he's a kid. WHAT. So not all emperor's coven know the golden guard's face? Why have the mask in the first place?
The "too slow" then the hand on the hair- Ah, old but gold (plus Luz's laugh after- dude I can't)
So, golden guard/Hunter is a powerless witch. I don't remember if it was mentioned from the show before that all witches have powers, but I remember that a demon (like King, I don't know if all demons tho) can't do magic like witches do (remember that body swap episode from season 1).
So my guess is that Hunter might be a descendant of Philip Wittebane, since he also mentioned that most of his ancestors were powerless. And also his hair is kinda resembling Philip's, but so does Belos'. But I don't know I may or may not be wrong.
Anyway, magic nerds everyone
Hunter knows something, come on spit it out.
Kikimora hates Hunter, why? Because of the "special treatment" he gets? Probably.
"just the golden guard" must hit so bad to him.
Dude, the animation is so good and I'll say it again.
"this is treason against a coven official" haha, riiiiiiight
I saw this post comparing Zuko from atla and Hunter, and the only thing I can say is... BRO.
When everyone said "someone please adopt the child (Hunter)", we didn't want Belos to.
Dude, WHY. This show is full of family/parental issues.
Kiki know it's Hunter who just beat her to the ground now, I dunno, she might snitch. But then again, she tried to kill him first soooooo.....
We will not be seeing Luz with her own witch's staff yet. I wonder what kind of palismen would be hers.
Also Amity, I mean she didn't attend the palismen adoption day right?
The cardinal and Hunter both have scars, but I wonder what emotional connection the two have. Why did the bird chose him? How did they got their scars???
"I was not expecting that", I'll say it again, same.
Sprig!!!??? (Also that bcg character who was also voiced by gg's va, sry i didn't watch bcg)
Also, I don't know why, but I kinda get Varian vibes from Hunter.
So, Belos use palismen (a considered to be made of wild magic) to stop his outburst, but he don't like wild magic.
Why does he want to unite both realms? Is he a fan of Philip Wittebane? (lol) Or is he Philip? I mean, Philip did said on his diary "If only those at home could see what I have, and perhaps they shall." But I kinda don't think Belos is Philip.
Is Belos cursed???
Why did he need the staff for? He can do magic like a pro.
Yup, that's it.
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siren-virus · 3 years
ok, It's been a long while since I've sent an ask, and though that can be atributed to life being life, that can only go so far and these previeous 3 days I've been lazing around mostly XD So, in order to compensate, here's the asks for Free and SWUP that have entered my brain and I haven't filtered out yet that I'll send you. Answer as you see fit for I might send repeated questions or some that have already been aswered before in another form.
For SWUP, would SWUP (Does she have another name? I can't remember) ever try a work somewhere? She has to get money somehow if she wants to be able to buy food, clothes, a home, and pay for all the medical expences she might have to go through. What other friends would she have other than wine aunt and coffee barista? I remember you said there might be a third one who's not really relevant, but whos father is, and you were still unsure on wether to include them or not. Also, the humans in this Earth, how much do they know about aliens? The Unicorns and Dragons? I imagine that considering the amount of damage they can do when they fight, and considering that apparently their experiments on abducted humans that they leave on Earth for like a month before taking them forever, would make them fairly known, and have something like a world agency looking out for different cases or something, however succesful they actually are.
Now onto Free, Is there any chance that we could get to know of any of the friends that the rag-tag group would make along the way of the travels? Like, there HAS to be someone who they befriend without any shennanigans involved at the very least, or with minimal ammount of them, just as there HAS to be a friend made after a disaster of cataclismic proportions happens that inebitably onvolves the found family. Also, how long was Leo outside on his own before bird friend (forgot his name) found him and started to get them back to the Domes? Considering that they have a long adventure, I imagine that he spent at least a month outside without an idea of any direction he was going, and getting lost along the way because of course he gets lost, before he was found. Would the team find anyone else who was part of the Domes but left of their own volition too? Another traveler similar to Leo, but that doesn't want to return to those places for X or Y reason? Would there be anyone from the Domes that they meet that DIDN'T want to leave the Domes in the first place but got out regardless? This could be for whatever reason, from kidnapping to exhile to attack to the Dome to simply escaping from a bad situation.
oop sorry for taking a bit to get back to you,
youre questions make me realise how under developed my stories are wheeezee so i rlly appreciate your questions!!
SWUP aka Vicky her human alias. or I guess the unicorn is the alias. AH SHIT I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT!! Originally when i made SWUP she was supposed to be in high school. But as i grow I also like my characters to grow with me. Maybe I'll get her a job as one of them gym buddies (it has to be a job that allows for some form of freedom, enough to like be able to do th vigialnte thing- (i forget the name) Medical expenses aren't too bad, I'm basing it off aus medical- which means medicare! Plus she doesn't need the hospital all that often, she can regenerate.
In terms of friends she doesn't have many not because she socially inept (like myself)- she was very popular in highschool, but there isn't many people she can relate to. Her best friend James (pending name) comic book nerd that loves super heroes is all she's got. And some gym bros, but they're just friends at the gym, outside complete strangers. I really do want James to be relevant to the plot and not his dad and daddy issues, but he's a bit hard to squeeze in. Maybe if I sat down to actually do some writing, maybe--- ALAS I am but a creature of laziness, and poor attention span. (im barely focusing on Flee atm and I rlly wanna try developing GECKO again fml)
Humans know little to nothing about aliens (excpet for like the government and so wackos who a really into scifi) So even though SWUP is doing her best to help ppl, she's seen as a horrifying villain that is stage one to an alien invasion. (the scifi wackos play a part in that.) Although most Police officers appreciate the help... most.
Suprisingly no, most humans who were mutated into unicorns almost seem to disappear, SWUP is an exception. Why is that hmmmmmmmm? this is kind of a big moment, if I ever plan to push this idea to the webcomic/animation stage, youll see.
There's not really an official .org agency or anything like that, but some wackos who love space, and an actual scientist or 2. So far they have deducted that unicorns are evil space creatures who prey on humans and consume their flesh to get stronger so they can lay eggs and take over the world. There's not a lot of truth to that. Some parts tho... but which part? At the moment I'm really into mystery- so maybe I'll add some mystery elements, or I'll give it to GECKO. first i gotta redesign Mac, poor lad is not a looker I'l tell you that.
FLEE I barely know their friends either- haven't gone about developing them. HOWEVER. I do have a villain in mind. I remember making him for my illustration class back in uni (sigh uni days...) I dom't have a name, but I have a face. He's a big leader of this village known for killing the hybrid/mutants. He and his crew, a rag-tag gun loving, truck driving, share-a-brain-cell, lot. How they've managed to become successful hunter bunch is unknown.
But one the friends I have developed enough is Bolt, who also comes with their own shennanigans and an old rusty bus. Techincally they don't need it because they're fast as fuck, but it helps to have around incase you get a goliath sand bobbit on your hands.
Tristian is the human, Leo is the bird friend. Actually Trisitian was out on his own for three days, he didn't cover much ground when he finally met Leo either- dumbass didn't bring enough food and water to last. He didn't even have a plan, just wanted to go out. The only reason Leo didn't send his ass running home was because something- or someone- pushed them far. far away. Oh my who could it be?
Tristians kind of a rarity, not many people leave the domes unless it's through underground passageways to other domes. Most people are blissfully unaware of the outside world. Not to say Tristians the only one who escaped, but he's the only one who's survived outside for so long. (dome people don't have any survival skills) The only reason Tristians gotten so far is dumb lucks and a hot headed bird friend.
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swearwolf-writes · 4 years
Teen Wolf 2020
it’s 2020 and corona is a bitch :) the wolves might not be able to get sick but they still wear their masks bcs they could still be carriers so *clears throat* WEAR YOUR MASKS Y’ALL!! this is very much a no one dies/everybody lives au :)
Scott McCall - age 26
this cute nerd. he studied veterinary medicine which takes about 4 years so he graduated in 2017 and works as Deaton’s partner at the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic. he’s dating Isaac (bcs he came back from France with Argent, remember) and Kira (she came back from the Skinwalkers in 2019 and has a proper grasp on her powers). sorry scalia shippers but it’s not really my thing-
Stiles Stilinski - age 26
NERD. anywho- FBI dork became an agent in 2019 whoo and lives in DC with Lydia, Derek and Braeden. he’s dating Lydia and Derek and things are pretty chill - he yells at arseholes who refuse to wear their masks bcs ‘it’s uncomfortable :(’ like bite me karen no one cares
Derek Hale - age 32
grumpy sourwolf actually knows how to smile!! who knew- he lives in DC with Stiles, Lydia and Braeden most of the time but he and Braeden travel often to fight butthead hunters who need to mind their own business. he’s dating Stiles and he and Braeden are engaged - it’s cute and they’re being dorks about it. he likes to complain that they’d be married by now if it wasn’t for freakin covid
Lydia Martin - age 26
your local genius banshee~ 🥰 still awesome, still a harbinger of death - so yk, the usual. bcs she had extra credits she started as a junior studying maths and graduates in 2016!! 🎉🎉 she moved to DC after she got some money together while working as a tutor - the quartet splits rent (but usually it’s just Stiles and Lydia splitting it bcs the other two don’t technically have jobs and yk Derek is an unsub and Stiles is in the FBI which Lydia finds hilarious). she teaches adults in the local community college and helps supernatural folk on the dl - she runs a grief counselling service at the same place for people who’ve lost someone. she’s also trying to get a degree to become a high school maths teacher and it’s a lot but she’s got it handled.
Allison Argent - 24
accidentally brought back from the dead by the Dread Doctors. everyone could not stop crying bcs she’s back baby!! she died in 2011 age 17 and came back in 2012 so she wasn’t dead long thankfully - wanted to kill Theo bcs he messed with her pack even he did bring her back. she’s a chimera now lads- she needed a kidney transplant when she was young which was why she was kept away from the family business. she was a werewolf-werejaguar chimera like Hayden but stayed a chimera. Chris and Isaac stayed home and bcs she and Isaac never actually broke up, they kept dating - she found it funny that Isaac and Scott were dating at this point,, meanwhile they were panicking wildly :) she went back to school and said she wasn’t dead, just in the hospital for a really long time. she joined Liam’s year and again, wanted to very badly throw hands when she found out about Monroe- she’s the coolest, like she has claws and bow and arrows
Malia Tate - 26
our girl went to France as promised and hooked up with plenty of hot French people *le eyebrow wiggle* she found her beau there in France and it was not a love at first sight sort of thing - she wanted to punch them in the face,, in their very pretty face- she was basically doing her own thing when she smells them, another bloody werewolf and like don’t get me wrong, she’s fond of werewolves, but bloody hell do they cause trouble. and they smell her too and it’s like ‘eh-?’ bcs werecoyotes aren’t so common as werewolves. and they’re just there in a club in Bordeaux and they’re sniffed each other out and they kinda just pause like huh- bcs they were were not expecting to see someone that pretty- but that’s not the point of course- they pretend to leave together and as soon as they’re out of sight from humans, they start fighting in an alley, as you do. it ends up with the wolf tasting the wall bcs who the hell are you- once they figure out they’re both just there to party, things chill and they see more of each other, naturally, it’s all just a big coincidence and doesn’t mean anything. and then they’re dancing and it doesn’t mean anything. and then they’re sleeping together and it doesn’t mean anything. except it does. and they don’t know when it became normal to cuddle or wake up together or have breakfast together but it just was. and when the cute werewolf (who I still don’t have a name for-) plans on moving to the next place, she comes with. the pack are happy for her and they usually road trip from place to place so when the pack comes to visit in Prague? it’s fun to say the least
Kira Yukimura - age 25
she came back from the Skinwalkers in 2019 and she and Allison became good friends. she kept going with school from home and is dating Scott. her powers are strong and when she sneezes bcs yk pollen or wtv, there’s sparks and it’s hilarious and Scott finds it adorable. she doesn’t really know what she wants to do yet and that’s cool of her
Erica Reyes - age 25
they thought she was dead- think again bitch, she slowed her heart rate down so they couldn’t hear and everyone thought she was dead - when the alpha pack got rid of her body and Allison found it, she told her to tell the others to pretend she was dead bcs of the Alpha pack - they beat the Alpha pack but she and Boyd hid with Satomi’s pack while that went down and helped generally after. she kept going with school and bcs she dipped for a while, ended in Liam’s year and eventually became a nurse in 2017. she works with Melissa McCall and joins for family dinner a lot.
Isaac Lahey - age 25
went to France with Chris Argent but kept going with his studies at Chris’ insistence. was dating dating Scott before he had to leave with Chris but they didn’t actually break up,, it was more ‘i’ll miss you :(’. came back to Beacon Hills when Chris came to help with the deadpool business and stayed bcs of Allison and Scott ��� his studies were mostly uninterrupted and he studied law, becoming a lawyer in 2020!! so at least one good thing came of this infernal year- he wants to specialise in family law.
Vernon Boyd III - age 26
yea no, Derek didn’t mercy kill him bcs he was fine :) de nile ain’t just a river lads he went into hiding with Satomi’s pack and came back when the Alpha pack was dealt with. went back to school and ended up in Liam’s year. he joined the air force when he was 18 and finished his rotc training stuff in 2018 and it’s pretty alright - he’s a pilot but was discharged in 2019 bcs someone started with him and bcs they were a superior, he couldn’t say shit. so now he likes to wear ‘fuck the army’ and ‘fuck the air force’ shirt. he has mad respect for the people out there but the people in charge? fuck em
Aiden Steiner - age 27
he lives bitches 😎 Ethan had a silver chain on so he plugged the wound with it - it counteracted the oni poison and the chain started melting into the would (he had mild silver poisoning but he was fine). school was normal and now he’s an engineer, living in Beacon Hills. he and Ethan left for London for a while bcs that town was crazy af. while Ethan was very happy there, he missed home so went back. he got an online ordination and learnt Japanese bcs why not
Ethan Steiner-Whittemore - age 27
got married!! whoo 🎉🎉 Aiden officiated (this is 2018 btw) and it was cute. the whole pack was there and the wedding was in London bcs as quaint as Beacon Hills is 
‘i’m only planning on getting married once so this is gonna be awesome’ - Jackson Whittemore, 2017
he’s dramatic but yk Ethan was a blushing mess bcs ~life partners~ he’s soft y’all. he’s a primary school teacher in London and they’re part of the South London pack.
Jackson Steiner-Whittemore - age 25
also got married!! whoo 🎉🎉 ngl he’s lowkey a trophey husband/sugar hubby bcs he’s rich af - he does business with his dad but it’s not a big workload. he and Aiden want to adopt and yk being rich will hopefully help
Theo Raeken - age 25
ah yes, the absolute nightmare bi enby returns. (i hc him with he/they pronouns ✌🏽 as you do) so he successfully gained Scott’s trust and is part of the pack - yay! he and Allison have a sort of ‘you’re a bitch’ ‘no u’ *saves each others lives* relationship at this point - it took a while for Allison to warm up to him but he did save Liam’s butt several times so,, anywho, he’s still a werewolf-werecoyote chimera and he’s cool with it. he went to an online school and got his high school diploma - Liam then snuck him into the school and he signed the bookshelf bcs yea he didn’t graduate there but he did go there and now he’s graduated so yay. speaking of, he and Liam are dating, yea ik we been knew. they started dating in 2014 and Theo now works waiting tables at a local restaurants bcs he lives with Liam and his parents (you best bet that when they found out he was living in his car, they made him move in so he pays rent, not at their request but his). that was till 2017 and they moved out into an apartment together. Theo chips in on rent but it usually ends up being split 60:40 (Liam: Theo) so he cooks and cleans a lot,,, mainly bcs Liam can’t cook and does laundry like a maniac-
Liam Dunbar - age 24
this werepup is just as chaotic as always - he cannot be trusted with laundry bcs he doesn’t split colours from whites :) honestly it makes me wanna cry a lil bcs he can’t even fry eggs either- he has Theo to cook for him tho so that’s all good. he’s a history tutor for the high school students bcs he likes history and he knows the pain of high school- *shudder* he got an online Spanish and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) degree and is now teaching at Beacon Hills High but yk his first year teaching is all online bcs 2020-
Mason Hewitt - age 23
he’s Emissary to the pack when they don’t have Deaton *wipes tear* he’s all grown up- he went to UCLA and majored in biophysics and minored in LGBTQ studies (graduated 2017). he lived on campus (kept the bat next to his bed lmao) and videochatted with Liam almost everyday - he would visit almost every weekend even tho it’s a 6 and half drive but hey. he got an apartment near the uni where he and Corey lived after he graduated. they’ve been engaged since 2018 (it was actually the day after the Steiner-Whittemore wedding). he’s helping work on a new drug delivery system and they moved closer to Beacon Hills (Sacramento)
Corey Bryant - age 24
he also went UCLA, studying comparative literature and LGBTQ studies, and lived on campus (for 3 years before moving in with Mason in 2017) before graduating in 2018. they’re engaged and moved to Sacramento. he’s writing a novel that will thankfully have nothing to do with their confusing ass lives
Cora Hale - age 28
lesbian queen *bows* still part of her pack in Ecuador, South America - she’s got a lady lover who I call Rosa (affectionately nicknamed Rosalita). they met when she first got there age 12 (Rosa being 13 at the time). Rosa taught her Spanish  and made her feel like part of the pack - after all the Alpha pack stuff, when she went back with Derek and Peter, she didn’t realise how much she’d missed them- how much she’d missed her. Derek asks if that’s her girlfriend and she’s like ‘wha- o.o’ and Rosa just goes ‘yup - nice to finally meet you guys’. she still visits DC to see Derek and Beacon Hills to see Erica and Isaac. even tho she lives in a different continent, Peter still looks out for her, sending anonymous donations in Talia’s name to the areas surrounding her pack’s territory
Brett Talbot - 24
*singsongs* ~he did not die~ the car swerved out of the way and the pack took him to Deaton who burnt the poison out of him (it was a long and painful process but he’s fine y’all). he’s the new lacrosse coach at Devenford Prep and he and Liam have a (mostly) friendly rivalry :) he’s a single pringle not bcs of lack of dates but just bcs he hasn’t found the one yet
Lorilee Rohr - age 22
also did not die :) she finished high school (2015) and went on to studying at UC Berkeley (art practice and theatre and performance studies, major and minor), graduating in 2018. she and Brett moved once he reached age 18. she makes and sells art from home
Nolan Holloway - age 25
after proving himself, same as Theo, he was eventually accepted into the pack. he and Gabe were dating and that’s that so he did mourn him for a long while. he works with hunters on the dl, trying to stop them hunting the supernaturals - he’s flipped 23 away from the dark side by 2020. he and Liam are friends which took a while but Nolan has his back (like there was that one time someone from the lacrosse team said they weren’t gonna ‘follow some mongrel’ so he reminded them that Liam was co-captain and if they didn’t wanna follow him, they could kindly fuck off :)) he’s a simp and has a raging crush on Brett like me too bruh
~the end~ for now
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let me explain to you the plot of borderlands 4 (kidding. mostly)
tl;dr: the eridians are evil, or, worse, completely uncaring about the things going on in their little sandcastle. the guardians are salty bitches about it and need our help and/or are going to start slaughtering people and im gonna fuckING TAlk ABOUT IT mostly because i need to write this down bc its been bouncing around my head since the game (bl3, not 4. that’d be wild) came out. minor spoilers for Guns Love and Tentacles. mostly that side quest.
tl;dr: tl;dr: eridians bad, guardians mad, and we are caught in the middle of a war that’s about to go down between them. spoilers for GLaT
tl;dr: tl;dr: tl;dr: Fl4k was a warning. Spoilers.
i dont even know where to begin because FUCK THERE’S SO GODDAMN MUCH TO THIS STORY
so im just going to start listing facts or points (+) of this theory that i remember at this very moment and probably forget a lot of them alright i’ll elaborate on all of this i promise. okay? lets go
+the eridians made a bunch of vaults that hold monsters in them
+some of these monsters are clearly constructs. some of them are not
+those that are clearly constructs:
the warrior
the traveler
the sentinel
+those that are not clearly constructs:
the destroyer
the rampager
the serpent
(possibly) gythian
(possibly) graveward (more on this in a bit)
+those that are not accounted for:
the timekeeper (but do keep this bad boy in mind)
+the eridians made the guardians: biomechanical constructs that are somewhat sentient, gaining sentience, and are supposed to guard the Vaults
+we also know now that there are these things called proving grounds with a salty, sentient guardian named the Overseer:
“vault hunter, I thought you might show up sooner or later. so naughty your species, so curious. the vault of vaults has been opened and IT has been released. prove your worth and I will reveal why the masters made me wait for you”
“naughty humans have opened the vault of vaults but the masters will determine who is a fault. until next time, warrior”
“long ago there was a brief spark, the first vault was opened, a light in the dark. a riddle, yes? perhaps it will unravel next time, hunter”
“so, you’ve returned. persistent, yes. or stubborn? or both. are you so desperate to prove yourself?”
“we were created for one purpose by our masters- and we couldn’t even do that right (laughs). but don’t blame us! when a cog breaks, point your finger at the artificer, not the cog! are you a cog, Vault hunter, or an artificer? Or both? prove yourself worthy.”
“pity us not, though the world has been broken. those who sleep will soon be awoken. not long now, seeker.”
“the eridians were our masters, but we failed them. they gave the order then silence. they VANISHED. such is our fate, Vault Hunter. server to a master who has left the house so long ago. prove to me that you deserve an introduction.”
“we were supposed to guard the Great Jail. but no quarter for servants who fail. but servant, that is not quite right. ‘Prisoner’. that is what i am. Until next time, adventurer.”
“a final chance to prove yourself. but will your reward be what you desire? a prisoner in a cell staring out at the fathoms of a sleeping universe. after a time, how would you know if you were prisoner or master? consider this while you prove yourself one last time.”
“it has come to this. one last trial. but will your efforts be worthwhile? that is what we will determine next time, hero”
“I am a prisoner, but you, vault hunter? what are you? hunter, warrior, hero? no matter what name i use, you return to prove yourself time and time again. but prove it to whom, i wonder? perhaps you seek a greater audition”
“it is done and my masters have taken note. would you like to know what they told me right before they vanished? ‘beware the vault hunters, they will take your kind’s place’. now i am free, and you are chained. until next time, guardian”
“well done, but have they taken note? that is what I wonder.”
+ the entire thing about there being a Fallen Guardian we have to kill
+ how the entire thing of the trails are copies of the worlds we visited to open the Great Vault. either the eridians can see through time (TPS) or they built these recently
+how dark Maliwan is probably working together with the Guardians on Nekrotefeyo given the fact they’re working together in one of the trials
+oh and remember how i suggested Maruice’s ghostie goo (ectoplasm) is actually related to eridians and such? YEAH. turns out that was right.
+Nyriad, the unreliable narrator
+the fucking Forgetting
+how the eridians are NOT ACTUALLY GONE FOR GOOD
+the seraphs!!!
+how the guardians are all named after angels, sirens are tied to humanity’s religious imagery
+how tyreen literally only loosened the chains on the Destroyer and the destroyer is going to break free from pandora
+how animals and people like bloodwing, slag psychos, etc mutate due to the eridium on pandora
+the destroyer’s reaction to slag being injected into its eye is straight panic
+the vault monsters that are fleshy were probably science experiments by the Eridians to test eridium and/or the results of being locked in the vaults for ages
+humanity was probably created by the eridians as well (more on that later)
+the Watcher actually WANTS us to have more Vault Hunters, she warns us that war is coming. all we can assume right now is either the Watcher fucked up big time, or she WANTED all this to happen. More on that later.
+the guardians are preparing for war. the overseer seems especially salty about the cause of it.
+ graveward was killed at some point, so the guardians brought it back using the ships, so that they could use their souls to posses it (further proved by the loot: Grave, relic, and Ward, shield)
 alright holy fuck
that’s a lotta stuff to go over!!! Let’s do this thing.
Let’s start with the Eridians themselves
so. these bad boys. We never really knew much about them, but it was always kinda assumed they’ve been long gone bc of the destroyer, or just out of reach.
now that bl3 dropped we’re supposed to assume that they’re all officially dead bc of Nyriad/the Destroyer
and i am here to say that Nyriad is an unreliable fuckin narrator because she doesn’t know the whole story. in fact, she admits to not knowing everything!!
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here’s what I actually think is going on, and yes, I believe 100% the eridians are shady motherfuckers who decided to play god:
the eridians are from a dimension that isn’t ours. we can assume this is a higher dimension, bc of all their weird space/time fuckery, especially the Vaults.
the eridians decided to do some science experiments. they make the vaults and use our dimension to store them and put all their experiments inside. they make guardians to guard their vaults, and they realize they can do better in the ‘making a fully conscious being’ department. they make humanity. they make sirens after experimenting with eridium. they decided to go big or go home, and they make giant monsters. after all that, they realize they fucked up, because there is one monster they cannot contain anymore, after all the shit they put it through
so the eridians realize they done fucked up and escape fully to our dimension, where they placed us and the guardians and all the science experiments they didn’t want to deal with at the moment. The Destroyer follows them
they land on nekrotefeyo, their ‘first landing’ in our dimension (hence the quote above). This, or the eridians had been in our dimension for a while now. Nyriad never says where the Eridians came from, just that they and humanity lived side-by-side, so it’s likely they’d been here for a bit, sending scientists back and forth, just doing their experiments all willy-nilly. And I would bet they created the Destroyer in that time frame.
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“for their curiosity, they were rewarded with doom” i believe is a correct statement, but not in the way Nyriad thinks. I think the eridians created the destroyer to see if they could, to test the bounds of what was possible. and it backfired on them in the worst way.
Nyriad also says this, but I have a hard time believing her here
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the most this is is speculation, because if none of the civilizations who met the Destroyer had nothing else to pass on, then humanity would not know of their existence. (I mean, she even says ‘SURELY it had different names’) Humanity has no record of other (intelligent) alien life in the universe, or their own civilizations being destroyed by the Destroyer*. It’s just the Eridians. 
*There is a reason for this, but let’s hold on for now.
So why tf do I think humanity was created by the Eridians? well, for one, I like the parallel to them having a god-complex. If they haven’t created humanity, then they definitely fucked with us to create Sirens. Sirens have a strong connection to Eridium and the Vaults (and other Sirens).
second, the murals in (most of) the vaults in bl3
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show human-like figures hanging out with kids, and one touching something that seems oddly similar to a relic
like so
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(on the left there)
there are also these really tall cloaked figures standing (t-posing) near the end of the mural
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and most statues are depicted with robes on
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a lot of the human figures in the mural are shown helping each other stand up, coming up from the ground like they’re being created, looking around (up at the sky at rays of light), and standing with a lot of eridian junk (there’s a vault symbol next to one). they’re also not shown to be wearing any sort of clothing, even tho extra steps were gone in to show the robed figures
it reminds me a lot of how a lot of religious texts describe humans as being molded from the earth or dirt or whathaveyou
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long story short, it very much reminds of something like a creation myth, so i imagine humanity was, in fact, created by the eridians.
ESPECIALLY this smaller one reaching up to touch the relic
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there’s no concrete proof for this, but its a hunch i have after studying this mural for a while. especially after Nyriad constantly questions why the Guardians were made to be on the brink of consciousness. humanity is Guardians 2, electric boogaloo. guardians were a mix of machine and bio goop, we are full bio goop. and that means we are curious, and have emotions, and are very naughty.
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that or vice versa, eridians made humanity, realized we weren’t as subservient as they wanted and made the Guardians to fill that niche. Also, most importantly, the Guardians were literally made to be disposable. That’s their entire purpose. Their bodies will degrade, but then their souls will just eventually find another vessel. They’re trapped forever.
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the Eridians created humanity and the guardians around the same time. enough that the guardians are likely vvvv salty about it.
humanity was made. Sirens came after that, through eridium experiments by the Eridians, explaining their connections to Eridium, as well as the other dimension (the one we are assuming Eridians are from) (think about the Lab Rats and Sirens and such)
so were the eridians preparing for something? war, maybe? possibly. they need firepower and obviously they wouldn’t sacrifice their own people when they have perfectly good constructs, so they’ll use their naughty meat slaves.
but the eridians need more than the sirens. they keep dying, and given the failsafe measures, its hard to keep track of them if one decides to let their powers go, despite the fact they added in, like, a siren gps for sirens to find other sirens and be drawn to them and shit
their big boy guardians, their constructs, aren’t doing enough to defeat their enemy
they start experimenting more with eridium. They learn it has the power to mutate things (mostly elementally, but also causes an increase in size, especially the longer/more they’re exposed to).
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they create seraph crystals, condensed eridium, which mutate things at an increased rate. These become discarded eventually for reasons below
they begin finding other kinds of life and mutating the hell out of it using eridium/seraph crystals, in order to create their giant buttfuck squish monsters. These monsters are probably pissed the hell off bc they’re mutated and also probably being attacked by people. so they rampage, killing everything in their path.
the eridians need a way to store the big boys and also take them to the battlefields where they’ll annihilate the enemy, so they create the Traveler and the traveling Vault (which is why there was really nothing of substance in that Vault OKAY TAKE IT). Perhapeth the big flesh monsters mutate more due to being locked inside the Vaults and constantly exposed to eridium/whatever energy is in the other dimension.
Things are going well, and the big flesh monsters help turn the tide of war in favor of the Eridians, until the other party is completely wiped out by what they dubbed the Destroyer. So the eridians decide ‘well, we had our fun, time to put the monsters in their cages and forget about the seraph crystals’.
and most of the big boys, creation and mutation alike, are shoved in their Vaults, guarded by the Guardians so they can’t be released bc of naughty humans. except for one, notably the uncontrollable Destroyer. because it wiped out their enemies, now it wants more, with its insatiable hunger, so it turns its eyes on the Eridians and Nekrotafeyo
sort of explaining why the planet looks like it fucking exploded
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the destroyer began to give it the SUCC
but there’s more about that planet
cuz the inside is all glowy and green and you totally know where this is going because i told you im pretty sure the eridians created humanity along with the guardians
i think this is the giant storage unit for all the souls, including the Guardian souls. humanity is depicted being pulled up from the ground in the Vault murals.
lemme explain here
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I think nekrotafeyo is where the Guardian souls are stored, like one bigass computer. That’s also, we can assume, where the Eridians got the spark for humanity as well. 
around the game, when u ‘kill’ guardians, you can watch their sparks leave (they’re the red glowy things), they fly upwards and disappear. You can also see blue/green versions of these floating around and not doing anything, notably outside the Rampager’s Vault. 
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I am curious if these color differences indicate a difference in wisp type (guardian v human) or if the red means they found another vessel and blue means they chillin. It is interesting to note that the Rampager has the ability to succ the wisps, so its possible its also related to the Destroyer. I mean, its way smaller, but it does IMMEDIATELY start wrecking shit as soon as it leaves the Vault.
anyway there’s more to this, because now we get to talk about ~ghosts~
if u didn’t heed my warning earlier, there are spoilers for guns love and tentacles past this point!! 
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and let’s not forget the Halloween event that showed ghosts are a v real thing in the borderlands and not just on carpenter planet
like super real. and the ‘hecktoplasm’ we get fuels a portal to heck. literally another dimension. that BY THE WAY is powered by a Maliwan device. that BY THE WAY is filled with Maliwan troops.
cuz remember on Nekrotafeyo where there are a bunch of Maliwan soldiers, but they’ve all got the DARK prefix to their name? you know how in the proving ground the dark maliwan troops are fighting side by side with a bunch of Guardians?
something fucky is afoot.
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reminds me a lot of the terror effect
i believe nekrotafeyo is where the eridian stored the sparks for both humans and guardians, that’s where they are coming from, and when nyriad questions how tf the guardians got that spark (stolen like fire of the gods), its because they’re slowly gaining sentience over time, probably relating to how many times they’ve been killed (returned to the core and then back again). because i 100% believe the eridians created the guardians just as an endless, permanent workforce, and the guardians that have been disposed of time and time again are starting to realize that and get SALTY. the reason i do not say that the guardians are gaining sentience with regards to how long they’ve been around is bc there’s such a huge difference between the intelligence of The Watcher and just a normal-ass Guardian that I have to assume their developing sentience has a different trigger.
anyway back to the eridians getting the succ from the destroyer. the eridians realize they can’t just run away from it back to their home dimension, maybe bc its tied to that dimension due to the vault mutations (i vaguely remember typhon mentioning that the destroyer is a dimensional horror) so they have to imprison it somehow. How do they do that? well it is fucking terrified of eridium (when you inject the eye of the Destroyer in TPS, it panics and freaks out), probably due to all the fucked up experiments they did on it, so let’s imprison it using that. 
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And once we do that, we should probably get the FUCK outta dodge, bc these science experiments are getting c r a z y, let’s remove ourselves from the experiment and observe from beyond
so what do they do?
they get one of their sirens to operate a Machine they built that will send them back home. all of them, at once. we’re going home, fuckers. seeya. and obviously they will not tell humanity, because humanity will want to come with, like a lost puppy. and they will constantly question the other dimension and pester the eridians about it. humanity is annoying and the eridians have 1 big regret, im sure. 
they’re also leaving the Guardians to do their dirty work for them, keep the vaults closed so that humanity won’t open them and send the Eridian’s pissed off creations after them. Also explains why there are no Guardians for the Vault of the Warrior (is an Eridian construct) and why the Traveler had Guardians inside it but not on the outside (to keep it running). The only Vault that made me do a big think is the Vault of Elpis. But more on that later.
so they tell this siren that the machine is going to kill them all, and use their energy to power to machine (lol) to close the Destroyer in Pandora, giving a perfectly good super powered monkey severe anxiety. 
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they also (apparently) do this ‘Forgetting’ thing, which Nyriad mentions, which makes humanity forget that we lived side-by-side with the Eridians and also everything about the Destroyer. which is so DUMB of the Eridians. 
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because SERIOUSLY people, if you don’t want your idiot children opening something, the one thing you don’t do is make them FORGET WHAT IS INSIDE OF IT SO THEIR CURIOSITY GETS THE BETTER OF THEM WHEN WHAT’S INSIDE OF IT IS LITERALLY ‘HEY, YOU’RE ALL GONNA DIE’. literally pandora’s box. LITERALLY- that’s half the reason I think this is all just one big experiment to them. They don’t give a FUCK about us, actually. they just want to see what will happen. they named the fucking planet Pandora ffs.
like YEAH some people would probably try to open it, to try to kill the Destroyer. but guess WHAT FUCKLENUTS we could have had humans working to keep pandora sealed instead just your cryptic ass guardians. CURIOSITY IS A DANGEROUS THING
and listen. there’s a lot of reasons i believe the machine actually sent the eridians home. even if they actually are just morons and thought the Forgetting was the best thing to do for humanity (scoff)
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there’s more to this
what are we up to? i stopped writing this like 3 days ago and just came back to it
you guys know the whole story now. im not saying my whole entire backstory is fully correct (like, a lot of it is major speculation) but i do firmly believe these few points:
the eridians are from a higher dimension than our own, and came here for science, or to escape the destroyer
nekrotafeyo is named “first landing”
they have an obvious connection to another dimension thru vaults, eridium, and sirens
the eridians either created or experimented with humanity, eventually leading to Sirens
sirens have this connection to both eridium, vaults, and the other dimension
they have similar powers to some Guardians
on Elpis there are ‘pseudo-Sirens’ created upon exposure to chemical sludge near the Vault
Sirens probably are the result of very exact experimentation, meanwhile these fake Sirens are not
The Leech is able to create ‘Anointed’ who have Siren-like powers and turn to eridium when killed
In bl2, the Lab Rats can see the other dimension when phaselocked by Maya after they were experimented on with eridium by Hyperion
unlike other enemies who only see ‘blue’
every vault monster is the way it is because of the eridians doing shit, including the destroyer
the reason the rampager is so angry and begins destroying everything right away? it was mutated by the eridians/being locked in the Vault. It was stuck in there with a bunch of Guardians, probably either conducting more experiments or there as ‘prison guards’
the destroyer appears frightened of slag in TPS when you inject it, but it also gains power from it- pretty similar to Sirens, and if eridium caused these mutations it could explain the fear
eridium causes LOTS of mutations as we can see throughout the history of the borderlands games. i’ve written 2-3 long-ass posts about this now, i think y’all get the idea lol
terry, badass wildlife, slag/burning psychos, etc
we don’t know how long the destroyer/rampager/etc was exposed to eridium. We’ve only seen (relatively) small doses/exposure times
the eridians lied to Nyriad and are in their home dimension right now, probably laughing at us. or at least like ‘holy shit quick write this down’. this is probably all an experiment to them
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I just have this FEELING
so sudden, and new
but really tho
The Overseer basically TELLS us that the Eridians are still out there somewhere
she calls them her masters, talks about how they left the ‘house’, then talks as though they can still see us in the present
Actually you know what, let’s talk all about the Overseer’s lines now because they’re dummy important
copy and pasting this because i forgot...
“vault hunter, I thought you might show up sooner or later. so naughty your species, so curious. the vault of vaults has been opened and IT has been released. prove your worth and I will reveal why the masters made me wait for you”
so IT is most likely the Destroyer. i have the firm belief that Tyreen just ‘slipped its chains’, as Nyriad puts it in her log right before the fight
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like r u seriously telling me the eater of worlds is the size of a single story house lmao
‘why the masters made me wait for you’ “MADE ME” I get the feeling she is here against her will, until her mission is completed
and that mission is to see which humans can pass the trials/the execute the trials
why? we’ll get to that. but she even hints that the reward may not be what we want.
“naughty humans have opened the vault of vaults but the masters will determine who is at fault. until next time, warrior”
so the second time she references her ‘masters’
Vault of Vaults is the vault of the destroyer. which is interesting to me. I guess it makes sense, is a big vault with other, tinier vaults on the surface.
I really wish we got an explanation as to what the Vault of the Architects was. might even explain the pyramid key ;-; fuckin pyramid key
so when i first heard this i thought there was some sorta ‘the masters will determine who is at fault’ rift between humans (the calypso twins or the vault hunters)
but now after learning more i realize this is probably between humans and guardians
are humans at fault for being naughty, or are the guardians for failing their only purpose?
i get the feeling the eridians will blame the guardians. the less favorite child :(
“long ago there was a brief spark, the first vault was opened, a light in the dark. a riddle, yes? perhaps it will unravel next time, hunter”
sooo im pretty bad with riddles
either this takes place long before our recollection of events, or this takes place around when typhon opened the first vault on promethea
what i think this means is possibly the beginning of Guardians gaining sentience
nyriad describes the smarter guardians as ones having a ‘spark’. i believe this is what the Overseer is referencing here- their gaining consciousness
THAT, orrrrr the guardians saw themselves fail at their only task and began to realize they could do more with their lives
failure breeds success, after all
“so, you’ve returned. persistent, yes. or stubborn? or both? are you so desperate to prove yourself?”
the differences between humanity and the guardians. humanity has strong desires/emotions, the guardians don’t
or, at least, they didn’t.
“we were created for one purpose by our masters- and we couldn’t even do that right (laughs). but don’t blame us! when a cog breaks, point your finger at the artificer, not the cog! are you a cog, Vault hunter, or an artificer? Or both? prove yourself worthy.”
lots to digest here
one purpose - to keep the Vaults closed
the guardians recognize they are only cogs in a machine, that they’re only tools, and it seems that they’re becoming bitter
‘point your finger at the artificer’ obviously blame the Eridians, not the guardians
‘are you a cog... or an artificer. or both?” i think is very important. i think this is another hint that humanity was created by the eridians
‘or an artificer, or both’ showing that humanity can step out from the shadow of whatever the eridians planned for them and make their own choices/destinies. the guardians can’t. ... yet.
“pity us not, though the world has been broken. those who sleep will soon be awoken. not long now, seeker.”
‘though the world has been broken’ - either bc the Eridians left them/the Vaults have been opened
more importantly “those who sleep will soon be awoken”
what i think this means, personally:
Graveward is a vault monster that appeared deceased (already killed or just died of natural causes) when we got there
but it was combined with a bunch of ship parts
this is confirmed both by the art book and by just LOOKING AT HIM lmao
these ship parts are likely a way to resurrect him by allowing the guardians to posses him
guardians are biomechanical constructs, so it makes sense that they would begin scavenging ship parts from eden-6 to fit to graveward
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so they can have a stronger body to pilot
something had to be pulling those ships in to crash
also, this means BALEX didn’t do anything wrong lol
when you get to the vault, tannis is confused, because there should be a vault monster, but there’s only guardians
that is, until you kill Grave and Ward
they (and a bunch of other Guardian souls) then possess Graveward, bringing him to life- or, awakening him
what i think this means: the guardians are going to start possessing more and more stuff
why this means ‘those who sleep will soon be awoken’ possibly vault monsters who are killed aren’t actually killed, they’re just put in a sleeping state and the guardians will be using their tech to control them with guardian souls
the guardians stuck in that big ol computy machine somewhere (god pls let it be nekrotefeyo) are ‘sleeping’ and by taking control of those vault monsties, they will be able to wake up and pilot their own bodies
that is, there are too many souls, too little bodies, so they need more vessels
also can we talk about how Sirens can absorb guardian souls pls?? bc what the FUCK tannis
ugh how fuckin’ creepy would it be if the eridians made the fleshy Vault Monsters and used the guardian souls to puppeteer them
seriously though, Tannis absorbed a bunch of Guardian souls why are we not talking about this
how was that not an important plot point
is tannis going to be okay?? i love tannis. please don’t hurt her. are guardian souls just pure energy?? what does it mean??? GEARBOX-
“the eridians were our masters, but we failed them. they gave the order then silence. they VANISHED. such is our fate, Vault Hunter, server to a master who has left the house so long ago. prove to me that you deserve an introduction.”
i think its really important that the Overseer doesn’t say the Eridians are DEAD. instead, she says they just ‘vanished’ or ‘left the house’
i think this further proves they’re still out there somewhere. probably watching over us like creeps
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literally from the new DLC... come on. COME ONNNN
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also confirmation the eridians are the ‘masters’ the Overseer is referring to all the time
side note i have the game sitting open on my other screen and wainwright just asked someone to drink him under the table what the f-
it does sound like they’ve been forgotten as even servants to the Eridians because she specifically says “were” and “but we failed them” probably meaning the Eridians were their masters UNTIL the guardians failed to keep the Great Vault from being opened
though i do think “prove to me that you deserve an introduction” is interesting
like do we not deserve one yet? well, not until we complete the trials she’s supposed to test us with
“we were supposed to guard the Great Jail. but no quarter for servants who fail. but servant, that is not quite right. ‘Prisoner’. that is what i am. Until next time, adventurer.”
kinda repeating what we learned from the above quote
‘Great Jail’ they put the Destroyer in evil baby jail for his crimes
no quarter for servants who fail - yeah the eridians are like ‘wow you guys suck, fuck you guys’
‘prisoner, that is what i am’. the guardians are all stuck in their roles. they’re trapped here
“a final chance to prove yourself. but will your reward be what you desire? a prisoner in a cell staring out at the fathoms of a sleeping universe. after a time, how would you know if you were prisoner or master? consider this while you prove yourself one last time.”
‘will your reward be what you desire’? we learn that the reward is actually being a guardian, so... it’s not great, if our deductions hold any water
‘a prisoner in a cell staring out at the fathoms of a sleeping universe’ - what the Overseer probably sees her position as guardian of the trials as a prisoner- same with all the other guardians stuck watching over the Vaults
i do also think this may be in reference to the fact she’s stuck in this dimension with us while the eridians ran away
“I am a prisoner, but you, vault hunter? what are you? hunter, warrior, hero? no matter what name i use, you return to prove yourself time and time again. but prove it to whom, i wonder? perhaps you seek a greater audition”
‘hunter, warrior, hero’ note she calls us by a bunch of titles throughout her greetings/goodbyes. but we are not satisfied by any of them
clearly we’re not proving ourselves to HER, since she questions who we are trying to prove it to
‘greater audition’ is likely in front of the ‘masters’ who are the eridians. remember, we have to prove to her first that we are worthy of an audience
“it is done and my masters have taken note. would you like to know what they told me right before they vanished? ‘beware the vault hunters, they will take your kind’s place’. now i am free, and you are chained. until next time, guardian
the eridians know what we’ve done- now humanity takes the place of the guardians
“beware the Vault Hunters, they will take your kind’s place” seems like a pretty fucked up thing to say
but also, more proof the Eridians knew what the FUCK was up, kyle
humanity is just guardians 2: electric boogaloo
the trails were ultimately a test to see if we were up to the task
and now that humanity (or, at least, the Vault Hunters) has taken the place of the normal Guardians, the others are free to do... something
what... i wonder.
i do think it is interesting that the Overseer is pretty morally gray here. like, she’s trapped here to oversee the trials for however long the Eridians have been gone, to see if humans are truly the successors to the Guardians
she obviously doesn’t want to be here, calling herself a prisoner
she even warns us that the reward won’t be something we want- i imagine she might not exactly be able to tell us WHY we will not like it, she is being watched by her masters (the Eridians)
like, i get WHY she doesn’t tell us what’s going to happen. if i were trapped there, I’d do the same thing
but here’s the thing
since we are (we assume) fully squishy and not mechanical in any way, we still have our free will (unlike, we can assume, the guardians)
so we’re not literally trapped in one job forever- we can choose whatever we want to do
so WHAT exactly do i think the guardians are going to do? well, they’ve got an entire army’s worth of souls, they’re resurrecting dead Vault Monsters, and they can modify their bodies now to become more weapon-like
what do I think is happening? The Guardians are preparing for war with the Eridians- they want to destroy their creators, and with us becoming the new guardians, there’s this loophole that allows the old Guardians to finally, FINALLY do whatever they want
(Is Fl4k supposed to be foreshadowing for this? Yeah, I believe they are!!)
+ also before i forget: the entire thing about there being a literal Fallen Guardian we have to kill
i believe this has to do with the fact when you kill it, it drops money. since we can assume the trials are crafted/designed by the Eridians, we can assume the Fallen Guardians are apart of that design as well. It drops money, which probably shows how it’s become corrupted compared to the other guardians. it has desires (collecting wealth). Since the Guardians are inspired by angels (especially in TPS), it’s probably supposed to be a direct callback to that
alright so I think you all are probably like CRUDDY THE PRE-SEQUEL
and like, yeah, that’s what i’ve been building up to the whole time
The Watcher!!!
“War is coming, and you’re going to need all the Vault Hunters you can get”
Let’s just look at the Watcher’s actions throughout TPS and Tales (well, her inactions in Tales, as well as 3)
In tps, the Watcher brings Zarpedon to the Vault, allows her to see the future, and creates the Lost Legion
so we all assume that yes, she’s trying to stop the Elpis Vault (and, by extension, Pandora) from being opened
but here is the thing. the lil thing. the BIG thing actually.
she stops us from killing zarps in the BEGINNING of the game
in the middle-ish when we kill zarp for realsies, she is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Zarp lets Jack know where the Vault actually is and little miss alien face IS NOWHERE AROUND
when you are inside eleseer, lilith mentions that the Guardians there actually let her through, like they WANTED her to be there
now let’s remember Lilith’s actions in tps (and remember that she is IN NO WAY at fault here. jack is a dickbag. you try to tell me this is lily’s fault and i’ll kick your shins into your asshole)
while jack is seeing the future about the Vault of the Warrior, she punches the treasure of Eleseer into his face. this cuts off the vision, so unlike Zarps all Jack sees is that he opens the Vault of the Warrior. Nothing about the Destroyer destroying everything.
and still, the Watcher is nowhere to be found.
So Jack opens the Vault of the Warrior, Lilith learns she can activate the Vault Map, the events of Tales happens, and Lilith has Athena tied up and is about to shoot her
and tells us that ‘we’re going to need all the vault hunters we can get’
obviously. OBVIOUSLY.
this is pretty backwards from what the Guardians are actually meant to do: keep the Vaults closed. If she wanted us to NOT open the Vault of the Destroyer, she probably should’ve just come right out and told us what’s up. 
no, I think she 100% wanted the events to happen in the way they did.
Because remember, after this, SHE NEVER SHOWS UP AGAIN!!!
not in tales, where she could have stopped the Vault of the Traveler from opening (in fact she could have let Athena die and lowered the team’s chances of defeating the Vault Monster with whatever canon choices there are), not in 3 when she could have prevented the twins from doing any number of things they did, not to give advice to lily on sanc-iii, not during Commander Lily (even though she’s mentioned briefly) she did FUCK ALL
she did J A C K S H I T
it’s because she wanted this to happen. she WANTS the vaults open.
why? well, see above. The Guardians want the Vault Monsters all killed so they can resurrect them as big boy guardians
and that war she’s talking about? it wasn’t the war in bl3. That’s why she never shows her face. she’s talking about war with the Eridians. 
Which is probably bl4.
alright im tired. eridians bad. guardians okay-ish. they might try to kill us all and use our bodies as vessels, who knows.
anywaY this was all an elaborate plan for me to explain the backstory of h2o au and why magic is real in the borderlands universe and why they decide to FIGHT- [gets dragged off computer by a cane]
wow this is a 36 page document, why can’t i be this enthusiastic about school??
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kriscme · 3 years
One Life to Live
Hi, so now we come to the end.  The final two chapters.  Thanks to everyone who’s been following this story.  It can be read on AO3 too.  My name is Kris22 there.  As always, thanks to Ronja for allowing me to write fanfic of her Hunger Games fanfic “The Chance You Didn’t Take” available on AO3 and Fanfiction.  And thanks to Loueze for her encouragement and support.  Chapter 37 By the time the television crew was due to arrive, Peeta and I were as convincingly in love as two people could possibly be.  Of course, it was helped a great deal by the fact that we actually were.  Even so, we were hardly looking forward to our private lives becoming public again and cameras following us around as we went about our daily routine.  We worried about how intrusive it might be. Cressida had promised it would be tasteful, but the Capitol idea of tasteful can be very different from the districts.  I was afraid that it might be like that show I once saw on television about a houseful of people under constant surveillance.  They couldn’t even shower in privacy.  Would it be like that for Peeta and me?  Would they follow us into the bedroom?  Expect us to perform?  Our one consolation was that we’d be left alone once filming had ended and we vowed to ourselves that we’d do nothing newsworthy for the rest of our lives.   The day came. The house had been cleaned and tidied.  Everything was where it was supposed to be to reflect a couple who lived together as romantic partners.  Buttercup was bathed and freshly groomed.  I had the scratches to prove it.  Peeta, always considerate, had baked an assortment of breads for the crew, although I told him he shouldn’t bother.  At 7 am everything was in readiness.  10 am came and went.   And then 11 am.   At 2 pm we were still waiting.   At 4 pm we wondered if we’d got our dates wrong.   It was 6 pm when Haymitch finally got around to telling us.  They weren’t coming.  At all.   The video Remus took had violated victor media protection.  I had been filmed without my consent, wasn’t engaged in illegal activity and hadn’t voided my own protection by taking on a public role or seeking publicity.  Plutarch knew this but gambled that in our ignorance, we could be coerced into co-operating.  And once filming had started, our media protection was automatically revoked, since we had clearly consented to it.   It took only one phone call from Haymitch to President Paylor to have it sorted.   I suppose it’s of some consolation that Plutarch was severely reprimanded and threatened with dismissal.  And that he was also out of pocket for the purchase of the video and pre-production costs. As for Haymitch, I couldn’t decide whether to thank him or kill him.  He had certainly saved us from our lives being turned into a media circus for a second time but he’d let us have the worry of it for a whole week.  Peeta calmed me down and reminded me that it had brought us together.  Haymitch’s defense was that he was sick to death of our crap and wanted an end to it. He thought that a week of living together would get us sort out our differences and he was proven right.   I argued that it would have happened anyway, although I had to concede probably not as quickly.  With that in mind, I decided to let him live.   The year rolls around.  Peeta doesn’t move back into his house. It was never discussed; it was simply taken for granted.  We keep busy.  Peeta still works at the bakery as a specialist cake decorator.  He’s a partner now.  The sign above the new premises reads “Carter and Mellark Bakery and Patisserie.”  I teach at the school and on weekends I hunt. Marcus wrote to ask if I was interested in culling pest species such as wild dog and feral pig.  I jumped at it.  It seems you can be a hunter and a conservationist.   Haymitch works at the council and raises geese, which he does a pretty good job of considering he’s inebriated most of the time. We attend two weddings and one toasting.   Arthur and Lace don’t wait long before they tie the knot, or to be more accurate, thread the needle. Predictably, it was the source of much hilarity for Max, who was also invited.  At least he refrained from making jokes until after the ceremony.  I enjoyed catching up with Sateen and her husband Roy. They have a little boy.  They called him Felt.   Poor kid.   The second wedding was Octavia and Thom’s. Octavia made a beautiful bride with her rich auburn hair and fresh complexion.  Venia’s fear that their past as prep team to the Games would jeopardize their position in 12 proved needless.  Everyone knew who they were.  They’d seen them on television.  Flavius’s bright orange hair and Venia’s facial tattoos made them easily recognizable. But people had moved on.  They were tired of holding onto resentments – especially for three harmless beauty therapists whose former “victim” still willingly availed herself of their services.   The toasting was ours.  One day, we just did it.  There was no planning, no prior understanding that we’d have one.  It was the middle of winter.  We were snowed in and confined to the house.  Peeta got a roaring fire going and we picnicked in front of it using odds and ends from the pantry.  We had some stale bread to use up and toasted it by the fire.  He’d hold the toasting fork with a piece of bread to the flames and offer it to me when it was done.  The significance of it entered our heads at the very same moment. It was just a look followed by a kiss. Nothing needed to be said.  One day we might make it official, but for us we’re more married than any piece of paper or big party could make us.   Johanna won the election for District 7 mayor. She’s kept very busy but we talk on the telephone regularly.  She’s coming to visit 12 for a few days next month.   Doubtless she’ll be as disruptive as ever.  But sometimes we can use a little stirring up.  That’s what Johanna says anyway.  She takes full credit for getting Peeta and me back together and I can’t say she’s entirely wrong.   And we had a visit from my mother!  I had her possessions shipped to her home in District 4 and it seemed to have jolted something inside her, because soon after she was making plans to travel here.   It was a short visit.  She was nervous about coming here, of the memories it could evoke.  But aside from the Village, there’s nothing left of the old Twelve.  The debris from the bombs has long since been cleared away, new buildings have replaced the old, and the grass grows long and thick over the meadow.   We had a long talk about her reasons for not joining me in Twelve after I’d been released from the Capitol.  She feared being pulled down into a depression along with me.   I understood.  When you’re in the grip of it, you can see no way out.  My mother, having recovered once, was deathly afraid that she wouldn’t recover a second time.  And since misery feeds on misery, she would likely have only made mine worse.   Peeta is somewhere in the house repairing the painting of the primrose he did for me.  I don’t visit Prim in her room anymore except for that one time I when I wanted to tell her about my toasting with Peeta.   She wasn’t there.  She hasn’t been for a long time.  It was then I realized that Prim doesn’t reside in any particular place.  She’s with me every time I think of her.  I took down the primrose painting from the top of the dresser.  It belongs somewhere where I will see it every day.   I had an idea for a book, similar to my family’s plant book.   It’s to preserve the happy memories of the people we’ve lost.   Lady licking Prim’s cheek, what Cinna could do with a length of silk.  In my best handwriting, I carefully record all the details it would be a crime to forget and accompany it with a photo if we have one, or a sketch or painting by Peeta. There are photos of Finnick strewn across the dining table as I try to make my mind up on which one to use - a publicity shot that shows off Finnick’s sea-green eyes or a photo taken of himself and Annie at their wedding.   “Katniss, I was looking for some kind of adhesive tape to fix the painting and I found this letter in one of the drawers in the study.  It was addressed to me, so I opened it.” I look up, wondering what Peeta’s talking about.  He holds the painting in one hand and a sheet of paper in the other.  He leans the painting up against a wall and then pulls out one of the dining room chairs to sit across from me.  He lays the letter down in front of him.  I immediately recognize the handwriting on it as my own.  It’s the first letter I wrote to him after the mayor’s party before I thought better of it and wrote a second.  But not before putting it in an envelope and stuffing it in a drawer.  I’d forgotten all about it.   I try to snatch the letter away but he swiftly puts it out of my reach.  “Dear Peeta,” he reads. “I’m writing to you because – ““You don’t have to read it.  I know what’s in it,” I say.  “Give it back.”  I make another grab for it but he’s too fast. “. . . because I’m sure to get it wrong, or miss something important if I do this face to face.” He stops reading and hands me the letter.  I take it from him, refold it, and slip it beneath the memory book, hoping against hope, that this will prevent any more mention of it. “Did you really want to break off all contact with me?” he asks, frowning.  “I didn’t think it ever got that bad.  When?  Why?” I sigh. Why didn’t I throw the damn letter out? “It was after the mayor’s party.  I was very upset when I wrote it.  And then I had second thoughts and wrote you another. That’s the one I slipped under your door.  I’d forgotten about this one.” He gives his head a shake. “I don’t understand. Nothing happened that night.  Not between us, anyway.  Did someone say something?  Was it Max?”  His lips thin in anger.  “That – “ “No,” I say quickly.  “It was nothing Max did.” I let out a breath, and plough forward. “It was something you did.  You and Lace.  It was when you sneaked off to have sex.” There’s a moment of stunned silence.  “What?” “You know what I mean.  I saw it all.  Well, not all, but I did see the two of disappear through those swinging double doors only the staff used.   And when you came back, Lace’s hair was all mussed. And if you didn’t have sex exactly, it was something close.  That was really tacky, Peeta.  Civilized people have more decorum than to do that.  Civilized people wait until they get home.  Civilized people – “ “Katniss, we didn’t sneak off for sex. Cass invited me to see the kitchens once the dessert course was over.  That’s where we went.”   Oh.  I guess that’s a reasonable explanation.  But that dream had been so vivid.  “Then why was Lace’s hair messed up?” “Was it?  I don’t know.  I don’t remember anything different about her.  We went to see the kitchen, Cass showed us around, and then we came out. Nothing else happened.”   “But it was sticking out,” I insist.  I know what I saw.   The scene plays again in my head.  I was at the bar with Haymitch and Max, sampling shots of whisky and getting drunker and more agitated by the minute.  Agonizing over what they could be doing.  Kissing, fondling each other, maybe even fucking. “And then you didn’t even look to see if I was still there when you came back,” I add in a small pitiful voice.  It sounds so pathetic, saying it aloud.  It’s a trivial reason for cutting someone out of your life. Just because they didn’t look for you when they came into a room.   But after everything, that’s what tipped it over for me.  What finally made me give up hope and decide to end it. He reaches across the table to take one of my hands.  “Katniss, look at me.” I turn my face away, and he gives my hand a tug.  I reluctantly meet his gaze.  His eyes look earnestly into mine.  “I can’t explain the hair, okay?  But I can tell you what I do remember about that night.” He pauses, as if waiting for my approval before he proceeds.  I shrug.   “Go ahead.” He closes his eyes for a few seconds.  “You, looking so beautiful in your Cinna dress.  And me, assailed by memories of other entrances and other gowns.  Being dragged around by Lace from one boring conversation to another, unable to resist looking around to see what you were doing.  And Max, who didn’t leave your side for a minute unless it was to get you another drink. I was jealous of him without knowing why but attributed it to a fear of losing your friendship.” He pauses and adds, “At the time, you didn’t seem very happy with me.”I feel a twinge of remorse.  He’s right.  I was often moody and distant with him.  The tape viewings weren’t going as I wanted and I’d recently learned of a pattern book he was making for Lace, similar to my family’s plant book.  “You seemed to be having such a good time together, at dinner and on the dance floor. So, when we came back into the ballroom, I just didn’t want to be reminded of it.  I kept my head down and headed for the nearest group of people.  And then I did my best not to think about you.  I’m sorry.   I hurt you and used Lace to hide from my feelings.  But that’s the truth, awful as it is.”   But not nearly as awful as what I’d convinced myself of.   I don’t know what to say.  I feel so foolish.  So much anger and pain for something that existed only in my imagination.   And I’d also assumed that Peeta’s willingness to help me with the Marcus thing was due, in some part, to either empathy or guilt for having being in a similar situation himself. “No, I’m the awful one for jumping to conclusions.  I thought the worst.  You’d never be so crass as to do something like that.  I owe you an apology.  I should never – “ “You don’t owe me anything,” he says, interrupting me before I can go further.   “In fact, the opposite is true.  You wouldn’t have thought it if I hadn’t given you reason to.” He reaches across for the memory book and flips through the pages we’ve done so far.  My father. Peeta’s father.  Boggs.  It stops on Rue.  Peeta has drawn her poised on her toes, arms slightly extended, like a bird about to take flight.  There’s a reason why I asked him to portray her like this.  It’s how I want to remember her.  You can’t change the past, but you can bring the best of it into the future.   “Let’s make a deal.  Only good memories for us from now on.  Like this book you’re working on.”   He walks over to where I’m sitting to pull me out of my chair.  “Now come show me where you want this painting hung.”  I take him into the living room.  It’s the room we use most and where I’ll see it every day.   As I decide where to place it exactly, Peeta comes to stand at my back to hug me from behind.  I lean back against his broad chest and luxuriate in the strong arms that encircle me.   My dandelion in the spring.  The lullaby that Prim liked as a baby comes to mind.   Here it’s safe, here it’s warmHere the daisies guard you from every harmHere your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them trueHere is the place where I love you. “I was thinking over the mantle?  Or maybe on the far wall . . .”    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 38 Lace’s story: what happened on the night of the mayor’s party.   It wasn’t fair!  This was supposed to have been her night.   She had been looking forward to it for weeks ever since Peeta casually mentioned it on one of their date nights.  The mayor’s inauguration party was to be the biggest social event in District 12 in living memory.  All the important and influential people in the district would be there.  For ambitious Lace, it was invaluable in terms of creating contacts and securing the kind of clientele that could afford to buy her evening wear, a design niche she wanted to develop.   Besides, she dearly loved a party and she hadn’t been to one in ages.  The last one had been the district party where she had met Peeta for the first time.   He didn’t remember it though.   That was fortunate since she had come to District 12 for a new life and a new identity and didn’t want her past in District 8 compromising it in any way.   Since she was to be her best advertisement, she put a great deal of thought and effort into her gown.  She hadn’t much money saved but she splurged the lot on pale yellow satin and then spent many hours making it up.   The final touch was a trip to the salon to have her hair colored and styled.  It was an extravagance, keeping up the hair color.  But she loved it and it formed something of a disguise as it was subtly different from the typical ash brown of the natives of her home district.   As she entered the ballroom, Lace felt she was at the beginning of an exciting new phase.  After a slow start, her business had gained momentum and she was making a steady income.   A few family members had also made the move to 12 which added to her sense of security.  But best of all, was the man on whose arm she clung.  How did she get so lucky?  Peeta Mellark!  Her teenage crush.  The romantic heartthrob whose posters had adorned her bedroom wall.  The boy she had married in her dreams every night.  What a fortuitus twist of fate it had been that day when he came into her shop to have a coat made.  A flirtation had led to a date at a restaurant and then another, until she could now, without exaggeration, call him her boyfriend! True, he wasn’t quite what she had expected.  He seemed a bit aimless, and he liked activities she had outgrown, like hanging out at the ice-cream parlor and the swimming pool, but he was Peeta Mellark!   And he really was so sweet and considerate with his little romantic gestures and compliments to her beauty.  He told her she was a wonder.  And the more she kissed and flattered and stroked, the more wonderful she became.  It was a mutual admiration society that she was more than happy to live in.  The one blot on her happiness was Katniss Everdeen.  Lace had mixed feelings about meeting her. Katniss was intimidating.  Her reputation as romantic heroine, fearless symbol of the Rebellion, skillful warrior and (privately thought by most of the populace) savior from another Snow, preceded her.  But most intimidating of all was her relationship with Peeta.  He talked about her all the time. Not in a romantic sense, it was true, but it was clear she occupied a great deal of his thoughts.  The Games had been mandatory viewing and Lace, like everyone in Panem, had watched Peeta gaze at Katniss with love in his eyes.  But Peeta had an explanation for that.  It had been an illusion.  He thought he had been in love with her, but it turned out that he was in love with his idea of her, rather than who she really is.  But now he thought of her as very good friend with whom he shared an unbreakable bond.  As for Katniss, well, she had never loved him.  It had all been an act on her part. That should have been reassuring.  And it was.  Sort of.  But Peeta had lost many of his memories and what was left was distorted, so how could he be certain? But what gave her most pause wasn’t Peeta.  It was Katniss.  It was clear at the first meeting that Katniss didn’t like her.  Katniss wasn’t rude, but she was cool, even giving her the once over when they were first introduced.  And when Lace and Peeta discussed a housewarming gift from the two of them for Lace’s brother, a shadow passed over Katniss’s face.  It was subtle but unmistakable.  Katniss wasn’t as disinterested in Peeta as Peeta made out. That’s why Lace gatecrashed the tape viewings.  If there was anything going on, she wanted to know about it.  She didn’t trust Katniss one inch.  Unfortunately, the second of the tapes triggered the memory of a traumatic incident for Lace and she reacted hysterically.  Peeta asked her not to attend anymore and she had no choice but to do as he said.   However, despite Peeta watching video tape of hugs and kisses and romantic slow dancing at Capitol parties, nothing changed between herself and Peeta.  If Peeta had ever loved Katniss, it appeared that he no longer did.   Even Leevy’s revelations in the salon that day didn’t worry her for long.  So what if the star-crossed lovers had been real?  It still aligned with Peeta’s version.  What had happened in the Games and during the tours was before Peeta had realized his true feelings for Katniss.  And she’d already guessed that Katniss was in love with him.   The party was everything Lace had dreamed of. So elegant. The women in evening gowns, the men in dinner suits.  Waiters with silver trays laden with flutes of sparkling champagne. The tables resplendent with starched white tablecloths and napkins and gleaming cutlery.  She turned to Peeta to kiss his cheek. “Thank you so much for bringing me,” she said. “You really are the best boyfriend.”  He brushed her lips with his and gave her a fond smile.  “Only because I have the best girlfriend,” he replied.   She beamed and squeezed his arm.  She could hardly recall a happier moment.   And then Katniss Everdeen arrived.  Lace’s practiced eye immediately recognized her gown as haute couture.  Cinna, probably.  Deep blue, the bodice studded thickly with diamonds – were they real? – with a strapless sweetheart neckline and more diamonds scattered on the skirt.  It dazzled and Katniss dazzled with it.  Luxuriant dark hair cascading down her back in loose curls.  Smooth olive skin, fine features and those surprising eyes.  Silvery gray, the colour of storm clouds.  She had a man for each arm.  The school teacher Max Matson, who all the girls agreed was very good looking if you could get past his personality, and – it couldn’t be – Arthur!  Lace’s friend who adored her since they were children together.  She knew he was coming tonight but not with her!  She felt the arm beneath her fingers stiffen and her glance swiftly turned to his face.  Peeta appeared stunned, his mouth gaping slightly.  There was admiration, certainly, but also something darker and more sinister.  Recognition. A memory, perhaps several, had resurfaced.   Lace’s happiness dimmed as if a cloud had passed across the sun.  But she rallied, pulling Peeta quickly along to greet the new mayor and his wife who were momentarily on their own.  Lace was in her element.  She was a natural networker.  She loved to interact with people and was always searching for opportunities.  Peeta seemed a little distracted though. Looking around, not quite keeping up with the conversation.   She followed his gaze, and it led directly to Katniss Everdeen, who, no surprise, was looking directly at him.  They both looked quickly away, but that was of no comfort.  It was clear that they were on each other’s mind. Meanwhile, she was pleased to observe, Arthur had detached himself from Katniss and was busy working the room too.  Now there was a man with get-up-and-go.  He didn’t let his natural reserve get in the way of achieving his ambitions.  Lace waved him over and he changed direction to come to her side.  Soon they were talking business, a fascinating subject for them both. She didn’t notice how restless Peeta was during the exchange. Dinner was announced and everyone made their way to their allocated seats.  Unfortunately, theirs was a dull table and not even Lace’s pearly laugh could liven it up. A burst of laughter from nearby grabbed her attention.  Arthur and Haymitch seemed to be at the center of it.  It caught Peeta’s attention too.  He seemed envious, it appeared to Lace.  But whether it was over the entertaining company or because Katniss was seated there too, she couldn’t tell. After the food had been served, people resumed their mingling, moving from table to table. Peeta wanted to talk to Katniss.  Ordinarily, Lace wouldn’t feel particularly threatened by this.  Over the preceding weeks, Peeta had confided to her that Katniss seemed uninterested in spending time with him unless it was watching the tapes.  And even then, she often seemed angry with him. Lace immediately guessed the situation. Katniss had grown frustrated with Peeta. He hadn’t responded as she’d hoped and she was distancing herself as a form of self-protection.  As long as this status quo was maintained, Lace felt safe. But after tonight, she wasn’t sure of anything.   Lace demurred.  Perhaps it wasn’t a good idea.  Katniss appeared occupied and hadn’t he told her that she didn’t seem keen on his company lately?  It was best to leave her alone.  But Peeta said that they should, that it would look odd if they didn’t.  So, when Max headed off in the direction of the bar, leaving Katniss on her own, Lace reluctantly let Peeta lead her to where Katniss sat.   It was an awkward conversation.  Lace embarrassed herself with her ignorance on what it meant to be a victor at the district parties and having to face the families of the dead tributes.  Worse, she let it slip that she had been to a district party.  Her story was that she’d been a factory worker in 8. Factory workers weren’t allowed to attend district parties.  Fortunately, Peeta didn’t pick up on it, but Katniss appeared to sense that something was amiss.   There was an awkward pause.  Peeta broke the silence.  “Are you going to let me talk to Katniss?” he said to Lace, pretending to be annoyed.  She had intended to stay at Peeta’s side, but perhaps it would be better to leave before she dug herself a deeper hole. “Okay, okay,” she said, in mock surrender.  “I know when I’m not wanted.  I need to go to the ladies’ room anyway.  Just stay out of trouble and don’t bug Katniss.” There, that would show Katniss who’s really in charge and hopefully plant a seed that Peeta wasn’t exactly happy in her company either.  She stroked his hand and kissed his cheek, enjoying her Svengali-like effect, knowing that his eyes would follow her as she walked away. She went to the ladies’ room as she said she would and did the usual things women do there.  She wanted to get the timing right and was gratified to see Peeta waiting for her at their table when she returned.   The dancing started up soon after and Lace pulled Peeta to his feet.  She loved to dance.  Peeta didn’t. His prosthetic leg made it a chore rather than a pleasure and he had faint memories of dancing at Capitol parties. But he wanted to be a good boyfriend, so up he got, and shuffled dutifully around the dancefloor with her. But then Katniss and Max came into view. Max had Katniss pulled tightly against him and he swung her around in a series of fancy turns, almost lifting her off her feet.  They were making fools of themselves, thought Lace.  That’s no way to behave at a formal event. So undignified!  So tasteless!  She turned to Peeta, expecting him to be as unimpressed as she, but his face was hard, giving away nothing.  Suddenly, he put his head close to hers and whispered words in her ear.   She nodded and followed him through the double swinging doors the staff used to bring food from the kitchen.  It had been pre-arranged.  Peeta had told her about it.  Cass from the bakery was to show Peeta around the kitchens. He had never seen a commercial kitchen before.   While he marveled at the long row of ovens, the walk-in freezer, the huge storage room, Lace could barely stifle her yawns.  So boring, and it was fricking cold in there after the warmth of the ballroom. But she stuck a smile on her face and did her best to appear interested but she was hardly in the mood to hear about the merits of blast chillers when her heart was breaking.  Somehow, she had to widen the gulf between Katniss and Peeta. She had to ensure that any fledgling signs of a possible reunion between them was snuffed out before it could begin. And then she had an idea. Just as they were about to re-enter the ballroom, Lace ruffled her carefully styled hair and swiped the back of her hand across her mouth to wipe away some of the lipstick, smearing it a little. Let Katniss believe that she and Peeta had snuck away for some canoodling in a dark corner.  Isn’t that what Peeta and Katniss did as star-crossed lovers?  Sneaking off to be alone when they were at fancy events? It was in a fan magazine she’d read, anyway.  With a bit of luck, Katniss’s mind would go straight there.   She scanned the room and saw Katniss by the bar with Max and Haymitch.  The hour was growing late and the crowd had thinned but there was a group of merry young people standing around nearby.  She started to lead Peeta in their direction, but he seemed to have the same idea and led her.  And when his arm went around her waist and he pressed a fond kiss to the crown of her head, relief flooded through her.  Everything was as it should be.  She turned in his arms slightly to look over his shoulder and managed to catch a glimpse of Katniss’s stricken but resolute face, just before her hasty exit with a startled Max close behind her.   Satisfied, she leaned her head against Peeta’s shoulder and he squeezed her waist.  She had worried over nothing.  It was inevitable that as Peeta regained his memories they’d be focused on Katniss. They were, after all, the memories that Snow had meddled with.  It didn’t mean that Peeta was wrong when he said his feelings for her had been an illusion. The real proof of who he loved was in who he chose to be with.  And that was her, Lace Bomul from District 8.  
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xdushhaa · 3 years
Name: School hunt
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Bell was ringing as you shut your locker.Damn math class.And it was just your first period of the day.You hug your books litle tighter and start heading to your class thinking about how you can't wait to get home.
You walk into your math class and go to yours usual spot in the back. As you sit down someone rushes inside just before your teacher. You see your best friend coming in and sitting down with a huff.
„How you manage to be late every damn time?“ I said in hushed tone.
„Well you weren't at nurse's office.“ She spat back.
„What class were you skipping this time?“
„History“ I giggled as our teacher entered the classroom.
„Miss Thompson do not think that I didn't see you running to class.“ Our teacher said as she made her way to the table in the middle of the room
I heard Y/F/N cursing under her breath as I opened my book and prepared for the class.This is gonna be a long ass day.
  It was lunch time and you came in cafeteria looking around for Y/F/N.When you saw her you started walking to the table where she was sitting with some guy. Who could it be? As you made your way to the table you saw Mike talking with Y/F/N. Oh fuck. Mike was so annoying and he couldn't get the hint that you didn't want to go out with him and be his girlfriend. You thought about running away so you don't have to talk to him but you were really hungry and weren't in mood to eat on bathroom floor. It seems you've been to lost in your thought and he noticed you standing not three feet away.
„Hey Y/N. You want to join us?“ he asked sweetly. You saw Y/F/N rolling her eyes behind his back.
„Yeah sure“ you said with fake smile.
And you spend your whole break listening to Mike bragging ahd flirting with you even tho you didn't show any intrest in what he was talking. When you and Y/F/N finished your meal you found some lame excuse just to get away from him.
While you were walking down the hallway you saw crowd growing around your art classroom. You both started walking faster until you came to the crowd.
„What the hell happened here?“ Y/F/N asked some freshmen that was standing next to her.
„Some guy got killed.“ He said casually
„WHAT?“ The words just slipped past my mouth as I was in a state of shook. It ain't normal just getting killed in middle of the school.
„How?“ my friend asked.
„They say he bleed to death.“
„Bleed to death?“ I ask him intrigued.
„Yeah, his ears started bleeding and didn't stop until there was no blood in his sistem.“
„Why would they call it a murder? Nobody could do that to someone.“ Y/F/N said and boy just shrugged.
Somebody could do that to someone but nobody normal. All of this sounds too much supernatural and you needed to find out who did this.
As bell rang one of the teachers escorted students to their next class and told them to calm down and pay attention to classes.You didn't want to go to your english class yet. You wanted to ask around about the victim and look at the body but your friend pulled you along with her to your next class. As you walk by the classroom you catch a glimpse of what's going on insideThere were some police officers talking to two FBI agents while standing next to the covered corpse. But you couldn't see much more as you rushed to your english class.
  You weren't paying much attention to what your teacher was saying , all you could think about was that poor guy. What thing could do something like that. Maybe it was a witch? Or maybe not. Aghh. If you only could get a look at the body and check everything for a hex bag or something.
You dad taught you a lot things about this world because he was a hunter on his own. After your mom died your dad became hunter and after he died you became one too. You learnd how to fight and shoot when you were ten and over the years your dad started taking you to hunts. But after a demon killed him in front of your eyes , you made it official. You tracked down that demon and got your revenge, but you were only 16 years old and all alone. So you went to your aunt and she took you in and she still keeps you safe. She doesn't allow you to hunt because she wants you to have your own life and not be sucken in by this horrible world.
But that already is your life.
You couldn't be more happy when you heard the bell ring.Finally. You quickly got out of the classroom and walked down the hallway to the art classroom. You stepped inside and carefully closed the door behind you.You waked aroud the classroom looking for anything out of place when you heard someone opening the door. Fuck. You look around and hide under teacher's table in the corner of the room. You see two man in suits coming inside and talking.
„I don't think we'll find something here“ says one of the men.
„Come on Sammy be positive“ said the other one.
„I am.I just think we should hit up the morgue not waste our time“
„Yeah.Yeah.Now shut up and start looking around.“
You heard that Sam guy scoffing and then your heart picked up its pace.Oh, you're so fucked up. They're gonna find you sitting under the table like a moron on a murder scene.
For a few minutes you listened two men walking around the room and  touching things in classroom until you heard footsteps coming closer to the table you were under. Oh God. What are you gonna do now? You can't just crawl from under the table and get arrested for obstructing the investigation. So you decide just to sit and wait.
As the man came to the table he bend down and saw you.
„What is it Dean?“ Sam asked.
„You can come outside now“ Dean said and you slowly came from under the table.
When Sam saw it was you he visibly relaxed and you pretended to be scared and guilty.
„What are you doing here, kiddo?“ Dean asked you worry evident in his voice.
Tears started falling down your face and your upper lip quivered.But it was all the act. You needed to get out of this situation and you used cryind as your defence.
„Hey, don't cry. You won't get in trouble“ Sam said with a little smile.
„I'm sorry. I'm so sorry .“ I said with weak voice.
„Don't worry about it. Why were you hidding under the table?“ Dean asked me.
„I came to see where my friend died. I didn't want to get in trouble. I-I..“ I cried a little more to add on the effect.
„It's ok. Come on we're gonna drive you home. You had a very stressing day.“ Dean said and you just nod.
They walked you to their car and got you into the backseat. You were sitting in beautiful black Chevy Impala and you started questioning if these guys were the real FBI.They got into their seats and Dean started the car.
„My name's Dean, this is my brother Sam“ Dean introduced himself for the first time today actually.
„What's your name?“ Sam asked
„Did you witness your friend's death?“Dean questioned.
„No,I just heard what happened.“ You said
„Three right turns, one left ,last house in the row.“ I answered before Dean even could ask. He just nodded.
You drove in silence after that, occasionally meeting Dean green eyes in the rearview mirror.You were in front of your Aunt's house in no time. You got out and wiped your already dried tears of your cheeks.You held on your bag tighter as you played innocence.
„Thank you“ you said to both of them. They just nodded and offered a smile.
You turned around and walked up your porch and into your house.
  The next day when you went to school there was another murder. They found the school janitor in his office just like the guy from the day before. Ears bleeding and all blood being gone.
They sent everyone home until they solve this mess, but you didn't to leave the school until you are done with this hunt.
You walked up to the agents from the day before. You needed to test out your theory. If they were hunters they're gonna ask you weird questions so you have to make them ask you those questions.
„I'm sorry“ You said in a small voice. „ Can I talk to you?“
Both of the men excused themselves from the officer they were talking to.
„Y/N? What did you want to say to us?“ Sam asked.
„ Can we go somewhere private?“
„Yeah“ Dean answered.
After you got in one of the classrooms you started talking.
„I saw something. I just don't want you to think I'm nuts“
„We're not going to think that“ Dean said quickly
„What did you saw? Did you saw someone or heard some odd voices?“ Sam asked.
Damn. They really are hunters.
„What? Wait.Are you even the real FBI?“ I said narrowing my eyes. Now or never.
„No, not really. But we are here to help people in this town“ Dean explained, but of course I know why they were here.
„So if you saw anything you gotta tell us.“ Sam pleaded. It looks like the don't know what's going on too.
„I didn't see anything.I saw a crowd around our art class and found out what happened. And after class I went to look around.My best guess witches but I didn't find a hexbag in classroom.“ I said and crossed my arms over my chest. Dean looked at me with wide eyes and Sam's mouth agape.
„You are a hunter?“ Dean asked when he came back to his senses
„Yes, I am. So boys wanna some help?“ I asked with big shit eating grin on my face.
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