#i don't know any queer words that do honestly which is sad
defiant-firefly · 1 year
Wait if I'm nonbinary/genderqueer and the words don't taste good to me, despite the fact they match me and I identity as them, what if I just start using the word trans because that doesn't have that weird feeling when I say it
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cannibalbuffe · 7 months
hi! I've honestly been craving some qpr headcanons with Alastor as someone who's also aroace! The concept piques my curiosity so much considering most of the stuff with him is purely romantic (no offense to those writers, I just wanna see more qpr stuff! :])
Of course! But do forgive me, annon, I got so carried away with this 😅. I just really like Alastor a lot.
I ended up writing some backstory to your relationship first, but I highlighted the start of the proper qpr headcanons if you feel like skipping that.
Obligatory I'm sorry if this is ooc, I'm still getting used to writing about these characters. This is also all based on my own perception of him.
(Also, I am aware that qprs are very different from one another and there is no single mold for a qpr, I'm just going off of what I think it would be like with Alastor.)
Uhh, I also finished this at 1 AM, so forgive any mistakes. And I'm pretty sure I changed the verb conjugations(? Is this how you say that in English?) from present to past at some point. Sorry. Enough with the A/Ns now. Hope you enjoy!
Alastor queerplatonic relationship headcanons
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(gender neutral reader, Alastor x reader)
‼️Trigger-warning‼️: mentions of cannibalism (not graphic), a single mention of tongue-kissing and making out (spoiler: he doesn't want either of those things in this work.) Usage of the word queer, but not as a slur. Alastor is a grandpa and you have to explain LGBTQ+ stuff to him, but he gets it.
› At first, before you were close, it's likely that he didn't see you as an equal.
› Truly, in his eyes, it seems not really is his equal. He is the most powerful overlord in hell and he knows it.
› Unless you are someone he holds in high regard (and this is mostly based on vibes, barely anything to do with power, as we can see by how he is with Lucifer of all people) before your first meeting, like Zestial, you won't be on equal footing at first.
› You only really start getting close when his perception of you shifts.
› You respect his boundaries, you are interesting, you and him share quite a few interests (or not really, but you're at least interested in hearing about his), and you're, surprisingly, pretty wise and mature.
› And caring. I personally believe he would be drawn to that in a way that he may not even understand fully- or realize it at all.
› Still, the point is. He respects you, and you respect him.
› (And not in the way some others do, where they're only "respectful" out of fear. You would act like this regardless of his power.)
› This, by the way, is important. You don't treat him like a superior, but as an equal.
› You'd think someone like him would love to be treated like a superior, and it's true. He very much does.
› But he has to admit to himself that it does feel nice whenever someone isn't shaking in their boots and can hold really good conversations with him while still not being pushy, annoying or just generally disrespectful.
› Anyways.
› Ever since you became friends (which took long), one could say, you just kept becoming closer and closer.
› You were the first one to be vulnerable with him, of course. It happened on accident, but you trusted him enough for that.
› You were also the first one to share any more intimate information with him. Something you wouldn't tell just anyone.
› Between this, your conversations, and maybe even helping each other around (honestly, he probably helps you more than you do him, but you always offer it and always in a sweet way, never condescending, and he appreciates that.)
› He eventually felt more comfortable sharing personal things with you too.
› (He may have distanced himself a bit when he realized this, but it was short-lived. You can't be without each other for so long, and you were pretty upset at his suddenly withdrawal. You may not have mentioned it to him, but he could tell, and as much as he hated to admit it, it hurt him to see you sad because of him.)
› This marks the beginning of the path toward your queerplatonic relationship.
› I mean, you didn't initially label it as such, but it definitely started there.
› Surprisingly, I feel like the first one to ever do any sort of affectionate gesture towards the other was him.
› You knew he didn't like to be touched, so you didn't.
› But! He just started getting more and more comfortable with touching you. At first it was hands on your shoulders, or putting his arm over them.
› I can even see a head pat or two, which he probably passed off as some sort of joke the first few times, but, if you liked them so much, just became a thing he does to you.
› And then one day you, completely absent-mindedly, intertwined your arm with his while walking around.
› When you noticed you had done it and he hadn't said anything, you questioned him about it.
› "Alastor, I'm sorry I didn't ask... is this alright?"
› "This?... Oh, you mean the arms? Ah, dear, don't worry, if it weren't I would have simply told you so!"
› From them on you only got more and more physically affectionate with each other. At first you would usually be the one to start it, but eventually you were both shockingly equal in doing so.
› (You still would always ask if you could touch him beforehand, but after a while he just gave you a free-pass.)
› Not a lot in public, though. Mostly just hand holding, or intertwining arms (if in public, that is.)
› Alastor also was so protective of you. You were the person he treasured most, after all.
› Well, demon.
› Even if you told him you were going to be okay, he would watch out nonetheless. He couldn't afford to lose you, not when he's never trusted and cared for a person this much.
› You two also cuddle a lot. You were the first one to ask, as usual, but now both of you feel weird sleeping alone.
› Alastor loves being the big spoon, if you're doing that.
› But he is also quite fond of occasionally being the little spoon, although he wouldn't be caught dead admitting it.
› A hobby you two do together is cooking. Cooking with Alastor is fun... especially if you're okay with cannibalism.
› But if you don't like that, he won't insist, of course.
› He's pretty good at cooking, though! If you're also good at it, then great. If not, he'll tease you about it (in a friendly way), but still teach you.
› On teasing, he teases you quite a bit, but never in a mean way. If you don't mind, of course.
› You also may tease him occasionally, but he doesn't appreciate you teasing him in public.
› The two of you also have a good amount of inside jokes that probably confuse the hell out of the others.
› Kissing... well. I don't really see Alastor as the type who would enjoy kissing on the lips too much.
› Tongue is out of question for him, as well as any sort of making out, but otherwise... if you like it, he can do that for you.
› He might actually like a peck or two. An acquired taste for him. Don't overdo it, though.
› Of course, him being from the 1930s and not very familiar with anything LGBTQ+ related, he would, at first, be somewhat confused by the request.
› You would probably have to explain to him that nothing is inherently romantic, especially not if you don't want it to be.
› "A kiss on the lips? Well... we aren't courting, Y/n."
› "We can put our own meanings to things, though. Would you like this kiss to be romantic?"
› "Definitely not!"
› "Well, me neither. So it's not!"
› "... That is very sound logic! I can't believe I've never thought of this myself."
› Kisses on the rest of the face are something else, though. He does enjoy it whenever you kiss him on the cheek. He himself might occasionally kiss you on the forehead.
› But overall I don't think he's big on kissing.
› If you want to really solidify that you're in a queerplatonic relationship you'd also have to explain what that means to him, sorry.
› Again, he's old and not up to date with things.
› Thankfully he understands things easily.
› "I see... I suppose we do have quite the queer relationship, don't we? And it is certainly platonic. I don't see why not!"
› Going back to vulnerability. It will never feel fully natural for him to just be vulnerable with you — or anyone else, for the matter.
› (In case you couldn't tell, he's using the word queer as meaning odd (and doing a little pun. You know. Because it's a. Queerplatonic relationship. Queer. Hehehehe), as it defies the norm of what a platonic relationship usually looks like, despite being one.)
› But you know him well enough at this point to recognize whenever there's something going on with him.
› And if you show concern and give him enough time he will share whatever it is with you.
› If it's not anything too big he might even reach out to you first.
› He can also read you like a book and gives surprisingly good advice, and is also pretty good at comforting you.
› You are the only person allowed at his studio while he's live on the radio. You usually read as he speaks in the background, his voice is very relaxing. He enjoys having you around.
› He's also particularly gentlemanly to you, more than to the others. When you're with him you never have to open a single door yourself, for one. If it's raining, he'll hold the umbrella for the two of you. When walking together on the sidewalk, he's always on the side closest to the street instead of you.
› You two often go out for dinner. If you also fancy some cannibalism, he will definitely show you his favorite restaurants around. If not he will just pick the best non-cannibal places (but you know those are not his favorites, haha.)
› He just cares about you a lot, even if it took him long to admit (it may have seemed fast-paced during this, but Alastor is someone who really takes long to get close to.)
› And you care about him lot too!
› (And you're probably never going to be in a life-threatening situation again, at least not at the hands of most demons. Who would ever want trouble with Alastor?)
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nekropsii · 4 months
Atomic Ask Bomb 3!!
We got a shorter one this time around! I hope everyone's evening is going well!
Content Warning: Long-ish, Discussions of Ableism + Queerphobia, Weird Cronus Moment™.
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Same. I'd read a fanventure about that, I think.
Like, I don't personally believe WV would be allergic to being a mentor or something of a father figure, but I do have to wonder the level to which he was wigged out by the way that Dave and Karkat treat him, because Dave in particular imprints on him in a way that is... Kind of strange.
The later portions of Homestuck really baby WV. It's upsetting.
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Easy. The actual things wrong with them.
A lot of the discourse surrounding them is fabricated, or has such poor priorities it might as well be fabricated. Most critical conversations about them surrounds things people just made up over the course of years of mythologizing their #Problematicness.
For Example: Most of the discourse surrounding why Horuss had problematic writing had to do with how he was "Bad Otherkin Representation", when the real issue was the fact that Hussie was conflating Being Otherkin with having a Dissociative Disorder, and in turn saying both of them are the exact same level of Fake And Gay for the exact same reason, because to Hussie they were the same thing. To this day, people get startled every time I point out that Horuss is canonically a System despite him bringing it up just as regularly as he does being Therian. Those are totally wack priorities.
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...That's scary... I don't even have words...
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LOL. The Lost Weeaboos was a Grade A bit. Thank you Aranea, very cool.
Honestly, I don't even count Cronus as a "facade character", because it's not like he's making any efforts to hide jack shit. It's been... Interesting, watching several people refer to "his facade" lately, when, like... What are they talking about, honestly? He's pretty bold-faced about his whole deal. This isn't really a Dave situation where you could be capable of falling for it when you're younger, because Cronus couldn't be doing a worse job at "hiding" how awful he is. He's not even trying, because he knows he can get away with it. What are the other Alphas gonna do? Leave?
Hope you're having a good time!! The Alpha Trolls may be a Trash Heap, but they are my Trash Heap.
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There comes a point where it's almost comedic how unaware people are of it... Like, what do you mean you know he's a Horse Therian but not that he's a System? He literally calls himself the Host of a System and talks about Switching. IN THOSE TERMS. He's not even obfuscating it by using some esoteric Troll terminology, he is LITERALLY using the words "Host", "System", and "Switching".
It's painful. I know this is a moment befitting of an XKCD comic, but... Jeez. You'd think these things would both be on the same level of common knowledge, considering how they're traits that are directly related to each other and given equal amounts of screen time, but nope!
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Unfortunately, it is a situation where this is relevant. Sad!
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All characters will become AroSpec and/or ASpec with the help of my Beam Attack.
... Except for Cronus. It's just not funny when it's him. Due to The Themes. It's not fun to headcanon a character as any minority when a huge part of their character is that they pretend to be minorities for Pity Points to eventually cash in for Sex. Ew. Making him literally anything other than Just Cronus plays directly into so many vile Queer stereotypes it's insane. Those are stereotypes that have gotten people actually genuinely killed. Just... Ew. Gross.
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mulderscully · 4 months
i'm gonna make one final post about the nick situation and then i'm not talking about it or answering asks about it anymore.
i am so frustrated and honestly sad about all of this, and not because i do think nick dislikes rwrb or any of the other stuff. i am hurt that so many ppl are all making the fandom look so bad to the point that his team filtered the word rwrb.
you know why they filtered that word? because he is getting fucking harassed by fans. how can you possibly expect him to have positive things to post when you attack him constantly? lately his comment section is full of people calling him a homophobe or somehow accusing him of queer bait. every interview he gets PRESSED about his sexuality, which is no one's buisness but his own. every day people accuse him of hating taylor when they've both said they're close friends. you are making all this horrible shit up and expecting something positive to come from it? what is wrong with y'all? that's not how things work.
was it odd that his team didn't share a story/post about the rwrb sequel? a little bit. does it warrant his behavior, or does it warrant people saying henry should be recast or that nick was "forced" to do it? absolutely not. that's immature and childish.
making empty accounts to the degree that they can't block them all will result in a term being muted, hello!! i get a SMALL fraction of that and it drives me crazy. how must he and his team feel?
nick was still on a press tour for the idea of you when the sequel was announced. we don't know how that may or may not have affected what he was able to post about until recently. m&g was still currently airing in the us so yes he posted about that too for the finale. again, there may have been contracts here, but you all seem to think that nick sits on his phone and actually posts this stuff himself now. he has 5 million followers. he has SAID he is not online, he DOES NOT RUN THAT ACCOUNT HIMSELF. does he probably have a burner? for sure. does his team need his approval and shit? of course. but he is not your bestie on that account the same way tzp is on his because they have wildly different personalities.
i'm pissed off because rwrb is such a lovely story, it's a happy place and a story nick has said is rich and that he is proud of and you all refuse to believe him when he speaks. and that bleeds into how he sees the fandom. the fandom is turning this into an ugly thing for him and for a lot of us who want no part in this.
the sequel isn't even written yet. leave nick alone. stop asking about his sexuality with the obvious intent to out him. stop harassing him with lies about his own feelings. stop making us look bad. just stop. i'm tired and i don't want this to be ruined for all of us before we get to all the lovely things to come when the sequel actually has a press tour, has a premiere, has interviews. please let things happen in due time.
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mrsmarlasinger · 4 months
OH. I forgot to tell a story that I have already told everyone in my physical vicinity! The drama of it all.
So my on-and-off childhood sweetheart from age...like...eleven to twenty-something—okay, scratch that. We met for the first time when we were toddlers. So let's call him my on-and-off childhood sweetheart of basically twenty years. My first kiss, first love, so on and so forth.
You get the gist. I don't have to explain this to you.
Well, in August 2023, he pleads for me to take him back and asks something along the lines of "What would it take?"
Keep in mind, this is a return missionary of the Polite, Inoffensive Young Mormon Boy™ genre. My parents wanted desperately for me to marry him. (Sorry, Mom and Dad! It was never gonna work!)
This dude is a cishet who won't TECHNICALLY misgender your partner, but will refer to them exclusively by name to avoid using any pronouns whatsoever. He's a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps Republican. You wanna know how Roe v. Wade got overturned? Lol. Lmao, even.
Me? I'm a pierced, kinky, polyamorous, weed-smoking, whiskey-loving, goreno-watching, foul-mouthed, slutty-attired, dyke-sex-having
Sin central. Remember when "hellmaxxing" was a word? I quaff fucking cough medicine to get high. Sometimes. Doesn't matter. Anyway.
So he and I are incompatible, natch, but that was so not even relevant. Because in August 2023, I WAS LITERALLY A YEAR INTO A LESBIAN RELATIONSHIP.
"What would it take?" Bro, I hadn't dated a man in nearly half a decade! I still haven't! In fact, I am currently in a relationship with a lesbian!
What do you mean, dude.
What do you MEAN.
So I tell this boy he'd have to leave the Mormon church. Don't get me wrong, that wasn't a challenge or an ultimatum—I think he's having a great time being Mormon! Didn't work for me, but shit, man, it's working for him!
And okay, fine, do I think he gives bi-guy-with-internalized-homophobia vibes (I've dated one, I would know) and should at least give bisexuality the good ol' college try? Yes, but it's not up to me!
I just meant that, ultimately, it was the Church which drove such a divide between us. I don't believe in it—I can't believe—and neither of us would be happy compromising our beliefs for the other. And even if I compromised mine for him, I'd still be haunted by the hurt of everything he said to me when I left. All the judgment he spewed in the guise of humor.
So that's what I said.
In that moment, he looked at me with his big, sad brown eyes, and I think we understood each other perfectly.
And god, it was sad. I did use to think he and I would end up married. For ten years I thought that. Hell, everyone told us we would.
But...ohmygod. What a movie moment. For bitches who live their lives like cosplay (I'm bitches), that is like one of the top five wish fulfillment moments you could experience in your interpersonal relationships.
Honestly. Honestly. I can't stress enough that a man BEGGED FOR ME TO TAKE HIM BACK, and then I TURNED HIM DOWN.
I'm sorry but like...that's crazy. That's glamor.
So anyway, he goes off into the starry dark (yeah, and of COURSE it happened on the front porch at night. Me on the very edge of the porch step, him on the ground—vaguely Romeo and Juliet-esque. Like...the poetry. You cannot get more cinematic than that). I watch him leave, then go inside.
The next time I hear from this man, I'm drinking wine on my gay partner's couch (gay) (we are gay) (lesbians), and this man invites me to his wedding...reception. Cuz of course, I couldn't get into his temple wedding even if I wanted to.
And yes, I cried over the lame-ass cishet boy! The death of childhood sweetheartdom does, in fact, require a mourning period.
N e wayz, here's the kicker: in true Mormon fashion, the timeline from him getting rejected by The Great Love Of His Life (blushes cutely 🤭) to getting engaged was...FIVE MONTHS! Yes, folks, my nosy ass did the math!
Timeline from the big rejection to his upcoming wedding reception (in Pride month, of ALL months for straight marriage 😒🙄😤)?
🥁🥁🥁🥁...Ten months, folks!
Well, Jesus, man, I didn't want you to rebound with a marriage! Bit sick, innit? Not to inflate my already-ballooned ego, but Lord help us both, you were crushed that night on the porch! Don't saddle your poor fiancée with that baggage, mmkay?
Anyway. That's my tale. I'm genuinely happy for them (provided the marriage works well for both), and I am going to his reception in a couple weeks, though I don't expect we'll keep in contact afterward.
(She seems lovely, btw, can't wait to meet her. Here's hoping they enter the Utah Mormon swinger circle; I'm not opposed to a road trip. Kidding, obviously, and I know that that's a distasteful joke. But, like, if THEY were down—)
Moral of the story: I Am That Bitch 🌝🌝
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fossilzfog · 5 months
g r a bs y ou
do you have, hcs about terzo and his ghouls, perchance??
*INHALES* (know I’m writting this at like 12 am because I couldn’t sleep lol)
BUT DO I???? Hope ur ready for rambles, some self projecting and A LOT of queer ghouls
Some may not like me but terzo is a RAGING she/he (sorta like my nihil) BUT unlike Nihil she is more fem leaning. In my head he only used the title papa cause she thought it sounded cooler then mama. He has a tummy tattoo of the grucifix also piercings (which were inspired by her older brother secondo cause to me bros loaded with them). Out of all his siblings he’s closest to Secondo because they r actually twins! (It makes sense with my hc of Nihil ok?) she absolutely LOVES her omega they are married. Would actually see she doesn’t like wine? (He’d prefer literally any fruity cocktail over it) honestly I can see she doesn’t like the taste of alcohol at all.
Element: Air
Air is actually on the older side, Air is THEE sore joint haver. He’s older after all, but I do think he’s had these problems his whole life and they simply got worse with age. He loves warm baths, especially when he’s molting, helps get rid of those stubborn stuck feathers! Actually sorta has a father child relationship with zeph, because not only was he zephyrs mentor he also did in fact raise them!
The animal Air resembles: Raven!
Element: Air
Zephyr I feel is not nonbinary but I believe it’s called gender void? (Correct me if I’m wrong!) but basically zephyr has never once felt connected to ANY gender or label. Zephyr also sorta just uses all pronouns. Just like their father Zephyrs got some joint pain more specifically arthritis, so that’s why they sit a lot lol. Also a warm bath enjoyer may I add. Zephyr was actually an orphaned squeak! (Which btw ghestie the word for a baby dove is a squeaker and I think ur missing out on using that for terms for baby ghouls) zephyr was just sorta summoned by accident without their bio parents, so Air got super attached to this tiny little baby and went “this is mine now” no one stopped him
The animal Zephyr resembles: canary! (Yellow is a good colour for them this take is inspired by puppsworld on here!)
Element: Quintessence
Omega is big, he’s also very fatherly, he’s also terzo’s beloved man thing. He’s a very *very* lovey dovey ghoul, grand gestures of affection are like his thing. He volunteers at the nursery! He just loves the itty bitty babies and he must protect. A little sad him and terzo never got to have kits of their own , but at the same time he fully understands that it just wasn’t in the cards. Speaking of cards he’s an avid little card trick guy! Lots of the younger ghouls love getting him to do little tricks for them (Phantom especially). He also likes card tricks, does little magic shows for the kiddos
Animal Omega resembles: a house cat!
Element: Quintessence/Air
Firstly. TRANS AETHER HE IS TRANS, second him and Omega are actually very close! (Someone had to mentor him) Aether actually really looks up to Omega, Omegas even the person who helps him with his T-Shots! On another note Aether is scared of needles, but in the “really works himself up about it. Then he gets the shot and is like “that was easy!” So he agrees to it again” kinda way. Also fond of da kits, but like in the “gets baby fever whenever he sees something small and helpless”. He is an endometriosis haver and literally uses his gf (dew) as his own personal purring hot water bottle (I fuckin wish I had a fire gf for my period problems ugh). Lastly him and dewdrop are T4T babyyyy! (Basically he’s me /hj)
Animal Aether most resembles: A black cat and crow!
-Delta- Element: Quintessence/Water Hmmm I feel Delta is jus sorta there yknow? lol. He replaced Omega when he went and retired, and I feel a possible reason for that is because they are closer. I can also see Delta would like watercolour painting? I don't know guy seems like he would lol. I also feel he might have minor health problems relating to his heart Animal Delta most resembles: A orca and a wolf dog! -Mist- Element: Water
*rubs hands together evily* I **love** Mist, and am a firm believer in she's sorta goes for a gender neutral look. That and all pronouns Mist. Outside of the band I feel like she enjoys a lot of just hands on things? Like my one example I will give is she like whittling, and she often gives her carvings to packmates to show she cares. Because I feel like she may not be the best at properly expressing herself (autism?? Idk maybe me too tho.) Animal Mist most resembles: A reef shark
-Alpha- Element: Earth/Fire Alpha is one of the few canon ghouls who I see as a parent. That being Alpha is the (debatably) proud mama of Ifrit, and yknow it's really embarrassing because Alpha's like one of THOSE moms and calls Ifrit "Apple Fritter" in front of his pack. Alpha and omega did kindaaa have a thing at one point, but like it was really short. So now they are simply best buds!(and yes. Alpha just show alll the embarrassing Kit photos of his Apple Fritter lol). Lastly I feel like Alpha is unlabeled, but in short he likes He/Him but fem terms? Like Mom, Lady, Wife etc (that ones a little self projecty whoops) Animal Alpha most resembles: Thorny devil and domesticated goat -Ifrit- Element: Earth/Fire As mentioned above he's the itty little baby of Alpha, and Alpha will remind him every day that he can never escape his kit pictures/j. He's actually a lot smaller then his mom, like he was born and Alpha had to take a double take cause he was a jellybean to him, now is Ifrit actually small? No not at all Alpha is just freakishly big. (so is Omega!). Now because Ifrit was just soo teeny tiny to Alpha, he freaked out over everything in the beginning because "HES SO SMALL WHAT IF HE GETS HURT???". This was not true to any extent, Ifrit was in fact the biggest kit in the nursery. Good thing is Omega sorta just went "are you dumb?", and helped Alpha realize that his kit was in fact not made of glass lol. Ifrit was born on the surface, and actually does view Omega like a second parental figure (it's really sweet trust) Animal Ifrit most resembles: Same as Alpha
-Pebble- Element: Earth Pebble is in fact the smallest earth ghoul the ministry has ever summoned. But despite what some may believe Pebble does not in fact care. He like Mist likes carving and whittling, they are actually friends because of their common interest. Pebble also likes to stargaze at night, he mainly does this with Ivy. Also him an Ivy got this really weird undisclosed relationship, and by that I mean are they dating? Are they not? No one knows
Animal Pebble most resembles: a white tailed deer
Element: Earth
Ivy actually had come from a different ministry location! They transferred over to “our” location. Ivy actually is a big fan of tattoos, Ivy even does them for over ghouls! A lot of Ivys tattoos are actually star themed, because it’s special to Ivy since that’s how they and Pebble bonded.
Animal Ivy most resembles: a mountain goat
Element! Earth
Oh mountain my beloved…Firstly she’s like everyone’s fav cuddle buddy. Because he just lays there and lets the “likely” smaller ghoul friend snuggle riiight up. To no one’s surprise she hates shoes but also socks, the only time he will wear footwear is when glamoured (because hooves gone), and a lot of the time Mountain will wear them because tile floors are Mountains number 1 enemy. Enjoys tattoos like Ivy but gets more botanical themed ones, alongside “special” ones (I.E things designed by her pack or things his pack has said!). He likes poetry
Animal Mountain most resembles: A Shire Horse!!!
Element: Water/Fire
Oh boy ok first. TransFem Dew. Second oooo she likes her big guy Aether acting all lovey dovey to herrr. Like Dew likes classic romance, but also she is definitely the one who will go “mmm excuse me? He asked for no pickles!”, so it’s still probably the most common view of Dew. Like she’s still a hissy gal but in the, “will defend her loved ones with her life” way. She is literally so attached to her whole pack they are hers and she is theirs (besties for life I say!), she likes having any of her pack do her hair while to listen to metal, (Personally I feel Dew would be a NuMetal fan, that or classic heavy). She loves girl nights with Mist, they are basically sisters! Especially since Mist was the one who taught he bass. I also have a strong feeling she likes BBQ…idky-
Animal Dew most resembles!: a koi fish and bush viper!
Anywaaaay those r my like immediate thoughts for the ghouls! (Took lots of breaks writing this because I had to think between abt them lol) so sorry if they are rambley! I really did try! And here’s hoping I didn’t miss anyone lol
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inimitablereel · 9 months
2023 Fic+Vid recs
A variety of things I liked this year, made this year. Once again, this got long, so fic recs and fandom-specific recs for dmbj are below the cut. But first a few miscellaneous vids
[vid] Cockroach Motherfuckers by eruthros, thingswithwings multifandom Immortal queer characters multi-vid! This is exactly as much fun and hopeful as it sounds. I've seen maybe 2 of the sources so you know, you don't have to have seen them all.
(We) Didn't Just Come Here to Dance [Fanvid] by FairestCat fandom: Newsies I haven't actually seen newsies, but I really liked this vid. Taking the (very dramatic) musical theater dancing and putting it to a Carly Rae Jepsen song works SUPER well, visually very fun time. Also, unions!
[Vid] Oceanographer's Choice by absternr fandom: Heroes (cdrama 2022) Bai Choufei, Su Mengzhen, and Lei Chun's fucked up relationship(s)/falling apart bad times. This vid is deeply upsetting, just a real exploration of sometimes caring a lot about each other makes everything worse. For maximum sad times, this goes well with absternr's other heroes vid, hey, I just met you, which is the meet-cutes that led to this whole mess.
[AMV] The Draw by Lovely Goblin fandom: Revolutionary Girl Utena Black Rose Arc! I've watched this vid so many times really good weird and creepy black rose arc vibes really good parallels between all the different duelists
Also blanket rec that if you've seen Everything Everywhere All at Once, consider looking for vids for it. There's a bunch on ao3 (which can be easier to navigate than youtube, though there are definitely more total vids on youtube) and they're pretty much all spectacular? I was going to include one or two in this rec post and couldn't decide
The wild phonemes of 40 Eridani Keid by astronicht Fandom: Star Trek (aos/tos mashup canon) relationship: Spirk ~10k words rated E You know if you'd told me a year ago I'd be reccing a spirk fic in 2023 I would have been a bit surprised. This is not particularly my fandom wheelhouse. But you know, they're always good, and this fic is really great. This is almost an episode-fic except that nothing really happens plot-wise. But instead of a plot we get a lot of musing about geology and diplomacy and clever references to current events as history in that very trek kind of way and Spock being bitchy just for fun.
fuori dal mondo by bladedweaponsandswishycoats fandom: Qi Ye relationship: Beiyuan/Wu Xi, Beiyuan/Zhou Zishu (more plot than ship focused) ~60k words rated E This is a retelling of Qi Ye except Beiyuan is... some kind of eldritch horror, part-time. It pretty much goes beat for beat through canon (which I appreciate, I loved that book and do not like any of the current tls enough to reread) but with the added layer of whatever is going on with this eldritch thing, which is very cool and tied into canon so don't let me spoil it for you.
We're Leaving Our Shadows Behind Us by lady_ragnell fandom: Tortall - Protector of the Small relationship: Kel/Neal/Yuki ~70k words rated T Canon retelling of Squire and Lady Knight but from Neal's POV. This fic really digs into Neal as a character and the details of the worldbuilding of Tortall, especially the chamber of the ordeal. Also somewhere along the way it sold me on this ship, which I wasn't exactly rooting for when I read the books the first time.
The Untamed/MDZS
a harmony between qin and se by Alaceron relationship: Wangxian ~60k words rated E This is a gender-bent (to make it a het romance) no magic historical drama au where Wei Wuxian is a woman who's arranged to marry Lan Wangji. Honestly this is pretty far from the untamed, especially in terms of themes, though some plot elements will be familiar, but mostly it's just a really great compellingly written historical drama, that happens to have main characters with some familiar characteristics.
Like a Game of Chess by countingcr0ws relationship: Wangxian ~40k words rated T Modern au: influencer Wei Wuxian runs into Lan Wangji on a trip to Taiwan and they travel around together. I love all the little details of their trip - it's like getting to see a new place without going anywhere. Also sometimes I forget that wangxian are very cute? They're a good ship brant
The Epic Highs and Lows of High School Zine Production by el_em_en_oh_pee relationship: Jin Ling & Jiang Cheng, Jin Ling & the mdzs juniors ~7k words rated G Modern au: High schooler Jin Ling has big feelings about a lot of things, including zines, gender, and family. One of those juniors-centric fics that makes me say oh they are Teens huh.
A Little Hole in the Wall by MountainRose gen, Liu Sang centric ~8k words rated G Honestly I would rec this fic even to people who know nothing about tomb shows. One thing that really draws me to a book is descriptions of food (I have read multiple food memoirs this year), and this restaurant au has AMAZING food (and food prep) in it. Not too plotty, mostly just descriptions of delicious things and characterization via cooking.
green with an attitude by ilgaksu relationship: heihua ~8k words rated T If you are in the English language dmbj fandom and you care at all about heihua you probably have already checked out ilgaksu's fic, which has basically defined heihua for the English language fandom. My favorite heihua moments are when other people show up and give you that foil to realize how weird they are, and this fic has that both via Xiuxiu and Wu Xie. Also, a fic about dancing!
making anything last, keeping anything safe by A (mumblemutter) relationship: Wu Xie/Xiao Bai (background pingxie) ~8k words rated M Post canon Xiao Bai takes Wu Xie to explore a tomb that should be perfectly safe... (They set off a sex pollen trap.) I don't particularly ship this, but this fic was extremely well done and kind of sold me on the ship. Fun tomb, really fun characterization for everyone involved.
A World Made Over, Fresh and New by Thimblerig gen, iron triangle, Wu Xie & Li Cu ~1k words rated G If you've ever gotten specific dmbj fic recs from me, it's probably included something by Thimblerig, they're amazing at pulling in very specific canon snippets in under 5k words and I'd generally recommend going through their work by tags if you're looking for fic with underloved side characters or fic set during a part of canon that isn't UN or post-canon, which are generally easier to find. That said, this particular fic is in fact the fandom staple of post-reboot let's go look at a tomb and pulling in a big ensemble cast including some reboot folks. But it's a staple because it's a good vibe, and this is a really well done sliver of friendship and relationship building and perhaps even a tomb trap?
[Vid] Still Into You by absternr iron triangle ot3 This vid is a bop! Multi-tomb show iron triangle being in love, through the years! I've got this bookmark tagged as "joyful"
[vid] When He Died by teyla Wu Sanxing-centric This vid really leans into the weird tomb nonsense and conspiracies and builds to something quite odd, meant in the best possible way. A concentrated version of what tomb shows want to be at their best, from a horror/strange spooky things perspective. Mind the tags.
[Vid] Before I Do by absternr Xiuxiu character study A vid all about Xiuxiu being a badass - she's so clever and cunning and she will figure out and surpass her family history.
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powerpuff2003 · 1 year
Continuing the critique of online white transfem culture. Many trans women, especially trans women of color, have this critique.
The reason people talk about the "nazi white trans girl" isn't necessarily transmisogyny. For some god damn reason 4chan holds a huge place in online trans culture and that's what irks people out. Obviously any white queer person can be racist and often are racist but for some reason its specifically white transfems with this subculture. Racism is too often tolerated by white queer people but extreme alt right behavior usually is not, which 4chan culture is associated with. It's not singling out white trans women's racism, it's pointing out the obvious.
This isn't my trying to misgender white trans women (I am one myself, after all), but do you guys not question why that WW2 strategy game is part of "online trans culture"? Which country do you think they choose to play with? I have a guess lol. Sorry but I never see this behavior from cis queer women.
I don't see white cis queer women online posting pics with Wehrmacht uniforms nor do I see them making memes about the Fourteen Words nor do I see their pages filled with Pepe the frog. Either I'm uninformed about cis queer women and enlighten me or don't call it transmisogynistic when people call this weird behavior of online white trans women out. I have to say this phenomenon is largely online and I haven't heard white trans women behaving similarly irl, but someone has to explain what the hell is going on here.
My guess is that pre-transition trans women pick up these behaviors from cis het white male peers (because some trans women are gender conforming pre-transition, whereas I was feminine and had mostly female friends) and then just never realize these behaviors are problematic or drop them later on.
These are the kinds of behaviors and fandoms I see active in the r/196 and r/traaaa subcultures which is why I am not at all sad about them being shut down.
Another thing that I've also noticed, is that this specific subculture also seems creepily fixated on these lolicon-esque characters i.e. Felix/Ferris, Astolfo, Bridget. Particularly the "trap" aesthetic aka what a cis chaser thinks a trans woman is. Not to make any accusations but I do get the vague feeling that at least SOME of these people are former chasers who transitioned. I don't want to misgender anybody but this specific subculture undeniably does have a cis man's idea of trans women ingrained into them and its harmful. The fact that anyone thinks these characters are GOOD representation and aesthetics for trans people shows how low the bar is, honestly. These characters being trans is often played for shock value (especially Ferris), these characters are the animated equivalent of Jerry Springer trans woman scenes.
Again I don't wanna be an asshole but its just.....I expect fellow trans women to be better than this. I think its totally valid that me and many of the other trans women I know are deeply uncomfortable with this subculture and want no part of it.
Edited at 11:30 PM 6/14/2023 to be written in my own words as my friend didn't want her tweets shown.
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pennyplainknits · 4 months
20 questions for writers
@steddie-island tagged me
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
171, split between fic, podfic, and vids. If all my podfic was up there it would be a lot more, I think I'm in the 200s for podfic but a lot of it is just at the audiofic archive
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Today I learned AO3 has a stats panel (I'm generally pretty anti tracking anything like that, I don't look at subscribers or kudos or whatever). Anyway it's 690,677
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm incredibly multifannish. It would take too long to list them all but they include Stranger Things, Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate:Atlantis, Bandom, Hockey RPF, Merlin. psych, Leverage, White Collar, Schitts Creek, Kim's Convenience, Torchwood, and probably many more I've forgotton.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Again, had no idea this was a thing you could tell!
Lord Drake's Bequest (a Merlin fic)
Sweet, Sweet Love (which is a collaborative hockey rpf podfic)
All New Kinds of Weather (Hockey rpf)
Everyone Sings Hallelujah (Hockey rpf)
Je Te Veux (collaborative art, fic and podfic for Inception)
I assume the kudos for the two podfics is actually for the written fic.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! It sometimes takes a while but I cherish each one and do try and respond. Comments are so valuable to me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Conflagration a very short Cody/Obi-Wan fic that is kind of an Au of a Au (the main au is Soft Wars by @thefoundationproject) It has a bittersweet open ending and I'm still very pleased with it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't generally write sad fics I don't think? One that i'm pleased with because i think it did exactly what I wanted is Sourwood Mountain, a Stranger Things fic focussing on Wayne Munson. I think saving your nephew with the power of Appalachian folk music counts as a happy ending!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I know of! I did get a few disappointed comments on one of my fics as it ran counter to a very popular slash pairing but I don't think that counts as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I'm not sure how you'd characterise it- I guess I'm interested in sex scene that tell you something about the person, and in different kinds of queer- I'm so pleased with How Sweet the Taste for example, because I wanted to write a very queer sex scene between a man and a woman, one of whom is a lesbian.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes! Love a cracky crossover. I've written Inception- Batman crossovers, Stargate:Atlantis- Torchwood crossovers, I'm pretty sure I've written a psych-Leverage one....
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A very long time ago someone turned one of my Merlin fics into .... I think a soccer rpf? But they took it down when I asked.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep, both formally (two of those fics in the kudos list were co-written) and informally in that I often bat ideas around with friends as I write and I find that vital for the writing process.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
There's no way I can pick one!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I'd really like to finish this Anakin vid I'm working on, but it's a very long song and one without a lot of motion in, which is proving a challenge
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm funny. I also think I'm good at making the physical environment clear in fic- like my fics have a strong sense of place.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel I'm often arguing with a bad-faith reader in my head, which can mean it's hard to sometimes leave things unsaid.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i can't honestly say I have any! Star Wars fic often has Mando'a in it, so I'm used to seeing it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published? Stargate:Atlantis. Drawerfic....you'll have to guess.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I've written so many it's hard to pick! I like Liked it, Put a Ring on it which is a Schitts Creek fic, as I think I nailed the (very distinctive) voices of the characters. I also like Just Like Kisses on the Necks of Best Friends, the Mike Wheeler character study because I love that little guy.
Gosh that was a lot of words!
Tagging anyone who wants to do it!
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princesstillyenna · 5 months
Hello 👋
For the Fanfic Writer Ask Meme M & U, please, and thank you 😊
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
Weirdest? IDK. I don't tend to come up with AUs. I have some notes for an AU where Dylan Strome is a girl? That's not so weird though because uh, Dylan Strome??? Let me go check the notes nonny.... Although lbr, an AU where the nyr are all secretly into kink and fuck each other into the team? That's quite weird. But no, back to the UNWRITTEN IDEAS DOCUMENT. The AU where the only reason Tony DeAngelo is nice to Mika is because he doesn't realise he isn't white... because swedish = white in his head. Amazing. Dumb dumb DUMB boy. I just didn't really have anymore than that? Actually no, y'know what, it's not even that. It's the following. And I will copy and paste WORD FOR WORD my fic notes from my fic documents (and yes, all of my fic notes read like this) Medieval AU, Teeks is like 3rd inline to the throne, important enough to make a political marriage, but not so important that it doesn’t matter that his future wife can’t have kids Arranged marriage between him and Nolanne Patrick who is the only daughter of a super rich merchant family. They’re like, yes, we can give the crown a massive dowry for this bitch, but she can’t have children. PLOT TWIST IT’S BECAUSE SHE’S A DUDE IN A DRESS They don’t consummate their marriage, and TK is like secretly wondering if it’s because Nolanne has an STD, but he doesn’t say anything, and she’s super shy, so he mostly is like. Ok, whatevs. This was always for the money, and I’m hella gay anyway. Whatevs. And then NP walks in on TK having sex with Laws, and is all, ohhhhhh oh I didn’t realise he was into dude. (TK was totally bottom btw, because he was) and then he’s all like, HOW DO I TELL HIM I’M  A DUDE. I JUST CANT But then they’re hunting, or out riding or whatever and Nolly gets injured which is sad, but it’s a super high up in the groin injury that needs dealing with IMMEDIATELY. So TK is all like, I know you don’t like me seeing you naked, but like YOU’RE DYING and THIS IS NOT WORTH DYING OVER. So GET THOSE PETTICOATS OUT THE WAY And Nolly’s like, fine, just don’t hate me or whatever. So TK moves the petticoats and SURPRISE! COCK! And he’s all like I NEED TO SAVE YOU but also OMG I WANT YOU. But he focuses mostly on the saving. And is all like, when you’re recovered, we’re talking about this. So Nolly explains that his family have like a million sons, and no daughters, and like, they really wanted this. So they just made me be a girl. And, honestly, I’m quite believable, and I’m queer anyway, so whatevs. And TK is like, hey, wanna consummate our marriage? Nolly: Can I top? TK: I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.
IT'S THAT ONE. BUT THEN AGAIN IN THAT DOCUMENT I HAVE NOTES ABOUT WHICH HOCKEY PLAYERS ARE EQUIVILENT TO WHICH MLP CHARACTERS SO THAT'S PRETTY FUCKING OUT THERE??????? ok back to the questions. What even was the next one? U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet. Oooooh I like this question. i keep meaning to write some hockey sibcest but I haven't written any yet. Maybe Jack/Quinn, or Dylan/Ryan. Tryna think if there's any other hockey pairings that I like reading that I haven't written yet? MattDrai in their own right? OHHHH COLE AND MARTY ST LOUIS VERY MUCH. Basically cole and and old man that there is. Cole and an old dude. Cole and Santa.... oh wait no, I wrote that already.
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forkaround · 1 year
i don’t see why they would need pr? i mean all shows and movies need pr of course but even with the budget not being big it has lots of people watching and talking about it? am i wrong or is that not the most important thing? or will the writers and creators of it talking about it and hyping it up help the pr? ngl i don’t know how any of this works tho i thought pr was just meant to bring it viewers which it already has but i could be wrong? https://www.tumblr.com/forkaround/725704160869220352/the-only-friends-team-is-interacting-a-lot-with
Yes, people watching and talking is important and that's my point. The OF team starts responding to comments/theories or posts something (like the blacked out card very early on this year.) And people start making theories and analysis before the show is even out giving it publicity. It's honestly an interesting tactic that perhaps other productions might learn from.
Now tbh, I'm personally very interested in how this all unfolds. I've not been following everything to closely, I never follow promo material for any show from anywhere, just a post here and there and what people repost to tumblr, basically whatever reaches me through word of mouth. And that's why it stands out as odd to me. For other shows I've seen lesser activity and even people repost something it has to do with the actors, what they said, some details of the characters, etc. but not enough to piece together a plot or characters even if these theories end up wrong. On the other hand Only Friends has Jojo and other Behind The Scenes people responding to fans or, like a day or two ago, where someone from the crew said something about heartstopper and then Jojo said something too. Like how often have shows hinged on the behind the scenes members [director, writer, PD, etc.] instead of the actors. For most shows everywhere it's the actor that determines how many people show up, thus the concept of brand pairs is so popular. And no doubt people are here for FK, FB, NeoMark, but more than that fans are here because of Jojo. For the queer rep he has promised. I've seen more reposts of his tweets than any of the actors.
Now this very much has to do with money. OF does not seem to have it. But it does have a dedicated crew who would like to tell this story and prove that this story and stories like these are worth telling and people are invested in it. That people will show up to it. In my personal opinion I think the crew is more dedicated to it's success than the cast. Perhaps it has to do with contracts, perhaps money but overall, while I see the actors playing their role as actors when doing publicity, it's no different than they would for any other show, afaik.
The thing I'm most worried about and perhaps even the most dangerous thing with this approach is if the show does not deliver on what it's promised or if they do deliver on the scamming, cheating, sex but with a bad storyline or if the show loses steam towards the end which GMMTV shows are infamous for. I don't think it would take away from the show but I suspect people could use it as an excuse to not invest in similar shows. [There is a very slim chance of this happening. LBF it would require the show to fuck up so bad it doesn't even make any sense by the end. But thing is, fans have hyped it up in their heads so much that I imagine anything less would cause an uproar. Which would be really sad. But I've also seen this fandom stick to terrible storytelling and flat out refuse to see the issues when the word queer is slapped on something.]
Sorry this answer was so long. I'm just as interested in the show as I am in watching how it unfolds in the fandom and how people react to it so I have a lot of thoughts on the matter. It's the crew's strategy that has done the PR for the show.
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
Not sure I agree with that last anon. First off, feminists are actaully the most likely group to listen to men's problems than any other group. Tbf not every feminist does that, like man haters and Terfs are a different stories, but feminist who know what they're talking about have a broader view than "man vs woman" and understand that everyon esuffers under patriarchial standards, just in different ways. Non-feminists and especially your typical "dude bro alpha males" will absolutely make fun of any man having any feelings that aren't anger. I'm a man and I speak from peronal experience here.
And honestly I'm so tired of people complaining about how feminism ruined the show bc Mari has more screentime than Adrien. Astruc wouldn't know feminism if it hit him in the face. He just fails to understand that feminism is not "woman strong man weak". Adrien is the focus of most plot lines because he's Marinette's main motivator to do anything. Astruc based her entire personality about liking a boy. Doesn't sound very feminist to me.
The Adrien abuse not being followed more is also not the result of feminism, it's just a quirky little accessory for Adriens character so the fandom doesn't entirely forget he's here. Hell, Adrien being an abuse victim is like the number one reason why he is so popular in the first pace. Gabe's an ass, Adrien is sad, the audience feels sorry for him. There's no substance, no complexity, no overcoming any complicated emotions. And that's not because feminism, it's because the writers have no idea what being abused actually means, especially how the actions of the abusers get constantly excused. Not only Gabriel, but also Audrey and Jagged who abandoned their kids get away scot free. The writers don't care about abuse victims or giving them a character they can relate to, they just use it as a character trait because they don't know how else to make a character likeable and symathetic. It has nothing to do with any narrative about how "white men are predators" or whatever.
I'm guessing you saw my posts as merely a chance to rant about fandom tendencies that get you peeved, but next time, please just say so, instead of trying to make it sound like I said something I didn't. Like, I get it, the Anon messaging me made it sound like they thought the Miraculous crew were radfems, which I also highly doubt. But also note that this message you sent really reads like you're saying I said or implied something like: "feminism ruined Miraculous" or "feminists treat male victims of abuse worse than other people", which I absolutely did not. I'm a queer feminist, but I'm not exactly running a social justice information blog here. Not everything I say is going to sound perfectly eloquent, but my response in that post was literally less than 200 words; you can spend more time reading it if you're going to send me an essay saying things I was trying to say but with more words and defensiveness and countering arguments I didn't make.
I should probably say this: you're not wrong but that doesn't mean I'm wrong either. Yes, feminists are more likely to listen to and advocate for male victims than other parties. HOWEVER, it is still an undisputable fact that many feminists (note: I never said all) hold the belief that men can never be victims, and that attitude is not only present in radical feminists. I don't like it either, but some feminists are jerks and we can't deny that fact. Still, the main point I was trying to make was that this attitude is not tied to feminism or anti-feminism to begin with; it's a more universal societal bias.
I agree with your point that Miraculous doesn't necessarily have anything to do with denying male victimhood, as I said: the writers don't need to villify Adrien in order to not focus on his story. I was merely stating that the subconcious bias around abuse makes it very easy for the writers to just go: "there isn't really a story here." It's true that the Miraculous writers really don't seem to grasp just how much parental abuse happens in their story, which means that the underlying bias we can see in the show might actually be about parental abuse, rather than male victims specifically. While Kagami is getting support over her situation, Chloé isn't, so it might not be tied to the victim's gender. Still, there is clearly a bias in the show's writing where the abuse present in the story isn't being taken seriously as abuse.
I even agree that Miraculous being a girl power show is not some great failure of feminism, even when some issues with the show come specifically from it being a girl power show. "Girl power" is just the most basic way of making a show that's designed to get girls to like it, and it often doesn't lend itself to nuanced storytelling. Girls being the target audience doesn't make this show feminist; it's just what the creators think appeals to girls.
It's just kind of pathetic that all these problems are becoming more prominent specifically in the seasons the showrunners are trying to tell us are going to be more mature and emotional. Not that raising the rating by one bar is that big of a difference, really.
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Tag 10 People You Wanna Get to Know Better
tagged by @mu-qingfang-stan-account ty <3
relationship status: single (as in "too scared to try finding someone to date considering the state of queer rights here rn")
favorite colors: *james pokemon voice* its lavender (but honestly purple in all shades. my life have improved immensely when i started dyeing my hair purple and getting clothes to match)
favorite food: this is so broad uh... if its sweet stuff I gotta go with ice cream because whatever u want. it got u. and if we are talking about proper meal foods i think i gotta say chicken. shes so versatile what cant she do
song stuck in your head: oughh i cycle thru so many... i guess Leia (Rondo cover) came up a lot in the last few days
last thing you googled: spelling of some word, dont remember which. i often do this bcus im not confident in my spellings, esp with longer words, because I only learned them visually and that doesn't necessarily mean all letters or in the right order. wait i think it was resurrect, i keep forgeting if its two "s"s or two "r"s in there (yes i googled it again to spell it rn)
time: 13:40
dream trip: listen this is just gonna be sad if i answer it, so lets not
last thing you read: I'm currently super mega slowly rereading Scum Villain - like, taking notes every page slowly - so that's been going for the past month or so. If we're talking finished, then pipi's You Fei.
last book you enjoyed reading: I did enjoy Fei a whole lot! As usual, I'm a sucker for priest's ability to entwine some absolute clownery with so much subtle (and sometimes not subtle) heartbreak. Also the more I hear from my friend who branches out into BG cnovels/cdramas the more I realize how special a female protagonist like Fei is.
last book you hated reading: a danmei novel that shall remain unnamed bcus it was recced by a mutual. meanwhile i regret finishing it. the plot was such a friggin soap opera. literally almost Every soap opera trope. i'm surprised nobody's clone showed up, it wouldnt have been out of place! the ship dynamic was good so i finished to get their happy ending but. kinda felt that it wasn't worth it in the end.
favorite thing to cook/bake: gotta be meringues, as long as you know the perfect time for your particular oven theyre literally SO easy to make. and tasty. I like making blini too but they are kinda stressful because you gotta stay on them the entire time.
favorite craft to do in your free time: cross-stitch, it's somehow just the right proportion of mindlessness and engagement for me
most niche dislike: there's this special kind of annoying fans that make me dislike thing that they are fan of literally just because it becomes associated in my mind with their annoyingness. (I don't know how to explain every nuance of how they are annoying, but most often it involves being shitty about something else, that I already like.) And it kinda pisses me off not just on its own, but also on behalf of the thing they are fan of. Like - it usually doesn't deserve my ire! it's literally just the fans, and only some specific ones! But I can't stop my brain from cringing at the sight of the thing. ugh. So: hate it when this happens.
opinion on circuses: im more interested in the aesthetic concept of circuses than in any real ones.
do you have any sense of direction: yeah im pretty good with it, both in "reading maps" way and in "understanding where things are located relative to each other and alternate routes/shortcuts" way
tagging: god please I always forget every single person I ever seen or talked to when it comes to tagging. Literally any of my followers, I'm interested, I wanna hear about u, if you'd like to do this say i tagged you and go off
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thisiskatsblog · 11 months
harry & louis have clearly broken up and it's time to accept that, my guess is 2014, early 2015 & they kept the larry shit up until 2016 (the coded messages or whatever) to keep us from being disappointed by it but now it's time to just let it go, they clearly don't want us in fandom and have made that clear time and time again, and it's not good or healthy for lgbtq+ people to stan people who clearly dislike them (both have shown signs they dislike larries, harry recently with his actions ie. taking known larrie things and using them in different contexts like giving his blue bandana to his friend, saying songs we associate with larry is about gemma, etc. and louis with another denial, it's obvious they've been showing contempt for us), it's healthy for all of us lgbtq+ people to just let them go and find other celebrities to focus on, it's torture to stan someone closeted when you're lgbtq+, it's not good for our mental health, even you are stressed and struggling with it so larries need to stop encouraging people to become part of us and just leave for our own good and the good of our mental wellbeing, harry and louis are evil villain gays and have made their beds, now they need to lie in them, we supported them, we created a safe space (despite interviewers and media and others claiming it was harry lol no honey that was all us), we made (most) of the fandom lgbtq+ friendly (you can hear that by the cheers and screams harry gets when he says "we're all a little bit gay" and does gay shit on stage etc) yet they still haven't or won't come out despite all we have done to prove it's safe and welcome for them to do so, whatever we have done is not enough and it never will be so we need to put ourselves first and stop investing our time, energy and money into them.
That’s one way of explaining things for yourself but I’m not sure if it’s the only way or the best way.
There’s definitely been references to a relationship between Louis and Harry since 2016 and in the years after that I actually did have the impression the support was much wanted. There has since been a shift, for sure, but it’s really up to every individual LGBTQ person in this fandom to decide how they want to deal with that.
To be honest, I’ve been receiving anons trying to stop me from “queerbaiting LGBTQ fans into a hostile environment” since long before 2016. But that was and still is a complete misunderstanding of the situation (and of what queer baiting is for that matter). No one lured in the LGBTQ fans. They were already here.
And the safe space that we’ve created, together with Harry, and with Louis - because I think their seemingly positive reactions certainly helped - that’s something I believe we did for those LGBTQ fans first and foremost. It was a positive and constructive outlet for all the frustrations which made the space safer for us.
And yes, we did “our part”, we did so much. If they haven’t come out it doesn’t mean we didn’t do enough. That’s not how coming out works, at all. Creating a safe space doesn’t create any obligation for any queer person to anything.
“Every queer person has the right to come out on their own terms and on their own timeline. They also have the right to choose not to come out at all.”
I repeat: if they haven’t come out,it doesn’t mean we didn’t do enough.
We know that we did, we know we did the right thing, and we know we did all we could.
If the “results” are disappointing compared to the expectations that may have (inadvertently) been created then that is sad, but I don’t believe it deserves anger.
What is more, i really think what we did made a big difference, for so many people in the fandom and, I believe, also for them. Harry picks up flags night after night. Louis’ shows has rainbow lights.
I honestly think that the rainbows in the fandom gave them a means to express themselves in a way that feels comfortable to them without having to say the words and if that is the case then I really think that is valuable.
But again - it was never just about them - it was always for queer fans first and foremost and those queer fans have become so much more visible and so much more comfortable in this fandom. And I think that is really valuable too.
Also I don’t agree that rainbows mean “it’s safe to come out”. It is safer. It never is completely safe. That’s societal homophobia for you. People have many reasons not to come out.
So I think every LGBTQ person in this fandom should make an assessment for themselves: does being here make me happy or not .
If it doesn’t, then by all means, draw your line in the sand.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
I want to say thank you for the post today. I am in college in a country where being queer is not okay. I have multiple queer friends that know I'm bi but my family can't know ever. I am optimistic to do my masters in the US soon. I know it is not perfect, but I could be myself and ultimately that would bring happiness.
I was sad reading the anon because I witness how it's hard even in the US. But it helps when people let me know it's okay to be who I am. You let me know it's okay to be me and I thank you.
Hey Nonny,
Thank you so much for sending this. I honestly read this with tears in my eyes. This is why I believe it's important for people - all people - to speak up because we never know who needs to hear the words. We never know who could be uplifted at a moment when they need it.
I hope you do get to come to the US and live your authentic life. But I want to caution you. If you're going to attend school in the US, PLEASE be very selective about what school you attend/where you live. The US is not one country but fifty little countries, and don't delude yourself into believing that it's "safe" to be queer anyplace in America - it's not. If you have any questions on that, feel free to DM me. I can tell you what states are working actively to strip LGBTQ+ rights and which are working actively to codify them.
Sending you the biggest hug. Happy Pride, even if you can't celebrate it out loud. xo
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seoafin · 1 year
Hello Morgan :) I just read chapters 1 & 2 of Dog days are over and .. xhsbacbksdjcb it was so good I have become incoherent. hence why - -- hhhh .... when i .. when he- when. they. hhh .. .... when- the mc- ....
Wah, I can't even find the words to describe how enamoured I am of it. Stsg? ? Forget about them .. Who are they anyways. Irrelevant. I am instead giving you and rip!mc flowers (if you want them, or any little gift you want!) .. Mc .. she deserves the world. i mean these three words, i do. Stsg are so annoying honestly. I would fall for her face first. The way you do with that one high school friend you have a very queer friendship with .. oddly specific but yeah I love her sm LMAOO. And you !! You deserve to get *all* the love you put in your works back tenfold and more for your wonderful writing, Morgan!!
I have already sent a few asks full of compliments on anon but tbh I would repeat what I said word by word as many times as it's needed. This fic alone is a lot of work from all points of view, and I want to let you know I personally am grateful for the chance to read it .. It's enriching (I hope this is an actual english word lol) and it's pleasant to read; the universe you created is vibrant .. realistic as in immersive and (sometimes painfully) relatable, especially the mc - she feels so human and I think I can say I relate and have related to her, which is a little sad - but reading it also feels comforting (i believe that truly is the unifying potential of fanfic and writing in general).
There are so many things i could say about these two chapters but i think i'll leave them for AO3 comments (didn't someone say tumblr asks are temporary but ao3 comments are permanent?). Rn I just want to focus on how beautifully outlined rip!mc's feelings are. The loneliness .. The image of a single mother and her kid in her apartment .. Her thinking about her future (woah, that one hurt. in a good way though) and the prospect of being left behind .. I've been going through quite strange times (& writing sad stuff? idk why it is, is it the strange weather?) so that passage was kind of the nail in the coffin, the final blow for me - but in a good, cathartic way, i promise!! (also. i loved "nail in the coffin" - i hope i got the title right. it did something to me. my dirty mind couldn't stop thinking about the way geto stole mc's panties mainly because i have too many [redacted] geto thoughts and that includes panty taking. but this is just a side note.) (and gojo. the leash line. i think, in that, me and mc are different because i would've said yes in the blink of an eye - yeah that's concerning of me but everyone has their flaws right??. lol. the "what do you want" "everything" exchange. i don't think i'll ever recover. in a good way).
When i find something i like this much I think I'd need a 10k word frame minimum to analyze and dissect it over and over .. so I'll stop rambling for everyone's safety 😂. But yeah, I hope this silly comment gives you back even an ounce of the warmth your writing gives me (& i'm sure i'm not the only one)!! and please don't feel obligated at all to respond to this. I just really wanted to say these things :)). i hope you have a good day !
hi friend!!!!! can i just say how much i was smiling reading this because i was SMILING so hard my friend thought i was texting a man (as if please lmfao) everyone being so nice and encouraging about this fic is going to make me cry. like i was not kidding when i said that this fic was loved into existence because i had no intention of actually writing an actual fic for them!!! but im doing it!!! because everyone is so enthusiastic about it!!! im glad u and many others enjoy rip!mc because the amount of self sabotage in this fic....i need to endear her to everyone LOL
this ask gave me so much serotonin never apologize for sending it in!!!!! if anything have me back warmth and happiness in SPADES. thank you so so soo much for reading <3333 i hope u have such an amazing wonderful bright day 😭😭😭 once again i am so touched that you liked the fic enough to write me this wonderful ask 😭😭😭
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