#i don't know what compels my mind to imagine this.
layersofsymbolism · 10 hours
I'm not really sure how to introduce this one. It's a continuation of the Zevlor story that's quickly becoming a novel. But I'm posting it for you guys because it's kind of a snippet. It's after we find our man in the illithid colony, and he finds out what happened while he was enthralled. A brief warning. There is some angst, emotional pain, a little self-harm, and major feelings here. No smut in this one. It's also a pretty long scene. I did cry while writing it. I'm not sorry.
Tav is based on my current, who is a noble high elf silver dragon disciple. Highfalutin, I know, but that's what was in my head.
You approach Gale with a bit of trepidation. You're not sure if he'll agree, or even if your idea will work, but you have to try. Zevlor needs his people on his side. Or, at least, for them to understand what actually happened in those dark lands, when he was taken by the Absolute. But you couldn't be the one to do it.
As you move to stand near the wizard, sitting cross-legged on a mat and reading some dusty book you'd found in the house of healing, he looks up and smiles. "Greetings, Tav." Seeing the expression on your face, he rises with a look of concern. "My, you seem agitated. How can I help?"
You bite your lip and take a breath, then speak, your voice tight and apologetic. "I need a favor. If it's not... if you can manage it." 
He nods, taking your hand and pressing it. He can be so sweet sometimes. "If it is in my power, I shall do my utmost. What do you need?" 
You nod and squeeze his hand, grateful for his friendly devotion. "How are you with... mental domination?" 
His eyes widen a little, but he smiles. "I can cast the spell. Depending on the intended victim, I suppose I could maintain it almost indefinitely, as long as there are no other distractions. The power and duration really depend upon my concentration and the target's resistance. But so can you. Why? Who are we dominating today?"
You worry your lower lip with your teeth again and shake your head before continuing. "It cannot be me. They all know... look, Gale. We both know how powerful the elder brain is... with an unprepared mind, it would be almost impossible to resist its influence. Is that right?"
He nods slowly. "Yes, of course, but... oh, I see." He catches on quickly, you reflect, as he works out for himself what you want. "Let me see if I can guess your thought process. I assume this is in reference to your Hellrider and how his people have been treating him since... all that. You want to show them that what happened was not his fault, and you think a little demonstration of that kind of power would be a good way to do that. You can not perform this feat yourself because of your known association with him, so you want me to make a tiefling stand on one foot or something to demonstrate how easy it is to lose oneself in the face of strong magic." He ruminates for a moment, looking thoughtful, then shrugs and smiles. "I don't see that it could hurt to try. Courtesy dictates that I must warn the person I am to control, but even then, I should be able to hold them to my will for some time. May I involve another of our group?"
You nod. "If you think it will help. I can't really keep secrets from any of you anyway. Who are you planning to bring?"
He squeezes your hand and nods decisively before releasing you. "I had a thought to take Karlach with me. She's a tiefling, and she well knows how it is to be compelled to do things she doesn't want. I will go immediately. I saw a group of refugees in the inn recently. I imagine they haven't gone anywhere. I shall do my best to make them understand. Who is the intended target?" 
You watch Gale as he nearly bounces on his toes, seeming eager, as always, to demonstrate his skill. "Whoever is the strongest. But... well, don't hurt anyone or humiliate them too much. Just... never mind, you know what to do. It is in your capable hands."
Gale grins and bows. "My lady, I live to serve. Rest a while. You've been burning the candle at both ends lately, and you're a bit overwrought. Stay near. I'll come find you when I'm finished."
You watch him as he heads off to find Karlach and the other tieflings. You are overwrought, nervous, your concern over Zevlor and the refugees, the remaining Chosen, and the Elder Brain mingling and draining your mental faculties. You wander back to your own tent, sitting on a cushion just outside the flap and trying to meditate for a little while to clear your head. 
After what seems like ages, but is probably closer to half an hour, you sense Gale and Karlach returning, open your eyes, and struggle to your feet, trying to read their expressions. As they draw near, you can see that they are both smiling. Gale with an expression of satisfaction and Karlach a cheeky grin, bouncing a little as she approaches. She looks around when she arrives, before speaking at half her normal volume. "It worked! You're a genius, Tav. Cal volunteered. He hopped on one foot and everything! Gale was even going to make him slap Lia, but I stopped him, so he grabbed Dammon with the spell too and made them dance together! There was nothing they could do about it." She slaps Gale on the back, and the wizard wheezes, but looks pleased nonetheless. 
"Yes indeed," he continues with a smug expression. "Rolan has the strongest mind, but I do not think he would have taken my meddling with it lightly. So I thought maybe, if I dominated two of them at once, when they were prepared for it... and I made it quite clear that my powers do not nearly match those of the brain. I think it's had the desired effect. I believe Tilses went to look for him. She has been on his side the whole time anyway, and the others seem prepared both to apologize and forgive."
You blow out a breath and sag with relief. It was a long shot, and could have gone quite badly, especially with Rolan being so protective of his siblings... But hearing that your plan had worked was a welcome bright spot in an otherwise trying day. You pull them both into a hug, Gale grunting with wounded dignity and with the pressure of the grinning tiefling’s muscles crushing you both, thank them profusely, and then head off to look for Zevlor. Maybe this news would help with the deep depression he'd been struggling with since you rescued him.
The soft call of the scale you'd planted on him leads you toward Rethwin Town. As you approach the mason's guild, you see that Cerys, as well as Tilses, are standing near the doors, heads together in a fervent whispered discussion. You are opening your mouth to greet them when you're startled by a crash from inside, and the crunch and rattle of splintered wood. Cerys notices you first, and waits for you to arrive with a concerned expression. They're both looking at you nervously as another burst of noise echoes from beyond the half open doors, causing them both to flinch as you hurry over. 
Noting your concern, Tilses raises her hands, palms facing you. "He's not in any trouble. At least, not from fiends or undead. His only enemy is... well, himself." 
Your eyes widen. "Zevlor is making those noises?"
She nods, voice low, "yeah, the Commander is in a state at the moment. We came looking for him and heard the crashes... we thought he was being attacked. But... He's alone in there. At first he was shouting about being weak and unworthy, but then... well, he just started tearing the place apart."
You turn to go into the building, but Cerys catches your arm. "You might not want to go in there, Tav. He's unhinged. I've never seen him in this mood before. He might be... dangerous." 
You smile reassuringly and pat her hand. "He won't hurt me." Though, with the sounds coming from beyond the doors, you're not quite so sure as you pretend. "Go back to the inn. Please. If... if anything goes wrong... I can defend myself, but I don't want you in the crossfire. Just in case."
They exchange a long look, but then nod. "Very well," Tilses says quietly. "If anyone can help him, it's you. We know him, but he may be embarrassed... I know he thinks very highly of you." She grips your arm, a plea in her eyes, and then she and the other woman move off, looking over their shoulders once or twice. You wait until they are out of sight, and then take a deep breath and turn toward the doors. 
It is dim and dusty in the building, golden motes drifting through the newly revealed sunbeams that are filtering through holes in the battered roof. There is a flurry of movement in the back room, and you pass through the second set of doors just as Zevlor seizes a thick, rotten log from a cradle by the ruined fireplace and rips it in half with his bare hands. He casts the pieces aside and paces the width of the room, his hands shoved into his hair. There is blood on his face and hands, spattered on his dully gleaming armor, and a wreck of shattered crates and tools is scattered about. Your heart aches for him, but you hold your tongue for a moment as you sidle through the door and stand next to it, leaning your back against the wall. 
He doesn't notice you at first, so great is his distress, and in the relative quiet, you can hear him whimpering to himself, his voice hovering on the raw edge of sanity. "I tried. I'm so sorry. I wasn't strong enough. They're dead. They hate me. They're right to hate me. It's all my fault. If I had only been stronger..." He grabs another crate and sends it hurtling into the stone wall, where it explodes in a shower of splinters and small nails. You turn your head, but don't move, feeling a few shards pepper the side of your face. He turns back to pace in the other direction, stumbling and nearly falling over as he finally catches sight of you. He freezes and his eyes go wide, orange rings in deep black, shining in the gloom. His mouth wags for a moment, but then firms as he turns his face away. 
His words are a low, pained growl when he finally speaks. "You shouldn't be here." His hands flex, and you see that some of his claws are broken, his fingertips bloody. "I couldn't bear it if I... I  killed them. Leave, before I..."
You stand away from the wall, approaching him slowly, staying well out of his reach, but preparing a shield just in case. "We both know that's not true," you say quietly, your own hands wringing at your robes. "You weren't in control of..." 
He cuts you off with a roar, swinging his fist until it meets a supporting beam with a loud crack of splintered wood. The edifice sways, and dust and bits of ancient birds nests filter down from above. He's not a big man, but in this extremis he's terrifyingly strong, and you hope he doesn't manage to bring the whole roof down on your heads. "But I am responsible! I led them, it was me that... I..." He winces, looking at his hand in confusion, and you see the flash of white bone peeking through his scraped, ruby skin. Dark blood drips onto the floor from his torn flesh, drops scattering among the dust and ashes. "I wasn't good enough for them. I'm not strong enough, couldn't resist her. They're dead because of me. You don't want to associate... I've failed everyone. You deserve someone who..."
He stands there trembling for a moment before looking up and quickly striding toward you, raising his wounded hand to shove you back against the wall, your head hitting the stone so hard you see brief stars drift across your vision. He's on you in an instant, mouth crushing yours, bloody fingers pulling at your clothes. You feel all of his rage and shame and desperation as he kisses you frantically, his teeth cutting into your lips. You let him tear at you, neither returning his violent kiss nor trying to push him away. You're slightly dazed when he suddenly gasps and rips himself away from you. He pants, eyes blazing... "Gods I... I'm... you see? Im no good to anyone. I could have..." He reaches out as if to touch the drop of blood oozing from your bruised lips, a horrified expression on his face, but the lowers his eyes and drops to his knees before you. He covers his face with his hands and keens. "You don't want to be near me. Nobody wants to be near me. I see their faces when... you should leave me. I could never... never be good enough for... I'm not the man you..." he stops, shaking silently in the dust, ragged breaths filtering through his hands. 
You stand still for a moment, stunned, but then slowly let yourself sink to the floor, sliding your back down the wall until you’re sitting before him. You keep your tone gentle, "I am perfectly capable of judging for myself what kind of man you are. Here." You reach out and, ever so gently, ease his hands from his face, being careful not to put pressure on the broken one. He resists at first, but then relents. You inspect his bloody hand, lamenting to yourself that you cannot heal him, but you let coolness flow from your fingers, hoping to soothe him and ease the pain into numbness. "Hold still," you say as you release his fingers and reach beneath the hem of your robe to tear a strip from your linen under tunic. He flinches at the ripping sound, but keeps his hand stretched out before him, breathing harshly. You carefully wrap the linen around his hand, sinking a deeper cold into his inflamed flesh as you delicately press on the exposed little bone, easing it back into place and pinching the skin together before wrapping his palm firmly and tucking the end of the makeshift bandage under itself. You cradle the wounded appendage and reach out with your other hand, cupping his cheek lightly. His eyes are wide, sparkling with unshed tears, his mouth working in shock, lip trembling. You lean forward a little to hold his eyes, keeping your voice soft, soothing, "you do not have to carry the world on your shoulders, my love. Let me take some of the weight. Come here."
A silent tear tracks down his ravaged cheek, but he allows you to draw him toward you, laying his bandaged hand on your lap and shifting him so he's sitting before you before pressing his face into your shoulder, lifting your chin to avoid his horns. He curls his tail around himself and hesitantly wraps his good arm around your back, and you hold the armored tiefling close as his lean frame hitches and trembes with silent, heart-wrenching sobs.
The fading beams have crawled a long way up the wall before a low voice nudges you out of your doze. "My. Aren't you two a mess." Zevlor is cradled in your arms, having fallen into a deep sleep after crying himself out. Shadowheart crouches next to you, her expression unusually soft, and looks you over. You know you must look shocking, with your lips bruised and cut, and little streaks of dried blood on your face, your eyes puffy from weeping with heartache over Zevlor's pain. She reaches out and brushes a lock of hair out of your eyes, dropping her voice to a quiet whisper. "We saw the other two return, but it took a while to get it out of them. We waited as long as we dared, and then I came because, well, I'm the most subtle." She smiles. "Good thing too. You look like you both could use a little attention." You nod and shift slightly, letting her see Zevlor's hand, wrapped in the bloody bandage on your lap. He tenses a little, tightening his grip on you and murmuring into your robe, but doesn't wake, such is his exhaustion. Shadowheart reaches out, very lightly touching her fingers to his, and whispers the spell. His breath hitches and he shudders as the tingling power filters through him, but then sighs, seeming to feel the relief even in his sleep. She heals you next, the sensation making your skin prickle with gooseflesh, but you feel the small cuts close and the bruises fade.
"Thank you," you mouth silently, and she nods, leaning back on her heels. 
"We will leave you alone as long as you wish. We just wanted to know you were safe." Her expression becomes thoughtful. "You love him." Her own nod follows yours, and she reaches out to brush one knuckle down your cheek before standing. "I'm happy for you. Truly. I will tell the others you are both alright. Take as long as you need. You deserve to be happy." Her smile is almost sweet as she turns away and silently exits the room. 
The last light is fading when Zevlor stirs against you. Slowly he turns, easing himself around in your grasp until his eyes, just a flicker of fire in the darkness now, gaze up at you. His voice is a husky whisper, "did you mean it? What you said, before. You called me... or, maybe I was dreaming." He closes his eyes for a moment and sighs, a soft, happy sound. "If so, it was a wonderful dream."
You look down at him with a soft smile and bend your head to place a light kiss on his full lips. "I did. And you are. Ai armiel telere maenen hir, Zevlor, and I can only hope you feel the same." He sits up, keeping his arm about you and chuckling softly, looking at you with undisguised adoration. 
"I don't know what that means, but I think I can guess. I can see it now, in your eyes." He cups your cheek with a gentle hand. "Are you certain this is what you want? Me? Because, I know... my heart is yours for as long as I draw breath. I love you. So very much." You nod yes, and he slowly leans toward you, taking a deep trembling breath before pressing his lips softly to yours. 
Zevlor kisses you chastely for a little while, his lips and hands full of tenderness, before placing a kiss on your forehead, and then resting his own against yours. "Very well, my lady. Together, then." His words are a feather brush against your lips. "But you need me at my best if we are to prevail in this... I will seek the Oathbreaker Knight."
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lollytea · 10 hours
shaking your hand I also like both amity and lumity a lot but am genuinely sad we didn't get something closer to the original pitch. it blows my mind how perfectly the pilot establishes amity's character while the show just. actively shoots itself in the foot. why INTRODUCE HER with a scene where she actively bullies willow of her own accord when everything that follows makes that feel weirdly out of character. why not have boscha bully her and have amity PRESENT but not actively participating
If I close my eyes really tight and keep IMAGINING that what she did with Willow in ep3 was a harsh but well-meaning attempt at motivation, I can sleep at night. At least then I can convince myself that it KINDA makes sense. But also I know in my heart that this wasn't the crew's intention and it was just a bit of a flub.
I like the setup of Luz and Amity's relationship so much more in this version. Where they were connected to each other from the very beginning and Amity left an impression on Luz, compelling her to befriend her. It feels a bit weirder in Canon how Luz's first impression of Amity was the bully of the shy vulnerable girl she was actually trying to befriend.
It made it so much more awkward how a few episodes later, Luz was just like "Okay Amity is really mean to my best friend Willow buuuuuuut.....that doesn't mean she'll be mean to me 👉👈🥺" Imagine being Willow in that situation.
I don't really blame Luz herself for it. It's mostly clunky writing than a flaw of the character herself. But you KNOW that specific emotion when you get bullied by somebody in school and one of your closest friends doesn't really show any solidarity with you and is all buddy-buddy with them anyway and tries to convince you "No but theyre actually so nice." That's what it FELT LIKE and I hate that it felt like that. Cuz that's not Luz. Not to me.
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ntls-24722 · 4 months
new skinny djmm lore. the rest of the pizzaplex cast are regular, possibly particularly sexy humans. Skinny DJMM is the only one that looks like that and obviously there will be an extreme focus on him
this is specifically mainly to spite the irritatingly and weirdly common thing i see in security breach comics/reinterpretations where they will keep every animatronic exactly the same but Ah! Ah! DJMM, only DJMM, always DJMM, is actually an Android/Human because that pesky giant spider form was too energy consuming/scary/something something, or literally just because
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nctstar · 3 months
poly! nct 127 ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ threesome ver.
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hard dom members x sub reader
pairing: nct 127 x fem!reader
word count: 2.6k
genre: smut
warnings: sexual content so minors please dni! everything is consensual, hard dom members, heavy degradation and bsdm content (don't read if triggering), safeword discussed, oral (male and female receiving), rough penetrative sex (unprotected, please be safe irl), manhandling, hair pulling, painplay + impact play (whipping), face slapping + spanking, squirting, fingering, clitoral stimulation, double penetration (same hole), a lot of crying, begging, sexual punishment, daddy kink, kissing, anal (female receiving), multiple orgasms + overstimulation, intense orgasms, mentioning ex during sex, handjob, hand over mouth (female receiving), profanity, (everything is really messy idk how to write this so you hopefully get what i mean)
disclaimer: this is a fanfiction purely from my (filthy) imagination. I don't know the nct members and don't claim that they act like this in real life. I also do not condone any of the activity by any of the characters in this fic. everything is consensual and safewords/limits have been discussed prior to the scene - sex is only sex when it's fun for both parties, please keep this in mind <3
a/n: so um...here's this. I was running on matcha coffee 3 hours of sleep and 2 episodes of pretty little liars all before 9am yesterday when something in my body just felt COMPELLED to write this, so here it is :D also labyrinth ch 2 is COMINGG i just need time to write it in a good way, but i've planned the entire thing and am excited to see how it ends up. also, i've decided to make poly! nct a series, not quite sure if i'll keep the same pairings or how this will work but it won't only be smut, i plan to write lots of different types of scenarios for them. anyways, love you, bye for now xx
Mark & Taeyong ~ Thighs slipping against each other, water dripping down to your ankles as you stumbled towards Taeyong’s parted legs. “Bend over.” He commanded, but you felt the shove before you could, pushing you forward with a gasp. Mark’s open hand now pressing down on the shallow bend of your back, he toyed with the strings of your bikini bottom, chuckling darkly at your every whine. Taeyong grabbed your chin roughly, forcing your face inches away from his. You winched as his grip tightened, hard enough to leave bruises. “Fucking slut.” Your heart hammered as you felt the cold air hit your now bare core and ass, Mark squeezing the plush of your behind as he groaned in pleasure. “Fuck, she’s so sexy.” He drawled. The panic began to quicken, pouring down your veins like ice water when you felt the wood-hard bulb of his dick press against your exposed hole. Eyes watering, you begged, not quite sure what you were begging for. “Please, please, p-please…” Mark slapped your ass in response, the tears now rolling down your cheeks as you cried out. Your vision whitened, side of your face stinging as Taeyong slapped you, twice, the edges of his ring marking a spot underneath your cheekbones. “Bend the fuck over. All the way.” You nodded as you cried, shutting your eyes as you held your ankles and let your head hang down, the blood rush making you delirious.
The pain and pleasure made your legs tremble, losing control of your body, gripping until you felt the bony edges of your ankles, moans ripping themselves from your throat as Mark bottomed out. “So big, please…” You gasped, as if his cock choked you from the inside. You babbled apologies, shaking your head when you heard the sound of Taeyong’s zipper above Mark’s sloppy thrusts. “Please, n-no…no more, I can-nghh,” you trailed off, feeling your own release grease your inner thighs, shame pooling in the bottom of your stomach. “We’re not done here, slut. No safe word means you still want this. Stupid whore.” Taeyong groaned as he pumped himself to his full hardness, watching you shakily squat down to the cold tiles, listening for any signs of protest. You stayed quiet, heaving, a sudden urge to let go as your head throbbed from your last orgasm. You felt Mark wrap one arm around your lower stomach, pressing down hard and lifting you off the ground. You squealed, trying to push his arm away, the muscles bulging underneath his skin. “You’re too rough with m-me…” Your knees hit the cold tiles as Taeyong pushed his length into your mouth, another hand holding you in place and gripping your hair tight. “Can you cum like this? Hmm?” Your head spun, pussy throbbing from the humiliation, Mark’s legs now caging your body as you stared up at Taeyong, cock bruising the back of your throat. Your pleas were lost around his length as Mark began to press his fingertips into your scalp, making you sob. “What’s the matter? Too rough?” He teased, his laugh searing into your brain. You pressed your thighs together as something sent you over the edge, making you spray all over the tiles like a rabid animal. As you gasped for air, Taeyong kept thrusting in your mouth, groaning as he came, moonlight hitting the sheen on his skin as you swallowed every last drop.
Jaehyun & Johnny~ “Faster, sweetie.” His words dripped sticky like honey in the shell of your ear. Your legs wobbled, biting your lip so hard you tasted rusted metal. With Jaehyun’s semi-hard cock nestled inside of you, you tried to grind your hips quicker, earning a satisfied groan from Johnny. “Good girl.” You moaned in pleasure, shockwaves of euphoria running through your body, but moments later, Johnny gripped you around the waist, fingers digging harshly into the plush of your sides. “But not fast enough.” You whimpered, knowing what comes next. Jaehyun brought one arm up to wrap around your shoulders, pulling your face into the crook of his neck. As you shook your head, he shushed you quietly. “Wanna use your safe word?” You shook your head, and Jaehyun held you tighter against him, the fingers of his other hand travelling down to press down on your clit. “Such a nasty little doll for us to fuck.” You moaned when he sped up, tears flowing down your cheeks as you came. “So quick to cum too. Open.” You thought he meant open your eyes, so it took you by surprise when he pressed his fingers past your slightly parted lips, pressing down on your tongue until drool ran down your chin. “Silly girl.”
Your body jerked when you felt the thick tip of Johnny’s cock press against you. You gazed pleadingly at Jaehyun, as if to beg for mercy. “Can’t even use our cocks right. Gotta do all the work ourselves. Stupid girl.” You buried your face into Jaehyun as the heat of embarrassment blossomed across your face, but Johnny wasn’t having it. One quick wrap around his wrist and your head was yanked back, scalp burning from the impact, stray strands of hair falling limply across your face. “What do you say, hmm?” The stretch burned deliciously as he continued to push inside you, tucking himself right next to Jaehyun, so good you forgot how to breathe. “Mnghh, y-yes, s-so good, please, please, Daddy, l-love it, love being stuffed…” Your mouth slackened as an unexpected orgasm rendered you numb. When your senses returned, you felt Jaehyun grind his hips upwards in smooth, fluid, quick snaps, while Johnny pounded you from the back. You cried as you felt another orgasm be torn from you, piece by piece. “F-fuck, oh my god!” Johnny’s arms wrapped around your neck, your fingernails tearing at his biceps for air as you squirted hard over both of them. “Please, Daddy, can’t-“ As he released you, letting you fall onto Jaehyun’s toned torso, you cried, stuttering in between shaky breaths. “T-thank, you, thank you…”
Haechan & Taeil~ “It’s too big…” you whined, lube running down the crevices between your legs. Haechan shushed you, petting your hair. “You’re okay, kitty. Remember we use our words when we want to stop, hmm?” You nodded, remembering the safe word. You couldn’t lie – it felt equal parts weird and good. You felt Taeil lift you by your arms, letting you wrap your arms around him. “Mmm, Daddy…” you sighed as he sucked and nipped at your neck. The dildo continued to travel inside your ass, and Taeil whispered in your ear. “You’re gonna take it all, right? Like a good kitty.” You cried as the stretch started to make you force yourself off the dildo, but Taeil grabbed your thighs, pressing them against his so you couldn’t move. “Shhh…” he continued to kiss along the shell of your ear, while you protested. “Daddy, f-fuck, wait, it’s so b-big…” Haechan was relentless, and without warning, began to thrust it upwards. You felt like your entire world had been split into two, your stomach torn to shreds. “Oh my god!” you screamed. “H-Hyuckie!”
“Naughty kitty…you thought I hadn’t noticed that you were flirting with Mark today?” You cried, shaking your head as he continued his pace. Your heart pounded at the thought of him going faster, even though you knew you could stop him at any point. “Bad kitty.” He tutted. Taeil’s bulge grew underneath your pussy, and you made the mistake of glancing down. “Nasty kitty.” Haechan’s breath tickled the side of your neck, and your body started to shake in pleasure. “Hnghh…” Taeil laughed. “You’re soaking me, kitty. You’re really gonna cum from your punishment?” His teasing tone made you moan incessantly, and he grabbed your hand, shoving it under the waistband of his shorts. “Daddy first.” You nodded, stroking him under his pants as Haechan continued to fuck your ass with the dildo, groaning at your pornographic sounds. “What do you say, kitty?” You felt Taeil coat your hands with cum, and your legs shook. “H-Hyuckie, please, can I cum?” He stayed quiet, pressing the dildo fully inside you. You continued to beg as he pushed his cock inside you, sliding down Taeil’s body agonisingly. “Can’t, c-can’t hold it in, p-please…” Taeil pressed your face on his crotch while he chuckled. “What about me, honey?” With tears running down your face, you begged, “C-can I cum, Daddy…please – oh!” the breath left your lungs as Haechan yanked the dildo out, sheathing himself inside your ass. “Cum, kitty.” You stammered words of relief as you came the hardest you ever had, Haechan finishing all over the curves of your ass and lower back.
Jungwoo & Yuta~ You couldn’t see anything, but you knew it was him. You’d recognise his lips anywhere, tongue slithering up inside you like snakes. “J-Jungwoo.”
You heard the whip crack before you felt it, a diagonal line on your back, white-hot pain seeping into your body. You fought a sob as Jungwoo kissed your neck, the lips on your core still sucking and kissing your sensitive folds. “Wrong.”
He waited for you to give you the all-clear, to nod, letting him know you were still good to continue before he left your side, and it was silent again.
You yelped in surprise as you felt someone nip at your chest, one hand pressing your back to keep you still. You whimpered, the sudden jolts of pain making your body writhe under his arms. “Y-yuta.”
You were released immediately, but your breathing remained laboured. For a second you thought you were wrong again, and you held your breath, squeezing your eyes even though you were blindfolded. “Correct. Last one.” You felt your head be yanked back by your hair, making you yelp. “A-ah, it hurts…” You feel something rub against your lips, the shape and texture making you quickly realise it was a cock. You whimpered involuntarily, knowing this one would make or break this game. You swirled your tongue around the end, sucking on the tip, kissing blindly around the shaft, your lips meeting the softer skin of the balls as you did. “Jungwoo.” You continued kissing, sucking, bringing your hands up to cup his balls, and that’s when you heard him groan. “Fuck. So filthy, isn’t she, Yuta?”
He laughed, and you felt the air between your legs. He sucked your clit, making you moan onto Jungwoo’s length. “A-ah, feels good…” Yuta hummed into your core. “Filthy sluts like you…” he kissed you, “…deserve…” he swirled his tongue inside you, holding your knees down when they rebounded upwards to move away from his mouth, “to cum over, and over…” You came with a cry as he sucked relentlessly, but you were cut off by Jungwoo pushing his cock inside you, making you gag noisily. “If you like my cock so much, let me give it to you.” Dizzy with relief, Jungwoo lay you on your back, the sheets slipping against your bare skin as you slid your body upwards. Yuta held you down, pressing your stomach into the mattress, watching as your back arched off the sheets rhythmically, tits rolling with each movement. “S-so good, fuck, f-fuck…” Your legs felt like jelly as Jungwoo held your face in place, the new angle over you allowing him to thrust in your mouth, the weight of gravity making his cock heavier than usual. Balls slapping against your chin, you felt it bulge in your throat, wrapping your fingers around yourself to feel it slip in and out of you. He pulled out slowly, a slurry of coughs and moans filling the air as you felt yourself cum onto Yuta’s face, his fingers rubbing the inside of your knees to ground you. You babbled incoherently, not knowing whether you wanted Yuta to stop, for Jungwoo to leave. The tip of Jungwoo’s cock on your lips brought to back to Earth. “Give me a kiss.” You kissed him diligently. “Y-yes sir, love this c-cock so much…” He came all over your ruined face to finish the job, just as you felt Yuta press himself inside you, sensitive clit screaming from the stretch.
Doyoung & Jaehyun~ “Stop, s-stop…” Jaehyun halted his fingers as you shuffled your bare body on his satin pants, pressing your legs together to centre yourself in the midst of your post-orgasmic haze. “Already came.” Jaehyun leant his head over your shoulder, bringing your naked body closer to his. “I know, sweetie. Wanna see you make another mess…” He brought his hands closer to your core, watching and waiting for you to protest. You didn’t. You were watching Doyoung, watching the way his shirt hung off him desperately, inches of his body peeking out from under the fabric. “Like what you see?” You moaned unexpectedly when Jaehyun dug his fingers inside you, running his fingers across your spongy walls. “A-ah…” Your mouth hung open, the pleasure more intense than before. Doyoung walked across to tilt your chin upwards, wrapping his fingers around your jaw while his thumb ran across your swollen bottom lip. “What was that you said about your ex? How he made you finish so hard you had to throw away your sheets?” The implications of his words somehow made that knot in your stomach tighten, every stroke of Jaehyun’s fingers now bringing you to the edge of euphoria. “Answer me.” He squeezed your cheeks as you made guttural noises, your orgasm hitting you at once. Jaehyun sped up his fingers, not caring when he felt your insides grip him like a vice, as it begging him to slow down. The slap of his palm against your clit was brutal, and Doyoung pressed his open palm against your mouth. “If you’re not gonna answer me, then you don’t deserve to speak, whore.” Tears sprung to your eyes as you grabbed at Doyoung’s wrist, pleading. He watched you carefully. “Nod if you remember the signal that replaces the safeword.” You nodded eagerly, and he stepped closer to you, his other hand now pushing the back of your head into his palm, holding your head in place.
“Finish me off. Hurry up.” You grabbed at his pants, the silky fabric slipping away as you wrapped your hands around his length. He groaned, bringing your head to his stomach as he let go of your mouth, letting you breathe into his stomach. “Good girl. Stay quiet now.” You whimpered, losing count of the times you had already came. Jaehyun pulled his fingers out, pressing onto your clit now. You lifted your head off Doyoung. “Nghh, wait, not there…” Doyoung smacked your head in warning, making tears spring to your eyes. “This is why you haven’t squirted yet. We’re too nice to you. Always listening to you, treating you like a princess. When all you are is a dirty whore.” His words made the tears run down your face, but you were turned on more than ever. Jaehyun sucked at your neck aggressively, his voice deep and sonorous. “We’re not finished until you’ve squirted hard enough to ruin these pants. Then once again around my cock. And then around his.” You wailed, feeling your orgasm approach you in towering phases. “Ah, ah, feels w-weird, fuck, wait, I think I’m gon-“ You were cut off by Doyoung’s fingers, pressing inside you while Jaehyun drew circles on your clit. “Don’t fucking stop jerking me off. Don’t care if you’re cumming.” You threw your head back, quickening each flick of your wrist as you felt yourself reach your high, each cry more intense than the last. Legs shaking, you felt the wetness come out of you in quick bursts, fingers spreading it all over the three of you, through clothes and onto skin.  
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wordsnstuff · 3 months
This might sound strange... writing a romance I started to see romantic potential between my lead and a side character, rather than strictly between the two leads... I'm starting to swerve. How can I suit my writing/mindset to keep the relationship with the side character platonic?
When characters develop minds of their own...
Writing is one of those mediums where people tend to overlook the importance of experimentation. It's seen as a fairly linear process: brainstorm, map the plot, write the draft, edit the draft, publish. If any other type of creation was done this way, most would see the process as incomplete, because experimentation is imperative to creativity. Curiosity is the key to finding satisfaction, and no matter how brilliant you think an idea is at its conception, the best way to do it justice is to question it.
If you find yourself in a situation where your story begins to develop outside your control, don't strangle it back into the shape you imagined for it at first. See where it goes. Let it bleed outside the lines and see what you prefer. You can always return to the original plan. The beauty in fiction is that it has infinite possibility, and if you have the talent to write characters and worlds that determine their own trajectory, enjoy the reward.
In your case, you've designed a romance between two characters but the chemistry of a different pairing has become more compelling, so see what happens. There is a good chance you've simply written a secondary character that serves the story better in a leading role, and there's no harm in experimenting to see if that's correct. If it doesn't work and you're convinced the relationship is more suitable in the platonic category, you will find the reason along the way and that reason will speak for itself as you return to writing the original pairing. If anything, this might become an organic way for you to misdirect the reader in order to make the payoff of your original idea more substantial.
Writing should be an intuitive process. If you're swerving in another direction, satiate your curiosity and then make decisions with all of the information. Just like any other artistic medium, you will only know what's right once you've established what isn't.
Best of luck,
x Kate
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nkogneatho · 1 year
Ex-husband gojo that was just released from the prison box needs to get off. *I can't get it put of my head*
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#mlist #liawot jjk #taglist #whoreclub
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—cw: fem!reader, clit stimulation, mutual orgasm, a little angsty, spoilers ofc.
—a/n: It was supposed to be a thirst but I was in my feels so it's a drabble now. Sorry.
Tumblr works on reblogs so it's appreciated.
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Ex-husband!Gojo who should've been minding his own business, prioritizing the crisis that has befallen. Instead, he found himself longing for something that wasn't his. Wanting to touch something he had no more right to. But wait. Is that entirely true? Because you both did share a connection. A marriage for fucks sake. Even if it was over because you couldn't take his ignorance towards the relationship, deep down, you too longed for his touch.
Heaven knows how many cold nights you hugged the pillow he used to lay his head on, compelling yourself in this vague imagination of the material being him. And what about the times when you felt so horny, that you could only get off to the thought of him. No one else.
There was a loud thud on your door. You walked curiouslyx and opened it. Although before your eyes could absorb the view, your feelings could sink in, the man pressed his lips against your, almost so harsh that you could fall. But his calloused hands rested on your lowers spine, keeping you right where you are.
When you realised who it actually is, you should move right. You should shove him away, yell at him, scream. Then why your shivering hands wrap around his neck, pulling him further in the kiss, till both your feet are away from the threshold. The kiss is so heated, you don't even realize you have almost reached your couch until you feel something hit your heels. Satoru grabs your shoulder and pushed you further.
"Toru," you call, tears threatening your eyes.
"Fuck, I miss you. I am so sorry. Please," there's so much regret in his voice, yet so much love. "Please let me stay, baby."
You feel so furious. Not for the fact that he had the nerve to appear suddenly, wanting to stay, but for the fact that he thought you had enough courage to deny him. Even after knowing what had happened to him. When you got the news of your ex husband being sealed, you felt like almost a part of you died.
And now with his touch, it came alive once again.
Satoru's hands run all over your—now naked—body. It's almost like when a sculptor touches his figures, tracing the outlines to remember the nostalgic feeling of how it felt to make it what it is. He knows. Toru still remembers how quickly you get wet. It turns him on. He wants to shove his dick in you. But he doesn't. Not yet. He wants to feel in a new way. Gojo quickly gives his boner a few pumps, before lining it up your slick. Your pussy is so wet, it can fill up an empty tube of lube.
"Miss me that much?"
"Mhm. Need you," you mewl. He spits on your cunt, then uses the tip of his cock to mix the saliva and your wetness. As much as your pussy is calling him in, he doesn't push it past your hole. What he does is put a pillow under your back, so now you are angled a little upwards, perfect for him to do what he is about to.
Gojo moves both your legs, holding it so it's straight in the air, so now what he has is your pussy lips folded perfectly, as the juices flow out of you. He aligns his veined cock parallel to your cunt, and starts moving. You don't feel the sweet pain of him filling up your hole. What you feel is past it. The veins on his cock so erect, they are stimulating your clit. The wetness causing no friction but just smooth moving of both your sex.
Your legs shut tight helped him squeeze your lips so he can feel the tightness. God the noises erupting from this act are so lewd. Gojo squints to see you biting your lips in pleasure. The little "ngh"s you've been whimpering. He loves it. Squeezing you even tighter, he uses his finger to manipulate his tip into perfectly rubbing your clit, stimulating your orgasm. To chase your high, you squeeze your legs even tighter. He fastens his pace chasing his own. Surprisingly, you both cum at the same time. His warm semen spurting on your stomach, you can see the top of his cock from the position. What gojo sees—feels is your juices flowing so much, it is dripping down his balls, pooling the couch.
He parts your legs, leaning in to land a kiss on your lips. "Missed you."
"Was that damn cube better than this apartment?" you ask.
"Not sure what kind of question is that but no."
"Then why the fuck did you stay in it for so long?" He almost chuckles when you are tearing up. It humors him to acknowledge that even after you were the one who left him, he wasn't the only one missing everything he had.
"It hasn't been that long, ya know?" he grins. You hit him gently on the chest. "Just a few weeks."
"Felt like three years." You wrap your hands around his neck. "Don't leave."
"Don't worry. I plan on bothering you for the rest of your life." He says with a smug look around his face, before kissing your forehead, reminding you of the warmth of his love.
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gorgeouslypink · 9 months
The Illusion of Method (My AP "Guide")
Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I've been behind on finishing up my masterlist but I've been really busy. I was having a conversation with my friend @junfairykyu and I remembered this post and she said it really helped her and urged me to share it with you guys too! This post is to help people AP (astral project) but the same concepts apply for the void. I hope this helps everyone.
original link: here
Hello there,
In this post I want to share an epiphany I had a few months ago regarding astral projection which changed my approach to it completely. Once I understood what I am about to explain, the amount of OBEs I had completely skyrocketed, to the point I can astral project on demand. I later found I could apply the same rule to lucid dreaming, and I started to enjoy countless conscious dreams. So this is the story of how I got to the "core aspect" of astral projection, the key to induce it effortlessly on demand. I will start by explaining the conditions whereby I came to this "truth" or "top method", and then I will develop it a bit more to ensure that its understandable. I I hope you guys enjoy the post and benefit from it. That being said, let's start!
I have been having OBEs for a few years now. A few years in which I tried many astral projection techniques, and while some of them seemed to work better than others, I always had one single desire that obsessed me to the core: I wanted to understand what was the root technique, i.e. that background cause, shared by all fruitful OBE strategies, that actually separated consciousness from the body. You know, the skeleton of all techniques. It was the deepest of my fixations, and I was compelled to find out the answer to that, I knew there was a core method, it was undeniable: if many different techniques lead to the same results, then there was for sure some hidden and shared dynamic that, if emulated over and over again, it would always produce Out of body experiences.
But it was really hard at first to understand what this hidden method was, because I was conditioned by my own results. What do I mean by this? Well, if only one technique worked for me, then it would be easy to assume "oh, that's the true and only method". But I had successful results with a wide variety of techniques, so different from each other: from tactile visualization, up to affirmations and pure desire, the ear ringing technique (using the ear buzzing sound to project) , the WBTB and many others. The challenge was in finding the single thing that united such different techniques. It seemed almost impossible!
You see, at first I thought imagination was a core aspect, but I rapidly discarded that, because many techniques dispensed with imagination. So then, imagination wasn't necessary. I kept discarding things just like that, trying to reach the substratum. I eventually thought it was pure intention, pure desire. This made sense to some extent, because all techniques required you to think actively about projection, whether you do this by imagining you project, or state it via affirmations, or whatever. It seemed like I succeeded with stripping away everything unnecessary. But then I had an spontaneous projection, which messed it all up. Not that it was the first spontaneous OBE in my life. In fact, I had a few of those during my career as an astral traveller. I was just ignoring them. Pretending that they were not there. Right when i thought astral projection had to do with a burning desire or intention, I realized that some OBEs dispensed with intention completely.
I was so obsessed with finding the key to astral projection in those OBEs I induced myself, that I was screening out those that happened involuntarily. I don't know why, but I guess it made more sense to find the how-to in the techniques rather than in...and then my mind went silent. I reached something important: a point of no-return. I realized something embarrassing: I had the answer in front of my eyes, but I kept pretending there was a hidden solution. But via spontaneous projections, the message was clear: it is not that those "spontaneous" projections weren't induced by me. NONE of my projections were induced by me! Its almost as if my unconscious was trying to tell me, via spontaneous projections, something like; "hey! its me who does it, not you".
At that point I understood the following: there is no method. We can't induce out-of-body experiences, nor lucid awareness in a dream. We don't really know how it is that the projection of consciousness occurs, or how lucidity pops up. We just get to experience it under certain conditions. All we do, really, is asking for projections to occur, while meeting the most optimal conditions for them to occur. That's the reason why spontaneous projections are kinda unconfortable for many and we try to screen them out, because they are trying to tell us about the illusion of method, and we as humans need to cling on a certain "how to", believing we are responsible for phenomena to occur. But we aren't. It is "something else" (the unconscious, the higher self, or whatever you want to call it) who kicks you out of your body, or triggers lucidity while dreaming. And when it occurs naturally, we try to understand how we did it, instead of realizing it isn't something we did, and thus opening ourselves to that same gift.
When I understood that, I began to do the following (the "no-method" method), and it ALWAYS works: I just lie down in the morning (to ensure that I don't fall asleep), close my eyes and simply ask this "unconscious" or whatever it is, to induce an OBE for me. And then I evoke this feeling of TRUST. I trust him, I trust that it will do the rest for me, because I understand that every time my consciousness escapes my body, it is this kind of higher consciousness or being who does it, not me. And this feeling of trust is the way to get rid of responsibility; in giving away this need for control and responsibility for the experience to occur, you also get rid of anxiety, fear and other emotions that boycott the outcome. So then, i just allow myself to drift with that feeling of peace, KNOWING that it will happen and I don't have to worry about it. Every time I do this, I get an amazing out of body experience. I just ask "the universe" to induce an OBE, and allow it to do its job. This same "method" (now you see why I refer to it as the illusion of method: you really don't do a thing) also applies to lucid dreaming: I just allow my higher self or unconscious mind or whatever to trigger lucid awareness for me, and go to sleep happily, knowing that it will happen.
To sum up, the answer is not in the techniques. All techniques are rituals we create to convince ourselves that we are the architects of the out of body experience, but we aren't. By acknowledging the one who DOES induce these kind of experiences, we get ourselves out of its way, we allow it to do its job and our emotions and feeling of responsibility no longer boycott the results. It is quite weird, even ironic to some extent, but it is also a relief in some way. You realize that you were never doing it wrong, because you can't do it. None of us have the supernatural power to separate consciousnesses from their bodies, its absurd. That being said, allow yourself to experience the OBE state, trusting your inner mind, knowing it will do this for you.
Exempt yourself from this responsibility and enjoy!
UPDATE: If you enjoyed the approach given in this post or found it useful, I am excited to announce that I just released an AP book on Amazon called "The Illusion of Method", which is an in-depth expansion of this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/pc3ipt/my_ap_book_the_illusion_of_method_is_available_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
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badgerhuan · 2 months
two weeks ago i made this post after i finished playing gs1 and then got informed that one of my favorite scenes in Yomigaeru Gyakuten (Rise from the Ashes) had been altered. i'm sorry that i didn't respond to anyone on that post, but now i'm here to present the full scene, with screenshots.
this scene is triggered when you go to Mitsurugi's office for the first time, and you choose to inspect the bookcase. (i fucked up my timing for the first screenshot rip. sorry Akane-chan)
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Akane: Uwa...are all of these case files!? Akane: They're slotted tightly all the way to the ceiling! There's even a ladder here. Naruhodou: ...that's weird. Since that guy is supposed to have a fear of earthquakes... Naruhodou: I really can't imagine him using such a dangerous bookcase like this one. Akane: It's no problem! Akane: There are really gigantic bolts fixing it firmly to the wall! Akane: What great power. I wonder if Mitsurugi-kenji-san did that? The screen flashes to Itonokogiri's laughing sprite for an instant. Naruhodou: (...for some reason. Itonoko-keiji's face came to mind...)
when i got to this scene playing the game, it meant everything to me. on top of checking up on Mitsurugi after earthquakes, Itonokogiri also took measures into his own hands to make sure his office would be a safe place for him in case of earthquakes...it made their relationship even more compelling to me.
it's also very important to me that it's Naruhodou picking up on this. playing through the game i always got the vibe that he noticed how close Mitsurugi and Itonokogiri are. this is just one more piece of evidence for that.
it had been made known to me, that in the English localization, they, for some reason, decided to erase Mitsurugi's known fear of earthquakes (which Naruhodou only knows bc he learned it from Itonokogiri!) and swap it for a...fear of heights? that has never existed in the original version of the games? and also the only time it was brought up in the English version at all??
i really don't understand why they did that. what was wrong with the original?? why invent a new fear out of thin air instead of using what's established?? what was the goal here???
there are numerous slight changes that the English localization has made that, when compiled together, really alters the vibe of the characters and how they interact with each other. but this is by far the most egregious change they've made that i've encountered (i've only played from gs1 and gs2, and i wasn't really paying attention to possible changes when playing through gs1).
maybe one day i'll make another post about the small changes they made (that are almost all at the expense of Itonokogiri...), but for now, here is the change that left me the most baffled.
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northern-passage · 9 months
just found one of my favorite pieces of writing advice when it comes to interactive fiction, i think if you've read literally any of my work, it will be pretty obvious how much i use this in my own writing. i actually couldn't remember where i read this for the first time and on a whim i went through my twitter likes and found it in a thread. i'm going to transcribe it for ease of reading, but this is all coming from Alexander Freed (@/AlexanderMFreed on twitter)
he has a website here with other compiled writing advice about branching narratives and game design, though he never posted this there and hasn't really updated recently (but still check it out. there's some specific entries about writing romance, branching and linear & other game writing advice)
original twitter thread here
It's Tuesday night and I feel like teaching some of what I've learned in 15 years of branching narrative video game writing. Let's go in-depth about one incredibly specific subject: neutral / fallthrough / catchall response options!
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Player ownership of the protagonist in choice-based branching narrative games (a la BioWare, Telltale, mobile narrative games, etc) is a vital aspect of the form.
The ability for the audience to shape a Player Character, to develop that character's inner life in their own mind, is unmatched in any other medium.
The Player determines the character's actions and THE MOTIVATIONS for those actions. The character's psychology can literally be as complex as the Player can imagine. However, this works best when there's enough space for the Player to develop those motivations. No game can offer enough options to support every interpretation imaginable; much of the character has to live in the Player's head, without necessarily appearing on the screen.
That's complicated. We're going to unpack it.
Generally, when presenting choices to a Player, we want those choices to be as interesting and compelling as possible.
But compelling, dramatic choices tend to be revealing of character. And no game can support hundreds of options at every choice point for every possible character motivation a Player might imagine.
This sort of narrative CANNOT maintain its integrity if the Player is forced to constantly "rewrite" their characterization of the Player Character on the fly. You want your Player to feel like they have more than enough viable options at any given moment.
At the simplest level of writing, this is where "fallthrough" responses come in.
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In the examples above, each moment contains a response which furthers the story but doesn't imply a huge emotional choice for the Player. The Player is asked to choose A or B, agree or disagree, but can sidestep the issue altogether if desired.
These "neutral" responses are vital if both A and B don't appeal to the Player... or if, perhaps, the Player likes A but not the WAY A is being expressed. Milquetoast option C works for anyone; thus, the Player is never forced to break character because of a lack of options.
Questions work well for this sort of neutral option. Tacit agreement and dead silence also serve, in certain sorts of stories--as a Player, I know what's going on in my silent character's head and the game won't contradict it.
The important thing is that I'm never forced to take a path that's outright WRONG for my character. Even if other characters misinterpret the Player Character's motivation, my character's inner life remains internally consistent.
"Neutral" responses aren't the only ways to go, though. Some responses are appropriate for any character because they're tied to the base character concept.
Here, for example (from @/seankmckeever's X-Files), the Player is a marine on a mission. The Player can respond abrasively to her partner's fear or look into the issue (out of compassion or genuine belief), but our fallthrough is actually the TOP response.
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There's no version of our marine who would absolutely break character by picking "Stay calm and on mission." It's not blandly neutral; rather, it reinforces aspects of the character we can be sure of and gives the Player an option if nothing else works.
Different sorts of narratives will use different sorts of fallthroughs. A comedy might treat the option to say something funny as a fallthrough, of sorts--it's entertaining and will never violate the characterization the Player has created.
In a quest-driven RPG, a fallthrough response can often boil down to "How do I move to the next step of this quest?"
That said, the strongest moments in a narrative will often have no "fallthrough" response at all. They'll work by creating multiple responses that, by overlapping, cover all reasonable Player Character actions while still leaving room for the Player to ascribe motivation.
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pulsingvoid · 11 months
i'll literally never be convinced crystal/kristen was not a figment of misty's imagination, a friend she invented for herself that the others played along with because at least misty was occupied. i know she reads so fake to me just because she was poorly integrated into the rest of the wilderness plot (as in - not at all lol), she's a half-assed attempt at giving context to misty's anxious attachment style, which was almost immediately undermined anyway by her deciding to like walter. crystal/kristen never appears until misty is socially iced out for accidentally poisoning the soup and suddenly there's a second incredibly annoying theatre kid everyone wishes would go away? that dresses in misty's exact color palette? and they've been on the same team this whole time while misty was so ostracized and lonely? nobody even wanted to look for her when she "vanished"! the wilderness even magicked away her body so they'd have to hunt each other! crystal isn't even her name. i'm sorry, but she's about as real as akilah's mouse.
not being able to suspend my disbelief long enough to accept this subplot as real cheapened it a lot for me as it happened, but i have since decided her not being real could be plausibly-canon, and suddenly it's so compelling. misty invented herself the perfect friend that accepted everything about her and daydreamed little playdates and slumber parties, and even so, when she confessed to destroying the black box, her daydream turned on her. misty's own (quite vivid) imagination couldn't stretch enough to allow her a friend who accepted her wholly. she plays out what would happen if she told her closest friend this dark, fucked up secret, and it ends bloody. she convinces herself she'll never be fully accepted and loved, and ultimately it doesn't matter if crystal/kristen was real or not. i'm honestly fine with this theory never being confirmed (again, i don't think they intended it this way, crystal's place in the story was just criminally unearned and underwritten), but i'm much more compelled by a version of events where misty is so lonely and confused and guilt-ridden that her mind (or, if you'd like, the wilderness) gives her the kind of friend she was unlikely to find even under better conditions, and there's still betrayal and death at the end of it. misty's adolescent brain is already self-aware enough to know her hands will be bloodstained and unholdable for the rest of her life.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 10 months
one piece live action thoughts?
It looks very much like a live action adaptation of One Piece. For better, and very much also for worse.
I mean this in the sense that it's adapted to fit a form that helps it make sense 1) in live action and 2) to a general audience which isn't intimately familiar with manga or anime, and which a broadcaster or streaming service would want to reach.
Luffy especially, at least going by the relatively tiny snippet we have seen so far, seems to have had some of his more peculiar edges sanded off to fit more comfortably into the mold of a typical young adult protagonist, which includes the... I guess what people call "marvel speak" now? The little funny quips and asides and ironic saying-the-obvious-thing-out-loud beats, which are more Americanisms than Marvel specific but I digress.
In One Piece, Luffy is most often not the point of view character, especially early on. Luffy is usually observed from outside by other characters - Koby serves this role in the early chapters, and from then on usually we see Luffy through his crew, or through whatever secondary characters they're interacting with in that particular arc.
People have observed this before, but in the manga, we essentially NEVER get any internal monologue from Luffy, he always either SAYS what he's thinking, or he runs on head empty no thoughts just vibes instinct and gut reaction.
And that... probably doesn't really work with a typical young adult protagonist. If adapted faithfully to screen, I think a lot of audiences would read him as just a reckless, inconsiderate and kinda heartless asshole, because a framing and presentation of Luffy that makes sense in a manga or anime just doesn't read the same in live action filmmaking.
Like, One Piece opens with Luffy recklessly sailing off to sea despite having no idea how to sail, getting sucked into a whirlpool and surviving on sheer dumb luck, getting picked up by some pirates in a barrel. Then he meets an abused child named Koby who has been getting the shit kicked out of him daily for months and immediately calls him a clumsy, stupid, cowardly worthless loser to his face and laughs at him.
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Like, if you adapted that faithfully, how would that come across to a general audience? Imagine this scene staged in live-action, with human actors having to portray this conversation rather than stylized cartoon people. It simply wouldn't come across the same way, Luffy would come across as an It's Always Sunny character at best. Why would a general audience sympathize with him? Why would they find him compelling or worth investing emotionally in?
And I'm not saying there aren't ways to adapt One Piece faithfully into live action, there absolutely are (much like the manga, I would make everyone ELSE the point-of-view characters looking AT Luffy rather than try and present him as a Likeable Protagonist, for example).
My point is just that in any translation into live action, there are going to be concessions to the medium, there are going to be concessions to film language, concessions to audience expectations, concessions to the market conditions, concessions to the studio funding the filming, and so on. That's just the nature of the endeavour.
When it's done well, you get an adaptation that preserves the spirit of the thing while fitting its medium. Lord of the Rings comes to mind, an adaptation which changed huge amounts from its source material, but preserved the spirit.
When it's done poorly you get... well, Cowboy Bebop on Netflix.
I don't know from the tiny trailer snippet we've seen whether this show will preserve the spirit of One Piece, it very well may not, and end up another victim on the pile of bad anime adaptations. But I don't think the fact that it changed the vibe of the characters or Main Character'd Luffy alone are reasons to dismiss it, at least not yet. Those might have been necessary concessions for the show to work in live action at all. We shall see.
I'm not super optimistic or excited (because, again, I remember Cowboy Bebop), but I'm not despairing of it yet either.
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morganmnemonic · 2 months
rewatching World Trigger. I forgot how gay it was. Osamu straight up says "hey Yuma. I know that we've only known you for like five days, but I can't help but notice that you aren't doing anything with your life right now. Mind if I borrow it for a bit?"
And then Yuma responds with "while its true that we've only know each other for like five days, your kind yet stubborn nature has compelled me. Sure. Why not? From this moment on my life is yours to do whatever you want with. One condition, though. You have to be my boss" and then throughout the story he occasionally makes these little remarks like "I'd do anything my captain (osamu) asked me to."
Like bro what? I really don't think that Osamu fully realizes the weight of the loyalty he somehow managed to earn from Yuma. I don't think he could realize it. From his perspective he cringefailed his way into b rank while Yuma did all the work. "And now Yuma would kill or die for me" is just not a conclusion that would ever occur to Osamu based on the avaliable evidence.
And like, what's going on here from Yuma's perspective? I get that he was a man on the brink when the story started, pursuing a sincerely suicidal plan, and then said plan failed and he was left with absolutely nothing, but I still feel like there has to be more going on here. He decided that he would follow Osamu through hell and back the very same minute that Osamu asked anything of him at all.
It's like, combat is all Yuma has ever known. He doesn't see any future for himself at all, but he especially can't imagine a peaceful one. But he's not a bad kid. He doesn't go out of his way to hurt people. Osamu has proven to be a pretty decent person, willing to sacrifice himself to save the lives of relative strangers. Maybe, the way Yuma sees it, yeah he's a weapon, but if he follows Osamu at least he'll be a weapon pointed in the right direction. He'll fight because it's all he knows how to do, but osamu would only ever ask him to fight for worthy causes. Y'know?
Anyway. The point is that Yuma accepted helping Osamu as his new purpose in life after knowing him for less than a week, and that's A Lot, no matter how you look at it.
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kirby0strombolli · 24 days
Ghostface | Matt Sturniolo P1
'What's the matter Sidney? You look like you've seen a ghost.'
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ghostface!matt x reader
Chapter 1: prank calls
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
a/n: I've kept this post in the drafts for ages, and I've finally added the finishing touches (after consulting many wise writers)!
shoutout to those who have helped my clueless ass: @freshloveforthefit, @vanteguccir , @bernardsbendystraws ty!
The steam enveloped her as she stepped out of the shower, tendrils of mist clinging to her skin. The dim light of the bathroom cast long shadows across the tiles, creating an eerie ambiance.
Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the evening ahead. She and her boyfriend, Matt, had plans to attend a party later that night. Little did she know, it would be a fateful decision.
As she reached for a towel, a strange sense of déjà vu washed over her, prickling at the back of her neck.
Suddenly, the shrill ring of the old telephone shattered the silence, echoing through the small apartment. She hesitated, her hand hovering over the receiver, a sense of foreboding tightening in her chest. But curiosity compelled her to answer, her fingers trembling as she lifted the receiver to her ear.
"Hello, speaking?" Her voice wavered slightly, uncertainty lacing her words.
She had an inkling that it could be the assholes from high school, who had been bombarding her with useless prank calls.
Silence greeted her at first, followed by the crackling static on the other end of the call.
Confusion clouded her thoughts, and she hesitated, unsure of whether to hang up or not. Before she could gather her thoughts, the phone rang again, more insistent this time. With a sigh, she answered, curious.
"Listen up, jackass, I told you to stop with these prank calls!" she exclaimed, frustrated.
On the other end of the line, there's a brief pause before the low, mysterious voice responds, "Prank calls? Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea what's coming for you."
The words send a shiver down her spine, but she brushes it off, convinced it's just some sick joke. Yet, there's something in the caller's tone that felt eerily familiar.
Ignoring her unease, she retorts, "Yeah, right. You think you can scare me? Think again, loser." With a defiant click, she hangs up the phone, dismissing the caller as nothing more than a nuisance.
But as she wraps herself tighter in the towel, the feeling of being watched intensifies. Every creak of the floorboards, every whisper of the wind outside, sends a chill down her spine.
Then, just as she's about to dismiss it as her imagination running wild, the phone rings again, its shrill tone cutting through the silence of her apartment. With a heavy sigh, she reluctantly picks it up.
"Alright, prankster, what do you want now?" she snaps, her irritation palpable.
The voice on the other end is calm, almost amused. "Just curious, sweetheart. What's your favorite scary movie?"
Her confusion deepens. "What? Who is this?" she demands, her heart pounding in her chest.
But the caller ignores her question, pressing on with his inquiry. "Come on now, don't be shy. Everyone's got a favorite. What's yours, y/n?"
How could this person on the phone know her name? Every instinct screamed at her to hang up, to run away from this unsettling situation.
As her mind raced with fear and confusion, her thoughts began to drift to her boyfriend, Matt, and the upcoming party.
"I- "How do you know my name?" She manages to stammer out, her voice trembling with unease, "I never told you my name..." She trails off, horror covering every part of her face.
"Tell me about yourself." the caller breathes, simply ignoring my frustrated panic.
"Why do you want to know about me?" she shrieks in fear.
 "Because I want to know who I'm looking at."
Her eyes widen in fear as she spins around, the constant dread of being watched intensifying. "What did you say?" she demands, her voice trembling with unease.
 "I said I want to know who I'm talking to."
 "That's not what you said." she slowly replies, unsure.
"What do you think I said?" the caller chuckles in malice.
Her heart skipped a beat, the question sending a shiver down her spine. "I don't want to talk anymore." she uttered, the words barely audible over the line.
With a jolt of terror, she flung the phone receiver down, the sharp clatter echoing in the silent room.the lights flickered and died, plunging the apartment into darkness. Panic clawed at her throat as she fumbled for her phone, the silence around her suffocating.
And in that moment of darkness, with the echoes of the mysterious caller still lingering in her mind, she knew that she was not alone.
But what she didn't know was that her boyfriend, Matt, was hiding a dark secret, one that would soon unravel in a horrific and tragic way at the party they were about to attend...
a/n: hope y'all enjoyed it!! (part 2??)
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purple-babygirl · 2 months
Hi! I just discovered your blog and i love your writing so so much! I wanted to ask if it's not too much work if you could give us a Sambucky version of something lent instead of it being Sebastian and Anthony? It's totally fine if you don't want to or don't have time. I hope you have a wonderful day!
something lent (SamBucky version)
Pairing: Mob!Sam Wilson x f!reader x Mob!Bucky Barnes Word Count: 8,326 (i know) Summary: Sharing is caring, no? Warnings: 18+ content. pure smut with little plot, nsfw, Mob AU, mention of a safe word, petnames, use of a butt plug, oral (m and f receiving), deep throating, vaginal and anal penetration, fingering, cuckolding, exhibitionism, voyeurism, choking, dom/sub dynamics, sir kink, threesome (m x f x m), multiple orgasms, squirting, one face slap, slight degradation. This is nothing but self-indulgent filth. A/N: thank you for being so patient, nonnie i know it's been a week. i understand that not a lot of people are comfortable reading RPF especially smut and that's okay. i rewrote you a SamBucky version like you asked. please enjoy xx💜 ~~~~ She didn’t mind being Bucky’s pet. She actually loved it. She was a nobody when he first found her, an innocent, feeble soul for him to corrupt and own. She didn’t put up much of a fight when he told her he wanted her because back then she needed what he’d offered. But now she couldn’t imagine being without him.
Bucky stole her heart and she gladly let him, never having felt safer. He gave her a life, made her the princess of his mansion and heart. He had all that he could possibly want in the palm of his hand but she remained his most precious possession.
“Do you trust me, puppy?” Bucky asked, his hand cupping her cheek gently.
“With my life, sir.” She gave a genuine smile, leaning into his warm touch. She was in position, on her knees for him by the front door just the way he liked. Bucky had told her to wait there and she obediently has been for the past hour, just awaiting his arrival to their home.
She was his obedient, little puppy; his submissive, good girl. Bucky loved her more than anything in the world and he never thought a day where he’d want to share her would come. But Sam needed to be persuaded if Bucky wanted any part in that new deal. They were friends, yes, but business was business. And it wasn’t like Bucky missed how his girl would secretly check the man out whenever he would stay for dinner. How dare he deny her whatever her heart desired?
So maybe for one night, just one, for these ‘compelling circumstances’, Bucky could manage to share her with Sam. Just one night.
“If I wanted you to do something, you’d be a good girl for me, wouldn’t you? You’d make me proud?”
Sam was at the end of the room with a devious smirk on his face, knowing he had Bucky right where he wanted him. This deal wasn’t going to be his unless Sam let him have it and Sam’s price was high. “Babygirl, come to the office. Daddy's angry.” Bucky said into the phone and the man before him swallowed harshly. In less than a minute, there was a shy knock on the door and she peeked before sauntering inside, but Bucky tsked, shaking his head. “You know better, puppy.” She dropped to her knees on the hard marble at the mention of her pet name, crawling like an animal till she reached Bucky's chair. “Good pup, open,” he ordered, tapping his hard cock on her cheek. “Sir, is this really necessary?” The man gulped when he heard her gag under the desk. “I'm putting my cock down her throat so I won't put a bullet down yours. Would you like that better?” Bucky growled, withdrawing from her mouth briefly before sliding back inside, making her gag. “N-No, sir. Forgive me.” “Continue talking then.”
Later that day, Sam got the courage to ask for what he really wanted while he had the chance. “What's it gonna take for you to give me that deal, Wilson?” he asked, stretching his legs out on his large desk. “A taste of your puppy.” “What!!” Bucky let his legs down, his eyes throwing daggers at Sam. “I want a night with her.”
“She's no whore and she's mine.” “I know. Makes me want her even more.” Bucky only glared in reply. “Just one night, have her at my mercy and do whatever I want with her, and then we'll talk about that deal.” “Yes, sir. Always.” She didn’t know what he was talking about, but no matter what he wished from her, she knew that would be her answer. She existed to make Bucky pleased and proud.
“Sam is with me. He’s waiting outside,” Bucky informed her, thumb caressing her cheek and soft blue eyes gauging her reaction.
“Would he be staying for dinner?”
She was kind of screwed if that was the case because she’s only prepared dinner for two, knowing how much her sir hated it when they wasted food.
“If you’re the meal, yes,” Bucky chuckled darkly.
“I’m thinking about lending you to Sam tonight, baby girl. It’s business-related. What do you say?”
Lending. It was only fitting, considering she was Bucky’s property. She knew that and she treasured it. She didn’t need him to explain how this was related to his work or why she was expected to help. She trusted Bucky. She also couldn’t deny that Sam was hotter than the hell she might end up burning in because of all the things she let and continues to let Bucky do to her.
“Whatever you want, sir. You know best,” she echoed his words to him, wanting him to know she trusted him and was up for whatever he wanted to do with her. And if what he wanted just happened to be lending her to Sam Wilson, whatever that meant, then who was she to say no?
“Baby girl, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to, tell me now,” Bucky calmly told her; wanting her to refuse now if she had it in her.
He didn’t want to pressure her into doing anything, especially this. If his girl didn’t want to do this, then to hell with their deal; he was sending Sam home.
“It’s okay, sir. I want to,” she muttered shyly.
“What was that?” Bucky smirked.
“I-I want you to lend me to Sam tonight,” she stuttered.
“You’re one good slut, puppy.” Bucky sighed in pride, his touch leaving her.
“Sir,” her smaller hand got hold of his before he could walk to the front door to let Sam in, “you’re gonna be there, right?”
“Of course, baby girl. I’m not going anywhere,” he reassured her, kissing the top of her coconut-smelling head.
“Okay.” She nodded and let out a relieved huff as she watched him welcome Sam inside.
“Hey, baby,” Sam warmly smiled at her, as if she wasn’t literally kneeling at his feet and he wasn’t there to bang her brains out.
“Hello, Sa-” She stopped herself, not sure if she was allowed to call him Sam.
“Sir?” Her lost eyes found Bucky’s, not wanting to be anything but good for him. He immediately understood.
“She wants to know if she can call you by your name,” Bucky explained to a slightly confused Sam.
“Oh, yeah! I was hoping you’d be screaming it tonight, babe, so,” Sam shrugged flirtatiously, giving her a lopsided smirk that made her heart flutter. Bucky felt a minor tug at his own when he saw her bite back a smile.
Was this a good idea? Even if it wasn’t; it was sort of too late to go back now.
“Alright, do you remember your rules, puppy?” Bucky asked, changing subjects.
“Yes, sir.” She nodded with a smile.
“Wait, what are her rules?” Sam raised an eyebrow.
“Why don’t you tell Sam about our rules while I get a drink, baby girl?” Bucky suggested before reluctantly walking to the kitchen to fetch glasses. He needed something to help him bear what was about to happen.
She looked up at Sam with her wide, puppy eyes, waiting for him to second her permission to speak. He realized that must be where she got her pet name from now. “Go ahead, baby,” Sam told her, his thick fingers twirling some of her waves around his fingers, playing tenderly with the hairs.
Shit, she was nervous.
“I- um- I’m not allowed to speak unless I’m spoken to, or move unless sir tells me to. I’m not allowed to touch sir or myself without permission,” she recited like the good girl she was for Bucky, and was soon to be for Sam, “not allowed to address sir by his name, and I’m not allowed to- to cum without permission either.”
Her face was flushed when she got to the last rule as Sam’s fingers, now fully immersed in her scalp, moved her head upwards to face him. She wondered if Sam’s eyes were originally this dark or if they were darkening like her sir’s did during their scenes.
“Good girl. And you know you can stop us both at any point, any second, just whenever you feel like it’s too much or if you’re overwhelmed,” Bucky reminded her. He was very protective of her, and her safety was his first priority.
“I know, sir.” She nodded, smiling lovingly at the caring man reappearing before her.
“What’s your safe word, puppy? He asked her, handing Sam his drink.
Sam let go of her hair and took the glass, sipping on the drink as he intently eyed her sundress-clad body.
“Red,” she said her word out loud.
She was so proud of herself for never having used it before, and she wasn’t intending on using it anytime soon either. Bucky never pushed her to the point where she needed her safe word. But it made Bucky feel better to know she remembered she had a way out; the option to stop. It was important to him that she knew that he would never let anything happen to her without her consent and desire, so she didn’t mind when he did this every time before a heavy session. If anything, the anticipation of what she presumed to come made her leak in her panties.
“That’s right. And you’re gonna use it if you need to, yes, puppy?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And what if you can’t talk?”
Sam raised an eyebrow at the question.
“I tap your nearest body part 3 times.”
“Show Sam how you do it.” Bucky nodded towards his friend.
She obediently lifted a hand up and tapped the back of Sam’s thigh three consecutive taps.
“Did you feel that?” Bucky asked him, wanting to make sure her touches were recognizable.
“Yeah.” Sam nodded.
“Okay, and what if you can’t move your hands, baby girl?”
“I close my eyes shut and sir will stop right away.”
“That’s right. And other than that?”
“I’m never allowed to break eye contact with sir if my mouth is busy,” she told him her last, unofficial rule.
“Good girl. Now go wait in the bedroom while I have a word with Sam, puppy.” Bucky kissed her forehead.
Without another word, she got up and left, her heart beats racing her up the stairs.
“What kind of shit do you do to your girl, man? Why wouldn’t she be able to talk or touch?!”
“Be a little patient and you might find out tonight.” Bucky downed the rest of his drink.
“Now, for your rules,” Bucky started.
“My rules?” Sam chuckled.
“You’re not allowed to cum in her pussy. That’s mine to fill,” Bucky continued, looking as stern as Sam’s ever seen him.
“Alright, fair enough.”
“I want you to make sure she’s using please and thank you or else you punish her.”
“Copy that.” Sam smirked. He was almost as sadistic as Bucky was. Almost.
“If she says her safe word you stop at once. I don’t care what you’re doing, you stop it.” Bucky’s tone left no room for messing around. He was serious about this. If they were going to do it, they were going to do it right.
“Alright, man. If she says stop I stop.”
“Oh, no, that’s not what I said.” Bucky smirked, shaking his head.
“If she says stop, keep going. She doesn’t mean it.” Bucky smirked wider, “if she says red, however, your touch instantly leaves her.”
“Are you sure about this?” Sam frowned.
“Yeah, she loves to beg.” He smiled fondly at the thought of his perfect girl pleading before walking to the stairs, “You comin’?”
When both men entered the room, Sam’s eyes darkened even more at what they were met with.
She was out of her dress. Her hair was now tied up in a ponytail, her cheeks glowing, arms bent behind her back and her folded knees parted. Her rounded breasts were on display, hard nipples hiding behind the thin lace. She looked delicious, ripe and ready for the taking. And boy was Sam ready to take.
Her heart was thrumming in her ears. She knew all the gentleness from downstairs was about to vanish. She knew she was about to be treated like a fucktoy by both of these mob men and she couldn’t wait.
“Damn, you’re beautiful,” Sam whispered, taking in the simple, rose lingerie hugging her body and licking his lips.
“Show Sam what you got for your birthday, puppy,” Bucky ordered, closing the bedroom door behind him.
She swallowed shyly before turning around and bending forward to give Sam a full view of her ass and the red jewel peeking out from between its cheeks, the thin string of her thong doing nothing to cover it.
Bucky’s gotten her a lot of stuff on her birthday, but this glass butt plug was among her top favourties. It was big enough to hurt just the right amount. He knew she couldn’t feel pleasure without it being mixed with a little pain. He knew everything there was to know about her inside out.
She had no idea why Bucky told her to slip the plug in that morning but she knew better now and she was dripping wet with excitement. Her face was hot because she knew this wasn’t a mere show. Bucky was letting Sam know he could fuck her ass if he wanted to and she was more than ready for him to do just that.
“Holy fuck.” Sam felt his pants tighten when he saw the toy held inside her ass. The grown man almost made grabby hands at the sight.
“You can turn back around now, baby girl.”
She did and her eyes looked up to Bucky as a matter of habit, her heart running a marathon in her chest.
Bucky couldn’t help but smirk proudly at Sam’s reaction, jealousy no longer that present in his system. He gave his girl one adoring, reassuring smile before walking and sitting down on the couch facing the side of their bed. He was more ready than he’d realized he was to sit in the only front row seat available and enjoy the show that was about to start.
She, on the other hand, didn’t move a muscle, her eyes looking back down at the floor after meeting Bucky’s, focusing on Sam’s shiny shoes. Her hands remained behind her back and her thighs remained open while she kneeled on the floor by the end of the bed.
“What am I gonna do with you, baby?” Sam whispered lustfully, one finger lifting her chin up.
Her eyes wanted to flicker to Bucky for permission, but she reminded herself she was Sam’s for the night. Bucky has lent her to him. She was to take her orders and get her permissions from Sam now.
“Sam asked you a question, puppy.” Bucky’s voice snapped her out of her trance, indirectly reminding her of the rules she was supposed to follow. She had to focus if she wanted to make Bucky proud. She had to be his good girl even if it meant being so for another man while he watched. Especially if it meant being so for another man while he watched.
“A-Anything you want, Sam.” Her answer drew a wicked smile on Sam’s full lips.
“You know I respect you, right?” He asked, his tone serious, confusing her for a second.
“Good, remember that ‘cause I’m gonna fuck you like I don’t tonight.” Sam smirked and patted her cheek before walking and taking a seat next to Bucky on the couch. She swallowed at the not-so-subtle warning, anticipation rising inside her belly and wetness rushing out of her core.
“Com’ere,” Sam called for her, remembering her rule: she wasn’t allowed movement without permission.
She was quick to get her hands on the floor, crawling to where Sam sat, kneeling by him and waiting for more instructions. She could feel two sets of eyes burning holes into her as she got closer to the couch but she refused to let it intimidate her.
Sam kept her kneeling before him, just basking in his newfound feeling of authority. He then took his jacket off, finding his Cuban cigars and a lighter before leaving it on the arm of the couch.
She looked so innocent even in such revealing lingerie and Sam wanted nothing more than to see that innocence ruined. He lit up his cigar, watching her closely, waiting for her to look up without permission; to break a rule. But she didn’t.
“Bring me that ashtray.” He pointed to the ashtray on the bedside table.
“Yes, Sam.” She instantly crawled back to carry out the order.
She stared up at the ashtray for a second, trying to figure a way to get it back to Sam. She knew she couldn’t get up on two feet, and she couldn’t carry the heavy ashtray in her mouth either. So instead she lifted one hand up to get hold of the glass object, and then carefully placed it on the center of her back. She put her arm back on the ground as slowly as possible before crawling back to Sam.
“Fuck me,” Sam breathed lowly but Bucky heard him.
“Come’ere, sexy,” he smirked, beckoning her with his finger.
She eventually arrived by the man’s knees, not moving a muscle; her body serving as Sam’s own table, offering him the ashtray and everything else under it.
“You’re such a good pet. I see why your sir never wants to leave the house.”
“Thank you, Sam,” she whispered shyly, giving a shy smile.
Sam removed the heavy glass from her back, setting it between himself and Bucky on the couch and tapped his cigar over it. She sat back on her knees in her default position.
“Take those off, baby.” Sam ordered, the tip of his shoe rubbing between her legs over her baby pink thong, “you don’t need ‘em.”
Keeping herself from whimpering, she did as she was told and kneeled back, feeling the air hit her wet cunt. She was more exposed now and a chill ran through her back when she felt Sam eyeing her wetness.
“Look at your pussy glistening when no one’s even touched you yet!” Sam mocked, bringing the tip of his shoe back under her core.
“So you’re not allowed to move without permission, huh?”
“Yes, Sam,” she mumbled.
“Not allowed to cum either?”
“Yes, Sam.”
“Let’s see how good you are at following your rules then.” Sam smirked devilishly, taking a long puff from his cigar as he brought his foot up, nudging her clit with the front of his shoe, “eyes on me.”
She bit her lip and looked at the man, trying not to squirm as the frictionless leather shoe started slowly moving back and forth between her thighs. Sam glided his foot all the way back and her clit got caught on the pointed tip again, making her breath hitch in her throat.
The patent leather was sliding so smoothly under her pussy, almost making squeaky sounds with how wet she was. A shiver slightly shook her thighs when her bud was nudged again but she kept her posture and let out a pleasured sigh. She was getting close and her face and neck were hot.
Bucky knew that look too well and he bit down his lip at the thought of Sam getting his girl so flustered so fast. He hated watching her get teased by another man and hated the raging boner it was giving him.
“Maybe you are as good as Bucky tells me after all.” She didn’t even notice the shoe was no longer touching her until Sam’s impressed voice filled her ears.
“Th-thank you, Sam.” She smiled proudly, finally able to breathe, though her clit still throbbed.
His shoe was now glossy with her arousal and she stared at it in slight embarrassment. She wondered what Bucky was thinking. Was he proud of her? Was he going to punish her for getting so wet for Sam?
“I also heard you were good with your mouth.” Sam cupped her cheek and traced his thumb along her lower lip. She nervously nodded in confirmation.
He took his touch away from her, “show me then, clean the mess you made on my shoes.”
Her mouth opened and closed at the instruction, but she quickly got back on her hands, bowing by Sam’s feet to lick a strip on top of the shoe she’d dirtied. She nearly made a face at the taste of herself tainted with the taste of leather.
“Don’t forget the other shoe too.”
“Yes, Sam.”
She was licking and slurping like his shoes tasted of her favourite ice cream, switching left and right between both shoes. She just wanted to be good. When Sam eventually let out a low “enough”, his pair of shoes was shinier than it ever was with her saliva coating it.
She lifted herself up and involuntarily looked at Bucky for approval. He gave her his ‘good girl’ smirk and she bit back another smile of her own, licking her lips and casting her eyes down.
“Good girl, so obedient,” Sam voiced Bucky’s thoughts for her before taking her by the neck to press his lips to hers, licking her taste off her tongue.
The kiss was gentle despite the tight hold he had on her neck. It was Sam’s way of emphasizing that she shouldn’t keep looking at Bucky. She could taste the cigar on his tongue and hoped hers didn’t taste of leather.
Sam’s dark eyes gazed at her hungrily when he pulled away, “now get that mouth on me, baby. Show me what it can really do,” he whispered against her lips, letting her neck go.
Not needing further urging, she sat up on her knees and her fingers did quick work of the man’s pants. He lifted himself up, helping her push his pants and boxer briefs down his knees. And once his hard dick sprung free, she sat back and stared with a slack jaw. That was one beautiful cock right there and it was about to be in her mouth. It was hers to suck for the night.
Bucky noticed and his jaw clenched as he made her a silent promise in his head to remind her who she really belonged to later.
“What? Too big for you?” Sam teased cockily, pushing her chin up and closing her mouth for her.
She licked her lips and shook her head. Yes, Sam was longer than Bucky, but she could definitely take him.
“What are you waiting for then? Get to work.” Sam opened his legs and sat back and she had to fight the urge to look at Bucky again.
Given permission to touch, she moved her warm hands up Sam’s strong thighs, trying to stop herself from imagining riding them to focus on the real prize in between.
One of her hands wrapped around his hard length and gave a small squeeze, hearing him sigh already. She started slowly moving her hand up and down his cock, more sighs leaving Sam’s lips as he relaxed more into the couch. Her mouth watered at the sight of precum dribbling out of his head and she gave no warning before she flattened her tongue and licked a strip along the underside of his cock and over the tip. She closed her lips around it and let her tongue flick over Sam’s slit, softly humming at his musky taste with the tinge of saltiness she would always remember as Sam’s. It was different from her sir’s but it was fucking tasty. Sam moaned at the sudden warmth surrounding his sensitive tip and bucked his hips.
She managed to take most of Sam in her mouth, her hand stroking what she couldn’t yet fit. His big hand was on the back of her head, below her ponytail as he gently thrust half of his length in and out of her mouth.
“Keep going. She can take it.” Bucky could tell Sam was holding back, but he knew what his girl could handle. He knew she loved to be used. And he also knew he needed to stroke himself over his pants to the sight of her deep throating Sam.
“She’s so good. Fuck!” Sam groaned, keeping eye contact with her all the while as his hips snapped deeper. She looked admirable with tears gathering in her wide eyes, and his cock filling her mouth.
Sam pushed himself deeper and she did her best to relax her throat but he had her gagging anyways. Definitely longer than Bucky.
She hollowed her cheeks and held on to Sam’s thighs, letting him use her throat and hearing the sexiest groans leave his. Her clit was tingling with need.
“Oh yes, baby. Choke on it,” Sam growled when he held her by her ponytail and gave a deep thrust, making her gag again.
Tears left her eyes as she focused on sucking and breathing through her nose. Her tongue teased the now very prominent vein on the underside of Sam’s cock and his hands tightened around her locks; it almost hurt. She loved it.
Sam pulled out for a minute to let her breathe before grabbing her head again, pushing her mouth down his cock until the hairs above it tickled her nose. He kept her there, his cock deep-seated in her throat and she held still. She didn’t dare do anything other than relax her throat for him.
Sam let up, giving her a minute to breathe before getting himself sheathed back down her warm throat again.
“Look at you chocking on another man’s cock like the little slut you are,” Bucky whispered, leaning forward, his hand finding the jewel peeking out of her tighter hole and lightly tapping it.
She gasped but it turned into a gurgle around Sam’s cock, making him moan and Bucky laugh.
“She’s drenched just from having your cock down her throat, Sam.” Bucky chuckled when his friend groaned, his index pushing down on the jewel and circling slowly, making the tip of the plug twirl inside her. He intentionally avoided checking how wet she was, depriving her clit of any relief his fingers could possibly provide.
Her moans around Sam were muffled and she could do nothing but kneel there and take it. She knew better than to squirm or try to move away from Bucky’s torment or Sam’s cock.
“Shit, make her do that again,” Sam panted, feeling himself get close to release.
Hearing them talk about her like she wasn’t there made her pussy pulse. Bucky pulled on the jewel, only getting an inch of it out before shoving it back inside her again, holding down hard and rolling the jewel. The bulbous head of the plug massaged circles inside her tightness.
She choked on another moan, the sensation of the glass dildo swirling on the inside of her ass was maddening. It was all new to her. It felt so good but not at all enough and she could feel her wetness ooze down her thighs as her cunt clenched around nothing.
“Fuck, gonna cum,” Sam grunted as she continued sucking and mewling around him. “You know what to do, puppy,” Bucky warned, although he knew she wouldn’t spit, pushing the toy further in her.
Sam’s hot cum shot down her throat and she moaned when she tasted more of him. Her swallowing around Sam’s tip made his hips stutter through his orgasm. He tugged her head back by her hair, slowly slipping his cock out of her mouth, but she still bent forward and cleaned him up with her tongue.
“Thank you, Sam.” She licked her lips and smiled timidly at the man.
He just chuckled, still having trouble breathing, “my pleasure, you perfect little thing.”
“Good girl.” Bucky possessively slapped her ass, making her whimper before sitting back and smirking down at her state.
Her face was hot, cheeks slightly moist with her tears and chin with her spit. Her lips were swollen and her hair was a mess, ponytail no longer in place.
“Very good,” Sam gulped, “goddamn, girl!”
She smiled wider at the praise as Sam wiped the tears off her cheeks.
“Fix your hair so we can take a look at that wet pussy, baby girl.” Bucky interrupted.
Her gaze alternated between his face and strained cock, silently asking what about you?
“I’ll have my fun with you, puppy. Don’t you worry your greedy, little holes.” Bucky grinned and she blushed, raising her arms to her head to redo her ponytail.
When Bucky went back down to get himself another drink, thinking it’d help him cool off, and it was just her alone with Sam, he told her to get up and stand by the bed. He loved watching her ass as she walked now that he knew she had a plug in. He walked over to her after pulling up his boxers, shoes and pants off and forgotten.
“What do you want, baby?” Sam asked, his fingers playing with her right bra strap.
“I wanna please you, Sam.” She knew her answer, her tone hushed as his hands started kneading her soft boobs.
“You don’t want me to return the favor?” Sam tilted his head to the side with a smirk, the pads of his thumbs swiping over her barely covered nipples, circling and teasing.
“O-only if you want to.” She was trying her best not to squirm under his touch or at the thought of his lips on her. Sam’s lust-filled eyes kept eye contact with her wide doe ones while his hands pushed her bra straps down her shoulders, slowly reaching back to unclasp the whole thing. He let it slip down her arms as his stare moved lower to take in her naked chest.
“You’re too perfect,” he whispered to himself, squeezing her boobs again as Bucky opened the door and walked back in, but she heard him and blushed.
Bucky’s jacket was gone and his cock was tenting in his pants. Cooling off didn’t work.
Sam pulled hard on her nipples when he saw her get distracted by Bucky’s entrance, making her gasp. Sam wanted to punish her. He wanted to see her break a rule but she was too good, so well-trained. She didn’t squeak the ‘please’ that was on the tip of her tongue at the feeling. She didn’t let herself beg for more. She didn’t stumble forward.
Bucky smirked, knowing she would always want him and only him no matter who was with her. He sat on his spot on the couch and sipped on his drink, dark eyes watching her naked body be played with by Sam.
“Get on the bed, baby.” Sam ordered with a nod, “on your back.” And she wasted no time before obeying.
“Open your legs for me,” Sam murmured after positioning a pillow under her head. He wanted her to watch him devour her.
He circled the bed and a shiver ran through her when the chill air hit her wet core again as she did like she was told and spread her legs.
Sam held her ankles, getting on his knees before her at the end of the bed and setting her shins on his broad shoulders.
“Turns out I’m in the mood to return the favor, so let me hear you, baby. Don’t hold back,” Sam said, giving her permission to make noises as he slowly pulled the plug out of her ass.
She let out a soft whine that had him craving more. Sam didn’t waste a minute, immediately diving in between her legs, licking up a stripe from her opening to her clit before slipping his tongue in her pussy.
Sam moaned at her sweet taste and she threw her head back, mewling as she felt his tongue poke inside and his lips vibrate on her.
Sam’s thick index traced her rim, filling the place her plug has been, feeling around before being joined by his middle. He sucked her clit between his lips as his fingers scissored inside of her ass. Her back bowed off the bed with a loud whine, the coldness of his rings strongly felt against her hot insides.
She didn’t have permission to touch Sam so she grabbed on the sheets under her instead, whimpering and trying to remain in place.
“Sam,” she moaned when he slowed his movements on her holes.
“You like what I’m doing to you? You like getting your ass fingered while my tongue flicks your little clit?”
“Yes, yes, please,” she whined desperately.
“Please what, baby? Be specific.” Sam smirked before licking up and down her taint.
“Please don’t stop,” she squealed, opening her legs as wide as they’d go on the man’s shoulders.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, baby,” Sam said as he slipped a third finger next to the two already inside her ass.
Bucky couldn’t take it anymore, dreading that her attention was no longer on him, completely hoarded by Sam at the moment. She was squirming and mewling like a bitch in heat, and palming himself over his pants did nothing for him. He put his glass down and got on the bed by her head, noticing her eyes already looking glazed over. Her mouth unstoppably let out the softest pleads and whimpers.
Bucky unbuckled his pants and pushed them down just enough to get his dick out, desperate to feel her mouth around him.
“Open wide for your sir, puppy,” Bucky demanded and she promptly let her tongue out as he guided himself closer to her face.
Bucky was straddling her head, his back to the headboard, and when he sheathed his entire cock down her throat, he swore he could see it bulging on the outside of her neck. She gagged at the sudden intrusion, but wrapped her lips around him still. Bucky threw his head back, feeling her wet throat hug his cock. She was so good for him. She was always so good for him; he’d burn down the world for those teary, doe eyes.
“I wanted to hear her,” Sam complained when he lifted his head from her pussy to see her mouth stuffed full, fingers reaching deeper inside her ass. She mewled and gagged more around Bucky’s cock, making him groan before smiling smugly at Sam.
“Yeah, well, I wanted to fuck her throat.” Bucky smirked, thrusts going languid and deep.
“Fine, have it your way.” Sam put his tongue back inside of her, and started sliding it in and out of her heat, lapping at her like a starved man.
She would gasp Sam’s name every time Bucky paused and took his cock out for her to breathe, making him shove himself back in her mouth with little gentleness. He stopped using her mouth when he saw her stomach tensing though. He knew when she was about to cum; he knew all the signs.
“Can I please cum, Sam?” She gulped as Bucky caressed her face, wiping any residue tears.
Looking into her teary eyes, Bucky felt himself fall in love with her all over again. She always looked so beautiful when she was about to lose it.
Sam’s merciless stimulation of her two holes and Bucky’s cock stuffing the third drove her to a near edge quicker than ever. Sam was everywhere. His fingers fucking her ass and his tongue fucking her cunt all while his lips sucked her clit.
“Cum for me, puppy.” Sam purposefully used Bucky’s pet name for her to rile him up before sucking harder on her bundle of nerves, pushing his fingers deeper in her and curling them.
Bucky, naturally, slid his dick down her throat once more, forbidding Sam from hearing his name be shouted.
Her thighs shook, involuntarily closing around Sam’s head. With a scream muffled on Bucky’s cock, her ass fluttered around Sam’s fingers as she came, feeling him drink her release right up from the source.
“That’s a good puppy.” Sam smirked up at Bucky, who still stood with a hard cock on him, only now it was wet with her saliva.
“Thank you, Sam.” She panted, feeling her toes uncurl and her muscles start to relax.
“You’re welcome, baby.” He pecked her clit one last time before towering over her, caging her between his muscular arms. He slipped his tongue in her mouth and let her taste herself again. She tasted much better on his tongue than his shoes.
“Do you mind?” Sam broke the kiss, “I’m gonna fuck her now, go back to your couch.” He pressed his lips back to hers again, swallowing her shocked gasp.
She knew she’d probably be the one to face Bucky’s wrath later and the thought left her whimpering against Sam’s lips.
Bucky scoffed and got off the bed, giving her a menacing smirk. He’d let Sam take what he needed for the night because he knew whose cock she’d be begging for later anyway. A deal was a deal and he wanted to get this over with too.
Sam slid down her body again and gave her pussy another kiss, “gonna fuck this ass real good,” he whispered to her core.
“Let me see you live up to the name, puppy.” Sam pinched her side and got off the bed.
She heard her order loud and clear, getting on all fours for Sam and looking at herself in the mirror. Her ponytail was ruined once more from her squirming on the bed and the baby hairs on her forehead were stuck there with sweat. Her cheeks were burning and lips puffy. She whimpered and her limbs shook, her stare lowering as she blushed at how hungry she felt for another man.
“Eyes on the mirror.” She looked back up obediently and saw Sam taking his shirt off.
The man looked like museum art. His defined, muscular arms and buff, sculpted chest had her pussy drooling all over again. And good god that ass was just exquisite.
She watched Sam climb on the bed behind her form, pulling her ass to him and grinding himself on her. He was rock hard as if she hasn’t touched him all night. Then his tip nudged her tighter hole and she bit down.
“You got lube?” he asked, alternatively slapping his cock on both her holes.
“F-First drawer.”
“Gonna fuck you so good your little puppy holes would be gapin’ for days.” Another rush of wetness left her cunt at Sam’s promise; she ached to be filled. Sam lubed his cock up, poking her ass with the tip before carefully pushing it past her rim. She let out a shaky breath, head dropping as she felt her muscles stretch with little resistance to accommodate Sam’s length. The man was blessed.
“Eyes on the mirror I said,” Sam grunted, bottoming out inside her ass.
She instantly lifted her head up and her eyes met the reflection of his dark ones.
“Don’t make me repeat myself again.” He smacked her thigh, rolling his hips to push himself deeper in her ass, “you’ve been good so far.”
“’M sorry, Sam.” She whimpered. “Such a good puppy.” Sam began moving in and out, taking his time with her, letting her adjust, his fingers digging into her hips, most likely bruising the soft flesh.
“Fuck, your ass is tight, baby.” Despite being previously stretched on the plug, she was still so tight and her walls gripped Sam so needily every time he buried his dick in her.
When he felt she’s gotten used to him and heard her breathing get louder, Sam stilled and locked eyes with her in the mirror while his middle and ring fingers pushed inside her wet pussy without warning. He smirked when he watched her breath hitch in surprise, mouth falling open further and eyes struggling not to shut. She’s never felt so full. “You’re so wet, baby. Who made you this wet?” Sam asked, his cock delivering a harsh stab to her ass, fingers moving in and out of her cunt.
It took everything not to turn her head to Bucky to seek his permission for what she knew she was supposed to say. “I asked you a question, puppy.” Sam took his cock out of her ass and before she could even register or protest, he shoved it in her pussy, filling her up in one thrust.
She screamed out, pain mixed with pleasure just the way she liked and there was no way stopping her mouth now, “you, Sam, you. You made me wet. It’s all for you.”
Her squealing was a bucket of ice on Bucky’s head. It’s all for Sam? Was it now?
“That’s a good puppy,” Sam grunted behind her, fucking into her in hard, fast thrusts. She could feel his tip kissing her cervix with every push of his hips. She was floating, unable to silence or manage her screams.
Sam switched again, sliding out of her wet cunt and plunging his cock back in her ass, “who’s making you scream?” he slapped her ass before his fingers found her swollen clit.
“Y-You, Sam! You!” She clutched the sheets, barely able to keep herself up.
“Damn right.” He gave one harsh thrust and her orgasm peeked at her from around the corner.
“Can I please cum? Please.” Her teary eyes pleaded with him in the mirror.
“Gonna cum for me again already?” Sam chuckled, his fingers relentless on her clit.
“Yes, Sam, p-please.” She whined, pussy clenching around nothing as he filled her ass.
“Cum.” One word and her orgasm was washing over her in waves.
Her arms involuntarily stretched above her head and clutching the bedding, her face lowered and hidden in the sheets as her ass pushed back against Sam. Her orgasm rippled through her and her thighs quivered again.
Sam bit his lip at the sight of her cumming with his cock stuffing her ass, fingers still playing with her clit to keep her trembling until she whined, chest heaving and tummy still clenching.
“So it’s all for Sam?” Bucky’s voice echoed throw the room and she could barely breathe now.
“Sir-” She forced her head up from the mattress, teary eyes already begging for forgiveness.
“Do I need to remind you who owns you, pup?” Bucky gently touched her cheek, “do I?” he slapped her before painfully gripping her jaw.
“No, sir, I-I could never forget.” She shook her head, instant tears filling her eyes. Shame filled her as she could still feel herself fluttering around Sam’s cock.
“Seems like you did, puppy.” Bucky let go of her jaw, his own clenching in held in ire.
“Get off her.” He nodded to Sam, who was still snug inside her.
“I thought you said I was in charge tonight? C’mon now, you don’t wanna confuse this poor puppy, my cock is already fucking her dumb enough.”
“Get off,” Bucky said between gritted teeth.
“Not before she gives me another one from her pussy.” Sam smirked coldly, making a growl vibrate through Bucky’s chest.
“Dangle your head off the bed, puppy,” Bucky ordered her instead and she looked back at Sam, silently pleading that he pulls out of her.
Sam pulled out with a chuckle as she whimpered. He moved off the bed and let her lay on her back, hanging her head off the mattress like Bucky wanted. As soon as Bucky's thighs were around her head, Sam straddled her waist, rubbing the head of his prick over her drenched pussy lips. She could feel the heat of both men’s gazes as they stared at each other challengingly.
“Open up.” Bucky tapped his dick on her lips without sparing her a glance, his hard eyes on Sam.
She obeyed and Bucky was shoving himself down her throat in no time, Sam simultaneously pushing himself inside her slippery cunt. She gagged and moaned as both her throat and pussy contracted around the huge cocks filling her up.
“If you wanna act like a cock slut so bad, might as well treat you like one, puppy,” Bucky growled, thrusting in and out of her throat with a punishing force. The harder Bucky fucked her mouth, the harder Sam went on her poor pussy. She was soon reduced to a whimpering mess around Bucky, her cunt sensitive but still insatiate as it swallowed Sam and clung to his cock.
Bucky momentarily pulled out of her mouth, “who do you belong to?”
“You, sir. Only you.” She could only say as much before he was back to filling her throat.
“That’s right, puppy. I own you. I fucking own every inch of this body.” Bucky’s fingers danced over her collarbones before pinching her nipples.
She squealed, choking on his cock as she felt herself getting close again. “Oh, you like being stuffed from both ends?” Sam taunted when he felt how hard she was clamping down on him.
Bucky left her throat and she coughed a little, her neck slightly hurting from the position she was in. Sam took the chance that Bucky was letting her breathe and drove his cock inside her, his tip hitting her spot.
“Ah, Sam!” She cried out, making Bucky push back in her mouth with minute sympathy.
“At least make me cum first before screaming another man’s name, you dirty little puppy,” Bucky growled, slapping her breasts, making Sam smirk as he fucked her throbbing pussy.
His words, though uttered in a moment of lust, made her heart lurch. She didn’t want Bucky to think she’d put her pleasure before his or that she was enjoying Sam’s treatment of her lower half more than choking on his dick.
She started sucking harder, ignoring the tension building in her lower abdomen and turning all her moans to hums on Bucky’s cock. She did all the things she knew made her man’s eyes roll and his ringed fingers wrapped about her throat in confirmation. She stretched her arms past her head, her fingers trailing up Bucky’s inner thighs, making him shiver. Her fingers gently played with his balls and Bucky groaned, his hand squeezing her neck more. Soon enough, he was filling her throat with his cum, his mouth agape and his rings bruising her neck. She swallowed every drop, licking her lips and gasping when Bucky pulled out, “thank you, sir.” She panted, her lungs greedy for oxygen.
Bucky only nodded, kicking his pants off before sitting beside her head. Sam grabbed her by the waist so her head wasn’t hanging off the bed anymore before he resumed the movements of his hips.
“I’m sorry, sir.” She whispered, more tears leaving her eyes.
Bucky sighed, leaning forward to kiss her trembling lips and she knew she was forgiven. His hands roamed her chest, thumb rubbing over one nipple as he watched her cries grow loud for Sam again. Her throat was sore and her whines were weaker but she was much happier knowing her sir wasn’t mad at her anymore.
“Please,” she whispered when Sam’s fingers flicked her abused clit again.
“Please what, baby?”
“Please let me cum, Sam,” she begged, her hands clutching the sheets as her tummy tensed.
“Cum all over my cock, puppy,” Sam groaned and thrust his cock harder in her.
Her back bowed, clit chasing closer to Sam’s fingers before she saw white and it all became too much. Sam pulled his cock out of her and a rush of her release followed.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more perfect,” Sam breathed as he watched her quiver and squirt, fingers still rubbing her clit to help her ride it all out.
She quickly became sensitive and her waist jerked, her body settling on the bed, aftershocks buzzing through her core.
“My turn, baby,” Sam said before sliding back in her ass, her wetness helping him glide right in.
“You gonna let me cum in your ass, puppy?” he asked as he fucked her through the aftereffects of her orgasm, her pussy and ass still fluttering.
“Yes, Sam. Please cum inside me, need your cum,” she moaned, letting Sam fuck her into the mattress and loving it.
“Such a good puppy, letting me use you to please your sir- ahh,” Sam grunted, pushing her legs to her chest to have a better view of his cock disappearing in her ass.
“Please, Sam.” She felt herself get close again.
Sam could see her toes curling again before him and a smirk drew itself on his face, “cum for me, puppy. Cum with me.”
Her muscles tensed yet again and her eyes rolled to the back of her head before she felt Sam’s warm cum fill her up.
“Thank you, Sam,” she let out, her voice above a whisper.
“Thank you, baby.” Sam carefully pulled out of her and kissed her forehead sweetly, “that was amazing.”
“It really was.” She smiled tiredly and the man chuckled.
“Okay, get out,” Bucky said impatiently.
“Woah, I’m not walking out of here pantless. Chill.” Sam patted his shoulder as he walked to the couch to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
“How are you feeling, pup?” Bucky cradled her face and she turned to kiss his hands.
“Really exhausted.” She smiled, “did I do good?” “You did perfect, baby girl. Like always.” He kissed her swollen lips softly.
“That deal is yours by the way,” Sam interrupted as he shrugged on his coat.
Bucky just nodded with a smile in appreciation as he watched Sam walk himself out. He got up to carry her to the shower and saw Sam’s cum leaking out of her ass hole.
“You just love getting your ass fucked, don’t you?”
“I guess I do.” She blushed.
“Well then let’s clean that shit out so I can properly fill your holes.” ~~~ Taglist:
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lovelybrooke · 1 month
Can I request how Raphael realises he love Reader?
Here's my post about the companions---Here's my post about Zevlor and Dammon.
Raphael thought of you often, more often than he'd liked to admit. There was something compelling about you that kept him coming back for more. A part of him thought it was your situation, a pathetic little human getting wrapped up in all this mess. Or maybe it was those annoying little companions by your side. Truly, he doesn't know why you're so captivating, why you take up so much space in his mind, but it's starting to get annoying. 
He thought it was annoying how you kept refusing him, even when entering the city. He was ready to give you what you wanted, but you refused, and it made his blood boil. But what was even more annoying was even after all of this, after all your refusals, all your annoyed glances, and exasperated sighs, he still can't help but think of you constantly. He thinks of the first time he saw you, on the road in that forest. He thinks of your companions, how close they stand near you, the possessive looks they send your way, and the anger he feels as they fill your head with lie after lie about him. 
He's annoyed when Korrilla tells him of your adventures, because all he can imagine is the way your companions make you smile, the way you hide behind them in moments of danger, the way they fill your head with promises to find you a way home, promises they'd never deliver on. He could help you though, he could find you a way home. Maybe then you'd listen to him, you'd quit your refusals and recognize him as something more than just a Cambion. Maybe then your smiles would be for him. 
But send you home---that's not something he would possibly do, regardless of what you did for him. You're more interesting here, where he can keep an eye on you. 
Raphael thinks of you often. He thinks of when he first saw you, on that road in the forest. He thinks of when he took you to his House of Hope, the shock on your face. He thinks of when he offered to remove that ever-present tadpole from your mind, only for you to refuse, and how it surprised him. Oh you were so full of surprises, maybe that's what draws him to you--the thought of what you're going to do next. 
Raphael is patient, he'll wait until you realize how valuable he is, until you come crawling back to him. And If you don't, if you surprise him, well maybe he'd prefer that.
A/n: Much more short but that's cuz this was only for one character.
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naffeclipse · 6 months
I saw all those harpy Penguin posts and was like "I wonder if I could help or add something" when I noticed you wanted a name for it. Idk if you already have one but here is the essence of it I have so far in general.
Cardinal Instinct, or also words or phrases and concepts such as Nature vs Nuture, Core Instincts, Celestial Alingment, Harmonic Convergence.
Cardinal because it means most important or fundamental, and it is an aspect of the Zodiac signs with Cardinal, Fixed and Muted nature's based on the cycles of seasons and their phases of the start, the intrinsic bulk and the transitional conclusion.
It also is a play on Carnal, similar to how Apex Polarity is both a play on the phrase Apex Predator and Polarity with Polar, or maybe even also just with the Poles. It is also a reference to Cardinal directions, which are the defined and known directions on a compass, they are the familiar and known paths that are often taken because they form our understanding of the world and everything in it. But although they are the most formal they are most certainly not the only ways.
This references how Eclipse and PenguinHarpy!Y/N are both following their Instincts but also are in a situation where they are coming into question. They are both trying to care for the babies, but Penguin Y/N shouldn't by the technical detail of them not being Harpies but Orca Mer young, while it makes more sense for Eclipse to be compelled to tend to them. But Eclipse Is also bending the situation when he refrains from just following that direct line of instinct, naturally arriving at the typical bloody conclusion.
While nurture is what compelled our Harpy Y/N to take these 2 baby mers under their wings literally, it's up to Eclipse to either follow the vein straight to the scent of blood at the end or deviate from nature's course and answer in kind. The heart flows both in and out, and it's nature is as entrenched in its deep and darker reaches as it is swathed in the warmer and brighter patterns where the light touches.
But we all know at the end of the day if Eclipse gets what he wants he's taking a birdie home along with the two newly adopted children.
On another note I also did ponder over the concept of Sun and Moon being in the same universe as Apex Polarity, and my interpretation/idea was Sun being a Beluga and Moon being a Narwhal. Beluga fits Sun's personality quite a bit, but I will admit I cannot imagine how the heck you'd be able to fit that goofy-ass horn on Moon. I just wanted to mention this for the mental image of magical sea unicorn Moon and musical sea canary Sun for fun.
I love Cardinal Instinct! It flows well, has lots of thought and meaning behind it, and mirrors the structure name of Apex Polarity! I'd love to use that for the AU title if you don't mind!!! The dynamics of Orca!Eclipse and Penguin Harpy!Y/N are so well defined and explored within a few paragraphs, I'm in awe!
(He's absolutely taking a birdie home along with his babies)
That's so cute!!! A natural musical ability and a beautiful white and yellow tipped tail for Sun, and a majestic tusk for Moon with a tail of deep blue mottled with white markings like stars! I'm pondering some kind of sea shell or maybe even twisting his tusk into a head cap instead of a large canine tooth.
Regardless, these two would be much more mild-mannered with our lovely photographer, though no less interested in Y/N.
Excellent thoughts all around; I'm chewing on your every word!
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