#i don't have many answers for diet lol
How do the t$$ crew stay in shape? Like what do their diets look like and their workout routines?
Joy is a powerlifter. Before she was arrested she had a gym membership and would hit the weight racks 4-6 times a week. Despite her overactive mind, it's a kind of therapeutic thing for her and would help burn off excess energy after a day in the gun shop. She's not a huge fan of cooking (and usually doesn't have the time), so she'd usually exist on chicken, rice, and canned or frozen veggies. Anything else she'd just eat out or visit home for
Jericho also enjoys weight lifting, but didn't have nearly as much time as Joy to get after it (family time comes first), and would usually manage to get in 3-4 hours of gym time a week, tops. He'll usually just do protein powder and almond milk for a recovery snack, and otherwise eats a lot of meals that are fairly easy to throw together and make leftovers out of (like stews, casseroles, etc)
Benji doesn't work out on purpose. He finds it both boring and intimidating. Cardio through dancing? He's all about it. He'll also go on walks if he feels like he's been too stagnant, and has a stretching routine he'll try to do every morning. He hates cooking and eats out whenever he can, but prefers lighter stuff like soup and sandwiches. Dishes that are too meat or dairy heavy just make him feel icky
Kaius used to do fencing, archery, and karate, (and has some shoulder strength built up because of those), but constantly moving from place to place makes it difficult to build a routine, so it's been a few years. The one thing he tries to do consistently is run, and that's out of practicality. (He has to run for his life a lot.) He generally eats whatever he can when he has time (and remembers to do it), and since he avoids meat that ends up being a lot of peanut butter sandwiches and microwave rice. Despite this, he still enjoys good food
Hunter doesn't have a routine. He just does what he wants when he feels like it, and since he's a restless person, he feels like it a lot. He'll go for a really long walk, or just run somewhere as fast as he can for the hell of it, or mess around with weights if he's somewhere that has them. (He'd also do a lot of cardio via fist fighting and running away from things, but that's a lifestyle issue lol) He's also in the "oh shit did I eat today" boat most of the time
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studentbyday · 7 days
i say i want to choose my own path. yet i don't know exactly all of what i want in life? like, some things, i just can't know right now. but i feel pressured to choose some things now before others choose for me. i think i know what i want. and then i don't. and this is a cycle that keeps repeating and repeating as i see the options i was considering are not actually viable. sometimes it's down to smth like my lacking skill. sometimes it's down to smth like my location and...i don't think i'd be willing to move away...for various reasons, some of which are my own and some of which aren't...
i wonder if i'm starting to sound like a broken record on this blog...
i don't think i'll see a resolution to this existential crisis any time soon.
as per usual, i'm torn between following my dreams and being practical. i feel tied down. my soul writhes under the ropes, aching to be free. does it even know what freedom means?
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crescentfool · 1 year
Hi! I recently came across some chulip x persona fanart and I loved it so much I was reading the tags to see if more people liked chulip and when I came across yours it made me happy to see someone else that has seen the chulip lp from stephenplays since I don't know many people who watch him, but I just wanted to let you know that your tags are the best thing of that fanart! Made me happy to see someone appreciate the game also the implication in this crossover that you have to kiss everyone to finally kiss Akechi is hilarious to me lol. I hope you are having a good day whenever you read this and remember to drink lots of water!
WAAH thank you so much for taking the time to stop by the askbox- i'm really delighted to see a fellow chulip liker and someone else who watches stephenplays! (context for anyone who's reading, this is the fan art nadja is referring to! please look at it, it's genuinely so good.)
i absolutely adore crossovers and like... chulip is such a fever dream of a game. shuake in chulip where you have to kiss everyone to kiss akechi is just Phenomenal™ and it's great to see someone else who gets the implications as well 😎
anyways thank you once again for the message! i hope that you also stay hydrated and i wish you a very good day! ✨
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eloaholiveira · 4 months
Hello, I’m one of the contestants of the AU Sonic Smackdown, @delightrolls, the creator of the Sonic Thunderstorm AU. I was trying to decide who to vote for between you and @wereh0gz, but the decision is proving to be difficult. Would you kindly tell me more about your Freaks AU? Anything and everything you feel comfortable sharing about your impeccable story! And if you want some more specific questions I would like to ask these questions and I apologize in advance for the amount of them, your AU is just very intriguing. Feel free to take your time answering all of these:
Are all Echidnas Wood Nymphs / Dryads / Drus or is it just Knuckles? If it’s just Knuckles how did he get like that?
Did the Knuckles Clan still invoke the wrath of Chaos leaving Knuckles as the sole survivor?
Are characters like Omega, and Cream in the Freaks AU?
Are the Chaotix still detectives? If not, what do they do?
What are Zombies like? Do they eat brains like most Zombies in stories do or do they eat something else?
Is Silver also a Vegan Vampire?
Can Vampires also be satiated by Animal Blood or is it only Mobian / Tree Blood?
What are the pros and cons of drinking Mobian Blood vs Tree Blood?
Can Vampires eat solid food or are they limited to fluids?
If someone is bitten by a Vampire are they guaranteed to turn into a Vampire or Zombie or can other things happen as well?
Are Vampires weak to Sunlight?
What happens when The Order takes someone? Are they killed or imprisoned? If they are imprisoned what happens to them in prison?
What are Demons like?
Were Surge and Kit born Demons or did someone or something turn them into Demons?
Do Iblis, Solaris, Dark Gaia, and Light Gaia exist in this story?
Can someone earn the title of High Howler outside of killing the current High Howler? How would one do this?
What are the lifespans of the various Freaks?
What are Fairies like?
Sticks doesn’t believe in the Supernatural but is a Fairy, are Fairies not Supernatural?
What does the Morning Glory Pack do?
If Mimic turned Mighty and Mighty is part of Amy’s Pack does that mean Mimic is also a part of Amy’s Pack?
How many members are in Amy’s Pack? Is Eric in Amy’s Pack?
Is Ashe also a Werebeast?
Has anyone willingly become a Freak?
Would eating a possessed object completely destroy it or would the Ghost simply possess the person who ate them?
Thank you for your time and regardless of whether you win or lose I think your story is impeccable :)
Hey!!! And thank you ❤️
1- Yes, all echidnas - from Knuckles' tribe - were Wood Nymphs.
2- Yes, and Knuckles still guards the Master Emerald at Angel Island.
3- Cream is in the AU!!! I just have yet to draw her, and shes a mundane. Not sure ig Omega will appear just yet.
4- The Chaotix are still detectives, think Kemono Jihen: they take care of supernatural incidents, sorta like vigilantes(is that the correct term? ^^") They're also family, Vector is the single dad of these two. lol
5- You got flesh-eating zombies... and then you have Gadget, who personally loves pastries. XD
6- Silver is learning about 'vampire veganism' with Espio.
7/8- Sort of, a sentiment's blood not only make them stronger but they're also well fed. Vegan vampires are weaker since they don't consume live blood.
9- Yes vampires are weak to sunlight, but it's mostly based on their diet. Those who drink live blood might get hurt real badly, and those who are vegan usually have way higher tolerance to sunlight just getting itchy.
10- Still reworking/revamping The Order
11- Demons are either sinners or born-demons. Demons can be summoned by mundanes, sinners cannot.
12- Surge and Kit are born demons, they got summoned by Starline.
13- Gaia is a single entity like a God, Iblis and Solaris do not exist in this story.
14- You don't need to kill the previous High Howler to become one, you can earn the title, it's not well known how to do so, but you must not have killed innocent people in order to earn it. Or you could be a High Howler's Heir and inherit the 'throne' when they die.
15- Still working on fairies, but they're mostly chill, being able to change between fairy form (tiny) and mobian form. Fairies have powers related to the elements/nature.
16- Fairies are supernaturals, Sticks just never took fairy form/'unlocked' her powers so she never figured out she was a fairy herself! XD
17- Morning Glory is currently trying to track down Mimic, since he's going around causing mayhem n all.
18- Amy's pack got 7 members, 2 of which are demons (Surge and Kitsunami). Eric is an omega, he's on his own, and Ashe is a mobian, he didn't get turned.
19- I shall talk about that soon... 👁️👁️
20- The person who ate it would probably die... or vomit it out. XD
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josephtrohman · 1 month
I don't know who else to express my conern to, but... it seems to me that Joe hasn't been wearing his wedding ring lately? I first noticed it in the China pics and thought maybe he just forgot it at home or something, but I did a quick look through 2ourdust pics and it seems to be missing then, too??
i was going to answer this when i saw it in my inbox yesterday but tbh i genuinely got too high last night to type coherently LMFAOOOO. BUT this is the RIGHT PLACE to express this concern because i actually am a slightly insane person who pays like TOO MUCH attention to wedding rings due to the fact that they make me Feel Ways, so i actually have a lot to say about this!!! i am the co-president of the joe trohman hands and ring committee after all (shoutout ash)…however, tldr: i would say that him not wearing his ring is not a bad sign to ME bc of the evidence on this matter. and i’m putting it under a cut cuz i kind of typed a lot here 😭
joe didnt wear his wedding ring almost at all on tourdust or eurodust either (there’s the joe coffee run picture that he’s wearing it, but i believe that was taken in la, and he lives in la, so he could have just dropped it off at home or whatever lol), but it actually goes much further back than that! iirc joe started first inconsistently wearing his wedding ring in 2017 or so, and he and his wife had a baby the next year, so it is not necessarily the sign of a split or anything that he is not wearing it :-)
there could be many many reasons that he doesn’t wear it while touring/playing. it may be the case that he doesn’t like to travel with it for fear of losing it, especially considering his ring was upgraded recently ish it seems. see the pics below, left picture=2016 or so i believe, right picture=early 2023 from the hmlag shoot. as you can see the new ring has a different design, there’s some carving or maybe there’s even like diamonds in the band idk it’s hard to see fully, but it really could be the case that it’s a much more expensive ring, thus not wanting to travel with it because of the cost to replace if he lost it
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there are also other personal reasons he may choose to not wear it: it could be for fluctuating finger sizes due to medical reasons or weight changes (i am not implying it looks like he gained or lost weight lol it doesn’t seem that way, but even small weight changes that are invisible to us can impact your finger size, or a high-sodium diet can contribute the fingers swelling more, so on and so forth), it could be the case that it’s become uncomfortable to play in (as an example, there’s that one video from 2013 or so of an acoustic performance where patrick removes his wedding band because of the slide sound it’s making on the neck of the guitar, so it’s not inconceivable that a wedding ring could get in the way/be uncomfortable for playing in), or SOOO many different reasons that he stopped wearing it that we may not know about (and that’s ok!!)
during their last show (or maybe one of their last shows? i can’t remember for sure but def a december 2023 show) he brought out this lil number which appears to be a silicone ring. and he only used this for one show and hasn’t brought it back since, but it just may not have been an alternative that worked for him. i know for example my uncle had a bad allergic reaction on his hands when he tried to switch to a silicone wedding band, so maybe something similar could have happened to joe with this silicone band, or just not liking the feel of it, etc
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another piece of evidence that i think should soothe you as well, he was wearing his real ring during his christmas video, even if he wasn’t wearing his ring almost at all during 2023 tour :)
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as well, i’m not going to include the pics (but you can find it easily on meredith’s reel lol), but marie was at andy and meredith’s wedding too, just another lil piece of evidence that im not concerned about the state of their relationship :)
lastly, its important to know that he has marie’s initials tattooed on the inner part of his ring finger (the m is covered up by his wedding band in these pics but i can’t find others where it’s more visible lol), so even when he’s not wearing his wedding ring, it’s like she’s always with him :-) and i bet that’s part of the reason that he doesn’t seem overly concerned with finding an alternative band, because functionally the tattoo still shows his commitment to her <33
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in general tho, im not worried about their relationship; joe has been head over heels for her from the moment they met, so i could see them being together forever and ever 💖 (and well god forbid if they do ever split i may have to cermet soup of side bc i love them so much…yes im a crazy insane joegirl yes i like rpf BUT ALSO yes i love marie and their relationship in general WE EXIST. do they need a third or perhaps another dog i can bark etc etc)
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porcelainerose · 29 days
what's your skincare routine to keep your skin youthful and baby-like sweet angel? ♡
aw--...thanks for the compliment >_< and !! i eat a clove of raw garlic everyday (never overdo it, just one clove a day and never on an empty stomach, it can burn it). (i hate garlic but...it's a sacrifice for a good skin AND for health !) good nutrition, moisturizer, sunscreen...i also use scar cream, and a thing to wash my face forget the name ...mh...but tbh, the only essential things in a skincare routine are moisturizer and sunscreen, the rest is very, very often diet. your body reacts to the products you eat most of the time, you just have to study after which food you have a acne or red stains/patchs?
i don't like to put too many things on my skin, i feel like my skin is going to tear, rot faster, it's a weird feeling lol i don't like the feeling of having 10 layers on my skin
i know my answer is kinda boring sorry
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asoftgoth · 7 months
I hope these aren't intrusive to ask, but when it comes to your recent hip growth...
A. It's so cute, first of all
B. Do you believe they're growing solely because of HRT, or because of HRT plus you're specifically eating enough to continue gaining during your transition?
And when it comes to your transition in general, if you happen to plan to undergo any sort of gender confirmation surgery, have you already looked into qualifications/patient criteria? I'm not asking because I want to pry about you but because I think my egg is cracking but I'm already about the same size as you and I'm worried that if I even try transitioning, eventually I'll hit a road block at which point if I want to get any relevant surgery, they won't consider me viable unless I lose a lot of weight.
Again, I'm so sorry if this isn't stuff you're comfortable talking about, in which case please don't feel obligated to reply to this at all. I hope you're doing well!
Hey there :) First off im happy to answer pretty much any transition related questions. These are really invasive though and I appreciate you acknowledging that. For everyone that will read this, please don’t expect every trans person you speak with to be willing to open up like this. But with that said here we go:
A: Lol thank you 🥰💕
B: Its such an exciting and scary part of someone’s life when their egg is starting to crack. I remember those days well and I feel for you. But trust me, it gets so much better 💕 And about your questions, my hip growth is because of HRT mainly, and the fact that I have an overall decent diet. That’s pretty much it. And the diet aspect is important, when you transition your body is undergoing a massive transformation and it needs energy to help it along. My actual diet is for another post maybe, (it’s not anything special tho) but I’m not “actively gaining” and haven’t been since I started HRT, believe it or not! It might surprise some people but I’ve actually lost weight even though I’ve added about 3 inches to my hips since starting almost 9 months ago. Almost all of the weight I’ve lost (about 40lbs) has been from muscle loss throught my body. Plus I’ve also lost a ton of visceral fat from my waist(yay), and gained lots of subcutaneous fat in my ass and thighs (also yay). That’s not to mention my chest which is *really* growing a ton, and fast too. I’d say im really lucky with how my proportions are filling out, but it’s a long process and im extremely grateful. Transitioning definitely isn’t over night tho and as much as this sucks, it’s a genetic roll of the dice for what your proportions will look like. Transitioning takes a lot of bravery, and I don’t say that lightly.
With all that said, yes I do have some surgeries in mind that I want and plan on getting in the next few years. I don’t want bottom surgery, but if I did then my size would be an issue. There are strict BMI limitations for getting a vaginoplasty. It fucking sucks but that’s just the reality of things in 2023. Simpler surgeries like getting an orchi don’t have those requirements and that’s one thing I plan on getting fairly soon. Another one is FFS. I’ve actually talked with a few surgeons already who do FFS and some have BMI requirements and others don’t. The ones that don’t unfortunately may cost a bit more from what I’ve seen. (But they do have more experience too). For implants and things like that, I don’t know, I haven’t researched boob jobs specifically but I can’t imagine BMI would be an issue there. I know it isn’t for fat injections in your butt/hips.
One last thing too that I wanna make clear, because a lot of people might read this. You don’t have to actually take any medicine or have any procedures done to be transgender 💕 Medically transitioning is something that helps so many of us and is absolutely necessary for (I would say) most trans people, (it 100% saved my life, I wouldn’t be here without it). But not all, and it doesn’t define your transness whether or not you’ve taken ~this~ medicine or had ~that~ surgery. I was just as much a woman as I am now for the year before I started HRT when I knew I was trans. And I was just as much a girl when I was born. I’ve been a woman all my life, it just took a little while for me to figure myself out haha. Just trust your gut and make healthy decisions. I put off the whole “deliberately gaining” thing while my body is going through all this change. And I personally feel like im better off for it. However I’m working out and eating to help grow my lower half, so I guess you could say my gaining journey isn’t over, it’s just changed. But anyway, I hope this helps you and anyone who reads this, sorry it was so long lol. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask, and my inbox is always open too 🖤
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isaksbestpillow · 7 months
why do ppl in japan feel entitled to comment on your appearance even when you're completely strangers 💀 feels so weird to me
I'm afraid I don't have a clear scientific answer for you haha. I feel like commenting on other people's appearances is not as common in Japan as in some other asian countries (I've had lovely friends in Chinese people in Japan who basically adopted me when I didn't have a peer group of my own but they'd also tell me how they'd love to keep me as a pet so I didn't always know how to react haha), but definitely still common enough that it can be awkward or upsetting. I do think Japanese history has something to do with it, though. Japanese culture loves all things beautiful. It is a culture of intricate imperial attire and perfumed letters. It doesn't matter how good the inside is if the package isn't beautiful. A flaw on the surface implies a flaw in the process. It's very different from my culture that appreciates functionality and being down to earth.
If you look foreign, often people are just very curious, so I've learned to live with it. I've never had a rude or bad comment but it's a bit weird to be called kawaii when purchasing premade ebi chili lol. Still i feel like this type of commenting can encourage unhealthy behavior like diet culture. :( My spouse is a man but he's taller and more heavily built than most of his peers and he gets so many comments about his size and weight.
I don't like to watch a lot of Japanese tv comedy because so much of it is still based on the perceived unattractiveness of the comedian, especially if they're a woman. It's tiresome. :( there have been some positive changes in the media and fatshaming isn't as acceptable as in the past, but looks continue to be commented on in ways I'd rather they not be. I feel like I've had it quite easy because I'm smaller than your average japanese woman and don't try to defy the conventional beauty standards too much, but who knows how people will respond to me once I start looking like your average middle aged woman.
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inryokuhime · 4 months
so uh
quick life update before i go take a nap
i had a heart echo test done because my doctor heard a heart murmur. i have been diagnosed with ventricular dyssynchrony, a heart defect of the lower chambers not pumping blood correctly. most likely have had this my whole life since was i born 6 weeks prematurely with a heart murmur. which for some reason was ignored because premie babies usually grow out of it. or something, lol malpractice in the 80's or some shit.
the major symptoms of ventricular dyssynchrony are coughing, shortness of breath, fatigue, and swelling of legs. the first three i've pretty much struggled with my entire life, the last one has been a problem since i was like 20.
tbh i'm pissed. to have my health ignored by so many doctors because i was a chubby kid and a fat teen is just unacceptable. i was only ever told to diet and exercise and to stop being lazy. that everything was my fault for becoming obese. this should have been caught when i was first diagnosed with asthma, 30 years ago.
unfortunately since i have gone so long being untreated, the basic fixes for this aren't going to do much, which would be things like steroids and diuretics. but at least i have answers now.
my dad still wants me to think my condition is at least partially my fault for not trying hard enough to be thin. that i was lazy and gave up too many times. probably about time i don't even talk to him about my health anymore if he can't have any sort of understanding or empathy for me.
anyway, thought y'all should know. i'm gonna go sleep a bit now.
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aquanova99 · 1 year
Hello, I saw your headcanons for the Denali family. not too many people write for them, especially Eleazar, so I was really excited to read your work. Anyway, if request are open and your okay with writing this could you do a request on what it would be like if the Denalis(specifically Eleazar, cuz he's my fave) fell in love with a cullen!fem!reader.
If you don't feel like doing this that's fine. Have a nice day buddi🙂
Okay the setup is that you’re a more recent addition to the family, they don’t meet you until Edward and Bella’s wedding. And for Carmen and Eleazar they never dated in this scenario bc I’m not breaking up those cuties. She became like a sister to him over time but her kind nature convinced him there was more to the volturi 🤷‍♀️ listen I got change canon somewhere for these asks. Really the regular headcanons are the same so this is mostly the meeting parts
She’s only there for the formality of it all. Vampirism made it hard to really let loose but mingling with humans was as close to human as she could get herself
Marrying a human? Weird Edward
She notices you while Esme is chattering about the decorations, both sides forced to pretend they can tolerate small talk
She could see you and Rosalie talking about how ridiculous this all was, you see her staring and wave. You’d heard about these “cousins” but were new enough you hadn’t had the chance to meet.
After the ceremony she decides to start a conversation, she meets you cautiously
And if you two proceed with falling for eachother it will be a slow process. Dating headcanon a are the same after
Straight up is going to ask you if you are doing the diet because you want to or because if your family
Your answer will determine if she wants to pursue you or not
If the answer is because you want to, it ends there
If it’s because of the Cullens she will keep the conversation and see if she feels a spark (see what I did there? Lol)
She wants to leave the veggie diet when she finds her mate but she has to be sure there’s more of a connection than she feels with her family, mainly Irina
Tried not to fall for you
After Laurent she is pretty guarded, and likely your relationship won’t last very long 🫢
But if you empathize with her or follow her after she wants to leave because of the wolves presence she will try and open up with you
Mainly because you feel safe
But I don’t think this would progress into an actual relationship
Maybe a few dates but she would be crushing hard and trying to deny it to herself
Unfortunately she tells you too late (at the confrontation)
Immediately turns on her Spanish charm
Asks Carlisle if she can steal you away in front of you and tries to make you blush (you do)
Asks you if you are going to ask her to dance
I’d suggest you ask her
Again the dating isn’t going to be different just see my other headcanons
You’re going to have to approach the man
He’s going to be very respectful, especially as he is sure the Cullens are going to be very protective (they’re probably to busy with making sure Bella does t get another paper cut but sure)
He will ask you to dance eventually and whisper as low as he can into your ear to ask if you would want to go somewhere quieter to talk
And let me tell you 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
He will just want to get to know you actually but homeboy has this mischievous kind of charm and he will ask to see you again soon
Regular dating and then I assume he would follow wherever you would want to live
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dynamic-power · 7 months
Weekly tag Wednesday Sunday!
I got tagged by some awesome people! @mybrainismelted @energievie @transmickey @skylerwinchester
1. If you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do? My first two thoughts were Jeff Bezos, to steal his money, or Cam Monaghan, to jerk off, ngl. But my final answer is Robert Irwin. And I'm gonna cuddle as many animals as I can.
2. whats your most trivial / dumbest hot take? Summer is the worst season. It just is. I live in a place that gets up to 110+ F (43+ C) and it's just gross.
3. if you had to teach a college course what would it be in? English Handbells. Or intro to music, maybe. But handbells are my specialty.
4. season 12 of shameless is suddenly happen and youve been put in charge! what plot point(s) are you gonna make happen? Obviously, I wanna see Gallavich living their best lives. But I also want to see Carl and Debbie get the chance to settle properly into adult hood. I'd have Carl meet an amazing young woman with a kid and watch him learn to love them both. Give Debbie her own space with Franny. A little stability, y'know? I just want them to be happy okay
5. who would be your godly parent? (can be any mythology.) Apollo
6. what’s something you love about yourself? My ability to care. I love deeply and completely. Once you are my friend, you're stuck with me. I have been a pillar for a lot of people to lean on when they need it and I love that I can do that for them. 💜
7. describe your day in 5 emojis: 🐶🌅😴☕️🫂
8. what shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight? Jimmysteve
9. tell us 2 truths and a lie, we’ll try to guess the lie!
1. I was an area manager at an Amazon warehouse
2. I dropped out of college because of the English course requirements
3. I chose the name Dyno because I have an obsession with dinos
10. do you have a pet(s). if so how did they get their name? I don't. Can't have animals in my apartment. But! I did name 2 cats growing up. I was 10. One was PK (pretty kitty. She was pretty.) And the other was JD (John Doe. Because he was a stray that kinda just. Showed up.) I have always been a very original person.
11. show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence.
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12. whats your typical coffee / tea / beverage order? Coffee, iced carmel latte. I don't drink tea. But other beverages, diet Dr. Pepper or beer. I'm a big beer drinker lol.
13. use a song to describe the last 5 years of your life? I saw Kat do a song for each year and I liked that so here you go. It's been a rough 5 years, so they aren't the most cheery selection. 😅
2019- Good Things Fall Apart by ILLENIUM
2020- 1 Last Cigarette by The Band CAMINO
2021- Figure Me Out by The Summer Set
2022- Matilda by Harry Styles
2023- Slither by Djo
I'm super late so I won't tag anyone. This one was a fun one!!
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needlemeister · 3 months
hello! your art is amazing! i loveeee your scug designs :D
anyway, can you share something about your ocs? i don't know much, so it can be anything-- backstory, abilities, anything you find particularly cool? specifically the martyr or dragon slayer maybe :O it's hard to judge based on looks alone but thet seem like slugcats i'd really wanna play as lol
also, is the hy in your pronoun set pronounced he or hi (or some other way that i'm forgetting)?
have a good day byeee :]
hi i completely forgot to answer this ages ago sorry!!
I'll answer the non oc question first: you pronounce it like he/him! they're masc angelkin pronouns :]
also, if anyone wants me to do an info post like this on any of the antiscugs or my iterators, lmk!
Era: Post-Saint in a different facility entirely during a drought period induced by most Iterators dying out. Food is scarce, and there's no rain - only suffocating heat.
Diet: Batflies, Blue Fruit, Baby Centipedes - Each fills only one fourth of a pip. Larger amounts of food cause shock due to how overeating after starvation works irl. Four pips, no spillover. (OOOO|)
Abilities: Can starve one more cycle in a row before death. Always statistically considered to be in a starvation state. Can play dead.
Iterator: Calls Upon the Sea / CUTS, a lonesome Iterator whose facility acted as a giant lighthouse. Desperately pleading their siblings in their Local Group to say something, anything, unaware that they are the last one standing.
DRAGON SLAYER (anti-Refugee)
Era: Post-Pacifist, Pre-Riptide
Diet: Carnivorous. 1.5x pips from Lizards, 1/2x from any other creatures. Same amount of pips as Artificer. (OOOOOO|OOO)
Abilities: Same combat capabilities as Hunter. Deals 2x damage to all Lizards at the cost of always being fatally bit by them and locked at the lowest possible reputation with them. Bad swimming and balance due to lack of tail. Same mass as Gourmand.
Iterator: N/A. Avoided by Overseers due to attacking them one too many times.
Era: Post-Monk, almost immediately so. Outer Expanse is flourishing with Slugcats.
Diet: Default. Same pips as Artificer, in addition to two sets of three pips to also attend to. (OOOOOO|OOO + OOO|x2)
Abilities: Has a pair of Pups that they absolutely must take care of, or else they must repeat the cycle. Average stats. Can carry both pups on their back at once. If implemented in-game, players two and three are their pups when using Jolly Co-op. Combat stats are buffed if one or both of their pups are in danger.
Iterator: N/A. Too focused on keeping their pups safe - cans are dangerous!
Era: Pre-and-post-Martyr. Their first journey is to collect colored pearls for their Iterator before the heat burns them out, and their second is to deliver a message to CUTS.
Diet: N/A. Pips represent current charge (OOOOOOO|) and space for pearl storage (|OOO) respectively. Nap, hibernate, or interact with sources of electricity (Centipedes, Zappers, Electric Spears, etc) to charge. Charge slowly drains as they move and act. The heat will make them overheat if they spend too long outside between hibernations.
Abilities: Incapable of ingesting anything but pearls. Swift and agile, like a median between Spearmaster and Rivulet without the aquatic capabilities of the latter. Starts Marked.
Iterator: A currently unnamed Iterator that created them in order to collect and deliver pearls efficiently in the worsening conditions outside.
Era: Undetermined, possibly before The Great Ascension. Maybe Technomancer mod era?
Diet: Carnivorous. Incapable of consuming Black Lizards. Same pips as Spearmaster, due to the slow metabolism of underground creatures. (OOOOO|OOOOO)
Abilities: Blind. Mechanically, this means everything has the Shaded Citadel or Filtration System filter. Edges of terrain are illuminated as if with Monk's Citadel assist effect to represent the Covert relying on sound and touch. Sources of sound are illuminated better, and all non-ambient noises have their volume increased. Faster tunneling speed than any other.
Iterator: there's a nonzero chance only LttM exists here
Era: Paradoxically before Spearmaster and yet after Saint. Rubicon is present.
Diet: Carnivorous. Not sure on the pips.
Abilities: Capable of holding and producing a charge similar to Centipedes. Immune to stuns or damage Centipede and Jellyfish shocks, instead entering an overcharged state that gives them mild contact damage and stuns to enemies susceptible to electricity. Can charge Electric Spears and electrocute creatures via mauling.
Iterator: Sixteen Shooting Stars, a strange Iterator whose can is only accessible in Rubicon.
Era: Immediately after Monk.
Diet: Same as Monk, including the pips. (OOO|OO)
Abilities: Weaker and lighter than Monk, but also swifter. Lizard taming odds are doubled.
Iterator: Looks to the Moon, like their other siblings!
Not created with playability in mind. Basically a cross between Gourmand and Hunter, their parents.
Not created with playability in mind. An unstable cross between Rivulet and Spearmaster, their parents.
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toxoplasmewsis · 2 months
I totally agree with you. I saw that my message is not well written. My point, or what I tried to say is that we as a society, tend to view matters in this way, if not, we would not romanticize starving and would not demonize fatness however extreme. And yes I know using the world discipline is problematic, however I'll defend it because thats part of that illness: a sense of extreme control impulse that damages you and make you hurt yourself, it's people who are so ill they will deny themselves the most basic necessities it is a sense of twisted self control.
We have certain images and ideas of how we should look and be. I think obese people fall into one of the most looked down on people because of this.
Lastly, is one thing to mentally put down someone you don't seem worthy. However, as I mentioned, is possible for similar things to happen to both extremely thin and fat people, losing your ability to move and be self sufficient can, and is looked upon badly to say the least.
About numbers YES! Education about food, not letting companies poison us... At least for me, I'm from a southamerican country and we actually have that, and we have less obesity than the US for example. And yes, our resources should go to complete health care in all their ways.
No, I understand that you weren’t necessarily saying it was you, but more of answers that could be given for my question. I just use “you” because saying “society” too many times makes me feel like the jocker. So don’t worry about that part I see what you mean there.
And I think on the self control part, well yea you said it yourself it’s twisted. It comes from disordered thinking. Because I mean, yes and no? You have physically forced your body to not do something it needs, but I do see it as a loss of control in its own way. I don’t think women who are in the trenches are necessarily in control either. I dont always agree with what other people think in cases like this, and the way I see it if you're doing so bad you can't make yourself eat - you've lost control. And i don't think that's something to be ashamed about, but it is what it is and I cant see it as anything other than that. Someone who needs help in that way.
And definitely thin and fat people do receive criticisms and there’s an intersection of disability and ableism there that increases that “disgust” that people feel when someone is immobile, but in regards to specifically fat people - my thought is well. Both sets of women would be heavily criticized. A morbidly obese woman that died from death feederism and an anorexic woman that dies from starvation. Both of these came from mental health issues that can’t be fixed by someone saying “eat less/eat more.” I just think that well, one of those is considered a tragedy and the other is considered disgusting. Is considered to be a joke or “what did they expect eating that way.” It’s the same issue in different directions, but one of those directions is seen as always disgusting while the other one is only seen as bad until it gets real bad. I don’t know if I’m making myself clear on that. Someone said that EDs are normalized in society - I completely agree. I also think that the prejudice directed at fat people reinforces those EDs.
And like yea the education. Ugh. We DO need better education. Absolutely. And tbh that education has to be tailored based on your food preferences cause studies do show you gain more nutrients from foods you actually enjoy (of your culture etc) than those you just swallow down. The more I hear about the food pyramid (that I was taught here) the more it’s like oh…. They lobbied to get their product in the food pyramid not actually because it’s good for you lol.
And like, okay we put in the hours of work to actually figure out a proper diet - some people will be good after this. Some people you aren’t going to be able to reach with education and better groceries though. Like, for me sometimes there are days I just don’t eat because the steps involved are so overwhelming I can’t even make it past the first one. Some days I eat so much it sorta scares me how empty I still feel after. That’s mental illness that comes from a lifetime of issues™ and although I would love to be like, “I’m normal now” if I were given the resources to eat better, I know a big part of it would also be mental for me. It’s why you see soooooo many people who got weight loss surgery die from alcoholism. Their food addiction was never addressed, they became physically unable to continue that food addiction (b/c of a smaller stomach) and turned to alcohol. Because of the surgery, the alcoholism progresses much more quickly. Those people weren’t saved, but they died thin so… win for the medical system I guess. #nomorefatties
My loss of control just looks “uglier” in this society, but my point is like hello…. Does that make me less than? Tbh this sorta goes in with my feelings on addicts too. I don’t think people that suffer in an “ugly” way should like… be made to feel like our very lives can be counted monetarily. Capitalistic misogynistic nightmare society.
Also just to reiterate, I don’t mean “you” personally anon, but more in a “if you believe these things, this is my response to that” way. Sorry it’s just easier for me to write as if I’m personally talking to someone about their opinions than the hypothetical? Idk
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Try first aid beauty or fresh, I have oily sensitive skin and they work. Tatcha is good too, expensive but very good. I wish I saw this yesterday, when the Sephora sale was still going on. If you want to commit to buying the value large sizes, get the mini set first to see if it works. I bought The Ordinary for my under eyes and I peeled like crazy, my skin under my eyes/cheeks were sensitive and peeling for a few days. Thankfully I work from home.
This is the last skin care thing I'm going to answer because I got a lot of responses and to be honest I find it to be an incredibly boring topic lol. I don't want that to seem ungrateful, people were being nice and I did ask, but I expected three or four responses! The whole reason I never used any skin care products is because of the confusing array of skincare products people swear by because it worked for them, even if they don't have the same skin issues, so if I get too many more suggestions it will just overwhelm me and I won't try any of them. I got a couple of suggestions from people who seem to be in a similar situation to me so I'm going to wind it down now :)
Anyway, as for you anon, I'm glad it's not just me who had issues with their products! I also work from home so it's just the staff in the local supermarket who might be a bit taken aback but they've seen the food I buy so they'll probably just think my diet's caught up with me finally.
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jaguarhome · 2 months
hello! I hope you are well. I'm kind of new on my spiritual journey, I started with the law of assumption but now I'm kind of mixing LOA and non-dualism (I know they're different ideas, but in my view they can complement each other well) but my ego is skeptical and afraid because it's complicated to live your whole life believing that things like this don't exist and that we have to be "realistic" in our vision of the illusory world, you know? Could you motivate me or even tell me about your experiences on how you manage to maintain your faith so that I can fully surrender to my beliefs? It's okay if you can't answer me, I imagine you're tired of so many people having questions lol (sorry if my English is bad)
Hii!! How are you? Your english is not bad at all, at least for someone who's english it's not her mother tongue lol
Saying that ND and LOA can complement each other it's like saying that you are gonna add beef to your strictly vegan diet to compliment it. It's contradictory.
What you are its not a belief, you don't need faith, it's not a concept neither, it's a knowing; the strong knowing that you are being.
There is no thing as an ego, there it's just the idea of there being one.
You are the silents that comes before anything.
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void-wolfie · 4 months
Hi, here are some asks that you wanted, hope it's not too many lol
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog
🍅 least favorite food
🍌 what is one talent you wish you had
✏️ when did you start writing fanfic
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
📌 what is the fic you’re know for
💔 is there a fic you wish you didn’t write
🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone
🌚 a show you’d tell people to stay away from
⭐️ what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you?
🍀 what is your comfort show/series and why is it your comfort show? How has it helped you?
this definitely is a lot, but not too many at all (honestly I've been bored out of my mind all day so I'm happy for the interaction) 😂
(thank you for the asks <3)
🖤 - favorite hobbies outside writing?
gaming and drawing, I'm not very good at either but who says you have to be good at your hobbies lol
I generally game by myself since most of my friends like first person shooters and those might just be my least favorite lol, and when it comes to drawing I usually just trace stuff and then put my own twist on it
🍅 - least favorite food?
to be honest, so many... I have the diet of a picky five year old and it pretty much consists of like 5 meals and that's it lol
ironically enough, my girlfriend is a chef, and you would not believe the amount of teasing I have to endure for my picky taste buds 😂
but to answer the question, probably tomatoes? or pickles maybe? the smell of pickles alone will make me nauseous 😂
🍌 - talent I wish I had?
singing, hands down.
I was this close 🤏🏻 to being an actor and pursuing that until I realized I hate the sound of my own voice (especially the sound of my singing) and the theater program at my school only did musicals 😂
✏️ - when did I start writing fanfics?
highschool, I was in tenth grade I believe (so roughly 15yrs old) 😂
I would always get bored doing assignments or finish early, and parents would work late, so I turned one of my hyper fixations into a hobby, and here I am 5 (?) years later still enjoying it 😂
📚 - how do I come up with ideas for my fics?
most of the time it's just day dreaming, I get bored in class and my mind will wander, happens a lot when I'm in my math classes (college professors are so boring guys) 😂
a lot of the time my mind will wander before I fall asleep too, making up fake scenarios about things I wish I could experience or cute scenes I saw in a movie or something lol
and then the very rare occasion, sometimes it's actually based on true events, I don't think anything I've posted on here is based on true events, but I'd have to reread to tell you for certain 😂
📌 - which fic am I known for?
honestly I'm not sure, I don't think I'm very well known as a writer so I wouldn't necessarily say I'm "known" for something (other than apparently my angst stories lol)
but anywho, my most popular fics (in order) are Music to My Ears, Puppy Love, and Inhale... so hopefully that answers the question 😂
💔 - is there a fic I wish I didn't write?
honestly not really, I'm proud of most of my fics. even the ones I'm on the fence about or don't exactly like, I wouldn't say I regret writing them
so to answer your question, no 😂
🌝 - a show I'd recommend to anyone?
honestly a bunch, but depends on what you like lol
sci-fi? stranger things
historical drama? reign
supernatural? supernatural, teen wolf, or originals
drama / crime? criminal minds
drama / doctors? the good doctor
comedy / sitcom? the big bang theory, modern family, or how I met your mother
(this is so many, my bad, but honestly these are all good shows and you should check them out if you're bored 😂)
🌚 - a show I'd tell people to stay away from?
I have no serious answer to this so I will leave u with this;
cocomelon 😌
⭐ - biggest accomplishment?
it's not a fact I talk about often, especially because it was so long ago, but I'm actually a first degree black belt
I started taekwondo when I was maybe 9 (?) and it took maybe 4 or 5 years but I worked my way up and earned my black belt, I wanna say it was about a 3 hour long test and it was hard to push myself to do it, but after lots of hard work and determination I got there, and I'm proud of myself for that lol
🍀 - comfort show?
it may sound a bit funny, but teen wolf, yeah it may not have had the best plot or special effects, but I started it one day and couldn't stop. I've watched that show so many times I can quote it like the back of my hand and it's always something familiar I can turn to when I need comfort
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