#i don’t hate oc’s i swear i don’t have anything against them
saetoru · 11 months
white ppl are so funny bc they’ll make oc’s and then it’s gojo’s younger sister and her name is bella gojo 😭💀
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absurdthirst · 4 months
The Cupid Shuffle {Frankie Morales x F!Reader x Pope x F!OC}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: Exhibitionism, voyeurism, bisexual women, mentions of past sexual relationships, little bit of putting on a show for the boys, women making out, mentions of fantasies, oral sex (male and female receiving), partner swapping, unprotected sex, cum eating
Comments: Inviting Pope and his girl over for a low-key Valentine's night movie turns in to something much more.
A/N: Valentine's Day foursome? More likely than you'd think!
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
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“Babe. I was talking to Santi and he’s cool with a movie night tonight. Him and his girl are going to go out tomorrow like us because tonight is always crazy busy. So it’s a quiet one in for Valentine’s Day.” Frankie says as he comes up to you to caress your waist, leaning in to kiss your neck. “You wanna go get some snacks? You know Santi will eat us out of everything if we don’t buy extra.” He jokes and you turn your head to kiss him, smiling against his lips. “What time are they coming over?” You ask and he murmurs, “seven.”
You grin, happy that this is happening. Santiago Garcia, or ‘Pope’ as Frankie calls him, is dating your friend from college. You had been the one to set them up, absolutely in love with your helicopter pilot boyfriend and Pope had always been a flirty, fun time when he was in town. After he’s moved back permanently, you had set them up and the rest is history. “Perfect. A low key night is just what we all need.” You promise, kissing him again 
and smirking. “And after, I’ll give you your present.”
Frankie smirks, loving how eager you are and he’s excited to get you in bed after the movie ends and Pope and his girl are gone. “Baby, you’re already my present.” He murmurs, nipping your ear as you lean back against him. “Let’s get everything set up and we need blankets for the movie.”
You decide to have groceries delivered instead of going out, allowing you and Frankie to clean up and get ready to have them over. It’s not necessary, but you set out some of the candles Frankie got you for Christmas and light them, enjoying the romantic glow with the soft blankets strewn around for couples to cuddle under. “This is better than battling the craziness of a restaurant and a movie theater.” You decide, smiling at Frankie. You know that he hates crowded places and is constantly on alert for threats, so it’s easy to accommodate him and do a romantic night in on the busiest day for most fine dining restaurants.
Frankie nods, “it looks great, babe. I prefer this than going out and battling the crowds. We got some movies saved on the tv so we have a few options. You gonna make that dip?” He asks, biting his lower lip with a pleading expression. You nod and he groans, his hands caressing your side, “fuck yes. I can’t wait for that.”
You laugh quietly, swearing that dip is what made Frankie fall for you. Eating your dip at a party to the point where he almost made himself sick. “I’ll go make it now, I’ve got everything I need.”
Frankie playfully smacks your ass and you gasp, making him chuckle. His life was so dark before he met you. You brighten his days, make him believe in a hopeful future. You saved him. He’d be lost without you. “I’ll go get the drinks ready.” He says, making his way to the garage to grab the ice bucket and drinks for the movie marathon you have planned. Pope and his girl will be arriving soon.
The other food arrives and you set the store bought wings out on a tray and pop the pizzas into the oven and dump a bag of cheddar popcorn into a bowl. Just as you are setting it and the dip out, the doorbell rings out. “Oh! They are here!” You squeal, excited to see them.
Frankie heads to the door before you, opening it to greet his best friend and your best friend. You’ve been on quite a few couple dates, enjoying each other’s company during game nights. It’s been a perfect combination so far. “Hermano. Todo día más feo.” Pope teases Frankie as he pats him on the back in a hug and Frankie affectionately rolls his eyes as your best friend steps around the men to greet you.
“Hey!!!!” You and Dara throw your arms around each other and squeeze tight. Always happy to see each other and it’s such a joy to see your friend so happy after having so many shit boyfriends before Pope. You had constantly moaned together that it seems like there weren’t any good men anymore, and now you are both with ones that are completely amazing. If Pope had been kind of a playboy before, he had focused all that flirtatious energy into making sure your friend was head over heels for him. “How are you? I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time to call!” You apologize and look at her once you break apart. 
She grins at you, “I’ve been so busy with the new job and honestly, going to Pope’s nearly every night. I’m hoping he’s going to ask me to move in soon since I basically live with him by now anyway.” She says, squeezing your hands as she glances over at Pope who is telling Frankie about his latest client in his security business. “We need a brunch to catch up.” Dara giggles and you nod, “yes we do. You want a drink? I got that vodka that you like.” Dara nods and lets you drag her into the kitchen with a smile.
“It going okay with your girl?” Pope asks Frankie who nods, glancing back at the door you disappeared through.
“She’s everything.” He murmurs, a silly smile on his face that Pope understands.
“Sooooooo.” You grin as you pour the vodka and add juice to it for Dara before mixing up one of your own. “Tell me, how is basically living with Pope?” You ask. “You look happy, really happy. And I love that for you.”
Dara grins, her cheeks hurting from how much she’s been smiling, “honestly, he’s so good. In every way.” Her voice lowers slightly, “he flirts like crazy with me and only me. All that attention makes a girl crazy in love.” She confesses and you squeal quietly, the ice cubes in your drink shaking as you bounce a little.
“Love?” You ask and she nods in confirmation.
“Who would’ve thought? Both of us in love? Especially when we were lonely and horny and used to-” Dara is cut off as the boys come into the kitchen to grab their beers, “you ladies ready for an epic movie marathon?” Pope asks, leaning in to kiss Dara on the cheek.
“Let’s do it.” You wink at Frankie and he nods, walking back into the living room to get the movie up on the streaming service. Pope and Dara take a seat on the large sectional, snuggling into each other and Frankie holds his arm out for you to curl into his side.
You fold into his arms easily and pull the cover up over your laps. The snacks are out and you smile over at Dara and Pope as they curl together near you, Dara closest to you. “Let me know when you need another drink.” You murmur to Dara before the movie starts.
The movie is some superhero movie the boys wanted to watch. The next movie is your choice. The explosions are loud and Frankie glances over at Dara and Pope whose eyes are on the screen. His hand slides down from your shoulder until he’s squeezing your breast. Your eyes flick up to his face and he is smirking slightly, knowing you can’t make a noise otherwise the others will know. His hand slides a little lower, brushing past your stomach until he is sliding his hand under the hem of the dress you’re wearing. His fingers trail along your thigh, slow and teasing, and you spread your legs a little for him. Covered by the blanket, his fingers slide higher until they are pressing against your clit through your panties.
Your breath catches and you bite your lip so you don’t moan, not wanting Dara and Pope to know what Frankie is doing to you. You aren’t focusing on the movie, having no clue what is going on as your boyfriend starts to rub tight circles on your clit, teasing you as he touches you. Frankie loves to make you cum and you have no doubt that he will right now, regardless of the other people in the room.
Pope smirks as his hand sneaks under the blanket, teasing his girlfriend as he caresses her through her clothes. She offers him a warning look, knowing that they are in someone else’s home. All thoughts of propriety leave her mind when his finger finds her clit, rubbing through her panties under her shirt. She bites her lip and focuses on the screen, unaware that you are doing the same thing. Frankie can feel how tense you are, trying to control yourself and that urges him on, rubbing your clit a little faster and you put your leg up, acting like you’re getting comfortable when you’re really giving him more access to you.
Pope glances over at the two of you, noting the smug smirk on Frankie’s face and he grins. He knows that look, and with the way you are squirming, you’re doing exactly what he and Dara are doing. He leans in and presses his lips to his girlfriend’s neck. “Dirty girl. Just like your friend.” He whispers playfully, biting her ear.
Dara stiffens slightly until she looks over at you and Frankie, knowing that look on your face. "Looks like you had the same idea as us." She declares and you rip your eyes away from the screen to look at your friend just as she pulls the blanket away from her lap to expose Santi's fingers rubbing her clit under her underwear. 
"Jesus." Frankie hisses, his cock already hard against your side as you lean against him. You smirk and pull your blanket off too, watching as Santi continues to rub Dara's clit. 
"Damn, baby. What a sight." Santi coos and Frankie doesn't stop his movements. The four of you watch each other, the movie forgotten as you moan softly. 
"Wanna have some fun, like old times?" Dara asks, her eyes flicking between you and Frankie.
Frankie’s eyes widen, gaze darting between you and his mouth is hanging open. 
“Baby?” You turn to look at him and lean in to kiss the bare spot on his jaw where his whiskers never grow. “Do you want to see me fool around with Dara?” You ask him, turning to look at Pope with a questioning look. You think it would be sexy, but if your boyfriend or Santi isn’t okay with it, you wouldn’t touch her.
Frankie is a little dumbstruck and he nods, looking over at Santi who grins and says “fuck yeah.”
Frankie leans in to kiss you softly, “yes. I want - want whatever you are comfortable with.” He murmurs, pulling his hand from your underwear to give you the freedom to touch Dara how you want. 
Dara grins, “like those lonely nights back in college.” She teases, leaning in to cup your cheek after Santi pulls his hand away from her and she leans in to press her lips to yours.
You are familiar with her mouth, accepting the kiss eagerly and curling your hand around the back of her head and sliding your tongue into her mouth. There were plenty of nights that you had done this and more, because you were bored, lonely, curious and finally just enjoying yourself. You hear the way the boys groan beside you but you are enjoying the way you know they are staring at both of you.
Santi reaches down to squeeze his cock through his pants, not noticing Frankie do the same as the two men watch their girlfriends kiss. Every guy’s dream honestly. Frankie caresses your back, squeezing your ass as you slide your tongue against Dara’s until she pulls back with a grin. “I wanna - do you want to switch?” She asks breathlessly, glancing behind you to Frankie.
You know that Dara has always been interested in how Frankie is as a lover and despite him being your boyfriend, you aren’t jealous. This woman has been a lover on and off for years and you have no jealousy. “What do you think, baby?” You ask Frankie, reaching down and pulling her tits out of her shirt and sneezing them. “Do you want to touch Dara like this? Show her how good your tongue is, like I’ve bragged about since the first night we’ve fucked?”
Frankie is torn, wondering for a second if this is a test, but your eyes are dark with lust and he glances at Pope to make sure he’s on the same page. His best friend nods, “as long as I get to see what these blowjobs you rave about are like.” He teases and Frankie smirks, “just you wait, hermano.” 
Dara giggles, leaning in to kiss you again. “Any of us have an issue, we say it.” She says, setting the rules as she shuffles around you towards Frankie, reaching down to squeeze his cock through his pants. “You weren’t lying when you said how thick he is.” She says and Frankie blushes slightly.
“I would never lie about that.” You coo as you crawl towards Santiago. “My baby is packing, and he knows how to fuck a girl until her legs are jelly.” You bite your lip as you straddle your friend’s boyfriend. “Just like I’m curious to find out how Santiago fucks you so hard you pass out.” You caress his cheek and lean in, the movie forgotten in the background. “Can I kiss you, handsome?”
Santi nods, his hands immediately finding your waist and he groans when you grind down onto him, leaning in to meet your lips in a kiss. Frankie inhales sharply when Dara reaches down to undo his pants, reaching in to pull his hard cock out. 
“Fuck, she wasn’t lying. You are packing. And uncut like Santi. Love that.” She murmurs and grips him, leaning down to take him in her mouth as her eyes focus on his while he watches her.
You look over as Frankie’s head drops back to the couch cushion and he moans loudly. You love the sounds he makes when you are blowing him and now you get to see him from another view. “You want to have a little competition, Dara?” You coo. “See who can get the guy to the brink of cumming the fastest?”
She pulls off of Frankie’s cock, a smirk on her lips as she looks over at you. “You’re on, baby. Let’s blow their minds.” She grins and you peck Santi’s lips as you slide down his body until you are working his pants open. Dara pumps Frankie in her hand and his eyes watch you as you take Pope’s cock out. Jesus, he feels his cock twitch in Dara’s fingers as your eyes meet his.
“Fuck, you weren’t lying when you said he has a beautiful cock.” You hum, pulling the foreskin back and looking at the bead of precum that has built up at the tip. “I can’t wait to hear him moan.”
Santi watches you as you take the head of his cock into your mouth, “mierda.” He curses and looks over at Dara who has taken Frankie back into her mouth with a moan. The men’s eyes flick between their partner and the woman sucking their cock. Groaning as Santi caresses your head and Dara chokes as she tries to take Frankie deeper.
You know Dara knows how to give head so you put everything you’ve got into sucking Santiago’s cock. Wrapping your fingers around the base and pumping while you work him deeper, making sure that you make him wet and keep your palette soft.
“Fuckkkk.” Santi pants as you take him deeper and Jesus, your mouth feels so good. He hisses and Frankie nods, “damn good. So fucking good.” He pants as his hand comes up to grip the back of the sofa, trying to keep himself from thrusting up into Dara’s mouth.
You moan around Santiago’s cock, enjoying the way he throbs and pulses in your mouth when you swallow around him. Reaching down and gently cradling his balls when you let go of his shaft and completely engulf him in your mouth until your nose is pressed against the short hairs at the base of his cock.
“Holllly fuckin’ shitttt.” Pope hisses, his fingers curling in the edge of the sofa cushion and his toes curl as you take him deep. “Fuckkkk.” He exhales shakily, eyes rolling into the back of his head as you blow his mind.
Dara chuckles around Frankie’s cock, knowing how good you are, and she ups her game, bobbing her head a little faster so Frankie hisses at the pace. "Holy shit."
You have to let up, needing to watch Frankie’s eyes roll back in pleasure. You hum around Pope’s cock and reach for his hand, pulling it to the back of your head. Encouraging him to thrust up into your mouth or push your head down. Wanting him to completely lose control.
Pope groans, keeping you still as he thrusts up into you, his cock twitching as he pushes down your throat. Fuck, no wonder Frankie looks dazed whenever he comes back from his lunch break. “She’s good, hermano?” He asks and Pope nods, panting slightly.
You don’t know if Pope plans on cumming down your throat but you don’t let up. Bobbing your head and swallowing around him, keeping the suction tight around his cock as he throbs on your tongue.
He doesn’t want to cum down your throat. He lets out a strangled choke and grabs the back of your neck, dragging you off of his cock and he watches you stay connected to his length with a line of spit. “Holy fuck.” He gasps, trying to calm himself down and he looks over at Dara who is taking Frankie down her throat.
“One day, you need to cum down my throat.” You gasp as you try to catch your breath, grinning up at him before you look over where Dara is still sucking Frankie’s cock. “Fuck they look so sexy, don’t they?” You moan, sinking a hand between your thighs and inside your panties. “I don’t know which one is sexier right now. And I’ve fucked them both.”
Frankie pants, turned on by your statement. He knows your history with Dara, you’ve talked about your sex life and Frankie must admit that he’s jerked off thinking about you and Dara messing around. He hisses when Dara pulls off of his cock, knowing he won’t want to cum, and Pope moves fast to drag you up his body. “Whose cock do you want to sit on?” He asks you with a smirk.
“Weelllllll, I think I want to sit on your cock, baby.” You lean in and press your lips to Santi’s. “I want to hear Dara squeal Frankie’s name while I moan yours.” You are dripping at the idea and reach over to grab your friend’s face and pull her close for another kiss. “Do you want to lick your boyfriend’s cum out of my pussy, baby?” You ask her breathlessly.
She nods, a whimper escaping her lips and she grabs her shirt to pull it over her head. You follow suit with your dress, leaving you both in panties that are soon shoved onto the floor. You straddle Pope, caressing his chest through his t-shirt, feeling his heart thumping in his chest. “Goddamn. You’re gorgeous. Fish is a lucky fucker.” He compliments you, his hands finding your ass to squeeze your cheeks until he slaps them.
“You’re lucky too, hermano.” Frankie groans, stroking his hands up and down Dara’s back before cupping her tits. “Your girlfriend is fucking breathtaking. Too good for your ugly ass.” He jokes, leaning in and biting her shoulder.
Dara whimpers and reaches down to grip Frankie’s cock. You know she has an IUD and is clean. She knows you are the same. She trusts everyone here and she’s excited to have a good time. She’s dripping wet so notching Frankie at her entrance isn’t hard work. He slips into her as she sinks down onto him with a low moan.
Both you and Santi watch, eyes blown with lust as your boyfriend and his girlfriend start to fuck. “Fuck,” you pant as you look back at Pope. “I need you inside me.” You beg, reaching down and gripping his cock. “Will you fuck me, Pope?”
Santi nods, his hands sliding down your back until he’s squeezing your ass again. “Take what you want, bebita.” He orders and you shuffle closer, swiping his cock through your folds a couple of times before you start to sink down onto him.
Frankie groans as he watches you take his friend’s cock. The way your jaw drops and he twitches inside of Dara. “Beautiful, aren’t they?” She murmurs to him, her eyes watching her boyfriend and her best friend.
“Fucking amazing.” Frankie groans, unable to believe this is happening. “You are so tight, hermosa.” He praises, rocking his hips up and slapping her thigh gently. “Never thought I would get to do this.” He huffs, groaning again when she squeezes him hard enough to make him twitch.
You watch Frankie and Dara, clenching around Pope’s cock hard enough that he hisses. “You like watching them, baby? You like watching them fuck each other?” He coos into your ear, biting down on your earlobe. “You’re so fucking wet around me. Always wondered what you’d be like. Frankie said he’d give me a chance with you.”
You moan softly, wishing you had known about those conversations before now. “He has.” You hum, clenching down around him. “How do you like being inside your best friend’s girl?”
“Fucking love it.” Santi groans, smacking your ass with both hands. He hisses your name and rocks you a little faster on top of him. “You enjoying it?” He asks you, leaning in to nip your jaw.
“Yesssssss.” You whimper, closing your eyes and tangling your fingers into Santiago’s hair while you start to bounce on his cock. “Always wondered what it would be like to fuck you. Imagined you and Frankie both railing me. Now I want that and to see you both rail Dara.”
Santi groans at the same time as Frankie, imagining that dirty thought. They have shared women before during time stateside but he loves the idea of sharing you with his friend and his girlfriend more often, watching you all like his own private porno. “Goddamn.” Frankie hisses, cupping Dara’s tits and pinching her nipples to make her gasp.
You giggle quietly and look over at your boyfriend. “You like that idea, baby? Fucking me and Dara with Santi? Being complete sluts for the two of you? I know you would want to have Dara sit on your cock while I sit on your face.”
Frankie groans, cock twitching inside of Dara, “and Pope can fuck her ass.” He smirks, knowing his friend has a big thing for anal.
Dara chuckles, “double? Fuck yes.” She groans, “then I can play with that gorgeous pair of tits and kiss your girl. Keep her satisfied while you suck on her clit like I used to.” Dara smirks until her jaw drops when Frankie thrusts up into her.
“Fuuuuuuck.” Santiago hisses and his hands tighten on your hips. “You never told me that.” He huffs. “I’d have had you telling me all about it while I was making you scream.” He has had quite a few ideas of fucking you and Dara, but to know that you used to eat each other out? It’s sexy as fuck. “I’ll want to see that while I recover enough to fuck her.”
“We can show our boys how to eat pussy, can’t we baby?” Dara winks at you and moans when Frankie thrusts up into her again. “Oh do that again.” She begs, knowing he has found the right angle and Frankie obliges her, keeping her still while he fucks up into her like it’s the last thing he will do.
“He’s so good, isn’t he?” That’s not to say Santi isn’t a good lover and he steals your attention back to him with the next thrust. Making you moan and turn back to crush your lips to his while you start to ride him again in earnest.
Dara watches you kiss Santi and it sends her over the edge, she cries out against Frankie’s shoulder as he thrusts up into her with vigor, grunts escaping his lips as he jackhammers up into her until she is squealing. Shaking against your boyfriend as she cums, soaking him and her nails digging into his shoulders.
Santiago actually stops thrusting into you, although his cock is pulsing harshly, twitching inside you as he watches his girlfriend cum all over Frankie. “Jesus Christ.” He hisses, so turned on by the sight he almost cums himself. “Now it’s your turn.” He promises, kissing you passionately and starting to move when Dara collapses against Frankie’s chest.
Frankie stops thrusting once Dara is worked through her orgasm, wanting to watch you cum on Santi’s cock. He doesn’t want to cum too soon so he strokes Dara’s back as they both watch Santi start to thrust up into you. “That’s it, Bonita. Want you to cum for me.” Santi coos, his hands squeezing your ass to help rock you on top of him.
Your boyfriend encouraging to cum throws you over the edge. Tossing your head back, you cry out in pleasure. “Santi!” Your walls clamp down around his cock and you soak him as your body shakes.
He groans as you clamp down on him, squeezing him tight. 
“Holy shit, Fish. Like a goddamn vice.” Pope hisses and works you through it by rocking you on top of him. His cock is throbbing inside of you. “Wanna - don’t wanna cum yet.” He admits and Frankie nods. 
“Get on your hands and knees. Both of you.” Frankie orders, smacking Dara’s ass.
It takes a moment for you to move, but when you are on your hands and knees by Dara, you lean in and kiss your friend. “Fuck.” You giggle against her lips. “Isn’t this the fucking dream?” You ask breathlessly, looking over your shoulder at the two men and smirking. “They are both so fucking hot and want to fuck us.”
Dara smirks back, “a girl’s fucking dream, baby. Remember when we used to talk about something like this happening?” She asks and you nod, leaning in to kiss her again, sliding your tongue against yours. The two men groan, slowly jerking their cocks before they shuffle forward, notching themselves at the dripping wet cunts and pushing back in.
You don’t know exactly who is inside you for a moment while you are kissing Dara. Eyes closed and trying to guess because your cunt is already a little abused from the fucking. Until his hands grip your hips and he drills forward hard enough to make you gasp into your friend’s mouth. “Frankie!”
Your boyfriend chuckles as you gasp out his name and he slaps your ass. "Want you to cum for me, hermosa." He demands, knowing he can pull you apart easily. He hisses when you teasingly clench around him. 
"That's it baby." Pope groans when Dara grinds back onto him and he thrusts into her, making her moan into your mouth before she sucks on your tongue.
Dara nods, knowing it won't take much. She hisses as she rocks back onto Pope, his fingers rubbing her clit, but when you lean in to kiss her, your fingers pinching your nipple, she's sent over the edge. "Fuck!" She squeals into your mouth as she cums, clamping down on Santi's cock.
Both men groan at the sight of the two of you locked into a kiss when Dara cums. Santiago grips her hips tights to continue fucking her and Frankie moans as his own pace quickens. You know they are loving the sight and you swallow her sounds as she comes apart.
Frankie wants you to follow, his hand squeezing your tit as he rocks into you. “Fuck baby. Want you to cum for me.” He demands, pinching your nipple as Dara pants against your chin.
His cock is shredding against something wonderful inside you and you know you won't last long. You never do when he's hammering into you like it's the last thing he will do. Your body starting to stiffen with each thrust until you let out a loud cry, unable to stop yourself from tumbling over the edge and drawing out your pleasure.
“Fuckkkk.” Frankie groans when you squeeze his cock like a goddamn vice. “That’s it, hermosa. Jesús Christ.” He hisses, trying to hold off from filling you up. He pants your name and caresses your stomach, enjoying the way you soak him.
Dara groans and pushes back against Pope's cock. "Need you to cum, baby." She begs softly. "Both of you. Want to see cum dripping out of both of our cunts."
Pope grunts, jaw clenched as he pounds into your best friend, his nostrils flared as he seeks his orgasm.
Frankie groans, smacking your ass when you clench him, egging him on. “Fuck fuck fuck.” He hisses, pushing deep as he fills your walls with his hot seed in one of the most intense orgasms he’s ever had.
“Fraannnnnnnkie.” You whine his name, rolling your eyes back in pleasure as he paints your walls with his cum, hearing Pope hiss out Dara’s name beside you as he is the last one to cum, his hips stuttering and his entire body jerking in pleasure as he fills her. “Oh god.” You pant, collapsing down onto your cheek and look over your friend and her boyfriend as he slumps over her back and kisses along her spine. “That was amazing.” 
Frankie leans over you to kiss you, his tongue sliding against yours and you kiss him back as hungrily. Dara chuckles breathlessly, “now I wanna taste your cum from her pussy.” Dara smirks at you, “wanna sit on my face like we used to?” She asks, biting her lip.
“Fuck yes.” You moan, clenching around Frankie and the thought of her tongue against your cunt. Frankie is amazing at eating your pussy, but Dara was just as good, if not slightly better. “I want to taste Pope’s cum too.”
The two men shuffle from behind you, pulling out slowly, and move to sit on the other side of the sofa, eyes eager. Dara shifts to lay down and she smirks at you, tapping her cheek and you shift to straddle her face, stretching your body over hers so you can push her legs apart, finding her creamy cunt. Dara doesn’t hesitate to lean in, sliding her tongue through your folds with a groan.
It takes a good bit of tilting her hips, but your own tongue quickly follows suit while both men groan around you. Watching as you two sample their cum from their girlfriend’s cunt with an eagerness that borders on feral. You love the saltiness of Santiago mixed with the sweet tang of Dara, licking the mixture from her swollen folds and holding her legs apart when your tongue swipes over her sensitive clit. 
“Fuck me.” Frankie murmurs, watching you both writhe and lick and suck. It’s primal and his spent cock rests against his thigh but his stomach twists with arousal at the erotic display.
“Mierda.” Pope murmurs, watching just as intensely.
You love the fact that they are watching, but this is honestly for you and Dara. They have cum and it will be a little while before they can fuck again. You clench around nothing when you hear Frankie groan, and suck a little harder on your friend’s clit. 
Dara squeezes your ass, loving the way you rock back onto her tongue. Her hips tilted so you can lick deeper into her pussy. It’s intoxicating and everyone is feeling the intensity of this moment. “That’s it baby. Lick her clit. She likes that.” Frankie coaches you, seeing Dara’s reactions.
You hum, grinning into her folds as you obey Frankie. It’s no hardship, especially since that’s exactly what she likes. You suck her clit into your mouth and give it a series of kitten licks that makes her moan into your cunt.
Dara’s tongue gets faster, anxious to make you cum like you used to. She laps at you, sucking on your clit and swirling her tongue around it while the boys continue to watch with rapture. “Look so good, bebita. Wish I could take a a fucking photo.” Pope groans, watching with dark eyes.
She pulls her lips away from your clit for a moment, making you whine. “Do it.” She moans before she dives back into your cunt. You moan your own agreement and nod. You trust the boys not to share that, and you would love to see how sexy this looks from their perspective.
Pope scrambles to find his pants on the floor, getting his phone and he looks over at Frankie who nods enthusiastically. “Do it, hermano.” He insists and Pope smirks as he takes a photo of you and Dara. “So fucking hot.” He groans softly, taking a couple more.
You whimper when Dara sucks on your clit again, so close to cumming as you rock your hips back. Pushing down onto her tongue. Your hand slides up and you push two fingers inside her, knowing how much she loves to cum around something.
“Fuck.” She cries out against your folds, her lips slick with cum and your arousal, and the boys watch in awe as her thighs start to shake around your head. “Cum for her baby.” Santo orders, his cock twitching in interest.
It only takes another few moments of sucking on her clit and pumping your fingers into her cunt before she is crying out. Her walls clenching down around your fingers and soaking them with her cum.
The boys hiss, watching Dara cum, and Frankie leans forward on his elbows, planting them on his knees as he watches Dara ride her orgasm on your fingers. “Your turn, hermosa.” Frankie rasps and Dara nods, her tongue pushing back inside of you, her chin against your clit as she tries to push you over the edge.
You whine, eyes fluttering closed and your mouth drops open when she flicks her tongue inside you, sending you over the edge. Your entire body bucks and you squeal in pleasure as the waves of bliss crash over you, making you gasp out as you grind back onto her face.
The guys groan, their cocks half hard at the sight in front of them. Pope smirks, biting his lip as he watches you cum. “Beautiful. Fucking beautiful.” He coos to both women. 
“Goddamn.” Frankie murmurs, watching Dara work you through it before she shifts to pull her mouth back.
You sit up and shift off of her, smirking at Dara and pulling her in for one last kiss before looking at the boys. “Happy Valentine’s Day, boys.” You hum playfully, making Dara giggle as she clings to you and it might be the best Valentine’s Day that you’ve ever had. Definitely one to repeat.
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naughtyneganjdm · 8 months
A Compromise - Chapter 21
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Summary: Y/N attempts to make amends with her family after everything she put them through, but she's not sure she deserves there forgiveness. Especially when it comes to Negan.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC), etc.
Warnings: Swearing, massive angst, smut, sadness, etc.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27834154/chapters/127977427
Notes: This is the second to last chapter of this story. I'm just really desperate to finish the stories that I have left that are open. Sorry it has taken me so long to finish this one.
Nothing was harder for Y/N than when she coached herself to walk up the sidewalk of the home she used to share with Negan and their children. After Shane pulled what he had at the apartment, Y/N hadn’t seen or talked to the children and Negan. Right now, she didn’t feel like she deserved to be around any of them. That night proved it to her.
Finally gaining the courage to knock on the door, she waited when the sound of the dogs barking inside of the house were heard. God, she hated to admit it, but she actually missed that. Even if she told herself not long ago that she hated it. It was something that was part of her everyday life and it was strange not having both Cooper and Oliver with her.
Once the door opened, Cooper pushed his way through the door to hop up toward her. Immediately the younger golden retriever started kissing at her face and a sigh filled the air, “Cooper! Get down. You’re not supposed to be doing that…”
“It’s okay,” Y/N assured lifting her stare to finally meet the familiar pair of green eyes before her. Suddenly the courage that Y/N had to come up to the home slipped her at the sight of the person before her. “Hey Sam.”
“Y/N…” Sam breathed folding her arms out in front of her chest while Y/N lowered down to see Cooper who was extremely happy with her presence. Once Oliver had heard the familiar tone of Y/N’s voice, he was eager to come in behind Sam to meet Y/N at the door. Pushing his way through, Oliver curled up against Y/N when she wrapped her arms around him to give him a big hug. “I’m surprised to see you here.”
“I know,” Y/N cleared her throat pressing a kiss over Oliver’s head happy to see that he was still doing good after the time she had been away. There was so much that was flooding through Y/N’s head but by the expression over Sam’s features she knew that Sam wasn’t happy with her. “Listen…I’m not sure what you know…”
“Dad didn’t want me to know anything,” Sam answered her with a slow nod, her young features getting more intense with her eyeing over Y/N. “But I’m not stupid. I’m not twelve years old anymore.”
“Even at twelve years old we would have never been able to hide anything from you Sam,” Y/N responded with a sigh, standing up slowly so she could face her stepdaughter. An unbearable ache settled in over the center of Y/N’s chest and she let out a long sigh. “I don’t really know what to say to you Sam.”
“What is there to say? You broke my dad’s heart and you pretty much traumatized NJ. I guess I should be thankful that I got through college before you decided to have your midlife crisis,” Sam stammered, tipping her head to the side when Y/N’s lips parted, but nothing came out. “I had your good years. So you don’t have to apologize to me.”
“I deserved that,” Y/N noted feeling the lump in her throat growing. Sam wasn’t wrong. She fucked up big time and she knew that. “I actually deserve worse.”
“I don’t even know what happened to you. The woman that I met and the woman that I know you are now…they aren’t even close to being the same,” Sam informed her stepping away from the doorframe when Cooper headed back into the house, but Oliver stayed attached at Y/N’s hip. “What happened to you Y/N?”
“I can’t explain it because there is no good excuse,” Y/N admitted with a loud swallow knowing that she had been questioning that same thing a lot lately. “I screwed up. Really bad.”
“That’s an understatement,” Sam agreed with Y/N noticing the way that Y/N could barely even look at her right now. “You know, you were about my age when you got with my dad. You had your whole life figured out by then. Most people don’t find the love of their life at the age you did. Someone who was willing to give them everything they wanted in life. I thought my dad getting with you was the best thing for him and I’m not sure someone has ever hurt him as much as you have.”
“You’re right,” Y/N agreed with Sam, not fighting her on what she knew was true. “I was lucky and I fucked up really bad. I lost sight of the things that were important in my life and I made the worst possible decisions that I ever could. You can’t make up for the things that I have done. But I regret every choice that I made that hurt your father and your little brother.”
“What are you doing here then?” Sam inquired throwing her hand up in the air, her green eyes visibly getting more upset when she threw her blonde hair back over her shoulder. Sam’s dimples grew in intensity and it was the same way it would get when Negan was upset. “Dad isn’t here right now. That’s why I’m here watching the children.”
“I was actually here hoping that Negan Junior would talk to me,” Y/N confessed in broken breaths hating to feel the way she did about things. At this point she wouldn’t blame NJ if he didn’t want to talk to her at all. “I wanted to see him and talk to him about some things.”
Pushing open the door, Sam waved her hand about motioning Y/N to come inside, “He’s in his room reading some of his comics. The girls are in the backyard trying to catch some fireflies which is where I’m meant to be right now. So if you want to talk to your son, you are going to find him in his room.”
“Could you bring him out here?” Y/N begged of Sam who immediately shook her head. “I don’t feel like I deserve to walk into that house after everything I’ve done to all of them.”
“If you want to make up for the things you’ve done, sometimes you have to face those fears and thoughts and just do what is right. Which is going to your son’s room and talking to him,” Sam suggested pushing open the door further and pointing in the direction of NJ’s room “I’m needed in the backyard. While I trust Isabella with Avery, they are still children and they shouldn’t be left to themselves around the pool. So if you want to talk to NJ, you’re going to have to come in.”
With a nod, Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the center of her chest and she moved into the house. Oliver eagerly followed and Sam closed the door behind her, “I’ll be in the back with the girls if you need me.”
“Thanks Sam,” Y/N commented gathering her bearings enough to force herself up to NJ’s bedroom. She hated to admit it, but she felt horrible about everything and didn’t even know if she should be here right now trying to talk to anyone in the first place. Sam already made it clear how much damage she had done to the family from her mistakes. Pushing at the door to NJ’s room, she felt her throat tensing up at the sight of her son laying on his back reading his comics. His hair had grown out and his hazel eyes were heavily focused on the comic book. Once the door was open enough, Oliver pushed his way into the room and jumped onto the bed with NJ. A groan fell from her son’s throat before a laugh followed.
“How did you get in here?” NJ set the comic book aside and started to rub at the ears of Oliver who had crawled in over NJ’s chest to give him a hug. Looking toward the door, NJ’s smile slowly faded when his eyes locked with Y/N’s. “Mom?”
“Hey baby,” she spoke softly, her chest aching further watching the expression in his hazel eyes changing when he pushed up on his bed and Oliver adjusted appropriately. “Would it be okay if I sat with you buddy?”
“Yeah,” NJ adjusted on the bed, sitting up enough to make room for her and for Oliver to be next to him too. When Y/N moved beside him to take a seat, she set her bag down in front of her and could sense that NJ was uncomfortable with her sitting next to him. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to talk to you,” she informed her son with a shuddering breath, finding herself getting emotional as she sat beside him. “NJ, I haven’t been a good mother. I’ve been really terrible in fact. I got so caught up in the things that I thought I wanted in my life that I was ignoring all the things in my life that actually made life worth living.”
Tears were swelling up in NJ’s eyes while she sat beside him and he forced himself to look away from her as she took in a shuddering breath, “I know I’ve made a lot of horrible mistakes and I’ve done things that I can never make up for, but NJ...you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You and your sisters. I never thought I wanted to be a mother, but God, the first time I saw you I knew that I was wrong. You were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life. And then when those doctors put you in my arms, everything felt right in that moment.”
A single tear slid down NJ’s face and she felt her voice tremoring while she spoke to her son, “I got lost. Your grandfather reminded me of all the things I wanted before I got with your father and I let that blind my judgement of what was right and what was wrong. You have been and you will always be more important than any job Negan Junior. I should have never missed those games or your birthday. I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me forever and you never wanted to forgive me. When I was your age, I was so angry at my father and I turned out worse than he was.”
“I don’t hate you,” NJ whimpered, looking to his mother with his beautiful hazel eyes causing her lips to part and she let out a tremoring breath.
“I don’t deserve you forgiving me NJ. I hurt you. I said terrible, awful things,” she acknowledged to the things she had done in the past to her son hearing his breathing getting louder and he started to cry. “And I was wrong. I was horribly wrong and I want you to know that. You deserved a mother that was just like your father who is perfect by the way. Anything I ever said about him that was negative was so wrong. I should have never stopped being the mom that I was at first before I got that stupid job. There is so many wrong things that I did to you, your sisters and your dad. I screwed up kiddo and I am so deeply sorry.”
Shakily reaching her hand out, she caressed her fingertips in over the side of NJ’s face to sweep at the tears that were over his cheek, “I want you to know that I quit that job. I hated the person I became and it took you talking to me that night at the apartment to see exactly what I was doing wrong.”
Pausing, she felt her chest ache when she thought back to the words that NJ had said to her about wanting his mother back. The look in his eyes still haunted her to this day. There was so much pain and anguish in her young son’s eyes that night and she knew it was her fault and her fault alone.
“I miss the woman that I used to be too, but I don’t deserve you children or your father. I messed up so much that there are things that I will never be able to fix. But leaving that job was a start. I forgot why I wanted to be a lawyer in the first place. I thought I wanted to be successful, but being successful is not the most important thing in the world. You are. You are the most important thing and I am so sorry that I got lost along the way baby,” she spoke and there was a tremoring breath that fell from NJ’s throat showing that her words were making him exceptionally emotional.
“You quit your job?” NJ’s bottom lip quivered, his hand reaching up to place in over the back of Y/N’s while she touched his face. NJ’s hand was shaking, his eyes locked on hers when she nodded. “What are you going to do?”
“I talked to my old job and they were willing to take me back, but I stressed that I had to have a lighter schedule because I wanted to spend more time with my children,” she explained to NJ hearing his cries getting harder and she tipped her head to the side. “That’s if my children want to be near me after all I’ve done.”
“That’s all I ever wanted mom,” NJ admitted lowering his head and he let out a shuddering exhale. “I’ve always loved you and wanted you happy, I just missed you so much.”
“I know baby and I see that now,” she whispered reaching out to wrap her arm around NJ to urge him closer to her. A relieved breath fell from her throat when NJ allowed her to hug him tightly to her. Nuzzling her nose in against the top of his head, she let a kiss follow. Holding NJ tightly in her arms, she cherished the moment knowing that she questioned if she would ever have a moment like this again. “I am so sorry. The things I said to you…the things I did…I don’t know what I was thinking. I love you so much baby and I’m sorry that you thought I hated you. I was overwhelmed and I was putting the blame on people that you were never at fault for. You have always been the shining star in this family. You are my beautiful, perfect little boy and you are an amazing young man.”
“You mean that?” NJ pulled back enough for her to stroke her fingers through his longer, dark hair to brush it behind his ear.
“Every word,” she whispered knowing that she likely looked terrible herself with how she was crying but she didn’t care. “You have always been the best of me and your father. People could only dream of having a child as good as you. You’re such a good big brother and you are so talented. Your heart is so big and I know that.”
Pressing forward, she placed a faint kiss over his forehead and curled her fingers around the back of his neck, “I’m sorry I got lost about what made me really, genuinely happy NJ. I wish I could take it all back, but I know that I can’t. And I know that I will never be able to take back that pain that I gave you. I don’t deserve you forgiving me and I know that…”
“But we can try,” NJ pulled back, swallowing down loudly when he squeezed his fingers against hers. “If you really mean everything that you said.”
“I do,” she assured him bringing his slender hand up to pepper loving kisses over the back of it. “You mean everything to me NJ and if I can, I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
“You don’t have to do that,” NJ whispered, his reddened eyes staring out at her when he looked down toward her hand holding his. “I just want you to be my mom again. You don’t have to make up for anything. I just want you in my life mom. I love you and that’s all this was ever about. I love you mom. I always did.”
There was so much she wanted to say, so much she should have said, but instead of saying them she just wrapped NJ back up in her arms tightly holding him lovingly. Stroking her fingers through NJ’s thick, dark hair she was thankful that he was such a sweet boy, “I want you to know that Shane is no longer in my life. After what he did that night, I kicked him out that day. No one touches my son like that and gets away with it. I’m sorry you were put in that position in the first place. It’s my fault that it happened and I should have never had Shane there to begin with.”
“Shane is gone?” NJ tipped his head up to look at her behind his long eyelashes. After she nodded, confusion flooded his features. “Then why have you been gone? We’ve been so worried about you and I didn’t know what to think.”
“Because I don’t deserve any of you NJ. After the things that I did…” she started to ramble on, but NJ immediately shook his head and grabbed a tight hold of her hands. “After everything I did, you all deserve better than me.”
“You’re our mom,” NJ reminded her with a bit of strength behind his tone. “It doesn’t matter what you think because we love you. We just want you in our lives. We all love you. And if I can forgive you…I know they can too.”
“I love you so much kiddo,” she whispered stroking her fingers through his dark hair feeling a large amount of weight being lifted from her chest hearing her son saying the things she felt like she never deserved to hear. “I’m not sure that I should be forgiven so easily.”
“It won’t be sudden, but if you really mean everything you say, then I’m willing to try,” NJ reminded her giving her hands a firm squeeze. “You’re my mother and the only thing I ever wanted was to be close to you again mom. I miss us.”
“I miss us too,” she cried hating that she ever let it get this bad to begin with. Pulling one of her hands away, she motioned him to wait and then reached for her bag that she had brought with her. Grabbing what she had brought for NJ, she held it out for him seeing his hazel eyes gazing it over. “I bought you this. At my old job, we had a client that was a professional baseball player and I talked to him about you. I told him that my son wanted to be a professional and he told me that this was the kind of glove to get you. Also told me that if I was interested, he would be willing to put you into one of his programs where he helps children like you that want to make it big.”
“I thought you didn’t want me to be a baseball player,” NJ reminded her of the things that she had said previously and she shook her head immediately.
“Negan Junior, I want you to be whatever you want to be because I know if you put your mind to it, you are capable of anything,” she lowered the glove down to stare out at her son with sincerity in her eyes. “If you want to be a baseball player, I am going to support you every step of the way. I know you’re capable of it and I want you to be happy. I promise you, I will never be disappointed in whatever you decide in your life because I just want you happy NJ.”
“Thanks mom,” NJ accepted the glove looking over it and he let out a shuddering breath. “You need to see the girls. They have wanted to see you.”
Setting the glove aside, NJ hooked his fingers with hers and led her to his door. Oliver followed them not far behind as she followed him toward the backdoor where the girls were playing with Sam. Once Isabella spotted Y/N, she immediately set the jar down that she had and ran out to where she was standing with NJ.
“Mommy,” Isabella called out and lowering down, Y/N allowed her to run into her arms for a big hug. Squeezing her tightly in her arms, Y/N saw the way that Avery headed over toward the group of them with her little legs making Y/N smile. Hooking her other arm around Avery, she squeezed them both in tighter to her. Kissing the sides of their faces, she felt emotional with how eager they all were to have her near. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too baby,” Y/N muttered noticing the look that Sam was giving them when she approached them. “I’m so sorry that mommy has been away for so long. I promise I’ll try to be here more for all of you.”
“I wish daddy was here too, he misses you so much,” Isabella alerted her mother and a nervous breath fell from Y/N’s throat. “You are going to be around more?”
“I hope so,” Y/N confessed with a loud swallow. “As long as it is okay with your father.”
After talking to the children a little longer, Y/N knew that she was likely overstaying her welcome and she had said goodbye to the children who weren’t exactly eager to say goodbye to her. When she headed for the door with Sam while NJ stayed in the back with the girls, she reached for something that she brought with her that was in her jacket and held them out to Sam.
“Would you give these to Negan, please?” Y/N saw Sam eyeing over the papers and Sam let out a disgusted breath when she realized what they were. “Please.”
“You’re still trying to divorce my dad?” Sam inquired, her eyebrow arching up in curiosity and a disgusted breath fell from her throat. “After all of that? You still want to divorce dad?”
“I don’t deserve your father after the shit that I pulled Sam,” she declared with a hurt sound looking to the papers that were in her hands. “Your dad deserves better than me. You know that. I know that.”
“All he wants is you though,” Sam pointed out with a huff, her eyes narrowing while she looked to the papers again. “Do you even realize what today is? What day it is? He’s where he has been every day on this day for the last twelve years.”
“I don’t…” Y/N thought about what Sam was saying causing her to let out a shuddering breath when she thought about what day it actually was. “He’s there?”
“Of course he’s there. Because regardless of what you’ve done, he still loves the hell out of you,” Sam insisted with a huff, pushing the papers in closer to Y/N in a polite enough manner. “I won’t give those to him. If you want him to still sign those, you take those to him yourself. Because I won’t be the one to break his heart and I don’t deserve that either Y/N. Dad deserves better than that. It’s not fair to put that kind of thing on my shoulders.”
“I doubt the thing he wants to see tonight is me,” she pushed and Sam shrugged her shoulders.
“I highly doubt that. You’re probably the thing he wants to see the most tonight,” Sam shook her head pointing toward the door. “I’m sure if you make it in time, you can catch him before you have to wait for a long time.”
Putting the papers back where she had pulled them out of, Y/N went to leave before stopping and looking back at Sam, “I’m sorry Sam.”
“Y/N, you never hurt me,” Sam pointed out with a sigh, her expression softening when she stood before her. “You were the best stepmother I could have asked for. I don’t like seeing that you hurt dad and NJ, but you were always good to me. I think I turned out so good because I had four loving, amazing parents. I think you have to remember the woman you were because she was pretty damn good. And I love her…a lot.”
There was a sinking feeling in her chest when Sam stepped forward to wrap her arms around Y/N to give her a big hug and Y/N eagerly accepted the gesture, “I know the woman that raised me is still in there. And she’s fully capable of making things better. If she just tries. But if you want to see Negan, you have to probably leave now.”
Saying her goodbyes, Y/N sat in the car for a moment debating if she should really go to see Negan after Sam told her where he was. Even against her better judgement she drove to the area that she knew Negan would be and like every year before when she got out of the car, she saw the hot air balloon at the center of the large field. It was the anniversary of the first time they had slept together. Negan would always come back to this place to celebrate the relationship that they shared together. Rain or shine. And on the good days, he would always do an air balloon ride like they did that first night.
Walking quickly toward the hot air balloon, she could see that they were about ready to leave. In the distance, she could see that Negan was already inside of the basket, his arms folded in front of his chest and his head lowered. He looked sad. And she knew why. Even if she knew the last thing he needed tonight was her, she headed for the hot air balloon and when she got there, she curled her fingers around the basket edge. Immediately, Negan’s eyes lifted, surprise filling them when he saw her standing there. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Negan repeated, his arms lowering down at his side, stepping forward toward her.
“We need to talk,” she whispered. Yeah, that was vague, but it was true.
“We’re about to take off,” the man running the air balloon informed her looking toward the controls. “You either have to get in or you are going to have to wait.”
“Can’t you hold off?” she begged seeing the man shaking his head and when the basket started to lift from the ground she tried to pull herself in. Before she could slip, she felt Negan helping her into the basket causing her to fall in against his chest. Allowing her to gather herself, Negan’s long eyelashes fluttered when she lifted her eyes to his. “You’re still doing this?”
“Of course I am. Today is a special day for me, even if it no longer means anything to you,” Negan informed her watching the way that she looked over the side of the basket to see the further they were getting away from the ground. Involuntarily she cuddled herself further into his arms showing that she was still uncomfortable going in the hot air balloon after all these years. Deep down, he didn’t hate it though. It had been so long since he had her in his arms like this. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s complicated,” Y/N responded noticing that she was clinging onto Negan like she wouldn’t let go and she knew it was inappropriate. Stepping back and away from Negan, she had a hard time looking him in the eye considering everything that had taken place. “I went to see Negan Junior to apologize. I wanted to talk to him and Sam told me you were here.”
“And how did things go with NJ?” Negan inquired, folding his arms out in front of his chest again. Everything felt awkward and this was definitely a strange conversation to be having in this situation.
“They were good,” she didn’t know what she should and should not say, but Negan was their father so she knew he deserved to hear everything. “I was being a really bad mom. I know that. I admitted that. I told him that I was sorry and I wanted to start trying to build our relationship again. That is…if you’re okay with it since you are their primary parent.”
“Of course I’m okay with you being around our children,” Negan reminded her, shrugging his shoulders like it was silly for her to even ask something like that. “I don’t even know why you would ask me that.”
“Negan, I’ve fucked up really bad,” she reminded him of all the mistakes she had been making lately. “I know what I’ve done and we don’t have to pretend like I’ve been a good mother. Wife. Or person even in that matter.”
“We all make mistakes,” Negan spoke in a whisper and she shook her head.
“Not this bad,” she denied to believe that everyone made the kind of mistakes that she made over the last few years. “I told NJ that I quit my job. It wasn’t working with the schedule I know I’m going to need to be around my children. I contacted my old job and told them I just need a lighter schedule so I can be with my children.”
“You quit your job?” Negan’s arms dropped at his side, shock flooding his features. “No one expected you to do that Y/N. I don’t think you needed to quit your job for NJ to forgive you. That was the career of your dreams.”
“That was a bad dream,” she insisted with a half laugh, lowering her eyes to stare down at their feet. “Any job that keeps me away from my children during the most important points in their life is not the job for me. I don’t care if I was a partner. I don’t care if my father gets angry with me. I need to be there for my children growing up. They deserve the mother that I used to be, not the piece of shit that I became.”
“Y/N,” Negan didn’t know what to say and she could see that his eyes were tearing over hearing the words that she had just said. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything at all,” she suggested with a sigh knowing that the man controlling the air balloon likely felt uncomfortable with her mouth vomiting everything that she was. “I realized that I hated the woman that I had become. I actually used to like me and then something changed. I should have never allowed that change to happen because I lost the things that were the most important to me. And that was all my fault.”
“You never lost any of us,” Negan corrected her, his Adam’s apple bouncing in this throat. Staring out at him, Y/N noticed that Negan looked tired. It made her wonder how well he was sleeping and more than anything she wanted to touch him right now but she knew that she couldn’t. “We were always there waiting for you.”
“After what I did, I don’t deserve any of that Negan,” she pushed her feelings on the whole thing and he threw his hands up in the air.
“Well, you can’t help it when you love someone the way that we love you,” Negan pushed the subject further, his thick eyebrows bouncing up when he spoke. “Things haven’t been the same without you at home and I know the children miss you. I miss you.”
“You deserve better than me Negan,” she whispered and it made him roll his eyes. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Negan gave her a certain look that she knew was him being disappointed with what she said. “You do.”
“I’ve loved two people in my life. Lucille and you…” Negan reminded her of how he felt, his deep, raspy voice making a chill flood her spine. “I know how things have been and I understand you feeling the way that you do, but I promised you as long as we were both still on this world you were always going to have my heart. Always.”
“You’re too good for me,” she felt herself getting emotional over what he was saying. “You’ve always been too good for me.”
“I’ve obviously made some mistakes,” Negan pushed letting out a long, extended exhale. “I promise I will try to be better. I know that I’m boring and…”
“No. No. Don’t do that. What I said was so wrong. You’re not boring. In fact, you are the most amazing, interesting man that I know,” she hushed him, throwing her hands up not wanting to hear him attacking himself personally over the things that she said in the past. “I miss your flowers and your daily notes. I wake up every morning expecting to see them and then I remember all over again how badly I messed up.”
There were tears burning at her eyes and she knew that they shouldn’t have been having this discussion in front of a stranger, “I miss coming home and seeing all of the kids sleeping on top of you like it’s a puppy pile up because they love you so much. There has never been anything wrong with the man that you are. I’ve loved you whether you were smoking or not. Whether you are gray or not. Whether you’re wearing leather or sweatpants. Everything about you is perfect. Everything. And I have always known that. You are the sweetest man I’ve ever known. You are the best father and the best husband. You are the sexiest man I’ve ever known. Don’t ever question who you are…you’re everything anyone could want and more.”
Sucking at his bottom lip, Negan was trying to hold his emotions in and his dimples sucked in when he looked down toward their feet. A shuddering exhale fell from his throat when she let out a hesitant sound, “To be honest, the sweatpants do look really nice on you. When we were together, they would always turn me on when you wore them because the bulge they always gave you…”
The man that was with them choked making Negan involuntarily laugh and he lifted his head to stare out at her with amusement. “I’m sorry, you fill out sweatpants very nicely and I like the way they look. I know it’s inappropriate, but it had to be said.”
“Thanks,” Negan spoke with an innocent nod, his cheeks flushing over and he pushed his hands further into his pockets. “I’m wearing jeans tonight though.”
“And you look good in those too,” she commented causing the man that was with them to turn his head to try to stop himself from looking and she snickered. “Truth is Negan, there is nothing about you to hate. I’m the one that has problems. I’m the jealous one. I’m the stupid one. I’m the one that had perfection in front of me and I let it slip through my fingers.”
“You are such a silly woman,” Negan muttered with a shake of his head, pulling one of his hands out of his pockets. Placing it over the center of his chest, Negan’s voice was broken as he spoke. “You have held my heart in your hand from the beginning and you still have it firmly grasped. As long as I’m fucking breathing, my heart will only belong to you Y/N.”
Stepping forward, Negan’s rough hands cupped her face and he tipped her head back so she could look up at him. At this point she was crying and he stroked his thumbs over her flesh, “I love you so fucking much and I always will.”
Claiming her lips in an extended passionate kiss, Negan hoped to show her all of the emotions and love he had behind the kiss. Over and over again they shared that kiss with his hand sliding down from the side of her neck over her shoulders and down the side of her body to rest it at her hip. Their breathing grew louder with every kiss they shared until the man controlling the hot air balloon cleared his throat.
“I think I’ll end the flight a little sooner than planned so the two of you can have some time together,” he offered causing Negan to snicker while Negan’s nose nuzzled against hers and the sensation of his fingers sweeping over the back of her neck made her sigh.
“Take your time,” Negan instructed hearing her panting against the side of his neck. The man tipped his head to the side before continuing with what he was doing in minding his business. Giving Y/N another loving kiss, Negan swept his thumb in over her jawline. It looked like there was so much that Y/N wanted to say, but instead of allowing her the chance, Negan turned her in his arms to have her face outward to stare out at the world around them. Hooking his arms tightly around her, he held her close to him like he had done the first time they went up in one of these things.
Sliding her hands down, she hooked her fingers with Negan’s and closed her eyes tightly when the warmth of his breath pressed in over the side of her neck. Exhaling loudly, she wish she could go back to then and have a redo with things because she fucked things up so bad.
“Shane is gone. I threw him out the day that you came to pick up the kids,” she informed Negan leaning in closer to him with the way that his short beard tickled at her flesh. “I should have never brought that man into my life in the first place. I’m so sorry that I did Negan.”
“Stop apologizing right now,” Negan hushed her, depositing a faint kiss at her jawline noticing the way that she tremored in his arms. “For the first time in a very long time, take some time for yourself to relax.”
“I’ve just done so much wrong and I feel like a lot needs to be said,” she explained to him leaning further back against his chest. It had been so long since she last had Negan hold onto her like this. Her body yearned for it and she knew that she shouldn’t have wanted it as much as she did. “Plus, I was never very good at relaxing up here.”
“Touché,” Negan chuckled at the side of her neck agreeing with her in that sense. Every year since their first ride together they would always come back to this spot and every single time they were back on the ground she was always thankful for it. “It’s a nice night, no wind and we should enjoy this moment. I can’t remember the last time it was just the two of us being able to enjoy silence.”
Nodding, she slid her hands down in over Negan’s and hooked her fingers with his. Silence was not really something that she was used to at all. It was going to take a lot of getting used to after she left her job. There were so many things that she kept thinking about. What she should say. What she didn’t deserve in terms of being with Negan. Every negative thing she had done in her life was spiraling in her head and she hated that she let it get to this, but she knew she was a terrible person. There was no way that Negan and the children should have been accepting of having her back in their lives. If anything she had to work for it, but she wondered if it was too late for that.
Exhaling loudly, she felt Negan cuddling his face in next to hers and the warmth of him surrounded her. It was nice compared to the chill that surrounded them in the night air. Even if the heights always scared her, Negan was right. It was beautiful up here. Everything was so serene and it always put the world into perspective for her. Compared to the rest of the world she was so small.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Negan whispered causing a chill to flood her spine. “I don’t think this would have had the same effect if you weren’t here. This is where you are meant to be.”
“Negan…” she frowned knowing that this is where she wanted to be. Where she should have been all along, but there was no reason for Negan to forgive her as easily as he had.
For most of the trip they stayed quiet. It was likely awkward in general from the conversation she had with Negan earlier for the person flying the hot air balloon. So because of that the silence was comforting. Once they finally finished their trip, Negan got out first and helped her out. He spoke with the man before reaching for her hand and leading her to the same area they had stayed together the first time. His car was up on the hill and she felt her throat go dry.
“Negan,” she muttered his name watching him set up a blanket before starting up a fire for them. “I’m not sure you want to have me here with you like this.”
“There is nothing I want more,” Negan sat back on the blanket and pat the area beside him. His dark eyes were hooked on hers and she cautiously lowered down beside him after taking her jacket off and setting it aside. “The sky is pretty clear today which means we will be able to see a lot of the stars,” Negan laid back staring up at the sky. It was amazing how he found awe in so much. “Isabella told me the other day that she wants to be an astronaut.”
“I’m sure your fascination with space helps her have that opinion,” she admitted lying down beside Negan enjoying having him near. “So we’re going to have a baseball player and an astronaut. What do you think Avery will be?”
“A food critic,” Negan joked, a snort following when he turned to stare out at her. “That little one spits more food out on me than the other two combined did. She has a specific taste and if she doesn’t like something, she lets it be known. The restaurants will hate her.”
It was cute hearing that assumption from Negan, but it made her realize she really didn’t even know Avery that well. Which was awful since Avery was her daughter. She was around Negan Junior and Isabella in their younger years, but Avery she was very detached from.
“I missed out on so much,” she noted hating to admit it, but it was true. “I barely know our little girl Negan. And with the other two, I just checked out completely.”
“There is time to learn,” Negan suggested, turning on his side and balancing his weight on his arm while he looked her over “Avery came at a rough time, but she’s still young. She won’t know.”
“But Isabella and Negan Junior always will,” she commented, her eyes looking sad when Negan outstretched his free hand to trace over the side of her face with his rough fingertips. In the past his comforting her would have made her feel better, but tonight it didn’t. “I hurt Negan Junior really bad. He can say that he forgives me, but what I did…that’s going to stick with him the rest of his life. And you know that.”
“But you still have time to make up for what happened. Allow the good to overwrite the bad,” Negan suggested and she knew that wasn’t true. The bad was always the things that stood out the most in life. No matter how much good was done.
“I wouldn’t even know where to start,” she pointed out knowing that she had been so work coded over the last few years that she would have to work on the mother part of her again. “I wish I could just go back and change everything. Make new choices, but that’s too late.”
“We’ve all done something we regret,” Negan claimed with a shake of his head. “We can spend a whole lot of time going on about my mistakes in the past. I’ve made big ones. We both know that.”
“But when it mattered, you showed up. You’ve been an incredible father and husband…I failed as a mother,” she hated to be the person to admit all the awful things she did, but she did them. There was no erasing them, she had to face them. “I can’t even picture the pain that I put you and the kids through Negan and it hurts me to think of what I did. I never wanted to be like my father and I think I was worse than my father.”
“Your father never changed, but you have already attempted to make that change Y/N,” Negan assured her, sweeping his fingers underneath her jawline to get her to stare out at him. “You want to change. That’s something your father never did.”
“But it still happened,” she kept her foot down not wanting him to give her the benefit of the doubt. “You can’t just forgive me for the things that I did like they never happened Negan.”
“I didn’t say I was just going to forgive you,” Negan replied back with a frown, his hazel eyes shifting a bit when he thought of what to say next. “I just know how I feel without you in my life and I’m willing to work on things. I’m willing to work on us.”
There was that urge to continue to bicker with Negan about things, but the way he was staring out at her made a breath catch in her throat. Leaning in, Negan’s lips brushed over hers. With the sweet, sweeping sensation it made her eyes flutter to a close. It was hard to deny the kisses from the man she had grown fond of for so long. Sliding in closer to Negan, her hand settled in over his side and she felt his kisses tampering off over her jawline and toward her neck.
“I love you so much,” Negan breathed against the side of her neck, nibbling faintly at her heated flesh. “My heart has and still will always belong to you Y/N.”
With everything that he was saying, it took her right back to the first day they ever spent here. This was the same spot that they had sex the first time. And Negan was just as perfect now as he was then. Crawling in over Negan had him pressing up on his hands so that she could continue to kiss him. Stroking her palms in over the sides of his face, she found comfort in being this close to him again. Nuzzling her nose in against his, she felt her body tremoring with the warmth of his breath lingering over her lips.
Bracing his weight on his right hand, Negan reached up with his left hand to trace over the side of her face. There was still so much love in his eyes for her while he stared up at her and she knew that she didn’t deserve it.
“I love you Negan,” she breathed out, her words vibrating against his lips and it made him smile when she said it. Stroking her fingers through his thick hair, she leaned back enough to look him over and felt a lump growing at the center of her throat. “You never broke your promises. I just turned into a terrible person.”
“You got lost,” Negan responded, his thumb drawing out over her bottom lip. Lifting up enough, Negan pressed a delicate kiss over her bottom lip and he made her eyes come to a tight close. “But in this life, I want no one else. I just want you Y/N. Only you.”
Hearing him say those words, she believed it. There was something in the way that he looked at her, that he always looked at her that made her know that Negan loved her. Capturing his lips in another loving kiss, her hands reached down to press up underneath the material of his t-shirt. Palming down over the planes of Negan’s abdomen, she teased her fingers through the curls of hair that covered his flesh and heard his breathing grow louder. Tugging at his shirt, she moved back enough to help Negan pull it from his body and toss it beside them. Immediately, she lowered down to press kisses over his shoulders where his freckles were. At the same time, his hands were pressing up and under the back of the shirt she was wearing. Just the sensation of his rough fingertips over her flesh had her heart fluttering in her chest. Chills were flooding her veins with Negan nibbling at her bottom lip before brushing his tongue between her lips.
“Up,” Negan breathed against her mouth when he grabbed a hold of her shirt to help her pull it from her body. Once her flesh was revealed to him, he leaned forward to kiss down over the side of her neck toward her collarbone. Gradually his fingers skimmed up over the lengths of her back toward the back of her bra. Unhooking the material carefully, Negan managed to get it from her arms and tossed the material with their shirts that were beside them. Tipping his head back, Negan’s eyes connected with hers. At first, his hands started at her sides and slid up them unhurriedly. Tremoring against his touch, she felt his hands sliding up over the front of her abdomen before palming at the bottom of her breasts. Cupping them tenderly in his large hands, Negan watched her reaction to being touched by him and when she whimpered it made him smile. God, those dimples always got her. “You are still the most beautiful fucking woman I’ve ever seen.”
With his thumbs sweeping out over her nipples, it had her purring out and it gave him the courage to lean forward to press wet kisses between the valley of her breasts. Pressing his kisses over her breast, Negan took his time knowing that he wanted to draw this out for her. When his lips covered her nipple, it had her tossing her head back with her fingers hooking into his hair. Circling his tongue over the taut nub, Negan sucked faintly at the flesh and then turned his attention to the other breast working to pamper her body equally.
Pulling on his hair, she managed to get him to look up at her. His lips were wet, his breathing loud when he dragged his tongue out over his bottom lip. Moving back in, she brought their lips back together in a heated kiss where Negan wrapped his arms around her tightly to bring them close together. Dropping her hands down between them, she worked to undo Negan’s belt hearing him groaning against her flesh. Stealing a look between them allowed Negan to kiss down over her jawline and over her neck while she undid the button in his pants and pulled at the zipper. Lifting up enough, she managed to tug the material of his pants and his boxer briefs from his body to get them down to his thighs. Negan’s erection was rigid, resting against his lower abdomen causing her throat to go dry. Wetting her lips, she wrapped her fingers around his length taking her time to caress over his distended flesh.
“The way you look at me still gives me the most addictive feeling I’ve ever experienced in my life,” she whispered, her lips hovering in over his while she continued to touch him. It made his eyelashes flutter to a close, a muscle in his jaw flexing. Peppering faint kisses over his lips, she gave him one final touch before getting up from his lap. Undoing her pants while she stood before him had him looking up at her with desperation. The way he looked at her would have anyone swooning at the sight of him. Finishing getting the rest of her clothing off, she felt nervous being naked around him for the first time in a very long time. Once she calmed herself, she moved careful enough to lower back down over him. Her lips hovered over his while she reached down to grab a hold of his length. Leading it to her entrance, she took her time to tease him with the idea while she kissed him. Negan’s arms were hooked tightly around her wanting to keep her close while they got reacquainted with one another. By the time she finally did lower down in over him, it had Negan moaning against her flesh and she clung tightly to him. “You are perfect in every way.”
“I love you so much,” Negan slurred, nibbling at her jawline with his hands settling at her hips to help her movements over him. Pressing her forehead to Negan’s, they breathed in unison while she moved unhurriedly over him. It had been a long time since she really made love to Negan, so she was going to take in everything that she could.
From the way he was looking at her, to the way he was touching her, it was making her feel incredibly loved and he was the only one that ever was capable of doing that. Adjusting her position over Negan, she rolled her hips over him allowing him to fill her fully causing him to moan out in a raspy rumble.
“I love you,” Negan breathed out against her lips between kisses, his tongue dragging out across the inside of her bottom lip. Crying out, she curled her fingers into his hair and quickened her movements over him. Warmth pooled at her stomach with him hitting all the right spots inside of her. Closing her eyes, she clung tightly to him and felt a rush to her head. Pulling her hips away from him had her crying out while Negan’s growl vibrated against the side of her neck. Gasping out, she felt Negan rolling her over onto her back. Carefully lowering himself between her thighs, Negan braced his weight on his arms and laid over her.
“I love you too,” she responded while he brushed her hair away from her face. Tipping her head back, she cried out when Negan filled her again. His thrusts were slow, drawn out and perfect while he made love to her underneath the stars much like he did the first time they slept together. When his moans grew more frequent, she clung tightly to him wanting to have him near her when he reached his release inside of her. Neither one of them were desperate to pull away from the other. Negan just laid in over her while she stroked her fingers over the back of his neck playing with the small curls of hair that were there. “I’m so sorry for what I did to you.”
Pulling back just enough to stare down at her, Negan smirked and nuzzled his nose in against hers, “I forgive you.”
Hearing that made her chest hurt. There was no world where she deserved his forgiveness. Not that easy. Not when she didn’t work to earn it back. For a while they just laid like that and she cherished it. Hell, it felt perfect and she couldn’t imagine wanting to be anywhere else in the world right now.
When Negan did finally move, he laid in beside her and wrapped her up in his arms. Easily Negan had fallen asleep and it made her wonder how many nights of sleep he lost because of her. Watching him sleep broke her heart. It made her think of how much she had missed out on over the last few years. Even more so over the last few months. The pain she put Negan through had to be extremely significant. Yet here he was willing to take her back with open arms. It almost didn’t seem right.
Eventually she had fallen asleep in the middle of the night in his arms and woke up to the sensation of him moving out from underneath her. Fluttering her eyes to an open, she watched Negan reach for his pants that were on the ground. Slowly her eyes adjusted to the small amount of sunlight that was surrounding them from the morning.
“Hey,” Negan looked over his shoulder at her after her breathing alerted him that she was awake. Turning around Negan faced her and she couldn’t help but chuckle to herself when Negan tipped his head to the side. “What?”
“I just missed waking up to all of that,” she pointed out making Negan snicker and look down at himself. “It’s a nice sight.”
“Does that mean you’re ready for another round?” Negan teased reaching down to stroke over his body a few times causing her to laugh out and drop her head back against the blankets. “I can get him fully hard if that’s what you’re asking for.”
“I think we should probably figure things out first,” she looked over to Negan playing with himself and she couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. “You’re still a goof.”
“I can be,” he agreed with her, his nose wrinkling in amusement when he started to work his pants back over his legs. Adjusting his body, he pulled them together and zipped them up. “I was thinking we could pack up and go get breakfast together. Sam texted me that she was spending the night with the kids so we have a few more hours.”
Negan reached for her clothes in attempts to get her dressed and let out a surprised sound when something fell from the jacket that she had deposited last night when they laid down together. Reaching for it, he let out a tense breath when he saw that it was their divorce papers. Looking back over his shoulder at Y/N, he watched the color drain from her face when she sat up carefully on the blankets.
“Why do you have these?” Negan wondered, his eyebrow arching in curiosity while she cleared her throat. “Did you bring these here last night with the intentions of having me sign them?”
“It’s complicated,” she breathed out slow and it made the happiness that was plastered over his features when he woke up disappear. “Yes, I thought you should sign them yesterday.”
“Why? Why would you think that after talking about wanting to change things for the better?” Negan waved the papers about and she lowered her head down. “I thought you wanted to fix things with us. Why would you bring these?”
“I don’t deserve you Negan,” she reminded him, getting up from where she was seated to reach for her clothes to put them on haphazardly while Negan stood before her in just his pants. “You should have realized that a very long time ago.”
“I don’t care what you think I deserve and don’t deserve,” Negan stressed, his eyebrows furrowing when he clasped tightly to the papers that were in his hands. “I want to be with you. I told you that I forgave you for everything.”
“It shouldn’t be that easy Negan. I’ve done nothing to earn that trust back,” she reasoned with him and she could see that his face was turning red. “One day you are going to realize the mistakes that I made were too big to heal and you’re going to be stuck with me.”
“I would never think that,” Negan tossed the papers down on the rest of his clothes that were still there. “I think if you are worried, we should just go to a therapist. Talk things out. Work out our marriage. That way it would make things feel right again.”
“You are too good for me,” she stressed, placing her hand over the center of his chest when he went to kiss her and she felt tears burning at her eyes. “You really should sign the papers Negan.”
“I don’t want to,” Negan shook his head, his tone extremely upset that she was even suggesting that to him. “After last night, I think it was more than enough proof why I shouldn’t sign the papers. We have a second chance at our relationship.”
“That’s the thing Negan, it’s not a second chance. It’s more like the hundredth chance for me,” she declared with a frown, pulling herself away from him and she shrugged her shoulders. “I love you. So much.”
“Then that tells you I shouldn’t sign those fucking papers,” Negan snapped, his jaw clenching in frustration.
“I love you enough to know that you deserve better than me,” she stressed, a single tear sliding down the side of her face. “Which is why I think we do need to go forward with the divorce. Not because I don’t love you. Not because you aren’t perfect, because you are the most amazing man I’ve ever known, but because I will only bring you down Negan. I’ve brought you down from the moment that we got married. You are this amazingly beautiful man, inside and out. I had you questioning that. I don’t think we ever belonged together Negan. I put you through hell for so long.”
“Hell for me is life without you,” Negan stressed, his bottom lip quivering when she looked to him again. “I want to be with you.”
“Then make me work for it,” she suggested, her throat tensing when Negan let out a hurt sound. “Allow me this. That way I can work to earn back your love.”
“You never lost my love,” Negan snarled, his Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat. “You can work it out married to me. We don’t need to get divorced for you to earn back my love because my love is still there.”
“I’m telling you Negan, I don’t think things will be able to be fixed unless you give me this,” she blurt out and it confused Negan to hear her talking like that. Snatching his shirt from the ground, he pulled it back in over his body and worked to pull it down. “I need this.”
“You want this? You really want this? It’s the only way for you?” Negan questioned with a hurt sound seeing her nod her head once. “I thought you said you loved me.”
“I do,” she explained with a broken breath. They were both crying at this point and she shrugged her shoulders. “It’s just this needs to be done or I will never be able to forgive myself for things. The things I did to both you and the kids…”
“You truly believe that? That’s the thing that is going to make you happy?” Negan wondered and she nodded her head. Letting out an upset breath, Negan reached for the papers. Staring down at the divorce papers, he saw that there was a pen that had fallen out of her jacket as well. Picking up the pen, he gave her one final look and bit down on his bottom lip. Flipping through the papers, he stopped where he was meant to sign his name. A tremoring breath fell from her lips when Negan signed the papers and tossed the pen aside. Stepping before her, Negan held them out and watched her shakily reach out for them. When she grabbed them, Negan stood before her, his eyes narrowing when his breathing grew louder. “I hope you’re happy.”
“Negan,” she muttered his name when he stormed off toward his car. Watching him get in, she could tell that he was upset and she stood at that hill. Frozen, she didn’t know what to do other than watch him drive away. It was the thing she wanted for a while, but now that he had done it, she felt like she was broken and wondered if it was something that she would be able to ever fix between them.
@slutlanna976 @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @labyrinthofheartagrams @msjamesmarch @hotfornegan @sanctuaryforthelost @ayumi-wolf @redmercysugar @a-girl-interupted @akumune @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx @haleygreen23 @xhannahbananax03 @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight @hollyismentallyillhelp @promiscuousbarnes @tone-stark @jimmymcgillsgf
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lovesickonmybed · 7 months
all you had to do was stay | (1/?)
eddie Munson x OC | chapter 2 | series masterlist
summary | vivian and eddie were best friends until he betrayed her. she decided to get revenge, but it went too far.
word count | 4,156.
warnings | swearing, alcohol, underage drinking, sexual content, themes of abandonment, smoking, and bullying.
a/n | i don't have anyone to edit for me or anything like that before posting so please feel free to give me some feedback about this first chapter!! also listen to all you had to do was stay (taylor's version) while reading this!
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Nobody spends their spring break praying for it to be over…except maybe for me. I used to spend my spring breaks at Eddie Munson’s trailer playing D&D and listening to whatever metal albums we had all put enough money together to buy. Now I spend them at endless parties praying that whatever is in my cup will be enough to drown out my hatred for the people I now surround myself with. I would kill to be back at Eddie’s trailer playing D&D and listening to Black Sabbath, I would kill to be anywhere but Lovers Lake with a beer I didn’t even want in my hand.
Eddie became my best friend in 6th grade when I moved to Hawkins. Back then, I was pretty awkward and pretty angry at absolutely everything. My dear old dad had packed up everything and left me and my mom to try to survive on our own, so we moved back to my mom’s hometown of Hawkins, Indiana. It was nothing compared to back home in New York. I hated it, I hated my dad, I hated everything. But then I met someone who understood my anger, someone who knew exactly how I felt. His name was Eddie Munson. He was dorky as shit but also the coolest kid I had ever met. His hair was buzzed, he wore band tees, and he hung out with a girl who was just as cool as him. Veronica Ecker, or just Ronnie for short. She was tall with dark hair and a baseball cap she refused to ever take off. 
I remember walking in on my first day of 6th grade at Hawkins Middle. I was oh so lucky to be a new student on Halloween day. Everyone was in costume, I was just in an orange sweater and black jeans. I couldn’t afford a costume and we had thrown out all my old ones in the move. We couldn’t bring too much with us to Hawkins. There were already rumors about me before I had even stepped foot on school grounds. Rumors that I moved there because I got kicked out of every school in New York for starting fights. Another rumor spread that I was somebody from a government experiment that they had planned to plant at the school for research. It’s impressive just how creative 6th graders can get. The truth was too boring for them and nobody had cared to hear it, well, not nobody. Eddie Munson had waltzed up to me as I sat on the bleachers, he was wearing a pair of devil horns, a big grin spread across his face. “You’re the new girl, right?” He had asked.
“If you’re gonna ask me about the rumors then they’re both true and you should definitely avoid me,” I said sarcastically. I couldn’t help being defensive after having kids whisper about me all day, giggling to one another about how weird I was.
“Nah, they’re bullshit. You don’t look like you could win any fights against anybody,” Eddie joked.
I liked him from that very moment.
“You don’t know that, I bet I could take you, shrimp,” I joked back. It was the first time in a while that I had smiled, the first time in a while there was anything in my eyes besides anger.
“You know, maybe you could…but just think of all the people we could take on as a team,” he smiled. His smile is infectious and the grin on my face got even wider.
“You’re right…we’d be a great team…I’m Viv, by the way,” I said, sticking out my hand for him to shake. I had cracked royal blue nail polish on my nails and a variety of different rings I had found in my mom’s things littered both hands. His hands weren’t much different than mine, his nails had clearly been chewed short and he also had his own assortment of rings.
“Eddie, Eddie Munson…” 
From that moment on we were friends. He introduced me to Ronnie and then in 7th grade we met Dougie and he joined our group. We had all even performed together in our school's talent show. They had me on vocals because I couldn't play any instruments and I would say that I killed it but half of Hawkins wanted us dead or expelled after that so maybe it’s for the best if I forget it ever happened. Or if I forget that anything had ever happened with that group at all. It’s so strange to know that the people who had taken me in and became my first friends here are the ones who hate me most now. I can’t say I blame them though…
When high school started we were all losers, I mean we were losers in middle school too but it became even more obvious once we hit high school. Jocks hated Eddie and Dougie, targeting them constantly. The cheerleaders and preppy girls had it out for me and Ronnie as well. Nothing says ‘Loser’ like getting trash dumped on you or having to memorize your friends' locker combinations for every time they were stuffed into their own locker and needed you to get them out. For all of Freshman and Sophomore year, I was called ‘Pizza Face’ or told that I was ‘flat as an ironing board’ y’know just all the best things you could say to a deeply insecure teenage girl whose hormones had favored developing acne over developing breasts. 
We had taken our love for D&D with us into high school and created a safe haven for people like us, the freaks and the outcasts. Eddie called them his ‘lost little sheep’ and it became his mission to find them…but it turns out a lot of those other freaks and outcasts had believed the lies fed to them about D&D being satanic so attendance was lacking. Nonetheless, we had somewhere we felt safe and it was exactly what we needed. Eddie became our leader, which sadly meant he’d get the most shit from bullies like Tommy H. 
There was nobody worse than Tommy H. His father owned the biggest and most successful car dealership in town. On top of that, he was also a star athlete (which is shocking considering how awful he is at pretty much everything I’ve ever witnessed him do) and that meant he could get away with whatever he wanted. He’d always go after Eddie, he’d start shit with him and then go crying to Principal Higgins about how Eddie had started it and there started Eddie’s record of so-called bad behavior. Being a Munson means it’s practically impossible to do anything and not get shit for it, Tommy knew this and used it to his advantage. He used Eddie as a punching bag and would get away with it, hell most of the time Eddie was the one taking the blame when Tommy would walk away without a scratch on him. And all of this makes me hate myself even more for what I did to Eddie…what I did to all of them…
It was the summer right before the start of junior year. I had been in New York visiting family for June and most of July. I had called Eddie almost every day to let him know about my trip, I did leave out a few key details though…the details of how I had gotten my braces off, how I had finally found something that fixed my acne problems, and most importantly I kept it a secret that I had finally started to develop. I had always had a bit of a crush on Eddie, as we had gotten older it had only gotten worse. I’ve never been good with relationships, my first kiss came from a game of Spin the Bottle in 8th grade. It was awkward, messy, and something I’d pay thousands to erase from the minds of all who witnessed it. I had a boyfriend at one point too, I’d use the term boyfriend very loosely though. It was Charlie Stump, he was a loser like me and we ‘dated’ Freshman year. Our relationship consisted of holding hands and sharing one kiss before he broke it off because he thought metal music was satanic. He was just something to fill the void that I had hoped Eddie would fill instead.
Ronnie had told me about the time Eddie had tried to kiss her when they were 13, I remember wishing it had been me instead, I would’ve let him kiss me whenever he had wanted. Me and Eddie were complicated…we were flirty with one another but whenever someone would address it we’d both claim it was a joke. I lied every single time. I cherished every single touch I got from him, they all felt electric. I cherished every time we’d hold hands to cross the street or to lead one another through a crowd, I cherished the kisses he’d give me on the cheek or forehead whenever I had saved his ass from his bullies, I cherished how he’d hold me against him when we’d watch horror movies. I was never really scared, but he never had to know that. I was lovestruck, but I knew he’d never feel the same. I saw how certain girls would catch his eye, preppy cheerleaders, good girls, girls that were nothing like me. Girls with perfect skin, perfect teeth, perfect bodies, perfect lives. I couldn’t compare. 
When I had finally started to look like the girls that caught his eye I was overjoyed. It was stupid, I felt good because I thought I would finally have a chance with my best friend. My best friend who had been designated as the freak of Hawkins High. His house was my first stop when I returned from my trip to New York. It was late but his trailer was only about a mile from the apartment complex I lived in with my mother. I had put on my best outfit, something that would surely make him swoon. It was a black denim dress, it buttoned up and the skirt flared out at the bottom, it was cute. I had even learned to do nicer makeup when I was visiting my cousins. I switched out my heavy eyeliner for something more soft and subtle. Something that girls that he likes would wear. I walked over with a smile on my face and hope in my heart. This would be the night I would win him over…or so I thought. 
When I arrived at the Munson residence I was met with the site of an unfamiliar car parked in front of the trailer. It was way too nice to belong to Wayne or Eddie, it was out of place for Forest Hills Trailer Park. My heart was beating faster as I became anxious. Every step I took towards his door felt heavy, it was like my body was slowly becoming filled with lead. I took a deep breath and I finally was at his door. I knocked and waited. It took him a minute to answer the door and when he did I was shocked. He was shirtless and his hair was a mess, there were a few hickeys scattered across his neck and collarbones, he looked hot. But once I got over how good he looked I was overtaken by jealousy. It looks like somebody beat me to it.
“Holy shit…I was not expecting you, Viv,” He chuckled. He was almost unaware of his appearance, unaware that it’s pretty obvious what he’d been doing. 
“I-I just got back into town…I wanted to surprise you…I guess you’re busy…”
Before Eddie could respond I saw a girl walk up behind him, I recognized her instantly and became filled with rage. Nicole fucking Summers. The goddamned bitch who had been tormenting me since 6th grade, she was the one who made up the rumors about me moving to Hawkins for getting expelled from every school in New York. She’s the one who cut off a chunk of my hair in 7th grade, the one who told everyone I still wore a training bra in 8th grade. She was the one who started calling me ‘Pizza Face’ in Freshman year, going as far as to get all her friends to throw slices of pizza at me at lunch. Sophomore year she had stolen my clothes after gym when I was in the shower and I was forced to find them in just my underwear. Out of anyone he could’ve fucked, out of anyone he could’ve lost his virginity to why the fuck did it have to be her. Sure his options are slim but I was right there. 
I was beyond stunned when she began to speak. “Vivi, is that you? You look…different. I guess you grew out of your ugly duckling phase, huh?” She teased. She was in one of Eddie’s shirts, her makeup smeared and her neck was covered in hickeys just like Eddie’s. It took everything in me to not break both of their noses right then and there. 
“I’m just gonna go. Clearly, you’re busy,” I spat out at Eddie. He was lucky I was holding back my anger. I didn’t even let him respond before I was marching off and away from his door, once I was a far enough distance away I started to run. I screamed and I cried and I ran all the way home. My mascara burned my eyes but I ignored it. Eddie’s betrayal had hurt me worse than anything physical ever could. He didn’t notice that I changed, he didn’t care, he fucked the girl who had made my life miserable. At the time I didn’t know it was a one-time thing. She had wanted to brag to her friends about ‘taking the freaks virginity before his loser little friend got a chance.’ 
I locked myself in my room for days, I was beyond angry. I wanted to tear them both apart and then put them back together again so that I could do it all over again. I didn’t know what to think and I didn’t know what to do…until I did. I ignored any calls from Eddie, Ronnie, or Dougie. I told my mom that if they came looking for me to tell them I was sick. I couldn’t face any of them, if I did I wouldn’t have been able to hold myself back. I devised a plan, a plan to get Nicole back for fucking Eddie and one to get Eddie back for fucking Nicole. It was a plan that would go too far for too long. The few times I had gone out in public I had overheard something about there being a party at Steve Harrington's house. His parents were always gone and he hung out with just the people I needed for my plan. 
On a Saturday night in August, I found myself on the front doorstep of the Harrington residence. I was in an almost sheer blouse, my lacy red bra showing through the material, and a mini skirt, it was nothing like I had ever worn before. My makeup and hair were perfect, I knew what these guys liked, it was exactly what Eddie liked. I took a deep breath before waltzing in, heads turning as soon as I walked in the door. I had never been to a party before and I had certainly never looked like this before. “Do you have a staring problem or something, Caleb?” I asked one of Tommy’s cronies. He was closest to me and a perfect target for my plan.
His eyes were glued to me, raking up and down my body slowly. “When Nicole said you got hot I thought she was kidding…” He said as he licked his lips. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the kitchen to find something to drink. 
As I made my way into the kitchen I bumped into none other than Steve Harrington himself. He did a double-take when he saw me. “Holy shit…w-what are you doing here?”
“Can’t a girl go to a party, Harrington?” I replied. He was still sputtering and his face was all red, it felt great to fluster a man like this for once in my life. 
“I’m what? I’m a loser? An outcast? A freak? Not anymore, Harrington.”
He cleared his throat and got a hold of himself, “Where’s Munson? Aren't you two inseparable or something?”
“Not anymore…I umm…let’s just say I outgrew him.” I was totally bullshitting. 
“Really?” Steve asked. He was looking at me the same way that Caleb was when I walked in. 
“Really. Now do you mind showing me where you’ve got some vodka, I really need a drink.” What I needed was liquid courage, courage for the idiotic bullshit I planned to do that night. Steve led me to the vodka and I took a shot, and then another. I was on a mission but fuck I needed that to be able to succeed. 
I look over at Steve and bat my eyelashes, “Hey, Stevie, do you know where Tommy’s at?”
He scratches the back of his neck as he tries to think, “Last I saw him he was outside in the pool.”
I get on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek, “Thanks, Stevie.” His face is flushed when I walk off to go find Tommy. It doesn’t take me long, he’s lounging on one of the pool chairs with a beer in his hand. He’s not somebody I find particularly attractive but I’ll have to fake it for my plan. I smile down at him. “Hey Tommy,” I say as I bite my lip. He looks up at me with wide eyes that get even wider as he takes in my appearance. 
“No fucking way…Nicole wasn’t lying…” He’s taking his time to admire me, I hate how his eyes feel on me.
“It’s amazing what a few months can do, huh? Do you…do you mind if I sit down with you?” I bat my eyelashes at him and he crumbles beneath my gaze. 
“Be my guest…” His eyes are glued to my body, more specifically my chest. 
“So, how was your summer?” I ask, I sit across from him with my legs uncrossed, he has a perfect view of my lacy little thong. It’s red and leaves barely anything to the imagination, it’s ideal for a creep like him. His eyes trail down to the spot between my legs and he smirks.
“It would’ve been a lot better had I known you were spending it turning into this, fuck…” He groans. I’ve got him right where I want him.
“It’s amazing what a summer away from Munson could do to a girl,” I giggle. It feels awful coming out of my mouth, worse than the vodka taste going down. 
“You’re done with him, huh? Wanted to join where you should’ve been the whole time…fuck if we had gotten our hands on you sooner just imagine what you would be Vivian…” He marvels, “I knew you weren’t like them…like those freaks. Bet Munson dragged you into all that satanic shit, you’re better than that, better than him…” Tommy rambles. 
“He did…I-I’m not like that anymore,” I lie through my fucking teeth.
“Yeah? You a good girl now?” Tommy teases. 
“I am…can I show you just how good I am, Tommy?” I flirt. 
“Harrington’s got a guest room upstairs that’ll be perfect, baby. Think of it as your initiation into the good side,” Tommy says. I think he’s exaggerating that last part, that he’s being dramatic, but after what we did that night he had no plans of ever letting me return to Eddie again.
In Sex ED they don’t tell you how needy a guy can be after a one-night stand. This was supposed to be a one-time thing that would get spread around to Eddie so that he’d hurt as bad as he had hurt me. But instead, Tommy got attached, and I became his little project. He planned to mold me into his little homecoming queen. And Eddie…Eddie was more than hurt, he hated me. I can’t blame him, I hated myself for it. I expected an angry phone call or an aggressive confrontation but instead, I was met with radio silence, not only from him but from every single one of my old friends. I went too far and had no other choice than to stay with my new ‘friends’. On the first day of Junior year I walked into school a completely different person. People had heard about my transformation and they had also heard about me hooking up with Tommy, I was already the talk of the school and first period hadn’t even started. When I said that Tommy planned to turn me into his little homecoming queen I wasn’t kidding. He made Tina and Carol take me shopping at the goddamn Gap. They picked me out new outfits, told me how to do my hair, who to talk to, what music to listen to, who to be. The worst part is that I kind of…liked it. I liked how I looked in my new outfits, I liked how my hair framed my face, hell I even liked the music they picked out. It turns out Madonna isn’t too bad when you don’t have somebody trying to shove down your throat that enjoying her music is the worst crime someone could commit. 
So on the first day of school I walked in wearing a pink turtleneck, a light washed denim skirt, and a pair of knee high white boots. I felt pretty, I felt confident, I felt fucking amazing. Well I did until I saw my locker. Eddie had taken the liberty of breaking into the school and defacing my locker, in blood red spray paint the word ‘TRAITOR’ had been written for all to see. It didn’t take a genius to know it was him. He watched me walk up to it with a proud smile on his face, leaning against the lockers right across from mine. Ronnie and Dougie were beaming with him. I was raging, I wanted to punch him in the face. I wanted to yell that he was the traitor for what he did with Nicole Summers, but instead I walked up to him and simply said, “The same could be said for you. At least I wasn’t a pity fuck.” That set him off. Before I know it he’s dragging me down the hall by my arm and into the janitor's closet, he slams me against the wall and for a second I smile. Maybe in some other universe he’s dragging me in here to confess his feelings for me and to kiss me, not in this one though, in this one I ruined any chance of that I could’ve possibly had.
He glares at me like he wants me dead and I’m sure he does. He has me pinned against the wall, his face only inches from mine as he begins to speak. “You may have new friends and a new look but you’ll always be a fucking loser!” He spits. It’s an anger I’ve only heard reserved for people like Tommy. “Your new friends used to treat you like you were nothing, don’t think they won’t drop you once they get bored of you. They’ll throw you out and you’ll have nobody because you burned any bridges you could’ve had back to us. You’re fucking pathetic, Vivian.” Eddie spits in my face and walks out, leaving me to process really how bad I had fucked up. He’s right, but I can’t go back now. I don’t have that choice anymore, I lost my chance when Tommy unbuttoned my blouse upstairs at the party. 
So here I am, senior year, still unfortunately friends with Tommy, Carol, and Tina. Carol had the grand idea of throwing a party at Lover’s Lake and was ready to have my head if I skipped out on one more party this week. I didn’t bother showing up in a swimsuit, I have no intentions of swimming. I’m in a red tight fitting t-shirt, black denim cutoffs that show off way more of my ass than my friends thought was acceptable, and a pair of beat up black converse. I’m standing away from most of the crowd sipping on a beer that tastes like actual piss and regretting giving into Carol's whining about how I just had to come tonight. I scan the crowd and attempt to pick out somebody who I might not hate spending my night with when I see him. He’s in a white t-shirt, ripped light wash jeans, and a pair of boots. His hair is tied up and he’s lighting a cigarette. Fuck.
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euphorajeon · 2 years
boxer!gguk drabble #2
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— pairing: childhood friend!jk x f. reader
— genre: fluff (?), angst (just a bit i swear) | college!au, childhood friends to lovers, boxer!jk
— word count: 1.6k
— warnings: harsh words, tattooed and pierced jk (eyebrow and lip), innuendoes, dubcon (it's just a kiss, but always ask for consent for anything!), a bit overthinking by oc at the end
— summary: after the incident in the living room, jeongguk thinks it's okay to drag you around anywhere he pleases, including the boxing gym he frequents. cue more teasings, more kisses, more innuendoes, and of course ... more intrusive thoughts.
masterlist | boxer!gguk masterlist
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You don’t know why you’re here. Again.
It’s the third time in two weeks that you find yourself sitting in the corner of the gym Jeongguk goes to, typing away at your laptop while trying to ignore the sounds of his punches (and (attractive) grunts).
Ever since that.. incident in the living room, he’s been acting like it’s okay to drag you with him everywhere he goes, be it to the store to buy some milk for his mom (“I need your help choosing the right brand!”) or to the gym whenever he has his boxing sessions (“I punch better when you’re there with me, please?”).
The pleading look you give your mom to not let you go never works in your favor, instead working in Jeongguk’s as she scolds you for always being cooped up in your room and how it’s not good for your health.
You hate how triumphant his smiles are every time he gets you in the passenger seat of his car.
After two gym trips with him, you learned your lesson and brought your laptop with you this time. You really have to work on something for this online course you’re taking, but it’s really more of an excuse not to watch Jeongguk slam his gloved fists against the pads on his trainer’s hands with sweat dripping down the side of his neck. You made that mistake the first time around and the teasing smirk he gave you afterwards was irritating enough that you promise yourself to never give him the satisfaction ever again.
But eh, it’s not Jeon Jeongguk if he doesn’t have a thousand tricks up his sleeve.
“Hey.” He’s suddenly by your side, gloved hand nudging your shoulder. When you don’t look up, his nudges become incessant until you do with an irritated huff. “What?”
“Record me,” he says, grinning when your irritated expression morphs into one of confusion. “Boxing.”
Your brain goes blank and keyboard-smashing at the same time because you’ve been trying to ignore the man exercising before you and now he asks you to record him doing just that? No thanks.
You glance around in search of someone else to take the video for him, but it comes up empty as there are only you, him, and his trainer in the room.
With a sigh, you end up reaching for his phone on the table.
“No, no, use yours.” Jeongguk tilts his head towards your phone which sits right next to his.
A protest of why dies in your throat when he claims that your phone camera captures a clearer video than his—which, truthfully, you doubt is the real reason because as far as you know, you both have the exact same type of phone.
Oh, well, whatever. Anything to get this over with so you can go back home and away from this tattooed muscle demon named Jeon Jeongguk in front of you.
When you press the record button on your phone, there’s a split second where Jeongguk’s lips lift up into a tiny wicked smirk that you miss because he starts punching right away. You don’t know if it’s just your feelings but his punches seem a little harder than earlier, the sound of his gloves hitting the pads making you wince as they get quicker and louder by the second. At one point even his trainer makes an impressed sound and gives him a thumbs up, prompting a huge grin to break out on his face.
You have to admit he has a beautiful smile.
He makes you stand there and record for three more sets before you complain loudly of your arms being sore from holding them in one position for too long. He makes fun of you for being weak but relents while laughing when you throw your shoe in his direction.
You won’t admit that while it’s true that your arms are beginning to ache, the real reason you asked to stop was because you couldn’t handle any more of Jeongguk boxing. Not when there’s a chance he’d come over and ask how the results are and see just how much you’re enjoying yourself ogling his inked biceps flexing with his every move.
That would mean admitting defeat to him for the second time (damn that lip ring) and you really don’t want to see his triumphant smile for the hundredth time. Nope.
So you retreat back to your laptop, place your phone behind the screen, and after making sure the sound is completely off, start playing the videos you just took to admire Jeongguk in private.
(Okay, it’s a bit hypocritical, but you just wanna admire this man without his knowing, alright. He’s beautiful and all but his goddamn ego makes you never want to admit that out loud, much less in his presence.)
You’re too engrossed in the rapid way Jeongguk moves his arms in the video that you don’t notice the person himself is already sitting next to you, quietly watching you watching a video of him boxing.
“Enjoying the show?”
You swear you never slam your laptop closed so hard in your entire life. Your phone is still wedged between the screen and keyboard of the laptop so you’re pretty sure both are damaged now.
You can feel your cheeks burning as you bury your head in your arms, trying to block out the sounds of Jeongguk’s loud laugh beside you. He sounds so happy that he caught you red-handed it almost annoys you.
It’s not almost anymore when he has the audacity to drape his sweaty body all over yours, arms firmly secured around your waist and face nuzzling into your shoulder, making his wet hair tickle your exposed cheek.
“Hey, no need to be embarrassed, I know I’m hot,” he whispers teasingly into your ear.
“You’re wet with sweat, get off me.” You completely ignore his words.
He doesn’t budge. “Jeon, you’re getting sweat on me!! Get off!!”
“Good, I’ll get you sweaty too so we can shower toge— ow!” That’s you pinching his arm that’s still around your waist.
“I prefer you tugging at my lip ring with your tongue to this,” he huffs. “Besides, for someone who really wants me to get off, you’re making no effort to move away either. Just admit you like having my body pressed against yours like this.”
At that, you lift your head and attempt to stand up but a pair of arms prevents you from doing that.
“See! I didn’t move because I knew you’d pull somethi—”
His lips are warmer than usual. You know it’s because he’s just finished working out but it’s just made more prominent by the fact that his lip ring feels ice-cold against your lips.
You’re still embarrassed and annoyed, and now you’re also pissed for two different reasons: being kissed when you didn’t ask for it and the fact that you’re enjoying the kiss.
You’re conflicted which one pisses you off more so you end the kiss by biting down harshly on Jeongguk’s bottom lip. (You also made sure you tugged on his lip ring hard since he said he liked it. Ha.)
He groans loudly and you feel like you’ve won because you think it’s out of pain, but his next words (of course) prove you wrong.
“Fuck, that’s hot. Do it again.”
You’re done. You can never win with this guy.
“Fucking shit, I’m going home.” Your hands quickly reach for your stuffs to hug in your arms. Can’t even stuff them in a bag because you brought them here in Jeongguk’s bag. His idea, obviously.
“But I’m your ride home?”
The glint in his eyes tells you he’s about to make another innuendo and your glare doesn’t deter him even one bit.
“… or do you want to ride me here?”
“Get lost, Jeon.”
He ruffles your hair, chuckling. “Alright, sorry. Put your laptop back down, I’ll be done in fifteen minutes.” He grabs his bag and turns to leave, but not before having the last words.
“… unless you want to join me in the shower?”
“I’m leaving.”
He laughs and blows you a kiss before really disappearing in the direction of the showers.
His nonstop innuendoes really got you thinking.
You’re both friends, but he takes you places just because he wants you there and you both kiss an awful lot for people who claim to be “just friends”. (He’s also very touchy with you but you think that’s just who he is naturally.)
It doesn’t make sense. There’s no way someone like Jeon Jeongguk would get exclusive with someone like you. You’re both way too different. Not to mention he can get any girl he wants with his looks alone.
You know it’s the truth but it hurts thinking that Jeongguk could only be doing things with you now because he just needs someone to fill the gap. Like a friends-with-benefits kinda thing? You don’t know.
By the time Jeongguk gets back to you after his shower, you’re clutching at your hair with your head back on the table.
“Hey, you okay?” he asks with concern in his voice. You look up and you think your expression is pathetic enough that he doesn’t question you further, only reaching for your laptop to stuff it into his bag.
He packs up quietly, letting you ponder in silence. Bad idea, since it only makes you spiral further about the status of your friendship.
When he takes your hand in his warm ones, you almost pull it away.
Shouldn’t have been tempted by his lip ring after all, huh?
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— a/n: thanks for reading! ^_^ tell me your thoughts here
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lostfirefly · 3 months
Life Must Have It's Mysteries (Ch.6)
This is my gift to the world for International Women's Day :) The world didn't ask me to, but I don't care :) Pain continues leading me to art :)
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here.
Description: Buggy and Catherine continue searching for parts of the scepter.
Warnings: Fun, fluff, adventure, Buggy's inappropriate jokes, swearing (as always). Shitty shit again:)
Words: 5728 (sorry, this chapter is long again)
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @rorywritesjunk, @yujo-nishimura (I hope you still like it!)
The title is taken from “Life Must Have It's Mysteries” by Hans Zimmer (OST Inferno).
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
“Jesus Christ, Buggy, fuck off.” Catherine ran out of the bath, holding a towel in her hands and pulling on her underwear. 
“Why are you angry? It was so-o-o good, baby! I'm glad your Buggy Bear can make you moan his name out loud. Geez, it's like music to my ears!” He followed her out, smiling happily.
“Screw you!” She threw the towel at him. “Hate you! Do you even know how to control yourself?” She stood next to the bed and put on a fresh t-shirt and sweatpants. 
“Of course I know, I'm not an animal. Don’t be mad and come to me.” Buggy separated his hands, grabbed Catherine with them, and pulled her towards him. 
“Fuck you and your chop chop shit! Let me go!!” She tried to pry his hands off. 
“Nope.” He hugged her from behind. 
“What you did to me is unforgivable.” She was blushing. 
“Calm down, cotton candy, no one heard us.” He kissed her temple. 
“Actually, I heard you!” A male voice came from behind the wall. 
“Oh, my god!” Catherine covered her face with her hands. 
“Sorry! But that was hot! I was hap..” The voice wanted to continue the conversation. 
“Shut up, or I'll cut your throat!” Buggy barked at the man. “Do you want me to go and kill him, my little pie?” He whispered quietly in her ear and buried his face in her hair.
“No-o! Let him live.” Catherine removed her hands from her face, placed them on his hands and started chortling.
“What's so funny?” 
“God, I never thought I'd start a relationship with a clown with whom I'd have hot sex in a shower in a motel in the middle of the desert. And there will be a man lying in the next room who'd hear how you are fucking me.” She shook with laughter. “My mom and sister would be shocked. How did their little decent Catherine come to this?” 
“I don’t even know if I should be offended now or not. I’ll never ever force you to do anything against your will.” She heard the sadness in his voice. He was clearly upset.
“Oh, come on, my silly clown.” Catherine turned to Buggy, wrapped her arm around his neck, and ran her other hand through his loose wet hair. “I know that. Don't worry about it, okay?” 
“I’ll never hurt you.” Buggy looked at her with a frightened stare.
“I know!” Catherine stroked his chest. 
“So, you're not angry at me, right? Because I…”
“Shush!” She put her finger to his lips. “Everything is fine. But do me a favor.”
“Anything you want, Cathie-pie.” Buggy took her hand and kissed it. 
“Please get dressed. You've been naked since the moment you ran out of the bath after me, and our curtains are open.” She pointed with her gaze to the window behind which stood a family with a small child with their jaws dropped.
Catherine turned to the window and went to close the curtains, not knowing whether to be ashamed of the whole situation or proud. 
She smiled, waved to the people outside, closed the curtains and turned to Buggy, who was sitting on the bed. “My blue-haired love, please. Underpants. I see your... well…Buggy Balls.” She flushed. 
He detached his hand, grabbed Catherine's wrist and pulled her sharply towards him, sitting her on his lap. “So? We can do something more interesting while I'm like this.” Buggy hugged her, clucked his tongue and smashed his lips into hers. His kiss was a little sloppy at first, but became deeper. 
Catherine instantly cupped his face and pressed herself against him. She began to moan through the kiss, feeling his hand slide up her thigh.
“No, no!” She struggled but broke the kiss. “Get away from me, fucking clown!” Catherine slapped his hands. “That’s it. I'm getting up now and gonna make us breakfast. You get dressed and come to me, okay?”
Buggy pouted and sighed heavily. “Okay.”
Catherine smiled and pecked him on his nose. “I love you.”
She got up from his lap and quickly ran to the kitchen. She made his favorite breakfast and brewed coffee.
“Are you coming? Everything's ready.” Catherine was putting the plates on the table when Buggy came to the table and plopped into a chair. 
“You know, when I told you to get dressed, I didn't mean to go out in just a pair of very short underpants. You could at least wear boxers, otherwise you look like a stripper.” She poured him coffee, put it on the table and kissed him on the cheek. 
“You like what you see, don't you?” He smiled slyly. 
“Oh my god.” Catherine rolled her eyes. “Eat up. Your favorite fried eggs with lots of bacon and five sausages.” 
Buggy happily stuck his fork into the sausage and took a big bite. “Yummy! Thank you!” He mumbled with his mouth full. 
“Buggy, chew first, then talk. We've discussed this more than once.” 
Catherine checked the drawers in the kitchen. “Sugar. There's no sugar in here. Oh, wait, I grabbed some at the diner. Otherwise, I will be visited by a whining Buggy who will begin suffering because he cannot drink coffee without sugar. And then I’ll definitely kill you.” 
Catherine went to her bag and pulled out a couple of packets. “I think we'll eat and cont-- Why are you wearing just one sock?” She looked at him, pointing her fingers at his feet. 
Buggy shrugged and bit the sausage. “I couldn't find the other one.”
“Jesus Christ! If you couldn't find the second one, take the pair that has two socks. I can't believe it, Buggy. You drove me crazy today.” 
“Just today? I thought I could do this almost every night. And twice this morning. If you know what I mean.” He chuckled idiotically and started imitating her voice. “Hate you, Buggy, Oh, fuck me, Buggy. Please, Buggy, don't stop, yes, more. Geez, I love hearing that.” He took a bite of the sausage.
“Shut up! You're pissing me off!!” She hit him on the head, threw the sugar packets on the table, and went back to the bags. “Honestly, you're like a big baby sometimes. Although why sometimes. You're always like a big baby.” Catherine found a clean pair of socks in her bag and walked back to him. “How did you even live before me? I wouldn't be surprised if, before you met me, you could have been lying drunk in an alley somewhere.”
Buggy looked at her, chewing the bacon, and smiled strangely. 
“Oh, my God! You were lying drunk in an alley somewhere?” She threw socks at him. 
“So what?” He asked, stuffing three pieces of bacon into his mouth.
“So what? Well, I don’t know. You could have been hurt. You could have been beaten or robbed.”
Catherine poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down on the chair. She sipped her coffee, watched Buggy happily spooning bacon onto a sausage, and started laughing. 
“What are you laughing at?” He asked, dipping the sausage in the yolk. 
“God, I went to a good university. My parents would be shocked at who their daughter fell in love with.” Catherine brought the mug up to her nose and squinted her eyes. 
Buggy raised one eyebrow in the silent question. 
She giggled. “Eat your breakfast, idiot!” 
“I'm telling you, you read the map wrong!”
“Stop grumbling, Buggy! I couldn't read it wrong. See, in the copies it was written to go on the Long Ring Long Land highway. Shit. Another stupid name.” Catherine mumbled. 
They were standing in the middle of a part of the desert that was covered with few plants. The place seemed lifeless. 
“I'm telling you, we're lost!” 
“Jesus, will you stop whining?” She lightly punched the navigator in the car a few times. “The damn thing sometimes malfunctions from the heat.”
“We're standing in the middle of nowhere, and we don't know where to go.” Buggy picked up a bottle of water and took a small sip. 
“Don’t be nervous.” Catherine put her hand on his wrist and gently ran her fingers over it. He immediately fell silent. “Hm. I think I've found my way to calm you down.” She said quietly.
“Nothing, nothing.” She ran her hand over his ponytail. “Oh, look! There's some kind of caravan out there. Wait a second!” Catherine got out of the car and ran forward.
“Catherine, wait!” Buggy quickly looked out the side window and slapped his hands on the steering wheel. “Fuck!” And quickly went after her. 
Catherine ran across the sand towards the caravan. It was a big group of people, some of whom were sitting on camels, some of them walked on the ground, carrying the bags. Almost all were wrapped in clothes of fine rose-colored silk.
“Sir, sir!” Catherine ran up to the man sitting on the first camel. “Excuse me!” 
The man made a motion with his hand and the caravan stopped. He jumped off the camel and approached Catherine.
“What can I do for you?” The man asked with a low voice.
“Another one without a t-shirt.” She thought in her head. 
It was a very tall, light blond-haired, very lean and muscular man with tan skin. He was dressed in a green belt, and orange pants with white stripes, his light pink feather coat and wore thin white sunglasses with red lenses. He walked with an odd, bow-legged waddle. 
Catherine looked at him, blinking rapidly, and all she could say was, “Aren't you hot in your pink coat?” 
“Did you stop me asking that question?” Asked the man. Catherine looked at him more closely.
“What? Oh, no! I'm sorry! Would you mind...” Catherine felt Buggy's hand on her arm.
“I've told you a million times not to do that!” He hissed through gritted teeth and glared at the man in the pink coat. Buggy instinctively pulled Catherine a little closer to him. 
She pulled her hand from his arm and took two steps forward, walking over to the man in the fur coat, and showed him the notebook. “Look, we’re looking for this place.” Catherine pointed her finger somewhere on the sheet. “We were on the right road, but either we got lost or something else.” 
“Why would such a beautiful girl go to those godforsaken lands?” The man asked. “I'm Doflamingo, by the way.” 
“Your parents were cruel to name you that.” She shook her head. “Never mind. We're just tourists from Loguetown. My boyfriend and I came to Egypt to see the ancient beauties. So here we are, traveling back and forth, seeing all sorts of ancient stuff.” 
Catherine noticed Doflamingo shift his gaze to the clown as soon as she said the word “boyfriend”. 
“Weird.” He took two steps toward Catherine, stood behind her back, and put his finger in his notebook, slinging his arm over her shoulder. “You see this road right here.” 
“Uh-huh.” She took a small step forward. 
“So he can go that way.” He whispered in her ear, glancing at the clown. “And you, you can join my caravan.” 
Catherine turned her head and looked at him questioningly. Doflamingo winked at her.
“Why do men in Egypt talk to me like that?” She threw his arm off of her. “Listen, DogDingo or whatever your name is.”
“Doflamingo, actually.”
“Whatever. I can break your back if you don’t tell me where to go.” Catherine looked at him angrily.
“Okay. This is where you need to go. Now you're going to take this road right here.” He put his elbow on her shoulder and pointed in the direction with his finger. You'll see a foxy-shaped cactus and turn right. Drive about another hour or so, and you'll get to the right place.”
Catherine slammed the notebook shut, threw Doflamingo's arm off again, and replied “thank you” sharply. 
She took two steps towards Buggy, who was already getting redder than his nose from either heat or anger, took his hand and ran her fingers over his palm. 
“My little bear, get me away from this strange man.” Buggy hugged her around her shoulder and led Catherine toward the car. She got in, took another easy swipe at the navigator and punched in the coordinates from her notepad. 
Buggy was silent the whole way and clearly not in the mood as Catherine stroked his back.
“You know, when that man said fox-shaped cactus, I didn't think it would be a man-shaped cactus with his hair split into two spikes. There's even a sign here. Foxy City - 500 kilometers from here.” Catherine staring at the plant with interest. 
“Yeah. For all I know, he organized his community and now lives somewhere in the desert.” Buggy replied rather dryly, stepping closer to her. 
“Are you alright? You've been so quiet the whole way. And that's very unusual for my clown.” She ran her hand over his arm. 
“What? Yeah. I'm fine.” 
Catherine walked over to him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and rested her head on his chest. 
“What are you doing?” He asked surprised. 
“I love you and want to give you a hug. I thought you seemed upset after seeing that flamingo-man.” 
“I'm not upset. Big deal that every man on our journey considers it a right to flirt with you.” Buggy placed his hands on her back. 
“Hah, I knew you were jealous!” She squeezed him in her arms.
“I’m not! Better tell me where do we go from here?”
Catherine, without removing her head from his chest, simply pointed her finger in the right direction.
They walked along the very light and very faintly saturated reddish-yellow colored sand for about half an hour. Catherine kept looking at her notepad, orienting herself to the notes on the coordinates, while Buggy was silent the entire time. Catherine looked ahead, then at her notes, then ahead again. 
“Oh my God! Fuck me!! It can’t be!” She started squealing, kicking her legs and threw herself at Buggy with a hug. 
“Geez! What’s wrong, cotton candy?” He stopped pouting and laughed. 
“Do you know what a pyramid is?!” She waved him from side to side and pointed a finger in its direction. 
“I have no idea!”  
Catherine flopped to the ground and grabbed her head. She looked at a smooth-sided pyramid made of limestone. She lay down on the ground and started kicking her legs again. Catherine rolled from her back to her buttocks and looked at Buggy. She smiled broadly, joyfully clenched her hands into fists and jumped up to him with a squeal again. 
“Love.” Smack. “Love.” Smack. Smack. “Love, love, love you.” Smack. Smack. Smack. 
“I’m certainly delighted by your reaction, but maybe you can enlighten me?” Buggy flicked her on the nose. 
“Ouch!” She scratched her nose. “This’s Nefer Asut Unas. The pyramid of Unas!” 
“First of all, I didn't understand the first three words. And U.. Who?”
“The pyramid of Unas, he’s the last ruler of the Fifth Dynasty. All walls in this pyramid are covered with texts. These texts are prayers, spells, and incantations to help the deceased king ascend to his place among the gods in the sky and to resurrect. They are considered to be one of the oldest religious texts in the history of Ancient Egypt.” 
“Cathie-pie, I love it when you share your knowledge, but seriously, I didn’t understand half of what you said. So. This’s… This's... What?” 
“This’s the ancient necropolis. Let me see my notes. Not this one, not this one. No, no, no.” Catherine ran her fingers over the sheets and felt Buggy rest his chin on her shoulder. She reached out and scratched his head with her fingers. “Here! Look. The entrance to the pyramid is located on its north side, and from there, a descending passage leads to a series of chambers and passages. We need to find this room.” She pointed her finger at the drawing. “This’s our goal on the southern side. The largest chamber is the burial chamber, where the pharaoh's sarcophagus is placed. So I suggest not to lose time. We pack our things and set out on a search.” 
While Catherine was checking the flashlights, she looked at Buggy, who was changing his t-shirt. She glanced at his naked torso and blue hair on his chest. 
“I hate you.”
Buggy looked at her in confusion. “This is your fourth “I hate you” in the last two hours, Cathie-pie. Could you please tell me what did I do?”
“Screw you!” She wrinkled her nose, took extra batteries and a hatchet with her, just in case. 
They approached the main entrance to the complex. The whole complex was made of the main pyramid, a valley temple, a mortuary temple, a causeway, and the main pyramid which are all enclosed by a perimeter wall. They got to the entrance to the pyramid. Catherine examined the wall and stairs. Some of the casing on the lowest steps of it has remained intact.
“Now where do we go?” Asked Buggy, flopping down on the sand.
“Okay, look. Firstly, we have to be careful again. This pyramid is also on the tourist route. It's not as popular as the others, of course. But there are some people hanging around there.” Catherine glanced at a small group of tourists. She shifted her gaze to Buggy, put her hand to his face, and pulled a bottle of water out of her bag. “Here, you need some water.” 
He looked at her with confusion, but took the bottle from her hands and took a sip. “Thanks.”
She put the bottle back down, ruffled his hair and pulled out the map again. “Now there will be some kind of corridor, and then we'll enter a spacious hallway that we'll follow to the tomb we need.”
He picked up the ground, took the flashlight from her, and shined it down the path. “Well, this looks good. Let’s go?” 
They looked at another group of tourists at the same time and walked into the entrance. Descending an easy passage that drops about five meters, they entered a narrow horizontal tunnel that was well-illuminated, leading to the main hall.
“So beautiful!” Catherine could barely contain her squeals as they entered the central hall. “Some of the best hieroglyphs I've seen. Look! They’re very clear and some still have a bit of color.” She approached one of the walls and slightly ran her fingers over the drawings. 
Buggy walked up to her, put his hand on her back and looked carefully at her satisfied face.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Catherine noticed him staring at her.
“Me? I'm not looking.” He cleared his throat. “So. Where do we go next?”
“Oh, yes. We're straight ahead and to the east and then to the west.”
“Then let's go. If those people from the street follow us, it will be difficult for us to find anything.”
They walked through the long horizontal passage following a level path to the antechamber, which was guarded by three granite slab portcullises in succession. The passage ended at a room located under the center axis of the pyramid. All the walls and the ceiling were covered with hieroglyphs, drawings and various signs.
“Amazing!!” Catherine whispered, moving her flashlight along the walls. “Okay! Now to the east. Wow! Buggy! You see those letters?” She pointed with her hand at the wall.
“These are ancient texts which are said to mark the beginning of the afterlife.” Catherine didn’t notice how she took Buggy's hand. “Wow! It’s like a voyage through time, right? You know, my dad and I once dreamed of going to Egypt and seeing the pyramids. He would have loved it.” She felt Buggy stroke her arm with his fingers. “I'm sorry, a little flashback came over me.”
“Hey! Don't be sorry, my cotton candy.” Buggy hugged Catherine’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head. 
“I wish he could... “ She felt how Buggy hugged her tightly. “You know. Nevermind. We’re losing our time. Let's go.” Catherine dragged Buggy to the next room. 
They turned in the right direction to the east and saw a small room with 3 recesses.
“This’s the antechamber! Now to the west!” 
They turned to the west and reached the Burial chamber. The ceiling of the room was painted with golden stars in a dark blue sky. The decoration in every spare inch of the part of the walls consisted of vertical columns of meticulously carved hieroglyphs painted in blue. The saw basalt sarcophagus, surrounded by white alabaster walls.
“What’s this?” Buggy asked, shining his flashlight at the ceiling, which had starfish and hieroglyphics painted on it.
“Oh! These drawings represent Unas aspiring to become a star in order to ascend to the heavens. “We are now in the land of Osiris, the first resurrected king, where Unas was expected to spend time before he could go up to the sky.” 
“Where are we?” Buggy rounded his eyes. “It seems to me that we encountered this in the past... that one.. Okiris.”
“He’s Osiris, Buggy. Osiris and Anubis are the central characters of Egyptian mythology. No wonder they are everywhere. ”
She ran the flashlight along the wall and carefully traced the hieroglyphs with her hands. She started reading quietly. 
“Wow. Listen.
May you cross the sky united in dark. May you rise in light land, the place in which you shine. Set, Nephthys, go proclaim to Upper Egypt's gods and their spirits. This Unas comes, a spirit indestructible. If he wishes you to die, you will die. If he wishes you to live, you will live.
And these writings on the walls are a kind of Book of the Dead.” 
“And these things are probably expensive. Let’s take one?”
Catherine heard Buggy’s voice and shifted her gaze at him. She saw the canopic chest standing in the wall and Buggy, who had almost taken one of the figurines in his hands.
“Don't touch! How did you... How did you find them?” 
“I don't know. I just did what you usually do. Slid my hand along the wall and the thing opened. Cool stuff, yeah? Let's take it?” Buggy pointed to the vessels with his eyes and extended his hand. 
“I said no!” She slapped his hands. “I already told you, don’t touch anything!”
“But why?”
“Do you know who it is?” Catherine pointed her finger at the four vessels.
“I don't know.” Buggy shrugged. “A dog, a baboon, a bird, and a guy with hair.” He pointed the flashlight at each thing.
“It's not the dog, the baboon, the bird, and the guy. It's the four sons of Horus. They assist the king in his ascent to heaven with the help of ladders. I told you about Horus, remember?” 
“If you were naked then..” Buggy got lost in thoughts. “Then no.”
“No, idiot!! When we were on our first adventure.”
“No, either. Then I imagined you naked.” He giggled idiotically. 
“Oh god!” Catherine rolled her eyes. 
“So why can't I take them? Are you afraid that these nice guys can somehow harm me?” He stared at the vessels, hoping that Catherine would allow him to take one.
“I don't want to check, to be honest. We're in foreign territory. And we don't need to steal things from the Egyptian pyramids. God knows what curses are on them.”
“You're too late for curses, cotton candy. We stole part of the scepter from the last pyramid.” Buggy ran the flashlight over the heads of the creatures and squinted one eye.
“Stealing a scepter from the wall or a thing that's meant to hold the entrails is different. Please, Buggy, don't touch it.” She glanced at him with sad eyes.
He scowled, looking at her worried face, sighed sadly and stepped aside. Catherine approached the sarcophagus and began to examine it. 
“You know, Cathie-pie, I wouldn't have gotten this far without you and your knowledge of all Egyptian things.” He said, scratching his head.
“What? What happened to you? You've been acting strange these last few days. You look at me all the time and say nice things.”
“I always say nice things to you! Just.. I don't know. Sometimes I think what would I do without you?” Buggy said quietly. 
“Oh, you'd probably be drinking beer, sitting in bars or on the couch, and taking girls home to do to them what you're doing to me, little pervert.” Catherine let out a little blush and felt him come closer.
“Oh, believe me, I've never done that to anyone.” He chuckled, rested his chin on her shoulder and pinched her ass. 
“I hate you! Don't you dare grab my ass in front of dead pharaohs.”
“You just called me a pervert in front of that pharaoh.” Buggy squeezed her buttocks. 
“You like pissing me off, right?” Catherine narrowed her eyes and glanced at him.
“Ugh, my cotton candy gets angry, and we have sexual tension right next to the dead dude lying in the sarcophagus. How did you come to this, baby?” He wrapped his hands around her waist. 
“You're disg.. Hush!” Catherine covered his mouth with her hand. “There's someone walking around out there.” She carefully removed her hand. 
“Maybe it's a mummy that's risen and come to take you with it?” Buggy pinched her side slightly. 
“Are you an idiot? No. It's probably those people we saw outside. Hell, why did everyone go to Egypt?” Catherine rolled her eyes and slapped his hands. “Get your clingy arms off!” 
They heard voices and footsteps begin to move away. 
“Okay, we need to find the clues and get out of here.” Catherine started snapping her fingers. “The clues. The clues.”
She sat down on her knees and scrutinized the walls. “I don't understand. I don't get it. What's the connection?” 
“Maybe it has something to do with that man in the coffin?” Buggy asked, pointing the flashlights at the sarcophagus. “You said we're in the realm of this one. What's-his-name...” 
“Osiris!” Catherine ran her fingers over her temple. “That's right! You're right!” She huffed and raised her hands above her. 
“I'm right?!” There was surprise on his face. 
“Yes! If we're in the realm of Osiris, and there's something like the book of the dead on the wall, do you know where we are?” Catherine stared with a pleased face. 
“Are you expecting an answer from me?” Buggy bulged his eyes. 
“We're on trial!” 
“Yeah, that made it clearer.” He answered sarcastically. 
“Shh, clown! Look for scales or a drawing of scales. Something like that.” Catherine started running from wall to wall. 
“I didn't get anything, but okay.” Buggy started shining the flashlight on the wall. “Cotton candy, isn't that it?” He looked at the drawing behind the sarcophagus. 
“Where? Where?” Catherine ran up to the sarcophagus and pushed Buggy away. 
“For God's sake, woman!” 
“Yes!! You're doing great!” She ran to him and pecked him on the cheek. “It is the Judgment of Osiris!” 
“Oh my god, Buggy! It's one of the most famous myths! The soul would embark on a dangerous journey through the afterlife to reach paradise. Once the journey through the underworld is complete, the deceased reach the Hall of Final Judgment. Do you know what the most important trial was according to Egyptian mythology? The Judgment of Osiris. Let me check.” Catherine climbed onto the sarcophagus. 
“Cotton candy, what are you doing? You're trampling on a dead man.”
“Look! There’s a door behind the sarcophagus under the drawing with scales. Come here. Help me.” Catherine called Buggy with her hand.
He walked up to her and stood between the sarcophagus and the massive stone door.
“Try to move it!” She lightly spanked his back.
“Fuck, calm down, woman!” Buggy put his hand on the door and tried to move it. “Shit! It's heavy!” 
“Quiet!” Catherine gently slapped his hands. “Do you hear that? Someone's coming.”
Buggy plopped down behind the sarcophagus and pulled Catherine's hand. She collapsed onto him and sat right on his lap, so that his legs were between hers.
“I should mention that I like the position you're sitting in, cotton candy.” He winked at her and growled slightly.
“Holy Gosh!!” Catherine looked out from behind the sarcophagus. “Quiet. They’re close!”
A small group of tourists entered the room. 
Catherine peeked out from behind the sarcophagus and hid again. She pressed her face to Buggy's face.
“Ooh, too much, Cathie-pie, you're so sexy right now.” Buggy whispered and reached his hand towards her ass.
“You're nuts?” She grabbed his hand and covered his month with her other hand. “Quiet!” 
They heard the group walking around the hall and after a while the sounds of footsteps began to drift away.
Catherine looked out and saw an empty room. “Finally! They’re gone.”
She stood up from Buggy and helped him up. “Let’s try to open this door.”
Buggy tried again to move the door. “It doesn’t work out. Fuck!” 
“Wait! You see? The drawing! The scarab on the wall!” Catherine pressed her hands on the drawing. “Oh! I know! I know! We need to open the sarcophagus.” Catherine whispered and started hitting Buggy's hand. 
“Excuse me?” He stared at her.
“There should be a decoration in the shape of a scarab inside. According to myth, the scarab came out of the eyes of Osiris, and was also a kind of guide to the afterlife. Help me!” Catherine slapped her hand over the sarcophagus.
“I’m really sorry. Weren't you the one who told me not to take any weird stuff?” Buggy indignantly whispered.
“Don't be a baby! Do you want the second part of the scepter or not? Help me!” 
“Fine! Geez!” 
They leaned on the lid of the sarcophagus and tried to push it aside. Catherine remembered about the hatchet in her bag. She took it out and gave it to Buggy. He struck the hatchet several times between the lid and the base of the sarcophagus, and they managed to open it.
“Shit. There are the remains of mummies and bandages!” Catherine squealed. “Where is the scarab? Where are you... There it is! Buggy! Under his hand. More precisely, what is left of it. Get it, please.”
Buggy reached into the sarcophagus and suddenly fell into it.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?!” Catherine whispered with worry in her voice.
“Yeah. Shit, this thing stinks. Is that what you asked for?” He showed the scarab in his hand.
“Yeah!” She squealed. “Wait. Why didn't you use your chop chop thing?” 
Buggy looked at her, not knowing what to answer.
“Idiot and hero! But you smell like mummy now.” Catherine quickly kissed him on the cheek and helped him out. “Oh my God, I'm robbing graves.” She shook her head.
“You’ll have mental suffering later. What's next?” Buggy dusted his hands off.
Catherine placed the scarab on the drawing and quickly took out her notebook. “Okay. Now you just have to swipe it right three times and left four times and then press it.”
Buggy put his hands on the scarab and, at Catherine's command, rotated it in the right directions.
“And now what?” He asked at glanced at her.
The scarab's wings glowed a light turquoise color, and a narrow passage opened into a small corridor.
“Baby, if we find the second part of the scepter there now, I will buy the most expensive bottle of wine for you today.” Buggy rubbed his hands.
They entered the corridor and looked around.
“Look!!” She pointed to the drawing. “This is an allusion to the scales of Osiris. The transition to another world consisted of two parts. During the first part was when the soul stood between 42 judges. Here they are!” She patted Buggy on the shoulder and pointed to the drawings. “The second part was weighing the heart. Here is the drawing!” Catherine started jumping and kicking her legs. “The heart was weighed against the feather. If the heart was found to be heavier than the feather, it was fed to Ammut, a beast associated with the time of judgment. If the scales were balanced, the deceased had passed the test and was taken before Osiris, who welcomed them into the afterlife.” 
“Cathie-pie, I love your lectures about Ancient Egypt, but how will this help us find the scepter?”
“Look! There are stones in the shape of a feather and a heart. And here is something similar to a scale. Buggy! I need your help again. Take the heart-shaped stone and put it on the left bowl, and the feather-shaped stone on the right.” 
Buggy took the stones and put them where Catherine pointed.
“So, what is next?” He looked at her questioningly. 
“I don’t know.. Oh, wait, there’s an inscription here! Wait… King.. Die.. Setting sun. Wait! Listen!
The king did not die,  He became the one who rises like the morning sun on the horizon.  He rests from life like the setting sun in the west, but he will rise again in the east.  O, king, you did not leave dead, you left alive!  Did you say he would die? No, he won't die.  This king lives forever. He escaped the day of his death.  O, high among the eternal stars! You will never die.”
As soon as Catherine finished reading the poem, the scales tipped towards the heart-shaped stone.
“Fuck!” Catherine sat down on the floor and buried her face in her knees. 
“What happened?” Buggy asked with incomprehension in his voice.
“I don't know. If it's like a myth, I think...” Catherine mumbled in her knees. 
“Um, cotton candy. Look!” Buggy lightly tapped her head with his finger. “Is it supposed to happen like this?”
Catherine raised her head. They saw the scales swung in the opposite direction and the heart appeared on the same level with the feather.
“It can't be! If this is all for real this means that Unis's soul had passed the test!” Catherine grabbed her head.
At that moment, the stones in the wall moved. Catherine jumped up and ran towards them. She reached into the opened space.
“Fuck, you see that?” She felt Buggy looking over her shoulder.
“Cotton candy, I think, we're having a party tonight!”
23 notes · View notes
twstfanblog · 10 months
*~Nasty Neige~*
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AN: GOD, I lost control over this fic the second I started it, I didn't mean to make this thing so long. Which is why it took me so long to get everything down and editing. I know I missed something but I can make edits as I put links up on the other entries.
Word Count: 5.3K
Warnings: Neige being a general creepy guy. Obsessive thoughts, stalker vibes. Swears. She/They Yuu OC.
Pairings: Vil/Rook, Vil & Yuu (Siblings), One-sided Vil/Neige, Epel/Deuce?/Jack? (Guess)
Starter, Part 1 (Here), Part 2 (Heartslabyul), Part 3 (Diasomnia)
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Classes didn’t start for another week and the open house event didn’t start for another day, so Yuu didn’t have any reason to be awake before noon. But she was because her trauma-filled body kept hearing noise downstairs. The first few times she was able to drift back to sleep, not hearing anything after the initial sound and assuming Grim was walking around looking for snacks. But then she realized Grim was still sleeping tucked up against her stomach, more floorboards creaking downstairs with no explanation. She does her best to not jostle Grim, reaching to the nightstand and grabbing her phone, cursing under her breath as she sees it was barely past 8:30 am.
She didn’t change out of her pjs, slipping on her houseshoes while she left the bed. Making sure Grim was tucked into the still-warm covers, Yuu grabbed her golf cub, making her way downstairs and avoiding the loud boards. Even after multiple renovations, there were still floorboards that creaked and on bad storm nights the whole house sounded like it groaned. (A part of her simply made peace with that it wouldn’t be Ramshackle if it wasn’t a little old and creaky). Besides her, Grim was the only one who knew what boards hated being stepped on. Ortho knew them too but he didn’t walk much. Epel seemed to take sick pleasure in stepping on each one whenever he came over, and the rest of her friends were either too naturally loud or heavy to not make noise in the dorm. 
She would have felt more at ease if whoever was in her house was being loud. Her friends were loud, even if they knew she was asleep. But whoever was there was trying to be quiet and failing. Once downstairs she tries to hear where the intruder was, poising to swing. The sound of the toaster popping gives her the element of surprise, rushing into the kitchen.
Both she and the blond intruder scream when they see each other, Yuu just barely stopping her swing. Vil braced himself against the counter, breathing in a forced calm pattern before glaring at her. His hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, face bare besides a tinted lipgloss. Dressed in a modified cropped yellow hoodie, high-waisted black leggings and simple sneakers, “I swear you and Epel are determined to give me gray hairs! Why are you just so ready to deal violence!? It’s 8 in the morning!”
Yuu leans against her golf cub, trying to ease her own adrenaline spike, “Yeah! It’s 8 am, why are you in my house!? Also, are you dying? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without foundation.” Her anger grows seeing the disheveled model look at her with a pinched face, not answering her as he turns back to plate the food he was cooking on her stove. She opens her mouth to yell again, only to look at the kitchen window and realize, “...Did you close the blinds?”
Yuu had an odd relationship with blinds after meeting Rook. Yes, she kept her more personal areas heavily covered and only opened them for her monthly dorm deep clean, but the more communal areas of the dorm were free to be viewed from outside. It was nice sometimes to be relaxing on her lonesome only to hear a tap against a window. A tap could be Jack and Vil on their morning runs asking her to pass them glasses of water or fruit she had on hand. Maybe Lilia coming to scare her or show her a new melody he’d learned. Ace or Deuce coming to beg her for help after they’ve pissed Riddle off. And Vil knew Rook would rather enter through a window than a damn doorway. Either way, open blinds at Ramshackle had come to mean ‘Come in’. Something that Rook delighted in whenever he wasn’t too busy with his ‘errands’.
“...” She looks around, finally taking note how all of her downstairs windows seemed to have not only their binds but the thick curtains closed, “Are you and Rook fighting?”
“Oh, he’s going to wish we were when I get back in the dorm…”
She laughs, watching the model bite into a slice of toast with a runny egg on top of it, “Oh sevens, the year hasn’t even started yet. Why are you fighting?” 
Vil huffed, rolling his eyes, trying to avoid her gaze. Talking with one’s mouth full was just rude, plus he knew if he started ranting his food would be cold before he was done. If he had to hide out at Ramshackle for the day he would need the protein. Glancing down at Yuu, he openly takes another big bite of toast, just to show he wasn’t going to answer her anytime soon.
“Ok, fuck you too then, I’ll just open the blinds while you’re being a bitch.”
He chokes on a bite, nearly dropping the plate in his rush to shove it onto the counter. Nails sinking into her shoulder to stop her, not caring at the mush of food falling out of his mouth as he shouts, “NO!”
Yuu hisses, a hand coming up to yank Vil’s hand away from her, “OW!? Ok, what is the issue? Is Rook finally coming to shave an undercut on you or something?”
Vil sighs, giving her a small apologetic look before he swallows, “Neige is in Pomefiore. I…really didn’t want to deal with him today so I managed to make my way here to hide out. I don’t think anyone saw me, but I didn’t want to risk someone seeing me from the windows…” He takes another bite of toast, fingers wiping yolk from his lips, “Sorry about your shoulder…”
“...” Yuu sighs, placing her club against the wall and waves his apology off, “It’s fine. I hate Neige too but like- Wait, why is his ass here?” At Vil’s equally bewildered shrug her brows crease, “The open house doesn’t start until tomorrow? Are you sure he’s like here, here?”
“Seeing how Rook was yelling outside my room about his ‘Roi de Neige’ being in Pomefiore and he had to make himself look presentable, I would think so.” Vil scoffs, rolling his eyes at the very idea of anyone liking Neige.
Good ole Rook, scaring the precious wildlife to get them to escape a foreign danger. Might as well send him a text to ask how long he thinks it’ll be until Vil was safe to enter his dorm again.
“Well, get comfy I guess. Idia made sure I was set with cable and various media players, so there should be something on the TV. I’m going to make breakfast for me and Grim.”
Vil moved out of her way, finishing off his breakfast before grabbing a mixing bowl to hand to her, “Sorry, I should have made you two something as well instead of just myself.”
“Please don’t. Your unseasoned pallet would send Grim over the edge.”
The dorm leader, moves the bowl out of her grip, smacking her on the head with it before putting it on the counter, “Fuck you, you don’t need to use salt and garlic salt in the same dish.”
“They are different things, Vil.”
“They’re both salt.”
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Neige looked around before fully exiting from the mirror, a hand quickly making sure his wig was in place. It wasn’t hard borrowing a disguise from his friends on his current movie set. Decked out in a mid-length pink wig and pale blue contacts, a simple white shirt, indigo overalls and his dark brown boots he wasn’t the least bit recognizable. Biting into his lower lip softly, he squealed, staring at the castle against the early sky. That’s where Vi slept! The blond had been in this very pocket dimension for years, he walked on these paths, talked in the halls, bathed in the water- He needed to focus. Giving himself one last preening, he calms his breath and walks toward the dorm.
Each step made his heart flutter. Excitement and fear pulsing in his veins the closer he got to the large, pristine castle. He was breaking so many rules; he wasn't supposed to be here for many reasons. The open house wasn't even open for the Seven's sake, he didn't go to this school, and he had no one's permission to be here. But he had to, it was his only chance. The open house would no doubt have people crawling all over the campus. Neige wouldn't be able to walk around as himself, let alone be able to get some alone time to talk with his Vi.
Ah. Just the thought of him alone was enough to make his knees weak. 
He closes his eyes, hands gripping onto his shoulders in a self-hug when he finally steps onto the main area of the dorm. He breathes it all in, nearly missing a figure in an old yellow hoodie race past him to exit through the mirror. 
He opened his eyes in panic, looking to see if the other figure was suspicious of him. He lets out a breath in relief. Whoever they were, they seemed more interested in running to wherever. Vi had made posts about how proud he was of his dorm members taking morning runs, maybe they were simply late for a run with friends. His palms get sweaty as his thoughts start to race at the thought of Vi running with him.
The image of Vi in his black and light purple designer tracksuit, hair pulled back into a wind-swept ponytail. Lips open in a pant as sweat drips down his jaw- FOCUS. He wasn't here to fantasize! He could do that when he went back to his dorm. Hopefully after gaining something to remember his trip by.
His eyes scan the courtyard. It was beautiful as expected, with elegant pathways of carved stones and a large elaborate water feature giving a calming background noise to the area. Apple trees with bright red fruits scattered amongst the deep green grass. The area was so clean and proper he could almost imagine he was back on Royal Sword grounds.
Pulling out his phone he starts to walk on the grass, whispering a small apology for ignoring the very clear sign saying to ‘Stay Off’. Vi had posted a video in late spring. He and a few other students had replanted a number of trees after a mysterious storm had wrecked multiple dorms in NRC. The blond was shown smeared lightly with dirt, a smile on his face as he gently placed a nursery tree into a hole. The video ending on Vi smiling to the camera, air-kissing the leaves of the tree and a message showing up. 'Grow up lovely, little tree'
(Neige won't comment on how he spent an hour in the bathroom connected to his dorm room, trying to hide his sobs as he promised the paused video to grow up to be a big lovely tree. He doesn't think he was successful if Chenya's side-eye was anything to note.)
He wanted to find that tree, he needed to. The urge to simply touch it, feel the bark and soil that were touched by the hands of perfection. Maybe, if it wasn't too tall yet, he could even kiss those same leaves…
It took him nearly an hour, 9 am rolling around and the sun making its formal appearance in the sky, but he found it. Tucked neatly at a distance from two adult trees, small blooms in the branches but no fruits. This was the tree.
Neige takes a picture, walking closer and snapping more as he posed in front of the tree. He looks the tree over and frowns, in such a short amount of time the tree had matured too tall for him to properly kiss its leaves. He couldn't even take a blossom without struggling to climb the still-thin tree. He was light, but he couldn't risk harming the tree Vi had put such love and dedication to. 
Instead, he looks around, making sure there was still no one walking around the courtyard before he gently placed his hands on the trunk of the tree. One last nervous glance around, he licks his lips, leaning forward to lightly air kiss against the bark of the tree. Pulling back he felt his nerves alight, filling him with excitement that pulled him back toward the tree. This time his lips connected against the rough bark, lips stinging from the contact before he pulls away.
An indirect kiss with his Vi. The tree was their shared project now, another creative child they can look back on together. He can barely hold back his squeal, bouncing on his heels before wrapping his arms around the tree in a hug. He even peppers a few more kisses onto the bark.
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Rook had only sent a single text to respond to her. Stating he would come for Vil when he was done with his hunt before ignoring her other messages. Even now, as lunch rolled around, there was still no answer from the French man.
"Do you not have anything that's prepacked or frozen to eat, potato?"
Yuu looks up from the kitchen table, glaring at the model searching through her cabinets, "You know, you don't need to be here. You could just go back to Pomefiore and deal with your waking nightmare." She turns back to her phone, ignoring Vil's groan and him slamming the cupboard shut.
"You know I can't. Not until I’m sure Neige is gone anyway…" He sighs, moving to sit beside her at the table, "Well, it's not healthy, but I guess I can afford to skip lunch…"
"..." She huffs, rolling her eyes and standing, "No skipping meals, Regina. How about you let me get you a cheat day snack and we can spend time watching terrible movies?"
Vil raised an eyebrow at her, a single black painted nail tapping at the table as he thought her offer over. Vil didn't take cheat days often, if ever. But…he was probably due for one. While he found her food to be disgustingly overseasoned, Yuu did make efforts to modify her favorites so he'd feel comfortable indulging himself. He clicks his tongue and stands from the table, "I suppose. Nothing too greasy dear, the stress of today is already doing a number on my skin. I'll go pick some movies out."
While Yuu was busy in the kitchen, Vil got to work kicking Grim off of his game system. The cat huffed and yowled, but quickly made his way to the kitchen to beg Yuu for a snack. Once Grim was gone, Vil got to work picking from Yuu's horrid movie choices.
Vil could't blame Yuu for not knowing anything when they first met. As the cover story went, before he spoke to them, Yuu was an extremely sheltered child who hadn't been allowed to interact with society. Their social disconnect and blank references to common knowledge only sold the lie. He remembers talking to Crewel, mildly worried of Yuu's home life and what kind of person would raise such a child.
But now he knew them better and didn't need to hold back his distaste for their movie tastes.
What he wasn't expecting was for them to drag him into these terrible movie-viewing sessions. They were at first just painful, having to sit and watch mid-tier actors do mediocre jobs. Sitting quietly as they flubbed lines or the crew barely performed their duties. 
But at their first viewing session, Vil took notice of Yuu's attitude. They were open on their negative opinions of the films, pointing out the same issues Vil found and even some he missed. Before he knew it, it'd become a biweekly event of picking a terrible movie, new or classic, and ripping it apart together. Sure people could call it 'mean', an A-list movie star tearing into indie films. But they were bad films. And he was free to say whatever he wanted in his private time.
He planned on staying the whole day, so he picked more movies than he'd normally allow for a single session. He hummed a song under his breath as he started to set the TV up, a melody he heard Epel mumbling under his breath over and over. The sound of popcorn popping just barely heard from the kitchen. Soon, Grim returned to the couch, making a point to push against him just to be an annoyance, Yuu following behind him with a tray. A bowl of popcorn with a pitcher and two glasses of juice.
They set the tray down on the coffee table, Vil catching a glimpse before they shut the lights off, “Potato! Why would you make this?”
Yuu sits beside him, also shoving their shoulder into his chest in a mock cuddling position, “Shut up, Mexican- I mean- Xochian popcorn is a perfect cheat day snack! Plus I only used like half the mayo and cheese. It’s basically flavorless, just how you like it.”
Vil glares, taking a single kernel before starting the first movie, “How you’ve survived this long on your diet both amazes and infuriates me.”
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Neige kept close to the walls of the dorm. There weren’t too many people walking around, almost all of them simply minding their own business. One even waved at him as they passed in the hallway. He had to pat himself on the back, his disguise was working perfectly!
His nervous walk had slowly turned into his normal skip, eyes roaming along the walls at the ornate architecture and glamorous frames of art. In his bliss, he nearly skips past what could only be the dorm’s lounge. A large seating room with multiple couches and duos of armchairs scattered on polished marble floors. Off in the corner sat an ebony grand piano overlooking the orchard of apple trees. He inhales deeply, the scent of apples and vanilla filling his lungs, with another deep breath, he can pick hints of other notes. Pinches of a flower he couldn’t name and some type of earthly produce. Neige wondered if the smell was something Vi had created or if the dorms naturally smelled this refined.
The lounge was empty, giving him the pleasure to walk and explore the place as he pleased. He took his time to inspect the couches, taking a photo now and again and wondering if he could purchase a matching loveseat for his side of his dorm room. Throw pillow in hand, he walks over to a pair of curtains, lifting them just to peek behind them. The silk pillow slips from his hands, stunned as he looks at a peacock-themed throne. Vi’s throne, the one he sat on. Neige bites his lip so hard he feared he would draw blood. Looking behind him and seeing no one, he stepped into the hidden cove where the throne sat, closing the curtains behind him and hiding from stray eyes.
He drops to his knees instantly, folding his arms under his cheek as he rests his head on the seat of the throne. It was so cozy…Smelling of fresh linens and a dash of lilacs. Nuzzling into the fabric, Neige lets his mind wander. The idea of being in the same school, the same dorm as his Vi, getting to kneel at his feet and rest his head on his lap. His nails dug into the cushion, breathing picking up as he imagined Vi petting his hair while he hummed to him.
After getting his fill, he stood up, phone raised to take a picture of the throne. A dozen photos later he was back in the dorm hallway, smiling at the growing album of photos he’d have for his digital dream board. He pauses in front of a series of photos lining the wall. He then realized it was the portraits of past house wardens, each of them hand-painted with a neutral, regal expression. Neige smiles, looking over each beautiful face. This dorm was made for Vi, a place where only the beautiful and talented could be allowed. Not only had his fellow actor been accepted but he had conquered. His steps picked up speed wanting to see if Vi had a portrait at the end of the hall.
No museum could compare to the masterpiece before him. The portrait of a younger Vi stared back at him, sitting at a 3/4th view sitting on a chair with his hands placed on his lap. His hair was pulled back, a simple updo with the ombre ends curled on top of his head. The crown Vil normally wore tastefully askew was placed on him properly, it looked so odd but still so perfectly Vi.
He looks down the hall, making sure a group of students had gone around the corner before he looks to the other side. Seeing the coast was clear, he quickly stepped closer to the portrait, leaning down and pressing his lips to the painting's hands, kissing at the smooth ivory fingers. Before he could stop himself his mouth opened, tongue peaking out to lick a quick strip against the surface. It didn’t have a taste past the hint of bitter, he wondered if Vi’s fingers tasted bitter. It would make sense, Vi worked a lot with potions and natural cosmetics, Neige would deal with the bitter taste if he could kiss Vi’s fingers for real…
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"Why are we doing this to ourselves?"
"How does he just forget the name of his sister?"
"Do you hate me? Is that why you've made me a part of this cursed ritual?"
" They haven't spoken for like only a year! How do you just completely forget your sibling like this!? Did they both sustain heavy brain damage!?"
"This is the industry I've dedicated my life to…"
They were only on their second movie, but both Vil and Yuu were ready to bash the TV as a form of self-defense. That or simply weep at how nonsensical the plot was. Vil couldn’t really believe half the movies he had been forced to watch were from the same studios he had worked with. It felt surreal for him to see ex-costars acting in what were possibly the worst films ever conceived. It scared him at times- was that his possible future? Going from box office hits to acting in direct-to-disk spoof movies? 
Though they joked about him being at least better than direct-to-disk, Yuu was firm on stating Vil wouldn’t ever star in a flop. His fanbase was too devout to him not to buy tickets, even if the movie looked bad. With his acting skills alone, he could at least make a flop into a cult classic.
(“I mean look at me. I love watching shitty movies. It’s even better when an A-List celebrity shows up in one. Like, it’s half the fun to figure out why they’re there than following what the plot is.”)
Vil groans at another scene, lying against the couch with his arm resting over his eyes, “By the sevens, they’re related!”
Yuu groans, snatching the bowl of popcorn from Grim, grabbing a handful before offering it to Vil, “This is genuinely annoying. Do you remember what the plot is?”
Sighing, Vil reaches for the pile of Disk boxes, grabbing their current movie before reading the summary. Mid-read he pauses, staring at the back of the box with a blank expression before he tosses it away, grabbing the remote from Yuu’s hands, “We’re starting over.”
Grim groans, having climbed over their laps to place his head firmly back into the popcorn bowl, “Why!? You guys don’t even like these movies!”
“Never thought I’d agree with Grim, but Vil this is painful I want this to end.”
Vil shushes her as he restarts the movie, “No, they’re not siblings; they’re childhood friends.”
“Wait, what?” Yuu looks between Vil and the screen in confusion, “No…We would have caught that! We would have caught that much of a scenario prompt!”
“Well clearly we didn’t, so now we’re restarting the movie with the proper context. Maybe it will actually save the film…”
Yuu groans, sinking into the couch, “This is somehow a new form of torture, I know it is…”
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He was going to be arrested one day, he knew it.
Neige rested his back against the closed door, eyes looking around the room with wide excited eyes. Vi’s room. He was inside Vi’s room. He could die right now and do so with bliss.
He couldn’t tell if he was sad by seeing the room was empty, or relieved he wouldn’t be questioned by his idol and holder of affection. He’s not sure what he would do or say in his disguise under Vi’s critical gaze. Neige feared he’d either crumble and spill the truth the second the blond lifted a perfectly shaped brow, or he’d keep his identity hidden and simply tell Vil everything.
That would absolutely get him arrested though.
But Vi wasn’t in his room, no one but Neige was there to stand and exist in the space. Arms moving to hug his body, trying to hold in the happy bubbles of laughter as his eyes roam around the room. Soon he gathers the courage and pushes off the door to explore. Everything was meticulous, a place for everything and everything in its place. The only oddity was the haphazard way the bed was made. His fingers twitched, wanting to properly make and tuck the covers, he could even fluff Vi’s pillows!
Sighing sadly, he decides against it. No need to make Vi worried about someone weird being in his room without his knowledge…
Instead, he walks around, stopping at the vanity, and allowing himself a single spray of a perfume bottle’s bulb. Fingers ghosting over the color-coded lipsticks in their custom-made container, fighting the urge to use one…Vi wouldn’t notice, right? No…No, he couldn’t. Vi cared so much about his makeup, Neige couldn’t mess with something so precious to his idol.
He walks over to the bright red exercise ball, a smile on his face as he entertains the idea of bouncing on it for a few minutes. Instead, his eyes catch a semi-hidden hamper tucked into the corner. Was…oh by the seven. Was that Vi’s dirty clothes hamper?
Neige stood frozen, nails picking at his cuticles and threatening to break the skin (Don’t bleed here, do NOT bleed here). He looks from the corner of his eye, a bead of sweat threatening to slide down his face. The door was closed, he was all alone in the room with no way of telling when Vi would come back. He bites his lip, stepping closer to the basket as a smile breaks across his reddening face. He could…just for a little while…
Before he knew what came over himself, Neige had his head buried in the hamper, inhaling deep with gasping breaths. Hands braced so tightly on the edges he feared he’d actually break the material under his grip. He pulls his head out, tilting it back with a wide smile on his face as he pants, a manic laugh bubbles out of his lips.
Neige freezes, eyes dropping back to the hamper in fear he actually snapped something. The sound happens again, from the door-
He nearly falls from how fast he turned, looking to the open door to see a boy with soft purple hair standing there. He had a nonchalant look on his face, one hand inside an oversized black hoodie with the words ‘TRACK’ printed across the front and the other holding a bright red apple with a few bites taken out of it. Blue eyes met blue and Neige had the brains to try to start an apology. Something to gain enough goodwill to explain…what he was doing, “U-um-” Oh sevens, Neige knew this boy. This was one of Vi’s friends from the VDC! He’d tell!
Epel just shakes his head slowly, his hand reaching out of his hoodie to grab the door handle, “Don’t even wanna know... Whatever the two of y’all are doing, just keep the damn door closed.”
And like that, he was gone. The door closed behind him and it was almost possible to imagine he was never even there. Neige let out a heavy sigh and felt his entire body relax, Epel didn’t seem to recognize him. He was also painfully uncaring of seeing who could only be a stranger in his dorm leader’s room huffing his dirty laundry. Well at least he left…the two…
His heart rate picks up again once he realized what Epel had said. He only needed to turn his head in a quarter turn before he saw who else Epel was talking about. There on the bed, like he was always meant to be there, was Rook Hunt. He sat on the messily made bed in a dull purple and grey plaid flannel, dark grey pants with a strap around one thigh, and mud-stained boots. Short locks managed to be pulled into a small, tight ponytail. One hand resting against his propped-up arm and the other holding an arrow delicately, a bow slung over his shoulder. Neige couldn’t even shake, he felt his blood freeze as he looked in bright green eyes.
Rook tilts his head as he taps the arrow against his crossed leg, “Don’t mind me Roi de Neige. You’ve truly been a lovely hunt for me all day~.”
For a split second, Neige let his eyes dart to the closed door then to the window before snapping back to Rook, “I-I was just-!”
“Shhhh.” Rook stands from the bed, walking closer and Neige realizes with terror the strap around his thigh was holding a knife. The blonde leans down to softly tap the tip of the arrow to Neige’s nose, “Run.”
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It was dark when Vil woke up, humming at feeling a heavy hand shaking his shoulder lightly. Blinking awake he sees Rook standing over him with a calm smile, his ponytail just barely contained by an elastic band, “Mon roi, It’s getting late. We should get you some dinner and then a proper bed.”
Vil sits up, stretching his arms and looking around the room. Next to him was Yuu, slumped against his side and sleeping peacefully, the bowl of popcorn knocked to the ground with a few kernels on the carpet. He clicked his tongue softly, did he have time to clean that up?
Rook didn’t give him the chance to choose, pulling him from the couch and steadying his still sleepy body easily. Once Vil was stable, Rook moved to place Yuu into a more comfortable position. Vil stifles a yawn, grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch and resting it over them. He smoothes down their hair, smiling when Rook puts an also sleeping Grim closer to the prefect, both softly cooing seeing the first year instantly grip the cat monster closer.
“Alright, back to the dorm, Rook.”
Vil barely hisses a ‘shh’ before shoving Rook into the hallway, slipping out after locking the front door behind them. Walking back, Vil huffs and runs his hands through his hair, pulling it free from his ponytail, “So…Did you have a nice day?” He really hoped he didn’t.
“Oui! It was so wonderful. I got to shadow mon Roi de Neige all day! Such a thrilling hunt to remain outside of his eyes until I chose to pounce. It’s why I was so late retrieving you mon Roi”
Son of a- “Great, so happy your day was so fun Rook-”
Vil stumbles, feeling Rook suddenly pressed right against him with an arm wrapping around his waist. A teasing smile on his lips as a hand reaches up to tug at an edge of the yellow hoodie he was wearing.
“It has only become more magnifique seeing you’re fond of my old Savanaclaw hoodie mon chou~. I had always feared you simply threw it out! But to know you kept and made it your own has filled me with such joy!”
“...” Vil sighs, looking away from Rook, ignoring the laugh he lets out, no doubt seeing the soft blush on his cheeks, “It was all I had on short notice…”
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joanofexys · 18 hours
can you talk about any of ur ocs more??? :)) I love hearing about them ♡
oc time!!! again
Florian and Ilya time??? Florian and Ilya time
like I’ve mentioned before Flor and Ilya really butt heads in the beginning. Florian was a Raven and Ilya has not had good experiences with them at all. On top of that, Flor has an attitude intended to cover up his many issues and Ilya, while an absolute sweetheart, can dish it just as well as he can take it
it takes them a hot minute to get along and it’s largely because Jude gets sick of Mara and Ilya being at each other’s throats and begs Florian to play mediator cause he’s snarky but he’s nowhere near Mara’s level. They end up with an odd sort of truce. They have each other’s backs but they’re not really friends
The first big thing for them is when Mara decides that she’s done with the ravens partner system. She and Florian have been intensely codependent and while Mara’s reached a point in therapy where she’s ready to try and let it go, Florian’s really not. He spirals without the partner system. Emiko can’t take that spot. It’d be too unhealthy for her. She’s largely ditched the partner system but still spends majority of her time around people and keeping an eye on Mara and Florian. Jude adores Florian but he does think he’d go crazy being attached at the hip to the kid. Essentially, that leaves Ilya. Who is a mostly willing participant cause I swear he really is a little sweetheart.
Suddenly they’re attached at the hip fucking everywhere. Flor’s press duty isn’t with Mara anymore, it’s always Ilya. Ilya gets a little too far and Flor’s losing focus on whatever he’s doing to look for him and make he’s still within sight.
I don’t have them developed in the same way I have Merr and Jude just because it’s kind of hard for me to pinpoint when exactly Ilya and Florian get together but it’s still fun to think about.
Florian’s generally pretty affectionate regarding physical touch (regarding people who are willing to give it at least. he’ll rarely ever ask but he enjoys it) and so he and Ilya ended up touching a lot of the time. A brush of the hands, an arm around his waist, holding hands for a split second. It’s not uncommon to see them just pressed against each other, seeming to be literally attached at the hip.
I think when they get together there’s never really a label put on it. They spend so much time together that things just start happening. Suddenly they’re cuddling, then they’re holding hands, when Ilya asks if he can kiss him it just feels natural to say yes. They don’t define what they are but they know it’s exclusive and they’re not seeing other people and they also know it’s private. And for awhile they do a good job at keeping it from their teammates because to everyone else that’s just how they act. They keep it from the press even longer because their dynamic changes completely once they’re in front of a camera. Banter and insults and jabs about their performance on the court. People think they have some weird rivalry going on that carried over from their time playing collegiate exy against each other. It’s all in good fun for them though. They still snark at each other and bicker off camera too, but the difference is that’s the only part the camera sees of them.
I’ve mentioned before that eventually they end up on rival teams, when Florian’s eventually willing to let go of the partner system a lot, and it really fuels the idea that they hate each other. The two of them kind of get a kick out of it. Cause at first it’s not like they were even close to being friends so maybe once upon a time the media’s perception of them was closer to the truth but now it’s the furthest thing from it.
Ummmmm I’m trying to think of anything else I want to hit on but truly this has been sitting in my drafts for so long and I know I need to just post it soon. I’m so sorry, anon. Istg I wasn’t just ignoring you. So yeah this is very incomplete, nowhere near Merr and Jude level explanation, and maybe I’ll give a proper explanation of these two at some point. In the meantime this just needs to get posted because I’ve let it sit for like a week and I feel mean now
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voidsdamned · 12 days
Wicked Natures - The Ghoul/OC (Female Character) Chapter Six
Summary: Bounty hunters are frequent customers at Mulholland's Saloon, and Rue's taken quite a shine to one gunslinger in particular: a cantankerous, old Ghoul in a tattered duster. Witness her unabashedly lust after him in all his irradiated glory (as we are all currently doing), as well as navigate the precarious relationship she unfortunately has with local law enforcement.
Minors, do not interact.
Content Warnings: more plot driven. Blood. Swearing. Unwanted affection. Brief self-harm.
Chapter Six: Little Bird
Rue can’t do anything fancy with a needle and thread –she knows just enough to make do– but she tries her damndest to make Artie’s clothes as close to perfect as she can get them. Especially after holding onto them long as she has. She meant to return them days ago, but she’s been a bit off her typical schedule given how busy Mulholland’s has been (and a late-night visitor that has her sleeping in).
She has tears stitched together and holes patched, but putting new buttons on is slowing her down. Rue can’t get them to line up like she wants them, and they keep shifting position once she starts looping thread through the tiny, button holes. She keeps having to start all over, and fuck, she can’t count how many times she’s stuck her fingers.
Rue, frustrated, has to put the sewing down for a moment –just a moment. Just to get in a few bites of breakfast and refocus. She spoons a bite of sweetened rice porridge into her mouth (a rare treat, only possible due to the bottle of milk Mrs. Ira Jean brought to her early in the morning and Rue had to find a way to use immediately), and then another. A few more. She sets down her spoon, pulls in a deep, determined breath, and-.
Three raps against the front door sound, patient and evenly spaced. Rue’s breath comes hissing out of her, and her mood plummets to the center of the earth. Not many people come to visit her in the light of day, and that painfully short list already has Mrs. Ira Jean marked off it. And with the rancher’s visit, the second since Deck’s departure, Rue knows exactly who’s behind the door.
She can’t keep him waiting, can’t wiggle out a window and hightail it into the horizon. She takes several breaths, pats her face, and pushes at the corners of her mouth until she’s smiling. As prepared as she can possibly be, and already wanting to chew glass, Rue goes to the door and opens it wide to find the monster of a man standing there.
Deck Craven must have stopped by home before popping in to see her, because there’s no way he just got back from travelling looking as pristine and polished as he does. Clothes spotless. Hair and beard tidy, smelling of the cactus soap sold over at Shade and Sundries. It’s like the Wasteland hasn’t so much as touched him.
Maybe if she didn’t hate him, she’d be flattered by the effort he puts in.
But she acts it, acts excited and bright as she bounces on the balls of her feet. “Deck! It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you!” She waves him in. “Ya just get in? Everything go okay?”
Though Deck always waits to be invited in, he breezes through the door like he owns the place (which he technically does), smiling and confident. An arm reaches out, drawing Rue in for a careful side hug. His touches are always so careful, barest and skimming. There and gone –which she should be thankful for. He could be one of those people who don’t know how to let go, but this is somehow worse. Like he thinks she’s made of glass and he has to be gentle. Like he cares.
“It’s so good to see you smilin’, little bird.” His mouth just barely touches her hair. He squeezes her shoulder softly before pulling away. “It’s like a bout of rain after days of cookin’ in the desert.” He sighs, smiling so fondly at her. “Got in around dawn, and it was a good trip. Just settlin’ some business. …You just gettin’ ‘round to breakfast?”
Rue bobs her head. “Ya know I keep some weird hours. …Can I fix ya a bowl? It’s nothin’ fancy. Just some rice porridge.”
“I’d love some.”
Deck makes himself at home, settling at the kitchen table; Rue fixes him a bowl, as well as a cup of coffee when he asks if she has any. He takes his black, which is good, because that’s the only way he was going to get it. She used up all the milk and sugar on herself.
Rue unwillingly sits down to breakfast, chattering away about nothing in particular –mostly about Mulholland’s and the little calf Mrs. Ira Jean had tailing her into town today. The Henderson's decided they wanted one to go in their backyard farm, and Rue’s quite jealous. She sometimes misses tending to brahmin. They have such pretty eyelashes, and bottle feeding the struggling calves was her favourite thing to do. She sometimes thinks about buying one off Mrs. Ira Jean just to have one to take care of again, but she couldn’t dare do that without a proper fence and with whatever creature lives under the house.
Deck pauses midbite. “It still there?”
Rue nods. “It left half a chicken for me to find. Thoughtful of it, I guess? Maybe it’s tryin’ to share.”
Deck seems a little frustrated as he finishes the bite, mouth twitching at the corner. Brows furrowing. “Thought for sure it was that coyote we bagged last month…. I’ll have Lucky set a few traps under the house while your off to work, alright?”
“Sweet of you.” She slaps a grateful smile to her lips and sets her empty bowl aside, reclaiming her sewing. “And him. I know it ain’t fun crawlin’ under there. I always get cobwebs in my hair.”
The sheriff sighs, a note of exasperation to his gently chiding tone. “I told ya not to go crawlin’ under there yourself, little bird.”
“I only do it sometimes….” Rue hisses, accidentally stabbing her finger with the needle. She sticks it in her mouth.
“Whatcha workin’ on there?” Exasperation has been replaced by curiosity. “Don’t look like nothin’ of yours.”
“They’re not –it’s Artie’s. It was… last week? I found him beat up and torn up in a dumpster by Shade and Sundries.” Rue shakes her head, still mad at what happened to him. “They broke his nose, Deck. He doesn’t bother no one, and someone goes and breaks his nose.”
She doesn’t look up from her sewing, but she can hear the frown to his voice when Deck asks, “He know who?”
Another shake of the head. “He didn’t recognize ‘em, so I’m bettin’ on caravaners or some other out-of-towner.”
“I hate to hear that,” and there is a genuine note of upset to Deck’s voice, but Rue doesn’t know that it’s for Artie’s sake or just that someone disrupted the peace in his town. He tells her which when he says, “Everyone’s supposed to be nice and safe here. Made that my mission when I came to town.”
“Think ya done a good job of that,” Rue placates, some earnestness to what she says. Since Deck came to town, things have been better for everyone overall (even for her, but that was before she learned he ruined her life). She can count the number of serious accidents having occurred over the past seven years on one hand when it used to be that something stupid happened every day. “Actually pretty impressive considerin’ the way of things. Got a lot of people who come through Mulholland’s tellin’ me we got it good here.”
The smile he wears tints his voice. “That’s kind of you to say, Rue.”
She flashes him a brighter one of her own, but then her attention refixes on the button she works with. She nearly has it. It’s perfect, lining up just how she wants it. She just has to pull the thread a bit tighter, and… done! The button is secure. Straight. Magnificent. A flash of warm pride goes through her, and a soft, “Yes!” passes through her lips.
The sheriff chuckles. “Really is sweet of you to be workin’ on those for him.”
Rue simply says, “When a friend needs help, ya help ‘em.”
“You end up takin’ him to Doc Nguyen?”
A shake of the head. “It was so late, I just fixed him up as best I could before sendin’ him on his way.”  
A moment of silence passes. The strangeness of it doesn’t strike Rue until she hears the sheriff click his tongue and his boots solidly tap against the floor. The sound draws Rue’s gaze up. Deck’s face is tight. Unhappy. “You brought him here?”
Too late, Rue realizes she’s made a terrible mistake. Everything within her shrivels. Stops working. But she can’t let that show. Everything has to be lovely and fine, and she has to be simple and smiling. She tries to minimize the damage done with a small lie, “Yeah, I doctored him on the front porch,” because surely that’s not as bad as, “I brought him into the house and let him sleep in my bed.” 
Deck sighs, a tired sound. The tightness to his jaw loosens into something soft and pitying –like he’s looking at a naïve child who doesn’t know any better. And shit, she knows that’s better than his jaw feathering with rage, but it makes her want to rage.
“You’re too sweet, Rue.” He leans forward in his chair, reaching across the table to make her set down her sewing as he captures her hands, and then he talks down to her, slow and even, “I know Artie seems harmless, but he’s a man same as any. I don’t want ya gettin’ taken advantage of or worse. You shoulda woke Doc Nguyen up or gotten Lucky.”
Rue wants to bite the hands that touch her, punch him square in the nose for what he implies about Artie, but she keeps herself in check. She can’t get worked up. She can’t show him how much she cares. “I’m sorry, Deck. I didn’t think ‘bout nothin’ like that. Only gettin’ him fixed up. It was so sad seein’ him like that.”  
Another drawn, tired sigh. The sheriff rubs small circles into Rue’s hands. “I know ya don’t, little bird.” He sighs again, shaking his head. “Night Yuri died, I promised myself and him that I’d take care of you –‘cause Lord knows ya need someone keepin’ eyes on ya. This is exactly why.”
It’s as if ice-water has been dumped on Rue, chilling her down to her very marrow. Wickedness and rage claw at her, bubbling and broiling until she can taste the acid of them at the back of her throat. He doesn’t deserve to speak her Pa’s name, act like he’s trying to do right by her and him. He fucking killed him.
Rue buries everything, crushing her feelings and self in her fist like paper. She goes timid and apologetic, dying inside. “I’m sorry, Deck,” her voice wavers. “I didn’t mean to upset ya.”
“You didn’t upset me, little bird,” he hurries to assure, squeezing her hands. “I just worry is all. A lil’ gal like you in a world like this….” He exhales slowly. His hands mercifully release hers. “Just gotta keep better eyes on things, so ya don’t end up in such situations…. You ‘bout done with Artie’s clothes? I can drop ‘em off for ya. I’m gonna follow up with him, see if we can’t figure out who hurt him.”
They won’t talk just about the attack. Deck will press Artie about the after, and the sweet man doesn’t know he needs to lie his ass off. He doesn’t know everything’s gone wrong, and that whatever he says might just get him killed and make her look like a liar. And she can be a liar. That’s fine. Whatever Deck does to her, she can handle (and she has a good idea as to what that might be, and that it’s going to really, fucking suck). She’s not scared of him –not for herself. It’s for everyone else.
Rue doesn’t know what to do other than fix a small, timid smile to her lips. “Not quite. Got a few more buttons to go, and with the way I’m goin’… maybe tomorrow I will be?”
“That’s just fine, little bird. No rush on it.” Deck grins, sweet and fond, and goes back to his breakfast. “Anything else interestin’ happen while I was out?”
“Oh, yeah. All the things.” Rue seizes the change in topic, ready to pull all manners of nonsense out of her ass to distract the man. To make him forget.
But ultimately, she knows he won’t.
The night is brutal. Not only because Mulholland’s is still experiencing a hectic flow of custom, but also because Rue’s brain is on fire. She can think of nothing other than Artie and Deck and what could be happening between the two –what already might have taken place. Artie could be dead. Artie could be dying. Artie could be terrified and not understanding why what’s happening to him is happening.
And it will all be Rue’s fault.
By the time she gets to leave the saloon, Rue is a pent-up ball of stress that stands shaking in the middle of the street, eyes on the stars. She wants to run to Artie’s to check on him. To warn him if she can –if it’s not too late. Another part of her says she’d be further dooming him if she went to see him now, and that same part of her brain doesn’t want to see the aftermath if doom has already come for the poor soul.
He deserves a warning if he’s still alive to give a warning to.
Rue takes several, quick breaths, eyes picking all around her. She doesn’t spy another soul in the streets. Everything is quiet and dark. She can be quick.
She darts down a sidestreet, keeping low and to shadows as she makes her way to Artie’s schoolhouse. A massive weight falls off her shoulders when she rounds a corner to find it still standing. No flames erupt from the windows. The door isn’t kicked in. But she can’t tell if anything might be going on, on the inside. All the holes and windows are patched with wooden boards or tarps to keep the Wastes and wildlife out.
Rue knows better than to approach from the front. She moves through dark and gloom, coming around to the back of the schoolhouse where a wide segment of blown-out wall is patched by a tarp. Rue tugs and tugs at it, ripping it loose until there’s a hole just big enough for her to squirm through.
Whatever room she enters is pitch black. She crawls around blindly on her hands and knees, eyes squinting through the blackness and eventually catching on a sliver of yellowish glow cutting across the floor. She heads towards it, finding a closed door. She presses her ear to the weathered wood, listening hard.
At first, she thinks she hears voices –two people having a conversation. Her heart stops, then starts up again when a faint melody tickles at her ears. She’s hearing music. Singing voices. Summer Wine.
Rue looses the breath she holds and ever-so carefully opens the door, finding herself at the tail end of a long hallway of closed doors. The glow that guided her comes from ahead, and she crawls towards it, eventually coming to a wide space filled with all manners of knick-knacks, in-progress art pieces, and what looks to be a sleeping Artie, conked out on a thin mattress at the far side of the room.
Rue crawls to him, eyes scanning him for injury, and all the knots in her come undone when she sees he looks whole and unharmed –or mostly. He still has a bit of bruising left over from the attack he suffered, but otherwise, he’s fine. Breathing slow and deep, and just fine.
Rue’s grinning like an idiot as she comes to crouch beside Artie. She clamps a hand over his mouth to keep in a scream in case he has one in him, and then she starts shaking him and saying his name.
He doesn’t come awake with a scream, thankfully, but sleepily and slowly. Blinking and blinking until he’s staring at her in hooded-eyed, tired confusion. Her hand slips off his mouth, and he mumbles out a groggy, “Rue?”
“Got a minute for me, Artie?”
He nods and rubs at his eyes, stifling a yawn with his palm. “It Dust Devils?”
She shakes her head. “Not quite. It’s… it’s 'bout Deck. Has he come to see you yet?”
Artie nods in the affirmative. “Right after he dropped ya off at Mulholland’s, I reckon.”
“What did he say?”
“He asked me ‘bout the other night.” The sleepy man pushes himself upright and rubs at his neck and shoulders. “Told him I couldn’t ‘member much at all….” A frown suddenly takes his mouth. “Can I tell ya a secret, Rue?”
“Of course, Artie.”
“I don’t much like Deck. He’s weird ‘bout you. Gets this… this off look ‘bout him whenever ya come up.” His nose crinkles. “Started askin’ ‘bout ya helpin’ me. I got a bad feelin’ in my stomach and told him I couldn’t 'member much aside from you leanin’ me against the door and dabbin’ blood off my face. I went home soon as I felt I could stand.”
Rue breathes an enormous sigh of relief, a short, slightly-unhinged laugh bubbling out of her throat. “Thank fuck. …Ya did good, Artie.”
Artie grins smally. “You don’t like him either, do ya?” 
Rue shakes her head. “Not at all.”
“I know everyone else in town likes him,” Artie grumbles, a yawn half-muffling his words. “Always talkin’ ‘bout how trouble don’t much find us no more, but….” He shakes his head. “I dunno. I feel like trouble started when he came on in.”
“I think you’re right ‘bout that.” Rue smiles softly, sadly. She sits back on her heels. “And the… the trouble with this ain’t over. You’re right ‘bout him bein’ weird ‘bout me. Artie, he….” She doesn’t want to tell him he’s likely got a target on his back, but he does. He needs to know. He needs to leave. Rue won’t feel better until he’s out of Dust. “Artie, he just might try to kill ya. We need to getcha outta town.”
The old man goes stock-still, eyes gone wide. “I can’t do that.”
“Ya need to. I need ya to. I know it’s probably the hardest thing to do to leave. Fuck, I feel terrible –like I’ve chased ya from your home, but I-.”  
Artie thaws, his head shakes furiously. “Places are real temporary,” he tells her. “I never like bein’ in ‘em too long ‘cause ya never know when they’re gonna stop bein’ what they are. Only reason I stayed in Dust so long is on account of Yuri. So leavin’s fine –actually been wantin’ to leave. Too many Dust Devils. …But I don’t think Yuri would want me leavin’ ya here alone.”
Rue blinks, beyond surprised to hear that. She knows he and her Pa served together, but she didn’t know they were close enough for loyalty such as that. Or that she was important enough to keep sticking around for even with Yuri gone.
She blinks again, a bittersweet realization blooming in her chest. He’s here for her. He’s been looking out for her. She thought she was looking out for him, but this entire time, he’s been here for her. Rue didn’t think she had that anymore. She thought all those kinds of relationships –real, genuine, caring ones– had burned up when Pa and Bram did. Sure, most people are kindly towards her, but it's always felt as it it was from a distance. Superficial. They'll check in with her, chat a bit, but they never invite her to do things. Never try to spend time with her. Which is a blessing considering how Deck is, but....
It fucking guts her. It really does. She’s doomed something real, something she didn’t realize she had around her. Something she knows she can't have around her.
Rue wants to scream.
But she smiles. She smiles her most assuring smile, squeezes Artie’s weathered hand, and tells him, “Artie, Pa would want ya safe. And I appreciate you stickin’ ‘round so long for us, but I’m gonna be just fine. I want ya to be just fine, too.”
He doesn’t look so certain. “But Deck-.”
“I’m only worried ‘bout Deck ‘cause I’m worryin’ ‘bout you.”
Artie is silent for a long, long moment. Eyes going from picking around like crazy to him squeezing them shut as hard as he can. He pops one open to look at her, and his voice is heartbreakingly gruff as he asks her, “Why don’t… why don’t we leave together? Then neither of us gotta worry about Deck or the other.”
The sweet man really is just digging his fingers into the raw, weeping wound of her.
Rue shakes her head. “He’ll chase me, and we… we both know he can catch me with the resources he’s got. It’s better for me to stay here and for you to move on out. And if you’re worried about him hurtin’ me. He won’t. He likes me too much. That’s the whole problem.”
Silence hangs heavy again. Artie looks upset. That one eye glancing her way is glossy and tugging at her heartstrings.
Rue’s smile hurts her cheeks with how bright she makes it. “But guess what? One day, I will leave, and I’m gonna come find ya wherever it is you’ve wandered to. Now’s just not the time.”
Artie Merlowe puts on his toughest mask, but his voice is still so rough and deep. “You promise?”
She offers Artie her pinky. “Absolutely.”
Rue can’t linger for much longer, not without arising suspicion, so she’s quick about doing what she needs to do at Artie’s place. She has him not-quite destroying his home but leaving it in a disarray –like someone came in and started to look for anything valuable but gave up relatively quickly when they figured out there was nothing to be found. Looting wasn’t really their plan after all; no, it was revenge. To finish something they’d started.
Which is what Rue works on with a quick, superficial stroke of her pocketknife along her upper, left arm. With the blood that lets, she stains Artie’s mattress. Not too much. She doesn’t want to get loopy from blood loss when she still has shit to do, but it does need to be a little messy. When she’s finished with the mattress, she leaves a handprint on the floor and close by wall, smearing her hand to make the prints look larger. She flicks her fingers to make smaller splatters.
“When ya go to leave, leave the door wide-ass open,” she instructs of the man, who watches her wide-eyed and shaking as she rips off her sleeve to tie around the self-inflicted wound.
“Ya didn’t need t-.”
“I did,” she interrupts, pulling the makeshift bandage tight. “Wait for me out by Fog Pond.” She pats the man’s shoulder warmly as she breezes pass him, darting down the hallway she crawled through, through the hole she’d made in the tarp wall.
Rue books it home quick as she can but slows her pace once she knows she’s in the house on the hill’s line of sight. She goes about it leisurely, fishing her key out of her bag, and once she’s through the door, she does what she always does. The oil lamp on the kitchen table is lit. She strips out of her ruined shirt, spends a few minutes in the bathroom doctoring herself, changes, snuffs the lantern, and then tosses herself in bed. She stays like this for thirty minutes before creeping out the front door with a tied-up bundle of caps and the clothes she never got to finish mending in hand, taking a moment to peek around the back of the house –to where she can see Deck’s place in the distance. There’s a single light on in an upstairs window, but the house is otherwise dark. It looks still. Dead for the night.
That will have to be good enough. Rue makes herself tiny as she can and takes off into the dark. Fog Pond is close by. She can be there in ten minutes.
It feels like it takes two hours with all her sneaking and ducking for cover, but eventually, the small, clouded body of water is within her line of sight. So is the thin frame of Artie, a ragged duffle slung over his shoulder. She runs up to him, immediately opening and shoving what she brought along into the bag.
“Move quick, Artie,” she urges, zipping the duffle closed. “Don’t ever send me word of where ya might be –don’t send me nothin’. If ya tell me which way you’re thinkin’ of goin’, I can do the rest.”
He bobs his head. “Goin’ East, through Arizona. Dunno where after that.”
“Perfect.” She smiles, genuine and relieved. This feels good. She feels like she can pull this off –they’re going to pull this off and be fine. She gives the old man a quick hug. “Take care of yourself, alright? …And thank ya for lookin’ out for me all this time. You’re a good man, Artie.”
He squeezes her back. “Yuri did a damn fine job with you.”
A tightening heart. A final squeeze. Rue pulls away, knowing she can’t linger, and neither can Artie.
She runs back to her cage, never once looking over her shoulder.
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Use me
Gator Tillman x OC
Word count: 3080
18+ Minor's do not interact.
CW: Slow burn, future smut, swearing, violence (particularly this part), assault, smoking, drinking. Don't know if i've missed anything?
Summary: A new criminal family has moved to Stark County, opening possibilities up for Roy Tillman, but only if his son can focus, which is difficult when he is intoxicated by the daughter of said family.
Part 2 - Consequences
This is a true story. The events depicted took place in Minnesota in 2018. At the request of the survivors, the names have been changed. Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred.
The large door mat which lay at the entrance of the police station muffled the sounds of stomping boots as Gator forcefully lead out a petite Blonde woman, his hand gripped roughly to her upper arm. He winced at the brightness of the sunlight, amplified against the fresh dusting of snow as they stepped through the automatic glass doors. The blonde struggled slightly, stumbling over her inappropriate choice of footwear, heels which slid dangerously on the ice. Gator practically threw her against the exterior brick wall of the station and she yelped slightly, before rearranging her dishevel coat, scowling at him under a large pair of sunglasses which had been covering her icy blue eyes.
“You can’t just turn up at the station whenever you want Ruby,” Gator glared at her through gritted teeth, his fist clenching subconsciously. He realised what he was doing and took a step back to calm himself. Ruby knew exactly how to get a rise from him and he wasn’t in the mood for her childish games. He grabbed the vape from the pocket of his cargo trousers and took a long deliberate drag from it, staring down the woman in front of him in an attempt to look threatening. She was used to this look, it was usually followed by him grabbing her face roughly and crashing his lips against hers. She smirked back at him expectantly, however for the first time in months he simply looked away from her.
“Well, what do you expect when you ignore me huh?” She bit back, trying to find the right button to press. She was there for a reason and she always got what she wanted, especially when it came to Gator, he was so easy to get a rise from, to tease. “Least you could have done is text me that you weren’t coming over. Might have got a decent night’s sleep ‘stead of waiting up for you.”
“You’re not my girlfriend. I don’t owe you shit.” Gator said bluntly. His words stung, making Ruby bite the inside of her cheek as she felt a wave of emotion she wasn’t expecting. Sure, they hadn’t labelled anything, but they weren’t nothing. Sex involved some emotions at least, even if they were just a means to an end for each other. She hated herself as she realised in that moment she had let it become more for herself.
“Fuck you Gator,” she spat, her voice filled with venom. She shoved him harshly in the chest, desperate to hurt him, forcing him to step back. He smirked lazily looking down to the hands on his chest before shrugging them away, only to be met with a harsh slap to his cheek. He bought his hand up to the burning sensation and rolled his jaw slightly to stave off the sting.
“Whatever Ruby.” He laughed. “Whatever the fuck this is, is done. Don’t fuckin’ text me and don’t show up at the station again ya hear?” He spoke with finality, hoping to finally walk away, but Ruby continued, she really was relentless.
“I’ll remind you of that later when you’re beggin’ me like a dog shall I?” She jabbed at him with one last desperate attempt, the button she knew always worked.
“Shut you damn mouth for once in your life would ya?” Gator muttered harshly, turning back to face her, more threatening than before. His fist clenched again, but he didn’t notice this time.
He was saved from his reckless intentions, however by the loud humming of motor engines as several large SUVs pulled into the parking lot, one after the other. The convoy had caught the attention of both himself and Ruby as they passed them and parked a few rows of spaces back from the station. The doors started to scatter open as Gator blinked against the sunlight to see who it was. A few men he didn’t recognise stepped from two of the cars, stretching their stiff bones lazily and zipping up their various jackets before continuing conversations that had been started from the warmth of their cars. It was the third car that caught Gator’s eye however, as the now familiar figures of Charlie and his brother Sam exited from the back seat, either side of the car. Gator straightened up and took another hit of his vape a small frown forming on his features. He watched as, silhouetted against the sun, Charlie held his hand out and helped Rose jump down from the raised step of the car with a gentle thud into the snow. The three of them huddled together in conversation as their father exited from the driver’s seat of the car and a further man from the passenger side, the two of them continuing their own conversation.
Charlie stubbed out a cigarette on the ground, his eye catching something on his brother’s sleeve. “Did you not wash this?” He asked, eyeing the red stain that dotted Sam’s cuff, picking his wrist up for emphasis.
“’Course I did.” Sam protested grumpily, pulling his arm from his brother’s reach before eying the stain himself, picking at it in an attempt to make it less obvious. “Damn stain won’t come out. Been there since Michigan.”
Charlie rolled his eyes, “Just chuck it already.”
“No way it’s my lucky shirt!” Sam protested, hiding the shirt cuff with the sleeve of his jacket which he tugged down.
“Baking soda will get it right out,” Rose suggested simply. “let me have a go with it later, good as new I’m telling ya” she smiled, continuing to muse the benefits in her teasing way.
“Who’s that?” Ruby huffed, crossing her arms in front of her defensively with a scowl.
“When did you get so nosey?” Gator frowned, pulling his eyes away from the gathering in the parking lot for a moment to look down at her.
“Get fucked Gator.” She bluntly retorted. “Better yet, maybe I’ll try over there. The blonde is gorgeous.” Her final attempt to get a rise from Gator, no such luck.
“Good luck to ya.” He smirked, taking a final drag from his vape before turning and stalking back inside the station, not gracing her with a look back.
“Okay, ready sweetheart?” John asked, placing a gentle kiss on his daughters temple.
“Oh one second,” she said before diving back into the car and pulling out a small bunch of hand picked flowers, neatly tied with a bow and a worn enamel tin, the kind which could be mistakenly opened at a grandparents house, only to find sewing supplies instead of the desired sweet treats. “Okay ready!” She smiled warmly, a skip in her step as she made her way towards the entrance of the station flanked by several well built men, most of whom where littered with questionable scars. Ruby watched, eying the new woman up and down from under her sunglasses until she disappeared through the entrance whilst half of her party remained outside watchfully.
Though the station had recently had a fresh coat of paint, the smell of which still lingered in the air, it was still dated. The tiled carpet floor was worn and the posters on the notice boards had edges which were starting to curl. The warmth of the heater blew gently down as Rose crossed the threshold, warming her cheeks. She took a moment to take in her surroundings, noticing the scattered desks and unkempt coffee station where sticky rings decorated the surface of the table. She glanced towards the work stations and spotted him instantly. He was leaning against his desk, eyes watching her intently as he exhaled a cloud of fruity  vapour, half obscuring his face, but not enough to hide the pinking shape of a hand forming on his cheek. The right side of his lip raised in a smile and his eyes flashed cheekily, sending a wave of butterflies through Rose’s stomach as her breath caught a little in her throat. She returned the smile which soon turned into a questioning smirk as she noticed the untidy hell he was perched on; energy drinks littered everywhere with various levels of liquid and scruffy stacks of paper work covered in crumbs and coffee stains. She pulled her gaze away, following her dad and brothers up towards the reception desk, helpfully labelled in large letters, where a frumpy older woman sat, her hair tightly permed and lipstick smudged at the edges. She looked over the brim of her wire glasses at the group in front of her before giving them a welcoming smile. “Well good morning, how can I help you today sir?”
“Good morning sweetheart,” her father started, making the poor lady blush, “I believe Sheriff Tillman is expecting us. Name’s Cornell.” He lifted the heavy duffle bag he had been holding and slung it over his shoulder with ease, waiting patiently. Rose knew it was full of cash, it did make her laugh sometimes at how unsubtle her father could be.
“Bare with me just a moment,” the receptionist smiled, looking through a pink polka dot diary that was sitting next to her large mug of tea. Her finger traced down the page, along the various time slots under the day’s date and stopped by 14:20: Sherriff meeting John Cornell.
“Oh there it is. You can go straight through to the back there, it’s the office at the end of the corridor. If you wait on one of the chairs outside, I’ll let him know you’ve arrived.”
“Thank you darling,” John smiled with genuine charm. He turned giving his sons a nod before moving on to find said corridor, duffle still slung over his shoulder.
“And can I help you miss?” The receptionist asked Rose, now next in line to speak to her.
“Yes, I’m looking for Deputy Clarke,” Rose asked sweetly, making sure to bat her eyelashes in a way which made her innocence shine through.
“That all for him sweetie?” The receptionist chuckled, gesturing to what Rose was holding.
“Hmm? Oh no mam, these are just a good will gesture from us to the station. We’re new to the area see. Myself, father and brothers.” Rose said gesturing to the two men standing behind her, both of whom were waiting for her to finish. “Thought they might brighten the place up a bit. They’d look just lovely on your desk here,” Rose continued handing over the flowers to the receptionist. “Oh and these are for everyone, Oatmeal raison and Choc chip. Thought you should all have a few options.” She finished handing the tin over next.
“Right… Well that’s mighty nice of you.” She took the tin graciously if not slightly confused. “I’ll just pop them in the staff room miss?”
“Rose. Rose Cornell.” The receptionist nodded, Understanding now that she had come with her father.
“Well Miss Cornell, Deputy Clarke’s desk is just over there by the window.” She pointed over to the empty desk situated next to a large dying house plant. “He’s in the staff room on break but I’ll let him know you’re waiting.” She smiled before leaving the desk.
Rose turned to her brothers, and gestured with nod of her head to follow her. She walked calmly over to wait, making sure not to look Gator in the eye, but instead emphasis her hips as she sauntered right past him, something that didn’t go unnoticed. She flicked her hair over her shoulder, making sure that fresh scent of her shampoo enveloped him as she did so. Delicately, she sat on the worn chair in front of Dan’s desk and waited patiently despite the rough fabric scratching against her skin. Her brothers remained stood either side of her like guard dogs waiting for their trigger word. This didn’t go unnoticed by other deputies at work around them. Their presence was a threat that naturally put them all on edge.
Finally deputy Dan Clarke walked back onto the open floor of the office, his movements full of false confidence, a dark grin dominating his features. He sat down heavily in his chair, stretching backwards lazily before leaning in closely on his desk.
“Deputy,” Rose smiled, hands situated neatly in her lap.
“Well well well. Couldn’t stay away huh?” Dan leered at her. She tried not to show her repulsion at the crumbs dotting his stubble and the grease stain on the front of his formally white shirt.
“Something like that.” Her smile faltered slightly and formed an annoyed pout.
“And who’s this? Boyfriends? Pimps?” Dan asked gesturing to the men behind her dismissively. Sam prickled visibly at his words, moving his jacket back to flash his gun sat comfortably on his hip before starting to crack his fingers loudly.
“These are my brothers Charlie, and Sam.” She introduced them. “Sam darlin’ don’t do that, you know it’s bad for your joints,” she added as a throw away comment.
“Brothers. Huh.” Dan smirked eying them like prey. To him it seemed their threat wasn’t real, oh how wrong he was Rose smirked to herself. “Well what brings you here? Got a crime to report or something?” Dan asked slinging a casual arm over the back of his seat, unphased.
“No. Just wanted to return this.” Rose said simply, pulling the business card from her bag, it’s edges now starting to crumple. She placed it on the table before sliding it firmly over the surface towards him, her eyes not backing down from his. “While it’s very hard to resist, I’m going to have to decline your offer.”
“You came all the way here to tell me that?” Dan scoffed, his un-earnt confidence unable to be disguised.
“Oh no silly. I came to do this.” Rose mused softly. She turned to Charlie who nodded at her and made his way to stand next to Dan behind the desk, Sam following making it impossible for Dan to find a way out as they towered over him.
“What? What are you-“ Dan started before Sam made to grab for his arm, managing to subdue him at the same time. Dan struggled against his grip before being shoved roughly by Charlie forcing him forward so that his face collided with his desk.
“No the left hand, he still has to work,” Charlie said casually to his brother, Dan’s flailing not bothering him at all as he continued to hold him down with ease.
“Right, right” Sam rolled his eyes in annoyance. He swapped the arm his was currently holding and slammed the left into the table, making sure that it was in Dan’s direct eyeline before pulling a large knife from a holster which sat on the opposite hip to his gun. The sound made Dan’s eye widen as he started to understand what was about to happen and his struggles worsened.
“What? No please! PLEASE!” Dan begged before screaming out in agony as Sam plunged the knife straight through his hand and into the table, leaving it there. The two men released him finally only for him to continue to sob and writhe in agony.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He cried, continuing to howl in pain every time he made the slightest movement.
“Fucking maniacs!” Another deputy shouted from nearby, making a move to pull his gun from its holster, only to be stopped by the rough hand of Gator holding his arm down. “Sit down. Don’t fucking move the lot of ya. This has to be, you hear?” The man reluctantly did so and looked at Gator with a mixture of confusion and obvious disgust. A look mirrored by several other deputies all watching things unfold before them.
“Jesus Christ Rose, you gotta do that in here in front of everyone?” Gator grumbled, trying not to look at Dan, still crying out in agony next to them as she stood to face him. “And he’s fucking left handed! Fuck!” He continued in growing disbelief. He knew something would happen but he hadn’t expect it to happen so soon and so publicly. He eyed Rose wearily for a moment, she wasn’t the sweet innocent girl he had originally thought, but that only made his intrigue grow. There was a danger to her which pulled him closer to her still.
“Oh shit.”  Rose grimaced mockingly. “Sorry Dan.” She called over her shoulder to him. “He’s a lefty guys!” She elaborated to her brothers.
“Who the fuck is a leftie?” Charlie questioned with a frown.
“Not anymore he’s not” Sam tried to hold back a cruel laugh but failed, smirking at him.
“You could always try and become ambidextrous?” Rose suggested, her voice dripping with sarcastic concern. She turned back to face Gator who had closed the gap between them. “You’re girlfriend do that?” She asked, genuinely curious, reaching her hand to his face as she softly brushed over the mark. “Need someone to kiss it better?”
“You done?” Gator asked starting to scowl at her. She may fascinate him, but she had also just caused him a lot of unnecessary work and inconvenience.
“We done boys?” Rose asked.
“Yeah we’re done.” Charlie replied casually, moving away.
“That’s right huh Dan?” Sam smiled dangerously at him before pulling his knife from Dan’s hand, causing a fresh wave of agony. He grabbed an old napkin from a nearby bin and wiped the knife down before re holstering it and following Charlie.
Rose turned to smile sweetly once more at Gator. “I’ll see you in Church Deputy,” her eyes lingered on his, tempting him, before she followed her brothers’ lead, dancing quickly along to catch up with them.
“Ergh this is even worse now, are you sure baking soda will work?” Sam asked as she reached him and looped her arm through his. Blood stains now flecked along the front of his shirt, not just the sleeve.
“Trust me,” Rose insisted, before turning with a sudden thought. “Oh Dan, baking soda! It’ll get rid of the blood stains just peachy, save your shirt at least, might even work on the grease stains.”
As the sliding door closed behind them a shrill scream pierced the air along with the sound of smashed crockery. Rose grimaced, “It took me ages to make those cookies!”
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lovesosweeet · 6 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter thirty one
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
october 2, 2018 san diego, california calum
I feel bad for my Uber driver. He’s got some blubbering man crying in his backseat at 7 am on a Tuesday. When he drops me off at the hotel, I tell him thank you through quiet sobs, and I make sure to tip him incredibly well on the app. He didn’t ask any questions, although I’m sure he had plenty. 
I don’t know why I choose Emelia over any of my friends to go to, but I do. I bang on the door to her hotel room until she annoyedly swings it open, her eyes flooded with concern. I don’t wait for her to hug me, instead I just clumsily throw my body against hers and start crying.
I’ve cried more in the past two days than I have in the past five years. 
“What’s going on?” She asks, her voice just barely louder than a whisper. 
“She broke up with me.” Even though they’re true, the words sound like a lie. I don’t even know if Emelia will believe me.
“You’re shitting me,” is how she responds, and I just cry, confirming the truth without words. 
She lets me cry for a few minutes while she processes what I said.
“Cal, I swear, I had no idea that she would do that. I’m sorry.”
I just keep crying.
“Here, come in,” Em says. She opens her hotel room door wider and steps in, pulling me with her. I let her guide me to her bed and she pushes me down by the shoulders to sit. “I’m gonna go get the boys, okay?”
I want to yell after her not to bring Ashton, but I can’t make myself say the words. I hear her banging on doors and then whispering in the hallway, and before I know it, my bandmates and their girlfriends are all streaming into the room. Everyone looks floored and they look at me with immense pity. I hate it.
They all just stare, but KayKay is the first one to break out of the pack, coming over and sitting next to me, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. I let my emotions go again, letting the sadness ooze out of me in hot tears that undoubtedly fall onto Kay’s sweatshirt. She doesn’t say anything, but she just holds me as I cry. 
The room feels deafeningly silent aside from my cries.
I want to be mad again. I want to yell at them all for letting this happen. How could none of us have known? How could none of us have sensed this all happening? I know Orion is to blame for keeping secrets, but Ashton is who I blame overall. He knew. He knew and he didn’t tell me. He’s my best friend. He should have told me.
Even though I want to be mad, all I can feel is the sheer heartbreak. The love of my life… isn’t even mine anymore. She doesn’t want to be mine. I never thought this day would come. We were supposed to grow old together. We were supposed to get married. I figured I’d propose in a year or so, and then once she was out of law school, we would get married.
We’d elope, probably in Spain, but then we’d have an Australian reception and an American one, both still small small, with professional photographers to capture every single second of the elopement and the parties. We’d take pictures in Retiro and celebrate at Space Monkey. We’d watch the sun rise from the park, just the two of us, on our first morning as husband and wife.
Orion and I had talked about all of it. She’d shown me a Pinterest board of engagement rings she’d like. 
We had plans to buy a house on the beach in a few years, once we didn’t need to be close to any college campuses. We wanted to get another dog, and maybe even a few cats. We didn’t want kids, but we did want to rescue as many animals as we had the time, space, and money for. 
None of it matters now. She doesn’t even want to be my girlfriend anymore. 
I never thought there’d be a world without Orion being mine, and here I am, living in that very world. She won’t even be in the world at all once she inevitably dies.
“Cal? Are you okay?” Michael’s voice brings me back to reality, and then I realize that I’ve temporarily stopped crying.
“I don’t even know.”
5SOS Cancel San Diego Concert!
Everyone’s favorite Aussie band was slated to perform in San Diego tonight as part of their Meet You There world tour, but the band has canceled the show without much explanation, citing a ‘family emergency.’ This is the message they posted to Twitter just a few moments ago.
“San Diego, we’re so sorry to say we won’t be performing tonight. We’ve had a family emergency come up. We promise to come back very soon and we apologize for the inconvenience.
We love you! Xx -Ash, Luke, Mike, and Cal”
Fans are immediately speculating after images were posted of bassist Calum Hood at the beach having an emotional breakdown yesterday afternoon, only to be followed by images of Hood’s long term girlfriend, Orion Moss, doing the same thing at a different beach. Allegedly, Moss was approached by police before fleeing the scene.
Whatever is going on, to say that fans are concerned would be an understatement.
read next chapter
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fleursbending · 1 year
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hiii i just got back from my pinkpantheress concert only to see i've reached over 100 followers !
thank you so much guys 😭💌, i'm really grateful my writing has received sm love. the avatar community is such a nice place :3 .
for 100 followers i am doing a special writing event ! how it will work is i have a list of dialogue prompts and all you have to do is the following:
✿ send the number of which specific prompt you would like through my requests with the following info..
✿ the character you want, oc or reader, gn or fem, platonic or romantic.
✿ specific genre: e.g: hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff. (you can choose a maximum of 3 genres! the choices are endless!)
✿ these are the characters you can choose from: neteyam sully, lo'ak, jake, neytiri, kiri, ao'nung, tsireya. the following characters are strictly platonic: tuktirey, ronal, tonowari.
✿ you can pick multiple characters to be included in a request. e.g : sully family x sully!reader.
✿ i will pick the length, aka if it is just a drabble or a full-fledged fic ! just pls be descriptive as you can with your request :3 or if u want i can just make it a surprise for u LOL.
✿ requests can be denied if they go against my boundaries and guidelines. so read those first.
✿ first come, first serve! this will only go on for a limited amount of time, depending on how well this is received.
here is your list of dialogue prompts to choose from:
“You’ll pay. You’ll pay for what you’ve done.”
"Not a day goes by where I don’t think of you."
"I’ve been falling in love with you since the day we met."
"You really think I won't choose you in a heartbeat?"
"Would you acknowledge my feelings for you if I kissed you right now? You can't seem to take a damn hint, [name]."
"If I'm causing you so much trouble, why won't you kill me?"
"Be brave for me, love."
"Can I cross your boundaries just for the night?"
“You’re a dumbass and I can’t believe I’m related to you.”
“So what? you’re still my [name], idiot. I don’t care about what they say!”
“You are a menace and you almost died back there if it wasn’t for me.”
“This—” [points at their chest] “—this belongs to you. always.”
"How long have you been hiding this?"
"You moron... Why are you so careless!?"
"I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this!"
"Never do that again. Please."
"...Who did this to you?" || "Let it go (Name), it doesn't matter-" || "Yes, it does. Who did this to you?"
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“Let me do this, please.”
"You were put on this earth to give me a headache!"
"What? I have never-"
"In my defense, I really wanted to."
"I don't hate you."
“Did I stutter?”
“This sounds like you’re flirting with me.”
“H-How long have you been standing there?”
“There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person.”
“Could he make you feel as good as I do?”
"This isn’t adrenaline, I want to spend my life with you.”
“Just to clarify: me holding your hand doesn’t, like, mean anything, by the way. Not in that way, at least. Unless you want it to mean something. I don’t mind. That’s cool.”
"You're an idiot."
“Don’t cover your face, I want to see you”
“You weren’t supposed to hear that!”
“I don’t know what to do.” || “Then let me teach you.”
“If you interrupt me one more time— so help me God.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
“We were friends! why did that have to change?”
“I’ve never heard you laugh before.”
"It feels like torture, but I don't want it to stop."
"I may have gone and done something slightly insane."
"If you lay a goddamn hand on them, I promise you'll regret it."
"I'll give you whatever you want, just- just stop!"
“Everything I’ve ever known has led up to you.”
"Just take my hand and relax, nothing bad is gonna happen."
"You taught me that love doesn't make us weak, it makes us stronger."
"Seeing you here felt a lot more like coming home than when I actually got here."
credits to the following for these prompts: @casualwriter @clovenly @urfriendlywriter @dumplingsjinson @promptplanetblr @mangocherri @writinginstardust @a-crumb-of-whump @honey-writes @mswritingthings 🎀🎀 ty talented ppl !!!
✿ if you have any questions, feel free to comment and ask! ok, gn! it's 1am for me💀.
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𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒃𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
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hoodievixen · 2 years
With My Own Eyes - Part 1 - New Moon (Dream of the Endless x OC)
Based off of this
Summary: Morpheus just wanted to keep his soulmate safe. She just wanted to make her own decisions. Doesn't help that he doesn't show her his face.
Words Count: ~3K
Warnings: possibly dark! Morpheus, definitely over protective Morpheus, OOC actions, swearing, mentions of blood, witchcraft, bad grammar and even worse spelling.
A/N: Okay, so took more than a week to write this. I needed to start on three different occasions. I wanted a soft Dream, but realized I couldn’t start with that. Basically it’s starting as putting two dramatic, stubborn people together and seeing who gives way first. 
Originally I was going to have it be a no y/n use x reader, but I hated using “she” so much, and also don’t like using y/n, so I just gave her a name. I won’t use any descriptors, so do what ya want.
I also wanted to a longer one shot for this, but decided against it once I was going over 2,000 words and realizing I wasn’t even partially into the story. Don’t know if every part is going to be this long, don’t know if the next parts are going to be finished, but I hope they will.
Master List
"It's your stupid face," Desire laughed, "That's why none of your relationship last. They don't care about you, just your stupid pretty face."
"Desire," Death said in a warning, "That is enough about Dream's romantic endeavors. Shall we talk of yours?"
"Sister please," Desire scoffed, "He's the only one without his soulmate. He dosent even have a mark. I'm sure if they do show up, it'll be as entertaining as his previous relationships."
"Why would that be," Dream asked his sibling, an irk of annoyance in her expression.
Desire let out a dramatic sigh. "Dream, darling, do you listen? It because of your face. You've chosen to have quite desirable looks. Though I guess you could just change the look of you physical form, or never take off that helm of yours. Then your issues would be solved."
"That's what you believe?" Dream asked in disvleived amusement. While none of his siblings voice in agreement to his thought, he started to question it. "Is that what you teuely believe? Even you my sister." He looked to Death, pleading for someone to agree with him.
"You do have a handsome face," Death begrudgingly told him with honesty, "And we all know your not much of a conversationalist."
No one knew what was to come from her soulmark. People would commonly pitty those with common names, like John Smith. Some don't understand why such common anes are still around, it's easier to find a soulmate with a unique name. However her soulmark fell well beyond that category. Scralled in elegant hand writting across her fore arm were the words Dream of the Endless.
When she was young she had thought it would lead to a fairytale romance. Once she gained some sense, she knew nothing good would come from it. Her worries only got confirmed on that day an old lady in London caught a glance of it. "You poor child," she cooed, "A human with one such as them never ends up well." She just held her arm close and walked away, on edge from living in a new country.
She just ran from it. Well as much as you can run away from something on your body. She covered it up with sleeves. There was a period of time when she was looking for any tattoo artist that would be willing to tattoo over it. Which, with that being against the law, was rather difficult. She tried dating. Never did anything work out, or click for her. After years of fighting against it, she decided it was best to ignore it.
The name showed up on Dream's arm near the tail end of his captivity. It was clear to tell by the name alone his soulmate was human, someone he needed to protect. He made sure no one ever saw the wonderful name on arm. No one seemed to note his sudden taking to crossing his arm across his body. He hated that he needed to wait to go to her. That he could t be at her side, protecting her.
When he escaped he wished to go find her. But he hadn't expected that his realm needed to be rebuilt. Then came the vortex.  During it all her dream book was always within reach, though he never opened it. Her thoughts would remain her own until she shared them with him. He knew that there wasbt any more time to waste. Something would happen in due time. He needed to see her, to have her in reach, to keep her safe
"Are you really walking home alone at this time at night," her friend asked over the phone.
She scoffed, "You say that like this isn't a regular thing." She looked both ways down an empty street before crossing. "Besides I got my knife, and you know I can take care of myself."
Her friend let out a deep sigh from the other side of the phone. "I regret ever gifting you that knife."
"But I love it," she sang, "It's a very pretty and useful tool."
"Hey, I'm getting another call I need to take," her friend sighed, "Text me when you get home."
"Of course mother," she joked, before her friend hung up on her.
She was tucking her phone into a jacket pocket when she heard a deep voice calling her name. It seemed to become front he shadows around her.
"Sibyl," it whispered out, causing a chill to run up her back. Her hand found the knife in her pocket.
Before her, out of a swirl of sand, manifested a humanoid form. All but the head looked like a mane, dressed in black. But his head was bulbous with eyes of a bug and a trunk made of a spine. Stretched before hom was a clenched hand.
Sibyl went to pull out her knife on him. There were only a few momentes of awareness after he opened her hand the grains contained in it, flying into her face, against the wind. She tried to fight off the sleep, but she sucame to it as if it was anesthesia.
Sibyl awoke from a dreamless sleep, in an entirely new place. She didn't remeber going to sleep, but she did remeber the Strang being in her walk home. She bolted up from the bed, limbs flailing as she gained stable balance. She was definitely not in her room, and not even in her own flat. However after being kidnapped one would assume they'd be in a dark basement, maybe even chained up in a cell. Not in a bedroom that was befitting royalty.
The dark sheets beneath her looked to be silk but felt like soft fur. The room smelled of fresh flower, as vases of red roses where placed about the room. The floor and walls were made of the same white stone, but the ceiling appeared to be the sky itself, currently showing the color and clouds of a sunrise.
Sibyl hesitantly left the bed, moving slowly as to not make a sound. There was a door just within reach. If it was unlock, she could easily make a run for it, find some help.
She reached for the cold golden handle. With even just a slight amount of pressure, it gave way. Slowly she pushed it open, praying for the hinges not to creak. "Oh, good, you're awake," a voice cawed from the other side of the door.
Sibyl peaked through, finding there was no one in the next room. Well, except for the raven sitting on the back of a couch. "Are you alright?" the same voice asked. "You look a little shaken up." It was coming from the raven.
Sibyl looked at the creature, mildly dumbfounded. She wished she could say this was one of the weirdest things she's seen in her life. Sibyl let out a sigh, and stood up straight. She had someone watching her she couldn't just leave. "Where am I?" she asked, know it was unlike she was close to where she had been the night before.
"Not the first question I thought you'd ask," the raven confessed. "This is the Dreaming, the realm where people go to when their asleep."
Sibyl's eyebrows creesed in confusion. "But I just woke up. And..." Instead of doing to common thing of pinching herself, she brought her arm up and bit down on it. "That hurt," she mildly hissed.
"Why would you do that!?" The raven cawed, frantically flapping his wings.
Sibyl shrugged. "To check it it was a dream... Which it's not, so like, not really believing your answer."
"Are you sane? Just pinch yourself!?" The bird pointed out.
"I have a weird pain tolerance," Sibyl explained. "No seriously, where am I, and who do you serve."
The bird's head clocked in confusion. "You are taking this rather well, are you sure you don't know what's going on?"
"Bird," Sibyl sighed. "I am a jenga tower balancing on one block. By some miracle I'm alright, but one sudden movement and I'm gonna loose it."
"Maybe we should wait for Dream..." the raven said hesitantly.
Sibyl's had went to her forearm. She knew it was just a word. By he used it as a name. Just like how it was on her arm. "Dream?" she asked in worried disbelief, "As in Dream of the Endless?"
"Yeah," the bird answered sassily.
Sibyl froze, not sure how to take it all. She felt her hand start to shake. Not too long later she would lose feeling in her legs as well. So she sat down where she stood, planting her feet and hugging her knees. She needed to control both her body and thoughts. Sibyl new it best for her to do it while curled in on herself, small and safe.
The crow came and landed before her. "Are you alright?" he asked hesitantly.
"Why?" Sibyl asked through all the thoughts in her head. It wad the only clear one in the soup that was her mind. Why was this happening to her? Why was it him? Why did he kidnap her? Why was he doing this?
The far set of doors to the room opened. Sibyl was too lost in her thoughts to notice, she barely even registered the fact the bird had flown away.
She didn't return to the world until she felt a hand on her cheek. Sibyl let anger crack through her fear. She slapped away the hand and crawled back away from who ever touched her.
"Sibyl," he called out. That same velvet voice. The same dark garb. The same stupid face. Or more the lack of one. Seeing it now in better light it appeared to be more of a mask or helm than anything natural.
"What the fuck!?" Sibyl cursed out. "Why the fuck!? Who the fuck!?"
The man was crouched before her. He reached out and grabbed onto her forearms. "Everything will be explained," he assured her. "First you must calm yourself as to not bring you any harm."
Sibyl failed her arms, to pull them from his touch. "No touchy!" she hissed. "And you expect me to be calm? In this situation!? I got fucking kidnapped. And by my soulmate none the less!
Ya know for a first meeting, a 'Hi' would be nice. Maybe some flowers. Not sand to the face and kidnapping! Who do you think you are!?"
"I am Dream of the Endless," he answered calmly.
Sibyl huffed. "No dur," she groaned, "I've had that branded on my arm since I was born. I figured out who you are. But what right dose that give you to take me. It's my life I should at least have an opinion."
He had returned to standing at his full height. Sibyl still sat on the ground, glaring up at him. "I wish to protect you," he told her.
Sibyl raised an eyebrow. "You say that as thought I haven't been perfectly fine for the last 28 years."
"That was before I was freed," he confessed. "Now there are many who seek to harm me, and would use you to do so."
Sibyl glared at him in silence, slowly returning to her own two feet. "But if they didn't know of our connection, nothing would happen to me," she pointed out, "You could have just left me alone."
"And deny fate?"
"Fuck fate," Sibyl hissed. "I'm team free will baby. So just let me go back home before anyone realizes I'm gone, and everything will be fine." She wished she could see his face. To see his thoughts through his eyes. To know whatever the hell was standing in front of her was thinking.
"No," he simply disagreed.
Sibyl's rage flared up again. "NO!?" she repeated. "You have no say over my life! I don't give a shit if your my soulmate. I had a happy life, which I would like to return to."
"I will not lose you," he told her. "That's the end of this discussion." He turned and left, his dark coat fluttering behind him. The raven looked between his master and the stunned human. He chose to fly after the man in black.
Sibyl clenched her hands in anger. "Dramatic bitch."
"Uh, Boss?" Matthew hopped up to the foot of the throne. "Mind filling me in?"
Morpheus looked down at the raven , 0lacing his helm on the throne. "What is it that you don't understand?"
"I have gathered a bit," the bird said hesitantly. "That woman is your soulmate. And you brought her hear, without asking her. I just don't understand why? And why were you wearing your helm, is there some weird rule where you can't show her your face? If there is, that's a stupid rule."
Morpheus glared down at his servant. "As I told her, I have many enemies, and I don't wish her to come to harm. The one place I know she will be safe is at my side, here in the Dreaming."
Matthew ruffled his feathers, still growing used to being a bird. "Yeah, yeah," he grumbled. "But is that what she wants? If I learned anything in my life as a human, most care more about their own happiness than anything else. Even their soulmates. Mine was already married when we met... "
"What are you implying?" Morpheus asked, threat clearly on his face.
Matthew pulled his wings in tight. "I don't know," he confessed. "Try to find some common ground or something. You don't want her hating you, do you?"
Morpheus was silent of a bit too long. But for him, that was more normal than anything else happening that day. "I shall before the day is done."
Sibyl had constantly been questioned, and at one time scolded, for only memorizing one spell. That spelling being one to summon things. There are two things she uses the spell for, one being the missing remote, the other being her family grimoire. While she didn't have the spells memorized, she knew what spells were in the book. One being a teleportation spell.
Once she had regained her wits, she set off on the task to return her home. When she translated the book she wondered what "across realms" meant, but now she's geeatful her ansestors were some crafty witches messing with the universe. However, not risking leaving the room and getting found out, Sibyl needed to summon all elements of the spell. As to not tire herself out more than necessary, she did it through out the day.
It was getting close to sunset when the spell was ready to be cast. She sat in a circle drawn with her own blood. Candles of bees wax were lit, and herbs where smoking. In her hands sat an ancient leather bound book, littered with notebook papaer holding her own hand writting. Sibyl opened her mouth to start the spell.
The door to the room than opened. "I believe we should..." Dream of the Endless stood in the door way. Clearly surprised to find what was on the other side of it.
Sibyl's look changed from guilt of being caught to a sharp hating glare. "It's exactly what it looks like," she said with sass.
He was silent for a moment. "You're bleeding," he commented.
Sibyl looked to her left palm. She needed to get blood somehow. She knew not to cut too deep, but when she fist cut it blood pooled in her palm. Now it was a slow trickle down her arm, steadily dropping on the floor. "I needed to get blood from somewhere," she pointed out.
He said nothing, only stepping into the spell circle and crouching down beside her. He grabbed her hand, gently pulling it away from the book, as to look at it closer. He held it was if it were a fragile flower that could fall apart at any moment. Sibyl had expected his touch to be cold, going of his deminure. But his long finger held warmth.
"You wish to be away from me su much so you would harm yourself?" he asked, a slight tinge of fear in his voice. In his hands appeared Bandages, which he stated carefully wrapping around her hand, to stop what bleed was left and prevent infection.
"I wish for my decision to not be taken away from me," Sibyl told him. While it still wasn't king or calm, it had the least amount of malice she spoke with to him yet. "I can make my own decisions, so let me." Sibyl could feel his gaze on her even through the thing on his head. It was in contemplation.
"If it's a choice you want, I'll give you one," he offered, tying off the bandage. "Stay with me in the Dreaming for a Moon cycle. After the moon is new again, you can make a decision. Be it to stay or return to the waking world. I will not interfere with any choice you make then." He had stood up, looking down at Sibyl. He outstretched his hand to her.
Sibyl looked up at him in curiosity. Her face scrunched in thought. One side of her lips curled up in a smirk, Dream found it quite endearing. "One moon cycle?" she questioned for confermation. "27 days? Tonight's a new moon so the next new moon?"
He simply nodded, still holding out his hand. With a be grudging sigh Sibyl took his hand with her bandaged one, standing up. "If you go back on your word, I'm using your blood next time," she threatened.
"That will not come to pass," Morpheus assured her. He enjoyed having her hand in his. Instinctively her started running his thumb over her knuckles. That only caused her to pull away. Dream clenched his hand behind his back. Humans are strange creatures, they take time to accept people.
"You must be tired from the Witchcraft you have preformed today," the Dream Lord commented. "Rest. I will have a meal delivered to your room."
He left with a bow of his head. Before the door shut behind him, the circle of her blood was washed away in a dust of sand.
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0rgell · 5 months
Lovesickness - Taemin Oneshot
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Pairing: Taemin (SHINee) x OC (Story is written in 2nd person)
Genre: Explicit, angst
Word Count: 3.2k words
You can also find this story on: AO3
Taemin's been so busy with his comebacks and you're annoyed at Taemin for accidentally locking Ddaeng in the bathroom all day. He doesn't take your annoyance well, but he makes up for it in the morning. Basically, smut with a little plot.
I'm back with a one shot, finally! It's been a while since I've posted anything but here we are~.
I do not own Taemin or his cats and this is just fiction.
I've got some stories in the making that are coming along well, so I hope everyone looks forward to them🌸
I'd like to thank @skzhocomments for being my beta reader (she's got really good stories).
Please enjoy!
Taemin’s been working so hard for his next comeback and so hard it seems as if he’s forgotten about you. You watch him as he comes back every day and chucks himself into bed and then you watch him leave in the morning after having a shower. As much as you love him, you hate being forgotten but you don’t want to get in between him and his work. It’s always been like that. And you would lose against his work anyway. It’s his life. You once asked him if he lives to work or works to live and he did not say the latter. The balance is unhealthy and his work is his priority at the moment so you just have to wait and try not to get pissed off. But you feel neglected in every way possible. You still remember his last solo comeback and the stress from it, Never Gonna Dance Again : Act 2 and then he went to the military. You were so excited for him to come back home and spend time with you. You missed him so much that it felt like hell. But SM got more of him than you have in years because then there was Hard and now there's Guilty. And you feel guilty for wanting him to stop working on it and just come and smother you in affection.
You feel stupid for not having noticed it earlier, for being so close-minded that you had observed the life of being with an idol only superficially. If you had known, then you doubt you would have rejected Taemin’s advances or his proposal anyway, but you wish you knew what you were getting yourself into from the get-go. He had a way to charm; he was cheeky and cute and his smile had this boyish charm to it. Now he’s like a brick wall, unsociable, and everything you say to him only receives one word answers. You never know if he’s actually listening to you and it frustrates you to no end.
The look Kkong gives you and the nudge of her head tells you to get out of your head and feed her. Because you may as well be the catsitter, the amount of communication you get from Taemin. So you do. You get up, grab the cat's food bowls and walk into the kitchen. As you open the cupboard, you let out a long sigh, grabbing the wet food and emptying it into the bowls. Kkong is already at your feet so you bend down and let her eat as you run your hand along her body. Ddaeng is nowhere to be seen so you call out for him and when he doesn’t come, you worry. You put the food bowl down on the side and start walking around the apartment, calling his name frantically like a lunatic. When you get to the bedroom, you hear a muffled meow from the bathroom so you open it quickly. Ddaeng is sat there looking up at you and you swear you’re going to kill Taemin. You left before him today because you had extra work to catch up on. So that means Ddaeng’s been stuck in the bathroom all day. You bend down to pick up your baby and talk to him, telling him it’s okay and then walk to the kitchen with him in your arms, popping him down on the counter and letting him eat on there. He deserves it after the day he had.
You sit back down on the sofa and turn on the TV, staring at it completely immersed in thought and you just can’t believe Taemin had locked Ddaeng in the bathroom. You stew on it and get angrier and angrier, minutes of stewing turn into hours and during that time, Kkong and Ddaeng come and busy themselves in your lap. The sound of the door pin being inserted and the door opening catches your attention. Taemin comes in silence and ignores you, walking straight to the bedroom after he changed his shoes to slippers.
You turn off the TV and grab both cats, one under each arm, earning a squeak from Kkong, which you are quick to apologise for. Taemin is already face planted on the bed, clothes unchanged: messy hair, which is now brown and long, one slipper hanging on for its dear life, a white wrinkled t-shirt with sweat stains from dancing, and grey joggers—joggers that left nothing to the imagination—and you just couldn’t help but stare and then tell yourself off for thinking things that were so not appropriate for your mood. Blinking in disbelief, you walk over to the bed and sit down, letting the babies free as they prance over to Taemin. You can’t help but call them traitors in your head. “Taemin?” you say, trying to take the edge off your voice.
He lifts his head only slightly before making a grunt and lazily stretching his hand out to pet the cat. You smile, hoping the lingering side-eye you give him warns of best behaviour. “Ddaeng was stuck in the bathroom all day.” You tell him, trying to swallow down the venom that is coating your tongue.
Inexplicable fury blooms in your chest. "YOU—" You need to calm down if you want this conversion to go anywhere. “You trapped him in there. I know you don’t care about me, but you could at least care about the cats!”
He sighs. “He’s fine, though.” Taemin's apathetic behaviour irritates you and a scream is threatening to come out, clawing its way up your throat. You hold it in and put your head in your hands at wit’s ends.
"Still, you need to be responsible. He’s a cat, not a human. If he’s stuck, he can’t get out, and he could have hurt himself trying.” You say reproachfully, stuck on the fact that he won’t just say sorry and that he won’t do it again.
Taemin sits up suddenly and shoots you a glare, brat, and he walks off to the bathroom. You hear him turn on the water and brush his teeth and you can’t get over the fact that he just walked off and glared at you. Taemin has always been like this; he always sulks when being told off and never takes responsibility for his actions. At first, you thought it was cute. He’d pout and pout and wrinkle his nose until you let it go without an apology. But you got sick of it soon because he wouldn’t let it go if it was the other way around. Whatever, you also need to brush your teeth, so you follow, and when you get in the bathroom, you open your mouth to tell him to give your tooth brush, but he cuts you off, starting harshly, “Stop going on about it. I just want to go to sleep. Just-ease up.” ending tiredly.
So you say nothing and somehow your heart clenches and you feel it throbbing. through your body resonating in your chest and you think you heard it crack. No, it is just the toothpaste lid. Taemin’s gotten your tooth brush and put a pea of toothpaste on it. He shoves it into your hand and you start brushing your teeth mechanically, like a robot. But, even after brushing your teeth, you still have a bitter taste lingering in your mouth.
When you’re both done, neither of you speak and you both get into bed, turning away from each other like a brick wall has been put up. It fucking hurts. It hurts more to cry. More, because Taemin knows. He can hear each breath as it's hiccuped out of your chest, and if you tried to hold it, he’d listen to your silence instead, and in the end, maybe you would explode all over him. You can’t hold this in forever. You can’t feel neglected forever and never say anything; maybe you’re just being dramatic. But still, it hurts.
In the morning, you’re woken up by lazy, clumsy kisses peppered all over your face. You barely open your eyes, squinting at the light coming through the bedroom window. You squirm and try to turn over, still upset over last night but Taemin’s hand on your waist stops you and pulls a squeak out of your mouth and you’re slammed back on your back after not getting very far out at all. He pushes himself up against your side, flush against you, and you can feel him.
His peppered kisses turn into sloppy, wet, open-mouthed ones, trailing down your neck as his hand carefully pulls up your top and trails his hand over your stomach, humming into your neck in delight. Your body is flushing hot with arousal; you have missed Taemin. Every part of him—his virility, his soft lips, and his dick. It has been so long; you felt like a nun living in celibacy.
He nibbles lightly on the skin of your collarbone before licking a stripe up your neck and nibbling on your ear. His hand travels down to your heat and he chuckles and takes his hand out of the equation. “Wet already? Did you dream of me.” Smug and confident, he whispered it in your ear. And you can’t speak completely under his spell, heart pounding, with no coherent sentences ready to be formed.
When he finally detaches from your neck, he’s on his next conquest, mouthing all around your breasts, sucking, and biting, and you find it hard to stay still. You squirm and writhe but he holds you still, hands on your hips so brusingly tight. He looks up, lust and hunger in his gaze and smirks. He finds it so funny. Taemin loves teasing you; he treats it like a sport when he can. He gets back to work and lays his tongue flat on your nipple, licking a line and then twirling his tongue around it, his teeth barely nipping. And you whine, jutting your hips up, wanting some release for your core—something to fill you up hot and heavy.
Taemin bathes in the sounds you make; he loves hearing them so he rewards you with a kiss so soft compared to the grip he has on you and you want more; you need to feel that connection. You wonder if you’re the only one whos been sexually frustrated because somehow Taemin is fine apart from his throbbing boner, hot and hard on the side of your thigh, a type of self-control that is inexplicable. You cry out, wanting more of his lips on yours so you reach for his long hair and yank it slightly, unsure if he’d like it. However, you’re pleasantly surprised when he lets out a low growl and his pupils expand. You marvel in amazement.
“So needy,” Taemin tutted and bent down, nipping on your bottom lip and dipping the tip of his tongue between your lips and you relish in his mouth, nibbling and sucking on his top lip and letting out a deep, content breath out of your nose. Your fingers slide in deeper, tangling in his soft, messy hair, surrounding them in his hair and jerking lightly, making the erection between his legs throb against your thigh. You feel like you are in a daze, eyes closed, lips moving lazily against Taemin’s.
Taemin moves away from the kiss and slides his hand into your pyjama shorts and he slowly circles around your clit, sending white heat all over. You move your hands from his hair and grab Taemin's shirt; you know not to interrupt his teasing, your hands twisted up and twisting up further in the white cloth as he uses his other hand to fill your mouth with his fingers, making you moan and your eyes roll back. Taemin loves watching you; he loves voyeurism; he gets off on it; he loves videoing, making sex tapes only to watch them over and over on tour, getting lost in your sounds, face, and body. He once told you that you’re face was perfect for porn. You were offended at first but he explained that you look ethereal while he’s ploughing you in.
Taemin dips his fingers down and teases your hole, dipping in and out of it as you nibble on his finger, wanting him to speed up. But he didn't; instead, he pushed his fingers deeper into your mouth, pressing on the back of your tongue, making you gag, and pulling a deep breathy chuckle from Taemin’s lips. “Calm down,” he demands, with a smile playing on his lips. He is so cruel, but you can’t lie and say it doesn’t get you off. He slips his finger into your hole, finding that spongy flesh and fingering in and out, hitting the right spot over and over as his thumb rubs circles around your clit. Then another finger inside you, in and out.
“Please,” you beg, pulling Taemin’s top over his head and losing him for a second. He smirks at you and pulls his boxers off.
Before you knew what was going on, Taemin had pulled his fingers out, pulled your shorts off, and grabbed your hips as he bent your legs and as he settled down into you, a string of curses and a deep grunt fell out of his mouth as he closed his eyes for a second, letting the feeling take over his body. The feeling was almost too intense, electricity sprialing from your feet to your head, your thoughts clouded, and your pussy desperately begging for some movement as you clenched around him. Taemin seemed to know what you wanted, his hips rolling in one swift motion, thighs pressing against your arse, and his short fingernails lightly scratching over your skin as his fingers dug in.
“I missed you,” Taemin groaned lowly as you gaze at his dick, appearing and disappearing inside of you again and again, the view being the most pleasurable thing you have seen in a while. You have spent so much time watching porn in the past few months that you feel overwhelmed to see a real dick going in and out of you, toes curling into the sheets as you try to not cum straight away.
“You too,” you manage to mumble in a half moan, voice trembling, hands clawing Taemin’s back as you want him deeper inside you. Taemin tries not to let you have your way, but seeing you move so sensually, lifting your hips to try and get him in deeper, your bottom lip stuck between your teeth, eyes hazy and glazed, and strands of hair falling into your face and sticking slightly as small beads of sweat have started forming at your hairline. It makes it hard for him to keep the pace slow.
You have to admit that the sight of Taemin is very appealing—the best view you ever had the honour of seeing. His back feels very soft and taut beneath your palms, making you want to continue touching him, explore the lines of muscles and relearn his body all over again.
“You said I don’t care about you. Do you feel cared for now?” Taemin teases as he takes his dick out of you and before you can whine, he pushes his dick back into your entrance and snaps his hips into you suddenly making you breathless and sending prickles of heat through your body. You run your tongue over your body lip, feeling dry from marvelling up at Taemin because he looks so good right now—golden skin droplets of sweat falling down his face, beautifully catching at his philtrum, making you want to lick it. Such a strong carnal urge takes over you as you grab the back of his head and pull him down into a kiss, not wanting to listen to him talk any more.
Taemin lifts your legs up to his shoulders, making an amazing deepness hitting that spot over and over again. The angle is nearly too much for you, as Taemin leans from the kiss and starts playing with your clit, making you clench around him and earning a groan, sending you off a cliff. You can feel Taemin’s weight inside you; his thrusts are getting more intense and sharp, building up, pushing you down into the mattress; the pressure inside you is building up and the muscles in your abdomen are contracting. Your brain is not functioning fully under the influence of arousal and Taemin. You can feel your orgasm about to come crashing, heart pounding insanely in your chest, feeling like it was about to crack a rib.
Your head lolling back, eyes closed so you don’t have to see how erotic Taemin looks, and your spine arching, welcoming Taemin in deeper as the pressure builds up, coiling, and you’re so close, heavily panting, your nails scratching at his back as you try and take the pounding.
Taemin’s groans and teasing words rolling like waves straight to your core, as he speeds up faster chasing his own orgasm, you take your hands and grab the sheets as he’s pounding you up the bed and white stars flashed behind your eyes as you came undone. Taemin’s relentless pounding didn’t stop; instead, he groans as you tighten and spasm under him, letting out helpless cries and he rides you out on your orgasm. “Look at me,” he instructs, his voice so gruff and demanding that you can’t help but oblige. He whispers dirty, sweet nothings, and then his orgasm hits him hard as his body tenses up, mouth parted open, moans falling out, and his forehead creases, making him look so beautiful and fucked out as sweat drips down his golden chest and his slightly pink face glows in the sun that is cascading through the window.
He clings to you, laboured breaths hitting your lips, his forehead pressed against yours and his eyes so glassy as he looks into your eyes lovingly. “I love you,” he laughs lowly and pulls you towards him, his tongue slowly licking along your bottom lip and then giving you a proper kiss. The kiss is sweet. Taemin places his hand on your cheek as he pulls himself out, sending shivers down your spine and pulling staggered moans from him.
He lays down next to you and pulls your head to play on his chest as you listen to his heart pounding. You look up at him. “I love you too, but what was that for?” you ask cheekily.
“I’m sorry for being a dick; you know what I get like during a comeback but it doesn’t mean you should get used to it. I’ll try and get better, more tolerable, and treat you better. Also, where is your engagement ring?” He apologises and stokes strands of hair out of your face.
“Your maid took it off while cleaning,” You tell him, insinuating that you are his maid, which, he doesn’t find funny. He pouts so you press up on one of your hands to get closer to his face and press a soft kiss to his lips as you say, “I hope you do. What time is it, by the way?”
He stretches his arm out and grabs his phone, checking the time: “five-forty-five.”
Your eyes pop out of your head as you moan, “I could have been sleeping; why’d you get me up so early?"
“You weren’t moaning about the time ten minutes ago," he tells you and you can't help but laugh at him and snuggle into his chest as he strokes your hair.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.
Feel free to ask questions on twitter: 0rgell
Love Orgel
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
I’m back with another request for one of your boys from Shadow Squad! This is from the 50 Date Ideas list. Can I request number 18 “Have a home movie night with popcorn and homemade nachos” with Xyn? Xyn deserves some love, too.
-💋 anon
Date Night with Xyn
Summary: You've been dating Xyn for a year, and he's planned all of the dates, at your insistence. But you've finally come up with an idea for a date of your own.
Pairing: Intelligence Officer Xyn (Clone OC) x Reader
Word Count: 666
Warnings: None
Tagging: @kiss-anon @trixie2023
A/N: This is short, and I didn't quite get into a proper date, but, like, I've been married for 7 years and I can count how many dates I've been on on one hand, so-
Divider by Saradika
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You nervously flutter from one side of the apartment to the other, making sure that everything is perfect. Of course, it doesn’t have to be perfect, Xyn isn’t the type to notice imperfections unless they’re an active threat to himself, or you, but you notice them and that’s the problem.
You smooth your hand over the soft blanket that Xyn prefers, and then you hurry into the kitchen to check on the nachos and to make sure the popcorn has already been made.
And then you hurry back into the living room to make sure that the movies you prepped for the evening are actually there and you haven’t misplaced them.
This isn’t your first date with Xyn. In fact, you and Xyn have been dating for over a year at this point, and he always makes sure to take you on at least one date a week, even on the weeks that he’s so exhausted that the date is him napping on your couch while you watch reality tv next to him.
You’re not sure why you’re so anxious this time.
Well…no, that’s not true. This is the first time you’re taking the initiative and planning a date for the pair of you. 
Xyn never seems to have any problem with it. He always comes up with date plans that are both enjoyable and intimate, seemingly without trying. And here you are, running around like a maniac, trying to make this date half as good as anything he could come up with.
You turn and hurry into the kitchen to check on the nachos, just one more time, and jump when you see Xyn standing in the doorway. “Xyn!” You yelp. “When did you get here?”
His eyebrows creep up his forehead, “A couple of minutes ago. I called your name, but you didn’t hear me, I guess.”
You blush, “I…oh. I’m sorry, I was distracted.”
“I can tell,” His gaze flickers around the room, taking in the setup of the living room and the noticeable scent of popcorn in the air, “What’s all this, cyare? Are you expecting company?”
“Just you,” You reply quickly, “I…uh…wanted to surprise you.” You hurry over to him, and take his hand in both of yours, pulling it up so you’re able to rub your cheek against his roughened palm, “You just…you do so much for me, and I wanted to do the same for you.”
He smiles at you, and you want to swoon for a moment. For all that Xyn looks the most like all of his brothers outside of Shadow, you swear up and down that he’s the most handsome. 
“You make it sound like it’s a hardship, cyare.” His voice is soft and gentle, “I like spoiling you.”
“I know, and I love that about you.” You beam at him, “But I want to spoil you too. So-” You lightly tug him over to the couch, “Have a seat. I found some new documentaries that I think you’ll be interested in-”
“You hate documentaries,” Xyn points out as he sits back on the couch and stretches his legs towards the ottoman. 
“Well…yes.” You admit, “but you can’t stand the movies that I like, and I want to spend time with you, more than I want to watch movies.”
He smiles, “Okay, what else do you have.”
“Um…I popped popcorn, before you got here. I know you don’t like the sound.” You say cheerfully, “And I made nachos, they’re in the oven right now.”
Xyn’s smile is softer, somehow. “You’re amazing.”
You blush and duck your head, “No I…I’m just me, really.”
He holds his hands out to you, and you take them, squeaking in delight as he tugs you onto the couch with him, “And you are amazing.”
You blush a little more, but shoot him a lovestruck grin, “You do so much more when you plan our dates…but I hope you’ll enjoy it.”
“I get to spend time with you. What’s not to enjoy?”
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vigilskeep · 1 year
10, keir?
10. a description of your oc by someone who hates them
I’m sure you hear a lot about the Champion of Kirkwall out here. I don’t know anything about him, really. I don’t even know how I survived him. Because I was a kid back then, I guess. Scrawny little thing. Easy to miss.
He came on our ambush route up on the Wounded Coast. Who started the fight? Out there, you don’t ask questions first. Not when there’s dogs on both sides, and they get the smell of blood in them. It was very quick. We didn’t stand a chance. He had with him... There were mages. There were things I can’t even put a name to. Terrible lights. And the Champion... I don’t know what kind of monster he is, but it’s not natural, I swear it. I saw the blood. I saw his eyes. I saw his teeth. The rumours don’t come close. When I crawled out from where I’d hid, the Champion’s people were gone, and everyone was... everyone was...
My mother was a bandit who cut travellers’ throats for a living. She wasn’t very kind or very good. She was nothing to anyone but me.
I hope she wasn’t afraid. I don’t know how she couldn’t have been afraid, against that.
I don’t want to talk about this anymore.
- Brief interview with a Kirkwall native, appearing to confirm that the Champion of Kirkwall was not, as some claim, a mage, but perhaps a reaver
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