#i don't even know how you get that kind of job nowadays. even if movies still use practical effects
bodywhorror · 9 months
this might just me having passing interests and passions but man...sometimes i think about how cool it would be to be able to make a career in the practical special effects world
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artist-issues · 11 months
Ya'll remember the Tigger Movie?
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(you thought I was finally going to talk about Mulan but no, it is Autumn, therefore the Tigger Movie)
The Tigger Movie had no right to be as good as it was.
Especially because nowadays, people love the "chosen" family trope.
But the connotations of that trope can sometimes be really selfish. Like, "I've decided to pick and choose who I'm committed to based on who's committed to me--" but sometimes your birth family is committed to you. They just don't agree with everything you do, or find you pleasant 100% of the time, or enjoy all the exact same things you enjoy. So then some people go "nope, I choose my own family! They never find me annoying and they like all the same things I like and they are just generally more like me than my birth family."
...and that's how Tigger feels at the beginning of the movie.
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He's like "I wish I could find others like me." Instead of focusing on the people around him who are his family already; they choose to love him, they choose to put up with his flaws, and they choose to celebrate his good points, too. They already chose him. They even try to dress up like Tiggers because they think it'll make him happy--they try to be "more like Tigger" not because they really want to, but to pander to his emotions.
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But of course it doesn't work, and that might've been what Tigger wanted, but real families (who love unconditionally) know that what their loved ones want isn't always actually the best thing for them.
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What was actually best for Tigger was to look at the good thing he already had, even if it wasn't perfect, and love the people who already chose him.
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Even Roo has the same moment, where his adoration for Tigger makes him start to think a bit like Tigger--and he says, "I wish I had a big brother like Tigger!" And his mom (who is the best) goes, "why wish that, when you have a Tigger like Tigger?"
The truth is, all family is "chosen" family. To be a family, you have to selflessly love the people in it more than you care about what they think of you, and you have to focus on what's really good for them instead of what they feel like having in the moment.
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There comes a point when birth parents have to decide to love their kid like that. Flaws and all. There comes a moment when kids have to decide to love their birth parents like that. Flaws and all. Same thing with brothers and sisters.
So then the question is, what are you basing your choice on? Do you want everyone to fit your ideal and your reality? Or do you want people who will love you selflessly, even if they sometimes get annoyed with your flaws? Even if they're not on the same wavelength as you, and therefore always easy to be around?
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I mean, the most wonderful thing about this movie is that both parties are learning something. Pooh, Eeyore, and even Rabbit are all learning that even though they love Tigger, they have to do an even better job of showing it; they have to remember to be kind even when Tigger annoys them or his recklessness breaks their stuff. And then Tigger has to learn what I said already: that he already has people who are his family, because they’re there for him, even if they aren’t doing it perfectly or lose their tempers or like different things than he does.
And the fact that it’s set in Autumn? With Winter around the corner, and all this pressure to “prepare” for winter? That forces all of the characters to make choices: either they focus on their own stuff, or focus on their loved ones’ stuff. Tigger kicks it off by focusing on his own stuff (he wrecks the machine they’re trying to use to help Eeyore so that they’ll hang out with him faster) and then every other character has to drop their stuff (their winter preparations) in order to find Tigger when he goes missing, or help try and explain to him that he doesn’t have other family—
The truth is, when they focus on themselves, things go badly. When Tigger focuses on himself, he distracts the people who love him from taking care of their responsibilities. And when they refuse to focus on Tigger’s crisis, he gets even more confused and tangled up. But when everyone focuses on “outdoing one another in love,” they are acting like a family—and getting through the winter together. You can focus on what others need—and the hope is, they will focus on what you need. (Not want. Need.)
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princessofmarvel · 1 year
Gold Rush
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summary | renfield starts falling for his friend, and the feelings he starts to get scare him. 
pairing | robert montague renfield x fem!reader 
wc | 838 
genre | a little angsty, but mostly fluff! 
warnings! | not really proofread! but other than that nothing that i can really think of! 
requested? | yes! i loved this one, thank you so much for sending it in! author's note! | hey everyone! this is a part of the swift series, so keep sending the requests! and as always, i do i have really bad OCD that causes me to write in some random capitalization, and punctuation, But I think that we don't have to worry about that in this fic lol. And let me know if there are any mistakes, but please be kind!
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Renfield had been living his best life recently. He had gotten rid of his old boss, had a new job that he could do from home, had started putting time aside for himself, he had even gotten a cat. The cat was probably his favorite because he had met this wonderful woman on his way home from getting the cat. 
“Oh they are so cute!” She said as he was walking down the street to bring the cat home. He could not take his eyes off hers. He could just fall into them “Do they have a name yet?” 
“No, not yet.” He said while scratching the top of the cat's head. “Do you have any suggestions?” 
Ever since that day, he hung out with the girl whose name he learned to be (Y/n). He liked having a friend. Someone he could always go to. He was with her the day he felt everything change in their relationship. 
“Oh what is this film?” He said while leaning in on the couch. 
“It’s Star Wars, Robert,” She says with a laugh. “It’s one of the biggest films that there is” 
“I never had time to see anything, Dracula made sure that I was always busy.” He says while leaning back on the couch when the movie ends. “That was brilliant.” 
“I agree, You really liked it, huh?” She said with a huge smile, and turned towards him. In that moment, where she looked like she was the most comfortable she had ever been, and her smile shined so bright. He felt his heart stop in a way that it hadn’t in years. 
“Yes, I did.” He said in a soft voice, while keeping eye contact. He felt himself leaning in, as he started to get closer, his cat jumped onto her lap, causing the tension to break. 
He got his cat and left in a hurry that night. Scared of what he was feeling, he ran to talk to Rebecca, but she didn’t help him much. She told him that he was falling for her. That scared him even more so he left and just went back home. 
He avoided her, as much as he could for a few weeks. He had not felt this way in such a long time, he didn’t even know what to do. How do dates go nowadays? What kinds of dates were appropriate now? What do you do on dates now? How long do you date until you propose? He knew that had changed to longer than it was back when he was getting married. He was just so nervous, and scared. 
Renfield decided to see her again, so he went to the flower shop close to her apartment, and got her favorite flowers. He knocked on her door, the nerves getting to him again. When she opened the door, she looked at him for a second, and shut the door in his face, not even saying anything. He stood there for a minute, before he decided to knock again, this time when she answered, she had her hand on her hip, and looked annoyed. “What?” 
“I-I wanted to apologize, and explain.” Renfield said as he pushed the flowers in front of him to her. Hoping that she would take them. “Please?” 
She thought for a moment, before taking the flowers and motioning for him to come in. She went to fill a vase with water as Renfield decided to start talking again. 
“I got scared” He blurted out. “I started feeling things for you that I have not felt in ages. I didn’t know what to do.” 
She sighed, and looked at him. “You could have just talked to me” 
“I know that, Rebecca yelled at me, and said that I was ‘ghosting’ you, she said that it was a horrible thing to do to someone, I felt awful and ran over immediately.” He said while walking closer to her. “I am so sorry (Y/n)”. 
He started down at her, the same stare that he gave her the day he started feeling for her. He leaned in, and did not stop himself this time. He kissed her lightly, waiting to see what she would do. She placed a hand on the side of his face and kissed him back. When they pulled away, they just looked at each other for a minute. 
“Let me do this properly, let me take you out to dinner, (Y/n), please?” He stared at her and hoped that she would say yes. 
“Yes, see, was that so hard to do?” She said with a smile, and a light laugh. 
“Tonight?” He suggested while placing the flowers that he got her, in the vase. 
“Tonight works great.” She said, while taking the vase to place by the window.  “I do have a question though,” He said while sitting down on her couch. “How long do people wait to get married now?” Right after he said it, he was rushing over to catch her from falling. 
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elysabeththequeene · 2 months
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My ★★★★★ review of Moulin Rouge! (2001)
or rather, just me rambling about The movie rewatch of my 2024 that i didn't expect to became a highlight, and is definitive of one of my biggest interests and current fixations at this rate.
At the start of the year, I promised myself to go and rewatch some films that I have not seen in a long time, nor do I have memories of in terms of recalling the plot. For some reason, one of the movies that came into mind for me to brush over again was Moulin Rouge! I do have some history with this film, as I remember one of the very first songs I learnt how to sing, was Lady Marmalade (yep, this is actually true). And I recall myself as a child seeing various scenes from it on TV, thinking of how gorgeous Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor looked together and overall how colourful the movie looked. Other than that, I eventually did get to see the film as a whole when I was a little older, and I did like it of course, but it somehow just stopped there.
I’m pretty sure the last time I saw it was back in 2017. My memory gets quite fuzzy so i can’t exactly remember, but anyways the point i’m making here is my god, I can't believe i didn’t appreciate this movie back then as much as i do nowadays. This isn’t the first time this kind of scenario has occurred to me, as I had the same experience with the Princess Bride, watching it as an eight year old. I thought it was fine and I liked it, but it also stopped from there. But seeing it again after so long when I was 21, I just fell completely in love, and it’s now one of my favourite movies of all time. 
In my part, what struck me to the core and became such a standout was the immense passion and emotional intensity that surrounded the relationship between Christian and Satine. An idealistic man who dreams of being a writer, moving from a well off family in London to pursue his dreams and join in a cultural revolution, and a more cynical woman who works as an entertainer at the Moulin Rouge and as a courtesan, but has hopes and aspirations to become an actress. They have different approaches to how they view love, Christian never having experienced the act of falling in love, is curious and wants to know how it feels like, and Satine being somebody who can’t dwell into love for any means due to her job and the life she leads, lets it clash altogether. But one thing is for sure, it’s in these differences that they fall for each other. The more they spend time together, the more they realise what they have been looking for all along or never knew they needed was as simple as that, love. But it’s through the expression of song, and writing that makes a simple melody or a lyric that screams “I love you!” to the rooftops so powerful, and even more dramatic because as much as they love each other, they still cannot be together due to circumstances–especially a very inevitable doom. The way you come to care about these characters and root for them even if things don't fall perfectly into place stems from having a lot of heart, and it's one i totally know that i have. A very defining factor that drew me to their love story was the rawness, and utterly convincing and undeniable chemistry between Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. There are instances wherein i'd be watching their scenes and i feel like i shouldn't be there, that i was intruding something very intimate happening. Goodness, nobody else i believe can replicate this kind of chemistry balanced with such amazing performances, all they had to do was look at each other and sing to each other and I already knew what it meant. You could feel the love, the yearning, the want, and passion between them which is just so fantastic, that it also goes to show that it is in the power of this sort of acting showcase and the vulnerability shared that makes you feel every inch of how much you want these characters to overcome such circumstances and be together. 
Everything that i said in the paragraph above, is why my favourite scene is the Come What May reprise, and why i just adore this movie so much. It tugs right through your emotions, one minute you're laughing and singing along, and the next thing you know you feel as if your guts have been torn out the way Christian's heart felt like multiple knives were thrown at him when Satine died in his arms. Getting really into this film and going over it has become one of the best things or one of my ultimate highlights for the year, and i definitely don't regret anything. That being said, i shall go and listen to Come What May again for the nth time of the day.
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Huh, I think you might be a bit hard on Hermione. Generally speaking I mean.
1. Is it really that surprising that Hermione had kids young, so much that it needs to be addressed in this TV show? In wizarding world it's very common to marry and have kids young, since they finish all their school duties at 18/19 and get a job after. So she would have had about 8 years of work experience before she became pregnant. And the whole "she's not family oriented" is also exaggerated and not really true. She clearly enjoys the Burrow chaos just as Harry since she's always there and she obviously loves her parents, even with the questionable Obliviate thing. You're acting like Hermione is some kind of robot. If your personal headcanon is that she's not family oriented..well that's another thing.
2. The canaries thing is obviously not good. Great! Meaning Hermione has flaws, she's not perfect and the readers/audience know this. But ..haha why do Harry and Ginny need to TALK about it so obviously as if the audience are some idiots who can't figure it out on their own.? That's a very beloved rule in movie making - you don't TELL something obvious to audience, let them think for themselves. And it's not like what Hermione did here was something horrible (and I say this as a Ron defender lol). It's pretty vanilla compared to some other weird stuff in HP (the exposing of Snape's underwear and possibly genitals, Harry's crucio, Fred and George's love potion.... So many weirdness) PS. It's not like Ginny would actually care about Ron here to be angry at Hermione. This the book where Ron and Ginny didn't get along and realistically speaking Ginny would've probably snorted or laughed if she heard that Hermione set the canaries on Ron. (Isn't that Ginny's thing - she appreciates dark humor or something like that..?)
So yeah, I think what's really going on here is that Hermione gets on your nerves and maybe that's why you exaggerate her flaws and have sceptical (almost negative) thoughts about her. Which is fine, but it's weird that these 'problems' that you have with Hermione... weirdly enough Ginny is guilty of having them too and yet you never mention these problems with Ginny. What was it that you criticized Hermione for? - being unrealistically capable and not showing flaws towards the end of the series? Not showing enough development? Having kids young? Having a mean streak and being too harsh sometimes and the fans still love you? That's BOTH Hermione and Ginny, my friend xD
Oh, God.
Thinking that not being family oriented means hating your family or being a robot might be a you problem. More and more people nowadays are not family oriented, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Hermione repetedely chooses to not spend time with her parents. Her liking going to the Burrow simply means she likes spending time with Ron, generally likes the Weasleys and it's not uncomfortable around a lot of people. And, I absolutely do not care if there are eight years between the end of the war and when she starts having children. She is not a real person, she is a character. What you put in the Epilogue needs to be coherent with what you have told until that point.
Hermione having flaws is not a problem, it's a great thing. Those flaws never being addressed narratevely is the problem. If in no way you adress the fact that what Hermione did is wrong, you are sending the message that what she did was right. If you as the reader percive it as wrong, that's good because critical thinking requires you while reading a book that you absorb the facts but question the interpretation of the author and see if the two things are coherent. Since the fourth book, with Hermione's character there's a divergence between how the narrative wants you to percive her and how she actually behaves, and it progressively gets worse. She never pays the consequences of her own wrongdoing. Which is why after your first reading of HBP you probably are going to think Hermione was competely right and Ron was a jerk, especially if you are a child. It's about the message that it's being sent. And yes, Ginny has flaws too, and that's great, and those are very much adressed. She hexes Smith, she calls Slughorn mad for not putting her in detention. She attacks Smith after the match, and it's hilarious, objectively speaking, but McGonagall still very much yells at her. She mocks Fleur, she admits she was wrong about her by the end of the book. It's not about characters having flaws, characters need to have flaws, it's about the message the story is sending. And, about Ginny not being angry at the canaries, I'm gonna guess you don't have siblings. One of the main rules of having siblings is that you can destroy them but if anyone else dares looking at them the wrong way, that person will die.
The canaries were just an example of one of the many very ugly things Hermione does and that are never addressed as such. What makes that specific episode particulary ugly is that she does it against someone she is supposed to love.
Ginny is not unrealistically capable. She is a powerful witch, that's a natural thing, it doesn't need development, and it's shown since the second book. It's also shown she takes her studies seriously by the way. If you are referring to Quidditch, she trains herself since she is six, what's unrealistic about her being good at it? It's also shown she is not as good of a seeker as she is a chaser. Also, I never said Hermione is unrealistically capable (are you referring to me saying she gets jobs she shouldn't be good at according to the books? That's just an objective thing). I mean, in DH she does things that she shouldn't be able to do out of nowhere, but in general, there's nothing particulary impressive in Hermione's abilities. The narrative desperately tries to make you think she is a genius by making everyone call her that but she just reads a lot of academic material and she is a bit smarter than average, there's nothing weird about that.
Ginny having kids young is extremely realistic??? She is very attached to her family, she is impulsive, and she grew up in a family of seven siblings, I'm surprised none of the Weasleys siblings had seven children of their own.
How can Ginny lack development? She is a character built on progression. She has the most structured development along with Harry. Her whole story is this progressive climb out of the shadow. She becomes the person she needed as a little girl, her helping the injured girl on the grounds is a parallel to her being the girl on the ground in the Chamber. She frees herself of her family need to protect her but still reconciles with her mother. If you are talking about her being well-rounded, Ginny checks out all the boxes in Karen S. Wiesner scheme which is the most detailed one for controlling the development of a character.
If you think I've never said Ginny can be mean or harsh, you have never read this blog. But it's adressed already by the story. There's a whole arc about it in HBP.
If I want to spend my days praising Ginny, I can. This blog is not a democracy. It's very much a dictatorship.
Ginny is loved since when?
I am not your friend :)
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
This reddit comment (a link under the article you posted that goes to a conversation if Timmy is a movie star).
He is right not just about him but the industry nowadays.
ControlPrinciple•hace 4 m
The next Leo? Where’s the trajectory alignment that is parallel to Leo? I don’t see it. You can say he’s a movie star without being hyperbolic. There will never be a movie star in the caliber of the ones that rose to prominence in the 80s, 90s and early 00s because IPs/franchises are the draw and the actor that gets the job can be the “star” to move it along. DiCaprio could’ve made “Beautiful Boy” a box office hit at Timothee’s age. There’s a reason his face and star power doesn’t drive people to theaters when he’s just in a regular movie. And that’s okay, because it’s a new business model today. But these comparisons are ludicrous.
That’s great, but how does that disprove my point? I never said he wasn’t a movie star, but context is important. He is still heavily IP dependent. While not movie stars, Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell just took a romcom to $200 million WW. Why can’t Timothee do that in a non-franchise or non-existing IP film, if he’s on the kind of movie star people are setting him up to be? It takes more than just leading movies that were going to make money anyway. He remains untested. You can call certain films “indie” and “small” as if they weren’t supposed to make money, but when you look up the facts, they were still disappointments and financially crippling to studios, regardless of how good they are. Movie stars make marquee hits. That means your name and face can make a movie a hit. Is Zoe Saldana a movie star because of all her Marvel and Avatar success? Outside of those IPs, can she open an original film to profit? You’re confusing talent with the ability to put buts in seats because you’re the main attraction. Dune also has, you know, Emmy and Oscar winning actors attached to it. Are we going to pretend that without Timothee Chalamet, Dune was doomed? Don’t Look Up needed Timothee more than anyone else? I just… don’t think we’re on the same page here. I’m talking about the bankability of a movie star (which has become a very short list), you’re talking about him being a movie star in general, which I agree with. It’s not hard to be a movie star, it’s hard to be a box office movie star and stand on your own two feet.
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This guy (or gal) makes some very good points Anon! I do agree... The Hollywood model has certainly changed somewhat. I don't think we can keep on comparing rising actors of today to the model of Hollywood from 30 years ago. Those days are kind of GONE imo lol. Not only that, but society and technology has changed drastically.
I do think there's a difference btwn a "movie star" and a "box office king movie star". Timmy is a movie star in the aspect that he's led some pretty big films, he's pretty well-known, and has a huge fanbase. But would I call him a "box office king" on the same level as Cruise?? More than likely NOT. But why on earth are people expecting Timmy to be on the same level as someone who is in his 60s and has far more films under his belt anyway? 🤔
Anyway, I also think it's the TYPE of film an actor does that makes them a "box office king". Timmy has pretty much done a lot more "smaller" indie films in his career. He's just now breaking into more IP-led films that have more of a box office effect.
I don't know if it's really fair to compare Timmy to Glen Powell. For example, I HIGHLY doubt that Bones and All would have done huge numbers at the box office even if they had cast Glen in the role lol. It's not really one that would appeal to the masses.
But if you had put Timmy in the lead role of a film like "Anyone But You", I kind of think that the film would have still made a lot of money just simply because people LOVE rom-coms just in general. Timmy might have a young face, so his "appeal" might not cross over to some older women (except for CC maybe lol.. 🤭), but even Leo with his "Baby Face" had grown women swooning over him in "Titanic" at age 23 lol, sooooo....it could have happened for Timmy as well! 😅
I think people need to look at the genre of film as well tbh. Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
My only question is...If "Twisters" does well at the box office, are people going to accredit that to Glen Powell's "movie star" status? Or just the fact that it's from a very popular IP and reboot of a film franchise? 🤔
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bluemoon160 · 8 months
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【IᑎTᖇOᗪᑌᑕTIOᑎ】 💙🌌
Hey everyone! My name is Rosalind but I also go by Ross or Ros. OR you could call me by my internet names Blue or Bluemoon if you’d like! (It’s a lot of names I know lol sorry. Just pick whatever).
I’m a 20yo artist, writer, and editor who will be mostly focusing on fanart, self ship, furry content, and maybe some cosplay on this blog. I do have a business focused on my published books, OCs, and editing services which you can find here if you’re interested. I’m more active over on those accounts since I work on that stuff almost full time now but I try and post fan/personal content when I can. This blog specifically will be a place for all my self indulgent interests. I may not be super active here but will try to anyway :)
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Skip ahead to read more about me, my, interests, and who I ship with, etc. But in the meantime, I need to get this out of the way and say that I really wanna make new friends here but I’m also hesitant to rejoin any sort of self ship and/or fan communities because of how many horrible experiences I’ve had with them before. Perhaps Tumblr is different but I wanted to put this out here for my own peace of mind lol. So please be patient with me. I grew up in fandom and self ship spaces that had constant arguments about literally everything. I didn’t even know what half of these discourses were even about and everything I’ve learned has been against my will. So no, this is not me “taking a side”, I just don’t want to be apart of drama anymore. My morals are this: live and let live unless you’re supporting/romanticizing anything immoral. If you have genuine critiques about how I portray certain things then definitely let me know since I’m always concerned about how I represent stuff, but aside from that, this is just a blog to talk about stuff I like so let’s keep it chill please. 🧍‍♂️
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【ᗩᗷOᑌT ᗰE】
⭐My full name Rosalind B. Sterling (or you can call me by the other names listed above)
⭐I’m 20 (covered that lol)
⭐I’m bi and aroace (I also sometimes use the term procul but I don’t identify with it as a sexuality. Just an add on term for my asexuality to explain how my sexual attraction fades away once my relationship with someone becomes real).
⭐I’m genderfluid and my pronouns are she/he/they
⭐I’m mixed race/Puerto Rican
⭐I’m neurodivergent (OCD, MaDD, and a few other things) so tone tags would be great to use around me but they’re not required
⭐I currently live Ohio (yes I’ve heard all the jokes and they’re honestly pretty accurate lmao)
⭐My favorite colors are aqua, bright purple, hot pink, and neon green
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Note: some of these characters might come from controversial media. I just like them for personal/creative/self indulgent reasons so don’t interact if these make you uncomfortable.
“Main” f/o’s
(Putting this in quotes since I hardly ever talk about these characters nowadays. They’ve just been my main for a while and I feel too attached to take them off the list)
⭐Dan {Dan Vs.} (Started shipping 7 years ago)
⭐Gary {Final Space} (Starting shipping 6 years ago).
Current main:
⭐ Alastor {Hazbin Hotel} (Started shipping 4 years ago) And before anyone comes after me with the “but he’s aroace!” comments, I know that and I don’t erase it. I’m aroace too and kind of imagine him and my S/I being in a possible QPR type thing. I still have developing to do. I just like the thought of two aroaces hitting it off and bonding closely. I take a lot of comfort in him as a fellow aroace so leave me be please 😭
⭐The Narrator and Stanley {The Stanley Parable} (This one’s a polyship and is pretty recent. Been shipping for about 7 months now)
Other f/o’s:
⭐Pinkie pie {MLP}
⭐Reagan {Inside job}
⭐Jinx {Arcane}
Other characters I like but don't consider f/o’s:
⭐Connor {Detroit Become Human}
⭐The Warden {Superjail}
⭐Andre {Inside Job}
⭐Ken {Barbie Movie}
⭐Mike {fnaf movie}
⭐️Rarity {MLP}
⭐Reigen {Mob Psycho 100}
⭐Archer {Archer} (It's always the walking red flags that get me 😔)
Familial/platonic f/o’s:
The only ones I can think of rn is Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel. I kinda see them all like family tbh but specifically Angel Dust. Also maybe Kirk from Star Trek. Like we’d definitely be besties I’m so fr.
There’s probably more but I’d have to think about it.
⭐Reagan {Inside job}
⭐Brett {Inside job}
⭐Moxxie {Helluvaboss}
⭐️ Millie {Helluvaboss}
⭐Tina {Bob’s burgers} (This one’s so funny to me but it’s so true. She’s literally me in every way possible😭)
Am I comfy sharing any of my f/os and kins?
Yes! I’m fine having doubles. I used to hate it a few years back but now that my mental health is a little more in check and I don’t have to rely on self shipping for major comfort like I used to, I no longer feel bothered by that. It was unhealthy anyway. Not to judge anyone who hates having doubles. I understand folks have pretty valid reasons for it. I just realized the attachment I had to these characters was turning into an unhealthy kind of obsession and was hurting me more than helping. I’m out of that place now luckily. I still self ship for comfort reasons but it’s not as in ease as it was before and mostly just for funsies now. If you're comfy sharing and we have doubles, totally message me so we can gush and ramble together! I love doing that 🫶💖
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【ᗰY ᖴᑌᖇᔕOᑎᗩ】
Putting this here too since I'll probbaly be sharing furry stuff whenever I get the chance. So here is my eyesore of a fursona which is a wolf/fox/bat hybrid with a scene kid aesthetic who looks like every middle school edgelord oc deisgn vomited into one character. But idc honestly. I’m not doing anything serious with her and am just having fun. I also might use her for self shipping if I end up F/Oing any anthro characters but idk.
Art credit goes to coral-kun
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⭐Anything sci fi, crime, or comedy
⭐Any time era from before the 2010s. Though I specifically love the 20s-50s, and 80s-2000s the best :)
⭐Cartoons. Specifically for adults. Adult swim is literally my go to channel lol
⭐Reading, writing, art, crafting, etc
⭐Space, science, dinosaurs/paleontology and history
⭐Animals and zoos
⭐Conspiracy theories and mysteries
⭐Anything horror, paranormal, or creepy pasta
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And that's it! I hope I can meet some new friends and stuff but also predict that my reach won't be all that huge since I've never had massive luck with algorithms. Especially as of late. But if you're seeing this, don't be afraid to message me or interact! I love meeting new folks :3
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bumblebeehug · 2 years
whoops here comes an analysis on the pheonix priestess movie - heads up before you read!! this is all lighthearted and my personal opinion, you could probably tell me the opposite opinions and i’d agree in some way so if i sound mad or upset just know that it’s all written with love :)
i rewatched the pheonix priestess movie and wanted to commit crime at how badly they portrayed lucy lmao. at first they made her cute and excited for the job, but then they fail it which obviously is fine except lucy thinks it's all her fault (like yes she was the one who couldn't catch the thief but NEITHER COULD THE OTHER IN TEAM NATSU). then there's some scenes where lucy blames herself despite team natsu delibirately telling her that they don't blame her, and i get this whole fanfic vibe. like I can write a depressed lucy for those reasons because the stuff i write isn't canon, but unless she's depressed for genuinely good reasons (natsu leaving, losing aquarius key, not being able to say goodbye to her dad before he died) it just doesn't make sense for her character to get so genuinely sad over how things went. then, as if everything isn't bad enough, eclair acts like a total bitch just cause lucy wants to make friends with her - which leads me to the way she's acting when she's trying to make friends!! like why is she being so consistent on following eclair around and giving her ice cream and stuff when eclair is telling her she doesn't like it!!! LUCY WOULDN'T DO THAT, like sure, she'd walk quietly with her in that new town because she wants to protect her, but there's no way she'd act so obnoxious. then eclair decides to be kind to her, finally, because "oh, it turns out i'm not the only person in the world who has experienced sadness?? even mages can be sad?? but mages are bad because i hate magic!!" which was just a weird concept to me, like girl be for real.
nothing in that movie sat right with me (that’s a lie, i like the movie, but you get it) - i would like the nalu moments better if they didn't feel so out of place. there was no reason for eclair to tell natsu to take care of sad lucy - eclair and natsu barely had any interractions throughout the movie at all! how would she know shit about their relationship!! i'm sorry but it's just so weird. i do like how much natsu notices lucy though - when she's upset because of the mission he cheers her up, and when eclair bullies her (ignores her attempt to introduce herself) he jumps in to save the situation. those moments i like, because it shows development in how natsu pays attention to lucy, which does in fact prove that their relationship is evolving (nowadays it's all gone backwards though, but let's not talk about that here).
the portrayal i do like is when they show Lucy's more considerate side - she has moments where she pays attention to eclair's needs (asking her if she'd like to switch roommate since she obviously doesn't like lucy very much - good thing she declines that offer, because i would bite her head off if she took it), and is overall more silently caring. i like that more because that's the character i recgonise. don't get me wrong, i LOVE lucy's outbursts and outgoing personality, but she isn't known for being intrusive. she knows when not to step over boundaries, and this movie shows the complete opposite.
I also like when the thief (geese or whatever his name was lmao i love him) thanks her for being her - he admits that even if they were "enemies" (not that severe but u get it lol) he still found her intriguing enough to like her - which made him want to save her in a bad situation later on. he compliments her on her way of bonding even with her rivals (which i LOVE that they brought up - girlie befirends every single person she meets!! not even zeref could hate her lol) (no comment on that everlue guy though lmao).
I think that translates nicely later into how well eclair and lucy bonds later - they were truly only able to become friends thanks to lucy, because let's be so real: eclair's a bitch and i'll say it again. i still like the bond they formed later (they were such lesbians for a while i'd love them together if eclair had a better personality lol) because lucy could really shine in her way of loving her friends - she's the one who gets closest to the people around her, and she cries the hardest when they have to leave.
overall i have a love hate relationship with this movie, cause the characters are lowkey so ooc that they're in character which is ironic lol.
also i can't stand the animation. dragon cry stepped up!! love that animation, the pheonix priestess was just weird - their faces were weird, their propotions all whacky and they didn't look like themselves. some scenes were really pretty though, esp lucy's sad/melanchony faces.
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Hello, I'm the anon that spoke about autism, sorry about the asks being so close together, but I just read your response.
I entered the Psychology field to be able to treat patients from a ND's point of view and offer a different brand of understanding and comfort than I've seen myself and a thousand others (especially people who have schizophrenia, Tourette's and DID) be given.
I have a newfound brand of respect for you ( I am clarifying, because text is tricky, that I already respected and quite admired you as it is, it's simply increased) for the response you've provided. Thank you very much.
Autism, even nowadays, has a ton of misconceptions even for professionals who are biased. It is still diagnosed as Asperger's (even though the term has been in disuse and was taking out of the official Psychology term and had the reasoning well explained, due to its disgusting story), and nobody bothers to tell patients about it, or even worse, people don't care enough to know the difference or change their view of it even when told. This, paired with the whole view that Autism is an illness, that vaccines can cause it, and a thousand other misconceptions, make it so even getting a diagnosis becomes detrimental to people getting a job in the future, and so, people become isolated. The way you've immediately pointed out that both children were vastly different even when they were both autistic is heartwarming and it is the reason Autism is an spectrum. Once again, thank you.
Because I have no personal knowledge on your own case, nothing but textbook understanding from my field of study, I won't comment on it, but I agree with you wholeheartedly. Even as someone who does not have to live with it, it is disheartening to have to constantly see, both in cases and in day-to-day life, how any kind of mental illness, neurodivergent, etc, ESPECIALLY Schizophrenia in any capacity, becomes the go-to for shows and movies' killers and bad guys, or is boiled down to either comedic relief and/or something 'quirky'. It seems to never be taken seriously and talked about it maturely, and I despise it. Please, know that at the very least one of your followers is deeply understanding of this and that you should feel free to speak about it without fear of judgement.
You've made a safe space for us, allow us to make a safe space for you too. You're a very kind soul and I wish you the best.
Your writing is wonderful, and you've made me feel incredibly secure and comfortable in reading any other set of headcanons you've made for the rest of the characters (especially Mihawk in this case), because now, thanks to you, I know how they're going to react to my ND and my mind doesn't get to try and be self-detrimental. I know it seems silly, but in a way, you've done something extremely important to change a small part of my life and I sincerely thank you ❤️.
First, please don't feel like you ever have to apologize for asks here, close together or otherwise. I'm always happy to respond when I'm able to.
Second, it's my dream to be able to go into psychology as a profession, for the same reason, to be able to help people with similar problems who are often misdiagnosed and misrepresented.
Third, on autism specifically, the fact that there are STILL people who believe it can be "triggered" by vaccination honestly disgusts me. It's misinformation that leads to people keeping their children from getting protection against potentially deadly illnesses, and as a result potentially exposing other children to said illnesses. Absolute bullshit.
Autism is a fucking mental health disorder. It's not "triggered" by anything. It's also not something to be feared. It's a thing that happens, something that some people are born with and some aren't. The only reason it's more prevalent now than it was in the past, in my opinion, is because neurodivergeant kids in the past were just dismissed as "probelm-children" and given no further attention, so it just wasn't given as much attention in the past. We've come a long way since then, but that ideology does still exist and it frankly disgusts me.
So fourth, I do thank you for your understanding, regarding schizophrenia. There are a lot of people who consider "schizophrenic" synonymous with "psychotic serial killer." Definitely not the case here. As I said in the last post, my main symptoms are auditory hallucinations. Most of my auditory hallucinations revolve around insulting me and making me feel insignificant. It's like there's an army of little goblins that live in my head and exist for the sole sake of second-guessing everything I say and do.
I hate it, but it's what I deal with.
And I don't want anyone else to have to ever deal with that.
I want everyone here to be happy and comfortable.
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mdhwrites · 9 months
Have you watch infinity train?
I have not unfortunately. Admittedly, I'd like to just take this moment as a chance to talk about marketing fandoms do for their show for those outside of it. Mostly that it's bad (and I'd be denying if I didn't struggle with it myself).
See, despite how big Infinity Train was for many, to the point where it got revived by a seperate network, literally all I know about it is:
It got cancelled and then brought back by a different network.
It is really angsty.
Someone dies.
Nope, that's literally it. How good are the characters? Not that either. Jokes indicative of the tone of the piece or the common reason to enjoy it? No idea. The literal premise of the show? NOT AT ALL.
Now to be fair, it's not a fandom's job to do anything like that but it gets weirder with how many times I'll see people screaming about Netflix having cancelled a show. Do I hear about the plotlines they wished they'd gotten to see? Do I hear about them reminiscing about favorite moments? You already know the answer but do I hear about the uniqueness of the premise?
Well weirdly enough actually, kind of for that last one because it's ALL I hear actually. What do I know about Warrior Nun? That it was gay. Anything else about the premise? NOPE! Even with The Owl House, the framing often is about angst and it's representation, even back between S1 and 2 when the shortening was first announced. People would mention good characters and an interesting world but not WHY these characters were good. WHY the world was interesting. WHY these basic narrative elements would appeal to others.
Which to me is weird because fandoms don't have to be beholden to as strict spoiler rules as an author trying to sell you on his series where he shouldn't give spoilers. Even then, I at least still include the description for the book during my main pitches. Crises Girlfriend's blog, pinned as the first one you'll see on my blog, starts with its cover, then its description and then with me branching out to be about the unique element of it being a personal book about depression, trauma, etc. written by someone who has been in therapy for YEARS. That's because that odd, thematic twist should be the LAST thing you use to pitch someone on something after they're worried about it being generic.
Like when Undertale was getting big, do you know how I heard people pitch it despite wanting zero spoilers given? Well, nowadays I feel like the gameplay gimmick of being able to be a pacifist would be given first. At the time though, it was "It is one of the most charming games I've ever played but I recommend you go in as blind as possible." That is an EXCITING pitch. It tells me a core element of appeal to the story that is indeed indicative of the whole while also letting me know the person enjoyed it so much that to tell me ANYTHING more would potentially weaken some of the surprises.
To bring up a situation where a fandom has been talking about the unique thematics of a piece versus others in its genre and that working though: The new Scott Pilgrim series. I still have gone unspoiled on it but I know one thing: It's not an adaptation of the movie and it's not an adaptation of the comic. It is a new beast but it stands just as tall as the other two. That is a HELL of a pitch if you know anything about Scott Pilgrim and the fandom is partially signaling to others, like me, that there are surprises to be had with this adaptation still, something many worried about. As a pitch outside the fandom, it works less well admittedly but adaptations are wonky like that.
Again though: It is admittedly not a fandom's job to market a product BUT if you want to get people into the thing you like, trying to give them a main thrust pitch isn't a terrible idea. Like for Amphibia I'd probably say something like "If you like Edgar Wright's shotgun approach to jokes where you're at least smirking like once every two minutes tops, BOY do I have a show for you!" or "If you want one of the most charming, compelling and genuinely sweet families in media I've seen, who still feel like a family, the main characters of Amphibia will give you diabetes."
Hell, The Owl House even shows this difference as people nowadays mostly scream about the gay elements but do you know what first put it on my radar? "This show has the best animation on television. Period. With a charming cast to make sure it isn't being wasted." And yeah, in S1 both of these elements are true and my own pitch back then would have been "If you want a beautifully animated cartoon with fun but shockingly deep characters, TOH is a great adventure show for you." I wouldn't pitch them on Lumity despite that being what got me into the fandom because they are not the core appeal of the show. The core appeal is that you had these really charming characters who could show some real complexity to themselves while also still being fun and enjoyable.
So yeah, I haven't watched Infinity Train but besides its revival, no one has ever given me a reason to.
I somehow forgot to mention my all time example of this btw: I was turned away from Gravity Falls almost until its ENDING because literally all the fandom talked about was its mystery, which they portrayed as easter eggs above anything else, while I was still wondering what the show was about or if they even liked the characters because neither were EVER brought up.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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Are you named after anyone?
Yes and no. No one in my family has my first name, but I have a second and a third names (which aren't official, as in the are present on my birth certificate but not on my other IDs) that are dedicated to my maternal grandfather and to my maternal great-grandmother.
When was the last time you cried?
I honestly can't remember. It's been a while, though. I had an anxiety attack last month, but I didn't really cry. So maybe...uh, December last year? 0.o Or maybe before then. I know that I cry way less than it's healthy these days.
Do you have kids?
Nope and I don't have plans to ever have some. I don't think I have what it takes to be a good parent, considering that I'll be mostly focus on my work. And I'm not equipped to be a parent in any case. At most, if I ever were to adopt a kid, I'd been some sort of older sibling figure to them, but definitely not a parent.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes. It's my number one defensive mechanism when I'm directly dealing / talking to someone. In general sarcasm is my humour. I can't say that I'm a funny person, because I'm not, so sarcasm and irony tend to replace what for most people would be covered by humour.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
It depends on the person and on how I meet the person. IRL, I guess it the way they approach others (myself included), Online it's usually their speech patterns and how they related to other people. Usually, I'm always wary of new people until I've seen how they relate to other. How they talk to and about them is usually a good way for me to tell whether or not they are worth my efforts.
What's your eye colour?
Grey-blue (I didn't give my eyes to one of my muses on purpose, nope. I realise it in the aftermath like an idiot xD).
Scary movies or happy endings?
Damn, this is a tough one. Horror is one of my fave genres, but it's also to be said that I'm very picky when it comes to horror movie. They not only have to be scary, but they have to make sense and have a comprehensible lore. If it's just jumpscares and random stereotypes, thanks, but no thanks.
On the other hands I really like happy endings in fiction. Real life sucks badly enough, I want some satisfaction and proper endings at least in fictional universes. So, if I had to pick, I guess happy endings?
Any special talents?
I'm kind of not sure? I've been told that I have a knack for writing and also that I have a great emotional intelligence (which isn't the same as empathy, mind you). Personally, I don't think I'm especially talented in any field.
Where were you born?
Italy! That's my mother country and Italian is mother language ^^
What are your hobbies?
writing (mostly fanfics), roleplaying, listening to music, watching movies/shows, overthinking shit, being a walking mess in general.
Have you any pets?
I have a cat! He's white, deaf and has motor issues, but I really love him 🖤
What sport do you play/have you played?
I've always practised sport, since I was in elementary school, and I've practised a lot of them before settling for one in particular. Before the pandemics, I used to do martial arts (even if I have been skipping a lot of lessons because of university). I'm not doing much nowadays, but after graduation, I'm planning to get back on track with that too.
How tall are you?
168 cm (which should be 5'5"? Or 5'6", I can never remember)
Favourite subject in school?
Philosophy and literature.
Dream job?
I'm on my way to become a doctor and I'd say that it's my dream job. Not because I've always wanted to become one or stuff like that, but because nowadays I can't imagine myself as anything else.
Tagged by: @misstantabismuses & @misfits-of-zaun [[ thank you! ]] tagging: @advnterccs @omniishambles @imprvdente @halfghcst @dynamoprotocol @technodromes & whoever wants to steal it !
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terubakudan · 10 months
Sup. xD
No, but really. Hi guys! Long time no see.
I see that Tumblr's changed, and believe me I'm re-learning how to use it. xD
So, um...usual life update I guess, you don't have to read this but I have to get this out of my system or I'll go crazy xD.
Honestly I really miss blogging and talking about fandoms, hobbies and whatnot. It's literally been over a year since I last blogged and there's a reason for that: literally no work-life balance at my old job. I say 'old' because I finally quit this year!! I'm really glad to be out of that soul-sucking hellhole xD For reference, I used to work at one of the Big Four accounting firms as an auditor, think hard before going in haha. The pay may be good...but at what cost?
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For a while even when I left I couldn't stop thinking about work, I would always worry that there's something that hasn't been finished yet, and believe me at that kind of job the workload is endless Orz. On the plus side I did get experience, but I'm waaayyyy more glad to be out than in, believe me guys, work-life balance is something that everyone should have, I don't know what it's like in other countries (do feel free to share, I'm quite curious) but there's a reason so many foreign professionals choose not to work in Taiwan:
The pay is low. Especially compared to Japan and South Korea. As of now minimum wage is NTD 26,400 (USD 836) per month, and NTD 176 (USD) per hour, the thing is it's seriously not keeping up with inflation here. Bento used to cost NTD 60~70 when I was in college! Now it's NTD 90~100 on average.
Hours are long. Not all jobs are like this, but you are expected to do overtime without additional pay in most.
A lot of bosses here just...don't know leadership skills? Like they know how to work, but are awful at teaching and leading subordinates. Both Mom and I complain that the EQ of some locals is quite low ^^" No seriously, you do something well and somehow it's always your fault xD People here can be too materialistic sometimes and don't spend enough time on enriching themselves and others. It's really the fault of long work hours as well as the cram school culture here.
So yeah..welp.
My new job (accounting staff at a SME) may be lower pay but at least I get to come home earlier now, which honestly is a relief. Also weekends off. You'd be extremely lucky to get a weekend off at the old job xD
In a way, my Dad spoiled our family xD Because he was too nice we got really used to this rosy portrait of Taiwan and the locals xD But yeah, Mom, Bro and I will find ways to carry on.
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Well enough about that! I hope everyone's getting on well with their lives, even when it's tough, there are always ways to carry on. ╰(*´︶`*)╯
I haven't been 100% offline actually xD Just a lot of lurking xD
Some things I've been up to:
You are now looking at a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fan xD JJBA lives in my head rent-free and I don't regret it at all, I want to slap past me for not following JoJo sooner, especially as an avid fan of music and fashion. My brother’s pestering of me to watch it finally came to. I don't read manga, have watched Parts 1~6 (and made my Mom watch it with me ha xD she practically got almost all the music references xD) and am excited for a Part 7 anime!! Which could take forever sadly :( Along with Arcane Season 2, it’s been a while since there’s a show that I really look forward to watching, what with the current state of TV and movies nowadays. Too much on content and not enough on quality or well, basic storytelling even.
But I'm sad that I can't go to JOJO WORLD. QQ I really have a knack for getting into things too late.
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My personal ranking: 2>5>3>4>1>6. This is just personal favoritism xD Each part has their own strengths and weaknesses and the writing in later parts is better as Araki has really matured as a mangaka and writer. But Part 2 is amazing. Period. I will not have it any other way. Special mention goes to this guy for simultaneously stealing my heart and *ahem* crushing (sorry) it, I have only cried for him:
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He and Joseph should kiss.
2. I got into gaming again! Thank Steam really for letting lots of players save money on not having to buy separate consoles xD I got my brother to help me invest in a good gaming laptop, and it's just lovely. Some of my favorite games:
I got to experience Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and my god it's a MASTERPIECE. The OST also is just *chef's kiss*. The composer really did a great job with the music. The animation that plays every time Raiden uses Zandatsu is an absolute joy to watch xD My brother introduced this game to me through the memes, and he immediately regretted it when it was all I could talk about for a while xD But god slicing a Metal Gear in two while Rules of Nature plays in the background, how can you not squee?! xD
Mind you this is the tutorial boss xD I highly recommend this game, pure unadulterated adrenaline rush xD It’s so over-the-top and unapologetic, and just damn cool.
I also beat Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. And as of now, it's still the best sense of achievement that I got from a game, it's the most difficult game I've ever played and let me tell you guys I'm good friends with the death screen xD
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The adrenaline rush I got from beating Genichiro for the first time (and throwing the lightning back at him!!) as well as beating Sword Saint Isshin was unreal. At some point, the gameplay for me clicked, and it was immensely satisfying being able to perfectly parry the enemy's attacks. The clanging of swords is a sound that I absolutely love.
Though fuck Demon of Hatred xD. Joke I love the Sculptor character who I affectionately call 'Sculptor Dad' but come on you had to unlearn the game's combat system just to beat him. I agree that he's more of a Dark Souls boss than a Sekiro one.
Well deserving of 2019 Game of the Year 👏
So you can probably see by now that I love action and hack and slash games xD I used to play Devil May Cry 3 when I was a teenager and even watched the Madhouse anime, the over-the-top-ness and Dante's quips won me over. Dante’s even the whole reason why I tried strawberries and now I love them xD So! It was only natural that I wanted to play DMCV, and I wasn't disappointed.
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There’s a total of 4 characters you can play as, each with their own SSStylish gameplay, and I had lots of fun just sending the demons into the air while the extremely enthusiastic cast cheers me on xD
Also V is that Edgy Guy who’s a hit with the ladies xD My brother hates him but I adore him. He even said that I’m a sucker for the “starving artist” types xD Well…
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HOW CAN I NOT BE A SUCKER QQ That smirk, dear god.
0:34 sold me haha 😂
You play as this really sexy Prince of Hell with daddy issues.
While Sekiro would frustrate me sometimes with constantly dying, every time I died in Hades it encouraged me to keep on playing, as whenever you die it actually advances the plot and unlocks new dialogue with the various characters, who are based on Greek mythology. If anything the game encourages you to die xD There was a time I was so determined to make it to the surface and when I did it was the next morning already xD
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The art by Jen Zee is also just extremely gorgeous, and the OST by Darren Korb (who also voices Zagreus) is amazing. I also recommend Supergiant’s other games Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre. They are one of the best indie game developers out there. They put a lot of heart into their games, which is something a lot of AAA games lack nowadays.
Also I headcanon that Zagreus listens to Coldrain while hacking and slashing through hell. It just seems like a band he would listen to xD
And not to forget, but thank Supergiant for giving the option to romance this really sexy grim reaper xD I'm a sucker for the 'tsundere' types too, and let me tell you every bottle of gifted nectar and ambrosia was worth it. When he finally realized his feelings weren't unnecessary I squeeed.
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Last but not least, an underrated gem.
Disco Elysium is one of those games that shouldn’t exist, and boy am I glad that it does.
It’s a choose your adventure game in which you play as a detective trying to solve a murder case with your partner, all the while getting to know the seaside town of Martinaise. Which once you get to explore it, isn't really that big and yet somehow feels huge, there's a whole fictional history that was created for it and for places outside Martinaise even, the worldbuilding for this game is insane. It also seems very real and similar to our own and yet it's all fictional, I really admire that level of detail.
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I actually first heard of this game through an artist I follow on Tumblr, who draws True Detective and Disco Elysium fanart. I adore the first season of True Detective and never knew that MartyxRust does things to me. Read reviews about this so-called "True Detective/The Wire-inspired" game and was sold.
Also the developers really hit it out of the park with Kim Kitsuragi, god I love Kim 😭 One of the best companions that you can have out there. Whenever I felt bad and by extension made my player character feel bad (the game is choice-based, there's even an achievement called 'World's Sorriest Cop' xD), Kim would always be helpful and encouraging and god just the sweetest.
The humor in the game is also something I just found so charming, and the voice acting is perfect for every character, I find myself having fun mimicking the voices a lot. I kept pestering my brother to play this game, and his Evrart Claire impression is so spot-on, I myself like to impersonate the Fritte clerk with my 'm'kays' xD
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Oh, and you can start a nightclub at a church. And believe me when you experience this scene in the game, it is glorious.
3. I had one of those 'happiest days in your life' moments: I went to see the GazettE's MASS final concert in Japan!! And the crazy thing is I specifically flew in just to see them, I was there in Japan for the concert and went home the next day. At the time I had booked my airline ticket thinking I would still be clocking in to my old job on Monday and well, I never thought I would quit xD
And silly me never thought that even Japanese trains could be late (the local trains at least), I was almost late to the 05:30 PM assembly time xD
By the time I got to the Budokan I was confused by the lack of banners and signs at the entrance at first, then I saw this procession of people in black heading to MASS (ha) and just knew. xD
And I thought I was the only one silly enough to fly to another country for a concert, then I heard Mandarin, English, Spanish in the crowd and thought: 'ah, music really brings people together'. It was beautiful.
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Seeing the bouquet with the 'From overseas fans (Overseas fans より)' made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
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Too shy to take my own picture xD But glad to know I'm not the only one extremely happy to be there.
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I tried to take a picture of this Uruha banner and it just kept flapping in the wind like Uruha during the heavier songs, so I just gave up xD
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The setlist for that night, when they played Miseinen (未成年) I think I started tearing up QQ Frankly the whole night was so surreal I couldn't stop thinking about what I experienced on my way back to the hotel. And I stayed at a capsule hotel for the first time! Specifically this one.
The song they played after the concert was an instrumental version of Knockin' On Heaven's Door, and it was absolutely lovely. They even teased a trailer for a new release next year(!!) and a trailer for their Christmas concert A HYMN OF THE CRUCIFIXION ver.2
Their trailers are needless to say, cinematic. I'm sad that they removed all their older trailers off YouTube though :(
As of writing this, there are still stuff I want to share and fangirl about, but unfortunately I have to wake up to a job tomorrow xD If I could, I'd spend my days just doing what I love and not having to deal with stupidity at work. I just want to say I'm glad that there are things in life to enjoy and make going through the daily grind even just a bit easier :)
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thnxforknowingme · 2 years
Naughty and Oh, So Nice
Pairing: Kublam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Kublam returns for some seasonal smut! Kurt and Blaine don't see Sam much nowadays, so when they're all in one place over the winter holidays, they have to take advantage of the occasion.
Notes: Many thanks to all the other writers who have contributed to the 2022 Kublam explosion. This particular fic could be seen as a distant sequel to Confluence, but otherwise isn’t connected to the quasi-shared ‘verse created in the Impromptu Unofficial Kublam Summer Smut Fest. For the purposes of this fic, I imagine that Kurt, Blaine and Sam all had sex together semi-regularly while living in the loft, but that was the extent of their relationship. As in canon, Sam eventually moved back to Ohio and Kurt and Blaine eventually got married. This fic takes place approximately five years after their first threesome. Special thanks to the Lima Bean Discord server - particularly Court, Jen @1908jmd and Gwen @cerriddwenluna - who gave invaluable feedback to help me write something that even approximated sexy when I was feeling extremely unmotivated.
Christmas in Ohio - slushy and cold, the trees barren and sky the palest blue, suburban lawns decorated with the tackiest of inflatable singing decorations. More importantly, family and friends brought together after long periods apart. Present-giving, meal-cooking, and cozy reunions of all kinds.
Kurt could work remotely, and Blaine was between jobs - bad for rent payments, good for vacations - so they were able to spend over a week back in Ohio for Christmas, away from the holiday crowds of New York. They spent most of their time with family, but when Blaine’s parents departed on a Caribbean cruise on December 26th, leaving the Anderson house entirely empty, they gathered all their high school friends who were in town for a good old-fashioned Glee Club party.
The festivities lasted late into the night - drinking cider and wintery cocktails, decorating and feasting on Christmas cookies, singing songs around the piano. Finally guests began to reluctantly leave, as many had flights or family obligations the next day. Kurt had walked out to wish Rachel goodnight at the door, leaving Blaine to continue a heated debate with Sam, their last remaining party guest.
“A Christmas movie has to have like, Christmas-y themes,” Sam insisted. “It has to feel warm and cozy, you know?”
Sam was wearing a Santa hat with a bell in the white puffball at the tip, which jingled every time he moved his head.
Blaine took the miniature candy cane he’d been sucking on out of his mouth to respond. “Maybe your definition of how Christmas feels is just too narrow.”
Blaine heard the front door shut, and the sound of Kurt’s footsteps returning to the room. “Kurt,” he started, hoping he could get his husband on his side - Kurt was great at winning arguments, something Blaine normally loved about him, except when he was the person Kurt was winning against. “What do you -”
“I am entirely uninterested in arguing semantics over Die Hard,” Kurt cut him off as he sat down on the couch.
“Ha!” Sam shouted, as though Kurt’s refusal to participate meant a victory for him. He threw an arm around Blaine’s shoulders, and the movement caused both of them to stumble, the bell in Sam’s hat jingling as they regained their balance.
Sam smiled over at Kurt, then glanced around the room. “Is everyone else gone?”
“Yep,” Kurt said, tucking one of his feet beneath him. “It’s pretty late.”
Sam looked at his wrist, but there was no watch there. “I guess I better get going, then.”
“You, sir,” Blaine said, tapping the center of Sam’s reindeer-patterned sweater to make it abundantly clear who he was addressing, “are too drunk to drive home.”
Sam stared down at Blaine’s finger, and then looked up to meet his eyes. “That is very true.”
“Well, you’re welcome to crash here for the night,” Kurt said, “or for however long you need to sober up.” 
Blaine saw Kurt smile, and his own chest filled with warmth. He knew that Kurt missed Sam ever since he moved back to Ohio. Blaine and Sam had enough in common that they texted each other frequently about movies and comic books, and occasionally managed to align their schedules and play video games together. Kurt didn’t tend to talk to Sam much when they weren’t in the same physical location, but Blaine knew he valued their friendship and was glad to be back in his company.
Blaine ducked out from under Sam’s arm and headed for the couch, collapsing next to Kurt. “This has been a very merry Christmas,” he said.
“You did go pretty hard with the peppermint schnapps.” Kurt replied with a wry grin. He looked up at Sam and patted the couch on his other side. “Come on,” he said.
Sam sat down - close to Kurt, but not leaning into him like Blaine was. “It’s been a long time since it’s been just the three of us,” Sam commented.
With those words, something in the room changed - the heat from the electric fire seemed suddenly more intense. Kurt glanced down at Blaine. Blaine raised an eyebrow, and Kurt smiled back. “That’s true,” Kurt acknowledged slowly.
Blaine sat up slightly, so that he could look at Sam. He sucked on his candy cane as he considered his next words. “Maybe we could do something to celebrate this reunion,” he said. “For old time’s sake. What do you think, Sam?”
“Yeah,” Sam said. “Definitely.” He paused. “You’re talking about sex, right?”
“Yes,” Kurt and Blaine said simultaneously.
“Then yeah, totally,” Sam agreed, already sliding closer to Kurt.
The music that had been playing through the Anderson’s sound system ever since the partiers ceased their caroling clicked over to Santa Baby just as Kurt leaned in to press his lips against Sams’.
There was something nostalgic about all three of them together like this, and they settled into their dynamic with the familiarity of slipping on a cozy Christmas sweater or stepping back into a childhood home. The give and take of three bodies maneuvering together, the sounds and tastes of each other igniting old memories of times in the loft. It was reassuring and thrilling all at once as they kissed and touched on the couch, growing increasingly needy, warm outer layers of clothing being shed until they shifted to the spacious, plush rug in front of the fire.
Kurt was just reaching to unzip Sam’s fly when Blaine said, “Hey, why don’t we try that thing you mentioned to me?”
Kurt looked up, blinking as he tried to focus on his disheveled husband. “Huh?” he asked, but before Blaine could respond he realized what he’d been referring to. “Oh,” he said, his face flushing as he remembered the idea he’d shared with Blaine a couple of months ago. He cleared his throat. “Yeah, uh, we could do that. If Sam is into it.”
“Into what?” Sam asked.
Kurt took a deep breath. It had taken some courage to admit this desire to Blaine, but as he met Sam’s gaze, he knew that he was safe here - Sam had trusted them with so much, and he could share in that openness without fear. “I want you to tie my hands and make me watch you,” he said.
Sam blinked, and Kurt couldn’t help but notice how pretty his eyelashes were. “Watch us do what?"
Kurt raised a shoulder in half a shrug, as though any of this could be nonchalant. “Whatever you like. I just wouldn't be able to touch you.” He swallowed. “Or myself.”
It was hard to articulate exactly why this appealed to him. He’d always loved watching the way Sam and Blaine moved together, getting to witness how they made each other fall apart - it was so sexy that he could never help himself from joining in somehow. Something about removing his ability to do that - denying his desire, building anticipation as he got more turned on and desperate for touch he couldn't have - made him shiver.
"Okay,” Sam said gamely. “Whatever makes you happy.” The earnest care in his voice made tenderness and arousal battle for attention inside Kurt.
It probably would have been the most practical to go grab an old necktie from Blaine’s bedroom, but Sam had another idea. He stood and walked over to the staircase, unwrapping a length of tinsel garland that was decorating the bannister.
Meanwhile Blaine reached under the hem of Kurt's shirt, his nails grazing against Kurt's skin as he pulled it up his torso and off of him. The room was comfortably warm but it was still a slight shock for so much skin to be exposed, and he felt goosebumps break out on his arms.
Blaine accepted the garland when Sam returned, and moved behind Kurt to bind his wrists. Sam took over undressing Kurt, unbuttoning the clasp on his pants, the slightest of friction against his crotch already making him ache.
Blaine wrapped the garland loosely around his wrists. “Is that okay?” he asked, leaning in so his breath was warm against Kurt’s ear.
“Uh-huh,” Kurt replied shakily. It wasn’t the most comfortable against his skin, but it would serve its purpose for the relatively limited time they needed it for. Already Kurt’s body seemed more sensitive, feeling the air around him and the heat emanating from Blaine and Sam next to him. The pressure of the bonds keeping him from moving his hands, and the knowledge that he was subject entirely to their whims, sent a zing of pleasure straight to his cock.
Once he stepped out of his pants, Sam put a hand on his shoulder and applied gentle pressure, encouraging Kurt to kneel. As he settled on the rug his face was even with Sam's pelvis, and he could make out the shape of his growing erection. He started to lean forward -
"No," Sam said, his hand holding Kurt firmly in place. "You just wanted to watch."
Kurt relented, leaning back on his heels.
“Good,” Blaine said, bending down and putting a finger beneath Kurt’s chin to guide him into a quick kiss. He still tasted of the candy cane he’d had before. “Now sit back and enjoy.”
In their past exploits, they’d learned that threesomes almost inevitably involved taking turns - there was a balance between being involved and getting in the way. There were always points in their encounters where one of them wasn’t directly giving or receiving physical pleasure. But they’d never done it intentionally like this before.
Blaine lay back on the rug, just a few feet from Kurt, and Sam hovered over him. They kissed, melting into each other, their hands roaming confidently as they made out. Kurt watched as Sam undid the buttons of Blaine’s shirt one-by-one, Blaine’s eyelids fluttering closed as Sam explored the newly revealed skin. He ran his hands over the roughness of Blaine’s chest hair, and leaned in to flick his tongue over Blaine’s nipple, repeating the action until Blaine keened.
It was agonizingly slow, and Kurt’s body grew increasingly tense as he watched, unable to touch or press or taste. He felt himself growing hard, his dick straining against the fabric of his underwear, and he had to bite his lip to keep from whining.
Finally, the last of Blaine’s clothes were removed, the familiar shapes of his body fully on display. Kurt had seen Blaine like this so many times, knew his naked body so well, but that repetition did nothing to quell the heat that rose through him. Blaine reached for Sam’s head and pulled him in close, putting his lips right against Sam’s ear. The tips of Sam’s hair fell against his skin. He whispered something that Kurt couldn’t catch. 
Sam let out a pleased grunt of acknowledgement. “Yeah, okay.”
“Not fair,” Kurt protested.
“Shhh,” Blaine told him, and then he reached for the packet of lube he’d retrieved from their bags.
Sam finished undressing as Blaine started to prep himself, and Kurt could hardly choose what to look at - the strong lines of Sam’s bare legs and the curve of his ass, Blaine arching his back with an expression caught between focus and ecstasy as he worked himself open, Sam stroking his cock as he too watched with a hunger in his eyes that surely mirrored Kurt’s own. It was almost unbearable to take it all in.
Finally Blaine was ready, and after Sam rolled on a condom Blaine straddled him, lowering himself slowly onto Sam’s cock until their bodies were flush together.
“Fuck, that feels good,” Sam hissed.
Blaine placed his hands against Sam’s chest and lifted his hips, setting a tortuously slow rhythm as he rode Sam. His thighs muscles strained as he moved up and down, his fingers tracing the hard lines of Sam’s pecs and abs.
Kurt’s mouth had fallen open and he was breathing unevenly as he watched. Blaine’s movement was hypnotizing, the sight of Sam’s cock sliding in and out of him intoxicatingly sinful. Their bodies were backlit by the fire as Sam’s head fell back in bliss. Kurt’s hips made small, pointless thrusts as he sought any sort of relief for his aching arousal.
After what felt like ages, Sam could no longer take Blaine’s slow pace. He reached up to grip Blaine’s hips, his fingers digging into flesh, and began thrusting up into him. Blaine gasped at the abrupt change in speed but took it well, surrendering himself to Sam’s control. Each thrust shook his body until Sam’s hips stuttered and he stilled as he came, his hands loosening from Blaine.
Blaine took a moment to catch his breath and then pulled off, disentangling his body from Sam’s. He pressed a kiss to Sam’s shoulder and ran a hand through his his hair. Then, finally, he moved across the short but impossibly frustrating distance that separated him from Kurt.
“How was that?” he asked Kurt, just a smidge cheeky.
“Please let me touch you now,” Kurt begged. The building anticipation had been just as much of a turn-on as he’d expected, but that meant he was desperate for attention now.
Blaine complied, kneeling behind Kurt to undo his bonds. “The best part of Christmas,” Blaine whispered as he untied the tinsel, “is opening presents.”
As soon as Kurt’s wrists were free he surged towards Blaine, cupping his face and kissing him with a force that pushed him backwards. As Blaine was pressed onto the rug, Kurt aligned their hips to relieve the tension in his groin.
Their passionate embrace was interrupted when they heard Sam speak.
“Hey,” he started, and took pauses between his words to breathe. “You can - fuck me - if you want.”
Kurt felt a thrill sizzle through his veins at the thought - he was so hard, and the idea of being inside Sam was excruciatingly tempting.  “But Blaine - “
“Yeah, yeah.” Sam rolled onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow. “We can take care of him, too.”
Sam’s knees and palms sunk into the velvety throw blanket that Blaine had grabbed from the couch as Kurt pounded into him. It had been a long time since he’d been fucked - not having been with any men since he moved out of the loft in New York - and the intensity of the sensation felt like sating a thirst he’d forgotten he had. Kurt’s fingers had been as talented as ever, and now each thrust of his hips sent a shockwave through Sam’s body.
Despite the overwhelm of it, he tried to maintain focus on the other task he’d taken on. Blaine knelt before him, his elbows resting on the couch and his cock heavy and full in front of Sam’s face. Blaine had given him an incredible orgasm, and he wanted to return the favor.
Somewhat clumsily - as his hands were busy holding him up - he tongued at the head of Blaine’s cock before closing his lips around it. He stretched his neck so that he could take more of Blaine, and hollowed his cheeks.
Blaine gave a low grunt of pleasure, and apparently that did something for Kurt, too, as he slammed into Sam’s ass with increased vigor. Sam tried to bob his head, to take Blaine deeper and find some kind of rhythm, but it was all too much - the feeling of Kurt pumping in and out of him, trying to keep his throat slack and not gag, maintaining his balance in this position.
He pulled off of Blaine and looked up at him. Blaine’s pupils were wide, his hair curling with sweat. He reached over and held Sam’s jaw, his thumb stroking Sam’s bottom lip. “You okay?”
“I just - “ Sam said, and then swallowed. Kurt’s fucking had slowed, and the drag of his cock was so amazing and so distracting. “Could you - take control?”
Blaine’s eyebrows rose, but he nodded. “If you want.”
“Not rough, but - yeah.” Sam told him.
Blaine lifted his other hand to cradle Sam’s head securely. “Hit my leg if you need me to stop,” he said.
Sam nodded, and he opened his lips. Blaine pushed in and began to shallowly fuck his mouth, and Sam relaxed, losing himself completely to sensation. He was rocked by the movement of both Kurt and Blaine, and there wasn’t a nerve in his body that wasn’t on fire. He didn’t feel like a person so much as a vessel for pleasure. It was something debauched in a way he couldn’t imagine doing with anyone he didn’t trust implicitly. 
Blaine kept his promise not to get rough, never giving more than exactly what Sam could take, but before long his movements grew more erratic. The coordination that he and Kurt had built faltered as Blaine raced closer to the edge, his cock sliding between Sam’s spit-slick lips until he was coming down his throat. 
Blaine pulled away and leaned back against the couch, leaving Sam with an aching jaw and a bitter aftertaste. Sam shifted down onto his elbows, and the new angle of his body as Kurt thrust into him sent sparks up his spine and blood rushing back to his cock. It was like all the pleasure he’d tried to give was being returned to him tenfold - it felt beyond his physical body, as though he’d reached some new plane of divine stimulation. Kurt hammered into him relentlessly, and Sam reached down to fist his own dick, the roughness and tightness of his hand giving him just the friction he needed until his euphoria burst and he came, splattering onto the blanket beneath him.
Kurt gasped as Sam tightened around him, and his own orgasm followed. He rocked their bodies together a few last times, letting out heavy, gratified breaths against Sam’s back before pulling out.
Sated and sweaty and sore, they all collapsed onto the rug. The light in the room flickered unevenly from the fireplace, supplemented by the glow of the Christmas tree. The stereo played on in the background, Andy Williams’ voice proclaiming it the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. The room smelled of peppermint and chocolate and sex.
Kurt let out a long sigh, shifting so he could rest his head against Sam’s shoulder. “Merry fucking Christmas.”
They all laughed, exhausted and giddy. Blaine curled up against Sam’s other side. “And here’s to many more,” he whispered, and Sam couldn’t help but grin at the thought.
It was late, and they would need to clean up - he hoped he hadn’t ruined that throw blanket, it was really nice. He should also probably drink some water to avoid a major hangover the next morning.
But for the moment, there was nothing he wanted to do more than lay heavy-boned in the close comfort of his friends and lovers, savoring the brief time that they had together over the holidays. Cuddling together in front of the fireplace, heartbeats echoing through their bodies, he was grateful for the warmth and light they could share during the darkest, coldest time of year.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
So I have some announcements and yes my turn and you had a good long 15 minute cat nap and yeah I cook that beef right out of there some of it and guess how it goes I have just a few things I'm going to race before it falls asleep no but
-they're calling 911 a lot no they're fighting over the police spots constantly and they're at it and they saw Tommy F in there and it started a big fight and they're fighting over the sheriff position and the captain of the local police and all sorts of sheriff and police jobs and fire department animals and they're doing it now it's it's a hell of a fight and he can't sleep at night unless you have people in there so they're going at it and today there's a lot of death cuz they're fighting to the death of her unfortunately it's a big fight
-they have a whole bunch of people out there collecting diamonds and they're fighting over the diamonds and pseudo empire are fighting over a post in the police and they're coming down here in numbers really big numbers and they're still attacking the bunker systems like one bunker and one of the clusters in one complex in each complex and that's what it and they have been pushed out and they are getting nailed and they are mailing the they're hitting them good and they're going and then tracing them down the warlocks are in a lot of trouble here in Florida you're down to about 6% and it is including you pseudo empire their numbers are going down a little but not much they plan on holding it out and they're playing as evil they will try and take over most of the two islands and possibly Britain as is it aggressive plan and they plan on doing it now. But I don't have 6%, 2% are getting ready to evacuate most of them are trumpsters and there are about 30% BGA and 70% trumpster. There is a series of that going on but 4% is very small and they're fighting over the diamonds offshore the equipment of the morlock was confiscated and the ships and there's no more invasion Force coming at all from the sea there's some more things happening
-there are some cars that are in question and everybody's talking about it where are they going to be who's going to be using them whose cars were they how they become his and what's this with Dave's coaches and what is the symbolism nowadays there's a lot of questions that people are asking these guys are asking it seems crazy after all these years I'm really subjugating my husband who just up and get him a car. My husband says it if you put him in a plane he can't be guided out and they'll say you'll all just die in a crash it might be able to read direct the plane and we said too he and Mike have the experience of a ship chasing them but they just kept driving so they sort of know how it goes and he's the witness that's what they're calling him and he isn't that movie The witness and it's a Harrison Ford movie and my husband got it and it's an intense movie. Mine is in Mexico no but that's where I am and he's laughing and somehow they figure out as me he's laughing because that's where the car is going that's where I am and people didn't figure it out and he didn't figure it out and I know he didn't so that's why he's laughing he didn't know which version usually it's me the Jersey girl it's true too that's why I usually project just her looking real good it's kind of what it was no so they think that I may have been in Jersey and they're going to look around and I have been up there but it's going to Mexico because I'm there. The firebird of his is being fought over heavily they are fighting like madness holding their own and they don't feel like that it's going to move but the question is do they want to move it but it's not in the movie and it's not a topic in the movie either but it happens when the movies are occurring trading places Wall Street even wolf on Wall Street and Arthur has the segment with the talking about cars and I think it's there and they're walking around looking for it true and it is BG and she finds it and he moves it and the avengers series begins and that's what he's doing up there is Arthur there's a couple other things to this they're saying that Dave is designing it and he was he was helping and he made some wicked stuff while he was doing it and it was not nice that's how it goes so we are getting ready sooner or later the firebird will move and he thinks Mac Daddy is trying to move it because it makes sense now that the plane has been discussed. A lot of people think that he takes a trip out there to Utah by car and JC or general George Washington used the fast coach to get there and it's true... And the idiot is talking saying we probably shouldn't start to have it here and it's true but it's some kind of idiot and I don't want to hear about you Guido it says as long as I'm in a small kind of muscly format it's Guido actually it is Guido because I got a big tummy and it's not Vinny that's very funny but that's the problem and they're saying to get on with it whatever it is I can't remember he says he thinks the highway starts on this possibly there's something he says and a lot of people are laughing their asses off and it's like how he says it I'm a star on the highway is how he usually says it, and gas doesn't make sense but he also says stupid things like I'm a highway Star is a several of them so could be it and we are talking about it right now internally so we're going to publish but really it means something is happening
You damn right something's happening mac daddy is figuring out they'll probably have to move too and he talked about it a month ago with our son and he agrees I'll probably have to move it's like an emergency so they're going to work on it and to the West Coast for matrix and that's what it is right now I'm going to have a quick meeting
Thor Freya
Olympus it's a good thing and it's for a change
0 notes
avocado-writing · 2 years
1. I love your writing it’s amazing!!! Ilyyy/p ❤️
2. Are your short sfw requests still open? If so are you okay with writing one for Ladybug? One where he and the reader (code name Cherry/Cherry Bomb) are both in the train during the time when it crashes and in a moment of panic they both just hug each other and hope they survive it (before they both fall together into that giant momomon plushie thing like in the movie) afterwards the reader is like: “how the fuck did we survive this?” Ladybug: “just lucky ig”
🥺 ilu2!
I don't really write for Ladybug (or give reader codenames, actually) so I kept this one short! Hope it hits the spot!
Rated M for Sexual References (thank u vvalliu for the gif!)
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Well, with his fucking luck, you would end up in this situation.
It’s his first job back so they paired you up together. Wanted someone to keep an eye on him because he’s been acting differently, apparently. You drew the short straw and were stuck with babysitting duty. 
“Come on, Maria. Don’t make me do it,” you’d whined down the phone. Your handler had given you a gentle tut.
“It’s one job. Be pleased it’s not with Carver.”
Admittedly, you are pleased with that. Carver is a dick. But Ladybug - at least, that’s what they’re calling him nowadays - didn’t turn out to be much better. With a stupid laid-back attitude and an even stupider hat, you’d found yourself grinding your teeth at his greeting. 
“Hey! Cherry Bomb, I’ve not seen you for ages!”
“Just CB is fine.”
“Why’d you need a nickname… when you already have a nickname?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing under those ridiculous glasses. 
“It’s a codename, not a nickname. Can we just get on the train, please?”
The old Ladybug might have bickered back and, secretly, you would have enjoyed it. But this new one just shrugs and acquiesces. 
Snatch and grab. 
Should have been easy. Of course it wasn’t. Assassins running up and down the train like no man’s business. Too many of you to be coincidental, all the while Ladybug’s bad luck dragging you deeper into the dirt. You’re sort of annoyed at him but know, realistically, that luck doesn’t exist. Doesn’t make it any easier to fight off a snake when it’s trying to bite you in the goddamn eyeball, though. 
But through it all you can’t deny you’re… looking.
He’s attractive, that’s undeniable. Always has been, even back in the old days before he got that mature suaveness. Those arms, that hair. And he’s also kind of… nice. Which is a rare thing in this business. And you feel yourself soften to his new unwitting charm, smiling more than you frown, despite the circumstances.
Then, well, the train sort of explodes. 
Which, yeah, why wouldn’t it? Why wouldn’t a train with Ladybug on it explode? And as you’re there, flying through the debris, you see him open his arms to you, as if in slow-motion. 
You let yourself fall into him, feel him pull you flush to his body, scrunch your eyes shut so hard they hurt.
In his arms? It’s not a bad way to go.
Then… something soft. It still hurts, of course, but the softness is a surprise. And when you finally get the sense to look around you’re still very much alive. In the middle of a crash site and in pain, but alive. Ladybug is on top of you, having landed with one of his knees between your legs and his body resting on yours. You might have pushed him off of you if adrenaline wasn’t coursing through your veins.
His hair flops over his face, tickling your own. He’s close. Very close.
“How did we get outta that one?” he mutters.
“Just lucky, I guess,” you breathe back, and drag him down to kiss you. He tastes like smoke and blood and fuck, if it isn’t just perfect. You press your hips up into him and watch his eyebrows skyrocket.
A gun is fired into the air behind you. The two of you look over, and spot the White Death, clinging to life, abhorrent fury on his face at the sight of the two of you choosing now to kiss.
“Can you give me like, two minutes, bro? I’ve been waiting for this forever.”
And you burst into laughter, and despite everything, he kisses you again.
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giogio-vanna · 3 years
Bucci Gang Horror Movie Night Headcanons
Anon asked: Another Bucci gang request! (Escape room anon here! Love your blog!!!)Horror movie night! It was probably Narancia and/or Mista who decided on it and made everyone else watch it. (Also I once heard that Italian horror movies are the scariest and goriest, idk any specific movie titles but that’s just a random cinema fact I heard). (Also I keep picturing Narancia teasing everyone at first about how scared they’re gonna be and then he ends up the most scared and trying not to show it, lol)
Hi there! OMG thank you for the compliment!! I'm so sorry this took so long to complete, but thank you for your patience! I'd absolutely LOVE to have a horror night with the Bucci gang!
Tw: language
Art credit: @/dailyjojoba on twitter!
Individual member responses after the cut!
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Horror movie night would 100% be Narancia’s idea
He was most likely out at the store and came across a video store on his way home
Deadass bought only the scariest ones
“Okay, so, I know it’s not Halloween BUT, let's have a horror movie night! Look, I bought a ton of movies while I was out so we can have a bunch to pick from! I think I grabbed a movie or two for each category--”
Mista would immediately be into the idea the second Narancia said movie night; the two of them think they’ll be fine
Giorno would be the next member to convince only because he hasn't watched a whole lot of those movies and doesn't know any better
I feel like Bruno wouldn’t have a clue where to start in the horror category, but he’s always down to try new things!
Abbacchio would be a little tougher to get on board with the idea
Not because he’s scared, no, but because he thinks horror movies nowadays are cheesy
With the constant persistence of Mista and Narancia, he’ll eventually cave
And Fugo
Poor Fugo would straight up say no and would essentially be forced to watch a horror movie
A little reverse psychology, if you will, on the behalf of Mista would be the driving force for Fugo to join in
“Oh, you’re right Fugo, I don't think you could handle these kinds of movies. It’s probably best you sit this activity out!”
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Bruno Bucciarati
Even if Bruno has no experience with watching horror movies, that doesn't mean he isn't down to try them!
I feel like he would hold these movies to a high expectation of being scary enough to elicit a reaction
Bruno definitely isn't squeamish by any means, but I feel like jumpscares would get him!
He wouldn't scream, but I can see him give a slight jolt if something catches him off guard
Placing a hand on his chest and letting out a slight breath that he didn't know he was holding
It’s all in good fun though!
I feel like Bruno would end up actually liking horror movies!
I think it would be a mix of the movie itself and the experience he had with his gang
Speaking of them, I can totally see Bruno using his stand to scare certain people if he’s feeling a little cheeky that evening
He would use Sticky Fingers to grab the ankles or arms of any member that was particularly tense!
He would feign ignorance just to further tease his victim
Even though he’s a capo, he’s still a 20yo guy who likes to have fun!
“Is everything alright? The movie isn't too much for you, is it? We can always change it, Amigo!”
All in all, Bruno would have a great time and would love to do it again!
Saturday nights will definitely be for the boys and their movie night
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Leone Abbacchio
Oh boy
This man loves to hate horror movies
It’s not that he doesn't like them, because Abbacchio could take or leave them, but
The plots and scenes are just so ridiculous that he can't suspend his disbelief
Abbacchio would 100% criticize the main cast for being idiots whilst running away from the killer
And he’ll be very vocal about it
“Are you kidding me? Even Giorno does a better job at getting us almost lost or killed, and he’s just driving us around Naples.”
like Bruno, Abbacchio would go into this experience with a set of expectations
And would be disappointed when they’re not met
He wouldn't get too scared, I don't think!
He might make a face or two if something catches him off guard, but he’s pretty unfazed
Even though he doesn't get much of a thrill out of watching horror movies, he loves to see other people get scared
That thrills him
Abbacchio would definitely tease the shit out of people like Mista or Narancia for being so scared
He may or may not use Moody Blues to tease them later
Let's just hope they don't piss Abbacchio off
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Giorno Giovanna
Giorno is a pretty calm and collected guy for the most part
However, I feel like horror movies would bother him slightly
Giorno’s the kind of guy to outwardly be okay, but on the inside, he’s suffering
He’d be gripping the couch’s armrest, holding his breath, and swallowing hard
His hands would be slightly shaky and he would be sweating
If not for the couch’s armrest, he would be holding onto a pillow a little tiger than he should be
But, Giorno’s face would remain stoic and calm!
Nor would he make a sound if he was scared
And he would 100% playoff being scared!
He’d probably awkwardly laugh it off if someone confronts him about being so tense
“H-huh? Me? Scared? You’re joking, right? I'm perfectly fine.”
Giorno would probably be one of the people Bruno tries to scare because he just looks so unbelievably tense
He would probably have a heart attack when he feels some unknown hand grip his ankle
I don't think Giorno would prefer to watch horror movies
He wouldn't mind if the majority of his gang wanted to watch one, but he won't be the one to suggest it
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Guido Mista
Mista can deny being scared all he wants
But the fact of the matter is that he is terrified
If someone were to point out how scared he is, he would immediately project his fears onto someone else
Or he would point out how someone else is more scared than him
“Me, scared!? You were the one who screamed! I was only screaming because you were screaming!”
Mista would be very vocal about being scared
He wouldn't be as loud as Narancia, but he would 100% yell in fear
He would be the kind of guy to violently jolt when something scares him
He might even grab onto the nearest person! (Narancia or Giorno)
Please don't let him hold food either; his violent jolts will send food everywhere
But Mista also strikes me as the guy who secretly loves to be scared by horror movies
Or at least forgets how scared he gets and watches them anyways
He’ll look at Giorno and Abbacchio in bewilderment
Neither of them are scared! (little does he know about Giorno)
He’d try to put on a brave face, but he just can't convince himself
I can see himself getting up to “use” the bathroom
But we all know he uses those trips to calm himself down
Mista would walk away from the movie night visibly spooked, but he won't admit that
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Narancia Ghirga
This poor child really underestimated his movie choice
He picked the scariest one he could find and he managed to scare himself shitless!
He would be so loud and very jumpy!
But he would be one of those angry-scared people
He would scream at the tv and curse when something scares him
“You mother fucking, ugly-ass, dumb fuck, son of a--”
I can totally see Narnacia being a pillow hider or hiding behind another individual if he got scared enough
He’ll be so on edge that even someone asking him a simple question would scare him
Like Mista, he will try to justify the reason why he was scared and completely deny acting like a baby
He will argue with someone over how scared he is
And he will be quick to mention how someone else is more scared than him
Even though it is clear as day that he's scared, he'll deny it
and he'd die on that cross
Narancia would be so scared from his own movie choice that he would sleep with the lights on for a night or two
Don't tease him though, he’ll pull his knife out
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Pannacotta Fugo
Fugo is like Abbacchio, but scared
He’s the kind of guy to be in denial at how scary the movie is
Like, the movie is too cheesy and predictable to be scary
However, he’s as equally scared as everyone else, his pride just keeps him from admitting it
Especially not to Mista
He would be the kinda guy to point out how scared someone is and how stupid the movie is
“Really? That scared you? How are you even in the mafia if a little jump scare like that would get you? And you’re the one who wanted to have a movie night!”
As a way to cover up his fears, he’d critique the movie as a way to justify how he couldn't possibly be scared
He’d try to put on a brave face, and it works for the most part
That is until Narancia screams and he gets scared alone just from that
Fugo is a high strung guy to begin with so horror movies would make him even more anxious
He also doesn't really see the appeal to these kinds of movies, anyways
Who would want to pay to get scared? Or watch people get killed?
These definitely aren't his go-to kinds of movies and would only return to movie night if it was a different genre
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