#i don't have the mental capacity for this rn
poisned · 3 months
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Finally had time to start the Sir Pentious plush designs! He is... A lot harder to come up with cute designs than Lucifer was haha.
I honestly have no idea if I should keep the hat or not or how many eyes he should have on his tail. Confusion is all I know now
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astrowarr · 7 months
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elssbethtascioni · 3 months
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out of context season three dawn x wickie
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chill-nihil · 2 months
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them sticking the landing in episode 23 :)
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 7 months
I have come up with a question.
Who I'd your favorite Genshin character and why?
By reading your fics I can't tell if it's zhongli or childe.
zhongli by leaps and bounds actually
i do love childe don't get me wrong; i just love zhongli far more
as for why, i wouldn't know how to word it in a way that wouldn't take me any less than writing CN took me LMAO the reason why you might think childe is up there among my favorites (he is, he's just not as close to the top as you might think) i'd assume is probably because of the fics, yes? but the thing about the fics is while i've already mentioned i'm not exactly projecting onto childe nor, god forbid, using him as a self-insert for the author – i am more or less of the opinion that the way childe would love zhongli in a story would more often than not align quite well with the way i myself love zhongli as a character. (which is why i find bgtea's eoos and jouicifer's npc so interesting) so like- the reason why childe is usually the main pov character for my zhongchi fics is because i get to write how much i love zhongli as a concept via the lens of a character who would also love him in a similar fashion; only i also get to spice it up with childe's own character quirks, bc i think he's fascinating as well, just in a different direction. that might be why i've yet to write a zhongli pov zhongchi: not as easy to write about how much i love the character's concept if he himself is the pov, and i feel like zhongli's way of loving childe as a concept wouldn't be able to fill a fic the same way it does the other way around. not that he doesn't love him! i just haven't figured out how to write that pov for that long yet. if you're curious, i'd have to say my current favorites list goes kind of like this: zhongli way ahead of all the others, then wriothesley and neuvillette around the same realm, then navia, then kuki, then baizhu, then childe, and then like- in no particular order, furina, clorinde, diluc, jean, qiqi, xiao, xingqiu, chongyun, beidou, fischl, thoma, ayato, layla, yanfei, yaoyao, dehya, shenhe and most of the others. also to the side there'd be alhaitham, separate from the list, bc i love him but i also detest him in a particular way. i guess pity him is a better word, watching how the fandom treats him feels like taking physical dmg. if you're thinking of a particular artist like an outlier you're probably wrong, but i'm not going to point fingers bc why would i do that. (i do have a handful of characters i dislike but in the spirit of not being an asshole i'm just not going to list them)
anyway- yeah that's pretty much it;; maybe one day i'll make a zhongli pov zhongchi and it'd be a bit clearer what i mean by that, but you know me, i don't control the inspiration ToT
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lover-of-skellies · 3 months
do you think finishing an entire multivitamin juice bottle will have bad effects on me
Don't think that'd be GOOD for you??
I googled it real quick, and while there's nothing that answers your question directly, there's a kid who ate more than 100 gummy vitamins and needed to be rushed to the hospital
If your multivitamin juice is anything like the gummies, I'd be careful with it ^^"
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leavingkamino · 1 year
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ajarofpickledtears · 10 months
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the-cookie-of-doom · 1 month
hey I really love your writing and I am missing it so much. Do you plan to update Pas de deux soon? And Technicality? I really love your ideas and those stories are so unique and great in KimChay fandom. I haven't read anything similar and I am so excited for new updates. Your storytelling is amazing, I love the way you describe Kim taking care of himself in these two fics.
Hello! I'm glad you're enjoying my writing, and I do plan to update both of those stories! I just don't know when. I'm a full time nursing student going through finals right now, and I'm about to enter my last (and hardest) semester, so I probably won't have the time/energy to dedicate to writing. I'm doing my best to still get things posted, but y'know. Life is life-ing.
I have some other smaller things in the works that don't need as much planning as those two fics, so I'll still have things coming, but I don't have any kind of ETA on those at the moment, sorry!
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teatitty · 8 months
You know that "grumpy father figure who does not want to be a father figure but ends up getting a daughter anyway and would now commit crimes for her safety" trope? Yeah that's how I'd write Grell becoming a mother just have a young shinigami imprint on her and Grell goes from "who the FUCK are you" to "this is my daughter and if you so much as breathe wrong in her direction I'll make it everyone's problem"
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randomqueerkid · 6 months
Realizing that the obsession I joke about being unhealthy actually is unhealthy 🙃
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lazybug16 · 2 years
I love Harper
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Got nothing against straight people obviously, just this comment was hilarious and justified in this exact moment in the movie lol
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beauzos · 5 months
decided to wait till my dad went to sleep to make dinner bcs i cannot stand being around him rn and it's been 3 hours and now he's just sleeping downstairs. cool
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cawcawmotherfker · 1 year
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wildwood-faun · 1 year
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came home to a parcel from my gran with these amazing buttons
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piraterefrigerator · 9 months
I have a sore throat and a slight cough and if this is an allergy flare up I'm gonna punch the sun
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