#i don't know why I'm getting so emotional but this is truly wonderful
hoezier · 10 months
I'm sure there is something really intelligent and so very witty to say about this album. It's so meaty, and so stunning, and you can sink your teeth into each song and be so rewarded for the second, third, tenth, millionth listen. But the one thought that I'm struck by right now is just this joy, this absolute pleasure at seeing Hozier's maturation and evolution as an artist, at witnessting him step into his talent and claim his little niche of the world with confidence. There's so much stark clarity about this album that leaves me in awe, simply glad that the man who said "we tried the world, good god, it wasn't for us" is allowing himself to be a part of the world, and in turn letting us into his own little corner of it. What a gift. What an honor
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what about the 141 boys and konig rejecting the reader to keep things professional but when she starts getting closer with someone on base they try to get her back
Thanks for this one. I hope this is what you were looking for!🙂
141 + König Rejecting Reader, Then Regretting It
Warnings: angst, fluff at the end, swearing, crying
(Not me using this Simon gif again because it makes me weak in the knees🫡)
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Simon Ghost Riley-
It wasn't that Simon didn't like you. He truly did. It was more so the fact that he was your lieutenant, your superior, and he couldn't put you both at risk like that by accepting your romantic advances.
He'd felt horrible, his insides churning when he'd rejected you. He watched as your face fell in defeat and how you struggled not to cry in front of him. He didn't know how to make the situation better or what to say, so he watched as you fled from the room, wondering if you'd ever talk to him again.
He thought he'd be able to work through it. Work through knowing that you felt the same about him and that he blew it. But then came König.
You two had been friends for some time, but lately you two had seemed...closer. He saw the two of you together more frequently, whether it be training together, eating together, or even sitting on the couch together after missions. What hurt Simon the most was the fact that you seemed... happy with him.
The more Simon thought about it, the more he started to beat himself up. Thinking that his time was limited, he decided to talk to you about it. He just hoped that he wasn't too late.
He found you later that night, finishing up at the shooting range. He was thankful everyone else had gone to bed, leaving you two alone.
"Y/N." Simon called out, grabbing your attention. You whirled around to meet him face to face and gave the best smile you could muster. You hadn't really spoken to him since he rejected you, and the ache in your heart was still present.
"Sir." You nodded, waiting for him to continue.
Simon scratched at the back of his head nervously, unsure of what to say next. He had it planned out in his head, but now that you were here in front of him, his mind was a jumbled mess. "Don't date him."
Your eyes widened slightly as you absorbed his words. "I'm sorry? Date who?"
"König." Simon's voice came out cracked, and you could tell that he was nervous, an emotion not commonly associated with the masked man.
"König? Why would I be dating him?" You asked, bemused.
"I've seen the two of you together, and you seem... happy with him." Simon was avoiding your eyes, the mask he wore, unable to hide the emotions he was feeling.
You took a deep breath as you regarded the man carefully. Your mind was racing with a million different thoughts. Why did he care if you dated König? He was the one who rejected you.
"Why do you care if I do?" You tried, curious to see his reasoning. It wasn't like it was against the rules to date him. He wasn't in your squad.
Simon let out a huff of frustration, clearly annoyed at the situation, at the fact you couldn't just understand what he was trying to say. Words didn't come easy to Simon, and he wasn't sure what to say to make you understand.
"I don't want you to." Is all he was able to say.
"You don't want me to? Simon, what the hell is that supposed to mean? If this is because of us, you're the one who rejected me. And now you're telling me you don't want me seeing other people? I don't understand why-"
In a matter of seconds, Simon's balaclava was torn off, revealing his handsome face as he swiftly moved toward you, crashing his lips to yours, effectively cutting you off.
The kiss was brief, fleeting, as before you could even register what was happening, he was pulling away.
"Simon?" You asked, breathless as your cheeks began to burn pink.
"I don't want you to be with anyone, but me." His voice was barely above a whisper, but you'd still heard him.
"Simon, you told me no. You said that it wasn't smart and-"
"Fuck being smart. I can't get you out of my head, kid. You're always there. I've thought for so long that I'm better off alone, and I was okay with that. Until you. And for the first time in a long fucking time, I want something for myself. I want you."
You felt tears starting to form in your eyes as you watched him struggle for words. This was a side of Simon you've never seen before. He was showing you his vulnerability. "If you truly want me, Simon, I'm yours."
His ears perked up slightly as he lifted his gaze back to you. You saw a ghost of a smile on his lips as you slowly moved to cup his cheek. You let your eyes rake across his handsome features before landing them back on his lips. "Kiss me, Simon Riley."
And he did.
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"König. Do you have a second?" You asked, approaching the hooded mass of a man timidly.
"Of course, Maus. What's up?" He gave you a warm smile before turning back to scrub at the dirty hood in his hands.
"I was.. I wanted to tell you that I have feelings for you. They've gotten hard to ignore, and I felt I should tell you." You said, your voice shaking slightly.
You heard König sigh deeply as he turned his gaze to you. "We can't. It's not ethical. I'm sorry."
He turned back to his hood, giving the impression that the conversation was over.
You let out a shaky breath as you struggled to keep your composure. "Of course. I understand."
You quickly turned on your heel and fled from his room, desperate for him to not see you cry.
König listened to your fading footsteps and sighed deeply. He felt terrible. He honestly didn't know you felt the same way and frankly didn't know how to react. He'd liked you for a long time but was scared that being romantically entagled in this sort of field wasn't beneficial for either of you. It didn't help that he was terrible with words as well.
He was planning on approaching you about it, to try and smooth things over, but every time he tried, you were with Ghost.
He knew you and Ghost had a close relationship, but lately, it seemed to strengthen in a way that had Königs heart constricting.
Everywhere he went, there you were with the masked lieutenant. König was no fool. He'd heard the whispers of the women on base, even the men, of how attractive Ghost was. König could only hope that you weren't one of the ones that felt that way.
A few days had passed since the two of you spoke, and König was starting to lose his mind. He couldn't bear not talking to you, and as the days went on, he was terrified he'd lose you to Ghost.
König had decided to approach you during lunch one day, not caring that you were sitting next to your Lieutenant.
"Maus, can I speak with you." He asked, clearing his throat to get your attention away from Ghost.
You turned to König with a small smile, nodding your head. "Sure. What's up?"
"Alone, if that's okay." He murmured, turning his head toward the door.
You followed him wordlessly to the weapons room, and fortunately for the two of you, it was empty.
"Are...are you with him?" König stuttered out, his cheeks burning with shame as he ripped off his hood.
"Who, Ghost? No, he's just a friend. Same as you." You said, your voice laced with disdain.
Königs eyes left yours as they landed on the ground beneath you. He didn't know what to say. It was clear you were still upset with him, not that he could blame you.
"Is that all you wanted to ask me? If I'm with Ghost?" You asked, bouncing on the heels of your feet. The tension was palpable between the two of you, and you wanted nothing more than to run from it.
"I wanted that to be me. The one laughing with you. The one you went to after a long day. The one you wanted to be around." He said, his voice characteristically soft.
"It was. Then you rejected me. I didn't know if you wanted me around anymore." You admitted, your voice breaking slightly.
"Don't ever ever say that. Hell would freeze over before I'd ever stop wanting your company." Königs voice was stern, a complete contrast to how he was speaking moments before. "I want you, Y/N. I was a moron to reject you. I thought I was doing what was best, and then you pulled away completely. And I saw you with him. I just.. I dont.."
You took a step toward him and placed a warm hand on his cheek. "König."
He stopped his rambling as his eyes met yours once more. His eyes fluttered shut as your hand drifted down his cheek softly, your thumb slowly carrying his bottom lip.
You stood on your toes, barely able to reach his cheek with your mouth, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "It's okay, Kö."
His eyes opened as he looked down at you, a toothy grin making its way to his lips. "Be mine, Maus."
You nodded, and he was quick to press his lips to yours. His lips were softer than you'd imagined they'd be, and he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you closely as if he thought you'd leave if he didn't. Little did he know, in his arms was the only place you'd ever wanted to be.
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Johnny Soap MacTavish-
You've never been so embarrassed in your life. You'd been in love with Johnny for years, and you truly had thought he felt the same. You thought that you made it to a point in your friendship that you could finally tell him how you felt.
So when he flat out rejected you, you were surprised, to say the least. He'd told you that while he respected that that's how you felt, he couldn't in good conscious get into a relationship with you. It wouldn't be professional.
You avoided him for a few days after that, as you were too embarrassed and hurt to face him. Johnny was no better. He felt horrible after you left and wondered if he made the right call. You were the love of his life. He just didn't think he deserved you, and he was so scared thinking about you getting hurt out in the field because of him.
What hurt him the most, though, was the fact that you started to hang out a lot more with Reyes, one of the guys from SpecGru who'd been on base a few weeks. The way you treated him was the way you treated Johnny before he went and screwed everything up.
Johnny began to find it impossible not to get riled up every time he saw you with Reyes. It was clear the Canadian had an interest in you, and the thought of you two being together had Johnny's insides churning.
Later that night, you'd walked into your room and were met face to face with Johnny, who was sitting on your bed.
"I'm a fool, Y/N." Johnny's voice caught your attention as you walked through your door.
"Jesus, Johnny. Scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here?" Your hand flew to your heart as you caught your breath.
"Sorry. I just uh. I wanted to talk." His eyes flitted down to his hands, as he began to fiddle with a hang nail.
"About?" You crossed your arms defensively, desperate to protect the little piece of your heart he hadn't already hurt.
"I shouldn't have turned you down. I was a fool. I thought, by turning you away, I'd keep you safe. That our feelings for each other wouldn't get in the way of our responsibilities if I just ignored how I felt."
"And what changed in a matter of days?" Your tone was icy, and it made Johnny shudder. It wasn't a tone he liked being on the receiving end of, but he couldn't fault you for it.
"I saw you. With Reyes." Johnny admitted, his head downturned in shame. He didn't want to admit he was jealous, but it tore him up inside to see you laughing, and happy with a man that wasn't him.
"So you're only telling me this because you're jealous."
"No. I'm telling you this because I've harbored feelings for you for years. I tried to push you away because I thought it was what was best. And I was wrong. Seeing you with Reyes made me realize that. I want you, Y/N. I always have. I just hope I'm not too late." You heard his voice quiver slightly toward the end, and it made your defensive walls crumble.
"You want me, Johnny? Truly?" You asked, standing straight as you watched him watch you.
Johnny stood off your bed and strode up to you. "I've wanted you since I first laid eyes on you."
And that was all that was needed for you to press your lips to his. The man you'd been in love with for years, was finally yours.
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John Price-
"While I respect how you feel, it's inappropriate. You're my subordinate, I'm your superior." John stated curtly. He watched as your shoulders slumped in defeat, as you struggled to maintain a neutral expression.
"Understood, sir. I apologize for bringing it up." You gave a firm nod as you turned to the door.
"Y/N. Don't beat yourself up over it."
"Of course, sir. Enjoy your day." You a small smile before exiting, letting the tears free fall once you made it far enough away from his office.
Price slouched forward in his chair and ran his hands along his face. He felt like a total asshole. He wasn't blind. He knew you had feelings for him, and he'd be a liar if he said he didn't return them.
You were his ray of sunshine in every sense of the word, and he'd do anything for you. He just knew the risks that came with superior/subordinate relationships, and he wasn't okay with those. He didn't want to see you get hurt because of him.
A few days passed since the incident, and he'd seen no sign of you. You usually would start your mornings with him, but he hadn't seen you since that day in his office.
He made his way to the cafeteria, stopping short when he saw you sitting with Soap.
Price gritted his teeth as he watched you joke around with him. He knew it was childish, immature even. While he was doing his best to push his feelings for you aside, you were making it impossible for him.
It went on like this for nearly a week. Every time that you'd usually come to see Price, he'd now find you hanging out with the scot.
He'd finally had enough of it, his jealousy getting the better of him, as he stormed off to his office.
"Hey, Price told me to send you to his office." Gaz had informed you later that day.
"Oh? Am I in trouble?" You questioned, chuckling lightly.
"Who knows, he does seem a little grumpy today." Kyle sent you a sympathetic smile before walking toward the barracks.
"Great." You murmured as you made your way to Price's office.
"Y/N." John greeted you as you walked through the door. "Close the door."
"Sir. What can I do for you?" You asked, pushing the door closed with a slam. Price never called you into his office like this.
He watched you for a moment, not saying anything as he carefully studied your movements. He could tell you were nervous.
"Did you mean what you said?" He asked, regarding you carefully as he slowly started to talk toward you.
"What are you referring to, sir?" You knew what he was asking, but you didn't feel like being shut down yet again by the man.
"You said you have feelings for me." He continued to stalk toward you. "I'm asking if that was that true?"
You gulped audibly as you began to step backward, away from him. "Yes, sir. But I realize that it was inappropriate."
"I'm your captian."
"I know."
"Your boss."
"I know."
"The man who's hands you put your life in, every time I send you out on a mission."
"I know."
John stared at you, his gaze intense as he tried to read you. He wanted to know what was going on in that beautiful head of yours. "And, I'm the man that's going to make you scream out his name tonight."
Your breath hitched in your throat as you watched him carefully. He'd effectively backed you into the corner of his office, and you'd heard the "click" of the lock on his door.
"But you said-"
"Fuck what I said. I'm done doing this dance. There's no point in beating around the bush any longer. I want you, and I want this. If you want me, get over here."
Your body reacted before your brain could catch up, as you threw yourself onto John, your lips latching to his in a heated, desperate kiss.
Needless to say, John was a man of his word, and it didn't take long before he had you screaming his name that day, and many others to come.
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
"It wouldn't work between us. We've both got so much going on, and with this job, I think it would be a bit too much for us to handle." Kyle said, smiling sadly.
"Oh! Yeah, sure. That makes sense. I get it." You nodded your head vigorously, your eyes moving anywhere but your best friends face. "Silly of me to even bring it up."
"Y/N." Kyle started, trying to walk up to you.
"No. No, really. It's okay. I have to go anyway, I have a bunch of stuff to do." You gave him a sad smile before briskly making your way out of the room.
Kyle felt his stomach drop as he heard a sniffle come from the hallway, knowing it was you. The more he rethought what he said to you, the worse he felt. He's had feelings for you for quite some time, but he was always too worried to act on it. His job meant the world to him, and frankly, he was scared of that being jeopardized.
Desperate to try to repair your relationship, however, he set out to find you.
Kyle found you later that day in the training room, practicing hand to hand combat with Alejandro.
He felt his blood boil at the way the man touched you. He knew it wasn't fair to Alejandro, but seeing him touch you like that sparked something in Kyle. It was in that moment that he knew he didn't want to push down his feelings for you any longer.
"Mind if I take over?" He asked as he approached. "Been needing to blow off some steam."
You and Alejandro stopped mid fight, the two of you struggling to catch your breath. "Alright, hermana, same time tomorrow?"
"Of course. Thank you for helping, by the way." You slapped his shoulder playfully .
"Anytime. Kyle, be seeing you." He gave Kyle a pat on the back as he made his way out.
Silence fell in the room as you and Kyle watched Alejandro leave.
"Hey." Kyle said after some time.
"Hey." You replied, rubbing at your arm nervously. "Did you actually want to train or?"
Kyle swallowed thickly, his eyes darting around the room. "I just wanted to talk. I felt bad. For earlier."
"Nothing to apologize for. You said your peace and I can't fault you for that." You gave him a sad smile.
"No, I'm sorry, love. I shouldn't have turned you down. I thought in the moment I was doing the right thing."
"And now?"
"And now, I realize that the only right thing for me is you." The sincerity in his voice had your heart skipping a beat, as you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. "I was a fool for thinking otherwise. You're all I want."
"What will you do about it?" You asked, your eyes flickering to his lips.
"If you'll let me, I'd kiss you." He gave you a warm smile as he leaned down toward you, his warm breath fanning across your lips. Your eyes falling shut was all the consent he needed.
And, after waiting for nearly 5 years, you'd finally gotten the kiss you'd been waiting for, with the man you loved.
A/N: Thanks for reading!
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alexiethymia · 8 months
MaoMao's Way of Affection
[spoilers up until LN 12 and WN 10 so read at your own risk]
After such a long time, we finally get a hint of reciprocation when even without orders or prompting, it's MaoMao herself who seeks out Jinshi after the harrowing ordeal she went through.
I'm not sure how the WN will differ from the LN but her words with how she describes Jinshi's arms around her, "heavy but not immoveable" and Jinshi asking her to make him let her go and eventually opting not such that she ends up falling asleep in his arms actually perfectly describes their relationship.
Despite their problems, I do adore this relationship. On the one hand, you have Jinshi who ends up falling for someone who cares not a whit for his appearance. MaoMao is actually the perfect person for Jinshi to fall in love with because of his complex. Should he succeed, he can be assured that his looks had nothing to do with it. For the first time in his life, Jinshi can fight for something with his own above average, but not excellent capabilities.
And tropey as it is, I think MaoMao does have a soft spot for that slightly pathetic part of Jinshi. Honestly, to compare him to the person she respects most in the whole world? A daddy's girl through and through. In other words, MaoMao, even as she denies it, is not impenetrable to that earnest side of Jinshi and because of that, even as she might snark and say she's just following orders, she can't help but be his support - a useful tool rather than a useless burden.
I love how the both of them mature and progress and how the relationship reflects that. As compared to that forceful scene back in LN5, it's actually this innocent scene that cements the progress they've made and that they're slowly meeting each other halfway. Jinshi tries to restrain himself, and MaoMao, thanks to Chue, slowly stops trying to hide behind that convenient excuse.
Because the thing is, MaoMao is a hypocrite. In the same way, she rebukes Jinshi for not being clear, she also gets to hide behind vague half-truths. Why not say no once and for all? "I don't want to be your wife." Is it just because he's the Imperial Brother? Compare and contrast how she treats Grand Marshall Kan for example. And even if he is the Imperial Brother, MaoMao knows in her heart of hearts that Jinshi wouldn't ever punish her for rejecting him. She knows, after everything, that he just isn't that kind of person (the certainty that he wouldn't ever be involved in any assassination plots, the almost unconscious instinct to prevent something she knows Jinshi wouldn't want even if it might be for the good of the country or for her own safety as long as she plays dumb). I really do love how like Suiren, MaoMao is his ally. (No wonder mother-in-law Suiren approves.)
Isn't it more painful - for Jinshi - and more troublesome - for her - to continue to have this hanging between them? But MaoMao is only human. There are things she knows would be the best course of action as long as she operated solely on rationality, but unexpectedly, Jinshi - despite not knowing it - brings out that irrational part of her. She knows it would have been in her best interest (if her best interest truly was to escape the marriage) to just let Jinshi continue being vague, to not put a name to his intentions, she later realizes that this is Jinshi's own consideration for her, but her true emotions push forth. She knows it - what Jinshi feels for her, compares it to a lovestruck patron, so what gain does she get from hearing it verbalized out loud?
She struggles with his special consideration for her, the proof of deeper feelings, in his words and actions. I think she would be able to justify it in her mind and accept being his wife if she knew it was only because she was a useful tool. Because if so, then she could also justify it to herself that she was staying with him only because he was useful, that it was solely on the basis of reciprocity.
I mean the reality of the world they live in is that it's not a place to cultivate love. Marriages are political more often than not. Within MaoMao's way of looking at things, a marriage of convenience might have been more palatable. For Jinshi's part, I can see him being ready to accept that even if MaoMao does accept his proposal, she would marry him while not being in love with him. On the flip side, I think part of his strong motivation to break away from the Imperial family would be to remove, without a doubt, from MaoMao's mind that she would be punished for rejecting him since he would no longer have that power. In other words, part of Jinshi is ready for MaoMao to reject him but he wants it to be solely her choice. In other words, he would also want her to give it to him straight just like she demanded he do for her.
Speaking of special consideration, it is hard to say whether MaoMao's actions towards Jinshi are those she would do for any other patient (since she's actually softer than she gives herself credit for), but the things she does without orders are telling - like stroking his hair while putting him to sleep, kissing his cheek, ingesting something she knows she's allergic to without his knowledge for a plan to sniff out his enemies (pity this didn't make it to the LN), getting mad that his accomplishments were getting stolen from him despite him not caring about it, and glaringly - attempting to break a taboo the person she respects most in the world imposed on her, just so she can better take care of Jinshi. For all that MaoMao is comfortable in her place in the world and doesn't want to venture out of her comfort zone, calling it too troublesome, she does exceed a lot of her limits - true because of that unexpectedly strong sense of duty - but also because of or for Jinshi.
MaoMao acknowledges to herself at this point that no other person besides Jinshi can give her the same comfort. She does want to have a child someday, if only for the experience of giving birth. It may not be a burning passion, this may not be enough for her to call it love, but I can also see a scenario where she accepts Jinshi because he's the only one she would be comfortable with so that she can give birth. In other words, another convenient excuse. But conversely, even after succeeding in having MaoMao for a wife, I can see Jinshi still pushing because for once in his life he can fight his hardest and win or fail on his own merits and no one else's, and also simply put, he loves her and so he would want her to love him back. Even if it isn't the norm in the world they live in. He'd still want to continue fighting for that elusive flower. A perfect push and pull. In other words, it's up to them how they decide to meet each other half way. And I'm excited to see what the future holds for them.
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midniiights-garden · 6 months
Mizu realising she's in love/a lesbian [Headcanons!!]
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(A/N: I feel like this is like... already a given but please remember that these are HEADCANONS!! She does not have a canon sexuality. And I know it's mostly the lesbians who haven taken over the show but my content is available for everyone to see and I wanted to remind everyone that I am not going to tolerate slander or trash talking because of a personal opinion. You are entitled to your thoughts and I am entitled to mine.)
Possible TWs!!: Mentions of sex and sexual encounters, M*kio (you cannot stop me from putting this man as a warning I hate him sm), Canon typical violence, Racisim, Homophobia, Mysogyny (did I spell that right??)
Firstly I wanna address her relationship with Mikio in order to fully understand my headcanons.
Personally I do not believe that Mizu actually "loved" Mikio in the romantic sense. She thought she was in love, but in the end it wasn't.
Speaking as someone with a lot of personal trauma regarding relationships myself I realised that I couldn't differentiate between romantic and platonic love. Basically, for me, all I saw was that someone was treating me nicely for once and now I'm attached to them. And for the longest time I thought that was what love was.
And I think Mizu experienced something similar.
Basically, when Mikio treated her like a fucking human being she was like "oh, hey this is nice. This is weird, but it's nice. So I guess I'm in love, right?"
Like, no, baby. You aren't. That's just called emotional trauma.
That's also why she thought she was straight for the longest time because she genuinely cannot tell when she likes someone romantically.
As I often restate it'll take a while for her to fully understand the extent of her emotions, but she'll get there.
Now onto the fluffier stuff :))
How does she realise she's in love? What's her reaction to it?
I think she gets hit with the realisation as if it were a train crashing into her.
It's just a normal evening, she's probably at a ramen shop with her future S/O with her and then as she's taking a bite of her ramen she looks over at you and thinks: "Huh... I wonder what it would be like if I got to hold them?"
And then it's just a record scratch moment for her where she's like wtf where did that come from.
It's either just normal domestic moment like I mentioned or her future S/O sparring with her (which may or not freak her out bc of the fucking Mikio incident).
But when Mizu successfully pins her S/O down they just laugh and smile, knowing Mizu would never hurt them on purpose.
That made Mizu's heart flutter more than anything Mikio had ever done for her.
She's going to be in denial about it for a long time. Like... a really, really long time. Cue the "but we're just friends"!
How does she react when she realises she's into girls?
Due to the internalized homophobia instilled within her as a child and other such thoughts she starts to think she may be going crazy.
She'll start to pull away out of fear, not truly understanding her emotions.
Which, of course, will hurt her future S/O and cause them to worry.
Seeing her future S/O so distraught kind of triggers something in her. She realises that there's nothing inherently wrong with her, that she's still a person and the person she likes is still a person and that there shouldn't be anything wrong with liking her S/O. She also just didn't like seeing you worry over her, it hurt her more than any blade that she's been stabbed with.
Now onto her actual physical attraction.
Once the whole emotional side of it is somewhat sorted in her mind she finds herself not so subtly staring at her S/O's tatas.
She doesn't strike me as someone with high libido or anything despite what I've seen a lot of headcanons say. But I think shes the kind of lover to enjoy getting her S/O off a lottttt
I don't believe she was ever really attracted to Mikio sexually but seeing her S/O's kimono slip off their shoulder to reveal some titty has her red and hot.
She likes that it's soft. She really likes the softness of her S/O's body.
(A/N: That's all!! I feel like I was terribly self-indulgent with this one but there are a lot of aspects in which I relate to Mizu with. Which is probably why I care a lot about representing her correctly. As usual, feel free to comment or send asks to my inbox!! I hope y'all enjoyed <33)
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mondaymelon · 7 months
hi :)) can i make a request about zhongli who has a s/o who is very self conscious and has low self esteem?? like they’re just constantly hating on themselves and have nothing good to say about themselves making poor zhongli worried :((
₊˚ෆ 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃… | zhongli, xiao, childe x gn!reader
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[ "archons forbid you in having these thoughts once more. love, you are perfect, and please don't let anyone sway that." ]
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— "archons, why did i just do that? ...fuck, i'm such an idiot..."
ZHONGLI interrupted the occasional stroke of his ink-stained brush upon silk canvas, his gilded eyes glancing up and searching your face until they met yours.
"Love, why are you..." His voice trailed off as his gaze filled with warm concern, his expression softening as his brows furrowed, as if he couldn't even begin to fathom why'd you think such a thing. He set down the brush in its hold, before moving to stand. You were sat on the couch across from his desk, where you could remain in his line of sight as he did his duties, and now you were curled up on its cushions, looking at him with the corners of your mouth slightly drawn down into a pout.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He sat down next to you, unsure of how close he should get, and so hovered an arm's length away from your form. You quietly shook your head in a frustrated manner, and he made a short hum of acknowledgement. "Love, come here. Let's take a break together, you and me, alright?"
When he had received your approval, he gently held you in his arms, stroking a gloved hand in your hair soothingly. He was warm, his tall figure engulfing you, and you melted at his touch. "...Zhongli, why do you love someone like me?"
You felt his fingers' delicate touch abruptly still to a halt at your words. Silence encompassed the room, and Zhongli shifted in his seat, drawing closer and finally moving his hand to your face, grabbing at your chin and tilting it upwards so you had no choice but to stare into his glittering eyes. The traces of a smile lingered on his lips. "It'd be impossible not to."
How come your vision had grown so cloudy? "I'm bad. At everything. I can't do anything right."
"Just who told you that? Love, your character is beautiful. You're diligent, hard-working, talented, with a golden heart... it makes me wonder how I even was able to join hands with you in the first place." His corners of his mouth were truly curved upwards now, and he met your gaze with a close eyed smile, his dark-lashed lids fluttering. "Archons forbid... please don't tell that to yourself again, alright?"
Hot tears begun to spill from your eyes at his words. No, that couldn't be true. How... how come it was possible for someone like to trust you to this extent?
Ah, I know why. The thought came to you as he kissed the tears from your sorrow-laden lashes. "I love you."
His cheeks warmed just the slightest, his gaze of melted gold soft as a smile graced his lips once more.
"Yes, I love you too." ₊˚ෆ
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— "agh, messed up again... archons, how come i can't do anything right??"
XIAO's head snapped up as soon as the words were uttered into the midnight air, immediately emerging from the shadows by your side as you stared over the edge of Wangshu Inn's balcony, tightly gripping the wooden railings.
"What... What did you just say?" You flinched at his sudden presence, something you had still yet to grow accustomed to. The adeptus had a habit of listening in on your rambles with yourself, and appeared whenever he deemed fit. However, your words now seemed to have angered him, as eyes were narrowed in displeasure, his cat-like diamond pupils forming mere slits.
"Is there... something wrong?" You tilted your head in confusion, watching a flit of emotions cross Xiao's face in a mere split-second.
"Yes. Three steps away." His voice made it clear that it was no mere request. Complying to his order, you duly backtracked the said amount, empty hands raised in front of you as a sign of surrender. "Don't get too close to the railing. It's dangerous."
You almost laughed. "Ah, but won't you save me if I happen to fall?"
"That's granted." Xiao scoffed, nodding a little too quickly after your question, but caught himself. It seemed that he had, in fact, learned a thing or two about mortal speech from you. "No, don't change the topic now. What you said earlier... do you really believe that?"
"...Well, it's true, isn't it?" You faced the scenery in front of you, the blue, slightly cloud dusted skies, the grooves of the land and the jagged mountains poking up out of harsh stone... it was an easier sight than looking into the adeptus' eyes at the moment. His eyes were acute, perceptive, honed sharply after years of service. Oh, that was the truth, wasn't it? You were afraid that he'd see too much in your gaze, and that he'd know how much of a pathetic failure you were, with nothing but mistake after mistake following your every movement-
"Hey." There was a light touch on your wrist - Xiao's gloved fingers, wrapping around it gently. "Just what are you thinking about? You look... upset, and I don't like it." There it was. His clear eyes, staring into yours with concern. "You... You said you couldn't do anything right, but that's not true at all, love."
Xiao had never been one to display much affection, yet he had readily agreed to use such a name for his one and only. His voice was quiet, gentle, nothing like how you had first imagined it in the days after the two of you's first encounter.
"Thank you, Xiao." You finally turned to him, face breaking into a smile, and you saw his tense figure visibly relax at your contentment.
"...What for?"
"For being here. Everything." In the dim moonlight, you just might've glimpsed the whisper of a smile on the adeptus' lips, a secret one, a small one, just for you.
"There's no need to thank me. It was the least I could do." ₊˚ෆ
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— "seriously?? this is the eighth damn... i knew i it, i'm absolute shit at everything i do... "
CHILDE's eyes widened as he spun to look at you, his mouth forming a round 'o' as he spotted the countless ink splatters on the paper, on your table, on your fingers, staining your clothes - everything.
...And upon seeing the chaos, clutched his sides and burst into several bouts of laughter that stretched on for minutes. When he was done with his ridicule, he placed his hands on his hips dramatically, a playful smile still decorating his joyful expression. "Aha- Love, just what...?" His voice trailed off, surely there was no need to finish his sentence? There could only be one possible thing he was referring to, and it was the absolute mess you had created, and a mess that you now sat in the center of, blinking awkwardly with a wobbly half-smile on your lips.
"Uhm... I tried to... Ugh, nevermind..." You crumpled up the canvas sheet filled with incoherent scribbles and threw it into some archon-forsaken corner, where you prayed it would never cross your line of sight again. Under your breath, you mumbled out several curse words, a frown tugging at the corners of your mouth. "Shit, this is why no one should place any faith in me, good for nothing..."
The smile on his face dropped. Curse him, and his stupidly acute hearing. Instantly, he was a mere two inches away from you, deep ocean eyes boring into yours in an almost uncanny manner. "...Hey, just now, care to repeat that?"
"...Good for nothing...?" You flinched, unsure of where the sudden wave of bloodlust that was currently flooding your senses had come from - until you glanced up at Childe, who stood over you, his eyes closed in a happy smile but the expression on his face anything but happy.
"Who told you that?" His voice was venomous, it felt like you were being poisoned just listening to it. A dark shadow cast over his eyes, as if this were some dramatic soap opera.
"Did someone have to?" You sighed, waving your hand in the air in a dismissive way. "It's true, though. I seriously can't get anything right, and I haven't even gotten started on what I don't like about myself-"
"Stop." Childe held a finger over your mouth, pressing it to your lips and effectively bringing your words to a halt. "Stop, stop stop, it's all wrong, love!" He looked like a kicked puppy, his eyes downcast and a pout on his lips, and you could practically imagine the ginger folded ears and tail that might've been. "Seriously, how do you even think up of these kinds of things?? They're not true at all!"
Why was he so adamant on this? "But... it is?"
"That's it." Childe waltzed over to where you sat on the ground, before grabbing you from the middle and hoisting you over his shoulder, giving a little huff when you wriggled to try and break free from his grasp. "We're going on a one-week vacation. To Mondstadt. Inazuma. Sumeru. Fontaine. Shneznaya, for all I care. Just not here."
"Do... Do I have a say in this?" You frowned slightly from your position, you arms dangling over your head as you fought your hardest not to laugh.
"What's even wrong with here, why..."
"Shush. Let me take care of you, won't you?" ₊˚ෆ
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(a/n) apapapappow second request done!! im not doing all that bad hehehe... wish me luck on my ap class midterm!! i should be studying rn but uhm uhm yes genshin men are first priority >>>
-> teehee what if yall left a message on my christmas tree 😶😶😶
໒꒱ || ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open! send an ask or a comment ♡) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123, @scara-is-my-wife
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mysticheathenn · 3 months
What Don't You See Coming?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is all about what kind of abundance (more friends, money, better love, etc) or warnings you don't see coming.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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Pile l:
Tarot: 10 of Cups, 7 of Cups, 9 of Cups, The Awakening, The High Priestess.
Okay coming in hot pile l which is also the song that played as I gazed at your cards by Andy Mineo. Pile one what you don't see coming is emotional fulfillment and a spiritual awakening. This awakening is you seeing the many possibilities in your life and how abundant your life truly is. You may have been going through a hard time for a while now and wonder when will things get better and soon, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. For some of you, this could be a spiritual awakening. You are becoming more aware of your most authentic self. Maybe you have been trying to figure out who you are, and what aesthetic you fall under if you are into that (goth, emo, soft girl, that girl, cottagecore, etc etc. For others you you may have been working on a project that you have been feeling a lot of doubts about or maybe haven't seen any feedback on what you have been working on this could be gaining clients, getting more YouTube followers, etc soon your time to shine is coming. I can't say when but keep pushing you are almost there. I know you want to give up and you are tired but keep on pushing you are almost there at the finish line. I see you are very close..how close imagine running a marathon and you see the finish line and the many people crowded around it. That my friend is how close you are to the finish line. Don't lose hope. Lastly, those who have been doubting your intuition stop. Nothing is wrong with your intuition. Now is more than the right time to lean more into it and let it guide you on your current path, I'm hearing you may feel stuck and this is the reason why. You aren't letting your intuition guide you. Your intuition is another way your guides speak to you. Listen to it and stop being hard-headed.
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Pile ll:
Tarot: The Chariot, 3 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, The Priestess.
Travel. Friendship, Financial Growth. This pile I believe some of you may be tarot readers just starting out with your own tarot blog, YouTube channel, etc, and wondering if this is the path for you. Keep going you are on the right path just have patience with yourself and you will see growth in no time. Slow and steady always wins the race love, you will get to where you want to be in making this a part of your career or even a side gig if that's what you want to make of this. IF not tarot this is more so of my creatives who are trying to put themselves out there on the internet. Now for the rest of you what you don't see coming is if not travel more directions but I am seeing travel and maybe even moving houses if you want to relocate. But overall you are moving in some shape or form whether physically or figuratively, you are moving. Just as a few people from pile one you may feel lost and need guidance in what you should be doing in this period of your life. Maybe you just hit a new milestone (30 yrs old, 25 yrs old, or even 21 yrs old, etc) and you are wondering what is it that you want out of this next decade that will make you into a better person. Listen to what guidance is downloaded to you and follow it no matter how strange or out of your routine it maybe now is not the time to question your reality. Also for a few of you who have fallen off from your spiritual practice, your guides are calling you to start back and tap into them so they can give you more guidance. You are letting your current stress and struggles lead you and it's not down the path you should be going on. Overall pile ll, you are heading into financial abundance and movement. Some of you are also meeting your soul tribe, but it's only a very select few of you as that message took the back seat to everything.
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Pile lll:
Tarot: 7 of Swords, The Hanged Man, 2 of Swords, 3 of Cups (reversed), and Queen of Cups (reversed)
Stillness and Decisions. Overall, Stillness is what you don't see coming pile lll. This may not be what you want to hear but during this time you are being called to make some decisions in your life. Some of you are dealing with people specifically friends or family members who are not good for your well being and you are making a difficult decision on whether you should cut them off. Some of you are waiting to see if 2+2 is equaling four (meaning you are waiting to see if your intuition is right) while others of you are just not wanting to pull the plug because you won't have anyone to call a friend or family but who needs to have friends or family like the ones you may possibly be dealing with. For others of you, this stillness is all about catering to your feminine energy and healing. Make better decisions based on what you want to nurture and bring into your life. Some of you may operate in your masculine energy and are having a hard time trying to balance your feminine energy because your environment around you keeps forcing you to be the leader, coach, alpha, etc when all you want to do is lay back and let someone else take the reigns for a bit and if not that at least relax. Take a spa trip, and not have to worry about the building burning down at work or in other peoples life for just a small moment. You may be the person that everyone goes to for advice and you are starting to feel the emotional toll it is taking on you because not many people are replenishing you or even checking in to make sure you are okay. It's time to cut the cord whether temporarily until you make sure you are okay or permanently. The saying, not my circus, not my monkey popped into my head. Meaning it's not your business or your drama to carry, release it.
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Pile lV:
Tarot: 5 of Swords, The Magician, 9 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, 4 of Cups
I want you to start saying affirmations in the morning pile lv. Start with I am a powerful manifestor. Everything I manifest or pray for I receive. I have everything I need and more. I never lack in any part of my life. I want you to keep saying them until they feel true and you are embodying this energy because that is exactly what you don't see coming or who you are as a person. Some of you may believe in the Law of Assumption, Lucky Girl Syndrom, the Law of Attraction, The Void, etc, either way, I want you to keep persisting and know that what you want wants you. Everything that you desire is chasing you down to give you the life that you want and deserve but you are too focused on the 3D for validation. You are too focused on what I want isn't here, I don't have this yet, I don't have that yet and you need to stop....take a deep breath and hit restart. You are never lacking pile lV and I say this from a perspective of gratitude. Practicing that writing down everything that you are grateful for that you already have will bring in more of what you want. For others of you, You may work in a field or job that is competitive and feel that you are being overlooked and everyone is getting raises and promotions but you, your time to shine is coming just hang in there but back to those who practice spirituality, etc. Financial abundance, luxury, and even recognition I am hearing for some of you is on the way but you have to have faith, and keep pushing through the doubt, keep persisting through the 3D of not seeing what you don't already have because in another reality you already have what you are attracting (not chasing, attracting). You wouldn't have these desires if they weren't meant for you to achieve this lifetime pile lV. You've got this. You are powerful. You can have any and everything you want. Practice your gratitude and affirmations. A few blogs I recommend are @jordynbreeloa777 , @alilarew23 , and @serial777killers
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay Safe and Be Blessed
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boothillssugarmomma · 18 days
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The Desperation Waltz
(Sunday x Fem!Reader)
cw-: desperate Sunday, jealous Sunday, pleading Sunday, desperate reader, pleading reader, angst if you squint, fluff a bit
🎀 authorsnote: This one's a bit long but it's honestly from the bottom of my heart, I've been desperate before, but never had it reciprocated...so in this one...Sunday gets what I never did...love ❤️
please don't steal my work!
Taglist🎀HSR Master List🎀Other Lists🎀
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Sunday had been watching you for a while, your body language, and the man you were talking to, his body language. You seemed friendly enough, and he didn't like that. 
Obviously he know you weren't trying to be overly friendly towards them, you had good intentions, keeping your husbands image and your own image upbeat. But…this man didn't seem to be talking to you just to be nice. 
And he couldn't have that…
Sunday walked up and cleared his throat. "(Name)...you're needed elsewhere!" He lies through his teeth, and you know it immediately too. "Sorry…my wife is extremely busy…" Taking your waist and guiding you away, you know exactly what was wrong.
Glancing at him you can see his little wings fluttering, almost seeming to fan his face, eyes narrowed with a dark determination. 
Oh yeah…he was jealous…
But…you were so glad he stepped in. You hated having to talk to the family and all their guests, you honestly just wanted to spend time with your husband!
"Thank the Aeons..." You whisper softly as he leads you to another part of the ballroom. "I was waiting for you to intervene…"
Sunday chuckles quietly, pulling you flush against his chest. "I'm sorry my love…I should've reacted quicker." He kisses your forehead gently.
"My precious girl..."
His free hand reached upwards, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear as the other tightened around your waist more. Pressing soft kisses against your cheeks as you playfully pout.
The ballroom really was gorgeous, high ceilings, gold decor, and an elegant center. Music flowed around the room as did the chatter and buzz of the guests. 
"May I have this dance?" You hum softly to him, reaching up to meet the hand behind your ear. 
"And how could I ever refuse..?"
Sunday murmured, pulling you closer until your chests were pressed together. Both of his hands slipped onto your waist, fingers gently tracing along your sides as he began to lead you in a slow, romantic dance to the music around you.
As you both dance, you smile at him, a hazy smile, your eyes locking in a lovesick trance. 
Sunday's golden gaze never left yours, his own expression melting into a soft and tender look. He twirled you around in a simple but elegant motion, before pulling you back towards him.
"You're so beautiful, my love…such a wonderful, talented and gifted young woman…" He whispered, tracing his thumb along your cheek lovingly.
"I'm so glad I'm your wife..." You mumble as you nuzzle your head into his chest. It wasn't a lie, you loved Sunday, he was great to you. You both truly were happy together, lifting each other up through the highs and lows.
He beamed cheerfully, nodding his head quickly and pulling you close so his chin rested on your head.
"And I'm so glad I'm your dear husband, it's an absolute honor…"
Sunday's gaze flickered to the ceiling, observing the bright lights shining brilliantly over the dance floor.
He took a moment of silence before speaking once more.
"You're happy here, in the Family, yes? I'm treating you right?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" You smile softly, tilting your head to the side as if giving him an invitation to open up. 
"No reason, no reason at all."
Sunday hummed, his expression slightly faltering before he buried his face into the crook of your neck.
The wings along his head, as well as the halo were completely relaxed and still. However, the pearly white feathers along his wings trembled in agitation. It was the first time he was ever seen with emotions other than kindness and cheer in public.
"You're amazing Sunday, my love, never forget that..."  You whisper, kissing his temple.
He sighed quietly, his embrace tight around you as he began whispering into your ear.
"I love you, you've been such a blessing. I adore you so much, the thought of losing you... it drives me mad.."
Sunday's tone was low and gentle, though he sounded desperate and clingy, as though if he let go of you for even a moment you'd disappear from him.
"Why would you lose me?" You hum as he twirls you again, trying to hide his watery eyes. 
"... Don't leave me..." 
He whispered quietly, his grasp tightening on your waist. Sunday's entire demeanor had shifted, from the friendly, charismatic representative of the Family he was portrayed as...
To a deeply insecure, paranoid and lovesick man, willing to do anything to keep you by his side.
"Sunday..." You kiss his cheek as you dance. "I'd never leave you..."
Your husband hummed quietly, his expression softening once more as your lips met his cheek. His embrace loosened, the once tight grip he had on you relaxing.
However, even then…he continued to cling onto you like an owl holding onto a branch, almost as though he were afraid of being abandoned by his precious one.
"Good, good.. I'd be lost without you, you know? My sweet…my dear..."
He twirls you once again just to get you to smile, and you laugh softly 
Sunday's expression visibly brightened at the sound of your laughter, he twirls you once again for the sake of hearing your laughter once more.
"I love your laughter, you should laugh more."
He commented quietly, his fingers gently trailing along your side as he guided you in the dance once more.
"My gorgeous love, my darling, my precious (Name)..."
You take his hand softly as you continue to waltz to the eerie but beautiful song playing in the background. 
Sunday intertwined his fingers with yours, a loving expression in his soft golden gaze. He gently pulled you closer, to the point where your chest nearly touched his body.
"You're everything to me…"
He whispered quietly, spinning you around once more before tugging you back towards him. This time he embraced you properly, pulling you close as he continued to dance with you.
"Sunday honey what's wrong?" You hum, noticing his eyes glancing around the ballroom.
"N-Nothing, nothing at all."
Sunday lied through his teeth. Though he held you closely against him, he found his attention elsewhere, his gaze fixated on the guest's in the hall. He seemed paranoid, worried someone would talk to you, that you would be stolen away from him.
"Sunday..." You whisper sternly, leaning up to breathe against his ear. 
Sunday blinked rapidly, flinching and snapping his attention back to you as he realized what he had been doing.
"Mmn…? Apologies, dear…I got distracted."
He muttered quietly, his expression softening as he met your eyes again. He flashed you a sheepish smile, though you could tell that look in his eyes…it was something akin to possessiveness.
"Honey..." You whisper, cupping his face with your soft hands. "Look at me...just me..."
"... Right, of course, my dearest... "
Sunday complied and averted his attention back to you. His expression visibly relaxed, his smile returning to his lips. However, his tone was still low and quiet, his golden eyes still fixated on you…yet it seemed as though he were on edge still.
He cupped your hand with his own, lifting it to his face again and pressing a gentle kiss against the palm of your hand.
"Listen to me..." You whisper. "I am NEVER leaving you...ever..." Your tone is deadly serious, you never sound like this. It scares him…yet also excites the angel looking man.
Sunday's expression softened further at your words, his shoulders visibly relaxing once more. A faint expression of gratitude and relief appeared on his face as he let out a quiet exhale.
He held you close, one hand resting on your back as the other cupped your face, his thumb gently stroking your cheek.
"Of course.. I was being silly.. I should've never doubted you, my love."
His tone was much softer, though he still sounded quite clingy…
"Sunday..." You whisper. "I know you think that someone's going to take me away from you..." Your hues gaze into him, almost seeming to interrogate him. 
"It's…it's irrational, perhaps.." Sunday whispered quietly, his gaze flickering to the side for a moment.
 "But the thought of losing you, it scares me.. I would do anything to keep you to myself, you're mine, after all."
As he finished speaking, the possessive look in his eyes returned, a firm determination settling on his face as he grasped your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.
"Ok calm down crazy pants..." You tease, tip toeing up to press a kiss to his nose 
Sunday blinked rapidly in surprise, his face flushing a light red as you kissed his nose. He remained close, gently leaning his forehead against yours.
"...You're too cheeky, my love.."
He muttered. You could feel his breath against your lips, his gaze never leaving yours as he pulled you closer once more.
He twirls you once again before taking your waist and hand, waltzing you around the ballroom
Sunday spun you effortlessly in the dance, a pleasant smile plastered across his face as he kept you steady. The wings along his head continued to flutter and tremble as you danced with him, the faint white feathers appearing a mess.
He pulled you close once more, his grip on your hand firm and his grip on your waist gentle but warm. He seemed perfectly content with you in his grasp, as if that's where you always belonged.
"Don't leave me..." You echo him. This surprises him, you always seemed so secure, but here you were. 
"I won't, I won't.."
Sunday muttered quietly, pulling you close as he rested his chin on the top of your head. One of his hands gently slid up to rest in your hair, his fingers brushing through it gently as he kept you against him.
He inhaled quietly, before he wrapped his arms and wings around you, completely engulfing you with a tight embrace. "I'll never let you go.. Ever.."
"Promise?" You whisper, fluttering your eyes up at him.  
"...Promise, my love. I promise..."
Sunday whispered quietly in return, wrapping his embrace around you tightly. You could hear his breathing quietly, his tone sounded nearly desperate.
"You're mine."
"And you are mine..." You hum, breathing softly against his lips.
Sunday muttered, his face moving down to let his lips ghost against your neck. He leaned in close, placing a gentle kiss against the spot, his fingers gently tracing along the length of your arms.
"I'm yours..."
He repeated in a gentle whisper, his expression visibly softening as he held you close. The embrace he had around you tightened, holding you in such a way that you were completely against him, wrapped in a warm embrace and tucked under his cream white wings.
"Yours..." You echo again. "Always yours..."
Sunday repeated, gently burying his face into the crook of your neck as he held you. His embrace was still tight, the possessive and clingy look in his eyes appearing once again as he hugged you close to his body. A faint, content noise slipped from his lips as he stood there silently, keeping you against him in a warm embrace.
The song ends and people start to take a break from the dance floor. Yet the music continues. "Shall we have another dance?" You smile warmly. 
"Of course, absolutely.."
Sunday mused quietly, flashing you a sweet smile in return. He pulled back from the warm embrace, grabbing your hand gently and intertwining his fingers with yours. His golden hues averted for a brief moment, looking down at your hand and the way your fingers intertwined with his
"Perfect…" He'd muttered, bringing your hand up to his face and giving your knuckles a gentle kiss.
"What is?" You tease, winking a quick bit.
Sunday snapped back to reality from his thoughts, having not realized he had spoken out loud. A sheepish smile appeared on his face upon realizing he had been caught staring.
"Ah.. nothing, dearest.. nothing."
He muttered, gently pulling you around the dance floor. His hands slid onto your waist, holding you in a proper waltz position as he began to dance with you once more.
As he dips you towards the ground before pulling you back up you kiss his nose quickly before he swings you softly
Sunday's expression lightens with an endearing smile, his face visibly flustering a bit at the kiss as he continued to lead you in the waltz.
His gaze remained on yours, his grip on your hand and waist firm as he kept you close to him, not once leaving you out of his sights.
"Perfect..." You echo him again.
Sunday muttered quietly in response, not letting his voice raise above a whisper. He gently pulled you closer, leaning his head forwards to plant a gentle kiss on your lips. The kiss was brief, only lasting a couple of seconds before he pulled back, his golden eyes fixated on yours.
He was completely entranced by you, enamored by every little thing you did.. He didn't want anyone else but you, having dedicated (willingly) his entire being to you.
"Hey how about we ditch?" You smirk softly, motioning to the grand ballroom doors, white and gold polish.
Sunday mumbled quietly, the words taking a second to sink in. A moment of silence fell between the two of you, before a mischievous grin appeared on his face.
"Ah.. that's a lovely idea my dear."
He muttered in response, a faint glimmer of excitement in his eyes. He immediately began to lead you off the dance floor, grasping your hand firmly and slipping his other arm around your waist.
You giggle softly as you both leave the ballroom sneakily, trying to hold in your laughter. You felt like a little kid playing spies.  
Sunday chuckled along, his pace quick yet stealthy. He held you close to him, the hand that wrapped around your waist pulling you even closer as he led you out of the ballroom. His golden gaze was fixated on the halls in front of the two of you, watching out to make sure no one had noticed the two of you sneaking away.
You giggle again as you peer around with him, it's like a game to you.
"We mustn't get caught, my love!.."
Sunday whispered, a teasing smirk growing on his face. He continued leading you down the halls of the hotel, keeping an eye out in case anyone who may recognize the two of you appeared. It seemed quiet though, the both of them having successfully made it out of the ballroom without being noticed.
As you make it out of the ballroom and into the courtyard you sigh heavily with relief.
Sunday exhaled in relief at the same time, letting out a quiet laugh. He leaned forward to plant a kiss on your forehead, gently pulling you in for another warm embrace.
"We made it, darling~"
He hummed, closing his eyes as he held you close to him. One hand gently reached up to caress your cheek.
"Aeons…I love you..." You whisper 
"I love you too my sweet, more than anything in this world.."
Sunday whispered in return, returning your whisper with one of his own. He leaned his forehead against yours, his eyes closing as he held you tighter, pulling you against him again to bury his face into your shoulder again.
"... don't leave me...ever..." You keep whispering, even alone, you feel shy. 
Sunday held tightly onto you, not leaving an inch between your body and his. His grip on you was firm yet warm, like he was holding you as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
"I won't…I won't ever, I'd rather die."
Sunday muttered quietly into your shoulder, his voice dropping into a whisper as he let out an exhale.
"Ok die is a stretch hon...if anything ever happened I wouldn't want you to feel lost without me" You tease.
Sunday blinked in surprise, quickly snapping back to reality upon realizing what he had said. His face quickly flushed a bright red and his hands flew up to cover his mouth as he stammered a mess of words.
"W-Wait no- nonono I-"
He muttered, flustered at the realization of his words.
"Phrasing, phrasing! I didn't mean die I just.."
He tried to correct himself, but his face continued to flush red.
"I know hon..." You smile, laughing at his flushed face.
Sunday went silent once more, his face still red as a tomato. After a few seconds of silence, he leaned closer and bent down to bury his face into your chest, his arms wrapped around your waist as he held onto you tightly.
A moment of silence fell between the two of you once more. He mumbled something quietly, though it was muffled by your chest.
"What was that?" You hum gently, almost teasingly against his hair. 
"Nothing, my love.. Just…you're all I have, I wouldn't know what to do without you.."
Sunday mumbled quietly, looking upward as he leaned against you. His gaze was gentle and warm, a faint smile across his face.
"You're all I need…don't need anyone else…as long as you're here with me, I'm fine.."
"...wow you're putting me above Robin?" You scoff teasingly. "I'm telling~"
Sunday paused for a brief moment, a look of genuine surprise on his face. It was almost like he forgot he had a sister for a brief moment. He snapped back to reality soon after.
"Ah.. I-Of course I still care about my sister.."
He mumbled quietly, a sheepish look appearing on his face as he averted his gaze. He quickly leaned in to press a gentle kiss against your cheek, trying to change the subject.
I laugh softly and nod as I kiss his cheek back. "You better…she's my best friend…"
"Yes but anyway…my love, you're my everything…you're my world…"
Sunday muttered quietly in response, his cheeks still flushing a bright red as he leaned in to nuzzle gently against your cheek. He pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you once more as he gently buried his face into the crook of your neck.
"Sunday...I love you...never forget that...if anything ever happens, cross my heart it doesn't, just know I love you..." You giggle, pressing a gentle kiss to his head.
"I won't…I promise, my love…" Sunday whispered softly, returning your whisper with a soft one of his own. He tightened his embrace around you, holding you gently yet firmly like you were the most precious thing in the world, and he was afraid to let you go.
His golden eyes flickered back to yours, staring directly into your eyes affectionately. 
He was utterly and completely entranced in you…you were everything.
You kiss his forehead and take his hand. "May I have one more dance?" You motion to the garden lights in the distance.
"Of course my love, of course…"
Sunday agreed wholeheartedly, his grip on your hand tightening as a gentle smile crept across his face. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze, interlocking his fingers with yours as he led you into the garden.
The garden was dimly lit, with a faint romantic glow. Golden lights adorned the branches, their shine visible even in the darkness. It was just the two of you…alone with each other in the garden.
You smile softly as you begin to dance with each other. Sliding your hands behind his head to run your fingers through his hair. 
Sunday's expression softens as you run your fingers through his hair, leaning his head forwards slightly as a content noise leaves his lips. His arms naturally gravitate towards you, wrapping around your waist to hold you close to him as the two of you continue to slow-dance in the garden
"I love you..." You whisper, a lovesick tone in your voice.
" I love you too, my dearest…"
Sunday hummed quietly in response, his gaze fixated on yours as his eyes flicker across your face. A gentle smile was plastered on his face, his expression filled with love and affection. He held you close, one hand reaching up to gently tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear as he admired your beauty.
"I'm yours forever..." 
"And I'm yours, till the end of time and even after." Sunday whispered back, holding you gently as he let out a exhale. He leaned forwards gently, pressing a gentle kiss against your lips. It was a soft, tender kiss, filled with the purest intentions possible. He slowly pulled back from the kiss, placing another gentle kiss along your jaw, down to your neck and to your shoulder.
"Dammit that was a lot sweeter than what I said..." You scoff, teasing him, hoping to gain another kiss.
Sunday let out a soft chuckle, his cheeks heating up a bright red from your teasings. His arms remained wrapped around you as he rested his chin on your shoulder, planting another gentle kiss on your collarbone and your shoulder.
"Is that so, my love?..."
He muttered in response, a mischievous smirk appearing on his face.
"And is that to your liking?"
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Hi! Can I request a Hua Cheng x bottom male reader x Xie Lian one shot? Maybe that the three of them are already in a relationship together. And maybe when they all go to Qi Rong's (the black water calamity) lair to kill him in that one chapter/episode, Before they start fighting Qi Rong starts flirting with reader and it makes HuaLian jealous as fuck. And so when they defeat him they drag reader back to the Puqi Shrine and reminds him who he belongs too 🤭
Also if possible can you make it smut?
Feel free to delete this ask if you want tho!
Look At Me
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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Sorry it took so long I'm still in school guys 😞 at first I was confused because I thought you were talking about He Xuan because I was sure he was the black water calamity
I forgot the prince's name guys
I made up connections for Qi Rong and reader
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight ooc?
Smut ahead!!!
They knew it wasn't going to be easy, nor was it going to feel good. Hua Cheng has meant to find Qi Rong, reveal the truth to Lan Qin Qao, and continue on with their lives. Well, he just wanted to beat the shit out of Qi Rong for what he did to Xie Lian.
All of you went to Qi Rong's lair, and watched Hua Cheng beat Qi Rong's face into the ground. Then you all got to listen to the truth about the banquet. So far so good. 'good' is an emotional ride for everyone there. But that was the whole point anyways.
Everything was going as planned, in Hua Cheng's book anyways. Until Qi Rong started slandering Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. He started yelling about how Hua Cheng was Xie Lian's dog, and how Xie Lian is so pure he must've been blinded by it.
You have a deep past with Xie Lian, and a relationship with both men so of course you aren't happy to hear these things. Especially from Qi Rong. You used to be close with him, of course you were. He was Xie Lian's cousin so obviously you would've met him. Now look at Qi Rong. It was truly pitiful.
You were upset by the words Qi Rong was saying, he used to be such a good child for you. The things he was saying weren't fair to your lovers, you also didn't want to see Qi Rong get beat up anymore. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng already had a go at him.
"Qi Rong you've grown to have such a vulgar tongue, please be quiet." You weren't going to hit anyone, you're too sweet for that, so you could only ask him nicely. It's the first thing you've said since you've been here. You haven't said anything, rather staying quiet instead. You just didn't want things to escalate further.
You hadn't expected it to work, Qi Rong is. . . Unstable, to put it nicely. Plus he hasn't looked at you this whole time you doubt he remembers you at all. It's been so long.
Qi Rong snaps his head towards you and his giggling dies down. "Y/n? Y/n is it really you? What a wonderful reunion this is!" Even though Qi Rong had just been upset about 'people throwing a party in his lair'.
"Come closer, come closer I want to see your face y/n. It seems you've been by my high and mighty cousin all this time." He grins widely. You don't reply to that, you don't know what to say. You had gone to step forward though, to allow Qi Rong to see your face after all these years.
Xie Lian stopped you though. Where he usually is so hesitant to touch you has been thrown away, he pulls you by the elbow, behind him now. Xie Lian doesn't know why he does it. Anger? Jealousy? Selfishness? Protectiveness? Hostility? Who knows but he knows that him and Hua Cheng will lose it if Qi Rong dares to spit harmful words towards you.
But Qi Rong doesn't. He does the contrary, as if Qi Rong had really missed you. As if he had a right to your person. He laughs, finding it hysterical how Xie Lian pulls you behind him. How his big cousin is selfish even though he acts like the most selfless person to ever breathe. "Hahaha! Look at you big cousin! Look, look! You've always been selfish! Selfish!" He laughs and laughs against the ground.
Qi Rong looks at you, what he can see peaking over Xie Lian's shoulder anyways. "Y/n, Y/n I've missed you over these 800 years. You must've been blinded by big cousin's light too! His pureness and selflessness right?! You should come with me instead. I miss Y/n's pretty face I haven't seen it in so long!" And he dares to try and reach a hand to your robes.
You don't know if he's being honest in his words or if he's saying it to piss off your lovers. You wouldn't put it past him. "Qi Rong please" you hiss through your teeth. You had been so focused on Xie Lian that you had completely forgotten about the seething ghost behind you.
Hua Cheng's devotion to Xie Lian is admirable and his devotion to you is the same. Qi Rong very quickly finds his face being slammed into the ground again. It's a very gruesome sight and you didn't enjoy it all. Hiding behind Xie Lian and covering your ears as Qi Rong continues to roll your name over his tongue.
Things pass, and tensions increase. Eventually leading to Qi Rong being cut in half and thrown into boiling liquids. Even though Xie Lian drags you off, you can't help but stare where Qi Rong was thrown.
Once the three of you are out of the lair, you're all interrupted by Shi Qingxuan and Feng Xin. Feng Xin wants the two of you to come back to the heavens. To come home. He demands it actually, threatening Hua Cheng with his bow and arrow. Shi Qingxuan stops him though. You and Xie Lian get pulled behind Hua Cheng.
Once things smooth over with them and Hua Cheng bullies Feng Xin with blood rain, you were expecting to go back to the heavens with Xie Lian. The two of you do need to get up there and explain everything that has happened. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng decide differently though. Instead you're dragged off and your lovers are eerily silent, seething quietly. You don't know what to say, because you don't know why they're upset. So you don't say anything you let them drag you along.
They've taken you to Puqi shrine. You can only assume that maybe after such a tiring day, that everyone is missing home. Maybe your lovers just want to spend a few hours with you and have some peace. To make what happened earlier a distant memory. Your mind is quickly changed.
Your assumptions prove wrong when Xie Lian drags you through the door and shoves you down on the mat. "H-hey! What is wrong with you?" You look away. Xie Lian grips your jaw and snaps your gaze back towards him. "Look at me, don't look away again" Xie Lian has never treated you so roughly. You've known him a long time and he's always treated you carefully. Not even in bed does he usually dare to treat you so hard.
You try to gain your balance, and to get off of the floor. You're quickly pulled back by your shoulders and your back meets Hua Cheng's chest. Leaving you between your two, seething lovers. And you? You poor, oblivious thing. You don't even understand why.
"A-Lian, San Lang! Why are you acting like this!?" You're left with no answer besides Xie Lian practically tearing at your robes and San Lang pinning your back against his chest. He's not giving you the chance to move away. Not that you would anyhow.
Hua Cheng being angry, and upset is nothing new. It's concerning sometimes but he tends to pout a lot so you expect it. Seeing Xie Lian angry, is frightening. Well, not exactly but you haven't seen him angry in a long time but he's never been angry with you. Ever.
You're stripped quickly, and your hands shoot out to Xie Lian's face. Holding his face in your hands, making him look at you, forcing him to pause in his ministrations. "A-Lian, what's wrong?"
Xie Lian's brow furrows and he lets out a shaky breath. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry y/n" he huffs softly and holds your wrist. He moves his face to the side and kisses your palm. "Qi Rong was right I am selfish. I am, I shouldn't be but I can help it. But I'm selfish for good reasons" he moves closer, nipping at your neck. His usual soft kisses, become possessive bites.
"I have a right to claim you, to touch you. You're mine. You're San Lang's. You're ours" he hisses through his teeth and he bites your shoulder hard. His hands roam while he talks, spreading your legs and his oiled fingers prod at your hole. Where did he get a bottle of oil? When did he even do that?
San Lang makes himself busy by kissing you and shoving his tongue down your throat. Stealing your breath as if it were his. Not that he needs to breathe.
Xie Lian continues, "But what right does he have to claim you? To try and take you away from me, from us?" Xie Lian growls out, and presses fingers up against your prostate. It didn't take long for him to find it, he's explored you many times. It causes you to arch against San Lang's chest and moan into his mouth.
Xie Lian doesn't feel like being nice today though because his fingers continue to rub and curl up against your prostate. You squirm against them both, moans being ripped out of you by Xie Lian nimble fingers. "A-Lian, A-Lian, please~!"
San Lang bullies you too, making you dizzy from his kisses and his forces your legs apart. He's encouraging Xie Lian to bully you. San Lang is good in bed and Xie Lian is usually obedient, but Xie Lian getting out of his shell to bully you? San Lang enjoys it thoroughly.
One of his hands wraps around your dick and he strokes you, he only makes it worse. The two take out their frustrations on you, leaving you to mumble their names. With both of them bullying your front and back, it's not long until your cumming. A long moan spills from your lips and your legs try to clamp shut. San Lang doesn't let them though.
You double over and heave a breath when they don't stop. Xie Lian bullies your prostate and San Lang moves his fingers faster around your dick. It quickly puts you into overstimulation and pretty tears drip from your eyes. "No, no, slow down~" You whine, and your legs shake into San Lang's hold.
"Tell us who's you are then" San Lang purrs in your ear. Another orgasm is forced out of you and you babble some more. "Xie Lian d-does, San Lang too. Please!" You squeal from the pleasure.
Those words are forced out of you many times that night, because they don't intend to let you get away so soon. They bully you for the rest of the night and when you show up in the heavens the next day you have a slight limp. The other officials are worried you were injured by Hua Cheng, but it was both Xie Lian and Hua Cheng who made you cry on their cocks.
I hope you like it 😁🙏🖤🖤
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: 8:45 PM 🔞
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Tags/Warnings: Adult, smut-heavy, making out, Idol!Jungkook, Fluff, Established Relationship, implied foreigner!Reader, not home AU though, Jungkook struggling hard, misunderstanding, angst with happy end, emotional smut, oral (fem. Receiving), protected sex bc this is me writing this and I teach you kids the true life lessons
Lenght: long.
Languages are marked as English / Korean.
He still can't believe your first time got interrupted by something as ridiculous as his manager calling him.
It's like a reminder that his career will always somehow wiggle itself between him and whatever happiness he tries to find outside of it- nothing ever truly personal for him, everything always meant to be well thought through so it fits into his public persona.
But he refuses to give you up, even knowing all of that.
Apologizing for it just feels.. odd now, like bringing up something awkward you did ten years ago that everyone forgot about anyway before you decided to rekindle the memory in their heads. But the problem here, right now, with you, is that he knows he should bring it up. Somehow. Because he's struggling hard to keep himself in check, even having had to embarrassingly rub one out in the shower this morning after you'd made yourself tea in his kitchen wearing nothing but a shirt and panties.
It's a problem.
He's hesitating to initiate anything now mainly because what if it happens again? He can't just put his phone on silent and ignore what could potentially always be very important calls from people who only want what's best for him in the long run- real life doesn't work like those movies where the protagonist throws it all away for his girl. He wants to, he truly does- but at the end of the day, he's also scared, because if he falls, he'll potentially take you down with him, and God knows how deep he'll fall with where he stands right now.
A drop from a height this high would shatter you inevitably, and he's sure he'd crack like delicate porcelain just as much by having to watch you suffer the consequences of his actions. You don't deserve that.
"..-ungkookie?" You try again, and he snaps out of his thought, looking at you.
"Hm?" He responds, looking at you next to him.
"I asked if you want me to cook for us tonight. Is that alright?" You wonder, and he nods, eagerly so, because of course he'd love to have you do something so domestic with him. He's always dreamed of being able to experience these things after all, despite his curse of being a public figure who's not supposed to appear unavailable. "Alright-!" You hum. "Gonna have to put pants on now though, gotta go get some groceries.." you whine under your breath as you stretch on the couch naked feet pushing against his thighs and oh, how your back arches-
No, bad brain. Not right now.
"I'll give you my card, hold on." He tries to save himself, getting up to fetch his wallet as you begin to laugh.
"Jungkook baby, I can cover some groceries, don't bother!" You argue softly, getting up as well before walking over to him. "You'll just have to survive some minutes without me, that's all." You tell him, hugging his middle as you put your chin on his chest, looking up at him. "Also, people would think I'm a gold digger for using a black card looking like.. well, me." You joke, as he can't help but reach out to affectionately brush some hair out your face, hands holding your cheeks.
"M'sorry." He mumbles, and you part a bit from him, serious at his tone of voice used.
"Hm? For what?" You wonder, and he sighs. Why did he bring it up now? This is going to be so awkward, he already dreads it. But now that he's put the noose around his neck, he might as well stand on the chair too.
"Yesterday. Or.. day before? Technically it was, wasn't it.." he rants, before sighing. "I hate that we.. had moment, you know, and then.. nothing. Ruined." He complains softly, and you can't help but look at him affectionately. He's such a soft soul sometimes, worries about so much that doesn't even need to be worried about.
"Jungkook, it's fine." You answer.
"Not fine-" he shakes his head. "Not fine, I- ugh, I want you, you know? Want to, but now, it's awkward and I don't know how to initiate it because every time I plan to I keep thinking of that moment he called and-" he groans in frustration, head thrown back before he looks down at you. "I'm sorry." He apologizes yet again, and you laugh.
"I forgot to pack socks for this trip, that's why I'm always barefoot in your apartment here." You say, and he blinks once, twice, before he looks at you, confused but amused the same.
"What?" He questions, tilting his head for a split second and you shrug.
"Now I've made an awkward moment for myself too. We're even." You explain, and he laughs.
"Thats not how that works-" he wants to argue but he inevitably leans down to kiss you- a peck quickly deepened by you, because God knows you want him just as much. But the struggle of initiating isn't solely his alone, because you don't know how to either. All is still new with your relationship, you don't even live together at this point in time, only a week more and you'll be back home trying to figure out how to move most of your stuff to his country so you can be closer. This was all a test, after all- to see if it's worth it. If you'll be okay.
And you know now, you'll be just fine with him at your side.
"Hm I need to get going now though-" you say, trying to escape him now- but he won't let you, hands firm on the small of your back as he keeps you against him, lips chasing yours making you giggle as you lean back as far as you can. "Jungkook!" You laugh, but he just playfully bites at your neck.
"No, I'm hungry." He mumbles against your skin, and you look at him, pushing against his chest.
"Yeah that's why I have to go? Get everything to cook?" You remind him, but he shakes his head, gaze making it clear that he doesn't care for that.
"Not.. that." He tells you. "Hungry for you." He says, raising his brows and you laugh at how ridiculous he's being. How can he be both so cute but also attractive at the same time? It's truly unfair.
"You're so cute." You tease, catching him off guard to escape his grasp and run into the bedroom to get some proper pants at least. But he's faster, palm slapping flat against the wood of his door before the momentum of his move slams it into the wall with a loud noise, making both of you jump for a second before he stalks towards you.
And once the backs of your legs hit the edge of his bed, you know you lost.
It's like his patience had finally snapped, his hands eagerly helping you out of his shirt, happily running his palms over your skin, warm and soft as you move around a bit to get comfortable. He sighs when his phone vibrates somewhere close- probably having fallen out of his pocket on the couch earlier, and you laugh, visibly uncaring of his misery. "Go get it." You tell him when it sounds again, and he groans out loudly as if he's in pain, angrily stomping back into the living room, where you can hear him answer the call with an annoyed tone to his voice. It surprises you when he walks back into the bedroom however, pointing to the shirt you're attempting to put back on, before he motions for you to put it back on the floor where he'd thrown it down earlier.
Just what is he thinking right now?
"Yeah, that's fine." He talks into the phone, his free hand untying the strings of your sweatpants, before he pulls on the hem, tapping your hips as if to silently ask you to lift them so he can get you out of those pants. "Not right now, but tomorrow is fine." He continues to talk to whomever is speaking to him over the phone, while simultaneously running his hand from the side of your knee, up to the hem of your underwear, the last item of clothing covering you at the moment. It's oddly exciting to see him so serious, yet clearly more focused on you than anything else.
You've never felt so adored before.
His fingers slip underneath the side of your panties, teasing you, so close yet way too far from where you'd like his hands to be most right now. And he's clearly aware of it too; if the hooded eyes and the small smirk on his lips was anything to go by. "No, right now.. I'm pretty busy. Sorry." He speaks again into the phone, thumb running over the dip between your inner thigh and your by now more than aching heat. He runs his tongue over his bottom lip for a second, before the whole thing visibly seems to edge him just as much- then tent in his pants evident.
"Alright, yeah, just- text the schedule to me and I'll talk to you tomorrow about it, okay?" He offers into the phone, moving to stand up and search for something in the drawer of his bedside table- colorful foil package pretty obviously hinting at what he means when he's said he's currently busy. "Alright, hmhm, yup- bye." He rushes out, ending the call before he throws his phone somewhere onto the shirt you'd been wearing, his eyes rolling in an annoyed manner before he takes off his own shirt, joining you on the bed.
"Did you really hang up on him like that?" You wonder, giggling when he has to sit back to slip out of his loose grey sweats as well, jumping on one foot for a bit as his other gets stuck in the fabric for a second.
"I'm not sorry." He shakes his head, crawling closer to you on the mattress to get a hold of both sides of your panties. "I've got my hot girlfriend all pretty and ready, no one can ever blame me for being needy." He shrugs, shaking his hair out of his face before he tries to pull your underwear off. "Hey come on now!" He whines almost, a stark contrast to the tattooed, muscled appearance of him currently already flushed and fully erect, straining against the cotton of his own underwear.
"Needy." You tease, and suddenly, as if you'd pushed a button, as he suddenly pulls on the fabric with more determination, successfully getting rid of the item of clothing with a gaze that screams fake innocence. Jungkook isn't new to sex, and neither are you- but it's the first time doing it with each other, which naturally places a bit of pressure onto you.
Or maybe it usually should be like that- because somehow, it all comes naturally.
When his hand finds your heat, you're already melting underneath his gaze, no words spoken as he leans further over you, catching your lips again. Only that this time, he truly seems hungry; no longer offering you fleeting pecks but desperate kisses that try and convey just how much he wants you right now. He knows that he could never truly make it clear to you though- because he himself doesn't even know if that's possible.
He's never wanted anyone so bad.
And while usually not too fond of it, his need to prove himself as the perfect lover- emotionally and physically- makes him detach himself from you for a second, before he adjusts his position, leaning down to have you lay your legs over his shoulders, hands holding your thighs apart as he lays his mouth onto your heat.
It's an entirely new experience for you, and he knows.
But luckily, if your Impatient whining was anything to go by, you're definitely enjoying yourself as he flattens his tongue over your sensitive nerves, eyes focused on you while he has to use a little strength to keep your legs apart, especially when you grow close to your first orgasm. He's eager to see it, moving away to gain a better view before one of his hands finishes the job, gaze on you as you arch your back and come undone from his actions.
And its now that he really can't take it any longer.
"Fuck I need you." He curses under his breath, finally getting rid of the last item of clothing he still had on until now, no need to give his length any form of help to get ready for you. He can't help but groan a little under his breath at how sensitive he feels, rushing the act of wrapping the condom over as to not rile himself up too much.
After all, he wants to be inside you for his own orgasm, no matter what.
"Hm I'll go slow, ok?" He asks, and you nod, hands reaching out for him, making him chuckle. "You're cute." He comments, earning a roll of your eyes in return. He lets it go for now- giving you a pass this time, but only because be truly feels needy now.
He'd love to tease you a little, make you all whiny and desperate for him, but right now, he just wants you as close as he physically can get.
Though in his haste to get onto his own road towards pleasure, he never forgets you- pride swelling as he watches you hold onto him, wanting him just as much as he wants you. He's a little sweaty already, and the sheetsbare tangled badly at this point from all your squirming, arousal already staining some parts of them but right now he really can't bring himself to care.
He uses one of his hands to aid him in finding your entrance, positioning himself to carefully push himself inside, and at this point, he just feels as if he truly became one with you. It's the last key experience in a way he's had to have with you, and now that he's in exactly that moment, things start to feel real.
"I love you." He almost whispers into your neck while he starts to move. "I'm.. so grateful you're here." He tells you, hips moving at a steady pace. "I want you to.. stay forever." He almost asks, in a way, and while you can't give him an answer to that right now, you probably will later.
After you're back with the normal thinking human beings, because right now, with his pace and strength gaining as he chases his high, your head is definitely unable to form thoughts.
In a way, he loves the sight of you like this. It's awfully sinful, a sight only he wants to ever be able to see, no one else.
He can't control his own noises at this point, uncaring of his groans of pleasure as he chases after his peak, noticing you growing antsy as well, visibly eager to cum as well. And he will make sure you'll get your attention as well- he'd never let you down, ever.
And with his hand reaching in between you both to find where he needs to be, you're gone and out; head thrown back into the pillows while he pushes himself in deep, condom filling with his seed while he slows down into almost no movement at all.
Catching his breath, he leans down to you to kiss you once more, ticking of his clock on the bedside table coming back into the background noise, as well as the cars outside from the opened window, and your breathing underneath him. His senses return one by one as he pulls himself out, moving to get rid of the condom and start the shower.
"Come on." He asks, tapping your thigh, but you just whine all grumpy at him. "Noo get up, get up- the bed's all messy and we're too.!" He laughs, all energized from his own afterglow, while you seem to be the exact opposite, having to be physically pulled into a sitting position by your wrists. Jungkook himself can't help but simply laugh, before he takes matters into his own hands, lifting you up over his shoulder-
And of course, landing a loud smack onto your butt for good measure.
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604to647 · 6 months
Fics that Live in My Mind, Rent Free (Pedro's Version) - Part 1
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Happy NYE! 🥳🥳
I read so many wonderful, hot, gut-wrenching, unforgettable, inspiring Pedro Pascal character fanfics... and I haven't been reblogging them 🫣 (it's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me). Don't hate me please - reblogging gives me so much anxiety, and I'm not even sure I could articulate why if I tried - and I see a lot of the discussion/discourse/posts re: reblogging and I truly understand all perspectives although it just seems to elevate my nerves about even more.
However, I understand the impact and moreover, I want to do it for the writers that bring me so much joy and inspiration, so I endeavour to try. I want to make it clear that this is a personal hang up of mine, and I have 100% absolutely no comments on how anyone else engages here; reblog/comment/like or don’t per your own preferences and you have nothing but love from me 😘
So it will be a 2024 personal goal of mine to be less shy about reblogging, but while I work up my courage/practice, I wanted to go back and compile a list of some of my fave Pedro boy fics; I think of each and every one of these fics often and have revisited them all (i.e. Exactly the fics I should have reblogged when I read them). I went deep in my likes so some of these fics are quite old; you may have already read them all! If you have or haven’t, I hope you love them as much as I do!
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Din Djarin (The Mandalorian, GOAT)
Boxer!Din AU by @djarinsbeskar (Boxer and his masseuse, who relaxes him in more ways than one. I've mentioned before that this is the first Modern Din AU I ever read and it's cemented itself as one of the best. Making Safest with You Din an ex-boxer is my humble homage.)
Freu(Din)an Slip by @saradika (Is there space porn in the SW universe? Yes.)
Bare by @charnelhouse (part of an AU between Din and bounty hunter!reader; other favourite instalments include Come and Conquer and Din's Ex)
A Bond to My Soul by @whiskeynwriting (King!Din and reader, with a battle just outside the doors)
Mine also by @whiskeynwriting (Jealous Din, no need to say more)
Beloved series by @groguspicklejar (Din falls in love with Cyare; mind the tags - the writing is rich and the emotions deep)
Courting by @writerlyhabits (another Mandalorian tries to court you and Din's having none of that)
Hold me down by @starlightmornings (Din as your weighted blanket)
Be Mine by @spacecowboyhotch (Glove kink)
Save a Speeder, Ride a Mando by @sprout-fics (I love fics where Din is jealous of Cobb)
Helping Hand and Did you miss me? by @mellowswriting (Din smut and fluff; they're in love, okay?)
Fix you by @roguetonorth (Comforting Din)
Rough Day by @no-droids (I think everyone knows about this fic; Sweet Girl!Reader holds a special place in my heart)
Take me to Church by @frannyzooey (Western AU; seriously one of the hottest and most romantic series I've ever read. I cried several times 🥹)
Flowers & Sex by @221bshrlocked (Din and innocent!Reader)
Show me by @moralesispunk (A bounty gets mouthy)
Patience by @oscarseyebrow (Starts with cockwarming)
Close Quarters by @absurdthirst (One bed/bunk)
Reunion by @heybluechild (Breaking in the N1)
Significant by @softlyspector (Din calls Reader "Riduur"; I love, love, love Mando fics with lots of Mando'a; so much care is always taken by the writers to translate and weave the words into the story)
Din takes out his frustrations by @ourautumn86
Javier Pena (Narcos)
Burn for Me by @theshireisburning-so-mordoritis (Reader teases Javi; it backfires)
Use me by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Javi is frustrated)
Needy by @wheresarizona (Reader is going to be late for work 🤭)
Reader brings Javi dinner at work by @forthetears
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Bad Girl by @seventeenpins (The first in a hot stepdad!Joel Miller series)
The Boss' Bunny by @talaok (The first in a series about QZ criminal boss Joel and his insatiable bunny)
Help! I'm Stuck! by @nosesitter (Oof! Father-in-law!Joel Miller and his OF daughter-in-law; 2 in the series so far)
Stripped by @thot-of-khonshu (Mr. Miller goes to a strip club)
Stay in Bed series by @psychedelic-ink (Neighbour Joel, pre-outbreak)
A Man Like Him by @valerinaswriting (No one should question Joel's abilities)
Mine by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Reader wears Joel's shirt on accident)
You Are My Cinema by @itgetsdark-x (Camgirl!Reader)
An Afternoon with Your Dad's Best Friend by @elvinaa (I mean, it's in title 🤭; I actually always secretly wish for a sequel to this one)
Come and get your love by @sunflowersteves (Sunshine!Reader)
Francisco "Catfish" Morales (Triple Frontier)
Kinktober 2022 - Erotic Photos by @moralesispunk (Reader gifts Frankie a Polaroid camera)
Thirds by @haylzcyon (Reader visits new boyfriend Frankie at work)
Grass is Greener by @haylzcyon (Frankie mows the lawn)
Kinktober 2022 - Overstimulation by @flightlessangelwings-updates (This was my introduction to pussy eating king Frankie)
Cabin in the woods by @guess-my-next-obsession (The cabin is spooky but Frankie is there to take care of Reader)
Double Feature (and all of the Box Set Universe) by @frannyzooey (Frankie and Reader love movies)
Pero Tovar (The Great Wall)
Little Red's Shadow by @littlemisspascal (Werewolf!Pero 🥹)
In my dreams by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Princess falls for a mercenary)
Tim Rockford (Merge Mansion, all 48 seconds)
A Sight for Sore Eyes and Sir by @ozarkthedog (Semi-public sex)
Anything you say can and will be held against you by @jksprincess10 (Workplace rivals)
An Important Appointment by @boliv-jenta (Sex worker!Reader)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
A present by @radiowallet (Lingerie prompt; Cat writes some of the best Marcus Moreno fics on here imho. This one is my personal fave)
First Date by @absurdthirst (Workplace FWB)
The Date by @wardenparker (Professor!Marcus but also Marcus on a motorcycle)
Part 2 of list
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reiderwriter · 2 months
Requests for when you get to it:
Reader feeling inadequate at new job (doesn’t have to be BAU) and Spencer makes her feel better. 🥹
(Or you can ignore this request and release it back into the wind, whatever works best for you.)
A/N: Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy:)
Warnings: vomit/ mention of throwing up, small references to case details/death
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As your stomach emptied itself for the third time that day, you found yourself alone by a park bench, shaking and with tears blurring your vision. 
You wiped your mouth, pulling a bottle of water out of your backpack and swishing the water through your teeth, trying to rid your mouth of that dry feeling. 
Your body pushed itself through the stages of composing itself, but your mind stayed a riot. A corpse was not something humans were able to view naturally without response. Something inside would always wonder at the uncanny feel of knowing something that had once been imbued with life now was not. 
The corpse of a BAU case victim was even more harrowing. 
It had been three months since you'd begun working at Quantico, and every time you had to face death, your whole being protested. You'd cried, loudly, thrown up and passed out multiple times. You watched the medical examiners roll their eyes at you as you walked onto every crime scene, knowing you'd need a minute for air after. 
Instead of becoming more composed at crime scenes, though, it was like you were regressing. You'd gone from small squeaks of horror to tears to throwing up and passing out, as if your entire being were protesting your decision to be here in the first place. 
All you could see in your head were the lifeless bodies you'd encountered on both coasts of the country since accepting the job. Their names played in your head on repeat as you stumbled your way to a park bench and tried to steady your breathing. 
You didn't hear or see Spencer Reid so much as feel the change on the bench as he sat next to you and cradled your hand in his. 
He'd taken to sitting with you, in comfortable silence like this with you when he could be spared, being there for you if the emotions ever got too overwhelming. 
“I don't know if I can do this, Spencer,” you whispered, clutching his hand like a lifeline, a tether to the world you lived in. You let your eyes open, let the names in your head quiet bit not disappear as you looked to him for guidance. 
“Everyone here is so collected and driven. They compose themselves in the face of loss to find justice, and that's why I'm here too. To get justice for these people, but-” 
His thumb stroked the back of your hand as you fell into silence again. 
“I think,” he said slowly, taking the time to think about the words he was saying, to make his meaning clear, “that there is something truly admirable in your sympathy for each victim.” 
You were about to scoff when he scooted a bit closer, turning his head to look straight at you. 
“You weep for each victim as if they were a brother or a sister or a son or a daughter or a mother or a father. You weep as if their pain belongs to you, and your body reacts to the grief. You are human, and your reactions remind everyone in the vicinity that we are, too.” 
You sniffled and finally met his gaze. 
“How am I supposed to get through this? How am I supposed to progress if I can't handle even seeing them?” 
He pushed closer to you still, and you let your head rest against his shoulder, soaking his shirt with the tears you'd spilt again.
Companionable silence greeted you as you watched the world from that park bench. With the crime scene behind you, you could only look forward to the trees, the grass, and the sky. 
“Did I ever tell you that Gideon used to collect pictures of all the people he saved? He had their names, what they were doing when he last heard from them, all kinds of stuff. He decorated his office with those pictures. Those happy endings.” 
The wind blew as you listened to his words and the rise and fall of your chest, breaths syncing as you sat entwined. 
“I think everyone finds their way through. You can't force the grief out of your head, or your body will suffer, but you can use it to help you find your place.” 
The words weren't exactly absolution to your problem. People usually went to Spencer Reid for solutions, for answers, for facts, and for a clear cut yes or no. Spencer Reid had come to you with something else. Comfort, sympathy, and understanding. 
You lifted your head to the sun and let go of his hand, standing from the bench and straightening your clothes. 
“Okay, Doctor Reid,” you said, extending your hand for him to grab. “We have an unsub to catch.” 
He took your hand, and with your comfort and your grief, you walked back to the body. 
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adrienneleclerc · 2 months
Move to Miami
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: after the Miami Grand Prix, Charles meets a wonderful woman that would make him consider moving to the states
Warning: the usual spelling and grammatical errors, this is based off "Move to Miami" by Enrique Iglesias featuring Pitbull
A/N: LANDO WON THE MIAMI GRAND PRIX!!!!! I cried, I cried so many times hearing him win, watching the edits people have made, the McLaren post of Lando jumping on the team, I was so emotional! I mean i cried when I couldn’t watch it live, I had to go to YouTube for live commentary, I am so happy he won!!!!
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After doing beach yoga for the Hilton hotel, Lando actually invited Y/N, the yoga instructor, to the Grand Prix.
"Are you sure? You don't have to invite me, I'm sure you have other people in mind." Y/N said.
"No, no, I insist. You said you've never seen a race before and you're a big fan. I can even pick you up so you could be my personal guest." Lando said.
"All right, sounds great, I'll be rooting for you and for Ferrari." Y/N said, hugging Lando before she went to roll her yoga mat. She made it to the hotel so she could change and put her sneakers on before heading over to Juice and Java for a sandwich and a smoothie.
What Y/N did not know is that a certain Ferrari driver was also heading to Juice and Java. Both were walking from opposite directions but Charles opened the door first, letting Y/N pass.
"After you." Charles said.
"Thank you." Y/N said, walking in to the cafe with Charles walking right behind her. She turned her head. "Oh my god, you're Charles, I'm a big fan, really, I'm Y/N." Y/N said.
"Thank you, always great meeting a fan." Charles said.
"Yeah, I am so excited for the Grand Prix, like you don't even know. Am I talking a lot? I tend to ramble when I'm excited or nervous, and honestly seeing you here makes me feel both emotions." Y/N admitted.
"You are talking a lot, but I find the rambling cute." Charles said, making Y/N blush. She was up next to order.
"Hi, how are you?...I'm good, can I get a blueberry, banana, and strawberry smoothie, a chicken caesar wrap, and a Nutella crepe please...yeah that's it, thank you." Y/N said. Charles also said his order and stood beside Y/N.
"You mind if I eat with you?" Charles asked. There was something about Y/N that drew him in.
"I don't mind at all. Lets find us a table." Y/N said, they chose a table away from the windows. Y/N's order was called up first and then Charles, they sat back down.
"So you're a fan of Formula 1?" Charles asked, taking a sip of his juice.
"Yes actually, big Ferrari fan. By the way, not a fan of the new livery." Y/N said, taking a bite of her wrap.
"Why not? Ferrari should be red." Charles said.
"Yeah, but you guys were teasing how Azzurro la plata and Azzurro dino are historical blue shades, making homage to the North American Racing Team, so you'd think that for Miami only, the new livery would look like that, all white with azzurro la plata details." Y/N said, sipping her smoothie.
"You are right, I can't lie, but I am also under contract so as far as Scuederia Ferrari knows, i love the new livery." Charles said, eating his wrap.
"You mean Scuderia Ferrari HP." Y/N teased.
"Ugh, don't remind me. That livery has so many blue HP logos, what is the point of having the blue background on a red car?" Charles argued.
"The fans have been saying the same thing! A transparent background with just the white lettering of HP would have been just fine." Y/N said.
"So what is it that you do?" Charles asked.
"Oh, I'm a yoga instructor, I actually did the Hilton yoga thing with Lando." Y/N said,
"Really? That's cool, are you going to the race?" Charles asked.
"i am! Lando heard me say I never been to a race so he gave me a pass, I'll be his personal guest for race weekend. I'm sure I'll see you around the paddock." Y/N said.
However, Charles did not truly see her until the celebration in a Miami club. Y/N was dancing to a reggaeton song, truly having a good time, drinking with Lando.
"Thanks for inviting me Lando! I am so proud that you won your first race, and that it was my first time watching one in person, you made me cry." Y/N exclaimed over the music, hugging him tightly because she is an affectionate Latina.
"Thank you for coming! I loved hanging out with you." Lando said. Y/N kissed his cheek befire she started dancing some more, Charles watching her every move, just mesmerized by the way she moves to the music, you won't find women like her in Monaco, that's for sure. Charles took a shot of tequila before going up to Y/N and tapping her on the shoulder, she turned around.
"Charles! Its so good to see you, congratulations on P3, you did so well considering what happened during practice." Y/N told him, hugging him really tightly. "Wanna dance with me?"
"I'm afraid if i dance with you, i'll never want to leave Miami." Charles said, flirting a bit, Y/N giggled.
"Well we wouldn't want that now do we?" Y/N teased.
"I don't know, I think I'm willing to move. Theres good food, good music, a bigger population than Monaco, obviously." Charles said and Y/N laughed.
"Well there's also alligators and crocodiles, hurricanes, i don't think you're built for Florida, guapo." Y/N said.
"Would you consider moving to Monaco?" Charles asked.
"Oh i would LOVE to live in Monaco, but I am broke as fuck." Y/N said.
"Then live with me." Charles said.
"Hold on, espera un tantito, we just met, at least buy me dinner." Y/N joked.
"Mm, we leave tomorrow morning. If you give me your number we could do long distance." Charles said.
"Are you serious? You are willing to do a long distance...whatever this is, with me? Are you drunk?" Y/N asked.
"No, but your body got me tipsy." Charles flirted again.
"I'm serious Lord Perceval." Y/N said.
"I would like to explore this, I haven't had luck dating in Monaco, maybe it was time to explore elsewhere, and where else than Miami." Charles states.
"Fine, don't make me regret this." Y/N said. Charles gave her his phone and she put her number and a contact photo from her instagram. "I made you follow me on Insta by the way." Y/N gave Charles his phone back.
"You won't regret it, I swear." Charles said.
7 Months Later
Charles was in his hotel room after media day, December 5. He decided to FaceTime his long distance girlfriend.
"Hello, mon ange, how are you?" Charles asked.
"Guapo, isn't it like 11pm over there? Go to bed, you have practice tomorrow." Y/N said.
"But i wanted to talk to you, how was your day?" Charles asked.
"Its been fine, I'm just doing Christmas shopping, my niece wants legos but my cousin didn't specify which one and I am this close to getting her a McLaren lego set." Y/N said.
"McLaren? Why not Ferrari?" Charles asked.
"Ferrari is all sold out, mi amor, so McLaren it is until that freaking payasa se digna a contestar el pinche teléfono." Y/N said.
"You know, speaking of Christmas, my winter break is coming up in a few days. How do you feel about me spending the break with you in Miami?" Charles asked,
"Wait, really? But what about your family?" Y/N asked.
"I told her that you don't have the luxury to travel with me so I think she's okay with me spending some time in Miami with you. And so is Andrea as long as I am keeping up with my workouts and diet plan." Charles said.
"Wow, thats amazing. Do you still have that craqzy idea of moving to Miami?" Y/N asked.
"I mean, under normal circumstances, I would never leave Monaco because of my mom, but a certain beautiful angel makes me consider moving every time I speak with her." Charles said and Y/N laughed.
"Que cursi, but that's super sweet of you to say, I must give you some credit. Now please go to bed." Y/N said.
"I'll be dreaming of you, goodnight, mon ange." Charles said.
"Goodnight, guapo." Y/N said and hung up the phone. Who knew teaching yoga with Lando would lead to all of this.
The End
Hope y'all liked it, just a little quick blurb to keep me busy and entertained. Read part 2 of Meeting the Family if you haven't done so, I wrote a little more to it.
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
First Time...
filthy filthy filthy thoughts i can't get out of my head so here they are
🥀Cw: smut, dom!lute, fem!reader, praise, oral sex, body worship, scissoring, established relationship
🥀Pairing(s): Lute x fem!reader
🥀minors dni
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"lute..." you gasped as your back hit the wall, her athletic stature pinning you. you can still hear the party music humming in the background as lute held you against the wall of your shared bedroom. throughout the entire party you had both hosted you'd been forced to be separate from eachother as you dealt with guests. lingering touches and meaningful looks were all you had seen of your girlfriend all night, yet it seemed the tension had come to boiling point.
you're face flushes as your eyes met her amber ones, she was so close you could feel the heat from her body enveloping you. a soft, electric tug in your core ignites like a flame as lute took another step forward. "are you sure..." you whisper, careful not to break the boiling tension between you two. "i've never been with a woman before, i'm probably not very good...." lute scoffed, leaning in so tantalizingly close. your eyes trailed down to her soft lips, mesmerized by the smooth planes of her pale face. her brow quirks in amusement when she notices you staring and you can feel even more heat travel to your face. lute leans in, so close that you can feel her breath tickle your neck. she's electric, practically humming with lust and tension.
you can feel your own arousal soaking your panties, and while you would normally be embarrassed about getting so aroused from such simple movements, this was no normal situation. lute whispers in your ear, each syllable so seductive and sinful that your stomach tightens. "you truly think i care about that, doll?" lute purrs, her hands slowly coming to rest on your hips. "unless you don't want too..." her tone is sultry, almost pleading as she looks into your eyes for confirmation. your throat seems to clamp up, your senses buzzing with her scent, her touch, fuck, you could barely imagine how she would taste.
"lute... kiss me, please," you plead, grabbing her collar and pulling her impossibly closer. her body flushes against yours and your chests collide as her knee slips between your legs. you let out a small whine as your sensitive breasts rub against hers, and she smirks. lute's kisses are like a storm, wild and wonderful and seductive in an alluring of lust and emotion. her hand travels up from your hips to hold your face as her plush lips capture yours, her tongue slipping into your mouth as you gasp.
"you're so beautiful," lute murmurs, her soft lips swallowing yours while she held your jaw in a firm grip. her thigh presses against the aching heat between your legs and you grind down instinctively as lust blurs your senses. a strained moan slips past your lips and lute gives your hips an appreciative squeeze while her skilled tongue explored your mouth. lute had kissed you before, she had memorized everything about you and every way to pleasure you, and was sure that you weren't a virgin. yet, you were so tentative about not being able to please her. she intended on showing you just how much she truly desired you.
suddenly, lute pulls away, a warmth flushing her cheeks as she admires you. her gaze pauses on your kiss-bruised lips, and then travels to your flushed cheeks and needy expression. "how the tables have turned," you chuckle, and she rolls her eyes affectionately. "bed?" the question is seemingly simple, yet you know she's offering you another way out. you could refuse, you could always deny her, and yet why would you? throughout your entire relationship, she always gave you the opportunity to say "no", from your first kiss to now, your first time. the act of respect only made you want to say yes even more. "bed," you agree, and she smirks. "thats my girl". like an animal unleashed, her lips capture yours again, yet this time she holds less restraint. one of lute's hands tangles in your hair, the other groping your ass as she pulls you over to the bed. a stifled whimper is swallowed by her lips when you both crash onto the mattress, your kiss a heated mess of teeth and tongue as she easily dominates you. lute moves to straddle you, her thighs caging you in as one of her hands cups your cheek. she doesn't pull away from the kiss as she slowly begins to toy with the hem of your shirt.
"can i take this off?" lute rasps, her lips just barely ghosting yours as a thin trail of spit connects you both. you nod eagerly, too needy for words as she peels your top off of you. a few beats of silence follow as lute stares at you in shock, and now it's your turn to smirk. "do you like it? i picked it out just for you. don't think you're the only one who was looking for something more tonight..." lute stares at the lacy lingerie, mesmerized by the way your breasts almsot spilled out of the thin white fabric. you looked like a goddess, and the erotic clothing accentuated your features and left little to the imagination. "i fucking love it," she groans, tugging down your waistline to reveal a matching set of lacy panties. "fuck", she cursed, her hands ghosting over your sides, unsure of where to touch first. "you're so gorgeous baby. so good f'me". lute's hands settle on your hips, rubbing soothing circles onto your flushed skin, slow and teasing as she kisses you again.
her lips trail down to your jaw, peppering your face with kisses as she moves towards your neck. you gasp as her lips graze over a sensitive spot, and she pauses, her warm breath against your neck was downright intoxicating. the sensation made your cunt throb as your thighs squeeze together, longing for stimulation. lute continues her assault on your neck, sucking a deep hickey just below your pulse point. you whine, throwing your head back to give her better access. she continues down to your collarbone, sucking another hickey, this one rougher and darker. you gasp, squirming slightly while she presses a gentle kiss over the forming bruise. her lips trail even lower between the valley of your breasts, and she nips at the soft flesh. you whimper as her hands trail up your sides, coming to rest over your tits as she gently gropes the sensitive skin. she pinches your hardened nipple through the fabric and you mewl, your back arching off the bed. with a skillful hand, lute reaches behind your back and unclips your bra, removing it in seconds as you squirm beneath her.
"fuck, thats so hot," you whine as she tosses your bra aside. lute doesn't reply, letting her actions speak for themselves. she nips at your soft skin, her mouth latching onto your nipple and sucking while her free hand plays with your other breast. her teeth graze the sensitive bud, her tongue swirling over your chest as you writhe from pleasure. she continues to grope at the other breast, giving it equal attention as she pinches your hardened nipple. the ache in your cunt was growing unbearable as you struggled to keep your composure, but you couldn't help but buck your hips up against hers. your thighs were clenching as your clit throbbed, desperate for any attention, yet it wasn't enough. "lute.." you whisper her name, gently pulling her head away from your chest. "please... i need you.." lute's eyes meet yours, her gaze electric and exhilarating. "aw, my angel needs me? what do you need baby?" you pout, embarrassment preventing you from saying what you wish. lute crawls up higher, her hips dragging over yours and making you gasp from the friction. with two fingers she grabs your chin, forcing you to make eye contact. "use your words, baby". you're cheeks flush at her commanding tone, and you whisper, "i want you to touch me."
"i'm already touching you baby, you're gonna have to be more specific," lute teases, her eyes dark with lust. you pout, whining as she holds you still. "you- you know what i mean!" you whimper, nearly begging her to touch you. lute chuckles and you sigh, her gaze dropping down to admire your body as she lets go of your face. "why don't you show me, hmm baby? just take my hand an' show me where," she cooed, using a childish tone as your cheeks heat. slowly, you grab her hand, trailing it lower down your body to your aching core. lute follows the movement carefully, her sharp eyes admiring every inch of your body. your underwear is soaked, and the sheer fabric gives lute a perfect view of your pussy. "you want me to touch you here?" lute meets your gaze, her long, thin fingers rubbing ever so slightly over the soaked fabric. you nod fervently, the slight stimulation making your hips buck. "stay still," she commands, her eyes not leaving yours for a second, "or i'll stop". you immediately freeze, holding your breath as she slides down to lay between your legs.
lute spreads your thighs, admiring your glistening heat through your pretty lacy panties. you can feel her breath against your inner thigh as she just stares intently. its a battle of wits, who will give in to their desires first. you tremble as her hand makes its way up your thigh, reaching your aching cunt. "you want me t' touch this pretty pussy?" lute coos, toying with you as she tugged the hem of your panties down. "yes lute- f-fuck-" you moan softly as the cold air meets your aching heat, and lute runs a finger over your folds. she trails up to your clit, slowly circling over your pearl as she played with your drooly pussy with her other hand. she spread your glistening folds, watching your cunt flutter with each circle over your clit. leaning in, she licked a stripe up your soaked cunt, and your whole body shudders at her skill. "you taste wonderful..." she purrs, her stare bearing into your soaking heat with a carnal desire. "i could just devour you."
you whimper, thighs already trembling as you struggle to stay still. your mind is fuzzy with lust, and lute teases your entrance with a finger. you were already so wet, you didn't know if you could take much more. lute's finger slips inside your heat and you gasp, the stimulation making you squirm slightly. lute pauses, letting you adjust to the slight stretch before curling her finger, watching your expression intently as she continues to play with you. soon she adds in a second finger, giving you a few seconds of preparation before she begins to curl her fingers and reach that sweet spot inside you. her other hand moves to circle your clit, your gushing pussy soaking her fingers as your thighs quiver.
"fuck babe, you're so wet," she mumbles, leaning into clean up some of the mess. her fingers thrust into your cunt as soft, sloppy noises fill the room. lute leans in to suck on your puffy clit, her tongue swirling over the needy bud as you writhe from pleasure. you can already feel the coil in your abdomen tightening as your orgasm build, and your eyes roll back as she slips in a third finger. "ff-fuck-ngh- lute 'm gonna-" your thighs clamp down around her head and she uses her free hand to spread them again.
"c'mon baby, you can cum," she whispers against your pussy, her nose nudging your clit as she licks your folds sloppily. her fingers curl deeper inside your gummy walls and your mouth opens in a silent scream as a wave of euphoria washes over you. all you can do is babble her name in between broken moans as your mind goes blissfully blank, and lute continues fucking you through your high. "thats my girl, you're doing so good f'me, c'mon," she whispers, rubbing your shaky inner thigh as you tremble and keen from pleasure. your drooly pussy gushes, squirting over your lover's face as she laps up your slick. slowly you begin to calm down, gasping for breath as lute continues to gently lick and suck at your clit. looking down at her soaked face and your dripping thighs, your eyes widen at the realization. "i didn't know you were a squirter," lute teased, licking your juices of her lips. "fuck, thats so hot", you whine, turning away as she chuckles again. "c'mon baby, lets get you all cleaned up," she coos, rising out of the bed to presumably get something to start cleaning.
"what about you?" you ask, and she turns to you. "don't worry about me darling, i'll survive," she chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "your pleasure is enough for me". you pout, dissatisfied with her answer. "what kind of girlfriend would i be if you didn't even come on out first time together? 'm not tired, i can take another round," you plead, and lute's mouth twitches. "are you sure?" her eyes are wide with list, yet you can tell she's holding back, for your sake. you nod eagerly, pulling her onto the bed. you trail your hands over her wings, making her shudder as you tug on the hem of her shirt.
"may i?" lute nods, and you toss the shirt to the side. shes wearing a plain sports bra, and the top of her boxers are visible under her pants. "you're so hot" you repeat for what must bw the umpteenth time that night. you marvel at her sculpted figure, and trail your hands down her sculpted abs to her waistline. "go on," she mutters, and you giggle at her eagerness. "patience is a virtue~" you reply snarkily. you make quick work of her undergarments and bra, until your both completely bare. you can already feel wetness forming between your thighs, and from the way lute is squirming, she isn't as satisfied as she claims. you grab her smaller waist, moving her to straddle you again. her legs slot in perfectly over yours and her glossy pussy grinds against you. a soft whine slipspast her lips and you shudder at the friction.
"c'mon," you whisper, grinding upwards against her cunt. "jus' like that," your voice slurs, the soft, sloppy sounds of both of your cunts grinding together fills the room as lute clingw to you. her hips jerk with each thrust, her clit rubbing against yours as she whimpered. "f-fuck-" she gasps, hands grabbing your hips to steady herself. "fuck, 'm already close," she hisses, and you nod, too breathless for words. her needy cunt pulses, her puffy clit grinding against yours which each grind as her movements become more sporadic. you have a perfect view of her tits, watching as they bounce in time with each roll of her hips. you can feel your release building in your stomach, and lute pulls you in for a sloppy kiss. her tongue slides into your mouth with ease as she continues grinding against you, her folds fluttering as your slick mixes together.
"m' gonna-" she whines, tucking her head into the crook of your neck as her cunt spasms and she shudders. "me too baby," you gasp, rutting up against her a fee more times before your orgasm washes over you. a wave of pure euphoria swallows you up, engulfing you in a torrent of pleasure as you come fast and hard. lute moans into your ear, panting and gasping for breathas she collapses against you. you fall back against the bed, your legs tangled up with hers as you gently run your hands over her wings and back as she calms down. she nuzzles into the crook of your neck as you wrap your arms around her while you lay on your back.
"you okay?" you whisper, and she nods, pressing a kiss to your neck. "yea, fuck that was good," she mumbles, lazily tracing a finger up and down your arm. you giggle, lost in your pre-orgasmic daze and she joins you, soft laughter filling the silent room. "whats so funny?" she asks, her eyes crinkling into a soft smile as she turns to look at you. her hair is tussled, her cheeks flushed, and her lips swollen and pink. in your eyes, she's never looked more beautiful. "nothing," you whisper, leaning in to kiss her again. "i'm just so lucky to have you." lute sighs, pressing her forehead against yours, cherishing the moment together. "me too," she whispers, followed by a beat of silence. with a sigh, she moves to get up, yet you pull her back down. "five more minutes?" you whisper, and she sighs. how could she ever deny you? she curls back into your embrace, knowing damn well you both won't be getting up until tomorrow morning.
yes i just wrote 2812 words of pure lesbian smut what about it 😇
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thatfreshi · 9 months
Possible request, one evening Astarion and Tav are cuddling, Astarion laying his head on their chest as Tav gently combs their fingers through his hair when they start softly singing an old elvish lullaby. Causing old and once thought dead memories to slowly come back to Astarion as he snuggles closer to them as he reminisces his past even shedding a few tears for the life he should of had and Tav is there to hold him and comfort him through it all
Recommended Song: Come Out and Play - Billie Eilish
It's well known between you and Astarion that he does not dwell on the past. After all, what's the point in grasping at something you can barely remember? Sure, he has glimpses of people, places, things, but they don't mean anything. If he tries hard enough, there are almost words to go along with the blurry faces, but nothing worth his while. You don't ask him much about those fuzzy thoughts, only when you're really truly curious.
One night, you're lying in bed after a 'family dinner' with your old companions, a little event you liked to put together every now and then. Astarion loves the attention, but it is in fact a little draining hosting your house, especially to your friends. The two of you are exhausted, and your sweet vampire nuzzles into your chest.
"I love them, but gods are they rowdy."
The two of you chuckle lightly.
"You know, I remember I said I thought domestic life would be boring, but perhaps I was wrong. Seems much better in our little world. Much calmer."
"I'm surprised you haven't gotten us into any more trouble yet. No stray crimes I'm unaware of?"
He doesn't answer for a moment.
"No... except for that necklace I got you the other day."
You feel the muscles in his face move, assuming he has some mischievous smirk across his lips.
"Oh Aster, whatever will I do with you?"
Your hand makes its way into his hair, slowly moving through delicate curls.
"Love me for who I am and never ask me to change, ever?"
You sigh.
"I suppose."
Sugar-coated words, soft hands, empty minds. Your mind wanders, the tired feeling merciless. The cozy, exhausted feeling reminds you of a song, and you begin to sing softly. At first, it's nothing but melodic little words, until you get a little further in. Something clicks in Astarion's head, something strange.
It's sunny, he's out on the docks, sitting next to an older woman. She's humming the song, and the two of them are just staring out at the water. He's fidgeting with something in his hands, some kind of charm. The sun is beating down on the two of them, but neither seems to mind. The melody fades out, and the woman puts a hand on his shoulder.
"Come, time to go home darling."
As fast as it came, the memory is gone, and he sheds a couple silent tears. You realize his breathing has quickened.
"You alright my love?"
"What... what's that song?"
You have to think on his question, unsure really where you'd first heard it.
"I don't know. My parents knew it, and I guess I just picked it up. They'd sing it during peaceful moments. I guess I do too. Why?"
"It brought back something. I think- I think I saw my mother."
Even uttering the words makes the tears fall faster. He's never had a vision of the past like that, nothing so substantial.
"Was it nice?"
He tries to catch his breath.
"Yes. It was."
"You want to talk about it?"
The emotions are confusing. Astarion can't figure out if he's happy, sad, or just shocked.
"We were just watching the water, and then she told me it was time to go. She called me darling..."
He continues to cry into your chest, and you just hold him.
"I guess you know where you get it from now."
A small smile takes over his lips.
"You're right. I guess I do."
That smile is quickly erased by guilt.
"Do- do you think she's still out there? Wondering what happened to her son?"
You frown, knowing he wants to hear the truth, but knowing it might hurt.
"I think any good mother would still wonder. Especially with a son like you."
His grip in your side tightens, as if he's afraid of something.
"Is it bad to say it's easier to think she's already dead? That she doesn't have to wonder anymore?"
"No, not at all. You can feel however you need to about it my love. I imagine with how long elves live, it would be a long time wondering."
He lightly laughs.
"It is worse to say I think I'd be too scared to look for her?"
"No. But why would you be scared?"
"Because I wouldn't be her son anymore, not the one she knew. Just some vampiric freak."
You trail your hand softly across his back.
"You're not a freak Astarion."
"You're probably one of the only ones who'd say that my sweet."
The two of you are too exhausted at this point to have a full conversation, just sentences traded back and forth, words you don't fully remember. But you do know he thanked you the next morning, for bringing back such a pleasant memory.
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agi-ppangx · 11 months
💭rivals to lovers (100 followers special)
chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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"i thought you wouldn't come to my exhibit," you heard hyunjin as he approached you. you didn't look at him, too stared into one of his paintings. you attended yet another of hyunjin's exhibitions in your local art gallery in the span of six months. he was thriving, it was almost as if the inspiration hadn't left him for once. you felt bittersweet about it. on the one hand you were truly amazed by his artworks. hyunjin's attention to detail always made you speechless and as an artist yourself, you examined his works and tried to incorporate the same details into your paintings. on the other hand however, you were jealous, so incredibly jealous - you wished your paintings were better, you wished for more exhibits, you wanted to amaze people as much as he did or even more. and even though you were appreciated by local art critics and media, you'd always felt as if your art was lacking something. that's why you and hyunjin were waging a silent battle among yourselves for the favour of critics and art lovers. after all, you also used to have exhibitions in this gallery in the past. 
"it's always nice to know what i'm up against," you murmured, studying the canvas in front of you. "i always assumed you didn't like my art," he then said, taking one step closer to you and pointing at the painting. "i've never said i didn't like it," "then what do you think about it?" you took a moment to gather your thoughts. "it intrigues me, i appreciate it. you always know when to stop, it's like there are so many untold feelings and emotions within you, waiting to be set free," you answered his question. it was genuine - you've always thought hyunjin's art was exceptional. "you should write poetry, yn" he giggled under his nose. you missed the slight blush that appeared on his cheeks. "is it your attempt to make fun of my art?" "no, i'm just saying that you're really good with words," "and i'm even better with a brush," you replied confidently, finally turning to him and looking him in the eyes. you examined his look - he was grinning and you noticed his hair was way longer than the last time you saw each other. you wondered if they were as soft as you imagined. "how've you been lately?" hyunjin's voice helped you to come back to reality. "i've been quite good, thanks for asking," you replied simply, not wanting to get into details. he smiled, but something in it felt off. "that's great. did you paint anything? i haven't seen your works in a while," hyunjin then asked, it seemed as if he wanted to get into details. you shrugged your shoulders and once again turned to face the painting. you haven't seen your works in a while too. "i'm taking things slow for now," you mumbled, not wanting to admit to him how unmotivated you'd been in the last couple of months. hyunjin hummed at your words, a faint "mhm" left his mouth. you expected him to leave you for now, but instead you heard him speak after a while. "hey, why don't we go to dinner together?" you froze in your spot. a dinner with hyunjin? "my treat," he added, you could quite literally hear him smirk. you looked at him, but not as confidently as before. you studied his expression, his soft smile and friendly gaze made you oddly calm. after a moment you cleared your throat and spoke. "okay, let's go."
hyunjin drove you to one of the restaurants downtown. it wasn't anything extremely fancy, but it looked like a nice place. you sat across from each other, hyunjin's piercing gaze never leaving you. it felt weird, to say the least. you'd never really spent time with him outside of the gallery. quite frankly, hyunjin intimidated you. he was well known for many people in the city, mostly for his artwork, but also for his personal charm, which seemed to do the work. you always observed him from afar, too scared to get close to him. what you didn't know is that from the first time you met, hyunjin couldn't stop thinking about you and he would always make sure to approach you when he noticed you in a crowd. "now tell me, how've you really been lately?" hyunjin broke the silence between you two. you raised your eyebrows and scoffed. was he really curious or did he only want you to admit that you were struggling? "i told you i'm doing just fine," you mumbled in response. "oh, come on, you really think i'm gonna believe you? when was the last time you painted something then?" he proceeded to ask, sounding defeated. it made you dumbfounded, you'd never heard this tone from him before. "if you invited me here just to make fun of me then save it for yourself," you scoffed, but the tears were already weiling in your eyes. you looked down, too embarrassed to meet his gaze. hyunjin exhaled shakily, shocked by your words. he never wanted to make fun of you. sure, he was happy his paintings were appreciated by people and this whole rivalry thing was fun when you actually tried to make a better exhibit than him. and since you hadn't had any in months, he started to get worried for real. "you just seem… very off lately. as if your body is present but you aren't. and it hurts me to see such a talented person lose their spark," hyunjin whispered. "why do you even care?" you scoffed, wiping a single tear that fell down your cheek. god, that was humiliating. yet your heart was beating faster and your cheeks were getting hotter at the thought that hyunjin may genuinely care for you. he was staring at you, his smile long forgotten. you exhaled loudly. "it feels as if everything i do is pointless. i don't know why i feel this way, but it can't seem to stop. and when i sit in front of clean canvas i'm scared i'll ruin them," you uttered, more tears spilling from your eyes. hyunjin didn't waste any time, he gave you a few napkins from a dispenser and then took your hand in his. it startled you, but you didn't back off. "you've never ruined any canvas, yn. i heard people talk about your art, i read articles about it. art can be scary - but you can use your fear as your weapon and create something extraordinary with that. it's just so heartbreaking to see you like this. yn, please don't give up" you looked him in the eyes, completely astonished by his words, and squeezed his hand. "damn, hwang, you're so sappy," you giggled, wiping the last tears from your rosy cheeks. hyunjin laughed at that, feeling relieved. "hey, um… there's also something i wanted to talk to you about," he muttered suddenly, getting shy. 
two months later you were standing in front of a painting in your local art gallery. two people sitting across each other, both of them in front of canvas. in the bottom left corner was your signature. it was your exhibit. 
someone approached you and even though you didn't take your eyes off the painting, you knew exactly who was standing by your side. "i thought you wouldn't come to my exhibit," you recalled hyunjin's words and he softly laughed at that. "oh, i'm just looking for my rival's weaknesses.” you stole a glance at him, taking his hand in yours. “we both know that you’re my only weakness, hwang.”
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feedback and reblogs highly appreciated🫶🏽
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nhularin · 10 months
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PAIRING bf! jay x reader GENRE toxic! relationship, angst no comfort WARNINGS insecurities,there might be some grammar mistakes WC 0.9k series masterlist
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December 12, 2001
"so, how was your day?"
you looked at him, your voice soft as you asked. you and your boyfriend sat in his car, the air thick with tension. but jays response was anything but kind. his eyes narrowed as he looked straight ahead of the road, his voice filled with bitterness. "fine" he spit out and silence fell upon you once again
no, it's back and forth, did I say something wrong?
the tone of his voice made you recoil, your heart sinking. it was a typical thursday night and you haven't seen each other outside of school in what felt like forever. you had only wanted to check up on him, to show him that you cared about his well being. but his words sliced through you like a dagger, leaving you feeling small and insignificant.
"thats great!" you tried to sound cheerful, but your voice betrayed you when those words came out quieter and wobblier than expected. you looked outside of the passenger seat's window, attempting to ignore the unbearable silence in the car. you could hear the joy and euphoria from passing cars and you couldn't help but feel jealousy radiating through you
All I did was speak normally, somehow I still struck a nerve
"why are you always so sensitive?" jay continued, his voice dripping with disdain. "you make everything about yourself. cant you see that I have my own problems to deal with?"
jay could feel your discomfort, he had to. hell, the passing cars could probably feel it "dont be like this" he said, sighing heavily "why do you always ask me that? you saw me at school. did you see me crying? no. so dont ask obvious shit when you already know the answer."
your eyes welled up with tears, voice trembling. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just-" you paused, feeling your throat close up "we haven't hung out in a while and i just wanted to make sure that you were fine"
jay scoffed, his anger intensifying. "you think you can solve all my problems with a simple question? youre so naive. you don't understand anything. fine, coach Madson was a fucking asshole today but i knew you wouldn't understand. isnt a simple 'fine' enough? all you know is how to break out in song and dance with your theater friends"
im the love of your life until I make you mad
your heart shattered as his words echoed in your mind. you had hoped for a moment of connection, a chance to offer support. but instead, you found yourself facing his anger, his frustration, and his complete lack of empathy.
you longed for affection, for those sweet words of love to fall from his lips. but instead, you were met with a wall of unpredictability. one moment, he would hold your hand and make you feel like the most special person in the world. the next, he would push you away, leaving you wondering where you went wrong.
every little thing you did seemed to set him off, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. his anger was swift and cutting, leaving you feeling small and insignificant. it was a rollercoaster of emotions, and you couldn't help but question if he truly loved you.
jays grip on the wheel tightened even further as you reached a familiar intersection. the red light seemed to mock your mess of a relationship, the halted traffic mirroring your damaged connection.
as the light turned green, he pressed down on the gas pedal, your heart pounding heavily in your chest. the car lurched forward, the engine roaring, but the noise was nothing compared to the deafening silence between you two. the streets blurred as you sped through the night.
in that moment, you realized that jay wasn't capable of providing the love and understanding you have craved. he was a storm of emotions and absolutely unpredictable, lashing out at anyone who dared to get close.
on your late night drives, you would often find yourself bracing for impact. would jay walk you home, or would he send you home crying again? it was a cruel game of chance, and you were trapped in its endless cycle.
"look" he sighed "im sorry for lashing out, im just stressed with-" he paused longer than expected "practice, AP calc, everything, okay? its nothing personal"
his apology didnt change the storm of emotions forming inside you but you tried to tame it as best as possible, trying to look unbothered by his constant outbursts of hatred.
when did it all go wrong? you have known him since forever, his toothy grin and messed up bangs permanently engraved in your head. you managed to form an awkward smile "its okay" its always okay, as long as you were with him
do you love me, want me, hate me?
finally, you arrived at your house, and jay pulled over. the quiet and calm suburb contrasting the chaos in your head. the car idled, the engine still rumbling.
there was a moment of silence, a moment where the weight of your emotions hung in the air. and then, without another word, jay reached over and opened the car door. his gesture made you feel giddy and hope filled your heart. as you stepped out, you gave him your biggest smile
"ill see you tomorrow, text me, okay? i love you"
he didnt say it back nor did he message you that night
no, I don't understand
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PERM TAGLIST @misokei @avocarua @sngvhs @essmarye @haechansbbg
SERIES' MASTERLIST @flwerfield @hyhees @mrchweeee @j1nniee @mikaluvsyouu @delulu4-life @mora134340 @beomsbeanie @leep0ems @cIphantom-hive @yla-aira @filmofhybe @nishik1
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