#i don't have a lot of hobbies so this nice to have something targeted to my interests with food because i love food
scienceisfood · 2 years
Total time spent waiting: 9 hours.
Saturday: from 2pm-8pm we waited 6 hours in line. Benefit of this time was we were in the building shade for most of it, and by the time we entered sunlight it was beginning to set. Met lots of fans and fun cosplays. We just barely missed out on food by the time we made it to the building front. By this point I thought "I'm coming back tomorrow really early to get food"
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Got three drinks first. They all come in kitty cups with boba straws.
Heatsflamesman: I normally don't like spicy but you could hardly taste any. Very refreshing white peach tea flavor which was nice after waiting in line.
Sea tea: delicate sweet with salty foam. I really liked it! A wonderful treat.
Sans soda: a soda. It was good but mostly refreshing from waiting.
Here I took photos of the area and ordered the special event merchandise since I flew in and I'm getting everything I can, dang it.
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The next day: we arrived two hours before opening and waited another hour past that to enter. The sun was a deadly laser but we brought umbrellas. It was still hot. (And our place in line was next to dog poop ew 😫)
Made it in and ordered everything else we could.
Cinnamon butterscotch pie: cute and small. I almost didn't get it but my spouse was instant since we already waited a total of 9 hours so all or nothing, damnit.
Starfet: very adorable. Very sweet. Like sugar and cool whip but I mean what else would you expect from mettaton.
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It turns out even though the promotional images were in hot cups, the coffee items were all iced, no option otherwise. That was weird.
Determination: good, simple, sweet. In a kitty cup.
Gyftmas: disappointing, kind of. I understand completely they were slammed but not only was it iced instead of hot, the sprinkles were not the same as the images and kind of a downer. But I still bought it and paid a good tip because they were very nice and doing their best.
Toriel milk: Aesthetically pleasing. I love taro but taro is always sweet and adding maple only makes it sweeter. Suddenly my spouse guessed the flavor even though I already told him. "It tastes like buttered popcorn jellybeans" he spoke aloud. Suddenly, that was all I could taste. Guhgjvhbjng
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Was it a lot of waiting? Yes. Was there a lot missing? Yes. Did I not wait once but twice regardless? Also yes.
Just being around people who like Undertale. Seeing chalk art. Hearing people in the background watching undertale themed TikTok videos. Having random people take pictures of the line. One car came by blasting Megalovania. I heard the people next to me talking about their favorite characters and fan theories. A surprising number of people who hadn't personally played the game but loved all the fan content. There were a lot of kids with parents and we talked with both of them. Everyone was really cool.
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cityzenshark · 8 days
I've been thinking about ways how to make the Terrans actually memorable, relatable, and likeable for their target audience. The show overuses the "kids being kids" until the Terrans come off as an obnoxious bunch rather than naive youngsters who real children can relate to..
As eldest with Thrash, she steps up to the role as Leader. She tries her best to be a good role model for the triplets, but she has a short temper. She broke the table on her first family game night. She flew right on OP's face after he admits his obliviousness about the Terrans' nature that they themselves don't know about. She and Thrash climbed on Alex's/Dot's car that miraculously didn't break (wth - you grounded them for breaking the kitchen wall but not when they almost crush your car to pose??).
Twitch needs an episode where she learns a hard lesson to control her temper - preferably where she hurt her own family. It's perfect for children who don't behave well when dealing with negative emotions.
He takes the role as the overprotective eldest. It fits his characteristic as the Defender and shield-user. He gatekeeps the triplets for their own safety and out of paranoia after the incident with Swindle. He would also have the "I know better" atittude to reflect those who think they know better than their others around them when--in truth--they don't.
I'd like an episode where he accuses someone is doing something awful to the family only for his accusations to become the very cause of the episode's problem. This can teach children to avoid jumping into conclusions and not let their bad experiences cloud their judgement.
She represents people who made everything about themselves resolve around their interests and hobbies. She relies on the internet & her hacking skills too much. She also seems to be the type who assumes "lots of reading = expertise" and forgot the importance of direct experiences. Her interaction with Starscream gives off that she has read things about PTSD--most likely to understand Grimlock's situation--while recklessly ignoring the part where he's a millennium-old Decepticon.
I'd like to see moments where the family calls out Hashtag's obsessions, like the time she demands JB to cry on camera when he's obviously uncomfortable with it.
"Stop being a director and be my sister right now."
They represent children who feels isolated from their own family, and adoptees who doesn't immediately consider their guardians as family. Nothing much to be said here because their alt mode episode originally has a nice buildup for it. Sadly it was scrapped.
Nightshade's different form of enjoyment is also a way to educate children who has yet to understand why they can't find themselves enjoying what most kids do to have fun, that it's okay, and they aren't alone in this.
Big boy represents children who feels left behind either in their own family or in their age group. His journey in choosing an alt mode is perfect, but the show made him appear annoyingly useless to the viewers instead of emphasizing his feelings of uselessness.
This could also be a way to demonstrate WHY the Terrans must have an alt mode -- so they'd have proper exterior protection because the protoform isn't as sturdy as JB's size made him appear to be. Although he has what it takes to do certain tasks, his protoform doesn't allow him to do so. Hence his desperation to find an alt mode.
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
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"Ever since that encounter with the creepy doll, he's been afraid of death.
This explains what Marigold says, that he did things like he was following a list. Wife, kids, house, money, multiple projects and hobbies
He's afraid he won't have the time to do everything life has to offer"
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"But if he can make himself inmortal, he won't have to worry anymore. He will be able to do everything without a hurry"
"With this house, he could live forever"
Ángel seems in deep thought
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"But don't worry! I know how to un-purpose a house!"
"You can do that?"
"Yes! It's how I got out of the last house"
"Every house has a 'heart', so to say, an object that represents what the house does"
"In the last house, the room repating house, it was a map"
"Do you see where I'm going with this?"
"Oh, so in this house is...."
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"Exactly! Then, after we deal with Eugene, we just have to destroy it!"
"...I see"
"Huh?... Is Ángel okay? Never mind, of course he's not okay"
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"Do you think we should tell anyone else? Make them remember as well?"
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"Um, I don't know..."
"I mean, it's not nice to have the memory of your own death. But I think people would like to know nonetheless..."
"Maybe just Nadia for now, I think Coli is targetting her this time.
He said some weird things that worry me"
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"Oh, so we could lure him in"
"We can do that, but we have to be careful with the bombs"
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"I saw 4 controllers, so there's 3 bombs that we don't know of, and going around trying to find them would waste us a lot of time"
"Wait, in fact, I'll just e-mail a bomb defusing team to come here"
"They won't get us until after the storm, but they'll get here eventually, right?"
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"Technically, we could just leave"
"Not in this storm"
"Maybe with enough blankets we could"
"I mean, if we manage to not forget until the morning, then we will"
"What would his plan be when it's day? Repeatedly kill us until is night again?"
"I wouldn't put it past him"
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"If this doesn't work, if I forget again and Vivi's book gets lost forever or something of the sort"
"I want you to leave"
"Wait, listen to me. This isn't some self-sacrifice thing
Go get help.
Even if it's the police, even if you have to dress in your silly dominion outfit to get them here
Even if it takes you days, weeks or months"
"What will happen here, then? Am I supposed to just go knowing he's going to kill all of you over and over again?"
"Yes, it's a sacrifice that needs to be done if it gets us out of here"
Ángel takes a deep breath
"... I understand"
"But we won't have to do it. We'll catch him. We'll finish this"
"That's what I want to hear"
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 months
1. Who was the last person you forgave? How long did it take you to forgive them? A family member. Some hurtful things had been said and certain situations were handled poorly, and it was causing resentment. I finally had to forgive them and try to see things from their side and while I'm still unhappy with some things, life is short and I don't want to end the little time I might have with this person.
2. Is going mushroom hunting in the woods something that would interest you? No, not at all.
3. What is your favorite junk food? How about your favorite health food? Little Debbie snack cakes and Reese's.
4. Are you listening to anything right now? Do you normally listen to music while you take surveys? Not music, but I like to watch YouTube videos whilee I do surveys.
5. What were you doing the last time you hung out with a friend? Talk? I have an ongoing Facebook chat going on with a couple online friends and we talk a lot. It' fun.
6. Is there anything about you that might cause others to dislike you? I feel like there's a lot of things but that's cause I don't like myself sooo.
7. Is there anything you’re really particular or specific about, anything that has to be done a certain way every time? Yeah, I'm like that with a lot of things but food is a big one. I have to eat certain foods and a certain way in both how it's prepared and how I eat it. I also have to have dips/condiments/sauces.
8. Are there any chores you need to get done today? It's a chore to get out of bed, which I didn't today.
9. Where was the last place you went shopping and what did you buy? Target.
10. What was the last big change you made to your physical appearance? When I finally dyed my hair red again a couple months ago.
11. Are you more likely to shut people out of your life or try to fix things no matter what? I've done both. I've had to completely distance myself and withdraw from people and I've tried working things out with people several times. I would ideally like to be able to work things out when able. It's not easy having to cut peeople out of your life. It's not fun.
12. Where was the last place you went out to eat? Is going out something you enjoy or would you rather cook at home? Last went out to eat at this pizza place while out of town. I enjoy getting takeout to eat at home.
13. If you have any pets, do they seem to notice when you’re sick or sad? Yes, I know my doggo does. When I was in the hospital for 3 months and the shorter time last year, my family said my dog acted weird the whole time. She was whiny (unlike her), waiting at the door a lot, appetite was less, and she always slept in my room. When we're home and sad or not feeling well she'll check on you and keep you some company. She'll nuzzle you. She'll be extra loving. They no doubt notice that stuff.
15. Is anything you’ve done lately going to matter in a year?   I'm sure. And who knows what could happen this year.
16. What was the subject of your last phone call? It was with my mom earlier to see if she could come home real quick on her lunch break.
17. Are your hobbies something you’d rather do alone or with others? Depends. Like reading, watching YouTube, coloring, playing The Sims, and social media stuff I like to do alone. But watching TV, going to the movies, and shopping I like to do with others.
18. Is there anything about yourself that you’re trying to improve? There's a lot I need to work on and improve upon but I admittedly haven't done nearly as much as I should be doing or trying as hard.
19. What are you doing today? I woke up at 6am for a 730 appointment only to find out the appointment is actually next week. I was sleeping just fine and was nice and warm but dragged my ass outta bed to this damn appointment for nothing! I was so pissed. I've honestly just been sleeping off and on forr the day.
20. What did you dream about last night? I don't recall.
21. When was the last time you visited relatives? Do you see extended family often? I saw future-to-be relatives in law to my brother recently. I see one of my aunts pretty often. I don't see my extended family often to be honest. Nowhere near as often as when we were kids.
22. What was the last relaxing thing you did? Took a hashtab a bit ago.
23. Will this weekend be better than last weekend? It'll be much of the same, which isn't a lot.
24. When was the last time you were there for a friend? Recently. I have an ongoing messenger with a couple friends and we come to each other all the time about everything.
25. Do you have any jewelry you almost never take off? I have some rings, bracelets, and earrings I wear all the time.
26. What are some of your favorite words? Bleh.
27. Do you have any journals from when you were younger? If so, do you ever go back and read them? I have a few and I have done that several times in the past, but it's been quite a long time since I've re-read any of them.
28. Are there any holidays you used to celebrate, but no longer do? No.
29. What was the last occasion for which you dressed up? I wasn't that dressed up but for my brother's birthday I really put effort into my makeup and attempted to do something with my hair so for me that's considered "dressed up" or at least kinda.
30. Is there anything you wish you could say to anyone? A lot of things to several people.
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sepyana · 2 months
Noir 2001 Ep. 11-18 Thoughs
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This is around the time when Noir's plot starts to pick up.
Some general things first:
The sountrack of Noir is really damn good. I wanted to listen to is some more so I searched it up on Youtube. Turns out it's composed by Yuki Kajiura, which is a name I instantly recognized because she is responsible for the soundtrack of Madoka Magica, one of my favourite anime soundtracks ever. Explains the pmmm vibes I got for sure.
I will say though, she did improve between the osts. I like the Noir soundtrack a lot but there are a few janky bits the pmmm ost doesn't struggle with.
I had a lot of fun watching these episodes, the plot is interesting and the more "episodic" segments don't feel jarring to watch. I'm starting to like Kirika and Mireille a lot.
But the biggest reason for my interest is Chloe. I can't explain why, she doesn't get to do much yet. I dunno, she is just really charming to me.
Onto the episode by episode notes:
Ep. 11
This episode sets up the whole grand retour plotline, we see Atlena is planning something that Soldats is not too happy about. Also we get to know more about the book the photocopies are coming from.
I really like Chloe, I like that we get to see a show of her wardrobe only for her to pick the same wack ass outfit every time. Also the fact that she asks Kirika if she can keep the fork. What a weird little critter honestly.
The whole time her and Kirika are talking all Mireille could think is "What the fuck are these kids doing". She ends up giving in in the end.
Ep. 12
This episode is a oddity in that Kirika and Mireille don't appear at all. It's just Chloe and Atlena. It's a nice episode, we get to see a little bit of their dynamic. She does seem to care about her but Chloe might just be a tool for her too. It's a bit early to tell.
She is... I don't wanna say unmotivated but she is uninterested in the missions she is given. She cares about the integrity of it but she isn't interested in why she is given them. She isn't like "How dare you betray our organization bla bla"
Chloe's loyalties lie in Atlena only. She doesn't seem to care about Soldats, but she is interested in the Grand Retour, since the plan involves her.
Ep. 13
I wrote my thoughts in a seperate post like this:
I expected the painter to be one of Noir's targets or something because that's what happens with anyone who Kirika interacts positively with, thus why Mireille told her not to talk to him. But when he got shot I realized it was so he wouldn't get caught up in their mess and die. It's genuinely sad, you can tell at the end she is saying that from experience. Kirika was really happy to spend time with him, her face lights up. Something like picking up hobbies and making friends would mean a lot, especially to someone who doesn't have any idea who they are. Really nice episode overall
It was always present but after this episode you become on edge every time Mireille or Kirika i teract with a friend, expecting them to die. It does happen with George later on.
Ep. 14
There is some nice writing in this episode. Mireille denies her uncle could lie to her only for her to lie to him after. If she has things she would keep a secret surely her uncle must too.
There is definitely symbolism with the flowers but I am not smart enough to figure it out.
Ep. 15-16
Wild to me that Mireille and Kirika actually listened to Soldats. What if they hijack tour plane on your way to Vietnam or something? I don't think it's worth the risk.
The combat in this show is really lackluster. Maybe I am just not getting it. The henchmen are a joke, beating them is not fun to watch for me. And it drags on for so long too. I do like the shorter action sequences though.
It's funny that they say the poison the killer lady uses is "lethal to normal humans" and do not elaborate on that. Is she not human. What does this mean.
These episodes make me think Atlena does care for Chloe and isn't just putting on an act. Otherwise it makes no sense she would be fond of her in her inner dialogue and watch over her. She won't see that so why bother acting?
Ep. 17
The reveal that Mireille's parents were killed by Soldats was not surprising but I wasn't expexting them to be part of Soldats. We get to learn a lot about Mireille and Kirika's past but I don't have anything particularly interesting to say so I will skip that.
Apparently, her parents betrayed Soldats to protect her. But she had a brother didn't she, who got killed with her parents. Does that mean there is something special about Mireille?
Ep. 18
In every story with a duo protagonist there comes a time where the duo "breaks up". I wouldn't call this an arc since it's the span of an episode but yknow.
Losing my shit at crying Kirika she looks so much like the crying cat image here. How can you be so horrible to a face like that Mireille.
I get the sense Chloe doesn't give two shits about Mireille and only decided to tell Kirika about her because her dying would make Kirika upset. In a similar way to how Homura treats Sayaka, I guess. And she is right that it would make her upset. She is dependent on Mireille since she is the only person she actually knows. And I don't think Mireille realises that until the end.
The end of the episode was really cute. I am really starting to get attached to these two.
And that's the end! I decided to do a little sketch of Chloe at the end here for those who read this whole thing
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There is a significant lack of Noir content and I want to change that so I might post some art on my art blog (^o^)v
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ashmouthbooks · 4 months
omg wait are you in denmark??? can I ask where you get your book binding supplies, like the paper for the covers? I immigrated from the US in Sep just as I was getting into the hobby and havent figured out hobby shopping yet
I am not! I live in London, UK, and I get all my supplies from here as after Brexit it's often more hassle than it's worth getting stuff shipped from Europe, and shipping costs from the US are outrageous.
YOU, however, live in a) the EUROPEAN UNION and b) a fairly centrally located country with easy train connections to the rest of Europe. Please enjoy it for as long as it lasts, I miss it every day.
I don't know where to get bookbinding supplies in Denmark as I didn't start this hobby until after I moved to the UK. For general arts & crafts needs I used to go to Søstrene Grene (and last time I was home I stopped by quickly and they haven't changed at all) as they have a wide variety of decorative papers and related items. they tend to be seasonal so check by every few weeks if what they have doesn't appeal. It also has to be said they cater to a very specific target audience so most of the stuff they have is very instagram-friendly and pastel-y, but I've been lucky in the past and have found nice things.
Panduro Hobby is where I would go to get things like cutting mats and sharp knives and adhesive, possibly. they also have random craft tools but I wouldn't trust them to have things like bonefolders in their sortiment. they also have plain coloured paper of the kind that you can usually find in any store that carries stationery, I like to use that kind of paper as endpapers when I just want something plain, but still coloured. they sometimes also have decorative paper.
I have made it a habit here in the UK that whenever I go somewhere that has a gift shop or carries gift-related inventory (museums, art galleries, bookstores, etc.) I check the wrapping paper rack. these places will often have large single sheets of decorative paper meant for wrapping gifts BUT one can usually also use them for cover papers, or even endpapers. they don't always take moisture from adhesives well, so be careful working with those kind of papers, but maaan the variety of random pretty wrapping papers in stores like these is genuinely upsetting to me as I must Restrain Myself, but anyway, go to these places and see what you can find!
back to my point about the EU. I strongly recommend that you look towards Germany and elsewhere in the EU for things you can't find in Denmark, and have it shipped to you. within the EU there's no import/customs tax or anything like that, and I've always found German companies to be reliable and fast. Sweden might be an option too? If you're in Copenhagen Malmø is just 25 minutes away by train and for all I know there could be something there worth visiting. and for Germany, jump on a train in the other direction and make a daytrip out of it. You can get to Hamburg or even Berlin and back in a day.
also, I enjoy Pepin Press papers a lot - here in London I get them from Daunt's Bookshop - Pepin Press is based in Amsterdam but their papers are carried by retailers globally, for more info check https://pepinpress.com/
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nameification · 1 year
33 and 34 for any of the characters in the sinners (or the virtues, whoever u wanna talk abt more :D)
So the funny thing is, there's a canonical repository on notable characters/POIs that is being held by "The Head Archivist of the Daybreak Institute" (coughcough its one of the 7sins) where after each little official description there's a small sort of footnote/sticky note from said Head Archivist detailing their more interperseonal feelings on said characters (i might add a snippet but the thing is barely started)
hmm I think I'll do Nerzhan and Alexander. Been thinking about those two the most as of recent
33. How would other characters describe your character?
The first thing you would notice/hear of about Nerzhan, if you yourself was a character within HaTFS, is the tall, rather slender figure that leans upon a cane (This is Nerzhan, not Jubilee, the Leader of the Seven Sins Task Force). If you knew she was Jubilee, you'd be surprised since Jubilee very much moves around during combat. Well, with the power of combat prosthetics and adrenaline she can mitigate the pain as much as she can and fight. She still prefers to use a cane though
The next thing people oft comment about is her eyes. Though she doesn't have any irises, the gaze is piercing enough that just a glance in the general direction is enough to send someone into unease. People comment about how there's a faint purple hue but with how shit has been going for the past few years? they don't bother asking
A lot of people will also note the flowers in her hair. They often resemble sakuras, but people will note that they often also appear as other vaguely pink flowers
If you ask someone what they think of Nerzhan, they might say religous, cunning, but sensible. If you ask someone closer, they'd add that she is kind but a little skeptical (they'd say she has her reasons)
The first thing people will say about Alexander is that he is beautiful and solitary. They will note the bored look on his face, the way he avoids others, the way his skin is soft and clear and how his hair curls in just the right spots, how he is both slender and muscular and "too perfect in the physical sense"
The next thing people commnet on that they are always holding something. Often a cigarette, but sometimes a glass or his phone or this weird chain piece he'll play with. He'll twirl his fingers through his hair sometimes
If you ask others what he is like, they'd say he is aloof, a bit haughty, a bit unsociable, mysterious and doesn't like flirting but a fun guy to be around. If you ask those closer, they'd say he likes his peace, isn't afraid of speaking out, and is fun and actually nice
34. How would the character describe themself?
Nerzhan would call herself religous, first thing's first. Maybe she wouldn't say it aloud at first, but you would be able to infer it from the fact her favorite hobbies are going to church (and morning walks and flower art and card games with randos online) and her favorite songs seem to be from church (Magnificat and her church's rendition of anima cristi)
She tries to be a little less obnoxious about her religion, after Mara and Atticus and Dehlia have asked her too at least
(Pride, Nerzhan, Jubilee, the Envoy of Lucifer, the one who fell from grace as he betrayed God, an ardent believer in the faith Lucifer lacked)
Nerzhan wouldn't say much else about herself, honestly. Well, if prompted, she'd elaborate on the flowers. She'd say they represent the people she trusts, but she won't elaborate any more
Just uh- don't ask about the cane. If she trusts you enough, she'll tell you, but if not you might feel the weight of her glare directly targeted at you
Alexander (Andy, if you know him well) talks with those he doesn't know like he's walking a tightrope of being friendly and on the verge of his patience. Andy describes himself as a loner, someone who doesn't like being around people, but he likes smoking and a good drink and making good drinks so he's a good chat
And then you ask him about love
If you're distant, the question people most likely ask them is "I'm free tonight if you know what I mean" or some variation thereof. That is when Andy gets just a teensy bit violent
He's not really a fan of romance (or sex). Not exactly in the media he watches, but moreso in his personal life. He's aroace, and he won't say that to a stranger, but (despite his more known identity as Adonis, the Envoy of Asmodeus, Lord Demon of Lust,) he is not interested in any of that.
If anyone tries to make a move on him he'll shut it down immediately. If the other is persistent, he'll get away or accept and just not follow through. He has his preferences.
However, someone close has asked Andy what love means to him. He's always said that love to him is nothing romantic. Love, to him, is all the little moments, the pieces of devotion, the desire to actually spend time with someone
bonus something: Michael Michaels
This man is going to be just a little bit pathetic. Just a teensy bit. He's the best combatant out of all the virtues but he's also just. so tired. He wants to quit his job but he can't cause the sinners have done it and The Commander is basically kinda threatening to fucking murder him if he steps too much out of line so he'll deal with it for now
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humbletumblecrudi · 2 years
Hello, hopefully you don't mind a mashup request. Would it be okay to ask for both romantic and platonic from Genshin Impact? I am exactly 20 years old, so no need to worry about making me uncomfortable! I use They/Them pronouns so make people's lives easier and Idm what they refer to me as. I am bisexual, interested in both men and women equally.
My favorite dates spot would be either at home, cooking together and enjoying each other's company throughout the evening or a late night walk through the streets, holding hands or by arms. My love language is quality time, I simply enjoy spending time with my partner and try to help them out whenever they are busy with something that isn't impossible for me to do, for me paying attention to my partner's needs and feelings is the most important thing.
One of my biggest pet peeves is interruption during a conversation, it makes me feel as if I said something so boring that nobody wants to genuinely listen. I cannot stand people who are OFTEN late, if it happens once or thrice its fine, but if it's frequent then I'm starting to doubt their interest in hanging out. Being misgendered based on my voice is also a massive pet peeve to me, it's alright if the person apogizes, but if they continue to refer to me as opposite gender just cause " they are right " then I just want to leave and never talk to the person again, but it would be too immature of me. People who are insincere when it comes to apologies like " I am sorry that you feel that way, but that wasn't my intention " in the most nonchalant way just makes me angry— those are my pet peeves.
I don't really have an aestethic? I never really dug too deep into it, but if it means pictures that go well with each other— grey colors with castles, white flowers and plants in general.
It might seem weird, but my only hobby besides writing/reading is well... Let's say I go to a shooting range every week, I don't know why but the feeling of getting a middle mark in a piece of paper on the wall with an air soft gun makes me feel relaxed. It works as a stress reliever for me, besides I miss the target quite a lot and whenever it happens I just try to calm down and do my best at getting the "bullseye". It helps me get back to middle ground with emotions, plus people in there are really nice and supportive so it makes me come back every week. I used to carve apples in middle school though, but nobody was really into it so I just abandoned that hobby.
I don't mind a mashup with females or males! (I'm fine with both!—)
Thank you for taking part in my Mashups, I'm happy that you were my first! Two certain characters came to mind quite easily, and I hope you enjoy!
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I Ship You With :
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Jean Gunhildr ― Jean is slightly older then yourself and is very independent from her family, and she's overall a very sweet woman.
Jean's special skill in game helps her create extra portions of food in concern for her party members, and she'd be no different with you while on a cooking date in either of your homes. She's also very active in her city and while you might want her to relax after patrolling the city, she's willing the stroll through the city and afterwards with her. Let the wind lead you two away, she says.
Jean needs the assistance in her work, and she'll be nervous about it (like she's nervous of just handing her work off in general to anyone) until you tell her you just want to help. She might not hand much over to begin with, but the dwindling sun across the horizon spurs her to seek your help.
She's also a very patient and polite person, nearly never speaking over another unless it's correct or scold another person for wrongdoing. She won't do it often! And speaking of wrongdoing... she's sorry if she's late every so often, she has to run the Knights of Favonius and assign the nightly shift change and she's very sorry she's late. It won't happen again! And it doesn't, not often. She's very meticulous and she cares about you a lot, so she's not going to put work above you.
At first, when she met you, she tried not to use gendered language until Kaeya could properly introduce you (after all, Kaeya seems to know everything). Happily, she'll use the correct pronouns and nicknames after just the first meeting. "Dandelion" is her favorite, personal nickname for you. And if you don't like the nickname or want to change anything, she always apologizes first and earnestly during miscommunications!
Jean is always a supporter of reading and writing hobbies, but she's also (secretly) relieved you were into something that counts as self-defense. Being able to hit any shot is better then nothing (and a Hilichurl is much bigger then a sheet of paper) to her and she'll happily teach you about posture and shooting properly if you allow her. If you want/have another instructor or are trying to figure it out by yourself from here, she will back off and be a quiet supporter on the side.
Carving apples? No issue, just save what you carve in a basket and she can make you some apple cider or an apple based dish later! She also loves anything you carve... but fears the ants it might attract!
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Your Best Friend Would Be :
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Xiao (a.k.a Alatus) ― Your friend in this universe would be the Vigilant Yaksha himself, and he was very reluctant to do so to start being your friend... at first.
He would enjoy cooking time with you, but mostly because he doesn't understand why humans have to make everything more then a couple steps. Almond Tofu is an easy dessert for him and other's to make, but a Bamboo Shoot Soup makes him feel dizzy just watching you cook. Show him marinade and he'll freeze frame...
He first saw you and all he addressed you as was "mortal" and "human", so you might want to tell him while he doesn't use pronouns to tell him how to address you. He'll keep that in mind... human. In the beginning: it will almost always be, "human". But later, as he's much more relaxed and he'll use "you/your" and your name. It's a defense mechanism not to get too attached and he failed...
Xiao might be an offender of the "I'm sorry you feel that way" apologies, but only on matters he sees your not qualified to answer and he'll explain fully why he sees it that way. Example... If he speaks down upon demons but you strike back that he puts them through pain before death, he won't be offended but he'll still say, "I'm sorry you feel that way, but this is what my destiny is. My duty to the human race. It's all I know how." Literally won't use it anywhere else, though.
Is clear and concise on everything else! He would never be late to meeting you unless a demon needs slaying: and even then, all you need to do is speak his name. Xiao is also a very quiet and almost selectively-mute character outside of those he seems his friends: like Zhongli, the Inn-Keeper spies, and the Traveler. Being able to get a response from him is like 100,000 mora given from an anonymous source: it's almost heavenly, as he has much insight. Pessimistic insight, but he's willing to learn...
Also, he does give respect to any humans who can somewhat defend themselves. While Illuminated Beasts and other creations of Rex Lapis should have some semblance of battle and he won't tolerate mediocrity from them... he gives respectful nods to your practice and even gives you tips to help you. If you don't want help, he'll back away: he's not the assertive type anyways.
Will... secretly try and learn how to carve something himself. Maybe not apples (he doesn't want to copy)... maybe wood? His hands are stiff and inexperienced... maybe the lady at the front desk can give him tips on his gift to you.
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dark-side-blog3 · 4 months
Chronic illness has me feeling useless lately with how tired I am and how little I can do a lot of days (I know I don’t have to be “useful” but I want to do so much more). I’m realizing this would make me a dream target for a yandere in so many ways. Caring for myself is hard on bad days? Okay, then they’ll just take care of me (by kidnapping me or controlling what I do and where I go), problem solved! Isn’t it easier to take me from a life of so many tasks and responsibilities when I’m struggling? If I resist, they know I don’t have much energy to fight. I’ll tire out easily and maybe I’ll be easy to break. Obsessive yans or gilded cage yanderes would have such a field day with me, too. A fragile, delicate thing like me? A darling they can treat like glass, something that will break if they aren’t careful? I’m a strong candidate for sure o.o
Anon, I relate deeply to this confession.
I don't have a chronic illness, but I do have chronic pain. And it doesn't stack nicely with other issues... It can be isolating. It feels like even doing hobbies is an arduous task. I'm just waiting to regain energy, regain strength, or whatever that day's problem is.
I think that's why I like obsessives so much. If I can't do something, or take care of myself, my obsessive will do it for me because they want to keep me regular. Sort of like those super crazy dog owners that feed exclusively raw diets that are 100$+ per meal, and do agility courses for show. But it's a human, and the human being taken care of is me. Or like when people watch gator feedings at a zoo, they simulate the gators' natural feeding, even though the goat is already dead.
I just want someone else to spoil me and only give me tasks and work for "enrichment".
And I also like to think of them using my disabilities against me. What am I gonna do, say no? Because they'll just collect my checks and my prescriptions, and give me neither. I won't cuddle them? Why, is it too hot? Well then I don't need a heating pad, or a hot bath to manage pain then do I? Vomiting or fainting just means that they need to pay extra attention and loving care to their dramatic specimen.
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lastheavens · 6 months
Growing up the thought of leaving the home they grew up in is something that a lot of people look forward to, leaving means independence and the ability to forge your own path. Or it means getting away from the place that really isn't "home" to you. Sometimes you get so fixated on this idea of leaving that you really don't know how much you'll start to miss things. For me going far away for college was a fresh start, somewhere without my annoying little sister or nagging parents. I had the opportunities to try new things, make new friends. Now that I've been here for a few months though I'm so ready to go home. I wouldn't consider myself homesick but as my flight home rapidly approaches, I can't stop thinking about the little things back home. I miss the obvious things, my family, my pets, my nice big bed. Yet I also miss the simple things that most people would never think to miss.
First of all, I miss driving. God do I miss driving. I miss being able to just go wherever I want whenever I want. Sure I can do that at school but the furthest I can go is as far as the bus will take me or as far as I can walk. Back home I had places that I would go that I needed to drive to. Most of my places were malls. The mall by my sister's cheer gym that had absolutely nothing but it had an FYE which meant I could always find CDs for $5 if nothing else. The fancy mall with all the nice stores that you went to when you actually needed clothes. And finally the mall a few towns over from me that was pretty dead but had a newbury comics and a hot topic where everything was always on sale. I used to go to that hot topic so often I had memorized the line one cashier always said when ringing me up, "[deadname], like the American Girl Doll?" It made me cringe inside but it was an expectation every time I walked in those doors. In the same town as this mall was the target and the movie theater and my pediatricians office. The toy and hobby store my mom would take us to to see the giant model train track and buy brayer horses. In this town was my grandmother's house and towards the border of town was my brother's house and my favorite 50's style restaurant. It was my second hometown.
Second, I do miss my hometown. It's so cliche to say but I grew up in a small town where nearly everyone knew each other and it's so strange not to be there. I spent my whole life there. I watched that town grow and change, I hyperfixated on it's history when I was in the 4th grade. There was absolutely nothing in my hometown spare from a Big Y, a couple churches, and the library. I would go to Big Y so often during high school. They had the best paninis and sold delicious glass bottle soda. I made so much money returning bottles in the tiny little bottle room that you'd freeze to death in since the doors never closed. I am by no means religious despite my upbringing yet I miss my church. Maybe not how it is now since the priest I grew up knowing retired, but I miss how it was when I was growing up. Church picnics, volunteering, CCD and mass that I dreaded. Being so far away from home, I miss it. The former youth program director sends me cards at college and it makes me feel so appreciated that she's still reaching out to me halfway across the country. She's so incredibly sweet even if she did get on my nerves as a student of hers. I don't know if we'll go to Christmas mass due to the beef in our congregation but if we do I hope I get to see her. The last thing I miss back home is the library. It's small and cozy and it's where I grew up. I used to spend my summers reading and checking out movies. I was always one of the first people to complete their summer reading challenge. As I stopped having the time to read I stopped going and I miss it so much. I plan on going while I'm home for break and maybe picking up a few books to read during the week.
I just can't wait to go home. To go to all the places that I can't while I'm so far away, to see all the people who I haven't talked to in forever. I hate that in a technical sense, I'm not going home. I'm just visiting. It's just school break. I don't get to ever really go home again. At least not for the next several years. This year may be the last where I know for sure that I will be home for the summer. Growing up sucks but I know I need to. I just hope that I get to enjoy my time at home and learn to never take it for granted again.
Current song obsession:
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transienturl · 9 months
another thing I wrote for github:
To further enumerate some of the things I'm considering:
If there are improvements to a feature incoming, it doesn't feel great to migrate a bunch of people off of the feature before they might see that improvement and decide that they like it now. That's certainly a justification for declining to make a rollback for an A/B test, but since this one is rolled out already it only sort of applies. I'm hopeful that upcoming adjustments to the new layout—which have been mentioned by Staff—make more people like it/have no preference/etc.
Of course, that doesn't mean one shouldn't make a rollback; there will always be people who—all else being equal—like the old way, and if we can cater to them, why not? It's not like it's anywhere close to nobody and it's also not like it's anywhere close to 50%, so maybe that's a suitable quantity for a target audience.
I think the main risks are just setting the wrong expectations. People will take an "official" revert script as confirmation that one of XKit's purposes is to preserve old features and layouts (eh, maybe?), that it will always do so (probably not), that it has already been doing so (it hasn't), that it has a fundamentally antagonistic relationship with Staff and the changes they make (it doesn't; we work together), that its maintainers don't like the new layout (I personally use it even though I have like 7 ways to revert it), that the quality and reliability of its revert method reflects the same quality and reliability you can expect from other parts of the extension (that entirely depends on the revert code), that its revert method is bringing back the old code instead of creating a new layout similar in appearance to it (I don't think we can do that because web extension storage is asynchronous), etc.
And again, of course, those misconceptions doesn't mean one shouldn't make a rollback either. People already think all of those things. I read the XKit and XKit Rewritten tags on a daily basis and answer questions as a hobby; probably 80+% are completely, confidently wrong about one or more of those things. If people make a lot of weird assumptions, I suppose the percentage increase in weird assumptions any particular action will cause is small, and thus the percentage increase in consequences is also small. Could be worth it.
(I am trying to keep my personal biases out of this decision where they aren't relevant. I rewrote the sentence I was going to put in this spot 10+ times so never mind I guess. But like... something something there are a vocal minority of people who loudly speak about this in really problematic ways, and I want to ignore them for the sake of a decision like this in favor of the bulk of the user base, but the decision will influence the things they loudly speak about and that does have an impact too.)
On the plus side, I suppose it would be nice to have a measure of control over the revert method ecosystem because it would allow me to enforce that a layout revert should only do exactly that, and that additional behavior should be opt-in so that users are not accidentally making more changes to their dashboard than they might want or expect. I have a serious problem with that pattern.
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4th of Julyer..
"If only you could understand how much material there is here.. and yet- here you are before me. Hanging by a thread.."
Some very big decisions are coming up. I must honor how I feel. I don't even think that's the scariest part of this whole ordeal. I think, the thing I am most afraid of is the response. What is to be said. . Will it even matter? These are things one must mull over before completely turning their life around. Whoever doesn't believe in energy I dare you to tell someone in your life who expects you to be or stay a certain way forever that you just simply can't. Or that you most certainly could- but absolutely,
will not.
we are surely not going to be around forever. So we must make the best of what's around. We must honor our hearts and our best thoughts because God put those things there for a reason.
I started making a master list. I make a master list and pretend I am gone. I write things on this list that sort out reality for me. In order of importance, things become categorized. What are the highest achievements I can think of accomplishing? These will range from the professional sphere to the home sphere.. (eventually I think) Even hobbies make the list. They have to.. because otherwise, what is it all for?
What actions and inactions were supportive of my ego during times when my ego needed to be supported? Which actions were not so supportive of my highest self? What was the duration of time spent living for others or the fear of what others would think or say to me if I chose another path? How giving was I when I had plenty? How giving was I when I had less? When I've withdrawn, was I spending time fostering good habits? If I think of myself as delicate, when am I strongest? How does one differentiate an observation from a judgment?
Instead of leaving Stella home, I took her to see rhe fireworks from the Target rooftop. I warned her about seeing people and not barking at them because the Target rooftop was not her home.. but she quickly forgot that as soon as we rounded the corner :) we were there for a while before I realized this was Stella's very first 4th of July! On the way back home she was just smiling so big. Bigger than the time in line at chik-fil-a when she spotted her first crush! (A pretty lab who may or may not have also been a girl..) she was so much more comfortable on the drive home than she normally is. At one point I was thinking about how many little things I felt like I had to do for her on the way out the door. On the rooftop I was pushing things around in my bag looking for a specific toy and it made me picture like a mom who has a kid and is looking for a snack or something? Idk. . . A dog is a lot of work but a kid is like a lifetime of work. On the way back home, I got the sense from Stella that she very grateful that she got to come out. It's like she knew it was between a dreadful car ride in the dark.. or stay home alone.. I actually got like really happy seeing her smiling the whole way home. I felt connected to her and it's a very lovely feeling.
this all ties into the reason for posting. I saw a tik tok of a dog reading that gave me a newfound understanding of my situations invoking decision making. Basically the dog was randomly peeing in the house. No rhyme or reason the owner said. . The dog communicates that the reason for this is because the humans were fighting - and actually it was domestic violence but the dogs explanation was this: peeing in the house while the owners are fighting is the dogs way of demonstrating self love. Taking care of his own needs first. By peeing in the house, the dog was doing for himself what his owner could not. The dog was trying to demonstrate to his owner the importance of taking care of your own needs first. That's actually one of the most difficult lessons for the Soul to learn.
Something nice to remember when we are trying to let go of people places and things- our work is very important and at the same time- it's not THAT important! Stand in your truth and the hearts you may to have to break in the meantime will be healed. If there is a heart unhealed and it seems to come from a decision you had to make, let yourself feel peace with your decision. If you question whether you made the wrong choice about something, and your choice directly affects someone else, ask yourself this. Is this person going to be unhealed for the rest of their lives because I made a choice I feel is right for me? If the answer is yes- pat yourself on the back. You made the right decision. Even if it was very difficult and took a lot of tears to get through. You see, even in this made up scenario, it's easy to forget how powerful emotions can be! Even if you recognize yourself to be "over"certain emotions in certain areas of life- it's the People - that will truly make you doubt yourself. It's never wise to follow people who are not strong enough to stand on their own without making one feel guilty about their truth. This is why the betrayal of the self is the highest betrayal. We will betray ourselves and forever wonder "what if" just because we feel pressure to "go with the flow." Rather than "against the current."
Water is so cohesive, its natural inclination is to take up aa little surface area ans possible. Water molds itself to take the same form of whatever's around it. It's strong enough to hold a ship.
So this week. My efforts are going to be totally inspired by this dog.. and water. Wooosah~
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rourhksapocolypse · 2 years
I heard that song earlier today, and a thought occurred to me that I was leaving you a little empty handed.
So, earlier today, I gave you "Me Feels".
Now, I give you a different Feels - the opener to a long delayed fictional funeral.
See, I've had one of my fictional characters, Roxxanne Croft, for over a decade. She has been my muse, my inspiration, my Voodoo Doll and outlet. She has been my companion and a largely willing target for anything terrible I come up with (or eraser if it's something I don't want happening, e.g. unasked for sexual contact, with said contactor heading to meet either a Warden or a pit of soul erasing Fire shortly thereafter... Yeah, I have a mild obsession with that I don't fully understand, but I understand my wish to have her suddenly mutate wings of any kind only to have to tear them off herself to great pain singer rather than later even less).
She also lost her parents in her arms one after another, then got real busy with work. So she put off anything to do with processing until she has a serious break that didn't require focus... which never came.
In comes a Familiar of Zero fanfic idea. She ends up replacing Saito, and a few episodes in, we have the Familiar Festival, where mages and familiars show a brand new skill and try to wow people.
The idea here is that, with the Void arrangement of Canon, Roxxanne would decide they're the familiars of each other (since Roxxanne has magic) and they'd cooperatively make a show - one which doesn't require any magic, since Roxxanne has tech skills, music skills as a hobby (which was previously helpful in maintaining morale while watching over a bunch of teenagers), and Louise has plenty of local magical knowledge but no skill with it.
A song or two no one has heard for Louise (who also has altered Gandalfr runes, part of the reasoning for them both being familiars) such as Thunderstruck, as a statement that she is more than anyone expects, and then Louise makes a comment that, as nice as it is that she's getting some credit, they're not really showing off the skills of the non local familiar. Or her story.
And that, since Roxxanne's pride is noticeably lopsided, leads to the first two songs I mentioned.
One, an ode to her mother Lara, the other a reference to her father as much as to her self-given job of human maintenance in a warzone. And they're both cooperative, which also helps take the focus off the person Roxxanne isn't proud of (herself), while making a grand statement.
Music to help her friend, quietly grieving her parents along the way, and the songs themselves have their own impacts, their own stories.
If you put those stories, those songs, in order, it's simple.
Thunderstruck: I have good taste in music, and I'm more than you expect.
Red like Roses, part one and two combined: beautiful cinematic fight scenes, while screaming at the world with your grief - even as your mother does the same. A grim image for the beginnings of RWBY, but then there's lots of subtle darkness in both RWBY and Roxxanne, covered with sunshine.
Black Parade: "When I was a young boy, my father asked, 'will you be the savior of the Broken? The Beaten and the Damned?' And now, I'm older, scarred by the world, and we, all of us, will carry on."
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mohsinhoonservices · 2 years
5 Tips For Making Money With Affiliate Marketing in 2022
Affiliate marketing isn’t just a great way to make money; it’s also relatively easy, especially if you start now. Below are five tips that will help you make more money with affiliate marketing in 2022 than ever before!
1) Focus on serving content One of my favorite things about affiliate marketing is that there’s a lot of stuff out there for beginners. If you’re just getting started with affiliate marketing, focus on serving content (blogs posts, guides, or eBooks) to your target audience and not just on promoting a product. It will pay off big time later down the road when you become an expert and people are interested in what you have to say. The more great content you produce and share, the more people will notice and want to work with you! Also make sure to pick products that offer recurring commissions so you can build a nice passive income stream from your affiliate business. This allows you to keep making money even after someone buys something from you—and it makes it easier for new customers to find your site. To learn more about how I do affiliate marketing myself, check out my post: How I Made $3k In 3 Days From Affiliate Marketing Without Pushing Sales Or Giving Away My Product . I hope it helps! Good luck :) 2) Do it because you love it If you’re going to go into affiliate marketing, do it because you love doing it. Don’t do it as a way to make money. Do it as a way to educate yourself on what works and what doesn’t work when talking about a product or service. If your intentions are wrong and you just want to be rich, guess what? You will fail at affiliate marketing (and anything else). But if you have good intentions, affiliate marketing can be very lucrative in 2022! Here are 5 tips for making money with affiliate marketing in 2022. 1) Start an affiliate website/blog now: So many people don’t start an affiliate website/blog until they think they have something valuable to say. It doesn’t matter if you think your ideas aren’t worth anything right now. The only thing that matters is that you get started right away! This gives you more time to figure out what people like and don’t like so that by 2022, when money is coming in from affiliate marketing, you know exactly how to optimize your site based off of customer feedback and sales data.
3) Promote other people’s stuff You don’t have to start your own business or create your own products. There are a lot of affiliate marketing opportunities out there, many of which don’t require you to develop a product at all. In fact, you can make money with affiliate marketing even if you just promote other people’s stuff. But remember: No matter what you do, make sure it’s something that makes sense for your business. This means spending time understanding how affiliate marketing works and deciding whether it’s worth investing your time. If you want to try affiliate marketing, find someone who has been successful with it and is willing to mentor you through the process. This will help you learn more about affiliate marketing without risking too much on ideas that may not work out so well for you. (And once you get started, check out some tips on promoting products here.) 4) Be honest with your intentions It’s important to know why you want to start an affiliate marketing business, and what you hope to get out of it. Is it a flexible way to make money on your own terms? Or do you want to build something big and establish yourself as an industry leader? Knowing why you’re interested in affiliate marketing will give you a much better chance of success. If affiliate marketing is just a hobby for you, don’t have unreasonable expectations about what level of income or results you should be able to achieve. Make money with affiliate marketing but don't fall into thinking that it will earn enough income for full-time work.
5) Show your creativity If you want to make money through affiliate marketing, it’s important to show your creativity. Content that goes viral on social media is often highly-creative and exciting—which is what makes it go viral. So don’t just make another listicle, as they say; get creative and try something new! If you really think about your target audience and what they’re into right now, then you can come up with a creative angle that will really bring traffic to your site. Not sure where to start? Try using an online content or idea generator like Kontena – it doesn't have all of these ideas yet but would be good inspiration for now :) Here's a quick example: Writing engaging content isn’t easy, but luckily there are ways to do it faster and better. Here are 5 simple tips to help you create more engaging content that people love reading: #1 Write longer posts The internet loves long-form content because people don’t have time to read short articles anymore (time is money). Shorter paragraphs also tend to confuse readers, so keeping them short can also help keep them engaged.
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
I saw your bio about angel of death too!! May i request nagito X s/o who's like zack!!:D I hope i don't bothering you and have a nice day^^♡♡
Yes finally! Also your not bothering me, and thank you for wishing me a nice day! Your such a sweet heart adelia-Chan!
Nagito with a S/O like Zack!
Now it is modern time, you probably aren’t a murder but you can be, um…problematic.
You liked to beat people up when the looked to happy or mad. It made you feel good.
You obviously laughed like a mentally insane person when you did.
Now on the first day of school you saw a boy with white hair looking way to happy, he looked like a good target.
He noticed you right away and introduced himself with that smile, he sounded so joyful while doing it. That just made you want beat him up even more.
“Hello I’m Nagito Komeada!”
“Hey Komeada. I’m S/O. You got three seconds to run.”
The last part you said with a dark tone. He looked at you confused.
“Um…why would I need to run?”
“Cause you look way to frickin happy, makes me want to beat you up! I like to give people a fair chance to try to run away. As long you beg or scream for me not to hurt you to bad! I love seeing fear on my victims faces! Gets my blood bumping!”
He softly chuckled.
“Oh I’m not going to run away. I’ll let you do it. Come hit me! An ultimate like you hitting trash like me is an honor!”
You stumbled back and leaned by a nearby trash can and threw up.
“Man is something wrong with you. That’s the most messed up thing I’ve ever heard. You not running away or begging for your life. it makes it no fun. See ya later weirdo, I going to class I guess.”
Unfortunately (or fortunately) you both had the same class.
So you really couldn’t escape him, you had to listen to him insult himself and his thing on hope. Which kinda annoyed you.
You interested him and he wanted to get to know you. Like what your hobbies, your goals, or why do you like to beat up people who look happy.
“Is there a reason why your following me like a lost puppy?”
“Your interest me. Just pretend I’m not here.”
You saw a group of girls. They were laughing at another girl. They poured milk on her and laughed even louder. This brought back a memory from your childhood. A very bad memory.
You feel into a rage. You ran and proceeded to beat these girls to the point where they were knocked out. You turned to the girl who they were bullying you held out a hand for her to grab. You helped her getting up, patted her head then walked away.
Nagito followed close behind. You forgot he was following you. You went somewhere quite with a low chance of other students walking by. Then you grabbed him by the neck and shoved him against the wall.
“You better not tell anyone about anything you saw! Or else your gonna end up worse then those girls!”
“Oh I was never going to tell anyone anyway!”
“You better not be lying! I hate liars more than anything!”
“I’m not lying.”
You looked at him in the eyes. He was completely honest. You let him go.
“I thought it was kinda cool to see you standing up for that girl.”
“I wasn’t doing it for her. I was doing it cause it reminded me of something. Something I’d rather forget.”
“Even though, your speed and strength was amazing to see in action. You also held such passion in your eyes.”
You started angry mumbling not because he was annoying you but your were honestly embarrassed, you weren’t used to hearing much praise.
One day your class decided to have a party, you don’t know how they convinced you. But they did, you didn’t listen to the details just the time and place.
The party was a bonfire party.
Once you arrived you were the last one to arrive, they started off the fire. To where you started internally freaking out. Also frozen in fear.
At some point you were escaped into the back of the woods, Nagito noticed and went to follow you. He heard you near by. You found you punching a tree while yelling. You hade to stop cause of your hands
You wore bandages all over hands, shoulder, arms, and up your back a little, from a incident from a long time ago. You heard a twig snap.
“Who’s there! Show yourself!”
“Oops looks like I’ve been spotted.”
“Ugh! What’s with you and following me!”
“Well I noticed you left the party. I just wanted to know why.
He said sitting on a tree stump. You lean against a tree.
“Don’t tell anyone this. But. I’m scared of fire.”
“Oh. Well, how about we go to a near by gas station. We can get some snacks!”
“I don’t have any money.”
“Don’t worry I’ll pay.”
You weren’t saying no to free food. You guys got a couple of snacks and went to a nearby park to sit on a bench.
You actually had a nice conversation with Nagito. You actually were laughing a lot. For the first time ever somebody smile didn’t want to make you beat them up. Nagito smile made you smile.
You developed a crush on Nagito.
You treated him different from then on.
No threats were thrown his way from you. You didn’t mind when he talked to you. Anytime somebody gave him a nasty look for saying something. You punch your hand against your palm as a sign. You often lean against him when he talks to somebody. Anytime he says an insult to himself, you put him in a headlock and start giving him noogies while saying “why do you keep saying that! Do you got some screws loose Huh?!” You could say it’s tough love. Everbody knew you had a crush on Nagito. But you were to dense to notice your own feelings and Nagito was to oblivious to notice your change in behavior. Surprisingly you and fuyuhiko had a kinda Frenemy thing going on. You two acted like you hate each other, which you do. but you two had a lot in common so sometimes you got along. He’s the one to point out your feelings
“When you going to tell Nagito you like him?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“It’s so obvious you have a crush on him. Which is kinda weird.”
“What’s a crush?”
He gave you a shock looked. Then called you an idiot. He explained a crush and then it made sense to you.
“So…how do I tell him.”
“Just tell him. Unless your a chicken.”
“Shut up! I’m not a chicken! I’ll go tell him right now!”
You stomped away looking for Nagito to tell him. You found him being Ganged up by some guys. You beat all of them up. Some puked from your punches, some passed out, some ran away. You picked up Nagito and threw him over his shoulder and started walking away with him.
“Um s/o can you let me down? I can walk on my own.”
You went back to your place and threw him on your couch.
“Thanks for saving me back there. I didn’t think you would save me like that.”
You flicked him in the forehead.
“Of course I saved you. I love you dummy.”
He blushed at the sudden confession.
“I love you too.”
You blushed and pulled him to your chest. You cuddle him, so you guys are now a couple.
Here somethings you do now your a couple
You are always touching him in someway, simple hand hold, hugging, leaning against him, just anything works.
Your like his own personal bodyguard.
He helps you with your bandages when you need to change them.
He comforts you when there’s fire.
You give him random small kisses.
Everybody and anybody is too scared to flirt with Nagito.
When you two are anywhere like a booth at a restaurant. You have you arm wrapped around Nagito shoulder.
After a long time. You told him things about your childhood, which he understood and helped you deal with your trauma.
Bonus: for this to make sense. I ship fuyuhiko and Peko.
You noticed how fuyuhiko acted around peko. You and Nagito decided to play match maker.
Nagito invited fuyuhiko to a cafe to hangout. While you did the same with peko.
They arrived at the cafe both texting you asking where you were. Both of you texted something came up with your significant other so you couldn’t make it. They spotted each other and decided to hangout. Just according to plan. you and Nagito where wearing disguises to watch them. Nagito went up to their waiter after he took their order, saying he’ll pay for them.
When they learned that somebody payed for them and the waiter pointed who. They realized it was you two. You practically grab Nagito and made a mad dash for the exit.
Later that night you got to listen to a mad fuyuhiko, while receiving passive aggressive text from peko.
“Why you so mad? I’m just helping you out. I mean you helped me and Nagito get together. I’m just returning the favor.”
“What?! Are you implying I have a crush on peko! What gave off that idea?!”
“A lot of things gave off that idea. C’mon you like her. Don’t be a chicken.”
“I hate you!”
“The feelings mutual. Just go for it.”
“You don’t tell me what to do-“
You hung up. You put your phone on silent and went to sleep. Luckily it was Friday so you didn’t have school the next day. So they couldn’t bother you about it.
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🌺 "That girl" on a budget 💸
Many people believe that you need to spend a fortune on expensive clothes, skincare products and fancy superfoods to lead a "that girl" lifestyle, but that is simply not true. Let me now share some ideas of how you can safe money in different areas.
Working out
You don't need an expensive gym membership to get or keep your body in shape. There are many workout videos on YouTube which you can watch and follow for free. I will also make a post in the future with some of my favourite workout circuits targeting different regions. You can also always go for a run and if there's a beach or a lake near you and the weather is nice enough you can go swimming, which is a great way to get your heartrate up without putting a strain on the joints etc. Another gentle way to get your body moving, which is good both mentally and physically, is yoga. Again, there are a lot of amazing YouTube videos out there. My personal favourite is Yoga with Bird. You don't even need to buy a yoga mat as a soft carpet should do the job in the beginning as well.
Some shops will offer fruits and vegetables that aren't picture perfectly pretty at a cheaper price. Other ingredients like rice, pasta, flour, quinoa etc. can be bought in bigger packages, which are cheaper overall and if correctly stored stay good for many months. You also do not need to buy expensive supplements to get your nutrients in as everything can be taken care of via your diet. Most vitamins can be covered by fruits and veggies. To get your proteins you don't need to buy shakes, as foods like lentils, soy and tofu, (cottage) cheese, chicken, nuts, eggs, greek yoghurt etc. are rich in protein and easily integrated into your diet.
The magic word here is thrifting. Most bigger cities nowadays have thrift shops where you can buy second-hand clothes at a very reasonable price. This is also a fun activity to do with friends or a cute date idea. Another way to change up your closet without spending money is swapping with your friends. Call up a few friends who wear similar sizes to you, declutter your closet and host a clothes swapping party.
Many people will try to make you believe that you need to buy a ton of expensive skincare products and have a super complex routine, when this is most definitely not the case. Especially when you start out, you only really need basics like sunscreen, a cleanser (I personally love micellar water, as it doubles as a makeup remover) and a moisturiser, which you can easily pick up at a chemists/drug shop for a reasonable price. Once you figure out what works for you the key is, again, buying bigger and per amount cheaper packages. Another thing I would like to add here is that oftentimes the key to better skin lies at simple things like changing your pillow cover regularly, washing your face, staying hydrated, not touching your face and making sure your phone is clean (think about how often you are calling someone and your phone is touching your cheek!)
Although it's sometimes portrayed that you need to have fancy expensive hobbies to be that girl, that too is not true. If you want to read, libraries are an amazing way to get books without having to buy them. Creative writing can be done on a phone or a laptop or even with a pen and some paper and it's something you can easily teach yourself without having to take courses. If you have a phone with a somewhat decent, great, you can take up photography. Jogging or swimming, as mentioned above, doesn't take a lot of money. Drawing only requires some paper and pens and with some patience and maybe the help of the Internet you can improve pretty quickly.
So there you have it, a few ideas on how to save money in different areas of the lifestyle. I hope this helped at least one or two of you. Let me know if it did!
Love, M
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